RE: [Flightgear-devel] changing aircraft

2003-03-12 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Martin Dressler
> Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 6:40 PM
> Did you tried  runfgfs.bat ''--aircraft=a4-yasim'' ?

just tried it and it works for me (as stated in the guide) from a command
shell. You have to open a command shell (cmd.exe in Win XP), first, and
change to the base directory (where runfgfs.bat is residing).

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: [Simgear-cvslogs] CVS: SimGear/simgear/sky,1.2,1.3

2003-03-10 Thread Michael Basler

> Remove 3d clouds from the default build.  These can still be
> built manually

I know it would come. I recall the (justified) discussion on options to
disable certains FDMs in the build which would result in these FDMs soon
beeing out of sync and forgotten. I fear this will be the fate of the 3D
clouds (which I enjoyed very much), now.

BTW, did you see my message on "Metakit update" as of Saturday, 8th (just
that it doesn't get lost).

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Metakit update

2003-03-08 Thread Michael Basler

You may recall me (and other Cygwin users) having problems compiling Metakit
for some time. These were the issues: (i) I had to specify --with-tcl=no (no
big deal), (ii) I had to eleminate 30 lines of code from strings.cpp which
would not compile (ugly).

I contacted the author Jean-Claude Wippler about that and got an immediate
reply. He suggested an update to the current version As he states,
version 2.4.3 which we provide with SimGear had "some serious flaws".

I downloaded the recent version from
and tried to build it (Cygwin, GCC3.2) and, voila, both problems are gone.
Moreover, I re-build all FlightGear on top of it and don't observe anything

As a result, could we provide this recent version with Simgear?

Thanks, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] getting DME signal

2003-02-28 Thread Michael Basler

> For the DME radio we have currently in FlightGear (which is not based
> on any particular real-world model), do this:

I'll try to include a paragraph on this in the next edition of "Getting
Started" (due sometime in spring). I think this is where it belongs.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] RE: [Flightgear-cvslogs] Base CVS update:FlightGear/FlightGear/Docs

2003-02-24 Thread Michael Basler

> Does this mean, the document is also part of cvs?

Luckily, indeed. Plus, it certainly will become part of the next official
release (if you don't object, of course).

> Can anyone give me a hand on how to continue writing using cvs?
> Where do I have to send or put new chapters?

Instructions on how to get the CVS version of the base archive are at

The simplest way to submit changes would be to send them via mail to John
Check, [EMAIL PROTECTED], who maintains the base archive. Usually, he
reacts very quickly by adding the files.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: [Flightgear-cvslogs] Base CVS update:FlightGear/FlightGear/Docs

2003-02-24 Thread Michael Basler

> Log Message:
> Add Carsten Hoefer's excellent flight tutorial to help system

Thanks, John!

I hope Carsten will find time to go on with it later.


    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re : More on CVS

2003-02-20 Thread Michael Basler

> it seems it downloads the whole base package through CVS.  Is there a way
> I can update only the files that have changed or are new to the
> repository.  Or will it by default download the whole base package the

This works the same way as described here for the code repository ?

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] [OT]

2003-02-19 Thread Michael Basler

the correct link ist of course:

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Metakit

2003-02-17 Thread Michael Basler

> Ok, looking in, the --with-metakit=/path/to/metakit
> option simply adds the specified path to EXTRA_DIRS.  We used to add
> /usr/local to EXTRA_DIRS automatically, but this was removed because
> it was causing problems for gcc-3.x.  Question for those with gcc-3.x:
> does the --with-metakit=/path option also cause problems/warnings
> compiling?

This is strange, as I am using GCC 3.2 myself, and this obviously seems to
require adding /usr/local to the search path.

Maybe there's some difference between how Cygwin behaves and how some Linux
distros behave? Notably, it might be interseting to know how RedHat Linux
behaves, as Cygwin is maintained by RedHat.

Anyway, if you or anyone else sends me modified configre scripts for Simgear
and FlightGear both including /usr/local for searching for the Metakit and
Simgear libs, resp., I could test if they work (which doesn't imply them
necessarily to work on all other systems, of course).

BTW, is there a similar option --with-simgear=/path/to/simgear when building

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Metakit

2003-02-17 Thread Michael Basler

> There already is a --with-metakit=DIR option to configure.  Conversely you
> specify CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS on the command line to configure thus:

Is there a similar option to tell FlightGear where to look for the Simgear
libs, as they hit the same problem? - I still would prefer having this
working by default without any options. The average user just types
./configure and sits back.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Metakit

2003-02-17 Thread Michael Basler

> Why should configure automatically add /usr/local/include to the search
> path and not (for example) /opt/include?

because Metakit and SimGear are installed there by default (withour any
additional --prefix option) - at least in my case.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Metakit

2003-02-17 Thread Michael Basler

> I have found the same problems. I think it is related to using
> gcc 3.2 on recent cygwin.

Thanks, Richard, good to know it's not just my fault.

> gcc 3.2 doesn't look in /usr/local/* by default, so you need to
> add it manually (set CXXFLAGS and LDFLAGS appropriately). There
> must be a simpler and more automated solution, but my knowledge
> of the auto tools is insufficient to fix it.

Curt, could you, please, fix this (shouldn't be hard for an expert, I

BTW, is this a pure Cygwin problem or face GCC 3.2 based Linux distros the
same problem?

Thanks and regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Boeing 747 cockpit

2003-02-16 Thread Michael Basler

> Doesn't opengc depend on the freetype lib? And isn't that platform
> specific? I never got opengc compiled, because it asked for an obsolete
> freetype version, while I had only freetype2 installed. So all in all,
> point 2 doesn't really sound exciting to me.

I got it to compile under Cygwin once, and I think it did compile under
Linux once, too. But it was a real hassle (including the freetype stuff and
numerous patches which John helped me with). So, if anyone would step
forward with this, he definitely must do essential modifications with the

I must say that the result was quite impressive, though.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Simgear

2003-02-14 Thread Michael Basler

Okay, here's problem #2.

Simgear doesn't configure as metakit is not found.

However, I was under the impression that the "corrected" metakit did make +
make install. At least, I ended up with a correct message about it being
installed. Moreover, there are

libmk4.a and

under /usr/lcoal/lib.

I looked into Simgear's config.log, and Simgear looks for


instead (or is this just a short for libmk4.a?). Anyway, it is not found.
Will I have to add a path...? I never had to do that before.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Metakit

2003-02-14 Thread Michael Basler

> Which version of metakit were you building?  Is this still problem
> with the most recent versions of metakit?  If not, has anyone reported
> this to the metakit author so this can at least get resolved in future
> versions?

This is Metakit 2.4.3. It came with the CVS archive, maybe 14 days ago (I
didn't update by purpose to avoid interference with, maybe, recent CVS
version errors; the version I have build with the old GCC 2.95n base

Maybe I should indeed try to contact the author...

No one else seeing this error?

Thanks, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Compile problem with Metakit

2003-02-14 Thread Michael Basler

I am trying to re-build FlightGear with all the libs on a completely new
Cygwin system from scratch (mostly to learn all the annoyencies on the way
again and record the errors in the Getting Started).

The first one entered already while making Metakit. While compiling it I get

g++ -c -O2 -I../unix/../include -I../unix/../src -I.
../src/string.cpp: In function `int strcasecmp(const char*, const char*)':
../src/string.cpp:39: `int strcasecmp(const char*, const char*)' was
   `extern' and later `static'
/usr/include/string.h:60: previous declaration of `int strcasecmp(const
   const char*)'
make: *** [string.o] Error 1

After consulting Google I found the problem is in no way new. It was
observed in Dec 2002 by Leo. The answer's from Norman Vine. He suggests
either to

replace the #if @ line 33 of string.cpp with

#if (!q4_MSVC && !q4_WATC) || ((defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__))
&& __GNUC__ < 3)

or to comment out the whole function. The first one did not help for me, but
the seond one did (thanks, Norman).

However, I can't suggest this to my valued readers ;-) My guess is, all
Cygwin users (I've got the feeling there are essentially 3 of us) once for
all compiled Metakit and let it alone - as I did before.

Question: What can we do to improve this situation?

Btw, this is with a very recent Cygwin System (as of yesterday using GCC
3.2) with Simgear/Metakit CVS.

Thanks, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] GLXBadRenderRequest

2003-02-13 Thread Michael Basler

> after all the sugestions and remaking SimGear and FlighGear I see
> an runway
> and Panel.
> Damn I'm excited...
> This may be a setup question that I can find in the help doc but...

