Re: [gitorious] LDAP authentication with short user names

2012-09-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Peter Kjellerstedt wrote:
  Couldn’t you just change the validation in app/models/user.rb that
  the length of the login to be between 3 and 40 characters to allow 2 to
  instead? That is what we have done here…

 My concern with this approach is that it will be overwritten in future
 Gitorious version upgrades.

 That said, usernames of two characters do not seem unreasonable in
 general. Gitorious devs, any reason for choosing a three-character
 limit instead of two?

Although I wasn't around at the time, I would think it either had to do
with a higher probabilty for uniqueness with a three char username or the
risk of brute force attacks on shorter usernames?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] LDAP authentication with short user names

2012-09-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Peter Kjellerstedt wrote:

 You might want to consider making this configurable, given that you cannot
 influence what user names are already in use in, e.g., an existing LDAP
 directory. E.g., I seriously doubt that our user who has a two letter user
 name would consider changing it because of Gitorious given that he has had
 it for almost 30 years… Changing Gitorious was a lot easier. ;)


Side note: we're going to have to make some changes to how usernames are
validated when using an external authentication provider (like LDAP)
anyway. We currently substitute any dots in usernames with a dash, but the
problem here is that this is a lossy process. We have seen LDAP directories
which use both dashes and dots. One thing to do could be to be more liberal
when using external authentication systems; do any of you have any thoughts
on this - eg. what kind of real-world use cases we will need in this regard?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] disabling signup or new user creation on private repositories

2012-09-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:21 PM, Dean Michael Ancajas

   I installed gitorious on ubuntu 12.04 configured as a private
 repository. I was under the impression that you cannot sign-up on private
 installations by default. Is there a way to disable this? I only want the
 administrator to create the accounts and no one else.

You should set public_mode: false in config/gitorious.yml to achieve this.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] defaulting enable_repository_directory_sharding to false on existing sharded installations

2012-09-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 6:10 AM, Russell Jackson wrote:

 I recently merged upstream master into my local installation. Apparently
 the sharding default was changed to be disabled which was causing a rather
 confusing problem
 with push processing. I was getting ActiveMessagingAbort exceptions from
 the push processor on every push to new repositories created and only to
 new repositories. After enabling sharding again and recreating the
 repositories, the problem went away.

 The symptoms were identical to those in this posting:!topic/gitorious/c6jZdl89QCg

 I also found that all traces of this setting were removed from the example
 gitorious.yml config for some reason. I only found it by looking through
 the commit log.

Did you restart your poller process?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] help error access web gitorious

2012-09-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 3:53 PM, junioralvin wrote:

 tail -f /var/www/gitorious/log/production.log

 Errno::ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out - connect(2)):
   /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `open'
   /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:518:in `open'
   /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/1.8/open-uri.rb:30:in `open'
   app/models/blog_feed.rb:13:in `fetch'

This error seems to be caused by a request to the Gitorious blog feed
timing out. If you're running with is_gitorious_dot_org: true in your
gitorious.yml, which will cause your server to embed recent posts from the
Gitorious blog on your home page. If your server isn't able to connect to, you should probably not run with that setting set to

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious supports OpenOffice, PDF, MS Office

2012-09-19 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 4:58 AM, ntton188 wrote:


 I want to use Gitorious to track our OpenOffice, PDF, MS Office (WebUI).
 Is there any way to support these extensions on Gitorious?
 Thank you in advanced!

I'm not sure what kind of support you're looking for. There is no builtin
support for rendering these documents, but as long as you use Git to track
the files you should be able to download the files (blobs) from your
Gitorious server and view them in a locally installed application.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] LDAP issue

2012-09-19 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Eugene Zheganin wrote:


 I'm trying to connect gitorious to LDAP too. I have a working LDAP server
 running slapd.

 My gitorious config:

   disable_default: true
   - adapter: Gitorious::Authentication::LDAPAuthentication
 base_dn: ou=servers,ou=services,ou=enaza,dc=enaza,dc=ru
 encryption: none
 bind_username: uid=proxyagent,ou=accounts,ou=enaza,dc=enaza,dc=ru

 I'm getting the error:

 # RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec script/test_ldap_connection vpupkin
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec.
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from
 Not there yet.
 script/test_ldap_connection:23: private method `build_username' called for
 #Gitorious::Authentication::LDAPAuthentication:0x2da8cc8 (NoMethodError)

 Am I doing something wrong ?

That error message really isn't too helpful, sorry about that. IIRC, the
current authenticated bind functionality in Gitorious isn't too good. I'm
currently working on a feature branch for LDAP authorization, and this will
bring proper authenticated bind functionality to Gitorious and may help
you. We will be merging that branch quite soon, but one thing you could do
is to check out the feature branch (features/ldap_authorization) and try it
from there.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] LDAP authentication with short user names

2012-09-19 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Andreas Fischer wrote:

 Hi all,

 we finally have successfully setup a gitorious server with LDAP
 integration. It all works well if the user name is longer than 2 characters.

 Unfortunately most of our LDAP login names are the initials of the users
 with only 2 characters (like 'af').
 Is there a way to enable short user names in gitorious?

Would it be possible to use another LDAP attribute which resolves to the
username? If not, the best thing to do would be to have conditional
validation rules for the username and allow the configuration of this
requirement in a configuration file, or to add a custom initializer which
overrides the validations for the username.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Remote just hung up

2012-09-14 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Selva Kumar gang.of.convi...@gmail.comwrote:

 I tried to publish my changes. but it throws this error?? is it just me
 experiencing this problem???


 /media/Programming/tutorials/git_tut/tutorial$ git push origin master
 The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
 RSA key fingerprint is 7e:af:8d:ec:f0:39:5e:ba:52:16:ce:19:fa:d4:b8:7d.
 Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
 Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the
 list of known hosts.
 Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.
 Permission denied (publickey).
 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Did you add your SSH public key to Gitorious, and is the corresponding
private key on your computer?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious LDAP error

2012-09-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:47 AM, Chris Reffett wrote:

 Howdy all,
 I'm running a gitorious setup that auths against an ldap server and should
 be creating accounts for new users who log in and correctly auth against
 LDAP. This stopped working after a recent git update (careless of me, I
 didn't note which revision I had before updating, but yes I did do all of
 the update steps). As things stand, users with existing accounts can log in
 fine, and when a new user types their password incorrectly they are told
 wrong password, but when a new user logs in correctly, they get sent to
 a 500 Internal Server Error page, and I get the following in my inbox:

 A NoMethodError occurred in sessions#create:

   undefined method `size' for false:FalseClass


   * URL   :
   * IP address:
   * Parameters: {openid_url=, remember_me=1, action=create, 
 controller=sessions, email=treffett, password=[FILTERED], 
 method=:get, commit=Log in}
   * Rails root: /var/www/gitorious

 Followed by a lot more stuff that I can post here if it's relevant.

 As far as I can tell, the problem is in function auto_register, in the
 result = = base_dn, :filter =
   :attributes = attribute_mapping.keys, :return_result = true)
 if result.size  0  Line 92, where the error occurs
 So it looks like result is not being defined correctly. Anyways, any input
 on the error here would be most appreciated. Thanks!

The :return_result = true should make the LDAP library return the actual
result - the fact that a boolean is returned looks a bit strange. Did you
run bundle install before restarting your server? The LDAP library
required by Gitorious was changed some time ago, IIRC.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Git SSH Clone error

2012-09-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Sep 07, 2012 at 10:16:37AM -0700, Justin Smith wrote:
 I've installed gitorious on Ubuntu 12.04 Server following, and 
 the web interface works properly.
 I've disabled http and git cloning with only SSH available, and I receive 
 the following when trying to clone:
 F, [2012-09-07 11:46:48#2121] FATAL -- : NameError uninitialized constant 
 /var/www/gitorious/script/../lib/gitorious/ssh/client.rb:62:in `real_path'

My bad, I'm really sorry.

I just pushed
which should resolve the problem. Our test suite didn't catch this
issue, which is due to a new abstraction of locating the repositories
on disk in a class that was not loaded in SSH sessions.


Vennlig hilsen / Best regards
Marius Mårnes Mathiesen / (+47) 92 60 95 38

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Re: [gitorious] Setup Issues on SuSE 10.3

2012-09-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:40 PM, Scott Allen wrote:

 I am in the process of setting up gitorious on SuSE 10.3. I think I have
 most everything working. I can login, create project, create repositories,
 clone via ssh and git, but when I try and push, I get the following error:

 $ git push origin master

 Counting objects: 3, done.

 Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 212 bytes, done.

 Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)

 remote: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:277:in `open_http': 404 Not
 found (OpenURI::HTTPError)

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:616:in

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:164:in

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:162:in

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:162:in

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:132:in

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:518:in

 remote:   from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/open-**uri.rb:30:in

 remote:   from ./hooks/pre_receive_guard.rb:**64:in

 remote:   from ./hooks/pre_receive_guard.rb:**53:in

 remote:   from hooks/pre-receive:40


 ! [remote rejected] master - master (pre-receive hook declined)

 error: failed to push some refs to '**

 I have searched through the archives and found similar issues that
 indicated either apparmor was causing issues (it's not enabled) and / or
 configuration issues with gitorous_host / port. Both seemed to be
 configured correctly.

When you try pushing, Gitorious will connect to itself, ie the host/port
specified as gitorious_client_host and gitorious_client_port to check for
permissions. The error message suggests that this fails; you should be able
to do a successful HTTP request (eg. using curl) on the server to the URL


- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] git clone https://git.git. url problem.

