A new way to look at load modules

2024-06-05 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    We have a new TSO command called LISTMOD, which allows you to see 
what is in a load module very clearly, INCLUDING ALL DISPLACEMENTS.  I 
don't believe that this kind of tool existed before, or at least (if it 
did), it wasn't in wide circulation.  The tool is on the CBT Tape File 
994, (improved version on the Updates Page) and it is free.

    This LISTMOD command allows you to display PDSE load modules as 
well, and see the code and displacements.

    This LISTMOD command can be found on File 994 of the Updates page 
of www.cbttape.org .  Use the version of LISTMOD on the UPDATES PAGE 
only, which was greatly improved.

    Invoke LISTMOD by simply saying:   LISTMOD modname    where modname 
is a load module name.  If the load module is in LPA, LISTMOD will say so.

    To direct LISTMOD to a particular library (PDS or PDSE) containing 
the load module, allocate that library to the DDNAME of TASKLIB.

    Output of LISTMOD can be very long, so it should be captured by s 
SYSOUTTRAP tool (such tools are included in File 994).

    Some sample output follows:

Loaded Program Name:  DSLIST
Module has been LOADED. CDE Address: 008B5128
Length of loaded module Hex:  00012818    Decimal: 75800
Length after entry address :  00012818    Decimal: 75800
Displacement of entry point:      Decimal: 0

 00  DSLIST 04/22/24 17.51 Copyright (C) 2021-2022 J. Stephen My   


ers   }   x 8Y   }  &}0 &0} } } 8 } } |    0040

}   )  } \ %    +\} 3  g} o0   \x   )\ M  x    0xd xM   0080

  .  6    K  c0 + } 3   } o0 a \ 0   00C0

     (many lines follow)

     Best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,     Sam

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Current Mailing Address

2024-01-05 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Sam Golob's current (snail mail) mailing address has changed.

    It is now:   Sam Golob,  P.O. Box 702,  Pomona, NY 10970

    I am trying to change all occurrences of the old address on the CBT 
Tape, but it is difficult.  Therefore this notice.


    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,   Sam

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Xephon stuff is back online - correction

2023-12-07 Thread Sam Golob

Correction to Xephon's former website address:


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Xephon stuff is back online

2023-12-07 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

   As you may know, the Xephon magazines (from 2005 and previous) are 
back online at www.cbttape.org.  The VM stuff was courtesy of SDS (who 
had bought the VM rights from Xephon and had given us permission to post 
the magazines with attribution to them) and the rest of it was courtesy 
of Bob Thomas, who runs Enterprise System Media. The collection of PDF 
magazines was unreachable for a while, because of a system change at the 
ISP.  Sam Knutson found the problem, and it is now back online.  I am 
sure that many of you have tried to access the material, and have been 
disappointed without reporting that to us.  So it's good now.  Enjoy.!

   At the present time, as far as I know, and from what Bob Thomas told 
me, you can ignore Xephon's scary old copyright notices and use the 
material that is in the magazines, I believe without limitation.  As far 
as I know, Xephon is defunct.  Its old website address www.xephon.ccom 
(for a time) belonged to some Chinese company, and it seems that the 
domain is now for sale. (Any buyers?)

   Use the stuff in good health and happiness!

   Sincerely,    Sam (G)

P.S.  There is more XEPHON material on the CBT Tape itself - Files 943. 
944, 945, 956, 947 (and maybe in a few other places).

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CBT Version 506 has been cut

2023-12-06 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce that CBT 
Version 506 has been cut.  Many thanks to the Creator of the world that 
many people were able to contribute to this update, in many ways. There 
were at least 50 file updates in this version.  All updates (on the 
Updates file) till next time, will belong to Version 507.

    Everything is available at www.cbttape.org .  Use it all in good 
health and happiness.  (It is nice to have tools.)

    All the best of everything to all of you, and to your families.

Sincerely,   Both Sams

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Sam Golob articles are now directly online

2023-02-22 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Sorry for the mixup, but I moved my System Programming articles on 
the CBT Tape Web Site (www.cbttape.org) to their own directory.  The CBT 
Tape home page has been changed to reflect this.

    To find my articles now, please go to www.cbttape.org/articles .  
There are about 230 articles, which we hope, will benefit everyone.  You 
can also get there from the home page by scrolling down to "Sam Golob's 

    Kindly look at the several short members at the beginning, which 
describe the naming convention of the file names (by publication or 
composition date), and which describe any copyright notices, etc. with 
other stuff you should also know.

    Thanks very much for bearing with me.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,   Sam

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Sam Golob articles are now directly online

2023-02-22 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Recently I received a request to put my (over 230) articles about 
MVS Systems Programming, directly online.  They had previously resided 
(and still reside) on CBT Tape Files 014 and 120, which are in zipped 
XMIT-format, and therefore they are not so readily accessible.  So I 
finally did it.  The older articles also had outdated email addresses 
and URL's, which I tried to correct as well (as much as possible).

    So these articles can now be found on www.cbttape.org/xephon (sorry 
about that), and then you click on sgolob.articles to see them all.

    I certainly hope that these articles will contribute to people's 
system programming knowledge, at all levels, and I'm grateful to Shmuel 
Metz, who suggested that I do this.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Xephon MVS magazines from January 97 thru May 97

2022-12-17 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    I'm not sure if it is well-known, but a great many XEPHON magazines 
can now be found on the CBT Tape website, at www.cbttape.org/xephon , 
and all that material may be used in good conscience by anyone, since 
Xephon has been defunct for a long time.  The VM and VSE magazines were 
made available with the permission of SDS, and the others were made 
available through Bob Thomas, who was their final publisher.  We have 
most of the MVS magazines, but we are missing paper copies of January 
thru May of 1997, which we want to scan and post.  MVS issues from 
before 1997 may be found on CBT File 830.  The availability ends with 
December 2005.  For any questions, please email me.

    If anyone has copies of the XEPHON MVS issues from January thru May 
of 1997, please write to me at sbgo...@cbttape.org and let me know. 
Thanks to Alan Field for supplying June thru December.

    I think that in order to scan the magazines, they will have to be 
cut in half, so please be informed of that.  However, they will be made 
readable on our website, so you won't lose access to the material, and 
everyone will gain.

    Thanks in advance, if you can help us with this.

    All the best of everything to everyone.

Sincerely,    Sam

P.S.  If you look at our website and notice that any issues of ANY type 
of XEPHON magazines are missing, please notify me, so I can go looking 
for them.  The early issues from December 1996 and before, can be found 
on CBT Tape files.

We also have:

File Description
943   Xephon CICS Update articles - Sep 87 thru Jan 93
944   Xephon SNA Update articles - Mar 91 thru Dec 92
945   Xephon VSAM Update articles - Apr 91 thru Jan 93
946   Xephon VM Update articles - Sep 87 thru Jan 93 (SDS)
947   Xephon VSE Update articles - Mar 91 thru Dec 92 (SDS)

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Steve Myers whereabouts

2022-12-14 Thread Sam Golob
Dear Folks,
   Does anyone know how to get in contact with Steve Myers? Please contact me 
off list if you can get in touch with him or you know how to contact him. 
Thanks much.
   All the best of everything to all of you.
Sincerely,   Sam Golob. www.cbttape.org
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CBT Version 503 has been cut

2022-07-22 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    The CBT Tape Version 503 has been cut.  Its "official" date is July 
20, 2022.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Contributions to CBT snce 02/22/22

2022-03-30 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

   I have been laid up since Feb 22,2022 and did not have access to my 
emals (which are overloaded with Spam).  If you have sent any CBT 
contributions between then and now, please resend them, if you want them 
to be posted.  Thanks.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

   All the best of everything to you and your families.

Sincerely,   Sam

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CBT Tape Version 502 has been cut

2021-11-08 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    CBT Tape Version 502 has been cut.  It is a large incremental 
change from V501. Please enjoy

    All the best of everything to all of you

Sincerely,    Sam

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Now it's easier to find stuff on the CBT Tape

2021-04-28 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    There is now a new ISPF dialog which makes it much easier to find 
and download materials from the CBT Tape.  The dialog is called CBTVIEW, 
and it can be found on File 043 of the Updates Page of the CBT Tape 

    When this dialog is working, almost every suggestion on how to 
EASILY find and obtain a CBT File, which hadn't been implemented (until 
now), has been implemented.  Searching and sorting is easy, getting the 
new updates is easy, and looking at the files is easy.  The dialog also 
works for the CBT Overflow Tape, which alone has 315 additional files.

    Use it well..

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT Tape Updates

2021-03-17 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    I have a dilemma.  The dilemma is:  How often should I make new CBT 
Tape Versions?

    We make about 2 or 3 CBT Tape Version updates per year, and we have 
been doing that for the past 16 or 17 years now.  This is in contrast to 
when Arnie was doing the CBT Tape.  Arnie (Casinghino) had to put all 
his updates on a REAL TAPE REEL, and therefore, in order to keep the 
people relatively current, he had to make about 15 version updates per year.

    The problem is as follows:  Now that we have the website, 
www.cbttape.org, all the updated files that are "between the tape 
releases" can go into a separate section on the website, called the 
"Updates" page.  That allows us to have some leeway.  We ARE NOT FORCED 
TO UPDATE the "Tape Version" to keep people current, but on the other 
hand, many of the people are used to the old system, and they don't look 
at the Updates page at all.  Therefore, they are losing out on having 
"the latest and the greatest", and sometimes they introduce unnecessary 
errors, by not downloading the latest software.

    So.  First.  I have to emphasize that you should ALWAYS look at the 
Updates Page first.  But since a sizable number of people still don't do 
so, I am wondering that maybe I should make more updates per year.

    It takes about 3 days' worth of solid work, to make a CBT Tape 
Version update. My question is:  "Can you live with the current system, 
use the Updates Page all the time, and not always make the mistake of 
going to the "CBT" page only?  Or should I make 4, 5, or 6 or more 
smaller updates per year?"

    "To make version updates, or to not make (so many) version 
updates?  THAT is the question."  (from Shakespeare?)

    Please let me know (on list or off list) what you think.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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I need sample tapes in AWS disk format

2021-03-10 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

 I am trying to improve my COPYMODS program (CBT Tape File 229), 
and I need some sample tape-images to look at.  The tape-images should 
really be disk files, tape files in AWS format, so that I can look at 
their data and program accordingly.

 The tape images I need are:  SL tapes with 256K block size, and 
ASCII Tapes (type 4 or even type 3).  If you have one type but not the 
other, that's fine.  The 256K block size tape is more critical for what 
I need to do.

 Please make sure that the data is not sensitive.  I only care 
about handling the block size, and the tape labels.  I don't care about 
the particulars of the data.

 Please attach the data to an email to me.  If you have any 
questions, please write to me off-list.


Sincerely, Sam Golob

P.S.  The COPYMODS program, even as it is now, can do many things with 
tapes that you may not have thought possible.  On CBT File 229, there is 
a help member COPYMOD#, which explains the options that are possible.  
Basically, the program can copy tapes, and change or fix them in the 
copied tape.  But it can also initialize tapes and do a bunch of other 
good stuff.  It pays to have a look. Currently the program is limited to 
64K block size, but since the operating system can now easily produce 
256K blocked tapes as well, it's time to try and catch up. The other 
thing to note, is that tape copying programs and tape MAPPING programs 
are closely related.  And COPYMODS has PARM=READ, to examine a tape, 
without copying it to another tape.  (You need to set the proper 
options, in order to get the appropriate tape content information.)

