[google-appengine] Re: Having doubts about AppEngine

2008-08-28 Thread Wooble

On Aug 28, 12:27 pm, Filip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But most worrying to me is the Google Quota system. When Google does
> metrics on the uptime of their service, they should not count the
> uptime of their service, but the availability of their service to me,
> that is what matters to me. In particular, it is totally unacceptable
> that a GAE-based site becomes unreachable for minutes, let alone for
> hours or better parts of the day. Clearly, attacks should be avoided
> by denying traffic when it ramps up suspiciously fast, but bringing
> down the customer's site all together is out of the question.

It's not a customer's site.  You're not Google's customer until you
start paying them, and when you start paying them the quotas won't
bring down your site because you'll be paying them for the usage over
the quota.  Instead of comparing their free preview service to S3, try
comparing it to any other free hosting service out there.
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[google-appengine] Re: How to delete an application ID

2008-08-29 Thread Wooble

You should be able to invite the second account as an admin, then
remove your first account as admin, I think.

On Aug 29, 12:55 am, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to move/associate an appEngine ID with a different gmail
> account of mine; how can I delete the ID from one account and register
> it again under a different Google account?
> -
> e
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[google-appengine] Re: how to upload/download CSV file on Google App Engine

2008-08-29 Thread Wooble

On Aug 29, 12:36 pm, VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can anybody share a full code for this small task?


How it gets imported is intimately connected to what your actual data
looks like.  There's no one-size-fits-all solution to generic import
of any data into the datastore; your datastore models will need to be
written to accommodate your own data.
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[google-appengine] Re: Re-post: dev_appserver mangling app handler name

2008-09-02 Thread Wooble

This is another bug in how GAE handles Windows filenames.  Due to the
filesystem with \ separators, the "\b" at the start of blueprints is
being interpreted as a string escape for the backspace character.

The immediate solution is avoid any fle/directory names that start
with a,b,f,n,N,r,t,u,U,v, or x.  Or to ditch Windows (you'll be glad
you did for so many other reasons too)
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[google-appengine] Re: Google Checkout Integration

2008-09-02 Thread Wooble

Partially. The Checkout Notification API requires a secure connection,
and GAE doesn't have HTTPS support at the moment.

If you don't need your application to get order notifications, you can
probably use the rest of Google Checkout, but I imagine an e-commerce
application that can't get order notifications would be fairly
crippled. YMMV

On Sep 2, 11:36 am, Vitaliy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Does it possible to integrate Google Checkout int my GAE application ?
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[google-appengine] Re: Google maps custom tile hosting on GAE

2008-09-02 Thread Wooble

On Sep 2, 12:09 pm, Fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim:
> > why aren't you storing your tiles as entities in the store rather than
> > as files?
> I was concerned about CPU quotas - each tile request would hit the
> datastore.

If the information in Issue 161 is correct and the reason for the 1000
file limit is that the files themselves are being stored in the
datastore, I imagine you'll get a similar CPU hit whether you're
accessing "files" or pulling them out of the datastore directly, and
I'd also imagine that the CPU time involved in loading a zip file of
thousands of tiles, unarchiving it, and then finding the tile(s) you
want would be even worse.
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[google-appengine] Re: Django 1.0?

2008-09-04 Thread Wooble

First search result on "Django 1.0": 

On Sep 3, 8:40 pm, DaNmarner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does any body know whether GAE is going to update the version included
> Django to 1.0?
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[google-appengine] Re: Timeout Problems

2008-09-04 Thread Wooble

On Sep 4, 10:45 am, jdub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or am I missing something?

Possibly that GAE was created to build simple web applications, and
not as a full cloud computing environment.  You probably want EC3.
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[google-appengine] Re: Quota : Bandwidth In/out per Day != Data Sent/Received

2008-09-05 Thread Wooble

Your comment on that issue that the same request should take the same
amount of CPU the second time you run it missing the whole point of
caching and scalability.  O(N) performance doesn't meet any definition
of "scalable" I've seen.

On Sep 5, 7:41 am, Sylvain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the quota page is not clear enough.
> And the CPU/Request warning is very hard to understand.
> Even the profiler is useless and it is true that 2 same request can
> have different results : one with a warning and the other without.
> I've created this issue about CPU/Request warning
> http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=680
> Regards
> On 5 sep, 00:43, Thomas Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The day is chunked into five pieces. Roughly 5 hours per chunk.
> > The idea is that this way, even if you exhaust one 5 hour period,
> > you'll still be able to serve the remaining 19.
> > Of course, the real reason is so when they start charging, this way
> > they'll be able to charge you for spike traffic that wouldn't
> > otherwise exceed your daily free quota.
> > Speaking of quotas, I'm really starting to wonder if there isn't
> > something really wrong about their calculation; I did a load benchmark
> > earlier, a simple ab2 -c 10 over a long period of time, after building
> > up the load. Everything was working great, until suddenly, after about
> > 40k requests, a ton of requests started spewing the dreaded cpu
> > warnings. If I'd started a -c 100 or something then I'd understand it,
> > but this was the exact same load pattern over a long period of time,
> > and shouldn't result in any changes whatsoever on the google side of
> > things. A completely stable workload, but still app engine went funky
> > after a while and starting spewing the warnings that the requests
> > never trigger under normal circumstances. If a completely stable
> > workload like that will cause you to go over quota, there's no chance
> > in hell you'll ever get even close to saturating your alotted 5 hour
> > quotas.
> > (Sorry to derail your thread a little bit.)
> > On Sep 4, 11:31 pm, Sylvain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > There are two kinds of quota.
> > > Documentation : Bandwidth In/out per Day  = 10 000 MB
> > > Dashboard : Data Sent/Received = 2 000 MB
> > > Could you explain the difference ?
> > > Thank you.
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[google-appengine] Re: Concerning about Google App Engine Terms

2008-09-05 Thread Wooble

On Sep 5, 2:30 am, ade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone care?

Umm, is there something there anyone *should* care about?  Were you
hoping not to grant to Google the rights they actually need to provide
you with service, so you could upload your application and then sue
them for copyright infringement for copying it to multiple machines in
their cloud?  I'm sure you could find a cheaper way to get a judge to
laugh you out of a courtroom.
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[google-appengine] Re: Upload Post image app engine

2008-09-05 Thread Wooble

I'd guess your client script is making a malformed HTTP request and
the server you're running your PHP script on is more forgiving than
the AppSpot one.  I'd expect the 400 error to be returned by the
server before it even tries to run your python script; it *should*
mean that the server has no idea what to do with the HTTP request it
got; if your script had a problem you should be seeing a 500 error.

On Sep 5, 9:23 am, rive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do an multipart post to "http://rive.appspot.com/services/
> CountriesService.py"
> But I keep getting 400 bad requests back?? The file is really online.
> This is the server side file I have online. (the same client side code
> works perfect with PHP)
> from google.appengine.api import images
> from google.appengine.api import users
> from google.appengine.ext import db
> from google.appengine.ext import webapp
> from Model import tblMapCountries, DTO
> class CountriesService(webapp.RequestHandler):
>     def post(self):
>         if users.is_current_user_admin():
>             country = tblMapCountries()
>             country.country = self.request.get("country")
>             uploadimage = images.resize(self.request.get("Filedata"),
> 25, 20, images.PNG)
>             country.flag = db.Blob(uploadimage)
>             country.put()
>             return "inserted in db app engine"
>         else:
>             return "kiekeboe"
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[google-appengine] Re: How to determine content-length correctly?

2008-09-05 Thread Wooble

The perl length() function returns the number of characters in a
string, while the HTTP Content-Length header is the number of bytes in
the content.  If your content contains multi-byte characters, these
won't be the same thing.

>From perldoc length:
Note the characters: if the EXPR is in Unicode, you will get the
number of characters, not the number of bytes. To get the length of
the internal string in bytes, use bytes::length(EXPR) , see bytes.
Note that the internal encoding is variable, and the number of bytes
usually meaningless. To get the number of bytes that the string would
have when encoded as UTF-8, use length(Encoding::encode_utf8(EXPR)).

On Sep 5, 11:02 am, Ethan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using a Perl script to post the contents of text file to my app
> from a Solaris server. The script is available here.
> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/E/EL/ELIJAH/bget-1.1
> It sets the Content-Length based on the size of the file I am posting,
> however when I check self.request.body it ends up truncating a few of
> the characters off the end. If I modify the bget script and increase
> the size the characters show up. There doesn't seem to be any
> consistency, more lines in the file usually means more characters
> getting clipped, so it isn't like I need to add 1 byte or anything.
> Perhaps there is a bug in the perl script but I am thinking this is
> some sort of character/type language thing. What are the rules in
> regards to setting the Content-Length correctly?
> Thanks,
> Ethan
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[google-appengine] Re: Memcache not working?

2008-09-05 Thread Wooble

I believe memcache.add works asynchronously (the docs say it will
never block, and I assume it must take some non-zero time to actually
add anything to the cache), so an add followed immediately by a get
can be too fast for the get to return anything.  I don't believe
memcache is intended to work in realtime, and it's probably not a good
idea for a single invocation to need to fetch anything from the cache
that it put there itself; as fast as memcache is you'll always get
better performance from just storing the value in a local variable as
well as in the cache.

In the intended use of memcache (difference instances of your
application reading and writing the same cache), you'll see
practically no lag since the time it takes to add something to the
cache is incredibly unlikely to be longer than the time between
requests even if it's longer than the time between executing two
statements in a single python script.

On Sep 4, 9:45 pm, t0ny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to use memcache and it seems to be working on my dev
> server. I'm caching three thing and only two of them stay cached. Here
> is my code. mcount is the one thats not working.
>     #this works
>     wbcount = memcache.get("wbcount")
>     if wbcount is None:
>         debug("Caching wbcount")
>         wbcount = 0
>         memcache.add(key="wbcount", value=wbcount, time=60 * 60)
>     v["wbcount"] = wbcount
>    #this does not
>     mcount = memcache.get("mcount")
>     if mcount is None:
>         debug("Caching mcount") # I keep seeing this in the logs!
> <<<
>         mcount = museum.all().count()
>         memcache.add(key="mcount", value=mcount, time=60 * 60)
>     v["mcount"] = mcount
>     #this works
>     ucount = memcache.get("ucount")
>     if ucount is None:
>         debug("Caching ucount")
>         ucount = ruser.all().count()
>         memcache.add(key="ucount", value=ucount, time=60 * 60)
>     v["ucount"] = ucount
> Am I doing anything wrong?
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[google-appengine] Re: How to determine content-length correctly?

2008-09-05 Thread Wooble

On Sep 5, 3:59 pm, "Ethan Post" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Someone over at StackOverflow figured it out. Apparently there is some
> unknown character being inserted at the end of each line which was messing
> up the Content-Length. Instead of worrying about trying to figure out how to
> remove the extra characters I just tack on an extra character for each line
> at the end of the file and I end up sending exactly what I wanted.

This line:
$EOL = "\cm\cj";

may be your problem.  I'd think \n should be sufficient for within the
content, and \r\n is probably what you want for the HTTP headers.
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[google-appengine] Re: Internationalize GAE webapp

2008-09-06 Thread Wooble

If you want your users to actually be able to *use* your application,
bad machine translation probably isn't a great solution.  I'd argue
it's probably worse than doing nothing.

On Sep 6, 6:28 am, Davide Rognoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, my is a provocation :-)
> But, for example, I can't make a chinese translation, without 
> this:http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=b...
> .
> .
> .
> -- Best Template Enginehttp://pyoohtml.appspot.com/best-template-engine
> .
> .
> .
> On Sep 6, 12:16 pm, A.TNG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Davide Rognoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Yes, the message is relevant, because this is the best way to all
> > > languages translation :-P
> > It is a cool way. But not exactly what we want.
> > Still thanks. :-)
> > > On Sep 6, 12:05 pm, Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> Sorry,
> > >> Is your message relevant with the topic ?
> > >> Est ton message pertinent par rapport au sujet ?
> > >> Thanks
> > >> Merci,
> > >> Pierre
> > >> On 6 sep, 12:02, Davide Rognoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> > "Le meilleur moteur de 
> > >> > calibre"http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=b...
> > >> > .
> > >> > .
> > >> > .
> > >> > -- Best Template Enginehttp://pyoohtml.appspot.com/best-template-engine
> > >> > .
> > >> > .
> > >> > .
> > >> > On Jul 18, 9:52 pm, Pau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> > > I write the internationalization following the django documentation 
> > >> > > inhttp://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/0.96/i18n/
> > >> > > If I write a "pure" django application, it work correctly. But if I
> > >> > > write a "pure" GAE (webapp) it's not work.
> > >> > > Specifically:
> > >> > > - The default translations writing in ...\django\conf\locale work
> > >> > > correctly. For example:
> > >> > > msg = _("English") is translate ok.
> > >> > > - But I translate my text, for example msg = _("my web is 
> > >> > > beautiful"),
> > >> > > it's not translating.
> > >> > > I follow the same steps as before: I create the translation files 
> > >> > > (.mo
> > >> > > nd .po) in my GAE project using make-messages.py and compile-
> > >> > > messages.py and I located them in {project}\locale\{locale}
> > >> > > \LC_MESSAGES directory, but it don't work. It's as if the translation
> > >> > > not existing or not found.
> > >> > > Do you have any idea?
> > >> > > Thanks
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > TANG Jiyu
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[google-appengine] Re: Refering to user property.

