Re: z/OS installation Question

2023-07-18 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> There is a column in the dataset list named 'Must be in Master Catalog'. For 
> some datasets the value is YES.

> How do I change this to NO or BLANK?

You can't change that value, but you don't need to, because that column is only 
tourist information and does not affect z/OSMF's processing.  On the Catalogs 
page in the Configuration wizard, by default all data sets will be cataloged in 
the master catalog, but you can assign one or more HLQs to be cataloged in a 
user catalog.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Moving/Merging Zones Into A New CSI

2023-06-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I backed up and restored the new v13 CSI to a ‘test’ CSI…ran a ZONEEDIT and 
> pointed my DDDEFs to test datasets etc.…
> Then Ran ZONEEXPORTS for a TARGET & DLIB from my current v12 CSI 
> Ran ZONEEDITs to update those DDDEFs 
> Ran a GZONEMERGE to copy over the associated FMIDs to the GLOBAL zone for the 
> product I’m moving using ‘CONTENT’ and ‘FORFMID’

If the subject target a dlib zones are not physically in their own CSI data 
sets, then yes, that sounds about right although your steps are little bit 
vague.  For example, you didn't mention it, but I assume you ran the 
corresponding ZONEIMPORTs for the ZONEEXPORTs.  Also, you ran ZONEEDIT to 
update the DDDEF entries?  Did you copy the target and distribution libraries 
from your V12 environment and give them new names?

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

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Re: unix commands in batch and su

2023-06-13 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I put 'su' command before others, but it doesn't work.

Try piping the commands to su, like this:

SH ;
echo "The mkdir a command runs as the job's userid";
mkdir a;
echo "The mkdir b command runs as superuser, if the userid is authorized";
echo "mkdir b" | su;

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: The new requirement for Certificates to communicate with IBM -- A Journey

2023-06-13 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
>  Write failed
> My gut reaction is the the SocketException is because the Socket is not being 
> correctly negotiated for encryption.

That does not smell like a certificate problem to me at all.  That sounds like 
a local firewall issue to me.  Is it possible your firewall is blocking the 
connection with the IBM server because of the new server certificate?  Are you 
seeing a stack trace or other information in the SYSPRINT from RECEIVE which 
might offer further hints?  If not, try adding 
javadebugoptions="" to your CLIENT XML for more info. 
 Barring any further revelations with the debug output, it might be time to get 
a packet trace and open a case with the Comm Server IBM Support team to debug 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: The new requirement for Certificates to communicate with IBM -- A Journey

2023-06-13 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> ...  The named labels, the download steps (Only the new Intermediate was 
> required)., the upload steps, the
> Cert adds (yes trusted).  the keyring connect to the same keyring used for 
> the last successful loads.

The intermediate is NOT required.  You can safely remove that one from your 

> I have gone further to display the cert by the long character string value.  
> and displayed the cert only to have it tell me "Incomplete" but not why.

I still don't understand this "Incomplete".  Perhaps it is a red herring, but 
where do you see this, and when?  I may have missed it in an earlier post, but 
what specific errors are you getting from SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER?  Are the errors 
occurring when submitting orders to the order server?  Or are the failures on 
the download of the order files?  You can contact me directly if you'd like to 
pursue in more detail off-list.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: The new requirement for Certificates to communicate with IBM -- A Journey

2023-06-12 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I did finally get the Certificate loaded, defined and attached to my SMPE 
> keyring.

> The jobs still fail mysteriously.The only clue being that displaying the 
> new key via RACF says that it is 'Incomplete'

I don't know about your RACF "incomplete" issue, but I suggest you double check 
you have the correct root certificate in the correct keyring:

There are two kinds of servers for an SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER request: the order 
server, and the download server.  They are different.  The order servers, like, still use the “DigiCert Global Root CA” root cert.  
The download servers, like, recently changed to use 
the "DigiCert Global Root G2” root certificate.  The keyring specified in the 
ORDERSERVER XML must contain the CA root certificate for the order server.  The 
downloadkeyring specified in the CLIENT XML must contain the CA root 
certificate for the download server.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2023-05-30 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> > Is there anything easy we/IBM could do to move in the right direction?
> Examine the current system,
> create a script to set the equivalent values for z/OSMF?

Oh, so just like the Model function in z/OSMF Software Management?

When you install software, like z/OS, using z/OSMF, during the Configuration 
step of the Deployment action in Software Management you have the option to 
model the configuration on your existing installed software.  For example, if 
you're installing z/OS 2.5, you can initialize the configuration to look a lot 
like your existing z/OS 2.4 or 2.3 system.  In my opinion this is better than 
the CustomPac saved configuration function since that configuration is dated 
and stale, whereas your existing z/OS 2.4 or 2.3 is most likely something you 
actively service and use in some capacity.

If you want to learn more about installing software using z/OSMF Software 
Management you can check out this video tutorial series.
In particular, at 57 seconds into the fourth video I describe the Model 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2023-05-26 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> ... how do we install this since we have never had a z/OS system before?

You use the z/OS COD (Customized Offerings Driver):

It’s a load-and-go z/OS you use strictly for installing your full blown z/OS.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Digitally signed product software packages from IBM

2023-05-25 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> We just got it configured and tested with my standard throwaway ShopZ order, 
> Device Support Facilities. It works great, I'm sure management will love it.

Glad to hear it works great and "management will love it."  If you find value 
in this capability I encourage you to reach out to your other software 
providers and request they also start signing their packages.  I know one in 
particular is already working on it, but not sure about the many others.

> 1) Is there anything on the radar to have SMP/e enforce package signature 
> validation if the package is signed?
> 2) Ditto to have the ability for SMP/e not receive unsigned packages/products?
> Using GIM facility classes to manage it would work for me.

Yes, something in this space is on our radar.  Since you mention a rather 
specific implementation direction, can you provide more feedback?  
Specifically, do you prefer SMP/E options which can be set/enforced at an 
administrator level, perhaps using a new SAF resource check as you suggested?  
Or, are new options in the CLIENT XML, probably specified by each SMP/E user, 
sufficient?  Just looking for opinions (which this group of listeners are never 
shy about sharing).
Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

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IBM download server root CA change

2023-05-22 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Take note of the planned 30 May 2023 change to the certificate authority (CA) 
root for the IBM software download servers:

This affects downloads for z/OS product and service orders submitted from 
Shopz, service orders submitted by SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER, and service orders 
submitted by ServiceLink.  Take action now to avoid interruptions in your PTF 
and software product download capability.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Digitally signed product software packages from IBM

2023-05-16 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
>> IBM packages for PTFs and HOLDDATA are currently not yet being signed, but 
>> they will be later this year.  Stay tuned.
> At e.g. , I 
> see:
> "Verified by DigiCert."  Is that adequate?

Securing the download may very well be adequate for many.  Digitally signing 
the actual files that are downloaded (the package) is an additional protection. 
 Signing a GIMZIP package, and then verifying the signature of that package, 
increases confidence in the authenticity (who produced it?) and the integrity 
(has it changed in transit?) of the package.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Digitally signed product software packages from IBM

2023-05-16 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Y'all should *also* sign bundled (in one file) packages with PGP and PKI, as 
> those are recognized standards which most customers have already in-hand.

GIMZIP package signing is implemented using public/private key technology (aka, 
PKI); a private key is used to generate a digital signature for package files, 
and the corresponding public key is used to verify the signatures. The key pair 
is associated with an X.509 certificate and SMP/E uses this certificate, and 
its associated key pair, for the signing and signature verification operations.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Digitally signed product software packages from IBM

2023-05-16 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
As of today, all IBM product orders initiated from Shopz will be digitally 
signed using SMP/E's GIMZIP package signing capability.  This includes both 
Portable Software Instance (ServerPac) and CBPDO orders.  The signed packages 
are completely compatible with exiting acquisition and download processes, so 
no changes are required on the consumer's end, but if you want to exploit the 
new capability and verify the digital signatures check out the information here:

You can also read Marna's latest blog on this topic here:

IBM packages for PTFs and HOLDDATA are currently not yet being signed, but they 
will be later this year.  Stay tuned.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER server IP address changes

2023-05-08 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
The deed is done.  Sorry, I don't know on which day the final server migrated, 
but as of May 8 both and have 
new ip addresses.

> Sure, I'll post up here after I get notified the server IP address migration 
> is complete.

>> Will there be more announcements, saying the new IPs and DNS entries are in 
>> place and when the old ones will be shut off?

>>> SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER users, take note of the planned IBM order server IP 
>>> address changes on March 23.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: TLS - and HTTP download

2023-05-01 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
My understand is that ATTLS allows you to encrypt network traffic for 
clients/servers which do not implement TLS themselves.  It sounds like your Db2 
traffic was formerly not encrypted with TLS, but your ATTLS rule now encrypts 
that Db2 traffic without the client or server being any wiser.  Unfortunately 
that rule is also negatively affecting SMP/E and probably any other 
applications that use HTTPS.  SMP/E implements TLS itself, so it doesn't need 
ATTLS to do so on its behalf.

I am absolutely NOT an expert in defining ATTLS rules, but my guess is you need 
to define the rule more specifically to impact only the Db2 traffic and not all 
HTTPS traffic.  Hopefully some kind soul with may more experience in ATTLS can 
offer suggestions, sorry.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: TLS - and HTTP download

2023-05-01 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
I'm confused by your question.  Can you be more specific what you mean by "we 
have locked down HTTPS via TLS"?  Are you not allowing any HTTPS traffic at 
all?  That feels extreme.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac product

2023-04-05 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I have ordered one product in shopz using serverpac method. We are using z/OS 
> 2.2 and z/osmf not installed in the system.

z/OSMF is required for installing an IBM ServerPac.  If you don't have z/OSMF 
available, then in Shopz you must choose the CBPDO installation method instead 
of ServerPac, then use SMP/E to install the product in CBPDO format.

