Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic: Optical out always on?

2011-03-14 Thread aaron

SuperQ;618029 Wrote: 
> Does the sound bar have a coax input?

No, it doesn't.

Anybody some idea regarding my original question? :-)


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic: Optical out always on?

2011-03-14 Thread aaron

Skinny;617967 Wrote: 
> Welcome to the forum!
> Out of interest, what A/V receiver did you get that has automatic power
> by monitoring the inputs? This could be a very useful feature! Provided
> that it works with SB, of course (please tell us how it worked out).
> Anyone else with any knowledge of amps with this feature are welcome as
> well.
> Oh, sorry for jacking the thread :D
> -Skinny

Hi Skinny,

it's not a real A/V receiver, it's a soundbar that I bought for my TV
primarily: Samsung hw-c450. But nevertheless: I thought this is really
a very common feature, isn't it? I'm not that much into those devices.


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Re: [slim] Squeezebox Classic: Optical out always on?

2011-03-14 Thread aaron

toby10;617961 Wrote: 
> See if pressing & holding the PAUSE button so the SB3/Classic actually
> says "stopped" will stop the signal completely.

I tried your proposal without success... Same as when pressing power
off. Any other suggestions? :)


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[slim] Squeezebox Classic: Optical out always on?

2011-03-14 Thread aaron

Hi all,

after reading for years in the forums and getting lots of useful hints,
I've got a question, I couldn't find an answer - so I finally registered
and start my very first thread :-)

After renewing my A/V Receiver, I'm finally able to connect my
squeezebox classic via optical out to the receiver. The problem I'm
facing is, that the receiver doesn't stay in sleep mode, as the
squeezebox's optical out is always active (and the receiver is
configured to wake up if a signal arrives)...

I already set the option to disable the outputs of the squeezebox when
it is turned of, but this doesn't seem to affect the optical one.

Anybody has similar problems and maybe a workaround? I'm using the very
last version of squeezebox server.



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[slim] Squeezebox for Sale, Hard Drive Questions

2006-05-23 Thread Aaron Garrett

The Squeezebox is black and I'm in Boston.

Thanks for all the hard drive info!
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[slim] Squeezebox for Sale, Hard Drive Question

2006-05-21 Thread Aaron Garrett

I have a new wireless SB3 for sale, used for a week. Perfect shape.
$250 if anyone is interested, including shipping. I'm just selling it
because I got another one, modified by Red Wine and I now really only
need one.

I also have a question. Has anyone found a particularly quiet hard
drive to use for audiophile purposes?



Feel free to email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [slim] Audio quality is terrible

2005-12-22 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Can anyone give me some info on why audio sounds terrible.  I have sb3
> connected to a onkyo receiver with boston acoustic speakers and my
> music sounds terrible.
> Thanks for any help!
> Musicman
> -- 
> musicman
> musicman's Profile:
> View this thread:

Oh, that's the well-known Squeezebox-Onkyo-Boston Acoustic bug.

Just kidding.

When you say "terrible" what do you mean?  Digital "swirly" compression
artifacts?  Tinny like an old radio?  Static-like distortion?

How is your Squeezebox connected to your receiver?  Digital?  Analog?

What server version are you running?  What file format are you streaming to
your SB3?

Does the music still sound bad when you connect to SqueezeNetwork?

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Re: [slim] Re: How do I delete ALL my Playlists - for some reason Ihave TONS!

2005-12-21 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Aaron Zinck Wrote:
> > >
> > (Quoting Fredly)
> > > [...] when I currently go into "Browse Playlists" I have several
> > > pages (effectively every album I have). I didn't mean to create
> > these
> > > playlist and just want to clear EVERYTHING and start from scratch.
> > >
> > > What's the simplest way to clear ALL playlist?
> > > -- 
> > > Fredly
> >
> >
> > In Slimserver you've probably set your playlist and music directories
> > to be
> > the same directory.  That results in all of your music showing up as
> > playlists.  Change your Playlist directory to a different directory
> > and
> > things should behave as you expect.
> I don't think this is quite right. My playlist and music directories
> are the same, and this doesn't happen to me.

Ah, perhaps new versions of SlimServer behave differently in this regard.
I'm certain that 5.2 did this to me when I first set up my SB1 a couple
years ago (I didn't/don't have any playlists in my music directory).  If
this indeed has been changed then I think it's a real improvement--I found
it quite confusing initially.

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Re: [slim] How do I delete ALL my Playlists - for some reason I haveTONS!

2005-12-16 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I've been trying to get the concept of playlist straight andI think
> I understand.
> However, when I currently go into "Browse Playlists" I have several
> pages (effectively every album I have). I didn't mean to create these
> playlist and just want to clear EVERYTHING and start from scratch.
> What's the simplest way to clear ALL playlist?
> Also, one other question, how can I play ALL my favorites? Is it
> necessary to added them all to a playlist BEFORE they can be played?
> A bit confused here and would welcome some feedback.
> Cheers, Fred.
> -- 
> Fredly

In Slimserver you've probably set your playlist and music directories to be
the same directory.  That results in all of your music showing up as
playlists.  Change your Playlist directory to a different directory and
things should behave as you expect.

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Re: [slim] Re: System for mounting a SB3 on a wall?

2005-12-16 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Note that all 5.1- and 6.1-receivers have
> 6-channel external inputs by definition.

If you're talking about 5.1 and 6.1 external *analog* inputs, then this is
not actually entirely true.  While it's now quite uncommon to find receivers
without full multi-channel analog inputs, this hasn't always been the case
with budget receivers.  For instance, I had a Kenwood VR-307 at one point
which didn't have 5.1 external inputs.  So if you're looking to do this, be
sure you get one with multi-channel external inputs.

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Re: [slim] Re: Distributor in Los Angeles? Help please! :-)

2005-12-14 Thread Aaron Zinck

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Re: [slim] Re: Need fast help! - New SB3 wired can't connect to network

2005-12-12 Thread Aaron Zinck
Bummer!  Sorry to hear you fried your switch.

I hope you can get things worked out...keep us posted as to how things go.

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Re: [slim] Re: Need fast help! - New SB3 wired can't connect to network

2005-12-12 Thread Aaron Zinck

It sounds like the SB3 is being more picky about the quality of the
connection.  There has been some discussion to this affect on the forums
over the last couple of weeks or so.  It probably isn't aut-negotiating down
to 10mbps for a more stable connection (the old SB1 had only a 10base-t
card).  If your long run (10m) was home-made you might try re-crimping the
ends.  Sloppy crimping with lots of untwisted wires at either end can cause
a poor connection.  Alternatively, you could try picking up a cheap switch
and putting it at the end of your long cable run near the SB3.  It might be
able to handle the auto-negotiation better over your poor cable run, then
the SB3 could connect to the switch over a short, high-quality run.

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[slim] slashdotted!

2005-12-08 Thread Aaron Zinck
Good publicity

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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox3 - Complete FREAKOUT & stereo damage warning

2005-12-06 Thread Aaron Zinck

> As digital data is present on the server (for the most part) before
> being sent to the SB, what would be useful is a scanner that looks for
> digital noise in the input stream. This would help the overall signal
> chain quite a bit.

As per the OP, this isn't where the problem originated.  Instead,
(apparently) the DAC was in a funky state that resulted in noise from the
analog outs.  This is entirely independent of the stream being sent to the

> However, what is really needed is what radio stations use which is
> essentially a real-time mastering engine. This includes compression,
> equalization, gating, peak limiting, etc. This is the only way to get
> quality sound from a wide variety of music. It requires a lot of grunt
> to run such a mastering engine. If the SB system were a bit more open,
> the sound streams could be bussed into existing PC-based digital
> mastering tools and then out to the SB for on-location D/A. Maybe that
> will happen one day ;-)

This is a ludicrous charge.  I challenge you to show an example of a more
open solution than the SB3.  In fact, your suggestion of sending the streams
to external processors then onto the squeezebox is already possible.  This
is how lame is used to compress audio for streaming to the SB, for instance.
Other folks have discussed putting FIR filters inline, and certainly your
suggestion could be implemented.  It's important to note, howerver, that
this would not fix the problem as reported by the original poster.

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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox3 - Complete FREAKOUT & stereo damage warning

2005-12-06 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I don't have a lot of time to spend figuring out the very best way to
> talk about something for a company that ripped me off for $200+. Having
> almost blown some very expensive speakers with the SB1, I really don't
> have any patience left for the raft of digital noise bugs that
> apparently still lives in the SB3 ( the original thread topic ).
> I do have bad experiences with the company and it will take time for
> good experiences to outweigh the bad.
> You may not like the way I am saying something and you will just have
> to live with that.
> On the technical side of things, I think there are countless algorithms
> for identifying noise and unwanted sounds and many shipping products.
> While you might have been using a SB for two years, you don't have 25
> years of audio background. Do your research before claiming things like
> there's no way to do this. I am not your lab assistant or tutor. If you
> are interested, do the work.

