brag alert

2002-10-17 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, so I said I was done for the year bragging, just one more!!  I rode my
horse, O.H. Silas this summer,in the Creekview Circuit. (local open circuit)
The Grand and Reserve placing just came out, we got Grand in Novice Hunter
over Fences, Reserve in Novice Hunter Hack, Reserve in Maiden English
Walk-Trot and Grand in Jr. Horse English Pleasure.  YIPEE

We didn't always win, but we placed in all of our classes this year and
usually always up in one, two or third, so I was VERY happy to say the least
to see the results.  This will be my first year going to the banquet and
recieving awards. I give all the credit to my FJORD horse, he worked very hard
and was great!

Silas is actually happy as a lark right now, as I've given him the last couple
of weeks off.  Well deserved time off I'd say.  One final note, we are having
our annual 4H trail ride this Sat. and there will be 4 or 5 Fjords there.
Think our record was 4 one year.  Great to see other Fjords at special

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

fjords and barrel racing

2002-10-05 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We sold a fjord gelding to a family who uses him for trail, pleasure shows and
barrel racing. I started him out as a pleasure mount for their daughter. She
in turn found out they BOth love to do barrels.  They don't do any high level
competitions but they have done local shows with the big boys(girls too :-)).
They compete against big QH's, arabs, crosses, whatever is there. She seems to
always be in the ribbons.  When competing against just kids she can walk away
with the trophy.  That boy is fast.  Always has been.  She won one class with
20 entries, all kids, but some of those horses are real barrel racers.

I wanted to start him out huntseat, but the daughter wanted western. So, being
a willing Fjord I got a jog on him and slowed him down.  But, he is an english
moving horse!  She has done well at the open shows with him.  4H and such. She
is always in the ribbons there as well.  It is just a lot harder to win
against those QH's in the pleasure classes.

I have told her to watch not just running him all the time or you'll lose the
pleasure show horse, but this boy is smart and he really knows what is going
on I think.  Her mom told me this fall that next year her daughter wants to
learn huntseat and hunter hack with him, finally!!!  No, she is not converting
all the way, she wants to do both western and english at the pleasure shows.

You have to have the right Fjord(horse) to do barrels.  Not all want to go
that fast and not all will come down nice and easy and only go when you want
them to.  I don't think they are really built for barrel racing nor are most
of their personalities suited for it, but if they are doing low level racing
I'm sure they will be fine.

In this issue of the Herald coming out, is a picture of her winning high
point(fun classes/all speed classes) at the 4H show in Manitowoc WI. You'll
see all the ribbons hanging on the reins. She also had trophies! Her name is
Keelie and the horse is F.A. Jake.  They are a great team.  She is 12 I
believe,she has had him for 2 yrs and this is her first horse.  She does take
lessons on him.  That is what has helped them the most I believe.  She also is
a natural,just like Jake that helps too!
Patti Jo Walter

brag alert

2002-09-28 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, I just have to brag one last time this season!!! I took O.H. Silas to the
WDCTA (Wisconsin Dressage Combined Training Assoc.) show in Plymouth Wi.  We
did a combined test with 2'6 jumps with the Novice A riding test.  HE WAS
AWESOME jumping. We had the BEST course of the year, what a way to end the
season.  We had only done 2ft classes in all the shows we've been going to so
far. I just started him this May in jumping and didn't want to over do it the
first year.  Well when the show came up and they only had 18 or 2'6 I went
for it.  I knew he could do it, we practice with 2'6 all the time and our
lessons are at 2'6 but at shows those jumps ALWAYS look bigger than at home.
I was just so thrilled with his performance today, our class was smooth and in
my opinion near perfect.  Each stride was the same as the last, each jump he
took straight and at the right spot.  Think he came off on the correct lead
every jump.  IT WAS JUST SOOO MUCH FUN. I really think he needs just a little
bigger jump than 2ft, those little ones he is too smart for, doesn't take him
effort.  I just hope he will keep going at this level for a long long time.  I
have no real desire to jump over 3ft!!  He never even batted an eye at any of
the jumps. They had barrels under the poles, straw bales, brick wall, gates.
Nothing was just poles, I loved it.  I don't like just the cross poles or
plain verticals, it gets boring.  I like color and real fillers. :-)

I had one lady come up to me and say,  I watched your jumping and I thought
to myself, if I had a horse like that, I would like to jump.  He is just so
steady and calm.  Yup, just the way I like them I said.

We ended the day with 2 seconds, a third and a fourth.  We rode the combined
tests, along with training level tests.  This was our only dressage show we
did all year, we were busy with the jumping circuit and flat pleasure classes.
Our flat classes were ok but nothing special.

Joni Griffin and Paula Steinmetz both from the Milwaukee area came to the
show.  Joni brought Jock, her gelding and Paula was signed up to bring Bogie,
but at the last minute decided against it.  He isn't quite ready but I'm
hoping the next show we can all show together, it was just exciting having
another Fjord at the show, can't believe how great it would be to have more!!
Joni and Jock had a memoriable experience, it was their first dressage show.
Joni got a little nervous and Jock was his true blue self.  He is usually
steady as a rock, but he just didn't know what to make of that white dressage
fence.  They had some troubles but they got better and I'm sure with more
shows they would be placing!!

Thanks for listening!!!

On another note, regarding Fjords being herd bound or barn sour.  I don't find
that the case at all.  I've started out a lot of Fjords. Only a couple
screamed for thier buddies but they soon got over it with daily riding and
training. I ride alone all the time but I do and will seperate and make the
young stock be pastured alone and I rotate horses in paddocks or pastures.  So
they don't get use to the same old same old. They have to get use to change or
they get like us humans, stuck in their routine.  I find the Fjords to be very
secure and independent at a very young age compared to a lot of other breeds.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords

update to serious question

2002-09-03 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

Just an update.  Thank you all for your responses, both on the list and
private.  You really have been VERY supportive and helpful.  What a wonderful
group of people and what a wonderful resource the list is.  Thank you STEVE
for starting it!  I just wanted you all to know that the owner will be doing
some further testing on this gelding, I also will keep working with him.
Starting him all over from the beginning, nice and slow and easy.  Since it
really seems to be a riding issue, so far on the ground(doing round pen work)
he is perfect. Not having to do anything really new or hard he's quite happy.

I am being super cautious and thank you all for your concern.  Believe me I
don't want to get hurt either.  I'd be the first one to pack it in.  I just
can't give up on him yet.  Not sure if I'm just stubborn, pure horse lover, or
somewhat crazy but I really think he can come around.  I have given up on
other horses so I'm relying on my instincts somewhat with this guy.  We have a
plan and some avenues to check into, so I just wanted you all to know you
really have helped both of us, the owner and myself thank you.

I'll keep you posted from time to time and let you know what we find out and
how he is doing. Sure it will be a long time before he is really riding, so
don't think you'll be forgotten about,this is just gonna take a long long

Janet McNally; good thing Christ came along just incase this horse goes astray
they'd have to stone the horse and the owner and probably me :-)  I'm
praying the Lord gives me wisdom in dealing with this horse and I sure
wouldn't mind if he just spoke some horse sense into him as well!

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Serious Question for the list

2002-08-31 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a very serious question I would like to throw out to the list.  PLEASE
think before you answer and PLEASE don't judge or be critical.  I have in my
barn a 7 or 8 year old Fjord Gelding.  He was sent to me to work with as since
May he has  not been himself.  He started bolting and spooking at things he
has never cared about before.  His owner thought it was mostly white things
and things that made noise.  Like a nylon jacket, crackling or rustling noise
and things that floated.  She knew that he was not the same horse he was
before May.  She can think of NOTHING that had happened to him to change him
so.  On one occasion a friend on her fjord took her jacket off and that set
this gelding into a full bolt, he was just standing next to the other fjord.
The owner was dumped, luckily not serious hurt.  But they were in an indoor
arena, he took her out the gate, down the aisle of the barn and out the front
door.  We are not just talking a little spook here.  The owner had 2 or 3 very
serious bolting incidents with him, that lost her trust in him and hence I got

When she brought him to my farm, the first ride was quite a memory maker.  We
tacked him up in the barn, perfect gentleman.  Brought him outside and I
mounted him.  I just got into the saddle and got situated when he threw his
head down and started bucking like a bronc.  He got the reins out of my hands
since I was just into the saddle and not expecting this,needless to say I
ended up in the dirt, actually blacktop!  His owner said and I believe her, He
has NEVER bucked a day in his life, neither with someone on him or on the
lunge line.  Again NOT HIMSELF. In regards to bolting, I myself have had him
bolt several several times with me.  I have been more success in getting him
spun around before he can get too far.  He bolts for little things,like when I
rubbed my helmet on my head. I had an itchy head and just moved my helmet
around on my head, it made a little Styrofoam noise, that was it, bang.  The
little noise was too much.  Another time I moved my whip from one side to the
other.  He has been ridden with a whip for 5 years.  We did get his eyes
checked they were fine.  I'm thinking, can you get a brain checked?  Another
thing to add, he is a big fellow, 15.1 and probably 1250lbs. He was riding
very well before this happened, well trained.  Never abused or mistreated,
like I said very good ground manners and no mean bone in his body. Owner has
owned him almost his whole life. Think since he was a yearling or 2 yr old.