But really you should be planning to install z/OS V2.5 (because z/OS V2.2 is no 
longer service supported) and getting z/OSMF up and running.  You'll need the 
IBM COD (Customized Offerings Driver) which is a trimmed down load-and-run z/OS 
system with a running z/OSMF server so you can then perform an install of z/OS 
V2.5 ServerPac.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Cloning SMPe Global, Target and DLIB

2023-03-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> What is the best or recommended way to copy or clone a SMPe Global CSI, 
> Target and Dlib with all the underlying datasets?
> I want to create a new HLQ and clone under that.

If you don't already have a process or set of jobs defined to clone your SMP/E 
environment, I suggest you check out the Deployment action in z/OSMF Software 
Management.  You tell z/OSMF the global zone CSI data set and it figures out 
all the target and dlib data sets, the CSIs for the target and dlib zones, the 
other SMP/E data sets...  It also updates all the DDDEF entries, ZONEINDEXes, 
etc to reflect the new names of the cloned data sets.  It doesn't care if the 
source data sets are on a particular volume or have a particular naming 
convention or in a storage group or whatever.  Its quite flexible.  Just sayin'.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMPe securing zones

2023-03-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I've found that GIMSMP opens the datasets in UPDATE mode, so the user will 
> still need UPDATE or higher access.  READ access fails when the program 
> starts.

That is not true for all SMP/E commands.  LIST for example, or the REPORT 
commands, and the ISPF Query dialog, definitely open the SMPCSI data sets in 
READ mode.  But if you're complaining about APPLY CHECK, then yes, APPLY CHECK 
does open the SMPCSI data sets for UPDATE.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Exact AT-TLS parms for SMP/E Download

2023-03-21 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Really? IBM requires this but it's not documented anywhere?

Not specific for the IBM software download servers, but here's the general doc 
about configuring the FTP client to use AT-TLS (but I admit it looks a little 

And about the TLSMECHANSIM statement in FTP.DATA:

> And no one on this list is doing this? You're all using HTTPS?

Genuinely curious, why aren't you using HTTPS?  I'm certainly no network 
expert, but I've been told it requires much less firewall futzing.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2023-03-07 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I have run into a problem that I have never seen.  My NTS is a complete
> MOD27.  But I'm told EDC5133I No space left on device.

After you've actually received the content into the global zone and SMPPTS 
there's no reason to keep the subdirectories in the SMPNTS, so delete any old 
stuff.  If you specify the DELETEPKG operand SMP/E will delete it for you after 
the global zone and SMPPTS are updated.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: zOS 3.1 - zosmf

2023-03-06 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Is there any videos created by IBM to demonstrate it's usage for installing 
> the products?

Check out this page for some good information:
In particular on the Try it tab there is a link to a video tutorial for 
installing a small fictitious software product, which you can download and 
follow along on your own z/OSMF.

Installing z/OS 3.1 should be very much like installing z/OS 2.5, so you can 
also check out a presentation on that topic here:
Actually that page contains links to slides and presentation recordings for 
many topics, but check out the entry from June 2022 for "Installing z/OS 2.5 
Using z/OSMF Software Management".

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: zOS 3.1 - zosmf

2023-03-04 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I know it's early to ask but just trying my best or I have no missed . Any 
> idea if zOS 3.1 can be installed without using zosmf ? Just using the 
> previous serverpac method ?

No.  The CustomPac Installation Dialog version of IBM's ServerPac is no longer 
available.  z/OS 3.1 will be available in either a z/OSMF Portable Software 
Instance, or CBPDO.
More information:

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER server IP address changes

2023-03-03 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Regarding, I thought the IP address changed last year:

> I know this is not your area but when sending to Testcase today with z/OSMF 
> failed because we don't have this in are firewall. I didn't see any 
> notification for this.

> >  Connecting to: 
> port: 21.:  

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

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Re: SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER server IP address changes

2023-03-03 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Sure, I'll post up here after I get notified the server IP address migration is 

> Will there be more announcements, saying the new IPs and DNS entries are in 
> place and when the old ones will be shut off?

>> SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER users, take note of the planned IBM order server IP 
>> address changes on March 23.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER server IP address changes

2023-03-01 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER users, take note of the planned IBM order server IP address 
changes on March 23.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Can you connect to the PTF download site with z/OS FTP?

2023-02-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
IBM Downloads ( - Disablement of unsecure connection methods:

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2023-02-16 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> An error was found in file "/u/pinionr/TDMF/IZUD00DF.json". Error: "The file 
> contains data that is not supported by the current level of z/OSMF. The 
> version = 8."IZUD277E Feb 16, 2023, 10:14:02 AM

You need at least this PTF from March 2022 which added support for merging 
target data sets during the deployment: UI79664
However, it sounds like you're a bit back level, so I suggest you use SMP/E 
REPORT MISSINGFIX and fix category IBM.DrivingSystem-RequiredService to 
determine if you're missing any other PTFs required on your z/OS 2.4 driving 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: HOLDDATA Not Working as Expected

2023-01-26 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Once the APAR was validated in the field and ready for PTF creation, a 
> ++RELEASE(fmid) ERROR FMID(fmid) REASON(aparnum) statement was added to the 

Just to confirm what has already been mentioned, you're using ++RELEASE 
incorrectly.  The fixing PTF will resolve the ++HOLD, so there is no need to 
generate a ++RELEASE.  IBM only uses ++RELEASE in cases when a PE or HIPER has 
been flagged erroneously.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2023-01-26 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Has anyone ever retrofitted their current SMPe environment into zOSMF?

Can you be more specific what you mean by that?

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to determine if Enhanced HOLDDATA received?

2023-01-19 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Is it possible for a PTF to have no hold except the SECINT? That is to ask, 
> is it likely that a PTF introducing a security issue could be applied because 
> there is no HOLD(ERROR) or even a HOLD(ACTION) which could inform that there 
> is a SECINT for the PFT?

In theory, yes.  In practice, I'm not sure.  But I think your question 
reinforces the benefit of registering for the IBM Z Security Portal and 
regularly obtaining the HOLDDDATA.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to determine if Enhanced HOLDDATA received?

2023-01-19 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> how can I determine if such holddata was receive or not?

Using just SMP/E I suppose the only way is to list all of the HOLDDATA in the 
global zone and search for any with CLASS(SECINT).  You can use LIST HOLDDATA 
HOLDERROR then search the output.  This won't show you when HOLDDATA was 
received or from where, just what was received into the global zone at some 
time in the past.

Using z/OSMF Software Management you can use the Software Instance -> 
Maintenance Report -> Missing Critical Service action.  This is very much like 
the SMP/E REPORT ERRSYSMODS command and will tell you if there are any 
uninstalled HIPER, PE, and SECINT fixes based on the HOLDDATA received into the 
global zone.  It will also show you the last date and time when any HOLDDATA 
was received.  The last date is information not accessible through SMP/E direct 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to determine if Enhanced HOLDDATA received?

2023-01-18 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
HOLDDATA with CLASS(SECINT) is only available on the IBM Z Security Portal.

Who can and cannot obtain access to the IBM Z Security Portal is documented in 
this FAQ:

In short, from the FAQ, "the Security Portal is for IBM clients that have a 
licensed IBM Z or LinuxONE mainframe.  It is not intended for users of 
emulators, such as zPDT, zRD, etc. using the z/OS ADCD or z/VM ADCD."  So, a 
vendor that also has a license can obtain access.  No license?  No access.  And 
I am only a messenger on this topic.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

>> Do you have access to security portal? the information I am looking 
>> for are only available there. I was told by IBM that as a vendor, I 
>> can't get access to it. See below for details about the cvss info:
>> The HOLDDATA available from the IBM Z and LinuxONE Security Portal 
>> adds a new HOLD CLASS, SECINT, and the HOLD SYMPTOMS contains the CVSS 
>> Base and Temporal scores.

> I am surprised to hear IBM would take a position like that. It seems almost 
> inconceivable that large vendors like BMC and Broadcom are locked out of the 
> Secure Portal.

> My experience has been that an individual working for an IBM Z customer, with 
> a manager or CISO that will vouch for them, can get access.

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Re: How to determine if Enhanced HOLDDATA received?

2023-01-17 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Is there still such a thing as not-enhanced holddata?

No, the old not-enhanced HOLDDATA no longer exists (for many years).  I do not 
use the descriptor "enhanced" because IBM only provides the one flavor of 
general use HOLDDATA.  Everybody, including vendors, have access to IBM's 
general use HOLDDATA.  You can get the file here or with FTP as 
previously posted, or with Shopz or with SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER.  This HOLDDATA 
identifies PE, HIPER, and Fix Category fixes.  The HOLDDATA from the IBM 
Security Portal which identifies SECINT fixes is separate. 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to determine if Enhanced HOLDDATA received?

2023-01-17 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Since I don't have access to the (IBM) Security Portal (vendors doesn't have 
> access to it, so I was told), I never installed such holddata. I wonder if 
> there is a way to identify that a specific RSU of Enhanced HOLDDATA was 
> received.

Don't confuse the IBM Security Portal and SECINT HOLDDATA with the general use 
HOLDDATA.  Anybody, including vendors, can get the HOLDDATA that identifies 
HIPER and PE fixes and Fix Categories.  For example, here:

IBM's HOLDDATA is updated every day as PEs and HIPERs are discovered and fixed, 
so there is no particular level like RSU or PUT or otherwise that pertains to 
HOLDDATA.  If in doubt when the HOLDDATA was last obtained, just get the latest 
for that day.  Or automate getting HOLDDATA everyday, then you never have to 
ask yourself that question.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMPE recreate a target library... Possible?

