GWT js for Windows10 Universal Apps?

2015-05-02 Thread darkflame
Just wondering, anyone got any idea if GWT could be used to make Windows10 
desktop apps?

>From what I can make out it seems "Universal Windows apps" can be written 
in Javascript/html and Microsoft has some javascript lib (WinJS 
?) to access desktop stuff.

Universal Windows Apps seem to be pretty compatible, Microsoft is 
claiming Universal Windows Apps will run on any of the following;

Hololens,Xbox,Desktop,Laptop,Tablets,Phones and IoT devices (those without 
any screen).

So, essentially, all versions of Windows10 support these same apps, with 
different things being selectively possible on different platforms by 
querying if a feature is available. ("does it have a keyboard")

Naturally this makes it quite attractive to develop for - especially if our 
GWT Java code can be made to run on them all.

Any ideas?

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Re: Performance impact of Focus panel with no handlers?

2015-01-03 Thread darkflame
Thanks for the info.
I removed them it was pointless having them as I don't need access keys for 
those elements. I think I got a slight performance boast, but I changed a 
few things at once so hard to tell definitively.
Still, similar page is probably always good.

On Tuesday, December 30, 2014 5:41:02 PM UTC+1, Jens wrote:
> Ah, thanks. Good to know.
>> What about all those little hidden >
> Hm yeah well that carries some overhead if you don't need access key 
> support for your focus panels. But if you need access key support then it 
> is kind of a requirement in most browsers as you normally can not assign an 
> access key to a div element.
> In HTML5 the accesskey property is allowed on any element not just a, 
> button, various inputs. But I don't know how well browsers already support 
> that. But in the future that input hack might go away for HTML5 compliant 
> browsers.
> -- J.

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Creating CSS Animations dynamically?

2015-01-03 Thread darkflame
I have an engine I was making that requires scrolling a large scene amount.
I have had this working with gwt for awhile, but recently spotted I can 
scroll it much smoother by CSS. I guess the browser is more optimised then 
my code for this, and as a side-effect I can easily play with ease-in 
ease-out stuff.

However, the method I used to do this was to add a new style tag to the 
page and put the css defining the animation keyframes within it

createdStyleTag = DOM.createElement("style"); 

Then to set the animation

for (String vendor : vendors) {
 newstyle=newstyle+"@-"+vendor+"-keyframes "+name+" \n {\n"+
"from { transform: translate(0px,0px); } \n"+
 "to{ transform: translate("+enddifx+"px,"+enddify+"px); } \n"+
 "} \n";


Where vendors is a list of vendors (-webkit-  -moz, etc)
Then it was simply a matter of applying a class that set the animation and 
duration. Worked great on chrome making my app *much* smoother. yay.

Then I read this

Despite Firefox supporting CSS animations it seems they dont support them 
inline. So this sort of on-the-fly defining and running doesnt work.

I wondered if anyone had any alternative methods?

Essentially I am just panning a large absolute panel (with a lot on it) 
within another one, and am hoping to move it between two runtime set 
locations in the smoothest possible way.

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Re: What is planned release date for GWT 2.8 (with lambdas) ?

2014-12-30 Thread darkflame
Is GWT2.8 set to support IE11 with a specific permutation? 

I ask because theres still silly issues in IE like this one;

Easy to work around so not a big deal specificly, but still crazy something 
so basic as retrieving a style property.

Also, I wasted over a week hunting down that issue. When GWT thinks a 
number is a string its quite hard to debug.

On Wednesday, December 24, 2014 12:32:00 PM UTC+1, Yuriy Nakonechnyy wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the detailed description of the issue!
> I was thinking about using *gwt-2.8.0-snapshot* from their OSS Sonatype 
> repository 
>  but 
> the problem is that my project is in production with users using it every 
> day and deployments occur around once a week. So using 
> *gwt-2.8.0-snapshot* version may pose additional risk of something not 
> working after building with new snapshot version. Not emulated Java 8 API 
> is also limiting - so yes, I'll wait till the end of January and hope GWT 
> 2.8 will be released then :)
> Середа, 17 грудня 2014 р. 20:06:35 UTC+2 користувач Jens написав:
>> Well GWT is bad at defining exact release dates as they are usually not 
>> met. GWT prefers to put something into the wild that works instead of 
>> following exact release dates.
>> The general plan is to release a GWT version *roughly* every 6 month: 
>> Around Google IO and december/january which happens to be the time frame of 
>> GWT.create conference.
>> The current state of Java8 language features in GWT is:
>> - Lambda / method reference is implemented in the master branch but some 
>> bugs exists the the current JDT version that GWT uses. These bugs are fixed 
>> once Eclipse releases the new JDT core package that will also be used in 
>> Eclipse 4.5. You can workaround these bugs by building a GWT checkout 
>> locally using a JDT snapshot dependency.
>> - interface default/static methods are in review
>> - intersection casts need to be done
>> Beside language features GWT also needs to add emulation of Java8 APIs 
>> which might take some time (Optional, java.util.function, streams, 
>> javax.time).
>> So IMHO it is likely that you can use Java8 language features around 
>> GWT.create 2015 (most likely after the conference) in an official GWT 2.8 
>> release. API emulation is a different story.
>> As said above you can already use lambdas and method references today if 
>> you build GWT from trunk and update the JDT dependency before building (see 
>> linked issue)
>> -- J.

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Performance impact of Focus panel with no handlers?

2014-12-30 Thread darkflame

I made a game engine that used a lot of focus panels on an absolute panel. 
- essentially everything on the panel is within a focus panel in case in 
needs pointer interaction. The absolute panel they are on is bigger then 
the screen and can move.
umm...was this me being an idiot?

If theres a hundred focus panels with no handlers attached, is that going 
to be significantly impact on performance?  I could ensure only things that 
potentially have actions get put into focus panels, but not sure if the 
development changes will be worth the performance boast.

Any insights?

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Re: GWT for Web Development (again)

2014-12-30 Thread darkflame
It might be possible for GWT to make it easier to "burn out" pages I guess, 
not sure of the precise method or convenience factor it would add.
Youd still need to somehow get the sever to then send out those static html 

Probably need something like the javascript burns a copy of the html, which 
is sent to a php script, which in turn makes a hard copy cache of the 
dynamic content?

Honestly, I am not sure why Google isn't crawling javascript by now. I'm 
sure with all their fancy AI tech they have they could adapt their 
algorithms to take it - including making themselves look like a regular 
user so as not to be fed false content.

On Thursday, December 25, 2014 8:12:43 AM UTC+1, Adolfo Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi, I suppose the question has been discussed many times but I will like 
> to reopen the issue.
> Since I discovered GWT, aprox. 5 years ago, I do not want any other 
> framework. It gives me the right tool to get a good productivity, forget 
> about passing HTTP params back and forward, enjoy lots of libraries, and 
> last times, with bootstrap I have added the best of design to my GWT 
> projects. So, I feel having collected a great toolkit for development.
> There is only a problem: search engines. Search engines, in my experience 
> do not like GWT. Even when you have the _escaped_fragment_ thing, I guess 
> google does not treat you the same that with pure HTML code. I know that 
> GWT is not intended for web but is really a shame not enjoying the full 
> potential of the framework on web environments. I have noticed that most of 
> companies that start in GWT migrates to common Java/HTML frameworks as soon 
> as they are successful or they get funding, just because the SEO penalty.
> So, is there anything, at all, that could be done, in future releases, to 
> claim GWT being also a framework for Web environments? I mean, not allowing 
> google even know that your webapp was created with GWT. I know about the 
> dynamic content generation but I guess something could be done about it. I 
> think adoption would multiply by thousands.
> Thanks

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Anyone else get hourglass flickering in IE11?

2014-12-22 Thread darkflame

GWT2.7, IE11, Windows7.

Unfortunately I was foolish enough to leave detailed IE testing till late 
in the project. Everything works fine on other browsers, but IE11 I get a 
strange flickering hourglass. 
That is, the cursor flickers between a normal mouse and an hourglass as it 
moves over the page. Holding the mouse still and it stops.

At first I thought it was the custom cursor I was using (*.cur), but even 
without that it happens.

Taking a static snapshot of the Dom and loading that in IE results in no 
issue - so its clearly something the GWT javascript is doing, presumably 
loading related. 
Is there known issues regarding this? 

Googlings tricky due to relevant keywords hitting generic pc problems.
I did find someone with a JQuery issue that sounded the same;
But the answer is rather cryptic - I use CSS backgrounds all over the 
project surely that cant be it? 

For those that want a visual of the problem our current WIP project is here;[Thorn]%20Game/index.html#-

You don't have to do anything more click "Log in als gastspeler! 
"  and 
moving the mouse around too see the problem.

If anyone else knows of anything like this it would help me investigate.
(-sigh- I wish Chrome frame was still around...IEs already added a few 
weeks onto this project)

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Re: ie10 permutation causing browser errors? (gwt 2.6.1) really baffled here.

2014-10-28 Thread darkflame
Doesn't solve all the mysteries but until ie11 is correctly supported

" " does the job for 

The GWT code loads, but some page elements were using features only 
supported on ie11 (CSS borders, for example).

I don't suppose theres some hybred mode possible? The newest rendering 
engine while still serving the ie10 code?
Probably break everything else though I guess.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014 6:43:15 PM UTC+2, Jens wrote:
> My suspicion is still that regardless of IE10 or 11 somehow its being run 
>> in compatibility mode, which if thats IE8 would explain problems with 
>> Trim().
> We only have the typical  at the top of our host page which 
> puts all browsers in standards mode. The only way to get IE into 
> compatibility mode then is to either click the corresponding icon in the 
> browser or add the URL to the compatibility view list in IE settings (
> We have our load 
> balancers configured to serve a special page if a "compatibility view" 
> user-agent is detected.
> Also IE 11 might require IE 10 mode if your app has errors in IE 11 while 
> executing the Firefox permutation. In that case you would add  http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10"> to your head and file a bug 
> on GWT to fix the issue.
> -- J.

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ie10 permutation causing browser errors? (gwt 2.6.1) really baffled here.

2014-10-02 Thread darkflame
If I want my GWT2.6.1 application to compile to ie10, this is correct isn't 


Because my app is producing this bizarre error in ie10;

SEVERE: Exception caught: (TypeError) 
 description: Object doesn't support property or method 'replace'
 number: -2146827850
 stack: TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'replace'
   at $trim 
   at $getZindex 
   at $onLoad 
   at $onLoad_0 
   at onLoad_2 
   at $onAttach 
   at onAttach 
   at execute_24 
   at tryCommand 
   at doAttachChildren_0 
 __gwt$exception: : Object doesn't support property or method 
'replace' Exception 
caught: (TypeError) 
 description: Object doesn't support property or method 'replace'

Note the "trim()" - which I was astonished to learn recently wasn't 
supported on ie8.

Is this just a coincidence and the error lies elsewhere? or is somehow a 
ie8 permutation running in ie10?
Can anything else override what permutation is picked to run?

The application works fine on chrome, firefox and opera.

The problem is a bit more curious, however, as some trim statements do work.
Heres the code triggering the crash:"~Just before trimming");""+GWT.getHostPageBaseURL().trim()); //displays the homepage 
url fine

 Element ParentElement = this.getElement().getParentElement();"Got parent E"); //displays
 Style ElementStyle = ParentElement.getStyle();"Got parent Style"); //displays
 String ZindexNonTrim = ElementStyle.getZIndex();"Got parent Zindex "+ZindexNonTrim); //reachs here fine. The 
zindex of the element happens to be 30 and that value displays in the log 
correctly""+ZindexNonTrim.getClass().getName()); //this results in 

 String blar = "30".trim();   //this trim works"Well gosh darnit! "+blar); 

 String zindexstring = ZindexNonTrim.trim(); //this one causes the crash 
<<"~zomg no crashyness?");

I just cant get my head around why a string.trim() is causing a crash when 
other string.trims() are not.



Appreciate anything,
Thomas Wrobel

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Gwt 2.6 + Opera(/presto) how to enable support?

2014-01-29 Thread darkflame
I think Gwt2.6 no longer does a Opera permutation by do I 
re-enable it?

I'd like to at least support Opera for awhile longer, as their new 
WebKit(/Blink) version still isn't a default update due to lack of feature 
Might be a low userbase, but Id still rather now break all my old sites for 
them yet.

Also, where are the upto date release notes?

Does not seem to mention Opera being dropped.

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Switch on String shouldn't this work in GWT 2.6 / Java 7 ?

2014-01-28 Thread darkflame
Something like ;

switch (book) {

case "Harry Potter":
case "Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy":

Should now work with the latest GWT from here;


Because I am still getting a "   [ERROR] Line 1971: Cannot switch on a 
value of type String. Only convertible int values or enum constants are 
permitted "

Have I somehow setup GWT 2.6 wrongly?


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DeckPanel inside a FocusPanel - click handlers don't fire if DeckPanel is cycling over its widgets?

2014-01-08 Thread darkflame

I am using a DeckPanel to simulate a sprite animation.
The images are runtime specified, so ImageBundles cant be used, and SetURL 
is too slow. Flicking over elements in a DeckPanel seems to result in a 
smooth animation, however, I am having trouble recieving clicks on the 

DeckPanel itself has no addHandler, so I put it in a FocusPanel.
In doing so I found MouseOver/Out work perfectly...but clickhandleing only 
works if its not animating. That is, if the currently shown widget does not 


//a deckpanel in a focuspanel test  

Image frame1=new Image("Image0.png");
Image frame2=new Image("Image1.png");
Image frame3=new Image("Image2.png");

final DeckPanel deckpaneltest1 = new DeckPanel();

//fix the size again, as deckpanel makes them 100%
frame1.setSize("", "");
frame2.setSize("", "");
frame3.setSize("", "");


FocusPanel containerPanel = new FocusPanel();   

containerPanel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { 
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
//use a random number to see when this is updated
TestLabel1.setText("click recieved."+"___"+Math.random());


Timer testanimation = new Timer(){
public void run() {

int currentw = deckpaneltest1.getVisibleWidget();   
if (currentw>=deckpaneltest1.getWidgetCount()){ 
currentw = 0;   




My thinking all has something to do with the panel being "focused" which 
somehow prevents the normal click events from firing? Or maybe something to 
do with the default "focus" css I notice appear on the containerPanel when 
clicked. I am not even sure if this is expected behavior or a bug.

In either case, it has me somewhat stuck as to how to proceed.

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Re: using "applyto()" with a Composite initWidget(Image);

2014-01-06 Thread darkflame
Ah, it seems;

imageContents = SetFrames[0].createImage();

Fixs the problem.
Interesting...applyTo() doesnt work on a image thats created ( = new 
Image() ) but not set?