2012-09-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 2:01 PM, Tord Kristensen wrote:

 Cloning this repository:
 git clone https://git.git.mydomain.tdl/

 Why is the url git.git? it is config to be git.mydomain.tdl..

Gitorious recognizes git-over-http requests by the subdomain used in the
request, which is why the git URLs are displayed like this.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Errors with scripts/console

2012-09-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 7:25 PM, Devon Richards

 Is there some command I can run to check that?

There are a few Rake tasks (rake diagnostics:healthy and rake
diagnostics:summary) that summarize how your server is doing.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: How to run git-proxy on reboot.

2012-09-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Austin Montgomery montg...@gmail.comwrote:

 So I have come up with a solution. I added the following line to my git
 users crontab and it has the git-proxy up and running without a hitch on

 * * * * * cd /var/www/gitorious  env RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec
 script/git-proxy 21 /dev/null

Glad to hear you got it working. A couple of alternatives:

- Use a process monitoring tool like Monit (apt-get install monit). By
writing a small recipe you can have monit ensure your process (identified
by a pid file, which the git-proxy script will create) is running. It will
even make sure the proxy is available on a specific port and can be set up
to restart the service if it consumes too much resources
- Create a script in /etc/init.d like you suggested
- Even better, as Ubuntu has moved from /etc/init.d scripts to Upstart,
place a script in eg. /etc/init/git-proxy.conf - my Upstart knowledge is a
little rusty, but I'm sure someone on the list can share something...

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Tests fail

2012-08-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 11:03 AM, Carlos wrote:

 Possibly related:

 It appears that gitorious includes a locked down activesupport 2.3.5 in
 I have the activesupport 3.2.7 installed from gems.  Is this a problem?

Gitorious uses a vendored version of Rails, and will not work with system
versions of it, but as long as you use Bundler, this version shouldn't be
used anyway.

But your main problem is probably that you're running Ruby 1.9.3, which
isn't supported by Gitorious. The symptom you're seeing is that you need an
additional gem for test/unit under 1.9, but you're bound to run into more
problems once you get this resolved. You really should install an older
Ruby version on your server; you could use either rbenv ( or rvm ( if you need
to run 1.9-based Ruby apps alongside Gitorious.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious Versioning

2012-08-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 3:37 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 4:17 AM, dpwrussell wrote:
  I see that there is the concept of versioning for some time now in
  Gitorious, but all the installation instructions I have seen involve a
  checkout from mainline (If versioning is active I'd have expected a
  of a certain version branch).

 I've noticed this also, and from a package management perspective this
 is not really ideal... I think the main reason people do this is that
 Gitorious development happens pretty quickly, so master is now quite
 different than what was tagged as v2.2.1. Various Gitorious guides out
 there on the internet recommend running master because that's what
 gets all the latest features and bugfixes. Gitorious AS doesn't really
 do backports to stable branches. You basically have to pick whatever
 tag git describe tells you (which is unfortunately seven months old
 now) and freeze there, or else just go with the tip of master.

 Speaking as a packager, even if we didn't have backports and multiple
 supported branches, it would be cool if Gitorious AS cut new versions
 a bit more often. If that were the case, who knows, we might get a
 step closer to ending the plethora of guides on the internet that say
 clone mainline and run whatever commit you land on :)

Sorry, we've been lazy :-(
The next scheduled minor version will introduce LDAP-backed authorization,
and should be out within a couple of week.

 I've spent ages looking, but I can't find out
  which version I'm running

 To find what version you're running, look in lib/gitorious.rb

Or use the included rake task (`[bundle exec] rake versioning:changelog`),
it will list all known versions and highlight which of them you're
currently using.

  or what the roadmap is for releases. Where is this

 As for a release roadmap, I'm not sure there is an official one, but
 there's plenty of items on the Wishlist and Todo wiki pages.

My colleague Thomas just (re-)mentioned that we should do a roadmap this
morning, it's something we really need.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious Versioning

2012-08-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 3:37 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 Speaking as a packager, even if we didn't have backports and multiple
 supported branches, it would be cool if Gitorious AS cut new versions
 a bit more often. If that were the case, who knows, we might get a
 step closer to ending the plethora of guides on the internet that say
 clone mainline and run whatever commit you land on :)

While we're at the packaging topic: I saw some posts on a Fedora mailing
list that you're working on packaging Gitorious for Fedora, that would be
really great! Any news? Need help?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: message queue : preferred or recommended choices?

2012-08-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 8:29 PM, Carlos wrote:

 I see the options have expanded to include resque and what appears to be a
 lightweight synchronous messaging mode.  I'm really not interested in
 sync.  I wonder if anyone can offer some general advice on picking resque
 versus stopm vs. activemq.  I am not a Rubyist, but it looks to me like the
 ActiveMessaging page mentioned in the docs [] has not been
 updated in a while.  I'd like to go with soemthing which is actively

If we could do it without breaking existing installations we would throw
out the ActiveMessaging code right now and go with Rescue. You should be
able to do so by

- install Redis
- set messaging_adapter: resque in gitorious.yml
- run the poller

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: LDAP Authentication

2012-07-31 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Would you mind trying to check out the features/ldap_authorization branch
from mainline and see how it works there? There's quite a lot of new stuff
in there, and I think there's a fix to the error message you're seeing as

- Marius

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Kevin Pelletier

 No I haven't. Still same error message

 On Friday, April 20, 2012 7:12:12 PM UTC-4, beepy wrote:

 Did you ever get this solved?


 On Wednesday, 16 November 2011 11:00:48 UTC-8, Kevin Pelletier wrote:


 I've been trying out lately the latest feature with LDAP
 Authentication. I'm not that much used to the ruby environment so
 excuse my missing knowledge if this looks like an easy question. When
 I try to test the LDAP connection, this is the error I get :

 dependencies.rb:443:in `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant
 SampleCallback (NameError)
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/dependencies.**rb:80:in `const_missing'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/dependencies.**rb:92:in `const_missing'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/inflector.rb:**361:in `constantize'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/inflector.rb:**360:in `each'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/inflector.rb:**360:in `constantize'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/core_ext/**string/inflections.rb:162:in `constantize'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 ldap_authentication.rb:44:in `setup_attributes'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 ldap_authentication.rb:28:in `initialize'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 configuration.rb:41:in `new'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 configuration.rb:41:in `add_custom_method'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 configuration.rb:24:in `configure'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 configuration.rb:24:in `each'
 from /home/git/gitorious/lib/**gitorious/authentication/
 configuration.rb:24:in `configure'
 from /home/git/gitorious/config/**initializers/authentication.**rb:

 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/activesupport/lib/
 active_support/dependencies.**rb:147:in `load'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/railties/lib/
 initializer.rb:622:in `load_application_**initializers'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/railties/lib/
 initializer.rb:621:in `each'
 from /home/git/gitorious/vendor/**rails/railties/lib/
 initializer.rb:621:in `load_application_**initializers'
 from ./config/../vendor/rails/**railties/lib/initializer.rb:
 176:in `process'
 from ./config/../vendor/rails/**railties/lib/initializer.rb:
 113:in `send'
 from ./config/../vendor/rails/**railties/lib/initializer.rb:
 113:in `run'
 from ./config/environment.rb:24
 from script/test_ldap_connection:8:**in `require'
 from script/test_ldap_connection:8

 Any ideas why I get this error message?

 Thank you


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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Adding functionality to repository creation

2012-07-31 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:54 PM, Rachel Harris

 I would like to have a default file get generated in every new repo that
 is created by users of my Gitorious installation. I think I'm pretty clear
 on the code to do this (i.e. using Repository.git.add, etc...). My problem
 is figuring out *where* to put this code.

 I know I can't put my code into the creation of the repository object
 (e.g. with an after_create method in Repository) because the actual repo
 creation is done asynchronously by stompserver.
 Repository.post_repo_creation_message appears to set things up so that
 Repository.create_git_repository will be executed by stompserver, but my
 testing so far shows that Repository.create_git_repository is never being
 called, even though the repositories are being generated just fine.

Here's roughly how it works:
- After a repository is created, `post_repo_creation_message` is called
- This will send a message to the message queue, containing (among other
things) the command to be run: `create_git_repository`
- This message is picked up by
app/processors/repository_creation_processor.rb, which will actually
perform Repository.create_git_repository

Repository.create_git_repository will:
- create the repository on disk
- create the hooks required by Gitorious (it will create a symlink to the
shared hooks directory in Gitorious)

This would probably be a natural place to add your code.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Gerrit Code Review

2012-07-27 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
I haven't done this myself, but it seems to have been done by others:

- Marius

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Federico Don

 Hello all,

 Someone has configured or installed Gerrit with Gitorious? Do they know
 some step by step for do it?

 Thanks and regards,

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Fork/clone foreign repositories

2012-07-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:56 AM, cweiske wrote:


 I'd like to be able to fork/clone a remote repository that is not hosted
 on the gitorious instance I'm currently using.

 Technically, the most easy implementation is to give the user a Remote
 git URL text field which he can fill. Upon creating the local repository,
 the data are cloned from the given remote url.

 Very nifty would be if the user didn't have to know the Git URL at all,
 but only the homepage of the project he wants to fork. The homepage (HTML)
 would contain a link to the project's DOAP[1] description. The DOAP
 description itself contains the link to the git repository, which would be
 Using the DOAP file would even allow gitorious to fill the name and
 description fields.