2008-09-08 Thread Wooble

A URL with an MD5 digest in it will be incredibly ugly and not very
user-friendly.  If you want your users to be able to actually remember
their URL to tell their friends, a user-chosen username as the id is
probably the best choice, even if it's not as easy on your end.

On Sep 8, 2:37 am, gops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi , In my application there is a user profile page.
> What is the best url scheme - numbering schme to refer to that user.
> some idea i have is ,
> user a incremental count of the user. {{ might need a global counter
> or a gql short query }} . and use it as an id.
> as done byhttp://www.challenge-you.com/profile?id=XX,
> Another id is to md5 user email and use it with .com/md5 ,
> or even faster , use key of datastore { but as I have multiple
> database model , this might be difficult }
> currently I am thinking to go with md5-idea. , but Is there easier
> way , I am not aware of  ?
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[google-appengine] Re: Memcache consistency

2008-09-08 Thread Wooble

On Sep 8, 8:59 am, "Barry Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Its probably implemented as multiple caching 'servers' so each one
> would/could store their own copy.

It's not.  That's exactly the inefficient model memcache was designed
to replace.
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[google-appengine] Re: unterminated string literal

2008-09-08 Thread Wooble

This has nothing whatsoever to do with App Engine, but 2 seconds in
Google shows that if you want a multi-line string in Javascript you
can just put a \ at the end of each line.

On Sep 8, 5:49 pm, thepopeofantelope <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A javascript function fails to render because and object
> member(ingredients and directions) is of TextProperty type and
> includes a value with newlines/linebreaks. I've tried to format the
> value in the javascript function with no luck. Below is the page
> source.
> How do I resolve this?
>   function editRecipe(recipe) {
>     var form = document.getElementById("recipeform");
>     var dialog = document.getElementById("recipeform_dialog");
> document.getElementById("recipeKey").value="ahNkZWxyYWVtYXJpZXNyZWNpcGVzcgwLEgZSZWNpcGUYBgw";
>     document.getElementById("recipeName").value="Mark";
> document.getElementById("recipeCategory").value=getCategoryIndex("Dessert");
> document.getElementById("recipeCuisine").value=getCuisineIndex("American");
> document.getElementById("recipeOccasion").value=getOccasionIndex("Other");
>     document.getElementById("recipeServes").value="4";
>          document.getElementById("recipeIngredients").value="BOIL TO CRACK
> ";
>     document.getElementById("recipeDirections").value="REMOVE AND ADD
> ";
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[google-appengine] Re: Hidden Security Risks through App Caching

2008-09-09 Thread Wooble

On Sep 9, 8:47 am, Cat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm,
> I noticed that in contrary to ordinary webservers AppEngine preserves
> global state of one instance. This has huge security implications, as
> sensitive information could be leaked through class variables:
> Example pattern:
> class Page(...):
>       message = ''
>       def render(response): # output the page
>             response.out.write(Page.message) # any message?
> # ... lets do the BAD thing ...
> Page.message = 'Hello mike! You have changed your password to
> aT455gv.'
> [... exception here ...]
> p = Page(title=''Hello")
> p.render(...)
> If the next user connects the message is displayed to the following
> user ... UhOh!
> Preserved state is new thing one has to get used to ...
> Hmm, there is a tiny note about this 
> here:http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/appcaching.html
> Could that be displayed in BOLD RED FLASHING for all newbies out
> there?

Your example code isn't declaring message as a global variable, and it
won't be cached. It's really difficult to accidentally use the global
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[google-appengine] Re: Cookies

2008-09-09 Thread Wooble

On Sep 9, 1:19 pm, Tom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I use cookies with URL fetch?
> For instance I want to make an app that logs into a site using a
> username and password given by the user, and store the cookie that is
> given back from the site, so I can access the rest of the site as if I
> am logged in as that user.
> Any Idea?

The headers parameter of the urlfetch function can be used to send any
HTTP header that's not in the forbidden list, including a Cookie:
header.  To get the Cookie in the first place look for the Set-Cookie:
headers returned in the response object from urlfetch.
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[google-appengine] Re: Upload Post image app engine

2008-09-10 Thread Wooble

On Sep 10, 4:29 am, rive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now I don't get any errors, thanks for helping in that. But that's
> also it...I don't get any response at all?

Your script isn't sending any response, it's return()ing a value that
will be ignored.  To send a response you need to use
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[google-appengine] Re: Other languages timetable

2008-09-11 Thread Wooble

On Sep 11, 7:52 am, Aristotle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this is a spammy topic, but is there any timetable at all for
> the addition of new languages apart from Python?

No.  Google's given no timetable for any feature that people imagine
might be added in the future, nor have they definitively said that
there even will be support for any particular other languages.

> Oh and "develop in Python" is not an answer.

Maybe not one you want to hear, but it's the only meaningful answer
if, for some reason, you feel that you want to use App Engine any time
in the foreseeable future.
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[google-appengine] Re: Canada SMS Rogers

2008-09-12 Thread Wooble

You probably want to use the SMS problem form linked to in the FAQ
(http://code.google.com/appengine/kb/sms.html) rather than posting the
same question to the list repeatedly.

On Sep 12, 1:38 pm, Ben Nevile <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone out there had problems receiving the SMS verification on Rogers
> in Canada?  I have tried several times without success.
> Ben
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[google-appengine] Re: failing on the appengine but not locally

2008-09-13 Thread Wooble

What does your app.yaml look like?

On Sep 13, 7:50 am, sometihng or other <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get the following  stacktrace logged on the server when executing
> any request. I am using app-engine-patch to include the latest version
> of django. I was using google-app-engine-django, but received the same
> error when using that.
> The file that it is complaining about (html.py) does seem to exist in
> the correct location, but isn't found. Is it possible that it isn't
> being uploaded??
> The difficult thing is that it works locally, but doesn't work on the
> server.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> j
> :
> : No module named html
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/appenginepatch/
> main.py", line 11, in 
>     patch_all()
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/appenginepatch/
> appenginepatcher/patch.py", line 7, in patch_all
>     patch_django()
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/appenginepatch/
> appenginepatcher/patch.py", line 109, in patch_django
>     from appenginepatcher.auth import models
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/appenginepatch/
> appenginepatcher/auth/models.py", line 3, in 
>     from django.db.models.manager import EmptyManager
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/django/db/
> models/__init__.py", line 5, in 
>     from django.db.models.query import Q
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/django/db/
> models/query.py", line 7, in 
>     from django.db.models.fields import DateField
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/django/db/
> models/fields/__init__.py", line 16, in 
>     from django import forms
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/django/forms/
> __init__.py", line 13, in 
>     from util import ValidationError
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/savingsplanner/1.18/common/django/forms/
> util.py", line 1, in 
>     from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
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[google-appengine] Re: GAE reloads application?

2008-09-17 Thread Wooble

On Sep 17, 6:04 am, Микола <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I would first try to find a way to avoid loading the 12MB because you can't 
> >rely on it staying in memory between requests.
> Yes, but the question is - why GAE reloads application without any
> warnings, when application don't use many resourses, and why at the
> same time it don't reloadhttp://codereview.appspot.com/(see at left
> top corner)? Its look like segmentation falt at GAE or something like
> that.

There's absolutely no reason for you to expect all of your requests to
be served by the same server, or for a server to keep your enormous
application in memory if it's not getting a lot of requests; that
memory can be used to hold lots of little applications instead.  I'm
not sure why you assume that there must be a segmentation fault; GAE
isn't *designed* to automatically keep an application in memory until
it crashes, it's designed to cache whatever applications its algorithm
thinks it should cache to give the best possible performance to
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[google-appengine] Re: GAE reloads application?

2008-09-17 Thread Wooble

On Sep 17, 10:50 am, "Myroslav Opyr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will there be any indication in the logs that application crashed with
> segmentation fault?

Considering the python sandbox doesn't really let you do low-level
monkeying around with memory, if you're managing to segfault the thing
there's probably a serious bug in the python interpreter.  Of course,
unless you have any evidence at all that there's ever been a
segfaulting problem, I'd say there probably isn't one.
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[google-appengine] Re: Monitoring A Datastore For Changes

2008-09-18 Thread Wooble

On Sep 18, 12:22 am, Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there a means to register a listener for datastore changes?

There's no way to do anything at all in GAE that's not a direct
response to a request from a browser.

One way to get the functionality you're looking for is to have the
parts of your code that write to the datastore also write a summary of
the changes they've made, so another process can just check for
changes to that summary rather than having to query the entire
datastore and look for things that have recently changed.  Of course,
there's really no easy way to do a push to the other clerks; their
browsers would need to be periodically hitting whatever script shows
if there are updates.
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[google-appengine] Re: Roadmap for extra computing resources (& billing)

2008-09-18 Thread Wooble

Nonsense.  At least 2 of the developers are very active in this group
in helping people resolve specific problems with their code.  The fact
that they're ignoring your demands to reveal their trade secrets
doesn't mean they're not reading them.

On Sep 18, 1:32 am, Dado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +1... I actually would be happy with even a NOT firm date... but don't
> hold your breath! It doesn't look like may GAE team people are really
> paying attention to this group.
> On Sep 17, 6:44 am, FreeAgent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello to the GAE team!
> > I've been a fan of App Engine since launch.
> > Last night, I attended a talk on Amazon Web Services and I got into a
> > discussion with potential clients about using AWS to serve their
> > needs.
> > Afterwards, I thought of a design using App Engine.
> > The hitch is: it's a high-bandwidth application which could  surpass
> > the 10,000 MB limits (on upload and download) from App Engine. The CPU-
> > cycle limits could be exceeded too, but they're harder to estimate.
> > On the other hand, it will take some time to implement the
> > application, so we may be able to wait until more resources are
> > available from App Engine.
> > Can you offer firm dates for the availability of more bandwidth &
> > cycles--and billing for those resources? (I know you said it would be
> > before year-end.)
> > Thanks and regards,
> > Kevin Noonan,
> > Dublin, Ireland.
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[google-appengine] Re: Can amazon web services or any web services be called from google app engine

2008-09-18 Thread Wooble

Yes; the urlfetch API can do anything that's accomplished through an
HTTP request, as long as the web service isn't really slow; your
scripts only have 10 seconds to execute and they'll timeout if they
try to contact a web service that takes longer than that to respond.

Note that if the web service you want to use has a standard python API
kit, it's probably not going to work but will need to be adapted to
use urlfetch instead of urllib or sockets.  Or you could just write
the code to do the HTTP calls and parse the responses yourself.

On Sep 18, 2:39 am, pacific <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have just started coding in GAE , I want to develop an application
> which can call a different web services like amazon book catalog
> search web service but enormous amount of search on blogs , youtube ,
> google code didnt gave me any example of how to call web services from
> Python.
> I just got some examples where some rss feeds are being called but no
> application where in a web service was called for doing some function
> for eq searching for a book on amazon and amazon has a web service for
> that , i did that in Java and C# but cant figurede out how to do in
> Thanks for the help
> pacific
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[google-appengine] Re: Complaint

2008-09-18 Thread Wooble


On Sep 18, 3:38 am, billow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm in China. And my mobile phone's service provider is China Mobile
> which is not supported. How can I use GAE now? PLS help me.
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[google-appengine] Re: How to I use xml.sax in google app engine??

