Re: [expert-it] Compilazione kernel

2000-03-17 Thread Andrea Celli

Don Stefano Bortolato wrote:
 Ho provato più volte a ricompilare il kernel del mio linux e quando riavvio
 usando il nuovo kernel si pianta sempre nelle fasi di avvio.
 Ho fatto diversi tentativi e cambia solo il momento di "piantamento". Si va
 dalle fasi di decompressione del kernel al montagio del file system.
 Le prove le ho fatte con le distribuzioni:
 Le "anomalie" nel processo di compilazione che notato sono: se do "make
 zImage" non va in porto perché dice che è troppo grande il file. Con "make
 bzImage" tutto va bene.

Questo e' abbastanza normale: hai fatto un kernel troppo grande e devi
usare un algoritmo di compressione piu' efficiente (b2zip invece che
per farlo rientrare nei limiti.
Un po' e` naturale perche' i kernel 2.2.x sono "cicciottelli" di natura
e tu hai delle device abbastanza eterogenee.
Un po' potresti evitarlo stando attento a non inserire supporti

Di sicuro la bzImage dovrebbe funzionare esattamente come la zImage.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [expert] Multi Head X (OT)

2000-03-17 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Seanthat has been doable for a long time.  Use this syntax:
'startx -- :x'.  Your original session defaults to x=0, the next
should be x=1 etc.  Ctl-alt f7-f12 accesses the x-sessions
whereas ctl-alt f1-f6 accesses the consoles you started the
x-sessions in.


Sean Armstrong wrote:
 I've heard bits and tidbits of this multi head thing with the new X. I was
 wondering if this would allow multiple users to run multiple X sessions on
 the sam computer. ie. tty0 would be running a root X session while
 ctrl-alt-F2 would switch you over to tty1 running a user X session. I'm
 shooting in the dark here because I have no clue about this. Will someon
 please enlighten this unworthy one?
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

[expert] Netscape troubles

2000-03-17 Thread Bobby Welch

Netscape starts up slowy (almost seems like it is going to hang) when i
start it up while i am connected to the internet.  This does not happen
when i start up netscape when i am not connected to the internet .. it
does not hang, it starts right up.  Does anyone know what could be
causing this?  I have erased my .netscape dir hoping that that would fix
the problem but no such luck.  I connect to the internet via modem and
am not connected to a lan.  Any help would be greatly be appreciated.

[expert] glibc-2.1.3-0.2mdk troubles

2000-03-17 Thread Bobby Welch

I recently installed glibc-2.1.3-0.2mdk.i586.rpm and
glibc-devel-2.1.3-0.2mdk.i586.rpm so that i could run some programs that
required a higher version of these libraries then what came starndard
with 7.0
The problem is that i get some errors now when i startup other
programs.  They still run .. but i get these errors .. does anyone know
if there is anything that i can do to fix this.  Here are some of the

Error when starting Linuxconf:
Error message from remadmin :Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by
C library

Error when starting rpmdrake:
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = "en",
LC_ALL = "en",
LANG = "en"
are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").


[expert] VMWare, Win3.1 and Linux Ethernet

2000-03-17 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

[Running Mandrake 7.0]

I have an unusual situation on my hands having to do with trying to make
my Ethernet 3com card work in Win3.1 on VMware.

My wife and I are Russian translators, as some of you may know, and TV6
from Moscow has recently begun broadcasting live ( throughout the day, I
presume) on the Internet. Most unfortunately, they have chosen the
Redmondians' Windows Media Player as their player of choice.

I left Windows 95 after two years of nightmare and only Linux saved from
sheer insanity. I am sure many of you have had the same experience.

TV6 is the first major Russian network to broacast its live domestic
programs on the Internet, and it would be a darn shame if it were not
available to us Linux users just because it is on WMP.

I would think twice or thrice if this meant installing Win95 or 98 on
VMware. The very idea of dealing with the Win95/98 Registry makes me
want to put a gun to my head.

Win3.1, on the other hand, is a relatively easy OS to handle, even for a
non-techie like myself. And it's very easy to restore it by just
reinstalling over itself. Personally, I have little need for it (except
that we still use it on our old 486 until full Cyrillic support is
available in StarOffice and throughout Linux.

So, I installed Win3.1 (NOT Win3.11 for Works), then installed my
original Netscape 2.02 from Bellsouth, then upgraded it to Netscape
3.04. The Bellsouth Netscape version gave me two options: Standard
DIAL-UP installation or CUSTOM (for LAN users). At the time, I was using
a dial-up modem. Now, as a broadband user on Bellsouth, I am considered
by them to be on their Bellsouth LAN. I decided to go ahead and install
the dial-up version anyway, figuring that I could this way have the
option of either dial-up or broadband (as I do on Linux with my U. S.
Robotics ext 56k modem as my backup when ADSL goes down, which is quite

Well, it just so happens that Microsoft has made their WMP available for
Win3.1 at:

Of course, everything hinges on whether this WMP 3.0 for Win3.1 is in
fact the equivalent of their WMP 6.4 for Win95/98.

This seems to be the case. Please correct me if I am wrong. Obviously,
if it isn't the case, then I am barking up the wrong tree. If, however,
it does play the video on TV6, then this would be a huge bonanza for
Russian scholars, teachers and students everywhere who insist on using
Linux (not too many as of this writing but I am optimistic).

I have read all the relevant documentation on enabling devices and
peripherals on the VMware site at:


1) During Installation I was asked if I wanted "bridge networking", in
fact, it was already chosen for me under "Networking." VMware Support
(see above) advised configuring the ethernet adapter and other devices
and said that it all depended on the host OS, that is, Linux. After
turning off Win3.1 and powering vmware off, as instructed, I went into
the VMware Configuration Editor. The "network bridge" option needed no
configuring. It had already been taken care of. But how do I actually
configure and connect to the Internet through Win3.1 on VMware?

2) How do I connect to the Internet on Win3.1 through Vmware? To enable
the modem and other devices, I am supposed to enter the path. But what
path, where? For instance, what path would you put for the ttyS1 modem
device? I typed "whereis ttyS1" and got nothing. Or do they want the
/home/sher/vmware/Win31 path? Well, I tried that and got an error
message when clicking on my Netscape dialer telling me that "the
communications port was not responding or was being used by another
telephy device. And should my dial-up modem be turned on first in Linux
(kpppd) or directly in Win3.1/Vmware?

3) How to do you transfer files from Linux to Windows if the files are
too big for floppies? 

All my thanks in advance to all of you who would be kind enough to



Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [expert] Multi Head X (OT)

2000-03-17 Thread Rial Juan

Ok, hope I understand you correct here. You're wondering if it's possible to run
multiple X servers on one computer? Well, yes. It's been like this as far as I
know. That's not what multi-head is all about. Multi-head is about displaying
image on 2 phisically different monitors at the same time. Imagine for example a
flight sim where you'd play using a big 19" monitor as main view, and another
14" one next to it that displays your radar all the time... That's what
multi-head is all about. Another example would be one huge desktop with the left
side displaying on the left monitor and the right side on the other, or using
one monitor to code up an opengl-app, while you have it running on the other
monitor for immediate viaual output.

I don't know any details about the way it's been done in Xfree 4.0. AFAIK (but
this might be incorrect) both monitors must run same resolution and colordepth.

In order to be able to use multi-head, you either need 2 videocards, or one with
dual-head option, like the Matrox MGA-G400 if I'm correct. I know Xfree 4.0
supports the matrox thingie, not sure about 2 separate video boards though.

Well, hope this clarifies things, and sorry for my limited knowledge on the

On Mar 16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've heard bits and tidbits of this multi head thing with the new X. I was 
 wondering if this would allow multiple users to run multiple X sessions on 
 the sam computer. ie. tty0 would be running a root X session while 
 ctrl-alt-F2 would switch you over to tty1 running a user X session. I'm 
 shooting in the dark here because I have no clue about this. Will someon 
 please enlighten this unworthy one?
 Get Your Private, Free Email at


Rial Juan
Belgiumtel:(++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...

Sign the petition at
Help bring us more Linux Drivers

Re: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

2000-03-17 Thread Vic

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Larry Sword mewed:
 He uses Mandrake-Linux also.

Huh? I got a 404 error with this link, uh oh, oops.

My new linux web server with Apache

[expert] GeForce card

2000-03-17 Thread Wayne

I have an ASUS GeForce card that works well under Linux though it has extra
features I would like to utilise.  It also has a TV box attached which allows
me to get TV on my PC.  Are there any programs apart from VMWare that will
allow me to use the software to run this?  Will Wine do the job?

Wayne Petherick
Criminology Department
Humanities and Social Sciences
Bond University
Gold Coast, Australia

Re: [expert] Multi Head X (OT)

2000-03-17 Thread ibi


I hope you are right. I just turned off my machine in the middle of a
new install because nothing was going right. I think I know why, but..
Linux is certainly a hell of a lot more intuitive than I am, hopefully 
a reformat will cure the basic problem which was a kernel panic. Egads
what a mess I created. -(  Thankfully, my worst day with L-M is 1000
times better than my very best day with Microsloth. 


Tom Berkley wrote:
 Nothing unworthy about asking a question you stupid newbie. (Laugh you
 asked for it).  Try it and see if it works. 10 months ago I was a newbie
 too. The worst thing you can do is crash your system and have to
 reinstall linux. Except for messing with the video parameters in a way
 that will literally fry your video card, there is not much you can do
 that will physically damage your box short of dropping it off a table or
 your wife (or girlfriend?) throwing it out the window because you spend
 to much time playing with it and not her.

Re: [expert] Netscape troubles

2000-03-17 Thread ibi

Netscape is a pregnant, lumbering yak. There hasn't been a version since
3.04 that has shown any signs of loading faster than ice melts in Alaska
in the winter. I'm on telco too. Everytime I get on line I wonder who
will fail first, telco, my IP or Netscape? The only possible cure for
Netscape is a scalpel and a new owner. BTW, all browsers load faster


Bobby Welch wrote:
 Netscape starts up slowy (almost seems like it is going to hang) when i
 start it up while i am connected to the internet.  This does not happen
 when i start up netscape when i am not connected to the internet .. it
 does not hang, it starts right up.  Does anyone know what could be
 causing this?  I have erased my .netscape dir hoping that that would fix
 the problem but no such luck.  I connect to the internet via modem and
 am not connected to a lan.  Any help would be greatly be appreciated.

[expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

This is a footnote to my long letter concerning Linux, VMware and Win3.1
(which is in fact one of the guest OS's supported by VMware for Linux).

Here is a simple question:

I downloaded an xyz.exe file for Win3.1 using Linux into my /home/sher
directory (At this point I still don't know how to access the Internet
on Win3.1/Vmware). Now how do I move or copy this file to Win3.1.
Obviously, it would be something like:

#cp xyz.exe to C:\ (the Windows directory)? 


But where in the world am I going to find Drive C:\ on my Linux system.
I checked the file system, KDE's file system. It's not in
/home/sher/vmware/win31. So where is it? Or is there a special way to do

Just curious.

Thank you so much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [expert] Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Rich Clark

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Norman Carver wrote:

 Having set up mdk 7.0-2 on my two PCs and having had
 few problems (except for incomplete network setup on one),
 I agreed to help a colleague set it up on his PC.
 Unfortunately, we have had nothing but problems.
 We have resolved the same network issue that I had
 (this is obviously a bug in the installation).
 X is running after a fashion--though not properly,
 since the install did not work with his ATI rage
 pro turbo card for some unknown reason.  We can
 probably get that fixed up too, though.
 However, we are now having a rather strange problem
 trying to get printing working.  He has an Epson stylus
 900 with usb and parallel port connections, which he has
 been using through the usb connection to Win98.  We decided
 to switch to the parallel connection for Linux.  We used
 the drakconf/printtool to set up the queue and printed a
 test page successfully.  Then he rebooted to Win98 and it
 installed the printer again via the parallel port and printed
 to it successfully.  Back to Linux, but now no response to
 an lpr command or to a redirection to /dev/lp0 (the parallel
 port being used).  Huh?  It is like the Win98 printer install
 did something (although it may just be a coincidence).
 Reran drakconf, says that it detects an Epson 900 on /dev/lp0,
 but still no luck with printing or redirection.
 Here's some of the info we have found:
 BIOS shows parallel port being set up at 0x378, with irq 7.
 That is what W98 shows for port.  
 Rebooting into Linux, lsmod shows the lp, parport, parport_pc,
 and parport_probe modules being loaded.  dmesg shows the results
 from the probe as detecting a Epson 900 on correct port and address.
 Still no luck printing or redirecting a file.  Looking at
 /proc/interrupts does NOT show irq 7 assigned to parport.  This
 seems strange except my mdk 7.0 with a local Epson printer (which
 works fine) also does not have irq 7 set.
 If we rmmod the lp and parport modules and then load them by hand
 with parport_pc using the io=0x378 and irq=7 options, parport_pc
 causes the printer to make some noises (as it does during BIOS phase).
 Still, though, no printing or redirection.
 I am really at a loss.  parport_probe shows the right printer being
 detected and because parport_pc elicits some noise from the printer
 the port is clearly right.  Why won't anything come out??
 Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  My friend was really hot
 to switch to Linux, but is about ready to bag it (though he will
 try Caldera first).
 One more question I have is why the irq for the parport is not
 being set up (e.g., even on my working system) when conf.modules
 contains the lines:
 alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc 
 pre-install plip modprobe parport_pc ; echo 7  /proc/parport/0/irq

I've seen similar problems with my HP Deskjet 670C.  I found it was
related to the bios assigning irq 7 to my SB AWE 64 after booting into
Winsuck then returning to 'drake.  Reserving irq 5 in bios to the isa bus
so the sound card would grab it instead of 7 took care of the problem.  I
then edited my sound card entry in conf.modules to reflect the change to
irq 5.

Rich Clark

Sign the petition at
Help bring us more Linux Drivers

[expert] Mandrake Netware

2000-03-17 Thread Lane Lester

The only instructions I've been able to find for hooking a Mandrake box to
a Netware server have been for Mandrake 6.x, and they mainly involve using
Caldera stuff to do the job.

Since I'm running Mandrake 7.0.2, I'm hoping there's a better approach now.
I first asked this question on the newbie list, but no one seemed to know
the answer.
Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread David Warnock


 to play CDs trougth the soundcard, you must have a cable attached from the
 CD to the soundcard.. if you have it should work just fine..

it is attached (Windows 98 plays CD's fine).


Re: [expert] RAM above 64mb not found

2000-03-17 Thread David Warnock

Thanks everyone for the help.  I was missing the M so 256M works fine
and I am a happy bunny.

Sorry for the delay in replying but I have been travelling (and
installing more Mandrake very successfully).


Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread David Warnock

Guillermo Belli wrote:
 Is your CD-Rom attached to the soundcard? Is the CD volume set to low?

Yes it is attached and I have tried all volumes.


Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread David Warnock


GMIX does not seem to be installed. I will install it (but I am normally
using KDE at them moment - will that matter).


"Alan N." wrote:
 Guillermo Belli wrote:
  Is your CD-Rom attached to the soundcard? Is the CD volume set to low?
  El Fri, 10 Mar 2000, escribiste:
   I have installed Mandrake 7.0, my soundcard (soundblaster Live) works OK
   (I can play wav files fine), the cd player works fine (it detects the CD
   and play starts counting time). But no sound comes out when I play a
   cd.  I guess that the cd player does not "know" about the soundcard.
   What am I missing?
 Try under gnome menus, multimedia , then GMIX.
 ( Gnome audio mixer ).
 Look for CD, and make sure REC is checked.

Re: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

2000-03-17 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message -
From: Larry Sword [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Linux Mandrake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 11:12 PM
Subject: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

 Here's an interesting story

  An I-opening Hack: $200 PC (Technology 3:00 a.m. PST),1282,34977,00.html?tw=wn2316

  With a minor cable tweak, an engineer jerry-rigged his new, $99 Net
 'appliance' into a fully functional Pentium PC. Supplies are  dry --
 and now the company's IPO is boasting unexpected glitter. By Chris

 He uses Mandrake-Linux also.

I hope to pick up mine today, but I am more likely to install BeOS on it
because of the USB support necessary for a NIC and the 32 MB memory/ 200 MHz
WinChip is a little light for running X/KDE. An on-board NIC and 64MB would
be a better Linux box.


NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] Multi Head X (OT)

2000-03-17 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] Multi Head X (OT)

 Ok, hope I understand you correct here. You're wondering if it's possible
to run
 multiple X servers on one computer? Well, yes. It's been like this as far
as I
 know. That's not what multi-head is all about. Multi-head is about
 image on 2 phisically different monitors at the same time. Imagine for
example a
 flight sim where you'd play using a big 19" monitor as main view, and
 14" one next to it that displays your radar all the time... That's what
 multi-head is all about. Another example would be one huge desktop with
the left
 side displaying on the left monitor and the right side on the other, or
 one monitor to code up an opengl-app, while you have it running on the
 monitor for immediate viaual output.

This is one area where MS Windows actually does much better than Linux (no
flames please). It supports just about any combo of PCI video cards while X
4.0 seems limited to Matrox cards (and maybe the S3 Virge cards - docs are
scarce). I have found multi-head to be great to use when writing: one
monitor displays my web browser, one a text editor and file browser and the
main monitor a wordprocessor with the main body of work. It sure beats
multiple virtual desktops. I've been doing this since Win 98 came out. While
the commercial X servers could support this, they were =very= expensive. I
have been scoping out the used video card offerings looking for some 8MB
Matrox cards and looking for another 15" monitor (It would be great to have
all 17" monitors, but who has the money?)
I am glad that XFree finally support multi-head so I can leave MS WiIndows
foor good (Except for OE which I run in VMware - show me an equivalent, free
Linux mail program and I'll be there.)

And BTW, it seems that XFree 4.0 dows not support my Voodoo 3-2000 as yet.


 I don't know any details about the way it's been done in Xfree 4.0. AFAIK
 this might be incorrect) both monitors must run same resolution and

 In order to be able to use multi-head, you either need 2 videocards, or
one with
 dual-head option, like the Matrox MGA-G400 if I'm correct. I know Xfree
 supports the matrox thingie, not sure about 2 separate video boards

 Well, hope this clarifies things, and sorry for my limited knowledge on

 On Mar 16 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've heard bits and tidbits of this multi head thing with the new X. I
  wondering if this would allow multiple users to run multiple X sessions
  the sam computer. ie. tty0 would be running a root X session while
  ctrl-alt-F2 would switch you over to tty1 running a user X session. I'm
  shooting in the dark here because I have no clue about this. Will someon
  please enlighten this unworthy one?
  Get Your Private, Free Email at


 Rial Juan
 Belgiumtel:(++32) 89/856533
 ulyssis system admininstrator

 The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
 That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...


 Sign the petition at
 Help bring us more Linux Drivers

NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

RE: [expert] Mandrake Netware

2000-03-17 Thread Bois, Mathieu

Caldera has been created by the former Novell CEO, if I am right...
That's why they have developped a Novell support for Linux (yes : Linux
itself, and not Slackware or RedHat or SuSE or Mandrake or...).
That's a great idea, and they have given the rights to use it freely, and it
works well.

Now, if you want improvements, then ask Caldera for it OR do it yourself!

Nowadays, unfortunately, Novell is less used. And thus, the interest to
develop new support for Novell has decreased.

The big lack in Linux Novell support - in my mind - is the native Novell
filesystem (ie read/write straightly from/to Novell formatted disks, no
access through the network).

I don't think it's the "job" of Mandrake to do it and I would really be
surprised if they had been doing something about it in release 7.0.2.
I'm afraid you still have to wander through the manuals to do the thing!

That's my point of view.



 -Original Message-
 From: Lane Lester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 17 March 2000 12:32
 Subject: [expert] Mandrake  Netware
 The only instructions I've been able to find for hooking a 
 Mandrake box to
 a Netware server have been for Mandrake 6.x, and they mainly 
 involve using
 Caldera stuff to do the job.
 Since I'm running Mandrake 7.0.2, I'm hoping there's a better 
 approach now.
 I first asked this question on the newbie list, but no one 
 seemed to know
 the answer.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

2000-03-17 Thread Rial Juan

It's supposed to be, and another site is ... Not sure if they're related, since I just did a quick
lookup on it while in class.

