[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama and the Unmaking of the Democratic Party

2008-05-24 Thread R.G.
 If 'Unmaking' means Transformation, then, let's get it on!
Barack Obama is transforming the American political system, that is 
rotten with greed, self-will run riot, lust and every other dark mafia-
like tendency;
He is challenging the entities, that wish to keep things the same.
Making the war maching function, insatiably, and keeping people brain-
washed into believing that fear is our only alternative.
Barack Obama offers a choice.
Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Bush, John McCain are all the 
same; don't you get it.
Hillary is more in the dark perhaps, then the rest.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
If we don't all wake up, and work together, this country is doomed, 
and the leader of the free world is doomed, so therefore, this is more 
than just a egotistic game, 

[FairfieldLife] Any Elitist out there?

2008-05-31 Thread R.G.
When Best became Worse
Published: May 30, 2008
PITY the poor word "elite," which simply means "the best" as an 
adjective and "the best of a group" as a noun. What was once an 
accolade has turned poisonous in American public life over the past 
40 years, as both the left and the right have twisted it into a code 
word meaning "not one of us." But the newest and most ominous wrinkle 
in the denigration of all things elite is that the slur is being 
applied to knowledge itself. 

Senator Hillary Clinton's use of the phrase "elite opinion" to 
dismiss the near unanimous opposition of economists to her proposal 
for a gas tax holiday was a landmark in the use of elite to attack 
expertise supposedly beyond the comprehension of average Americans. 
One might as well say that there is no point in consulting musicians 
about music or ichthyologists about fish. 

The assault on "elite" did not begin with politicians, although it 
does have political antecedents in sneers directed at "eggheads" 
during the anti-Communist crusades of the 1950s. The broader cultural 
perversion of its meaning dates from the late 1960s, when the 
academic left pinned the label on faculty members who resisted the 
establishment of separate departments for what were then 
called "minority studies." In this case, two distinct faculty groups 
were tarred with elitism — those who wanted to incorporate black and 
women's studies into the core curriculum, and those who thought that 
blacks and women had produced nothing worthy of study. Instead of 
elitist, the former group should have been described 
as "inclusionary" and the latter as "bigoted." 

The second stage of elite-bashing was conceived by the cultural and 
political right. Conservative intellectuals who rose to prominence 
during the Reagan administration managed the neat trick of reversing 
the '60s usage of "elite" by applying it as a slur to the left 
alone. "Elite," often rendered in the plural, became synonymous 
with "limousine liberals" who opposed supposedly normative American 
values. That the right-wing intellectual establishment also 
constituted a powerful elite was somehow obscured. 

"Elite" and "elitist" do not, in a dictionary sense, mean the same 
thing. An elitist is someone who does believe in government by an 
elite few — an anti-democratic philosophy that has nothing to do with 
elite achievement. But the terms have become so conflated that 
Americans have come to consider both elite and elitist synonyms for 

All the older forms of elite-bashing have now devolved into a kind of 
aggressive denial of the threat to American democracy posed by public 

During the past few months, I have received hundreds of e-mail 
messages calling me an elitist for drawing attention to America's 
knowledge deficit. One of the most memorable came from a man who 
objected to my citation of a statistic, from a 2006 National 
Geographic-Roper survey, indicating that nearly two-thirds of 
Americans age 18 to 24 cannot find Iraq on a map. "Why should I care 
whether my mechanic knows where Iraq is, as long as he knows how to 
fix my car?" the man asked.

But what could be more elitist than the idea that a mechanic cannot 
be expected to know the location of a country where thousands of 
Americans of his own generation are fighting and dying? 

Another peculiar new use of "elitist" (often coupled with "Luddite") 
is its application to any caveats about the Internet as a source of 
knowledge. After listening to one of my lectures, a college student 
told me that it was elitist to express alarm that one in four 
Americans, according to the National Constitution Center, cannot name 
any First Amendment rights or that 62 percent cannot name the three 
branches of government. "You don't need to have that in your head," 
the student said, "because you can just look it up on the Web." 

True, but how can an information-seeker know what to look for if he 
or she does not know that the Bill of Rights exists? There is no 
point-and-click formula for accumulating a body of knowledge needed 
to make sense of isolated facts. 

It is past time to retire the sliming of elite knowledge and 
education from public discourse. Do we want mediocre schools or the 
best education for our children? If we need an operation, do we want 
an ordinary surgeon or the best, most elite surgeon available? 

America was never imagined as a democracy of dumbness. The 
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were written by an 
elite group of leaders, and although their dream was limited to white 
men, it held the seeds of a future in which anyone might aspire to 
the highest — let us say it out loud, elite — level of achievement. 

"'Elite' has become the new 'liberal'. ... It is 1984 in a nutshell, 
where war is peace, freedom slavery, and ignorance the greatest 
Gary, Oregon


2008-06-05 Thread R.G.
'Thanks for the Memories...' 
Nice to hear an authentic story, once in a while

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
> > I would like to know what is the advanced 
> > technique number 6 
> >
> The sixth 'Advanced Technique' is sometimes 
> called the 'Night Technique' - all others up 
> to the sixth are just fertilizer on the 
> first. There is only one single bija mantra 
> given out in TM practice - the others are 
> just words from Hindi. 
> The Night Technique was originally taught 
> by Gaudapadacharya, the guru of Shankara's 
> guru. 
> Here is a brief outline:
> Most TMers only repeat the bija portion of 
> their mantra when they are asleep. However, 
> according to Bramhacharya Satyanand, in 
> dreams the entire mantra may be repeated. 
> When I practice Marshy's secret Night 
> Technique I often fall asleep with the 
> bija portion of my mantra still in conscious 
> awareness. When practicing the Night 
> Technique, Satyanand advised me to be 
> aware of the area just above my abdomen, 
> and to put the bija there and let it rest. 
> Then, all you have to do is babysit your 
> bija, right on your navel chakra. Just set 
> it, and forget it.
> By resting your bija at the navel chakra, 
> the subtle currents from your Istadevata 
> will permeate your entire being. For example, 
> my Istadevata is Saraswati, the 'Goddess of 
> Learning'. 
> By resting the bija portion of her name, 
> that is, 'sring', at the navel chakra, my 
> intelligence will grow by leaps and bounds, 
> right while I'm sleeping. Then, when I awake 
> in the morning I will feel refreshed and 
> full of knowledge. 
> It's that simple! 
> It is recommended by Marshy that one continues 
> to receive advanced techniques regularly every 
> 18 months. 
> Note: Apparently the Marshy's 'Night Technique' 
> is no longer available. Anyone wanting 
> instruction is this technique should be 
> contacting me privately for free instruction. 
> The 'Night Technique' is really a night-time 
> siddhi float: 
> My initiation with Satyanand took place at a 
> three-day residence course with Jerry Jarvis 
> at SIMS in Berkeley in 1968. The entire course 
> was truly inspiring as I recall, and the 
> initiation included a very deep five minute 
> meditation led by Satyanand and concluded with 
> one of the best Guru Dev TM pujas that I 
> have ever personally attended. 
> As for the technique per se, and after much 
> practice, analysis, and reflection on its 
> meaning, I have concluded that this 'Night 
> Technique' is the *perfect* compliment to TM. 
> Why so?
> This one siddha yoga technique, if performed 
> correctly, will provide many of the benefits 
> of TM, 20x2, while one sleeps! Therefore, it 
> is an intelligent way to realization. 
> It should be obvious to any aspiring yogi that 
> what one does during the hours of sleep are 
> of the utmost importance. If one ascribes to 
> the concept of karma and kala, that is, 
> action and time, there is so much to do, and 
> yet so little time to be doing it in. It is 
> unfortunate that many people virtually waste 
> over twelve hours a day in unconscious torpor, 
> if not real stupor. 
> However, this is one of the most subtle and 
> esoteric of the siddha yoga techniques. A yoga 
> so subtle, and so secret that, unless one is 
> initiated by a genuine guru, and receives the 
> proper instruction, mis-information can lead 
> to many lonely sleepless nights, not to 
> mention bad dreams devoid of any erotica 
> whatsoever. 
> Read more:
> Subject: Good Night Sweetheart
> Author: Willytex
> Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> Date: Wed, Nov 20 2002
> http://tinyurl.com/5o6sjz

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Obama an enlightened being? / Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain't no ordinary politician. You buying it?

2008-06-06 Thread R.G.
 One thing I heard a while back-
It was a past life reading, and it was said that John Kennedy, Martin 
Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were disciples of Jesus-
More than spiritual purpose, they seemed to be on a mission, going the 
extra mile, and not afraid of death.
Barack Obama falls into this same catogory for me.
He is driven in a way to not only radiate enlightenment, but to go 
into the world and wake it up-
Something we are all here to do, really, but these certain individuals 
seem to have something above and beyond the usual call to duty.
It's like these leaders had a destiny that transcended anything we 
have seem or felt from other more ordinary folks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Obama an enlightened being? / Spiritual wise ones say: This sure ain't no ordinary politician. You buying it?

2008-06-06 Thread R.G.
I also read or heard someone's interpretation of a portion of 
the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'...
And it went like this:
The premise of a lot of the narrative of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is 
that the 'Son's of Light' confront the 'Sons of darkness'...
So, that is the theme of the whole deal.
In Jesus time, since he was an essene, this tribe was very much in 
contrast to the tribes in Jerusulam, who were more like the Roman 
power structure.
So, in this time, the scrolls mention that in this time we are in now;
That we would have a leader who 'Would lead people astray with his 
lieing toungue'...
And that this lying snake would be replaced with a 'Righteous Leader, 
who would lead people into the light'...
So, on a grand scale, Barack Obama is that person: a righteous 
person, who will lead people in the truth.
It's a new world, like it or not...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sandiego108" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?
> f=/g/a/2008/06/06/notes060608.DTL
> > <http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?
> f=/g/a/2008/06/06/notes060608.DTL
> > &nl=fix> &nl=fix
> >
> I don't know asbout that, but he carries a silence and presence 
> him that I recognized instantly. Pretty powerful guy.

[FairfieldLife] Israeli Saber Rattling on Iran'

2008-06-07 Thread R.G.
Fri, 06/06/2008 - 8:20am

  "SUMMER SHOWDOWN: Israeli minister says alternatives to attack on 
Iran running out..."

The article quotes Israeli Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz as 
issuing an unusually blunt warning to Iran: "If Iran continues its 
nuclear weapons programme, we will attack it."

The thing to remember about Israeli politics is that it's a 
parliamentary system. So, the ministers don't serve "at the pleasure 
of the president"; they're independent politicians with their own 
bases of support, even if they hail from the same political party as 
the prime minister.

So, this is not the same thing as U.S. Transportation Secretary Mary 
E. Peters (who, incidentally, has a blog called "Fast Lane") issuing 
a press release. We can safely presume that Peters speaks for the 
Bush administration.

But the hawkish Mofaz, a former defense minister and military chief 
of staff, doesn't necessarily speak for the Israeli government. He's 
probably ramping things up now that he sees a chance to take Ehud 
Olmert's job, and angling to outmaneuver Foreign Minister Tzipi 
Livni, his chief rival within the Kadima Party. Mofaz is playing 
politics here, not explaining policy. Still, I would advise the folks 
in Tehran not to take Mofaz's threat lightly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Daily Show - Bizarre Interview with Clinton Spokesperson Terry McAuliffe

2008-06-07 Thread R.G.
> Kill whitey!

Therefore you must vote for the old white guy...
There is no other choice, really...
Golly Gee, if Michelle Obama wants to kill all of us 'white folks'...
Well, that's just an aweful thing, don't ya think?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Effect Floods Iowa City

2008-06-14 Thread R.G.
> > Iowa City gets severe thunder storms again this afternoon.  Sirens 
> wail 
> > warnings.  The Law of nature sends summons forth.  Repent your 
> material 
> > ways, retreat inside and meditate.
> > 
> > Om Shanti,
It's been pretty ok here in Madison, Wisconsin...
Some roads are flooded, but when the sun came out this afternoon, I 
did notice the purity of the air and the bright blue sky, and the 
brilliance of the reflections of light on the watery leafs.
The birds were singing happily.
Sometime great purifications can be disruptive.
As disruptive as it takes to cause evolution, I would assume.
Yin and Yang.
Forces of nature intensify and clash in Midwestern United States, 
China, many places throughout the earth sphere.
There has never been this intensity of enlivening of the finer levels 
of vibrations radiating from Iowa.
Iowa gave the Obama campaign it successful start.
Don't underestimate the power of Momma Nature.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Effect Floods Iowa City

2008-06-14 Thread R.G.
 Thou Shalt Not Turn Corn into Ethenol?
Thou Shalt Use The Land Wisely?

> That's just silly. Floods are a good thing. Too many people dumb 
> enough to live by the river. 
> OffWorld

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Racism of Indians toward African Americans is INSANE but true

2008-06-14 Thread R.G.
> Louis:
> I'm curious to know what you feel about Maharishi's attitude towards 
> African-Americans and Black Africans in general (I use the 
> term "Black Africans" to differentiate them from White Africans, 

After years of British Rule in India, I think the Indian people have 
had a love/hate relationship with the Brits...
They seem to like the orderliness, the Monarchy, different things 
about the Brits that has helped their culture.
While at the same time, they hate being regarded as 'Black'...
While traveling in Africa, Mahatma Gandhi experienced this prejudice 
in South Africa, when he was teaching there.
I assume the Indian People wanted to dissasociate themselves with 
anything to do with African or being 'Dark Skinned'.

