JESS: Sunday Morning, June 6th, 0600 GMT

2010-06-04 Thread James C. Owen


I know, I know - this is NOT about rules nor rulebased systems nor  
anything like that.  But, sometimes, we need to reach as many people  
as possible who may or may not be interested in what we need to say  
and please forgive me for this minor indiscretion.  (But, I'll  
probably do it again in December)

OK, what’s so special about June 6th?  Next Sunday morning at 0600 GMT  
- NOT Daylight Savings Time - will mark the 66th year since the  
invasion of Europe by the Allied forces at Normandy, France, on June  
6, 1944.  Remember, the war in England and the rest of Europe had been  
going on since September, 1939, when this happened.

Unless you are over 40 (or had a father figure in the military) you  
probably don’t know about Normandy and D-Day.  I asked 10 or 15 people  
at Best Buy the other night and got all blank looks except for one  
future-Marine (just enlisted) who knew it had something to do with a  
war or a battle or something like that.  Look up “D-Day Normandy” on  
Google.  Or, better yet, go watch “Saving Private Ryan” [there is a  
brief blurb is on YouTube at 
  ] or The Longest Day” (terrible acting but far more vivid than  
anything up until that time) [another brief blurb at 
  ] - the stuff on YouTube or watching the movie will give you a WAY  
more graphical and personal point of view than just reading about it  
on the computer screen.

Regardless, having a “Monday in May” (that's what we did in the USA)  
for all veterans of all wars doesn’t seem to cover the carnage of D- 
Day and Omaha Beach.  The U. S. Army Center for Military History  
claims over 60,00 USA dead and wounded at Omaha Beach on that one  
day.  If the Germans could have had another six months to prepare, the  
British and Canadians would not have walked ashore at Gold and Juno  
beaches nor the other Americans at Utah and Sword beaches, although  
the Allies at Utah beach did receive a pretty warm welcome.  We can  
also be thankful that Adolph totally ignored his Generals and kept the  
15th Panzer division locked up at

Total dead (mostly dead – not much in the way of medical aid that day)  
and wounded for the USA that day was over 135,000 US Army and  
Marines.  The UK (a much smaller nation) lost 65,000 of their finest  
that day.  the Germans lost 320,000 men (30K killed, 80K wounded, 210K  
MIA) in the Heer or Wehrmacht regular army, not so much the Waffen SS  
who were stationed elsewhere at the time.  In addition, there were  
12,000 civilian casualties killed or missing.  All total:  a number  
that was over 500,000 humans died in one battle that one day.  Please,  
try to remember all of them on Sunday morning; USA, UK, Canadian,  
French, Polish, Austrian, German, Russian, all of them.

CoFounder DRG 2000
CoFounder ORF-2008/ORF-2009

Re: JESS: how to write If else rule

2009-01-28 Thread James C. Owen


I've been criticized by JM recently for not getting more involved in
Jess solutions.  So, here goes.  The example below violates one of the
basic principles of all rulebased systems.  The logic (i.e., the
Conditional Elements, CE) should ALL be in the LHS of the rules.  By
putting IF conditions in the RHS you have put CEs where there should
be nothing but Action Elements, AE.  The one thing that most folks
don't realize is that a rule that states


is actually two Rules.  IF A THEN C, IF B THEN C

at the same time, an ELSE condition is the negation of the entire LHS
of the rule.  For example

IF (A and B and C and D) THEN D

To enter the ELSE you would have

IF (A and B and C and D) THEN D ELSE E

which is nothing more than

IF (A and B and C and D) THEN D;
IF !(A and B and C and D) THEN E;

of which the else rule is

IF (A or B or C or D) THEN E
which is

The OR statements and the ELSE statements are usually handled by the
engine - sometimes called syntatical sugar.  What we need to do is get
back to basics and understand that rules are to solve complex problems
in logic and not used to run through massive sets of numbers looking
for a needle in a haystack - that's something far better handled by
Java, C++, C or even ASM.

Reading through the emails is like reading the old Obfuscated C
programs - most of them wondering how complex to make a procedural
problem and thereby justify using a rulebase?  We should be using
procedural languages for procedural problems, not an inference engine.

Jason Morris used to have a blog called The Zen of Jess wherein he
basically taught how to use a rulebase.  Not sure why he quit writing
except maybe he just got tired of doing the same thing day after day
after day after...  My suggestion is that everyone should Read The
Fabulous Manual (or the Fabulous Book - JIA) BEFORE beginning to write
the first rule for a practical application or asking questions online!

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Dec 11, 2008, at 5:03 AM, Joao Antunes Mourao wrote:

(defrule name-of-the-rule
  (put here your conditions for the rule, if any)
(if (condition) then
  (put your things here)
(if (condition) then
  (put your things here)
  (put your things here)

Simple. Good luck.

unclassified email

On 10-12-2008 05:47, hansari wrote:

I need rule for

if (condtion1)
then (acton1)
if else (conditon2)
then   (action2)
if else (condition3)
then (action3)
else (acton4)

how can perform this by using defrule please help me.

thank you.


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JESS: Last Call for ORF

2008-10-06 Thread James C. Owen


This is the last call for anyone interested in the October Rules Fest,
 - Rooms are reserved for the $149 rate ONLY through October 15th.
Also, after October 15th, because of extra bookkeeping and accounting
problems that we will incur, conference fees will be $200 rather than

Please - if you are coming to the conference, do it now?  thanks,

P.S. - If you have any problems signing up or going through Pay Pal,
please let either Greg, Rolando, or myself know right away.

Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation
Co-founder and Director of The October {Technical} Rules Fest -THE
RuleBased Systems Conference Oct 22-24 Dallas, TX
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

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JESS: October Technical Rules Fest

2008-09-13 Thread James C. Owen


Monthly reminder about the October Technical Rules Fest.  Check out
the site, check out the speakers, check out the agenda, check out the
talks...  First Class all the way with some of the most interesting
speakers in the rulebase space.  Note that this is NOT like the
Business Rules Forum - that's the following week in Orlando.  Nope,
ours is more of geek thing where you can meet with the inventors of
various rulebase systems as well some of the upper ranking geeks.

I'll send only one more email about this before it begins on October
22nd.  But, mainly, this is a conference where you can have FUN and
LEARN at the same time.  We're expecting a huge student turnout (they
will get their notices on Monday or Tuesday of next week) and we have
a limited number of seats.  So, if you want to be sure that you have a
seat, register now.

James Owen
Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation
Co-founder and Director October Rules Fest -THE RuleBased Systems
Conference Oct 22-24 Dallas, TX

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

Re: JESS: Performance question

2008-09-11 Thread James C. Owen


I don't normally get all involved with this kind of thing but there is
a practical example that shows how easily rule performance can go
astray.  This is taken directly from Girratano and Riley's book,
Chapter 9.12, The Importance of Pattern Order

(deffacts information
   (find-match a c e g)
   (item a)
   (item b)
   (item c)
   (item d)
   (item e)
   (item f)
   (item g)

(defrule match-1
   (find-match  ?x  ?y  ?z  ?w)
   (item  ?x)
   (item  ?y)
   (item  ?z)
   (item  ?w)
   (assert  (found-match  ?x  ?y  ?z  ?w) )

This should run quickly.  But, change it slightly so that we replace
match-1 with match-2 below

(defrule match-1
   (item  ?x)
   (item  ?y)
   (item  ?z)
   (item  ?w)
   (find-match  ?x  ?y  ?z  ?w)
   (assert  (found-match  ?x  ?y  ?z  ?w) )

If you watch-facts each time, you'll see the difference.  HOW we write
rules directly affects the performance of the rules.  And since my
thing is rulebase performance, I just couldn't resist.

Have fun and enjoy the exploration.  :-)

Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation
Co-founder and Director October Rules Fest -THE RuleBased Systems
Conference Oct 22-24 Dallas, TX

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Sep 3, 2008, at 12:26 PM, Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 12:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is the equality comparison using == or equals?

It's jess.Value.equals(), which uses == for INTEGER, FLOAT, LONG,
etc, but equals() for object types.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-jess-
On Behalf Of Ernest Friedman-Hill
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:26 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: Re: JESS: Performance question

On Aug 29, 2008, at 12:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The performance of the second version is much slower, especially as
the number of facts increases. Is this just the overhead of my
function call vs. equals.  Does anyone have suggestions about
possible restructuring of the problem that might minimize the calls

For an equality comparison, Jess can use the hashcodes of the tested
values to sort the facts into bins, and then actually do the
on only a comparatively small fraction of th facts. This is a big
For a function, though, Jess has to do *all* the comparisons, since
doesn't know how to organize the data to eliminate any.

As a side note, I'm noticing that the performance of Jess7.1p1 is
slower than 70p2.I was expecting  a performance increase because
of the use of the test CE but that doesn't seem to be making a

Jess 7.1 has a lot of different optimizations, some for speed, some
space, and there's always a tradeoff between these two. Some
programs do
run faster (some *much* faster), while others might run a little
If you're seeing a nontrivial slowdown, though, I'd be interested in
hearing the details.

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Informatics  Decision Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories PO Box
969, MS 9012, Livermore, CA 94550

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Ernest Friedman-Hill
Informatics  Decision Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories
PO Box 969, MS 9012, Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: A question of optimisation

2008-07-02 Thread James C. Owen

Just one thought -  you might also also modify the care-unit as well
to remove the available bed.

co-founder  director Dallas Rules Group
sponsor October Rules Fest business rules conference Oct 22-24 Dallas,

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
David Herbert Lawrence.
(Also in the Movie, G I Jane)

On Jul 2, 2008, at 7:51 AM, Peter Lin wrote:

the example confuses me a bit. If I had to do the same thing the rule
might look like this.

