Re: Bailey is anemic

2006-01-06 Thread Kerry Roach
  Hi Belinda,  I read your post at the anemia group...I am going to try to tell you what we gave Bandy at first..  We used a terumo syringe with the orange needle, I think it was 25 is a 1cc syringe..he weighed about 6# then and we gave him.07cc. The first mark on it is .1 so that isn't very much. (little more than 1/2 of one tenth of a cc) I hope I am making sense of this.. His first bottle whichwas 1cc total was $133. So it lasted quite awhile...I think he received 14 shots with 1cc.. I would have to go back to get his records to see how many we gave him...he may have received 3 in a week more than once..I think it had to be every 3 to 4 days...for a week or 2 with weekly checkings of his PCV...His amazingly went up in 2 wks..My vet said she had one other kitty that took almost 9 wks to see a big change...of just 2 to 3 points...Bandy's went to as high as 35 after about 3 wks then
 sorta just has been staying in the 20's until his last check up.. when he did reach 30 we cut back to 2x a week then once a week until we stopped the end of Aug..  I'm sorry if I have totally confused is hard to explain...I will be going out to Bandy's vets next week so I will look at his records to see exactly what we did..  Our best to you and Bailey,  Kerry and Bandy
		 Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or less

Bailey and OT

2006-01-06 Thread Lomaxturtle
Prayers that Bailey improves fast for you Belinda - so difficult when they are 
not wanting to eat - your heart just sinks.

My friend has a 9 month old persian (blue) kitten. For the last 2 months he has 
let it out in to his back garden and watched it wandering around but a few days 
ago it jumped a 6 foot fence and wandered off and didn't come back so all were 
in deep worry as he was nowhere to be seen. I told him to try and keep calm as 
people here had got cats backs after 10-14 days. I said it sounds strange but 
that I and others here believe cats and some other animals have a sixth sense 
and that he should keep sending his thoughts out to guide his kitten home - 
piture him coming home form places around the area. I thought he may laugh at 
that idea but he said he did do it and then after 3 days he had a dream of his 
kitten walkin gin through the door - that day an elderly lady found him and 
took him home. So all relieved the kitten is back home - I told him to keep 
kittie indoors in my overprotective cat mommy manner. Aside form FeLV and FIV 
risks - there is also risk of traffic accident and also being stolen - Persians 
don't come cheap.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy  Angel Bramble 

Re: How to pill a Cat

2006-01-06 Thread wendy

--- Steph E Caldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Borrowed from COTH board --
 How to give a cat a pill...
 1. Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your
 left arm as if holding 
 a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on
 either side of cat's 
 mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while
 holding pill in right 
 hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow
 cat to close mouth 
 and swallow.
 2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind
 sofa. Cradle cat in left 
 arm and repeat process.
 3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill
 4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left
 arm, holding rear 
 paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and
 push pill to back of 
 mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a
 count of ten.
 5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top
 of wardrobe. Call 
 spouse from garden.
 6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between
 knees, hold front and 
 rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get
 spouse to hold head 
 firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into
 mouth. Drop pill 
 down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.
 7. Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill
 from foil wrap. Make 
 note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully
 sweep shattered 
 figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side
 for gluing later.
 8. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on
 cat with head just 
 visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of
 drinking straw, force 
 mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.
 9. Check label to make sure pill not harmful to
 humans, drink 1 beer to 
 take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm
 and remove blood 
 from carpet with cold water and soap.
 10. Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another
 pill. Open another 
 beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door on to
 neck, to leave head 
 showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick
 pill down throat 
 with elastic band.
 11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard
 door back on hinges. 
 Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot,
 drink. Apply cold 
 compress to cheek and check records for date of last
 tetanus shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to
 disinfect. Toss back 
 another shot. Throw Tee shirt away and fetch new one
 from bedroom.
 12. Call fire department to retrieve the damn cat
 from across the road. 
 Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while
 swerving to avoid 
 cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.
 13. Tie the little bastard's front paws to rear paws
 with garden twine 
 and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find
 heavy-duty pruning gloves 
 from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large
 piece of filet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head
 vertically and pour 2 
 pints of water down throat to wash pill down.
 14. Consume remainder of scotch. Get spouse to drive
 you to the 
 emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches
 fingers and forearm 
 and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call
 furniture shop on way 
 home to order new table.
 15. Arrange for SPCA to collect mutant cat from hell
 and call local pet 
 shop to see if they have any hamsters.
 1. Wrap it in bacon.
 2. Toss it in the air

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Update on my cat and moving

2006-01-06 Thread wendy

You've done more than what a lot of people in your
situation would have done for Marilyn.  Sometimes
life's circumstances put us in between a rock and a
hard place and all we can do is our best.  I'll keep
Marilyn is my prayers and hopefully, you will come
home soon!  Good luck overseas.


--- Kevin Blaisdell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wanted to thank all those who have helped me with
 info and encouragement.  I need to follow up to make
 the exact moving arrangement, but it looks like a
 generous shelter in IL is going to be able to
 accomadate Marilyn.  On the down side the follow up
 IFA test came back positive.  I knew the chances
 slim to none of her somehow not having it, but after
 being told how doomed she was and then having her
 her for almost 3yrs without any sign of sickness I
 to wonder.
 I have mixed feelings now.  I am grateful someone is
 willing to take her, but a bit sad she won't have
 relative luxury so far.  All I can hope is that it
 relatively comfortable and maybe she will benefit
 cat companionship I was unable to provide.  As it is
 sometimes I wonder if she is happy being converted
 a trapped indoor cat, but I had to do something
 all the doomed litters she was contributing to the
 neighborhood.  Since I have heard a lot about stress
 being bad for FeLV+ I also am concered about this
 upheaval causing something to come on.  It would
 really be disappointing for her to be healthy all
 time and then suddenly become ill while I am gone. 
 But I have come to realize while a lot of things
 didn't work in her favor hopefully however this
 out whatever I did made things better if far from
 I only hope everything works out for myself as well
 for Marilyn over the next year or so.
 Thank You,
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Sub-Q for Stretch an update on her

2006-01-06 Thread wendy
Thank you Hideyo.  I might need your help.  I am
waiting for an email for Terrence.  He emailed me this
morning and said the Rx never came, so I called the
vet and the tech said that the doctor never keeps an
Rx pad, so he couldn't write the Rx.  All he could do
is sign off if the company faxes them the order. 
(They could have just told me that yesterday!)  So I
emailed the company back and told them that's the only
way the doc would sign off and I'm waiting to hear if
the company will fax them.  If they don't, I'll have
to cancel the order.  

On a positive note, when I got off work last night, I
took some tuna in to Stretch (and the other kitties of
course), and Stretch ate ALL that I had put on her
plate (probably a 3rd of a can), and then she went to
the food bowl, and started eating dry food!  I was so
excited.  Her labored breathing seems to be decreasing
a little each day, so maybe it's possible that she did
have pneumonia.  I don't know.  I just always
associate pneumonia with coughing and runny nose,
etc., but Stretch didn't have any of that.  So we are
very hopeful now, and happy.  Thanks to all of you
guys who prayed for Stretch to recover.  We really
appreciate it!  Maybe by Monday, we'll see a complete
turn around!


--- Hideyo Yamamoto

 Wendy, if for some reason, your vet won't do it,
 just let me know - I
 can probably order for you on line (I use a
 different company, but I
 have a prescription there already, too) and have it
 shipped to you so
 that you can get a whole case of fluid which should
 last for a long
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of wendy
 Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:33 AM
 Subject: Sub-Q for Stretch
 Hi guys,
 Well, yesterday I ran into a problem trying to get
 sub-Q fluids for Stretch.  The vet I originally took
 him to charges $30/35 for a set up, which I thought
 was crazy.  So I called another vet, who said they'd
 have to talk to my vet since they hadn't seen my
 which I didn't want in case it might tick off the
 or they'd have to see my cat, which would mean
 $30 office visit on top of paying for the fluid set
 up.  So I started looking online at the link that
 Belinda (I think) provided and found a really great
 priced company called Direct Medical, Inc.  I called
 Terrence Henry at 800-316-4993 and spoke to him.  He
 was VERY nice and helped me with all my questions. 
 directed me to their website:  
 and I clicked on online catalog and then CRF
 renal failure) customers and then CRF products and I
 was there.  I ordered one Abbott lactated ringer bag
 for $2, an Abbott IV set/venal set for $2.99, a 100
 ct. of needles (4 varieties of guages to choose
 for $7.50, and another lactated ringer/IV tubing set
 with 2 needles for $3.95 (it was cheaper to do this
 than order 2 bags and 2 IV sets).  This totalled
 $16.00, which I thought was great.  Shipping was
 another $7, and handling another $7, so after all
 said and done, I still spent $30, but I have a whole
 bunch of needles, 2 bags, and 2 IV sets for what I
 would have paid for 1 set.  So I think I did ok.  He
 said it should arrive in about 2 days via UPS
 I did have to have my vet fax over an Rx to their
 fax number, which was a pain because that's not my
 vet's usual procedure, and I am still waiting to
 hear if he will, but if not, I'm sure something will
 be worked out.  Anyway, thanks to everyone for all
 your help with Stretch and I am feeling pretty
 confident about doing this.  I hope she feels so
 better after the first fluid.  My nephew will
 freak out because he hates needles, but after he
 me do it, and sees the cat is ok, he'll be fine. 
 Stretch was found outside playing with her sister
 my nephew got off the bus yesterday, and hasn't been
 lying around like she was, and has been eating a
 little, so I know she is feeling better.  Her
 breathing is still somewhat labored, but for now she
 is stable, thank goodness.
 Thanks again so much,
 Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Sub-Q for Stretch an update on her

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

 Such good news about Stretch! When Patches had 
pneumonia, she was not coughing or anything, just hunched up and looked like she 
felt really sick. She may have had some mucous around her nose, but that's it. I 
took her to the emergency vet and she had pneumonia. She got Baytril and 
Immuno-regulin and I think it took her almost a week to feel like herself 
again. That was about 3 years ago, knock on wood.


Re: Bailey and OT

2006-01-06 Thread Belinda Sauro

Kerry  Michelle  All,
  Bailey is still holding his own, I am actively syringe feeding now, 
and got a total of 125cc's into him yesterday, he was 8lbs. 4oz 
yesterday and I weighted him before his 30cc breakfast and he was 8lbs 
5oz, so he didn't lose anymore weight since yesterday.  He seems to be 
toerating the syringing better and I am paying attention to his signals, 
when he starts to struggle hard, we are done, it is usually at the 30 or 
40cc mark, so he must be getting full and letting me know by really 
struggling.  Up until he struggles I think he has resigned himself to 
the fact that he is going to get syringed and now seems to tolerate it OK.

I gave him about 10cc's too much for his last meal yesterday he had 
started to struggle quite a bit and I gave him 10 more cc's, he looked 
pretty uncomfortable for a good hour after wards, but didn't throw it 
back up, so I am paying closer attention to him and it seems to be 
working well.  He still isn't eating more than a few bites on his own.  
I'm hoping once he starts to feel better he will start eating, but if 
not we'll be fine.

I didn't give him the epogen last night because there was a question on 
the anemia list as to the dosage, all of them are doing the 2000 vial 
size and mine is a 1 vial size, some seemed to think that was too 
strong a dosage so I put a call into my vet and she was off yesterday so 
I hope to hear from her today (she is probably getting alittle tired of 
me questioning everything)  :), but OH well, better to be safe than 
sorry so she'll just have to hate me.

I just wish he didn't feel so bony, I'm used to Bailey being on the 
plump side   :(

Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions ...

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: Sub-Q for Stretch an update on her

2006-01-06 Thread Belinda Sauro

  I'm glad to hear Stretch is feeling better and eating!!

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: cost of epogen/transfusion?

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

 Ask your vet about giving him a dexamethasone shot. It really 
makes them feel better, even when they are really sick. And sometimes 
helps with anemia. It may be contraindicated because of his kidney and thyroid 
problems, though, I don't know.


In a message dated 1/5/2006 10:42:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Fu is 
  pretty wiped out, Michelle. He can barely move, but I think thefolic acid 
  has helped a little. When he looks like he had to go to thelittle box, I 
  carry him there and support him while goes - or tries to go. I'm 
  hand-feeding him a/d with Fancy Feast beef liver mixed in. I've gotsome 
  beef liver on hand that I'll cook up for him later. 