I didn't follow the thread closely and don't know what exactly did the job
finally. But if you feel we should add a remark or comment or change
something in the "Getting Started" Guide, please let me know what you'd like
to have modified. I am still collecting material for the next edition.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear vs. X/ Cygwin

2003-02-12 Thread Michael Basler

> all are following the latest CVS. Two are under Cygwin, and 1 on a
> linux system. One Cygwin system has the X packages installed, and run
> once or twice to verify it works. Since (very roughly) 6 weeks ago, it
> has been building (and running) without problems. That includes plib,
> SimGear, and FlightGear. A few months earlier I pulled a lot of hair
> getting the build working, with SimGear giving the most trouble. One
> thing that helped was the "--without-x" option to configure in all
> packages.

I already thought about a clean install of a very recent Cygwin with GC 3.2
(the hassle is I'll have to rearrange and rebuild anything, obviously).
Maybe I'll include X then and try to build all FG related stuff --without-x.

Thanks for the hint.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] FlightGear vs. X/ Cygwin

2003-02-12 Thread Michael Basler

> I do not have Cygwin's X installed and I doubt if I ever will so I can not
> test
> any changes to the configure system to allow FGFS to work in a Cygwin X
> enviroment ,  but see this message for a WAG

I vaguely remember there was a discussian and that message... Obviously not
much came out of it at that time.

Actually, the number of apps ported to Cygwin/X seems to grow recently
(e.g., Lyx and Texmacs, only to name two TeX related programs which I'd
need), now that the Cygwin X server seems to be more or less stable.

Certainly, this is not an urgent problem, but one which has to be dealt with
at one point, IMHO. My understanding of the build system is not sufficient
to modify the scripts myself, but I'd be gladly help testing if anyone will
step forward with this.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] FlightGear vs. X/ Cygwin

2003-02-12 Thread Michael Basler

I've been building FlightGear under Cygwin for quite a time now, and it
works great. I know I had to completely remove X Windows from Cygwin for
avoiding interference with FlightGear. I noticed problems included (at
least) incompatible opengl libs being linked against in case of X windows
being installed, but there may be more trouble hidden.

Now with time there's a growing number of alternative (in my case TeX
related) graphical programs requiring Cygwin's X server and X libs for
building. I understand the fathers of FlightGear don't want to port Flight
Gear to Cygwin's X port, which they may have good reason for.

I certainly could donate another 1 GB to a second Cygwin tree, which is
neither an elegant nor an effective solution, though.

Thus, here's my simple question: Would it be hard to modify FlightGear's
build system (i.e. the Cygwin part of it) to not link against Cygwin's X
libs in case they are installed?

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] FW: Cygwin Build problems

2003-01-29 Thread Michael Basler

> Documentation - In the Installation and Getting Started 
> Guide, both sections 2.1 and 2.2 are titled "Preparing the 
> development environment under Windows". I think 2.2 should be Linux.

Thanks, correct. Will be changed in the next version.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Partially Offtopic: Help open up the FSD protocol

2003-01-27 Thread Michael Basler

> "The group is protected by an agreement, made between each
> developer and the
> group (as a whole) which prevents disclosure of privileged communications.

Neither my flying skills nor my spare time are sufficient for taking part in
Vatsim :-(

However, I know that there are a few competiting networks a la Vatsim
present or just emerging and I read several quite sharp debates (from
various parties) about "stealing" ideas, data, members from each other in
Newsgroups right now (instead of sharing services, members, controllers...).

While Vatsim certainly is a cool service with a huge member base and the
idea seems to be intriguing, I don't think this is the envirenment we want
for FG, isn't it?

If you can do it, I'd propose developing our own (albeit small) service. If
not more, than just a few controllers around KSFO as a proof of concept.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Performance analysis

2003-01-23 Thread Michael Basler

> If everything in MSFS is off by the same amount, then it may be a
> problem with Microsoft's spheroid code (or lack thereof).  I know that
> Norm did a lot of work to get the WGS84 stuff right in FlightGear, and
> I'm amazed by how often roads and rivers *do* end up at the bottoms of
> valleys and canyons, given the different resolutions of the data.
> If everything in MSFS is off by different amounts (i.e. sometimes a
> road is in the right place, sometimes it's 200m to the north, etc.)
> then we're probably dealing with a resolution problem in the data.  I
> think that vmap0 is nominally World Aeronautical Chart (WAC)
> resolution, 1:1,000,000; things will be off by a couple of hundred
> meters sometimes.

I think, neither nor. I didn't make a close investigation, but I US/Canadian
data seem to be (all?) correct (within a reasonable precision). The
surrounding of Vancouver has all canyons right (within a certain presision)
even after adding a better mesh.

I know, too, that all (as far as I know) German river/road data plus those
of at least some other European countries are off by around 200 m. All by
the same amount.

There's even an excellent commercial add-on Scenery for Southern Germany
available including a high resolution mesh from a famous third-party
developer since a few weeks. Even they were not able to correct rivers and
roads now but refer to a patch to be released "sometime later".

Some German airports are misplaced a bit, too, btw. Makes for funny effects
where add-on developers use the correct data.

My take is MS just screwed up something in the calculation/conversion of
European scenery. Neither a problem with raw data nor with the general
procedure. Just my guess. Beta testing is mostly done in the US.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Performance analysis

2003-01-23 Thread Michael Basler

> >are available) rivers will flow downhill etc.

Sorry. Uphill. You guessed it ;-)

> I haven't done any rigorous back to back viewing, but taking off from
> Nottingham the roads, rivers and urban areas look uncannily identical in
> layout to Flightgear's (the Riley scenery).  I wouldn't be at all
> surprised
> to here they'd used the same data, at least for this area.

That's well possible. That artifact is obviously not present in the original
data. It's just that all the stuff like rivers, roads etc. is systematically
shifted by 200 m or so. Quite annoying in narrow canyons. BTW, the Grand
Canyon and otehr US canyons do not suffer from this but, as I said, several
German valleys do.

Unfortunately all the roads/rivers stuff is poorly documented in FS2002
(contrary to some other stuff), and it seems to be hard to correct.

Sincerely, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Performance analysis

2003-01-23 Thread Michael Basler

> Does FS2002 ship with the entire world or do you need to download
> portions as add ons as various 3rd party groups make them?

FS200 comes with the whole World in the box. This includes all the main
rivers, lakes, streets (in Germany all Federal streets), coast lines, all
cities (down to perhaps 1000 inhabitants) and a basic mesh (differs I guess,
there are low res areas and high res areas). Resolution of low resolution
mesh may be 300 m (just an estimate, experts may correct me).

It comes with basic land use data which are quite rough but nonetheless give
a quite decent view as borders between tiles are invisible and there are no
noticeable repetitions.

You can buy/download add-on land use data, which are small (based on default
textures, they just tell forest is here and fields are there.) The default
textures provided with FS2002 are not photo-real but synthetic (but very
decent IMHO).

BTW, there are certains areas (i.e. in Germay) where streets/rivers
obviously are misplaced. This means if you buy a better high res mesh (whcih
are available) rivers will flow downhill etc. This is a well-known flaw.
Quite funny.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Translucent Dialogs

2003-01-19 Thread Michael Basler

After getting recent CVS updates the menu crash is gone for me too. Great
Work you guys!

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Translucent Dialogs

2003-01-19 Thread Michael Basler

> The translucent dialogs we've been using look very spiffy, but it
> turns out that they're not all that practical once you start using
> things like pop-up menus in combo boxes.  Take a look at the clouds
> dialog in the latest CVS (FlightGear and base package) to see why.
> How would people feel about going opaque?

I am not that definit on this one, maybe personally would leave it as is,
but as we are on this:

Could we draw the menu line over the full width, independent of resolution?
This is common for nearly all programs on all platforms I know.

We just would fill it with the main menu entries as far as they go. Perhaps
the Help menu (maybe including an "About" button with a link the Home page
and GPL) might be on the very right, but this is not mandatory.

PS: Are the recent CVS submits supposed to solve the OK/Cancel memory leak

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Possible G++ 2.95 fix; checkboxes

2003-01-19 Thread Michael Basler

I updated to the latest CVS and rebuilt, but it still dies in the dialogue
with "OK" etc..

Sorry, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: New Menu Bar; dialogs for clouds, winds, and air

2003-01-19 Thread Michael Basler

> What versions of plib and G++ are you using?

PLIB CVS as of today. GCC 2.95.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Animation glitches

2003-01-19 Thread Michael Basler

> With recent code changes, I'm seeing a significant pause in the
> animation about every 2 seconds.  This is enough to create a break in
> the audio with every pause.  I don't think this is just my machine.
> Is any one else seeing this in the latest CVS?  If it's not just me,
> we need to track down where it is coming from because it is immensely
> annoying!

