[gentoo-user] Re: OT: just a comment

2004-02-26 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* rh (2004-02-24 08:02 +0100)
 I have been using Linux for a while now and have been a pretty strong
 advocate of it to many of my friends. However, lately I am getting very
 frustrated. Maybe it's because I am tired tonight and for some stupid
 reason am still sitting here trying to figure something out (a question
 I posted earlier with no responses).
 But I have to say that even I am becoming frustrated with Linux and,
 God forbid, have contemplated changing my pure Linux box into one with a
 dual boot that includes windows. 
 For the most part things work as they should but lately I have run into
 too many things that no matter if you follow the instructions letter by
 letter, it isn't going to work and will only work after hours of trial
 and error. I guess I am tired of trying to learn from badly written or
 outdated documentation.
 I think that is what is frustrating me tonight is not so much Linux
 itself but the lack of proper documentation of Linux. I wish there
 were as many people working on updating docs as there is working on
 updating actual code.

Linux and most of the GNU applications are better documented than any
other Operating System (Mac, Windows, NetWare). Some commercial
applications under Windows are better documented than those free
projects on SourceForge or Freshmeat but that's because you pay for
them a lot of money.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Kde 3.2 - how to remove 3.1?

2004-02-15 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Alan (2004-02-11 22:43 +0100)
 On Wed, Feb 11, 2004 at 09:23:40PM +, Neil Bothwick wrote:
 Alan said, 
 This removes the kde dependancy package, but leaves all the other kde
 packages (kdelibs, kdeutils, etc).  I guess portage doesn't do reverse
 dependancy removals yet huh?
 emerge kde -P
 emerge depclean -p
 emerge depclean
 Cool, never even knew about that. Thanks!

This will remove *all* packages without dependencies and this is 
certainly not what you want.

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[gentoo-user] Re: cygwin terminal problem logging into gentoo

2004-02-15 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* john lawler (2004-02-13 18:12 +0100)
 I've been having this problem ever since I installed gentoo.  I use ssh 
 under Cygwin to login to my Gentoo box, and I've noticed whenever I try 
 to look at 'top', when it goes fullscreen, it seems to put one character 
 past the end of the line that the cygwin terminal can display, so that 
 character wraps to the next line and makes everything look messed up.

Forget the Windows Console and use rxvt or make your own .toprc.

Mine is:


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[gentoo-user] Re: where to define shell aliases?

2004-02-15 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Sven Köhler (2004-02-13 05:32 +0100)
 till now i still write my aliases to /etc/portage, but shouldn't there 
 be a better way?

The expression my aliases along with the man page of your shell will 
give you some clue.


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[gentoo-user] Re: what happened to supermount?

2004-02-09 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Moshe Kaminsky (2004-02-09 07:00 +0100)
 With kernel 2.4 I had the following line in /etc/fstab:
 none /mnt/cdrom supermount 
 dev=/dev/cdroms/cdrom0,fs=auto,ro,--,iocharset=utf8,umask=0 0 0
 which caused the cdrom (and similarly for the floppy) to be mounted 
 automatically when accessed. It seems that kernel 2.6 no longer supports this.

Aah, Kernel 2.4. That kernel 2.4. In fact the unpatched vanilla never
did support supermount.

 Is there a replacement?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] grep supermount /usr/src/linux-2.6.2-gentoo/.config

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[gentoo-user] Re: Portage update

2004-02-08 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Anthony Hoppe (2004-02-07 22:08 +0100)
 Is it safe to update Portage?  I've been reading about the problems some
 people have been having.  Has anybody been successful with the update? 
 Should I update?

Yes. Emerge it manually (not as a part of emerge -uU world). The
only problem I had was that it didn't like my opera entry in
/var/cache/edb/world on my two Gentoo boxes. After removing that it
was okay.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Private rsync mirror

2004-02-01 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Gard Spreemann (2004-02-01 14:08 +0100)
 I want to run my own private rsync mirror, and have followed a guide I found 
 on the forum for this.

Why? http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/rsync.xml ist the official one. The
one on the forum offers just technical advice for a local distfiles
mirror (FETCHCOMMAND, etc).

 I just want to make sure of one thing: The 
 rsync-gentoo-portage.sh script should be set to sync with 
 rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage right?

No, for a /private/mirror rsync.tld.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage is the
right one:

* Rsync etiquette guidelines

 I don't want to be doing  anything I'm not supposed to, like syncing
 my private mirror with a server  only meant for public mirrors.
 Also, is syncing my private mirror once every 24 hours ok?

Twice a day is okay, but more often than once a day doesn't make


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[gentoo-user] Kernel Ooops with new gentoo-sources and vmware

2004-01-09 Thread Thorsten Kampe
The new release 4 Kernel from gentoo-sources makes an 'Oops' starting
vmware (newest version) with a virtual machine. I could reproduce this
on a IBM Netvista Desktop machine and on a laptop. The release 3
Kernel was okay and 'gentoo-stable', too.

Even unmerging and re-emerging didn't help...


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[gentoo-user] Compiling the kernel with CFLAGS from make.conf

2004-01-07 Thread Thorsten Kampe
Is it sensible to compile my kernel with the CFLAGS[1] of my
/etc/make.conf that have proven to be stable?!

I never thought of that but it could be an performance gain like for
any other portage package, but maybe I am missing something


[1] export CFLAGS=-O3 -march=pentium3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer

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[gentoo-user] Re: Bootmenu for selecting a GUI to start

2004-01-04 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Martin Gramatke (2004-01-04 11:40 +0100)
 Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 I'm looking for a solution to hook somekind of a boot menu into the
 boot process. Something like
 One more runlevels may be what you need. Default runlevel
 is /etc/runlevels/default. Most probably you have a link to /etc/init.d/xdm
 in it, which starts KDE.

kdm :-)

 Create another subdir, e.g. noxdm beside default.
 Fill it with 'rc-update add INITDSCRIPT noxdm' with the same links as in
 default, except xdm.
 Now modify your /boot/grub/grub.conf or do analog with lilo. Add these three
 lines to its end: 
 title=Gentoo Linux - noxdm
 root (hd0,1)
 kernel (hd0,1)/bzImage-2.6.0 root=/dev/hda6 softlevel=noxdm
 Note the parameter 'softlevel=noxdm'. This selects the bootscrips
 in /etc/runlevels/noxdm to be executed instead the scripts
 in /etc/runlevels/default. By the way, /etc/runlevels/boot are executed
 anyway before the 'noxdm' or 'default' scripts, you may want to move some
 common, very basic scripts here.

