[iklan101] Join Frenszone - Boleh tambah kenalan sambil tambah pendapatan..

2008-09-07 Thread rieyna168 rieyna168

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Now, FrensZone is the latgt; treated them as what they were acting like -- wimps.
 Any woman who falls back on the I/She didn't succeed
 because of misogyny whine is the counterpart of the
 guy who strikes out and blames it on the wrong bat,
 or the fact that the other team jeered at the batter.
 They're trying to blame their own failure (which is
 because they didn't try hard enough or didn't want
 what they were striving for hard enough) on others.
  Want to change attitudes about domestic violence?  Don't 
  make a guy getting hit in the nuts a punchline for women 
  in popular culture. Walk the talk.
 I'll limit it to the latter statement -- walk the talk.
 Everything else is whining. Excuses are just excuses,
 no matter who makes them. Manufactured outrage may
 play well in the press, but it's Just Another Excuse,
 offered up by those who have never walked the talk.
  Men are wired to wonder if we would like to sleep with 
  Sara Palin and every other women we meet.  
 I must be broken. :-) I've never for a moment consid-
 ered her fuckable. Or any of the whiny faux feminists
 I've ever met. 
 Real feminists. Real fuckable. 
  Our biology is not lower than your own, it is just 
  different.  We don't have to act like an ass about it 
  in your presence, but don't be surprised if you hear 
  us talking about some woman's tits who you think is 
  scary important and above discussing her tits.  
 Worse, don't PRETEND to be surprised. That's 
 what's really going on.
  We don't separate the world that way.  We can take you
  seriously and still want to fuck you, or not want to 
  fuck you.  But we always know.
 And we always know when your faux outrage is faux. 
 could get us to take you seriously.

But you are still using the male view of all this as the yardstick of what is 
normal and 
right.  It may be that, in general, women are different.  Or rather, that men 
are different!!  
Outrage may not be faux, it is more likely that most men just don't get it.

  And I think it very likely that those ultra successful women who never whine 
or talk about 
inequality are wired differently than your average woman  - maybe more like a 
man - 
especially since success itself changes the brain and hormones and results in 
feelings of 
power, entitlement, and dominance in most people.  Studies in one of the apes 
show just 
that when a shift in status within the group occurs.  In addition, most of us, 
male or 
female but especially male, justify our success, once achieved.  We think it 
was something 
anyone could do if they  just __(fill in the blank) as I did.  

I too know a few incredibly successful women, and all have thought the entire 
thing a waste of their time since they made it without that support.  But 
that does not 
mean most women have not benefitted.  It sounds as if Rama was right, at a 
certain point 
you need to get past it, but come on - real change, not only of rules but of 
how people 
really feel, takes a few generations.  So I think women are entitled to whine 
cause things are not fair, and it gets tiring, and sure we could be super 
successful if we 
really tried but sometimes really trying is tiring.  Especially if children 
arrive and the 
incredible maternal hormones kick in and ypu fluctuate between nurturing and 
the rough 
and tumble of making money.  I did not realize how pervasive this whole thing 
was until I 
read Egalia's Daughters, a Satire of the Sexes, by Gerd Brantenberg (translated 
Norwegian) a few years ago. I had never read any feminist literature, but it 
was an eye 
opener.  Have you seen the new series Mad Men at all?  It seems amazing, but 
there is a 
great deal of truth in it regarding women - I actually remember those days in 
the 60's 
when I had a few summer jobs in offices while in hgihg school 

McAfee – Computer Anti-Virus Software and Internet Security Free Download

2008-09-07 Thread Amirtha Arvind




   - *Ad Aware http://softwarecomplex.blogspot.com/search/label/Ad%20Aware(4)
   - *Adobe http://softwarecomplex.blogspot.com/search/label/Adobe (8) *
   - *Adcause nobody in their right mind denies the
  problem of domestic violence against women.
  [Curtis wrote:]
Our biology is not lower than your own, it is just 
different.  We don't have to act like an ass about it 
in your presence, but don't be surprised if you hear 
us talking about some woman's tits who you think is 
scary important and above discussing her tits.  
   Worse, don't PRETEND to be surprised. That's 
   what's really going on.
  Neither Barry nor Curtis has bothered to pay close
  enough attention to realize that the language we
  were discussing was WRITTEN BY A WOMAN.
 Why calling out misogyny mattershttp://tinyurl.com/2822d4; Not that
 it would do any good to keep bagging my head against the impenetrable
 wall of women should shut up about sexism this article make the case.

http://tinyurl.com/2822d4 Why calling out misogyny matters this link
works. Woman is the Nigger of the World John Lennon

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about it...do something about it

We make her paint her face and dance
If she wont be a slave, we say that she dont love us
If shes real, we say shes trying to be a man
While putting her down, we pretend that shes above us

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you dont believe me, take a look at the one youre with
Woman is the slave of the slaves
Ah, yeah...better scream about it

We make her bear and raise our children
And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen
We tell her home is the only place she should be
Then we complain that shes too unworldly to be our friend

Woman is the nigger of the world...yes she is
If you dont believe me, take a look at the one youre with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yeah...alright...hit it!

We insult her every day on tv
And wonder why she has no guts or confidence
When shes young we kill her will to be free
While telling her not to be so smart we put her down for being so dumb

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes she is...if you dont believe me, take a look at the one youre with
Woman is the slave to the slaves
Yes she is...if you believe me, you better scream about it

We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance
We make her paint her face and dance

[FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2008-09-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000

 The article I read was in Friday's NYT, the WeekendArts section, in 
 an art review titled, Mr. Natural Goes the the Museum  You will 
 enjoy it!

Thanks, got it:


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000
  steve.sundur@ wrote:
   Hey, did you notice the Crumbster, or an exhibit about his work 
   a good write up in the NYT yesterday.
  No. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart
  for bringing it to my attention.
  I really love Robert. He is one of the most sincere,
  straightforward, honest people it has ever been my
  good fortune to meet. You just want to hug him, 
  but you don't, because you know it would make him 
  What those who have never really dived into his more
  esoteric (read limited edition and expensive)
  work may not realize is the God's-honest-truthness
  of the lines from the article, ...art critic Robert 
  Hughes once called Mr. Crumb 'the Bruegel of the 20th 
  He's that good. I'm into art. I've seen the line
  drawings of Bruegel and all of the other Dutch
  Masters. Robert's in their league.
  Also from the article: Mr. Crumb's work presents a 
  vision of American life as a phantasmagoric gallery 
  of grotesques that is as gripping as it is harshly 
  Hey, I lived for a time as Robert's next-door neighbor.
  Life often IS a a phantasmagoric gallery of grotesques
  in Sauve. But it's also To Die For Funny, and I loved 
  that Robert, given all he's been through, could laugh 
  at it as much as he does. 
  One of the first things that endeared me to R.Crumb,
  the first time I met him in Paris, is that he laughed 
  at my jokes. 
  I mean, he *really* laughed.
  Get a couple of glasses of wine in me, and I tell jokes.
  It's just who I am, and what I do. And I *understand*
  that some of my friends put up with my jokes only because
  they really, really love me.
  But, weirdo that I am, I really *get into* the telling
  of a good joke. I look at a joke as an artform, something
  that one practices but never masters. So I don't just
  tell jokes over and over, I *tune* them, and try to make
  them more *effective* jokes. 
  This inner artistic quest has so far met with far too
  much stony non-laughter. Maybe it's my choice of jokes.
  But Robert really *liked* my jokes. And when he did --
  and it would always take him a few seconds before he
  did, and realized that he did -- he would burst into
  the most Buddhalike laughter I have ever heard.
  It was like someone who carried the weight of the
  world around on his shoulders for a living suddenly
  having a moment that made him laugh.
  Contributing to that laughter, whenever I could, were
  the high points of my time in Sauve.

[FairfieldLife] The moost fine poudre??

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister

The barbarous auctours use alcohol, or (as I fynde it sometymes
wryten) alcofoll, for moost fine poudre.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ban guns? Heck, Britain should ban Equestrian

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm afraid cars are much more dangerous than guns
and horses taken together...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 7, 2008, at 12:42 AM, sparaig wrote:

OK, I'm pretty sure that Judy's account has ben hacked.

Yeah, maybe by the same aliens that are making the crop circles.


[FairfieldLife] German wanna-be Buddy Rich!

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister


Nice try, no cigar?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread mainstream20016
Sal,   You're  bright, precise, balanced, timely, responsible and interesting.  
I really, really, 
really like you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
   On Sep 6, 2008, at 10:15 PM, authfriend wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
On Sep 6, 2008, at 9:52 PM, authfriend wrote:
Well, if I referred to the same side shemp is on,
it should be obvious, Judy.  The repugs, as
you seem to be tacitly if not actively rooting
for McCain.
This is how you're coming across now, Judy, to me at least,
like it or not.
And you know very well I've been explicit, many
times, that that's not the case.
Let's have it out, Sal. I'm tired of this shit
from you. Are you accusing me of lying about
where I stand?
   Judy, if you're so tired of this shit from me why don't
   you just not bother responding?  What difference does
   it make what I think?
  Because you're saying it on a public forum, Sal,
  where people who don't know me might think you're
  actually telling the truth.
   I think you're either lying or in denial about this issue.
  And I think you're in denial about how much you
  suck as a human being.
 you are.

[FairfieldLife] Well, sva-ruupa-pratiSThaa of citi-shakti?

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister

According to YS IV 34 (blaah, blaah, blaah...) kaivalyaM
svaruupa-pratiSThaa vaa citi-shakter iti.

That means, (blaah, blaah, blaah...) [is] kaivalya or (vaa)
svaruupa-pratiSThaa *of* citi-shakti. (The final 'iti' only
indicates that's the last suutra of YS.)

Dunno if I've got it right but IMO PJ here claims that kaivalya
is the same as 'sva-ruupa-pratiSThaa of citi-shakti'.

Yesterday it occurred to me: Heck, the word form 'citi-shakteH'
(citi-shakteH + iti  citishakter iti)
could as well be ablative singular, because in most types of
Sanskrit nouns, genitive (possessive) and ablative *singular* are
identical in form. Thus, in principle the last part of this
suutra could also mean 'sva-ruupa-pratiSThaa *from* citi-shakti'.

The only thing that seems to rule out that interpretation appears
to be that in the context of this suutra that would be non-sensical,
or stuff.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Superlative University of Management

2008-09-07 Thread Vaj

On Sep 7, 2008, at 1:43 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@



Hey, it's not JUST a sustainable living center, it's the

WORLD'S most

advanced sustainable living center.

Don't these clowns see that when they use superlatives like this


they are destroying any little credibility that they have left?

Unless, of cousre, it happens to be true...


Well, then Lawson, if it's true then those who built it won't have to
be the ones shouting that claim from the rooftops.  They can have
independent experts come in and do the shouting for them.

TMO bring in independent experts? ROFLOL!

Then they'd find out all the budgetary shortcuts they took!

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2008-09-07 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife 

  File: /TMO -- the Odd Side/Startling Charges about TM Pandits and 
  Uploaded by : vajradhatu108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Description : Charges of Pundit fraud and abuse in the Vedic Science of HH 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 

You can access this file at the URL:

To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:


vajradhatu108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now THAT is a shotgun wedding

2008-09-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
Sal wrote:
 Evidently she forgot to tell her daughter.
It's none of your business, Sal, what Sarah
tells her daughter about contraception. What
may be relevant is what MUM teaches about the
subject of contraception - apparently some of
your teachers at MUM don't agree with Obama
on this subject. I wonder what kind of sex 
education classes they have in Fairfield public 
schools, and how it compares to those of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

 Sal,   You're  bright, precise, balanced, timely, responsible and 

You forgot dishonest, meanspirited, and narrow-minded.

 I really, really, really like you.

No surprise there.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 
On Sep 6, 2008, at 10:15 PM, authfriend wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine 

 On Sep 6, 2008, at 9:52 PM, authfriend wrote:

 Well, if I referred to the same side shemp is on,
 it should be obvious, Judy.  The repugs, as
 you seem to be tacitly if not actively rooting
 for McCain.

 This is how you're coming across now, Judy, to me at least,
 like it or not.

 And you know very well I've been explicit, many
 times, that that's not the case.

 Let's have it out, Sal. I'm tired of this shit
 from you. Are you accusing me of lying about
 where I stand?

Judy, if you're so tired of this shit from me why don't
you just not bother responding?  What difference does
it make what I think?
   Because you're saying it on a public forum, Sal,
   where people who don't know me might think you're
   actually telling the truth.
I think you're either lying or in denial about this issue.
   And I think you're in denial about how much you
   suck as a human being.
  you are.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ancient Greek analog computer

2008-09-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Fascinating video about an ancient Greek analog computer 
  which could predict eclipses 1500 years ahead:
  Check it out.
 That was very interesting.  It makes one wonder: what else 
 did the Greeks know?  Where did they get the knowledge to 
 make such a mechanism?
 In astrology, the Greek and Hindu systems have some 
 similarities.  For example, both systems use the same 12 
 signs of the zodiac.  And, the lords of these zodiac signs 
 are the same.
 So, it appears that these two systems either came from a 
 common source, or that the two systems borrowed from each 
 other at one point in the ancient past.