Not me. Neither animation nor sound pauses (at least none I can perceive). 

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: New Menu Bar; dialogs for clouds, winds, and air

2003-01-19 Thread Michael Basler

> With the new "Air" dialog box, I'm running into a segfault.  What I do
> to trigger the crash is first bringe up the "Air" dialog box, then I
> examine the data and decide I don't want to change anything, then I
> click ok.

Seems to double my observation. Obviously it's not a Cygwin thingy, as I
supposed at first.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: New Menu Bar; dialogs for clouds, winds, and air

2003-01-18 Thread Michael Basler
Curt, David

I already messed a bit around with gdb, but it always died. Mean issue was I
set --fg_root= instead of fg-root= :-(((

It now does run. However, after selecting the button in question, flightgear
never dies completely. Instead, it hangs infinitely. I had to kill it

The trace did not say much
$ where
This: not found
The: not found not found
Note: not found
and: not found
/cygdrive/c/bin/where: 12: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

However, I made another run using the graphical GDB frontend. FG hangs
again, but I find from the graphical window it's in dialog.cxx, line 26
(something with the new GUI). Maybe this helps:

-   23->get_group(FGSubsystemMgr::INIT)->get_subsystem("gui");
-   24  gui->setCurrentWidget(info->widget);
-   25  for (int i = 0; i < info->bindings.size(); i++)
-   26  info->bindings[i]->fire();
-   27  gui->setCurrentWidget(0);

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: New Menu Bar; dialogs for clouds, winds, and air

2003-01-18 Thread Michael Basler

> That looks like it's just program output.  Can you get a proper
> backtrace in gdb or some other debugger?

This would imply me knowing how to use it. I am not a programmer, just an
ordinary poor physicist...

I analyzed a core file with gdb once. However, FG doesn't dump a core file
today. Here's a file fgfs.exe.stackdump it creates:

Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=007251A7
eax=1925FB78 ebx=0003 ecx=0039 edx=19194DD0 esi=19194DD8
ebp=0022EC74 esp=0022EC20
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs= ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function  Args
0022EC74  007251A7  (19194BF0, 0001, 0022ECA4, 008CA36F)
0022ECA4  008CA3C8  (19194BF0, , 0001, 001D)
0022ECE4  008CADBC  (19194BF0, , 0001, 001D)
0022ED24  008CE6A4  (19194BF0, , 0001, 001D)
0022ED74  008C68BB  (19255768, , 0001, 0155)
0022EDC4  008C68BB  (1777DC70, , 0001, 0155)
0022EE14  008C5E57  (, 0001, 0155, 0119)
0022EFB4  0074DCF9  (1866B330, , 0001, 0155)
0022EFE4  0075776A  (, 0001, 0155, 0119)
0022F108  1000CE6A  (001206E6, 0202, , 01190155)
0022F134  77D37AD7  (1000C0E7, 001206E6, 0202, )
0022F19C  77D3CCD4  (, 1000C0E7, 001206E6, 0202)
0022F1CC  77D15CD6  (0823, 001206E6, 0202, )
0022F1EC  77D23346  (0823, 001206E6, 0202, )
0022F22C  5F0F2CCF  (001206E6, 0202, , 01190155)
0022F258  77D37AD7  (5F0F2AB6, 001206E6, 0202, )
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)

Can you tell me how to analyse this using gdb? (Which btw. is a graphical
fronent for Cygwin by default which, however, can be switched off.)

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] [OT] runways at LHBP?

2003-01-18 Thread Michael Basler

> > Anyone know any good ways of getting permission to get onto the flight
> > deck for a commercial flight? (I'm not thinking of box cutters, BTW.)
> > (Also, I'm not a pilot and don't know the crew.)

> It is illegal in the U.S. until after the flight.

It was legal in Germany before September, 11th. My younger son attended a
Lufthansa crew for a full day from Frankfurt to London Heathrow and back +
another flight within Germany in the cockpit. These were ordinary commercial
jet flights. You had to pay for it and there was a security check before,
but it worked. Pilots even gave quite a lot of explanations what's going on,
and he got headphones to follow traffic.

He's crazy for planes and needless to say it was *great*.

I wouldn't even dare to ask today anymore.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: New Menu Bar; dialogs for clouds, winds, and air

2003-01-18 Thread Michael Basler

here's a report from a guinea pig.

Recent CVS code including XML menu stuff compiles and runs fine on a
Windows/Cygwin system with GCC2.95. I am really glad someone started to work
on it. Hopefully, we can reduce the command line options to nearly zero.
We'll gratefully add the new menu entries to the docs and delete menu
options for them :-).

One issue: When I make a selection from the Weather menu the dialog box
opens as it should. However, after only pressing either OK or Cancel the
simulator silently dies with a stackdump as follows:
token = OBJECT_BASE name = 942035.btg
load() base = ./Scenery
Loading tile ./Scenery/w130n30/w123n37/942067
token = OBJECT_BASE name = 942067.btg
token = OBJECT name = 59CA.btg
  5 [main] FGFS 4012 handle_exceptions: Exception:
   5512 [main] FGFS 4012 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to

Any idea?

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] KSFO International Terminal

2003-01-17 Thread Michael Basler

as an interim report, the guy with the FS98 add-on KSFO scenery did not
answer until now (but mail did not bounce either). I'll stay tuned, but
doubt he will... it's just been so long ago and he did never provide
upgrades for FS2000/2 .

I fear you'll have to find pictures and stuff somewhere else.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Roadmap/brain dump

2003-01-15 Thread Michael Basler

> If any developers have buildings they'd like to share, that would be
> great; otherwise, I'll probably base any models on actual photos.

Just a quick update. I looked up (free) MSFS add-ons for KSFO, and I only
found one which was for FS98. Besides that, it was part of a former payware
package (airport 2000), which certianly wouldn't help us much.

I mailed the author (Aaron Seymour, I hope he's still well and on the net)
and will stay tuned if anything comes out of it.

If he agrees, we could also try our *.bgl loader on it...not sure if that
would work, though.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Roadmap/brain dump

2003-01-14 Thread Michael Basler

David Megginson writes:
> Michael Basler writes:
>  > Wouldn't we require to have at least one airport (KFSO?) rendered with
>  > reasonable 3D objects etc. (buildings, trees, taxi ways,
> gates...) at least
>  > as a proof of concept we can do it?
> That's not a bad idea.  Everything is in place for it, including
> animated windsocks.
> Can anyone get me some good, high-res photos of the tower and the most
> prominent terminal buildings and hangars at KSFO?  I couldn't find
> much on the Web when I went looking a while back.

We also might look into what's already been done for FS2002 (or below). Even
if we can't get actual developers of (PD) add-on Scenery on board for
FlightGear, we might profit from their knowledge. I am pretty sure, there
are several developers of (free) add-ons with terminal maps and, maybe, even
bitmaps ready to use, which they *perhaps* might share with us. For
instance, there are quite detailed airports maps of gates available for a
tool called AFCAD (adding gates for AI planes - personally I never used it
myself, though).

Not sure if this approach will work, but might be worth a try. If you think
it's reasonable, I might check what's available for FS2002 from a few sites
I know and give you a digest.

Rgeards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Roadmap/brain dump

2003-01-14 Thread Michael Basler
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
> Megginson

> Even so, we probably need a prolonged 1.0beta period -- perhaps two
> months -- with a complete feature freeze.  When we all get bored not
> being able to create new features, we might actually start swatting
> bugs.  I agree that we need a proper GUI and more planes before then,
> and probably better weather as well.  I'd also like to clean up the
> file i/o and use more of plib's UL code throughout.

Wouldn't we require to have at least one airport (KFSO?) rendered with
reasonable 3D objects etc. (buildings, trees, taxi ways, gates...) at least
as a proof of concept we can do it?

AFAIK from glancing the list, all the general infrastructure is there. It's
just someone with enough time has to sit down and do it. Which would be a
worthy project, IMHO.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: www/Docs/InstallGuide getstart.html

2002-12-17 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Norman Vine
> Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 8:09 PM
> Why not just use ' at ' instead of '@'
> note spaces surrounding 'at'
Something similar already occured to me but I've dismissed it as being
to ugly. If those named there don't care I could implement it quickly of

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: www/Docs/InstallGuide getstart.html

2002-12-17 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian
> Mayer

> This gives ma an idea:
> Render only the @ to a picture and include this picture instead of the
> real @ sign in the address. I think this should fool enough
> address-harvesters.

