[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-644289 ] ClassLoader issue with protected access and manifest refs

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #644289, was opened at 2002-11-26 11:10
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossMX
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: ClassLoader issue with protected access and manifest refs

Initial Comment:
When package protected access is used with classes 
that are loaded by more than one classloader via 
manifest Class-Path references you can get 
IllegalAccessErrors when more than one jar references 
the jar containing the classes due to the use of a UCL 
per jar. This has been reported in various forms in bugs 
565701, 606359, 641740 and is consolidated here with 
a trival testcase that demonstrates the problem.

testPackageProtected unit test demonstrates the 
problem with a repository that contains a login.jar and a 
usrmgr.jar, both of which reference a cl-util.jar. The 
contents of the jars is:

+- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Class-Path: cl-util.jar
+- META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Class-Path: cl-util.jar

The test first loads the UserOfLoginInfo class using the 
UCL associated with login.jar, and then loads the 
UserOfUsrMgr class using the UCL associated with 
usrmgr.jar. A changePassword method is then invoked 
on an instance of UserOfUsrMgr and this results in an 
IllegalAccessError because the LoginInfo class was 
seen to be loaded from the UCL associated with 
login.jar while the UsMgr class was loaded from the 
UCL associated with usrmgr.jar. Although both are in 
the same package and jar, two different class loaders 
are involved and so the access check fails.

The only workaround at the moment requires moving the 
common jar to the server/xxx/lib directory so that the 
UCLs do not see common jar as part of their classes.


>Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2002-12-23 23:48

Logged In: YES 

This has been fixed in the 3.0 and 3.2 branches.


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[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-658134 ] JaasSecurityDomain NPE

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #658134, was opened at 2002-12-23 23:47
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossSX
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: JaasSecurityDomain NPE

Initial Comment:
A bug was introduced in 3.0.4 that disallows a 
JaasSecurityDomain from functioning as an 
AuthenticationManager due to NPEs because the 
authentication cache is not being set. This is due to the 
JaasSecurityManager no longer creating a default 
cache. The JaasSecurityManagerService now will set 
the authentication cache for security managers that 
register via the registerSecurityDomain op.


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[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-658134 ] JaasSecurityDomain NPE

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #658134, was opened at 2002-12-23 23:47
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossSX
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: JaasSecurityDomain NPE

Initial Comment:
A bug was introduced in 3.0.4 that disallows a 
JaasSecurityDomain from functioning as an 
AuthenticationManager due to NPEs because the 
authentication cache is not being set. This is due to the 
JaasSecurityManager no longer creating a default 
cache. The JaasSecurityManagerService now will set 
the authentication cache for security managers that 
register via the registerSecurityDomain op.


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Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-658060 ] Several locking problems in connectors

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #658060, was opened at 2002-12-24 01:03
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossCX
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Stefan Reich (sreich)
>Assigned to: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Summary: Several locking problems in connectors

Initial Comment:
While browsing the 3.0.5RC1 source I discovered several
places with inconsistent locking:

field cels is locked on "this" in
add/removeConnectionEventListener, but locked on cels
in closeHandle and connectionError.
The field "handles" is accessed w/o a lock in

The fields "handleCount" and "handles" are accessed w/o
holding the lock on "this" in isManagedConnectionFree()
and unregisterConnections()

exception gets logged at the wrong level in

All methods iterating over the "pools" field must lock
to avoid ConcurrentModificationExceptions or otherwise
inconsistent state.

Diffs attached.


>Comment By: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Date: 2002-12-24 05:05

Logged In: YES 

Thanks very much. I've applied these to 3.0, 3.2, and 4 with the 
following exception:

I retained the non-synchronized collections in LocalManagedConnection 
and applied explicit synchronization.  According to the discussion of 
locks and memory in the Java Virtual Machine Specification section 8.6 
(more or less copied from the Java  Language Spec), every lock/unlock 
operation requires synchronizing a threads local memore with main 
memory, not just the outermost lock/unlock.  Using explicit 
synchronization everywhere avoids this double memory synch when 
iterating through the collection.  I also find it clearer to show al the 
synchronization explicitly.


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Re: [JBoss-dev] IMPORTANT! for jboss 4-- xdoclet built inside jboss

2002-12-23 Thread Peter Fagerlund
Spel  again ! ...

tisdagen den 24 december 2002 kl 01.14 skrev David Jencks:

I've  addded an xdoclet module to jboss 4 (head) that builds xdoclet 
source from the xdoclet cvs tree.  To minize disruption, please read!

You can avoid requiring a fresh jboss checkout by executing in 

cvs get _jboss_xdoclet

WARNING you may have to run build/build.sh twice, see "Issues". I am
investigating this.


The first time you build jboss, xdoclet source is checked out into a
directory checkout by the xdoclet/build.xml ant script.  The cvs 
are set in the xdoclet.cvs.properties file.  After successful checkout 
build, flag files are created xdoclet.last.checkout and 
 As long as the checkout folder remains, and these files are not 
xdoclet will not be rebuilt.  On my machines building xdoclet takes 
the same amount of time as building jboss.

The xdoclet build is supplied with some properties so it builds into
xdoclet/output/lib.  The libraries.ent file is modified to use xdoclet 
here.  If all goes well I will remove the xdoclet copy from thirdparty 
in a
day or two.

if you want to modify xdoclet, remove the xdoclet.last.build file and 
modifications will be compiled the next time you build jboss.


--The main change is that xdoclet no longer copies over all the imports
from your source  class to generated interfaces, instead fully  
all class names in the generated interfaces.

JAVA FILE XDOCLET LOOKS AT!!  NO import x.y.x.*;!

If you import a package.*, xdoclet may find a class referenced in a 
file in
which it is not explicitly imported and decide the class is "unknown" 
therefore to be generated in the "current" package, and not fully 
the name in ANY file it generates.  This can be extremely confusing 
the effects are in a file totally unrelated to the file with the 
import, and there is no obvious warning of where the problem came 
from. I'm
looking for a way to at least provide a more obvious warning for this.

--xmbean operations require you to list the managed-parameters with  
correct types.  While a nuisance, this at least encourages you to 

--xmbean display-names can be specified, and they display in the



--currently xdoclet head is checked out.  After I make sure this works 
little more and fix a couple of xdoclet problems I will tag xdoclet 
so we have a more stable checkout.

--On some machines it appears that the first build will not be able to 
the just-compiled xdoclet jars.  Running build/build.sh again seems to 
them.  (I thought it worked on apple 1.4.1, but a fresh checkout on 
sun 1.3.1 fails on the first build).  I'm looking at this.


Next steps:

put the jboss xdoclet module into jboss cvs and build it with the rest 

provide instructions for xdoclet committers to work with a "live" copy 
xdoclet in jboss.

david jencks

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [AUTOMATED] (HEAD) JBoss compilation failed

2002-12-23 Thread chris

==THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL - SEE http://jboss.kimptoc.net FOR DETAILS=

java version "1.3.1_06"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1_06-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.3.1_06-b01, mixed mode)



[execmodules] Missing build file; skipping module: xdoclet

 ==  Executing 'most' in module 'common'...

Overriding previous definition of reference to jboss.naming.classpath

[mkdir] Created dir: /home/jboss/jbossci/jboss-head/common/output/gen/classes

file:/home/jboss/jbossci/jboss-head/common/build.xml:118: Could not create task or 
type of type: jmxdoclet.

Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.

