Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 23:04:17 -0500, Edward Gould wrote:

>> On Aug 30, 2016, at 10:40 AM, Charles Mills wrote:
>> The JCL for a zillion jobs is essentially fixed and unchangeable without 
>> disrupting other things.
>IOW mass changes can be done if thought through carefully.
But that requires some anticipation.  JCLLIB could help, but that requires some 
And a private JCLLIB may be even more perilous than a private LINKLIB.

-- gil

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Edward Gould
> On Aug 30, 2016, at 10:40 AM, Charles Mills  wrote:
>> Why do you want to do this?
> The JCL for a zillion jobs is essentially fixed and unchangeable without 
> disrupting other things.
> Charles


A long time ago I had a problem like this, JES2 (and or the C/I) changed the 
rules for DLM.
There was no mention of it in the hold doc or the ptf cover letters. 
Production was at a stand still and I would either have to back out a PDO or 
come up with a quick solution.
We had FILEAID (luckily) and it let me do global changes to proclib and a icl 
library that production was run out of.
I fired up a what if scenario and looked at the changes it proposed and I 
didn’t like them so I tried a different scenario and that was what I needed.
I didn’t even ask I just did it and it worked exactly like I wanted and 
production was up and running in a matter of minutes.
A Vice president who had been pacing out side the office asked me if I wanted 
to back out and I said no need Production is running.
He gave me a strange look and saw jobs running to completion and he was happy.
It saved my bacon. I think I would have been fired if I had to back out.
I had a stern talk with the technical support person for using DLM the way he 
did. I told him from now use the KISS methodology when it comes to JECL and JCL.
IOW mass changes can be done if thought through carefully.

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On 2016-08-30, at 19:47, Anthony Thompson wrote:

> You can look forward to being neither surprised nor delighted.
OK.  I'm neither.  Thanks.

> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Gilmartin
> Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2016 10:43 AM
> ...  Somehow I don't trust IBM designers to have been so thoughtful.  ...

BTW, is there a form of LISTCAT that lists both ALIAS and RELATED names?

Also, when JCL tells me "DATA SET NOT FOUND" for an alias, it would
be nice if it told me what it tried to resolve it to that it didn't find.


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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Anthony Thompson
You can look forward to being neither surprised nor delighted.

From Managing Catalogs, SC23-6853-02, page 19: 

"The symbolic string must not exceed 44 characters, including all name segments 
and periods."


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2016 10:43 AM
Subject: Re: Elementary dataset alias question

Does that restrict the length of related DSNs to 39 characters rather than 44 
because a 5-character name is replaced by a 0-character value?  Of course a 
thoughtful design would allow the SYMBOLICRELATEd DSN to be comfortably longer 
then 44 characters because symbol resolution may reduce that length.
Somehow I don't trust IBM designers to have been so thoughtful.  For example, 
ISPF DSLIST restricts the name entered to be at most 44 characters regardless.
I'd be delighted to be surprised.

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 19:07:09 -0500, Tom Marchant wrote:
>Perhaps even better, and to satisfy Gil's requirement, define a system symbol, 
>perhaps , with a substitution value that is null, and use that with 
Does that restrict the length of related DSNs to 39 characters rather than 44
because a 5-character name is replaced by a 0-character value?  Of course a
thoughtful design would allow the SYMBOLICRELATEd DSN to be comfortably
longer then 44 characters because symbol resolution may reduce that length.
Somehow I don't trust IBM designers to have been so thoughtful.  For example,
ISPF DSLIST restricts the name entered to be at most 44 characters regardless.
I'd be delighted to be surprised.

>or some such. I suspect that you don't even have to define the system symbol, 
>that if  is not defined, you will get the same result, but I can't test 
It depends on whether catalog is like many UNIX utilities that take an undefined
symbol to be null, or like JCL, Rexx, ... that take the value of an undefined
symbol to be its name.

I think a more cautious design of JCL would have reported an error on use of
an undefined symbol (like SIGNAL ON NOVALUE).  But I picked up many bad
habits decades ago from a wizard/mentor who delighted in exploiting unintuitive
idiosyncrasies of JCL.

Much of this this can be tested without altering the master cat (that was
only the OP's example), but any two user catalogs.

-- gil

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 16:14:54 -0500, Tom Marchant  wrote:

>Define system symbol  to have a value of FOOBAR
>Define your alias with SYMBOLICRELATE to SYS1.

Perhaps even better, and to satisfy Gil's requirement, define a system symbol, 
perhaps , with a substitution value that is null, and use that with 

or some such. I suspect that you don't even have to define the system symbol, 
that if  is not defined, you will get the same result, but I can't test 

Tom Marchant

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Re: SAD testing in sysplex

2016-08-30 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
(Maybe more than you wanted to hear about SAD)

1. 'SYSPLEX' means 'using XCF'. You may or not use CF structures. If so, it's 
parallel sysplex. If not, it's basic sysplex. There is a difference in how 
‘system down’ works, but it's still sysplex.

2. SAD is designed to dump a running (but probably very ill) system. The system 
does not need to be shut down first. If it's already down as in a wait state, 
SAD works fine, but 'down' is not a requirement or even a desirable path.

3. My opinion: configure SAD to work without any operator intervention. That 
is, once SAD has been IPLed, the dump should proceed automatically with 
predefined volumes and a default title something like this:

 AUTOIPL WAIT STATE CODE 0A70 DUMP DATE/TIME  06/29/2016 03:26:30 

4.  See example below for coding AMDSADMP.

5. In DIAGxx, include this line. It will produce automatic SAD in case of wait 
state with automatic reIPL from last sysres used. Depending on system use, this 
may all occur without operator awareness(!)

SYS1.PAGEDUMP.Vvolser */

6. In a parallel sysplex, all members will know that a system as died. There 
should be no ‘reply when system is down’ message. In a basic sysplex, you may 
have to reply ‘down’.

7. Once this (or some other) system is available, copy the SAD to tape or some 
other protected location so it does not get overwritten.

8. Run IPCS pointing to the SAD. If the dump is structurally incomplete, IPCS 
will complain. Otherwise assume it’s OK.

9. Sample AMDSADMP for operator-less SAD:






  DUMP=(your options),*




J.O.Skip Robinson

Southern California Edison Company

Electric Dragon Team Paddler

SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager

323-715-0595 Mobile

626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Nathan Astle
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:01 AM
Subject: (External):Re: SAD testing in sysplex


Is there a IPCS commands that can show me that SAD was written completely ?

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Nathan Astle wrote:


> >I am creating a SAD test for one of our sandbox system which is part

> >of

> sysplex shared with other production LPAR.

> >So as a SAD testing, I am bringing down the LPAR and leaving with

> >just

> few task up.


> Just a few tasks? This is not SAD.


> >My question is when I load the SAD IPL and once I confirm the SAD IPL

> with the VOLUMES used for SAD datasets.


> >Can I remove the sandbox LPAR from sysplex prior to confirming the

> >SAD

> datasets or after completing the SAD process I can remove the SANDBOX

> lpar from sysplex ?


> Mark Jacobs gave you a serious warning, but I have one question: Do

> you want that LPAR to stay inside or outside the Sysplex after IPL? In

> other words, when are you planning to vary it out of Sysplex?


> Another nasty thing to consider, is your LPAR using XCF?


> Oh, things like shared JES2/3 spool, shared HSM, RACF, etc. may make

> your attempt futile.


> But, if you take some precautions, your attempt to do a SAD may work.


> Good luck.


> Groete / Greetings

> Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread CM Poncelet
FWIW The master catalog should be used only to point hlq's at user 
catalogs and not to catalog fully qualified DSNs - for performance 
reasons. E.g. the hlq "JOEBLOW" should be catalog'd as a pointer to a 
usercat and should not be recorded as the fully qualified DSN mcat entry 
"JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR". Otherwise the mcat becomes overloaded with fully 
qualified DSNs - all of which have to be checked for each DSN 
allocation, before (if no mcat entry found for it) transferring the 
search to the mcat's pointed-at usercat ... thus degrading overall 
system performance. The fewer mcat entries there are, the better. Run a 
"LISTCAT ENT(''),CATALOG" to see how much junk is 
stored in the master catalog that has to be checked at each dataset's 
allocation. My ha'pennyworth - CP

Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:

This elementary question has been promoted to at least middle if not high school. I for one am still itching to learn why it's deemed worthwhile. In any case, I suggest putting a script in place to simplify (re)specification. The sample below can be adapted to the user's environment. 

It's assumed that the SMPE release HLQ is OSRnn, where nn is the release id 
like 13 or 21. DSN and VOL can be specified, or the Rexx can be typed on a 3.4 
display that shows the data set on the volume. The maintenance user catalog is 
likewise 'MVSRnn.ICF.MASTER'.

/* REXX */   
ARG dsn vol  
IF vol = "" THEN DO /* assume ISPF 3.4 */
 ADDRESS ISPEXEC "VGET (ZDLVOL)" /* avail on ISPF 3.4 screen */ 
 vol = ZDLVOL   
dsn = STRIP(dsn,B,"'")   
"DEL '"dsn"' NSCR" , 
"DEF NVSAM (NAME('"dsn"') DEVT(3390) VOL("vol"))" ,  
"DEF ALIAS (NAME('OSRnn."dsn"') REL('"dsn"'))" , 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager

323-715-0595 Mobile
626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Eells
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 10:49 AM
Subject: (External):Re: Elementary dataset alias question

Tom Marchant wrote:


A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a 
different volume, for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the 
second catalog entry will not be updated when it is recalled. And of 
course, if the data set is on the IPL volume, you would catalog it to ** or the appropriate symbol.

Tom raises two important points.

To widen the aperture on his first one a bit further, it is of course not only 
DFSMShsm that can move things around.  For example, whoever maintains the data 
sets that are aliased this way must always remain conscious of the additional 
catalog entries that are perhaps maintained in different catalogs than the 
primary entries, and change them in concert in the correct catalog(s) when and 
if data sets move between volumes.

