[e-gold-list] Re: China Gold

2003-10-17 Thread Joseph Firmino

> It is unlikely that it would change anything on the currency situation,
> really. The Chinese (Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, ASEAN, South Africa
> -take your pick) are interested in a weak currency in dollar terms and
> will continue to buy all dollars as soon as they enter the country
> (outright if the currency is pegged, China, Malaysia, etc. or through the
> market if it isn't, Japan, South Africa, etc.).


I was thinking more of the implications for the gold side of the situation
actually. But since you mention it it seems that nowadays everyone wants a
cheap currency for export reasons. This isn't the whole picture. I see it
every day. The news says "Strong dollar etc." and half the country groans
while the other half cheers. It's perfectly logical of course. What isn't
logical is that each side moves as though they're totally unaware of each
other's existance.

> This keeps their currencies low and the US dollar high. But it also means
> that it keeps gold under some pressure

Of course the US is also itching for a weak dollar. What they are trying to
do now is get Japan to let their currency float a little more freely (up of
course) so we can have the weak currency. I read somewhere or other that
Japan bought more US dollars in the last quarter than it did in the whole of
last year but the dollar still fell. and gold still rose until the last few
you notice.

> One of the things the press was never too keen on saying is that the
> current 'interim bull' on Wall Street is almost entirely foreign funded.

It's common knowledge in this country that the Japanese bought California
some years back.
> Yes, many Chinese are likely to buy 'some' gold. But if they want the
> actual metal and there is a lot of them, then things become tricky, 'cause
> it ain't there and China can't buy it in large quantities because they
> would use dollars for that, wich would increase the dollar supply
> internationally, which would cause the dollar to drop, which... you get
> the picture, unless of course, they barter it from Malaysia, South Africa
> or Russia...

Lastly I think trying to peg one currency's value to another's is a big
mistake. It's not so easy to line up different cultures like ducks in a row.
Simply put, "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." Some one put a
lot of thought into that bit of philosophy. I think when they finally
realize this they'll be trading their shoes and anything else for gold.


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[e-gold-list] China Gold

2003-10-16 Thread Joseph Firmino
I got this from a paid subscriber service http://www.safemoneyreport.com/

China's four largest banks have applied to the Shanghai Gold Exchange for
permission to trade gold for their customers now that China has deregulated
(allowed private ownership of) gold.

These would be The Bank of China, the Agricultural Bank of China, the
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and the China Construction Bank who
control the majority of the Chinese banking sector.

If this can compared to the Vietnamese in terms of demand it amounts to 350
tons in gold demand. Get your calculators out and add this to the currency
situation shaping up between the US and China.


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[e-gold-list] Re: TGC, publicity, how to evaluate it

2003-09-20 Thread Joseph Firmino

> No, he's confusing usage with grammar.  The idiomatic
> expression "have a seat" refers to the use of the
> chair, not the chair itself.  It is equivalent to
> "be seated" which might be something he would find
> more...comfortable.

Pretty good.
I think I'll just have to explain it to him your way.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Danny's 130$

2003-09-20 Thread Joseph Firmino

- > > This statement is grammatically incorrect. I for one cannot
understand it
> as
> > it is written.
> True.
> I apologize.

No harm done. I'm sure you have a better command of English than I do of my


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[e-gold-list] Re: TGC, publicity, how to evaluate it

2003-09-20 Thread Joseph Firmino

> My thoughts on judging them are: look at their casino.
> It has thousands of users who have placed millions of
> bets, and the bets have paid off.  What more do you
> really need to know?

I'm not a gambler but if I were I wouldn't shrink from losing lots of gold
at blackjack or roulette to them because I'd be a lousy gambler.

> If they pay dividends, what else do you need from
> them?

Nothing really. But I do think the more you know about what you're doing the
more apt you are to be sucessful at it. Granted, TGC looks ok to me. It's
what I don't know that concerns me. I'm not judging. Maybe like you say
there's nothing more to know.

> financials, filings, 10Ks, annual reports, and
> audit documents for, say, Enron, or, say, Worldcom.
> With that kind of documentation, many people have
> apparently felt comfortable betting a lot of their
> future wealth.

Not me for sure. I still remember the first glorious Enron commercial I saw.
Great I thought. What's next flying Levis? It was obvious to me at that
moment that Enron didn't exist in the way they wanted me to think they did.
Or did they? I was getting the impression that they owned  the whole energy
market lock stock and barrel. I don't mind saying I thought the whole twenty
seconds or so was a little over the edge.

TGC seems to be leaning in the other direction. Plain and simple, no
outrageous claims of greener pastures or whatever and it seems everyone
understands their business to one degree or another. Now it seems Enron did
everything wrong and one right move tripped them up. Could one unfortunate
circumstance be the end of TGC?

I never liked Worldcom either. A bunch a people yapping on the phone. It's
enough to drive a person mad. I think they were all better of locked up at
AT&T or whatever the name of the original phone company was. Wait a minute,
that's it...The Phone Company. Some of you might not remember. Everybody had
the same phone company. It was great until the goobermeant decided something
needed to be done about it. If it ain't broke, fix it.

> No, he's confusing usage with grammar.  The idiomatic
> expression "have a seat" refers to the use of the
> chair, not the chair itself.  It is equivalent to
> "be seated" which might be something he would find
> more...comfortable.

That was his point. English depends too much on usage whereas the Portuguese
would be more apt to say "be seated".


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[e-gold-list] Re: Danny's $130

2003-09-19 Thread Joseph Firmino
> --- Arik Schenkler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > I think that the publicly selling of TGC shares is "quite"
 > dangerous and

This statement is grammatically incorrect. I for one cannot understand it as
it is written.

I have two possible variations.

1. "I think publically selling TGC shares is quite dangerous."

2. "I think the publicity selling of TGC shares is quite dangerous."

I chose #2 because that seems to be what everyone is doing. I wouldn't quite
call it hype but the lack of public fundamentals leaves us with bald
publicity as our only means of judging TGC's worth. I havn't noticed much of
note said against them but I wouldn't want to bet the farm on good publicity

Maybe Arik can rephrase that for us to indicate more precisely what he
means. I don't mean to pick on his English or typos. A Brazilian fellow I
recently met has been telling me how imprecise English is so I'm noticing
these things. His example was the phrase "Have a seat." He speaks flawless
English and he still thinks it sounds stupid. "You mean I can have it? Oh,
you mean sit in the chair."


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[e-gold-list] Re: first transaction, and thoughts on auto-verification

2003-08-17 Thread Joseph Firmino

> > It's GOLD for crying out loud.
> Er... it's not actually gold. It's value back by gold, numbers in a
> "anchored" to gold's value. It's *virtual* gold!

I stand corrected to an extent. I was only generalizing the idea.

> Why do I say this? The laws of some countries forbid people to deal with
> gold! Yes, there are laws that force people to use official (= recognized
> the state) channels to buy / sell gold. But egold is not gold! It's as
> valuable as gold, but you don't have the gold, instead you can get gold in
> exchange for your egold.

What a can of worms. Somehow I can't imagine any state with such laws ever
recognizing this interpretation even if it is correct. I don't think they
would even understand it. More than likely they'll let it pass as long as
we're not surreptitiously cashing gold bricks through our monitors but I'm
not betting on it.