RE: Need your help with Stretch

2006-01-06 Thread catatonya
Wendy,I had a cat that was just plain hornery. He had to be sedated at the vet's a lot of times because he would growl, bite, etc... (and no, he wasn't feral, he was just mean! lol) Anyway, I could handle him much better at home than they could at the office.When I gave him sub-q he would try to walk around, squirm, etc... wouldn't get mad, just wouldn't be still and I didn't want to set him off. I would sit with a little can of treats and give him treats when I gave him fluids. That made him want to stay with me.Just an idea that might help.t"MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Wendy, I'm barely keeping up with posts but see you're looking at giving fluids---believe me, if I can do it anyone can! I'm as clumsy and squeamish as they come! A housecall vet showed me last year without me asking otherwise I know I would never have asked/learned. I get the impression that any vet or tech worth their salt should be happy to demonstrate. (They know it's a tremendous waste of $$$ to have a vet/tech do it when you can do it yourself. Better to save the $$$ for everything else.)Like anything new, have someone experienced like eg a vet or tech or shelter volunteer show you how it's done. It really is very simple. It's not like a vein has to be found--the needles just goes under the skin--you just grasp the
 skin on either the left or right side of the cat, and pull it up into a "tent" shape---the demonstrator will show you where--insertthe needle, then unlock the water flow, and watch the numbers on the bag until the prescribed amount has been administered. I do it with my foster, Pookie, every 2 days, and it takes about 2 mins. It's actually quite a bonding experience, I feel. The experts say a dehydrated cat always feels immediately better. (I give Pookie a Feline Greenie treat immediately after, so that makes him feel good too. It also makes me feel good that I can do this for Pookie as I think maybe not all the shelter's foster parents have yet learned to give subQs.)Someone else on this list said recently they felt mortifiedby the early-day mistakes they made--not sure if
 this was in reference to subQs or something else. But that sure rang a bell with me. I either was not told at all, or it wasn't stressed, by the housecall vet that a NEW needle had to be used every time (for sharpness--just one use blunts the needle; and sterility reasons---when you withdraw a needle it hastissue on it. Someone else will put me right if I haven't quite explained this properly.) This is second nature to medical people but not necessarily to laypeople!! So I recall now with some anguish my sessions with poor Caramel, who being feral, was already stressed out by my having to catch him and pin him down (with help of friend) to give him fluids. I probably hydrated him 5 times and I don't believe I changed the needle once. This only dawned on me recently when I was being briefed by the shelter re Pookie.I felt and still feel terrible about poor Caramel. It took me a little while to get to a point with Pookie where I was only using one needle per session--sometimes I'd prick my own finger before even getting to him, which meant a change of needle was required. Or, he would move suddenly and the needle would slip out, again requiring a new needle. Something else I'll mention---the first time I had to change a bag, I was totally baffled afterdoing it because I couldn't see the fluid line in the bag, so there was no way to tell how much was being administered. The simple solution was to detach and reattach the "tubing" from the fluidbag--doing that introduced air, and that allowed the fluid line to become visible. But I'm
 no scientistsomeone had to tell me that. And by the time I found out what to do, I'd wasted half the bag in an effort to "find the fluid line"!Also, if everthe fluid seems not to be flowing I give the little oblong fluid reservoir a squeeze and that seems to solve that prob.What else? Well, it's a bit of a fiddle at the beginning endowed as we are with only 2 hands, but 3 areas to control---cat, needle and bag. But practice makes, if not entirely perfect, less imperfect!Good luck! It's def easier than learning to ride a bike! And a great skill for a cat mom/dad to have! Kerry PS One more thing---I hear from my shelter counsellor contact that fluids are much cheaper online. Needles too. I think I was ripped off by the housecall vet. I paid $41 for delivery of one bag.-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
 catatonyaSent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 9:21 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Need your help with Stretch  Hey Wendy,Your vet will show you how to do it and tell you how much to give and how often. One bag holds 1000 mL and typically you give 100-200 mL throughout the day so a a bag will last a while.It IS hard when you first start, but you build up your confidence as you 

Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Chris

This is a Katrina rescue whose owners have
not been found due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing pos for FIV
Anyone here have any ideas 



-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Friday, January
 06, 2006 10:50 AM
To: Stealth
Subject: Re: [stealthvolunteers]
>From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: Pretty thing


Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600
From: KittiCo Cat Rescue 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate

One of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be euthanized on Monday and
we are trying to keep this from happening.

When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several rescue groups
stepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them remained with
us). Another group from this area took four cats. We have found the
owners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been reunited. 

Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for feline AIDS. It's a
healthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat who loves to hang
out with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But she has AIDS. She's
about 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only sign of her age is
a few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go to: She's a beauty! 

The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that have
tested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 90-
day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue others.
The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. They
have given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for her
to go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. Not
because she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, she
picked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been born with it.

Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not transmittable to
dogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not likely, but it is
possible. It's normally transmitted by sex or fighting. Cats with AIDS
(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline leukemia usually have
shortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just like any other cats.
It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection - not the AIDS - is
what causes their demise.

Here's how you can help. Call your Aunt who lives alone. Call your
retired cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call everybody you've ever
known in your whole life. See if they have a place in their heart for a
sweet, loving cat who was rescued from a horrible situation in New
  Orleans, kept in a loving home for several months and is now going to be
killed by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody will
come through and save this beautiful girl.

Please email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,
if you can you help.

Yahoo! Photos
Ring in the New Year with Photo
Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 

Stealth Volunteer - Washington State
Reuniting Katrina pets with their owners.

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Ring in the New Year with Photo
Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 


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Re: Sub-Q for Stretch an update on her

2006-01-06 Thread catatonya
Wendy,In the meantime, if I were you I would syringe some pedialyte into Stretch. In fact, I don't think it would hurt just to pour some into the water dishes so he might get some that way. The main advantage of the sub-q is it has the electrolytes. Pedialyte has those too. The other advantage is you can force the fluids with the sub-q. It would take a lot of syringing to syringe that much pedialyte into stretch, but any bit would help I'm sure.twendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Thank you Hideyo. I might need your help. I amwaiting for an email for Terrence. He emailed me thismorning and said the Rx never came, so I called thevet and the tech said that the doctor never keeps anRx pad, so he couldn't write the Rx. All he could dois
 sign off if the company faxes them the order. (They could have just told me that yesterday!) So Iemailed the company back and told them that's the onlyway the doc would sign off and I'm waiting to hear ifthe company will fax them. If they don't, I'll haveto cancel the order. On a positive note, when I got off work last night, Itook some tuna in to Stretch (and the other kitties ofcourse), and Stretch ate ALL that I had put on herplate (probably a 3rd of a can), and then she went tothe food bowl, and started eating dry food! I was soexcited. Her labored breathing seems to be decreasinga little each day, so maybe it's possible that she didhave pneumonia. I don't know. I just alwaysassociate pneumonia with coughing and runny nose,etc., but Stretch didn't have any of that. So we arevery hopeful now, and happy. Thanks to all of youguys who prayed for Stretch to recover. We reallyappreciate it! Maybe by Monday,
 we'll see a completeturn around!:)Wendy--- Hideyo Yamamoto<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Wendy, if for some reason, your vet won't do it, just let me know - I can probably order for you on line (I use a different company, but I have a prescription there already, too) and have it shipped to you so that you can get a whole case of fluid which should last for a long time...  -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 11:33 AM To: Subject: Sub-Q for Stretch  Hi guys,  Well, yesterday I ran into a problem trying to get sub-Q fluids for Stretch. The vet I originally took him to charges $30/35 for a set up, which I
 thought was crazy. So I called another vet, who said they'd have to talk to my vet since they hadn't seen my cat, which I didn't want in case it might tick off the vet, or they'd have to see my cat, which would mean another $30 office visit on top of paying for the fluid set up. So I started looking online at the link that Belinda (I think) provided and found a really great priced company called Direct Medical, Inc. I called Terrence Henry at 800-316-4993 and spoke to him. He was VERY nice and helped me with all my questions.  He directed me to their website:  and I clicked on online catalog and then CRF (chronic renal failure) customers and then CRF products and I was there. I ordered one Abbott lactated ringer bag for $2, an Abbott IV set/venal set for $2.99, a 100 ct. of needles (4 varieties of
 guages to choose from) for $7.50, and another lactated ringer/IV tubing set with 2 needles for $3.95 (it was cheaper to do this than order 2 bags and 2 IV sets). This totalled about $16.00, which I thought was great. Shipping was another $7, and handling another $7, so after all was said and done, I still spent $30, but I have a whole bunch of needles, 2 bags, and 2 IV sets for what I would have paid for 1 set. So I think I did ok. He said it should arrive in about 2 days via UPS ground.  I did have to have my vet fax over an Rx to their 800 fax number, which was a pain because that's not my vet's "usual procedure", and I am still waiting to hear if he will, but if not, I'm sure something will be worked out. Anyway, thanks to everyone for all your help with Stretch and I am feeling pretty confident about doing this. I
 hope she feels so much better after the first fluid. My nephew will probably freak out because he hates needles, but after he sees me do it, and sees the cat is ok, he'll be fine.  Stretch was found outside playing with her sister when my nephew got off the bus yesterday, and hasn't been lying around like she was, and has been eating a little, so I know she is feeling better. Her breathing is still somewhat labored, but for now she is stable, thank goodness.  Thanks again so much, :) Wendy__  Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about.  Just $16.99/mo. or less.  __ Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. Just $16.99/mo. or

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

is the cat? Transport available or no? I'll fwd this to everyone I know, along 
with the location info.
-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of ChrisSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Crosspost: From 
Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

This is a Katrina 
rescue whose owners have not been found due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing 
pos for FIV Anyone here have any ideas 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of AaronSent: Friday, January 06, 
2006 10:50 
AMTo: Stealth 
VolunteersSubject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] From 
Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: 
Pretty thing


Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in 
Desperate SituationOne of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be 
euthanized on Monday andwe are trying to keep this from 
happening.When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several 
rescue groupsstepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them 
remained withus). Another group from this area took four cats. We have 
found theowners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been 
reunited. Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for 
feline AIDS. It's ahealthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat 
who loves to hangout with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But 
she has AIDS. She'sabout 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only 
sign of her age isa few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go 
to: She's a beauty! 
The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that 
havetested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 
90-day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue 
others.The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. 
Theyhave given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for 
herto go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. 
Notbecause she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, 
shepicked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been born with 
it.Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not 
transmittable todogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not 
likely, but it ispossible. It's normally transmitted by sex or fighting. 
Cats with AIDS(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline leukemia 
usually haveshortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just like any 
other cats.It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection - not 
the AIDS - iswhat causes their demise.Here's how you can help. 
Call your Aunt who lives alone. Call yourretired cousin and his wife. 
Call your mom. Call everybody you've everknown in your whole life. See 
if they have a place in their heart for asweet, loving cat who was 
rescued from a horrible situation in NewOrleans, kept in a loving home 
for several months and is now going to bekilled by her rescuers. It 
can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody willcome through and save this 
beautiful girl.Please email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 
214-826-6903, ext. 1,if you can you help.
  Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo 
  Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 

  Aaron Stealth Volunteer - 
  Washington StateReuniting Katrina pets with their 
  Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo 
  Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 
Visit your group 
on the web. 
To unsubscribe 
from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Your use of Yahoo! 
Groups is subject to the Yahoo! 
Terms of Service. 
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from 

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Susan Loesch
I asked Gloria to fwd to FIV list - I am not yet on the new one. I called and committed to this kitty if no other solution can be found. It is in the Dallas area. FIV is not an issue with our rescue group - we mix negs and positives with our vet's blessing. If another solution is available it would be better on our end, but we won't let this kitty die! I left a message and will wait for a callback from them."MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Where is the cat? Transport available or no? I'll fwd this to everyone I know, along with the location info.   -Original
 Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ChrisSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs helpThis is a Katrina rescue whose owners have not been found… due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing pos for FIV… Anyone here have any ideas…   Chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of AaronSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:50 AMTo: Stealth VolunteersSubject:
 Re: [stealthvolunteers] From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help  This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: Pretty thing"LeAnne G." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED -
 Katrina Cat in Desperate SituationOne of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be euthanized on Monday andwe are trying to keep this from happening.When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several rescue groupsstepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them remained withus). Another group from this area took four cats. We have found theowners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been reunited. Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for feline AIDS. It's ahealthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat who loves to hangout with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But she has AIDS. She'sabout 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only sign of her age isa few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go to: She's a beauty! The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that havetested positive for AIDS.
 They extended the policy because of the 90-day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue others.The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. Theyhave given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for herto go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. Notbecause she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, shepicked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been born with it.Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not transmittable todogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not likely, but it ispossible. It's normally transmitted by sex or fighting. Cats with AIDS(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline leukemia usually haveshortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just like any other cats.It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection - not the AIDS - iswhat causes their demise.Here's how you can help. Call
 your Aunt who lives alone. Call yourretired cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call everybody you've everknown in your whole life. See if they have a place in their heart for asweet, loving cat who was rescued from a horrible situation in NewOrleans, kept in a loving home for several months and is now going to bekilled by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody willcome through and save this beautiful girl.Please email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,if you can you help.  Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.   Aaron Stealth Volunteer - Washington StateReuniting Katrina pets with their owners.Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. YAHOO! GROUPS LINKS   Visit your group "stealthvolunteers" on the web.   To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. =00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any
 taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or 

Re: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Belinda Sauro

   Hi Chris,
 Is this cat at KittiCo Cat Rescue, or someplace else?

