Re: Fighting with IRQs.

2002-07-25 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: Fighting with IRQs.

>   Not exactly.  The cards themselves do not determine their

Read my post again. I did not say that the card did this. I said that
the ESCD program did (the part of the BIOS that builds the ESCD data.)

> and they need no non-volatile storage.  The host computer (either the
> or the OS, or some other program) gives them their configuration.

Some cards DO keep their own configurations, although it may be only ISA
cards which do this. Frequently, without a PnP BIOS to configure them,
you needed a special configuration program (certain Adaptec ISA SCSI
adapters do this) to set the IRQ and DMA (if applicable.)

>   Now, most BIOSes will "remember" PCI and PnP resource allocations
> boots.  The "Reset Configuration Data" option causes the BIOS to
> all devices and rebuild the ESCD.  It is a one-time option -- after
> reset is performed, the "Reset Configuration Data" setting will switch
> to "Disabled".

Not true in all cases. Some BIOSes will keep the setting on Enabled, and
you will see the "ESCD update success..." message on every boot.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Fighting with IRQs.

2002-07-25 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Scott Garman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 5:30 PM
Subject: Fighting with IRQs.

> I would really like to learn more about how IRQ and IO assignment is
> done by BIOS and Linux, if anyone could point me to some good
> documentation. My second choice would be to get some quick
> as to what I am doing wrong - it's kind of hard to decide which Ogg
> Vorbis quality level to encode to when I can't do my audio testing
> without getting beeps and clicks! :)

Well, you could start by reading your Motherboard Manual's BIOS setup
section. While mostly in broken English, they can contain some useful

For example, my Award BIOS for a VIA 694X chipset lists something called
"Reset Configuration Data" which causes all the IRQs to be reallocated
on boot up by the ESCD (Extended System Configuration Data) program in
the BIOS.  If I were to disable this setting, I could manually assign
all my IRQs based on PCI slots (or ISA slots if I had any.) If your IRQs
are piling up using the ESCD BIOS assignment, try turning this feature
off and manually assigning your IRQs (or at least the ones you want to

The way resources get allocated (very basically) is this:

IF you have your PNP OS setting set to YES, the BIOS will only
initialize those devices required for booting (VGA, SCSI, IDE.) The BIOS
leaves the rest of the cards alone, assuming that your PnP OS will
initialize them. Whether you should have this set to YES or not will
depend on your specific Linux distribution. I believe the newer 2.4.x
kernels do a pretty good job of allocating resources. Of course, if you
have an older distro or an older (read: imperfect) implementation of the
PnP BIOS, you should probably keep this disabled.

If you have the "Reset Configuration Data" setting set to ENABLED, the
BIOS will use the ESCD program to reallocate your resources on every
boot. This is evidenced by the ESCD update success message you see on
bootup. Normally you do not need to do this on every boot, as the cards'
flash memories will retain their settings across most normal power
cycles. (I think the cards reset this data and ask for configuration if
they detect they have been moved to another slot, but don't quote me on
that.) My motherboard manual recommends leaving this at DISABLED unless
I have created a conflict that prevents booting the system. So that's
what I do. :o)

Then most BIOSes have a section that allows you to set the assignment of
each IRQ, and sometimes the DMA channels too. The usual settings are
AUTO(ESCD) and MANUAL. When resources are controlled manually, I think
you need to tell the BIOS which bus (ISA OR PCI) the resource belongs

Anything else I say at this point will fall into the realm of
speculation, because I've just about exhausted my knowledge on the
subject, so I'll stop here :o)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RealNetworks going Open Source?

2002-07-22 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: RealNetworks going Open Source?

> On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, at 2:04pm, Rich C wrote:
> > It appears the goal is to allow proprietary streaming media
providers to
> > supply "plug-ins" to RealNetworks' framework, in order to make a
> > versatile client. They don't appear to be opening up RealNetworks'
> > streaming protocol.
>   I haven't been able to derive much in the way of goals (or, indeed,
> anything more than vaporware) from any of this.  I've seen the usual
> conflicting rumors.  If you know of any more information, pointers are
> welcome.

I only read the links you provided. In the second link was this:

"RealNetworks is gambling that with a proliferation of different
standards and formats for video and audio, the media corporations that
make content available over the Internet will flock to a single system
that supports multiple types of data. The company is trying to shift the
focus of the competition from the PC desktop to the server, according to

Of course this implies only that RealNetworks can supply streaming data
in Microsoft's format. If they can do this, you have to assume they can
decode it as well.


> > As an amateur content provider, I can say that my chief motivations
> > using streaming content ...
>   As an amateur content provider, RealNetworks has zero interest in
> You are not paying them tens of thousands of dollars in license fees
> their production and distribution tools.

And that's the way I like it. Once I create a RealAudio file, I can
supply it as a downloadable entity OR stream it with very little
additional effort.

>   As an amateur content provider, I would assume things like MPEG and
> would be of the most interest to you.  Encoders are low-cost or free,
> very little needs to be done to enable "streaming" functionality.  At
> same time, nothing special needs to be done for those (like me) who
> sustain the stream: We just download it like normal, and play it back
> deferred time.

They ARE very interesting to me. The MPEG moreso than Ogg Vorbis right
now, as my target audiences are not that computer savvy. Almost no one
in my audience has an Ogg Vorbis-capable player, or even knows what it
is, but they have all heard of RealNetworks.

And your particular dilemma is why, since I must store the content on my
server anyway, I make a downloadable version available.


> > If I WERE concerned with such matters, I certainly wouldn't go
running to
> > Microsoft, since RealNetworks' player can now decode that format as
>   Since when can RealPlayer decode Windows Media?  The version I have
> Linux ( certainly cannot.  More information, please.
I should have said that the Helix client will be able to do this.
Current RealPlayer clients cannot do this.

> > Any client plug-in that can capture RealNetworks' stream to a file
> > likely be capable of doing the same with the Media Player stream as
>   That's not the point.  The point is that the media cartel regards
> Source as a lethal toxin.  They might start favoring Windows Media if
> even appears to be "tainted" by the Open Source poison.  Reality has
> to do with this argument.  Remember, the media cartel argued that VHS
> be the death of their industry, too.

Upon reading some of the Helix web site documentation further, it
appears to me that RealNetworks is attempting to use the open source
community to get RealMedia proprietary formats into non-PC devices such
as cell phones and PDAs, without having to do the development
themselves. By open sourcing the client and transport protocols, they
are allowing independent developers to make clients that can receive
RealMedia streams (in addition to other formats) on devices that are
currently not accessible to either RealNetworks OR Microsoft.

It would be ironic if RealNetworks conquers these markets first, and the
Media Cartel runs to Microsoft, who can't distribute their content to
any of these devices. :-)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RealNetworks going Open Source?

2002-07-22 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 6:10 PM
Subject: RealNetworks going Open Source?

>   It is unclear yet what components will be opened, but rumor appears
> indicate it would be transport and playback frameworks, but not the
> A/V codes.  Still, that might solve my immediate problem of being
unable to
> view streaming media, i.e., with a transport engine that "collects"
> real-time packets and feeds them to a closed player.

It appears the goal is to allow proprietary streaming media providers to
supply "plug-ins" to RealNetworks' framework, in order to make a more
versatile client. They don't appear to be opening up RealNetworks'
streaming protocol.

Of course, the way they've done it has certainly opened the door for
"Someone Else" to come along and reverse engineer their protocol. If
this was done by, say, an open source project, then the protocol could
then become open, providing the reverse engineering process stands up to
scrutiny (and the courts, no doubt.) RealNetworks certainly wouldn't
have a leg to stand on regarding the ethics of doing this, since they
did exactly the same thing with Microsoft's Media Player format.

>   One thing that occurs to me: One of the major uses for streaming
> today is not live productions, but rather, a misguided and
> form of copy-protection and content-control.  If Real goes open, and
> creates a perception that Real is easier to copy, will the media
cartel drop
> Real in favor of Microsoft?  That is, could this make the Open Source
> streaming media situation worse?

As an amateur content provider, I can say that my chief motivations in
using streaming content are to eliminate the delays seen by users in
downloading files, compression and quality of playback (server space vs.
sound/video quality) and audience reach (supporting as many internet
users as possible with one format.)

While many content providers have copy protection and content control in
mind, these objectives are easily met by reducing the quality of the
file OR stream to something that is tolerable, but not "hi-fi," ie., not
suitable for reproduction or mastering purposes.

If I WERE concerned with such matters, I certainly wouldn't go running
to Microsoft, since RealNetworks' player can now decode that format as
well. Any client plug-in that can capture RealNetworks' stream to a file
would likely be capable of doing the same with the Media Player stream
as well.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RAID Problems

2002-07-04 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Kurth Bemis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: RAID Problems

> At 10:43 PM 3/26/2002 -0500, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> I got the configure utility from adaptec's site...found the array and
> formatted it with all 0's.  Then I figured that debian 22r4 would find
> ok.  nope it only finds the 3 drives and asks me which one would I
like to
> partition and use.

I believe the expert install option allows the loading of RAID and other
special drivers when booting the installation system. Do you have driver
modules for the controller? Since the kernel can't autodetect your
array, I suspect that modules for that controller are not included. Also
check the documentation. Different Debian CDs have different "flavors"
of boot OSes.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RH7.2 install question

2002-07-04 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:55 PM
Subject: RH7.2 install question

> Anyone install RH7.2, have the X config go smoothly, have it tell you
> that GNOME would be your desktop, choose a graphical login, and still
> have it present you with a text login?

I think you may have missed a tiny little check box that asks if you
WANT to start X on bootup...

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: OT - Where would you buy stuff?

2002-06-25 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: OT - Where would you buy stuff?

> Hi all,
> If you had the choice between buying off the web or from the local
> BestBuy for a slightly higher price, what would you do?

It would depend on several factors and what I was looking for.

> The advantages of buying off the web are obviously lower price,
> though when you factor in S/H, customer service, return hassle, etc.
> it pretty much seems a wash.

Wellmake sure you read the fine print on Best Buy's return policy
too. They and many other stores have a 7 or 15 day return policy, and if
you JUST want to return it because you like another model better, you're
looking at a restocking charge. Most of them almost immediately hand off
defective returns/repairs to the MFR's warranty anyway, so you're still
dealing with a shipping problem on broken merchandise.

> I'm not overly fond of Best Buy, but they do offer the convience of
> being local, which provides me the ability to go and beat someone
> over the head should I need to :)

Which can also be done effectively by phone, especially if you use their
toll free ordering line to complain.

> This is directly related to my quest for a digital camera.  I've
> found it on the web for between $50 and $80 less than Best Buy has it.
> The cheapest site is also charging $25 s/h.  So, that really means I
> can get it off the web for only about $50 less than from Best Buy.
> Any opinions?

Assuming you've found a reputable vendor in both cases, it really comes
down to one issue: how much you are willing to pay for instant
gratification. :o)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: What do people use to listen to web radio under linux?

2002-06-24 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: What do people use to listen to web radio under linux?

> In a message dated: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 11:37:42 -
> "Rich C" said:
> >>   American culture says that amassing money and power are good, so
> >>   must be, right?
> >>
> >
> >Hmmm
> >
> >", liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness"
> >
> >I don't see "Power" or "Money" in there at all.
> He said American *culture*.  There is no mention of the Declaration
> of Independence, the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights in his
> He merely said that "American culture" recognizes that money and
> power are good.  Which is quite accurate.

True, but the second part of his statement, " it must be, right?"
alludes to the previous poster's statement about "a God-given right."
Well since we don't REALLY know what rights "God" gave us in the first
place, we must defer to the principles of foundation of our government,
which make no mention of money or power. Nor do the ten commandments or
any other religious tenet include those as basic human "rights" as far
as I know.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: What do people use to listen to web radio under linux?

2002-06-24 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: What do people use to listen to web radio under linux?

>   American culture says that amassing money and power are good, so it
> be, right?


", liberty, and the pursuit of hapiness"

I don't see "Power" or "Money" in there at all.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: real scsi + ide-scsi module loading

2002-06-22 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Michael O'Donnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: real scsi + ide-scsi module loading

> If you can't get your system to work using
> modules, please be informed that my skanky
> old 33MHz-486 firewall box

HAHA that's older than anything I have running. You want a DX-2/66 or
even a DX-4 for it?

I was gonna tile my bathroom with them but if they can be put to REAL

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Look before you post (was: 2nd Quarter GNHLUG Meeting)

2002-06-12 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Komarinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: Look before you post (was: 2nd Quarter GNHLUG Meeting)

> [snip] or have the reply-to set to the
> regular list.

That is the preferred behavior, IMHO. Moderating the announce list would
mean that not everyone could post annoucements, and that would create a
lot of work for *someone*.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: apache inconsistancies

2002-06-11 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Derek Doucette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "gnhlug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 12:14 AM
Subject: Re: apache inconsistancies

> You are some sort of weird computer god.

Your description is uncanny. How did you know I was weird?

> There seems to be something
> wrong with the page.  I can rename a page with a heading as
> index.html, and it works.  Now it gets tricky again, if I have people
> open the page after sending them the code, they can open it just
> fine, but they cannot access it from the url.  What would cause this
> to happen?  Thanks rich, we are almost there.

Need to know the browser type and version of at least one problem
client. Send me the page to look at. If I have the browser version here,
I will test it with my local server. If not, I will post it on my site
for the person to test. That will help determine if it is a server
version/configuration issue. Maybe I can spot the problem by looking at
the code too. Or maybe not...

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Re: drive mirroring

2002-06-10 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Beardsley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Rich Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: Re: drive mirroring

> Yes, this is what I was afraid of.  It sounds like there is no way to
> safely mirror one drive to another without properly shutting down the
> source filesystem.  So if I had the source drive copy itself, it's
sort of
> the functional equivalent of a reboot after cutting power if I boot
> the target drive, huh?  I realize if I do it this way it's a total
hack but
> if I shut down some services, would I be able to say with confidence
> the mirror would boot or would the result be too iffy?  This is on a
> production machine and I don't have the time/resources to do the
> thing, ie install a RAID controller.
How about software RAID then? You can build your raidtab to include the
current drive, and the new drive as a FAILED spare. Then do a quick
reboot, and add the new drive with the raidhotadd command (or similar,
I'm not at a machine to check the spelling.) It will add the new drive
to the array and rebuild it while the system is live.

If you build your array with the persistent superblock option, most
newer kernels will recognize the drives and load the md drivers
automatically at boot up, making the whole process much easier Of course
as always, read the software RAID howto and the raidtools docs before
proceeding. :)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: drive mirroring

2002-06-10 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Beardsley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 4:12 PM
Subject: drive mirroring

> Hi,
>  I'm wondering if it's possible if you have two identical
> hard drives to copy one onto the other such that you could boot off
> copy?  Will dd do that?  It's unclear to me what happens when you're
> dealing with multiple partitions, and I don't have a machine with 2
> in it to play with right now.

