[FairfieldLife] tasty kool-aid

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

OK, I was the grip for the camera crew (me and the other guy) filming 
today's seminar on Stress-free schools in Arizona, which was attended 
by about 40 invited guests.


The speakers were all very impressive, or at least the non-meditating 
counselors and educators sitting around the room seemed quite impressed 
with them. The highlight of the seminar, in my mind, was the 16 year 
old MSAE student who spoke briefly on her experiences at MSAE. 
Apparently she had gotten permission from her parents to accompany 
Ashley Deans, Director of the MSAE, to speak at the conference. 
Coincidentally her parents are the Geraces, who run the Tucson 
Maharishi Enlightenment Center.

I assume the extremely benused expressions on everyone's faces as they 
wildly appluaded her meant that they were impressed. That and the fact 
that most of the audience stayed behind to chat with the speakers and 
many made a point of coming up and chatting briefly with the MSAE 
student. Everyone I saw was leaving their stickem conference badge on 
the index card that was card, and writing contact info on the card.

For those that think the TM organization is dying, I say: get real. 
This series of seminars is a highly professional, low-key publicity 
campaign dealing directly with the schools and school districts using 
the best public speakers affiliated with the TM organization See the 
list of panelists and scheduled stops at: 


I oveheard Ashely Deans say that they were likely going to be on tour 
for the next 6 months.

 They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are offering 
to help them find the outside funding sources required to teach TM to 
the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with 
interested people in Tucson in early May.

And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No discounts.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty kool-aid

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



don't connect the dots, in this case...

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[FairfieldLife] Breakthrough study on EEG of meditation

2006-04-21 Thread Vaj

Nice synopsis of the recent breakthrough and a major step towards discovering the Neural Correlates of Consciousness.http://www.quantumconsciousness.org/EEGmeditation.htmForthcoming,Science and Consciousness Revie.sci-con.org Breakthrough study on EEG of meditation Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice, by Antoine Lutz, Lawrence L. Greischar, Nancy B. Rawlings, Mathieu Ricard and Richard J. Davidson, in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101(46)16369-16373, 2004The challenge in studying consciousness has always been to match subjective, first person accounts with objective, third person measurements. Consciousness is, after all, publically unobservable. So there exists a dichotomy between phenomenological descriptions on the one hand and, on the other hand technologies such as fMRI and EEG which map brain activities correlating with cognition and consciousness. First person phenomenological descriptions have largely stayed outside scientific and Western philosophical approaches, with the exception of William James and Husserlian types of introspection which recount the detailed content of consciousness. But the content of consciousness is not necessarily the same as consciousness itself. Indeed, an ongoing controversy has been whether one could be conscious of nothing. In an interesting debate at a Tucson conference a few years ago, Jonathan Shear argued for the affirmative, pointing out that meditators commonly cleared their mind of content but were nevertheless highly conscious of being. Other forms of meditation focus the practitioner’s mind on specific objects or actions, such as breathing or reciting mantras. In either type of case, an altered state of heightened awareness—of heightened consciousness—is said to be achieved. One might think that EEG or brain imaging of meditative states would be revealing, however previous studies have been largely unremarkable, suggesting for example a modest increase in slow alpha or theta wave EEG activity during meditation. However in those studies meditators were focusing on specific objects or activities. Moreover, higher frequency EEG activity such as gamma wave synchrony (greater than 25 Hz) was omitted.Meanwhile, a controversy over gamma synchrony simmers. Synchronized gamma EEG is composed of field potentials measured from scalp or implanted electrodes which may be coherent both in local brain regions and more globally across the brain in a range from 30 to 70 Hz, known euphemistically as “coherent 40 Hz oscillations”.  In the mid 1980s Wolf Singer’s lab showed that gamma synchrony corresponded with specific recognition in cat visual cortex. As other similar findings followed, coherent 40 Hz became the favorite electrophysiological correlate of cognition and consciousness. Gamma synchrony/40 Hz coherence was found to correspond with attention, face and linguistic recognition, visual binding, task performance, working memory, dreaming and consciousness (e.g. by virtue of its selective disappearance with general anesthesia). However backlash set in, fueled largely, as far as I can tell, by the failure to account for gamma synchrony by axonal action potentials (“spikes”), the favorite level of reduction in much of neuroscience. The prevalent view has been that consciousness and cognition emerge from functional networks of neurons (“assemblies”, “modules”, “cartels”, “coalitions” etc.) linked by axonal output—to—dendritic input chemical neurotransmitter synapses. Donald Hebb showed in 1947 that altered sensitivities of such synapses would sculpt transient network assemblies, each of which could temporarily take the stage of attention and consciousness by dominant firing. So when 40 Hz correlations were discovered, the presumption was that sequences of axonal-dendritic Hebbian assemblies were firing synchronously at gamma range/40 Hz frequencies. But synchrony among axonal spikes, and integration of spikes into network-like phenomena proved to be elusive. Francis Crick and Christof Koch, who in 1990 had helped launch the 40 Hz/consciousness bandwagon, were among the first to abandon ship. In some circles, gamma synchrony/40 Hz was discredited as an essential feature of consciousness, despite the continued correlations of gamma synchrony/40 Hz field potentials with cognition and consciousness. No spikes, no deal. In recent years gamma synchrony has indeed been shown to derive not from axonal spikes and axonal-dendritic synapses, but from post-synaptic activities of dendrites. Specifically, gamma synchrony/40 Hz is driven by networks of cortical inter-neurons connected by dendro-dendritic “electrotonic” gap junctions, windows between adjacent cells. Groups of neurons connected by gap junctions share a common membrane and fire synchronously, behaving (as Eric Kandel says) “like one giant neuron.” Gap junctions have long been recognized as prevalent and important in embryological brain 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why scorpion leader is worse than Bush

2006-04-21 Thread uns_tressor

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There is now no great secret about 
 how the administration took the 
 United States to war, and none about 
 Blair's reason for supporting 
 Bush. As the Labor politician Aneurin 
 Bevan would have said, why 
 look into the crystal ball when you 
 can read the book? British 
 troops are in Basra because of something 
 Blair knew and something he believed. 
 He knew that Washington was going to 
 invade in any case, and he 
 believed that it would be more 
 damaging to long-term world peace 
 and security if the Americans alone 
 defeated Saddam Hussein than if 
 they had international support to do so. 
 90. It would be more damaging to peace and security if he acted 
 alone than if he had my support, so I'll go along with him for the 

Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera's studios located in 
a friendly state, Qatar. Blair stopped him.

bbrigante, you are a total wanker. You have pushed
out the boundaries of foolishness. The bard will 
have much to say on this subject. I'll go look.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why scorpion leader is worse than Bush

2006-04-21 Thread uns_tressor

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 There is now no great secret about 
 how the administration took the 
 United States to war, and none about 
 Blair's reason for supporting 
 Bush. As the Labor politician Aneurin 
 Bevan would have said, why 
 look into the crystal ball when you 
 can read the book? British 
 troops are in Basra because of something 
 Blair knew and something he believed. 
 He knew that Washington was going to 
 invade in any case, and he 
 believed that it would be more 
 damaging to long-term world peace 
 and security if the Americans alone 
 defeated Saddam Hussein than if 
 they had international support to do so. 
 90. It would be more damaging to peace and security if he acted 
 alone than if he had my support, so I'll go along with him for the 

Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera's studios located in 
a friendly state, Qatar. Blair stopped him.

bbrigante, you are a total wanker. You have pushed
out the boundaries of foolishness. The bard will 
have much to say on this subject. I'll go look.