After working with him, I have assessed this is a major problem and a long
haul commitment in which it might be fixable but nothing that will be fixed
overnight, and there is no guarantee.  His owner has lost her confidence with
him and doesn't think she ever will get it back with him.  She doesn't want
anyone else to get hurt on him and doesn't know what to do with him.  My
question to the list is, What does a person do with a horse that they think
is dangerous?  She isn't sure she could sell him in good conscience even
telling the buyer what is the problem, will they listen and would they get
hurt or killed?  Giving him away poses the same problem.  Do you put them
down?  Is there a place for him?  Does anyone have any solutions?

You could either email me privately or discuss this on the list.  She is open
to suggestions and I would like to hear what people think.

This is a heartbreaker for her, she is very attached to him and this is very
heavy on my heart as well.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

fjords as kids horses

2002-08-08 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Everything that everyone has been talking about as Fjords for kids is true
with ANY breed.  Why do you just say Fjords.  Sheri Kane hit the nail on the
head, it is a respect issue.  That is true with any breed, just like she said.
So the Fjords will show their strength or go their own way if they don't
respect you.  Do you know what other breeds do, bolt, rear, buck, bite, they
too will shove, evade the bit, etc etc etc. Fjords can do these too, but for
the most part they get bully.   I am a 4H leader, I see all year long what
other breeds do with kids.  Some kids are naturally talented both in the
saddle and handling horses, they are strongwilled and let the horse know it,
other kids are timid and afraid.  Guess who has the problems?  Those timid
kids want to ride, but they literally just want to be a passenger up there.
They command no respect from the horse. Those are the kids that need the most
well broke honest horse around.  Basically most kids don't want to learn to
ride they just want to ride.  Think it has to do with the I want things now
mentality of our society.  Kids have to be taught HOW to handle horses, along
with riding.  I agree that young Fjords and young kids aren't the best answer.
I tell buyers please go out and buy an older well trained suitable horse for
your child, any breed.

 I just think we sometimes forget that Fjords are horses.  A good majority are
great horses for kids and a lot aren't.  You need to know your horse and your
kid. I think the breed in general is by far better off better for kids than
other breeds.  I have had several other breeds of horses and see the Fjords as
the best with kids yet.  I have had some of my 4H'ers bring my horses to
shows.  I have had some take lessons and even some have bought some Fjords for
their kids.  We even have taken many out on trail rides.  I THANK GOD, and I
mean that, nothing has ever happened, not even close.  I contribute that to
the Fjords!  When I was in Germany, a large stable there gives riding lessons
to kids.  I believe they have something like 100 kids a week.  He has been
doing it for 30 yrs, NEVER having a serious accident, he too said it was due
to having FJORDS.  They also teach the kids VAULTING on the horse.  Think you
better have a steady breed to do what he is doing, he knows it, that is why he
has Fjords.  Being a breeder, trainer, and active in our local Fjord club.
The biggest thing that gets me with this breed is the lack of thinking these
are horses.  I think when we have them for a while we forget how other breeds
are, and/or we forget they are a horse.  All different with their own
personality and disposition.  My Fjord may not be like my neighbors, in looks,
color and disposition/personality.  One Fjord is not the same as every Fjord.
That is what a horse in general is, in any breed.  You have to consider
personality and disposition.  I have not had much terrible with my Fjords, I
expect them to behave.  No ifs, ands or buts.  I have had trouble with outside
Fjords coming in for training.  I know, Rich Monheim who is a certified John
Lyons trainer in Eagle River Wi would say the same thing.  A lot of very
disrespectful Fjords, who's owners have not taught them to be respectful.
Fjords are horses, they are very smart animals and will walk all over you,
your child, whomever if you let them.  Please people learn HOW to teach your
horse manners.  If you send it off to a trainer, learn from them, otherwise
that horse will come back home and within days or hours it will be the same as
before, walking all over you.  I guess I should get down from my soap box. I
could go on and on but I think (hope) I got my message across without anything
get mixed up in cyberspace.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

brag alert

2002-08-04 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know I sound like a broken record but am so VERY excited I just had to
write.  O.H. Silas and I went to the final show of an open circuit we've been
doing since May.  In May we had our first jumping classes, we were not very
good, but do more work/practice.  Our last show, today, we placed first in a 2
ft class and first in hunter hack.  I think we would have placed first in our
18 class but I was day dreaming and took the first line wrong.  I came back
and did the right course but it was too late you are disqualified when you
go off course, but that was our BEST ride!  I was just thrilled to win two
first, we also placed in all our other classes, we did 5 flat classes.  There
were 8-20 in the classes, Silas was great. Even when we placed 4th or 5th I
was happy, I thought we did much better than that, but he is a true QH judge
and likes NO contact and neck/heads too low.  I refuse to ride that way and
hence it's VERY hard to get 1st, but he liked us.  He didn't even know what
Breed we were!! HA

We have one dressage show left in Sept.  That will be a nice change of pace,
and we're so ready for that as well.  Thanks for listening everyone!!!
Hope others are having as much fun showing off their Fjords as I am this


Fjords Kids go together!!

2002-08-01 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just have to brag about our 4H show last Sat. July 27th in Manitowoc WI.  I am
on the 4H Horse Committee and could not have been prouder.  I announced that
day and also brought a 3 yr old gelding,  O.H. Uljar.  Might be nuts to try
and do both jobs! UGH, but that is another story.  The girl I had riding him
was a big help and so are her parents, so I had little to worry about.
Tabitha is 13 and very good with horses. She rides an arab at home, but he can
not be shown as he gets too excitable.  They have tried for years but he just
can't settle down, so she was thrilled when I asked if she would ride one of
mine.  Uljar was not the only Fjord there that day.  Two other Fjords, Clay
Ridge Britta and Fair Acres Jake were also showing.  Jake and Britta ride
western and Uljar goes english.  It was Britta and Uljar's first show but you
would not have known that.  Uljar got a 1st in draft halter(just the fjords in
that class), 2nd in w/t english pleasure and 6th in equitation w/t.  The
pleasure classes had 8 and 10 in them respectively.  Jake got a 4th in
horsemanship, 2nd in bareback pleasure w/t, 3rd in w/t western pleasure and
all kinds of placings in the fun classes, in which they won high point for
their age division in the fun class division.  Britta got a 4th in bareback
pleasure w/t, 5th in western pleasure w/t and several placings in the fun
classes.  They were s adorable.  Britta was ridden by a 12 yr old girl who
has  never shown before, Jake was ridden by his owner Keelie age 12, who first
started showing last year.  They were all great and really proved that Fjords
can do very well in the open shows.  I wanted so much to yell and scream when
the girls placed but held it together, seeing I was the announcer,thought it
might not be too professional. :-)  I think one of the biggest things, I
think, that the Fjords have going for them in the ring is how steady and
consistent they are.  Even when they are young, if trained right they sure
hold it together nicely.  I'm hoping next year we have even MORE Fjords
there!! Oh, all three are different color, so that was kind of neat as well.
Uljar is gray, Britta is red and Jake is brown and you know Uljar only
whinnied when he saw the other Fjords, could have cared less about all the
other horses in the ring.  In one class there were 20 horses, he didn't place
in that one,he was good, but just not good enough, too many good older well
trained horses, but he did all that he was suppose to and was well behaved.  I
was proud of him and the other two Fjords plus all the girls!!

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI

Blue Earth

2002-07-25 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We made it back early this morning from Blue Earth MN.  IT was great!! I took
O.H. Silas, my 5 yr old white dun gelding and Viktor Fra Skaghaug an imported
2 yr old brown dun stallion, owned by Tim Hamlett.  What a blast I had.  I
went with my husband, Dave, my friend Joni Griffin and my son Patrick along
with his friend Frank.  Didn't see much of Dave, Patrick or Frank, but Joni
and I sure got to catch up on things.  There was around 80 Fjord horses at the
show, numbers were a little down as most heard some people decided to go to
the evaluation in IL in Aug and not the show.  BUT in any case it was a nice
show, classes were good size, especially the driving ones,but even the
pleasure riding classes had good numbers.  I'll be writing an article for the
Herald on the show but I'd like to take him to brag about my horse Silas. :-)
We came home with Res. Champ, the judge just loved him.  Told me, he looks
like nothing else here!  He is VERY elegant looking and just gets your
attention.  So I was very happy to get Res. Champ in halter, never ever
crossed my mind that we would get it, what a great feeling.

We also got first in English Pleasure, Hunter Hack, Halter(45 yr old
geldings), Second in drive/ride, western pleasure(which we've NEVER done
before-horse or rider!), we also placed in costume, bareback josting, ride a
buck and trail.  The only class we didn't place in was barrels, (I got brain
dead and screwed up the pattern-opps!)  I'm an english rider and felt very out
of my territory there, but had fun trying.  Oh, Silas also went into Log Skid.
Walt Monheim, Bits and Wheels Ranch, Eagle River Graciously accepted my plea
in take him in. Walt did a practice run with him about 2 hrs before the class
and decided Silas could do it.  They were great in the class, for his first
time every pulling a log and first time with Walt he was great, he didn't
freak or do anything stupid, I was very proud of Silas and WALT too!!!  Walt
was great.  Silas is more trained with a whip and has not been driven much
this year at all,but still was looking good out there.  That was a huge class,
11 or 12 in the class and it was a very hard course, don't think anyone had a
clean run.  I just think Silas is wonderful, what a versatile horse, english,
western,  pleasure driving, log skid, barrels(ok, maybe not), hunter hack,
halter,wow I am sure a proud owner.  Now I have to work even harder to keep
him going nice and even better for next year!!!