If you use dd to copy a DEVICE (hda, sda, etc) it will copy the boot
sector, partition table, and ALL contents, including things you might
not want to copy, such as swap partitions. (No REAL harm there, just a
waste of time.)

If you use dd to copy a PARTITION (hda1, sda2, etc.) it will only copy
the file system info and contents, not the partition table or boot

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: apache inconsistancies

2002-06-10 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Derek Doucette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2002 5:30 AM
Subject: Re: apache inconsistancies

> I dont know where that would factor in, the page is just a standard
> html file with no scripts or anything, just a few tables, thats the
> most advanced it gets.  This is really starting to bother me, cause I
> can't debug it.  You guys have been the most help though, keep it up.
Is this the only page that exhibits this behavior? (Sorry if we're
rehashing but I have been away all weekend and do not have all the

Have you tried replacing the home page with a simple test page? Perhaps
there is a bad tag in your page that is causing some browsers to hang,
while others ignore it and display the page.

Grasping at straws now...

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: apache inconsistancies

2002-06-07 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: apache inconsistancies

> and it gave me a standard 404 "Not Found" response.  So I am guessing
> something is happening in the default home page to gum up the works.

Hmmm...also check the default home page for stuff in the headers that
may be hanging up. If the header doesn't load completely, then the page
won't display. Stuff like remote scripts or missing stylesheets can
cause pages not to load or display, sometimes with no errors until very
long timeouts have expired.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Timezone? - Re: Message Boards

2002-06-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Rich C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 3:01 PM
Subject: Re: Timezone? - Re: Message Boards

> The SMTP server through which I send is in Marlborough, MA, (REON
> Broadband) and the route to doesn't leave
> Massachusetts.

Whoops, I missed something!

The mail server ** IS in Houston TX, and the
network is invisible (can't get a complete trace.) So I guess it COULD
be going anywhere.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Timezone? - Re: Message Boards

2002-06-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Sconce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 7:40 PM
Subject: Timezone? - Re: Message Boards

> An unrelated thing you might like to know - your most recent
> answer came in here timestamped 09:43 this morning - four hours
> before I wrote the message which you're answering.  (It looks
> as though your system may be running on GMT - that is, with
> an offset of ...)
> As I write this it is 15:41 EDT;  the "<<<<" line below is still
> almost three hours in the future.
Well my [windows] computer is set for the correct time ( is
set on EST, not EDT. Not 3 or 4 hours off anyhow.)  The rest of the
servers through which my messages may have passed are out of my control

The SMTP server through which I send is in Marlborough, MA, (REON
Broadband) and the route to doesn't leave
Massachusetts. I sent myself a test email using the same outgoing and
incoming servers I use for this list, and the times are correct to
within one minute of each other. So I guess I can safely say "It ain't
me, man!"

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Message Boards

2002-06-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Sconce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "gnhlug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: Message Boards

> Density of worthwhile content would seem to depend on quality of
> moderation, then, whether newsgroup, mailing list, or message
> board(*).  Right?
> (*) This was the downfall of some of the examples I mentioned in
> my earlier post.  It seems to be an always recurring, and always
> unfulfilled, hope that some clever mechanical device will yield
> high quality content without human effort.

Density of worthwhile content also depends on the quality of the
contributors. A good editor can get the works of Shakespeare much more
readily by editing the output of a Christopher Marlowe or a John Webster
than he can from 1000 chimpanzees. It is amazing how the required level
of moderation is inversely proportional to the IQ and maturity of the

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Message Boards

2002-06-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Bill Sconce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "gnhlug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Message Boards

> For what it's worth, *I* don't get message boards.  Several other
> groups(*) I'm involved with have tried to set up message boards,
> or message-board-like facilities, in the past few months;  the
> ensuing dialogue in each case was suggestive of a solution in
> search of a problem.
> I'm not attacking message boards;  I just don't understand them.

Message boards are like news servers. The advantage of message boards is
that you can set one up on a server you don't have control of, such as a
shared hosting box. Most are written in PERL and all you need is the
ability to run CGI. The advantage of message boards over PUBLIC news
servers is they allow you to control who has access and who does NOT
have access. However, if you have a machine and can set up your own NNTP
server and moderate and control access to it, you probably have no need
for a message board.

The advantage of message boards over mailing lists is that YOU go to
THEM, they do not come to you. Thus, you read only what you want to
read, when you want to read it, and don't have to delete messages or
whole threads from your mailbox that you have no interest in. (I have
joined and dropped many mailing lists over the last few years for just
this reason. I also considered dropping THIS list once for that very
same reason.) :o)

There is nothing inherently wrong with message boards. Their only
downfall is who runs them. You can have some neat features, like todays
active topics, threads sorted in order of most recent post, private
messaging, and the ability to see who's on line, and you can prevent
users from using html tags or "ubb script" to link to stupid sig images
if you want.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Client Side Includes for HTML

2002-05-07 Thread Rich C

For those who are curious, and to punish those who don't care, :) I will
recap what I decided to do about my problem:

Basically, there IS NO GOOD WAY to do client-side includes in HTML (at
least not until HTML 4.0 comes out or the mainstream browsers are
upgraded to include some of the features that have been in place since
the mid '80s.) So the only semi-universal way seems to be Javascript. I
didn't want to do anything with PHP on the client or SSI because the
code that I am going to give people to paste into their web pages has to
run on ANY server, from AOL to Tripod to any one of the miriad of free
or cheap hosting companies out there. I also wanted to abstain from
frames, as most of the people "programming" these web pages don't have a
clue about frames anyway. (Bill E. I'm not talking about you.) :)

So we're pretty much stuck with Javascript. The easiest thing to use is
the document.write function, which is a pain because the code you
generate can't have any line feeds or Javascript "special characters" in

The NEAT thing I learned is that the file you include in your client
code doesn't HAVE to have a .js extension. If you make it a .php file,
the server (MY server) will process the php code, and feed the requested
file to the client as plain HTML. So the results go like this:

Client's web page:"</A>;>

The remote_script file looks like this:


What I get AT THE CLIENT for inclusion in the page is this:

document.write('very human-unfriendly HTML code but who

which gets inserted nicely inline in the client's web page.

That's it. Now that I've explained all this, it should release me from
the obligation of giving a talk on the subject, right?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Rich C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: OT: Client Side Includes for HTML

> I have been searching the web for two days looking for an easy way to
> this.
> I don't want to use SSI.
> I don't want to use frames in the target web page; I would like to
> the included code appear inline.
> I don't want to wait for HTML 4.0- or XML-compliant browsers to
> implement entities.
> Javascript document.write() is a kludge because the string cannot have
> any line breaks.
> The solution must be fully portable (at least as fully portable as
> Javascript is), that is, the code must be able to reside on ANY
> At this point I'm on the verge of writing a PHP parser to "clean up"
> documents I wish to include, so the document.write() function doesn't
> barf.
> Any other ideas?
> Rich Cloutier
> President, C*O
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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Re: Another Apache Question

2002-05-07 Thread Rich C

Since you're running ssl, you need to configure
"/etc/httpd/conf/ssl/mod_ssl.conf" as well (that's where it is on a
Mandrake/Red Hat box anyway.)

This is the default in my mod_ssl.conf:

SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300

Not sure why you have 60 seconds tho (except your log entries seem to
have one minute resolution.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Tilly, Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 11:49 AM
Subject: Another Apache Question

Well, the good news is that it looks like a few die-hard penguin banner
wavers here have managed to get the Powers-That-Be to bring in some
Linux boxes to evaluate as possible web servers alternatives. One more
step toward world-domination...   :-)

The problem is that one of my friends, Mark,  who is involved with the
project is still having some Apache growing-pains. He's fairly new to
Apache (previously just iPlanet) and is trying to understand why we're
seeing some of the things we are.  What he's working on now is that
we're trying to get Apache (1.3.something) to drop persistent sessions
sooner to help free up connection resources. He has set the timeout to
what we worked out would be "enough to keep most users persistent but
not enough to waste" (12 seconds in this case) but it appears it's still
holding for 60.  Below is a copy of the message Mark forwarded me
yesterday showing what he's seeing in the logs as well as something that
struck him as a possible contributor.

He and I would greatly appreciate it if anyone out in GNHLUG-land could
assist. We're having this problem on our current Sun architecture but we
doubt it will just "go away" when we set up on the Linux boxes in the
next few weeks.  As you can imagine, we are very excited about an
opportunity to prove the value and usability of Apache and especially
Linux here in a primarily IBM & Sun shop (no pressure...go
to your happy place, Larry...). If someone would prefer to mail me
off-list I can put you in direct email contact with Mark (he's not a
subscriber to this list).

As always - advTHANKSance 


>  -Original Message-
> To: Tilly, Lawrence
> [06/May/2002 09:12:21 12264] [info]  Subsequent (No.15) HTTPS request
> received for child 9 (server
> [06/May/2002 09:12:21 12256] [info]  Subsequent (No.14) HTTPS request
> received for child 1 (server
> [06/May/2002 09:13:21 12264] [info]  Connection to child 9 closed with
> standard shutdown (server, client
> [06/May/2002 09:13:21 12256] [info]  Connection to child 1 closed with
> standard shutdown (server, client
> The persistent session timeout in httpd.conf is set to 12 seconds, but
> it looks like the connection is being kept open for 60 seconds.
> Maybe relevent:
> This is commented out, so we can use persistence with IE
> ###SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \
> ### nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
> ### downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

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OT: Client Side Includes for HTML

2002-05-06 Thread Rich C

I have been searching the web for two days looking for an easy way to do

I don't want to use SSI.
I don't want to use frames in the target web page; I would like to have
the included code appear inline.
I don't want to wait for HTML 4.0- or XML-compliant browsers to
implement entities.

Javascript document.write() is a kludge because the string cannot have
any line breaks.

The solution must be fully portable (at least as fully portable as
Javascript is), that is, the code must be able to reside on ANY server.

At this point I'm on the verge of writing a PHP parser to "clean up" any
documents I wish to include, so the document.write() function doesn't

Any other ideas?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: Tape Backups

2002-05-02 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Karl J. Runge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: Tape Backups

> As to capacity?  I have yet to ever fill a /dev/null device.  I'm not
> *saying* they have infinite capacity, and I know it's ridiculous to
> this, but I really get the feeling that these things are bottomless.
> (now watch someone prove me wrong.  I'm sure /. will now have an
> about some idiot who's recently filled theirs up!)
> - --

There is a controversial new theory out (all new theories are
controversial at first I guess) that states that there are a finite
number of bits in the universe, and that bits sent to /dev/null pass
through some sort of binary wormhole where they are scrambled beyond
recognition and emerge on the other side of the computing universe in
something called "windows update."

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: ATA disks and controllers (was: Hoss Traders)

2002-05-01 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Ken Ambrose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: ATA disks and controllers (was: Hoss Traders)

> darn close to a DOLLAR a GB.  Which is just obscene. ;-)

No, what is obscene is that I paid TWO DOLLARS per MEGABYTE for a 500 MB
Fujitsu drive back in 1994.

What I could do with that grand now if i still had it! Oh well... It was
a nice drive and I believe it still runs (although it's been out of
service for some time.)

As far as WD goes, I refuse to buy them. I had a very bad run a few
years ago when the 2.5 GB drives were mainstream. I had about 4 drives
that I had come into contact with, either mine or clients', that failed.
Two were still under warranty, two were JUST out of warranty (3 years I
believe.) Both were replaced, and both subsequently have failed. For
those keeping score, that is EVERY SINGLE WD drive that I have seen has

Other drives I have from Conner, Seagate, Fujitsu, Maxtor, and yes, even
IBM are still running fine. Even my 4 60GXPs are all still running
(knock on wood.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: How to create a GUID?

2002-04-30 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Jerry Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: How to create a GUID?

> I set the MAC
> address on my cable modem router to the same as my PC so I can easily
> the PC into the cable modem in the case where I must deal with the
> service droids.

Yes but, if you are smart (as I'm sure you are, :) ) the NIC whose
address you cloned is sitting on a shelf somewhere and NOT in your
network. So again the MAC address of your router can be assumed to be

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: SMP kernels?

2002-04-29 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Ben Boulanger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 10:01 PM
Subject: Re: SMP kernels?

> Hash: SHA1
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> In a message dated: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 17:55:56 EDT
> Ben Boulanger said:
> >> Interesting...  Here's mine (only showing 1 cpu):
> >
> >Yep, doesn't look like SMP support is on.. As I recall, I just
> >the kernel with SMP support, I don't remember anything tricky (other
> >making grub recognize it, getting fed up with grub and going back to
> >lilo:))
> Hmmm, I wonder if the second CPU isn't seated properly.  I recently
> had this system in pieces on the floor and re-assembled it.  I wonder
> if I didn't re-seat the CPU correctly.

When you boot, (with an Award BIOS for Intel at least, ) you get either
",1 CPUS" or ",2 CPUS" appearing on POST right after the memory test is
complete. If you get the first message, then your second CPU is either
not working or not inserted correctly.

> The funny thing is that things on this system seem amazingly fast
> compared to the 2.4.16 kernel I was running before?!!!
> - --

I think the newly rewritten VMM is effective with 2.4.17, correct? So
that may be part of the speed increase you are seeing.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RAMBUS (was: AMD vs Intel)

2002-04-24 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 2:14 AM
Subject: RAMBUS (was: AMD vs Intel)

> On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, at 1:02pm, Rich C wrote:
> >> There is also the latency issue, which I have yet to have confirmed
> >> or denied to my satisfaction.
> >
> > There IS higher latency with RAMBUS ...
>   I stated that poorly.  What I should have said was that I have not
seen an
> analysis of the latency issue that provides sufficient information for
me to
> draw conclusions that satisfy me.

Me either. The only thing I have seen so far is that the new DDR400 RAM
theoretically has the same memory bandwidth as dual channel PC800 RDRAM
(3.2 GB/sec), and holds a slight edge in memory performance benchmarks:
491__6 (one big page)

Most "experts" I've read attribute the difference to the higher latency
of RAMBUS architecture.

> > However, RAMBUS is serial and capable of much higher speeds, which
> > overcome the latency issue.
>   For example, the above statement is dubious.  Simply increasing the
> transfer rate does not automatically solve latency concerns.
>   Allow me to illistrate with an extreme example: Say you want to hold
> conversation with someone in another star system.  Even if you had a
> transfer rate of twenty terabytes per second, it would still take
years for
> you to greet each other.

Your example is flawed. Increasing the bus speed of the memory is
analogous to increasing the speed of light in your example, which would
indeed improve things. Only when we get to FSB speeds of tens of
gigahertz will we run into the propagation "brick wall" of
electromagnetic energy in a copper medium.