However, astrological systems are not necessary
to predict eclipses, as shown by Stonehenge and
other standing stone sites. As far as I know they
had NO astrological system in place, merely years
or centuries of watching the stars and taking notes.
That's all that's necessary. The original book 
Stonehenge Decoded pointed out that the builders
of that site knew that lunar eclipses happened 
in 56-year cycles. This was something not known
by modern astronomers until they reverse engineered
the Stonehenge data and discovered the repetitive

Similarly, the Anasazi tribe of North America had
extensive knowledge of both lunar and solar eclipses,
and could predict them accurately, although they
had no astrological system. Again, they just paid

As for the Greeks, here's an interesting film clip
from CNN about the possible location of Ithaca, the
home of Odysseus in the Odyssey.




Re: [FairfieldLife] The Best Daily Show Episode Ever? - The Jed Report

2008-09-07 Thread gullible fool

I watched it and have the best part on the DVR. Very funny.

...have you posted out yet?

--- On Sat, 9/6/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Best Daily Show Episode Ever? - The Jed Report
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Saturday, September 6, 2008, 10:23 PM

The Best Daily Show Episode Ever?
Maybe this isn't the best, but if not, it's right up there, delivering a 
wonderful ride through the final night of the GOP convention:


[FairfieldLife] Startling Charges about TM Pandits and Yagyas

2008-09-07 Thread Vaj

Posted by John M. Knapp, LMSW at 9/04/2008 02:19:00 PM
Some weeks ago, I corresponded with a TM Org employee from India. He  
made some startling allegations about the late Maharishi's pandit and  
yagya programs that I quote below.

For those unfamiliar with pandits and yagyas, a pandit is a high-caste  
Brahmin who chants Hindu Vedas and mantras and may perform various  
religious rituals. Yagyas are religious rituals performed for a  
specific effect, such as to promote business success. Although  
Transcendental Meditation claims not to be a religion, for the past 20  
years they have charged TMers high fees to have these Hindu rituals  
performed in their names. (More detail below.)

A word of caution: I have tried to confirm the employee's charges  
through other parties. But as is so often the case with  
whistleblowers, it appears that it is very difficult to find others  
willing to talk about his charges. So his story remains unconfirmed —  
yet quite disturbing. (He has requested anonymity.)

I shall be happy to honestly tell you the truth about movement without  
any motivation whatsoever. I am no more with the movement so there is  
no moral dilemma to keep quiet about the wrong doings. I am a free  
person so I can speak my mind.

I joined Movement in 1995 to become a translator for jyotishies. I  
studied jyotish and some tricks to do my work efficiently. We were  
encouraged to be regular practitioner of TM and sidhi. We learned it  
for almost free. Our pay in India was linked to the meditation hall  
sittings. If we were unable to attend one sitting we had lo lose the  
pay for that sitting. There were exceptions to the rule too.

Br[amhachari] Nandakishore was controlling all happenings of Jyotish  
and yagya programme then. Their sole aim was to get as much yagya  
business as possible as it is high margin business for them. They  
never gave importance to good professionals. They also got yagya  
Pandits in a very unhealthy living environment so they never bothered  
to do their work sincerely. It is still the case. You would be shocked  
to know that at times there were uprising and I know a few Pandits got  
killed. They have local police in their side as regular payments are  
made to them. Almost all political parties get donation from movement  
so they never got into any big trouble. There were a lot of politics  
to decide who goes to what country as far as we professionals are  
concerned. I can say for sure there is still nobody in the Indian  
Movement who really cares about the sincere execution of the various  
programs. All are looking for opportunities to make money. This is the  
case today too with international. I know many of the movement people,  
who are working against the interest of Movement from inside. Some are  
using their official position and official email address to extract  
business for their confidants outside the Movement.

I wrote back asking for more detail.
The Pandit killing happened at Karondi ashram in Madhya Pradesh. It  
happened in 2001 or 2002. I was at Vlodrop then. It was an uprising  
and probably stress of some Pandits. Some Pandits killed a Pandit for  
some heated exchange. I think it was not intentional. It did not make  
any well known paper. Movement is good at suppressing such events.  
Most of the Pandits are from very poor family so movement never faced  
any challenge from any of the Pandit family.

Re tricks, they are normal instructions like recommend yagyas as per  
the financial situation of a client and his desperation. Always try to  
keep the client happy by telling him/her what he/she likes to listen.  
Promote other movement programs through consultations and lectures.  
Never contradict a fellow jyotish.

Re yagya I am not surprised. I worked for the department for 8 years.  
I know clients pay high. Some pay millions of $. Yagya performance is  
a Vedic procedure. Sometimes it is chanting of a specific mantra and  
sometimes it is repetition of a mantra in the mind by the Pandits. For  
some performances there is a fire ceremony in the end. It is a genuine  
good technique if done sincerely with devotion. For different purposes  
different deities are invoked. Ganesh is invoked to keep obstacles  
away and knowledge. Mahalaxmi for wealth, success in business. Vishnu  
for enlightenment, evolution etc. Shiva for health, enlightenment etc.  
For love Mother divine (Durga). Actually it is a big list and it  
depends upon the jyotish chart of the person. For planets there is  
specific mantra. Usually 11 Pandits form a group to do a yagya. For  
bigger yagyas more Pandits are used. All Pandits get money in the end,  
which is called daxina.

No I have no contact with any movement leaders including Br  
Nandakishore. I am too small a person to have contact with a leader  

I know some Movement Governors from Australia, Uzbekistan, Russia,  
Italy, Germany, France, USA 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
   On Sep 6, 2008, at 9:52 PM, authfriend wrote:
Well, if I referred to the same side shemp is on,
it should be obvious, Judy.  The repugs, as
you seem to be tacitly if not actively rooting
for McCain.
   This is how you're coming across now, Judy, to me at least,
   like it or not.
  And you know very well I've been explicit, many
  times, that that's not the case.
  Let's have it out, Sal. I'm tired of this shit
  from you. Are you accusing me of lying about
  where I stand?
 *I* am accusing you of not being aware of where you stand,


What utter crap.

That *you're* confused about where I stand does not
mean *I* am.

But there's no reason for you or Sal or anybody else
to be confused, if you've been paying attention to
what I've posted.

And if you *haven't* been paying attention to what
I've posted, WTF makes you think you're in a position
to comment one way or the other??

[FairfieldLife] Re: Now THAT is a shotgun wedding

2008-09-07 Thread Richard J. Williams
 And whatever they may or may not have been using 
 (and as far as I know there's no way to know) 
 isn't premarital sex kind of a no-no to 
 fundamentalists as well?  You're really
 saying that Palin is even more of a phony than 
 she seems? If so, I'm in complete agreement.

Judy wrote:
  You are a thoroughly meanspirited, dishonest,
  disgusting person.
Waxed, big time! 

Sal has just been totally discredited for lying 
and talking about other people's private sex life. 

Now, maybe Sal should shut her pie-hole about 
Palin's daughter. 

Sal, I tried to warn you but you just wouldn't
listen - discussing religion and the candidates's
children are NOT part of the current political 

 Stop looking in the mirror already, Judy.
Just stop the lying, Sal. And you too, Mr.
Manning - don't post misinformation to the 
forum any more.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2008-09-07 Thread transactual
I just wanted to add a bit of text about what this file that I
uploaded is about:

This is a 50-page intro of a book called Who, In Fact, You Really
Are. Here's a description of the book:

Who Are You, Really?

Ever wonder about the meaning of life? Why we're here? What the
Universe is all about?

You're not alone. There are hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of
us out there. Just like you.

What if the Creator were to give you a college education about the
nature of the Universe? What if All That Is would dictate a book that
would answer some of your deepest questions, including explaining the
true nature and structure of the Universe, how to perform magic and
manifest physical things, the nature of time and space in relation to
consciousness, and most importantly, the absolute answer of Who, In
Fact, You Really Are?

This is that book.

The force that expressed itself through Jesus, Buddha, Krishna,
Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great avatars who served as channels
for what is commonly referred to as God communicates again today as
the world begins to enter a period of Spiritual Ascension with a new
consciousness and awareness.

This force, which refers to itself as Cosmic Awareness so that it
cannot be confused with an entity or a personality, has been
communicating for more than 40 years through several carefully
trained channels who go deep into trance and communicate the energies
and symbols that are expressed, putting them into human language. As
it reveals this information, Cosmic Awareness does not ask you
to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt and discover
for yourself the Truth that is within you — to discover Who, In
Fact, You Really Are.

The book consists of a set of 144 carefully structured lessons that
took over 10 years to create. They are designed to lead you, step by
step, from where you are now to where you want to be. This amazing
information begins with Cosmic Awareness telling you what Cosmic
Awareness itself is, how the Universe and humans (and non-humans)
were created, and leads you through birth, childhood, adulthood,
magic, sex, death and far beyond — explaining all of the Secrets of
the Universe that everyone is looking for. It is some of the most
relevant, fascinating and spiritually uplifting information ever
released on Earth.

-- Dave

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Speaking of suggestions, how's about not uploading
  files that don't have a clear explanation of what the
  document is in the title. 
  I, for one, am never going to click on a document called
  Intro.pdf...to put such a document up is downright rude.
  *At least* tell us what it is, right?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 

 Sal,   You're  bright, precise, balanced, timely, responsible and 

Quote of the week !

[FairfieldLife] Crop Circle at Barton le Clay, 14th August

2008-09-07 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Crop Circles at Barton le Clay, 14th August and Alton Barnes, 8th August

2008-09-07 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Crop Circle at Honey Street, 27th July and West Woods, 17th July, Wiltshire

2008-09-07 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Twin bro didit again! :D

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: Superlative University of Management

2008-09-07 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 7, 2008, at 1:43 AM, shempmcgurk wrote:

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@
  Hey, it's not JUST a sustainable living center, it's the
  WORLD'S most
  advanced sustainable living center.
  Don't these clowns see that when they use superlatives like this
  they are destroying any little credibility that they have left?
  Unless, of cousre, it happens to be true...
  Well, then Lawson, if it's true then those who built it won't have
  be the ones shouting that claim from the rooftops.  They can have
  independent experts come in and do the shouting for them.

 TMO bring in independent experts? ROFLOL!

 Then they'd find out all the budgetary shortcuts they took!

budgetary shortcuts - now there's a phrase  :)

[FairfieldLife] Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread raunchydog
Did you see this? Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna cum
laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so narcissistic that
our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush is
president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for America to
vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black quarterbacks.
Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a peg.

My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black president.
He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked down on
them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white trash by
the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them racist
while his elite college educated audience, laughing condescendingly,
thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of the
Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists clinging to
guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the election. 
McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He can do
that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank media
and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me off
trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not believing
Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect before
you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread my3paths
Hi, I am here in Fairfield from San Diego. I've lived in Fairfield 
four times in the past for less than a year each (for specific 
courses etc) and I attended MUM one semester while finishing my 
Humanities degree at CSUS (sacramento)

Jai Guru Dev Maharishi is a new thing that I like so I started doing 
it too. It feels good to me. 

I made a one year commitment to be here in the dome. But I miss my 
San Diego manifestation group. I hope there are others here in 
Fairfield who have the inspiration to embark on the manifestation 

They say that the three rules of real estate are : location, location 
and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions, the three rules 
are clarity, clarity, clarity. It helps to have a group for this 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk shempmcgurk@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan my3paths@ wrote:
   Jai Guru Dev Maharishi
  Is this something new in our TM culture since the passing of 
  That the phrase Jai Guru Dev has now morphed into Jai Guru Dev 
  Please let me know as I am usually the last to know these 
 I wonder if she's even from Fairfield. Seems to me the ULTIMATE
 desire manifestation thing is the TM-SIdhis (assuming they work of 
 and anyone who feels compelled to go talk to a Westerner with new 
 technology rather than doing group TM and Yogic FLying is, well, a 
tad off...
 ...and if they ahve time to go play wither her new toys, they have 
time to 
 engage in vigorous physical activity, or more Yogic Flying, 
depending on 
 where the
 balance should be in their lives.

[FairfieldLife] Palin's 5 colleges

2008-09-07 Thread boo_lives
SPOKANE, Wash. - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin
attended five colleges in six years before graduating from the
University of Idaho in 1987.

Let's see, there's:  
Hawaii Pacific University
North Idaho College
University of Idaho
Matanuska-Susitna College
University of Idaho

She majored in journalism at idaho, but Despite her journalism
degree, she does not appear to have worked for the college newspaper
or campus television station, school officials said.

[FairfieldLife] Buddhist Prayer for Animal Liberation

2008-09-07 Thread do.rflex


[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, my3paths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 They say that the three rules of real estate are : location, 
 location and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions, 
 the three rules are clarity, clarity, clarity. 

I had always heard that the three rules of manifesting
intentions were moodmaking, moodmaking, and moodmaking. 

 It helps to have a group for this process. 

Indeed. The more the deluded-er.

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread feste37
Susan, don't worry about Turq. For some reason, he loves to insult
newcomers here. I have no idea why. Welcome to the group. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, my3paths my3paths@ wrote:
  They say that the three rules of real estate are : location, 
  location and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions, 
  the three rules are clarity, clarity, clarity. 
 I had always heard that the three rules of manifesting
 intentions were moodmaking, moodmaking, and moodmaking. 
  It helps to have a group for this process. 
 Indeed. The more the deluded-er.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 7, 2008, at 5:46 AM, mainstream20016 wrote:

Sal,   You're  bright, precise, balanced, timely, responsible and  
interesting.  I really, really, really like you.

Wow. Thanks, main.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 7, 2008, at 7:39 AM, authfriend wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016

Sal,   You're  bright, precise, balanced, timely, responsible and


You forgot dishonest, meanspirited, and narrow-minded.

That's coming in the next post, Judy. :)

I really, really, really like you.

No surprise there.