Aah, thanks. I haven't tried it yet but this is almost exactly what I
want. I will remove /etc/init.d/xdm from the default runlevel and
will create another runlevel xdm with the appropriate link to

Just one thing is ugly. Do I really have to copy all the linke from
the boot and default runlevel to the new xdm?! This would mean
that everytime I add or del from boot or default I would have
to update xdm, too.

The default runlevel already includes the boot runlevel. Is there
a way to say something like
softlevel=noxdm, include runlevel boot default?

Thanks again,

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[gentoo-user] Re: Bootmenu for selecting a GUI to start

2004-01-04 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Gerhard W. Gruber (2004-01-04 08:39 +0100)
 On Sun, 4 Jan 2004 04:40:46 +0100, Thorsten Kampe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'Do you want to start the GUI (kdm)? [Y]es [N]o' If I select Yes
within five seconds /etc/init.d/xdm start is executed - otherwise

What's the best way to do this without changing or hacking baselayout
(?) to much? Is there an API/hook that allows that?
 You can always create several bootentries specifiying different runlevels.
 Which loader do you use?



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[gentoo-user] Re: can't find zip

2004-01-04 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Glenn English (2004-01-05 01:24 +0100)
 There's a Zip drive in my computer, but I can't find it.

But I'm glad you found my thread. Welcome.


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[gentoo-user] Bootmenu for selecting a GUI to start

2004-01-03 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I'm looking for a solution to hook somekind of a boot menu into the
boot process. Something like

'Do you want to start the GUI (kdm)? [Y]es [N]o' If I select Yes
within five seconds /etc/init.d/xdm start is executed - otherwise

What's the best way to do this without changing or hacking baselayout
(?) to much? Is there an API/hook that allows that?


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[gentoo-user] Re: Daily job running

2004-01-01 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Gerhard W. Gruber (2003-12-29 10:21 +0100)
 I want to have job that runs once a day when I power on my machine. With cron
 I have the problem that this has to be at a fixed time, yes? Since I switch my
 machine off when I don' t use it it can often happen that this will not run
 because the launchtime has been missed. I know that in Suse they had some
 mechanism for users like me, who don't let their machine run all the time.

 So is there something like that I can use in gentoo?

Just use the default vcron; it does that by default (at least for the
jobs in /etc/cron.[hourly|daily|weekly|monthly].


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[gentoo-user] Forgot to run make oldconfig on gentoo-sources

2003-12-24 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I forgot to run make oldconfig on the releases of
gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r[6-9] and my old .config from
gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r5 (10 May 2003). I just used make menuconfig
which resets possible CONFIG_ changes to their defaults without
notifying me.

So my question is: were there any CONFIG_ additions or changes in
the releases between

gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r5 (10 May 2003) and the following


that would have made make oldconfig ask about the new
features/options? If so, does anyone remember which CONFIG_ did

Thanks in advance,

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[gentoo-user] Re: ssh timeout?

2003-09-28 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Ernie Schroder (2003-09-28 16:11 +0200)
 My KVM switch is dead so I'm doing a major update of my 2nd Gentoo box 
 via ssh. 3 times now, the process has been interupted by what appears 
 to be time outs. The only message seems to be connection reset by 
 peer. My  /var/log/ssh/xxx on that box doesn't show anything of use. 
 Is there a config somewhere where I can set time out?

man sshd_config

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[gentoo-user] Gentoo 1.4 Basic-Installation CD really buggy (20030806)

2003-08-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
The Gentoo Basic Installation CD is quite buggy. Just a few errors
noticed while starting:

1. /proc/splash: No such file or directory
2. The bash history buffer is full of commands issued by the developer

Okay, 1. and 2. where rather cosmetic, the stopping issues are really
annoying: Rebooting or halting doesn't work (tested on a Acer
Laptop, IBM NetVista and a VMware host).

It hangs at various stages: stopping USB and PCI hotplugging or
while shutting down the lo interface. A test installation under
VMware went successfully until the final reboot:

/sbin/rc: line 151: /bin/sync: No such file or directory
/sbin/rc: line 151: /bin/sync: No such file or directory
/sbin/rc: line 1: /prc/cmdline: No such file or directory
/sbin/rc: line 153: /sbin/sulogin: No such file or directory
/sbin/rc: line 151: /sbin/reboot: No such file or directory

So it's not possible to reboot a freshly installed Gentoo box
successfully at all!

Sorry, what happened? RC4 was perfect...


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[gentoo-user] Re: portage logs

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Theofilos Intzoglou (2003-08-10 13:54 +0200)
   This was exactly what I was looking for! logrotate cannot handle the
 logs that emerge creates unfortunately [...]

What's so special about the emerge logs that logrotate can't handle?!


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[gentoo-user] Re: Fetching updates with cron

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael Schreckenbauer (2003-08-07 16:37 +0200)
 Am Donnerstag, 7. August 2003 16:15 schrieb Thorsten Kampe:
 I have a vcron job[1] that syncs the portage tree und afterward
 fetches available updates - at least that's how it is supposed to
 work. The sync works fine and the fetch, too, at least according to

 But actually the .tar.bz never reaches /usr/portage/distfiles, so I
 have to execute emerge -fuD world manually. This happens with all

 I even tried to search for the files - with locate - but they're not
 on my harddisk.

 Does anyone have a hint or idea?!

 [1] 0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/rsync-gentoo-portage.sh;
 emerge -fuD world  /dev/null [2] Started emerge on: Aug 07, 2003

 Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the '' at the wrong position? Afaik the line 
 should read:
 0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/rsync-gentoo-portage.sh;
 emerge -fuD world  /dev/null 

Well  (background) doesn't make much sense in a cron job in my

 I believe you are forcing your updates straight forward to /dev/null

Well no and yes:

man bash
There are two formats for redirecting standard output and standard
error: word and word. Of the two forms, the first is
preferred. This is semantically equivalent to word 21.

But the real culprit was *Prozilla*! I changed the $FETCHCOMMAND to
[1] and when I get back to the default wget - it works...!


[1] FETCHCOMMAND='/usr/bin/proz -r --no-netrc --no-getch --no-search -k=4 
--timeout=300 -t=5 --retry-delay=15 --max-bps=0 ${URI} -P ${DISTDIR}'

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[gentoo-user] Which kernel for servers?