> > Just because a system has higher latency doesn't necessarily mean
it's a
> > bad design.
>   Likewise, just because a system has higher data transfer rates does
> necessarily mean it is a good design.  I am not saying that the higher
> latency of RAMBUS kills it, but rather, that the higher data transfer
> does not automatically make it better.

I did not say that higher data rates were the only thing required to
overcome latency issues. Such things as interleaving and data prediction
(prefetch) can also be used to overcome latency issues. (I mentioned
this in my comment on CPU internal latency.) Even in your [flawed]
example, with these improvements, and a high enough data rate, we could
pass back and forth all the data our respective civilizations would want
to know in one transfer cycle.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that RAMBUS by itself is a good idea,
or that there aren't better ones out there. However, it is only recently
with the advent of 2+ gigahertz processors with large caches that the
available memory bandwidth of RAMBUS is being fully utilized. And only
recently with the advent of DDR400 is the latency of RAMBUS even
becoming an issue. It will be interesting to see which technology forms
the basis for the new technologies we will see for faster memory

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: AMD vs Intel (was: Hardware Pointers)

2002-04-23 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: AMD vs Intel (was: Hardware Pointers)

>   On the other hand, I've used high-quality boards with VIA chipsets
> have never given me a second of trouble.  The difference is in the
> of the board, not the chipset.

The fact that VIA's implementation of the AGP specification is flawed or
their AC97 sound codec is worthless has nothing to do with the board

> > Bugs is one thing. How fast the workarounds are created is another.
>   I'm really not sure what you are trying to say there.  If you mean
> speed of the fix... well, if I remember correctly, Intel had to face
> media pressure before they even admitted the FDIV bug existed... ?
> > True, it is a perception issue, but it's still important.
>   Eh?  Are we talking technical merits here, or who has the bigger
> budget?  :)  If marketing muscle is an "important" factor, then I
guess I
> should stop using this Linux thing... ;-)

I'm saying that Intel is still the "reference standard" like it or not.
If a software program works on Intel, and not on AMD, they will first
blame AMD before blaming themselves. And yes it IS all who has the
bigger marketing budget and the largest market presence.

As far as your Linux comment goes, that is irrelevant. When two
corporations are fighting for the consumer dollar, then yes, marketing
muscle is important. Linux is not "fighting" for any market share, and
the large corporations with the big marketing budgets have nothing to
fight against. Where Linux is concerned, marketing is irrelevant. That's
really what the corporate types don't understand.

> > The errata is masked by the fact that most people use Windows.
> > admins mostly use Intel.
>   I really don't get what you are trying to say here.  How are
> bugs masked by the fact that most people use MS Windows?  And what
does the
> fact that server admins mostly use Intel have to do with that?

System halts are common enough with Windows. Reboots are frequent and
accepted by users. Any processor bugs are more than masked by failures
in the OS and the software that runs on those processors. (Why the HELL
do you need to reboot an NT 4 machine to clear the PRINTER QUEUE But
you do)

Servers are expected to run continuously, 24/7, under anything from idle
conditions to heavy loads. ECC RAM, SCSI RAID, redundant power supplies,
UPS, Intel processors and Linux or BSD all go towards the reliability
and continued functionality of these machines.

>   There is also the latency issue, which I have yet to have confirmed
> denied to my satisfaction.

There IS higher latency with RAMBUS, which is finally  becoming evident
now that DDR is approaching RAMBUS's memory bandwidth. We are seeing
boards that utilize DDR400 (still an unratified spec) beating boards
using the 850 chipset and RAMBUS. However, RAMBUS is serial and capable
of much higher speeds, which can overcome the latency issue. We also see
latency within the CPU core. This is being addressed in various ways,
including speed, pipelining, and branch prediction. Just because a
system has higher latency doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad design.

> > But the fact that you CAN overclock an Intel processor much more
than an
> > AMD processor ...
>   Would you mind backing that up with some references?  I am not an
> overclocker, but I do read about that stuff from time to time, and
> everything I've encountered has indicated a strong preference for AMD
> Intel in the OC world.  My understanding is that Intel makes it much
> to overclock their chips.

A quick check of the CPU database at yielded these

AVERAGE overclocking results from an Athlon XP 1900+ (1600 MHz): 1800
MHz or 12.5%

AVERAGE overclocking results from an Intel P4 1.6A (1600 MHz): 2351 MHz
or 46.9%

The MOST overclockable AMD I found in a quick perusal of the database
was a Morgan 1GHz processor that averaged 1245 MHz or 24.5%. Please let
me know if you find higher ratios. I didn't go through the whole thing,
and I don't know which AMDs are the "most overclockable."

>   There is also the issue of the 1.13 GHz Pentium III, which was
> overclocked, by Intel, beyond stable limits.  That's not what I would
> "much more", but rather, "much less".  :-)

As with both companies, there are CPUs that overclock well and those
that don't. Obviously, the 1.13 GHz PIII you mention (I asssume you mean
the Coppermine not the Tualatin) is already at the top (or past the
top?) of it's frequency limit. The "most overclockable" CPUs are the
ones that are at the bottom end of the frequency range for a particular
core design. Thus the 1.6 Northwood is much more overclockable (46.9%
avg increase) than the 2.2 Northwood (31.4% avg increase.) When perusing

Re: Memory types (was: Hardware Pointers)

2002-04-23 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Komarinski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Memory types (was: Hardware Pointers)

> On Tue, 2002-04-23 at 13:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >Just remember that DDR333 is double the actual clock speed (166MHz)
> >
> > Are they using Intel floating point precision to compute that?
> >
> > According my math, 166 * 2 = 332 :)
> That's integer math.  IIRC the actual clock speed is 166.66
> -Mark

Actually, the true clock speed of most motherboards is not exactly what
the specs say anyway. In fact, this is how some motherboard
manufacturers get higher benchmark figures--by overclocking the system
slightly. So your 1000 MHz PIII might be running at 1003 MHz in one
motherboard and 1001.5 MHz in another motherboard, and 998.5 MHz in
still a third motherboard.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Memory types (was: Hardware Pointers)

2002-04-23 Thread Rich C

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: Memory types (was: Hardware Pointers) 

> Hash: SHA1
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> In a message dated: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:49:44 -
> "Rich C" said:
> >Just remember that DDR333 is double the actual clock speed (166MHz)
> Are they using Intel floating point precision to compute that?
> According my math, 166 * 2 = 332 :)
> - -- 

No, marketing types don't use decimal points :)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Memory types (was: Hardware Pointers)

2002-04-23 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 10:32 PM
Subject: Memory types (was: Hardware Pointers)

>   Are we sufficiently confused yet?  :-)
BAH! It's easy!

Just remember that DDR333 is double the actual clock speed (166MHz)
because it's "Double" Data Rate memory, and that it's equivalent
"PC" number is 8 times that, or PC2700 (more or less.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: (OT) Hardware Pointers

2002-04-23 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: (OT) Hardware Pointers


>   The PC shows are strictly caveat emptor.  You can and will find
> vendors selling good stuff there.  You can and will find vendors
> junk that is, at least, presented as junk.  And you will find con


>   Hah!  You won't go to a PC show, but you buy off PriceWatch
> :-)  At least with the PC shows, I have the world's oldest warranty:
If the
> thing I buy does not work, I can track the vendor down and beat him
over the
> head with it!  ;-)

IF he's still there and hasn't slipped out the back door with your
money. ;)

I don't just randomly buy off PriceWatch listings. I said that I have a
list of vendors that I have used and trust and who are consistently the
low price leaders. I also use to check out a vendor
I'm not familiar with. I guess it's all what you're used to. If you have
been going to computer shows for years and always see the same guy in
the same spot month after month and he's doing a brisk business, you can
probably be safe with him. But I would never walk into that unfamiliar
territory and feel comfortable parting with my hard-earned cash.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: AMD vs Intel (was: Hardware Pointers)

2002-04-22 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: AMD vs Intel (was: Hardware Pointers)

> On 21 Apr 2002, at 3:38pm, Rich Cloutier wrote:
> > 1. If your heatsink falls off or your CPU fan dies, the processor
> > slows down and stops. I doesn't die like AMD processors do.
>   If the CPU fan dies, or you power-on without a heatsink, an AMD
> should halt safely.  The "heatsink falls off" case is real.

SHOULD, but doesn't. I have talked to numerous OEMs of AMD processors
and motherboards, and they have told me many stories of idiots who have
installed their Athlon and Duron CPUs and powered the motherboards up
without a heat sink, "just to see if they worked" and have fried in some
cases 3 CPUs in a row.

>   AMD considers the over-temp protection function to be the job of the
> motherboard, not the CPU.  I -- and pretty much the rest of the
world --
> disagree, but that is the way it is (for now, anyway).  For the
> falls off" scenario, the sensor/monitor AMD provided in their
> design does not react fast enough, resulting catastrophic, permanent
> of the chip package -- i.e., it literally burns up.  If the fan dies,
or you
> power-on without a heatsink, the temperature rise is (in theory) slow
> that the monitoring electronics can see the problem and kill the power
> before any permanent damage occurs.  Supposedly, AMD is working with
> motherboard OEMs to create a better sensor/monitor design which can
> fast enough for all scenarios.

If the fan dies, you get a slow rise in temperature which should cause
the current circuitry to work. However, powering the chip on with no
heatsink is not really any different than removing the heatsink from a
running processor. The core and substrate are not nearly massive enough
to dissipate the heat generated. The only advantage you MIGHT get is the
difference between normal operating temperature (40 degrees C or so) and
room temperature. The article referenced below:

mentions that the processors smoke and reach temps of  over 300C within

"Those pictures cannot show you what happened by far as good as our
test-lab video. A split second after the heat sink had been taken off
the Palomino-Athlon, the system crashed. We then watched in horror as
smoke clouds rose from the overheating core. The temperature measurement
ensured us of what we had feared. No semiconductor survives almost 300
degrees Celsius / 580 degrees Fahrenheit. Palomino was dead."

15 degrees is a very small part of THAT temperature curve.

AMD IS working on a solution:

but there is still a large number of motherboards on the market without
this feature.

>   Note: This is all based on what I have read online from various
sites.  I
> only have one AMD Athlon, which I paid good money for, and I am not
about to
> test it by pulling the heatsink off while it is running.  ;-)  (I'm
> about to do it for the Intel PIII I'm typing this on, either.)

Nor am I. But I feel better knowing that if my fan dies or my socket
cracks, my CPU is likely to survive the ordeal.

> > 2. There don't seem to be too many chipset choices for AMD
> > besides VIA ...
>   VIA, SIS, ALI, and AMD all make chipsets for the K7 (Athlon/Duron)
> > ... based on MY experience and those of others I have read, VIA are
> > the best chipset manufacturers out there.
>   My analysis of the situation has not so much been that the chipsets
> but that some motherboard OEMs do a lousy job of integrating them.
There is
> a lot more flexibility of design in the AMD world.  Since AMD's
> have a lower price, there also tend to be a lot more "entry-level
> (read: cheap pieces of junk) in the AMD world.  The result is that
there is
> a much greater opportunity to buy a lemon.

Well then the junk manufacturers use VIA for Intel solutions too,
because I have had problems with all the VIA motherboards I have used,
regardless of platform.

>   As with Linux, more available choices means more bad choices as well
> more good choices.  I still prefer choice.
> > 3. With Intel, you NEVER have to worry if there is a software
> > issue.
>   Bull.  Remember the F00F bug?  How about the FDIV bug?  There are
> too.  All chips have bugs, including Intel's.
>   If you want, you can declare "whatever Intel's chips do is correct",
> you can do that for AMD, too.  It is a pissing contest either way.

Bugs is one thing. How fast the workarounds are created is another.
True, it is a perception issue, but it's still important. If you don't
agree, go ask the folks from Cyrix.

>   What really matters is, "Can you get your work done?"  Both brands
> a "yes" an

Re: Sophisticated backup software for Linux

2002-04-19 Thread Rich C

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: BSD distro for MacOSX?

2002-04-16 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin D. Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: BSD distro for MacOSX?

> Can anybody confirm or deny that OS X can run Linux binaries?
> I've heard that it can, to some extent (with the usual caveats).
Not sure, but I THINK if it is compiled under linux/PPC, it MIGHT run.
Having a common processor architecture is key I believe.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: SpeedStep and Linux

2002-04-09 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 7:01 PM
Subject: SpeedStep and Linux

>   Try pressing [CTRL]+[ALT]+[+] or [CTRL]+[ALT]+[-] (use the number
> keys, not the QWERTY section).  Those were the keystrokes used to
> the speed on my Tandy.  Maybe Intel "innovated" those, too.

Aren't those the default keystrokes to change your X resolution? That
may very well alter the speed of your system, but not in the way you
intend. :)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Apache server attbi question: Update

2002-04-03 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Kenny Donahue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "gnhlug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Apache server attbi question: Update

> Thanks for all the help.
> Everything is working now.

> I still don't know the
> exact cause of the problem .

See "C" below.

> I was playing with it last
> night, got angry and rebooted the server.  After that
> it worked.

See "D" below.

> Did I mention I was running windows ?

See "A" above.

> Nothing changed. The IP address for the server stayed
> the same ( I use DHCP from the Linksys) and I had stopped/
> /started the Apache server several times thinking that
> was the issue.

See "B" above.

Windows is the problem. Making changes to a Windows program that messes
with the registry and not rebooting at least twice is the problem. These
programs are so intertwined with the registry, and how drivers and .dlls
get loaded, that they have a ripple effect, and making one change can
cause different results on 2 or 3 subsequent reboots. Trust me, this has
happened to me on several occasions.

Glad it's working now though :)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Apache server attbi question

2002-04-02 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: Apache server attbi question

> I believe what causes this is that the router forwards the source IP
> and port (that of the client) to the virtual host as-is (i.e. it does
> not NAT the client).  Since the IP address is internal, the server
> sends the traffic to it directly, rather than back through the router.
> The client is expecting a reply from, but the return
> traffic appears to come from 192.168.x.x instead of, so
> the IP stack throws it out.

Yes that makes sense. Thanks. The way we get around it here is to have a
"DNS" entry in the local hosts file for each machine: 192.168.1.x

This overrides the external reference for that host and uses the
internal IP address. Therefore, all references to are resolved properly.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Apache server attbi question

2002-04-02 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 5:06 PM
Subject: Re: Apache server attbi question

> I believe what causes this is that the router forwards the source IP
> and port (that of the client) to the virtual host as-is (i.e. it does
> not NAT the client).  Since the IP address is internal, the server
> sends the traffic to it directly, rather than back through the router.
> The client is expecting a reply from, but the return
> traffic appears to come from 192.168.x.x instead of, so
> the IP stack throws it out.