Didn't India just start something along these lines? I guess what they're
trying to say is just the opposite of what you have just stated.
Unimaginable or not, whatever became of that issue?


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[e-gold-list] Re: first transaction, and thoughts on auto-verification

2003-08-16 Thread Joseph Firmino

> e-metalĀ® payment confirmation: Batch 22504174
> Paid To: 100414 (Joseph E Firmino)
> Amount: 2 grams of Gold
> Memo: Wow, ancient account!!!

Thanks JMR

I never win anything. This must be my lucky day.


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[e-gold-list] Re: first transaction, and thoughts on auto-verification

2003-08-16 Thread Joseph Firmino
> Dear Joseph,
> I'm curious to know what type of marketing it was that enticed
> yourself, Tril and Graham,  to find out about e-gold in the early days?


To be truthful I don't think it was any type of marketing of the type we see
today. I came across it while looking through some tens of thousands of dead
end financial links. By dead end I mean a lack of the interactivity I
thought should be available through so many interconnected computers. There
were the online discount brokers but I saw this as just an extension of what
we already knew and nothing new insofar as originality. Well I guess boredom
doesn't last long because there was e-gold like a flash of brilliance. Funny
how things pop up just when you need them.

I couldn't sell a glass of water to a billionaire lost in the desert so why
try? I can sympathize with e-gold's position about marketing in a similiar
way. It's GOLD for crying out loud. Everybody wants it in the first place,
in the second place it's not exactly hiding under a mountain like a mute
earthworm. If I had come across in some type of marketing campaign or
whatever I would have been immediately suspicious as would Bill Gates if he
saw me trotting up with a glass of water while he crawled on all fours. I
may be optomistic but I don't think e-gold really needs marketing. It always
seems to come off as another Gold this or superlative gold that if you're
not careful and detracts from the fact that it is just a simple and painless
way to exchange gold. In my mind anyway. A user's point of view.

Spammers come from another world. That's why no one understands them.


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[e-gold-list] Re: JPM is responsible!

2003-08-16 Thread Joseph Firmino
> It's interesting to note that the 3rd payment I ever received in e-gold,
> was from JPM, as a "welcome" bonus gram, after I brashly declared I was
> going to make a mark on the [e-gold] world.
> Graham Kelly CEO

What a generous bunch.

My first payment was from Douglas Jackson. Memo: For my "inconvenience" he
sent me $25.00 worth of e-gold. I don't remember what the inconvenience was.
It must have had something to do with my InExchange of $80.00 as that is the
only other transaction I had at the time.

Come to think of it I was really impressed and I've never had the chance to
thank him. So thank you Douglas L. Jackson.


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[e-gold-list] Re: first transaction, and thoughts on auto-verification

2003-08-15 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Well, I'm not inclined to brag but Jim Ray seems to want to give a gram
> to the earliest batch number, so here's mine:
> 10/29/97 20:20 InExchange
> Batch #595
> Gold +0.936680 300.00 USD

Me either but here's a useless batch number just in case no one is paying
attention and I get the gram.

Batch #542
Gold +0.243730 80.00 USD



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[e-gold-list] Re: Dear God, Another rip?!

2002-12-11 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Daniel wrote:
> >Sorry to hear of the rip for the loaves and fishes CAPULIN dropped
> >to the same or similar scammers.. perhaps we socially conscious type,
> >heartfelt folks, are dumber than rocks?!?
> Let's just say unaware of the dangers.  I'm very sorry these lessons have
> been so expensive.  Let's do everything we can to keep gold out of the
> hands of thieves.
> -- Patrick
> http://fexl.com

Sometimes I'm inclined to agree with Patrick in a way. After all, it was all
going to be given away in one form or another and when you stop to consider
this in an ordinary way you can't help coming to the same conclusion. I
don't really feel this way but it is a rational conclusion.

As far as unaware goes the person involved couldn't understand why he fell
for it himself. He admitted that it looked bogus and also makes a practice
of ignoring attachments etc. I can say I would never had let it happen to me
but how many times have I clicked on the wrong icon two or three times in a
row before I realize what I'm doing? Too many.
It may be a dumb trick sending out all these ridiculous emails but they are
only ridiculous when you see them for what they are. The only trouble is
they don't come with a big sign that says "Look I'm Phony". Even if they did
a good percentage of people would have their curiosity pinched just enough
to fall into the trap.

Live and learn I guess.


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[e-gold-list] Another rip

2002-12-10 Thread Joseph Firmino
I was informed today that Loaves and Fishes account at e-gold was
unceremoniously wiped out by some rascal. The password was compromised (not
by me) through one of those emails that have been going around. This
particular one stated that Loaves and Fishes was the recipient of some type
of fraudulent donation and should investigate.

The person who received it, being somewhat taken aback, either opened an
attachment or logged in to a fake e-gold site. I'm not sure of the details.
At any rate nothing was found amiss until the next time he checked and found
nothing at all.

My intent here is not to whine and complain, it's just that I know that a
lot of you take great
pains with security and all and you like to know who you are dealing with. I
can't imagine someone actually trying to outexchange directly from Loaves
and Fishes account but in just case anyone did receive some type of payment
from Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen you should be aware that it did not come
from us.

E-gold has been notified and say they are looking into the matter.

Merry Christmas and thanks for all your kind donations.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Norfed Disclaimer

2002-12-01 Thread Joseph Firmino
>Fascinating, but it looks to me like the key clause is 'intended for use as
>current money'. If the money is being passed-off as US Dollars, then it
>looks like the law is being broken. All of Chapter 25 is concerned with
>counterfeiting and forgery.

I'm almost tempted to delve into this but it seems pretty obvious to me from
the start that what I'm supposed to think is that this law is just a fairly
simple representation of what the government considers counterfeiting but
it's just the same old story. The Government legally "reserves", "claims",
"usurps", "owns", and "possesses", the right to create money leaving the
rest of us to drown in debt if we want to use "their" money.

Of course there are plenty of examples of the reverse. It's not hard to
imagine a society becoming infused in debt only to be rescued by a few
industrious individuals who will never let them forget it.

Either way it's a long way back from Timbuctu but at least now I'll know
enough to say that all these various coins I have around the house are just
knick-knacks should anyone ask.


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[e-gold-list] Re: US Bank assistance

2002-10-28 Thread Joseph Firmino
> Can anybody on this list suggest a 'decent' US bank that has  REAL online
> banking or that accepts wires by fax?
> We need to be able to fully manage an account remotely, any chance?
> marco

SunTrust Bank

A clip from the section of the website that happened to include wire
transfers via Phone or PC: (see d. below)

Effective Cash Management is absolutely essential to your profitability.
That's why SunTrust Cash Management professionals work with you and your
Relationship Manager to develop customized solutions for your company.