Sounds like a cool idea as I'll only have to make one little pic saving us
disk space/bandwidth. I'll see how it works out.

Thanks and regards

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: www/Docs/InstallGuide getstart.html

2002-12-16 Thread Michael Basler

> Could you fake something as an equation:
>   $ curt\ $
> latex2html would convert this to a graphic automatically ... although
> in equation mode you have to worry about things getting interpreted as
> equations and variables ...

Yes, latex2html does, but tex4ht which I use does not, at least not for
simple one-liners (which some consider an advantage). I might look into the
options if there's something hidden or if I can trick it into creating gifs.
It does for square roots and more complicated stuff.

The idea looks pretty indeed. I'll keep it, and when I'll find some time
I'll try once more to get latex2html running under MiKTeX (it is possible,
just non-trivial) or might even consider switching to fptex which is sort of
tetex for windows, which has some flaws, too, but comes with a pre-installed
latex2html (which last switch might be non-trivial as I need LaTeX for some
business stuff, though).

BTW, this problem does concern all addresses somewhere on the FlightGear

Thanks, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: www/Docs/InstallGuide getstart.html

2002-12-16 Thread Michael Basler

> Including images in LaTeX is no problem - that just leaves us with the
> problem how we are generating the images...

Exactly. Although the HTML converter might become a bit slow with 100+ pix.
Perhaps no serious problem.

> I'm sure that one of the Unix gurus knows a fast way to do that with a
> command line utility...

In this case I'd sure co-operate. But still: Adresses have to be maintained.

> PS: Could the math mode in LaTeX perhaps help? Or does it translate to
> an ordinary italic when the stff written in it is simple?

I tried this. It was still recognizable after conversion in the HTML. I
simply searched for my address (Ctrl-GF in IE) and it was found :-( I tried
several font changes etc. which all did not hide the address.

A clever sign for/aft the @ being invisible but masking the address might
help, too.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: [Flightgear-cvslogs] CVS: www/Docs/InstallGuide getstart.html

2002-12-16 Thread Michael Basler

> Well, I think even addresses like
>   something @
> aren't save against spammers.

I guessed it.

> So far the best recepie is to convert the address to little pixel
> graphics and to include the images on the page.

...which 100 or so graphics you are going to create...? ... and to

I am open for constructive ideas, though, which (a) should be able to
implement via LaTeX without manual postediting of the HTML code (b) simple
to implement and maintain.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: [Flightgear-announce] Announce: Pre-built Win32 binaries for 0.9.1

2002-12-13 Thread Michael Basler
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Michael
> Basler

Please ignore that message sent in error to the announce list. Thanks,

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] 0.9.1 for Mac OS X

2002-12-12 Thread Michael Basler

> I would suggest ignoring the 3d clouds for now.  They still need a lot
> of TLC before they will really be useful.

I for one would regret giving up on the 3d clouds, now. They look pretty,
there already went quite an amount of work and testing into the code, and I
fear it will soon become obsolete if now being switched off and no one

Just from my little user's POV.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] RE: [Flightgear-announce] Announce: Pre-built Win32 binaries for 0.9.1

2002-12-11 Thread Michael Basler

> Currently, the windows 0.9.1 base package is in .tgz format.  Winzip
> understands this format.  However, it would be nice to have the base
> package in .zip format.  Would someone be willing to zip up the 0.9.1

I've made a .zip archive available for the base package again under

Please tell me when you're done with the download as I'll have to remove it
ASAP. Thanks.

Is it okay that the directory struture contains an additional data directory
now like


At least the gnuzipped version has been budled like this (I've made the zip
the same way). (Sorry, I didn't find time to test it myself yet.)

BTW, I've still all versions of the FG Getting Started manual (back to 96
with code from Eric Korpela) on my Harddisk, would you be interested in
those for the archive?

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] terrasync

2002-12-05 Thread Michael Basler

> That means I probably means I'm not going to have time to do it, so
> bear in mind that this discussion is going into a black hole unless
> someone else picks up the slack and has time to continue developing
> this.

We certainly have to accept this.

This said, it would be nice to find a way to enable "normal" Windows users
to run terrasync on a native Windows system (not being equipped with a
rsync.exe) without too much hassle. I for one would much regret if that
functionality were missing in the next official Windows binary port.
Besides, as several people already pointed out it's not just a neat feature
but even tangents design questions of FligthGear.

I think there were a few proposals, and perhaps experts can come to a

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] terrasync

2002-12-04 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andy Ross
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 8:43 PM

> Doing a google on "rsync cygwin" pulled up this post that claims that
> it works normally out of the box.  You have to build it yourself, or
> did as of a year ago anyway.

rsync comes with Cygwin and can be installed via the installer. This way I
can run terrasync from a Cygwin bash shell (runs pretty well).

However, this would require any Windows user to install Cygwin first, which
I am sure not any user is fond of just for running the FlightGear binary.
And as Norman pointed out there is no native rsync delivered with Windows
(any flavor AFAIK).

One ugly solution might be to provide just the rsync.exe, but I don't know
if this works (it would require the cygwin dll, at least). Plus this might
cause licensing troubles.

Switching to http as Christian pointed out would be one clean solution,
although I can't judge how hard it's to realize.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Cannot specify --aircraft in system.fgfsrc

2002-12-04 Thread Michael Basler

> The idea was that system.fgfsrc is system-wide, while .fgfsrc is
> per-user.  For Windows, perhaps we should look for fgfs.cfg in My
> Documents or wherever (is there any concept of separate user
> directories yet?).

Win XP and 2000 allow management of separate user directories under the
Documents and Settings path for saving specific settings and files, and you
can even login as a specific user. However, all this is less developed and
stringet compared to a Unix system. There is no unique direct equivalent of
a $HOME directory under Windows, though. Besides, older Windows variants
still in use don't have these directories.

Personally I've got most of my user's files just on a separate partition
(and all the FlightGear stuff on yet another partition and FS2002 on yet
another one and so on). From my POV the mechanism we had with just a single
system.fgfsrc in $FG_ROOT would be sufficient for most (all?) Windows users.
You still can allow and parse a .fgfsrc under $HOME for Unix users, though.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Cannot specify --aircraft in system.fgfsrc

2002-12-04 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
> Megginson

> We were planning to drop system.fgfsrc -- I thought we already had,
> but I guess it's still lurking.  The processing order, from memory, is
>   $FG_ROOT/preferences.xml
>   $HOME/.fgfsrc
>   command line

I don't fully understand this. Until now, system.fgfsrc was just the
equivalent of .fgfsrc on a Windows (and, maybe other) system. Contrary to
Unix, you can't name a file .fgfsrc under Windows. So what will Windows
users have to do?

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Terrasync 3rd party util

2002-11-25 Thread Michael Basler

it works with Cygwin, and it is a really cool innonvative feature.

A couple of nits only:

- I still would suggest transferring this into FlightGear. I first had to
download and install gpc (do most Terragear users recall they did once?),
which might be annoying for beginners. Terrasync certainly does not make use
of it ;-)

- A more serious problem: Terrasync relies on external rsync + mkdir. At
present, I start FlightGear from the usual Windows batch (with proper
parameters of course), while I start Terrasync from within a Cygwin bash
thus having both in the (Cygwin) path.

However: We sure will ship this with the next "official" version of all
supported platforms, won't we? Thus we'll need a way to get this working
standalone under Windows. I may stay corrected, but standard windows comes
without both tools. Maybe one of the Windows gurus will suggest a solution
to this.

Otherwise, I am still perplexed how fluently this works! BTW, I am sitting
behind an ISDN line (well, 2xISDN, to be honest).

Finally: Please keep this a top secrect. Otherwise, I already foresee MS's
variant for FS2004:

"Please register with PASSPORT before using our scenery."

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Cygwin build problem with sprintf

2002-11-19 Thread Michael Basler
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Curtis L.
> Olson

> > To Norman: Good fix.

Can we have this patch in the CVS? It still refuses to build under Cygwin.

Thanks and
Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flying Tutorial

2002-11-18 Thread Michael Basler

> These are short checklist collections for FS2000/2002.  You mentioned
> that there were actual scanned POH's available somewhere.  What I'm
> most interested in are the POH performance tables for various

Unfortunately you are right, I should have checked before. I thought they
would provide manual + checklist if they write manual + checklist :-(

It still might be helpful for what Carsten wants to do, though.