Yes that makes sense. Thanks. The way we get around it here is to have a
"DNS" entry in the local hosts file for each machine: 192.168.1.x

This overrides the external reference for that host and uses the
internal IP address. Therefore, all references to are resolved properly.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Apache server attbi question

2002-04-02 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Kenneth E. Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kenny Donahue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "gnhlug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Apache server attbi question

> If you are inside your network, and you are pointing the browser at
> external ip address, you may need to go through an external proxy to
> properly route the traffic out then back in. It is possible that ATT
> blocking incomming http, but that is doubtful. You could give us the
> address, and we could check it out from the outside ;-)

I have found this to  be the case with my setup, but I thought it was
due to my SMC router. When I set up a virtual host in the router to
route http port 80 to my internal machine (192.168.1.x) port 80, the web
site is NOT visible from inside the network, but it IS visible to people
outside. We have this same problem here at work with Microsoft's RAS
router software too. I don't know what the mechanism is, but somehow,
outgoing http requests to the same IP address are being ignored instead
of looped back.

Changing the port to something different either on the inside or outside
does not affect this behavior.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Internet Shutdown

2002-03-29 Thread Rich C

- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Internet Shutdown 

> Someone did this and then sent it to gnhlug,
> probably from within zk3 :)
> (Bayard? ;)

Nope, it was the dragon.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Internet Shutdown

2002-03-29 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Jerry Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Internet Shutdown

> It seems that a bunch of '1' bits have gotten stuck
> sideways in the fiber over the years and is really causing a backup
> of data flow along major trunk lines.

Um, excuse me, but there are no "1" and "0" bits in fiber optic cable.
There are only "light" and "dark" bits. The fiber optic transceivers
must make the translation. And I heard it was dark bits that were stuck
in the cables. I also heard a team of Qwest engineers were going to ride
the lines looking for these stuck dark bits.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Internet Shutdown

2002-03-29 Thread Rich C

Are you sure that's not just a .NET shutdown?

What program are they using? Norton Internet Sweep 2001?

Do I have to physically unplug my machines or is leaving them off

If I leave my computer on will my Browser cache be cleaned out too?

Do they have a backup of the internet in case something goes wrong?

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Re: RAID Problems

2002-03-28 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Bob Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 2:34 PM
Subject: Re: RAID Problems

> You would think so, wouldn't you?  However, one of my Netgear
> FA310TX's that I've been using for about 2 years suddenly stopped
> working a few weeks ago.  It wouldn't work in Win98, Linux, or in
> another machine (running a fresh install of Win98).  Win98 saw it and
> simply said that it wasn't working properly; Linux actually spit out
> some error messages.  The link LED on my switch never went on.
> Netgear just replaced it under there lifetime warranty.

Precisely my point. Although 2 years is a long time for a design flaw to
become evident, that was in fact the reason for the failure. You are not
the only one who has had a Netgear card stop working. That is why I now
use Linksys. While this is an unusual case, it is generally true that
once something has worked well for a while, it will tend to keep
working, _provided you don't stress it by exceeding its specifications_.

Further to my point, when it failed, it stopped working completely. It
worked, then it didn't.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RH7.2 install

2002-03-27 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 8:42 PM
Subject: RH7.2 install

> Okay, I've installed RH7.2 (no erratas) 4 times today.  Not once has
> it come up with X running, yet each time I specifically stated that
> I wanted to use GNOME and wanted it to be started at boot time.
> This  *seems* to be a thing with them, and as Ben stated, broken and
> misbehaving software seems to be status quo with them :)

OK. I never did 7.2, only went as far as 6.2, then switched over to
Mandrake 8.1. IT works.

Did you look at inittab and see specifically where it was broken?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: RH7.2 install question

2002-03-27 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 4:55 PM
Subject: RH7.2 install question

> Anyone install RH7.2, have the X config go smoothly, have it tell you
> that GNOME would be your desktop, choose a graphical login, and still
> have it present you with a text login?

I think you may have missed a tiny little check box that asks if you
WANT to start X on bootup...

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: linux article

2002-03-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message - 
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: linux article

> Also, Evidently
> Microsoft convinced the German Parliament to continue using Windows
> NE.  I wasn't aware they had such a product.

Yes, it's the Windows "Nonexistent Edition."

It doesn't do much, but they finally fixed all the security holes!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: BIOS entry for Quantex CPU?

2002-03-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Bayard Coolidge USG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: BIOS entry for Quantex CPU?

> IOW, beware of Murphy's Law, as well as O'Brien's law!

Anyone who falls victim to Murphy's Law wasn't fully prepared, and I don't
even know WHAT O'Brien's Law is.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: BIOS entry for Quantex CPU?

2002-03-05 Thread Rich C

EVERY BIOS I've ever encountered has used either the Del or F2 keys to
access the BIOS.

I would try one of these...after all HOW MUCH DAMAGE can you do to a machine
even before the BIOS is fully loaded and the hard drives are accessed?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Rodent of Unusual Size" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Triangle Linux Users Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Greater New Hampshire
Linux Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 6:42 AM
Subject: BIOS entry for Quantex CPU?

> One of my relatives has a friend (yeay, yeah, you've heard this
> before.. :-) who has a Quantex CPU.  She now needs to get into
> the BIOS to change a setting, but a) the manual doesn't indicate
> the BIOS entry key sequence, b) Quantex is gone, and c) the
> [very quick] black startup screen doesn't seem to say 'press foo
> for system setup.'  She's reluctant to press random/common keys,
> and I can't say I blame her.
> Does anyone here have any ideas?
> --
> #ken P-)}
> Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
> Author, developer, opinionist  http://Apache-Server.Com/
> "Millennium hand and shrimp!"
> *
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Re: Testing UPS

2002-03-01 Thread Rich C

How about sending them just the damaged power supplies? I'm sure you've
replaced them by now anyway, and if they can't evaluate with just those, I
wouldn't put much stock in them as a company anyway...

As far as testing the UPS...well, the only way a UPS can "blow" a power
supply is to exceed its input ratings for either voltage or frequency, so
you would need to monitor those under varying conditions to see if it's

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 3:05 PM
Subject: Testing UPS

> Hi,
> I have a BestPower Fortress 1800 (16A) that seems to have blown the power
> supplies inn two of my servers. I'm not a happy camper, especially since
> Best Power want nothing to do with it unless I give them my damaged
> for two months while they evaluate the situation. In any case, does anyone
> know where I can get the UPS tested properly? I don't want to test it by
> plugging another machine into it.  :-)
> Thanks,
> Rob.
> *
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Re: Satelite systems

2002-02-18 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: Satelite systems

> On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Marc Evans wrote:
> > Starband has their uplink in Georgia. The results of 60 seconds of 80
> > ping packets without BST to the nearest pingable router are:
> >
> > round-trip min/avg/max = 660.2/1054.0/2046.2 ms
>   For satellite, I believe the nearest pingable router is in orbit, so
> does not include the trip back to Earth, or the return journey.  (I could
> wrong on this.)

I believe you are [wrong;] the satellite is merely a repeater at the
physical layer.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Throughput of DSL Internet

2002-02-18 Thread Rich C

If you want to get a quick and dirty "estimate" of how things are, there is
a program called Visual route that does visual
traceroutes between two points (yours and the target of your choice.)

There is a Linux version (it is java, but bear in mind that it does NOT
support the Kaffe VM that comes with RH/Mandrake; you need Sun's or
Blackdown's VM (there is a list of supported VMs in the docs.)

The trace shows the min/max latencies, and shows a comparison of round trip
time at each point in the route. You can connect a DSL node to cable node
and just watch for a's pretty interesting, but it probably won't
get you any quantitative results. There is no logging, and you won't get any
raw throughput data (large file transfer rates.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Bayard Coolidge USG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: Throughput of DSL Internet

> "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >>> I'm much more concerned about whether my provider will be around
> >>> next year. I don't expect AT&T to disappear any time soon.  Not
> >>> nearly so sure about Covad and its resellers.
> Bear in mind that some of us wish we had a DSL to compare to... I
> gave up long ago on Verizontal providing DSL on my exchange (not to
> mention updating the SLIC box in my neighborhood, 12000 feet from my
> house). In the meanwhile, Metrocast completely rewired my entire
> town (36 sq. mi, 4200 people), and brought Cable TV to my house for
> the first time. (There was no aluminum coax to rip out as none was
> ever installed).
> Yes, it's going to be extremely difficult to compare the two. However,
> I submit that it could be done by making a large number of measurements,
> by going to many different web sites at many different times of the day
> and week and taking a composite average.
> Just my 20 millidollars' worth and unrelated to any opinions my employer
> might or might not have on the subject...
> Bayard
> ---
> Bayard R. Coolidge N1HO DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed are
> Compaq Computer Corp. solely those of the author, and not
> Nashua, New Hampshire, USA those of Compaq Computer Corporation
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (DEC '77-'98)  or any other entity.
> "Brake for Moose - It could save your life" - N.H. Fish & Game Dept.
> Version: 3.12
> GCS/CC d+ s:+ a++ C+++$ UO++$L++>$ P L++>$ E-@ W+ N++ o- K? w--- O? M?
> V-- PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP- t++ 5? X? R* tv b++ DI+++ D? G e++ h-- r++ y? UF++
> ---
> *
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> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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Re: Sorta OT, but I'm stuck...

2002-02-15 Thread Rich C

Also, do you have mod_perl compiled/loaded in Apache?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message - 
From: "Jack Hodgson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 10:56 AM
Subject: Sorta OT, but I'm stuck...

> Elmer,
> I blew away most of yesterday trying to figure out how to config my 
> Apache server (remember me? I'm the newbie, who's doing his first 
> linux install) to serve perl scripts as pages.
> The websites that I've managed, that are commercially hosted, support 
> this capability routinely, and the docs I waded through yesterday all 
> pretty much agree on how it's done (I thought), but I couldn't get it 
> working.
> Here's basically what did. I added:
>Options +ExecCGI
> to /etc/apache/access.conf
> and I added '.pl' to this directive
>AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
> in /etc/apache/srm.conf
> I tried many permutations of these, but no joy.
> What have I missed? Or done wrong.
> Thanks.
> -- Jack Hodgson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 603-433-7161 
> *
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> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
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Re: Humor: NT and security

2002-02-14 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: Humor: NT and security

> On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Michael Costolo wrote:
> > Just out of curiosity, doesn't Tom's Root Boot Disk do the same thing
> > Linux?
>   Sure would.
>   Repeat after me: "If physical security is lost, all security is lost."
Which is why I disable floppy and CD booting in the BIOS, and password
protect the BIOS setup. Still not safe, but why make it easy?

Incidentally, I tell people whose systems I work on as a matter of course
that I'm setting up their systems to boot from the floppy ONLY if the Hard
drive is not there. Keeps them from inadvertently leaving a floppy in the
drive when they shut down and causing problems on reboot.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-14 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Rich Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: linux/windows security

> Yes, however you are (I feel) missing a very important point. If you have
> an SMC/Linksys doing the job then Yes, that probably is a bit
> better than Windows Internet Sharing (and company). However you are still
> at the mecry of company X to provide with an update when they feel it's
> time for them to do so. I'm not bashing any of the companies that produce
> these products in particular, but your really not in any better a
> situation then with an other closed system solution.

That's why it is good to incorporate "layers" of security. The router is
primarily for convenience: it has a print server, a serial port for an
external dialup modem, and it doesn't load down MY already-too-slow computer
with "internet sharing software," and all the traffic associated with
multiple computer surfing the 'net. It has a firewall, which I make use of.
It also has a logging facility to record all activity, which I also make use
of. But the "inside" computers are protected too, with their own anti-virus
software, firewalls, and IDS systems

> > Not to mention the fact that to keep secure, I just have to go get
> > updates periodically. No more staying up late worrying if my
> > router had a hole in it somewhere. (Well I never actually did this but
> > get the point.)
> Yes, I do see your point, however if the later keeps you up at nights,
> then the thought of the undiscovered security hole, or worse yet the
> recently discovered secutiry hole for which the vendor hasn't supplied a
> patch you stop you from sleeping all together.

Actually, it wouldn't keep me up any more than some hole in a piece of open
source code that only bad guys knew about.

> Of course, having said all of that, I use a Ascend ISDN router to access
> the internet.a product from a company that doesn't exist anymore. You
> want to talk about being kept up at night?

Maybe you can sleep better knowing that crackers are probably not going to
waste their time trying to find an exploit for a piece of old equipment that
is being pulled from use because of lack of support. Just so long as the
company didn't go out of business because of their reputation for poor
security. :o)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: linux/windows security

2002-02-13 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Rauschenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: linux/windows security

> On Wednesday 13 February 2002 17:30, you wrote:
> > In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 22:48:57 EST
> >
> > "Thomas M. Albright" said:
> > >> What home user needs their machine up for 100 days straight?
> > >
> > >I do. My home is networked. To get onto the internet everyyone goes
> > >through If that machine is turned off, there is no
> > >avilable.
> This is so common a situation that you can now get IP MASQ appliances that
> this for you so that instead of having a dedicated Linux
> firewall/router/mutliplexer Win users can have a reliable machine provide
> MASQing (and I hear they use a lot less power).

I thought just about everyone did this. :) I was going to build a Linux
router, until I found my SMC unit: a router/firewall/DHCP server/4-port
switch that uses hardly any power, is always on so I don't have to be
powered up any more to get the rest of the family on the net, and it clones
my NIC address to boot, so I didn't even have to call AT&T/Mediaone to
update my MAC address/hostname. All for the low low price of $69.00. Much as
I would have enjoyed building a Linux router, I really couldn't justify it.

Not to mention the fact that to keep secure, I just have to go get firmware
updates periodically. No more staying up late worrying if my self-configured
router had a hole in it somewhere. (Well I never actually did this but you
get the point.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Ken D'Ambrosio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Newbie article at

> On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 17:45, Rich C wrote:
> > Right, the man pages are a reference work. That's the way I have always
> > considered them. You don't start reading the reference section of a
> > programmers manual to learn a new language, do you? Of course not. Man
> > are NOT a help system. For the CLI, there IS NO HELP SYSTEM. It's as
> > as that.
> Okay, I'll bite: VMS's help was good, but it wasn't like it was amazing
> or anything.  Fairly often, I had to hit the proverbial "documentation
> wall": that stack o' VMS manuals that took up a whole damn table.  If
> man pages == "NO HELP SYSTEM", then what *WOULD* you consider a help
> system?  I know that MS's "help", as convenient as it may be to hit F1,
> rarely helps me... whereas man pages usually do, and almost always point
> me in the right direction -- something that MS rarely does.  Bottom
> line: what do you want for help?  An AI assistant to help you with
> everything?  If so, I've got some bad news for you...