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CBT Version 501 is completed

2021-03-05 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

 I think I've finished updating the website www.cbttape.org with 
the proper changes for Version 501.

 Use it in good health and happiness.

 All the best of everything to everyone

Sincerely, Sam

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www.cbttape.org is updated with CBT Version 501 (partially)

2021-03-04 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

 The CBT Tape Version 501 has been cut, and the www.cbttape.org 
website has been partially updated.  I hope to finish the update of the 
website tomorrow.

 Meanwhile, all the new files have been loaded into the CBT 
directory, so you can get to them now.  Also, File 001, in all its 
copies, has been updated on the website.

 However, nothing else has been updated (i.e. the Tapemaps, and the 
Changes, and the DFDSS and FDR backups, etc.).  Sorry about that.

 But the website is usable, and if you need anything (new or old), 
it is there in the list of files, on the CBT directory.

 Thanks for bearing with me.

 All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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Disassemble an object deck

2021-02-08 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

 Is there a FREE tool to disassemble an object deck directly 
(without linkediting it first)?  I know that STARTOOL READOBJ can do it, 
but that's an expensive "pay product".

 Thanks much for any ideas or programs.

 All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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PRECIS Tape Mapping Program from UNC

2021-02-07 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    I just put up an old tape mapping program named PRECIS from "UNC", 
which I presume is the University of North Carolina.  The load module 
was linkedited in 1986, so it is old.  But it works beautifully, the 
report is concise, and it displays the beginning of each data block, 
which most tape mapping programs don't do.  I posted it on File 1004 of 
the CBT Updates page. www.cbttape.org

    I am looking to see if anyone has source code for this program, 
because I try to fix all the tape mapping and tape copying programs to 
read the largest tape block size possible, and in order to do that, I 
have to muck with the I/O.  It is much easier to do that when you have 
source code.

    So if you have source code for the PRECIS tape mapping program, 
please send it to me, and we can have a better product for everyone to 
use. Meanwhile, enjoy it the way it is.

    Below is some sample output from this program.

    Thank you very much.

    All the best of everything to all of you...

Sincerely,    Sam

PAGE 001.



   DATA BLOCK NO. 02:   HDR1FILE0001 
C500MU00010001  020353 9800IBM OS/VS 370


   DATA BLOCK NO. 03: HDR2F32728000SBGOLOB1/COPY1   
B 0




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Separating CSECTs from a load module

2021-02-05 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

 We have just made a development to help isolate a csect from a 
load module. The tool which can help, is the latest version of the PDS 
8.6 product from the Updates page of www.cbttape.org.

 The latest version of the PDS 8.6 program from CBT File 182 (see 
the Updates page of www.cbttape.org), together with the CSECTS rexx exec 
on that file (please use only the latest one), now makes isolating an 
object deck from a load module very simple, provided that the PDS 
program is set up with its proper bells and whistles, under ISPF.

 What to do: Bring up a member list for your load library, which 
includes the load module that you want to look at.  (BTW if the load 
library is a PDSE, use IEBCOPY to copy (at least) that load module to a 
pds load library.  The PDS COPY command with the NEW parameter makes 
this very easy.)

 Then bring up PDS against that load library.  Make a Member List 
(ML subcommand) which includes the load module in question.  Then use 
the CS line command against the load module name in the member list.  If 
the proper version of the CSECTS rexx exec is installed (included in CBT 
File 182), then a new panel will come up which will display all that 
module's csects.  A line command of 'O' which really stands for 
"Object", will delink the csect (running David Noon's DELINKI program) 
and present you with its object deck.  Just copy off the object deck and 
use it in a new linkedit stream, or in any way you want.

 I hope this helps.  Please note that (we hope) all auxiliary 
programs needed or called by the PDS program, are included in File 182 
under the member UTILXMIT.

 All the best of everything to all of you...

Sincerely,    Sam Golob (on behalf of John Kalinich, who did the work)

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Learning the basics of SMP/E

2021-01-26 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    I was just reviewing an article I wrote in 1988 (a long time ago) 
that encapsulates and summarizes my original efforts to learn SMP/E.

    Many of us systems programmers don't have a chance to do system 
maintenance, leaving it to "the designated person (or people)". And 
also, when breaking in a new person, that person is often given the job 
of doing the SMP/E system maintenance.  In my experience, the first 
exposure to SMP/E is a daunting task.  And it is even somewhat 
forbidding (to learn SMP/E) for very experienced systems programmers 
also, who (somehow) never ever got exposed to it, in their own LONG 

    My personal feeling (in 1988, after five years as a sysprog) was 
that, with the PROPER TEACHING, I could have learned, in 3 weeks, what 
took me 4 years to learn.

    I didn't want that to happen to anybody else.

    So I wrote an article.  Very carefully.

    I just read it over, today.  That's why I'm writing this piece.

THE CBT TAPE (www.cbttape.org), and READ THE MEMBER, SMPARTCL.

    Part of the problem in learning SMP/E, is that IBM does not tell 
you about its history, and where it came from.  In order to really 
understand SMP/E, you first must have a grasp of doing a SYSGEN, to 
create a new MVS system.  We don't do SYSGENs anymore, so this makes it 
hard to understand the foundation and structure and purpose and method 
of operation, of SMP/E.

    Nevertheless, in that article, I tried to recreate the history, the 
best I could.

    BOTTOM LINE.  If you want to train someone, or yourself, to do 
SMP/E, please first read this article - CBT File 014 - member SMPARTCL.  
It is almost guaranteed to make the process simpler.

    Hope this helps.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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Code to verify LOGON password

2021-01-09 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    I am just trying to get a very old program to work.  It is so old, 
that it mucks with the TSB password field, and I don't want to deal with 
that.  I don't care to reveal the password anywhere.  I just want the 
user to enter a password, and the security system should say "GO" or 
"NOGO".  That's all.

    Thanks for all your replies.  Be well and safe.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Code to verify LOGON password

2021-01-08 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Does anyone have user-written code for RACF, so that if the user 
types in a password, the code will verify if it is the user's actual 
LOGON password?

    I'd like to see code that does this, for ACF2 and Top Secret as 
well, but I'm primarily interested in RACF.

    Thank you very much.  All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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Additional zap for TASID

2020-12-27 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    There is an additional zap for TASID that is necessary in the 
initiator display (option 4).  After applying the previous zaps, another 
zap has to be applied, to show the jobclass for a running job, in the 
initiator display.  The reason for this is that in z/OS 2.1 (we think) 
the initiator names were changed from one to eight characters.  
Therefore a new field was created to display the initiator name, which 
has 8 characters, and the old field was blanked out.  Since TASID was 
written before this time, it only "knew" about one character for the 
initiator name, and it didn't "know" about the new field containing the 
initiator name.

    The new zap (called member ZAPTASCL in CBT File 980 on Updates) 
displays the first character of the new (8-character) initiator name 
field, instead of the old field (which is now blank).

    It is possible that this zap also applies to z/OS 2.1.  (I haven't 
tested it there.)

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,  Sam

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TASID ZAP from CBT File 980

2020-12-25 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    I am pleased to announce that someone has come up with an 
additional zap to TASID, so the initiator display works for z/OS 2.4, 
and it also works correctly on 2.2 and 2.3.  CBT Tape File 980 has been 
updated accordingly.

    Many thanks to the contributor.

    All the best of everything to all of you..

Sincerely,    Sam

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TASID ZAP from CBT File 980

2020-12-23 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    CBT File 980 contains a zap for TASID 5.21, so that the initiator 
display (option 4) is made to work.  I think that the zap is good for 
z/OS 2.2 and 2.3, but I tried it on z/OS 2.4 and it doesn't seem to work 
anymore.  Does anyone have a fix for z/OS 2.4, or can someone pinpoint 
what the problem is?

    Many thanks in advance.  I would like to fix CBT File 980 so that 
the "solutions" that are there, keep working.

    Thanks to Vladimir Mironov for the original fix.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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CBT Tape V-500 has been released

2020-12-20 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

 CBT Version 500 has been released as of today, at 
www.cbttape.org.  Please note some of the big updates in the "Changes 
Section".  Again, since we have the Updates page for intermediate 
updates in-between "tape" version releases, we only have to make full 
"version updates" two or three times per year.  So please, if you're 
looking for files, go to the Updates page of www.cbttape.org FIRST, and 
if your file number doesn't appear there (meaning that it hasn't been 
updated since the last version release) only THEN go to the CBT page to 
look for it.

 Thanks for your patronage and support.  This collection has been 
in existence now, to help the people, for over 45 years.  Also (I 
guess), Version 500 is a milestone.

 We haven't varied the format, all that much, from the way Arnie 
set the tape up originally.  Kudos to Arnie (Casinghino).  He laid a 
good foundation.

 All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    "Both Sams"

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How can you change TCAS defaults using the TSOKEYxx PARMLIB member?

2020-10-25 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Thanks to Joe Monk for getting me the correct information.  First 
of all, the parameters, which have to be in "=" format, and not TSO 
format with parentheses, must PRECEDE the comments, and all of them, 
except the last one, have to be followed by a comma.  For example:



which is written BEFORE the comments.

    ALSO, I bounced the TSO address space.

The resulting SHOWTCAS display is:  (CBT File 731 - www.cbttape.org - 
Updates page)

      --- --- - --
  Display of Settings and Addresses having
   to do with the TSOKEYxx PARMLIB member
   at the beginning of the IKTTCAST macro

addr  field    value explanation
  -    - ---
  +0  TCASID   TCAS Control block identifier
  +4  TCASUSEC 0001 Number of active users - HEX
   1    Number of active users - DEC
  +6  TCASUMAX 0027 TSO Maxusers number - HEX
  39    TSO Maxusers number - DEC
  +8  TCASACBP  ACB Password
 +10  TCASRCON 0001 Reconnect time in minutes - HEX
   1    Reconnect time in minutes - DEC
 +12  TCASCLSZ 0084 Buffer Size - HEX
 132    Buffer Size - DEC
 +14  TCASHBUF BB80 High Buffer Threshold - HEX
   48000    High Buffer Threshold - DEC
 +18  TCASLBUF 5DC0 Low Buffer Threshold - HEX
   24000    Low Buffer Threshold - DEC
 +1C  TCASCRSZ 01E0 Screen Size - HEX
 480    Screen Size - DEC
 +1E  TCASCHNL 04   Maximum Chain Length - HEX
   4    Maximum Chain Length - DEC
 +1F  TCASENGT 00   ENGTRANS Value 0-Base,1-Ext,2-None

 Thanks very much to all of you for your interest, and thanks, Joe 
Monk, for the correct reply.

 All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

P.S.  The SHOWTCAS command has an ALL parameter, which will display the 
entire real contents (mostly addresses) in the IKTTCAST macro, with all 
the correct values for your LPAR, below the settings which are displayed 
here.  I figured that most people don't want to see the whole thing.  
They are just interested in the current settings.  So ALL is not the 

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How can you change TCAS defaults using the TSOKEYxx PARMLIB member?

2020-10-24 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Clark understood my question correctly.  (Hi Clark--haven't heard 
from you in a while.)

    The PARMLIB command deals with the IKJTSOxx member of PARMLIB.  I'm 
interested in the TSOKEYxx member of PARMLIB which deals with TCAS.