Sorry, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flying Tutorial

2002-11-18 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
> Megginson

> Thanks.  I took a look, but couldn't find anything except
> FS2000/FS2002 checklists.  Where are the actual Cessna ones on the

The file names are, manc185,zip, manc172 and so on, depending which you are looking
for. I entered "cessna" and "manual" into the search routine to find them.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flying Tutorial

2002-11-18 Thread Michael Basler
Sorry for the full quote... just happened.


Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flying Tutorial

2002-11-18 Thread Michael Basler
Carsten, David

> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David

> It looks interesting -- I'll try to find time to read it in more
> detail.

If Carsten manages to get this written with time (and I am sure it will need
time) this will be a great addition to FlightGear and might buy us quite a
number of customers. The outline is quite promising, IMHO.

It might be usefeul if "real pilots" (no, I am not one, although I might
help, too) have a look into it from time to time.

> In the meantime, you asked for checklists.  Fortunately, I'm
> a fast typist, so here are the checklists for normal procedures in the
> 1981 C172P, straight out of the POH (forgive any typos):

There are several checklists available (intended for use with MSFS, but
these are the real ones), including for Cessnas, from

Besides, they have complete manuals for several aircraft available
(including Cessnas, as I just checked, too). Obviously the makers don't
object against scanning them (or don't know about it...).

Beware: Despite the login/password thingy, basic use of the site is free.
However, if you're not a premium member (I am) you may need several attempts
to login at US peak use times. Carsten, if you run into trouble, just mail
me what you need and I can download it for you.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David
> Megginson
> Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 3:50 AM
> Subject: re: [Flightgear-devel] Flying Tutorial
> Carsten Höfer writes:
>  > As You will see it's only the structure of the tutorial, but it should
>  > give You the idea behind it. I would like You to read it and tell me
>  > Your opinion. Did I miss something? Is there a better order? Is anyone
>  > out there to write one of the sections?
> It looks interesting -- I'll try to find time to read it in more
> detail.  In the meantime, you asked for checklists.  Fortunately, I'm
> a fast typist, so here are the checklists for normal procedures in the
> 1981 C172P, straight out of the POH (forgive any typos):
> (1) Cabin
> 1. Pilot's Operating Handbook -- AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANE.
> 2. Control Wheel Lock -- REMOVE.
> 3. Ignition Switch -- OFF.
> 4. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF.
> 5. Master Switch -- ON.
> 6. Fuel Quantity Indicators -- CHECK QUANTITY.
> 7. Avionics Cooling Fan -- CHECK AUDIBLY FOR OPERATION.
> 8. Master Switch -- OFF.
> 9. Static Pressure Alternate Source Value (if installed) -- OFF.
> 10. Baggage Door -- CHECK, lock with key if child's seat is to be
> occupied.
> (2) Empennage
> 1. Rudder Gust Lock -- REMOVE.
> 2. Tail Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.
> 3. Control Surfaces -- CHECK freedom of movement and security.
> (3) Right Wing Trailing Edge
> 1. Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security.
> (4) Right Wing
> 1. Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.
> 2. Main Wheel tire -- CHECK for proper inflation.
> 3. Before the first flight of the day and after each refueling, use
>sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump
>quick-drain valve to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel
> 4. Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level.
> 5. Fuel Filler Cap -- SECURE.
> (5) Nose
> 1. Engine Oil Level -- CHECK, do not operate with less than five
>quarts.  Fill to seven quarts for extended flight.
> 2. Before first flight of the day, and after each refueling, pull out
>strainer drain knob for about four seconds to clear fuel strainer
>of possible water and sediment.  Check strainer drain closed.  If
>water is observed, the fuel system may contain additional water,
>and further draining of the system at the strainer, fuel tank
>sumps, and fuel selector value drain plug will be necessary.
> 3. Propeller and Spinner -- CHECK for nicks and security.
> 4. Landing Light(s) -- CHECK for condition and cleanliness.
> 5. Carburetor Air Filter -- CHECK for restrictions by dust or other
>foreign matter.
> 6. Nose Wheel Strut and Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation.
> 7. Nose Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.
> 8. Static Source Opening (left side of fuselage) -- CHECK for
> (6) Left Wing
> 1. Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation.
> 2. Before first flight of the day and after each refueling, use
>sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump
>quick-drain valu

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Blender Status

2002-11-13 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:flightgear-devel-admin@;]On Behalf Of John Check

> The current  gzipped cvs snapshot tarball is less than 40mb.
> How does this compare with other sims -demo- downloads?

>From my (a user's) point of view 40 MB is not large today. People have to
and most people will understand that a full-featured Flight Simulator does
not fit onto a 1.44" FD. As John says, compare it to the X plane demo, which
a lot of people actually do download. Personally, I'd prefer not adding even
more hassle to the installation by having the newcomer decide which modules
to install.

Of course we might revise this point of view later anytime.  And, no, I
neither have a cable modem nor SDL (but ISDN).

I'd vote for adding a source/add-on package, though. This could include all
the stuff a normal user does not need (including the manual source stuff).

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Blender Status

2002-11-12 Thread Michael Basler

> I don't think that the base package is the right place, though, and
> the FlightGear CVS repository certainly isn't.  Any suggestions?
> Perhaps we need a new base-source CVS repository (we could put the
> original MDL files there as well).

IMHO this is a splended idea. This way we could shift the LaTeX/Picture
source files from documentation out of the base package, too. Would save
another 1 MB from the base repository. I guess very few, if any, people are
interested in these.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable 3D panel

2002-11-05 Thread Michael Basler

> Try the attached patch, which predicates the boxes on the
> /sim/panel-hotspots property.  I mapped a toggle event on this to a
> spare joystick button, and had fun. :)

Up until we'll have that pretty menu system soon ;-) would it be hard to
bind a spare key to this by default?

Sincerely, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable panel and zooming

2002-10-30 Thread Michael Basler
> [mailto:flightgear-devel-admin@;]On Behalf Of Curtis L.
> Olson

> So I would say go for it, people can always maintain their local
> overrides.  It's not like we are changing any core functionality here.
> You will never get a consensus for anything you put before the list,
> but if you want to do anything really radical it might make sense to
> have a little discussion first.

>From a user's point of view, I am not against changing the default bindings,
but would propose making them at once (maybe after discussion where
required) and announcing all of them in a list. Given people are used to the
present bindings and given they are in the "cheat sheet" (not sure anyone's
using that...) I already see the posts like "The "s" key does no longer work
for me as announced, what shall I do".

Besides: Wasn't someone working on a new GUI/menu system? Wouldn't it be a
good idea to couple implementations of modified keys to that of the new GUI?

Otherwise, I could imagine some better bindings and think it's a good idea
to make a general revision of the historically developed bindings (the
proposed change of x/X included). Given the new keys are readily accessible
in keyboard.xml, I could try to catch up with a new cheat sheen then as soon
as possible.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Michael Basler

> I'll also recommend that all primary developers currently using G++
> 2.95 on Posix systems switch to G++ 3.2.

While I am not a primary developer I would be interested if it is possible
to build under Cygwin's GCC 3.2 already?

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ***long*** pauses after flying a while

2002-10-24 Thread Michael Basler

> [mailto:flightgear-devel-admin@;]On Behalf Of Norman Vine
> So if you aren't comfortable hacking,  I suggest waiting a bit yet

Thanks, Norman, so I'll prefer to wait. As a close watcher of the scene you
might give a shout to the list when you think it's time to convert.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalization

2002-10-03 Thread Michael Basler


> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Frederic
> Bouvier

> I made a french translation but unfortunately, accented characters
> ( e acute or a grave for instance ) are not present in the current
> font. I think the problem will show up for several languages.
> Should we have to provide a specific accented font for languages
> like nordic or french ?

Initially, I had this same problem with strings-de.xml. After a little
google search I found I have to add the encoding in the header, i.e.

This does the job for me. I don't know if this same encoding works for you,
but a similar one should.

Sincerely, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalization

2002-10-03 Thread Michael Basler

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Erik Hofman

> Or to put it in other words: Time to sent in you localized files.
> (It it actually quite neat to see the menu in Dutch now ;-) )

I already sent John a German file strings-de.xml, which should show up in
the base package soon.

BTW, would it be hard to make laguage a start option before trying anything
more complicated?

Sincerely, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalizing FlightGear.

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Basler


> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Curtis L.
> Olson
> More work needs to be done, but you should be able to go into your
> prefernces.xml file and specify the strings-de.xml file instead of the
> strings-default.xml.

Thanks, this works, while it's not quite logical. The line above it states


so I'd never touch it ;-) Why not modify the next line to


which seems more logical to me but, unfortunately, does not dp the job.

