Re: [Flexradio] v1.9.0 Level Calibration

2007-01-04 Thread Robert McGwier

This is even stranger.  Where the calibration is done in the code is in 
console.cs  There are NO differences between John Eckerts console.cs 
calibration and the "official"  console.cs in svn 807.

I am going to make the usual horrible recommendation.But first I 
would love for us to blow up the use of MS database tools forever and to 
use mysql.  But given that is not going to happen ;-),  I suggest you 
start over with a clean database just to see if the problem persists in 
a new database.   Just move your database and try it.

I cannot replicate your results.  In my setup, which is not that 
different from yours,  Delta 44,  P4 HT,  XP SP2,  I get identical 
results, right down to the same pixel,  with and without polyphase no 
matter what dsp buffer size or audio buffer size is selected.  I have 
tested them all.

Again, I apologize for the difficulty.  I would help Eric work on it if 
I could duplicate the results.


Ignacio Cembreros wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> This problem can be better described as a power miscalculation when 
> polyphase is on.  No matter how the calibration is done, selecting 
> polyphase the disply shows 3 dB high.
> I just loaded svn 807X, by John_Eckert to test the BCI feature (I live 
> quite close to several BC xmts) and this version doesn´t show the 3 dB 
> difference.  I don´t know in which main version is based.
> 73 de Ignacio, EB4APL
> ..
> Ignacio Cembreros wrote:

AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the
corridor in the other direction. " - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] [OT] One interesting Lady, Must have been another embarrsing day at Microsoft.

2007-01-04 Thread philip gentile

- Original Message - 
To: "Flex Radio Reflector" 
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 12:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] [OT] One interesting Lady, Must have been another 
embarrsing day at Microsoft.

> KE5EUP wrote:
>> philip gentile wrote:
>>> there is really no way possible to commercially develop a low cost
>>> operating system, such as windows, that allows third party software
>>> to run, etc., etc. without having it vulnerable to exploits. bugs and
>>> exploits in software, and hardware, are a fact of life in the product
>>> development world.
>>> putting a "rootkit" into any OS is really a no brainer and any person
>>> with a GED and malicious intent can trash any pc, regardless if it
>>> runs linux, mac, windows, or etc. especially when you employ no real
>>> means of prevention.
>> [ Thats BS. it takes skill to reverse engineer a specific
>> driver-signing mechanism that is closed source and and code a specific
>> rootkit for it.I was not talking about script kiddies that copy code
>> from the web and run around wreaking havoc]

well, we can respectfully disagree here. any disgruntled third rate 
microsoft programmer with a c++ compiler can do a rootkit if he wants to. 
; )

>>> windows is vulnerable because it runs everything and all the various
>>> hooks, registery, and API functions are well documented. the same
>>> problem exists with windows server and most email server packages. in
>>> fact, there are several exploits to email servers that manifest
>>> themselves as window problems! people who run freeware virus
>>> protection like zone alarm are especially vulnerable as these program
>>> have exploits too.
>>> rootkits, viruses, and worms are a constant game for their authors
>>> and microsoft. once a month microsoft releases fixes and the spamers
>>> find new exploits and release new worms that day, sometimes the day
>>> before if the worm writer has an "in" at microsoft (that has
>>> happened) and worms come out the day before the exploit path
>>> exists!!. it will never end.
>>> [zero day exploits have nothing to do with spammers a lot of good
>>> people make a living finding exploits and coding fixes for them]

once again i respectfully disagree here. these exploits are what spammers 
use to get into your pc. and yes there are a lot of good people doing IDS 
and IPS. i am constantly amazed how some spammers know what new exploits are 
created when old exploits are fixed by microsoft.

>>> as soon as linux and mac has a physical population that is attractive
>>> to spamers, they to will be compromised and exploited to, there is no
>>> doubt about that. saying that microsoft was embarrassed because
>>> someone can install a rootkit or worm on a new rev of software is
>>> akin to asking a bank robber why does he rob banks (i.e. that's where
>>> the money is!)
>>> (as a challenge to any black hat dude or spamer, i run snort 2.1,
>>> with my own rules set, inline on a dedicated and clean machine right
>>> off the lan side of my router. i challenge anyone to exploit my
>>> network here at home. everything they need to know is in this email
>>> if they want to try to give it a shot!)
>>>   [The only secure computer has had a clean install and no drive
>>> access and is not attached to the internet. snort is a good tool but
>>> even with custom rules it is no match for someone with the prorwe
>>> skills to exploit your system. Thanks for your comments. My point was
>>> this was quite significant given the manhours and money MS spent on
>>> thier new driver signing scheme. Of couse you are right about the GED
>>> part most likely a 12 -15 year old will end up taking your system
>>> down. After all if someone wants in your system they will get in.]

yes and no on this one. i still don't see the significance of the man-hours 
spent by microsoft and  a person installing a rootkit on a new OS. i would 
expect that vista has bugs and people have been writing exploits for vista 
for quite a while now. vista is new and people will still exploit machines 
to make money. you are 110% right saying that anyone (including most 
teenagers!) can get into my network, it isn't that difficult. the trick here 
is to detect the intrusion and prevent any damage from occuring, or at worst 
minimizing damage. i look for oddball ports and sessions, stuff like that.

160 was good last night, 80 was noisy and 40 was long here.

>> 73
>> Al
>> PS here is a link to her blog:
>>> i'm not sure if i ever saw a rootkit that was detectable as by nature
>>> it is part of the OS once it is loaded! i futzed around with a few
>>> different rootkits and tried cleaning them with McAfee and the only
>>> solution was to do a clean install. rootkits aren't worms so all the
>>> standard off the shelf virus software is pretty much useless against
>>> them. the cheapest way to protect your windows pc against rootkits 

[Flexradio] Some things worthy of your attention

2007-01-04 Thread infomatix
Some of you are no doubt familiar with the following, but I'd like to point 
your attention to two books that I've found very valuable and in my ever so 
humble opinion should be on every serious SDR developer's bookshelf:

1. Peter B. Kenington: RF and Baseband Techniques for Software Defined Radio, 
ISBN 1-58053-793-6 (Artech House)
This tome covers practically all there is to SDR.

2. Jouko Vankka: Digital Synthesizers and Transmitters for Software Radio, 
ISBN-10 1-4020-3194-7 (Springer)
Great detail regarding transmitters with high linearity and high efficiency, 
two things that usually don't go hand in hand.

Regarding the direction for future developments in HPSDR and other projects, I 
think it might be a good idea to have a look at the new LXI standard for 
interconnecting measuring instruments via the Ethernet. Ethernet is ubiquitous, 
cheap and broadband, and lends itself very well for remote control, wired or 

Another relevant standard could be the RP3-01 specification from the OBSAI  
base station standard. This spec defines a digital interface between a remote 
RF head and the baseband signal processing unit.

I think the present SDR-1000 3-board stack with separate audio and control 
interfaces is not very elegant, to put it mildly. I can understand the initial 
rationale for using a sound card for the A/D and D/A conversion, after all most 
PC:s and all laptops have a sound card. BUT, as it turned out, most sound cards 
aren't good enough, a fact that rather negates the initial idea. We definitely 
need an all-digital interface between the RF head and the PC, the sooner the 

Best regards,

Krister Wikstrom OH2MLQ

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] v1.9.0 Level Calibration

2007-01-04 Thread Bob McGwier
Robert McGwier wrote:
> Ignacio:
> This is even stranger.  Where the calibration is done in the code is in 
> console.cs  There are NO differences between John Eckerts console.cs 
> calibration and the "official"  console.cs in svn 807.
I got the code module wrong,  but the idea right.  I can find not a 
single line of difference.  There is definitely no difference in the dsp 
between these versions.
> I am going to make the usual horrible recommendation.But first I 
> would love for us to blow up the use of MS database tools forever and to 
> use mysql.  But given that is not going to happen ;-),  I suggest you 
> start over with a clean database just to see if the problem persists in 
> a new database.   Just move your database and try it.
> I cannot replicate your results.  In my setup, which is not that 
> different from yours,  Delta 44,  P4 HT,  XP SP2,  I get identical 
> results, right down to the same pixel,  with and without polyphase no 
> matter what dsp buffer size or audio buffer size is selected.  I have 
> tested them all.
> Again, I apologize for the difficulty.  I would help Eric work on it if 
> I could duplicate the results.
> 73's
> Bob
> N4HY
> Ignacio Cembreros wrote:
>> Hi Bob,
>> This problem can be better described as a power miscalculation when 
>> polyphase is on.  No matter how the calibration is done, selecting 
>> polyphase the disply shows 3 dB high.
>> I just loaded svn 807X, by John_Eckert to test the BCI feature (I live 
>> quite close to several BC xmts) and this version doesn´t show the 3 dB 
>> difference.  I don´t know in which main version is based.
>> 73 de Ignacio, EB4APL
>> ..
>> Ignacio Cembreros wrote:

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(sig required by employer)

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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread lloen
> CQ Flexers.
> We need your input to help new Flexers reach optimum performance as soon as
> possible.

This is probably a good moment to mention an interesting finding based on
my operating experiences.

I have taken advantage of 1.8.0 to customize the width of all of my
filters.  And, maybe when I get home, I'll actually post the values up. 
They're different from the defaults and reflect long operating experience
(at least of the sort I do).  That's responsive to the original request.

What's far more interesting is that I have discovered that the filters can
be too narrow on CW!

Longtime flexers know that I was originally interested in experiments on
80 meters whereby we'd try and work each other in some clever means with
very narrow filtering set.  We can now do that, in fact, with 1.8.0.

HOWEVER, on HF bands, especially low bands, this is not as impressive as I
would have thought.