On Monday, January 6, 2014 3:49:51 PM UTC+1, darkflame wrote:
> Pre-amble:
> I have been using an AnimatedIcon class I made myself for a few years now.
> It extended Image and had two constructors;
> 1. Takes an ImageURL and a number of frames, and use's setURL to cycle 
> over them (foo1.png,foo2.png etc)
> 2. Takes a AbstractImagePrototype[] and uses applyto(this) to cycle over 
> the images.
> This worked pretty wonderfully, allowing compile time images to use fast 
> image strips, and runtime picked images to load from urls.
> However, I now wanted to add a 3rd image animation type; a deckpanel that 
> hide/shows a preloaded stack of images. This mode would be usefull for 
> testing animations
> off a local hard drive without using a server. (as frame switching times 
> are vastly slower - presumably due to no caching).
> In order to do this, however, my class would ideally need two methods of 
> construction. A "normal" method for 1/2 where it is just a image widget and 
> a "flickbook" mode where its a deckpanel with images inside it.
> I figured if I just made it a composite class this would allow it to be a 
> different widget depending how its used.
> This is how it now looks;
> public class AnimatedIcon extends Composite { // Image
> ...
> Image imageContents = new Image();
> public AnimatedIcon(AbstractImagePrototype[] SetFrames){
> // super();
> initWidget(imageContents);
> The "applyTo()" comands are now changed to;
> Frames.get(0).applyTo(imageContents);
> instead of applyTo(this);
> And, naturally, where I was using this.seturl I now use 
> imageContents.seturl();
> However, on testing the code I find only the sprites which have been setup 
> to directly use urls (.setURL) work. The sprites which uses bundles and 
> applyTo() don't display at all.
> In the html they seem empty;
>  role="presentation" style="opacity: 0; height: 1px; width: 1px; z-index: 
> -1; overflow: hidden; position: absolute;">
> Question;
> 1. Can "Image" be used in a composite and still use 
> applyTo(AbstractImagePrototype)?
> 2. Is there additional setup I should be doing to handle images in this 
> way.
> 3. If not, and I am forced to go back just to extending image, would it be 
> crazy to store runtime specified images as DataURL's in an internal array, 
> effectively handling cacheing myself?
> Thanks for any thoughts.

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using "applyto()" with a Composite initWidget(Image);

2014-01-06 Thread darkflame

I have been using an AnimatedIcon class I made myself for a few years now.
It extended Image and had two constructors;

1. Takes an ImageURL and a number of frames, and use's setURL to cycle over 
them (foo1.png,foo2.png etc)
2. Takes a AbstractImagePrototype[] and uses applyto(this) to cycle over 
the images.

This worked pretty wonderfully, allowing compile time images to use fast 
image strips, and runtime picked images to load from urls.

However, I now wanted to add a 3rd image animation type; a deckpanel that 
hide/shows a preloaded stack of images. This mode would be usefull for 
testing animations
off a local hard drive without using a server. (as frame switching times 
are vastly slower - presumably due to no caching).

In order to do this, however, my class would ideally need two methods of 
construction. A "normal" method for 1/2 where it is just a image widget and 
a "flickbook" mode where its a deckpanel with images inside it.
I figured if I just made it a composite class this would allow it to be a 
different widget depending how its used.

This is how it now looks;

public class AnimatedIcon extends Composite { // Image
Image imageContents = new Image();

public AnimatedIcon(AbstractImagePrototype[] SetFrames){
// super();

The "applyTo()" comands are now changed to;


instead of applyTo(this);

And, naturally, where I was using this.seturl I now use 

However, on testing the code I find only the sprites which have been setup 
to directly use urls (.setURL) work. The sprites which uses bundles and 
applyTo() don't display at all.
In the html they seem empty;


1. Can "Image" be used in a composite and still use 

2. Is there additional setup I should be doing to handle images in this way.

3. If not, and I am forced to go back just to extending image, would it be 
crazy to store runtime specified images as DataURL's in an internal array, 
effectively handling cacheing myself?

Thanks for any thoughts.

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Get font-family from external css?

2013-11-22 Thread darkflame
Is it possible to get the font information set by a Class (ie, not on the 
element directly).
I assume it can be done by looking at the Css file and sort-of parsing it 
for the information needed.but this seems a bit of a thudge.
Is there a better method?


I would like to get the font information at run time so I can recreate the 
look of a bit of text in a canvas object.  I wish to keep the css file 
editable, and not burnt into the project as a bundle. (Its a fairly small 
project, not concerned with loading times)

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How to change "gwt.imageResource.maxBundleSize" ?

2013-10-30 Thread darkflame

I need to change the system property


to 1000. How would I do this?

The property exists as I see it here;

Yet I cant figure out how to set this in the GWT.XML:

results in;

[ERROR] Property 'gwt.imageResource.maxBundleSize' not found

so I tried creating the property;

but that gets me;

[ERROR] Invalid property value '1000'

In fact, any numerical values results in this error. The only things it 
accepts are strings starting with letters.but thats obviously useless 
as Googles code is;

private static final int IMAGE_MAX_SIZE = Integer.getInteger(
  "gwt.imageResource.maxBundleSize", 256);

So I am stumped how I am supposed to set this property.

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Slow down animation on DisclosurePanel?

2013-10-29 Thread darkflame
I "simply" wish to slow down the open/close animation on a DisclosurePanel.

Any ideas how to do this?

I see; 

private static final int ANIMATION_DURATION = 350;

in the class. But the class cant be extended for some reason, so is there 


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How to change a variables value from a array? (is it even possible?)

2013-01-29 Thread darkflame
This is a little confusing question to express, its probably more Java
then gwt specific, but given that gwt is really javascript, I am not
quite sure what domain it falls under.

ArrayList fieldList = new ArrayList();

I then dump a lot of different variables to this array.

fieldList.add(ObjectsURL);  //string
fieldList.add(X);  //int
fieldList.add(Y); //int
If I change the variable, the values in the array change
too...confirming the array stores a reference to the memory, rather
then value itself.

However, if I then retrieve data from the array then set that...

Object object = ((String)this.fieldList.get(0));

Then set object

object = "meeep!"

ObjectsURL is not set to "meep!" but rather it retains its original

I assume this is because the "object" is not referencing the original
variable anymore, that instead its pointing to a new immutable string
in the memory.
All expected Java behavior I thinkbut then, how would I go about
setting the actual original variable? is this possible in java? (is it
possible in javascript?).  If not, is there an alternative method to
achieve the same thing?

I hope my question explains the problem well enough.

My use-case is trying to make a client only serialization/
deserialization system for a bunch of my objects. I was hoping to put
all the fields into a arraylist I could retrieve for both reading and
writtingthus avoiding having to hard-code long lists of
field[0]=blah and blah=field[0] and then going though constant pains
of needing to renumber them each time I add a new field before

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Re: Chrome 24 and GWT

2013-01-20 Thread darkflame
Just to confirm/clarify this problem as I found it today.

PopupPanel test = new PopupPanel();

test.add(new Label("test"));


Is all it takes to reproduce it for me.
Animation seems to have to be true, it seems to work fine without, so
that could be a workaround for some people needing 2.4.

On Jan 15, 2:22 am, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> Sorry, didn't see that part of your mail:
> On Monday, January 14, 2013 5:43:36 PM UTC+1, wrote:
> > Perhaps you have the resources to fully regression test all of your
> > applications every week on all 8 or 9 different supported browsers, plus
> > dev/beta versions, but in the real world of enterprise software, that's
> > simply not feasible.
> I don't have those resources, but I'm aware that it's what I should do.
> It's actually even worse: I'm paid to build webapps, not maintaining them.
> We're not proactive on browser changes because that's not part of the deal
> with our customers, but we're generally in the situation of shipping a
> fixed version (provided there's an easy fix or workaround) in a matter of
> hours. Once the warranty period is over however, I bet nobody does testing
> either and fixes can take ages.
> BTW, I also know there *are* people in the "real world of enterprise
> software" who *do* end-to-end testing, either using Selenium/WebDriver on a
> cluster of servers, or using SaaS such as Sauce Labs, driven by a CI server
> (Jenkins/Hudson, TeamCity, Bamboo, etc.) to be run on each commit and/or
> nightly.
> The root of the issue is that most people (IT deps mostly) ask for webapps
> rather than native apps (generally to replace native apps) for bad reasons
> and/or without understanding the consequences.
> > Stable software should remain stable. If a customer upgrades his version
> > of Windows, I shouldn't expect the new version to suddenly start working
> > strangely because of a radical change in how animations are rendered. A
> > similar concept should apply for web browsers.
> Are you talking about that Windows OS that breaks its WebDAV support in
> almost every new version or service pack, and even sometimes 
> hotfixes? 
> had to
> do an emergency patch in a server after the SP1 was deployed on Win7 this
> fall; BTW the webapp is 4 years old 'cause nobody allocated the budget to
> maintain and update it, not even with security fixes: “if it ain't broke,
> don't fix it”, BS; this is the state of software in the "real world of
> enterprise software": zombie servers on a drip of emergency fixes to keep
> them alive)
> The one OS for which every IT department delays hotfix/SP deployment by
> fear of breaking their payroll or LoB apps? (which is probably the main
> reason there's still so many IE7 and IE8 out there –last year I would even
> have added IE6 to the list–).
> But again, we're talking here about a bug in GWT, in the use of a "beta"
> API. And that bug was fixed long before the change in Chrome reached end
> users.
> Also note that in a closed environment (intranet) running Windows, you can
> disable Chrome and/or ChromeFrame auto-updates using a group policy.

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Re: Some of my images arnt being turned into image strips :?

2013-01-20 Thread darkflame
Thanks I already disabled inlining with :

In my gwt.xml, which disables DataURLs, but still doesn't make everything 
image strips - some are image strips but many are still just separate PNGs 
I'll try your method as well, but I suspect that also just prevents the 

I *think* my problem might be something to do with the filesize of the 
images, as the ones not being put into strips seem a bit bigger then the 
I'm currently trying to trim them down, but  it would be helpful if there 
was a specific limit specified in the docs somewhere.

On Sunday, January 20, 2013 5:09:58 PM UTC+1, Sebastián Gurin wrote:
> try to prevent any inlining or other optimizations using : 
> @Source("img0001.png")
> @ImageOptions(preventInlining=true)
> ImageResource img0001();
> From : 
>  /**
>  * Set to {@code true} to require the ImageResource to be downloaded 
> as a
>  * separate resource at runtime. Specifically, this will disable the 
> use of
>  * {@code data:} URLs or other bundling optimizations for the image. 
> This
>  * can be used for infrequently-displayed images.
>  */
> Good luck
> On Sunday, January 20, 2013 1:30:05 PM UTC-2, darkflame wrote:
>> I'm starting to think...unless I am doing something stupid...this is a 
>> GWT error. 
>> At the very least the behavior contradicts the documentation: 
>> "The ClientBundle generator combines all of the images defined in your 
>> interface into a single, optimized image." 
>> This certainly doesn't seem to be the case. Even without my specific 
>> problem, I am pretty sure many small images would get converted to 
>> DataURLs no? 
>> On Jan 8, 3:54 pm, darkflame  wrote: 
>> > Still no luck. 
>> > If it helps diagnose I can supply sample images. 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > On Saturday, December 29, 2012 11:31:06 PM UTC+1, darkflame wrote: 
>> > 
>> > > ...and thus are rather flickery when animating between them. (they 
>> are 
>> > > frames in a animated sprite). 
>> > 
>> > > What baffles me is they are defined the same way as others that do 
>> > > seem to work. 
>> > 
>> > > eg. I have a file like: 
>> > > public interface MemDayImages extends ClientBundle { 
>> > > ... 
>> > > @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag0.png") 
>> > > ImageResource MEDmagrietbag0(); 
>> > 
>> > >  @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag1.png") 
>> > >  ImageResource MEDmagrietbag1(); 
>> > 
>> > >   @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag2.png") 
>> > >ImageResource MEDmagrietbag2(); 
>> > 
>> > > ... 
>> > 
>> > > Which makes a lovely image strip that animates really smoothly. 
>> > 
>> > > I have another group of sprites however: 
>> > 
>> > > public interface NoirInternalSprites extends ClientBundle { 
>> > 
>> > > 
>> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0050.png") 
>> > 
>> > > ImageResource fireloop0050(); 
>> > 
>> > > 
>> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0051.png") 
>> > 
>> > > ImageResource fireloop0051(); 
>> > 
>> > > 
>> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0052.png") 
>> > 
>> > > ImageResource fireloop0052(); 
>> > 
>> > > 
>> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0053.png") 
>> > 
>> > > ImageResource fireloop0053(); 
>> > > ... 
>> > 
>> > > Which does not. 
>> > > These pngs instead turn into dozens of separate files - not a image 
>> > > strip at all. 
>> > 
>> > > So what gives :? 
>> > > What determines when images are combined and when they are not ? 
>> > 
>> > > For reference, I use 
>> > >   > > 
>> > > in my gwt.xml to stop data urls being formed. 
>> > 
>> > > Thanks for any pointers, 
>> > > -Thomas 

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Re: Some of my images arnt being turned into image strips :?

2013-01-20 Thread darkflame
I'm starting to think...unless I am doing something stupid...this is a
GWT error.
At the very least the behavior contradicts the documentation:

"The ClientBundle generator combines all of the images defined in your
interface into a single, optimized image."

This certainly doesn't seem to be the case. Even without my specific
problem, I am pretty sure many small images would get converted to
DataURLs no?

On Jan 8, 3:54 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> Still no luck.
> If it helps diagnose I can supply sample images.
> On Saturday, December 29, 2012 11:31:06 PM UTC+1, darkflame wrote:
> > ...and thus are rather flickery when animating between them. (they are
> > frames in a animated sprite).
> > What baffles me is they are defined the same way as others that do
> > seem to work.
> > eg. I have a file like:
> > public interface MemDayImages extends ClientBundle {
> > ...
> >     @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag0.png")
> >     ImageResource MEDmagrietbag0();
> >      @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag1.png")
> >      ImageResource MEDmagrietbag1();
> >       @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag2.png")
> >        ImageResource MEDmagrietbag2();
> > ...
> > Which makes a lovely image strip that animates really smoothly.
> > I have another group of sprites however:
> > public interface NoirInternalSprites extends ClientBundle {
> >         @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0050.png")
> >         ImageResource fireloop0050();
> >         @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0051.png")
> >         ImageResource fireloop0051();
> >         @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0052.png")
> >         ImageResource fireloop0052();
> >         @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0053.png")
> >         ImageResource fireloop0053();
> > ...
> > Which does not.
> > These pngs instead turn into dozens of separate files - not a image
> > strip at all.
> > So what gives :?
> > What determines when images are combined and when they are not ?
> > For reference, I use
> >   
> > in my gwt.xml to stop data urls being formed.
> > Thanks for any pointers,
> > -Thomas

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Re: GWT - Crawlable (SEO)

2013-01-08 Thread darkflame
 I can only comment how I did it;

Googles bot will read any url in the form:




Thus I built a php version of my site that delivered the same 
content without the need for JavaScript.
By using escape fragments the same request data is avaliable to the server 
as the client, so you should be able to pull up the same contents as the 
client. (for example, from a mysql database).