Through your banker, they keep you informed on the latest technology,
industry trends and new ways to optimize your treasury management processes.

  a.. Wholesale Lockbox collects, processes and deposits
corporate-to-corporate payments, reducing your mail, processing and
check-clearing times - and improving your access to deposited funds.
  b.. Lockbox Image Browser lets you retrieve and display digitized images
of lockbox checks via your PC.
  c.. Cash Services will process and verify large cash and coin deposits. It
will also facilitate currency orders in either a branch or high-security
SunTrust vault facility.
  d.. Wire Transfer lets you use your PC or phone to quickly transfer funds
from one bank to another.
  e.. Cash Concentration consolidates funds from multiple bank depository
accounts to a master collection account on a periodic basis.
  f.. Direct Deposit Payroll Services can free your company from its most
labor-intensive disbursement activity.
  g.. Controlled Payment is a tool for increasing your control over check
payments. By enhancing controlled disbursement and positive pay, we've
reengineered the payment process. We ensure that only your issued checks are
paid, fraudulent activity is immediately identified and your account is
reconciled daily.
  h.. Disbursement Image Services let you retrieve and display digitized
check images of your disbursements using your PC. This provides instant
access and storage of critical data, which decreases handling costs and lets
you reengineer disbursement workflow. Services include Online Check History,
Online Disbursement Exceptions and CD-ROM Check Storage.
  i.. CD-ROM Services are a cost-effective alternative to storing paper
checks or using microfilm. You can truncate the delivery of checks and
retrieve paid check images for any disbursement account.
  j.. Zero Balance Accounts allow funds in multiple accounts to be
maintained at zero by electronically transferring funds to or from a single
master account.
  k.. Account Reconcilement uses an enhanced system to speed the
reconciliation of your SunTrust depository or disbursement account
  l.. Electronic Information Reporting allows you to initiate wire
transfers, view summary and detailed balance information, place stop payment
orders, request photocopies, and transmit data from a variety of SunTrust
PC-based services.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Quick, easy, critical... but clearly missing

2002-09-23 Thread Joseph Firmino

> As I continue to use e-gold for more and more "real"
> business transactions, one thing continues to stick out
> like a sore thumb:  Lack of an email confirmation sent
> from e-gold to both parties with all transaction details,
> under all circumstances.

I'm pretty sure they already have this in the SCI interface. For example:


Simply substitute your email address for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will receive
an email notification of a transaction posted to your account.

I realize you want a little more but there are other transaction interfaces
available in the Developer's Information on the e-gold main page
(http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/sci_home.html) that might have what you're
looking for.



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[e-gold-list] Re: Exchange rates

2002-09-21 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Can anyone help with this?
> I am looking for a site where I can pull the most recent
> exchange rates (ZAR/USD) from for use in one of my scripts
> - I am using Perl.

I've been using FXTrade at http://fxtrade.oanda.com/home.shtml . It's a
completely automated currency exchange service. ZAR is listed and they have
different options for things such as displaying their rates on your own page
etc. so it might be possible. The site is in JAVA but of course I have no
idea if this would work with Perl.

Since they are automated their costs are very low there is no commission to
trade. They make money from the spread which is very low (2-5 pips). They
will accept trades as low as USD$1.00 and accounts are based in USD.

I'm wondering if anyone is aware of this site. They target everyone from
travelers to large corporations.


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[e-gold-list] Re: e-specie

2002-08-25 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Does anyone have any experience or comments on e-specie.com?
> - John


I signed up out of curiosity. It's an advertising site that pays you
instantly in e-gold for setting your home page to their service. It worked
for a while and then I guess they had a few tech problems and the site went
down but out of laziness I left my computer set to e-specie.com. The past
couple of days they're back up and I have received 8 pages worth of payments
for viewing their page which has in the interim only contained a banner and
a note stating that would be back soon. I didn't realize I started my
browser so frequently.

I had expected lots of junk ads but was glad to see that they weren't all
that bad and a lot contained what could be considered useful info. The
advertising rates are also very reasonable although I havn't checked since
the site came back. I really don't mind getting a penny for looking at a
banner but I suppose a lot of people might consider it a pittance. On the
other hand it's gold not a penny anyway so I guess that makes all the
difference in the world to some people too.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Firmino

> He would need a pin number to clean out your account with an ATM. That's
> what he wouldn't need with an internet transaction, and why the ATM
> withdrawal is harder to reverse.

Maybe it would be a credit card then. I don't know because I've never used
mine to do a cash withdrawal.

At any rate this actually happened to various Wall St. businessmen unknown
to each other who happened to frequent some of the Big Apple's finer eating
establishments. Large amounts of cash were being withdrawn from their
accounts via ATMs in California and other far away places while they were
still eating at times so at least they had evidence that they were
elsewhere. This went on for a while until the credit card companies smelled
a rat and started investigating.

What they found was that the same thing was happening to folks dining at
some of the better California restaurants as well.
A thorough investigation revealed instances of waiters who were recruited by
the mob to secretively swipe the data from the patrons cards using little
hand held readers before the actual charge was processed. They received the
tidy sum of between $10 and $25 for each card returned to the mob who in
turn made clones. It's interesting to note that they didn't waste their time
targeting Hardees and McDonald customers. And Believe it or Not, you can buy
a clip on credit card reader on the internet that is disguised to look like
a pager.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Firmino

> But I'm not sure what the point would be really? Is it not
> easier to fund the e-gold account directly than to fund the card using a
> similar method then use it to buy e-gold...
> Any opinions?


Maybe I'm dreaming but I envision being able to buy e-gold in the shortest
time frame possible just to minimize the uncertainty of what price I will be
paying after the initial spend. That's really the biggest hangup for me. I
also don't like credit cards for much the same reason. I feel like I'm
jumping headlong into an unforseen future. I also prefer hard currency.
Regardless of the fact that to a provider a debit card is considered soft (I
didn't know you could do a chargeback via debit card) most people like
myself who are not trying to steal anything would simply view buying e-gold
as a cash transaction without the necessity of having to get into the nuts
and bolts of credit vs. debit which they could probably care less about
anyway. I guess I'm looking at it as more of an image issue but it shouldn't
be forgotten that a person's perceived image of you can be just as valid as
the image you present to them.

> As for debit cards being "grossly overlooked" or a "debit card being
> considered hard payment" well Joe, I'm afraid as merchants are
> concerned, debit cards and credit cards are exactly the same species and

I'll take that as coming straight from the horses mouth. On the other hand I
still view a debit card as a simple cash transaction on a level playing
field which is all I need like the majority of e-gold users unless they're
all exchange providers. If there is a common denominator here among all the
different currencies and systems it's the simple cash transaction aspect. I
tend to exaggerate for emphasis but it shouldn't hurt to stress the point.

> I didn't know GoldNow offered a two-way system, but in theory they
> could. You see accepting your own debit cards is entirely different,
> because if you issue them you can fix the rules regarding chargebacks
> and you also have much more information to check transactions against
> fraud.

I'm just going by Ian Green's previous post.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Firmino

> An exchange service can convert a hard payment to a softer payment, and
> hence can fund your debit card or PayPal account with your hard payment.
> However, an exchange service cannot perform the transaction in reverse
> without being targetted by internet thieves.

Well then I guess I'm just doomed to eating in expensive restaurants to have
my card swiped by a smiling waiter with a handheld reader on his belt that
is disguised to look like a pager so he can sell my account to the mob for
ten or fifteen dollars. Then I can give him a generous tip and wait until
later to discover that someone has cleaned out my ATM from halfway around
the world. It doesn't get any better.

