Re: [Elecraft] Logging software advice

2014-07-02 Thread Jim Bennett
Another Mac user chiming -

My wife and I dumped our Dell / Windows computers about seven years ago and 
couldn't be happier. She now is using a MacBook Pro w/Retina display and I have 
two Mac's: a 27" iMac and an original version of the MacBook Air (MBA). When we 
got rid of the Dell's, I chose MacLoggerDX (MLDX). Another very good choice, 
IMHO. I started out running MLDX on the MBA, but because that poor old laptop 
is not capable of running the newest version of the Mac OS, I decided to move 
my MLDX over to the iMac. Still use the MBA for portable use; I log my QSO's on 
it and then export 'em and import 'em over on the iMac when we get home.

I'm quite happy with MLDX and the support that is provided by the author - Don 
Agro / VE3VRW. The software has NEVER failed in all the time I've been using 
it. I'd recommend it to anyone who is looking to move from PC to Mac. I believe 
there is a trial version available. Whether it works well for you may depend on 
what kind of operating you do. I an not a big contest operator. I had been on a 
quest for 5BWAS the past three years and spend some time operating in the ARRL 
SS, ARRL 160m, ARRL 10m contests, looking for needed states. I occasionally 
chase DX and have been known to waste an hour or so of my life trying to bust a 
pileup now and then! About 90 percent of my operating is CW, and the past 
couple months I've been using WSJT-X to operate my K3 on the JT65 and JT9 
modes. I use MLDX for occasional rig control, but that's about it. For me, it 
is primarily a logging program and something that allows me to keep track of my 
9BWAS and DXCC totals.

FWIW - I have a K3 and a KX3 and MLDX plays very well with both of these rigs.

Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA

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Re: [Elecraft] RF in the Trees

2014-06-27 Thread Jim Bennett
Doug - I've been using an 88 foot long doublet at 45 feet for about four years 
- works very, very well on 40-6 meters. It tunes on 80 but I have an inverted L 
I use there. Currently I feed it with about 110 feet of 450-ohm ladder line and 
a Current Designs 4:1 balun, and then about ten feet of RG-8X into the shack. 
My only complaint is that the SWR jumps all over the place when it's raining, 
which it normally does here in this part of the state in the winter. I may go 
back to 600-ohm open wire line later this summer. But other than that, the 
88-foot doublet is a good performer. BTW - mine is made out of #26 "silky coat" 
wire from The Wireman in SC - I have to keep it "stealthy", but have no problem 
running 500w to it from my Elecraft K3/KPA500.

Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA

On   Friday, Jun 27, 2014, at  Friday, 10:40 AM, Doug Person via Elecraft wrote:

> Now I'm thinking of what would be the best "all-band" antenna for the K2 
> which is my secondary operating position in the living room where I can give 
> demos to visitors.  I'm thinking of giving the 88 foot doublet fed with 300 
> ohm twinlead a try.
> Doug -- K0DXV

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Re: [Elecraft] K3: Data A Mode on 6M

2014-06-26 Thread Jim Bennett
Yes - I reversed it and it does stay in normal mode.

Thanks Wayne!

On   Thursday, Jun 26, 2014, at  Thursday, 11:41 AM, Wayne Burdick wrote:

> Jim,
> The K3 uses up-conversion 6 m, which inverts the sidebands. It should stay in 
> NORM data mode on 6 meters once you've un-reversed it using the ALT switch.
> 73 Wayne
> Six
>> On Jun 26, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>> I've been using WSJT-X for JT65 and JT9 on the HF bands for several months 
>> with my K3, along with cocoaModem for PSK31. All three modes were set up 
>> with the rig in Data A mode and everything worked fine. I'd like to try JT65 
>> on six meters but I'm seeing a different display on the K3 - it was always 
>> going into REV when I set it to DATA A. I can switch it out of REV mode 
>> easily enough but I'm wondering why it defaulted to that? I have seldom 
>> operated on this band and did not intentionally set it to REV. How is is 
>> supposed to be set up for normal DATA A on six meters?
>> Thanks, Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] K3: Data A Mode on 6M

2014-06-26 Thread Jim Bennett
I've been using WSJT-X for JT65 and JT9 on the HF bands for several months with 
my K3, along with cocoaModem for PSK31. All three modes were set up with the 
rig in Data A mode and everything worked fine. I'd like to try JT65 on six 
meters but I'm seeing a different display on the K3 - it was always going into 
REV when I set it to DATA A. I can switch it out of REV mode easily enough but 
I'm wondering why it defaulted to that? I have seldom operated on this band and 
did not intentionally set it to REV. How is is supposed to be set up for normal 
DATA A on six meters?

Thanks, Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] Fwd: KE7X KX3 Book and Configuring: KX3, K3, KPA500, and KAT500

2014-04-23 Thread Jim Bennett

> Let me add my two pesos to this discussion.
> I have my KX3 and K3 sharing the KPA500 and KAT500 per Fred's book. I noticed 
> the same strange stuff happening as in the original post when I first got my 
> station set up. One could go through a lot of hoo-ha trying to connect / 
> disconnect things but for me, there was a fairly simple way to get 'er done -
> If I have been using the K3 with the amp/tuner and I want to use the KX3, the 
> first step is to power off the amp, then power off the K3. I then power on 
> the KX3 and flip the two position coax switch over to the KX3. Power on the 
> amp and press the desired band button on the amp. If you are going to use the 
> same band as you did on the K3 all is ready. If you are going to a different 
> band, then one small "shot" of RF (hit the dah side of your keyer paddle) is 
> all it takes and you are good to go. That shot of RF is so the KAT500 is on 
> the same page as your KX3! I've been doing this for months and it works fine 
> for me.
> Jim / W6JHB
> On   Tuesday, Apr 22, 2014, at  Tuesday, 10:18 PM, Jack Brindle wrote:
>> There appears to be some misconceptions in this discussion. First, the 
>> information flow from the K3 to the KPA only occurs on the band lines and 
>> the key line. Auxbus communications is one-way, from the KPA to the K3. The 
>> KPA does not listen on the Auxbus.
>> There is also something else going on that is in play here. When the K3 is 
>> powered off, the pull-ups on the band lines (and the key line, I believe) 
>> continue to work. They continue to pull the lines to Vcc. But with the K3 
>> off, Vcc is now 0 volts. This means that a short time after the K3 powers 
>> off the KPA will see all zeros on the band lines, and will switch to 60 
>> meters. After this, RF coming into the KPA will cause it to switch to the 
>> appropriate band, and all band switching will occur with incoming RF as long 
>> as the band lines do not change.
>> Of course, there is one other signal in play here. The Key line is important 
>> since it causes the KPA to switch into transmit. We have seen the K3 pull 
>> the Key line to ground at times, which just may be what you are seeing. If 
>> the KEY line is active, the KPA will not switch from STBY to OPER. For this 
>> to happen the KEY line must be high.
>> The best way to connect two transceivers to the KPA is to use a physical 
>> switch to select the transceiver. A five-pole two position switch will do 
>> for the band and key lines, plus a coax switch of the RF.
>> In short, you may get things to work with the description from Fred’s book. 
>> But if the key line becomes driven low by the “off” transceiver for any 
>> reason, you can expect weird things to happen.
>> Jack Brindle, W6FB
>> Elecraft Engineering
>> On Apr 22, 2014, at 5:04 PM, Phil Hystad  wrote:
>>> Don,
>>> OK, I may be expecting too much.  Actually, I am not sure if I was 
>>> expecting as much as I was a little bit surprised by the behavior.  I 
>>> didn't think that the KPA500 and KX3 communicated with each other other 
>>> than RF and Key line but maybe that was enough of a difference from the K3. 
>>>  The K3 of course in my case has the AUX cable connections with the KPA500 
>>> and KAT500.
>>> It is not a big deal as long as this is the way it is expected to work.  I 
>>> was not sure if I had done something wrong or not.
>>> But, just picked up W1AW/5 MS QRP power with the KX3.  Actually, it was 
>>> about 6 watts.  
>>> 73, phil, K7PEH
>>> On Apr 22, 2014, at 4:57 PM, Don Wilhelm  wrote:
 I think you may be expecting too much.
 Consider a parallel - a computer communicating with a printer.  If you 
 suddenly switch the printer cable to another computer, would you expect 
 the printer to continue printing without any intervention?
 The "printer" in this comparison is the KPA500 and the two "computers" are 
 the K3 and the KX3.
 It is not unreasonable IMHO to expect that a reset of the KPA500 would be 
 If the KPA500 were simply an amplifier with no communications capability 
 with the driving transceiver, switching from one source of RF input to 
 another should proceed without regard to whatever is the driving device, 
 but your KPA500 is more than "just an amplifier" because it can 
 communicate with the K3 or KX3 driving transceiver. Expecting the KPA500 
 to switch data streams from two different transceivers with no intervening 
 reset is not realistic.
 Don W3FPR
 On 4/22/2014 7:41 PM, Phil Hystad wrote:
> So, is this normal behavior?  I wasn't expecting any kind of comms 
> between the K3 and the KPA500 that affects the STBY/OPER switching.  It 
> does seem that a power on/off cycle for the KPA500 is required to enable 
> that switch.
> Is this designed to work this

Re: [Elecraft] 2 meter amp for K3 or KX3

2014-04-16 Thread Jim Bennett
I second Joel's comments - it is a fun amp to build and operate. I put mine 
together last year and it has been a nice addition to my station. I drive it 
with my K3.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014, at  Wednesday, 11:28 AM, Joel Hallas wrote:

> The problem with most 2 meter "brick" type amplifiers, is that while they
> may have an "SSB" switch position, it generally only changes the TR
> switching method, and doesn't make them linear. The only medium-power 2 M
> amp I found that was linear, while we were testing them for QST was the
> Tokyo Hy-Power 300 W amp, that was in a whole different price category from
> the bricks, until they discontinued it.
> While transmit linearity may not be a big deal for casual operation, the
> consequences of transmit IMD for other folks in busy areas during a VHF
> contest (about the only time people around here are on 2 M SSB) can be as
> severe as on the HF bands. Since I couldn't seem to generate any interest
> from Eric and Wayne in offering a suitable amplifier, I commissioned Jim
> Klitzing, W6PQL to come up with a lower power version of his excellent 2
> meter kilowatt that he published in QST. He did, and you can read about it
> in:
> May 2013 - QST (Pg. 30)
> Build a Linear 2 Meter 80 W All Mode Amplifier
> It can put out 100 W on CW, 80 W on SSB, with HF like IMD. It is fairly
> simple because it is based on a single amplifier module, and costs less to
> build than a brick. For this application, you can eliminate the automatic
> switching circuitry, although it doesn't take much, and then can be used
> with your FM handheld. It doesn't include a preamp because the K3 has a
> better NF than most preamps.
> It can operate at almost any input level (including that of the KX3 2 meter
> mod, I believe) by setting the input attenuator. Because its current drain
> is less than the K3 during 100 W transmit, it can be run from the same power
> supply, since the K3 HF PA is off when on 2 meters. I have one and have been
> very happy with it. I believe Jim offers various parts kits on his website.
> You do have to remember to switch it off when you go to 6 meters, since the
> amp quiescent current is high enough when the PTT switches to pop the PS
> breaker with 100 W on 6. You learn quickly.   
> Regards, Joel Hallas, W1ZR
> Westport, CT
> Subject: [Elecraft] Suggestions for a 2 meter amp?
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> I installed the internal 2 meter module in my K3 so now I'm in the
> market for a good Amplifier to bring it up to at least 100 watts.
> The K3 puts out 10 watts so the amp needs to be 10 Watts input
> Any Suggestions?
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Re: [Elecraft] Solving the heat problem in the KX3

2014-04-13 Thread Jim Bennett

I've run PSK31, JT9, and JT65 with my KX3 for several months, on and off. I'm 
mostly a CW guy, so was just dabbling in the JT modes in my chase of 5BWAS. 
Running the KX3 barefoot on digital was not a rewarding process for me. Almost 
everyone running PSK31 is doing so with 15 - 35 watts, so a 3-4 watt signal 
isn't going to make a lot of QSO's. I did, but they were few and far between. 
Even worse on the JT modes, where it is quite common practice to answer a CQ 
right on top of the caller's frequency. If you are running three watts to a 
marginal antenna and another guy is running 30 watts to a yagi, and you both 
answer a CQ on the same frequency, guess who gets the QSO...? :-(

So, I run my KX3 RF output into my KPA500 amp. I set the KX3 at about 2-3 watts 
output and this gives me about 20-25 watts out of the amplifier, which has 
given me pretty good success on the JT modes, along with PSK31. I use an 
88-foot long doublet, fed with ladder line so I quite often get stomped on by 
the multi-element yagi guys, but that's life. At least I stand a fighting 
chance at 25 watts. With the KX3 set at those power levels, I am able to run it 
all day with zero heating up issues. And of course, the KPA500 certainly has no 
problem with 25 watts output for the JT modes' 50 second transmit/key down 
transmissions. Don't know how the KXPA100 performs, but the '500 likes it.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Sunday, Apr 13, 2014, at  Sunday, 7:37 AM, Dick, WN3R wrote:

> I really appreciate everyone's contribution and effort in attempting to
> solve the extensive heat problem running digital modes. I continue to follow
> the discussions on a daily basis.
> I can appreciate the fact that while the KX3 has digital capacities, it was
> not designed with the matching RF capacity to handle the heat.  This caution
> was stated early on in the specs. So no surprise.
> However, it is clear that it would be desirable to be able to run
> continuously 10-20 watts in a digital mode.
> Perhaps, Elecraft will solve this problem and produce an official
> modification or method.  Right now, I am thinking the only currently
> supported solution is the purchase of the matching amplifier. With that
> said, please report your experiences running digital modes with the
> amplifier.  What power levels are acceptable without causing a heat problem
> in neither the radio nor the amp?
> Thanks guys,
> 73, Dick, WN3R
> (I have lots of Elecraft gear)
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Re: [Elecraft] Curious -- why is KXFL3 roofing filter an option on KX3 ?

2014-04-10 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Phil -

I've had my KX3 since Christmas of last year. Also have a fairly well 
decked-out K3. My KX3 does NOT have the optional KXFL3 roofing filter. However, 
in the time that I've had the KX3 and been able to compare it's receive 
performance to that of the K3 - I have to say that I don't see any need (in my 
case) for the added expense. Granted, I don't do that much contesting, although 
I have dipped my toes into a couple here and there, as I was trying to pick off 
a few states to close out my 5BWAS. I've also used the KX3 in a number of 
fairly big pileups and the little rig has performed very well. It would be nice 
to have two of them, just to be able to compare having or not having the 
roofing filter. I know that you can "turn it on or off" in the menu but that 
might not be a valid way to compare.

Anyway, I'm quite pleased with the receive performance of my KX3 w/o the filter.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Thursday, Apr 10, 2014, at  Thursday, 7:56 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:

> I have a curiosity question.  Why is the KXFL3 roofing filter an option on 
> the KX3?  I mean, why is it not a built-in feature of the KX3?  First, I 
> already own a KX3 with the KXFL3 filter so I am not asking this in order to 
> choose to buy or not.  Caveat:  I am also a neophyte (philistine, ignorant, 
> or troglodyte) in this sort of radio technology and still in learner mode.
> But, it seems to me that the KXFL3 roofing filter is almost required with a 
> radio as nice as the KX3.  Without it, as I understand the function, any 
> crowded band interval like a pileup or close-in CW signals and such would 
> render a KX3 (without the roofing filter) with less than the usual Elecraft 
> stellar RX performance.
> My guess, and this is only a wild guess, is that maybe the option leads this 
> space open to future improved roofing filters?  Or, maybe even leave it open 
> to a 3rd party market supplied filter (although, I think this filter is 
> particularly different from other typical 3rd party filters).
> 73, phil, K7PEH
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Re: [Elecraft] Configuring: KX3 --> KPA500 --> KAT500

2014-04-09 Thread Jim Bennett
It be on page 147 in my book. Figure 9.17 shows a complete K3-->KPA500-->KAT500 
setup. This is exactly how I've got mine set up. Nothing in the index, but it 
is in the TOC in the front. :-)

Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Apr 9, 2014, at  Wednesday, 9:25 PM, Phil Wheeler wrote:

> Surprising, because I couldn't find any mention of the KPA500 in his K3 book 
> by searching the pdf version. Maybe I did a typo.
> 73, Phil W7OX
> On 4/9/14, 8:55 PM, Phil Hystad wrote:
>> Jim,
>> I think you mentioned the Cady KX3 book to me on a previous similar message. 
>>  If not, it was someone else.  But, at that time, I searched for the diagram 
>> and could not find it.  Upon the message below I searched again, page by 
>> page.  Finally found it.  Now, I looked in the table-of-contents but for 
>> some strange reason I never saw that section on the KX3 and KPA500.
>> I do have a Diamond CX-210 two-position switch.  I have a bunch of those in 
>> my shack, also one 3 position.
>> 73, phil, K7PEH
>> On Apr 9, 2014, at 7:29 PM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>>> phil,
>>> I'm doing exactly that - I have a KX3 and a K3 that share a KPA500, KAT500, 
>>> and several antennas. I went by the diagram in Fred Cady's book on the KX3. 
>>> Works like a charm. I can get up to 250 watts out with the KX3 driving the 
>>> amp at 12 watts. And, no, I do not disconnect anything when I want to use 
>>> the KX3 with the amp and tuner. Just make sure that (1) the K3 is powered 
>>> off if you are using the KX3, and (2) your coax switch connecting the two 
>>> radios to the amp has very good isolation. I'm using a two position Daiwa 
>>> coax switch at the moment.
>>> Let me know if you need more info. I've been using this configuration for a 
>>> few months now.
>>> Jim / W6JHB
>>> On   Wednesday, Apr 9, 2014, at  Wednesday, 4:23 PM, Phil Hystad wrote:
>>>> I am planning on configuring my KX3 to use the KPA500 and the KAT500.  Has 
>>>> anyone done this and what did you need to do?  I already know how to hook 
>>>> up the KX3 to the KPA500 but would like to hear from someone using all 
>>>> three together.  In particular, connections between KPA500 and KAT500.
>>>> Also, follow up question -- if you have a configuration where you switch 
>>>> KX3 and K3 driving the KPA500+KAT500 do you disconnect any K3 involved AUX 
>>>> cables?  I presume you would run with the K3 powered off if you are 
>>>> driving with a KX3.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> 73, phil, K7PEH

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Re: [Elecraft] Configuring: KX3 --> KPA500 --> KAT500

2014-04-09 Thread Jim Bennett

I'm doing exactly that - I have a KX3 and a K3 that share a KPA500, KAT500, and 
several antennas. I went by the diagram in Fred Kady's book on the KX3. Works 
like a charm. I can get up to 250 watts out with the KX3 driving the amp at 12 
watts. And, no, I do not disconnect anything when I want to use the KX3 with 
the amp and tuner. Just make sure that (1) the K3 is powered off if you are 
using the KX3, and (2) your coax switch connecting the two radios to the amp 
has very good isolation. I'm using a two position Daiwa coax switch at the 

Let me know if you need more info. I've been using this configuration for a few 
months now.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Apr 9, 2014, at  Wednesday, 4:23 PM, Phil Hystad wrote:

> I am planning on configuring my KX3 to use the KPA500 and the KAT500.  Has 
> anyone done this and what did you need to do?  I already know how to hook up 
> the KX3 to the KPA500 but would like to hear from someone using all three 
> together.  In particular, connections between KPA500 and KAT500.
> Also, follow up question -- if you have a configuration where you switch KX3 
> and K3 driving the KPA500+KAT500 do you disconnect any K3 involved AUX 
> cables?  I presume you would run with the K3 powered off if you are driving 
> with a KX3.
> Thanks,
> 73, phil, K7PEH
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Re: [Elecraft] LP Bridge 2 for KX-3

2014-04-07 Thread Jim Bennett
George - 

I've used LP Bridge and LPB2 with my KX3 #5539. Both appeared to work fine for 
me. I first was doing it on Win/XP on a Mac under VMware Fusion, and now am 
running LPB2 on WIn 8.1 on the same Mac and the current Fusion. And, as Barry 
noted, use the K3 entry - works fine.

