Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 19:31, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> ** James Sparenberg (Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 23:56)
> > Ok,,, now that I've sent a totally blank reply how about one that has
> > some content.
> I read that with growing interest. :)
> [Good micro-howto saved]
> > As for the second.  I've two preferences for rescue disks.
> I already have a Knoppix CD but what I want to do is:
> A CD that can work as a rescue media for my installation and also can do 
> as an installation CD containing only the apps and tools I have 
> installed now. Kind of a individual installation CD.

Timos (you can find it on freshmeat) might help..  Also check out
Morphix.  It's kind of a slice and dice knoppix where you can combine
"packages" to fit your needs. 


> wobo

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Re: TWiki [Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel]

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 19:35, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2003 14:12:07 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Since valuable info like this needs to be captured I started a new
> > section in the HowTo's on the Twiki... called Tips and Tricks.  It's at 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > With the object of allowing anyone who sees something they think is
> > really neat and or usefull to put it in the twiki, The idea is that
> > sometimes our "suggestions" result in a fix that is really a combination
> > of suggestions.  If this happens it would be real nice to capture.  I'm
> > hoping by setting it up ... then doing it a little myself to promote
> > more people to put what worked in a place it can be researched.
> > 
> > James
> Hope my additions/stucture are useful...  just a start...

Pierre thanks.. I'll take a look... at this point in time everything is
useful.  again thanks.


> __
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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 20:27, stefmit wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> > Actually I think he has got a point and everybody misunderstood him. IMHO
> > he wasn't bashing Mandrake, but merely stating a Linux general problem. 
> > The libraries and dependencies thing is linux is really a big PITA. Each
> > time I want to install something which is not in my standard distro I have
> > to go through the pains of hell for searching for dependencies. As far as
> > urpmi is concerned it does a great job, but since it cannot resolve
> > dependencies outside the mdk distro, it doesn't help much. I hate Winblows
> > and still dream of the day when I could totally switch to linux, but linux
> > is not making things very easy for us who want to switch to it. In winblows
> > I don't have to give a rats ass about dependencies. Most programs come with
> > the needed library statically binded or depends on libraries which are
> > already in the distros of about 5 major types of winblows on the use at
> > this time. 
> My point EXACTLY - thank you, Adrian. You see - unlike many of you on this 
> list, I am NOT a Linux guru - I am a network geek, by all means, and I really 
> got a kick out of Linux the first time I discovered it can run tcpdump 
> (1993-4-5?!? ... can't even remember). I LOVE Linux, but I never did 
> development on its platform, and the only time I really touched *nix 
> programming was in school, for Tannenbaum's Minix (awesome!) OS design class. 
> And ever since, I have looked toward Linux as my platform of choice for TOOLS 
> for networking and security ... but in the last couple of years it became 
> more and more bloated, trying to gain a market it has NO CHANCE of conquering 
> (desktop), moving in the direction of Windows, with light-years behind it in 
> regards to ease of use. And you know what? It SHALL NOT be easy to use (as in 
> GUI/KDE/Gnome-like - at least not as a unique purpose! ... perhaps it can 
> come as a by-product, when everything is stable enough to be worth looking in 
> that direction). And all this with the price of incompatibility with the 
> things supposed to be used for ...
> I have a group I am in charge with, of very sharp network gurus, whom I am 
> trying to continuously push toward Linux, while my job keeps me more and more 
> away from this, more into responsibilities of what I call "pie-chart 
> creation" :( ... but even this bias toward Linux as a platform comes with a 
> huge price: countless hours spent on trying to make things work under Linux 
> (ntop, nagios, snort, mrtg, rancid, etc.), to the point when the 
> time*resources spent cannot justify anymore the *assumed" costless choice of 
> running such things on Linux. Many times I have to humbly recognize my 
> failure when being asked by the CEO: why didn't you buy X, or Y, or Z, pay 
> $$$ on MS W2K and MS SQL, and get YOUR JOB (networking and security!!) done? 
> And many times I have no answer ...
> Sorry for the off-topic comments above ... all I was hoping was to find the 
> "recipe" for libraries issues in Linux, primarily for Mandrake. I got some 
> good advices, and I got some new ideas to try, but mostly I got "yes, this 
> and that are weird". Thank you all for helping. I sure hope things will get 
> back to where I met Linux first time: Yggdrasil's distro ... what a hell of a 
> time we had together, then ;) ... while trying to resolve my MDK issues ... 
> and wondering if they are really only mine?!? 

Just to note... some of the Yggdrasil guys are still kicking around here
in the valley... I see them at SVLUG and Internet developers group all
the time.  
> Thx,
> Stef
> __
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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:38, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:31, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 06:48, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > > On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:49, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> >  
> > > > just fine, but I can't either. I can use Klipper by highlighting what I need 
> > > > in Eterm, then go to Klipper, click on that entry, go to where I want it, and 
> > > > paste it there. Its an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for 
> > > > some of us but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the 
> > > > download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe if its a 
> > > > diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?
> > > > 
> > > > Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.
> > > 
> > > I'd like to add something to this, if I may.  During the 9.1 development
> > > cycle, I took the time to download the cooker edition of 9.1 and was
> > > testing it in a work environment.  I found the problem you gentlemen are
> > > discussing above and then went to where I
> > > posted a bugreport to Bugzilla concerning it.  It was not addressed, and
> > > went unfixed.
> > > 
> > > So Darklord, there's alot I'm not saying here that could be said
> > > offlist.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --LX
> > 
> > And a lot your not saying here that you did (righteously) say then
> > Ice in 9.1 is IMHO hosed.  I moved back to the 9.0 rpms and it all began
> > to work right.  Then put ICE into the skiplist for urpmi.  I had my own
> > bugs but they also got ignored *sigh*  BUT the 9.0 rpms work just
> > fine on 9.1 if anyone is interested.
> > 
> > James
> > 
> Thanks alot for the nod, James!  It's appreciated.  Sometimes I wonder
> whether the content is being read or not, and it's times like this that
> I feel it was worth the effort to put into email.
> I think we both love the distro, but then we both have been around long
> enough to realize that if there are not some corrections made (by virtue
> of someone talking about the less than pleasant things) then we will
> find ourselves inside the event horizon of the black hole.  Then it will
> be too late.
> Now is the time to be applying the thrusters to get some altitude.  Only
> thing is you and I both have been slapping the throttle to no avail; I'm
> starting to think that there's something wrong with the hydraulics.
> And btw, who cut the wires to the warning lights, James?

Look for the guy with wirecutters in his/her pocket and an innocent look
on their face. (also beware of people with golden parachutes.)
> --LX

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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread Bill Mullen
On Mon, 16 Jun 2003, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

> I already have a Knoppix CD but what I want to do is:
> A CD that can work as a rescue media for my installation and also can do
> as an installation CD containing only the apps and tools I have
> installed now. Kind of a individual installation CD.

Perhaps, wobo, starting with the iso of MDK CD #1, loop-mounting it r/w,
knocking out whatever you're sure you won't need, replacing the RPMs with
your own selection, and then burning the result would work? You'd need to
run genhdlist to create the file, and there are probably a bunch
of other considerations that aren't readily apparent, but maybe ... ;)

Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
The engineer is neither optimist nor pessimist. He sees the proverbial
half-full/empty glass and says, "The glass is twice as big as there is
any need for it to be."

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Re: [expert] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-15 Thread Jonathan Dlouhy
On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:00 pm, eric huff wrote:
> Woohoo!
> does the trick.
> I googled before on sorting, alphabetizing, etc, and every thing i could
> pf, but there's just too many hits.  Thanks for the lead Kwan!
> I put export LC_COLLATE=POSIX in .bash_profile
> so filemanagers (like rox) would get it
> and also in .bashrc (after /etc/bashrc gets run, since it sets it back)
> so xterms, etc wuld get it.
> Whoops: it's a little off. Heres the order:
> dot files
> numbers
> caps
> symbols
> lower case
> In rox, you have to choose either caps 1st (even before dots) or caps/lower
> the same.
> If i get inspired i'll poke around and see if there's an ASCII sorting
> setting, but i'm pretty happy with this.
> Thanks!
> eric

Thanks Eric. Would putting this in rc.local work also? It seems great except I 
remember that in additon to what you've got working that the files/dirs were 
also arranged lowercase followed by uppercase. Does this sound familiar or is 
my memory at fault? (that couldn't be it...)


Jonathan Dlouhy
Sunday, June 15, 2003 11:56 PM

I used to work in a blanket factory, but it folded.

Registered Linux user #264482 Powered by Mandrake 9.0

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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
On Sunday 15 June 2003 12:14 pm, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

> The only other issue you cited, AFAICT, is that Mandrake's package of
> nagios puts files in more than one directory:
> # rpm -qpl /backup/contrib/nagios-1.0b6-1mdk.i586.rpm
> /etc/nagios
> /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg
> /etc/nagios/checkcommands.cfg
> /etc/nagios/contactgroups.cfg
> /etc/nagios/contacts.cfg
> /etc/nagios/dependencies.cfg
> /etc/nagios/escalations.cfg
> /etc/nagios/hostgroups.cfg
> /etc/nagios/hosts.cfg
> /etc/nagios/misccommands.cfg
> /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
> /etc/nagios/resource.cfg
> /etc/nagios/services.cfg
> /etc/nagios/timeperiods.cfg
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios
> /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
> /usr/sbin/nagios
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/Changelog
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/INSTALLING
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/LEGAL
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/README
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/UPGRADING
> /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/htaccess.sample
> /var/log/nagios
> /var/log/nagios/archives
> I am not sure what you are comparing to but this list does not seem
> inconsistent with the typical Mandrake package, which should strive to
> comply with LSB, which invokes FHS2.2:
> Different entities have different interpretations/levels of interest in
> complying with LSB, so you will have to deal with these inconsistencies.
>   Furthermore, contrib/ are considered unsupported, so, with all the
> other concerns Mandrake has, I doubt that complaints about contrib/
> packages will receive a high priority.  There is no comparison to
> Windows.  Linux is not Windows.  What works in Windows is, usually,
> irrelevant.  You should put some effort into learning how Mandrake works
> before you try to re-invent the wheel, IMO.
> Rolf

Who in the world cares about this? The guy(s?!?) who put their time and brains 
into developing nagios, have done so with a specific placement of files and 
directory structure in mind. This is CROSS-PLATFORM development. People like 
me look toward Linux as the platform of choice for RUNNING nagios, as much as 
this can suprise many, and unless nagios developers think otherwise, their 
choice of installation should be respected as such, even when packaging their 
work - to everyone's benefit. Because of the way it has been done, I have 
been setting/changing/re-configuring and documenting this thing for days, 
just to make it work ... and trust me - I have gained NOTHING by doing so 
(there is no value added to knowledge levels, just because one has to go 
through all possible configuration files, and change them to match the 
"standard" placement of files). I would have rather liked to get the package 
default to where the author decided to have it installed, and (perhaps) be 
offered the choice - for the "standard fans" - to have it installed in a 
structure like you and me found to exist .. rather than the other way around.

Have YOU actually tried to configure and run nagios, from the "simple" way it 
is being installed by the MDK package? Don't give me the great "LSB" 
discourse, then, please ..

By the way: I have put lots of effort into learning Linux, years ago - not as 
a developer - true!, but rather as a "tool" user ... Mandrake may be 
something else to learn, in which case I would be tempted to agree with you, 
but I honestly - really - had great hopes for it to still be Linux ... or am 
I wrong here (e.g. libraries MDK "naming" convention come to mind right away, 
when thinking that the two are not really one and the same .. see other 
similar comments on this thread, about this ;))?


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Rolf Pedersen
Rolf Pedersen wrote:
stefmit wrote:

On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

stefmit wrote:

I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, 
has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, 
which I
NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
in MDK9.1, with the following message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
Installation failed: is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1

For this one:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club source
and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a password.
If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on dockingstation
or the library at

Thank you for your suggestion. I know this may solve one spcific 
problem, but I not only mentioned a couple of programs, but rather was 
very much interested in resolving library issues in general. If the 
only solution would be to install every time another program (or 
others) which MAY be bundled with the missing library(ies) for the 
ones I need, then it sounds very ... Microsoft-like (install IE to be 
able to run dir ... ;)). There has to be a better way ... I hope ...