But seriously, I'm not suggesting anything to facilitate thieves. After all,
plenty of providers do accept credit cards despite the risk, GoldNow has
their in/out debit card, and e-bullion has the cryptocard. I could also be
under the mistaken impression that a debit card is considered hard payment.
I guess it just depends on what side of the fence you're sitting on.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Firmino

> This sounds like the (Latvian) debit cards that Graham Kelly
> (www.GoldNow.st) sells. Apparently you can fund IN & OUT e-gold <> debit
> card at ATMs throughout the world. I remember him offering one for that
> price on this list a few months ago, having auctioned a few (that went for
> about that price), and having been selling them earlier for $99 or so.

No, I'm sure it had nothing to do with GoldNow or Latvia unless that info
was not included on the site although the principle would be the same.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-29 Thread Joseph Firmino

> > healthy inventory of e-gold but I really think you've cut the
> > boat in half.
> I'm not sure what you mean here.  Gold Age, for example, accepts
> money orders, Western Union, and even PayPal, which can be
> funded by credit card.  It is not direct funding, but it's damn
> close.  The fees are reasonable too.

I meant that a lot of exchange providers seem to be providing branded debit
cards to facilitate e-gold users wishes of cashing out e-gold but on the
other hand there seems to be a dearth of  those who will accept direct
payments from a (same?) debit card.

I once used an exchange provider who did accept direct payment online
through a debit card. (not a credit card although the credit card option was
also offered). To purchase e-gold all I had to do was enter my debit card
number on the site. I think I mentioned it on this list some time back but I
can't remember the name of the provider. Anyway the next time I accessed the
site they had dropped the option and I havn't seen anything like it
elsewhere until the other day when I came across a site that claimed to be
offering a debit card for $49.95 that could be used to fund your e-gold
account or withdraw cash at an ATM machine for much better rates than would
be charged for an ordinary cash withdrawal through credit card companies. I
was in a hurry and can't remember the name that one either but if they can
actually do what they say they're bound to pop up sooner or later.

> When buying any currency, including fiat currency, there is
> always an intermediary commission (both ways for fiat, and only
> one way for DGC's).  e-gold (via OmniPay) charges 4% to fund
> your e-gold account.  Gold-Age currently charges 3%.  So, in
> fact, exchange providers serve to decrease costs by making a
> market in digital currencies, by holding inventory (and taking
> the risks), etc.  They do this in the hopes of making a profit.

I realize that and I didn't mean to infer that anyone is scalping, only that
somehow it seems easy to come away with that impression.

> How can a market maker "take" your debit card?

Hmmm, it must be a peculiar Americanism. It means "to see" as in "Take it
for what it is." or "See it for what it is." I just think debit cards are an
option that is being grossly overlooked. Not that there aren't lots of ways
to purchase e-gold. Think about it. For years we have basically been trading
paper (money) for this and paper for that. Where or what has it in reality
led to? A big pile of paper? I think so. That's why we want digital
currencies. Obviously not so we can end up with a pile of hard drives but
because it's more accountable for itself than paper and a host of other very
valid reasons. So what do we do with our digits? Stick 'em in our debit
cards and buy e-gold. It couldn't be simpler.

> Again, this is not Cambist's fault.  This is a problem with the
> Postal Disservice.  Also, Cambist has other, faster ways of
> funding your account (I know because I used them).  Many
> exchange providers, for example, will accept direct cash
> deposits (as does Cambist and Gold Age).  It's a fairly new
> industry, and it is getting more efficient all the time.

OK now I've learned something new. I didn't know about the direct deposits.
I'll have to check that out.



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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-28 Thread Joseph Firmino

> The problem is not with the exchange providers, but with the
> credit cards themselves.

Agreed but I 'm talking about "debit" cards as "cash" transactions. When I
want to buy e-gold I go to the Post Office and buy a money order with my
debit card which can also be used as a credit card. I see the complication
in verification on your part as well as having a way to keep youselves in a
healthy inventory of e-gold but I really think you've cut the boat in half.
When someone visits e-gold and sees that they're only going to have to pay a
max of  fifty cents to move "money" around they should be ecstatic. Then
they go to the market makers and it's an emotional bringdown. Not to mention
the fact that it makes you guys look like a percentage of malingering
scalpers :-)

What would be wrong at least giving a person the option of registering their
debit card with a market maker for verification?
Better yet, just take my debit card for what it is - cash. Don't try to
convince me otherwise because I won't take no for an answer.

Do you know that when my sister sends me letters from Rhode Island at the
other side of the country, it takes two days to get here but when I send
Cambist, a relatively short distance from where I am, a postal money money
order I'm lucky if they receive it in a week. I really can't live like this.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-28 Thread Joseph Firmino

> and because y'all are Christians, I was wondering if you had
> any insight about "selling" the idea of taking e-gold to the
> Christian community. If you have any thoughts on this matter,
> Wanda (cced) and I would be very interested. We are about to
> reach out to this community locally with a luncheon, so your
> insight as a long-time account holder is appreciated. Thanks.

I'm glad to hear that. I suppose it would depend a lot on the particular
organization(s) you are dealing with. Loaves and Fishes is non
denominational Christian so we naturally deal a lot with other groups. I
find that for the most part they are as diverse in their objectives as a
slew of companies on the NYSE. Some will be gung-ho on soliciting donations
and others will be content to accept what is offered without a lot of
hoopla. We're sort of like e-gold in that we'll deal with everybody but we
don't advertise much except to send a monthly newsletter to our regular
donors. This is not a plug but we have accepted things like cars, boats,
stocks, e-gold, old clothes and used furniture.

If you want to get a good corporate view of charitable organizations I
suggest you visit GuideStar http://www.guidestar.org/index.jsp. You can
check the financials of just about any non-profit org. and get more info if
the organization is registered with them. They also handle both sides of the
equation donor/donee on a large scale. Looking up info is free.

By the way, I 'm not overly concerned with this debit card thing but it sure
would make things a lot easier. If I was in a position to do so it would be
#1 on my list having something to do with the shortest distance between two
points. I'm reall surprised that more of the market makers don't offer this
option. I really don't see any other way to go (foward that is).

Hope this helps.


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[e-gold-list] Re: We can fund your debit cards!

2002-07-28 Thread Joseph Firmino

Sorry e-forexgold. I meant to send this to the list.

[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] workman worthy of his wages

2002-06-02 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Again, anyone who can do so, please simply state in English typing
> what that "extra" gold in the trust is.
> (If you don't DEFINITIVELY KNOW, type nothing)


3.1The Trustees shall hold the Trust Fund and the income thereof
upon the trusts and with and subject to the powers and provisions contained
in this Trust.

It would appear that the spend fees ("the income thereof ") are added to the


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via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

[e-gold-list] Xtran Money Transfers

2002-05-09 Thread Joseph Firmino

This seems to be similiar to whatever it is a few of you have been mulling
As far as I can see it's anonymous, cash based, reasonably secure, cheaper
and faster than a bank wire and seems to be looking for a market maker or

"An Xtran customer provides the retail clerk with money to be transferred
plus the fee and selects a PIN (Personal Identification Number) that is
unique to the particular transaction, then receives a printed transaction
receipt, including a complimentary 5-minute international phone card;

The Automated Bank Capture and Settlement Software (ABCs) automatically
debits the bank account of the merchant and credits the payout agent at the
customer designated location;

The sending customer uses his/her complimentary 5-minute calling card to
notify the recipient that funds have been dispatched and recipient collects
funds using the PIN at an XTRAN payout location.