The Blue Earth Show had a huge surprise this year.  We found out that 110
Norwegians from Norway were coming to our show.  We put on a flag
demonstration for them and a little demo.  We also handed out pins to all our
guests they were very impressed with our Fjord Horses in America.  It was a
show to remember!!

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI

brag alert

2002-07-15 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just have to brag about my gelding O.H. Silas and our open show we went to
yesterday.  We went into 9 classes and placed in all 9.  We had between 7-15
horses in each class.  I really wanted a trophy but was very happy with
2-seconds, 3-thirds, 3-fourths, and a fifth.  It pretty much is a QH circuit,
judge really liked those QH's so it's pretty hard to get a first but getting
in the top three in some of those classes to me was like winning.  We went in
3 jumping classes.  Silas was very good, very proud of him.  Just too many
seasoned well trained horses to get a first yesterday, but I just am very
happy with how he rode.  We did have a little trouble with our leads and he
even felt a little off but the judge liked us and it was a fun fun day.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords

Can you help?

2002-07-01 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello List,

Have a favor to ask everyone.  I was selected to be the club's historian for
the Midwest Fjord Horse Club.  I started a scrapbook, which is coming along
very nicely I might add, but I need a little help.  If anyone out there would
have pictures from any MWFHC's events, say like the Winter meetings/clinic or
Blue Earth Breed Show or an evaluation the club put on.   I would LOVE to have
them(so would the club).  Sorry you won't get them back, but maybe you could
make doubles?  If expense is a problem I'm sure the club would reimburse you
for your prints.
I need pictures from the years 1999,2000,2001,2002.  These would be the winter
meetings with Wayne Hipsley, Sharon Makurat, Anne Appleby  Gayle Ware and
this year with Brian  Ursula Jensen. Also any photos from Blue Earth Breed
Show /or the evalution the club put on in  1999,2000 and 2001 would also be
I think the scrap book is a great idea.  It has been a lot of work but I think
everyone for years to come will enjoy seeing how the club started, how it has
progressed and what it has accomplished over the years.

Also if anyone has any special mailings or invitations or articles from
1999-present on the club I could use those as well.
If you have some photos/articles you could send don't forget to included names
of those in the photos and mail them to:

Patti Jo Walter
4405 Moody Lane
Two Rivers WI 54241

You may email me if you have any questions, we really appreciate your help on
this matter and for those in other clubs it may be a good idea to bring back
to your club and see if someone wants to under take this project.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help us out.

mare for sale

2002-06-30 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

I am posting this for a friend.  7 yr old dead broke Fjord mare for sale.
This mare rides/drives has been shown, trail, ridden/driven in parades, ridden
in the Wagon Train of Wisconsin, used by countless beginners, children and
adult, used as a lesson horse.  She really has done it all.  She has a huge
trot on her!  This is a horse that EVERYONE wants!! She also is a BIG mare.
She is 15-15.1hh.  She was shown western, english and in driving. She has had
two colts both big healthy and correct, a very good mom.  She is by Anvil's
Jon and out of Sonja.  I started this mare and owned her for a few years, the
current owner is having some health problems and needs to cut down on the
herd.  Sara is in Michigan and the owner is asking  $7500.00.  Sara has a
foal/colt on her side which is also for sale for $2500.00 or buy the two for
$95000.00  The foal is by our stallion Fair Acres Ole.  If you're looking for
a Fjord that you can use right away, that just about anyone can ride/drive
this is a mare you should look at.  You can contact the owner directly at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] her name is Diane.  I believe Diane said she will be
weaning the colt in Aug.  If you're thinking you'd rather buy young and less
experience and pay less that is too bad.  In the end you'll probably pay just
as much if not more and who knows if you'll have as quiet and steady a horse
as you know you do here. Experience and training are well worth the price.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

breeding hobbles

2002-06-24 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Question was brought up about breeding hobbles.  I have used them,but found
that the mare can still kick.  She can not kick as hard, but I didn't like the
risk to mare and/or stallion if one would get caught up in it or like Lauren
said if mare went nuts and it would be too much pressure on her spine.  Lauren
and Julie are sooo correct.  Breeding is a risky business for all involved.
We have had our share of cranky mares.  Some mares with very little patience
for breeding, some mares in heat but not a true heat,as they won't allow a
stallion to mount.  Mares with foals, etc etc.  I thank God every time we
breed.  I trust my stallion, not 100% but he has seen enough mares to be aware
at times, and he sure knows more than I know when it's a good mare or a be
catious mare.  AND HE REMEMBERS THAT MARE!!!  He makes me laugh some times at
the things he will do. Like one mare, very very hard to breed.  Ole would take
his time, talk very gentle to hear, smell her, kiss her sides.  All of this to
the side of her so he would not get kicked.  Then when he thought it was safe,
he would put his head on her rump and put a lot of weight thru his head onto
her rump,taking it off putting it on.  As if he was testing her, thinking, if
she will allow weight perhaps she will allow me!  Smart fellow.  I've heard a
lot of people complain about the price of breeding, I just hand the lead rope
of my stallion to the mare owner and say do you want to be at the end of this
rope with 1200 pounds of hormones!!!  None have said yes yet.   It is not
always the funnest place to be.  I must say I enjoy being able to be a part of
making life.  I am thrilled for the new owners and thrilled that my stallion
will beable to pass on his great qualities.  These facts out way the negatives
and so I will continue to stand a stud,or at this time two!

We have taken in a young imported stallion from Norway.  He is owned by Tim
Hamlett, IA.  Tim has asked me if I would train, Viktor, and in return Viktor
will be standing at stud on our farm.  We will not start using him until next
year.  Viktor is a 2 yr old this year, we are planning to bring him to Blue
Earth and to the evalution in Galena.  He is a very sweet stallion, very
streamlined and very correct.  He is a nice looking boy and I'm excited to see
what the judges will think of him.  He is by Veslekar and out of Mailis who
was evaluation and got a 1.1pr.  Mailis is out of Faksi a yellow dun mare 
Faksi's dam is Line who is a white dun.  Viktor also has the Myrstein
line(elite stallion in Holland), Saethersblakken, Radar, Edna(white) and
Ernarson line.  He has some very nice bloodlines.  Tim did well in picking out
Viktor.  Viktor was evalutated as a yearling in Norway and was the highest
scoring yearling in the bunch.

Finally summer in Wisconsin.  Hot and Humid

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI

foal count

2002-06-10 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Add one more filly to the count.  Fair Acres Ole and Fair Acres Solvieg
produced a large gorgeous filly, born last night(6/9/02).  Wanda Hase is the
proud owner of Solvieg and filly.  There is one more mare to foal an Ole baby
this year.  Hope Carlson is on the list, she bought Evie, from the Weyker's,
Evie is in foal to Ole, due middle of June.  Hope to hear good news from her

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

brag alert

2002-06-02 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sorry could not resist giving a report on our show today.  I am still on cloud
9.  We went to our local open pleasure class show in Manitowoc Wi today.  I
brought my 5 yr old white dun gelding, O.H. Silas.  I entered him in 2 jumping
classes, hunter hack and 2 flat classes.  Was going to bring my cart and drive
as well, but just didn't have the energy to bring it. (I brought 1/2 the jumps
and after setting that up the day before I was already tired)  Anyway, we
place in every class!!! We got a 3rd and a 4th in our jumping classes. Which I
was very happy with, this is only our 2nd jumping show and we've only had
about 3 jumping lessons.  In our Hunter hack class, we got 2nd.  Judge told me
we had first until we picked up the wrong lead during the flat part of the
class.  UGH, knew it when it happened, I brought him down and we picked it up
right the second time, but too late.  Last two classes were Jr. Horse  Maiden
English Pleasure. We got 3rd and 4th.  Very proud of him, we're basically in a
Quarter horse circuit and this judge LOVES Quarterhorses, but he liked us.
Our classes were good size around 8-11 in them.  Just wanted to share with
everyone our exciting day.  If we could get points for cuteness we'd win
everytime!!!  Heard alot today, I didn't know Fjords could jump?  Silas
really showed them they can do it well.  He really was cute, never touched one
jump and only one line was shakey, but he was a great representative for the
breed today.

Patti Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

dressage judges

2002-05-26 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'll stick my two cents in regarding judges at dressage shows.  Granted we
only do low level dressage, but I have found NO prejudice, infact they all
LOVE my Silas.  He does have wonderful gaits and they can see that.  When we
get high scores it is because I'm riding him right and when we get low scores
I've screwed up.  I have had SEVERAL competitors come up to me and say, I
can't believe your Fjord moves so nice, or that is the first Fjord I've seen
that can move decent or is that a cross breed?.  That is my favorite,
because I realize that people are just so uninformed about our breed.  I find
WAY more prejudice with the competitors than the judges.  Like I said just my
2 cents.

On another note, we've just started our jumping training and I LOVE it.  Not
sure if Silas does or not yet, but he's gonna have to!!! :-)  We are doing
lots of grid work.  We went to one show last weekend but we were not really
ready.  Only one class out of 3 was decent for us.  I am already getting, I
didn't know Fjords can jump  I just want to say DOY, they are a [EMAIL 
But I smile and say it nicely, sure they can and they do it well.  We have
an open show on June 2nd, I'm hoping to do one jumping class(the low easy
class!!! ), hunter hack, driving and the flat classes(english pleasure).  Do
you think people will notice how versatile he is.    I could have done
halter with him as well, but that is in another ring while the jumping is
taking place and I'd rather watch the jumping.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

foal count

2002-05-24 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'll add to the list on foals. Our stallion Fair Acres Ole bred 7 mares last
year, so far he is 4 for 4 on colts!  All huge and healthy.  One mare, FCF
Gyda went almost a whole month over her due date.  Owned by Janet McNally on
the list.  That was the biggest Fjord Fjord I've seen, what legs on that boy.
All the mares bred were outside mares, someday I hope to have a Fjord foal
born on the farm. :-)
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords

gray mare for sale

2002-04-22 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We sold this horse 3 yrs ago and now it is forsale.  I told the owner I would
inform our list to see if anyone is interested in her.

