Re: Apple black box - what is this?

2011-10-22 Thread Yersinia

On 10/22/11 3:26 PM, Roger Hodge wrote:

Here it is. Took a bit to find it... :) 

Thank you for posting this. I enjoyed the trip down Memory Lane.

On Oct 19, 2011, at 12:16 PM, Jerry K wrote:

Can anyone identify this Apple item for me please?


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Re: PowerMac G4 Optical drive options

2011-06-24 Thread Yersinia

On 6/24/11 11:00 AM, wrote:

On Jun 24, 4:31 am, Barney  wrote:

I bought the Pioneer  from Macsales (something like $30) when the
drive in my G4 933 QS would not write DVD's anymore.

The Pioneer drives have become a little challenging to find.  The
latest Pioneer PATA drive was the DVR-118L.   The last time I checked
OWC was out of stock.   Amazon just recently started stocking it
again.  They were out for most of a year.   You can get it directly
from Pioneer here:
but even Pioneer didn't have any for several months and only recently
showed them for sale again.   I think they may have done an extra
manufacturing run of them or something.

Oh wow, this looks great (I think) and it's actually in my price range. 
My G4 Quicksilver 867 is running Tiger 10.4.11 and according to stuff 
I've seen in this thread,  it can use any internal IDE/PATA optical 
drive? Excellent! Thanks!

I found what I thought was a pretty good on them when everyone else
seemed to be out here:
but I ordered three of them back at the beginning of May, and got
emailed an invoice, but they've never shipped anything, my order
status just shows pending and they don't respond to emails.  My card
has never been charged either, which is good.  Apparently, they're not
actually interested in selling anything.

So, the Pioneer drive costs about $15 more than the Samsung or LG
drive that are available at Newegg, but it is available again.

Jeff Walther

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Re: 3rd party mail app

2011-05-18 Thread Yersinia

On 5/18/11 3:15 PM, admin wrote:
Would appreciate recommendations on a third-party mail program that is 
good at importing old mailboxes from OSX.  OSX itself in Tiger is not 
doing a good job of capturing OSX mailboxes that were likely created 
under Jaguar-one of the reasons I stayed with Jaguar so long on my 
iBook G3.  Thanks.

Emailchemy. I used it to convert from Claris Emailer to Thunderbird, 
while preserving over a  decade's worth of emails which had been on Emailer.

Get it here. $29.95 to unlock the demo after you use it, but way 
worth it.  :-)

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Re: Unlock your doors!

2011-04-28 Thread Yersinia

On 4/28/11 4:51 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

Thanks for the article. Good read. I sent it on to my BF.

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WiFI Security

2011-04-27 Thread Yersinia
OK, suddenly I feel a whole lot better.  I now categorize this issue 
along with Mac OS X viruses and malware, and my router is fine as it is: 
EASY for ME to use, easy for my BF to use when he's here.

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Re: Lock your doors....

2011-04-26 Thread Yersinia

On 4/25/11 11:21 PM, Dan wrote:

At 4:37 PM -0700 4/25/2011, Bruce Johnson wrote:
Kind of obvious advice for most folks, but they still leave the 
electronic ones open all the time.


People here in South Jersey still leave their doors and cars 
unlocked.  Getting them to lock down their wi-fi networks?  Yea right.

sigh...  To make it easier to service FiOS installations, Verizon has 
been installing the ONT (Optical Network Terminal) on the *OUTSIDE* of 
homes.  Pop the door's locking screw, open its hatch, and you 
immediately have free access to that home's cat5, coax, and phone ports!

- Dan.
They leave doors and cars unlocked in rural NH also. For the whole 8+ 
years I've known him, my BF (who, incidentally, was originally from 
South Jersey but had escaped from NJ about 10 years before I met him) 
has never locked the door to his house, and only occasionally his car or 
truck -- and that was only when he was visiting me in my Sewer Rat Nest 
and I taught him he had to, at least when he was visiting ME (in 
Elizabeth NJ, where I lived for 25 years until I finally escaped from NJ 
too, with his help -- yes, horrors but I can admit it in public, now 
that I don't live there anymore).

Well, my city dwelling Sewer Rat tendencies from a quarter of a decade 
in the Sewer are such that I am a habitual door locker (i.e., apartment 
and car),  the kind who actually checks to make sure I locked the 
apartment or car, whichever applied at the time, when 
over-stressed/spaced out. In fact, soon after my escape (to a small town 
in NH) I :blush: accidentally locked myself out on the upstairs 
porch this winter when it was in the teens and had to stay out there for 
over an hour until a neighbor could rescue me.  :blush:

Ah well. Now about that wi-fi security thing. I read the article Bruce 
linked to, and this was the first I had heard of innocent people being 
accused of downloading child porn because some pervert used their 
non-secured wi-fi connection to download it. I WAS familiar with the 
concept of the 32% of all people have tried to access other people's 
wi-fi networks thing, though, because, I will admit, when I originally 
got my iBook (summer 2007) which had Airport, and found that networks 
were showing up when I sat in my living room with it, I was occasionally 
an opportunist. Translation:

98% of the time I used my own Internet connection (dialup until I 
finally got DSL in the fall of 2009). However, every so often if I was 
on the iBook, I would try to join networks it detected just to see if I 
could. If they were secured (i.e., I got a prompt asking for a 
password), that was the end of my attempt on that network. If it wasn't 
secured and I got right on, yeah, I would use it for a few minutes. Not 
for child porn though. LOL I would use it to peek around on some of my 
Sims forums just amazed that I was able to do it at all (not to mention 
wowed by the high speed), and was too lazy to go back in the bedroom on 
the Quicksilver to use my legitimate Internet access.

BUT, and now comes the dicey part. After a few months, I had managed to 
remember the names of the secured networks and which ones I could get 
on. So occasionally on one of the monthly Sims contests I would 
participate on at some of the forums, I began to get on the iBook and 
borrow half an hour to maybe an hour or so to upload Sim pictures 
(challenge/contest entries) to my Photobucket account (or look at the 
other entries posted by my competitors on THEIR Photobucket accounts). 
That used to take me literally DAYS on my dialup account; I only had the 
patience to spend 3-4 hours at a time waiting for my uploads to go up or 
to see all the other Simmers' pictures, and I would need to upload (or 
look at) 25-50 Sim pictures per challenge/contest entry. So it would 
take me anywhere from 3 days to a week to upload my pics/look at others 
on my dialup connection, compared to an hour or maybe a little less if I 
borrowed a little wi-fi. So yeah, I used to do that (and no, none of 
us had any naked or otherwise inappropriate pictures of Sim children!).

Obviously, when I finally got DSL in 2009 I didn't need to do that 
anymore, and in fact, since my BF gave me a router, I was able to have 
my own little network and go online in the living room with the iBook's 
Airport legitimately. Now back then I was quite deliberate in not 
securing my network -- I had, after all, occasionally borrowed wi-fi 
from neighbors, and I honestly felt that leaving mine open would be 
returning the favor to some other neighbor who was still in the 
position I had only just gotten out of -- stuck on dialup, unable to 
afford high speed Internet.

As time went on -- a few months to almost a year -- I noticed (from my 
iBook's Airport) that networks were disappearing -- both ones I 
remembered as secured as well as the ones I used to borrow from, and 
the new ones slowly coming in, 

Re: OK, I'll Try This Again. Locksmith Wanted (wifi).

2011-04-26 Thread Yersinia

On 4/26/11 3:03 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Apr 26, 2011, at 11:26 AM, Yersinia wrote:

So there IS an easy way to name and secure my little network? If so, I would 
greatly appreciate it if one of you wifi locksmiths could provide me with 
step-by-step instructions. Here is the equipment list:

Router: US Robotics MAXg, Model 5461.

USR has a nice easy-peasy tutorial here:

Just select the defaults of WPA2 and WPA (PSK), and TKIP  AES.

Yeah, the tutorial was VERY easy to understand, thank you, Bruce. (Tina: 
my original attempt to secure my router was to (try to) do what the 
manual said, but I had problems and now,  over a year later, I don't 
know where the manual is anymore). However, after I Googled to find out 
what all the security options in the tutorial actually meant (enough 
anyway: I cannot claim to REALLY understand wifi/wifi security tech: if 
I did, I wouldn't have this issue.  Anyway, I decided I didn't want 
those defaults. I want to use WEP open because it's best for my Trailing 
Edge equipment. I don't want to even try WPA2  because I'm scared 
sh*tless I'll end up locking myself out of my own network.  Hell, I 
locked myself out on my own porch in the dead of winter! :-{

See, when my BF originally got his wireless brick he couldn't get in on 
HIS G4 Quicksilver (running 10.4.3 at the time, don't know if he updated 
it since then or not; I did put the 10.4.11 update on his flash drive at 
some point some time after that but don't know if he used it).  Well I 
recall him grumbling about WPA2 and being pissed off saying I thought 
I read somewhere that Tiger DID support WPA2! or something like 
that...and there was some PITA crap he had to go through so he could use 
his own wifi, and my iBook's Airport will NOT join his brick wifi when 
I'm at his house unless he gives me this dongle-ish thingie to plug into 
one of the USB ports (and my iBook DOES have 10.4.11 on it). Well, 
that's why I don't want to taste any of the various flavors of WPA. OK, 
though, thought I'd be OK after all when I did eventually did find 
instructions at the US Robotics site on how to set up WEP, and it even 
took me to the page to do it. Problem is, THAT is NOT simple. I didn't 
understand and/or know where to look for the info it asks for and didn't 
have the time to write it all down so I can do more Google and look up 
stuff later. :-( I don't know nearly enough about any of this to keep 
from really screwing up.

Thank you all anyway, though.

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Re: Huge amount of bounced mail coming back from this list...

2011-04-19 Thread Yersinia

On 4/19/11 9:30 PM, Dan Palka wrote:

I've received like 20 bounced emails today, some dating from years ago, from 
a user on this group

Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks, Dan

Yes.  :-P   sigh

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Re: [G3-5]Re: Using HD 128GB in G4 Macs!

2011-04-08 Thread Yersinia

On 4/8/11 10:46 PM, MaGioZal wrote:

I would like to ask: it wouldn't be much more simple nowadays to buy a
PCI-ATA card and attach the128GB HD to it?

Actually that's what I did when I bought two internal 250 GB HDDs for my 
G4 Quicksilver 867 but I haven't actually asked my boyfriend to perform 
the installations yet

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Re: New addition to my tool kit...

2011-04-01 Thread Yersinia

On 4/1/11 4:37 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

...something everyone who works with computers should have in their kit...

I'm buying a bunch!

And happy April Fool's Day to you, too!   ;-)

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-26 Thread Yersinia

On 3/26/11 3:28 PM, Dan wrote:

At 2:08 PM -0500 3/26/2011, Sean Carroll wrote:
um, didn't Cover Flow debut in Leopard, and isn't Yersinia running 
Tiger on the Mac in question?

Yeah, running Tiger on all my Macs (oh yeah, except for the G3/450 BW 
and my Ancient Powerbooks 190, 5300 and Lombard, to which this doesn't 
apply). G4 Quicksilver and G3/800 iBook both run 10.4.11 and the G4 Mini 
runs 10.4.2 (but I almost never surf the web on the Mini anyway; it's my 
Sims computer). Obviously it's the QS and iBook this is really about.

For the most part, Cover Flow - or at least its ubiquitous use, in 
things like Finder, is a named Leopard feature, yes.  But the 
framework that drives it is available in Tiger.  Not sure it was 
delivered as part of the .11 update or if it's bundled as one the many 
frameworks that comes with Safari 4.x - probably the latter.

heh.  The cover flow presentation in the bookmarks window, and the Top 
Sites, does work quite well actually.  Very smooth etc.  The problem 
is that it's continuously updating the previews, chewing up your cpu 
and network bandwidth.  Make general surfing slow!

- Dan.

My main reason for wanting to disable the Top Sites function is because 
I don't want my actual top sites (as in the sites I go to regularly) to 
be trackable or obvious. I always surf on Private, and daily -- 
sometimes several times daily --  deleting my cookies and resetting 
Safari to get rid of all that crap. I never used or even realized about 
the Safari feature Top Sites until a few days ago, actually, and tried 
to get rid of it on my own before asking about it here.  Oh well.   :-{

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-25 Thread Yersinia

Goshdarn, I'm getting even more swiss-cheese-for-brain than I thought!  :-(

OK...On 3/16/11 2:45 PM, Dan wrote:

At 12:53 PM -0400 3/16/2011, Yersinia wrote:

G4s and a G3 iBook running OS X Tiger

How do you disable Top Sites entirely?

It is annoying that Apple didn't provide a clear interface in Safari. 
Very very poor / inconsiderate design on their part.

It is a multi-step process.  ( to expand upon Andy's reply ).

Yeah, I'd already done what Andy suggested but it didn't work. So now, 
on to...

0.  Launch Safari and close its windows.


1.  Safari's preferences, General tab.  Select something other than 
Top Sites in the new windows and tabs pop-ups.  For performance 
purposes, I prefer Empty Page.

Already had it this way -- it was on Andy's list too -- BOTH new pages 
and new tabs set to open to empty pages.

2.  Safari's preferences, Bookmarks tab.  Uncheck Include Top Sites.

Unchecked -- already was, however.

3.  Bookmarks window.  If the webpage preview thingy is showing, grab 
its size slider and push up until it vanishes.

Ummm, hmmm -- what bookmarks window? The one you get when you click 
Bookmarks, then Show All Bookmarks, or the one in Preferences? I didn't 
see a webpage preview thingy, or anything that I recognized as one, or 
any kind of slider, in the first, and in Preferences it's all checkboxes 
no icons or sliders.

4.  Reset Safari dialog.  Check Reset Top Sites and Remove all 
webpage preview images and Empty the cache.  For an added 
performance kick, check Remove all website icons.  Then hit the 
Reset button.  Wait about 10 seconds and quit Safari.

H, OK. I do Reset Safari frequently anyway (already set to Reset Top 
Sites, Empty the Cache, Clear Downloads Window, Remove Other Autofill 
form text, and yes, Remove all webpage preview images). OK, time to add 
Remove all website icons. Done. Result of restart: Still have the Top 
Sites apparently working, with the original ones Apple programs in there 
it looks like. I suppose I'll need to do that Bookmarks window thingy 
you suggest once you tell me what it is, and try again, and then if 

If the above doesn't crush that @#$% feature, then look into wiping 
out prefs files.

Right. LOL

You are always a help, Dan. I am sorry I'm so unstable at times!

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-25 Thread Yersinia

On 3/25/11 12:35 PM, Dan wrote:Show All Bookmarks.

Top Sites is sortof / seems to be related to Cover Flow.  The setting 
in the Bookmarks tab of Safari's preferences removes the Top Sites 
icon from the bookmarks bar and seems to mostly turn off the 
function.  Then, in the regular Bookmarks window, there's the Cover 
Flow stuff at the top.  If you don't see it, then either your CPU is 
too slow (so Safari supressed it) or you've already moved the slider 
all the way up and it disappeared.  To get it back (yuk lol), move 
your mouse cursor into the black area to the left of the Search box in 
that bookmarks window.  When the cursor turns into a hand, mouse down 
then drag about 3/4 of the way down the window - the cover flow stuff 
should reappear, and the background task that generates the previews 
will start up.

I've never even heard of Cover Flow before. But OK, here's what I see on 
a newly opened Reset Safari/Quit and Restart Safari/Bookmarks/Show All 
Bookmarks page:

The top half of the page is all black (there's a sidebar on the left). 
Is the black supposed to be the Bookmarks Window? Oh no that's right, 
the bottom half (white/normal) is... oh yeah, NOW I remember!  being 
bummed a couple weeks after upgrading from Safari 3 to 4 when I tried to 
organize my bookmarks; it went from nice and simple to frickin 
confusing! Anyway, the black on top, white on bottom is also what I saw 
what, half an hour ago or so? But OK, right now, I don't see anything 
that says Cover Flow or looks like a process (would that look like 
something you'd see in Activity Monitor or iStat?) This is hard when I 
don't even know what to look for! LOL OK

Pushing the black all the way up with the little hand gets memore 
white, less black -- kind of like a black strip across the top of the 
page, and I can't get the black to drag back down (I lost the hand). Not 
only that, I still don't see anything at all that says Cover Flow or 
anything that I can see as looking like a process. In addition, 
resetting Safari, shutting it down for 10 seconds and reopening it, 
whatever this smaller black space thing is, I still have it -- it didn't 
come back as the top half black, bottom half white I originally saw.

And.Show Top Sites STILL works and has Top Sites to show. :-(  

Thanks anyway, though.

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-25 Thread Yersinia
Forgot to add/ask -- this is all happening on my G4 Quicksilver 867 -- 
is an 867 MHz processor too slow?!

On 3/25/11 12:35 PM, Dan wrote:

At 12:13 PM -0400 3/25/2011, Yersinia wrote:
Goshdarn, I'm getting even more swiss-cheese-for-brain than I 
thought!  :-(

No, yer just up against a really bad interface.  Apple bungled this one.

2.  Safari's preferences, Bookmarks tab.  Uncheck Include Top Sites.

Unchecked -- already was, however.

3.  Bookmarks window.  If the webpage preview thingy is showing, 
grab its size slider and push up until it vanishes.

Ummm, hmmm -- what bookmarks window? The one you get when you click 
Bookmarks, then Show All Bookmarks, or the one in Preferences? I 
didn't see a webpage preview thingy, or anything that I recognized as 
one, or any kind of slider, in the first, and in Preferences it's all 
checkboxes no icons or sliders.