Anyway, it's a good start.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalizing FlightGear.

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Basler

Okay, I made a German version of strings-en.xml which I called
strings-de.xml. I just submitted it to John asking him to install it under
/Translations in the base package.

Questing: Is the lates CVS version of FlightGear able to use it and how
should this be done?

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Problem with panel initialization

2002-10-02 Thread Michael Basler


I've been observing a problem with panel initialization for a couple of week
or so now. When I start the program I get the graphics screen with scenery
and stuff, but no panel. Moreover, I am unable to switch it on via Shift+P.
Only after I do a "Reset" does the panel appear and can be switched on/and
off via Shift+P.

This is a CVS build from today under Cygwin/WinXP. This may have started
around the time the 3D clouds were added, but not sure if it's related. Any
idea, what's broken here? Anyone else having this problem or is it only me?

Regards Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Internationalizing FlightGear.

2002-10-01 Thread Michael Basler


>From a user's perspective, a clever solution might be having a menu entry
"Language" which defaults to English, but can be changed to French,
German... The selection would then select the proper xml files for diplaying
menu, messages etc. There are several programs having this, e.g. Ghostview
(Windows Postscript viewer front end based on Ghostscript) just to name an

Would this be hard to realize in FlightGear?

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Joystick files still contain bad names

2002-09-27 Thread Michael Basler


> which is less than useful as discussed before.  Please could someone
> remove those lines, and could contributors please be careful not to
> include such lines in their contributions.

This was me :-( at a time when we did not yet completely figure where/how
the joystick is handled under windows. I thought it was removed already.

Could you forgive?

Very sorry, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-22 Thread Michael Basler

Norman, Curt,

> I finally was able to connect with CVS and the problem is a 'typo'
> in SimGear/simgear/sky/clouds3d/

Builds cleanly, now. Thanks to both of you for fixing this.

Now I only would like to know how Jon managed to build it desipte the typo
... ;-)

Sincerely, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-20 Thread Michael Basler

John, Curt,

> Ha. I don't know about that. I did my build this morning,
> if it makes a difference. I got link errors at first, too
> - can't remember at the moment what they were exactly,
> except that they had to do with plib. So I made sure I had
> the latest plib from CVS and rebuilt plib/simgear/fgfs. I
> am also using the development branch if it makes a
> difference.

This is exactly what I do. I tried to built all stuff including
PLIB/SimGear/FligtGear from a very recent checkout (not Metakit, which
shouldn't hurt). I have similar scripts to yours (maybe suboptimal and only
shell scripts, but basically they do the same).

I am using the development branch of SimGear as well as FlightGear.

I only see one potential difference. My Cgywin is around half of a year old.
I didn't want to upgade (you know: never change...).

Curt: Could the difference between your patches an Normans (which worked)
interfere with Cygwin versioning...? Hard to believe, but did you use any
cutting edge constructs...?

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-20 Thread Michael Basler


I just made a fresh checkout and build of PLIB/SimGeasr/FlightGear, and
linking still aborts with similar (or the same messages) as Marks gets. It
worked with the named couple of patches from Norman yesterday.

Now don't ask me why it works for Jon (wild guess: he's just an

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Still can't build devel CVS

2002-09-20 Thread Michael Basler


> > Did you check them in (should I do a CVS update and try again)?
> > My last download was this morning.
> Yes, yes.

Are you sure you committed Norman's Simgear +
changes which I re-sent you a few hours ago? I don't recall having seen the
corresponding CVS logs, but I might have missed them.

I'll try a recent CVS checkout myself again.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: 3d Clouds code

2002-09-20 Thread Michael Basler

Norman, Curt

> Arrgh
> I forgot I had to tweak the file because it no longer
> sets $CFLAGS="-DWIN32"
> Yep that's it
> In the windows section of we need to set $CFLAGS

Norman, this finally did the job. Now it compiles and links cleanly under
Cygwin again. Thank you very much for your patience.

Curt, I don't dare to ask, but could we get these couple of final tweaks
into the CVS? There is one file to modify which Norman sent yesterday to
both of us, i.e. SimGear/simgear/sky/clouds3d/ The other tweak
is a one line thing, just insert

> .
> else
> dnl Win32 libs
> echo Win32 specific hacks...
> AC_DEFINE([WIN32], 1, [Define for Win32 platforms])
> dnl this next line added for extgl.h

in Simgear/ in the respective place. For your convenience, I'll
attach both of the little files.

Thank you.
Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: 3d Clouds code

2002-09-19 Thread Michael Basler


> Ah there was a typo in the
> 'corrected' one attached
> SimGear/simgear/sky/clouds3d/
> Please 'report' back to the list as to how this works

Does not yet work. However the offending lines seem to be different, now.
This is the new result:


../../src/Airports/libAirports.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a
kOLK/libNetworkOLK.a ../../src/Objects/libObjects.a ../../src/Time/libTime.a
../../src/Input/libInput.a -lsgroute -lsgsky
 -lsgclouds3d -lsgephem -lsgtiming -lsgio -lsgscreen -lsgmath -lsgbucket -ls
ug -lsgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml -lsgserial  -lplibpu -lplibfnt -lplibnet -lpl
g -lplibsg -lplibul -lmk4 -lz -lpthread -lm  -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lu
2 -lgdi32 -lplibsl -lplibsm -lwinmm -lm
/usr/local/lib/libsgclouds3d.a(SkyContext.o): In function `_10SkyContext':
/usr/local/source/simgear/simgear/sky/clouds3d/SkyContext.cpp:57: undefined
rence to `glInitialize'
/usr/local/lib/libsgclouds3d.a(SkyTextureState.o): In function
 reference to `glActiveTextureARB'
d reference to `glActiveTextureARB'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [fgfs.exe] Error 1

Regrads, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot - SOLVED!

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Basler


> From: Norman Vine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:59 PM
> OK attached find a new for the clouds3d directory
> that should pick up exgl.c on Windows and hopefully will still
> work on other systems

This finally did the job. Now SimGear + FlightGear compiles under Cygwin.
The display ist not yet what I expect, but this is another story already.

Norman, you have done a marvellous job on this. I wouldn't count the hours
this took to resolve.

Can we get all this into the CVS so I could check it is in place tomorrow?
Thanks a lot.

Regards Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Basler


> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Norman Vine

> and put the tarball at

Thanks. Great work.

First the good news: SimGear does build now on my Cygwin system (with a host
of warnings in clouds3d, but still). The not so good ones are, FlightGear
compiles too, but final linking does not yet work.

This is the result:

Making all in Main
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/source/flightgear/src/Main'
source='main.cxx' object='main.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/main.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/main.TPo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src  -I/usr/
l/include -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/FlightGear/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -c -o
.o `test -f main.cxx || echo './'`main.cxx
source='fg_commands.cxx' object='fg_commands.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/fg_commands.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/fg_commands.TPo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src  -I/usr/
l/include -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/FlightGear/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -c -o
ommands.o `test -f fg_commands.cxx || echo './'`fg_commands.cxx
source='fg_init.cxx' object='fg_init.o' libtool=no \
depfile='.deps/fg_init.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/fg_init.TPo' \
depmode=gcc /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../src/Include -I../.. -I../../src  -I/usr/
l/include -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/FlightGear/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -c -o
nit.o `test -f fg_init.cxx || echo './'`fg_init.cxx
fg_init.cxx: In function `void fgInitView()':
fg_init.cxx:666: no matching function for call to `FGViewer::get_LOCAL ()'
make[2]: *** [fg_init.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/source/flightgear/src/Main'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/source/flightgear/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Clouds progress : screenshot

2002-09-18 Thread Michael Basler


> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Roman

> maybe on windows all is OK and problem is related to linux?

Don't worry, on windows (cygwin), SimGear does not even compile - yet,
despite all the patches ;-) - I think Norman is working on that, though.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: a new dimension to FlightGear

2002-07-16 Thread Michael Basler


> What we need is conditions in materials.xml; for example, within a
> certain lat/lon rectangle, use a tumbled-down stone building for a
> barn; within another, use a North-American wooden barn; and so on.  We

Splended idea. Besides, it would set us ahead of MS FS, which (AFAIK)
basically does lack such a mechanism.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] A real C172 cockpit

2002-07-16 Thread Michael Basler


> I poked around for a few minutes but couldn't find a price on a full
> panel package ... did you find one or were you just commenting on the
> individual instrument prices?

Go to the online store any try to buy some of the stuff. Aside the basic
instruments (i/o circuit board, altimeter...), most of the stuff (switches,
cover) is not yet available (they say in fall).