What I have observed is that I can copy code from distant weak stations
better at 125 Hz and up (250 is a common choice) than I can at 100, 50, or
25.  Right around 100, I get this "too narrow" effect.

What happens is, a pseudo-ringing effect.  It is not, of course, true
mechanical ringing.  But, the surviving QRM gets to be more and more like
sine waves and so more and more like a true signal.  And, probably
critically to the human ear, less and less like white noise.

So, oddly enough, letting in a little more noise actually increases the
effective signal-to-noise ratio of the radio!

This makes no mathematical sense, but I have replicated these results
night after night.  I can only presume that this added noise somehow
invokes some of that marvelous pattern recognition power of the human
brain to separate things out.

Can others replicate these findings?  If this was not previously known
(and, given the recent nature of SDRs, it might not be), it could form the
basis of an interesting finding.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Philip Covington
On 1/3/07, Bob McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> After we have the radio running either stand alone with a Linux box in
> it (or in the case of SDR-1000, by it) we can then work out the delivery
> of audio across the room, across town,  across the planet.  It will
> simply be a different connection for the Linux box, running jack,
> providing the ultimate in audio service and delivered to the registered
> client managed by the erlang core.

> Happy New Year
> Bob  N4HY

If you have a Linux box (Mini-ITX/Nano-ITX?) running the SDR core, it
might make sense to partition that radio up into a digital section
that is on a PCI or PCIe card and an isolated ADC/analog section.
Having the digital section setting on the PCI bus gives you great
bandwidth and solves that part of the problem.  A PCI driver for Linux
is no problem.

I am considering either a GigaE or PCI/PCIe interface for a future
version of QSxR.  I am leaning towards a PCI/PCIe version with a high
speed serial (either fiber or copper) connecting/isolating the
ADC/analog and digital sections for the type of application (Linux box
running SDR core).

Phil N8VB

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread infomatix
Well that's not as peculiar as it may seem at first blush. After all, many A/D 
converters, fer instance the LTC2208 (16 bits, 130 MSPS) intentionally add some 
noise; this called dithering. The idea is to distribute the energy of discrete 
spurs evenly over the bandwith, thus improving the spur-free dynamic range.

Best regards,

Krister Wikstrom OH2MLQ

[EMAIL PROTECTED] kirjoitti: 
> > CQ Flexers.
> >
> > We need your input to help new Flexers reach optimum performance as soon as
> > possible.
> >
> This is probably a good moment to mention an interesting finding based on
> my operating experiences.
> So, oddly enough, letting in a little more noise actually increases the
> effective signal-to-noise ratio of the radio!
> This makes no mathematical sense, but I have replicated these results
> night after night.  I can only presume that this added noise somehow
> invokes some of that marvelous pattern recognition power of the human
> brain to separate things out.
> Can others replicate these findings?  If this was not previously known
> (and, given the recent nature of SDRs, it might not be), it could form the
> basis of an interesting finding.
> Larry  WO0Z
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

FlexRadio mailing list
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Bob McGwier
Philip Covington wrote:
> On 1/3/07, Bob McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> After we have the radio running either stand alone with a Linux box in
>> it (or in the case of SDR-1000, by it) we can then work out the delivery
>> of audio across the room, across town,  across the planet.  It will
>> simply be a different connection for the Linux box, running jack,
>> providing the ultimate in audio service and delivered to the registered
>> client managed by the erlang core.
>> Happy New Year
>> Bob  N4HY
> If you have a Linux box (Mini-ITX/Nano-ITX?) running the SDR core, it
> might make sense to partition that radio up into a digital section
> that is on a PCI or PCIe card and an isolated ADC/analog section.
> Having the digital section setting on the PCI bus gives you great
> bandwidth and solves that part of the problem.  A PCI driver for Linux
> is no problem.
> I am considering either a GigaE or PCI/PCIe interface for a future
> version of QSxR.  I am leaning towards a PCI/PCIe version with a high
> speed serial (either fiber or copper) connecting/isolating the
> ADC/analog and digital sections for the type of application (Linux box
> running SDR core).

We are in violent agreement.  I am absolutely convinced that Vista is 
the death of embedded processing of the types we need and it will never 
be on the new radios.  It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on 
the embedded controllers and then have them be a server.  I don't care 
if GigE,  Firewire,  or PCIe delivers the data.   My primary concern for 
PCIe inside a Windows machine is that we cannot get a signed driver to 
run in kernel space under Vista.  If you mean PCIe on the embedded Linux 
controller in the radio,  then we are absolutely on the same page.
> Phil N8VB

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(sig required by employer)

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Philip Covington
On 1/4/07, Bob McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Philip Covington wrote:
> > On 1/3/07, Bob McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> After we have the radio running either stand alone with a Linux box in
> >> it (or in the case of SDR-1000, by it) we can then work out the delivery
> >> of audio across the room, across town,  across the planet.  It will
> >> simply be a different connection for the Linux box, running jack,
> >> providing the ultimate in audio service and delivered to the registered
> >> client managed by the erlang core.
> > 
> >> Happy New Year
> >> Bob  N4HY
> >
> > If you have a Linux box (Mini-ITX/Nano-ITX?) running the SDR core, it
> > might make sense to partition that radio up into a digital section
> > that is on a PCI or PCIe card and an isolated ADC/analog section.
> > Having the digital section setting on the PCI bus gives you great
> > bandwidth and solves that part of the problem.  A PCI driver for Linux
> > is no problem.
> >
> > I am considering either a GigaE or PCI/PCIe interface for a future
> > version of QSxR.  I am leaning towards a PCI/PCIe version with a high
> > speed serial (either fiber or copper) connecting/isolating the
> > ADC/analog and digital sections for the type of application (Linux box
> > running SDR core).
> We are in violent agreement.  I am absolutely convinced that Vista is
> the death of embedded processing of the types we need and it will never
> be on the new radios.  It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on
> the embedded controllers and then have them be a server.  I don't care
> if GigE,  Firewire,  or PCIe delivers the data.   My primary concern for
> PCIe inside a Windows machine is that we cannot get a signed driver to
> run in kernel space under Vista.  If you mean PCIe on the embedded Linux
> controller in the radio,  then we are absolutely on the same page.
> >
> > Phil N8VB
> >
> 73's
> Bob
> N4HY

Hi Bob,

PCI/PCIe on the Linux box definitely.   For Windows it would be better
to stick with USB/Firewire/GigaE - but I am not even considering
Windows now for the SDR core.

In the end I want a small form factor Linux box running the SDR core
and interfacing to the hardware.  I want to be able to connect ANY SDR
GUI box (in Windows/Linux/OSX) via GigaE to the Linux SDR core box.

73 de Phil N8VB

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread Eric Wachsmann
What DSP buffer size are you using?  You will need to use the largest DSP
Buffer size for optimal brickwall narrow filters.  I know what you are
talking about though.  It's like the signal is getting washed out due to the
filter being too narrow.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:07 AM
> To: John Basilotto
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)
> > CQ Flexers.
> >
> > We need your input to help new Flexers reach optimum performance as soon
> as
> > possible.
> >
> This is probably a good moment to mention an interesting finding based on
> my operating experiences.
> I have taken advantage of 1.8.0 to customize the width of all of my
> filters.  And, maybe when I get home, I'll actually post the values up.
> They're different from the defaults and reflect long operating experience
> (at least of the sort I do).  That's responsive to the original request.
> What's far more interesting is that I have discovered that the filters can
> be too narrow on CW!
> Longtime flexers know that I was originally interested in experiments on
> 80 meters whereby we'd try and work each other in some clever means with
> very narrow filtering set.  We can now do that, in fact, with 1.8.0.
> HOWEVER, on HF bands, especially low bands, this is not as impressive as I
> would have thought.
> What I have observed is that I can copy code from distant weak stations
> better at 125 Hz and up (250 is a common choice) than I can at 100, 50, or
> 25.  Right around 100, I get this "too narrow" effect.
> What happens is, a pseudo-ringing effect.  It is not, of course, true
> mechanical ringing.  But, the surviving QRM gets to be more and more like
> sine waves and so more and more like a true signal.  And, probably
> critically to the human ear, less and less like white noise.
> So, oddly enough, letting in a little more noise actually increases the
> effective signal-to-noise ratio of the radio!
> This makes no mathematical sense, but I have replicated these results
> night after night.  I can only presume that this added noise somehow
> invokes some of that marvelous pattern recognition power of the human
> brain to separate things out.
> Can others replicate these findings?  If this was not previously known
> (and, given the recent nature of SDRs, it might not be), it could form the
> basis of an interesting finding.
> Larry  WO0Z
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Lyle Johnson
> ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on 
> the embedded controllers and then have them be a server. 

Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP / 
Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for 
example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't necessarily 
need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel or AMD silicon 
with their many watts of power dissipation.

It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way 
to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and 
Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.


Lyle KK7P

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] 1.9.0 svn806X Available (160M BCI Rejection & Wave Recorder/Player Updates)

2007-01-04 Thread Carmine Iannace
I second the suggestion to augment reception LF and VLF signals, if practical. 
I like to DX European LF brodacsters and am forced to blow the the dust off my 
TS-850 to do so. LF and VLF reception is a current weak spot in an otherwise 
outstanding radio.


- Original Message 
From: Jerry Sharp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:20:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] 1.9.0 svn806X Available (160M BCI Rejection & Wave 
Recorder/Player Updates)

John, thanks for the reply. Yes, switching over to an active receive 
only antenna I do see a difference now. My noise floor is above -100 dbm 
and the broadcast stations are being knocked way down. Guess I should 
have known there would be a threshold level. I also notice that stations 
are being attenuated by 20 to 30 db within the broadcast band.