(defrule assignBed
   ?patient - (patient
   (id ?p)
   (unit ?u)
   (bed ?b:(eq ?b 0) ) ;; if the patient hasn't been assinged.
assuming unassigned is zero
   (id ?u) ;; join on the patient's assigned care-unit
   (availableBeds ?beds:( ?beds 0) ) ;; checks to see if unit
has available bed
   (id ?bedid) ;; bind bed id to variable ?bedid
   (unit ?u) ;; join on the care-unit
   (modify ?patient (bed ?bedid) )

The example in the email wouldn't work, since it would only match
patients that are already assigned to a bed in a care unit. I'm
guessing, you only want to assign beds to patients without an assigned
bed. The first pattern checks to make sure it doesn't try to find a
bed for patient that already has one.

doing it this way, the search space should be considerably smaller.


On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 8:44 AM, Florian Fischer


I have a question about optimizing a query in Jess.

I have (let's take round numbers) 100 care units.  Each care unit
has 20
beds and on average 10 patients.
I want to match patients to their beds.  A patient has an attribute
giving its current bed.

I could write something like
(defrule ...
 (bed (id ?b))
 (patient (id ?p) (bed ?b))
 (not (the patient is attached to the bed))
 (attach the patient to the bed)

but then, each patient is compared to each bed, which takes 2
comparisons.  I'd like to optimize that by first matching a patient
its care unit and then comparing the patient with the beds of that
unit.  That would take 1000*100 tests to match patients to care units
and then 1000*20 tests to find the right bed.  That is 120'000
of 2'000'000 comparisons.

So I would write something like this:

(defrule ...
 (care-unit (id ?u))
 (bed (id ?b) (unit ?u))
 (patient (id ?p) (unit ?u) (bed ?b))
 (not (the patient is attached to the bed))
 (attach the patient to the bed)

but will it work?  Will the matching of patients to care units be
factored out and then compared only to the beds matching the care
or will each patient be checked against each of the 2
results of the first 2 lines?

Best regards,
Florian Fischer

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JESS: Rete Algorithm

2008-06-04 Thread James C. Owen


On Thursday evening at about 7:00 p.m. (CDT) or so, Larry Terril (on
of our more advanced members in the Dallas Rules Group) will be
presenting a talk on the Rete Algorithm.  Should you wish to attend
and watch but are unable to come in person, please forward your Skype
id to either myself or Pete Carapetyn and we will try to accommodate
you.  Dr. Charles Forgy will be on hand at the end of the meeting
should any of you have any questions.

Also, don't forget the October Technical Rules Fest - check it out
at for more details about the schedule,
agenda, etc.

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
David Herbert Lawrence.
(Also in the Movie, G I Jane)

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JESS: October Technical Rules Fest

2008-05-21 Thread James C. Owen

Greetings Jess Users and Abusers:

This is kind of early, but you are anywhere near the Dallas / Fort
Worth area in mid-to-late October 2008, you might want to attend the
October Technical Rules Fest that will be held somewhere in the
DFW area - don't have a home for it yet but we're really looking since
we have a GREAT slate of speakers.  Check out

for details.  By early June we'll have a page to register and some
more information.  BUT, for now, just the lineup of speakers who have
actually committed to speaking is (not to brag) quite
impressive.  :-)   You can still join the group so that you are kept
up to date on the emails but check back in by mid-June at any rate.
See you there?

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself
David Herbert Lawrence.
(Also in the Movie, G I Jane)

Re: JESS: Survey On Rule Base Development - Methods, Tools and Problems

2008-04-16 Thread James C. Owen

Just an observation:

database - one word
rulebase - one word

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Apr 16, 2008, at 8:32 AM, Valentin Zacharias wrote:

Hello Everyone!

We are conducting an online survey on the development of rule bases
and would really appreciate your opinion! The survey is very short and
should only require a few minutes to complete. Any additional feedback
or comments are also very welcome.

To participate please go to:

The goal of the survey is to give an overview of the kind of methods
and tools actually used for the development of rule-based systems
(with a focus on verification and validation). It also tries to
identify some of the challenges facing rule-base development.

The results of the survey will be publicly available. Drop me a note
or enter your email address at the end of the survey to have them sent
to you. I'll also send another note to this mailing list once the
results are available.

If you answer all questions and enter your email address at the end of
the survey, you have a chance to win a Canon SD1100 that will be given
to one of the participants

thanks for your support,

Valentin Zacharias

phone: +49-721-9654-806
fax  : +49-721-9654-807

FZI  Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, 76131 Deutschland,
SdbR, Az: 14-0563.1 Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
Vorstand: Rüdiger Dillmann, Michael Flor, Jivka Ovtcharova, Rudi  

Vorsitzender des Kuratoriums: Ministerialdirigent Günther Leßnerkraus

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Re: JESS: White Papers

2008-04-11 Thread James C. Owen

Greetings -

Wolfgang et al:  OK, I think I've fixed all the links.  Thanks for the
heads up on all of this.  BTW, the Doorenbus thesis is a really good,
in-depth, explanation of the Rete Algorithm along with a lot of other
stuff.  Gupta (along with Forgy and Newell) did a lot of work on
parallel RBS long before commercial vendors even thought about it.
The Minsky papers were two different publications but, for some reason
that I have long since forgotten, I put both up there.

If any of you run across any more really good papers, let me know.
Check back often since I'll be trying to keep this updated and in-
synch.  :-)

Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Apr 8, 2008, at 12:56 AM, Wolfgang Laun wrote:

Thank you!

But many links (e.g., to 1998/Miranker, 2004/OMG, 2006/Owen, 2007/
Ansotegui, 2007/Sottara,...) appear to be broken.

And: s/Demana/Demand/


James C. Owen wrote:


I've been promising this for years and years and finally go around
to it.  I've posted a BUNCH of older white papers on AI and
Rulebased Systems at

including Dr. Forgy's original 1979 dissertation by chapter.  His
stuff is quite long and is about 12-15MB per pdf.  The others are
smaller.  Most are from the God Fathers of AI.  (What happened to
the God Mothers of AI?)  Anyway, enjoy...  If you see something
that you think should be there, let me know and I'll download it
and post it.

BTW, the Jess Group is still the best user group that I've EVER
seen.  :-)

Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

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Re: unsure,Re: JESS: White Papers

2008-04-10 Thread James C. Owen
I'll fix the broken links this weekend.  Also, the paper by Marvin  
Minsky was (I believe) actually published twice.  Once in an academic  
magazine and again in the AI magazine.  I probably left off a  mark  

Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Apr 8, 2008, at 3:28 AM, Beatriz López wrote:


I have also some problems with:

2007 - David Sottara - Uncertainity in AI.pdf
2007 - Ansotegui, Bonet, Levy, Maya - Weighted CSP.pdf

Moreover, the following publications are the same:
2001 - M.Minsky - Why People Think Computers Can't - AIMag.pdf
1982 - Marvin Minsky - Why People Think Computers Can't.pdf


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 2:18 AM
Subject: unsure,Re: JESS: White Papers


Thanks for all the work. I tried to click on 2002 - Mark Watson -
Practical_AI_in_Java.pdf  but I get a URL does not exist on this  

error. Could you please check on this link?


Mike Hairfield

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008, James C. Owen wrote:


I've been promising this for years and years and finally go around  

it.  I've posted a BUNCH of older white papers on AI and Rulebased
Systems at

including Dr. Forgy's original 1979 dissertation by chapter.  His
stuff is quite long and is about 12-15MB per pdf.  The others are
smaller.  Most are from the God Fathers of AI.  (What happened to  

God Mothers of AI?)  Anyway, enjoy...  If you see something that you
think should be there, let me know and I'll download it and post it.

BTW, the Jess Group is still the best user group that I've EVER
seen.  :-)

Senior Consultant / Architect
KnowledgeBased Systems Corporation

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

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Re: JESS: Distributed Jess Engine?

2008-02-06 Thread James C. Owen


I have a friend who filed a patent on the MVM (Multiple Vitrual  
Machines) concept that was pioneered by IBM - but at that time  
software could not be patented, only copyrighted.  And you could not  
copyright nor patent a process such as that.  Things change so he  
patented and copyrighted the process.  Not that he could defend it  
nor collect royalties on it.  And the main question is, How long can  
you afford to legally defend the patent if someone else with really  
deep pockets wants it?  Usually, the little guy loses out unless he  
has a really good lawyer willing to work for a cut of the final pie.

Senior Consultant / Architect
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Feb 6, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Peter Lin wrote:

In theory it is possible to build a distributed RETE rule engine.  
The catch is no rule engine today supports that capability. I filed  
a patent for it back in 2003/2004. anyone interested in details can  
email me directly.

peter lin

On Feb 6, 2008 11:57 AM, Mohd. Noor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,
Is that any answer to Michael's question- I've the same inquires.


On Jan 30, 2008 4:39 PM, Michael Frey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

is it possible to distribute parts of Jess on multiple machines, e.g.
one peer engine runs on node 1 while the original engine and it's rule
base run on another one or are there other distribution mechanisms?

Best Regards,

Michael Frey
Telecommunications Software  Systems Group
ArcLabs Research  Innovation Centre
West Campus
Waterford Institute of Technology
Carriagnore, Co.Waterford, Ireland

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Re: JESS: Rule refinement base on jess

2007-05-28 Thread James C. Owen
Well, it looks like no one else will answer so I'll give it a shot.   
Several other rulebase systems (all of them commercial and quite  
expensive) actually do what they call a gap analysis - which is  
nothing more than considering all of the attributes and possibilities  
and combinations and then telling you which ones you left out.  Which  
ones you should put in, at that point, is left up to you.  Usually  
the ones that you left out aren't important in small systems but can  
be quite expensive if you're trying to design a large, enterprise  
system for a financial company who can't afford to lose out on a  
single rule that is put out on the internet for the entire world to  
try and hack into.