FOR SALE:  5 yr old GRAY mare.  MVF Erlend X Milli, name OH Sienna.  Most
gorgeous head, great conformation and personality plus.  Sienna has excellent
movement and has been shown in open and 4H shows.  Went to one schooling
dressage show and been on lots of trail rides.  She has been ridden
exclusively by a 15 yr old girl who has owned her since she Sienna was 2.
Unfortunately Sienna is forsale as her show career has been ended due to a
mild case of Ring bone.  They believe it was caused by their farrier trimming
her and putting her more on her toes then she should have been, but they are
not 100% sure.  They have x-rays and their vet has told them Sienna can be
used as a trail horse and/or a broodmare but she  can not hold up to the
schooling it takes to be a show horse.  Their vet is happy to talk to anyone
interested in her or you can get the x-rays and show them to your vet.  This
is is an excellent Fjord horse and had this not had happen to her she would
not be for sale and the price would be very high as she is a quality Fjord
horse and trained very well!  Sienna has been exposed to a lot and is very
sensible and dependable in those situations.  She is very calm when you take
her anywhere, she is not bothered by new surroundings.  If anyone is
interested they can email me and I will give you the owners phone number to
call.  They are asking $7000 but are negoitable.  This mare would be over
$10,000 without the ring bone easy.  She has the looks, the movement, the
bloodlines and the training that spell quality.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Midwest Horse Fair

2002-04-22 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a little brag about the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison Wi, that was held
this last weekend.  11 Fjords represented the Fjord breed.  Those present with
Fjords were, Rich, Walt, Sherle,  Liz Monheim, Mike  Susie Sadlon, Tom  Ann
Hans, Rich  Nancy Hotovy, Nyla Naniot, Wanda Hase, Joni Griffin, Al Merrill,
 Patti Walter.  We had 2 teams and one single driving horse, and 6 riders.
The group did a great job, all the horses were well behaved and well groomed.
Tom Hans wrote the script and it was very informational.  Nancy Hotovy picked
out the music giving us a western theme to ride to. The theme this year was
take a ride on the wide side of the west.  The horse fair brings over 50,000
spectators to this 3 day event.  It is a huge fair, largest in the midwest and
the Fjords shined.  Showing their wonderful disposition and intelligence to
handle the large crowds, noise and commotion of this fair.  It was a great
group of people to work and ride with.  It is also a lot of fun to be in.
Great job everyone!!

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Fjords Abroad

2002-03-26 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Too funny about Eike being a woman, hope he read that!! LOL  He is all man, he
is a licensed Vet., so is his wife, and if I got it right she runs the
practice and he ranches.  Didn't get to meet her but wish I could have.  I
asked him what I could bring to him from America, he wanted a good lariat and
leather gloves from the US.  I also asked what I could bring for his wife, she
wanted a lariat too!!! Too funny, don't they sound like a great couple!  Bet
they have a lot of good times together.  As far as exactly where we went on
our trip, we started off in Berlin.  No Fjords there only about 4 million
people!  We then headed toward Dresden, I'm not sure exactly where the first
group of Fjords were but it was around Dresden.  Michael and Elizabeth ?, I
was pretty sick so was not a good visitor the first day, they had around 20
Fjords.  They lived in an old castle.  It was really neat, alot of work, more
than a life time, but it was really neat to see.  Then we went to Gersdorf,
south of Dresden and saw Jeronimo, a very beautiful stallion, and oh so light
in the bridle.  Very refreshing to ride. They had 5 stallions, not all for
sale.  Jannik Gaerum, one of their stallions, would turn a lot of heads in the
US.  He was beautiful to watch.  He was around  12 yrs old and not for sale,
of course.  :-)  The owner, Annette Weber-Meixner, had a wonderful facility.
She also had around 5 apartments she rents out, like a BB.  We got to stay
there the first night.  Her house and the apartments all are above the
stables.  I LOVED IT.  I told my hubby we could build our retirement home like
this, he said NO WAY. You could hear the horses under you and in the morning
if you open the window you could hear them eatting right below your window in
their stall.  It was great. They have a wonderful trainer as well, she does a
great job with the horses.  Next we went to Berkatal, a small village north of
Frankfurt in the central part of Germany.  I don't know how to explain this
set up.  The villages there are hard enough to explain.  No house number,
sometimes no street signs, you don't know where one house starts and another
ones ends.  Very narrow streets, I would have no idea where or how to park.
They use every inch of their space!  There stallions were in a stables around
the corner from them and they had a couple mares in their garage!  There was a
community outdoor arena just outside the village. One could walk or ride to.
We saw Ragnar there.  I just giggled when I rode him, he was like riding
another breed. What suspension. You could feel the push off in his trot.  It
was great! .  They also had a couple other stallions there and a French bred
stallions at a different location.  Then we were off to Reinhold Eitenmueller
in Guttersbach.  After that we went to Spechbach, both south of Frankfurt.  In
Spechbach we met Heir Ruf. Don't have his first name, as I couldn't read
Eike's writing.  Heir I believe is like Mr.   Anyways he has a fablous stables
and set up.  A full boarding, training lessons, breeding facility. Think he
had 20-30 Fjords plus many other breeds for boarding.  They have 150 kids a
week come for lessons- on Fjords only. They have a GREAT program.  The kids do
everything and learn everything.  While we were there they had a vaulting
lesson going on.  We got some great pictures and will be putting them in the
Herald with an article, which all of you will know by then. :-)  Heir Ruf's
girl friend has a therapuetic program with all fjords.  We did not get to meet
her but she is in Friedensdort and has several Fjords there as well.  Her and
her twin sister run it and I think they have over 20 maybe 30 Fjords?  It was
a great trip, I'm still trying to decide if I want to buy Malino, a 2 yr old
stallion.  He is by Merkur and out of Pram St. Lalina (Kvest Halsnaes X
Lajona) He really has nice movement, but it is just so nerve racking to me to
buy a young one.  Will he turn out exactly what I want when he is mature??
Well that was our trip, now you'll all be bored with my article in the Herald,
only good thing I missed this last deadline so it won't go in till the
following issue.

Patti Jo Walter

Fjords abroad

2002-03-26 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You asked about where in Germany we saw so many.  It was in Guttersbach, if I
am at all correct in remembering the map, it was the southern central part of
the country.  Reinhold Eitenmueller had an interesting bit of history about
the Fjords in that area.  His father had Fjords 50+ years ago.  He said back
when they used the Fjords for farming, the area in Guttersbach were poorer
than the Northern people of Germany, so they bought the leaner, what we called
the more modern type Fjord. They were strong enough for plowing and working
but considered not as good so the price was cheaper. The Northern people
bought the big heavy draft ones.  Well when the tractor over took the horses,
people turned the Fjords into riding horses, which the people wanted.  The
people in the south, only had to change their stallions as they already had
the leaner more modern type mares, more suited for riding.  The people up
north, well it wasn't as easy for them. They had all heavy stock.  Hence
Reinhold feels they had a jump on the market and I suppose because of this,
are the leaders in selling good riding Fjords.  It was interesting.  We put on
1200 miles in one week looking at horses, yes many parts you see NO Fjords,
but if you travel to Guttersbach, Spechbach or just south of Frankfurt you'll
see them all over the place.  Another interesting bit of information, a lot of
the countryside looks like Wisconsin and I was told Wisconsin has the most
Germans living here because it reminds them of their homeland.   Wisconsin
also has the most Fjords, learned that during our MWFHC's meeting/clinic. But
I've also been to Norway and am sure the Fjords don't think this looks
anything like their homeland!! They do like the cold and snow though.  Where
again we are getting more snow, will spring every come

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI

Fjords abroad

2002-03-22 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey List,

Thought some of you might be interested in our trip to Germany.  My husband,
my dad and myself went to Germany March 11-18 to do some Fjord shopping.  It
was an awesome trip, better than I ever imagined.  We met the best people, had
the best weather(unlike what I came home to, snow and cold!), great food,
great scenery and of course saw the best horses-LOTS OF FJORDS.  Eike
Schoen-Peterson, who is on the list, is the secretary for the Fjord
Association in Germany and he knows every horse and every person in Germany
and abroad.  Plus he is well versed in about every subject under the sun.  My
dad put him to the test and came out with flying colors!!!  We could not have
done it without him-thank you again.  We also met Reinhold Eitenmueller,
largest Fjord breeder in Germany and probably in Europe, with over 70 Fjord
horses.  He was great, he showed us over 200 Fjords in about 1 hour and knew
every single horse by name and what bloodlines they had! My head was
swimming!!!  In the area he lives, it is like Fjord Heaven.  I have never seen
so many in the pastures and paddocks.  You just see them all over the place.
It was great.

As of this moment I did not buy anything, but am considering some young stock.
I was very impressed with the movement that the German's are breeding for, but
not forgetting the great disposition and mind of the Fjord breed.  They are
striving for great movement with a great mind, to make that great riding
horse, all sounds good to me.