Ok, here's a request..which I suspect isn't about 
attenuation only between 540 KC and 1700 KC so I can listen to LF and 
VLF  signals without having to use a bunch of low and high pass filters 
in my feedline? :)

Thanks and 73,
Jerry Sharp, KD0GS

> Hi Gerald,
> It is working as it should.  Late at night (1AM) it is common for me to get
> 50-55 db reduction in spurious responses.  But it is a function of the RX
> being truly overloaded and how low the true ambient noise is.
> In your case there simply isn't a lot of signal at the receiver and the BCI
> Rejection isn't needed.  'BCI Rejection' will limit week signal reception to
> just under S3. That's why it can be turned on/off.  On my dipole the quietest 
> it ever gets is S5.  On the beverage RX ant it's a little over S3.
> One other thing to mention; Sometimes you will here AM stations not because
> the receiver is generating the spurious due to overload, but because the
> station is actually putting power in the 160M band via harmonics.
> Thanks for the report.
> 73,
> John
> -
> Hi John, I just downloaded SVN 807X and I'm seeing my noise floor 
> increase by at least 10 db when I activate the BCI Rejection. BCI 
> interference increases the same amount. I'm using the Delta 44 soundcard.
> Maybe something I need to change in my settings?
> I will tell you that my antenna performs poorly on 160 meters, my 
> typical daytime noise floor is 120 dbm. But I do get weak but readable 
> BCB carriers all over the band.
> Regards,
> Gerald Sharp, KD0GS
> ___
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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread lloen
> What DSP buffer size are you using?  You will need to use the largest DSP
> Buffer size for optimal brickwall narrow filters.  I know what you are
> talking about though.  It's like the signal is getting washed out due to
> the
> filter being too narrow.

I have always adjusted for the sharpest filters the software allows,
including the largest DSP filter size.  I'd have to look at home, but I
believe I have always used 2048.  If we ever enabled 4096, I suppose I'd
give that a try!

What I've observed is not the signal getting washed out. I would not
describe it that way, anyhow.  It's more like it the DX is surrounded by
an incompetent, nearly on-frequency pileup, where no one knows how to send
real CW.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Bill Bordy
I have a 432 transverter that I plan to connect up to the SDR1000 for the up
coming ARRL VHF contest. While thinking about that, it occurred to me that
all I really wanted from the SDR1000 was a 10M, 28 to 32 mHZ, single band
QRP rig with only milliwatts of power out. By going to a single band design
for transverter operation, a significant cost saving and component reduction
would occur.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alfred Green
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2007 11:50 PM
To: Reflector
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

John Basilotto wrote:

>The 1 watt SDR-1000 is being discontinued on Feb 1, 2007. 
Well, Rats! I have no need for the 100W version, as my intended use is 
mostly as a driver for my VHF - uWave transverters. If I want to use it 
on HF I have several external amplifiers that will do the job.
I was putting off buying one until I finished up a few other projects, 
but with this announcement I really had no choice. Out came the Visa 
card and a 1W version is on its way to me. So much for getting any other 
work done!

73 Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale AZ DM43an
160m - 10Gigs

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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread lloen
> Well that's not as peculiar as it may seem at first blush. After all, many
> A/D converters, fer instance the LTC2208 (16 bits, 130 MSPS) intentionally
> add some noise; this called dithering. The idea is to distribute the
> energy of discrete spurs evenly over the bandwith, thus improving the
> spur-free dynamic range.
> Best regards,
> Krister Wikstrom OH2MLQ

Cool.  Hadn't thought about that angle.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Duane - N9DG

When, where, and how soon can I buy several of these?? :-)


--- Philip Covington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the end I want a small form factor Linux box running the
> SDR core
> and interfacing to the hardware.  I want to be able to
> connect ANY SDR
> GUI box (in Windows/Linux/OSX) via GigaE to the Linux SDR
> core box.
> 73 de Phil N8VB

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FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread lloen
>> ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on
>> the embedded controllers and then have them be a server.
> Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP /
> Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for
> example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't necessarily
> need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel or AMD silicon
> with their many watts of power dissipation.
> It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way
> to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and
> Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P

This has been my position as well.  I'm still not sure we don't want to
make this a classic peripheral as opposed to a network appliance.  Putting
it on the network, even a home network, raises questions about securing
the radio (as a control operator) that having it as the equivalent as a
printer does not.  Securing an OS is a problem we all already have --
securing a home network with an intelligent device on it awaiting commands
is one I don't have right now, at least.

A peripheral approach should also make the power up cycle a bit faster and
a bit more surely out of some sort of flash ROM as opposed to some more
sophisticated boot source.  It could still do Linux (I've heard of some
really good startup times if you get rid of some of what BIOS does and
replace it with Linux specific stuff), but it needs to be simple, fast,
and do as little beyond controlling the radio as possible.

But, if a network appliance is what it takes to solve my problems, I'll
accept that.  I just don't prefer it.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Duane - N9DG

Yes indeed.

Those of use with transverters would love something like
this. I would change the spec slightly to go from 26-32 MHz
and also add some some built in UCB-like control functions as

The overall market might not be real big but I would think
that many of the transverter based VHF+ users would sure like


--- Bill Bordy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a 432 transverter that I plan to connect up to the
> SDR1000 for the up
> coming ARRL VHF contest. While thinking about that, it
> occurred to me that
> all I really wanted from the SDR1000 was a 10M, 28 to 32
> mHZ, single band
> QRP rig with only milliwatts of power out. By going to a
> single band design
> for transverter operation, a significant cost saving and
> component reduction
> would occur.
> 73,
> Bill
> NJ1H

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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Philip Covington
> >> ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on
> >> the embedded controllers and then have them be a server.
> >
> > Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP /
> > Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for
> > example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't necessarily
> > need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel or AMD silicon
> > with their many watts of power dissipation.
> >
> > It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way
> > to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and
> > Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Lyle KK7P
> >
> >
> This has been my position as well.  I'm still not sure we don't want to
> make this a classic peripheral as opposed to a network appliance.  Putting
> it on the network, even a home network, raises questions about securing
> the radio (as a control operator) that having it as the equivalent as a
> printer does not.  Securing an OS is a problem we all already have --
> securing a home network with an intelligent device on it awaiting commands
> is one I don't have right now, at least.
> A peripheral approach should also make the power up cycle a bit faster and
> a bit more surely out of some sort of flash ROM as opposed to some more
> sophisticated boot source.  It could still do Linux (I've heard of some
> really good startup times if you get rid of some of what BIOS does and
> replace it with Linux specific stuff), but it needs to be simple, fast,
> and do as little beyond controlling the radio as possible.
> But, if a network appliance is what it takes to solve my problems, I'll
> accept that.  I just don't prefer it.
> Larry  WO0Z

There is no reason why you could not have the Linux box interfaced to
a physical front panel so everything outside the box looks like a
conventional radio.  Booting from Flash is not problem for Linux so
you could do without the mechanical hard drive.  There would be no
need to network the radio unless you wanted to ( some do ).

The one problem with this approach is it is power hungry in portable
battery powered uses.  This is a place where I would expect Lyle's
approach would shine (with a QSD/PLL LO based radio... high speed ADCs
are still very power hungry).

Phil N8VB

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Frank Brickle
Lyle --

What you're saying makes sense for a (basically) fixed product. It
leaves no room for enhancements in the Cognitive Radio area, which
*do* require the resources of a more general computer. What we're
dealing with is much more a coprocessor than a peripheral of any sort.

The high falutin' response to this is, we're in the position of
finally treating the radio as a Turing machine, we want to use it
as a Turing machine, so why should we turn around and hobble
ourselves out of the gate by making it a lame Turing machine?
Shouldn't we be giving ourselves the fullest range of capacities

This philosophy is definitely at odds with power conservation, but
it's the price you pay for flexibility in this area right now.


Lyle Johnson wrote:
>> ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on 
>> the embedded controllers and then have them be a server. 
> Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP / 
> Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for 
> example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't necessarily 
> need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel or AMD silicon 
> with their many watts of power dissipation.
> It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way 
> to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and 
> Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread Philip M. Lanese

I observed the same phenomenon back in the early 80s while experimenting
with switched capacitor filters (anyone remember them?) for improving
S/N on recovered audio EME signals.  If I remember correctly,
I wound up designing circuitry to add a very, very low level of the original
unfiltered wide band energy back in so my ear/brain had a reference that
allowed me to copy the cw.  The problem was the cw had to be slow enough
so I could tune the filters, adjust added noise, etc. while I tried to decode.

Even so, Carl-W2AZL (SK) and I ran an on-the-air experiment on 144.120 one
night and Carl, who lived 35 miles away from me in NJ got down to running
300 mW into a 50 ohm termination in his basement before I could no
longer repeat what he had sent on SSB.  Heard guys who never joined in our
nightly round-table, talking about that experiment for weeks afterward.