Jim / W6JHB

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3/K3 and KPA500

2014-04-04 Thread Jim Bennett
Too many Phils! :-)

Another cool thing about the KX3 is that RX I/Q output port. Since there is no 
KXP3 (coming soon...? Maybe) I run the RX I/Q output into the Line In port on 
my computer and run the free software package NaP3. I'm using an Apple iMac 
with 27" display, so I have a very nice display of a chunk of band. Using the 
KX3's Split and Sub features together, I can see where there are holes in a DX 
pileup, and/or jump right on the frequency of the last guy the DX station is 
working. Combining this feature with the ability to use the KPA500 and the 
KAT500 makes the KX3 a very, very spiffy rig. Just like having a K3 with the 
P3. Almost. Kinda. :-)

Jim / W6jHB

On   Friday, Apr 4, 2014, at  Friday, 1:13 PM, Phil Wheeler wrote:

> Sound good, Phil. I'm pretty new to the K3 and KX3 so I wondered what you 
> could do with the KX3 but not with the K3. Now I know. I'm just adding the 
> KPA500/KAT500 now. Redoing the cables in the shack is taking much longer than 
> I expected.
> Phil
> On 4/4/14, 11:17 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:
>> KX3 has dual-watch and the K3 doesn't.  I would like to use my KX3 for DX 
>> that often operates split and so far working without also listening on the 
>> split TX frequency is giving me a clear disadvantage.   This is all CW, not 
>> SSB.
>> Since I only have the KX3/10 right now, I am thinking that I could use it 
>> with my KPA500 when I am operating at home.  I have not yet acquired the 
>> KXPA100.
>> If there is a better alternative (yes, buying the Sub-RX is better but that 
>> is future too) then let me know.  I don't particular like the REV feature 
>> for switching TX/RX but it is a cheap alternative but just not as nice as 
>> dual-watch (or, SubRX).
>> phil
>> On Apr 4, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Phil Wheeler  wrote:
>>> Why?
>>> Phil W7OX
>>> On 4/4/14, 10:52 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:
 I am thinking of setting up a configuration to easily switch my KX3 and K3 
 with my KPA500.  That is, I want to use both K3 and KX3 to drive KPA500 
 without too much cable swapping or re-configuration work.
 73, phil, K7PEH
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3/K3 and KPA500

2014-04-04 Thread Jim Bennett

I have that exact setup: K3/KX3-->KPA500-->KAT500-->Multiple antennas. Works 
very well. I went by the guide & picture in the Kady book for the KX3. I use a 
two position coax switch between the K3 and the KX3. Do you have Fred Kady's 
KX3 book?

Jim / W6JHB

On Apr 4, 2014, at 10:52 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:

> I am thinking of setting up a configuration to easily switch my KX3 and K3 
> with my KPA500.  That is, I want to use both K3 and KX3 to drive KPA500 
> without too much cable swapping or re-configuration work.
> Has anyone done this and if so how did you do it?
> Right now, my K-line is K3/P3 -->  KPA500  -->  KAT500
> Given configuration and cabling issues I am not sure if I can use the KAT500 
> easily with the KX3 driving the KPA500.  Has anyone done this, are their 
> issues to resolve?
> Thanks for any help
> 73, phil, K7PEH
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Re: [Elecraft] Suggestions on Antenna Analyzers

2014-04-03 Thread Jim Bennett
Before this thread is put to death, let me add my two pesos. And so as to not 
be "rude", it is only slightly OT because I have a complete K-Line and a KX3 
that I do my antenna analysis for

About a year ago I purchased an AIM4170C. It is a super piece of equipment - it 
can show you as much or as little as you need. Where it really shines (IMHO) is 
it's ability to analyze an antenna over a wide span, like 160 - 6 meters and 
show the details on a nice colored graph. I had an MFJ259B for a long time and 
it did an admirable job. However, when I needed to make a bunch of 
modifications to an 80 meter Inverted L with a Folded CounterPoise (FCP), it 
was a very tedious process to record the R/Z/X values over the 3.000 mHz to 
4.500 mHz range, put them in a spreadsheet, prune the FCP, re-take 
measurements, etc. The 4170C made it a piece of cake.

And as to portability - I've got a nice 7aH 12vdc battery to power the AIM in 
the field, and I have the AIM hooked to my MacBook Air laptop, so in my 
situation, it is quite portable. Not as handy as the '259B to simply sling over 
your shoulder, but still capable of being taken out of the shack for 
measurements, if needed. Of course, if money were no object for me, I'd 
probably have both analyzers in my arsenal! :-)

That's my story and I'm sticking to it...! :-)

Jim / W6JHB

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[Elecraft] OT: Any Confirmation From W1AW/5 in NM?

2014-03-31 Thread Jim Bennett
Just wondering if anyone has gotten LoTW confirmation from the W1AW/5 operation 
from New Mexico last week? I worked them twice on 10 meters and so far no 
confirmations on LoTW, although the W1AW/4 operation from TN last week has been 
confirmed. Hope it's just that they've not uploaded yet and not a twice-busted 
call copy... :-(

I ask because NM is one of the last three states on 10 meters I need to 
complete 5BWAS.

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] [KX3] Unstable SWR reading

2014-03-31 Thread Jim Bennett
The only time I see that sort of fluctuation is at home, when it is raining. 
I'm using 450 ohm "ladder line" to feed an 88-foot long doublet, 45 feet up. 
Prior to the rain coming down, I can press Tune and get a great match on any 
band, 80-6 meters. When the rain starts up, my SWR jumps up to 2.5:1 or more. 
That 450-ohm stuff has to go. Are you operating in rainy conditions, or with 
that stuff?

Jim / W6JHB

On   Monday, Mar 31, 2014, at  Monday, 10:02 AM, Gary Hawkins wrote:

> On my last two portable outings I've noticed that after a few QSOs I start to 
> get unstable SWR readings, with the radio reporting fluctuating SWR ranging 
> into the 2 and 3's.  I'm using a tuned antenna, plus pressing the ATU button 
> results in 1:1 matching. Everything is fine for a while and then the SWR 
> reading go unstable midway through the QSO.  Pressing the ATU button seems to 
> resolve the problem for a while but it starts up again.  I realize it could 
> be a problem with the cabling or antenna but visual inspection seems to 
> indicate everything is fine and so far I've not been able to replicate the 
> problem on the bench.  Has anyone seen this type of problem with the KX3?
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 OSC Temp And Freq Drift Relationship?

2014-03-26 Thread Jim Bennett

My KX3 #5539 is used on and off for PSK31 and JT9 / JT65. I've made a bunch of 
JT65 and JT9 QSO's with it on 80, 20, and 10 meters, in addition to quite a few 
PSK31 contacts on several bands. That being said, I did do the temperature 
compensation procedure before I started doing data JT9 and JT65 modes with the 
KX3. As Don said, it is a very easy procedure, but just set aside about 90 - 
120 minutes to complete it. The only tools you need are (1) a refrigerator, and 
(2) a hair dryer. :-)

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Mar 26, 2014, at  Wednesday, 5:59 AM, Jack Chomley wrote:

> Tonight I have been experimenting on PSK31 at 3 watts and 5 watts. In my 
> shack the OSC Temp is about 38 deg and transmitting my CQ call about every 60 
> seconds @ 3 watts takes the OSC Temp to 39 deg, on RX it drops back to 38 deg.
> At 5 watts it goes up to 41 deg, but immediately settles back to 38 deg.
> My question is, what would the estimated frequency change be, per degree of 
> OSC Temp change? I am trying to work out the total freq shift between the 
> start and the end of my PSK31 transmission.
> Now, I have not done the OSC temp compensation routine to my radio. Trying 
> not to go down this road in case I make a hash of it :-)
> In closing, I will not be using WSPR or JT65 etc with this radio.
> 73,
> Jack VK4JRC
> GQRP   #14392
> QRPARCI #15068
> VKQRP.#833
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Software???

2014-03-24 Thread Jim Bennett
You might want to specify Mac or Windows - big difference.

On   Monday, Mar 24, 2014, at  Monday, 11:00 AM, Thomas Rieff wrote:

> What is available in "operating a K3" software???
> Tom
> -- 
> K0YR
> C/O Thomas Rieff
> 2059 Sundance Lane
> North Mankato, MN 56001
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Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft KX3: Dual Watch or Split - newbie Dave needs help!

2014-03-22 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Dave -

When I'm trying to get a DX station that is working split or during the QRP Fox 
hunts, I use Dual Watch and Split together. Before engaging, I tune in the 
"target" station to suit my hearing pitch preference, then I press A-->B twice 
to get both VFO's equal. Next I hit Split and then Dual Watch. Using the small 
tuning knob, I tune VFO-B up to a point where I want to transmit - either on 
the frequency of the guy currently being worked, or into a "hole" where there 
are few strong signals present. I can hear the DX / Fox station in my left 
headphone and the "pack" in the right ear. I also use NaP3 as a visual display 
to actually "see" where the pack is operating - helps a lot!

Jim / W6JHB

On   Saturday, Mar 22, 2014, at  Saturday, 11:02 AM, Esquer Dave wrote:

> Hello folks,
> Newbie Dave, K6WDE/KH6 with my Elecraft KX3.
> Question: Dual Watch versus Split Mode, which is best? Is is personal 
> preference? Yes, I did read the Elecraft Operating Note - Working a Pile-Up 
> using the Dual Watch feature on the KX3 article. I am still confused though.
> As I understand it, for:
> Split has a wider range of frequencies to utilize beyond the +/- 15kHz 
> limitation of Dual Watch.
> VFO A (DX station) on the left and VFO B (calling station, me) on the right 
> headphone.
> VFO A (DX station) on the right and VFO B (me) on the left headphone.
> Easier to tune up and down with the big tuning knob as I try to catch the DX 
> station (instead of the little tuning knob).
> I must be missing something. I’ve used Split quite successfully and tried 
> Dual Watch but they just seem to be the reverse of each other. When running a 
> KX3, I need all the help when attempting to break through the pileups 
> (especially here on the island)!
> Aloha,
> More static, more of the time …
> Dave Esquer, K6WDE
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Re: [Elecraft] New Elecraft owner.

2014-03-21 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Sal -

Welcome to the list and to the Elecraft community! Take your time with the kit 
and savor the experience of building your own radio. That K3/100 will give you 
many, many years of enjoyable operating, no matter what mode(s) you choose to 
explore. The Elecraft manual is good, but I recommend you consider purchasing 
the K3 manual by KE7X (Fred Cady). I use my copy with my K3 and the one I 
bought from him for my KX3 also. Anyway, if you've got questions on building or 
operating that radio, this is the place to start!

73, Jim / W6JHB 
Folsom, CA

On   Friday, Mar 21, 2014, at  Friday, 8:38 PM, Slava Baytalskiy wrote:

> Hello fellow Elecraft-ers!
> Just received the shipment of my new K3/100 kit (SN8086).
> Name is Slava (Sal) W2RMS.
> Will be starting the assembly over the weekend.
> Can’t wait to join the community.
> Been reading this list (and everything else i could find on the subject of 
> Elecraft) for a few weeks now.
> Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.
> Slava (Sal), W2RMS
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Question

2014-03-20 Thread Jim Bennett
OK - just pulled the IQ line out of the back of the iMac. Nothing showing on 
the pan display, even when I key the KX3, so this signal is for sure coming 
across that line from the KX3.

It's strange how the WBIR stuff is working, too. I tried setting it to "Fixed" 
after doing a Calibrate. If I then key the KX3 the images re-appear. By 
clicking the Fixed and changing it to Running and then back to Fixed, the 
duplicate signals go away. Until I key the KX3 again. Somehow that signal from 
the KX3 needs to be stopped! Arrg


On   Thursday, Mar 20, 2014, at  Thursday, 11:18 AM, Tom wrote:

> Hi 
> That's interesting. In principle the automatic Iq  routines should just 
> handle this IF the signal is on the Iq signal itself since it would also have 
> an image and thus the routines would just suppress it. Since it doesn't 
> perhaps the signal is just getting into the sound card and thus NaP3 just 
> tries to balance it and that screws up the current calibration. 
> Here's a test.  See if you see a signal with the Iq lines disconnected. If 
> you do then having something that turns off the  KX3 s Iq will do nothing. 
> Therefore it would have to be handled somehow by NaP3. Probably the best way 
> would be to have a threshold where if the, signal was above this, then it 
> would not be considered in the calculations. 
> That is preferable to turning off the auto balance since the correction is 
> frequency dependent. 
> 73s Tom 
>  Original message 
> From: Jim Bennett  
> Date: 20/03/2014  13:30  (GMT-05:00) 
> To: Elecraft Reflector Reflector  
> Subject: [Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Question 
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[Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Question

2014-03-20 Thread Jim Bennett
I'm running NAp3 v2.2.4.2 on Windows 8.1, connected to the RX I/Q port on my 
KX3 at one end and to the Line In jack on an iMac on the other end. As some 
other folks have seen, there is an initial issue with "images" or "duplicated" 
signals when NaP3 starts up. Ken (W0CZ) tipped me to a way to get rid of the 
image issue by opening the NaP3 Config panel, going to the DSP tab, and then 
doing a "Calibrate". This works quite well and just about completely eliminates 
those images. However

When I key the KX3, I see my own signal (quite strong) on the NaP3 display and 
this completely throws out the calibration, bringing back the images, big time. 
I have tried several things to eliminate this: First, I tried using a PTT 
switch with the KX3 instead of QSK - I still see my signal on the pan display. 
Then, I pressed XMIT on the KX3 prior to keying it - no change, still see my 
signal. Next, I built an audio isolator to put in the line between the KX3 and 
the Line In jack on the iMac. No change. Finally, I wound the cable through a 
2.4" mix 31 ferrite core nine times, thinking that maybe RF was somehow getting 
things hosed. That didn't help.

So, my questions are: why am I seeing my signal from the KX3 RX I/Q when I 
transmit? Shouldn't that line be cut off completely when the KX3 goes into 
transmit? If not, can this be changed so it does? :-)

Jim / W6JHB

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 macro's to switch mic's

2014-03-19 Thread Jim Bennett
Phil -

I've been using the CM500 on my K3 for a couple years - very nice. I have a six 
year old boy so that pretty much negates using VOX here while on SSB; I use PTT 
100% of the time! I made up a small box that has a momentary push button switch 
and a toggle switch on it in parallel. I ran a wire from it to the PTT In jack 
on the back of the K3. Works great - I can use either the toggle or the push 
button switch for the PTT function.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Mar 19, 2014, at  Wednesday, 9:30 AM, Phil Wheeler wrote:

> Jeff,
> Any tips/issues using the CM500 on the K3? I unpackaged mine yesterday and 
> have it working with the KX3 so I'm not expecting problems. Are you doing PTT 
> or VOX, and if PTT how implemented?
> 73, Phil W7OX
> On 3/19/14, 9:05 AM, wrote:
>> Does anyone have (or know where I can get)a set of macros they would share 
>> with me that will change a K3's mic input, along with TX eq, mic gain, comp, 
>> etc. I'm setting my K3 up for the first time for other then DX use with the 
>> CM500 headset. I'm going to be also using an 8 pin Kenwood MC-50. My K3 was 
>> up to now for DX only use, but as I'm downsizing I would now like to it use 
>> for other types of operating, and would like to use macros for the first 
>> time to switch between the two mic's. Thanks in advance for any useful 
>> information...
>> 73 Jeff KB2M
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[Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Display Images

2014-03-05 Thread Jim Bennett
Over the course of the past several weeks I've been messing around getting my 
KX3 to work with the free panadapter display program NaP3. I enjoy using the P3 
with my K3 and wanted something similar for the KX3. NaP3 seems to fit that 
wish pretty well, and it's free!

However, there is one issue that I am not able to resolve, and I'm not the only 
one seeing it. At least two other KX3 owners that I know about have experienced 
this issue and I'm wondering if there is a fix, or is it just the way it is. 
Also, what causes it - KX3 design or something out of whack in NaP3? Here's 
what the issue is:

When I look at the Panadapter view of a band segment, there are almost always 
TWO places where a signal is seen. One is usually a tad stronger (peaking 
higher) than the other. As I turn the dial on the KX3, they move in opposite 
directions. Only ONE is the "real" signal - the other is a mirror. It isn't a 
huge problem, but does cause me to tune to dead space if I've selected the 
wrong one. :-(

Is there a way to eliminate this mirror image situation? 

Tnx, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 Tracking of K3 VFO

2014-03-01 Thread Jim Bennett
And that is good to know - thanks guys!

On   Saturday, Mar 1, 2014, at  Saturday, 2:28 PM, Fred Jensen wrote:

> On 3/1/2014 11:04 AM, Jim Bennett wrote:
>> As I read Fred's note, it seems like maybe he is assuming that it can
>> keep multiple settings, as he said he "has more than one antenna for
>> most bands." Does the KAT500 keep a separate set of memories for each
>> ANTx port, or is there just ONE for each band, irregardless of what
>> ANTx port the antenna is hooked to? My understanding was that there
>> is just ONE set of memories. Yes?
> I'll defer to Dick because he actually *knows*, but I have 3 antennas and I 
> set the 500 up with the utility with a primary and secondary antenna on each 
> band [where I had more than one].  The other(s) are disabled so when I punch 
> the ANT button, it cycles through those that are enabled.  When I was 
> training it, the solutions were different depending on which antenna I was 
> on, and now, it recalls the correct L-C solution when I change antennas.
> So, I think it remembers your settings by band segment for each of the three 
> antenna outputs.
> 73,
> Fred K6DGW
> - Northern California Contest Club
> - CU in the 2014 Cal QSO Party 4-5 Oct 2014
> -
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 Tracking of K3 VFO

2014-03-01 Thread Jim Bennett
As I read Fred's note, it seems like maybe he is assuming that it can keep 
multiple settings, as he said he "has more than one antenna for most bands." 
Does the KAT500 keep a separate set of memories for each ANTx port, or is there 
just ONE for each band, irregardless of what ANTx port the antenna is hooked 
to? My understanding was that there is just ONE set of memories. Yes?