2023-01-04 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Yes, the GENERATE command will generate jobs to construct target libraries from 
the content in the distribution libraries.  However, APPLY REDO later for more 
than a handful of PTFs might be dicey.  If you go this route I suggest you 
first ACCEPT the PTFs that have not been accepted yet, then use GENERATE, and 
forego APPLY REDO.  Note, GENERATE will generate JCL to construct ALL target 
libraries, not just the zFS... be careful if you don't run the entire generated 
job stream as you have a great potential to create target libraries containing 
mismatched service levels.

Depending on the product(s) you might be better off re-installing from 
scratch... its safer.

> Look at the GENERATE command.  It should do what you want, but I haven't 
> tried it.

>> So I know all the information is in SMPE. I'm looking for if there's 
>> an easy way to do this..  The target library got smashed actually It's 
>> a ZFS file and none of the backups are available, but the distribution 
>> libraries are all intact..  I'm looking for an easy way to repopulate 
>> from the distribution libraries.  And then I suppose I would have to 
>> apply redo any PTFs that were not accepted.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: z/OSMF

2022-12-02 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> We have z/OSMF active on one of ours LPAR's. Now we would like to add another 

> I know their were instructions on how to perform this - I am unable to find 
> the instructions.

> If you have done this and would provide the documentation it would be 
> appreciated.

I think this is the doc you're looking for:

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMP/E oddity?

2022-11-30 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
>> RESTORE does behave the same as APPLY in this respect.

> RESTORE no longer requires that other maintenance to the involved elements be 

> It can rebuild the load modules using APPLYed-only elements?

No, no, no, that's not it at all.  This discussion was solely about building 
load modules from scratch.  Both APPLY and RESTORE have this capability.  That 
is independent of whether RESTORE requires PTFs to be accepted or must be 
restored.  That processing has not changed.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMP/E oddity?

2022-11-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Yeah, this all makes sense. Basically, the idea of APPLY is to build the LMOD 
> with everything that's been ACCEPTed or previously APPLYed to it.
SMP/E has enough information to reconstruct it from scratch if needed, but will 
save itself the work of rebuilding the LMOD from the MODs if it doesn't have to 
do it.

> You mention that the MODs are applied from PTFs; I assume that APARs are also 
> reapplied if not SUPd (which they would be required to be if the PTF you're 
> working with would clobber them).

Yes, FUNCTIONs, PTFs, APARs, USERMODs, whatever SYSMOD last replaced a MOD (the 
MOD's RMID) can be used to obtain a usable copy of that MOD from the SMPPTS.

> Does the same processing apply to RESTORE? Or does it always build from 
> scratch?

RESTORE does behave the same as APPLY in this respect.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: SMP/E oddity?

2022-11-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
During APPLY processing SMP/E may or may not include the existing load module 
when replacing MODs.  If the load module does not actually exist in the target 
library, or if the LMOD entry has any CALLLIBS subentries, then the load module 
is constructed from scratch, including all of the MODs defined for that LMOD, 
but not including the existing load module.  If the load module exists in the 
target library and if the LMOD entry does not have any CALLLIBS subentries, 
then the existing load module from the target library is included, along with 
the MODs from the PTFs being applied.

When building a load module from scratch, one or more of the MODs are 
replaced/added by PTFs being applied, but SMP/E searches for the other MODs 
using the logic documented here:
Briefly, in this order, SMP/E gets the MODs from the target libraries if it can 
find a usable copy, or from the DLIBs if the correct service level has been 
accepted, or from PTFs in the SMPPTS.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Which program creates the $$GIMC elements in SMP/E entries?

2022-11-17 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Which program creates the $$GIMC elements in SMP/E entries?

GIMCPTS is a stand alone program that will compact or expand the element data 
within a SYSMOD.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-10-19 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
I don't have a good answer for you, sorry, but adding support for DATACLASS is 
on our short list to address before the root filesystem grows beyond 4 GB.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Michael Babcock
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2022 8:28 AM

Another issue.  PSWI uses GIMUNZIP which invokes DFSMSDSS via API. We make all 
of our ZFS data sets VSAM Extended (EA and REQUIRED). Yes, this isn't necessary 
I know but we do have a few that are larger than the 4GB limit.  Anyway, 
DFSMSDSS does not invoke the DATACLASS, so there is no way to assign a 
DATACLASS.    So how in the world do we make our ZFS data sets VSAM Extended?   
What's going to happen when the root filesystem grows beyond the 4 GB limit in 
the future?

So far z/OSMF PSWI is not helping.  First, I couldn't select a Target system 
but tell it to use a different, existing master cat (like we could with 
ServerPac), now this?

On 10/6/2022 10:15 AM, Kurt J. Quackenbush wrote:
> As I understand your scenario, you have two z/OS systems, a driving system 
> (call it A) where the z/OSMF server is running and a target system (call it 
> B), and you want to install z/OS 2.5 into the existing master catalog for 
> system B.  Currently you have selected A as the target system for the 
> deployment.  Unfortunately Software Management does not have support for 
> installing into an existing alternate master catalog.  Yes it can install 
> into the driving system's master catalog, or create and install into a brand 
> new master catalog, but it does not install into an existing master catalog 
> that is not the driving system's active master catalog.  As a circumvention, 
> is B IPL’d?  Is a z/OSMF server running on B?  If so, then define system B in 
> the z/OSMF Systems task and select it as the target system for the deployment 
> instead of selecting A.
> Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
> Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On 
> Behalf Of Michael Babcock
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 3:40 PM
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: z/OSMF PSWI
> Okay, more issues.  As I stated, we use a permanent maintenance 
> volume/system.  With ServerPac, we could define an SSA and have the SYSRES 
> datasets cataloged in our maintenance systems master cat then ServerPac would 
> allocate the dataset using an SSA. later it would generate jobs to remove the 
> SSA.
> Unless I’m missing something, this doesn’t seem possible with z/OSMF because 
> the Modify Catalog section doesn’t let us change the master cat
> (even though it says it will).   The only way I see around that is to
> rename the SYSRES dataset with the SSA.  Of course we would then need to
> create our own rename job to remove the SSA.   Jeez, COME ON PEOPLE!
> We were told z/OSMF would provide the same functionality as ServerPac but I 
> guess not.
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 3:28 PM Michael Babcock 
> wrote:
>> We are installing z/OS 2.5 via z/OSMF and are using the Modify 
>> Deployment screens.  We can easily change the volumes, HLQs, etc, but 
>> wanted to modify the Primary and/or secondary allocation and don’t see a way 
>> to do that.
>> We have a case opened with IBM and have been told there is no way to do
>> that and no plans for it in the future.   What?We could do that with
>> the ServerPac, why not with z/OSMF?   I was under the impression that
>> z/OSMF would provide most functions that ServerPac provided.
>> So, is that capability not going to be provided?
>> --
>> Michael Babcock
>> OneMain Financial
>> z/OS Systems Programmer, Lead
> --
> Michael Babcock
> OneMain Financial
> z/OS Systems Programmer, Lead
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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2022-10-06 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
As I understand your scenario, you have two z/OS systems, a driving system 
(call it A) where the z/OSMF server is running and a target system (call it B), 
and you want to install z/OS 2.5 into the existing master catalog for system B. 
 Currently you have selected A as the target system for the deployment.  
Unfortunately Software Management does not have support for installing into an 
existing alternate master catalog.  Yes it can install into the driving 
system's master catalog, or create and install into a brand new master catalog, 
but it does not install into an existing master catalog that is not the driving 
system's active master catalog.  As a circumvention, is B IPL’d?  Is a z/OSMF 
server running on B?  If so, then define system B in the z/OSMF Systems task 
and select it as the target system for the deployment instead of selecting A.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Michael Babcock
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2022 3:40 PM

Okay, more issues.  As I stated, we use a permanent maintenance volume/system.  
With ServerPac, we could define an SSA and have the SYSRES datasets cataloged 
in our maintenance systems master cat then ServerPac would allocate the dataset 
using an SSA. later it would generate jobs to remove the SSA.

Unless I’m missing something, this doesn’t seem possible with z/OSMF because 
the Modify Catalog section doesn’t let us change the master cat
(even though it says it will).   The only way I see around that is to
rename the SYSRES dataset with the SSA.  Of course we would then need to
create our own rename job to remove the SSA.   Jeez, COME ON PEOPLE!

We were told z/OSMF would provide the same functionality as ServerPac but I 
guess not.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 3:28 PM Michael Babcock 

> We are installing z/OS 2.5 via z/OSMF and are using the Modify 
> Deployment screens.  We can easily change the volumes, HLQs, etc, but 
> wanted to modify the Primary and/or secondary allocation and don’t see a way 
> to do that.
> We have a case opened with IBM and have been told there is no way to do
> that and no plans for it in the future.   What?We could do that with
> the ServerPac, why not with z/OSMF?   I was under the impression that
> z/OSMF would provide most functions that ServerPac provided.
> So, is that capability not going to be provided?
> --
> Michael Babcock
> OneMain Financial
> z/OS Systems Programmer, Lead
Michael Babcock
OneMain Financial
z/OS Systems Programmer, Lead

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2022-10-06 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
You're OK to just restart the z/OSMF server after installing PTFs for PH45201 
and PH46392.  No need to restart the Deployment operation.

Kurt Quackenbush, IBM z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Michael Babcock
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2022 8:33 AM

I have applied the two missing PTFs and will IPL them in.  But do we need to 
restart our PSWI of z/OS 2.5 to pick up the changes?  The hold data says it's 
just a restart to pick up the changes but doesn't mention restarting the 
installation process for z/OS 2.5 PSWI.