On Mar 17 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Larry Sword mewed:
  He uses Mandrake-Linux also.
 Huh? I got a 404 error with this link, uh oh, oops.


Rial Juan
Belgiumtel:(++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...

Sign the petition at
Help bring us more Linux Drivers

Re: [expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Rial Juan

AFAIK, vm-ware uses the loopback-device principle for its FS. That means it
mounts a file as its filesystem (similar to mounting an ISO-image in linux).
Therefore I fear it's impossible to copy the file directly onto the win 3.1

What you can try is check out if you can get any network access in win31,
preferably FTP, and if that works, log into your linux-box and "download" the
file. So basically: get that internet working under VM-ware.

ps: isn't there another way? Can't you access the linux FS as a network drive in
vm-ware? I don't use it, so I don't know... Perhaps putting it on a floppy, and
reading the floppy in vm-ware? Just a few suggestions, I might not be making
much sense here. ;-)

On Mar 15 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear friends:
 This is a footnote to my long letter concerning Linux, VMware and Win3.1
 (which is in fact one of the guest OS's supported by VMware for Linux).
 Here is a simple question:
 I downloaded an xyz.exe file for Win3.1 using Linux into my /home/sher
 directory (At this point I still don't know how to access the Internet
 on Win3.1/Vmware). Now how do I move or copy this file to Win3.1.
 Obviously, it would be something like:
 #cp xyz.exe to C:\ (the Windows directory)? 
 But where in the world am I going to find Drive C:\ on my Linux system.
 I checked the file system, KDE's file system. It's not in
 /home/sher/vmware/win31. So where is it? Or is there a special way to do
 Just curious.
 Thank you so much.


Rial Juan
Belgiumtel:(++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator

The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...

Sign the petition at
Help bring us more Linux Drivers

RE: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread fred . deklein

Can you play cd music under windows or are you on a sole Linux box???
It might be the cable (from cdrom to soundcard), or the connector on the
soundcard wher the cable is plugged in, hence my question if you can play
under windows.

Fred de Klein
tel: 01908 656106 (w)
  0780 8254445(mob) 

-Original Message-
From: David Warnock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 March 2000 12:19
Subject: Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

Guillermo Belli wrote:
 Is your CD-Rom attached to the soundcard? Is the CD volume set to low?

Yes it is attached and I have tried all volumes.


Re: [expert] Not solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 16:30 -0600, Norman Carver wrote:
 Any idea what is going on??  Since my friend has to
 use W98 frequently, he is not too thrilled about having
 to remember to always turn his printer off between the

I'll put that in my own simple words:

When the printer is switched on it listens on both ports where
the next signal is coming in.

1. You're in Win, printing via USB. Printer is listening on his
USB port.

2. You close Win and reboot into Linux. In Linux you don't have
a working USB connect to the printer (YET!). So how do you think
the printer recognizes any signals on the parallel port when it
is listening on the USB port? You have to 'reboot' the printer
as well as the PC so it can listen on both ports where the next
signal comes from.

3. Close Linux and reboot into Win. Now the printer is still
listening on the parallel port. But Win is sending on the USB


Power down printer *before* you shut down Win or Linux. Reboot.
Power on printer *after* your system (Win or Linux) is up.

Unplug the USB cable (printer must be powered off) and use only
parallel in Win and in Linux. Don't forget to disable your USB
port in BIOS.
Downfall of this is, You lose extra speed and/or features in Win.

Get developer's kernel for Linux and try to get the USB port

Any more solutions? Oh,yeah:
Buy a second pc, connect it to your first, run Linux on one and
Win on the other pc. Connect the printer to the Win-pc and print
through network. (Now, that's the professional solution! ;-) )

GPG-Fingerprint: FE5A 0891 7027 8D1B 4E3F  73C1 AD9B D732 A698 82EE
For Public Key mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject: GPG-Request
ISDN4LINUX-FAQ -- Deutsch:

Re: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

2000-03-17 Thread Eugene C. Zesch

Vic wrote:

 On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Larry Sword mewed:
  He uses Mandrake-Linux also.

 Huh? I got a 404 error with this link, uh oh, oops.

 My new linux web server with Apache

Try   They were mentioned on Slashdot
a couple days ago.

[expert] stupid Xfree86 4.0 question

2000-03-17 Thread Stout, Wayne

Greetings, everyone...

I just upgraded to Xfree 4.0, and now plain X is the only thing that comes
up. KDE doesn't come up. I've tried the Desktop Configuration tool in setup,
searched the archives, searched for docs on the system, gone over the website and haven't found anything useful. Can somone point me
to an FAQ or something? I'll gladly RTFM, if I could find one



Re: [expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Rial:

Thank you so very much for taking out the time to help.

Thanks especially for suggesting connecting to my Linux box from Win31
with FTP. Will keep that in mind once I get my Internet connection (or
dial-up connection or both) set up.

And, yes, I can copy files from Linux to Windows with a floppy. But what
do you do with a 5 meg file?

Thanks so much again.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[expert] Linux/VMWare -- bridge or host-only networking?

2000-03-17 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

This is a footnote to my earlier letter concerning Mandrake 7.0, VMware
2.0 and Win3.1.

I have a single computer running Linux and a single virtual machine with
Win3.1 on it. I have ADSL broadband (3com ethernet card) and I also use
a U. S. Robotics 56k EXT modem as a backup for the ADSL. 

During installation, VMWARE recognized my DHCP protocol and suggested
bridge network. That's what Settings also showed after installation
(which was otherwise perfect). At the bottom of the main VMware screen I
see icons for four devices: floppy, hard drive, CD AND ethernet0. The
floppy icon works when I click on it and the hard drive. The CD is of no
importance at this time. But the ethernet icon does not respond.


After reading extensivly on this subject on VMware's support page
(Documentation, Networking) at:, I can't
help but wonder if perhaps what I really need is HOST-ONLY NETWORKING
for the ethernet card. Bellsouth considers me to be on a LAN, and that
is the way my ADSL was configured from the beginning (first under
Windows95 and now under Linux). I hope to avoid Win95/98 at all costs in
VMware. My interest is very specific: Windows Media Player 3.0 for
Win3.1, which is equivalent, I think, to WMP 6.4 for Win96/98. I need
this for live Russian broadcasting for my colleagues and myself, and TV6
Moscow broadcasts, alas, only on WMP.

What's your opinion, please? Bridge or host-only networking?

Thank you so very much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [expert] use XF86Config from setup

2000-03-17 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 The default Mandrake 7.0 install does not use the XFree86 XF86Setup
 program which is in a separate rpm. The xf86config is included in the
 basic XFree86 rpm and is usually not a very good way to configure your
 system. Use the Xconfigurator for the best results with Mandrake or
 Redhat. I've used them both and Xconfigurator has always worked better.
Yes, but correct me if I'm wrong (I'll be the first to
admit it if I am) don't you need to HAVE "X" before you can
run Xconfigurator? In this case, the person asking for the
help can't GET to his X.

Re: [expert] Multi Head X (OT)

2000-03-17 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 I've heard bits and tidbits of this multi head thing with the new X. I was 
 wondering if this would allow multiple users to run multiple X sessions on 
 the sam computer. ie. tty0 would be running a root X session while 
 ctrl-alt-F2 would switch you over to tty1 running a user X session. I'm 
 shooting in the dark here because I have no clue about this. Will someon 
 please enlighten this unworthy one?

You've already been able to do thatwith special startx
command-line paramaters. Multi-headed has to do with being
able to use multiple monitors.

RE: [expert] Mandrake Netware

2000-03-17 Thread Lane Lester

 I'm afraid you still have to wander through the manuals to do the thing!

Well, if I have to, I have to. :-)

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Re: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

2000-03-17 Thread John Aldrich

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Larry Sword mewed:
  He uses Mandrake-Linux also.
 Huh? I got a 404 error with this link, uh oh, oops.
Heh. The URL got munged. It's
(The "i" got left off. G)

RE: [expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Zaleski, Matthew (M.E.)

I'm a longtime user of VMWare for Linux so I'll try to answer the multitude
of questions in this post

 -Original Message-
 From: Rial Juan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 AFAIK, vm-ware uses the loopback-device principle for its FS. 
 That means it
 mounts a file as its filesystem (similar to mounting an 
 ISO-image in linux).
 Therefore I fear it's impossible to copy the file directly 
 onto the win 3.1

Although vm-ware never explicitly states that this is how they do it, it is
a reasonable assumption.  In fact, they offer a utility for mounting vm-ware
virtual disks in Linux for direct manipulation by the host operating system.
The URL is
It describes in detail how to set it up and covers common problems.

 What you can try is check out if you can get any network 
 access in win31,
 preferably FTP, and if that works, log into your linux-box 
 and "download" the
 file. So basically: get that internet working under VM-ware.

Win3.1 is going to be more problematic than win9x or NT because you usually
have to use DOS drivers to enable networking and that is a royal pain in the
arse (been there, done that).

If vm-ware is configured with bridged networking, it handles all of the
issues related to having 2 IP addresses (1 for Linux and 1 for guest OS)
with only one network card.  The kicker being: You need multiple static
addresses available for that to work (works for me since I could request
additional IP's from my corporate networking group).  If you are doing this
at home via dialup or single static ip (cable modem/DSL/etc) that you must
tell vm-ware to set up a private network (host only networking in their
options dialog) for your guest OS.  Then the Linux side has to be set up
with something along the lines of IP-Masquerading or web proxies.

 ps: isn't there another way? Can't you access the linux FS as 
 a network drive in
 vm-ware? I don't use it, so I don't know... Perhaps putting 
 it on a floppy, and
 reading the floppy in vm-ware? Just a few suggestions, I 
 might not be making
 much sense here. ;-)

My comment above points out that vm-ware offers several networking solutions
for it's guest OS's.  Worst case scenario: you could mount the floppy on
Linux, copy files to it, umount the drive, and reconnect the drive to the
guest OS in the vm-ware options, all on the fly.  It's tedious, but it does

 On Mar 15 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear friends:
  This is a footnote to my long letter concerning Linux, 
 VMware and Win3.1
  (which is in fact one of the guest OS's supported by VMware 
 for Linux).