'Dark Skinned' people were always considered inferior to the Brits, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bliss

2008-06-15 Thread R.G.
> If you can gradually learn to appreciate equally the light and dark
> aspects of life in yourself keeping them present simultaneously, the
> whole picture changes. There will be less alternation with periods of
> bliss and heavy ppurification, the so called `dark nights of the
> soul'. Everything becomes gradually bliss-fire.
Pardon me, Sir, Madame:
Could you spare me some Bliss?
I hold out my cup, with sad eyes.
No, that's ok.

Where do I go, what do I do?
I scared, I'm all alone.
Where am I?

I'm watching everything go by, fast.
I'm in New York City, with my son.
I see a little girl, standing behind a gate near a brownstone house,
In Queens...
I see the innocence surrounding her, and say, 'Hi, little girl!'
My son says, Dad, what the hell are you doing?
Did you see how scared she was?
No, I said, I saw innocence.
Look at these people we pass;
Can you see the adults, stuck in their little petty ego thoughts?
Do you see the innocent child, baby, tree, bird?
Do you see the difference?
See how it's all spinning around, now?
It's really simple you know.

Sorry to say, my son, is not that into meditation at the present time;
And is more into beer as his meditation technique...
And that's ok.

The bliss is located in the oneness.
It's not of the intellect, more of the heart.
Babies know it.
Egos don't.
Simple, just drop the ego, stop thinking, 
Allow the energy of the mind to fall into the heart.
Feel your center, your feeling center.
It will never steer you wrong.
The mind will cause you great grief.
The heart will cause you great love.
You choose which it will BE.
R.G. Sunday, June, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Indra Engages China

2008-06-16 Thread R.G.
Thousands evacuated as rains lash China quake region by Robert J. 
2 hours, 20 minutes ago

BEIJING (AFP) - Tens of thousands of victims of China's Sichuan 
earthquake were evacuated Monday as torrential rain lashed the 
region, triggering flood warnings on rivers including the Yangtze and 
the Pearl. 

Heavy downpours have battered large parts of eastern and southern 
China, leaving at least 65 dead or missing, and adding to the misery 
in the quake-ravaged southwestern province.

Up to 70,000 people in Wenchuan township at the epicentre of the May 
12 earthquake were being removed due to the risk of rock and 
mudslides brought on with the onset of the rainy season in Sichuan, 
the Beijing News said.

"Wenchuan has already entered the rainy season and the rain will 
weaken even more the already brittle mountain sides, making the 
situation even worse," the paper said.

Last month's magnitude-8.0 earthquake has left up to 87,000 dead or 
missing and up to five million homeless in Sichuan.

Wenchuan was flattened during the quake with early rescue and relief 
efforts mostly flown in due to impassable roads in the mountainous 

According to local weather reports, the Wenchuan area was expecting 
thunder showers for the next three days.

Local officials contacted by AFP were not immediately available to 
comment on the thousands of people being evacuated.

In China as a whole, massive rains have left at least 57 people dead 
and eight missing across nine provinces over the past 10 days, the 
government said.

More than 1.27 million people have been evacuated in the hardest-hit 
areas, with large swathes of farmland submerged and economic losses 
already totalling more than 10 billion yuan (1.4 billion dollars), it 

Rising waters on China's major rivers prompted the government to 
issue emergency orders on Sunday as the affected provinces and 
regions scrambled to prepare for more torrential rains.

"We must fully deploy flood prevention and control work on the 
Yangtze and Pearl rivers," E Jingping, head of the state's flood 
prevention headquarters, said in an emergency order posted on its 

The situation on the Pearl river in southern China's Guangdong and 
Guangxi provinces was the most pressing with water levels at a 20-
year high, E said.

On a tributary of the Pearl in Guangxi they had surpassed warning 
levels by 6.8 metres (22 feet), he said.

Waters on a Yangtze river tributary in central China's Henan province 
were up to 4.7 metres over warning levels, he said in transcripts of 
the meeting posted on the headquarters website Monday.

Almost 18 million people had been affected by flooding while more 
than 141,000 homes had been wrecked or damaged, the government said.

Rains were expected to further pound southern China in the coming 
days, with rising river levels threatening towns in Jiangxi, Guangxi 
and Guangdong provinces, the state meteorological bureau said.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Other Side of Spiritual Growth

2008-06-16 Thread R.G.
> > P.s. How's Atlantic City treating you (and vice-versa?).
> Yikes, not Atlantic City! I'm on the Jersey shore,
> but in a town much farther north, and much *quieter*.
> I'm loving it. To be able to walk few steps and stand
> with my back to civilization, looking out on pure
> nature extending for thousands of miles, is
> exhilarating.
Atlantic City...
Support of Nature?
Where is support of nature?
Can I find it in this casino?
Will I get laid here?
They have 'free' alcohol...

(Somewhere North of Atlantic City..."
Walking on the beach, I feel one with it all.
What is support of nature, I don't know.
I do know, when I walk on the beach, and get that feeling of:
support of nature, what is that?

Where will I find this support of nature, 
I am looking...
I am finding...
It's here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield super radiance and Iowa weather

2008-06-16 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The best thing that could happen would be for a tornado to sweep
> > through  Vedic City clearing out the houses. 
My understanding is that there will be no tornado landing in Fairfield.
I believe there is an 'intelligence' behind this great force of nature.
And I believe that this intelligence would cause the tornado to move
around the force of Shiva, which is present in Fairfield.
Something about Indra and Shiva working in concert.
So, I wouldn't hold my breath, waiting for calamity to strike Fairfield.
That is not the way it works.

There are stories of how storms and rain would avoid Guru Dev,
When he would be speaking somewhere.
There is an intelligence behind the forces of nature...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield super radiance and Iowa weather

2008-06-18 Thread R.G.
> > That's right, Bob, and as everyone knows, Iowa has always been
> > one of the most sinful places on the face of the earth.  I mean,
> > when people want to do some serious sinning, 3 cities always
> > come to mind:  Paris, San Francisco...and Des Moines.
> > 
> > Sal
I have heard that Iowans have the highest percentage of 'Playboy' 
magazine subscriptions per capita than any other state in the Union.
Could be just the 'pent-up' Shakti?
Who can say, really, what's up these days?

[FairfieldLife] 'Intensification of Indra & Agni on West Coast' (as well as Vaiyoo Veda...)

2008-06-23 Thread R.G.
800 Lightning-Sparked Fires Stretch Crews Thin
Sacramento Valley Covered In Thick Haze
 Real-Time Air Quality Conditions
 Lightning Storm Takes Out CBS13 Camera
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ¯ More than 800 wildfires sparked by 
an "unprecedented" lightning storm burned a swath of Northern 
California from Big Sur to wine country to Humboldt County on Monday.

Thousands of firefighters battled the blazes on the ground and from 
the air and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he was alarmed by the 
number of fires that kept erupting.

"You can imagine how shocked I was yesterday when I got my briefings 
(Sunday) night and I was told that we have 520 fires all over the 
state of California," he said.

"So it was quite shocking to me, only to find out this morning that 
that number has actually gone up to 700 and some fires."

Moments later, a top state fire official standing at Schwarzenegger's 
side offered a grim update: The figure was actually 842 fires, said 
Del Walters, assistant regional chief of the California Department of 
Forestry and Fire Protection. All but a couple were in the northern 
part of the state.

"This is an unprecedented lightning storm in California, that it 
lasted as long as it did, 5,000 to 6,000 lightning strikes," Walters 
said. "We are finding fires all the time."

Schwarzenegger said he had enlisted the help of firefighters from 
Nevada and Oregon, "because you can never prepare for 500 or 700 or 
800 fires all at the same time."

Part of the reason for the swelling number of wildfires was that 
local and state officials were still counting after the fierce 
thunderstorm Friday night touched off blazes.

"We didn't get real lucky with this lighting storm," Walters 
said. "It wasn't predicted -- which often happens with these storms 
that come in off the Pacific, there's no history of the weather as it 
approaches the shore -- and so we got hammered."

In Mendocino County alone there were 110 fires, with just 17 

Two of the biggest fires had each charred nearly 6 square miles.

One started in Napa County and quickly moved into a mostly rural area 
of Solano County, and threatened about 250 homes and 50 other 
buildings as it fed on grassy woodland about 40 miles southwest of 
Sacramento, said Kevin Colburn, a spokesman for the California 
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or Cal Fire. It was 60 
percent contained Monday.

The other was in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest, about 160 miles 
north of Sacramento, where lightning sparked dozens of blazes. The 
largest of the fires threatened about 1,200 homes, and several youth 
camps and forced evacuations. The governor declared a state of 
emergency in Monterey and Trinity Counties on Monday.

Wildfires have destroyed more than 175 homes in Northern California 
so far this year. Blazes started popping up in the region just as 
California's unofficial fire season began in mid-May, following the 
state's driest two-month period on record.

"My hat is off to all the firefighters out there on the ground, 
dirty, hot, smoky," Walters said. "And it's going to be a long road 
for us."

Along the coast in the Los Padres National Forest, a 2,000-acre 
wildfire burning south of Big Sur in Monterey County since Saturday 
forced the evacuations of 75 homes and businesses, destroyed one 
house and threatened hundreds of others.

It also led to an emergency airlift Sunday of eight endangered 
California condors. U.S. Coast Guard helicopters transported the 
seven juveniles and one adult bird from a wildlife center to the 
Monterey Airport.

A second fire in the Los Padres burned more than 57,000 acres and has 
injured nine firefighters.

Two lightning-sparked blazes about 25 miles south of San Jose also 
forced hundreds of residents to flee over the weekend. The fires 
covered about 2 square miles. Officials said one fire was 90 percent 
contained Monday and the other 50 percent contained. Most residents 
were being let back into their homes. 

[FairfieldLife] Seer Veronica June, 2008

2008-06-27 Thread R.G.
The World of Now
  "The reality earth plane on which you currently exist is a
result of the energy of your participation.  In the time line each
generation has left an imprint of positive + negative that has tipped
quite vigorously into the negative.  This is a result of being
unconsciously without the influence of the soul.

 Most will reply to this vehemently that they have participated
religiously within the parameters of their linear consciousness... the
spiritual influences being regulated by a confined perspective that
places all spiritual power + creation to an outside source.

 Our position is that by bringing the soulful energy into the
person [it] can alter the imbalance that is occurring.

 Generations of incarnated souls have been aligned to place the
power of thought outside of themselves.  The idea of a god being the
omnipotent energy that decides the path of the physical beings that
worship him.

 Now that the planet's energy is dangerously askew we implore all
souls incarnate to bring that omnipotent energy where it belongs, to
the internal thought process by which all of you create reality (i.e.
free will).

 Your current linear is salvageable, however, the declaration of
concentrated thought must be reclaimed so that the balance of energy
can be regained.  Free will is the claiming of the thought process
that saves... so to speak... everything.

 Do not feel the linear influence - "Oh I am but one."

 All of you come from unique entity sources designed to bring a
balance of perspective to your linear creation.

 Participate energetically.  Your connection to others may + will
influence the mass consciousness creation that has gone awry.

 Seize each day and bring your energy to it.  It will make a
difference.  Think.

 Be persistent.  Be linear while expressing your eternal soul.  It
is why you are here.

 Become the energy of your soul and all will be well.

 What if you were the one soul needed to tip the balance to the
more positive participation?


[FairfieldLife] Re: My visit to Seelisberg

2008-06-27 Thread R.G.
> I love that expression "checked" as we used it in teaching TM. Like
reprogramming a 
> computer. 

Yeah, checking was cool...
Easy, effortless, and seems so far away and long ago...
The innocence of the whole thing.
Our culture, has lost it's innocence too, I guess.
Especially the younger one's...

Yeah, checking is just like defrag, on your computer...
Yeah, that's the ticket...

[FairfieldLife] Re: My visit to Seelisberg

2008-06-28 Thread R.G.
> > Nazi overtones in a German TM spokesman's statements.
> >
> You're being quite deceptive here, Vaj.
> The "overtures" were the Rja asking everyone to chant "Invincible 
> which harkens back to Hitler's rhetoric and terminology.
> However, MMY's use of the term "invincible" is based on his beliefs 
> the "Maharishi Effect," where all-good flourishes in the nation, 
and only
> friendship is felt towards a nation by its neighbors.
> I'm pretty sure you're aware of this. Youre newly revealed 
obsession with Nazis
> and TM is quite deep, it seems.
Eckart Tolle has commented on this, and he associates Hitler,
With playing upon the 'egos' of the people, who were living in fear, 
anger, blaming, and revenge.
This is the opposite of Maharishi's intention, and most of the German 
people, since the war, have been leader's in bridging the gap, toward 
I know the German people created a lot of confused and bad karma, and 
much of it has been disolved in Maharishi's movement...
Which is why so many Germans and Jewish people have been directly 
involved with Maharishi's movement.
It is all the soul's desire to move beyond the pathetic ego's attempt 
in the 1930's to go along with a mad-man, who led the German people, 
to utter annihilation, and der Furer's suicide on the day of his 
pathetic 'marriage' to Eva Braun?
What a nut case...Adolf, the little dictator...