In the meantime, may I suggest this:  Put the rules into a  
spreadsheet (not the best way to do this but it works for small rule  
sets) and then look at the outcomes.  On rule per spreadsheet.   
Remember, if each condition element is true or false, then you will  
have 2^n rows, or rules, for each rule that could become a ruleset.   
If there is an attribute (CE) that has 3 possible answers, leave it  
out of the 2^n calculation and then just multiply the 2^n result by  
3.  (Or 4 or whatever...)  What you'll find is that you might have a  
possible combination of 80K or 100K rules where you had originally  
thought that there were only 100 rule combinations.

Admittedly, a lot of these rows (rules) can be removed by  
combinations and some of them might be highly unlikely or might have  
no bearing on the output - but, on the other hand, they might and  
should be considered.

Like I said, not the best way to do a gap analysis but it works for  
small rules with few condition elements.


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant / Architect

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On May 6, 2007, at 1:39 PM, ggly wrote:

Hi, all

I want to do rule refinement base on jess, or we can say verify
completeness and consistency in rule-based of jess. Has someone  
done that

before? Can you guys give me some advise or info about that, thanks!!

Look forward to your reply.
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Re: JESS: system for elaboration of scholastic schedules

2007-03-11 Thread James C. Owen

Jesus et al.

This not a slam on Jesus nor anyone else.  However, it does seem  
that any time a student gets assigned a project on Expert Systems  
they usually turn to Jess or another free rulebased system.  The  
second thing is to ask someone on the BBS to, basically, write it for  
them.  The old-timers see what's coming and run for the hills.   
(meaning they don't answer.)  Why won't they help?  Well, mainly  
because it's a bit like helping someone cheat on their homework  
assignment and, more importantly, the old-timer ends up writing the  
system AND trying to explain it to the student.

Now, not everyone does this.  Some students just want someone to open  
the door so that they can see inside.  We were ALL there once.   
God's bodkins, man.  Give every man his just desserts and no one  
should 'scape a whipping.  (Hamlet)  All of us needed a mentor at  
one time or another.  But, look first on campus or among your friends  
who live locally to come over and help.  I would really HATE it if  
any of my early code on expert systems that I wrote the first 10  
years got into the public domain.  What ignominy.  What shame.  :-)   
Actually, it worked, but it was not the most elegant solution possible.

Bottom line:  RTFM (Read The Fabulous Manual!)  Then ask questions so  
the our benefactor doesn't have to tell you to look on page such and  
such and embarrass you in front of the whole world.


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant / Architect
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Mar 10, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Jesus Emanuel Garcia wrote:

Hello to all, the reason for my mail is for requesting its aid to  
him for a final project of a matter. The project consists of an  
expert system for elaboration of scholastic schedules in JESS and   
JAVA. I have left just a short time to give it, somebody of you  
whom a similar project has made that can help me in like beginning  
to program the rules. Excuse by the bad writing. Greetings

Jesus Emanuel Garcia

Fwd: JESS: Compiled Sequential rule evaluation

2006-11-18 Thread James C. Owen
I sent Mitchell's request to James Taylor (VP at FIC) for the  
official answer from FIC.  It's below.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Taylor, James [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: November 17, 2006 1:42:35 PM CST
Subject: FW: JESS: Compiled Sequential rule evaluation


James asked me to answer this one, as I know a little about how  
Blaze Advisor does this.

Blaze Advisor 6.1, for both .NET and Java, has two high performance  

-  Rete III for high-performance inferencing or forward- 

-  Compiled sequential for high performance sequential  
execution (developer orders rules within rulesets)

So it is not really true that compiled sequential is a performance  
improvement over Rete - Rete III is the execution mode that offers  
better inferencing performance (relative to the original Rete).

Compiled sequential mode takes the rules, executes them  
sequentially and compiles them to Java or .NET byte code “under the  
covers”. You call the rules engine the same way in each case but  
the rules are executed differently. When you call the complied  
sequential version you don’t change the call (from the main  
application) as the compilation is done by the engine. Relative to  
other sequential execution there is no loss from using compiled  
sequential. Relative to Rete III you lose inferencing.

Hope that helps

James Taylor

Vice President , Enterprise Decision Management

Fair Isaac Corporation


Blogs: and 

Subscribe to the EDM blog with RSS or by email.

Despite not being sent from my Blackberry, this email may  
nevertheless be terse and contain spelling and grammatical errors.

Re: JESS: command line behaviour on OSX

2006-11-15 Thread James C. Owen
I've been using Mac's since they started using BSD as the foundation  
for OS X.  The bash shell (default) has the up-down arrow commands  
for history.  Mac is ideal for old Unix guys who grew up using the  
Unix command line and can switch between bash, korn, bourne and c  
shells.  Personally, I like the korn shell best but bash is a close  
equivalent.  My suggestion is to get a good book on Unix or Mac OS X  
and go through all of the command line stuff that the Unix SysAdmin  
guys use.  Have fun.  It's the same struggle that Unix guys have when  
they get their first Windows machine.  :-)

Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or  
small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour  
and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently  
overwhelming might of the enemy.''
The speech was made 29 October 1941 to the boys at Churchill's old  
public [private] school, Harrow--not Oxford nor Cambridge.

On Nov 15, 2006, at 6:23 PM, Robert Kildare wrote:

I have just installed Jess on my fancy new macbook (OSX_4). I find  

using the command line is very limiting compared to the WinXP command
line. There is no up/down arrow history, in particular. Does anyone  

how I can get this functionality at the terminal, short of installing
Windows as well?


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Re: JESS: command line behaviour on OSX

2006-11-15 Thread James C. Owen
Or, maybe I just misunderstood the problem.  And Ernest had a good  
suggestion as well...  :-)

Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or  
small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour  
and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently  
overwhelming might of the enemy.''
The speech was made 29 October 1941 to the boys at Churchill's old  
public [private] school, Harrow--not Oxford nor Cambridge.

On Nov 15, 2006, at 6:23 PM, Robert Kildare wrote:

I have just installed Jess on my fancy new macbook (OSX_4). I find  

using the command line is very limiting compared to the WinXP command
line. There is no up/down arrow history, in particular. Does anyone  

how I can get this functionality at the terminal, short of installing
Windows as well?


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Re: JESS: certainty/confidence factor

2006-10-17 Thread James C. Owen

Samson -

First, thanks for your response that sent me to another white paper I  
had not seen.  However, the discussion in Girratano and Riley's book  
is not quite the same as the topic of the author of the paper, even  
though similar and both do discuss MYCIN as the basis of  
conversation.  And even though Ernest does not encourage theoretical  
discussions on this board I'll answer your comment and then go  
quietly back into the woodwork.  :-)

Something else to take up precious time - but I couldn't resist, so I  
read the paper.  Interesting...  (Nice way to say I don't necessarily  
agree with it.)  The author failed to note that a rulebased system is  
non-monotonic, not monotonic as were the systems with which he was  
working, and the monotonicity was the foundation of his argument  
against using confidence intervals.  Even then, I couldn't quite  
agree that he was considering the far richer implementations of CE  
than that of the classic CE.  And the authors of MYCIN also struggled  
with this problem but they seem to have come up with a fairly good  
solution though not perfect.

The other point was his misconception of probabilities, which I would  
not have expected from a noted author.  In the article he was  
factoring in the probability of drawing a white ball from a jar after  
having drawn a white ball would be reduced the second time if the two  
balls in the jar were one white and one black.  Not quite.  That's  
the same theory of asking if you flip a fair coin five times and all  
five times are heads, what are the odds that the next flip will be  
heads?  The same as the first time: 50/50.  Prior probabilities are  
not the same as asking what are the odds of flipping a coin and  
getting a heads all six times.  In that event, a prior probability,  
it is .5*.5*.5*.5*.5*.5 - not very good.  But stopping at each point  
and asking what is the probability of the next one being heads is  
still the same; 50/50.  And on his scale of -1 to +1 that should have  
been zero each time.  That gambling example was a really hard reality  
for me to swallow in my sophomore statistics course but it has stood  
me well over the years.

Anyway, back to the initial thought; this probably is not the place  
nor the space to debate probabilities, combinations, permutations,  
set theory, pattern matching and confidence intervals so I'll quit on  
that final note.  I did enjoy the paper though because it disagreed  
with me and made me have to think - something that I should do more  
of these days but don't due to other pressures.  Maybe one day I'll  
have a position where I can just shut the door and cogitate on the  
unknown things of the universe.  :-)


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
To be or not to be.  That is the question.  Whether 'tis nobler in  
the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or by  
taking up arms to defeat them.  (So saith Shakespeare in Hamlet,  
from my own cluttered memory so it might not be quite right.)

On Oct 17, 2006, at 12:28 PM, Samson Tu wrote:

There are inherent problems in building management of uncertainties  
into rule-based systems. See

D. E. Heckerman, E. Horvitz. On the Expressiveness of Rule-Based  
Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty. AAAI - 87, Sixth National  
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, WA, 1987.

