Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima: the Raja class..

2018-10-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
MMY historically put "yes men" around him rather than "enlightened" 
ones. It puzzled a lot of people. :-D

On 10/26/18 10:34 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
> Hey, guys:
> Are you saying that MMY may have been wrong in selecting King Tony and 
> the rest of the rajas to run the TMO?
> ---In,  wrote :
> What to do? Seriously? Dude, if a bunch of guys dressed up for a 
> Burger King commercial are controlling your life, the problem isn't 
> the guys in silly costumes. FFS, stop giving away your power to a 
> bunch of ridiculous clowns!
> ---In,  wrote :
> Everyone in Fairfield should be very concerned about the welfare of 
> the Dome group meditation numbers,
> The University Trustees are visiting town for a meeting this week. 
> Some of the Rajas who do not live here who control our lives here may 
> be here too. The metrics here reflect their policies and administration.
> What to do? Lean on any of them who you may know. Policy gets made by 
> them and above. This gets personal and local. Lean on them. We mostly 
> do not have any policy say in it but must suffer how they do it.
> ---In,  wrote :
> The Trustees are meeting on the 27th
> The TM-Raja as the likes of corporate VP’s,
> and some are .org Trustees,
> have their ‘peace work’ cut out for them to sew up with the community.
> May the Providence of the Unified Field help them in their work.

[FairfieldLife] So how well is ME working in Iowa?

2018-10-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Steve King has always been a pig anyway.

Re: [FairfieldLife] New UN IPCC Climate Change Report

2018-10-08 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
How are you going to get the sun do to that?  It's actually the key 
influence in regards to climate change. It's in a solar minimal right 
now so we're likely to see more "global cooling" than "global warming".  
History confirms this.

I'm actually more concerned about the oceans getting polluted by 
criminal run refuse companies dumping garbage with lots of plastics in 
it.  To me it's a sign that the human race has a built in flaw that is 
used to create it's extinction when there are too many of us.

On 10/08/2018 05:10 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a 
dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond 
which even half a degree will significantly worsen the risks of 
drought, floods, extreme heat and poverty for hundreds of millions of 

The authors of the landmark report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel 
on Climate Change (IPCC) released on Monday say urgent and 
unprecedented changes are needed to reach the target, which they say 
is affordable and feasible although it lies at the most ambitious end 
of the Paris agreement pledge to keep temperatures between 1.5C and 2C.

“It’s a line in the sand and what it says to our species is that this 
is the moment and we must act now,” said Debra Roberts, a co-chair of 
the working group on impacts. “This is the largest clarion bell from 
the science community and I hope it mobilises people and dents the 
mood of complacency.”

At 1.5C the proportion of the global population exposed to water 
stress could be 50% lower than at 2C, it notes. Food scarcity would be 
less of a problem and hundreds of millions fewer people, particularly 
in poor countries, would be at risk of climate-related poverty.

At 2C extremely hot days, such as those experienced in the northern 
hemisphere this summer, would become more severe and common, 
increasing heat-related deaths and causing more forest fires.

But the greatest difference would be to nature. Insects, which are 
vital for pollination of crops, and plants are almost twice as likely 
to lose half their habitat at 2C compared with 1.5C. Corals would be 
99% lost at the higher of the two temperatures, but more than 10% have 
a chance of surviving if the lower target is reached.

“We have presented governments with pretty hard choices. We have 
pointed out the enormous benefits of keeping to 1.5C, and also the 
unprecedented shift in energy systems and transport that would be 
needed to achieve that,” said Jim Skea, a co-chair of the working 
group on mitigation. “We show it can be done within laws of physics 
and chemistry. Then the final tick box is political will. We cannot 
answer that. Only our audience can – and that is the governments that 
receive it.”

He said the main finding of his group was the need for urgency. 
Although unexpectedly good progress has been made in the adoption of 
renewable energy, deforestation for agriculture was turning a natural 
carbon sink into a source of emissions. Carbon capture and storage 
projects, which are essential for reducing emissions in the concrete 
and waste disposal industries, have also ground to a halt.

Reversing these trends is essential if the world has any chance of 
reaching 1.5C without relying on the untried technology of solar 
radiation modification and other forms of geo-engineering, which could 
have negative consequences.

Bob Ward, of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change, said 
the final document was “incredibly conservative” because it did not 
mention the likely rise in climate-driven refugees or the danger of 
tipping points that could push the world on to an irreversible path of 
extreme warming.

At the current level of commitments, the world is on course for a 
disastrous 3C of warming. The report authors are refuseing to accept 
defeat, believing the increasingly visible damage caused by climate 
change will shift opinion their way.

James Hansen, the former Nasa scientist who helped raised the alarm 
about climate change, said both 1.5C and 2C would take humanity into 
uncharted and dangerous territory because they were both well above 
the Holocene-era range in which human civilisation developed. But he 
said there was a huge difference between the two: “1.5C gives young 
people and the next generation a fighting chance of getting back to 
the Holocene or close to it. That is probably necessary if we want to 
keep shorelines where they are and preserve our coastal cities.”

“Climate change is occurring earlier and more rapidly than expected. 
Even at the current level of 1C warming, it is painful,” he told the 
Guardian. “This report is really important. It has a scientific 
robustness that shows 1.5C is not just a political concession. There 
is a growing recognition that 2C is

Re: [FairfieldLife] !00 Years ago, the US fought a deadly battle in France

2018-09-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Same deal, it's all about the money. Americas sons and daughters should 
not be pawns (soldiers) for foreign wars of profit.  It is immoral.

On 09/23/2018 09:15 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


IMO, it's because the US gets involved in many alliances, specifically 
with the western Europeans.  We offer supplies, weapons and soldiers.  
They give us money and goods in return.

This is shown by the jyotish chart of the US, which has many planets 
in the 7th house.  Since the 10th house has Saturn in the bhava, it 
means that the US gets an advantage in dealing with other nations in 
terms of goods and immigration of people into the country.

---In,  wrote :

Because wars make money for the ultra rich.  You blow up things and 
then you need to spend to replace the stuff you blew things up with.  
Bankers make money off the debt war creates.  It makes this planet and 
it's people look quite stupid.  War is the product of an adolescent mind.

On 09/23/2018 12:02 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Why does the US get involved in wars all of the time?  By its 
history, it would be

likely that the US will get involved again in another war any time soon.


Re: [FairfieldLife] !00 Years ago, the US fought a deadly battle in France

2018-09-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Because wars make money for the ultra rich.  You blow up things and then 
you need to spend to replace the stuff you blew things up with.  Bankers 
make money off the debt war creates.  It makes this planet and it's 
people look quite stupid.  War is the product of an adolescent mind.

On 09/23/2018 12:02 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Why does the US get involved in wars all of the time?  By its history, 
it would be

likely that the US will get involved again in another war any time soon.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Last Rites for the Voice

2018-09-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 09/06/2018 06:23 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Like LB Shriver’s publishing of Survival in Paradise, the Voice is 
gone entirely now. Even in digital came the Death of the Village 
Voice.   Recalling LB out on the movie theatre corner with paper bag 
over his shoulder distributing copies of Survival in Paradisethen hot 
off the Press.


The Village Voice now,  “..bought it in 2015 to restore it to its 
early glory, stopped print publication almost a year ago, it seemed 
that it would be only a matter of time before its online presence 
ceased as well. The Voice didn’t appear to have a strong sense of 
identity anymore, in part because the New Yorkthat it covered — 
downtown, the underground, bohemia and its ephemera — didn’t exist 
anymore,neither in a physical sense nor as a state of mind.”


Yahoo-Groups as a place of forum it seems for a lack of corporate 
maintenance (Verizon) could easily stop too as a place. It took 24 
hours yesterday for posts to appear, kind of throttling the free flow..

Maybe they're trying to "put the genie back in the bottle" or so they 
think.  If Verizon were to decide that Groups was not profitable and 
shut it down there would be much outcry and bad press for them.  So 
instead maybe they're just trying to make it unusable.

It's obvious these days that the corporate masters aren't happy about 
the free speech on the Internet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Climate Change & the Consciousness Community

2018-09-04 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
And who is going to pay this tax?  The middle class?  They're tapped out 
as it is.  Vegan diets will make many people anemic.  It's an 
nutritionally ignorant idea.  We each have individual nutritional 
needs.  That's what ayurveda is all about.

On 09/03/2018 03:31 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

To solve the problem you needed to start several decades ago.  And 
what would you have done?

20 years ago we should have implemented a revenue-neutral, 
substantive, annually increasing carbon (GHG) tax which would have 
given strong incentives for reducing GHG emissions. Set at 
proper levels, that could have mitigated much of the dire climate 
problems we are now facing.

Since that was not done, now we need stronger action. I think 
GHG/carbon tax is the most effective primary policy. However, now both 
the initial level, and ramp rate, will have to be much higher than if 
set 20 years ago. And a significant portion of the revenue will now 
have to be spent on accelerated R&D, aggressive incentives for zero 
carbon technology adaptation, massive infrastructure changes to 
accommodate current and emerging climate change, and addressing equity 
issues stemming from climate disruption. And there will need to be 
strong mandates to complement the above with specific deadlines for 
100% renewable/non GHG power systems (like California just did, but 
with nearer term, and more universal timetables), 100% 
electrification of the transport system, transformation of 
agriculture, etc. And strong social campaigns towards low carbon 
lifestyles, including vegan diets. (And stadiums full of group 
meditations :))

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Climate Change & the Consciousness Community

2018-09-03 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The problem is that you would need to implement a very authoritarian 
government to mandate changes. That won't go over well with the public 
(just look at their current attitude towards climate disruption) nor 
even more with the business sector.  It's like the human race has it's 
own pre-programmed means for self-destruction or extinction.

To solve the problem you needed to start several decades ago.  And what 
would you have done?  Reign in population expansion (the root of the 
problem) by mass sterilization (a popular sci-fi theme)?

On 09/02/2018 06:14 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

If governments don't act decisively by 2035 to fight climate change, 
humanity could cross a point of no return after which limiting global 
warming below 2°C in 2100 will be unlikely, according to a new study. 
The research also shows the deadline to limit warming to 1.5°C has 
already passed, unless radical climate action is taken.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hopi: America is dying!

2018-07-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

And California is burning.  How are the brown skies over in SF?

Also I think Adam Smith's experience has failed. :-)

On 07/29/2018 08:37 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


That's a powerful message.

---In,  wrote :

We [hopi?] were told we would see America come and go.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Facebook loses $151 billion in one day

2018-07-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Try a Facebook corporate chart.

On 07/26/2018 12:37 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I don't have Zuckerberg's birth data.  So, I can't determine what is 
causing this loss in his life.  If anyone has his birth data, please 
let us know.

---In,  wrote :

A lot of tech companies have fallen into unethical practices.  But 
you're an astrologer and should know that many of them rose to success 
due to a good planetary period and will fall when they hit a bad one.  
Most companies become "has beens" when the fall hits.

I never did Facebook because I had my own web sites. Funny thing was 
recently Facebook HR was offering me employment there.  I couldn't 
believe they were serious but they were and apparently tired of 
wasting money on young college grads with degrees but no talent nor 
experience in life.

On 07/26/2018 12:30 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I don't believe anyone saw this fall coming.  We're lucky if this 
loss was limited to this company. There may be others.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ethics and Spiritual Teaching

2018-07-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The recommended procedure when looking for a guru is to test them for 
some time before becoming a student.  That can be months (in some cases 

On 07/26/2018 09:26 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I am simply suggesting that some better levels of validation would be 
useful when teachers make claims about their attainments and the 
effectiveness of their methods to enable students to achieve the same.

If a teacher is not making such claims, then validation is not an issue.

Using Batgap interviews as a large sample of teachers, most are making 
claims, at least implicitly, about their attainments and the 
effectiveness of their teaching.    So I think validation is a 
legitimate issue in the larger non-dual community.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Facebook loses $151 billion in one day

2018-07-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
A lot of tech companies have fallen into unethical practices.  But 
you're an astrologer and should know that many of them rose to success 
due to a good planetary period and will fall when they hit a bad one.  
Most companies become "has beens" when the fall hits.

I never did Facebook because I had my own web sites.  Funny thing was 
recently Facebook HR was offering me employment there.  I couldn't 
believe they were serious but they were and apparently tired of wasting 
money on young college grads with degrees but no talent nor experience 
in life.

On 07/26/2018 12:30 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I don't believe anyone saw this fall coming.  We're lucky if this loss 
was limited to this company.  There may be others.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ethics and Spiritual Teaching

2018-07-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
It's kinda laughable to have the unenlightened make rules for the 
enlightened.  Yogis and Buddhist monks will certainly find it good for a 

Music teachers often teach students that achieve far more in their 
careers than their teachers did.  Music teachers teach techniques and 
methods for achieving success in music.  Similarly gurus do nothing more 
than teach methods and techniques for achieving enlightenment.  AND they 
don't NEED to be enlightened to do so. You just need to know the 
techniques to teach.

No greater example of this than TM where teachers were given techniques 
to give many of whom were still experiencing "lots of thoughts" during 
TM and little enlightenment.  BUT they may have taught people who did 
begin having experiences of enlightenment.

I think Doug has it right.  Some of you are looking for saints not 
enlightened teachers.

On 07/25/2018 08:09 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

A core ethical issue for the non-dual community is whether teachers 
are offering something of value, if they are delivering what they 
promise, and if they can speak with high veracity and confidence 
supporting these claims.  That is,

a) have they achieved the states and live the attributes that they 
claim to be able to teach others,

b) are they able to effectively teach others to attain them,

c) if so, what time frames are required, how much commitment is 
necessary (time and money), and

d) are all, or only a subset of students, able to attain these states.

It seems reasonable that there may be a correlation between teachers 
and organizations pursuing unethical actions and the degree to which 
they are more bluster than bliss, more talk than performance. 
 Addressing performance could in turn address unethical actors in the 

A strong objective framework for evaluating a teacher’s attainments 
and their method’s effectiveness is testing and measurement by the 
tools of cognitive science. For example, a lot could be gained if the 
teacher, along with their top 10 or 25 students offered to undergo a 
standardized set of evaluation measures (fMRI, advanced EEG, blood 
work, comprehensive sophisticated batteries of cognitive tests, etc.) 
 While the results of these tests do not, at least per current models 
of consciousness, provide definitive proof of any Enlightened state, 
they can provide insight into whether the practitioners have achieved 
various markers of achieved by other advanced practitioners. And 
possibly exceeding thresholds or prior studies, and or novel brain 
activity or cognitive responses.

If on the other hand, the results of the test showed nothing special 
or unique of the normal non-practicing populace, one would question 
what the practice is achieving. If no change in brain, cognitive, 
neurotransmitter or other activity is observed, then claims of refined 
mental, cognitive or emotional capabilities would be in doubt.

I would think that a group called Science and Non-Duality would be 
aggressively seeking to validate non-duality states with 
state-of-the-art research (and help identify / weed out, 
non-performing teachers and organizations.) Yet I don’t see any 
research agenda on the SAND website. SAND or other non-dual groups 
could become a powerful conduit of advanced practitioners to the many 
university and research centers doing research on meditative methods. 
 How to facilitate and fund such research is a larger topic which I 
may try to address in a separate post.