Despite having no idea what my background is, you have proceeded to
patronize and insult me.  I am a computer engineer and am a semi-pro sound
and recording engineer with 10 years of experience.  I didn't claim that
there's no way to do what you're suggesting.  I simply offered a defense for
Sean's preamp point because your argument against it was factually lacking.

I might point out that you still haven't offered any specifics about your
problem with the SB1.  You seem much more interested in complaining and
insulting than anything else.

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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox3 - Complete FREAKOUT & stereo damage warning

2005-12-06 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Yes, you can use the preamp as a brute-force and simplistic gain
> control. I was not saying that you cannot do that. But it mostly not a
> good solution for listening to music.

This is a solution that all of the music-listening world uses.  You need a
gain control of some sort.  Period.  If you want to do some sort of dynamic
leveling then there are many solutions for that from live dynamic
compression to solutions like replaygain.  I, for one, don't want a dynamic
compressor in line with my music listening.

> While the preamp does allow you to set a maximum gain, it has no
> knowledge of the volume of the incoming music. So you will have some
> music that is too quiet and some that is too loud.

I will have some music that is louder than others, that is true.  But your
assessment that that is not what I want is presumptious.  Besides--this is
far removed from the issue that started this thread so I don't really see
your point here.

I'm not going to bother addressing all of your other statements one by one.
Sean's recommendation of running your SB3 into a preamp before an amp stands
as making sense.  I agree that the only absolute way to avoid damage from
spikes like this is with a limiter.  However, that doesn't mean a preamp
won't *help* the situation (and help it tremendously).  You seem to be in
the my-way-or-the-highway camp of arguing.  There's no middle ground with
you, no shades of grey.  You seem to say "if a solution leaves even a remote
possibility of damage being done then that solution has no merit at
all--you're all wrong and only my solution is right".  A preamp can be a
natural limiter of sorts as parts of its gain stage are likely to clip
before allowing the full brunt of a shrieking SB3 through to the amps (by
the way, for the benefit of anyone reading this post out of the context of
this thread it should be noted that this is apparently an extremely unusual
problem).  This is not to say that there's no potential for damage, just
that a preamp would help mitigate possible damage.  And, by the way, any
piece of electronics can malfunction at any point in time.  A limiter can go
bad and start feeding crap into your amps.  There's no guarantee against
that.  I'm not saying that that doesn't make a limiter a good solution--I
just wanted to remind you that it's not fail-safe.

> All I know is that the SB puts out bad data far more often than any
> other digital source that I've tried. It is something to be aware of
> and take appropriate measures, however compromised those measures may
> be.

I've been involved in this mailing list (and forums) as either a "lurker" or
active participant for over 2 years now.  This is generally a very helpful
and friendly community of folks with similar interests.  I've watched your
posts over the past couple of days and you seem to have come on here with an
axe to grind.  The tone of your posts seems designed to irritate and
agitate.  I obviously can't stop you from participating and don't desire to
censor your comments, but perhaps some self-censoring is in order on your
part.  If this is a community that you desire to be active in then please
treat people with respect.  Your comment about the SB3's digital output
seems pretty baseless to me and that's why it's disrespectful to all of the
people on here who have tried to make this device great.  Have you had the
problem described?  What problems have you had with the SB3's digital outs?
What use does your comment serve if you're not going to point out what's
specifically wrong that needs to be fixed?  I think we can all acknowledge
that this is a device that's on the bleeding edge.  All devices have some
problems and I trust SlimDevices to fix the problems with their devices more
than any other company.  There are occasional problems with it, but most of
us are here because we love the product and we love being geeks and figuring
stuff out and improving the product.  I'm willing to do this because I've
seen SlimDevices show incredible receptiveness to constructive criticism and
fresh ideas.  Their products are improved at breakneck speed.  In this
particular circumstance it would appear that the problem isn't any kind of
Slim engineering error, but rather an error by one of their suppliers.  I'm
sure they'll do whatever's in their power to isolate the problem and work on
getting a fix or making it right with those who are seeing the issue.
Repeatedly offering disparaging comments, a big ego, and whining aren't a
way to endear yourself to the community.  If you don't like the SB3 then
return the thing and leave the forums--that's your perogative.  No one's
forcing you to live with an SB3.  It has a full, 30-day money back guarantee
and if you don't like it you can send it back and go tell all your friends
how crappy the SB3 is.   If, however, you decide to keep the device then
don't act like you've been duped or swindled.  You had 30 days to assess the
device.  You know its (in my mind relatively 

Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox3 - Complete FREAKOUT & stereo damage warning

2005-12-06 Thread Aaron Zinck

> BTW, this issue cannot be solved with your 'caution' advice. A preamp
> doesn't help vs. just using an amp. The volume control is not effective
> either.

To the contrary--a preamp surely does help in this situation.  The "garbage"
sound that's been described is likely output at 100% of the SB3's potential
volume output, and is certainly output at the same level irrespective of the
SB3's volume setting.  Bearing that in mind, if you're not using a preamp
you're relying on the SB3 itself to attenuate its output to the appropriate
level for listening (maybe you have it set to 30% volume) but if the SB3
malfunctions and suddenly sends a loud signal then you're looking at 100%
SB3 garbage output straight into your amp with no attenuation.  However, if
you're using a preamp then you're likely using your SB3 at full volume
output all the time and relying on the preamp for attenuation.  This results
in a greatly reduced volume differential between the 100% volume music
signal and the 100% volume static/garbage signal.  Another way to say it is
that if your preamp's set to, say 30% volume level then anything coming in
will be attenuated to 30% its original level before reaching the amp.

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Re: [slim] Difference

2005-12-05 Thread Aaron Zinck

> What's the difference between SlimDevice 2 and SlimDevice 3?
> Any estimates about Real Audio becoming avaliable?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> will

Functionally they're identical--the only difference is cosmetic.

Real Audio is supported by the AlienBBC plugin.  Search around the forums
and you'll find lots of info on this little gem.

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Re: [slim] Re: Used Squeezebox (SB1) or new SB3?

2005-12-05 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Do any of these units come with a built in speaker or does it have to
> connect to a speaker?
> Cheers
> RJ

None come with built-in speakers.

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Re: [slim] Adding a song to the current playlist

2005-12-02 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Hmmm, but telling it to play now using the fishbone skin clears the
> playlist and you have to tell the Squeezebox to start random mix again.

Andrew (audiofi) was referring to the "play next" button on the fishbone
skin.  This is actually a button distinct from the "play" and "add" buttons
in fishbone.  I believe this button is unique to fishbone (or, at least,
there are few skins that have it).  It does the same thing as pressing and
holding add on the remote in that it does not clear the playlist but rather
cues the given song up immediately following the current song.

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Re: [slim] Re: Used Squeezebox (SB1) or new SB3?

2005-12-02 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Quoting newton
> > Aaron - does this mean that SB2/3 doesn't have Rhapsody support? I'll
> > try to look around for an answer, but is that because SB2/3 isn't
> > supported by Slimserver 5.4 or is it something else?
> >
> > Thanks to all for the feedback!

KDF hit all the major points here, but just to be absolutely explicit about
it: Yes, the reason SB2/SB3 can't use rhapsody is because realslim (the
plugin that interacts with Rhapsody) does not currently work on version 6.0
and above of slimserver.

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Re: [slim] Re: Help, my new SB3 wont connect wirelessly to my network :o(

2005-12-02 Thread Aaron Zinck
What OS are you running?  Do you have a firewall enabled? (remember that XP
sp2 has a firewall enabled by default)

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Re: [slim] Re: a positive SB3 review

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
This is good stuff, Ben.  People often gripe about the interface but rarely
offer suggestions.  Kudos for bringing some real thoughtful and constructive
recommendations to the table and helping to make the player better.

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Re: [slim] Help, my new SB3 wont connect wirelessly to my network :o(

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
What exactly do you mean by "can't get it to connect to my network"?

Is it not associating with the access point?  or are you not getting an IP
address?  or is it not finding the server?

> Hi,
> After a full month of waiting my SB3 arrived today.
> Its absolutley beautiful but i cant get it to connect to my network
> At first i thought it was the WEP security. So i disabled this on my
> wirless router, but it still will not connect.
> I am getting signal strength of 80% constant (the Sb3 is only 15 feet
> from my router) so i know that this is ok.
> My router is a Dlink G604 T
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks
> -- 
> Geoggy
> Geoggy's Profile:
> View this thread:

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Re: [slim] WPA Support?

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Sorry if this is a repost, but the forum won't let me search for "WPA"
> since its too short a term.
> Anyhoo, will my SB1 support WPA?

No, it will never be able to.  The hardware just isn't capable of doing it.
Sean has addressed this in some previous threads, I'm just too lazy to go
look them up.