Show All Bookmarks.

Top Sites is sortof / seems to be related to Cover Flow.  The setting 
in the Bookmarks tab of Safari's preferences removes the Top Sites 
icon from the bookmarks bar and seems to mostly turn off the 
function.  Then, in the regular Bookmarks window, there's the Cover 
Flow stuff at the top.  If you don't see it, then either your CPU is 
too slow (so Safari supressed it) or you've already moved the slider 
all the way up and it disappeared.  To get it back (yuk lol), move 
your mouse cursor into the black area to the left of the Search box in 
that bookmarks window.  When the cursor turns into a hand, mouse down 
then drag about 3/4 of the way down the window - the cover flow stuff 
should reappear, and the background task that generates the previews 
will start up.

4.  Reset Safari dialog.  Check Reset Top Sites and Remove all 
webpage preview images and Empty the cache.  For an added 
performance kick, check Remove all website icons.  Then hit the 
Reset button.  Wait about 10 seconds and quit Safari.

H, OK. I do Reset Safari frequently anyway (already set to Reset 
Top Sites, Empty the Cache, Clear Downloads Window, Remove Other 
Autofill form text, and yes, Remove all webpage preview images). OK, 
time to add Remove all website icons. Done. Result of restart: Still 
have the Top Sites apparently working, with the original ones Apple 
programs in there it looks like. I suppose I'll need to do that 
Bookmarks window thingy you suggest once you tell me what it is, and 
try again, and then if necessary,

Lemme know if above works.  Maybe you'll need to turn it all on, then 
turn it all off or something.

- Dan.

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-25 Thread Yersinia

On 3/25/11 2:08 PM, Dan wrote:

At 1:30 PM -0400 3/25/2011, Yersinia wrote:
this is all happening on my G4 Quicksilver 867 -- is an 867 MHz 
processor too slow?!

Um, not sure.  I think 800-MHz or so is the cut.  Someone else will 
have to verify; I'm at 933-MHz.

My iBook is 800 MHz. But I want to straighten up the Quicksilver first.

At 1:20 PM -0400 3/25/2011, Yersinia wrote:

On 3/25/11 12:35 PM, Dan wrote:

Show All Bookmarks.
Top Sites is sortof / seems to be related to Cover Flow.  The 
setting in the Bookmarks tab of Safari's preferences removes the Top 
Sites icon from the bookmarks bar and seems to mostly turn off the 
function.  Then, in the regular Bookmarks window, there's the Cover 
Flow stuff at the top.  If you don't see it, then either your CPU is 
too slow (so Safari supressed it) or you've already moved the slider 
all the way up and it disappeared.  To get it back (yuk lol), move 
your mouse cursor into the black area to the left of the Search box 
in that bookmarks window.  When the cursor turns into a hand, mouse 
down then drag about 3/4 of the way down the window - the cover flow 
stuff should reappear, and the background task that generates the 
previews will start up.

I've never even heard of Cover Flow before.

Cover Flow is the graphical page representation that you can flip thru 
(supposedly) quickly, appearing at the top of the window with the list 
of items below it.

Here's a pic of Cover Flow in Safari: 

Thank you. I've never seen this before on any of my Macs! Well at least 
now I know what I'm looking for!

But OK, here's what I see on a newly opened Reset Safari/Quit and 
Restart Safari/Bookmarks/Show All Bookmarks page:

The top half of the page is all black (there's a sidebar on the 
left). Is the black supposed to be the Bookmarks Window? Oh no that's 
right, the bottom half (white/normal) is...

Sounds like the (black) cover flow area hasn't filled in with page 
previews yet.  Be patient! :)

Pushing the black all the way up with the little hand gets memore 
white, less black -- kind of like a black strip across the top of the 
page, and I can't get the black to drag back down (I lost the hand).

Right.  When it's pushed up all the way it goes away.  To drag it back 
down, you have to move the mouse around just until the cursor turns 
into a hand, then mouse down.  It's rather area sensitive / tricky.

OK, finally got the little hand back and was able to pull the black 
strip all the way down. But it's still all black. Guess I'll have to 
check in with  it later huh?

And.Show Top Sites STILL works and has Top Sites to show. :-( 

Yea.  Regardless of the preferences and what you've done to the 
bookmarks window, if you select Show Top Sites from the History menu 
then it will always take you there, and trigger the @#$% thread that 
creates the page previews.

Oh, so there IS no way to totally disable it?

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-25 Thread Yersinia

On 3/25/11 3:48 PM, Dan wrote:

At 2:49 PM -0400 3/25/2011, Yersinia wrote:
And.Show Top Sites STILL works and has Top Sites to show. :-( 

Yea.  Regardless of the preferences and what you've done to the 
bookmarks window, if you select Show Top Sites from the History 
menu then it will always take you there, and trigger the @#$% thread 
that creates the page previews.

Oh, so there IS no way to totally disable it?

Well, normally it's on and the thread is sucking up cpu and network 
bandwidth in the background building those previews.  This way it's 
off off off until you explicitly tell it to go on - by opening its 
window.  :\
sigh Oh well, guess I'm stuck with it unless I go back to Safari 
3. Thanks anyway, though!

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Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-16 Thread Yersinia

Hi Listers,

Info:  G4s and a G3 iBook running OS X Tiger

How do you disable Top Sites entirely? Clicking the x on the little 
movie screens when you go into History/Show Top Sites makes the ones 
that were there go away, but I keep getting MORE little movie screens. 
What I would like is for them all to be gone, PERMANENTLY, and never 
generate any new ones, so that Show Top Sites is always empty and stays 
that way. Is this possible?

Thanks.  :-)

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Re: Disabling Top Sites

2011-03-16 Thread Yersinia

On 3/16/11 1:29 PM, Andy wrote:

On 16/03/2011 16:53PM,  wrote:

How do you disable Top Sites entirely?

In Safari go to Preferences and click the Bookmarks tab.
Next to Bookmarks Bar Uncheck include Top Sites

I already unchecked it. I've been trying to get rid of these darn things 
for the past two days, checking and rechecking in Preferences, looking 
to see if I had missed anything. The only item on that whole list I have 
checked is Bookmarks Bar, which  is the only one of those I use.

Also don't have Safari open onto Tops Sites at startup. You can set this
in Preferences  General tab.

I've always had both new windows and new tabs set to open to an Empty 
Page. Can't stand opening to any specific website, even one I MIGHT 
actually go to first.

Thank you anyway. Any more suggestions?

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Re: When you really need to erase data...

2011-03-13 Thread Yersinia

On 3/13/11 7:19 AM, faithie999 wrote:

i rebuild old PC's and give them to a social worker to give to her
clients.  i found this program n Nuke
which yes, is a DOS boot disc/DOD-level erasing program, but if you
have a PC around you can install your old Mac HD into it and when Boot
n Nuke starts you can choose from 7 levels of data destruction.  a
pretty slick tool.

D-BAN is great for Windoze and Linux (my boyfriend has it for his Linux 
boxes).  However, OS X's Disk Utility offers -- if you clickOptions 
after you select Erase -- Zero Out, which writes zeroes all over the 
disk, plus two more called 7-Pass Erase and 35-Pass Erase, which write 
data to the drive 7 and 35 times, respectively. To the best of my 
knowledge, the 35-Pass Erase is D-BAN equivalent. The 35-Pass Erase also 
takes half a century (er, well, you know what I mean). However, if I was 
going to sell my hard drives, I would definitely 35-Pass erase them 
first. When I get a new used HD, I do a blind (just run, don't look) 
7-Pass erase on it before formatting for my own use. I'd do the 35 in 
this case too, but it really does take a long time, and, not only do I 
not look on the new drive first, well whatever might be on it, it's 
not MY data! So I personally only recommend the 35 if you're planning to 
SELL the drive to someone else. Not everybody chooses to be as blind 
as I do.

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CCC and USB: Preparing New HDDs

2011-03-13 Thread Yersinia

Hi Listers,

I think this is probably a quickie -- nothing's broken, nothing's 
critical, I'm still in the thinking stage concerning installing bigger 
internal HDDs in my Quicksilver (HDDs I purchased almost 2 years ago so 
you see how critical this really is huh? LOL)

My 2-HDD QS 867 is CCC backed-up to to my USB external HDD -- 2 HDDs, 
one Tiger 10.4.11, the other Panther 10.3.2. So is my G4 Mini (OS X 
Tiger 10.4.2) and my G3/800 iBook (OSX Tiger 10.4.11). Each Mac has its 
own partition on the external drive.

Now I know that the only way a CCC'ed external backup is actually 
bootable, is if you're trying to boot an INTEL Mac with it; non-Intel 
Macs like mine need Firewire to boot from an external, which I no longer 
have (the only enclosure I could GET when my faithful old LaCie with FW 
finally died was USB). OK. So my question is:

If I transfer the brand newly updated contents of my external HD to a 
new (much bigger) internal HD -- via USB and my Magic Cable -- and 
have that big new loaded-with-all-my-stuff HD *installed in the 
Quicksilver*, will it boot the Quicksilver as-is, or will I have to run 
an Archive-and-Install from the Tiger DVD? (and Panther CD, for THAT one)?

Thanks! :-)


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Re: wireless signal theft

2011-03-09 Thread Yersinia

On 3/9/11 8:53 AM, Charles Lenington wrote:
I hope everyone with unsecured wireless networks takes todays report 
on NBC's Today show seriously. Luckily the FBI investigated enough 
that the owner of the open network didn't go to jail for pornography. 
Sure a password is inconvenient, but staying out of jail would be high 
on my list. I personally turn off/disable all wireless and bluetooth 
devices/networks. (And really restrict what I say over a cell phone).

If you turn off your wireless and bluetooth networks, how do you use 
them yourself legitimately?

No I didn't see the show, I don't have live TV and haven't for 10 
years, but I've been aware of the fact that people can use other 
peoples' unsecured wireless signals.

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Re: Apple Oompa Loompas!

2011-03-05 Thread Yersinia

On 3/5/11 11:24 AM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:

But am I the only one who feels Oompa Loompas are a bit creepy ? Kinda a
hive mind thing ?

Actually, I don't even KNOW what an Oompa Loompa  looks like, and 
thought I'd find out by playing this video, but since it won't run on my 
Mac, their appearance will have to remain a mystery to me.

 I owned, so read the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory numerous 
times when I was a kid (talk about dating myself here huh?), but I 
never saw the movie, and I can't recall the actual DESCRIPTIONS of what 
Oompa Loompas look like.

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Re: Apple Oompa Loompas!

2011-03-05 Thread Yersinia

On 3/5/11 4:41 PM, Geke wrote:

Sorry it doesn't work on your Mac, Yersinia.
Somehow it works OK on my G4 2x500.
Maybe the hype is over by now? I'm on digest...

Anyway, I think it's nice but not fabulous. The best part is where the
guy rejects Bill Gates' offer!
I recorded the thing with RealAudio, if you want you can download it
from my Dropbox. It's 15 MB:

OK OK OK, guess what -- I just saw it -- on my QS 867!


 My poor QS needed to be cleaned up bad with Onyx! I was thinking not 
only was it bothering me to not be ABLE to see this video, but also how 
I was getting tired of how painfully slow it's been lately. S

I updated my backups, ran everything Onyx had to offer in maintenance 
and cleaning, and QS is running much better. For the heck of it I tried 
to see the Apple Oompa Loompas again, and this time it worked.

And now that I've finally seen it, I gotta say I agree with Geke here -- 
it's funny, but not piss-your-pants hysterical. Oh, and my favorite part 
was the Mac startup chime. LOL

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Re: Clean My Mac

2011-03-05 Thread Yersinia

On 3/5/11 6:35 PM, Mike wrote:

I personally wouldn't. The site looks nice enough, but it's not freeware,
and Mac's don't need to be defragged.

As far as Minecraft goes, I had a lot of freezing and crashing going on
recently until I ran OnyX. I would recommend OnyX for any Mac.

Right on about the defragging -- no need, indeed. I don't play Minecraft 
or *online* games, but Macs DO sometimes get slow and need to be 
cleaned up. In fact, I had to run OnyX on my own G4 867 Quicksilver 
today. Run all the Cleaning and Maintenance tasks -- MCH better! :-D

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Re: Apple Oompa Loompas!

2011-03-04 Thread Yersinia

On 3/4/11 10:10 AM, Dan wrote:

And make sure you CRANK up the volume for the singing Oompas!

- Dan.
Hmmm, is this something which requires Leopard, Snow Leopard or an Intel 
Mac? All I got (G4 867 QS/Tiger 10.4.11/Safari 4.1.3), for as long as I 
was willing to put up with it (not long!) was a black screen and really 
annoying interrupted dialog. I never got to see or hear anybody singing 
anything because I didn't have the patience to put up with the crappy 
reception long enough to make it that far. (on this note I also just 
plain stopped even trying to watch videos awhile back 
for similar reasons; I got the video (out of sync but got it) but the 
interrupted stop-go-on-off audio crap drove me totally up the wall!)

Oh well

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Re: Apple Oompa Loompas!

2011-03-04 Thread Yersinia

On 3/4/11 7:46 PM, glen wrote:

- Original Message 

Sent: Fri, March 4, 2011 2:26:27 PM
Subject: Re: Apple Oompa Loompas!

At 2:15 PM -0500 3/4/2011, Yersinia wrote:

On 3/4/11 10:10 AM, Dan  wrote:

And make sure you CRANK up the volume for the singing  Oompas!

Hmmm, is this something which requires Leopard, Snow  Leopard or an Intel

Mac? All I got (G4 867 QS/Tiger 10.4.11/Safari 4.1.3), for  as long as I was
willing to put up with it (not long!) was a black screen and  really annoying
interrupted dialog.

It plays ok on my 933 MHz  QuickSilver, under Tiger.  Took a little while to
get going tho.  The  site seems to be under quite a load.

- Dan.

Plays just fine. Well, one small hiccup on my 450 MHz Smurf (an overclocked 400
MHz) with 896 MB of RAM. Much better than most YouTube stuff. --glen

:sigh OK, it just won't work for ME. I just tried again (it's 
lots of hours later than when I first tried) go, same crap.

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Re: G4 933 Quicksilver

2011-02-26 Thread Yersinia

On 2/25/11 10:00 PM, Barney Guzzo wrote:

Hi.  I have a 2002 G4 933 Quicksilver.  It has a 250 gb (Seagate) and
a 128 gb (WD) ide drive, 500 gb sata drive, pci sata controller, pci
gigabit ethernet card, pci 4 port 2.0 usb card, geforce ti 4600 128mb,
and its connected to a a 23 Apple Cinema Display via ADC. I am using
OS 10.4.11.This machine runs flawlessly and I have no problems.
So what am I doing wrong? Any ideas?

Yes, IMNSHO you are doing something HORRIBLY WRONG -- THIS POST! What is 
the MATTER with you?! You are dismally failing to just appreciate it 
when you've got one of those precious rare instances of something GOOD 
happening in the mostly sucky endeavor we call Life! In this case -- you 
have a beautiful Quicksilver which runs flawlessly and does everything 
you need it to do. BE THANKFUL!

IMO upgrades are only NECESSARY when (a) the present computer no longer 
does what you actually NEED it to do (word processing vs. gaming, for 
instance: I mean heck, I bet an an old Mac Plus on System 6 would be 
enough for an obsessed writer who doesn't care about games, music, 
pictures or videos; but it sure as hell wouldn't do a graphics-intense 
and/or online game addict any good!), or, (b) the computer is running 
too slowly or is outright malfunctioning, which makes it way easier and 
maybe also even cheaper to buy a newer, better one instead of fixing 
or upgrading the one you have which has become insufficient or problematic.

But if that NON-PROBLEMATIC Quicksilver 933 of yours IS doing everything 
you need it to be able to do, I think you should count your blessings, 
ENJOY it, bask in its beautiful sunlight and remember:


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Re: Timer

2011-02-26 Thread Yersinia

On 2/26/11 8:27 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

Is there a timer I can get for my Mac that I can set to remind me audibly of an 
elapsed amount of time to help with my cooking?

I use the microwave's kitchen timer for cooking, but I suppose Alarm 
Clock, which I use for laundry, would do equally well for cooking.

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda CA
92886 USA
Sent from my MBP

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Re: App to Delete Unused Languages, Printers, Modems

2011-02-24 Thread Yersinia

On 2/24/11 1:35 AM, Kris Tilford wrote:

Barney Guzzo wrote:
Where do you get 1.3.9?

Yersinia wrote:
Yeah, good question.

Thank you Kris. I just downloaded it now.  :-)

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Re: App to Delete Unused Languages, Printers, Modems

2011-02-24 Thread Yersinia

On 2/24/11 2:34 AM, Kris Tilford wrote:

On Feb 24, 2011, at 1:16 AM, Judith Berkowitz wrote:

what should I choose to clear out in the Input Menu category?

You can clear out all the foreign language input methods that you 
don't normally write or speak. You probably should keep the Apple 
Keyboard Layouts. These won't save much space, but wasted space is 
wasted space.