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Tom Marchant
On Mon, 29 Aug 2016 15:34:59 -0700, Charles Mills wrote:

>SYS1.FOOBAR is a dataset cataloged in the master catalog. It's not "real
>special" like SYS1.LINKLIB or anything. It's an SMP/E-managed IBM product
>library. I don't think it is APF-authorized. I think it is linklisted if
>that makes a difference.
>JOEBLOW is an ordinary userid.
>Is it possible to create a catalog entry such that JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR is an
>alias for SYS1.FOOBAR and batch DD references to JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR will
>actually allocate SYS1.FOOBAR?

I would suggest that, given the change for SYMBOLICRELATE, you do it using that.

Define system symbol  to have a value of FOOBAR

Define your alias with SYMBOLICRELATE to SYS1.

Tom Marchant

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
This elementary question has been promoted to at least middle if not high 
school. I for one am still itching to learn why it's deemed worthwhile. In any 
case, I suggest putting a script in place to simplify (re)specification. The 
sample below can be adapted to the user's environment. 

It's assumed that the SMPE release HLQ is OSRnn, where nn is the release id 
like 13 or 21. DSN and VOL can be specified, or the Rexx can be typed on a 3.4 
display that shows the data set on the volume. The maintenance user catalog is 
likewise 'MVSRnn.ICF.MASTER'.

/* REXX */   
ARG dsn vol  
IF vol = "" THEN DO /* assume ISPF 3.4 */
  ADDRESS ISPEXEC "VGET (ZDLVOL)" /* avail on ISPF 3.4 screen */ 
  vol = ZDLVOL   
dsn = STRIP(dsn,B,"'")   
"DEL '"dsn"' NSCR" , 
"DEF NVSAM (NAME('"dsn"') DEVT(3390) VOL("vol"))" ,  
"DEF ALIAS (NAME('OSRnn."dsn"') REL('"dsn"'))" , 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Eells
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 10:49 AM
Subject: (External):Re: Elementary dataset alias question

Tom Marchant wrote:

> A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a 
> different volume, for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the 
> second catalog entry will not be updated when it is recalled. And of 
> course, if the data set is on the IPL volume, you would catalog it to ** 
> or the appropriate symbol.

Tom raises two important points.

To widen the aperture on his first one a bit further, it is of course not only 
DFSMShsm that can move things around.  For example, whoever maintains the data 
sets that are aliased this way must always remain conscious of the additional 
catalog entries that are perhaps maintained in different catalogs than the 
primary entries, and change them in concert in the correct catalog(s) when and 
if data sets move between volumes.

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread John Eells

Tom Marchant wrote:

A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a different 
for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the second catalog entry will not be
updated when it is recalled. And of course, if the data set is on the IPL 
you would catalog it to ** or the appropriate symbol.

Tom raises two important points.

To widen the aperture on his first one a bit further, it is of course 
not only DFSMShsm that can move things around.  For example, whoever 
maintains the data sets that are aliased this way must always remain 
conscious of the additional catalog entries that are perhaps maintained 
in different catalogs than the primary entries, and change them in 
concert in the correct catalog(s) when and if data sets move between 

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Mike Schwab
If you convert to the new Country Multiplex Pricing, you only pay for
1 version of Cobol despite having multiple versions available for

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 11:45 AM, Lizette Koehler
> So if EOS is announced - the most that means is no new fixes for that version 
> of
> the Compiler.  I do not think the compiler shuts itself down.  You can still 
> use
> it.
> Note:  I think IBM has altered the pricing on V3/V4 Enterprise Cobol Compiler 
> to
> be the same as V5 Enterprise Cobol compiler.  I am not sure if there was a 
> cost
> increase from V5 to V6 Enterprise Cobol Compiler.  So if cost is a factor, I
> think that has already been handled by IBM.
> Depending on what your requirements are, here are some things to look at for 
> an
> upgrade
> 1)  Do you have a source management tool that needs to be altered for the new
> compiler? (Change Man, Endevor, CA Telon, etc...)
> a) New work would use the new compiler
> b) old work may use the older compiler
> 2)  What are the new Reserve words in the Compiler and are any current 
> programs
> using them?
> 3)  What COBOL options are in place today, and how does the new compiler alter
> that environment
> a) In a previous release PMAP is LIST on the compiler options
> 3)  Are the benefits of the new Compiler worth the effort to upgrade? (Most 
> have
> indicated yes)
> 4)  Do you have very complex Programs that need TLC to upgrade?  These could 
> be
> including, CICS, IMS, MQ, DB2 type of programs
> 5)  How long does your company require for a checkout for the new compiler?
> a) Some shops have mandatory recompile Everything under the new 
> compiler
> b) Some shops have compile the worst case programs as a test case of 
> the
> new compiler
> c) Some shops have performance requirements for a new compiler.  
> Program
> must run the same way or better.  Not worse
> 6)  Will you need to run only new work through the V5/V6 Enterprise Cobol
> compiler while old work gets the current compiler?
> a)  This may be needed as the older programs have to be evaluated and
> that takes time.
> 7)  How long will this process take.  As other have pointed out - the BIG 
> Starts the minute you being this process.  Work with your IBM Representative 
> on
> actual requirements.
> 8)  Older programs running do not necessarily need to be recompiled.  That is
> why the new Parmlib member was created.  To allow everything to run as is.
> a) When a program gets a fix - then the company should look are the
> recompile with the new compiler.
> There may be other considerations.
> To upgrade the compiler is easy.  Running parallel processes to ensure
> everything is working the same or better is what takes time.  And what
> application group is not busy and has the time to do the checkouts?  Answer -
> very few.
> And because the LOAD lib for the compile MUST be a PDS/E, that has had a new
> level to a simple roll out.
> I hope this helps
> Lizette
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
>> Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:12 AM
>> Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6
>> My concern is that IBM will announce EOS for Enterprise Cobol 4.2 and we will
>> not be ready.
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
>> > On Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
>> > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:29 AM
>> > Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6
>> >
>> > We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is
>> > installed because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.
>> >
>> > Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this
>> > parm to use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.
>> >
>> > z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2015. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.
>> > Here is the announcement letter.
>> >
>> >
>> > bin/ssialias?subtype=ca=an
>> > =iSource=897=ENUS215-267#availx
>> >
>> > or tinyurl
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Lizette
>> >
>> >
>> > > -Original Message-
>> > > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
>> > > [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
>> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:20 AM
>> > > Subject: Cobol V5/V6
>> > >
>> > > Have a lot of shops migrated to COBOL V5/V6?  Does anyone have a
>> > > project plan they would like to share with me?  Is the IEFOPZxx
>> > > member only available in z/OS 2.2?
>> > >
>> > > Thanks to everyone in advance.
>> > >
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / 

Hipersockets CPU use

2016-08-30 Thread Joe Owens
Hi list

I am looking at planning hipersockets between Z/OS and Z/VM / Z/Linux. On EC12 
Z/OS 1.13.
The primary user will be DB2 DDF.

I have read about the fact that data moves are synchronous, so we wish to make 
sure the network related CPU is included in any test we do. Both DB2 and TCP/IP 
use enclave processing, I am wondering where CPU involved in TCP/IP SEND over 
hiper sockets will show up? I am primarily interested in SEND from Z/OS as the 
amount of data in receives will be relatively small, though a complete answer 
is always useful.

Would it show up
Which RMF report?
Which enclave would be expected?
Would it be included in any of the DB2 accounting time? Which class if so?

Also interested to know what dispatch priority the sends would occur at, which 
is probably answered by the enclave question.

Any thoughts are gratefully received.


Joe Owens

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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Lizette Koehler
So if EOS is announced - the most that means is no new fixes for that version of
the Compiler.  I do not think the compiler shuts itself down.  You can still use

Note:  I think IBM has altered the pricing on V3/V4 Enterprise Cobol Compiler to
be the same as V5 Enterprise Cobol compiler.  I am not sure if there was a cost
increase from V5 to V6 Enterprise Cobol Compiler.  So if cost is a factor, I
think that has already been handled by IBM.

Depending on what your requirements are, here are some things to look at for an
1)  Do you have a source management tool that needs to be altered for the new
compiler? (Change Man, Endevor, CA Telon, etc...)
a) New work would use the new compiler
b) old work may use the older compiler
2)  What are the new Reserve words in the Compiler and are any current programs
using them?  
3)  What COBOL options are in place today, and how does the new compiler alter
that environment
a) In a previous release PMAP is LIST on the compiler options 
3)  Are the benefits of the new Compiler worth the effort to upgrade? (Most have
indicated yes)
4)  Do you have very complex Programs that need TLC to upgrade?  These could be
including, CICS, IMS, MQ, DB2 type of programs
5)  How long does your company require for a checkout for the new compiler?
a) Some shops have mandatory recompile Everything under the new compiler
b) Some shops have compile the worst case programs as a test case of the
new compiler
c) Some shops have performance requirements for a new compiler.  Program
must run the same way or better.  Not worse
6)  Will you need to run only new work through the V5/V6 Enterprise Cobol
compiler while old work gets the current compiler?
a)  This may be needed as the older programs have to be evaluated and
that takes time.
7)  How long will this process take.  As other have pointed out - the BIG CLOCK
Starts the minute you being this process.  Work with your IBM Representative on
actual requirements.
8)  Older programs running do not necessarily need to be recompiled.  That is
why the new Parmlib member was created.  To allow everything to run as is.
a) When a program gets a fix - then the company should look are the
recompile with the new compiler.

There may be other considerations.

To upgrade the compiler is easy.  Running parallel processes to ensure
everything is working the same or better is what takes time.  And what
application group is not busy and has the time to do the checkouts?  Answer -
very few.