Huh, that would be awesome! Did you put any thought into how this would
work from a user's/technical perspective? My initial thought is something
like this:

(- assuming the project exists)
- select add repository on the project page
- [server]: find the fork remote repository section on the page, enter
the upstream URL into a field. Redirect user to new repo page, which will
be displayed with a spinner creating...
- [server]: fetch the upstream project URL, extract git url
- [server]: initialize a Gitorious repository, create the bare .git
- [server]: do a git pull upstream URL from above
- the three steps above should probably be performed async, since it could
take some time

By supporting remote repository forking, gitorious would even more support
 the federated internet.


Feel like giving it a shot?

- M

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Re: [gitorious] git-daemon hangs every few days

2012-07-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 12:48 PM, sriharsha.hs sriharsha...@gmail.comwrote:


 I have local install of gitorious v2.2.1 running on Ubuntu 11.10, I have
 noticed that the git-daemon hangs after every few days. When ever some one
 tries to access the repository  using git url will get connection time out.
 I need to restart the service for it to work again. Does any one else face
 the same problem? Any idea how to trouble shoot and fix this issue?

You should look into using the git-proxy setup instead of the git-daemon.
script/git-proxy is used for this, and contains instructions for how to get
it running.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] using GitHub's API

2012-07-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 11:26 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 Would there be any problems with copying / reimplementing GitHub's API
 in Gitorious?

Now that the US courts have decided that APIs are not copyrightable (Oracle
vs Google) this should be smooth sailing :-)

 There are lots of client libraries for various languages that use
 GitHub's V3 API, and it would be neat if we could drop in Gitorious
 as the backend.

I think this sounds like a great idea! A natural starting point would
perhaps be to set up Gitorious to act as an oauth provider? I looked into
this briefly some time ago, but just got depressed at the state of Ruby
oauth servers at the time. It's probably a lot better these days?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] gitorious on synology nas

2012-07-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen wrote:


 I was wondering if anyone have tried (or succeeded in) installing
 gitorious on
 a Synology (NAS) server?

 With the upgrade to DSM 4.0, they have opened for 3rd party apps to be
 installed with ease. Currently useful stuff like Wordpress, MediaWiki,
 and more are available. Having gitorious installed as easily would be quite
 neat! MySQL is available, but not so sure how easy it would be to get Ruby
 onto the box (perhaps it is there already for what I know)...

Sounds like a fun project! I have absolutely no knowledge of this: what
kind of OS runs on it, what packages are available, how much memory it has
- but it would be really cool to have use a NAS as a Gitorious server!

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Can not push to the repositories on self hosting

2012-07-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:26 AM, mart wrote:

 While searching for similar problem, I found people saying it was related
 to the ssh key. I don't know if it is the problem but $ ssh works fine on me. I have put the public key in
 /etc/ssh/keys/git/autorized_**keys (I don't have a home folder for the
 git user) and imported the same in the gitorious interface for my user.

 Any idea what can cause the problem ?

 Ok I posted too fast. It seems it was indeed a ssh key problem. Gitorious
 created a file in the gitorious folder .ssh/autorized_keys with the

 ### START KEY 2 ###
 ssh-rsa B3...gs9c9 SshKey:2-User:1
 ### END KEY 2 ###

 Putting that key in the /etc/ssh/keys/git/autorized_keys instead allowed
 me to connect and do push

The authorized_keys file is populated by the poller script, which in turn
will use $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys for saving these files. Had your
authorized_keys file been in /etc/.ssh you should get by with running the
poller like this `HOME=/etc script/poller run`, but in your case you should
be able to get by with symlinking the files to their proper location

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Self-hosted - slow and unresponsive, taking 100% CPU time

2012-07-17 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 11:21 PM, Donald Henderson wrote:

 I have just installed my own deployment of Gitorious. It's a Debian
 Squeeze box, hosted by Linode, 512MB of RAM and shared access to a
 quad-core 3GHz Xeon. Running Ruby 1.8 and the latest rails. Only change I
 had to make from the standard procedure was update Rots manually as bundle
 wasn't pulling it from GitHub.

I'm afraid 512 megs of RAM isn't going to get you very far :-( The
Gitorious Rails environment will take a few hundred megs, and you'll need
at least two instances to get any work done (a webapp instance and a
message queue poller).

Each time your server goes from serving you web pages to doing background
work, it will have to do a lot of swapping; this could explain why the app
feels reasonably snappy until you upload an SSH key (which will be
processed by the message queue poller).

One thing you could try is to switch to syncronous messaging, this will
save you the memory required for the message queue poller - but you really
should get some more memory.

- Marius

The problem I'm having is that it's slow to the point of being unusable.
 There is nothing else running on the server except exim. I've tried from
 both Chrome and Firefox and am seeing the issue with both, so I don't think
 it's the browser.

 When I first hit the homepage, whether already logged in or not, it takes
 a genuine 5 seconds to load, with a 99-100% ruby1.8 process running.
 Browsing speeds up after that, but when I try to, for example, add an SSH
 key or configure teams, it hangs and doesn't respond. I have restarted the
 server (and apache2) and these have reset the connection. I have also left
 it for up to 5 minutes before giving up.

 There is nothing good in log/production.log but a lot of
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 in the apache error log

 I have read!msg/gitorious/2Y6wwE_V7Vc/nIfeAiW0IkQJ and
 the stomp server seems to be installed and running

 Can anyone point me to what might be wrong?

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] how do I get a local copy of a repository directory?

2012-07-10 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 1:29 AM, ultraman94568 ultraman94...@gmail.comwrote:


 I want to get a local copy of the following repository on my computer:

 How do I do that?

You'll need to clone the entire repo:

git clone git://

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Moving Gitorious to a new server

2012-07-10 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 3:56 PM, MNGirl wrote:

 I currently have gitorious installed on a FC7 server and I want to move it
 to a new server (Centos6.2). What is the best way to do that? I'll be
 leaving the database on the current server, but moving the
 repositories/gitorious to the new server. Should I install the same version
 of gitorious that is on the old server, on the new server first and then
 move the repositories, etc?

There's a page on upgrading on the wiki:
I would try backing up the database, pull the latest tag to the old server,
run `rake db:migrate` and verify that things work as expected. If there are
any problems, simply revert the database.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Git clone via HTTP request

2012-07-10 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:35 AM, wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I have a new problem for the command git clone https://...
 When I tried to clone my project with TortoiseGit, I had this error :

 However, I had execute the command git config https.sslverify false but it
 doesn't work...

 Do you have any idea ?

 Moreover, is-it possible to push via HTTP now with Gitorious ?

Not yet, I'm afraid.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Getting error while creating a new project on Gitorious (gitorious installed at my local machine)

2012-07-10 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 3:12 PM, wrote:


 I am able to successfully install Gitorious at my local machine. But when
 I am trying to create a new project it gives me the following error:

 ** **


 ** **

 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in ProjectsController#create

 ** **

 Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction:
 INSERT INTO `projects` (`oauth_path_prefix`, `title`, `description`,
 `created_at`, `license`, `wiki_enabled`, `oauth_signoff_key`, `owner_type`,
 `site_id`, `home_url`, `oauth_signoff_secret`, `mailinglist_url`,
 `oauth_signoff_site`, `slug`, `bugtracker_url`, `owner_id`, `user_id`,
 `merge_requests_need_signoff`, `merge_request_custom_states`,
 `suspended_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES(NULL, 'InnerSource', 'innersource',
 '2012-07-10 12:17:45', 'Academic Free License v3.0', 1, NULL, 'User', NULL,
 NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'innersource', NULL, 1, 1, 0, NULL, NULL,
 '2012-07-10 12:17:45')

Looks like your MySQL server is blocked by a lock - are there a lot of
other processes using it?


 ** **

 Also please find below the error that I am getting in the *log file*:

 ** **

 ** ultrasphinx: spelling support not available (raspell configuration
 raised uninitialized constant Ultrasphinx::Spell::Aspell)

 ** **

 ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded;
 try restarting transaction: INSERT INTO `projects` (`oauth_path_prefix`,
 `title`, `description`, `created_at`, `license`, `wiki_enabled`,
 `oauth_signoff_key`, `owner_type`, `site_id`, `home_url`,
 `oauth_signoff_secret`, `mailinglist_url`, `oauth_signoff_site`, `slug`,
 `bugtracker_url`, `owner_id`, `user_id`, `merge_requests_need_signoff`,
 `merge_request_custom_states`, `suspended_at`, `updated_at`) VALUES(NULL,
 'InnerSource', 'innersource', '2012-07-10 12:17:45', 'Academic Free License
 v3.0', 1, NULL, 'User', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'innersource', NULL,
 1, 1, 0, NULL, NULL, '2012-07-10 12:17:45')):









   vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/callbacks.rb:266:in `create'






   vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:229:in `send'





   vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:196:in `save'


   vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:196:in `save'

   app/controllers/projects_controller.rb:104:in `create'

   vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:1331:in `send'






   /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/benchmark.rb:308:in `realtime'

Re: [gitorious] Installing Gitorious Project Locally on Windows 7 Operating System

2012-06-01 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 8:36 AM, Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson wrote:

 if you need to run Gitorious on a windows system you should probably look
 into running it inside a VirtualBox guest VM, using a linux distro where
 you can follow one of the existing scripts or installation descriptions.