Thank you for the tips, too, and

You might want to do a search of your HD for larger size files to see 
about removing unneeded larger files. I don't remember if Monolingual 
gets the .mpg iMovie tutorials that are in foreign languages? It's 
probably not necessary to have tutorial QuickTime movies that are in 
German, French, and other languages, 

True enough!
and if I remember correctly, these aren't removed by Monolingual 
because they're not language resource files, they're QT movies and 
there isn't any metadata saying the audio is in a foreign language. 
Perhaps this has changed, but I remember removing a lot of tutorial 
movies in foreign languages in the past which free'd up valuable 
space. Searching by size can help. A neat little GUI utility for 
visually checking file sizes is Disk Inventory X

Thank you once again, Kris. I downloaded this too. :-)

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Re: App to Delete Unused Languages, Printers, Modems

2011-02-23 Thread Yersinia

On 2/23/11 11:48 PM, Barney Guzzo wrote:

Where do you get 1.3.9? I went to my usual places and all I see is the new
version for 10.5

Yeah, good question. I could use Monolingual too since I'm getting tight 
on disk space -- but I couldn't find one that would work with TIGER.

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Re: How to test PRAM battery?

2011-02-02 Thread Yersinia

On 2/2/11 11:12 AM, John Carmonne wrote:

On Feb 2, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Bill Connelly wrote:

On Feb 2, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Jeffrey Engle wrote:

There's no way that I'm aware of. Maybe somebody else will chime in.
Jeff Engle

I've heard even though it may test at full voltage, if it's old and 
used somewhat, it may not stay at that level when used, or not be at 
its best ... whatever that means ... don't really know.

I have the problem even with brand new ones mostly in PowerBooks, G3's 
and TiBooks.
Oh, my. Does this mean that if a Mac's problem can indeed be traced to a 
malfunctioning (for whatever reason) PRAM battery and you buy a new one 
that tests good (with a voltmeter) and THAT doesn't fix it -- unless you 
have money to throw away buying PRAM batteries until you get one that 
DOES work -- you might as well give up on that Mac and use or sell it 
for parts?

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Re: Changing the breathing rate of a sleeping Power Mac G4

2011-01-29 Thread Yersinia

On 1/28/11 11:43 PM, Tina K. wrote:

On 2011/01/28 20:30, Sean Carroll so eloquently wrote:

I liked the way that, during sleep, the power button light on my old
Gig-E would fade and brighten. I don't know when Apple started with
this, but it was new to me in 2000. (I liked to point out this amusing
- but not useless - feature to non-Mac people

My first Mac was a Graphite iMac 600 MHz, the first time I saw it 
'breathe' while sleeping I was in love with it. I wish that I still 
had that adorable little Mac so I could give it a hug.

Silly and OT I know, but what can I say?

Actually it was my Powerbook 5300 where I first noticed that they 
breathe while sleeping. My first 3 Macs (Performa 475, PPC 7200/120 and 
Beige Gossamer (born a G3/266, later enhanced to G3/400) didn't do it 
that I ever saw, but I've seen my 5300 and Lombard Powerbooks, and G4 
Quicksilver 867 all doing it. I don't know if my G4 Mini does it, 
though, since its power-on indicator is facing the wall side of the 
hutch on my computer desk so I can get at the free  USB port 
easilyh lemme see, maybe if I'm careful enough I can turn it 
around without loosening the AC adapter cordahhh. YES, it DOES! LOL 
Maybe it's a New World Mac thing?

Oh and while I TOTALLY agree with both Sean and Tina on how cool (and 
endearing) Macs are when breathing while sleeping, gotta say the one 
thing I personally NEVER liked about ANY Mac design was where they put 
ports and outlets. As far as I'm concerned, this aspect of the physical 
design could have been done precisely to make things harder. I know, I 
know, it's not aesthetic to have to see the nest so that's why they 
did them this way, but most of the time, I can only appreciate 
aesthetics when they ADD to the FUNCTIONALITY (like the breathing which 
assures me that my Macs are OK and sleeping), not DETRACT from it! To wit:

For me, it's a major PITA to have to turn the whole damn computer (tower 
or big desktop box) around so as to be able to see/get at the ports and 
plug-ins to change a plug-in/make sure it's seated properly or try to 
remember how/where you plugged something in if you're tracing lines 
from the power strip. And why couldn't the Mini have its power-on light 
by the power switch and the optical drive on the right or left side of 
the panel with the power switch/pug-in/ports?  Translation: why did they 
have to force me to choose between being able to see the power light and 
be able to easily access the optical drive at the expense of being able 
to easily power on, PRAM Zap or plug in flash drives, speakers or 
headphones? And who was the freakin' idiot who couldn't put ALL the 
commonly used stuff (USB ports and AC-adapter plug-in) on the RIGHT side 
of the iBook? (or all on the left) -- USB ports on opposite sides of the 
AC-adapter gets me hopelessly tangled up when I need to use the mouse 
while the machine needs to drink wall juice.

Ooops...Sorry... :-{

/rant off
/hijack off


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Re: frivolous question

2011-01-25 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/24/11 6:42 PM, ah...clem wrote:

another lister mentioned wanting to run some vintage apps, and it
brought to mind one VERY vintage app - After Dark.  tho it's a stoopid
waste of time and resources, i just have to ask - does anyone know
whatever happened to berkeley software?  or if there is a current
version of after dark (i can't find one), or a way to get them old
after dark screensavers to run in OSX?  i miss my flying
toasters.  :'o(

Actually, I miss my Rat Race!  :sigh:

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Re: wireless for powermac g4

2011-01-25 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/25/11 11:56 AM, akhoff18 wrote:

I recently acquired a Power Mac G4 Quicksilver (867mHZ, 1.25 gb RAM)
and am in the process of upgrading and updating it. I've got most
things on my list accomplished but I'm somewhat confused about what
type of wireless would be best for this machine.

 From what I've read online it seems as though the Airport Card is the
best way to go, as it was designed for this model (they are rather
expensive unfortunately). However, on a recent trip to the Apple Store
an employee told me I could simply buy a USB adapter for wireless and
it would work just the same. I'm basically looking for a reasonably
priced, yet efficient way of getting wireless for my desktop.

Thanks so much!

A USB adapter is just fine. In fact, I'm coming to you RIGHT NOW from my 
own beloved G4 Quicksilver 867, 1.5 GB RAM, and a Belkin 54g USB Network 
Adapter with a driver called Wireless Utility v 1.2.80u. Wireless 
performance of my Quicksilver with the adapter is just as good as the 
built-in Airport in my G4 Mini 1.5 GHz and my iBook G3/800.  :-D

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Re: help, i'm going deaf!

2011-01-18 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/18/11 10:59 PM, Jeffrey  Daile Engle wrote:

hThen when the chat is over, heaven forbid if I had itunes playing a song 
earlier, because the song is now 1400 decimals!!

...decimals?! ROFLMAO I didn't know numbers could be so 
earsplitting.ROFL!!! (I trust you meant decibels... ROFLMAOPIMP 
thanks for the laugh!

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Re: Appleworks problem

2011-01-17 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/17/11 10:57 PM, Dana Collins wrote:

On 1/17/11 9:43 PM, John Callahan of sent

On Jan 17, 2011, at 8:44 PM, Wm. Arnold wrote:

Hi Group,
I would like to know what replaces Appleworks.
I am using G4  G5 Power PC's with OSX10.4.11
I do not want to put OS9 on them.

Nothing replaces Appleworks :-( :-(:-( :-(!!!

Here, here! AppleWorks rocks! Though I am trying hard to get used to Pages'
syntax (not easy, imho).
I have used AppleWorks 6.2.9 in Leopard for quite some time now, both PPC
and Intel. Have not tried it in Snow Leopard.

Appleworks rocks, YEAH!!  Wow, didn't know it would work with Leopard or 
on a Macintel. I've been running 6.2.9 since I was on OS 9, and kept it 
when I got Tiger but I'm still with my PPCs (now running 10.4.11 on the 
Quicksilver 867 and iBook G3/800).


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Re: Quicksilver HD backup problem

2011-01-12 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/12/11 10:25 AM, tonycd wrote:

Thanks for replying, Yersinia. I appreciate that you bothered.

When I referred to the very little was amiss, I meant the computer's
own HD showed discrepancies that were truly insignificant in both
number and type. Stuff like two files (the same two that have done so
for the entire life of the computer) should have been named X and were
named Y. I don't think they were red flags at all.

Personally, I think that anything that doesn't wash totally clean is 
something to always keep an eye on.

On the other hand, I'm hitting my palm to my forehead Homer Simpson-
style at your realization (which somehow escaped my densehood
entirely) that the HD problem might be not the computer's HD, but that
of the backup. I have no idea how this never occurred to me. Maybe
it's just the psychology of thinking well, it's my BACKUP, or maybe
it's that the backup is still putting its icons on the desktop in a
timely manner, showing up in Disk Utility, and starting to back up
before the cloning operation then quits.

LOL, well, right now I'm coming out of almost a year's worth of 
intermittent issues with my backup drive, so I may be prejudiced too. 
But yes, external backup HDs are just as able to fail as regular-use 
internal HDs.

...which is also why I TRY to keep a triple-redundant backup scheme, for 
my most important data at least. I will also mention I have to do 
everything on the as-cheap-as-I-can-get-away-with budget plan. My normal 
backup scheme (i.e., when I am NOT having issues with the external 
HD...which is all the time between failures! LOL)... My regular-use HDs: 
2 internal drives on my G4 867 Quicksilver (60 GB and 30 GB 
respectively, 1 internal drive on my G4 1.5 GHz Mini (40 GB), and my 
iBook G3/800's HD (30 GB). For the past year I've been going with a 
500GB external HD with three partitions as the backup drive: I have a 
500 GB HD in a USB enclosure, with 3 partitions on it (one for the QS, 
one for the Mini, one for the iBook). So my backup scheme is as follows:

1. Primary Backup for all systems -- the external HD. All three of my 
Macs are FULLY backed up to the external HD, and I maintain with 
incremental backups daily (for each Mac used: if I used and backed up 
the iBook yesterday, but don't use the iBook today, I don't have to 
update its backup today).

2. Secondary Backup: The most important stuff on The Mini and 
Quicksilver is backed up on EACH OTHER. So if the Mini and the external 
HD go down, I can get at the stuff and use it on the QS, If the external 
HD and Mini go down, I can still get it and use it on the QS.

3. Tertiary Backup: The iBook, being my portable fusion of the QS and 
Mini, is naturally the tertiary backup of the QS and Mini. If the Mini, 
QS, AND external HD were to ALL fatally malfunction AT THE SAME TIME -- 
the most important stuff I have is on the iBook. And if the iBook drops 
dead, if/when I get a replacement, I'd be able to fully load it with 
either the external HD OR the QS and Mini!

The only hole in  my backup system at this time is that I don't have a 
REMOTE (off-site) backup. Prior to very recently, I didn't have one 
due to (a) not enough money to buy a SECOND 500 GB external HD, and (b) 
not having any reasonably accessible place to KEEP a remote backup if I 
had one. I also have to admit I was sort of rolling my eyes at the idea 
because what good is weeks- or months- old data; if I crash today and 
can't restore from yesterday's which is right here (i.e., somewhere in 
the house), the loss is already significant at best, at least with 
regards to my current doings. Well, OK, with one of my recent changes, 
now,  it occurs to me I could keep a remote backup at my BF's house and 
could set a weekly update schedule. But right now money is tight again. 
Maybe in the spring or summer when I don't have to spend virtually all 
my non-rent and non-food money on heating oil and other necessities 
(like the one PRIMARY backup).

Glad you have stuff to think about, Tony, and I'm glad if I was able to 
help you at all. It's been a very long time since I could do anything 
useful at all.

Take care!


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Re: Quicksilver HD backup problem

2011-01-11 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/11/11 11:28 PM, tonycd wrote:

Hi. I have a Quicksilver 2002 G4 with an OWC 1.8 Ghz CPU upgrade. The
hard drive is a Seagate Barracude IDE 80 gig drive. It’s a few years
old, but has gotten only moderate use.

The computer is working perfectly, but I’m unable to back up the hard
drive contents by any of several different methods.

I’ve tried cloning the HD contents to my external FireWire drive,
using both Carbon Copy Cloner and Super Duper. In each case, the clone
operation starts but then stalls within a matter of minutes.

With CC Cloner, it states at the very beginning of the cloning
operation that “There may be a physical problem with the disk.” When I
check the option to continue, it runs for maybe 5-10 minutes, copying
maybe 2 gb or so, then freezes.

With Super Duper, it starts normally, runs 5-10 minutes, then states
that some particular file “can’t be read or written” and freezes.

With either program, I can’t opt to “stop” the cloning operation, you
can’t force-quit the program, and I’m forced into a hard restart using
the power button.

I tried running Disk Warrior, which detected very little out of the
ordinary, and Disk Utility, which found very little was amiss with the
disk permissions. Neither made any difference, and the cloning
attempts still failed.

Well, whatever that very little was out of the ordinary and very 
little was amiss  sounds to me like reason(s) why this drive is 
failing. Do you care to specify what exactly WAS out of the ordinary and 
even a little bit amiss?

The hard drive isn’t making any untoward noises, and the computer is
operating perfectly normally. But having irreplaceable old Classic
apps, family photos and business data at risk makes me really, really

Could the problem be something other than the hard drive?

I don't think so. I'm usually the LAST person around here who will 
suggest that a fellow Lister with a malfunctioning item should go buy 
another one -- but in this case, I have to suggest it. IMO, your 
would-be backup drive sounds like it's fried. Dead or dying HDs (either 
external or internal) don't ALWAYS make weird noises -- the first one 
that died on me, which was my object backups are important lesson, ate 
50,000 words of the novel I was writing with nary a sound or a sign 
until it was Too Late. A backup system is CRUCIAL -- this is a 
necessity, not a toy, particularly if you have business data and 
irreplaceable apps of ANY kind.

Oh and BTW, I also just had to get a new external backup drive too -- 
MINE just dropped dead last week -- had its second failure within three 
months and I totally freaked! OK at least I had my flash drives but 
STILL... Finally got the new one in and the QS and Mini are all CCC'ed 
as of today; will CCC the iBook tomorrow.

Hope you resolve this SOON. It's IMPORTANT!


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Re: Where's the trash?

2011-01-03 Thread Yersinia

 On 1/3/11 10:26 PM, Dan wrote:

At 6:52 PM -0800 1/3/2011, Jeffrey  Daile Engle wrote:
I want to know where the Folder is that holds the trash? is there 
such thing?

And what are you plotting to do to them?

In your home folder, there's ~/.Trash

and up at the root level of the volume is /.Trashes

Because the names start with a dot, they're automagically invisible to 

If they're invisible, how do you know they're there?

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Re: Password protect

2010-12-13 Thread Yersinia

 On 12/13/10 4:36 PM, John Carmonne wrote:

On Dec 13, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Dan wrote:

At 9:44 AM -0800 12/12/2010, John Carmonne wrote:

I want to password protect certain HDD's in my G5 PM Dual 2.7 It has 5 drives 
and I want to block access to three of them.
Can I do this?

Block access to whom/what? and for what purpose?

If I let people use my computer I don't want them to have  access to all the 
HDD's on the particular machine. It's easy to do it with an external, just turn 
if off but an internal is different.

Curiously, can't you do a Get Info on the HDDs you don't want others to 
use and set the permissions for no access (except for yourself, of 
course?) Or if there are particular people to whom you habitually grant 
access to your computer, make accounts for them and set it up so only 
YOUR account can access those HDDs you want to keep private for yourself 
only -- or set up a generic account for 'anyone who wants to use my G5' 
to which you give them the password, and from which those HDDs are not 


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Re: Internet video sourced and display on G4

2010-12-06 Thread Yersinia

 On 12/6/10 9:00 PM, Jonas Lopez wrote:

Internet video sourced and display on G4

Santa went shopping at Best Buy and saw Goggle Internet Television tag line.

I try to keep up but what is this?

So I naturally Goggled it and sure enough apparently we can now watch TV using 
the Internet as the source. No more rabbit or mouse ears, humdrum.

OK Lister's, can my Mac G4 show TV from Goggle or whom ever? What do I need to 

I'm a designated FREE SPIRIT HITCHHIKING on the Information Super Highway

Probably try  ?

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Re: Ungrateful Apple abandons older Mac service

2010-12-02 Thread Yersinia

 On 12/2/10 7:54 PM, James Therrault wrote:

On Dec 2, 2010, at 2:44 PM, Dan wrote:

At 8:44 PM -0800 12/1/2010, Jonas Lopez wrote:

a minor wise point here -

if you are ever in your car and a storm causes electric overhead 
wires to fall on the car and you can see sparks outside -- DO NOT 
MOVE, DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR CAR - you are in no real danger 
provided your not a part of the ELECTRIC CIRCUIT


- the metal of your car is ELECTRIFIED but the tires will prevent it 
from burning since they act as a nice insulator.

Incorrect.  The tires are not made of pure rubber.  They are made 
from a blend of rubber, synthetics, metallics, etc.  Then there are 
those pesky steel belts.  IOW, your tires are *great* conductors. 
They are (luckily!) NOT insulators.

You don't get electrocuted, as long as you're inside the car, because 
the current is passing thru the metal chassis, thru the tires, to 
ground.  Some of the current is going thru you, but it's a trivial 
amount, as electricity prefers the better route - thru the tires to 

It might be worth mentioning that the car acts as a Faraday (sp?) box 
whereas most of the voltage/current remains on the outer perimeter.

The way out of this is NOT TO STEP OUT as that will complete the 
electrical circuit and you will be toast.

Correct.  If you were to step out of the car, while still in contact 
with the chasis, then the current would use you as the better route 
to ground.  That would be bad.