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[FairfieldLife] Bush parody set to I Am The Walrus

2006-04-21 Thread SoulQuest7

Great parody of Bush set to I Am The Walrus. -==-=- om=-=-=- Nick


 A HREF="" href="http://decider.cf.huffingtonpost.com/">http://decider.cf.huffingtonpost.com/I'm The Decider/A 

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[FairfieldLife] Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread Vaj

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to turn off
the oil taps to the United States of America.

Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal with
India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major oil

At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer reveal oil
statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.

The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not just
strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's future
plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.

Full story at:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread TurquoiseB

Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
probably have him killed...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 
turn off
 the oil taps to the United States of America.
 Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal 
 India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major 
 At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 
reveal oil
 statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.
 The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not 
 strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 
 plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.
 Full story at:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_couscous_ff 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin jflanegi@ 
  He's down to 33%, on Fox, which as most know is an organization 
  favors the Republican Party. Free fall...
  Interesting to watch his body language while meeting with the 
  Premier today. Definitely the weak one. Choppy, hesitant, and 
  He has definitely lost his way.
 Lost??? As if he ever had!

Right. He has just been the cheerleader for the Neocons, who 
everyone is realizing had ideas that, as we say, looked good on 
paper, but have now been thoroughly discredited when put into 
practice. Why? Because they are based on flawed, simplistic models 
of human interaction and reasoning. As someone I know likes to 
say, Too much self-referencing.

This is why, initially, Bush's platform gained wide support. The 
ideas and concepts were simple; tax cuts and pre-emptive war, might 
is right and trickle down economics, corporate benefit equals 
federal law. 

Now that it is all being unmasked for the pap that it was, people's 
bubbles are bursting and they feel indignant. The cult of 
personality is dissolving. And its only going to get better.

In a way, Bush II is everything the Neocons wanted after Reagan, and 
instead they got his dad, who although willing to play dirty, was 
not quite as arrogant, unprincipled, and uncultured as his son.

Bush II's record should make it nearly impossible to repeat the 
stunt a third time, at least for the forseeable future.

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[FairfieldLife] Congress is selling out the internet

2006-04-21 Thread Vaj

Google, Amazon, MoveOn. All these entities are fighting back as Congress tries to pass a law giving a few corporations the power to end the free and open Internet as we know it.You can do your part today.Tell Congress to preserve the free and open Internet. Click HereDear MoveOn member,Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an Ipod? These activities, plus MoveOn's online organizing ability, will be hurt if Congress passes a radical law that gives giant corporations more control over the Internet.Internet providers like ATT and Verizon are lobbying Congress hard to gut Network Neutrality, the Internet's First Amendment. Net Neutrality prevents ATT from choosing which websites open most easily for you based on which site pays ATT more. Amazon doesn't have to outbid Barnes  Noble for the right to open more properly on your computer.If Net Neutrality is gutted, MoveOn either pays protection money to dominant Internet providers or risks that online activism tools don't work for members. Amazon and Google either pay protection money or risk that their websites process slowly on your computer. That why these high-tech pioneers are joining the fight to protect Network Neutrality1—and you can do your part today. The free and open Internet is under seige—can you sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Network Neutrality? Click here:http://www.civic.moveon.org/save_the_internet/?id=7361-3763225-ogJOyxD2Kx4pxbxGYxzhWwt=4To save the Internet, there needs to be a public groundswell—so please forward this to 3 friends. Let them know protecting the free and open Internet is fundamental—it affects everything. When you sign this petition, you'll be kept informed of the next steps we can take to keep the heat on Congress. Votes begin in a House committee next week.MoveOn has already seen what happens when the Internet's gatekeepers get too much control. Just last week, AOL blockedany email mentioning a coalition that MoveOn is a part of, which opposes AOL's proposed "email tax."2 And last year, Canada's version of ATT—Telus—blocked their Internet customers from visiting a website sympathetic to workers with whom Telus was negotiating.3Politicians don't think we are paying attention to this issue. Many of them take campaign checks from big telecom companies and are on the verge of selling out to people like ATT's CEO, who openly says, "The internet can't be free."4We need to let Congress know we are paying attention. Together, we must make sure they listen to our voices and the voices of people like Vint Cerf, a father of the Internet and Google's "Chief Internet Evangelist," who recently wrote this to Congress in support of preserving Network Neutrality:My fear is that, as written, this bill would do great damage to the Internet as we know it. Enshrining a rule that broadly permits network operators to discriminate in favor of certain kinds of services and to potentially interfere with others would place broadband operators in control of online activity...Telephone companies cannot tell consumers who they can call; network operators should not dictate what people can do online.4 The essence of the Internet is at risk—can you sign this petition letting your member of Congress know you support preserving Network Neutrality? Click here:http://www.civic.moveon.org/save_the_internet/?id=7361-3763225-ogJOyxD2Kx4pxbxGYxzhWwt=5Please forward to 3 others who care about this issue. Thanks for all you do.–Eli Pariser, Adam Green, Noah T. Winer, and the MoveOn.org Civic Action teamFriday, April 21st, 2006P.S.  MoveOn is part of a broad SaveTheInternet.com coalition—check it out!P.P.S.  If Congress abandons Network Neutrality, who will be affected?Advocacy groups like MoveOn—Political organizing could be slowed by a handful of dominant Internet providers who ask advocacy groups to pay "protection money" for their websites and online features to work correctly.Nonprofits—A charity's website could open at snail-speed, and online contributions could grind to a halt, if nonprofits can't pay dominant Internet providers for access to "the fast lane" of Internet service.Google users—Another search engine could pay dominant Internet providers like ATT to guarantee the competing search engine opens faster than Google on your computer. Innovators with the "next big idea"—Startups and entrepreneurs will be muscled out of the marketplace by big corporations that pay Internet providers for dominant placing on the Web. The little guy will be left in the "slow lane" with inferior Internet service, unable to compete.Ipod listeners—A company like Comcast could slow access to iTunes, steering you to a higher-priced music service that it owned. Online purchasers—Companies could pay Internet providers to guarantee their online sales process faster than competitors with lower prices—distorting your choice as a consumer.Small businesses and tele-commuters—When Internet companies like ATT favor their 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
 national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
 probably have him killed...
May it never come to that. But, yeah, as Bush said in his state of 
the union this year, America is addicted to oil, but he decided 
not to explicitly state that he sided 100% with those perpetuating 
the addiction. 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 
 turn off
  the oil taps to the United States of America.
  Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal 
  India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major 
  At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 
 reveal oil
  statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.
  The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not 
  strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 
  plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.
  Full story at:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Breakthrough study on EEG of meditation

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nice synopsis of the recent breakthrough and a major step towards 
 discovering the Neural Correlates of Consciousness.


Buddhist meditation shows this, so it must be good. The 30 years 
research on TM is on TM, so it doesn't count.

I'd love to hear Hammeroff explain the significance of the findings on 
TM EEG coherence rather than just dismiss them.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  The only reason people are ragging on Bush now that 
  his numbers are down is the pile on phenomenon
  (you know...the same one you see here on FFL).

Just to clarify, his numbers are down because...
wait for it!...people are ragging on Bush.

 It is just a wonderful thing to finally see people awakening from 
 that slumber en masse, while those who have led this country down 
 the path of misfortune are still in power-- makes the link that
 much more obvious to everyone.