2008-09-19 Thread Wooble

On Sep 19, 5:32 pm, rmz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 11, 2:38 pm, marc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sorry about that.
> > Next time I will RTFM first.
> Which part of tfm was that?
> (Rmz)

I'd assume he meant the part of the GAE docs that explains you have no
access to the filesystem; unlink modifies the filesystem so it doesn't
work on GAE.
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[google-appengine] Re: App.Yaml seems to be malfunctioning

2008-09-22 Thread Wooble

The 404 errors are for favicon.ico.  /newuser is a 405 error, which
means there's something wrong with the handler in NewUser.py.

Does your CreateNewUserPage handler have a get() method defined?

On Sep 21, 4:02 am, Pranny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, My App.Yaml file is as follows
> application: felix
> version: 1
> runtime: python
> api_version: 1
> handlers:
> - url: /
>   script: Login.py
> - url: /newuser
>   script: NewUser.py
> When i test it, @ localhost:8080 i get the Login Page, as expected.
> However, when i try @ localhost:8080/newuser i get a 404 error. Can
> anyone explain me the cause of this. I have both the scripts properly
> in the application directory.
> This is my webrequest handler in NewUser.py
> application = webapp.WSGIApplication([
>     ('/newuser', CreateNewUserPage)
>     ], debug=True)
> This is my Console output
> INFO     2008-09-21 08:09:33,592 dev_appserver.py] "GET / HTTP/1.1"
> 200 -
> INFO     2008-09-21 08:09:33,655 dev_appserver.py] "GET /
> ftc_transparent.gif HTTP/1.1" 404 -
> INFO     2008-09-21 08:09:33,717 dev_appserver.py] "GET /favicon.ico
> HTTP/1.1" 404 -
> INFO     2008-09-21 08:09:46,530 dev_appserver.py] "GET /newuser HTTP/
> 1.1" 405 -
> INFO     2008-09-21 08:09:46,608 dev_appserver.py] "GET /favicon.ico
> HTTP/1.1" 404 -
> Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks and Regards,
> Pranny
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[google-appengine] Re: Urlfetch works fine at localhost but errors out after uploading

2008-09-22 Thread Wooble

On Sep 22, 3:12 pm, Downtown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> WOW! Please provide a link in your documentation where this is
> discussed. You need to put this limitation in big red letters
> someplace. Now I will need to recode major pieces of my application.


"Since your application must respond to the user's request within
several seconds, a URL fetch action to a slow remote server may cause
your application to return a server error to the user. There is
currently no way to specify a time limit to the URL fetch action. One
way to control the user experience of a slow remote server is to use
browser JavaScript to call a separate handler on your application that
performs the action that requires URL fetching, then report the error
to the user if the handler fails."
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[google-appengine] Re: User Authentication

2008-09-23 Thread Wooble

On Sep 22, 10:08 pm, My3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sam,
> Yes i am currently using it. But i want to host an application
> elsewhere which has to be used only by these Google Apps users.
> So for that can i use Google App engine to forward the authentication.
> Or else can i use any other authentication.

Sure.  Just create a handler that checks if someone is a valid user
and redirects to a page in your application with whatever kind of
information you want about them.
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[google-appengine] Re: User Authentication

2008-09-23 Thread Wooble

Well, obviously a static webpage is going to have no way of knowing
whether there was any authentication done in the first place, and a
model, of security through obscurity by only making that static link
available on a GAE website that itself requires authentication isn't
really security at all.

If you really want to make the user visit GAE to authenticate every
time instead of saving the redirected link, using expiring session IDs
is fairly trivial, even if it is complicated a bit by having to pass
session data between 2 different systems.

On Sep 23, 8:38 am, My3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But then the redirected page link cannot be static right. Like if once
> they know the redirected page link, then they will open the link from
> history without login into Google App Engine.
> On Sep 23, 6:29 am, Wooble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sep 22, 10:08 pm, My3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Sam,
> > > Yes i am currently using it. But i want to host an application
> > > elsewhere which has to be used only by these Google Apps users.
> > > So for that can i use Google App engine to forward the authentication.
> > > Or else can i use any other authentication.
> > Sure.  Just create a handler that checks if someone is a valid user
> > and redirects to a page in your application with whatever kind of
> > information you want about them.
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[google-appengine] Re: High Amount CPU Quota should be removed

2008-09-23 Thread Wooble

On Sep 23, 12:15 am, gg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Agreed. The problem at Google is very simple and has two components.
> First, the engineers run the show and there is no rational voice at
> Google to point out to them when they do something that does not meet
> a real world demand (they make something stupid). And the second
> component is they still have a lot of money to blow so they can get
> away making things that do not meet market demand (writing stuff that
> does not work and is stupid).

If they're so stupid, you're free to start a competing service and
steal all of their business.  That's how the free market works.
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[google-appengine] Re: PyCurl and cUrl

2008-09-23 Thread Wooble

No.  The only way to make network connections at all in the GAE
sandbox is with the urlfetch API.

On Sep 23, 2:40 pm, farbodr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does GAE support PyCurl?. I know PyCurl uses cUrl which distro of cUrl
> can I package with PyCurl?
> TIA,
> Fred
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[google-appengine] Re: templates - offline yes, online no

2008-09-25 Thread Wooble

Nothing in your python scripts, including the template engine, can
access anything in a static directory or declared as a static file in
app.yaml.  The static files are not copied to the same server as your
python scripts so it doesn't matter how you try to reference them;
they're *only* available at their static URLs over the web.

I believe there's an issue filed requesting that the dev server show
the same behavior, but that seems tricky since the scripts execute
directly from your source directory and hacking the python interpreter
to make stuff in the filesystem invisible to the scripts sounds a bit

On Sep 25, 11:10 am, acm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi readers,
> I am having a probleme with my templates and the place they stay in.
> Locally (dev_appserver) it works without any problems, but after I
> uploaded my project to appengine (appcfg update) and 
> visitinghttp://goroutes.appspot.comthe exception "TemplateDoesNotExist:
> Home.de.html" is raised.
> My templates reside in "/style/templates/*" (relative path). Within
> app.yaml "/style" is declared as "static_dir", but I think that should
> not matter, because the template engine (especially the
> google.appengine.ext.template.render function) works on system level,
> not on urls. I feet the render function with an absolute path, which
> is generated while a request happen. I also tried it with an relative
> path with no luck. I am sure that the template exists, 
> becausehttp://goroutes.appspot.com/style/templates/index.htmlis available. I
> read that in static_dir's no scripts are allowed, but if I move "/
> style/templates" to "/templates" and declare "/templates" as
> static_dir it works, online and offline.
> ... and I do not really want to have templates under the projects root
> folder.
> So, are there any hints, sugesstions or solutions?
> Regards,
> acm.
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[google-appengine] Re: Automatically adding a static index.html to a URL with app.yaml

2008-09-25 Thread Wooble

On Sep 25, 4:46 pm, SIE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, if we substitute for the last handler
> - url: /dir
>   static_files: dir/index.html
>   upload: dir/index.html
> then a call to
> http://localhost:8080/dir
> yields the error
> INFO     2008-09-25 20:39:07,117 dev_appserver.py] "GET /dir HTTP/1.1"
> 200 -
> INFO     2008-09-25 20:39:07,272 dev_appserver.py] "GET /styles.css
> HTTP/1.1" 404 -

This isn't a problem with App Engine, that's (expected) behavior by
the web browser caused by a relative URL.

The solution is to refer to "/dir/styles.css" in your HTML instead of
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[google-appengine] Re: URL doesn't work with more than one group

2008-09-28 Thread Wooble

You need to reverse the order of the patterns; the first one matches
everything, so the other ones never get checked.  Remember, these are
regular expressions, not file globs.

On Sep 28, 2:12 pm, David Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have some URL patterns like this in webapp.WSGIApplication:
> (r'/myconfigs', MyConfigsHandler),
> (r'/myconfigs/(.*)', MyConfigsHandler), # action
> (r'/myconfigs/(.*)/(.*)', MyConfigsHandler), # action, config_id
> (r'/myconfigs/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)', MyConfigsHandler), # action, config_id,
> sub_item
> (r'/myconfigs/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)', MyConfigsHandler), # action,
> config_id, sub_item, sub_action
> (r'/myconfigs/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)', MyConfigsHandler) # action,
> config_id, sub_item, sub_action, sub_item_id
> MyConfigsHandler is setup like this:
> class MyConfigsHandler(BaseRequestHandler):
>         # /myconfigs/action/config_id/sub_item/sub_action/sub_item_id
>         # ex: /myconfigs/view/12/partitions/edit/2
>         def get(self, action='list', config_id=None, sub_item=None,
> sub_action='list', sub_item_id=None):
>                 template_values = {
>                         'config_id': config_id,
>                         'sub_item_id': sub_item_id
>                 }
>                 if not sub_item:
>                         self.generate(os.path.join('myconfigs', action + 
> '.html'),
> template_values)
>                 else:
>                         # myconfigs/partitions/edit.html
>                         self.generate(os.path.join('myconfigs', action, 
> config_id,
> sub_item, sub_action + '.html'), template_values)
> The problem is, config_id never gets populated when /myconfigs/view/1
> is visited. Instead, "action" becomes "view/1" and thus my code is
> looking for a template called "1.html". Why isn't the appropriate URL
> pattern being used when a config id is specified?
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[google-appengine] Re: Question about SDK Redistribution

2008-09-30 Thread Wooble

I'm not a lawyer, but the SDK is under the Apache license, so yes, you
should be able to redistribute it as long as you follow the terms of
the license.  I believe your package can be under just about any
license you want except GPLv2; the Apache license has language about
patents that is considered incompatible with that license.

On Sep 30, 3:44 am, ericsk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> If I develop an application, am I permitted to include App Engine's
> SDK in my distributed package?
> And, should my package declare the same license?
> Thanks
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[google-appengine] Re: .net

2008-09-30 Thread Wooble

On Sep 30, 6:33 am, amshuhu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI Developers and Moderators, in our GAE ".net" coding is possible?

No.  Well, not unless you want to write a pure Python library that
emulates the .net API.
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[google-appengine] Re: using javascript libraries

2008-10-01 Thread Wooble

Javascript doesn't run on the GAE servers so the sandbox is completely
irrelevant to it.  You can serve, as static files, any javascripts you
want; it's up to your user's browser whether to execute it.

On Oct 1, 12:33 pm, Terrence Brannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The relevant 
> FAQ:http://code.google.com/appengine/kb/commontasks.html#thirdparty
> states that only Python 3rd party apps can be used.
> But what if there is a particular javascript library that I want to
> make use of?
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[google-appengine] Re: Python Support

2008-10-02 Thread Wooble

On Oct 2, 2:53 pm, Sal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will GAE be supporting Python versions 2.6 and/or 3.0?

I believe the developers have stated that 3.0 support is unlikely
since it's not backwards-compatible and would break existing code that
works now.

There's been no timeline posted for 2.6 support (or, really, for much
of anything), but personally I'd expect to see it sometime in the
future as I believe it is fully backwards-compatible.
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[google-appengine] Re: first app upload - blank page

2009-12-23 Thread Wooble

On Dec 21, 8:42 pm, Whitey  wrote:
> Something dumb I am sure, I have a simple app that works fine across
> Safari, Chrome, Firefox on local app engine dev setup (sdk 1.3.0) when
> I upload/deploy I get no error, when I access the page I get no errors
> (or anything) logged but I get a blank page with a status code of 200,
> have tried re-deploying, changing version numbers, deleting versions,
> etc, no luck, any ideas?  Thnks.

You need the

if __name__ == '__main__':

clause at the end of your python file.


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[google-appengine] Re: users.is_current_user_admin() returns False incorrectly

2009-12-24 Thread Wooble

On Dec 24, 2:09 am, kksm19820117  wrote:
> users.is_current_user_admin() returns true when I log in as an
> administrator from the deployment server, but returns false when I log
> into the uploaded application using an administrator account of the
> domain which has access to the application.
> The GAE/Python application I'm working on has been deployed with
> access only from a single domain, from a GMail(@gmail.com) account.
> I have noticed an issue dating back to September 2008, but it has been
> closed. Could someone please let me know what I am missing?

"Admin" in this context means a registered developer of the
application.  Google Apps adminship is irrelevant to this function's
return value.  I believe this is by design.


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[google-appengine] Re: question is regarding billable resources:

2010-01-19 Thread Wooble
These other quotas are not billable and can not be increased by paying
for more.  I believe you may be able to get more quota if you app is
close to these limits by contacting Google.