At a minimum, core ethical values and codes of conduct revolving 
around full disclosure and a culture of transparency would be of 
value. Some useful areas of for consideration:

1)Encourage all non-dual teachers and organizations to provide 
evidence of the teachers’ attainments and the effectiveness of their 
teaching methods.

2)Guidelines as to what to do when witnessing or experiencing ethical 
breaches by spiritual teachers and/or organizations. Possibly 
implementation of hotlines or database of unethical reports.

3)Full disclosure of possible adverse effects of the practices.

4)Financial transparency. Ability to audit the financials.

5)Ethical considerations of requesting or promoting “Surrendering to 
the Teacher”

6)Disclosure (or some indication of) what’s in the back rooms

 (the esoteric teaching, the weird and wild stuff that may not become 
evident for several years after the student has made substantial time, 
effort, identity and financial investments in the teachings, 
practices, etc.)

7)Seva -- work/study/service practices.

A time-honored and useful tradition in many circumstances and 
implementations where students work at ashrams, retreat centers, 
teaching centers, etc. for room and board and often reduction of 
tuition and fees for courses and instruction. However, over time, in 
some situations, this may evolve into a type of indentured servitude 
or guilt-driven labor bondage. Some ethical guidelines would be useful 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Carnivore diet changed his life!

2018-07-21 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Keep in mind that if everyone were to have the diet that it is right for 
their body then you would get a dramatic reduction in meat consumption.  
Vegan diets are only good for brief time as cleansing otherwise many 
people will develop anemia from them.   Vegan diets might be useful for 
reducing overpopulation though. ;-)

On 07/21/2018 04:36 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It's changing all of our lives, globally its devastating the planet.


" 'A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your 
impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global 
acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use,' said Joseph 
Poore, at the University of Oxford, UK, who led the research. “It is 
far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric 
car,” he said, 'as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions.' "

"The new analysis shows that while meat and dairy provide just 18% of 
calories and 37% of protein, it uses the vast majority – 83% – of 
farmland and produces 60% of agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions."

"The new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, 
global farmland use could be reduced by more than 75% – an area 
equivalent to the US, China, European Union and Australia combined – 
and still feed the world. Loss of wild areas to agriculture is the 
leading cause of the current mass extinction of wildlife 

" 'The report builds on recent scientific studies which show that 
soaring meat demand in China and elsewhere could tip the world’s 
climate into chaos. '

"Appetite for meat is rocketing as the global population swells and 
becomes more able to afford meat. Meat consumption is on track to rise 
75% by 2050, and dairy 65%, compared with 40% for cereals. By 2020, 
China alone is expected to be eating 20m tonnes more of meat and dairy 
a year."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Carnivore diet changed his life!

2018-07-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Acid and alkaline pH balances.  Some people are actually TOO alkaline.  
Your blood pH only needs to shift a little to cause problems.  Much of 
this also correlates to how the autonomic nervous systems works.  It's 
possible to be too sympathetic dominant (metabolic syndrome) or too 
parasympathetic dominant (daytime sleepiness and lack of energy).  Also 
of course correlates to ayurveda and Chinese medicine.

On 07/20/2018 09:40 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
There's a guy in the Skelmersdale TM community who started eating a 
carnivore diet, and his psoriatic arthritis cleared up.

Here's his YT channel:

Here's his BATGAP interview:

---In,  wrote :

Jordan Peterson tells Joe Rogan how the carnivore diet (eating nothing 
but meat) changed his life and the lives of his family. From The Joe 
Rogan Experience Podcast, JRE #1139. Full podcast - 

[FairfieldLife] Sacred Games

2018-07-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Netflix has this new crime drama series "Sacred Games" which takes place 
in Mumbai.  This is not your typical hokey Bollywood TV show and more 
like the excellent drama series we see coming out of Europe.  It's 
interesting to see how much Mumbai has changed since I was there.  In 
Hindi with subtitles and 4K if you have a 4K TV and Netflix 4K subscription.

[FairfieldLife] Re: [FairfieldLife] Director David Lynch: Trump ‘Could Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents in History’

2018-06-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Back around 1990 I bought Trump's "The Art of the Deal" board game for 
friends as a Christmas present. My friends always seemed to beat me at 
Monopoly but they couldn't with this game.  I think it was because the 
concept was simple and mainly you just blundered ahead and things came 
out okay.

So I had to look up yesterday the paradigms behind "The Art of the Deal" 
and principally it is just blundering ahead.  Now I don't consider 
myself a good businessman for one reason: I'm more like an attorney and 
seem to think of all the bad things that could wrong just blundering 
ahead.  But I know business people who just blunder ahead without 
thinking but somehow things come out right. Not good for ulcers.

Here's a video I watched yesterday with some famously rich CEOs talking 
about Trump's "Art of the Deal" and what they disagree with:

On 06/24/2018 10:58 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Sent from Mail  for 
Windows 10

Re: [FairfieldLife] Science says, therefore meditation is no good.

2018-06-18 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Scientists probably don't like to have a bowel movement without taking a 
study first. :-D

Think maybe we're getting a little obsessed with science? Meditation 
feels good to do and I don't need any studies for that.

On 06/18/2018 05:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Not much evident good so the NYTimes and Scientific American say..

scientific evidence is scant for many of the practice's widely touted 

[FairfieldLife] Meditation boost the ego?

2018-06-18 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Maybe they were looking at FFL archives. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Where Has Everyone Gone?

2018-05-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Mastering siddhis is just one step along the path.  There are many 
siddhis and perfecting them can take a long time.  Other systems have 
Sanskrit versions of the siddhis.  But enlightenment is the goal and 
some people accomplish that with just a little meditation.  TM is only 
one system of many.  In India if one guru's system doesn't work for you 
then you move on to another one.

On 05/20/2018 05:43 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


From what I've read,  MMY considered the TM Siddhi Program, especially 
the flying yoga, to be the top of the line in TM techniques.   He 
considered this to be better than the various advanced techniques that 
were offered to people who have learned the initial TM mantra.

I've heard of rumors that there are some TMers who have levitated and 
not hop as we commonly see in the public videos.  There were even 
rumors that there were some people who were able to walk through walls.

Personally, I would like to hear stories of some TMers who can tell us 
that they have seen MMY in their visions and what the TMO will become 
in the next few years.

---In,  wrote :

Folks splinted off to separate groups which are private unlike FFL or 
FFL-2.  This was never much a place for "true believers" anyway as the 
TMO has their own places for that.  TM to me became Yoga Lite after I 
became aware of it's limitations.  MMY not being an acharya sort 
limited what he could.  Those who wanted more moved on.

On 05/19/2018 08:20 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:


The rabble rousers have gone voluntarily or otherwise. Barry, the 
café poster,  was chased out of here by the women in the group a few 
years ago.  Judy and Anne left for having lost their favorite 
nemesis.  Emily from Seattle just recently became silent.  Rick 
Archer left to manage his BATGAP.  Curtis, the blues player, here 
left soon after his buddy, Barry, was sacked.  Bhairitu is still 
around but does not post as much.  There were others but I forget 
their names.  You may find them at Fairfield 2, the alternate place 
for those who don't like this place.  Someone here might be able to 
tell you their web address.  But I lost track.

 wrote :

This used to be a very active site.  It looks like it now has 5% to 
10% of the postings it once did.  Have people lost interest in this 
sort of group or moved on to others?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Where Has Everyone Gone?

2018-05-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Folks splinted off to separate groups which are private unlike FFL or 
FFL-2.  This was never much a place for "true believers" anyway as the 
TMO has their own places for that.  TM to me became Yoga Lite after I 
became aware of it's limitations.  MMY not being an acharya sort limited 
what he could.  Those who wanted more moved on.

On 05/19/2018 08:20 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


The rabble rousers have gone voluntarily or otherwise. Barry, the café 
poster,  was chased out of here by the women in the group a few years 
ago.  Judy and Anne left for having lost their favorite nemesis.  
Emily from Seattle just recently became silent.  Rick Archer left to 
manage his BATGAP.  Curtis, the blues player, here left soon after his 
buddy, Barry, was sacked.  Bhairitu is still around but does not post 
as much.  There were others but I forget their names.  You may find 
them at Fairfield 2, the alternate place for those who don't like this 
place.  Someone here might be able to tell you their web address.  But 
I lost track.

---In,  wrote :

This used to be a very active site.  It looks like it now has 5% to 
10% of the postings it once did.  Have people lost interest in this 
sort of group or moved on to others?

[FairfieldLife] "The Ashram" movie trailer

2018-05-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Available for rent online on iTunes, Amazon, VUDU, etc.

Not a documentary and I wonder if Kal Penn's character tries to sneak 
out of the ashram for some White Castle burgers? :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Water of Vittel

2018-05-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Seattle.  The name Bill Curry sounds familiar but we did have quite a 
number of TM teachers in the Seattle area.  The area was so successful 
in TM initiations that Maharishi sent a lot of teachers to Washington 
state in 1978 to make it a 1% state.  Maharishi even visited Seattle in 
the late summer for a meeting with teachers.  He actually had to do that 
covertly to avoid getting served for the lawsuit going on.

On 05/01/2018 09:04 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Were you a TM teacher in Seattle or San Francisco?  Also, did you know 
Bill Curry in Seattle?

---In,  wrote :

A news article of interest to those who like me had TTC there:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Another Netflix Documentary to Watch

2018-04-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The documentary is a couple years old and I don't remember seeing it 
listed on Showtime.  But he was running yet another tech company at the 
end.  BTW, here's the Netflix link:

On 04/20/2018 12:27 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

A few years ago he was on the run and was caught.  But I lost track of 
his escapades after that.  Where is he now, and what is he doing for a 

---In,  wrote :

You probably know who John McAfee is but did you know he was a former
TM'er? He even wrote books about meditation and siddhis while operating
a yoga and meditation center in Colorado. Interesting documentary:
"Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee"

[FairfieldLife] Another Netflix Documentary to Watch

2018-04-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
You probably know who John McAfee is but did you know he was a former 
TM'er?  He even wrote books about meditation and siddhis while operating 
a yoga and meditation center in Colorado.  Interesting documentary:
"Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Rajneesh Documenatary

2018-03-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
In the 1980s I was living back in my hometown in SE Washington.  Got a 
lot of news about Antelope and the commune.  One local man whose kids I 
grew up with was a produce broker and was enjoying a thriving business 
selling produce to the commune.  As a shortcut from the town to trips to 
California I would take Biggs junction south all the way down to I-5 at 
Weed.  That took me past the road that went to Antelope. By 1989 I just 
took the freeway all the way down to I-5 Portland which cut about an 
hour or more off the trip.

I will be watching the final episode (6) tonight.  It's been an 
excellent series.

As far as I can tell Rajneesh didn't come from any tradition and just 
made things up.  Here is a really good discussion on what tantra is 
supposed to be about on Pacifica radio.

On 03/20/2018 08:31 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

This is pretty  good so far.  I've watched the first episode and 
started in on the second.  I have lived in Oregon since 1993 and it's 
interesting watching and listening to the "survivors" of the situation 
from the local perspective.  Our local PBS station did a really good 2 
part documentary on the compound several years ago, but this goes 
above and beyond that.

I will probably watch another chapter tonight.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: most erudite Jyotishi on Trump

2018-03-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Which school (or interpretation) are you using?  Bhrigu astrology is 
supposedly the oldest system around.  One approach I've been playing 
with just uses Jupiter progressions and how it triggers life events when 
it conjoins or aspects the Sun, Mar and Saturn taken as malefics.  
Interesting how well that seems to work.  One caveat is that it seems to 
work if you take the rate of progress around 0.08 of a degree a day and 
not the actual position.  That to me says that like I've thought they 
used the planets as a calendar not as an influence.  The actual thing 
they were looking at was the influence of the Sun and Moon on earth as 
well as the Earth's own cycles.  Jupiter's return is roughly 12 years 
and solar cycles are 12 years.

On 03/19/2018 07:51 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Trump also has Rahu and the Sun in the 10th house  which cause him to 
have a turbulent career and troubled marriages as seen from Nadi 
astrology rules.

---In,  wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump fires Tillerson as Secretary of State

2018-03-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Depends on what kind of jobs?  401K improving?  Pension plans are 
already in trouble in many places including some state ones such as 
California.  Seems that many of the new jobs are low paying.  Third 
world America here we come.

What flavor is the Kool-Aid.  Cherry, Lime, Grape?

On 03/13/2018 12:43 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
As long as there are plenty of jobs,people's 401K's and pension plans 
keep improving, wages going up, bonuses offered, ISIS being defeated, 
I think the *show* will keep going on and receive the People's Choice 
Award for best economy ever..

On Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 2:17:35 PM CDT, 
[FairfieldLife]  wrote:

Trump appears to be running a reality show at the White House.  How 
long can he keep this up until the American turns off his show?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Dow Jones Goes Down by 650 points

2018-02-03 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Hiccup or knee jerk.  The Dow has been doing this for awhile.  It's a 
gambling den after all.

On 02/03/2018 01:05 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Nature is apparently  denying the benefits of Jupiter in Libra., which 
is the 11th house on the US natal chart.  Joni Patry, the  internet 
jyotishi, has predicted that the first half of 2018 would be good for 
stocks.  Is this only a hiccup?

Re: [FairfieldLife]

2017-12-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Very transcendent! :-)

The Microsoft of today is not the Microsoft of yesterday.  They don't 
test things very well these days or at all.  The public is expected to 
test. I develop software these days using their Visual Studio 
Community.  No QA there either and that's why they call it Community.  
It also looks like Microsoft wants people to go mobile and forget 
desktops and laptops.  Maybe Windows 11 will be a flavor of Linux.  It 
would sure solve a lot problems for them (the GUI would still be Windows 

On 12/22/2017 07:16 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Sent from Mail  for 
Windows 10


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FW: John Roberts is this weekend!

2017-12-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Often children and other relatives of aging boomers will want them to 
retire where they live so they don't have to travel distances if the 
aging senior becomes ill. We moved my mother from Washington state to be 
near my sister and me here in the Bay Area.

On 12/09/2017 06:10 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Actually I am staying put in meditating Fairfield, Iowa. It is way too 
much communal fun here to consider pulling up stakes, selling, or 
leaving for long.  I like well enough visiting other places but I am 
always glad on returning home to the community of meditating 
Fairfield, Iowa.

I forwarded this guy’s notice of selling his condo and leaving 
Fairfield. An old time initiator TM movement person going back to the 
late 1960’s and 1970’s courses with Maharishi.  This kind of thing is 
an alarming trend for the community here.

Serious trending..

This kind of thing is alarming, old TM'ers, initiators, moving
away with their resources. I was keeping a list of people I know,
old friends, who along with their means have decided in the last
little while to pull up stakes and move their home away from

John Roberts is this weekend!


---In,  wrote :


What country are you moving to?  If we may ask?