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
Which kernel for a brave little Gentoo server running Zope and facing
the big bad internet?!

* gs-sources
This patch [...] ensures that your mission critical servers will be
up when you need them. [...] Where possible and without compromising
stability we add server related performance patches. [...] In other
words, these sources are perfect for servers and High-Availability

* hardened-sources
Hardened Gentoo's purpose is to make Gentoo viable for high security,
high stability production server environments. The kernel provides
[...] stability/security oriented patches.

* wolk-sources
It has been pointed out by Kurt Lieber that Gentoo is in the process
of converting all of Gentoo's infrastructure servers over to WOLK
4.3. If that is so, why isn't Gentoo eating it's own dogfood
(gs-sources) or replacing gs-sources with wolk-sources if WOLK is
/that/ superior?!

Any hints or meanings deeply appreciated!


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[gentoo-user] Re: How to configure xdm to accept connections from other boxes?

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Jussi Sirpoma (2003-08-08 17:39 +0200)

 I'm trying to configure xdm to accept connections from other machines in 
 the network. I've done it once to a Mandrake box but I do not have those 
 conig files available and I'm not getting very far with the default 
 gentoo ones. This is what I have done:

 - I commented out the last line in xdm-config:

 - Removed comments from these lines in Xaccess:
 *   #any host can get a login window
 *   CHOOSER BROADCAST   #any indirect...

 Is there some other things I need to set up? (Like permissions or..)



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[gentoo-user] Re: Newbie Portage Question

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Jordan Elver (2003-08-06 20:30 +0200)
 I was wondering how I can handle the merging of ~x86 packages. For example, I 
 wanted to install opera 7 which is unstable, so I did:

   KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge opera

 Which gave the desired result. The problem now though is that everytime I do 
 an emerge world it wants to downgrade opera to version 6. How can I tell 
 portage that I want to keep ~x86 versions of certain packages?

=net-www/opera-7 in /var/cache/edb/world

 I have the 
 same problem with apache (but the other way around) as I want to keep apache1 
 but emerge insists on upgrading to 2.

Similar to above - just ''.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: If is doesn't compile with -O3 -pipe is that not a BUG?

2003-08-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Robert Young (2003-08-08 21:43 +0200)
 Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 * Robert Young (2003-08-08 18:39 +0200)
 I submitted a bug against Mozilla

 It seems to be because of my CFLAGS
 CFLAGS=-march=pentium3 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer

 These are *exactly* my flags and Mozilla compiled with those (okay the
 second time - I had to reduce MAKEOPTS from -j(3+2) to -j(3+1)

 You have 3 or 4 cpus?

Two hosts, each of them on CPU.

 or your not using the recommended values?

The recommended values differ:

man make.conf: CPUs+1 up to 2*CPUs+1 (-j3 up to -j5)
man make:  no recommendation
distcc FAQ:2*CPUs (-j4)
current Gentoo distcc maintainer: CPUs+1 (-j3)
former Gentoo distcc maintainer: 2*CPUs+1 (each host!) (-j6)

So I set up MAKEOPTS=5 and 'DISTCC_HOSTS=localhost/3
$REMOTE_HOST/2' which was fine until cross-compiling - meaning each
of my hosts was compiling at the same time and using the other as a
distcc host with the same MAKEOPTS/DISTCC_HOSTS setting.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Backups

2003-08-10 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Matthias F. Brandstetter (2003-08-10 15:41 +0200)
 -- quoting Peter Ruskin --
 Gentoo Linux:   Gentoo Base System version
 kernel-2.4.22_pre2-gss i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1600+

 Sorry, but what is Gentoo Base System version
 Has this something to do with Gentoo 1.2, 1.4_rc4, 1.4?

cat /etc/gentoo-release

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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: portage logs

2003-08-10 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Theofilos Intzoglou (2003-08-10 21:33 +0200)
   The logs, that emerge produces, have no default name. Also, a log is
 created for every package that is being emerged and after that emerge,
 the log file will never be opened again for something to be added.

At least installations of the same product on the same day go to the
same log file.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Fetching updates with cron

2003-08-09 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Chris I (2003-08-07 21:23 +0200)
 On 2003.08.07 12:57, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 [1] FETCHCOMMAND='/usr/bin/proz -r --no-netrc --no-getch --no-search
 -k=4 --timeout=300 -t=5 --retry-delay=15 --max-bps=0 ${URI} -P

 Did you try checking to see if ${DISTDIR} is a valid variable outside 
 of portage? Try a cron script that does something like:

 echo ${DISTDIR} | mail -s distdir check myemailaddress;

 or even

 env | mail -s env myemailaddress;

 I think that this was an invalid destination, so the download completed 
 and it saved them to nowhere. Try replacing it and manually entering 
 the /usr/portage/distfiles path.

Sorry, no, I've been emerging and fetching for weeks with prozilla.
The only thing that doesn't work is the redirection. I changed back to
good ole wget.


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[gentoo-user] Fetching updates with cron

2003-08-08 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I have a vcron job[1] that syncs the portage tree und afterward
fetches available updates - at least that's how it is supposed to
work. The sync works fine and the fetch, too, at least according to

But actually the .tar.bz never reaches /usr/portage/distfiles, so I
have to execute emerge -fuD world manually. This happens with all

I even tried to search for the files - with locate - but they're not
on my harddisk.

Does anyone have a hint or idea?!


[1] 0  */12  *  *  *  root  /opt/gentoo-rsync/rsync-gentoo-portage.sh; emerge -fuD 
world  /dev/null
[2] Started emerge on: Aug 07, 2003 12:14:020
 emerge (1 of 1) net-misc/rdiff-backup-0.12.0 to /
=== (1 of 1) Post-Build Cleaning 
*** Finished. Cleaning up...
*** terminating.

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[gentoo-user] Re: If is doesn't compile with -O3 -pipe is that not a BUG?

2003-08-08 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Robert Young (2003-08-08 18:39 +0200)
 Just a thought

 I submitted a bug against Mozilla

 It seems to be because of my CFLAGS
 CFLAGS=-march=pentium3 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer

These are *exactly* my flags and Mozilla compiled with those (okay the
second time - I had to reduce MAKEOPTS from -j(3+2) to -j(3+1)
while using distcc; where m+n ist the ratio localhost to remote distcc


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[gentoo-user] Re: etc-update and fstab...