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Re: [slim] Re: a positive SB3 review

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck

> > An easy measure of usabilty :- If you gave a squeezebox to your
> > granny for Christmas would she use it to play music or as a door
> > stop ?
> A tired analogy - Granny's are not the universal measure of usability.
> My Granny could give me a set of kintting needles for Christmas and I
> wouldn't have the first clue what to do with them, although of course
> she finds them trivially easy to use. I'd search in vain for the
> documentation telling me how to operate these needles, and then maybe
> go to some kintting forum complaining that this stuff should be easier
> for the non-Granny to pick up and use.
> When writing documentation and designing interfaces there is always a
> level of assumed knowledge and experience - there has to be. Cars do
> not come with books telling you how to drive - it's assumed you already
> know. Likewise, when designing the interface for the car, the
> manufacturer is careful not to stray to far from the conventional.
> Computers do not come with operating instructions either, you typically
> get a piece of paper showing you how to connect the wires, and then some
> quick start guide to Windows XP. Really pretty useless for most people
> who are either completely new to the whole thing (what's a mouse?) or
> already know the basics and need to be told the more complex stuff.
> Now I'm not saying the SlimServer UI/docs are perfect - far from it -
> but assuming a basic level of domain knowledge (what's an mp3, what's a
> tag) is perfectly fair - the trick is to get it right. Set the bar too
> high and you're flamed for being exclusive, or geek oriented, set it
> too low and you waste time writing docs which no one will read.
> > When I "browse music" why does "browse music folder" play songs
> > in a different order to "browse album" ?
> Because one reads the tags and one doesn't. Personally, from a UI
> perspective, I think BMF is a mistake. I know lots of people love it,
> which is why it's there, but if the DB based browses could be
> customized to allow people to order things how they like then hopefully
> the need for BMF would vanish, and with it a lot of headaches.
> > Where do I find a definitive tagging guide for each music format ?
> >
> Agreed - a list of tags read and their interpretation would be
> extremely useful.
> -- 
> radish

Well written post, radish.  And entertaining, too!  I'm in full agreement.

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Re: [slim] Re: a positive SB3 review

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
> What on earth does the following mean ?
> "Albums that contain songs that are tagged with a band may be
> listed under that band name or with the other artists for that
> album. The band tag is also known as TPE2 and may appear as the
> "album artist" in some software."

are you asking a serious question here :) ? I think it's actually rather
self-explanatory if you read it slowly.  But I get your point, there are
some rather bizarre feature descriptions in the software.  And yet, what
other software even discusses a band tag?  Isn't that the kind of thing many
of us love Slimserver for?

> An easy measure of usabilty :- If you gave a squeezebox to your
> granny for Christmas would she use it to play music or as a door
> stop ?

Not really a good measure of usability, if you ask me.  I really don't think
the granny market is going to be a booming market for networked media player
devices no matter how easy they are to use.  And my granny would use any
number of things as a doorstop.  She would certainly relegate a computer to
doorstop duty yet there are millions of homes with computers.  I don't mean
to nitpick because I know and am sympathetic to what you're trying to say,
but I don't really think that granny-acceptance is the level of usability
the squeezebox is shooting for.  I really think the squeezebox is shooting
to fill a more sophisticated need than your standard Ipod or other
consumer-level equipment.  It's a "prosumer" piece of home audio gear, if
you will.  Sure, this means that not everyone will have one, but that's the
way it is for a lot of things out there.  I'm all for improving the
interface as improvements can be made (no point in making things arbitrarily
difficult or obscure) but at the same time it's the power and the
flexibility of the device that makes it distinct and appealing.

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Re: [slim] Re: Streaming hosting services?

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
The only solution I can think of is this:

You could have one location (or even your home?) run a pc beaming a playlist
of your choice to a shoutcast server.  You would have to get hosting for
this such as what can be found here: (I
don't know anything about that company, they're just one of the first that
came up on google).  Then have all your squeezeboxen connect to
Squeezenetwork and tune into your custom radio station via Squeezenetwork.
This would avoid you having to use tons of upload bandwidth--you'd only use
the bandwidth necessary for a single stream and the shoutcast server would
bear the brunt of distributing the stream.  It would also allow you to run
squeezeboxes at each location without having to have a computer at each

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Re: [slim] a positive SB3 review

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
> for mass adoption, our favourite music player HAS to work quickly and
> effortlessly out of the box

It's a good point and there is probably a lot of room for improvement there.
There are still lots of very geeky things about the interface, the software
probably makes too many assumptions about your knowledge of the system and
its paradigms, and (through no real fault of the device or its software)
people are likely to be further disoriented by music-scanning idiosyncracies
that are exacerbated by the rogue, non-standard world of music tagging (v1
tags, v2, v2.1, etc...).  That being said, I find the interface quite
usable, and it's interesting to me how many reviews I've read of the
squeezebox that specifically mention how *easy* the device was to set up.
In most of the comparisons I've read that's been a tick in the "pros" column
for the Squeezebox.  So I'm prone to want to say that this reviewer is an
anomaly who did a particularly poor job of familiarizing himself with the

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Re: [slim] Used Squeezebox (SB1) or new SB3?

2005-12-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
There are a number of things that have already been recounted in this thread
that make the SB2/SB3 superior to the SB1.  Some others are the geekport,
more advanced wireless support (wireless G, WPA, etc.), support for
visualizations, and bit-perfect pass-through (important if you want to
stream WAV-encoded DTS).  And the significance of SB2/SB3's hardware support
of more audio formats goes beyond simply helping alleviate bandwidth
usage--ffw/rev doesn't work on any formats that aren't supported in
hardware.  There are also some quirks with the SB1's digital output section
like the fact that it sometimes, under certain circumstances, swaps the left
and right channels (I don't recall the exact circumstances, it has to do
with switching between mp3 decoding and wav).

This being said, I happen to have an SB1 and I have no problem living
without any of those improvements.  My squeezebox still does what I bought
it to do and it does it wonderfully. I've never personally run into the
channel-swapping issue (or maybe I have and didn't know it!) and since I
only stream 320kbps MP3 and my squeezebox sits on a wired network I wouldn't
currently get any benefit from the new formats or the larger buffer.  This
all just goes to say that you can still certainly get a great and satisfying
experience from an SB1.

HOWEVER: the main reason I have never, and will probably not in the near
future, consider replacing my SB1 is RHAPSODY SUPPORT.  The SB1 will run
under Slimserver 5.4 and the RealSlim plugin allows me to interact fully
with Rhapsody.  This, to me, is the "killer app" for the Squeezebox.  I have
heard some rumors of folks getting RealSlim to work on version 6 of the
server but I tried it briefly with no success--I would think the rather
fluid nature of the 6.x server development makes this a delicate solution at
best.  Also, there have been some rumblings on these forums that perhaps
Squeezebox 2/3 may support the appropriate DRM to allow playback of
Rhapsody/Napster/Yahoo music.  But until then, if you're looking to use
Rhapsody the SB1 is the best option in the Slim world (the SLIMP3 would
work, too).

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] a positive SB3 review

2005-11-30 Thread Aaron Zinck
It's nice that the review had a positive conclusion but I worry that all of
it's omissions and inaccuracies might turn folks away from the SB3.  It
seems as though this reviewer never bothered to look at the manual or spend
any time with the SB3 as he was baffled even by how to properly cue music.
Ridiculous.  I shot an email to the site mentioning all of the reviewer's
errors.  Hopefully it gets corrected so that the SB3 can shine like it
deserves to.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SB3/6.1.1 and DTS issues

2005-11-23 Thread Aaron Zinck

> If I have volume set at full on the SB3 will the sound quality degrade.
> I'm not an audiophile - but I think we've all noticed that when you
> crank the volume on source devices that use plain 'ol RCA jacks that
> you can sometimes get some distortion in the signal. Not sure if that
> same principal holds for optical/digital or not.

The principal does *not* hold.  In fact, to the contrary, you will get the
*best* sound quality from a digital connection like this when the source is
at full volume.  This is because with a digital signal there is a discrete
amount of dynamic resolution, and when you lower the volume you also lower
the amount of resolution.  So quiet passages can be lost entirely, and other
elements can lose fidelity.  The reason analog audio can sound bad when
driven into inputs at high levels is because the voltages supplied can
literally overload the preamps and cause clipping.  This is not an issue
with digital audio as the digital signal voltages do not change based upon
the volume level of the digital signal (just ones and zeros).  The analog
preamp stages in a digital processor come after the digital decoding is done
and any DAC will be matched to its accompanying preamp and calibrated in
such a way as to not overdrive the preamp stage.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: 'Welcome to Slimserver' title

2005-11-20 Thread Aaron Zinck

> the only other thing that it could be then would be browser caching.  I
> recall any of the skins using a hard coded title, and the localised
> strings all
> come from strings.txt (unless you specifically create a
> file for custom strings).
> Maybe you can coax it into flusing by changing the language in server
> to something else, then back to english.
> -k

Perhaps Adrian's using the windows executable?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-11-16 Thread Aaron Zinck
I sent another complaint to RadioIO yesterday.  Hopefully they'll appreciate
that this is a real problem.

