Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-02-03 Thread catatonya
That is great progress!

Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Animal Control is -- better than it used to be.  We haven't been able to get 
them to round up the pack of dogs running in the area but in a miracle of a 
turn of events just a little while ago we found out that the head of AC is 
going to work with our rescue group  on Operation Jack that our President 
just proposed to him -- a massive TNR effort in Jack's neighborhood.  We 
determined that we needed to do this and got all our input during our searches 
for Jack.  He is offering his facility to our vet -- and will sanction the 
altered animals and not pick them up -- we will ear-tip so AC will know what is 
what.  I can't tell you what a development this is -- it is groundbreaking for 
this city -- such a big development that we can't really take it all in yet.  

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Oh my dear, be very careful. You're not going 
to find anyone being 
indulgent or open to education under those circumstances. How is 
Animal Control around there? Don't let those people think for a minute 
that you will be sticking your nose in their horrid business. Covert is 
definitely the word for dealing with that sort of thing. Just the 
thought makes my stomach churn. 

The dogs for protection people can sometimes be reached with reason 
and tact, (hard to do, but you have to approach them as if you do 
believe they have some feelings for their animals). There was a group 
of people, I can't remember the organization's name, that used to go 
door to door with things like run lines to install for dogs chained up. 
You know, a line strung from tree to tree, (or post to post), that would 
allow the dog a little more freedom of movement. They'd bring gifts of 
food and supplies and try to get their message out to the people that 
might be swayed. Bless their hearts, and your's too, it seems to be a 
never ending uphill battle.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Most of the dogs we have come across are strictly for protection - and 
 we wonder how well cared for. The search team yesterday came across 
 several yards full of what we think is fighting dogs in training -- we 
 have to address that in addition to the cat issues.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Susan Loesch
Jack's personality is such that he never meets a stranger - human or feline.  
If he has lost his collar and ID it is very possible that someone has either 
taken him in or at least is feeding him.  With the flyer coverage -- close to 
100 in the area -- and out of the immediate area at grocery stores, 
restaurants, car washes, etc., where the residents might gather -- it is hard 
to believe someone hasn't seen the flyers and the reward.  But it is still 
possible.I know Dianne is keeping food out but I will definitely suggest 
going out at that time.  So many good ideas from all you guys.  We all 
appreciate it.

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Such a bittersweet story about the 
neighborhood Jack's gone missing in. 
It sounds like so much good will be done in his honor. Isn't that just 
life in a nutshell? Since the folks in that area seem so kindly 
disposed to animals, I'm wondering if someone has taken Jackie in, or is 
at least keeping him fed. I know it must be cold out, but is your 
friend keeping a window or door ajar in case he wanders back home? 
Around 3am seems to be the time when they feel safe to attempt travel. 
Has your friend been going outside and shaking a package of dry food 
around that time? Since other's have been trapped, it sounds like traps 
are being set where he went missing. How fortunate for the ones that 
have been/will be helped. Thank you Jack, now COME HOME! 