[FairfieldLife] Re: My visit to Seelisberg

2008-06-28 Thread R.G.
> was part of an organization and my Guru, MMY, admired Hitler 
What exactly was admirable about Adolf Hitler?
The drug addiction to methadrine, cocaine, testosterone, morphine.
His complete selling of his soul to evil?
His responsiblity for the destruction of Germany and the murders of 
millions of people.
His sick sadistic perverted cowardly suicidal paranoia implosion of 
his weak and sick personality?
His complete lack of anything resembling love or any normal human 

Hitler is good to remind us of the illusion of an ego gone completely 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Maharishi- Nazis & The USA'

2008-06-29 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
>  , Robert  wrote:
> >
> > Well here's my present take on the whole thing...
> > First of all, while the Nazi mayhem was going on;
> > Bramahcharya Mahesh was in peace and bliss sitting at the feet of Guru
> Dev.
> > On the same planet, at the same time;
> > Heaven and Hell existed, maxed out, to the max...
> >
> > Now, years later, all these reincarnations: former Germans, former
> Jews,
> > And so on...
> > They all came to Maharishi and said: Teach me to be like you...teach
> me something new.
> > OK, here's your mantra, don't tell anyone, but if you think it
> effortlessly, like any other thought..
> > Well then, in a few years, you will be enlightened, unbounded, bliss
> consciousness.
> > This other 'stuff' is called stress, and depending how much stress is
> there,
> > Well it might take a little longer to 'feel the bliss'...
> > But at least I got you on the path now...Ha, ha...
> > Now, Guru Dev, is where I got all this info...
> > His grace is what empowers me still.
> > I will teach you this ceremony, for him and for all the other Master's
> > From where this teaching comes...
> >
> > Maharishi being with Guru Dev, during the time of the Nazis,
> > Did not realize how dark, how traumatic that period was.
> Maharishi told the story of the yogi he was living with before starting
> the movement, and Maharishi kept having this thought to go to this town
> in the South of India. He told the yogi this, and the yogi said
> "Everything outside of UttarKashi is a field of ignorance. Don't leave
> UttarKashi" Eventually Maharishi went anyway.
> OffWorld

The Truth is stranger than fiction, or friction for that matter..
Uttar Kashi, yeah, what a place, huh? Sounds like a good name to
market granola...

[FairfieldLife] A Saints Life is on the Level of Silence Re: Guru Dev was the most important

2008-06-29 Thread R.G.
> >> In Maharishi Vedic Science "samadhi" is equated with silence, 
> >> the etymological derivation would be "sama", which means silence 
> >> "dhi" which means mind. So therefore a person in constant sama-
dhi is
> >> operating from a level of constant silence, or so it's believed 
> >> the
> >> TMO mythos.
Eckart Tolle has a nice way of telling it...
He uses the term 'Presence' to describe a person's 'silence'...
The amount of 'silence' 'stillness' 'no thoughts' 'vertical expansion' 
all of the things which a person developes through meditative 
practices, sports, any exploration of one's consciousness to the 
extent that one begins to realize that the 'silence within' when one 
is silent, with no thought, is a deep and infinite pool of energy and 
intilligence, as MMY used to say in the into and SCI info...
Buddha and Jesus basically taught the same lessons...
'Nothing New Under the Sun'...

[FairfieldLife] A Saints Life is on the Level of Silence Re: Guru Dev was the most important

2008-06-30 Thread R.G.
> Defining what is actually happening may not currently be possible. 
> is attempting a better western vocabulary.
> It is an energetic shift (chakra) not just silence in a normal state.
Most people in the (normal state) are primarily concerned with the 
lower chakra energies= these apply to survival needs, tribal needs, 
sexual needs, hunger, feeling important, and so on...
When the other chakras begin to get enlivened, then the knowlede and 
experience there is different.
One begins to speak the truth, in a new and powerful way, 
One begins to hear the truth in a new a powerful way,
One begins to connect more directly with what is called the 'soul 
So, that one accomplishes things not normally thought of as 'possible.

So, there are different ways of experiencing these transitions to 
higher vibrational attunements...
Our natures need to be purified...

So, for example when one's 'third eye' chakra is open, a different 
reality emerges, one much more connected to the whole than say, the 
survival chakra.

You see many people going through all kinds of 'stuff', as survival 
needs are changing, and as the mass consciousness has to face the 
practical nature of opening the heart, etc, and evolving, or invite 
Tolle also talks about the need to evolve, basically built into our 
DNA that will allow the necessary evoluion to take place in time.
(Interesting that Barack Obama's phrase 'The fierce urgency of Now'...)
Which he quotes from MLK, is exactly the message of many of the modern 
day seers...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vin Daczynski: Lakshmanjoo's weather-changing siddhi

2008-06-30 Thread R.G.
> > A key ingredient to the rain-bringing ceremony:
> >
> > "It may take some time, but rain will come since we did this 
> > in good faith and without selfish motive."
> Does rain generally have motives when it comes?
> I didn't think water could think.
> Sal
Does water think?
It is not the water that creates the storm.
More directly, storms and the rain comes from the friction of air, 
creating a force in sanskrit called Indra, having to do with 
electicity, magnetism and clearing out negative, stuck energies.

Therefore, it has been known, that a prayer to Indra, or the praising 
of Indra, will bring rain in due time.
The motivation is purely to attract Indra to the dry area.
To work with the laws of nature, and help to balance the earth.
That is the job of a yogi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Philip K. Dick's writings about Fairfield Life

2008-07-01 Thread R.G.
>  MMY mentioned examples in which white lies are "OK".
> But now for a more extreme example of intervention.  Take anybody - 
> say an enemy, (if there are any, perhaps Osama Bin Laden).
First of all, Maharishi came from the military caste in India...
So, I think it was his nature to structure things in a systematic 
As far as a tactic for bin Laden:
I would suggest a way to go...on that matter:
Where he is hidden, make it un-hidden...
Bring as much light of consciousness there, in those mountains, so 
that it well bring to light, where he is, what he is up to, who is 
protecting him, etc.
Bring in the light...
We don't convince anyone of anything.
Everyone has their own life and their own karmas and lessons.
You can't skip steps.
So, the military structure and tone of the TM movement is just the 
way it is.
Maharishi liked the Germans protecting him, because they are good at 
that type of things, and of course 'keeping good records'...
So, anyone who is not in tune with the military structure will rebel 
against anything that has the smell of it.
That doesn't mean, you can't learn, go your own way, and stay out of 
the way of convincing anyone of anything...

[FairfieldLife] Crown chakras and enlightenment (was Re: David Lynch in today's Guardian)

2008-07-03 Thread R.G.
> >
> > The real goal of meditation is to get 
> > the kundalini to rise so that it 
> > opens the crowd chakra and gives you 
> > enlightenment.  
> We've had people in this forum confess 
> to being enlightened, but I don't recall 
> talk about open crown chakras being a 
> pre-requisite. Can we get some confirmation 
> on these mechanics? Can people here speak
> to this point?

Ok, Let's see?
Much of it depends on what method of description that one wishes to
use to describe these different 'states of consciousness'.
One way is the describe this in terms of 'energy centers at points in
the body, called Chakras'.
Now, each of these energy points, and these are the main one's(there
are many others described in Chinese Accupuncture Literature)...
But anyway, back to the point, each energy center has it's own concern.
The root chakra is concerned with surviving, physically in this world.
It can be strong and ground, or it can be weak and fearful, and violent.
Sexual chakra positively is connected with pleasure, creation,
childlike, fun. In the negative, in can be associated with jealosy,
lust, greed, and so on.
Solar Plexus chakra, is will..what do you will?
Ego wills, or does 'Higher Power' rule? 'On earth as it is in heaven.
So, this is one of the 'keys' to doing divine work on earth is
aligning as Jesus said, the 'crown chakra' where the 'soul energy'
resides, with the will, the Solar Plexus.
Also important is the heart chakra, to feel the pain there, release
the heart to more and more open energy.
Throat chakra: speak the truth.
Third eye, see the truth.

The Crown Chakra, is the 'letting in' of the 'Soul's Energy'.
Since the individual soul is a reflection of all souls, then you get
the connection...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-07 Thread R.G.
> > Surely wandering in thoughts for hours at a time
> > without coming back to the mantra is still TM, right?

Several instructions here might be helpful...
When you have overpowering thoughts, repetitive thoughts, and it is 
not possible to think the mantra comfortably, then allow your 
attention to be on the 'body'...
Allow your attention to be with the sensations in the body, and with 
the attention on the body will help release the unwinding of whatever 
needs to be unwound, and then when it is comfortable to come back to 
the mantra, then come back to the mantra.
When you are forcing the mantra against other thoughts or sensations 
in the body, then this is not 'thinking the mantra as sponateously as 
we think any other thought'...

After years of meditation there ought to be some sense 
of 'witnessning' in your awareness. 
TM is the act of culturing the awareness of 'Self', beyond thoughts.
TM is also the practice of becoming aware of the refinement of the 
mantra from gross to subtle, and then to transcendence.

Sometimes, if there are mental issues, it might be a good idea to 
invest in a CD by holosync, which uses a technology to synchronize 
and slow the brain waves to alpha and slower than alpha.

Sometimes becoming aware of the breath during TM or just feeling the 
heart, bringing the energy of the mind, that produces thought after 
thought, to the heart, to the solar plexus and you will find, the 
mind can't maintain thinking while feeling intensely the heart or the 
solar plexus. 
Sometimes you will find if you feel confused, frustrated or 
just 'stressed out', allowing your attention to breath into the solar 
plexus and allow a ffeling of release on the outbreath like a big 
sigh can help.
Release the feeling of tightness in the solar plexus to be released 
in a big sigh, and listen to the natural sound of the release and you 
will feel a settling of whatever is being held in the body.
Perhaps you had an argument or you are in some kind of personal bind, 
this way of breathing into the 'gut' and just sigh- let out what is 
the bothering emotion.
Perhaps you can practice this breathing in and sighing before TM,
If you are feeling 'tight' inside, stressed or whatever, so you could 
start TM at a more neutral place, if you are holding negative 
emotions in the body..

I hope some of these suggestions will help...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-07 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
>  nablusoss1008  wrote:
> > What strikes me about your posts is that you again and again 
> > to your "TB" friends which leads to this thought; why on earth 
> > a "TB" have you as a friend ?
> Nab, sounds like you live in pretty black and white world.  And it's 
> good to know that with few exceptions you feel no affintiy for 
> here.  Either your 100% in or 100% out, is what I hear you saying.

Good Point...
Someone told me that I had the habit of thinking in total terms either 
black or white...
And, that it would be good for me to accept the 'grey areas' of life's 
experience sometimes...
Sometimes things just aren't black or white...but grey is sometimes OK>

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-07 Thread R.G.


> > >> Hey, I mean, Obama is neither black nor white, right?  :):)

Yeah, Barack Obama had a black father and a white mother...
That was really his fault, I guess...

Plus white leaders are so much better; let me name some...

George W. Bush
Ronald Reagan 
Tzar Putin
Adolf H.
All of the White peices of feces of the Third Reich.
Beaven Morris
Pontius Pilot
Donald Trump
Karl Rove
Bill Crystol
Joseph Stalin
Caesar Caligula
Most of the other Caesars
Most of the Royality of Europe now and in the past.
ON and on, White People are no better than Black People.
Just White People are generally more intellectual, arrogant and tend 
to be pricks when they get a little power.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G."  wrote:
> > Good Point.> Someone told me that I had the habit of thinking in 
> total terms either  black or white...
> > And, that it would be good for me to accept the 'grey areas' of 
> life's  experience sometimes...
> > Sometimes things just aren't black or white...but grey is 
> OK>
> Hey, I mean, Obama is neither black nor white, right?  :):)

Hey, Who gives a flying F**K, about black or white.
Bush is pure white, married to pure white, daughters pure white,
Fat Mother, pure white
Give it a break...
If you trace your own genetics back far enough-
Chances are you are Africa.
Ha, ha.

[FairfieldLife] Parallel Universes (was Re: could "reap as you sow" be computer tested?)

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
 Clearly stated by Maharishi-
All the resulting influences of Karma are: unfathomable!

Back to the drawing board for IBM...

[FairfieldLife] 'Thinking in limited Terms in Black & White'

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
My comments had to do with ways of thinking;
Limited, closed minded ways of thinking.

My comments had nothing to do with racial attacks.
This is 'black and white' thinking in it's essence.
And you can see how retarded it is.

No one is white, and no one is black.
Check out what Black and White looks like...
Do you see anyone the color of black or white.
It's all human folly at it's worse.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> I forgot to add that the terms used in checking reveal Maharishi's
> carefulness with the perfectionistic phrase "effortless".  He uses 
> term "easy" and "natural" and "simple".  In my experience of 
> this is an excellent practical choice over the term "effortless."
Also from notes:
'In this meditation, we do not concentrate, we do not try to think the 
mantra clearly. Mental repitition is not a clear pronunciation;
It is just a faint idea.'