James C. Owen wrote:
Actually, certainty and/or confidence factors are discussed in  
detail in the Giarratano and Riley's book, complete with an  
introduction to probability theory as well as many other concepts  
not normally used in business software.  This approach was used  
with great success in diagnosis when designing MYCIN, an early  
rulebased system dealing with medical diagnosis, as well as many  
of some other types of prognostication software.  It isn't  
easily implemented in straight Jess nor in any other forward  
chaining package, BUT it can be done with a bit of thought up  
front concerning tracking tables, maximum probabilities, etc.   
After all, you wouldn't want to have a 250% chance of something  
happening.  But it does deal with the problem of a 70% chance that  
something will happen and a 10% chance that something will not  
happen.  The other 20% is the problem child.  Is it doubt or  
confidence?  This kind of logic is also used extensively in the  
financial fraud detection and CRM software.  _Great_ stuff but  
requires 70% thought and 30% coding.  Something to which we, as  
programmers, are not usually accustomed.  :-)
And you are right - a fuzzy logic extension relieves a lot of the  
manual programming.  But, on the other hand, it also adds some  
restrictions to what you can and can not do.  I've often wondered  
why vendors such as ILOG, FIC, Pega, MindBox, Haley, etc., etc.  
don't include something like that.  But, then, they've never  

Re: JESS: Priority/Selection within a match list

2006-08-18 Thread James C. Owen

Stephene et al,

As Jason pointed out about salience being used sparingly, there is  
one other heuristic:  If you have more then three levels of salience/ 
priority then your problem may be better suited for a procedural  
language.  Just a thought...  Also, if the rules MUST be done in  
order, then it's a procedural problem.  Thinking declaratively is  
difficult at first but becomes easier as you go along the path to  
enlightenment.  :-)

Large organizations exist primarily for the benefit of the large  
corporation.  Whether it be the government (at any level) or a  
religious organization, such as a church or philanthropic  
organization.  They exist NOT for the benefit of the customer, the  
personnel who work there nor for the public - even though a mantra to  
that effect that might be in their organizational statement.  Depend  
on it; when push comes to shove, the little guy loses out.  Every time.

On Aug 16, 2006, at 1:57 AM, Stephane Bailliez wrote:

Hi all,

I'm (very) slowly getting up to speed with experts systems (and  
jess) and I have a few general questions around it...
I have actually a lot more but will try to do my homework more  
before :)

Nonetheless, here are my concerns:

I have rules where order is (or seems) to be a concern. Actually in  
the real world the priority that is set is purely human at the  
moment.. rules are valid for a certain period of time within the  
system and their priority depends on estimation of the initial  
weight that we want this rule selection to have in the whole system  
and an additional weight that is to be increased (at this time  
manually) depending on how well the result of this rule is  
represented in the system and how close it is before end date.

I basically have to pick up a list of 10 matches every once in a  
while, (even though I may have 100 matching). And I can assume for  
now the result is sorted in term of priority.

So my question is:

- Is salience a good place to mess with for this sort of 'priority'  
function ?
  I was thinking basically to try to set the salience depending on  
the priority so could expect to get the 10 one quite immediately.
 Reading JIA, documentation, etc...seems to indicate it would be  
better to stay away from that. correct ?

- Should I simply assume that every match adds information to a  
multislot and that I try to come up with another rule that is  
arranging elements in the multislot based on priority ?

 (I have no clue how to do that yet)



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JESS: More on AI systems

2006-07-29 Thread James C. Owen
Well, updated the link on AI systems today to include a bit about Turing, Gödel and Church.  Some will find it interesting; some won't.  If you do happen to read it and find a mistake, please let me know and I'll correct it.  Oh, yes - one other thing - I also put the links for the Performance for various engines.  Jess will follow sometime in August when I get the kinks out of my systems.  Thanks, SDGjco"Large organizations exist primarily for the benefit of the large corporation.  Whether it be the government (at any level) or a religious organization, such as a church or philanthropic organization.  They exist NOT for the benefit of the customer, the personnel who work there nor for the public - even though a mantra to that effect that might be in their organizational statement.  Depend on it; when push comes to shove, the little guy loses out.  Every time." 

Re: JESS: Fact definition from Java

2006-07-17 Thread James C. Owen
Speaking of which :-) when is the 2nd edition of Jess In Action  
coming out?  Giarratano and Riley are now into their FOURTH edition  
since first edition came out in 1989.  I think I have all three  
somewhere - the older ones probably in boxes somewhere but the 3rd  
edition is pretty well marked up for teaching CLIPS and/or Jess.   
Unfortunately, Jess and CLIPS seem to be diverging and now I need a  
new book to teach Jess rather than have to come up with one on my  
own.  It's bad enough to have to do hundreds of overheads for a class  
when teaching from the book.  (The overheads are just to keep the  
student focused on the front of the room - me - when teaching since  
the subject is necessarily difficult for most of them.)  Anyway, just  

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Jul 17, 2006, at 8:26 AM, friedman_hill ernest j wrote:

I think mdean77 wrote:

Ridiculous question.  I have a Bean in Java.  I want to have Jess
build itself a template for a shadow fact.  But Jess does not know
about the Bean.  How does one tell Jess about the classes that have
been created in Java?  Right now, I manually create a fact in Jess
and move the values from Java, but this is not ideal.

In Jess 7, you can use Rete.add(), which automatically creates the
template if needed and adds the object to working memory.  In Jess 6
-- or if you want to choose your own template name rather than using
the class name -- you can use the Rete.defclass() and
Rete.definstance() methods.

The manual section concerning templates, facts, and Java objects in
working memory has been completely rewritten for the next release -- I
hope it will make this stuff easier to learn and use.

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Advanced Software Research  Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: Jess and Java Generics

2006-07-02 Thread James C. Owen
As an old Jess programmer and an old C/C++ programmer, I remember  
the cool part of using STL in C++.  Now we have AOP in Java and  
Java Generics.  All of this really is cool and adds power to the  
programmer.  HOWEVER (which means that you can forget all the former  
platitudes mention before this) - while all of those things add power  
and flexibility for the initial programmer they simply add  
indirection to an already existing, enterprise project and makes it  
incredibly difficult to follow if and when you arrive on a project  
done by a previous employee or consultant (who is no longer  
available) and they are rarely properly documented.  I would say  
never (because I have never had the pleasant experience) but someone  
would pipe up and say, Well, we ALWAYS require proper documentation  
on our code - whether on throw-away code or not.  Sure.  Right.   
Meanwhile, Al and I co-invented the theory of relativity but he  
wouldn't share the credit with me.

So, one vote for NOT doing something silly and (probably) thousands  
of votes for doing something silly...  Hamilton was right.  The  
people really don't know enough to govern themselves.  Or, as Scott  
Bence puts in on all of his emails, 50% of the people are below  
average.  Get used to it!  :-)

NOTE:  This is not a flame and is not intended to start a flame war.   
Just some observations.  :-P

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Hamlet, Act 1, Scene III

On Jul 2, 2006, at 8:01 AM, friedman_hill ernest j wrote:

I think Ozsariyildiz, S.S.  wrote:
Is there going to be support for Java Generics for the future  
releases of JESS? If there is one what are the plans?

An interesting question. Jess is weakly typed, and generics are a
mechanism for making things more strongly type-checked at compile
time; they have no runtime component, so I can't really think of
anything that Jess would need to do. What kind of support do you

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Advanced Software Research  Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
Livermore, CA 94550

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JESS: ILOG and Jess

2006-04-05 Thread James C. Owen
[I wrote this several days ago and it dropped through the cracks of the email system.  Nevertheless, I think it still needs to be said.]As an independent consultant who uses various rulebased systems, some are called Business Rule Management Systems, or BRMS, I think I'll have to somewhat agree with Ernest in that each rulebase has its own, individual features and benefits, handicaps and drawbacks.  For system that is free for academic or government use, although it does cost quite a bit for commercial use, Jess is one of the best there is.  In my humble opinion.  Especially considering the support that you get with Ernest et cie.Now, just in case you missed an earlier email, trying to write a parser to translate code from one system to another is madness of the first magnitude.  Each system has things that the other one does not have.  And each system has a different "way" to code things.  Jess has a limited form of backward chaining.  The old Nexpert (Neuron Data Expert now owned, but not promoted, by Fair Isaac) was a true, fullly opportunistic backward chaining system.  Mandarex is a backward chaining system only.  Blaze Advisor has a "when needed' clause that can be used to simulate backward chaining.  OPSJ, at one time, incorporated backward chaining elements that were later taken out.  As one a God Father of the industry once said, "Any forward chaining engine can be made to do backward chaining and any backward chaining engine must eventually forward chain to deliver results."So, please, please, please do NOT do what you are suggesting.  Stop.  Learn the language.  Learn the benefits.  READ THE FABULOUS MANUAL and the book!!  Get familiar with what you have with Jess.  THEN do something constructive with it.  THEN you will understand why we (everyone who has written on this mailing list on this subject) keep saying, "Don't do that!" SDGjcoJames C. OwenSenior Consultant[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up."  From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by the Nazi Empire during the second world war. 

Re: JESS: Adding facts from java

2006-03-10 Thread James C. Owen
RTFM - Read The Fabulous Manual !!!  Either the on-line documentation  
or the book, Jess In Action.  The examples in either of these  
actually work.  So, FIRST get something working, then modify, check  
the problem yourself.  THINK!  And asking the man who wrote the book  
on Jess if he knows how get things to work from Java...  Well, that  
borders on being a personal insult.  Dr. Ernest Friedman-Hill has  
been and is being a perfect gentleman during this discourse.  But I  
don't think that he should actually write the program for you.  As  
Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix, I can only show you the door -  
you have to open it and walk in.


On Mar 10, 2006, at 10:05 AM, ahmad Sayed wrote:

Sorry but i've never said that u weren't helpfull. I was trying to  
solve the problem with many different ways, and I was asking u why  
it's not working each time! I never asked two questions for the  
same problem ! I was trying what u were telling me, but when it  
gaves no results, it's normal to show u the problem i guess !  
that's the purpose of the mailing list if i'm not wrong !

  Well anyhow, that's not the problem now. My program did finally  
work and thank u anyway for being helpfull. Concerning the error  
message, it would be better I think if it could tell  could not  
find deftemplate predicate in fact myfact   for example. it would  
be more clear.