2003-08-03 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Steven Elling (2003-08-03 07:03 +0200)
 On Saturday 02 August 2003 15:23, Stephane Brossier wrote:
 I emerge some ebuilds yesterday, and then i got a warning that I
 should run etc-update to merge some files.

 I used the -5 option which automaticall merge the files,
 and it seems it deleted some of my config files such
 as /etc/fstab.

 One of my questions about etc-update and portage is, why etc-update / 
 portage even consider critical files like /etc/fstab for a update?

 It seems to me that files like this should never be considered for upgrades 
 because they are static in nature, only need to be set up once, and if 
 changes do need to be made it is because the admin of the box has changed 
 the hardware configuration.

This is in fact the point it is all about. There is no sense in
updating fstab or /etc/passwd so these types of files should be
always omitted. Another possibility would be to have etc-update issue
a red warning when used with -5.

Just another point: is the -5 useful at all? I mean, has anyone used
that in a senseful way? If you really want to overwrite, you could
have done 'CONFIG_PROTECT=-* emerge -u whatever', right?

By the way: I never use etc-update. If I didn't configure the
service, I just overwrite the config file, otherwise I do it manually.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Non-root reboot

2003-08-02 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Lares Weaselle (2003-08-02 03:13 +0200)
 I would like to be able to reboot/halt my laptop while a user.  I don't
 like to have to superuser to do so.  Any thoughts?

Laptop? KDE/Gnome? This is the default...

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[gentoo-user] Re: kdelibs Build Failure During Upgrade

2003-08-02 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Steven Elling (2003-08-02 02:23 +0200)
 I'm trying to upgrade kdelibs from 3.1.2 to 3.1.2-r1 and the build fails 
 with the following error:


 !!! ERROR: kde-base/kdelibs-3.1.2-r1 failed.
 !!! Function kde_src_compile, Line 138, Exitcode 2
 !!! died running emake, kde_src_compile:make

 Has anyone else seen this?

Yes, multiple times on one box. Disabled distcc, lowered MAKE_OPTS and
did the emerge on the GUI and that helped (don't know which one)

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[gentoo-user] Re: Non-root reboot

2003-08-02 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Lares Weaselle (2003-08-02 12:57 +0200)
 On Sat, 02 Aug 2003 10:51:08 +0200, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 * Lares Weaselle (2003-08-02 03:13 +0200)
 I would like to be able to reboot/halt my laptop while a user.  I don't
 like to have to superuser to do so.  Any thoughts?

 Laptop? KDE/Gnome? This is the default...
 Laptop,  Fluxbox, no xdm or the like...  I like my interfaces light...

...and functionality reduced obviously...

 Content-Type: text/explicit; charset=ISO-8859-666 (Parental Advisory)
 Content-Transfer-Warning: message contains innuendos not suited for
 children under the age of 18

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[gentoo-user] Re: Clarifying meaning of x86 and ~x86

2003-07-30 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Sebastian Hungerecker (2003-07-30 08:56 +0200)
 On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:25:30 +1000
 Jonathan Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 just wanted to clarify my understanding of x86 and ~x86.
 The prefix ~ says that a program (not the ebuild) is unstable, the
 prefix ^ means, that the package is nearly unusable and no prefix means
 that the app runs mostly stable.

Never seen this ^ thingy mentioned anywhere. Can you give us some
sort of reference?


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[gentoo-user] Re: vmware has stopped working

2003-07-30 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* William Kenworthy (2003-07-30 13:08 +0200)
 Doesnt help much.  I have a 3 licence and the 3 series is fine: I cant
 justify the cost of upgrading to 4 - getting too expensive for the use I
 get out of it.

 I am using ver 3, and on the initial failure, the same vmware install
 had been working fine for months.  It was sometime during the recent
 flood of upgrades that this occurred.

CONFIG_PROTECT=-* emerge --noconfmem vmware-workstation; vmware-config.pl

Your license and your virtual machines and personal settings will

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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Clarifying meaning of x86 and ~x86

2003-07-30 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Sebastian Hungerecker (2003-07-30 17:17 +0200)
 On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 10:27:29 +0200
 Thorsten Kampe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Never seen this ^ thingy mentioned anywhere.
 Sorry, I was wrong: It's - not ^

Okay, I've never seen -x86 seen either. Where can I read about that?

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[gentoo-user] Re: Minimal Gentoo install

2003-07-26 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Anders Eriksson (2003-07-26 10:16 +0200)
 I'd like to add a warning here. I (being a longtime Linux and distcc 
 user, albeit a gentoo newcommer) tried emerge -e world with distcc. 
 It turned out that zlib did NOT like that. For some reason it, during 
 ./configure, decided that my system was not shared-object capable, 
 and skipped building the .so files. Not fun at all. Even distcc with 
 just in the group trigged it.

Is localhost the first entry in your DISTCC_HOSTS? According to the
man page: 'The literal word localhost is interpreted specially to
cause compilations to be directly executed, rather than passed to a
daemon on the local machine.'


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[gentoo-user] Re: sSMTP and AUTH

2003-07-26 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Michael Gruetzner (2003-07-26 14:29 +0200)
 I try to send my mail via mutt and ssmtp from the console. The remote 
 host is GMX wich wants ssmtp to authenticate via smtp-auth. Is this 
 supported by sSMTP?

man ssmtp

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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: sSMTP and AUTH

2003-07-26 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Brian Richardson (2003-07-26 20:37 +0200)
 On July 26, 2003 11:05, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 * Michael Gruetzner (2003-07-26 14:29 +0200)
 I try to send my mail via mutt and ssmtp from the console. The remote
 host is GMX wich wants ssmtp to authenticate via smtp-auth. Is this
 supported by sSMTP?

 man ssmtp

 Nothing in there.


  Specifies username for login authorization. (only tested
with MS Exchange)

  -appassword Specifies password for login authorization.
(only tested with MS Exchange)


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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Xargs error on boot new installation.

2003-07-25 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Kevin Hayes (2003-07-25 07:43 +0200)
 On Fri, 25 Jul 2003 00:54:21 +0200
 Thorsten Kampe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * Kevin Hayes (2003-07-24 07:29 +0200)
 On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 00:44:15 -0400
 Robert Kruus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:15:54 +1000 it is rumored that Kevin Hayes
 Have just installed G2 using stage1-x86-20030717.tar.bz2 and get
 the following during boot, can anyone shed some light on the
 xargs: error message,

   * Configuring kernel parameters...  [ ok ]
 * Cleaning /var/lock, /var/run...
 xargs: environment is too large for exec[ ok ]
 * Cleaning /tmp directory...[ ok ]

 Check the gentoo bugzilla.. 