We got to see a lot of different stables, one was a very large stable that had
20-30 Fjords as lesson horses.  They had 150 kids a week come through for
lessons, I think very kid in that village loved that owner!  He said in over
30 years of this business, he has never had a serious accident, giving all the
credit to the breed.  He also still had his first Fjord, a  34 yr. old mare
who was in a large stall with her 25 yr. old daughter. Very cute.

I just thought you'd all be interested to know that ALL Fjord owners are as
great as their horses that they own, no matter WHERE they live.  Just a word
of caution if you travel to Germany- they are crazy speed demons.  They have
the autoban-no speed limit.  My husband was sooo glad Eike was driving the
first few days.  He knew I couldn't yell at Eike like I do him.  We were doing
a mere 120mph at one point.  Way too fast. :-

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI - Where winter just started March 1 and just keeps hitting us
with more snow and cold.

Stallion for sale

2002-02-26 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Our buyer on our stallion backed out due to some serious health problems she
is dealing with, so that put our stallion back on the market.  Fair Acres Ole
is a 7 yr old brown dun medium - drafty stallion.  He stands almost 14.2 hh,
approx. 1250 lbs.  He is by Anvil's Steinfinn and out of Fair Acres Kari.  He
has good bone, great hips  shoulder line, excellent hooves and straight legs,
wonderful gaits, kind soft eyes, good looking head, is quite majestic looking
in my opinion.  We have bred to him almost 20 outside mares, he throws his
hips, larger frame,  great disposition on his offspring.  He would be perfect
for any first time stallion owner as he is very easy to handle.  We have only
done hand breeding with him and he is quite smart about mares!!  Ole was in
several parades, shows, horse fairs, demo's, trail rides with mares and alone,
he also was driven around the farm.  He has not done a lot of riding or
driving lately but has wonderful ground manners and could be put back into
training without any trouble.  I have several wonderful pictures of him and
would be more than happy to do a video if anyone is interested.  He is priced
to sell -to the right home.  I also could  give you several references of
owners of Ole babies.  He has no bad habits.  Just a quite note on Ole, my 14
yr old son was asked to bring the horses in one night. As teenagers go he
didn't listen real closely.  I came home and saw Ole's gate open but the fence
still on and Ole's halter still on the post? I wondered where my stallion was,
so I ran into the barn and there he was in his stall.  I came in the house and
asked Patrick how he brought Ole in, he said, I couldn't find the halter so I
just led him by the hair(his forelock)!!!  I thanked God once again I have
Fjords.  For any inquiries please email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Patti Jo Walter, Francis Creek Fjords Two Rivers, WI (East Cenral Wisconsin)


2002-02-14 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'll get a copy out in the mail to you, I could not get thru to you either.
My post to you kept kicking back as well.  ??

Patti Jo Walter

mare for sale

2002-02-11 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm just passing this information along from Slyvester and Anne Weyker, Cedar
Grove WI.  That is East Central Wisconsin for everyone's information.  They
have an 8 yr old mare that they would like to sell.  She is out of Fair Acres
Ingrid and by Hamar.  She was started in her younger days but has not had much
done with her as far as riding or driving goes lately.  She is very sweet,
willing and easy to handle.  She is bred for a June 2002 foal by Fair Acres
Ole.  She has an Ole offspring on the farm from last year, so you could see
what she throws with this cross.  She has had two fillies as welll, one by
Anvil's Torborjn and one by Advent Hill Oliver.  I had the opportunity to
start both of these fillies.  Super nice offspring.  They were both very
different as far as body styles(father's are both very different!)  But both
fillies have super nice dispositions and brains.  They have her priced to sell
at $4000.00 if anyone is interested email Slyvester or Ann at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone them at 1-262-285-3717.  She would be a nice family
horse if anyone would like to train her again to ride or drive or she is a
nice broodmare and easy to breed and settle.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI 54241

On another note, I made an Fjord afghan a few years back.  Background was the
afgan stitch and I cross stitched a Fjord on the front.  i found a pattern for
a horse and modified it.  I made the Fjord mane and put tiger stripes on the
knees and hocks.  It turned out pretty nice, Unfortunately my kids hate it
because I don't let them use it  If anyone is interested I could send you
a copy of the horse, but it is not a true Fjord horse


2002-01-11 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I hate to add more pain to your story, but I have to agree with others that
wrote in.  I just got my Herald today and the first thing I said when I saw
your article and picture was to say, that's not a purebred Fjord.  Sorry but
I agree with those that wrote in already, the face was the first thing I
noticed and then the legs, was also wondering about the coloring, pictures are
hard to go by, but that was my gut reaction.  Hope you find out more about

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords

Can't believe how wonderful this winter is in Wisconsin.  No snow yet, no ice,
hardly any cold weather.  I even rode today without gloves on!


2001-11-14 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I would just like to add my two cents worth and add to Pat Holland's comment
on Fjord mares.  What she said was very true.  We tend to forget that these
Fjords are Horses.  Mares are female horses, look at the female population
of the human world.  Some are very emotional, some are very laid back and
even keel.  I don't like to suggest humans are horses, but it works some of
the time to use as an analogy.  I have seen some of the sweetest horses that
were mares and I've seen some of the witchiest being mares as well.
Bloodlines and handling have a lot to do with it, but also each horse has a
personality.  People need to realize that Fjords are horses.  We do a big
injustice in telling people how calm and easy going these horses are, and
neglect to tell them that they are also a horse and need to be trained and
treated like one!  I work with young Fjords, let me tell you, these horses
can be harder to handle than other breeds.  They are heavy, strong and at
times stubborn.  I LOVE Fjords, can not see myself with any other breed and
yet there is a down side to them as well.  I am a very positive person and I
don't like talking negative but I also am very truthful and in the wrong
hands or the wrong training, these horses will hurt someone, just like any
other horse.  Since I'm on a soapbox I am also saddened by a lot of breeders
breeding and not handling there young stock.  Another big injustice to the
breed.  These are wonderful horses, but when you sell a 600 pound or larger
untrained horse, it reflects on the breed.  Sure it will let you put a
halter on it, maybe even let you lead it around, more likely it just wants
to go that way.  But have you ever disciplined that animal, or trained it to
do what YOU want it to do, even when it didn't want to?  I have seen several
very naughty Fjords and I know other trainers have seen several as well,
mostly due to lack of handling, some are bad breedings. Most come around and
make wonderful mounts, but at a cost to the breed.  Please work with your
animals, if not for the sake of the person who might own it after you, than
for the sake of the horse, you bred it, you be responsible for it.

When we say mares can't canter you're forgetting about the conformation of
the Horse.  Some have good conformation and others don't.  The really heavy
drafty Fjords will find it harder to keep in the canter than a light lean
one because of conformation.  Fjords tend to be front end heavy, not all,
but there are a good deal of them out there.  Those will find it harder to
pick that front end up and stay in the canter. Then there is the back end,
maybe it too is weak, or the back, maybe it has problems.  Not to mention
all the joints that are working when trotting or cantering.  The horse that
is correct in conformation SHOULD have an easier time and smoother gaits at
the walk, trot and canter.(Excepts to all rules) I hear people all the time
say, are they smooth to ride, depends on the conformation.  Other say, can
they do a western jog, sure they can, need to train them, and again
depending on their conformation it will be easier for some than others. It
is not a breed thing, it is a conformation thing because they are a horse.I
didn't even mention the way some horses are trained. Or how they are ridden.
Those horses that are winning at high levels have wonderful experienced
riders on top of them.  They get a lot out of them, because they know how.
Please don't think I'm knocking Fjords. I think they are wonderful, but lets
do them the justice they deserve.  Breed responsible, handle and train those
young ones and tell people they are still a horse and can and will do horse
crazy things.  I would add, I'd rather be on a Fjord when they do something
crazy than any other breed.  Hope this helps, just felt it needed to be

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Brag Alert

2001-09-29 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

Just had to share our last show of the season with you all.  I took OH Silas
to our last Dressage Show in Sheboygan Wi today.  He is a 4 yr old white dun
gelding, tall and elegant.  We went into Intro, and two Training Level
tests.  We placed 2nd in two of them and well not so good in the 3rd one.
Mostly rider error! :-)  But I was so proud of him and of course we got
many, I love your Fjord!!!  He is such a sweetie.  I am looking forward to
next year, doing even bigger and better things with him.  He has so much
talent!  He did pick up the wrong lead on one test, but did a flying change
at the corner to fix it.(I did ask him)  Of course we didn't get a very good
mark as he picked up the wrong lead to start with and you get judged on the
transition, but I was thrilled that he changed it.  We have worked a little
on flying lead changes and he can do them, the boy has way more than talent
than I  I met some people at the show who were watching that own Fjords
and they of course were thrilled to see one there.  Well now it's out on the
trail we go till snow flys- Silas is happy he loves to get out of the ring!!

I have 2 fillies for sale, one 3 yr old red dun started under saddle and
harness. Very quiet, willing and responsive. She was evaluated this last
July.  Is very well mannered and would make an excellent show or family
horse.  Reterra Evy X Anvil's Torbjorn. $4000.00  Other is a 2 yr old, very
friendly, showned in halter this summer.  $3000.00 Reterra Evy X Advent Hill
Oliver.  For More information email me privately.

Patti Jo Water-Happy Trails everyone

Fjords for Sale

2001-09-23 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

Just wanted to let everyone know about some horses I took in on consignment.
They have good bloodlines, have been well taken care of and handled well
plus the prices are very reasonable to good homes.  These are two that are
well worth looking at!