The entire process takes under a minute!"


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[e-gold-list] Re: Is e-gold income taxable?

2002-03-23 Thread Joseph Firmino

> You hav eto have the person's Social Securtiy number to file a 1099-Misc,
> don't you?
>  Julie



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[e-gold-list] Re: Is e-gold income taxable?

2002-03-23 Thread Joseph Firmino

> What your tax software is telling you is that the subsequent
> sale of the gold in exchange for fiat is taxable as a capital
> gain or loss.

OK, let's not get all turned around the tax-go-round here. I knew it was a
capital gain before I entered it on Schedule D Capital Gains and Losses so
my software didn't really tell me anything which isn't the point I was
trying to make.
Which is: The tax code is ambiguous enough to let you err in their favor.
Suppose your tax rate is 32% or so and you don't bother to classify your
gold exchanges correctly or should I say effectively? You would end up
paying the 32% rate and they will never bother to correct you. Whereas if
you read the fine print, it tells you that the "fiat" currency generated by
the purchase and sale of collectibles (metals) can only be taxed at 28% max.
This year it's going down "accordingly".

On another note- if the taxman were to allow us claim our e-gold
transactions as Barter I could say here is a REALLY stupid taxman.

I am acquainted with a real tax proffessional and we discuss these
abiguities occasionally. His advice to me?
"You're so far down on the list of important audits that it will never
Seriously though, my tax software is Income Tax for DUMMIES and its
indispensable for people who can't put two sticks together without a

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[e-gold-list] Re: Is e-gold income taxable?

2002-03-23 Thread Joseph Firmino

Again, it's based on the market value of gold at the time that
payment was made.  You should keep good records.  If you paid
someone $700 in gold in 2002, then you must file form 1099-MISC
by January 31, 2003.  I believe gold/silver sales are excluded
from 1099-b (barter) reporting.

For what it's worth, my tax software says metals and some other things are
classified as a collectible with a note.

"* 28% gain or loss includes ALL collectibles gains and losses and up to 50%
of the eligible gain on qualified small business stock."  Schedule D

Of course this is the maximum for "collectibles".


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[e-gold-list] Re: Fwd: Market Maker Rates?

2002-03-22 Thread Joseph Firmino

Sorry Jim, I meant to send this to the list.

Dear Joe,

Thanks for the very kind words to the list!  It has already
resulted in several customer inquiries.


No problem Jim. It's what I was trying to do. I've seen your plugs for
Cambist but I always got the impression it was more of a facility for market
makers to diddle around with their inventory so I never really looked
closely until I decided to do some digging around. It didn't take long to
see what's what.

If anyone is interested, they should take a good look at
http://www.golddirectory.com/e-gold.htm . You'll have to visit the sites
individually (quite a few) but I think there is a good variety of Exchange
Services with competitive rates. I looked at a lot of them before getting to
Jim's site and I didn't find any that came close to Cambist. (No offense
everyone else)

Now let's quit complaining about what a hassle it is to buy gold and get in
touch with Jim Davidson at www.Cambist.net .


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[e-gold-list] Market Maker Rates?

2002-03-21 Thread Joseph Firmino

I've had an e-gold account for years now and believe it or not I really
havn't found a need to use scads of wile and/or whatever to get my money
turned into gold. (my primary objective) On the other hand I can't really
see the use in paying 15% for a convenience transaction even if I understand
the reasoning behind it.

I see a lot of posts about who is cheaper, better, faster etc. and I just
want to give a plug to Cambist.net Exchange Services. I even got an email
confirmation of my order. Check out these rates. I paid a fee of only $3.09
for $202.91 worth of gold.
Great service too.

e-metalĀ® payment confirmation: Batch 5693580
Paid To:  100414 (Joseph E Firmino)
Amount:  202.91 US Dollars' worth of Gold
Memo:  pmt for money order
From:  266279 (Gold Barter Holdings)
Actual payment weight = 0.692999 oz. (21.554667 grams)
Applicable Conversion factors:
1 oz. troy = 31.1034768 grams
Gold exchange rate = 292.80USD/oz.
The e-metal payment was successful.

Thanks for your order.  Your effective cost was spot plus 1.5%.



Thank You Jim Davidson,


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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Here we go again....(scam alert!)

2002-03-05 Thread Joseph Firmino

> I vaguely remember hearing that there was actually a concerted effort in
> Nigeria to destabilize Western economies through rampant fraud.  I don't
> remember where I heard this or how reliable it was, though.  The simple
> desire for immoral profit is probably the motive for most of these "I want
> to deposit millions of dollars into your bank account" scams.

I would be very careful with these people. It may seem ridiculous to us but
the Nigerians are very serious about getting your money. I saw documentary
once about two Ministers (the religious kind) from South Carolina who sadly
fell for a similiar Nigerian scam, actually travelled to Nigeria to meet
with the scammers and were prompthly kidnapped for ransom. The CIA had to go
and get them back.

I say what do you expect from a country that is so corrupt that even the
garbage collectors don't work and get paid anyway. I saw pictures of the
capitol city where mountains (mountains two stories high and growing daily)
of garbage co-existed with the skyscrapers throughout the city. At the time
people were just throwing the trash out the window. You couldn't even see
the sidewalks and the streets were slowly disappearing.

And I thought New York looked bad during the garbage strike.


Donate e-gold to a worthy cause

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[e-gold-list] Re: funding e-gold

2001-12-04 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Hi all
> Who takes credit/debit cards or paypal to fund egold.

OffshoreMetals http://www.offshoremetals.com/ Accepts PayPal debit cards,
credit cards, GoldMoney, NOCHEX AND WebMoney. I've used My PayPal debit card
twice with a minimum of fuss.


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http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html lets you observe the e-gold system's activity now!

[e-gold-list] RE:RE: Funbond Yields -- Options/Futures?

2001-11-21 Thread Joseph Firmino

- Original Message -
From: "GoldCom Admin." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> While I haven't traded commodities futures, I have fiddled around with
> options (which
> apply to equities) and my uderstanding is that options are essentially
> the same thing
> as futures --"a contract giving you the 'option' to buy or sell
> something at a specified
> 'future' date".

I am under the impression that an option contract grants a person the right
but not the obligation to purchase whatever is specified in the contract, be
it stocks or commodities.

When you purchase a futures contract, you are -obligated- to make good on
the terms of the contract. If you buy a future for oil, you can expect the
amount of oil specified in the contract to be delivered to your doorstep (in
barrels) at the time/price specified in the contract unless you sell the
contract to someone else, either before it's too late or for a profit.

An options contract will be allowed to expire worthless at the specified
time/date if you do not "opt" to buy or sell the given product. Likewise you
can always sell you option to someone else.



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http://www.e-gold.com/stats.html lets you observe the e-gold system's activity now!