For those of us who lived through Watergate, there's
a powerful sense of deja-vu.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread TurquoiseB

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 He's down to 33%, on Fox, which as most know is an organization
 that favors the Republican Party. Free fall...
 Interesting to watch his body language while meeting with the 
 Chinese Premier today. Definitely the weak one. Choppy, 
 hesitant, and tense. He has definitely lost his way.

Here's an article that favors the theory that
what he's lost is his fuckin' mind:

A Maniacal Messianic Prepares to Fulfill His Destiny 
by Ted Rall 
I have fulfilled my destiny, the president says manically. He has 
just entered the nuclear launch codes that will trigger World War 
III. Seconds later, he emerges from a bunker. The Secretary of State 
squeezes between two soldiers. Mr. President! he shouts. We have 
a diplomatic solution! 

He smiles. It's too late, he replies. The missiles are flying. 
Alleluia. Alleluia. 

The above scene, from David Cronenberg's 1983 adaptation of the 
horror novel The Dead Zone, is a classic if slightly preposterous 
nightmare of a world destroyed by a demented demagogue. Now, 
incredibly, a lunatic out of a Stephen King movie has brought the 
United States to the brink of Armageddon. 

Until I read Seymour Hersh's expose in The New Yorker and subsequent 
follow-up coverage by other journalists about the Bush 
Administration's plans to start a war against Iran, I had dismissed 
talk of George W. Bush's messianism as so much Beltway chatter. 
True, he hears voices, even claiming that God and Jesus Christ talk 
to him. I believe God wants me to run for president, he told a 
friend in Texas. Eschewing mainstream religion, he routinely parrots 
the apocalyptic ravings of fringe Christianist cults: And the light 
[America] has shone in the darkness [the enemies of America], and 
the darkness will not overcome it [America shall conquer its 
enemies], he said during his fevered campaign for war against Iraq. 
He mimics Old Testament cadences: God told me to strike at Al Qaeda 
and I struck them, Bush told the Palestinian prime minister in 
2003, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, 
and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. 


Despite the man's wacky religiosity, I have been giving Bush the 
benefit of a small amount of remaining doubt after five years of the 
most disastrous rule this nation has ever suffered. I believed that 
he was breathtakingly bigoted, stupid and ignorant. But I didn't 
think he was out of his mind. Until now. 

Current and former American military and intelligence officials 
tell Hersh that President Bush is determined to deny the Iranian 
regime the opportunity to begin a pilot program, planned for this 
spring, to enrich uranium. Of course, uranium enrichment for 
peaceful atomic energy is permitted by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation 
Treaty, to which Iran is a signatory. Which is what the Iranians say 
they're doing. But the Bush Administration, which knows a little 
about lying, doesn't believe them. 

Fair enough: One only has to consider the risk of nuclear 
conflagration between India and Pakistan to see why the fewer 
countries have nukes, the better. Not every country can be trusted 
with such terrifying weapons. So how does the trustworthy United 
States plan to make its stand against nuclear proliferation? 

By nuking Iran. 

One of the military's initial option plans, reports 
Hersh, ...calls for the use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear 
weapon, such as the B61-11, against underground nuclear sites. An 
intelligence insider says that Every other option, in the view of 
the nuclear weaponeers, would leave a gap. 'Decisive' is the key 
word of the Air Force's planning. It's a tough decision. But we made 
it in Japan. 

We're talking about mushroom clouds, radiation, mass casualties, 
and contamination over years, he went on. Crazy stuff. But whenever 
someone inside the Administration opposes the nuclear 
option, They're shouted down. The pro-nuke faction, led by Defense 
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, is responding to internal critics with 
a B61 [nuclear bomb] with more blast and less radiation. 

You may have heard that Bush dismissed Hersh's article as wild 
speculation. At first I, like you, responded with a sigh of relief. 
But I've come to learn that Bush doesn't talk like a human being. 
His policy pronouncements are carefully lawyered to give him the 
kind of technical out that Bill Clinton could only have dreamed of. 
Bushspeak is crafted to ensure that what Mr. Straightshooter says is 
rarely what he means. Filtering wild speculation statement through 
Bushspeak analysis shows that it's no denial at all. 

The doctrine of prevention is to work together to prevent the 
Iranians from having a nuclear weapon, Bush said. Notice that, 
despite the disaster in Iraq, he still reserves the right to wage 
preemptive war. He continued: I know here in Washington prevention 
means force. It doesn't mean force 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[quoting Ted Rall]
 Actually, Bush had decided to invade Iraq months--probably years--

Years before, no question.

During the 1999 run-up to the 2000 presidential campaign, 
Bush said to journalist Mickey Herskovitz:

One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a 
commander-in-chiefMy father had all this political capital built up 
when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait and he wasted itIf I have a 
chance to invade--if I had that much capital, I'm not going to waste 
it. I'm going to get everything passed that I want to get passed and 
I'm going to have a successful presidency. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread markmeredith2002

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You may have heard that Bush dismissed Hersh's article as wild 
 speculation. At first I, like you, responded with a sigh of relief. 
 But I've come to learn that Bush doesn't talk like a human being. 
 His policy pronouncements are carefully lawyered to give him the 
 kind of technical out that Bill Clinton could only have dreamed of. 
 Bushspeak is crafted to ensure that what Mr. Straightshooter says is 
 rarely what he means. Filtering wild speculation statement through 
 Bushspeak analysis shows that it's no denial at all. 

Rumsfeld has also publicly responded to the Iran story with wild
speculation or words to that effect. This week the Daily Show found a
news clip from 3 yrs ago in which Rumsfeld uses exactly the same words
to denounce press reports of insurgent attacks inside Baghdad -- so
when they say wild speculation, they just mean truth they don't want
out yet.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread Bhairitu

That's why I buy my gas at Citgo stations. :)

TurquoiseB wrote:

Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
probably have him killed...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 

turn off

the oil taps to the United States of America.

Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal 


India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major 



At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 

reveal oil

statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.

The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not 


strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 


plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.

Full story at:


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That's why I buy my gas at Citgo stations. :)

I question the premise that they're going to shut off the oil to the 
USA. Oil is an international commodity.

 TurquoiseB wrote:
 Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
 national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
 probably have him killed...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
 Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 
 turn off
 the oil taps to the United States of America.
 Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal 
 India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major 
 At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 
 reveal oil
 statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.
 The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not 
 strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 
 plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.
 Full story at:
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 and click 'Join This Group!' 
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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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Re: [FairfieldLife] tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread Rick Archer

That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible, inspiring
impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer examination.
The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But if the
people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for the exits.
And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to get involved.
Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects from news
about its other activities.

on 4/21/06 2:31 AM, sparaig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK, I was the grip for the camera crew (me and the other guy) filming
 today's seminar on Stress-free schools in Arizona, which was attended
 by about 40 invited guests.
 The speakers were all very impressive, or at least the non-meditating
 counselors and educators sitting around the room seemed quite impressed
 with them. The highlight of the seminar, in my mind, was the 16 year
 old MSAE student who spoke briefly on her experiences at MSAE.
 Apparently she had gotten permission from her parents to accompany
 Ashley Deans, Director of the MSAE, to speak at the conference.
 Coincidentally her parents are the Geraces, who run the Tucson
 Maharishi Enlightenment Center.
 I assume the extremely benused expressions on everyone's faces as they
 wildly appluaded her meant that they were impressed. That and the fact
 that most of the audience stayed behind to chat with the speakers and
 many made a point of coming up and chatting briefly with the MSAE
 student. Everyone I saw was leaving their stickem conference badge on
 the index card that was card, and writing contact info on the card.
 For those that think the TM organization is dying, I say: get real.
 This series of seminars is a highly professional, low-key publicity
 campaign dealing directly with the schools and school districts using
 the best public speakers affiliated with the TM organization See the
 list of panelists and scheduled stops at:
 I oveheard Ashely Deans say that they were likely going to be on tour
 for the next 6 months.
 They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are offering
 to help them find the outside funding sources required to teach TM to
 the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
 interested people in Tucson in early May.
 And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No discounts.
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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible, 
 impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer 
 The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But if 
 people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for the 
 And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to get 
 Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects from 
 about its other activities.

