
2011-08-30 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

So sorry to hear of the loss of your Sweet Old Man, Bjarne, Jean. He certainly
is at the end of the Rainbow Bridge with a lot of good company..Sunday,
Saskia, Rosita, Dena, Kezar, and many more of our loved Fjordsthere's a
whole herd of them to great himwho knows...maybe he will be the Boss Man
of the Rainbow Bridge!!  You are in my thoughts and prayers...Sue g.

> Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:37:10 -0800 (AKDT)
> From:
> Subject: R.I.P old Bjarne, C23
> This message is from:
> My old Bjarne, 36, passed away peacefully last night, laid down in the field
on a
> soft cushion of grass and passed away.  He had been declining for the last 3
> or so, eating less and less, I think he was in Kidney failure.  We put him
down in
> the little one acre pasture yesterday so he could get out of the muddy coral
> lie down, and planned to Euthanize him today, but found him peacefully lying
> this morning, gone.  He will be buried right where he lies, he picked the
> spot.  Thanks, old man. I'm glad he went this way rather than having to put
> down.
> I had him for 24 years, and he was a good old boy!  Grumpy at the end, but
was boss
> of the herd until the last three weeks.  I'll miss him!
> Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, a sunny day and 70 degrees
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Tying while hitching...

2011-08-21 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

 Hi Everyone!   Sue g. here! We had a special lead rope that had a ring in it
that you could slide to where it needed to be and then there was a hook on
each end. I think it is called a "neck rope"! You fit it around the neck
behind the ears so it won't be large enough of a opening for the horse to be
able to back up and slide out of it! Then you used the hook down the other end
to hitch to what ever. You can then put on the bridle and the horse isn't
hitched with the bridle. This was great as a safety no matter whether we were
at home hitching or at a show. ADS I don't know about but it certainly works
to make it safe for everyone!  On another note! Hilmar , who is now a gelding
of 10 months, is going to live with Sam Stanley at Barefoot Farm! She has my
Stella who is now 25. I got her at 4 years old! Wow! Hilmar is now 24he is
at the farm I sold in Northfield, but the lady doesn't have time for him so
Sam is going to see if he will fit into her program. I am going to meet her at
her farm and then we will go get HilmarI can't wait to see him and Stella
reunited!! I can't wait to see Stella! She has been with Sam for going on to 3
years now...when I got custody of my grandson, Jordan, and had to go back to
work...couldn't go out and chance getting hurt! Life has certainly changed for
me but doors get opened and I believe we have the choice to walk thru them! I
live with my Mom, Dad passed away two years ago, and my handicapped sister.
They help me with Jordan and I just got a job bathing dogs! I start in
September ,.so am excited about that!

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RE: fjord mare in the kill pen

2011-07-20 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hello Listers! I just thought I would pipe up here..look at the pictures
of this mare on the website for the rescue? and the mare's muzzle looks dark
enough, although there is alot of 'froth' coming down on her lower lips.a
frothy mouth is a happy mouth! and if you look at the pictures of the still
photos...there is plenty of white in the maneit just isn't groomed
properly! you can see it in her forlock also. you certainly can't see it in
the pictures of her trotting and cantering! She just needs a good clean up and
trimming of the has been many a year since have
properly trimmed a fjord mane! Wellmaybe just a year or
twololhope you all are faring well in this heat!  I miss my
ponies!! Will be going to Sam's in Amesbury, MA where my Stella is being used
as a therapy horse.although Sam says she is just doing the lite weights
now! She is 25 now and I got her at 4 years old from Skoal Farm!
seems like a life time ago! Sam and I had hoped to get out to the New York
show just to watch but her hubby just got called back to United Airlines in NH
after a few years of layoffso it's great that he got his job back but
sad that we couldn't make it! Maybe next year! Would be great to see everyone!
Take care! Sue g. in Westborough, MA

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RE: fjordhorse-digest V2011 #55

2011-04-17 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hey Steve! This is a with the
subject  NONE just thought I'd let you know!!! Sue g.

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RE: Virus and message that says... None

2011-03-18 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hi Steve, I did have the virus sent by me and heard about it from some of my
friendsmy contact list was being hijacked and different websites sent out
to everyone.  They were mostly a drug company from Canadaall with
different urls...most ending with the php.  I contacted my hotmail server. I
also changed my password and did a virus check on my laptop but that came up
clean. Changing my password did the trick. I have never gone to any unknown
links and am still not sure how it happened but I have been clean of the
hijacking now for a few weeksI did post a letter to the list when I saw
the  "none" coming up in the subject line but didn't see it on the digestlist.
I hope this helps others and I was told to change my password more , which is
a painbut it has stopped the hijacking! Take care, Sue g

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RE: Virus

2011-03-18 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hey Steve! One other thing...some of the folks who are infected might not even
know itI only became aware of it after two of my friends called me! As I
am not on the computer every day I didn't know what was happening. And the
user doesn't know this is happening until someone personally lets them know!
Maybe a personal email to the ones infected? but then that might infect the
ones who email them. I received phone calls and took care of it from there!
Take care! Sue g

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RE: fjordhorse-digest V2011 #39

2011-03-11 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

So sad to hear about Peg. Met her at a few of the shows out west and what a
hoot she was! A wonderful lady and it was awesome to see her with Erland! She
will be greatly missed by many.

Another meaning of 'amish broke' is that when the amish plow or spread manure
or do any field work, sometimes they have eight to twelve horses in a hitch. I
have seen this in Pennsylvania when we used to spend alot of time there. If
you bought a horse that was always in the 'middle' of the pack, they sometimes
didn't know to much as they were 'along' for the ride!  It really could be
quite amazing to see a large hitch of horses just standing in the middle of a
field waiting for the driver to come back as he had gone to the house for

Snow is melting big time and in the 50's this weekend! Clocks set ahead
tomorrow nite and I do believe Spring is on it's way!  Sue g

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RE: Contact List Hijacked

2011-02-27 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hello Fellow Fjorders! Sorry for the repeated entry from my email with no
message. Canadian website started sending all my contacts messages. I haven't
been online for over a week and got a call from a friend in AZ that it was
going on. Taking care of it nowto keep this Fjord related.we
finally had some warm weather and it melted quite a bit of snow so now the
horses are able to move about in the fields!! Take care! Sue

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[no subject]

2011-02-25 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari

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[no subject]

2011-02-23 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari

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2011-02-10 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hi Listers! Sue g. here.SamI will definetly be over for a visit!
Carol, Susie F., Kay and the rest who have written me privately...I will
get back to all of you tomorrow! Anthony is coming for a visit for a few days
on his way to move to Florida with a friend and Gramma (Me!) will have some
time to myself! Awesome to hear from you all!!!  I feel as if I have lived
another whole lifetime since being in touch with any of you!

Mary O. .my Stella is Stella I from Norway ( STELLA I N-14942 )  ,
imported as a yearling and owned by Skoal Farm and Meg & Joe Hempell. We
bought her as a 4 year old with a week old foal, SF Sunday, standing at her could one resist that??? Sam...Stella did have a 'B' foal who is
owned by Kay Konove. He is listed in the Pedigree Site of the NFHR but no Reg.
#, his name is Bojangles! ( changed from Brady) CarolI can't believe
Patrick is 16! He is a Konggard son by that cute little foal (SF Sunday) we
fell in love with at Skoal Farm! Wow!!