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Re: [slim] old pc and slimserver

2005-11-15 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Hi,
> I've got an old pc based on via [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mini-itx motherboard,
> fanless, two ethernet onboard) with 512 mb of ram). I'm planning to use
> it as a dedicated slimserver. The OS will be gentoo with only sshd,
> dhcpd, slimserver installed on a 4gb microdrive (or a 1GB notebook hard
> disk if this is still working). The music library will be on a 3.5"
> maxtro eide disk (80gb). I'm still unsure about how to connect it to
> the sb2 (I need to check for compatibility an 11mbit usb wireless
> adapter).
> Is there something else I should consider ? The cpu power should be
> quite good for the task and the memory should be no problems at all.
> what's about using USB hard disks for the library ? This motherboard
> only supports USB 1.1 :( I'm planning to use only one SB2
> thanks
> giuliano
> -- 
> giulianoz

Throughput via USB 1.1 won't be a problem if you're just streaming mp3.  If,
however, you're looking to stream a lossless format then you'll be getting
closer to two-thirds or so of the theoretical throughput of the interface.
Even so, I'd guess it'd work for you just fine as long as the unit's doing
nothing else with that disk.  Initial scanning of your collection may take
*quite a while*.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SqueezeBox in my Car!

2005-11-02 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I now remember the name - one is Omnifi (the one that has wifi
> ability):

I actually have an has it's plusses and minuses but overall I'm
quite happy with it.  I considered building a car computer for some time but
couldn't justify it since you can find the Omnifi for ~$100.  Navigation is
pretty good--one of the biggest drawbacks is the inability to create custom
playlists on the fly.  You're limited to existing playlists, or
album-at-a-time, artist-at-a-time, or genre-at-a-time.

The software it's initially packaged with leaves a lot to be desired, and
the device's firmware was lacking some functionality, but there's quite an
active Yahoo group that has managed to hack the device and add a lot of much
needed functionality.  They've really opened it up to the point where it's
nearly just an open linux machine.  Along the way they've also discovered
that the GPL was violated for several elements of the device's firmware.  A
replacement, open firmware has been developed by some devoted hackers.
Check out this site for more details:

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: IR "STOP" Command?

2005-10-28 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Can't do that!  No way to "hold a button down" in an IR macro!

Are there any buttons you don't use on the remote (for instance, I don't use
the volume buttons)?  You can remap a given keypress to the STOP function.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Watt Consumption

2005-10-27 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Hi all ,
> I've just got my new squeezbox2 from United States and I need to use an
> AC adapter (I live in israel where we use 220V). I've got one from
> Philips but it is limited to electric products that consumes as much as
> 30 watts. Does anyone know how much squeezbox2 consumes?
> Thanks ,
> Yoni.

> The UK power supply is labelled as 5V 2A output so should be 10W max.
> You should be fine.
> Your Philips supply is 5V?

More likely it's 110VAC and he plugs the Squeezebox's existing US AC to DC
adapter into that.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SB3 on

2005-10-26 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I was spitting at this comment on the article "This product seems pretty
> much identical in functionality to the Roku Soundbridge, except it costs
> over $100 more. When is someone going to make a network mp3 player that
> I can connect directly to my external harddrive full of music?

Funny thing is...'someone' already does.  Aside from the various high-end
devices that do this, the decided low-priced Omnifi DMS1 has this exact
capability (the drive can be a basic external usb hd--doesn't need to be a
NAS since it doesn't require server software).  Only problem is the device
is terrible.  Slow, clunky, poor audio quality, practically featureless.

I don't know why this reviewer seems to think that a device that you can
connect an external hard drive to is somehow the "Holy Grail" of audio
streamers--seems like a pretty short-sighted view in the world of
entertainment convergence.  It's amazing to me that someone (i.e. this
reviewer) who's been exposed to the broad scope of the SlimDevices approach
to audio delivery and distribution could long to drag around an external
hard drive everywhere they might want their music.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Queuing

2005-10-19 Thread Aaron Zinck
This can be implemented in skins--the fishbone skin has a specific button
for this (immediately next to the play button) but I am unsure of which
other skins support it.

"Peter van Cooten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Just today I have wondered if there is an webUI equivalent to
> the Add on the remote? Just keeping the plus-sign pressed will not work on
> web-page ;-)
> Peter
> -Original Message-
> From: davep
[mailto:davep.1x4dtb-NUepA2SMhDQqspMVqqL2D+4xXEVPTSb/[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: woensdag 19 oktober 2005 0:47
> To:
> Subject: [slim] Re: Queuing
> You can actually do two things with the ADD button - a single push adds
> new track to the end of the current playlist whilst a push-and-hold action
> cues it up to play immediately after the currently playing track.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Scan Speed Adjustment ?

2005-10-14 Thread Aaron Zinck

> This is how it =should= work but doesn't. You have to press the
> button for each increase in speed (e.g. 4 clicks to go to 16x). Not
> very intuitive. I've posted a feature request which addresses this and
> a few other usability issues.
> y.
> -- 
> Yannzola

I wouldn't agree that that's how it "should" work.  In fact, I think the way
it works now is perfect.  It allows for more precision and doesn't require
that you get your timing just right.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Small Softsqueeze wish: keyboard control buttons

2005-10-10 Thread Aaron Zinck
Though I haven't explicitly tried it, I'd be surprised if Girder weren't
capable of responding to those button-presses.  You could then make that
event do anything you might like, including instantiating other keypresses
or running scripts or anything.  Check out

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Live stream time-shifting support (via third party)?

2005-10-03 Thread Aaron Zinck
> IMHO Time-shifting live streams seems like a logical extention of
> Slimserver capability. Has anyone looked into what it would take for
> Slimserver to mesh with an application like Replay Radio or Replay
> Music (or any others...)? Could a plugin be written, or are the two
> technologies incompatible? I know that Roku is actively communicating
> with the developers of Replay Radio to develop seamless integration of
> timeshifting plus a few other goodies... Any similiar plans from the
> fine folks at Slim Devices?
> y.
> (edit: I modified the thread title to be a bit more descriptive)
> -- 
> Yannzola

A long-standing request -- see bug 1959:

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Track search forward/Backward

2005-09-29 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I guess my main question is why this plugin is even necessary.  Right
> now I have my screensaver set to progress bar when music is playing.
> Why couldn't the up/down buttons on the remote just use that for
> real-time scanning, while also showing the progress through the song?
> This would make it operate like, say, Windows media player where you
> just slide the bar to wherever in the song you want.  Since we only
> have buttons on a remote, with no mouse to select an arbitrary point,
> the method you use for scanning (progressively faster as you hold it
> down) would work fine.  I could care less about audio feedback; I just
> want to go quickly to a particular spot.

Right now the up and down buttons are used to navigate the playlist.  To me
that's a much more important core feature than scanning the track.  The best
way that I can figure to integrate the song-scanner plugin would be if it
were available as an option when you press "right" from the currently
playing track.  But it's been mentioned in the past that there's no hook for
plugins to make themselves available to that menu.

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Re: [slim] Bottom line re: Yahoo Unlimited Music?

2005-09-28 Thread Aaron Zinck

> there are workarounds for drm issues. use a program that broadcasts
> sound produced by the computer, and point sb at the broadcast.

This is not really a viable alternative.  While technically this will allow
broadcast of the audio to the squeezebox, you are limited to controlling the
audio from the computer and there is no display of song/artist/album
information on the squeezebox.  Additionally, the usefulness of such a
system for the less than tech-savvy (read: friends and family) is next to

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Ouch! My aerials broken!

2005-09-27 Thread Aaron Zinck
It's probably an old pic from the original Slimp3 days when the bundled
remote was just a sony universal programmed to operate the Slimp3.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] active speaker suggestions

2005-09-09 Thread Aaron Zinck

Here's an old thread on the 
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-07 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I am not hearing static on either my squeezebox or the 128k RadioIO stream
> using Windows Media player.

When you use Windows Media player are you using their pay stream or the
free-but-hidden 128k stream provided to SlimDevices customers? (I don't know
if we've established if the free 128k stream for Slim customers is in fact
the same as the subscription-only 128k stream).  Also, which RadioIO channel
do you listen to?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-07 Thread Aaron Zinck
Wow, I'm surprised they don't have some sort of more secure lock on their
high-quality stream.  I've only ever listened to the free 32k stream on my
computer--I just fired the free stream up a few minutes ago and have yet to
hear any static.  Seems like it probably is a problem with their
high-quality stream.  You'd think they'd want to get their high-quality
stream all fixed up for their paying customers.

> I used urlsnooper (recommended in a previous thread) on my slimserver to
> find where to point winamp for the test.
> Chris
> -- 
> lostboy

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-06 Thread Aaron Zinck

"Aaron Zinck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > dean Wrote:
> > > Given that you've heard it in SoftSqueeze and on the hardware player,
> > > suspect it's a problem in the original RadioIO data.  I'd drop their
> > > customer support folks a note.
> >
> > That's exactly what I will be doing, but it would be nice to say that
> > I've found other people who have noticed this.  And it would be nice to
> > be able to find someone who's noticed it listening with non-SD harware
> > and/or software.
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > Dave D
> I listen to RadioIO Acoustic and I've noticed it, too.

I should clarify that I only listen via my SB1--haven't tried listening any
other way.  The problem didn't used to exist but has been problematic

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Digital Speakers

2005-09-06 Thread Aaron Zinck
> There is no such thing as "digital speakers", all loudspeakers are
> inherentily analog, as they take an analog electrical signal and
> translate it to an analog sound.