 The module messages were generated by /etc/modules.devfs,
 but the xargs error message is still there.

 You mean it's supposed to disappear magically somehow?
 Check the gentoo bugzilla would have led to:

 bootmisc 1.32 (2003/06/23) from CVS fixes the bug:

 Bug has already been pointed out to me by others,

You mean the fact that this is a bug (which is more than obvious)? My
point was about check the gentoo bugzilla (Robert Kruus) which would
have enlightened you that updating baselayout doesn't fix anything.

 you obviously didn't bother reading the thread and are jumping in at the end
 of a thread you haven't read.

Twice wrong.

 It really is a waste of bandwidth doing this, if you can't add something

You mean a deep link to the bugzilla thread and the bootmisc from CVS
(where the bug is fixed) isn't constructive enough for you?

 without sarcasm you shouldn't bother replying.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind (score adjusted).

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[gentoo-user] Re: Some init.d problems

2003-07-25 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Paulo da Silva (2003-07-25 02:28 +0200)
 I am trying to start hdparm before checkroot during
 the booting process. So, I put before * in the hdparm
 script and after hdparm in the checkroot.
 I used rc-update as follows:
 rc-update del hdparm
 rc-update del checkroot
 rc-update add hdparm boot
 rc-update add checkroot boot

 but I didn't get the efect I pretend!
 Am I doing anything wrong?

Did you read the Gentoo Linux rc-script Guide?

Note: These two types are only valid during a runlevel change.

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[gentoo-user] Re: Xargs error on boot new installation.

2003-07-25 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Dhruba Bandopadhyay (2003-07-25 15:02 +0200)
 Michael Rasile wrote:
 On Thu Jul 24, 2003 at 12:39:33PM +0100 or thereabouts, Dhruba Bandopadhyay wrote:
Kevin Hayes wrote:
Have just installed G2 using stage1-x86-20030717.tar.bz2 and get
the following during boot, can anyone shed some light on the
xargs: error message,

 The version you need is  Emerge it by doing the following 
 (assuming x86).

 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge --noconfmem baselayout

You /really/ shouldn't emerge a masked *baselayout* because of a
(mainly cosmetic) bug in bootmisc.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Only half the download speed with masquerading/routing

2003-07-25 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Thorsten Kampe (2003-07-18 15:48 +0200)
 my Gentoo box acts as a Router for a Windows XP host. On the Gentoo
 box the download rate is about *7,5 kB/s* on the XP host just *3,8
 kB/s*. But: when I use a Cisco router for the Windows host, the
 download is about *7,5 kB/s*.

 So it looks like as the Gentoo router is limiting the bandwidth...
 What can I do to make the full 7-8 kB/s available to the clients?!

 Neither on the Windows nor on the Gentoo host is a firewall or a virus
 scanner running. Kernel is 2.4.20.

For the record: after updating the XP box to Gentoo the download
speed is near the theoretic maximum. There is no point in blaming the
XP machine because it had no problems with the CISCO router but
obviously Gentoo and XP didn't work well together when Gentoo was the
masquerading router.


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[gentoo-user] Re: .bashrc ?

2003-07-24 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* raptor (2003-07-24 15:43 +0200)
 which are the packges that contain .bashrc/.bash_profile files ?!

 PS. etcat  qpkg cant find them !?

O really, dear ?

% qpkg -f /etc/skel/.bashrc
sys-apps/baselayout *

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[gentoo-user] Re: /var/log/messages absent

2003-07-24 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Stephen Boulet (2003-07-24 13:50 +0200)
 I've emerged metalog according to the directions, but there is no 

 Is this normal?


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[gentoo-user] Re: Xargs error on boot new installation.

2003-07-24 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Kevin Hayes (2003-07-24 07:29 +0200)
 On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 00:44:15 -0400
 Robert Kruus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 14:15:54 +1000 it is rumored that Kevin Hayes
 Have just installed G2 using stage1-x86-20030717.tar.bz2 and get
 the following during boot, can anyone shed some light on the
 xargs: error message,

 * Configuring kernel parameters...  [ ok ]
 * Cleaning /var/lock, /var/run...
 xargs: environment is too large for exec[ ok ]
 * Cleaning /tmp directory...[ ok ]

 Check the gentoo bugzilla.. 

 The module messages were generated by /etc/modules.devfs,
 but the xargs error message is still there.

You mean it's supposed to disappear magically somehow?
Check the gentoo bugzilla would have led to:

bootmisc 1.32 (2003/06/23) from CVS fixes the bug:


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[gentoo-user] Re: fstab and tmpfs

2003-07-23 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Jean Magnan de Bornier (2003-07-23 13:40 +0200)
 I updated some packages yesterday (among which are glibc and gcc). In the
 new config files I have /etc/._cfgfstab, with the following line near
 the end:
 none /dev/shmtmpfs defaults  0 0
 In the actual /etc/fstab I have the following, which I don't remember to
 have modified:
 tmpfs/dev/shmtmpfsdefaults0 0
 The none is confusing for me.
 Is it necessary to replace tmpfs with none, and if so why?

The man page says none is for swap. For tmpfs have a look at

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[gentoo-user] killing pppd in local.stop

2003-07-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I'm stopping pppd in local.stop via killall pppd[1] - so the system
doesn't hang with an open ppp connection. Unfortunately killall
gives an error code != 0 when there is no pppd to be killed and
therefor local.stop shows two red !! (for unsuccesfull).

This is just somehow cosmetic but how can I avoid this?


[1] pppd has no hangup like isdnctrl hangup

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: killing pppd in local.stop

2003-07-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Theofilos Intzoglou (2003-07-18 11:47 +0200)
 On Fri, 18 Jul 2003 11:09:41 +0200
 Thorsten Kampe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm stopping pppd in local.stop via killall pppd[1] - so the system
 doesn't hang with an open ppp connection. Unfortunately killall
 gives an error code != 0 when there is no pppd to be killed and
 therefor local.stop shows two red !! (for unsuccesfull).

 This is just somehow cosmetic but how can I avoid this?