I love the term.Goggle Fjords!!  I did see yours ..Karen! Cool!  and
yes..Hilmar has his head downis there any other pose that a Fjord
knows how to do??? lol

I spent the last 4 years working part time as a seamstress at a place called
Eddie's Wheels for Petsthey make wheel chairs for dogs!! What an awesome
contribution to disabled pets...yes ...pets...dogs, cats, mini pony,
llamas, pigs, lambs/sheep and even ferrets!  Check them out on line! Although
I am no longer a member of the 'team'  :( there is some great stories and
videos that will bring a tear to any animal lovers eyes!!  Till next
time.happy ridingor I guess I should say...skijoring!!

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Hello!! Stella & Equitana...

2011-02-08 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari 

Hello Fellow Fjorders! Marcy and Pat! Oh my heavensI cannot believe how
long it has been since I have been online and read the Fjord Digest!! And to
see my Stella mentioned! was not Stella who was at Equitana with Richard and I! It was
Saskia and her foal, Tobyn. Saskia was 25 years old when she foaled with Tobyn
and traveled from NH to KY on the big 'travel trailer'. Tobyn was the first
raffle foal for the NFHA that our wonderful friend Marcia Carose won! Do you
remember Marcy, when we all got back to the motel rooms at about 11:30 at
night after packing up all the 'stuff'! and we made Richard call her?!!
Yesit was very late but we all agreed that if it was one of us that
wonwe sure would want to be called as soon as possible!! She couldn't
believe it and her and Kurt's continuing contributions to the Fjord world in
America have been a wonderful journey to follow!  The following year at
Equitana we brought Ceacy Henderson's sweet mare Freya and Konggard foal,
Uvelsa, known as Velsy?sp..  Equitana is where we met Pat for the first time!
When Ceacy and I ventured out to the Libby , MT show by ourselves...we stayed
at Green Valley Farm and meet up with Pat again! Of course, Richard and I
being the great travelers...did meet up with Pat at the Blue Earth, MN show in
between, if my memory isn't failing mehaha~
  To answer Pat on Konggard's gelding...he was gelded somewhere around 2004 I
believe. Richard and I have been separated and divorced since spring of 2006
and I remember Kong being gelded before that. I retained ownership of Stella
and Hilmar in the divorce and gave Richard the New Holland Tractor!  Our son,
Anthony, became a father to Jordan at the very young age of 18, Dec '06 and I
have had custody of him since he was 10 weeks old! I can't believe he just
turned 4 years old and if any of you saw himyou can't tell him apart from
Anthony at that age!  Hilmar was gelded in October of 2010 and the young woman
who bought my farm in Northfield, MA now owns him! I was so happy that he was
able to stay there and be the 'King' of his pastures! If you google '570
Millers Falls , Northfield, MA you can see him grazing in the pasture at the
side of the road! Way too cool! You have to go to the 'satelite' version of
google maps..  He is now 24 years old! Stella is now 25 years old and I she
has a forever home with Sam Stanley in Amesbury, MA. Sam does a Theraputic
Riding program with her and she is such a steady eddy-done it all horse!
  I now live in Westboro, MA with my Mom and younger handicapped sister, Judy!
My dad passed away almost two years ago and with my health issues and
Mom'sit works out wonderful...we all help take care of each other! And for
me.I am no longer out numbered by men!! Poor Jordan thoughlol
   One of these days I will take care of registering the last couple of foals
that Stella had! She has had a total of 12 foals. She had a colt that died of
colic at 11 months old named Yuri and another colt named Conan that Ricard
placed when we were separated and I was hospitalized for a month with blocked
kidneys! He got a load of hay for me in exchange. Then Stella had two fillies,
one named Dena, after Hilmar's dam. She had her last foal and filly at her
forever home with Sam! I miss my horses terribly but the doors that I have
walked thru during my life have blessed my life in many different ways and as
alwaysI will keep walking thru them!! Take care all of you and I will be
lurking on the list now that I am online again!

> Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2011 09:21:18 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
> From: bryhyl 
> Subject: Stella & for sale
> This message is from: bryhyl 
> Then no one can forget
> >Giargiari's good old mare Stella - she was born in 86' and gave us 9
> great
> >babies, at the ages of 18, 19 & 20 - bred back to back with healthy
> normal
> >foals. If someone can correct me I believe she was the mare Sue brought
> to
> >Equitana, with foal alongside and in foal, and did a demo with a stone
> boat
> >the size of Delaware..
> >
> >Pat Holland in northwestern IL that looks like the South Pole.
> Yes Pat, you remember well. Stella was one of the best. Born in Norway, 9
> foals. An old fashioned Fjord mare, sturdy and willing.
> She not only did the demo, but was in the night show. I think Sue's arms
> got a little longer every night ground driving Stella with the crowd
> roaring.Stella doing her job & keeping track of her baby.
> Also, Briar Hill has some terrific Fjords for sale in Vermont. Check 'em
> out at
> Marcy Baer

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Safety Issues and Halter / Bridle

2005-08-27 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello Listers!  Sue-g in PA just visiting our son's sister! I am not connected 
at home right now but will be when I get back! Talk about FJord withdrawal 
symptoms..the NFHA Show sure helped to cure some of that ! 
Just some thoughts on the issues raised for saftey at BE.we always, 
always, always hitch our horses to a trailer or hitchrail with a neck rope. 
There are different variations of it but it is the only way to safely be out in 
public or even at home with those 'shake of the bridle' fjords! They can slip 
their halters and bridles very easily...when taking off a bridle to put on 
a halter or taking off a halter to put on a bridle..the neck rope keeps 
the horse there..I even use it when hitching Hilmar to the rail for 
grooming .for all of themyou can drop off the halter and they are 
not going anywhere.a lead rope and two rings are all you need to make adjust for each horse very easily and it does not act like 
a stays at the same length around the neckright up behind 
the ears.or actually it slides down the neck a little...but in 15 
years of using a neck rope we have never had a horse !
 onvery simple solution to a very dangerous situation.
As far as a driver not being in a hitched carriage...the is 
inexcuseable (sp?) far as I am concerned it is grounds for being told 
to leave the grounds. At GMHA where the VT NFHA show was held for 21 
years...if you took a bridle off of a hitched were off of 
the grounds..maybe if some serious consideration were put into even the 
NFHR FJjrd Show Rule book...which I know isn't mandatory but may be read by 
more.a rule of Expulsion from the show for dismounting a carraige such as 
was done at BE or taking off of a bridle from a hitched horse would make folks 
be more aware of it. If it saves just one life, human or horse, then it is 
worth it. Simple. Black and White. As the 'person' in charge of hitching and 
unhitching a horse to a carriage.the driver should always be aware of 
thisand getting another driver to climb up in the carriage and take 
over the reins before you dismount the carraige is a must!! The only time the!
 re should
 be no driver in the carriage is when you are hitching or 
unhitching..and then the reins should be over your shoulder or within 
reach on the same side that you are working on. A horse facing a rail being 
hitched is much safer than one in the open. We have cement-filled lally columns 
cemented into the ground and then pipe of the same diameter as the rail welded 
to the lally columns...when a horse is hitched to this it 
isn't going anywhere..I can safely hitch a horse to carriage with a 
neck rope on the horse and then with reins in hand...undo the neck rope and 
mount the carraige...the horse is still facing the rail and really can't go 
anywhere except backwards.
On the Halter / BridleI have used a few different kinds and am 
not sure why the bit would have to be taken out sideways...the bit 
usually is hitched to the reins and that is what is removed...leave the 
reins over the poll.then stand in front of the horse..undo both 
sides of the bit...usually a quick clip and holding one side of the bit 
clip in each hand, let the horse release the bit as you would with a bridle, 
being held above by the top. Yes, you would be standing on the side for that 
but for the bit to be released easily and safely and not 'clank' against the 
horses teethlet him release it.  The same with putting the bit back 
on.stand in front of the horse and have the reins already up over the 
poll behind the ears..get the horse to accept the bitand then 
you should be able to clip one side with one hand and one side with the 
other.never having to get the bit into the horses mouth by s!
 liding it
 sideways..Eventually you may even be able to get the horse to accept 
the bit from hooking one side up and then laying it across in front of those 
big 'elephant' lips...fjords are so accommadating!   The nice thing about 
the halter / bridle is that you can leave a leadrope attached to the ring where 
it would normally be on the halter and then tie the rope to itself and you have 
an instant neckrope for riding..balance for 'balanced' challenged 
individuals that some of us may be! lol...
Happy Fjording and just as a heads up..there is already talk of an NFHR 
Evaluation and NFHA Show at Camp Marshall , Spencer, MA next year!!   Sue-g 
from Northfield, MAowned by Stella, Hilmar, Bradj, and Bacchus !  