[snip some ill-informed, questionable assertions]

I apologize, Stefmit.  Following up some on my own advice, I perceive 
that I must have missed much of what you have gone through previously on 
this topic and misunderstood the situation.  Dockingstation (27M) no 
longer seems like the solution, if any.  Searching on the library at, I tried installing the Mandrake cooker package from the 
search results on this page:

The url of the package:

Attempting to install this was not a slam-dunk:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rpm]# urpmi libstdc++-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
installing libstdc++-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
Installation failed:
file /usr/lib/ from install of 
libstdc++-2.95.2-12mdk conflicts with file from package 

I checked the files-list of the two packages:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rpm]# rpm -ql libstdc++2.10
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rpm]# rpm -qpl libstdc++-2.95.2-12mdk.i586.rpm
So, the conflicting file is /usr/lib/  Thinking 
that --replacefiles will overwrite this one file and, hopefully, 
preserve the functioning of both packages:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rpm]# rpm -ivh --replacefiles 
   1:libstdc++  ### 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rpm]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm

I don't have a pda but I was able to make a desktop link, start the 
program, make an entry in events but not much testing.  Now, given my 
uneducated understanding of the ramifications of such a move, I can't 
endorse it but maybe you can find a way to utilize this information. 
Presumably, urpme libstdc++-2.95.2 and rpm -U --force 
/path/to/libstdc++2.10-2.96-0.82mdk would restore the previous 
condition, if there were problems.  Again, sorry for the attitude.


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[expert] application/buffered/cache

2003-06-15 Thread kiosk

Hi all,

I'm a recent convert to default MDK 9.1 [+ relevant security updates]
after using slackware for a couple of years [and RedHat, Suse, before
that]. I'm really very impressed by MDK but there's one thing which is
bugging me.

I realize that unused memory is wasted memory [in the words of linus
himself, IIRC] but I wonder if the pattern of memory usage I'm
experiencing is to be expected when using MDK. I have 512Mb RAM and the
same amount of swap. I see the amount of memory used creeping ever upward
and I find myself wondering what would happen were I to attempt to
achieve the kind of uptime which some of you here seem to regard as
reasonable - that is to say, months, if not years.

I'm dual booting with Win2000 and never have much more than 24hrs uptime
with linux due to the demands of an email account set up on the Win2000
side. Ideally i would adopt MDK as my OS of choice if it were not for this
paranoia regarding memory use.

At the time of writing, after 2 days and 10 hours uptime with MDK, I'm on
the verge of swapping. I reduced runnning services to a minimum shortly
after install, and tend to average around 51 processes running at any
given time, most of which are due to KDE's requirements. I have no network
other than ppp with my external modem and I'm not using much other than
Sylpheed and Pan most of the time. "Top" doesn't show anything unusual
other than memory use slowly but surely increasing. i did use swap after
a wonderful extended session with the Gimp but i'm wondering what will
happen if I start compiling kernels, etc, too ...

Am i just someone who ought to get out more often or is this kind of
memory usage atypical? I ought to add that I'm using the most recent
NVIDIA drivers with an unsupported Intel chipset, so the agpgart module
does not load.

Asus P4G8X Deluxe
512 Mb RAM
2 x WDC 40 Gig
MSI Ti4800SE 8x
Samsung TFT monitor
3Com USRobotics external modem
MS intellimouse
Standard PS2 type Keyboard [UK]
... no other peripherals
... Firewire, Onboard NIC, USB, as yet unused ...

apologies for being so verbose.

many thanks,

Janet Blankfield

"Some doubt the existence of the sun
as it slides (like God) between the girders."


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> Actually I think he has got a point and everybody misunderstood him. IMHO
> he wasn't bashing Mandrake, but merely stating a Linux general problem. 
> The libraries and dependencies thing is linux is really a big PITA. Each
> time I want to install something which is not in my standard distro I have
> to go through the pains of hell for searching for dependencies. As far as
> urpmi is concerned it does a great job, but since it cannot resolve
> dependencies outside the mdk distro, it doesn't help much. I hate Winblows
> and still dream of the day when I could totally switch to linux, but linux
> is not making things very easy for us who want to switch to it. In winblows
> I don't have to give a rats ass about dependencies. Most programs come with
> the needed library statically binded or depends on libraries which are
> already in the distros of about 5 major types of winblows on the use at
> this time. 

My point EXACTLY - thank you, Adrian. You see - unlike many of you on this 
list, I am NOT a Linux guru - I am a network geek, by all means, and I really 
got a kick out of Linux the first time I discovered it can run tcpdump 
(1993-4-5?!? ... can't even remember). I LOVE Linux, but I never did 
development on its platform, and the only time I really touched *nix 
programming was in school, for Tannenbaum's Minix (awesome!) OS design class. 
And ever since, I have looked toward Linux as my platform of choice for TOOLS 
for networking and security ... but in the last couple of years it became 
more and more bloated, trying to gain a market it has NO CHANCE of conquering 
(desktop), moving in the direction of Windows, with light-years behind it in 
regards to ease of use. And you know what? It SHALL NOT be easy to use (as in 
GUI/KDE/Gnome-like - at least not as a unique purpose! ... perhaps it can 
come as a by-product, when everything is stable enough to be worth looking in 
that direction). And all this with the price of incompatibility with the 
things supposed to be used for ...

I have a group I am in charge with, of very sharp network gurus, whom I am 
trying to continuously push toward Linux, while my job keeps me more and more 
away from this, more into responsibilities of what I call "pie-chart 
creation" :( ... but even this bias toward Linux as a platform comes with a 
huge price: countless hours spent on trying to make things work under Linux 
(ntop, nagios, snort, mrtg, rancid, etc.), to the point when the 
time*resources spent cannot justify anymore the *assumed" costless choice of 
running such things on Linux. Many times I have to humbly recognize my 
failure when being asked by the CEO: why didn't you buy X, or Y, or Z, pay 
$$$ on MS W2K and MS SQL, and get YOUR JOB (networking and security!!) done? 
And many times I have no answer ...

Sorry for the off-topic comments above ... all I was hoping was to find the 
"recipe" for libraries issues in Linux, primarily for Mandrake. I got some 
good advices, and I got some new ideas to try, but mostly I got "yes, this 
and that are weird". Thank you all for helping. I sure hope things will get 
back to where I met Linux first time: Yggdrasil's distro ... what a hell of a 
time we had together, then ;) ... while trying to resolve my MDK issues ... 
and wondering if they are really only mine?!? 


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Re: [expert] Urpmi a non-Mandrake RPM package?

2003-06-15 Thread Rob Blomquist
On Sunday 15 June 2003 04:55 am, stefmit wrote:
> Is it possible to #urpmi XYZ.rpm, where XYZ was not packaged for Mandrake,
> and a previous version of XYZ exists on the systems and is running? I am
> specifically interested in IceWM, which has a couple of updates beyond what
> MDK delivered with 9.1, and those are in RPM format, but not for MDK.

I don't use urpmi for these sorts of files. I upload packages that are not 
designed for Mandrake, and check out their installation by rpm (rpm -ivh 
XYZ), which will tell you where the dependancies are. And if you think that 
it should work, you can "rpm --nodeps XYZ" to force the installation, then 
check out how it works, and if it doesn't back out with "rpm -e XYZ".

But I work this out totally manually, so that *I* am in full control of what 
is going on.


Linux: For the people, by the people.

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TWiki [Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel]

2003-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin
On 15 Jun 2003 14:12:07 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since valuable info like this needs to be captured I started a new
> section in the HowTo's on the Twiki... called Tips and Tricks.  It's at 
> With the object of allowing anyone who sees something they think is
> really neat and or usefull to put it in the twiki, The idea is that
> sometimes our "suggestions" result in a fix that is really a combination
> of suggestions.  If this happens it would be real nice to capture.  I'm
> hoping by setting it up ... then doing it a little myself to promote
> more people to put what worked in a place it can be researched.
> James

Hope my additions/stucture are useful...  just a start...

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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
** James Sparenberg (Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 23:56)

> Ok,,, now that I've sent a totally blank reply how about one that has
> some content.

I read that with growing interest. :)

[Good micro-howto saved]

> As for the second.  I've two preferences for rescue disks.

I already have a Knoppix CD but what I want to do is:

A CD that can work as a rescue media for my installation and also can do 
as an installation CD containing only the apps and tools I have 
installed now. Kind of a individual installation CD.

Public GnuPG key available at

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Re: [expert] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-15 Thread eric huff
does the trick.

I googled before on sorting, alphabetizing, etc, and every thing i could 
pf, but there's just too many hits.  Thanks for the lead Kwan!

I put export LC_COLLATE=POSIX in .bash_profile
so filemanagers (like rox) would get it
and also in .bashrc (after /etc/bashrc gets run, since it sets it back)
so xterms, etc wuld get it.

Whoops: it's a little off. Heres the order:

dot files
lower case

In rox, you have to choose either caps 1st (even before dots) or caps/lower 
the same.

If i get inspired i'll poke around and see if there's an ASCII sorting 
setting, but i'm pretty happy with this.


On Sunday 15 June 2003 06:00 pm, eric huff wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 17:44, eric huff wrote:
> > > Hi Folks,
> > > Is there any way to set the default linux alphanumeric order?
> > >
> > > I can't remember from my unix days anymore, but the last several
> > > years i have happily placed _ at the beginning of filenames and
> > > directories i wanted to show up first.
> > > But that doesn't work.  I have noticed it even ignores _'s in the
> > > middle of a word.  And didn't files that started with "." show up
> > > first, too?
> > >
> > > I have this "problem" with lots of apps (galeon, rox, xterms, etc).
> >
> > It's probably a function of your LANG variable. What is it set to now?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] huff]$ echo $LANG
> en_US
> Since i hadn't thought of that at all, i googled
> LANG sort environment
> and you're on the right track.
> I have to run off, but later i will look into a few of these links.
> Hopefully there is a way to change some of these variables.
> It looks like LC_COLLATE might help...
> Thanks for the tip.
> eric

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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:31, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 06:48, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:49, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> > > just fine, but I can't either. I can use Klipper by highlighting what I need 
> > > in Eterm, then go to Klipper, click on that entry, go to where I want it, and 
> > > paste it there. Its an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for 
> > > some of us but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the 
> > > download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe if its a 
> > > diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?
> > > 
> > > Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.
> > 
> > I'd like to add something to this, if I may.  During the 9.1 development
> > cycle, I took the time to download the cooker edition of 9.1 and was
> > testing it in a work environment.  I found the problem you gentlemen are
> > discussing above and then went to where I
> > posted a bugreport to Bugzilla concerning it.  It was not addressed, and
> > went unfixed.
> > 
> > So Darklord, there's alot I'm not saying here that could be said
> > offlist.
> > 
> > 
> > --LX
> And a lot your not saying here that you did (righteously) say then
> Ice in 9.1 is IMHO hosed.  I moved back to the 9.0 rpms and it all began
> to work right.  Then put ICE into the skiplist for urpmi.  I had my own
> bugs but they also got ignored *sigh*  BUT the 9.0 rpms work just
> fine on 9.1 if anyone is interested.
> James

Thanks alot for the nod, James!  It's appreciated.  Sometimes I wonder
whether the content is being read or not, and it's times like this that
I feel it was worth the effort to put into email.

I think we both love the distro, but then we both have been around long
enough to realize that if there are not some corrections made (by virtue
of someone talking about the less than pleasant things) then we will
find ourselves inside the event horizon of the black hole.  Then it will
be too late.

Now is the time to be applying the thrusters to get some altitude.  Only
thing is you and I both have been slapping the throttle to no avail; I'm
starting to think that there's something wrong with the hydraulics.

And btw, who cut the wires to the warning lights, James?


Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899

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Re: [expert] per-directory umask

2003-06-15 Thread Greg Meyer
On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:48 pm, Steven Broos wrote:
> Resend (june 4th)
> What I basically need is:
> - a shared directory for users in a group
> - Access to own files
> - No access to other files
> - Access to all files for user apache
> I now I can use their homedirs in apache, but I would like to do this in
> one directory if possible.
> Anyone who can help me please ?
How about this?  Does anybiody else see how this would not work for you?

Directory owned by apache with group ownership consituting a group made up of 
your users with permissions 775.  Have all files owned by user apache so that 
apache has full access.  Then have the group ownership be the user group 
since each user has his/her own group, in my case the greg group, thus giving 
me full access to the files you want me to edit, and then set permission to 
664 so it would look something like this:

www-dir   user=apache group=www-users rwxrwxr-x

user1file user=apache group=user1 rw-rw-r--
user2file user=apache group=user2 rw-rw-r--

apache has fullread/write access to both files, as long as user1 is not in the 
apache group, s/he only has read/write access to their own files, same for 
user2.  All users have the ability to view the files.  I assume this is okay 
because they could browse to them on the intranet.


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Praedor Atrebates
Hash: SHA1

This also illustrates a problem with depending on urpmi for anything from 
outside the Mandrake distro.  If you use urpmi it will crap out and not be 
able to handle it if you try to install a non-native rpm.  In such a case, 
you may have to rely on plain old "rpm -Uvh --nodeps " (or 
you can use -ivh).  Perhaps better still, when possible, is to use rpm 
- --rebuild on a source rpm.  This often results in failures because the 
Makefile/software creator expects/expected a different lib naming convention 
than that of Mandrake.  You may have to do a bunch of symlinks or hope there 
is a static-build of your desired rpm.
  Often you will actually have the libs an rpm is complaining about not 
finding, but it is merely that Mandrake has a different naming convention 
than what the binary expects.  This would be one area in particular that 
linux should standardize on - a single naming convention for different libs, 
etc, so that no matter what, a software package will always look for the same 
thing regardless of distro (it is annoying when an rpm complains about not 
finding tiff-devel when you HAVE it installed, but it is called libtiff-devel 
on your system).


On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> Actually I think he has got a point and everybody misunderstood him. IMHO
> he wasn't bashing Mandrake, but merely stating a Linux general problem. 
> The libraries and dependencies thing is linux is really a big PITA. Each
> time I want to install something which is not in my standard distro I have
> to go through the pains of hell for searching for dependencies. As far as
> urpmi is concerned it does a great job, but since it cannot resolve
> dependencies outside the mdk distro, it doesn't help much. I hate Winblows
> and still dream of the day when I could totally switch to linux, but linux
> is not making things very easy for us who want to switch to it. In winblows
> I don't have to give a rats ass about dependencies. Most programs come with
> the needed library statically binded or depends on libraries which are
> already in the distros of about 5 major types of winblows on the use at
> this time. Let me try to depict the Linux problem in clear:
> 1. Linux exists in a huge load of distro's and no real standard here. LSB
> or not, you will have real pains in trying to install even between 2
> distro's which should represent same branch of development on the major
> packages/apps.
> 2. Except few things there are still enough of the major libs which are not
> backwards compatible. Frequent install scenarios involve installing a newer
> lib as you need them for a new app and the lib changes some of the main
> links in your distro and breaks up a lot of other apps who stupidly refuse
> to run with updated libs.
> 3. BTW... Rethoric question: Who was the %&$&/ who hardcoded apps to not
> even try to run if the lib version mismatch?!? Ffs. Even if I got a 15%
> chance to succesfully run the app, let me do it. Warn me and let me decide
> if I want to experience a crash or kernel panic... :/
> 4. With linux all the apps which are beyond the basic console editing (or
> at least most of them) is a hit and miss thing to install
> Oh well... My rant could continue, but I am tired and have to take a
> shower. Anyway, don't get me wrong. I am not bashing linux, I am just
> stating my frustration with linux. I've been working with it for the last 2
> years on a constant base and at home I use it as firewall and application
> server, but for my desktop no go. When it's not a missing driver problem,
> there is a mismatching library, missing kernel patch, a dumb app who
> refuses even to try to start with new library, hours of search on the net
> to try and figure a long chain of dependencies... Thank God I am stubborn
> and don't give up easily. I curse linux every day, but don't want to give
> up. Still it would be nice if I could use more time with my needed apps
> instead of most of my free time to try to get them work...
> Best regards,
> Adrian
> P.S. I am a Mandrake Linux Club member and proud of it. :)
> - Original Message -
> From: "Rolf Pedersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably
> everything non-MDK)
> > stefmit wrote:
> > > On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> > >>stefmit wrote:
> > >>>I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone,
> somewhere
> > >>>has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> > >>>libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> > >>>regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM,
> > >>> which
> I
> > >>>NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks
> > >>> now in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> > >>>
> > >>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] utili

Re: [expert] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-15 Thread eric huff
On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 17:44, eric huff wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > Is there any way to set the default linux alphanumeric order?
> >
> > I can't remember from my unix days anymore, but the last several years
> > i have happily placed _ at the beginning of filenames and directories
> > i wanted to show up first.
> > But that doesn't work.  I have noticed it even ignores _'s in the
> > middle of a word.  And didn't files that started with "." show up
> > first, too?
> >
> > I have this "problem" with lots of apps (galeon, rox, xterms, etc).
> It's probably a function of your LANG variable. What is it set to now?


Since i hadn't thought of that at all, i googled 
LANG sort environment
and you're on the right track.

I have to run off, but later i will look into a few of these links. 
Hopefully there is a way to change some of these variables. 
It looks like LC_COLLATE might help...

Thanks for the tip.

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[expert] per-directory umask

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos
Resend (june 4th)

What I basically need is: 
- a shared directory for users in a group
- Access to own files
- No access to other files
- Access to all files for user apache
I now I can use their homedirs in apache, but I would like to do this in
one directory if possible.

Anyone who can help me please ?


Original message:

Is it possible to set a umask for a specific directory ?

I want to give some users personal access to the www-directory.  They
should have the right to manage their own files, but not the files of
others.  User apache has to have (full?) access on the files.
I've set the sticky and SGID bits for the www-directory. (which is owned
by apache)  But people still can alter files from other people. 
Only deletion is not permitted, but what about reading and writing
from/to the files ?

This should be done on the local machine, I'm not talking about

Only things about filesecurity I knew until now where the basic
settings, so this is all kinda new for me.  If anyone can/want to give
me some explination, advice and/or nice examples, or a very clear
website which covers it all... ?


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Re: [expert] Acrobat Reader installation fails

2003-06-15 Thread Brian Schroeder
Hi Per-Olof,

I'm a bit late on this thread, and was expecting someone else to suggest
this, but not seeing it:
Have you tried installing the ed package?

I ran into the same problem, and, after installing ed, it worked perfectly.
My system shows that ed-0.2-29mdk is now installed.

From: "Per-Olof Litby (Reg'l Mgr - Java  Web Services - Nordic/Baltic - Sun 
Microsystems)" Greetings,

I've attempted to install Acrobat Reader on my 9.1 system, and I get the
following error - apparently the installer expects to use a command that
isn't available. See below.
Can anyone help out?

Enter installation directory for Acrobat 5.0.5 [/usr/local/Acrobat5]

Installing platform independent files ... Done

Installing platform dependent files ... Done
./INSTALL: line 219: ed: command not found
ERROR installing /usr/local/Acrobat5/bin/acroread
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Re: [expert] Coreldraw files to?

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 16:37, Pierre Fortin wrote:
> On 15 Jun 2003 15:07:02 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I'm assuming you tried the gimp... h 
> Doesn't support Corel's proprietary format.
> > How about
> > 
> >
> > 
> > It's Corel Phot-Paint for Linux... free but still closed source.  large
> > to download... but easier than building a winders box.  The rpm is
> > 91megs.
> >From that site...
> >* PsychoBudgie wrote (15-May-2003 11:50:09 AM):
> >* It doesn't seem to be available anymore
> >* It would appear that Corel has pulled it.
> >* Shame. I used to like Corel too. 
> Looks like Corel formats are now about as useful as an 8" floppy...

I'd laugh if it wasn't so true.

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Re: [expert] Coreldraw files to?

2003-06-15 Thread Pierre Fortin
On 15 Jun 2003 15:07:02 -0700 James Sparenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm assuming you tried the gimp... h 

Doesn't support Corel's proprietary format.

> How about
> It's Corel Phot-Paint for Linux... free but still closed source.  large
> to download... but easier than building a winders box.  The rpm is
> 91megs.

>From that site...
>* PsychoBudgie wrote (15-May-2003 11:50:09 AM):
>* It doesn't seem to be available anymore
>* It would appear that Corel has pulled it.
>* Shame. I used to like Corel too. 

Looks like Corel formats are now about as useful as an 8" floppy...

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Re: [expert] weird cdrom problem

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 14:47, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 15:41, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:17, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
> > > On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:51, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > > 3   Upgrade to 2.4.19-32mdk (the latest kernel for 9.0) it works much
> > > > nicer.
> > > > 
> > > > James
> > > > 
> > > Where do you find kernel updates for 9.0?  When I run Mandrake Update I
> > > never see any Kernel updates...
> > 
> > They get visually and physically excluded because they are kernels and
> > need to be installed not upgraded.  Do,
> > 
> > urpmi --update kernel
> > 
> > from a command line and it will properly install the kernel, it should
> > be something like 2419-32 in your lilo.conf by name... then
> > reboot...  kernels because of their nature can only be done
> > explicitly not passively like all the other rpms.
> > 
> Thanks for the info.  Before I got your post I did some digging around
> on the Mandrake site and came across this page. 
> It said to do -  urpmi kernel- 
> It installed the kernel and after a reboot: uname -a indicates that it
> is the running kernel. 
> Does urpmi --update kernel do anything different?

Not really but if you have a large urpmi database it finds it faster
cause it only looks in the update section.



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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 05:27, stefmit wrote:
> I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere has 
> figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with libraries 
> slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install, regardless of what 
> I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I NEED like air, for my 
> Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now in MDK9.1, with the 
> following message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm 
> installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> Installation failed:
> is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> I have tried everything one can imagine, in regards to previously posted 
> advices, from creating symlinks to existing libs, to modifying 
> /etc/, to rerunning ldconfig ... etc. I almost envy winblows users 
> now, who can install multiple versions of dll-s in the directories of the 
> executables, and they run programs fine. I have been trying to keep the 
> system "urpmi database" friendly, but this way I won't be able to install 
> different libraries, as installing the ones I need, from source, would 
> probably have undesired effects. 
> What are you - people - doing with the programs requiring different libraries 
> than what MDK provides? Or are you using only MDK packaged programs?

I usually build from source rpm failing that source code.  The problem
you are having is because is a pretty old
program and the developer that did qtopia hasn't provided a newer
product. egcs-c++ provided it on 9.0 but supposedly the src rpm won't
build on 9.1.  Now yes it (qtopia) could be repackaged with this lib
included.  OR you can do this, find it on another box.  Then ftp it down
and move it to /usr/local/lib/mylibs/.  (make sure you get all symlinks
etc so that it looks just like it did on it's originating box.  Then
edit and add the line (at the very end) 


then re-run ldconfig   At this point this lib should now be available to
your box.  NOTE  Don't ever do this with glibc libs.  All kinds of funky
things happen if you do... none of them are good.


> Another perfect example of something needed, but impossible to install in 
> MDK9.1: nagios 1.1 (the www part), which - yet again - cannot install because 
> of the same issue of libraries (and - by the way - the packagers from MDK 
> decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0 install all over 
> the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which 
> TIA,
> Stef 
> P.S. Speaking of nagios - the person who contributed the nagios packag for 
> MDK9.1 decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0 install all 
> over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which are based on a 
> /usr/local/nagios consolidated directory install. I spent almost a week 
> adjusting all config files to take into account the new "placement", MDK9.1 
> specific, and I (hope) documented everything. If anybody is interested, I can 
> clean the docs up and send them over. What a PITA that was!!!
> __
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Re: [expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-15 Thread Brian V Bonini
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:15, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:09, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ su
> > Password: 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]# updatedb
> > /usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 16857 Broken pipe
> > /usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"
> A thread a while back mentioned that some functions are disabled because
> of msec. This applied to remote logins then su'ing over to root. The
> workaround was to login directly as the root user. 