Britta-3 yr old red dun filly.  Reterra Evy X Anvil's Torbjorn.  Britta is
well started under saddle and in harness.  She was evaluated in Blue Earth
this past July in Intro. English and Conformation, receiving a red in each.
She is a quiet, athletic, sweet and a very willing filly.  Would be perfect
for the family or show ring.  $4000.00
Clara-2 yr old brown dun filly. Reterra Evy X Advent Hill Oliver.  Clara has
been started under harness and has a little experience under saddle.  She
was shown by a young 4-H child in halter this summer.  She is excellent
around kids, a very sweet filly.  $3000.00

Located in East Central Wisconsin.  30 miles south of Green Bay and 90 North
of Milwaukee.  Additional training is available.  Both horses will continue
in their training all fall and winter, but prices will increase.  Call
1-920-755-4387 or email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Fjords for Sale

2001-07-19 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

Have several Fjords for Sale:
2 yr old gelding.  Tall and lean, long legs, dressage prospect.  Excellent
ground manners.  By Elof and out of Vanja.  Should mature out tall.
Currently 14.1ish.  Very sweet and sensible.  Huge huge stride!
3 yr old drafty filly, started in riding  driving, was shown once last year
in driving, super quiet, 14.2 1/2HH, big girl.  By Grabbson and out of
Ro-Dagfinn Regn(Rorik daughter).  This filly is nice!  Great conformation,
great marking, big girl, will make great family, show, broodmare.  She is
bred for 2002.
2 yr old gray stallion.  Has not been used. By MVF Erlend and out of Pjoska.
This guy is cute!  Has tiger stripping on the withers, dark coloring, great
movement and disposition. Has been longlining, excellent manners, very
quiet.  Will sell as a stallion or as a gelding.  Should mature out around
14HH-14.1HH.  He is cute!  This guy has a nice pedigree to match.
6 yr old drafty stallion. By Anvil's Steinfinn and out of Fair Acres Kari.
Very easy to handle, 1st time stallion owners could handle him.  Has only
been used with in-hand breeding.  Does ride and drive.  14.1 1/2HH  Throws
bigger bodies on his offspring along with his nice hips and good shoulder
line.  Would consider gelding for right person.

All of these horses are well cared for.  Current on vaccinations, wormers,
farrier, etc.  All handled daily.  Videos can be made upon request.  I am
cutting back on my the number of horses.  E-mail me privately for more
information on these Fjords.  I live in East Central Wisconsin-along Lake
Michigan. 30 Miles south of Green Bay, 90 miles North of Milwaukee.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI 54241

Blue Earth

2001-06-01 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

I just wanted to mention that I am going to Blue Earth, horseless.  Boohoo.
Husband doesn't want to bring one and I'm doing lots of open local shows in
our area that I'm compromising for him.  So I'm offering my services if
anyone needs any help grooming or showing their horse(s) I'm available. I
ride English can do Halter and Drive single.  Could do western but not the
best at it.  I'm gonna be at the show all day so just thought if anyone
needs an extra hand just email me privately, Patti Walter at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  I'm sure I can be put to work helping with the show
if no one needs help with showing.
Happy Fjording!

driving clinic in WI

2001-05-22 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Speaking of driving clinics.  We had driving clinic on May 19th with
clinician, Sharon Makurat of Whitewater WI.  She is another awesome
instructor.  Some of you might remember her name, she was the clinician for
our MWFHC's winter meeting in Galena two years ago.  We had the clinic at an
Anadalusian Farm, in Branch Wi.  That is about 30 miles south of Green Bay.
The facility is to die for!  We had 3 Fjords, a Pony, a Walker and an
Andalusian.  Three were hitched and 3 were still in the ground driving
stages, so we had a wide variety of horses and stages of training.  I
learned so much I can't keep it all in my brain.  We have set up another
clinic scheduled for Sat, June 30th in Branch again.  We have one opening
left.  If you live in or around this area contact me, Patti Walter at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]We had people come from Neenah, Freemont, Plymouth
and Newton WI.  Sharon is a great instructor who knows her stuff and the
clinic is quite reasonable.  Auditors are welcome!

Getting excited for our first show, June 3rd in Manitowoc WI.  Taking OH
Silas and planning on driving him.  This will be our first show where he
will be driving.  He has been shown in hand and huntseat.  I am nervous
about those big saddlebreds passing us.  I am working with another lady here
on my farm, who is driving another one my Fjords in the arena while I am
driving Silas to get him use to being passed, but there is a big difference
between being passed by a Saddlebred and being passed by a  Fjord!!!

Midwest Horse Fair

2001-04-24 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wanted to let the list know that 11 Fjords did a smashing job of
representing the breed in Madison WI, last weekend. April 20-22.  Those
present with their horses were: Sherle, Walt and Rich Monheims, Tom  Ann
Hans, Chet  Donna Thomas, Al  Lois Merrill, Joni Griffin, Pat Holland,
Wanda Hase, Nyla Naniot and Patti Jo Walter.  Others who helped with the
booth were Janet Voeltz, Sophie and Howard Fielder and Rich's finance(sorry
forgot your name again!)  Oh, I probably shouldn't have started with names,
if I missed anyone I am sorry.  Most likely still brain dead from the long
weekend.  We had a team pulling a covered wagon, driven by Walt and Rich
Monheim, Chet Thomas, Al Merrill and Tom Hans all drove single.  Joni
Griffin dressed up as a Viking woman, helmet, horns and blonde braided pig
tails!!  Patti Jo Walter wore a Norwegian Bunda, Pat Holland was in English
show attire and all the western riders were in Norwegian capes.  We were one
good looking bunch.

Ann Hans bought enough material to decorate our stall, so we could all have
matching stalls, red back drop with blue trim and she even had matching
stall names for everyone.  Not only were we very good looking in our carts
and on our horses, but our stall and hospitality booth was impressive as

I think I can say we all had a wonderful time, we got to know each other
better, shared a lot of laughs and stories and just had a great time with
our horses and each other.

I enjoy our group of riders/drivers and am so happy to be a part of it all.
Thank you everyone, you all did a great job!  Can't wait to see what we come
up with next year!!!  It just keeps getting bigger and better.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI


2001-04-09 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just had to write and brag.  Fjords are soo much fun.  I took my gelding, OH
Silas to a new stables for a lesson.  I am planning on taking him to a few
shows and compete him in some jumping classes next year.  So I thought I'd
take this year and learn how and teach Silas as well.  I have never had any
formal jumping lessons and Silas is young so I thought we could take this
year and learn.

The ladies were very nice when we came in and very polite on commenting on
how cute Silas is.  But I could tell they were wondering if he could move,
let alone jump!  He was a very good boy, as he had to wait almost an hour
and a half for his lesson.  Trainer was running behind.  Mostly all TB,
Warmbloods in the barn, they were beautiful movers and jumpers, very
impressive.  Finally our turn.  We warmed up, trainer kept saying he moves
very nice, really cute trot, lets see the canter.  Si has a nice canter,
almost balanced for a young horse, she noticed right away too.  She asked if
she could put some ground poles down, sure I said. Told her I have only put
them down once, but he won't care.  Sure enough, right over he goes, no big
deal.  How about cavalletties, sure lets go for it, there again, used them
once, but told her that is why I'm coming to you, I need to learn how far
apart they really should go.  Right over he goes.  Now they are really
watching.  Would you mind if I crossed the poles on a jump.  Still very low,
probably around 10 in the center.  Ok, again right over he goes.  Then to
test me she put two of them in a row.  He jumped them no problem.  The
ladies just kept talking how wonderful he is.  They could not get over how
nice he moves and how steady he is. One even told me, you know I never would
have believed it until I saw it, Fjords are versatile.  Don't you just love
Fjords!!  I know I do.

Don't get me wrong we still have a lot of work to do.  I think some of it
was they just wanted to see what he would do, but boy was it fun.

Midwest Horse Fair in Madison Wi is coming up April 20-22.  Believe around
12 Fjords will be there, Silas will be one of them.  If you can make the
event, do it, you won't be sorry, it is a great weekend.  We are riding Sat.
2PM, Sun 2:40PM.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI


2001-02-25 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wanted to write about the MWFHC winter's meeting/clinic that was held this
last weekend in Galena IL.  We just got home, got the horse settled in and
everything else unpacked as well.  I had to write and since I am going in
for knee surgery tomorrow morning(have to be there at 4:30AM, surgery
7:30AM-why 3 hrs who knows?)  I didn't want to put off writing this incase I
could not get to the computer for a few days.  The weekend was just
wonderful.  The weather was iffy, but for the most part the bad stuff was
not bad or we got it at night.  I think Gayle and Anne would disagree, they
thought it was pretty cold and nasty.  Heard they had asked to hold the
meeting in Hawaii but the club was just too cheap!!! (kidding)  I was
fortunate enough to be asked to bring our gelding, OH Silas to ride the
introductory eval. english test with Anne Appleby commenting.  She is
wonderful!  I can not say enough good about her, she is honest, sweet,
knowledgeable, humble, great with horse and people, very nice to be around,
just makes you feel so comfortable.  I felt like I had private lessons with
her all weekend, what an honor.  I rode the test and then Anne cut it down
and showed the people what some of the things Judges are looking for, steady
tempos, smooth transitions, distinct  gaits, bend, on the bit and the people
seemed to really like that.  They were able to see the difference as she
would ask me to show them a good trot, then a slow or fast trot, one that
was slow, fast, slow, fast, etc.  Having a visual helps so much.  Nancy
Hotovy rode the western introductory and the advance with Gayle Ware
commenting.  Another woman with incredible knowledge.  I did not know how
funny Gayle is, she keeps you in stitches all the time.  These two woman are
just incredible, you people out west you are very very blessed  I was
just trying to soak in everything they had to say.   I know our club was
very glad they came to share and help us learn how we can show our Fjords to
the best of their ability.  Rich Hotovy had Bob Gudknecht driving his mare
in the draft test as Rich told what was to be done.  Hotovy's used the same
mare for riding as for draft and she is wonderful!  Smooth, steady and
totally willing and obedient.  Rich has trained her right, when she hears
him start to talk to other people, I think she knows she better take a nap
as it could be awhile, cause she never moves until told to, and if you know
Rich it could be a while!  They just did a outstanding job.  Believe we had
around 70 in attendance.  Those that came out inspite of the weather were
sure glad they did. The MWFHC is a progressive and active group.  One that
works well together and yet is very diverse, it's a great club.  A big Thank
you to Green Valley Farms in Galena IL, Pat Holland, Sophie and Howard
Fielder plus staff all work so hard to put on a great meeting/clinic.  On
Sunday GVF had an Open House to show off their new stallion plus their other
studs.  I know everyone was impressed with their stock.  They truly are
looking to keep the breed pure with great quality.  They should be very
proud.  Not only do they have great stock they have a great facility where
they can train them the way they need to be, so they will be great quality
working Fjords.  Thank you again, Anne and Gayle for surviving our Midwest
winter, I'll try and work on the executive committee to move it to Hawaii
next year, actually that sounds good to me!!  Any Fjords in Hawaii
Patti Jo Walter and Silas

winter wear for riding

2001-02-02 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey List,

Was wondering if there is any other crazy die hard riding people on the
list.  I ride/drive all year round.  I do not have an indoor, wish I did!!
Are there any gloves that actually keep your fingers warm?  I heard of the
riding mittens from State Line Tack, they don't carry them anymore.  They
have 3 slots, one for pinky, one for thumb and 3rd for the rest of fingers.
I am looking for some gloves that actually work, any suggestions??Is
there such a thing?

Also has anyone ever ridden in the snow pants with leather seats  They
are a little expensive, but I do love my full seat breeches, so thought
maybe same thing with snow pants. Again, anyone tried them?

Was hoping for spring, but it is cold cold cold in North Eastern Wisconsin
last few days.

I do have a tip, the rabbit fur elmer fudd looking hats are wonderful, they
will keep you warm!  You don't look the best, at least a lot of people laugh
at you, but who cares when you're warm.  They are like the russian hats, you
can tie the ear flaps behind or wear them down and tie under the chin.
Really, these are a must!!  Remember no bad weather just bad clothing!!
Learned that from a Norske.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

Promotion of the Fjord Horse

2001-01-31 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I thought I should clarify my statement on Midwest Horse Fair in Madison and
the MWFHC's contribution. The club DOES NOT pay for the stalls.  Wishful
thinking on my part I guess.  They do not, it is rather inexpensive but the
club doesn't pay for them, it comes out of our pockets.  The stall fee does
include the entrance ticket for 2 persons.  So basically your stall is free,
if you were planning on going anyway.  I just thought I should clear this up
before someone calls me on it, don't know why I thought that, but my packet
for Midwest came in the mail today and the request for the stall fee is in
there, as it has been in the past.  Sorry for the confusion.
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers, WI

Promotion of the Fjord Horse

2001-01-29 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


You brought up the discussion of cost in Promoting the Fjord Horse.  I would
like to add my 2 cents.   I have been bringing one or more of my Fjords to
Horse-A-Rama in Manitowoc, WI for the last 5 years.  I do it all for the
pleasure of showing off the Fjords and doing something with my horses.  I
do take in a few open shows, do a lot of trail riding, parades, wagon train,
whatever I can find to do with them I'll do it. Now granted this is a
smaller fair, and I live 15 minutes from Manitowoc, BUT it does cost still
the same.  The stalls/paying for helpers when I take more than one Fjord,
food, gas, bedding for the horse, costumes, decorations for the stall, etc,
etc.  This is a 2 day event.  The reason I do it-I love how you hear from
the front of the barn, THE FJORDS ARE HERE!!!.  That is priceless.  I also
love opening the stall door and letting the kids pet and sometimes even sit
on my Fjords.  A lot of those kids never get to get that close to a horse, I
I also have been doing the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison WI for the last 3
years.  We live 3 hours from Madison.  The MWFHC does sponsor this to a
small degree.  I ride with the club, along with 8-10 horses.  The club pays
for the stalls, which includes the cost of entry.  WE have to pay for the
hotel/gas/food/bedding for the horse/ etc and this is a 3 day event which
means you have to be there 4 days. It is expensive.  We have some that are
breeders and some that are not.  There are those that only own one Fjord.  I
guess it would be wonderful if there was a fund, but until there is I will
be out there doing it as I just love to take my Fjord(s) off the farm to
show them off and ride/drive them anywhere and everywhere.  I may not be the
best person to be addressing this as the last few years I have had a small
number of horses forsale.  BUT the first 2-3 years I had nothing to sell and
I still feel the same way about it as I did in the beginning.  I can
honestly tell you if we couldn't put out sales list, I'd still be there.  I
want to do things with my horses and whatever you do it costs money.  I can
tell you I have only sold directly from those events once!
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI


2001-01-26 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bonnie Liermann is NOT 20!!!  Well she was say, 22 years ago.  Sorry Bonnie,
people on the list know you!!!
I also feed equi-shine and love it.  It's easy the horses love it, can tell
a difference with their coat and they don't go after the mineral/salt block
that is outside.
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords


2001-01-18 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi, My name is Patti Jo Walter, I am 39 (add me to the list of ages) and
live in Two Rivers WI.  Most exciting thing recently with my Fjords is the
MWFHC's winter meeting coming up in Galena IL, Feb 24, 25.  They have asked
me to bring my white gelding, OH Silas to ride the introductory english
evaluation test WITH ANNE APPLEBY. Sorry Anne, I'm sooo excited, I just
hope I don't pee in my pants when I ride with you there.  I am so nervous,
excited, elated, nervous, delighted, nervous, anxious, nervous.  OH
Silas is out of Bragda and by Modellen, he is a wonderful gelding, my
favorite horse on the farm.  He is a coming 4 yr old and I just can't say
enough good about him.  He is a leaner framed Fjord, standing almost 15HH
and has a wonderful mind on him.  I am more nervous about me, and not the
horse.  So if you'll all just pray for good weather and for me to calm that
day-will really have to let the spirit work in me that day!!!  We have 4-5
hours to travel through Wisconsin in Feb. not always a joy in winter.  Can't
wait to see you all there!! Patti

fjord horses and pups for sale

2000-12-29 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,

Just want to let anyone out there thinking of buying a Fjord or a AKC Reg.
Black lab pup for the new year we have them both for sale.  We have for
sale: 2 yearling fillies, yearling gelding that will be tall, he is all
legs, 2 yr old gelding that is ground driving and a 3 yr old filly that is
started in riding and driving. All are handled daily, easy to work with, up
to date on farrier, worming, vaccinations, etc. Priced to sell.

We also have 2 black lab pups, one male and one female left, born Dec. 1,
ready to go in Jan. 19th. Declaws removed, hunting pedigree, great family
dogs, mellow parents, healthy litter.  She had 10!  Not a runt in bunch.
Will give a discount to Fjord owners/lovers.  We live in Two Rivers, WI
which is 30 miles south of Green Bay. That is along the Lake Michigan.
Email me privately for more information on either the Fjord horses or the
pups, all are well cared for.  Good homes a must.
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fjord stuff

2000-12-18 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List, I need some help, someone has asked if I could pass on any
information on where they could buy some Fjord Stuff.  I've missed placed
how to get into the archives so could anyone that sells Fjord pictures,
books, knick-knacks, stationary, etc please email and I will pass it on to
my friend.  Thank you all.  EMAIL ME PRIVATELY AT: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI-where we're getting 9 inches of snow  It's beautiful.
Love riding in the snow.

young stock for sale

2000-09-03 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We have a gorgeous, classy Red Dun filly for sale.  She is always noticed
first from visitors at the farm. She is medium build with great
conformation, great movements.  Should mature out around 14.2HH
Anvil's Etta X Jon
We also have 2 geldings for sale.  A yearling and a 2 yr old.  The yearling
will be tall, he is very leggy and of the leaner riding style Fjord.  If you
are looking for a dressage or hunter jumper type, this boy is one to look
at.  Wonderful movements!  Vanja X Elof breeding.  He is currently 13.3HH.
Our 2 yr old is by Prisco and out of Milli.  He is 14HH, medium build, good
conformation and lovely head.  He is ground driving nicely and pulling logs.
Hope to hitch him to the cart this month.  Both are very friendly and sweet,
great ground manners.  We handle our horses daily. These are well taken care
of horses.  Priced to sell, the price will go up with more training.
We are in East Central Wisconsin, video's available.
Patti Jo Walter

brag alert

2000-08-27 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just wanted to share with others are Fair results.  We brought 4 Fjord to
the Manitowoc County Fair in Manitowoc WI this last week.  First we let
Rachel show Sara during the 4H part of the Fair.  Sara is a 5 yr. old mare
who rides and drives.  Rachel took her in Showmanship, halter, trail,
pleasure riding and equitation class.  They took 1st, 5th, 1st, 1st and 3rd.
They had good competition, with up to 9 in some of their classes.  She
qualified to go to the state Fair with wining a 1st at Fair.  Sara was a
great representative of the breed and everyone loved her.
That took care of Tues. - Thur.  Then on Friday we brought in Silas, a 3 yr.
old white dun gelding, Jake a 2 yr. old gelding and Gyda a 2 yr. old filly.
They were all great, taking 1st and 2nds in all their classes.  The numbers
were down and we did not have very many in our classes but the horses
behaved wonderfully.  Gyda had never been off the farm before and had never
seen another horse besides a Fjord.  She was entered in two driving classes,
she was great, she never missed a stride.  I even had her driving in the
ring with the big boy-draft horses, she didn't mind at all.  She is a nice