On Jan 13, 3:39 am, Dmitri  wrote:
> HI All,
> My question is regarding billable resources:
> As per the faq - When billing is enabled, you can split your budget
> between five billable resources:
>     * CPU Time
>     * Bandwidth in
>     * Bandwidth out
>     * Storage
>     * Email
> How about the  Requests,Datastore API Calls - what is my app exceeds
> ( 4320 Requests , Datastore API Calls 141241791 ) . I have chat
> feature in my app and i intend to do it by polling the database.
> Regards
> Dmitri
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[google-appengine] Re: How GAE set memcache service ip address

2010-01-19 Thread Wooble

On Jan 19, 2:24 am, sprewellkobe  wrote:
> i m very curious about how GAE memcache service work? i guess
> developer's memcache server cound not run on separate servers, so the
> memcache server must have only one ip&port. But the question is i
> donot need to set memcache server ip&port in my code, how does it
> works? how GAE let the memcache service know the memcache server
> ip&port which assigned to the deveopers

memcache is a distributed system, and does run on as many servers as
you care to throw at it.  http://memcached.org/ will tell you quite a
bit about how it works.
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[google-appengine] Re: I can't visite *.appspot.com from China, anybody knows why?

2010-01-20 Thread Wooble

On Jan 20, 9:45 am, Yiou  wrote:
> I can't visite *.appspot.com from China, anybody knows why?

The Chinese government periodically blocks appspot.
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[google-appengine] Re: PHISHING APP retwite

2010-01-23 Thread Wooble

On Jan 23, 1:40 am, ds  wrote:
> The app called Retwite is faking the twitter look and asking for
> passwords
> eg  http://retwite.appspot.com/cnn

According to the project's github site, it's intended as a proxy of
the real twitter site, not a phishing site, but I have to agree it
looks suspicious.

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[google-appengine] Re: Transaction across entities in different groups

2010-01-23 Thread Wooble
Why not use a ReferenceProperty pointing to a User in the SS model
instead of an unindexed StringProperty?  The User model can then use
the backreference collection to get a list of photos owned by the

I don't see a problem with a simple ListProperty of favorites,
although making this a list of db.Keys instead of a list of integer
IDs is probably preferable, because if you do decide to make photos
children of another entity the IDs won't be globally unique while the
db.Keys still will be.

On Jan 23, 7:29 pm, dburns  wrote:
> I'd appreciate any insight into the best design for this problem.  I
> have a photo-sharing app.  I want people to be able to mark a photo as
> a "favourite", just as YouTube does with videos.
> I have two kinds: Snapshots and Users.  Given a user, I need to be
> able to get a list of their favourites, and a list of the snapshots
> they created.  I need the inverse too, i.e. given a snapshot, I need
> to know who made it.
> The problem I have is ensuring consistency across these two kinds, but
> I don't think I can put them into the same entity group.  First, here
> they are:
> # The snapshot class.
> class SS(db.Model):
>     owner = db.StringProperty(indexed=False) # Who created this (user
> id).
>     #Other data about the snapshot here
> # The user class (the key_name is the user id)
> class User(db.Model):
>     owned_ids = db.ListProperty(int, indexed=False) # IDs of owned
> snapshots (i.e. created by this user)
>     fav_ids = db.ListProperty(int, indexed=False)       # IDs of
> favourite snapshots
> The issue is that when a user either creates or deletes a snapshot,
> there's a potential for those to get out of sync if an exception
> happens just at the wrong moment (e.g. a snapshot could exist where
> the creating user doesn't have it in the owned_ids list).
> Making a User instance the parent of a SS (snapshot) instance seems
> like a natural fit, except then I can't fetch all the favourites via:
> favs = SS.get_by_id(user.fav_ids).  The reason is that all parents
> have to be the same to use SS.get_by_id (according 
> tohttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/modelclass.htm...),
> but those favourites may have been created by various users (hence the
> parents would be different).
> Originally I had no owned_ids in User, and did a query to find that
> user's snapshots (owner in SS was indexed).  But that was slow and
> didn't lend itself to paging.  So I switched to get_by_id.
> Documentation note: run_in_transaction 
> athttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/functions.html
> doesn't mention the restriction that entities have to be in the same
> group.  I discovered it by seeing the exception, then read up in more
> detail elsewhere.  I naturally started there so it probably should be
> mentioned.

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[google-appengine] Re: "this resource used a high amount of CPU and may soon exceed it's qouta"

2010-01-25 Thread Wooble

On Jan 25, 2:51 am, "Magnus O." 
> Hi,
> I have an app which has enabled billing. Totally I'm far from
> exceeding my qouta but in the logs I see on many requests the
> following: "this resource used a high amount of CPU and may soon
> exceed it's qouta". It seems like these requests use about 1000cpu_ms.
> How much is allowed for one requests? I read something about per-
> minute qouta...

This warning message is out-of-date and a bit misleading; the high CPU
requests quota was removed from the system a while back, but the
warning message wasn't.  You're no longer likely to exceed this quota
because it doesn't exist.

These messages are still a good indication of handlers that you'd want
to look at to try to find optimizations, particularly if they're
running frequently, because they can get expensive in terms of your
overall CPU quota, but other than that they can generally be ignored.

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[google-appengine] Re: PHISHING APP retwite

2010-01-25 Thread Wooble
True, but this is because it's just proxying the twitter site
completely; any URL you throw at it will load the corresponding
twitter page.

Note that I'm not saying that I think this is a good idea; it's quite
probably both a TOS violation and a copyright violation.  However, if
the source on the github site is what they're actually running,
they're not phishing, they're just running a suspicious-looking proxy.

On Jan 24, 3:45 pm, kaza  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would say its phishing, just look at the about 
> pagehttp://retwite.appspot.com/about#about
> and nowere on the page, especially not on the login page there is a
> note that its not original twiter page
> so its phishing i would say
> On 24 Jan., 01:08, Wooble  wrote:
> > On Jan 23, 1:40 am, ds  wrote:
> > > The app called Retwite is faking the twitter look and asking for
> > > passwords
> > > eg  http://retwite.appspot.com/cnn
> > According to the project's github site, it's intended as a proxy of
> > the real twitter site, not a phishing site, but I have to agree it
> > looks suspicious.

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[google-appengine] Re: Getting 404

2010-01-27 Thread Wooble

On Jan 27, 11:41 am, Tim  wrote:
> When trying to navigate to my app, I get the dreaded 404 error. Is the
> DNS service down?

A 404 error is returned from a web server.  Without DNS, you wouldn't
be reaching the server at all.

I'd check that your application is actually configured to serve the
URL you're requesting in app.yaml or web.xml, as well as in your
handler script.

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[google-appengine] Re: what is wrong of this info when uploading?

2010-01-28 Thread Wooble
urlopen is getting a Connection Refused error.  It could be that the
appengine server was down when you tried to connect, or you could be
having firewall/proxy issues.

On Jan 28, 9:05 am, saintthor  wrote:
> 2010-01-28 21:45:35 Running command: "['D:\\Python25\\pythonw.exe', 'D:
> \\Program Files\\Google\\google_appengine\\appcfg.py', '--no_cookies',
> u'--email=saintthor', '--passin', 'update', 'E:\\gst']"
> Application: smarthor; version: 0.
> Server: appengine.google.com.
> Scanning files on local disk.
> Initiating update.
> 2010-01-28 21:45:41,315 ERROR appcfg.py:1454 An unexpected error
> occurred. Aborting.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1425, in DoUpload
>     missing_files = self.Begin()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1223, in Begin
>     version=self.version, payload=self.config.ToYAML())
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appengine_rpc.py", line 344, in Send
>     f = self.opener.open(req)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 381, in open
>     response = self._open(req, data)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 399, in _open
>     '_open', req)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 360, in _call_chain
>     result = func(*args)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 1115, in https_open
>     return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPSConnection, req)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 1082, in do_open
>     raise URLError(err)
> URLError: 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\appcfg.py", line 67,
> in 
>     run_file(__file__, globals())
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\appcfg.py", line 63,
> in run_file
>     execfile(script_path, globals_)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 2548, in 
>     main(sys.argv)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 2539, in main
>     result = AppCfgApp(argv).Run()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1640, in Run
>     self.action(self)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 2427, in __call__
>     return method()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1935, in Update
>     lambda path: open(os.path.join(basepath, path), 'rb'))
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1425, in DoUpload
>     missing_files = self.Begin()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1223, in Begin
>     version=self.version, payload=self.config.ToYAML())
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appengine_rpc.py", line 344, in Send
>     f = self.opener.open(req)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 381, in open
>     response = self._open(req, data)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 399, in _open
>     '_open', req)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 360, in _call_chain
>     result = func(*args)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 1115, in https_open
>     return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPSConnection, req)
>   File "D:\Python25\lib\urllib2.py", line 1082, in do_open
>     raise URLError(err)
> urllib2.URLError: 
> 2010-01-28 21:45:42 (Process exited with code 1)
> You can close this window now.

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[google-appengine] Re: Interactive console -- users.get_current_user() always returns None

2010-02-01 Thread Wooble
You'll need to use the dashboard at appengine.google.com/a/
darkflowstudios.com if you registered with your Google Apps account.

On Jan 29, 6:09 pm, BrianDFS  wrote:
> Hmmm, there are no cookies listed for localhost:8080.  Maybe I'm
> misunderstanding how to log in locally then.
> Another thing I've noticed is that when I log into App Engine via the
> Google Apps portal athttps://appengine.google.com/a/,
> it takes me to the /start page where it prompts me to create my first
> application which then prompts me to verify my account via sms.
> However, I'm pretty sure I've already verified my account via sms.  If
> I try to enter my phone number anyway, it fails with: "The phone
> number has been sent too many messages or has already been used to
> confirm an account."
> On Jan 29, 3:18 pm, "Nick Johnson (Google)" 
> wrote:
> >  On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:15 PM, BrianDFS 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi Nick,
> > > I'm talking about the interactive development console located at:
> > >http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin/interactive
> > > No matter what I do or which google account I'm logged into, it never
> > > thinks I'm logged in.
> > The local admin console only pays attention to what you logged into on
> > localhost, using the local users stub. You can't log into Google accounts
> > with it.
> > If that's what you're meaning, can you check your browser's cookies for
> > cookies set on localhost:8080, and report what you see there?
> > -Nick Johnson
> > > On Jan 29, 12:17 pm, "Nick Johnson (Google)" 
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hi Brian,
> > > > Which interactive console are you referring to?
> > > > -Nick
> > > > On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 3:01 PM, BrianDFS 
> > > wrote:
> > > > > I'm completely new to GAE as of about 3 days ago.  I'm working on an
> > > > > app based off some pre-existing source code.  Everything seemed to be
> > > > > moving along nicely until yesterday when suddenly it seemed as though
> > > > > I was no longer logged in in my test app.  To confirm this I tried the
> > > > > "hello world" or "hello user" default program at the interactive
> > > > > console and sure enough, users.get_current_user() always returns None
> > > > > now.  I'm tried clearing my browser (Chrome) cache and history, I've
> > > > > also tried other browsers, I'm at a loss.
> > > > > I'm using GAE with my Google Apps account.
> > > > > Any tips, suggestions, or help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
> > > > > --
> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > > Groups
> > > > > "Google App Engine" group.
> > > > > To post to this group, send email to google-appengine@googlegroups.com
> > > .
> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > > > >  e...@googlegroups.com> > > e...@googlegroups.com>
> > > > > .
> > > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > > >http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.
> > > > --
> > > > Nick Johnson, Developer Programs Engineer, App Engine
> > > > Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration
> > > Number:
> > > > 368047
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > > "Google App Engine" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to google-appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com > >  e...@googlegroups.com>
> > > .
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.
> > --
> > Nick Johnson, Developer Programs Engineer, App Engine
> > Google Ireland Ltd. :: Registered in Dublin, Ireland, Registration Number:
> > 368047

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[google-appengine] Re: why my datastore nearly be full?

2010-02-01 Thread Wooble
The stored data quota in the dashboard isn't updated in realtime, so
you wouldn't see the change immediately even if that is the problem.
I'd suspect some buggy indexes or something, though, if that really
was your only entity.  For one thing, you can't have a single entity
larger than 1MB, and it would be tough to use 949 MB in datastore
overhead even if you wanted to.