> The question is do you want an amp and DAC inside the speaker?
> I'd answer no, because the SB2's DAC is pretty darn good, and you
> probably won't beat it until you are looking at top of the line
> meridians.


> If you are looking at studio monitors how about Mackie's 624.  They are
> THX Ultra certified and used in the two recording studios I've been in.
> Very flat, and very good sounding.

I also agree on this point, however they're far outside his price range.  At
the price point he's looking at he's best off just going to his local
electronics/computer retailer (something like a Best Buy) and finding a set
of computer speakers that sound good to him.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-06 Thread Aaron Zinck

> dean Wrote:
> > Given that you've heard it in SoftSqueeze and on the hardware player, I
> > suspect it's a problem in the original RadioIO data.  I'd drop their
> > customer support folks a note.
> That's exactly what I will be doing, but it would be nice to say that
> I've found other people who have noticed this.  And it would be nice to
> be able to find someone who's noticed it listening with non-SD harware
> and/or software.
> -- 
> Dave D

I listen to RadioIO Acoustic and I've noticed it, too.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Two Squeezeboxes

2005-09-02 Thread Aaron Zinck

Jim's right, of course, I just wanted to add a bit 
of clarity:  he's referring to selecting the player from the drop down on 
the top-right of the screen, not from the panel on the left.

  Are you sure you chose the right player in the web interface?  You 
  need to select the player then start the 
Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: I'm going to open the Realslim can of worms again...

2005-09-02 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I've SlimServer hang running RealSlim before because of a UPnP issue
> that I fixed by manually setting IP address in If you've
> done this, make sure you've set the correct IP address for your new
> computer rather than just copying the file over. (This might be
> obvious, but I thought I'd mention it anyway).

Yeah...thanks for double-checking on this but I've done this.

> When you find it crashing, try running the windows event viewer
> ("eventvwr" from the Run dialog box). Look at the Application messages,
> and see if there are any errors from slim.exe. If so, that might help
> debug the crashes.

good suggestion...I'll be gone for the holiday weekend but I'll look into it
some more when I return.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Slimserver over Internet?

2005-09-01 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Where is that setting?
> -- 
> bjackson

It's actually under player settings, not server settings.  Go to player
settings -> audio

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: I'm going to open the Realslim can of worms again...

2005-09-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Hmmm. I don't think it's a problem with HookAndDie after all. I've also
> seen the problem you mention, where restarting slimserver makes things
> work. I've been meaning to figure that out and fix it, but haven't felt
> that motivated, though it's a nuisance. I also noted in my last update
> to the earlier realslim thread that there was an additional bug causing
> slimserver to crash when trying to play anything -- and I posted yet
> another version of Did you see that?
> Unfortunately, I don't think I've seen the problem of the library not
> being read, and I'm not sure what could be causing it.
> Let me know if you have already tried the most up to date plugin file.
> -- 
> gsamsa

After much tinkering last night I have come to agree that it's not a
HookAndDie issue.  I should clarify--it's not restarting SlimServer that
improves the issue, it's restarting the RealSlim service.  Here's what I've

We'll call my computer that I've been using to run SlimServer for the past
12 months computer A.  It's an athlon 2800+ running windows XP sp1.  I've
successfully configured realslim and slimserver 5.4 on this machine and all
has been wonderful for the past year (pretty much).  Computer A's
installation of realslim 0.6 is completely "stock" (doesn't use any of
gsamsa's altered files).  My "new" computer is computer B.  It is the one
having all the issues and has the specs I've outlined in previous emails.  I
know that hookanddie works because I can run rhapsody on computer B (with
the realslim extensions) and my slimserver installation on computer A can
talk to it and use it just fine.  However, when I attempt to install
slimserver on computer B (having shut down slimserver on computer A to
ensure no issues) things go awry.  I've tried slimserver 5.4 as well as
6.1.1 and both the stock as well as the altered versions of (yes,
the newest version in the thread you mentioned) and  I've tried
starting and restarting things in every order I can imagine.  I've installed
and reinstalled in every order I can imagine.  My most common result is that
slimserver will start and hang after partially starting (I can start to pull
up the web page but then as the graphics are delivered it just hangs and
never recovers).  Sometimes the server won't start at all.  The closest I've
gotten was what I described in my post 2 days ago when I could browse and
search the rhapsody catalog, though it would not let me see "my library" nor
would it play anything from rhapsody (the server crashed immediately).

I understand if you're not able to troubleshoot this any further.  I realize
that it's likely a rather complex issue.  I just wanted to get the details
of what I've been dealing with out there so that there's as much information
as possible available whenever someone decides they want to really fix up
the realslim plugin.

I appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: I'm going to open the Realslim can of worms again...

2005-08-31 Thread Aaron Zinck
Thanks for trying, but the file is corrupted--could you perhaps mail it to
my gmail account? My username on gmail is azinck.

BTW, using the hookanddie.exe that comes with realslim 0.6 I have gotten
really close to getting everything to work.  I am now running the release
version of slimserver (6.1.1) and the version of that you (gsamsa)
provided most recently on the aforementioned realslim thread as well as a
version of modified as you suggested on the same thread.  If I let
all services start normally on boot and launch rhapsody then hookanddie does
not succeed at hooking into rhapsody.  If I, however, leave rhapsody open
and simply stop the realslim service and restart it then I can browse and
search the rhapsody catalog.  Attempting to browse my rhapsody library,
however, results in an empty list, and trying to play anything from rhapsody
(after searching the rhapsody catalog) seems to crash or hang the server.
Do you suppose your new version of hookanddie would fix this?  I should
mention that I *have* tried reinstalling the realslim rhapsody components
and it hasn't seemed to help anything.  Thanks again for your help on this!

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: I'm going to open the Realslim can of worms again...

2005-08-30 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I'm attaching a modified version of HookAndDie.exe. I made some comments
> a while back about what I modified in the realslim forums on
> sourceforge. Let me know if it makes any difference.
> +---+
> |Filename:   |
> |Download:|
> +---+
> -- 
> gsamsa

Awesome...thanks for your help...I'll try it tonight when I get home from

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] I'm going to open the Realslim can of worms again...

2005-08-29 Thread Aaron Zinck
I don't know why I didn't think of this originally but it occurs to me that
I should have posted this in the 3rd party plug-ins forum.  Sorry about that
folks!  I'll move it there now...

Discuss mailing list

[slim] I'm going to open the Realslim can of worms again...

2005-08-29 Thread Aaron Zinck
I've been trying to set up a "new" (new to me...old in actuality--it was
given to me by a friend) server these past couple of days but have had fits
getting the Realslim plugin to work.  There have been a number of problems
(I've always had a number of problems initially configuring realslim), but
with some fiddling I seem to be able to get everything to work except that
the Rhapsody portion of the plugin (hookanddie.exe) doesn't hook into the
Rhapsody application.

While I can't get this to work on my "new" server, in the past I've managed
to get the setup working on various computers with Win2k SP4 as well as
WinXP SP1.  I've never managed to get it working on WinXP SP2 (if anyone out
there has had success with that I'd love to hear about it!).  My new setup

Duron 650
384 MB RAM
integrated NIC
integrated sound
Rhapsody v. 2.1

I'm logging in under an account with administrative privileges that's not
called administrator.

and probably not pertinent but I'll list it anyhow:
Squeezebox 1 wired with character-based display

I've tried the setup with both slimserver 5.4 (Dec. 3rd '04 nightly--old, I
know, but it's the version I've had success with on other machines) with
Realslim 0.6 as well as slimserver 6.1 (the latest release version) with the
modified Realslim and altered upnp file as specified by
gsamsa in this thread (btw, thanks, gsamsa, for doing some work on's greatly appreciated):

Does anyone know if the hook into the Rhapsody app is dependent upon the
sound card in any way?  Or perhaps I need to do something with the ports on
this machine...I have no firewalls running of any sort.  I'll also mention
that I *do* have UPNP turned on in the rhapsody app.  Any help would be
greatly appreciated.  This machine has a totally fresh install of XP,
updated to SP1 with nothing on it but rhapsody, realslim, and slimserver.  I
have no other 3rd-party plugins installed into slimserver and have only a
handful of mp3 files in a test music directory.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Small footprint receiver?

2005-08-29 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Do you need a whole receiver or just an amp?
> Also need a receiver.  My wife likes to listen to a few radio stations
> that do not stream and it would be a problem if she could no longer
> pull them in.
> Thanks,
> Jon
> -- 
> Bonesteel

Sorry--if I'd read your original post more carefully I would have seen that.
Unfortunately I've no suggestions or experience with anything small that has
an integrated tuner...

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Small footprint receiver?