    There doesn't seem to be any member in SYS1.SAMPLIB that deals with 
the correct syntax to code a non-default TSOKEYxx member.

    I did bounce TSO.  I even IPL-ed several times.  I would like some 
help. Thanks

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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How can you change TCAS defaults using the TSOKEYxx PARMLIB member?

2020-10-23 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    The TSOKEYxx parmlib member is supposed to have a whole set of 
parameters that can (supposedly) be changed for TCAS.  I was not 
successful in being able to change ANY of them using the TSOKEYxx 
PARMLIB member.  The defaults always came back, no matter how I changed 
the TSOKEY00 PARMLIB member which was pointed to by the PARMLIB DD name 
in the TSO startup procedure.

    This is perplexing.  I have already written a set of authorized TSO 
commands to change any of the parms in TCAS, on the fly (CBT Tape File 
731).  And I have an authorized TSO command (called SHOWTCAS) which 
displays all of the current settings.  But I want to know how to change 
them "the regular way", using the PARMLIB member.  No success as yet.  
Please help.


    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Can you set a FIXED dispatching priority using WLM?

2020-09-15 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Question.  Can you set a FIXED dispatching priority in WLM, like in 
the old IPS, ICS, OPT days?


    All the best.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT File 874

2020-06-22 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Hope you're all well.  Stay safe.

    This is just a suggestion, but it may help people to find some 
tools they might need, on occasion.

    CBT Tape File 874 (www.cbttape.org) - always check the Updates page 
first - has a collection of TSO HELP members for a sizable collection of 
useful programs that are available on the CBT Tape.  I'd suggest looking 
through this file, just to see what the different programs can do.  
Then, if you decide that you'd like to use some of them, you can go to 
the appropriate CBT Tape file and install them.  The ISPF statistics for 
each help member, indicate which CBT file it came from.

    Hope this helps.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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2020-06-15 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   Just wanted to say that I've posted David Spiegel's Assembler 
program and REXX to File 836 on the Updates page, as 3 members:  
RACROUTE (assembler program), RACRAUTH (rexx), and RACROUT$ (assembly 
JCL).  I would recommend renaming the RACRAUTH rexx to something like 
DSAUTH, but for the purpose of posting on that file, I had to keep the 
member names related to each other.  I also changed the load module name 
to RACROUT, so as not to confuse with the macro.

Examples:   From userid USER42:



The UACC of profile USER43.* is NONE.

Another example:

dsauth sys1.linklib


This userid has ALTER access to SYS1.LINKLIB.  I don't know if that's 
safe, but that's the fact, and it's nice to know it.

In any case, you get the idea.

   All the best of everything to all of you.   Stay safe.

Sincerely, Sam

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CBT Tape Version 499 has been loaded

2020-05-19 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    At www.cbttape.org we have loaded CBT Version 499.  Please enjoy. 
Remember to refer to the Updates Page first, in between version releases.

Sincerely,   Sam

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CBT File 120

2020-03-04 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   There's another article in CBT File 120 (Updates Page) on 
www.cbttape.org.  The title is:

BM2003MA  :  Using z/OS System Services Macros, or not

I hope you enjoy it.

   All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT 120 revisions

2020-02-25 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Just to mention that I can revise my articles at any time.  It's a 
nice luxury to have.

    It used to be, when I wrote for the magazine, that once I submitted 
an article to the editor, I had no further control or say, as to the 
content.  I didn't have a chance to correct any changes that the editor 
made, before publication.  (This was sometimes frustrating, because we 
systems programmers have in-jokes, which I hinted at in the beginning of 
many articles, and the editor removed most of them, not understanding 
the message that they conveyed.  They were the only parts of the article 
that were (to her) seemingly not "tech talk", and she told me "an editor 
has to edit".  I disagreed, but to no avail.)

    In any case, I can now change an article if there is a mistake or 
an addition. (Yay.)

    The last article was changed, because I was able to put more 
security into the program I was writing about, and I wanted the article 
to reflect the new change.

    So it might pay to look at the ISPF statistics on the articles, and 
note if any were later.

    Thanks for listening.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT 120

2020-02-21 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Just to let you know there's another article on CBT File 120 
(Updates page).

    The article is:

BM2002FE  :  ONLCLIP - Changing the VOLSER of a disk pack
 (while the pack remains online)

    It isn't needed often, but sometimes it's very useful.  The article 
goes into detail about where and when.  Tools for this were written or 
modified very recently.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Tape Problem

2020-01-19 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I once wrote a package to audit tape differences between the IBM 
3494 VTS and CA-1.  It is on CBT Tape File 519. www.cbttape.org  CBT 
file.  It converts the tape inventory of CA-1 and the VTS to a common 
format, and compares them, reporting discrepancies.  Hope it helps.  
This seems to do what you want.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,  Sam

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CBT File 120 - a new article -please look

2020-01-19 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I just wrote another article for the "system doctors" about how to 
alter, cancel, or change the status of jobs, when necessary, and when 
the IBM methods might not be working for you.  It's nice to have a tool 
in your pocket when you need it.

    This article, together with the other new ones, are in CBT File 120 
on the Updates page, www.cbttape.org/updates.htm with the following 
member names:


    It is a considerable effort for me to write these.  I used to do 
one a month for the magazine.  This month, I've written three.  The 
reason is that these are techniques which have helped me over the years, 
and which have given me an "edge" in certain situations.  It's better to 
"fly through a situation" with a solution, rather than to struggle and 
scrape and scratch your head.  We're all clever people, and we almost 
always wind up solving whatever we have to, but sometimes a new 
suggestion is helpful.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

P.S.  Please obtain these articles from File 120 in the Updates page of 

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CBT 120 - new article

2020-01-03 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Regarding my new article, please download File 846 from the Updates 
page of www.cbttape.org.  When writing the article, I made several fixes 
to the file.  So please use the Updates page for Files 846 and 312, as 
well as for File 120.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT File 120 - new article

2020-01-03 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    This is to announce a new article, member BM2001JB, which is about 
a new technique of backing up and restoring and loading IPL text.  The 
technique is based on CBT File 846 and it comes from two programs 
written by our friend somitcw, and two other programs written by me.  A 
simple technique for detecting IPL text on all (or some of) your disk 
volumes, developed by Lionel Dyck, is included.  Enjoy.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT File 120

2019-12-27 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I've written another article.  It's about the impact of the 
8-character TSO userid change in z/OS 2.3.  I hope you enjoy it.  The 
member name is BM2001JA.

    Thanks to all the people who appreciate my concern for the 
appropriate audience here.  This stuff is intended for sysprogs and 
(principally z/OS) developer types.  All of us know the responsibility 
that we have for maintaining expensive computer installations, and if we 
think about it, that responsibility extends here as well.  Your 
cooperation and understanding is much appreciated.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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CBT File 120 - A new article - Member BM1912DE

2019-12-23 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Please leave the distribution of my articles as is.  If you want to 
see more of them, please think responsibly and don't post them.  Get 
them from where they are.  Thanks much.

Sincerely,  Sam

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CBT File 120 - A new article - Member BM1912DE

2019-12-22 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I've just completed a new article which you might find interesting 
to read.  It is on the Updates page of www.cbttape.org on File 120, as 
member BM1912DE.

    The article talks about some newer programs, many of which I have 
had a part in writing.  In all likelihood, you have not heard about most 
or all of them.  I hope that you find this article informative, or at 
least entertaining.

    Thanks for your support.  All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,     Sam

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CBT File 120

2019-12-14 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    If and when I write more articles for CBT File 120, I promise to 
post the notice about them here.

    The naming convention for the articles will be BMyymoMO. Example:  
BM1911NV which means BM  year 19, month 11,  NV for November.

    So that's the pattern, and you can look there to see if there are 
new articles.  Please remember to look for File 120 on the Updates page 
of www.cbttape.org first.

    Thanks much..  All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT File 120

2019-12-12 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Correction.  The new article is member BM1911NV.  Sorry about the 

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT File 120

2019-12-12 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I've started writing articles again, but this time it isn't for 
"Technical Support" magazine.  Rather than make a blog, I decided to 
just put them out in CBT File 120, because the (interested) audience 
would most likely be systems programmers, software developers for z/OS 
and MVS, and possibly system-type application programmers.  The new 
article is member BM1011NV, and is entitled:  "THE VALUE OF TOOLS, NEW 
AND OLD - PART 1".  I hope it is helpful to all levels of expertise, in 
some way.

    Thanks for your (past and present) support.  Please let me know if 
you find this useful.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT Version 498 has been cut

2019-12-03 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I'm happy to announce that CBT Version 498 has been cut, dated 

    Please note the following announcement:

    In between version changes, please download files from the "Updates 
Page" to get the latest software.  If your file number is not in the 
Updates Page, ONLY THEN download it from the "CBT" page.  I only do a 
few version changes in a year, and in-between versions, LOTS of software 
gets updated.  This all goes into the "Updates Page" until a full 
version is cut again. So the "latest and (hopefully) greatest" is always 
in the Updates page, provided that it has been recently updated.  Files 
that have not been changed since the last version cut, are in the "CBT" 
page as usual.

    There has been some confusion about this, because in former times, 
when the CBT collection was distributed on tapes, Arnie would probably 
cut 15 new versions a year, because then, cutting a new version was the 
only way to distribute the new changes.  But now, on the www.cbttape.org 
website, I don't have to cut a new version, to be able to distribute 
updates.  There is the "Updates Page" now, so I only have to make a 
couple of full version cuts a year.

    I hope this avoids confusion.  Usually the Updates on the Updates 
Page are ready to go.  Sometimes, though (rather infrequently) they are 
in flux, but not usually so.  If they are in flux (rarely), they should 
be "stable" within a couple of days, because at such a time, we are 
usually working rapidly to fix things.

    Best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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TSO USERS program which also displays ACTIVE jobs

2019-08-25 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Just to let you know about this program.  The ACTIVE part does not 
work on XA systems and above, without some tweaking, because the CSCB 
control block (mapped by the IEECHAIN macro) was moved above the 16M 
line, and that is what contains most of the information about currently 
active jobs.  I have fixed the disassembly so it works on z/OS, and I 
have put the modified disassembled source on File 300 of the Updates 
page of www.cbttape.org (member USERS).

    It's just nicer when you have REAL source, and you can change 
things without worrying about displacements.

    Thanks again, in advance, for any help you can give me.

    All the best


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TSO USERS program which also displays ACTIVE jobs

2019-08-25 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Thanks to all who have helped me so far (especially Frank).

    I am trying to locate original source code for a program I have 
that displays TSO USERS, and also TSO ACTIVE jobs.  I only have a 
disassembly, and it is a somewhat complex program. From looking at the 
IKJPARMs in it, I could tell that it was written at Standard and Poor's 
located at 55 Water Street in New York City.  Dated before 1980 or so.

    If anybody has the source for this program (TSO command) I would 
appreciate them emailing it to me.  It is so old, that whatever company 
where it was written (I guess S), probably won't mind.  I think I saw 
it for the first time, at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the 
early 80's.

    Many thanks, if you can help.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam   sbgo...@cbttape.org

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A bit of nostalgia

2019-08-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Almost ever since I started using TSO, if I wanted to see who else 
was logged on, I would use the USERS command.  It was second nature.

    At one point, maybe ten years ago, I started looking around for the 
source code for USERS.  And I couldn't find it. It wasn't on the CBT 
Tape, or in any of my archives.  So I disassembled the load module, and 
kept the disassembled source around, just in case..