I was just about to suggest installing an operating system on the computer,
but installing an operating system into VirtualBox will achieve the same

 To my knowledge there is no straightforward way to run Gitorious directly
 on Windows, given the number of Unix components that Gitorious relies on.
 Might be possible to get it up using Cygwin but you are probably on your
 own if you go that route - sorry.

Although Ruby is fairly cross-platform, quite a few of the gems Gitorious
relies upon aren't. The real show-stopper, however, will be the lack of an
SSH server for Windows; without one you won't be able to push your changes.

- Marius, trolly today

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Re: [gitorious] Re: password management with auth plugins

2012-06-01 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 7:46 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 7:13 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
  On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 3:57 AM, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen wrote:
  That's an elegant solution. Would you mind sending a merge request for
  Sure thing, submitted at

 Gitorious devs,

 Are there any objections to merging this, particularly since it's

Apart from lack of time: no :-) Just merged it now.

 I've got two other merge requests pending (#202 and #204) that I'd be
 happy to see merged also :)

Sure - we'll just need to spend a few minutes on those, hopefully next week!

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: password management with auth plugins

2012-05-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
That's an elegant solution. Would you mind sending a merge request for that?

- Marius

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
  I think it would be better to register the LDAP or Kerberos users with
  cryptographically random passwords. What form do you recommend?

 Digging a bit more, it looks like the Crowd plugin suffers from the
 same default password in the database problem. Here's a proposed
 patch: call user.reset_password after saving the user.

 1. The database password is no longer known to anyone.
 2. Reuse the same cryptographic complexity upon which the usual reset
 password application function relies.

 - Ken

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Cannot create repositories

2012-05-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Daniel Baulig daniel.bau...@gmx.dewrote:

 I am having problems with my gitorious installation. It used to work
 flawlessly, but now I am havong troubles creating or cloning repositories.
 I recently updated packages on my machine, this might be related to it.
 Whenever I create the Clone repository or Create repository buttons
 the post request is issued but does not receive a response. I am running
 gitorious through apache2 with Phusion Passenger. Since I am not really
 into Ruby and the whole stack I am having troubles debugging this. I was
 going to figure out what is going wrong by inspecting the log files etc,
 but neither the files in $GITORIOUS_INSTALLATION/log/* nor in
 /var/log/apache2/* provided any valuable information. Are there any other
 locations I can check for additional information on what is going on?

Do you not receive a response from the server at all? In that case it
sounds like your message queue may be down.
You could change the log level from the default in

- Marius

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[gitorious] Fwd: Gitorious, can't create project

2012-05-18 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
I'm forwarding your email to the Gitorious mailing list.

- Marius

-- Forwarded message --
From: olivier jordan
Date: Wed, May 16, 2012 at 10:21 AM
Subject: Gitorious, can't create project


I have a problem. I can go to Gitorious on HTTPS://. I can login with my
account LDAPS has gitorious, but when I am connected I can’t create
project. I have this message on my log (log/production.log)

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded; …
 ** ultrasphinx: configuration file not found for “production” environment
 ** ultrasphinx: please run ‘rake ultrasphinx:configure’
** ultrasphinx: spelling support not available (raspell configuration
raised “u$ Invalid subdomain name localhost/gitorious. Session cookies will
not work!

I can not find a solution. Can you help me ?

And an other question. Before I had her log too, but I never saw them and I
do not know why. Do you know what they mean? (production.log) Errno::EPIPE
(Broken pipe): ….

Thanks for your help in advanced and excuse me for my english because I
speak french….


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Re: [gitorious] Simple Web Hooks Question / Problem...

2012-05-15 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Phil Beiler wrote:

 I followed the simple directions ( but am not having much
 success...  Running a local install of Gitorious on Redhat...
  fundamentally working fine... installed about 1 month ago...

 I gave up - trying to hit my Jenkin's server (the notifyCommit url does
 work as expected)  So I  move to testing with the Request Bin service...

  hook = repo.hooks.find_by_id 1
 = #Hook id: 1, user_id: 2, repository_id: 40, url:;, last_response: 500 Internal Server Error,
 created_at: 2012-05-14 17:04:18, updated_at: 2012-05-14 18:12:44,
 failed_request_count: 3, successful_request_count: 0

 Here is what I observed...
 1. Does not appear to have even tried to hit Jenkins or Request Bin
  (nothing in my Tomcat log for Jenkins)

Hmm, it must have hit *something* - something has caused it to fail 3
times, last of which with a 500.

2. Nothing in the rails logs...

Error messages would go to the message_processing.log file - anything in

 3. The failed-request-count variable stopped being updated

Try setting it to 0 and see if it increments (I seem to remember that we
check the # of failed requests in order to not waste resources on dead
hooks, but  I'm not sure).

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] [LDAP] Problem with running LDAP test connection script

2012-05-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Lou Allen UySison lou.uysi...@gmail.comwrote:


 I'm trying to use LDAP for our authentication with gitorious.

 I'm getting this error:

 script/test_ldap_connection:12: uninitialized constant Gitorious

 I've already set the RAILS_ENV to 'production'. What could be the problem?


  bundle exec script/test_ldap_connection

- M

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Re: [gitorious] Error when pushing (self build server)

2012-05-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
We just pushed v2.2.1 of Gitorious into the mainline repository, this
should resolve the problem you're having.
Thanks for reporting this!

- Marius

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Lingfeng Xiong xionglingf...@gmail.comwrote:

 hi there,
 Recently, I build a Gitorious server by myself. I can pull repositories
 from it correctly, but when I push something to it, I got a error like this:

 `const_defined?': wrong constant name Admin/usersHelper (NameError)















 from /home/x/x/config/environment.rb:24
 from /home/x/x/lib/gitorious/messaging.rb:39:in
 from ./hooks/messaging.rb:45:in `post_message'
 from hooks/post-receive:37

 However, my files are pushed correctly, only Activities in gitorious are
 not updated.
 Could you tell me how to fix this problem? Is it a configuration error or
 a bug in code? Thanks.

 BTW: I pushed my files as a normal user, not Admin.

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Kerberos authentication

2012-05-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:33 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 9:20 AM, Ken Dreyer wrote:
  Both patches are attached, rebased against current master (430eb2bda).
  Please let me know if these look ok :)

 Gitorious devs,

 If my approach here is ok, please let me know and I'll submit a merge
 request to get this into mainline.

First of all: sorry for being unresponsive.

I think this looks really good, and I'd love it if you'd submit a merge
request for it.

Thanks - this is really appreciated!

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Update Git version to 1.7.x

2012-04-27 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 3:02 PM, john malc wrote:

 Hi, guys. gitorious is really great, better than github in term os easy
 use (and that you are in EU).

 But may i have a little question ? It is here, that you use 1.6.x. For
 * me it doesn't matter* (maybe it does, but i assume that there could be
 some security things etc. and that could be a reason why you should update.
 As i said i don't know git very well, but can you explain me, why you
 didn't update to the newest one ? Maybe you have some reason for that. I
 just would like to know that.

We seem to have two git installations on the frontend server, and the one
that's being reported on the page you're referring to isn't the one that's
being used. Our servers are running git 1.7.6, I promise!

I just pushed a fixhttps://
in the way Gitorious handles these. The page on will reflect
this next time we deploy.

Thanks for the feedback!

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

2012-04-17 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Sebastian August wrote:

 Hi I'm trying to do my first push to a repo in a private install of
 I normally log into the host server with ssh without password using RSA
 private/public keys.
 But when I try to use RSA keys for gitorious, it fails to push to a new
 repo in the admin user.

 I do git push origin master and after some time get the error:

 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

 On the server,

 tail -f /var/log/auth.log shows:

 sshd[2347]: Accepted publickey for git from my_server


 tail -f log/gitorious_auth.log shows:

 FATAL -- : Errno::ETIMEDOUT Operation timed out - connect(2):
 /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `initialize'

Gitorious will connect to itself over HTTP to check permissions when you
try to push, this error message suggests this connection times out.
It will try connecting using to the host and port specified in
gitorious.yml as:

- gitorious_client_host
- gitorious_client_port

Make sure those are configured properly in the production section and that
your server indeed responds on that host and port.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Inline Comments Needed

2012-04-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
There's a little more about this at

- Marius

On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:57 PM, JayP wrote:

 Yeah sorry the merge requests have this feature but it would be nice to
 have that ability in the commit diff as well.  And if you implement merge
 request branch to branch that it has inline comments as well.


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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious local install - how to configure Clone push URL

2012-04-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Did you restart the script/poller process after setting this value?

- Marius

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Srdan Dukic wrote:


 Thanks for that. Have found that setting, however, it's set to:


 and on the web page it shows up as:


 Is there anywhere else that it could be getting this URL from?

 Thank you
 Srđan Đukić

 On 3 April 2012 21:28, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen

 On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 4:49 AM, Srdan Dukic srdan.du...@gmail.comwrote:


 I have a local install of Gitorious, which I've inherited after someone
 else set it up. I've got a user that's complaining that the URL displayed
 under /server-sent-events is incorrect. It is:


 When it apparently should be:


 I've tried logging into the interface as the administrator and also
 grepping all of the files in the gitorious directory to try and find where
 this URL is being set, but haven't had any luck. Also, I can't seem to find
 any documentation on the gitorious home page.

 Where can I change this URL?

 Look for `gitorious_host` in config/gitorious.yml.