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Nina, thank you so much. Please do send prayers Jack's way. He 
 disappeared on Jan. 1st and there hasn't been a day, hardly that 
 someone from his family or our rescue group hasn't been on the 
 streets looking for him and talking to people. I really do like the 
 business card idea -- we did, in addition to flyers, half-size 
 handbills -- half of an 81/2 x 11 page which we put on doors and 
 gave to people - but the business cards are easier for people to hold 
 on to. The neighborhood is really interesting -- an old downtown 
 'hood area where people are moving in and renovating old homes. Lots 
 of boarded up homes, brushy areas mixed in with better cared for 
 places. Last night a couple of kids brought a black cat to Dianne's 
 (Jack's mom) door thinking it was Jack. It wasn't but Dianne took it 
 in because it had an injured tail and took to vet this morning. 
 She's also taken all unaltered animals she's trapped to be altered. 
 Our rescue group has discovered in this search that this is the 
 neighborhood where we want to begin to concentrate on tnr- we are 
 calling our effort The Jackie Project in Jack's honor -- we have met 
 many wonderful people with essentially zero resources who are willing 
 to feed strays but can't afford spay neuter. Jack's nicknames are 
 Jackie and Ducky. He is black but with a brownish tint in the sun. 
 He has lots of sinus problems and lots of the time has the tip of his 
 tongue sticking out. I have been amazed that every single person we 
 have talked to -- including knocking on the door at all hours -- has 
 been indredible -- not one single person has refused a request to let 
 us check basements or walk their property -- and we have felt safe 
 even though this is a neighborhood high in drug activity and police 
 activity. Other than not finding Jack yet it has been a totally 
 positive experience.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Nina
I am convinced that someone had taken Ursula in even though they knew 
that she was being searched for.  Ursula, if I do say so myself, is 
quite a stunning Calico and I think the person just didn't want to give 
her up.  One of the hints I had from the psychic was that Ursula could 
see a picket fence from the window she was sitting in.  My house has a 
picket fence too, so I approached the other like-fenced houses in the 
neighborhood with the story, (they all think I'm nuts anyway), that I 
thought maybe Ursula might have gotten confused by the similarity and 
went into their yard.  I was relentless in my search and I suspect that 
this person finally opened the door and let her out in the middle of the 
night.  Of course I couldn't sleep while she was gone and I got up in 
the middle of the night to find her sitting outside our sliding glass 
door waiting to be let in.  I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't 
imagining her there.  She was in great shape, not even hungry, that also 
made me suspect someone was trying to keep her as their own.


Susan Loesch wrote:
Jack's personality is such that he never meets a stranger - human or 
feline.  If he has lost his collar and ID it is very possible that 
someone has either taken him in or at least is feeding him.  With the 
flyer coverage -- close to 100 in the area -- and out of the immediate 
area at grocery stores, restaurants, car washes, etc., where the 
residents might gather -- it is hard to believe someone hasn't seen 
the flyers and the reward.  But it is still possible.I know Dianne 
is keeping food out but I will definitely suggest going out at that 
time.  So many good ideas from all you guys.  We all appreciate it.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Susan Loesch
Wow, that is encouraging.  Know what you mean about people thinking you are 
nuts!   We don't venture far into some parts of the neighborhood with out a 
second or third person along -- but I think we've felt pretty safe because 
people kind of treat us like we are nuts -- and harmless!!

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I am convinced that someone had taken Ursula 
in even though they knew 
that she was being searched for. Ursula, if I do say so myself, is 
quite a stunning Calico and I think the person just didn't want to give 
her up. One of the hints I had from the psychic was that Ursula could 
see a picket fence from the window she was sitting in. My house has a 
picket fence too, so I approached the other like-fenced houses in the 
neighborhood with the story, (they all think I'm nuts anyway), that I 
thought maybe Ursula might have gotten confused by the similarity and 
went into their yard. I was relentless in my search and I suspect that 
this person finally opened the door and let her out in the middle of the 
night. Of course I couldn't sleep while she was gone and I got up in 
the middle of the night to find her sitting outside our sliding glass 
door waiting to be let in. I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't 
imagining her there. She was in great shape, not even hungry, that also 
made me suspect someone was trying to keep her as their own.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Jack's personality is such that he never meets a stranger - human or 
 feline. If he has lost his collar and ID it is very possible that 
 someone has either taken him in or at least is feeding him. With the 
 flyer coverage -- close to 100 in the area -- and out of the immediate 
 area at grocery stores, restaurants, car washes, etc., where the 
 residents might gather -- it is hard to believe someone hasn't seen 
 the flyers and the reward. But it is still possible. I know Dianne 
 is keeping food out but I will definitely suggest going out at that 
 time. So many good ideas from all you guys. We all appreciate it.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread TenHouseCats

some cats have second homes, too--a friend has a calico (of course) who
disappears every may, and comes home every september, fat and sassy and
clearly well-cared for

On 1/22/07, Susan Loesch [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Wow, that is encouraging.  Know what you mean about people thinking you
are nuts!   We don't venture far into some parts of the neighborhood with
out a second or third person along -- but I think we've felt pretty safe
because people kind of treat us like we are nuts -- and harmless!!

*Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED]* wrote:

I am convinced that someone had taken Ursula in even though they knew
that she was being searched for. Ursula, if I do say so myself, is
quite a stunning Calico and I think the person just didn't want to give
her up. One of the hints I had from the psychic was that Ursula could
see a picket fence from the window she was sitting in. My house has a
picket fence too, so I approached the other like-fenced houses in the
neighborhood with the story, (they all think I'm nuts anyway), that I
thought maybe Ursula might have gotten confused by the similarity and
went into their yard. I was relentless in my search and I suspect that
this person finally opened the door and let her out in the middle of the
night. Of course I couldn't sleep while she was gone and I got up in
the middle of the night to find her sitting outside our sliding glass
door waiting to be let in. I had to blink twice to make sure I wasn't
imagining her there. She was in great shape, not even hungry, that also
made me suspect someone was trying to keep her as their own.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Jack's personality is such that he never meets a stranger - human or
 feline. If he has lost his collar and ID it is very possible that
 someone has either taken him in or at least is feeding him. With the
 flyer coverage -- close to 100 in the area -- and out of the immediate
 area at grocery stores, restaurants, car washes, etc., where the
 residents might gather -- it is hard to believe someone hasn't seen
 the flyers and the reward. But it is still possible. I know Dianne
 is keeping food out but I will definitely suggest going out at that
 time. So many good ideas from all you guys. We all appreciate it.

Spay  Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Nina
My neighborhood is not nearly so friendly to animals as Jack's seems to 
be.  They're not exactly abusive, but very, very neglectful.  Lot's of 
Oh we love our dog, while they keep her chained up ignored in the 
front yard.  It's the main reason our house is overflowing with 
fourleggers.  When an animal goes missing, most of the folks around here 
don't even look for them, (or answer found ads in the paper), they just 
go get another one and their old pets end up at my house :( .   They 
don't for a minute understand my dedication, but they usually treat me 
with indulgence.  They think the way I perceive animal rights is crazy, 
but they seem to smile on my efforts anyway.   It's very frustrating, 
but I keep trying to educate.


Susan Loesch wrote:
Wow, that is encouraging.  Know what you mean about people thinking 
you are nuts!   We don't venture far into some parts of the 
neighborhood with out a second or third person along -- but I think 
we've felt pretty safe because people kind of treat us like we are 
nuts -- and harmless!!

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Susan Loesch
Most of the dogs we have come across are strictly for protection - and we 
wonder how well cared for.  The search team yesterday came across several 
yards full of what we think is fighting dogs in training -- we have to address 
that in addition to the cat issues.

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  My neighborhood is not nearly so friendly to 
animals as Jack's seems to 
be. They're not exactly abusive, but very, very neglectful. Lot's of 
Oh we love our dog, while they keep her chained up ignored in the 
front yard. It's the main reason our house is overflowing with 
fourleggers. When an animal goes missing, most of the folks around here 
don't even look for them, (or answer found ads in the paper), they just 
go get another one and their old pets end up at my house :( . They 
don't for a minute understand my dedication, but they usually treat me 
with indulgence. They think the way I perceive animal rights is crazy, 
but they seem to smile on my efforts anyway. It's very frustrating, 
but I keep trying to educate.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Wow, that is encouraging. Know what you mean about people thinking 
 you are nuts! We don't venture far into some parts of the 
 neighborhood with out a second or third person along -- but I think 
 we've felt pretty safe because people kind of treat us like we are 
 nuts -- and harmless!!