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] New FGFS merchandise

2002-07-02 Thread Michael Basler


> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Martin Spott

> The mugs look nice but I have to notice that the colour on the "FlightGear
> Logo Mug" starts disappearing after only a few months use utilizing a
> dishwasher,

... as does the color on the T shirts after laundering a few times :-(

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] FlightXpress article - SuSE 8.0 is an old version

2002-06-06 Thread Michael Basler


> I just went round to the SuSE booth and looked on a 8.0 demo computer.
> The packaged version is 0.7.8 which we released last summer, a year ago.
> Although they were mildly embarrassed when I pointed this out to them,

Even if the article still contains some truth, I might write a "letter from
a reader" like note to make this point clear.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Parsing Lon/lat strings

2002-06-04 Thread Michael Basler


> And that proves that it is not an Outlook bug? Have you noticed
> that you are
> using "MSO IMO, Build 9.0.2416 (9.0.2911.0)", while Frederic is using
> "MSO Express 6.00.2600."? Again: this is an Outlook bug. Period.

Despite the (irritating) naming, Outlook and Outlook Express are completely
different programs. They use completely different date storage file types
(and I suppose a completely different code base, despite a similar GUI).
Outlook is payware (comes with Office) while OE accompanies Windows/Internet

I was referring to Outlook. I should have checked it's actually OE, though.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Re: Parsing Lon/lat strings

2002-06-04 Thread Michael Basler


> * Frederic Bouvier -- Tuesday 04 June 2002 07:47:
> > PS: I am seeing all your messages as attachment. Is there
> something special
> > with your
> > mailer or is it me ( or Outlook ) ?
> This feature is brought to you by Micros~1 Outlock.
> It's a normal signed MIME-message, nothing special.

This isn't true. I am using Outlook to read the list, and James' messages
appear as normal signed MIME-messages.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Highres screen shot

2002-06-03 Thread Michael Basler


> Could someone confirm that the highres screenshot is still working on
> Win32/Linux? I was in the mood for making another FlightGear poster and
> decided to take some highres snapshots, but it looks like it doesn't
> render the terrain (Irix).

You are right, there seems to be an issue. On a build from today's CVS under
Win32/Cygwin only the panel is shown.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear review in FlightXPress

2002-06-02 Thread Michael Basler

To all those interested,

I don't know if it's worth the trouble, but I made a scan of the
FlightXpress article plus an ASCII (OCR) version plus an English translation
by myself (given I work as a technical translator for a living I just didn't
want to leave the job to a machine :-).

I will ask the journal for permission, and if they grant it we can put the
stuff onto the FG Website. Should they deny it, I'll send out the files to
those interested via PM.

Sincerely, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear review in FlightXPress

2002-06-02 Thread Michael Basler


> Does the magazine ever mention type planes?
> Geek fliers build their planes.  ;-)


> about flight dynamics in the review?

> ..I'm curious; this magazine reviews other sims flight dynamics,
> did they miss all our FDM's?

It's a 1 page review including 4 screen shots. There are no details on
flight dynamics. The author does not even mention/compare different FDMs.

> ..this is Micaels opinion, or the magazine review guy
> talking german and translated into english by Michael?

It's my (of course poor) translation. The magazine is German language
(actually Austria based).

> about getting the text available?  German is ok.

I don't want to put a recent article online as it's a commercial magazine.
But I would be willing to scan and send it to everyone interested via PM.
Those interested just mail me (you're counted already). Unfortunately I lack
time for translating it in full.

Sincerely, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Building on cygwin...

2002-06-02 Thread Michael Basler

> The cygwin is the lates from the web site with everything installed, I
> can compile/build things with it without any problems. My main problem
> is that plib requires glut to compile / build, which isn't in the cygwin
> installation. I have tried using mesa or freeglut but both of these fail
> to build and seem very broken, a pointer to a version of glut that works
> would be a great help.

1. By default, Cygwin installs only a minimum of packages excluding most of
the development stuff. Check that all these including the OpenGL package are
installed. (Unfortunately I don't have a complete list at hand.) I doin't
have the very latest version, but in my case Glut is included (chek for
glut.h under /usr/include/GL).

2. Do not install any X packages as X comes with its own OpenGL which
interferes with FlightGear stuff.

Otherwise Cygwin works very fine for me.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

RE: [Flightgear-devel] Flightgear review in FlightXPress

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Basler


> What version of FG did he review?

That's (unfortunately) not explicitly stated, but from the screenshots I
suppose (based on the panels and the yellow/blue glider) it's 0.7.9. Someone
with Suse 8.0 might want to check what comes bundled.

> I think this is a fair characterization of FlightGear relative to the
> commercial PC flight sim offerings.  We all know the shortcomings of the
> current state of FG, and we're working to remove them -- all of the
> points listed above are being worked on.


For me as a mostly VFR pilot, the worst field at present is scenery (which
with elevated mesh did pioneer work once). Even a few airports/cities (KSFO,
LAX...) with proper buildings and trees would make a huge difference. I
regret this even more, as a few people started promising work into that
direction and got reasonable results, thus there doesn't seem to be a no-go.

> The main difference between FG and most other flight sims is that we're
> cross-platform, which takes a fair amount of work that these commercial
> outfits don't have to deal with.  I hope the review made note of that.

Yes, this point is clearly stated.

> But anyway, no press is bad press, IMO.  Maybe some people will read the
> review and want to help out -- I'm pretty sure the commercial flight
> sims can't say that.  ;-)

Unfortunately, this is only half true.  The number of add-on developers is
strongly dependent on the potential of a simulator. With FS2000, which was
horrible performace-wise, the numer of add-ons considerably dropped over

FS2002 has such a potential that scenery/aircraft designers etc. are legion
now. Some people even have the opinion the add-ons make most of the value of
it. This includes developments like Pete Dawson's FSUIPC.dll which go pretty
deep into the base software. I still think it would be cool if we could find
a way to build a bridge for those guys to make their work available to us
(while I agree we should be careful to avoid licence conflicts).

Sincerely, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Flightgear review in FlightXPress

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Basler

Dear developers,

I received the June issue of FlightXPress, a German language (actually THE
German language) language journal on Flight simulation
( today.

To begin with: I've been reading FlightXPress for 2 years now and judge it
as a quite fair journal in general (contrary, for instance, to Computer
Pilot, who seem to write good reviews for good money). (The only real
shortcoming of the journal is bad final correction resulting in way too
numerous misspellings.)

This issue has a one page review on Flightgear written by a Marc Stoering
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) who seems to belong to the editors (not sure about
that). The test was done under Suse Linux 8.0 (which btw., gets good marks.)

Unfortunately the review on FG as such is negative. This are the main

- Old-fashioned overall appearance (4 screenshots delivered, including KSFO
+ C172 panel), not to be compared with state-of-the art simulators

- Very few functions compared to other simulators

- Cockpits "from yesterday"

- Some good 3D effects (sunset...)

- Bad flight characteristics (sometimes planes react too sensitive,
sometimes too sluggish), much worse than X-Plane

- comparatively good frame rates

- Weather + Scenery disappointing

To be fair, they refer to the project as being free, open-source, multi
platform and sketch the way development is done.

Their summary: FlightGear is for a minority of technically advanced simmers
who are prepared to go into programming only, but not for the normal simmer.

Please: So far this was only a quotation. Don't beat me for it!

To add my personal impression as a user: First, I thought it was a bit
unfair to compare a project run by a handful of enthusiasts to a commercial
package produced my several dozens of paid full-time programmers with the
backing of a company like MS and their ressources. However, I recall a time
when FlightGear was in some respect quite close to the then recent MSFS (and
in some respect even better than it). I think this was around 4 years ago.
It's a matter of fact, that MS has created a real hit with FS2002 on the one
hand side while we might have lost some momentum.

This said, we might perhaps be better off re-thinking a few prorities than
just spitting on the guy who wrote this.

Okay, now you can beat me.

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel] enormous exe

2002-05-30 Thread Michael Basler


> Something I've been wondering about.  
> The program that comes with the
> downloadable binary is about 4 megs.  
> The program that is built from cvs

The exe produced via CVS has numerous debugging information. Use

strip fgfs.exe

to cut it down to normal size. (BTW, this is in the manual.)

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany  

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel]

2002-05-15 Thread Michael Basler


I think we should provide a .zip file for Win users. There sure are tools
for unpacking .tar.gz under Windows but it's just that: "zip" is for Win
what "tar" is for Unix. XP comes with native .zip support.