2005-08-29 Thread Aaron Zinck
> This is not strictly a Slim Devices query, but someone may have some
> insight they wish to share.  I have an original SLIMP3 player which has
> served me well.  I'm interested in upgrading to a new SB2 for my master
> bathroom, but I'm having trouble finding an appropriate receiver.  I am
> looking to install ceiling speakers to minimize the space impact and
> achieve great sound.  I would like to find a stereo receiver that has a
> very small footprint, yet provides a decent amount of power and an FM
> tuner (for when real radio calls - mostly for the WAF).  I have seen
> many small systems at Best Buy for example, but they all seem to
> include speakers - which I don't need.  Also, they are really not that
> small.  An in wall receiver would be ideal.  Anyone have any
> recommendations?
> Thanks,
> Jon
> -- 
> Bonesteel


Do you need a whole receiver or just an amp?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SB2 & Power DVD for Home Theatre Playback

2005-08-23 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Newbie here, so please be gentle if I ask something which has already
> been answered.
> I'm a strickly a two channel guys BUT have a Home Theatre which
> currently uses PowerDVD to Project on a screen and sound via a long
> coax cable from my Computer, to an external DAC.
> As a Video player PowerDVD offers MANY different setting for me to
> "virtually" create surround sounds through my two speakers setup.
> This setup is effective in doing the overall job and suits me well.
> Anyhoo, once I purchase a SB2, and integrate into my current setup,
> will I be able to channel the downmixed 5.1 information to my Stereo,
> as I currently do.
> This is pretty important to me.
> All feedback regarding this would be VERY much appreciated.
> Thanx much Fred in Canada
> -- 
> Fredly

If you're asking to match the video from your computer (powerDVD) to audio
delivered via a powerDVD -> squeezebox2 -> stereo setup then the short
answer is that it's not possible/feasible.  Please see this bug:

Routing audio output from an application to the squeezebox is certainly
possible (see the bug listing for a couple of suggestions), but the
squeezebox is not really natively designed for this and there would be
nightmarish issues related to delay and buffering that would render matching
audio to the projected image nearly impossible.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Keyboard shortcut commands for Slimserver?

2005-08-15 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I suppose it'd be possible to do this with a clever javascript skin though
> that may be tricky.

> There are keyboard shortcuts in ExBrowse2 and Default2:
> Z - previous
> X - play/pause
> C - play/pause
> V - stop
> B - next
> R - toggle repeat
> S - toggle shuffle
> -, = - volume down and up

> - Jacob

haha...well, you *are* a tricky one, Mr. Potter...nicely done...I haven't
had a chance to play around with your (apparently very well done) skins
since I'm still running 5.4 (I need my rhapsody...)

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Keyboard shortcut commands for Slimserver?

2005-08-15 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I realize that this would be difficult to implement accross platforms,
> but would it be possible for Slimserver to respond to keyboard shortcut
> commands...? For instance:
> Play or pause a file. CTRL+P
> Stop playback. CTRL+S
> Mute the volume. F8
> Increase the volume. F10
> Decrease the volume. F9
> Play the previous item. CTRL+B
> Play the next item. CTRL+F
> Rewind. CTRL+SHIFT+B
> Fast-forward. CTRL+SHIFT+F
> I know many new keyboards now come with standard with mapped volume,
> stop, play pause, "media" buttons etc. It would be nifty if you could
> use these keyboard buttons to operate Slimserver directly...

I suppose it'd be possible to do this with a clever javascript skin though
that may be tricky.

There is an interim solution, however (while you're waiting for someone to
take on that project):

What you could do (if you have just one specific player that you want to
execute those commands on), is use Girder which could easily be set up to
take advantage of Slimserver's CLI so as to get the exact functionality
you're requesting.  If you do this with Girder then you'll need to be
careful--either construct the macros so that they do a check and only
execute if slimserver or some other designated app is in the foreground, or
remember that if you use the shortcuts while in another program that you may
run into deleterious effects as, say, your playback stops (CTRL + S) but you
also save over the top of that spreadsheet you were working on.  You get the

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Different music libraries for different clients

2005-08-15 Thread Aaron Zinck
> now I'd like to be able to listen remotely using
> SoftSqueeze, and I don't have the bandwith to stream
> the lossless tracks.

No need to complicate matters with multiple libraries...Slimserver can do
downconversion on-the-fly on a per-client basis.  In the web interface go
the player settings for your softsqueeze client, then choose audio, and then
limit the bitrate to whatever your connection can handle.  You'll need lame
installed for this to work.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Mount SB2 upside down - rotate display text

2005-08-12 Thread Aaron Zinck
So this is off-topic, but are you the same gonk as the fellow from the
Outlaw forums?

> So I have now opened the SB2 and yes, you can rotate the display and the
> cable is just long enough. I had to cut two small supporting tabs as
> some leads on the PCB to the display got in the way. But there are
> still several support to the display so it is still in place.
> Thank you all!
> -- 
> gonk

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Re: [slim] Feature Request: Web interface for Sony PSP

2005-08-04 Thread Aaron Zinck
Does the handheld skin not work well?

> The Sony PSP will have Web browser capability with the 2.0 firmware to
> be released on August 12, 2005.
> It would be great if a new Sony PSP specific web page served by the
> SlimServer could be created.  It would be formated for the small screen
> of the PSP.  That way, the PSP could be used as an enhanced remote for
> the Squeezebox2.
> -- 
> dannyg

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: The SB2 appears to have some serious flaws!

2005-08-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
Ha...sorry...I didn't see this branch before I posted this same idea to the
other branch...

> Isn't this pretty much what the 'zapped' playlist does?
> You press and hold the 'add' key to move the currently playing song to
> it, rather than just delete it.

> I haven't used it for a while but I assume it still works?

> James

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Re: [slim] Re: The SB2 appears to have some serious flaws!

2005-08-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
You can get pretty close to your flag idea if you take advantage of the
"zapped songs" functionality.  When playing a song in "Now Playing", if you
press and hold the "add" button the song will be removed from "Now Playing"
and added to your "Zapped Songs" playlist.  Once you've added all the tracks
you want to add to "Zapped Songs" then just load up the "Zapped Songs"
playlist and save it as a new playlist under any name.

The only drawback is that the next time you want to do this you'll need to
go to your computer and manually clear the "Zapped Songs" playlist.  Or I'm
sure a plugin could be developed to accomplish that.

> I just realized that I can't even do what I'm proposing from the
> computer. When creating a playlist, as soon as I attemp to play a song
> (because I need to preview it), the list is deleted. Unfortuneatly I
> suspect there are fundamental technical issues with the creation of an
> additional "que" where one could store song selections (that are
> previewed in the  playlist)
> You want a suggestion? Here's a simple halfway measure that I would
> find VERY usefull.
> How do you create playlists?
> You have to have already decided  what you want to put in the list
> BEFORE it's created and how do you do that?
> Do you keep a pen and paper at your listening seat and note each song
> that you like while it's playing in order to create the list later? Do
> you memorize the stuff you want to "playlist"?
> These techniques are neither very "efficient" nor particularly
> "intuitive".
> As a halfway measure one thing I would find VERY usefull (and easy to
> implement) would  a "flag" button (on the remote)so that one could keep
> track of tunes that one wants to put in a playlist at a later time
> (other than when SB2 is actually playing).
> At the computer interface this "flag" could show up as a check mark
> beside the song track. One could  then visually search for the flagged
> songs or better yet, use a search feature to locate the "flagged" tunes
> . It would then be easy(er) to mix and match songs in playlists.
> *In terms of needing a new  button on the remote I believe that would
> also be an easy problem to solve:
> Just use the current "add" button and give it 2 user defined funtions
> "flag" or "add" (which could be toggled  in the server settings menu).
> PS
> I have done something my own version of a "flag" technique for years.
> On the back of the CD box I would simply "check" or circle (with
> permanent marker) the songs that I liked. That would facilitate the
> quick creation of a "selected tracks" playback list on my CDP whenever
> I cued up that CD.
> -- 
> gdg

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SB2 Remote control clashing

2005-07-29 Thread Aaron Zinck

> > Sean, what does this mean for the SB2's ability to have discrete power
> > on/power off codes? From a recent thread here, I got the impression
> > that this feature was forthcoming.

Once the SB2 is updated to recognize other IR signals (the sb1 and slimp3
can currently do this) then you'll have no trouble changing the ir and map
files to make virtually any 2 arbitrary ir codes act as discrete on and off.

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Re: [slim] Re: Light hearted thread - how old is yours?

2005-07-15 Thread Aaron Zinck
I'm still using 5.4 but don't feel like signing up for the forum so I can't
actually vote.  I'm using 5.4 since it works well with Rhapsody/Realslim and
meets most of my needs (I have a non-graphical SB1).

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: A better remote?

2005-06-30 Thread Aaron Zinck

"zuvembi"  wrote in message
> A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
> results, please visit
> Question: Would you be interested in a better remote?
> - No, I'm happy with the current design
> - Yes, it should be included with the SB
> - Yes, but I'm willing to buy a "designer" remote as an optional
>   extra.
> I'd kill to add a single button, the minus key.
> I've lost count of the number of times I wanted to remove a single song
> from the list of playing songs.  No I don't want to add it to the zapped
> playlist, I just don't want to listen to it *right now*.

You can do this:  while holding down the "add" button zaps a song, pressing
it only momentarily while in the "Now Playing" list will simply delete it
from the current playlist.