BUT if you can jump out BEING SURE YOUR TOTALLY IN THE AIR then you 
can exit the car with no problems.

But to take that flying leap...  Current jumps at the rate of about 
10,000 volts per inch.  You better clear the car completely, *and* 
all the wet pavement, by quite a bit...  This is totally not 
recommended.  The best thing to do is just sit tight until the power 
is turned off.

Yesh. Personally, I think I'll just stay indoors during a 
thunder-and-lightning storm!  :-O

Refinance Now 3.4% FIXED
$160,000 Mortgage: $547/mo. No Hidden Fees. No SSN Req. Get 4 Quotes!

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BW: Is It or Isn't It? (Silly Senile Question). . .

2010-11-16 Thread Yersinia

 Hi Listers,

The current running thread about Yosemite BW upgrades made me wonder if 
MY BW was also a Yosemite. I never knew its codename for sure like I 
did my old G3 Beige desktop, the Gossamer. My BW is the 450 MHz one, 
and says it's based on Yosemite architecture but doesn't 
say anything else or specify outright that it's actually a Yosemite. So 
do any of you know: is it a Yosemite, or isn't it? And if it isn't, what 
is it, and can someone please tell me where do we go to find out these 
things? I thought was the place for this and can't believe 
I couldn't find this out from there.



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Re: Anti-virus for Mac

2010-11-08 Thread Yersinia

 On 11/8/10 2:52 PM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 1:26 AM,  wrote:

Nov 3, 7:41 pm,  wrote:

Geeesh, is this what Windoze users have to do all the time?!?!?

Yes, siree, Bob. That's life on the other side.

I did the same thing out of curiosity, and downloaded Clamxav Beta 2
to my Intel iMac. It took 20 minutes to diagnose that there were zero
infections found. Meh.

On one of these lists, probably this one, was it not determined less than 2
months ago the no one had seen a Mac virus ? Nor felt a any palpable threat
by one.

I had reported that an Mac IT guy here in our mass media department who
administers a staff of techies and hundreds of Macs dismissed any such

It's true, Bruce and Dan have both repeatedly said that Macs on OS X do 
not need AV, and seeing how I wasn't having problems with my Macs which 
I thought might be on account of viruses, I wasn't running any AV 
programs at all and was perfectly comfortable. Prior to this past week, 
the last time I ran any kind of AV was circa 1999, using Disinfectant. 
It was solely for reasons of curiosity from the recent discussions here 
that I decided to pick up ClamXav Beta 2 and the Sophos AV program and 
give 'em a try to see what would happen, just for the hell of it. And, 
as it happened:

ClamXav was taking so long I decided to just quit it and I tried the 
Sophos program. Sophos was fast, took less than an hour I think (I 
didn't time it but subjectively it didn't feel like it was taking 
forever, and it finished its scan on its own), Well, what a surprise 
(NOT!) -- according to Sophos, my Quicksilver is not infected with any 
viruses.  So I'll run Sophos on my Mini and iBook soon -- another just 
for the hell of it thing. I don't really believe that the Mini and 
iBook actually have any viruses, though.


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Re: Anti-virus for Mac

2010-11-04 Thread Yersinia

 On 11/3/10 11:36 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Nov 3, 2010, at 7:10 PM, Yersinia wrote:

OK, thanks for the heads-up about a first time virus scan being like 
Spotlight/taking forever. Maybe I will try Sophos after all. But... 
what IS Access scanning and what do you mean by files are only 
ever scanned if the system touches thsm?  By the system do you 
mean OS X?

on access scanning means that when files are read (for the first time 
in a session) or written they're scanned. It's sort of like spotlight 
which only indexes when files are changed.

Both programs insert themselves into the OS so that when files are 
read or written; they scan the file before the OS can do anything.
Oh wow, OK! But that sounds a lot like lysogeny to me! LOL! ( is there a 
microbiologist in the house?  ;-) )

If this sounds a lot like what malware would do, you're right.  Some 
years back a Sophos update decided that a bunch of Microsoft 
application support files were viruses.  A LOT of folks suddenly ended 
up with fubared Office installs, and a lot of IT folks cursed Sophos 
that day.

ROFLMAO! ...uh-HUH, definitely seeing this lysogenic virus incorporating 
its genome into the genome of the host cell so that ITS proteins will 
code instead of those of the host cell's

...and yeah, I know I shouldn't be laughing on account of all the 
trouble and aggravation those poor IT folks had to deal with on account 
of it, but just the IDEA that any version of a Mac AV application would 
have decided that ANYTHING MicroBorg on the systems were viruses just 
tickles my funnybone!  . . .

Anyway, I ran Sophos on my Quicksilver last night and no threats were 
found -- at least not on the big 60 GB HDD. There's also a 30 GB HDD in 
this machine, and I was just trying to figure out how to tell if THAT 
drive was checked too (the help isn't really all that great, but 
Google is my friend and they do have a forum I noticed). Once I'm sure 
of that, think I'll also run it on the Mini and iBook since they aren't 
Internet virgins either -- the iBook in particular but on rare 
occasions, I actually have taken the Mini online.

Thanks for the help, and the laugh.


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Re: Anti-virus for Mac

2010-11-03 Thread Yersinia

 On 11/2/10 11:48 AM, Dan wrote:

Clam and ClamXav were just recently updated...
(get the version 2 beta - it's stable, not java, works well)

And now Sophos is offering a free version of their anti-virus tool 

- Dan.
Out of curiosity, I actually downloaded both of these. Decided to start 
with the ClamXav version 2 beta first, and it's been running for pushing 
a couple of hours now! It's STILL scanning my G4 Quicksilver 867's 60 GB 
HDD. No infections are listed yet but this came up at some point:

Starting scan…

do not upload it somewhere!
My objects .crash.log

I don't know WHEN that appeared because I had KVM'ed over to the Mini 
for awhile and just noticed it when I came back to the Quicksilver...and 
I have no idea what it means, seeing how there's nothing in the 
Infection Name area.

Anyhoo, is virus scanning SUPPOSED to take this long? I'm thinking I 
probably won't bother with Sophos because I don't want to tie up my 
machines for hours. Or maybe I'll try it on the iBook, but won't have 
any reference point to compare speeds between Sophos and ClamXav. Dunno.

Geeesh, is this what Windoze users have to do all the time?!?!?


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Re: Anti-virus for Mac

2010-11-03 Thread Yersinia

 On 11/3/10 9:55 PM, Bruce Johnson wrote:

On Nov 3, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Yersinia wrote:

Out of curiosity, I actually downloaded both of these. Decided to start with 
the ClamXav version 2 beta first, and it's been running for pushing a couple of 
hours now! It's STILL scanning my G4 Quicksilver 867's 60 GB HDD. No infections 
are listed yet but this came up at some point:

Starting scan…

do not upload it somewhere!
My objects .crash.log

I don't know WHEN that appeared because I had KVM'ed over to the Mini for awhile and just 
noticed it when I came back to the Quicksilver...and I have no idea what it means, seeing 
how there's nothing in the Infection Name area.

Make sure there isn't a dialog window waiting patiently where you can't find 
it, or that it hasn't simply IS a beta after all.

Anyhoo, is virus scanning SUPPOSED to take this long? I'm thinking I probably 
won't bother with Sophos because I don't want to tie up my machines for hours. 
Or maybe I'll try it on the iBook, but won't have any reference point to 
compare speeds between Sophos and ClamXav. Dunno.

It's sort of like Spotlight...the first time takes forever, but both Sophos and 
ClamXAv can be configured to do on Access scanning, which is considerably 
faster; files are only ever scanned if the system touches them.

Nope, no hidden dialog least none behind or below the main 
window, and nothing in the Window menu anywayanyplace else I should 
be looking? ..and, hmmm...NOW it looks like it might have crashed. 
Before when I wrote my prior post, I could see filenames whizzing by, 
now it's stuck on one so that's why I think it might have crashed.

OK, thanks for the heads-up about a first time virus scan being like 
Spotlight/taking forever. Maybe I will try Sophos after all. But... what 
IS Access scanning and what do you mean by files are only ever 
scanned if the system touches thsm?  By the system do you mean OS X?


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Re: Dead Drive?

2010-10-31 Thread Yersinia

 On 10/31/10 8:04 AM, AndersFager wrote:


Installed a brand new 500 gig hd in a G5 iMac. The old one had
issues. For reasons unknown Disc Utility has problems even formating
the damned thing. And refuses to partion it. Disc Warrior does not
even see the new drive. What can be wrong? The machine has a new
battery and from what I can make out the drive and the fans start ok,
the screen works.


Before pronouncing the drive dead -- in addition to trying all those 
other suggestions -- see what happens with a magic cable. That can 
tell you if the problem is the drive itself or not. Something like this:

(However, on the other hand, I just had an issue with my Quicksilver 
involving one of my HD's cables having decided to die on me the VERY 
FIRST time I was trying to boot up after reconnecting The Network 
since moving in here! about SCARY...)

I AM planning to buy a couple of magic cables anyway though in the 
very near future.


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Re: Yet-another boring viral FUD panic.

2010-10-31 Thread Yersinia

 On 10/31/10 11:50 AM, Dan wrote:

Koobface.  heh.

A good read.  See also the links at the end of their page.,00.shtml

- Dan.

Sorry, but I just can't resist...

the hoops an eejit has to jump through to get 'infected' redefine the 
word 'stupidity'.

Which IMO is defined by  joining any of that Facebook, Twitter, MySpace 
crap in the first place...


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Re: Writing on the wall...

2010-08-25 Thread Yersinia

Illirik writes,

Who uses Firefox?

My boyfriend does. I have it on my Quicksilver and iBook for him to use 
when he's here if he doesn't bring one of his laptops (he has a Windoze 
one for work and also an iBook), but for me alone it's just a backup 
browser -- I like Safari...don't ask...


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Looking for Older Onyx

2009-12-09 Thread yersinia
Hi Listers,

Google was unable to help me find an OLDER version of Onyx. I need one 
to run on my G4 Mac Mini, which is and needs to stay on 10.4.2. The 
earliest Onyx I was able to find for Tiger required 10.4.3 minimum. I 
have Onyx 1.7.5 running on my Quicksilver, but the QS was on 10.4.7 or 
10.4.8 back when I picked that up. I think I recall it required 10.4.7 
minimum, which was and still is OK for the QS (now on 10.4.11), but I 
need one for the Mini. Are the Tiger versions of Onyx OK, or does anyone 
have a 10.4.2-minimum Onyx they can email me?



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Re: Quicksilver Mini Update and Network Prefs Issue

2009-12-09 Thread yersinia
Dan writes,

Aside -- Please do not invent quoting methods.  Please quote text
normally: use a   at the beginning of each line quoted.  Most
email clients will do this automatically for you when you reply.
Manually enclosing whole areas of text in angle-brackets  does not
make it obviously quoted to the eye.  Nor is it automatically
recognizable as quoted text by the mail client.  And worse- it makes
the Mac think there might be a URL in there, so it spends time trying
to analyze it.

U-HUH? I've been on LEM lists since 2003 and NOW there's a problem 
with how I post? The quoted comments in here method is how I saw it 
done on mailing lists (LEM and ones I'd been on in the mid and late 
1990s) originally. I didn't invent it, I learned it from being on email 
lists. My emailer, Thunderbird, brings up a blank body with no quoting 
at all when I hit reply, so I paste in the text I'm replying to. I 
recall it being the same for my prior emailer, ClarisEmailer, as well. 
(I do this for ALL email, not just list email). Yes I've noticed the 
changes in how other posters post over time and I usually find it 
confusing, so I kept with what I originally learned so at least I can 
understand my own posts! LOL But, OK, if the quoted text all goes in 
here method actually confuses the Mac to think there's an URL, I'll 
just use quotation marks and not the brackets. (Or maybe I'll just 
paraphrase who I'm quoting so I don't have to worry about any kind of 
quotations!) See, now you're driving me to invent!

Anyhow, back to Mac stuff, you said I could find out if my QS drive had 
spun down if there was less noise from the box, and that I should open 
the drive to hear it spin up. The answers to that are:

1. The QS has always been a nice quiet machine -- I almost never hear it 
at all. The only noisy component of my collection here is the external 
HD, which is on all the time so I can make immediate backups whenever I 
have to, and that thing is loud enough to make eveything else seem 
absolutely dead silent.

2. Respectfully, no, I can't open up the QS's drive. Remember I can't do 
anything mechanical, and even if I could, I'd hesitate about doing it 
with the QS powered on, which, for the drive to spin up or down, it 
would have to be. Right? Or maybe I'm just totally not getting this. And 
even so, if the machine is on, the HDs are good (I know they are) and 
the network is set up properly, if the drive did spin down/go to sleep 
while I wasn't using it, it would awaken/spin back up next time I 
accessed it, wouldn't it?

Thanks for the instruction on Finder Preferences, Sidebar pane to get 
the QS to show the Network in the sidebar. It works great. :-)

Mounting aliases of HDs from networked Macs seems to be pointless, 
though. I had the QS's HD Nucleolus mounted on the Mini and I made an 
alias of it. It worked, as in I could get in and at all the files by 
clicking on the alias, but it kept popping up the original real icon 
for the HD -- so why bother with the alias? And while I was able to fix 
the QS's Network settings since killing that bug (thank you for the 
lock-clicking in Security tip), The QS's other HD will still not remount 
on the Mini at all (it's greyed out when I go to select it), and the 
Mini will only occasionally and temporarily mount on the QS. (it 

Oh well, even though there are still these couple of minor issues, 
having the Mini up and running, and the network/KVM system AT ALL, is so 
vastly better than the way it was before, so perhaps I should just shut 
up and learn to live with the minor issues!



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Re: Looking for Older Onyx

2009-12-09 Thread yersinia
Ted writes,


for all your Onyx needs...

Thank you for the link, but I found that yesterday and downloaded the 
1.8.5 one since it said Tiger, only it turned out to have a minimum 
system requirement of 10.4.3 (my Mini runs 10.4.2, yes, deliberately). 
Anyway, I just took a shot out of the blue and copied my Onyx 1.7.5 from 
the Quicksilver (even though that runs 10.4.11) to the Mini. It opened 
and while it seems to be taking a zillion years to do it (seriously, 
about half an hour: I started it and left it to run while I cooked and 
ate brunch), it's forcibly emptying the Trash like I told it to.

Seems it's taking way too long to do this, though. Maybe I'll download 
the Panther version and see if that will run on the Mini.


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Re: Looking for Older Onyx

2009-12-09 Thread yersinia
Dan writes,

Do not run the Panther version on Tiger.  As with most
maintenance/utility/tools - using older versions on a newer OS is
rarely a good plan and could damage things!

Until we find the right vers  If you say what tasks you're trying
to perform we can probably provide the Terminal commands to do it...

My original reason for wanting Onyx on the Mini was because I had to 
force Empty Trash. Then I realized that although it's not a daily thing, 
I have liked having Onyx on the Quicksilver and occasionally run the 
cleaning and maintenance routines, so why not have it for the Mini too?

Don't worry, I couldn't get the Panther version to even install on the 
Mini. Update: The version I had on the Quicksilver (I moved a copy over 
to the Mini) force emptied the Trash for me but I had to force quit it 
when I had it doing other cleaning things (sorry I can't recall which 
exactly) - I had set that up and let it run two hours or so while I went 
grocery shopping! But it was still going when I got back, and it just 
seemed so wrong that it should take that long. I don't recall it taking 
that long on the Quicksilver!

Anyway, when I have time I'll open up Onyx and make a list of the things 
I do with it on the Quicksilver, which I'd like to do on the Mini. Thank 


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Re: Beige G3 problems

2009-12-08 Thread yersinia
Gorka writes,

I have an old 233MHz beige G3 desktop I workin with at a hobby.

last week I installed a trio of 128Mb SIMMs I bought through LEM Swap. I 
exchanged the old memory for the new one following the Apple 
instructions per the manual (and after checking through the net) and 
restarted the computer. hardware started, but got the bomb dialog 
telling me there was a prolem with some app and asking me for a secure 
reboot through the keyboard.

At that time I had only an USB keyboard as my ADB one was at home. Today 
I finally got my old ADB keyboard, opnened the case again, reseated the 
memory and hit the power up buttom in the keyboard.

... to no avail. I got the three lights in the keyboard, the PSU started 
t whirl... and after a couple seconds the machie shut down.

Opened it again, checked everything was OK, all the connections 
secure,put back the old memory SIMMs, closed and tried again to boot, 
getting the same results.

The machine is a beige desktop, 233MHz G3, 128 + 64 + 32Mb SIMMs , one 
PCI slot with 2xUSB 1.1 and 2xFirewire 400, one 10Gb and one 40Gb HD and 
running Mac OS 9.1. The machine was recently resurrected after being 
unused for five years and it ran smoothly until the memory swapt.

Any ideas? Maybe the PSU failed? Besides the memory SIMMs nothing else 
have been touched

Ooooh, a Beige G3/233 Desktop! I had one of those! OK, down to business. 
Here's what I'd do if I still had my Beige and was in your position:

You don't mention if you pressed the CUDA button when you installed the 
new memory, so I'd recommend reseating the RAM yet again and pressing 
the CUDA button.

If that doesn't work, I'd zap the PRAM (hold down the cmd-opt-P-R keys 
while pressing the startup button.