On 9/29/2022 7:44 AM, Marna WALLE wrote:
> Michael,
> Have you verified that you have all the correct Driving System PTFs 
> installed, as indicated with FIXCAT IBM.DrivingSystem-RequiredService ?.
> Check out slide 33 onwards in this presentation that KurtQ did for the Z 
> Exchange,  .  It explains how a new 
> master catalog can be used, including how the SSA (now called Temporary 
> Catalog Alias) is to be specified and used.
> -Marna WALLE
> z/OS System Install and Upgrade
> IBM Poughkeepsie
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: z/OSMF again

2022-07-20 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> There are 2 missing icons that I need - Software Management  & Software 
> Updates.

> I been through several manuals and have performed additional setup and SAF 
> rules that are suppose to provide this function.

Did you check the "App Center" folder in the lower left corner of the z/OSMF 
desktop?  I don't know why, but some application icons do not get displayed on 
the desktop by default, but you can drag them from the App Center folder to the 
desktop.  If they are not in the App Center folder then I suggest open a 
support case.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-07-18 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I'll submit an RCF.  A few hours earlier, I had submitted an RCF questioning 
> whether it's possible to override SYSTSPRT, even with LINK, etc.  I'll watch 
> for a response,

Yes, its possible to override SYSTSPRT for BPXCOPY.  SMP/E overrides it.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Shopz via smpe

2022-07-18 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Can you dl a shopz order smpe receive order?  I’ve tried to get information 
> but the links ibm sends are not working.  I already have receive order 
> processing set up for fixes etc.

The Shopz download page for your order should contain links to sample SMP/E 
jobs to download the order files.  Are you saying you found those links but 
they are not working?  Did you open a Case with the Shopz support team?

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: ZOSMF and cbpdo

2022-07-18 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Are there any plans to get zOSMF to install CBPDO ordered software?  Is CBPDO 
> going away so that all software will be a Serverpac?

IBM currently has no plans for z/OSMF to install software delivered in a CBPDO 
format, and IBM currently has no plans to eliminate CBPDO as an option when 
ordering and installing IBM software.  However, all software currently 
available in CBPDO format is also available in ServerPac which can be installed 
using z/OSMF.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-07-07 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> We was able to query on anything in global zone ( this is a global zone only 
> dataset). The strange issue is that if we specify GLOBAL as subentry we get 
> SREL, OPTION and some other items including first entry of the zoneindex. 
> Why does GIMAPI returns all this data if subentry is global?

It doesn't.  I suspect you have a logic error in your assembler program.  But 
the response you describe sounds like you specified SUBENTRY = * which means 
return all subentries in the selected entries.  Regarding the first entry of 
the ZONEINDEX, remember it is a list of entries, so perhaps your program is not 
traversing the list correctly.

> GIMAPI does not verify the value of subentry and you can specify any value.
> It only verify the entry and the zone ( in zoneindex…).

That is not true at all.  Here's the result when I do what you state:



Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-07-06 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> QIFGIMQZ is an assembler program that is called by LINKMVS. If I supply wrong 
> value, for example ZONEINDEC instead of ZONEINDEX, I get an error telling 
> that the entrytype is wrong. It seems that GIMAPI is aware of the ENTRY and 
> SUBENTRY  values I pass to it.

Did you write this assembler program?  Do you know for sure it is not doing 
something unique for your GLOBALZONE ZONEINDEX query request?

> What is the difference between DDDEF and XONEINDEX? if it is coded correctly 
> and recognized by GIMAPI?

> Again, this z/os 2.3, I'll try it on z/os 2.5 but I believe this is not the 
> problem.

I agree, I do not think your release of z/OS is the issue.  Are you sure the 
data set you specify on the CSI parameter contains an actual global zone with a 
ZONEINDEX subentry?  As opposed to a CSI data set that contains only target or 
dlib zones.  Can you run the SMP/E LIST GLOBALZONE command when the SMPCSI DD 
statement points to the same exact data set name and do you get the expected 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-07-05 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I tried with MVS.GLOBAL.ZONE, MVSD, DDDEF, SMPPTS  and got the DDDEF 
> definition. When it runs with MVS.GLOBAL.CSI, GLOBAL, GLOBALZONE, ZONEINDEX, 
> I get msg GIM32000W. 
> The fact it works with DDDEF, proves, so I believe, that the code is ok.

Well that's good, it proves your code works for the SMPPTS DDDEF entry case, 
but that's all.

> Address LINKMVS "QIFGIMQZ pcsi Zone Entry Ent_Name"

What programming language is this, REXX?  SMP/E doesn't have a supplied REXX 
interface for the query.  What is program QIFGIMQZ?  That's not the program 
GIMAPI supplied by SMP/E.  Perhaps the issue is with QIFGIMQZ and not with the 
code snippet you pasted.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
ITschak Mugzach
Sent: Tuesday, July 5, 2022 2:24 PM


I tried with MVS.GLOBAL.ZONE, MVSD, DDDEF, SMPPTS  and got the DDDEF 
definition. When it runs with MVS.GLOBAL.CSI, GLOBAL, GLOBALZONE, ZONEINDEX, I 
get msg GIM32000W. The fact it works with DDDEF, proves, so I believe, that the 
code is ok. See the code below, the first code snip works well, the second one 

Csi_Len   = Length(Csi_Dsn)/* CSI dsname length  */
Csi_Len   = D2C(Csi_Len,4) /* in base 16 word*/
PCSI  = Csi_Len||Csi_Dsn   /* chain len & dsn*/
Zone  = 'MVSD'
Entry = 'DDDEF'/* Required zone  */
Ent_Name  = 'SMPPTS'   /* list al zones  */
Zone_List = '' /* zone names list*/
Address LINKMVS "QIFGIMQZ pcsi Zone Entry Ent_Name"

This call fails:
Csi_Len   = Length(Csi_Dsn)/* CSI dsname length  */
Csi_Len   = D2C(Csi_Len,4) /* in base 16 word*/
PCSI  = Csi_Len||Csi_Dsn   /* chain len & dsn*/
Zone  = 'GLOBAL'
Entry = 'GLOBALZONE'   /* Required zone  */
Ent_Name  = 'ZONEINDEX'/* list al zones  */
Address LINKMVS "QIFGIMQZ pcsi Zone Entry Ent_Name"


ITschak Mugzach
*|** IronSphere Platform* *|* *Information Security Continuous Monitoring for 
z/OS, x/Linux & IBM I **| z/VM coming soon  *

On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 8:47 PM Kurt J. Quackenbush  wrote:

> > I am querying SMPF using GIMPAPI. works fine. however, when I query 
> > for
> (ignore length vars),
> > I checked the CSI and it does have a zoneindex defined with a list 
> > of
> zones...
> That query works for me.  I would make sure you're specifying the 
> correct CSI data set name (the data set for the global, not a CSI data 
> set for a target or dlib zone), check your spelling for all values, 
> and your parameter lengths for all values.
> Kurt Quackenbush
> IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
> Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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2022-07-05 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I am querying SMPF using GIMPAPI. works fine. however, when I query for CSI = 
> vars), 
> I checked the CSI and it does have a zoneindex defined with a list of zones...

That query works for me.  I would make sure you're specifying the correct CSI 
data set name (the data set for the global, not a CSI data set for a target or 
dlib zone), check your spelling for all values, and your parameter lengths for 
all values.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: FTP error receiving holddata

2022-06-30 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Which server is now available to pull HOLDDATA.  If I'm not mistaken a few 
> changes were made that cause this long time process to fail in this shop. 
> What should replace   ""  what should now be used 
> to transmit via FTP?

Try instead.  Or try SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER which will get PTFs 
as well as HOLDDATA.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to identify holddata date

2022-06-30 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I found it here
> but I 
> might mis interpreted the sentence saying "The PUT (Program Update Tape) 
> process is being phased out".

Well now, isn't that interesting?  I don't know what the author of that page 
meant by that statement, but I will try to find out who the author is and get 
some clarification.  In the meantime, I know the ++ASSIGN statements for 
PUTyymm source IDs are NOT going away.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to identify holddata date

2022-06-30 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I read somewhere that IBM decided to discontinue PUTyymm files and only use 
> RSUyymm for monthly accumulated fix files. I visited the link, missed the 
> table some how.

It was your use of the term "files" that threw me.  Just to be clear, there are 
no specific "files" for PUT or RSU.  Both PUTyymm and RSUyymm are source  IDs 
that are assigned to PTFs.  The source IDs are defined by ++ASSIGN statements 
and are provided in the same file that contains PTFs when you order and acquire 
PTFs from IBM.  The ++ASSIGN statements are provided in the file with the PTFs 
regardless of your PTF selection criteria.  And finally, as far as I know, 
there are no plans for IBM to discontinue providing ++ASSIGN statements for 
PUTyymm source IDs.  I hope this answers your questions.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to identify holddata date

2022-06-30 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
>- When exactly IBM releases the monthly RSU? beginning of next month?

Correct, in the first week of the month IBM assigns PTFs to the prior month's 
RSU level.

>- I noticed that some PTFs such as security related have NVD like
>severity (Bx.y) What is A in Symptoms?

I believe "A" is for Availability Impact.  See the IBM Z Security Portal FAQ 

>- IBM plans to drop PUT files for RSUs. When will this happen?

I don't understand your question.  What do you mean by "PUT files"?

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to identify holddata date

2022-06-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> My idea was to produce a report sourceid on the global target zones (since 
> acept will remove the PTFs related to this sourceid) and get the last PUT 
> listed. This one will work even if I am running on a lower level system. 
> correct?