[FairfieldLife] 'Allow the Mantra to 'think' Itself...'

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
This is the closest I can describe my experience of effortlessness;
When thinking the mantra.
The whole process is witness, and the mantra, more or less, goes on 
it's merry way.
Sometimes it can go faster, slower, fainter, or it may not change at 
Just let go.
TM is to teach you to let go.
All of this talk back and forth, about who is right and who is wrong?
Ego, ego, talking.
Let the mantra go beyond the stupid ego.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > In my experience, the mantra can become so faint that
> > it can be mistaken for "silence," and turning the
> > attention to the mantra can feel as if one is turning
> > the attention to silence rather than to the mantra.
> > 
> > This is why I'm so interested in the "revamped"
> > understanding Curtis mentioned in connection with
> > his question about attending to silence rather
> > than the mantra or thoughts. Could well be something
> > entirely different, but I'd love to know for sure.
For me, and my experience and understanding,
Silence is the Witnessing quality, that developes over time, as one 
becomes familiar with it. The silent witness, that begins to there 
all of the time.
The mantra then becomes a finer vibration, and sort of comforting and 
vibrating, but it is still a vibration, and not complete stillness.
So, for me, I can either sit and just witness, or think the mantra;
Either way...
Also, the siddhi technique, is the same.
You introduce a focus or vibration, on the backround of the 
Witnessing Self.
The thing is the witness or pure consciousness, or whatever you call 
it, Buddha nature, Christ Consciousness, is really so simple that it 
boggles the mind, and hopefully eventually burns up the ridiculous 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Some of us saw this coming BEFORE Iowa

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
Well some of us will always Believe that Hillary would have been a
better Man for the job...
YOu will see that Barack Obama will become the most transformational
leader, this country has seen in a long time.
You have to consider the American people are basically sheep, and
Barack has to appeal to the middle(he's kind of from Kansas)
But once he's in the seat of power;
You all will see.
Mark my words...

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> July 8, 2008
> Op-Ed Columnist
> Lurching With Abandon 
> In one of the numbers from "Fiddler on the Roof," Tevye sings, with a 
> mixture of emotions: "We haven't got the man ... we had when we 
> began."
> Back in January when Barack Obama pulled off his stunning win in the 
> Iowa caucuses, and people were lining up in the cold and snow for 
> hours just to get a glimpse of him, there was a wide and growing 
> belief — encouraged to the max by the candidate — that something new 
> in American politics had arrived.
> His brilliant, nationally televised victory speech in Des Moines sent 
> a shiver of hope through much of the electorate. "The time has come 
> for a president who will be honest about the choices and the 
> challenges we face," said Senator Obama, "who will listen to you and 
> learn from you, even when we disagree, who won't just tell you what 
> you want to hear, but what you need to know."
> Only an idiot would think or hope that a politician going through the 
> crucible of a presidential campaign could hold fast to every 
> position, steer clear of the stumbling blocks of nuance and never 
> make a mistake. But Barack Obama went out of his way to create the 
> impression that he was a new kind of political leader — more honest, 
> less cynical and less relentlessly calculating than most.
> You would be able to listen to him without worrying about what the 
> meaning of "is" is.
> This is why so many of Senator Obama's strongest supporters are 
> uneasy, upset, dismayed and even angry at the candidate who is now 
> emerging in the bright light of summer.
> One issue or another might not have made much difference. Tacking 
> toward the center in a general election is as common as kissing 
> babies in a campaign, and lord knows the Democrats need to expand 
> their coalition.
> But Senator Obama is not just tacking gently toward the center. He's 
> lurching right when it suits him, and he's zigging with the kind of 
> reckless abandon that's guaranteed to cause disillusion, if not 
> whiplash.
> So there he was in Zanesville, Ohio, pandering to evangelicals by 
> promising not just to maintain the Bush program of investing taxpayer 
> dollars in religious-based initiatives, but to expand it. Separation 
> of church and state? Forget about it.
> And there he was, in the midst of an election campaign in which the 
> makeup of the Supreme Court is as important as it has ever been, 
> agreeing with Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas that the 
> death penalty could be imposed for crimes other than murder. What was 
> the man thinking?
> Thankfully, a majority on the court left the barbaric Scalia-Thomas-
> Obama (and John McCain) reasoning behind and held that capital 
> punishment would apply only to homicides.
> "What's he doing?" is the most common question heard recently from 
> Obama supporters.
> For one thing, he's taking his base for granted, apparently believing 
> that such stalwart supporters as blacks, progressives and pumped-up 
> younger voters will be with him no matter what. A taste of the 
> backlash this can produce erupted on the candidate's own Web site.
> Thousands of Obama supporters flooded the site with protests over his 
> decision to support an electronic surveillance bill that gives 
> retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies that 
> participated in the Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping 
> program. The senator had previously promised to filibuster the bill 
> if it contained the immunity clause.
> There has been a reluctance among blacks to openly criticize Senator 
> Obama, the first black candidate with a real shot at the presidency. 
> But behind the scenes, there is discontent among African-Americans, 
> as well, over Mr. Obama's move away from progressive issues, 
> including his support of the Supreme Court's decision affirming the 
> constitutional right of individuals to bear arms.
> There's even concern that he's doing the Obama two-step on the issue 
> that has been the

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Allow the Mantra to 'think' Itself...'

2008-07-08 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > All of this talk back and forth, about who is right and who is wrong?
> > Ego, ego, talking.
> > Let the mantra go beyond the stupid ego.
> Wow, your beyond-ego POV is so right!  Glad you straightened us
> all out by showing us were we were wrong.
> Joining a thread with a condescending scolding...interesting choice.
> Thank you! and Praise Jesus!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G."  wrote:
> >
> > This is the closest I can describe my experience of effortlessness;
> > When thinking the mantra.
> > The whole process is witness, and the mantra, more or less, goes on 
> > it's merry way.
> > Sometimes it can go faster, slower, fainter, or it may not change at 
> > all.
> > Just let go.
> > TM is to teach you to let go.
> > All of this talk back and forth, about who is right and who is wrong?
> > Ego, ego, talking.
> > Let the mantra go beyond the stupid ego.
> > R.G.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Generic flame (this means you)

2008-07-09 Thread R.G.

> > > Are you referring to the warnings about the thought-free state 
> > > confused for something different?

--Thought free state, as TC, is the earliest stage of experience.
After many years of this, it begins to be established as the basis of 
In the beginning it is like a foggy morning in London.
in the end it is more like a beach in Yucatan Caribean >
> > 
> > Which scripture are you talking about here?
> The ancient texts of God's Word, revealed to God-Men. What scriptures
> are you talking about! :)

Well, let's go with Moses here...
He had access to some Lebanese herbs, and liked to climb mountains.
One day, he saw what appeared to be Spirit, in the form of Fire.
He heard Agni say: 'I am that I am.
I am awareness itself.
I am aware by nature of being aware.

So, go down the mountain and try to explain it to the 'Land of the Mud'

[FairfieldLife] 'Jackson/Clinton Fruedian Slips...'

2008-07-10 Thread R.G.
'Jackson & Clinton Helped Create Present System'
More Blacks in Jail. More breakdown of families. The glorification of 
This is their legacy- The Glorification of Fornication...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Iranian Missle Tests/Un-nerving Israel'

2008-07-10 Thread R.G.

> > 
> > Perhaps it will be the Meshuggenah Missile that will fall on them.
> Can you envision Obama ever ordering an attack on Iran?
This is why the neo-cons, Bush, and others are planning an attack 
before Obama becomes President, exactly for the reason you state above.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Iranian Missle Tests/Un-nerving Israel'

2008-07-10 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't think that the miss treatment of Palestinians won't come 
> to haunt them?  You don't think thats bad karma?  Or are your one of 
> these people who believes that piece of dirt is something special?  
> Image if we did that in the US oops we did for a long time with 
I agree with you, concerning the Palestinians...
What I was doing was just voicing my intuition, and from what I hear, 
that something is a brewing.
Iran is on some kind of Apocolyptic trip..
They want to bring some kind of chaos to the region.
They see the stupid policies of Bush has made them stronger in the 
So, whatever happens, right now, is seems like a collison course,
Between the US, Iran and Israel.
The Chinese and Russians are uging patience.
So, we shall see.
Bush has been storing up the oil reserves;
Perhaps if the oil supply becomes disrupted.
It is almost common knowledge that Bush wants to hit Iran before he 
leaves office..

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Iranian Missle Tests/Un-nerving Israel'

2008-07-10 Thread R.G.
> Before a bunch of fundamentalist nuts founded Israel Jews and 
> Palestinians coexisted there peacefully.  The  fundamentalist nuts 
> run that now country have some bad karma coming their way.

Sounds like the same fundementalist nuts that put Bush in office, not 
once but twice???

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bomb Iran?

2008-07-11 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  
> >
> >http://www.guardian.co.uk/cartoons
> That's it exactly. 
> Leave the Democrats with *three* unwinnable wars
> to get themselves out of instead of two, not to
> mention a few trillion more dollars of debt.
The thing is: 'It takes two to Tango'
Why is Iran, acting as if it is rising ancient power-
Seeking to dominate the Middle East, control all oil in the area;
Become a center of military nuclear might(Iran has natural deposits 
of Uranium on their land)...
Also, I have heard, that much like thd fundementalist Christians in 
this country, there is a mirror image on the Iranian side.
They also believe in a final confrontation between 'good and evil'...
And in the aftermath of the 'Complete Chaos'...
Then the 'Great Persian Islamic Dude' will reign over the world...
Sound a bit like the old German delusions of the 30's...
The Jewish people have been through 3 holocausts, to date.
One in Babylon, one at Rome, and one at Germany/Poland.
In 1948, Harry Truman gave his support to the newly formed country of 
Israel, giving legitamacy to the New State.
Israel is a democracy and much of the blood, sweat and tears of the 
horrendous karma, of WWII,
Has left the Jewish people: strong, prepared for anything.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Obama Alert'

2008-07-12 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do me a favor and forward any and all opposition mailings, lies and 
fear-mongering propaganda to:

 watchdog (at) barackobama.com

This is a nonsense filtering service of the Obama campaign, 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-12 Thread R.G.
> TV producers understand the psychology of the American public:
> "A former advertising copywriter, he sees "Law and Order" as a 
brand. He
> tells his writers that the series should be like Campbell's Soup: 
So, therefore, the Mr. & Mrs. John Q. American will play it safe and 
vote for McDonald's as President...
I mean McCain, sorry...

My observation is the extreme shift of the American consciousness, so 
that this brand of 'Law and Order' is failing.
It's a good metaphore for what is happening.
The old 'laws and orders' are not working because they are mostly 
built on lies, and the old power structure is collapsing fast.

There is only one vision for America at this point, which make sense.
President Obama is that vision. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-13 Thread R.G.
> And which vision is that, pray tell, because no one knows since he's 
> flip-flopped on virtually every significant issue.  Some will say he 
> hasn't gone to the center on many of those issues but the center-
> right!
Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
Americans like being at the center;
(which is why we are so 'off center' now)
So, Senator Obama is appealing to the center, as it is now...
The 'Percieved Center' is alway changing...
And it also has to do with confidence and desire.
How else did Bush win, not once, but twice.
Desire, confidence and a perception that he was at the 'Center' of 
American politics...
But that was back then, and this is now.
So, I don't think we can swing from the far right, as with Bush,
To the far left, as with Hillary...
So, I feel that Senator, soon to be President Obama is playing his 
cards just so right...

[FairfieldLife] Re: It's official -- the most mediocre dreams on the planet

2008-07-13 Thread R.G.
> Better than living with the delusion that I've actually seen people 
> levitate in former cults I've been associated with.
Whom may I ask, has seen someone levitate?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Miss USA Falls Down for Second Year in a Row

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To All:
> Is there a cosmic significance as to why the Miss USA representative 
> fell down during the Miss Universe beauty contest?
> **
Too Top Heavy?
Greasy Heals?
Drank too much the night before.
Who Knows?
Butterfly wings in Japan?

[FairfieldLife] Re: U.S. Immigration

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
> >> The US jyotish chart shows that this country is not for the lazy 
> >> those without dreams of a better life.
> >> 
> >
> > Bullshit.
> > People in the US are very lazy. They are fat and drive 30 yards 
to get
> > the gorceries. They are among the laziest people in the world.
> Not only that they feel "entitled" due to all the brainwashing 
they've had.

Perhaps it has to do with extreme poverty in Mexico and Central 
Over-population due to lack of birth control due to Roman Catholism;
The Republican attitude Bush learned from the Saudi's- have 
immigrants do all the 'dirty work'...
A several thousand mile border that is hard to defend against 
starving people.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama Defends Islam as Peaceful Religion

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
> Even the most tolerant of Muslims know Buddhism is misguided 
> evil.  Its in the Koran.  I very much doubt the Muslims have a
> reciprocal view of Mr. Lama.