Group hug, everyone! :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 7, 2008, at 7:46 AM, authfriend wrote:

Let's have it out, Sal. I'm tired of this shit
from you. Are you accusing me of lying about
where I stand?

*I* am accusing you of not being aware of where you stand,


English translation: Bingo!

What utter crap.

That *you're* confused about where I stand does not
mean *I* am.

But there's no reason for you or Sal or anybody else
to be confused, if you've been paying attention to
what I've posted.

And if you *haven't* been paying attention to what
I've posted, WTF makes you think you're in a position
to comment one way or the other??

Um, because this is a public forum and nobody needs your
permission, Judy?  Just a thought...


[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread Hugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi everyone, 
 My name is Susan Sayler and I just joined this group recently. I 
have only been living in Fairfield since the Fourth of July, 2008. I 
am on the IA course, meditating in the dome 6 hours every day. 

Tut tut, they won't like that you mix with off-the-programme types 
like us. I'd keep quiet about it if I was you.
 I came here from San Diego where I was involved in a group that met 
regularly to support one another in the application of manifesting 
technologies (like in the Secret, What the Bleep, Intenders of the 
Highest Good, Clinton Swaine's Play to Win and etc.) 

I can see why you need a support group, finding out that you're 
wasting time with this nonsense must be heartbreaking.
 I am looking for people who are willing to meet up once a week to 
form a core group here in Fairfield with the courage to manifest what 
you really want; such as in health, money, relationships or spiritual 
goals. It would be nice to have an afternoon group and an evening 
group and it would be great to have a pot luck once a month. 
 There is no charge for this group.
 I have all the materials needed, I just need committed, dedicated 
warm bodies that want to play chicken with the application of these 
laws of intention and manifestation.

But I like the sound of warm bodies so I might come along and 
manifest a few desires myself ;-)

  I would like to hold the first meeting on Friday night, September 
19th at 7:30 pm, in Revelations Bookstore, either upstairs or 
downstairs. Other meetings can be at my home, outdoors and other 
public places depending on the theme for that week.

 If you are interested, you can email me back or call me at 
 760 687-5911
 Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Palin's 5 colleges

2008-09-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 7, 2008, at 9:51 AM, boo_lives wrote:

SPOKANE, Wash. - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin
attended five colleges in six years before graduating from the
University of Idaho in 1987.

Let's see, there's:
Hawaii Pacific University
North Idaho College
University of Idaho
Matanuska-Susitna College
University of Idaho

I'm pretty sure I read she started out at the University of Hawaii,
but left because there was too much rain.


[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread pranamoocher
Good One!!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, my3paths my3paths@ wrote:
  They say that the three rules of real estate are : location,
  location and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions,
  the three rules are clarity, clarity, clarity.

 I had always heard that the three rules of manifesting
 intentions were moodmaking, moodmaking, and moodmaking.

  It helps to have a group for this process.

 Indeed. The more the deluded-er.

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
   I would like to hold the first meeting on Friday night, September 
 19th at 7:30 pm, in Revelations Bookstore, either upstairs or 
 downstairs. Other meetings can be at my home, outdoors and other 
 public places depending on the theme for that week.

Count me in as treasurer of the group.  I'll be collecting a nominal
fee at the door. (Fees will be negotiated on site depending on your
ability to support this positive group.)  Anyone who declines to pay a
fee will be subject to Richard humping your leg.

Welcome to the group Susan.  Spinning nonsense about posts is part of
the fun here(for me).  Good look finding like minded people for your
group.  I suspect the gentle souls who would be interested will
contact you offline since posting here draws out posts like mine.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan my3paths@ wrote:
  Hi everyone, 
  My name is Susan Sayler and I just joined this group recently. I 
 have only been living in Fairfield since the Fourth of July, 2008. I 
 am on the IA course, meditating in the dome 6 hours every day. 
 Tut tut, they won't like that you mix with off-the-programme types 
 like us. I'd keep quiet about it if I was you.
  I came here from San Diego where I was involved in a group that met 
 regularly to support one another in the application of manifesting 
 technologies (like in the Secret, What the Bleep, Intenders of the 
 Highest Good, Clinton Swaine's Play to Win and etc.) 
 I can see why you need a support group, finding out that you're 
 wasting time with this nonsense must be heartbreaking.
  I am looking for people who are willing to meet up once a week to 
 form a core group here in Fairfield with the courage to manifest what 
 you really want; such as in health, money, relationships or spiritual 
 goals. It would be nice to have an afternoon group and an evening 
 group and it would be great to have a pot luck once a month. 
  There is no charge for this group.
  I have all the materials needed, I just need committed, dedicated 
 warm bodies that want to play chicken with the application of these 
 laws of intention and manifestation.
 But I like the sound of warm bodies so I might come along and 
 manifest a few desires myself ;-)
   I would like to hold the first meeting on Friday night, September 
 19th at 7:30 pm, in Revelations Bookstore, either upstairs or 
 downstairs. Other meetings can be at my home, outdoors and other 
 public places depending on the theme for that week.
  If you are interested, you can email me back or call me at 
  760 687-5911
  Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 7, 2008, at 9:30 AM, raunchydog wrote:

My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black president.
He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked down on
them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white trash by
the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them racist
while his elite college educated audience, laughing condescendingly,
thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of the
Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists clinging to
guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the election.
McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He can do
that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank media
and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me off
trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not believing
Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect before
you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.

Sure, vote for McCain because Obama doesn't say exactly
the right things IYO, and McCain doesn't make you feel
dumb because he's so pathetic.  Here's what you're voting for:

Phil Gramm was one of the lead architects of the breathtakingly  
irresponsible policies (No more restraints! No more regulation!) that  
led to the subprime mortgage meltdown and the current credit disaster.
A corporate insider in the Bush-Cheney mold, Mr. Gramm was thought to  
be in line to serve as treasury secretary in a McCain administration  
until July when he put his foot very publicly in his mouth. To  
Senator McCain’s great embarrassment, Mr. Gramm dismissed the  
economic downturn as a “mental recession” and complained that the  
U.S. had become a “nation of whiners.”

That may have been a political no-no, but it was an accurate  
expression of the slavish devotion of the G.O.P. to the rich and  
powerful among us, and of the party’s contempt for the interests of  
working families and the poor. Senator McCain, it should be noted,  
fully shared Mr. Gramm’s anti-regulatory zeal.

This is an odd crowd, indeed, to be offering itself as a champion for  
working people.


And, BTW, Bill Maher is not on the OBama campaign payroll.  He speaks  
for himself.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread Richard Williams
Curtis wrote:
 Anyone who declines to pay a fee will be 
 subject to Richard humping your leg.
Curtis, I already told you I'm not gay, so 
just forget it!


[FairfieldLife] Is it just me?

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister

I went all tickled pink when I saw this Chinese beauty!
In my eyes there's something way intensive in her.
But she might be very young. Hard to tell for sure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread Vaj
Wow, thanks for the heads up! I didn't realize Greed Magic had been  

I like Technologies for Manifesting Intentions better. I bet it  
doesn't involve killing a chicken either. I'd bet my money you're  
using the Unified Field instead (whew!).

Hey, good luck with your real estate career.

Jai Guru Dev Maharishi and Me.

On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Susan wrote:

Hi everyone,
My name is Susan Sayler and I just joined this group recently. I  
have only been living in Fairfield since the Fourth of July, 2008. I  
am on the IA course, meditating in the dome 6 hours every day.

I came here from San Diego where I was involved in a group that met  
regularly to support one another in the application of manifesting  
technologies (like in the Secret, What the Bleep, Intenders of the  
Highest Good, Clinton Swaine's Play to Win and etc.)

I am looking for people who are willing to meet up once a week to  
form a core group here in Fairfield with the courage to manifest  
what you really want; such as in health, money, relationships or  
spiritual goals. It would be nice to have an afternoon group and an  
evening group and it would be great to have a pot luck once a month.

There is no charge for this group.

I have all the materials needed, I just need committed, dedicated  
warm bodies that want to play chicken with the application of these  
laws of intention and manifestation.

 I would like to hold the first meeting on Friday night, September  
19th at 7:30 pm, in Revelations Bookstore, either upstairs or  
downstairs. Other meetings can be at my home, outdoors and other  
public places depending on the theme for that week.

If you are interested, you can email me back or call me at
760 687-5911

Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
Hi my3paths,

You wrote that Jai Guru Dev Maharishi is a new thing that I like so 
I started doing it too.

So I take it you've heard others do it?  It is becoming very common?

Where did you hear it, in Fairfield?

I'm really curious and fascinated by this.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, my3paths [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I am here in Fairfield from San Diego. I've lived in Fairfield 
 four times in the past for less than a year each (for specific 
 courses etc) and I attended MUM one semester while finishing my 
 Humanities degree at CSUS (sacramento)
 Jai Guru Dev Maharishi is a new thing that I like so I started 
 it too. It feels good to me. 
 I made a one year commitment to be here in the dome. But I miss my 
 San Diego manifestation group. I hope there are others here in 
 Fairfield who have the inspiration to embark on the manifestation 
 They say that the three rules of real estate are : location, 
 and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions, the three 
 are clarity, clarity, clarity. It helps to have a group for this 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan my3paths@ wrote:
Jai Guru Dev Maharishi
   Is this something new in our TM culture since the passing of 
   That the phrase Jai Guru Dev has now morphed into Jai Guru 
   Please let me know as I am usually the last to know these 
  I wonder if she's even from Fairfield. Seems to me the ULTIMATE
  desire manifestation thing is the TM-SIdhis (assuming they work 
  and anyone who feels compelled to go talk to a Westerner 
with new 
  technology rather than doing group TM and Yogic FLying is, well, 
 tad off...
  ...and if they ahve time to go play wither her new toys, they 
 time to 
  engage in vigorous physical activity, or more Yogic Flying, 
 depending on 
  where the
  balance should be in their lives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is it just me?

2008-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I went all tickled pink when I saw this Chinese beauty!
 In my eyes there's something way intensive in her.
 But she might be very young. Hard to tell for sure.

Can you give us a link where we don't have to sign up for some unknown

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Curtis wrote:
  Anyone who declines to pay a fee will be 
  subject to Richard humping your leg.
 Curtis, I already told you I'm not gay, so 
 just forget it!

I was playing off of the other Richard's joke.  But now that I think
of it, at your age, I don't think you should pass up on any offer Richard!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is it just me?

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
  I went all tickled pink when I saw this Chinese beauty!
  In my eyes there's something way intensive in her.
  But she might be very young. Hard to tell for sure.
 Can you give us a link where we don't have to sign up for some unknown

I hope this works:


[FairfieldLife] Barry False Memory Wright

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, my3paths my3paths@ wrote:
  They say that the three rules of real estate are : location, 
  location and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions, 
  the three rules are clarity, clarity, clarity. 
 I had always heard that the three rules of manifesting
 intentions were moodmaking, moodmaking, and moodmaking. 

In your case, Barry, it's brainwashing, brainwashing, and 

Barry, 25 years after being brainwashed by his cult-guru, 
RamaLenzKoolAid, into believing that he saw the guru levitate on 
dozens of occasions and defy the laws of gravity, still clings to 
this false memory as something that really happened.

The McMartin Family should be thankful Barry wasn't around when they 
were being unfairly accused of sexual abuse.  Had the social workers 
who imbedded the false memories of abuse into the children's minds 
had access to Barry, he would still be telling stories that would 
have kept them in prison to this day.

[FairfieldLife] Please, sir, I want some more.

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is it just me?

2008-09-07 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I hope this works:

That worked on all levels, thanks!

I am a bit partial to South East Asian looks rather than Northern, but
she is plenty cute enough.  Have you ever had an Asian GF Card?  Not
as age conscious as European or American woman in my experience.  You
may be headed for a new lease on life man!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@ wrote:
   I went all tickled pink when I saw this Chinese beauty!
   In my eyes there's something way intensive in her.
   But she might be very young. Hard to tell for sure.
  Can you give us a link where we don't have to sign up for some unknown
 I hope this works:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Sep 7, 2008, at 7:46 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Let's have it out, Sal. I'm tired of this shit
  from you. Are you accusing me of lying about
  where I stand?
  *I* am accusing you of not being aware of where you stand,
 English translation: Bingo!
  What utter crap.
  That *you're* confused about where I stand does not
  mean *I* am.
  But there's no reason for you or Sal or anybody else
  to be confused, if you've been paying attention to
  what I've posted.
  And if you *haven't* been paying attention to what
  I've posted, WTF makes you think you're in a position
  to comment one way or the other??
 Um, because this is a public forum and nobody needs your
 permission, Judy?  Just a thought...

Try reading the words one by one, Sal, it might
help you to grasp what I'm actually saying, 
instead of what you'd like me to have said.

See if you can find the word permission in
anything I wrote.

Then look up the word I did write (position)
in Mr. Dictionary.

Get back to us when you think you've understood
what I said, OK?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Sep 7, 2008, at 9:30 AM, raunchydog wrote:
  McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.
  He can do that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher,
  an in the tank media and his army of paid sexist blogger
  boyz who royally pissed me off trashing Hillary at every
  opportunity. Excuse me for not believing Obama is The One.
  I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect before
  you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
 Sure, vote for McCain because Obama doesn't say exactly
 the right things IYO, and McCain doesn't make you feel
 dumb because he's so pathetic.

Oops, raunchydog, look out. In Sal's alleged mind,
not being an Obamazoid means you MUST be supporting
McCain. She has a little trouble with any concept
more complex than one OR the other, you see.