So effectively the javascript and php versions of my site mirror eachother 
in terms of content, and the bot has access to the php one via the 
?_escaped_fragment_ url standard.

On Wednesday, December 26, 2012 1:55:11 AM UTC+1, Jan wrote:
> Hi,
> i like to make my gwt-app searchable by google. I found this article, that 
> describes how to do it: 
> But it does not really make sense to me: If i use a servlet filter to 
> present a special view to the google bot: This can not really work on the 
> client side. If i change the view with the activties and places pattern, 
> this only affects the client side an there is no servlet involved -> 
> servlet filter does nothing.
> Does some one has an explanation, example or even better a tutorial for me?
> Thanks and best regards
> Jan

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Re: Some of my images arnt being turned into image strips :?

2013-01-08 Thread darkflame
Still no luck.
If it helps diagnose I can supply sample images.

On Saturday, December 29, 2012 11:31:06 PM UTC+1, darkflame wrote:
> ...and thus are rather flickery when animating between them. (they are 
> frames in a animated sprite). 
> What baffles me is they are defined the same way as others that do 
> seem to work. 
> eg. I have a file like: 
> public interface MemDayImages extends ClientBundle { 
> ... 
> @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag0.png") 
> ImageResource MEDmagrietbag0(); 
>  @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag1.png") 
>  ImageResource MEDmagrietbag1(); 
>   @Source("/MemorableDayIcons/MEDIUM/magrietbag2.png") 
>ImageResource MEDmagrietbag2(); 
> ... 
> Which makes a lovely image strip that animates really smoothly. 
> I have another group of sprites however: 
> public interface NoirInternalSprites extends ClientBundle { 
> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0050.png") 
> ImageResource fireloop0050(); 
> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0051.png") 
> ImageResource fireloop0051(); 
> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0052.png") 
> ImageResource fireloop0052(); 
> @Source("com/darkflame/client/JargScene/firelopp/fireloop0053.png") 
> ImageResource fireloop0053(); 
> ... 
> Which does not. 
> These pngs instead turn into dozens of separate files - not a image 
> strip at all. 
> So what gives :? 
> What determines when images are combined and when they are not ? 
> For reference, I use 
> in my gwt.xml to stop data urls being formed. 
> Thanks for any pointers, 
> -Thomas 

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Re: Clearing Browser cache for upadated deployments

2012-12-29 Thread darkflame
Remember if using crome with the inspector open, holding down the
reload button gives a option to clear cache/hard reload.
VERY usefull, yet hidden feature.

On Dec 21, 4:54 pm, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On Friday, December 21, 2012 12:03:30 PM UTC+1, Marco wrote:
> >
> See 
> also
> is also linked 
> from

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Re: GWT Crawlable (SEO)

2012-12-29 Thread darkflame
I solved this by effectively having a crudely laidout, but text/
content identical php system that gives the content when javascript
isnt present and a ?_escaped_fragment_  url is given.
As a bonus to making my site crawlable, this also makes it usable(ish)
for those without javascript on.

On Dec 28, 9:32 pm, Jens  wrote:
> The servlet filter is only for the crawler and the crawler will not
> navigate your app using PlaceChangeEvents. The crawler just loads an URL
> that will hit your server and your servlet filter.
> If the bot finds a hyperlink like "#!myPlace" then it calls your server
> using ""; and thus hitting your
> server. If you have two servers (a dedicated web server for static content
> + application server) then you have to proxy the request to your
> application server as soon as the URL contains the _escaped_fragment_ query
> parameter, so that the server can generate a HTML snapshot on the fly or
> you have to pre-generate all possible snapshots and serve them directly
> from the dedicated web server (and update them regularly using a cron job).
> Basically your server needs to follow the spec described at:
> -- J.

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Some of my images arnt being turned into image strips :?

2012-12-29 Thread darkflame
...and thus are rather flickery when animating between them. (they are
frames in a animated sprite).

What baffles me is they are defined the same way as others that do
seem to work.

eg. I have a file like:
public interface MemDayImages extends ClientBundle {
ImageResource MEDmagrietbag0();

 ImageResource MEDmagrietbag1();

   ImageResource MEDmagrietbag2();


Which makes a lovely image strip that animates really smoothly.

I have another group of sprites however:

public interface NoirInternalSprites extends ClientBundle {

ImageResource fireloop0050();

ImageResource fireloop0051();

ImageResource fireloop0052();

ImageResource fireloop0053();

Which does not.
These pngs instead turn into dozens of separate files - not a image
strip at all.

So what gives :?
What determines when images are combined and when they are not ?

For reference, I use
in my gwt.xml to stop data urls being formed.

Thanks for any pointers,

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Re: Lienzo is now GA and it's Pixel Perfect!

2012-12-15 Thread darkflame
Just had a quick look at the Explorer examples, some really nifty
stuff there!
Too late for us to implement into our current project, but fantastic

On Dec 14, 7:11 pm, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil 
> All:
> Just a quick announcement letting everyone know that Lienzo is now GA!
> If you are looking to do anything canvas based, games, animations, new
> unthinkable widgets for either mobile or web based apps, I think you will
> find that Lienzo covers in this, its 1.0 version the vast majority of the
> things you will need.
> We have invested a great deal of time to make sure the library is as solid
> as it can be. However, nothing beats community feedback and new ideas.
> There are a handful of things that we plan on adding to the toolkit in the
> next release, but if you have any suggestions, please feel free to drop us
> a line. Lienzo is an Apache 2 library and its creation is the result of our
> own needs so we are not only producers but also consumers of the package.
> As part of this release we put a lot of effort into creating not only the
> software itself but also good resources to help you in your journey to
> create literally anything you can think of. That's how powerful canvas and
> GWT together we think can be.
> As usual, none, none of this would have been possible without GWT. We
> extend our gratitude to those that continue to make GWT better and hope
> that this latest addition helps others create things that were only
> possible in our imagination before, at least creating them in a much easier
> fashion.
> *Community: *
> *Lienzo User Guide:*
> *Lienzo Explorer:*
> *Lienzo Download:*
> The Emitrom Team
>  lienzo_banner.png
> 37KViewDownload

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Re: Wishlist - What GWT developers want for Christmas

2012-12-15 Thread darkflame
"I was unable to find anything generic - I needed to pick an OAuth
 (OpenID was out of the question, unfortunately)"

Just curious here as to why?  As a developer I often wondered why
OpenID has such a slow takeup relative to Facebook logins. I have only
ever used a OpenID implementation myself for a forum, which was
essentially pre-built, I just made a GUI for it. Is it much harder to
implement then other login methods? Does it have unsuitable

On Dec 14, 4:23 pm, Joonas Lehtinen  wrote:
> Just to report back. We were able to fix the issue and is no
> longer asking access to contacts when you signing in with your Google
> account.
> - Joonas
> On Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:03:47 PM UTC+2, Joonas Lehtinen wrote:
> > Looks like our login form is using wrong scope from OAuth API. We'll fix
> > this asap. We are definitely not using contacts (only stored information is
> > persons own email-address).
> > The wishlist page is quite simple and there is no admin inferface, so
> > there is no be easy way to edit the contents. I think that better than
> > trying to remove duplicates (and for that matter split comments with
> > multiple proposals), you might like to analyze the most important stuff
> > (both by seeing votes and number of similar entries) and publish a blog
> > post about the analysis. This would probably clarify the results.
> > On Wednesday, December 12, 2012 6:53:09 PM UTC+2, V.B. wrote:
> >> Hello Joonas,
> >>    Thanks for your work on the report and for posting the wishlist.
> >> While I agree with the previous post that the majority of the 2,600
> >> wishlist items are duplicates, there are several other valid items buried
> >> in the middle or near bottom of the list, which were not covered in the
> >> report. At the moment, these are not getting much attention because most
> >> voters stop looking after the first 50 or so items. For example, I found
> >> comments from a number of members about bugs that don't get fixed (e.g.
> >> some are even 2-3 years old), and patches that don't get accepted. I also
> >> saw some very important comments about how GWT needs to be better
> >> marketed/publicized in order to attract more developers. I suspect that
> >> issues like these would get much more up-voting if they were more visible.
> >> Perhaps a member of the community (me, for example) could volunteer to
> >> remove duplicates, or perhaps the list could be randomized every time it's
> >> viewed. Anything to make sure *all* the important issues get attention.
> >> On a separate note, I think even more members might log in and vote if
> >> not for the Access-to-Contacts requirement.
> >> Thanks again.

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Re: get x/y of mouse click relative to a Dom mouse event.

2012-12-02 Thread darkflame
I did that mostly so I could separate it out into a method like I just did;

private void updateLastClickedLocation() {

int x = Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientX();
int y = Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientY();

InstructionProcessor.lastclicked_x = x - 
this.getElement().getAbsoluteLeft() + this.getElement().getScrollLeft() +

InstructionProcessor.lastclicked_y = y - this.getElement().getAbsoluteTop() 
+ this.getElement().getScrollTop() +


As I'll be using this a bit.

I'll try this now, the code was a lot more simple then I thought. I was 
thinking  getAbsoluteLeft on a element only returned X relative to its 
This is all on a dragable absolute panel I made, with elements on it that 
are click-able with various mouse buttons while the container still being 
dragable itself. I could probably use a normal click handler, but I find it 
neater to use the switch method seeing as I am handling all the event types 

On Sunday, December 2, 2012 2:40:49 PM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> Have a look at the code for getRelativeX/Y in MouseEvent.
> BTW, why do you use Event.getCurrentEvent() instead of the 'event' 
> argument?
> You could also simply addClickHandler (or addDomHandler for 
> ClickEvent.getType()) instead of overriding onBrowserEvent.
> On Sunday, December 2, 2012 2:06:34 PM UTC+1, darkflame wrote:
>> I have some rather complex click handling code on a widget that has 
>> the following sort of structure: 
>> @Override 
>> public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { 
>> event.cancelBubble(true); 
>> event.preventDefault(); 
>> switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) { 
>> case Event.ONCLICK: 
>> int x = 
>> Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientX(); 
>> int y = 
>> Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientY(); 
>> //how to get relative X/Y from the 
>> element that was clicked. 
>>   (stuff to run onclick) 
>> case Event(handles other forms of mouse action) 
>> This works well, and lets handle everything as needed. 
>> However, because I am using a Event rather then a ClickEvent, theres 
>> no easy way to get the x/y of the click relative to the element that 
>> fired it. 
>> Is there any way to get this information? 
>> I dont think I can cast to ClickEvent, so I need to parse over the 
>> whole dom tree to convert from screen x/y to element-relative x/y? 
>> Seems complex Is there a better way? 
>> Thanks, 
>> Thomas 

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Re: Future of GWT survey

2012-12-02 Thread darkflame
Id be interested too.

GWT is so interesting, as a small team it has let us do so much so
much easier.
Its hard to say where to draw the line in regards to features and what
is "core"

Id like too see WebGL support at some point - possibly via a canvas-
esq widget. But how to do this in a lightweight yet expendable way I
have no idea.

On Oct 26, 8:20 pm, "t.dave"  wrote:
> have the results of this survey been posted anywhere?  if not, any ETA on
> when they might be?
> much thanks!
> On Wednesday, September 19, 2012 6:23:24 AM UTC-7, Joonas Lehtinen wrote:
> > What is your opinion on the future of GWT?
> > How should GWT develop?
> > What technologies should it better support?
> > ...
> > We all would like to get answers to these questions, right? To do so, we
> > created survey with help of Ray Cromwell, Artur Signell, Mike Brock, David
> > Chandler, Daniel Kurka and Bhaskar Janakiraman.
> > If you want to help finding the best direction for GWT, please fill the
> > survey at:
> > (it will take just 10 minutes)
> > When the results are collected, the will share the information with you.
> > - Joonas @ Vaadin

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get x/y of mouse click relative to a Dom mouse event.

2012-12-02 Thread darkflame

I have some rather complex click handling code on a widget that has
the following sort of structure:

public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {

switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {

case Event.ONCLICK:

int x = Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientX();
int y = Event.getCurrentEvent().getClientY();

//how to get relative X/Y from the element that 
was clicked.

  (stuff to run onclick)

case Event(handles other forms of mouse action)

This works well, and lets handle everything as needed.
However, because I am using a Event rather then a ClickEvent, theres
no easy way to get the x/y of the click relative to the element that
fired it.
Is there any way to get this information?
I dont think I can cast to ClickEvent, so I need to parse over the
whole dom tree to convert from screen x/y to element-relative x/y?
Seems complex Is there a better way?


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List all the strings and ints in a class?

2012-10-19 Thread darkflame
I am looking to make a little debugging widget for my (rather complex) app. 
It would be helpfull if I could construct something that would look at a 
class and display all its data.
I can handle the GUI side of it easily enough..but Java wise I don't know 
where to start or if its even possible to navigate a arbitrary class in 
this way.

Ideally Id want to get a list of variable names and their values.
I assume Id need to compile as pretty or detailed for the variable names to 
even be there - thats fine.

Thanks for any pointers,

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GWT<>Ruby? How to communicate?

2012-09-22 Thread darkflame
I am a prettyy experienced GWT developer, but have no knowledge of
Ruby...has anyone used them together?

I am on shared hosting which doesn't support servlets, so my only
server side options are php or ruby. Id normally use php, but ruby
seems to have a better supported lib I want to use for Jabber

Ergo, I need to learn Ruby, but I dont want to bother unless I can
still leverage my gwt skills for the front end.

Thanks for any pointers/feedback.

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Re: How is Math.Random emulated? and how good is it?

2012-01-14 Thread darkflame
Thanks, I'll try that other one and see if it helps.

My Application/Doddle is here:
If anyone is interested. Hitting Run Commandsd on the default settings
shows the bias.

On Jan 11, 3:21 pm, Chi Hoang  wrote:
> java.lang.Math.random()  calls the native javascript Math.random().
> However, java.util.Random implements the random number algorithm
> specified in the spec for that class - you can try using that if
> java.lang.Math.random() is not random enough
> On Jan 11, 6:19 am, Kevin Jordan  wrote:
> > All GWT's emulation does is natively call the javascript
> > Math.random().
> > On Jan 11, 3:02 am, darkflame  wrote:
> > > I have been playing about drawing fractals in GWT using canvas and the
> > > ¨ chaos game¨ method.
> > > However when picking large amounts of random numbers I seem to be
> > > getting a bias. That is, the randomness doesn't seem evenly
> > > distributed.
> > > I have read many sources online that say that Javas normal
> > > Math.Random() is flawed for this stuff, and some alternatives are
> > > offered.  However as GWTś Math.Random is merely an emulation, I
> > > wondered if it suffered the same flaws or not.
> > > Does anyone use alternative methods?
> > > This is all rather new too me, so if anyone has any pointers it would
> > > be helpfull.