On Jan 31, 3:05 am, saintthor  wrote:
> i deleted the only entity of ltWords. the Total Stored Data is still
> 95%!
> who can help me?
> On 1月30日, 下午8时42分, Sylvain  wrote:
> > maybe this bug ?
> >http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=631
> > On Jan 30, 9:27 am, saintthor  wrote:
> > > in quota details, i notic my Total Stored Data is 95%. it shouldn' t
> > > be so large.
> > > in Datastore Statistics, Size of all entities is only 9MB.
> > > all that happened from about 4% to 95% is i updated an entity for
> > > about 200 times. the class is:
> > > class ltWords( db.Model ):
> > > WordsDText = db.TextProperty()
> > > after this, there is only one entity of ltWords and the WordsDText is
> > > no longer than 1MB. why does it take more than 90% of my datastore
> > > quota and how to release it?
> > > for  saintthor.appspot.com

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[google-appengine] Re: Receive email from googlemail account

2010-02-03 Thread Wooble

On Feb 1, 4:00 pm, sjtirtha  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to receive email from googlemail account?

Not directly; you can only receive email sent to
whate...@yourapp.appspotmail.com using the mail API.  Of course,
there's nothing preventing you from forwarding any other address,
including a gmail account, to appspotmail.

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[google-appengine] Re: Store email in appengine

2010-02-03 Thread Wooble

On Feb 1, 4:03 pm, sjtirtha  wrote:
> Hi,
> appengine allows per documentation only passing email as http and the
> received email has to be handled by a servlet. What is the best
> approach to persist the received email in appengine?

The only approach is to store it in the datastore, same as for storing
anything else.  It's up to you whether to store the raw messages in a
single TextProperty (or the java equivalent), or have a nice
searchable entity with all of the useful metadata broken out into
separate properties.

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[google-appengine] Re: xmpp accounts

2010-02-03 Thread Wooble
No, App Engine's XMPP service is itself a client; it doesn't act as a
server for other accounts.

On Feb 3, 1:29 pm, Gif  wrote:
> Hi. If I am using XMPP to communicate between a client (flex) and
> server (app engine), does Google App Engine allow the client to create
> an XMPP account?
> So, if the engine is listening in on app-n...@appspot.com, can the
> client also have an appspot.com PID?

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[google-appengine] Re: memcache set succeeds but immediate get fails. Pls help

2010-02-07 Thread Wooble
I believe the issue is that memcache is non-blocking; the write may
not complete before you try to read, and instead of blocking waiting
for the write to finish memcache returns a None value to the read

On Feb 7, 6:22 am, observer247  wrote:
> This is my code:
>                 ret = memcache.add(key=mykey, value=qList, time=
> 60*60*24*30)
>                 logging.critical("Created cache batch %s Passed %s" %
> (mykey, str(ret)))
>                 qList = memcache.get(mykey)
> For some reason, qList is None ! I have logged all values and qList is
> a non empty list. Check code below where I print a lot of info in the
> logs.
> Detailed code here:
> def MY_QC_MAX(): return 3
> def MY_QC_SIZE(): return 200
> def createBatchMyModels():
>         import random
>         for n in range(MY_QC_MAX()):
>                 bnum = n + 1
>                 mykey = "qkey_batch_"+str(bnum)
>                 qQ = MyModel.all(keys_only=True).filter('approved',
> True)
>                 if bnum > 1:
>                         qQ = qQ.filter('__key__ >', last_key)
>                 rows = qQ.fetch(MY_QC_SIZE())
>                 tot = len(rows)
>                 if tot < MY_QC_SIZE():
>                         logging.critical("Not enough MyModels for
> batch %u, got %u" % (bnum, tot))
>                         if tot == 0:
>                                 return
>                 last_key = rows[tot - 1]
>                 # create the qList
>                 qList = list()
>                 logging.critical("Added %u rows into key %s" % (tot,
> mykey))
>                 tmpc = 0
>                 for r in rows:
>                         if tmpc == 0:
>                                 logging.critical("elem %u into key %s"
> % (r.id(), mykey))
>                                 tmpc = tmpc + 1
>                         qList.append(r.id())
>                 for elem in qList:
>                         logging.info("key %s elem is %u" % (mykey,
> elem))
>                 memcache.delete(mykey)
>                 ret = memcache.add(key=mykey, value=qList, time=
> 60*60*24*30)
>                 logging.critical("Created cache batch %s Passed %s" %
> (mykey, str(ret)))
>                 qList = memcache.get(mykey)
>                 if qList is None:
>                         logging.critical(".. getNextMyModel: Did not
> find key %s" % mykey)
>                 else:
>                         logging.critical(".. LEN : %u" % len(qList))
> Sample log:
> .
> 02-07 03:15AM 05.240 key qkey_batch_1 elem is 13108
> C 02-07 03:15AM 05.250 Created cache batch qkey_batch_1 Passed True
> C 02-07 03:15AM 05.253 .. getNextQuestion: Did not find key
> qkey_batch_1
> C 02-07 03:15AM 05.339 Added 200 rows into key qkey_batch_2
> ...
> Can anyone pls help !

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[google-appengine] Re: Uploading static files without redeploying whole app?

2010-02-07 Thread Wooble
No, you can't.  There's no way to write to the filesystem without
deploying a new version of the app.

Really the only options are to store the files in the datastore and
have handlers that serve them as if they're static, or to use the
Blobstore API to upload and serve them.

On Feb 7, 8:33 am, "z.bey...@googlemail.com" 
> Hello,
> I am interested whether you can make GAE to save files (uploaded from
> a computer or from outside url) without having to upload the whole
> app. Ideally, I would like to save new static html files compiled from
> outside URL data and save .swf files to a GAE app engine folder on the
> GAE server.
> Yours,
> Zdravko

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[google-appengine] Re: Uploading static files without redeploying whole app?

2010-02-10 Thread Wooble
It uploads anything that's not set to be ignored either in app.yaml
(if specified there) or in the default list of regexes to ignore.

Note that to be uploaded as a static file (rather than an application
file accessible to your code but not served directly), a file must
either be contained in a directory marked as a static directory in
app.yaml or be matched by an upload: directive after a static_files:
directive in app.yaml.

On Feb 8, 3:00 am, Massimiliano 
> Hi, I'm new and I'm trying to understand how app-engine works. When I'm
> deploying something, is it uploading all the directory? So it is not going
> to upload only the ,py files.
> Thanks
> Febo
> 2010/2/8 Wooble 
> > No, you can't.  There's no way to write to the filesystem without
> > deploying a new version of the app.
> > Really the only options are to store the files in the datastore and
> > have handlers that serve them as if they're static, or to use the
> > Blobstore API to upload and serve them.
> > On Feb 7, 8:33 am, "z.bey...@googlemail.com" 
> > wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I am interested whether you can make GAE to save files (uploaded from
> > > a computer or from outside url) without having to upload the whole
> > > app. Ideally, I would like to save new static html files compiled from
> > > outside URL data and save .swf files to a GAE app engine folder on the
> > > GAE server.
> > > Yours,
> > > Zdravko
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Google App Engine" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to google-appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.
> --
> My email: massimiliano.pietr...@gmail.com
> My Google Wave: massimiliano.pietr...@googlewave.com

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[google-appengine] Re: Does Websense block AppEngine ip addresses?

2010-02-10 Thread Wooble
Or it could just be blocking your domain name if it's using some
heuristic that makes it think it's got content it doesn't want to

On Feb 8, 7:05 pm, Barry Hunter  wrote:
> Well if you using a custom domain, its 'Google Hosting'/ghs that used
> to serve your site, not appspot.com itself.
> ghs.google.com is shared by blogger, Google Apps, and a number of services.
> So it might not be appspot that is being 'blocked' as such, but any
> number of other hosted services (eg a blogger blog)
> On 8 February 2010 21:31, MG  wrote:
> > Hello!
> > We have a service (very proper, no nsfw content, not even ads) running
> > on AppEngine that uses a custom domain (akawww.mydomain.com). One of
> > our users reports that Websense blocks access to our service at his
> > office.
> > Can this be true? Has anybody else experienced Websense blocking
> > appspot.com ip addresses?
> > Thanks,
> > MG
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "Google App Engine" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to google-appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.

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[google-appengine] Re: how large data can i use in App Caching and how long will it be cached?

2010-02-12 Thread Wooble

On Feb 12, 4:48 am, saintthor  wrote:
> do you mean if the site has not accessed for some minutes, counter
> will be reset to 0?

It might be.  It's a cache; you shouldn't rely on it for persistence.
Use the datastore if you want to store data.

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[google-appengine] Re: HardDeadlineExceededError & ExceptionInInitializerError

2010-02-12 Thread Wooble
1.  No, the request deadline isn't affected by billing.

2. Yes, if you need to run processes for longer than 30 seconds, EC2
is probably what you want.  By the way, if you're hitting the hard
deadline, this is almost always a sign that you're catching the
initial DeadlineExceeded exception and then ignoring it.  You
shouldn't do that.

On Feb 12, 4:12 am, gaenoob  wrote:
> my gae app run well at localhost.
> however, the deployed version always got the HardDeadlineExceededError
> & ExceptionInInitializerError.
> IMHO, it is not acceptable as ONLY me using it while the error
> occurred.
> Question
> (1) Will enable billing helps to eliminate the errors?
> (My answer is no - but just to confirm whether will it help.)
> (2) Any experience with Amazon Web Services (aws.amazon.com). Is it
> better?

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[google-appengine] Re: Why i don't use Google App Engine... and don't recomend it to you

2010-02-13 Thread Wooble
This wouldn't happen to most of us because 1) we remember our gmail
passwords even if our machines are wiped and 2) we're smart enough to
back up our code and use revision control.  But possibly not smart
enough to stop feeding the trolls.

On Feb 13, 6:36 pm, "ai_...@live.ru"  wrote:
> Well i think NOBODY anderstend me...
> I WASTE 6 MONTHS for Google App Engine and right now i get nothing. I
> could not use my sites. I could no edit them. And technical support
> DOSENT WORK AT ALL I don't care how Google App Engine is good. I
> So... imagine for a second that you create something huge like
> Facebook. And one day. You lost control for your apps. Lost your time
> and money!!
> Right now i talking that EVERIONE can face with my situation.
> So... save your time. Use other "stable" cloud services.
> On 12 ÆÅ×, 11:15, Tim Hoffman  wrote:
> > But then I have to manage systems, scalablity, load balancing.
> > Everything is a trade off ;-)
> > T
> > On Feb 12, 12:15 pm, Dennis Peterson 
> > wrote:
> > > It's not google's fault, but on the other hand, deploy at Rackspace and 
> > > you
> > > can call them on the phone and sort things out.
> > > On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Tim Hoffman  wrote:
> > > > I access appengine from multiple systems' (access to app engineis not
> > > > tied to a O/S install)
> > > > Looks like you haven't kept track of you gmail accounts.
> > > > Hardly googles or appengines fault.
> > > > T
> > > > On Feb 12, 3:22 am, "ai_...@live.ru"  wrote:
> > > > > Well it's a short story. I register an account on App Engine. I made a
> > > > > 2-3 sites. Everithing was fine and i was happy :)
> > > > > But one time i reinstall my operating system (you know what system
> > > > > nead to be reainstalled :) ) i get strange error. I coldn't loggin to
> > > > > my account. I search for reasons, make post in tech support but i get
> > > > > nothing. NO ONE from tech support have contact with me. NO ONE!!!
> > > > > But one day i read some smart artice and i finally loged in. But then
> > > > > i faced with other bug. When i try to create new site, i get this
> > > > > message "You have no right to work wot this site". After that i didn't
> > > > > see site in my sites list and lose it. So i couldn control him and
> > > > > even edit...
> > > > > I spend 6 months at Google App Engine to get nothing.
> > > > > YOUR TIME..
> > > > --
> > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> > > > Groups
> > > > "Google App Engine" group.
> > > > To post to this group, send email to google-appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > > > .
> > > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > >http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.-óËÒÙÔØ ÃÉÔÉÒÕÅÍÙÊ 
> > > >ÔÅËÓÔ -

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[google-appengine] Re: Moving domain to Google App Engine

2010-02-16 Thread Wooble

On Feb 16, 2:50 am, Martijn  wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Robert, it's quite clear now.
> Just a quick follow-up question: I can also keep my current hosting
> provider to host the domain (DNS) only. This way nothing will change
> in the MX-records.
> If I understand correctly I have to do this next:
> - I will have to add the domain to Google Apps
> - Make a CNAME record pointing to ghs.google.com there so I can access
> my app atwww.mydomain.com(or [subdomain].mydomain.com).
> - I will have add an A record as well forhttp://mydomain.com.
> Is this correct?
> And if I want to add an SSL certificate tohttps://[subdomain].mydomain.com,
> can I do this at the Google Apps or at my old hosting provider?