Jim / W6JHB

On   Saturday, Mar 1, 2014, at  Saturday, 10:54 AM, Dick Dievendorff wrote:

> If your antenna tuner settings at nearby frequencies are similar, they don't 
> all need to be present.  The ATU searches left and right of the tune freq for 
> the first non-empty memory.  But if there is a stale entry from a prior 
> antenna, it looks just as good for a Memory recall tune.
> The segment widths are
> 10 kHz on 160
> 20 kHz on 80 thru 12 meters
> 100 kHz on 10
> 200 kHz on 6 meters
> My 10 meter antenna, an InnovAntenna, is flat from 28000 thru 29000.  I 
> trained at just at those two points.  More doesn't hurt, it's just 
> unnecessary work if the antennas are flat. My 40 meter W6NL Moxon is a close 
> second. 
> 73 de Dick, K6KR
>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 10:41, Fred Jensen  wrote:
>> Hmmm ... I think you may have pointed out a technical difficulty in my mind. 
>>  I thought the KAT500 divided the bands up into fixed segments and I 
>> "trained" mine at what I thought was the center of each segment ... every 10 
>> KHz on 160, 20 KHz on 80, 50 KHz on 40/30, 100 KHz on 20/17/15/10, and I 
>> don't remember on 6.  If I'm reading your explanation right, I should have 
>> done it based on the bandwidth of my antennas instead?  That would be a lot 
>> faster, my method took an afternoon since I have more than one antenna for 
>> most bands.
>> 73,
>> Fred K6DGW
>> - Northern California Contest Club
>> - CU in the 2014 Cal QSO Party 4-5 Oct 2014
>> -
>>> On 3/1/2014 10:07 AM, Dick Dievendorff wrote:
>>> 2) I don't use Mode AUTO mode. To "train" the tuner (initial setting), I put
>>> the tuner in mode MAN, then perform step 1) above in several places on each
>>> band. On bands where my antennas are "sharp" (160 and 80), I do this on
>>> every 10 kHz (for 160 meters) and every 20 kHz (80 meters). On 40 I tune in
>>> about five spots, on 20 meters I tune at the bottom, middle, and top of the
>>> CW and phone segments.  The tuner finds the nearest memory to your current
>>> frequency. If I didn't tune in enough spaces, I sometimes perform step 1)
>>> later when I find a spot that I should have trained in the initial step.
>>> It's important to clear memories on a band where you make significant
>>> antenna changes, because all the old settings can be used if you don't
>>> retune in every memory segment.
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Re: [Elecraft] The case for a Panadapter - opinions, please?

2014-02-28 Thread Jim Bennett
Well.. Yes and no. I tried Win4K3 and PowerSDR-IF and couldn't get either 
to work worth a hoot. I settled on NaP3 and am quite happy with it.

If you want to do nothing more than have the Panadapter view and/or waterfall, 
then yes, you can simply download and install NaP3, hook a cable from your KX3 
to your sound card, run the Elecraft Serial-->USB cable from the KX3 to the 
computer, and you will have it. However, I also wanted a logging program 
running on my Win/XP system (running on a Mac with VMware Fusion) that knows 
what frequency & band the KX3 is on. Both require a Com port. My Mac has ZERO 
com ports. I'm using the Elecraft Serial-->USB cable between the KX3 and the 
Mac's USB port. In order for me to have an additional Com port I also installed 
the free program LPB2 (LP Bridge 2). It connects to the KX3 using the original 
Com port that the Elecraft cable produces and then allows you to have up to 
five more "virtual" com ports.

It's pretty easy to get going and if you have questions I might be able to 
help. There is also a Yahoo LP-PAN group you can join. The owner/moderator has 
been quite helpful - Larry/N8LP. 

The quality / speed of the display depends on the quality of your sound card. 
Apple did not go to a lot of expense with the built-in sound card and I'm thus 
limited to seeing a maximum of 48 kHz of the band at one time. But the more I 
use the software, the better I feel about having this size slice to view. The 
RX I/Q cable from Elecraft for the KX3 is 2.5 mm stereo on one end and 3.5 mm 
stereo on the other end. That is what my system needs, as my iMac has a 3.5 mm 
stereo jack on the back for the Line In connection.

Drop me a note if you have questions.

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Friday, Feb 28, 2014, at  Friday, 10:41 AM, Charlie T, K3ICH wrote:

> Jim, was this just a mater of running the free software on a shack computer 
> with the I/Q from the KX3 going to your sound card?
> If it's THAT easy, I might try it.  I am totally hooked with the K3/P3?VGA 
> already.
> Thanks, Charlie k3ICH
> - Original Message - From: "Jim Bennett" 
> To: "Jim Lowman" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 1:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] The case for a Panadapter - opinions, please?
>> Jim,
>> I had my K3 for about two years before I got the P3. Now, I would not be 
>> without it. When chasing DX I can see where the other stations are and 
>> either jump on the frequency of the last guy worked, or find a "hole" in the 
>> pileup where I can plunk down my signal. I also do the QRP "fox hunts" - 
>> same deal there - finding a spot to call the fox makes the P3 invaluable. I 
>> sometimes work contests, in my attempt to get 5BWAS. The P3 lets me see 
>> where activity is.
>> I recently got a KX3. Not having the P3 panadapter was like walking around 
>> blind. Sure, that's the way everyone operated in the past, but then again, 
>> why not use the technology available? So, I got some software and hooked my 
>> KX3 up to a free program called NaP3 and I now have a 27" pan view of the 
>> band.
>> If you get a P3 - you will NOT want to be without it!!! :-)
>> Jim / W6JHB
>> On   Friday, Feb 28, 2014, at  Friday, 10:08 AM, Jim Lowman wrote:
>>> I'm basically a S&P operator, especially in contests.  I've found that 
>>> calling CQ is something of a waste of valuable time.
>>> When I see options like the Panadapter, or bandscopes from other 
>>> manufacturers, I get the metaphor of fishing in a stocked pond.
>>> So, for those of you who have this option, could you describe how it has 
>>> assisted you?
>>> In another message, someone mentioned that weak stations outside of the 
>>> passband could be missed, which is a good point.
>>> BTW, I'm not opposed to giving the good folks at Elecraft more of my $$$ if 
>>> this is a good idea.
>>> Thanks in advance and 73 de Jim - AD6CW
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Re: [Elecraft] The case for a Panadapter - opinions, please?

2014-02-28 Thread Jim Bennett

I had my K3 for about two years before I got the P3. Now, I would not be 
without it. When chasing DX I can see where the other stations are and either 
jump on the frequency of the last guy worked, or find a "hole" in the pileup 
where I can plunk down my signal. I also do the QRP "fox hunts" - same deal 
there - finding a spot to call the fox makes the P3 invaluable. I sometimes 
work contests, in my attempt to get 5BWAS. The P3 lets me see where activity is.

I recently got a KX3. Not having the P3 panadapter was like walking around 
blind. Sure, that's the way everyone operated in the past, but then again, why 
not use the technology available? So, I got some software and hooked my KX3 up 
to a free program called NaP3 and I now have a 27" pan view of the band.

If you get a P3 - you will NOT want to be without it!!! :-)

Jim / W6JHB

On   Friday, Feb 28, 2014, at  Friday, 10:08 AM, Jim Lowman wrote:

> I'm basically a S&P operator, especially in contests.  I've found that 
> calling CQ is something of a waste of valuable time.
> When I see options like the Panadapter, or bandscopes from other 
> manufacturers, I get the metaphor of fishing in a stocked pond.
> So, for those of you who have this option, could you describe how it has 
> assisted you?
> In another message, someone mentioned that weak stations outside of the 
> passband could be missed, which is a good point.
> BTW, I'm not opposed to giving the good folks at Elecraft more of my $$$ if 
> this is a good idea.
> Thanks in advance and 73 de Jim - AD6CW
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Re: [Elecraft] Advice on 6 meters...

2014-02-26 Thread Jim Bennett

You'll probably get a ton of replies from the 6-meter / VHF aficionados, but 
unless you have some means of monitoring the band, either with your radio, or 
some web site, I think you'll may be disappointed. I've been licensed for 50 
years and have made only 20 QSO's on that band; 19 SSB and 1 CW. Most likely 
because I'm not aware that it is open. For me there are a lot of other bands 
(HF) where at least one is open 24-7 so I simply don't venture up there very 
often. That being said, I have operated in a couple ARRL VHF contests and was 
surprised at what I worked. My very first ever 6 meter QSO was with VE7JH on CW 
back in 2012. The other 19 QSO's included CA, BC, CO, and NE. All were made 
with a K3 - 100 watts into my 88 foot long, 450 ohm ladder line fed doublet at 
45 feet.

On the other hand, if I were allowed to have a tower (dang CC&R's) I probably 
would by now have built some sort of yagi for that band. There are lots of 
articles on doing just that, and the size of the boom and elements makes it 
something very affordable to construct, install, and tune.

YMMV. :-)

Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Feb 26, 2014, at  Wednesday, 10:08 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:

> I have seen some comments recently about six meters and I have never operated 
> six meters.  I don't really have a descent antenna for six meters, just my 
> 80-meter (ladder line fed) dipole or my hex beam that I can at least tune to 
> six meters.
> The band is always dead quiet with the small exception of some noise spikes 
> here and there but very rare.
> Question:  is there any activity for six meters that I should invest in a 
> nice multi-element 6 meter bean antenna?
> My most dominant operating mode would be CW but maybe some SSB from time to 
> time.  I have no idea what's there as this band has always been blank to me.
> 73, phil, K7PEH
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Re: [Elecraft] New ham and the KX3

2014-02-26 Thread Jim Bennett

I think you'll love that KX3! I've had it's big brother K3 for almost four 
years; this past Christmas my XYL got me a KX3. I've added only the internal 
tuner (and battery pack/charger for camping trips) and have been having a blast 
with it. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of QSO's I've had using 
the K3 in the past two months!

Like you, I also live in an development that has rules in the CC&R's about "no 
ham radio antennas". That did not stop me from being stealthy. The most 
successful antenna I've put up is a simple 88-foot long doublet, fed with over 
100 feet of 450 ohm "ladder line". I have about 10 feet of RG8-X coax running 
from the back of the rig to an outside 4:1 balun and the ladder line connects 
to it. I used to be a windsurfer when I lived in the SF Bay Area and had a left 
over 18 foot long fiberglass pole. I strapped it to one of our fireplace 
chimneys on an upstairs patio, with the tip about 45 feet up. The doublet is 
made from that #26 "silky coat" wire that another poster mentioned. My wires go 
out mostly horizontally, through the trees, across limbs, etc. The tuner in the 
KX3 is great - it matches that antenna to nearly 1:1 on 80 - 6 meters, no 
problems. As a matter of fact, this past Sunday evening I worked CE3/OZ1AA in 
Chile on 20 meter CW with this KX3 and I was only running 11 w
 atts. I do have the capability to have the KX3 drive an Elecraft KPA500 amp, 
but seldom use it - almost all "barefoot" QSO's.

So, the bottom line is, like many other posters have said - it isn't the watts 
you need - it is an efficient antenna. I really, really like the doublet 
because (1) it is very inexpensive, and (2) it works on all the bands.

Have fun, and try your hardest to get on CW!

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Tuesday, Feb 25, 2014, at  Tuesday, 4:23 PM, Sean Wall wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I recently got my Technician license and I'm working on my General and Extra. 
>  I'm looking to get my first rig and I'm interested in the KX3. I was 
> considering pairing it with a Buddipole antenna, as my development doesn't 
> allow permanent antennas.  While I use the KX3 at home, will I get decent 
> range with the 10 watt output?  In other words, would I need the 100 watt amp 
> to make the kx3 a decent base station?  I am also planning on bringing the 
> KX3 with me when my wife and I drive up north from Florida (where we live).  
> Since I'm new to amateur radio, I don't yet have a feel for how much power 10 
> watts is w.r.t. RF frequencies.  I plan on operating mostly 6 and 10 m 
> initially until I upgrade my license.  Thanks for any help you can provide!
> -Sean
> Sent from my iPad
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 Default Band?

2014-02-25 Thread Jim Bennett
So, as Lyle (KK7P) and Brian (K3KO) are saying, this is due to (1) having the 
KPA500 set to K3 (I do), and after the amp sits and capacitors discharge, there 
is no voltage coming through the acc connector and the amp goes to 60 meters. 

Well, if that's the case then I guess there isn't much that can be done about 
it. Sigh...

Tnx, Jim
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[Elecraft] KPA500 Default Band?

2014-02-25 Thread Jim Bennett
I have my KPA500 and KAT500 on a switch that can be set to either a K3 or a 
KX3. The KX3 is new (to me) and I've been using it almost exclusively since 
assembling this fine Christmas present. Recently I've noticed a strange 
behavior and am wondering if this is due to a recent firmware change or if I've 
simply never noticed it before. In either case, it there a way to stop it from 
happening? Here's the situation -

Let's say I'm operating on 40 meter CW with the KX3/KAT500/KPA500. I finish my 
QSO and shut down the station. Sequence of power-off's doesn't seem to make any 
difference, but I usually turn off KX3, KPA500, KAT500. The next morning I turn 
on the KPA500, it is sitting at 5.3 mHz. Why?? I've never, ever used it on 60 
meters. Why would it decide to default to that band? Why would it not default 
to the last band it was operating on? I just tried the same scenario with the 
K3/KPA500/KAT500 and this does not happen. When I power the KPA500 back to 
life, it remembers what band I was on.

Now, the interesting thing about this is that it only seems to happen after the 
amp has been turned off for several hours. I just now ran through this scenario 
and the amp remembered that I had been on 40 meters. So, what I'm seeing is 
only after 5 - 8 hours of power off.

Any suggestions? It isn't a big deal - just kind of strange that this amp seems 
to like the 60 meter band more than I do!

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] [Elecraft_K3] New K3/KPA500/KAT500 beta firmware:

2014-02-17 Thread Jim Bennett
Phil -

Sounds like something may be hosed in your Win/XP SP3 or the old desktop 
itself. I'm running the same Win/XP SP3 (on a Mac, under VMware Fusion) and the 
Elecraft-supplied USB-Serial cable; works very well.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Monday, Feb 17, 2014, at  Monday, 4:30 AM, Phil Irons wrote:

> My problem has not been with the firmware, but rather with the
> computer/amplifier interface.
> I have an old desktop computer running XP Pro SP3.  I installed the
> appropriate software from Elecraft per the instructions in the User Manual.
> However, when I tried to connect the amp to the computer using an FTDI
> USB-serial interface, my computer crashed--every time.  Not only that, but
> with the interface plugged in, it wouldn't reboot, it just kept cycling
> through the restart process.
> I resolved the problem by doing what I should have done in the first
> place--moved the amp closer to the computer and used a straight
> serial-serial cable.  In so doing, I was reminded of the weight of the
> amplifier!
> The Elecraft software indicated that the firmware update was successful;
> however, as I am currently antenna-less, courtesy Mother Nature, I'll have
> to wait for a while to see the results.
> 73,
> Phil/VE1BVD
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Phil & Debbie Salas wrote:
>> And I'll add my input.  Been using the latest firmware and it has worked
>> perfectly.  Been too busy operating to say much.  No false tunes, and the
>> KAT500 tracking of the K3 is outstanding.
>> Phil - AD5X
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> -- 
> Phil & Anne Irons
> Sydney, Nova Scotia
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Spur Question

2014-02-17 Thread Jim Bennett
I've since closed down my NaP3 session while I work on my taxes (yuckkk...) but 
as I recall, the documentation for that DC Block thing mentioned it was for 
systems with less than sparkling sound cards. I'd imagine that the sound card 
in my iMac is not top of the line quality, as the iMac wasn't designed to be an 
audiophile's best tool.


On   Monday, Feb 17, 2014, at  Monday, 10:07 AM, Matt Zilmer wrote:

> Sounds like a deadbeat frequency response problem, then.
> Interesting...
> 73,
> matt W6NIA
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 10:00:42 -0800, you wrote:
>> Matt, 
>> Got a note from Art/KA9ZAP and he suggested that I check the NaP3 Config box 
>> labeled "DC Block". I did, and that resolved this issue.
>> Thought I replied ALL on my reply to him but I'm not seeing it on the 
>> reflector, so I might have accidentally clicked on simple reply. Anyway, the 
>> problem is fixed, at last!!! :-)
>> 73, Jim / W6JHB
>> On   Monday, Feb 17, 2014, at  Monday, 9:57 AM, Matt Zilmer wrote:
>>> OK, Jim.  RX ISO *should not* have helped, but what the heck.  In the
>>> KX3's architecture, a moving birdie that correlates to the VFO ought
>>> to be associated with the LO.  At least in a sane world...
>>> Maybe someone else can chime in.
>>> 73,
>>> matt W6NIA
>>> On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 09:42:28 -0800, you wrote:
 Turned it on, but it didn't help. I've since turned it off, as I 
 understand that it causes slightly higher battery drain.
 Tnx for giving it a shot though!
 Jim / W6JHB
 On   Sunday, Feb 16, 2014, at  Sunday, 5:48 PM, Matt Zilmer wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> I'm not sure this will work, but try enabling RX ISO in the MENU.
> 73,
> matt W6NIA
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:15:18 -0800, you wrote:
>> I'm running the current firmware release in the KX3, the Mac OS is at 
>> 10.7.5. I bring up NaP3 to see the CW signals on a band and I am seeing 
>> a "birdie" or "spike" (or whatever you want to call it) right at the 
>> pitch offset frequency. So, for example, with the KX3 pitch set to 550 
>> Hz, and the KX3 sitting on 24.890.00, I'm seeing this thing at 
>> 24.890.55. I know absolutely it is the pitch frequency, because I can 
>> press & hold CMP and change the pitch frequency and the spikey guy moves 
>> with it. Fortunately I'm not talking about a 40db over S9 signal - it is 
>> more in the order of about S3 or so. But it is enough to be distracting 
>> when looking at the spanadapter and also enough to cover up any "blips" 
>> from weak signals underneath it. When I turn on the waterfall view on 
>> NaP3, I'm seeing a solid cyan line vertically right under that spike.
>> I can move this spike to my "center line" by changing the global offset 
>> in the Configure>Rig panel to what my pitch frequency is. But doing so 
>> causes me to not be on a signal when I've clicked on it.
> Matt Zilmer, W6NIA
> 831-763-4211  x129
> Skype: matt.zilmer
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>>> Matt Zilmer, W6NIA
>>> --
>>> "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will
>>> spend the first four sharpening the axe." -A. Lincoln
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> Matt Zilmer, W6NIA
> --
> "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will
> spend the first four sharpening the axe." -A. Lincoln
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Spur Question

2014-02-17 Thread Jim Bennett

Got a note from Art/KA9ZAP and he suggested that I check the NaP3 Config box 
labeled "DC Block". I did, and that resolved this issue.