 - Marius

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious local install attempting to write ssh keys to /home/root/.ssh/authorized_keys

2012-04-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Kelketek Titikilik Rritaa wrote:

 There should be a setting in your config/gitorious.yaml file
 concerning which user is being used. You may also need to specifically
 specify the home environment variable in environment.rb with a line

 ENV['HOME'] = '/home/git'

or you could pass HOME to where you start the poller script from:

$ HOME=/home/git script/poller start

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Merge Requests for Branches

2012-04-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 5:43 PM, JayP wrote:


 Any plans of adding merge requests to branches?  I think it would be good
 to at least have the option.  Github allows for this so thought it would be
 a good thing to have since some teams use this as a form of telling other
 team members hey I have these changes I want to merge in can someone review
 them.  Thoughts?

I'm assuming you mean submitting a merge request to another branch in the
same repository? If so: that's a really nice idea. In fact, I'm thinking
that requiring that someone make a server clone of a repository to submit a
merge request is wrong and results in a lot of zombie clones that noone
uses. You may know that a merge request already exists as a ref in the
repository the merge request should go into, so there really is no need to
have a server clone to submit a merge request. Expect to see something
along these lines in a few months (inshallah...)

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Inline Comments Needed

2012-04-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 2:37 PM, JayP wrote:

 It would be nice to have the ability to make inline comments on merge
 requests as well as directly in the source code.  Any chance this could be
 put in the next release?

Clicking the line numbers in the diff of a merge request will let you
comment on these lines - is this what you're looking for?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Can't get Gitorious to generate Tarballs, or do http cloning

2012-04-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Kelketek Titikilik Rritaa wrote:

 Well, that puts me in a bit of a pickle. I'm not using Apache-- I'm using
 Cherokee. Now, Cherokee supports X-Sendfile, but not when acting as a
 reverse proxy configuration (Gitorious is running on Webrick, and requests
 to the virtual server get forwarded to the port it's running on).

 It is, however, trivial to have Cherokee use FastCGI. Is there a way to
 get Gitorious working on FastCGI instead of Webrick?

Hmm, most people use something like Phusion Passenger ( these
days when under Apache, I haven't used FastCGI since the dark ages. Webrick
really isn't meant for production setups.

I don't really know Cherokee, but maybe someone else on the list does?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Trouble logging in or creating a user - need help?

2012-04-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 6:00 PM, sbinev wrote:

 I have the exact same problem. Did you find out how to fix it?

 You need to use the same hostname in the browser as you've configured in

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Gitorious local install - how to configure Clone push URL

2012-04-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 4:49 AM, Srdan Dukic wrote:


 I have a local install of Gitorious, which I've inherited after someone
 else set it up. I've got a user that's complaining that the URL displayed
 under /server-sent-events is incorrect. It is:


 When it apparently should be:


 I've tried logging into the interface as the administrator and also
 grepping all of the files in the gitorious directory to try and find where
 this URL is being set, but haven't had any luck. Also, I can't seem to find
 any documentation on the gitorious home page.

 Where can I change this URL?

Look for `gitorious_host` in config/gitorious.yml.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Git Push through HTTP

2012-03-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Not fully, yet, but there is a repository which implements it using JRuby:

The push-support branch is what you're looking for...

- Marius

On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 11:22 PM, ' Rafael . wrote:


 Does gitorious supports git push through https?


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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] ping from the issue tracker: OCaml syntax highlighting does not work properly

2012-03-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 11:32 AM, gasche wrote:

 I posted an issue on the tracker some days ago, but got no answer so
 far, hence the gentle ping here:**issues/85

This issue was set to In Progress about a week ago, so I'm sure you'll hear
something in not too long...

PS: why is posting on this list restricted to members only? I would have
 wished to send a mail without subscribing. I suspect the higher cost of
 entry may deter other people from sending feedback.

We used to have some really terrible spam problems before we restricted it
:- /

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Can't get Gitorious to generate Tarballs, or do http cloning

2012-03-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Sounds like a X-Sendfile issue to me, the wiki has some info on setting
that up:

- Marius

On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Kelketek wrote:

 Hello there!

 I use Gitorious for a few projects now and I really like it. But I have
 never been able to get tarballing to work. I haven't ever gotten http
 cloning to work either.

 I know that Gitorious is sending the command to do the tarballing, strace
 shows me that:

 [pid 29187] write(16,
 445) = 445

 But no tarball ever shows up. Note, I mangled the above paths, since those
 random numbers might exist for some degree of security, for all I know, so
 the bits with random numbers/letters really have other random

 It doesn't seem to ever pick up the task and do it. It can pull in SSH
 keys just fine, and set them up, and create repos without issue. But this
 eludes it, and I'm having a hard time figuring out where to look to fix it.
 I know some things have been said about X-Sendfile, but I don't think that
 has to do with it, since the file has to exist before it can be sent, and I
 don't see the tarball anywhere.

 As for HTTP cloning, that's less pressing, but it would be nice to have. I
 know that it seems to want to prepend the git. subdomain on my domain,
 which I prefer it not do, and it doesn't work even with the git prefix. In
 fact it seems to send me right back to my normal domain.

 Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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[gitorious] Easy setup using Foreman

2012-03-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Hi all,
I just pushed a few commits that lets you start/stop several Gitorious
components in one go using the Foreman gem:

The commit message really says all there is to be said, have a look!

- Marius

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[gitorious] New Gitorious version

2012-01-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Hi all,
We just pushed a new version of Gitorious, v2.1.1. It is a patch release,
so no special procedures are required, apart from merging the latest tag
(v2.1.1) and restart your web app - as described on the wiki:

We highly recommend that you upgrade as soon as possible.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Missing tag 2.1.0 in mainline?

2011-10-21 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Wari Wahab wrote:

 Talk about the update, this totally borked my install:

Which update is that - we didn't push a tag?

 * One of the modules require gem 1.8.11
 * will_paginate version 3.x is install but 2.3.x is compatible with rails

Gemfile.lock specifies will_paginate 2.3.15, how did you end up with 3.x?

 * After a bundle update, I can't run this anymore. The error I got:

Did you run bundle update? Why?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Missing tag 2.1.0 in mainline?

2011-10-21 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Wari Wahab wrote:

 YES! My bad! Thanks for the clue :) Worked again for me.

Ah, great!

PS: Are you going to incorporate Martin's work with authenticated bind? Or
 at least allow non encrypted LDAP queries. I had to change

 @encryption = (options[encryption] || simple_tls).to_sym


 @encryption = options[encryption].to_sym if options.key?(encryption)

 In order to get auth to work for my case.

Hmm, seems like Net::LDAP doesn't let us pass anything to disable encryption
altogether - so your change sounds reasonable (although authenticating over
an encrypted line doesn't :-) ). Mind submitting a merge request for that?

As for the authenticated bind I will accept a merge request as long as it:
- doesn't break any of the tests
- contains a test case that will fail if we happen to break the
functionality down the road

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: all.js and javascript issues

2011-10-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:52 PM, leem wrote:

 Managed to fix it using an obviously related problem in another
 thread.  For reference:

 run as su on /var/www/gitorious

 git submodule init
 git submodule update

We also just added a rake task that removes generated javascript and CSS
files, use it like this:

$ bundle exec rake assets:clear

whenever you upgrade Gitorious.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Error trying to view diff on a merge request page

2011-10-20 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:36 AM, Wari Wahab wrote:

 I'm testing a merge request feature on a test repository, and the merge
 request page, failed to display the diff, but it does show the comments, and
 other details properly.

 I can view the diff fine if I clicked on the commit link. The traceback can
 be found @**40c6e148d5e8050c9eea

 I just create a repository, and added the file, a, b, c. On the fork, I
 created a new branch, edit file a, and added file d. And then I submitted a
 merge request. On the page I got the error:

 Showing f193214
 An error has occured. Please try again later.

This bug was one of the things in master that kept us from pushing the 2.1
version tag - it should be resolved now.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] LDAP: bind with authentication

2011-10-18 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:10 PM, Wiz of Id wrote:

 On Friday, October 14, 2011 3:39:07 PM UTC+2, Wiz of Id wrote:

 On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen wrote:

  On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Wiz of Id wrote:
  is there any plan to have authenticated bind?
  I was really excited about the oh-so-wanted feature about LDAP
  in Gitorious... just to found nowhere in the configuration file any
 hints of
  binding other than anonymous... :(
  Did you try it? I'm no LDAP expert, but the current implementation will
  the supplied credentials to bind.

 Theese are sweet news to me, but I'm not sure of which configuration
 property I have to use for that purpose...

 Wait, did you mean that the current implementation will use the credentials
 supplied by an user trying log in in Gitorious, to authenticate Gitorious on
 the LDAP server?
 I guess that won't work in a real environment...
 I'd expect some dedicated configuration properties like the auth portion
 in the script by IronMania, and then Gitorious should bind to the LDAP
 server using a user like simpleUserThatAuthenticatesButDoesntEdit just
 like in this configuration sample from my installation of Trac + LDAP

OK. I will not be writing this, since I don't have access to an LDAP server
that requires a separate user to bind. If anyone who knows Ruby has access
to such a server, I'm sure a contribution would be much appreciated.

- Marius

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Re: Re: Re: [gitorious] Git Url doesn't use project slug

2011-10-18 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:47 PM, wrote:

 it is skriva/skri*f*a-gitorious-wiki.git
 should be skriva/skri*v*a-gitorious-wiki.git

 (I created a Skrifa project, and then renamed it to Skriva, changing the
 slug from skrifa to skriva)

OK, so it's the project slug part of the repository name that needs to be
changed. Would you like me to change it?