Phil, K3IB

- Original Message - 
> This is probably a good moment to mention an interesting finding based on
> my operating experiences.
> I have taken advantage of 1.8.0 to customize the width of all of my
> filters.  And, maybe when I get home, I'll actually post the values up. 
> They're different from the defaults and reflect long operating experience
> (at least of the sort I do).  That's responsive to the original request.
> What's far more interesting is that I have discovered that the filters can
> be too narrow on CW!
> Longtime flexers know that I was originally interested in experiments on
> 80 meters whereby we'd try and work each other in some clever means with
> very narrow filtering set.  We can now do that, in fact, with 1.8.0.
> HOWEVER, on HF bands, especially low bands, this is not as impressive as I
> would have thought.
> What I have observed is that I can copy code from distant weak stations
> better at 125 Hz and up (250 is a common choice) than I can at 100, 50, or
> 25.  Right around 100, I get this "too narrow" effect.
> What happens is, a pseudo-ringing effect.  It is not, of course, true
> mechanical ringing.  But, the surviving QRM gets to be more and more like
> sine waves and so more and more like a true signal.  And, probably
> critically to the human ear, less and less like white noise.
> So, oddly enough, letting in a little more noise actually increases the
> effective signal-to-noise ratio of the radio!
> This makes no mathematical sense, but I have replicated these results
> night after night.  I can only presume that this added noise somehow
> invokes some of that marvelous pattern recognition power of the human
> brain to separate things out.
> Can others replicate these findings?  If this was not previously known
> (and, given the recent nature of SDRs, it might not be), it could form the
> basis of an interesting finding.
> Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Alfred Green
Duane - N9DG wrote:

>Yes indeed.
>Those of use with transverters would love something like
>this. I would change the spec slightly to go from 26-32 MHz
>and also add some some built in UCB-like control functions as
>The overall market might not be real big but I would think
>that many of the transverter based VHF+ users would sure like
Something along the lines of a SoftRock would be appealing, but by the 
time you add a synthesised LO, transmit capabilty and UCB type control 
logic + PC interface, it is not a trivial project. As far as I know 
nothing like that currently exists, so the SDR1000-LP is the only game 
in town. A pity it's going away.

73  Alf  NU8I

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Philip M. Lanese
Duane, Bill

What you are looking for I already have AND was able to hacksaw the RFE board in
half after
getting rid of unnecessary stuff thereby keeping the radio in its original 3
board form factor.
Requires more than a little re-design of the RFE and one of the 3 original
boards but is do-able.
E-mail me direct if you want more info.

Phil, K3IB

- Original Message -
From: "Duane - N9DG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bill Bordy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Alfred Green'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

> Yes indeed.
> Those of use with transverters would love something like
> this. I would change the spec slightly to go from 26-32 MHz
> and also add some some built in UCB-like control functions as
> well.
> The overall market might not be real big but I would think
> that many of the transverter based VHF+ users would sure like
> them.
> Duane
> N9DG
> --- Bill Bordy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a 432 transverter that I plan to connect up to the
> > SDR1000 for the up
> > coming ARRL VHF contest. While thinking about that, it
> > occurred to me that
> > all I really wanted from the SDR1000 was a 10M, 28 to 32
> > mHZ, single band
> > QRP rig with only milliwatts of power out. By going to a
> > single band design
> > for transverter operation, a significant cost saving and
> > component reduction
> > would occur.
> >
> > 73,
> > Bill
> > NJ1H
> __
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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread Dale Boresz

I've observed exactly what you're hearing  -- however, I've discovered a 
cure for that perceived (I think it's psycho-acoustic) ringing. It 
requires a careful balance of the RF (gain) on the front panel, and NR 
must be on and Setup > DSP > Options > [NR] Block LMS *must* be checked.

I've been using the FA-66 sampling at 48KHz, with the DSP Buffer set to 
4096, and the 25 Hz cw filter, with the NR Gain set to about 6 to 8. I 
notice a dramatic reduction in the perceived ringing as long as Block 
LMS mode is selected and the NR is engaged but it takes a very careful 
adjustment of the RF gain to get it to the point where the signal just 
breaks through the NR. When that happens, it's an amazing thing to hear, 
and the extremely weak signal just suddenly appears without noise or 
ringing. It's not something you'd want to have to do for every signal of 
course, but it works extremely well on those signals that are just 
barely above the noise floor. (This will only work if Block LMS is 
enabled for the NR.)

Try this same approach with a slightly wider filter and you will hear 
the same reduction (or entire elimination) of any perceived ringing.

73, Dale


>>What DSP buffer size are you using?  You will need to use the largest DSP
>>Buffer size for optimal brickwall narrow filters.  I know what you are
>>talking about though.  It's like the signal is getting washed out due to
>>filter being too narrow.
>I have always adjusted for the sharpest filters the software allows,
>including the largest DSP filter size.  I'd have to look at home, but I
>believe I have always used 2048.  If we ever enabled 4096, I suppose I'd
>give that a try!
>What I've observed is not the signal getting washed out. I would not
>describe it that way, anyhow.  It's more like it the DX is surrounded by
>an incompetent, nearly on-frequency pileup, where no one knows how to send
>real CW.
>Larry  WO0Z
>FlexRadio mailing list
>Archive Link:
>FlexRadio Homepage:
>FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Bob McGwier
Lyle Johnson wrote:
>> ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on the embedded 
>> controllers and then have them be a server. 
> Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP / 
> Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for 
> example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't 
> necessarily need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel 
> or AMD silicon with their many watts of power dissipation.
> It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way 
> to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and 
> Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.

I do not disagree with this.  I really did mean to limit myself to the 
discussions of a high level computer running an OS.  If you want to do 
the embedded DSP,  then Linux is not required. 
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(sig required by employer)

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread KD5NWA
Alfred Green wrote:
> Something along the lines of a SoftRock would be appealing, but by the 
> time you add a synthesised LO, transmit capabilty and UCB type control 
> logic + PC interface, it is not a trivial project. As far as I know 
> nothing like that currently exists, so the SDR1000-LP is the only game 
> in town. A pity it's going away.
> 73  Alf  NU8I

This announcement was bound to happen due to scale of economics, the 1 
watt version cost a little less to build and probably generates a lot 
less profit. Given the fact that sales are probably doing well, it would 
pay to concentrate ones efforts in the products that are more profitable.

I would not be surprised to see a future 1 board radio as that also cuts 
cost, eliminates some interconnect issues and generally would be cheaper 
to manufacture and maintain, so get ready for that change also.

All that being said, for me the announcement comes at a bad time, having 
just spent a fortune during the holidays my discretionary funds are 
depleted and although I would like to upgrade to the 100 Watt amplifier 
I simply do not have the uncommitted cash available. So most likely I 
will miss out on the item altogether.   :>(



"Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!"  Don Seglio Batuna

FlexRadio mailing list
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread lloen
> There is no reason why you could not have the Linux box interfaced to
> a physical front panel so everything outside the box looks like a
> conventional radio.  Booting from Flash is not problem for Linux so
> you could do without the mechanical hard drive.  There would be no
> need to network the radio unless you wanted to ( some do ).
> The one problem with this approach is it is power hungry in portable
> battery powered uses.  This is a place where I would expect Lyle's
> approach would shine (with a QSD/PLL LO based radio... high speed ADCs
> are still very power hungry).
> Phil N8VB


My vision of this thing was always minimal -- basically, the thing turned
the incoming radio signal into bits, and no more, and everything that
mattered happened outboard.  Doing it that way presumably could be done
with a lower component count and a lower power budget.  With or without
Linux -- I don't care about that, though it's nice to know it can boot
fast from flash.

I don't care about a front panel, either, though I suppose it could be
done.  Actually, I probably don't want it, because I'm likely to have a
laptop along anyway (and all _its_ battery problems), so multiplying power
needs by having a full base-station level of power consumption works
against the things I choose not to do with my SDR of today.

The thing I most want to see out of a new SDR is not the Second System
Effect (where the second project is way bigger than the first and, by the
way, often overreaches), but something that keeps the _hardware_ simple
and therefore flexible, and yet makes it all much more portable, less
wire-ridden and overall more robust and transportable/portable.  That is,
USB in/out of the AD/DA streams and otherwise the same inputs and outputs
all the other rigs have with as good as or better robustness than they

The software complexity, in my view, belongs upstream.  We just need to
define some sort of bytes in / bytes out that we can be sure Windows, in
particular, won't ever mess with and which is easily understood by those
who wish to deal with them.

What's being described here is starting to look like a base station only
radio.  For my interests, at least, that's not progress.  If that's what
it is, I'll just keep what I have now.  I don't plan on a Vista upgrade
soon anyhow -- I'm always a trailing adopter.

Moreover, as the response to the "1 watt discontinue" shows, I'm not the
only one thinking along more minimal lines unless it is all VHFers doing
the complaining.

Larry  WO0Z

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Ross Stenberg
Cecil., this is a path that you can take in the future when Flex no longer
sells the upgrade

73 Ross K9COX

> This announcement was bound to happen due to scale of economics, the 1
> watt version cost a little less to build and probably generates a lot
> less profit. Given the fact that sales are probably doing well, it would
> pay to concentrate ones efforts in the products that are more profitable.
> I would not be surprised to see a future 1 board radio as that also cuts
> cost, eliminates some interconnect issues and generally would be cheaper
> to manufacture and maintain, so get ready for that change also.
> All that being said, for me the announcement comes at a bad time, having
> just spent a fortune during the holidays my discretionary funds are
> depleted and although I would like to upgrade to the 100 Watt amplifier
> I simply do not have the uncommitted cash available. So most likely I
> will miss out on the item altogether.   :>(
> -- 
> Cecil

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread infomatix
Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is already 
available, check out Seems to be a 
well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks to Dominik Bugmann HB9CZF 
for pointing this out to me.

Best regards,

Krister OH2MLQ

KD5NWA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kirjoitti: 

> I would not be surprised to see a future 1 board radio as that also cuts 
> cost, eliminates some interconnect issues and generally would be cheaper 
> to manufacture and maintain, so get ready for that change also.
> All that being said, for me the announcement comes at a bad time, having 
> just spent a fortune during the holidays my discretionary funds are 
> depleted and although I would like to upgrade to the 100 Watt amplifier 
> I simply do not have the uncommitted cash available. So most likely I 
> will miss out on the item altogether.   :>(
> Cecil

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Philip Covington
> Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is already 
> available, check out Seems to be a 
> well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks to Dominik Bugmann 
> HB9CZF for pointing this out to me.
> Best regards,
> Krister OH2MLQ

Wow, that is a pretty blatant copy of the SDR-1000.  Gosh, they even
made the enclosure graphics similar.  Hmm...