---In,  wrote :

*/Please forgive the impersonal nature of this announcement.  JR/*

*As some of you know, I am moving out of the country at the end of 
December. As such, I am selling my condo at Heartland Park, 
(Fairfield,Ia.) and I am emptying it of its contents. All of the big 
stuff (except recliner) has been sold. What remains is miscellaneous, 
including lots of nice kitchen items, some small appliances and some 
decorative items. My asking prices constitute real bargains. I simply 
have to get this stuff out the door. This weekend, I will have an 
indoor moving sale on Saturday and Sunday, from 9 to 4. My address and 
phone number as well as a description of some of the items are below. 
There's no junk - many useful things. Tell your friends, especially 
anyone who needs to equip a kitchen.*

*Lazy-Boy Rocking Recliner... Retail... $299... My Price...$75*

*Hoover Upright Vacuum.Retail $110... My Price... $39*

“*Thumper” Professional MassagerRetail... $319... My Price... $110*

“*Breadman” Bread MachineRetail... $159... My Price... $45*

*Treadmill (Pro CrossWalk Fitness Trainer)... Retail $599... My 
Price... $49*

*Champion Juicer... Retail $265... My Price... $36*

*All-Purpose Side Table/Storage Box w/Cushioned Seat... $39*

“*Seagull” Steel String Guitar... $129*

*Reverse Glass Painting “Lady in Kimono”... $39*

*Iron & Ironing Board... $25*

*VCR... $19*

*Water Distiller...$19*

*Rebounder... $33*

*There's more... Cookware, Dishes, Glasses, Utensils, etc. NICE STUFF!*

*/Sat/Sun Dec 9^th  & 10th from 10:00 'til 4:00/*

*/701 East Lowe Ave, #223/*

*/Left side, rear, top floor of 1st building in the Heartland Park 

[FairfieldLife] Yahoo Groups Problem

2017-11-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
According to what I've read on from users on Yahoo Groups is having a 
problem at the moment.  Some say that only the moderated groups are 
updating messages.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: : ) Seventh chords of happiness?

2017-11-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
A class on music theory might help.  If you build a 7th chord on the 5th 
step of a major scale you get a dominant 7th chord.  In the C major 
scale that would be a G7 chord of G B D F.  The 7th is a minor 7th in a 
dominant 7th chord.  But there's all kinds of alterations to harmony 
that can be made to make music more interesting.

On 11/16/2017 01:16 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

So, dominant 7th in C major:  G major chord + diminished 7th (F) ?? 
(prolly not... : /  )

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: : ) Seventh chords of happiness?

2017-11-15 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Nothing as stupid as scientists trying to figure out music.  About as 
stupid as them trying to figure out consciousness. :-D

Every composer knows how chord "color" effects their tune.  There was no 
mention of the dominant seventh chord just the major seventh chord and 
minor seventh chord.  And jazz likes to color stuff up more with 9ths, 
11ths and 13ths to make things more "out there."

On 11/15/2017 10:30 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


From what I saw on YouTube, Scandinnavia has its unique brand of 
playing lounge music, that is called "tafel music".  It actually 
sounds more like classical music.  Please, check out the tutorial by 
Gjermund Sivertson on YouTube.

Personally, music is now into using more tonal variations by the use 
of modal interchange as played by popular artists like Stevie Wonder, 
Michael Jackson and Alabama.

---In,  wrote :

 Major and minor sevenths were both more prevalent in happier songs 
the researchers report today in Royal Society Open Science. But there 
were some regional differences: Songs from Asia and Oceania tended to 
be more positive than songs from North America, whereas songs from 
Scandinavia tended to be more negative (thanks to the popularity there 
of darker genres like power and death metal, the researchers say). The 
study also found an overall decrease in positive music and lyrics, 
which peaked in the 1950s. But those good vibes may be making a 
comeback—since 2010, the “happiness score” of popular songs has been 
on the rebound.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Issue: Are all forms of meditation and relaxation the same?

2017-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Getting there is a process. But you can call it cream cheese if you 
like. :-)

On 10/28/2017 02:35 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I wouldn't call (paatañjala-)yoga a process. According to both Vyaasa 
and Bhojadeva yoga is samaadhi:

Bhoja: yogaH samaadhiH (~ yaw-gus samaadhihee)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Issue: Are all forms of meditation and relaxation the same?

2017-10-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Yoga IS the process of gaining control over autonomic nervous system.  
Left to it's own devices the autonomic nervous system can go out of 
whack causing disease.  By yoga I don't mean the asanas.  That's a dumb 
western misapplication of the term.  Yoga actually means "meditation."

TM is sorta the Comcast of meditation.

On 10/27/2017 02:41 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

TM seems to superb in reducing trait anxiety?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Scientists at CERN question why we exist

2017-10-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Ever do any of those crystal growing experience in a grade school 
science class?  The universe is much like that. That the universe is 
random and we have free will is an illusion.  Indian pundits figured 
that out centuries ago.

Or is this all depressing?  Well go ahead a live your life as if you 
have free will. It won't matter anyway.

On 10/26/2017 10:26 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Michio Kaku explains why.

Re: [FairfieldLife] America is a sports team??

2017-09-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
America is overly obsessed with sports. But of course ever since the 
Roman emperors discovered that "bread and circuses" kept their subjects 
from uprising governments have been doing same.

BTW, most Americans can't afford to attend a professional football 
game.  The tickets are too expensive.  So attendance is down.

On 09/25/2017 08:33 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Robert Longo: America is not a tribe, America is a sports team, and that's

why we are really dangerous!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Incense used in puja

2017-08-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Back in the 1970s many of the initiators in Seattle got incense from the 
Vedanta Society because the TMO was often out of incense.

On 08/31/2017 12:30 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

I was wondering if TM Initiators have to use a specific incense for 
puja.  I have noticed over the decades that the incense in the pujas 
I've been part of seem consistently the same type even though I have 
had many different teachers in different parts of the country perform 
the ceremony.

I've also noticed that the asian / indian markets in my area, of which 
there is an abundance, don't carry the type that would be appropriate 
for a TM puja.  The stores in my area offer sticks that are just too 
floral, even the sandwood.  Nothing is subtle.

Any thoughts?

Any brand recommendations and on line source markets for good incense.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Americans are turning against Trump

2017-08-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Not seen the recent videos of some of the people off the rails with 
hysteria?  Hysteria is usually a vata derangement.  They need some vata 
tea.  Helping people out of that chemical state is unifying.  But I 
suspect some of these folks with hysteria are vegans so it's going to 
take a lot more than vata tea to calm them down.

On 08/31/2017 04:43 AM, wrote:

calling others vata deranged, not grounded or unifying

Re: [FairfieldLife] Why Americans are turning against Trump

2017-08-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Seems we have a bunch of post election vata deranged people who call 
themselves "liberals".  If anything they're being used to tear the 
country apart.  Otherwise I think the grounded people from both sides 
could find some common ground to agree on.

On 08/30/2017 07:31 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Yet Michael Moore, the genius film maker, predicts that Trump will be 

Go figure.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 30, 2017 9:21 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Why Americans are turning against Trump

He is lustful, greedy, power hungry and angry.

These are the qualities that the latter chapters of the Gita have 
warned people of goodwill for millennias.  Srila Prabhupada used the 
term "demoniac" to describe these types of people.  Any questions? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump is Igniting Anger Over the Entire Nation

2017-08-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The country is collapsing anyway.  Read the warnings from the banking 
sector?  You could only keep this house of cards going for so long.  The 
big banks should have been left to fail in 2008 and we wouldn't have 
been in this mess. Trump can't do anything about it, Clinton either.  
It's just a train wreck happening in slow motion.  Either that or 
they'll pull a false flag to convince Americans we need World War III.  
Don't be fooled... again.

On 08/23/2017 05:37 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

It's time for him to resign.  Members of Congress cannot let him 
continue until the next election.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Language and drumming?

2017-08-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Trying scat singing to tunes.  The real process is getting what is in 
your head onto the keyboard or instrument.  Bebop is really more of a 
"feel" than anything else. There is a trick to leaving the end of a 
phrase on the offbeat which helps inspire the improviser for the next 
phrase.  Drumwise, improvising a solo on a keyboard can be compared to 
diddling over some scale tones.  On a dominant chord try a scale a half 
step above the major to get more tension and sound more jazzy.

On 08/20/2017 11:56 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

If you played the drums, you should be able to play bebop music well. 
 From what I understand, one is supposed to play the chord tones on 
the downbeat, and the non-chord  or passing tones on the upbeat.  Rick 
Beato at You Tube has an excellent tutorial for playing bebop. style 
during solos.  However, this idea is opposed to the concept of 
appogiatura which requires playing non-chord tones on the down beat. 
 But a good musician should be able to use the appogiaturas like salt 
and pepper in one's music repertoire.

---In,  wrote :

Haven't played "Connecticut Half Time" since my high school days.  
What's wrong with their performance? They did okay.  They're playing 
it at a more traditional slower tempo while if you watch the West 
Point Hellcats version they play it faster.  The back end of that 
piece though gets really tricky.

On 08/20/2017 04:22 AM, hepa7@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I wonder, how much does ones native language affect ones drumming?

Two supposedly Finnish (might well be Swedish speaking, tho) guys 
trying to play Connecticut Half Time.

It sucks?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Language and drumming?

2017-08-20 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Haven't played "Connecticut Half Time" since my high school days.  
What's wrong with their performance? They did okay.  They're playing it 
at a more traditional slower tempo while if you watch the West Point 
Hellcats version they play it faster.  The back end of that piece though 
gets really tricky.

On 08/20/2017 04:22 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I wonder, how much does ones native language affect ones drumming?

Two supposedly Finnish (might well be Swedish speaking, tho) guys 
trying to play Connecticut Half Time.

It sucks?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Jyotish Council's Tips for Eclipse

2017-08-17 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I've posted elsewhere some of the silliness on the west coast as the 
California state power authority issued a request for citizens to reduce 
their use of power during the eclipse due to reduced solar power 
generated. The effect of the eclipse on solar power generation should be 
about the same as a cloudy day.  And they don't issue notifications 
every cloudy but lets not give them any ideas. :-D

On 08/16/2017 06:06 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I've been listening to shortwave radio since I was around 10 years 
old, and one of my fave shortwave religious kook broadcasters is 
Brother Stair, the Last Day Prophet of God. His cult compound is in 
Canadys SC, just barely inside the path of totality. He's holding a 
special gathering for the eclipse.

---In,  wrote :

Coincidence that the totality of the eclipse traverses the Bible-belt?

Repent sinners! Some will be on their knees. Some in lotus.

, > wrote :

Right now, the weather forecast is calling for partly cloudy skies 
along the path of totality in Missouri. I'm gonna keep an eye on it 
and figure out where I'll drive to. The best bet is a 13 hour drive 
out to Casper WY, but I'm not up for that. I may drive 6 hours out to 
Nebraska if it'll make for clearer skies.

, > wrote :

A whole slew of meditators from Fairfield, Iowa
are going to be right on the line of Totality
for the eclipse down at Arrow Rock, Missouri.

, > wrote :

Om, a question: Would staying inside your car 'indoors'
with the doors closed, count as okay?

, > wrote :

JULY 31, 2017

Points regarding the Solar Eclipse on August 21

We have received several emails asking about recommendations from the 
Maharishi Jyotish^SM Council for appropriate activities during the 
upcoming solar eclipse on August 21.

Recommendations from the Maharishi Jyotish Council

*1. It’s recommended to not begin important projects or special events 
on this day, as Nature will not be as supportive.* The most 
life-supporting activities recommended during an eclipse are those 
which bring the attention inward.

*2. It’s better to stay inside during the time that the eclipse is 
visible where you are.* You can find out when that is by visiting 
entering your city and state. In Fairfield, it is from 11:45 am to 
2:37 pm.

3. According to the knowledge of Maharishi Jyotish, the planet Surya 
(Sun) is cosmically connected to digestive fire and Chandra (Moon) to 
the assimilation of food. *So it is recommended to not take food 
during the approximately 3-hour period from start to finish of the 
solar eclipse.*

Thank you to the Heaths, Frieders, and Isquiths in the USA Maharishi 
Jyotish Offices for all of their guidance.

With best wishes,

Jai Guru Dev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Data on the Adverse Effects of Meditation and Mindfulness Study reports on the less-examined findings of difficult and pa

2017-07-16 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The problem is that meditation is often taught wrong.  Other paths often 
just use meditation as a utility, you meditate when you fee like or 
need.  Advice from my tantra guru was, "if you don't feel like 
meditating then don't as nothing will be gained."  Meditation in general 
is used as a tool to calm the sympathetic nervous system, the part of 
the autonomic nervous system we use for activity.  Once calmed the 
thoughts which the sympathetic system triggers slow or stop just leaving 
an experience of pure consciousness.

But also keep in mind that one person's meditation technique may not 
work for another person.  Though many may need calming other may need 
stimulation.  Ayurveda recognizes this and that's why there are 
different mantras for each dosha.  Gurus would often observe a student 
and give them an appropriate mantra for their constitution.  And some 
paths give a student a mantra for calming and one for stimulation, use 
as needed.

On 07/16/2017 04:48 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*So claims the DSM..*

*Treatment of depersonalization disorder*

There is no single cure for depersonalization disorder; rather, there 
are various approaches to treating the disorder and managing symptoms. 
Psychotherapy and medication are the most common treatment options for 
depersonalization disorder, either in isolation or combined.

..prognosis for many sufferers is positive. With the correct diagnosis 
and effective treatment, many patients can expect to regain control 
and re-establish a sense of self and connection to their surroundings.

The treatment suggested will depend on various factors 

cardemaister writes:

..mentioning years ago that sometimes her ..feelings
are quite flat (or something to that effect) after doing YF.

I tend to agree. In my case it might primarily be the contrast between
the mahaa-videhaa (great bodylesness; YS III ~ 44) experienced during 
YF as opposed to the feeling of being imprisoned in this mortal coil 
"outside" YF.

---In,  wrote :

As a pilot study.., Good problem definitions.  This person has thought 
long and hard about this.

Now needs more than a surveying of 60 persons to be able to say much 
about it.

---In,  wrote : 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

That's why FFL stands for "Funny Farm Lounge". :-D

On 07/13/2017 07:34 PM, wrote:

you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself 
with this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

Re: [FairfieldLife] Can the Human Brain be Improved?

2017-07-06 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Heh!  What have yogis been doing for centuries?  These idiots who fancy 
themselves scientists are going about brain improvement the wrong way.  
I have this vision of a "Twilight Zone" episode that takes place in the 
future where Ray Kurzweil has managed to merge himself with a machine 
and is begging people to turn the machine off because he finally is 
tired of living.  Of course everyone is ignoring him.

On 07/05/2017 08:34 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

This is the question that propels adherents of the transhumanist 
movement.  But at the fundamental level, the human brain appears 
capable of transcending itself to unite with the absolute.  So, why is 
AI, nanotechnology and other scientific gadgets necessary to improve 
the human brain?  What do you think?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Mon 26-Jun-17 00:15:10 UTC

2017-06-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
You are witnessing the transition of Yahoo to Verizon.  Last week emails 
would time out and it would take several attempts for it to post.  These 
always said resources were not available and try later.  That's not the 
way it worked under Yahoo when there was a problem.  But it may have 
been that Verizon engineers were implementing fixes to bugs that have 
long existed (not that I'm a big fan of Veri$on).

However I would remind people, especially those with AT&T email and 
their legacies like SBCGlobal that you can't use those for Groups login 
after Friday.  Actually they wouldn't let me log in last week with my 
SBC Global account.  HOWEVER, my Yahoo account was set up long before I 
had AT&T as a broadband provider.  Some of you may have forgotten that.  
It may well be that emails will still work but the web will require 
logging in through the master account which I logged into last week to 
read Group posts on the web.