I rebooted the machine and ran it again just as before with no problems.
That's a little too 'Windows-like' for my comfort... ;-)

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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 06:48, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:49, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> > On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:35 am, stefmit wrote:
> > > Very weird situation - didn't pay much attention to it, until now, when -
> > > due to some immediate needs to resolve some issues via email - it seems to
> > > go beyond a simple nuisance level: I can highlight (thus "copy) anything
> > > from any window, and then paste by "mid-click"-ing (does this sound
> > > winblowz-like, or what ? ;( ), except from a terminal window (eterm, to be
> > > more specific) to kmail, where I need to "go through" nedit, for example
> > > (i.e. I highlight what I need copied from eterm --> paste into nedit -->
> > > highlight in nedit --> paste into kmail). Winmgr used: IceWM. Has anybody
> > > experienced this? My hope is to upgrade IceWM, to see if this changes
> > > behavior ... reason for another email of mine, in regards to how to do this
> > > "clean" for the urpmi database...
> > >
> > > TIA,
> > > Stef
> > 
> > Stef, you'll find a thread I started on this subject on the newbie list. To 
> > cut to the chase - there was no answer. Others users seem to be able to do it 
> > just fine, but I can't either. I can use Klipper by highlighting what I need 
> > in Eterm, then go to Klipper, click on that entry, go to where I want it, and 
> > paste it there. Its an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for 
> > some of us but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the 
> > download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe if its a 
> > diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?
> > 
> > Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.
> I'd like to add something to this, if I may.  During the 9.1 development
> cycle, I took the time to download the cooker edition of 9.1 and was
> testing it in a work environment.  I found the problem you gentlemen are
> discussing above and then went to where I
> posted a bugreport to Bugzilla concerning it.  It was not addressed, and
> went unfixed.
> So Darklord, there's alot I'm not saying here that could be said
> offlist.
> --LX

And a lot your not saying here that you did (righteously) say then
Ice in 9.1 is IMHO hosed.  I moved back to the 9.0 rpms and it all began
to work right.  Then put ICE into the skiplist for urpmi.  I had my own
bugs but they also got ignored *sigh*  BUT the 9.0 rpms work just
fine on 9.1 if anyone is interested.


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Re: [expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 15:09, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 12:37, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> > On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 10:47, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> > > What's going on here?
> > > 
> > > # updatedb
> > > /usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 15907 Broken pipe
> > > /usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"
> > 
> > Not running as root?
> > 
> > 
> Password: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]# updatedb
> /usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 16857 Broken pipe
> /usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"

Ok this is now 2 people with problems in this area but I'm not sure if
they are connected... Dark, Does any of this look familiar to you?


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Re: [expert] Batch bookmarks conversion Konqueror <-> Mozilla

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 13:35, BOURDEU d'AGUERRE Philippe wrote:
> Keditbookmarks can convert konqueror bookmarks from and to Mozilla. Is 
> there a way to access these fonctions from a shell script ? With DCOP ?

Don't know the answer but I know a path to find it.  Run kdcop from the
command line (it's part of kdebase) it is a "searchable" database so to
speak of dcop commands for the command line.


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Re: [expert] weird cdrom problem

2003-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday June 15 2003 04:47 pm, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
> Does urpmi --update kernel do anything different?

   Look in /etc/urpmi/inst.list  ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-15 Thread Kwan Lowe
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 18:09, Brian V Bonini wrote:

> Password: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]# updatedb
> /usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 16857 Broken pipe
> /usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"

A thread a while back mentioned that some functions are disabled because
of msec. This applied to remote logins then su'ing over to root. The
workaround was to login directly as the root user. 

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Re: [expert] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-15 Thread Kwan Lowe
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 17:44, eric huff wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Is there any way to set the default linux alphanumeric order?
> I can't remember from my unix days anymore, but the last several years i 
> have happily placed _ at the beginning of filenames and directories i 
> wanted to show up first.
> But that doesn't work.  I have noticed it even ignores _'s in the middle of 
> a word.  And didn't files that started with "." show up first, too?
> I have this "problem" with lots of apps (galeon, rox, xterms, etc).

It's probably a function of your LANG variable. What is it set to now?

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Re: [expert] Coreldraw files to?

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 01:53, Francisco Alcaraz wrote:
> James, 
> Also problem to compile; I have the libs that the the programe need (mentioned 
> in the INSTALL file):
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] gfXcon_0.3]# make
> g++ -c misc.c
> misc.c:38:20: Imlib2.h: No such file or directory
> misc.c: In function `void init(Display**, Visual**, Screen**, Window*)':
> misc.c:63: `imlib_context_set_display' undeclared (first use this function)
> misc.c:63: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function 
> it appears in.)
> misc.c:64: `imlib_context_set_visual' undeclared (first use this function)
> misc.c:65: `imlib_context_set_colormap' undeclared (first use this function)
> misc.c:66: `imlib_context_set_drawable' undeclared (first use this function)
> make: *** [misc] Error 1
> ¿Any ideas?
> Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
> Murcia, España (Spain)

I'm assuming you tried the gimp... h 

How about

It's Corel Phot-Paint for Linux... free but still closed source.  large
to download... but easier than building a winders box.  The rpm is


> __
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Re: [expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-15 Thread Brian V Bonini
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 12:37, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 10:47, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> > What's going on here?
> > 
> > # updatedb
> > /usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 15907 Broken pipe
> > /usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"
> Not running as root?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] brian]# updatedb
/usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 16857 Broken pipe
/usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"

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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 03:15, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> ** Anne Wilson (Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 11:28)
> > On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 11:37 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > >
> > > Mine does this on occasion... I have to unmount the floppy then
> > >
> > > mkdosfs /dev/fd0
> > >
> > > then use the tool and suddenly the floppy is the right size... I
> > > don't understand... it just worked.
> >
> > I don't know what causes it, but it's not new.  I had the same
> > problem in 8.2.
> I thought it was related to supermount but I can't remember: was 
> supermount in 8.2 already?
> A related question: Is there a doc somewhere on putting a boot-floppy on 
> CD or IOW: making a special bootable rescue/install CD?
> wobo

Ok,,, now that I've sent a totally blank reply how about one that has
some content.

   I had to do this recently because I needed to update bios on a
motherboard that doesn't have a floppy controler.  (I sent the manf a
little note about, why do they give out a floppy img for BIOS upgrades
to a mobo that can't do floppies, and I got back an ooops reply.) What I
did was this.

Create an empty working directory and cd into it.

dd if=/dev/zero of=file.img bs=1k count=1440 (this creates an image that
we will use to do the bootable CD.)

mkdosfs file.img (or whatever you called it above.)

mount -o loop file.img /mnt/img

Now you have a mounted dos "image" of an empty dos floppy ... to verify
size you can do df -h and you'll see it 1.4 megs in size.

put your bootable floppy in a floppy drive and do 

cp /mnt/floppy/* /mnt/img/

Now your image and floppy are identical.. 


umount /mnt/img (not really needed but )

cd  to the directory with file.img and do 

mkisofs -r -b file.img -c -o mybootablecd.iso .

Note that the above line ends with a dot ... this is important because
it tells mkisofs to start here.

then just burn mybootablecd.iso to a cd and you are off and running...
you can even put more software than the boot image on the cd just by
adding it to the directory you are in when you boot the cd.  (although
this will require that your boot disk understand what in the heck a
cdrom drive is so that it can be mounted.) 

As for the second.  I've two preferences for rescue disks.

lnxbbc (50 megs with X!) or for heavy work Knoppix.  Don't know of a
single rescue system using anything but debian or slack.. 


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Re: [expert] weird cdrom problem

2003-06-15 Thread Chuck Stuettgen
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 15:41, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:17, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:51, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > > 3   Upgrade to 2.4.19-32mdk (the latest kernel for 9.0) it works much
> > > nicer.
> > > 
> > > James
> > > 
> > Where do you find kernel updates for 9.0?  When I run Mandrake Update I
> > never see any Kernel updates...
> They get visually and physically excluded because they are kernels and
> need to be installed not upgraded.  Do,
> urpmi --update kernel
> from a command line and it will properly install the kernel, it should
> be something like 2419-32 in your lilo.conf by name... then
> reboot...  kernels because of their nature can only be done
> explicitly not passively like all the other rpms.

Thanks for the info.  Before I got your post I did some digging around
on the Mandrake site and came across this page.

It said to do -  urpmi kernel- 

It installed the kernel and after a reboot: uname -a indicates that it
is the running kernel. 

Does urpmi --update kernel do anything different?

Chuck Stuettgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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[expert] alphabetizing / sorting seems screwy

2003-06-15 Thread eric huff
Hi Folks,
Is there any way to set the default linux alphanumeric order?

I can't remember from my unix days anymore, but the last several years i 
have happily placed _ at the beginning of filenames and directories i 
wanted to show up first.
But that doesn't work.  I have noticed it even ignores _'s in the middle of 
a word.  And didn't files that started with "." show up first, too?

I have this "problem" with lots of apps (galeon, rox, xterms, etc).

Is there any way around it?


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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 03:15, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> ** Anne Wilson (Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 11:28)
> > On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 11:37 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > >
> > > Mine does this on occasion... I have to unmount the floppy then
> > >
> > > mkdosfs /dev/fd0
> > >
> > > then use the tool and suddenly the floppy is the right size... I
> > > don't understand... it just worked.
> >
> > I don't know what causes it, but it's not new.  I had the same
> > problem in 8.2.
> I thought it was related to supermount but I can't remember: was 
> supermount in 8.2 already?
> A related question: Is there a doc somewhere on putting a boot-floppy on 
> CD or IOW: making a special bootable rescue/install CD?
> wobo

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Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 02:27, Joerg Mertin wrote:
> James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 20:52, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > 
> >>On Saturday 14 June 2003 11:49 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>I've had this for a while on all kernels with my hardware.  I just vi
> >>>.config and search for asm or ASM  every time I find it I comment the
> >>>line out with a #.  Then it compiles.  Seems that ASM can only compile
> >>>on boxes that need/use it I guess.  OR there is something else that
> >>>needs a yes or module that isn't obvious.
> >>>
> >>
> >>I got it done by using make oldconfig, but I suppose it should work.  I also 
> >>just got dumped out of menuconfig when I tried to enter the ALSA 
> >>configuration. I suppose I should report both of these to vdanen.
> > 
> > xconfig works ok if you can use it.
> Talking about Alsa,
> you can download the new alsa 0.9.4 drivers if you want. Just make sure 
> - during compile time you disable the verbose-printk with
> ./configure --disable-verbose-printk
> if not - you'll get failed dependencies on snd.o which makes the entire 
> soundsystem unusable.
> Cheers
>   Joerg

Since valuable info like this needs to be captured I started a new
section in the HowTo's on the Twiki... called Tips and Tricks.  It's at

With the object of allowing anyone who sees something they think is
really neat and or usefull to put it in the twiki, The idea is that
sometimes our "suggestions" result in a fix that is really a combination
of suggestions.  If this happens it would be real nice to capture.  I'm
hoping by setting it up ... then doing it a little myself to promote
more people to put what worked in a place it can be researched.