This is common and has a number of causes; the usual 
solutions are to read the manual pages then download and
install needed JAR files, or fix the build file: 
 - You have misspelt 'jmxdoclet'.
   Fix: check your spelling.
 - The task needs an external JAR file to execute
   and this is not found at the right place in the classpath.
   Fix: check the documentation for dependencies.
   Fix: declare the task.
 - The task is an Ant optional task and optional.jar is absent
   Fix: look for optional.jar in ANT_HOME/lib, download if needed
 - The task was not built into optional.jar as dependent
   libraries were not found at build time.
   Fix: look in the JAR to verify, then rebuild with the needed
   libraries, or download a release version from apache.org
 - The build file was written for a later version of Ant
   Fix: upgrade to at least the latest release version of Ant
 - The task is not an Ant core or optional task 
   and needs to be declared using .

Remember that for JAR files to be visible to Ant tasks implemented
in ANT_HOME/lib, the files must be in the same directory or on the

Please neither file bug reports on this problem, nor email the
Ant mailing lists, until all of these causes have been explored,
as this is not an Ant bug.

Total time: 3 seconds

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Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-658042 ] High contention in jboss/naming

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #658042, was opened at 2002-12-23 15:42
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossServer
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
>Status: Closed
>Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Stefan Reich (sreich)
>Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: High contention in jboss/naming

Initial Comment:
While running ECperf Scott and I discovered high
contention in two classes of the JNDI naming
implementation of JBoss:

1) org.jboss.naming.ENCFactory calls a native method
(Thread.currentThread) while holding a lock, which is
very expensive in most vms. Fix: moved the call out of
the synchronized bloc.

2) org.jnp.interfaces.NamingParser has a static
Properties instance that holds JNDI read-only
properties. In the tests we saw as many as 30% of all
threads waiting to acquire the lock for the Hashtable,
from which java.util.Properties extends. The
synchronization is unnecessary, since the static
instance is read-only after its allocation.
Fix: wrote a custom class that extends
java.util.Properties overriding all methods to get rid
of unwanted locking and ensure read-only semantics.

Both fixes result in an increase of about factor three
in ECperf BBops on a Dual 500MHz PowerMac and have been
tested for a week on Jboss 3.0.5RC1.

Diff attached.


>Comment By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Date: 2002-12-23 17:07

Logged In: YES 

Integrated into 3.0+


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This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-658060 ] Several locking problems in connectors

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #658060, was opened at 2002-12-23 17:03
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossCX
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Stefan Reich (sreich)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Several locking problems in connectors

Initial Comment:
While browsing the 3.0.5RC1 source I discovered several
places with inconsistent locking:

field cels is locked on "this" in
add/removeConnectionEventListener, but locked on cels
in closeHandle and connectionError.
The field "handles" is accessed w/o a lock in

The fields "handleCount" and "handles" are accessed w/o
holding the lock on "this" in isManagedConnectionFree()
and unregisterConnections()

exception gets logged at the wrong level in

All methods iterating over the "pools" field must lock
to avoid ConcurrentModificationExceptions or otherwise
inconsistent state.

Diffs attached.


You can respond by visiting: 

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Change Notes-658052 ] XDoclet built in JBoss

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Change Notes item #658052, was opened at 2002-12-24 00:22
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: Build System
Group: v4.0
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Assigned to: David Jencks (d_jencks)
Summary: XDoclet built in JBoss

Initial Comment:
I've  addded an xdoclet module to jboss 4 (head) that
builds xdoclet from
source from the xdoclet cvs tree.  To minize
disruption, please read!

You can avoid requiring a fresh jboss checkout by
executing in jboss-head

cvs get _jboss_xdoclet

WARNING you may have to run build/build.sh twice, see
"Issues". I am
investigating this.


The first time you build jboss, xdoclet source is
checked out into a
directory checkout by the xdoclet/build.xml ant script.
 The cvs properties
are set in the xdoclet.cvs.properties file.  After
successful checkout and
build, flag files are created xdoclet.last.checkout and
 As long as the checkout folder remains, and these
files are not touched,
xdoclet will not be rebuilt.  On my machines building
xdoclet takes about
the same amount of time as building jboss.

The xdoclet build is supplied with some properties so
it builds into
xdoclet/output/lib.  The libraries.ent file is modified
to use xdoclet from
here.  If all goes well I will remove the xdoclet copy
from thirdparty in a
day or two.

if you want to modify xdoclet, remove the
xdoclet.last.build file and your
modifications will be compiled the next time you build


--The main change is that xdoclet no longer copies over
all the imports
from your source  class to generated interfaces,
instead fully  qualifying
all class names in the generated interfaces.

JAVA FILE XDOCLET LOOKS AT!!  NO import x.y.x.*;!

If you import a package.*, xdoclet may find a class
referenced in a file in
which it is not explicitly imported and decide the
class is "unknown" and
therefore to be generated in the "current" package, and
not fully qualify
the name in ANY file it generates.  This can be
extremely confusing since
the effects are in a file totally unrelated to the file
with the package
import, and there is no obvious warning of where the
problem came from. I'm
looking for a way to at least provide a more obvious
warning for this.

--xmbean operations require you to list the
managed-parameters with  the
correct types.  While a nuisance, this at least
encourages you to comment

--xmbean display-names can be specified, and they
display in the



--currently xdoclet head is checked out.  After I make
sure this works a
little more and fix a couple of xdoclet problems I will
tag xdoclet source
so we have a more stable checkout.

--On some machines it appears that the first build will
not be able to find
the just-compiled xdoclet jars.  Running build/build.sh
again seems to find
them.  (I thought it worked on apple 1.4.1, but a fresh
checkout on linux
sun 1.3.1 fails on the first build).  I'm looking at this.


Next steps:

put the jboss xdoclet module into jboss cvs and build
it with the rest of

provide instructions for xdoclet committers to work
with a "live" copy of
xdoclet in jboss.

david jencks


You can respond by visiting: 

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] IMPORTANT! for jboss 4-- xdoclet built inside jboss

2002-12-23 Thread David Jencks
I've  addded an xdoclet module to jboss 4 (head) that builds xdoclet from
source from the xdoclet cvs tree.  To minize disruption, please read!

You can avoid requiring a fresh jboss checkout by executing in jboss-head

cvs get _jboss_xdoclet

WARNING you may have to run build/build.sh twice, see "Issues". I am
investigating this.


The first time you build jboss, xdoclet source is checked out into a
directory checkout by the xdoclet/build.xml ant script.  The cvs properties
are set in the xdoclet.cvs.properties file.  After successful checkout and
build, flag files are created xdoclet.last.checkout and xdoclet.last.build.
 As long as the checkout folder remains, and these files are not touched,
xdoclet will not be rebuilt.  On my machines building xdoclet takes about
the same amount of time as building jboss.

The xdoclet build is supplied with some properties so it builds into
xdoclet/output/lib.  The libraries.ent file is modified to use xdoclet from
here.  If all goes well I will remove the xdoclet copy from thirdparty in a
day or two.

if you want to modify xdoclet, remove the xdoclet.last.build file and your
modifications will be compiled the next time you build jboss.


--The main change is that xdoclet no longer copies over all the imports
from your source  class to generated interfaces, instead fully  qualifying
all class names in the generated interfaces.

JAVA FILE XDOCLET LOOKS AT!!  NO import x.y.x.*;!

If you import a package.*, xdoclet may find a class referenced in a file in
which it is not explicitly imported and decide the class is "unknown" and
therefore to be generated in the "current" package, and not fully qualify
the name in ANY file it generates.  This can be extremely confusing since
the effects are in a file totally unrelated to the file with the package
import, and there is no obvious warning of where the problem came from. I'm
looking for a way to at least provide a more obvious warning for this.