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Susan---that's wonderful news. I have no Dallas contacts, so I'd ideally need to 
know if transport is poss before fwding. She is beautifulthose 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:40 
AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: Crosspost: 
>From Kittico Katrina Cat needs helpI asked Gloria to fwd to 
FIV list - I am not yet on the new one. I called and committed to this 
kitty if no other solution can be found. It is in the Dallas area. 
FIV is not an issue with our rescue group - we mix negs and positives with our 
vet's blessing. If another solution is available it would be better on our 
end, but we won't let this kitty die! I left a message and will wait for a 
callback from them."MacKenzie, Kerry N." 


  Where is the cat? Transport available or no? I'll fwd 
  this to everyone I know, along with the location info. 
  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
  ChrisSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 AMTo: 
  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina 
  Cat needs help
  This is a Katrina 
  rescue whose owners have not been found due to be PTS on MONDAY due to 
  testing pos for FIV Anyone here have any ideas 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  On Behalf Of AaronSent: Friday, January 06, 
  2006 10:50 
  AMTo: Stealth 
  VolunteersSubject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] From 
  Kittico Katrina Cat needs help
  This is cat that needs adoption before it is 
  euthanized: Pretty thing

  Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue" 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in 
  Desperate SituationOne of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be 
  euthanized on Monday andwe are trying to keep this from 
  happening.When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, 
  several rescue groupsstepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk 
  of them remained withus). Another group from this area took four cats. 
  We have found theowners of three of them, but the fourth one has not 
  been reunited. Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive 
  for feline AIDS. It's ahealthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving 
  lap cat who loves to hangout with you and watch TV. And, she's 
  beautiful. But she has AIDS. She'sabout 10 years old and doesn't look 
  her age. The only sign of her age isa few missing upper teeth. To see 
  a picture of her go to: She's a beauty! 
  The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that 
  havetested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 
  90-day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue 
  others.The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep 
  her. Theyhave given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a 
  place for herto go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything 
  she's done. Notbecause she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along 
  the line, shepicked up feline AIDS. She could possibly have been born 
  with it.Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not 
  transmittable todogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not 
  likely, but it ispossible. It's normally transmitted by sex or 
  fighting. Cats with AIDS(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline 
  leukemia usually haveshortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just 
  like any other cats.It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary 
  infection - not the AIDS - iswhat causes their demise.Here's 
  how you can help. Call your Aunt who lives alone. Call yourretired 
  cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call everybody you've everknown in 
  your whole life. See if they have a place in their heart for asweet, 
  loving cat who was rescued from a horrible situation in NewOrleans, 
  kept in a loving home for several months and is now going to bekilled 
  by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody willcome 
  through and save this beautiful girl.Please email: 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,if you can you 

Yahoo! PhotosRing in the New Year with Photo 
Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. 

Aaron Stealth Volunteer - 
Washington StateReuniting Katrina pets with their 

Re: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread PEC2851

In a message dated 1/6/06 11:40:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I called 
  and committed to this kitty if no other solution can be 

That's wonderful to hear...
What a sweet face...
Imagine, surviving the hurricane, only to end up being euthanized This 
poor, old girl definitely deserves to live out her golden years as a "pampered" 
Bless you  your group!

Re: Crosspost: kittico........I will take her

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Hey folks I only read half the emails...
I am in mansfield between dallas and ft worth I will take her and she can 
live her days with me.
who do I contact? 

see our 
available orphans at: 

RE: OT ear mite treatment

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Nina, I have a whole box of Acarexx if you
need it - my vet gave me a whole box at their cost  so if you need it,
let me know.

My vet says that it should be fine to use
on kittens and directions says so, too  but you know me,, I am just
paranoid and dont really trust everything I hear from my vets when
coming to side effects on drugs (from my experience, they are way too

Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006
7:03 PM
Subject: Re: OT ear mite treatment

Hi Hideyo,
I've only used Acarexx on grown kitties. I wish I could buy the stuff
over the counter, it works just great with one application and I've never seen
any side effects. I've never used it on kittens though. If I were
you, I'd dilute it with some olive oil, (I've heard that mineral oil is not as
good an option). If the nasty little buggers persist after a day, or so,
you could dose again. What does your vet say?

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

Hi, I need to treat my kitten and kitties with ear
mites and have a medicine called Ararrex (with IVIC something ) 
has anyone experience any side effects in kittens?

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Susan Loesch
I will post to the group after they return my call - will ask about transportation. Luckily, if all else totally fails we are close enough to drive in a weekend. Plus we have a wonderful volunteer pilot who flew 11 hours to Orlando to pick up a Katrina kitty and bring to us iin Little Rock - we flew commercial to deliver to owner in Phoenix. And he more recently flew from Little Rock to Ft. Smith AR and then to Jacksonville Fl to pick up and deliver a little blind kitten to one of our rescue group's founders who now lives in Jax -- for adoption. Talk about a real hero - this man IS."MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Oh, Susan---that's wonderful news. I have no Dallas
 contacts, so I'd ideally need to know if transport is poss before fwding. She is beautifulthose eyes.Kerry-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:40 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs helpI asked Gloria to fwd to FIV list - I am not yet on the new one. I called and committed to this kitty if no other solution can be found. It is in the Dallas area. FIV is not an issue with our rescue group - we mix negs and positives with our vet's blessing. If another solution is available it would be better on our end, but we won't let this kitty die! I left a message and will wait
 for a callback from them."MacKenzie, Kerry N." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Where is the cat? Transport available or no? I'll fwd this to everyone I know, along with the location info.   -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ChrisSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 AMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs helpThis is a Katrina rescue whose owners have not been found… due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing pos for FIV… Anyone here have any ideas…   Chris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of AaronSent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:50 AMTo: Stealth VolunteersSubject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help  This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: Pretty thing"LeAnne G." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate SituationOne of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be euthanized on Monday andwe are trying to keep this from happening.When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several rescue groupsstepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them remained withus). Another group from this area took four cats. We have found theowners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been reunited.
 Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for feline AIDS. It's ahealthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat who loves to hangout with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But she has AIDS. She'sabout 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only sign of her age isa few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go to: She's a beauty! The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing cats that havetested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 90-day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue others.The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. Theyhave given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for herto go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. Notbecause she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, shepicked up feline AIDS. She could
 possibly have been born with it.Feline AIDS is not transmittable to people. It's not transmittable todogs. But, it is transmittable to other cats. It's not likely, but it ispossible. It's normally transmitted by sex or fighting. Cats with AIDS(FIV) can live a normal life. Cats with feline leukemia usually haveshortened lives, but AIDS positive cats are just like any other cats.It's like AIDS in humans . . . a secondary infection - not the AIDS - iswhat causes their demise.Here's how you can help. Call your Aunt who lives alone. Call yourretired cousin and his wife. Call your mom. Call everybody you've everknown in your whole life. See if they have a place in their heart for asweet, loving cat who was rescued from a horrible situation in NewOrleans, kept in a loving home for several months and is now going to bekilled by her rescuers. It can't hurt to try - and maybe somebody willcome through and save this beautiful
 girl.Please email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, or call: 214-826-6903, ext. 1,if you can you help.

I will take the FIV cat

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I left a message with kittico.,.
where can I email them?
that is messed up to put a 10 year old down for 

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread wendy
Wow!  What an awesome guy!

--- Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I will post to the group after they return my call -
 will ask about transportation.  Luckily, if all else
 totally fails we are close enough to drive in a
 weekend.   Plus we have a wonderful volunteer pilot
 who flew 11 hours to Orlando to pick up a Katrina
 kitty and bring to us iin Little Rock - we flew
 commercial to deliver to owner in Phoenix.  And he
 more recently flew from Little Rock to Ft. Smith AR
 and then to Jacksonville Fl to pick up and deliver a
 little blind kitten to one of our rescue group's
 founders who now lives in Jax -- for adoption.  Talk
 about a real hero - this man IS.
 MacKenzie, Kerry N.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Oh,
 Susan---that's wonderful news. I have no Dallas
 contacts, so I'd ideally need to know if transport
 is poss before fwding. She is beautifulthose
   -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Susan Loesch
 Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:40 AM
 Subject: RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat
 needs help
 I asked Gloria to fwd to FIV list - I am not yet on
 the new one.  I called and committed to this kitty
 if no other solution can be found.  It is in the
 Dallas area.  FIV is not an issue with our rescue
 group - we mix negs and positives with our vet's
 blessing.  If another solution is available it would
 be better on our end, but we won't let this kitty
 die!  I left a message and will wait for a callback
 from them.
 MacKenzie, Kerry N.
 @font-face {   font-family: Wingdings;  } 
 @font-face {   font-family: Tahoma;  }  @font-face {
   font-family: A Yummy Apology;  }  @page Section1
 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in
 1.25in; }  P.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN:
 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman  } 
 LI.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in
 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman  } 
 DIV.MsoNormal {   FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in
 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman  }  A:link {  
 COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline  } 
 SPAN.MsoHyperlink {   COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION:
 underline  }  A:visited {   COLOR: blue;
 TEXT-DECORATION: underline  } 
 SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {   COLOR: blue;
 TEXT-DECORATION: underline  }  P {   FONT-SIZE:
 12pt; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0in;
 FONT-FAMILY: Times New Roman  }  TT {  
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 MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0in  }  UL {   MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0in  } 
 Where is the cat? Transport available or no?
 I'll fwd this to everyone I know, along with the
 location info.   
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Chris
 Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 AM
 Subject: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs
 This is a Katrina rescue whose owners have not
 been found… due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing
 pos for FIV…  Anyone here have any ideas…  

   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
 Of Aaron
 Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:50 AM
 To: Stealth Volunteers
 Subject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] From Kittico
 Katrina Cat needs help

 This is cat that needs adoption before it is
 euthanized: Pretty thing
 LeAnne G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600
 From: KittiCo Cat Rescue 
 Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate
 One of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be
 euthanized on Monday and
 we are trying to keep this from happening.
 When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats,
 several rescue groups
 stepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of
 them remained with
 us). Another group from this area took four cats. We
 have found the
 owners of three of them, but the fourth one has not
 been reunited. 
 Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for
 feline AIDS. It's a
 healthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap
 cat who loves to hang
 out with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But
 she has AIDS. She's
 about 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The
 only sign of her age is
 a few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her
 go to: She's a
 The group that took her has a policy of euthanizing
 cats that have
 tested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy
 because of the 90-
 day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the
 space to rescue others.
 The foster who has kept her all this time can no
 longer keep her. They

Re: Crosspost: kittico........I will take her

2006-01-06 Thread Susan Loesch
AWESOME!! This is perfect. Contact LeAnne G at 214-826-6903. I called and got answering machine and left msg. When I looked back to get the phone number I noticed an email for LeAnne -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Thank you![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hey folks I only read half the emails...  I am in mansfield between dallas and ft worth I will take her and she can live her days with me.  who do I contact? see our available orphans at:

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Susan Loesch
Amen to that!!wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Wow! What an awesome guy!--- Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: I will post to the group after they return my call - will ask about transportation. Luckily, if all else totally fails we are close enough to drive in a weekend. Plus we have a wonderful volunteer pilot who flew 11 hours to Orlando to pick up a Katrina kitty and bring to us iin Little Rock - we flew commercial to deliver to owner in Phoenix. And he more recently flew from Little Rock to Ft. Smith AR and then to Jacksonville Fl to pick up and deliver a little blind kitten to one of our rescue group's founders who now lives in Jax -- for adoption. Talk about a real hero - this man IS.  "MacKenzie, Kerry
 N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: Oh, Susan---that's wonderful news. I have no Dallas contacts, so I'd ideally need to know if transport is poss before fwding. She is beautifulthose eyes.Kerry  -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:40 AM To: Subject: RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help   I asked Gloria to fwd to FIV list - I am not yet on the new one. I called and committed to this kitty if no other solution can be found. It is in the Dallas area. FIV is not an issue with our rescue group - we mix negs and positives with our vet's blessing. If another solution is available it would be better on our end, but
 we won't let this kitty die! I left a message and will wait for a callback from them.  "MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:  @font-face { font-family: Wingdings; }  @font-face { font-family: Tahoma; } @font-face { font-family: A Yummy Apology; } @page Section1 {size: 8.5in 11.0in; margin: 1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; } P.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" }  LI.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" }  DIV.MsoNormal { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } A:link {  COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }  SPAN.MsoHyperlink { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline } A:visited { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION: underline }  SPAN.MsoHyperlinkFollowed { COLOR: blue; TEXT-DECORATION:
 underline } P { FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN-LEFT: 0in; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0in; FONT-FAMILY: "Times New Roman" } TT {  FONT-FAMILY: "Courier New" } SPAN.EmailStyle19 {  COLOR: navy; FONT-FAMILY: Arial }  DIV.Section1 { page: Section1 } OL {  MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0in } UL { MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0in }  Where is the cat? Transport available or no? I'll fwd this to everyone I know, along with the location info.  -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:23 AM To: Subject: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help   This is a Katrina rescue whose owners have not been found… due to be PTS on MONDAY due to testing pos for FIV… Anyone here have any ideas…  
 Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:50 AM To: Stealth Volunteers Subject: Re: [stealthvolunteers] From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help  This is cat that needs adoption before it is euthanized: Pretty thing  "LeAnne G." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:     Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:34:55 -0600 From: "KittiCo Cat Rescue"  Subject: URGENT NEED - Katrina Cat in Desperate Situation  One of the rescued Katrina cats is going to be
 euthanized on Monday and we are trying to keep this from happening.  When we brought back the 128 Katrina rescue cats, several rescue groups stepped forward to take 2-3 cats each (the bulk of them remained with us). Another group from this area took four cats. We have found the owners of three of them, but the fourth one has not been reunited.   Here's the problem: this cat has tested positive for feline AIDS. It's a healthy cat. It's a SWEET cat. She's a loving lap cat who loves to hang out with you and watch TV. And, she's beautiful. But she has AIDS. She's about 10 years old and doesn't look her age. The only sign of her age is a few missing upper teeth. To see a picture of her go to: She's a beauty!   The group that took her has a policy of
 euthanizing cats that have tested positive for AIDS. They extended the policy because of the 90- day hold on Katrina cats, but now they need the space to rescue others. The foster who has kept her all this time can no longer keep her. They have given us until Monday morning and if we can't find a place for her to go, she will be euthanized. Not because of anything she's done. Not because she's unhealthy. But, because somewhere along the line, 

I will take her....

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

does anyone have an email for these people 

Re: Crosspost: kittico........I will take her

2006-01-06 Thread wendy

That is so sweet of you to take her!  And maybe one
day her owners will be able to find her.  Wouldn't
that be neat!  And if not, I'm sure she will be happy
and content with your love and care!


--- Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AWESOME!!  This is perfect.  Contact LeAnne G at
 214-826-6903.  I called and got answering machine
 and left msg.  When I looked back to get the phone
 number I noticed an email for LeAnne --
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thank you!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hey folks I only
 read half the emails...
   I am in mansfield between dallas and ft worth I
 will take her and she can live her days with me.
   who do I contact?
   see our available orphans at:
 Karen 817-453-4888

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I Know many of you guys dont know me but I am willing to help any positives 
that are in my area..Dallas/Ft worthkeep my rescue handy please
I am trying to get the fiv cat now

RE: Crosspost: kittico........I will take her

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I really haven't read everything on this posting!  I am so happy that
Karen can take the kitty!  If for some reason, if it does not work out,
I will take her!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:02 AM
Subject: Re: Crosspost: kitticoI will take her


That is so sweet of you to take her!  And maybe one
day her owners will be able to find her.  Wouldn't
that be neat!  And if not, I'm sure she will be happy
and content with your love and care!


--- Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 AWESOME!!  This is perfect.  Contact LeAnne G at
 214-826-6903.  I called and got answering machine
 and left msg.  When I looked back to get the phone
 number I noticed an email for LeAnne --
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thank you!
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hey folks I only
 read half the emails...
   I am in mansfield between dallas and ft worth I
 will take her and she can live her days with me.
   who do I contact?
   see our available orphans at:
 Karen 817-453-4888

Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Crosspost: From Kittico Katrina Cat needs help

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Cool  I will forward your posting
to FIVcats2 yahoo group, too!

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006
10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Crosspost: From
Kittico Katrina Cat needs help


I Know many of you guys dont know me but
I am willing to help any positives that are in my area..Dallas/Ft
worthkeep my rescue handy please

I am trying to get the fiv cat now

FW: [CRF] Re: i found a kitten and ...

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
She is looking for a home for a kitten - HELP!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of exposing_nabet
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 10:46 AM
Subject: [CRF] Re: i found a kitten and ...

 Okay, you guys convinced me... I took the kitty to a vet (cost me 
$110). Just got back. He has mange! So they gave him a shot and 
antibiotics and a shampoo. Vet said in two weeks he should be good as 
 Now I DO NOT want to keep him. I am going to make him healthy enough 
so he is adoptable.  I should have time in two weeks to find a no - 
kill place ... I live in Miami, Florida.
 Anyone interested in a kitty???

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Melinda 

 Take him to the vet's [or call first] telling them you cannot keep
 him and chances are they will take him in and find a home for him 
 vets office has done that a number of times that I know of].
 Or as suggested find a no-kill shelther to take him.
 What about friends and neighbors - ask them if they would like a 
 --- exposing_nabet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I cannot keep him since i already have two cats and a dog, both 
  healthy. I am reluctant to take this kitty to the shelter, since 
  looks terrible, 
  I don't want to take him to vet, though I should

All messages sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] are Copyright
2006 by the original author. Do not forward or excerpt to another group
or nonmember without the author's permission.

Any suggestions regarding medical matters are the opinion of the author.
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to verify all treatment descriptions and
advice received with a qualified veterinarian.

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* To visit your group on the web, go to:

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I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
I have some meds I would like to donate if anyone is
interested and could use them.
I have a full bottle of Prednisone, a bottle of
homeopathic immune system booster drops, a bottle of
homeopathic stress relief drops, a bottle of
homeopathic nasal spray, a brand new tube of Nutri-Cal
vitamin gel and a brand new, never used bottle of
We don't have any other pets so we can't use them.  I
would hate to see them go to waste if they might help
someone else.

Just let me know.

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

were are you located at? I could use all of that for the rescue and would 
gladly mail you the postage to send it. I am in texas. I have heartworm positive 
dogs that are on prednisone and go through as much clavamox as bleach around 

see our 
available orphans at: 


2006-01-06 Thread wendy
Dear Chandra,

I am so sorry to hear about Buddha's quick decline and
passing.  I know you must be heartbroken.  Losing a
companion of 14 years has got to be hard.  It must
have been bittersweet to have your family around to
distract you, yet for you to try to put on a happy
face and not grieve as much; I don't know how you got
through the holidays.  I was a wreck when Cricket was
sick and died.  I don't even know the person I became
during that time.  Your loss puts a huge, familiar
lump in my throat and I hope that over time, your
grief will subside.  Thinking of all the good memories
and how much love he must have felt from you should
help ease your pain.  You're in my thoughts and


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
I am in Dallas, but don't worry about the postage. I
would never think of asking anyone pay for the
postage.  Just let me know what your address is.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 were are you located at? I could use all of that for
 the rescue and would  
 gladly mail you the postage to send it. I am in
 texas. I have heartworm positive 
  dogs that are on prednisone and go through as much
 clavamox as bleach around 
 see our  available orphans at:
 Karen  817-453-4888

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Crosspost: kittico........I will take her

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Chris and all..
I have been on a million lists and this is without a doubt the best one I 
have every joined. The wisdom of these folks and the support they give 
I lurk mostly too since I dont have positives at the moment but these guys 
are the best.

Re: cost of epogen/transfusion?

2006-01-06 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
 Thanks for the suggestion, but Fu is already on Prednisone to keep his
cancer in remission. I will ask the vet about the dex though. My Nina
takes it in pill form for her IBD and asthma.


- Original Message -
Date: Friday, January 6, 2006 10:16 am
Subject: Re: cost of epogen/transfusion?

   Ask your vet about giving him a dexamethasone shot. It really  
 makes them 
 feel better, even when they are really sick.  And sometimes  helps 
 anemia. It may be contraindicated because of his kidney and thyroid 
 though, I don't know.
 In a message dated 1/5/2006 10:42:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 Fu is  pretty wiped out, Michelle. He can barely move, but I think the
 folic acid  has helped a little. When he looks like he had to go to 
 thelittle box, I  carry him there and support him while goes - or 
 tries to go. 
 I'm  hand-feeding him a/d with Fancy Feast beef liver mixed in. 
 I've got
 some  beef liver on hand that I'll cook up for him later.  

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Hideyo-I am thrilled for you! OK, as you say, nothing is definite, BUT
the direction it's going in is most definitely encouraging and gives
reason to hope that it will keep going right along that way!!! (Your
lawyer's name is a good omen, too, I think!) We're all right behind
you--keep posting when you get news and time! lots of love, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: RE: Great news about my court case

Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great news
about my court case regarding the pet limit law.

The city  is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion which
specifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting next
Monday.  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges against
me for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense to
pursuit it.

Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees to
drop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to present
her new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, this
ordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law!  I am
going to meet with the city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is on
advisory board on Animal services division next week before she
introduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I have
done to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it during
the meeting!

I am just so excited about this!  Nothing is 100%, but it's definitely
going for a right direction!!

Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep you


IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe  Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor


This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Susan Loesch
Hideyo, this is wonderful!! Way to go!!Hideyo Yamamoto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great newsabout my court case regarding the pet limit law.The city is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion whichspecifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting nextMonday. Which means that, they are also going to drop charges againstme for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense topursuit it.Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees todrop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to presenther new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, thisordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law! I amgoing to meet with the city
 councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is onadvisory board on Animal services division next week before sheintroduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I havedone to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it duringthe meeting!I am just so excited about this! Nothing is 100%, but it's definitelygoing for a right direction!!Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep youposted!

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread wendy
I still have Cricket's meds.  Is there an address on
the website you listed that I can send them to?  Also,
the IR has to be refrigerated, so I am not sure
sending it through the mail is a good idea.  Please
advise and thanks.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi wendy
 we do all kinds of special needs and can use just
 about anything. I dont  
 know if you guys have heard about all the fires we
 are expecting to get  
 overloaded again shortly
 many of the kill shelters are picking up strays some
 with burns.
 a friend just took a heartworm postiive pit with 15%
 of her body  burned...
 any meds of anysort are appreciated.  
 see our  available orphans at:
 Karen  817-453-4888

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread wendy

Fantastic news about your court case!!!  Who knew?! 
What a turn of events!  Someone up there is looking
out for you...probably all your furbabies over the
Rainbow Bridge.  And probably Cricket too.  I am
so happy for you.  Please keep us posted as to
the results of the new ordinance.  This could be a
landmark situation that helps others who rescue


Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Kat
WooHoo Hideyo!!
 .-. ( \
(^.^) ) )
_) (,' /
  ,'  /
 ( (\(   --- me doing my happy dance for you!!
 /  , /
(  ( (
 ) ;) ;

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

 Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great news
 about my court case regarding the pet limit law.

 The city  is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion which
 specifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting next
 Monday.  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges against
 me for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense to
 pursuit it.