Obviously AT$T continuing to use Yahoo as a mail provider would be 
consider a "conflict of interest" with Veri$on running it.  Some of my 
other groups even use my own company email instead of SBC email.

I still think this is going to cause a lot of confusion and anger.

On 06/26/2017 06:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Seems to depend also on the browser, Yahoo and the computer OS. I 
notice that after pushing the 'send' button the processing of the post 
out of my computer can take some moments.  I suspect that switching 
right away within the tab to look at something else may goof up the 
process between computer and Yahoo. What is composed as a post it 
seems can  get dropped in a 'crack in the coherence' of the process. 
'Copy and paste' edits is a safe way for content and then linger a 
moment to let the programs run after pushing 'send' and then moving on.

---In,  wrote :

OK, Yahoo must have eaten it then. The Post Count says 4 but only 3 
have appeared.

---In,  wrote :

Nope.  Things can be slow with Yahoo.
In my own posting I do aggregate scattered replies back in to a thread 
to be able to forward a consolidated link on to others to read context.

---In,  wrote :

Did you delete my last post?

---In,  wrote :


FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups (FFL) receives an ongoing flow of 
applicants for membership. The request for new membership evidently 
includes a mix of meditators, initiators, alumni of various aspects of 
the larger ™ community and others. Sometimes journalists, authors, or 
scholars come researching FFL too.

Most simply lurk the conversations from the home page of FairfieldLife 
and may never post openly to the group.

For instance, this request for membership came in:

My husband and I are sidhas living in MN ... we come down to FF at 
least once a year to visit family and friends and do some rounding. 
 We have been with TM since the 70's.

This membership request requires your approval because the

FairfieldLife group is restricted, which means you must

approve each new member.

---In,  wrote :

Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 06/24/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 07/01/17 00:00:00
34 messages as of (UTC) 06/25/17 22:03:37

14 dhamiltony2k5
7 hepa7
5 Sal Sunshine salsunshineiniowa
4 feste37
1 rajawilliamsmith
1 j_alexander_stanley
1 Dick Mays dickmays
1 Bhairitu noozguru
Posters: 8
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
That's "indirect" participation.  Lots of people do that.  Direct 
participation would make you a capitalist.  If you lived back in the 
late 1700s you probably would have been in favor of staying a British 
colony.  There are many shades of collectivism and some like to say 
"communism is an interesting idea that has never been tried."  Lenin 
told Armand Hammer two years after the 1917 revolution that it was 
already failing.  Of course many so-called "communist countries" are 
really dictatorships.  And some countries like Cuba and Venezuela have 
problems because of US intervention and sanctions driven by greedy 
industrialists who want to get their hands on the resources there.

On 06/23/2017 04:01 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Actually, I am. My UPS pension is heavily invested, as are most 
company pensions.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2017 12:42 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

Only part of Mike's definition is correct. Most people confuse 
capitalism with free enterprise.  Not many people are against free 
enterprise.  It allows you to work for yourself.  If the government 
puts hurdles in your way then it is good to remember you are part 
owner of the government and demand some change.  You can fight city 
hall as I learned many, many years ago.

I doubt that Mike participates in capitalism.  I have.  I was a 
stockholder.  I helped take a company public.  That's a whole 
different ballgame than just free enterprise. Wall Street is also a 
gambling den.

Bill Gates was an accidental billionaire.  If Gary Kildhall had 
decided meet with IBM who wanted to buy C/PM it might have been a 
different story.

Yes, the trend is toward small business.  Look at the big box stores 
closing.  And you've both Walmart and Amazon automating.  I have a 
Walmart one mile away.  Recently I needed a new refer water filter.  
They had it on the shelf for $45 but online for $32 but with this 
little note "pick it up today".  So what you do is order online and 
they send you an email it is ready to pick up which it was in a couple 
hours.  The clerk at the pickup station told me that Walmart wants to 
encourage ordering online so they give the better price there.  Last 
year they listed a 55" 4K TV for $428.  It was not to be found on the 
floor so I asked and the clerk told me to order online.  I did and 
that afternoon was able to go over and pick up.

As for small business, our downtown is under mass remodeling and 
gentrification.  Much of the deserted shops are being remodeled to 
accommodate two or three smaller shops.  A pizza slice place recently 
opened targeted $5 lunches.  Next door a frozen yogurt place has 
opened. Millennials have discovered this town as an affordable place 
to buy or rent.  When I go to the park around the corner it is filled 
with millennial moms with their kids.  Bad thing is the commute these 
people must do for work due to the narcissistic nature of the tech 
founders that like their kingdom under one roof when they could have 
satellite campuses (as the company I worked for in the 1990s had).

Biggest mess that many governments have gotten themselves into was 
offering pensions that pay in retirement what the worker had as a 
salary. Now tell me how that is supposed to work?  It can't and now 
they're finding out.  Pension benefits were never meant to be that large.

On 06/23/2017 10:13 AM, 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
The dirty secret I mentioned to my friend the Chinese Premier Li 
Keqiang in my long conversation with him on my shuttle bus years ago 
before he was Primer, was "You have to be a millionaire to be a 
 There is so many details in the operation a service or 
production of something its impossible for government to organize 
effectively, the notion of an entrepreneur putting it all together 
for his own benefit is more efficient.  But Bill Gates one of the 
wealthiest people in the world say iit is not efficient enough "we 
need government research to make the needed break through "Bill 
Gates has developed  a more mature vision and I am proud of him. 
And I am proud of the many Millennials   who want to buy fair trade 
goods , local food and all that. Mostly it seems when folks 
complain about the "capitalist system" they are complaining about the 
undharmic individuals causing some sort of disadvantage in there 
concerned society. Of course the Indian system of dharma helps 
society meets its needs through business, duty and charity,  our 
health care system is in dire need of some dharma, we are evolving  
towards the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Only part of Mike's definition is correct.  Most people confuse 
capitalism with free enterprise. Not many people are against free 
enterprise.  It allows you to work for yourself.  If the government puts 
hurdles in your way then it is good to remember you are part owner of 
the government and demand some change.  You can fight city hall as I 
learned many, many years ago.

I doubt that Mike participates in capitalism.  I have.  I was a 
stockholder.  I helped take a company public.  That's a whole different 
ballgame than just free enterprise.  Wall Street is also a gambling den.

Bill Gates was an accidental billionaire.  If Gary Kildhall had decided 
meet with IBM who wanted to buy C/PM it might have been a different story.

Yes, the trend is toward small business.  Look at the big box stores 
closing.  And you've both Walmart and Amazon automating.  I have a 
Walmart one mile away.  Recently I needed a new refer water filter.  
They had it on the shelf for $45 but online for $32 but with this little 
note "pick it up today".  So what you do is order online and they send 
you an email it is ready to pick up which it was in a couple hours.  The 
clerk at the pickup station told me that Walmart wants to encourage 
ordering online so they give the better price there.  Last year they 
listed a 55" 4K TV for $428. It was not to be found on the floor so I 
asked and the clerk told me to order online.  I did and that afternoon 
was able to go over and pick up.

As for small business, our downtown is under mass remodeling and 
gentrification.  Much of the deserted shops are being remodeled to 
accommodate two or three smaller shops.  A pizza slice place recently 
opened targeted $5 lunches.  Next door a frozen yogurt place has 
opened.  Millennials have discovered this town as an affordable place to 
buy or rent.  When I go to the park around the corner it is filled with 
millennial moms with their kids.  Bad thing is the commute these people 
must do for work due to the narcissistic nature of the tech founders 
that like their kingdom under one roof when they could have satellite 
campuses (as the company I worked for in the 1990s had).

Biggest mess that many governments have gotten themselves into was 
offering pensions that pay in retirement what the worker had as a 
salary. Now tell me how that is supposed to work?  It can't and now 
they're finding out.  Pension benefits were never meant to be that large.

On 06/23/2017 10:13 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The dirty secret I mentioned to my friend the Chinese Premier Li 
Keqiang in my long conversation with him on my shuttle bus years ago 
before he was Primer, was "You have to be a millionaire to be a 
 There is so many details in the operation a service or 
production of something its impossible for government to organize 
effectively, the notion of an entrepreneur putting it all together for 
his own benefit is more efficient.  But Bill Gates one of the 
wealthiest people in the world say iit is not efficient enough "we 
need government research to make the needed break through "Bill 
Gates has developed  a more mature vision and I am proud of him. 
And I am proud of the many Millennials   who want to buy fair trade 
goods , local food and all that. Mostly it seems when folks 
complain about the "capitalist system" they are complaining about the 
undharmic individuals causing some sort of disadvantage in there 
concerned society. Of course the Indian system of dharma helps society 
meets its needs through business, duty and charity,  our health care 
system is in dire need of some dharma, we are evolving towards the 
natural dharma system of course. Who will lead the Yagyas?

---In,  wrote :

Oh I know the definition, and most don't have it right (as well as the 
definition of communism).  I wanted to see how you define and I think 
I've corrected you several times. Are you actually a capitalist?

On 06/22/2017 07:25 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... 
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Capitalism is an economic system based on free enterprise,
private ownership, investment, production and distribution of
goods and services at market force pricing and competition.
The term came about in the 1850's  or the beginning of the
industrial revolution.
But then you could have looked up the definition on- line.

*From:* "Bhairitu noozguru@... 


*Sent:* Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

Define capitalism and how long it has been around.

On 06/22/2017 06:34 PM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Oh I know the definition, and most don't have it right (as well as the 
definition of communism).  I wanted to see how you define and I think 
I've corrected you several times. Are you actually a capitalist?

On 06/22/2017 07:25 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Capitalism is an economic system based on free enterprise, private 
ownership, investment, production and distribution of goods and 
services at market force pricing and competition.
The term came about in the 1850's  or the beginning of the industrial 

But then you could have looked up the definition on- line.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:01 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

Define capitalism and how long it has been around.

On 06/22/2017 06:34 PM, Mike Dixon 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Fact:Capitalism has generated more wealth that is shared by more 
people than any other system on earth, at any time.
Fact:Capitalism has raised the standard of living of more people on 
earth than any other economic system.

So rich people are sociopaths, eh? Geeez, that doesn't sound prejudice.
BTW, what defines *rich*?

*From:* "" <> 

*Sent:* Thursday, June 22, 2017 4:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

try to show the slightest shred of evidence for what you claim.
On the contrary, capitalism rewards sociopaths, thats who gets rich.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Define capitalism and how long it has been around.

On 06/22/2017 06:34 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Fact:Capitalism has generated more wealth that is shared by more 
people than any other system on earth, at any time.
Fact:Capitalism has raised the standard of living of more people on 
earth than any other economic system.

So rich people are sociopaths, eh? Geeez, that doesn't sound prejudice.
BTW, what defines *rich*?

*From:* "" 
*Sent:* Thursday, June 22, 2017 4:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

try to show the slightest shred of evidence for what you claim.
On the contrary, capitalism rewards sociopaths, thats who gets rich.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Interesting, the link took me to's news page.  I had to use a 
"Private" Firefox browser to get the actual Yahoo article.  Looks like 
Groups is going to be really messed up.  Might want to find another 
forum host.

On 06/22/2017 11:50 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Trump has specifically stated why he wants rich people to run the 
nation's economy. So, Jimmy Carter may be right in saying why 
Americans voted for Trump.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-12 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

So did you all forget your FFL-2 logins?

On 06/10/2017 08:09 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Again, the investigations are not complete and as such the evidence 
has not been released to the public.

Here are some possibilities in the event that "collusion" is proven.

---In,  wrote :

So tell us what they have uncovered. What laws were broken and what is 
the evidence that involves Trump or his campaign?

*From:* "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Saturday, June 10, 2017 12:54 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

Again, not possible that you would know ahead of the conclusion of the 
investigation(s) in progress. (The operative phrase here is *in 
progress.*)  Are you really trying to tell me that you are basing your 
conclusions on what the couple of people that have provided public 
testimony have said so far?  Seriously?  You are livin' in a 

These investigations, however, can be broken down into three categories:

  * First, the intertwined Justice Department investigation, now led
by a special counsel, into the ties between the Trump campaign and
Russia and, reportedly, the possible cover-up.
  * Second, the investigations led by the House and Senate
Intelligence Committees, which are broadly looking at Russian
intervention in the 2016 election.
  * Third, the Senate Judiciary Committee and House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee have been looking into former National
Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s conduct specifically — and have
recently expanded their inquiry to the circumstances surrounding
former FBI Director James Comey’s firing.

---In,  wrote :

When I say *everyone* , I'm referring to the heads of the various 
agencies that have been leading the investigations and are in a 
position to know, that have testified. Clapper , Comey and a few 
others last week all said there is no evidence of Collusion or 
Obstruction by Trump and that he was *not* a target of their 
investigations.. Now of course CNN  et al will find some anonymous 
source or sources that can't be questioned to say otherwise.

*From:* "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Friday, June 9, 2017 11:39 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

Again, not the case.  "Everyone that has been involved" has not said 
any such thing.  You do not know who all has been involved, because 
the investigations have not concluded.  Have we heard from Bob Mueller 
yet, for example? Have we heard from the different congressional 
investigations that are *ongoing*?

It seems that your information sources are divorced from reality and 
reflecting a one-sided illusion that you have bought into and are 
parroting here.

I did not say at any time that I was certain there is a crime or that 
there isn't a crime that has been committed. What I said was that 
"more will be revealed" and that we do not know what the pattern of 
evidence will show, yet.  I am not a lawyer and neither are you.

Yes, we will see..

---In,  wrote :

I do know that everyone that has been involved has said there is no 
evidence of tampering or collusion. If you are so certain that there 
was a crime, what was the crime and what is the evidence? We've all 
been waiting to see or hear.

*From:* "emily.mae50@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Friday, June 9, 2017 9:37 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] The Dismantling of Trump

Again, you are coming to summary conclusions before the investigations 
have completed.  You have no idea what the pattern of evidence will 
show in the end or what all the evidence is.  You are just caught up 
in the grind of watching the daily "soap opera."

---In,  wrote :

Comey never said Trump committed *obstruction of justice*. There is no 
evidence of obstruction, or collusion with the Russians as stated by 
Clapper, Comey and others that were interrogated by congress just last 
week. Zero, Zip, Nada!
When Trump told Comey that he *hoped* he would let Flynn off or go, 
Comey took it as an instruction. That is his personal view which is 
purely subjective. The English language dictates that is a hope for an 
outcome. Not illegal or a dictate.
If John is referring to Al Green as the congressman righting up 
articles of impeachment, the man is a fool like Maxine Waters and 
Sheila Jackson Lee. H

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Depends on what creative means they invent to the prop up the economy.  
More countries (including India and China) want to move away from the 
dollar.  Whatever it will be at the expense of the poor and middle class 
what remains of it.

On 06/10/2017 07:34 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

I've been predicting a split in the Union for years now.
However, I don't see a handful of states succeeding at secession.
As soon as the government benefit checks stop coming nuff said.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Saturday, June 10, 2017 9:07 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

Maybe we'll be in for something like the Spanish Civil War with 
complete anarchy.  Whatever is going on it isn't working for the people.

On 06/10/2017 06:05 PM, Mike Dixon 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

LOL, *keeping hope alive*!