She therefore thinks *you're* a dumbass because 
she imagines you're able to switch from being a fan
of first Bill and then Hillary Clinton to being a
fan of John McCain without ever realizing the
Clintons and McCain stand for entirely different

 And, BTW, Bill Maher is not on the OBama campaign payroll.
 He speaks for himself.

She will also mysteriously find in what you write all
kinds of things you never actually said, such as that
Maher is on the Obama campaign payroll.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is it just me?

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  I hope this works:
 That worked on all levels, thanks!
 I am a bit partial to South East Asian looks rather than Northern, but
 she is plenty cute enough.  Have you ever had an Asian GF Card?  Not
 as age conscious as European or American woman in my experience.  You
 may be headed for a new lease on life man!

Well, perhaps SE Asian girls look a bit less scared, LOL!
No, I havent had an Asian GF, but a Finnish chick that 
I met on a course of Russian perhaps had a tad bit Asian 
facial features. Certainly not a typical Finnish girl.

[FairfieldLife] The Dreamers (was: Is it just me?)

2008-09-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues

  I hope this works:
 That worked on all levels, thanks!

Not my cuppa chai.

But I'll take advantage of the girl talk to
write about a movie I watched again last night.
Its relevance is that it may be the most erotic
movie on my shelves.

The film is called The Dreamers in English, and
Innocents in French, and it's by Bernardo Berto-
lucci. Bertolucci is known for his love of beauty
in his actors, and he often finds these beauties
first. Think Maria Schneider in Last Tango In 
Paris or Liv Tyler in Stealing Beauty. In The
Dreamers Bertolucci had the inestimable good 
karma to introduce to the world Eva Green.

Daughter of a French movie star who I always 
liked, Marlene Jobert, she inherited her mother's
looks and then some. You may have seen her as a 
Bond girl, the most intelligent yet of the Bond 
girls, and the first match for him in any of the 
films. Or as Sybilla in Ridley Scott's Kingdom 
Of Heaven. 

Before that, at 23, she was in The Dreamers. Berto-
lucci describes her as so beautiful it's indecent. 
That pretty much nails it. And in The Dreamers you
get to see pretty much every inch of her. There is 
a possibility that Eva Green is the most beautiful 
woman on the planet.

The movie itself is a film buff's delight. The 3
characters in its menage à trois are film freaks at
the time of the Cinematèque riots in Paris in 1968.
It's full of film in-jokes and trivia questions, 
and is obviously Bertolucci's homage to having been
there himself; that's where and when he learned to
make movies. 

The plot is a little odd, but really WHO CARES
what the plot is about? It's a film that has Eva 
Green naked in it, for long, extended periods of
time. There is a scene where she dresses up as
Michelangelo's Venus de Milo. And puts her in
the shade.

I'll see your Chinese girl and raise you Eva Green. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Twin bro didit again! :D

2008-09-07 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Oh shucks! Bad news for Obama? :D


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dreamers (was: Is it just me?)

2008-09-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   I hope this works:
  That worked on all levels, thanks!
 Not my cuppa chai.
 But I'll take advantage of the girl talk to
 write about a movie I watched again last night.
 Its relevance is that it may be the most erotic
 movie on my shelves.
 The film is called The Dreamers in English, and
 Innocents in French, and it's by Bernardo Berto-
 lucci. Bertolucci is known for his love of beauty
 in his actors, and he often finds these beauties
 first. Think Maria Schneider in Last Tango In 
 Paris or Liv Tyler in Stealing Beauty. In The
 Dreamers Bertolucci had the inestimable good 
 karma to introduce to the world Eva Green.
 Daughter of a French movie star who I always 
 liked, Marlene Jobert, she inherited her mother's
 looks and then some. You may have seen her as a 
 Bond girl, the most intelligent yet of the Bond 
 girls, and the first match for him in any of the 
 films. Or as Sybilla in Ridley Scott's Kingdom 
 Of Heaven. 
 Before that, at 23, she was in The Dreamers. Berto-
 lucci describes her as so beautiful it's indecent. 
 That pretty much nails it. And in The Dreamers you
 get to see pretty much every inch of her. There is 
 a possibility that Eva Green is the most beautiful 
 woman on the planet.
 The movie itself is a film buff's delight. The 3
 characters in its menage à trois are film freaks at
 the time of the Cinematèque riots in Paris in 1968.
 It's full of film in-jokes and trivia questions, 
 and is obviously Bertolucci's homage to having been
 there himself; that's where and when he learned to
 make movies. 
 The plot is a little odd, but really WHO CARES
 what the plot is about? It's a film that has Eva 
 Green naked in it, for long, extended periods of
 time. There is a scene where she dresses up as
 Michelangelo's Venus de Milo. And puts her in
 the shade.

Download a bitmap of this image at:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ancient Greek analog computer

2008-09-07 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Stu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Fascinating video about an ancient Greek analog computer which 
   eclipses 1500 years ahead:
   Check it out.
   That was very interesting.  It makes one wonder: what else did 
  Greeks know?  Where did they get the knowledge to make such a
  In astrology, the Greek and Hindu systems have some 
similarities.  For
  example, both systems use the same 12 signs of the zodiac.  And, 
  lords of these zodiac signs are the same.
  So, it appears that these two systems either came from a common
  or that the two systems borrowed from each other at one point in 
  ancient past.
 There is much historical evidence indicating trade routes would have
 allowed for communication between these cultures.  Readings of
 Pythagoras reveal much in common with the Jains which go back to 
 600 B.C.   The practice of non-violence, vegetarianism, a 
 with the mathematical harmonies inherent in the cosmos.  This is
 academic mainstream stuff and comes up in most ancient Greek 
 courses.  A google search will reveal more if your interested.  The
 Teaching Company has tapes detailing some of this.
 I really enjoy reading about ancient Greece.  Here was a subculture 
 all Greeks agreed) practicing democracy, questioning myths and 
 towards science at a time when most peoples were bowing to 
 magical super beings, clinging to tribal doctrines, and promoting 

Not all Greeks practiced democracy in the ancient past.  The 
Athenians were probably the most sophisticated group who practiced 
democracy.  However, the Spartans believed in a caste-like society 
and oppressed their neighbors who were considered to be the serfs or 

Yes, these ancient cultures are fascinating and are in my reading 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ancient Greek analog computer

2008-09-07 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   Fascinating video about an ancient Greek analog computer which 
   eclipses 1500 years ahead:
   Check it out.
   That was very interesting.  It makes one wonder: what else did 
  Greeks know?  Where did they get the knowledge to make such a 
  In astrology, the Greek and Hindu systems have some 
similarities.  For 
  example, both systems use the same 12 signs of the zodiac.  And, 
  lords of these zodiac signs are the same.
  So, it appears that these two systems either came from a common 
  or that the two systems borrowed from each other at one point in 
  ancient past.
 That entire culture in the region was really all just variations of 
the same
 theme(s). There are interesting parallels between Plato's 
 of the perfect forms and the flavors of sidhis practice 
reported by TMers, 
 for example, ,prompting MIU professors to speculate that the 
 Mystery School  practiced yogic-like techniques at that time (or 
the Yogis
 got their techniques from the Greeks, if you will).

The Greeks could have gotten their knowledge from the ancient culture 
of Atlantis.  This could be the reason why Plato wrote about the 
existence of this lost civilization.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
 Did you see this? Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna cum
 laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
 driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so narcissistic that
 our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush is
 president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
 strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for America to
 vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
 president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black quarterbacks.
 Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a peg.

 My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black president.
 He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked down on
 them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white trash by
 the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
 intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them racist
 while his elite college educated audience, laughing condescendingly,
 thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of the
 Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists clinging to
 guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the election. 
 McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He can do
 that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank media
 and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me off
 trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not believing
 Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect before
 you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
It's the Republicans who think you're dumb.  Otherwise why would the put 
up candidates that the dumbasses would identify with?  You'll vote for 
them and they'll steal your money as they have done the last eight years.

If you were in school and needed some help with your math assignments 
would you ask someone who is a C student or someone who is an A 
student?  If you were looking for a good lawyer would you choose one who 
barely passed the law exam or someone who not only passed the law exam 
but also teaches law courses at a college?  Would you choose a doctor 
who barely made it through medical school only with influential help 
from his dad who was also a doctor and an alumni contributor to the 
college or someone who flew through medical school with flying colors 
and was noted for their research?

So if you were choosing a world leader who  is going to meet with other 
world leaders would you choose someone who barely understands global 
issues and can't think on their feet or someone who not only understands 
those issues but also is able to make clear decisions and communicate 
them well with other intelligent world leaders?

If you want the US to become a third world country then choose the kind 
of leader who will trash it into one.  I, for one, don't want that, 
however it may be too late.

And also ask yourself are you better off than you were eight years ago?

[FairfieldLife] Mccain/Palin: Lies, lies, and more lies

2008-09-07 Thread do.rflex


[FairfieldLife] enjoy !

2008-09-07 Thread amarnath


[FairfieldLife] Re: Ancient Greek analog computer

2008-09-07 Thread John

 However, astrological systems are not necessary
 to predict eclipses, as shown by Stonehenge and
 other standing stone sites. As far as I know they
 had NO astrological system in place, merely years
 or centuries of watching the stars and taking notes.
 That's all that's necessary. The original book 
 Stonehenge Decoded pointed out that the builders
 of that site knew that lunar eclipses happened 
 in 56-year cycles. This was something not known
 by modern astronomers until they reverse engineered
 the Stonehenge data and discovered the repetitive
 Similarly, the Anasazi tribe of North America had
 extensive knowledge of both lunar and solar eclipses,
 and could predict them accurately, although they
 had no astrological system. Again, they just paid

All of these ancient cultures had their own form of astronomy which 
was tied closely to time their planting seasons, to celebrate their 
festivals and to praise their ancient dieties.

I read somewhere that these ancient Stonehenge megaliths were so old 
that an archeologist needs a computer and modern astronomical 
techniques to adjust the locations of the background stars because of 
the earth's precession or top-like wobble.  That is, the markers of 
the ancient skies have moved and are now placed in locations that are 
not in alignment with the megaliths today.

This principle applies to the ancient pyramids in Egypt and the 
temple in Ankor Wat.  

 As for the Greeks, here's an interesting film clip
 from CNN about the possible location of Ithaca, the
 home of Odysseus in the Odyssey.

Those Greek writers were very accurate and chronicled what the earth 
looked like back then.  For example, there was another English 
researcher who traced the trek of Alexander the Great fron Macedonia 
all the way to India by using the writings made by Alexander's 
chronicler.  The researcher found most of the landscapes that were 
described over two thousand years ago.


[FairfieldLife] The Naked In Body And In Soul Film Festival

2008-09-07 Thread TurquoiseB
An homage, as it were, to films in which some of the 
finest actors shed not only shed their selves but
their clothes as well.

Call me an old lecher -- and I am -- but I think that
there is still a place in this world for the lover of
beauty. Some of you out there feel the same way, and
are unashamed of your taste in nekkid film watching.
You know who you are. 

So here, for you, is my off-the-top-of-my head list 
of some films in which an actress of some note goes 
majorly -- and effectively -- nude. And, to forestall 
any cries of sexism or misogyny, I will endeavor to 
make a similar list for actors. It'll be shorter. 

Remember, to make my list they have to be great actors
and actresses in great roles, and the nudity has to
be selfless and natural and essential to the film.


Eva Green, in The Dreamers

Isabelle Adjani, in L'Ete Meurtrier and Camille Claudel

Emanuelle Béart, in La Belle Noiseuse

Samantha Morton, in Code 46

Emily Watson, in Breaking the Waves

Julie Delpy, in Killing Zoe

Sissy Spacek, in Carrie

Jennifer Jason Leigh, in Flesh And Blood

Catherine McCormack, in Braveheart and Dangerous Beauty

Uma Thurman, in Dangerous Liaisons

Indira Varma, in Kama Sutra

Maria de Madeiros, in Henry  June

Catherine Deneuve, in Repulsion

Maribel Verdu, in Y tu mama tambien

Kathleen Turner, in Body Heat


Oliver Reed, in The Devils and Women In Love

Colin Firth, in The Advocate (also known as Hour of the Pig)

William Hurt, in Body Heat

Christian Slater, in The Name of the Rose

Johnny Depp, in The Libertine (also known as Rochester)

Vincent Perez, in La Reine Margot and Le Libertin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mccain/Palin: Lies, lies, and more lies

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hey, Bongo, thanks for posting the link to this Rachel Maddow video.  
I really got off on it.

She's one hot lesbian.

Do you have any more like that?

You seem to have the same -- ahem -- interests as I do.  Maybe you 
and I could exchange Sappho links?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Mccain/Palin: Lies, lies, and more lies

2008-09-07 Thread Bhairitu
shempmcgurk wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 Hey, Bongo, thanks for posting the link to this Rachel Maddow video.  
 I really got off on it.

 She's one hot lesbian.

 Do you have any more like that?

 You seem to have the same -- ahem -- interests as I do.  Maybe you 
 and I could exchange Sappho links?
You can get podcasts of her radio show here:
More info:

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Naked In Body And In Soul Film Festival

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 An homage, as it were, to films in which some of the 
 finest actors shed not only shed their selves but
 their clothes as well.
 Call me an old lecher -- and I am -- but I think that
 there is still a place in this world for the lover of
 beauty. Some of you out there feel the same way, and
 are unashamed of your taste in nekkid film watching.
 You know who you are. 
 So here, for you, is my off-the-top-of-my head list 
 of some films in which an actress of some note goes 
 majorly -- and effectively -- nude. And, to forestall 
 any cries of sexism or misogyny, I will endeavor to 
 make a similar list for actors. It'll be shorter. 
 Remember, to make my list they have to be great actors
 and actresses in great roles, and the nudity has to
 be selfless and natural and essential to the film.
 Eva Green, in The Dreamers

...if you're into incest...