 You could add something like:

 PPPDEX=`ps -e | grep pppd`
 if [ $PPPDEX !=  ];then killall pppd;fi

Someone else proposed

if ps -e | grep pppd ; then 
killall pppd; 

This and yours work fine.

My own solution was
test -f /var/run/ppp0.pid  /usr/bin/killall pppd

But this didn't work (because of the  changing the error code?).


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[gentoo-user] Only half the download speed with masquerading/routing

2003-07-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe

my Gentoo box acts as a Router for a Windows XP host. On the Gentoo
box the download rate is about *7,5 kB/s* on the XP host just *3,8
kB/s*. But: when I use a Cisco router for the Windows host, the
download is about *7,5 kB/s*.

So it looks like as the Gentoo router is limiting the bandwidth...
What can I do to make the full 7-8 kB/s available to the clients?!

Neither on the Windows nor on the Gentoo host is a firewall or a virus
scanner running. Kernel is 2.4.20.

I enable routing by:
echo 1 | /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j 

This is my .config:

What else can I do or test?!

Regards, Thorsten

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[gentoo-user] Re: Only half the download speed with masquerading/routing

2003-07-18 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Jason Stubbs (2003-07-18 16:02 +0200)
 On Friday 18 July 2003 22:48, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 my Gentoo box acts as a Router for a Windows XP host. On the Gentoo
 box the download rate is about *7,5 kB/s* on the XP host just *3,8
 kB/s*. But: when I use a Cisco router for the Windows host, the
 download is about *7,5 kB/s*.

 So it looks like as the Gentoo router is limiting the bandwidth...
 What can I do to make the full 7-8 kB/s available to the clients?!

 Neither on the Windows nor on the Gentoo host is a firewall or a virus
 scanner running. Kernel is 2.4.20.

 I enable routing by:
 echo 1 | /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward; iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING
 -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

 This is my .config:

 What else can I do or test?!

 I assume you have two net interfaces on the gentoo box? Do you get full
 speed on both interfaces from the gentoo box itself?

ppp0? Yes. eth0? Well difficult to measure, but it feels allright.

 Looking at your config, I would suggest first trying kernel option

Tried that. Cannot even get a connection to the internet with
CAPI/ISDN. killall pppd doesn't even give an error when no pppd is
running (instead of no process killed when acpi is enabled).

 There seems to be a few problems with acpi still. With my
 modem, if I don't use pci=noacpi I also get about 1/2 the full speed. If
 that doesn't work, try getting rid of apic as well - you have a single
 processor, right?

I'll try that... Thanks.


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[gentoo-user] ipppd and CAPI

2003-07-17 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I'm using pppd and CAPI (ppp, capi4k-utils and fcpci 
(AVM); all Gentoo ebuilds). Now I want to switch to ipppd[1]

The installation log of capi4k-utils says:

| To use isdn4linux with CAPI replace I4L_MODULE=hisax with
| I4L_MODULE=capidrv, start /etc/init.d/capi and load the module
| capidrv.

But in which file should I replace this setting?


[1] http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=29991

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[gentoo-user] Re: add hardware wizard ...

2003-07-16 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* raptor (2003-07-16 12:05 +0200)
 Is there a app similar to kudzu

kudzu, hwsetup


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[gentoo-user] Re: weird error after sync

2003-07-16 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Susie (2003-07-16 23:01 +0200)
 Hash: SHA1

Oh, it's really you.

 Anyone else getting this:

 Updating Portage cache...  ...done!

 Calculating world dependencies \
 !!! all ebuilds that could satisfy =media-libs/libsndfile-1.0.1 have
 been masked.
 !!!(dependency required by media-libs/faad2-1.1 [ebuild])

 !!! Problem with ebuild net-www/mplayerplug-in-0.80
 !!! Possibly a DEPEND/*DEPEND problem.

 !!! Depgraph creation failed.

 I have libsndfile 1.0.5 installed and I have faad2 1.1 installed ... so
 weird error.

Yes, but not with this package.


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[gentoo-user] Re: Local mail

2003-07-15 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* edj (2003-07-15 03:31 +0200)
 My machine is not sending localmail, i.e., error messages, cron junk, 
 etc, to root -- Sendmail:  cannot open port 25.No wonder - I do 
 not have sendmail installed.

Sure you have. Try which sendmail.

 I'd rather not install it.  I have ssmtp,  but my wanderings around Google
 tell me that it is not for delivery of  local mail.

That's exactly what it's for. Have a look at /etc/ssmtp.

 Is there anything smaller, less complicated than sendmail 
 which I can get and use?

* ssmtp
* http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=61606
* http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=56633

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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Local mail

2003-07-15 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (2003-07-15 12:51 +0200)
 On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 10:12:23AM +0200, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
 * edj (2003-07-15 03:31 +0200)
 My machine is not sending localmail, i.e., error messages, cron junk, 
 etc, to root -- Sendmail:  cannot open port 25.No wonder - I do 
 not have sendmail installed.

 Sure you have. Try which sendmail.

 I'd rather not install it.  I have ssmtp,  but my wanderings around Google
 tell me that it is not for delivery of  local mail.

 That's exactly what it's for. Have a look at /etc/ssmtp.

 Thorsten, I think you're confusing the sendmail package with the sendmail

No. edj has got sendmail (which is a link to ssmtp). edj
misunderstood the error message. It was not 'sendmail' not found but
sendmail/ssmtp: I cannot open port 25 on mailhub 'mail'

 [...] But ssmtp is just a simple package for getting mail from a local
 system to a remote MTA;


 it doesn't handle incoming mail, which is what the original question was

No, the original question was about sending localmail/delivery of
local mail and that is exactly what ssmtp is for. He can always use
his ISP's mailhub or his LAN's.

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[gentoo-user] Re: Starting Zope via xinetd

2003-07-15 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* CrPy (2003-07-15 16:22 +0200)
 Am Montag, 14. Juli 2003 18:14 schrieb Thorsten Kampe:
 I want to start Zope on my one computer via xinetd. This is obviously
 not as trivial as [1] as the startup scripts /etc/init.d/zope-2_6_1
 and /etc/conf.d/zope-2_6_1 are rather long and complicated.

 Does anyone know how to achieve this?