You're right, VMS's help system wasn't amazing. The thing that VMS had going
for it IMO is that it had, in addition to the help system, mostly "english
word" commands. You could do help, see a list of commands, get a pretty good
idea of which one you were looking for (COPY did copying, DIRectory did a
directory, BACKUP did backups.) From there you could drill down to what you
wanted. With UNIX, even if you got a list of commands, which one does
backups? "tar"? how is a newbie supposed to know that? (So then why doesn't
"feather" do restores?)

What is needed in a help system is something like what VMS had, but for
subject keywords like backup, restore, copy, directory, and stuff like that.
The help system doesn't really have to do much more than reference the
proper command to use, and say "Oh, you want to copy something? Well, if
it's just a file or two, see "cp." If it's an entire directory structure,
see "tar." If you want to copy a partition or disk, see "dd." Then the man
page can take over.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-13 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
To: "Greg Kettmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mansur, Warren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
"Ray Bowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Bruce Dawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Newbie article at

> In a message dated: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:48:49 EST
> Greg Kettmann said:
> >Sorry to pipe in, but I must.  The fact is that the learning / use curve
> >Linux, particularly compared to Windows, is very high.
> Yes, that's absolutely true.  But look at the reason why!  What were
> they each designed to do?
> Windows designed from the outset to be a SINGLE user system
> primarily for office suite use.  Every other use of
> Windows is a side benefit or add-on usage.
> UNIX designed from the outset to be a multi-tasking,
> multi-user SERVER that can do ANYTHING.

Yes but so was VMS, and as someone else mentioned, they had an excellent
help system. The two are not mutually exclusive. It's just that VMS was
developed in a structured environment, whereas Linux was not? What does this
mean? It simply proves the point that programmers don't like to do
documentation. :oP

> By nature you ought to expect UNIX and by extension, Linux, to be
> more complicated.  UNIX was never meant to be a desktop OS, it was
> designed in the days before anyone could ever conceive of such a
> thing!
> >They often lack real world examples as well.
> Keep in mind, 'man' stands for 'manual', which is short for
> "Reference Manual"  Show me any reference manual which contains a
> variety of real world examples.  Does Gray's Anatomy have a "real
> world example" of how to remove a kidney?  No, it's a reference,
> that's it, plain and simple.  You want real world examples, you get a
> HOWTO book with pictures and explanations.

Right, the man pages are a reference work. That's the way I have always
considered them. You don't start reading the reference section of a
programmers manual to learn a new language, do you? Of course not. Man pages
are NOT a help system. For the CLI, there IS NO HELP SYSTEM. It's as simple
as that.

[snip rest of stuff I don't care to comment on]

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: Interesting Newbie article at

2002-02-12 Thread Rich C

Interesting. Very common set of problems.

The real problem is this:

What the heck is a newbie doing attempting to install a complex operating
system? Many new distros, particularly Red Hat and Mandrake, have very nice
GUI installation programs that work wonderfully, and install automatically
WHEN THEY WORK. The end result is a completely installed OS that can now be
used by the newbie to learn Linux (Mandrake puts many links on the desktop
to get help, from help files for the desktop environment, to help on the
web, to browsers for man pages.) But when they DON'T work, you're screwed
unless you know what you are doing.

The real issue is that the newbie COULDN'T INSTALL the OS, not that he
couldn't use it. What happens if a Windows installation bombs? Well, if the
GUI doesn't work because of a bad configuration or screwy drivers, guess
what? There IS NO COMMAND LINE to fall back on. He is dead in the water
(maybe he starts in safe mode, which is a waste because NOTHING WORKS in
safe mode and you can't see any of your configuration settings in safe
mode.) OK, what if it boots, and you can actually see a desktop, but some
piece of hardware like your modem or printer doesn't work? You think Windows
Help system is useful? It may be THERE, but there's nothing substantive in
it, so what good is it? You still either a) need to be an expert, or b) need
a book, or c) need to call your computer geek friend to help you.

If every computer came with Linux installed, and the Windows users had to
wipe the disk and install their favorite OS, the tables would be turned, I
assure you.

My solution: get someone to help you install the thing at least!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Bruce Dawson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 3:30 PM
Subject: Interesting Newbie article at

> What appears to be a rather frustrated newbie posted the following
> article at the CentraLUG web site:
> *
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Re: GNOME's future

2002-02-01 Thread Rich C

Correct me if I'm wrong, as I'm no programmer, but I was under the
impression that the whole .NET thing was not Microsoft's invention anyway,
but simply a re-implementation of Sun's Java/Beans model that Microsoft
undertook when they realized what a stupid waste of time COM was...

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: Need to convert Latex to F*&@!$g Word format

2002-02-01 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater New Hampshire Linux User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: Need to convert Latex to F*&@!$g Word format

> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Steven W. Orr wrote:
> > Anyone know if this is at all possible?
>   Word can read ASCII text files... ;-)  Or even HTML files.
...and interpret them in its own unique and mysterious way

I think the OP was trying to preserve SOME of the formatting of the original

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: Couple of dumb kernel build questions (Mandrake 8.1)

2002-01-31 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hewitt USG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: Couple of dumb kernel build questions (Mandrake 8.1)

> I guess I should have mentioned that after my first install, I used the
> on-line update to install a bunch of security and bug fixes.
Unfortunately, I
> also selected the 2.4.8-xx kernel that they offered and when I rebooted
> machine, the system was no longer in the land of the living. Not knowing
> might have been overwritten I decided to just do a re-install which only
> about 20 minutes and got me right back to where I was before attempting
> on-line update. I concluded that not testing a kernel before using it was
a bad
> idea! ;^).

Ah yes, I forgot about that! The 2.4.8-34.1 kernel update messes up some
symbolic links in /boot. You have to go in there, fix the links (vmlinuz,, and one other I forget.) Then do a new mkinitrd for the new
kernel, and rerun LILO to get everything pointed to. THEN it will boot! I
learned this the hard way too. When I updated my Red Hat kernel, they fixed
all that stuff for me.

> This evening I'm going to try turning off the "Automatically mount hard
> kernel option and I'll rebuild the kernels after saving the tree from the
> existing installation. That way, if I still have problems at least I will
> able to restore a working copy. I think I might also try asking Mandrake
> how users can figure out what the kernel options are for whatever is
> by the distro. It seems like at a minimum you should be able to get kernel
> sources and configuration for what they automatically install.

Like I said, there is a .config file in /usr/src/linux that will be the
default install. It didn't work for me because the version of kernel I was
trying to build had way different questions and more options. But it should
work OK for you.

There is also "make oldconfig" which I have never tried, but it is supposed
to keep your existing configuration and only ask you questions pertaining to
"new" features...don't know if it comes in a gui version though...:)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

> Thanks for the input...
> -Alex
> Wirth's Law: Software gets slower faster than Hardware gets faster!
> "On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, it
> said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux."   - Anonymous
> Want to know what it looked like 1, 10, 100, 1000, 1,000,000
> years ago? Just look up on a clear night!
> On Thu, 31 Jan 2002, Rich C wrote:
> > Well, I have tried to build a 2.4.17-x kernel for MY mandrake 8.1
> > but it doesn't seem to get the network running, and I haven't had time
> > pursue it lately.
> >
> > But here is what I've learned so far:
> >
> > The .config file is in /usr/src/linux. I downloaded the pure kernel
> > not RPMs, because I wanted an UNMODIFIED kernel to build Real Time Linux
> > and Red Hat's (and thus Mandrake's) kernel is heavily patched.
> >
> > I copied this .config file to my new kernel source directory, and used
it as
> > a basis for make xconfig. However, there were some mismatches that I
> > had time to sort out yet. But, if you're building the same version, you
> > should be better off than me.
> >
> > When building a new kernel, DO NOT use /usr/src/linux. Make a separate
> > directory tree to keep everything separate from your original (working)
> > kernel. the kernel source documentation recommends this.
> >
> > I assumed that when you recompile a kernel,  you also need to rebuild
> > modules, because of pointers and stuff. I don't know how true this is,
but I
> > always did it as a matter of course.
> >
> > You might also want to think about upgrading to 2.4.8-34.1. There have
> > some security fixes and so forth.
> >
> > Rich Cloutier
> > President, C*O
> >
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Alex Hewitt USG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:06 PM
> > Subject: Couple of dumb kernel build questions (Mandrake 8.1)
> >
> >
> > > Well after recently having very good success installing Mandrake 8.1
> > > VmWare, I upgraded the hard drive in my lapto

Re: Couple of dumb kernel build questions (Mandrake 8.1)

2002-01-31 Thread Rich C

Well, I have tried to build a 2.4.17-x kernel for MY mandrake 8.1 system,
but it doesn't seem to get the network running, and I haven't had time to
pursue it lately.

But here is what I've learned so far:

The .config file is in /usr/src/linux. I downloaded the pure kernel tarball,
not RPMs, because I wanted an UNMODIFIED kernel to build Real Time Linux on,
and Red Hat's (and thus Mandrake's) kernel is heavily patched.

I copied this .config file to my new kernel source directory, and used it as
a basis for make xconfig. However, there were some mismatches that I haven't
had time to sort out yet. But, if you're building the same version, you
should be better off than me.

When building a new kernel, DO NOT use /usr/src/linux. Make a separate
directory tree to keep everything separate from your original (working)
kernel. the kernel source documentation recommends this.

I assumed that when you recompile a kernel,  you also need to rebuild the
modules, because of pointers and stuff. I don't know how true this is, but I
always did it as a matter of course.

You might also want to think about upgrading to 2.4.8-34.1. There have been
some security fixes and so forth.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hewitt USG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 2:06 PM
Subject: Couple of dumb kernel build questions (Mandrake 8.1)

> Well after recently having very good success installing Mandrake 8.1 under
> VmWare, I upgraded the hard drive in my laptop and since it was an empty
disk I
> decided to take a shot at installing Mandrake 8.1. Imagine my surprise
> Mandrake smoothly and happily found pretty much all the hardware and even
> managed to get X configured on the first attempt! To make things even more
> amazing, Mandrake noticed the LinkSys wireless PCMCIA card I had placed in
> system and brought it up! Really impressive.
> But now to the problems that I've had all along with this laptop. It uses
> power management hardware. I'd really like to make full use of the power
> management but building a new kernel has been a bit of a pain.
> First, Mandrake as far as I can tell doesn't ship the kernel sources on
> of the CDs. I was easily able to copy them down from rpmfind but I was
> around in circles for a while figuring out exactly which rpms were needed.
> kernel sources rpm depends on a version ncurses. I downloaded that and
> the kernel sources installed ok. Now it gets more interesting. The kernel
> Mandrake put on my laptop is almost 100% in terms of it's recognizing and
> the system hardware. But the kernel sources don't have the specific kernel
> configuration that was used to build the kernel on the distro. I did
> that there are a bunch of .config files saved in a directory on the system
> names like "mumble-kernel-enterprsed.config" and so on. It seems possible
> Mandrake actually has the configuration file somewhere on the system but
> not sure which one, if any, is the correct one.
> At any rate, I took a flyer on configuring the kernel using 'make
xconfig'. I
> guessed at what most of the likely options would be making as many modular
> possible. The kernel built fine. I copied it to /boot and then modified
> lilo.conf to add the new kernel so that I could test it.
> On the reboot I selected my new kernel and at the point where it would
fsck the
> disk, it said "Can't fsck, hard drive hda1 already mounted". I did notice
> there was a kernel configuration option "automatically mount disks" and
> suspicious that I should have said 'no' rather than 'yes' to that option.
> Oddly enough, if I ignored the warnings and kept pushing the system to
> to boot it made it all the way up and X started ok. I did see lots of
> symbol" messages and the PCMCIA support didn't start. Since I didn't build
> modules in a separate step, I'm guessing that I need to build/re-build the
> modules.
> That brings up another question. The Mandrake installed kernel is clearly
> modules that are already on the system. If I rebuild the modules, will
that mess
> up the kernel that mostly runs correctly? If the kernel that was installed
> the kernel sources are the same rev (2.4.8-26), why do I need to rebuild
> modules? Is there an easy way for the two sets of modules to co-exist if I
> to have two sets to support two different kernels?
> Any takers?
> -Alex
> P.S. I'm so close to having my laptop work properly that I'm really hoping
> to be able to ditch Windows on this rig! ;^)
> Wirth's Law: Software gets slower faster than Hardware gets faster!
> "On the side of the software box, in the 'System Requirements' section, it
> said 'Requires Windows 95 or better'. So I installed Linux."   - Anonymous
> Want to know what it looked like 1, 10, 100, 1000, 1,000,000
> years ago? Just

Re: Linux on Playstation 2???

2002-01-31 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Mike McKernan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Linux on Playstation 2???

> The beta version of the PS2 Linux Kit consists of a software DVD-ROM
> (Digital Versatile Disc), a hard disk drive unit, a USB (Universal
> Serial Bus) keyboard, a USB mouse, and VGA (Video Graphics Array)
> adaptor. At first, 1,000 kits will be distributed through SCEI's
> web site and that number could be increased according
> to the demand, the company reported.

Jeeze. Why don't you just buy a computer and put Linux on it? You're getting
everything but the processor and ram here anyway... They make computer video
cards you can hook up to the TV to get lousy quality video, if that's what
you're looking for.

I think a WAY more useful mod would be something that would turn my
girlfriend's Gameboy Advance into a Linux-based PDA. All you really need for
that is writable mass storage and some kind of keyboard. It's already got
video, a pointing device, read-only storage, and sound!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: uptime is a drug

2002-01-28 Thread Rich C

My little P166 Print/Web[development]/mail server:

12:36pm  up 96 days, 21:30,  1 user,  load average: 0.07, 0.02, 0.00

(Power failure was the reason for the last outage.)

This system keeps my addiction in check, while my other system I feel free
to take up and down at will and satisfies my need to "play."

I think the solution to this problem is to have two Linux machines. :)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: uptime is a drug

> On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Jack Hodgson wrote:
> > I've just set up my first linux box (FYI I'm the guy who came to the
> > Seacoast meeting this past month saying I was gonna put linux on a Mac
> > Quadra. Well I did it!), and I'm kinda amused at how I'm unwilling to do
> > a particular bit of system maintenance because it involves shutting down
> > the machine, and I like seeing my uptime stats get bigger.
>   LOL!  I know exactly what you mean.  I've been putting off installing
> support on my desktop here at work.  When I built my kernel, I did not
> include USB support, because I didn't have any USB devices.  Well, now I
> but I need to reboot to activate the new kernel.  It is such a bummer.
>   Well, at least that is one addiction MS-Windows users never have to
> about.  And people say Windows has no redeeming features!  ;-)
> > And, I know, it's not gonna get any easier.
>   Wait until the system configuration stabilizes.  We have got customers
> with systems with uptimes over a year, and we are hardly the pinnacle of
> availability engineering.  The usual limiting factor is the runtime on the
> UPS batteries.  :-)
> --
> | The opinions expressed in this message are those of the author and do
not |
> | necessarily represent the views or policy of any other person, entity or
> | organization.  All information is provided without warranty of any kind.
> *
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.
> *

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Re: Anybody running 2.4 and AMD???