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Re: GWT cross-domain requests works in Chrome/FF, fail in IE/Opera

2012-01-11 Thread darkflame
I dont know about IE, but try Opera12 as cross-domain support via CORS
was only added on that version.

On Jan 10, 8:23 pm, ussuri  wrote:
> Hello!
> I serve my gwt-based app from Google AppEngine from
> - both the script (GWT) and data (XMLHTTPRequest
> POSTs). If I open, everything
> works perfectly in all modern browsers.
> However, I want to serve the .html page from my custom domain in order
> to use SSL:
> I modified app.html to include script from appspot; I use a  and
> do RootPanel.get("my_div"). I hard-coded appspot URLs for POSTs.
> This solution works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox with  name="xsiframe"/> (or "xs") - I open an HTTPS URL from my custom
> domain, it loads GWT via https from, and do AJAX
> communication (not GWT-RPC, but pure ajax) with my app via
> ssl/https.
> BUT, in IE and Opera the page opens, GWT renders the content in the
> page, but AJAX requests fails with XS-origin errors:
> The URL
> https://****** is invalid or violates the same-origin
> security restriction
> I do set "Access-Control-XXX" headers in my servlet (java), and I
> tried to set "X-XSS-Protection" to "0" in my custom domain, but still
> IE and Opera do not let me query to appspot.
> What can I do to let IE at least to allow posting to
> Thanks,
> MG

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How is Math.Random emulated? and how good is it?

2012-01-11 Thread darkflame
I have been playing about drawing fractals in GWT using canvas and the
¨ chaos game¨ method.

However when picking large amounts of random numbers I seem to be
getting a bias. That is, the randomness doesn't seem evenly
I have read many sources online that say that Javas normal
Math.Random() is flawed for this stuff, and some alternatives are
offered.  However as GWTś Math.Random is merely an emulation, I
wondered if it suffered the same flaws or not.
Does anyone use alternative methods?

This is all rather new too me, so if anyone has any pointers it would
be helpfull.

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Re: Opera 11.60 + GWT 2.4.0: Code load failed!

2011-12-07 Thread darkflame
I'm using Opera 11.6 as my main browser (WinXP) and
seems to work fine for me.
Something rather strange must be happening on your system I think.

Maybe something is wrong with the linux version of Opera?
I can try that later.

On Dec 6, 5:01 pm, Michael Würtinger 
> Hi Kevin,
> the compiled application doesn't work. I haven't tested development
> mode.
> You are right, I'm using gwt-platform. I assume that the problem would
> be the same without this library, but the popup message wouldn't
> appear.
> Cheers!
> Michael
> On Dec 6, 4:36 pm, Kevin Jordan  wrote:
> > Is this in hosted mode or for the compiled app?  Also, are you using
> > this project That seems to
> > have a "Code load failed" that pops up in an alert window.
> > On Dec 6, 5:28 am, Michael Würtinger 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi folks,
> > > I just installed Opera 11.60 (see system details below) and tried to
> > > access my GWT application, which results in a "Code load failed!"
> > > message. All other browsers, inlcuding Opera 11.10, work like a charm.
> > > Can anyone confirm this problem?
> > > What's the cause? Is it a bug in Opera or does GWT misinterpret the UA
> > > string?
> > > All the best,
> > > Michael
> > > System Details:
> > > Opera
> > >     Version: 11.60
> > >     Build: 1185
> > >     Platform: Linux
> > >     System: x86_64, 2.6.35-31-generic
> > >     UA: Opera/9.80 (X11; Linux x86_64; U; en) Presto/2.10.229 Version/
> > > 11.60
> > > GWT:
> > >     Version: 2.4.0

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Re: Basic MDI (Multiple Document Interface) question

2011-12-06 Thread darkflame
I dont use a completely full windowing system as such, but my review
website does use extensive popups to enter data while still looking at
other information if you wish.
It does this more or less exactly as you suggested, decorated popups
containing composites.
The only modifcations I did was to get the "x" in the corner so you
can close the popups.

You have to login to demo the windowing (ie, when you go to post or
edit reviews, they are new windows).
You can login via OpenID though.

In addition I used a combination of iframes to switch between
different main "views" of the app without any code needing to reload.
Its all still very rough around the edges, but I think it shows the
power of what GWT can do.

On Dec 6, 6:40 pm, Zakaluka  wrote:
> Thank you both for the suggestion.  I'm looking into it now.
> Sergey, are you still using the GwtWM project?
> Regards,
> zak.
> On Dec 6, 8:52 am, "Armishev, Sergey"  wrote:
> > I build my whole MDI Web app with
> > -Sergey
> > -Original Message-
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of Ed
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2011 4:25 AM
> > To: Google Web Toolkit
> > Subject: Re: Basic MDI (Multiple Document Interface) question
> > No problem. I do everything without any external lib (don't wanne be
> > dependent of them).
> > I would start by looking at code like the gwt windows manager and
> > learn from it:
> > - Ed
> > On Dec 6, 1:19 am, Zakaluka  wrote:
> > > Hello all,
> > > I have been looking into doing an MDI application with GWT.  Is it
> > > possible to do such a thing with plain GWT, i.e. without using any
> > > additional libraries like SmartGWT, Ext GWT, etc?
> > > I have searched in this forum, but the latest posts seem to be from
> > > 2009 (most are even older) and all the projects they reference are
> > > dead.
> > > I was thinking that DecoratedPopupPanel with a Composite of some sort
> > > inside it might do the trick, but I'd love to hear if someone already
> > > has such a system operational.
> > > Thank you for your time,
> > > zak.
> > --
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Re: ClientBundle not able to set background image

2011-11-22 Thread darkflame
Isnt it supposed to be ImageResource?

On Nov 22, 7:37 pm, Deepak Singh  wrote:
> Hi,
> GWT 2.4
> html contains one div as written below
>  style="background-image:url(images/top-bar-2.png);background-repeat:
> repeat-y;">
> Now i need to replace this image through clientbundle. So MyClientBundle as
> follows
> @source("images/top-bar-2.png")
> ImageSource topbar2();
> i change my html like this
> and in java code i set
> Document.get().getElementById("topbar").getStyle().setBackgroundImage(clien­tbundle.topbar2());
> But it does not display image.
> Somone pls identify my mistake.
> Thanks
> Deepak
> --
> Deepak Singh

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Re: I can't get RichTextAre OnPaste Event hooking|sinking to work?

2011-11-18 Thread darkflame
Funny, thought I replied to this :-/

Anyway, fantasic work.
I did a quick implementation in my app and found the following:

Chrome - works flawlessly. At least data cut and paste from open
office is stripped clean nicely.
Firefox - as expected, workaround needed.
Opera - unfortuntely data isnt stripped :-/ (completely contradicting
what I read on their forums...must have been out of date).

The work around popup does have some issues for Richtext box
is already a popup and it appears under it. I guess this can  be fixed
with a basic zIndex.

Anyway, once again, great work, supprised its not getting more

On Nov 5, 4:53 pm, Brandon Donnelson  wrote:
> Here is my latest rendition. I can't find a perfect solution due to mozilla
> clipboard data access. But I found a workaround using doubleclick on the
> RichTextArea. I want to add later, a warning for firefox pasters. So far
> this is what I have.
> - wiki with demo and source
> - workaround
> demo

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Re: I can't get RichTextAre OnPaste Event hooking|sinking to work?

2011-11-02 Thread darkflame
Fantastic work!
I cant try it out right now, but I've bookmarked for later.
This is going to be VERY usefull.

You might also have been the first guy online to work this out based
on my (long) Googleing on this over the last month or so ;)

On Nov 2, 3:33 am, Brandon Donnelson  wrote:
> I found a nice hack to get the onpaste to work: I modified the source to
> try it.
>   // my inherited RichTextArea
>   public WiseRichTextArea(boolean hideBorderUntilHover, boolean grow) {
>     super();
>     setup(hideBorderUntilHover, grow);
>   }
>   private void setup(boolean hideBorderUntilHover, boolean grow) {
>     this.hideBorderUntilHover = hideBorderUntilHover;
>     this.grow = grow;
>     addStyleName("gv-core-WiseRichTextArea");
>     setUpEditHover();  
>     setupHandlers();
>     sinkEvents(Event.ONPASTE);
>   }
>   @Override
>   public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
>     super.onBrowserEvent(event);
>     switch (event.getTypeInt()) {
>     case Event.ONPASTE:
>       System.out.println("Paste Detected");
>       Window.alert("Paste Works!!! Yippie!!!");
>       break;
>     }
>   }
> My hack:
> // source hack
>  @Override
>   protected native void hookEvents() /*-{
>     var elem = 
>     var wnd = elem.contentWindow;
>     elem.__gwt_handler = function(evt) {
>       if (elem.__listener) {
>         if 
> (;)­(elem.__listener))
>  {
>  elem, elem.__listener);
>         }
>       }
>     };    
>     wnd.addEventListener('keydown', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('keyup', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('keypress', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('mousedown', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('mouseup', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('mousemove', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('mouseover', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('mouseout', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     wnd.addEventListener('click', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     // Whats needed . this works.
>     wnd.addEventListener('paste', elem.__gwt_handler, true);
>     // Focus/blur event handlers. For some reason, [add|remove]eventListener()
>     // doesn't work on the iframe element (at least not for focus/blur). Don't
>     // dispatch through the normal handler method, as some of the querying we 
> do
>     // there interferes with focus.
>     wnd.onfocus = function(evt) {
>       if (elem.__listener) {
>  elem, elem.__listener);
>       }
>     };
>     wnd.onblur = function(evt) {
>       if (elem.__listener) {
>  elem, elem.__listener);
>       }
>     };
>   }-*/;
> I'll submit all the source tomorrow.
> Brandon Donnelson

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Re: I can't get RichTextAre OnPaste Event hooking|sinking to work?

2011-10-31 Thread darkflame
As I suspected, your trying to solve the exact same problem I had.
People pasteing from Word into my app produced a crazy amount of junk
formating I wanted to get rid of ;)

I managed to deal (more or less) with it in normal TextBox's, but not

Btw, if you run into an Opera compatibility issue with OnPaste, dont
worry about it. The browser doesnt seem to support it.but it
strips away formating data itself anyway!

On Oct 31, 3:52 pm, Brandon Donnelson  wrote:
> I setup the source to look deeper and I'm looking at the source to see how
> the build it. I'm looking at two approaches to get to the iframe, one
> try accessing it through JSNI, find the iframe in the DOM..., 2, find how
> the source is passing events through the iframe and replicate that with
> onpaste. 3. keep trying... :) My goal is to intercept the onPaste event any
> way I can in the iframe.
> One thing that still puzzles me is, how do they get the cursor to blink in
> that iframe/(RichTextArea Element). I don't see where they attach any input
> elements. The textarea element they use looks like a container for
> transport only. Is there a trick to blink the cursor in innerHTML? I
> inspect the element and its either not picking up something b/c of focus or
> I'm missing the boat still.
> Either way, I intend to figure out a way to paste word document (text) with
> no formatting into the RichTextArea and which means I have to figure out
> how to catch OnPaste Events and access ClipBoardData API(s) in the browser.
> I'll be glad to share the results after I figure it out. Thanks for the
> reply.
> Brandon Donnelson

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Re: future of gwt & who use gwt

2011-10-31 Thread darkflame
For the original posters question of GWT applications out there, I can
offer two of my own modest pieces of work
(A website for reviewing stuff, the whole interface is GWT with a
MySQL/PHP backend)
(A online dutch adventure game I was commisioned to make the code for,
when the login comes up you can go "Log in als gastspeler!" to play as
guest and test out the interface.)

Both of these still have bugs to iron out, but without GWT it would
probably have been utterly impossible for a single person to have made
these, and be cross browser compatible.

-Thomas Wrobel

On Oct 31, 4:16 pm, Brandon Donnelson  wrote:
> I initial had this thought when it came out but then found the future is
> bright for GWT. I'm seeing extensive development planned and in progress
> for GWT after reading posts from the engineers. Even if and when it
> development does trend to dart, its really similar migration and I believe
> GWT just might translate to DART.
> My two cents :)
> Brandon Donnelson

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Swapping an image at runtime....possible without setUrl?

2011-10-31 Thread darkflame
I have some animated sprites (which extend image) where the images are
loaded at runtime (so no ImageBundles), and I wondered whats the best
way to animate the images.

Precacheing the images and using "setUrl" does work.  But I cant help
feeling it would be better to store the images in an array and somehow
"applyTo" or update one image to become another.

Anyone have a good method to do this?

I thought of using a simplePanel containing a image which could then
be swapped for anotherbut that adds unnesscery html and I can no
longer treat my animatedSprites just as images.

Is there anyway to just swap a images data for another? much like you
can with AbstractImagePrototypesonly with Image data loaded (once)
from a url at startup?

Hope I am clear enough.

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Re: Drag & drop

2011-10-31 Thread darkflame
Strongly second "gwt-dnd". Its excelent, very very flexible and works

I have worked on two rather massive projects which used it for a
(game) inventory system and it really saved a lot of work. We even
have used it to have dragging and dropping accross multiple

Not sure exactly why it isnt built into GWT, but its certainly no pain
to use.
Just be very sure to track your drophandlers and be sure to unattach
them correctly when they arnt attached to the page anymore.

On Oct 30, 8:02 pm, Ed  wrote:
> See the probject gwt-dnd:
> The owner is a member of the gwt dev team.
> - Ed
> On Oct 29, 10:13 pm, Celinio  wrote:
> > Hi GWT developers,
> > what can GWT offer regarding the drag and drop capabilities ?
> > 1) Can i easily do some drag and drop, in the same web page, from one widget
> > to another ?
> > 2) Can i easily do drag and drop some file from the file explorer to a
> > widget in a web page ?
> > I'm thinking of providing the drag and drop feature to the user, if he needs
> > to attach a document to form (instead of using the Import/Upload button).
> > Thanks for helping.

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Re: I can't get RichTextAre OnPaste Event hooking|sinking to work?

2011-10-31 Thread darkflame
I was trying to work this out a few months back but gave up.
If anyone has a answer Id be interested too hear as well.