They included a copy of Ashley Dean's book in every packet they 
distributed. Chapter 8 is on Yogic Flying and the Maharishi Effect. 
MMY has always insisted that the TMO be upfront about that stuff, and 
the policy continues.

 on 4/21/06 2:31 AM, sparaig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  OK, I was the grip for the camera crew (me and the other guy) 
  today's seminar on Stress-free schools in Arizona, which was 
  by about 40 invited guests.
  The speakers were all very impressive, or at least the non-
  counselors and educators sitting around the room seemed quite 
  with them. The highlight of the seminar, in my mind, was the 16 
  old MSAE student who spoke briefly on her experiences at MSAE.
  Apparently she had gotten permission from her parents to accompany
  Ashley Deans, Director of the MSAE, to speak at the conference.
  Coincidentally her parents are the Geraces, who run the Tucson
  Maharishi Enlightenment Center.
  I assume the extremely benused expressions on everyone's faces as 
  wildly appluaded her meant that they were impressed. That and the 
  that most of the audience stayed behind to chat with the speakers 
  many made a point of coming up and chatting briefly with the MSAE
  student. Everyone I saw was leaving their stickem conference 
badge on
  the index card that was card, and writing contact info on the 
  For those that think the TM organization is dying, I say: get 
  This series of seminars is a highly professional, low-key 
  campaign dealing directly with the schools and school districts 
  the best public speakers affiliated with the TM organization See 
  list of panelists and scheduled stops at:
  I oveheard Ashely Deans say that they were likely going to be on 
  for the next 6 months.
  They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are 
  to help them find the outside funding sources required to teach 
TM to
  the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
  interested people in Tucson in early May.
  And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No 
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  Or go to: 
  and click 'Join This Group!'
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
 national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
 probably have him killed...


Let Chavez sell all his oil to India.

Liberals like Turquoise can cheer all they want. What it will mean 
in the longterm is that Americans' insatiable thirst for oil will 
require them going to Canada's tar sands and the U.S.'s shale oil 
reserves and tapping these more polluting sources of oil.

Let's see whether America's world-leading environmental laws hold up 
when Mommy and Daddy can't find gasoline for their SUVs...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 
 turn off
  the oil taps to the United States of America.
  Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal 
  India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major 
  At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 
 reveal oil
  statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.
  The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not 
  strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 
  plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.
  Full story at:

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread Rick Archer

on 4/21/06 1:34 PM, sparaig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible,
 impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
 The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But if
 people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for the
 And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to get
 Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects from
 about its other activities.
 They included a copy of Ashley Dean's book in every packet they
 distributed. Chapter 8 is on Yogic Flying and the Maharishi Effect.
 MMY has always insisted that the TMO be upfront about that stuff, and
 the policy continues.

Was there a chapter on Rajas, praising Mugabe and Castro, etc?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Congress is selling out the internet

2006-04-21 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Google, Amazon, MoveOn. All these entities are fighting back as 
 Congress tries to pass a law giving a few corporations the power 
 end the free and open Internet as we know it.
 You can do your part today.
 Tell Congress to preserve the free and open Internet.
 Click Here
 Dear MoveOn member,
 Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an Ipod? 
 activities, plus MoveOn's online organizing ability, will be hurt 
 Congress passes a radical law

If Moveon.org is protesting a Congressional bill and they are 
referring to it as ...if Congress passes a radical law... and not 
something like ...if Republicans in Congress have their way..., 
why do I suspect that it is DEMOCRATS that are behind the proposed 

I could be wrong -- and I haven't checked it out who it behind the 
law -- but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case!

 that gives giant corporations more 
 control over the Internet.
 Internet providers like ATT and Verizon are lobbying Congress 
 to gut Network Neutrality, the Internet's First Amendment. Net 
 Neutrality prevents ATT from choosing which websites open most 
 easily for you based on which site pays ATT more. Amazon doesn't 
 have to outbid Barnes  Noble for the right to open more properly 
 your computer.
 If Net Neutrality is gutted, MoveOn either pays protection money 
 dominant Internet providers or risks that online activism tools 
 work for members. Amazon and Google either pay protection money 
 risk that their websites process slowly on your computer. That 
 these high-tech pioneers are joining the fight to protect Network 
 Neutrality1—and you can do your part today.
 The free and open Internet is under seige—can you sign this 
 letting your member of Congress know you support preserving 
 Neutrality? Click here:
 To save the Internet, there needs to be a public groundswell—so 
 please forward this to 3 friends. Let them know protecting the 
 and open Internet is fundamental—it affects everything. When you 
 this petition, you'll be kept informed of the next steps we can 
 to keep the heat on Congress. Votes begin in a House committee 
 MoveOn has already seen what happens when the Internet's 
 get too much control. Just last week, AOL blockedany email 
 a coalition that MoveOn is a part of, which opposes AOL's 
 email tax.2 And last year, Canada's version of ATT—Telus—
 their Internet customers from visiting a website sympathetic to 
 workers with whom Telus was negotiating.3
 Politicians don't think we are paying attention to this issue. 
 of them take campaign checks from big telecom companies and are 
 the verge of selling out to people like ATT's CEO, who openly 
 The internet can't be free.4
 We need to let Congress know we are paying attention. Together, 
 must make sure they listen to our voices and the voices of people 
 like Vint Cerf, a father of the Internet and Google's Chief 
 Evangelist, who recently wrote this to Congress in support of 
 preserving Network Neutrality:
 My fear is that, as written, this bill would do great damage to 
 Internet as we know it. Enshrining a rule that broadly permits 
 network operators to discriminate in favor of certain kinds of 
 services and to potentially interfere with others would place 
 broadband operators in control of online activity...Telephone 
 companies cannot tell consumers who they can call; network 
 should not dictate what people can do online.4
 The essence of the Internet is at risk—can you sign this petition 
 letting your member of Congress know you support preserving 
 Neutrality? Click here:
 Please forward to 3 others who care about this issue. Thanks for 
 you do.
 –Eli Pariser, Adam Green, Noah T. Winer, and the MoveOn.org Civic 
 Action team
 Friday, April 21st, 2006
 P.S. MoveOn is part of a broad SaveTheInternet.com coalition—
 it out!
 P.P.S. If Congress abandons Network Neutrality, who will be 
 Advocacy groups like MoveOn—Political organizing could be slowed 
by a 
 handful of dominant Internet providers who ask advocacy groups to 
 protection money for their websites and online features to work 
 Nonprofits—A charity's website could open at snail-speed, and 
 contributions could grind to a halt, if nonprofits can't pay 
 Internet providers for access to the fast lane of Internet 
 Google users—Another search engine could pay dominant Internet 
 providers like ATT to guarantee the competing search engine 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, markmeredith2002 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  You may have heard that Bush dismissed Hersh's article as wild 
  speculation. At first I, like you, responded with a sigh of 
  But I've come to learn that Bush doesn't talk like a human 
  His policy pronouncements are carefully lawyered to give him the 
  kind of technical out that Bill Clinton could only have dreamed 
  Bushspeak is crafted to ensure that what Mr. Straightshooter 
says is 
  rarely what he means. Filtering wild speculation statement 
  Bushspeak analysis shows that it's no denial at all. 
 Rumsfeld has also publicly responded to the Iran story with wild
 speculation or words to that effect. This week the Daily Show 
found a
 news clip from 3 yrs ago in which Rumsfeld uses exactly the same 
 to denounce press reports of insurgent attacks inside Baghdad -- so
 when they say wild speculation, they just mean truth they don't 
 out yet.