Why are you using Win3.1 in the first place.  Fire up a copy on Win95 or 98
in the VM and networking is 10 times easier.

Matthew Zaleski

Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread Andrew Post


What soundcard? Do other sounds work? (I missed the first post, so my
apologies if you already gave us this info).

If you happen to have a SoundBlaster 64/Ensoniq AudioPCI there are
several bugs in the kernel sound driver. First, the CD channel needs to
be set to be a recording source in order for CD sound to work. Second,
some mixer programs (including gmix and kmix) trigger a bug in which the
Playback/Recording source settings get corrupted, and the CD channel
gets switched into playback mode every time you start the mixer. To work
around the problem in gmix, make sure the "Restore mixer settings on
startup" option in preferences is unchecked. There's no workaround that
I can find for kmix. The command line tool aumix does not exhibit this

Furthermore, the commercial OSS driver for this sound card does not
exhibit these bugs. I haven't tried ALSA, so I don't know how well it


David Warnock wrote:
  to play CDs trougth the soundcard, you must have a cable attached from the
  CD to the soundcard.. if you have it should work just fine..
 it is attached (Windows 98 plays CD's fine).

Re: [expert] Netscape troubles

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

Check your proxy settings.  I'd guess that it's trying to get to an
automatic proxy configuration and failing or connecting very slowly.
Alternatively it could have slow access to a startup page, but with no
connection it fails the name lookup immediately and doesn't waste
further time looking.

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Netscape starts up slowy (almost seems like it is going to hang) when i
| start it up while i am connected to the internet.  This does not happen
| when i start up netscape when i am not connected to the internet .. it
| does not hang, it starts right up.  Does anyone know what could be
| causing this?  I have erased my .netscape dir hoping that that would fix
| the problem but no such luck.  I connect to the internet via modem and
| am not connected to a lan.  Any help would be greatly be appreciated.
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] VMWare, Win3.1 and Linux Ethernet

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

You connect to the network under Win 3.1 under vmware just as you do
under Win 3.1 when not under vmware.  Which is "with great difficulty,"
I suspect.  The networking support under Windows 95/98 is much improved.

The path for the modem is /dev/ttyS1.

In theory you can connect the modem via Linux and then use Linux as a
gateway via the host-only networking to vmware, but I've had little
success with that myself.  Indeed, I've had little success with
host-only networking, period, myself.

So when I need to do this, I just connect the modem under vmware and
let Windows own the modem.  That works well for me.

As for transferring files, see my earlier reply to your later mail.

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Dear friends:
| [Running Mandrake 7.0]
| I have an unusual situation on my hands having to do with trying to make
| my Ethernet 3com card work in Win3.1 on VMware.
| My wife and I are Russian translators, as some of you may know, and TV6
| from Moscow has recently begun broadcasting live ( throughout the day, I
| presume) on the Internet. Most unfortunately, they have chosen the
| Redmondians' Windows Media Player as their player of choice.
| I left Windows 95 after two years of nightmare and only Linux saved from
| sheer insanity. I am sure many of you have had the same experience.
| TV6 is the first major Russian network to broacast its live domestic
| programs on the Internet, and it would be a darn shame if it were not
| available to us Linux users just because it is on WMP.
| I would think twice or thrice if this meant installing Win95 or 98 on
| VMware. The very idea of dealing with the Win95/98 Registry makes me
| want to put a gun to my head.
| Win3.1, on the other hand, is a relatively easy OS to handle, even for a
| non-techie like myself. And it's very easy to restore it by just
| reinstalling over itself. Personally, I have little need for it (except
| that we still use it on our old 486 until full Cyrillic support is
| available in StarOffice and throughout Linux.
| So, I installed Win3.1 (NOT Win3.11 for Works), then installed my
| original Netscape 2.02 from Bellsouth, then upgraded it to Netscape
| 3.04. The Bellsouth Netscape version gave me two options: Standard
| DIAL-UP installation or CUSTOM (for LAN users). At the time, I was using
| a dial-up modem. Now, as a broadband user on Bellsouth, I am considered
| by them to be on their Bellsouth LAN. I decided to go ahead and install
| the dial-up version anyway, figuring that I could this way have the
| option of either dial-up or broadband (as I do on Linux with my U. S.
| Robotics ext 56k modem as my backup when ADSL goes down, which is quite
| often).
| Well, it just so happens that Microsoft has made their WMP available for
| Win3.1 at:
| Of course, everything hinges on whether this WMP 3.0 for Win3.1 is in
| fact the equivalent of their WMP 6.4 for Win95/98.
| This seems to be the case. Please correct me if I am wrong. Obviously,
| if it isn't the case, then I am barking up the wrong tree. If, however,
| it does play the video on TV6, then this would be a huge bonanza for
| Russian scholars, teachers and students everywhere who insist on using
| Linux (not too many as of this writing but I am optimistic).
| I have read all the relevant documentation on enabling devices and
| peripherals on the VMware site at:
| 1) During Installation I was asked if I wanted "bridge networking", in
| fact, it was already chosen for me under "Networking." VMware Support
| (see above) advised configuring the ethernet adapter and other devices
| and said that it all depended on the host OS, that is, Linux. After
| turning off Win3.1 and powering vmware off, as instructed, I went into
| the VMware Configuration Editor. The "network bridge" option needed no
| configuring. It had already been taken care of. But how do I actually
| configure and connect to the Internet through Win3.1 on VMware?
| 2) How do I connect to the Internet on Win3.1 through Vmware? To enable
| the modem and other devices, I am supposed to enter the path. But what
| path, where? For instance, what path would you put for the ttyS1 modem
| device? I typed "whereis ttyS1" and got nothing. Or do they want the
| /home/sher/vmware/Win31 path? Well, I tried that and got an error
| message when clicking on my Netscape dialer telling me that "the
| communications port was not responding or was being used by another
| telephy device. And should my dial-up modem be turned on first in Linux
| (kpppd) or directly in Win3.1/Vmware?
| 3) How to do you transfer files from Linux to Windows if the files are
| too big for floppies? 
| All my thanks in advance to all of you who would be kind enough to
| respond.
| Yours,
| Benjamin
| -- 
| Benjamin and Anna 

Re: [expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

Well, that all depends on how you configured vmware.

If you did a raw disk, then the simplest thing is to mount that
partition while vmware is down.

If you have host networking, you can use Samba or FTP while vmware is

I think that if you have the filesystem in a file you can use the
loopback device (man losetup) to get to the file system, but I'm not
certain of that.

On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Dear friends:
| This is a footnote to my long letter concerning Linux, VMware and Win3.1
| (which is in fact one of the guest OS's supported by VMware for Linux).
| Here is a simple question:
| I downloaded an xyz.exe file for Win3.1 using Linux into my /home/sher
| directory (At this point I still don't know how to access the Internet
| on Win3.1/Vmware). Now how do I move or copy this file to Win3.1.
| Obviously, it would be something like:
| #cp xyz.exe to C:\ (the Windows directory)? 
| Right?
| But where in the world am I going to find Drive C:\ on my Linux system.
| I checked the file system, KDE's file system. It's not in
| /home/sher/vmware/win31. So where is it? Or is there a special way to do
| this?
| Just curious.
| Thank you so much.
| Benjamin
| -- 
| Benjamin and Anna Sher
| Sher's Russian Web
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] Not solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Norman Carver

 From: Wolfgang Bornath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 16:30 -0600, Norman Carver wrote:
  Any idea what is going on??  Since my friend has to
  use W98 frequently, he is not too thrilled about having
  to remember to always turn his printer off between the
 I'll put that in my own simple words:
 When the printer is switched on it listens on both ports where
 the next signal is coming in.
 1. You're in Win, printing via USB. Printer is listening on his
 USB port.
 Power down printer *before* you shut down Win or Linux. Reboot.
 Power on printer *after* your system (Win or Linux) is up.
 Unplug the USB cable (printer must be powered off) and use only
 parallel in Win and in Linux. Don't forget to disable your USB
 port in BIOS.
 Downfall of this is, You lose extra speed and/or features in Win.

I guess I was not clear enough.  We did try your solution 2.
However, we are still having the problem that every reboot into
W98 results in the printer not working in Linux (unless it is
powered down prior to reboot)--even with only the parallel cable
connecting the PC and printer.

I can understand why having both the usb and parallel cables
connected to the printer might cause a problem, but I have a
hard time understanding how simply going into W98 causes the
printer to not work in Linux--since the bios is setting the
i/o and irq, and these are what both W98 and Linux are using.
Also, partport_probe appears to detectsthe printer, and reloading
parport_pc elicits a response (noise) from the pinter.  The
printer will not output anything however--even via redirection
to /dev/lp0.  Why?  W98 is not changing i/o or irq from what
the bios is set to do.  Also, we have tried loading parport_pc
both with and without the irq.  If the irq is set then parport_probe
notes it and says notes that the parport0 is interrupt driven.
If the irq is not set (the default from mdk conf.modules setup),
the port is listed as polling.  Printer will work either way--if
is has been powered down prior to reboot--but neither way if not
powered down.

Again, thanks for any further suggestions,

RE: [expert] Linux/VMWare -- bridge or host-only networking?

2000-03-17 Thread Zaleski, Matthew (M.E.)

Host-only with IP-Masquerading or Proxie/firewall on the Linux side.  I
believe there is a walkthrough on VMWare's site for getting the IP
Masquerade to work in your situation.  You will most likely need DOS drivers
for your network in Win3.1.