If that doesn't work, I'd go for an open firmware reset. To do this, 
hold down the cmd-opt-O-F keys while starting up. When you get the 
command line, type:

1. reset-nvram  (hit enter)
2. set-defaults  (hit enter)
3. resett-all   (hit enter)

If none of these things work, and, since you also mention that the Mac 
had worked fine but had also been unused for a long time -- I was just 
in this situation with another PPC Mac (the fact that it hadn't been 
used in a while), a Mini, and when the PRAM battery was replaced, it 
worked fine. So if none of the above work for you, your Beige's PRAM 
battery may need to be replaced.

Also, older Macs like that sometimes act wonky if you don't rebuild 
theier desktops. If you get this Beige to boot again, I'd suggest a 
desktop rebuild too. (hold down apple-opt keys while booting, then tell 
it yes when it asks to rebuild the desktop).

Good luck!


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Re: Quicksilver Mini Update and Network Prefs Issue

2009-12-08 Thread yersinia
Dan writes,

Go into the Security system preferences and check the item to make it
lock your system preferences.

What's happening is that the Network pane is comparing its stored
settings against the live settings currently running (that were
updated by the DHCP client) - and complaining that there's a
difference.  Locking things will make that complaint go away.   Dumb

Ooooh wow! Thank you, I did this and I'm able to get into my 
Quicksilver's Network prefs pane without that PITA dialog box.   :-D

Did the drive spin down on the QS?

U, how would I be able to tell if it had?

Would it be a good idea to reboot both the Mini and the Quicksilver to 
reset all this stuff? Also, how come I still don't have Network in my 
QS's sidebars even though I do in my Mini's?)

Tip:  While the drive is mounted, make an alias of it.  Then you can
remount it simply by double-clicking that alias, without having to go
into the Networks pane and waiting for it to refresh.

Presuming I can ever get it to remount on the Mini, I will. Think I'll 
try it with the other QS HD (which I never unmounted), though. If I 
have the aliases, then I only need those and can unmount the real ones?

Thanks again,


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Quicksilver Mini Update and Network Prefs Issue

2009-12-07 Thread yersinia
Hi Listers,

Sorry I haven't been back but with *most* of my problems solved, I've
been too busy enjoying my Macs. :-) Anyway, present status:

1. After my BF replaced its PRAM battery, the Mini worked just fine.

2. My boyfriend helped me establish an Ethernet network (I have a hub)
and KVM sharing/switching between the Quicksilver and Mini. (OOOH!! :-D)

This network is almost fantabulous, except I somehow ended up with a
minor issue with the Quicksilver's Network Preferences pane I have to
fix to fully complete my vision (not to mention finally get off dialup
in the next week or so: I just ordered a Verizon DSL and voice
communications package today).

Here's the problem -- when I go to System Prefs and click Network, I
get this dialog box that says Your network settings have been changed
by another application. I click the OK in this box, but it keeps
popping up in my face, it won't go away, I can't actually get at my
network preferences. The only way to make that weird dialog box go away
is to force quit System Prefs! When I discovered this originally (over
the Thanksgiving holiday weekend when me and my BF were setting this
up), I had planned to set the Quicksilver's network prefs so that the
Mini could show up on its desktop (this is the minor issue I referred to
above). I still want to do that, but I'll also have to get in there I'm
sure when I get my DSL modem from Verizon and I need to set that up.

I suspect the possibility that the Network pref pane got corrupted
somehow and I can fix it by deleting it, but I'm afraid to chance losing
my settings, which I can't get at, and I still need to use my existing
dialup account until I get the DSL up and running.

Does anyone know if my suspicion to delete is actually the solution, and if I do
it, will I lose my existing dialup internet settings? Oh. G4 867
Quicksilver running Tiger 10.4.11.

One more quickie question: I decided to unmount one of the Quicksilver's
  internal HDs from the Mini, then decided I wanted it back, only when I
go to Network (from either a Sidebar or the Go menu in Finder), it no
longer offers that drive -- it's greyed out. Anyone know why?

Thank you so much,


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Re: A question never asked? until now...

2009-11-21 Thread yersinia
Jeff Engle writes,

 it seems that for some reason, of which I still haven't
figured out why, most G3-5er's don't do the ichat thing at all? You
know that cool way of greeting people done so long ago? face to face!
There!, I've said it, it's out in the open!
I started this weird Mac obsession about eight years ago, not really
an obsession, more like a slightly twisted hobby:-) with one idea
among others that was to introduce me to people with similar like's
and dislikes... this I believe I've achieved in a small way by the
google list's. I would however like to push the envelope a bit, even
though my attempt may be scrutinized a bit, and that is to say
Anybody out there who doesn't suffer from a strange allergic reaction
to seeing your own face on your computer? If so, I invite you to chat
me sometime... my AIM buddy name is:

I'm Yersinia3 on AIM. Since you gave your screen name here, I put you on 
my buddy list. Maybe we'll run into each other sometime...although 
admittedly I'm not signed on to AIM all that often anymore. Dunno why 
though. A few years ago there was no getting to sign OFF.

Well, maybe I'll see you (and other G-Listers) sometime.


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Which PRAM Battery Should I Buy?

2009-11-12 Thread yersinia
Hi Listers,

My G4 1.5 GHz Mac Mini needs a PRAM battery. Does anyone know what 
brands/specs of PRAM battery this Mac takes? Googling didn't suggest any 
brands. I ask because someone on the swap list (with whom I've had a 
prior good dealing) is selling PRAM batteries -- I'd like to buy from 
him IF he's selling the correct battery for my Mini. This is what he's 
selling:  3.6 Volt 1/2 AA-sized Lithium PRAM batteries (2 brands: Saft
LS 14250 C or Tadiran TL-5101/TL-5112/TL2150/etc.)

So which of those can I buy, if any, and if not, what should I buy instead?



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Re: Which PRAM Battery Should I Buy?

2009-11-12 Thread yersinia
Dan writes,

That's the right battery.  Either brand is fine.

Thank you. I'll email him about ordering one now.


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External FW HD/CCC Update, and G4 Mac Mini -- Help!

2009-10-31 Thread yersinia
 dead on me again!  :-O

I cannot get the Mini to boot at all now. Anyone have any idea what's 
going on?



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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread yersinia

Tom writes,

My mother-in-law, an elderly and stubborn lady (though nice) refuses
to give up her old 1 GHz iMac (the half-soccer-ball novelty with the
little monitor-on-a-stem sticking out of it) even though it dates from
the Jurassic Period of computing and we all keep telling her she'd be
better off with a new or at least newer iMac. She's had this Mac since
she bought it new. The reason she wants to keep the old thing, says
the sweet old thing, is that she has equally antique applications that
she cannot bear to part with, and that can only run in OS 9 (such as
an old genealogy program, an early word processor, solitaire games,
etc.), and none of the newer iMacs can run Classic. She has simply got
to run Classic, as well as OS-X for e-mail and surfing the web with

We tried to persuade her to give up this old iMac when its hard drive
died the other day, but she insisted on reviving it, so we bought a
new 500-gig hard drive from OWC and installed it (and was that ever a
nightmare, digging into the crammed-full innards of that stupid soccer
ball). We also upped the ram to 1.5 gigs (I think it was).

First off, Tom, please give your mother-in-law a great big hug for me 
and tell her I love her for the strength of her backbone! If her G4 iMac 
is Jurassic, that makes my G4 867 Quicksilver and G3/800 iBook 
Triassic, and although I'm sure I'm a good deal younger than she is, I'm 
just as stubborn and insistent about keeping them and being able to run 
in Classic so I can use ancient apps, which include an old genealogy 
program and old stuff for a game too. Now...

we have to get both OS-9 and OS-X onto it. For some reason, none of the 
OS-9 installer discs that I've accumulated over the years will start up 
this Mac (while holding down the C key), but an OS-X Tiger disk will, 
and Disk Utility on the Tiger installer disk sees the new drive just 
fine, so the HD installation was successful. I did not install Tiger on 
the new drive because I'm worried that we may have to install OS-9 
first, and then put OS-X on top of it. Is that how it's done, when you 
want both, and want to run Classic?

A. You can put OS 9 and OS X on the same HD, but you have to make sure 
that the OS 9 Drivers box is checked when you format the drive. If you 
do that, OS 9 should install and run Classic A-OK, unless she needs a 
machine-specific install CD. This brings us to:

B. Since you say your mother-in-law bought her iMac brand new, I 
suggest you ask her to hunt down the original system disks she got with 
it -- OS 9 installation is occasionally machine specific, and whatever 
she originally had installed to run her Classic before probably came 
from those...right? I had a problem with machine specificity on my iBook 
using one of my own various and sundry OS 9 CDs (which had worked on all 
prior Macs except my iBook) when I wanted to put 9 on there. In my case 
I ended up copying an OS 9 folder from my Quicksilver since I bought my 
iBook used and it didn't come with any system CDs, but it runs Classic fine.

Or, am I wrong, and can we install Tiger first, and then put 9.2.2 on
the same drive (maybe on a different partition) afterward?  I have a
disk called 9.2.2 Classic Install that will not start up this iMac,
but I can view its contents in my G5, and it seems like maybe I could
install OS-9 from the desktop of OS-X in the iMac. Am I right?

In short, what would be the best way to install both 10.4.11 and
Classic 9.2.2 on this old G4 iMac?

C. Yes, you should be able to install Tiger first, then OS 9 -- as long 
as the OS 9 Drivers box is checked when formatting the drive, and you 
meet machine-specific installation disk requirements if any. If the 
version of Tiger on the original System disk is lower than 10.4.11, 
which it probably would be, the 10.4.11 Combo Updater (free download 
from Apple) will update it.

Another idea I have about your problems with installation is -- does a 
Jurassic Mac like this even SEE the entirety of a 500 GB HD? Actually 
I'm not sure how that would affect installation, since both OS's won't 
require nearly that much room, but it makes me curious since I know 
already that when I have my boyfriend put those two 250 GB HDs into my 
Quicksilver, I have to also have him put an ATA controller card in 
because my Quicksilver will not see the entirety of an internal HD 
bigger than 128 GB -- so I think it's something to think about if you 
still have problems installing OS 9 and OS X on that HD formatted with 
the OS 9 drivers box checked and using the original system disks.


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Re: Need to install both Classic and OS-X on old iMac's new hard drive, but how?

2009-10-01 Thread yersinia

Tom writes,

Thanks, Yersinia and Taner. Well, I can start the old iMac up with the
10.4 installer disk, and then use its Disk Utility to format the new
drive, but no matter how I try it (either Erase or Partition), I am
not given any option to install any OS 9 drivers. It just doesn't
offer that option. Am I missing it somewhere? Where should I look for

When you go to the Erase tab in Disk Utility, immediately below the 
fields for the choice of Volume Format and the name to give the HD 
there's a little box for a checkmark next to text which reads Mac OS 9 
Drivers Installed. If there's already a check in the box, you're OK, no 
need to do anything. But if the box has no checkmark, you give it one by 
clicking the box. This has to be done for OS 9 to install and run on the 

And by the way, this old iMac does see the new drive as a 500 gig, or
rather 460 or something.

Wow, that's cool! I guess your mother-in-law's Jurassic Mac can do 
things my Triassic Mac can't! LOL

Good luck! :-)


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Re: Upgrading a Beige

2009-09-14 Thread yersinia

Liam Proven writes,

Can one upgrade a Beige to a 400MHz chip?

Yes. My old Beige Desktop started life with a 266 MHz processor, and my 
boyfriend put a 400 MHz chip in it.


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Classic Won't Stay On

2009-09-10 Thread yersinia

Hiya Listers,

I've been having a little problem on my G4/867 Quicksilver (Tiger 
10.4.9) in the last few days whereby when I click my little 9 icon in 
the menu bar to start up Classic, it boots up properly (mine is set so 
the OS 9 startup screen is visible) but it doesn't stay on (and 
therefore won't open the apps I need it for. Clicking on those apps in 
the Dock results in booting Classic, but it doesn't stay on that way 
either, and the apps don't open.

If I shut down and reboot Mac, which I reset in System Prefs to boot 
Classic at startup, it boots, stays up and I can use those apps, but it 
shuts down again at some point later on. If I try to restart it, it does 
what I described in the previous paragraph.

I was just thinking maybe this malfunction is because the Classic 
preference got corrupted and I could fix this problem by deleting it, 
but I was looking through all those .plist files and can't figure out 
for the life of me which one is for Classic.

So...does it sound to any of you like a corrupted .plist for Classic is 
my problem, and if so, which of the .plist's needs to be deleted?  If 
you think it's something else, kindly elaborate.

Thank you,


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Re: Classic Won't Stay On

2009-09-10 Thread yersinia

Clark Martin writes,

Do you mean you set Startup Prefrences to boot in OS 9?

Classic is OS 9 running under OS X.

If you're booted in OS 9 and having the problems then it isn't any
plist.  You have an OS 9 problem.  I'd boot in OS 9 and start with
holding down extensions to see if things work okay.  If it does then use
Extensions manager to enable OS 9 Base extensions only.  Then start
turning other extensions one by one.

I'm sorry if I was unclear. Yes, I know Classic is OS 9 running under OS 
X -- I'm running in Tiger 10.4.9 and occasionally need to use older apps 
which require OS 9 but will run in Tiger if Classic is on. I don't boot 
in OS 9 anymore because for reasons I could never figure out, my 
Quicksilver stopped booting in 9 -- so I can't boot directly in OS 9. 
But until recently, I WAS able to boot Classic and run those apps in 
Classic under Tiger.

In the System Preferences Panel, the Classic pane offers you a choice to 
  start Classic at login and you select an OS 9 System folder from which 
to do it. So that's what I mean when I say my machine is set to boot 
Classic at login -- if I shut down the Mac, Classic boots and I can use 
it, but it doesn't STAY up, and if I try to start it up without shutting 
down and rebooting the machine again, in clicking the little 9 for 
Classic in my menu bar, I see an entire startup sequence for 9/Classic 
but it doesn't actually boot -- the little 9 is light instead of dark 
and those apps won't run.

So I'd been thinking maybe Classic Prefs got corrupted, and was going to 
try fixing it by deleting the .plist, but I have no idea which of the 
zillion .plist's are for Classic


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Re: Is there a way to Lock email messages?

2009-09-03 Thread yersinia

Dan writes,

His  Hers Macs

Yup! Absolutely a necessity!

I've been divorced almost a decade (no, not because of a Mac LOL), but 
while my ex-husband and I were together, we started out using one Mac -- 
mine, which I had just bought. The problem we had sharing the one Mac 
wasn't one of us getting to see the other's emails, but rather we both 
wanted to use it too much, and only one of us could use it at a time. 
A year later I bought a second Mac, gave him the original one, and he 
networked them with the printer so we could share that. We didn't have 
any more problems over who gets to use the Mac after that, so it 
worked out well.

Much more recently, my boyfriend and I also obviously do the his and 
her Macs thing. He made an account for me on his dual gig G4 
Quicksilver for when I'm up there and I've used it (to play my simmies 
on his 23 Apple Cinema Display!), but I also bring my iBook when I go 
to his place, and that's what I use to check email. I was going to 
create an account for him on my own G4 Quicksilver 867 for when he's 
here, but realized there's no need for it: when we do computer stuff 
here (other than him helping me with my upgrades!) it tends to be 
researching stuff on the web of simultaneous mutual interest, and I 
don't have any privacy or blowing surprise issues with him popping open 
Firefox. He was also bringing an iBook here too for awhile until it 
futzed out, but I just gave him a new one for his birthday so I'm sure 
he'll be bringing that when he comes over.  ;-)


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Re: G4 Sleep Issue

2009-09-01 Thread yersinia

Steve Conrad writes,

And I was thinking of the USS Prometheus which has Multi-Vector Attack 
mode  :P

That's NX-74913. Thanks for clarifying. :-)


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Re: G4 Sleep Issue

2009-08-31 Thread yersinia

Kris Tilford writes,

On Aug 31, 2009, at 9:51 PM, Stephen Conrad wrote:

   Verifying volume “USS Prometheus”

USS Prometheus (NCC-71201), Nebula-class starship;
USS Prometheus (NX-59650/NX-74913), Prometheus-class starship.

Which is it?
It could make a big difference in available firepower if things get
any more dicey. I'm guessing it's the Nebula-class since you're having
sleep problems. If it is the old Nebula, you might consider upgrading
to the Prometheus-class

I noticed this too, and was wondering which starship he meant!  ;-)

and see if that solves your sleep issue?

About Quicksilvers and USB hubs...I can't use a USB hub on my 
Quicksilver (867) either, only instead of refusing to wake from sleep, 
mine refuses to GO to sleep!  :-P


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Cloning Hangs G4 Quicksilver 867

2009-08-24 Thread yersinia

Hiya Listers,

With all the wonderful praise all over this list and the Net in general 
I've seen for both Carbon Copy Cloner and SuperDuper, I'm totally and 
completely shocked to say I'm having this problem -- I can't clone with 
either one of these programs, and worse, they crash the Finder.

The Mac is a G4 Quicksilver 867 running Tiger (10.4.9) with two internal 
hard drives I want to clone to two partitions of a new OWC Mercury Elite 
Pro 500 GB external USB/Firewire drive. Both CCC and SuperDuper hang up 
in the cloning process -- the cloning process itself stops prematurely 
(well, CCC got through one drive once but said there were errors so I 
don't trust it) and then the Mac itself too (I have to reboot the Mac to 
get rid of the beachballs because relaunching the Finder kills it).

I was having a problem getting the external HD to show up on my iBook -- 
I took that to the G-Books list and while it's OK now, I don't really 
know why, and Kris Tilford suggested over there a possible firmware 
issue (my OWC drive having the 934 chipset) with THAT. Well, could I be 
having a firmware problem interfering with the ability to clone?