I suspect somehow you have to tie it to the inner iframes DOM, but I
dont know how to do that.
(in fact, not even sure if you can get the inner DOM of a iframe :-/)

On Oct 30, 4:30 pm, Brandon Donnelson  wrote:
> I'm trying to observe the OnPaste Event but can't seem to hook it into the
> RichTextArea and not sure why yet.
> - source (snippet below)
>      // deal with messy pasting
>     /**
>      * TODO - No Worky - iframe? I see the ook events in the RichTextAreaImpl 
> and how come I can't hook them in here?
>      */
>     sinkEvents(Event.ONPASTE); // TODO ? no worky
>     DOM.sinkEvents(getElement(), Event.ONPASTE); //TODO ? no worky
>     //sinkEvents(Event.ONKEYUP);
>     /**
>      * TODO this won't work either, b/c it won't capture once focued on 
> richtextarea  
>      */
>     Event.addNativePreviewHandler(new NativePreviewHandler() {
>       public void onPreviewNativeEvent(NativePreviewEvent event) {
>         NativeEvent ne = event.getNativeEvent();
>         if (event.getTypeInt() == Event.ONPASTE) {
>           System.out.println("Pasting?");
>           Window.alert("works");
>         }
>         System.out.println("event.toDebutString()=" + event.toDebugString() + 
> " ne.getType=" + ne.getType() + " ne.toString=" + ne.toString() + " 
> charCode=" + ne.getCharCode() + " key=" + (char)ne.getCharCode());
>       }
>     });
> Has anybody hooked the onpaste event onto richtextarea?
> Thanks
> Brandon Donnelson

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PatternSyntaxException? GWT has "matchs" but no exception for it :?

2011-10-18 Thread darkflame
I'm a little confused.
I know GWT doesnt emulate the Regex class in full, but we can use
String.matches with Regexs  (as long as we remember its javascript
style and not java style).

However, the .matches is supposed to throw
"PatternSyntaxException"yet that results in a compile error.
"No source code is available for type

What gives?
Is there no way to catch a exception for matches in gwt?

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Re: Is it possible to have a div overlay something, but not catch the clicks (ie, "transparent" to clicks?)

2011-10-14 Thread darkflame
Ok, dont mean to spam, but I think I'm getting near a solution and it
could be usefull to other people.

Based on;

I came up with this;

/** a class designed to catch events and forward them to a panel under
 * uses the techique specified in;
 * In future, css3 might be used instead to make this whole thing more
simple **/
public class SpiffyOverlay extends FocusPanel {

static Logger Log = Logger.getLogger("SpiffyOverlay");

public SpiffyOverlay(Widget forwardEventsToThis){

//set temp background

this.add(new Label("test"));
this.setSize("100%", "100%");

sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEUP | Event.ONDBLCLICK | 


//capture events
public void onBrowserEvent(Event event){"__onBrowserEvent from overlay");
//event.cancelBubble(true);// This will stop the event from 
DOM.eventCancelBubble(event, true);


switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) {

case Event.ONCLICK:"Event.ONCLICK

int x = DOM.eventGetClientX(event);
 int y = DOM.eventGetClientY(event);

 Element clickedElement =

// temporarily hide the appointment canvas


// use a native JavaScript method to find the element at
the   doubleclick event
 Element elementBehind = getElementFromPoint(x, y);"restoring
visibility ");

// restore the appointment canvas

element : "+elementBehind.getParentElement().getOffsetWidth());"firing
event ");

  //copy the event
 NativeEvent eventcopy =


 elementBehind.getParentElement().setTitle("test title
from overlay");



private native Element getElementFromPoint(int x, int y) /*-{
 return $wnd.document.elementFromPoint(x, y);


This works for basic click events, allthough I cant seem to adapt it
for other types.

The problem is I need to copy the event and I have no idea how to do
that for anything other then clicks. Document has "createClickEvent"
but nothing thats just "createEvent".

If I just parse the event on without copying I get a
"EventException.DISPATCH_REQUEST_ERR  (1)" error.

On Oct 14, 3:37 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> I found this;
> It seems the agreed way to do this at the moment.
> I only hope its adaptable to GWT :-/
> On Oct 14, 3:12 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> > Still struggleing with a solution for this.
> > My knowledge of event handeling clearly isnt good enough;
> > a) Is it possible to pass an event (or all events) to a parent/
> > container element and have it automaticaly passed on to all its
> > children?
> > b) would this event be triggered under the normal conditions of the
> > children, or would it just trigger under the parents cond

Re: Is it possible to have a div overlay something, but not catch the clicks (ie, "transparent" to clicks?)

2011-10-14 Thread darkflame
I found this;

It seems the agreed way to do this at the moment.
I only hope its adaptable to GWT :-/

On Oct 14, 3:12 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> Still struggleing with a solution for this.
> My knowledge of event handeling clearly isnt good enough;
> a) Is it possible to pass an event (or all events) to a parent/
> container element and have it automaticaly passed on to all its
> children?
> b) would this event be triggered under the normal conditions of the
> children, or would it just trigger under the parents conditions.
> That is, if I pass a event that happens to be a mouse over event from
> parent to child, would it trigger if the mouse isnt actualy over the
> child? (but merely over the parent). Or would it still correctly only
> fire if its over the child.
> My end goal remains the same; a method to have a overlay which doesnt
> block the event handeling of elements under it.
> I'm hoping its possible by somehow passing events down from the
> overlay to, say, a container with everything else.
> The long winded way to do it seems to be manualy checking all the
> elements, their co-ordinates, and calculating mouse over/out/click
> events myself. Surely theres an easier method?
> Thanks,
> Thomas
> On Oct 10, 1:16 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> > hmz...something to keep an eye on, but sadly IE and Opera dont support
> > it yet;
> > On Oct 8, 1:19 pm, David Given  wrote:
> > > On 08/10/11 11:48, darkflame wrote:
> > > [...]
> > > > Basicly I have a page with a lot of widgets, imagine if I wanted to
> > > > tint the screen slightly - for example a 50% blue overlay. Yet I still
> > > > want the widgets all clickable/interactable as normal.
> > > You can do it by setting pointer-events:none on the overlay DIV... but I
> > > don't know what the browser support is like for this. Here's a demo:
> > >
> > > --
> > > ┌─── ──
> > > │
> > > │ "Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it's just the
> > > │ opposite." --- John Kenneth Galbrith
> > >  signature.asc
> > > < 1KViewDownload

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Re: Is it possible to have a div overlay something, but not catch the clicks (ie, "transparent" to clicks?)

2011-10-14 Thread darkflame
Still struggleing with a solution for this.
My knowledge of event handeling clearly isnt good enough;

a) Is it possible to pass an event (or all events) to a parent/
container element and have it automaticaly passed on to all its

b) would this event be triggered under the normal conditions of the
children, or would it just trigger under the parents conditions.
That is, if I pass a event that happens to be a mouse over event from
parent to child, would it trigger if the mouse isnt actualy over the
child? (but merely over the parent). Or would it still correctly only
fire if its over the child.

My end goal remains the same; a method to have a overlay which doesnt
block the event handeling of elements under it.
I'm hoping its possible by somehow passing events down from the
overlay to, say, a container with everything else.

The long winded way to do it seems to be manualy checking all the
elements, their co-ordinates, and calculating mouse over/out/click
events myself. Surely theres an easier method?


On Oct 10, 1:16 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> hmz...something to keep an eye on, but sadly IE and Opera dont support
> it yet;
> On Oct 8, 1:19 pm, David Given  wrote:
> > On 08/10/11 11:48, darkflame wrote:
> > [...]
> > > Basicly I have a page with a lot of widgets, imagine if I wanted to
> > > tint the screen slightly - for example a 50% blue overlay. Yet I still
> > > want the widgets all clickable/interactable as normal.
> > You can do it by setting pointer-events:none on the overlay DIV... but I
> > don't know what the browser support is like for this. Here's a demo:
> >
> > --
> > ┌─── ──
> > │
> > │ "Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it's just the
> > │ opposite." --- John Kenneth Galbrith
> >  signature.asc
> > < 1KViewDownload

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Re: Is it possible to have a div overlay something, but not catch the clicks (ie, "transparent" to clicks?)

2011-10-10 Thread darkflame
hmz...something to keep an eye on, but sadly IE and Opera dont support
it yet;

On Oct 8, 1:19 pm, David Given  wrote:
> On 08/10/11 11:48, darkflame wrote:
> [...]
> > Basicly I have a page with a lot of widgets, imagine if I wanted to
> > tint the screen slightly - for example a 50% blue overlay. Yet I still
> > want the widgets all clickable/interactable as normal.
> You can do it by setting pointer-events:none on the overlay DIV... but I
> don't know what the browser support is like for this. Here's a demo:
> --
> ┌─── ──
> │
> │ "Under communism, man exploits man. Under capitalism, it's just the
> │ opposite." --- John Kenneth Galbrith
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload

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Re: GWT Slider

2011-10-08 Thread darkflame
I made use of this one;

But I cant remember where I actualy downloaded it now :-/

On Oct 7, 10:21 pm, mkn  wrote:
> Hi
> I need for a project a slider (an important requirement). Therefore I
> tested the following sliders:
> -SmartGWT => there is a huge overhead. My page has only sliders (10 of
> them) but since SmartGWT is a full-fledged library it takes up to 5
> seconds to display the page (respectively to load the SmartGWT
> javascripts). This is not acceptable because the user sees 5 seconds
> long a white page.
> -JQuery slider => for unknown reason, this slider does not work in
> IE8.
> -GWT Incubator => does not work with GWT 2.4
> Does anyone else have an idea what else I could try?

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Is it possible to have a div overlay something, but not catch the clicks (ie, "transparent" to clicks?)

2011-10-08 Thread darkflame

I suspect the answer here might just be "no", but before I do anything
too eleborate I thought Id ask.

Basicly I have a page with a lot of widgets, imagine if I wanted to
tint the screen slightly - for example a 50% blue overlay. Yet I still
want the widgets all clickable/interactable as normal.
I know I can somewhat just pass an event to a specific widget, but is
there a way to pass it to anything that happens to be under as if the
overlay isnt there?


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Re: What GWT designer is for?

2011-10-08 Thread darkflame
For your second question, you basicly make a new composite widget with
Designer, and then call it as the contents of a Popup widget.
Something like;

PopupPanel testPopup = new PopupPanel();

Label testContents = new Label("This popup had a label as its
contents, but you can put any widget here! Including those made by


But instand of "testContents" being a label, it will be a widget class
made in designer.

To be honest, Id recomend at least a bit learning how to use GWT and
layout widgets in code before jumping to designer. While it makes many
things quicker/easier - it could make them a lot worse if you don't
understand whats its doing on your behalf.
Designer is relatively recent compared to the rest of GWT, so the
examples wernt made with it in mind.

On Oct 7, 11:49 am, Dims  wrote:
> Sorry for my stupid question, I am a newbie. I am looking at example
> application "Web Application Starter Project" which is sending a text
> to server and responding with "Hello" dialog.
> My question is how to use GWT designer (in Eclipse) in general?
> I tried to move a button and got a warning "Warning:
> descendants will be
> incorrectly positioned, i.e. not relative to their parent element,
> when 'position:static', which is the CSS default, is in effect. One
> possible fix is to call
> 'panel.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.RELATIVE)'."
> So the default design of main page does not suppose GWT designer use.
> Also, the sample contains dialog window. I can't find a way to call
> GWT designer against this window.
> So, both two visual components of the sample does not suppose GWT
> designer usage? Then how I can create something which will demonstrate
> where to use GWT designer? Is it possible to create some dialog
> windows which can be edited with GWT designer?
> Thanks.

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Re: Detecting ONPASTE on a richtextbox? (possible?)

2011-09-27 Thread darkflame
I'm guessing its because richtextbox use's a somehow the
handler needs to listen within that?
Dont know the solution though.

On Sep 27, 11:56 am, Javier  wrote:
> im in the same problem.
> some links that works good in textarea widgets but not in richtext 
> :(:
> related 
> issue:
> same 
> question:
> On 4 sep, 21:01, darkflame  wrote:
> > Is it possible to detect aonpasteevent in a richtextbox?
> > I followed this method here for a 
> > textbox;
> > (basicly just extending a richtextbox instead)
> > Nothing seems to fire though in Chrome.

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Re: Why is my Inherits causing all the inherited module to run its onModuleLoad? :?

2011-09-21 Thread darkflame
Ah, that makes a lot more sense. I have it working now, cheers.

It seems previously I was simply within the same package, thus no
inherits needed.

As I am building up quite a nice selection of widgets to reuse (which
at some point I'll probably want to share with others too), do I
simply make a new gwt.xml without an entry point (and excluding
anything else not needed)?

Or should I bundle them some other way?
My preferance would be to keep an entry point of some sort as it does
make testing the widgets a lot easier rather then needing a seperate
project to test/develope them from.


On Sep 21, 5:20 pm, Andreas Horst 
> I do not have the URL at hand but AFAIK each EntryPoint gets executed
> (in arbitrary order) by default. This is helpful if you have a module which
> for example needs to (ensure) inject some specific styles (gwt-dnd for
> example does this in its EntryPoint). So that is a -1 on Juan Pablo's reply:
> also reusable modules might need to do stuff at start of the application.
> Now if your inherited module is in fact an application itself and it builds
> up its UI in its EntryPoint your problem actually is that that module is not
> designed to be reused. You might want to separate the API components of that
> inherited module into an API module which you can inherit instead of the
> full blown application module.
> 2011/9/21 Juan Pablo Gardella 
> > If is a reusable artifact, you don't need an entry point.
> > 2011/9/21 darkflame 
> >> I was simply trying to reuse code from one project in another.
> >> I've done this many times before, by simply adding the project to the
> >> build path in Eclipse.
> >> This normally has worked fine - I can use widgets and code from the
> >> other projects just fine. It compiles fine.
> >> Interestingly, I have never had to previously add any inherits to the
> >> gwt.xml file for this to work. These projects compile just fine
> >> without any reference in ther xml (and still do). I assumed eclipse or
> >> the gwt compiler sorted this out itself.
> >> Trying it with a new project though, I now keep getting the "did you
> >> forget to inherit the require module" error when I reference code
> >> elsewhere.
> >> Ok, I thought, this time I'll just add the module to the xml;
> >> 
> >> 
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >>  
> >> 
> >> Note the "" is me
> >> inheriting of the project I want to reuse code from.
> >> This removes the error and it compiles.but now the MyApplication
> >> projects onModuleLoad actualy runs!
> >> For some reason its not just referencing the code, but triggering the
> >> whole module :?
> >> Whats going on?
> >> --
> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> >> "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> >> To post to this group, send email to
> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >>
> >> For more options, visit this group at
> >>
> >  --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> > "Google Web Toolkit" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
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> >
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> >

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Why is my Inherits causing all the inherited module to run its onModuleLoad? :?

2011-09-21 Thread darkflame
I was simply trying to reuse code from one project in another.

I've done this many times before, by simply adding the project to the
build path in Eclipse.
This normally has worked fine - I can use widgets and code from the
other projects just fine. It compiles fine.
Interestingly, I have never had to previously add any inherits to the
gwt.xml file for this to work. These projects compile just fine
without any reference in ther xml (and still do). I assumed eclipse or
the gwt compiler sorted this out itself.

Trying it with a new project though, I now keep getting the "did you
forget to inherit the require module" error when I reference code
Ok, I thought, this time I'll just add the module to the xml;







Note the "" is me
inheriting of the project I want to reuse code from.