    There was another good program which served the same purpose:  
DUSER on CBT File 300.  So I started using that program instead.

    Recently, (like last night), I got around to looking at the 
disassembled source and tried to get it to work properly.  I was always 
wondering why the main CSECT in USERS was not called USERS, but it was 
called ACTIVE.  Not only did I get it to work and assemble, but I 
discovered that if you gave the load module an alias of ACTIVE, you'd 
get a "Display Active" display, whereas if you ran the program as USERS, 
you'd see the TSO users who were logged on.  So my mind was relieved, 
and even though the source code doesn't have labels, I fixed the ACTIVE 
command to be AMODE 31 and to display the right stuff.  You can now find 
the result as members USERS and USERSACT on CBT File 300.

    There are better programs.  The DA command on File 300 (I think) 
shows a better "Display Active" type display (and it can show the TSO 
users with a parm of T).  The DUSER command (also on File 300) shows a 
fine TSO users display.  But my old "buddy" the USERS command now has a 
semblance of correct source code to support it.  Gives me a "sense of 
security" inside, and I'm going to start using it again.

    So for those of you who have the same nostalgia, the USERS command 
is now available in "assemblable source" on CBT File 300 on the Updates 
page.  Have fun...!!!

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Another tool

2019-08-12 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Just want to make aware of a new tool that I stumbled into 
writing.  But it looks to be more useful than I originally thought.  So 
I figured to mention it and maybe some people will get mileage out of 
it.  It is called LISTMOD and it is on File 994 of the Updates page of 
www.cbttape.org.  You don't need to be APF-authorized to use the tool.

    What LISTMOD does, is to display load modules in a readable format, 
in an ISPF-like 3-line hex display with ruler. The header gives "some" 
useful information to be able to find stuff, but I think that the main 
purpose is to make a load module just a bit more accessible and just a 
bit more readable, so you can actually STUDY the darn thing.  Works for 
the more "ordinary" PDSE load modules too, and makes them readable.

    Here's an example of the first few lines.  The actual display goes 
all the way to the end of the load module, beginning to end.  If you 
want to start from the entry point specified, instead of from the 
beginning, use the ENTRY keyword, as in TSO TSOV IEFAB4A0 ENTRY.  
Leaving out the ENTRY keyword forces a display of the entire load 
module, beginning to end, but the header tells you where to start 
looking at the entry point.  With or without the ENTRY keyword, you get 
the same header information.

The command entered was:  TSO (TSOV - to capture and ISPF VIEW the 

Loaded Program Name: IEFAB4A0
Module is from LPA.  LPDE Address: 00C742D0   Alias of: IEFW21SD
Length of loaded module Hex:  000DD450    Decimal: 906320
Length after entry address :  00070D08    Decimal: 462088
Displacement of entry point:  0006C748    Decimal: 444232

x4   IEFDB400 18248 UA97287  ^ /  {{   0 W  { xY m 

x {0 00 x4  x4  x4  { i0    {0 00 x    0040

   \  { i0    {0 00 x  P  &} 8 5 &  4 0080

(70817 lines in ISPF.  This is a big module.)

    A nice thing about this tool is that you don't have to know what 
library the load module resides in.  You just LISTMOD the name, and the 
whole display blaps out in front of you.  As I said, it makes load 
modules just a little more accessible to look at them.  You need a place 
to contain the display for large modules, and that's why I included the 
"output capturiing tools":  TSOB (browse), TSOV (view), TSOE(edit) and 
TSOR (REVIEW from CBT File 134, which also works in TSO READY mode), so 
you can scroll up and down the (sometimes big) outputs on the screen.  
You can also capture a big output file using TSO-in-batch (example 
included in File 994).

    So to make a load module a little more readable, try this thing 
out.  It is very easy to use.  Please let me know if you like it.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT File 120 revisited

2019-05-24 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    For almost 20 years, I wrote a monthly column for NaSPA's magazine 
"Technical Support", which was entitled "MVS Tools and Tricks of the 
Trade".  The administrators of NaSPA had kindly allowed me to distribute 
these articles on File 120 of the CBT Tape.  (See www.cbttape.org 
Updates page, File 120.).  I am very grateful to Scott Sherer and to all 
of their officers (from that time) for giving their permission.

    A few years have passed since I touched this file, and upon looking 
there, I noticed that time has brought some changes.

    First, at the time many of the articles were written, you had to 
order the CBT Tapes, in physical form, from NaSPA.  Now, you just have 
to go to www.cbttape.org and download what you want (check the Updates 
Page first!!!)

    A few other changes have also occurred, such as my contact address, 
and so forth.  So I tried to fix File 120 accordingly, at least a bit.

    Nevertheless, a lot has not changed.  Many of these articles are 
just as relevant today, as they were the day they were written.  
Therefore I'm bringing this file to your attention, so you can see what 
you can glean from it.

    Hope it helps

    All the best of everything to all of you..

Sincerely,    Sam

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New CBT Version 497 is cut

2019-04-29 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    CBT Version 497 is now available on www.cbttape.org. Over 60 files 
changed.  (They were available on Updates before.)  Use it well...

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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The 64-bit version of LOOK from CBT File 264 is finally out

2019-04-06 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I guess I have to clarify the situation about the LOOK program.  
It's intent is to help in system-level code development, and as such, 
I'd probably say that it shouldn't be installed in any place where there 
might be a problem of an "unauthorized" person "snooping" at what's in 
storage.  However, the LOOK program has been on the CBT Tape since 
around 1980, and its capabilities have always been similar.  Nobody 
seems to have worried about its capabilities or non-capabilites.  It has 
been sitting on the CBT Tape all along.  All we wanted to do, was allow 
it to see storage above the bar, and we have been very grateful that we 
have been able to accomplish that.  That's what we wanted to announce.

    I must emphasize that LOOK cannot change any storage.

    Everybody has their own tools which they use "to help them do the 
job".  I use LOOK to look around in storage.  Since LOOK also has 
control block formatting capability, it makes life much easier when you 
need to repeatedly follow a control block chain.  Even when the storage 
is unformatted, since the screen is displaying 256 bytes of storage in 
the general area where you're looking, and you can go forward or 
backward 256 bytes at a time, you get to discover a lot of information 
about the general area of storage, nearby.  This makes it much easier to 
"scope out" control blocks, to see what they're doing. Obviously the 
tool is very useful for system-level code development.

    I just wanted to point out that now, you can use it to see storage 
above the bar, as well.  And you now have a way to do indirect 
addressing above the bar, using the G command instead of the J command.

    I'll explain.  Suppose you're looking in a control block, and you 
see something that looks like a 4-byte address at, say +14 from where 
you are.  You can command J+14 and go there.  If it isn't a valid 
address, you just press F9 (history backward) and go back to where you 
were.  Now (the new thing is) if you see something that looks like an 
8-byte address at +10 from where you are, you can say G+10 and go 
there.  If it isn't a valid address, you press F9 and you're (hopefully) 
back where you were.  This kind of thing is very handy when you're 
trying to figure out how to program something.

    Again, I must emphasize that this program "has always been 
around".  It's just that we have been able to improve it, and Joe was 
able to build in better recovery capability in case you hit some storage 
that you can't get to.

    The announcement was merely to let people know that the new LOOK 
can see storage above the bar.  Same as anything on the CBT Tape, it's 
(thank God) there if you need it.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,   Sam

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The 64-bit version of LOOK from CBT File 264 is finally out

2019-04-04 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    It worked out well that we had the previous problem when incorrect 
ASID's were over-typed in LOOKN.  Turns out that LOOKJ (the 31-bit 
version) had the same issue, and we just fixed it there, too.

    I just reloaded File 264 to the www.cbttape.org Updates page, and 
also File 035, which contains load modules for LOOK. All should be fine, 
hopefully.  Please download the newest copies, if you downloaded between 
yesterday and today.

    Again, thanks for your forbearance.  We're trying to bring you the 
best product we can.

    All the best of everything to all of you...

Sincerely,    Sam and Joe

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The 64-bit version of LOOK from CBT File 264 is finally out

2019-04-04 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I think we fixed the problem.  We were checking the validity of the 
over-typed ASID, and when it was wrong, it was possible to feed a wrong 
ASID into the SRB that gets the data from the other address space.  The 
fix was, that in the case of an error when the ASID was being 
over-typed, we now always feed our own ASID into the SRB, to guarantee 
that the SRB won't run in error.  Then, when we try to over-type the 
ASID again, we'll have another chance to get it right.

    I think you can now safely beat up LOOKN, and see if you can find 
other issues, or else you can just enjoy it.

    Thanks very much for bearing with us.

Sincerely,    Sam and Joe

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The 64-bit version of LOOK from CBT File 264 is finally out

2019-04-04 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    For now, LOOKN is in Beta status.  It seems to work fine in regular 
operation, but for now, don't try to switch to an invalid or inactive 
ASID.  We'll try and fix the issue as soon as we can.

    Thanks for bearing with us.

Sincerely,   Sam

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The 64-bit version of LOOK from CBT File 264 is finally out

2019-04-03 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I'm happy to announce that the 64-bit version of the LOOK program 
from CBT File 264 is finally out, on the Updates page of 
www.cbttape.org.  It has been a long time in coming.

    Now you can browse virtual storage and and navigate control blocks 
in all three:  64-bit, 31-bit, and 24-bit storage, and in ANY ADDRESS SPACE.

    I know that many of you have other ways of doing this, but the 
64-bit LOOK command, named LOOKN to distinguish it from the 31-bit 
version, has been a mainstay for many programmers, and for me.

    My friend Joe Reichman did most of the development, and he 
modernized many parts of the program:  SCHEDULE was replaced by IEAMSCHD 
in synchronous mode, and much more was revamped by Joe, including recovery.

    Right now I think that LOOKN works very nicely, switching back and 
forth between 64-bit and 31-bit storage and so forth. But I'd like the 
people to use it, beat it up, and report any problems to me, so we can 
fix them.  LOOK does not change storage.  It gives you the opportunity 
to see the data you're programming for.

    The old versions of LOOK are still around on File 264, so that 
folks using pre-z/OS systems can still have a their source codes.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Help in updating old programs

2019-03-26 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I have been working on updating some old programs to run on z/OS.  
Origin of these programs is CBT Tape File 830 (use the one on the 
Updates page).  These are old Xephon program contributions written from 
the mid-1980's thru the mid-1990's. There are a lot of them, and many of 
them are useful today. Some of them address different issues than what 
is already on the CBT Tape.

    I am picking some of these programs, one by one, to try and get 
them to work under z/OS.  Some of them are handier tools than the ones 
we already have; some do similar jobs, but they are nicely written. The 
destination for the "fixed programs and packages" is CBT File 836.  You 
are welcome to look at the current version of File 836 that I have 
posted, on the www.cbttape.org Updates page.

    Since there are many members in CBT File 830, each representing an 
article in the MVS magazine, it would be nice if some people would help 
us find programs that are useful to them, and would fix them to run on 
z/OS.  Usually not too much fixing is needed.  Assembler programs need 
to have "register equates" (e.g. macro YREGS from SYS1.MACLIB) added to 
them.  YREGS was not available 25 or 30 years ago.  Looking at this 
material is a big job for me, and I'd appreciate it if you'd help 
yourselves by picking a few programs for yourself, getting them to work, 
and sending the results to me, to be posted in your name, on File 836.