This said, I just packed an, however I lack the
webspace for an upload either. But I'd be willing to upload it someplace.
Could you give me temporary write access to a certain place for ftp or
perhaps tell me an appropriate place for anon ftp?

Sincerely, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel] Problem with final linking - Solved!

2002-04-23 Thread Michael Basler


> Since 'X' has just VERY recently been added as an option to the
> Cygwin Installer the fallout from this has not hit the Cygwin list yet
> and having been 'toasted' once there over this issue I am hesitant
> to bring it up again

> So I have a suspicion that we will have to find our own way around
> this issue or we might have to run an X Server just to develop FGFS
> in a 'standard' Cygwin enviroment :-(

I don't expect anyone to deal with running FlightGear under Cygnus' X,
right? Besides, this sure isn't worth a lot of trouble with the Cygwin gang.
We just should keep in mind there's a problem and add a note in the proper
places (I'll do so in the next version of the Getting Started).

Sure, a better solution might be having the configure scripts detecting X
being installed in conjunction with Cygwin and spitting a corresonding
message. It souldn't be too hard (I recall at least the PLIB configure
script noted the X libs being found as such).

Regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel] Problem with final linking - Solved!

2002-04-23 Thread Michael Basler

Dear Norman,

> The opengl libs got moved to
> / lib / w32api /   directory
> don't ask me why ?
> I just made a link to these in my '/ lib' dirrectory

I solved it as follows: Meanwhile, I had the X windows package coming with
Cygwin installed. This includes different opengl/glut packages adapted for
X, which - expectedly - do not work out of the box with FlightGear.

Thus, the lesson to learn is: Do NOT install X windows while building
FlightGear under Cygwin (at least not until a more clever solution can be
found). Cameron, maybe we could throw this into the FAQ?

After uninstalling X, I did not have to shift/link any other libraries.

Thanks and regards, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel] Problem with final linking

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Basler


> You have exactly the same errors on screen as I reported friday in my
> openGL question :-) It seems to be a cygwin related problem.

Thank for keeping an eye on it.

I returend from opengl 1.1.06 to 1.1.05, but this did not yet help either.

Norman, I think you have "close relations"  to the cygwin crew. Could you
have a look upon this? Thanks a lot.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Problem with final linking

2002-04-22 Thread Michael Basler


could any one tell me why the most recent CVS of PLIB/Simgear/FlightGear
from today does not do the final linking? I don't recall having seen this on
the list before?

This is (a recently updated) Cygwin under Win XP.

Thanks and
Regards, Michael

make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/source/flightgear/src/Main'
c++ -DPKGLIBDIR=\"/usr/local/FlightGear/lib/FlightGear\" -g -O2 -L/usr/local
 -o fgfs  main.o fg_commands.o fg_init.o fg_io.o fg_props.o fgfs.o globals.o
ger.o options.o splash.o viewer.o viewmgr.o location.o
craft.a ../../src/ATC/libATC.a  ../../src/Autopilot/libAutopilot.a
/src/Cockpit/libCockpit.a   ../../src/Cockpit/built_in/libBuilt_in.a
rc/Controls/libControls.a   ../../src/FDM/libFlight.a
lloon/libBalloon.a  ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/libJSBSim.a
Sim/libYASim.a  ../../src/FDM/JSBSim/filtersjb/libfiltersjb.a
RCsim/libLaRCsim.a  ../../src/FDM/UIUCModel/libUIUCModel.a
bGUI.a  ../../src/Model/libModel.a  ../../src/Navaids/libNavaids.a
c/Scenery/libScenery.a  ../../src/Sound/libSound.a
rports.a ../../src/Network/libNetwork.a
NetworkOLK.a../../src/Objects/libObjects.a  ../../src/Time/libTime.a
../../src/Input/libInput.a  -lsgroute -lsgsk
y -lsgephem -lsgtiming -lsgio -lsgscreen-lsgmath -lsgbucket -lsgdebu
g -l
sgmagvar -lsgmisc -lsgxml   -lsgserial  -lplibpu -lplibfnt -
bnet -lplibssg -lplibsg -lmk4 -lz   -lpthread -lm  -lglut32 -lgl
-lopengl32 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lplibsl -lplibsm -lwinmm -lplibul -lm
Warning: resolving _glBlendFunc by linking to _glBlendFunc@8
Use --enable-stdcall-fixup to disable these warnings
Use --disable-stdcall-fixup to disable these fixups
Warning: resolving _glPopAttrib by linking to _glPopAttrib@0
Warning: resolving _glPushAttrib by linking to _glPushAttrib@4
Warning: resolving _glDisable by linking to _glDisable@4
Warning: resolving _glPopMatrix by linking to _glPopMatrix@0
Warning: resolving _glOrtho by linking to _glOrtho@48
Warning: resolving _glPushMatrix by linking to _glPushMatrix@0
Warning: resolving _glPixelStorei by linking to _glPixelStorei@8
Warning: resolving _glMatrixMode by linking to _glMatrixMode@4
Warning: resolving _glViewport by linking to _glViewport@16
Warning: resolving _glGetIntegerv by linking to _glGetIntegerv@8
Warning: resolving _glLoadIdentity by linking to _glLoadIdentity@0
/usr/local/lib/libsgscreen.a(screen-dump.o): In function
`sg_glDumpWindow(char c
onst *, int, int)':
/usr/local/source/simgear/simgear/screen/screen-dump.cxx:84: undefined
 to `glFinish'
/usr/local/source/simgear/simgear/screen/screen-dump.cxx:86: undefined
 to `glReadPixels'
/usr/local/lib/libsgscreen.a(tr.o): In function `trEndTile(_TRctx *)':
/usr/local/source/simgear/simgear/screen/tr.cxx:404: undefined reference to
/usr/local/source/simgear/simgear/screen/tr.cxx:418: undefined reference to
/usr/local/source/simgear/simgear/screen/tr.cxx:437: undefined reference to
/usr/local/lib/libsgscreen.a(tr.o): In function `trRasterPos3f(_TRctx *,

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-23 Thread Michael Basler


> change the define in ogcFMC.cpp from
> #define SERV_HOST_ADDR ""
> to
> #define SERV_HOST_ADDR "your_NIC_address" for the machine running fgfs.

As I see it, I've to hard code the NIC at build time, right? This might be a
pity for people like me sitting on a (home) network with dynamically
assigned addresses (DHCP). Even though I certainly can read off my present
address I'll have to recompile every time?

Does it only concern the FMC? Or am I even completely mistaken here?


is alive again. :-)

Sincerely, Michael

Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von John
> Wojnaroski
> Gesendet: Samstag, 23. Februar 2002 19:26
> Betreff: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FG/Opengc Interface
> Hi,
> A question was asked last week on running FG and OpenGC on the
> same machine.
> Well, the one way is to
> run each app in it's own window and use the loopback address of
> to
> communicate via sockets.
> fgfs  ..   --opengc=socket,out,24,,5800,udp  ...
> Shift-5 engages the Flight Mgmt Computer (FMC) which will not work in the
> stand-alone mode. Keep the focus in the FG window and fly via the
> keyboard/joystick/yoke
> Point of clarification. the FMC can be enabled if you have a network
> interface card (NIC) in you machine. You need to set the IP address in
> ogcFMC.cpp to your card's address.
> change the define in ogcFMC.cpp from
> #define SERV_HOST_ADDR ""
> to
> #define SERV_HOST_ADDR "your_NIC_address" for the machine running fgfs.
> then the command line becomes
> fgfs
> ..   --opengc=socket,out,24,,5800,udp
> --native-ctrls=socke
> t,in,24,,5700,tcp
> The source in the repository is a little behind my local copy,
> but it should
> work. Check ogcRenderWindow.cpp for
> the keyboard callback routine and keyboard commands/functions.
> Regards
> John W.
> ___
> Flightgear-devel mailing list

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: AW: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-23 Thread Michael Basler


> It looks like the domain sometimes doesn't work.
> Try uding instead.

...which does not work either :-( But thanks for the hint, anyway. I'll try
again later; it should return sometime.

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

AW: [Flightgear-devel] FG/Opengc Interface

2002-02-23 Thread Michael Basler

John Wojnaroski wrote:

> A question was asked last week on running FG and OpenGC
> on the same machine. Well, the one way is to

John, that might have been me ;-) The picture in the Gallery is just

I tried downloading OpenGC stuff, but

seems to be dead (might be temporarily, though). Is the FG related stuff
under that same address (I recall it was integrated, right?) or somewhere

Regards, Michael

    Michael Basler, Jena, Germany

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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