--xmbean operations require you to list the managed-parameters with  the
correct types.  While a nuisance, this at least encourages you to comment

--xmbean display-names can be specified, and they display in the



--currently xdoclet head is checked out.  After I make sure this works a
little more and fix a couple of xdoclet problems I will tag xdoclet source
so we have a more stable checkout.

--On some machines it appears that the first build will not be able to find
the just-compiled xdoclet jars.  Running build/build.sh again seems to find
them.  (I thought it worked on apple 1.4.1, but a fresh checkout on linux
sun 1.3.1 fails on the first build).  I'm looking at this.


Next steps:

put the jboss xdoclet module into jboss cvs and build it with the rest of

provide instructions for xdoclet committers to work with a "live" copy of
xdoclet in jboss.

david jencks

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-658042 ] High contention in jboss/naming

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #658042, was opened at 2002-12-23 15:42
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossServer
Group: v3.0 Rabbit Hole
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Stefan Reich (sreich)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: High contention in jboss/naming

Initial Comment:
While running ECperf Scott and I discovered high
contention in two classes of the JNDI naming
implementation of JBoss:

1) org.jboss.naming.ENCFactory calls a native method
(Thread.currentThread) while holding a lock, which is
very expensive in most vms. Fix: moved the call out of
the synchronized bloc.

2) org.jnp.interfaces.NamingParser has a static
Properties instance that holds JNDI read-only
properties. In the tests we saw as many as 30% of all
threads waiting to acquire the lock for the Hashtable,
from which java.util.Properties extends. The
synchronization is unnecessary, since the static
instance is read-only after its allocation.
Fix: wrote a custom class that extends
java.util.Properties overriding all methods to get rid
of unwanted locking and ensure read-only semantics.

Both fixes result in an increase of about factor three
in ECperf BBops on a Dual 500MHz PowerMac and have been
tested for a week on Jboss 3.0.5RC1.

Diff attached.


You can respond by visiting: 

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] Review the coding standards please

2002-12-23 Thread Nathan W. Phelps
If you ever decide to change the standards I highly recommend the book The
Elements of Java Style by Ambler, et al. It fills in the blanks to Sun's
Java coding conventions and provides an accessible quick reference you can
keep on your desk.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott
M Stark
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] Review the coding standards please

Inconsistent treatment of spaces and braces is creeping into the codebase
Review the coding guidelines with regard to these issues so that someone
does not have to reformat your code to bring it to spec and waste a cvs
Coding standards are here:
The documentation of revision changes in the class header is deprecated. Use
good comments on the cvs checkin so that there is a meanignful branch
change log.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] Automated JBoss(Branch_3_0) Testsuite Results: 23-December-2002

2002-12-23 Thread scott . stark

JBoss daily test results


Number of tests run:   991

Successful tests:  984


Failures:  1

[time of test: 2002-12-23.12-05 GMT]
[java.version: 1.3.1]
[java.vendor: Apple Computer, Inc.]
[java.vm.version: 1.3.1_03-69]
[java.vm.name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM]
[java.vm.info: mixed mode]
[os.name: Mac OS X]
[os.arch: ppc]
[os.version: 10.2.3]

See http://users.jboss.org/~starksm/Branch_3_0/2002-12-23.12-05
for details of this test. 

NOTE: If there are any errors shown above - this mail is only highlighting 
them - it is NOT indicating that they are being looked at by anyone.

It is assumed that whoever makes change(s) to jboss that 
break the test will be fixing the test or jboss, as appropriate!


Suite:   CircularityUnitTestCase
Exception:   javax.management.MBeanException
Message: Exception in MBean operation 'testPackageProtected()'

Suite:   LocalWrapperCleanupUnitTestCase
Exception:   java.rmi.ServerException
Message: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:   
java.rmi.ServerException: EJBException:; nested exception is:   
javax.ejb.EJBException: Row committed, autocommit still on!

Suite:   MissingClassUnitTestCase
Exception:   org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException
Message: jboss.test:name=missingclasstest is not registered.; - nested throwable: 
(javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: jboss.test:name=missingclasstest is not 

Suite:   SimpleUnitTestCase
Exception:   javax.security.auth.login.LoginException
Message: Missing users.properties file.

Suite:   SimpleUnitTestCase
Exception:   javax.naming.AuthenticationException
Message: Failed to login using protocol=testLoginInitialContext

Suite:   BeanStressTestCase
Exception:   junit.framework.AssertionFailedError
Message: expected a client deadlock for AB BA

Suite:   ContextCLTestCase
Exception:   javax.management.RuntimeMBeanException
Message: RuntimeException in MBean operation 

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Jboss-development mailing list

Re: Copyright of personal work (Was:RE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II)

2002-12-23 Thread Dave Neuer
The key phrase in the US code governing this is "a
work prepared by an employee within the scope of his
or her employment", and the determining case at the
federal level is CCNV v. Reid. From

"The Court emphasized that state laws of agency govern
whether one is an employee... In determining whether a
work is within the scope of employment, the courts
will focus on whether the employee was hired to do the
kind of work in question or how closely related it is
to the employee’s primary job responsibilities;
whether the employee created the work substantially on
the company’s time and using its facilities; and
whether the motivation to create the work was at least
in part, to serve the employer, including serving
fellow employees’ or the employer’s customers’ needs."

Note the sentence "whether the employee was hired to
do the kind of work in question or how closely related
it is to the employee’s primary job responsibilities,"
and note also that it is state laws of agency which
determine the "employee" and "scope of employment"
status. As Dain said, it's something that varies state
to state and is complex enough that just saying "but I
did it at home" isn't enough. Do you ever do work at
home for the employer? Were you hired by the employer
to do the same type of work?

My message was just meant as a word of caution.
Whenever I'm hired as an employee, I try to advise
them of the work I occasionally do on Open Source
software, and if possible get a written agreement that
they will eschew any copyright claim for work I do on
my own time & equipment. Needless to say, they are
almost never willing to do that, and what I usually
end up with is a verbal agreement to that on
principle, and then I'm careful not to work on any
open source stuff that's too similar to what I do at


--- Rhett Aultman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I honestly don't think that's the
> case, which leads me to suspect that your employer
> cannot just unilaterally annex work you do in your
> spare time unless they can cite a conflict of
> interests or some sort of other direct threat to
> their interests (such as stealing a trade secret).
> Really...does anyone know a little of the case law
> here?
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Neuer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 2:05 PM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> --- Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Andy,
> >
> > Do you own your own work anymore?
> >
> This is actually a key issue that everyone working
> on
> this type of projejct should really be aware of. If
> you are a permanent employee of a company in the
> USofA
> which produces copyrightable material (such as
> software) --unless you have a contract to the
> contrary
> -- that company owns the copyright to the work you
> do.
> Not just the work you do on company time &
> equipment,
> but often even the work you do from home on your
> spare
> time.
> IANAL, and my understanding is that the degree to
> which the latter is the case MAY depend on how
> similar
> the work you've done on your own time & equipment is
> to the work you get paid to do, but since that's up
> to
> a judge's discretion -- and case law, I guess -- it
> would be insane for someone running an Open Source
> project to knowingly allow questionable code into
> their base as, LGPL, GPL or Bob's License, license
> issues don't help you if some other entity can claim
> to own the copyright. This is why the FSF asks
> people
> to formally assign the copyright to free software
> under the GNU project to them.
> If Andy really does work for a company, as a regular
> employee, who produces software similar to JBoss,
> removing his code is the right thing to do even if
> it's technically superior to every other bit of code
> in the codebase and he's the sweetest human being
> that
> ever lived, to protect the right of all of the rest
> of
> us to use this awesome software.
> Dave Neuer
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up
> now.
> http://mailplus.yahoo.com
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list

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RE: [JBoss-dev] Fixing the management info layer

2002-12-23 Thread Bill Burke
FYI, I've created a forum on the topic.