Thought I replied ALL on my reply to him but I'm not seeing it on the 
reflector, so I might have accidentally clicked on simple reply. Anyway, the 
problem is fixed, at last!!! :-)

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Monday, Feb 17, 2014, at  Monday, 9:57 AM, Matt Zilmer wrote:

> OK, Jim.  RX ISO *should not* have helped, but what the heck.  In the
> KX3's architecture, a moving birdie that correlates to the VFO ought
> to be associated with the LO.  At least in a sane world...
> Maybe someone else can chime in.
> 73,
> matt W6NIA
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 09:42:28 -0800, you wrote:
>> Matt,
>> Turned it on, but it didn't help. I've since turned it off, as I understand 
>> that it causes slightly higher battery drain.
>> Tnx for giving it a shot though!
>> Jim / W6JHB
>> On   Sunday, Feb 16, 2014, at  Sunday, 5:48 PM, Matt Zilmer wrote:
>>> Hi Jim,
>>> I'm not sure this will work, but try enabling RX ISO in the MENU.
>>> 73,
>>> matt W6NIA
>>> On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:15:18 -0800, you wrote:
 I'm running the current firmware release in the KX3, the Mac OS is at 
 10.7.5. I bring up NaP3 to see the CW signals on a band and I am seeing a 
 "birdie" or "spike" (or whatever you want to call it) right at the pitch 
 offset frequency. So, for example, with the KX3 pitch set to 550 Hz, and 
 the KX3 sitting on 24.890.00, I'm seeing this thing at 24.890.55. I know 
 absolutely it is the pitch frequency, because I can press & hold CMP and 
 change the pitch frequency and the spikey guy moves with it. Fortunately 
 I'm not talking about a 40db over S9 signal - it is more in the order of 
 about S3 or so. But it is enough to be distracting when looking at the 
 spanadapter and also enough to cover up any "blips" from weak signals 
 underneath it. When I turn on the waterfall view on NaP3, I'm seeing a 
 solid cyan line vertically right under that spike.
 I can move this spike to my "center line" by changing the global offset in 
 the Configure>Rig panel to what my pitch frequency is. But doing so causes 
 me to not be on a signal when I've clicked on it.
>>> Matt Zilmer, W6NIA
>>> 831-763-4211  x129
>>> Skype: matt.zilmer
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> Matt Zilmer, W6NIA
> --
> "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will
> spend the first four sharpening the axe." -A. Lincoln
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Spur Question

2014-02-17 Thread Jim Bennett

Turned it on, but it didn't help. I've since turned it off, as I understand 
that it causes slightly higher battery drain.

Tnx for giving it a shot though!

Jim / W6JHB

On   Sunday, Feb 16, 2014, at  Sunday, 5:48 PM, Matt Zilmer wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> I'm not sure this will work, but try enabling RX ISO in the MENU.
> 73,
> matt W6NIA
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 17:15:18 -0800, you wrote:
>> I'm running the current firmware release in the KX3, the Mac OS is at 
>> 10.7.5. I bring up NaP3 to see the CW signals on a band and I am seeing a 
>> "birdie" or "spike" (or whatever you want to call it) right at the pitch 
>> offset frequency. So, for example, with the KX3 pitch set to 550 Hz, and the 
>> KX3 sitting on 24.890.00, I'm seeing this thing at 24.890.55. I know 
>> absolutely it is the pitch frequency, because I can press & hold CMP and 
>> change the pitch frequency and the spikey guy moves with it. Fortunately I'm 
>> not talking about a 40db over S9 signal - it is more in the order of about 
>> S3 or so. But it is enough to be distracting when looking at the spanadapter 
>> and also enough to cover up any "blips" from weak signals underneath it. 
>> When I turn on the waterfall view on NaP3, I'm seeing a solid cyan line 
>> vertically right under that spike.
>> I can move this spike to my "center line" by changing the global offset in 
>> the Configure>Rig panel to what my pitch frequency is. But doing so causes 
>> me to not be on a signal when I've clicked on it.
> Matt Zilmer, W6NIA
> 831-763-4211  x129
> Skype: matt.zilmer
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[Elecraft] KX3 / NaP3 Spur Question

2014-02-16 Thread Jim Bennett
I posted this query over on the NaP3 Yahoo group, but haven't gotten a lot of 
replies. Don W3FPR replied as did Larry N8LP, but still no firm resolution. If 
anyone here on the Elecraft reflector has a KX3 and is using NaP3, please take 
a look at this question and see if you've seen this issue and if you've 
resolved it:

My KX3 #5539 is connected to an iMac computer with the Elecraft serial-->USB 
cable. The RX I/Q port is connected to the iMac's Line In jack on the back. 

I'm running the current firmware release in the KX3, the Mac OS is at 10.7.5. I 
bring up NaP3 to see the CW signals on a band and I am seeing a "birdie" or 
"spike" (or whatever you want to call it) right at the pitch offset frequency. 
So, for example, with the KX3 pitch set to 550 Hz, and the KX3 sitting on 
24.890.00, I'm seeing this thing at 24.890.55. I know absolutely it is the 
pitch frequency, because I can press & hold CMP and change the pitch frequency 
and the spikey guy moves with it. Fortunately I'm not talking about a 40db over 
S9 signal - it is more in the order of about S3 or so. But it is enough to be 
distracting when looking at the spanadapter and also enough to cover up any 
"blips" from weak signals underneath it. When I turn on the waterfall view on 
NaP3, I'm seeing a solid cyan line vertically right under that spike.

I can move this spike to my "center line" by changing the global offset in the 
Configure>Rig panel to what my pitch frequency is. But doing so causes me to 
not be on a signal when I've clicked on it.

Is there something in NaP3 I can do to get rid of this spike, or is there an 
issue in the KX3 that I need to follow up with Elecraft?

Thanks, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] CMP ALC on display

2014-02-13 Thread Jim Bennett
So, your rig is in USB or LSB mode, right? I just set mine like that, and if I 
momentarily press CMP, the meter changes to CMP/ALC and the VFO-B display shows 
CMP 0. If I press CMP again, The meter goes to SWR/RF, and the CMP 0 is 
replaced by the VFO-B frequency. Yours does not do that?

On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 10:21 AM, Jim Bennett wrote:

> Tony, press and hold the SPOT button for three seconds.
> Jim / W6JHB
> On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 9:41 AM, Antonio Matias wrote:
>> Hello all
>> My KX3, one of this days, started to show on display the CMP ALC icons
>> Use to be with SWR  and RF reading. Now only show this on CW and Data
>> have tried all to put it back.
>> On the manual says to push Keyer/Mic knob, but no success
>> any idea how this append?
>> PS have latest version software ON.
>> 73
>> Tony
>> -- 
>> António Matias
>> CT1FFU - CR5A
>> QRV: HF, 6m, 4m,2m,70cm,23cm
>> DX, EME, Contest,Sat.
>> POBOX-38
>> 2504-909
>> Caldas da Rainha
>> Portugal
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Re: [Elecraft] CMP ALC on display

2014-02-13 Thread Jim Bennett
OK - let's try this again. I was juggling our 9-month old baby in one arm and 
trying to work the KX3 and keyboard in another hand. Sorry for the confusion. I 
presume your KX3 is set to Data or USB/LSB and you've pressed the CMP button. 
That button changes your meter display from SWR/RF to CMP/ALC. Simply press 
that CMP button again (don't hold it as I had previously mis-stated!). Your 
meter display should alternate between SWR/RF and CMP/ALC.


On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 10:21 AM, Jim Bennett wrote:

> Tony, press and hold the SPOT button for three seconds.
> Jim / W6JHB
> On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 9:41 AM, Antonio Matias wrote:
>> Hello all
>> My KX3, one of this days, started to show on display the CMP ALC icons
>> Use to be with SWR  and RF reading. Now only show this on CW and Data
>> have tried all to put it back.
>> On the manual says to push Keyer/Mic knob, but no success
>> any idea how this append?
>> PS have latest version software ON.
>> 73
>> Tony
>> -- 
>> António Matias
>> CT1FFU - CR5A
>> QRV: HF, 6m, 4m,2m,70cm,23cm
>> DX, EME, Contest,Sat.
>> POBOX-38
>> 2504-909
>> Caldas da Rainha
>> Portugal
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Re: [Elecraft] CMP ALC on display

2014-02-13 Thread Jim Bennett
Tony, press and hold the SPOT button for three seconds.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 9:41 AM, Antonio Matias wrote:

> Hello all
> My KX3, one of this days, started to show on display the CMP ALC icons
> Use to be with SWR  and RF reading. Now only show this on CW and Data
> have tried all to put it back.
> On the manual says to push Keyer/Mic knob, but no success
> any idea how this append?
> PS have latest version software ON.
> 73
> Tony
> -- 
> António Matias
> QRV: HF, 6m, 4m,2m,70cm,23cm
> DX, EME, Contest,Sat.
> POBOX-38
> 2504-909
> Caldas da Rainha
> Portugal
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Re: [Elecraft] CMP ALC on display

2014-02-13 Thread Jim Bennett
Ooops - sorry - meant the CMP button.

On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 10:21 AM, Jim Bennett wrote:

> Tony, press and hold the SPOT button for three seconds.
> Jim / W6JHB
> On   Thursday, Feb 13, 2014, at  Thursday, 9:41 AM, Antonio Matias wrote:
>> Hello all
>> My KX3, one of this days, started to show on display the CMP ALC icons
>> Use to be with SWR  and RF reading. Now only show this on CW and Data
>> have tried all to put it back.
>> On the manual says to push Keyer/Mic knob, but no success
>> any idea how this append?
>> PS have latest version software ON.
>> 73
>> Tony
>> -- 
>> António Matias
>> CT1FFU - CR5A
>> QRV: HF, 6m, 4m,2m,70cm,23cm
>> DX, EME, Contest,Sat.
>> POBOX-38
>> 2504-909
>> Caldas da Rainha
>> Portugal
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 --> Want P3-Like Display on a Mac

2014-02-11 Thread Jim Bennett
Looked around a bit more and perhaps NaP3 may be the way to go. I need to do a 
bit more research on this. Also looks like maybe LP-Bridge or LPB2 may be 
needed if I want the KX3 to get to multiple applications. Not sure on that one. 
I use the Mac version of the KX3 Utility and my logging program is MacLoggerDX 
(also a Mac app), so LPB2 may have no benefit for me, unless I can find a way 
for the virtual ports to be split between Win/XP and OS X.

One other thing that I'm concerned about is this "soundcard" issue. Not sure 
how to handle such things on an iMac. But I'll figger it out! :-)

Jim / W6JHB

On Feb 10, 2014, at 9:59 PM, Matt VK2RQ wrote:

> If you are happy to run Windows XP under VMWare, then NaP3 will give you a 
> good experience.
> I briefly had a closer look at Quisk -- the problem is that is depends on 
> ALSA sound libraries, and since macports doesn't support this, a little bit 
> of hacking is required to remove this dependency and rely solely on the 
> portaudio libraries. There would also some (trivial) changes required to 
> remove dependencies on the linux parallel port driver. Not sure if someone 
> has already gone through this exercise yet or not. Otherwise, you would need 
> some basic coding skills to make it work.
> The I/Q output needs to be fed into a soundcard with stereo capability -- 
> this soundcard could be a USB soundcard such as the Soundblaster X-Fi. Most 
> of the PC SDR applications can then use this to display a waterfall. The I/Q 
> streams don't contain digital data or anything fancy like that, rather they 
> are simple analogue signals. This is why you need a soundcard or other A/D 
> convterter to digitise the signal in order to for the SDR application to 
> process it. It is convenient to have some basic integration with the radio 
> (ie. via the KXUSB or KXSER cable) so that the application can read the VFO 
> frequency from the radio and display appropriate frequency labels on the 
> spectrum/waterfall display, but this is a nice-to-have.
> 73, Matt VK2RQ

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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 --> Want P3-Like Display on a Mac

2014-02-10 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Matt,

Thanks for the info. After I thought about it a bit, running an application on 
Win/XP under Fusion wouldn't be all that bad. My iMac is pretty powerful and 
has no problem grinding up anything I toss at it. The "problem" I've seen is 
that nearly every application I come across tries to be the be-all, do-all rig 
controller. All I want is a simple spectrum display, like the P3 gives me. I 
have no desire to try controlling the KX3 from the computer. I use MacLoggerDX 
- it has some rudimentary rig control features but I don't use any of them. My 
fondness for the P3 is (1) being able to see where band activity is and (2) 
where there is a "hole" when trying to work a DX station running split.

So - any other suggestions? Isn't it feasible to simply take the I/Q output 
from the KX3 and run it via a USB port into the mac and have a software 
application use that data to present a spectrum display? Or am I being naive on 
what data is contained in that I/Q stream?

Jim / W6JHB

On Feb 10, 2014, at 3:39 PM, Matt VK2RQ wrote:

> If you want to run something "natively" on the Mac, I would suggest quisk:
> I haven't tried it yet myself, but it appears to allow some level of 
> integration with the KX3 by means of hamlib.
> In order to build it and get it working, you'll need to install some 
> additional libraries -- I'd suggest to use MacPorts for this:
> If you are not comfortable building software on your Mac, then the only other 
> "native" option I know of is the DL2SDR program:
> 73, Matt VK2RQ
> On 11 Feb 2014, at 10:05 am, Don Wilhelm  wrote:
>> Jim,
>> On the panoramic display question, I recall last year at Dayton the KX3 I/Q 
>> outputs were driving an iMic to an iPad.  I believe the software came from 
>> Pignology, but I did not pay that much attention to the details, so you may 
>> have to do some searching.
>> So the answer is, yes, a panadapter display from the KX3 is possible, but 
>> unfortunately I do not have details.
>> NaP3 can also give a panadapter display, but I have not yet tried it.
>> Most any panadapter application that will accept I/Q output could be used in 
>> theory - the other side of the coin is 'does that application directly 
>> support the KX3'.  That would be in regard to the rig control and display of 
>> center frequency type questions. Most any panadapter application can display 
>> the spectrum around the VFO center frequency, but may not display the exact 
>> frequency the KX3 is tuned to if no other communications with the radio are 
>> present to determine the center frequency, the VFO A and VFO B settings, etc.
>> 73,
>> Don W3FPR
>> On 2/10/2014 4:52 PM, Jim Bennett wrote:
>>> Operating the KX3 is lots of fun, barefoot or QRO. But, I miss the 
>>> panoramic band display I see when I use the K3/P3. What is out there that I 
>>> might be able to use with the KX3 and it's RX IQ? I'm using an iMac with OS 
>>> X 10.7.5 for my operating system. I do have VMWare Fusion, but would rather 
>>> not have to run a Windows application on the emulator - native mode 
>>> applications are my desire. Is there software that can use the RX IQ, 
>>> possibly into a USB port, that will give me the band display that I'm used 
>>> to with the P3? Spending a bazillion dollars on it is out of the question, 
>>> so I'm hoping that there is an inexpensive solution.
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[Elecraft] KX3 --> Want P3-Like Display on a Mac

2014-02-10 Thread Jim Bennett
Sorry if this has been on the reflector before but the searches I've done 
didn't really home in on what I am looking for.

I've owned my K3 for nearly four years. Adding the P3 to it made operating so 
much more enjoyable, for a variety of reasons that I need not get into here. I 
recently got a KX3 as a Christmas present from the XYL and have been busy 
integrating it into my desktop environment. I've got it on a coax switch so 
that I can share not only my various antennas, but also my dummy load and the 
KAT500 and KPA500 if I so desire.

Operating the KX3 is lots of fun, barefoot or QRO. But, I miss the panoramic 
band display I see when I use the K3/P3. What is out there that I might be able 
to use with the KX3 and it's RX IQ? I'm using an iMac with OS X 10.7.5 for my 
operating system. I do have VMWare Fusion, but would rather not have to run a 
Windows application on the emulator - native mode applications are my desire. 
Is there software that can use the RX IQ, possibly into a USB port, that will 
give me the band display that I'm used to with the P3? Spending a bazillion 
dollars on it is out of the question, so I'm hoping that there is an 
inexpensive solution.

Thanks, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 and KPA500, KAT500

2014-02-09 Thread Jim Bennett
Guess one should enter some text before hitting the "send" button, eh? :-(

I didn't see any replies to this post, but I'd be interested in having the KX3 
do this, too. I've got a coax switch between the KX3 and the K3 that's routed 
to my KPA500 and KAT500 team. It works very well now, but having the same date 
sent to the pair like the K3 does would be icing in the cake!

Jim / W6JHB

On   Sunday, Feb 9, 2014, at  Sunday, 9:05 AM, Dan Baker wrote:

> Is it possible to send the band data from the KX3 to the KPA500 and KAT500
> so they can follow the radio?
> Thanks,Dan
> -- 
> Dan Baker
> @danielbaker
> DM09dn
> SKCC: 8260  NAQCC: 6817
> QSL via LoTW, eQSL, & Direct.
> D-Star REF014C
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 and KPA500, KAT500

2014-02-09 Thread Jim Bennett

On   Sunday, Feb 9, 2014, at  Sunday, 9:05 AM, Dan Baker wrote:

> Is it possible to send the band data from the KX3 to the KPA500 and KAT500
> so they can follow the radio?
> Thanks,Dan
> -- 
> Dan Baker
> @danielbaker
> DM09dn
> SKCC: 8260  NAQCC: 6817
> QSL via LoTW, eQSL, & Direct.
> D-Star REF014C
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[Elecraft] KX3 / Mic + Data + PTT (long message - sorry)

2014-02-08 Thread Jim Bennett
Folks, I thought I'd post this thinking that perhaps it'll help others with 
something that I was annoyed with ever since getting my KX3 and SignaLink USB 
(SLUSB) working together. 

First, some background: In addition to my new KX3, I've got a K3 that I operate 
about 95% CW with. There are times when I do not use full break-in (QSK) and I 
don't necessarily always like to use the "DLY" feature when operating it with 
semi-QSK. There are times when I want to simply use a manual switch to control 
PTT. For my K3 I'd rigged up a small plastic Radio Shack project box with a 
SPST toggle switch and a momentary pushbutton switch and ran the output cable 
to the K3's PTT IN jack on the back. Very handy. Further, if you are using the 
Yamaha CM-500 headset as I do, this is the easiest way to operate SSB without 
using VOX - which is a big no-no when you have a six year old and a 10 month 
old in the house!

I wanted something similar for my KX3. Not quite as simple with this radio. 
There are a couple ways to make PTT happen - one way is to connect ring 1 and 
ring 2 of the Mic connector. Well, first off, I have a SLUSB plugged into the 
Mic jack on the KX3. That in itself can be an issue for folks wanting to 
operate SSB at times, and data modes at other times. Got to disconnect the 
SLUSB and plug in your Mic and vice-versa. And for me, I wanted to have a way 
to connect ring 1 and ring 2 of that TRRS (Tip Ring Ring Shield) connector. 
There IS a pretty easy solution, and not super expensive.

Some searching online revealed a "dongle" that plugs into the Mic jack on the 
KX3. The one I found was at and is a CablesOnline model AV-Y01F4, 
price is $15.98. It has THREE female TRRS jacks and one male TRRS plug. The 
male plug goes into the KX3's Mic jack (du...) and the three female jacks 
are free for you to fill as you please. I connected that SLUSB cable into one 
of 'em. If I had a Microphone to use on the KX3, it would go into a second 
jack. And the third one.? Well, read on.

When I ordered that dongle from Amazon, I also found a 2 meter long TRRS 
Headset Extension Cable from, part number MUHSMF2M, for $8.99 
($6.98 with Amazon Prime). This cable has a male TRRS plug on one end and a 
female TRRS jack on the other end. I cut off the female jack and stripped back 
some of the insulation. On this particular cable, the orange and red cables are 
ring 1 and ring 2, respectively. Black is the tip, and brown is the shell. I 
cut off the black and brown, making sure they would never be able to touch each 
other. I had a very small (2 x 1.25 x .5 inches) Radio Shack plastic project 
box in the parts bin, along with a tiny SPDT toggle switch and a tiny momentary 
push button switch. I connected them in parallel in the box. A couple minutes 
with the drill and a soldering pencil and I had what I wanted - the ability to 
do my own manual PTT, and at the same time not having to unplug the SLUSB 
and/or a microphone.