  I think ahmad Sayed wrote:
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]

Ok do u know how to get things work from java? I'm asking just the
very simple things to start things over. I mean I just need to add
facts from java and nothing is working out, neither with the
r.executecommand(factstr) or with r.assertfact(f). U can check my
previous mails to see exactly what kind of errors it's giving me.

I'm sorry -- do you not think I'm being helpful? You've tried the same
thing at least three different ways, and each time I've pointed out
the errors, and you've gone on to try things another different way
rather than fixing the small errors. It seems as though you haven't
even been reading what I've written.

In my last mail, I told you to use triple instead of fact1, and
RU.STRING instead of RU.SYMBOL for the slots that contain URLs,
and then your simple program should work fine. I also asked you for
feedback to help improve the error messages you've seen, because in
every case all I've been doing is explaining what the error messages
were already trying to tell you.

Ernest Friedman-Hill
Advanced Software Research Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs FAX: (925) 294-2234
Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: Strings vs. Symbols [tally so far]

2006-03-10 Thread James C. Owen
OK, just to break the tie:  An atom can be variable, a String is an  
atom.  I agree that ?foo is not the same thing as foo and is not  
the same as foo and never should be.  JRules, at one time, used the  
? identifier in ?foo for variable identification and eventually  
dropped it.  However, to be compatible with CLIPS, perhaps it should  
stay.  Once you get used to it, it's like an itchy place - even when  
the itch is gone you still scratch just out of old habits.  :-)


On Mar 10, 2006, at 4:33 PM, Jason Morris wrote:

Hi All,

So far, I count 3 people for the idea and 3 people opposed.

Can we be sure that a relaxation of Jess's rigor won't have unintended
side effects or future negative consequences?  If it can be shown that
these are negligible, then I might be persuaded to vote for pattern
relaxation.  Dave Barnett made the point that programming requires
discipline, and I agree.

Ernest:  Why not just implement some Jess statement like
(do-relaxed-matching) that forces Jess to collapse stings and symbols
as well as numeric types where appropriate?  Place it just like the
(do-backward-chaining) statement in a Jess file.  Leave Jess as it is
by default.

Any more lurking opinions out there?


Morris Technical Solutions LLC
phone/fax: 503.692.1088

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JESS: Jess Guys - Beware of Vendor Tests!

2006-03-08 Thread James C. Owen
Check the blog at for the published version of this:OK, enough is enough.  I've said over and over and over that the tests that are being run on the part of Mr. Jobs are totally unfair; they always compare a dual-core Intel 2GHz to either a single core 1.xGHz G4 or a single core 2.xGHz G5 and NEVER to a dual-core G5 that has only recently been available (before Intel) nor the Dual CPU G5, which has been available for quite some time.  However, in MacWorld of April 2006 they let the cat out of the bag!!  Following are the times for a SINGLE core Intel at 2GHz and a SINGLE core G5 at 2.1GHz: ***IMovie 6: Apply BW Effect:: iMac Intel = 2:18 and iMac G5 = 3:11, Intel Better. (Hold on - it gets better!!)iMovie 6: Apply Aged Effect:: iMac Intel = 1:43 and iMac G5 = 1:12, G5 BetteriMovie 6: Apply Rain Effect:: iMac Intel = 2:41 and iMac G5 = 2:43, Intel slightly betteriPhoto 6: Import 100 Filse:: iMac Intel = 1:29 and iMac G5 = 1:22, G5 slightly betteriPhoto 6: Export to QuickTime:: iMac Intel = 1:36 and iMac G5 = 1:31, G5 slightly betteriPhoto 6: Export to Web:: iMac Intel = 2:13 and iMac G5 = 2:12, G5 slightly betteriPhoto 6: Export to File:: iMac Intel = 2:59 and iMac G5 = 2:40, G5 BetteriPhoto 6: Create Zip Archive:: iMac Intel = 2:33 and iMac G5 2:53, Intel BetterDoom3 v1.3.1303: Beta Demo:: iMac Intel = 34.3 and iMac G5 = 17.0, G5 Much BetteriTunes 6.0.2: MP3 Encode:: iMac Intel = 2:04 and iMac G5 = 1.23, G5 Much BetterArt of Illusion 2.2 Render:: iMac Intel = 3:37 and iMac G5 = 6:07, Intel Much BetterThese were the only ones for which I could do a direct comparison on the published data.  But what it DOES show is that the G5 not only holds it ground against Intel, but for the most part its better or much better and Intel.  Sorry, Steve.  No Cigar.  Next time be fair to the IBM guys and run a REAL direct comparison.So, the next time you see published benchmarks from anyone, get ALL of the details.  Trust No One!! :-) SDGjcoJames C. OwenSenior Consultant[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up."  From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by the Nazi Empire during the second world war. 

Re: JESS: Benchmarks 2000 - 2005

2006-02-09 Thread James C. Owen
yes  SDGjcoJames C. OwenSenior Consultant[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up."  From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by the Nazi Empire during the second world war. On Feb 8, 2006, at 9:14 PM, Hector Urroz wrote:James,Do the numbers on the spreadsheet equal the number of seconds to run each of the benchmarks?Thanks,Hector UrrozOn 2/7/06, James C. Owen  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:OK - now they're there.  Try and see if you have any problems.  If so, let me know personally (don't clog up the mailing list with this.)  Thanks,   SDGjcoJames C. OwenSenior Consultant[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up."   From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by the Nazi Empire during the second world war.   -- Hector Urroz(303) 581-0563 (home)(303) 859-2735 (cell)[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: JESS: Research on Ontology + Jess

2006-02-09 Thread James C. Owen
Knowledge Systems with a Knowledge Engineer.  God save us all.  In  
the movie Patton when they mentioned battles fought without  
soldiers, Patton was horrified that there could be a battle without  
honor or glory or personal sacrifice.  He said that he hoped that he  
would never live that long.  Well, it's happening now.  I'm glad he's  
not here to see it.  And I hope that I never see a Knowledge System  
without someone to aid in the growth of the system.  2001 (remember  
HAL) and Terminator are just around the corner.


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up.
From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during  
the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon  
forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by  
the Nazi Empire during the second world war.

On Feb 9, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Robert Kildare wrote:

Hello Jason
I am a PhD student in Computing, University of Tasmania, Australia   
Jess in a pseudo expert system which relies on the notion that  
users can
learn to become experts. They construct their own ontology ..  
with the

aid of software.
There is research into knowledge-base-free expert systems and how  
to draw
hierarchic (Richards) and mesh inferences(Suryanto) from them.  
There is

research on a system for eliminating the knowledge engineer altogether
(MCRDR - Kang). These all come from the stable of the university of  
South Wales in Sydney (Paul Compton I think is the  instigating  

I will be happy to fill out your questionnaire.. I can send my last  

(more than 2,000 words), but am buried in work at present.


Robert.Kildare at
==Original message text===
On Fri, 10 Feb 2006 0:08:40 +1100 Karl-Heinz Krempels wrote:

Hi Jason,

I'll contribute a few things.

Am 01.02.2006 um 15:07 schrieb Jason Morris:

Hello All Jess Users,

There is a school of thought which strongly suggests that creating a
formal domain ontology is prerequisite for building an expert system.
I am writing a research paper on the topic, so  I thought that I'd
take a moment to ask for input from the Jessosphere.

If you would be willing to:

*  Answer a very short online survey (no more than 10 questions)  

ontology and how you use it, and/or
*  You would like to contribute an anecdote or brief case study  

words or less),

please send me a reply so that I can add you to my qualified
response list.

Any research stories, application and implementation stories, or
practical use cases where you have interacted with the subject of
ontology are especially valuable, and of course you can mention Jess
all you want!  I will be happy to cite your contribution and send you
a copy of the published results.  The survey will be online in  
about a


Thanks in advance for your participation!


Jason Morris - Co-moderator Jess listserver
Engineering and Technology Management Department
Portland State University, Portland, OR USA

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Karl-Heinz Krempels

  RWTH Aachen University
  Computer Science Department
  Informatik 4 (Communication and Distributed Systems)
  Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany

  Tel.: +49 (241) 80-21410
  Fax:  +49 (241) 80-0

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Re: JESS: Jess and deductive databases

2006-02-07 Thread James C. Owen
H  With today's 64-bit environments, you can do several  
Terabytes in memory; if you  have the memory and the architecture.   
We did some studies on that back in 2002 and found that 4GB was  
terribly limiting to a really complex rulebase.  100 tables with  
1,000,000 entries ends up being 100,000,000 entries which would take,  
on the average of 2,000 bytes per object, 200,000,000,000 bytes of  
memory.  And that's BEFORE you add the complexity of the rule  
matching.  That's quite a bit and smacks of poor architecture.  It's  
the old principle of Just throw everything into a big bucket, stir  
it around, and see what rises to the top.  No thought.  No  
planning.  Just hoping.

Now, to the time problem; I think Dr. Friedman-Hill has covered this  
many times and it's covered quite well in his book, Jess in Action  
- available from Amazon.  And, no, I'm not pimping for the book.   
Just pointing it out.

Performance tests are available at 
benchmarks2000-2005.xls (available sometime tonight or tomorrow) and  
(soon - maybe a couple of months) 
benchmarks2006-2010.xls.  Enjoy...


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up.
From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during  
the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon  
forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by  
the Nazi Empire during the second world war.