Scott McLaughlin, do you want to drive any of this?  Seems you've had some
energy around this.

Bill Burke
Chief Architect
JBoss Group, LLC

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Scott
> M Stark
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 2:48 PM
> Subject: [JBoss-dev] Fixing the management info layer
> We need better management information. A lot of the JSR-77 stuff is useful
> information, the only problem was with how it was integrated, not really
> tested, and not understood by the people working on the core stuff into
> which this foreign code was interjected.
> Where applicable this should be integrated via interceptors
> and/or aspects that
> emit JMX notifications on which JSR-77 bean may be created. So the first
> step is to replace the existing JSR-77 stuff with what we
> actually need to do
> management and support of JBoss. For caches, pools, invocations,
> etc. there
> needs to be low impact asynchronous events that allow for
> collection of this
> information and rehashing statistically and historically.
> I want this working in 3.2 as well so where the aspect stuff
> cannot be used
> alternative approaches are needed.
> Scott Stark
> Chief Technology Officer
> JBoss Group, LLC
> From: "David Jencks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 11:22 AM
> Subject: Management layer
> > Before you do anything to the jsr-77 stuff, I'd like to know if
> we plan to
> > continue to implement it.  Although I personally never got why
> it is useful
> > under any circumstances, I'm willing to believe e.g. marc if he says we
> > should keep it.  anyway,
> >
> > -- if we plan to implement it, I suggest moving directly to an mbean
> > interceptor/aspect based implementation where we keep the "management"
> > module more or less the same but replace the stuff spread all
> over the rest
> > of the code with interceptors.
> >
> > -- if we plan to not implement it, ... remove it all.
> >
> > I think even a somewhat lame implementation will provide an
> easier base for
> > improvement than starting over from scratch.  Do we have anyone
> interested
> > in working on it?  There was a guy helping andy for a while.
> >
> >
> > thanks
> > david
> ---
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development

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[JBoss-dev] Review the coding standards please

2002-12-23 Thread Scott M Stark
Inconsistent treatment of spaces and braces is creeping into the codebase again.
Review the coding guidelines with regard to these issues so that someone else
does not have to reformat your code to bring it to spec and waste a cvs history

Coding standards are here: http://www.jboss.org/developers/guides/codestyle.jsp
The documentation of revision changes in the class header is deprecated. Use
good comments on the cvs checkin so that there is a meanignful branch specific
change log.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

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Re: Copyright of personal work (Was:RE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II)

2002-12-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom

It all depends on your specific case.  When it comes to this type of 
law, there are no hard and fast rules (every contract and country/state 
is different).  You need to talk to a lawyer.


On Monday, December 23, 2002, at 01:31 PM, Rhett Aultman wrote:

I know that I am not a lawyer and have only a semester of law to my 
name, but is there any real case law related to this matter?  I could 
see where your employer could make claims against your private work if 
you were working on an open source project that was the spitting image 
of some proprietary work you were engaged in with said employer, but I 
would think that the claim would not be on the copyright of your own 
work but instead on divulging secrets or merely representing a 
conflict of interest.
If what you're saying is true...that anything I do in my spare time 
can become the copyright of my employer, then I need to seriously 
rethink my budding writing career, since the articles and books I am 
writing on my home computer could fall in a legal gray area.  I 
honestly don't think that's the case, which leads me to suspect that 
your employer cannot just unilaterally annex work you do in your spare 
time unless they can cite a conflict of interests or some sort of 
other direct threat to their interests (such as stealing a trade 
Really...does anyone know a little of the case law here?

-Original Message-
From: Dave Neuer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

--- Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy,
> Do you own your own work anymore?

This is actually a key issue that everyone working on
this type of projejct should really be aware of. If
you are a permanent employee of a company in the USofA
which produces copyrightable material (such as
software) --unless you have a contract to the contrary
-- that company owns the copyright to the work you do.
Not just the work you do on company time & equipment,
but often even the work you do from home on your spare

IANAL, and my understanding is that the degree to
which the latter is the case MAY depend on how similar
the work you've done on your own time & equipment is
to the work you get paid to do, but since that's up to
a judge's discretion -- and case law, I guess -- it
would be insane for someone running an Open Source
project to knowingly allow questionable code into
their base as, LGPL, GPL or Bob's License, license
issues don't help you if some other entity can claim
to own the copyright. This is why the FSF asks people
to formally assign the copyright to free software
under the GNU project to them.

If Andy really does work for a company, as a regular
employee, who produces software similar to JBoss,
removing his code is the right thing to do even if
it's technically superior to every other bit of code
in the codebase and he's the sweetest human being that
ever lived, to protect the right of all of the rest of
us to use this awesome software.

Dave Neuer

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This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Re: Copyright of personal work (Was:RE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II)

2002-12-23 Thread Joe Burks
As much as I hate to let this whole thread spin too far off topic...

In California I know that work you do does NOT get automatically assigned 
to your employer and, if your employer wants your independent work assigned 
over to them they must put that in the employment contract AND a copy of 
Section 2870(a) of the Calif. Labor Code.  2870 basically says your 
employer cannot force you to assign any of your rights to something you 
have created yourself on your own time with your own equipment unless what 
you have created relates at the time of conception or reduction to practice 
to work you are doing for that employer.

I don't know about other states...

However, if Andy was told by his employer not to work on JBoss because it 
competes in any way with the product his employer is making, taking CVS RW 
access away is the correct thing to do.  At least until there is an 
agreement, in writing, giving blanket permission to contribute to the JBoss 
code base.  The last thing you would want is for a company with their own 
EJB/Servlet/JSP/etc. implementation to slap an injunction against 
distributing JBoss right as they launch their product arguing that JBoss 
likely contains code that is their intellectual property.  It could take 
months to clear the legal issues, all the while they are making money 
selling their product and JBoss developers find their consulting income 
wither to nothing.

At 02:31 PM 12/23/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I know that I am not a lawyer and have only a semester of law to my name, 
but is there any real case law related to this matter?  I could see where 
your employer could make claims against your private work if you were 
working on an open source project that was the spitting image of some 
proprietary work you were engaged in with said employer, but I would think 
that the claim would not be on the copyright of your own work but instead 
on divulging secrets or merely representing a conflict of interest.

If what you're saying is true...that anything I do in my spare time can 
become the copyright of my employer, then I need to seriously rethink my 
budding writing career, since the articles and books I am writing on my 
home computer could fall in a legal gray area.  I honestly don't think 
that's the case, which leads me to suspect that your employer cannot just 
unilaterally annex work you do in your spare time unless they can cite a 
conflict of interests or some sort of other direct threat to their 
interests (such as stealing a trade secret).

Really...does anyone know a little of the case law here?

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Jboss-development mailing list

[JBoss-dev] Fixing the management info layer

2002-12-23 Thread Scott M Stark
We need better management information. A lot of the JSR-77 stuff is useful
information, the only problem was with how it was integrated, not really
tested, and not understood by the people working on the core stuff into
which this foreign code was interjected.

Where applicable this should be integrated via interceptors and/or aspects that
emit JMX notifications on which JSR-77 bean may be created. So the first
step is to replace the existing JSR-77 stuff with what we actually need to do
management and support of JBoss. For caches, pools, invocations, etc. there
needs to be low impact asynchronous events that allow for collection of this
information and rehashing statistically and historically.