I will caution you that the wires in that extension cable are very, very thin. 
They are solderable, but fragile and you'll want to be sure you've secured the 
cable firmly to avoid any stress on your solder connections.

There are certainly other ways to implement a manual PTT on the KX3, but I'm 
happy with what I got out of my approach - flexibility! Oh yeah - I just tried 
it out using manual PTT and worked W1AW/KH6 on 20 meters with my KX3, running 5 
watts into a wire antenna. :-)

73, Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA
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Re: [Elecraft] Shorter DB15/DB15 cable from KAT to KPA

2014-02-07 Thread Jim Bennett
Yep, I can attest to this site being legit. I bought two cables from them and 
have been working fine on my K3/KPA500/KAT500 station.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Friday, Feb 7, 2014, at  Friday, 10:14 AM, Phil & Debbie Salas wrote:

> Here are some cable sources that have all 15 pins connected thru:
> Cable Wholesale  1-ft HD15 M/F 10H1-20201NF, 3-ft 10H1-20203NF, 10-ft HD15 
> M/F 10H1-20210
>  3ft HD15 M/F CGSVGAMF-3, 5ft HD15 M/F CGSVGAMF-5, and 10ft 
> Phil – AD5X
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and the LDG AT 600 Pro II

2014-02-05 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Rob,

Up until a few months ago I had been using my K3, going into an Ameritron 
AL-811 amp, through the LDG AT-600 ProII, and then to an external 4:1 balun, 
110 feet of 450 ohm ladder line, and an 88 foot long doublet. I also had the 
M-600 analog meter connected to the AT-600 ProII.

Nothing special was needed - I ran RG-8X coax from the K3 to the amp, from the 
amp to the '600, and from the '600 a couple of feet to the 4:1 balun.

The AT-600 was able to tune just about anything that the internal tuner in the 
K3 did, although not always as low of an SRW - but pretty darn close.

Jim / W6JHB

p.s. - I sold the tuner, meter, and amp to a local buddy and replaced them with 
the KAT500 and KPA500 for my birthday in November.

On   Wednesday, Feb 5, 2014, at  Wednesday, 11:27 AM, Robert Biamonte wrote:

> Hello,
> Has anyone connected the K3 to the LDG Auto Tuner 600 Pro II?  If so how did 
> you do it(i know with a cable  :) )
> 73
> Rob WB2OMW
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Re: [Elecraft] Proper Setup of K3 with SignaLink USB for running WSJT-X on a Mac

2014-01-29 Thread Jim Bennett
Alrighty! Very glad to be of some help. Enjoy the K3 /SLUSB / WSJT-X setup. 
I've only made a handful of JT65 and JT9 QSO's but it does work. Most have been 
made with the K3 set at 20-25 watts. Now that I'm on the KX3, I'll be running 
3-4 watts, unless I get the QRO-urge and turn on the KPA500, where I can run 
the RF output anywhere from 25 watts to 200 watts with the KX3 driving it. But 
I want to see how it goes with the QRP setup.

73 and good luck with the setup...

On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 12:45 PM, N7RJN wrote:

> Jim,
> BINGOŠ  I was trying to transmit outside the passband.
> Thanks,
> 73, 
> Bob - N7RJN
> On 1/29/14, 1:05 PM, "Jim Bennett"  wrote:
>> Bob,
>> Glad to help and that your rig control is working. I had a devil of a
>> time getting it working on my end. Exchanged several emails with G4KLA
>> who wrote some of the install instructions. He was a big help to me.
>> On my SLUSB I have both the Rx and Tx set at the 1:00 position, and the
>> DLY all the way counter CCW. Those are about the same settings you have,
>> so the SLUSB is good to go (you do have it jumpered correctly, right...?
>> :-)
>> I also assume you are running the K3 in DATA-A mode? When you press the
>> Tune button in WSJT-X, does the K3's red TX light go on?
>> I've re-jumpered my SLUSB so that I can run it with my KX3 so that's
>> about as far as I can go on the troubleshooting. One other thing I found
>> - if I tried to transmit JT9 or JT65 with my WSJT frequency set outside
>> of the transmit pass-band, I would get no RF out. So, that's something
>> else you can check. Make sure you are inside the area on the "waterfall"
>> where all the green stuff is displayed.
>> Jim
>> On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 11:24 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:
>>> JIm,
>>> Thanks, I found the USBSERIAL name and modified the INI file. I changed
>>> my settings to the following:
>>>   CATdriver=/dev/tty.usbserial-AD02DW0Z
>>>   CATport=/dev/tty.usbserial-AD02DW0Z
>>>   CATportIndex=9
>>> I have now been able to transmit, although I noticed that I don¹t get
>>> any readout on the ALC - Not even one bar. Must still have something set
>>> wrong.
>>> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
>>> Goodyear, AZ
>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>>>> I guarantee you that is one problem! In addition to WSJT-X I also use
>>>> MacLoggerDX (MLDX). It has a "Radio" tab in the preferences and I
>>>> noticed that it was pointing to my /dev folder for the usbserial port
>>>> and driver that it uses. I looked in that /dev folder and found that
>>>> there was another - the one that the SLUSB opens up. So, I took a
>>>> wild-ass guess that was what I needed and - bingo - it worked. If you
>>>> use MLDX, don't use that same port name - they can't be shared. The
>>>> SLUSB has one of it's own and you should see it in the /dev folder.
>>>> Take a look and see if in fact there is something similar to that. If
>>>> so - give it a try. Let me know how it goes
>>>> Jim
>>>> On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 10:14 AM, Robert Nobis
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Jim,
>>>>> Thank you.  This might be my issue. Here are the settings in my ini
>>>>> file:
>>>>>  CATdriver=/dev/rig
>>>>>  CATport=/dev/ttyUSB0
>>>>>  CATportIndex=9
>>>>> How were you able to determine your actual USBSERIAL name and
>>>>> location?
>>>>> 73, Bob
>>>>> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
>>>>> Goodyear, AZ
>>>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>>>>>> Bob - have you modified the WSJT-X.ini file to point it to your
>>>>>> SLUSB stuff? I had the same issue trying to get my iMac (and my
>>>>>> MacBook Air) to properly do rig control. Here is what I had to do in
>>>>>> my situation - your USBSERIAL name and location may be diffe

Re: [Elecraft] Proper Setup of K3 with SignaLink USB for running WSJT-X on a Mac

2014-01-29 Thread Jim Bennett

Glad to help and that your rig control is working. I had a devil of a time 
getting it working on my end. Exchanged several emails with G4KLA who wrote 
some of the install instructions. He was a big help to me.

On my SLUSB I have both the Rx and Tx set at the 1:00 position, and the DLY all 
the way counter CCW. Those are about the same settings you have, so the SLUSB 
is good to go (you do have it jumpered correctly, right...? :-)

I also assume you are running the K3 in DATA-A mode? When you press the Tune 
button in WSJT-X, does the K3's red TX light go on?

I've re-jumpered my SLUSB so that I can run it with my KX3 so that's about as 
far as I can go on the troubleshooting. One other thing I found - if I tried to 
transmit JT9 or JT65 with my WSJT frequency set outside of the transmit 
pass-band, I would get no RF out. So, that's something else you can check. Make 
sure you are inside the area on the "waterfall" where all the green stuff is 


On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 11:24 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:

> JIm,
> Thanks, I found the USBSERIAL name and modified the INI file. I changed my 
> settings to the following:
> I have now been able to transmit, although I noticed that I don’t get any 
> readout on the ALC - Not even one bar. Must still have something set wrong.
> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
> Goodyear, AZ
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>> I guarantee you that is one problem! In addition to WSJT-X I also use 
>> MacLoggerDX (MLDX). It has a "Radio" tab in the preferences and I noticed 
>> that it was pointing to my /dev folder for the usbserial port and driver 
>> that it uses. I looked in that /dev folder and found that there was another 
>> - the one that the SLUSB opens up. So, I took a wild-ass guess that was what 
>> I needed and - bingo - it worked. If you use MLDX, don't use that same port 
>> name - they can't be shared. The SLUSB has one of it's own and you should 
>> see it in the /dev folder. Take a look and see if in fact there is something 
>> similar to that. If so - give it a try. Let me know how it goes
>> Jim
>> On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 10:14 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:
>>> Jim,
>>> Thank you.  This might be my issue. Here are the settings in my ini file:
>>>   CATdriver=/dev/rig
>>>   CATport=/dev/ttyUSB0
>>>   CATportIndex=9
>>> How were you able to determine your actual USBSERIAL name and location?
>>> 73, Bob
>>> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
>>> Goodyear, AZ
>>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>>>> Bob - have you modified the WSJT-X.ini file to point it to your SLUSB 
>>>> stuff? I had the same issue trying to get my iMac (and my MacBook Air) to 
>>>> properly do rig control. Here is what I had to do in my situation - your 
>>>> USBSERIAL name and location may be different:
>>>> CATdriver=/dev/cu.usbserial-A501XNHZ
>>>> CATport=/dev/cu.usbserial-A501XNHZ
>>>> Jim / W6JHB
>>>> On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 9:06 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:
>>>>> I am trying to setup WSJT-X for JT65 operation on my K3 and Mac but can't 
>>>>> seem to get the program to work. My audio card is a SignaLink USB.
>>>>> When I try to configure WSJT-X to interface to my K3, I always get the 
>>>>> message "Open Rig Failed". 
>>>>> Does anyone have any suggestions on the proper setup of the K3 as well as 
>>>>> WSJT-X?
>>>>> Here is my K3 setup:
>>>>> K3 CONFIG settings:
>>>>> AF GAIN HI
>>>>> AF LIM   nor 030
>>>>> LIN OUT nor 075 
>>>>> PTT--KEY   OFF-OFF
>>>>> RS23238400 b
>>>>> SPKRS   2
>>>>> K3 MENU Settings:
>>>>> MIC SEL Line In 
>>>>> MIC+LIN Not APPL(I can't change this)
>>>>> Controls:
>>>>> CMP   0

Re: [Elecraft] Proper Setup of K3 with SignaLink USB for running WSJT-X on a Mac

2014-01-29 Thread Jim Bennett
I guarantee you that is one problem! In addition to WSJT-X I also use 
MacLoggerDX (MLDX). It has a "Radio" tab in the preferences and I noticed that 
it was pointing to my /dev folder for the usbserial port and driver that it 
uses. I looked in that /dev folder and found that there was another - the one 
that the SLUSB opens up. So, I took a wild-ass guess that was what I needed and 
- bingo - it worked. If you use MLDX, don't use that same port name - they 
can't be shared. The SLUSB has one of it's own and you should see it in the 
/dev folder. Take a look and see if in fact there is something similar to that. 
If so - give it a try. Let me know how it goes


On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 10:14 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:

> Jim,
> Thank you.  This might be my issue. Here are the settings in my ini file:
> CATdriver=/dev/rig
> CATport=/dev/ttyUSB0
> CATportIndex=9
> How were you able to determine your actual USBSERIAL name and location?
> 73, Bob
> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
> Goodyear, AZ
> On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:39 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>> Bob - have you modified the WSJT-X.ini file to point it to your SLUSB stuff? 
>> I had the same issue trying to get my iMac (and my MacBook Air) to properly 
>> do rig control. Here is what I had to do in my situation - your USBSERIAL 
>> name and location may be different:
>> CATdriver=/dev/cu.usbserial-A501XNHZ
>> CATport=/dev/cu.usbserial-A501XNHZ
>> Jim / W6JHB
>> On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 9:06 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:
>>> I am trying to setup WSJT-X for JT65 operation on my K3 and Mac but can't 
>>> seem to get the program to work. My audio card is a SignaLink USB.
>>> When I try to configure WSJT-X to interface to my K3, I always get the 
>>> message "Open Rig Failed". 
>>> Does anyone have any suggestions on the proper setup of the K3 as well as 
>>> WSJT-X?
>>> Here is my K3 setup:
>>> K3 CONFIG settings:
>>>   AF GAIN HI
>>>   AF LIM   nor 030
>>>   LIN OUT nor 075 
>>>   PTT--KEY   OFF-OFF
>>>   RS23238400 b
>>>   SPKRS   2
>>> K3 MENU Settings:
>>>   MIC SEL Line In 
>>>   MIC+LIN Not APPL(I can't change this)
>>> Controls:
>>>   CMP   0
>>>   MIC  MIC LINE 20
>>>   SQUELCH  0
>>>   RF GAIN 50% 
>>>   MODE USB
>>>   NB   OFF
>>>   NR   OFF
>>>   NTCH   OFF
>>>   VOX OFF
>>>   AGC AGC-F
>>>   ALT  OFF 
>>>   PWR50 Watts 
>>> On the SignaLink USB I have the Tx and Rx gain set for 50% and DLY set to 0.
>>> Thanks and 73,
>>> Bob  -  
>>> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
>>> Goodyear, AZ
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Re: [Elecraft] Proper Setup of K3 with SignaLink USB for running WSJT-X on a Mac

2014-01-29 Thread Jim Bennett
Bob - have you modified the WSJT-X.ini file to point it to your SLUSB stuff? I 
had the same issue trying to get my iMac (and my MacBook Air) to properly do 
rig control. Here is what I had to do in my situation - your USBSERIAL name and 
location may be different:


Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Jan 29, 2014, at  Wednesday, 9:06 AM, Robert Nobis wrote:

> I am trying to setup WSJT-X for JT65 operation on my K3 and Mac but can't 
> seem to get the program to work. My audio card is a SignaLink USB.
> When I try to configure WSJT-X to interface to my K3, I always get the 
> message "Open Rig Failed". 
> Does anyone have any suggestions on the proper setup of the K3 as well as 
> Here is my K3 setup:
> K3 CONFIG settings:
> AF LIM   nor 030
> LIN OUT nor 075 
> RS23238400 b
> SPKRS   2
> K3 MENU Settings:
> MIC SEL Line In 
> MIC+LIN Not APPL(I can't change this)
> Controls:
> CMP   0
> RF GAIN 50% 
> NB   OFF
> NR   OFF
> PWR50 Watts 
> On the SignaLink USB I have the Tx and Rx gain set for 50% and DLY set to 0.
> Thanks and 73,
> Bob  -  
> Bob Nobis - N7RJN
> Goodyear, AZ
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Re: [Elecraft] Precautions or hints on use of Signalink USB with the K3 for PSK31 and JT65A digital modes

2014-01-19 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Bob -

I've used the SLUSB on both a K3 and a KX3 with success. The K3 had it hooked 
to a MacBook AIr laptop; when I moved the SLUSB to my KX3, I hooked it to an 
iMac. Nothing special needs to be done on the K3. In my case I ran native in 
the Mac OS X environment. For PSK31 I used cocoaModem and for JT9 and JT65 I 
used WSJT-X. Both apps work very well on both the K3 and the KX3 and both Mac 
hardware platforms. Again, nothing "tricky" about using the SLUSB and the Mac. 
The "trickyness" comes with the software apps you will be using!!! If your 
shack experiences any sort of RFI from common mode RF, it can affect the SLUSB. 
I had that issue and resolved it by winding the USB cable through a 2-1/4" mix 
31 donut several times. Of course, getting rid of the common mode RF is the 
best solution... :-)

Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA

On   Sunday, Jan 19, 2014, at  Sunday, 7:48 PM, Robert Nobis wrote:

> I have ordered a Signaink USB for use with my K3, primarily for PSK31 and
> JT65A operation, and expect delivery on Monday.
> Does anyone have any precautions or hints on proper setup of the Signalink
> for use with the K3?  I use Windows 7 running on a Mac under VMWare Fusion.
> 73,
> Bob - N7RJN
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 Power On

2014-01-18 Thread Jim Bennett
Cool - I just checked - 1.33 was available and I have 1.23; am in the process 
of upgrading to the latest firmware as I type this. Will keep an eye on the 
amp's behavior over the next week or so and also try to document any "strange" 
procedures I've taken that might cause it.


On   Saturday, Jan 18, 2014, at  Saturday, 10:26 AM, Cady, Fred wrote:

> I have seen that happen with the KPA thought at one time is was associated 
> with something happening on the AUXBUS - like the KAT not being powered up or 
> something. I think maybe there was a firmware upgrade for the KPA and/or KAT 
> that might have fixed it. Are you using the latest firmware?
> Glad the KX3 is working ok to drive the KPA.  I just fired up the KXPA amp 
> here and am going to play with it and the KPA also.
> Fred Cady
> fcady at ieee dot org
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:elecraft-
>>] On Behalf Of Jim Bennett
>> Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2014 10:26 AM
>> To: Elecraft Reflector Reflector
>> Subject: [Elecraft] KPA500 Power On
>> I recently got a KX3 and have set up my station such that the KX3 can
>> share the KPA500, KAT500, and several antennas by using a pretty beefy
>> Daiwa 2-position coax switch. The station is set up just like the
>> diagram on page 147 of KE7X's KX3 book. This configuration seems to
>> work very well. However, I've recently noticed a very occasional
>> anomaly with the KPA500. Every once in a while, I go to power it on and
>> nothing happens. I have to reach around to the back panel rocker
>> switch, turn it "Off" and then back on. Then, the front panel power on
>> button brings the amp to life. So far I've not been able to track it
>> down to a particular sequence of operating events that precedes it. In
>> the past 3-4 days, this has happened maybe three times.
>> Anyone else have this happen, and if so (1) what causes it, and (2) how
>> to resolve it? Not a big deal, but I'd like to know what's going on.
>> Jim / W6JHB
>> __

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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 Power On

2014-01-18 Thread Jim Bennett
Other than this occasional hiccup, yes. If you've got Fred's KX3 book, check 
out pages 146-147, especially figure 9.17 - this is exactly how I've got mine 
cabled up. 

Last night was a good example of why I wanted to have this flexibility. I was 
listening on 160 meter CW with the KX3 and heard W1AW/0 in Nebraska calling CQ. 
I cranked up the KX3 power to a whopping 12 watts and called him several times. 
Not so much as a QRZ did I get. I just got a CQ in my face! So, rather than 
turn on the K3, switch things over and tune in the station with the K3, I 
simply powered up the KPA500, set the KX3 to 9 watts (170 watts out on the 
KPA500), called him again and this time got him on the first call. I could have 
been there a very long time running 12 watts! Of course if I had a great 160 
antenna, 12 watts probably would have been OK. But I live in a CC&R/HOA 
neighborhood and have a "stealthy" Inverted L semi-hidden in the redwood trees 
that only has about 25-30 feet of vertical run.