App Engine doesn't support either hosting naked domains (http://
mydomain.com/) or SSL on non-appspot addresses.  To use the naked
domain, you'd want an A record pointing somewhere that does a redirect
to www.mydomain.com (many registrars provide such a service).  To use
SSL with your own domain name, I believe your only real option at the
moment is to have a proxy running on a separate server, which is
fairly unattractive.

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[google-appengine] Re: HELP! I cannot see my application

2010-02-17 Thread Wooble
Mostly likely, you need to login at http://appengine.google.com/a/tuneup.com.br

On Feb 17, 1:16 pm, "marcelo.zana...@tuneup.com.br"
> I cannot see my application in Start page in Google App Engine 
> Admin:https://vendas-tuneup.appspot.com
> What I need to do?

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[google-appengine] Re: Possible cursor exploit? (was Re: 1.3.1 SDK Prerelease - help us verify)

2010-02-17 Thread Wooble

On Feb 17, 9:08 pm, James Ashley  wrote:
> 1) The user has a bunch of personal...whatever.  Bookmarks that he
> doesn't want to share with his wife.  The original query is tied to
> his google account.  He stashes a browser bookmark halfway through the
> list and logs out of the site.  Later, his wife uses the same computer
> and logs in and checks out the new bookmarks.  This one requires her
> to log into her google account.  From what I'm reading, it sounds like
> she'll see his data.

Only if your app is dumb enough not to check who the current logged in
user is before constructing the query for his data.  If your
application will run a query for a given user's private data based
entirely on the URL with no authentication, it doesn't matter if
you're using cursors or not; your application is inherently insecure.

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[google-appengine] Re: Why i don't use Google App Engine... and don't recomend it to you

2010-02-18 Thread Wooble
You Google Apps account is also a Google Account.  This is exactly the
sort of confusion that makes me suggest to anyone who asks that they
should just use a gmail account as their primary developer account for
app engine.

On Feb 18, 10:16 am, "ai_...@live.ru"  wrote:
> WHY GAE ALLOW TO LOGIN TO  http://appengine.google.com?
> On 18 фев, 20:03, "ai_...@live.ru"  wrote:
> > OMFG... thx a lot...
> > BUT... if i have to go tohttps://appengine.google.com/a/live.ru
> > WHY GAE ALLOW TO LOGIN TOhttp://appengine.google.com/a/live.ru?
> > o_O
> > On 18 фев, 02:21, Robert Kluin  wrote:
> > > It looks like you need to go to:
> > >    https://appengine.google.com/a/live.ru
> > > Robert
> > > On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:14 AM, ai_...@live.ru  wrote:
> > > > I think i have Google acc, but i don't know for shure.
> > > > When i go tohttps://appengine.google.com/andSignin, then i see a
> > > > list of ONE site (all other disapear!) and i can create only 2 more
> > > > sites!!!
> > > > Here is the proof link
> > > >http://oleksii.icr-corp.com/gae.png
> > > > When i try to create new site. I'm sucsessfully create it. But in the
> > > > very end i get error message "You have no right to edit site" (or
> > > > something like that). And then created site become invivible!! And i
> > > > can't edit it and modify. I even dont see it in sites list
> > > > When i was tring to modify sites that was created long ago i have same
> > > > error message and then site become invisible! And after that i don't
> > > > see site in site list.
> > > > On 16 фев, 21:56, johnwlockwood  wrote:
> > > >> On Feb 15, 9:36 pm, "ai_...@live.ru"  wrote:
> > > >> > Well i like GAE, but this situation is pissing me off. And you even
> > > >> > want someone to pay money for THAT? o_O
> > > >> > I just want to use servise. I don't want you to suggest somethin. I
> > > >> > want you to help me.
> > > >> > Is it really hard for Google to help people to use they servises?
> > > >> > And please READ THIS ONE MORE TIME.. i think i make it clear that i
> > > >> > don't forget passowrd. And i clearly say what error i have.
> > > >> > "But one day i read some smart artice and i finally loged in. But
> > > >> > then
> > > >> > i faced with other bug. When i try to create new site, i get this
> > > >> > message "You have no right to work with this site". After that i
> > > >> You must be leaving out some steps here.
> > > >> let's start from the top:
> > > >> What kind of account do you have? a Google Account or a Google App
> > > >> Account?
> > > >> for a Google Account:
> > > >> You would go tohttps://appengine.google.com/andSignin.
> > > >> This would bring you to "My Applications", which has a list of any
> > > >> applications that belong to this account.
> > > >> Are there any listed there? is so when you click on one. what happens?
> > > >> if not, click 'Create an Application'
> > > >> this should bring you to the 'Create an Application' page.
> > > >> Here you find an available Application Identifier and enter the
> > > >> Application Title.
> > > >> Do that, then click the 'Save' button.
> > > >> What response do you get?
> > > >> > didn't
> > > >> > see site in my sites list and lose it. So i couldn control him and
> > > >> > even edit... "
> > > >> > On 14 ÆÅ×, 15:57, Danny Tuppeny  wrote:
> > > >> > > We understand you. We don't understand why you don't respond to 
> > > >> > > people
> > > >> > > trying to help you.
> > > >> > > Eg. you posted here:
> > > >> > >http://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine/browse_thread/thread/...
> > > >> > > And Wooble made a suggestion (assuming your account was an Apps
> > > >> > > account), but you never replied.
> > > >> > > We can't help you if you just complain and then disappear.
> > > >> >

[google-appengine] Re: Problems with my AppEngine Account

2010-02-19 Thread Wooble
Try logging in at http://appengine.google.com/a/spreadshirt.net

On Feb 19, 10:03 am, Guido Kämper  wrote:
> Hi Ikai,
> i deaktivated the account in the meanwhile, but I decided to give it a  
> further chance and re-registered today. But it's still the same:
> * I can create an application, but afterwards I don't see it in the  
> apps list. eg. "exclamation-iphone"
> I already reset the IP address of my domain to point to the server, I  
> used before. I wanted to use Google app-engine, because I wanted to  
> have a well scaling homepage. But all in all I probably won't use it,  
> as it is not even possible for me to upload the app..
> thank you,
> Guido
> Am 17.02.2010 um 22:46 schrieb Ikai L (Google):
> > Guido, are you still having issues with this?
> > 2010/2/12 Guido Kämper 
> > Hello,
> > I have a serious problem with my app engine account. Seems to be  
> > related to rights management issues or login problems.
> > I added one application without problems, I could upload it using  
> > appcfg.sh update
> > But now I made some changes at the domain and added the application  
> > to Google Apps. First I got redirect errors, when accessing the  
> > Appengine portal - these problems somehow got solved. The app works  
> > as expected,it is now available atwww.exclamation.de.
> > But: I am not allowed to update the application with further  
> > versions. Output:
> > 403 Forbidden
> > You do not have permission to modify this app (app_id=u'exclam123').
> > And: If I add a new application, I get the message, that I don't  
> > have access to the new application, and it does not show up in the  
> > applications overview. But the count of available applications (10  
> > at account creation) was decreased by 1.
> > I am writing from my second email address, as the MX records of my  
> > primary email address is currently changing to google mail.  
> > Unfortunately I already wrote the group admin of this group, because  
> > I could not find any contact information for server problems.
> > Is anyone in this group able to help me with my problems? The  
> > account is gk(at)exclamation.de
> > Or can anyone give me a contact info of the google administration?
> > thank you very much,
> > Guido
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > Groups "Google App Engine" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to google-
> > appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en
> > .
> > --
> > Ikai Lan
> > Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine
> >http://googleappengine.blogspot.com|http://twitter.com/app_engine
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google  
> > Groups "Google App Engine" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to google-
> > appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > athttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en
> > .
> ___
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[google-appengine] Re: Google Data Store

2010-02-19 Thread Wooble

On Feb 19, 1:35 pm, Prasad  wrote:
> hi
> I have just started to learn Google datastore. I am just doin one
> small application as an experiment and tht needs a database and for
> this reason I am using datastore. I just have a fundamental doubt.
> Does for small application and few queries will need to pay. I mean is
> it free and if yes how much i.e what is the limit? I read that it is
> CPU time how is that calculated?

If it's really a "small application", it will almost certainly be
free.  If you don't enable billing, it's free regardless, you'd just
start hitting over quota exceptions once the quota was used up.  I
believe all of the free quotas are intended to work within the 1.3
million requests per day for typical applications.  IMO if you're
seeing a significant % of that you're probably outside of most
reasonable definitions of "small". :)

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[google-appengine] Re: GAE cold start time still too long

2010-02-22 Thread Wooble

On Feb 22, 12:42 pm, Anders  wrote:
> And that Django can cause several seconds of extra delay doesn't sound
> plausible.

In the early days of App Engine, there were complaints that django
couldn't be used because of the 1000 file limit.  This is pretty much
the definition of a bloated framework.

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[google-appengine] Re: App Engine not listing my apps

2010-02-25 Thread Wooble
Have you tried going to appengine.google.com/a/olh.me ?

On Feb 25, 4:04 pm, olh  wrote:
> Same problem here. My GAE account was created today.
> On Feb 11, 2:02 am, Hendy Irawan  wrote:
> > When I go tohttps://appengine.google.com/Ialways get redirected 
> > tohttps://appengine.google.com/startandprompted to create a new
> > application.
> > I can create new applications and deploy to an app ID I already
> > created (from my own memory). However I cannot list/manage existing
> > apps.
> > Thank you.

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[google-appengine] Re: Replace String Problem

2010-02-26 Thread Wooble
This isn't an appengine problem.  Python strings are immutable;
str.replace() doesn't modify the original string, it returns a
modified string.

On Feb 25, 6:10 pm, "Petert[at]ipowow"  wrote:
> I'm having a problem with replace string which has just started
> happening recently. The code was working with no problems before.
> Can someone have a look and see if I'm doing something wrong
> Code - starting at line 395
> -
> msgt = self.request.get('txt')
> logging.info(msgt)
> logging.info("PIN"+smscode)
> msgt.replace("##Access Code##", smscode)
> msgt.replace("##Vote Link##", votekey)
> msg = "Your pin code is [" + smscode + "]\n\n" + msgt
> logging.info(msgt)
> logging.info(msg)
> Log Entries
> ---
> IINFO     2010-02-25 23:05:30,218 vote.py:396] Pin ##Access Code##
> INFO     2010-02-25 23:05:30,218 vote.py:397] PIN35356
> INFO     2010-02-25 23:05:30,218 vote.py:401] Pin ##Access Code##
> INFO     2010-02-25 23:05:30,218 vote.py:402] Your pin code is [35356]
> Pin ##Access Code##
> As it can be seen, the replace function isn't working.
> Peter Tippettwww.ipowow.com

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[google-appengine] Re: My max requests / seconds is 3. My cron jobs fail with: "Request was aborted after waiting too long.."

2010-02-26 Thread Wooble

On Feb 26, 7:46 pm, Locke  wrote:
> I have also seen this timeout error when trying to add to the task
> queue. What is interesting to me is that it kills my process after 10
> seconds, instead of the thirty seconds we supposedly are allowed.

The 30 seconds are for a request that actually runs.  This message
indicates your request handler didn't get run at all, because too many
instances of your application were already running.

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[google-appengine] Re: Remote XML documents being truncated by GAE

2010-02-27 Thread Wooble
It's neither.  All API responses are limited to 1MB, including

On Feb 27, 5:42 am, davenaff  wrote:
> It isn't #1, but I bet it is #2.
> I'm using urllib and I didn't realize that Google had modified the
> library to use urlfetch underneath.
> Thanks for the pointer.
> On Feb 27, 1:49 am, Sylvain  wrote:
> > 30 seconds response limit 
> > ?http://code.google.com/intl/fr/appengine/docs/python/runtime.html#The...
> > or the URL Fetch deadline limit (5s by 
> > default)http://code.google.com/intl/fr/appengine/docs/python/urlfetch/fetchfu...
> > Else I don't know.
> > On Feb 27, 9:53 am, davenaff  wrote:
> > > I have a simple service that requests a remote XML document, formats
> > > it and displays it.
> > > Recently, I began to see some of the XML documents truncated. It
> > > consistently happens at character 1048544.  This of course causes my
> > > SAX parser to fail.
> > > In dev (using the SDK), it works fine and full documents are handled
> > > just fine, so this problem seems to be exclusive to the GAE production
> > > environment.
> > > The App receives very little traffic.
> > > Am I hitting some App Engine limit? Other ideas?