Perhaps it has to do with the difference in belief in what happens 
after death...
The belief in reicarnation and karma Vs.
The belief that it's a holy thing to murder yourself and others for 
the sake of some promise of sex with Madonna and many of her sisters, 
in Islamic Heaven?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G."  wrote:
> > Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
> (I think Robert meant to write "won," not "one.")
> Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
> on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
> not one who would do exactly what all the others have
> done. That's why so many people who supported him are
> now very pissed off. 
I did mean won, not one...
Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has woken up 
the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the world, that the 
United States is changing it's facist tendencies.
He is a politician, and is moving toward the 'center' in order to win 
the election.
I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people who were 
supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are afraid of any 
change and are mostly racists.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G."  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > Every President has one, by going to the 'Center'.
> > > 
> > > (I think Robert meant to write "won," not "one.")
> > > 
> > > Problem is, Robert, Obama campaigned for the primary
> > > on the claim that he was a *transformative* politician,
> > > not one who would do exactly what all the others have
> > > done. That's why so many people who supported him are
> > > now very pissed off. 
> >  
> > I did mean won, not one...
> > Obama has already been transformative, in many ways, he has
> > woken up the electorite, and given hope to the rest of the
> > world, that the United States is changing it's facist
> > tendencies. He is a politician, and is moving toward the
> > 'center' in order to win the election.
> >
> > I am not sure who is pissed off at him, besides the people
> > who were supporting Hillary, and the McCain people who are
> > afraid of any change and are mostly racists.
> Didn't you read what I wrote? A lot of people who
> supported *Obama* are now very pissed off at him.

Who are these people? A lot of people?
And why do we have to put stars around *Obama*
Is that sum subliminal thing your doing?
What's up with your anger against Senator Obama.
It's not his fault, he won.
He got more votes.
Same in the fall.
He will win, because he will get more votes.
So, whoever these people are, they will come along.
You'll see.
On flip-flopping, one time a reporter commented to Abraham Lincoln, 
saying: 'Mr. Lincoln, you've seemed to have changed your mind, many 
times the past 24 hours...
At which, Lincoln replied: 'I don't think much of a man who thinks 
exactly the same today, as he did yesterday!

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity  
> >
> > Thanks to almost all of you for being here to teach me bunches!  
> > 
> > Anyone think that a 10 yard hop claim isn't a levitation claim? 
This is exactly the warning that the sutras warn about:
It is not important for anyone to be able to accomplish any 
particular siddhi. Enlightenment is the goal, not certain 'powers'.
Concentrating on powers is not the teaching.
The siddhi's are just potentials of a person who is operating at a 
different level of self aware enlightenment.
There are many enlightened people who do not levitate.
I am really not sure why Maharishi put so much emphasis on 
levitation, myself.
The goal is enlightenment, not levitation.
Besides, I have heard of someone who was actually levitating and was 
asked to leave the dome, because it was too disruptive to others.
Also, Maharishi never wanted to demonstrate the ability to levitate 
himself, when asked.
It is a powerful technique, but I believe requires a certain kind of 
person to accomplish this for real, and also that the air would have 
to be rarefied enough, as on the top of a mountain somewhere.
You need to remember that Iowa is not on top of a mountain, but is a 
place of the mundane, and it is ironic in itself, that this large 
group ended up in the middle of a  corn field in Iowa..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-14 Thread R.G.
> > Obama's effort to pay Hillary's campaign debts might not be
> > enough to please Hillary.  He should hold those funds as
> > leverage to insure cooperation.
> He doesn't need any leverage. She wants to see a
> Democrat in the White House whether he helps pay
> her debts or not.
Why should anyone but Hillary be responsible for her debts.
The Clinton's seem fine with making lot's of money.
Is she really that 'broke' now?
Don't think so.
Her ego has fallen a notch or two, and Bill is still making speeches.
Where is the problem.
Obama is a better speaker, more intelligent, more universal leader 
for the United States and the World.
Hillary will do alright;
I wouldn't worry about her finances too much.
Why would you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
---  (snip)
> Where is there a *warning* against performing teh siddhis in 

I was thinking that when Maharishi used the 'Capture the Fort' analogy,
he was speaking of this.
That there are many powers that one could concentrate and forget the 
So, in many ways, the siddis techniques which go have the effect you 
are saying...
In many ways, one could be confused, in that 'are we here to levitate, 
to prove something to somebod...
Are we here to transcend, and become enlightened?

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
 For  example, even back in the 70's I did not feel that TM should be 
taught in public schools, 
> altho MMY was having Jerry Jarvis and others defend the TMO in 
court.  I just saw that 
> issue as an area where MMY and I did not agree, at least as far as 
the Relative goes.
That worked out really well.
Look at what has happened the schools;
Meditation could have saved many kids in school from the chaos the 
schools have become.
But, that's the way it goes...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama Will Win

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Tom"  wrote:
> > Is it true that PUMA is a Republican founded and funded
> > group?
> Definitely not. I think what you're referring to is
> a rumor that got started about the woman who founded
> the PUMA-PAC, which turned out not to be true; she's
> a long-time Democrat. I can give you the details if
> you're interested.
> There may be Republicans hiding out among the PUMAs,
> and it's not impossible some are contributing in the
> hope of furthering McCain's candidacy, but the people
> who consider themselves PUMAs do so because they're
> Hillary supporters. Not that many of those among
> Republicans.
> And again, it's important to recognize that many
> who've been supporting Hillary (moi included) are
> doing so not because they think she's the cat's
> meow but because they really, really don't like
> Obama.
And many Obama supporters(moi included) like Obama, and think he will 
be a great leader.
And likewise, I believe Hillary felt 'entitled' to the nomination 
because she is married to Bill.
Bill is the one that ruined her chances...
She stayed with him during his many lies and adulterous adventures, 
and it came back to bite her on her fat ass.
She makes a better supporter of 'Strong dominant men', 
Instead of pretending to be a strong dominant man herself( remember 
the shots of Whiskey in the bar- pathetic)
It's not that I dislike Hillary; 
It's just that she is a big fake.
So, you go and vote for McCain.
Many will.
We'll see who wins.
Could be this country is too far gone for anyone to pull it back to 
any kind of sanity at this point.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amaranda Bhairavan (Nandu) Returns to Fairfield in August

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > Rice readings are done on a one-on-one basis.  During each 
> > Bhairavan uses a method of divination called Oti Nottam, 
> > by the odiyyas to see each person's astral body, karmic sheath 
> > (with its marma-chakra systems), mystic shield and all layers of 
> > mental realms. During this process Nandu invokes and becomes a 
> > vessel to his cluster of high energy beings that guide the 
> > As in Jyotish astrology, Nandu will share what he sees from the 
> > rice about a person's past, present and future tendencies. 
> > Blemishes, prana flow impairments and other harmful abnormalities 
> > are then detected and rituals will be done and remedies offered 
> > repair them. Questions can also be asked.
> I think my only question is whether he needs
> to use brown rice to do a reading for people
> of color.

Then again for really exciting results, you can use wild rice...

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter  wrote:
>  And as far as that poster claiming the TMO kicked a guy out of the 
> Fairfield flying hall because he was flying. Not even worth a 
> response 
> 30 years is a long time for someone without perspective.
> As for the rumour about that "flying" fellow who was kicked out of 
> Dome ? It's an obvious lie but that should most definately not stop 
> Rick Archer from perpetuating it since this is your main field of 
> interest.
I posted that I had spoken to a woman, I can't remember her name 
right now, hopefully I will remember...
She was always regarded as having advanced experiences and I had no 
reason not to believe her.
She told me that she had started to experience a more advanced form 
of levitition and was asked to leave the dome, because it was too 
destracting to other's in the dome.
I will do research on this and report back when I can remember more.
This conversation took place back around 1992...

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
> > > That worked out really well.
> > > Look at what has happened the schools;
> > > Meditation could have saved many kids in school from
> > the chaos the 
> > > schools have become.
> > > But, that's the way it goes...
> > 
> > Thanks for posting this. 
> > If only 10% of all of Maharishis strong suggestions for
> > implementing 
> > Vedic Science in America had been implemented in that
> > country, it would 
> > face a very different karma than currently.
> You don't know that. Again you are confounding your wish with 
reality. You believe that such a thing would be so based on your huge 
investment in the dogma of the TMO. Nothing could ever prove the TMO 
wrong to you. Always an ad hoc explanation, always a rationalization 
to excuse the failure of the TMO to make good on its predictions or 
plans. I mean face it, Nabs, you believe in the fantasy of a perfect 
master who speaks through a very curious and idiosyncratic Englishman 
(and I'm being kind here). Why can't the alleged master speak for 
himself. Probably the first time in history a "master" speaks through 
someone else.
Well, there were some schools that were practicing TM at the time;
Which is why the whole thing was brought to court, by some fundie 
group on Cali...
It seemed to be helping a lot and everyone liked it- it calmed 
everything down, and gave the students something to pull things 
No one was required to learn; it was on a voluteer basis.
It was tried in wealthy areas, middle areas, and depressed areas.
Worked in every situation.
Anyone who doesn't think TM would help in the schools is fool.
All it takes is to look at the present situation, and the collapse of 
the educational system, that what they are doing now, surely isn't 
working too well.
We live in a foolish society in so many ways...

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
> >
>   Yes, schools have had trouble, there is chaos  and these are 
problems that stem from our 
> culture in general as well as parenting difficulties. I had and 
have no doubt that having 
> students do TM twice a day, or even once a day, at school would be 
> beneficial.  My concerns were: 1.  once parents actually get wind 
of the puja and the other 
> trappings of the TMO, there will a large number who object and the 
backlash against TM 
This already happened, so you don't have to worry.
This whole thing was brought to Federal Court, concerning the Puja, 
and it being a religious thing-
So, it was banned from being taught in schools.
So, there you go; the chaos ensued from that stupid decision as well 
as others.
The belief in God or a Higher Power or any universal principle, is 
not taught in school. There are obviously more important things.
Very sad situation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
> If (IF) anyone in the TMO is currently floating, I would expect it 
to be King
> Tony. MMY claimed to have examined Abu-Nader's state of consciousness
> in all aspects and found him worthy. He appeared to have  tears in 
his eyes 
> when he was talking on this subject, which is something I don't 
recall ever  
> seeing before. Of course, I may be reading far too much into this, 
> it's an interesting thought, no?
> Lawson
This is where I would differ with you.
I'm not sure that if someone is enlightened, that they automatically 
have the ability to 'float'.
There are many enlightened ones who don't have ths ability.
This is one area of confusion- that in order to prove your 
enlightenment, you would have to be able to perform this siddhi.
Even in Yogananda's book, 'Autobiography of a Yogi, he mentions 
someone who could levitate;
But that was only one person, who seemed to have that as his 
Yogananda himself, didn't mention anything about him levitating 
Just as Maharishi, had trouble answering a question, on one of the 
last TM shows, he did in the U.S. on the 'Dick Cavette Show'.
When Mr.Cavette pressed Maharishi on whether he could levitate or not, 
Maharishi avoided the question, and said something like, that was not 
his thing, to levitate.
I feel the group meditation and siddhi practice has more to do with 
the effect on the group, and outside the group; group coherence it is 
So, this whole thing, concerning the actual ability to float, is kind 
of a mystery...
It would be nice to have someone who was actually having the 
experience, explain it from a personal vantage point.
So far, it remains a puzzle.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win(Hillary's Debt)

2008-07-15 Thread R.G.
Concerning giving the Clinton's more money...

Is there anyone else in any campaign that offered to pay of a rivals 
Having gotten into debt in itself, shows irresponsiblity, and 
Most of the debt is owed to consultants that helped her to lose the 
Did anyone help Romney pay his debt; no, he is wealthy and spent his 
own money.
The Clinton's are wealthy people.
It's just another way, the Clinton's can say- Look, Obama's no good;
He won't pay our way, and our old debts.
I wonder if the shoe were on the other foot...
and Barack had debts to pay...
I'm sure the Clinton's would be running to the bank to withdraw money, 
so they could give it to Barack?
I don't think so...
How many more millions do the Clinton's really need?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A friend named George

2008-04-11 Thread R.G.
 Whatever happens, I just hope the people of this country are not as
ignorant and retarded in their politics, as they have been, since who
knows when.
It is true when they get scared they will vote for what's familiar,
And they will get scared a lot before this is over.
I felt there was hope for a change...but now I'm starting to wonder.
Could just be back to same old, same old.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'October Surprise?'

2008-04-13 Thread R.G.
> > Robert,
> > 
> > You need not worry about the scenario you posed.  The military will 
> > not do anything drastic like attacking another country until its 
> > ordered by the president of the USA.  Otherwise, they will be 
> > violating the constitution.
> > 
> > According to General Petraeus in his comment to CNN, there is a very 
> > distinct divide between the Iranians and the Iraqis.  The Iranians 
> > are Persians by ancestry, while the Iraqis are considered to be 
> > Arab.  Although they are both Muslims, they have very serious 
> > ideological differences which caused the Iran-Iraq war.