This removes the error and it compiles.but now the MyApplication
projects onModuleLoad actualy runs!
For some reason its not just referencing the code, but triggering the
whole module :?

Whats going on?

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Re: GWT and social networks

2011-09-08 Thread darkflame
Depends how much functionality you want.
If you just want a facebook share, you could have;""+url,

Where "url" is the link to be shared.
Then just trigger that on a button on your app. (which you could make
to look like a facebook link if you wished).
Many social sites provide simple url's for their sharing functions so
you dont technicaly need any special code to do that.

If you want more full intergration you probably need to inject their
You can put it on the html page, but if it parses the page to add
stuff before you app loads it will probably go wrong.

You could instead do it like this;

//Google Plus
String s = "http://"+url+"\";>";
InlineHTML h = new InlineHTML(s);
this.add(h); // <--- where "this" is a container wiget that can
take the html above

   Document doc = Document.get();
   ScriptElement script = doc.createScriptElement();
  script.setSrc("";);  // <---
link to their script

On Sep 8, 5:46 pm, Diego Places  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I started programming in GWT 1 month .. I need help . social
> networks like facebook, twitter, google + richiedeno to be used to
> import the javascript and then use the html simple addition of various
> buttons. Everything seems easy!. But I had big problems with GWT
> javascript injecting the fb 
> While the exploits twitter4j with twitter I can perform some
> operations (server side and use the gwt twitter4j realized the button
> and manage the connection to the server at the click ) but I can
> not manage in this way, the realization of all the buttons twitter.
> My question is: Is there a Methodology to integrate the functionality
> of social networks?
> thanks
> Diego (City Venice - Italy)

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Re: What about non Javascript sites?

2011-09-06 Thread darkflame
It pretty much has to be seperate.
A lot of people have to do this merely for search engine reasons (that
is, dynamic content using # isnt well handeled by crawlers - assuming
they handel javascript at all, which most dont).

The typical way is to make a basic PHP based site which GWT provides a
shiny alternative view too.
While I dont know precisely what you need, you could (for example)
have the PHP take data from MySQL and echo it out formated beween
 tags, but also have the data avaliable for the javascript
by echoing it to javacript var.

Either way, its a pain.

On Sep 6, 3:43 pm, raks  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am very taken with GWT and I believe will make maintaining my company's
> site easier.
> However, they say they need to maintain a non JavaScript version of the
> site.
> Any ideas how we can do this? Would it have to be a seperate site? Can the
> app be partitioned in some way?
> Thanks
> Raks

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Detecting ONPASTE on a richtextbox? (possible?)

2011-09-04 Thread darkflame
Is it possible to detect a onpaste event in a richtextbox?

I followed this method here for a textbox;

(basicly just extending a richtextbox instead)

Nothing seems to fire though in Chrome.

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Re: Good way to strip a string of tags?

2011-09-04 Thread darkflame
oh, put it in a HTML object and use "getText"...that was simple ;)

On Sep 4, 1:42 am, darkflame  wrote:
> Sorry if this is already covereddidnt have much luck searching.
> I need a way to return a simple plane text version of a string that
> may or may not contain other formatting.
> Ideally this would cover formatting from a RichTextBox, HTML tags or
> something pasted in from Word.
> Basically anything not normal text I want removed.
> After googleing I got suggestions of various Regexs, but also warnings
> that it isnt a very good way to do it and you need a full HTML parser.
> So I'm now wondering whats the best way to do it in GWT.
> Thanks,

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Good way to strip a string of tags?

2011-09-03 Thread darkflame
Sorry if this is already covereddidnt have much luck searching.

I need a way to return a simple plane text version of a string that
may or may not contain other formatting.
Ideally this would cover formatting from a RichTextBox, HTML tags or
something pasted in from Word.
Basically anything not normal text I want removed.

After googleing I got suggestions of various Regexs, but also warnings
that it isnt a very good way to do it and you need a full HTML parser.
So I'm now wondering whats the best way to do it in GWT.


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SuggestBox popup Z-Index issue (appears behind everything)

2011-08-15 Thread darkflame
It seems this issue is still present;

Using a SuggestBox in a composite which has had a zIndex value set
means the popup of the suggestions appears behind everything else.
(no Index seems to be set at all on the popup).

So I either need a way to set the suggestions popup index, or some way
to trigger the suggestion box in a way for it to do it automaticaly.
(its being triggered after the composites z-Index is set at the

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DisclosurePanelImages alternative?

2011-07-30 Thread darkflame
DisclosurePanelImages is depreciated, so I wondered whats the correct
method for getting to the Disclosure panels default images?

(for, say, making a custom header)

My old code was;

final DisclosurePanelImages dpimages = (DisclosurePanelImages)

class DisclosurePanelHeader extends HorizontalPanel
AbstractImagePrototype closedImage =
AbstractImagePrototype openImage =  
Image arrowImage = closedImage.createImage();

public DisclosurePanelHeader()

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Re: Making the Slider Bar included in the Google Web Toolkit Incubator Vertical

2011-07-25 Thread darkflame
This would be very nice, but I think impossible with the current

You could try this one;
But that gave me problems when I used it.

Really GWT needs its own native slider class, seeing as Incubator is

On Jul 24, 12:45 am, Novice Programmer 
> Hi,
> I was wondering if it was possible to make the slider bar that resides
> in the Google Web Toolkit Incubator vertical instead of horizontal? My
> first thought was to rotate the bar panel and the labels 90 degrees
> with a css style
> .gwt-SliderBar-shell {
>   border: 2px solid #faf9f7;
>   border-right: 2px solid #848280;
>   border-bottom: 2px solid #848280;
>   background-color: #efebe7;
>   height: 34pt;
>   width: 50%;
>   -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
>     -moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
>     -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
>     transform: rotate(90deg);
> }
> but  I lose the functionality of the slider bar when I do this (I am
> unable to slide the knob and the bar is unresponsive when I click on
> it). Thanks for any help you guys can offer!
> The Slider Bar I am talking about is located on this 
> webpage

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After using Context menu, how to trigger the browsers default one? (on, say, an image)

2011-07-25 Thread darkflame
I was using this bit of code I found to detect a right click action on
a widget;

 public void onContextMenu(ContextMenuEvent event) {
 event.stopPropagation(); //This will stop the event from being
propagated to parent elements.
 event.preventDefault(); // because cancelBubble(Boolean) is
 Window.alert(“replace this line with your popup function “);

The widget implementing "ContextMenuHandler".
This works, only I'd like to only trigger it sometimes, and at others
leave the browsers normal context menu to appear.
I thought this would be as easy as putting the whole thing in a IF

public void onContextMenu(ContextMenuEvent event) {"context menu event triggered");

//override the menu only in edit mode
if (panelstreamer.EDITMODE){
 event.stopPropagation(); //This will stop the event from being
propagated to parent elements.
 event.preventDefault(); // because cancelBubble(Boolean) is
 Window.alert("replace this line with your popup function ");

} else {"_context menu event triggered but no 
edit mode");

But this doesnt actualy seem to work - the second Log file displays,
but the normal right click context menu still doesnt pop up.

Do I have to specificly tell the browser too?
(even though the stopPropation and preventDefault arnt being

Thanks for any help,

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GWT on Netfront? (PS3/PSP/And the new Nintendo 3DS Browsers...)

2011-06-07 Thread darkflame
Anyone got GWT to run on Netfront browsers?
I found a few messages from 2009, and you seem to have to trick gwt
into thinking the user-agent is for something else as theres no
explict support - however the best way to do this and what browser is
the closest match seems a open question. Anyone had any expirence ?

Not sure quite why these platforms are going with Netfront rather then
Opera anyway - but it would be nice if there is a way of adding

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Building with ant + using gwt-maps.jar?

2010-11-13 Thread darkflame
I've been working with GWT for a few years now, but always straight
from eclipse. I never needed to touch the build.xml myself, and I know
nothing of ant. :(

Now I'm trying to compile a rather complex webapp from the command
prompt. (its actualy the google wave simple web client).

ant compile_gwt from the directory works well and it compiles.

However, if I try to modify the source to add a google map widget, the
ant build fails I get a string or errors
ending in "package does not exist"

In eclipse, it works fine. The jar is added to the build path on the
property's and it compiles.

But running compile_gwt always results in these errors.

I tried altering the build file like;





I added the maps.jar location line (and the file at that location),
but it didnt help.

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Re: Difference's in Client Bundle behavior? (much slower? produces lots of jpg's as well on compile?)

2010-10-02 Thread darkflame
oh, and for a visual example of how my switch to ClientBundle is now
behaving you can see the online adventure I'm working on;

Note the rollover for the backpack icon.

Compare to this previous, finished, game using the same code, but with

(click "Log in als gastspeler!" to login as guest)

Note the speed now of the bag's rollover on the left. (and all the
other animated icons)

If it turns out this impossibility to animate well is an expected
sacrifice to make for the new ClientBundle, fair enough, I can see
other adventures of the new system. But then, should ImageBundle
really be depreciated if it still had a significant advantage in some

On Oct 2, 7:19 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> I recently tried switching over from Image Bundle to client bundle,
> and am not sure if the behavior I'm seeing is intentional or not, so
> some confirmation would be nice;
> a) Is ClientBundle significantly slower then ImageBundle? Specifically
> at changing images (applyto). Whereas before I was getting a decent
> frame-rate of animated icons. (done simply by switching between
> Abstract-images), now its very slow/flickery and seems to load a fresh
> image each time (based on Chrome's resources tab)
> b) I don't see an image strip anymore...just massive url(data:)
> statements which I assume inline the png data. Is this how the new
> system works? Does this explain the slowness of changing one image to
> another now? (ie, whereas before it was just shunting co-ordinates,
> now its reprocessing stuff)
> c) I am now seeing large numbers of jpegs generated on compile. I
> still see a few pngs too...which seem to be the normal image strips.
> But I also see just each icon as a plan jpeg. I could see this in use
> as a backup, but I'm puzzled by the image strips present seeing as the
> html doesn't seem to use it :?
> ---
> Now I'm trying to see how "expected" this behavior is.
> Some of it could be caused with how I'm using ClientBundle. As I'm
> making extensive use of the ApplyTo functionality, almost all my
> images are used as AbstractImagePrototypes.
> For example;
> ...
> final static AbstractImagePrototype  BigOpenClueBox =
> AbstractImagePrototype.create(JargStaticImages.BIGTitleStripleftOpen());
> final static AbstractImagePrototype  MediumOpenClueBox =
> AbstractImagePrototype.create(JargStaticImages.MEDIUMTitleStripleftOpen());
> final static AbstractImagePrototype  SmallOpenClueBox =
> AbstractImagePrototype.create(JargStaticImages.SMALLTitleStripleftOpen());
> ...
> (a lot more)
> JargStaticImages is simply an empty extension of another class;
> public interface JargImages extends CuypersImages {
> }
> (this is purely to make it easier for me to switch between image sets
> later)
> And my CuypersImage class has statements like;
> p
> ublic interface CuypersImages extends ClientBundle {
> ...
> �...@source("/CuypersPackOfIcons/BIG/TitleStrip_leftOpen.jpg")
>  ImageResource BIGTitleStripleftOpen();
> ==
> Lastly, if somehow my problems are down to using
> AbstractImagePrototype so much with the new ClientBundle system, is
> there a alternative method/equivalent of
> applyTo ?
> That is specifically something that can swap one image with another.
> (both already in the memory, no reloading ver url, and preferably
> something as fast as changeing an image strip is)
> Thank you,
> Thomas

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Difference's in Client Bundle behavior? (much slower? produces lots of jpg's as well on compile?)

2010-10-02 Thread darkflame
I recently tried switching over from Image Bundle to client bundle,
and am not sure if the behavior I'm seeing is intentional or not, so
some confirmation would be nice;

a) Is ClientBundle significantly slower then ImageBundle? Specifically
at changing images (applyto). Whereas before I was getting a decent
frame-rate of animated icons. (done simply by switching between
Abstract-images), now its very slow/flickery and seems to load a fresh
image each time (based on Chrome's resources tab)

b) I don't see an image strip anymore...just massive url(data:)
statements which I assume inline the png data. Is this how the new
system works? Does this explain the slowness of changing one image to
another now? (ie, whereas before it was just shunting co-ordinates,
now its reprocessing stuff)

c) I am now seeing large numbers of jpegs generated on compile. I
still see a few pngs too...which seem to be the normal image strips.
But I also see just each icon as a plan jpeg. I could see this in use
as a backup, but I'm puzzled by the image strips present seeing as the
html doesn't seem to use it :?
Now I'm trying to see how "expected" this behavior is.
Some of it could be caused with how I'm using ClientBundle. As I'm
making extensive use of the ApplyTo functionality, almost all my
images are used as AbstractImagePrototypes.

For example;

final static AbstractImagePrototype  BigOpenClueBox =
final static AbstractImagePrototype  MediumOpenClueBox =
final static AbstractImagePrototype  SmallOpenClueBox =
(a lot more)

JargStaticImages is simply an empty extension of another class;

public interface JargImages extends CuypersImages {


(this is purely to make it easier for me to switch between image sets

And my CuypersImage class has statements like;
ublic interface CuypersImages extends ClientBundle {

 ImageResource BIGTitleStripleftOpen();

Lastly, if somehow my problems are down to using
AbstractImagePrototype so much with the new ClientBundle system, is
there a alternative method/equivalent of
applyTo ?
That is specifically something that can swap one image with another.
(both already in the memory, no reloading ver url, and preferably
something as fast as changeing an image strip is)

Thank you,


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getConstructor alternative? or how to pass and use a class in another?

2010-09-29 Thread darkflame
If I want a class to be able to create new objects of another type
parsed to it, how would I do that?
The parsed class's would need to take perimeters.

In the specific case I'm using they would all be different types of
popups, given a string of text to display in different ways.
I could probably find an alternative, but I feel if this is possible
in GWT I should know how to do it.

My last attempt was;

c = customPopUp.getConstructor(new Class[]
Widget PopUp = (Widget)c.newInstance(new Object[]{"text 1", "text

Where "customPopUp" was set just by;

public static void setCustomPopUp(Class newPopUp){
customPopUp = newPopUp;

But this method doesn't seem emulated in Gwt.

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Re: Manually fire a mouseout event?

2010-08-28 Thread darkflame
Worked a charm, thanks!

On Aug 27, 11:18 pm, Gal Dolber  wrote:
> NativeEvent nativeEvent = Document.get().createMouseOutEvent(detail, screenX,
> screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button,
> relatedTarget);
> MouseOutEvent.fireNativeEvent(nativeEvent, yourWidget);
> 2010/8/27 darkflame 
> > How would I manually fire a mouseout event?
> > I've tried a few things, but I'm clearly not hitting the mark;
> > //closeIcon.fireEvent(GwtEvent);
> > //DomEvent.fireNativeEvent( MouseOutEvent.getType(),
> > (HasHandlers)closeIcon);
> > //MouseOutEvent.fireNativeEvent(nativeEvent, closeIcon);
> > None of those even validate in eclipse, let alone run.
> > Basically closeIcon is a widget of unknown form which I want to
> > trigger (or try to) trigger the event on.
> > Any ideas?
> > --
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> > >>
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> --
> Guit: Elegant, beautiful, modular and *production ready* gwt applications.