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Re: [slim] Re: A better remote?

2005-06-30 Thread Aaron Zinck

> But to be hinest, I don't think this would offer any new functions on
> the remote to make it easier to use, just allow me to control all my
> devices (in a more limited way) with one remote.

You actually could (quite easily) add functionality--take a look at the .map
and .ir modifying them you can make a remote do plenty of things
that the original remote didn't come configured to do.  And then with
plugins you could accomplish even more...

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Player States, Brightness and Screensavers

2005-06-27 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Would someone care to give me a simple explanation of the various
> operational states of a Squeezebox.
> Looking through player settings, we have different settings for both
> screen savers and brightness and their relationships to player states.
> But those states are described differently.
> Under Brightness settings, we have
> on
> off
> idle
> and under Screensavers we have
> playing
> not playing
> off
> The screensavers settings seem fairly straightforward.  I guess "idle"
> is the one that throws me.  What exactly is "idle"?  Why not use the
> same player states for both brightness and screen saver?

The screensaver only comes on when the player is idle (or off) and when the
player's on and idle you probably don't need different brightness settings
depending on whether or not the player was playing something when it was

The correlation is this:

player state: ON
screensaver: never on
brightness: uses brightness setting for ON

player state: IDLE and PLAYING (player is on but has received no user input
for designated amount of time)
screensaver: "PLAYING" screensaver is on
brightness: uses brightness setting for IDLE

player state: IDLE and NOT PLAYING (player is on but has received no user
input for designated amount of time)
screensaver: "NOT PLAYING" screensaver is on
brightness: uses brightness setting for IDLE

player state: OFF
screensaver: "OFF" screensaver is playing
brightness: uses brightness setting for OFF

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Re: [slim] File-Sharing Services May Be Sued

2005-06-27 Thread Aaron Zinck
> "Steven Moore"  wrote in message
> Since the file sharing companies are being held responsible for what
> people do with their computers then
> the gun companies will now be sued for all the woundings and killings
> by idiots with guns.
> The car companies for people killed in accidents etc  or will they...

While I'm not sure where I stand on this and am certainly a big fan of
personal responsibility one must allow that there's a difference between the
situations you present and the Grokster case.  One can hardly argue that the
primary use of guns (in the US) is to illegally kill people, and neither is
the primary use of cars to kill people in accidents.  There are substantial
legal ways that both those items can be used...and indeed are primarily used
in legal ways.  I would be all over going after gun or car companies if they
ever advertised "buy our guns...they're great for hold-ups" or "our cars are
excellent for going out and getting into wrecks and killing other people";
which is similar to what Grokster did: they marketed their software as being
good for breaking the law, and indeed their software was primarily used to
break the law.

Again, I'm not sure where I stand on this because it's a complicated
situation, but I just want to resist simplifying it too much as it's really
not like guns or cars--in fact, it seems unlike anything that has come
before it.

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Re: [slim] can I edit playlists from web interface while playlist isplaying?

2005-06-10 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Does the software support this functionality?  I wish there were more
> screenshots on the website.

Go ahead an download slimserver--it's a totally free download and you can
test it with softsqueeze or through a media player of your choice.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SB2 not powering off when server not present

2005-06-09 Thread Aaron Zinck
> Why keep it powered when it's
> not in use?
> Max

I should mention that I don't really feel strongly about this one way or
another (especially since I don't have a SB2!) but the only reason I can
think of is that perhaps the technical difficulty of achieving what you
desire is not worth it to save the couple of dollars a year it costs to
power the display.

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Re: [slim] DTS+Dolby Digital multichannel playback only with SB2?

2005-06-06 Thread Aaron Zinck
> The question is the title. The title is the question. Any idea?
> I own a SB1 and tried ripping a Dolby Digital 5.1 file to FLAC. Playing
> it back through SB1, with fixed digital volume, did not work on my DD
> enabled receiver (as in: no sound at all while the tags got read
> correctly).
> Is it possible to play back DD and DTS on SB1?

The problem is that the SB1 will pass a bit-perfect signalexcept the
sign is inverted.  This prevents DTS and dolby digital from being passed
intact, while you'll notice no audible difference with PCM signals (ok, ok,
there are audiophiles out there who will probably jump in here and tell me
how they can hear that the soundstage is slightly out of focus or something,
but I personally don't buy it).  There was a fellow a little while back who
showed that if you reinvert the sign then the files can be played

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-04 Thread Aaron Zinck
> No I don't. Unfortunstly I'm past the 30 day period. Do you think Sean
> will make an exception in my case?

I've found SlimDevices to be a very accomodating company, so perhaps they
will take it back.  But why should they?  You had *30 days* to figure out
that this wasn't the unit for you.  I'm not going to take my chest freezer
back to Maytag after 2 months and tell them "you know, what I really wanted
was a refrigerator, would you take this back?"

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck

> How's your Sony betamax working these days?

If owning a squeezebox is as dumb as buying a betamax player then what are
you doing wasting your time on this mailing list?  Go return that thing!
Get rid of it while you can still get your money back!

You have failed to address any of the very rational questions or arguments
that have been offered to you.  You have made several unfounded and suspect
accusations in this thread.  Just because you, NHGuy, in your incredible
wisdom and foresight, have declared Slim's business choices to be
ill-advised means very little to this community.  People will buy what works
for them and time will tell what wins out.  Your feedback as to what you
value in a product is certainly welcome, but you can leave it at that, at
that point you can buy a device or not buy it.  SlimDevices has done more
than most in offering a 30-day money back guarantee, responding to their
users, adding features, and in having open-source software that allows for
the easy expansion of the software by its user-base.  No need to make
accusations of false advertising when you can't point to a single instance
of it.

The betamax comparison is completely false.  Slim has designed the
architecture of their units to be much more flexible and upgradable than any
other networked media player I've seen.  Even if slimdevices were to go
under *today* you'd still have this user-base improving the product.  As a
comparison, I doubt you can find any networked media player from circa 2001
besides the Slimp3 that is still seeing active development and improvements
on a daily basis.  And while we're all looking into our crystal balls, I'll
bet that in a few years your squeezebox will still be relevant and
functional while other similar devices will have become irrelevant.  Maybe
you still don't agree with me--that's ok too, no one's twisting your arm and
making you keep your squeezebox.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I've been making an ass of myself to try to get a response from them
> stating what their plans actually are. If they have no intention of
> supporting a means to use squeezebox for streaming Rhapsody or any
> other DRM service, they should have the stones to put that on the
> website.

I believe that they'd like to support it sometime in the future but can't
commit to it (they're a small company, after all).  Seems like they'd be in
worse shape if they publicly said they plan to support it eventually.  Then
folks wouldn't quit bugging them asking them when it'll be ready and there'd
be people like yourself up in arms demanding their money back if the support
weren't added in the timeframe they required.  So SlimDevices is just quiet
about it and folks who like the product's featureset will buy it.  And if
Rhapsody support is added in the future then all the better.  I know that in
the time I've had my squeezebox I've had tons of functionality added to what
was already an amazing device--something I can say about few other products
I've ever owned in my lifetime.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck

> The review from Maximum PC is the one that's prominently displayed.
> Since when does a product upgrade mean that functionality is taken
> away?

It sometimes happens.

But aside from that...a 3rd-party plugin is not a "product feature".
SlimDevices cannot be expected to support every 3rd party plugin for all

In my eyes you're the one who's suspect here: you claim you sent 2 emails to
slimdevices but didn't receive any replies.  Their genial response on this
mailing list was that they had only received 1 email and that they'd
responded to it promptly.  You never denied this which leads me to believe
that their version of the truth is accurate.  And I still haven't seen the
"marketing blurb from their marketing manager talking about how great the
realslim plugin works" that you mentioned.  What are you trying to get from
SlimDevices?  It sounds like you just misunderstood what the product is
capable of.  There's no need for any animosity.  Just return the unit and
buy something that meets your needs.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck

> Aaron,
> I'm not a bad person, but when the company implies through the posting
> of reviews that tout it's ability to stream Rhapsody and when it's
> marketing literature specially states it supports real player I as a
> reasonable person expect to be able to use it for the stated purpose.
> When I read the CEO of the company imply he's got better things to do
> than live up to his promises, I think I have a right to my money back,
> 30 day guarantee or not.

I don't understand...have you contacted Slimdevices to make a return?  are
they unwilling to take the unit back?

By the way...even if you misunderstood SlimDevice's support for Rhapsody
(believe me, they've never promised Rhapsody support even for the SB1--and
certainly not for the SB2) that has nothing whatsoever to do with
Realplayer.  Real audio streaming can be configured via the 3rd party
AlienBBC plugin but Rhapsody itself uses WMA format (though, I believe when
using Realslim the WMA decoding is done by the Rhapsody application itself
and the audio is then "broadcast" to slimserver).