Re: Pony World website?

2005-07-20 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List! 
Hi Karen looking again at the pictures on this site ...if 
you look at the fjord..yes the wheels are upbut he is going up a 
hill.and if you have been in a cart or 4 wheel wagon in a CDE and the 
marathonthe pony might have just dug in his hind quarters to make the 
hike up the hill and it most likely would raise up the front wheels...If 
you look also at the picture of the white pony Knut..he is going up the 
same exact hill and his front wheels are up also...these ponies are hauling 
some serious 'butt' !! up those hills! The drivers probably just put them into 
the 'yee haa' mode.Lots of fun.the white pony Knut also has a 
different type of shafts than the fjord ..but his carraige is doing the 
same thing! Sometimes the carraige even goes up on it's side !! That's when it 
helps to have a 'seasoned' navigator!  In looking at the 'point of draft' on 
all of the different hook ups with the single ponies...for the!
 that are 'on the flat' ..they all look correct..I will say that the 
type of shaft on the fjord is one that I haven't seen does look 
weird but it may be just the photography and the angleHope this helps!
For hot weather traileringif it is really too really should 
be leaving during the dark of is much easier on the 
horses.and yepGail ! it most likely was me who gave the tip of 
putting Coke or Pepsi in the water tanks a month before traveling a long 
distance..some horses will not drink strange watersoaking the hay 
is an awesome thing also.we also don't wrap legs...never have.never 
will except for an existing injury.
Dick had the experience of working for a big cross country horse hauler and 
they wet the horses down in Arizonawrapped the legs...this was the 
owner..and when they got to VT with these horses.there was no hair 
on the legs at all..not a pretty site!  
We also will wet down the woodchips or sawdust if used for bedding. With rubber 
mats we will put bedding behind the mares or half way up the gelding/stallions. 
 Wetted down will cool the trailer and still absorb the urine and also help 
with getting the bedding blown around and into the eyes.  We also have a bucket 
3/4 full of water at all times beside each horsewe do travel with one 
barrell of our own waterthe ones that love to dunk the hay at 
homewill appreciate the chance to do so on the road ! Make sure that the 
ties are long enough to let the horse hang it's head as it needs to let the 
nostrils drain.tied too shortthey can't do this.but don't make the 
lead to long so that they could get a leg over..for those whose horses 
really sweat during the trailering...give electrolytes! the paste is best 
so that you know it has been swallowed! Some like to travel with fly masks on 
and they are great for keeping the blowing bedding or hay chaff fr!
 getting into their eyes
Kay Konove and I drove her truck to the Fjord Fun Fest in NC and we traveled 
during two cloudy days..which was great! Watch the weather and travel 
We are having some nice cool weather for a few daysa little less 
humidity...and man has it been raining..raining..and 
raining.unbelievabley torrential storms! Ruining the sides of roads and 
driveways! Floods all over! But the ponies are happy out in the 
pasture..every time I look their heads are down! The price of fuel and 
not having a truck anymore will keep us from the Blue Earth show but the best 
of time to all going!!   Sue-g in Northfield, MA

Re: Stallion Behavior

2005-02-27 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello All.This is not said in any kind of anger!! :-)   I am replying 
to Catherine about the stallion that she gelded because he 'raped' the mares. 
In all fairness, he was a Hilmar son.  This is his 'story'. As a 4 month old he 
was shown in hand in VT and a week later in MT. The two senior evaluators 
judging the Annual fjord shows there placed him firstin VT against a mixed 
class with 18 + weanlings. In MT against 4 or 5 other colts. We had him until 
he was a year old, he was just started ground driving when we delivered him and 
well handled. He also lived in a herd situation his whole first year. We showed 
him at Blue Earth and we showed him at NY as a yearling. We handle all of our 
youngsters from day one. Being a colt that was going to be a kept a colt, for 
now...we made sure he respected us and knew what was expected of him.   
Once he left us, we have no control. I was called and told how he would race up 
and down the fence like a crazy man...mares in!
 other fieldhe should have been with someone for company.  I don't beleive 
he was bred 'in hand' for the first experienceit was with an older 
mareany stallion should be bred in hand by humans the first few 
times.then if safe with the mares he can maybe 'pasture breed'. This 
should be done with any stallion. I am curious about others thoughts on 
The next call I got was that he had bitten the trainer he was withhe was a 
2 1/2 year old colt at that time and he was already driving, trail riding, and 
pulling a stone boat.he should not have been doing all of that as a two 
year old..again..fried brain syndromeI advised her to bring him 
home and let him be in the pasture and be a colt!! a horse! And this was done. 
I do know that he had bred a few mares after thiswould be curious to 
know how the offspring of them are ..behavior wiseand I do know that 
once this colt was gelded...he became one of Catherine's hubby's favorite 
riding horse!  This is a colt that had the presence...we knew 
it.and taking him to shows and having different judges agree with our 
thoughts about him...lead us to keep him intact and sell him as a breeding 
prospect. If we had kept him...we would have had him evaluated. He was 
evaluated out in the West and got a Red, I believe. I really haven't c!
 hecked in
 the book in a long time so I don't remember! I know it wasn't a blue.. 
We have not had a colt born since with that same presenceand when you 
see ityou will know..the same dam bred to hilmar had three other 
colts by hilmar and not one of them had the presence of this first colt. As a 
breeder, I believe that every colt should be gelded.unless it is conformation, tempermant, movement and have that 
stallion 'presence'. That presence doesn't mean that he is 'out of control'.   
 Another story is that Hilmar throws a 'crooked fetlock' on one front foot 
of 'his offspring'.  We have had enough now and seen them thru the years..I 
would welcome any feed back on this from any of his offspring owners. This colt 
did not leave our place with a crooked fetlockthat would have been present 
at birth. Hilmar does have a fetlock in front that turns very slightly. We have 
not seen it in any of his offspring yet. It was noticed and is noted in his 
evaluation. I think that anyone wanting to breed a mare.that has their 
stock evaluated should compare the mare and stallions evaluationsI have 
no problem giving a copy to anyone who wants to breed to him. And I would 
expect the same from a stallion that I might breed to or be interested in 
breeding to. The evals are a tool for everyone to learn and learn and 
learn.and make the best possible decision when breeding two horses.
I took a weanling colt, out of Hilmar and Selma(a Grabbson daughter) when 
he was 2 months old to our farm here. He came with his mom, to rebred her, and 
he was very obnoxiousSelma let him climb all over him and never 
disciplined him,, he was halter broke and led out to the pasture or paddock at 
his home.with mom...and boy was he a handful. I put him in the pasture 
with Hilmar, Stella/her suckling colt, Dena/ her suckling filly, and Rosita and 
her suckling filly. We patted him and said hi to him when we went out to the 
pasture to interact with all..after three weeks ..I put a halter on him 
and we had leading lessons.he did exactly as I asked with only a little 
coaxinghe learned his lessons of behavior very well from the herd, the 
other mares, the other offspring and Hilmar. He became the most polite 
youngster! Loved to load, cross tie, be groomed and went on to a wonde

Re: Stallions & Behavior (long!)