- Marius

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Re: Re: Re: [gitorious] Git Url doesn't use project slug

2011-10-18 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:48 PM, Olivier Keshavjee wrote:

 Yes please,

Done: !

- M

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Re: Re: [gitorious] Git Url doesn't use project slug

2011-10-17 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 12:19 PM, wrote:

 Here it is:

The wiki URL seems to use the current project slug (

- M

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Re: [gitorious] LDAP Authentication wiki

2011-10-14 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 12:24 PM, IronMania ironmani...@googlemail.comwrote:


 I set up my gitorious to atuhenticate agains our LDAP server.

 So I fallowed the wiki page:

 and hopefully putt in everything correct in my authentication.yml

 After that I wanted to test it:
 RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec ruby script/test_ldap?connection
 username password

 script/test_ldap_connection:13: undefined method 'valid_credentials?'
 for #Gitorious::Authentication::DatabaseAuthentication:0xb6dc79d4

 what did I do wrong?

The error message is a little cryptic, I just pushed an update. The problem
seems to be that you didn't set up LDAP in config/authentication?

- M

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Re: [gitorious] LDAP: bind with authentication

2011-10-14 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 3:10 PM, Wiz of Id wrote:

 is there any plan to have authenticated bind?

 I was really excited about the oh-so-wanted feature about LDAP integration
 in Gitorious... just to found nowhere in the configuration file any hints of
 binding other than anonymous... :(

Did you try it? I'm no LDAP expert, but the current implementation will use
the supplied credentials to bind.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] wiki automatically using install/readme files?

2011-10-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen wrote:

 An idea suddenly dawned on me, would it be somehow possible to implement
 that the Wiki pages automatically imports the stuff from the
 README.txt/INSTALL.txt that many have in their projects? Would that be
 useful? I'm sort of thinking that could be a very nice thing, especially for
 the installation instructions..

You mean to render a project-wide readme (wikis are project-wide)? Great
idea! Anyone care to take a shot at it?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Can't clone or push with SSH on my local install

2011-10-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:31 PM, Klaus Silveira klaussilve...@gmail.comwrote:

 I have installed Gitorious on a Debian Squeeze machine using a few chef-solo
 cookbooks Everything
 is working perfectly, except for cloning or pushing repositories. I can't
 get my head around this one, maybe someone can help me.

 When trying to clone: git clone git @

 fatal: 'example/example.git' does not appear to be a git repository
 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

Looks like the entry for your public key in ~git/.ssh/authorized_keys does
not include the gitorious command, did you add your key directly?

 When i try to clone using GIT: git clone git://

 It clones OK, but when pushing:

 fatal: protocol error: expected sha/ref, got '
 The git:// url is read-only. Please see for the push url, if you're a

  Well, the git:// protocol is read-only, which means you can't push to it.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] infinite loop - connect failed

2011-10-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 12:08 AM, lukas wrote:


 I'm trying to install gitorious on my server. I basically follower
 this tutorial:
 . My server is running Ubuntu 10.10.

 Now, everything looks fine. I can login through the web interface and
 so on. However, when I try to add my SSH key the page just doesn't
 stop loading.

 I had a look at the gitorious logs but they did not contain anything I
 could make sense of.

 The Apache logs however contained some errors that might indicate
 whats wrong. I just can't tell whats wrong.

 Rails available: Adding dispatcher prepare callback.
 = Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousSshKeys (processed by

 Interrupt received
 Cleaning up...
 = Unsubscribing from /queue/GitoriousSshKeys (processed by
 Rails available: Adding dispatcher prepare callback.
 = Subscribing to /queue/GitoriousSshKeys (processed by
 Rails available: Adding dispatcher prepare callback.

 Apache error.log
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use
 Specification.add_spec. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use
 Specification.add_spec. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use
 Specification.add_spec. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use
 Specification.add_spec. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 connect failed: Connection refused - connect(2) will retry in 5
 connect failed continues to show up quite often after the snippet

 I have a feeling that some configuration of a service or something
 might be wrong. But since I just followed the tutorial I can't really

Sounds like you didn't install and start a Stomp server - eg. ActiveMQ?

- Marius

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Re: Re: [gitorious] wiki automatically using install/readme files?

2011-10-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 3:39 PM, Yngve Inntjore Levinsen wrote:

 Exactly what I mean is a bit unclear to me as well. Yes I know wikis are
 project-wide, but perhaps each project could have one repository defined as
 main repository, by default the first repository created. Then the wiki
 pull from readme/install in that one. Or perhaps someone has a better idea.

We used to have a super-special repository for each project, but moved away
from that since the assumption that every project has one proved to be false

 The reason was anyway that people already have written useful stuff in
 install/readme text files, and it would be very nice if that could just be
 rendered on the wiki somehow. Writing these text files in markup formatting
 would make sense in my opinion.

 As an example, on github they show the readme content if that file exist in
 each repository view. That's on some level similar to what I was thinking

I totally agree that we should render READMEs just like Github does, but
that would be for a single repository, which makes sense on a repository
level (just render the README at the root of the repository). However, I
think the wiki would be a perfect place to put project wide README, so I'm
all for this!

- M

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Re: [gitorious] Fwd: New message: hi

2011-10-06 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
The support account is probably best fit for this - we already heard of this
particular one. The account has been suspended, and the proper threats
passed on to the spammer :-)

Sorry about that.
- Marius

On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Brenda Wallace wrote:

 Is there somewhere to report spammers on

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Gitorious Messenger
 Date: 6 October 2011 05:02
 Subject: New message: hi

 Hello Brenda Wallace

 loveth121 has sent you a message on Gitorious:

 Hi,Good Day

 My name Miss.Loveth, I saw your porfile in ( and i
 was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an
 email to my address ( so that i can give you my
 pictures for you to know whom i am.

 I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not
 matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
 me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you
 yours Miss.Loveth!!

 View and reply to this message at

 PLEASE DO NOT reply to this email directly as it will go
 nowhere. Instead, use the above link to reply.

 Kotahi tamaiti, Kotahi rorohiko iti: Aotearoa

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Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
Rubyist, Shortcut AS
Tel.: (+47) 92 60 95 38.

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Assistance with gitorious build DEC-2010

2011-10-03 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:52 PM, mengesb wrote:

 I indeed have tried to run the Bundler install from the gitorious root
 directory (in our case, /var/www/gitorious) and that is the error message I
 get back.  I see the .git repo there for gitorious; but perhaps this was ran
 from the original user's directory -- how would I be able to tell?  I can
 run a 'git status' from /var/www/gitorious' and I do get information back.
 Very certain that the installation is there and was operating fine. I can
 tell you when I run the update, it says it updates, but then gives that
 message, are there any flags to give some more info?

You should have a file named Gemfile at the root of your Gitorious
installation (ie /var/www/gitorious/Gemfile). If it isn't there, did you do
a git pull from Gitorious' mainline repository?

As for any other DB changes - I had to rip out a repo which was partially
 initialized once... the activeMQ was wedged, so I removed the table
 associated in the Gitorious DB ... the repo in git never was created. It was
 working fine after that... as far as I recall but then again I don't often
 go through the web UI unless I'm showing code to other departments which is
 what spurred this problem. Not completely sure if this is related or not.
 These issues were before the upgrade (the upgrade was one of my attempts to
 solve this problem).

I assume you removed the repository from the database through SQL? That will
cause inconsistencies in the database - which would explain the errors
you're seeing - there are there are entries in other tables referencing the
repositories table.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Assistance with gitorious build DEC-2010

2011-09-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 8:19 PM, mengesb wrote:

 Needless to say this is somewhat frustrating.  I tried to upgrade,
 following the wiki instructions it said to install bundler ... this is
 also not successful. error message: Could not locate Gemfile,
 despite it saying it successfully installs bundler according to the
 gem binary ran.

There seem to be several problems here (below) - I'll focus on completing
the upgrade.
The error message you're seeing here (could not locate Gemfile) suggests
you're not running the bundle install command from the root of your
Gitorious installation? If you are, there should be both a Gemfile and a
Gemfile.lock there.

 So I'm at an inpass, and need some assistance to get this fixed.  I
 would like to either fix the user's dashboard and user display pages
 on gitorious and keep our version - then plan a migration later to a
 fresh build and install; or upgrade our existing build to the current
 master which will most likely resolve this problem, or at least give
 me some piece of mind being on a current build.

 Since I don't work with this that much, if you need commands ran
 please let me know explicitly... I'm a bit of a git n00b so pardon my

 Administration, teams, projects, and activities pages all work;
 however the user's page and user's dashboard do not work and give the
 above error message.

 Some brief error codes from production.log:

 ~username clicked:
 ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `user' for nil:NilClass)
 on line #102 of app/views/users/show.html.erb:
 99:   /div
 100:   ul class=with_icons
 101:% @favorites.each do |favorite| %
 102:  li class=%= css_classes_for(favorite.watchable) -%
 103:   %= link_to_watchable(favorite.watchable) -%
 104:  /li
 105:   % end %

 dashboard clicked:
 ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `user' for nil:NilClass)
 on line #127 of app/views/site/dashboard.html.erb:
 124:   /div
 125:   ul class=with_icons
 126: % @favorites.each do |favorite| %
 127:   li class=%= css_classes_for(favorite) -%
 128: %= link_to_watchable(favorite) -%
 129:   /li
 130: % end %

 Our apache install for gitorious is in /var/www/gitorious;
 installation is on Debian 5.0.8, and I believe ruby is version 1.8. We
 run activeMQ for the messaging.