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Jack Coates
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 13:13, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> 1. Linux exists in a huge load of distro's and no real standard here. LSB or
> not, you will have real pains in trying to install even between 2 distro's
> which should represent same branch of development on the major
> packages/apps.
> 2. Except few things there are still enough of the major libs which are not
> backwards compatible. Frequent install scenarios involve installing a newer
> lib as you need them for a new app and the lib changes some of the main
> links in your distro and breaks up a lot of other apps who stupidly refuse
> to run with updated libs.
> 3. BTW... Rethoric question: Who was the %&$&/ who hardcoded apps to not
> even try to run if the lib version mismatch?!? Ffs. Even if I got a 15%
> chance to succesfully run the app, let me do it. Warn me and let me decide
> if I want to experience a crash or kernel panic... :/
> 4. With linux all the apps which are beyond the basic console editing (or at
> least most of them) is a hit and miss thing to install

all fairly accurate and I've run into all the same problems. I've also
consistently steered away from the OS's that solve them because I
dislike their vertically integrated command-and-control way of doing
things. Linux's problems are caused by the very things that make it so

> Oh well... My rant could continue, but I am tired and have to take a shower.
> Anyway, don't get me wrong. I am not bashing linux, I am just stating my
> frustration with linux. I've been working with it for the last 2 years on a
> constant base and at home I use it as firewall and application server, but
> for my desktop no go. When it's not a missing driver problem, there is a
> mismatching library, missing kernel patch, a dumb app who refuses even to
> try to start with new library, hours of search on the net to try and figure
> a long chain of dependencies... Thank God I am stubborn and don't give up
> easily. I curse linux every day, but don't want to give up. Still it would
> be nice if I could use more time with my needed apps instead of most of my
> free time to try to get them work...
> Best regards,
> Adrian
> P.S. I am a Mandrake Linux Club member and proud of it. :)
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Rolf Pedersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably
> everything non-MDK)
> > stefmit wrote:
> > > On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> > >
> > >>stefmit wrote:
> > >>
> > >>>I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone,
> somewhere
> > >>>has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> > >>>libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> > >>>regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which
> I
> > >>>NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
> > >>>in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> > >>>
> > >>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > >>>installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > >>>
> > >>>Installation failed:
> > >>> is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> > >>
> > >>For this one:
> > >>
> > >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf
> >
> >>dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/games/dockingstation/libstdc++-li
> b
> > >>
> > >>dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/
> > >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
> > >>/dockingstation-195.64-1.i386.rpm
> > >>
> > >>When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club source
> > >>and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a password.
> > >>If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on dockingstation
> > >>or the library at
> > >>
> > >>Rolf
> > >>[..]
> > >
> > >
> > > Thank you for your suggestion. I know this may solve one spcific
> problem, but
> > > I not only mentioned a couple of programs, but rather was very much
> > > interested in resolving library issues in general. If the only solution
> would
> > > be to install every time another program (or others) which MAY be
> bundled
> > > with the missing library(ies) for the ones I need, then it sounds very
> ...
> > > Microsoft-like (install IE to be able to run dir ... ;)). There has to
> be a
> > > better way ... I hope ...
> > >
> > > Stef
> >
> > So far as I can see, qtopia-desktop is not provided by Mandrake.  If
> > that is the case, it would be fortuitous that a Mandrake (Club) package
> > would provide the library you needed for it.  Urpmi can only know about
> > what has been configured as its sources.  It works well for what
> > Mandrake provides and what you can add to it.  Mandrake cannot  be
> > expected to anticipate the requirements of every possible third-party
> > program.
> >
> > The on

Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:44, Greg Meyer wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:09 am, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> > I've had no problems at all.  Are you all sure you are first running "make
> > mrproper"?
> Yes, I ran mrproper.  I'm going to try and reinstall it again tonight and see 
> if it was something that got borked in the patching process (I applied the 
> win4lin patches).


   I've had similar lack of luck with the win4lin patches... they seem
to go in ok but for some reason it isn't working right.  


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Re: [expert] weird cdrom problem

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:17, Chuck Stuettgen wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:51, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > 3   Upgrade to 2.4.19-32mdk (the latest kernel for 9.0) it works much
> > nicer.
> > 
> > James
> > 
> Where do you find kernel updates for 9.0?  When I run Mandrake Update I
> never see any Kernel updates...

They get visually and physically excluded because they are kernels and
need to be installed not upgraded.  Do,

urpmi --update kernel

from a command line and it will properly install the kernel, it should
be something like 2419-32 in your lilo.conf by name... then
reboot...  kernels because of their nature can only be done
explicitly not passively like all the other rpms.


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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread Philip Webb
030615 Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> ** Anne Wilson (Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 11:28)
>> I don't know what causes it, but it's not new.
>> I had the same problem in 8.2.
> I thought it was related to supermount but I can't remember:
> was supermount in 8.2 already?

i just made a 9.1 boot diskette using a blank preformatted disk
& following the instructions on the Mdk mirror ('dd if... of... ').
AFAIK i'm not using supermount: i normally use 'mdir' etc or a GUI front-end.

> Is there a doc somewhere on putting a boot-floppy on CD or IOW:
> making a special bootable rescue/install CD?

Mdk CD1's nowadays cb used as rescue media asis.

SUPPORT ___//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT`-O--O---'  University of Toronto

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[expert] Batch bookmarks conversion Konqueror <-> Mozilla

2003-06-15 Thread BOURDEU d'AGUERRE Philippe
Keditbookmarks can convert konqueror bookmarks from and to Mozilla. Is 
there a way to access these fonctions from a shell script ? With DCOP ?

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[expert] laptop install XF86 prob

2003-06-15 Thread richard bown
getting a problem on a install to my laptop,Toshiba 4000CDS, its an old
clunker but still useful.

XFdrake sets up for flat panel 800x600 and res of 800x600, but on test
always reverts to 600x400.
On install of MDK9.1 the screen res is OK so it looks like the default
svga driver is OK.

can some one help with where in XF86-4.conf I need to make the
alteration to use the svga driver thats used in the install..

richard bown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Adrian Golumbovici
Actually I think he has got a point and everybody misunderstood him. IMHO he
wasn't bashing Mandrake, but merely stating a Linux general problem.  The
libraries and dependencies thing is linux is really a big PITA. Each time I
want to install something which is not in my standard distro I have to go
through the pains of hell for searching for dependencies. As far as urpmi is
concerned it does a great job, but since it cannot resolve dependencies
outside the mdk distro, it doesn't help much. I hate Winblows and still
dream of the day when I could totally switch to linux, but linux is not
making things very easy for us who want to switch to it. In winblows I don't
have to give a rats ass about dependencies. Most programs come with the
needed library statically binded or depends on libraries which are already
in the distros of about 5 major types of winblows on the use at this time.
Let me try to depict the Linux problem in clear:

1. Linux exists in a huge load of distro's and no real standard here. LSB or
not, you will have real pains in trying to install even between 2 distro's
which should represent same branch of development on the major
2. Except few things there are still enough of the major libs which are not
backwards compatible. Frequent install scenarios involve installing a newer
lib as you need them for a new app and the lib changes some of the main
links in your distro and breaks up a lot of other apps who stupidly refuse
to run with updated libs.
3. BTW... Rethoric question: Who was the %&$&/ who hardcoded apps to not
even try to run if the lib version mismatch?!? Ffs. Even if I got a 15%
chance to succesfully run the app, let me do it. Warn me and let me decide
if I want to experience a crash or kernel panic... :/
4. With linux all the apps which are beyond the basic console editing (or at
least most of them) is a hit and miss thing to install

Oh well... My rant could continue, but I am tired and have to take a shower.
Anyway, don't get me wrong. I am not bashing linux, I am just stating my
frustration with linux. I've been working with it for the last 2 years on a
constant base and at home I use it as firewall and application server, but
for my desktop no go. When it's not a missing driver problem, there is a
mismatching library, missing kernel patch, a dumb app who refuses even to
try to start with new library, hours of search on the net to try and figure
a long chain of dependencies... Thank God I am stubborn and don't give up
easily. I curse linux every day, but don't want to give up. Still it would
be nice if I could use more time with my needed apps instead of most of my
free time to try to get them work...

Best regards,

P.S. I am a Mandrake Linux Club member and proud of it. :)

- Original Message - 
From: "Rolf Pedersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably
everything non-MDK)

> stefmit wrote:
> > On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> >
> >>stefmit wrote:
> >>
> >>>I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone,
> >>>has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> >>>libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> >>>regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which
> >>>NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
> >>>in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> >>>
> >>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> >>>installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> >>>
> >>>Installation failed:
> >>> is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> >>
> >>For this one:
> >>
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf
> >>
> >>dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
> >>/dockingstation-195.64-1.i386.rpm
> >>
> >>When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club source
> >>and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a password.
> >>If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on dockingstation
> >>or the library at
> >>
> >>Rolf
> >>[..]
> >
> >
> > Thank you for your suggestion. I know this may solve one spcific
problem, but
> > I not only mentioned a couple of programs, but rather was very much
> > interested in resolving library issues in general. If the only solution
> > be to install every time another program (or others) which MAY be
> > with the missing library(ies) for the ones I need, then it sounds very
> > Microsoft-like (install IE to be able to run dir ... ;)). There has to
be a
> > better way ... I hope ...
> >
> > Stef
> So far as I can see, qtopia-desktop is not provided by Mand

Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Sunday 15 Jun 2003 1:49 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:35 am, stefmit wrote:
> Stef, you'll find a thread I started on this subject on the newbie
> list. To cut to the chase - there was no answer. Others users seem
> to be able to do it just fine, but I can't either. I can use
> Klipper by highlighting what I need in Eterm, then go to Klipper,
> click on that entry, go to where I want it, and paste it there. Its
> an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for some of us
> but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the
> download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe
> if its a diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?
> Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.

It's a real oddity.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and you 
have to use that extra step


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Rolf Pedersen
stefmit wrote:
On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:

stefmit wrote:

I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere
has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I
NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
in MDK9.1, with the following message:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
Installation failed: is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
For this one:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club source
and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a password.
If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on dockingstation
or the library at

Thank you for your suggestion. I know this may solve one spcific problem, but 
I not only mentioned a couple of programs, but rather was very much 
interested in resolving library issues in general. If the only solution would 
be to install every time another program (or others) which MAY be bundled 
with the missing library(ies) for the ones I need, then it sounds very ... 
Microsoft-like (install IE to be able to run dir ... ;)). There has to be a 
better way ... I hope ...

So far as I can see, qtopia-desktop is not provided by Mandrake.  If 
that is the case, it would be fortuitous that a Mandrake (Club) package 
would provide the library you needed for it.  Urpmi can only know about 
what has been configured as its sources.  It works well for what 
Mandrake provides and what you can add to it.  Mandrake cannot  be 
expected to anticipate the requirements of every possible third-party 

The only other issue you cited, AFAICT, is that Mandrake's package of 
nagios puts files in more than one directory:

# rpm -qpl /backup/contrib/nagios-1.0b6-1mdk.i586.rpm
I am not sure what you are comparing to but this list does not seem 
inconsistent with the typical Mandrake package, which should strive to 
comply with LSB, which invokes FHS2.2:

Different entities have different interpretations/levels of interest in 
complying with LSB, so you will have to deal with these inconsistencies. 
 Furthermore, contrib/ are considered unsupported, so, with all the 
other concerns Mandrake has, I doubt that complaints about contrib/ 
packages will receive a high priority.  There is no comparison to 
Windows.  Linux is not Windows.  What works in Windows is, usually, 
irrelevant.  You should put some effort into learning how Mandrake works 
before you try to re-invent the wheel, IMO.


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
On Sunday 15 June 2003 11:28 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 07:40, stefmit wrote:
> ...
> > > no different than what is done with Apache... the compile-from-source
> > > package puts everything related to foobar in /usr/local/foobar because
> > > that's where it is expected. The came-with-the-OS package (or contrib
> > > in this case) puts all configuration in /etc, all logs in /var, all
> > > libraries in /usr/lib, etc. That's the way distros are. If you don't
> > > want to do it that way, then download the source from and
> > > configure it, then make rpm.
> >
> > Sure - wish you were right ... you probably missed the other part of the
> > email: I WANTED to use nagios from the source (i.e. 1.1), as it was fixed
> > for a couple of things. But the www part won't install ... guess why?
> > Because of some libraries problems, which ... and here I can start all
> > over again with my original email ...
> You were probably missing gd-devel -- there's some weirdness there with
> Mandrake's RPM-naming scheme (foobar1-0.3.i586.rpm vs.
> foobar-1.0.3.i586.rpm).