On Feb 7, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Thomas Beer wrote:

Hi all Jess users!
I'm not sure if this mailing list is the right one for my question,  
if there

is a more adequate list just give me a hint.
I have a more common question regarding Jess, rule-based expert  
systems and
deductive databases. What are the essential differences (besides  
the smooth

Java integration) between Jess (or an rule-based expert system) and
deductive databases (e.g. Ontobroker)?
Is it possible to store a huge amount of facts (related to  
databases, e.g.
100 tables with 100 table entries each) in the working memory?  
Is there

a kind of database backend integrated which automatically updates the
working memory? Are there some performance tests available?
Is Jess appropriate for handling time sensitive facts and rules  
related to
them, e.g. If time is 06:00 then ring alarm. What I'm asking is,  
is it
possible (or reasonable) using Jess to implement time dependent  
This would require periodically updates (e.g. every milli second)  
of the

working memory, right?!?

I strongly appreciate your help!

Best regards,
Thomas Beer

Thomas Beer
ECCA - eTourism Competence Center Austria
Technikerstrasse 21a
6020 Innsbruck


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Re: JESS: Which comes first, the chicken or the rule?

2005-12-13 Thread James C. Owen
If I understand what you are doing, you probably have some legacy  
data from which to work.  If that's the case, don't even look at the  
legacy data until you have determined the rule logic.  Then decide  
what data would be necessary to support that logic.  If the data  
exist (or if most of it exists) within the legacy system, it  
shouldn't be too hard to convince management that you need just a few  
extra attributes or tables in the existing database.  However, if  
there are drastic changes, then perhaps you can pull the legacy data  
down to your Unix or (God forbid!) Windows platform and add what you  
need at that point.  The last solution is usually what happens on  
most projects.

On the other hand, Dr. Friedman-Hill is correct in that you can  
always add rules (assuming that the data are there to support the  
rules) or even add rules and objects later.  And this is also what  
normally happens on most rulebased projects.  Even XCON started with  
only a few hundred rules, grew to over 1,000 the first year or so and  
then past 10,000 rules within a few years as more and more rule  
modules (sets) were added.  If you are working on an enterprise  
project, probably the best thing is to do a pilot project with a few  
hundred rules, a few (less than 50 normally) objects and do an end-to- 
end implementation.  Be sure to involve the highest level of  
management (for approvals and support) and the lowest levels of users  
(to be sure that it works correctly and will be widely accepted)  
along the way.  Then grow gradually, not by leaps and bounds.  Bon  


James C. Owen
Senior Consultant
Never give up.  Never give up.  Never, never, never give up.
From a speech by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during  
the most trying times of the British Empire; a great leader too soon  
forgotten by his country after keeping it from being swallowed up by  
the Nazi Empire during the second world war.

On Dec 13, 2005, at 8:43 AM, Matthew Hutchinson wrote:

Hi everyone,

Just a conceptual question... since starting with Jess, it always  
seemed to me generally you have the rules established first, then  
load in facts which in turn trigger these rules. No problems there.  
But is it proper to consider having the facts already in memory  
and *then* adding rules which I know will trigger - basically a  
sort of query on the data mentality? Is this a bad concept?


Matthew Hutchinson
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Spatial Sciences
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth, Western Australia 6845

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Re: JESS: Firing order

2005-11-21 Thread James C. Owen
OK, now tell us why you would want to change the default conflict  
resolution strategy, mainly the one that says that the most recent  
rule will fire first.  Actually, it's a bit more complex than that  
and the reasoning for using MEA versus LEX versus other methods were  
explored and answered many, many years ago by Dr.'s Newell and Simon,  
the mentors of several of the illustrious CM alumnae.  Anyway, MEA  
and LEX et al are all discussed in several well-written books on the  
subject, primarily Cooper and Wogrin or Girratano and Riley.  So, in  
answer to your original question, the reason is that the conflict  
resolution strategy has determined which rule would fire first and  
the reasoning of the conflict resolution strategy should remain like  
it is unless you understand the reasoning and have a good reason for  
changing the same.  (Goodness.  Don't we sound pompous  
tonight?)  :-)  Perhaps I should read more and write less...


On Nov 20, 2005, at 4:51 PM, Nicolas Fortin wrote:

Hello everybody,

I am wondering if it is possible to randomize the firing order,  
when one rule is activated by many facts. Indeed a rule is always  
fired according the reversed order of assertion. So this example


(assert (a 1))
(assert (a 2))
(assert (a 3))

(defrule example
   (a ?x)
   (printout t a =  ?x crlf)


will always output :

a = 3
a = 2
a = 1

Thanks in advance,


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Re: JESS: doubts on basic usage of Jess from Java

2003-04-02 Thread James C. Owen
I'm not much on Agent Technology these days, even though I did play around a
bit with FIPA way back when.  We even did something similar to what you're
describing but the powers that be managed to make it really, really
complicated.  Regardless, we did get it running without actually using FIPA,
even after all of the research into it.

However, Richard Halsey continued this discovery process long after the job
petered out.  You might check with him as well.

 I think Xavier Noria wrote:

[ Asking about using Jess in an agent framework ]

James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Is it for me...

2003-04-01 Thread James C. Owen
.  And then the
philosophy was, Well, we tried to use that AI rulebase stuff.  It just
doesn't work in a case like ours.  Yeah, right.  As thought that particular
company was really that special.

Enough for now.  Drop me a line or give me a call if you want more specifics.

James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

Jeff Richley wrote:

 I have a project that has roughly 10,000 business rules.  Another major
 factor is that there are 13 programmers (not including myself) and I am the
 only one that has ever programmed in Java.  The powers that be have decided
 that we are going to write the entire program in Java.  There are some very
 good reasons for this decisions that I won't go into right now.

 My question is, would JESS be a good solution for all of these rules.  I
 haven't really gotten a good handle on exactly what is required to use
 Jess.  Is this something that I would be able to give a statement like if
 all of the planes were unmanned then field x must be equal to 'q'?  Or is
 it something that I would actually have to program that statement?

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Re: JESS: Is it for me... (long)

2003-04-01 Thread James C. Owen
Sorry, couldn't let this one go by without a comment.  (And then I really,
really have to get back to work...  :-)  Alan, I cut out all but one paragraph
of your response.  I was in complete agreement with the rest of it.  A
well-designed, goal-oriented approach actually uses (not salience - hate that
one) recency as a control strategy.  Just to name-drop a little bit, but I got
hooked on this approach back in 1999 working with Dr. Charles Forgy on a project
at Ericsson.  I also worked with him later on a JRules project where he took the
time to re-write the JRules version Monkeys-and-Bananas (which used priorities
to the extreme) to a goal-oriented approach.  That may not be what you meant in
the paragraph below, but I just thought I'd have one final comment and then go
get my third cup of coffee for the day.  It's 3:20 and I deserve it.

Alan Moore wrote:

 Try not to let your rules don't rely too much on implicit control structures,
 like salience for example. Take the time to design some explicit
 system/computation state components, or use modules or other strategies that
 can be employed to partition your rules and to control their activation, etc.
 This advice may be controversial among some rule purists but it has helped me


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: seemingly mysterious defquery behavior

2003-03-31 Thread James C. Owen

Does this mean that Jess will become more of a goal-oriented rulebased programming 
tool?  Or, perchance good fortune ensues, incorporate full-opportunistic backward 
chaining; sort of like the old Expert (C/C++ Rulebase from Neuron Data) used to do?  I 
don't know of ANY rulebase in Java that does true,
full-opportunistic backward chaining at this time.  Including Advisor, JRules, OPSJ,  
JEOPS or Jess.  I'm sure that there is one - I just don't know about it.  Yet.  :-)


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044


 The long-running debate between the people like yourself, who are surprised when 
 rules fire during a query, and those who want a query to trigger backward chaining, 
 and so are surprised if they don't, has been resolved -- and I think you could say 
 that you won! In recent versions of Jess 6.1 (which is at
 RC1 right now, and if all goes well will be in final release by the end of this 
 week) the default is for rules to NOT fire during a query, but there's now a way to 
 let rules fire during a query on a case-by-case basis.

 So what I would do, if I were you, would be to upgrade to 6.1RC1 and things will 
 behave by default just the way you'd like them to.

 I think =?iso-8859-1?q?un=20ethix?= wrote:
 [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
  Thanks for taking the time to read this.
  I have a number of activated rules. The first of these rules to fire includes a 
  function call which includes a query iteration. However, the subsequent rules in 
  the conflict set (i.e. the subsequent activated rules) fire before the query call 
  completes. This behavior is best illustrated by an example:
  Jess (run 1)
  FIRE 1 MAIN::rule_1 f-6
  == f-7 (MAIN::__query-trigger-myQuery)
  FIRE 1 MAIN::rule_2 f-5, f-6
  If the firing is left to run then the query will eventually return
  == f-7 (MAIN::__query-trigger-myQuery)
  but only after all other activated rules have fired.
  My problem is that rule_2 depends upon the result of firing rule_1, and causes an 
  illegal operation (division by 0) as a result of rule_1 not returning first.
  I am able to circumvent this by having an extra fact asserted by rule_1, which 
  rule_2 needs i.e. :
  (defrule rule_1  =
  (callQuery) (assert (foo)))
  (defrule rule_2 ... (foo) = ...)
  In this case, since rule_2 can only be activated after the query has returned, it does seem an illogical way of doing things though.
  The release notes do mention something about the run-query command executing 
  'run(10)' - but this does not explain why subsequent rules don't fire after the 
  query returns.
  Is there something that i'm missing here?
  Thanks in advance,
  Yahoo! Mail - For a better Internet experience

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: Passing a Java Variable in a Jess Call

2003-03-31 Thread James C. Owen
For those of you having trouble with the Java CLASSPATH being set properly
and/or typing long names and making silly mistakes, there is a free tool at

That might help with this.  A lot of the guys in the JavaMUG here is DFW area
really like it.  Enjoy.

James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

Christian Loos wrote:

 Hi Karen,

 I think your approach should work properly. Do you get any kind of
 exception? What data does the Protegepath variable contain (pathname +
 Have you allready tried to perform this action directly within the JessTab?