[e-gold-list] OffshoreMetals.com

2001-10-29 Thread Joseph Firmino


I tried out the site and was fairly impressed. Anyone wanting to do quick
(10 min.) e-gold purchases should check this site out.

I transferred $25.00 from my paypal debit card to OSM to e-gold with a fee
of only $1.42 due to the difference in the price spread between e-gold and
OSM. There were enough security checks to make me comfortable and they
accept various forms of payment etc.

What I like that is different from the usual market makers is that your cash
money sits in your account until you transfer it to e-gold or what have you.

I was also surprised to find that it's from the same people who run xodds.
Although I never could scratch a dime from xodds (well maybe a dime) I
breezed through this trip like a bird.


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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] Re: e-gold Directory

2001-10-15 Thread Joseph Firmino

Thanks Jay,
That's speedy service.
I don't feel so lost and all alone now.

I think I used http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/contact.html . 


- Original Message - 
From: "Jay W." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "E-Gold Discussion List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 8:36 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: e-gold Directory

> hey joe - i just had it updated it to the correct link
> you provided below.
> what email address did you send your initial request to?
> e-gold directory page:
> http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/links.htm
> jay w.

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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] e-gold Directory

2001-10-15 Thread Joseph Firmino

I don't want to sound like a whiner and in fact we are grateful to have our
site included in the e-gold directory. I just wish whoever is responsible
would get the URL right.

It's a re-direct to http://home.att.net/~lfsk/main.html since we changed
locations awhile back to avoid a price change at the other place. Anyway I
contacted e-gold a while back (twice), no answer, maybe I used the wrong

I always think a dead link on a page conveys a hole in the head attitude.
What should I do?


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Did you know that e-metal is a wonderful holiday gift? Avoid the hassle this year! 

[e-gold-list] Re: GBC

2001-08-18 Thread Joseph Firmino

- Original Message -
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 9:53 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: GBC

> In that thought experiment, in what sense would you say "egold is
> backed by gold" or "has a reserve of gold" or whatever -- it just
> doesnt mean anything.  > Enough of this!

OK! I agree, I wouldn't and I think the whole idea of having to back a
currency is absurd in the first place. I am, however,  getting the distinct
impression that e-gold is somehow being "thought" of as a digital currency
or DBC or GBC regardless of how incorrect it is. Unfortunately, how we think
of things can blindly takes precedence after the fact.

I'm not questioning the obvious; I'm just trying to wring it out a little.

We accept e-gold.

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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] Re: GBC

2001-08-18 Thread Joseph Firmino

> e-gold isn't and has never been backed by gold. It can't be. It's
> a payment system. What's so hard to understand about this. So what
> if people are calling e-gold a GBC. The terminology doesn't decide
> what reality is. It's the payment system that allows gold itself
> to circulate electronically. Gold is not backed by gold. Gold can't
> be backed by gold.

Shouldn't we take this one step further and realize that what is circulating
is not
actually the gold which stays in one place at least as far as account to
account transfers
but rather the "currency" in this case is the digital exchange of ones and
zeroes generated
buy computers. Hence we have our exchange of digital currency with a backing
of gold
excepting instances of actual bailment of physical metal.

It seems a bit nit-picky to me but I have also noticed how this concept can
escalate in certain
cases. I don't think it's just a matter of semantics.


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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

[e-gold-list] Re: in praise of xodds...

2001-08-01 Thread Joseph Firmino

> > In practice IMHO it feels very much like trading futures or options.
> Sort of.  The choices are a little more casino-like.  Kind of like
> sports betting.
> Adopting Black-Scholes to some of the more bizarre choices given
> must have been a bit challenging.
> I think I might give Xodds a whirl.

I think I'll stick with Fun-Bets.

Somewhere on the xodds site there is a stipulation that prohibits residents
of Hong Kong from playing unless they are professional traders.
I'm not from Hong Kong but I can take a hint.

I'm sure you guys will all come out big winners though.



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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke & mouse-
click "sniffing" trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: XOdds (or TradeOdds) - comments?

2001-08-01 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Guys:
> Comments (good or bad) on XOdds "betting" on Forex/Stocks/Metals?
> I guess what I really want to know is if they are reputable.
> If I win, will I get my money?
> I've been doing futures for years.  It looks like these guys
> are calculating option positions, and taking the short side
> (yeah, it's a little more complex than that, but let me simplify).

Whether or not they pay I don't know because I only tried the free version
to figure out the game.

I'm no expert but after a couple of months wrangling with their system and
losing huge amounts of money I tend to with your assessment of them taking
the short side.
Their explanation of "fixed-odds trading" made me think there would be a
little room to squeeze
out a few easy bucks but if it's there, I didn't find it.



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Did you know that the new e-gold Secure Random Keypad can
help you to protect your passphrase from both keystroke & mouse-
click "sniffing" trojan viruses? You can find out more about computer
security at: http://www.cert.org/tech_tips/home_networks.html 

[e-gold-list] Re: Gold Bar weights

2001-07-26 Thread Joseph Firmino

> If it is possible to produce a 1kg bar, why is it impossible to produce a
> 12.5kg (400 oz) bar?

I saw this explained on a late night documentary about gold production and
other gold related miscellany.
The reason is that the consistancy of the molten gold prevents it from being
cast into precisely 400 oz.

There was also disheartening news for all the diligant decimal pointers. As
the show went on we were taken to the Federal Reserve of New York,
reportedly holding the most gold in the world or somewhere. It was amazing
to see all that gold stacked up to the ceiling. The workers were loading up
pallets with gold bars which were to be shipped somewhere else.

The full pallets, about four feet square as well as high, made their way by
forklift to the loading dock where a large armored truck waited. Then
something unbelievable happened that I still can't believe. They just DUMPED
the whole pile into the truck like a load of rotten potatoes, kicking at the
bars that happened to fall in the way of others. In the middle of what I
considered to be a very gruesome scene, the narrator bantered on in has
narrator monotone something to the effect of "We don't really use this stuff
any more." The tour was then taken to the ultra modern central clearing
house through which all of the world's money flowed effortlessly through
multi billion dollar computers, to and from foreign countries, banks, and as
a matter of fact there isn't a penny in the world that isn't accounted for
through the magnificent clearing house.

The next time I see a penny on the ground it's staying there.

Loaves and Fishes has moved to http://home.att.net/~lfsk/main.html if
anybody cares to throw a few scraps our way.


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[e-gold-list] Re: E-Gold New Story 7/10/01

2001-07-10 Thread Joseph Firmino

Let me see if I have this right.

Instead of transferring conventional dollars and cents as payment for
various items (securities etc.) through the established maze. You just send
a digital gold certificate which represents title to a certain amount of

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


You may donate any amount of e-gold to:

- Original Message -
From: "David Hillary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 3:59 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: E-Gold New Story 7/10/01

> "He added that the absence of credit risk exposure in using digital gold,
> rather than a traditional hard currency, could also change the way
> markets did business -- for example, in allowing the immediate settlement
> securities trades and the clearing of multiple dissimilar financial
> What does this mean?
> David Hillary
> ---
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[e-gold-list] Re: Building web traffic for the gold economy

2001-07-03 Thread Joseph Firmino

I'm pretty sure it says on the site that you can use any URL you like. Yours
or your friend's etc. I imagine you could put e-gold's URL if you wanted but
I suppose it would be a good idea to get the permission of whoever else's
site other than your own that you will send hits to.