And because the LOAD lib for the compile MUST be a PDS/E, that has had a new
level to a simple roll out.

I hope this helps


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:12 AM
> Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6
> My concern is that IBM will announce EOS for Enterprise Cobol 4.2 and we will
> not be ready.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> > On Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:29 AM
> > Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6
> >
> > We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is
> > installed because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.
> >
> > Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this
> > parm to use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.
> >
> > z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2015. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.
> > Here is the announcement letter.
> >
> >
> > bin/ssialias?subtype=ca=an
> > =iSource=897=ENUS215-267#availx
> >
> > or tinyurl
> >
> >
> >
> > Lizette
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> > > [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
> > > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:20 AM
> > > Subject: Cobol V5/V6
> > >
> > > Have a lot of shops migrated to COBOL V5/V6?  Does anyone have a
> > > project plan they would like to share with me?  Is the IEFOPZxx
> > > member only available in z/OS 2.2?
> > >
> > > Thanks to everyone in advance.
> > >

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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Feller, Paul
At one point there was a trail version for both COBOL V5 and V6 that you could 
download.  If that is still around that would be a way to try out COBOL V5 or 
V6 with some of your favorite "bad" programs to see what happens before the 
clock starts ticking.


Paul Feller
AGT Mainframe Technical Support

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Jesse 1 Robinson
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 11:23
Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6

I have no statistical evidence, but my impression is that V5/V6 is not yet in 
widespread use. The biggest obstacle for *some* shops is the requirement that 
output go to PDSE, which cannot reliably be shared across sysplex boundaries. 
If you don't do that, no problem. If you do, then some (perhaps major) changes 
will be required to create and manage multiple application load libraries.

It's now possible to install V5/V6 on a trial basis without starting the 
dreaded Version Clock. Check with your favorite Beemer. OTOH the Version Clock 
has been extended to 18 months from the standard 12. That should help.

Also note that installing V5/V6 does not mean converting all programs from V4-. 
It just means that all new compiles must be V5/V6. In other words, you can no 
longer invoke the V4- compiler. You are not required by Ts to recompile 
everything. Or anything AFAIK. 



J.O.Skip Robinson

Southern California Edison Company

Electric Dragon Team Paddler 

SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager

323-715-0595 Mobile

626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Paul Gilmartin

Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:15 AM


Subject: (External):Re: Cobol V5/V6

On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 06:28:35 -0700, Lizette Koehler wrote:

>We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is 

>installed because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.


>Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this 

>parm to use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.


>z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2016. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.  

>Here is the announcement letter.



(Repaired UL, I hope)


Wherein I read:

Planned availability date

September 30, 2015

An accelerated delivery schedule, indeed.

-- gil


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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
I have no statistical evidence, but my impression is that V5/V6 is not yet in 
widespread use. The biggest obstacle for *some* shops is the requirement that 
output go to PDSE, which cannot reliably be shared across sysplex boundaries. 
If you don't do that, no problem. If you do, then some (perhaps major) changes 
will be required to create and manage multiple application load libraries.

It's now possible to install V5/V6 on a trial basis without starting the 
dreaded Version Clock. Check with your favorite Beemer. OTOH the Version Clock 
has been extended to 18 months from the standard 12. That should help.

Also note that installing V5/V6 does not mean converting all programs from V4-. 
It just means that all new compiles must be V5/V6. In other words, you can no 
longer invoke the V4- compiler. You are not required by Ts to recompile 
everything. Or anything AFAIK. 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:15 AM
Subject: (External):Re: Cobol V5/V6

On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 06:28:35 -0700, Lizette Koehler wrote:

>We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is 
>installed because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.
>Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this 
>parm to use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.
>z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2016. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.  
>Here is the announcement letter.
(Repaired UL, I hope)
Wherein I read:
Planned availability date
September 30, 2015

An accelerated delivery schedule, indeed.

-- gil

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
From sad experience: If the dataset moves, no catalog entry is updated. The 
next reference to it gets 'data set not found on volume xx'. A data set 
managed this way must be marked 'no migrate' to HSM. 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:32 AM
Subject: (External):Re: Elementary dataset alias question

On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 10:17:54 -0500, Tom Marchant wrote:

>On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:09:45 -0400, John Eells wrote:
>>define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390))
>>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the 
>>user catalog my user ID's alias points to.
>>define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test'))
>>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.
>A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a 
>different volume, for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the second 
>catalog entry will not be updated when it is recalled. And of course, 
>if the data set is on the IPL volume, you would catalog it to ** or the 
>appropriate symbol.
Ouch!  This negates one main value of cataloguing.

Hmmm...  If the data set is deleted, do the additional aliases remain 
catalogued, orphaned?  Does SMS play in this game?

-- gil

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Charles Mills
I said it was but perhaps I was wrong. In any event the problem is solved, 
thanks to @John. It's actually working in pre-production test. Thank you @John! 
I really do not intend to get into one of these long IBM-MAIN "tell us every 
morbid detail of why things are the way they are" digressions.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Tom Marchant
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: Elementary dataset alias question

On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 08:40:51 -0700, Charles Mills wrote:

>> Why do you want to do this?
>The JCL for a zillion jobs is essentially fixed and unchangeable without 
>disrupting other things.

So the data set is not in LNKLST?

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Re: Dump in 64 bit mode "Storage around GPR2 is invalid."

2016-08-30 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 08:49:12 -0700, Charles Mills wrote:

>> You cannot call a 31-bit LE program (XPLINK or non-XPLINK) from XPLINK-64 
>> unless you establish a new LE environment.
>FWIW in my (by definition limited) experience many (all of mine, for example) 
>assembler modules are essentially non-LE. They actually run in an LE enclave, 
>but they don't know that, other than the fact that they begin with EDCPRLG.

I'm not certain, but I think that means that the assembler program is LE 
enabled, and depends upon the 31-bit LE environment being set up for it.

Tom Marchant

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ZOS 2.2 Books - Again

2016-08-30 Thread Dazzo, Matt
I know the books topic has been around the block several times and I have 
searched the archives but have not found an answer to using the PDF collection 
on zos, or maybe I missed it.

I have downloaded the PDF collection and acrobat index to my work station and 
have it working. Is there anyway to have the PDF collection in USS with an 
index to all the books? Rather not have to build a htlm index by hand. Does 
anyone have a html index to share or is there an other way?

Thanks Matt

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 08:40:51 -0700, Charles Mills wrote:

>> Why do you want to do this?
>The JCL for a zillion jobs is essentially fixed and unchangeable without 
>disrupting other things.

So the data set is not in LNKLST?

Tom Marchant

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Re: Dump in 64 bit mode "Storage around GPR2 is invalid."

2016-08-30 Thread Charles Mills
> You cannot call a 31-bit LE program (XPLINK or non-XPLINK) from XPLINK-64 
> unless you establish a new LE environment.

FWIW in my (by definition limited) experience many (all of mine, for example) 
assembler modules are essentially non-LE. They actually run in an LE enclave, 
but they don't know that, other than the fact that they begin with EDCPRLG.

Whatever. My second bullet may be impractical. I said "possibly." I said I had 
no real experience with this. I based my second bullet on what @Don Poitras 
said: "You can call non-XPLINK non-LE 31-bit code from assembler ..."

Perhaps one could put all of one's "business logic" in a common LE-agnostic 
module and build three bridges (non-XPLINK, XPLINK and XPLINK 64) to it. My 
central points are that what @Janet is seeing is not a trivial "bug" and that 
you need to consider three environments in addressing it.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Tom Marchant
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: Dump in 64 bit mode "Storage around GPR2 is invalid."

On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 06:33:14 -0700, Charles Mills  wrote:

>@Janet, I have no personal experience with this exact problem, but from what I 
>do know and what others have written here, if you wish to market a 
>C/C++-callable API-type product in object or assembler source code form, you 
>will have to at least consider shipping not two but THREE implementations:
>1. Non-XPLINK (31-bit)
>2. XPLINK (31-bit)
>3. XPLINK-64
>Note I say "consider." You could possibly shortcut the above a little:
>- If the routine is not called frequently (an initialization routine, for 
>example) you could combine 1 and 2 above and use a #pragma to tell C/C++ what 
>you have done. It should not be called frequently because there is said to be 
>a significant performance penalty.
>- You might be able to solve 3 with a bridge routine rather than a full API 
>implementation, depending on the characteristics of the function. The bridge 
>routine would have to set up the proper linkage including a save area below 
>the bar, copy any above-the-bar parameters below the bar, issue SAM31, and 
>call either 1 or 2. On return it would have to issue SAM64, unwind the 
>linkage, and return.

You cannot call a 31-bit LE program (XPLINK or non-XPLINK) from XPLINK-64 
unless you establish a new LE environment. I've never done it, but I think that 
it means establishing a new LE enclave and tearing it down when you are 
finished. You could potentially implement your API as a non-LE 31-bit program 
and include additional stub modules to call it.

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Charles Mills
> Why do you want to do this?

The JCL for a zillion jobs is essentially fixed and unchangeable without 
disrupting other things.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Tom Marchant
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: Elementary dataset alias question

On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:09:45 -0400, John Eells wrote:

>define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390))
>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the 
>user catalog my user ID's alias points to.
>define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test'))
>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.

A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a different 
volume, for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the second catalog entry 
will not be updated when it is recalled. And of course, if the data set is on 
the IPL volume, you would catalog it to ** or the appropriate symbol.

>Charles Mills wrote:
>> Here's the question. (And like all these things, there is a long 
>> story reason why doing things this way seems to make sense.)

I'm curious. Why do you want to do this? 

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 10:17:54 -0500, Tom Marchant wrote:

>On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:09:45 -0400, John Eells wrote:
>>define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390))
>>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the
>>user catalog my user ID's alias points to.
>>define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test'))
>>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.
>A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a different 
>for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the second catalog entry will not 
>updated when it is recalled. And of course, if the data set is on the IPL 
>you would catalog it to ** or the appropriate symbol.
Ouch!  This negates one main value of cataloguing.