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Re: GWT Flash Killer (beta)

2010-08-27 Thread darkflame
Very impressive indeed.
(A little cheeky too with some of it being very close to Flash's

Got a long way to go, but if anything is a flash killer an online
creator like this will be.
I can just imagine a fully developed version of this, hocked up to a
site like Newgrounds. Could catch on fast.

On Aug 27, 6:13 pm, Thomas Dvornik  wrote:
> Very very awesome. Keep up the good work!
> Tom
> On Aug 26, 11:45 am, powwow  wrote:
> >
> > I thought I'd like to share with the GWT Discussion Group of a "Flash
> > Killer" application that is written with GWT.  It's a work in
> > progress. :-)
> > Build animations without Flash.  No Flash plug-in required for
> > animations to play.
> > Runs in any web browser including IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.
> > Animations runs on iPad and iPhone.
> > Based on HTML5.
> >

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Manually fire a mouseout event?

2010-08-27 Thread darkflame
How would I manually fire a mouseout event?

I've tried a few things, but I'm clearly not hitting the mark;


//DomEvent.fireNativeEvent( MouseOutEvent.getType(),

//MouseOutEvent.fireNativeEvent(nativeEvent, closeIcon);

None of those even validate in eclipse, let alone run.

Basically closeIcon is a widget of unknown form which I want to
trigger (or try to) trigger the event on.

Any ideas?

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Re: System.getProperty("line.separator") replacement/equivalent?

2010-08-06 Thread darkflame
yes, theres a static text file on the server I wish to read in and
detect the lines from.
A simple requestBuilder is used to retrieve it.

Are you saying I should use a php script to first parse over the text
file, then echo out what it uses?
Doesn't seem very quick or neat.

I've got a text file...which could have been created on anything.
And I simply want to read over it detecting the lines in the most
efficient way.

At the moment I'm doing it with;

int newlineloc = IncomingScriptFile.indexOf("\r",pos);
int newlineloc2 = IncomingScriptFile.indexOf("\n",pos);
newlineloc = (newlineloc wrote:
> You do know that GWT runs in the browser right?  I think you're trying
> to find out if a file is new lined with \r\n or \n, then i would
> detect it on the server and either translate it or make a way to
> return the information to the browser (RPC?).
> On Aug 6, 11:18 am, darkflame  wrote:
> > I wish to find the indexOf a new line in a large string and not sure
> > how to do it in a cross-platform way neatly.
> > I'll be iterating over the string doing this a lot, so I'd rather use
> > a "proper" method rather then hacking something together.
> > Normally I could use "System.getProperty("line.separator")  " to
> > identify the character needed, and then just use that in the indexOf
> > statement. But that doesn't compile under gwt, so does anyone know a
> > good alternative method?
> > Cheers,
> > Thomas :)

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Re: Another Ajax Crawling question, is "#!&" acceptable rather then just "#!" ?

2010-08-06 Thread darkflame
For anyone else with the same problem, the easy fix is to use

Parse_str on your php side;

You can then use the returned array like you would the built in query-
string parsing functions.

On Jul 27, 2:45 pm, Thomas Wrobel  wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification.
> The problem is, to my knowledge, you can't use the built in parser in
> PHP to parse your own strings, it only reads from the URL.
> So while you can get the original query string by doing;
> $_GET['_escaped_fragment_'],  if you got multiple parameters you then
> have to parse over it yourself.
> And thanks for the unescape reminder!
> On 27 July 2010 14:35, Katharina Probst  wrote:
> > On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 8:31 PM, Thomas Wrobel  wrote:
> >> Sorry for my late reply.
> >> Lets say I have a url like this;
> >>!SEARCHFOR=sta...
> >> Google Bot will turn it to this;
> >>
> > It should be:
> >
> > (note the = after the _escaped_fragment_)
> > What I thought you'd do in PhP is something like
> > $_GET['_escaped_fragment_'], then take that string, unescape it, and you've
> > got your query params back (your first workaround).  But I do see the
> > problem that it's slightly less convenient... With both of your suggested
> > workarounds, just remember to unescape the keys and values afterwards. It
> > *would* be nice to have a handy little parser for this.
> > kathrin
> >> Correct?
> >> Now, in PHP you normally access the query string data by calls like
> >> $_GET[].
> >> Only in this case if you call  $_GET['SEARCHFOR'] you wont get the
> >> value "star wars" like you normally would, because google bot has
> >> added "_escaped_fragment_" to the start of the key value.
> >> You could still get the other key/value pairs just fine following the
> >> "&" sign, but the first one be visible in the normal way.
> >> See the problem?
> >> I've come up with some solutions, but they arn't that pretty.
> >> One way is to remove the _escaped_fragment_ from the start of the
> >> string and make my own parser for the key/value pairs.
> >> The other is to search for   $_GET['_escaped_fragment_SEARCHFOR']
> >> instead of SEARCHFOR. However, this results in the query string
> >> needing to be in a fixed order. (or testing for both
> >> "_escaped_fragment_** " and ** for every key I'm looking for).
> >> Its not a critical problem, as the first workaround works and am
> >> currently using it.
> >> But it does seem like there should be some nice method to be able to
> >> use PHP's query-string functions as intended.
> >> ===
> >> Finally, one last thing; I cant work out any way to tell when my
> >> system is working or not. After a few days my #! results dont seem
> >> can I assume it isn't working yet for some reason? (Ive
> >> submitted a sitemap thats parsed over I expected
> >> something..hmm..)
> >> Thanks,
> >> Thomas Wrobel
> >> On 26 July 2010 14:45, Katharina Probst  wrote:
> >> > Sorry, I'm a little confused too.
> >> > When googlebot!myhistorytoken,
> >> > it'll turn it into
> >> >
> >> > Can you give an example (complete fake URLs, like I did above) to
> >> > illustrate
> >> > the problem you're seeing?  That would be helpful.
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > kathrin
> >> > Short answer is I don't think you should use #!&.
> >> > On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 12:27 PM, darkflame  wrote:
> >> >> Thanks, Sorry if its not clear, but I am actually talking about all of
> >> >> those things.
> >> >> PHP is my back end which is generating the static pages.
> >> >> GWT is what my site is coded in. Its completely dynamic and makes
> >> >> extensive use of "#" tokens to store and retrieve its states.
> >> >> I'm attempting to get my side Ajax crawl-able using this guide;
> >> &g

System.getProperty("line.separator") replacement/equivalent?

2010-08-06 Thread darkflame
I wish to find the indexOf a new line in a large string and not sure
how to do it in a cross-platform way neatly.
I'll be iterating over the string doing this a lot, so I'd rather use
a "proper" method rather then hacking something together.

Normally I could use "System.getProperty("line.separator")  " to
identify the character needed, and then just use that in the indexOf
statement. But that doesn't compile under gwt, so does anyone know a
good alternative method?

Thomas :)

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Re: GWT is it fully compatible with ie6 ?

2010-08-05 Thread darkflame
Put it this way, I very rarely have to browser sniff in my code, and
I've done some fairly extensive gwt products that run on IE6.
I think your underestimating just how much it compensates for ie's
problems, even with normal widgets.

While you can certainly manually take advantage of Deferred Binding,
GWT does it automatically for many standard widgets, deals with a few
dom issues, and (imho) is one of the biggest saleing points of gwt.

Also, I'm not sure the new Layout panels will support IE6 that well.
Haven't had a chance to check them out in a project yet, but they do
demand standards mode, and the idea seems to be to use the native
layout handling of the browser more, not less. I'd hazard that that
might well be worse when dealing with ie6, not better.
(though it should be faster).

On Aug 5, 6:08 pm, lineman78  wrote:
> This is a misconception about GWT.  It gives you the tools to handle
> IE6 problems, but it doesn't completely protect you from all of IE6's
> problems.  The built in widgets do a pretty good job at dealing with
> IE problems and the layout panels do promise to act the same on all
> browsers, but the regular panels don't.  All non-layout panels and
> most widgets are just wrappers around html objects, wo you will have
> to deal with the same layout bugs you would have to with pure html and
> javascript.  However, GWT does provide some really nice tools for
> dealing with these differences.  Deferred binding can be used to
> substitute different implementing classes depending on the browser.
> This can be demonstrated best by the way Google handles ImageResource
> under the covers.  For IE it creates a traditional sprite by slapping
> a bunch of images together to make one, however in FF it actually
> inlines the bitmap data into the javascript, so it looks like:  src="data:..."/>.  Also, CssResource now provides conditionality so
> that you can make the css different depending on the browser.
> On Aug 5, 1:59 am, Nicolas KONDRATEK  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I write an application in GWT, but I find many differences between IE
> > 7/8 and IE6.
> > Gwt is it fully compatible with ie6 ou Google stop IE6 support ?
> > Thanks you.

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Re: Wave Demise.........sad day for GWT

2010-08-05 Thread darkflame
The sad part is, its the Wave Federation Protocol that was the "big
thing" and the "real" alternative to Facebook.
I worry now is that we might well get a rebranding Buzz in a few
years, but the hopes of an open decentralized system are just gone.
Email will be all we ever have.

I do appreciate a lot of the excellent developments to spin out of
Wave's GUI, but its a shame that the core principle/idea seems lost
due to lack of interest in one implementation.

On Aug 5, 3:14 am, charlie  wrote:
> I've read much lately that google is working hard to get a social networking
> site to compete with facebook, I'm guessing they're pulling wave now so when
> it's ready it will be fresh and people will have forgotten wave.
> And seeing how adwords , gmail and most of the google apps suite use GWT, I
> think we will be safe.
> Having such a slow release schedule is kind of worrying though.
> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 8:05 PM, Edgenius  wrote:
> > I just worry about GWT itself.  Google may kill GWT some day. Our
> > project heavy uses it:(.
> > It doesn't release any new major version since last Dec. Although
> > there is 2.1m2 released, I test it and found it is far more from final
> > release.  One year is for a major release, can we call it as an active
> > project!?
> > On Aug 5, 9:59 am, retro  wrote:
> > > Well poster boy for google's gwt adoption google wave officially died
> > > today. I would love the wave/gwt team to share lesson's learned. Also
> > > can we have the UI code open sourced as well?
> > --
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> > >>
> > .
> > For more options, visit this group at
> >
> --

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Re: GWT is it fully compatible with ie6 ?

2010-08-05 Thread darkflame
GWT does an amazing job with IE6 compatibility. It irons out most of
the browser differences completely.
For the most part things just work.
Don't expect performance very good though.

Also, I have had problems with using hash tags in iFrames under IE6,
but thats not really gwt's fault.

On Aug 5, 9:59 am, Nicolas KONDRATEK  wrote:
> Hi,
> I write an application in GWT, but I find many differences between IE
> 7/8 and IE6.
> Gwt is it fully compatible with ie6 ou Google stop IE6 support ?
> Thanks you.

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Anyone know of any Android History token problems?

2010-08-05 Thread darkflame
I've noticed the browser on my Android phone doesn't seem to fire some
history events for my little online game;
(In a desktop browser like Chrome or Opera clicking the links is
exactly like entering text in the box, but on my HTC Legend the hashs
go on the url, but the event isn't triggered)

I wondered if this was a Android issue, or something with my code that
only shows up on Android.

Thanks for any pointers.

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Re: Another Ajax Crawling question, is "#!&" acceptable rather then just "#!" ?

2010-07-24 Thread darkflame
Thanks, Sorry if its not clear, but I am actually talking about all of
those things.

PHP is my back end which is generating the static pages.
GWT is what my site is coded in. Its completely dynamic and makes
extensive use of "#" tokens to store and retrieve its states.

I'm attempting to get my side Ajax crawl-able using this guide;

This guide states to replace the normal "#anything" style history
tokens with "#!anything" tokens instead. Note the additional "!"
When google's crawler is requesting these pages it swaps the "#!" for
"?_escapedfragment_=", allowing the server to generate a static page
using the query string.
This is all laid out in googles guide.

However, the formating of this "?_escapedfragment_="  does not allow
php to process the key/value pairs in the query string as it normally
PHP can normally read of key value pairs from the query string using
its $_GET[] command.  However, under this system "?_escapedfragment_="
in the url requested prevents the first key value pair being read.
(as the parser now sees "_escapedfragment_" as its own key, and the
first true key as its *value*).

Thus, in order to use PHP with Google's system for making Ajax
crawlable, I was querying if GWT user's should add "&" to their new
history token format, rather then just "!". So the new tokens become
"#!&" rather then just "#!".

This is a little confusing, but I think it should be understandable
for anyone who knows both PHP as well as GWT. (or at least, has used
extensive historytokens/states in their web design).

Finally, I mentioned the Webmaster tools "Fetch as Googlebot" as thats
what I'm using to test if my site is indeed browse-able by google's
bot. Its not yet possible to use it to test completely for this sort
of functionality, however. So some of this work is a little "blind".

On Jul 24, 6:08 pm, Stefan Bachert  wrote:
> Hi,
> when others are as confused as me than you will get no qualified
> answer
> You are talking about PHP, url, google and sometimes it sounds that
> you are talking about
> Google Webmaster Tools. ( != GWT = Google Webtool Kit)
> Stefan Bachert
> http::/
> Inquiries for professional GWT support are welcome.
> I am sorry, I won't do free personal support.
> On 23 Jul., 15:59, darkflame  wrote:
> > (of course, Id have to code my gwt java to remove the "&" from the
> > history string before processing)
> > On Jul 23, 3:54 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> > > Ive noticed that if I change my links to just "#!" google interprets
> > > them as;
> > > "_escaped_fragment_="
> > > Which is how its documented.
> > > However, this means a php $_GET command cant read the first key/value
> > > listed.
> > > So;
> > > $_GET['DisplayReview']   returns as empty if the url is, say, "?
> > > _escaped_fragment_=DisplayReview=123"
> > > If, however, I use "#!&" on my Javascript, then google will instead
> > > call;
> > > "_escaped_fragment_=&" and $_GET['DisplayReview']   returns the
> > > correct value.
> > > Is this acceptable? Should this be standard practice for those using
> > > php to generate the static pages?
> > > The alternative seems to be manually parsing the whole query string
> > > rather then using $_GET[], but that seems rather messy.
> > > 
> > > Note; I'm making some assumptions about how google replaces the "#!",
> > > as the "Fetch as Robot" utility doesn't seem to do it yet.

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Re: Another Ajax Crawling question, is "#!&" acceptable rather then just "#!" ?