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
Wendy brings up a good point.  The Clavimox also has
to be kept refrigerated. I can only think of two
options, I have several frozen ice packs, the
plastic kind you put in a cooler to keep things cool,
so I can wrap up the Clavimox in a plastic baggy with
one or two of the packs to help it try and stay cool
and mail it out today, or I can wait and drive it over
sometime at the beginnig of next week.  I don't know
that much about Clavimox and how much it would degrade
the effects if it were to get warm while in transit. 
You probably know more than I do, so I will leave the
decision up to you.  I don't mind doing either one.
Just let me know,

--- wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I still have Cricket's meds.  Is there an address on
 the website you listed that I can send them to? 
 the IR has to be refrigerated, so I am not sure
 sending it through the mail is a good idea.  Please
 advise and thanks.
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi wendy
  we do all kinds of special needs and can use just
  about anything. I dont  
  know if you guys have heard about all the fires we
  are expecting to get  
  overloaded again shortly
  many of the kill shelters are picking up strays
  with burns.
  a friend just took a heartworm postiive pit with
  of her body  burned...
  any meds of anysort are appreciated.  
  see our  available orphans at:
  Karen  817-453-4888
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Thanks for the help wendy I sure do appreciate it
for get me not
304 hillcrest st
mansfield tx 76063
dont send the IR it will go bad in the travel period.
You guys are fantastic

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

how far are you from Irving? we have a petsmart adoption in the irving 
location Sunday
4005 airport freeway i would love to meet you...
would that be more convient?

Re: Buddha, Chandra and Julian

2006-01-06 Thread Nina

I'm sorry, I'm such an idiot! I know you know I meant that helping
Buddha cross WAS the most loving thing you could do for him.

Nina wrote:

Chandra and Julian,
I'm so, so sorry to hear about Buddha passing. The week of him being
back to his old self was such a wonderful gift for all of you! I know
that you cherished every minute of it. My sweet little Molly, the
second of my felv litter to pass also had a tumor behind her eye that
caused it to bulge. She wasn't with me, she had been adopted out
before we knew of her status. The family she went to had been
struggling so hard to help her get well and were on their way to the
vet's when her eye burst from the pressure of the tumor. I only tell
you this so you won't ever feel that your decision to help Buddha cross
was the most loving thing you could have done for him. Everyone on
this list knows that it doesn't matter how long, or short our time
together is, we are never ready to say goodbye to our sweet loved ones
with fur. You three have such a strong connection, it lives on still.
I have no doubt that Buddha will somehow make his presence known to you
to let you know that he's once again, healthy, happy and has never left
you. Keep your heart and mind open to the signs that he continues to
love you and that someday you'll be together again. Don't be surprised
if another needy angel shows up at your door. I'm betting Buddha is
bragging about you in Heaven.
Much love to you in your sorrow,

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

Kat that is a really cute dancing body...
wish I was that inventive

RE: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

The IR is overnighted from the supplier in a 
Polar box -- so maybe that would work if the cost of repeating the process was 
-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Friday, January 06, 
2006 1:22 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: I 
would like to donate our unused meds. 
Thanks for the help wendy I sure do appreciate it
for get me not
304 hillcrest st
mansfield tx 76063
dont send the IR it will go bad in the travel period.
You guys are fantastic
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread gblane
Hideyo, yeaa, that's great!  Congratulations on hanging in there, and looks 
like you (and we) are going to succeed!


At 12:07 PM 1/6/2006, you wrote:

Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these great news
about my court case regarding the pet limit law.

The city  is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion which
specifies how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting next
Monday.  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges against
me for both civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense to
pursuit it.

Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also agrees to
drop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to present
her new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, this
ordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit law!  I am
going to meet with the city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui who is on
advisory board on Animal services division next week before she
introduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I have
done to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it during
the meeting!

I am just so excited about this!  Nothing is 100%, but it's definitely
going for a right direction!!

Thank you everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep you

Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

2006-01-06 Thread TatorBunz

Oh my god that sounds like what Taz went through!
I did choose the surgery but he wouldn't wake up after it was all over. So I had to let him go as well.
Very devastating for me!!!
(his story below under Pet Memorial)

In a message dated 1/6/2006 9:55:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
The last time I posted, Buddha was having his bestweek since being diagnosed with lymphoma at thebeginning of December. He was back to his old selfand acting as if he was feeling fine, however fourdays before Christmas he took a serious turn for theworst. The tumor behind his eye quickly began tocause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the socketand the pressure it put on his little brain began toeffect his other neurological functions. Hecompletely lost his appetite, the ability to see ineither eye, and to walk. Although he was conscious,he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much completelychecked-out by that point. We talked to the vet andshe said that there was no getting better from thatpoint and also that the eye would soon either pop outon its own, or we would have to have it removed, whichwe did not want to him to have to go through. So onthe 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help himlet go. 

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread TatorBunz

I'm so happy for you

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

2006-01-06 Thread TatorBunz

 Your in my thoughts andprayers. I know exactly what your going through. Do let the tears shed. It took me a year before I could open freely and talk about Taz without crying.
Take care and Hugs!

 Terrie MohrTAZZY'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE  COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverCheck sites for available Siameses for adoption! Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! a Homeless Pet!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS

Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
You are right.  I read Taz's memorial and it was
EXACTLY the same thing.  The tumor that we couldn't
get to shrink was causing a large bump above and
behind his left eye.  By the end, the bump was half
the height of his ear.  
I am so sorry Taz had to endure the same thing.  

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Oh my god that sounds like what Taz went through!
 I did choose the surgery but he wouldn't wake up
 after it was all over. So I 
 had to let him go as well.
 Very devastating for me!!!
 (his story below under Pet Memorial)
 In a message dated 1/6/2006 9:55:32 AM Pacific
 Standard Time, 
 The last time I posted, Buddha was having his best
 week since being diagnosed with lymphoma at the
 beginning of December.  He was back to his old self
 and acting as if he was feeling fine, however four
 days before Christmas he took a serious turn for the
 worst.  The tumor behind his eye quickly began to
 cause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the
 and the pressure it put on his little brain began to
 effect his other neurological functions.  He
 completely lost his appetite, the ability to see in
 either eye, and to walk.  Although he was conscious,
 he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much
 checked-out by that point.  We talked to the vet and
 she said that there was no getting better from that
 point and also that the eye would soon either pop
 on its own, or we would have to have it removed,
 we did not want to him to have to go through.  So on
 the 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help
 let go.  
 Terrie Mohr
 Check sites for available Siameses for adoption!
 Adopt a Homeless Pet!

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Buddha, Chandra and Julian

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
Nina, Thank you so much.  I am very thankful that you
shared Molly's story.  It makes me feel so much better
about the difficult decision we made to not let Buddha
get to that point.  

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chandra and Julian,
 I'm so, so sorry to hear about Buddha passing.  The
 week of him being 
 back to his old self was such a wonderful gift for
 all of you!  I know 
 that you cherished every minute of it.  My sweet
 little Molly, the 
 second of my felv litter to pass also had a tumor
 behind her eye that 
 caused it to bulge.  She wasn't with me, she had
 been adopted out before 
 we knew of her status.  The family she went to had
 been struggling so 
 hard to help her get well and were on their way to
 the vet's when her 
 eye burst from the pressure of the tumor.  I only
 tell you this so you 
 won't ever feel that your decision to help Buddha
 cross was the most 
 loving thing you could have done for him.  Everyone
 on this list knows 
 that it doesn't matter how long, or short our time
 together is, we are 
 never ready to say goodbye to our sweet loved ones
 with fur.  You three 
 have such a strong connection, it lives on still.  I
 have no doubt that 
 Buddha will somehow make his presence known to you
 to let you know that 
 he's once again, healthy, happy and has never left
 you.  Keep your heart 
 and mind open to the signs that he continues to love
 you and that 
 someday you'll be together again.  Don't be
 surprised if another needy 
 angel shows up at your door.  I'm betting Buddha is
 bragging about you 
 in Heaven.
 Much love to you in your sorrow,
 chandra simms wrote:
 Michele and all the wonderful members of this
 I am sorry I have not written in a while, but it
 was a
 very hard holiday and I haven't really had the
 emotional strength to post until now.  
 The last time I posted, Buddha was having his best
 week since being diagnosed with lymphoma at the
 beginning of December.  He was back to his old self
 and acting as if he was feeling fine, however four
 days before Christmas he took a serious turn for
 worst.  The tumor behind his eye quickly began to
 cause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the
 and the pressure it put on his little brain began
 effect his other neurological functions.  He
 completely lost his appetite, the ability to see in
 either eye, and to walk.  Although he was
 he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much
 checked-out by that point.  We talked to the vet
 she said that there was no getting better from that
 point and also that the eye would soon either pop
 on its own, or we would have to have it removed,
 we did not want to him to have to go through.  So
 the 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help
 let go.  
 My mother lives about 45 minutes away in Denton, so
 buried him in the yard at her house and decided to
 just spend the week there.  Neither Julian or I
 anxious to get home and begin the process of
 away Buddha's things.  Having all the visiting
 in town really helped to provide a slight
 especially since I couldn't go much more than five
 minutes without crying for the first 2 days.  
 Although I knew this time would eventually come and
 was able to gather so much strength from all the
 advice and good wishes from this group over the
 month, I was completely unprepared for the amount
 grief I felt.  Since he lived so long without any
 symptoms I think I was in denial that the day would
 ever actually come.  
 I am almost ashamed of how lucky I feel to have had
 him in my life for 14 years, and my heart truly
 for those of you who lost your friends sooner and
 didn't have as much time together as we did.  
 I will be forever grateful to all the members of
 list and honestly don't think I could have endured
 pain that the last month brought without you.  
 I don't know how to go about it or if it is too
 but I would like for Buddha's name to be added to
 Monday's candle light memorial service.  If it is
 still possible that is.  
 Could someone please tell me who I should contact
 Once again, on behalf of Buddha, Julian and myself,
 thank you all so much!
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thinking of him and hoping he is still feeling
 better. Please give us an  
 update when you get a chance.  Having been through
 the rollercoaster  of lymphoma 
 several times, I really feel for you and Jen, who
 has Ewok, and  think about 
 Buddha and Ewok multiple times throughout the day.
 I hope he  is still 
 feeling well, but know there are so many ups and
 downs.  Please  let us know how he 
 is when you get a chance.
 Thinking of the two of you,
 Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes
 life worth living.

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
We live in the Lakewood area of East Dallas.  I will
have to double check with Julian to make sure we don't
have any prior obligations, and if we don't, I would
be happy to take a quick trip to Irving.  What time
will you be there?

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how far are you from Irving? we have a petsmart
 adoption in the irving  
 location Sunday
 4005 airport freeway i would love to meet you...
 would that be more convient?

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Condolences to Chandra for Buddha

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle


 When you did not write back I feared he was not doing 
well. I am so very sorry. I know the grief is excruciating. And yes, 
you were lucky to have him in your life for 14 years.


Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, this is so absolutely amazing!! Yay!! And you have helped others 


RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle, I know its a bit too
early to celebrate as new ordinance is not still changed for sure and may not
be passed  but I have to credit you so much for the outcome of this 
You have been just amazingly helpful to me.. I am so grateful to have you on my

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006
1:35 PM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case

Hideyo, this is so absolutely amazing!!
Yay!! And you have helped others too!


Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

No, you were the one trying to change the ordinance. All I really did was 
give you tips for a hearing that you lost, and for a court case that never 
materialized, and helped find Merry. I am so happy for you, though.

In a message dated 1/6/2006 3:42:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle, I know it’s 
  a bit too early to celebrate as new ordinance is not still changed for sure 
  and may not be passed – but I have to credit you so much for the outcome of 
  this – You have been just amazingly helpful to me.. I am so grateful to have 
  you on my side..

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Terri Brown

Awesome news, Hideyo!