And ...?!? Some weirdness is what I discovered throughout - nothing new there.

> > I guess the question still is: when you NEED a specific library, and "ln
> > -s" -ing with existing one won't work, WHAT are you doing?
> ...
> what are you doing? Installing from RPM or installing from source? If
> installing from source, having the binary library available as any name
> doesn't do you diddly, you have to have the headers from the -devel rpm.
> If installing from RPM and having dependencies problem, realize that the
> rpm tool doesn't look at your filesystem, it looks in its database.
> Hence the --nodeps I recommended earlier -- you've already made things
> so that they ought to work, so you need to override the old information
> in the rpm database.

Both! For example: #urpmi --allow-nodeps qtopia_bla_bla installs fine ... but 
won't run! Having it installed only was not the final objective, though. I 
would have liked to use it.

As someone else pointed out earlier (find libraries in other programs, and 
install those, in the hope of getting the missing libs), I found it faster 
this time to run W2K in VMWare (which was there for other reasons - i.e. 
quicken), and run qtopia within. The d**n thing runs flawlessly inside 
windows, so I got that one "fixed". Now I have to try nagios 1.1 the same 
way, and I could potentially end up with an "awesome" MDK9.1, running only 
VMWare, with W2K inside, running all the programs MDK can't run ... am I 
missing something here ;) ?!?

All in all - I remember the days of Slackware or even Redhat, four-five years 
ago , when every freaking thing I tried could run, and libraries of different 
versions could live alongside each other. Now they won't even install ;(

Thanks for all the good hints, though ...

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Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-15 Thread Greg Meyer
On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:09 am, Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> I've had no problems at all.  Are you all sure you are first running "make
> mrproper"?

Yes, I ran mrproper.  I'm going to try and reinstall it again tonight and see 
if it was something that got borked in the patching process (I applied the 
win4lin patches).


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Re: [expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-15 Thread Kwan Lowe
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 10:47, Brian V Bonini wrote:
> What's going on here?
> # updatedb
> /usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 15907 Broken pipe
> /usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"

Not running as root?

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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> stefmit wrote:
> > I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere
> > has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> > libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> > regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I
> > NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
> > in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> >
> > Installation failed:
> > is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> For this one:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf
> dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/games/dockingstation/libstdc++-lib
> dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
> /dockingstation-195.64-1.i386.rpm
> When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club source
> and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a password.
> If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on dockingstation
> or the library at
> Rolf
> [..]

Thank you for your suggestion. I know this may solve one spcific problem, but 
I not only mentioned a couple of programs, but rather was very much 
interested in resolving library issues in general. If the only solution would 
be to install every time another program (or others) which MAY be bundled 
with the missing library(ies) for the ones I need, then it sounds very ... 
Microsoft-like (install IE to be able to run dir ... ;)). There has to be a 
better way ... I hope ...


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Re: [expert] Wanted to try wine

2003-06-15 Thread Jack Coates
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:01, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 12:37, Jack Coates wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 16:22, Jason Guidry wrote:
> > > Piero Piutti wrote:
> > > > Do you know if the cvs works fine as well?
> > > 
> > > I'm working on it, I'll report back on how it goes
> > > 
> > 
> > Just tried Transgaming with a couple of kid games, no success. They both
> > install okay, but neither runs.
> > 
> > Arthur's Wilderness Adventure
> > Rescue Heroes Hurricane Havoc.
> > 
> > Will take this to the Transgaming list of course, but thought I'd bring
> > it up in light of recent threads :-)
> What Transgaming list?  I thought there were only forums on the
> Transgaming site.  Is there a list?
> --LX

turns out it's only forums. Lame, lame, lame.
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Jack Coates
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 07:40, stefmit wrote:
> >
> > no different than what is done with Apache... the compile-from-source
> > package puts everything related to foobar in /usr/local/foobar because
> > that's where it is expected. The came-with-the-OS package (or contrib in
> > this case) puts all configuration in /etc, all logs in /var, all
> > libraries in /usr/lib, etc. That's the way distros are. If you don't
> > want to do it that way, then download the source from and
> > configure it, then make rpm.
> Sure - wish you were right ... you probably missed the other part of the 
> email: I WANTED to use nagios from the source (i.e. 1.1), as it was fixed for 
> a couple of things. But the www part won't install ... guess why? Because of 
> some libraries problems, which ... and here I can start all over again with 
> my original email ...

You were probably missing gd-devel -- there's some weirdness there with
Mandrake's RPM-naming scheme (foobar1-0.3.i586.rpm vs.

> I guess the question still is: when you NEED a specific library, and "ln -s" 
> -ing with existing one won't work, WHAT are you doing?


what are you doing? Installing from RPM or installing from source? If
installing from source, having the binary library available as any name
doesn't do you diddly, you have to have the headers from the -devel rpm.
If installing from RPM and having dependencies problem, realize that the
rpm tool doesn't look at your filesystem, it looks in its database.
Hence the --nodeps I recommended earlier -- you've already made things
so that they ought to work, so you need to override the old information
in the rpm database.

Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] Running "updatedb" crashes my comp!

2003-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Sunday June 15 2003 07:52 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 07:58 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > 'locate -u' == 'updatedb'Sorry I must'a missed the part
> > where you've had this problem even after a fresh install.  You
> > could try 'bonnie++' to see if your drive(s) are behaving up to
> > par.  Should be on your CD's.
> No problem - I tend to ramble when facing seemingly
> insurmountable and unsolvable problems! 
> I'll try that - I've used bonnie before, thats a pretty good
> piece of software.

One more thought, tho I think the suggestions you've gotten to 
check the filesystem are probly better ... take a look at
/etc/updatedb.conf  and see if it isn't corrupted or incomplete.

Here's mine: tom$ cat /etc/updatedb.conf
## Linux-Mandrake configuration.

# Originally written by Chmouel Boudjnah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Modified 20010109 by Francis Galiegue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Fixes by [EMAIL PROTECTED], 20010328

# Where to start.

# Which directories to exclude. /home and /root are excluded for 
privacy, but

# Security level :
#   0 turns security checks off. This will make searchs faster.
#   1 turns security checks on. This is the default.

# Be verbose or no.

# Where the database is located.

# Which filesystems do we exclude from search?

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [expert] weird cdrom problem

2003-06-15 Thread Chuck Stuettgen
On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 22:51, James Sparenberg wrote:
> 3   Upgrade to 2.4.19-32mdk (the latest kernel for 9.0) it works much
> nicer.
> James
Where do you find kernel updates for 9.0?  When I run Mandrake Update I
never see any Kernel updates...

If it's not on fire, it's a software problem.

Chuck Stuettgen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [expert] regular expressions with quotes

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 17:24, Adolfo Bello wrote:
> Double quoting the regexp will do it:
> expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : ".*('\(.*\)').*"
> Adolfo

works.  Stupid me didn't think of it...


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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread Bill Mullen
On Sun, 15 Jun 2003, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:

> I thought it was related to supermount but I can't remember: was 
> supermount in 8.2 already?


> A related question: Is there a doc somewhere on putting a boot-floppy on 
> CD or IOW: making a special bootable rescue/install CD?

These may help:

Bill Mullen   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   MA, USA   RLU #270075   MDK 8.1 & 9.0
"Giving money and power to the government is like giving whiskey and
car keys to teenage boys."  - P.J. O'Rourke

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Re: [expert] regular expressions with quotes

2003-06-15 Thread Adolfo Bello
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 09:43, Steven Broos wrote:
> Hai
> I'm trying to do a regular expression, which contains '
> As far as I know, I have to backslash the ' but that gives me an error.
> expr that returns the part of a string between (' '):
> $ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(\(.*\)).*'
>   'hello'
> $ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*('\(.*\)').*'
>   0
> $ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(\'\(.*\)\').*'
>   bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
> $ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(''\(.*\)'').*'
>   'hello'
> $ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(.\(.*\).).*'
>   hello
> Anyone has an idea how to contain a single quote in the expression ?
> I managed to work around this using just a point (last command above)
> but I really want to check for the quote 
> tia
> Steven
Double quoting the regexp will do it:

expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : ".*('\(.*\)').*"


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Rolf Pedersen
stefmit wrote:
I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere has 
figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with libraries 
slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install, regardless of what 
I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I NEED like air, for my 
Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now in MDK9.1, with the 
following message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm 
installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm

Installation failed: is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
For this one:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club source 
and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a password. 
If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on dockingstation 
or the library at


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Re: [expert] Wanted to try wine

2003-06-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 12:37, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 16:22, Jason Guidry wrote:
> > Piero Piutti wrote:
> > > Do you know if the cvs works fine as well?
> > 
> > I'm working on it, I'll report back on how it goes
> > 
> Just tried Transgaming with a couple of kid games, no success. They both
> install okay, but neither runs.
> Arthur's Wilderness Adventure
> Rescue Heroes Hurricane Havoc.
> Will take this to the Transgaming list of course, but thought I'd bring
> it up in light of recent threads :-)

What Transgaming list?  I thought there were only forums on the
Transgaming site.  Is there a list?



Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899

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[expert] regular expressions with quotes

2003-06-15 Thread Steven Broos

I'm trying to do a regular expression, which contains '
As far as I know, I have to backslash the ' but that gives me an error.

expr that returns the part of a string between (' '):
$ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(\(.*\)).*'
$ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*('\(.*\)').*'
$ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(\'\(.*\)\').*'
  bash: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
$ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(''\(.*\)'').*'
$ expr "dag('hello')goodafternoon" : '.*(.\(.*\).).*'

Anyone has an idea how to contain a single quote in the expression ?
I managed to work around this using just a point (last command above)
but I really want to check for the quote 


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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:38 am, Jack Coates wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 05:27, stefmit wrote:
> > I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere
> > has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> > libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> > regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I
> > NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now
> > in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> >
> > Installation failed:
> > is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> >
> > I have tried everything one can imagine, in regards to previously posted
> > advices, from creating symlinks to existing libs, to modifying
> > /etc/, to rerunning ldconfig ... etc. I almost envy winblows
> > users now, who can install multiple versions of dll-s in the directories
> > of the executables, and they run programs fine. I have been trying to
> > keep the system "urpmi database" friendly, but this way I won't be able
> > to install different libraries, as installing the ones I need, from
> > source, would probably have undesired effects.
> >
> > What are you - people - doing with the programs requiring different
> > libraries than what MDK provides? Or are you using only MDK packaged
> > programs?
> Usually a problem like this indicates I've downloaded the wrong RPM for
> my distribution. If it turns out that it is the right RPM, I'll try
> --nodeps and see if it can install and run.
> > Another perfect example of something needed, but impossible to install in
> > MDK9.1: nagios 1.1 (the www part), which - yet again - cannot install
> > because of the same issue of libraries (and - by the way - the packagers
> > from MDK decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0
> > install all over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which
> >
> > TIA,
> > Stef
> >
> > P.S. Speaking of nagios - the person who contributed the nagios packag
> > for MDK9.1 decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0
> > install all over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which
> > are based on a /usr/local/nagios consolidated directory install. I spent
> > almost a week adjusting all config files to take into account the new
> > "placement", MDK9.1 specific, and I (hope) documented everything. If
> > anybody is interested, I can clean the docs up and send them over. What a
> > PITA that was!!!
> no different than what is done with Apache... the compile-from-source
> package puts everything related to foobar in /usr/local/foobar because
> that's where it is expected. The came-with-the-OS package (or contrib in
> this case) puts all configuration in /etc, all logs in /var, all
> libraries in /usr/lib, etc. That's the way distros are. If you don't
> want to do it that way, then download the source from and
> configure it, then make rpm.