    This material is no longer controlled by the (now defunct) Xephon.  
Control of them was given to Bob Thomas of Enterprise System Journal, 
and when he stopped publishing the magazines, he gave support control of 
the materials to www.cbttape.org.  You can now use all these materials 
in good conscience.

    So please give it a try, and see if you can get some of the 
material to work for yourselves, and help others by sending the (fixed) 
code back to me.  This will be much appreciated by all.

    All the best of everything to all of you

Sincerely,    Sam

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R.F. Perretta

2019-03-24 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Does anyone know the whereabouts of R.F. Perretta, who used to 
write articles for the Xephon magazines?  I very much enjoy his coding, 
and the subjects of his articles, and I would like to get in touch with him.

    Anyone who has information, please write back to me, either on the 
list, or off-list, and let me know.

    Thank you very much.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,   Sam Golob   sbgo...@cbttape.org

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CBT File 483-contact the author

2018-12-19 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    Sorry to bother you about this kind of thing.  I have had to modify 
several items on CBT File 483 from Thomas Ramseier, and since it is "his 
file", I would like to contact him.  Last I heard from him was in 2001, 
when he worked for the Swiss Federal Office of Information Technology 
(FOITT).  If you know his whereabouts, please let me know (maybe do it 
offline, to preserve his privacy) at sbgo...@cbttape.org.  Thanks much.

    BTW File 483 contains some really useful items, and it's worth 
looking into.  I "fixed" QSMS to stop it from going into an infinite 
loop, and I created a program DTOD from Thomas' program QTOD, so it 
takes a 16-bit parameter which is an STCK output in "display" format, 
and tells you what time it denotes.

Example:   TSO DTOD D565353F6689C002

Output:   Date: Tuesday, 18th of December 2018 (12/18/18 2018.352) Time: 

    These things can be useful, and I want to discuss the file with the 
author, as I usually try to do.

    Thanks much for your cooperation.   All the best of everything to 
all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

P.S.  If any of you is in contact with Jan Jaeger, I'd like to speak 
with him too.  Thanks again.

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CBT Tape Version 496 has been cut

2018-11-12 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    The CBT Tape web site, www.cbttape.org, has just been updated with 
CBT Version 496.  The updates will (hopefully) now go to Version 497.  
Please check the site to make sure things were done correctly, and all 
the updates that were supposed to be there, are there.  Thanks much for 
your cooperation. Suggestions and observations are welcome.

    All the best of everything to all of you..  Use it well.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Bad Design but nobody cares

2018-10-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I hope this post isn't considered a waste of everyone's time.  I 
came across this "design element" (so to speak) in my work concerning 
the Broadcast Dataset (aka SYS1.BRODCAST, in its more restrictive sense).

    Question:  When you are reformatting the active Broadcast Dataset 
(SYS1.BRODCAST) with the SYNC command, you create space for 100 global 
Notices (the messages that everybody sees when they LOGON).  How do you 
change this number?

    Answer:  You probably would never want to change this number, 
because 100 notices is adequate for most purposes.  But what if you 
really DO want to change this number?  Then IBM tells you to zap a 
fullword field at the beginning of TSO initiation module IKJEFXSR, and 
re-IPL (maybe with CLPA, just to be safe).  Again, you'd probably never 
want to do this, because 100 notices is adequate for almost everyone.

    Where is that number (100, or F'64') kept?  It is actually a 
fullword in the CVT itself, at displacement X'5A8'. It is not "chained 
off the CVT".  It is actually a fullword IN the CVT...  Wow!

    So how would a fullword in the CVT be changed?  Presumably only at 
IPL time.  That's why IBM's method of changing it is so cumbersome, 
since (I think) IKJEFXSR, which starts up TSO, has to put that number 
into the CVT.

    Anyway, if someone REALLY wants to change this number (temporarily, 
for the duration of the IPL), I wrote an authorized TSO command called 
BDMNNOTC, which will take a number as a parameter, convert it to 
fullword binary, and zap it into CVT + X'5A8'.  This command is on CBT 
File 731 (www.cbttape.org).  It works instantly.  So you say:  BDMNNOTC 
50, or BDMNNOTC 150, and if you do a SYNC afterwards, that number of 
NOTICES records will be formatted into the (active) Broadcast Dataset.  
If you are really doing this, please see the notes in the program 
source, on CBT File 731.

    I submitted a request to IBM quite a few years ago, that maybe an 
entry should be put into PARMLIB member IKJTSOxx, with the format 
NUMNOTICES(nnn), which would change this number whenever you do a 
PARMLIB UPDATE(xx) TSO command or a SET IKJTSO=xx console command.  
Since this requirement probably has the lowest priority that could ever 
be assigned to an enhancement request, I'd guess that it probably would 
never get done.  But meanwhile, the sysprog community has my BDMNNOTC 
solution, if they want it.

    I guess I've taken enough of your time.  Hope it's food for some 
thinking--and maybe it'll eventually lead to some productive progress 

    Thanks for listening.  All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Small and useful CLIST - error

2018-10-15 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Just a handy thing (in one place) that can make life easier.  I 
wrote it as a CLIST to keep it really simple:  It is called LASTT (you 
can name it more appropriately, e.g. TIMES)

LOGTIME   /* CBT FILE 133  */
LASTIPL   /* CBT FILE 300  */

And its output looks like:

LOGON TIME WAS ON MONDAY OCTOBER 15, 2018 (18.288) AT 15:18:55
LAST IPL WAS ON MONDAY OCTOBER 15, 2018 (2018.288) AT 14.39
LAST CLPA WAS ON MONDAY OCTOBER 15, 2018 (18.288) AT 14:39:27

This info (sometimes) is a good thing to know.  Hope it helps in the 
daily work.

All the best


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Small and useful CLIST

2018-10-15 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Just a handy thing (in one place) that can make life easier.  I 
wrote it as a CLIST to keep it really simple:  It is called LASTT (you 
can name it more appropriately, e.g. TIMES)

LOGTIME   /* CBT FILE 133  */
LASTIPL   /* CBT FILE 300  */

And its output looks like:

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CBT File 312 IPLCHK changed to IPLTCHK

2018-09-22 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Lionel Dyck's program to report on which disk volumes contain IPL 
text, in CBT File 312, has been renamed from IPLCHK to IPLTCHK (IPL Text 
Check).  Since this problem was discussed on IBM-Main about a week ago, 
and Lionel's solution was reported here, I just needed to say that he 
changed the name of the program to more accurately describe what it 
does.  And he also added an additional twist, making the output JCL (to 
execute ADRDSSU PRINT function) a temporary file instead of a permanent 
one, and showing that you need a jobcard.

    Have fun with this one.  It is extremely easy to try out.  (It just 
needs access to the DUDASD program from CBT File 612, to report the 
names of the disk packs on your system.)

    All the best of everything to all of you

Sincerely, Sam

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Ken Tomiak's recent work

2018-09-17 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

    It is with great sadness that I must inform you of the passing of 
our dear friend, Ken Tomiak.  As a tribute to him, and I think this is 
the best tribute we can offer him, I am making available his very 
considerable amount of work, which he did in his last couple of years.  
The reason I'm making his raw files available, is because there is too 
much valuable material there for me to sort through and post on the CBT 
Tape, and I want all the people out there to have a good look at his 
results, methods, and organizational precision in general.

    Therefore, please look at:


where you will see three files:  ktomiak.intro, ktomiak.restore, and 
ktomiak.zip (which contains all his materials)

I'm sure you'll be glad you looked there.  Ken produced beautiful 
stuff.  It was meant to be used.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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Finding all DASD volumes containing IPL text

2018-09-15 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Lionel Dyck posed the question of how you can determine which of 
your disk packs have IPL text on them, and what IPL text do they have?

    Lionel solved his own problem (with Bob Richards' help). Please see 
his exec called IPLCHK on CBT File 312 on the UPDATES page.  If you also 
have the DUDASD program from CBT File 612 installed (to get the list of 
volsers for your DASD volumes), then this EXEC produces JCL for ADRDSSU 
(PRINT function) to dump the contents of Track 0 for all the volumes 
chosen.  It's neat and fast.  And you see all the IPL text (if it is 
there) dumped out.


    A happy ending to another problem.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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URL Table for MOSHIX mainframe YouTube videos

2018-06-29 Thread Sam Golob
Thanks for the suggestion, Mike.  I updated the $MOSHIX member (doco) 
with this URL, but with the explanation that sometimes a URL accessed by 
a web page, does not include all possible (in this case) videos.  So we 
have to access the video with a direct URL in order to find it.

All the best

Sincerely,    Sam

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URL Table for MOSHIX mainframe YouTube videos

2018-06-29 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    CBT File 977 is only on the Updates page of www.cbttape.org. Sorry 
I omitted that information.

All the best of everything to all of you.


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URL Table for MOSHIX mainframe YouTube videos

2018-06-29 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I have created File 977 on the www.cbttape.org which contains a 
table of all the URL's of the current MOSHIX mainframe videos.  It is 
member MOSHIXT in the pds, and it contains printable EBCDIC characters 
only.  The member should be downloaded with ASCII to the PC and looked 
at with a browser. Paste and Go whichever URL of the video you want to 
look at.

    I know this may not be the most elegant presentation of the 
material - HTML would be better.  But I wanted to get it out there as 
quickly as possible, and as compactly as possible - FB80 definitely is 

    We hope to improve the presentation later.

    Use it and learn a lot.  It is for all levels of expertise.  It 
is amazing what Moshix is doing, especially for beginners.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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TSO messaging command called TO

2018-06-01 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I hope that this message will be useful to a large number of 
people, and will make communication between logged-on TSO users easier.

    We have just resurrected an old TSO command to conveniently send 
messages to another TSO user.  The "TO" command is much easier to use 
than the SEND command, and it sends the message via a TPUT to the other 
user's ASID.  Syntax of the TO command is:

TO tsouser Unquoted message with any number of spaces

    The TO command (version on File 300 of the Updates page of 
www.cbttape.org) has been updated to accept 8-character userids as the 
destination for the message.

    In TSO READY mode (for which the command was originally designed), 
you can include quotes in the message, and it will be sent as is.  Also, 
in TSO READY mode, the message can and will remain, in mixed case.  
However, ISPF sometimes does tricks to TSO commands and messages, and 
some (but not all) ISPF screens will uppercase the entire command before 
it is sent.  Also, ISPF will usually demand an even number of quotes, 
which TO sends asis.  So if you send the message under ISPF:

TSO TO userid It doesn't matter

then ISPF will demand an even number of quotes, and will not send the 
message.  On the other hand, if you say:

TSO TO userid It doesn't matter '

then the message is sent asis, with the two quotes there, as coded.  And 
the recipient will get the message as follows:

It doesn't matter '  IBMUSER

    This is just a peculiarity of ISPF and it doesn't have to do with 
the coding of the TO command.

    I hope this will help people to communicate with other logged on 
TSO users more easily.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,   Sam

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NY Metro NaSPA Chapter Meeting, Wednesday, 18 April, 2018

2018-04-12 Thread Sam Golob

Dear Folks,

   This is to announce Mark Nelson's (of IBM) technical meeting in New 
York on April 18, 2018, which is at the IBM Building in New York, 590 
Madison Avenue, on the 12th Floor, starting at 10 AM.  Prior 
registration is required--no big deal--just email Mark Nelson 
<mar...@us.ibm.com> and tell him you want to come, so he'll register 
you.  When you show up in the lobby, tell the guards your name, and 
they'll give you a badge to go up.  There is no cost.  (And there are 
restaurants in the Sony Building lobby across the street on E. 56th Street.)