*From:* ultrarishi  

*Sent:* Saturday, June 10, 2017 1:17 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

Trump is done and it is just a matter of time.  The Republicans are 
going to try to ride out the bad optics of the situation so they can 
get as much of their corporate and billionaire overlords' agenda 
through, but they will cave to impeachment eventually. My reason for 
this is that they are tanking in the polls are have shown their true 
colors to enough of their constituents that they will lose the 2018 
election if they don't impeach Don John.
It's probably too late for their party, but they will impeach him 
before the end of next summer so that they don't look complicit and 
salvage the November election as much as possible.  If they want to 
hold onto as much power as possible, then the Republicans will need 
to impeach him. I think this because I believe enough damage will be 
done to Pence as well, that Ryan will become 46. Otherwise, they face 
the nightmare that losing the 2018 election will put Pelosi in as 
Speaker, because the Democrats take the house and they will impeach 
Trump and Pence and she will be our first female president.

On another note, Comey did not say obstruction of justice.  He said 
the matter is to be decided by the Special Prosecuter.

[FairfieldLife] Oath Groups?

2017-06-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
In case you didn't know Verizon is slated to take over Yahoo this week 
and change the name to Oath.  Will you be taking the Oath?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Maybe we'll be in for something like the Spanish Civil War with complete 
anarchy.  Whatever is going on it isn't working for the people.

On 06/10/2017 06:05 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 

LOL, *keeping hope alive*!

*From:* ultrarishi 
*Sent:* Saturday, June 10, 2017 1:17 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

Trump is done and it is just a matter of time.  The Republicans are 
going to try to ride out the bad optics of the situation so they can 
get as much of their corporate and billionaire overlords' agenda 
through, but they will cave to impeachment eventually.  My reason for 
this is that they are tanking in the polls are have shown their true 
colors to enough of their constituents that they will lose the 2018 
election if they don't impeach Don John.
It's probably too late for their party, but they will impeach him 
before the end of next summer so that they don't look complicit and 
salvage the November election as much as possible.  If they want to 
hold onto as much power as possible, then the Republicans will need to 
impeach him. I think this because I believe enough damage will be done 
to Pence as well, that Ryan will become 46.  Otherwise, they face the 
nightmare that losing the 2018 election will put Pelosi in as Speaker, 
because the Democrats take the house and they will impeach Trump and 
Pence and she will be our first female president.

On another note, Comey did not say obstruction of justice.  He said 
the matter is to be decided by the Special Prosecuter.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Dismantling of Trump

2017-06-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Many folks are probably in CC by now and don't need to close their eyes 
to experience the transcendent. ;-)

On 06/10/2017 02:59 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Noteworthy that you all return surfacing to a spiritual forum for 
reflection in such times of turmoil. Are you all meditating regularly 
now also?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Scandals

2017-05-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I think a lot of this is just cultural differences.  We expect "holy 
men" to behave to "preconceived notions" of the west.  Heck, Catholic 
priests don't even behave to the notions folks have.  You've been to 
India so you understand the cultural gap.  For one thing you have a 
country where prostitution is more or less legal. Or like Dr. Robert 
Svoboda said in his interview with Rick, that holy men are celibate 
until the opportunity arises and after that they are celibate again at 
least until the next opportunity arises.  Same in dealing with money in 
a poor country.  See a chance to make millions selling mantras and they 
go for it.

On 05/24/2017 12:06 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
Yeah, I read the book . Muktananda wrote about an experience of a real 
*boner* in meditation.
LOL, I've had an experience that he mentioned in his book. He had a 
cobra bite him in meditation, just an experience.
I've had cobras slither out from under my meditation chair. Some of 
the only times that I've *lifted -off*. In fact you could peel me off 
of the sealing.
Just an experience. According to Muktananda, seeing a cobra in 
meditation, indicates something with the kundalini.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 24, 2017 1:48 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Scandals


There was a guru ( believe it was Muktinanda) in the past who wrote in 
his book that he had an unusual experience of having a very hard 
erection during his meditation.  Maybe MMY had this experience as well 
but did not tell his TM disciples.  But I could be mistaken.

---In,  wrote :

So...tell us what is mostly *untrue* or *inaccurate* about #15.
*Attempted rape* sounds over the top(but maybe not, depends on how Mia 
found it).

The Beatles did get pissed and left over the incident.

*From:* "srijau@..." 
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 23, 2017 8:23 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Scandals

number 15
this article is more than 2 years old.
it is mostly untrue or inaccurate
you are officially a troll

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: Easy Thefts

2017-05-21 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Even the California DMV and CHP recommend that people make a copy of the 
registration then blot out their address info on the original before 
putting it in the car.  I've done this for several years since it the 
ploy was revealed.  Also make sure nothing else in the car has your 
address on it.  OTOH, if they did know my address they would stop once 
at the house seeing the security cameras I have installed.  Those are a 
very good investment and make thieves pass up your house.

On 05/21/2017 12:27 PM, William Leed [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Some people left their car in the long-term parking at San Jose while 
away, and someone broke into the car. Using the information on the 
car's registration in the glove compartment, they drove the car to the 
people's home in Pebble Beach and robbed it. So I guess if we are 
going to leave the car in long-term parking, we should NOT leave the 
registration/insurance cards in it, nor your remote garage door 
opener. This gives us something to think about with all our new 
electronic technology.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The amazing story of Suzanne Segal

2017-04-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
As I've mentioned before on FFL, I had a kundalini experience about 3 
1/2 years before learning TM.  It left me disoriented for months but 
gradually got back on my feet. The experience was a result of using a 
very simple meditation technique out of a book on yoga.

On 04/27/2017 07:45 AM, 'My Enlightenment Delusion' [FairfieldLife] wrote:

@steve.sundur We agree on many points, but not on everything. In the 
TM movement, I learned that we shouldn’t doubt our experiences. In 
retrospect, I think that I and some other TMers who had kundalini-type 
crises would have benefited from doubting our experiences. I think it 
would have been nice to know that over-whelming spiritual experiences 
may not be what they seem. For more on kundalini crises

As another TM teacher framed it, “I saw God and all Hell broke loose.”

Re: [FairfieldLife] Health Issue Solved

2017-04-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 04/22/2017 02:30 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

As mentioned in my earlier posts, I've had health complaints that 
appeared to be arthritis.  But the doctor concluded that my complaints 
were not due to arthritis, and stated that his readings showed I have 
high blood pressure.

Jyotish Explanation:

I'm undergoing a one year period of Saturn using the Brighu Saral 
Paddati Method in Jyotish.  Saturn is placed in the third house 
causing painand stiffness in the right arm and right thigh.  In 
addition, Saturn is placed in the nakshatra of the Sun, which is 
placed in the first house.  As such, this is causing the high blood 
pressure in the body and inflammation of the muscles. Also, Mars, the 
significator for the muscles, is rather weak due its placement in the 
12th house and to combustion or nearness to the Sun.  In total, the 
effect of these astrological factors is causing an arthritis-like 
symptoms in the arm and leg.  These factors may also be causing the 
double vision in my eyes, which is an indicator that the muscles in 
the eyes are NOT coordinating properly to maintain normal vision.

Solution:  Take a high blood pressure pill to reduce the hypertension. 
 And, take bufferin or acetomenophen, to reduce the pain and 
inflammation.  Take an ayurvedic herbal pill to keep the muscles 
flexible.  These are definitely cheaper than asking a Hindu priest to 
perform a yagya or puja for Saturn.  Here in the SF Bay Area, the 
price for the ceremony is $200.

Interesting because I probably know more meditators (including myself) 
who are likely to suffer from hypotension.  More salt for us.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey, Bhairitu

2017-04-12 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 04/11/2017 09:42 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Of course consultations are at SF Bay Area prices but some offer 
workshops which are a good idea.  I had several workshops with Dr. 
Robert Svoboda.  Unless you can afford to keep an vaidya on a leash 
it's good to learn as much as you can about it yourself.  It was 
actually set for that. Your health problems can range from chronic to 
one day and when you do a consultation it's a snapshot of how you are 
at the moment.

From this episode, I'd have to say I'm experiencing muscle stiffness 
of  the arms and thighs that appears like arthritis, but a western 
trained doctor says it isn't.  I'm glad that it isn't.  But I'll 
continue taking the ayurvedic herbal tablets to loosen up the muscles, 
and do a reasonable amount of exercise for good health.

Probably the colder damp spring we're having in the Bay Area. It hasn't 
been this way in years.  Again if you took some workshops you'd know 
what to look for and what to including things that you may already have 
in your kitchen cabinet.  You may need something warming to get things 
moving.  Actually our regional cuisine can be good for that. :-)

According to Brighu Saral Paddati, another jyotish method apart from 
Parasara and Jaimini, this episode of my life should end by midsummer 
2017 when this current period of Saturn ends.  Amen.

On 04/10/2017 09:58 AM, Bhairitu noozguru@...  
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Did you try entering "ayurvedic practitioner san francisco" in
Google?  You'll get three locations with websites showing.  Check
them out and try to get reviews before doing an appointment. There
are a lot more around the SF Bay Area.  Also you could search for
"arthritis like symptoms ayurveda".  Is it inflammation or
stiffness?  Those relate to having a deranged dosha, inflammation
can be pitta and stiffness vata. All according to what you are
prone to constitution wise.

On 04/10/2017 09:37 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Do you know of a good ayurvedic doctor in SF Bay Area?  My
current allopathic doctor said said that I don't have arthritis,
but he doesn't seem  to know what it is.  But from jyotish
perspective, it is clearly due to Saturn in my third house,
although I did not mention that to the doctor.  In the meantime,
I've taken amrit kalash to fix my health issue this morning.
 We'll see if this will help.  Also, a puja or yagya for Saturn
might help.  I might have to call the Hindu Temple in Mountain
View, CA to help me out.

A few years ago, I attended the puja they performed for a friend
of mine.  It was a long ceremony that was attended by many of her

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey, Bhairitu

2017-04-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Of course consultations are at SF Bay Area prices but some offer 
workshops which are a good idea.  I had several workshops with Dr. 
Robert Svoboda.  Unless you can afford to keep an vaidya on a leash it's 
good to learn as much as you can about it yourself.  It was actually set 
for that.  Your health problems can range from chronic to one day and 
when you do a consultation it's a snapshot of how you are at the moment.

On 04/10/2017 09:58 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

Did you try entering "ayurvedic practitioner san francisco" in 
Google?  You'll get three locations with websites showing.  Check them 
out and try to get reviews before doing an appointment.   There are a 
lot more around the SF Bay Area.  Also you could search for "arthritis 
like symptoms ayurveda".  Is it inflammation or stiffness?  Those 
relate to having a deranged dosha, inflammation can be pitta and 
stiffness vata. All according to what you are prone to constitution wise.

On 04/10/2017 09:37 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Do you know of a good ayurvedic doctor in SF Bay Area?  My current 
allopathic doctor said said that I don't have arthritis, but he 
doesn't seem  to know what it is.  But from jyotish perspective, it 
is clearly due to Saturn in my third house, although I did not 
mention that to the doctor.  In the meantime, I've taken amrit kalash 
to fix my health issue this morning.  We'll see if this will help. 
 Also, a puja or yagya for Saturn might help.  I might have to call 
the Hindu Temple in Mountain View, CA to help me out.

A few years ago, I attended the puja they performed for a friend of 
mine.  It was a long ceremony that was attended by many of her friends.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Hey, Bhairitu

2017-04-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Did you try entering "ayurvedic practitioner san francisco" in Google?  
You'll get three locations with websites showing.  Check them out and 
try to get reviews before doing an appointment.   There are a lot more 
around the SF Bay Area.  Also you could search for "arthritis like 
symptoms ayurveda".  Is it inflammation or stiffness?  Those relate to 
having a deranged dosha, inflammation can be pitta and stiffness vata. 
All according to what you are prone to constitution wise.

On 04/10/2017 09:37 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Do you know of a good ayurvedic doctor in SF Bay Area?  My current 
allopathic doctor said said that I don't have arthritis, but he 
doesn't seem  to know what it is.  But from jyotish perspective, it is 
clearly due to Saturn in my third house, although I did not mention 
that to the doctor.  In the meantime, I've taken amrit kalash to fix 
my health issue this morning.  We'll see if this will help.  Also, a 
puja or yagya for Saturn might help.  I might have to call the Hindu 
Temple in Mountain View, CA to help me out.

A few years ago, I attended the puja they performed for a friend of 
mine.  It was a long ceremony that was attended by many of her friends.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump Launches Missiles Against Syria

2017-04-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

You two been practicing your Russian? Better bone up if you haven't. ;-)

On 04/07/2017 12:08 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
I still am! I'm saying the main stream media has created a monster for 
many. They created the image that many have of Trump to justify why 
people should back Hillary. They are stuck maintaining that image or 
eat crow. The image they are trying to cultivate is Hitler takes the 
White House and it's their patriotic duty to lead a resistance.
Trump hasn't scared anyone, while the mainstream media has the world 
scared shitless.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Friday, April 7, 2017 9:43 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Trump Launches Missiles Against Syria


I thought you're a Trump fan.  Why the change of view?

---In,  wrote :

The Russians knew the missiles were coming and did nothing about it 
before they were launched.
The American media has convinced Putin that Trump is a freaking nut 
job, mentally unstable and dangerous to fuck with. I don't think Putin 
is going to draw any *lines* in the sand.

In fact, I think he'll get out of the way.
Same with North Korean leadership below Un. They know he's a freaking 
nut and don't want him going against an American freaking nut, 
hundreds of times more powerful.

*From:* "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" 
*Sent:* Thursday, April 6, 2017 11:12 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Trump Launches Missiles Against Syria

This act may not deter the Assad government.  He's challenging the US 
to do something against him knowing that the Russians are supporting 
him.  He's thinking the US will not dare to start a world war over a 
Syrian conflict.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How to Grow the Most Flavorful Tomatoes

2017-03-31 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Ayurveda came from a country in the tropics.  I once asked an Indian 
vaidya at a group meeting of his clients if he found people in the west 
like Europe and the US different to treat.  His eyes lit up as he said 
"yes" and the next sound was of jaws dropping from his clients.  Cold 
drinks are also not recommended but medical research shows they have no 
actual effect on digestion.  An Indian friend once mused that Americans 
were so pitta that ice water had no effect.  I also had fun asking for 
"garma pani" at Indian restaurants. That's Hindi for "hot water".

On 03/31/2017 10:17 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Om no, Alex. You may be throwing your Dome meditation


I too have read that tomatoes are considered part of the night shade 
family of plants and are inflammatory by nature. As such, tomatoes are 
not recommended for people with arthritis or those with pitta 
personalities or body constitution.

status on the hard rocks of the Dome badge guidelines with this. 
  Publicly bringing Misra in here, a competing system to the Rajas’. 
 Our movement ‘administrative state’ works this place to sieve out 
members who would promote other systems.

“We have some questions we should like to ask you..”

---In,  wrote :

Tomatoes are, of course, a nightshade, and some vaidyas strongly 
advise against eating them. Vaidya Mishra has a following in 
Fairfield, and here's his take on nightshades:

---In,  wrote :

Pink Peony

Excellent article,
but we top it with vedic knowledge,
and create vedic organic tomatoes,
which will nourish also the finer levels
& support our development into enlightenment ...