I want this working in 3.2 as well so where the aspect stuff cannot be used
alternative approaches are needed.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

From: "David Jencks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 11:22 AM
Subject: Management layer

> Before you do anything to the jsr-77 stuff, I'd like to know if we plan to
> continue to implement it.  Although I personally never got why it is useful
> under any circumstances, I'm willing to believe e.g. marc if he says we
> should keep it.  anyway,
> -- if we plan to implement it, I suggest moving directly to an mbean
> interceptor/aspect based implementation where we keep the "management"
> module more or less the same but replace the stuff spread all over the rest
> of the code with interceptors.
> -- if we plan to not implement it, ... remove it all.
> I think even a somewhat lame implementation will provide an easier base for
> improvement than starting over from scratch.  Do we have anyone interested
> in working on it?  There was a guy helping andy for a while.
> thanks
> david

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Jboss-development mailing list

Copyright of personal work (Was:RE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II)

2002-12-23 Thread Rhett Aultman
Title: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

I know 
that I am not a lawyer and have only a semester of law to my name, but is there 
any real case law related to this matter?  I could see where your employer 
could make claims against your private work if you were working on an open 
source project that was the spitting image of some proprietary work you were 
engaged in with said employer, but I would think that the claim would not be on 
the copyright of your own work but instead on divulging secrets or merely 
representing a conflict of interest.
what you're saying is true...that anything I do in my spare time can become the 
copyright of my employer, then I need to seriously rethink my budding writing 
career, since the articles and books I am writing on my home computer 
could fall in a legal gray area.  I honestly don't think that's the case, 
which leads me to suspect that your employer cannot just unilaterally annex work 
you do in your spare time unless they can cite a conflict of interests or some 
sort of other direct threat to their interests (such as stealing a trade 
Really...does anyone know a little of the case law 

  -Original Message-From: Dave Neuer 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 
  2:05 PMTo: 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] 
  Good-bye II
  --- Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> 
  Andy,>> Do you own your own work anymore?>This is 
  actually a key issue that everyone working onthis type of projejct should 
  really be aware of. Ifyou are a permanent employee of a company in the 
  USofAwhich produces copyrightable material (such assoftware) --unless 
  you have a contract to the contrary-- that company owns the copyright to 
  the work you do.Not just the work you do on company time & 
  equipment,but often even the work you do from home on your 
  sparetime.IANAL, and my understanding is that the degree 
  towhich the latter is the case MAY depend on how similarthe work 
  you've done on your own time & equipment isto the work you get paid to 
  do, but since that's up toa judge's discretion -- and case law, I guess -- 
  itwould be insane for someone running an Open Sourceproject to 
  knowingly allow questionable code intotheir base as, LGPL, GPL or Bob's 
  License, licenseissues don't help you if some other entity can claimto 
  own the copyright. This is why the FSF asks peopleto formally assign the 
  copyright to free softwareunder the GNU project to them.If Andy 
  really does work for a company, as a regularemployee, who produces 
  software similar to JBoss,removing his code is the right thing to do even 
  ifit's technically superior to every other bit of codein the codebase 
  and he's the sweetest human being thatever lived, to protect the right of 
  all of the rest ofus to use this awesome software.Dave 
  Neuer__Do you 
  Yahoo!?Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.http://mailplus.yahoo.com---This 
  sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeekWelcome to geek heaven.http://thinkgeek.com/sf___Jboss-development 
  mailing list[EMAIL PROTECTED]https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development

Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Dave Neuer
--- Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Andy,
> Do you own your own work anymore?

This is actually a key issue that everyone working on
this type of projejct should really be aware of. If
you are a permanent employee of a company in the USofA
which produces copyrightable material (such as
software) --unless you have a contract to the contrary
-- that company owns the copyright to the work you do.
Not just the work you do on company time & equipment,
but often even the work you do from home on your spare

IANAL, and my understanding is that the degree to
which the latter is the case MAY depend on how similar
the work you've done on your own time & equipment is
to the work you get paid to do, but since that's up to
a judge's discretion -- and case law, I guess -- it
would be insane for someone running an Open Source
project to knowingly allow questionable code into
their base as, LGPL, GPL or Bob's License, license
issues don't help you if some other entity can claim
to own the copyright. This is why the FSF asks people
to formally assign the copyright to free software
under the GNU project to them.

If Andy really does work for a company, as a regular
employee, who produces software similar to JBoss,
removing his code is the right thing to do even if
it's technically superior to every other bit of code
in the codebase and he's the sweetest human being that
ever lived, to protect the right of all of the rest of
us to use this awesome software.

Dave Neuer

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Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

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Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread danch
When lawyers and law are involved, compromize is often impossible.

If you are working on a competing product at your day job and JBoss by 
night, you risk infecting your employer's codebase with LGPL code, and 
the JBoss code by proprietary code. I'm not saying you'd intentionally 
do that, but it would be legally difficult to defend even incidental 
similarities in the code base. There probably are similarities, since 
both products attempt to implement the same spec.

Sorry to see you go, Andy, but this is one where pragmatics point to 
listening to the lawers.


Andy wrote:

Oohh, the power of legal issues, you can justify nearly everything.

Instead of looking for a mutual compromise to resolve this issue
Marc (and others) sought a more terminal solution.


- Original Message - 
From: "marc fleury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'JBoss Group'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 7:49 AM
Subject: jRE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

Andy is working on a competing implementation to jboss.  His own lawyers
at his company have requested he not work on JBoss, he was doing so
anyway under an alias.  We only found out about the competing aspect a
couple of days ago. To protect ourselves legally, we removed Andy's RW,
we will in fact remove the code contributions.  We cannot have a
competitor's code in our base as it exposes us legally.  It is only the
second time this has happened in our history.  The mail below is an
expression of Andy's personal gripes and bitterness.  Period.


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RE: [JBoss-dev] Committed support for remote deployment scanning

2002-12-23 Thread Jeremy Boynes
I put in a check so that errors getting last-modified do not trigger

> I haven't I'm afraid, I did enough to get the rest of my team
> working and left it at that :-(.  I suspect it may be similar
> to the WebSphere problem that I had to work around.
> I'll have a quick look at it again and see if I can get any
> further, although we have just upgraded Solaris and it may
> no longer happen :-).
> Thanks again,
>   Kev

I don't have a Solaris host to test with so any help here is appreciated.


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Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom

I agree with the meta point that it would be better to have a publicly 
defined structure for how the JBoss project is managed, but I think you 
are the wrong advocate for this issue.  I actually think you make it 
less likely that such a thing will ever occur. Andy, if you want to be 
honest with everyone, why don't you start by answering the following 

Do you work for a commercial J2EE tools vendor (it is your choice to 
tell everyone who you work specifically for)?

Does your company want you to work on JBoss?

Do you own your own work anymore?

I think everyone will agree that the legal issues alone are enough to 
remove rw from someone.

If you get your legal issues cleared up, I think they may reconsider, 
but as you have already stepped outside of the legal boundaries laid 
down by your employer, I personally would not risk give you rw again.  
The good think for you is I don't make those decisions.


On Monday, December 23, 2002, at 11:19 AM, Andy wrote:


Oohh, the power of legal issues, you can justify nearly everything.

Instead of looking for a mutual compromise to resolve this issue
Marc (and others) sought a more terminal solution.