REPORT SOURCEID will show you all of the sourceids assigned to the PTFs applied 
in a target zone.  The PUT sourceids indicate the year and month a PTF 
became available.  More than likely you did receive HOLDDATA along with a 
PUT PTF, so you can imply you have HOLDDATA at least as current as the 
year/month of the PUT sourceid.  That's not very granular, and you may have 
received HOLDDATA much more recently than that, but perhaps that's all you 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: How to identify holddata date

2022-06-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I would like to check the last date holddata was received on my MVS csi, 
> without looking at the logs. Is that information written somewhere in SMP and 
> can be retrieved by query?

SMP/E does maintain the date each ++HOLD statement was received, but it does 
not expose it, not even in the CSI Query API.  However, z/OSMF Software 
Management has two reports which query the HOLDDATA and both expose that date.  
So, if you define a Software Instance for your installed software you can 
perform the Maintenance Reports -> Missing Critical Service or Missing FIXCAT 
SYSMODs actions.  The resulting report contains a "HOLDDATA Received" column 
indicating the most recent date ERROR or FIXCAT HOLDDATA was received into the 
global zone.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-06-20 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Is it possible to get a SMPe report in order of the date the sysmods were 
> applied?

The SMP/E LIST and UNLOAD commands outputs do not sort the currently installed 
SYSMODs by APPLY date.  You'll have to roll your own by either manipulating and 
sorting LIST or UNLOAD output, or using the GIMAPI program to query the target 
zone to read the SYSMOD entries and do the sorting yourself.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-06-17 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
On the Catalogs page, select a data set name prefix and click Actions -> Select 
Catalog.  On the Select Catalog page, select the default master catalog and 
click Actions -> Modify.  There you can change the default temporary catalog 
alias, catalog name, location, and space.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of BM
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2022 4:37 PM

Do anyone know to change the defaults value provided by IBM for Temporary 
Catalog Alias (NEWMCAT) and Catalog name (CATALOG.MCAT), didn't find the modify 
option under Catalogs deployment (zOSMF).

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Re: Is the wrong host for HTTPS PTF downloads?

2022-06-16 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Did someone mention my name?
The IP addresses for the download servers changed this past weekend, June 
12(ish).  The server host names remain the same.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Wendell Lovewell
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2022 11:52 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Is the wrong host for HTTPS PTF 

I'm trying to download service for APAR PH39134 from ShopZ.  

I tried installing Java 8 so I could run the JNLP ShopZ provided, but it always 
displays "Server busy, try again later".

I've tried using the RNFJOBH job provided by ShopZ, but I'm getting:


I googled & found , which says 
"It's not just is down".

I skimmed a thread here not that long ago about "", 
in which Kurt might have said to use a different server---but I can't find it 

Is "" temporarily unavailable, or has ShopZ sent me 
to the wrong server? 

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Re: Receive from Network failed

2022-06-10 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
ode (|||65286|)  
>>> RETR /2022060912634/PROD/GIMPAF.XML 
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /2022060912634/PROD/GIMPAF.XML 
TLS security mechanism negotiation failed - data connection closed  
425 Unable to build data connection: Not owner  
Std Return Code = 16425, Error Code = 00017 
>>> QUIT
221 Goodbye.    


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Kurt J. Quackenbush
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2022 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: Receive from Network failed

> I submitted two jobs a few hours ago. One to Boulder and one to Rochester.
> Neither server responded after 90 minutes, so I cancelled them. This 
> was a surprise that I did not even get the connection.

The order did not get staged to the download server after 90 minutes?  That's a 
different issue which I cannot explain.  It appears orders are completing this 
morning, so please try again.

> I have had the following in our firewall for a while now:
>  IBM Shopz and SMP/E  Boulder -"
> IBM Shopz and SMP/E   Dublin -   "

Yes, I believe those are the current IP addresses.  If your error with the 
download server persists, I suggest opening a support case to investigate 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Receive from Network failed

2022-06-09 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I submitted two jobs a few hours ago. One to Boulder and one to Rochester.
> Neither server responded after 90 minutes, so I cancelled them. This was a 
> surprise
> that I did not even get the connection.

The order did not get staged to the download server after 90 minutes?  That's a 
different issue which I cannot explain.  It appears orders are completing this 
morning, so please try again.

> I have had the following in our firewall for a while now:
>  IBM Shopz and SMP/E  Boulder -"
> IBM Shopz and SMP/E   Dublin -   "

Yes, I believe those are the current IP addresses.  If your error with the 
download server persists, I suggest opening a support case to investigate 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Receive from Network failed

2022-06-08 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> TLS security mechanism negotiation failed - data connection closed
> 425 Unable to build data connection: Not owner Std Return Code = 16425, Error 
> Code = 00017
> >>> QUIT
> 221 Goodbye.

I believe, but am not positive, your firewall is rejecting the connection to 
the download server.  I suspect this order was staged to server, which is not typically used for your orders.  
Orders for US customers typically are staged to server  However, there are ongoing issues and US orders 
are currently getting staged to instead.  You should 
ensure your firewall accepts connections from both servers, as these two 
servers are designed to back each other up in the case of an outage.

If you believe this does not explain your problem, please open a case with IBM 
support if you have not done so already.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: z/OSMF - Software Management

2022-05-23 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Can a vendor produce product information files without their providing 
> portable instances for installing the product(s)?   Or is that file an 
> artifact of creating portable instances?   It seems like I could 
> theoretically hand-build a product information file to supply a EOS date?   

A portable software instance (PSWI) is NOT required.  However, identification 
of the Products contained in the software instance is required.  For SMP/E 
managed software this is done by the provider with ++PRODUCT and ++FEATURE 
statements, which yield PRODUCT and FEATURE entries in the global zone.  
However, I believe not all vendors exploit ++PRODUCT/++FEATURE.  In that case 
you can manually add the Products to the definition of the software instance.  
Click the Modify action for a software instance and go to the Products tab 
where you can Add individual Product definitions.  You can even specify the 
end-of-service date for the product right on the Add page.

If the subject software does exploit ++PRODUCT/++FEATURE then you sure can 
hand-build your own file containing end-of-service dates which z/OSMF can read 
and correlate with the software instances.  See here for more information:

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: z/OSMF - Software Management

2022-05-17 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
A quick search found this from Broadcom:
I know other vendors are aware of the z/OSMF Software Management Product 
Information files, but I do not know if any others provide them.

Regarding adding fields to the display, no, z/OSMF Software Management has no 
capability at this time for user-added fields.  But I'm curious, can you 
explain more what you want to add? 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |

Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 8:15 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] z/OSMF - Software Management

Hi all,

Like some other shops, we track installed software versions and End of Support 
dates just using a spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet is difficult to keep current.

I just started looking at the z/OSMF Software Management feature and like that 
it can show the End of Support date for IBM products that we add to it.  (None 
of our current products have been installed via z/OSMF, which is another topic)

I have a couple questions for people that use it...

  1.  Do any 3rd party vendors supply a file/link that can be used to update 
the EOS date in z/OSMF?
  2.  Can fields be added to the z/OSMF Software Management (for instance, 
latest GA version available)?

Mike Martin

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Re: z/OSMF Portable Software Instance - Deployment Question

2022-05-05 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Bob, I believe the workflow steps refer to the data sets with the ZOS25.OMVS 
names, so wait until after you perform the workflow steps before renaming the 
data sets.  But after that, yeah, sure, you should be fine to rename the zFS 
data sets with your OMVS prefix.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B. (CTR)
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 7:44 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: z/OSMF Portable Software Instance - Deployment Question


Unfortunately, the desired outcome is the latter that you don't support (new 
mastercat, existing usercat) ☹

So, if I understand you correctly:

1) Fix OMVS on Modify catalog page to result in ZOS25.OMVS
2) Modify ACS routines to allow for creation of ZOS25.OMVS temporarily
3) Let SW MGMT generate the JCL (which should create the required JCL for the 
new ZFS datasets (ZOS25.OMVS.*) with PATH entries, correct?
4) Assuming the above works, proceed to WORKFLOWS and give it a try.
5) If that works and the three workflows are created, do I need the ZOS25.OMVS 
datasets any longer?

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2022-05-05 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Do you mean like the z/OSMF Security Configuration Assistant?

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of BM
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 12:21 AM

Does anyone have/implemented a test process for zOSMF, something that will 
check access to all the services and validate security is working and all parts 
up and available.

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Re: z/OSMF Portable Software Instance - Deployment Question

2022-05-04 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Still trying to understand your desired outcome.  You do want to create a new 
master catalog, OK, but are you also trying to create new user catalogs 
connected to the new master, or are you trying to connect existing user 
catalogs to the new master?  z/OSMF currently supports the former but not the 
latter.  Or of course maybe you don't want any user catalogs at all.  That's 
also fine.

Let's assume the target data set name for one of your zFS data sets is 
OMVS.ROOT.ZFS, and the temporary catalog alias for your new master catalog is 
ZOS25.  When creating the workflow instances z/OSMF expects to find a data set 
alias ZOS25.OMVS.ROOT.ZFS, related to data set OMVS.ROOT.ZFS.  (Sorry, zFS is 
VSAM, so not a data set alias, but a PATH.)  So, if you create names and 
catalog entries like that, then Software Management should be able to find all 
the data sets and create the workflow instance.  Check out the generated RENAME 
job for examples of how Software Management creates those names and catalog 

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B. (CTR)
Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2022 12:15 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: z/OSMF Portable Software Instance - Deployment Question


Our Shop standard dictates that a new master catalog is created with every z/OS 
upgrade. An additional standard clones new master catalogs from the new z/OS 
master catalog so that every lpar has its own new master catalog as the 
implementation rolls across the board. So, yes, I really want to create that 
new master catalog. What I want, in this case, doesn't matter.