 [1] service zope
 port= 8080
 socket_type = stream
 protocol= tcp
 wait= no
 user= zope
 server  = python z2.py

 Where shoud python search? Try to use the full path to $ZOPE_HOME

Thanks, but that was not my question. It was about incorporating and
starting this in xinetd:

for N in $EXPORT_LST ; do  
if [ -n ${N} ] ; then export ${N} ; fi   


local RESULT=  
is_zope_dead /dev/null
if [ ${RESULT} -eq 0 ] ; then
umask 077# Recommended by Zope 
env /usr/bin/${python} ${ZOPE_HOME}z2.py ${ZOPE_OPTS} 
echo 'Zope is running independant of RC management.'   
echo 'We are going to try and  kill it.'   
if [ ${?} -eq 0 ] ; then 
echo 'Successfully killed zope. Try to start zope again'   

[gentoo-user] Starting Zope via xinetd

2003-07-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I want to start Zope on my one computer via xinetd. This is obviously
not as trivial as [1] as the startup scripts /etc/init.d/zope-2_6_1
and /etc/conf.d/zope-2_6_1 are rather long and complicated.

Does anyone know how to achieve this?


[1] service zope
port= 8080
socket_type = stream
protocol= tcp
wait= no
user= zope
server  = python z2.py
server_args = whatever
disable = no

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[gentoo-user] Re: Issue installing xfree

2003-07-14 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Sergy Vasiliev (2003-07-14 14:35 +0200)

Hey, I think this is a new record for exceeding line length in a

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[gentoo-user] Re: emerge and bootscript.sh

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Harlan (2003-07-13 05:00 +0200)
 Thanks to Ian and Thorsten, I was able to get an existing client computer to 
 rsync from an internal server.  This works great!!!

Did you emerge sync or emerge -fUD world?

 Now, to get this working with a new system rebuild.  I am installing gentoo 
 linux using livecd-basic-1.4_rc1-r2.iso and connecting to my internal server.  
 The problem is that the bootscript.sh tries to connect to my server, but is 
 not successful.

There is no bootscript.sh. Do you mean bootstrap.sh? Please be
accurate - you expect us to be precise, too, don't you?

 bootscript.sh then tries to connect to quite a number of 
 systems on the internet without success; the new install computer does not 
 have access to the internet.

Have a look at the script. It replaces make.conf and restores it
afterwards. But the SYNC/GENTOO_MIRRORS should be honored and those
variables are not cumulative so this shouldn't happen.

 After getting the hard drive setup, and extracting the stage1 tar file, I 
 added some lines to the /etc/make.conf.  The lines where for these variables:  

 FETCHCOMMAND='rsync -vcrtz --partial --progress --timeout=600 
 rsync://${FILE} ${DISTDIR}'

 Ok, so what am I misssing?  What did I do wrong?

Please tell us more. Can you ping the rsync host? bootstrap.sh calls
emerge which in turn calls rsync or $FETCHCOMMAND. Try emerge -pUD
world and have a look at /var/log/emerge.log.

Try \rsync -vvv rsync://
\rsync -vvv rsync://

which increases verbosity.

Have a look at /var/log/everything/current at the rsync host and be
sure that metalog doesn't cache (it's described in the install.xml)


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[gentoo-user] Re: Silly question: Skipping stuff that emerge suggests

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Jonathan Nichols (2003-07-13 07:15 +0200)
 Wow, Apache 2.x is now unmasked. Cool! But, I don't want it yet. I'm 
 quite happy with 1.3.27 right now.

 Is there an easy way to just skip Apache 2.x and emerge everything else?

The answer to end all answers ;-) ...

Have a look at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/portage-manual.xml -
World Update.

If apache is already installed by you manually (emerge apache) and
not as a dependency, modify /var/cache/edb/world so it has a line like
net-www/apache-2. This will ensure that you get updates for the 1.X
branch but no /upgrade/ to 2.X.

If you haven't installed apache yet or it is installed as dependency,
edit /usr/portage/profiles/default-x86-1.4/packages and add or modify

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[gentoo-user] Re: Build own distfiles mirror

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Spida (2003-07-13 15:10 +0200)
 I want to setup a Gentoo Mirror for an install at my local
 Linux-User-Group (They have only ISDN/64kbit Inet).
 I did read that docs on this, and whereas the docs for setting up
 the rsync part of the mirror are ok, information on the
 distfiles-part isn't that complete.
 In the docs is mentioned that the distfiles mirror will be around
 30-40GB, but in the Forums I read something about 3-4GB.

The docs are for the official distfile mirrors. Yours is
du -sh /usr/portage/distfiles

 Is there a method to choose just a specific subset of packages?
 Like only the highest stable version, if there is no stable, the
 highest unstable version?
 Or should I do something like:
 for i in /usr/portage do
 for j in /usr/portage/$i do
 emerge -f $j;

It's always the highest version. If you want unstable:
'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge bliblablup'

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[gentoo-user] Re: emerge inject doesn't seem to inject

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Ian Truelsen (2003-07-13 13:23 +0200)
 On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 12:55:30 +0100
 Dhruba Bandopadhyay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you inject a stub for qmail there is no reason why ssmtp should be 
 blocked too.  Stubs are only good for the package which you specified 
 and no others.

 However, my understanding is that ssmtp would not be installed if qmail
 was actually there, as it would satisfy the virtual/mta dependency.
 Therefore, if the system thinks that qmail is installed, then ssmtp
 would not be installed.

Correct, it would be shown as blocked...

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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Build own distfiles mirror

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Timo Boettcher (2003-07-13 16:43 +0200)
 Nachricht vom Sonntag, 13. Juli 2003, 16:04:21:
 * Spida (2003-07-13 15:10 +0200)
 I want to setup a Gentoo Mirror for an install at my local
 Linux-User-Group (They have only ISDN/64kbit Inet).
 I did read that docs on this, and whereas the docs for setting
 up the rsync part of the mirror are ok, information on the
 distfiles-part isn't that complete.
 In the docs is mentioned that the distfiles mirror will be around
 30-40GB, but in the Forums I read something about 3-4GB.

 The docs are for the official distfile mirrors. Yours is
 du -sh /usr/portage/distfiles

 But that will give me only the space for what I have installed.
 I need the complete set because I don't know what the guys at my lug

30-40 GB. There is a rsync howto in the forums. You shouldn't try to
mirror all distfiles - it makes no sense. Mirror only those that are

Q: I run a private source mirror for my company. Can I still access
the private master source mirror? 