- Original Message -
From: "marc fleury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'JBoss Group'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 7:49 AM
Subject: jRE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

Andy is working on a competing implementation to jboss.  His own 
at his company have requested he not work on JBoss, he was doing so
anyway under an alias.  We only found out about the competing aspect a
couple of days ago. To protect ourselves legally, we removed Andy's 
we will in fact remove the code contributions.  We cannot have a
competitor's code in our base as it exposes us legally.  It is only 
second time this has happened in our history.  The mail below is an
expression of Andy's personal gripes and bitterness.  Period.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Michael Bartmann
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 9:09 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

None of the JBG supporters has written everything by himself.
This is of course a matter of control and organization, which
you do very well as "master of the tree". I wont let
everybody do everything, but if somebody wants to contribute
"in the right direction" he should not be blocked.

OTOH if somebody would insist to commit something you dont
want to go in and he refuses to restrain himself this is
another question. In the end you'll have to protect jbg (and
jboss) from sabotage.

I cannot judge about what happend in Andy's case; most of the
discussion fortunately seems to have happened in private
mail. I just want to get rid of the doubt that something went
wrong due to political reasons. Otherwise contributors might
come to the conclusion that they support jbg, not the jboss 

So I simply wanted to provoke some clarifications; a little
bit of meta-discussion might be ok on this list and of
interest for other contributors, too.

Michael Bartmann

PS.: The forum would be ok for me, simply tell me where to go...

Scott M Stark wrote:
Development and support are not separable. Do you let anyone modify
code you support? This discussion needs to move the forums.

Marc will

take it up tomorrow.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

- Original Message -
From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

- Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
- Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss

Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but

I couldn't

resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of
non-technical clash on jboss-developement.

Michael Bartmann

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Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list

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Welcome to geek heaven.
Jboss-development mailing list


Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Andy

Oohh, the power of legal issues, you can justify nearly everything.

Instead of looking for a mutual compromise to resolve this issue
Marc (and others) sought a more terminal solution.


- Original Message - 
From: "marc fleury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'JBoss Group'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 7:49 AM
Subject: jRE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

> Andy is working on a competing implementation to jboss.  His own lawyers
> at his company have requested he not work on JBoss, he was doing so
> anyway under an alias.  We only found out about the competing aspect a
> couple of days ago. To protect ourselves legally, we removed Andy's RW,
> we will in fact remove the code contributions.  We cannot have a
> competitor's code in our base as it exposes us legally.  It is only the
> second time this has happened in our history.  The mail below is an
> expression of Andy's personal gripes and bitterness.  Period.
> marcf
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On 
> > Behalf Of Michael Bartmann
> > Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 9:09 AM
> > Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> > 
> > 
> > None of the JBG supporters has written everything by himself. 
> > This is of course a matter of control and organization, which 
> > you do very well as "master of the tree". I wont let 
> > everybody do everything, but if somebody wants to contribute 
> > "in the right direction" he should not be blocked.
> > 
> > OTOH if somebody would insist to commit something you dont 
> > want to go in and he refuses to restrain himself this is 
> > another question. In the end you'll have to protect jbg (and 
> > jboss) from sabotage.
> > 
> > I cannot judge about what happend in Andy's case; most of the 
> > discussion fortunately seems to have happened in private 
> > mail. I just want to get rid of the doubt that something went 
> > wrong due to political reasons. Otherwise contributors might 
> > come to the conclusion that they support jbg, not the jboss community.
> > 
> > So I simply wanted to provoke some clarifications; a little
> > bit of meta-discussion might be ok on this list and of 
> > interest for other contributors, too.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Michael Bartmann
> > 
> > PS.: The forum would be ok for me, simply tell me where to go...
> > 
> > 
> > Scott M Stark wrote:
> > > Development and support are not separable. Do you let anyone modify 
> > > code you support? This discussion needs to move the forums. 
> > Marc will 
> > > take it up tomorrow.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Scott Stark
> > > Chief Technology Officer
> > > JBoss Group, LLC
> > > 
> > > 
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:54 AM
> > > Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >>- Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
> > >>- Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss 
> > >>ASPECTS.
> > >>
> > >>Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but 
> > I couldn't 
> > >>resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of 
> > >>non-technical clash on jboss-developement.
> > >>
> > >>Regards,
> > >>Michael Bartmann
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ---
> > > This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> > > Welcome to geek heaven.
> > > http://thinkgeek.com/sf 
> > > ___
> > > Jboss-development mailing list 
> > > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> > Welcome to geek heaven.
> > http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> > ___
> > Jboss-development mailing list
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development
> > 
> ---
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development

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Welcome to geek heaven.
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RE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Matt Munz
  I don't want to encourage this thread by adding to it, but I think a few 
clarifications would be beneficial for me. 
> Andy is working on a competing implementation to jboss.  
  Would it be possible to name this competing implementation?
> We cannot have a competitor's code in our base as it exposes us legally
  Is the issue that Andy does not own the code he wrote, and therefore does not have 
the right to contribute it to JBoss.org?
  It is my understanding of the LGPL that it permits proprietary derivatives, such 
that I may embed JBoss within another product, and even modify JBoss, as long as 
modifications to JBoss are released publicly.  Modifications made to the product JBoss 
is embedded within would not need to be released to the public.  I see no distinction 
whereby, if the encapsulating product is itself an enterprise server (a competitor), 
that this behavior would be prohibited.
  Am I misinterpreting the license?
  I imagine that one legal scenario is that several commercial competitors would all 
share the same opensource kernel at their core -- That one would see a product like 
"Joe's Enterprise Server, with 'JBoss Inside'(TM)".  Perhaps you mean something else 
when you say "compete"?  
  - Matt 

-Original Message- 
From: marc fleury [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Mon 12/23/2002 10:49 AM 
Cc: 'JBoss Group' 
Subject: jRE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

Andy is working on a competing implementation to jboss.  His own lawyers
at his company have requested he not work on JBoss, he was doing so
anyway under an alias.  We only found out about the competing aspect a
couple of days ago. To protect ourselves legally, we removed Andy's RW,
we will in fact remove the code contributions.  We cannot have a
competitor's code in our base as it exposes us legally.  It is only the
second time this has happened in our history.  The mail below is an
expression of Andy's personal gripes and bitterness.  Period.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On
> Behalf Of Michael Bartmann
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 9:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> None of the JBG supporters has written everything by himself.
> This is of course a matter of control and organization, which
> you do very well as "master of the tree". I wont let
> everybody do everything, but if somebody wants to contribute
> "in the right direction" he should not be blocked.
> OTOH if somebody would insist to commit something you dont
> want to go in and he refuses to restrain himself this is
> another question. In the end you'll have to protect jbg (and
> jboss) from sabotage.
> I cannot judge about what happend in Andy's case; most of the
> discussion fortunately seems to have happened in private
> mail. I just want to get rid of the doubt that something went
> wrong due to political reasons. Otherwise contributors might
> come to the conclusion that they support jbg, not the jboss community.
> So I simply wanted to provoke some clarifications; a little
> bit of meta-discussion might be ok on this list and of
> interest for other contributors, too.
> Regards,
> Michael Bartmann
> PS.: The forum would be ok for me, simply tell me where to go...
> Scott M Stark wrote:
> > Development and support are not separable. Do you let anyone modify
> > code you support? This discussion needs to move the forums.
> Marc will
> > take it up tomorrow.
> >
> > 
> > Scott Stark
> > Chief Technology Officer
> > JBoss Group, LLC
> > 
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:54 AM
> > Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> >
> >
> >
> >>- Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
> >>- Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss
> >>
> >>Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but
> I couldn't
> >>resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of
> >>non-technical clash on jboss-developement.
> >>

Re: [JBoss-dev] jboss and icmp sockets (any use?)