I used IEFBR14 to create the names that the configuration was expecting and 
still no joy. I am assuming z/OSMF's instance was aware that the source 
datasets were ZFS files and expected the targets to be the same. Is this 
assumption correct? If so, I'll try to get the SMS sheriff to modify the ACS 
routines this one time to allow for their creation as ZOS25.OMVS.*. That should 
enable the workflow instance creation to proceed, right?


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Re: z/OSMF Portable Software Instance - Deployment Question

2022-05-04 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Bob, are you sure you really want to create a new master catalog?  Or, do you 
really want to use your existing master catalog and existing user catalogs, or 
perhaps create some new user catalogs connected to your existing master 
catalog?  The point is, if you use your existing master catalog then you don't 
need to provide, and z/OSMF won't create and use, temporary catalog aliases.

Sadly, as you are observing, you modified the data set names in the generated 
jobs so the actual data sets now don't match the configuration expected by 
z/OSMF.  Hence the errors creating the workflow instances.  Other than rename 
the data sets as expected by z/OSMF there is no way to fix this error.

If you really want to proceed on your current path, then you need to rename or 
recreate the data sets as z/OSMF expects.  Perhaps you can update your ACS 
routines, or define a STORCLAS, to create zFS data sets that have an HLQ other 
than OMVS.  If you can't do either, then I suggest you consider changing your 
configuration to use your existing master catalog so you can use your existing 
OMVS HLQ.  I suspect this is what you really wanted to do anyway.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Richards, Robert B. (CTR)
Sent: Tuesday, May 3, 2022 11:30 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] z/OSMF Portable Software Instance - Deployment Question

I have a z/OSMF Software Management question that I hope someone on IBM-Main 
can provide me with the answer.

I was on the Configure CATALOGs page of a z/OS 2.5 deployment and successfully 
provided the Temporary Catalog Alias entries for three HLQs.

The issue was the fourth HLQ - OMVS. Everything I tried failed.

The alias of OMVS is already defined in our driving system's Master Catalog and 
RELATEd to a shared user catalog. Because our ACS routines only allow a HLQ of 
OMVS to allocate to the "HFS/ZFS" pool, I knew any other HLQ would not work. 
For the record, all OMVS.* data sets that I was trying to allocate would be 
unique in our driving system's master catalog. I was unable to get off of this 
webpage without specifying a Temporary Catalog Alias for it, so I specified one 
and moved on to let the six jobs be generated. Subsequently, I edited the job 
that creates and populates the OMVS datasets to REMOVE that Temporary Catalog 
Alias wherever it was referenced and submitted the job to a successful 

Next, I moved onto "Perform Workflows" and was instantly stopped with 21 errors 
looking for the OMVS datasets containing the Temporary Catalog Alias.OMVS.*

I do not know how to get out if this situation and there does not appear to be 
anyway to bypass/rectify it. All three workflows produce the same set of errors.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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Re: z/OSMF Migration Workflow Question

2022-03-25 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Carmen Vitullo
Sent: Friday, March 25, 2022 11:28 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: z/OSMF Migration Workflow Question

>  well there's the issue, notification inside z/OSMF, 

Whoa, I'm pretty sure you can tell z/OSMF Notifications to also send 
notifications to your email.
Open the Notifications task, and click the Notification Settings action.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Coding IF statement in BPXBATCH shell

2022-02-11 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Hey everyone...I am having a tough time with a shell script I am writing 

> for my BPXBATCH step. All I want to do is run one of two commands 
> depending on a variable that is passed to the script.
> I have tried coding
> if [ "$pet" == "DOG" ] ; then
> commands...
> else
> other commands
> fi

Try like this:

if [ $pet -eq "dog" ]; then;
  echo "feed dog"; 
  echo "feed cat"; 

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: List of PTFs

2022-01-25 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Not sure how completely accurate it is but you could try going into 
> the SMP/E dialog, invoke 3.3 (SOURCEID QUERY) and select RSU2112. 
> On my system with my products, there are 124 PTFs that are listed. 
> Select each of those and you'll know that FMIDs were hit.
> There may also be a report for the above, but I'll leave it as a 
> task for you to investigate.

Indeed there is.  The REPORT SOURCEID command.  For more information:

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-01-25 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> The ordering connection is HTTPS, but the download seems to still be 

I suggest you try using HTTPS for the download and avoid FTP altogether. 
Add this to your  specification:


For more information:

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-01-24 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> PKIX path building failed: 
> unable to find 
> valid certification path to requested target 

Ah hah, now that's a CA certificate issue.  Be sure you've got the 
DigiCert Global Root CA in your keyring.  You can read about that here:

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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2022-01-24 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
Since GIM69207S was the first message from RECEIVE it means SMP/E could 
not connect to the server to submit the order request.  If it were a CA 
certificate issue I would have expected an SSL handshake exception 
message, not "Connection refused".  I'm with Carmen, check your local 
network to see if the HTTPS request is making it through your firewall.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: More z/OS 2.5 install fun

2022-01-13 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I’m trying to install z/OS 2.5 with zOSMF. It get’s to the point of 
> restoring files, but at some point I get this message:
> 0120-013F 0160-017F 0226-022F 023A-027F 02A0-02FF 0320-037F 03A0-03FF 
> 0700-071F 0980-099F 0C00-0C1F 0D40-0D5F 1200-19FF 2000-21FF 3000-31FF 
> 4000-41FF 5000-51FF 6000-61FF 7000-71FF 8000-81FF 9000-91FF A000-A1FF 
> B000-B1FF C000-C1FF D000-D1FF E000-E1FF F000-F1FF 
> : 
> This is the point in the install where it is trying to restore this 
> According to the dialog, the file is just under 35,000 tracks. The 
> volume on which it is supposed to be allocated has well over 133,000
> tracks available.
> SYSUT1... Is this related to the /tmp space used to unpack the file?

Not /tmp, but temporary data sets, yes.  By default GIMUNZIP allocates 
temporary data sets to SYSALLDA, and I'm guessing your SYSALLDA pool 
doesn't have enough free space for this particular data set.  Edit the JCL 
and add this after the  tag:


Specify a volser GIMUNZIP should use for temporary data sets.  For more 
information see here:

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  | 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Next z/OSMF Community Guild meeting on January 19

2022-01-10 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
A quick advertisement:  I would like to invite you and your colleagues to 
the next z/OSMF Community Guild meeting on January 19, 2022 from 10:00 AM 
to 11:00 AM EST.  This session will focus on installing z/OS 2.5 using 
z/OSMF Software Management.  You may enroll through the Guild Home Page,, which also contains presentation materials, 
recordings and Q from past sessions.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management  |
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: z/OSMF - Copy Distribution Libs or not?

2022-01-05 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Surprised by the first question in the Deployment Checklist -
> Do you want to copy the distribution zones and libraries associated with
> the source software?
> I've never thought about this before.  I've always just installed them,
> mainly because I didn't know you had a option not to.
>  I would love the space savings of not installing the DLIBs, but what I
> have given up?  What may come along and bite me if I do not install the
> DLIBs?

During the initial deployment (think initial install) you need the dlibs. 
Without the dlibs you can't perform SMP/E APPLY/ACCEPT on the installed 
software.  However, on subsequent deployments of the installed software 
(think clone), to a location where you don't intend to perform SMP/E 
operations, you might choose not to include dlibs.  That's the reason for 
the question.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM  |  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: zOSMF install of z/OS 2.5

2022-01-04 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I believe I’ve tried that before. When I specify a new volume ID 
> (one that does not currently exist), I get this message:
> Volume 25XCAT is not mounted or does not exist.
> If I have to format the volumes myself, I’m ok with that. But that 
> sort of defeats the purpose of the GUI. 

Ah, sorry, yes you are correct, I did not understand you wanted to define 
a new volume that currently does not exist.  z/OSMF Software Management 
does not have the capability to define (format?) a new volume.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM,  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: zOSMF install of z/OS 2.5

2022-01-04 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> When configuring the deployment, on the ‘Volumes and Storage 
> Classes’ page is it possible to format volumes as the destination 
> for the catalogs and datasets? 
> In the volumes section, I see ‘Modify’ but it’s greyed out as there 
> are no volumes. There is no ‘Add’ action, for instance.

Back on the Data Sets page select and Modify one or more target data sets. 
 On the Modify Data Sets page you can specify the target location for the 
selected data sets.  Specify a volume here, or a storage class, or neither 
to let the system determine the location of the data sets.  Any volumes 
you specify here will be displayed later on the Volumes and Storage 
Classes page, where you can then select and Modify a volume to indicate 
you want to initialize it before creating new data sets on that volume.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM,  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
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Re: z/OSMF Missing SYSMODS

2021-12-08 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Part of the workflow is to create “Missing SYSMOD Reports’.  I get the
> workflow to run and it creates a web page table output of Missing 

(Just to clarify terminology, you're talking about the "Check for missing 
SYSMODs" step in the Deployment checklist in z/OSMF Software Management... 
not a z/OSMF Workflow.)

> What is missing, unless I didn’t see the option, is to create a Dataset
> (SMPPUNCH) that will have the SYSMODS that I can copy straight into my 
> Receive Order JCL.  Has anyone worked with this yet and know if this is
> possible?