I was very proud of these guys.  I did ride a percheron in the walk/trot
draft class.  I have to say if I ever changed breeds it might be to draft.
That was hoot, we got 1st and I just loved riding her.  I rode her in my
dressage saddle and is she smooth and responsive.  We had a great time and
everyone loved the Fjords.  It is nice to bring them out and let people
enjoy them.   Just had to brag :-)
Patti Jo

Looking for Fjord

2000-07-26 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi group-
Anyone out there in the Wisconsin area have a well trained single or team of
Fjords for sale?  Looking for an elderly gentleman who is selling his draft
team and wants to get something smaller.  Would like to do field work,
parades, wagon trains, etc with them.  He does know horses but would like to
see him get something with a little experience as he is elderly.  Email me
privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would know of any.  Thanks
Patti Jo Walter

Showing Fjords

2000-07-08 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi everyone, just had to brag about our day.  We had our local 4H horse show
in Manitowoc, WI.  I brought our White dun gelding, O.H. Silas.  I had a
friends daughter, who is 12,  show him, she has been coming over about 4-5
days a week for the last month or so.  She took him in 13 classes,
everything from halter, showmanship, walk-trot classes, dressage, trail, and
some fun classes which were all walk or trotting.  The rider has been riding
horses for the last 4-5 yrs, so she is a good little rider.  Anyway she came
away with 11 placings, 4 of which were 1st, and the high point trophy for
her age division.  She was so happy she kissed me, told her to kiss the
horse, he is the one who deserves it!!  I was watching a lot of the classes
and noticed how relaxed and steady Silas was compared to some of the other
horses.  You just can't beat the Fjords disposition.  Had several people
comment on how nice Silas was and how good he was for my rider.  He just
took very thing in stride.  Anyway just wanted to brag and encourage others
to get out there and show what those Fjords can do!!!

Patti Jo Walter

fjords for sale

2000-05-28 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just thought I would mention a couple of young fjords we have for sale:
coming 2 yr old gelding, Claylee's Kaspar X Fair Acres Nissa.  Jake is a
light framed fjord, with a wonderful friendly personality.  He is very smart
and quiet, a typical Fjord.  He is 14HH and growing, should mature 14.1 -
14.2.  He is very pretty, moves nicely and will make a great show or family
horse.  Asking $3500, price will go up with training.
Tea, a red dun yearling filly.   Anvil's Jon X Anvil's Etta  Tea is a medium
built filly with great conformation, beautiful feminine features and great
movement. Asking $3750
Both horses are handled daily, have routine ferrier work, current
vaccinations and are on a routine worming schedule.  These are well cared
for horses.  Contact Patti for more information [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 920


2000-04-27 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I too hope you can come to the Manitowoc area to visit Bonnie and see our
stock.  The horse you mentioned is named Uljar (OOL-YAR).  The name grows on
you.   I have to say I just body clipped his head, neck and shoulders.  His
winter/baby hair was way too long and wasn't shedding, he's not quite a year
old.  I wish I had before and after pictures.  What a beauty underneath.
Like the ugly ducking story.  He is out of Erlend and Pjoska and he too is a
gray, both parents are gray by the way.  He has a drop dead gorgeous head,
dished with large warm eyes, he is a silvery gray with two 6-8 inch stripes
on both sides of his withers.  Never seen any that big or dark before.  He
is awesome.  He is still intact and we are waiting to see what the rest of
him will become.  He also floats when he trots.  Just a training tip,
getting them use to clippers at a young age is a good idea.  He did not like
them the first time at all!!  But I did the clipping in stages and now he
almost falls a sleep when I'm clipping.  Bonnie, nice to see you on the
Patti Jo Walter

Midwest Horse Fair in Madison

2000-04-17 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi List,
Just wanted to write and brag about the Fjords and their riders that were in
the breed demo at the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison Wisconsin held this last
weekend.  The riders were Pat Holland, Patti Walter, Rachel Clark,Melissa
Deneys, Joni Griffin, Nancy Hotovy, Jim Tyson  Lori Doney.  These 8 riders
are from 3 different states performed a drill team pattern.  It was rather
simple, but you have to realize we only had 10 minutes the day before to
practice.  Most of that time was used to match up the horses.  Our biggest
problem was one of the horses has a huge stride on him and it was hard for
the others to keep up to him.  He is not rushy, just has a big stride.
The theme for this years fair was Riding into the Future, it was decided
that we would have Fjords only riding this year with no driving horses.
Their is such a myth that Fjords only drive, or are only short and stocky.
It was thought this way we could show that Fjords do ride. Everyone did
great, the horses were calm and showed the Fjord disposition wonderfully.  I
was glad to have been one of the team, everyone was great to spend the
weekend with.  Midwest pulls about 50,000 spectators for this 3 day event.
It's a great time to spend with horses and horse people from all over the
Midwest.  Two of the Fjords were also in another demo doing a drill team
pattern over fences.  They were great!  Really showed that Fjords can and do
jump too.  We also had 4 colors representing the Fjords, white, gray, red
and brown.  We had several young Fjord in the demo, I believe their was one
3 yr. old, two 4 yr. olds, three 5 year olds,  a 7 and 9 yr. old.  Plus the
4 and 5 yr. olds really only had a year or less in training.  I was very
impressed with the group.  I did all the worrying for the group, you know
someone has to!  I really didn't have to, you'd think that I would learn not
to worry, maybe the Fjords will get through this thick head of mine!  It was
just great riding and being with other Fjord owners this last weekend,
Congratulations again everyone.  Thanks also to Janet Voltz, Tom  Ann Hans
for setting up the hospitality stall and being there along with the
Monheims, Sadlons, Fiedlers, probably shouldn't name names, will forget
someone. (sorry if I do)  A lot of hard work, but a lot of fun as well.
Hopefully we taught a lot of people that Fjords do make a great riding horse
as well as a great driving horse!
Patti Jo Walter

carts for sale

2000-03-16 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Restored Light Show Cart.  Highlights the horse and not the cart.  Burgundy
in color.  Rubber on wheels. Varnished oak floor, very pretty, 14 steps for
easy entry.  Fits 14HH and up. $1600OBO

Pleasure or Show Cart, Natural wood varnished, roller bearing wheels and
axles.  Rubber on wheels, fenders.  Cadillac style, better than a
meadowbrook, don't get the bounce.  Front entry, patent leather dash, brass
rein rail, 14 steps for easy entry. Fits 14HH and up. $2000  Brand new.

Contact Larry, [EMAIL PROTECTED] central Wisconsin.  About 1/2 hour east
of Stevens Point, WI.

12 Ft Stock Trailer For Sale

2000-03-13 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

12 Ft Stock Trailer For Sale. 6' wide, 6'6'' tall, bumper pull.  In
excellent condition.  Has electric brakes, side door, divider, recently
painted, good tires.  Asking $1850 OBO.  East Central Wisconsin. 30 miles
south of Green Bay.  E-mail me privately if interested

MWFHC Winter Meeting/Clinic

2000-01-21 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just a friendly reminder that the due date for the MWFHC Winter Meeting and
Driving Clinic with Sharon Makaurat in Galena IL,
is Feb. 1st.  All dues must be paid by Feb. 1st as well.  If anyone needs a
registration form you may e-mail Pat Holland at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
call her at 815 777-6008.  She told me this is going to be the greatest
event since the birth of Christ.  Well I don't know about you but his is
highest on my list, so I'm counting on a great clinic/meeting.  There still
is time to get in on this great event, but do get your forms in.
Patti in Wisconsin, looked warm outside, but it wasn't.  Sunny and sub zero

Horse Sleazy's

2000-01-19 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wondering if anyone out there has ever made or thought about making a Sleazy
for a Fjord.  I own a white dun gelding, keeping him clean is hard. He also
is not one of those clean stall horses, he loves to poop and pee in the
middle of the stall and lay in it.  I have several others that poop in the
back of the stall only, but not him!  We do some showing and demo's at horse
fairs.  I see those sleazy's and think that is what I need, but I need the
mane to be able to stick out.  Anyone up for the challenge?  Could be the
start of your own Fjord accessories business.  E-mail me privately if
interested, I need this by March [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I have used several
shampoos, and spot cleaners, anyone with a white horse will know my dilemma!

Kissing Horses

1999-12-04 Thread Dave Walter
This message is from: Dave Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pat, I confess I kiss them all the time.  Sometimes I like kissing them
better than my husband!!  Softer skin.  I give big bear hugs to them as
well.  We had a Fjord horse named, Lena who would try and kiss back.  I
swear she was trying to pucker up.  She would stretch out her muzzle and try
and reach you.  If she felt your skin she would move her muzzle back and
forth across your face.  She was a funny one.  Fjords seem to love hugs and