2002-12-23 Thread Scott M Stark
> o do you want to integrate it using jni and run the
>jboss jvm as root, or

> o do you want to run it in a separate process and
>interface (with simple udp encaps. as I proposed)
>or e.g. with corba.
Yes, an MBean has to provide the channel through which ICMP requests
are sent.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] jboss and icmp sockets (any use?)

> There is a portable api below ethereal. It uses
> libpcap, a packet capturing api. It puts the
> nic card in promiscuous mode and reads raw frames.
> It is available on many platforms and used by
> many traffic analyser guis.
> But: libpcap is not only for icmp but for any
> (raw) packet, and it only listens to traffic,
> for ping you've got to _generate_ icmp packets.
> So it is good if you want to build a kind of traffic
> analysis mbean.
> The integration problem stands:
> o do you want to integrate it using jni and run the
>jboss jvm as root, or
> o do you want to run it in a separate process and
>interface (with simple udp encaps. as I proposed)
>or e.g. with corba.
> Regards,
> Michael Bartmann

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Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] jboss and icmp sockets (any use?)

2002-12-23 Thread Michael Bartmann
There is a portable api below ethereal. It uses
libpcap, a packet capturing api. It puts the
nic card in promiscuous mode and reads raw frames.
It is available on many platforms and used by
many traffic analyser guis.

But: libpcap is not only for icmp but for any
(raw) packet, and it only listens to traffic,
for ping you've got to _generate_ icmp packets.

So it is good if you want to build a kind of traffic
analysis mbean.

The integration problem stands:

o do you want to integrate it using jni and run the
  jboss jvm as root, or
o do you want to run it in a separate process and
  interface (with simple udp encaps. as I proposed)
  or e.g. with corba.

Michael Bartmann

Scott M Stark wrote:

If anything has a portable ICMP layer I would expect it in the Ethereal
protocol analyzer : http://www.ethereal.com/
I'm interested in getting this an other network topology tools working
in JBoss to better support cluster configuration issues so I'll help get
something going here.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 22, 2002 4:22 AM
Subject: [JBoss-dev] jboss and icmp sockets (any use?)

Hi socket programmers,

While writing mbeans to interface with legacy tcp/ip hosts,
I often thought it would be really usefull to be able to "ping" them.

As you surely know "ping" is icmp based, and jdks up to 1.4 don't
support icmp sockets. Even if you write some jni code you are urged
to run the whole jvm as root if running under unix, which you might
not prefer to do; these security nightmares are probably the main
reason for sun not to include icmp in the standard.
(OTOH: there exists a jni icmp implementation for winsocks.)

Now you could work around this by exec()-ing the ping utility of your
favourite os. This is:
1) not so cheap (ressource wise, at least an exec() per ping)
2) quite slow (most ping utilities can only ping one host at a time
   and only once per second)
3) not so portable, you'll have to setup arguments and parse results
   in a way depending on your "ping" variant.

I came up with this solution: I wrote a very small C programm which
acts as a gateway between a special udp socket and an icmp raw socket.
So the java thread sends udp packets to that port, they get resend as
icmp packets, the remote side responds, the response is translated back to
udp and the java thread can read them.

This is quite cheep and the C programm is very lightweight, but it is
sort of system specific anyway (at the moment I only have a linux version,
which should work under other unices - but probably not under winsocks).

At least the java side is of course the same for every platform; this might
be the only thing to go into the jboss distribution, so we don't pollute
the build system with C.

All this is not exactly jboss-specific, but I wondered if other jboss
services could use icmp access?

Is there a more simple icmp solution around, which works at least under win2k
_and_ linux?

(I heard there is something planned for jdk 1.5; I'd like to see how sun works
around the "root-only" problem under unix...)


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This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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jRE: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread marc fleury
Andy is working on a competing implementation to jboss.  His own lawyers
at his company have requested he not work on JBoss, he was doing so
anyway under an alias.  We only found out about the competing aspect a
couple of days ago. To protect ourselves legally, we removed Andy's RW,
we will in fact remove the code contributions.  We cannot have a
competitor's code in our base as it exposes us legally.  It is only the
second time this has happened in our history.  The mail below is an
expression of Andy's personal gripes and bitterness.  Period.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On 
> Behalf Of Michael Bartmann
> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 9:09 AM
> Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> None of the JBG supporters has written everything by himself. 
> This is of course a matter of control and organization, which 
> you do very well as "master of the tree". I wont let 
> everybody do everything, but if somebody wants to contribute 
> "in the right direction" he should not be blocked.
> OTOH if somebody would insist to commit something you dont 
> want to go in and he refuses to restrain himself this is 
> another question. In the end you'll have to protect jbg (and 
> jboss) from sabotage.
> I cannot judge about what happend in Andy's case; most of the 
> discussion fortunately seems to have happened in private 
> mail. I just want to get rid of the doubt that something went 
> wrong due to political reasons. Otherwise contributors might 
> come to the conclusion that they support jbg, not the jboss community.
> So I simply wanted to provoke some clarifications; a little
> bit of meta-discussion might be ok on this list and of 
> interest for other contributors, too.
> Regards,
> Michael Bartmann
> PS.: The forum would be ok for me, simply tell me where to go...
> Scott M Stark wrote:
> > Development and support are not separable. Do you let anyone modify 
> > code you support? This discussion needs to move the forums. 
> Marc will 
> > take it up tomorrow.
> > 
> > 
> > Scott Stark
> > Chief Technology Officer
> > JBoss Group, LLC
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:54 AM
> > Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >>- Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
> >>- Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss 
> >>
> >>Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but 
> I couldn't 
> >>resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of 
> >>non-technical clash on jboss-developement.
> >>
> >>Regards,
> >>Michael Bartmann
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> > Welcome to geek heaven.
> > http://thinkgeek.com/sf 
> > ___
> > Jboss-development mailing list 
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development
> > 
> ---
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development

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RE: [JBoss-dev] Dynamic Loading/Unloading of Plugins (was: RE: [eclipse-dev] Eclipse Project 2.2 Draft Plan posted)

2002-12-23 Thread Matt Munz
> We called it our "Groove Killer" but never got enough $$ after 9-11 to
> launch it full scale. I'd like to rewrite the framework I built our
> product on using Jboss and open source it. Something like Eclipse but
> not so IDE-centric in focus. Anyway, it modeled the EJB lifecycle for

You might be interested to know that the release plan for eclipse 2.2 includes a 
separation of the IDE concern from the Application Framework concern.  Although it is 
possible now to use Eclipse as a non-IDE platform, I believe that they are going to 
support this officially, perhaps even providing a separate download just for the 
application framework component.
  - Matt

-Original Message- 
From: James Higginbotham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Mon 12/23/2002 12:22 AM 
Subject: RE: [JBoss-dev] Dynamic Loading/Unloading of Plugins (was: RE: 
[eclipse-dev] Eclipse Project 2.2 Draft Plan posted)

> How much of what you are thinking of would be handled by:
> jmx

Most if not all of it - the JMX timer would be responsible for the async
work of taking down and upgrading the module and its dependencies. In
addition, the rich client platform would benefit from JMX itself. The
only problem is transports between rich clients, but that is out of
scope for long enough that the JMX spec should catch up anyway. Besides,
JXTA could handle that if I really needed peer-to-peer rather than a
more client-server approach. Or, I could just use your built-in
clustering using JavaGroups as another option.

> jboss service lifecycle

All of it, as I would see a "module" as the equiv of an EJB on the
client side from the standpoint of componentized development and the
need for component lifecycles. I actually built a similar application
that was Swing-based, used JXTA, and resembled something like Groove..
We called it our "Groove Killer" but never got enough $$ after 9-11 to
launch it full scale. I'd like to rewrite the framework I built our
product on using Jboss and open source it. Something like Eclipse but
not so IDE-centric in focus. Anyway, it modeled the EJB lifecycle for
the "modules" and provided a "Module context" for accessing known
platform services, plus a service locator for a more dynamic lookup
(including web services on the desktop over JXTA - that was fun!).