Or am I just about the only Mac user in existence who can't use CCC or 



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Re: Cursor in Find box problem

2009-08-10 Thread yersinia

Dorayme writes,

It is certainly no big deal, just an odd curiosity which I have not
been able to get confirmed... no one seems to use Tiger any more?

I use Tiger (10.4.9 on G4 Quicksilver 867 and G3/800 iBook)...but I 
almost never use Spotlight -- maybe once or twice a year (on the G4 
only: I've never used it on the iBook), and I don't recall when the last 
time was. I also have no recollection of your cursor problem happening 
to me, so that's why I didn't have a suggestion for you when you 
originally mentioned it.

I can't use Leopard because, even though this year I finally moved 
up to using an OS X native email client (and found a solution to keep 
me from having to occasionally boot in straight OS 9) -- there's still 
some important programs I need Classic Mode for. They're too important 
for me to do without them and there are no OS X versions/no plans to 
develop any.


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Re: Very useful Applescript

2009-07-24 Thread yersinia

Bruce Johnson writes,

Cleans up a Mac of user files, and sets it up to run Setup Assistant
when restarted.

This lets you set up a Mac, update it and/or add programs, then hand
it off as 'clean' with no users. Better than simply nuking and paving
it. for institutional or corprate use this is how to pass on a Mac...

Sounds cool -- I downloaded it. Will use it on my new G4 1.5 GHz Mac 
Mini, which I got today and booted up to make sure it works/had the 
specs advertised by the Swap List seller I bought it from. It does, but 
I also found a Home folder from a past user -- nope I don't need or want 


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CDs OK, DVDs Not...

2009-06-14 Thread yersinia

Hi Listers,

Recent discovery:

The Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-103 optical drive in my G4 Quicksilver 867 will 
read up and make proper use of CDs I put in it (usually my game CD at 
this point). However, several days ago when I put my Tiger boot/install 
DVD in it, after some minutes of thinking about it, the drive simply 
opened up and spit it out. It never showed up on the desktop. Tried 
several times, no go. I feel totally naked without the ability to be 
able to boot from my Tiger DVD/use its Disk Utility if necessary.

So an optical drive's DVD and CD reading ability can die at different 
times, huh? :-(

...and it's time for me to get a new one?

Question: if it takes me awhile to replace the optical drive so I can 
use my Tiger DVD again, and I suspect it might, will booting from my 
Panther CD allow me to use Disk Utility to format/partition an external 
and two internal HDs if I have to?

Opinions, please?

Thank you,


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Re: Wipe Hard Drive

2009-05-24 Thread yersinia

Mac G4 writes,

I have a few old hard drives from older machines that I would like to
completely 'clean'.  I may sell them or give them to some friends,
but I want to be certain I have cleaned everything off of them -
basically make them like new.

I have seen some software here and there that does this, but I
imagine that software is basically charging for the GUI as the
process should be contained in any OS.

Is there a good site that outlines how to do this, or any free
software that does the same?

You should be able to do this with OS X's Disk Utility. In Disk Utility, 
after you select the HD you want to Erase, click Security Options on 
the bottom right, then choose either Zero Out Data or 7 Pass Erase. 
I used to use 7 pass when I wanted to clean a HD, but reading some stuff 
awhile back linked to from someone here (Bruce Johnson I think LOL), 
decided that zeroing is good enough. I'll be doing some of that soon 
enough myself, in fact.


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Re: Bigger Internal HDs Bigger External Firewire/USB HD

2009-05-22 Thread yersinia
 that way than it has been to
do it with the USB, which is disgustingly SLOW (it's better than
nothing, but you know how THAT is!). However, since I hadn't set up my
original/current external drive up to BE bootable even when the Firewire
worked, I have yet to even TRY to boot my Quicksilver up from any
external HD even over Firewire. Soon enough, though, soon enough. I am
unfortunately at the height of my scatterbrain cycle right now, and I
don't dare even try the easy first step of getting the new external HD
hooked up, formatted and partitioned. In a few days I should start to
become capable (I'm on strong meds which make me nearly totally useless
for almost a whole week, and mostly useless for the next week (like when
I originally posted my half-baked HD upgrade plans), and I just got
dosed yesterday so right now I'm back to nearly totally useless.

So I'll sit back for a few days and also wait for my controller card to
arrive from the Swap List. By that time, my mental capacity should be a
little better.


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Re: Flash Drive Issue

2009-05-19 Thread yersinia

Stephen Conrad and Bill Connelly write:

I have a Sony monitor that has 4 USB ports on it.

Earlier tonight I stuck a 3rd flash drive in and it came up (name shown: 
Kingston I). I saved 2 files to it and was saving a 3rd when I saw a 
message saying something about it being removed and the files might be 
messed up {I forget the exact message}. Problem isI did NOT remove 
it. What might have caused this? Is there some reason I cannot put 4 USB 
Flash Drives on this thing?

Is that port a bit loose? I have one on my QS ... whatever's plugged
in needs to stay very still ... otherwise its a bit flaky ...

It could also be your flash drive, too. Is it shielded? Not knowing the 
difference between shielded and unshielded at the I bought my second 
flash drive, I ended up with one of each -- my original shielded 1 GB 
and the unshielded 8 GB one I bought a year later. The unshielded one is 
hard to solidly plug into either the USB hub on my QS -- or USB 
extension which it stopped running from but used to (not enough 
power), or eithe of my iBook's USB ports. Because my 8 GB flash drive 
lacks the shielding, it's thinner and has to stay very still -- it's 
loose anywhere I plug it in, whereas my shielded 1 GB flash drive ALWAYS 
plugs in easy/nicely fitted, no matter where I'm using it, and never 
comes loose. I can even pick up the iBook and walk across the room with 
it with the 1 GB flash drive in. I wouldn't dare do that with the 8GB 
flash drive in it! I'm almost sorry I bought the thing, but I do 
occasionally need to sneakernet more files than will fit on the 1 GB, 
and 8 GB will fit both my Sims games and a few extra folders.

Um, OK: how to tell if your flash drive is shielded or not: Look at the 
part where you plug it into a USB hub. If it's surrounded by metal on 
all sides, it's shielded. If it isn't, and you only see the thin 
square sticking out, metal on one side (looks kind of like a circuit 
pattern on it)/plastic on the other, that's unshielded.

Sorry I don't know the actual technical term for the part of a flash 
drive you plug into the port -- I also don't know the technical term for 
this thingie my boyfriend has which provides a shield for unshielded 
flash drives...he's got this thingie plugged into one of his USB 
extensions. That's the only place my 8 GB ever plugged in solidly and 
didn't have to be kept absolutely still.

Someone else might be able to provide proper names for all this, right? 
If anyone can, please do!


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Bigger Internal HDs Bigger External Firewire/USB HD

2009-05-12 Thread yersinia

Hiya Listers,

I'm actually upgrading again soon. Just ordered 2 x 250 GB internal
ATA HDs from the Swap List. Also, since the FW died on my external HD
(which could stand to hold a much bigger HD than it does anyway) a few
months ago I'm finally going to move on rectifying THAT problem, too
(updating my backups with USB is sooo slow and it's been driving me crazy!).

Technical Memory Refresher on my main computer (with present HDs):

G4 867 Quicksilver with 2 internal HDs:

1. Nucleus -- OS X Tiger 10.4.9, 60 GB (came with this Mac originally).

2. Nucleolus -- OS X Panther 10.3.2, 20 GB (was pulled out of my Beige
G3 and transplanted in when I got the G4)

The current external HD:

Memory Prime -- 40 GB. Not bootable, just a data backup. I just kick
updated data over there from Nucleus or Nucleolus as required (Finder
copy). This has has always worked well for me thus far -- yes, I've
actually had to use stuff from this backup drive -- and yeah it saved
me, big time!

Obviously I'm planning to make Nucleus and Nucleolus 250 GB each. I
don't actually NEED anywhere near that amount of space at this time
(originally I'd been thinking 100-something GB internal HDs) but when I
saw these two 250 GB HDs reasonably priced on the Swap List, I decided
to go for them -- it can't hurt to have way more room than need -- just
like there's no such thing as too much RAM, right?

I pretty much know how I COULD handle the internal HD changeover (when
my BF is next here to handle the physical removals/installations), but
have some questions about the external HD business, because I'm in still
in the process of deciding what exactly to buy (which enclosure, what
size HD to put in it/if I should buy one with a drive already in it) and
I'm also considering going the CCC route (I have yet to use CCC for
anything at this point) on the new external backup drive for
bootability. So here's the questions (most important considerations:
simplicity and cost effectiveness):

1. Is it preferable to buy an enclosure which already has the drive in
it, or to buy an empty enclosure and put a HD in it? I ask because I
notice the empty enclosures are so much more economical, and from my POV
at least (i.e., making sure I buy the right kind of HD for it -- I find
the choices overwhelming, and once I do figure out the right one, need
to have my BF do the actual physical installations for me).

2. I know my G4 likes internal ATA HDs (that's what it has now, and
that's what I ordered from the Swap List) -- is ATA, PATA, SATA, SATA-1,
SATA-2, eSATA (whatever those extra SATAs are: I know, Google is my
friend, and I do plan to ask him) a consideration for EXTERNAL HDS? I
ask because one of the external enclosures that caught my eye -- an OWC
Mercury Elite-AL Oxford 934 says it supports any capacity SATA-1 or
SATA-2 HD: would my G4 recognize this even?

3. Can you use partitions on external HDs like you can with internal
ones? One thing i'm considering, if it's possible -- the external drive
should be a 500GB, split into two partitions of 250 GB, onto which I
CCC Nucleus (10.4.9) on one partition, and CCC Nucleolus (10.3.2) to the
other, so for the transfer of internal drives and future possible
emergency. I'm thinking to do the external HD first, partition it, CCC
existing contents of Nucleus and Nucleolus as described, then (once I'm
sure a CCC backup works), wipe the little drives and replace with the
big ones, onto which I CCC the stuff from the external to the new
internals (partition one to Nucleus, partition two to Nucleolus).  So is
this possible with my G4, and if so, is it a good idea?

4. Naturally, sticking with the familiar also tempts me. I saw an Iomega
eGo Portable USB/Firewire which comes with a 250 GB drive already in it
got my attention also, and I must say it's tempting to buy that (I had
nothing but good experiences in the past with my Iomega Zip drives) and
continue my backup system as simple external data storage.

It should be noted that in addition to the data backups I keep
well-maintained, I also have the boot/installation disks for both Tiger
and Panther (just as I had 'em for my prior OS's) -- plus 10.4.9 and
10.3.9 combo updaters, although I found that the 10.3.2 direct from the
CDs work fine for the one reason I need Panther. This is why I focused
so heavily on data backup, rather than bootable backup. I COULD say that
I don't need external bootable HDs because I never HAVE needed them
before, but long long ago in a galaxy far away, I didn't think I needed
data backups either, and oh boy was THAT a mistake!

Whaddya all think? Any other recommendations and insights?



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Re: Shocking! Email Wasn't The Only Migration!

2009-05-10 Thread yersinia

JT writes,

Well, for starters, this old legacy diehard switched cold turkey in
December of 2006.

I had thought about it for several years and... IF I had known that you
could put legacy applications in the dock, I would have made the switch
much sooner.

I still run classic on occasion but have not booted with classic for at
least two years and don't miss anything about doing so.

Wow, cold turkey huh?! Well, when I first got my G4 my original 
intention was to run in straight-up 9 for awhile and THEN try OS X, but 
things didn't go according to plan, and I spent my first several days 
totally stuck in the Tiger 10.4.7 it came with. Although, while 
waiting for the G4 to actually arrive, since I knew it would have Tiger 
ON it, I had been reading that conversion book about going from 9 to X, 
so I knew I could put my legacy apps in the Dock (in addition to being 
able to set System Prefs to boot Classic on startup). While that forced 
early immersion in Tiger did turn me on to the good things about OS X, I 
was still extremely worried I might need to actually boot in 9 at SOME 
point (I turned out to be almost right, although it's only for one 
application, and only occasionally) I doubt I could've done cold 
turkey! LOL

It also took me a year to realize, once my G4 gave me the finger on 
booting in real 9 ever again (was it trying to tell me something? LOL) 
that no, I DON'T need to boot in 9 even for that one circumstance -- 
that putting Panther on that one HD would do the trick just as well! 
Although I did still choose to include the OS 9 drivers in the Panther 
install last week (and put an OS 9 system folder on that HD), I didn't 
actually take the time to go to Classic in the System Prefs or try 
booting Classic on it.

I'm up on Tiger now, Classic is off (and no longer set to boot on 
startup). Much to my surprise, I did find out I needed to briefly run 
GUID Checker today...and I didn't mind waiting for Classic to boot up 
before GUID Checker would open!

Wow..let's hear from the rest of you stubborn diehards and 
slowpokes! I may have taken the longest to even TRY OS X, but I know 
there were a few others who were resistant. Dorayme, you were one of 
them IIRC? :-)


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Re: New to Mac - Just purchased used G4

2009-05-10 Thread yersinia

MacG4 and Kris:

  The Mac already has 10.4 on it.  Just that I dont have the disc in
   the case i need it.

For the cost of the disc you could buy a HD and clone your working
System. I know it's nice to have the disc, but with Tiger being so
stable, it's kinda hard to imagine a scenario where a disc would be
preferable to a working backup.

Personally, I consider having BOTH an external backup AND a 
boot/installation disc of the operating system(s) one is using to be 


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Re: Sending e-mail problem

2009-05-09 Thread yersinia

Cliff writes,

I'm at my in-laws where we're connected to the web via CoxNet cable.
via our iBook G4 through which I'm booting from my portable HD.
We're running 10.4.11

When I do the e-mail thing with Eudora 6.0
I can POP receive my mail from yahoo.mail and my machighway account
but I cannot send mail ???  It stops at preparing to transfer.

so it's either not connecting thourgh the iBook or through CoxNet.

Probably not through CoxNet.

I have this same problem sending email out on my iBook (10.4.9) when I'm 
at a wifi hotspot: I can pick up email with my POP3 client but not send. 
My emailer is configured to my own ISP's outgoing mailserver, not the 
wifi provider's.

My suggestion: ask your in-laws for their outgoing mailserver info and 
put that into your email client for while you're at their home.


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Re: Oh No I Need To Switch Emailers!

2009-05-08 Thread yersinia

Al Poulin writes,

Maybe I missed something in earlier messages, but I'm curious.  Do you
do something in Panther that you cannot do in Tiger?

Yes. I only have ONE use for Panther (for which I previously was using 
OS 9 until it stopped booting on my G4). When I'm booted in Tiger (which 
is 99% of the time), my Sims game graphics in the Create-a-Sim, wardrobe 
and pet screens are totally FUBAR. I don't use those screens on a 
frequent basis, but when I need them, I need them -- UNBOLLOXED.

This is a known problem that happens on Tiger from 10.4.3 up -- so I've 
had it since getting my G4 in September 2006, which came with Tiger 
10.4.7 on it (and which I had also upgraded to 10.4.9 which is where 
it's staying).  Apple doesn't care about this problem and neither does 
Aspyr, the company who ported the Sims for Mac -- they didn't at the 
time 10.4.3 came out and the problem was current, and presently, all 
support for Sims 1 is long gone (it's not even sold anymore, anyone who 
wants to buy the original Sims game now has to buy used at this point). 
So when I found myself on 10.4.7 and needed those screens, I used to 
just boot into OS 9, fire up the game for long enough to make the 
changes I wanted, then go back to playing in Tiger (it plays very well 
in Tiger: this graphics bolloxing on the G4 is the ONLY issue). 
Unfortunately, my G4 stopped booting in OS 9 last year after some 
upgrades to the video card and RAM, so I couldn't do that anymore, and a 
year of NEVER being able to boot the game in 9 to get around the 
graphics bollox was driving me completely up the wall, to the point 
where I seriously considered a full downgrade of my G4 to Panther 
10.3.9. My Tiger install DVD is 10.4.3 and I had no idea how to 
archive-reinstall with that and then downgrade to 10.4.2 so I'm stuck 
with the Sims graphics-FUBARing version of Tiger and in that case may as 
well keep 10.4.9. Finally (about 2 weeks ago) it occurred to me that I 
didn't have to downgrade my whole G4 to Panther, all I had to do was 
install Panther on that one hard drive which used to be my OS 9 boot drive.

So last week I received the Panther disks I bought from the Swap List, I 
  nuked-and-paved the old OS 9 drive installed the Panther, put my data 
back on (which includes my Sims games: I play with two installations). I 
booted the G4 in Panther, fired up one of my games under Panther and 
VOILA -- problem solved: those screens look normal again!  :-D Knowing 
that the Panther install CDs I bought were 10.3.2, while waiting for the 
order to come in, I downloaded the 10.3.9 Combo Updater, but...haven't 
seen the need to install it. 10.3.2 worked well enough for my purposes.

The only time I need to boot the G4 in Panther (as was the case when I 
was booting it in OS 9) is when I want to create a new sim, or have my 
existing sims change clothes or adopt pets. Everything else I do on my 
G4, Sims and otherwise, can be done in Tiger, so that's where I am most 
of the time. Now included.