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[google-appengine] Re: Login on third level domains.

2010-03-01 Thread Wooble
I believe the Gmail login/logout could be considered a bug, but it's
how the Google login page works, unfortunately.  When you use the
login url or logout URL, Google assumes you want to log in or out of
your Google account, *plus* it logs you in or out of the app running
on the subdomain you came from by setting a cookie for that
subdomain.  Ideally, the login page wouldn't affect your gmail login
at all.

I don't believe there's a way to authenticate using google accounts to
your entire domain, since you have no control over the cookies the
login page uses.  You could probably accomplish this by rolling your
own auth system (or finding an existing one; aeoid might help), and
you could even allow people to login with google accounts through
openID, at the cost of losing the users API.

On Mar 1, 1:19 am, Adam  wrote:
> > Log out of Google and you are effectively logging out of all of them.
> No.
> It's more complicated than that.  And I'm not sure I completely
> understand the pattern.
> e.g.
> - log into toronto.fyood.com
> (now I'm logged into gmail too)
> - go to ottawa.fyood.com, not logged in here
> - log into ottawa.fyood.com
> - log out of ottawa.fyood.com
> (now I'm logged out of gmail)
> - still logged into toronto.fyood.com
> What I really want is login at any of my third level domains to log me
> into fyood.com.  e.g. I'm logged into all of the sites, or none of
> them.
> Not clear on how to do this.
> A

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[google-appengine] Re: Application deployment time

2010-03-01 Thread Wooble
I think you're confusing deploying with cold startup.

Static files won't affect startup time (they will affect deployment,
of course, since you need to upload any that have changed); servlets
needing to load lots of jars and classes to do something simple will
make that simple thing take a long time.

On Mar 1, 9:21 am, François Masurel  wrote:
> There seems to be an incompressible deploying time, even if you access
> a pretty simple page in GAE.
> In my case, a pretty basic servlet making a simple read in the
> datastore can take as much as 15s to load.
> My web.xml is pretty basic too, only one filter : I'm doing the
> servlet lazy-loading myself coz I reached the "100 URLMap entries"
> limit.
> So I guess my application should load pretty quickly, isn't it ?
> What am I doing wrong ?  Is the application global weight (classes,
> jar, static files) is to take into account for the deploying time ?
> Thanx for your answers.
> Francois Masurel
> Bordeaux, FRANCE

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[google-appengine] Re: Appengine error

2010-03-01 Thread Wooble
TCP/IP Error 10061 is a Connection Refused error.  Either it was a
short-lived error with the appengine servers, or you're having some
sort of networking or firewall problems.

On Mar 1, 10:21 am, GoogolMo  wrote:
> 2010-03-01 23:21:01,717 ERROR appcfg.py:1471 An unexpected error
> occurred. Aborting.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1442, in DoUpload
>     missing_files = self.Begin()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1244, in Begin
>     version=self.version, payload=self.config.ToYAML())
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appengine_rpc.py", line 346, in Send
>     f = self.opener.open(req)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 389, in open
>     response = self._open(req, data)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 407, in _open
>     '_open', req)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 367, in _call_chain
>     result = func(*args)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \https_wrapper.py", line 136, in https_open
>     return self.do_open(http_class_wrapper, req)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 1121, in do_open
>     raise URLError(err)
> URLError: 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\appcfg.py", line 68,
> in 
>     run_file(__file__, globals())
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\appcfg.py", line 64,
> in run_file
>     execfile(script_path, globals_)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 2614, in 
>     main(sys.argv)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 2605, in main
>     result = AppCfgApp(argv).Run()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1666, in Run
>     self.action(self)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 2484, in __call__
>     return method()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1973, in Update
>     lambda path: open(os.path.join(basepath, path), 'rb'))
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1442, in DoUpload
>     missing_files = self.Begin()
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appcfg.py", line 1244, in Begin
>     version=self.version, payload=self.config.ToYAML())
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \appengine_rpc.py", line 346, in Send
>     f = self.opener.open(req)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 389, in open
>     response = self._open(req, data)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 407, in _open
>     '_open', req)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 367, in _call_chain
>     result = func(*args)
>   File "D:\Program Files\Google\google_appengine\google\appengine\tools
> \https_wrapper.py", line 136, in https_open
>     return self.do_open(http_class_wrapper, req)
>   File "D:\Python26\lib\urllib2.py", line 1121, in do_open
>     raise URLError(err)
> urllib2.URLError: 
> 2010-03-01 23:21:01 (Process exited with code 1)
> You can close this window now.

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[google-appengine] Re: How many IPs would the urlfetch use?

2010-03-02 Thread Wooble
You shouldn't use a security model based on ensuring that requests
come from the app engine IP block even if it were possible; literally
anyone could be running malicious code on appspot making this at best
marginally more secure than allowing requests from any IP. There are
countless techniques for doing real authentication.

On Mar 1, 11:15 pm, Iap  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a back-end web service which I would only allow the requests
> from my GAE application.
> So I want to check the IP if it comes from the GAE urlfetch. (plus
> some secret token)
> From my testing, there is only one IP: "" was found.
> I am curious about if there are other IPs that might be used by the urlfetch?
> Because that "only one" IP seems to be weird for the so-called "cloud
> architecture".
> Just for confirmation.
> My Test URL is:http://password-recovery.appspot.com/prs/test/urlfetchrequest
> (That will fetching thehttp://remote.12dt.com/which responses the
> requsting ip)
> Thanks in advance.

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[google-appengine] Re: Parallel access to appengine

2010-03-02 Thread Wooble
The 500 requests per second number relies on the probably-unreasonable
assumption that each request can complete in ~75ms.  Deliberately
making your requests take a whole 3 seconds each is, obviously, not
going to work.  You can only have 10 instances active at a time by
default; if the pages you're serving actually take 3 seconds to
complete you'll need to optimize things a whole lot or be stuck with a
3.33 request/sec maximum.

On Mar 1, 11:33 pm, Gary Orser  wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Hmm, I was running tests on a billing enabled appspot today.   100
> requests/test.
> 10 threads getting a URL with a 3 second sleep (to emulate
> computation) on appspot, was the most I could get without getting 500
> errors.
> If I raised the thread pool beyond 10, I started getting errors??
> That doesn't reconcile very well with this statement from the
> appengine website.
> "Requests
>     The total number of requests to the app. The per-minute quotas for
> application with billing enabled allow for up to 500 requests per
> second--more than one billion requests per month. If your application
> requires even higher quotas than the "billing-enabled" values listed
> below, you can request an increase in these limits here.
> "
> Is there some billing setting that affects this?
> Cheers, Gary
> PS.  dead simple request handler.
> import time
> from django import http
> def sit(req):
>     time.sleep(3)
>     return http.HttpResponse('foo')
> errors are:
> 03-01 04:15PM 48.177 /sit/91 500 10019ms 0cpu_ms 0kb gzip(gfe)
> - - [01/Mar/2010:16:15:58 -0800] "GET /sit/91 HTTP/1.1"
> 500 0 - "gzip(gfe)" ".appspot.com"
> W 03-01 04:15PM 58.197
> Request was aborted after waiting too long to attempt to service your
> request. Most likely, this indicates that you have reached your
> simultaneous dynamic request limit. This is almost always due to
> excessively high latency in your app. Please 
> seehttp://code.google.com/appengine/docs/quotas.htmlfor more details.
> On Mar 1, 2:36 pm, Michael Wesner  wrote:
> > Correction/addition to my last email.
> > It turns out that our requests for this EC2 pull thing are actually much 
> > faster now.  Gary and our other devs have reworked it.  I need updated 
> > numbers, but they don't take 10s, probably more like 2s.  We still have 
> > some heavy ~5s services though, so the same issue exists with the simul-req 
> > stuff, just to less extent.  We don't actually hit this limit much now with 
> > the current beta that is in production, but it is low traffic at the 
> > moment.  We are just getting ready to ramp up heavily.
> > I asked Nick what we should do, well just today after my last email, I have 
> > made contact with a Developer Advocate and whatnot, which is fantastic.  It 
> > looks like we,  as a business, will be able to have better contact with the 
> > GAE team. We would very much like to continue working with you to figure 
> > out what actions we can take and what provisioning we can do to make our 
> > product successful and scale it as we grow in the near future.  Gary Orser 
> > will be replying to this thread soon with more findings from both our real 
> > app code and a little test app we are using and which he will share with 
> > you.
> > We plan on having a presence at Google I/O this year as we did at PyCon.  
> > Hopefully we can even get setup in the demonstration area at I/O.
> > Thanks Nick for your help.  Could we possibly setup a quick skype conf call 
> > at some point?
> > -Mike Wesner
> > On Mar 1, 2010, at 1:13 PM, Michael Wesner wrote:
> > > Nick,
> > > If we (I work with Gary) require fairly heavy requests which run for 
> > > multiple seconds then it is not possible to get anywhere near 400 QPS.   
> > > The math used on the docs page only applies to 75ms requests.  
> > > (1000 ms/second / 75 ms/request) * 30 = 400 requests/second
> > > so lets say each request takes 10 seconds (and ours, pulling data to EC2 
> > > for a heavy operation that we can't do on GAE could take that much since 
> > > we have to process and update some XML before sending it)
> > > (1000 ms/second / 1 ms/request) * 30 = 3 requests/second
> > > And that does not even take into account all the other traffic to our 
> > > application, nor the fact that many users could be doing this same heavy 
> > > operation at the same time.  Our application will see spikes in this type 
> > > of activity also.  The docs also mention that CPU heavy apps incur 
> > > penalties, which is vague and scary.
> > > Great effort is put into doing things in the most efficient way possible, 
> > > but not everyones apps can do everything in 75ms. Most all of our service 
> > > calls are under 250ms. We do have a little overhead from our framework 
> > > which we are constantly working on improving.  Our application is AMF 
> > > service/object based which is inherently heavy compared to simple web 
> > > requests.  It limits the amount of memcache

[google-appengine] Re: GoogleAppEngine on Cluster.

2010-03-04 Thread Wooble
Checkout the AppScale and TyphoonAE projects; both aim to allow you to
run applications designed for App Engine on other servers.

Although honestly, if you have your own cluster and are new to App
Engine, it might not make sense to develop App Engine apps if you have
no intention of taking advantage of Google's infrastructure.

On Mar 4, 11:31 am, CarmineUnina2  wrote:
> Hi, i am new in Google App Engine. I would know if i can install
> google app engine on my cluster to execute locally apps.
> Could you tell me if i can integrate my cluster to Google App Engine?
> Thanks
> Carmine

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[google-appengine] Re: Server Error while trying to view entity rows through the Datastore viewer with offset > 1000

2010-03-08 Thread Wooble
Offsets of greater than 1000 aren't supported by the datastore.

On Mar 8, 4:59 pm, oth  wrote:
> Hello Google App Engine Team,
> We have verified this on two different app ids. As soon as our entity
> exceeds 1000 instances, we cannot view it through the data viewer once
> the offset value is greater than 1000. We can manipulate the limit
> value and change it from 20 to 200, but 200 seems to be the upper
> limit.
> How to reproduce? Create 1021 entities of any kind. Go to Datastore
> viewer. Start clicking on  Next 20, until such time that you reach
> 1000. Now when you click next 20 you will get the server error.
> Any way to resolve this? In case there is any confusion I am talking
> about offset and limit values in this url:
> https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=myappidoryours...
> Thanks

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[google-appengine] Re: What is the better way to save Blog Articles in GAE

2010-03-09 Thread Wooble
Use the datastore; a blog that needs to be written in static HTML and
redeployed for every post would be a usability nightmare.  If you're
concerned about the speed of fetching the articles from the datastore,
use memcache to cache them the first time they're fetched.