> jboss mbean dependencies enhanced by including the version as
> a key in the ObjectName and using queries or filter
> conditions rather than equality for resolution of dependencies.

Jboss dependencies would be a must. I hadn't thought about versioning in
the name.. In the past I've shyed away from things like that in a
"name", but since its unique to the JMX container, that should be fine..
Like encoding the version number in a OID I guess.

> BTW in jboss 4 clients using the trunk invoker already have jmx client
> side: others will follow when I get to work  on tx
> propagation for the other transports.

True, but I would want the JMX container initialized first thing..
Consider the typical startup as something like splash, init Jboss
Kernel, Load core platform services, load user services, launch user

> david jencks


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Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Michael Bartmann
None of the JBG supporters has written everything by himself.
This is of course a matter of control and organization, which
you do very well as "master of the tree".
I wont let everybody do everything, but if somebody wants to
contribute "in the right direction" he should not be blocked.

OTOH if somebody would insist to commit something you dont want
to go in and he refuses to restrain himself this is another
question. In the end you'll have to protect jbg (and jboss)
from sabotage.

I cannot judge about what happend in Andy's case; most of the
discussion fortunately seems to have happened in private mail.
I just want to get rid of the doubt that something went wrong
due to political reasons. Otherwise contributors might come to
the conclusion that they support jbg, not the jboss community.

So I simply wanted to provoke some clarifications; a little
bit of meta-discussion might be ok on this list and of interest
for other contributors, too.

Michael Bartmann

PS.: The forum would be ok for me, simply tell me where to go...

Scott M Stark wrote:

Development and support are not separable. Do you let anyone modify
code you support? This discussion needs to move the forums. Marc
will take it up tomorrow.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

- Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
- Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss ASPECTS.

Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but I couldn't
resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of
non-technical clash on jboss-developement.

Michael Bartmann

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This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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[JBoss-dev] [ jboss-Bugs-657837 ] IllegalAccessException - after redeploy

2002-12-23 Thread noreply
Bugs item #657837, was opened at 2002-12-23 08:26
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: JBossServer
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Eyal Lupu (eyall)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: IllegalAccessException - after redeploy

Initial Comment:
JDK: 1.4.1
JBoss 3.0.4

We have an application build of 1 ear including:
-5 EJB jars
-2 WARs
-1 SAR
- and 10 library jars (/library/xxx.jar)

There are no duplicate classes.

After redeployment we start to get 
IllegalAccessException when accessing package 
protected method. If no redeployment has taken place
everything works fine.

We suspect that classes has more than one instance.


You can respond by visiting: 

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[JBoss-dev] NEW STOCK PICK: TWLO - AMCG WENT UP 461%..................................................................................................................................................................................... ugmbi

2002-12-23 Thread WALL STREET BULLETIN… . . 46030

Did you miss out on AMCG, UP 461%?
Here's another pick - Another SHORT PLAY

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This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Scott M Stark
Development and support are not separable. Do you let anyone modify
code you support? This discussion needs to move the forums. Marc
will take it up tomorrow.

Scott Stark
Chief Technology Officer
JBoss Group, LLC

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Bartmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

> - Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
> - Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss ASPECTS.
> Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but I couldn't
> resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of
> non-technical clash on jboss-developement.
> Regards,
> Michael Bartmann

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Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] hello 100th was Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Holger Baxmann
> I really don't like the idea of
> non-technical clash on jboss-developement.
should one open a new discussion board about this issue ?
to prevent future invention of this uncomfortable stuff unconveniently.

couldn't resist too

> Regards,
> Michael Bartmann
> ---
> This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
> Welcome to geek heaven.
> http://thinkgeek.com/sf
> ___
> Jboss-development mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/jboss-development

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Jboss-development mailing list

Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Michael Bartmann
Oh my, it is difficult to judge with only "second hand" information,
but I feel very annoyed about the (possible) mix of commercial
aspects (between JBG and Andy as a consultant) with developement

But should cvs write access be the battlefield for this?

The jsr-77 issue is a separate question; there should be an
authority which decides about directions.
Maybe my understanding of all this is too naive: I thought there
was the

-1- the public (?) JBoss project (hosted by sf.net) and

-2- the JBG owning the JBoss trademark and interested mostly
in consulting

Ok, these two domains mix up and I never had a problem with
this, somebody has to lead the effort and the copyright of
the original sources are held by Marc anyway, even if the
LGPL license gives everybody the possibility to use and
modify it.

So this whole controversy seems sadly overloaded. I sincerly
hope that you can solve this in a way which is the best
technology wise.

- Andy: please keep cool and stay online (I like EJB timers :-)
- Marc: consider developing and consulting as two different jboss ASPECTS.

Again, I fear I misjudge because of lacking knowledge, but I couldn't
resist to comment on this. I really don't like the idea of
non-technical clash on jboss-developement.

Michael Bartmann

This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
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Jboss-development mailing list

RE: [JBoss-dev] Committed support for remote deployment scanning

2002-12-23 Thread Kevin Conner
> I hadn't, but have now. I have not changed 
> URLDirectoryScanner but attempted
> to roll its functionality into the core URLDeploymentScanner using
> collection URLs to discriminate - does this work for you?

This would be great, thanks for taking the time.

> It seems the root cause of your bug is the lack of response to the GET
> request used by getLastModified(). This is basically Jetty 
> not responding to
> a simple GET request which seems a bit more fundamental.

I traced it as far as the connection being accepted on the netboot
side and then being closed before the response was being sent.
According to snoop there was no data returned in the response.

I have previously encountered problems with WebSphere on Solaris
where the socket accept started throwning exceptions which were not
expected nor handled.  It was tied down to a change in the Solaris
IP stack.  I don't know whether this is relevant.

In any case I thought that the client side should be in a position
to handle transient network errors, hence the fix I suggested.  It
was a real pain for us to have the resources undeploying and
redeploying for no apparent reason.

> The old netboot helper mapped the host server's configuration 
> to a /files
> URL by adding a dedicated context handler. The new helper 
> does not use the
> host server's configurations but instead stores the config in 
> a war - so,
> the GET for last-modified is handled directly by the 
> container and if this
> is broken, GET for any resource is broken :-(
> Did you ever find out why Jetty is closing the socket without 
> responding, or
> log a bug for it?

I haven't I'm afraid, I did enough to get the rest of my team
working and left it at that :-(.  I suspect it may be similar
to the WebSphere problem that I had to work around.

I'll have a quick look at it again and see if I can get any
further, although we have just upgraded Solaris and it may
no longer happen :-).

Thanks again,

Kevin Conner
This is a personal e-mail. Any views or opinions presented are 
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those 
of Orchard Information Systems Ltd.

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Re: [JBoss-dev] Good-bye II

2002-12-23 Thread Joe Burks
At 01:27 PM 12/22/2002 -0800, you wrote:

At the end it also
leads to the question if Marc or JBG can take JBoss, kick out all the
and sell it. But I am not a layer and cannot answer the question.

Isn't all the code LGPL?  It is theoretically possible to remove CVS access 
to all the developers, but the code can be taken, modified, improved and 
released - it'd just need a different name since "JBoss" has been 
registered as a trademark (though you could state that you are based on / 
an extension of the JBoss code base).  Anybody can take JBoss and sell 
it.  Not sure why anybody would buy it though, the money in things like 
this is usually consulting.


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