On   Saturday, Jan 18, 2014, at  Saturday, 9:57 AM, Phil Hystad wrote:

> Is the KPA500 really designed to work with multiple inputs even if they are 
> switched?  I would be interested in knowing since I also have a KX3.
> 73, phil, K7PEH
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>> I recently got a KX3 and have set up my station such that the KX3 can share 
>> the KPA500, KAT500, and several antennas by using a pretty beefy Daiwa 
>> 2-position coax switch. The station is set up just like the diagram on page 
>> 147 of KE7X's KX3 book. This configuration seems to work very well. However, 
>> I've recently noticed a very occasional anomaly with the KPA500. Every once 
>> in a while, I go to power it on and nothing happens. I have to reach around 
>> to the back panel rocker switch, turn it "Off" and then back on. Then, the 
>> front panel power on button brings the amp to life. So far I've not been 
>> able to track it down to a particular sequence of operating events that 
>> precedes it. In the past 3-4 days, this has happened maybe three times.
>> Anyone else have this happen, and if so (1) what causes it, and (2) how to 
>> resolve it? Not a big deal, but I'd like to know what's going on.
>> Jim / W6JHB

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[Elecraft] KPA500 Power On

2014-01-18 Thread Jim Bennett
I recently got a KX3 and have set up my station such that the KX3 can share the 
KPA500, KAT500, and several antennas by using a pretty beefy Daiwa 2-position 
coax switch. The station is set up just like the diagram on page 147 of KE7X's 
KX3 book. This configuration seems to work very well. However, I've recently 
noticed a very occasional anomaly with the KPA500. Every once in a while, I go 
to power it on and nothing happens. I have to reach around to the back panel 
rocker switch, turn it "Off" and then back on. Then, the front panel power on 
button brings the amp to life. So far I've not been able to track it down to a 
particular sequence of operating events that precedes it. In the past 3-4 days, 
this has happened maybe three times.

Anyone else have this happen, and if so (1) what causes it, and (2) how to 
resolve it? Not a big deal, but I'd like to know what's going on.

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] OT - LoTW Verifications

2014-01-17 Thread Jim Bennett
OK - guess I was just being antsy. The /4 and /7 ops uploaded pretty quickly. 
I'll go back into my hole now! :-)

Tnx for the replies!

Jim / W6JHB

On   Friday, Jan 17, 2014, at  Friday, 5:31 PM, Stephen Selberg wrote:

> My Lotw QSLs took over a week with w1aw/4 and 5 days for w1aw/7. So I don't
> think they're in any rush. Still waiting for my /3 and /0 QSLs.
> 73 Steve KS6PD
> On Friday, January 17, 2014, Jim Bennett wrote:
>> Has anyone worked AND gotten LoTW confirmations from QSOs with W1AW/0
>> (Nebraska) or W1AW/3 (Delaware)?
>> I worked W1AW/7 (Utah) and W1AW/4 (NC) - both confirmed in a couple days
>> on LoTW. But nothing heard online from the NE and DE stations' QSO's with
>> me on 80 CW. Just curious... (and nervous!)
>> Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] OT - LoTW Verifications

2014-01-17 Thread Jim Bennett
Has anyone worked AND gotten LoTW confirmations from QSOs with W1AW/0 
(Nebraska) or W1AW/3 (Delaware)?

I worked W1AW/7 (Utah) and W1AW/4 (NC) - both confirmed in a couple days on 
LoTW. But nothing heard online from the NE and DE stations' QSO's with me on 80 
CW. Just curious... (and nervous!)

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] How do I generate a "Key Down" to tune an external 6m amp?

2014-01-16 Thread Jim Bennett

Something I made quite a while ago, and you may consider making, is a simple, 
small "utility box" to sit next to your radio (K3 or KX3). Mine is simply a 
plastic Radio Shack project box. On the back I have 1/4" jacks to plug in 
several different paddles and straight keys. There are two jacks there for 
output: one that runs to the Paddle jack in the back of my K3, and another (I 
call it Key Out) that runs to the Key jack on the back of the K3. A third jack 
on the back of the little box runs to the PTT jack on the K3.

On the top of the box I've mounted several switches. One is a toggle switch 
that closes the contacts on the PTT jack in the back. Another is a "momentary" 
pushbutton switch that does the same thing. And a third "momentary" button is 
wired in parallel to the Key Out jack on the back of the box.

This combination of jacks and switches allows me to plug in several different 
paddles and straight keys, and permits the engaging either PTT (like when I'm 
on SSB with my Yamaha CM-500 headset) or simulating a "key down" with a 
straight key. All those functions can be accomplished via front panel switches 
on the K3, but w/o having to reach over/up to the radio to do so.

Jim / W6JHB

>>  From: Bob KD7YZ 
>> To: K3 List 
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8:13 PM
>> Subject: [Elecraft] How do I generate a "Key Down" to tune an external 6m
>> amp?
>> My Old viproplex Bug does the cw for me and there seems to not be an
>> available jack for an old straight key.
>> I have configured some settings in order to keep me form applying power
>> before a PTT action closes a sequencer.
>> Thus I seem to have made it so that pressing Xmit or hold-xmit/Tune will
>> NOT issue a PTT action however will send out RF. This does not close
>> PTT anywhere so the Sequencer does bot close the relay on the PA and I
>> can't rune it up.
>> I can push the foot-switch and the relays all close. However, there is
>> no steady RF. Just what I can make in dots or dashes
>> Is there a way to get key-down WITH a closed PTT so external 6m PA comes on?
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Macros

2014-01-14 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Emory -

Yep, I'd like a couple more programmable buttons, too. I also run a logging 
program on my Mac - MacLoggerDX - and am going to ask the developer if he has 
any way (or plans for) to send macros to the KX3, or K3. Since that program 
uses my KX3-->computer port, I can't run it and the KX3 utility at the same 
time. I suppose that running the KX3 utility would also be a way of having 
additional macros, but I haven't read up on that because of my logging program 
using the port.

On the KX3 and K3 sharing - it works real slick! My first suggestion is to 
spend the $30-something dollars for that KE7X book on the KX3 - has some great 
info in it, including several diagrams in the back on EXACTLY how to have the 
KX3 share "stuff" with the K3. In my situation, I have the RF output from each 
radio going into a Daiwa two position coax switch. The output port of that 
switch goes to my KPA500 amp, and the RF output of the KPA500 goes to the 
KAT500 auto tuner. The tuner is connected to three different antennas: an 88 
foot long doublet for 40-6 meters, an 80 meter Inverted L, and a 160 meter 
Inverted L. Of course, I have the requisite 15-pin connectors running between 
the K3, KPA500, and KAT500. I've got on order from Elecraft the special RCA 
adapter cable that will run from the KX3 ACC2 jack to the back of the KAT500. 
This is needed if you plan on having the K3 powered off when you run the KX3. 
Otherwise, as I found out, the powered off K3 pulls the PTT down on the KPA500 
and ugly stuff happens. Anyway, Fred's book shows and explains how it works, 
and it DOES work! I can run my KX3 barefoot if I want, or I can run it through 
the KPA500 and get 190 watts output with 12 out of the KX3. If I want to run 
PSK31 at 25 watts out, I can dial the KX3 back to 2 watts and the KPA500 gives 
me 25. That's the lowest it goes. Dropping the KX3 power below 1.8 watts causes 
the KPA500 to drop back to zero out. But that's fine with me.

Hope that helps!

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Tuesday, Jan 14, 2014, at  Tuesday, 10:40 AM, WM3M wrote:

> Jim,
> I too would like more buttons to use.
> I know Wayne has mentioned doing it but not done yet.
> If you don’t mind I have a question for you, how do you share the 
> KAT500/KPA500 between the K3 and the KX3?
> I have been wanting to do that but had not figured out a good way, please let 
> me know.
> Thank you... 73
> Emory  WM3M
> -Original Message- From: Jim Bennett
> Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 12:55 PM
> To: Elecraft Reflector Reflector
> Subject: [Elecraft] KX3 Macros
> After recently reading (and re-reading, several times!) Fred Cady's excellent 
> book on the KX3, I was thinking about some of the functions I'd like to have 
> in macro form. I already have PF1 set to switch the AGC from Fast to Slow and 
> PF2 set to turn off or on the backlight. I've got the KX3 sharing a 
> KAT500/KPA500 and several antennas with a K3. It would be nice to have 
> another macro function that would allow me to set the KX3's internal tuner to 
> Bypass, w/o having to go into the Menu and hunt for it. Fred's book notes 
> that PF1 and PF2 were the only keys available at time of writing the book, 
> but more were planned for a future firmware release. The owner's manual I got 
> with the KX3 made no mention of any other keys being available. Have any been 
> added but not incorporated into the manual, or is this still on the drawing 
> board?
> Tnx, Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] KX3 Macros

2014-01-14 Thread Jim Bennett
After recently reading (and re-reading, several times!) Fred Cady's excellent 
book on the KX3, I was thinking about some of the functions I'd like to have in 
macro form. I already have PF1 set to switch the AGC from Fast to Slow and PF2 
set to turn off or on the backlight. I've got the KX3 sharing a KAT500/KPA500 
and several antennas with a K3. It would be nice to have another macro function 
that would allow me to set the KX3's internal tuner to Bypass, w/o having to go 
into the Menu and hunt for it. Fred's book notes that PF1 and PF2 were the only 
keys available at time of writing the book, but more were planned for a future 
firmware release. The owner's manual I got with the KX3 made no mention of any 
other keys being available. Have any been added but not incorporated into the 
manual, or is this still on the drawing board?

Tnx, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 Question

2014-01-07 Thread Jim Bennett
Thanks folks - I knew I read it in the manual at one time but couldn't find it 


On   Tuesday, Jan 7, 2014, at  Tuesday, 10:06 AM, george fritkin wrote:

> Consult Page 11 of manual
> George, W6GF
> On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 9:59 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
> Hi All -
> On the KAT500 - what antenna port is "operational" when the unit is powered 
> off? Is it the last one selected prior to power off, or does it operate like 
> the LDG AT-600 where it always reverts to a specific antenna port (in that 
> model, ANT2) at power off?
> Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] KAT500 Question

2014-01-07 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi All -

On the KAT500 - what antenna port is "operational" when the unit is powered 
off? Is it the last one selected prior to power off, or does it operate like 
the LDG AT-600 where it always reverts to a specific antenna port (in that 
model, ANT2) at power off?

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3/KXPA100-K..#246 ON THE AIR!

2014-01-04 Thread Jim Bennett
Congrats, Bill - I got one for Christmas, thanks to a gracious XYL (KF6ZNT) and 
mine also worked on the first turn of the "key", so to speak. Very similar to 
the K3, but a few things being different take getting used to. The biggest 
thing is that I feel blind without that P3! How the heck did we cope back in 
"the day" before these pan adapters (fish spotters)? Need to investigate what's 
needed on the el cheapo to get a band display functioning here on my iMac with 
the KX3.

Are you mainly a CW op, or no particular mode?

Jim / W6JHB

On   Saturday, Jan 4, 2014, at  Saturday, 4:01 PM, bill conkling wrote:

> Well my kit arrived today.  Got it together with little trouble.  My fingers 
> don't do well with #4 screws, etc.
> First tests were hopeful.  All seemed to be going well.  Cranked up the power 
> and this is great.  Except for the different control layout its like a K3 
> w/one RX.   Sig and audio reports were good.
> Love it so far.  More to come.
> ...bill nr4c
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
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Re: [Elecraft] KRX3 input protection

2014-01-03 Thread Jim Bennett
Steve - 

I have a similar setup as Arie - an 80 meter Inverted L at 40 feet for my 
transmitting antenna and a Hustler 5BTV vertical ground mounted about 10 feet 
from being directly under the vertical. Works fine. If I crank up my KPA500, 
the relays in the K3 quickly isolate the subrx from too much RF.

Jim / W6JHB

On Jan 3, 2014, at 8:12 AM, Arie Kleingeld PA3A wrote:

> Steve,
> the subRX of the K3 has its protection (an rf triggered relay if the power 
> coming into the rx is too high).
> I've used the K3-KPA500 on a beam and I had a diversity vertical connected to 
> the subrx quite next to it. No problem at all.
> It all depends on the coupling of the antennas. Try and see how you go at 
> your QTH; the subRX is protected.
> 73
> Arie PA3A
> AD0ES schreef op 3-1-2014 15:23:
>> Hi all,
>> My KRX3 is on the truck and due tuesday.  Quick question:  I will be running 
>> the main receiver on a receive only antenna
>> fed via the KXV3A and the subrx via its bnc aux.  These antennas are quite 
>> close to the xmit antennas.  Should I use
>> any sort of attenuation and/or external TR switch on either of these 
>> receiver inputs?  I eventually will be running a KPA500
>> full power...
>> tia,
>> Steve AD0ES
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks

2013-12-31 Thread Jim Bennett
Just for grins, I tried exactly the same test on my K3, same antenna, same 
band. No clicking. I'm hoping the engineers come up with a correction in the 
upcoming few weeks. I can live w/o the NR being turned on for now. Still 
getting familiar with the KX3 (mine is only a week old) and finding it to be a 
really fine rig.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Tuesday, Dec 31, 2013, at  Tuesday, 5:09 PM, Reginald J Mackey SR wrote:

> I ran the test and yes, it is there. I always thought it was just the 
> background noise of the band popping back from transition to receive.
> Reggie k6xr
> Ham Radio Since 1955
> On Dec 31, 2013, at 11:42 AM, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>> Hi Reggie,
>> With your RF gain turned down a little, and the AF turned up a little, AND 
>> your NR set to level 1 or 2, do you hear any click on transition from 
>> transmit to receive in your headphones? I've use three very different sets 
>> of phones and still hear this. When I turn off NR, the problem goes away.
>> Jim / W6JHB
>> On   Tuesday, Dec 31, 2013, at  Tuesday, 4:37 AM, Reginald J Mackey SR wrote:
>>> I am using a Heil headset and a set of Bose head sets and I have no key 
>>> clicks at all.
>>> Reggie k6xr
>>> Ham Radio Since 1955
>>> On Dec 31, 2013, at 1:51 AM, Dave  wrote:
>>>> What I'm hearing is probably the same thing, except I dont have NR 
>>>> switched on...
>>>> I'll read through the list of things to do to reduce the effect and see if 
>>>> any work out.
>>>> Dave (G0DJA)
>>>> - Original Message - From: "Jim Bennett"
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 2:40 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks
>>>> Dave,
>>>> What I'm having are not "clunks" - they are truly "clicks". And they 
>>>> happen when the KX3 returns from a transmit state to a receive state. I 
>>>> hear it with the external speaker somewhat, but more so with headphones 
>>>> turned on. This is probably due to the fact that there are other "things" 
>>>> in the room that I'm hearing, while with the cans on my head, I hear 
>>>> nothing but the KX3. And in my case, I can remove those clicks about 99.9% 
>>>> by turning off NR. I'm pretty confident that Wayne & the crew will have 
>>>> this one resolved pretty quickly.
>>>> Jim / W6JHB
>>>> On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 5:33 PM, Dave wrote:
>>>>> I thought that the clunks were due to RF interference!
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 / K3 Antenna Sharing

2013-12-31 Thread Jim Bennett
Thanks for the info all -

I looked at that Bird 6 position switch - about 1/2 the cost of my KX3 - yikes! 
Think I'll pass on that one. I do have a Daiwa 2 position switch that I've 
hooked up to share my antenna - one side to the K3, the other to the KX3. Seems 
to work OK, although when a strong signal (S9+) on the K3, I can still hear it 
when the switch is set to the KX3. I wonder if the Alpha/Delta switches have 
any better isolation that thiat

Jim / W6JHB

On   Tuesday, Dec 31, 2013, at  Tuesday, 12:38 PM, Edward R Cole wrote:

> I am using a couple DAIWA manual coax switches.  2-pos selects either K3/10 
> or KX3 (at 12w) and 4-pos is for antenna selection at 300w from the 
> amplifier.  I do not use coax switches at QRO levels but I only run that on 
> 6m and 2m with dedicated antenna so no switching is needed (I do use coax 
> relays).
> I am getting a used B&W 5-pos switch which will be used at HF/6m under 300w.  
> I have to check it out first.
> 73, Ed - KL7UW
>"Kits made by KL7UW"
> Dubus Mag business:
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks

2013-12-31 Thread Jim Bennett
Dave - what happens when you turn on NR, say at level 1 or 2? Do you hear 
clicks in your headphones on the transition from transmit back to receive?

On Dec 31, 2013, at 1:51 AM, Dave wrote:

> What I'm hearing is probably the same thing, except I dont have NR switched 
> on...
> I'll read through the list of things to do to reduce the effect and see if 
> any work out.
> Dave (G0DJA)
> ----- Original Message - From: "Jim Bennett"
> Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 2:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks
> Dave,
> What I'm having are not "clunks" - they are truly "clicks". And they happen 
> when the KX3 returns from a transmit state to a receive state. I hear it with 
> the external speaker somewhat, but more so with headphones turned on. This is 
> probably due to the fact that there are other "things" in the room that I'm 
> hearing, while with the cans on my head, I hear nothing but the KX3. And in 
> my case, I can remove those clicks about 99.9% by turning off NR. I'm pretty 
> confident that Wayne & the crew will have this one resolved pretty quickly.
> Jim / W6JHB
> On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 5:33 PM, Dave wrote:
>> I thought that the clunks were due to RF interference!
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks

2013-12-30 Thread Jim Bennett

What I'm having are not "clunks" - they are truly "clicks". And they happen 
when the KX3 returns from a transmit state to a receive state. I hear it with 
the external speaker somewhat, but more so with headphones turned on. This is 
probably due to the fact that there are other "things" in the room that I'm 
hearing, while with the cans on my head, I hear nothing but the KX3. And in my 
case, I can remove those clicks about 99.9% by turning off NR. I'm pretty 
confident that Wayne & the crew will have this one resolved pretty quickly.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 5:33 PM, Dave wrote:

> I thought that the clunks were due to RF interference!
> If they are down to a problem that Elecraft knows about, like the poor 
> speaker performance, then I'm not greately impressed as I use headphones to 
> avoid the speaker problems...
> Dave (G0DJA)
> - Original Message - From: ""Hjalmar Duklæt"" 
> To: "Jim Bennett" ; "Elecraft Reflector Reflector" 
> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 9:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks
> You are right. It doesn't help me. For me it all comes down to how much 
> background noise there is. So for me it helps both with NR and NB as they 
> both reduce the noise. When the QRN/QRM is above S6 I have to turn the AF 
> gain down to 1. I still can here the signals, so for me it's no big problem. 
> But I hope to get rid of it all in a future F/W version.73 de Hal
> la4xx
> On 13-12-30, Jim Bennett   wrote:
>> Just spent an hour or so working with Howard and Wayne at Elecraft trying to 
>> nail this down. I tried various things, including adjusting the lower three 
>> audio equalization bands, using a lower NR setting, setting the receive 
>> bandwidth to 100-300 Hz, setting NB on at a low setting, and using a 
>> non-zero QSK delay. In my situation, there was but one thing that just about 
>> completely eliminated this clicking: turning OFF the NR. With it turned on, 
>> at level 1, the clicking was ugly. Increasing it up to 9 or 10 helped a 
>> little, but lowered receive volume too much. Turning NR off stopped my 
>> clicks.
>> This may or may not help with YOUR particular rig's key click problems, but 
>> it fixed mine until they have a firmware resolution.
>> Thanks to the guys at Elecraft for their continued excellent support!!
>> Happy New Year to all, and may 2014 bring you the goodies on your wish list. 
>> (I already got mine - KX3, KPA500, & KAT500), so I'm pretty much outta luck 
>> this coming year!!! :-)
>> 73, Jim / W6JHB
>> Folsom, CA
>> On Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at Monday, 12:53 AM, Hjalmar Duklæt wrote:
>> > Yes, this is a known issue. Try to turn down the AF gain when keying. > 
>> > That will make it much better.
>> > 73 de Hal
>> > la43xx
>> >
>> > On 13-12-30, Klaus Koppendorfer  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> that is what we had several times told to elecraft, qsk on kx3 is bad,
>> >> you can read this also at bob sherwood
>> >>
>> >> 
>> >> Von: >> 
>> >> []" im Auftrag von "Jim Bennett >> 
>> >> []
>> >> Gesendet: Montag, 30. Dezember 2013 01:26
>> >> An: Elecraft Reflector Reflector
>> >> Betreff: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks
>> >>
>> >> Hi All - just this past weekend completed building KX3 # 5539. Seems to 
>> >> >> work fine except for one thing. When I've got headphones plugged in 
>> >> and >> running full break-in I'm hearing a fairly strong clicking noise. 
>> >> I set >> the rig into semi-QSK with a 1-second DLY and see that the click 
>> >> is >> happening when the radio goes back into receive, NOT when I key it 
>> >> and >> send RF out into the ozone. Any idea what's happening here? I've 
>> >> tried >> it with three different sets of 'phones: A Sony MDR-V6, a Bose 
>> >> Triport, >> and an el-cheapo pair of 'round-the-ear phones that I use 
>> >> with my >> iPhone at the gym. I hear the same click on all three. I then 
>> >> unplugged >> the 'phones and listened to the built-in speaker with DLY at 
>> >> zero. The >> clicks are there, too. Very annoyi

Re: [Elecraft] K3/KPA500/KAT500 SWR problem

2013-12-30 Thread Jim Bennett
They are on all of MY various HF antennas: doublet, Inverted L's, and a ground 
mounted vertical.