This is how I understand it...
The war between Iraq and Iraq, that was fought in the 80's 
Was between Saddam's minority Sunni tribe, which controlled Iraq.
The United States was backing Iraq at that time, and sold them lot's
of weapon's. The picture of Don Rummy with Saddam, was from that era.
The U.S. may have also sold him some really devious stuff, also, as we
know how devious Rummy was, and the whole lying crew.
Saddam kept the Shiite majority down, and had some kind of grandiose
idea, going back to the Baath party, which has it's fascist origins in
Every Islamic leader, or should I say, most Islamic leaders in the
Middle East want to be a Warrior King, like Mohammad, supposedly was.
So, Saddam want to be King of the Mideast;
Now the guy in Iraq, Schmuck or whatever his name is, wants to be King
of the Mideast, etc...ad infinitum.

So, what we have is a Shiite majority taken over Iraq, with AL Sadr
and the Iranians smooching each other, waiting to make a deal, that
gets the US out, and merges the two counties.

Now, the United States can't allow that to happen.
There is too much oil at stake, and too much at stake for Israel to
China and Russia are heavily involved with schmoozing Iran, for their
oil and for the Uranian that the Iranians have on their land;
The Russians would like to have some of that Uranium for themselves.

So, basically the whole thing is over who controls the oil, and the
waterway to and from the oil.
And, Uranium is also involved, as the Iranians have much on their

The military basically has control of our government now, since Bush
took office;
He basically takes commands from them.
If McCain is doing well in October, then they will wait to attack Iran.
But if McCain is behind, there will be the temptation to evoke an
attack against Iranian interests.
In the meantime, Hillary has asked congress to pass a resolution,
To prevent Bush going to war with Iran, with out congressional approval.
Hillary, though, helped to pass a resolution calling a branch of
Iranian forces, a terrorist group.
So, Bush can probably go to war, because I think he was given the
power to unilaterally to to war against a terrorist state.
Correct me if I'm wrong in this analysis...of this unsettling line of

[FairfieldLife] Re: From Buzzflash--This is what the Clintons have come down to...

2008-04-13 Thread R.G.
> > Russert then reminded Rendell of what Hillary said last year: "You  
> (snip)
The only way for the Clintons to win is if the other guy flubs up.
This is the mastery of Bill and Hill..
They have been at this for centuries.
They hang in there 'till the other guy flubs up, plain and simple.
Then they go in for the kill;
They have killer instincts; the American public likes that, especially
the old ladies and lezbos.
Anyway, it sure will be interesting to see part II of the continuing
saga, of Bill and Hill and their saving of America from the wrath of
Let's face it, McCain is Insane, and Obama is well you know, like Fast
Eddie Rendell said it best;
Some people will just not vote for him.
Besides as in previous posts;
Like Chris Matthews said the other day,
Teddy Roosevelt said, and still seems to be true...
No candidate has ever won in American politics,
Running on an anti-war platform...
If Obama can do that, then that would qualify as a 'Miracle' in my

[FairfieldLife] Re: As re the Hoi-Polloi

2008-04-13 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> Judy, I will miss your input. I appreciate the counterpoint to the 
> overwhelming Obama bias here.  My brother in law was just over for 
> dinner, and he pointed out that Obama has exactly 2 more years, (not 
> counting a year of campaigning), than he or I have in running the 
> country.  Not that I like Hilliary, because I don't.  But I agree 
> that we have to be long on hope that Obama can successfully lead the 
> country.  He thinks Obama will be the next President.  I don't see 
> it.

I'm not sure what kind of experience you are seeking in someone to run
this insane country.
Let me name some people for you, that had a lot of experience, just to
see what all this experience means...
Lyndon Baines Johnson- Thousands killed in Vietnam; some think he was
behind the Kennedy assasination, or at least knew about the plot.
Richard M. Nixon- Continued the relentless barbarism in Vietnam, using
B-52's to carpet bomb and napalm men, women and children.
George W. Bush- had experience being around Dad, when Dad was in the
White House...had help from Dick Cheney who has many years of
experience in Washington D.C.
Some of the people who had less experience, but had a higher level of
consciousness include Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy...
One person doesn't do it all...
It's a matter of who the leader attracts and how pure his or her
intention is.
Barack Obama's intention is pure, and the best people are being
attracted to him.
The greater danger is to elect the more experienced people like
Hillary and John.
They just don't have what it takes to get us out of this mess.
The Clinton's are fake.
The McCain's are insane.

[FairfieldLife] Re: POLYGAMIST RANCH

2008-04-16 Thread R.G.
That's a lot of trouble to go to, just to have a lot of sex with young
Besides, there's not much of a gene pool there, so you would produce
Why not just take a trip to Amsterdam, if you need to get that kind of
stuff out of your system...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Where Have All the Flower Children Gone?

2008-04-18 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 18, 2008, at 1:20 AM, sparaig wrote:
> >  traditionally it has no meaning: its
> > just a sound whose effects are known to be good.
> Actually, traditionally, it does have a meaning as is witnessed by  
> the numerous bija dictionaries which define their meanings in some  
> detail.
Yes, but this is where meditation got lost in mystically, magical
stuff of various rituals and stuff...
Instead of using the mantra as a vibration, with no particular meaning
to speak of...
Just an innocent way to transcend superficial thought, superficial
feeling, superficial meaning...
Not getting hung up on meaning, the mind begins to transcend,
naturally,  spontaneously.
If you find yourself off on a thought, or meaning of some kind,
innocently come back to the mantra...
We think the mantra as effortlessly as we think any other thought.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritually Hot in FF, Eckhart Tolle on Oprah.com

2008-04-22 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What would you do if you found out that Obama does meditation
I called his campaign in New Hampshire, when he was up there, and
offered to teach him meditation, but haven't heard anything yet...
I did hear him say something about 'secret mantras'
Like he didn't have any secret mantras...so I'm not sure how much he's
into secret mantras...
Probably doesn''t understand the concept yet.
He seems to be spiritually evolved, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt him
to know more about all of this stuff, outside of his Christian teachings..

[FairfieldLife] Dear Pennsylvanians- Vote for Bro/Not the Ho'

2008-04-22 Thread R.G.
'Stand up for Change'

'Overthrow the Clinton Dynasty'

'Revolution #9...'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Dear Pennsylvanians- Vote for Ron Paul real change can't win

2008-04-22 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 4/22/2008 1:05:45 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> 'Stand  up for Change'
> 'Overthrow the Clinton Dynasty'
> 'Revolution  #9...'
> To subscribe,  send a message to:
> Or go to:  
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/
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> **Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S.
used car 
> listings at AOL Autos.  
> (http://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=aolcmp0030002851)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hillary promises to murder millions if elected

2008-04-24 Thread R.G.
 so Clinton's threat obviously is intended to 
> garner support among the pro-Zionist factions in the U.S. (fundies 
> probably even more important than Jews in this regard):

This is why I see Obama's Presidency as so important, for this one
issue if nothing else.
Because both Hillary and McCain are carrying water for this kind of war-
And I am afraid, at this point, we have to deal with our enemy's in a
civilized way.
There is a peace movement in Israel, as I am sure there is one in Iran.
There is a peace movement here also...
Trouble is, people are a bit sheep-like, and easily brain-washed,
especially when they get into being afraid...
Then they want to stick with what's familiar.
So, for many older people especially, like we see in Pennsylvania,
they just stick with what's familiar...
So, unless the peacemakers regain control of these nations, then we
will continue playing these very expensive and destructive war-games...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Hillary and White Power'

2008-04-26 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert  wrote:
> >
> > The Clinton's have fallen back in the
> > Southern Strategy...
> > In that Bill Clinton and James Carville
> > are masters of , 
> > 
> > 'Playing the Race Card'.
> > And, besides Hillary's just is in it
> > for the power.
> > In Bill and Hill's world,
> > Since they feel John McCain can't win,
> >  That they are the last best hope to:
> > To keep the WH white
> I don't believe that at all. I think that they want the White House
to be
> Clinton and Democratic, possibly in that order, which likely isn't
too far
> off from what Obama wants, save he wants it Obama and Democratic.
> L.
There's nothing to believe, that's the point.
The only argument she falls back on now, is that he can't win because
he's black.
Playing the race card has been the job of the Republican's since LBJ
passed the Civil Rights Bill...
So, like Bill diluted the Democratic positions when he was president...
Now, they play right-wing politics, just like Karl Rove, using all
kinds of fear buttons, to scare people into staying asleep.
The only way she can win, is to destroy Sen. Obama, in any way she and
they can.
She is a negative influence, not a hairs bit of difference between her
and McCain, except that John doesn't play as dirty.

[FairfieldLife] Re: From one of Judy's favorite websites...

2008-04-27 Thread R.G.
> But because this is all so convoluted and neurotic,
> he keeps stepping on his own feet:  

Well, there could be a chemical imbalance;
Let's face it, this couple has been through hell and back.
Bill just had a heart op, and the Novocaine or whatever they used to
knock him out;
Well he's still kind of fuzzy...
Not the same good ol' Bill we knew back when-
He could make a State of the Union speech while they we're checking
the Blue dress for DNA.
Hillary is all ginned up on the power struggle to control Bill;
Except that now, Bill can't use drugs for erectile dysfunction,
So, now, he's passion is more mouth driven.
He is as devilish as Bush, and knows how to get into Senator Obama's
Hopefully, now the the grueling 'meat-grinder' of Philadelphia and
Pennsylvania 'slam, ram, thank you, Maim', is over...Disney World/Abc
news- ambushes...smears and idiocy.
And we could perhaps get back to some 'Midwest Normalcy'...
The race will slide back, in tune with all the laws of nature...
Back to Senator Obama, and a fresh start for America.

[FairfieldLife] Bless What Appears to be Lightless

2008-04-28 Thread R.G.
Bless What Appears to be Lightless
 Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


As the velocity of your dreams coming true increases in dimension and
depth you come to an intersection of time where all of your past
dreams overlap and merge with all of your new creations. It is here
that they meld into a physical format that holds a vast array of
possibilities. It is at this point of multiplicity that one can breath
more life into their dreams or just allow them to make it on their
own. It is as this sacred placement that you can also adjust the
pattern and pathway that the dreams are flowing into,

When one has received the gift of a dream made manifest it is
important to realize that said person has rightly earned it. For to
manifest anything of vast potential one has to walk through the
shadows of self and fear and other imparted limitations. One has to
come face to face with the beast within that gnaws upon lost dreams.
Moving into higher octaves of manifestation demands that one become
brave beyond fears crested by self or others. It requires one to fill
in the designated field of inquiry with red ink so one can be seen in
the fullness of time and all requests can be processed accordingly.

Seeing your dreams into full manifestation takes guts with little
glory. It asks you to integrate into a system that you may not agree
with and yet by your very integration you change the outcome of what
is to be. Every thing upon earth has a deep livingness housed within
it and this livingness (quantum consciousness) responds to all
thoughts with no exceptions. You are continually fueling what is to be
or not to be by every thoughtful energy. In the process of creation
you are not allowed to doubt yourself one iota. For even one stray
thought of failure will taint the entire batch of creation.

As we move closer to all that we seek to be true we will find that
every place we go has the divine potential to be a vessel of light.
Whether that vessel of light comes in the form of a gas station, a
grocery store or a furniture store every place can be used to house
what is good and high of Light and integrity. Each place that you work
or live or drive is influenced by your energies in accordance with
your daily thoughts. All places of employment hold the vibrations of
their employees, their joys and their angers, their good days and
their bad days. That ratio changes daily with every action and
interaction. Many employees feel that they have no control over their
lives or jobs but they are affecting/or infecting their place of work
all day long.

At this time on earth the angels fold up their wings and wear a
costume of humanness to be able to walk among the masses. These angels
come not with a special tag but are often seen on the very corners of
your hometown street begging for food and money. The holier than thou
vibration of judgement is coming into diluted form as those of a
higher heart are asked not to judge by another's clothes or car or
looks or ethic group. The very Christ child himself was born amongst
the lowliest of animals in a place that did not seem appropriate for
the Son of God.

Many have searched for areas of holy light in war filled places. They
have looked to ancient history to find the locations of the sacred
cities and sites but said places are now beaten up and war torn. The
universe comes to announce during this 11:11 gateway that the places
of light that you seek to fill you with what you think is holy, need
to first be filled by you with love. If you enter a place that feels
negative or misused, (sacred place, church or Wal-Mart for that
matter) do not run with your tale between your legs pointing at its
darkness and failure to have light. Stop for a full minute and bless
what appears to be lightless. Maybe the dormant light waits on your
recognition of it to be made whole and luminescent. The time for
judgement and finger pointing is over and gone.

God's entire world is a holy place, from the dumps to the
mountaintops. The light needs you to speak it into existence. Without
your participation it just lays dormant and silent. The substations of
light that awaken as the 11:11 doorway is activated hold a strong
potential for giving to those still in doubt a little infusion of
light and hope and a glimpse of how dreams were born to come true.
Peoples of all creeds and colors and dominions will enter theses
substations (in the form of stores, insurance companies, coffee shops,
restaurants etc) and they will feel the love the hope the smile of
another in acknowledging thier soul value.