 -Original Message-
 From: Benjamin Sher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 4:23 AM
 To: Air-Exp
 Subject: [expert] Linux/VMWare -- "bridge" or "host-only" networking?
 Dear friends:
 This is a footnote to my earlier letter concerning Mandrake 
 7.0, VMware
 2.0 and Win3.1.
 I have a single computer running Linux and a single virtual 
 machine with
 Win3.1 on it. I have ADSL broadband (3com ethernet card) and 
 I also use
 a U. S. Robotics 56k EXT modem as a backup for the ADSL. 
 During installation, VMWARE recognized my DHCP protocol and suggested
 bridge network. That's what Settings also showed after installation
 (which was otherwise perfect). At the bottom of the main 
 VMware screen I
 see icons for four devices: floppy, hard drive, CD AND ethernet0. The
 floppy icon works when I click on it and the hard drive. The 
 CD is of no
 importance at this time. But the ethernet icon does not respond.
 After reading extensivly on this subject on VMware's support page
 (Documentation, Networking) at:, I can't
 help but wonder if perhaps what I really need is HOST-ONLY NETWORKING
 for the ethernet card. Bellsouth considers me to be on a LAN, and that
 is the way my ADSL was configured from the beginning (first under
 Windows95 and now under Linux). I hope to avoid Win95/98 at 
 all costs in
 VMware. My interest is very specific: Windows Media Player 3.0 for
 Win3.1, which is equivalent, I think, to WMP 6.4 for Win96/98. I need
 this for live Russian broadcasting for my colleagues and 
 myself, and TV6
 Moscow broadcasts, alas, only on WMP.
 What's your opinion, please? Bridge or host-only networking?
 Thank you so very much.
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

[expert] licq problems

2000-03-17 Thread Bobby Welch

Has anyone had any troubles with the latest mandrake rpms of Licq
(licq-0.75.3a-2mdk.i586.rpm / licq-data-1.5-1mdk.noarch.rpm)?  I have
been able to get the version of Licq that comes with Mandrake 7.0
(Licq-0.70.1-2mdk) to work, but not the new rpm.  When I installed the
new version of Licq and tried to run it .. it just hangs.  Has anyone
else had this problem or know what to do to fix this?

Re: [expert] stupid Xfree86 4.0 question

2000-03-17 Thread Richard Yevchak

It sounds like you're starting X from the console.  If that is true, try
putting startkde or kde in "~/.xinitrc".


On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 Greetings, everyone...
 I just upgraded to Xfree 4.0, and now plain X is the only thing that comes
 up. KDE doesn't come up. I've tried the Desktop Configuration tool in setup,
 searched the archives, searched for docs on the system, gone over the website and haven't found anything useful. Can somone point me
 to an FAQ or something? I'll gladly RTFM, if I could find one

Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread Michael George

I missed the first post, but when I upgraded to RHL6.1, the kernel that came
with it wouldn't allow my cdplayer applications to see the CD-ROM drive.  I
have an ATAPI-type drive.

I upgraded to kernel 2.2.15, and the problem was resoved.

No, my friend, the way to have good and safe government, is not to trust it
all to one, but to divide it among the many, distributing to every one exactly
the functions he is competent to.  It is by dividing and subdividing these
republics from the national one down through all its subordinations, until it
ends in the administration of every man's farm by himself; by placing under
every one what his own eye may superintend, that all will be done for the
-- Thomas Jefferson, to Joseph Cabell, 1816

Re: [expert] licq problems

2000-03-17 Thread John D. Kim

I'd just download the latest source and install it.  I think 0.76 has more
neat features, anyway.

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Bobby Welch wrote:

 Has anyone had any troubles with the latest mandrake rpms of Licq
 (licq-0.75.3a-2mdk.i586.rpm / licq-data-1.5-1mdk.noarch.rpm)?  I have
 been able to get the version of Licq that comes with Mandrake 7.0
 (Licq-0.70.1-2mdk) to work, but not the new rpm.  When I installed the
 new version of Licq and tried to run it .. it just hangs.  Has anyone
 else had this problem or know what to do to fix this?

RE: [expert] Mandrake Netware

2000-03-17 Thread ron peake

We connect to Netware from Linux at my work but there is no support for NDS ie it is 
via the bindery.
I have been told this week however that software is being developed which will allow 
Linux to connect
via NDS.  I hope that it is true.

"Bois, Mathieu" [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: 

 Caldera has been created by the former Novell CEO, if I am right...
 That's why they have developped a Novell support for Linux (yes : Linux
 itself, and not Slackware or RedHat or SuSE or Mandrake or...).
 That's a great idea, and they have given the rights to use it freely, and it
 works well.
 Now, if you want improvements, then ask Caldera for it OR do it yourself!
 Nowadays, unfortunately, Novell is less used. And thus, the interest to
 develop new support for Novell has decreased.
 The big lack in Linux Novell support - in my mind - is the native Novell
 filesystem (ie read/write straightly from/to Novell formatted disks, no
 access through the network).
 I don't think it's the "job" of Mandrake to do it and I would really be
 surprised if they had been doing something about it in release 7.0.2.
 I'm afraid you still have to wander through the manuals to do the thing!
 That's my point of view.
  -Original Message-
  From: Lane Lester [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 17 March 2000 12:32
  Subject: [expert] Mandrake  Netware
  The only instructions I've been able to find for hooking a 
  Mandrake box to
  a Netware server have been for Mandrake 6.x, and they mainly 
  involve using
  Caldera stuff to do the job.
  Since I'm running Mandrake 7.0.2, I'm hoping there's a better 
  approach now.
  I first asked this question on the newbie list, but no one 
  seemed to know
  the answer.
  Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
  Using Linux to get where I want to go...

Ilmainen Internet osoitteesta

Re: [expert] Not solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Norman Carver

Hey, here's an even stranger finding on the
W98-mdk/usb-parallel Epson printer saga:

If you have both the usb and parallel cables
connected to the Epson, but you only use the
usb associated printer in W98 to print, then
parallel port printing works fine when you switch
to Linux.  However, if you do any W98 printing
via the printer queue associated with the parallel
port, then the printer will not work in Linux
unless the printer is powered down prior to
rebooting the PC.  Bizarre!

BTW: the same problem affects Caldera OL2.3--so
not suprisingly not a mdk-specific problem.

Norm Carver

Re: [expert] licq problems

2000-03-17 Thread Matt Stegman

Yup, I had problems, and finally gave up.  I just downloaded the 0.76
tarball from and compiled it.  The qt-gui required a quick
hack- I had to make /usr/lib/ (a symlink) point to a QT 2.0
library, because of the way the config script is written.

I haven't encountered any problems yet, but I licq is about the only QT
program I use anymore.

-Matt Stegman

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Bobby Welch wrote:

 Has anyone had any troubles with the latest mandrake rpms of Licq
 (licq-0.75.3a-2mdk.i586.rpm / licq-data-1.5-1mdk.noarch.rpm)?  I have
 been able to get the version of Licq that comes with Mandrake 7.0
 (Licq-0.70.1-2mdk) to work, but not the new rpm.  When I installed the
 new version of Licq and tried to run it .. it just hangs.  Has anyone
 else had this problem or know what to do to fix this?

Re: [expert] Not solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 11:24 -0600, Norman Carver wrote:
 I guess I was not clear enough.  We did try your solution 2.
 However, we are still having the problem that every reboot into
 W98 results in the printer not working in Linux (unless it is
 powered down prior to reboot)--even with only the parallel cable
 connecting the PC and printer.

  Printer will work either way--if
 is has been powered down prior to reboot--but neither way if not
 powered down.

That's exactly what I wrote:
1. Turn off the printer.
2. Shut down the system.
3. Boot into the other system.
4. Switch on the printer.
In this order, no other way.

Maybe *I* was not clear enough.
It has nothing to do with irqs or the configuration in Linux. It
is the printer's electronics which is responsible.

In Windows the printer is talked to via the USB port. So it
keeps this setting until someone sweeps his "memory" clean by
rebooting the printer.
IOW, when the printer gets switched on it is configured to
listen on both ports. When the first signal is coming through
the USB cable the printer gets set to "USB-mode". This setting
will stay until you turn the printer off. When you turn it on
the whole story starts again.

IMHO the best solution for a device with different input options
should be a hardware switch to switch between options. Like the
switch you have on electric razors for different voltage. But
this would mean an increase of production cost.

Since most customers use Windows the manufacturers don't see any
need to solve that problem. And come kernel 2.4 there may not be
a problem any more, hopefully!

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For Public Key mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Subject: GPG-Request
ISDN4LINUX-FAQ -- Deutsch:

Re: [expert] Mandrake Netware

2000-03-17 Thread Matt Stegman

I use (with RedHat, not Mandrake, but I see no reason why this won't
work) ncpfs (check to mount Novell filesystems (over the
network, of course), which works like a charm.

You can also get ahold of a PAM module to authenticate with a Novell

Please, let me know if either one mentioned there compiles for you.  Me, I
couldn't get ncpfs to compile, which pretty much excluded nw-auth from
compiling.  How do I use it?  My co-worker found a binary, and we use

-Matt Stegman

On 17 Mar 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

 The only instructions I've been able to find for hooking a Mandrake box to
 a Netware server have been for Mandrake 6.x, and they mainly involve using
 Caldera stuff to do the job.
 Since I'm running Mandrake 7.0.2, I'm hoping there's a better approach now.
 I first asked this question on the newbie list, but no one seemed to know
 the answer.
 Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
 Using Linux to get where I want to go...

[expert] Font Server Crashes

2000-03-17 Thread Civileme

Yes, I am back.  I am back because I have information to share again.

First, thanks to Brian Schellenberger for this one.  I was able to reproduce
the mysterious font server crashes that have been plaguing more than a few
running Mandrake 7.0.

Look in /tmp  There are two directories in the hidden files

.X11-unix  whose contents may vary but always seem to include a file called X0
which has a socket icon

.font-unix whose contents may vary but always seem to include the (socket) fs-1.

Of course hardly anyone but Brian and I seem to make separate /tmp partitions
(probably Axalon does, just to dodge the /tmp overflow hack), so few would have
thought to report any changes made to /tmp as significant to the mysterious
font crashes.  

DON'T try this on anything but a test system loaded on its own partition, but
if you delete the hidden directories on /tmp. your font server will NOT start
on next reboot.

I think either a) We are missing the regeneration at boot time of these
directories, which seem to hold only sockets, or b) These
directories should be in another directory, definitely not /tmp.I haven't
begun to examine the initscripts for the code relevant to these, but I can
disable the xfs by removing them.  Later I will try the effects of each one
individually and look a little more thoroughly.  I wasn't able to restore the
services by recreating the directories, only by reinstalling X.  More
experimentation will be done, but perhaps some others will want to try some


Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread Tony

look to ensure it sees cd correctly , I have Atapi cd which it sees as a
scsi dev and needed to be reset to I think it was scd0
"Weave a circle round him thrice,
  And close your eyes with holy dread,
  For he on honeydew hath fed,
  And drunk the milk of paradise."  (The linux user)

- Original Message -
From: "David Warnock" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK


  to play CDs trougth the soundcard, you must have a cable attached from
  CD to the soundcard.. if you have it should work just fine..

 it is attached (Windows 98 plays CD's fine).


[expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)

2000-03-17 Thread Civileme

Many moons ago, August, I believe, "Good Morning America" was scheduled to
carry a short article about the Personal Internet Appliance.  The show was
postphoned, and I am not sure that segment ever aired (I don't have television
service, anyway.)  It was revolutionary in two ways  It promised internet
connectivity with word processing, browsing, etc and a 333MHz processor with 32M
RAM and a 2G or larger HDD.  And the Price tag was an astounding $199.

I ordered one, and the order was confirmed, and I was offered "customization"
in a separate email where for only $29.95 the "codes" for my ISP of choice
would be preloaded.  I ignored the email and waited for the device,...  and
waited, and waited

Well, tow months later, I called and they said they had no record of my order.

OK  snafus happen, particularly in startups, so I forgot about it.

Later, someone approached me who has a son living 2400 miles away in Washington
and who wanted to get him connected to email as cheaply as possible without
trying the WEBTV type stuff.  I remembered the PIA and said it should probably
be stable, at least on the software side.  I also presented several other
alternatives without making any recommendation.  He opted for the PIA from  I recommended additional memory, so the PIA was
purchased with 64M.

Well, it was my opportunity to support the device.  So, I dealt with it over
the phone.  Naturally, the high-schooler turned it off without shutting down. 
Then we discovered that the root password was nowhere in the documentation. 
(Everything was preinstalled, one ordinary user defined, named tux with pw tux).

The Linux store folk I could find over the phone could not locate the one who
knew the root password, so an email was sent and a response was received  and,

e2fsck -c /dev/hda3

everything was working again.  Debian was the distro, and KDE was the wm and
level5 was how it booted (no LILO, no linux 1, no floppy drive for a rescue
floppy, no CD drive to boot a CD to use it as a rescue).  Everything worked
like a charm.  The modem was at /dev/modem, and Kppp was all set up except for
the ISP specific stuff.

Then we tried to go to

No Carrier, nine times out of 10.

Dropped lines, trashy performance.  One login successful out of 74 attempts,
and that one stayed up 3 whole minutes.  Looked like Netscape loading knocked
it down

What is WORSE than a Rockwell HCF chipset?

The PCTel HSP!  That is what it had.  A LINMODEM!

And the Motherboard?  PCChips M748R or something slightly newer which will run
up to 500MHz P-IIIs and of course Celerons of all descriptions   Most
likely PPGA with perhaps a slot as well on board.

Well, this is NOT one to try at home.  This is NOT one to mention to friends. 
I found my friend a nice 56K external serial modem from Compaq for $54.50 plus
$9.00 shipping.  Now I just hope the PCChips board holds together for a while.

As you know, PCChips boards are made by a company of geniuses who specialize in
ECCR  (elimination of cost-complicating redundancies)  In 1996, it was
discovered that motherboards produced by them had worthless pieces of plastic
in the cache sockets (obviously, if there is no cache memory on board to fail,
then the board will fail less frequently, and the cost complications are
greatly reduced).  I have seen Houston Tech, Hsin tech, Lucky Star, Matsonic,
Eurome, Alton, and Amptron brands on PCChips made boards, and all seem to be
basically the same.  Never use two inductors when one will do. Never use a
tantalum capacitor when an electrolytic can do the same task, and never, ever
buy a chipset from a chipset manufacturer that the manufacturer is willing to
put his own name on. Don't forget to use terms like AGP to mean "Advanced
Graphics Processor" for your PCI/ISA boards without Accelerated Graphics
Processor slots, either.  After all, the Accelerated graphics Processor was at
the time of MMX Socket 7 just another Cost Complication.

Whew, long post, but you folk have been warned.  Warn others.  This is a BAD
ONE.  This is a Packard bell of the linux world.

Also, there is a web site where the purchasers of these unhappy devices can
update their software.  It is called PlanetPIA,, and
it has been "Coming Soon" since September.  

This device will likely and deservedly fail.  It is truly a shame that some
will be blaming the operating system on it instead of the Ebiz Enterprises
company handling it ...  they seem predatory and into anything that is hot.

But one note of light in all this darkness.  EBiz did manage to make a nice
installation of linux on very very marginal hardware.

Sorry to have strayed from the Mandrake topic, but this one was too much to

Ebiz seems to have the linux store, CPU Micromart (which handles PCChips stuff
and used to handle Multias), and a few other enterprises.  None seem to have
the resources to do much more than sell to you and produce product 

Re: [expert] Linux/VMWare -- bridge or host-only networking?

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

You want bridged.

if you use host-only, then windows can't get to any host other than
your Linux host; it can't get to the www or ftp (except to your local
machine) or anything.

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Dear friends:
| This is a footnote to my earlier letter concerning Mandrake 7.0, VMware
| 2.0 and Win3.1.
| I have a single computer running Linux and a single virtual machine with
| Win3.1 on it. I have ADSL broadband (3com ethernet card) and I also use
| a U. S. Robotics 56k EXT modem as a backup for the ADSL. 
| During installation, VMWARE recognized my DHCP protocol and suggested
| bridge network. That's what Settings also showed after installation
| (which was otherwise perfect). At the bottom of the main VMware screen I
| see icons for four devices: floppy, hard drive, CD AND ethernet0. The
| floppy icon works when I click on it and the hard drive. The CD is of no
| importance at this time. But the ethernet icon does not respond.
| After reading extensivly on this subject on VMware's support page
| (Documentation, Networking) at:
|, I can't
| help but wonder if perhaps what I really need is HOST-ONLY NETWORKING
| for the ethernet card. Bellsouth considers me to be on a LAN, and that
| is the way my ADSL was configured from the beginning (first under
| Windows95 and now under Linux). I hope to avoid Win95/98 at all costs in
| VMware. My interest is very specific: Windows Media Player 3.0 for
| Win3.1, which is equivalent, I think, to WMP 6.4 for Win96/98. I need
| this for live Russian broadcasting for my colleagues and myself, and TV6
| Moscow broadcasts, alas, only on WMP.
| What's your opinion, please? Bridge or host-only networking?
| Thank you so very much.
| Benjamin
| -- 
| Benjamin and Anna Sher
| Sher's Russian Web
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

You can read and write to a loopback file system just fine; "man
losetup" for details.

That said, I don't know whether vmware uses "real" loopback files or
does its own thing; I use raw partitions myself.

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| AFAIK, vm-ware uses the loopback-device principle for its FS. That means it
| mounts a file as its filesystem (similar to mounting an ISO-image in linux).
| Therefore I fear it's impossible to copy the file directly onto the win 3.1
| filesys.
| What you can try is check out if you can get any network access in win31,
| preferably FTP, and if that works, log into your linux-box and "download" the
| file. So basically: get that internet working under VM-ware.
| ps: isn't there another way? Can't you access the linux FS as a network drive in
| vm-ware? I don't use it, so I don't know... Perhaps putting it on a floppy, and
| reading the floppy in vm-ware? Just a few suggestions, I might not be making
| much sense here. ;-)
| On Mar 15 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  Dear friends:
|  This is a footnote to my long letter concerning Linux, VMware and Win3.1
|  (which is in fact one of the guest OS's supported by VMware for Linux).
|  Here is a simple question:
|  I downloaded an xyz.exe file for Win3.1 using Linux into my /home/sher
|  directory (At this point I still don't know how to access the Internet
|  on Win3.1/Vmware). Now how do I move or copy this file to Win3.1.
|  Obviously, it would be something like:
|  #cp xyz.exe to C:\ (the Windows directory)? 
|  Right?
|  But where in the world am I going to find Drive C:\ on my Linux system.
|  I checked the file system, KDE's file system. It's not in
|  /home/sher/vmware/win31. So where is it? Or is there a special way to do
|  this?
|  Just curious.
|  Thank you so much.
|  Benjamin
| -- 
| Rial Juan
| e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Belgiumtel:(++32) 89/856533
| ulyssis system admininstrator
| The little critters in nature; they don't know they're ugly.
| That's very funny... A fly marying a bumble-bee...
| Sign the petition at
| Help bring us more Linux Drivers
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] use XF86Config from setup

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

Yes, you're wrong.

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, you wrote:
|  The default Mandrake 7.0 install does not use the XFree86 XF86Setup
|  program which is in a separate rpm. The xf86config is included in the
|  basic XFree86 rpm and is usually not a very good way to configure your
|  system. Use the Xconfigurator for the best results with Mandrake or
|  Redhat. I've used them both and Xconfigurator has always worked better.
| Yes, but correct me if I'm wrong (I'll be the first to
| admit it if I am) don't you need to HAVE "X" before you can
| run Xconfigurator? In this case, the person asking for the
| help can't GET to his X.
|   John
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support .
I boycott  See .

Re: [expert] Linux Vmware file sharing -- footnote

2000-03-17 Thread Brian T. Schellenberger

If you get "host only" networking going (I never could), you can FTP
from the virtual machine to your real machine.  I myself, though, have
used this technique to good effect when connected to a physical network
via an ethernet connection; I can't get it to work when connected via
the telephone, though.

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, you wrote:
| Dear Rial:
| Thank you so very much for taking out the time to help.
| Thanks especially for suggesting connecting to my Linux box from Win31
| with FTP. Will keep that in mind once I get my Internet connection (or
| dial-up connection or both) set up.
| And, yes, I can copy files from Linux to Windows with a floppy. But what
| do you do with a 5 meg file?
| Thanks so much again.
| Benjamin
| -- 
| Benjamin and Anna Sher
| Sher's Russian Web
I am "Brian, the man from babble-on" (Brian T. Schellenberger).
I can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
I support .
I boycott  See .

[expert] Superblock Corrupted - Please Help.

2000-03-17 Thread Sevatio Octavio

Well, I managed to get into trouble again...

What I just did was deleted a vfat partition and turned that space into an ext2 
partition.  Now I can't boot up without an error.
Here's what it's telling me...