On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 11:54 AM, Jim Miller wrote:

> Do you have coomon mode chokes on you feed lines?
> Jim ab3cv
> On Dec 30, 2013, at 1:29 PM, Bill W2BLC  wrote:
> In regards to proper grounding etc.: I think it is safe to say that K3 owners 
> have a very good grasp of what is needed to construct and operate a proper 
> station - safety and RF wise.
> I do, yet still went back over every last connector/connection/lug, etc. 
> Everything is locked down properly here. No baluns, good coax, and everything 
> is mechanical and soldered along the entire antenna routes. Yet, the problem 
> continues. Perhaps the most disconcerting part is that my other auto 
> tuners/rigs do not exhibit this difficulty. Perhaps the KAT500 is seeing 
> something the others do not.
> The difficult part is never knowing when the tuner will take off and the fact 
> that MANUAL selection does not appear to make any difference. I have been 
> using MANUAL for a couple of months. I do not see that it has made any 
> difference in occurrences. The instances of "run-away" are random and it is 
> usually days between events.
> Bill W2BLC K-Line
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Re: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks

2013-12-30 Thread Jim Bennett
Just spent an hour or so working with Howard and Wayne at Elecraft trying to 
nail this down. I tried various things, including adjusting the lower three 
audio equalization bands, using a lower NR setting, setting the receive 
bandwidth to 100-300 Hz, setting NB on at a low setting, and using a non-zero 
QSK delay. In my situation, there was but one thing that just about completely 
eliminated this clicking: turning OFF the NR. With it turned on, at level 1, 
the clicking was ugly. Increasing it up to 9 or 10 helped a little, but lowered 
receive volume too much. Turning NR off stopped my clicks.

This may or may not help with YOUR particular rig's key click problems, but it 
fixed mine until they have a firmware resolution.

Thanks to the guys at Elecraft for their continued excellent support!!

Happy New Year to all, and may 2014 bring you the goodies on your wish list. (I 
already got mine - KX3, KPA500, & KAT500), so I'm pretty much outta luck this 
coming year!!! :-)

73, Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA

On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 12:53 AM, Hjalmar Duklæt wrote:

> Yes, this is a known issue. Try to turn down the AF gain when keying. That 
> will make it much better.
> 73 de Hal
> la43xx
> On 13-12-30, Klaus Koppendorfer  wrote:
>> that is what we had several times told to elecraft, qsk on kx3 is bad, 
>> you can read this also at bob sherwood
>> Von: []" im 
>> Auftrag von "Jim Bennett []
>> Gesendet: Montag, 30. Dezember 2013 01:26
>> An: Elecraft Reflector Reflector
>> Betreff: [Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks
>> Hi All - just this past weekend completed building KX3 # 5539. Seems to work 
>> fine except for one thing. When I've got headphones plugged in and running 
>> full break-in I'm hearing a fairly strong clicking noise. I set the rig into 
>> semi-QSK with a 1-second DLY and see that the click is happening when the 
>> radio goes back into receive, NOT when I key it and send RF out into the 
>> ozone. Any idea what's happening here? I've tried it with three different 
>> sets of 'phones: A Sony MDR-V6, a Bose Triport, and an el-cheapo pair of 
>> 'round-the-ear phones that I use with my iPhone at the gym. I hear the same 
>> click on all three. I then unplugged the 'phones and listened to the 
>> built-in speaker with DLY at zero. The clicks are there, too. Very annoying. 
>> Any hints??
>> Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] K3/KPA500/KAT500 SWR problem

2013-12-30 Thread Jim Bennett
Dick - 

I've had my K-line (K3/P3/KPA500/KAT500) running here for a while on almost all 
the bands, mostly CW. I have yet to have it act up this way, or any other way, 
for that matter. I use an 88 foot long doublet at 45 feet for 40-6 meters, and 
two separate Inverted L antennas for 80 and 160. Single 6 foot long copper clad 
steel ground rod right outside the shack window.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 10:15 AM, Richard Solomon wrote:

> OK, so now we have heard from a few folks that have this problem.
> As a soon to be purchaser of a similar set-up, I am quite concerned.
> What is the solution to this problem ?
> I read one post about putting the Tuner in Manual mode, but I also
> read that another user has had the problem in Manual mode.
> How does one fix this ?
> 73 es HNY, Dick, W1KSZ
> On 12/30/2013 11:10 AM, Joe K2UF wrote:
>> I have had a similar thing happen to me also.  I have been in a contest on a
>> run freq. and suddenly the KPA500/KAT500 will fault.  This is on CW.  If I
>> do a 'tune' the amp/tuner will retune and I can continue.  Of course in the
>> few seconds it takes I will usually lose the freq.
>> 73,  Joe K2UF
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of KD0Q-Glenn
>> Sent: Monday, December 30, 2013 9:24 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3/KPA500/KAT500 SWR problem
>> I experience this as well, only on 80 meters with the KPA500 in
>> operate.  Always thought that it was RF getting into the KAT500 sensing
>> as I can usually back off to 300 Watts, force a KAT500 re-tune and continue.
>> Glenn - KD0Q
>> On 12/30/2013 07:59, Bill W2BLC wrote:
>>> This is exactly why I want to see this complete discussion in full
>>> view. It is a problem here also - occurring often and without any
>>> obvious cause. Putting the tuner in AUTO or in MANUAL does not stop it
>>> from happening. The tuner does not seem to understand the term MANUAL.
>>> My experience is from 75 meters - with no change in antennas - and
>>> will occur on oft used frequencies in the middle of a transmission.
>>> The tuner just suddenly decides it is time to make noises. I do not
>>> use other bands and the antenna is a dipole that present no problems
>>> to other rigs and tuners (read as nothing wrong with the antenna or
>>> feedlines, which have all been completely checked).
>>> AT the very least, I now know I am not alone with this problem.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bill W2BLC  K-Line
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Re: [Elecraft] W6JHB KX3 Clicking

2013-12-30 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Howard -

Yes, I see there were a couple replies since I initially posted. One poster 
notes that it is a "known issue", and that's only partly comforting - at least 
someone is aware of it and hopefully working on resolution. Another sez his is 
only with headphones inserted. Mine does it with and without headphones. And 
yes, turning down the AF gain reduces the clicking, but it has to be turned 
down so far that I cannot hear the other station(s) - not a useful solution. 
With headphones removed, there is no clicking at AF level 12. But, with the 
built-in speaker I can't hear anything except for the monitor tone. Turning AF 
gain to about 30 or more allows me to hear signals on the band, but the 
clicking is there. With headphones inserted, the clicking is quite obvious down 
to AF level 2. At level 1 is is gone. If I turn off VOX and key my paddle, 
there is no RF sent, but the clicking is still there, so it has nothing to do 
with RF being sent. Something in the T/R circuitry, methinks. Unti
 l the engineers can get it corrected, I can use the rig w/o VOX (manual 
transmit) to avoid the annoying clicking.


On   Monday, Dec 30, 2013, at  Monday, 8:48 AM, Howard K6IA Elecraft Support 

> Jim,
> I see that this was answered for you on the reflector. 
> I have passed your message onto the Engineering team for their review.
> Regards
> Howard K6IA
> --
> 73,  Howard Stephenson  K6IA
> Elecraft Customer Support
> (831) 763-4211 EXT 169
> --
> On 12/29/2013 7:17 PM, Jim Bennett wrote:
>> I posted this on the reflector on Sunday afternoon and no replies from 
>> anyone in the group, so I'm turning to you folks.
>> "Hi All - just this past weekend completed building KX3 # 5539. Seems to 
>> work fine except for one thing. When I've got headphones plugged in and 
>> running full break-in I'm hearing a fairly strong clicking noise. I set the 
>> rig into semi-QSK with a 1-second DLY and see that the click is happening 
>> when the radio goes back into receive, NOT when I key it and send RF out 
>> into the ozone. Any idea what's happening here? I've tried it with three 
>> different sets of 'phones: A Sony MDR-V6, a Bose Triport, and an el-cheapo 
>> pair of 'round-the-ear phones that I use with my iPhone at the gym. I hear 
>> the same click on all three. I then unplugged the 'phones and listened to 
>> the built-in speaker with DLY at zero. The clicks are there, too. Very 
>> annoying. Any hints??"
>> Jim Bennett / W6JHB
>> 224 American River Canyon Dr.
>> Folsom, CA 95630-7409
>> Web:
>> Being retired doesn't mean I'm not part of the work force - just that I'm 
>> not forced to work!

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[Elecraft] KX3 Headphone Clicks

2013-12-29 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi All - just this past weekend completed building KX3 # 5539. Seems to work 
fine except for one thing. When I've got headphones plugged in and running full 
break-in I'm hearing a fairly strong clicking noise. I set the rig into 
semi-QSK with a 1-second DLY and see that the click is happening when the radio 
goes back into receive, NOT when I key it and send RF out into the ozone. Any 
idea what's happening here? I've tried it with three different sets of 'phones: 
A Sony MDR-V6, a Bose Triport, and an el-cheapo pair of 'round-the-ear phones 
that I use with my iPhone at the gym. I hear the same click on all three. I 
then unplugged the 'phones and listened to the built-in speaker with DLY at 
zero. The clicks are there, too. Very annoying. Any hints??

Jim / W6JHB

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Re: [Elecraft] Santa - Thanks!

2013-12-25 Thread Jim Bennett
Yep, she got here from the Philippines in September of 1999 and by May of 2000 
had passed her General class test with the 13 wpm code test, too! She even 
tolerates my going on the air at 03:30 local time to work DX (after feeding our 
8 month old, that is) and good thing for me - I worked JT5DX (Mongolia) on 80 
CW the other morning shortly after doing the baby feeding ritual!! 

On   Wednesday, Dec 25, 2013, at  Wednesday, 12:04 PM, Bill Blomgren (kk4qdz) 

> You have a VERY knowledgeable Santa in your shack!  Congrats!   I figure it 
> will be together by dinner...

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[Elecraft] Santa - Thanks!

2013-12-25 Thread Jim Bennett
Wow - Santa (KF6ZNT) sure was nice to me today! I unwrapped a big brown box and 
found a KX3 kit waiting for me - wah!

Now I can spend some time building it, learning how to use it and at the same 
time, learn more about using WSJT-X / JT9 on the K3. Who said it's boring being 

Merry Christmas everyone - 

Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] K3 + SLUSB + Mac = JT9 Help Needed

2013-12-23 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi All -

I know this is a stretch but I'm wondering if there are any folks on this 
reflector who are using a Mac computer with their K3, a SignaLink USB, and have 
had success with the installation and operation of WSJT-X for Mac OS? I'd like 
to run JT9 and if possible, avoid having to run the Windows version under 
VMware Fusion and Windows XP. There is a native OS X version of WSJT-X; I've 
downloaded it and followed the installation instructions. I can get the program 
to start up but this is my first exposure to WSJT and I'm pretty lost. I'd like 
to have the K3's frequency displayed on the WSJT screen, but I'm kinda (no, 
totally) lost as to how to set up the configuration, especially in the CAT 

Jeeze, the first steps into a new mode like this certainly are a wakeup call as 
to how far behind the curve one is...! :-(

Please reply on or off list if you can help.

Regards, Jim / W6JHB
Folsom, CA (three miles from The Big House)
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 to Al-811 Amplifier

2013-12-13 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Mark - I used an AL-811 along with my K3 for almost a year. It works fine, 
and the only two cables you need are the coax and the PTT line. ALC connection 
is not recommended. Also, you will need an RF power meter between the AL-811 
and your antenna (if it is resonant), or between the AL-811 and your antenna 
tuner, if the antenna is NOT resonant. And don't forget, disable the K3's 
internal antenna tuner, if you have that option installed. There is a very good 
and helpful AL-811 tuning web page out there. The URL is:

Hope that helps.

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Friday, Dec 13, 2013, at  Friday, 10:01 AM, wrote:

> Hi Guys, I would like to hook up my K3 to an Ameritron Al-811 Amplifier. I 
> assume that I connect the K3 output to the Amplifier Input. An the Keying 
> Cable that is in the back to the Relay Plug on the Al-811? I see an ALC 
> Output and ALC Adjustment knob. But I probably don't need to use those. But 
> then again I could be wrong. Has anyone used the AL-811 with the K3? Thanks 
> in advance. Mark Griffin, KB3Z
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Re: [Elecraft] K144XV Option

2013-12-07 Thread Jim Bennett
Hi Joel -

I did what you are considering - downsizing, sort of. I had the K3/100 and P3 
combo along with an IC-207H dual band radio. I rarely ever got on 440, so I 
decided to add the K3 internal 144 MHz module. As a bonus, selling the 
dual-bander paid for a good part of the K144XV's price! Installation was pretty 
easy, and the unit works perfectly. I have the FM filter in the K3 so I can 
(and do) use the local repeaters when I get in the mood. In addition, having 
CW/SSB capability on 2 meters is pretty cool. A long time ago I had a Yaesu 
FT-736R and I did a little CW operating on the band, and I missed that 
capability. Anyway, the K144XV puts out a max of about 10-12 watts, so unless 
you've got a tower and a nice high-gain yagi on top of it, you aren't going to 
be doing Worked All States or EME. I gave my 2 meter signal a little more 
muscle by building the 80 watt all-mode linear amp that was designed by W6PQL 
and featured in the May 2013 issue of QST. Here is a link to the amp info on
  his web site:

Bottom line: a nice addition to your K3 and a way to eliminate a piece of 
equipment from your desk.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Saturday, Dec 7, 2013, at  Saturday, 6:10 AM, Joel Black wrote:

> Sorry if this is a duplicate post. I think I sent it from the wrong email.
> I am looking at further downsizing my station and I have a question about the 
> K144XV transverter for the K3.
> My current setup is the K3 (160 - 6 m), the P3, and an Icom ID-880H (D-STAR). 
> I am on D-STAR less than once per month. For that matter, I rarely get on 2 m 
> when I'm at home. Two meters is my to-and-from work and my out-and-about 
> driving band. I don't do mobile HF because it's too much to fiddle with and I 
> drive a company work truck (I probably wouldn't do mobile HF unless someone 
> else was driving). Even though I do not get on 2 m from the house very much, 
> I'd still like the capability and I'm in the process of simplifying and 
> minimizing my life. I thought the K144XV would help with that.
> What are the opinions of the K144XV? All good and bad are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Joel - W4JBB
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Re: [Elecraft] Yamaha CM500

2013-12-04 Thread Jim Bennett
No adapter is required - plugs fit as they are! :-)

On   Wednesday, Dec 4, 2013, at  Wednesday, 1:10 PM, Lee Buller wrote:

> Does  anyone sell a cable or have the information for connecting a CM500 to a 
> K3?  I think an adapter of some sort is in order here.  I was thinking using 
> a adapter to 1/4 inch for the headphone partbut I need to make a pig tail 
> for the mike.
> Lee - K0WA
> In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you 
> don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't 
> find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  
> Is Common Sense divine?
> Common Sense is the image of the Creator expressing revealed truth in my 
> mind. -  John W. (Kansas)
> Never interfere with anything that isn't bothering you.
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Re: [Elecraft] Batteries and solar power

2013-11-30 Thread Jim Bennett
My 2.5 centavos worth -

I've been running my station (couple years with an IC-756 Pro III, and three+ 
years a K3/100) on three Sun-Xtender PV-1040T AGM batteries connected in 
parallel. They are 104 AH each, so I've got about 300+ AH to run my equipment. 
These three batteries are connected to a ProStar 15M charge controller, which 
is also hooked to a single 72-watt G.E. solar panel. These three batteries have 
ample power to run my K3 at full power (along with a KAT500 auto tuner) for 
hours on end, along with a 12v station desk lamp. The batteries are at least 
6-7 years old and appear to be holding their own. I have them connected to an 
N8XJK boost regulator, which provides me with a full-time supply of 14 volts 
into a RigRunner 4008 power distribution module. In addition to the K3, I have 
a home-brew 80 watt, all-mode, 2 meter linear amplifier running from the same 
supply to give my K3's 2 meter RF a little "punch". My K3 has never been 
connected to the power company mains - 100% solar / battery. Now
 , my KPA500 amplifier - that's a different story!

Jim / W6JHB

On   Saturday, Nov 30, 2013, at  Saturday, 8:29 AM, W4GRJ wrote:

> David,
> I believe the key to AGM longevity is to keep them on a proper charger 24/7.
> This is what I have done with excellent results.
> Jack
> W4GRJ 
> On Nov 30, 2013, at 9:36, "David Cutter"  wrote:
> Hello Jack
> I can see your experience is good.  I haven't so far uncovered what is meant 
> by "life" for these batteries, perhaps it's when the energy being fed in is 
> more than double what is taken out or something of the kind, or the time it 
> takes to drain to a projected cut-off.  I doubt that the internal resistance 
> is measured.  As an ex marine operator, standby (emergency) battery life was 
> very important and they were replaced on a strict schedule, however good or 
> bad they might be in use - a bit like alarm batteries and such like.  I know 
> amateur requirements are somewhat "flexible" shall we say : - )
> David
> I live in Florida and as a fishing guide, the  4 group 27 AGM batteries on my 
> boat have performed perfectly now for over 4 years of almost daily use. I 
> have almost every piece of marine electronics and radios running on the boat.
> Jack
> On Nov 30, 2013, at 3:17, "David Cutter"  wrote:
> As I understand it, AGM batteries are designed for high current performance, 
> ie good for engine starting, but for radio use I would have thought that gel 
> batteries would be more suitable as they have a longer life, particularly in 
> hot climates.  I have no experience of either, just reading the specs.
> David
>> On Thu, 28 Nov 2013 05:36:15 +1000, John's email  wrote:
>> I use 2 x 6V 300AH AGM batteries as the prime power source in my shack.
>> I use a 15Amp smart charger to keep them topped up whilst mains power is 
>> available and a 200Watt solar panel is available for after cyclones 
>> (hurricanes) as we invariably lose power for a day or three after them.
>> -- 
>> Jeff Cochrane - VK4XA 
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Re: [Elecraft] CONFIG:REFCAL

2013-11-17 Thread Jim Bennett
George - you need to have TECH Mode turned on in the CONFIG menu list first.