A: Because our resources are limited, we need to ensure we allocate
them in such a way to provide the maximum amount of benefit to our
users. As such, we limit connections to our master rsync and distfile
mirrors to public mirrors only. Users are welcome to use our regular
mirror system to establish a private source mirror. 

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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Silly question: Skipping stuff that emerge suggests

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* William Kenworthy (2003-07-14 00:40 +0200)

Please don't fullquote.

 Is there a way to specify a version you dont want?

Why don't you try it yourself?


or maybe ~ acts as !=


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[gentoo-user] Re: Re: Re: Silly question: Skipping stuff that emerge suggests

2003-07-13 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* William Kenworthy (2003-07-14 02:14 +0200)
 but is that the reccomended way?  Wont create some problem for me in the
 future when an upgrade will arrive, and it wont see it?

This is the recommended way. You'll just have to find out if the
method I described works as !=. Even app-office/gnumeric-1.0.13
will work because gnumeric is already installed.

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[gentoo-user] Re: Tipp: more X sessions starting from kde panel

2003-07-12 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Denny Schierz (2003-07-12 14:08 +0200)
 if you want to start more Xsessions on F8 F9 F10 you have to add this
 lines into /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers:

 do the following:

 Now you have in the K-Panel a new entry called something like Start new
 Session . Klick on this and after that, you can change with STRG + ALT
 + F7/8/0/10 change to this sessions and back.

Thanks. This is SuSE default and I just wanted to ask how...

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[gentoo-user] Re: emerge packages locally

2003-07-12 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Harlan (2003-07-12 23:03 +0200)
 I have another question.  How do I get my local computer to serve files from 

It's described in the Howto:

path= /usr/portage/distfiles   
comment = Gentoo Linux Portage packages (distfiles) 

If you are using rsync-gentoo-portage.sh to sync you'll have to 
point it to

Also add --exclude distfiles to OPTS in the script or you will 
lose all your packages.

rsyncd.conf should contain
dont compress = *.ace \
*.arj \
*.bz  \
*.bz2 \
*.cab \
*.deb \
*.gz  \
*.iso \
*.jar \
*.lha \
*.lzh \
*.rar \
*.rpm \
*.sqx \
*.taz \
*.tbz \
*.tgz \
*.tz  \
*.Z   \
*.z   \

And finally:
FETCHCOMMAND='rsync -vcrtz --delete-after --partial --progress --timeout=600 
rsync://local_server/gentoo-packages/${FILE} ${DISTDIR}'

I first omitted the -z and emerge sync hung at the first sync.

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[gentoo-user] Re: opera 7.11 and flash

2003-07-09 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* GëzimHoxha (2003-07-09 08:21 +0200)
 I just merged (silly me, was gonna say installed)
 opera 7.11, but my flash doesn't work.

You know that you have to install it?

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[gentoo-user] Connect to kdm with VNC

2003-07-08 Thread Thorsten Kampe

I want to connect to kdm so I can log in as any user. SuSE 8.2 does
this easily and VNC is started via xinetd with:

# description: This serves out a VNC connection which starts at a KDM login
# prompt. This VNC connection has a resolution of 1024x768, 16bit depth.
service vnc10
port = 5910
socket_type  = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = nobody
server   = /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvnc
server_args = :42 -inetd -once -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16

I tried this setting in xdm-config 

! SECURITY: do not listen for XDMCP or Chooser requests
! Comment out this line if you want to manage X terminals with xdm
!DisplayManager.requestPort:  0

...and this in kdmrc:

...but I'm still getting the standard ugly fvm(?) Window! Has anyone
ever managed to get this working?

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[gentoo-user] Re: Ping: Failed to install socket filter

2003-07-07 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Alex Radetsky (2003-07-07 11:48 +0200)
  After last update of system (emerge -u system) I can see 
 this thing: 
  $ ping some.host.name 
   PING some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx) 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.433 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.397 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.369 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.397 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.377 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.420 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.354 ms
 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.383 ms
 WARNING: failed to install socket filter
: Protocol not available

How do you connect to the internet? I'm having the same thing when I
run 'netselect'/mirrorselect. After a short period I cannot ping a
host on the outside - just on the LAN. This happens only when I
connect over a CISCO router - not when over ISDN on the Gentoo box. 

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[gentoo-user] Re: iptables and ftp connection

2003-07-02 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Patrick Marquetecken (2003-07-02 10:49 +0200)
 i'm having trouble to get ftp working with my iptable settings.
 I can connect login , but can't see files, then my connection is beeing closed. if i 
 stop iptables then everything workfine. 

Have a break, please.

FTP (PASV) should work. If you want active FTP you have to enable
* Connection tracking (required for masq/NAT)
*   FTP protocol support  

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[gentoo-user] Re: my CD breaks after mount command

2003-06-24 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* Jose A Carrasco (2003-06-20 12:27 +0200)
 I have just installed Gentoo Linux under a Pentium 3 machine. Everything has
 worked fine and as presented in the installation guide.
 After I have the base system running, I enter as root and mount the CD with
 the command mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom. At that moment the cd stops
 working. It seems to break and it is definitely broken.

 I have broken 3 CD readers this way! The CDs work until that moment
 since I install them and I am able to reboot the machine from them (and work
 this way) so I have discarded a harware problem since I measure good
 voltages for the power supply and the rest of the equipment woks ok.

 Could the Gentoo kernel with a bad configuration destroy my CD?

Do you have hdparm settings[1] for your cdrom? I broke two drives last
weekend with the safe performance-enhancing options[2] from the
1.4_rc4 Installation Instructions[3].


[1] /etc/conf.d/hdparm
[2] -d1 -A1 -m16 -u1 -a64 -M128
[3] http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-x86-install.xml
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[gentoo-user] Re: Zope initial login

2003-06-21 Thread Thorsten Kampe
* downtime null (2003-06-20 12:28 +0200)
 i just emerged Zope and it's not allowing me to login. i tried the
 generated first login and i changed it with zpasswd.py, neither

Did you set 'PORT_LOGDIR=/var/log/portage' in make.conf? Then you
should have a file -zope-2.6.1.log:

| Note:
| The initial user name and password are 'admin'   

| and 'fw3z51eX'.  


| You can change the name and password through the web 

| interface or using the 'zpasswd.py' script.
| Note: Don't forget to edit ZOPE_OPTS in /etc/conf.d/zope-2_6_1
|  * Need to setup an inituser (admin) before executing zope:
|  * zope-config --zpasswd

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