2002-01-22 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Costolo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Anybody running 2.4 and AMD???

> Hmm.  I'm running a 1 GHz Athlon with kernel version 2.4.3 (a la Mandrake
> 8.0) and a 32 MB NVidia TNT2 AGP video card (and XFree 4.0.3 if it
> on an ABIT KT7A-RAID mobo with 512 MB RAM.  I have not experienced any
> lockups.  I know nothing about the stock Mandrake kernel and haven't tried
> "rolling my own" yet (but I will, once I learn more about the process).

You don't need to recompile to avoid the bug. From the article:

"Fortunately, there is a quick and easy fix for this problem. If you have
been experiencing lockups on your Athlon, Duron or Athlon MP system when
using AGP video, try passing the mem=nopentium option to your kernel (using
GRUB or LILO) at boot-time. This tells Linux to go back to using 4K pages,
avoiding this CPU bug."

> Are these lockups truly random?  The article doesn't go into too much

If you've read the article, you know as much as I do, except here is another
link to AMD's site,,,30_182_871,00.html

then click on the "Microsoft Windows 2000 patch for AGP applications." AMD
describes it as a Windows 2000 problem, but in reality it is a problem which
affects any OS that uses the extended paging feature of Pentium class and
later processors. AMD claims that  the patch is not needed for Windows XP,
but since AMD and Microsoft have both known about this bug since September
of 2000, I'm willing to bet that bug-detecting code is already present in

As for why some with the deadly combination don't see lockups (and my post
was merely to inform, not to make people defensive about their systems) I
can only speculate that because the bug has to do with shared memory for AGP
applications, it may only manifest itself on graphics-intensive programs,
like 3d modelling or games. Since there aren't too many killer 3d games for
Linux yet, my guess is that not many people will actually see the bug in
normal use.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Anybody running 2.4 and AMD???

2002-01-21 Thread Rich C

And experiencing random lockups?

This article might be of some help...

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: AOL to buy Red Hat?

2002-01-21 Thread Rich C

- Original Message - 
To: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: AOL to buy Red Hat? 

> >   Anyone else care to speculate on this?  :-)

Pop-up ads on [Red Hat] Linux.YUK!!!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Mozilla home page customization

2002-01-17 Thread Rich C

- Original Message - 
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: Mozilla home page customization

> Yeah!  Does anyone know WHY mozilla does this?  It's really, really
> irritating.

So people can't customize the default installation? :oP

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: x86 Assembly resources

2002-01-09 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: x86 Assembly resources

> You think maybe 16-bits was strong encryption when UNIVAC was
> state-of-the-art?  ;-)
> --

"Strong Encryption" is defined as "ciphers that are essentially unbreakable
without the decryption keys."

Now what does "essentially unbreakable" mean? I take it to mean any cypher
that cannot be broken with the most powerful computers in existence, within
the lifetime of anyone who cares.

So, in those days, 16 bits could most certainly be called "strong

BTW, I have a PDP-11/34B with a programmer's console, in case anyone wants
to prove their prowess with poking memory locations (no it's not switches,
but it's pretty close.)

And I'm sadistic enough that I'd enjoy watching!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: x86 Assembly resources

2002-01-09 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Bayard Coolidge USG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: x86 Assembly resources

> Derek Martin said his interest in x86 Assembly is academic.
> Well, OK, I can sort of understand that, particularly if you might
> be thinking of tinkering in the embedded market, or doing some
> esoteric real-time stuff.


I only wish to comment on the "real-time" stuff. Assembly language
programming will buy you NOTHING if you are programming for real time
operation in a UNIX-like environment. The essence of Linux and other
UNIX-like OSes is that they are definitely NOT real time, and no amount of
code optimization will ever get you there.

For real-time programming under Linux, one should be looking at real-time
extensions for Linux, namely RTAI ( and
RT-Linux (

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: x86 Assembly resources

2002-01-08 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Michael O'Donnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: x86 Assembly resources

> >
> >
> >They told me that gcc does inline assembly, which I didn't know.
> Yikes!
> GCC has supported inline assembler on some
> platforms for a number of years now;


Well, as a mostly non-programmer, my assembly language experience is limited
to the PDP-11 and the VAX, and programming some custom 8085 boards.

I have done some C programming on the VAX too, but what with makefiles and
all for compiling source code with Linux, about the only time I've invoked
gcc directly is to get the version!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: x86 Assembly resources

2002-01-08 Thread Rich C

Try here:

They told me that gcc does inline assembly, which I didn't know.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "GNHLUG mailing list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "BLU Users' Group"
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:12 PM
Subject: x86 Assembly resources

> Hash: SHA1
> Anyone know any good resources for x86 assembly in a Linux
> environment?  Most of the stuff I've seen deals with MASM, which isn't
> terribly useful to me.
> Thanks!
> - --
> Derek Martin   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - -
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> *
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ReGIS Terminal Emulation for Linux?

2002-01-07 Thread Rich C

Is there such a thing? Searches on, Freshmeat, and SourceForge
didn't turn up anything.

I'm looking to replace VT-340s connecting to a VAX with PCs running Linux
(hopefully) or (gak!) Windows if that's the only option I have.

On a side note, does anybody know if LAT is supported in Linux?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: SUSE 7.3 hangs on shut down

2002-01-07 Thread Rich C

Where in the shutdown process does it hang? What is the last message you

If you have a "graphical" shutdown that doesn't tell you everything, you
should reconfigure it so you get the old fashioned text-based shutdown
script. If you had Mandrake 8.1, I could tell you how to do this, but I'm
not familiar with SUSE. :(

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Vince McHugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "NH Linux User Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: SUSE 7.3 hangs on shut down

> Hi All,
>   I am having an annoying problem with SUSE 7.3
> running on my Dell Inspiron 8 laptop. It hangs up
> on shut down. If I wait long enough (several minutes)
> it seems to shut down completely, but when I boot up
> again it tells me that hda7 (my Linux partition) was
> not cleanly unmounted and it runs fsck.
> any thoughts?
> =
> .   Regards,
>   Vince McHugh
>  Systems Support Manager
>   NECS\Canon
> __
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Re: CD Labels

2002-01-03 Thread Rich C

I've been using sharpies for years, and they work perfectly.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Rauschenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: CD Labels

> OK, not strictly Linux related but what do folks use to label CDs after 
> burning them ?  Has any tried a Sharpie(R) ?  Do they ruin the lacquer ?
> TomR
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[no subject]

2002-01-03 Thread Rich C

Can you make a fake /dev/null? And make the real one /dev/.null or
something? The "normal" one would go to a log file somewhere. You would have
to change every program that uses it, but it might be worth it. Or is that
something built in to the kernel?

Just a thought from a clueless newbie...

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Brian Chabot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: Bash question...

> After the recent breakins on my box, I've been writing a few watch
> scripts...
> One of the things the intruder did was to link his bash_history to
> /dev/null.
> My question is
> Is there an easy way to tee the $HISTFILE to more than one location?
> Basically, I doubt this %#^$%&^ would be smart enough to have echo'd
> $HISTFILE, but rather just linked .bash_history as it was pretty
> commonly the $HISTFILE.
> What I want is a mirror of .bash_history stored elsewhere in case the
> original gets fubar'd.
> Also, if there's a perl/networking guru, I'm looking to re-write the
> trojan to look like it's working, but instead be logging the intruder's
> actions, IP, etc.  It's a simple backdoor (only about 2.5 pages
> printed), so I might even be able to figure it out myself...
> Brian
> ---
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Re: rpm question

2001-12-28 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: rpm question

> On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Rich C wrote:
> > My point is there is WAY more than just the managed packages that need
> > to be managed.
>   And my point is that if you want packages to be managed by the package
> manager, you should use the packager manager.  ;-)
>   I hardly think it is fair to complain that something doesn't work when
> don't use it.  :-)

That was not my point at all with the checkbook program analogy. I wasn't

My point was that if you don't use it thoroughly and completely, it's not
much good. You can't manage some things and not others, especially the lower
level stuff. You CAN bypass the system for SOME end-programs that aren't
likely to be needed by another program, but you can't build your system from
source, then download an RPM and expect to get it installed, just like you
expect your checkbook program to know how much alimony you paid your ex-wife
last year if you don't enter all the checks.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: rpm question

2001-12-28 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: rpm question

> On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Rich C wrote:
> > For example, what if you try to install a new slick version of some
> > Window manager that requires XFree86 Version 4.x, but you built XFree v4
> > from source?
>   That is just a particular case of "it certainly will not help you manage
> packages that are not managed".  Everything the package manager knows
> will continue to work.  You can hardly blame RPM for not being psychic.

Right. My point is there is WAY more than just the managed packages that
need to be managed.

>   Do you expect your car dealership to repair the after-market
> you installed in your car?  :-)

No. Nor do I even expect them to know why the manifold pressure is positive.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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with the text 'unsubscribe gnhlug' in the message body.

Re: RPM question

2001-12-28 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: rpm question

> On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Rich C wrote:
> > I guess what we are all saying is that using RPM or any package manager
> > is like using a checkbook balancing program. If you are diligent and
> > thorough in it's use, it can provide great rewards. If you aren't, it is
> > pretty worthless.
>   I wouldn't go that far.  The package manager is still useful for the
> packages that *are* under management.  But it certainly will not help you
> manage packages that are not managed.  :-)

As long as you manage your libraries, tools, and all lower level utilities,
daemons, and programs with RPM too. For example, what if you try to install
a new slick version of some Window manager that requires XFree86 Version
4.x, but you built XFree v4 from source?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: rpm question

2001-12-28 Thread Rich C

I guess what we are all saying is that using RPM or any package manager is
like using a checkbook balancing program. If you are diligent and thorough
in it's use, it can provide great rewards. If you aren't, it is pretty

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Interesting Article

2001-12-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "mike ledoux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Article


> > As far as the hardware demands of recent Linux systems, the reason they
> > so big is because there are:
> >
> > a) Driver Modules for EVERY piece of hardware under the sun. I am
> > with the 2.4.14 kernel. I did my menuconfig, and burned my kernel. Took
> > 5 minutes to compile, and another 5 minutes for the modules. Well, I
> > get everything I wanted in there, so I used the default .config file
> > /usr/src/linux (mandrake 8.1 system.) The dang thing took almost an hour
> > build the modules!! When I looked at the .config file more closely,
> > were modules for EVERY disk controller, sound chip, ethernet chip, video
> > chip, and peripheral device there is (well, almost.)
> This shouldn't impact the performance of the system at all--the whole
> point of using modules is that you aren't wasting resources to support
> hardware that isn't being used.  Yes, it will take longer to build the
> kernel and modules, as you're building a lot of stuff that you don't
> need, but it shouldn't impact runtime performance, which is what is
> really important.

No, but having all these on the disk sure adds to the space requirements. It
was more of a recent observation of mine while building a variation of a
"stock" kernel as opposed to one I configured from scratch.

> At any rate, my comment was more the demands of the recent distributions,
> not the kernel itself.  If you take the time to build your own Linux
> system from the ground up, you can still make it run well on a 386 or 486.
> > b) Scores of different programs that do the same thing. This is not
> > necessarily a bad thing, but when you've got Gnome, KDE, Sawmill,
> > WindowMaker, IceWM, and FVWM(2) for desktops and Netscape, Opera,
> > Mozilla, and Galeon for browsers (I know I've forgotten all the text
> > browsers and probably a half a dozen others, but my point has been made,
> > think) you're going to have a darn big distribution.
> This is where I thought the interesting discussion could come in.
> It used to be that you could take a RedHat distribution and install it
> on a low-spec machine (think 486, 8MB RAM, <500MB disk) with no problems.
> Try that with RH 6.x or 7.x--good luck.  The sad part about all of this
> (to me, anyway) is that the big stumbling block here isn't the actual
> software, so much as the installation routines.

But Red Hat and Mandrake and Debian too, as I recall, have options for
standard text installs, like the old days. It's not the default, but you can
do it. Same with the Init scripts. You don't HAVE to run Aurora (Mandrake)
if you don't want to.

> > And I think that the whole VMM issue with the lower 2.4.x kernels has
> > contributed to the perception that Linux is becoming bloated and slow.
> I'll agree with that.
> > I disagree. If you take the above into consideration, and build a
> > streamlined kernel that has only what you need (and SOME of what you
> > need) and strip away all the programs you don't use, you can have a
> > fast operating system that puts MS to shame. Still.
> Right, but this is *way* beyond a new Linux user, who was probably told
> that Linux would make their old hardware useful again.  Hell, this is
> probably beyond most people that have been using Linux for years.

Good point. The new distros are solving the problems that new Linux users
have traditionally had with Linux: it was just too foreign to them as it
was. They are making 1) user-friendly point-and-click installation programs
while AT THE SAME TIME doing 2) the automation tasks like hardware probing
and auto configuration that are REALLY useful. So if I understand you right,
you are saying that what we need for older systems is something that does #2
without necessarily doing #1?

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Interesting Article

2001-12-05 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "mike ledoux" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: Interesting Article

> Hash: SHA1
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 11:44:10AM -0500, Paul Lussier wrote:
> >
> > Don't know if anyone read the article linked off of /. last night
> > about "How to make Software Projects fail", but it's quite
> > interesting.  Here's a choice quote:
> >
> >
> I hadn't seen this before, but this guy 'Joel' lost all credibility
> when he "promised to commit ritual suicide via web cam if we discover
> any category one bugs in the product".  If he's stupid enough to believe
> that his company has eliminated every bug in a content management system
> product, he's stupid enough that I probably shouldn't care about
> anything else he has to say.  His comments on bloatware that you quote
> are particularly inane, as they completely ignore the other negative
> effects of bloatware to focus on how cheap disk space has become.

He didn't say "every" bug, he said "every category one bug." And I'm sure
he's defining what "category one" is! :) It's a marketing ploy, pure and
simple. I'm surprised you fell for it.

> That said, he does make at least one interesting point about Microsoft's
> success, that I think might be particularly discussion-worthy in relation
> to open-source and free software:
>"Microsoft always figured that it's better to let the hardware catch
> up with the software rather than spending time writing code for old
> computers owned by people who aren't buying much software any more."
> I'm not saying that he's right, just that it might be worth discussing,
> particularly in light of the hardware demands of recent Linux
> distributions.