"The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem.  If 
the device is valid and it really contains an
ext2 filesystem (and not swap or usf or something else), then the superblock is 
corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an
alternate superblock:
e2fsck -b 8193 (device)"

I tried e2fsck but don't quite understand it.  Where should I go from here to resovle 


[expert] SWAT

2000-03-17 Thread William Ahern

SWAT,  web configuration tool for Samba, is missing several icons/links that
link you to things like the actual configuration! You can get to them by
actually putting in the url yourself, i.e. [server]:901/globals.


[expert] Netscape bashing

2000-03-17 Thread Civileme

Well, I am an aficianado of this wholesome hobby after an experience today.

A user comes to me and says, "StarOffice won't SAVE!  What am I supposed to do?"

Well, her system is on an older computer and there wasn't a great deal of
storage available, and it has one of the WD disks I am rotating out at first
opportunity.  I wondered if she had managed to clutter her home directory
enough to make something terrible happen.

Kdiskfree reported in its best full-screen graphic manner that /home was indeed
a long RED bar, without space to create a folder except of course for the
obligatory reserved blocks.

I symlinked a chunk of space out of /usr/local for the user and asked her to
move or delete files she could do without.

She managed to decrease usage from 99 Mb down to 96 Mb in this manner.

Then I looked in a graphic manner and found no large files--none either on a
search except a copy of AIR's iso sitting on ~/Desktop/remotepublic (my
server), nothing in fact over 1 Mb.

Growling low, I opened Konsole, su'ed, and

ls -a -l -R -H ~ | grep ./ -A 1 | lpr

Thank goodness I didn't try to print filenames.  There were more than 9000

I paged through the nine sheets of printout and found

total 288k
-- #; the offset () is mine so I don't get a nasty note from a
   #pine user whose client saw all these lines as signature
   #and didn't display them.
   #   so far, so good  Netscape Cache is limited to 5000 Kb 
   #   in preferences on her user space.
total 2.6M  # HUH?
total 837k
total 3.3M
total 3.4M
*   # using * for ellipsis for visibility
total 2.6M

All right, technically Netscape didn't violate instructions.  288 in the cache,
and 32 subdirectories of the cache with 7711 files and a combined total of 84
Mb, none individually over 3.8M.

I am stll marveling over this.  This is like when 7.0 is a bit slow and I run
top and find lib.ld. consuming a chunk of memory and 84% CPU and none of
its child netscapes even a process in the system...  An event which seems to be
on a weekly frequency.  So I kill it and the system is fine and netscape starts
up well the next time.

But this interesting Netscape dodge is a new one on me.  To cure it, I went to
the file manager, saved ~/.netscape/archive for later analysis and then deleted
~/.netscape (which is automatically recursive without asking in kfm).

Now the user is back to about 11% usage in the home directory, and I will be
looking in with Webmin from time to time, hoping I can get some insight into
how that happened.

Anyone else have a similar experience?


Re: [expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)

2000-03-17 Thread Jeremy

Civileme wrote:

 RAM and a 2G or larger HDD.  And the Price tag was an astounding $199.

There is this saying, "You get what you pay for"

This is a prime example of it.

My video card alone was 3/4 of this price.

I think I would be wary of any computer at this price, unless it was

Re: [expert] No CD music, but soundcard OK

2000-03-17 Thread Alan N.

David Warnock wrote:
 GMIX does not seem to be installed. I will install it (but I am normally
 using KDE at them moment - will that matter).

Yes..  I ran KDE also.. Opening the gnome stuff and finding gmix fixed
the problem.

Open the KDE Kpackage and do a search for Gmix.. This will tell you if
it is installed.



Coming to you from RedHat 6.2Beta and/or BeOS 4.5

Re: [expert] COmpressed files

2000-03-17 Thread chunnuan chen

Try unzip.

Payne Stanifer wrote:

 I was wondering what program I need to open .zip files. I have tried the
 archiver that comes with redhat 6.0, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone
 know what program or patch I need? Thanks.
 Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: [expert] Superblock Corrupted - Please Help.

2000-03-17 Thread Richard Kilgore

On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 03:03:28PM -0800, Sevatio Octavio wrote:
 Well, I managed to get into trouble again...
 What I just did was deleted a vfat partition and turned that
 space into an ext2 partition.  Now I can't boot up without an
 error.  Here's what it's telling me...
 "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct
 ext2 filesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains
 an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or usf or something else), then
 the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with
 an alternate superblock: e2fsck -b 8193 (device)"
 I tried e2fsck but don't quite understand it.  Where should I go
 from here to resovle this?

You need to make a filesystem on the partition:

  # mke2fs /dev/hda4

or whatever your new ext2 partition is.

  - rick

Richard Kilgore |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Developer  |
Graduate Student in Computer Engineering

Re: [expert] Solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Alvaro Nunes


Can you make color prints or only black  white? I ask this because I have a
Deskjet 970Cxi and only prints on BW.


- Original Message -
From: "Tom Berkley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 8:55 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

 I have an HP Deskjet 895 with USB and parallel cables attached
 simultaneously. Works fine but when I print from Win98 thru the USB
 cable and then reboot to linux and try to use the parallel cable
 connection, the printer must be powered off before I attempt any printer
 access or I have to reboot again after cycling the printer power to make
 the printer work with linux.


 Norman Carver wrote:
  Printer is now working via parallel port.  Problem
  appeared to be due to having both the usb and parallel
  cables attached to the printer.  Win98 has no problem
  with this with the Epson, but Linux appears to--no
  output as I mentioned in earlier post.  While we had tried
  disconnecting this cable and rebooting before (without
  success), we may not have shut printer down in between
  as we did this time.  So usb cable has been removed.
  Still a bit hard to understand how this can be the issue.
  If the Epson works fine with both attached in Win98, why
  won't it work under Linux?
  Anyway, my friends setup is a bit closer.  Now if we can
  just get X configured nicely for his Rage Pro Turbo.
  He is getting ghosting, which I gather implies improper
  settings.  Perhaps will post on this later if we cannot
  make progress.
  Norm Carver

Re: [expert] Netscape bashing

2000-03-17 Thread Sheldon Lee Wen


 A user comes to me and says, "StarOffice won't SAVE!  What am I supposed to do?"

 Anyone else have a similar experience?

Well, yes, but on HP-UX Netscape would do that occasionally.

On a different netscape rant I have had a myrid of problems with 
netscape and StarOffice working together. Occasionally it won't
even start. Someone (my wife, kids, brother, mother, etc) on my
box will click on star office and nothing will happen. If you
run it from the commandline it returns right away, no errors.
OR, it'll load but as soon as you try to open a file or open
star writer it'll segfault. The solution? Remove the users .netscape
directory. I don't know why but this seems to fix it every time.

Go figure. Crappy product. Can't wait for KDE2's Konquorer or
maybe Mozilla under Linux will shape up.


"Definitions involving chicken heads no longer apply."
  -Jon katz

[expert] request for updates

2000-03-17 Thread Sheldon Lee Wen


 I have a few requests for updates.

indent 2.2.5 

2.2.4 is buggy and doesn't always work. Also it's needed for the CADP
(Linux LOTOS CASE tool) to function properly. 

Please put the HOWTO's in. There is no reason for this omission as far
as I can see.
(or make them available)

Krabber ( if it isn't already. I don't remember )
SOX 12.15 or newer if there is any. (Needed for Krabber)

"Definitions involving chicken heads no longer apply."
  -Jon katz

Re: [expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)

2000-03-17 Thread Hoyt

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)

 Civileme wrote:

  RAM and a 2G or larger HDD.  And the Price tag was an astounding $199.

 There is this saying, "You get what you pay for"

 This is a prime example of it.

 My video card alone was 3/4 of this price.

 I think I would be wary of any computer at this price, unless it was

Well, then look at
for a $99 computer.


NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: [expert] Solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Tom Berkley

Color works fine. Fire up printtool as root and select your printer then
In the print filter there is a selection for the color bits. You
probably took the default 8 bits which will give you a great bw printer
with 256 shades of gray. Select 24bit color and you should enjoy some
nice color output.


Alvaro Nunes wrote:
 Can you make color prints or only black  white? I ask this because I have a
 Deskjet 970Cxi and only prints on BW.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Tom Berkley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2000 8:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [expert] Solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0
  I have an HP Deskjet 895 with USB and parallel cables attached
  simultaneously. Works fine but when I print from Win98 thru the USB
  cable and then reboot to linux and try to use the parallel cable
  connection, the printer must be powered off before I attempt any printer
  access or I have to reboot again after cycling the printer power to make
  the printer work with linux.
  Norman Carver wrote:
   Printer is now working via parallel port.  Problem
   appeared to be due to having both the usb and parallel
   cables attached to the printer.  Win98 has no problem
   with this with the Epson, but Linux appears to--no
   output as I mentioned in earlier post.  While we had tried
   disconnecting this cable and rebooting before (without
   success), we may not have shut printer down in between
   as we did this time.  So usb cable has been removed.
   Still a bit hard to understand how this can be the issue.
   If the Epson works fine with both attached in Win98, why
   won't it work under Linux?
   Anyway, my friends setup is a bit closer.  Now if we can
   just get X configured nicely for his Rage Pro Turbo.
   He is getting ghosting, which I gather implies improper
   settings.  Perhaps will post on this later if we cannot
   make progress.
   Norm Carver

Re: [expert] going from PS/2 to serial mouse problem

2000-03-17 Thread Ivan Trail

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 I was having some weird behavior with my PS/2 3-button
 mouse, so i stuck on the PS/2 to Serial adaptor.  The
 starnge behavior dissappeared, but now, the middle mouse
 button does not work.
 i used mouseconfig to set it up as a Generial 3-Button Mouse
 I have verified that it is setup correctly, but still no
 middle mouse button.
 When it was configured as a Generic 3-Button Mouse (PS) it
 Is there something I can do to get the middle button working
 on a serial mouse?
 David G. Thiessen
 King George, VAICQ: 55163586

Let me know when You find out I am having the same problem.  I have been too
busy  fiddling with other stuff to say what you just said!!