The price is about $780 USD without case.  The case adds about $190.

Phil N8VB

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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Mike Naruta
As Flex-Radio adjusts their marketing model,
it makes HPSDR appealing for these niches.

Mike - AA8K

KD5NWA wrote:

> This announcement was bound to happen due to scale of economics, the 1 
> watt version cost a little less to build and probably generates a lot 
> less profit. Given the fact that sales are probably doing well, it would 
> pay to concentrate ones efforts in the products that are more profitable.
> I would not be surprised to see a future 1 board radio as that also cuts 
> cost, eliminates some interconnect issues and generally would be cheaper 
> to manufacture and maintain, so get ready for that change also.
> All that being said, for me the announcement comes at a bad time, having 
> just spent a fortune during the holidays my discretionary funds are 
> depleted and although I would like to upgrade to the 100 Watt amplifier 
> I simply do not have the uncommitted cash available. So most likely I 
> will miss out on the item altogether.   :>(

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread KA5MIR
YES!  Look at the Tivo.  Standalone box.  Completely plug & play.  Linux on 
the inside.  Output to standard audio and video jacks.  Network GUI.  Near 0 
maintenance.  "It Just Works"

For the SDR, a separate transmit/rf module should be available but I would 
expect a lot of these to end up being remote receivers controlled over and 
feeding IF to the internet.

I think investing a lot of time and hard work on something controlled by the 
whims of an OS company that is actively trying to limit choices and lock in 
it's customers is false economy.  Easy at first and expensive/painful later.

Linux (and PowerSDR if I am not mistaken) belong to the community.  The 
freedom to improve/innovate is a VERY important thing.

Flex should be commended for NOT trying to lock in it's customers with a 
proprietary console like another sdr receiver company does.  It helps Flex 
and it helps us.  I think their success indicates that it was a good 
business decision.


On Wednesday 03 January 2007 10:38, Bob McGwier wrote:
> User space drivers,  behind Vista layers and layers of bulk and
> protection of digital media rights,  is possible.  It is just awful so
> why would we do it?  I have a strong opinion.  It is my strongest
> possible opinion that for the future, Flex should build stand alone
> radios running Linux on the computer inside the box and then we can
> support the control/GUI on ALL machines as add ons to the stand alone
> radio which more capability, etc.  The radio performance will then not
> be harmed by XP, Vista, 2000,  Windows 98 or even ME and 95.  We can
> have a GUI on ALL of them.  This to me is the best of all possible
> worlds.

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Jerry Flanders
Hmmm - I wonder if the Power switch actually works on this one?

Jerry W4UK

At 02:23 PM 1/4/2007, Philip Covington wrote:
> > Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is 
> already available, check out 
> Seems to be a well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks 
> to Dominik Bugmann HB9CZF for pointing this out to me.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Krister OH2MLQ

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread KD5NWA
> Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is already 
> available, check out Seems to be 
> a well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks to Dominik 
> Bugmann HB9CZF for pointing this out to me.
> Best regards,

It's a lot more expensive but one board is nice, it makes it easier to 
put it inside a computer case. Although I think it was foolish to 
publish the ratings using a Audigy 2 card, that is a piece of junk, if 
it were me I would use the best card I could afford.

I would love a Stainless Steel case but not painted, just vibe it and it 
looks gorgeous.

I wonders if lawyers are looking into this as we speak? The software is 
Open but the hardware is not.



"Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!"  Don Seglio Batuna

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[Flexradio] 1.9.0 svn806X Available (160M BCI Rejection & Wave Recorder/Player Updates)

2007-01-04 Thread Lee A Crocker

What are you doing in software to eliminate the
spurious response?  

73  Lee W9OY

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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Sami Aintila
Heh, from the looks of it, they've cloned every (nasty) detail of the
SDR-1000. Including the pretty awkward bit banging to control the
retrofitted RFE board!

OK, it may be fully compatible with SDR-1000, but I would feel really
stupid using something like this. (Not to mention the moral and
possibly legal issues.)


On 1/4/07, Philip Covington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is already 
> > available, check out Seems to be a 
> > well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks to Dominik Bugmann 
> > HB9CZF for pointing this out to me.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Krister OH2MLQ
> Wow, that is a pretty blatant copy of the SDR-1000.  Gosh, they even
> made the enclosure graphics similar.  Hmm...
> The price is about $780 USD without case.  The case adds about $190.
> Phil N8VB

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[Flexradio] We Need Your Input

2007-01-04 Thread Gerald Capodieci
Thanks for asking. I'll try to make the proper updates in the system but, if I 
fail here are my optimal settings:
  Best Reception-Nets 31Dec2006-kd6et
Most Popping on Strong Signals Stopped
  Main Screen: 
AF=70, RF=70 
Filter: High=-200, Low= -3200
Equalizer=not checked (when used= Preamp=0, low=-6, Mid=0, High=+6)
DSP: NR and SR=Buttons Pressed
NB & NB2 not checked
  Setup Screen:
DRiver=ASIO, Input & Output M-Audio Delta ASIO
Sound Card Selection=M-Audio Delta44
Buffer Size= 2048, Sample Rate= 96000
Mic Boost=not checked
Latency=not checked
  Increases in Buffer Size and Sample Rate appear to stop most of the popping 
on the strong signals when combined with AGC settings below.
NR: Taps=90, Delay=35, Gain=75
Block LMS=(Not Checked)
Buffer Size= 2048 
Noise Blanker=20, 15 (neither used)
DDS -443
Slope=3, Max Gain=75, Attack=2, Decay=50, Hang=50 
The AGC controls set at as above appear to stop most of the popping on the 
  M=Audio Delta44 Control Panel:Hardware Settings
Internal Xtal=checked
Rate Locked & Reset Rate When Idel=both=unchecked
MultiTrack Driver Devices=Single and In=Sync
DMA Buffer Size= 2048
  Variable Signal Levels:
Outputs= -10dBv, In1= +4, In2= +4, In3= -10, In4= -10
H/W Out 1/2= WavOut 1/2 checked, H/W Out 3/4= WavOut 3/4 checked
  Kd6et SDR only:
Rec.Rej.:Phase=225.03, Gain= 77.29
Transmit:Phase= -2.00, Gain= -4.00
Equalizer Transmit= Preamp=+9, low=+6, Mid=0, High=+12, notch not checked
Mic: Heil HC5 element
Profiles:  High  LowCmpr Cmpl
ESSB Norm, 3600  100 00 
EssB Nets  3600  100 14
ESSB Wide  3550   50 00
DX   DX3300  200 26
DX   DXE   2200  400 28 
-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
FlexRadio mailing list
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[Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?

2007-01-04 Thread Larry Gadallah
Hello Flexers:

I have a FA-66 related problem: I've been out of the country for six
months, so my SDR-1000 was sitting on a shelf collecting dust. Now
that I've come back, I saw that the recommended Firewire interface has
changed from the Presonus Firebox to the Edirol FA-66. I quickly put
my Firebox up for sale and purchased a FA-66.

I did not have any problems with the Firebox, but I wanted the 192 kHz
sampling rate that the FA-66 offered. I also recall that getting this
out of the Firebox was a problem that Presonus was not helping to
solve. My SDR was working fine with the Firebox, so I updated my
PowerSDR to the latest version, followed the FA-66 quick start guide
from the Flex-Radio site, and started playing with the "new" SDR.

It seems to work OK, but I found that I seem to have a BCB
bleedthrough problem that I didn't have before. If I tune to certain
frequencies ( i.e. LW, 11 Mhz, 16 Mhz, other random locations), the
noise level increases, and I can hear what sounds like splatter from a
strong MW station.

I hear this even if I disconnect the antenna from the SDR-1000, and
even if I switch the FA-66 to bus power from external power. I also
tried disconnecting some of the other connections ( i.e. line-in) but
nothing changed.

Is there some possibility that this actually has to do with the board
"stack" connectors inside the SDR? Could there be some corrosion or
something causing this since the SDR has been sitting idle on a shelf
for six months?

I haven't changed anything on the PC except the PowerSDR version and
installing the FA-66 drivers. I'm using the same antenna, power
supply, etc. as with the Firebox. The only other change is some of the
cables between the SDR and the FA-66 are different (i.e. the  line-in
RCA jacks). BTW, I am using the USB/parallel cable for control.

Has anyone seen this before? I can provide screen shots and wave files
if anyone is interested. Any ideas what might be behind this? Is the
FA-66 more susceptable to EMI, or do I have a defective one?

Thanks es 73,
Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7  lgadallah AT gmail DOT com
PGP Sig: 616D 4E52 CF1F 3FEC FFFB  F11B 7DB9 C79A EA7E B25B

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Jim Lux
At 08:31 AM 1/4/2007, Lyle Johnson wrote:
> > ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on
> > the embedded controllers and then have them be a server.
>Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP /
>Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for
>example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't necessarily
>need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel or AMD silicon
>with their many watts of power dissipation.
>It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way
>to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and
>Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.

The advantage of Linux on a PC style platform is cost, and that's 
what drove the original SDR1000 design.  You could get the box to do 
the dsp (nonoptimized as it might be) anywhere.

You can get a complete PC in Mini-ITX form factor with enough crunch 
to run dttsp for under a couple hundred bucks.  You'd be hard pressed 
to find another DSP solution available off the shelf for that kind of 
cost.  Sure, there's a pile of DSPs out there and a pile of FPGAs, 
but even in eval board form, they tend to be more expensive than a Mini-ITX.