Pink Peony

Paperless Post 
	Yahoo Mail 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yahoo is Acting Funny

2017-03-30 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Let's see how well emailing to the group is working.  It's 1:15 PM PDT.  
Here is the link to the Yahoo Groups Help forum:

On 03/29/2017 08:51 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Yup, I occasionally notice a post I make is slow to show up.
There is a lot of updating of browsers and operating systems going on.

Now, I have to use Google Chrome to get in FFL.  Seems like Yahoo is 
slow in improving its architecture performance.

I get different performance between different devices.

Using the FFL webpage home interface seems good on pc and mac laptops 
using chrome and mozilla but can vary with updating that goes on.
Seems awkward to navigate and compose on iphone screen. I was in 
Austin, Tx over the weekend and an iphone worked okay to be a read 
device of the form.  These forums are relic of a different time in 
social media.

---In,  wrote :

I can't post as easily in here anymore.  Something is wrong with their 
system.  also, I'm noticing that the Yahoo mail doesn't flag those 
emails that you've already answered.  What's going on?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Photon Rockets to the Stars

2017-03-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Wouldn't it be funny if the speed of light was different at different 
places in the universe.  I would probably cause our scientists brains to 
explode. Humans probably understand very little of reality anyway.

On 03/27/2017 10:14 AM, Rick Archer 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Rupert Sheldrake says the speed of light actually slowed by about 
20km/second for a period of about 15 years, but scientists brushed it 
off as inaccurate measurement. Yet it was replicated around the world.


*Sent:* Monday, March 27, 2017 11:44 AM
*Subject:* RE: [FairfieldLife] Photon Rockets to the Stars

Personally I believe you can travel through future time going slowing 
than the speed of light. Of course how ever sends you there, you 
couldn't report back.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

2017-03-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
And there's nothing wrong with experiencing the kriyas. It really is 
unstressing but not well understood in TM.  It's just the shakti pushing 
blockages away.

On 03/26/2017 11:12 AM, 'My Enlightenment Delusion' [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Thanks for your post. Congratulations on your navigation through 
kriyas and kundalini!

Kriyas are what TM teachers used to call “movements in meditation”. 
Surprisingly, TMers, other Eastern spiritual movements, and even 
Christian Charismatics have kriyas. There is a hilarious YouTube video 
put to a Jerry Lee Lewis tune that shows the gyrations/kriyas of 
Charismatic Christians. The video is entitled “Whole Lotta Shakin' 
Goin' On! Holy Roller Style!” and is at

From my book describing kriyas during instruction in the TM-Sidhi on 
levitation:“Some participants had rather violent head movements, the 
torsos of some shook like dogs throwing off water from a bath, others 
had their backs locked in an arch, and others had spontaneous 
vocalizations of screams, barks, and nonsense syllables.”

Re: [FairfieldLife] My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

2017-03-23 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The first time I tried meditation, out of book, kundalini rose and 
filled my head with light as if I was in the center of the sun.  It left 
me disoriented for months.  I was only expecting some mild relaxation 
and not what I got.

On 03/23/2017 02:38 PM, 'My Enlightenment Delusion' [FairfieldLife] wrote:

To me, a kundalini crisis is an overwhelming mind-body experience 
caused by spiritual practices.
Many spiritual movements speak of the kundalini energy center and its 
role in enlightenment. It is a fairly common conception that a huge 
burst of energy from the kundalini center can create an overwhelming 
experience akin to mania.
I don’t think I ever heard Maharishi speak of kundalini, but I had 
conversations with other TM teachers about kundalini over the years. 
Here is a link to a transcript of Maharishi speaking about kundalini 
in 1968

Here is an excerpt from my book:

The most scientific description of kundalini crises that I have found 
is in the 1992 book, /The Kundalini Experience/ by Lee Sannella, M.D. 
Sannella interviewed people who had come through kundalini crises. He 
came up with 4 categories of experience: motor, sensory, 
non-physiological, and interpretive.

As *motor*phenomena, Sannella listed kriyas and unusual breathing 
patterns. Under *sensory*phenomena, he listed tickling sensations, 
heat and cold sensations, inner light, inner sounds, and pain in the 
eyes, head, spine, or elsewhere. Under *non-physiological* phenomena, 
Sannella listed out-of-body experiences and psychic perceptions.

As *interpretive*phenomena, Sannella listed both positive and negative 
feelings that could be experienced with much greater intensity than 
usual such as ecstasy, love, cosmic harmony, fear and confusion. He 
stated that the thinking process could be speeded up or inhibited. The 
mental experience could be detachment, hysteria, a state akin to 
schizophrenia, or the delusion of having been divinely chosen.

Here are my symptoms which match Sannella’s descriptions:

●When my kundalini crisis began, I had tingling all over my body. It 
felt like a continuous, small electric shock sensation which was 
pleasant and exciting.

●I had extreme feelings of joy and thankfulness that seemed to be 
related to my thoughts that I was enlightened. When I had delusions 
about achieving even higher states of consciousness, I would 
subsequently be so ecstatic and so thankful that I would start to cry.

●All of my feelings were experienced with greater intensity than 
usual. When I spoke, I spoke like a fire-brand preacher. My voice 
almost became raspy as if I had been yelling at a sporting event.

●I thought I had earned a special relationship with God and nature.

*From:* Archer Angel [FairfieldLife]
*Sent:* Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:36 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] My Enlightenment Delusion - new book

I am rather curious about this. What is a kundalini crisis?

Some people do have trouble with TM's effects, everyone has a 
different nervous system, and some have problems, and the movement 
does not always handle these things well.
Unlike some systems TM does not have any real qualifications for 

For example to study Vedanta you might be required at the outset to have:

  * an open mind
  * a reasonable mind
  * a discriminating mind
  * a dispassionate mind
  * a disciplined, observant mind
  * a sense of self duty
  * forbearance, motivation, and devotion to the goal
  * a certain level of critical thinking but not overly critical
  * a temperament for overcoming obstacles
  * a proper teacher and good fortune to have and find these

TM lets in all kinds of people with few restraints, but as a result a 
lot of crazies get by who are not prepared for what can happen. The 
path to enlightenment is not all bliss. It can get very very gritty.
I think a lot of people get in who have a lot of strange beliefs and 
propensities that then go off the rails when they start having unusual 
experiences, or begin to experience heavy unstressing.
TM, while it talks of unstressing, it does not really prepare people 
for how intense it can be, and you need to have mental tools to handle 
what comes up.
I do not think most people really realize how screwed up they are 
before they start to meditate, especially if they get it in their 
bonnet that they are now on the fast track to enlightenment, they then 
presume too much about their progress.
A lot of meditators are still just close to being qualified by the 
criteria above after meditating for half a century.
That TM is easy to practice is deceptive in the sense that it alone 
cannot prepare one for some very strange experiences. That ease of 
practice does allow a lot of people to be taught, but a lot of 
concerns that can come up get swept under the rug, and TM teachers are 
not traine

Re: [FairfieldLife] First Trillionaire May Be an AI Entrepreneur

2017-03-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/14/2017 05:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We're now in the era of the Brave New World, as Huxley envisioned many 
years ago.  Supposedly, the keen thinkers will be valued more than 
those who specialize in physical labor since the machines will start 
taking over most of the jobs in the world.  But IMO world governments 
will have to keep some people in some form of labor intensive work 
along with machines to make the people occupied and satisfied in their 

Uh no, it's supposed to be going the other way: more leisure time.
 But there will be others who can specialize in the other facets of 
life such as teachers, doctors, musicians, farmers and more likely 
farmhands from Mexico, or immigrants and refugees coming in to this 

But there will be some Americans who would waste their time in drugs 
and psychedelic drugs.

And why do people do this?  They are looking for an alternative 
experience.  Some to escape pain or others just to have a wild mental 
experience. Some of these people need to learn why they do it and why 
they don't need drugs.

 and there's an opportunity for others to find themselves in 
meditation and enlightenment to discover how Nature operates in peace 
and peak efficiency and bliss.  In other words, there's an opportunity 
to realize heaven here on earth.

Yeah, it's really heaven right now isn't it? :-D

---In,  wrote :

We don't need any trillionaires. For that matter we don't need any 
billionaires.  The economy is totally screwed up and lopsided.  This 
must change soon!

On 03/14/2017 02:11 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Cuban also said that in the future philosophy majors will be more 
rewarding than programmers or CPAs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] First Trillionaire May Be an AI Entrepreneur

2017-03-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
We don't need any trillionaires. For that matter we don't need any 
billionaires.  The economy is totally screwed up and lopsided.  This 
must change soon!

On 03/14/2017 02:11 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Cuban also said that in the future philosophy majors will be more 
rewarding than programmers or CPAs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Sun is Good for Clear Vision

2017-03-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Hey! We're back to good California weather and maybe lower PG&E bills.

The Sun provides vitamin D and there as a correlation between that and 
helping eyesight.

On 03/11/2017 02:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

There is a rule in ayurveda that states the sun can improve weak 
vision.  Today is a sunny day in SF, so I tested this rule to see if 
it works.  The morning started out with my usual double vision.  So, I 
started doing garden work at the garden out in the sun.  A few minutes 
later I noticed that the garden statues and ornaments in the yard 
started to look clearer.  So, I drove my car to have lunch at an 
Indian restaurant a few blocks away and I could see well enough to 
drive through the streets fairly safely..

So, I learned that being out in the sun doing some activity is good 
exercise and necessary to maintain good vision.

This principle ties in with a certain eye exercise to improve vision. 
 The exercise is called the swing.  It requires one to swing the body 
back and forth with the legs as the center or the fulcrum of the 
swing.  This is supposed to improve vision which needs dynamic 
activity to engage the eyes with the environment.  IOW, being in a 
static position is not good for clear vision.

So, IMO the sun is good for vision since it encourages the body to 
move around and engage with the environment.   However, the sun may 
not be as beneficial to lay outside to sun bathe. So there you have: 
the ayurvedic principle is very sound and practical.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

2017-03-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The process described is like what is taught in "remote influencing" as 
researched by people like Ingo Swann and his students as well as 
researched by the military.  And they warn against it because one could 
accidentally take on the bad traits of the target.  A lot of this stuff 
is actually very simple but people would have never thought to try it.  
It's true use was to help someone, generally helping them feel better.

These methods were not part though of my tantric training which used 
siddhis.  Influencing there was only to be used as a defense method.

On 03/11/2017 01:07 PM, 'Rick Archer' 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Who is this?: recently watched Rick Archer let one NPD'ed hang out to 
dry in his Batgap interviews

And this?: From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of encounter with 
him, this scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes people around 
and puts them into other people’s bodies.  Bad.  This guy facilitates 
that, he is like a black magician.”


*Sent:* Saturday, March 11, 2017 2:33 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He 
said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

More from the FF Satsanga,

“..The obsession with #1 ‘spiritual’ experiences is opening people up 
to this. Consciousness meditation aside, people are looking for 

“..Someone in the Dome was sharing, giving experience about this guy 
as a  #1 experience.  From the spiritual sexual tantra kind of 
encounter with him, this scandalous man, this ne'er-do-well, .. takes 
people around and puts them into other people’s bodies.  Bad.  This 
guy facilitates that, he is like a black magician.”

“On the Humboldt courses, one of Maharishi’s Brahmacharyam came 
trotting directly out into the lecture hall confronting someone.., 
  “Don’t you ever do that!” for crossing over into other people’s 
minds and thoughts.”

, > wrote :

As a melting pot or crucible, Fairfield,Iowa has long been a crossroad 
stop on the spiritual circuit that draws seekers, and want-to-be 
‘teachers’, lecturers, and gurus.

*In Conversation more recently of the Fairfield Coffee Haus Satsanga:*

/“..He says, “I know what I am doing, I am the Guru, I am a master”, 
very bold,   “I am the one, I will help you,  I will do this for you, 
I do this out of love and to inform you.  Let me do this for you.”/

/Apparently he spends so much time in this astral realm that he has 
real difficulty in living. /

/He has got these people that he engages in with this spiritual sex, 
it is extremely highly charged and errotically charged with these so 
called unity experiences and then he creates this kind of dependency 
that is predation. He is doing it to men and women, there is a part of 
it that is monstrous.  You can see why they felt their only recourse 
was to shut down./

..When you hear language like that it is time to turn around and look.


, > wrote :

The Spiritual Ego,

Unprepared for if and when it occurs,

it is very seductive someone saying,  “I am a powerful one”, “I can do 
it for you”, and “I am a guru”.

, > wrote :

Yep, interesting observation about the cultural gap.  A cultural 
difference for Indian Gurus and such coming to the West might be that 
behavior is not just ‘karma’ but also judged by or held up to T/he 
Golden Rule/ and the first amendment (bill of rights) of the US 
Constitution, cultural sensibilities about ethics and morality that 
are not tempered in the same way as elsewhere.

*emichael108 adds:*

maharishi said once:

*you can do what you want,
but you have to bear all the
consequences of your doing.*

Eustace writes:

(of Bikram..) There is not question about the guy's narcissism, I 
think, however, that there is the issue of the culture gap here. He 
wouldn't have imagined that the jury would try to bankrupt him for 
issues that were not even criminal. But this is the United States...

 I always thought that Maharishi was wise to establish his base in 
Europe. You never know what they might have found even on him.

My 2 cents.


/..words do inflict psychic, emotional and sometimes lead to other 
kinds of injuries./

, > wrote :

It is okay that folks understand what happened, that process prevailed 
and people are in better place now to make better use of their talents.

Hopefully the US Constitution can withstand the gaslighting 
narcissisms of its President no

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Statistical Fact: new Maharishi Meisnner-like Effect article published

2017-03-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Shaktipat is actually quite easy as some of the folks who learned it 
form the traveling gurus who visited Fairfield and taught it was well as 
those who went to India to learn it from another traveling show.  I 
learned from my tantra guru. However there are some qualifications for 
giving it out and avoiding depleting one's self of shakti.

As I have said before, we were taught to give out beej mantras (the "a" 
is silent in Hindi) because they don't actually require activation.  The 
puja probably helps.  Some people might not get results but even with 
the puja some people did not get results.  I also know someone who got 
shaktipat and the Shiva mantra at a Muktananda SYDA center and had no 
results. He was even from a spiritual family (parents were 
Rosicrucian).  So mileage may vary.

TM didn't keep up with the times.  Back in the 1960s folks were used to 
going to courses in evenings (starting a 8 PM not 6 PM). But nowadays a 
simpler weekend course should suffice which what other paths do.

On 03/02/2017 04:40 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thx, (somebody put in "Meissner-like").  That's a good thing, since 
the actual Meissner effect is an observable electromagnetic field.

Wasn't the "ME" previously called the "Maharishi-Effect"?  How ridiculous!

But I suppose that Meissner-like is ok with the "like" qualifier; i.e. 
an unobservable Shakti effect that people can feel especially when 
radiated by certain Gurus (like Muktananda)  through "Shaktipat".

Instead of attempting to appropriate a sense of scientific validity by 
using scientific jargon, just call it what it is:  Shakti.

Anybody meditating over a relatively short time should have developed 
in internal "Shakti meter" than enables them to discern the Shakti, 
especially when the Shakti is highly concentrated (such as the Domes 

Since I've never been in a Dome, I can't testify to that, but I've 
been in other places such as the 'Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood.