2005-02-27 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hi All! 
This is Sue-g in snowy Northfield, MAI would like to share some of our 
history with our stallion, LLA Hilmar and his behaviors 'in public'!
When we first got Hilmar, and his dam, Dena, they were in a starvation 
situation. The owner was very sick and couldn't take care of them.  But Hilmar 
was imprinted and always handled and treated with kindness...we had 
attempted to get them the year before but his daughter, who lived in HI and 
hadn't seen the horses in a few years, sent out a 'sales list' with inflated 
prices because a few folks had shown some interest in themothers were also 
trying to get them out of this situation...  After we got the 'price list' we 
didn't bother calling for a while..about 9 months later we got a call from 
the son who helped his dadhe asked us if  we could come and get them and 
have them for a year's free lease.which is what we wanted... Hilmar had 
almost died of worms and some type of Rhinothe vet was surprised that 
he was still alive when I called for his history. Dena, had been hit by a pick 
up on her hind leg and was left with the small bones in the hock
 brokenshe couldn't be ridden, couldn't drive and couldn't carry a 
foal.  For 4 years the two horses stayed in stalls across from each other with 
little turn out area.  A mare coming into heat every 17 days and a young 
stallion...who definetly shows his 'presence'.
We picked up the horses and brought them right to the vet for examsDena 
was xrayed and all the small bones had 'calcified' together, I guess this 
sometimes happens in older horses anyways. A flexion test was done on the tar 
road and she passed better than most horses!! So her prognosis was...ride 
her, drive her, breed her.she will let you know if her hock bothers 
her..she was 12 at the time.  Hilmar just needed groceries...the same 
as Dena.  
When we first brought them home they wouldn't even eat a cup of 
grain.Hilmar's and Dena's crests were both broken over.their 
manes had been clipped short but the crests were broken over. Hilmar didn't 
lift his head any higher than his whithers..looked like one of those 
'peanut' pushin' Qtr. horses ! Sorry! I do love all horses!!  Hilmar moved 
right into the pasture with our mare , Sunday.  She was breed to Kong and due 
in about 3 months.she had Patrick (Yes, Carol H..your Patrick!) and 
stayed right with Hilmar all thru this.he was finally in with a mare 
and allowed to be in a herd situation after years of being alone. This was very 
important to me..Dena was psycho woman.she wanted to be with 
any mare for company and would latch on to who ever she was with and if you 
took her away..she was fit to be both horses lived in a 
herd situation at our long as Dena was bredshe could be!
 Hilmar...he has had mares and foals living with him ever since we got 
himhe is with two yearlings this winter! We can even keep him with the 
gelded colts...he plays with them and loves it! 
  Dena has grown to be much our farm or Ceacy's, where she 
would be at summer camp for ridding lessonsshe learned to have her 
foals go to the 'babysitting' stall and she would go out for a lesson.she 
is now in foal with her last foal! The last Konggard foal ! She is at a 
wonderful farm with two other fjord maresand I am going riding over 
there tomorrow morning! Fun! She is now 22! An awesome girl! Still young at 
heart.and yes, her hock started to bother her last year..she gets bute 
when ridden .and is loving it where she is...(thanks! Susie!) 
   I had never had a stallion but I felt that I had enough 'feeling' for what 
was right. I had to be the boss at all times when I was with him or in the 
pasture with the herd. Sometimes I had to use 'mind tricks'such as if I 
wanted to do something with a mare in the field with him there. he comes 
over posturing and talking to the mare...all I have to do is step right up and 
tell him to Whoa..and 'knock it off".he gets the message with my 
'body language'. He has never made a bad or threatening move towards 
mebut Lisa is so rightthey are stallions and horses and a horse 
is a horse is a horse is a horse, and a stallion is a stallion is a stallion is 
a can't ever let your guard down.  If I wanted to take 
the mare out of the field, I take Hilmar out first, tie him to the rail, and 
then go get the mare. Tie her to the rail with him. Then I take him back to the 
field and put him back. He runs up and down some but then 

Re: Neon Pink & video

2005-02-09 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello Lisa! 
Wow!  :You are too funny!!
On the subject of Evaluations and Keurs with the NFHR and the 
all honestythe evaluators/judges sometimes never see the male horses 
penis! I can attest to having participated in or at 4 or 5 evals/keurs and a 
Norwegain eval in Norway and never saw the judges try to see what color it was! 
 If they don't pee during the doesn't get seen and I have 
never been asked 'what color is it' !  lol.really!!   
To those of you who have sent me an email about wanting a copy of the NFHR eval 
in VT and Dutch Keur in VT.and Wez the dressage wonderI will 
gladly send them to you..I have started a list and will get addresses from 
the NFHR Pedigree site! I love that site! anything you want to 
can find it there..except of course..who has a neon pink one!!!  Maybe 
Mike May could mark Lisa's horses pedigree with the letters 'NP" after where it 
saysstallion! lol!!Sue-g in Northfield, MA where it is raining 
and going to turn to snow by am..