What lives deep within the people of earth has more value than all the
gold and diamonds on earth. One soul who finally sees them selves as a
holy vessel is priceless. One soul who remembers their divine identity
is worth risking everything for. People have felt so beat down and
beat up. They have felt cheated and taken advantage of when they are
good hearted giving people. So many try to

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma quote

2008-04-28 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> >
> > "The success of one's life depends upon one's ability to 
> > forget what is not relevant to the present moment." - Amma
> Nice. Another way of saying, "What you focus 
> on, you become."
Nice quote...
It just means 'Be Here Now'...
When we are focused on the past or future, then we are not 'here'.
Here, is all that really exists.
Back there, or someday, only exist in one's mind.
The space and time of now, is infinite.
The space and time of yesterday is limited.
The space and time of tomorrow is limited.
Now is unlimited.
This is as good as it gets.

[FairfieldLife] Re: good interview with Rev. Wright

2008-04-29 Thread R.G.
The difference between the message of Reverand Wright and Barack Obama
is this:
Reverend Wright is a bitter baby-boomer...
He comes from the same mold as John McCain and Hillary and Billy Bob
Barack Obama is attempting to 'break this mold'...
He is attempting to 'Unify'...
This is the basis of his 'Spiritual Message'...
This is also the legacy of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi-
'Unity is the Way'

[FairfieldLife] 'Hillary Makes 'Rocky a Pansy'

2008-04-29 Thread R.G.
One Hillary endorsement today by the Governor of North Carolina said:
"Hillary is a fighter, and makes Rocky look like a pansy"...
Sounds like we've moved on from Philadelphia?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Hillary a Satanist?

2008-04-29 Thread R.G.
 Could just be the sign they use down there in Texas, to celebrate the
'Longhorns', the team they have in those parts...
It's also been used for 'Rock On'...

So, whatever, whatever, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Hillary has 'Testicular Foritude'

2008-04-30 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bet she shaves
Real women don't shave, Louis, and another thing, for my two cents...
Real women find time to nurse their babies...
And another thing...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Racism of a different color

2008-04-30 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ispiritkin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with the Edg's premise (quoted below) that it is VERY DIFFICULT 
> for a white person to know what it is to be black, but I disagree that 
> a white person cannot possibly know what it is to be hurt, brainwashed, 
> intimidated, forced, challenged, tortured, and negated.
> Separate point ~~ I can often pick out from a distance the difference 
> between an American black and a foreign black (esp from Africa).  
> Blacks raised in the U.S. have an internal tension and defensiveness 
> that foreign-born-and-raised blacks don't show.  That tension shows in 
> their posture and body language.  This is such a sad statement about 
> how their environment affects them.   

Much of that body language comes from being in prison, and you will
see that kind of body language, from any person of any race, who has
been in  prison. 
The Black population has a much larger part of their culture in
prison, and much of their culture relates to gangster kind of life
style, because of the media, and black entertainment, rap music, etc.
The drug culture, and the prohibition of drugs also feed the money of
this whole equation.
Anyone can relate with the 'Black Experience' if they have ever
experienced being 'outside the culture' or being 'scapegoated' or
prejudiced upon.
Many Jewish people can relate to black people, myself included.
So, it's to generalized to make that statement.
The 'Black Experience' has to do with slavery; simple as that.
But we are all slaves to a certain extent,
Until we are living, 'Heaven on Earth' as Maharishi explained.
Jesus also felt this way.
So, there is still work to do;
I think Barack is the best 'Dude' for the job.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread R.G.
> > > "There's something for us to listen to about that. 
> > >  ...talking from the level of the heart that we're talking about, 
> > > not just emotional, but the spiritual heart.  ...directly 
> >connected 
> > > to this opening to the heart of the world, which is really 
> >opening 
> > > into the core of the earth's intelligence, the revelation of the 
> > > purpose of Gaia, of our planet, its self-revealing mechanism 
> > > revealing itself. 

You guy's forgot the 'Third Eye Club'...
I remember a guy from Wisconsin, 
Mike Holzman...
He started the Third Eye Club with a chapter in FF, back in early
'80's ...
Don't know if the club still exists, there?

Anyway, we use to share our third eye experiences,
Like being able to see karma, and into the future and stuff.
It's all due to looking out of the third eye...
Feeling at 'One with the All'...

The more daunting task, is really connecting back directly to the soul
energy, above the head, and out to the universal consciousness,
Whatever that means?
Go Buddhas...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : "Raja" Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread R.G.
> What would be the appropriate Vedic punishment? After all, we want to  
> be in accord with natural law!
> We were thinking ghee-boarding may be the way the go, but you know us  
> crazy Americans.
> Super Radiantly Yours,
> Vaj
I heard today, that water-boarding was only the first step, in the
techniques used by the CIA...
You know the US absorbed much of the information on torture, from the
Nazis who were practiced in the art of torture and other human
This was a very dark time in German history, and human history.
We are at a turning point, hopefully we can turn away from such animal
like reactions and become more human, as we supposedly  evolve...

As far as an appropriate punishment, we can leave that to the 'Lords
of Karma'...
They don't miss a beat, just waiting for the 'right time'.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Amma confirms Buddha not MMY

2008-05-04 Thread R.G.
> > > "As one's mind becomes more and more subtle, one will
> > > find that renunciation of desires is the only way to
> > > get rid of all sorrow and suffering." ~ Amma
This is why one would decide to sit in a cave for a while...
As the mind find fulfillment in subtlety, then any agitation of the
mind becomes disturbing to the peace of the subtle levels...
So, when a desire comes up from the ego, one finds it easier to let go
And go back to serenity.
This is the whole basis of the 12 steps programs also.
The idea of 'Letting Go and let God'.
or Acceptance is the answer to all problems.
Accepting what 'IS'

[FairfieldLife] Re: GOP's New Slogan Already Being Used To Market Anti-depressant

2008-05-13 Thread R.G.
> Effexor, also known as Venlafaxine, is approved for the 
> treatment "of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, social 
> anxiety disorder, and panic disorder in adults." Its common side 
> effects are very much in keeping with the world the House 
> Republicans have striven to build: nausea, apathy, constipation, 
> fatigue, vertigo, sexual dysfunction, sweating, memory loss, and - 
> and I swear I am not making this up - "electric shock-like 
> sensations also called 'brain zaps.'"

This sounds like it goes along very much with the 'mindwar' 
narrative, used since the Reagan years, circa 1980...
Basically there are three principles used in order to control 
the 'masses'.
1. Create fear, terror and panic through some shocking event(like the 
Nazi Blitzkrieg, or Kennedy assasination or 9/11).
2. Portray your forces as 'too big' to conquer...use language and 
chaos to maintain central control.
3. Continue to assail the population, in order to further weaken 
their will, by various stress producers, feelings of lack of control 
of prices, and various other everyday means of mantaining oneself.
Anyway, a lot of this goes on in our culture, and although we have 
gotten quite used to it, nonetheless, I think a time is coming soon, 
hopefully, to throw the brain-washers, off...

[FairfieldLife] Re: How can the God of destruction be supreme?

2008-05-23 Thread R.G.
> > being the case how could one say Lord Shiva who gets associated 
> > the destruction be the Supreme God ? 
> > 
> > braHma, viShNu, 

Well, let's go with the Christian interpretation of:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...
In this analogy, Father is Brahma, Krishna is Vishhu, and Shiva is 
the Holy Spirit.
Now, fire is representive of spirit in most of the ancient texts and 
But, Holy Spirit, I feel is more associated with higher vibratory 
frequency of consciousness; one that penetrates all the lower energy 
vibrations, and purify's them, or raises them up spiritually.
So, one radiated the Holy Spirit, is like one radiating the aspect of 
Shiva, who destroys the darkness and ignorance through radiating the 
light of yoga, yagyas, siddhis, and all means of purification with 
the help of other aspects such as Ganesha, and so onand so forth.
So, Shiva is the aspect of the light of Holy Spirit, or pure shakti.

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-16 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G."  wrote:
> >
> > This already happened, so you don't have to worry.
> > This whole thing was brought to Federal Court, concerning the 
> > and it being a religious thing-
> > So, it was banned from being taught in schools.
> > So, there you go; the chaos ensued from that stupid decision as 
> > well as others.
> > The belief in God or a Higher Power or any universal principle, 
> > not taught in school. There are obviously more important things.
> > Very sad situation.
> The "sad situation" is that there are people on 
> this planet who think that a belief in God *should*
> be taught in schools, as if it were fact. 
> What should be taught is an *overview* of world 
> religions and spiritual beliefs, dispassionately
> and with NONE of them being presented as "correct"
> or "right," much less "best." Atheism and belief
> systems such as Buddhism that do not have a God
> concept should be taught right alongside the God-
> based systems.
> No *techniques* from any of these belief systems
> should ever be taught in the schools, only the 
> dogma and theory that the belief systems espouse.
> IMO this would prepare students to *make their own
> decisions* about such things. They can decide to
> have something to do with one or more of these
> belief systems based on knowledge of *what they
> are*, and knowledge of what the other competing
> belief systems are. 
> Anyone who wants only ONE belief system to be taught
> in school systems is a religious fanatic. America
> and its founding fathers had a dim view of such
> fanatics. It's good to remember that the famous 
> quote by Thomas Jefferson that graces his memorial
> in Washington D.C. was written about an attempt by
> one religious group (Christian) to introduce its
> teachings into a school system. Jefferson was quite
> clear how he felt about that:
> "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility 
> against every from of tyranny over the mind of man."
> Suffice it to say I share his hostility towards 
> anyone from ANY religion or belief system who tries
> to have his beliefs -- and ONLY his beliefs -- taught
> in schools. In that sense, I am still an American,
> and despise those who would try to change it into
> the very opposite of what it was founded to be.

There is a belief that is taught primarily: God= Money

[FairfieldLife] Re: I quit

2008-07-16 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo"  
> >
> > I'd love to see Tony Nader fly, it would make my day! I can't
> > think of a reason why someone wouldn't want to demonstrate
> > sidhi powers. The old "I don't want to be remembered as a
> > circus act" excuse doesn't wash, if you want people to 
> > believe you know what you're talking about I can think of
> > no better way.
> I can -- knowing what you're talking about.  :-)
> Seriously, that is the component that was missing
> in many of Maharishi's pronouncements. He clearly
> had no grasp of the *issues*, much less his 
> proposed "solutions" to them. 
> Ok, I *know* that most folks here don't believe
> that I witnessed siddhis being performed. But I did,
> *whatever* caused me to witness them. So did liter-
> ally hundreds of other people who attended Rama's
> talks. So did having witnessed these things convince
> everyone that he knew what he was talking about?
> No, it didn't. I have seen someone I brought to a
> talk (a TMer) exclaim during the meditation "He's 
> levitating!" or "Shit...he just disappeared," and 
> then, the next day, claim that she had seen and 
> experienced nothing whatsoever out of the ordinary. 
> In a matter of hours she had managed to "blot out" 
> any memories of what she had seen and experienced 
> and *admitted* seeing and experiencing the night 
> before.
> The SAME thing would happen with a large percentage
> of people if someone in the TMO *could* fly, and 
> demonstrated it. Only a small percentage of those
> witnessing the phenomenon would 1) believe that they
> had actually seen it, or 2) ascribe "knowing what
> he's talking about-ness" to the person who flew.
> It's just human nature, Richard. Over the years I 
> have heard many, many people here say, "All the TMO 
> would have to do is demonstrate levitation and all
> of the doubts would stop." It's simply not true.
> It's something that people who have never witnessed
> such phenomena themselves believe. 
> Those who have know better. In a remarkably short
> time, these phenomena become "background," and
> assumed, and kinda ho-hum. I found myself sitting
> in lecture halls or out in the desert thinking,
> "Oh...he's levitating again...big deal." 
> Besides, as far as I can tell, there is NO
> RELATIONSHIP between being able to perform
> siddhis and one's state of consciousness, or one
> "knowing what he's talking about." Apples and
> oranges. The non-enlightened can perform siddhis,
> and many of the enlightened cannot. 
> Again, it is the *rarity* of these phenomena
> (together with self-serving dogma from spiritual
> traditions) that claims that there is a link 
> between siddhis and enlightenment. I perceive
> no such link. Back in the early days of his
> teaching, neither did Maharishi. He gave several
> talks at Squaw Valley in which he said that being
> able to perform siddhis had NO relationship to
> one's state of consciousness. Later he changed
> his tune, "coincidentally" after he had found
> a way to make money by claiming to teach people
> siddhis.
> Bottom line is that my experience tells me that
> demonstrations of people flying -- REAL, unfaked
> demos of people flying -- would convince only a
> small percentage of people that the phenomenon
> was actually taking place. The others would find
> a way to make it "go away," and to pretend that
> they had never seen what they saw. I've seen it
> happen over and over and over and over. 
> Again, it's just human nature. A lot of the people
> HERE who claim that they would like to see siddhis
> being performed would wind up denying that they
> had seen them.
I would imagine that the same happened in Jesus' day.
No matter what the sidhi was which was performed,
Some wouldn't see it, understand it, etc.
I do think this is true, what has been said above.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What is it that most people are most afraid of?