On another topic, tampering with TM in an attempt to make it more 
"palatable" to those unfamiliar with it, may easily backfire.  Since, 
if one eliminates the puja in a bogus attempt to say that TM has no 
religious roots, a major source of Shakti is eliminated.

Simply learning the mantras from a book will eliminate the Shakti 
altogether, although a small remnant may remain in certain mantras 
such as "OM NAMAH SHIVAYA"., and the Shakti may be magnified by tuning 
into the Youtube presentations of experienced Pundits chanting that 
and other mantras.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Movements and their relationship to Social Justice.

2017-03-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The point is that TM and yoga in general is all about natural solutions 
to problems. GMO is like instead of "would you like some fries with that 
steak" becoming "would you like some steak in your fries."  GMO was a 
bad solution to a problem.  It's good to read up on the history of 
Monsanto who could easily bring about the end to life on this planet by 
destroying the natural food chain all to benefit their own profits.

Singularity is of no benefit to mankind other than a novelty item or a 
way to help people who have lost their limbs due to accident, etc.

On 03/01/2017 09:41 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Bhairitu brings here a substantial observation towards.. The active 
anti- GMO stance of the Transcendental Meditation meditating movement.

What is the TM movement doing aggravating its farm neighbors and 
farmers generally provoking this anti-gmo controversy where the TM 
movement’s primary mission purpose as a spiritual regeneration 
movement has been advocating for people to learn meditation? Is TM as 
a movement becoming something else?

Of TM?

Bhairitu writes: I can't imagine that an organization who dislikes 
GMOs would favor anything resembling the unnatural such as "The 
Singularity".  434045

---In,  wrote :

A spiritual renewal movement that aligns itself with, or allows itself 
to be aligned with, particular social positions both alters itself in 
so doing but is drawn away from its initial stance, at least in the 
eyes of potential adherents, and thus both attracts those interested 
in the social policy position rather than the spiritual aspect or 
repels people who would otherwise have been attracted to the spiritual 
aspect but can’t “cotton to “ the policy position.

For instance, one way or another being known for some social action 
position, like organic, vegetarian, and non-GMO food, or known for its 
spiritual practice, is the TM movement or are TM ‘ers themselves a 
social justice or spiritual renewal movement?  A problem with the TM 
group being known for mundane social action positions is that social 
activism can redefine the group differently from its origins of being 
a spiritual regeneration movement promulgating Transcendentalism 
through transcendental meditationist practice.

As with the early Quaker movement moving on from a more narrow 
spiritual regeneration in promulgated collective meditation practice, 
what once began in time as identified spiritual regenerative movement 
then transformed over towards facilitating social reform.  Current 
organizations (21st Century) within a reforming post-founder TM 
movement foster a relevance for themselves through advocacies in 
revolutionary education, health, food safety, agricultural, 
architectural, and GMO public policy reform. As this happens in 
spiritual revival groups, is this transformation a formula in dilution 
of what was originally gathered?

Discerning between spiritual community and political activism: walking 
a line between spirituality or pacifism, anti-slavery, anti-war, or 
anti-GMO activism,

in spiritual regeneration movements a position of policy rooted in 
methodical abstinence from mundane political opinion on social issues 
is not without example.

During the Vietnam war years as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was traveling 
the world giving spiritual talks and teaching meditation, in the West 
he would generally refrain from particular advice or partisan 
consultations about the Vietnam war as to whether young people should 
be drafted or not into the armies to fight in the Southeast Asia war 
or as to their seeking conscientious objection in pacifism as a 
deferment from the war.


Initially Quaker (Society of Friends) founders facilitated a spiritual 
practice movement of meditation and, for instance, were neither a 
movement for abolitionism or pacifism as they have later become well 
known for in their narrative. Partly for their own safety within a 
larger society an early consideration within their fledgling group 
that it was not necessarily their place as a spiritual practice 
movement to be advocating social, political or worldly position but 
that they were primarily a spiritual practice group, of ‘Friends’.


For some time Quaker founding generations were conservative in this 
position of not being antagonizing to the world around them in mixing 
their primary work of regenerating spiritual practice with particular 
secular advocacy. This was weighed with practical expediency and 
conscience with their working as a broader public teaching 
organization. The workings of social conscience that Quakers are now 
more readily known for came subsequently into the being of their 
movement to become very much part of their current spiritual/religious 
practice. These encroachments would come to their movement in time.


Initially Quakers were more strictly a spiritual practice group of 
meditationism and their social action

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Increase Pentagon Budget

2017-02-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The US economy has been on life support for years especially since the 
bank bailout.  They used "quantitative easing" to cover it up. That can 
no longer be done. Trump can't do much about it.  Neither could have 
Clinton. Sanders might have had a way or just made it clear to begin 
with that the crash was coming.

At the end of the 1970s we had it right.  Downsize and live 
realistically.  The bumper stick "live simply so others can simply 
live."  These days it's more like "live simply so you can simply live."  
Then Reagan came along and screwed things up.

On 02/28/2017 06:54 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

My feeling is that vanity projects like going to Mars are going to get 
dumped pretty quickly as the American economy spirals downward under 
the Republicans.  They are directing essentially all cash into the 1% 
and killing any safety net.  What has been outsourced or shipped 
overseas will never returned.  Immigrants who make our food cheap 
because of their exploited labor will not be around so crops will go 
to waste unless Billy Bob gets off his lazy, NASCAR ass and works.

Welcome to Rahu's Shit Show.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Increase Pentagon Budget

2017-02-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Also his supporters were against "wars of empire" and the military 
industrial complex running things.  So we see he's already been co-opted 
by the military industrial complex.  "Endless war, endless profits" is 
their motto.  We need to do a yagya for their destruction. ;-)

On 02/27/2017 09:43 PM, ultrarishi wrote:

It's also a bogus jobs program.  Since we DO manufacture defense 
weapons here this becomes a reinvestment in the stateside economy.  
Unfortunately, it pretty fucking sad that all we make are instruments 
of death.

'Murica:  Morally Bankrupt.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Singularity will Happen within 30 years: Japanese Tech Billionaire

2017-02-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I can't imagine that an organization who dislikes GMOs would favor 
anything resembling the unnatural such as "The Singularity".  Spiritual 
people do not fear death, only the ignorant do.

On 02/27/2017 10:50 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Spiritually speaking, the personality that you have as a human person 
will be duplicated if you copy your neurons to be the basis of an AI 
machine.  IOW, you will have the same incentive to live and be happy, 
using the criteria of a human being.  You would like to live forever 
as a machine.  And, you will prevent others from killing your present 
self--albeit a machine one.

---In,  wrote :

I have this idea for a "Twilight Zone" kind of episode where Ray 
Kurzweil achieves his "singularity" and then is begging people to turn 
off the machine he's in.  Of course people ignore him. :-D

Would you really want to as live part machine?  These people are still 
very ignorant despite their overstimulated intellect and they fear death.

On 02/27/2017 07:17 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ray Kurzweil is not the only one thinking of this possibility.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Singularity will Happen within 30 years: Japanese Tech Billionaire

2017-02-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I have this idea for a "Twilight Zone" kind of episode where Ray 
Kurzweil achieves his "singularity" and then is begging people to turn 
off the machine he's in.  Of course people ignore him. :-D

Would you really want to as live part machine?  These people are still 
very ignorant despite their overstimulated intellect and they fear death.

On 02/27/2017 07:17 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Ray Kurzweil is not the only one thinking of this possibility.

[FairfieldLife] Re: [FairfieldLife] Elon Musk’s Secret to Staying Calm Under Pressure: Transcendental Meditation

2017-02-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

So that explains some of the weird ideas he has.

On 02/27/2017 11:01 AM, Dick Mays [FairfieldLife] wrote:

“He’s a guy who loves TM, he loves his meditation 
 to reset and rebalance.”

Musk is not the only high profile business leader who uses 
Transcendental Meditation for its proven results in business. Tim 
Ferriss, author of The 4 Hour Work Week interviewed over 200 
world-class performers for The Tim Ferriss Show and discovered that 
more than 80% of them were using meditation to get better results in 

Ferriss himself does Transcendental Meditation and said,

“I find that meditation is very very helpful for avoiding anxiety and 
it’s the reset button for the rest of the day… it’s basically a warm 
bath for your brain.”

Speaking about Transcendental Meditation, Mark Heath chairman of the 
Brighton meditation  centre said,

“TM is a very simple, natural, effortless technique that easily allows 
the activity of the mind to settle down, giving anyone access to 
increased creativity, energy and providing them with a calm, centred 
state of equanimity from which they can make better business decisions.”

About Transcendental Meditation:

Transcendental Meditation is the most widely practised and extensively 
researched programme of meditation in the world and has been learned 
by over 5 million people in over 100 countries worldwide. The 
Transcendental Meditation organisation encourages and supports 
independent academic institutions to carry out scientific research 
into the benefits of Transcendental Meditation and its advanced 

Media Contact:
Frances Knight
Transcendental Meditation Brighton 
Tel: +44 7976 214373
Brighton, UK

Re: [FairfieldLife] Use Google Chrome to Sign In to Yahoo

2017-02-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
As you know Yahoo was breached three years ago and they only recently 
acknowledged it and told users to change their passwords.  Problem is 
their software is broken and people are finding their changes don't 
work.  Very, very stupid programming.

I don't know of any sinkholes over here.  I know there were some in the 
south bay as well as some bad flooding down there.  Around here we worry 
about potholes, more a result of lack of funds since they need to fund 
oversized pensions they granted to city workers.  Richmond is going 
bankrupt trying to do that.  Those pensions should have never been 
offered like that.

On 02/22/2017 03:37 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Yes, changes happen very quickly in the internet business.  As users, 
we need to keep abreast with the companies in the purchases and sales 
of these websites.  Otherwise, we'd get lost very quickly

On another note, I hope your town has been spared the floodings and 
sinkholes that occurred due to the heavy rain in Northern California.

---In,  wrote :

Welcome to Verizon Groups or will it be AOL Groups?  Verizon has 
decided to purchase Yahoo after the price was reduced $350 million.  I 
do Yahoo Groups via mail most of the time but to read a group on web 
yesterday I was confronted with the login again though it worked as 
usual.  This even though I had logged in a few days before.

On 02/22/2017 01:21 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had trouble signing in to my yahoo account this morning.  I had to 
use Google Chrome to get into yahoo.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Use Google Chrome to Sign In to Yahoo

2017-02-22 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Welcome to Verizon Groups or will it be AOL Groups?  Verizon has decided 
to purchase Yahoo after the price was reduced $350 million.  I do Yahoo 
Groups via mail most of the time but to read a group on web yesterday I 
was confronted with the login again though it worked as usual.  This 
even though I had logged in a few days before.

On 02/22/2017 01:21 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I had trouble signing in to my yahoo account this morning.  I had to 
use Google Chrome to get into yahoo.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Emergency Evacuation in California

2017-02-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Sikhs to the rescue!

On 02/14/2017 05:54 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
 Refugees would just need to obtain valid/current Dome badges to live 
in the Ideal Life Village listed below.

I don't know, they do some pretty extreme vetting to get one of those.

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Monday, February 13, 2017 9:22 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Emergency Evacuation in California

We certainly have facilities for accommodation, we could easily 
welcome practicing meditators from California who are evacuating away 
from the floods there.

  “Send to us your tired, your poor,
  Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
  The wretched refuse of your teeming shores.
  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to us:
  We lift our lamps to you beside the golden Fairfield, Iowa Domes.”

habla Espanol?
Actually our meditating community here is quite an international 
community. Cosmic-politan. adjective

familiar with and at ease in many different countries, places and
cultures of the universe.

Bhairitu writes:

Last I heard 200,000 people had packed up and were headed for Houston. ;-)

---In,  wrote :

California refugee evacuees can get on Interstate 80 there in 
Sacramento and drive East to Fairfield, Iowa.

It is four-laner Interstate highway the whole way to Fairfield, Iowa now.

---In,  wrote :

Flight connections are good to Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Quad-Cities, 
and Peoria.

Amtrak runs from Sacramento to very nearby Fairfield, Iowa.

---In,  wrote :

Look at the maps.. What they are not saying is
that Yuba City and Sacramento are right next in the path
of the devastation after Oroville when that dam cuts loose.

---In,  wrote :

Accommodating an emergency move?
Fairfield, Iowa has great public schools, a diversified economy, 
fabulous public accommodations for recreation and the arts, good 
access to world class healthcare, active farmer’s markets in locally 
grown produce, and wonderful and active spiritual practice communities.

---In,  wrote :

Immediate, Comfortable and affordable accommodations in Fairfield, Iowa..

---In,  wrote :

They could evacuate immediately to Fairfield, Iowa.

We already have established a FEMA trailer camp retrofit and updated 
here awaiting to receive people looking for a better life.

Fairfield, Iowa will be high ground in times to come, relatively 
benign, and relatively safe for some long time as a place for global 
climate change refugees.

---In,  wrote :

Thousands are evacuating the Oroville and Marysville area due to
problems at the Oroville dam. Live newscast out of Sacramento:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Emergency Evacuation in California

2017-02-13 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Last I heard 200,000 people had packed up and were headed for Houston. ;-)

On 02/13/2017 05:52 AM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] 
OMG! You mean Gov.Moonbeam might have to *aks* for federal aid from 
President Trump?

Well there goes secession.

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*To:* FairfieldLife 
*Sent:* Sunday, February 12, 2017 8:05 PM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Emergency Evacuation in California

Thousands are evacuating the Oroville and Marysville area due to
problems at the Oroville dam. Live newscast out of Sacramento:

[FairfieldLife] Emergency Evacuation in California

2017-02-12 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Thousands are evacuating the Oroville and Marysville area due to 
problems at the Oroville dam.  Live newscast out of Sacramento:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2017-02-11 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I got through about half of it so far. Warning, the narrator 
mispronounces some of the Sanskrit terms and I don't think the 
filmmakers were all that knowledgeable of that tradition.  Still an 
interesting watch.

I signed up for 4 devices on my Netflix account which gives me 4K on my 
4K TV.  I enjoyed "Santa Clarita Diet" in extra crispy 4K and I'm 
watching the second season of "Daredevil" in 4K. I have "Zero Days" on 
my watchlist.

If you are familiar at all with southeastern Washington, the movie "The 
River Thief" was shot in Lewiston, Moscow, Pullman and Clarkston. It's a 
good little indie film that got a low reviews because people thought it 
was "Christian" movie but I didn't get that out of it.  Sure, the 
"grandpa" played by Tommy Cash (Johnny Cash's younger brother) is a bit 
"churchy" but that is typical of eastern Washington and Idaho and often 
we would roll our eyes at such people.

On 02/11/2017 11:16 AM, ultrarishi wrote:

Thanks for the tip on the Naga documentary on Netflix. I'll give it a 
look.  They sure gave it a brutal 1 star rating, but I'll still 
watch.  I like to see programming of this nature.

Lately, I have been watching a ton of documentaries on Netflix, 
amazon, and Showtime.  2 on showtime that were fascinating was Zero 
Days about the Stuxnet Virus and Spycatcher:  CIA in the Crosshairs.  
Cause for some sleepless nights.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2017-02-10 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Good one Xif.  I was watching the documentary about Nagas on Netflix and 
the Nagas were despising "mantra sellers."