Hmmm...  If the data set is deleted, do the additional aliases
remain catalogued, orphaned?  Does SMS play in this game?

-- gil

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Re: Dump in 64 bit mode "Storage around GPR2 is invalid."

2016-08-30 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 06:33:14 -0700, Charles Mills  wrote:

>@Janet, I have no personal experience with this exact problem, but from what I 
>do know and what others have written here, if you wish to market a 
>C/C++-callable API-type product in object or assembler source code form, you 
>will have to at least consider shipping not two but THREE implementations:
>1. Non-XPLINK (31-bit)
>2. XPLINK (31-bit)
>3. XPLINK-64
>Note I say "consider." You could possibly shortcut the above a little:
>- If the routine is not called frequently (an initialization routine, for 
>example) you could combine 1 and 2 above and use a #pragma to tell C/C++ what 
>you have done. It should not be called frequently because there is said to be 
>a significant performance penalty.
>- You might be able to solve 3 with a bridge routine rather than a full API 
>implementation, depending on the characteristics of the function. The bridge 
>routine would have to set up the proper linkage including a save area below 
>the bar, copy any above-the-bar parameters below the bar, issue SAM31, and 
>call either 1 or 2. On return it would have to issue SAM64, unwind the 
>linkage, and return.

You cannot call a 31-bit LE program (XPLINK or non-XPLINK) from XPLINK-64 
unless you establish a new LE environment. I've never done it, but I think that 
it means establishing a new LE enclave and tearing it down when you are 
finished. You could potentially implement your API as a non-LE 31-bit program 
and include additional stub modules to call it.

Tom Marchant

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Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Jerry Whitteridge
Sneaky - but I like it

Jerry Whitteridge
Manager Mainframe Systems & Storage
Albertsons - Safeway Inc.
925 738 9443
Corporate Tieline - 89443

If you feel in control
you just aren't going fast enough.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of John Eells
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:10 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: Elementary dataset alias question

Yes, you can do what you want.

But first, you have to understand the notion of "catalog orientation."

All searches start in the master catalog.  If catalog connector alias is
found (for example, "EELLS") pointing to a user catalog (such as
"CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT"), then the search is redirected to the user
catalog, and *no matter what happens next (with one exception)*, it is
performed only within that user catalog.  So if JOEBLOW has an alias
pointing to a user catalog, the related-to data set entry being searched
for has to be in the *same* user catalog.  It can *also* be in the
master catalog, which can be sort of handy sometimes and sort of
confusing at other times, but the search for it in this case will ignore
the entry in the master catalog.  (If the SYS1.* data set is specified,
the entry would be found there, though, of course.)

With the foregoing in mind:

First, I defined a data set, SYS1.DELETEME.TEST, which was cataloged in
the master catalog as one might reasonably expect.  It can be found
using the master catalog in all the usual ways.

Then I issued these commands under ISPF OPT6:

define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390))
catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the
user catalog my user ID's alias points to.

define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test'))
catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.

So now, the system finds the EELLS alias entry, goes to the user
catalog, finds the EELLS.DELETEME.TEST alias entry, and searches within
the *same catalog* for the related-to SYS1.DELETEME.TEST entry, and
finds the data set.

I used ISPF 3.4 to display EELLS.DELETEME.TEST:

When you issue the "I" line command, it shows the data set information

And, then I used ISPF OPT2 to edit it (it was of course empty), which
worked fine too:

  EDIT   SYS1.DELETEME.TEST Columns 1 00072

And, finally, I used IEFBR14 to allocate it:

//EELLS2   JOB 'C8402P,B9222070,S=I','JOHN EELLS',

...and all this works as expected, with these allocation messages:


(The data set is never opened by BR14, of course, but it could be by
another program.)

To get rid of the data set, I will shortly:

- Delete SYS1.DELETEME.TEST in ISPF OPT3.4 to finish the job.

I mentioned an exception.  When you use a system symbol in the
related-to field specified by SYMBOLICRELATE, the system will *start
over* at the master catalog, or "reorient the search to the master
catalog."  It will then look for entries as if the search (e.g., LOCATE)
request were new, rather than a continuation of an existing search.  I
think we did this in z/OS V2.1 but I did not check to be certain.

With the exception of SYMBOLICRELATE, which we did change, I think there
is vanishingly little chance that we will ever change this behavior.
For one thing, such a change would be incompatible.  For another, the
way it works now can be really, really handy sometimes and I'd hate to
see us remove the function!

Charles Mills wrote:
> I'm a coder -- I barely know how to spell catalog -- but there are those of
> you on this list who have forgotten more about catalogs than I will ever
> know.
> Here's the question. (And like all these things, there is a long story
> reason why doing things this way seems to make sense.)
> SYS1.FOOBAR is a dataset cataloged in the master catalog. It's not "real
> special" like SYS1.LINKLIB or anything. It's an SMP/E-managed IBM product
> library. I don't think it is APF-authorized. I think it is linklisted if
> that makes a difference.
> JOEBLOW is an ordinary userid.
> Is it possible to create a catalog entry such that JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR is an
> alias for SYS1.FOOBAR and batch DD references to JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR will
> actually allocate SYS1.FOOBAR?

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:09:45 -0400, John Eells wrote:
>I mentioned an exception.  When you use a system symbol in the
>related-to field specified by SYMBOLICRELATE, the system will *start
>over* at the master catalog, or "reorient the search to the master
>catalog."  It will then look for entries as if the search (e.g., LOCATE)
>request were new, rather than a continuation of an existing search.  I
>think we did this in z/OS V2.1 but I did not check to be certain.
Pretty nice.  But I have a couple old wishes:

o When the elated-to field is specified by SYMBOLICRELATE, start the search
  as if the request were new *regardless* that no symbols appear in the
  related-to field.  I believe this would ba a compatible change, conflicting
  with no existing art.

o Allow aliases of aliases.  I.e the related-to field may specify an alias.

-- gil

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 09:09:45 -0400, John Eells wrote:

>define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390))
>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the
>user catalog my user ID's alias points to.
>define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test'))
>catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.

A word of caution. If the real data set is subject to moving to a different 
for example because of HSM migrate/recall, the second catalog entry will not be 
updated when it is recalled. And of course, if the data set is on the IPL 
you would catalog it to ** or the appropriate symbol.

>Charles Mills wrote:
>> Here's the question. (And like all these things, there is a long story
>> reason why doing things this way seems to make sense.)

I'm curious. Why do you want to do this? 

>> SYS1.FOOBAR is a dataset cataloged in the master catalog. It's not "real
>> special" like SYS1.LINKLIB or anything. It's an SMP/E-managed IBM product
>> library. I don't think it is APF-authorized. I think it is linklisted if
>> that makes a difference.

If it is in LNKLST, I see even less reason to do this.

>> JOEBLOW is an ordinary userid.
>> Is it possible to create a catalog entry such that JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR is an
>> alias for SYS1.FOOBAR and batch DD references to JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR will
>> actually allocate SYS1.FOOBAR?

-- Tom Marchant

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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Tue, 30 Aug 2016 06:28:35 -0700, Lizette Koehler wrote:

>We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is installed
>because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.
>Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this parm to
>use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.
>z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2016. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.  Here is
>the announcement letter.
(Repaired UL, I hope)
Wherein I read:
Planned availability date
September 30, 2015

An accelerated delivery schedule, indeed.

-- gil

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Re: SAD testing in sysplex

2016-08-30 Thread Nathan Astle

Is there a IPCS commands that can show me that SAD was written completely ?

On Tue, Aug 30, 2016 at 5:28 PM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Nathan Astle wrote:
> >I am creating a SAD test for one of our sandbox system which is part of
> sysplex shared with other production LPAR.
> >So as a SAD testing, I am bringing down the LPAR and leaving with just
> few task up.
> Just a few tasks? This is not SAD.
> >My question is when I load the SAD IPL and once I confirm the SAD IPL
> with the VOLUMES used for SAD datasets.
> >Can I remove the sandbox LPAR from sysplex prior to confirming the SAD
> datasets or after completing the SAD process I can remove the SANDBOX lpar
> from sysplex ?
> Mark Jacobs gave you a serious warning, but I have one question: Do you
> want that LPAR to stay inside or outside the Sysplex after IPL? In other
> words, when are you planning to vary it out of Sysplex?
> Another nasty thing to consider, is your LPAR using XCF?
> Oh, things like shared JES2/3 spool, shared HSM, RACF, etc. may make your
> attempt futile.
> But, if you take some precautions, your attempt to do a SAD may work.
> Good luck.
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Mike Schwab
On Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 6:27 PM, Charles Mills  wrote:

> I just want a batch job to be able to say //STEPLIB DD 
> DISP=SHR,DSN=JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR and have it load programs from SYS1.FOOBAR. 
> Isn't that what aliases are for? I guess you are saying "aliases are not 
> system-wide -- they are intra-catalog aliases." Okay, well I guess I am 
> learning something about catalogs.

> Charles

If SYS1.FOOBAR is defined in the normal search libraries, the second
line is not needed.

If not in the normal search libraries, then:
allows test versions in JOEBLOW and if no test version gets the
productions version from SYS1.

Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Lopez, Sharon
My concern is that IBM will announce EOS for Enterprise Cobol 4.2 and we will 
not be ready.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6

Sorry, the announcement is for 2015 not 2016.