Actually, I agree with most of what he said in the article except the
bloatware thing. But he's focused on the wrong part of the problem. The SIZE

of the bloatware is no longer the problem, what with cheap memory and hard
drive space. The REAL problem is speed. People don't buy new computers any
more to get more RAM or bigger hard drives. They get them to make their
systems and programs boot and load FASTER. Having a 200 MB program is not a
problem any more, as long as the first window is up and useable inside of 2

As far as the hardware demands of recent Linux systems, the reason they are
so big is because there are:

a) Driver Modules for EVERY piece of hardware under the sun. I am playing
with the 2.4.14 kernel. I did my menuconfig, and burned my kernel. Took like
5 minutes to compile, and another 5 minutes for the modules. Well, I didn't
get everything I wanted in there, so I used the default .config file from
/usr/src/linux (mandrake 8.1 system.) The dang thing took almost an hour to
build the modules!! When I looked at the .config file more closely, there
were modules for EVERY disk controller, sound chip, ethernet chip, video
chip, and peripheral device there is (well, almost.)

b) Scores of different programs that do the same thing. This is not
necessarily a bad thing, but when you've got Gnome, KDE, Sawmill, Sawfish,
WindowMaker, IceWM, and FVWM(2) for desktops and Netscape, Opera, Konqueror,
Mozilla, and Galeon for browsers (I know I've forgotten all the text
browsers and probably a half a dozen others, but my point has been made, I
think) you're going to have a darn big distribution.

And I think that the whole VMM issue with the lower 2.4.x kernels has
contributed to the perception that Linux is becoming bloated and slow.

I disagree. If you take the above into consideration, and build a
streamlined kernel that has only what you need (and SOME of what you MIGHT
need) and strip away all the programs you don't use, you can have a small
fast operating system that puts MS to shame. Still.

Sure KDE2 sucks on my P166. But I don't USE KDE2 on my P166. I use
WindowMaker. The right tool for the job. And it works great. And so does
KDE2 on my dual PIII/1000!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Racking unintended equipment

2001-11-28 Thread Rich C

If you're going to buy rack-mount chassis, be careful of what you get. Some
have "bare motherboards" meaning that the motherboard is just a set of PCI
slots and you have to supply a processor card. You have to make sure that
the chassis will accept a standard motherboard, and cards.

Also, rack mount chassis can get expensive. Why not just build a deep
bookcase- type cabinet with shelves and fans, and "rack" your equipment that

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Kenneth E. Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: OT: Racking unintended equipment

> All,
> I have 4 PC's that I use as servers at home. Three of them are mid-tower,
and one is a desktop. They take up too much space, so I'm thinking about
racking them. I know that you can buy empty chasis, and a rack is pretty
easy to build (especially when your father in law is a carpenter ;-).
However, I don't know if the transition is possible. Has anyone done
anything like this before?
> TIA,
> Kenny
> -
> "There's nothing you shouldn't speak of if you've got
>  something to say, and there's no one to be scared of,
>  just get them out of your way."  -- The Alarm
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Re: NHPR bitcasts

2001-11-06 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: NHPR bitcasts

> - Original Message -
> From: Bruce Dawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 8:41 AM
> Subject: Re: NHPR bitcasts
> > Their most recent response (I'm
> > looking for my copy of those messages now) was that Microsoft was a
> significant
> > contributor to NHPR,
> Likely they are a contributor of software as well as dollars and this
> generate the vicious cycle.
> >and that the volume of requests for Real Audio was too
> > small. (I wonder how many requests they got for Microsoft's Player
> how
> > many requests they got for just a live audio stream).
> Bingo!  Its not as if there was a poll as to which product to use.  They
> picked one used by most people and then can claim quite correctly,
> that not many people ask for anything else.  Its all about the majority
> governs.  This rule applies in many areas and places where it shouldn't,
> there it is.  Governs means the minority on an issue have no say and
> essentially do not exist.

I find this odd. What about Mac users? It seems to me that there is a large
overlap in membership of the group that owns MacIntosh computers and the
group that listens to NPR. Do Mac users have access to Windows technology to
listen to streaming audio? If not, they must be alientated too.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Update on my Dual PIII/RAID install

2001-10-29 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: Update on my Dual PIII/RAID install

> On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Rich C wrote:
> > 2.) Promise supports Red Hat with PDC20265 drivers in both UP and SMP
> > flavors.
>   Keep in mind that if Promise ever goes out of business, stops supporting
> Red Hat, or just plain drops the ball, you will be unable to upgrade your
> system any more, because of the lack of drivers.  Furthermore, the Linux
> kernel people generally will not help you, since you are running a system
> with binary-only drivers.

I wouldn't expect the kernel folks to help with that. I would merely disable
the Promise controller and do software RAID like you said before. I just
wanted to beat this horse until it worked.

>   Personally, I avoid anything that does not provide source.  It is for
> reason that my next video card is probably going to be an ATI Raedon,
> than an NVidia GeForce.
> > ... the system wouldn't boot afterwards.  I don't know if it was because
> > of the "funny" RAID superblocks ...
>   A hardware RAID controller should not expose any of its internal
> housekeeping data to the OS (or other software).  As far as the OS is
> concerned, you just have a single, normal drive.  All the mirroring
> at a layer lower than that.

But didn't you say earlier that it's not true hardware RAID?


>   For a real test, I would start some intensive task (e.g., kernel
> and disconnect power from one of the drives.  See if it lives through
> If it does, repeatedly, it might be worth trusting.

That's a good idea. I will try that at some point.

> > After rebuilding the array, it was time to get the SMP working.  Red Hat
> > install didn't make an initrd image for the SMP kernel, since there was
> > only one processor in the machine at install time.
>   I have does Red Hat installs on quite a few SMP boxes with only one
> processor installed, and in every case, it installed and booted the SMP
> kernel (with initrd) by default.
>   If I had to guess, I would say the fact that you had to feed it drivers
> from diskette was the cause.

Maybe. You don't really even NEED initrd unless you need some special
drivers loaded, or am I wrong?


> > To sum up, how do I like having a 2GHz machine ...
>   I am picking nits now, but that should be written as "2 x 1 GHz".  One 2
> GHz processor is not the same as two 1 GHz processors.  Multithreaded
> applications -- and overall system performance -- will get a bigger boost
> from SMP.  Single-threaded applications will get a bigger boost from a
> higher clock.

That's primarily why I built this machine, instead of shelling out the bucks
for a 1.7GHz P4. And since I don't do Windows 2000, NT, or even XP, Linux
was the perfect platform to exploit the two processors. :o)

>   Probably not so important to you, but it can be a very significant
> difference if you are tuning for a particular application.  :-)

It is important to me. Once I get this system ironed out and I'm comfortable
with it, I plan to build a real time kernel using RTLinux  and play with
that in an SMP environment.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Update on my Dual PIII/RAID install

2001-10-29 Thread Rich C

In case anyone's interested, I finally got my Dual Pentium III with RAID 1

Call me a wimp, but I abandoned the Debian release in favor of Red Hat. 2

1.) I am more familiar with Red Hat's file layouts and configuration tools,

2.) Promise supports Red Hat with PDC20265 drivers in both UP and SMP

I had a copy of RH6.2 laying around, so i fired it up. I was still having my
lockup problems. I thought I had solved them with the BIOS upgrade but that
was not the case. In the process of troubleshooting I removed one processor.
Finally I made it through a complete install. I was beginning to think my
second processor was bad (or the socket was.) But under one processor it was

For anyone else who wants to play with Promise's RAID controller under
Linux, here is a brief synopsis:

First you build the array using the BIOS extensions. For those of you who
don't recall, this was a motherboard-integrated RAID solution (MSI-6321 with
integrated Promise PDC20265.)

You do the install in "expert" mode, which prompts you for a driver disk for
the FASTRACK RAID controller drivers. They install as an sd device (big

The install proceeds pretty much as expected. The system appears to Linux to
have only an "sda" device, even though it has two drives. Fortunately I made
a boot disk, because the system wouldn't boot afterwards. I don't know if it
was because of the "funny" RAID superblocks, or if it was because my boot
partition was bigger than 1023 cylinders, but I downloaded the newest
version of LILO and that fixed that problem. Probably the 1023 cylinder
thing, huh?

Next was the ultimate test. I removed the Primary Master drive from the
machine, the one that would have been "sda" if the RAID wasn't working ;o)
and powered it up. Lo and behold, it booted! I really DID have two copies of
the OS!

After rebuilding the array, it was time to get the SMP working. Red Hat
install didn't make an initrd image for the SMP kernel, since there was only
one processor in the machine at install time. It DID, however, place the
kernel and associated system map in my /boot directorystrange. Anyway, I
made the image, and booted the SMP kernel.

It ran for a while, and then locked up again. Video frozen, not even mouse
pointer movement. Since I had previously gotten telnet working, I tried to
log in. Nothing. So I started doing some research. I read that you shouldn't
run ACPI with SMP, so I disabled that, and started poking around the BIOS
for other potential problems. Then it occurred to me: I had a older Viper
330 Video card in the thing, since I was basically building this machine out
of spare parts. I was pretty sure the Viper didn't support AGP 4x, so I
turned it off.

Well, I guess that was the problem, because the machine has been solid for 4
days now. Strange that under one processor it would work, and with two it
wouldn't. Can anyone explain this?

To sum up, how do I like having a 2GHz machine with 60 gigs of mirrored RAID
and 384 megs of RAM, after struggling along on a P166?

SWEET! I bet even Netscape 6 will run fast now!

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Browser: Opera

2001-10-18 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Rauschenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ken Ambrose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Taylor, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Browser: Opera

> On Thursday 18 October 2001 16:50, Ken Ambrose wrote:
> > I, myself, haven't used Opera, but I've only heard rave reviews from
> > who have.  If you decide to give it a spin, please give us a review
> > you've used it a while: "Enquiring minds want to know."
> >
> I use it.  It's solid, fast and generally very good.  Sometimes pages that
> insist on IE os Netscape don't render quite right,

Oh, that's the webmaster's fault, not Opera's. :o)

> and I've found that it
> doesn't do a great job and things that need fancy plug-ins.  I keep a
> Netscape around for those occasions where a specific page doesn't work in
> Opera.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: debian install tips?

2001-10-18 Thread Rich C


The system is installed, using the ATA-100 connectors and a RAID array. The
system installed the md drivers, so I think I'm all set in the RAID
department. I picked RAID-1 during the Debian install script.

The hanging problem I believe was due to a BIOS issue; I updated the MB's
BIOS from 3.3 to 3.5. One of the updates included an update to the Promise
RAID Controller chip's BIOS. It hasn't hung since.

The only problem I have right now is I can't seem to get the drive(s) to
boot, I can see them and boot the system from a floppy, but I can't get the
drives to boot directly. I have run LILO, and I have installed a quickie DOS
system and I can boot to that, so I know my BIOS settings are correct.

I think I just have to play around with install-mbr and see if I can get
anywhere with that.

P.S. Nowhere in Debian's install script is there any place to pick an SMP
kernel. So I'm currently running on one processor (and it's still damn fast!
:oD )

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Rich C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:45 PM
Subject: debian install tips?

> Hi all,
> I've just completed construction of a dual PIII system and I'm having some
> difficulties installing Debian 2.2 on it.
> Hardware:
> MSI 694D Pro AIR Dual Socket 370 MB with VIA 694DP chipset,
> Promise FastTrack 100 Lite Raid Controller (PDC20265),
> VIA VT82C686A chipset (APM, AC97 Audio, UDMA 33/66 IDE)
> 2 PIII/1000EB OEM chips
> 384 Megs PC133 SDRAM
> 2 IBM GXP60 60 Meg drives in a mirroring array on the ATA-100 interface.
> I'm trying to install Debian 2.2r3. I downloaded the 3-disc set from one
> the mirror sites (ISO-images, set the system to boot from CD, and fired it
> up.
> First problem: the installation kernel wouldn't see my disk drives.
> on the Debian site pointed to CD#4 which would boot a kernel with the
> UDMA-66 SCSI drivers in it. (Not exactly UDMA-100, but what the hell.)
> Looked EVERYWHERE, could not find a CD image of this disk. DID find a
> with a kernel, a tar archive full of drivers, and some misc files. Fine, I
> could make a CD, right? Well, I downloaded the stuff, and tried to match
> up to the format of the other 3 CDs. Couldn't make sense out of it, so I
> tried plan B: there was another folder with floppy disk images in it. I
> downloaded those, wrote them to a bunch of floppies, and voila: the
> installation program could see my drives and I could get to the
> program.
> Second Problem: The partitioning program, cfdisk, kept hanging while
> to initialize my 40 meg /usr partition (/dev/hde8) Tried making it
> that didn't work. Tried making another partiton after it; that DID work,
> then I couldn't initialize the [new] last partition. Finally, I moved it
> in the order, so that this arrangement got initialized and mounted:
> /dev/hde11.2 megsswap
> /dev/hde25 megs   root
> /dev/hde510 megs /home
> /dev/hde640 megs /usr
> /dev/hde72.5 megs/tmp
> /dev/hde81.3 megs/var
> Third problem: During install, the machine randomly hangs. It randomly
> during the partitioning process earlier too, but I figured that was due to
> cfdisk screwing up.
> Now Debian's docs say that the UDMA-66 kernel is "patched" for the Promise
> SCSI drivers, and the lack of a 4th disk in the ISO install set indicates
> me that UDMA-66 support is an afterthought.
> Before I go and tear this thing apart and try the following:
> Installing with only one processor;
> Installing without the RAID array;
> Installing with a disk on the standard IDE port;
> Installing a copy of Red Hat or some other distribution
> I thought I'd run my experiences by the group to try to determine if:
> a) the SMP kernel supplied in 2.2r3 potato (sorry I don't know what
> it is) has problems;
> b) my hardware might have problems;
> c) my hardware is not supported;
> d) Debian's install program has known issues with "newer" hardware (why
> isn't a UDMA-capable kernel part of the "vanilla" package?)
> Any thoughts, warnings, tips, or comments would be greatly appreciated.
> Rich Cloutier
> President, C*O
> **
> To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the
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Re: IDE RAID (was: debian install tips?)

2001-10-17 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: IDE RAID (was: debian install tips?)

>   Does that mean the drives were connected directly to the IDE controller
> the VIA southbridge chip?  Or that you simply had the RAID controller in
> RAID" mode?

I had no RAID array defined. The hard drives were still connected to the
ATA-100 connectors (IDE-2, 3), not the standard IDE UDMA33/66 ports (IDE-0,

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Setting your own IP address manually

2001-10-17 Thread Rich C


There are many computers out there that do not respond to pings, have
"stealth mode" firewalls, etc and when you think you have found an unused IP
address, there could be, and likely is, somebody using it.

Mike L. mentioned this already, but I don't want it to get lost in the

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: IDE RAID (was: debian install tips?)

2001-10-17 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 5:29 PM
Subject: IDE RAID (was: debian install tips?)