2005-02-04 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello Listers~!
This is Sue-g in sunny Northfield, MAbeautiful day today and 
for the weekend
I wanted to comment about the white stars on some fjordsCarol 
R.or someone who has access to Fjord HIstory in NorwayCatherine L 
?...I was told that years ago the fjords were almost breed away in 
Norway.they were being mixed with another pony breed, not sure which,  
and this breed had white markings.when it was realized that the fjords 
were in danger of being extinct..all of the pure bred ones were 
accounted for and the Norwegian evaluation is as it is today..some 
of the white markings are throw backs to this out we 
all know ..alot of the 'fjord crosses' still look like a fjord! with 
the color anyways!
I have had some experience with white stars..when we moved to 
Northfield, MA in 2001.our mare Rosita, a Norwegian import, had her 
first foal by our stallion LLA Hilmar, who is a very dark brown dun. His color 
is most unusual and at the Dutch Keur it was mentioned that he was unique and 
that his color hopefully would be passed on.  Both of his parents were Brown 
Duns. Dena, who was imported by Carol Rivoire, and Toddy, who is still breeding 
mares in Holland! up one morning and there was Rosita 
standing on the hillside of the pasture. All the other horses, Hilmar and 
mares, were lined up watching her. Curled up sleeping on the ground in front of 
her was her foal! As I got closer and the foal stretched and arched it's neck 
and headthere staring at me was my first look at a filly with a 
beautiful star!Yelana.she is now three and owned by some 
wonderful friends of ours.   
When I bought Rosita from Ceacy Henderson of Penfrydd Farm in Colrain, 
MA.she was pregnant with a foal by Konggard..Valentina was born 
on our farm in the fall.  Nice brown dun filly.  Rosita then had her second 
foal by Hilmar...I was there for the birth and didn't notice anything 
unusual about him..Zenen..when I stopped over to see him again 
at about three weeks of age.I could then see on this now dried off 
boya very small star.not really a star.but about 10 white 
hairs..definitely was there.We had since placed Rosita with a wonderful 
old friend and they also ended up buying Zenen!  If I still owned 
Rosita...I would not have bred her again to Hilmar.
Now comes Valentina.she was up at Carol R.s and turned out to be 
bred by Hilmar..which was okay as far as the lines.but when the 
foal was born.Scotia Surprise.Carol emailed me in a 
panic..was there any chance that Valentina was bred by another 
stallion???Scotia had a white star and some white on a 
hoof..well...there was a neighboring Lippett Morgan stallion 
who was visiting the girls when I got up one morning..he was in the 
pasture that Hilmar wasn't in..Hilmar had his harrem and Genisis was 
standing there looking at Rosita who was inbetween him and the young filly 
ladies!  Gen has a white blaze and one white sock and 
neighbor was mortified that he was in with my maresand when I told 
her about Scotiashe was fit to be tied! I told her I was glad it wasn't 
my stallion in her paddock!!   So the DNA test was done and Hilmar is the 
confirmed daddy.!
 .the one
 common link with all of these white markings is Rosita, a brown 
dunwho I know has had two white duns when bred to Modellan and also 
has had a red dun. Hilmar has a brown dun daughter Kristian, who was bred to 
Kila Grani, another very dark brown dun fjord Stallion, and they produced a 
beautiful grey dun filly.  
SoI wouldn't breed Hilmar to Rosita or Valentina again and would check 
out the lines of a mare for similar names in the pedigree as well as the three 
generations back!
Ceacy had two different mares come in to be breed to Konggard and both of them 
, from different owners, had blazes and white stockings! The owners had no idea 
that the white markingsespecially these...were not desireable at 
all  in the fjord horse. They were not told this by the breeder who sold these 
mares to them. 
As a breeder, my feeling is that any colt that is born here would have to be 
extrodinary in conformation as well as have that 'presence' that should be 
there in a stallion, in order to be kept whole. Then I would show him and see 
how he does as well as get him evaluatedotherwiseevery colt born 
here is gelded...usually at 4 months right before they are 
weaned.every colt is not meant to be a stallionthere are too 
many backyard stallions

Re: From driving to riding............

2005-01-02 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello Listers! 
This is Sue Giargiari in Brimfield, sitting for about 40 head 
of beef cattle, four horses(two fjords!), 4 dogs, two bunnies...and one 
barn cat! I haven't read the list for at least a heck of a 
year...but hopefully this year will be a Good One!!  I decided that I will 
never catch up reading last years list.maybe 
I am starting with Digest #1 and going to keep up!
I was interested in Sher's story about the 17 years of driving her fjord has 
had and how now, in riding.he spokes like crazyMy first 
fjord , Stella 1, had just a month or so of driving training..course I 
didn't ask specificsas I grew up learning to drive from an old Yankee 
teamster. Didn't know it all..never will...but don't have a fear of 
being behind the lines of any horse.being safe though, is the first 
thing.  Well, I took Stella for 4 great days on the VT Bicentennial Wagon Train 
in 1991I drove her with a rubber snaffle and an easy entry cart. We camped 
and did 20 miles a day...met up with the Yankee Teamsters 
daughter...who had stayed friends with my parents...and now her and her 
hubby have a couple of fjords!  Back to Stella and driving.She was a 
rock on the VT wagon train, thru everything and anything. I fell in love with 
her then and knew that she would never leave my pasture. Only for visits! S!
 he was 4
 when we bought her and she will turn 19 in July. Wow...I can't believe it! 
AnywayseventuallyI started to go on trail rides with her and my 
girlfriends...and what a shockshe was not herself at 
all..spooked... jumped.and a variety of unusual reactions 
to things that she had been exposed to for at least two years of driving. She 
is also used in team, 4 in Hand, 3 or 4 Abreast. It took me awhile to 
figure it out..but it was the blinders.used in driving and not in 
riding.once I realized what was causing the behavoir and 
whyremember horses can see all the way to their butt, except when they 
have blinders on. Even though she was used to the noisesit was the sight of 
these flying trucks or cars down 
there and then going ...going .goinggone. 
She was only used to seeing the "there at her 
side..goinggoingand gone"!  Once I could reassure her as a 
vehicle was way back.she eventually got used to it.
I wonder if just seeing the world with you on his back and no blinders is a 
part of what is going on. If so.maybe ponying him for a bit would help his 
confidence. Has anyone else ever had this experience?  We also trained a pony 
that we got at the Wichita, KS auction years ago. She was a 4 mth 1/2 Belgian, 
1/2 Percheron. Laura was black with whitish under coloring and grew into the 
most beautiful dapple grey-looking Percheron! She was only ever driven in 
harness, worked with draft harness, very dependable, and even was ridden 
hauling logs but again with the harness and blinders on One day 
years later a friend was going to use her to ride with us. When the western 
saddle was placed on her back and cinched up.she was very 'jumpy'.could 
care less about pushing her head thru a collar...or having a big tangle of 
work harness plopped on her back to be straightened out! But the saddle was a 
different story...and when the rider got on...wh!
 at a
 bucking bronco!! It took a while for her to get used to the saddle and bridle 
and riding...and she still never really liked it. We decided she was 
just fine as a driving horse!
WellI promise I won't rattle on quite so much but am excited about 
touching base in the 'land of the fjordlist' again!  Happy New Year to all!  
Sue g from Northfield, MA.with no snow.hhh! I want 
to hear sleigh bells~

Moving and Reduced Sale prices!

2004-02-03 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

This is Sue g writing from Ceacy Henderson's Penfrydd
Farm. Ceacy is moving to NC for a yearshe has left
already and Nancie and I will take care of leasing and
selling off all the young stock here in Colrain, MA.
Her Mom has had brain surgery for Non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma, and will be under going a year of Chemo,
with a very successful rate of remission. Her Mom is a
strong lady, and has the will to want to live! Some of
the Fjords will be going to NC with them. 
This move will be happening in the next couple of
weeks. If anyone down south is interested .I am
sure we can make you a great deal with the trucking! I
will be helping to move farm equipment, household
stuff and horses. Here is the list of sales horses:
Three Two Year Old GeldingsYarden is by Konggard
/out of Freya(Brusvein)Yurick is by Konggard / out
of Tess(Marnix).Yared is by Konggard / out of
Meika(Rossar-a Grabb son). The price for one of these
well bred boys is $1500 each.  Then there is Yakera by
Konggard/ out of Elda(Brusvein) $3000.  Widaren is a 3
yr old gelding, by Misha(Anne Appleby's boy!) and out
of Eivy ( Prestatie/Star mare-Myrstein). His price is
Tess is a coming 5 year old who is by Marnix out of
Eivy(Brusvien). She is well started in riding and
driving. Has been used two years trail riding in
Summer Horsemanship program and also as a lessons
horse doing ring work. She was shown at the NY fjord
show and also at VT Fjord Show, very successful! She
needs an experienced rider. She does have an allergy
to the small biting flys and does best if inside at
nite! This mare will be a bonus to anyone's breeding
program! Selling for $3900.
I will be here at Penfrydd Farm until Feb 9any
interested folks can contact me by phone here at :
413-624-8969 or by email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
After the 9th you can reach me at 413-498-5193 or by
Thanks! Sue Giargiariwho is hoping for only snow
this next week and not freezing rain!  