The blessing in all of this is that the machinery to move these 
nuts' agenda forward is completely and spectacularly 
broken...finally. The Neocons have been able to finally and 
completely fulfill their desires through Bush (control of 
EVERYTHING) and in their quieter moments, at least, are seriously 
rethinking it all- every button now pushed just breaks the machine 

Except for Bush- he appears confused and weakened, but still 
oblivious and in denial. Poor bastard.

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
  national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
  probably have him killed...
 Let Chavez sell all his oil to India.
 Liberals like Turquoise can cheer all they want. What it will 
 in the longterm is that Americans' insatiable thirst for oil will 
 require them going to Canada's tar sands and the U.S.'s shale oil 
 reserves and tapping these more polluting sources of oil.
 Let's see whether America's world-leading environmental laws hold 
 when Mommy and Daddy can't find gasoline for their SUVs...

List of top green countries revealed
05 February 2005 

An excerpt from an aricle at www.newscientist.com:

Finland is the world's most environmentally friendly country, and 
North Korea is its least. The US is placed 45th out of 146 nations, 
with Australia 13th and the UK 66th.

I don't know about world-leading, shemp; if you came in 45th in 
anything, would people consider you a leader?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 
  turn off
   the oil taps to the United States of America.
   Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key 
   India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its 
   At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 
  reveal oil
   statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.
   The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are 
   strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 
   plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.
   Full story at:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Congress is selling out the internet

2006-04-21 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  Google, Amazon, MoveOn. All these entities are fighting back as 
  Congress tries to pass a law giving a few corporations the power 
  end the free and open Internet as we know it.
  You can do your part today.
  Tell Congress to preserve the free and open Internet.
  Click Here
  Dear MoveOn member,
  Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an Ipod?
  These activities, plus MoveOn's online organizing ability, will 
  be hurt if Congress passes a radical law
 If Moveon.org is protesting a Congressional bill and they are 
 referring to it as ...if Congress passes a radical law... and not 
 something like ...if Republicans in Congress have their way..., 
 why do I suspect that it is DEMOCRATS that are behind the proposed 
 I could be wrong

You're wrong, of course.

 -- and I haven't checked it out who it behind the 
 law -- but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case!

Actually, it would be *astounding* if the Democrats
were the ones behind it.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread Bhairitu

They probably won't to Citgo since they own the company. ;-)

sparaig wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That's why I buy my gas at Citgo stations. :)

I question the premise that they're going to shut off the oil to the 
USA. Oil is an international commodity.


TurquoiseB wrote:


Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
probably have him killed...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:


Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to 


turn off


the oil taps to the United States of America.

Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal 




India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major 





At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer 


reveal oil


statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.

The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not 




strategic, but also send a message to the US about Venezuela's 




plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.

Full story at:



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread shempmcgurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jim_flanegin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
 shempmcgurk@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
   national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
   probably have him killed...
  Let Chavez sell all his oil to India.
  Liberals like Turquoise can cheer all they want. What it will 
  in the longterm is that Americans' insatiable thirst for oil 
  require them going to Canada's tar sands and the U.S.'s shale 
  reserves and tapping these more polluting sources of oil.
  Let's see whether America's world-leading environmental laws 
  when Mommy and Daddy can't find gasoline for their SUVs...
 List of top green countries revealed
 05 February 2005 
 An excerpt from an aricle at www.newscientist.com:
 Finland is the world's most environmentally friendly country, and 
 North Korea is its least. The US is placed 45th out of 146 
 with Australia 13th and the UK 66th.
 I don't know about world-leading, shemp; if you came in 45th in 
 anything, would people consider you a leader?

Let Finland have 50 times the land mass and 50 times the people and 
then let's see if they rank #1.

No other country in the world has an environmental record as the 
United States does.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps 
   turn off
the oil taps to the United States of America.

Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key 
India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its 

At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no 
   reveal oil
statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts.

The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are 
strategic, but also send a message to the US about 
plans with regard to supplying the US with oil.

Full story at:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible,
 impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
 The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But if the
 people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for the
 And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to get
 Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects from news
 about its other activities.

Yes. Reread the most pertinent part of this statement:

They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are offering
 to help them find the outside funding sources required to teach TM to
 the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
 interested people in Tucson in early May.

 And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No discounts.

The keywords are *outside funding sources* and **no discounts**.


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[FairfieldLife] The Dorfus Gizzarddoodle and Cheesey Snicklehump Wars

2006-04-21 Thread anon_couscous_ff

>From now on, I suggest it be required that all flamers should have to
address their prey, and sign their posts, per the following method.

Lets ask Rick, aka Goober Gizzardface if we can incorporate that into
the FFL guidelines. (FFL = Dorky FarkleBreath)

Might be good for satsangs too, when discussing experiences.
I have a question about Sleezy Gizzardbutt's experience.

--- Goober Frickenbutt

The following is excerpted from a children 's book, Captain Underpants
and the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which
the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names...

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first

a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of
your new last name:

a = dippin
b = feather
c = batty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of
your new last name:

a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny.
And remember that children laugh an average of 146 times a day; adults
laugh an average +of 4 times a day. Put more laughter in your day!

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Maharishi university of management
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[FairfieldLife] The Dorfus Gizzardlips and Cheesey Snicklehump Wars

2006-04-21 Thread anon_couscous_ff

>From now on, I suggest it be required that all flamers should have to
address their prey, and sign their posts, per the following method.

Lets ask Rick, aka Goober Gizzardface if we can incorporate that into
the FFL guidelines. (FFL = Dorky FarkleBreath)

Might be good for satsangs too, when discussing experiences.
I have a question about Sleezy Gizzardbutt's experience.

--- Goober Frickenbutt

The following is excerpted from a children 's book, Captain Underpants
and the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in which
the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names...

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first

a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = dumbo
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of
your new last name:

a = dippin
b = feather
c = batty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of
your new last name:

a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny.

And remember that children laugh an average of 146 times a day; adults
laugh an average +of 4 times a day. Put more laughter in your day!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why scorpion leader is worse than Bush

2006-04-21 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera's studios located in 
 a friendly state, Qatar. Blair stopped him.


So Bush's lap dog nipped at his heels and saved the lives of a dozen 
TV technicians, hardly compares with the scorpion contribution to the 
deaths of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children in this bonkers 
war. http://www.iraqbodycount.net/

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dorfus Gizzardlips and Cheesey Snicklehump Wars

2006-04-21 Thread Patrick Gillam

What a stupid fucking suggestion.