2010-07-23 Thread darkflame
(of course, Id have to code my gwt java to remove the "&" from the
history string before processing)

On Jul 23, 3:54 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> Ive noticed that if I change my links to just "#!" google interprets
> them as;
> "_escaped_fragment_="
> Which is how its documented.
> However, this means a php $_GET command cant read the first key/value
> listed.
> So;
> $_GET['DisplayReview']   returns as empty if the url is, say, "?
> _escaped_fragment_=DisplayReview=123"
> If, however, I use "#!&" on my Javascript, then google will instead
> call;
> "_escaped_fragment_=&" and $_GET['DisplayReview']   returns the
> correct value.
> Is this acceptable? Should this be standard practice for those using
> php to generate the static pages?
> The alternative seems to be manually parsing the whole query string
> rather then using $_GET[], but that seems rather messy.
> Note; I'm making some assumptions about how google replaces the "#!",
> as the "Fetch as Robot" utility doesn't seem to do it yet.

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Another Ajax Crawling question, is "#!&" acceptable rather then just "#!" ?

2010-07-23 Thread darkflame
Ive noticed that if I change my links to just "#!" google interprets
them as;

Which is how its documented.
However, this means a php $_GET command cant read the first key/value


$_GET['DisplayReview']   returns as empty if the url is, say, "?

If, however, I use "#!&" on my Javascript, then google will instead

"_escaped_fragment_=&" and $_GET['DisplayReview']   returns the
correct value.

Is this acceptable? Should this be standard practice for those using
php to generate the static pages?

The alternative seems to be manually parsing the whole query string
rather then using $_GET[], but that seems rather messy.

Note; I'm making some assumptions about how google replaces the "#!",
as the "Fetch as Robot" utility doesn't seem to do it yet.

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Re: A couple of (probably) simple questions about using _escaped_fragment_ / ajax crawl-able.

2010-07-19 Thread darkflame
Thanks that clears things up a lot.
I'll change them all to #!.

I knew that if I used ? the user would need page refreshes, but this
would only have been seen if the user has javascript disabled. I
figured I could possibly use the search-engine crawlable version also
has a "javascriptless" version of the site.
I guess I can still do that..maybe if I use "#!" for the links when
"_escaped_fragment_"  is in the url, and "?" if it isn't, but
javascript is disabled.
(If JavaScript is enabled, ?'s can be changed to "#s" as long as
_escaped_fragment_ isn't there).
I think that will work.

I certainly dont want any crawlers treating the site as separate, as
page-for-page the content will be the same.

On Jul 19, 2:51 pm, Katharina Probst  wrote:
> That's right - you'll want #!.
> You don't want to use _escaped_fragment_ because that's just meant as a
> temporary URL between the crawler and your site, not for the user (remember
> that if your user would click on _escaped_fragment_, they'll get a rendered
> snapshot, not a functioning JavaScript page, so none of the buttons etc
> would be enabled).
> If you use ?, you'll always have to do a full reload of the page, rather
> than with # or #!, in which case you can use XHRs (maybe GWT RPC in your
> case) to reload only part of the page, which can make for a much better user
> experience.
> If you use #, then the crawler won't interpret is as a JavaScript URL in the
> scheme, which means it won't ask you for the _escaped_fragment_ version and
> thus won't index your content.  (all it'll see is some 

Re: A couple of (probably) simple questions about using _escaped_fragment_ / ajax crawl-able.

2010-07-17 Thread darkflame
Thanks for both your help I'm almost there now.
The  $param= $_GET['_escaped_fragment_']; worked fine, now the rest of
my php works.

One other query, however; What should the links generated by this php
file return?
If my normal code set history to something like "#meep" (which would
now be "#!meep") should the static page have that link set to "#meep"
"#!meep" "?meep" or even "?_escape_fragment_"

I assume I could use #! that googles crawler would automatically
change to "?_escape_fragment_" but wouldn't it be better to give it
directly? or would that not associate the links correctly? Of course,
if I stuck to just using ? then it would make the site browsable for
people with JavaScript turned of too.


On Jul 14, 10:05 am, RPB  wrote:
> Hi darkflame,
> Not sure I fully understand your second question, but you should be
> able to just use $param= $_GET['_escaped_fragment_']; and then process
> the code as normal.
> Also, the 'Fetch with googlebot' tool in Webmaster tools is very
> helpful, showing you exactly what google will actually be crawling.
> Cheers,
> On Jul 11, 12:07 am, darkflame  wrote:
> > a) As my server doesn't support server-side java, I'll be using php to
> > generate the static/snapshot pages. How close do they have to be to
> > the proper/GWT ones? Is it good enough if the text and links are
> > exactly samebut not the images/layout?  I dont want to be accused
> > of spoofing, but replicating the layout exact will prove a lot of
> > work.
> > b) Is there an easy way to parse the new urls? I used to use just GET
> > in PHP to retrieve each expected key/value, but this doesnt work now
> > that _escaped_fragment_ has been added at the start.  Is there a
> > recommended method? or do I just code my own parser?

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A couple of (probably) simple questions about using _escaped_fragment_ / ajax crawl-able.

2010-07-10 Thread darkflame
a) As my server doesn't support server-side java, I'll be using php to
generate the static/snapshot pages. How close do they have to be to
the proper/GWT ones? Is it good enough if the text and links are
exactly samebut not the images/layout?  I dont want to be accused
of spoofing, but replicating the layout exact will prove a lot of

b) Is there an easy way to parse the new urls? I used to use just GET
in PHP to retrieve each expected key/value, but this doesnt work now
that _escaped_fragment_ has been added at the start.  Is there a
recommended method? or do I just code my own parser?

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Best way to use Microdata in webpages generated by GWT?

2010-03-15 Thread darkflame
I was the recent google blog post about them now supporting this in
their search results.

As I'm making a review website I thought it was a good idea to add
this sort of metadata. Only I'm not sure of the best type to use, and
nor the best way to implement it in my gwt code.
My pages are generated completely with gwt from a database, mostly
made with just labels in various layout panels.

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Dialog/Popup Panel + Firefox = broken scroll (old there a new workaround?)

2010-02-23 Thread darkflame
Ive recently come accross this issue;

Seems quite an old issue, but its still there...even in the kitchen
However, I cant get the discribed work-around to work, I think because
the Dialog Box class has changed since 2007.

Any ideas for an altered work-around?

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Re: our company is considering to use GWT

2010-02-23 Thread darkflame
I think he meant response time between reporting a potential bug, and
getting it fixed. (or feedback for a workaround)

On Feb 23, 5:03 pm, Anoop John  wrote:
> Thats good. GWT is the best way to develop the high speed web
> application.
> 1) Its response time is very less, because gwt is not loading html
> code each time. At start time all html code is loaded into the client
> side. Next time when you send the request to the server, it only loads
> the data you have requested, never loads html codes again. So i
> suggests GWT is the best choice
> 2) I don't know any financial customers. But i am using GWT. Please
> see my small web site
> 3) GWT is mainly for JAVA developers. I don't know it can integrate
> with ASP.NET solution.
> On Feb 23, 3:50 am, Moshe Gershberg  wrote:
> > Our largest customers are financial institutions, big banks.
> > the questions that I need to find the answers for are:
> > 1. What is the response time once we report an issue with GWT and is
> > there an option to have dedicated support?
> > 2. Who are the financial customers that are using GWT in their
> > products?
> > 3. How can it be integrated with existing ASP.NET solution?
> > Thank you,
> > Moshe

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Re: Is it possible to detect if a popup (opened by ) has been closed?

2010-02-01 Thread darkflame
For other peoples reference I found a solution/work-around;

Triggered from the popup window itself, I added code that could
communicate back to that which opened it.

Native javascript like this would trigger the history;
window.opener.location.hash = "meep2";

Or something like this to trigger a native function on the source

Thanks for trying to help.

On Feb 1, 3:15 pm, Thomas Wrobel  wrote:
> I think that only monitors the current window :-/
> On 1 February 2010 14:39, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > what about Window.addCloseHandler(...);?
> > --
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Re: Is it possible to detect if a popup (opened by ) has been closed?

2010-02-01 Thread darkflame
thanks, but I'm affaird I wasn't clear enough :(

I meant a popup window, not a popup panel. (that is, an actual
separate browser window triggered by a, and not a
internal PopupPanel within the same window.

Sorry for the confusion.

On Feb 1, 1:42 pm, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> Hi,
> popup.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler() {
>         @Override
>         public void onClose(CloseEvent arg0) {
>             // do something on close
>         }
>     });
> if you use eventbus you may create your own PopupClosedEvent and onClose do
> :
>          eventBus.fireEvent(new PopupClosedEvent())

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Is it possible to detect if a popup (opened by ) has been closed?

2010-02-01 Thread darkflame
I'm integrating a OpenID system into my site, and for part of it, I'm
triggering a popup to login to various openID providers.

This popup is opened by a simple;, "_blank",

Is it possible to know when the user close's this popup? Either by a
listener, or (if necessary) by checking periodical for the window's


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Re: Trouble emulating a form in GWT with "submit" as a hidden field name (cause's crash..possible bug?)

2010-01-28 Thread darkflame
Well, I wasn't 100% sure I needed it, but it was the only part of the
request not being emulated.
Anyway, I used your suggestion of doing it just in HTML, and it seems
to work.
I was logged in anyway.

Still have to work on processing the returned data, and making the
button styled like GWT, but apart from that great.
Cheers for your help! :)

On Jan 28, 4:04 pm, Thomas Broyer  wrote:
> On Jan 28, 12:32 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> > I'm trying to emulate a forms exact behavour in GWT.
> > According to firebug, the form gives of the following parameters and
> > values;
> > action =        verify
> > openid_submit    = Login
> > openid_url      = (that one varies,
> > obviously)
> > openid_username =
> > submit  = 1
> > However, I'm having a hard time sending that last value of when I
> > emulate it in gwt.
> > When I create a hidden field like thus;
> > Hidden openid_submitfield = new Hidden();
> > openid_submitfield.setName("submit");
> > openid_submitfield.setValue("1");
> > Triggering the form cause's a ;
> > "a.submit is not a function" error.
> > This error *only* happens when theres a hidden field called "Submit".
> > If I name it anything else, it works just fine.
> > Any ideas on the cause and possible workarounds?
> The cause is in "DOM 0", i.e. what browsers did a long time ago (was
> it IE3? Netscape 3?), allowing you to access a form's field by name as
> a property of the form element (given a my_form variable being a
> FormElement, you could call my_form.openid_url as an equivalent to
> my_form.elements.openid_url). Unfortunately, a field named "submit"
> would "shadow" the form's submit() method.
> Possible workarounds:
>  1. are you sure you *need* this submit=1 parameter?
>  2. replace your call to form.submit() with a SubmitButton (just like
> an  or  in plain old HTML)

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Re: GWT web application with multiple pages

2010-01-28 Thread darkflame
Do you really need multiple webpages though?
Can't you have it all on the same webpage, but using a deck panel;

Each page of the deckpanel can have your different screens on it, then
you can flick between them fairly easily.

On Jan 27, 5:59 am, priya  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just started with GWT. I need to have 4 screens taking with one
> another.
> example..
> 1st screen: login screen. I need to validate user with backend table
> and
> depending on loggedon user I need to open 2nd screen in create mode
> with all fileds
> or 3rd screen with few fileds and readonly fileds.
> How can I have multiple pages and navigation between the pages in GWT
> web application? Do i need to create multiple entry points?
> Regards,
> Priya

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Re: Detect when frame is loaded

2010-01-28 Thread darkflame
I dont think theres any neat way, but I -think- the two options you
have are;

a) Place some code in the loading page that will communicate back to
the parent when done. (I had to use this recently)
b) Work out some element in the child that will load last, or will
have a certain property after the rest has loaded, and periodical
check it from the parent pages code.
(so, say, checking the height of a image you know should be X high).

Maybe other people have neat ideas, but those are the only two I can
think off.
Unfortunately there's no automatic mechanisms to get information about
iFrames backgetting the url of a child frame seems impossible for
instants. (sure, you can get what it was set too, but if the user
clicks a link inside that doesn't update).

On Jan 27, 4:47 pm, mariyan nenchev  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using gwt Frame to load page from external site. The loading takes
> several seconds so i would like to display some "loading" message.
> Is there any way(event with native code) to detect when and if the frame is
> loaded?
> Regards.

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Re: ImageBundle and dynamic content

2010-01-28 Thread darkflame
No, I dont think it is.
Unless the 2.0 release added that ability, as I havnt looked fully
into the new resource handling.
Previously it definitely was only a compile-time operation though.

On Jan 27, 7:21 am, Rafael  wrote:
> Hi, I have a question about the ImageBundle class. From what Ive read,
> it can optimize the treatment of image loading, something Im looking
> for.
> My question come to handling large amount of images. I currently have
> a images stored in BLOB in a database, which im accessing via a
> servlet and a Image object. The image will load depending of the
> params passed in the url of the Image object.
> After reading more on the ImageBundle class, im wondering how I can
> dynamically "build" an ImageBundle. Is this conceptually possible with
> the ImageBundle or via another class?

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Trouble emulating a form in GWT with "submit" as a hidden field name (cause's crash..possible bug?)

2010-01-28 Thread darkflame
I'm trying to emulate a forms exact behavour in GWT.
According to firebug, the form gives of the following parameters and

action =verify
openid_submit= Login
openid_url  =   (that one varies,
openid_username =
submit  = 1

However, I'm having a hard time sending that last value of when I
emulate it in gwt.
When I create a hidden field like thus;

Hidden openid_submitfield = new Hidden();

Triggering the form cause's a ;

"a.submit is not a function" error.

This error *only* happens when theres a hidden field called "Submit".
If I name it anything else, it works just fine.

Any ideas on the cause and possible workarounds?

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Re: Where to get started with GWT and Federated login? (php only)

2010-01-15 Thread darkflame
should this be what I'm using;

On Jan 12, 7:04 pm, darkflame  wrote:
> I'm interested in adapting my site to work with a federated login
> system.
> (you can see a beta of my site here to get the general 
> idea;
> )
> Ive looked over the;
> pages and I see a wealth of helpfull information and advice. But to be
> honest its overwealming me and I really dont know where to get
> started.
> My requirements are;
> 1. Has to be PHP/GWT server cant use servlets.
> 2. Not worried about getting other user data, just a login will do.
> 3. thats it really.
> Can someone help put me on the best road to get started? Is there any
> gwt/php based methods established already?
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Where to get started with GWT and Federated login? (php only)

2010-01-12 Thread darkflame
I'm interested in adapting my site to work with a federated login
(you can see a beta of my site here to get the general idea;

Ive looked over the;
pages and I see a wealth of helpfull information and advice. But to be
honest its overwealming me and I really dont know where to get

My requirements are;
1. Has to be PHP/GWT server cant use servlets.
2. Not worried about getting other user data, just a login will do.
3. thats it really.

Can someone help put me on the best road to get started? Is there any
gwt/php based methods established already?

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