Terri in NJ

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 1:07 
  Subject: RE: Great news about my court 
  Hi, Merry (my lawyer) called me this morning to share these 
  great newsabout my court case regarding the pet limit law.The 
  city is going to put a hold on the ordinance portion whichspecifies 
  how many cats you can have at the city councilor meeting nextMonday. 
  Which means that, they are also going to drop charges againstme for both 
  civil and criminal cases as it no longer makes sense topursuit 
  it.Also, the city councilor who is working on new ordinance also 
  agrees todrop the pet limit law from her proposal - she is planning to 
  presenther new ordinance at the city councilor meeting on 18th - IF, 
  thisordinance is passed, Albuquerque will have no more pet limit 
  law! I amgoing to meet with the city councilor, and Merry, and Viqui 
  who is onadvisory board on Animal services division next week before 
  sheintroduces her new ordinance so that I can share all the research I 
  havedone to back up no pet limit law in case she needs to defend it 
  duringthe meeting!I am just so excited about this! Nothing 
  is 100%, but it's definitelygoing for a right direction!!Thank you 
  everyone for all your support, and I will definitely keep 

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread wendy
Hey Chandra,

I have to be at Skyline High School tomorrow for a
magnet fair, and would love to donate the IR to Karen,
along with the other meds for Cricket.  I don't still
have the original container it came in, but I do have
several of those cold paks in the fridge.  I need to
go by Boutique pet shop tomorrow to get brine shrimp
after the fair around 1:15 since I will be in the
area.  If you want to meet me, I'd love to get the IR
to you so you can get them to Karen.  Let me know.


--- chandra simms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We live in the Lakewood area of East Dallas.  I will
 have to double check with Julian to make sure we
 have any prior obligations, and if we don't, I would
 be happy to take a quick trip to Irving.  What time
 will you be there?
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  how far are you from Irving? we have a petsmart
  adoption in the irving  
  location Sunday
  4005 airport freeway i would love to meet you...
  would that be more convient?
 Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes
 life worth living.
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Buddha, Chandra and Julian

2006-01-06 Thread Terri Brown

Goodnight, sweet Buddha...

=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec  Salome' 

Furkid Photos! 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 1:47 
  Subject: Buddha, Chandra and Julian
  Chandra and Julian,I'm so, so sorry to hear about Buddha 
  passing. The week of him being back to his old self was such a wonderful 
  gift for all of you! I know that you cherished every minute of it. 
  My sweet little Molly, the second of my felv litter to pass also had a tumor 
  behind her eye that caused it to bulge. She wasn't with me, she had been 
  adopted out before we knew of her status. The family she went to had 
  been struggling so hard to help her get well and were on their way to the 
  vet's when her eye burst from the pressure of the tumor. I only tell you 
  this so you won't ever feel that your decision to help Buddha cross was the 
  most loving thing you could have done for him. Everyone on this list 
  knows that it doesn't matter how long, or short our time together is, we are 
  never ready to say goodbye to our sweet loved ones with fur. You three 
  have such a strong connection, it lives on still. I have no doubt that 
  Buddha will somehow make his presence known to you to let you know that he's 
  once again, healthy, happy and has never left you. Keep your heart and 
  mind open to the signs that he continues to love you and that someday you'll 
  be together again. Don't be surprised if another needy angel shows up at 
  your door. I'm betting Buddha is bragging about you in Heaven.Much 
  love to you in your sorrow,Ninachandra simms wrote:
  Michele and all the wonderful members of this group,

I am sorry I have not written in a while, but it was a
very hard holiday and I haven't really had the
emotional strength to post until now.  

The last time I posted, Buddha was having his best
week since being diagnosed with lymphoma at the
beginning of December.  He was back to his old self
and acting as if he was feeling fine, however four
days before Christmas he took a serious turn for the
worst.  The tumor behind his eye quickly began to
cause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the socket
and the pressure it put on his little brain began to
effect his other neurological functions.  He
completely lost his appetite, the ability to see in
either eye, and to walk.  Although he was conscious,
he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much completely
checked-out by that point.  We talked to the vet and
she said that there was no getting better from that
point and also that the eye would soon either pop out
on its own, or we would have to have it removed, which
we did not want to him to have to go through.  So on
the 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help him
let go.  

My mother lives about 45 minutes away in Denton, so we
buried him in the yard at her house and decided to
just spend the week there.  Neither Julian or I were
anxious to get home and begin the process of packing
away Buddha's things.  Having all the visiting family
in town really helped to provide a slight distraction,
especially since I couldn't go much more than five
minutes without crying for the first 2 days.  

Although I knew this time would eventually come and I
was able to gather so much strength from all the
advice and good wishes from this group over the past
month, I was completely unprepared for the amount of
grief I felt.  Since he lived so long without any
symptoms I think I was in denial that the day would
ever actually come.  
I am almost ashamed of how lucky I feel to have had
him in my life for 14 years, and my heart truly bleeds
for those of you who lost your friends sooner and
didn't have as much time together as we did.  

I will be forever grateful to all the members of this
list and honestly don't think I could have endured the
pain that the last month brought without you.  

I don't know how to go about it or if it is too late,
but I would like for Buddha's name to be added to next
Monday's candle light memorial service.  If it is
still possible that is.  
Could someone please tell me who I should contact for

Once again, on behalf of Buddha, Julian and myself, 
thank you all so much!

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thinking of him and hoping he is still feeling
better. Please give us an  
update when you get a chance.  Having been through
the rollercoaster  of lymphoma 
several times, I really feel for you and Jen, who
has Ewok, and  think about 
Buddha and Ewok multiple times throughout the day. 
I hope he  is still 
feeling well, but know there are so many ups and
downs.  Please  let us know how he 
is when you get a chance.
Thinking of the two of you,

Love is not 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I am so sure that your Cricket was on my side, too along with my
Garfunkle, George and all the furball babies that we have encountered or
have not yet encountered.  I have so many sad stories how responsible
cat owners had to surrender their kitties to due to this ordinance and I
really hope that this will make our furrball lives better a little bit..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 12:12 PM
Subject: RE: Great news about my court case


Fantastic news about your court case!!!  Who knew?! 
What a turn of events!  Someone up there is looking
out for you...probably all your furbabies over the
Rainbow Bridge.  And probably Cricket too.  I am
so happy for you.  Please keep us posted as to
the results of the new ordinance.  This could be a
landmark situation that helps others who rescue


Yahoo! DSL - Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I also realized that the pet limit law was
born with the common MISCONCEPTION that more animals cause more problems 
and unfortunately, lots of people think its a common SENSE, but its really
common misconception. And I have stats from animal care center to prove it (80%
of complaints that animal service division receive in 2004 and 2005 are from a
single animal household -) I think we almost have to undo the damage caused by
the misconception and re-educate them that its not true.. 

Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006
1:44 PM
Subject: Re: Great news about my
court case

No, you were the one trying to change the
ordinance. All I really did was give you tips for a hearing that you lost, and
for a court case that never materialized, and helped find Merry. I am so
happy for you, though.


In a message dated 1/6/2006 3:42:04 P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Michelle, I know its a bit too early to
celebrate as new ordinance is not still changed for sure and may not be passed
 but I have to credit you so much for the outcome of this  You have been just
amazingly helpful to me.. I am so grateful to have you on my side..

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread chandra simms
No problem Wendy. I would be happy to pick up
Cricket's meds for Karen.  Just give me a call when
you leave Skyline and head over to the pet store.  It
is just a mile or so around the lake and down the road
from us so it will only take me a few minutes to get

--- wendy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Chandra,
 I have to be at Skyline High School tomorrow for a
 magnet fair, and would love to donate the IR to
 along with the other meds for Cricket.  I don't
 have the original container it came in, but I do
 several of those cold paks in the fridge.  I need to
 go by Boutique pet shop tomorrow to get brine shrimp
 after the fair around 1:15 since I will be in the
 area.  If you want to meet me, I'd love to get the
 to you so you can get them to Karen.  Let me know.
 --- chandra simms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  We live in the Lakewood area of East Dallas.  I
  have to double check with Julian to make sure we
  have any prior obligations, and if we don't, I
  be happy to take a quick trip to Irving.  What
  will you be there?
  --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   how far are you from Irving? we have a petsmart
   adoption in the irving  
   location Sunday
   4005 airport freeway i would love to meet you...
   would that be more convient?
  Love is not necessary to life, but it is what
  life worth living.
  Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
  Just $16.99/mo. or less. 
 Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.

Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home about. 
Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

RE: Buddha, Chandra and Julian

2006-01-06 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Nina, you have such a way to express the feelings and I love it I
feel so totally agree with Nina, Chandra and Julian - Buddha's soul is
still right besides you and have not left you -- so don't be too
lonely... I know it's painful to not to be able to hold him anymore..
but in a way, he is probably much closer to you.  I still talk to my
Garfunkle every day like he is still there.. for some reason, I feel his
presence as he is still here.. and I know that he is..

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of chandra simms
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: Buddha, Chandra and Julian

Nina, Thank you so much.  I am very thankful that you
shared Molly's story.  It makes me feel so much better
about the difficult decision we made to not let Buddha
get to that point.  

--- Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Chandra and Julian,
 I'm so, so sorry to hear about Buddha passing.  The
 week of him being 
 back to his old self was such a wonderful gift for
 all of you!  I know 
 that you cherished every minute of it.  My sweet
 little Molly, the 
 second of my felv litter to pass also had a tumor
 behind her eye that 
 caused it to bulge.  She wasn't with me, she had
 been adopted out before 
 we knew of her status.  The family she went to had
 been struggling so 
 hard to help her get well and were on their way to
 the vet's when her 
 eye burst from the pressure of the tumor.  I only
 tell you this so you 
 won't ever feel that your decision to help Buddha
 cross was the most 
 loving thing you could have done for him.  Everyone
 on this list knows 
 that it doesn't matter how long, or short our time
 together is, we are 
 never ready to say goodbye to our sweet loved ones
 with fur.  You three 
 have such a strong connection, it lives on still.  I
 have no doubt that 
 Buddha will somehow make his presence known to you
 to let you know that 
 he's once again, healthy, happy and has never left
 you.  Keep your heart 
 and mind open to the signs that he continues to love
 you and that 
 someday you'll be together again.  Don't be
 surprised if another needy 
 angel shows up at your door.  I'm betting Buddha is
 bragging about you 
 in Heaven.
 Much love to you in your sorrow,
 chandra simms wrote:
 Michele and all the wonderful members of this
 I am sorry I have not written in a while, but it
 was a
 very hard holiday and I haven't really had the
 emotional strength to post until now.  
 The last time I posted, Buddha was having his best
 week since being diagnosed with lymphoma at the
 beginning of December.  He was back to his old self
 and acting as if he was feeling fine, however four
 days before Christmas he took a serious turn for
 worst.  The tumor behind his eye quickly began to
 cause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the
 and the pressure it put on his little brain began
 effect his other neurological functions.  He
 completely lost his appetite, the ability to see in
 either eye, and to walk.  Although he was
 he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much
 checked-out by that point.  We talked to the vet
 she said that there was no getting better from that
 point and also that the eye would soon either pop
 on its own, or we would have to have it removed,
 we did not want to him to have to go through.  So
 the 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help
 let go.  
 My mother lives about 45 minutes away in Denton, so
 buried him in the yard at her house and decided to
 just spend the week there.  Neither Julian or I
 anxious to get home and begin the process of
 away Buddha's things.  Having all the visiting
 in town really helped to provide a slight
 especially since I couldn't go much more than five
 minutes without crying for the first 2 days.  
 Although I knew this time would eventually come and
 was able to gather so much strength from all the
 advice and good wishes from this group over the
 month, I was completely unprepared for the amount
 grief I felt.  Since he lived so long without any
 symptoms I think I was in denial that the day would
 ever actually come.  
 I am almost ashamed of how lucky I feel to have had
 him in my life for 14 years, and my heart truly
 for those of you who lost your friends sooner and
 didn't have as much time together as we did.  
 I will be forever grateful to all the members of
 list and honestly don't think I could have endured
 pain that the last month brought without you.  
 I don't know how to go about it or if it is too
 but I would like for Buddha's name to be added to
 Monday's candle light memorial service.  If it is
 still possible that is.  
 Could someone please tell me who I should contact
 Once again, on behalf of Buddha, Julian and myself,

Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

2006-01-06 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Chandra I am so sorry about Buddha,he was so lucky to be love by the two of you.And for so long,what a lucky guy.He is with my Maizee Grace now.God Bless you and thank you for being a loving furbaby mom.  Sherrychandra simms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Michele and all the wonderful members of this group,I am sorry I have not written in a while, but it was avery hard holiday and I haven't really had theemotional strength to post until now. The last time I posted, Buddha was having his bestweek since being diagnosed with lymphoma at thebeginning of December. He was back to his old selfand acting as if he was feeling fine, however fourdays before Christmas he took a serious turn for theworst. The tumor behind his eye quickly began tocause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the
 socketand the pressure it put on his little brain began toeffect his other neurological functions. Hecompletely lost his appetite, the ability to see ineither eye, and to walk. Although he was conscious,he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much completelychecked-out by that point. We talked to the vet andshe said that there was no getting better from thatpoint and also that the eye would soon either pop outon its own, or we would have to have it removed, whichwe did not want to him to have to go through. So onthe 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help himlet go. My mother lives about 45 minutes away in Denton, so weburied him in the yard at her house and decided tojust spend the week there. Neither Julian or I wereanxious to get home and begin the process of packingaway Buddha's things. Having all the visiting familyin town really helped to provide a slight distraction,especially since I
 couldn't go much more than fiveminutes without crying for the first 2 days. Although I knew this time would eventually come and Iwas able to gather so much strength from all theadvice and good wishes from this group over the pastmonth, I was completely unprepared for the amount ofgrief I felt. Since he lived so long without anysymptoms I think I was in denial that the day wouldever actually come. I am almost ashamed of how lucky I feel to have hadhim in my life for 14 years, and my heart truly bleedsfor those of you who lost your friends sooner anddidn't have as much time together as we did. I will be forever grateful to all the members of thislist and honestly don't think I could have endured thepain that the last month brought without you. I don't know how to go about it or if it is too late,but I would like for Buddha's name to be added to nextMonday's candle light memorial service. If it
 isstill possible that is. Could someone please tell me who I should contact forthat.Once again, on behalf of Buddha, Julian and myself, thank you all so much!--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Thinking of him and hoping he is still feeling better. Please give us an  update when you get a chance. Having been through the rollercoaster of lymphoma  several times, I really feel for you and Jen, who has Ewok, and think about  Buddha and Ewok multiple times throughout the day.  I hope he is still  feeling well, but know there are so many ups and downs. Please let us know how he  is when you get a chance. Thinking of the two of you, Michelle Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.__ Yahoo! DSL – Something to write home
 about. Just $16.99/mo. or less.   
		Yahoo! Photos 
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

Re: Jen-- How is Ewok?

2006-01-06 Thread jenmeyer
Thanks, Michelle!

Yep, Ewok is on daily pred...I actually took him to the oncologist this
morning (his next appointment wasn't until next week) because he wasn't
feeling well and (I believe) vomited last night... :(  The tumor in his
belly is crazy aggressive...the oncologist gave him a round of elspar as
he responded well to that one before X-mas...but now that I think about
it (as he wants to see Ewok in 2 weeks), the only reason Ewok was able
to go two weeks between visits was because I gave him a dex shot when he
started feeling bad about a week after the elspar shot...good thing I
didn't cancel his appointment for next week!  ;)

So I asked the oncologist what I should expect as it would seem (to me,
anyway) that the abdominal tumor will eventually win out as Ewok can
barely make it a week between treatments.  He surprised me by saying he
isn't any more pessimistic than he was a few months ago (although I
would have felt better if he had said less optimistic... ;)  )...The
oncologist still has a few tricks up his sleeve, so as long as Ewok is
game, I'll continue to tote his skinny little butt back and forth
between appointments.  Ewok is just so cute, he's so used to the car by
now...he sits shot-gun and watches the tree-tops go, I'm going
to miss this little boy!!  :(

Warm thoughts to Lucy and Patches!!  Good luck with the raw!  Several of
my guys really enjoy it and I do think it's better for them...I always
try to repay the favor that the chicken or turkey did for my guys by
rescuing any critters (except for palmetto bugs...can't bring myself to
rescue them just yet) that the cats may corner (mostly lizards and
snakes)...Maggie got her paws on a lizard last week and I had to remind
her that the turkey she just ate gave its life so that that little
lizard could lead a long, fruitful life!  :)

Take care,


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Thursday, January 5, 2006 12:25 pm
Subject: Re: Jen-- How is Ewok?

  SO glad to hear Ewok is still doing well!!  Simon responded  very 
 well to 
 the CCNU also. After that he got Adriamycin, which he did not  
 respond well to, 
 and I wished I had asked the oncologist to give him more CCNU  
 instead. I 
 think the oncologist was afraid that without switching the drugs 
 each  time he 
 would become resistant.  But I think they take longer to become  
 resistant to 
   As for the steroids, is he still getting pred pills?  The  Depo 
 shot is 
 instead of the pred pills, or should be I think. The oncologist  
 should know 
 when the right time is to give another Depo shot if Ewok keeps  
 looking good and 
 does not seem to need it badly.
Patches is feeling better from antibiotics and  prednisone and 
 scheduled to have her two canines and possibly (but hopefully  not) 
 other teeth 
 pulled next Wednesday morning. So please say a prayer or  thought 
 or whatever 
 strikes you best for her!  Lucy is tapering off the  pred herself 
 and seems to be 
 doing ok-- fairly solid stool, though still not  entirely normal.
As for feeding raw meat, I am actually about to  start feeding 
 mine, or 
 at least Lucy and maybe Patches, a raw diet. It is  recommended for 
 cats with 
 chronic loose stools, on the feline IBD list serve. I  ordered a 
 supplement mix 
 to put in with ground raw meat and organs. Being a  vegan this is 
 all very 
 difficult for me (I had a nightmare last night that I had  to have 
 Lucy killed 
 to be fed to an animal who needed to eat her to be healthy,  which 
 I think is 
 my guild and discomfort at buying a dead turkey to help  Lucy).  
 But I think 
 raw is ok, and maybe better, for them. The liver shake  uses raw 
 liver in it, 
 and most people on this list feed that to cats when they  are sick. 
 All that 
 said, I am totally nervous about starting the raw diet  because I 
 have read in 
 some places that it is not good for immune-compromised  cats. But I 
 neither is inflamed intestines or struvite crystals, which  raw is 
 supposed to fix 
 in many cats.
 Thanks for the update, and may he keep going strong!
 In a message dated 1/5/2006 1:17:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
 Hi  Michelle!
 So far, so good...the CCNU seems to be working!  His  appetite is up
 (although he's still not eating as much as I'd like to see  him
 eat...he's put on a little weight, but he's still probably only 
 around  9
 lbs--he weighed 

Re: Jen and Michelle

2006-01-06 Thread jenmeyer
Oh, dear!  How did you hurt your back, Nina?  These days I'm injuring
myself just getting out of bed in the morning...Take care of yourself
and thanks for the email!


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
Date: Thursday, January 5, 2006 7:58 pm
Subject: Jen and Michelle

 Hello Ladies,
 I'm so pleased to hear how well Ewok, Lucy and Patches are doing!  
 pulled my darn back so I'm not able to keep up with emails, just 
 you to know how thrilled I am to hear your guys are doing well.  
 Michelle, besides your concerns about the poor turkey, I wouldn't 
 too much about feeding raw.  I'm sure you are going to be 
 purchasing the 
 best quality, freshest meats you can find and will be careful of 
 they are stored and served.  There shouldn't be any worries about 
 contamination under those circumstances.
SO glad to hear Ewok is still doing well!!  Simon responded 
  well to the CCNU also. After that he got Adriamycin, which he did 
  respond well to, and I wished I had asked the oncologist to give 
  more CCNU instead. I think the oncologist was afraid that without 
  switching the drugs each time he would become resistant.  But I 
  they take longer to become resistant to CCNU.
 As for the steroids, is he still getting pred pills?  The Depo 
  is instead of the pred pills, or should be I think. The 
  should know when the right time is to give another Depo shot if 
  keeps looking good and does not seem to need it badly.
  Patches is feeling better from antibiotics and prednisone and 
  scheduled to have her two canines and possibly (but hopefully 
  other teeth pulled next Wednesday morning. So please say a prayer 
  thought or whatever strikes you best for her!  Lucy is tapering 
  the pred herself and seems to be doing ok-- fairly solid stool, 
  still not entirely normal.
  As for feeding raw meat, I am actually about to start feeding 
  mine, or at least Lucy and maybe Patches, a raw diet. It is 
  recommended for cats with chronic loose stools, on the feline IBD 
  serve. I ordered a supplement mix to put in with ground raw meat 
  organs. Being a vegan this is all very difficult for me (I had a 
  nightmare last night that I had to have Lucy killed to be fed to 
  animal who needed to eat her to be healthy, which I think is my 
  and discomfort at buying a dead turkey to help Lucy).  But I 
 think raw 
  is ok, and maybe better, for them. The liver shake uses raw liver 
  it, and most people on this list feed that to cats when they are 
  sick.  All that said, I am totally nervous about starting the raw 
  because I have read in some places that it is not good for 
  immune-compromised cats. But I figure neither is inflamed 
  or struvite crystals, which raw is supposed to fix in many cats.
  Thanks for the update, and may he keep going strong!
  In a message dated 1/5/2006 1:17:50 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Hi Michelle!
  So far, so good...the CCNU seems to be working!  His appetite 
 is up
  (although he's still not eating as much as I'd like to see him
  eat...he's put on a little weight, but he's still probably only
  around 9
  lbs--he weighed around 14 before this all started) and his 
 energy level
  or old-self-self is back...he even felt good enough to 
 wrestle a
  little with his buddy (Hermes--who has been waiting patiently 
 for Ewok
  to feel up to playing) yesterday for the first time in about 
 a month!
  I'm still watching him like a hawk as the oncologist won't be 
 able to
  give him another treatment until next Friday.  Ewok didn't eat
  much this
  morning (although he eagerly scarfed down some raw turkey--I 
 know raw is
  probably a no-no, but I'm just thrilled to see him eat 
 anything on his
  own).  He's out and about, though...not hiding in the closet 
 like he
  usually does when he's not feeling well.
  I haven't used dex or the combo shot since Christmas...but I 
 know my
  regular vet is just around the corner in case I need 
 anything...I'm hoping the steroid shots will be an option if 
 Ewok starts feeling bad
  again before his oncologist's appointment!  Fingers 

Re: Jen-- How is Ewok?

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle


 You might want to stop the pred and give dex/depo shots 
instead. The depo is instead of pred, and is stronger and longer lasting. 
The fact that Ewok went two weeks or so without needing another depo shot says 
to me that he is not near the end yet. I would strongly suggest, if he is still 
not well tomorrow, taking him to the local vet and getting another dex/depo shot 
(or if all you got before was a dex shot, to ask for a combo dex/depo 
shot). Two weeks is not too soon for that when they have cancer. If 
you do these shots instead of pred, he will eventually need them every few days 
in order to keep feeling good, and that means it is getting closer to the end. 
But two weeks is not that short a time to need another one, in terms of 
lymphoma. So I would do it.

Here's hoping Ewok feels better soon,


Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

2006-01-06 Thread jenmeyer
Oh, Chandra...I'm so sorry to hear about Buddha!  We're battling
lymphoma here, too, and the emotional roller-coaster is really starting
to take its toll.  I'm ecstatic beyond belief one moment when I can see
his old inquisitive, mischievious self in his eyes...and bawling the
next when I imagine a future without him.  Please know that you are in
my thoughts...may Buddha find his way home swiftly...


But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed... --Antoine de

If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys. --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: chandra simms [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, January 6, 2006 11:55 am
Subject: Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

 Michele and all the wonderful members of this group,
 I am sorry I have not written in a while, but it was a
 very hard holiday and I haven't really had the
 emotional strength to post until now.  
 The last time I posted, Buddha was having his best
 week since being diagnosed with lymphoma at the
 beginning of December.  He was back to his old self
 and acting as if he was feeling fine, however four
 days before Christmas he took a serious turn for the
 worst.  The tumor behind his eye quickly began to
 cause the eye to bulge and protrude out of the socket
 and the pressure it put on his little brain began to
 effect his other neurological functions.  He
 completely lost his appetite, the ability to see in
 either eye, and to walk.  Although he was conscious,
 he was fairly catatonic and had pretty much completely
 checked-out by that point.  We talked to the vet and
 she said that there was no getting better from that
 point and also that the eye would soon either pop out
 on its own, or we would have to have it removed, which
 we did not want to him to have to go through.  So on
 the 23rd we made the excruciating decision to help him
 let go.  
 My mother lives about 45 minutes away in Denton, so we
 buried him in the yard at her house and decided to
 just spend the week there.  Neither Julian or I were
 anxious to get home and begin the process of packing
 away Buddha's things.  Having all the visiting family
 in town really helped to provide a slight distraction,
 especially since I couldn't go much more than five
 minutes without crying for the first 2 days.  
 Although I knew this time would eventually come and I
 was able to gather so much strength from all the
 advice and good wishes from this group over the past
 month, I was completely unprepared for the amount of
 grief I felt.  Since he lived so long without any
 symptoms I think I was in denial that the day would
 ever actually come.  
 I am almost ashamed of how lucky I feel to have had
 him in my life for 14 years, and my heart truly bleeds
 for those of you who lost your friends sooner and
 didn't have as much time together as we did.  
 I will be forever grateful to all the members of this
 list and honestly don't think I could have endured the
 pain that the last month brought without you.  
 I don't know how to go about it or if it is too late,
 but I would like for Buddha's name to be added to next
 Monday's candle light memorial service.  If it is
 still possible that is.  
 Could someone please tell me who I should contact for
 Once again, on behalf of Buddha, Julian and myself, 
 thank you all so much!
 --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thinking of him and hoping he is still feeling
  better. Please give us an  
  update when you get a chance.  Having been through
  the rollercoaster  of lymphoma 
  several times, I really feel for you and Jen, who
  has Ewok, and  think about 
  Buddha and Ewok multiple times throughout the day. 
  I hope he  is still 
  feeling well, but know there are so many ups and
  downs.  Please  let us know how he 
  is when you get a chance.
  Thinking of the two of you,
 Love is not necessary to life, but it is what makes life worth living.
 Yahoo! DSL ? Something to write home about. 
 Just $16.99/mo. or less. 