While installing Panther fixed my Sims graphics problem, alas it kicked 
off the unacceptable behavior of my Claris Emailer on the G4. I had just 
more or less gotten used to the idea that I couln't use CE on the iBook 
(it's been two months since that happened), but when it got weird on the 
G4 I got scared and felt I had to change emailers to something OS X 
native before it's too late and I lose everything. It was crucial to 
me to be able to CONTINUE The Collection, not just archive it somewhere 
and start anew with the new email client, so that's why the migration 
was such a big deal. Thankfully, it worked.


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Re: Oh, No, I Have to Switch Emailers

2009-05-08 Thread yersinia

Denny writes,

Ahh well I am sticking with Eudora for the next 10 years or so even 
though it is now dead too.

If Eudora is functioning for you at 100% capacity and you still love it, 
there is no reason in the universe why you should have to switch. The 
ONLY reason why I felt I HAD to stop using Claris Emailer is because it 
was no longer functioning at 100% capacity -- I haven't been able even 
OPEN it for reference purposes on my iBook at all for the last two 
months, and since my installation of Panther on the former OS 9 drive on 
the G4 last week, it's been acting very strangely on the G4 too and I 
got scared to NOT migrate. By the way, should the time come where your 
dead Eudora decides to give up the ghost on YOUR Mac(s), I highly 
recommend Emailchemy if you're an email pack rat and need to migrate all 
your old mail to your new email client.

That said the part that I am interested in is where you said that you 
mod the Sims.

Would you tell me what programs you use to do that?

Is there a way I can get those programs?

Yup! :-D

1. I hope it's obvious to you, since I mention the fact that I require 
Classic for two of my Sims-modding programs, that I'm talking about Sims 
1, the original game, not Sims 2 -- wow, you play Sims 1 on a Mac1?!?!?! 
Coolio! If so, we really need to talk offlist! :-D Feel free to email me 
at any time.

2. There are actually a FEW programs you should be using for Sims 1 on a 
Mac if you mod your game. The two most important, which require Classic are:

GUID Checker (to find and fix object ID conflicts in downloaded objects, 
which is a very serious and common problem that can bollox your game, 
but 100% preventable if you use GUID Checker) and Sim Show for Mac (to 
test downloaded skins). Both of these are free programs, but they were 
designed for OS's 8.6 through 9.2.2 and will not run at all under 
straight OS X. The good news is that they're freeware. Get'em here:

GUID Checker can be downloaded at at Around the Sims:

Sim Show for Mac can be downloaded at MacNation:

Please note that all the other Required Programs (plus ones that make 
modding so much easier/faster) can be found at Around The Sims and 
MacNation (links given above, they're on the same pages as GUID Checker 
and Sim Show). These would be:

Skin Shrinker (at MacNation) -- required to make your downloaded skins 
Mac compatible (unless you have really good eyesight. Um wait, this also 
requires Classic Mode.

MacSimSorter and MacSkinSorter (at Around the Sims), which, if I may 
brag for a moment here, me and my boyfriend wrote together (I know the 
game, he knows how to write scripts)! (oh and we have two more programs 
on the way:  our MacSimFinder is ready for packaging and release, Kopy 
Kat (Mac version of Lot Manager) is still in the works. Ours are all OS 
X native, though. MacSimSorter and MacSkinSorter make Downloads 
Processing SOOO much EASIER and FASTER! MacSimSorter is for objects, 
walls and floors. MacSkinSorter is for skins, and spits 'em out all 
ready to be dropped on Skin Shrinker and popped into Sim Show for 
screening and testing.

Depending on how seriously you take your modding, i.e., if you want to 
create your own objects or hack your downloads, you will also need these 
programs: IFF Snooper and TFar, which are both free AND OS X native 
(though Peter still kicks out OS 9 versions). Pick 'em both up at:

MAKE SURE you get the NEWEST version of IFF Snooper, which is 1.2.4a5. 
This recent update allows you to declare local variables and parameters 
  in the header, as well as change parameters within lines, 
pointy-clickey easy in the BHAV editor, instead of having to export 
hex/end up with seriously crossed eyes to do these things, and they're 
vital if you're serious about your Sims hacking.

And lastly, on this simmmie stuff, whether you're just a downloadaholic 
or a would-be creator of custom content for Sims 1, you'd be well 
advised to pay the Simblesse Oblige forum a visit. This total fount of 
information is here:

Happy Mac Simming!


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Thunderbird from G4 to iBook: Which Stuff to Copy?

2009-05-08 Thread yersinia

Hiya again Listers,

I'm happy enough with the Thunderbird setup on my G4 to want to flash
drive it over to the iBook (also running 10.4.9). I'd like to confirm
what has to be copied so it'll function correctly on the's
what common sense tells me I need: (from Applications).

Any .plist stuff for Thunderbird (in ~users/Library/Preferences).

Am I missing anything?

Thank you,


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Thunderbird from G4 to iBook: Which Stuff to Copy?

2009-05-08 Thread yersinia

Hiya again Listers,

I'm happy enough with the Thunderbird setup on my G4 to want to flash 
drive it over to the iBook (also running 10.4.9). I'd like to confirm 
what has to be copied so it'll function correctly on the's 
what common sense tells me I need: (from Applications).

Any .plist stuff for Thunderbird (in ~users/Library/Preferences).

Am I missing anything?

Thank you,


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Re: Thunderbird from G4 to iBook: Which Stuff to Copy?

2009-05-08 Thread yersinia

Bruce writes,

~users/Library/Thunderbird which is where everything is stored.

THANKS! :-D I got it ALL done now: paid my Emailchemy shareware, cleaned 
up the 'demo mess' with the real one and moved Thunderbird and My 
Collection over to the iBook!

Woo-hoo! :-)


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Re: Thunderbird from G4 to iBook: Which Stuff to Copy?

2009-05-08 Thread yersinia

Stephen writes,

Shoot, got here a bit late. Strange, we live in Alaska time here in
Alaska and I just got off work!

The best way to do this is to do a clean install of Thunderbird on the
new machine, start it up, let it create a default profile, then quit and
copy everything inside of the profile from the old machine to inside of
the profile on the new machine, replacing everything inside of the profile.

Once in a great while the Tbird app gets mucked up on the old machine
and you may not know it, so it's always better to start off fresh.

There. Let the flame war begin (donning flame proof clothes and heading
out to the barbecue!)

Ehhh, I won't start any flame wars with you. As it happens -- even 
though I hadn't seen your email yet -- what you suggested is exactly 
what I did. I didn't have Tbird ON the iBook yet, so, after cleaning 
up my new Tbird mail database on the G4 with the full version of 
Emailchemy, I copied Tbird's installation disk image, as well as the 
~users/Library/Thunderbird like Bruce suggested onto the flash drive, 
and moved the whole thing into the iBook -- where I installed Tbird, 
booted it, shut it down and copied in that folder to ~users/Library in 
the iBook. Then I rebooted Tbird, checked my folders and...

BEEYOUTEEFUL! Er, at least if I have to reference any emails while on 
the iBook -- all of it made the transition. I haven't had opportunity to 
test it online for send/receive email yet. I will probably do that 
tomorrow. But I don't expect problems, I mean, Tbird is picking up and 
sending my emails on the G4, as you can see!

I'm still in the 'adjustment' phase with TBird -- I don't regret the 
decision but after 13 solid years of using Claris Emailer, change is 
definitely noticeable. I'm sure it'll only take me a week or two for my 
brain, which you all know is shielded by a solid neutronium skull, to 
fully kick into it. And in some respects, I'm actually enjoying the 
newness! I liken my new Tbird experience to when I first got OS X, only 
on a smaller scale since it's just an emailer, not a new operating 
system -- I'm finding things some things I like better, finding other 
things a pain in the neck, but the overall result is that I like it.

Oh, a barbecue? Please pass me the spare ribs! :-)


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Re: Oh No I Need To Switch Emailers!

2009-05-07 Thread yersinia

Well hello everyone

it took me awhile, and yes, a program (Emailchemy) but I actually 
did it! I got all 13 years/32,262 emails out of Claris Emailer -- and 

This email is coming to you on Thunderbird now (it's my third since 
migration). Oh, and you all know what ELSE this means? Since last week I 
broke down and beat my G4 won't boot in OS 9 bug by buying and 
installing Panther (10.3.2) on that HD -- and that cured the problem for 
which OS 9 had originally been the only cure, I'm totally off OS 9 
except for Classic Mode...and that only for two very old programs which 
are still vital and won't run without Classic. Nope, there's no 
replacing those last two, not unless I write my own replacements, or 
stop modding my Sims game...both of which are doubtful. (Oh, and since I 
don't use those two programs when booted in Panther -- still on Tiger 
most of the time -- I didn't even set up my Panther drive to RUN Classic!)

Thunderbird is pretty cool so far though. There's some pain in the neck 
things (one of which I thought getting off Claris would fix...sigh) but 
I attribute that to my usual lack of skill in adjusting to change! I'll 
get used to it pretty soon though, given the usual volume of my email 

Anyway, thought I'd mention I actually got up and running with 
Thunderbird, after all my moaning and groaning... Please pass me some 
cheese to accompany my whine!



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Oh No, I Should Switch Emailers Too! (was Re: Mail, Eudora T-bird)

2009-05-06 Thread Yersinia
 the disturbing fact that no, Thunderbird will 
not import from my, and some Googling revealed the fact that under Tiger has a different mbox structure as compared to 
pre-Tiger, and I'll have to convert the imported email to make 
Thunderbird take it. It seemed so overwhelmingly complicated (the more I 
read, the more confused I got, and I was reading for a couple of hours 
while I proceeded with imports) -- I decided to nix 
Thunderbird.I continued with my one-emailbox-at-a-time imports, and 
decided to read up on in my Tiger: The Missing Manual book. 

Most of the stuff I'm reading about it, I find I actually like -- in 
spite of the Outlook taste it had when I first tried it, does 
all the stuff CE does (CE was just ahead of its time), and most of it 
in the same or similar ways. So I think, once I get my CE mails all 
imported, I'll start using I'm a little bummed I won't break 
out of the Proprietary box on email, but I remind myself, I've been in 
that very same box with CE for the past 13 years anyway. And is 
right here for free since it came with Tiger, and because it's newer 
than CE and Tiger-native, I won't run aground with it in the same ways 
I'm running aground with CE now. But I've seen plenty of people having problems on this list over the years, and now I myself just had 
a problem with one of my most important (if not THE most important!) CE 
mailboxes not importing in full (the one I mentioned with 
20,000-something emails), so I'm feeling apprehensive at best.

So I ask you G-Listers:

1. Is REALLY actually any good for an Email Pack Rat like me? 

2. If I try to import that Big Email Box again, what can I do to make 
sure the whole thing takes?

3. Curiously, have any of you imported from to Thunderbird with 
that conversion thing? If so, did you have an easy time with it and are 
you happy with Thunderbird?

4. Are there other open source email clients into which I can import 
directly from CE?

Thank you in advance for your insight and suggestions.


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Re: Oh No, I Should Switch Emailers Too! (was Re: Mail, Eudora T-bird)

2009-05-06 Thread Yersinia

Bucky writes,

Wow, that's, Wow.  I have only just hit 1500 myself.

Either you're not an email pack rat or you're very young and only just 
got started! LOL.

I have been using Eudora for a long time, and I am excited about the
release of Eudora 8 (Penelope). There are betas of it available.

I have never seen claris emailer. and have never used it. Although
thunderbird doesn't import Claris directly and as a result neither
does Penelope. Eudora 6 does.  and Penelope, will of course import
older Eudora.

You can have Eudora 8 and Thunderbird installed on the same machine.
but they use the same profile. So when you import into Penelope, You
are also importing into Thunderbird.

On second thought. You might want to stay in Eudora land. 

Ummm, thank you, but no thank you. I spent a whole week in 1996 trying to 
get Eudora to work at all, and couldn't. That was when I vowed never to 
go near Eudora ever again for any reason. To me the idea of trying to use 
Eudora is just as repugnant as the idea of getting a Windoze PC! LOL. 
There's gotta be a way to get the darn to import my old CE email 
in full and correctly! (yes, been fighting with that again all day today 

Crap oh crap oh crap!  :-(

Sorry everyone, I'm just cornered and frustrated. My email is crucial to 
me, especially that Big Folder with the 20,644 emails, most of which 
concern and contain a sci fi fantasy worldbuild I worked on with a 
cowriter which extended over a period of 8 years and I NEED to always be 
able to get at that stuff!


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2009-04-01 Thread Yersinia

Bruce writes,

On March 31st 2009, 11:59:59 SKYNET^H^H^H^HCADIE became self aware.

This is what I thought of, too...


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2 Monitors, a Radeon and an NVIDIA (was Re: Firewire hard drives not mounting)

2009-03-04 Thread Yersinia

Aaron writes,

The Radeon 9200 will drive two monitors by itself!

From the manufacturer's web site:

Advanced Dual Display Support
   Drive two displays simultaneously with independent resolutions
   and refresh rates
   Integrated TV-Out supports up to 1024x768 resolution
   Multiple Display connections
   DVI-I port
   VGA port
   S-Video port
   DVI-I to VGA  S-Video to Composite adaptors included

Wow, really? 

Hmmm...OK, looks like I don't have all the right adapters 
then...but I should also admit, I'm hardly what anybody could call tech 
savvy when it comes to matters like this. Up until I opened the box 
containing the Radeon, I had never even seen a video card! When I ordered 
it (over the phone with a  guy at OWC -- I called to confirm that it 
would work in a G4 Quicksilver 867 since the web page confused me -- and 
he took my order on the phone). But anyway, no adapters came with it, and 
no I didn't think to ask for any -- not tech savvy remember? I had 
ordered a couple of sticks of 512 MB RAM at the same time, and all that 
came in the box was the Radeon and the two RAM sticks.

Anyhoo, just now (prior to answering this) -- since in the December 
computer area reorganization to fit the second monitor on my desk, the G4 
tower got moved to an area where it's now even harder for me to look at 
its backside than it was before (so I can't even attempt to trace what's 
going out of the Radeon...or the NVIDIA for that matter), I went to ASP 
Graphics/Displays to see if I could figure out how it was hooked up. 
Result: yes, I see the Radeon running my primary monitor, a Gateway EV910 
19, and for the first time, I actually notice that it COULD be running a 
second display -- it says:

   Status: No display connected.

But I have no idea from that what kind of adapter is running to the 
Gateway, or what I'd need to run into the secondary monitor (an ancient 
but functioning 15 NEC MultiSync XV15+). I still went to Google Image 
search in hopes of seeing the backside of a Radeon 9200. Couldn't find 
an image big enough for my aging eyes to be able to distinguish the 
ports, though, maybe just as well because I'm yet too ignorant to tell 
which is which..

OK, I'll give my BF a call tonight! Oh wait! OMG! NOW I remember why I 
had to wait till December to get the second monitor (the NEC) hooked up! 
I had suggested it in November, his previous visit. We brought the NEC 
into the bedroom where my computer desk is, but he looked at it and 
behind the G4, then we looked through that Unidentified Computer Stuff 
bottom drawer of my filing cabinet and he said I was going to need 
another video card, because I didn't have the right kind of adapter to 
connect the Radeon to the second monitor. I said I still had my old 
NVIDIA and went to get it, but it wasn't where I thought I'd put it, and 
20 minutes of looking, it didn't turn up. Naturally, I found it the day 
AFTER he went home! Anyway, since he hooked everything up, if I refresh 
his memory (you couldn't make the Radeon drive both monitors because I 
was missing an adapter -- so what kind am I missing? -- he'll be able to 
tell me what it was, and if he doesn't have one at home (he always brings 
stuff like that if he has it, and most of the time, he has it, whatever 
it is!), I could post a WTB on the Swap List to get one.

WOW. Thank you, Aaron! :-)


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Re: Firewire hard drives not mounting

2009-03-02 Thread Yersinia

M-hmm.been following this one quietly, now going to add

Over the Christmas holiday weekend while my BF was here, I shut down my 
G4 867 Quicksilver and my USB/Firewire external HD (40 GB drive in a 
LaCie enclosure), so he could put the original NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video 
card back in and hook up a second monitor on it (not to mention a major 
area cleanup-desk reorganization and reworking the spaghetti). While 
all that was successful, when it was all done and I powered everything 
back up, the external HD, which had always been Firewired to the G4, 
disappeared.  That is, it didn't show up on the desktop, and the G4 
didn't know it was there in either Disk Utility or ASP).

Important Note -- Immediately prior to shutting down and starting this, I 
had updated my backups to the external HD over Firewire, and all was well 
with it. This sounds like the OP's issue -- his FW drive was working fine 
until he shut down, but when rebooting, he lost it, which is why this 
thread got my attention.

Second Important Note -- Although the Firewire is down on this drive, the 
drive comes up perfectly well with USB -- on the desktop, in Disk Utility 
and in ASP -- so I can still use it even though USB is suboptimal 
compared to the Firewire -- and is completely usable as well as visible 
on the desktop.

Firewire Experiment after USB showed that the HD itself was good and I 
could still make backups and transfer data albeit horribly slowly:

I only had the one FW cable, so we tried switching FW ports in the G4. No 
go -- it didn't matter which port we used; the drive only showed up when 
we plugged it back in with USB. My BF said this meant it could be a 
problem with either the cable OR the FW port on the external drive case. 
He said he'd take my cable home and test it on his system (he also has an 
external USB/Firewire drive), and if it failed, next time he came down, 
he'd bring another FW cable (a known working good), and we'd try it on 
mine, but this time, he said, if it didn't work, it would mean the FW 
port on my enclosure was bad.