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:29 AM
> Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6
> We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is
> installed because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.
> Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this
> parm to use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.
> z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2016. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.
> Here is the announcement letter.
> bin/ssialias?subtype=ca=an
> =iSource=897=ENUS215-267#availx
> or tinyurl
> Lizette
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
> > [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:20 AM
> > Subject: Cobol V5/V6
> >
> > Have a lot of shops migrated to COBOL V5/V6?  Does anyone have a
> > project plan they would like to share with me?  Is the IEFOPZxx
> > member only available in z/OS 2.2?
> >
> > Thanks to everyone in advance.
> >
> >

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Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread John Eells
Hah!  You're confusing me with Terri M. and Steve B. ;-) But of course 
you're quite welcome.

I recently wrote and gave a "Care and Feeding of Catalogs" class for our 
newer folks that covers most of this (and more!), and I submitted it for 
the next SHARE along with another session I can't talk about yet...we'll 
see what happens, but perhaps I'll see you in San Jose.

Charles Mills wrote:

@John, most excellent. I should have asked the guru of catalogs to begin
with. Thanks,

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Lizette Koehler
Sorry, the announcement is for 2015 not 2016. 


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:29 AM
> Subject: Re: Cobol V5/V6
> We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is
> installed because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.
> Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this parm to
> use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.
> z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2016. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.  Here
> is the announcement letter.
> bin/ssialias?subtype=ca=an
> =iSource=897=ENUS215-267#availx
> or tinyurl
> Lizette
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> > On Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:20 AM
> > Subject: Cobol V5/V6
> >
> > Have a lot of shops migrated to COBOL V5/V6?  Does anyone have a
> > project plan they would like to share with me?  Is the IEFOPZxx member
> > only available in z/OS 2.2?
> >
> > Thanks to everyone in advance.
> >
> >

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Re: Dump in 64 bit mode "Storage around GPR2 is invalid."

2016-08-30 Thread Charles Mills
@Janet, I have no personal experience with this exact problem, but from what I 
do know and what others have written here, if you wish to market a 
C/C++-callable API-type product in object or assembler source code form, you 
will have to at least consider shipping not two but THREE implementations:

1. Non-XPLINK (31-bit)
2. XPLINK (31-bit)
3. XPLINK-64

Note I say "consider." You could possibly shortcut the above a little:

- If the routine is not called frequently (an initialization routine, for 
example) you could combine 1 and 2 above and use a #pragma to tell C/C++ what 
you have done. It should not be called frequently because there is said to be a 
significant performance penalty.
- You might be able to solve 3 with a bridge routine rather than a full API 
implementation, depending on the characteristics of the function. The bridge 
routine would have to set up the proper linkage including a save area below the 
bar, copy any above-the-bar parameters below the bar, issue SAM31, and call 
either 1 or 2. On return it would have to issue SAM64, unwind the linkage, and 


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Janet Graff
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: Dump in 64 bit mode "Storage around GPR2 is invalid."


It doesn't appear that the register conventions for XPLINK and non-XPLINK are 
compatible.  If one were marketing an Assembler API would you have to deliver 
two versions?  One XPLINK and one non-XPLINK?

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Re: Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Lizette Koehler
We are not planning to upgrade to Cobol V5/6 until after z/OS V2.2 is installed
because that is the only level where IEFOPZxx is available.

Once that is available we will use the concatenation function in this parm to
use a PDSE dataset prior to a PDS dataset in our Production batch.

z/OS 2.2 was announced Aug 2016. It requires a Z10 or newer processor.  Here is
the announcement letter.

or tinyurl


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Lopez, Sharon
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:20 AM
> Subject: Cobol V5/V6
> Have a lot of shops migrated to COBOL V5/V6?  Does anyone have a project plan
> they would like to share with me?  Is the IEFOPZxx member only available in
> z/OS 2.2?
> Thanks to everyone in advance.

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread Charles Mills
@John, most excellent. I should have asked the guru of catalogs to begin
with. Thanks,

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of John Eells
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Elementary dataset alias question

Yes, you can do what you want.

But first, you have to understand the notion of "catalog orientation."

All searches start in the master catalog.  If catalog connector alias is
found (for example, "EELLS") pointing to a user catalog (such as
"CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT"), then the search is redirected to the user
catalog, and *no matter what happens next (with one exception)*, it is
performed only within that user catalog.  So if JOEBLOW has an alias
pointing to a user catalog, the related-to data set entry being searched for
has to be in the *same* user catalog.  It can *also* be in the master
catalog, which can be sort of handy sometimes and sort of confusing at other
times, but the search for it in this case will ignore the entry in the
master catalog.  (If the SYS1.* data set is specified, the entry would be
found there, though, of course.)

With the foregoing in mind:

First, I defined a data set, SYS1.DELETEME.TEST, which was cataloged in the
master catalog as one might reasonably expect.  It can be found using the
master catalog in all the usual ways.

Then I issued these commands under ISPF OPT6:

define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390))
catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the user
catalog my user ID's alias points to.

define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test'))
catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.

So now, the system finds the EELLS alias entry, goes to the user catalog,
finds the EELLS.DELETEME.TEST alias entry, and searches within the *same
catalog* for the related-to SYS1.DELETEME.TEST entry, and finds the data

I used ISPF 3.4 to display EELLS.DELETEME.TEST:

When you issue the "I" line command, it shows the data set information for

And, then I used ISPF OPT2 to edit it (it was of course empty), which worked
fine too:

  EDIT   SYS1.DELETEME.TEST Columns 1 00072

And, finally, I used IEFBR14 to allocate it:

//EELLS2   JOB 'C8402P,B9222070,S=I','JOHN EELLS',

...and all this works as expected, with these allocation messages:


(The data set is never opened by BR14, of course, but it could be by another

To get rid of the data set, I will shortly:

- Delete SYS1.DELETEME.TEST in ISPF OPT3.4 to finish the job.

I mentioned an exception.  When you use a system symbol in the related-to
field specified by SYMBOLICRELATE, the system will *start
over* at the master catalog, or "reorient the search to the master catalog."
It will then look for entries as if the search (e.g., LOCATE) request were
new, rather than a continuation of an existing search.  I think we did this
in z/OS V2.1 but I did not check to be certain.

With the exception of SYMBOLICRELATE, which we did change, I think there is
vanishingly little chance that we will ever change this behavior. 
For one thing, such a change would be incompatible.  For another, the way it
works now can be really, really handy sometimes and I'd hate to see us
remove the function!

Charles Mills wrote:
> I'm a coder -- I barely know how to spell catalog -- but there are 
> those of you on this list who have forgotten more about catalogs than 
> I will ever know.
> Here's the question. (And like all these things, there is a long story 
> reason why doing things this way seems to make sense.)
> SYS1.FOOBAR is a dataset cataloged in the master catalog. It's not 
> "real special" like SYS1.LINKLIB or anything. It's an SMP/E-managed 
> IBM product library. I don't think it is APF-authorized. I think it is 
> linklisted if that makes a difference.
> JOEBLOW is an ordinary userid.
> Is it possible to create a catalog entry such that JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR 
> is an alias for SYS1.FOOBAR and batch DD references to 
> JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR will actually allocate SYS1.FOOBAR?

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Cobol V5/V6

2016-08-30 Thread Lopez, Sharon
Have a lot of shops migrated to COBOL V5/V6?  Does anyone have a project plan 
they would like to share with me?  Is the IEFOPZxx member only available in 
z/OS 2.2?

Thanks to everyone in advance.

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Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an 
authorized state official.

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: Elementary dataset alias question

2016-08-30 Thread John Eells

Yes, you can do what you want.

But first, you have to understand the notion of "catalog orientation."

All searches start in the master catalog.  If catalog connector alias is 
found (for example, "EELLS") pointing to a user catalog (such as 
"CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT"), then the search is redirected to the user 
catalog, and *no matter what happens next (with one exception)*, it is 
performed only within that user catalog.  So if JOEBLOW has an alias 
pointing to a user catalog, the related-to data set entry being searched 
for has to be in the *same* user catalog.  It can *also* be in the 
master catalog, which can be sort of handy sometimes and sort of 
confusing at other times, but the search for it in this case will ignore 
the entry in the master catalog.  (If the SYS1.* data set is specified, 
the entry would be found there, though, of course.)

With the foregoing in mind:

First, I defined a data set, SYS1.DELETEME.TEST, which was cataloged in 
the master catalog as one might reasonably expect.  It can be found 
using the master catalog in all the usual ways.

Then I issued these commands under ISPF OPT6:

define nonvsam(name('sys1.deleteme.test') volumes(d83xl2) devt(3390)) 
catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT')  <== This one adds the entry to the 
user catalog my user ID's alias points to.

define alias(name('eells.deleteme.test') relate('sys1.deleteme.test')) 
catalog('CATALOG.SVPLEX4.USERCAT') <== This one creates the data set alias.

So now, the system finds the EELLS alias entry, goes to the user 
catalog, finds the EELLS.DELETEME.TEST alias entry, and searches within 
the *same catalog* for the related-to SYS1.DELETEME.TEST entry, and 
finds the data set.

I used ISPF 3.4 to display EELLS.DELETEME.TEST:

When you issue the "I" line command, it shows the data set information 

And, then I used ISPF OPT2 to edit it (it was of course empty), which 
worked fine too:

 EDIT   SYS1.DELETEME.TEST Columns 1 00072

And, finally, I used IEFBR14 to allocate it:

//EELLS2   JOB 'C8402P,B9222070,S=I','JOHN EELLS',

...and all this works as expected, with these allocation messages:


(The data set is never opened by BR14, of course, but it could be by 
another program.)

To get rid of the data set, I will shortly:

- Delete SYS1.DELETEME.TEST in ISPF OPT3.4 to finish the job.

I mentioned an exception.  When you use a system symbol in the 
related-to field specified by SYMBOLICRELATE, the system will *start 
over* at the master catalog, or "reorient the search to the master 
catalog."  It will then look for entries as if the search (e.g., LOCATE) 
request were new, rather than a continuation of an existing search.  I 
think we did this in z/OS V2.1 but I did not check to be certain.