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Nina
Oh my dear, be very careful.  You're not going to find anyone being 
indulgent or open to education under those circumstances.  How is 
Animal Control around there?  Don't let those people think for a minute 
that you will be sticking your nose in their horrid business.  Covert is 
definitely the word for dealing with that sort of thing.  Just the 
thought makes my stomach churn. 

The dogs for protection people can sometimes be reached with reason 
and tact, (hard to do, but you have to approach them as if you do 
believe they have some feelings for their animals).  There was a group 
of people, I can't remember the organization's name, that used to go 
door to door with things like run lines to install for dogs chained up.  
You know, a line strung from tree to tree, (or post to post), that would 
allow the dog a little more freedom of movement.  They'd bring gifts of 
food and supplies and try to get their message out to the people that 
might be swayed.  Bless their hearts, and your's too, it seems to be a 
never ending uphill battle.


Susan Loesch wrote:
Most of the dogs we have come across are strictly for protection - and 
we wonder how well cared for.  The search team yesterday came across 
several yards full of what we think is fighting dogs in training -- we 
have to address that in addition to the cat issues.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Nina
Your friend should put a note on her collar introducing herself!  It 
would be nice to know where the heck she goes and I'm always looking for 
allies in my neighborhood.


TenHouseCats wrote:
some cats have second homes, too--a friend has a calico (of course) 
who disappears every may, and comes home every september, fat and 
sassy and clearly well-cared for  

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Susan Loesch
Animal Control is -- better than it used to be.  We haven't been able to get 
them to round up the pack of dogs running in the area but in a miracle of a 
turn of events just a little while ago we found out that the head of AC is 
going to work with our rescue group  on Operation Jack that our President 
just proposed to him -- a massive TNR effort in Jack's neighborhood.  We 
determined that we needed to do this and got all our input during our searches 
for Jack.  He is offering his facility to our vet -- and will sanction the 
altered animals and not pick them up -- we will ear-tip so AC will know what is 
what.  I can't tell you what a development this is -- it is groundbreaking for 
this city -- such a big development that we can't really take it all in yet.  

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Oh my dear, be very careful. You're not going 
to find anyone being 
indulgent or open to education under those circumstances. How is 
Animal Control around there? Don't let those people think for a minute 
that you will be sticking your nose in their horrid business. Covert is 
definitely the word for dealing with that sort of thing. Just the 
thought makes my stomach churn. 

The dogs for protection people can sometimes be reached with reason 
and tact, (hard to do, but you have to approach them as if you do 
believe they have some feelings for their animals). There was a group 
of people, I can't remember the organization's name, that used to go 
door to door with things like run lines to install for dogs chained up. 
You know, a line strung from tree to tree, (or post to post), that would 
allow the dog a little more freedom of movement. They'd bring gifts of 
food and supplies and try to get their message out to the people that 
might be swayed. Bless their hearts, and your's too, it seems to be a 
never ending uphill battle.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Most of the dogs we have come across are strictly for protection - and 
 we wonder how well cared for. The search team yesterday came across 
 several yards full of what we think is fighting dogs in training -- we 
 have to address that in addition to the cat issues.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Nina
OMG that's fantastic!!  A friend of mine has been trying to work with 
the shelter in her area to not pts tipped ferals.  Her rescue group is 
now micro chipping all their tnr cats so that they know the colony to 
return them to.  Small grueling steps can sometimes pay off.  Oh so good 
for you guys!  The icing on the cake would be for Jack to come home!


Susan Loesch wrote:
Animal Control is -- better than it used to be.  We haven't been able 
to get them to round up the pack of dogs running in the area but in a 
miracle of a turn of events just a little while ago we found out that 
the head of AC is going to work with our rescue group  on Operation 
Jack that our President just proposed to him -- a massive TNR effort 
in Jack's neighborhood.  We determined that we needed to do this and 
got all our input during our searches for Jack.  He is offering his 
facility to our vet -- and will sanction the altered animals and not 
pick them up -- we will ear-tip so AC will know what is what.  I can't 
tell you what a development this is -- it is groundbreaking for this 
city -- such a big development that we can't really take it all in yet. 