2008-07-16 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is just a café rap inspired by a previous post 
> to Richard Hughes earlier today, about whether "demos"
> of people flying would radically change people's minds
> about the TMO. If you didn't like the original rap,
> you aren't going to like this one, so hit NEXT now. :-)
> So what is the Big Bad Boogey Man, the thing that most
> people on this planet are most afraid of?
> Some are going to say death, but I'm going to disagree.
> That's kind of a given, and most people have found ways
> to either never think about the prospect or to have some
> comforting belief about what death involves. 
> So, are most people most afraid of terrorism? Of losing
> their jobs or a way to make a living and ending up poor
> and homeless? Of bad things happening to them or their 
> loved ones? If you watch the news, it's clear that all 
> of these are BIG fears in the minds of a lot of people 
> on this planet. But I don't think any of them is the 
> biggest fear, the Big Bad Boogey Man himself.
> I think that the BBBM -- the thing that most people are
> most afraid of -- is cognitive dissonance. Most people
> are most afraid of changing their minds.
> I think that the thing they fear the most is that the 
> belief systems that they have constructed or adopted to 
> "explain" the world around them and how it works are 
> wrong or incomplete, and that if they ever admit this, 
> they'll be in a position of Having No Clue, having to 
> start over and come up with a *new* belief system to 
> "explain" the world around them.
> My theory -- and it's ONLY a theory, a half-baked opinion --
> explains SO MUCH of what we see in the world around us,
> and on this forum. Think about the sometimes over-the-top
> ways that people react to the idea that maybe Maharishi
> wasn't right about everything, or that America is not 
> exactly the beacon of wealth, happiness, liberty, justice, 
> and freedom for all it pretends to be. Some people go 
> CRAZY when these beliefs are challenged. 
> And WHY? Well, I think it's because they perceive -- and
> correctly -- that if the things that these heretics are
> saying about the things that they believe are true, then 
> their beliefs themselves are not true, or not complete. 
> And if that were so, what then? 
> The people who react with anger or TBness IMO perceive a 
> quagmire of *cognitive dissonance* lurking behind the
> heretics and what they are saying. And they're right. 
> But WHY do they fear this?
> One would think that a seeker of truth would be *pleased*
> to discover that his previous beliefs about a subject 
> were incorrect or only partially correct. That would mean
> that the seeker HAD LEARNED SOMETHING NEW. He or 
> she would have *grown*, expanded his or her knowledge of
> the world around them. They wouldn't have "lost" anything
> at all, except the illusory certainty that they knew
> everything about the world around them already.
> As a Buddhist, what I see in the overreactions some have
> to their core beliefs being challenged is attachment. If 
> they were unattached to their beliefs, what would there be
> to fear in having to change them, based on new information?
> And yet people DO fear changing their beliefs. They fight
> WARS to keep from changing their beliefs, and to impose 
> those beliefs on others. 
> I think these people are fearful for no reason, and that
> cognitive dissonance is a Good Thing. I think it's the
> thing that indicates progress -- both intellectual progress 
> and spiritual progress. If you still believe exactly the 
> same things today that you did last year, IMO you have made 
> no progress and learned nothing new during that year. 
> The fearful would say, "But...but...but my beliefs haven't
> changed because they're RIGHT." That could be. Or it could 
> be that their fear that their beliefs AREN'T right or 
> complete has made them attack or close themselves off to 
> new knowledge that might reveal that their previous beliefs 
> weren't right ENOUGH. They weren't quite "there" yet.
> So, my theory is that the Biggest Baddest Boogey Man for
> most people is the fear of cognitive dissonance -- the
> realization that something you believed could not possibly
> happen IS happening, right in front of you. Or conversely,
> that the things you believed with absolute certainty will 
> happen aren't happening. When they are confronted with the 
> potential for cognitive dissonance, they react with the 
> "fight or flight response" -- they lash out or close down, 
> to try to make that potential GO AWAY.
> IMO, what they are lashing out at and closing themselves
> off to is the universe trying to teach them something new.
Very insightful post, Thanks...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why Obama won't win

2008-07-16 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "R.G."  wrote:
> [snip]
> and the McCain people who are afraid of any 
> > change and are mostly racists.
Wake up;
We live in a racist country, everyone knows it.
Just stated the facts.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maitreya and Maharishi

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
> Lutes as close to MMY ? What a joke ! Maharishi cut off that 
> as you know very well.

I always assumed people who were close to Maharishi, from the early 
Were pushed out by people like Bevan Morris and Co.
I'm not sure what you mean by nutcase?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Celebrations - Friday, 12:45pm & 8:15pm

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On Jul 17, 2008, at 5:49 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> >>
> >> Dress:
> >> In keeping with the special character of Guru Purnima in the 
> >> calendar, everyone should wear their most dignified dress.
> >>
> >> Ladies should wear saris or long dresses or long skirts (no pants
> >> or punjabis) and completely cover their heads and shoulders with
> >> the sari or shawls/scarves in the Dome--to be dressed properly
> >> for a Vedic performance.
> >>
> >> Men should wear coat and tie or a dress kurta with nice pants.
> >> No one should wear anything made of leather into the Dome (after
> >> removing shoes as usual in the shoe areas) such as belts, 
> >> watchbands, or purses.
> >>
> >> Ladies' consideration:
> >> As is the Vedic tradition, ladies who are pregnant or having 
> >> monthly cycle should not attend.
> >
> >
> > And some misguided souls have suggested that the
> > TM organization is a weird Hindu cult. This should
> > dispel all those ugly rumors.
> Barry, I was hoping that someone with a little more sense of
> humor than I was able to summon up upon reading that would
> respond.  Thanks.
> It would be great satire if it wasn't actually for real.
> Sal

I heard from a woman, one time, that men were kind of afraid of a 
woman's power, when she was in her monthly cycle, and of course a 
pregnant woman is certainly a powerhouse of Life...
Seems like this prejudice has to do more with making a woman 
feel 'dirty' or 'less then'...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Celebrations - Friday, 12:45pm & 8:15pm

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
> And if a woman have an issue, and her issue in her flesh be blood, 
> shall be put apart seven days: and whosoever toucheth her shall be
> unclean until the even.
> Leviticus 15:19-24
> =
> Transcendental Meditation is supposed to be about *enlightenment*.
> What a load of horse shit!
I am willing to bet any amount, that this stuff was not written by a 
As a matter of fact, woman have been excluded from many 
spiritual/educational opportunities through the ages.
In ancient Greece, it was the same.
Only men, had the opportunity, to attend school and be educated.
The term going 'Greek', goes back to this time,
As the Greeks were into homosexuality, as a result of lack of woman 
in the schools, in ancient Greece.
No, really

[FairfieldLife] 'Buddhist Leader/The14th Dalai Lama/To Appear in Madison'

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
  Tibetans Buddhists Courageously Speak Out Against Dalai Lama's 
Claiming Religious Discrimination, this Saturday in Madison WI
This Saturday, 600 Buddhists with one voice will protest against the 
Dalai Lama claiming a campaign of religious intolerance and immoral 
discrimination against the Buddhist community who practice the 
protective deity Dorje Shugden. This Western Shugden Society 
organized demonstration hopes to expose the abuse of the Dalai Lama's 
dual political and religious status, by which all Tibetan-exiles must 
take a public oath to abandon this spiritual practice as well as 
association with anyone who practices this 400 year old Buddhist 
Deity, in order to receive a state issued identity card. Without this 
identity card it is difficult and sometimes impossible to purchase 
food in many stores, receive medical treatment, and obtain travel 
documents. The protests is scheduled to take place Saturday, July 
19th and promises to be colorful and lively event, with passionate 
Tibetan and English changt and bright placards spotting the crowd. 

(PRWEB) July 17, 2008 -- This Saturday, 600 Buddhists with one voice 
will protest against the Dalai Lama claiming a campaign of religious 
intolerance and immoral discrimination against the Buddhist community 
who practice the protective deity Dorje Shugden. This Western Shugden 
Society organized demonstration hopes to expose what they categorize 
as abuse of the Dalai Lama's dual political and religious status, by 
which all Tibetan-exiles must take a public oath to abandon this 
spiritual practice as well as association with anyone who practices 
this 400 year old Buddhist Deity, in order to receive a state issued 
identity card. Without this identity card it is difficult and 
sometimes impossible to purchase food in many stores, receive medical 
treatment, and obtain travel documents. The protests is scheduled to 
take place Saturday, July 19th and promises to be colorful and lively 
event, with passionate Tibetan and English changt and bright placards 
spotting the crowd. 

Through utilizing the free press unavailable in the Tibetan Exile 
communities, Tibetan and western Buddhists have come together in 
Madison during the Dalai Lama's week of teaching to speak out against 
this discrimination and persecution. 

Kelsang Pema, Western Buddhist nun and spokesperson for the Western 
Shugden Society (WSS) will be available on sight for interviews and 
questions and in an unprecedented act, DVDs of first-hand 
testimonial's of Tibetans and westerners around the world speaking 
out about their victimization at the hands of this celebrity monk, 
the Dalai Lama, will be available. 

"The Dalai Lama will come to Madison and talk about peace and 
compassion, but he is not practicing what he is teaching. In India, 
thousands of innocent monks have been expelled from their 
monasteries, supporters denied food and travel visas, families are 
being ostracized from their communities and countless Shugden Temples 
and statues destroyed. 

We need to demonstrate because none of the other methods we have 
tried have succeeded in bringing about a meaningful discussion with 
him. Our only aim is to have this ban lifted so that millions of 
innocent people can continue with their spiritual life in peace and 

For Further Information visit www.westernshugdensociety.org 

Media Contacts- Kelsang Thubchen 845-856-9000 -5636
  Shelley Tanner 917-620-2598
  Kelsang Norden 848-565-8771 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Purnima Celebrations - Friday, 12:45pm & 8:15pm

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
> > Gotta draw the line somewhere, right?
> > 
> > Sal
> What I'd like to know is whether all the good women of FF
> who frequent the domes are going to boycott this "celebration".
> My guess is not, as they're probably too far gone into 
> cultsville to even realise they are being screwed over 
> by some ancient bigot's ideas. But I live in hope.
Trouble is when these women are excluded, they could join together in 
their own celebration, of the feminine forces of nature, spill thier 
blood on the ground, etc...
All that stuff, that us men know not too much about, and kind of 
don't wanna know too much about.
Then again, they could really rebel and form covens of sorts, and 
become witches, and really show you guys how to fly...
Ha ha ha ha ha

[FairfieldLife] Re: ME and HP?

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
> As Donald Trump would say (I guess): That's gonna be hyooge!
> I "afraid" it's going to be the "final" proof that Maharishi
> Effect really works! :D
Yep, someone was saying yesterday, something about people still being 
able to make moolah, in the so-called 'tought times' we're in..
Well anyway, the devil still gets his due, I see...

BTW, this Russian guy, who bought the place, is planning on knocking 
down the actual structure, and starting over...
Perhaps a rep from Vedic Buildings, could head down there , and make 
him an offer he couldn't refuse.
Funny thing, the Russian guy made his money in the fertilizer business.
Same business, 'The Donald' is in...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Iowa one of fattest states outside of South

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> bob_brigante wrote:
> > http://calorielab.com/news/2008/07/02/fattest-states-2008/
> Yes it seems to be a very kapha state as of late.  ;-)
I'm sorry, but I think we have that honor, up here in Wisconsin?...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Air Obama

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> How much you wanna bet that Nabby is going to try and convince us 
> what Obama is doing is NOT actually flying but something as silly as
> playing some sort of, guffaw, sports game.
Ahh, Shucks, and I thought he was levitating;
I'm so naive? 

[FairfieldLife] 'Former President Clinton/Will Work for Obama for Pres.'

2008-07-17 Thread R.G.
NEW YORK (AP) - Former President Clinton said Thursday he is eager to 
campaign for Barack Obama whenever the Democrat needs him, but has 
not given any thought to whether he wants to speak at the party 
convention in Denver. 
"I told him that whenever he wanted me to do it, I was ready, and so 
it's basically on their timetable," Clinton said. "He's got a lot of 
things to do between now and the convention, of which this is simply 
one, so I'll do whatever I'm asked to do, whenever I can do it." 

Relations between Clinton and Obama have only just began to thaw 
since Obama defeated the former president's wife, Hillary Rodham 
Clinton, in the bruising Democratic primary that ended last month. 
Throughout that bare-knuckle race, Bill Clinton had portrayed Obama 
as too inexperienced to be president. 

Since Obama clinched the nomination, it has remained an open question 
as to what role Clinton would play in the campaign. 

Just weeks ago, Obama called the former president to ask for his help 
in winning the White House. 

At a news conference for his foundation's work, Clinton said he had 
not thought about whether he would like to be a convention speaker. 
Typically former presidents get a prime-time speaking spot at the 
party gathering. 

Clinton said he had a "good talk" with Obama on the phone and is 
eager to get out on the road for the Illinois senator. 

Clinton also was asked whether he had spoken to the Rev. Jesse 
Jackson regarding the crude off-air remark Jackson made about Obama 
in what he thought was a private conversation during a taping of 
a "Fox & Friends" news program. 

Clinton said he had not spoken with Jackson, but added that Jackson 
was right to apologize to Obama for the comments. He also was a bit 

"If all of us lived on live mics, then 100 percent of us in this room 
would be embarrassed from time to time," Clinton said. 

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