Nick Johnson has an excellent series of articles about writing a
blogging engine on App Engine at http://blog.notdot.net/tag/bloggart

On Mar 9, 2:04 am, Love Yao  wrote:
> I want to make a blog-system in GAE,but I want to know
> " What is the better way to save Blog Articles"
> I want to save every atrticle to a static Html in my app not
> datastroe,
> but in this way ,every time I update my app Version,
> the static Htmls will disappear,so I think I can now do in this way.
> but I think  save  atrticle in datastore will be slow to show in the
> app?
> is there being a good idea to do with it?

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[google-appengine] Re: User

2010-03-09 Thread Wooble
Google's users API can be used either with Google Accounts, or with a
single Google Apps domain; you have a one-time choice of which to use
when you create the application.

If you want user accounts specific to your application rather than a
domain you manage the accounts for, the users API isn't the solution
you're looking for; you'll need some sort of custom auth (whether you
write it yourself or find an existing library).

On Mar 9, 6:07 am, Massimiliano 
> Dear All,
> using the Users Google library, I can have my own users or it refer only to
> the Google Users. (I trying to understand if there is an easy way to manage
> the users, I don't want wave too many code lines and I need to have specif
> field in the registration form).
> Regards
> Massimiliano
> --
> My email: massimiliano.pietr...@gmail.com
> My Google Wave: massimiliano.pietr...@googlewave.com

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[google-appengine] Re: User

2010-03-09 Thread Wooble

On Mar 9, 11:28 am, Massimiliano 
> I just want to take advantages of your knowledge (I'm working with Python
> and GAE, less than one month).
> 1) How can I create random id (is there something in python?)?

The standard library has the module 'uuid', which can generate
universally-unique identifiers.  This is quite possible overkill for
session IDs, but it's there.

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[google-appengine] Re: Access from China to your GAE apps

2010-03-10 Thread Wooble
What makes you think your government won't just block other IPs used
to serve requests?

On Mar 10, 12:32 am, Will  wrote:
> The access is being completely denied.
> As of this moment, in China, both your...@appspot.com 
> andwww.yourdomain.comarebeing served by, which is
> obviously blocked by GFW. For a
> while since the new year, your...@appspot.com had being served by another
> DNS, which is good.
> I guess all DNS requests from China are handled by
> appspot-china.l.google.com. Please, don't rotate behind it,
> it will make life much easier for sites serving China.
> Best,
> Will

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[google-appengine] Re: GAE and Apps Marketplace

2010-03-11 Thread Wooble
You can only have your app authenticate to a single apps domain, and
you have to choose that domain when you create the application.  This
makes it kind of impossible to sell integration to a google apps
domain you weren't aware of when you wrote the app, let alone 2 or
more of them.

On Mar 11, 7:08 am, Tim Hoffman  wrote:
> Hi
> I don't think you would need it.  An app engine app can already use
> the apps domain to authenticate.
> That page you are referring to is for applications not running in app
> engine (say on ec2, that want to use the users google apps account to
> login to that third party service).
> By the way there are a few libraries out there for python.
> T
> On Mar 11, 10:52 am, molicule  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > The sso page here does not have any python openid libraries for the
> > marketplace??http://code.google.com/googleapps/marketplace/sso.html
> > Is that an oversigght? is there any way a python google appengine app
> > can
> > participate in the marketplace??
> > Thanks
> > S. Sriram
> > On Mar 10, 9:56 am, Roberto Saccon  wrote:
> > > I am planning to integrate an appengine hosted app on custom domain
> > > with the Apps Marketplace. Has anybody done that yet and has
> > > experiences to share ?
> > > One thing I am wondering about is whether the customer has to add on
> > > his Google Apps Admin Panel both, the Market place and the appengine
> > > app (and perform there optionally the domain-mapping), or if it could
> > > be handled all by just adding the Marketplace app.
> > > --
> > > Roberto

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[google-appengine] Re: Emails, attachments and the blobstore

2010-03-11 Thread Wooble

On Mar 11, 2:38 pm, Lucian Baciu  wrote:
> What if my app receives email messages with attachments, and I want to
> save these attachments in the blobstore. How do I do that?

The only way you could do it would be to use the URLfetch service to
post the attachments to a blobstore upload URL you created for the
purpose.  It's almost certainly easier to store them in the datastore,

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[google-appengine] Re: What's the best data model to do a social network?

2010-03-15 Thread Wooble
Brett Slatkin's presentation at last year's Google I/O, "Building
scalable, complex apps on App Engine" uses a Twitter-like thing as an
example.  I highly recommend it.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgaL6NGpkB8

The example is around 7 minutes in, but the entire talk is definitely
worth watching.

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[google-appengine] Re: Auth with google apps account s — depends on billing status?

2010-03-15 Thread Wooble

On Mar 15, 3:06 am, Denis Moskalets  wrote:
> I have two appspot applications.
> One — fot tests, second — production.
> Not important, why it is so.
> Two apps have same source code.
> Auth throw Google Apps Accounts enabled on both.
> Billing enabled only for one app.
> Apps are closed for public, so only registred and authorized users can
> access it. When u try to open page, you will get redirect to default
> google apps login page.
> So.
> When i try to open production app — all right, i've got redirect to
> login page:http://ctms-release.appspot.com/
> The second app generate 500 eror.http://ctms-medms-test.appspot.com/
> In logs:
>   File "/base/data/home/apps/ctms-medms-test/.../googletags.py", line
> 11, in google_login_url
>     return escape(users.create_login_url(redirect))
>   File "/base/python_lib/versions/1/google/appengine/api/users.py",
> line 179, in create_login_url
>     raise NotAllowedError
> Billing is turned off for this non-workin' app.
> I've looked up manual, docs and FAQs, but there is nothing about
> difference in login procedure between free/billed apps.

If an application has login restricted to a Google Apps domain, you
cannot create login URLs when the page is being visited through
appspot; it's only possible on the actual domain to which login is
restricted.  I'd guess you only actually restricted logins on the test
application and not the real application; you can check this (but,
alas, not change it) under Application Settings in the appengine

Billing should not have any effect on the login process, as far as I

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[google-appengine] Re: Few questions about commercial use

2010-03-17 Thread Wooble

On Mar 16, 3:50 pm, Michal M  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to use GAE to set up web service for company I work for.
> I am not sure if I understood everything well. Please help me to avoid
> mistakes.
> 1. I have my private Google App Engine account, should I set up a new
> one for this purpose? Can I?

It's not necessary to set up a separate account.  I believe you can,
however; there have been requests to have a second account activated
without a separate SMS, and they're directed to the SMS issues form
rather than being told "no, you can't have 2 accounts".

> 2. Is it still free then unless I set up billing and exceed free
> quota?

Yes.  The free quota is for all applications.

> 3. Can I attach domain i.e.www.mojafirma.plto point to this app (I
> am already owner of this domain)?
> 4. I have read that I must also sign in to Google Apps for it. Is it
> free for company?

You can point your domain name to the app by making it a Google Apps
domain and then adding your application to it.  There is a free
Standard Edition.  IANAL, but from what I can tell although the
marketing material goes out of its way to avoid suggesting that a
business should use this edition, the Terms of Use don't seem to
explicitly forbid it.

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[google-appengine] Re: Templates in subfolders

2010-03-17 Thread Wooble
Have you defined flash as a static directory?

On Mar 17, 3:12 pm, Kenchu  wrote:
> For some reason my folder is not allowed to be named flash if I want
> scripts in it. As soon as I rename it, scripts will run in it, but if
> it is named "flash", then I will get that "file not accessible" error.
> wtf.
> On Mar 17, 8:01 pm, Kenchu  wrote:
> > Hm, I noticed another error too. When trying to run a script residing
> > in the folder, I get "file not accessible" error. I tried adding a new
> > folder and running the script with template there instead, and that
> > works.
> > So something is wrong with the folder or something. But it has the
> > same permissions as any other folder.
> > This is probably related to my other issue (http://groups.google.com/
> > group/google-appengine/browse_thread/thread/f377514b9261c6d4 )
> > On Mar 17, 7:23 pm, Kenchu  wrote:
> > > /Users/swekenchu/Dropbox/Development/GoogleAppEngine/google proj/flash/
> > > index.htm
> > > On Mar 16, 3:05 pm, djidjadji  wrote:
> > > > What is the value of 'path' after the os.path.join()?
> > > > 2010/3/15 Kenchu :
> > > > > Displaying a template that resides in the main folder together with
> > > > > the script works just fine, but as soon as I try to display one in a
> > > > > subfolder, I get an error:
> > > > > TemplateDoesNotExist: index.htm
> > > > > It's weird that it doesn't display the full path.
> > > > > This is the code I use:
> > > > > path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'flash/index.htm')
> > > > > self.response.out.write(template.render(path,{}))
> > > > > Are you not allowed to display templates in subfolders?
> > > > > --
> > > > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> > > > > To post to this group, send email to 
> > > > > google-appeng...@googlegroups.com.
> > > > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> > > > > google-appengine+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> > > > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > > > athttp://groups.google.com/group/google-appengine?hl=en.

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[google-appengine] Re: Error: Server Error

2010-03-19 Thread Wooble

On Mar 19, 6:54 pm, riq  wrote:
> Can anybody can help us ?
> I'm paying more than $80 per week for this service!
> Did the API change ? Do we need to update something ?

It looks like you're hitting the 30 second timeout limit during a
fetch from the datastore.  How many entities are you fetching in this
query?  Does the number fetched constantly increase the more usage
your app gets?

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[google-appengine] Re: how do i run a python interactive shell with google appengine configurations loaded?

2010-03-20 Thread Wooble

On Mar 19, 6:43 pm, nvictor  wrote:
> hi,
> i wanted to test my entities in a python interactive shell. but i am
> getting an error because some application configurations are not
> loaded.
> has anyone done it before? how can i run an interactive shell with all
> the required app configs?
> thanks

The SDK comes with remote_api_shell.py, which is exactly that.

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[google-appengine] Re: HELP! 7 GB of ghost data - billable but not in datastore, blobs, or versions.

2010-03-22 Thread Wooble

On Mar 22, 4:20 am, homunq  wrote:
> I have no custom indexes. I have only two entities. 99.9% of the data
> is in the Expando which has about 45 stringproperties (initally all
> indexed, now around 30 are; many frequently empty string); 4 integer
> properties; 4 dates; 4 lists (about 4-8 members typically); from 3-18
> expando string lists (of 20 types total; an average of 6 lists with 2
> members each); and 2 expando strings (mostly but not always present).

For each indexed property, there will be 2 index entries (one in the
forward index and one in the reverse index), each of which contains
the actual data, the name of the property, the name of your
application, and if there's a parent entity information about the
parent will be in the key as well.  This quickly adds up.

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[google-appengine] Re: Will GAE ever be open source?

2010-03-22 Thread Wooble

On Mar 22, 12:36 am, Iap  wrote:
> My concern is that the open-source GAE would also expose the weakness of
> GAE.
> That makes the GAE more vulnerable under attacking.

I hope you're not coding in a programming language that's open
source.  Just imagine the vulnerabilities. Of course, with python and
java eliminated, how are you using App Engine at all?

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[google-appengine] Re: Cookie expiration

2010-03-23 Thread Wooble

On Mar 23, 6:32 am, pca  wrote:
> Could someone explain me how the authorisation cookie behaves ?
> I've seen the following parameter in the GAE administration tool /
> Application settings:
>     Cookie Expiration: 1 day / 1 week / 2 weeks
>     App Engine uses a cookie to keep users logged in to your
> application.
>     You can control how long each login cookie remains valid before
> being re-issued by using this parameter.
> I don't understand the comment.  Do users have to login every 2 weeks,
> even if they access the application every day ?  Or they must login
> only if they have not accessed the application in the last 2 weeks ?
> In other words, does users.get_current_user() restart the 2 weeks
> validity period ?  If not, is there any way for the application to
> restart the validity programmatically ?
> I could not find any info in the documentation, and discovering it by
> trying it would be too time-consuming for me...

I believe the cookie is set to expire 2 weeks after login, and then
isn't written again after that.

The only workaround I can think of would be to use you own auth
sessions (which could still use Google logins through openID) and re-
write the session cookie with a new, extended expiration date every
time the user uses your application.

This is a fairly common type of security precaution; someone gaining
access to a user's machine could only exploit the existing cookies for
a limited amount of time, although of course the amount of damage they
could do within that 2 week window is still probably fairly high.  You
might think users would be turned off by needing to login again every
2 weeks, but Facebook requires it and it hasn't hurt their popularity
much; at this point you can probably assume your users are used to
periodic logins.

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