Season's Greetings!

2003-12-24 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Happy Holidays to all!  From Sue, Dick and Anthony at Felicity Farm in 
Northfield, MA where we still have snow covered fields.but maybe rain 
on the way tomorrow! 

Re: Safe Arrival!

2003-04-20 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Welcome to the list Michael! Congratulations on your newest two Fjords! I bet 
the Transport folks were totally surprised!!  Thank goodness it was a Fjord! 
What hardy animals they are!! Sue in sunny Northfield, MA.

Re: Viljar Brim offspring

2003-04-15 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Curt   When I was in Norway, a few years back,  I tried to get a yearling 
fillyulsdun,,good evaluation...just a very beautiful girl!!  She was a 
Viljar Brim daughter ! An older man showed her but when I had Erhart do the 
translating for methe filly belonged to a 12 year old girl!!  I guess I 
realized that there was no way I was going to try to part a young girl with her 
horse!!  Was a good try though!! Sue in Northfield.where it is almost 80 
today..and someone said that we are supposed to be getting Rain/Snow in a 
couple of day?? No Way!! 

Re: Collars and Manes

2003-04-14 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hi Eileen! We use draft harness and collars quite a bit and just make sure when 
the collar is put on that the mane isn't pulled back or stuck ..we run 
our hand up inside to have the mane be upright.not that it isn't "squished" 
for a bit but it comes right back to being normal and you usually can't 
tell there was a collar on it!. It does help if the mane is kept trimmed,I 
know some thin manes can stay standing straight up and be about six or seven 
inches tall! This then will show some "messy hairs" after having a collar on... 
 When I use my driving harness which has the strap for the breast doesn't leave a "mark" where it was even after a "four day 
travel " with a wagon train from southern to norther VT.  I wouldn't cut 
anything out for either of these.collar or breast collar strap..just 
make sure your mane is cut and keep it marks should show!! Hope 
this helps! Sue in Northfield, MA where the sun has been out fo!
 r three days and the temps have been in the 60's !   

Re: Sadie's foal

2003-04-04 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Peg and are in our thoughts and prayers..and Sadie too.we 
know how hard it is to loose a foal..thank god you were able to save 
Sadie.we were not so lucky with our mare SF has been a few 
years now and time does lessen the pain.for took the wind right 
out of his sails.he is just starting to have the desire to want to be with 
the horses and having funSunday was his girl..Sadie will come home safe 
 and life on the farm will go on..and yes as someone said 
previously..every birth is a miracle!!  And we are very thankful for all 
the other births we have witnessed that have truly been miracles!  Take care!  
Sue and Dick

Re: fjordhorse-digest V2003 #81

2003-03-31 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List!!  So wonderful and heartfelt to see that the fjords at Waverly all 
got great homes!  What a nice start to spring!!   
Pat!  I wondered if that was your "boys" Haakon and Donder when I saw their 
names on the list for Waverly!!  I hope to see you in NY this year in June at 
the Fingerlakes Fjord Show!!  If you bring Haakon & DonderI will bring 
Hilmar and we can do a rematch at the log pull!!   Do you remember when I found 
out I won..I saidNow I can switch breeds of Horses!! My only dream 
with the fjords was to beat Joe Hemple in a driving class..which I did in 
Dover, NH and to beat Pat Wolfe!!   Just kidding about switching you can all happy that you got your boys 
back safe and sound!  When is the Canada Fjord Show this year? One or two day? 
We would love to come and support it!!   Think Spring!!  Sue g. in 
Northfield, MA where the mud is deep!!

Re: NFHA Raffle

2003-03-23 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hi List! Just wanted to add some important info to the Raffle for the $2003 for 
the NFHA to use for promoting the fjords at Equine Affaire and reduced stalls 
for all at the VT Fjord Show!!!  There will only be 200 Chances at 3 Tickets 
for $25...that is a one in 200 chance  Where are you going to find odds 
like that??? And it helps our group to promote the fjords!! The drawing will be 
held on Sunday at our VT Fjord Show.the foal will be there if the $2003 
Cash isn't wanted!! If we sell the 200 Chances way before the showwe 
will offer this Raffle for another $2003 to be drawn at the Equine Affaire at 
the BIG E in Nov...Springfield, MA!!   If you want to mail me a check or MO 
made out to NFHA, Susan Giargiari, 570 Millers Falls Rd, Northfield, will receive your tickets stubs and a Raffle 
Certificate good to trade for one foal!!  For those of you who have already 
sent in a Raffle entrythe Certificates are in the ma!
il this week!!   

Our prayers and thoughts are with all in the FJord Community who have loved 
ones in the service Take care...Sue g. and Dick...

Re:Toyota Dakota & Trailers!

2003-03-21 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List!  Just wanted to share some info on the stabilizer 
barsdefinitely go with that. It will help to keep the trailer from 
swaying...Ceacy has a Toyota Tacoma.supposed to be a one ton.but I 
talked at great length to a dealer when we were looking for a truck and he let 
me know that it is not a "one ton" .it is really a beefed up Half 
ton.Ceacy has a 16' aluminum stock trailer and even with the sway 
bars...her truck will sway if you go over 55 or 60and this is with only 
2 or 3 fjords. I have driven it and you really do have to be careful!  On 
the other hand.I drove a ford ranger with a steel 16' stock trailer and it 
drove just fine! No sway barsI had 2 ewes that had lambed right before 
our "big " move backand I also had a yearling percheron filly and a quarter 
horse paint filly. The back of  the truck had a cap and in that was 4 Great 
Pyrenees..and a cat! We had lots of hill and dale to travel overcoming!
 up to NH and the ranger was great!! If you are only going to have two 
horsesthe Tacoma will most likely be great!   

To the one who said their transmission had to be replaced just after the 
warranty ran out...we lost the tranny in our 1997 Chev Crewcab diesel 
dooly upon arriving in KY for the first year we did Equitana USA. Had to get it 
fixed! We were carrying all the gear for 15 horses and folks in our 28 ft 
gooseneck aluminum.which this truck was rated to carry!  We were only 4000 
miles over the warranty..still had to pay $1000 to get it fixed...we 
used the truck all the time in the hills of new englandone year 
later.doing the same trip..we lost the new tranny half way 
home!!! Still had to pay to have it fixed.$1000... but this 
time we were told to just be a real pain in the butt to the chevrolet 
folkswe called them every day for almost 6 the 
way...we could not even see a GM rep as they "don't see the consumers", not 
enough people available...will only see the dealer reps..I did forget 
to add tha!
t we drove the truck a month trailerto TN and could 
feel thru the stick shift...the gears breaking up again..they wanted 
$600 to tear it apart to tell us it was broken..againthat is when we 
went on the warpath!!  The end result? Chevrolet paid us for the second fix and 
fixed it for free this has not broken since. Three strikes and 
your not always out!  Dick isn't really happy with me though..I won't let 
him trade or sell the is all paid for ...and GM owns the 
tranny!We have since used this truck to travel from MT to NY and VT and all 
over showing.usually carrying 6 or so horses and the gear!!  So,,,be a 
pain in the butt and keep on calling about the trannyyou may be 
pleasantly surprised.especially if the repair man will back you 
should not happen to any vehicle just over the warranty!!  Sue g. in 
Northfield, MA hoping that the snow will stay until tomorrow so !
we can go the Sap Gathering Contest with our Three Abreast!! !
 Might even get to do it in shirtsleeves!!   