 Isabelle Adjani, in L'Ete Meurtrier and Camille Claudel
 Emanuelle Béart, in La Belle Noiseuse

...this is one of the worst films I've ever seen.  It consists of 
Emanuelle Beart sitting nude -- which is fine -- in front of an 
artist for about 5 hours of film (I kid you not!) and all the see is 
a hand of the artist scratch away at the canvass.  The scratching 
sound is excruciating and the sketching is amateurish at best.

Naked Emanuelle wears very thin after about 20 minutes, just like the 
novelty of being in a strip club.  But that 20 minutes is reduced to 
5 minutes of interest because of the counter-effect on your nervous 
system from the scratching noise.

 Samantha Morton, in Code 46
 Emily Watson, in Breaking the Waves

Not a pretty site...nor was the movie.  

But the director outdid himself in hiring weird people with his next 
movie when he got that gnome known as Bjork in front of the camera to 
act blind.

I wish I was blind watching that horrible waste of film.

 Julie Delpy, in Killing Zoe


Her best role...and a great film by Quentin Tarantino's co-writer 
of Pulp Fiction.

 Sissy Spacek, in Carrie


What got you off, you sick bastard, the blood or the skin?

Somebody feed Spacek a ham sandwich.  I want SOME flesh on my women.

 Jennifer Jason Leigh, in Flesh And Blood
 Catherine McCormack, in Braveheart and Dangerous Beauty
 Uma Thurman, in Dangerous Liaisons

Along with Reese Witherspoon's breasts in Twilight, the all-time 
most beautiful breasts I've ever seen on the screen.

This 10-second shot of Uma's breasts actually made her career.  I'm 
not kidding.

 Indira Varma, in Kama Sutra

Pretty much all the nakedness in this movie was good.

 Maria de Madeiros, in Henry  June

Loved her, felt cheated by all the promised lesbian sex every five 
seconds of this movie which was never delivered.

This movie was a teaser -- an unsatisfying teaser.

To the lesbian-loving voyeur in Brazil (John Manning) I say: don't 
waste your time with this one.  Stay with your Rachel Maddow videos.

 Catherine Deneuve, in Repulsion
 Maribel Verdu, in Y tu mama tambien

I couldn't watch this movie past the 15-minute mark once the two men 
started masturbating on the diving boards.

A movie for sickos.

 Kathleen Turner, in Body Heat

The best.


I, of course, have absolutely no interest in this area, so I can't 

[From the Seinfeld episode The Jimmy]

Elaine: Hey! Hey! listen ... Do one of you guys know that ..that 
blond guy who's always on the exercycle at the health club. You know 
he's just really handsome?..

George: (head down low) I...I wouldn't know

Elaine: You know that just admitting a man is handsome doesn't 
necessarily make you a homosexual.

George: It doesn't help

 Oliver Reed, in The Devils and Women In Love
 Colin Firth, in The Advocate (also known as Hour of the Pig)
 William Hurt, in Body Heat
 Christian Slater, in The Name of the Rose
 Johnny Depp, in The Libertine (also known as Rochester)
 Vincent Perez, in La Reine Margot and Le Libertin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Mccain/Palin: Lies, lies, and more lies

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 shempmcgurk wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ 

  Hey, Bongo, thanks for posting the link to this Rachel 
Maddow video.  
  I really got off on it.
  She's one hot lesbian.
  Do you have any more like that?
  You seem to have the same -- ahem -- interests as I do.  Maybe 
  and I could exchange Sappho links?
 You can get podcasts of her radio show here:

Does it come with streaming video?

Otherwise I don't think Bongo would be interested...

 More info:

[FairfieldLife] Re: 8 Reasons Palin is More Qualified than Obama

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 8 Reasons Sarah Palin is More Qualified than Barack Obama
 by Seth Grahame-Smith
 Yes, Sarah admitted that she hadn't paid much attention to
 the war in Iraq, but she knew enough to rightly call it a
 task from God.

This is one of many out-of-context quotes that's
being used against Palin.

What she actually said to the group she was
speaking to was that they should pray that our
national leaders are sending them [her son's unit,
which is about to go to Iraq] out on a task that
is from God, that's what we have to make sure we
are praying for, that there is a plan, and that
plan is God's plan.

In other words, she was *not* asserting that she
or anyone else knows what God's plan is, contrary
to Grahame-Smith's demeaning interpretation.

In fact, she was saying precisely the opposite: that
we *don't* know, and all we can do is pray that what
we're doing is according to that plan. Or, in
secular terms: Boy, I hope we're doing the right
thing here.

[FairfieldLife] Deregulation/Foreclosure Phil

2008-09-07 Thread do.rflex


Even as the housing bubble took Wall Street down for the first market
bottom in the spring, McCain preached less regulation as the solution.

McCain's solution to an era in which financial deregulation set 
the stage for federal bailouts, rampant speculation, and reckless
lending is ... less regulation. Our financial market approach
should include encouraging increased capital in financial
institutions by removing regulatory, accounting, and tax  
impediments to raising capital.


Deregulation/Foreclosure Phil - McCain's economic policy advisor

...In 1999, Phil Gramm pushed through a historic banking deregulation
bill that decimated Depression-era firewalls between commercial banks,
investment banks, insurance companies, and securities firms—setting
off a wave of merger mania.

But Gramm's most cunning coup on behalf of his friends in the
financial services industry—friends who gave him millions over his
24-year congressional career—came on December 15, 2000.

It was an especially tense time in Washington. Only two days earlier,
the Supreme Court had issued its decision on Bush v. Gore. President
Bill Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress were locked in a
budget showdown.

It was the perfect moment for a wily senator to game the system. As
Congress and the White House were hurriedly hammering out a
$384-billion omnibus spending bill, Gramm slipped in a 262-page
measure called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.

Written with the help of financial industry lobbyists and cosponsored
by Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), the chairman of the agriculture
committee, the measure had been considered dead—even by Gramm. Few
lawmakers had either the opportunity or inclination to read the
version of the bill Gramm inserted. Nobody in either chamber had any
knowledge of what was going on or what was in it, says a
congressional aide familiar with the bill's history.

It's not exactly like Gramm hid his handiwork—far from it. The balding
and bespectacled Texan strode onto the Senate floor to hail the act's
inclusion into the must-pass budget package. But only an expert, or a
lobbyist, could have followed what Gramm was saying.

The act, he declared, would ensure that neither the SEC nor the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) got into the business of
regulating newfangled financial products called swaps—and would thus
protect financial institutions from overregulation and position our
financial services industries to be world leaders into the new century.

It didn't quite work out that way.

For starters, the legislation contained a provision—lobbied for by
Enron, a generous contributor to Gramm—that exempted energy trading
from regulatory oversight, allowing Enron to run rampant, wreck the
California electricity market, and cost consumers billions before it

(For Gramm, Enron was a family affair. Eight years earlier, his wife,
Wendy Gramm, as CFTC chairwoman, had pushed through a rule excluding
Enron's energy futures contracts from government oversight. Wendy
later joined the Houston-based company's board, and in the following
years her Enron salary and stock income brought between $915,000 and
$1.8 million into the Gramm household.)

But the Enron loophole was small potatoes compared to the devastation
that unregulated swaps would unleash.

Credit default swaps are essentially insurance policies covering the
losses on securities in the event of a default. Financial institutions
buy them to protect themselves if an investment they hold goes south.

It's like bookies trading bets, with banks and hedge funds gambling on
whether an investment (say, a pile of subprime mortgages bundled into
a security) will succeed or fail.

Because of the swap-related provisions of Gramm's bill—which were
supported by Fed chairman Alan Greenspan and Treasury secretary Larry
Summers—a $62 trillion market (nearly four times the size of the
entire US stock market) remained utterly unregulated, meaning no one
made sure the banks and hedge funds had the assets to cover the losses
they guaranteed.

In essence, Wall Street's biggest players (which, thanks to Gramm's
earlier banking deregulation efforts, now incorporated everything from
your checking account to your pension fund) ran a secret casino.

Tens of trillions of dollars of transactions were done in the dark,
says University of San Diego law professor Frank Partnoy, an expert on
financial markets and derivatives. No one had a picture of where the
risks were flowing.

Betting on the risk of any given transaction became more important—and
more lucrative—than the transactions themselves, Partnoy notes: So
there was more betting on the riskiest subprime mortgages than there
were actual mortgages. Banks and hedge funds, notes Michael
Greenberger, who directed the CFTC's division of trading 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
  Did you see this? Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna cum
  laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
  driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so narcissistic that
  our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush is
  president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
  strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for America to
  vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
  president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black quarterbacks.
  Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a peg.
  My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black president.
  He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked down on
  them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white trash by
  the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
  intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them racist
  while his elite college educated audience, laughing condescendingly,
  thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of the
  Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists clinging to
  guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the election. 
  McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He can do
  that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank media
  and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me off
  trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not believing
  Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect before
  you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
 It's the Republicans who think you're dumb.  Otherwise why would the
 up candidates that the dumbasses would identify with?  You'll vote for 
 them and they'll steal your money as they have done the last eight
 If you were in school and needed some help with your math assignments 
 would you ask someone who is a C student or someone who is an A 
 student?  If you were looking for a good lawyer would you choose one
 barely passed the law exam or someone who not only passed the law exam 
 but also teaches law courses at a college?  Would you choose a doctor 
 who barely made it through medical school only with influential help 
 from his dad who was also a doctor and an alumni contributor to the 
 college or someone who flew through medical school with flying colors 
 and was noted for their research?
 So if you were choosing a world leader who  is going to meet with other 
 world leaders would you choose someone who barely understands global 
 issues and can't think on their feet or someone who not only
 those issues but also is able to make clear decisions and communicate 
 them well with other intelligent world leaders?
 If you want the US to become a third world country then choose the kind 
 of leader who will trash it into one.  I, for one, don't want that, 
 however it may be too late.
 And also ask yourself are you better off than you were eight years ago?

Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, http://tinyurl.com/6437pk
McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the polls
by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's right
he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted Hillary
to carry his sorry ass over the finish line, why didn't all the
blogger boys glorify her candidacy instead of that whining wimp they
want in the White House?  Now that everyone thinks it a good idea for
Hillary to fight his battles, are they admitting Hillary was the
better candidate? After all the vile sexist crap the blogs dumped on
her at DKos Hillary should just give them all the middle finger salute
like Obama did to her. Besides, Biden, if he's not too loaded, should
be doing Obama's dirty work on Palin, VP to VP, not Hillary.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deregulation/Foreclosure Phil

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
You may find this of interest.

Working in the estate-planning field as I do, you have to have as a 
matter of course a life insurance license.

Unlike banks, life insurance is state regulated.  Most states are 
pretty similar in their laws with minor differences everywhere.

But unlike banks, life insurance companies are required, by law, to 
invest the money paid to them by clients through premiums in safe 
investments like bonds, etc.  That's why in the Great Depression you 
had very few insurance companies that went under and, indeed, it was 
the insurance companies that bailed out many of the banks.

In addition, if a life insurance company goes under, the law states 
that the other insurance companies active in that state must take over
the accounts of the clients.  No one has ever lost money putting 
their money in life insurance companies, unlike banks.

Do you know that it is against the law for insurance agents to TELL 
clients about these protective features?  Yup.  They can lose their 
licenses if they do.