   This meeting occurs twice a year, usually in April and October, and 
in my experience it is an extremely worthwhile thing to go to.  It is 
like a day's worth of SHARE sessions, usually four or five of them, 
given usually by IBM'ers or former IBM'ers.  Even if the topic is 
something you never heard of, it will (sooner or later) come in handy if 
you know something about it.  And if the topic is something you're 
really interested in, then you'll get a chance to talk to IBM experts 
about it.

   So I'd recommend that you go, if you can.  It is very worthwhile.  
For details, please write to Mark Nelson at mar...@us.ibm.com.

   All the best of everything to all of you

Sincerely,    Sam Golob

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EMPTYTST postscript and thanks

2018-02-19 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I was very heartened by the response to my previous post about our 
writing the EMPTYTST program (CBT Tape File 971 on the Updates page, 
www.cbttape.org).  This is a batch program which was designed to run in 
a jobstream where some data in a dataset may, or may not, have been 
produced by a previous job step.  And you now want to test that dataset 
to see whether any data is really there, or whether the dataset is 
actually empty.

    The EMPTYTST program, as it now is, produces the following return 


    Much of this action, which the EMPTYTST program now performs, was 
suggested by readers of this forum, and that is why I am writing this 
note, to give them the credit that is due them, and to thank the readers 
of this list in general, for being interested.

    I want to thank Sri Kolusu of IBM (DFSORT development), for letting 
us know (in a private email) that the program might be confused if the 
SYSUT1 DDNAME (the input file) is a concatenation.  Really, we only want 
to be concerned with a single dataset, if data was produced in it or 
not.  A concatenation would confuse and muddle the issue.  If, for 
example, one jobstep produced two datasets to check, we could have two 
EMPTYTST steps after that in the jobstream, one checking each dataset 
separately, and each step producing the appropriate return code.  Thank 
you, Sri.  Because of you, the program now checks for a concatenation, 
and produces a severe error (code 16) if there is one.

    I want to thank one of the dear readers of this forum, who took it 
upon himself to dig into the EMPTYTST source code, as a result of my 
post.  His name is clearly mentioned in the file (thank you Gerhard).  
He produced a much-improved program that took care of quite a few 
deficiencies, adding several hundred lines of code.

    Upon further testing, we still found a few flaws, so this person 
teamed up with the original author to have "both pairs of eyes" on the 
program, and to clear up even more problems. Finally, I stepped in and 
added a description of all of their improvements, to the program 
documentation and to the help file.

    All of this stuff, came about directly as a result of my previous 
post regarding the EMPTYTST program on this forum.  So you see, that 
besides being useful for answering people's questions, this forum also 
contributes directly to the quality of software which is being made 
available for the public's use. (Of course, all disclaimers apply.)  
Thanks to all of you, folks

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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EMPTYTST program - Test if a non-VSAM dataset is empty

2018-02-01 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Because of some interest on this list, we just wrote a tool that 
might help people in long jobstreams.  It is called EMPTYTST and it is a 
batch program which can tell if a PS dataset or a PO member is empty or not.

    EMPTYTST uses SYSUT1 for the input dataset, and returns a code of 0 
if that dataset is not empty, a code of 4 if it is empty, and a code of 
8 if a pds member does not exist.  If the SYSUT1 DD name is missing, it 
returns a code of 12.

    EMPTYTST has two optional additional outputs--a WTO to the log, and 
a SYSPRINT output, either or both of which can help if you are looking 
through a long jobstream.

    EMPTYTST is on File 971 of the Updates page of www.cbttape.org and 
(of course) it is free.  All CBT Tape caveats and disclaimers apply, as 
with everything else in the CBT Tape collection.

    We hope it will help.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Free PDS86 V151

2018-01-25 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   If you are using PDS86 on a z/OS 2.3 system, please install the 
latest version from CBT Tape File 182, if you plan on turning on the 
8-character userids and prefixes.  The latest release has been fixed for 
that.  It has also been fixed for ISPF userid's of length 8.

   Thanks for asking, Dave.

   All the best of everything to all of you..

Sincerely,    Sam

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CBT Tape URL is www.cbttape.org

2018-01-21 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Most people know the URL for the CBT Tape, but in case somebody 
doesn't know it, it's www.cbttape.org.  There may be some people who are 
new to this list, and who don't (yet) know that they can get many 
marvelous tools for z/OS there (all for free).  (Of course, all 
disclaimers apply, but we try and keep things as reliable as we can.  We 
work very hard at it.)

    All the best

Sam G

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CBT Tape Version 495 has been cut

2018-01-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    The CBT Tape Version 495 has been cut (finally).  There have been 
over 60 file changes made since the last version was cut last March.  I 
believe that this is the single biggest increment in changes between 
file versions.

    The tape was cut yesterday, and the website updates were made today.

    Please look at the Changes section in the "CBT page", to see all 
the changes.

    Please also note that my sbgo...@attglobal.net email address has 
gone away irrevocably, and I can not retrieve any messages sent to 
there.  Please use sbgo...@cbttape.org to contact me, or alternatively, 

    Use the materials safely, and in good health and happiness.  
All the contributors hope they will make your working life easier.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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Converting programs to accommodate 8-character userids and prefixes

2017-12-19 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Ed,

    Ah, nostalgia!!!

    Funny thing is, UADS was studied in depth by Jim Marshall in the 
early 90's.  And although it's not too wise to use it (via the ACCOUNT 
command) to define working userids in a production system, but on a 
development system the knowledge of SYS1.UADS can come in very handy.  
See Jim's files:  CBT Files 300 and 316.  Very neat stuff.  Jim also got 
me involved in studying SYS1.BRODCAST at that time, and that knowledge 
from him, helped get me started to develop my SYS1.BRODCAST package 
(free version on CBT File 247).  Of course I didn't do it just for fun.  
Our installation was (effectively) a service bureau, in which we had to 
preserve one of our subsidiary data center's BRODCAST messages, and we 
couldn't just wipe BRODCAST with the SYNC command the way IBM 
"requires".  We had to do it intelligently--not just burn down the barn 
and rebuild it, every time it got dirty.  So I wrote programs to back 
SYS1.BRODCAST up, print messages from the backup copy, and do all kinds 
of other things to it, with the help of Vinh Vu.

    So for me the UADS (and BRODCAST) experience is more recent than 
the 1970's.  But MAN..!!!  Do I enjoy listening to people who have 
EXPERIENCE..!  Thanks, Ed.  I remember those days too.  Had some real 
fun, (adventures, and all-night IPL's).

    All the best of everything to all of you...

Sincerely,    Sam

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Converting programs to accommodate 8-character userids and prefixes

2017-12-14 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I'm commenting on Ed Gould's comments.  Thanks Ed.  Much obliged.

    I've used MVT in the old days, but I'm not an expert from then.  A 
few years ago, I was experimenting with the ACCOUNT command to create 
new userids in SYS1.UADS (on z/OS), and I noticed that the size of each 
member was dependent on the BLKSIZE of the SYS1.UADS dataset.  For 
example, if your SYS1.UADS had a block size of 800, each member could be 
only one block, and therefore it had to be limited to 10 records.  But 
when I blocked SYS1.UADS at 8000, each member was 100 records.

    In the old days, it was customary to block SYS1.UADS at 800 bytes.  
So those userid members, being only 10 records long, sometimes needed 
several members to accommodate the information from several accounts, or 
logon procedures, or passwords, connected with a single userid.  Hence 
the USERID0, USERID1, USERID2 members, etc.

    In any case, it was quite a restrictive system, and the 7-character 
limitation has lasted, in TSO, for a very long time.  Until now.

    Now, hundreds of programs have to be updated.  We are working on 
it.  If any of you has fixed something related to this (or NOT related 
to this), please send it to me for inclusion on the CBT Tape, in order 
to benefit everyone else. Thanks much  We appreciate all the 
help we can get.

    One way of getting around it is not to turn on the 8-character id 
support.  But people in IBM have told me that they want to eventually 
make 8-character id support the default, so we've got to get there 
sooner or later.

    All the best of everything to all of you...

Sincerely,   Sam

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Converting programs to accommodate 8-character userids and prefixes

2017-12-14 Thread Sam Golob
Hi Folks, (I'm sorry that my previous post was sent incomplete--pressed 
the wrong key)

   As you probably know by now, z/OS 2.3 has introduced the possibility 
of having 8-character TSO userids and 8-character TSO prefixes.  These 
name fields were previously limited to 7 characters, ever since TSO came 
into existence.  (I think the reason for the limitation was that the 
SYS1.UADS members, representing the definition of TSO userids before 
RACF, ACF2, Top Secret etc. had to have a number at the end of them, 
e.g. IBMUSER0, IBMUSER1, etc.  So the id itself was limited to 7 
characters in length.)

   Many programs, especially TSO commands, look to find the TSO userid 
in the PSCBUSER field (7 characters long) of the PSCB control block 
(mapped by macro IKJPSCB).  Also, the TSO prefix for your session is 
usually found in the UPTPREFX field (also 7 characters) of the UPT 
control block (mapped by macro IKJUPT).

   General 8-character userid support, in z/OS 2.3 (and presumably 
above) is turned on or off by a switch.  It was explained to me, that 
the support is quite complicated, so the installation has to be able to 
decide whether to turn it on, or not.  The installation's control is in 
PARMLIB member IKJTSOxx, in the LOGON parameter: LOGON USERIDMAX(8) . 
The place where this switch is located, is +6 bytes off the beginning of 
the TSVT (TSO Vector Table) mapped by macro IKJTSVT.  The setting is 
x'00' for pre z/OS 2.3, x'07' for z/OS 2.3 with support OFF, and x'08' 
for z/OS 2.3 with support ON.

   With the switch on, and if you have defined an 8-character userid, 
then the PSCBUSER field and the UPTPREFX field cannot contain the userid 
or the prefix, since they are only 7 characters long. So there are 2 new 
fields, at 2 new locations in the PSCB and UPT control blocks, 
respectively.  The display below shows where they are.  Also, the length 
fields in the PSCB and UPT are both new, when you have an 8-character 

   The displays below will show the location and content of all the 
relevant fields.  They were produced by the LPSCB program (parameter U) 
from CBT File 300, and by the ALLIDS program (CBT File 731) both on the 
UPDATES page of www.cbttape.org .

   So without further ado, here are the displays.  You should be able 
to use this information to do almost any conversion that you'll need to 
do.  There's more of course, but this is the basic layout.  If there is 
an 8-character userid defined, then the old fields (PSCBUSER and 
UPTPREFX) will contan the characters '>7BYTES' with a length of 7.   
Thanks for listening.

Output of LPSCB U , TSO command from CBT File 300

This program shows field layouts for PSCB and UPT.