Sure - wish you were right ... you probably missed the other part of the 
email: I WANTED to use nagios from the source (i.e. 1.1), as it was fixed for 
a couple of things. But the www part won't install ... guess why? Because of 
some libraries problems, which ... and here I can start all over again with 
my original email ...

I guess the question still is: when you NEED a specific library, and "ln -s" 
-ing with existing one won't work, WHAT are you doing?

> Besides, Nagios is a royal PITA to configure anyway... it took a week to
> figure out how to do it, yes -- but conversion of my config to Oden's
> RPM was only an hour. Now, figuring out that it wouldn't run in msec
> level 4, that took some significant time :-)


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[expert] updatedb prob

2003-06-15 Thread Brian V Bonini
What's going on here?

# updatedb
/usr/bin/updatedb: line 13: 15907 Broken pipe
/usr/bin/slocate -c -u -l"$SECURITY"

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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread Brian V Bonini
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:49, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> Stef, you'll find a thread I started on this subject on the newbie list. To 
> cut to the chase - there was no answer. Others users seem to be able to do it 
> just fine, but I can't either. I can use Klipper by highlighting what I need 
> in Eterm, then go to Klipper, click on that entry, go to where I want it, and 
> paste it there. Its an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for 
> some of us but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the 
> download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe if its a 
> diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?
> Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.

Same here using 9.0, always worked that way, just thought it was the

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Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-15 Thread Praedor Atrebates
Hash: SHA1

I've had no problems at all.  Are you all sure you are first running "make 


On Saturday 14 June 2003 10:49 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 20:16, Greg Meyer wrote:
> > Has anybody else tried to recompile the new Mandrake 9.1 kernel. I am
> > trying to apply the win4lin patches and recompile it for Athlon and make
> > xconfig is dumping out with:
> >
> > rm -f include/asm
> > ( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
> > if [ -f .need_mrproper ]; then \
> > rm .need_mrproper; \
> > make mrproper;  \
> > make preconfig;  \
> I've had this for a while on all kernels with my hardware.  I just vi
> .config and search for asm or ASM  every time I find it I comment the
> line out with a #.  Then it compiles.  Seems that ASM can only compile
> on boxes that need/use it I guess.  OR there is something else that
> needs a yes or module that isn't obvious.
> James

- -- 
The First Amendment rests on the assumption that the widest possible
dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources is 
essential to the welfare of the public.
- --Justice Hugo Black

GnuPG fingerprint:
D170 2A02 B426 6AA0 5E68  3EDC 68AA FDB0 961E 4F18
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 09:48 am, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:

> So Darklord, there's alot I'm not saying here that could be said
> offlist.
> --LX

I hear ya



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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread Lyvim Xaphir
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 08:49, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:35 am, stefmit wrote:
> > Very weird situation - didn't pay much attention to it, until now, when -
> > due to some immediate needs to resolve some issues via email - it seems to
> > go beyond a simple nuisance level: I can highlight (thus "copy) anything
> > from any window, and then paste by "mid-click"-ing (does this sound
> > winblowz-like, or what ? ;( ), except from a terminal window (eterm, to be
> > more specific) to kmail, where I need to "go through" nedit, for example
> > (i.e. I highlight what I need copied from eterm --> paste into nedit -->
> > highlight in nedit --> paste into kmail). Winmgr used: IceWM. Has anybody
> > experienced this? My hope is to upgrade IceWM, to see if this changes
> > behavior ... reason for another email of mine, in regards to how to do this
> > "clean" for the urpmi database...
> >
> > TIA,
> > Stef
> Stef, you'll find a thread I started on this subject on the newbie list. To 
> cut to the chase - there was no answer. Others users seem to be able to do it 
> just fine, but I can't either. I can use Klipper by highlighting what I need 
> in Eterm, then go to Klipper, click on that entry, go to where I want it, and 
> paste it there. Its an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for 
> some of us but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the 
> download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe if its a 
> diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?
> Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.

I'd like to add something to this, if I may.  During the 9.1 development
cycle, I took the time to download the cooker edition of 9.1 and was
testing it in a work environment.  I found the problem you gentlemen are
discussing above and then went to where I
posted a bugreport to Bugzilla concerning it.  It was not addressed, and
went unfixed.

So Darklord, there's alot I'm not saying here that could be said


Kernel 2.4.21-0.13mdk   Linux Mandrake 9.1
Enlightenment-0.16.5-12mdk  Evolution 1.2.4-1.1mdk
Linux User #268899

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Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probablyeverything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread Jack Coates
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 05:27, stefmit wrote:
> I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere has 
> figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with libraries 
> slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install, regardless of what 
> I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I NEED like air, for my 
> Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now in MDK9.1, with the 
> following message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm 
> installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> Installation failed:
> is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> I have tried everything one can imagine, in regards to previously posted 
> advices, from creating symlinks to existing libs, to modifying 
> /etc/, to rerunning ldconfig ... etc. I almost envy winblows users 
> now, who can install multiple versions of dll-s in the directories of the 
> executables, and they run programs fine. I have been trying to keep the 
> system "urpmi database" friendly, but this way I won't be able to install 
> different libraries, as installing the ones I need, from source, would 
> probably have undesired effects.
> What are you - people - doing with the programs requiring different libraries 
> than what MDK provides? Or are you using only MDK packaged programs?

Usually a problem like this indicates I've downloaded the wrong RPM for
my distribution. If it turns out that it is the right RPM, I'll try
--nodeps and see if it can install and run.

> Another perfect example of something needed, but impossible to install in 
> MDK9.1: nagios 1.1 (the www part), which - yet again - cannot install because 
> of the same issue of libraries (and - by the way - the packagers from MDK 
> decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0 install all over 
> the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which 
> TIA,
> Stef 
> P.S. Speaking of nagios - the person who contributed the nagios packag for 
> MDK9.1 decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0 install all 
> over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which are based on a 
> /usr/local/nagios consolidated directory install. I spent almost a week 
> adjusting all config files to take into account the new "placement", MDK9.1 
> specific, and I (hope) documented everything. If anybody is interested, I can 
> clean the docs up and send them over. What a PITA that was!!!

no different than what is done with Apache... the compile-from-source
package puts everything related to foobar in /usr/local/foobar because
that's where it is expected. The came-with-the-OS package (or contrib in
this case) puts all configuration in /etc, all logs in /var, all
libraries in /usr/lib, etc. That's the way distros are. If you don't
want to do it that way, then download the source from and
configure it, then make rpm.

Besides, Nagios is a royal PITA to configure anyway... it took a week to
figure out how to do it, yes -- but conversion of my config to Oden's
RPM was only an hour. Now, figuring out that it wouldn't run in msec
level 4, that took some significant time :-)
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] Urpmi a non-Mandrake RPM package?

2003-06-15 Thread Jack Coates
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 04:55, stefmit wrote:
> Is it possible to #urpmi XYZ.rpm, where XYZ was not packaged for Mandrake, and 
> a previous version of XYZ exists on the systems and is running? I am 
> specifically interested in IceWM, which has a couple of updates beyond what 
> MDK delivered with 9.1, and those are in RPM format, but not for MDK.
> TIA,
> Stef

yes, but proceed with great caution. Better to try a Mandrake cooker RPM
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: A Scientific Venture...

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Re: [expert] urpmi -- I'm impressed!

2003-06-15 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003 22:25:52 -0400
Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's because the executable is inside the package and the hdlist
> keeps that info.  urpmi is awesome and IMO, the best thing about
> Mandrake.

To be honest the real reason that it works it that we who build rpms do
show some sense once in awhile.

When the pkg name changed from nt to d4x the d4x rpm builds for the
Mandrake rpms included in the spec
Obsoletes: nt
  This ensures that if nt is installed, and update is run, urpmi will
  install d4x
Provides: nt
  This allows urpmi to install d4x when someone calls it as nt as Miark


An obscure art no longer practiced in the world's developed countries.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [expert] Running "updatedb" crashes my comp!

2003-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 07:58 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:

> 'locate -u' == 'updatedb'Sorry I must'a missed the part
> where you've had this problem even after a fresh install.  You
> could try 'bonnie++' to see if your drive(s) are behaving up to
> par.  Should be on your CD's.

No problem - I tend to ramble when facing seemingly insurmountable and 
unsolvable problems! 

I'll try that - I've used bonnie before, thats a pretty good piece of 


 Dark< >Lord

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Re: [expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 08:35 am, stefmit wrote:
> Very weird situation - didn't pay much attention to it, until now, when -
> due to some immediate needs to resolve some issues via email - it seems to
> go beyond a simple nuisance level: I can highlight (thus "copy) anything
> from any window, and then paste by "mid-click"-ing (does this sound
> winblowz-like, or what ? ;( ), except from a terminal window (eterm, to be
> more specific) to kmail, where I need to "go through" nedit, for example
> (i.e. I highlight what I need copied from eterm --> paste into nedit -->
> highlight in nedit --> paste into kmail). Winmgr used: IceWM. Has anybody
> experienced this? My hope is to upgrade IceWM, to see if this changes
> behavior ... reason for another email of mine, in regards to how to do this
> "clean" for the urpmi database...
> TIA,
> Stef

Stef, you'll find a thread I started on this subject on the newbie list. To 
cut to the chase - there was no answer. Others users seem to be able to do it 
just fine, but I can't either. I can use Klipper by highlighting what I need 
in Eterm, then go to Klipper, click on that entry, go to where I want it, and 
paste it there. Its an extra step, but I don't know why its like that for 
some of us but not for others. Just out of curiosity, are you using the 
download edition of 9.1? Thats what I'm using. I'm wondering maybe if its a 
diff. between the download edition and the boxed set?

Never had this problem with the 9.0 boxed set.


 Dark< >Lord

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Re: [expert] Running "updatedb" crashes my comp!

2003-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Saturday 14 June 2003 06:39 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:

> pulling at straws here.  if you do ulimit... what does it say?
> James

James, that was a good thought there, but for root and my normal user it 
reports "unlimited". :-)


 Dark< >Lord

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Re: [expert] Getting rid of supermount

2003-06-15 Thread Ronald J. Hall
On Sunday 15 June 2003 02:05 am, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> How does one go about getting rid of supermount?
> I have played with it long enough to decide that I like Mandrake without
> it, as it seems to act weird, not mounting some jobs, locking some from
> being a unmounted, and just being a pain. Heck, Icons in KDE can replace it
> in a snap.
> I can imagine that I will need to rewrite my fstab to not include it. But
> where else will I need to fix things up?

Hi Rob. For me, its "supermount -i disable" then delete the existing floppy,  
DVD, CDRW, and Zip icons. After that, right-click on the desktop and choose 
create new  (the old icons point to the wrong place).

Usually, supermount will change what needs to be changed in /etc/fstab. You 
can do a "mount -a" after all this and fstab gets read again, but...I've 
found that I still need to do a reboot before all my new icons/drives are 

Sometimes you have to play with it a bit. :-)


 Dark< >Lord

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[expert] Copy/paste between eterm and kmail not working

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
Very weird situation - didn't pay much attention to it, until now, when - due 
to some immediate needs to resolve some issues via email - it seems to go 
beyond a simple nuisance level: I can highlight (thus "copy) anything from 
any window, and then paste by "mid-click"-ing (does this sound winblowz-like, 
or what ? ;( ), except from a terminal window (eterm, to be more specific) to 
kmail, where I need to "go through" nedit, for example (i.e. I highlight what 
I need copied from eterm --> paste into nedit --> highlight in nedit --> 
paste into kmail). Winmgr used: IceWM. Has anybody experienced this? My hope 
is to upgrade IceWM, to see if this changes behavior ... reason for another 
email of mine, in regards to how to do this "clean" for the urpmi database...


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[expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably everything non-MDK)

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone, somewhere has 
figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with libraries 
slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install, regardless of what 
I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM, which I NEED like air, for my 
Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks now in MDK9.1, with the 
following message:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm 
installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm

Installation failed: is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1

I have tried everything one can imagine, in regards to previously posted 
advices, from creating symlinks to existing libs, to modifying 
/etc/, to rerunning ldconfig ... etc. I almost envy winblows users 
now, who can install multiple versions of dll-s in the directories of the 
executables, and they run programs fine. I have been trying to keep the 
system "urpmi database" friendly, but this way I won't be able to install 
different libraries, as installing the ones I need, from source, would 
probably have undesired effects.

