Re: Weegies

1999-09-15 Thread Karen McCarthy

This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can't remember where I first heard the term "Weegie" but I THINK  it was 
from Nancy Lenhert about two years ago...

About 12 years ago I bought my first fjord from Nancy (who later went on to 
become Jean Gayle's beloved Howdy/reg. name Regenbue). Thats where I picked 
up on Nancy referring to them as "weegees", and it's been part of my 
vernacular ever's even my email address!


...All togerther now, hum to yourself and your monitor the Beatles 'Walrus' 
song, but of course interject 'weegies'!!!

Get Your Private, Free Email at


1999-09-15 Thread Bushnell's
This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Seeing Konggard and Ceacy demonstrate their clicker training rapport was
the highlight of the Libby Horse Show for me. He is a beautiful Fjord
stallion and seemed so extra, extra intelligent because of his
responsiveness to Ceacy.

When she would lift her leg and he would then lift his, the right or left
accordingly, it was adorable! I've often thought of that since and nearly

Thanking Ceacy and Konggard from the heart for their lggg trip out
to Montana to share their special relationship and wishing them the very best!

Ruthie Bushnell, NW MT 

Re: safety for Carolyn

1999-09-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So glad to hear the good news Carolyn and was hoping you got through okay.
Can not imagine the agony of the wait for something you have no control
over.  We do have some strong storms here, not yet over 90 mph that I know
of, but again the sense of dread for the animals.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Re: Libby

1999-09-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Misha you brought up something I did not know.  I was bragging up Dusty and
Erlend but I did not see Kongaard.  I am sure he must also be very handsome.

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

I have a Patrick, too!

1999-09-15 Thread Momster18
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I read your post on the Fjord Digest about your Patrick and it hit my heart 
like a ton of bricks.  I too have a 4 year old gelding and his barn name is 
Patrick.  His registered name is Reidar.  Well, I too have had some 
challenges with him and at times I'm a bit nervous when my daughter or I ride 
him.  We recently have begun to lunge him hard before we ride him.  Last 
month he bucked my daughter off 2x and he had never done that before.  I 
think we've been working him too hard getting ready for Woodstock.  I'm going 
to take him back to basic ground work again this winter and driving, mixed 
with some light riding.  I too had secretly thought about selling him; you're 
the first I've admitted this to.  I stopped working with our trainer after 
Woodstock, because her training style focused on working him like an older 
well established horse, instead of the young 4 year old he was.  My good 
friends at our barn have finally helped me to see that my instincts are good 
and I'm hoping to work with my daughter and Patrick in a slow and easy 

Well, I just felt like sharing this with you and I'm sending it to the list.  
I've decided to keep Patrick and go slow.  Luckily I have the support of 
other fine horse people around me!  Do you get that heavy feeling in the 
chest sometimes when you work with him?  I know I do!  I pray for the day to 
feel easy and free around him!  Good Luck!  I know this wasn't an easy 
decision for you!
Pat McCurdy
Cato, NY


1999-09-15 Thread misha nogha
This message is from: misha nogha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes it was a nice show this year, perfect weather, as usual, too many
yellowjackets but lots of great looking yellow horses. It was fun to see
all those good stallions in one place at the same time. I have been
admiring Dusty, Erland and Kongaard from afar for a long time. They are
even far prettier in person than their photos! I only regret that I didn't
get to spend as much time as I would have liked. Maybe next year. I didn't
get to see the whole show, so please people, brag away. I want to hear
about your accomplishments. Misha

Re: safety for Carolyn

1999-09-15 Thread Carolyn Dumong
This message is from: Carolyn Dumong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Bushnell's wrote:
> This message is from: "Bushnell's" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> We've repeatedly tried to e-mail Carolyn privately but it always returns
> and we did want to add our best regards for her safety! (I always seem to
> have trouble discerning ones from L's in an e-mail address)
> >
> >>
> >>Hi Carolyn,
> >>
> >>we did pray for you last night and we're thinking of you and your family
> >>and animals today, hoping that all's well! The Lord Bless you all and spare
> >>your farm!
> >>
> >>be sure and tell the List how it goes! we're all anxious to hear I'm sure,
> >>Ruthie and Gene Bushnell, NW MT
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
Dear Ruthie & Gene:
I appreciate and am grateful for all your thoughts and prayers for all
of us thru Hurricane Floyd.  We miraculously escaped it's wrath due to a
last minute shift to a more northerly direction.  All we experienced was
some strong wind gusts and rain.  All of our horses were ID'd with spray
paint, hurricane collars and our SS #'s on their hooves with nail
polish!  It was very hard and heartbreaking to put them all out to
pasture yesterday afternoon, not knowing what was going to happen as we
progressed into evening and the worst weather yet to come.  Well, I
guess there must be someone who was listening to all our
prayers...because they were answered.  All of our critters were fine -
all 18 of them!  I will never take any of them for granted again.  My
own two got lots of hugs, kisses and treats today!!! Thank you so much
for thinking of me during this very scary time.  I am now going to do
the same for the folks up in the Carolina's where Floyd is now headed.
XOXOXO  Carolyn

Re: Salem Scandinavian Fall Fair

1999-09-15 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/15/99 14:47:14 Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Pam would like to meet you all there but having just returned from Libby, a
 642 mile jaunt one way,  I am going to stay out of the car for awhile!!! >>

I can understand that.  After my trip to So. Cal in June, where my son got an 
ear infection so we couldn't fly back, but had to drive a rental car. I 
understand that.  Oh well, maybe Anne will have a dressage demo on Wez or 
Misha sometime that I'll drive up to and meet you at!  Anne?  