The other issue is development tools.  There are a plethora of free 
(or nearly free) tools for developing on the PC platform (Linux or 
Windows) but not so many for other platforms.  I do a fair amount of 
work on developing software radios on the Xilinx Virtex II platform, 
and the tool chain is NOT cheap for those parts, especially if you 
want simulators, etc.

So, you trade off the use of commodity hardware and software for 
lower initial investment.  Sort of like the Beowulf high performance 
computing concept.

Jim, W6RMK

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Re: [Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?

2007-01-04 Thread Larry Gadallah

That is the first thing I tried. I started powering the FA-66 from
it's own wall-wart, then when I saw the interference problems, I tried
powering it off the bus, but it made no difference. I also removed all
the TX-related cables, but to no avail.


On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Larry, I had noise from my PC Firewire port. I had my FA-66 powered
> from the PC Firewire to 6-pin cable. I changed to the wall-wart external
> power for my FA-66 and it quieted down and is doing a great job. Could
> that be your FA-66 noise source?
> Larry Gadallah wrote:
> > Has anyone seen this before? I can provide screen shots and wave files
> > if anyone is interested. Any ideas what might be behind this? Is the
> > FA-66 more susceptable to EMI, or do I have a defective one?
> >
> > Thanks es 73,
> BK de ken n9vv
> --
> Flex-Radio Customer Support
> (1-512-250-8595)
> ---
> The answer to your question can be found
> in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
> Please use it frequently

Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7  lgadallah AT gmail DOT com
PGP Sig: 616D 4E52 CF1F 3FEC FFFB  F11B 7DB9 C79A EA7E B25B

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] (A peek behing the curtain) was Re: vSound update from Phil C. - Windows Vista problems

2007-01-04 Thread Frank Brickle
The whole point of Cognitive Radio is very simple: it's a radio
that can program itself.

A corollary of that point is: it's a radio that can and will adapt
*by itself* to functioning in response to situations and
requirements that *you don't and can't in principle know yet*.

So a cognitive radio has to be, first and foremost, a general
purpose computer in the technical sense.

You might say, well, I can trim all this down into firmware once
I've got a sufficient picture of the application domain.

Unfortunately, no, you can't, precisely because of the corollary.
There's no way around the fact that, if you want a Cognitive
Radio, there *has* to be some general-purpose computing power
inside beyond the pure "radio" functions, and that's true *no
matter how much* you take out of the "computer" side and graft it
onto the "radio" side. It's a theorem. Two theorems, actually. One
of them is due to Jorma Rissanen concerning the asymptotic nature
of certain binary sequences, the other being the Halting Problem.

To give up on that is to have something other than a Cognitive
Radio. Now, whether a Cognitive Radio is what you want (or need)
is a wholly separate question. But in the end that's what
determines whether you want a "computer" or something else inside
your box.


Jim Lux wrote:
> At 08:31 AM 1/4/2007, Lyle Johnson wrote:
>>> ... It makes no sense to run anything but Linux on
>>> the embedded controllers and then have them be a server.
>> Um, I respectfully disagree.  It may make no sense to run Vista / XP /
>> Windows-flavor-of-the-era on an embedded controller, but if, for
>> example, one wants to embed a DSP inside an SDR, it doesn't necessarily
>> need to run Linux, and the DSP does not have to be Intel or AMD silicon
>> with their many watts of power dissipation.
>> It just needs to do be able to do the signal processing and have a way
>> to get data in and out, get commands in and get status out.  SDX and
>> Suitsat2 (aka Odyssey) are examples of this.
> The advantage of Linux on a PC style platform is cost, and that's 
> what drove the original SDR1000 design.  You could get the box to do 
> the dsp (nonoptimized as it might be) anywhere.
> You can get a complete PC in Mini-ITX form factor with enough crunch 
> to run dttsp for under a couple hundred bucks.  You'd be hard pressed 
> to find another DSP solution available off the shelf for that kind of 
> cost.  Sure, there's a pile of DSPs out there and a pile of FPGAs, 
> but even in eval board form, they tend to be more expensive than a Mini-ITX.
> The other issue is development tools.  There are a plethora of free 
> (or nearly free) tools for developing on the PC platform (Linux or 
> Windows) but not so many for other platforms.  I do a fair amount of 
> work on developing software radios on the Xilinx Virtex II platform, 
> and the tool chain is NOT cheap for those parts, especially if you 
> want simulators, etc.
> So, you trade off the use of commodity hardware and software for 
> lower initial investment.  Sort of like the Beowulf high performance 
> computing concept.
> Jim, W6RMK
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
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FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] "cognifive radio" some reading resources

2007-01-04 Thread Ken N9VV>

de ken

Frank Brickle wrote:
> The whole point of Cognitive Radio is very simple: it's a radio
> that can program itself.

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Re: [Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?

2007-01-04 Thread Eric Wachsmann
Is the direct monitor knob fully CCW?  If not, you may be listening to the
IF as well as the demodulated audio.  This would come out around 11kHz and
would sound very annoying.  I would recommend that you go back carefully
through the quick start guide to make sure that this and the other controls
on the unit are set properly (assuming you haven't already done this).

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of Larry Gadallah
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 2:14 PM
> To: Flex-radio Reflector
> Subject: [Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?
> Hello Flexers:
> I have a FA-66 related problem: I've been out of the country for six
> months, so my SDR-1000 was sitting on a shelf collecting dust. Now
> that I've come back, I saw that the recommended Firewire interface has
> changed from the Presonus Firebox to the Edirol FA-66. I quickly put
> my Firebox up for sale and purchased a FA-66.
> I did not have any problems with the Firebox, but I wanted the 192 kHz
> sampling rate that the FA-66 offered. I also recall that getting this
> out of the Firebox was a problem that Presonus was not helping to
> solve. My SDR was working fine with the Firebox, so I updated my
> PowerSDR to the latest version, followed the FA-66 quick start guide
> from the Flex-Radio site, and started playing with the "new" SDR.
> It seems to work OK, but I found that I seem to have a BCB
> bleedthrough problem that I didn't have before. If I tune to certain
> frequencies ( i.e. LW, 11 Mhz, 16 Mhz, other random locations), the
> noise level increases, and I can hear what sounds like splatter from a
> strong MW station.
> I hear this even if I disconnect the antenna from the SDR-1000, and
> even if I switch the FA-66 to bus power from external power. I also
> tried disconnecting some of the other connections ( i.e. line-in) but
> nothing changed.
> Is there some possibility that this actually has to do with the board
> "stack" connectors inside the SDR? Could there be some corrosion or
> something causing this since the SDR has been sitting idle on a shelf
> for six months?
> I haven't changed anything on the PC except the PowerSDR version and
> installing the FA-66 drivers. I'm using the same antenna, power
> supply, etc. as with the Firebox. The only other change is some of the
> cables between the SDR and the FA-66 are different (i.e. the  line-in
> RCA jacks). BTW, I am using the USB/parallel cable for control.
> Has anyone seen this before? I can provide screen shots and wave files
> if anyone is interested. Any ideas what might be behind this? Is the
> FA-66 more susceptable to EMI, or do I have a defective one?
> Thanks es 73,
> --
> Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7  lgadallah AT gmail DOT
> com
> PGP Sig: 616D 4E52 CF1F 3FEC FFFB  F11B 7DB9 C79A EA7E B25B
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Price Increase and 1 watt SDR discontinued

2007-01-04 Thread Bodo Scholz

if you are interested in a comparision of the cloned SDR-1000 with the 
original one, you may have a look here:

There is a brief report in the German SDR-1000 Forum, it is in German, but 
the summary is in the tables, which are understandable to all readers.

No further comment.

73 de Bodo, DJ9CS

Sami Aintila schrieb:
> Heh, from the looks of it, they've cloned every (nasty) detail of the
> SDR-1000. Including the pretty awkward bit banging to control the
> retrofitted RFE board!
> OK, it may be fully compatible with SDR-1000, but I would feel really
> stupid using something like this. (Not to mention the moral and
> possibly legal issues.)
> Sami OH2BFO
> On 1/4/07, Philip Covington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 1/4/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Well in fact a 1 board functional clone of the SDR-1000 1W is already 
>>> available, check out Seems to be a 
>>> well-made board, and the price is right, too. Thanks to Dominik Bugmann 
>>> HB9CZF for pointing this out to me.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Krister OH2MLQ
>> Wow, that is a pretty blatant copy of the SDR-1000.  Gosh, they even
>> made the enclosure graphics similar.  Hmm...
>> The price is about $780 USD without case.  The case adds about $190.
>> Phil N8VB

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Re: [Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?

2007-01-04 Thread Fred Brandeberry

 I have a similar situation at 13 and 15 Mhz. Different versions of SW 
seems to have no effect. I have a "plug n play" system from Flexradio, about 
a year old, with no mods and a D44 sound card. I don't remember it being 
there at first, but I have not kept track of when it started. It is no 
problem for me so far, just a minor aberration. I am pretty sure it was not 
there until I moved to my present city location. I will be interested to 
hear of a solution though. :-)

- Original Message - 
From: "Larry Gadallah" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Flex-radio Reflector" 
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 1:13 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?