Re: Round Bales and Alfalfa Hay!

2003-03-17 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List! Welcome back Lisa P.nice to hear from you and I hope you find 
the neglegent fjord owner who let their fjord drink too much and pass out in 
the water tub and drown..very disturbing!

Lauren! You said it wonderfully when you explained the feeding of round bales. 
It really does depend on the age, teeth, and each individual on whether or not 
they can free feed round bales or just hay in general. I also am the weekly 
condition feeler! In the winter with their wooly can be deceived 
into thinking that they are really do need to feel the ribs, 
the back bones, hip bones and check that big ol crest for fat deposits!!   We 
finally have pasture to last all year!! No more feeding hay all year!! Yeah!!!  
 But I will disagree with the comment of feeding alfalfa! We buy alfalfa hay in 
the 1000 pound square bales...they flake wonderfully for 
is all we feed. Last summer,,having their first full summer on 
pasture,the herd of Hilmar, Stella/foal, Dena/foal, Rosita/foal, Valley 2 
yr. and at times a few different mares and foals.. were all in such good 
condition that I didn't grain them. Usually I start graining!
 bred mares the last three months of pregnancy and while they are nursing and 
the foals get grained until 3 yr. We raised 3 foals and showed the horses all 
thru the summer...they stayed in awesome shape.and condition!! To 
say that Richard is pleased that we don't have the monthly grain bill and 
yearly hay bill is only the tip of the whip!! LOL! They get mineral blocks and 
water at all times. .they get wormed every two to three 
monthsalternating wormers...and the pastures are rotated also. We mow 
the ones that get ahead so they don't get too weedy.The 5 foals(born 
between April and October 2002) that are here on the farm and the coming three 
year old(Sept) have never had grain! They are growing very nicely, not too fast 
,,,not too slow.did great at the shows..which they wouldn't do if 
they were not in good condition. We now truck this hay to two other farms! One 
is a Lippett Morgan breeder and the other is a fellow fjord owner who also !
boards other breeds..she does a four time a day feeding o!
f the alfalfa and all the horses are doing great. She doesn't have the turn out 
and still does grain some of her horses.  We do grain if the horses are worked. 
Not much though. And also do electolytes...after working. 

I guess for us..the first year we went to the Libby, Mt fjord show and when 
we started to get low on haytried to buy timothy or grass hay! Ha! Not to 
be found...all we could get was alfalfa. So we mixed it in and they were on 
straight alfalfa by the time we headed home! We then would by an alfalfa mix 
from our guy in NY. But a few years back,.the straight alfalfa hay was the 
only good hay he made so that was all we bought.once in a while we might 
buy some mixed.but usually it is the plain alfalfa. We don't handle the 
bales. They are stacked single or two high on a flat bed gooseneck. backs 
under a hoop house we have for hay storage and we dole it out on a large 
tobaggon! Our fire insurance for the barns is low as we don't store hay in the 
barns! Snow or no snow!  Couldn't live without my toboggans!!! I fill them up 
for the next feeding and feeding is a snap! More time to hang out and visit 
with the equines!  Almost 70 degrees here today!! We are sup!
posed to do a Sap Contest on Saturday at an eduacational farm in NH! Hope the 
snow stays until then!! We will be doing a three abreast of Selma & Stella with 
their favorite man,,,Hilmar in the middle! Have been practicing with a snow 
roller out in the pasture! Lots of fun! Dick will do the three and then I am 
doing Stella & Hilmar as a team! We may be in mud instead of snow!! Oh's the fun that counts!!Sue g.

Re: missing digests?

2003-03-04 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hi Jean! I too thought maybe the digest hadn't been coming but my Lion letter 
was sent in reply to the last digest I got.and it is in the next digest 
that I received! That letter was received on 2/28 and the # digest was now my questions is..what happened to # 56-#58? This 
replay is to # 59!!  I checked the archives but mispelled the request so I will 
do it again and see if those digests really exist!!  Sue in 0 degree 
Northfield, way I am sticking my nose out the door!!

Re: Lions & Tigers and Bears!!!! Oh my!

2003-03-02 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello Listers!  We have had quite a few experiences with our Fjords Stella and 
Dena being around all kinds of animals. A very close friend of ours owns and 
operates the Greenville Wildlife Park.They have all kinds of animals such 
as lions, tigers, bears, camels, exotic sheep, a hyena, monkeys, 
birds...just about anything you can imagine! They have been slowly getting 
the park set up so that all the animals are in a natural habitat setting. The 
tigers have a few acres...with a shelter,, rocks,,,woods area,,and a small 
pond..which they love to spend time in during the hot summers. You will only 
see their heads sticking out of the water,,,behind the reeds!  Thunder weighs 
about 900 lbs. and the owner can take him out on a leash! He has shown up in 
our yard with Thunder in the truck with him! He has shown up at our door with 
`with a covered basket...only to set it down on the kitchen floor and have 
baby lions or tigers pop thier heads out from under the towel!  W!
hen the Park opened and for the first couple of years.we would take Dena & 
Stella over to give "pony rides"! The kids loved them and for the ones that 
were a little scared..Mom or Dad could sit right up in the saddle with 
them!   When ever we came thru the Park with the fjords in the trailer 
...right along side the tiger enclosurethey would immediately 
come down to the fence and stalk back and forth.even though they have never 
had a live animal to eatthe instinct is there! Usually the rides are down 
in the back away from any animal enclosures..but during an open house pig 
roast we were giving rides right beside the tiger enclosure.everytime we 
walked the horses up and down the lane.the tigers would come running out 
and follow...pacing back and forth.Stella and Dena just did their 
job..didn't spokewere ok with all the smells..we were relaxed 
and ok and the horses got their cues from us,,,trusting that the!
y weren't going to be the first "live dinner" for Thunder and!
 Tika!!   Of course, the first time we were at their first farm, Anthony was 
about 3, the owner wasn't there so we were checking out Garth and Eileen,, the 
yearling lionsthe grownups were standing at the chain link fence and I 
watched Eileen jump down off the big hollowed-out dead tree in their pen and 
she came right down to the fence , in her "stalking " mode! Anthony was running 
back and forth behind us, oblivious to the lions and Eileen was stalking this 
little thing that she figured she would have a chance at catching! Made the 
hairs stand up on the back of my neck! Garth just lay there, stretched out on 
the tree while his "woman" was huntingin lion packsthe females are the 
hunters. Once again, even though the lions have never had a "live" animal to 
kill and eat...the hunting instinct is so inbred in them. Quite amazing!   