Re: Mystery Tandoms? Long mane? Winers*

1999-09-15 Thread cnielsen
This message is from: "cnielsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

hi list- I was at villa Louis, it was a great show. the mystery tandem was
Susan keating with her older fjord geldings. the horse with the long mane
was liesl Thomas with a mare that I heard was a full sister to kanada
king.they both did a great job!
randi Nielsen
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 2:49 PM
Subject: Mystery Tandoms? Long mane? Winers*

> This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> HI-
> Do you know who that was who had a tandem of Fjords at Prairie du Chein
> last weekend?  They did an excellent job, especially in the cross-country
> class.
> There was also a gal with a single Fjord, with a natural mane.  It was
> beautiful - multi-colored and thick and shiney.  Do very many people keep
> the mane natural?  I had never seen one before.
> Al

>Hi  List from beautiful, sunny Utahabout 74* breezy, perfect
> weather !
>Got this note from a friend on my Draft Horse Listdoes anyone know
> this is???  also the Fjord showing with the long flowing mane??? wow..
>   Wanted to refrain from commenting on the latest posts, wining about how
> allow un-topic like posts.but CANT, LOL  even slept on it first.   ;
>   Im not as diplomatic or as well written as some, including the winer. I
> liked the part though about getting a new list.and I say GO FOR IT.
> fun, see ya later, leave the friendly one alone. Sorry if I am not " too
> tolerant "  of a first time post, pointing out just whats wrong here, and
> offering to fix itI have learned way too much here, gotten to know
> of good Fjord owners, and met alot of you either at the shows or the chat.
> Why fix something if it aint broke?   Sorry Brian, I like to stick up for
> guy down too, BUT these last 2 took the cake, litter box, poop pile,
> whatever.  DO let us know, however if you get another list going, so we
> forward all newbies who dont like the friendly format here to you.
>Have to run clean more stalls now At least I still have my
> boots on !   So glad to hear the posts from the Libby showreally
> going there this year !   Lisa Pedersen   Cedar City, Ut.

Re: Salem Scandinavian Fall Fair

1999-09-15 Thread Jean Gayle
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pam would like to meet you all there but having just returned from Libby, a
642 mile jaunt one way,  I am going to stay out of the car for awhile!!!
Have fun.   Jean

Jean Gayle
Aberdeen, WA
[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]

Mystery Tandoms? Long mane? Winers*

1999-09-15 Thread Pedfjords
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Do you know who that was who had a tandem of Fjords at Prairie du Chein
last weekend?  They did an excellent job, especially in the cross-country
There was also a gal with a single Fjord, with a natural mane.  It was
beautiful - multi-colored and thick and shiney.  Do very many people keep
the mane natural?  I had never seen one before.

   Hi  List from beautiful, sunny Utahabout 74* breezy, perfect driving 
weather !

   Got this note from a friend on my Draft Horse Listdoes anyone know who 
this is???  also the Fjord showing with the long flowing mane??? wow..

  Wanted to refrain from commenting on the latest posts, wining about how we 
allow un-topic like posts.but CANT, LOL  even slept on it first.   ;   (
  Im not as diplomatic or as well written as some, including the winer. I 
liked the part though about getting a new list.and I say GO FOR IT.  Have 
fun, see ya later, leave the friendly one alone. Sorry if I am not " too 
tolerant "  of a first time post, pointing out just whats wrong here, and 
offering to fix itI have learned way too much here, gotten to know TONS 
of good Fjord owners, and met alot of you either at the shows or the chat. 
Why fix something if it aint broke?   Sorry Brian, I like to stick up for the 
guy down too, BUT these last 2 took the cake, litter box, poop pile, 
whatever.  DO let us know, however if you get another list going, so we can 
forward all newbies who dont like the friendly format here to you. 

   Have to run clean more stalls now At least I still have my 
boots on !   So glad to hear the posts from the Libby showreally missed 
going there this year !   Lisa Pedersen   Cedar City, Ut.

don't keep opinions to self

1999-09-15 Thread bcjdvm
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Please don't be afraid to continue sharing your thoughts and opinions. 
Please note that nobody that 'criticized' the "lighten up" post wanted
you (or others) NOT to share opinions, some of us just hoped it could be
done in a more friendly fashion.  

Remember also that first impressions are often wrong.  I KNOW that Mr.
Anderson's first impression of the List was wrong, and although I don't
know him, I wouldn't be surprised if the first impression that some
people formed about him was also wrong.