One of the reasons I've heard it suggested why this is so is that 
banks -- who compete with insurance companies for consumers' money -- 
have lobbied government in order to have an advantage over them.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Even as the housing bubble took Wall Street down for the first 
 bottom in the spring, McCain preached less regulation as the 
 McCain's solution to an era in which financial deregulation set 
 the stage for federal bailouts, rampant speculation, and 
 lending is ... less regulation. Our financial market approach
 should include encouraging increased capital in financial
 institutions by removing regulatory, accounting, and tax  
 impediments to raising capital.
 Deregulation/Foreclosure Phil - McCain's economic policy advisor
 ...In 1999, Phil Gramm pushed through a historic banking 
 bill that decimated Depression-era firewalls between commercial 
 investment banks, insurance companies, and securities firms—setting
 off a wave of merger mania.
 But Gramm's most cunning coup on behalf of his friends in the
 financial services industry—friends who gave him millions over his
 24-year congressional career—came on December 15, 2000.
 It was an especially tense time in Washington. Only two days 
 the Supreme Court had issued its decision on Bush v. Gore. President
 Bill Clinton and the Republican-controlled Congress were locked in a
 budget showdown.
 It was the perfect moment for a wily senator to game the system. As
 Congress and the White House were hurriedly hammering out a
 $384-billion omnibus spending bill, Gramm slipped in a 262-page
 measure called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
 Written with the help of financial industry lobbyists and 
 by Senator Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), the chairman of the agriculture
 committee, the measure had been considered dead—even by Gramm. Few
 lawmakers had either the opportunity or inclination to read the
 version of the bill Gramm inserted. Nobody in either chamber had 
 knowledge of what was going on or what was in it, says a
 congressional aide familiar with the bill's history.
 It's not exactly like Gramm hid his handiwork—far from it. The 
 and bespectacled Texan strode onto the Senate floor to hail the 
 inclusion into the must-pass budget package. But only an expert, or 
 lobbyist, could have followed what Gramm was saying.
 The act, he declared, would ensure that neither the SEC nor the
 Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) got into the business of
 regulating newfangled financial products called swaps—and would thus
 protect financial institutions from overregulation and position 
 financial services industries to be world leaders into the new 
 It didn't quite work out that way.
 For starters, the legislation contained a provision—lobbied for by
 Enron, a generous contributor to Gramm—that exempted energy trading
 from regulatory oversight, allowing Enron to run rampant, wreck the
 California electricity market, and cost consumers billions before it
 (For Gramm, Enron was a family affair. Eight years earlier, his 
 Wendy Gramm, as CFTC chairwoman, had pushed through a rule excluding
 Enron's energy futures contracts from government oversight. Wendy
 later joined the Houston-based company's board, and in the following
 years her Enron salary and stock income brought between $915,000 and
 $1.8 million into the Gramm household.)
 But the Enron loophole was small potatoes compared to the 
 that unregulated swaps would unleash.
 Credit default swaps are essentially insurance policies covering the
 losses on securities in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread shempmcgurk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  raunchydog wrote:
   Did you see this? Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna 
   laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
   driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so 
narcissistic that
   our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush 
   president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
   strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for 
America to
   vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
   president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black 
   Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a 
   My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black 
   He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked 
down on
   them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white 
trash by
   the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
   intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them 
   while his elite college educated audience, laughing 
   thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of 
   Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists 
clinging to
   guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the 
   McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He 
can do
   that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank 
   and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me 
   trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not 
   Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect 
   you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
  It's the Republicans who think you're dumb.  Otherwise why would 
  up candidates that the dumbasses would identify with?  You'll 
vote for 
  them and they'll steal your money as they have done the last eight
  If you were in school and needed some help with your math 
  would you ask someone who is a C student or someone who is an A 
  student?  If you were looking for a good lawyer would you choose 
  barely passed the law exam or someone who not only passed the law 
  but also teaches law courses at a college?  Would you choose a 
  who barely made it through medical school only with influential 
  from his dad who was also a doctor and an alumni contributor to 
  college or someone who flew through medical school with flying 
  and was noted for their research?
  So if you were choosing a world leader who  is going to meet with 
  world leaders would you choose someone who barely understands 
  issues and can't think on their feet or someone who not only
  those issues but also is able to make clear decisions and 
  them well with other intelligent world leaders?
  If you want the US to become a third world country then choose 
the kind 
  of leader who will trash it into one.  I, for one, don't want 
  however it may be too late.
  And also ask yourself are you better off than you were eight 
years ago?
 Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
 hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
 Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, 
 McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
 Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
 relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
 whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
 except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
 themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the 
 by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
 quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's 
 he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted 
 to carry his sorry ass over the finish line, why didn't all the
 blogger boys glorify her candidacy instead of that whining wimp they
 want in the White House?  Now that everyone thinks it a good idea 
 Hillary to fight his battles, are they admitting Hillary was the
 better candidate? After all the vile sexist crap the blogs dumped on
 her at DKos Hillary should just give them all the middle finger 
 like Obama did to her. Besides, Biden, if he's not too loaded, 
 be doing Obama's dirty work on Palin, VP to VP, not Hillary.

Great post.

I've wondered in the last week whether Biden has ever been approached 
to step down and let Hillary fill the VP spot on the ticket.

Does anyone doubt that had it been known that Palin was going to be 
McCain's choice that Barky Hussein would 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
 Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
 hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
 Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, http://tinyurl.com/6437pk
 McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
 Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
 relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
 whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
 except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
 themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the polls
 by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
 quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's right
 he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted Hillary
 to carry his sorry ass over the finish line, why didn't all the
 blogger boys glorify her candidacy instead of that whining wimp they
 want in the White House?  Now that everyone thinks it a good idea for
 Hillary to fight his battles, are they admitting Hillary was the
 better candidate? After all the vile sexist crap the blogs dumped on
 her at DKos Hillary should just give them all the middle finger salute
 like Obama did to her. Besides, Biden, if he's not too loaded, should
 be doing Obama's dirty work on Palin, VP to VP, not Hillary.
Better yet, the Dems could have totally ignored the Reps show and 
continued on as if it didn't happen rather than get wrapped around it.  
That really would have flummoxed the Reps.

However we'll see what happens in a week or two as the shine wears off 
the Rep's week.  I still think Obama will take the election the Reps 
didn't want to win it anyway and are just putting on a show.

Of course we have BushCo taking over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac today.  
So much for Reps being against big government and look for the bill for 
it in your mail.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Palin's 5 colleges

2008-09-07 Thread bob_brigante

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 7, 2008, at 9:51 AM, boo_lives wrote:

  SPOKANE, Wash. - Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin
  attended five colleges in six years before graduating from the
  University of Idaho in 1987.
  Let's see, there's:
  Hawaii Pacific University
  North Idaho College
  University of Idaho
  Matanuska-Susitna College
  University of Idaho

 I'm pretty sure I read she started out at the University of Hawaii,
 but left because there was too much rain.



Hilo is pretty wet, with 130 inches avg/yr, but I've been there when a
foot fell in a day, and more than two feet in a day has happened, so I'm
not surprised that she switched to HPU in HNL, which only gets about two
feet/yr.  I attended HPU, not exactly Harvard, but a competent school
with helpful profs, although they did require a lot more work than most
colleges, which could be why Sarah split.

Did GOP V.P. attend UH-Hilo?  by John Burnett
Tribune-Herald Staff Writer
Published: Saturday, September 6, 2008 7:51 AM HST New bio says yes, but
verification hard to find A number of national media outlets are
reporting that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin began
her college education with a brief stint at the University of Hawaii at
Hilo. But what has apparently become legend is proving as difficult to
verify as Bigfoot sightings.

A newly-published biography titled Sarah by Kaylene Johnson states
that the Alaska governor -- then known as Sarah Louise Heath -- and
three other friends attended UH-Hilo in 1982 after graduation from
Wasilla High School in Alaska. According to the book, the young women
left Hilo after a few weeks because of the rain, which averages about
130 inches per year. That reportedly started Palin on an odyssey of six
colleges in six years, including a semester at Hawaii Pacific College,
which is now Hawaii Pacific University. Palin graduated from the
University of Idaho in 1987 with a journalism degree.

While school officials have no record that Palin ever enrolled at UHH,
they concede it is a possibility.

tml Our registrar doesn't have any records of her at UH-Hilo, said
Alyson Kakugawa-Leong, UHH director of media relations. If she stayed
for only three weeks, we won't have any records.

We had 31 (information requests from media outlets) ... including
People Magazine, wanting to confirm.

Retired UHH registrar Patrick Omori confirmed that students who stayed
three weeks or less were expunged from school records.

You needed to be in classes for three weeks before withdrawing. If they
withdrew prior to those three weeks, we wipe out the record, he said.

Phone calls to Palin's Juneau office and her national campaign
headquarters also failed to confirm her presence at UHH. Several calls
to Palin's parents' home in Wasilla went unanswered.

A number of faculty and staff who were at UHH in 1982 were contacted,
but none recalled a Sarah Heath.

There was a good number of students from Alaska because of reciprocal
(in-state) tuition, said Rick Castberg, a professor of political

Marlene Hapai, a University of Hawaii regent and professor emeritus of
biology at UHH, and her husband, Archie, were Hawaii delegates at the
GOP National Convention in St. Paul where Palin officially became No. 2
on the party's ticket. She said she didn't know about a possible
Palin-UHH connection.

I started at UH-Hilo in 1982. So if she was there the first three
weeks, those would have been my first three weeks there, too, Hapai
told the Tribune-Herald from Minnesota.

I do know that we have had a lot of Alaska students, and most of them
very much liked UH-Hilo. They got along really well.

But I do know other students, that the rain and other things caused
them to leave. So not everybody fits.


[FairfieldLife] Confessions of an RNC security guard

2008-09-07 Thread bob_brigante
If you include the Evangelicals, nearly every person at the RNC 
headquarters has a voice whispering in his ear. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: 8 Reasons Palin is More Qualified than Obama

2008-09-07 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  8 Reasons Sarah Palin is More Qualified than Barack Obama
  by Seth Grahame-Smith
  Yes, Sarah admitted that she hadn't paid much attention to
  the war in Iraq, but she knew enough to rightly call it a
  task from God.
 This is one of many out-of-context quotes that's
 being used against Palin.
 What she actually said to the group she was
 speaking to was that they should pray that our
 national leaders are sending them [her son's unit,
 which is about to go to Iraq] out on a task that
 is from God, that's what we have to make sure we
 are praying for, that there is a plan, and that
 plan is God's plan.
 In other words, she was *not* asserting that she
 or anyone else knows what God's plan is, contrary
 to Grahame-Smith's demeaning interpretation.
 In fact, she was saying precisely the opposite: that
 we *don't* know, and all we can do is pray that what
 we're doing is according to that plan. Or, in
 secular terms: Boy, I hope we're doing the right
 thing here.

Her remark is not so innocent.  Her church believes we are in the End
Times and specifically that for the end times to be fulfilled we need
a big war in the middle east as a precursor for jesus christ coming
back down. Utube shows her pastor talking about the end times and
americans fleeing to alaska for safety and palin just nods.  She
didn't just ask for God's blessing on the troops or something like
that, she spoke of the plan and in her world view that means she was
praying that the US plan is in tune with the biblical or God's plan
for war in the middle east.  She's a good politician and knows not to
be too specific in her public comments since becoming governor, but
I'd feel much better if people who make war decisions didn't have a
fundamentalist religious view that certain wars must happen to fulfill
biblical prophecy because I think that makes it much more like they
will happen = the combo of mccain palin in particular seems a likely
bet to escalate in the middle east.

Moreover this woman sees God interfering in everything even pipelines
-- I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies
to get that gas line built, so pray for that.  That's real trouble
when you have christian politicians thinking that God is for a
pipeline because that means you know who (Satan) is against it and
common sense as to the cost-benefits go out the window.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
   raunchydog wrote:
Did you see this? Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna 
laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so 
 narcissistic that
our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush 
president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for 
 America to 
vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black 
Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a 
My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black 
He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked 
 down on
them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white 
 trash by
the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them 
while his elite college educated audience, laughing 
thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of 
Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists 
 clinging to
guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the 
McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He 
 can do
that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank 
and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me 
trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not 
Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect 
you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
   It's the Republicans who think you're dumb.  Otherwise why would 
   up candidates that the dumbasses would identify with?  You'll 
 vote for 
   them and they'll steal your money as they have done the last eight
   If you were in school and needed some help with your math 
   would you ask someone who is a C student or someone who is an A 
   student?  If you were looking for a good lawyer would you choose 
   barely passed the law exam or someone who not only passed the law 
   but also teaches law courses at a college?  Would you choose a 
   who barely made it through medical school only with influential 
   from his dad who was also a doctor and an alumni contributor to 
   college or someone who flew through medical school with flying 
   and was noted for their research?
   So if you were choosing a world leader who  is going to meet with 
   world leaders would you choose someone who barely understands 
   issues and can't think on their feet or someone who not only
   those issues but also is able to make clear decisions and 
   them well with other intelligent world leaders?
   If you want the US to become a third world country then choose 
 the kind 
   of leader who will trash it into one.  I, for one, don't want 
   however it may be too late.
   And also ask yourself are you better off than you were eight 
 years ago?
  Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
  hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
  Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, 
  McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
  Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
  relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
  whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
  except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
  themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the 
  by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
  quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's 
  he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted 
  to carry his sorry ass over the finish line, why didn't all the
  blogger boys glorify her candidacy instead of that whining wimp they
  want in the White House?  Now that everyone thinks it a good idea 
  Hillary to fight his battles, are they admitting Hillary was the
  better candidate? After all the vile sexist crap the blogs dumped on
  her at DKos Hillary should just give them all the middle finger 
  like Obama did to her. Besides, Biden, if he's not too loaded, 
  be doing Obama's dirty work on Palin, VP to VP, not Hillary.
 Great post.
 I've wondered in the last week whether 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 8 Reasons Palin is More Qualified than Obama

2008-09-07 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   8 Reasons Sarah Palin is More Qualified than Barack Obama
   by Seth Grahame-Smith
   Yes, Sarah admitted that she hadn't paid much attention to
   the war in Iraq, but she knew enough to rightly call it a
   task from God.
  This is one of many out-of-context quotes that's
  being used against Palin.
  What she actually said to the group she was
  speaking to was that they should pray that our
  national leaders are sending them [her son's unit,
  which is about to go to Iraq] out on a task that
  is from God, that's what we have to make sure we
  are praying for, that there is a plan, and that
  plan is God's plan.
  In other words, she was *not* asserting that she
  or anyone else knows what God's plan is, contrary
  to Grahame-Smith's demeaning interpretation.
  In fact, she was saying precisely the opposite: that
  we *don't* know, and all we can do is pray that what
  we're doing is according to that plan. Or, in
  secular terms: Boy, I hope we're doing the right
  thing here.
 Her remark is not so innocent.  Her church believes we are in the End
 Times and specifically that for the end times to be fulfilled we need
 a big war in the middle east as a precursor for jesus christ coming
 back down. Utube shows her pastor talking about the end times and
 americans fleeing to alaska for safety and palin just nods.  She
 didn't just ask for God's blessing on the troops or something like
 that, she spoke of the plan and in her world view that means she was
 praying that the US plan is in tune with the biblical or God's plan
 for war in the middle east.  She's a good politician and knows not to
 be too specific in her public comments since becoming governor, but
 I'd feel much better if people who make war decisions didn't have a
 fundamentalist religious view that certain wars must happen to fulfill
 biblical prophecy because I think that makes it much more like they
 will happen = the combo of mccain palin in particular seems a likely
 bet to escalate in the middle east.
 Moreover this woman sees God interfering in everything even pipelines
 -- I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies
 to get that gas line built, so pray for that.  That's real trouble
 when you have christian politicians thinking that God is for a
 pipeline because that means you know who (Satan) is against it and
 common sense as to the cost-benefits go out the window.