Check the table actions.  You can Print or Export the table data.  Not 
exactly direct to an SMPPUNCH, but hopefully better than nothing.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Catch-22 on z/OSMF under z/OS 2.4

2021-12-07 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> It was our Second ServerPac order (in late August).  Our first order
> did not build a product correctly in our June  order.
> Here is the order info from our currently installed ServerPac 
> (customer name redacted)
> U02298367 - Products - 2021-08-26 14.30.31
> Customer number: S#
> IBM order number: 7312760536

First of all, I'm sorry to hear you've had troubles and frustrations.  In 
any case here's what I think happened.  It was a timing issue.  Java 8 FP 
35 PTF UI76675 closed on August 11 and that is what caused the z/OSMF 
server start up failure.  Eventually that PTF went PE, but not before your 
ServerPac order was built on or about August 26, so it included the 
subject PTF.  The fix, Java 8 FP 36 PTF UI77368, did not become available 
until September 29, so of course it was not included in your ServerPac.

My personal recommendation, after you complete the ServerPac install, is 
to get the latest HOLDDATA and run SMP/E REPORT ERRSYSMODS to see if any 
PEs were identified since your order was built, and then install fixing 
PTFs as appropriate.  Pretty sure the PTF UI76675 would have been 
identified as an unresolved PE in this case.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Catch-22 on z/OSMF under z/OS 2.4

2021-12-06 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> The solution has been found. 
> It turns out that the java level that comes with a CBPDO does not 
> correctly support z/OSMF requirements. 

> z/OSMF required Java 8.0.35/36  not the delivered 8.0.32. 

I want to follow-up on this with the appropriate folks, but just to be 
sure we're talking about the same thing, you said CBPDO which surprised 
me.  This means you obtained the ++FUNCTIONs and ++PTFs, allocated the CSI 
and all the target and dlib data sets, then received and applied manually. 
 When did you order the CBPDO?  And the Java 8 fix pack 35 and 36 PTFs 
were not included in your CBPDO?  Or, did you order and install a 
ServerPac, where you obtained pre-built CSI, targets, and dlibs?  If so, 
when did you order that?

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
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Re: Using HTTPS from JCL for file download?

2021-11-19 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Carmen, I'd be thrilled to see your samples, as I can't get to my ShopZ 
> person here at the moment. Please make sure to strip your user/password 
> stuff, so I don't get you in trouble!

If your question is specific to SMP/E file downloads using HTTPS, then 
check this out:

The short answer is just add these to your  specification and let 
'er rip:

However, if your question was for a general use HTTPS download client 
program, then see my previous post.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
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Re: Using HTTPS from JCL for file download?

2021-11-19 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> After successfully getting my FTPS and SFTP JCL set up and working right 

> here, some manager got a bee in his bonnet to say that he wanted to use 
> HTTPS protocol from his JCL, because he read that HTTPS was the best way 

> to go. I tried to explain that HTTPS was meant for browser applications, 

> and that some special application would be needed to process the HTTPS 
> headers and data, but he insisted I try to find a way to make HTTPS work 

> from JCL.
> So...can this be done? Can a batch JCL job run HTTPS to do file 
> downloads? If so, can you help a brother out and let me see how you do 
> it, so I can see if we can do it here?

The issue is you need an HTTPS client program to run in a job step. 
Supplied with the z/OS base there is no HTTPS client program equivalent to 
the z/OS Comm Server FTP client program.  Some applications, like SMP/E, 
have a built-in HTTPS client program to perform file download, but it is 
specific for use by SMP/E and not for general use.  I expect some folks 
will chime in to recommend CURL or similar, but you'll have to obtain, 
install, and configure that if you don't already have it.  You could use 
the HTTP Web Enablement Toolkit to write your own client program even in 
REXX, but out of the box a fully functional HTTPS client program is not 
readily available.

Kurt Quackenbush
IBM -- z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
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Re: z/OS 2.5 install with z/OSMF

2021-11-15 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I ordered z/OS 2.5 as a Workload installation via z/OSMF.
> All of the documentation I received was for installing via the Dialogs.
> I've followed all the directions for making sure z/OSMF was ready to use
> Workloads, but I can not find any documentation on using z/OSMF to 
> z/OS 2.5.

When you placed the order in Shopz, are you sure you selected "z/OSMF SW 
Management" as the Installation Method?  If so, then I suggest you open a 
case with IBM Support so they can track down what happened after you 
submitted the order.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
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Re: SMPE apply error SYMLINKS

2021-11-09 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Based on reason code I have looked into each directory and it exists but
> not sure which file it is looking for and failing.

Unfortunately message BPXF170E truncates the desired SYMLINK value.  I 
can't see the ++APAR so don't know for sure the SYMLINK value but if it 
matches the prior value for EZAMLCAT the message is complaining about this 


After resolving the "../" you get this directory:


Does that directory exist?  Is it mounted?  Does the SYMLINK value on the 
++HFS statement in the ++APAR match the existing SYMLINK value for 
EZAMLCAT?  Look at the ++APAR in your SMPPTS and look at the HFS entry in 
the target zone to compare the SYMLINK values.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM,  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Do I have to go through the entire workflow for each clone, or can I
> quickly create multiple clones?

You have to go through an entire deployment operation to clone a software 
instance.  If you're deploying the same source software again you can Copy 
an already completed Deployment which is better than using a Model 
software instance to initialize the deployment configuration.  I think the 
process is pretty quick, but I don't know your definition of "quickly".

Try it out and let us know if you think its quick or not.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> We were able to merge datasets when we used CustomPac Installation 
> Dialog to install ServerPac like the below merged dataset display. 
> Can we still do that through z/OSMF software Management? Thanks.

No, not at the moment, but we are actively developing a merge data set 
capability for the deployment action, so stay tuned.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Does the z/OSMF workflow support the following methodology:

To clarify terminology I'll rephrase your question to what I think you 
meant to ask:
Does z/OSMF Software Management, and the z/OSMF workflows supplied with 
the IBM ServerPac portable software instance, support the following 

>  1. There are multiple clones for each release, each with its own 
> SMP and zFS datasets


>  2. The naming convention for dlib and target volumes encapsulate a 
> release and a clone within the release

Yes, the volume names can be whatever you choose.

>  3. The naming convention for SMP and zFS datasets encapsulate a 
> release and a clone within the release

Yes, the data set names can be whatever you choose.

>  4. All parameter members use static system symbols to refer to 
> residence volumes and zFS datasets.

Hmmm... this I don't know.  I don't know the details of the PARMLIB 
members constructed by the workflows supplied with the ServerPac.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-29 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Not having seen the zOSMF method, 

Since you have not actually seen it yet, please allow me to clarify a few 

> ... I know serverpac full
> system replacement needs a usercat (that would become the master cat
> if you wanted to replace that and IPL the new system) for allocating
> and restoring the 'collisions' (all allocated data sets in lnklst 
> and the logon proc). 

Creating a new user catalog (that could become a new master catalog) is an 
option in z/OSMF.  It is not required.

> Both zOSMF and serverpac go and set the SSA 
> into that usercat, I think. What I don't understand is why my 2.5 
> serverpac wants to cement the SSA in the DDDefs. I deleted all of 
> that before running the UP job. But then with serverpac, I get 
> to see the jobs before submitting them. zOSMF might do it the same 
> way and I think that is where Terri has the problem with the aliases
> she keeps mentioning.
> And I didn't understand why the SSA should get cemented in the dddefs, 

In z/OSMF, if you choose to create a new user catalog (that could become a 
new master catalog), then z/OSMF automatically adds a temporary catalog 
alias (aka SSA) to connect the new user catalog with the existing master 
catalog.  This temporary catalog alias prefix is added to the data set 
names in the DDDEF entries.  This is done so z/OSMF and SMP/E can find the 
data sets through normal catalog search no matter on which system z/OSMF 
and SMP/E are running on.  That is, while running on either the driving 
system using the existing master catalog or on the new target system once 
IPLed using the new master catalog.  But again, if you don't want to 
create a new user catalog (to become a new master catalog), then you 
shouldn't choose that option, and no temporary catalog aliases will get 
created or added to the data set names.

And by the way, z/OSMF does allow you to see the JCL before submitting.

> What I found really annoying in my serverpac was that I was asked 
> for the jobclass for sysout data sets, dutifully specified an 
> asterisk (take the one from the jobcard) and then got generated 
> statements like this: SYSPRINT DD *. It took me a while to 
> understand why I had gotten either abend001 or abend04c and had no 
> sysprint to look for the reason.

I'm confused.  ServerPac is available now in two forms; the old-school 
CustomPac Installation Dialog, or z/OSMF portable software instance.  Is 
this a comment on the workflows supplied with the z/OSMF portable software 
instance, or with the CustomPac Installation Dialog?

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
>  Absolutely understand what you said, but that's dumb.
> I haven't created a NEW Master Catalog in 20 years, because why 
> would I want to have to RECAT all my PAGE, SMF,  USERCATs, NON-VSAM,
> ETC datasets??

Some folks do create a new master catalog.  That's their process. 
Apparently not yours.

> When just adding an SSA to SYS1 gets away from any conflicts, and 
> still gets in the current master catalog,  Then the renames all 
> work, which really only does the physical names on DASD.

Perhaps we have a difference in terminology.  If the new data sets are 
cataloged in your existing master creating, then an "SSA" is not a catalog 
alias.  Its just a unique data set name prefix.

> Then Recatalogs indirectly and NEW datasets and I am done.

Ah, you didn't mention *indirectly* cataloging previously.  z/OSMF can do 
that too.  Once again you just need to tell it you want data sets 
indirectly cataloged.  You do this by specifying the catalog symbol for 
the volume on the Volumes page in the configuration.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Great information Kurt, thanks, but need a clarification on one thing.
> >>That's great!  You would choose any of these software instances as
> your model when installing z/OS next.  You can also experiment with 
> other Software >>Management actions on those defined software 
> instances.  For example, on the Software Instances page try the View
> -> Data Sets action.
> >>Or any of the Maintenance Report actions.
> So does this mean I will always have to change every dataset again?
> To add my SYS1SSA, CPACSSA and SMPSSA? Because the instances all 
> point to the real names.  If so you lost me again, because that was 
> pain staking to change 1200 datasets, even with filtering.