> Hello Flexers:
> I have a FA-66 related problem: I've been out of the country for six
> months, so my SDR-1000 was sitting on a shelf collecting dust. Now
> that I've come back, I saw that the recommended Firewire interface has
> changed from the Presonus Firebox to the Edirol FA-66. I quickly put
> my Firebox up for sale and purchased a FA-66.
> I did not have any problems with the Firebox, but I wanted the 192 kHz
> sampling rate that the FA-66 offered. I also recall that getting this
> out of the Firebox was a problem that Presonus was not helping to
> solve. My SDR was working fine with the Firebox, so I updated my
> PowerSDR to the latest version, followed the FA-66 quick start guide
> from the Flex-Radio site, and started playing with the "new" SDR.
> It seems to work OK, but I found that I seem to have a BCB
> bleedthrough problem that I didn't have before. If I tune to certain
> frequencies ( i.e. LW, 11 Mhz, 16 Mhz, other random locations), the
> noise level increases, and I can hear what sounds like splatter from a
> strong MW station.
> I hear this even if I disconnect the antenna from the SDR-1000, and
> even if I switch the FA-66 to bus power from external power. I also
> tried disconnecting some of the other connections ( i.e. line-in) but
> nothing changed.
> Is there some possibility that this actually has to do with the board
> "stack" connectors inside the SDR? Could there be some corrosion or
> something causing this since the SDR has been sitting idle on a shelf
> for six months?
> I haven't changed anything on the PC except the PowerSDR version and
> installing the FA-66 drivers. I'm using the same antenna, power
> supply, etc. as with the Firebox. The only other change is some of the
> cables between the SDR and the FA-66 are different (i.e. the  line-in
> RCA jacks). BTW, I am using the USB/parallel cable for control.
> Has anyone seen this before? I can provide screen shots and wave files
> if anyone is interested. Any ideas what might be behind this? Is the
> FA-66 more susceptable to EMI, or do I have a defective one?
> Thanks es 73,
> -- 
> Larry Gadallah, VE6VQ/W7  lgadallah AT gmail DOT 
> com
> PGP Sig: 616D 4E52 CF1F 3FEC FFFB  F11B 7DB9 C79A EA7E B25B
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.16.3/614 - Release Date: 1/2/2007 
> 2:58 PM

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[Flexradio] Looking for [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?????

2007-01-04 Thread John
Ross we received a voice mail from you but everything else was garbled.
Please try and contact us again.

John P. Basilotto
Marketing/Sales/Product Manager
FlexRadio Systems

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[Flexradio] FlexRadio Digest, Vol 21, Issue 4

2007-01-04 Thread Chris Gerber

Hi Flex Radio users !

Issue: 1 W SDR1000 units gone!
For quit some time, I am using a little 10 W Linear Ampl. driven 
directly from the
built in 1 W Opamp. with only 100mW output I get easy my needed 5 - 7 W. 
to drive
a larger external Linear Amplifier
The Ampl.-Kit is sold in Germany by the Magazine 'Funk Amateur' for
about 50 US$

Issue: SDR1000 - Mixw2!
Then something for Mixw users. The newest release of Version Mixw 2.18
contains a bug. The Mixw team, increased in their newest version the 
Therefor when using Mixw with the Kenwood/All protocol, (which is 
as CAT setting for SDR1000 - Mixw2, then using the mousewheel to change 
turning the wheel to fast, it sets the frequency 65.000 Mhz.
So to me, the mousewheel setting is useless. A recomended change of the
value of: m_icatdelay to 200ms in the mixw.ini file did not fix it.
The autor of Mixw told me, that at the moment that they dont want to 
change anything
back to what it was before. ( Maybe later?)

Chris hb9bdm


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[Flexradio] Linux drivers for Edirol FA-66?

2007-01-04 Thread Ken N9VV
Has anyone used the Roland Edirol FA-66 with Linux O/S?
my system recognizes the device and the 1394 Firewire port,
but I can't locate any drivers for the FA-66.
BK de ken n9vv

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Re: [Flexradio] Pschological peculiarity (was WE NEED YOUR INPUT)

2007-01-04 Thread Larry Loen

>>CQ Flexers.
>>We need your input to help new Flexers reach optimum performance as soon as
>This is probably a good moment to mention an interesting finding based on
>my operating experiences.
>I have taken advantage of 1.8.0 to customize the width of all of my
>filters.  And, maybe when I get home, I'll actually post the values up. 
>They're different from the defaults and reflect long operating experience
>(at least of the sort I do).  That's responsive to the original request.
Here's my current filter settings.

First, I always use CWU unless very close to the band edge.  This works 
better for DX pileups where "listening up" is the norm.

Second, for now obscure reasons, I use 400 Hz, not 600 for my listening 
frequency.  This was originally to placate the wife.  I can still use 
other values, but I like this because small changes in Hz make big 
differences in tone.

Filters are currently set (on CW) for:

Width (Low-High)
125(338-462)   This is where the "psychological" effect starts to 
kick in. 100 is still too narrow.

Generally speaking, the frequencies are centered on 400 Hz.  This helps 
me find signals in "simplex" DX pileups where I had tuned out the other 
guy, except now he won and I want to know where he is.  The values for 
frequencies above 400 aren't terribly critical and might be set 
"unbalanced" now and then to listen to the "whole pileup" if it is 
narrow enough.  I've been experiementing with dual receive for that also 
(mostly I use a wide filter in a single receiver mode that I customize 
so I can hear both with the equalizer set to attenuate higher Hz 
values).  The dual receive, since one bandwidth fits all, has been a bit 
problematical, but easier to listen to.

The other item worth a brief comment is DIGU, which I use for RTTY.  I 
suppose it should be DIGL, but DIGU works fine once I get it set up 
right.  MixW seems to handle it.  I mostly use a hand-set variable width 
and I use MixW's waterfall to set it.  The idea is to again center mark 
and space (for whatever mode I'm in) around 400 Hz.  This is mostly to 
deal with MixW's peculiarities.  Basically, the sharp skirts, when I get 
it all set correctly, enables strong adjacent signal rejection (very 
common on PSK31) and I usually _must_ back off on the Preamp control or 
else the incoming signal is too strong (noisy)!  But, I get some jim 
dandy results on both RTTY and PSK that way.

Larry  WO0Z

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[Flexradio] Linux Teamspeak

2007-01-04 Thread KD5NWA

It's today in 22 minutes, right?

Sorry, I accidentally deleted the email.


"Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!"  Don Seglio Batuna

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Re: [Flexradio] Linux Teamspeak

2007-01-04 Thread FlexRadio - Eric
It's been today all day long here...  ;)

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -Original Message-
>] On Behalf Of KD5NWA
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:39 PM
> To: Flex Radio Reflector
> Subject: [Flexradio] Linux Teamspeak
> It's today in 22 minutes, right?
> Sorry, I accidentally deleted the email.
> --
> Cecil

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Re: [Flexradio] Linux Teamspeak

2007-01-04 Thread Mike Naruta
Hi Cecil,

I thought it was 11/Jan (9 PM EST)

Mike - AA8K

KD5NWA wrote:
> It's today in 22 minutes, right?
> Sorry, I accidentally deleted the email.

FlexRadio mailing list
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Re: [Flexradio] Linux Teamspeak

2007-01-04 Thread KD5NWA
FlexRadio - Eric wrote:
> It's been today all day long here...  ;)
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems
>> -Original Message-
>>] On Behalf Of KD5NWA
>> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 7:39 PM
>> To: Flex Radio Reflector
>> Subject: [Flexradio] Linux Teamspeak
>> It's today in 22 minutes, right?
>> Sorry, I accidentally deleted the email.
>> --
>> Cecil

That is because Linux rocks! Specially on my 22" LCD monitor, that I 
still love. That is also part of the reason why I'm broke.

Eric, recently I lost 3 PC's due to flooding and lightning, I lost my 
schematics to my SDR-1000 and the email with link to it, can you send me 
the link privately?

Muchas gracias Senor Eirikr


"Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!"  Don Seglio Batuna

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[Flexradio] No 1 watt units

2007-01-04 Thread Philip Theis
Regarding the future absence of the 1 watt unit, will there be a QRP port?
That is absolutely necessary for transverter work.  Perhaps the new unit
will have better transverter capabilities.
I would think that as many as I encounter doing VHF/UHF work with the SDR,
that the qrp unit would be more popular, I know it's the only SDR I own.
Perhaps many qrp users also work low bands, hence acquire the 100 watt unit.
My plan had been to get one with the high power option in the future.  
Phil K3TUF

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Re: [Flexradio] FA-66 and EMI?

2007-01-04 Thread Lee A Crocker
Can you transmit?  

I had a similar problem when I started with the FA-66
and it turned out to be a problem in the SDR-1000.  I
sent it back and they replaced 2 resistors and a
choke, but they didn't list exactly what resistors and
choke they replaced.  Once I got it back the FA-66
tuned up perfectly.

73  W9OY

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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread Ken N9VV
working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR 
de ken n9vv

Jerry wrote:
> All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big "X"
> across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and restart.  
>   Error codes are shown below:
> System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
>at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
>at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x, Int32 y,
> Int32 width, Int32 height)
>at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)
>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
> Rectangle rectangle)
>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e,
> Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
>at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
>at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
>at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
> IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
>   Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
> applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been stable
> in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).
>   Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this weekends ARRL 
> Roundup.
>   Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Flex-Radio Customer Support
The answer to your question can be found
in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
Please use it frequently

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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread A.R.S. - W5AMI
On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
> window.

Not me...

I have been getting this same issue when I switch from VFO A to B.  I
am still using 802.
BIG X in the display.

Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.

On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
> window.
> de ken n9vv
> Jerry wrote:
> > All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big "X"
> > across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and restart.
> >
> >   Error codes are shown below:
> >
> >
> > System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x, Int32 y,
> > Int32 width, Int32 height)
> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
> > Rectangle rectangle)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e,
> > Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
> > IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
> >
> >   Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
> > applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been stable
> > in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).
> >
> >   Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this weekends ARRL 
> > RTTY
> > Roundup.
> >
> >   Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T
> >
> >
> > ___
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> > Archive Link:
> > FlexRadio Homepage:
> >
> > FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
> >
> >
> --
> Flex-Radio Customer Support
> (1-512-250-8595)
> ---
> The answer to your question can be found
> in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
> Please use it frequently
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread Tim Ellison
Try update your video / graphic card's drivers.