Jim / W6JHB

On   Sunday, Nov 17, 2013, at  Sunday, 9:57 AM, George Rebong wrote:

> I am going to Calibrate my K3.
> I don't have the CONFIG:REFCAL in my Config menus.
> -- 
> George Rebong
>  KE6TE
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 / KPA500 / KAT500 Tuning

2013-11-14 Thread Jim Bennett
Thanks for all the helpful suggestions - the issue has been resolved, and the 
K-Line is now work as it should, per the manual. Had a bad board in the KAT500 
and was unable to run the KAT500 Utility program. And that meant I was not able 
to set it for optimizing for the KPA500. Put in the new board this afternoon 
and bingo - working fine!

73, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 / KPA500 / KAT500 Tuning

2013-11-12 Thread Jim Bennett
Thanks Fred!

Unfortunately, the KAT500 utility does not see my KAT500. Been doing exhaustive 
testing with Elecraft support and they've concluded that I have a bad circuit 
on the KAT500 board. I've tried two different cables (known to work with the 2 
meter module), two different operating systems (Mac OS X and Windows) and two 
different computers (MacBook Air and iMac). They are sending me a replacement 
board so it looks like I'll be re-assembling the KAT500 later this week!


(Looking forward to that K-Line book!!)

On   Tuesday, Nov 12, 2013, at  Tuesday, 12:59 PM, Cady, Fred wrote:

> Jim. Be sure to set up the KAT500 Configuration:
> Amplifier Key Interrupt Power = Optimize for KPA500 (not the default 30 w)
> Amplifier Key Interrupt VSWR Threshold = ~2.5:1 (not the default 99:1)
> I set the Autotune VSWR Threshold to 1.8:1 (or maybe that is the default)
> In the K3 set PWR SET to Per Band and TUN PWR to nor.
> Cheers,
> 73,
> Fred KE7X
> "The Elecraft K3: Design, Configuration and Operation 2nd ed"
> "The Elecraft KX3 - Going for the summit"
> or
> (Coming soon with explanations of all this: "The Elecraft KPA500 and KAT500 - 
> the K-Line Dream Station")
> Fred Cady
> fcady at ieee dot org
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [mailto:elecraft-
>>] On Behalf Of Buck - k4ia
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 1:32 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 / KPA500 / KAT500 Tuning
>> Is it possible that your antenna is tuned already?  If it weren't, and
>> the SWR were too high, you would not get 500 watts out of the amp.  You
>> would get a FAULT message and the whole thing would shut down.
>> Buck
>> k4ia
>> On 11/12/2013 2:40 PM, Jim Bennett wrote:
>>> Folks, sorry if this has been discussed on the reflector before, but
>> I've looked through the archives and drew a blank. I know I saw it but
>> try as I may, can't find any related posts.
>>> I just this week added a KPA500 and KAT500 to my K3 station.
>> Documentation sez that the KAT500 tunes best when the K3 is set to 25
>> watts of tune power. OK, got that set. But, what ideally should happen
>> is that if the amp is in OPER mode and I press & hold the TUNE button
>> on the K3, the amp should temporarily go to STBY mode until the tuner
>> has finished doing it's thing. It doesn't - the amp fires out 450 - 500
>> watts - not cool.
>>> Have I missed a setting somewhere that will make this happen, in case
>> I forget to put the amp in standby mode, before I run a tune cycle?
>>> Tnx, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 / KPA500 / KAT500 Tuning

2013-11-12 Thread Jim Bennett
No, don't have the RCA cable - only the K3-->KAT500-->KPA500 cables. What I do 
have is an inability to read and pay attention to what I'm reading!!! 

Good grief - I had been using a third party tuner until I put the KAT500 
together and the process is a tad different. Now I see what was happening. The 
tuner already had a match and did not bother to disable the amp when I pressed 
the tune button on the K3. Also, after re-reading the manual, I see that 
pressing the tune button on the KAT500 will force a re-tune when the K3 sends 

Once again, operator. A learning process...

Thanks for the help!


On   Tuesday, Nov 12, 2013, at  Tuesday, 11:46 AM, Dick Dievendorff wrote:

> Sounds like the amplifier key interrupt may not be working. Do you by chance 
> have both the RCA cable and 15 pin ACC cable connected?  The wiring diagrams 
> in the KAT500 are important. The amp doesn't switch to standby, instead its 
> key line is broken by the KAT500 so the amp doesn't amplify during ATU tuning.
> The ATU won't tune if it sees more than exciter level power. 
> Dick, K6KR
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 12, 2013, at 11:40, Jim Bennett  wrote:
>> Folks, sorry if this has been discussed on the reflector before, but I've 
>> looked through the archives and drew a blank. I know I saw it but try as I 
>> may, can't find any related posts. 
>> I just this week added a KPA500 and KAT500 to my K3 station. Documentation 
>> sez that the KAT500 tunes best when the K3 is set to 25 watts of tune power. 
>> OK, got that set. But, what ideally should happen is that if the amp is in 
>> OPER mode and I press & hold the TUNE button on the K3, the amp should 
>> temporarily go to STBY mode until the tuner has finished doing it's thing. 
>> It doesn't - the amp fires out 450 - 500 watts - not cool. 
>> Have I missed a setting somewhere that will make this happen, in case I 
>> forget to put the amp in standby mode, before I run a tune cycle?
>> Tnx, Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] K3 / KPA500 / KAT500 Tuning

2013-11-12 Thread Jim Bennett
Folks, sorry if this has been discussed on the reflector before, but I've 
looked through the archives and drew a blank. I know I saw it but try as I may, 
can't find any related posts. 

I just this week added a KPA500 and KAT500 to my K3 station. Documentation sez 
that the KAT500 tunes best when the K3 is set to 25 watts of tune power. OK, 
got that set. But, what ideally should happen is that if the amp is in OPER 
mode and I press & hold the TUNE button on the K3, the amp should temporarily 
go to STBY mode until the tuner has finished doing it's thing. It doesn't - the 
amp fires out 450 - 500 watts - not cool. 

Have I missed a setting somewhere that will make this happen, in case I forget 
to put the amp in standby mode, before I run a tune cycle?

Tnx, Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] KPA500/Kat500 Cables - PL-259 Question

2013-11-08 Thread Jim Bennett
The UPS guy is set to deliver my KAT500 and KPA500 later this afternoon. In the 
mean time, I've been getting "stuff" ready for the blessed event. Some of that 
stuff means preparing coax jumpers to run from the K3 to the KPA500 and from 
the KPA500 to the KAT500. From the KAT500 I may go to my 4:1 balun directly to 
my doublet or through a 4-position coax switch - undecided there. Anyway, many 
knowledgeable folks have stated, either on this reflector or on their own web 
sites, that it's a good idea to stick with known manufacturers of coax and 
connectors, such as Belden, Amphenol, The Wireman, DXE, etc.

Well, I just got a bunch of PL-259 connectors from that last-mentioned vendor 
and noticed that they had no brand name on them. Plus, the vendor's web site 
doesn't say that they are "Amphenol" brand, but that they ARE silver plated and 
teflon insulated. Comparing these connectors with some other silver / teflon 
connectors in my parts drawer, I notice a difference in the center conductor. 
On the DXE PL-259's, the center pin is 100% surrounded with what apparently is 
the white teflon insulation. On the ones in my bin, there is a small 
silver-looking "ring" around that center pin, approximately 1 mm wide, and then 
teflon as the remainder of the insulation. The only other difference between 
these two types of connectors is that the DXE-supplied PL-259's have a much 
more coarse "finger grip" area than my other ones.

So, the question is - with neither of them having any brand name on them, 
should one feel comfortable using either of them? How can you tell if a PL-259 
is "crap", other than a lack of teflon insulation and silver plating?

Jim / W6JHB

Folsom, CA (anxiously waiting for Mr. UPS)
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Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 /K3 cable with US Interface soundcard

2013-11-08 Thread Jim Bennett
Isn't that the "Y" adapter that comes with the KPAK3AUX?

On   Friday, Nov 8, 2013, at  Friday, 12:52 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Jack,
> A "Y" adapter for DB15HD can be used at the K3 end.  Make sure it has all 15 
> pins wired "straight through" - A VGA "Y" will NOT do because it does not use 
> all the pins and connects some of them together.
> I recall the proper adapter is available at Cable Wholesale (or something 
> like that).
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 11/8/2013 3:34 PM, W4GRJ wrote:
>> I recently ordered the KPA500 & KAT500. Looking at the connection diagram 
>> between the K3 & KAT500 there is a connection on the ACC  of the K3. My 
>> Navigator soundcard is now connected to the ACC on the K3. What is the 
>> solution to use both the KAT500 & the Navigator?
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Re: [Elecraft] 25A power supply question

2013-11-08 Thread Jim Bennett

I've had the MFJ-4245MV supply for several years and think it is an OK PS. I 
detect no crud on any of the bands when powering my K3 with it. However, I 
normally use a solar / battery system and the '4245 doesn't get a lot of use 
any more. One thing that is annoying about it is that the fan runs at high 
speed all the time, right from power-on to drawing full current for several 
minutes. That's my only complaint about it. There was an article somewhere on 
the 'net about a mod to one of the other MFJ supplies to make the fan operate 
like the K3, based on heat. But, I'm pretty sure it was NOT for this '4245 

Jim / W6JHB

On   Friday, Nov 8, 2013, at  Friday, 10:45 AM, Mike Dodd wrote:

> Hello to the list from a first-time poster.
> I have a KX3, and have a KXPA100 amplifier on order. I see that my 20A 
> Tripp-Lite linear power supply isn't sufficient to power both of these, so 
> I'm researching other supplies.
> Astron seems to be the gold standard, but I also see some MFJ supplies. The 
> 3045MV is a 30A linear supply, and looks good from the specs. Any opinions on 
> this one?
> MFJ also has the 4245 45A switching supply, and the DX Engineering catalog 
> says, "No RF hash? These power supplies are clean!"
> Are they really clean? I don't want ANY hash spoiling my quiet location, and 
> will avoid any switching supply that creates receive noise. Does anyone have 
> experience with this line of MFJ switching supplies?
> What about the Astron ASR-SS-30M 30A switching supply. Quiet or noisy?
> Should I even consider a switching supply, or stick with a linear model? The 
> Astron ASR-RS-35M looks good, albeit more expensive than the MFJ 3045MV.
> Thanks for any information.
> -- 
> 73, Mike N4CF
> Louisa County, VA USA
> Elecraft KX3 #3118, 10W
> Carolina Windom up 45'
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[Elecraft] KPA500 / KAT500 Cable Question

2013-10-25 Thread Jim Bennett
Just want to be sure nothing has changed from what I found in the archives - I 
am looking at purchasing a KPA500 and KAT500 in the next few weeks and want to 
be sure that, if I opt to use my own SVGA cables (actually from that I need to remove pins 1, 6, 7, and 8. Yes?

p.s. - sorry if this is a duplicate - I tried to post it yesterday, but it 
seems to have gone into the ether...

Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] Testing Reflector

2013-10-25 Thread Jim Bennett
My posts are not going through - wondering what's up.?
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500-K3 Aux cable

2013-10-25 Thread Jim Bennett
That's true - I ordered the one noted by AD5X, part number 10H1-20206NF ($7.01 
each) along with a couple "port savers" that I'll remove pins 1, 6, 7, and 8 
from. This is supposed to be a straight-through cable.


On   Thursday, Oct 24, 2013, at  Thursday, 3:08 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:

> Jim,
> I shudder when you said "SVGA cables".
> You need to start with cables that connect all 15 pins straight through.  
> "SVGA cables" have several pins connected together and should not be used.
> You have the right source, but I believe has both straight 
> through 15 pin cables and SVGA cables.  Make certain you have the correct 
> cables.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 10/23/2013 4:15 PM, Jim Bennett wrote:
>> Just want to be sure nothing has changed from what I found in the archives - 
>> I am looking at purchasing a KPA500 and KAT500 in the next few weeks and 
>> want to be sure that, if I opt to use my own SVGA cables (actually from 
>> that I need to remove pins 1, 6, 7, and 8. Yes?
>> Jim / W6JHB
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[Elecraft] KPA500-K3 Aux cable

2013-10-24 Thread Jim Bennett
Just want to be sure nothing has changed from what I found in the archives - I 
am looking at purchasing a KPA500 and KAT500 in the next few weeks and want to 
be sure that, if I opt to use my own SVGA cables (actually from that I need to remove pins 1, 6, 7, and 8. Yes?

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - SSB audio get lost !

2013-10-23 Thread Jim Bennett
I think I found it - try looking in your K3 Utility, under the Crystal Filter 
Configuration - there you will find the enable / disable for USB and LSB for 
each of the filters you have installed.

Hope that cures your problem!

Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Oct 23, 2013, at  Wednesday, 7:39 AM, Tommy wrote:

> I am having a configuration issue that I have spent hours trying to figure
> out and need some help please.
> As a CW person, I seldom operate SSB and I am trying to get set up for this
> weekend's CQWW SSB test. Below are some of my configuration for my K3 and
> the attached are jpg configuration sheets from K3 EZ. In any band in the SSB
> portion, I have no audio output any time I am in the USB or LSB mode,
> however if I change from USB to CW, I have normal audio but of course I
> can't copy the SSB signals. This is true whether I have my SUB turned on or
> not. I have my CM-500 headset plugged into the rear of my K3 and I have the
> RS20S headset plugged into the front panel PHONES jack and I have no audio
> with either or both of the headsets plugged in. With both headsets removed,
> I have no speaker audio in the SSB mode, but normal audio in the CW or AM
> mode.
> Any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
> In CONFIG I have:
> SPKRS = 1
> L-MIX-R = A   b
> Thanks for your input and 73,
> Tom - W4BQF
> PS: I have been trying to configuration pictures from K3-EZ but nothing is
> getting onto the reflector.
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA500 & K3 - 30 meters

2013-10-16 Thread Jim Bennett
Guys - thanks for all the helpful info. I had completely forgotten that the K3 
can, when used in conjunction with the KPA500, use two RF output settings per 
band: one with the amp on and another with it off. Dave was right on - set it 
to 100 watts (or whatever) with the amp off, and with the amp on, set it to 
something less than 201 watts. Perfect!

73, Jim / W6JHB

On   Wednesday, Oct 16, 2013, at  Wednesday, 7:28 AM, Cady, Fred wrote:

> The other thing you can do if you have the KPAK3AUX cable installed is to use 
> the INHIBIT function (if you are not using DIGOUT1 to control a PR6 preamp). 
> In the KPA menu, set INHIBIT to ENABLE, then in the K3 config menu set 
> DIGOUT1 ON when you are on 30 meters.  The problem with this solution is that 
> if you are using DIGOUT1 ON to turn on the PR6 preamp it will inhibit the amp 
> on 6 meters too.
> Dave's solution below is the  better way to go.
> Cheers,
> Fred
> KE7X

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[Elecraft] KPA500 & K3 - 30 meters

2013-10-15 Thread Jim Bennett
I had a KPA500 a year ago and in a moment of stupidity, sold it. Now 
considering a replacement. Got a question about it's operation that I can't for 
the life of me recall from my previous ownership. 

Let's say that I want to use the amp on all the HF bands except for 30 meters. 
Does the KPA500 have a per-band memory for the "operate / standby" function? 
Scenario: If I put the K3/KPA500 on 30 meters and place the amp in bypass, then 
drop down to 40 meters and go to "operate" mode, and then later on go back to 
30 meters - will the KPA500 "remember" that I want it in bypass mode, or do I 
have to do it manually? Looked in the downloadable KPA500 manual, but saw no 
reference to this.

Thanks in advance, Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] OT: Beware

2013-09-04 Thread Jim Bennett
We are also a "Mac family" here (iMac's, MacBooks, etc.) - those idiots called 
me a few weeks ago. I can't put in writing what I told that guy, but I'd be 
willing to bet there were some words he's never heard before. I don't think 
they'll be call me back any time soon!

On   Wednesday, Sep 4, 2013, at  Wednesday, 12:33 PM, Bob K6UJ wrote:

> I have a Mac also.  Looking forward to them calling me  :-)
> Bob
> K6UJ
> On Sep 4, 2013, at 9:05 AM, Richard Kendrick wrote:
>> That might be a fun call for me because I have a Mac.
>> On Sep 4, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Fred Jensen  wrote:
>>> While OT, still important.  There is a new scam, prevalent on the US west 
>>> coast but might be elsewhere.  You receive a phone call from a fast-talking 
>>> dude who obliquely purports to be from Microsoft.  His pitch goes something 
>>> like, "blah blah this is windows support, we're getting error messages from 
>>> your computer.  Can you get to your computer now ... blah ... we can solve 
>>> it ... it's all very secure ... blah," at which point I hung up.  Have now 
>>> had 3 more of them.
>>> While there's probably no one on this list who would fall for this, it 
>>> might be wise to advise less-technically inclined family members of this 
>>> and to hang up immediately.
>>> 73,
>>> Fred K6DGW
>>> - Northern California Contest Club
>>> - CU in the 2013 Cal QSO Party 5-6 Oct 2013
>>> -
>>> On 9/3/2013 9:08 PM, Don Wilhelm wrote:
 Be safe and be aware, call the phone number on your billing account for
 your ISP before sending email to any requests like that.
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Re: [Elecraft] W2 - Possible Addition to Station

2013-09-02 Thread Jim Bennett
Well, as I mentioned, I'm building the 80 watt amp from that QST article, and 
need a way to do the initial tuning procedure. Got to have some sort of watt 
meter, and the combination of SWR and Power (as most units provide) is 
desirable. I agree that the difference between a 1.2:1 and 1.4:1 SWR is pretty 
much irrelevant, but seeing an accurate change in output power can make a 
difference in how the amplifier has been adjusted for peak output power. The 
LED bars, with the VHF sensor, are only going to show me a change of 10 watts 
per segment, while the computer display has a tad more resolution. The W2 
appears to be a very nice piece of equipment, although it does hurt the 
pocketbook. :-)

Jim / W6JHB
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Re: [Elecraft] W2 - Possible Addition to Station

2013-09-02 Thread Jim Bennett
OK - looks like maybe I jumped the gun, so to speak. I just went back into the 
archives and found several discussions on the W2; it appears that no one is 
ready to head off to the Elecraft HQ with pitchforks and burning torches. In 
fact, I didn't see any negative comments at all - only good stuff, so if I can 
talk the XYL into my dropping some moola on yet more radio equipment, I'll 
probably be ordering a W2 in a few days.

Jim / W6JHB
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