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Karen Fox
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 9:03 PM
 Subject: JESS: Passing a Java Variable in a Jess Call

 I am trying to change some of my paths to files into Java variables so
 that we only have to change them in one place if necessary.  However,
 when I try to pass the variable in a rete.executeCommand, it won't work.
  Is that because I can't mix Jess and Java?

 For instance, this works:

 I want to swap out the second part of that (the classpath) to a Java
 variable but nothing I've tried has worked.  Is this impossible or am I
 just approaching it incorrectly?

 I've tried isolating the variable:
 r.executeCommand((load-project  + Protegepath + ));

 and storing the information in a jess variable, then using it:
 r.executeCommand((load-project ?Protegepath));

 and many variations of other things.  Thus far, the only thing that
 works is to have the path in there.  I would appreciate any suggestions,
 even if it's just to tell me this cannot be done.  Thank you all for
 your time and talent.

 Karen Fox
 Technical Project Support III
 The MITRE Corporation
 Colorado Springs, CO

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Re: JESS: Problem with accessing .clp file in Jess

2003-03-06 Thread James C. Owen
Which leads to the obvious rule:  NEVER leave a space in a name, whether a file
name or a variable name.  Java (and other languages) just don't like it.
Especially in a CLASSPATH.




 There's an essay by Eric S. Raymond entitled How to ask questions the
 smart way which I'd refer you to, but unfortunately the site seems to
 be down at the moment.

 In any case, this would have been easier if you showed us what you
 tried and what happened, rather than saying it simply doesn't work.
 I am forced, therefore, to guess.

 Anyway, it's just like programming in many other languages; strings
 are in double quotes, and backslashes, which have special meaning,
 should be doubled. So did you try

 (batch C:\\Wherever\\my test.clp)

 That should work fine. If you've neglected to double the backslashes,
 or neglected to enclose the path in double quotes, then you'll indeed
 get a file not found error. If the file is in the current directory,
 you can dispense with the full path, and just write

 (batch my test.clp)

 Anyway, if you think you're doing the right thing but the wrong thing
 is happening in response, then please show use precisely what you did
 and what happened.

 I think Y.Lei wrote:
 [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
  Dear all,
  I am new to Jess. Now I am using it in my application. This is a very na_ve
  question. How can I access the file which has space characters in its name?
  I have read the batch function carefully. It says that we can just use
  double quote to enclose the space character. But it simply doesn't work.
  Maybe I misunderstood the meaning. For example, my file name is my
  test.clp, how can I let the jess recognize the file name?

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: RE: Jess and C#

2003-01-08 Thread James C. Owen
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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: manners and waltz test for Jess

2003-01-07 Thread James C. Owen
I never did convert the Waltz benchmark over to Jess nor any other system
other than OPSJ.  I'll send you that one if you want it, but it won't be much
help.  However, you should already have the link to UT for the complete
compendium.  Enjoy.

BTW, my understanding is that the Waltz benchmark is the better benchmark of a
rulebased system because it places more emphasis on finding a solution to a
far more complex problem.  Well, that's what Dr. Forgy said, anyway.  The
other Ph.D.'s can add their 2 cents; like Richard Halsey, I'm just a rule
mechanic, not a guru.  :-)


peter wrote:

 I tried to google for a clips version of manners
 benchmark for Jess. Would anyone have a pointer to it?
 I did a search for temple university clips manners
 benchmark, but the URL is no longer available.

 thanks in advance.

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
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Re: JESS: manners and waltz test for Jess

2003-01-07 Thread James C. Owen
I see that Ernest answered your email - here's what I did with it sometime
last year.  Ernest got much better benchmarks than I did but we never could
determine the reason for it.  Maybe because I was running Win2K and he was
using something else.  Win2K sucks on performance for Java benchmarks.
However, Jess did place #2 on my comparisons.  :-)


peter wrote:

 I tried to google for a clips version of manners
 benchmark for Jess. Would anyone have a pointer to it?
 I did a search for temple university clips manners
 benchmark, but the URL is no longer available.

 thanks in advance.

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: JDBC ResultSet data

2003-01-07 Thread James C. Owen
#3 below is what most of the other guys do as well.  Usually we retrieve a data
set from some mainframe database (or Oracle or whatever) using whatever is
applicable (usually JDBC or some other method) and then create the Java objects
from that data and, finally, assert (or insert or whatever) that data into the
ruleset and torch off the rules.

Alan Moore wrote:

 Also, you could do one of the following within the Userfunction:

 1) definstance your ResultSet object.
 2) definstance application specific objects based on the data in your
 3) assert the ResultSet data/rows as facts.

 #1 is pretty useless as you can't pattern match against the row data and
 would have to use jess code to extract the data - java is probably a better
 tool for that job so your Userfunction is a good place to do it.

 #2 is better but has more overhead than #3 and requires that you create
 object wrappers for your table/query data. My guess is that your data is
 static (for the purposes of this problem) and using java object wrappers
 doesn't buy you anything...

 #3 is more jess-like and since it is pretty simple to write a generic
 Userfunction that covers arbitrary tables/query results I would go with this

 Good luck!


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 5:32 AM
 Subject: Re: JESS: JDBC ResultSet data

 I think Aalap Parikh wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  I am a Jess newbie. I am trying to retrieve data from
  a database by wrapping the necessary JDBC code within
  a Userfunction.
  My problem is that how do I pass the JDBC ResultSet
  containing the data to Jess? I am trying to do this
  because I want the data extracted from the database to
  be accessible for transformation or modification to a
  jess rule.
  I tried looking at store , fetch etc...But I am

 If you're writing a Userfunction, you can just return a Java object to
 Jess via return:

 return new Value(myResultSet);

 and this becomes the return value of the called function.

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Re: Proposed feature

2003-01-06 Thread James C. Owen

What I have done in the past is to establish a Goal object to control rule flow
such that we assert the Goal objects in the reverse order of rule flow so that the
last asserted Goal will be examined first.  This lets the rules control the flow
using the recency of the Goals.  If I want to establish that at least one instance
of the object (a Platinum loan, for example) exists (don't care how many) then I
retract that Goal on the RHS of the rule and the next Goal is examined.  If I want
to do something with all of the instances of the object, then I don't put the
retract in the RHS of the rule.

For example, let's say that I wanted a general set of rules such that certain things
would be done for all Platinum account holders and another set of rules such that
certain things would be done for all of the Platinum accounts.  In the first
instance, I only need to know that the customer has at least one Platinum account.
In the second, I might want to do something special for each Platinum account.

First, assert all of the Account, Party and the Goal objects that you want to
process using the procedure above for the Goal objects.  The last Goal asserted
looks for PLATINUM accounts.  In the first case above, the RHS of the rule would
retract the Goal of looking for a Platinum account when it found the first
instance.  The rules would then move on to the next goal.  In the second case, you
would establish a subset of those Platinum accounts and further process them
depending on the next-to-last Goal asserted.  Just depends on what the situation
calls for.

I've used this procedure on my past projects and it seems to work quite well.  I
really like to use this Goal-oriented or Goal-driven process whenever I'm doing
anything like configuration management, pricing, diagnosis, etc.  Seems to work
almost like the old backward chaining process but with just a couple of twists
that you have to iron out.



 But you seem to be ignoring the whole problem, the refractoriness
 problem, I think you might call it. Show me how, using Jess's current
 semantics, you might accomplish what this rule (using the new feature)

   (defrule count-x-facts
   (declare (one-shot TRUE))
   ?count - (count (x ?n))
   (modify ?count (x (+ ?n 1

 (keeping in mind that the x template has forty-seven slots that are
 constantly being modified by unrelated rules) and then explain to me
 why it's better.

 I think James C. Owen wrote:
  OK, now that we're off and running, one-shot seems like it would work for a
  limited set of circumstances.  However, if we use goal-oriented programming
  then we don't need a special set of rules or objects.  If we have a specific
  goal and the goal exists THEN we do either one or two things:
  1.  If we want to know only that there exists at least one instance of a set
  of circumstances, then the RHS would retract that goal and either assert
  another or let the last goal have predominance on the conflict resolution
  2.  If we want to do something for all of the instances, don't retract the
  goal.  Just let nature take it's course and do the same thing for all
  instances of that particular situation.
  As has been stated so many times, Folks, this stuff ain't rocket science.
  It's just logic.  And if Psychologists, Business Analysts and Doctors with not
  computer training at all can understand this and write decent programs (after
  a year or two of working with it) then any half-fast programmer SURELY can
  understand how to adjust to a given set of circumstances for a certain set of
  rules.  Well, actually, that's my favorite quote.  It follows the old KISS

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Proposed feature

2003-01-06 Thread James C. Owen
Ouch!  Right!  What a way to start the New Year!  In all of my previous emails
please replace recursion with refraction - recursion is the
self-addressing behavior of an algorithm.  By way of explanation, I had been
reading on the recursive principles of Rete that same day.  I could blame it
all on having a senior moment except that this has been happening since I
was 13 years old, or somewhere near the beginning of puberty.  :-)

Thanks for the clarification.


Paul Haley wrote:

 FYI, the term refraction is traditional for the act of removing an
 activation of a rule from the conflict set upon its execution.

 Paul Haley
 President  CEO
 The Haley Enterprise, Inc.
 (412) 741-6420
 Solutions that do what they're told.