Well, well, well...Let's mess with another pastor disaster. Bet you
can catch Palin's pastor saying God Damn America.  LOL.

[FairfieldLife] Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

2008-09-07 Thread my3paths
The first time I heard it was when someone was giving their 
experience over the loadspeaker in the dome. Then I had an email 
correspondence with a woman from Mother Divine and that is how she 
signed her email to me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi my3paths,
 You wrote that Jai Guru Dev Maharishi is a new thing that I like 
 I started doing it too.
 So I take it you've heard others do it?  It is becoming very common?
 Where did you hear it, in Fairfield?
 I'm really curious and fascinated by this.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, my3paths my3paths@ wrote:
  Hi, I am here in Fairfield from San Diego. I've lived in 
  four times in the past for less than a year each (for specific 
  courses etc) and I attended MUM one semester while finishing my 
  Humanities degree at CSUS (sacramento)
  Jai Guru Dev Maharishi is a new thing that I like so I started 
  it too. It feels good to me. 
  I made a one year commitment to be here in the dome. But I miss 
  San Diego manifestation group. I hope there are others here in 
  Fairfield who have the inspiration to embark on the manifestation 
  They say that the three rules of real estate are : location, 
  and location. In the realm of manifesting intentions, the three 
  are clarity, clarity, clarity. It helps to have a group for this 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Susan my3paths@ wrote:

 Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

Is this something new in our TM culture since the passing of 

That the phrase Jai Guru Dev has now morphed into Jai Guru 

Please let me know as I am usually the last to know these 
   I wonder if she's even from Fairfield. Seems to me the ULTIMATE
   desire manifestation thing is the TM-SIdhis (assuming they work 
   and anyone who feels compelled to go talk to a Westerner 
 with new 
   technology rather than doing group TM and Yogic FLying is, 
  tad off...
   ...and if they ahve time to go play wither her new toys, they 
  time to 
   engage in vigorous physical activity, or more Yogic Flying, 
  depending on 
   where the
   balance should be in their lives.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 raunchydog wrote:
 Did you see this? Barack Obama can't help it if he's a magna 
 laude Harvard grad and you're a Wal-Mart shopper who resurfaces
 driveways with your brother-in-law. Americans are so 
 narcissistic that
 our candidates have to be just like us. That's why George Bush 
 president. And that's where the McCain camp gets its campaign
 strategy: Paint Obama as cocky and arrogant and wait for 
 America to 
 vote him off, like the black guy in every reality show. A black
 president? Half of Pennsylvania isn't ready for black 
 Forget Obama, they think Will Smith needs to be taken down a 

 My Response:  Bill Clinton was smart AND the first black 
 He had an easy way of relating to common folk and never looked 
 down on
 them. For this the Clintons were considered hillbilly white 
 trash by
 the elite of Washington. Bill Maher's monologue insults the
 intelligence of voters who have low paying jobs and calls them 
 while his elite college educated audience, laughing 
 thinks he is hip and funny. As long as the elite left wing of 
 Democratic party dismisses swing voters as dumbass racists 
 clinging to
 guns and religion, they help seal Obama's fate to lose the 
 McCain doesn't have to paint Obama as cocky and arrogant.  He 
 can do
 that himself along with the likes of Bill Maher, an in the tank 
 and his army of paid sexist blogger boyz who royally pissed me 
 trashing Hillary at every opportunity. Excuse me for not 
 Obama is The One. I'm just a dumbass voter who wants respect 
 you can get my vote. Chime in and let the fur fly.
 It's the Republicans who think you're dumb.  Otherwise why would 
 up candidates that the dumbasses would identify with?  You'll 
 vote for 
 them and they'll steal your money as they have done the last eight
 If you were in school and needed some help with your math 
 would you ask someone who is a C student or someone who is an A 
 student?  If you were looking for a good lawyer would you choose 
 barely passed the law exam or someone who not only passed the law 
 but also teaches law courses at a college?  Would you choose a 
 who barely made it through medical school only with influential 
 from his dad who was also a doctor and an alumni contributor to 
 college or someone who flew through medical school with flying 
 and was noted for their research?

 So if you were choosing a world leader who  is going to meet with 
 world leaders would you choose someone who barely understands 
 issues and can't think on their feet or someone who not only
 those issues but also is able to make clear decisions and 
 them well with other intelligent world leaders?

 If you want the US to become a third world country then choose 
 the kind 
 of leader who will trash it into one.  I, for one, don't want 
 however it may be too late.

 And also ask yourself are you better off than you were eight 
 years ago?
 Am I better off? How Reaganesque of you. No just pissed off at the
 hubris of the elite left wing of the Democratic party who will doom
 Obama's campaign just as the Stevensonians, 
 McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore and Kerry torpedoed any chance of
 Democratic rule. What a bunch of losers. Bill Clinton knew how to
 relate to the common folk, the swing voters, the independents all of
 whom Obama needs to win an election and he hasn't lifted one finger
 except the middle one to court them. The Democrats have shot
 themselves in the foot once again. Obama should be ahead in the 
 by 15 points and by now but a moose hunting, gun toting GIRL has him
 quaking in his shoes. Head for the Hills, Barky! Oh yeah, that's 
 he IS heading for the Hills...Hillary that is. If Obama wanted 
 to carry his sorry ass over the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 8 Reasons Palin is More Qualified than Obama

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd feel much better if people who make war decisions didn't
 have a fundamentalist religious view that certain wars must
 happen to fulfill biblical prophecy because I think that makes
 it much more like they will happen = the combo of mccain palin
 in particular seems a likely bet to escalate in the middle east.

Fair point. But there is a distinction between
God told me to do this and I hope this is what
God wants me to do. Someone who says the latter
might well be willing to listen to advice from
others, whereas someone who says the former most
likely would not be.

(I'd vastly prefer a president who says neither.)

In any case, my main reason for posting this quote
was as a demonstration of how important it is to
get the story straight before drawing conclusions.
In Palin's case, so much of what we've heard--
including what has been posted here--has been

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread my3paths
There is a not-so-subtle passive aggressive tone to your comment. You 
really don't know me or what the group is about. Why would you make 
the assumption that Greed is the prime motivator? Are you greedy?

Technology for manifesting involves feel good stuff. Greed never 
feels good. You can judge feelings by their fruits, by where they 
lead your mind and spirit. Technology for manifesting involves 
win/win situations that further life in every way. 

Greed is not something that gets the support of nature. Greed is ugly 
and cold and stinking and rotten. Greed doesn't attract magic - it 
repels it. 

One amazing thing that people discover in their process, is that 
their real desire is happiness, and its more about creating happiness 
through the elimination of mental nonsense than about the acquisition 
of material things. Material things don't create the happiness that 
we crave. But on the other hand, material abundance, especially when 
it is shared, can be kick ass fun.

Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Wow, thanks for the heads up! I didn't realize Greed Magic had 
 I like Technologies for Manifesting Intentions better. I bet it  
 doesn't involve killing a chicken either. I'd bet my money you're  
 using the Unified Field instead (whew!).
 Hey, good luck with your real estate career.
 Jai Guru Dev Maharishi and Me.
 On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:17 PM, Susan wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  My name is Susan Sayler and I just joined this group recently. I  
  have only been living in Fairfield since the Fourth of July, 
2008. I  
  am on the IA course, meditating in the dome 6 hours every day.
  I came here from San Diego where I was involved in a group that 
  regularly to support one another in the application of 
  technologies (like in the Secret, What the Bleep, Intenders of 
  Highest Good, Clinton Swaine's Play to Win and etc.)
  I am looking for people who are willing to meet up once a week 
  form a core group here in Fairfield with the courage to manifest  
  what you really want; such as in health, money, relationships or  
  spiritual goals. It would be nice to have an afternoon group and 
  evening group and it would be great to have a pot luck once a 
  There is no charge for this group.
  I have all the materials needed, I just need committed, 
  warm bodies that want to play chicken with the application of 
  laws of intention and manifestation.
   I would like to hold the first meeting on Friday night, 
  19th at 7:30 pm, in Revelations Bookstore, either upstairs or  
  downstairs. Other meetings can be at my home, outdoors and other  
  public places depending on the theme for that week.
  If you are interested, you can email me back or call me at
  760 687-5911
  Jai Guru Dev Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
  The blatant thuggery of the Democratic Party cheated Hillary
  out of the nomination and the Obot's reply is, Get over it.
  LOL. Democrats, the party of fairness and inclusion, didn't
  allow a fair election, and many are blissfully unaware they will
  pay dearly on election day. The DNC and Obama are to blame for
  lack of party unity, not Hillary. Newsflash for Obamabots: Obama
  let McCain make a jackass out of him for not picking Hillary as
  VP and set the stage for McCain show that he respects women more
  than Democrats. Bite it.

 So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?

raunchydog doesn't seem to have said she's going to
vote for McCain. Like Sal, you're assuming if a person
isn't going to vote for Obama, they *must* be going to
vote for McCain, but that's obviously not the case.

  It will be
 just more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.

Question is, will it be just as insane with Obama,
only a different *type* of insane? If the folks in
the DNC who unethically wangled his nomination stay
in power in the Democratic Party, what will that
mean for the country?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 raunchydog wrote:
 The blatant thuggery of the Democratic Party cheated Hillary
 out of the nomination and the Obot's reply is, Get over it.
 LOL. Democrats, the party of fairness and inclusion, didn't
 allow a fair election, and many are blissfully unaware they will
 pay dearly on election day. The DNC and Obama are to blame for
 lack of party unity, not Hillary. Newsflash for Obamabots: Obama
 let McCain make a jackass out of him for not picking Hillary as
 VP and set the stage for McCain show that he respects women more
 than Democrats. Bite it.
 So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?

 raunchydog doesn't seem to have said she's going to
 vote for McCain. Like Sal, you're assuming if a person
 isn't going to vote for Obama, they *must* be going to
 vote for McCain, but that's obviously not the case.
No, you're wrong.  Look again.  I didn't say that raunchydog was going 
to vote for McCain.  I simply asked how voting for him was going to 
solve anything.  The question doesn't assume at all that raunchydog is 
voting for McCain.
   It will be
 just more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.

 Question is, will it be just as insane with Obama,
 only a different *type* of insane? If the folks in
 the DNC who unethically wangled his nomination stay
 in power in the Democratic Party, what will that
 mean for the country?
Come'on now, the worst that the DNC could do would pale compared to the 
Republicans and the Bush Crime Family have done in the last eight 
years.  And you would just get more of the last eight years with McCain.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2008-09-07 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 06 00:00:00 2008
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 13 00:00:00 2008
228 messages as of (UTC) Mon Sep 08 00:57:31 2008

27 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
23 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
20 Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12 cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10 sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 9 nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 9 do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 7 curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 6 mainstream20016 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 6 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 yifuxero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 my3paths [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 sgrayatlarge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 Richard Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 1 transactual [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 pranamoocher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 amarnath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posters: 40
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?

2008-09-07 Thread Tom
One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and 
let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.

The other kills her own food.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread Tom

Sorry to hear you lost yours bipolar boy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Perhaps someone should acquire a sense of humor . . . 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom azgrey@ wrote:
  Feste repeatedly posting shockingly 
  ignorant drivel exemplifies people that have no friggen clue
  what it takes to win an election. They are the worst enemy that
  the candidate they wish elected could ever have.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:

  raunchydog wrote:

  The blatant thuggery of the Democratic Party cheated Hillary
  out of the nomination and the Obot's reply is, Get over it.
  LOL. Democrats, the party of fairness and inclusion, didn't
  allow a fair election, and many are blissfully unaware they will
  pay dearly on election day. The DNC and Obama are to blame for
  lack of party unity, not Hillary. Newsflash for Obamabots: Obama
  let McCain make a jackass out of him for not picking Hillary as
  VP and set the stage for McCain show that he respects women more
  than Democrats. Bite it.

  So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?
  raunchydog doesn't seem to have said she's going to
  vote for McCain. Like Sal, you're assuming if a person
  isn't going to vote for Obama, they *must* be going to
  vote for McCain, but that's obviously not the case.

 No, you're wrong.  Look again.  I didn't say that raunchydog
 was going to vote for McCain.  I simply asked how voting for
 him was going to solve anything.  The question doesn't assume
 at all that raunchydog is voting for McCain.

Then it was a non sequitur.

It will be
  just more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.
  Question is, will it be just as insane with Obama,
  only a different *type* of insane? If the folks in
  the DNC who unethically wangled his nomination stay
  in power in the Democratic Party, what will that
  mean for the country?

 Come'on now, the worst that the DNC could do would pale compared
 to the Republicans and the Bush Crime Family have done in the last
 eight years.

Disagree. I think the combination of Obama in
the White House, Pelosi and Reid in Congress,
and Dean and Brazile running the party machinery
is potentially deadly.

  And you would just get more of the last eight years with McCain.

[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread tizza . izza
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wonder if she's even from Fairfield. Seems to me the ULTIMATE
 desire manifestation thing is the TM-SIdhis (assuming they work of
 and anyone who feels compelled to go talk to a Westerner with new 
 technology rather than doing group TM and Yogic FLying is, well, a
tad off...