    +0  PSCBUSER 6EF7C2E8E3C5E2   >7BYTES
    +7  PSCBUSRL 07
   +12  PSCBATR2 
   +14  PSCBLTIM D395E64338C46389 2017.348  09:57.47.143238
   +1C  PSCBSUBH 00
   +1D  PSCBSUBC 00
   +1E  PSCBSUBM 00
   +1F  PSCBSOUT 00
   +20  PSCBU8L  08
   +21  PSCBDRBA 00
   +24  RESERVED 
   +28  PSCBDEST 
   +30  PSCBRLGB 7EF8
   +34  PSCBUPT  8FC8
   +38  PSCBUPTL 0038
   +3A  PSCBCHAR 00
   +3B  PSCBLINE 00
   +3C  PSCBRSZ  000F4240
   +40  PSCBU    
   +48  PSCBEXWD
   +48  PSCBEXK  
   +4C  PSCBEXL  0004
   +50  PSCBEXD  
    +0  UPTLEN   0038
    +2  UPTUSER  
    +C  UPTSWS   00
    +D  UPTCDEL  00
    +E  UPTLDEL  00
    +F  UPTVERS  01
   +10  UPTPREFX 6EF7C2E8E3C5E2   >7BYTES
   +17  UPTPREFL 07
   +18  UPTPLANG C5D5E4   ENU
   +20  UPTSWS2  00
   +29  UPTPRF8L 08

Output of my ALLIDS TSO command - CBT File 731

--    --- -- ---   
   old    len   new   len
  field   gth  field  gth

My PSCB Userid is >7BYTES  07 IBMUSERC 08
My UPT  Prefix is >7BYTES  07 IBMUSERC 08
My JCT  Userid is IBMUSERC
My JMR  Userid is IBMUSERC
My ACEE Userid is IBMUSERC 08
My LWA  Userid is  08 IBMUSERC

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Converting programs to accommodate 8-character userids and prefixes

2017-12-14 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   As you probably know by now, z/OS 2.3 has introduced the possibility 
of having 8-character TSO userids and 8-character TSO prefixes.  These 
name fields were previously limited to 7 characters, ever since TSO came 
into existence.  (I think the reason for the limitation was that the 
SYS1.UADS members, representing the definition of TSO userids before 
RACF, ACF2, Top Secret etc. had to have a number at the end of them, 
i.e. IBMUSER0, IBMUSER1, etc.  So the id itself was limited to 7 
characters in length.)

   Many programs, especially TSO commands, look to find the TSO userid 
in the PSCBUSER field (7 characters long) of the PSCB control block 
(mapped by macro IKJPSCB).  Also, the TSO prefix for your session is 
usually found in the UPTPREFX field (also 7 characters) of the UPT 
control block (mapped by macro IKJUPT).

   General 8-character userid support, in z/OS 2.3 (and presumably 
above) is turned on or off by a switch.  It was explained to me, that 
the support is quite complicated, so the installation has to be able to 
decide whether to turn it on, or not.  The installation's control is in 
PARMLIB member IKJTSOxx, in the LOGON parameter:

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Preparing for 8-character TSO userids

2017-12-07 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I forgot to mention that IBM did supply a compatibility PTF for 
older systems, to tolerate some of the 8-character id stuff.  So at a 
fairly recent PTF level, z/OS 2.2 and 2.1 users can have some tolerance 
for sharing with 2.3 systems having the 8-character ids and prefixes.  
But it came around July of this year, and people whose maintenance is 
from before that, don't have that compatibility stuff.

Sincerely,    Sam

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Preparing for 8-character TSO userids

2017-12-07 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

 I'd like to just clarify my point of view, as opposed to Ed 
Jaffe's.  It seems to me that his view, as a vendor, is to make his code 
compatible with IBM's new operating system.  When he supplies a version 
of (say) EJES for z/OS 2.3, it was coded especially to work for z/OS 
2.3.  And it was probably assembled on a 2.3 system.  If his new load 
module is running on an older system, then he codes for that, to bypass 
the new stuff.  My view is a little different.

 I have to try and make sure that older utilities will continue to 
work with IBM's new operating system.  But I know that my clientele 
(users of the CBT Tape) will probably have to assemble the tools for 
themselves.  And they won't necessarily yet, be on the system level for 
which these changes are being made.  The changes I'm making to the code, 
are to make sure that their old load modules will continue to work on 
the new system, once they get there.  But they aren't necessarily there 
NOW. They probably have an older version of the IKJUPT and IKJPSCB 
macros, and they don't have the new versions with the new field labels, 
to assemble with.  That's why I made my suggestion to hard-code the 
displacements when they fix the old utilities to append an 8-character 
prefix, and so forth.

 When a new operating system comes out, the vendors probably have 
an advance copy of it.  But the users (i.e. "customers") don't.  So if 
the customers have to assemble, it's different than when the vendors 
assemble.  The customers are assembling on an older operating system.

 It is hoped that by laying out the exact plan of the new fields, 
as opposed to the old fields, this will help people know what they are 
doing, when they maintain their user written code.

     All the best of everything to everybody.

Sincerely,   Sam

P.S.  By the way, if any of you will be fixing code that came from the 
CBT Tape originally, please send a copy of the fixes to me, so that we 
can get the remedy to everyone.  Thanks much...!!

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Preparing for 8-character TSO userids

2017-12-07 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    z/OS 2.3 is here.  8-character TSO userids are here.  And 
8-character TSO dataset prefixes are here too.  How do we prepare for 
them, and fix our programs?

    Part of the problem is that the PSCBUSER field (7 bytes) and the 
UPTPREFX field (7 bytes) have been around for generations--over 40 
years.  People wrote programs using these fields, without thinking twice.

    But the fields are useless for 8-character userids.  What did IBM 
developers do?  Here is a picture of the new fields: (illustration uses 
the LPSCB TSO command from CBT File 300)

In the first illustration, the userid is 7 characters or less.

8-CHARACTER USERID SUPPORT IS: ON (displacements are in hex)
    +7  PSCBUSRL 07
   +20  PSCBU8L  07
    +F  UPTVERS  01
   +17  UPTPREFL 07
   +29  UPTPRF8L 07

Here is a picture of how the fields are filled in, when you have an 
8-character userid:

8-CHARACTER USERID SUPPORT IS: ON    (displacements are in hex)
    +0  PSCBUSER 6EF7C2E8E3C5E2   >7BYTES
    +7  PSCBUSRL 07
   +20  PSCBU8L  08
   +10  UPTPREFX 6EF7C2E8E3C5E2   >7BYTES
   +17  UPTPREFL 07
   +29  UPTPRF8L 08

Now you can program accordingly.  Look to see if the first byte in the 
old field is C'>' and if it is, then use the new fields. Things should 
be the same, if the userid or prefix is 7 bytes or less.

   I hope this helps.

   BTW, if you are still at z/OS 2.2 or below for the assembly, then 
use the hard-coded displacements of the new fields, off the beginning of 
the PSCB and UPT, so the assembly doesn't fail because IKJPSCB and 
IKJUPT macros (at the old level) don't contain labels for the new fields.

   All the best of everything to all of you..

Sincerely,   Sam

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Please do not use my attglobal.net address. Use att.net instead.

2017-12-04 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    Sorry to bother you with administrivia, but people do want to write 
to me about the CBT Tape, and I felt it was important enough to make 
this announcement here.

    sbgo...@attglobal.net seems to be gone forever.  In its place, is 

    My main email address remains sbgo...@cbttape.org

    Thanks for listening.  Sorry again to take up list space with this 
kind of thing. (But how are people expected to know...???)

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,   Sam

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My attglobal.net email was moved to att.net

2017-11-27 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    To write to me about CBT Tape information, the proper email address is:


    My attglobal.net email went away, and all emails sent there, are 
now lost.  But I was able to replace it with:


    So both the sbgolob.cbttape.org and sbgolob.att.net addresses are 
now valid.

    I'm trying to make it easier to reach out for CBT Tape information, 
and to contact me.  Thanks for bearing with me. Dealing with this was a 
pain in the neck.  I think that AT is trying to get rid of the 
attglobal.net domain altogether. Now I have to try and change all the 
references in the CBT Tape documentation (yecch).  So at least this 
message gives you a heads-up.  My cbttape.org email address is pointed 
to, on the home page of www.cbttape.org, as is Sam Knutson's email.

    All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,    Sam

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My attglobal.net email address has disappeared

2017-11-27 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    When writing to me (Sam Golob), please do not use my attglobal.net 
email address.  It has disappeared, and it isn't coming back.  Instead, 
please use sbgo...@cbttape.org to write to me.

    I now have the large job of removing this address from the entire 
CBT Tape.  I'll let you know if I get another address instead of this 
one, but the sbgo...@cbttape.org address is the one to use.

    Please update your own information and your own records about 
writing to me.

    Thanks much.  All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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CBT STEPLIB from File 452

2017-09-23 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   The CBT STEPLIB from File 452 has not only been tested on z/OS 2.3, 
but it has been running for a long time on that company's z/OS 2.3 
advanced system (that is available to that company).  It has heavy use 
on that system.


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PCRE2 10.30 released on CBTTAPE (file 939-updates page)

2017-09-11 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

    I just posted this new version of PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular 
Expressions) Version 10.30 ported to z/OS by Ze'ev Atlas.  It is on the 
Updates page of www.cbttape.org  File 939.


    Use it in good health and happiness...

    Ze'ev is available for feedback at:


Sincerely,    Sam Golob

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TSO Relogon Buffer via the ECT

2017-08-17 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

A while back, there was a discussion on IBM-Main about how to 
access the ECT (Environment Control Table) which is a TSO control block 
pointed to by the CPPL (Command Processor Parameter List) pointed to by 
Register 1 when a TSO command gets control.

Binyamin Dissen pointed out that there is a pointer to the ECT at 
+X'100' in the TSO Relogon Buffer.  This got me interested in the 
Relogon Buffer.  The relogon buffer is pointed to from the PSCB, using 
address field PSCBRLGB at PSCB+X'30'.

We now have developed several tools to manipulate the thing.  They 
can be found on the CBT Tape Updates page www.cbttape.org/updates.htm on 
File 731.  Please bear in mind that the data portion of the relogon 
buffer should normally contain only LOGON or LOGOFF commands, to my 

To display what is in the RELOGON buffer, we have the SHOWRLGB TSO 
command.  An example of an empty TSO Relogon Buffer is shown below:

 --- --- --
 Relogon Buffer Address: 7EF8
 0100   Header   Dec
 40404040404040 ECT Addr:   BB88   ECTLOGF is OFF

 Another tool we have, is a TSO command called BYE, to load the 
Relogon Buffer with anything, and to turn on the ECTSWS switch with 
X'10', so that when you go to TSO READY mode, you will automatically be 
logged off, and the contents of the Relogon Buffer will be executed.  
For example, if you execute the TSO command:  BYE LOGON yourid/password

and you go to READY mode, then your session will be logged off, and a 
new LOGON with your password, will be executed.  To ONLY turn OFF the 
ECTSWS,X'10' switch, we have a NOLOGOF command.  To ONLY turn it back ON 
again, we have a YESLOGOF command. These four commands should give you 
complete control of the Relogon Buffer.

 I forgot to mention something.  If you execute the TSO command BYE 
with NO OPERANDS, you re-initialize the command buffer, and you turn the 
ECTSWS,X'10' switch OFF.  So you can easily undo what you have done 
using the BYE command, WITH operands.

 I hope that these tools will be constructively useful for some of 
you.  Use them well, but use them carefully.

 All the best of everything to all of you.


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Useful recent changes to CBT File 300 (TSO commands)

2017-08-15 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

We've been quietly trying to get a bunch of old programs (that used 
to work) to work now, under z/OS 2.2.  I've got a list below, and you 
are welcome to explore them, on the UPDATES page of www.cbttape.org, 
File 300.  This list may not be complete.  Try to look at the latest 
ISPF statistics for the members, on the Updates version of File 300.