With the exception of SYMBOLICRELATE, which we did change, I think there 
is vanishingly little chance that we will ever change this behavior. 
For one thing, such a change would be incompatible.  For another, the 
way it works now can be really, really handy sometimes and I'd hate to 
see us remove the function!

Charles Mills wrote:

I'm a coder -- I barely know how to spell catalog -- but there are those of
you on this list who have forgotten more about catalogs than I will ever

Here's the question. (And like all these things, there is a long story
reason why doing things this way seems to make sense.)

SYS1.FOOBAR is a dataset cataloged in the master catalog. It's not "real
special" like SYS1.LINKLIB or anything. It's an SMP/E-managed IBM product
library. I don't think it is APF-authorized. I think it is linklisted if
that makes a difference.

JOEBLOW is an ordinary userid.

Is it possible to create a catalog entry such that JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR is an
alias for SYS1.FOOBAR and batch DD references to JOEBLOW.MY.FOO.BAR will
actually allocate SYS1.FOOBAR?

John Eells
IBM Poughkeepsie

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Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread David Crayford

On 30/08/2016 7:44 PM, Brenton, Ren wrote:

David,  thanks, I will investigate the Slickedit plugin.  Sound like what I'm looking 
for.  I am curious about your statement: "It does have some differences that may be 
annoying though".

IIRC, for assember programmers there were some key presses that were 
slightly different which made a big difference to one of our devs who 
was an avid SPF/PC user. He had me write him macros to try to perfect it 
but I gave up and filed a ticket with SE support. SE supports all 
mainframe languages as you would expect as it originated as an internal 
IBM editor called E. The scripting language is a hybrid of REXX and C. 
I've been using SE for 15 years but I'm gravitating towards the entire 
Jet Tools eco-system now as I'm doing more web development and Eclipse 
is starting to look pretty ragged in comparison. It's not cheap though! 
But probably and order of magnitude cheaper than RD/z. In this day and 
age we should have one user experience for all languages and RD/z really 
is pathetic on that front.

Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of David Crayford
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: RD/z

The Compuware COBOL editor is an OEM licensed Slickedit core plugin for 
Eclipse. That is a far better solution than stock RD/z which has a plethora of 
different editors for each different programming language. I use RD/z with the 
SE core plugin and have the same editor for C/C++, Java, HLASM, COBOL, PL/1, 
REXX, Lua etc, etc. IBM missed a trick there.
Compuware were smart. If you want a decent editor then license one from a 
company that specializes in editors! Slickedit has an ISPF emulation mode which 
has the same primary commands and line commands that you would be used to in 
ISPF, and a color scheme that looks just like ISPF (black, red, turq and 
white). It does have some differences that may be annoying though.

IMO LPEX is very ordinary and stacks up very poorly when compared to modern 

Other than the RSE and code editing I have found very little to interest me in 
RD/z. I don't use the CICS tooling and most of the PDT plugins suck. Green 
screen SDSF is so much better than any GUI I've seen yet because it has a 
command line. I love command lines, best UI ever invented IMO. And there are 
tons of young kids smashing *nix shells that love them too :)

On 30/08/2016 6:35 PM, Brenton, Ren wrote:


The RD/z 3270 emulator, is, as I stated before,  just that... a 3270 emulator.  
It does not have the ability to leverage any of the RD/z niceties, like LPEX, 
the COBOL Editor, not the Compuware COBOL Editor.   If it does, please let me 
know how to invoke the RD/z features.


Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
On Behalf Of David Crayford
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: RD/z

RD/z has a 3270 emulator built in. Why don't you just use that if you miss ISPF 
so much?

On 30 Aug 2016, at 1:12 AM, Brenton, Ren  wrote:

Yes, Gil is correct.  An ISPF Editor plugin for RD/z would be awesome.
I miss my labels, I miss stacking commands (with an ";" or a "3/4",
as Gil uses).  Edit MACROS would be awesome.  Dialog Services, TB
services, LMM services, not to mention TSO services.  (Did I mention
CSR scroll?)

I thought about seeing if I could get my copy of Tritus SPF to work, somehow 
under RD/z) but alas, after finding a 3.5 floppy drive, I found my floppy copy 
was corrupted.  (Bummer).  (I loved Tritus).

Has anyone thought about trying to lash up WorkStation Connect to RD/z?  That 
way the full complement of ISPF/TSO services would be supported?

Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: RD/z

On 2016-08-29, at 10:35, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:

I'm not sure what's being asked for here. ISPF in batch is a well-documented 
process. I have batch ISPF jobs that run daily. You don't use separator 
characters. You write a Rexx that issues ISPF commands in sequence. You can 
edit or use virtually any ISPF function--such as table management--that's 
available interactively.

But batch isn't interactive.  I perceived the OP as wanting to use interactive 
(not batch) ISPF as a plug-in editor for RD/z.

Does "don't use separator characters" mean that no character is sacrificed as a 
separator; than one can freely code such as:
 address ISREDIT 'find a;b'
and not having the ";" (or any other character) being taken as a separator?

-- gil

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Re: WLM Question

2016-08-30 Thread Horst Sinram
> Is there a way in batch to extract a WLM service definition and perform a 
> save/save as to a dataset that I can use for DR preprocessing purposes?

Bob, depending your further requirements there are two RFEs (requirements) that 
you could consider voting for 
which is pretty much along the lines of what you're asking for.
Unfortunately it wasn't created as public, so probably need to create another 
one (using 'public' is always a good idea). 
includes the capability of writing to a not active CDS.

Of course you could begin with a programming exercise (IWMDEXTR was already 
mentioned) but you're looking for what could be done with existing means I'd 
recommend that you
- converge (as everyone should...) to an XML format (sequential) service 
definition (i.e either use z/OSMF or 'save as' XML in the ISPF application
- Use naming conventions to allow you determine the latest level of the service 
definition (yes, enforcing conventions isn't bullet proof but probably good 
- Include the latest service definition(s) on your DR backup sets

Horst Sinram - STSM, z/OS Workload and Capacity Management

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Re: I'm not sure that HyperPav is working

2016-08-30 Thread גדי בן אבי
I've done that.
We are using FDRPAS t copy the data from our old storage subsystem to the new 
It seems that the is a limitation, and HyperPAV will only activate for volumes 
copied with FDRPAS after an IPL.
This is documented in the FDRPAS manual.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Mike Shorkend
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: I'm not sure that HyperPav is working

You need to set HYPERPAV=YES in the IECIOSxx PARMLIB member.


You can switch it on and off dynamically using the SETIOS command.


On 30 August 2016 at 13:42, גדי בן אבי  wrote:

> Hi,
> We’re starting to copy volumes to our new DS8884.
> Our old controller, did not have PAV functionality, so I’m new to this.
> We installed all relevant service.
> If I issue the D IOS,HYPERPAV command I get IOS098I 13.37.28 HYPERPAV
> I’m not sure that Hyperpav is working:
> If I issue the command D M=DEV(2000D) I get:
> IEE174I 13.10.11 DISPLAY M 416
> CHP   30   31   32   33
> ENTRY LINK ADDRESS..   ..   ..   ..
> CU NUMBER 8000 8000 8000 8000
> SCP CU ND = 002107.980.IBM.75.000GDX91.0231
> SCP TOKEN NED = 002107.900.IBM.75.000GDX91.
> SCP DEVICE NED= 002107.900.IBM.75.000GDX91.000D
> If I issue the command DS QPAV,200D,1 I get:
> IEE459I 13.21.30 DEVSERV QPAVS 470
>  ---  -
>  - --  --   --
> 0200D 0D  NON-PAV2000   0D BASE
> If I look in RMF Moniter II using the DEV command, I get:
>  MKB666 200D   1  0016 41.25 .193 .000 .00 .00 .098 .000 .094  2  2
> I would expect the PAV column to say 1.0H
> Am I missing something?
> Do I have to turn Hyperpav on at the device or control unit level?
> Gadi
> לשימת לבך, בהתאם לנהלי חברת מלם מערכות בע"מ ו/או כל חברת בת ו/או חברה
> קשורה שלה (להלן : "החברה") וזכויות החתימה בהן, כל הצעה, התחייבות או
> מצג מטעם החברה, מחייבים מסמך נפרד וחתום על ידי מורשי החתימה של החברה,
> הנושא את לוגו החברה או שמה המודפס ובצירוף חותמת החברה. בהעדר מסמך
> כאמור (לרבות מסמך
> סרוק) המצורף להודעת דואר אלקטרוני זאת, אין לראות באמור בהודעה אלא משום
> טיוטה לדיון, ואין להסתמך עליה לביצוע פעולה עסקית או משפטית כלשהי.
> Please note that in accordance with Malam and/or its subsidiaries
> (hereinafter : "Malam") regulations and signatory rights, no offer,
> agreement, concession or representation is binding on the Malam,
> unless accompanied by a duly signed separate document (or a scanned
> version thereof), affixed with the Malam seal.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Mike Shorkend
Tel: +972524208743
Fax: +97239772196

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לשימת לבך, בהתאם לנהלי חברת מלם מערכות בע"מ ו/או כל חברת בת ו/או חברה קשורה שלה 
(להלן : "החברה") וזכויות החתימה בהן, כל הצעה, התחייבות או מצג מטעם החברה, 
מחייבים מסמך נפרד וחתום על ידי מורשי החתימה של החברה, הנושא את לוגו החברה או 
שמה המודפס ובצירוף חותמת החברה. בהעדר מסמך כאמור (לרבות מסמך סרוק) המצורף 
להודעת דואר אלקטרוני זאת, אין לראות באמור בהודעה אלא משום טיוטה לדיון, ואין 
להסתמך עליה לביצוע פעולה עסקית או משפטית כלשהי.