Your installed z/OS 2.5 now has your desired data set names.  You defined 
a software instance that describes your installed z/OS 2.5.  Therefore, if 
you select that software instance as your model when you install z/OS 
next, as much as possible z/OSMF will initialize the configuration with 
the data set names from your installed z/OS 2.5.  You then will not have 
to modify data set names for 1200 data sets, however you will have to 
modify names for any new data sets in z/OS next and those which are not 
SMP/E managed, like the CPAC data sets.  But those are much fewer.

> At least the SERVERPAC just prefixed everything with you SSA HLQ's.

z/OSMF will also prefix data sets with a temporary catalog alias (SSA) if 
that's what you want.  It does this when you tell z/OSMF you want to 
create a new master catalog.  You then get to specify the temporary 
catalog alias (SSA) to use for data sets in that new master catalog.  But 
do not manually add the temporary catalog alias (SSA) prefix to the data 
set names!  z/OSMF will add it automatically to data set names, based on 
what catalog the data sets will be in.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> So just a few clarifications.
> I am guessing when I install z/OS 2.6, not sure what my model is, an
> instance or the portable 2.5 order?

A model is a software instance representing your actual installed 
software, no matter how it was installed, not a portable software 

> Because the portable copy still has all the install names like 
> SYS1SSA, SMPESSA, CPACSSA for dataset names and it doesn't seem like
> I can change them.
> But then if that my model for z/OS 2.6, then it should work with 
> everything I setup already, Again probably just a learning curve.
> So, I was trying to use my z/OSMF (Serverpac install for 2.5) as a 
> base for my software instance.
> That's wrong, because it wants to duplicate everything that came 
> with that process.
> Once I just pointed to the SMPE datasets, you are correct it went 
> after the DDDEF's and found everything correctly.
> I have now built a 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 instance that matches my shop.

That's great!  You would choose any of these software instances as your 
model when installing z/OS next.  You can also experiment with other 
Software Management actions on those defined software instances.  For 
example, on the Software Instances page try the View -> Data Sets action. 
Or any of the Maintenance Report actions.

> z/OSMF still has a few quirks, depending on how you access things, 
> Like my first comments about modifying datasets names. But I 
> eventually got it to work.
> z/OS will be my first real install using z/osmf, so I am hoping all 
> the nuances will be worked out, by then.
> Lastly,  I want to thank Barbara for the link to the migration 
> guides. I still don't understand were they are in z/OSMF or how to 
> access, but for another day.

Briefly, the z/OS Upgrade Workflow files will reside in 
/usr/lpp/bcp/upgrade/.  There are several files depending on your upgrade 
path.  Open the z/OSMF Workflows application, click Actions -> Create 
Workflow, specify the appropriate file name in the Workflow definition 
file field, for example, 
/usr/lpp/bcp/upgrade/zOS_V2.5_from_V2.4_Upgrade_Workflow_V2.0.xml, and 
click Next, then click Finish.  This will create and open an instance of 
the upgrade workflow.  You can then perform the steps of the workflow ... 
much like reading the upgrade actions in the older style Migration Guide.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management 
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues

2021-10-28 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I have one set of installation volumes (TGT125, ZFS225 and DLBV25) 
> specific to the release. TGT125 will NEVER get IPL'd, I clone from 
> there to everywhere. All 'extranous' data sets (CPAC, the SMP 
> environment) goes SMS and stays on my sandbox. I also don't IPL the 
> CPAC system that comes with the serverpac. Everything on DLBv25 and 
> TGT125 is uncataloged. Only the ZFSs are cataloged under the HLQ 
> INST25. They, too, get cloned to the actual sysres and renamed during 
> After reading your posts, I am really glad I used the serverpac, 
> especially with zOSMF insisting that everything is done exactly as 
> zOSMF defines as 'the right way'. It sounds like a nightmare to me 
> to keep my working process using z/OSMF.

Even if you personally will never install z/OS using z/OSMF, I want to 
address some of your concerns for others that may read this thread.

Does z/OSMF have a different look and feel than CustomPac ServerPac?  Yes. 
 However, z/OSMF can certainly install as you've described here: you can 
specify your three installation volumes for the target and distribution 
libraries, you can let SMS manage the CPAC and SMP/E data sets, your 
targets and dlibs can be uncataloged, the zFSs can be cataloged with HLQ 
INST25.  And you don't have to IPL the installed system.

If anyone is confused how to tell z/OSMF about your unique installation 
desires, let me know.  I bet in most cases, like those described above, 
there's a way to make it happen.  I'm here to help.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues Updated

2021-10-27 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> What about datasets that are not in the CSI, e.g., CPAC.*?

When you use a model to initialize the deployment configuration, data sets 
not managed by SMP/E, like the CPAC.* data sets, won't be initialized to 
your existing data set naming conventions.  The same is true for new data 
sets that don't have a match in the model.  They get initialized with the 
data set name used by the ServerPac production process.  On the Data Sets 
page in the deployment configuration wizard data sets that did not have a 
match in the model are identified by a message in the row, so its easy to 
determine which data sets need some attention.  However, those data sets 
should be few in comparison to all of those that will get matched with the 

> > > I do echo Terri's sentiments that there should be a way to mostly
> > > seed a new z/OSMF instance whether there is a utility that reads the
> > > last saved custompac config or somehow scans your sysres.
> > 
> > That is exactly what z/OSMF offers!  You can "model" your installation
> > configuration on your existing installed software.  For example when
> > installing z/OS 2.5, simply define your existing z/OS 2.4 (or 2.3) as 
> > Software Instance.  (Use the Software Instance -> Add action, specify 
> > global zone CSI, select the target zones from that global, and that's 
> >  During the deployment you can select this Software Instance as your 
> > and z/OSMF will analyze your DDDEF entries in your existing CSI to
> > determine your desired data set names and match them up with the new
> > software as much as possible.
> > 
> > Honestly, we did try to help you avoid a bunch of changes in the
> > configuration.  Perhaps we need to advertise it more, but the Model
> > function is your friend.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues Updated

2021-10-27 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I too ordered V2.5 in the "window" where you still have a choice on 
> custompac dialogs or z/OSMF.   I opted to go custompac one more time.
> I do echo Terri's sentiments that there should be a way to mostly 
> seed a new z/OSMF instance whether there is a utility that reads the
> last saved custompac config or somehow scans your sysres.

That is exactly what z/OSMF offers!  You can "model" your installation 
configuration on your existing installed software.  For example when 
installing z/OS 2.5, simply define your existing z/OS 2.4 (or 2.3) as a 
Software Instance.  (Use the Software Instance -> Add action, specify the 
global zone CSI, select the target zones from that global, and that's it!) 
 During the deployment you can select this Software Instance as your model 
and z/OSMF will analyze your DDDEF entries in your existing CSI to 
determine your desired data set names and match them up with the new 
software as much as possible.

Honestly, we did try to help you avoid a bunch of changes in the 
configuration.  Perhaps we need to advertise it more, but the Model 
function is your friend.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues Updated

2021-10-27 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> Wanted to add a few other comments
> Since IBM is forcing everyone to z/OSMF with 2.5, not excited for 
> this but It seems to work pretty well, except for everything that 
> cant see it doing behind the scenes. It seems this is a ton of 
> catalog look-ups to validate nothing exist.
> But then in the IZUD04UZ job you delete everything anyhow. So why 
> validate it in the workflows?  I fail because my SMPE datasets are 
> already allocated, because I installed thru a SERVERPAC.

When you use the z/OSMF Deployment action to install a ServerPac, you're 
telling z/OSMF you want to install the software provided in that 
ServerPac.  To "install software" means z/OSMF will create data sets. 
Therefore, before it attempts to create any data sets, it ensures there 
are no unintended collisions with existing data sets on your specified 
volumes and in the catalogs.  You either have to modify the data set names 
in the configuration, or rename or delete the existing data sets so there 
are no unintended collisions.

If you want z/OSMF to consider such collisions to be intended, then tell 
z/OSMF to delete the existing data sets.  You do this either by selecting 
a software instance to be replaced that contains the subject data sets, or 
by indicating the target volume that contains the subject data sets will 
be initialized.  Both options result in z/OSMF considering such collisions 
to be intended, and the existing data sets will get deleted explicitly.

> Lastly since the direction in 2.5 for z/OSMF, now everyone will have
> a valid instance going forward.  So you should still provide a way 
> to extract the migration action XML, so that for 2.5 only its 
> available outside.

What "migration action XML" are you talking about?  The customization 
workflows supplied in the ServerPac?  If so, those workflows are not 
designed to be performed stand alone.  They are designed to be performed 
from Software Management when you install the ServerPac PSWI.

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM,  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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Re: Serverpac installs January 2022 and beyond - Issues Updated

2021-10-27 Thread Kurt J. Quackenbush
> I still have some gripes but these occurred also with the old dialogue:

> - SMPE.ZOS250.* non-VSAM datasets on the sysres are indirectly 
> cataloged because indirect cataloging by the installation dialogue 
> works at the volume level.

Can you expound on this comment a bit?  Are you saying you'd like some of 
the data sets on a particular volume to be indirectly cataloged, but 
others on that same volume to be directly cataloged?  Interesting. 
Curious, why not indirectly catalog all?

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM,  z/OS SMP/E and z/OSMF Software Management
Chuck Norris never uses CHECK when he applies PTFs.

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