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Susan Loesch
We are literally in shock because it is such an unexpected thing.  What a 
wonderful idea to microchip tnr cats!   So far what we have been able to work 
out with AC was for our previous director to evaluate cats in the feral room to 
separate truly feral from just fractious.  They he ok'd us taking any feral we 
could relocate.   They still withhold the existence of a feral room from the 
general public when they go in searching for a cat they've lost.  But the 
current situation sure beats the way it used to be -- the only way out of the 
feral room was to the euthanasia room.

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  OMG that's fantastic!! A friend of mine has 
been trying to work with 
the shelter in her area to not pts tipped ferals. Her rescue group is 
now micro chipping all their tnr cats so that they know the colony to 
return them to. Small grueling steps can sometimes pay off. Oh so good 
for you guys! The icing on the cake would be for Jack to come home!

Susan Loesch wrote:
 Animal Control is -- better than it used to be. We haven't been able 
 to get them to round up the pack of dogs running in the area but in a 
 miracle of a turn of events just a little while ago we found out that 
 the head of AC is going to work with our rescue group on Operation 
 Jack that our President just proposed to him -- a massive TNR effort 
 in Jack's neighborhood. We determined that we needed to do this and 
 got all our input during our searches for Jack. He is offering his 
 facility to our vet -- and will sanction the altered animals and not 
 pick them up -- we will ear-tip so AC will know what is what. I can't 
 tell you what a development this is -- it is groundbreaking for this 
 city -- such a big development that we can't really take it all in yet. 

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Nina
It's so ridiculous to think that just anyone could tell a frantic 
out-of-their-mind with fear house cat from a feral under those 
conditions.  And for Heaven's sake, not giving people access to the 
feral room when they are searching for their cats is unconscionable.  I 
hate going to the shelter, some of the worst of my haunting images come 
from those brave, stoic ferals waiting on death row.  I'm always 
battling my sensitivities that make me want to pull the covers over my 
head with the NEED to get involved.  Where do you live?  I wish I had 
such wonderful like-minded people to join forces with.


Susan Loesch wrote:
We are literally in shock because it is such an unexpected thing.  
What a wonderful idea to microchip tnr cats!   So far what we have 
been able to work out with AC was for our previous director to 
evaluate cats in the feral room to separate truly feral from just 
fractious.  They he ok'd us taking any feral we could relocate.   They 
still withhold the existence of a feral room from the general public 
when they go in searching for a cat they've lost.  But the current 
situation sure beats the way it used to be -- the only way out of the 
feral room was to the euthanasia room.

Re: OT - pet psychics/animal communicators - Nina

2007-01-22 Thread Susan Loesch
I'm in LIttle Rock, AR.  Wish you were here to work with us!!

Nina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  It's so ridiculous to think that just anyone 
could tell a frantic 
out-of-their-mind with fear house cat from a feral under those 
conditions. And for Heaven's sake, not giving people access to the 
feral room when they are searching for their cats is unconscionable. I 
hate going to the shelter, some of the worst of my haunting images come 
from those brave, stoic ferals waiting on death row. I'm always 
battling my sensitivities that make me want to pull the covers over my 
head with the NEED to get involved. Where do you live? I wish I had 
such wonderful like-minded people to join forces with.

Susan Loesch wrote:
 We are literally in shock because it is such an unexpected thing. 
 What a wonderful idea to microchip tnr cats! So far what we have 
 been able to work out with AC was for our previous director to 
 evaluate cats in the feral room to separate truly feral from just 
 fractious. They he ok'd us taking any feral we could relocate. They 
 still withhold the existence of a feral room from the general public 
 when they go in searching for a cat they've lost. But the current 
 situation sure beats the way it used to be -- the only way out of the 
 feral room was to the euthanasia room.