It seems to me that the TM sidhis are only the ULTIMATE desire
manifestation if that is what you are looking to manifest. 

What if you could care less about manifesting the sidhis but on a more
practical level desire to make a good living. So you develop a plan,
follow it through, and earn a good living. That would be a pretty good
manifestation of a desire. 

Or maybe you are overweight and you develop a plan and follow it
through and lose weight and your health improves as a result (among
other things). That would be a pretty good validation of desire

Some people don't care at all about the TM Sidhis.

Izzy T.

 ...and if they ahve time to go play wither her new toys, they have
time to 
 engage in vigorous physical activity, or more Yogic Flying,
depending on 
 where the
 balance should be in their lives.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread Vaj

On Sep 7, 2008, at 8:38 PM, my3paths wrote:

 There is a not-so-subtle passive aggressive tone to your comment. You
 really don't know me or what the group is about. Why would you make
 the assumption that Greed is the prime motivator? Are you greedy?

 Technology for manifesting involves feel good stuff. Greed never
 feels good. You can judge feelings by their fruits, by where they
 lead your mind and spirit. Technology for manifesting involves
 win/win situations that further life in every way.

 Greed is not something that gets the support of nature. Greed is ugly
 and cold and stinking and rotten. Greed doesn't attract magic - it
 repels it.

 One amazing thing that people discover in their process, is that
 their real desire is happiness, and its more about creating happiness
 through the elimination of mental nonsense than about the acquisition
 of material things. Material things don't create the happiness that
 we crave. But on the other hand, material abundance, especially when
 it is shared, can be kick ass fun.

Well good luck on kama-loka then! And good luck pretending that Greed  
does not exist on it's very same plane. The basic impulse to pull  
certain experiences toward us and push others away is it's very nature.

Thank god you found a more sattvic version.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Bhairitu
authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 authfriend wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 So how is voting for McCain going to solve anything?
 raunchydog doesn't seem to have said she's going to
 vote for McCain. Like Sal, you're assuming if a person
 isn't going to vote for Obama, they *must* be going to
 vote for McCain, but that's obviously not the case.
 No, you're wrong.  Look again.  I didn't say that raunchydog
 was going to vote for McCain.  I simply asked how voting for
 him was going to solve anything.  The question doesn't assume
 at all that raunchydog is voting for McCain.

 Then it was a non sequitur.
No, it wasn't.
   It will be
 just more of the insane as we've had the last eight years.
 Question is, will it be just as insane with Obama,
 only a different *type* of insane? If the folks in
 the DNC who unethically wangled his nomination stay
 in power in the Democratic Party, what will that
 mean for the country?
 Come'on now, the worst that the DNC could do would pale compared
 to the Republicans and the Bush Crime Family have done in the last
 eight years.

 Disagree. I think the combination of Obama in
 the White House, Pelosi and Reid in Congress,
 and Dean and Brazile running the party machinery
 is potentially deadly.

Why and in what way?

[FairfieldLife] UN says eat less meat to curb global warming

2008-09-07 Thread new . morning

UN says eat less meat to curb global warming

People should have one meat-free day a week if they want to make a
personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate
change, the world's leading authority on global warming has told The

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, which last year earned a joint share of the
Nobel Peace Prize, said that people should then go on to reduce their
meat consumption even further.

His comments are the most controversial advice yet provided by the
panel on how individuals can help tackle global warning.

Pachauri, who was re-elected the panel's chairman for a second
six-year term last week, said diet change was important because of the
huge greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental problems -
including habitat destruction - associated with rearing cattle and
other animals. It was relatively easy to change eating habits compared
to changing means of transport, he said.

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated that meat
production accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas
emissions. These are generated during the production of animal feeds,
for example, while ruminants, particularly cows, emit methane, which
is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than carbon
dioxide. The agency has also warned that meat consumption is set to
double by the middle of the century.

'In terms of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about
reductions in a short period of time, it clearly is the most
attractive opportunity,' said Pachauri. 'Give up meat for one day [a
week] initially, and decrease it from there,' said the Indian
economist, who is a vegetarian.

However, he also stressed other changes in lifestyle would help to
combat climate change. 'That's what I want to emphasise: we really
have to bring about reductions in every sector of the economy.'

Pachauri can expect some vociferous responses from the food industry
to his advice, though last night he was given unexpected support by
Masterchef presenter and restaurateur John Torode, who is about to
publish a new book, John Torode's Beef. 'I have a little bit and enjoy
it,' said Torode. 'Too much for any person becomes gluttony. But
there's a bigger issue here: where [the meat] comes from. If we all
bought British and stopped buying imported food we'd save a huge
amount of carbon emissions.'

Tomorrow, Pachauri will speak at an event hosted by animal welfare
group Compassion in World Farming, which has calculated that if the
average UK household halved meat consumption that would cut emissions
more than if car use was cut in half.

The group has called for governments to lead campaigns to reduce meat
consumption by 60 per cent by 2020. Campaigners have also pointed out
the health benefits of eating less meat. The average person in the UK
eats 50g of protein from meat a day, equivalent to a chicken breast
and a lamb chop - a relatively low level for rich nations but 25-50
per cent more than World Heath Organisation guidelines.

Professor Robert Watson, the chief scientific adviser for the
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, who will also speak
at tomorrow's event in London, said government could help educate
people about the benefits of eating less meat, but it should not
'regulate'. 'Eating less meat would help, there's no question about
that, but there are other things,' Watson said.

However, Chris Lamb, head of marketing for pig industry group BPEX,
said the meat industry had been unfairly targeted and was working hard
to find out which activities had the biggest environmental impact and
reduce those. Some ideas were contradictory, he said - for example,
one solution to emissions from livestock was to keep them indoors, but
this would damage animal welfare. 'Climate change is a very young
science and our view is there are a lot of simplistic solutions being
proposed,' he said.

Last year a major report into the environmental impact of meat eating
by the Food Climate Research Network at Surrey University claimed
livestock generated 8 per cent of UK emissions - but eating some meat
was good for the planet because some habitats benefited from grazing.
It also said vegetarian diets that included lots of milk, butter and
cheese would probably not noticeably reduce emissions because dairy
cows are a major source of methane, a potent greenhouse gas released
through flatulence.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
On Sep 6, 2008, at 9:52 PM, authfriend wrote:

 Well, if I referred to the same side shemp is on,
 it should be obvious, Judy.  The repugs, as
 you seem to be tacitly if not actively rooting
 for McCain.

This is how you're coming across now, Judy, to me at least,
like it or not.
   And you know very well I've been explicit, many
   times, that that's not the case.
   Let's have it out, Sal. I'm tired of this shit
   from you. Are you accusing me of lying about
   where I stand?
  *I* am accusing you of not being aware of where you stand,
 What utter crap.
 That *you're* confused about where I stand does not
 mean *I* am.
 But there's no reason for you or Sal or anybody else
 to be confused, if you've been paying attention to
 what I've posted.
 And if you *haven't* been paying attention to what
 I've posted, WTF makes you think you're in a position
 to comment one way or the other??

I've listened to your words and the tone of your words, and they
don't appear to match.


[FairfieldLife] Re: technologies for manifesting intentions

2008-09-07 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tizza.izza [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  I wonder if she's even from Fairfield. Seems to me the ULTIMATE
  desire manifestation thing is the TM-SIdhis (assuming they work of
  and anyone who feels compelled to go talk to a Westerner with new 
  technology rather than doing group TM and Yogic FLying is, well, a
 tad off...
 It seems to me that the TM sidhis are only the ULTIMATE desire
 manifestation if that is what you are looking to manifest. 

Well, you have to buy into MMY's interpretation of how the TM-Sidhis work,
I suppose, but if you do (and who would practice them unless they at
least had a *hope* that they worked), by definition, they're the ultimate
form of manifesting desire. 

 What if you could care less about manifesting the sidhis but on a more
 practical level desire to make a good living. So you develop a plan,
 follow it through, and earn a good living. That would be a pretty good
 manifestation of a desire. 

Sure, but why call that desire manifestation technology instead of
develop a plan, follow it through, and earn a good living?

 Or maybe you are overweight and you develop a plan and follow it
 through and lose weight and your health improves as a result (among
 other things). That would be a pretty good validation of desire

Again, why call it desire manifestation technology? That's a buzzword 
designed to appeal to people who like those buzzwrods, and anyone with
any intelligence who was still practicing the TM Sidhis would see it as pure
manipulation, even if the person doing the manipulation is not being honest
with themselves about why they are using the term.

 Some people don't care at all about the TM Sidhis.

So who, living in Fairfield, is interested in desire manipulation technologies
unless they already had learned the sidhis?

 Izzy T.
  ...and if they ahve time to go play wither her new toys, they have
 time to 
  engage in vigorous physical activity, or more Yogic Flying,
 depending on 
  where the
  balance should be in their lives.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Real Reason For Attacks on Palin

2008-09-07 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ 
   *I* am accusing you of not being aware of where you stand,
  What utter crap.
  That *you're* confused about where I stand does not
  mean *I* am.
  But there's no reason for you or Sal or anybody else
  to be confused, if you've been paying attention to
  what I've posted.
  And if you *haven't* been paying attention to what
  I've posted, WTF makes you think you're in a position
  to comment one way or the other??
 I've listened to your words and the tone of your words, and they
 don't appear to match.

Oh, gee, that's real convincing, Lawson.

It's hard to believe that supposedly intelligent
people have such simplistic perspectives.

You and Sal can't deal with naunce, so you're
projecting your own confusion onto me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 authfriend wrote:
  Disagree. I think the combination of Obama in
  the White House, Pelosi and Reid in Congress,
  and Dean and Brazile running the party machinery
  is potentially deadly.

 Why and in what way?

I'm also curious to see the answer to that.

[FairfieldLife] Will raunchydog vote for McCain?

2008-09-07 Thread raunchydog
Will raunchydog vote for McCain? Like I said, The Hillary voters who
are most informed about DNC shenanigans will not vote for Obama but
they may not vote for McCain either. They own their vote, and
surprise, surprise, they are not ready to make nice. 

Just for the curious or any pitiful Obot worried Barky will not get my
vote or those with a prurient interest in the psycho sexual voting
habits of a woman who doesn't go into heat at the thought of Obama's
cell phone vibrating in his pants http://tinyurl.com/4crcqf and as if
it were anyone's business, I'll look into my crystal ball for November
4th and beyond: 

If the Republicans win and McCain dies or steps down in four years, we
can look forward to Hillary vrs. Sarah 2012. Bottom line I don't trust
Obama for eight years, leaving no chance for Hillary's presidency.
McCain can do no worse than Obama in four years as president. If Obama
loses, thankfully, he will never run again and the jackasses at the
DNC, who screwed Hillary...Dean, Brazile, Pelosi, Reid, etc. will lose
credibility and power. Why reward bad behavior? 

Obama is a snake and a divisive liar not worthy of the White House. 
Even though I don't agree with McCain on policy, I believe he is an
honorable man and Sarah is a breath of fresh air. Obama wants to
change policy and McCain wants to change the system (the way
Washington works.)  Who knew? 

The DNC deserves a swift kick in the ass and I'm considering to help
deliver it. Take note, the Republican women had a press conference and
said they are going to fight for Sarah against sexism in the media. 
They will put the Democrats to shame for not standing up for Hillary.
Go figure.

The most egregious sin of Obama's campaign is that he painted the
Clintons as racists.  When Bill had to say in a recent interview, I
am not a racist, it nearly broke my heart. The media pile on of Sarah
Palin doesn't make me feel any better about Obama for having set the
tone for sexist smears during the primary. 

Obama has this quaint little habit of disavowing the antics of the
media smearing his opponent but know well, he is laughing as he
benefits. I've never voted for a Republican in my life and I may just
stay home. At the moment, Cynthia McKinney is looking good and without
a doubt Sarah is HOT! I own my vote.

[FairfieldLife] Esquire's e-ink cover

2008-09-07 Thread bob_brigante
Just saw Esquire's cover today, kind of startling to see a magazine 
flashing between headlines:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread mainstream20016
Such a scenario is only deadly to Hillary's Presidential aspirations.  Trashing 
Obama and 
the Dems is the goal of the Hillary diehards, to increase  McCain's probability 
of victory - 
to position  Hillary  as the Democratic front-runner for 2012.  Plain and 
simple.  No 
wonder the Clintons are reviled.   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  authfriend wrote:
   Disagree. I think the combination of Obama in
   the White House, Pelosi and Reid in Congress,
   and Dean and Brazile running the party machinery
   is potentially deadly.
  Why and in what way?
 I'm also curious to see the answer to that.

[FairfieldLife] raunchydog and author's friend - one and the same ?

2008-09-07 Thread mainstream20016
There's a certain odor that permeates raunchydog's posts - smells just like 
author's friend.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters

2008-09-07 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 6:53 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bill Maher Disrespects Voters


Ahhh! A fellow traveler from the kool-aid free zone of FF Life. 
Thanks. Biden will fall down drunk before he steps down. 

Don't include the period at the end of the tiny URL in the link. If you do,
it doesn't work.

My father was an alcoholic so I have a pretty good idea how drunk people
act. And when Biden came to FF I chatted with him face to face for quite a
while, then watched him speak to the group. So I'm somewhat familiar with
his personality. In this video, I think he's just been campaigning all day
and is playing the good 'ole boy. Who knows, he may also have had a beer
with dinner. But I don't think he's drunk. Is he rumored to be a drinker?
Ever had any trouble with it?

Obama let McCain make a jackass out of him
for not picking Hillary as VP 

Did she want the job?

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