Please note that in accordance with Malam and/or its subsidiaries (hereinafter 
: "Malam") regulations and signatory rights, no offer, agreement, concession or 
representation is binding on the Malam, unless accompanied by a duly signed 

Re: SAD testing in sysplex

2016-08-30 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Nathan Astle wrote:

>I am creating a SAD test for one of our sandbox system which is part of 
>sysplex shared with other production LPAR.
>So as a SAD testing, I am bringing down the LPAR and leaving with just few 
>task up.

Just a few tasks? This is not SAD.

>My question is when I load the SAD IPL and once I confirm the SAD IPL with the 
>VOLUMES used for SAD datasets.

>Can I remove the sandbox LPAR from sysplex prior to confirming the SAD 
>datasets or after completing the SAD process I can remove the SANDBOX lpar 
>from sysplex ?

Mark Jacobs gave you a serious warning, but I have one question: Do you want 
that LPAR to stay inside or outside the Sysplex after IPL? In other words, when 
are you planning to vary it out of Sysplex?

Another nasty thing to consider, is your LPAR using XCF? 

Oh, things like shared JES2/3 spool, shared HSM, RACF, etc. may make your 
attempt futile.

But, if you take some precautions, your attempt to do a SAD may work.

Good luck.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread Brenton, Ren
That is perfect.  The simple addition of a space after the continuation 
character.  Thank you very much.  

Now to play with the ENTER KEY mapping.

Yes the RD/z forum is good, but they don’t seem to have the ISPF (mainframe) 
heart and I really like this group of kindred spirits.

Thanks again,

Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: William Alexander [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: RD/z

Hi Ren,
When using the LPEX editor in RDz if you want to stack commands put a space 
after the separator character ';' for example:

Also if you want to map your Right Ctrl key for when you are inside the 
Emulator you can go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys > Host Connection 
Control Keys.   I am not sure about mapping it for when you are inside LPEX, I 
will have to fool around with Window > Preferences > General > Keys.

As was mentioned by someone else, you could try posting RDz 'how to' questions 
in the RDz Forum:


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Re: I'm not sure that HyperPav is working

2016-08-30 Thread Mike Shorkend
You need to set HYPERPAV=YES in the IECIOSxx PARMLIB member.


You can switch it on and off dynamically using the SETIOS command.


On 30 August 2016 at 13:42, גדי בן אבי  wrote:

> Hi,
> We’re starting to copy volumes to our new DS8884.
> Our old controller, did not have PAV functionality, so I’m new to this.
> We installed all relevant service.
> If I issue the D IOS,HYPERPAV command I get
> IOS098I 13.37.28 HYPERPAV DATA 353
> I’m not sure that Hyperpav is working:
> If I issue the command D M=DEV(2000D) I get:
> IEE174I 13.10.11 DISPLAY M 416
> CHP   30   31   32   33
> ENTRY LINK ADDRESS..   ..   ..   ..
> CU NUMBER 8000 8000 8000 8000
> SCP CU ND = 002107.980.IBM.75.000GDX91.0231
> SCP TOKEN NED = 002107.900.IBM.75.000GDX91.
> SCP DEVICE NED= 002107.900.IBM.75.000GDX91.000D
> If I issue the command DS QPAV,200D,1 I get:
> IEE459I 13.21.30 DEVSERV QPAVS 470
>  ---  -
>  - --  --   --
> 0200D 0D  NON-PAV2000   0D BASE
> If I look in RMF Moniter II using the DEV command, I get:
>  MKB666 200D   1  0016 41.25 .193 .000 .00 .00 .098 .000 .094  2  2
> I would expect the PAV column to say 1.0H
> Am I missing something?
> Do I have to turn Hyperpav on at the device or control unit level?
> Gadi
> לשימת לבך, בהתאם לנהלי חברת מלם מערכות בע"מ ו/או כל חברת בת ו/או חברה
> קשורה שלה (להלן : "החברה") וזכויות החתימה בהן, כל הצעה, התחייבות או מצג
> מטעם החברה, מחייבים מסמך נפרד וחתום על ידי מורשי החתימה של החברה, הנושא את
> לוגו החברה או שמה המודפס ובצירוף חותמת החברה. בהעדר מסמך כאמור (לרבות מסמך
> סרוק) המצורף להודעת דואר אלקטרוני זאת, אין לראות באמור בהודעה אלא משום
> טיוטה לדיון, ואין להסתמך עליה לביצוע פעולה עסקית או משפטית כלשהי.
> Please note that in accordance with Malam and/or its subsidiaries
> (hereinafter : "Malam") regulations and signatory rights, no offer,
> agreement, concession or representation is binding on the Malam, unless
> accompanied by a duly signed separate document (or a scanned version
> thereof), affixed with the Malam seal.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Mike Shorkend
Tel: +972524208743
Fax: +97239772196

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread Brenton, Ren

Naive question back: How would I know if I'm running with ISPF profile mode 
Thanks for the IBM link  That is a good article.  I've not had time yet to 
study it in detail, but some of the items I did review were helpful.  
The registry tweak affects the entire PC, so I will pass on that, and here we 
do not have administrator rights on our own machine anyway.  (I guess they 
don't trust the Mainframers tweaking their own PCs.  Although I may try it on 
my home machine). 
The autohotkey solution looks good.  I will investigate that in further detail. 

Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Timothy Sipples
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 12:47 AM
Subject: Re: RD/z

Naive question: you're running with ISPF profile mode enabled, correct?

If you haven't reviewed this extremely detailed presentation by Jon Sayles yet, 
I recommend it:

If you would like the Right Control key to act as the Enter key *systemwide*, 
you can do that with a Microsoft Windows Registry setting.
The free KeyTweak utility is one way to make such registry changes. Details

Cautions: Before changing your registry, make a system restore point. Also, be 
sure that you don't need that Right Control key for any other use -- that 
everything else you run is satisfied if you use the Left Control key.
If you have to revert to default behavior you can, but systemwide means 

If you don't want something systemwide, then you can try AutoHotkey (also

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA

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Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread William Alexander
Hi Ren,
When using the LPEX editor in RDz if you want to stack commands put a space 
after the separator character ';' for example:

Also if you want to map your Right Ctrl key for when you are inside the 
Emulator you can go to Window > Preferences > General > Keys > Host Connection 
Control Keys.   I am not sure about mapping it for when you are inside LPEX, I 
will have to fool around with Window > Preferences > General > Keys.

As was mentioned by someone else, you could try posting RDz 'how to' questions 
in the RDz Forum:


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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread Brenton, Ren
David,  thanks, I will investigate the Slickedit plugin.  Sound like what I'm 
looking for.  I am curious about your statement: "It does have some differences 
that may be annoying though". 

Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of David Crayford
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: RD/z

The Compuware COBOL editor is an OEM licensed Slickedit core plugin for 
Eclipse. That is a far better solution than stock RD/z which has a plethora of 
different editors for each different programming language. I use RD/z with the 
SE core plugin and have the same editor for C/C++, Java, HLASM, COBOL, PL/1, 
REXX, Lua etc, etc. IBM missed a trick there. 
Compuware were smart. If you want a decent editor then license one from a 
company that specializes in editors! Slickedit has an ISPF emulation mode which 
has the same primary commands and line commands that you would be used to in 
ISPF, and a color scheme that looks just like ISPF (black, red, turq and 
white). It does have some differences that may be annoying though.

IMO LPEX is very ordinary and stacks up very poorly when compared to modern 

Other than the RSE and code editing I have found very little to interest me in 
RD/z. I don't use the CICS tooling and most of the PDT plugins suck. Green 
screen SDSF is so much better than any GUI I've seen yet because it has a 
command line. I love command lines, best UI ever invented IMO. And there are 
tons of young kids smashing *nix shells that love them too :)

On 30/08/2016 6:35 PM, Brenton, Ren wrote:
> David,
> The RD/z 3270 emulator, is, as I stated before,  just that... a 3270 
> emulator.  It does not have the ability to leverage any of the RD/z niceties, 
> like LPEX, the COBOL Editor, not the Compuware COBOL Editor.   If it does, 
> please let me know how to invoke the RD/z features.
> Thanks
> Ren
> Ext 1448
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of David Crayford
> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:05 PM
> Subject: Re: RD/z
> RD/z has a 3270 emulator built in. Why don't you just use that if you miss 
> ISPF so much?
>> On 30 Aug 2016, at 1:12 AM, Brenton, Ren  wrote:
>> Yes, Gil is correct.  An ISPF Editor plugin for RD/z would be awesome.
>> I miss my labels, I miss stacking commands (with an ";" or a "3/4", 
>> as Gil uses).  Edit MACROS would be awesome.  Dialog Services, TB 
>> services, LMM services, not to mention TSO services.  (Did I mention 
>> CSR scroll?)
>> I thought about seeing if I could get my copy of Tritus SPF to work, somehow 
>> under RD/z) but alas, after finding a 3.5 floppy drive, I found my floppy 
>> copy was corrupted.  (Bummer).  (I loved Tritus).
>> Has anyone thought about trying to lash up WorkStation Connect to RD/z?  
>> That way the full complement of ISPF/TSO services would be supported?
>> Ren
>> Ext 1448
>> -Original Message-
>> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
>> On Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
>> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 12:56 PM
>> Subject: Re: RD/z
>>> On 2016-08-29, at 10:35, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
>>> I'm not sure what's being asked for here. ISPF in batch is a 
>>> well-documented process. I have batch ISPF jobs that run daily. You don't 
>>> use separator characters. You write a Rexx that issues ISPF commands in 
>>> sequence. You can edit or use virtually any ISPF function--such as table 
>>> management--that's available interactively.
>> But batch isn't interactive.  I perceived the OP as wanting to use 
>> interactive (not batch) ISPF as a plug-in editor for RD/z.
>> Does "don't use separator characters" mean that no character is sacrificed 
>> as a separator; than one can freely code such as:
>> address ISREDIT 'find a;b'
>> and not having the ";" (or any other character) being taken as a separator?
>> -- gil
>> -
>> - For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, 
>> send email to with the message: INFO 
>> IBM-MAIN The information contained in this message is proprietary and/or 
>> confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please: (i) delete the 
>> message and all copies; (ii) do not disclose, distribute or use the message 
>> in any manner; and (iii) notify the sender immediately. In addition, please 
>> be aware that any message addressed to our domain is subject to archiving 
>> and review by persons other than the intended recipient. Thank you.
>> -
>> - For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, 
>> send email to with the 

Re: SAD testing in sysplex

2016-08-30 Thread Mark Jacobs - Listserv
If you vary the system out of the sysplex first it'll be put in a 
non-recoverable wait state. Your SAD test will certainly work, but 
you're testing it in a non-realistic scenario. A really good test of 
your total system environment would be to simulate a hard system crash 
and see how the sysplex handles it. Once the system has been 
automatically varied out of the sysplex, then take the SAD.