- Tootsie Farkeltush

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[FairfieldLife] Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 2: The

2006-04-21 Thread anon_couscous_ff


Clearly one epic novel could never contain the hugely disgusting tale
of the Bionic Booger Boy; it makes perfect sense that his story would
spill out into Dav Pilkey's seventh epic novel in the Captain
Underpants series, Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the
Bionic Booger Boy Part 2: The Revenge of the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers.

It all started in the sixth epic novel when Melvin Sneedly, a nerd,
invented a combine-o-thingy that morphed Melvin, a robot, and
(accidentally) mucus from his sneeze and created the monstrous Bionic
Booger Boy. Unfortunately, in the chaos that ensues, the school
principal Mr. Krupp's brain switches to Melvin's body and vice versa
(making for a very unhappy school secretary). The diabolical Melvin
becomes power-hungry when he realizes that he might be able to keep
Mr. Krupp's Captain Underpants superpowers for himself! Can George and
Harold stop Melvin from tyrannizing the school--and the world--in his
new guise as principal and superhero?

Pilkey's heavily illustrated books with comic-book inserts,
flip-o-rama animation, and loads of gross-out humor are guaranteed
to delight elementary-school boys. (Ages 8 and older) --Karin Snelson

>From School Library Journal
Grade 3-6--This seventh title in the series is witty, fun, and full of
adventure. George and Harold think everything is fine as the
Robo-Boogers are jettisoned into space, but alas, a complication has
occurred. Mr. Krupp, the principal, and Melvin have had their brains
switched by the Combine-O-Tron, and they become known as Kruppy the
Kid and Mr. Melvin. The Robo-Boogers miraculously return on a space
shuttle as Miss Singerbrains, the school librarian, gets into the
action by taking the Purple Potty from the basement of the library and
Mr. Melvin turns it into a magical time machine (a whole other story).
As Miss Singerbrains and the boys fly with their pet pterosaurs, the
youngsters regain control of the Combine-O-Tron and the
Forgetchamacallit 2000 and they ultimately restore Mr. Krupp and
Melvin to their rightful selves. However, the switch does not restore
Captain Underpants's powers. Then, just in the nick of time, George
and Harold come through. The Purple Potty time machine, which is not
supposed to be used two days in a row, awaits the boys, but they, of
course, use it again, so the end of this story is just the beginning
of the next adventure of Captain Underpants. With fast-paced action
and humorous, kid-friendly artwork, this story is creative,
imaginative, and truly boisterous.--JoAnn Jonas, 

Captain Underpants, September 17, 2005
Reviewer: Amy (Mt. Sterling, KY USA) - See all my reviews
In Part 1 the Combine-O-Tron 2000 accidentally switched Mr. Krupp's
(Captain Underpants) and Melvin's brains. Now, in Part 2, George and
Harold travel back in time to get the Combine-O-Tron 2000. As they are
trying to bring everything back to normal in the present time,
something goes wrong...again. Captain Underpants's super powers are
transferred to Melvin! The Robo-Boogers have just returned to Earth
and Melvin refuses to save the world. What will George and Harold do?
Can Captain Underpants come to the rescue once again?

I must admit this is the first Captain Underpants book that I have
read. I know that I really shouldn't have started with the 7th book,
especially since it is Part 2. However, thanks to the comics at the
front of the book I knew everything that was going on. I know that
these books are a hit with younger students, so I had to see what all
the fuss was about. I am not crazy about the idea of a superhero in
underwear, but I can see how the humor in the text would appeal to
young boys. I don't know that girls would find the book as interesting
since the majority of the characters are males. The illustrations also
add to the humor of the text. This wasn't one of my favorite books.
The book seemed to lack depth and meaning for me; it just
seemed...silly. However, I was most impressed with the flip-o-rama
pages! They were really cool!

Was this review helpful to you? YesNo (Report this)

2 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
captain underpants!, July 3, 2005
A Kid's Review
This book was a great continue on. If you read part 1 get part 2. It
has more fun flip-o-ramas and great new comics inside. Its the
funniest book I ever read!

Was this review helpful to you? YesNo (Report this)

0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Captian Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Booger Boy, October
21, 2004
A Kid's Review
The book I read was Captain Underpants and the Big Bad Battle of the
Bionic Boogers By David Pilkey. Captain Underpants accidently switches
bodies with a kid while fighting a big bad booger. Harold and George
who are captains friends get a machine called combine-o-tron 2000 to
blow up the big bad booger. But something goes wrong and teh 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Congress is selling out the internet

2006-04-21 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 4/21/06 2:27:38 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Moveon.org is protesting a Congressional bill and they are referring to it 
  as "...if Congress passes a radical law..." and not something like "...if 
  Republicans in Congress have their way...", why do I suspect that it is 
  DEMOCRATS that are behind the proposed law?I could be wrong -- and 
  I haven't checked it out who it behind the law -- but I wouldn't be 
  surprised if that were the case!

But then maybe Moveon.org needs to expand a mailing list they 
sell others.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dorfus Gizzardlips and Cheesey Snicklehump Wars

2006-04-21 Thread shempmcgurk

What's wrong with Shemp McGurk?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_couscous_ff 

 From now on, I suggest it be required that all flamers should have 
 address their prey, and sign their posts, per the following method.
 Lets ask Rick, aka Goober Gizzardface if we can incorporate that 
 the FFL guidelines. (FFL = Dorky FarkleBreath)
 Might be good for satsangs too, when discussing experiences.
 I have a question about Sleezy Gizzardbutt's experience.
 --- Goober Frickenbutt
 The following is excerpted from a children 's book, Captain 
 and the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, by Dave Pilkey, in 
 the evil Professor forces everyone to assume new names...
 1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new 
 a = snickle
 b = doombah
 c = goober
 d = cheesey
 e = crusty
 f = greasy
 g = dumbo
 h = farcus
 i = dorky
 j = doofus
 k = funky
 l = boobie
 m = sleezy
 n = sloopy
 o = fluffy
 p = stinky
 q = slimy
 r = dorfus
 s = snooty
 t = tootsie
 u = dipsy
 v = sneezy
 w = liver
 x = skippy
 y = dinky
 z = zippy
 2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first 
half of
 your new last name:
 a = dippin
 b = feather
 c = batty
 d = burger
 e = chicken
 f = barffy
 g = lizard
 h = waffle
 i = farkle
 j = monkey
 k = flippin
 l = fricken
 m = bubble
 n = rhino
 o = potty
 p = hamster
 q = buckle
 r = gizzard
 s = lickin
 t = snickle
 u = chuckle
 v = pickle
 w = hubble
 x = dingle
 y = gorilla
 z = girdle
 3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second 
half of
 your new last name:
 a = butt
 b = boob
 c = face
 d = nose
 e = hump
 f = breath
 g = pants
 h = shorts
 i = lips
 j = honker
 k = head
 l = tush
 m = chunks
 n = dunkin
 o = brains
 p = biscuits
 q = toes
 r = doodle
 s = fanny
 t = sniffer
 u = sprinkles
 v = frack
 w = squirt
 x = humperdinck
 y = hiney
 z = juice
 Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy 
 And remember that children laugh an average of 146 times a day; 
 laugh an average +of 4 times a day. Put more laughter in your day!