I signed up yesterday and didn't have a problem understanding it. They will
automatically set startblaze.com as your browser home page or you can do it
yourself through the tools/internet options section of your browser.

Each time your browser starts you will be shown someone's website. When you
have viewed 6 websites, the website you have submitted as your own will be
shown on someone else's browser.

I bet you have that figured out by now.

- Original Message -
From: "David Hillary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 1:03 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Building web traffic for the gold economy

> Sorry Ken, I have trouble figuring out what URL I am supposed to use
> my homepage to participate. Can you help me and anyone else having
> difficulty following the scheme?
> David Hillary
> - Original Message -
> From: Ken Griffith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 1:36 AM
> Subject: [e-gold-list] Building web traffic for the gold economy
> > A major part of helping the gold economy to continue to grow is to
> > new people about the advantages of using gold digital currencies.
> >
> > I am in the process of writing a series of articles for The Gold Economy
> > aimed at doing this.  The first one is located here:
> > http://www.goldbankone.com/content.php?page_id=5
> >
> > I would appreciate any feedback from the members of this list on how to
> > improve the article or add anything I might have left out.  You are also
> > welcome to use the article on your own web page as long as you include a
> > link to The Gold Economy (www.goldeconomy.com).
> >
> > Another point of interest is a new web traffic building program called
> > Startblaze.  If several gold economy businesses and web sites joined
> > Startblaze (which is free) it would get gold economy businesses being
> viewed
> > by thousands of people who have probably never been exposed to it.
> it
> > is free, the only cost is viewing the Startblaze home page when you
> > open your web browser.  To check out the program click the following
> > http://www.startblaze.com/cgi-bin/intro.cgi?39005
> >
> > Ken
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
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> > To unsubscribe send a blank email to
> ---
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[e-gold-list] Re: Charlotte's Story

2001-06-07 Thread Joseph Firmino

In my haste I neglected to thank those of you who put aside your
reservations about what's real & what's not and sent Loaves & Fishes some of
your hard earned sweat. It will be put to good use.


- Original Message -
From: Joseph Firmino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 8:18 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Charlotte's Story

> > This brings to mind another question, though. How could anyone
> > prove that Charlotte's site, or that soup-kitchen/ministry, aren't
> > scams? It's somewhere between hard and impossible to prove a
> > negative. My hope is that reputation in the community is valued
> > over the grams that could be obtained through a quick scheme.
> Thanks for the honorable mention.
> I had a clever reply prepared but I accidentally deleted it and I'm not
> doing it over because I have been taking the receptionist's place all
> afternoon at Loaves and Fishes and I'm tired of answering questions. She's
> at her son's graduation from Navy swimmer rescue school or something like
> that.
> Basically we are a real soup kitchen, well known in the area, a member of
> the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, have a Judge and two Reverands on the
> Board of Directors. We work with the School Dept. and other area agencies.
> We are also well known as one of the better soup kitchens in the country
> among the homeless underground if that counts for anything.
> The Navy doesn't have a problem sending us donations neither do countless
> area grocers, delis, lawyers, little old ladies etc. Believe it or not we
> got a 600 pound blue marlin from The Pensacola Billfish Tournament a
> of years ago. They're illegal to sell you know.
> I'm not much of an arm twister never mind a scam artist so if you think
> gold is better off in your possession by all means keep it. Otherwise we
> will gladly accept your donations of whatever flavor at
> www.loavesandfishessoupkitchen.com .
> Still, are we really there or is this just a bunch of claptrap?
> Joe
> ---
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[e-gold-list] Re: America, no longer the land of the free.

2001-06-07 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Actually, Julian, in real life there are always criminals and sluggards no
> matter how harsh the punishments against it or how great the incentives
> to be.  The US legal system throws criminals in jail.  They used to have
> work in chain gangs.  That was slavery.

They still do. Have you been through the south (USA) lately? Chain gangs are
back although with a little "public outrage". Most people around here don't
really care because it's too hot to work too much anyway. The prisoners just
trudge around and complain about their rights and the uncomfortable chains
and the heat.

If that's not enough you have to pay to be in jail. You pay for food,
medical expenses, and room and board. It's only around $5.00/day not
including candy bars & medicine. If you don't have cash they bill you and
you pay your probation officer weekly or monthly when you get out.

Is this slavery?


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[e-gold-list] Re: Charlotte's Story

2001-06-07 Thread Joseph Firmino

> This brings to mind another question, though. How could anyone
> prove that Charlotte's site, or that soup-kitchen/ministry, aren't
> scams? It's somewhere between hard and impossible to prove a
> negative. My hope is that reputation in the community is valued
> over the grams that could be obtained through a quick scheme.

Thanks for the honorable mention.

I had a clever reply prepared but I accidentally deleted it and I'm not
doing it over because I have been taking the receptionist's place all
afternoon at Loaves and Fishes and I'm tired of answering questions. She's
at her son's graduation from Navy swimmer rescue school or something like

Basically we are a real soup kitchen, well known in the area, a member of
the Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, have a Judge and two Reverands on the
Board of Directors. We work with the School Dept. and other area agencies.
We are also well known as one of the better soup kitchens in the country
among the homeless underground if that counts for anything.

The Navy doesn't have a problem sending us donations neither do countless
area grocers, delis, lawyers, little old ladies etc. Believe it or not we
got a 600 pound blue marlin from The Pensacola Billfish Tournament a couple
of years ago. They're illegal to sell you know.

I'm not much of an arm twister never mind a scam artist so if you think you
gold is better off in your possession by all means keep it. Otherwise we
will gladly accept your donations of whatever flavor at
www.loavesandfishessoupkitchen.com .

Still, are we really there or is this just a bunch of claptrap?


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[e-gold-list] Re: omni, egold, price, expliciticity

2001-05-29 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Or indeed, are those rates set by e-gold, and Omnipay happens to
> choose to follow them?
> It's all quite confusing and non-formal, I believe.

If my memory is correct, in the beginning there were e-gold and GS&R only.
GS&R was the only market maker. Two quite distinct entities. It seemed
obvious to me that you paid GS&R's prices to buy the e-gold that somehow
ended up in your e-gold account with all the coins and and anything else
gold you might care to send GS&R to put in your account. Of course the
prices listed would be those of GS&R.

This format doesn't seem to have changed much from my viewpoint.

Needless to say this probably became too
cumbersome and Omnipay was born as the child of GS&R to serve as a more
simplified market maker. I suppose it was great for e-gold to be able to say
that they would actually send you the gold (though not necessarily the same
precious coin you sent) but a major pain in the butt for GS&R.