Re: Great news about my court case

2006-01-06 Thread TenHouseCats
wonderful news, hideyo! -- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ICQ: 289856892

Re: Chandra-- how is Buddha doing?

2006-01-06 Thread TenHouseCats
aw, chandra, i'm so sorry. i'm glad that you and julian got to share so much wonderful time with him, and that he was blessed with your love--throughout the good times, and when it mattered so much, at the end of his journey here.

GLOW to heal your hearts... thank you for sharing some of his life with us.-- MaryChristineAIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ: 289856892

Re: I would like to donate our unused meds.

2006-01-06 Thread FORGETMENOTPETS

I cant thank both of you enoughI need all the help I can get right 
Chandra, I will have scooter with me just to hang out he is the tiny doxie 
we recently raised the money for his cartwhat an awesome feeling to watch 
this boy come out of his shell and play he gets around now like nothing is 
I will be at petsmart Sunday around 1200 at the airport freeway 
I feel blessed just to know you guys... 
see our 
available orphans at: 

Re: Fu's red cell blood count

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

I have been thinking a lot about Fu, and I read the info on the site, 
emailed by someone else, saying that Tapazol can cause anemia and kidney damage. 
I am thinking there is a good chance that this is what has happened to Fu. 
I am wondering if it would make sense to decrease or stop the Tapazol, since the 
info said that such side effects stop after the drug is stopped. Our cat 
Percy was hyperthyroid for several years before she died at a month short of 20, 
and did not get any treatment for it because she also had slight kidney problems 
and the vet said the two would keep each other in check. She was horribly thin 
and ate a tremendous amount for her size, but lived quite happily like that for 
most of her elderly years. We finally started her on Tapazol when she was 
so think we could not believe she could live that way, and she died two days 
after starting it, and we always wondered if the meds did it. Anyway, what 
I am trying to say, is that the effects of hyperthyroidism may be less fatal, or 
fatal in a slower way, than the anemia if that is coming from the Tapazol, so it 
might be worth trying him off it.


Re: Fu's red cell blood count

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

I should have said in the last email that I meant to talk to the vet 
about it, or to people on the feline hyper-t group, not to just stop it because 
it may need to be tapered or may not be possible at all.


Re: Fu's red cell blood count

2006-01-06 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
 Fu's been off the tapazole for about two days now, at the vet's suggestion.
Thanks for thinking of him.


- Original Message -
Date: Friday, January 6, 2006 8:59 pm
Subject: Re: Fu's red cell blood count

 I have been thinking a lot about Fu, and I read the info on the 
 emailed by someone else, saying that Tapazol can cause anemia and 
 kidney damage.  I 
 am thinking there is a good chance that this is what has happened 
 to Fu.   I 
 am wondering if it would make sense to decrease or stop the 
 Tapazol, since the  
 info said that such side effects stop after the drug is stopped.  
 Our cat  
 Percy was hyperthyroid for several years before she died at a month 
 short of 20, 
 and did not get any treatment for it because she also had slight 
 problems  and the vet said the two would keep each other in check. 
 She was 
 horribly thin  and ate a tremendous amount for her size, but lived 
 quite happily like 
 that for  most of her elderly years.  We finally started her on 
 Tapazol when 
 she was  so think we could not believe she could live that way, and 
 she died 
 two days  after starting it, and we always wondered if the meds did 
 Anyway, what  I am trying to say, is that the effects of 
 hyperthyroidism may be less 
 fatal, or  fatal in a slower way, than the anemia if that is coming 
 from the 
 Tapazol, so it  might be worth trying him off it.

Re: Fu's red cell blood count

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

Not any better though?


In a message dated 1/6/2006 10:19:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle,Fu's been off the tapazole for about two days now, at the 
  vet's suggestion.Thanks for thinking of 

Have epogen for Fu - what to do next?

2006-01-06 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
I picked up a vial of Epogen for Fu tonight. The vet explained how to
give it to him over the phone and the pharmacist was also very nice and
spent some time showing me how to go about it. 
My question it possible for there to be an immediate bad
reaction? If so, I'll wait until morning when I can rush him to the vet.
The pharmacist said I could call her tonight for another half hour
(until 10pm CST) or she'll be available all weekend. I'm a little
fearful and am thinking I might wait for tomorrow morning, but my little
old fellow is so weak.
So now I'll go walk Jasmine, our Katrina orphan and check for replies
when we get back.


Thanks for your kind thoughts of my 19 year-old with many ailments,
Bonnie and the Foozer

Re: Have epogen for Fu - what to do next?

2006-01-06 Thread Lernermichelle

I think, but am not positive, that it normally takes months for an adverse 
reaction to occur. But I would be afraid that any medicine could have an 
adverse reaction on Fu, given his age and condition. However, Epogen also 
takes a while to show any good effects, and Fu is already doing so poorly, that 
a part of me thinks you should just give it to him now. But maybe it is wise to 
wait until morning.

Poor guy. But Bonnie, I hope you realize, even though it does not 
make this any easier to bear, that it is a miracle for Fu to live so long. He is 
like my friend Al, who died two years ago today a day short of his 98th 
birthday. I was with him on his last day, and I did not want him to go. 
But he was ready, and unafraid. He used to want to talk to me about death, as he 
felt ready and was very curious about what it would be like, and I was so 
freaked out at the thought of him dying that I could not talk about it and would 
tell him I did not think it was going to happen anytime soon. I wish now that I 
could have just dealt with it and talked to him about it, because he was ready 
and wanted to discuss it. I am not saying this because I think you ought 
to stop trying to make Fu better-- I am very aggressive in trying to make things 
better, and have always hated anyone saying that I should not try due to age or 
something like that (I almost punched the doctor when I took Al to the emergency 
room, three months before his death, and the doctor asked him if he wanted to be 
treated and, when Al said he did, commented that many people his age do not and 
are just ready to go!). I am just saying this because I think it is truly 
amazing that Fu has done as well as he has, that he has fought off so many 
conditions, and that you are incredible, absolutely incredible, for getting him 
this far. I used to think that seeing Percy get very old and die would be 
impossible to bear, having known her since I was 12. I used to be so fearful of 
losing her when I would see her at my parents'. But after adopting my 
positives and losing Josephine at 3 and Buddy at 1.5 years, I started looking at 
Percy with a sense of awe and gratitude that she had made it so far, and that 
she was going to die at the end of her life, the way things are supposed to 

I have been wanting to say something like this to you for a few days, but 
have had difficulty figuring out how to word it, because I do not want it to be 
taken as castigation in any way for your attempts to help Fu. While 19 is 
extremely old, I have heard of cats living into their 20's, and I think every 
cat should be given that chance.


In a message dated 1/6/2006 10:28:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I picked 
  up a vial of Epogen for Fu tonight. The vet explained how togive it to him 
  over the phone and the pharmacist was also very nice andspent some time 
  showing me how to go about it. My question it possible for there 
  to be an immediate badreaction? If so, I'll wait until morning when I can 
  rush him to the vet.The pharmacist said I could call her tonight for 
  another half hour(until 10pm CST) or she'll be available all weekend. I'm 
  a littlefearful and am thinking I might wait for tomorrow morning, but my 
  littleold fellow is so weak.So now I'll go walk Jasmine, our Katrina 
  orphan and check for replieswhen we get 

Re: Have epogen for Fu - what to do next? (on death and dying)

2006-01-06 Thread Nina

I think it was brave of you to put your thoughts into words and send
them to Bonnie. It sometimes helps to have others comment on their own
reactions to death and dying. Our western society is so intent on
evading thoughts about death, let alone discussions about it. Thank
you very much for sharing your experience with your elderly friend. It
may give someone else the courage to discuss it with a loved one in
similar circumstances. We were just talking about how special this
list is, how sensitive to each other's needs and how supportive we are
to each other. I think that comes from sharing the common bond of
grief and our close proximity to death and disease. It certainly
doesn't stop us from fighting with every fiber of our being to cheat it
when we can, but it's become impossible for us to hide from death, and
therefore we're more apt
to face it and try to learn how to deal with it's inevitability in a
more open manner. At least I know that is what has happened with me.
I was just telling Kerry off-list that there are times when I feel I
need a break from our loving group because each and every fur child's
struggle effects me so deeply. The benefits so out weigh the pain,
that I can't imagine leaving you. It's the same with our frail little
angels, I would never trade knowing and loving them to spare the
anguish of losing them.
Much love to you all,


  I think, but am not positive, that it normally takes months for
an adverse reaction to occur. But I would be afraid that any medicine
could have an adverse reaction on Fu, given his age and condition.
However, Epogen also takes a while to show any good effects, and Fu is
already doing so poorly, that a part of me thinks you should just give
it to him now. But maybe it is wise to wait until morning.
  Poor guy. But Bonnie, I hope you realize, even though it does
not make this any easier to bear, that it is a miracle for Fu to live
so long. He is like my friend Al, who died two years ago today a day
short of his 98th birthday. I was with him on his last day, and I did
not want him to go. But he was ready, and unafraid. He used to want to
talk to me about death, as he felt ready and was very curious about
what it would be like, and I was so freaked out at the thought of him
dying that I could not talk about it and would tell him I did not think
it was going to happen anytime soon. I wish now that I could have just
dealt with it and talked to him about it, because he was ready and
wanted to discuss it. I am not saying this because I think you ought
to stop trying to make Fu better-- I am very aggressive in trying to
make things better, and have always hated anyone saying that I should
not try due to age or something like that (I almost punched the doctor
when I took Al to the emergency room, three months before his death,
and the doctor asked him if he wanted to be treated and, when Al said
he did, commented that many people his age do not and are just ready to
go!). I am just saying this because I think it is truly amazing that
Fu has done as well as he has, that he has fought off so many
conditions, and that you are incredible, absolutely incredible, for
getting him this far. I used to think that seeing Percy get very old
and die would be impossible to bear, having known her since I was 12. I
used to be so fearful of losing her when I would see her at my
parents'. But after adopting my positives and losing Josephine at 3
and Buddy at 1.5 years, I started looking at Percy with a sense of awe
and gratitude that she had made it so far, and that she was going to
die at the end of her life, the way things are supposed to be. 
  I have been wanting to say something like this to you for a few
days, but have had difficulty figuring out how to word it, because I do
not want it to be taken as castigation in any way for your attempts to
help Fu. While 19 is extremely old, I have heard of cats living into
their 20's, and I think every cat should be given that chance.
  In a message dated 1/6/2006 10:28:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
  I picked up a vial of Epogen for Fu tonight. The vet
explained how to
give it to him over the phone and the pharmacist was also very nice and
spent some time showing me how to go about it. 
My question it possible for there to be an immediate bad
reaction? If so, I'll wait until morning when I can rush him to the vet.
The pharmacist said I could call her tonight for another half hour
(until 10pm CST) or she'll be available all weekend. I'm a little
fearful and am thinking I might wait for tomorrow morning, but my little
old fellow is so weak.
So now I'll go walk Jasmine, our Katrina orphan and check for replies
when we get back.