Re: [expert] Netscape bashing

2000-03-17 Thread Jeremy

Sheldon Lee Wen wrote:
 Go figure. Crappy product. Can't wait for KDE2's Konquorer or
 maybe Mozilla under Linux will shape up.

Yes, we are all at the edge of seats for these and the edge of our
patience with Netscape.

Suprising thing is that I have not had any problems with stock mandrake
7.0's netscape 4.7 YET.  *looks for some wood to knock on*  Previous
versions, and I've tried a few, were another story.  I've had to delete
the .netscape directories many times.  My 7.0 install has been up less
than a week, but has had heavy netscape usage so I pray this lasts!

If Opera ever gets out of that pre-pre-pre-alpha usability stage they've
been in forever they might be another contendor.  One thing they have
that deserves a mondo cool award is little widgets at the bottom of the
window that can do things like zoom and toggle pictures for that window
only.  (why do somee web designers think everyone runs at 640x480 and
specify tiny font sizes?  That sucks at 1600x1200)

Re: [expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)

2000-03-17 Thread Tom Snell

I am very wary of the LinuxStore at this point, and would NOT refer anyone to do
business with them.   I ordered LM 7.0 PowerPack on their website several weeks
ago, and after a week or so, with no update to the original 'bounced' confirmation
e-mail, I called themseveral times.  I LIVE in Scottsdale, AZ, where they are
headquartered, but it took me several tries into their Voice Response Menu and
waiting for up to half an hour before I finally got a human on the line.  Asked him
for status on the order and he was completely clueless.thought the latest
LM release was "6.2", and wouldn't listen when I tried to tell him it was 7.0.
Couldn't find the order anywhere, put me on hold for another ten minutes, got back
on the line and told me he had no idea when the LM 7.0 Power Packs would arrive.  I
cancelled the order immediately and went down to CompUSA, which had the
US PowerPack version (LM 7.0 Deluxe) in stock and bought it.  This company needs to
completely revamp their ordering/customer service procedures, because as far as I
can tell, they are completely lost in space.

Civileme wrote:

 Ebiz seems to have the linux store, CPU Micromart (which handles PCChips stuff
 and used to handle Multias), and a few other enterprises.  None seem to have
 the resources to do much more than sell to you and produce product for sale.  A
 number of items have appeared on their various web sites as things one would
 see and "gotta have" which have quickly disappeared.

Re: [expert] going from PS/2 to serial mouse problem

2000-03-17 Thread David G. Thiessen

Do you have the MS/PC slide switch on the bottom of the mouse?
Believe it or not, when I had the switch set to MS and used the PS/2
port, all three buttons worked.

When I moved to the serial port and tried to set it up as a generic
3button it didnt work.

I read the 3button mouse mini HOWTO and realized that I had to set
it to PC and set it up as a Mouse Systems 3 button serial to get it to

Good Luck!

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, you wrote:
  I was having some weird behavior with my PS/2 3-button
  mouse, so i stuck on the PS/2 to Serial adaptor.  The
  starnge behavior dissappeared, but now, the middle mouse
  button does not work.
  i used mouseconfig to set it up as a Generial 3-Button Mouse
  I have verified that it is setup correctly, but still no
  middle mouse button.
  When it was configured as a Generic 3-Button Mouse (PS) it
  Is there something I can do to get the middle button working
  on a serial mouse?
  David G. Thiessen
  King George, VAICQ: 55163586
 Let me know when You find out I am having the same problem.  I have been too
 busy  fiddling with other stuff to say what you just said!!
David G. Thiessen
King George, VAICQ: 55163586

Re: [expert] An I-opening Hack: $200 PC

2000-03-17 Thread Vic


On Fri, 17 Mar 2000, Eugene C. Zesch mewed:
 Vic wrote:
  On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Larry Sword mewed:
   He uses Mandrake-Linux also.
  Huh? I got a 404 error with this link, uh oh, oops.
  My new linux web server with Apache
 Try   They were mentioned on Slashdot
 a couple days ago.
My new linux web server with Apache

Re: [expert] New features in Mandrake 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Sevatio Octavio

Go to DrakConf on your desktop and select Startup Services.  Then you just uncheck the 
stuff you don't need.  When you're done, that
pc should boot up much quicker.


-Original Message-
Date: Friday, March 17, 2000 9:45 AM
Subject: [expert] New "features" in Mandrake 7.0

Hello All,
  I just upgraded to Mandrake 7.0 and it contains a few
"features" I could do without!  On bootup there are several
NFS errors about locking files, and a RPC error 101 that keeps
recycling till it times out (about 10 times I believe) then it
goes on and starts up.  I then do my usual startx and I get
xauth: errors but it times out and starts up. It takes me almost
10 minutes to get going with the new version on Mandrake!  I am a
single user on a desktop, no network or anything I don't need apache
nor four or five different languages on man pages, or any of the
servers that start on bootup.  What is the easiest way to prune out
all the "features" I don't need??  Any help would be most appreciated!
I would like to keep the "development" goodies C compiliers and the
different libraries and languages.

Re: [expert] use XF86Config from setup

2000-03-17 Thread Andrew George

I thought Xconfigurator was an ascii console program, like sndconfig?

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, you wrote:
 On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, you wrote:
  The default Mandrake 7.0 install does not use the XFree86 XF86Setup
  program which is in a separate rpm. The xf86config is included in the
  basic XFree86 rpm and is usually not a very good way to configure your
  system. Use the Xconfigurator for the best results with Mandrake or
  Redhat. I've used them both and Xconfigurator has always worked better.
 Yes, but correct me if I'm wrong (I'll be the first to
 admit it if I am) don't you need to HAVE "X" before you can
 run Xconfigurator? In this case, the person asking for the
 help can't GET to his X.

Re: [expert] Not solved: Printer problem in mdk 7.0

2000-03-17 Thread Wolfgang Bornath

On Fri, Mar 17, 2000 at 14:03 -0600, Norman Carver wrote:
 Hey, here's an even stranger finding on the
 W98-mdk/usb-parallel Epson printer saga:
 If you have both the usb and parallel cables
 connected to the Epson, but you only use the
 usb associated printer in W98 to print, then
 parallel port printing works fine when you switch
 to Linux.  However, if you do any W98 printing
 via the printer queue associated with the parallel
 port, then the printer will not work in Linux
 unless the printer is powered down prior to
 rebooting the PC.  Bizarre!
 BTW: the same problem affects Caldera OL2.3--so
 not suprisingly not a mdk-specific problem.

IMHO it still is not a Linux problem at all. Windows is talking
to the printer in different ways than Linux does. So all data
which Windows stores in the printer's memory has to be erased
before you can use it with Linux.
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Re: [expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)

2000-03-17 Thread Jeremy

Hoyt wrote:
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, March 17, 2000 7:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [expert] Unconnected at any price (The PIA ~ The Corvair)
  Civileme wrote:
   RAM and a 2G or larger HDD.  And the Price tag was an astounding $199.
  There is this saying, "You get what you pay for"
  This is a prime example of it.
  My video card alone was 3/4 of this price.
  I think I would be wary of any computer at this price, unless it was
 Well, then look at
 for a $99 computer.

] = quoted from

] What's inside of the I-Opener: 

] CPU--WINChip C6 180MHz 

not too powerful, but I didn't expect a PIII! This is basically a

] MEM--32MB Dram (SODIMM) 

upgradable to 64mb max, if you replace the memory stick

] Storage--16MB Sandisk Flash On Board 

At least it has an onboard IDE controller so you can add that 2.5"
laptop drive, and the custom bracket you'll create.  To add this you
have to cut the heatsink so you can access the controller.  And you must
MAKE YOUR OWN IDE CABLE (in faq) thats not something I'd look forward
to. Oh I guess you can have some guy make one for you for $20

I don't know if the IDE controller supports a second drive so you can
add a CD.  You could get a parallel port CD-ROM.  There is NO floppy,
and apparently no controller for one.  

They the best way to install the OS onto the hard drive is on another

] Display--10" color lcd 800x600 16bpp / Cyberblade i7 Video Chip UMA

This is the most impressive thing here.  Bit small though.  I was
expecting a RF modulator to be honest.

] SoundYamaha YMF715 Stereo Speakers I Used The OSS Drivers $20.00 
] Modem56k internal modem on Com1 not a softmodem 8) ` 

I was suprised its not a softmodem

]Keyboard-Net KB with built in mouse PS/2 Comp. No ESC KEY 8( 
]See below hot to make a cable to use a standard PS/2 kb and mouse 

Yeah, that keyboard looks like it leaves alot to be desired. And no
escape key?  I think you'll need the PS/2 keyboard, mouse and the time
to fabricate a cable.

]Printer Port--Standard LPT Port 
]USB--1 Usb Port 

]To get in setup use control+alt+esc 

I bet thats fun to do since it DOESNT COME WITH AN ESCAPE KEY.  

Ok, so to use one of these as a desktop you're gonna need to pimp it out
a bit.  This will require additional costs, here are some

I-Opener $99
1st month internet   $22 required, then you can cancel
8-10 gig 2.5" HD$200
lp port cd  $100 can this be used w/ linux yet?
cable (premade)  $20
64mb memory replacement  $80 guess, not familiar w/ this kind
real keyboard$15
real mouse   $15
Mandrake 7.0 Powerpack   $50 of course!

Total   $600

and it still has a weak processor, no floppy, and no expansion.

I'll admit this is impressive for $99, especially when compared to a
WebTV.  It comes with a unix-like OS too, maybe this could be turned
into a cheap X terminal running that or a stripped down linux with the
16mb flash only.  But 16mb isn't much space!

It's obvious that this company is expecting to make their profits with
the internet service @ $22/month.  This is similar to how game consoles
are so cheap because they make money off the games.


[expert] Linux,VMware, Win31 -- My thanks!

2000-03-17 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

My deep thanks to all of you who wrote in with your expert opinions and
suggestions on how to configure networking (and dial-up) for Win31 on
VMware for Linux. I will now explore the situation further and, if
necessary, talk to the people at VMware about all this. 

Thank you all so very much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[expert] COmpressed files

2000-03-17 Thread Payne Stanifer

I was wondering what program I need to open .zip files. I have tried the 
archiver that comes with redhat 6.0, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone 
know what program or patch I need? Thanks.
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