This is an ongoing public service.  One example is a SCRATCH TSO 
command that scratches a dataset without uncataloging it.  IEHPROGM is 
awkward to use, and sometimes you need a quick TSO command to do this 
job.  Just one example. DSMF is another.  Here's a list of some of the 
updates we've done.

AUCMD  01.9917/02/19 13:59   609  SBGOLOB
AUCMD$ 01.0317/02/19 13:5729  SBGOLOB
CMD01.9916/12/04 10:49   609  SBGOLOB
CMD$   01.1016/12/04 12:2529  SBGOLOB
CMDLOFF01.0917/07/04  0:32   154  SBGOLOB
COPYSDS01.3216/09/04  1:37  1976  UPDATED
COPYSDS#   01.0316/09/05 18:5053  UPDATED
COUNT  01.5616/09/04  0:52  1293  UPDATED
COUNT# 01.0216/09/05 19:1418  UPDATED
EKKO   01.0016/11/05 13:57   413  CBTUSER
EKKO$  01.1016/11/06 20:2127  SBGOLOB
FINDFIL$   01.0716/06/14 11:2130  SBGOLOB
FINDFILE   01.0416/06/11  8:28   315  UPDATED
IKJT9FIZ   01.0116/02/16  2:54  1259  ZOSTEST
IKJT9LBZ   01.0116/02/13 22:54   557  ZOSTEST
IKJT9LGZ   01.0016/02/20  0:06   476  ZOSTEST
IKJT9Z$$   01.0016/02/20  0:4469  ZOSTEST
LISTVTOC   02.0017/02/21 20:31  1029  UPDATED
LM 01.0817/02/19 13:44  1258  SBGOLOB
LM$01.0317/02/19  0:1128  SBGOLOB
LOGTIME01.3916/11/25 10:09  1382  SBGOLOB
LOGTIME$   01.1516/11/25 10:1229  SBGOLOB
LPSCB  01.9917/03/13 11:04  1317  SBGOLOB
LPSCB$ 01.0817/03/13 11:1630  SBGOLOB
OPERA  01.0517/02/27  1:26   504  UPDATED
OPERA$ 01.0417/02/27 16:1028  SBGOLOB
QLIST  01.0216/09/04  1:14  1377  UPDATED
SCRATCH01.4617/08/12 16:54   709  UPDATED
SCRATCH$   01.1117/08/14  0:2433  SBGOLOB
SCRAT2401.4317/08/12 16:22   657  MVS38
TO 01.0816/12/14 13:16   418  SBGOLOB
UNITS  01.6017/01/10 23:52   455  UPDATED
UNITS$ 01.0817/01/11  1:4731  SBGOLOB

I hope you find some of this stuff useful.  Maybe there are some 
old commands you are nostalgic for.  If there are some other commands 
you'd like updated, please write me.

All the best of everything to all of you.


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TSO Relogon Buffer and the ECT

2017-07-18 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

   As a result of the recent discussion about finding the TSO ECT 
control block, and because of the fact that the ECT address can be found 
after the end of the TSO Relogon Buffer (pointed to by PSCBRLGB), we 
came up with a set of programs to display and manipulate the TSO Relogon 

   These can be found on the Updates page of www.cbttape.org, File 958.

   Use them safely, and in good health.

   All the best of everything to all of you.


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Re: Re. Whacking a Job, or Getting rid of an Address Space

2017-05-17 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

I just wish to thank all the contributors to this thread.  I feel 
that every single contribution added to our general knowledge.  Thank 
you all.

This is what the IBM-Main forum is all about.

All the best of everything to all of you.


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Re: Whacking a Job, or Getting rid of an Address Space

2017-05-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

I want to point out that not all versions of CNCLPG on CBT File 826 
have BURN or KILL capability for JOBs or STCs.  The earlier versions of 
the program (included in the file) have less power.

You have the choice of installing one of the earlier versions of 
the program (1.10, 1.11, or 1.20) if you only want to make jobs 
non-cancelable or non-swappable (1.11 and 1.20). So then you can use one 
of the earlier versions.

My point is to let you know that in an emergency, the power is there.

All the best of everything to all of you.


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Re: Whacking a Job, or Getting rid of an Address Space

2017-05-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

I just want to tell you that I very much appreciate this 
discussion.  Very much depends on POINT OF VIEW, and when all the points 
of view get together, real progress is made, and everybody becomes wiser.

There are at least three separate points of view here on this forum:

1.  The systems programmers who have to set up and run the system 
software in data centers.

2.  The professional "system level" programmers who usually work for 

3.  The IBM programmers who design and build the system software.

There may be other people here also, such as application 
programmers and "programmer toolmakers" and more types, as well.

Everybody has a separate point of view.  In summary, here they are:

People who run data centers, have to make sure everything run 
smoothly, and they have to deal with "the problems of the non-ideal 
world".  Something breaks--fix it.  Keep the system up.  Make sure the 
system levels are correctly set for what we are doing, and for what we need.

Professional "system level" programmers dig deep into the system.  
"Authority" is not what is usually on their mind, unless they are 
dealing with a security-related product.  For example, doing 
cross-memory programming is usually "a piece of cake" for them.  But 
changing some fields in another user's control blocks, which might be 
easy for THEM to do, is a nightmare from the system administrator's 
point of view, so you already see a difference in point of view between 
these two groups.

Finally, the IBM designers and programmers have a big 
responsibility of delivering a consistent and reliable system, but they 
may tend (depending on the individual person's actual experience) to be 
a bit separated from the system programmer's "real world" problems, and 
the things that actually come up in a real data center, day by day.

I am glad that my post is bringing these 3 points of view together, 
in a productive and fruitful way.  If I did not write about this topic, 
then some sysprog might be without a necessary tool in his/her toolbox.  
When the emergency came up, they would be as helpless as I was, many 
years ago.  On the other hand, we know that the tool can be used 
improperly, either by the right people or the wrong people.  So I had a 
quandary:  "To say, or NOT to say.  That was the question."

I opted to "say".  I remember the pain in my heart, when JES2 
couldn't be removed, and we had to IPL in the middle of the day.  It was 
easy to fix if we could just cancel JES2, and restart it.  I had already 
proven that to myself, at that time. But I was helpless and adrift.  We 
had to IPL.  NEVER AGAIN!  I won't let that happen to someone!  NEVER!!!

So there.  I trust we've all been helpful...

All the best of everything to everyone.


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Re. Whacking a Job, or Getting rid of an Address Space

2017-05-16 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

Of course, you're right, Peter.  Jobs or STCs are marked 
NON-CANCELABLE for a very good reason.  Under normal circumstances, they 
should not be cancelled, because it would endanger the system.  That's 
what the PPT is for.  Almost always, the safeguards that are there, are 
there for a very good reason. And I'm on management's side all the way.  
The idea is to keep the systems running as flawlessly and smoothly as 

That having been said, the system doctor sometimes has to deal with 
things that go wrong.  It's nice when the system is working as 
designed.  But sometimes, the NON-CANCELABLE job or STC goes awry, and 
it has to be restarted.  In such a case, as in the middle of a day's 
production, you want to avoid an emergency IPL.  And so you need a tool 
in the toolbox, to cancel the job or STC.  Sometimes the only solution 
is to blow it away.  The expensive multi-utility packages all contain 
such tools.  You wouldn't criticize Omegamon (TM) or RESOLVE (TM), would 
you?  But a shop which can't afford to buy them is sometimes stuck, and 
is forced to IPL and lose a lot of production time.  That's why I wrote 
CNCLPG 20 years after I had such an emergency, which I never forgot about.

Systems programmers do not live in an ideal world. Problems come 
up, in running the data center, which can be very unforeseen.  The 
doctor needs to have a scalpel.  Most doctors don't often need to use 
the scalpel.  But when you need it, and nothing else works, it's nice to 
know that it is there, sitting in the toolbox.  This is where I come 
from.  It's all for the purpose of keeping the shop running smoothly.

Thanks for listening.  All the best of everything to all of you.


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Whacking a Job, or Getting rid of an Address Space

2017-05-14 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

 Hopefully this info will help get you out of a jam sometime..



 In my career as a system doctor, I've had trouble, more than
once, in getting rid of an address space that was malfunctioning, and
starting over.  Sometimes the address space was marked "NON-CANCELABLE"
and I've even seen address spaces marked "NON-FORCIBLE".

 Mentioning this problem to fellow sysprogs, I've gotten answers
like: "You've got to learn how to use FORCE correctly."  Or they'd say
some similar nonsense.  Sometimes they're right.  But a bunch of times,
there are a couple of bits in the way.  And if you can't get past them,
you can't get rid of the job or other address space.  I've seen this
situation force an IPL in the middle of the day.  (NO GOOD!!!)

 So what do you do?  There are two free APF-authorized TSO commands
which can help you.

 One is called CSCF, and it is on CBT File 954.  The other is
called CNCLPG, and it is on CBT File 826 (Updates Page).  CSCF can

get rid of the main offending bits.  CNCLPG (with the KILL option)

can do that, and then whack the job or address space.

 Both of these commands do multiple functions.  But to get rid of
a job or system task, you first need to change its status to CANCELABLE
or FORCIBLE, and then you need to CANCEL it or FORCE it. Sometimes,
you can just "whack it".  To do so, use the KILL subcommand of the
CNCLPG command (Updates page of www.cbttape.org).

 The KILL subcommand of CNCLPG will do a CALLRTM TYPE=MEMTERM
operation on the address space, but before it does so, it turns off the
ASCBNOMT and ASCBNOMD bits in the ASCB.  ASCBNOMT is what makes a job
"NON-FORCIBLE", and ASCBNOMD off, makes it FORCIBLE even if the error
was a DAT error.  THEN the KILL subcommand does the CALLRTM MEMTERM.
In that way, KILL makes sure that nothing will get in the way of the
"FORCE" operation, and the address space will be duly "whacked".  Then
you can start it over.

 One note of caution:  You have to whack or alter he correct
address space.  If you don't, you can cause havoc.

 WHY?  Both CNCLPG and CSCF have to run the CSCB chain. This is
a chain representing all the active jobs, system tasks, and TSU's in
the system.  Sometimes there are many address spaces with the SAME
name.  And there can be more than one address space with the SAME
ASID (I bet you didn't know that).  So in order to make sure you are
altering the correct address space, you have to specify BOTH the ASID
and the JOBNAME when you run CNCLPG.

 How do you get that information in the first place?

 Run CNCLPG with the DISPLAY command.

 The DISPLAY command will show all matches and all occurrences.

 So if you run CNCLPG jobname DISP, you will see all the CSCB
entries matching your jobname, and you can specify the one with the
correct ASID by using the ASID(hex) parameter together with the
jobname parameter.

 Do this first, and you won't be sorry later.  Do DISP several
times, until you see only one entry--the entry that you want to alter.

 Best of everything.  Use this in good health..

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PCRE 10.23 port for z/OS now available on Updates Page

2017-05-08 Thread Sam Golob

Hi Folks,

Consistent with Ze'ev Atlas' announcement of yesterday, I have 
posted File 939 on the Updates page of www.cbttape.org which contains 
Version 10.23 of PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions), ported to 
z/OS.  You can now find it there.

Please remember to go to the UPDATES page of www.cbttape.org to get 
the latest version, NOT to the CBT directory, which contains the older 

All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely, Sam

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