 Looks like this was used for installation:

 Assistance with getting this repaired would be greatly appreciated...
 Otherwise I'll have to work on building a new system and a migration
 strategy so that we can get functionality back.

Were these problems what made you start the upgrade, or did they appear
afterwards? Do they appear for all users or just specific ones? Did you do
any maintenance directly in the database?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] unable to start git-daemon service

2011-09-27 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Vishnu Pradeep

 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec.
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec.
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec.
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from


 Full error view:

I'm assuming you are a software developer, right?

In that case, please read the email you just sent and ask yourself how you
would feel receiving a bug report - or whatever your email is meant to be,
it doesn't say - from a user of your software.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Unable to push to Gitorious, even though my SSH key is on the server.

2011-09-15 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Karl Fogel wrote:

 I'm unable to push to Gitorious, even though my SSH key is on the
 server.  This transcript paste shows the error in detail:

Just looked at the IRC transcript now - seems you were able to help

For the record: it seems like what happened was that another Gitorious
account was set up with the same public key.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] XSS vuln.

2011-09-13 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 4:20 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 Em 12-09-2011 09:29, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen escreveu:

 On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Yousha Aleayoub yousha@gmail.comwrote:

 Checkout  commit to fix it ;)!%20%3CBODY%20onload=%22javascript:alert('100%20times%20HELLO%20:D')%22%3E%3Cnoscript%3E

 Thanks for reporting this, we pushed a fix earlier today. I'd really prefer
 it if you keep sending these to the support email, so we have time to
 resolve such issues before our users are exposed - this is a public mailing
 list. Apart from that: keep'em coming!

 Shouldn't a new patch version (v2.0.2) be released?

Absolutely - thanks a lot!

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Company/organization contributions

2011-09-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 7:42 PM, YPY wrote:

 My colleagues and I think it would be really cool if it was possible
 to have company profiles(multi developer) in addition to developer
 profiles we have now.

Would this be similar to the Teams feature Gitorious has today?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Embedding images into Gitorious Wiki

2011-09-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Chris wrote:

 Thanks for fixing this. Is there a way of linking to images that are
 included in the wiki git repo? Hosting them with the wiki just makes

Great idea, but I don't think that would work (yet) - the wiki UI will only
handle markdown/wiki syntax.

 Also, I have also put some pdf's in the wiki git repo but I can also
 not access them from the web interface?

 That really sucks, it should be possible to view raw blobs from the wiki.
Feel free to file it at

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] relative_url_path question

2011-09-12 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 5:29 AM, Tomoya KABE wrote:


 I am a newbie user of Gitorious.
 I have a trouble on using relative_url_path configuration and need
 your help.

 I set up Gitorious on my private server and I think it is good
 Gitorious web root be
 I googled and found that some people are saying adding
  config.action_controller.relative_url_root = /gitorious
 in config/environments/production.rb.
 I tried it and confirmed it is seemingly loaded:
  root@myserver:/var/www/gitorious# RAILS_ENV=production script/
  Loading production environment (Rails 2.3.5)
  = /gitorious

 However, when I go to Gitorious web UI (
 gitorious/) and logged in, I am always redirected to / (http://, not /gitorious.
 It happens also on logging out.

 Using git interface, user management, etc. are working seemingly
 Need other configurations?

Yes, I think some changes need to be made in Gitorious for this to work, but
I don't remember which ones... Short story: doesn't work today, you'll need
a separate virtual host.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] unable to clone - The remote end hung up unexpectedly

2011-09-06 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Luke wrote:


 I am not able to clone QT branch repository from gitorious. Transfer
 drops to 4KiB and after that I get:

 Cloning into wkhtmltopdf-qt...
 remote: Counting objects: 468050, done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (127250/127250), done.
 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly5 MiB | 27 KiB/s
 fatal: early EOF
 fatal: index-pack failed

 The command is:

 git clone git://

There was, up to some point, a bug in Git which caused strange things to
happen when pulling from git:// urls containing plus signs. Do you have
better luck using this URL:

git clone 


- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] OpenID integration tests for Gitorious

2011-09-02 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 Em 01-09-2011 10:20, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas escreveu:

 Ok, my fault here. I thought HUP was the Ctrl+C :P I'll try INT then.

 That worked.


 The problem with this is that I lose control over the description of the
 task. It is defined as:

  desc Run tests + (@name==:test ?  :  for #{@name})

 Ah, there's no way to change the description, too bad. OK, at least I
learnt something new today :-)
Probably less hassle to go with your original suggestion :-)

- M

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Re: [gitorious] OpenID integration tests for Gitorious

2011-09-01 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 Em 31-08-2011 11:15, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen escreveu:

 - Is it necessary to kill with the KILL signal when stopping the Rots
 server (slow_tests.rake line 15)?

 That wasn't my first trial. I tried HUP first, but I was getting an
 exception so I gave up and used KILL instead. If you could make it work with
 HUP, great.

 Ah, okay. I would think INT would be a better suited signal; that's what
Ctrl-C sends, afaik.HUP is often used to ask a process to reload it's

  - Since we already have a rake/ruby process running, could we use a Rake
 task for running the tests (test:slow:run)?
 I think it should be possible to do something like: do |test|
 test.pattern = test/slow/*.rb

task :run = [:start, :slow_tests] do


 Sorry, I'm not that good in Rake. Could you explains in details what you're
 willing to achieve? I still didn't understand what you are asking for (or

Rake includes tasks for running test files directly, without shelling out to
Ruby manually (the Rake::TestTask class). Absolutely no biggie, just less

  These are personal opinions only, feel free to ignore them :-)

 I love personal opinions! :) I never ignore them :)

In that case, let's discuss football :-)

 Also, I'd like to take the chance to better understand what you would like
 me to work on from now on. Is there any other gem not supported by Rails

 I want to make sure we don't have any other dependency before start porting
 Gitorious to Rails 3.1...

Did we discuss the routing issues in Gitorious at all on the list? Whether
to keep the somewhat complex routing logic we have...
- M

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Re: [gitorious] Embedding images into Gitorious Wiki

2011-08-31 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 2:31 PM, Andrey Nechypurenko wrote:

 I can not imagine that it is not possible since it could be very
 useful to show some drawings explaining system architecture,
 presenting screenshots or whatever else. I hope that it is just me was
 unable to find right syntax and would appreciate any help.

This was a bug, I just pushed a fix for it here:

Sorry about that.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] OpenID integration tests for Gitorious

2011-08-31 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 9:56 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 I've just forced push a rebased version of the branch with some minor extra

 Please, take a look and let me know what you think.

Looks good! A few comments:
- Is it necessary to kill with the KILL signal when stopping the Rots server
(slow_tests.rake line 15)?
- Since we already have a rake/ruby process running, could we use a Rake
task for running the tests (test:slow:run)?
I think it should be possible to do something like: do |test|
test.pattern = test/slow/*.rb

  task :run = [:start, :slow_tests] do


These are personal opinions only, feel free to ignore them :-)

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] OpenID integration tests for Gitorious

2011-08-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
First of all: sorry for sucking at responding to email here :-/

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 Em 24-08-2011 04:52, Marius Mårnes Mathiesen escreveu:

  First of all, let me see if I get this right: you're proposing to merge
 the integration test only at this time, and then use that to continue the
 work on Devise? Awesome!

 That's exactly what I'm proposing.

Love it!

 How deep do you feel it's necessary to integrate the OpenID communication?

 I would like to integrate in such a way that completely replacing the
 OpenID implementation would still cause the test to pass without

I'm skipping the other questions, since they may not be relevant now that I
(think I) understand what you meant in the first place :-)

The easiest way to stitch all this together would probably be to create a
separate rake task that:

- Starts a ROTS server
- Runs the integration tests
- Stops the ROTS server

This task could either override the default test:integrations task or be a
separate one - the least painful solution would probably be a separate task?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] OpenID integration tests for Gitorious

2011-08-30 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 1:04 PM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 Would you prefer to have an slow-integration extra directory so that a
 rake test would skip those tests and we wouldn't run it that often? That
 way I could write a test-slow rake task for running those tests

Another option could be to run the slow tests if a certain environment
variable is set, ie

  LOTS_OF_TIME_TO_SPARE=true rake test:integration

Your call.

- M

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Re: [gitorious] OpenID integration tests for Gitorious

2011-08-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 2:57 AM, Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas

 The problem is that now the integrations will take 10s more to complete
 here (the other 2 completed in less than a second). But integration tests
 are supposed to be slower anyway ;)

First of all: adding integration tests for this is a really good idea.
Errors tend to occur in untested code, especially where integration with
other parties is involved :-)

 The problem is that the Rack driver for Capybara (which is a very fast one)
 won't work for this case that relies on Javascript. So the options I tested
 were using the Selenium driver as well as the Webkit driver (I would rather
 prefer to use the Webkit though).

 So, I would like to ask help for making the rots OpenID test server run
 (fast if possible) from a setup block if it's not already running for
 easying the full test procedure.

 If this integration test is accepted in mainline, I can then start to work
 on my Devise branch again and try to make this test to pass instead of that
 other functional one that is very specific to the current solution.

First of all, let me see if I get this right: you're proposing to merge the
integration test only at this time, and then use that to continue the work
on Devise? Awesome!

How deep do you feel it's necessary to integrate the OpenID communication?
Personally, I'd think it would be sufficient to obtain an OpenID request
that represents a successful or failed authentication; in order to test the
integration. I agree with Rot's readme's arguments agains mocking this, but
at the same time it feels like overkill to run a separate OpenID server just
to test the integration?