Just my $.02.

Mark Jacobs

Nathan Astle 
August 30, 2016 at 12:24 AM

I am creating a SAD test for one of our sandbox system which is part of
sysplex shared with other production LPAR.

So as a SAD testing, I am bringing down the LPAR and leaving with just few
task up.

My question is when I load the SAD IPL and once I confirm the SAD IPL with
the VOLUMES used for SAD datasets.

Can I remove the sandbox LPAR from sysplex prior to confirming the SAD
datasets or after completing the SAD process I can remove the SANDBOX lpar
from sysplex ?

Are there any difference?


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Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread David Crayford
The Compuware COBOL editor is an OEM licensed Slickedit core plugin for 
Eclipse. That is a far better solution than stock RD/z which has a 
plethora of different editors for each different programming language. I 
use RD/z with the SE core plugin and have the same editor for C/C++, 
Java, HLASM, COBOL, PL/1, REXX, Lua etc, etc. IBM missed a trick there. 
Compuware were smart. If you want a decent editor then license one from 
a company that specializes in editors! Slickedit has an ISPF emulation 
mode which has the same primary commands and line commands that you 
would be used to in ISPF, and a color scheme that looks just like ISPF 
(black, red, turq and white). It does have some differences that may be 
annoying though.

IMO LPEX is very ordinary and stacks up very poorly when compared to 
modern editors.

Other than the RSE and code editing I have found very little to interest 
me in RD/z. I don't use the CICS tooling and most of the PDT plugins 
suck. Green screen SDSF is so much better than any GUI I've seen yet 
because it has a command line. I love command lines, best UI ever 
invented IMO. And there are tons of young kids smashing *nix shells that 
love them too :)

On 30/08/2016 6:35 PM, Brenton, Ren wrote:


The RD/z 3270 emulator, is, as I stated before,  just that... a 3270 emulator.  
It does not have the ability to leverage any of the RD/z niceties, like LPEX, 
the COBOL Editor, not the Compuware COBOL Editor.   If it does, please let me 
know how to invoke the RD/z features.


Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of David Crayford
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: RD/z

RD/z has a 3270 emulator built in. Why don't you just use that if you miss ISPF 
so much?

On 30 Aug 2016, at 1:12 AM, Brenton, Ren  wrote:

Yes, Gil is correct.  An ISPF Editor plugin for RD/z would be awesome.
I miss my labels, I miss stacking commands (with an ";" or a "3/4", as
Gil uses).  Edit MACROS would be awesome.  Dialog Services, TB
services, LMM services, not to mention TSO services.  (Did I mention
CSR scroll?)

I thought about seeing if I could get my copy of Tritus SPF to work, somehow 
under RD/z) but alas, after finding a 3.5 floppy drive, I found my floppy copy 
was corrupted.  (Bummer).  (I loved Tritus).

Has anyone thought about trying to lash up WorkStation Connect to RD/z?  That 
way the full complement of ISPF/TSO services would be supported?

Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
On Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: RD/z

On 2016-08-29, at 10:35, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:

I'm not sure what's being asked for here. ISPF in batch is a well-documented 
process. I have batch ISPF jobs that run daily. You don't use separator 
characters. You write a Rexx that issues ISPF commands in sequence. You can 
edit or use virtually any ISPF function--such as table management--that's 
available interactively.

But batch isn't interactive.  I perceived the OP as wanting to use interactive 
(not batch) ISPF as a plug-in editor for RD/z.

Does "don't use separator characters" mean that no character is sacrificed as a 
separator; than one can freely code such as:
address ISREDIT 'find a;b'
and not having the ";" (or any other character) being taken as a separator?

-- gil

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I'm not sure that HyperPav is working

2016-08-30 Thread גדי בן אבי
We’re starting to copy volumes to our new DS8884.
Our old controller, did not have PAV functionality, so I’m new to this.
We installed all relevant service.

If I issue the D IOS,HYPERPAV command I get
IOS098I 13.37.28 HYPERPAV DATA 353

I’m not sure that Hyperpav is working:
If I issue the command D M=DEV(2000D) I get:
IEE174I 13.10.11 DISPLAY M 416
CHP   30   31   32   33
ENTRY LINK ADDRESS..   ..   ..   ..
CU NUMBER 8000 8000 8000 8000
SCP CU ND = 002107.980.IBM.75.000GDX91.0231
SCP TOKEN NED = 002107.900.IBM.75.000GDX91.
SCP DEVICE NED= 002107.900.IBM.75.000GDX91.000D

If I issue the command DS QPAV,200D,1 I get:
IEE459I 13.21.30 DEVSERV QPAVS 470
 ---  -
 - --  --   --
0200D 0D  NON-PAV2000   0D BASE

If I look in RMF Moniter II using the DEV command, I get:

 MKB666 200D   1  0016 41.25 .193 .000 .00 .00 .098 .000 .094  2  2

I would expect the PAV column to say 1.0H

Am I missing something?
Do I have to turn Hyperpav on at the device or control unit level?


לשימת לבך, בהתאם לנהלי חברת מלם מערכות בע"מ ו/או כל חברת בת ו/או חברה קשורה שלה 
(להלן : "החברה") וזכויות החתימה בהן, כל הצעה, התחייבות או מצג מטעם החברה, 
מחייבים מסמך נפרד וחתום על ידי מורשי החתימה של החברה, הנושא את לוגו החברה או 
שמה המודפס ובצירוף חותמת החברה. בהעדר מסמך כאמור (לרבות מסמך סרוק) המצורף 
להודעת דואר אלקטרוני זאת, אין לראות באמור בהודעה אלא משום טיוטה לדיון, ואין 
להסתמך עליה לביצוע פעולה עסקית או משפטית כלשהי.

Please note that in accordance with Malam and/or its subsidiaries (hereinafter 
: "Malam") regulations and signatory rights, no offer, agreement, concession or 
representation is binding on the Malam, unless accompanied by a duly signed 
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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: RD/z

2016-08-30 Thread Brenton, Ren

The RD/z 3270 emulator, is, as I stated before,  just that... a 3270 emulator.  
It does not have the ability to leverage any of the RD/z niceties, like LPEX, 
the COBOL Editor, not the Compuware COBOL Editor.   If it does, please let me 
know how to invoke the RD/z features.  


Ext 1448

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of David Crayford
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: RD/z

RD/z has a 3270 emulator built in. Why don't you just use that if you miss ISPF 
so much?

> On 30 Aug 2016, at 1:12 AM, Brenton, Ren  wrote:
> Yes, Gil is correct.  An ISPF Editor plugin for RD/z would be awesome.  
> I miss my labels, I miss stacking commands (with an ";" or a "3/4", as 
> Gil uses).  Edit MACROS would be awesome.  Dialog Services, TB 
> services, LMM services, not to mention TSO services.  (Did I mention 
> CSR scroll?)
> I thought about seeing if I could get my copy of Tritus SPF to work, somehow 
> under RD/z) but alas, after finding a 3.5 floppy drive, I found my floppy 
> copy was corrupted.  (Bummer).  (I loved Tritus). 
> Has anyone thought about trying to lash up WorkStation Connect to RD/z?  That 
> way the full complement of ISPF/TSO services would be supported? 
> Ren
> Ext 1448
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2016 12:56 PM
> Subject: Re: RD/z
>> On 2016-08-29, at 10:35, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
>> I'm not sure what's being asked for here. ISPF in batch is a well-documented 
>> process. I have batch ISPF jobs that run daily. You don't use separator 
>> characters. You write a Rexx that issues ISPF commands in sequence. You can 
>> edit or use virtually any ISPF function--such as table management--that's 
>> available interactively.
> But batch isn't interactive.  I perceived the OP as wanting to use 
> interactive (not batch) ISPF as a plug-in editor for RD/z.
> Does "don't use separator characters" mean that no character is sacrificed as 
> a separator; than one can freely code such as:
>address ISREDIT 'find a;b'
> and not having the ";" (or any other character) being taken as a separator?
> -- gil
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN The 
> information contained in this message is proprietary and/or confidential. If 
> you are not the intended recipient, please: (i) delete the message and all 
> copies; (ii) do not disclose, distribute or use the message in any manner; 
> and (iii) notify the sender immediately. In addition, please be aware that 
> any message addressed to our domain is subject to archiving and review by 
> persons other than the intended recipient. Thank you.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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other than the intended recipient. Thank you.

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RFE for Integrated CICS Compiler Cross Reference.

2016-08-30 Thread Massimo Biancucci
Hi everybody,

we opened RFE:

"When Integrated cics preprocessor is used, variable which are only
used in EXEC CICS not appears in the Cross-refence of data names. It
appears correctly when cics preprocessor is used"

I know we can use stand alone precompiler to bypass the problem anyway we
think it would be better the integrated step did the same.

It's a CICS problem anyway I think it's a cross compiler problem so I
decided to ask your support too.

If you like it, please vote.

Best regards.

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