> On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Rich C wrote:
> > Promise FastTrack 100 Lite Raid Controller (PDC20265)
>   Last I heard (which was admittedly some months ago), the driver for
> cards was still semi-proprietary, and long-term Linux support was
>   Furthermore, these cards are not RAID controllers.  They are IDE
> controllers with special BIOSes.  The BIOS implements RAID for real-mode,
> and in protected mode, it is up to the device driver.  The practical
> is, they are the moral equivalent of "software RAID" (using the Linux 'md'
> driver, for example), but with a proprietary format and a single vendor.
>   I would recommend just disabling the thing, and using Linux software

Yes, I know they are not real RAID controllers; the chip is integrated on
the motherboard.

However, I tried booting the install program without the raid array defined
(I don't know how else to disable the hardware) and it still couldn't
recognize the hard drive(s).

[sales pitch snipped :o)]

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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debian install tips?

2001-10-17 Thread Rich C

Hi all,

I've just completed construction of a dual PIII system and I'm having some
difficulties installing Debian 2.2 on it.


MSI 694D Pro AIR Dual Socket 370 MB with VIA 694DP chipset,
Promise FastTrack 100 Lite Raid Controller (PDC20265),
VIA VT82C686A chipset (APM, AC97 Audio, UDMA 33/66 IDE)

2 PIII/1000EB OEM chips

384 Megs PC133 SDRAM

2 IBM GXP60 60 Meg drives in a mirroring array on the ATA-100 interface.

I'm trying to install Debian 2.2r3. I downloaded the 3-disc set from one of
the mirror sites (ISO-images, set the system to boot from CD, and fired it

First problem: the installation kernel wouldn't see my disk drives. Research
on the Debian site pointed to CD#4 which would boot a kernel with the
UDMA-66 SCSI drivers in it. (Not exactly UDMA-100, but what the hell.)
Looked EVERYWHERE, could not find a CD image of this disk. DID find a folder
with a kernel, a tar archive full of drivers, and some misc files. Fine, I
could make a CD, right? Well, I downloaded the stuff, and tried to match it
up to the format of the other 3 CDs. Couldn't make sense out of it, so I
tried plan B: there was another folder with floppy disk images in it. I
downloaded those, wrote them to a bunch of floppies, and voila: the
installation program could see my drives and I could get to the partitioning

Second Problem: The partitioning program, cfdisk, kept hanging while trying
to initialize my 40 meg /usr partition (/dev/hde8) Tried making it smaller,
that didn't work. Tried making another partiton after it; that DID work, but
then I couldn't initialize the [new] last partition. Finally, I moved it up
in the order, so that this arrangement got initialized and mounted:

/dev/hde11.2 megsswap
/dev/hde25 megs   root
/dev/hde510 megs /home
/dev/hde640 megs /usr
/dev/hde72.5 megs/tmp
/dev/hde81.3 megs/var

Third problem: During install, the machine randomly hangs. It randomly hung
during the partitioning process earlier too, but I figured that was due to
cfdisk screwing up.

Now Debian's docs say that the UDMA-66 kernel is "patched" for the Promise
SCSI drivers, and the lack of a 4th disk in the ISO install set indicates to
me that UDMA-66 support is an afterthought.

Before I go and tear this thing apart and try the following:

Installing with only one processor;
Installing without the RAID array;
Installing with a disk on the standard IDE port;
Installing a copy of Red Hat or some other distribution

I thought I'd run my experiences by the group to try to determine if:

a) the SMP kernel supplied in 2.2r3 potato (sorry I don't know what version
it is) has problems;
b) my hardware might have problems;
c) my hardware is not supported;
d) Debian's install program has known issues with "newer" hardware (why
isn't a UDMA-capable kernel part of the "vanilla" package?)

Any thoughts, warnings, tips, or comments would be greatly appreciated. :o)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Re(1): clone a raid array

2001-10-08 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Paul Lussier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kyle Masters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Re(1): clone a raid array

> In a message dated: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 01:28:03 EDT
> "Kyle Masters" said:
> >Would dd do the trick of piling all of a single-drive's data onto a
> >array and have the ability to boot from it?
> It would definitely work, the only problem is tht using dd also
> copies your partition map information.  If your 2 drives are not
> equal, or close to equal in size, then you'll have problems.
It doesn't have to...if you dd the whole disk, yes it will copy the
partition tables. If you dd each partition individually, it will only copy
the contents of each partition. This is faster because you don't have to
copy swap partitions and such.

Of course if you dd each partition individually, you have to make sure that
the target disk is partitioned first, and that the target partition is at
least as big as the source. Since most people (I hope) are moving from a
small drive to a larger one, this shouldn't be a problem. :o)

So in this case, I would create the raid array, partition it, and then dd
the old partition contents to the new array.

Oh, when you dd partitions, not only does the target have to be equal or
greater than the source, but the file system IDs have to match (eg., 82 for
Linux native, 83 for Linux swap, etc.)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Website defacement (was: Anti-terrorism bill...)

2001-10-02 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Website defacement (was: Anti-terrorism bill...)

> Rich, as counterevidence of my statement, you point to one of the
> examples of exceptions that I specifically stated existed.  Nimda is
> one of the few exceptions, and as I said it probably could qualify as
> terrorism owing to the scale of the attack and the damage it caused.
> The only problem is that most acts of terrorism have a specific
> target, and it's difficult to say who the target of Nimda was.  I
> suppose you could say it was Microsoft...

You could say that...but what was affected? E-commerce; corporations;
internet users. Usually what is/are affected is/are the targets.

As far as other viruses go, just because they are not as effective, don't
assume that the motivation for using them is different. It has taken us 100
years or so to make the automobile go 200 miles an hour. Some period of
development should be required to make virus attacks effective too. It seems
that, given our experience with viruses over the last 20 years, that they
should have LESS of an effect on our overall computing experience, rather
than MORE of an effect.

> My systems are "attacked" at least a dozen times a day (and usually
> much more than that), using DoJ's definitions, and the vast majority
> of these attacks are pretty harmless.  Virtually all of them are
> rendered harmless by the basic dilligence that is the responsibility
> of all sysadmins who manage a publicly accessible computer.  No, that
> does not excuse the attackers, but it's just the same as putting
> proper working locks on the doors of your home.  Few people will be
> sympathetic to your cause if all your stuff gets stolen and you had no
> locks.

So if someone throws an egg at your window instead of a rock, that excuses
them because the attack was "harmless"? An attack is an attack. Attacks come
for 2 reasons: either someone is testing your vulnerabilities because you
hired them to, or they are doing it to find a way in.

And even if I have no locks on my doors, and somebody steals all my stuff,
yeah, you can call me stupid, but the guy who stole my stuff is still a
crook. My being stupid doesn't make HIM any less of a crook, except that I
can't charge him with "breaking and entering," just "criminal trespass" (I
don't know which carries the stiffer penalty.)

> And with those very few exceptions, they're still not tantamount to
> terrorism, and hardly worthy of life in prison.

It would certainly discourage cracking, unlike now where when the cracker
gets caught, he has a guaranteed 100K a year security job waiting for him.

> I am still unfailingly bewildered by the overwhelming lack of effort
> to make Microsoft take responsibility for these problems.  Ultimately,
> it's their utterly crappy software and their unwillingness to
> re-examine their (lack of a) security model that allowed these attacks
> to be successful.

I agree with you here. But that will be Microsoft's ultimate downfall
(reference E-Week's "Securing the Enterprise" Newsletter, (email
subscription, October 2, 2001 / Volume 1, Issue 15)) The lead article is
entitled "Fed up with IIS? Me Too." (Sorry, I couldn't find a link on, but I've reproduced it belowhopefully I won't get into
trouble :o))

-[Begin Quote]
Guarding the E-Gates

-- By Timothy Dyck --

I'm just weary of it all.

How many attacks against your Web servers and e-mail inbox
does it take?

How many companywide e-mails do you need to send warning
users not to browse the Web until IT staff can verify that
their copies of IE (Internet Explorer) have been patched or
have had scripting turned off to guard against Nimda,
because IE blithely runs executables that are MIME-typed as
sound files? Sigh.

(To read about an eWEEK article about how Nimda spreads,
click here:)

(To read a Microsoft security bulletin on how MIME headers
cause IE to execute e-mail attachments, click here:)

It now appears that even those running the very latest IE
6.0 are vulnerable to Nimda in some situations.

(To read's coverage of Nimda, click here:)


When I was installing and running the new IIS (Internet
Information Services) Lockdown To

Re: Website defacement (was: Anti-terrorism bill...)

2001-10-02 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Derek D. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Benjamin Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Greater NH Linux Users' Group" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: Website defacement (was: Anti-terrorism bill...)

> On Mon, Oct 01, 2001 at 08:52:06PM -0400, Benjamin Scott wrote:
> > On Mon, 1 Oct 2001, Derek D. Martin wrote:
> > > ... and the affected site should be able to replace the trashed web
> > > server in about 15 minutes, IF they notice it's been trashed, and IF
> > > they have a proper disaster recovery plan.
> >
> >   There is no way you are going to recover from a security compromise in
> > minutes, Derek.  Come on.  You of all people should know that.
> O.k., fair enough.  But what am I really saying here?  I'm saying that
> the vast majority of attacks on people's systems just can't qualify as
> terrorism.  Why?  Well, first of all because there's just no terror
> involved.  They're attacks on inanimate objects, or on corporate
> entities, in most cases.  Neither of which are capable of being
> terrified.

I'd like to respond to this in the most polite manner I can: BULL$H!T!

All you have to do is ask the average IT manager what makes up his day these
days, and you will see that he is under the same pressure as our government
to secure his infrastructure and protect his citizens (users) from attack.
He is taking down his web sites, losing revenue, marketing presence, and
customer convenience, in order to rebuild his servers and improve his
security, just as the U.S. had to close our airports and ground aircraft to
secure our safety.

He is  spending his productive hours analyzing  new virus reports (I am on
just one mailing list and I receive dozens of new virus reports every week)
evaluating antivirus software for its ability to respond and repair damage,
and its timeliness in doing so. He is tightening up his security procedures,
to the inconvenience of his users.

He is spending those hours doing these things in lieu of what he would
normally be doing: working to improve the efficiency and convenience of his
company's computing infrastructure.

His company has spent more in lost revenue, employee productivity, and lost
time rebuilding servers than they surely planned for, which will undoubtedly
lower income projections, and ultimately, his company's stock.

This is exactly what has been going on with our government and our country
lately in the aftermath of the attacks on NYC and the Washington.

If that's not terrorism, I don't know what is.

> Secondly because in the vast majority of cases, even when
> the attacks succeed, the real damage is almost nonexistant.

Oh really? Tell that to the guy across the hall from me who has had to
rebuild all of his Win2k/IIS servers because Nimda damaged them beyond
repair. I myself did a virus cleanup job over there, charging as much as a
new computer would have cost (and my rates are REALLY CHEAP!) That's one new
computer they won't be able to afford this year.

> Yes,
> there have been a few high-profile exceptions to that rule recently,
> ILOVEYOU and Code Red, and what have you.  Those specific incidents I
> think could qualify as terrorism, owing to the scale of the attack and
> the damage it caused.  But as YOU well know, most attacks don't fall
> into that category.  Most of these attacks we see really don't warrant
> more than a few hours of attention, even in the case of a root
> compromise (re-install OS, restore from back-up, patch the hole that
> was easy to find because the script kiddie couldn't cover his tracks).
> This bill seeks to put "unauthorized access" of computers, which some
> courts have held includes such things as a ping sweep, in the same
> category as driving a jet plane into a skyscraper.  I think this is
> preposterous, and I think you would agree with me.

Many people already look at such things as an unauthorized port scan as an
"attack." And while not all scans are malicious, they probably are justified
in doing so.

It is not unreasonable to assume that the recent increase in viruses and
malicious attacks on our e-commerce system are funded by the same terrorists
who performed the more conventional terrorist acts. And it should be treated
with the same seriousness.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: ISDN Modem recommendation

2001-09-27 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Taylor, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Rich Payne'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Taylor, Chris"
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 10:55 AM
Subject: RE: ISDN Modem recommendation

> If I was to use one of those integrated isdn modem/hub/routers am I safe
> assuming that the "router" piece would allow me a static IP I could use
> an internal network's internet gateway?

It depends on the ISP. My DSL company at work assigns the router a static IP
address. My cable modem at home is assigned an IP address through a DHCP
server. You should ask your ISDN provider how they do it. If they do DHCP by
default, they should be able to accommodate a static IP, but you will
probably have to pay more for it. (Usually they charge for a block of 4 or 8
static IPs that you can assign to your various public servers.)

Either way, the router will have two addresses, an external "public" IP
address, either static or DHCP-assigned, and a fixed internal "private"
address, such as This is the address that your internal
computers use for their gateway, so it won't matter if you don't have a
static public IP address, unless you need it for web site hosting or VPN

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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Re: Opera better??? (was: Re: 1 Billion sec.s: What celebration? (Kmail bug))

2001-09-24 Thread Rich C

Thanks. I'll definitely have to give it another try.

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

- Original Message -
From: "Jerry Kubeck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rich Cloutier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Opera better??? (was: Re: 1 Billion sec.s: What celebration?
(Kmail bug))

> Rich,
> I use Opera with Mandrake 7.2 at home and love it and I use Opera
> with my laptop and both Win 2000 and my Win 98 box at work. Haven't
> had any problem with  it at all. THough I am certainly not a power
> user.
> Jerry
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Christopher E. Cramb Sr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: "Jerry Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 4:04 AM
> >Subject: Re: 1 Billion sec.s: What celebration? (Kmail bug)
> >
> >
> >>  Opera supports multiple POP3 accounts and has a nifty browser that
> >>  nutscrape to shame.
> >>
> >
> >Really? Last time I [tried to]use[d] Opera, it was buggy as hell. (It was
> >still WAY better than Netscape 6 though.) Does this mean that it has been
> >improved? Is it actually usable now? I liked the interface and the speed,
> >I'd really like to try it again.
> >
> >Rich Cloutier
> >President, C*O
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >**
> >To unsubscribe from this list, send mail to
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following text in the
> >*body* (*not* the subject line) of the letter:
> >unsubscribe gnhlug
> >**
> --
> -
> Jerry Kubeck  Customer Support Appropriate Solutions, Inc.

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Re: Home again, and a glimpse of the future

2001-09-21 Thread Rich C

- Original Message -
From: "Chad R. Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: Home again, and a glimpse of the future

> On 21 Sep 2001, at 0:08, Rich Cloutier wrote:
> > (Don't need to ask. I understand that the marshalls use rubber bullets
> > to prevent decompressions.)
> Actually, unless they've made a change in the last few years I
> believe they carry low velocity MagSafe ammo.

Thanks for the clarification. I always prefer to know what I'm talking about
and now I will! :o)

Rich Cloutier
President, C*O

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