One thing that would probably be really fast is to create a Rack app that's
mounted at some URL when RAILS_ENV=test and produces canned responses for
successful or failed requests inside Gitorious itself.

Another option could be to provide another OpenID implementation to the
controller - essentially replace the `authenticate_with_open_id`
implementation mixed into the controller with another one. From the top of
my head I don't remember how the OpenID plugin achieves the block-style
syntax that makes things appear to happen in sequence, but it's probably a
question of checking request parameters?

- marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Access denied or wrong repository path

2011-08-24 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 9:01 AM, Aleksej Nesterow

 OK, I did setup an A record on our name server for
 and then deployed gitorious to Apache2 via Passenger. And now it
 works, at least, using SSH URL. I can clone and push back. This is
 great. But if anyone can advise me on local setup in my case, that
 would be really helpful too!

Aha, the issue here might be that your Gitorious server isn't able to
connect to itself to query for paths and permissions. It will try
connecting to the host specified as gitorious_client_host on port
gitorious_client_port to query for this - this happens on the server.

Your gitorious.yml resolves this to git.local:80 - so you need to be able to
get a response using that host/port *on the server*.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Using for packaging storage

2011-08-17 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 7:29 PM, ndowens wrote:

 I am wondering if I am allowed to use this service to host SRPMs and
 SPEC files that I have created for Fedora Linux?
 A SRPM is the source version of a RPM package and SPECS are text files
 that are used in order to create a SRPM file.

Putting the RPM spec on gitorious should be no problem at all, feel free!
The SRPMs (and RPMs) are generated code, though - keeping that in version
control seems a bit cumbersome?

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Grant Admin rights to multiple users

2011-08-17 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Drew Sudell andrew.sud...@navteq.comwrote:

 Is it possible to have multiple admins?  There doesn't seem to be a
 way to grant admin rights to a user.  I suppose I could simply update
 the database and set is_admin = 1 where login = 'whatever'.  But I
 thought I might ask first.

I assume you're referring to site admin, not admin for a
repository/project, right? In that case, there's no restriction on how many
you can have - although there's no UI for maintaining it. Your approach
seems just right for that.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Logging in is not working.

2011-08-16 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Jon la Cour wrote:

 It seems to be all correctly formatted, here it is though.

I just added your file into my dev machine and tried triggering the error
you're seeing (WARNING: Invalid request host...). This is done by the

if !GitoriousConfig.valid_request_host?( I tried evaluating:


which evaluated to 0, which is truthy in Ruby. This means that if the
SessionsController receives a request where the host is in fact, the warning will not be logged with this gitorious.yml

At this point it probably makes sense to simplify your stack to isolate the
error. Some ideas:

- run the app directly with Mongrel/Thin/Webrick (ie. `RAILS_ENV=production
- run the app without SSL
- run the app with either Nginx or Apache

For the non-SSL experiments, you'll need to disable the SSL requirement in
gitorious.yml, of course.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Hooking Gitorious up to an LDAP server

2011-08-16 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 11:53 PM,

 I'm setting up Gitorious internally within a company. We need to hook up
 Gitorious to LDAP. I know this problem has been raised several times. I'm
 just looking for some additional information, if there is any out there. I
 also understand that LDAP support is something that some of the Gitorious
 devs are working on, but it won't be ready for a while. I'm looking for
 solutions that can be implemented now.

 One of the obvious solutions is to set up an OpenID provider backed by the
 LDAP server. I did some searching and found OpenID-LDAP ( There is also a 
 post here
 in the group about using a ruby gem to hook up OpenID and LDAP. Does anyone
 have experience using either of these? Is there anything else that can
 easily bridge OpenID and LDAP?

 I have also seen some people talking about configuring httpd or 
  authenticate against LDAP somehow.  This seems to be a solution for
 authentication with regard to doing a git-push, though. And since Gitorious
 uses a custom git daemon (at least, that is my understanding) I don't know
 how that would work.

 What have you guys used to hook up to LDAP? Which specific technologies?
 How much did you have to roll your own solution to this problem?

We have set up LDAP authentication for a client, they're running this right
now. It's based on this branch:
more or less exactly that branch in fact.

We haven't integrated that branch with master, however, and that is because
Rodrigo's work on adding Devise to Gitorious will introduce a quite
different way of integrating authentication in Gitorious. So while the above
branch is not official, it does work.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Dependencies for pure git access?

2011-08-15 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 11:19 PM, John Bachir johnjosephbac...@gmail.comwrote:

 Total newbie question: what are the dependencies for git repo access via
 ssh? By this I mean, is there anything in the gitorious stack that is needed
 to be running in order to push and pull to ?

When you push/pull over SSH, the gitorious script needs to connect to the
local webapp to:
- translate the incoming URL into a filesystem path
- check for permissions

If your Rails app was asleep, you'd have to wait until it's loaded before
you'll be able to push/pull.

 reasons I am asking: one of my users experienced a timeout when trying to
 push, and then soon thereafter pushed normally, so I'm a bit suspicious that
 something in the stack had to wake up or get spooled out of swap, which
 seems unlikely if ssh and the server git binary are the only things needed
 for the operation. Also, I'm just concerned that my deployments for my
 projects hosted on gitorious might have a rails app server or gitorious app
 crash as a point of failure.

If the web app is down, your users will see a temporary error error
message, so you really want to keep it running.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Mysql::Error: Lock wait timeout exceeded on create/delete ssh key and repo

2011-08-15 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Priyadarshi Lahiri

 I'm having the same problem. Activemq is running. Git daemon and poller are
 running. Just waits when I add or delete keys. Here's the log:

There seems to be a transaction timeout from your MySQL server - is the
database server very busy? `show processlist` at the MySQL prompt should
display what's going on.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Confused About Versioning and Upgrading

2011-08-11 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 8:24 PM, Drew wrote:

 So the safe approach would be not to pull from the master unless
 there's a new tag. Correct?

I suppose it depends what you understand by safe, but the answer is probably
yes. Whenever we create a tag, it signifies that a piece of functionality
has been added. And based on what you'll need to do to upgrade, we'll be
using either patch, minor or major versions.

If you want to run from master, you'll have to determine whether you need
- run bundle install
- run rake db:migrate
- remove cached javascripts/css

*every time you pull.* Sticking to tagged versions means you don't have to.

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Logging in is not working.

2011-08-10 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:17 PM, Jon la Cour wrote:

 In the production.log file the only error is The specified
 gitorious_host is reserved in Gitorious. On the wiki it says that
 Gitorious reserves git.* for git cloning. Would that at all effect the
 login issue, or is it more something to do with cookies?

This sounds like a cookie issue. I assume you're accessing the site using
whatever hostname is specified in gitorious.yml, right? One place to start
is to check the Set-Cookie headers sent from your server (http and https,
these need to be the same). You can do this either with a browser
plugin/equivalent, or using curl. The Set-Cookie response header will
contain a domain part which should match the hostname you're using - does

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Successfully installed, but cannot log in

2011-08-05 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 12:42 AM,

 If it matters, I'm accessing this Gitorious install via the machine's
 IP address, but I have set gitorious_host in gitorious.yml to the IP

I think you should use a non-numeric address, try adding one to /etc/hosts
if you don't have a DNS entry and add that name to gitorious.yml afterwards.

Regards, Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Re: Confused About Versioning and Upgrading

2011-08-02 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Drew wrote:

 When I run git tag, I get:

 Seems like the only version tag you guys have is v2.0.0 on
 So you guys are not following the versioning scheme yet? How can there
 not be other versions but code changes?

We haven't deployed any changes since 2.0.0, too busy enjoying summer :-)

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] Help for newbie on upgrade

2011-08-01 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Areva wrote:

 Apparently I really have no clue on the upgrade. The site will
 not upgrade using git fetch as stated in the wiki for upgrade, says on
 the merge does not point to commit.

Hmm, this doesn't seem right - which URL are you using and which commit is
the warning about?

 So maintaining the code on the client machine I would like to push the
 branch changes to the production WebServer, this is where I get all
 jacked up. Can't seem to wrap my head around how to proceed with this
 so that any change I make can be pushed up to the production

What we're doing for is roughly:
- we have a separate git repo/branch on a separate server that contains our
deployment configuration (a Capistrano recipe, I'll get to that later).
Whenever we get ready to deploy, we merge mainline's master into this branch
and push the changes for that branch to our server. Doing something similar
you could keep your customizations in a separate branch and merge/rebase
master onto that.
- we use Capistrano ( to
deploy to the server. Unless you have something you know is better, you
should use Capistrano too. In our configuration, Capistrano will deploy to
our servers from the separate branch I mentioned above. When you deploy
using Capistrano, you don't need to worry about removing cached
javascript/css files; simply point Capistrano to a branch and it will deploy
from there.
- if you use the Gitorious version tags (, merge the given tag into
your branch instead of master

- Marius

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Re: [gitorious] List of rogue IP addresses

2011-07-25 Thread Marius Mårnes Mathiesen
On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Dejan Tolj wrote:

 When I try to load my gitorious page I see a list of rogue IP
 addresses going out from the server to the internet. What are they and
 why is it trying to do that?

The Gitorious *server* should not connect to any external sites over port 80
that I can think of. I see quite a few private IP addresses in there, and a
Google address. If these connections are from your *client*, there will be
requests for CSS, fonts, javascripts etc.

- Marius

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