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dorfus Gizzardlips and Cheesey Snicklehump Wars

2006-04-21 Thread jim_flanegin

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, anon_couscous_ff 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam jpgillam@
  What a stupid fucking suggestion.
  - Tootsie Farkeltush
 Yeah, well not as stupid as being a poopy-pants booger boy like 
 - Goober Frickenbutt

Somehow this synchronizes perfectly with a birthday card I bought 
for someone's party this weekend--
Outside cover: a few words from a wise old sage who has roamed the 
world searching for truth and enlightenment...
Inside: Where in the H*ll am I?

- Sleezy Frickenbutt (distant cousin to Goober, no doubt...)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dorfus Gizzardlips and Cheesey Snicklehump Wars

2006-04-21 Thread authfriend

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 What a stupid fucking suggestion.
 - Tootsie Farkeltush

You old fart, your mind is so petrified you're unable
to conceive of the possibility of doing things any
differently than you've always done them.

 - Cheesey Snicklehump

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  Good for him. I think Chavez is the most interesting
  national leader on the planet, which is why they'll 
  probably have him killed...
 Let Chavez sell all his oil to India.

It's a 2 million barrel per MONTH deal. They ship 2 million per DAY 
to the USA. At best (worst?) it just shows a desire to get away from 
dependence on the USA as the only customer.

 Liberals like Turquoise can cheer all they want. What it will mean 
 in the longterm is that Americans' insatiable thirst for oil will 
 require them going to Canada's tar sands and the U.S.'s shale oil 
 reserves and tapping these more polluting sources of oil.

Or perhaps coming up with alternatives that don't require this.

 Let's see whether America's world-leading environmental laws hold 
 when Mommy and Daddy can't find gasoline for their SUVs...

As though the Venuzuela deal will affect the price of oil in the USA 
in any significant way...

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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 on 4/21/06 1:34 PM, sparaig at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@
  That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible,
  impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
  The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But 
  people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for 
  And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to 
  Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects 
  about its other activities.
  They included a copy of Ashley Dean's book in every packet they
  distributed. Chapter 8 is on Yogic Flying and the Maharishi 
  MMY has always insisted that the TMO be upfront about that stuff, 
  the policy continues.
 Was there a chapter on Rajas, praising Mugabe and Castro, etc?

No, why should there be? You obsess about MMY doing the usual 
political kow-towing to potential allies and ignore everyone else in 
the world who does it to. I mean, did you miss all the photos of 
members of the Bush Administration having photo-ops with Saddam in 
the 80's, even though he'd already been accused of gassing the Kurds? 
Political realities require one to play kiss-ass with repellant 
people if you plan on dealing with them -- *especially* with 
repellant people because nice people tend to be unimpressed with that 
kind of stuff.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Congress is selling out the internet

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
  Google, Amazon, MoveOn. All these entities are fighting back as 
  Congress tries to pass a law giving a few corporations the power 
  end the free and open Internet as we know it.
  You can do your part today.
  Tell Congress to preserve the free and open Internet.
  Click Here
  Dear MoveOn member,
  Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an Ipod? 
  activities, plus MoveOn's online organizing ability, will be hurt 
  Congress passes a radical law
 If Moveon.org is protesting a Congressional bill and they are 
 referring to it as ...if Congress passes a radical law... and not 
 something like ...if Republicans in Congress have their way..., 
 why do I suspect that it is DEMOCRATS that are behind the proposed 
 I could be wrong -- and I haven't checked it out who it behind the 
 law -- but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case!

Well, given that the repulicans control both Houses of Congress AND 
the White House, the Democrats would have a hard time putting one 
over on the Republicans without their consent...


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Congress is selling out the internet

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:
   Google, Amazon, MoveOn. All these entities are fighting back 
   Congress tries to pass a law giving a few corporations the 
   end the free and open Internet as we know it.
   You can do your part today.
   Tell Congress to preserve the free and open Internet.
   Click Here
   Dear MoveOn member,
   Do you buy books online, use Google, or download to an Ipod?
   These activities, plus MoveOn's online organizing ability, will 
   be hurt if Congress passes a radical law
  If Moveon.org is protesting a Congressional bill and they are 
  referring to it as ...if Congress passes a radical law... and 
  something like ...if Republicans in Congress have their way..., 
  why do I suspect that it is DEMOCRATS that are behind the 
  I could be wrong
 You're wrong, of course.
  -- and I haven't checked it out who it behind the 
  law -- but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case!
 Actually, it would be *astounding* if the Democrats
 were the ones behind it.

For no other reason than they have no control, so how CAN they be 
behind a major initiative without Republican cooperation?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They probably won't to Citgo since they own the company. ;-)

It's really a story about Venuzuela selling crude for Indian 
refineries. 1/30 of the oil they sell to US refineries.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@
  That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible,
  impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
  The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But 
if the
  people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for 
  And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to get
  Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects 
from news
  about its other activities.
 Yes. Reread the most pertinent part of this statement:
 They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are 
 to help them find the outside funding sources required to teach TM 
 the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
 interested people in Tucson in early May.
 And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No 
 The keywords are *outside funding sources* and **no discounts**.

I'm not sure how you mean keywords. 

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[FairfieldLife] Re: The proper way to eat a fig

2006-04-21 Thread Jason Spock

   Why then do you criticize Pervarishi.?  Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:54:10 -0400Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The proper way to eat a fig  In probably one of the most extraordinary enlightenment-poems in history, the female-Buddha Yeshe Tsogyal tells how she brought the men who raped her, who through karmic synchronicity came into her mandala, to enlightenment:The Rape of Yeshe
 TsogelNAMO GURU PADMA SIDDHI HRI!My sons you have met a sublime consort, the Great Mother,And by virtue of your resources of accumulated merit, Fortuitously, you have received the four empowerments.Concentrate upon the evolution of the four levels of joy.  Immediately you set eyes upon my body-mandala, Your mind was possessed by a lustful disposition,And your confidence won you the Vase Initiation.Apprehend the very essence of lust,Identify it as your creative vision of the deity,And that is nothing but the Yidam deity himself.Meditate upon lustful mind as Divine Being.  Uniting with space, your consort's secret mandala,Pure pleasure exciting your nerve centres,Your aggression was assuaged and loving kindness was
 born,And its power won you the Mystic Initiation. Apprehend the very essence of joy,Mix it with your vital energy and maintain it awhile,And if that is not mahamudra, nothing is.Experience pleasure as mahamudra.  Joined to your consort's sphere of pure pleasure, Inspired to involuntary exertion,Your mind merged with my mind,And that blessing won you the Wisdom Initiation.Undistracted, guard the very essence of pleasure,Identify pure pleasure with Emptiness,And that is what is known as immaculate empty pleasure.Experience pure pleasure as supreme joy.  United at your consort's blissful nerve, Our two nectars fused into one elixir.The phenomena of self and others extinguished, Awareness won you the Initiation of Creative _expression_.Guard the natural purity in the world of appearances,Identify your love and attachment with Emptiness, And that is nothing other than Dzogchen [Unity Consciousness] itself.Experience innate joy as no-joy.  This is extraordinary, exalted secret instruction;To consciously practise this method brings a fall,But discovered by chance it gives miraculous release.You attained the four empowerments at once,And your success was matured by the four stages of joy.[From Sky Dancer pp. 118-19, Chapter. Seven: Establishing, Spreading and Perpetuating the Teaching.]Commentary: The Use of Sex  A most remarkable example of the use of sex for the benefit of
 others is provided by Tsogyel when she initiates the rapists who successively abuse her. Much wisdom can be extracted from the song she sings to them.   In the first place, she shows what great power the Dakini possesses over them, and in their dependence upon her how their need can be used for their own good. The desire that arises upon apprehending an attractive woman in the visual field can transform a man into a god if his desire is penetrated by insight into emptiness; divine confidence creates a divine environment populated by gods and goddesses. The woman, or rather, the Dakini, transforms the man who lusts after her into her Guru, the man of her dreams. (Verse 1)   In this context, as in many other passages in The Life, mahamudra has a technical meaning distinct from its usage in the Kahgyupa School where it denominates the goal of practice synonimous with Buddhahood and virtually equivalent to Dzogchen. Here mahamudra indicates the totality of the unitary field of reality in its female aspect. (Verse 2)   It is the Dakini's nature of complete receptivity, empty space, that assuages male aggression; and it is the female organ's 'empty space' that is receptive to the symbol of his aggression. The mandala is completed as the Yidam deity takes up residence in his palace; and joy and pleasure, serenity and peace, are the hallmarks of the Guru's experience of mahamudra after the Mystic
 Initiation. (Verse 3)   Through 'involuntary exertion' ('no-action') desire reaches its climax, and it is the moment of climax that pure pleasure is understood as Emptiness; insight into Emptiness is achieved in the union of the male and female aspects of the mind and of being itself. The experience of Emptiness is a function of the unitary field of reality, which in this case is a result of sexual consummation. (Verse 4)   Even the uninitiated can gain intimation of pure gnostic awareness in the post-coitus hiatus, when our 'mystic partner' and all external phenomena seem to float in space, and sound has a clarity and
 timbre unrecognised in ordinary perception. The samaya of the Fourth Initiation is to sustain this experience of 'natural purity' in the world of appearences' and the samaya of zap-lam is to sustain recognition of the Emptiness in the desire that has been transformed into Awareness by the intensity of pure pleasure. Thus whatever arises in the fields of perception is cognised as primal space, and desire 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps

2006-04-21 Thread Jason Spock

   Probably, India will buy Chavez's Oil and sell it back to America.shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 19:22:49 -Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Turning off the taps  Good!Let Chavez sell all his oil to India.Liberals like Turquoise can cheer all they want. What it will mean in the longterm is that Americans' insatiable thirst for oil will require them going to Canada's tar sands and the U.S.'s shale oil reserves and
 tapping these more polluting sources of oil.Let's see whether America's world-leading environmental laws hold up when Mommy and Daddy can't find gasoline for their SUVs... --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajranatha@ wrote:   "Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez is taking decisive steps to  turn offthe oil taps to the United States of America."Venezuela's state owned oil company PDVSA has inked a key deal  with India, taking the first key step away from the U.S. as its major  oil buyer."At the same time, PDVSA has announced that it will no longer  reveal oil statistics to the SEC after paying off its debts."The India deal and the refusal to disclose information are not  just strategic, but also send a message to the US about
 Venezuela's  future plans with regard to supplying the US with oil."Full story at: http://vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=54315
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[FairfieldLife] Re: ' 40,000 Iranian Suicide bombers/ Sunday Times'

2006-04-21 Thread Jason Spock

 Creating Israel was a bad idea, a colossal blunder. Both, Israel and Palestine haven't existed for 3000 years. Ever since Nebuchadnezar of Babylon conquered that territory, it has been under foreign rule. Partitioning a state is one of the worst things that can happen. It leads to huge complications.  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:12:06 EDTSubject:
 Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ' 40,000 Iranian Suicide bombers/ Sunday Times' You think there would be peace in the middle east if Israel ceased to exist?
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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer fairfieldlife@
   That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the sensible,
   impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
   The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. But 
 if the
   people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head for 
   And they will know more and more of the story if they begin to get
   Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education projects 
 from news
   about its other activities.
  Yes. Reread the most pertinent part of this statement:
  They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are 
  to help them find the outside funding sources required to teach TM 
  the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
  interested people in Tucson in early May.
  And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No 
  The keywords are *outside funding sources* and **no discounts**.
 I'm not sure how you mean keywords.

I mean it's a high end sales pitch to move the TM brand upscale,
controlled by an ever smaller group no more grass roots stuff.
It's about *funding sources*, and it's so slick folks don't even see
how unusual it is to need funding sources for 12 hours of instruction.
That's what I mean by keywords. 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Bush's latest poll from Fox News

2006-04-21 Thread Bhairitu

And guess who is bold enough to come to the Bay Area today? Yup, the 
big rakshasa himself. He's up in Sacramento tomorrow where a big 
demonstration is planned. He's attending a rakshasa fundraising 
function in St. Helena tonight. I wonder if he'll be sneaking any Napa 
valley wine. :)

jim_flanegin wrote:

He's down to 33%, on Fox, which as most know is an organization that 
favors the Republican Party. Free fall...

Interesting to watch his body language while meeting with the Chinese 
Premier today. Definitely the weak one. Choppy, hesitant, and tense. 
He has definitely lost his way.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 
That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the 
impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. 
  if the
people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head 
And they will know more and more of the story if they begin 
to get
Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education 
  from news
about its other activities.
   Yes. Reread the most pertinent part of this statement:
   They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are 
   to help them find the outside funding sources required to 
teach TM 
   the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
   interested people in Tucson in early May.
   And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No 
   The keywords are *outside funding sources* and **no discounts**.
  I'm not sure how you mean keywords.
 I mean it's a high end sales pitch to move the TM brand upscale,
 controlled by an ever smaller group no more grass roots stuff.
 It's about *funding sources*, and it's so slick folks don't even see
 how unusual it is to need funding sources for 12 hours of 
 That's what I mean by keywords. 

12 hours instruction plus lifetime followup. And if you think that 
peole in positions of authority in government arent' worried about 
the followup aspect, you don't know bureaucrats.

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Maharishi university of management
Maharishi mahesh yogi
Ramana maharshi



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[FairfieldLife] Re: tasty Kool-Aid

2006-04-21 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig sparaig@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jyouells2000 jyouells@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer 

 That's all great. My only gripe is that I wish that the 
 impression they make in seminars like this held up upon closer
 The TMO could be very successful if they walked their talk. 
   if the
 people at that conference knew the whole story, they'd head 
 And they will know more and more of the story if they begin 
 to get
 Unless the TMO succeeds in insulating these education 
   from news
 about its other activities.

Yes. Reread the most pertinent part of this statement:

They aren't asking the schools to directly fund TM, but are 
to help them find the outside funding sources required to 
 teach TM 
the students. They are having a followup TM intro lecture with
interested people in Tucson in early May.

And yes, the cost for students and teachers is $2500 per. No 

The keywords are *outside funding sources* and **no discounts**.
   I'm not sure how you mean keywords.
  I mean it's a high end sales pitch to move the TM brand upscale,
  controlled by an ever smaller group no more grass roots stuff.
  It's about *funding sources*, and it's so slick folks don't even see
  how unusual it is to need funding sources for 12 hours of 
  That's what I mean by keywords. 
 12 hours instruction plus lifetime followup. And if you think that 
 peole in positions of authority in government arent' worried about 
 the followup aspect, you don't know bureaucrats.

It's a good line, if that's what you really thinkkind of like
$1,000,000 courses, $2,000,000 instruction facilities, $3,000,000
administrators, and a kings body weight in gold. In the meantime hunt
down all the English TM websites in India and see TM mixed with all
kinds of mundane business ventures. Vertical software, info portals,
business consulting etc mahamail indeed. 


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