Re: Broken Axis

2003-02-26 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List! Thanks for all the feed back on my thoughts and experience with 
Broken AxisI wondered if it was just me and am so glad it ain't!!  LOL! 
Curt..I promise I won't shave my fjords legs..but for those of you who 
do.I think it is acceptable as when you do certain disciplines it is better 
for the horse?? Gayle help!! Don't I remember you talking about how you 
sometimes do Dusty's legs because of some of the stuff you do!  And Dusty's 
legs are really a wonder!! When you see all the slids and spins and everything 
Gayle does with him.his legs are clean!! Ceacy and I enjoyed meeting Gayle 
and Dusty last time we went to Libby, MT! 

Re: Broken Axis

2003-02-24 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List!  Sure wish I was going to the sale!!  I do want to share an 
experience that I had with one of the evaluators judging a fjord show and after 
the show was done for the day..the judge( he or she) so 
you'll never know!!was walking around the stalls..I asked the 
judges opinion of my was a young one...and he said it was great 
..except for it had broken axis on it's front feet.I didn't reply as 
the judge went on to some other points..and then I started asking opinions 
and just looking myself, after I understood what a Broken Axis is...When 
you looked at this horses feet, the coronary band had quite a puff of hair 
sticking out all around the coronary band and had good hairy fetlocks.which 
of course,,,we leave our fjords hairy!! LOL! .and yes it did look like a broken 
axis...but it isn't.. I felt the hair,i shaved off the hair when I got 
homeno broken axis...So, my question is.was thi!
s stallion evaluated by the judge that said my horse has a broken axis? just 
curiousoh,,,other fjord breeders and ownersother horse breed owners 
and two vets have said , no, there is no broken axis. Now, this will narrow 
it down a bit when the dutch came to evaluate fjords in 2000this 
horse received an A broken axis..on the conformation 
sheetI have not been to an American Evaluation since the first one back 
East, years back!! But am planning and saving nowto bring horses to the 
Ohio Eval this September! I won't have a problem bringing this horse to an 
evaluation. Now that I am comfortable with what a Broken Axis is and looks 
like...if need be.if the same judge is there..I will shave the 
lower legs!!  LOL!!This is not meant to put down any of the 
Evaluators..but seeing the talk go to Norway  and that they don't look for 
thatand how the NFHR Evals.. will change the fjords..I don't think !
that will happen!  If you were to be technical..alot of t!
he horses and maybe Tim's too, are from Norway, Holland, Sweeden, 
Germany.and are bred here in the states to stallions that are also technicallyall of the offspring are really first hand 
out of imports!!  Even Hilmar is "an import" from Holland as he came Inutero!! 
Out of a Dutch Mare/ by a Dutch Stallion.The other mares I have come from 
Holland! I wonder what the ratio is now or if you can tell from the Pedigree many fjords are totally american or canadian bred? be interesting to 

Re: Grabbson

2003-02-21 Thread SUSAN GIARGIARI

Hello List!

Sue g. here. I have been following the conversations about the Waverly Auction 
and Tim's horses all going.just to let folks know..Dick and I met Tim and 
his wife the first year we went to the Libby, MT show...he is a very well 
meaning man! Friendly, loved his horses. Then I was reaquanted(sp?) with him 
about 3 years when I went to Norway. His wife had died, not sure when, and he 
was like a lost soul. He really had a hard time with most things...a few of 
us kept tabs on him to make sure he was ok. He really has a good heart and I 
know that if his comment was.I just want them gone...I would almost bet 
that he is in a depression... I have been there. When you are at the bottom, 
you just need things done and can't think about it in sane terms. I had a flock 
of 40 sheep, knew each and every one, had lambs every year from them, and the 
year that Dick had his first back surgery, we adopted Anthony, all the sheep 
were ready to lamb.and two litters of Great Pyrene!
es were due a week apart..and we had two belgiums, a percheron and her 
filly, two paint fillysand I had to take care of all of it.needless 
to say, there came a time when I had to let something go,, I couldn't do it 
anymore...I sold the whole flock and when they were goneI knew that 
something was not right in my mind. They were a part of me, each and every one. 
But I couldn't care for them any more in the way that they needed so I let them 
go. To hear that Tim has said, He just wants them gonethat is what I said 
to. It doesn't make it right, it was what I had to do to survive mentally at 
the time.I just wanted to speak up in Tim's corner and if I had the 
money!! I would be at Waverly trying to get what I could to help make sure 
they got into good hands!  

A little while back , Sam, from Barefoot Farms had asked some questions on 
this fjord list about a foal that she had that she thought might be a grey. It 
is a colt, and it is out of Selma, who is a Grabbson daughter. Selma is a grey 
mare and we bred her to LLA Hilmar. She had a colt, Yngvar!  We didn't get over 
to Sam's until about a month ago and as soon as I saw the colt right up 
close..I knew I was seeing my first Grey foal! I had never seen a grey 
that youngJulie Will had told me that when the foal is born, you will 
see a "Check" mark above each eye that is Blackand it will look like the 
foal has black eye make up on..the brown dunsof which we have 
seen plenty of!  have a brown "check" mark..   The striping already apparent on 
this foal's legs is very striking..just like his dam, Selma's. Selma is an 
awesome mare. She belonged to Castlefjords until a few years ago and when Sam 
bought her... she was in foal. The stallion was a b!
rown dun and Selma had a grey filly, Floyel. Then she was bred last year to a 
brown dun, Hilmar, and she has a grey colt. I think she also had a few other 
foals, greys. Dick loves this mare and we have her at the farm here in 
Northfield , MA as a little trade off! We have the pasture and fields for the 
foals to get great excercise and she gets to take my mares to use for her 
riding camps!  

On a sad note, Floyel was owned by a young girl named, Lia, who bought her from 
Sam. We took her to the NY Fjord show and Lia was going to enter Horse College 
in Morrisville, NY where the NFHR Evaluation was held last year. So Floyel 
stayed on to board at Julie's. Sam got a call last week from Lia and Floyel had 
to be put down. Please say some prayers for Daryll, Julie's husband at Old 
Hickory Farm as they have lost one older mare, a different young horse, and 
Floyel, and I am pretty sure that there was one other horse on the sick list. 
Floyel was thought to have died from colic...her colon was up over her back? 
not where it should have been. Lia is home now from college for a break and 
helping Sam at Barefoot.good for her to keep going and being with her 

On a happier note, we went to our first Sleigh Rally in Granby, MA last 
weekend! Talk about cold,,it was only in the teenswe drove our box 
farm sled with Selma and Hilmar as a team. For practice we had Yngvar hitched 
to his mom's work harness,,, he was quite the little show off! When he was at 
Sam's still he would walk all over his mom and never got reprimanded by 
he also thought it was ok to walk all over the people too! Sam and her husband, 
Rod, had a lot of fun bringing him in and out with mom from the paddock! When 
he got to our farm and was put out with his mom,  Hilmar, and two other 
weanlings, Yasmine(Dena/Konggard) and Yuri(Stella/Hilmar).he didn't want to 
leave mom's side! He has learned all his manners now,amazing what a little 
time spent in the "herd

No Report / No

2002-01-25 Thread Susan Giargiari
This message is from: Susan Giargiari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Cabic reported that the nomination period has officially ended.  There were 3 
people nominated for the 4 open positions. Alan Merrill, Catherine Lassesen and 
Becky Vorpagel.  

Roger moved that the Board to declare a “No Election” for the open seats, as 
per the NFHR Bylaws, Article XI, Section B. He further moved to approve the 
following nominated persons as elected to the Board of Directors for 3-year 
terms starting 1/2002.

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