What are you - people - doing with the programs requiring different libraries 
than what MDK provides? Or are you using only MDK packaged programs?

Another perfect example of something needed, but impossible to install in 
MDK9.1: nagios 1.1 (the www part), which - yet again - cannot install because 
of the same issue of libraries (and - by the way - the packagers from MDK 
decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0 install all over 
the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which 


P.S. Speaking of nagios - the person who contributed the nagios packag for 
MDK9.1 decided - for some weird reasons - to have the nagios 1.0 install all 
over the place, vs. the docs provided with the source, which are based on a 
/usr/local/nagios consolidated directory install. I spent almost a week 
adjusting all config files to take into account the new "placement", MDK9.1 
specific, and I (hope) documented everything. If anybody is interested, I can 
clean the docs up and send them over. What a PITA that was!!!

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Re: [expert] urpmi -- I'm impressed!

2003-06-15 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Sat, 14 Jun 2003 22:25:52 -0400
Greg Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's because the executable is inside the package and the hdlist
> keeps that info.  urpmi is awesome and IMO, the best thing about
> Mandrake.

To be honest the real reason that it works it that we who build rpms do
show some sense once in awhile.

When the pkg name changed from nt to d4x the d4x rpm builds for the
Mandrake rpms included in the spec
Obsoletes: nt
  This ensures that if nt is installed, and update is run, urpmi will
  install d4x
Provides: nt
  This allows urpmi to install d4x when someone calls it as nt as Miark


An obscure art no longer practiced in the world's developed countries.
Mandrake Linux 9.2 on PurpleDragon
Kernel- 2.4.21-0.1mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [expert] Running "updatedb" crashes my comp!

2003-06-15 Thread Tom Brinkman
On Saturday June 14 2003 10:59 am, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Saturday 14 June 2003 09:43 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> > That means you've got no problems with cpu/cache/ram and
> > that your cooling is adequate under extreme load.  I suspect
> > your problem involves some files or such that got corrupted by
> > all these hard lockups and resets you've had.  Tho I really
> > don't know what slocate uses to build the db, I suspect it
> > doesn't do it all by itself.
> Whats puzzling (extremely!) Is that I had reinstalled (fresh)
> then ran "updatedb" ->first<- before doing anything else.
> Happened from from the very first reboot after installation. Not
> much chance of damage done there, eh?
> I do know that "slocate -u" and "updatedb" do the same thing,

'locate -u' == 'updatedb'Sorry I must'a missed the part 
where you've had this problem even after a fresh install.  You 
could try 'bonnie++' to see if your drive(s) are behaving up to 
par.  Should be on your CD's.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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[expert] Urpmi a non-Mandrake RPM package?

2003-06-15 Thread stefmit
Is it possible to #urpmi XYZ.rpm, where XYZ was not packaged for Mandrake, and 
a previous version of XYZ exists on the systems and is running? I am 
specifically interested in IceWM, which has a couple of updates beyond what 
MDK delivered with 9.1, and those are in RPM format, but not for MDK.


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[expert] Re: 9.1 kernel 2.4.21 vs cooker 2.4.21

2003-06-15 Thread Thomas Backlund

"Praedor Atrebates" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Saturday 14 June 2003 06:04 pm, Joan Tur wrote:
> Es Dissabte 14 Juny 2003 23:52, en Jack Coates va escriure:
> > doesn't matter where it is, urpmi will select the one with the highest
> > version number. This way your computer installs the update package
> > instead of the distribution package for packages that have been updated
> > but weren't previously installed.
> You're wright.
> But there's an error in cooker's kernel-source-2.4.21-1mdk.  It installs
> itself in /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-0.1 instead  8-?
>Ah, you too.  This install made me think it was a kernel version previous
>my current 2.4.21-0.13mdk.  Is this erroneous?  Is it actually more recent
>than 0.13mdk?
>I ran "urpmi --update kernel-source" and get squat.  I am doing an update
>my sources to see if this changes the situation but if 2.4.21-0.1mdk is the
>most recent then I'll just go with it.

Just  to clarify for you all...

The 2.4.21-0.1mdk that is the current kernel in Cooker is
a 2.4.21-rc1 based...

As for all users running MDK 9.1 I suggest you stick with the 18mdk
from updates atleast for now (or my modified one for aic79xx support)...

And those of you that have Club accounts, I suggest using Danny's latest
kernels that has all my updates, and then some... ;-)

And AFAIK Danny is building a kernel that will end up on a public host,
that whould have all of theese new fixes + some more...

As for 2.4.21 Release in Cooker, I think Juan is working on it, but
since all MDK specific stuff also needs to be adapted to it,
it will take some time (not to mention all the supported arches...)

Best Regards

Thomas Backlund

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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread Wolfgang Bornath
** Anne Wilson (Sonntag, 15. Juni 2003 11:28)
> On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 11:37 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> >
> > Mine does this on occasion... I have to unmount the floppy then
> >
> > mkdosfs /dev/fd0
> >
> > then use the tool and suddenly the floppy is the right size... I
> > don't understand... it just worked.
> I don't know what causes it, but it's not new.  I had the same
> problem in 8.2.

I thought it was related to supermount but I can't remember: was 
supermount in 8.2 already?

A related question: Is there a doc somewhere on putting a boot-floppy on 
CD or IOW: making a special bootable rescue/install CD?

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Re: [expert] Cant Write Boot Floppies

2003-06-15 Thread Anne Wilson
On Saturday 14 Jun 2003 11:37 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 13:44, Simon Naish wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to create a boot floppy for my mdk9.1 system. However,
> > it stalls, saying there's not enough space to copy mkinitrd or
> > saying that the floppy is mounted. Pain in the arse this, any
> > ideas? mkbootfloppy gives the same response as the control center
> > (being that that is what the center is running eh!).
> >
> > Cheers all
> >
> > Si
> Mine does this on occasion... I have to unmount the floppy then
> mkdosfs /dev/fd0
> then use the tool and suddenly the floppy is the right size... I
> don't understand... it just worked.
I don't know what causes it, but it's not new.  I had the same problem 
in 8.2.


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Re: [expert] Make xconfig doesn't work in new kernel

2003-06-15 Thread Joerg Mertin
James Sparenberg wrote:
On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 20:52, Greg Meyer wrote:

On Saturday 14 June 2003 11:49 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:

I've had this for a while on all kernels with my hardware.  I just vi
.config and search for asm or ASM  every time I find it I comment the
line out with a #.  Then it compiles.  Seems that ASM can only compile
on boxes that need/use it I guess.  OR there is something else that
needs a yes or module that isn't obvious.
I got it done by using make oldconfig, but I suppose it should work.  I also 
just got dumped out of menuconfig when I tried to enter the ALSA 
configuration. I suppose I should report both of these to vdanen.
xconfig works ok if you can use it.
Talking about Alsa,

you can download the new alsa 0.9.4 drivers if you want. Just make sure 
- during compile time you disable the verbose-printk with
./configure --disable-verbose-printk

if not - you'll get failed dependencies on snd.o which makes the entire 
soundsystem unusable.



| Joerg Mertin  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED](Home)|
| in Neuchâtel/Schweiz  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)|
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :  |
| PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand :  Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54   |


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Re: [expert] ATI Radeon 7000 DRI

2003-06-15 Thread Joerg Mertin
John Haywood wrote:
On Sun, 25 May 2003 08:07 am, Jack Coates wrote:
for 3D, you´re going to need the proprietary dri and fglrx drivers from ATI. 
They were posted on their German support site, and, while I could get them to 
sort of work under 9.0 (X worked in blissful 3-D, but going back to runlevel 
3 gave me a messed-up/blitted console, I could not get the newer drivers  to 
work on 9.1. There was a short thread on this a coupla months back - ´ATI 
Radeon Drivers´

The other thing I just noticed, is that the latest kernel from MDK seems to 
include some fixes for the Radeon

good luck with it all - I must admit I gave up under 9.1 and bought a Ti4200 - 
what to do? 
Actually - the ATI stuff work - but in case you have a NForce2 Board you 
have to compile your Kernel and apply some patches. The problem is that 
the agpgart module has not been adapted to recognise also never ATI 
cards - so - only possibility is to patch it yourself.

and thread about this patch is under:
I have however to say - that I'm not really able to play UT2003 the way 
I could using the NVidia card - under Nvidia - it's much smoother and no 
Fast Dia-Show (even if stat fps shows me 60fps). The reason I switched 
was Noise. Hi hate noisy computers - and the NVidia cards are just tooo 



| Joerg Mertin  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED](Home)|
| in Neuchâtel/Schweiz  :  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Work)|
| Stardust's LiNUX System   :  |
| PGP 2.6.3in Key on Demand :  Voice & Fax: +41(0)32 / 725 52 54   |


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Re: [expert] Coreldraw files to?

2003-06-15 Thread Francisco Alcaraz

Also problem to compile; I have the libs that the the programe need (mentioned 
in the INSTALL file):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] gfXcon_0.3]# make
g++ -c misc.c
misc.c:38:20: Imlib2.h: No such file or directory
misc.c: In function `void init(Display**, Visual**, Screen**, Window*)':
misc.c:63: `imlib_context_set_display' undeclared (first use this function)
misc.c:63: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function 
it appears in.)
misc.c:64: `imlib_context_set_visual' undeclared (first use this function)
misc.c:65: `imlib_context_set_colormap' undeclared (first use this function)
misc.c:66: `imlib_context_set_drawable' undeclared (first use this function)
make: *** [misc] Error 1

¿Any ideas?

Francisco Alcaraz Ariza
Murcia, España (Spain)

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Re: [expert] Java?

2003-06-15 Thread James Sparenberg
On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 00:08, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> On Saturday 14 June 2003 11:25 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 23:01, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> > > Recently I have noticed that my java applets have stopped working, and I
> > > found the problem: I have no plugin for java on my machine.
> > >
> > > Hunting around, I find that I don't even have Java running. I notice that
> > > I have Kaffe pretending to be java.
> > >
> > > I can't find a proper JRE on the cds. Nothing seems to query it up? Out
> > > of despairation, I am currently downloading JRE 1.4.1 from
> > >
> > > Is java included with 9.1, and if so, what is the JRE called?
> >
> > j2re-1.4.1_01-2mdk  is the rpm name.  I believe it's in contrib... but
> > it could have been club... I get rpms from so many places I get lost
> > *grin*
> I didn't have the club download configured, so urpmi never checked there. I 
> set it up and it was found.
> Now, the big question is, why is it in club downloads? I would think that java 
> is so central to life that it would be part of the distrobution.
> Rob

One word  License.  Due to the one Sun has on it they (RH SuSe MDK et
al) can't distribute it on the download version ... only commercial
(boxed set) and via something like the club.

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Re: [expert] Java?

2003-06-15 Thread Rob Blomquist
On Saturday 14 June 2003 11:25 pm, James Sparenberg wrote:
> On Sat, 2003-06-14 at 23:01, Rob Blomquist wrote:
> > Recently I have noticed that my java applets have stopped working, and I
> > found the problem: I have no plugin for java on my machine.
> >
> > Hunting around, I find that I don't even have Java running. I notice that
> > I have Kaffe pretending to be java.
> >
> > I can't find a proper JRE on the cds. Nothing seems to query it up? Out
> > of despairation, I am currently downloading JRE 1.4.1 from
> >
> > Is java included with 9.1, and if so, what is the JRE called?
> j2re-1.4.1_01-2mdk  is the rpm name.  I believe it's in contrib... but
> it could have been club... I get rpms from so many places I get lost
> *grin*

I didn't have the club download configured, so urpmi never checked there. I 
set it up and it was found.

Now, the big question is, why is it in club downloads? I would think that java 
is so central to life that it would be part of the distrobution.


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