Alas, I didn't even THINK to try my FW cable with the iBook (and my brain 
death gets even worse!), but it seems my cable was bad anyway at his 
house. Sooo, for his next visit...

He showed up over Valentine's weekend with a working FW cable he had just 
used himself on his own equipment and, just in case, a four port USB hub. 
No go on the FW with my machine, in either port -- which means I have no 
more Firewire unless or until I get another enclosure. And the worse part 
of the brain death - AGAIN it didn't occur to me to think of the iBook. 
If only I had, it wouldn't have taken me two days and two nights to do a 
massive data transfer to the iBook totally with USB flash drives. I'd 
have done my iBook nuke-and-pave while he was here with the good FW cable 
and moved all the stuff into the iBook straight out of the G4 with FW 
Target Disk Mode!  Thank goodness for the USB hub though -- at least now 
I can have my external HD and BOTH flash drives plugged in simultaneously 
when needed. That helps a little anyway...

But anyway -- how in the heck is it possible that just shutting down 
could have killed the FW port in my enclosure? I never dropped my 
external HD or spilled anything on it and when I used to move data from 
it into the iBook, I would simply unplug the end that was in the G4's FW 
port and plug it into the iBook's FW other than the initial 
plugging in (first week of Aug 2007 when I got it), I had never even 
touched the enclosure's FW port! Even when we disconnected it from the G4 
after the shutdown (to be able to rearrange the area and get inside the 
G4 to make it run the second monitor), we did it from the G4's end.



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Re: Firewire hard drives not mounting

2009-03-02 Thread Yersinia

Wallace Adrian D'Alessio writes,

Probably an unlikely cause but did you try cleaning your FW ports with an
old toothbrush and alcohol?

No, but next time my BF talks about coming down for a visit I'll ask him 
to bring a working FW cable with him and do it, then try again.

Also did you try connecting the drive to your BF computer?

U, no. His Mac (dual 1 GHz G4 Quicksilver) is 300 miles away. But I 
WAS totally stupid not to even THINK to try with my iBook, which lives in 
the next room so is easy to carry in here! 


But no matter what the result of trying it again after cleaning the FW 
ports, this time I'll also remember to bring in the iBook!

Mel writes,

The answer might be contained in this:

so he could put the original NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video 
card back in and hook up a second monitor on it (not to mention a major 
area cleanup-desk reorganization and reworking the spaghetti).

Try removing the NVIDIA GeForce2 MX video card and re-booting.

This is (a) not physically possible for me to do myself (my BF installs 
all my upgrades for me because my left hand is partly paralyzed and I'm 
mechanically inept), and even if he was here right now, (b) it's not even 
an option anymore. Removing the NVIDIA would mean not being able to use 
the second monitor anymore! I had originally asked him to remove the 
NVIDIA last year (Feb 2008) because I had bought a Radeon 9200 which I 
thought would be better, so he took the NVIDIA out and installed the 
Radeonit only made a marginal difference, but I kept it in there 
anyway, didn't bother him to switch back. Later on in the year I realized 
I actually had a good reason to have 2 monitors on the G4 (an idea I 
actually got from him -- when I visited him in the summer, I saw he had 
*3* monitors on HIS G4, but it took me awhile to figure out why I'D want 
more than the one I had!). But, for me to have 2 monitors, I had to have 
2 video cards -- so I kept the Radeon where it was and asked him to put 
the NVIDIA in another slot and hook the second monitor up. He did, and I 
love having the two monitors. And what do video cards and monitors have 
to do with external Firewire anyway? 

Nestamicky writes,

Let me please add, suggests, etc the following.

Firewire is perhaps so named because there is fire on that cable. So 
knowing this, here is how I have always shut mine down.
1. Eject the HD
2. Walk over to the external case and turn it's switch off.
3. Turn the computer off.
I never ever shut the machine down while the external case is running 
with the HD in it. Never. I have always simply thought something can go 
wrong. I don't do this as much with USBs but with Firewire.

Bruce writes,

Firewire is actually very robust...robust enough that you can start a  
file transfer, unplug the cable, count to five, plug it back in and  
the transfer will continue, in many cases, unless the OS determines  
that the volume is gone. I remember the reviewers at MAcWorld doing  
this at the beginning of the FW era (this was in OS 9).

I'm thinking that flaky disks in flaky external FW cases are largely  
to blame, there's a lot of cheap corner-cut gear out there.

I've never had an issue with FW drives being on when the computer is  
shut off...other than my wife yells at me You left something on! I  
can hear something humming under that pile of stuff on your desk! 8-)

H.yeah, we shut my FW drive off too when we shut down for the 
NVIDIA reinstallation. I never used to shut it off otherwise though (and 
it never kept my BF up at night when he's here hahaha!), and shutting 
down the G4 is something I only do infrequently, when it's necessary -- 
like trying to reboot it in OS 9 when I'm in THAT wrestling match, which 
I'll actually be doing soon, iBook Rebuild gave me an idea for another 
experiment to try when I get in the mood (probably voodoo but I'll try 
anyway since I'm still at a total loss!) -- or so my BF can install 
something for mewe don't mind a little humming around here!  ;-)

Anyway, Bruce, this would bring us back to your flaky external FW cases 
idea (I know the HD inside the case is good because I've been using it 
with USB to maintain my backups since the FW went down)...and that makes 
more sense to me than Nestamicky's suggestion (Nesta, IMO you should be 
more careful about ejecting USB stuff when you unplug it -- I've 
occasionally gotten angry dialog boxes at times even though I DID eject 
prior to pulling a flash drive out)...although Wallace's suggestion of 
cleaning the FW port sounds good too -- even if I can't operate on my G4, 
I can handle alcohol and a toothbrush. I know dirt can be bad for 
equipment, and my apartment is definitely not Martha Stewart!

Thanks all for your comments and suggestions.  :-)


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Re: Firewire hard drives not mounting

2009-03-02 Thread Yersinia

Mel writes,

Sometimes adding or changing a PCI card screws up what was working 
before.  You did replace one video card that was working with a NVIDIA 
card.  I'm not suggesting that you give up your second monitor but I am 
suggesting that until  that NVIDIA is removed and you restore the card it 
replaced, you won't know if the NVIDIA card is the cause of your 
problem.  Ordinarily I wouldn't suggest this removal but you have tried 
quite a few other  reasonable options all to know avail.  

If the NVIDIA card should be the cause of your problem and since you wish 
to use two monitors, that might require a solution which would be beyond 
your current problem and would require a solution I am not qualified to 

You do make an interesting point, i.e., Sometimes adding or changing a 
PCI card screws up what was working before, because it was after I got 
the Radeon video card (and maxed the RAM then too), my G4 stopped booting 
in OS 9, where it always did previously. 

The NVIDIA card is the one that actually came in my machine, but last 
year I got it into my head that a Radeon card would solve a particular 
problem, so when I bought one, my BF took the NVIDIA out and replaced it 
with the Radeon...which didn't REALLY solve my problem, but e, I put the NVIDIA away  Then at the end of the year when I decided 
I wanted to hook up the second monitor, I didn't see any problems with 
putting back the card which had originally come with this same 
machine.and I since I don't have to boot in OS 9 that often, I didn't 
realize THAT problem for a long time. But yes, something screwed up 
somehow before the Firewire on my external HD but only after I asked my 
BF to help me out messing with the video cards! And yes, CUDA was pressed 
at the initial installations, and later on PRAM was zapped too.

Mmmm, then again how do we know more messing around with the video cards 
might not make the problem worse instead of fixing it?!

Well, time my BF is here -- and if cleaning out the FW ports 
with toothbrush and alcohol doesn't do it -- yes, then maybe I'll try 
this. I really do need for him to do the messing around in the computer 



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Re: Did I Do Something Stupid?! No Classic in System Prefs?!

2009-02-28 Thread Yersinia

Bill Connelly writes,

After you install a Mac OS 9 System Folder, the Classic preference  
pane should be available the next time you open System Preferences.  
If it's still not available, try opening a Classic application, and  
then logging out and logging in again.

To install a Mac OS 9 System Folder, click the link below.

See also

Installing a Mac OS 9 System Folder to use with the Classic environment


OK -- as it happened, I went on with my moving data into the machine and 
recustomizing activities (why not -- an Archive Reinstall will preserve 
it if I have to do one, I figure) and yes, out of curiosity, when I 
put one of my Classic apps' icons in the Dock and double clicked it, 
Classic started up (but the app itself blew out, it wouldn't open, I'll 
need to investigate that later). And at THAT point, when I went to System 
Prefs, I DID finally see a Classic pane. I went in, checked it out, saw 
that it was set properly to call on the OS 9 System folder I'd moved 
in, but, it was still missing the option to put the little 9 icon in 
the menu bar. I could have sworn I got the little 9 in the menu bar on 
both my G4 originally, and then on the iBook when I first got it and set 
it up, by doing something in System Prefs Classic pane...maybe I'm senile 
and don't really remember, but OK.

Somehow your links didn't make it to your reply, Bill, but that's OK, 
I'll go to Mac Help myself and look up those topics.


I think you have to install the OS 9 (on a separate partition would  
be my preference), and make sure it is Blessed. Don't remember the  
details, but it all occurs under the Installation OS 9 CD control as  
I would do it.

No, you don't HAVE TO put OS 9 on its own partition -- it's BETTER to 
keep OS 9 separate from OS X when you plan on sometimes actually BOOTING 
the machine in OS 9, and in fact that's how I originally set up my iBook. 
However, it's not actually necessary to do it that way, particularly not 
in Tiger I'd read on this list some time back that earlier versions of OS 
X would futz up if they were too close to OS 9, but not Tiger When I 
got the iBook in July 2007, I had THOUGHT I'd need to boot it in 9 
occasionally, so I gave it a small (8 GB) OS 9 boot partition. As it 
happened though, I never needed to boot in 9 on the iBook at all (the 
only times I ever actually did boot the iBook in 9 was when I installed 
to test it, and then once last night immediately prior to the nuke and 
pave to see if it still worked, and yes it booted in 9) -- I only need to 
run Classic on it.  It's the *G4* I have to be able to boot in 9 with 
sometimes (and still can't, dammit! yet another still-unresolved issue, 
sigh)...And, on the G4, the OS 9 for booting is on a *different HD* from 
the OS X, which the Mac would treat as on another partition, meaning 
it's OK. 

Because my iBook only has a 30 GB HD and I no longer have room for stuff 
I never use on it (such as a separate OS 9 boot partition), that's why I 
decided to nuke and pave it last night, to get rid of that unused 
partition and do some clean up and streamline as well as update certain 
things I'll be needing to use more in the near future.

All righty then, off to go to Mac Help. Thanks for the tip, Bill!


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Re: Did I Do Something Stupid?! No Classic in System Prefs?!

2009-02-28 Thread Yersinia

Glen writes,

Are you sure the OS 9.2.2 is blessed as Bill asked in an earlier post? 
Don't know if can you just copy a OS 9 System folder over into an OS X 
environment without a true install from the OS 9 install disk?

Perhaps a clean install from your OS 9 disk would be required. At this 
point that is what I would do  if you are sure the OS 9 System folder is 
blessed. But first, I'd bless the System folder.

Yes, you can copy in an OS 9 System Folder from one Mac to another and 
expect it to run Classic under OS X, and boot the machine from its own 
partition. I know, because that's how I got OS 9 (both Classic-only, and 
boot-only) into that very same iBook in the first place. Classic ran 
great, and I was also able to boot the iBook in OS 9.

None of my various and sundry OS 9 install CDs will install OS 9 on my 
iBook, which I bought used on EBay and didn't come with any system disks. 
That's why originally, and now, I had to move OS 9 in by copying System 
Folders from my G4 (I do have system disks for THAT, but the OS 9 one 
wouldn't install on the iBook either).

Anyhoo, the issue is mostly fixed now, believe it or not -- I even got my 
little 9 back up in the menu bar!  :-)  I have one last problem with 
one app (all my other Classic apps open and run OK, I tested them), but I 
need to take that to the Claris Emailer list.

Thanks though!


Some mornings it's not worth chewing through the leather straps. -- Emo 

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Re: Did I Do Something Stupid?! No Classic in System Prefs?!

2009-02-28 Thread Yersinia

Bill writes,

Maybe CCC 3.1.3 would help down the road, under OS X. It might even  
Bless the folder for you?

Dunno, I'll Google and if it's free and actually makes sense to me why I 
should have it, I'll download it. I never actually, seriously even looked 
into Carbon Copy Cloner, even though I've seen enough mention of people 
using it in here on these lists. I never really got why anybody should 
use a special program to copy or move files or folders, when (for me 
anyway) it could be done straight up with the Finder without having to 
mess around with yet something else.

That's funny ... all this made me upgrade my OS 9 partition to usable  
9.2.2 along with using Quicktime 6.0.3 (my 9.1 install wouldn't  
startup on my Yikes!) ...

Hahaha, I find this really amusing -- a little problem I run into because 
I decide I don't need the OS 9 partition on my iBook inspires YOU to 
UPGRADE yours!  *laugh*

but as a test, I tried my ClarisWorks 3 from the dock ... it opened 
another app instead ... Switch ...  which has nothing to do with OS 9 
...Same thing happened when I went to the ClarisWorks folder ... any  
relation to Claris Emailer?

Um, h, I couldn't tell you, sorry. I've never even had 
ClarisWorks 3. I started with ClarisWorks 4 in OS's 7.x.x and 8.x and 
used it until OS 9.1 FUBARed it, at which point I started using 
AppleWorks. (I've been using AppleWorks 6 for about, h, 4-5 years 
now?) I've never even heard of Switch, and I don't mess with QuickTime 
either. One of the first things I did when I first got OS X was take the 
QuickTime icon out of the Dock, and it's THE first thing I do when I open 
up a new OS X after a nuke-and-pave (remove all of what are, for me, 
useless icons, and QuickTime is first on my list of useless!). I have no 
idea how any of this would relate to Claris Emailer, which, I should 
mention, opened up and worked just fine on my iBook (until now!) and 
still runs beautifully on my G4 (same 10.4.9/9.2.2 OS configuration).

I'm using NeoOffice for my spreadsheets and such now under OS X.  
Haven't really run any OS 9 apps for awhile.

I don't do spreadsheets at home, and don't have NeoOffice...but believe 
it or not, I've actually considered going to an OS X native email client 
(Thunderbird, which my boyfriend told me about, he uses it on HIS Macs). 
I didn't like (I did have reason to try it briefly not long 
before I found Thunderbird)...It was IMO too much like Outlook (which I 
already knew I hated from having used it at work in a Windoze only 
situation), which may be good for recent escapees from MicroBorg who want 
an easy adjustment to Macs and OS X, but I don't want to use anything 

So I downloaded and played with Thunderbird a little, and almost fell in 
love, except for one thing: It can't import my Claris Emailer folders! 
THAT was the dealbreaker. Ironically, CAN import from Claris 
Emailer..except I don't like it otherwise! So, I'm still using my 
good old ancient Claris Emailer 2.0v3 for email.  I actually LOVE my 
Claris Emailer, and the only reason why I was considering switching to an 
OS X native email program at all was because I thought it, being more 
modern, would work better than CE in wifi situations.

Ohhh wait... IDEA! Gotta pop open the Thunderbird and look since I don't 
recall off the top of my head, but I think it WILL import from, 
so maybe if I import my ClarisEmailer stuff into, and then 
import with Thunderbird from THERE...H, Maybe! (oh no, another big 
nasty Project likely to take a week or more, I know, but.something to 
look into!)

~Yersinia-wishes she'd stop thinking up all these big nasty Projects!

Experience is the worst teacher. It always gives the test first and the 
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Did I Do Something Stupid?! No Classic in System Prefs?!

2009-02-27 Thread Yersinia

Hi Listers,

After about 6 months of procrastination, tonight I finally did The Deed:  
Nuke and pave to single partition my iBook's HD and clean it up but good. 
All was going beautifully, actually it IS going beautifully, except for 

There is no Classic pane in System Preferences!   :-O

I don't nuke and pave often, but I've done it enough to make sure that 
the little box for OS 9 drivers is checked in Disk Utility is checked -- 
and I know it was checked tonightand I've also never opened my System 
Prefs and not seen the 9 Classic in the System area -- UNTIL NOW!!

Tech Info:

iBook G3/800, 30 GB HD, 640 MB RAM -- installed OS X Tiger 10.4.3 from 
DVD, then ran 10.4.9 Combo Updater. 

After post-updater reboot and confirmation that I was in 10.4.9 by 
popping About This Mac, I started loading in all the data gathered onto 
the flash drives earlier today, including the OS 9.2.2 System Folder to 
run Classic. However, this system folder is recognized in the Startup 
Disk pane in System Preferencesnot that I plan to use it for that, 
but my iBook at least knows it's there!

Um, what did I screw up?   :blush

Will an Archive Reinstall somehow give me my Classic Prefs back?



When you move something to a more logical place, you can only remember 
where it used to be and your decision to move it.

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Re: OS9 Image Viewer/Slideshow App Suggestions?

2009-02-03 Thread Yersinia

Richard writes,

HiYa, I'm setting up a Wallstreet running OS9 and I'm looking for a
'' type program I can use to look at jpegs and run full
screen slideshows with. It's been forever since I've been in 9 and
can't think of what to use to get Preview like tools. Not that I like
Preview!, but it does what it does fairly decently and I could really
use those tools on my Powerbook.

I really liked Jade 1.2. I miss it actually. Here:


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