At least this is the way I understood it.

e-gold Donations Accepted at

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[e-gold-list] Re: Capital gains

2001-05-24 Thread Joseph Firmino

I don't see what the problem is unless you can't figure out the tax code. I
don't operate a business but I have lots of buys and spends because I'm a
dabbler and I only have to have to put up with my own mess. Nevertheless I
use Microsoft Money and count my ounces of gold as you would shares of
stock. I would prefer to disregard the dollar value altogether but I suppose
it's a good reference. When ever you do a spend that incurs capitol gain, a
screen pops up telling you how much tax will be due for the particular

Being sure that I had it all wrong, I asked a friend who is a tax
He's a stickler for going by the book and had to twist the thing into tax
language about "like kind trades" & more jargon. I was satisfied hearing
him say that he didn't think I should have any problem with my method even
if he didn't know how many tax professionals it takes to fill out a tax

Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen Inc accepts E-Gold

- Original Message -
From: Samuel Mc Kee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Capital gains

> Got a question for those running businesses, most especially those running
> E-Gold-only businesses. How are you handling the capital gains tax? Has
> anyone written any kind of specialized software to help with cap-gain
> recordkeeping in the E-Gold system? It seems to me capital gains
> calculations would quickly make E-Gold completely unworkable for a U.S.
> based business. Is anyone simply ducking the issue entirely (if so don't
> give your real name!) ?
> ---
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[e-gold-list] Re: HYIP mentality

2001-05-07 Thread Joseph Firmino

> Steven wrote:
> >>
> > Care to elaborate on that HYIP reference ?
> >> How many have you tried and what were their names.
> Precisely what I've been saying. The suckers who fall for HYIPs seem
> to lack the ability to discern that it's a scam, and when they are
> burnt lack the reasoning to understand why they were burnt (it was a
> scam, the people running it are crooks etc.) and see nothing foolish
> about immediately looking for a similar scheme to give more money to.
> In some ways it's similar to 'magical thinking' (as a psychologist
> would put it).

I watched a program last night about "Romeo" swindlers who con rich women
etc.and couldn't help noticing the similiarity to most other scams. You can
rarely convince Romeo that he has done anything wrong. He will insist that
he asked for the money and it was given to him. Basically that's about the
size of it. On the other hand everyone wants to know how the victim ever
fell into such a ridiculous trap.

The psycologist's explanation made more sense than most people would think.
He called it the "truth factor", which means that it is human nature to
assume that another is telling the truth. Otherwise it would be necessary to
question everything everybody says and does and in the process become a
world of very paranoid individuals.

I really had to laugh at the Romeo who conned a Lotus sports car (from Lotus
no less) and drove it all over Europe conning women along the way. He just
thought it was a big joke even as he sat in prison. Maybe that's what all
these scams are.. just a big joke. Everyone likes a good joke now and then
even if it's on them.

Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen accepts E-gold.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze!!!! Latest Update of EE-Ventures

2000-12-15 Thread Joseph Firmino

I don't mean to drag this out but the IRS has their own definition of the
terms they use. What they want is the minimum 15% tax from independant
contractors. I don't have a business relationship with 99% of the world but
that doesn't make me an independant contractor. That means I can't take a
deduction for cruising around in my Porsche trying to hustle up some
worldwide income.

You are right in your statement. It's just that your statement is only the
beginning of the inquisition the IRS will put you through to prove your
independant contractor status. The simple reason being that too many
companies were using it for a loophole. What they would say is, sure, we'll
hire you, but you will be considered an independant contractor. They weren't
necessarily trying to do anything illegal, just trying to make the most of
things. Why not?

It's like the home office deduction. Everbody with a typewriter and a spare
room wanted to take the home office deduction. Of course I'm speaking in
general terms because I don't have my IRS rules handy.You can look it up if
you like. There are four or five pretty much unbendable rules covering
independant contractor status.

- Original Message -
From: gary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 8:40 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze Latest Update of EE-Ventures

> The point is, that those participating in E-Biz are NOT working for
> E-biz and are NOT being paid any commission, there is absolutely no
> employer/employee relationship.
> Gary
> - Original Message -
> From: "Claude Cormier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 10:27 AM
> Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze Latest Update of EE-Ventures
> > Joe,
> >
> > I don't know about the IRS law in the US. But I know what Revenu
> > Canada is asking from all companies.
> >
> > Whenever a company (or an other constituent) is paying any sort of
> > commision to a Canadian or a foreigner working in Canada, the
> > company must collect all identification information from the person
> > receiving the money including his SSN. This person is
> > automatically considered as a part time employee
> ---
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[e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze!!!! Latest Update of EE-Ventures

2000-12-13 Thread Joseph Firmino

I don't see what it has to do with being an independant contractor in the
first place. The Gov't is very strict about classifications in this

I have done this type of work before and what they were more concerned about
were things such as job duties, who pays for supplies, and believe it or not
who is actually giving the orders and other details that will in essence
prove that you are the source of the earnings filed on you tax return rather
than some jive company who wants to claim that their employees are
"independant" (in the looser sense of the word) just to save them taxes. You
also pay higher taxes as an independant contractor than you would if you
were classified as an employee.

What this all has to do with investment clubs or programs or what have you,
I have no idea.

- Original Message -
From: Privacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 8:28 AM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Money Froze Latest Update of EE-Ventures

> Dear Linda,
> They may end up with an even bigger problem.
> They cannot be held legally responsible for obtaining a SSN from anyone
> pursuant to 31 CFR 103.34(a)(1) and 
> Under the Internal Revenue Code Section 6041, that they are not even
> required to provide any taxpayer identification numbers on the Form 1099
> that they file with the IRS at the end of the year, and 
> Pursuant to 26 CFR 301.6109-1(c) that they were under no legal obligation
> to obtain a SSN, and
> 42 USC 408 makes it a FELONY to use threat, duress, or coercion to try to
> force a person by fear or deceit to provide his SSN in an unlawful manner.
> Therefore, by withhold moneys due, they are creating a threat and duress,
> coercion and could have their hold operation shut down, be charged with,
> indicted, and tried for a crime.
> Anyone game?!
> Best,
> Privacy
> ___ Thank you for your message at 07:54 AM 12/13/00 -0500, Linda. Your
> message was:
> >Well, here it is with anybody that got into this program. I just
> >got a letter from administration and all money is froze. They won't be
> >paying until 85% of Independent Contractor Agreement forms are in.
> >That's 37,000 people that are going to have a very lean Christmas,
> >especially me!! Seems people sent in bogus tax#'s and they're claiming
> >they are responsible to pay these taxes. Anyone, wanting they're official
> >letter--write me for a copy. I figure it's going to take at least 2-3
> >weeks just for this development and think how long on catching up to pay
> >37,000. Well, this has tapped my investments!!!
> >
> >Linda
> >
> >---
> >You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> >
> >
> I informed them that the bank could not be
>  >held legally responsible by anyone for failing
>  >to obtain a SSN from me pursuant to 31 CFR
>  >103.34(a)(1) and
>  >
>  >3) I informed them that under the Internal
>  >Revenue Code Section 6041, that they were not
> 1 >even required to provide any taxpayer
>  >identification numbers on the Form 1099 that
>  >they file with the IRS at the end of the year,
>  >and
>  >
>  >4) I informed them that pursuant to 26 CFR
>  >301.6109-1(c) that they were under no legal
>  >obligation to obtain a SSN from me, and
>  >
>  >5) I informed them that 42 USC 408 makes it a
>  >FELONY to use threat, duress, or coercion to
>  >try to force a person by fear or deceit to
>  >provide his SSN in an unlawful manner.
>  >
> ---
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