Is this all of the error  text?


Integrated Technical Services

"Si fractum non sit, id reficere"
-Unknown Roman consultant

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of A.R.S. - W5AMI
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:39 PM
To: FlexList
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
> window.

Not me...

I have been getting this same issue when I switch from VFO A to B.  I
am still using 802.
BIG X in the display.

Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.

On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
> window.
> de ken n9vv
> Jerry wrote:
> > All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big
> > across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and
> >
> >   Error codes are shown below:
> >
> >
> > System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x,
Int32 y,
> > Int32 width, Int32 height)
> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
> > Rectangle rectangle)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs
> >at
System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e,
> > Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
> >at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32
> > IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
> >
> >   Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
> > applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been
> > in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).
> >
> >   Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this
weekends ARRL RTTY
> > Roundup.
> >
> >   Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T
> >
> >
> > ___
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> > Archive Link:
> > FlexRadio Homepage:
> >
> > FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
> >
> >
> --
> Flex-Radio Customer Support
> (1-512-250-8595)
> ---
> The answer to your question can be found
> in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
> Please use it frequently
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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FlexRadio mailing list
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread Ken N9VV
on 1804 CW with WA9WJB right now :-) working like gangbusters.
de ken

A.R.S. - W5AMI wrote:
> On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
>> window.
> Not me...
> I have been getting this same issue when I switch from VFO A to B.  I
> am still using 802.
> BIG X in the display.
> Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.
> On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
>> window.
>> de ken n9vv
>> Jerry wrote:
>>> All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big "X"
>>> across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and restart.
>>>   Error codes are shown below:
>>> System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
>>>at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
>>>at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x, Int32 y,
>>> Int32 width, Int32 height)
>>>at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
>>> Rectangle rectangle)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs pevent)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e,
>>> Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
>>>at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
>>> IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
>>>   Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
>>> applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been stable
>>> in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).
>>>   Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this weekends ARRL 
>>> RTTY
>>> Roundup.
>>>   Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T
>>> ___
>>> FlexRadio mailing list
>>> Archive Link:
>>> FlexRadio Homepage:
>>> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
>> --
>> Flex-Radio Customer Support
>> (1-512-250-8595)
>> ---
>> The answer to your question can be found
>> in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
>> Please use it frequently
>> ___
>> FlexRadio mailing list
>> Archive Link:
>> FlexRadio Homepage:
>> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Flex-Radio Customer Support
The answer to your question can be found
in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
Please use it frequently

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread Jerry Flanders
At 10:39 PM 1/4/2007, A.R.S. -  W5AMI wrote:

>Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.

An Intel - AMD hybrid?

Jerry W4UK 

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread A.R.S. - W5AMI
On 1/4/07, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try update your video / graphic card's drivers.
Tim, the driver is the current version for NVIDIA GeForce 6150

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread A.R.S. - W5AMI
Dunno Jerry.

Here is the computer I got.  It is brand new.

On 1/4/07, Jerry Flanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 10:39 PM 1/4/2007, A.R.S. -  W5AMI wrote:
> >
> >Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.
> An Intel - AMD hybrid?
> Jerry W4UK
> ___
> FlexRadio mailing list
> Archive Link:
> FlexRadio Homepage:
> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread Jerry
Hi Tim

SVN 801 works all OK with my present drivers. The crash in SVN819 seems 
occur when using the Sub RX.  Have been running SVN 819 ( It says 819  on
the top of the display) for about 30 minutes without the Sub RX and no
crashes yet. Will let it run for a while then tomorrow will try the dual
receive again. 

Since it seems to be working have added N1MM with MMTTY  using VAC only
for output and the other computer feeding AFSK into the D44 3/4 input (CPU
load about 38%).  A "Y" connector feeds the audio to the other computer
also running N1MM (controlling the simulated Kenwood) using MMTTY for
Demod. This allows the use of two different demod profiles, depending on

Where did you get SVN821?

73 de Jerry NO2T

At 10:49 PM 1/4/2007 -0500, you wrote:
>Try update your video / graphic card's drivers.
>Is this all of the error  text?
>Integrated Technical Services
>"Si fractum non sit, id reficere"
>-Unknown Roman consultant
>-Original Message-
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of A.R.S. - W5AMI
>Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:39 PM
>To: FlexList
>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819
>On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
>> window.
>Not me...
>I have been getting this same issue when I switch from VFO A to B.  I
>am still using 802.
>BIG X in the display.
>Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.
>On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
>> window.
>> de ken n9vv
>> Jerry wrote:
>> > All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big
>> > across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and
>> >
>> >   Error codes are shown below:
>> >
>> >
>> > System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
>> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
>> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x,
>Int32 y,
>> > Int32 width, Int32 height)
>> >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
>> > Rectangle rectangle)
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs
>> >at
>System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e,
>> > Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
>> >at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32
>> > IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
>> >
>> >   Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
>> > applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been
>> > in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).
>> >
>> >   Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this
>weekends ARRL RTTY
>> > Roundup.
>> >
>> >   Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T
>> >
>> >
>> > ___
>> > FlexRadio mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> > Archive Link:
>> > FlexRadio Homepage:
>> >
>> > FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Flex-Radio Customer Support
>> (1-512-250-8595)
>> ---
>> The answer to your question can be found
>> in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
>> Please use it frequently
>> ___
>> FlexRadio mailing list
>> Archive Link:
>> FlexRadio Homepage:
>> FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
>Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
>the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan
>FlexRadio mailing list
>Archive Link:
>FlexRadio Homepage:
>FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
>FlexRadio mailing list
>Archive Link:

Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread A.R.S. - W5AMI
I close my case, as everything seems to work fine now.  Not sure what
has changed, or what I changed myself.  I've tried switching VFO's at
least 20 times now, and it works just as it should.  This happened
three or four days ago and I haven't tried it since.  First time I
ever saw the BIG X in the display!

Since it seems to be fixed now, I won't question why ;)

Brian / w5ami
PS: My processor is an AMD, not an AMD Pentium as I stated before ;)
First AMD I've ever had.

On 1/4/07, A.R.S. -  W5AMI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
> > window.
> Not me...
> I have been getting this same issue when I switch from VFO A to B.  I
> am still using 802.
> BIG X in the display.
> Using HP Pavilion dual core AMD Pentium 4Ghz.
> On 1/4/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > working like gangbusters for me - shows SVN 821 on top of my PowerSDR
> > window.
> > de ken n9vv
> >
> >
> > Jerry wrote:
> > > All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big "X"
> > > across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and restart.
> > >
> > >   Error codes are shown below:
> > >
> > >
> > > System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
> > >at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
> > >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x, Int32 y,
> > > Int32 width, Int32 height)
> > >at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
> > > Rectangle rectangle)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs 
> > > pevent)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs 
> > > e,
> > > Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
> > >at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
> > > IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
> > >
> > >   Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
> > > applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been stable
> > > in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).
> > >
> > >   Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this weekends 
> > > Roundup.
> > >
> > >   Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > FlexRadio mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > > Archive Link:
> > > FlexRadio Homepage:
> > >
> > > FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Flex-Radio Customer Support
> > (1-512-250-8595)
> > ---
> > The answer to your question can be found
> > in the wonderful new Knowledge Base
> > Please use it frequently
> >
> >
> > ___
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> >
> >
> > Archive Link:
> > FlexRadio Homepage:
> >
> > FlexRadio Knowledge Base:
> >
> --
> Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
> the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names
the streets after them. - Bill Vaughan

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

2007-01-04 Thread Tim Ellison
OK, it took me a while to find it, but a dormant neuron fired when I saw
the big "X" statement.  There were problems listed that the "X" was a

This is probably due to a conflict with DirectX.  Make sure you have the
most up to date version of it and of your video driver.

Refer to the following KB article for where to get the updated DirectX
files (the latest is 12/13/06)


Integrated Technical Services

"Si fractum non sit, id reficere"
-Unknown Roman consultant

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 10:22 PM
To: FlexRadio
Subject: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Crash SVN819

All of a sudden am having system instability! Program stops with big "X"
across the panadapter display and requires me to shut down and restart.

Error codes are shown below:

System.OverflowException: Overflow error.
   at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status)
   at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Int32 x, Int32
Int32 width, Int32 height)
   at System.Drawing.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush brush, Rectangle rect)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintBackground(PaintEventArgs e,
Rectangle rectangle)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs
Int16 layer, Boolean disposeEventArgs)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg,
IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Setup is XP in an AMD 1.4G machine with 1 gig memory. No other
applications running. CPU usuage less than 35%. This setup had been
in the past for periods of over 48 hours (Full contest).

Any suggestions? Would like to use the SDR-1K for this weekends

Thanks in advance de Jerry NO2T

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
FlexRadio Homepage:

FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link:
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FlexRadio Knowledge Base:

[Flexradio] 1.9.0 and occasional cw popping in tx

2007-01-04 Thread root [knesbitt]
Is anyone experiencing occasional snapping or popping on key closure in 
cw? I'm finding that the radio infrequently kicks out a very brief snap 
either at the onset of tx or on first key closure. Almost sounds like a 
static discharge.
Receive is perfect and the various buffer setting combinations have no 
effect. I'm keying the radio via com1 using an external keyer, however 
this seems to occur using the internal keyer as well.
Thought I had it licked the other day by dropping the FA-66 latency 
values to their smallest values however I've noted the condition again 
tonight running svn 821.
Appreciate all comments.


Kirb - VE6IV


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