Brian Jacobsen, DVM
Norwegian Fjordhest Ranch
Salisbury, North Carolina

Re: Salem Scandinavian Fall Fair

1999-09-15 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/15/99 7:53:24 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<  Hope this helps! Please come up and say "hi"  if you go... Belle and her 
baby Mai will be there with me. (In a paddock by  the building is all I 
know...) >>

I'll be there Saturday morning looking for you.  It sounds like a neat 
gathering.  Haven't been to something like that since I lived in California, 
when I used to go to the Irish Festival and admire the Connemaras.  


Salem Scandinavian Fall Fair

1999-09-15 Thread Catherine Lassesen
This message is from: "Catherine Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List,
Many requests for the Scandinavian Fall Fair 99 information.
9/18  10 am - 5pm and 9/19 11 am - 4pm; Polk County Fairgrounds; 10 miles
West of Salem off Hwy 22 and 1 mile South on 99W.
They just called and want more of a "petting zoo" with the horses than a
demo now. Less to do... but still an adventure. I don't have to bring the
cart now. Admission is $3.00. Hope this helps! Please come up and say "hi"
if you go... Belle and her baby Mai will be there with me. (In a paddock by
the building is all I know...)

Re: Onalee's trail ride

1999-09-15 Thread Northhorse
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 9/15/99 6:07:37 Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< the mostfamous in  America being the Tevis Cup The winner being the first 
over the finish line  who is judged sound enough to continue after a 20 
minute rest. Endurance is a   USET recognized International sport. It is 
dominated by Arabs, >>

Ah yes.  When I lived in Malibu and had my one lonely little arab, a man used 
to ride his arab cross through the property on a regular basis.  He REALLY 
liked my horse.  Said he'd make a fine endurance prospect.  I was pleased by 
this, but when I found out this man had won the Tevis Cup twice, well, that 
carried more weight with me!  I know Juniper or Nikki would not come in at 
the front of the pack for a ride like Tevis.  But getting conditioned and 
then doing a 15-25 mile ride would be great experience.



1999-09-15 Thread Larson
This message is from: Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I can't remember where I first heard the term "Weegie" but I THINK  it was from 
Nancy Lenhert about two 
years ago up at Los Trigos.  Seemed so natural to me, I have always since 
called them by the Weegie 
nickname.  Just seems to fit their personalities  :-)

Zeno sounds like GREAT fun!  As for the pony, I have one too.  Always reminds 
me of Eyore.  Sooo gloomy, 
so put out.  My Weegies think she is great fun to tease.  Once I moved her to 
another pasture for fear they 
were teasing her too much.  She cried liked a baby until I moved her back 
again.  I guess some ponies just 
thrive on being gloomy.

New Mexico, where the horses are getting fuzzy already

Re: Onalee's trail ride

1999-09-15 Thread Reinbowend
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is a competitive trail ride org. called ECTRA (Eastern? Competitive 
Trail Riding Assoc.) Dave Mcwethy probably knows more about it than I and I'm 
not sure but that the E doesn't stand for Eastern, however if they have a web 
site they would offer links to National Competitive Org. Endurance  Riding is 
different from competitive as they are judged differently, and Endurance 
rides are 50 or 100 mile races with mandatory vet checks, the mostfamous in 
America being the Tevis Cup The winner being the first over the finish line 
who is judged sound enough to continue after a 20 minute rest. Endurance is a 
 USET recognized International sport. It is dominated by Arabs, but I 
understand there is the occassional Fjord that compete in Europe. 
Competitive Trail rides are an excellent way to enjoy competing Fjords as 
their heavier bone and tough disposition lend themselves quite well to the 
sport, and most rides offer a junior division.
 This summer there was an excellent article on HEAT and how to cool down 
horses fast but properly I believe it was in Equus magazine. I will go 
through my stacks of stuff and try to find it and post it to the list. Vivian 

Re: Zeno 2

1999-09-15 Thread saskia schoofs
This message is from: "saskia schoofs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Elaine,

> Congratulations on your new Fjord,"Zeno."
thank you!

> I was curious what his gaits are
> like since he comes from such a good stallion. Have you seen him trotting and
> cantering, yet?
yes, a lot, and he's really beautiful in his trotting too... (how to
describe a trot?!)
cantering I only see him when Kitty chases him, or when Sybren and he run
around playing and then he looks like a real foal, head stretched out in
front of him, mouth open (when Kitty chases him), running as fast as he can
(but I guess that's gallopping?)

after getting his papers, I saw his mother's father is Tunar. Do you know
him? I've always liked him very much, too.

Here in Belgium farmers tend to be rather unsentimental about selling
animals, but I'm touched by Zeno's ex-owner. It was the first time in his
life he sold a horse (and only because he's retired and his wife and he
decided to go and live on a boat, he was a sailor when he was young and
misses the sea) and he has already phoned twice to ask how Zeno is and each
time he says: "hug Zeno for us!". I invited them to come as much as they
want, as they live so near me, but they say, maybe in 2 months, as
it's too painful now. So each time I promise to take good care of Zeno and
then I go and hug him (not that I need an excuse to do that!!!).

I hope to have some pictures soon, to put on my website and to send to the
farmer, together with a bear in sailor-clothes. I hope they will like

happy Fjording!