On 02/10/2017 04:25 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Conscionable = Dharmic?

 I'm still trying to figure out how/where King Tony became rich enough 
to purchase a beach-front property in FL.

Bull_market.gif - (4K)

The definition of unconscionable = doing something you know to be 
wrong?  Doesn't make sense.  ISIS killers are performing A-dharmic 
acts that they believe are right. Belief or unbelief in an action 
doesn't dictate the degree of Conscionable-ness.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Senator Called Trump a Fascist,

2017-02-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Contana can be annoying sometimes. Here's what happened on my block on 
Tuesday (second half of the KGO TV report):

Mother nature must have won the lottery and is paying off her debts all 
at once.

On 02/09/2017 11:47 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In,  wrote :

You can't do anything except stay at home with this rain.  At least, 
it's not a snow storm like they're having back east.  Cortana says 
it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.  She's a cool machine...almost an AI.

---In,  wrote :

Never a dull moment with the Donald in office.  US will probably 
collapse come spring.

Keepin' dry?

On 02/09/2017 07:28 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

and said "come after me", daring Trump to destroy his career.

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Senator Called Trump a Fascist,

2017-02-09 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Never a dull moment with the Donald in office.  US will probably 
collapse come spring.

Keepin' dry?

On 02/09/2017 07:28 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

and said "come after me", daring Trump to destroy his career.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Priest Advocates Suicide

2017-02-02 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
It wasn't a video but discussion from the JyotishList years ago by a 
member who had learned of the 81 year system.  Of course there are lots 
of "systems" in Jyotish as astrologers figured out methods other than 
the traditional that also provided results.

Strauss-Howe Generational Theory which I've mentioned here a number of 
times is the one about 80 year cycles.

On 02/01/2017 08:33 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

This priest has become like the Muslim teachers that develop people 
like ISIS.  But we don't know how long he stays as a priest before his 
bishop or superior finds out about his ideas.  I don't know who's 
worse.  He or the child molester...No, I haven't seen any Nadi 
astrology videos that mentions this 81 year cycle.

But I'm impressed with this technique called Brighu Saral Paddatti.  
They have videos on YouTube that explain this system.  Personally, 
I've learned that the "night shade family of vegetables can be found 
in your birth chart.  In short, Saturn placed in the third house in 
Virgo represents these types of vegetables, which are not good for you 
and can cause arthritis on the right arm. It also contributed to the 
fall of my fence on my neighbor's property during in the wet and windy 
storm we had about a week ago.  Additionally, an unknown neighbor has 
left pieces of furniture on my drive way.  I'm suspecting its the 
neighbor adjacent to my house, who has recently left a stripped piece 
of carpet on his doorsteps.  So, I'm keeping my eyes open to make sure 
he doesn't leave the carpet on my driveway.

---In,  wrote :

Seems to me the world has gone completely insane.  Maybe the earth is 
generating 13 Hz waves which would agitate the populace.  BTW go back 
in 80 year increments and notice what happened in history.  There is a 
version of Nadi astrology that uses 81 year cycles (9 years for each 

On 02/01/2017 05:26 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

To protest against Trump.  It's surprising none of his superiors, 
including the Pope, has chastised the priest for such an unethical 
position as a priest and advisor.

Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 


Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 

The pastor of a largely immigrant Catholic church in Queens has a 
suggestion for his anti-Trump parishioners: Go take a flying leap off 
the nearest building. “Show ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Priest Advocates Suicide

2017-02-01 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Seems to me the world has gone completely insane.  Maybe the earth is 
generating 13 Hz waves which would agitate the populace.  BTW go back in 
80 year increments and notice what happened in history.  There is a 
version of Nadi astrology that uses 81 year cycles (9 years for each graha).

On 02/01/2017 05:26 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

To protest against Trump.  It's surprising none of his superiors, 
including the Pope, has chastised the priest for such an unethical 
position as a priest and advisor.

Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 


Priest tells anti-Trump protesters to commit suicide 

The pastor of a largely immigrant Catholic church in Queens has a 
suggestion for his anti-Trump parishioners: Go take a flying leap off 
the nearest building. “Show ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] It Looks Like the World is Preparing for War

2017-01-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Most people's YouTube videos have the sound too low.  YouTube does run a 
filter for boosting low audio but it only gets run on the paid music 
videos.  I always push my audio level on the master file I submit to 
YouTube.  Dolby made a filter for HDTV broadcast to standardize levels 
but most of the engineers didn't know what it was and to use it.

I've been playing around with a 4K action cam I bought at Fry's for all 
of $65.  It does real 4K unlike some of the phony ones coming out of 
China but it's not great 4K.  It uses Motion JPEG (which a number of 4K 
cameras do) but they don't use a high quality JPEG encode setting which 
would have required a more expensive chip set. Motion JPEG is a series 
of full frame JPEGs so the 4K files are huge.  But it's fun to play with.

For music in those videos I just jam some divertimento.

On 01/29/2017 09:35 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

You should watch Julian Bradley's videos for making videos.  He 
presents his ideas for making clear sound quality for videos.  He uses 
filters to cut out the top and bottom sections of the recording.  Thus 
leaving the best of the sound quality you want.  However, I haven't 
tried this technique since it's a little too techie for me.  At this 
time, I'm trying to improve my piano skills. Perhaps, when I get 
better, I'll get into making original sounds and post them on YouTube.

---In,  wrote :

Oops, I meant to say, "Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes 
up to around 13 hz."  Or 13 pulses per second. Yeah, 13,000 pulses per 
second would really get people going and probably kill them.  Been 
dealing these days with a lot of video encoding. :-D

Astrology wise you could simply look at what happened 120 years ago in 
the US.  Similar upheaval like Tammany Hall etc.  Of course it will 
express itself a bit differently because the transits are different.

On 01/28/2017 07:32 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

We should also remember that the US chart is undergoing the major 
period of Rahu in the 8th house.  As we're seeing, this period will 
be full of unpredictable events regarding civil rights of minorities 
and refugees.  But there will be transformations of the American 
society with its role in world development.  Specifically, the 
development of AI will be more accepted to change industries.  These 
changes will lead to understanding the need to expand human 
civilization beyond earth.  This will lead to the colonization of 
Mars and the harvest of asteroids to build cities on Mars and 
explorations of the moons beyond Mars.

From what I understand, humans could eventually send AI probes to 
these moons to monitor the development of intelligent beings (ETs) in 
them, like the megaliths featured in the movie, 2001: A Space 
Odyssey.  Eventually, millions of these probes can be sent to nearby 
stars and all of these can be built and monitored by AIs for the 
human race.  This method of exploration is more reliable than 
developing rockets that can travel near the speed of light, which is 
nearly impossible according to our present technology.

 wrote :

Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. 
It's believed that causes people to become aggravated.  I shouldn't 
have to explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but 
that is a beta wave.  If you think that tracking the frequencies is 
woo-woo, well NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but 
maybe it isn't worth saving.

On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed.  Now Trump has the power to push the 
buttons for missiles to fire.

Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is Preparing For 


Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is P... 

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has written an op-ed in TIME 
magazine warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and stating, 
“it all looks as if t...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] It Looks Like the World is Preparing for War

2017-01-29 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Oops, I meant to say, "Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up 
to around 13 hz."  Or 13 pulses per second.  Yeah, 13,000 pulses per 
second would really get people going and probably kill them.  Been 
dealing these days with a lot of video encoding. :-D

Astrology wise you could simply look at what happened 120 years ago in 
the US.  Similar upheaval like Tammany Hall etc.  Of course it will 
express itself a bit differently because the transits are different.

On 01/28/2017 07:32 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

We should also remember that the US chart is undergoing the major 
period of Rahu in the 8th house.  As we're seeing, this period will be 
full of unpredictable events regarding civil rights of minorities and 
refugees.  But there will be transformations of the American society 
with its role in world development.  Specifically, the development of 
AI will be more accepted to change industries.  These changes will 
lead to understanding the need to expand human civilization beyond 
earth.  This will lead to the colonization of Mars and the harvest of 
asteroids to build cities on Mars and explorations of the moons beyond 

From what I understand, humans could eventually send AI probes to 
these moons to monitor the development of intelligent beings (ETs) in 
them, like the megaliths featured in the movie, 2001: A Space 
Odyssey.  Eventually, millions of these probes can be sent to nearby 
stars and all of these can be built and monitored by AIs for the human 
race.  This method of exploration is more reliable than developing 
rockets that can travel near the speed of light, which is nearly 
impossible according to our present technology.

---In,  wrote :

Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. 
It's believed that causes people to become aggravated.  I shouldn't 
have to explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but 
that is a beta wave.  If you think that tracking the frequencies is 
woo-woo, well NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but maybe 
it isn't worth saving.

On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed.  Now Trump has the power to push the 
buttons for missiles to fire.

Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is Preparing For War’ 


Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is P... 

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has written an op-ed in TIME 
magazine warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and stating, 
“it all looks as if t...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] It Looks Like the World is Preparing for War

2017-01-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Every 80 years Earth's Schumann resonance goes up to around 13 kh. It's 
believed that causes people to become aggravated.  I shouldn't have to 
explain brain wave frequencies to folks who have done TM but that is a 
beta wave.  If you think that tracking the frequencies is woo-woo, well 
NASA has been tracking them too.

I don't know if the human race will jump the shark this time but maybe 
it isn't worth saving.

On 01/28/2017 12:23 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Times have changed indeed.  Now Trump has the power to push the 
buttons for missiles to fire.

Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is Preparing For War’ 


Mikhail Gorbachev Warns: ‘Looks As If The World Is P... 

Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has written an op-ed in TIME 
magazine warning about the dangers of nuclear weapons and stating, “it 
all looks as if t...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: American Middle Class Will End Up Paying for the Wall

2017-01-28 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]


On 01/28/2017 09:43 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:


Ann and her friends should have stayed here. Unfortunately,  I don't 
read FFL2 since I don't know their address in the internet.  
Apparently, they're talking about the same things over there.

---In,  wrote :

Posted by Ann on FFL2.  Curiously, do you read FFL2?

The butcher’s bill has come due: President Donald Trump is about to 
victimize his own voters 


The butcher’s bill has come due: President Donald Trum... 

Our new president's supporters are likely to suffer from his 
regressive policies. I have no compassion for them VIDEO

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

But Trump got elected for selling this lie.  What does this say  
about the American electorate?

Schumer: Middle class will pay for Trump's 'pointless' border wall 


Schumer: Middle class will pay for Trump's 'poin... 

Schumer called the wall "divisive [and] unnecessary."

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: in Tampere, Finland

2017-01-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
The streets around here run at an angle such as NW to SE so almost no 
house has an east facing entrance. Health quality varies from an old 
fart like me with hardly any health problems to the 40 something next 
door who had an aneurysm a couple years back and is in a wheelchair and 
partially paralyzed.

On 01/27/2017 11:25 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Um... I was being snarky. Petra was very ill for two and half years 
and died in May, at age 54. And, living in vastu hasn't prevented me 
from having my own chronic health issues. Bottom line: no one gets out 
of here alive.

---In,  wrote :


That's nice to hear. I like to live in a vastu home, but here in SF, 
there is none.  My house though is facing the east direction.  So, 
it's the best available that I can get in this city.

,  wrote :

Our original house was generic vastu, and when we added on, we 
rectified it according to MMY-SV. Petra and I are both enjoying 
perfect health and immortality, and we owe it all to this house.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: in Tampere, Finland

2017-01-27 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
My nephew worked for awhile with a solar cell startup.  He told me my 
house would be perfect for solar.  Musk's company and other companies 
are often around.  It's about free installation until I ask if the 
electrical upgrade is also free. ;-)

This house had a shake roof when I moved here and it was well advised to 
replace it.  When I did in 2007 I considered options including a new 
shake roof with fireproof shakes but that was about another $5000 over 
just a shingle roof.  I also considered a tile roof also costing more 
but also heavy.  Both shakes and tiles are fashionable but most homes 
around here were going to shingles.  Mine reflect the sun in the summer 
keeping the house cooler but unfortunately cooler in winter.  In 
December of 2007 when temps started getting low I decided I better have 
some insulation put in but because of a trip to Seattle at the end of 
the month put it off until January.  A relative who had worked for PG&E 
told me I was smart to do so because PG&E was giving out rebates but 
those tended to run out late in the year and were funded again at the 
start.  So I got some help on the cost.

My other problem is finding a furnace tech who is not a scamster. I 
regularly get ads from furnace techs who reviewed were mainly in the 
business of selling you a new furnace.  I need to keep my fingers 
crossed that this furnace will make it through the winter.  A local 
contractor I know was going have someone he uses contact me to check out 
the furnace and do a tune up but that never happened.

On 01/27/2017 06:46 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Our original house was generic vastu, and when we added on, we 
rectified it according to MMY-SV. Petra and I are both enjoying 
perfect health and immortality, and we owe it all to this house.

WRT solar efficiency, it has always bothered me that the emphasis is 
completely focused on gathering vibrational woo from the east, even if 
it means the structure will bake to a crisp in summer and gather no 
solar heat at all in winter. How is that considered in tune with Nature?

---In,  wrote :


Do you stay in a vastu home?  If yes, has it been beneficial for your 
family and yourself?

,  wrote :

Iowa gets temperature extremes in both directions. In early 20th 
Century Fairfield, Iowa homes were being built in the Prairie style 
with roof lines and eves that were scaled to let winter sunshine into 
homes and then keep summer sunshine out.

Design accounting for solar orientation seemed to go away with newer 
mechanical heating and cooling in new home building after WWII.. in 
the ranch home etc.   Efficiency in energy design came back with 
tightened energy supplies in the 1970's.   In the 1980's a number of 
homes built by meditators were efficient super insulated and solar, in 
the direction of the zero-net design today.

Sthapatya ved house design in Fairfield of the 2000’s seemed mostly to 
throw solar orientation efficiency to the wind. There is a subdivision 
of 40 homes going up in Fairfield that is SV design.  Curious to see 
if they have zero-net features.  Design without optimizing energy 
efficiency is such old design.

California homes aren't built for long term low temps but more for 
staying cool in summer.

,  wrote :

I've seen different house solar heating units. Which one are you 
talking about?  I would think for most days those would work here.  
Most I looked at were DIY and were more work than I wanted to do.  I 
have the heating running at 62 degrees and boost it if it rains to 
keep dampness down.  At nights in the living room I use a space heater.

On 01/26/2017 01:30 PM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

I'm using a portable heater and mostly stay in one room where my 
computer is kept and where I'm posting this message right now. But 
I'm estimating my heating cost to be high for this month.  I'm 
thinking of getting those solar panels to get power from the sun for 
heating.  Do you think this is cost effective here in the Bay Area?

 wrote :

Can't wait to see my PG&E bill for this month.  Actually I can wait.  
And I keep the house at 62 degrees most of the time.  California 
homes aren't built for long term low temps but more for staying cool 
in summer. That's when they are concerned about electrical 
consumption.  And the cities around here are considering starting 
their own municipal utilities and dumping PG&E which now has a 
criminal felony conviction.

On 01/26/2017 10:52 AM, jr_esq@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

Thanks. It must be really cold over there right now.  It's 54 
degrees over here in S

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