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I realize I'm becoming boring, but you guys at Slim Devices ought to
> read the reviews you post on your website. The one from Maximum PC that
> you flaunt has as it's last word, "Rhapsody". Do you think you would
> have gotten that good a review if you didn't have that capability?
> S, my question is how do I get my money back for a product that
> does not perform as advertised. Please post on the forum so others who
> share the same feeling can partake.
> -- 
> NHGuy

The issue seems to be that you're inaccurate with your information.   The
SB2 has never been advertised as having these features.  The Squeezebox 1,
however, does have an unsupported 3rd-party plugin that provides this
functionality.  The promotional material you linked to refers to the
Squeezebox 1.

Don't forget that Slimdevices offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.  If the
device doesn't meet your needs then return it.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I was actually able to get realslim running with SS 6.1, with a few
> minor modifications. There was a thread in the developers forum a
> couple weeks ago. There still appear to be occasional problems, and I
> was planning on trying to resolve these before making this more well
> known -- but then I got really busy at work. You might give it a shot.

Great work!...keep us posted.   If this were to work reliably I might
seriously consider a Squeezebox 2.  Until then my Squeezebox 1 is more than
meeting my needs

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck

> There is a 3rd party plugin to link slimserver and rhapsody?


but it only really works with SB1 or Slimp3, slimserver 5.4.0, and Rhapsody

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-06-03 Thread Aaron Zinck
While I'd love to see support for Rhapsody, I don't recall ever seeing this
featured advertised for the SqueezeBox 2.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Using a different remote

2005-06-01 Thread Aaron Zinck

> No problem here with my Harmony 676. :)

There's no problem using the squeezebox2 IR codes (which your Harmony is
using), the problem is that, for whatever reason, the SB2 does not
process/recognize other IR codes like the SB1 does.  This is probably just
some sort of firmware setting.  I remember in a much earlier post that Dean
mentioned he knew about the problem and was having Sean look into it.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Using a different remote

2005-06-01 Thread Aaron Zinck
This is a currently known problem with the SB2.

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Re: [slim] Re: Multiple Items In Tags enhancement

2005-05-23 Thread Aaron Zinck
You can even use character combinations to make the separator more unique.
Something like %; would be a pretty safe bet, for instance.

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Re: [slim] Re: SB2 Bridge + Tivo

2005-05-19 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I think the huge bulge of electrical tape in the middle of the cord
> should be fairly obvious =)

I'm surprised this works for you. Don't be surprised if the connection
flakes out or is slower than spec.  High-speed data transfer through
twisted-pair cabling relies on the pairs being nicely twisted.  Expect
cables that have relatively long (>.5" or so) lengths of wire in some other
arrangement to behave in unexpected ways.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-05-19 Thread Aaron Zinck
I believe it may be unnecessary to use Total Recorder--I'm fairly confident
that Vidur's RealSlim plugin already does essentially the very same thing.
It just needs to be updated to support the new version of Rhapsody and
SlimServer.  Perhaps Vidur could correct me if I'm wrong?

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Newbie Question: Virtual Sound Driver

2005-05-18 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but I couldn't
> find the answer. I'm thinking of purchasing a SB2 to use with my
> Rhapsody service.  Can the SB2 be used as a virtual sound device on
> my Windows XP machine?  That way I could stream any audio
> source to the SB2?  Does SlimServer have this kind of support.
> I'm less interested in using the SB2 to retrieve stuff off of my
> computer.  I want to PUSH data to it from my laptop (ie. Rhapsody,
> Window Media player, etc) just as if it were a sound card residing in
> my computer.

Currently there's no good way to do what you want to do.  There are some
complex ways you could possibly put together something like this (using
shoutcast), but the solution would be neither simple, nor reliable.

Sorry Stephen, as a Rhapsody subscriber myself I lament that there's
absolutely no way to currently use Rhapsody with the SB2 because the SB2
requires SlimServer 6, for which there's no Rhapsody plug-in.  If you had an
SB1, on the other hand (as I do), you could use the RealSlim plugin with
Rhapsody V2 and Slimserver 5.4

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Why Can't Slim support Play For Sure???

2005-05-17 Thread Aaron Zinck

> I guess I have my own opinion of who should be getting abused right now.

I don't entirely understand what you meant by this statement but I hope you
didn't take any offense at my comment.  I only meant to acknowledge you and
the sentiments that you've already repeatedly expressed about the status of
RealSlim--to indicate that I understand that we all need to pitch in if we
can to provide the functionality that we each desire.

Your knowledge and hard work have certainly done this community an enormous
service, the benefits of which I believe we've all reaped.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Why Can't Slim support Play For Sure???

2005-05-17 Thread Aaron Zinck
> I know just what is going to happen...the day after I buy a Roku, Slim
> is going to announce Rhaposody support!! :-)

Yeah...and there's another bit of irony that actually keeps me with the
squeezebox:  when using RealSlim my Squeezebox actually has more "complete"
Rhapsody support than any other device on the market.  No other device has
the ability to search and browse the entire Rhapsody catalog from the
player.  I love this as it allows me to drag up any song at any moment.  I
hope that, even if Plays For Sure support is added, that the RealSlim
program is updated to allow me to interface with the Rhapsody library

I know, I know, KDF, RealSlim's only waiting for someone to give it some TLC
:).  But as I'm not qualified/able to do this, I just wanted to express this
point because, for me, RealSlim in many ways meets my needs better than
Plays For Sure support would.  I do realize, however, that this is not the
case for users of the other subscription services.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: sorting (ignoring "the" and case insensitivity)

2005-05-17 Thread Aaron Zinck
Is there any way to vote *against* enhancement or bug requests?  The server
should show what's in your tags.  Period.  That way people can use their
tags however they want and they don't end up getting confused by having
Michael Jackson songs listed only under mICHAEL jACKSON simply because they
have 1 mis-tagged Michael Jackson song that was, for some reason, returned
first in the query.  And I'm sure I've only scratched the tip of the iceberg
of other potential complications/confusion that could result from making
this change.

As far as I'm concerned, the "expected" behavior is for the software to read
your tags and show you what's in your tags.  As KDF said earlier, what are
tags for if not to provide this information.  Get your tags right.  What you
suggest is the same sort of artificial "intelligence" that makes me shake my
fist at Microsoft Word whenever I try to use it and am baffled by the fact
that it's doing things that I never told it to do.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-05-17 Thread Aaron Zinck
> If this isn't the case now, it soon might be. In a business where
> exclusive contracts are the norm, why shouldn't one or more big labels
> base their licenses on exclusive relationships with subscription
> services? Or maybe they devise some sort of discount, where a
> subscription provider has to pay less in fees if they sell more of a
> big label's music?

> Excluding competing artists / labels from a subscription service's
> catalog makes perfect sense for a (association of) record labels.
> There'll be incentives so that it makes sense from a service's point
> of view as well.

You make some interesting points that I hadn't considered and may very well
be accurate.  However, there will always be room for potential abuse and it
would seem that the same abuse argument could be levied against any new
technology.  Seems lousy to retract support from a company based upon the
sins that it might possibly be able to commit in the future.  In fact, by
supporting Rhapsody I'm supporting their current business model that seems
to value the independent labels.  If they start dropping the small artists I
may consider switching to another provider (thank goodness for the current
competition in the market, I hope it remains) or dropping the service

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Play for Sure songs

2005-05-16 Thread Aaron Zinck
> On the other hand, if everyone has this convenient access to the same
> large catalog of music, that's the end for anyone who's not included
> in this catalog. Independent labels lose even more visbility and
> sales. Additionally, people will feel like "I'm already paying
> flat-rate, I'll make do without music I'd have to pay extra for." I'd
> hoped for widespread broadband to effect a de-centralisation in music
> distribution - the opposite seems to be the case.

I just wanted to mention that since using Rhapsody (I've been subscribed
about 1 year now) I've actually been exposed to far more independent
labels/groups than I ever was before Rhapsody.  This medium isn't limited in
any way (i.e., radio is time-limited) so there's no downside to adding
artists.  It's in Rhapsody's (and other subscription-type services) interest
to add any and all interested artists to their catalog so that they may draw
in more subscribers.  And the existence of more than one service provides
competition in the marketplace that keeps the royalties paid to small
artists from being unfairly low.  I don't know how their licensing deals
work but I would have to think that the subscription services compensate
artists an amount that's somehow correlated to the # of plays their music
receives.  Indeed, (haha, this is all speculation, but bear with me) they
probably have "cheaper" contracts with the smaller labels so it may very
well be that subscription services would prefer that you listen to
independent artists.  Whatever the case may be, services like Rhapsody offer
links to artists that are similar to, influenced by, forerunners of, and
collaborators with any given artist in their catalog.  Rhapsody also
monitors my listening and suggests artists, albums, and tracks I might like
(I believe this is a feature of Napster and Yahoo as well).  Often these are
from artists and groups I'd never have heard of otherwise.  There are tons
of artists out there that are getting royalties from me listening to them on
Rhapsody that would never have seen a penny from me otherwise.  Plus I still
buy CD's.

Unless the subscription services are somehow (totally illogically) banning
artists from their catalog, it seems like your "losing visibility" argument
is akin to saying "it's so unfair that we adopted the CD player because all
those artists that only want to sell cassette tapes will just not be
included and it'll be the end of them".

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