  -Original Message-
  Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 12:57 PM
  Subject: Re: JESS: Proposed feature
  I think James C. Owen wrote:
   Let me see if I can understand what we're actually saying here:  As
   written below, since ?fact is being modified in the RHS of the rule
   then the rule will be placed on the agenda as available to be fired
   again, even though the recursion principle would otherwise have
   removed the rule from consideration..  This is basically the
   data-driven concept of almost all Rete-type rulebased
  systems and some
   that are not Rete-based.  In fact, the rule will be removed
  (via the
   recursion principle) from the agenda and never be replaced
  if the rule
   fires and the data are NOT changed.  Recursion is the first rule of
   conflict resolution of both LEX and MEA and is used by, well,
   everybody who builds a rulebased system of any kind of
  merit.  (Jess,
   JRules, OPSJ, JEOPS, Advisor, Expert, ART, etc., etc.)
  That's right. The current behavior in all cases is that a
  rule won't fire on a given set of unchanged facts more than once.
   So.  Now.  Are we asking that this should be changed so that if the
   rules are slot-driven rather than data-driven,?  Meaning
  that the rule
   will be removed if the rule, regardless of data, fires?  If so, it
   can't work because then only one case would match.  i.e.,
  we would be
   asking the question, Is there ANY case and when the case
  is answered
   true then the engine stops.
  No, not quite. The proposal is for a new, special class of
  rules that will fire no more than once for a given set of
  facts, regardless of whether their slot data changes.
  Currently, modifying any slot in a fact on a rule's RHS will
  make the LHS match again. Under this proposal, this wouldn't
  happen for this special class of rules.
  In classical expert systems, facts were just tuples, without
  their own independent existence. In Jess, a fact is a lot
  more like an Object, and it persists over time. Note that in
  OPS-derived systems, where each fact has a numeric id, that
  id traditionally changed when a fact was modified. In Jess,
  the id -doesn't- change, highlighting the Object-ness of a fact.
  In a way, there are two different ways to think about Jess
  rules. You can be matching a fact with particular slot data,
  or you can be matching a particular fact object. The latter
  class of rules can sensibly be expected to match a given fact
  (or set of facts) only once; that's the class of rules for
  which the one-shot idea is useful.
  Ernest Friedman-Hill
  Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
  Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
  PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Livermore, CA 94550
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  [EMAIL PROTECTED]' in the BODY of a message to
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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Proposed feature

2003-01-05 Thread James C. Owen

Let me see if I can understand what we're actually saying here:  As written
below, since ?fact is being modified in the RHS of the rule then the rule will
be placed on the agenda as available to be fired again, even though the
recursion principle would otherwise have removed the rule from
consideration..  This is basically the data-driven concept of almost all
Rete-type rulebased systems and some that are not Rete-based.  In fact, the
rule will be removed (via the recursion principle) from the agenda and never
be replaced if the rule fires and the data are NOT changed.  Recursion is the
first rule of conflict resolution of both LEX and MEA and is used by, well,
everybody who builds a rulebased system of any kind of merit.  (Jess, JRules,
OPSJ, JEOPS, Advisor, Expert, ART, etc., etc.)

So.  Now.  Are we asking that this should be changed so that if the rules are
slot-driven rather than data-driven,?  Meaning that the rule will be removed
if the rule, regardless of data, fires?  If so, it can't work because then
only one case would match.  i.e., we would be asking the question, Is there
ANY case and when the case is answered true then the engine stops.  In
reality, what we are asking is For EACH case where that data are true.  The
Expert System (from the old Neuron Data company - now extinct) actually had
that as one of the concepts that could be employed.  i.e., it used both
universal and existential reasoning.  We can do the same thing (kinda - sorta)
by using a goal-driven approach for the rules and removing the goal if it is
EVER met.  Which is about what you're doing with the one-shot approach below.

I think you are right:  We MUST leave the engine as it is AND leave the
conflict resolution MEA for a good design.  If you need the one-shot approach,
just use a goal-driven approach.  Assuming, of course, that I have understood
the question properly.  :-)



 Hi Folks,

 Very often, people post questions equivalent to the following to this

   Why does this cause an infinite loop?

   (defrule my-rule
 ?fact - (fact (slot ?x))
 (modify ?fact (slot (+ ?x 1

 and then we have to explain why this happens, and how to avoid it
 (it's a side-effect of how the Rete algorithm works, and you can avoid
 it by making the rule more specific, so the modified fact won't match

 Here's a proposed feature that would provide an alternative way to
 avoid the infinite loop -- and I think a more powerful way: one-shot
 rules. Basically, the feature is this: if you declare a rule like

   (defrule my-rule
 (declare (one-shot TRUE))
 ?fact - (my-fact (slot ?x))
 (modify ?fact (slot (+ ?x 1

 then my-rule will keep track of all the combinations of facts it has
 ever fired on, and will never fire on the same combination twice, so
 that, for example, my-rule would fire exactly once for each my-fact.

 The performance overhead would bne relatively small, as the lists of
 past firings could be kept in a hash table and so you'd just see
 amortized constant-time overhead for each potential activation of a
 one-shot rule (and no impact at all for non-one-shot rules.)

 Does this sound like a useful feature? Do the semantics sound
 reasonable? Any suggestions or refinements? Should there be a global
 switch to make ALL rules one-shot?

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Re: Proposed feature

2003-01-05 Thread James C. Owen
OK, now that we're off and running, one-shot seems like it would work for a
limited set of circumstances.  However, if we use goal-oriented programming
then we don't need a special set of rules or objects.  If we have a specific
goal and the goal exists THEN we do either one or two things:

1.  If we want to know only that there exists at least one instance of a set
of circumstances, then the RHS would retract that goal and either assert
another or let the last goal have predominance on the conflict resolution

2.  If we want to do something for all of the instances, don't retract the
goal.  Just let nature take it's course and do the same thing for all
instances of that particular situation.

As has been stated so many times, Folks, this stuff ain't rocket science.
It's just logic.  And if Psychologists, Business Analysts and Doctors with not
computer training at all can understand this and write decent programs (after
a year or two of working with it) then any half-fast programmer SURELY can
understand how to adjust to a given set of circumstances for a certain set of
rules.  Well, actually, that's my favorite quote.  It follows the old KISS



 I think Rich Halsey wrote:

  It may be that I'm still confused as to the utility of your proposed

 It comes up constantly on this list. One recent instance concerned a
 system in which definstances were added in an uninitialized state, and
 then various rules set their properties. Each time a property was set,
 various initialization rules were re-activated. The rules had to be
 written carefully to avoid this. If they were one-shot rules instead,
 the intent could be expressd more succinctly; and even better, the
 rules would be more independent, as they wouldn't need to worry
 directly about the effect of other rules.

 Here's another example:

 (defrule count-x-facts
 (declare (one-shot TRUE))
 ?count - (count (x ?n))
 (modify ?count (x (+ ?n 1

 Without the one-shot feature, this fires every time an X fact is
 modified; with it, it fires only when one is first created. The
 existing solution to this problen is exceedingly unsatisfying: you
 need to add a counted-already slot to the x template and test it
 on the LHS and set it to TRUE on the RHS. This is really, really
 gross; the one-shot feature is far superior.

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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JESS: XML, Java and Rules

2003-01-04 Thread James C. Owen

I always seem to be coming in late to any discussion here on the Jess Users Group -
mostly because I'm working out of town a lot and don't get a chance to read and think
about what's going on with the rest of the world.  Blah-bablah-bablah-blah-blah...  :-)

Anyway, regarding XML and rules:  Both JRules and Advisor state that they have an XML
Rule Repository.  Well, actually, they have a repository of rules in XML, but I
wouldn't exactly call it a true Rule Repository - not in the sense that Rick at
EZ-Xpert sets up and defines a Rule Repository.  (See for some
white papers on the subject.)  This is NOT and testimony nor an advertisement for EZ
Xpert - just a comment that there are those who have done their homework.  Rick has
commented in the past that he would do an interface for Jess if someone wanted to pay
him the time and expenses to do it; like a two-week job, at most.

Again, I digress:  So, back to the XML subject at hand.  XML lends itself more to a
messaging component than to a Rules Repository unless, of course, you're going to make
a general purpose repository, such as EZ Xpert.  Chordiant has taken that approach and
they interface JRules to XML to the IBM MQ messaging back to the mainframe.  Kind of a
Rube Goldberg approach, but it seems to work.  Kinda, sorta, anyway.

I've never been a big fan of XML when you're running on the same platform and in the
same environment.  However, it does add extensibility to the project if that's what you
absolutely need.  But, then, I've never been a big fan of J2EE and any rulebase system
simply because any J2EE server wants to take over my environment and severely restrict
what can and cannot be done with the full power of Java, such as threads, etc.

OK, back in the sack for Old Jim - I'll probably wake up next Spring and see what's
going on with the rest of the world.  :-)


Bonnet Emmanuel wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a icrit :

   But using XML would help me to have :
   . a XML black box with predefined entries
  Not sure what this one means.

 I meant the rule engine would be seen from the outside system as a
 exchanging data  using XML-format.

   . as XML standards (RuleML) are emerging for Rule writing , I could use them
  Note that storing data as XML, and storing rules as XML, are two
  different things; the first is easy, the second is hard. Up till now
  you've only been talking about XML data.

 You're right, RuleML initiative is doing that second job.
 In fact, it is possible to use RuleML to write rules AND create facts
 So it is possible to use RuleML for data management too.

   . no additional Java code to write that would interfere with the original model
   (fireProperty stuff)
  You only need to use property change listeners in your Java objects if
  their member data will change from outside of the direct control of


  static definstances without changing the code.

 You are right. That is definitly an issue.

   . a neat design reusable in other context/projects (everybody
   interfaces with XML now !)
  Indeed. Everybody seems to be getting their tongue pierced, as well,
  but I personally won't be doing so.

 Me neither for the tongue-piercing,
 but I'm sure Jess will have XML-enabled features or interfaces in the
 future :-)
 In addition, the possibility to design a reusable component seems for me
 to be an interesting asset enough.


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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: RE: Jess and C#

2003-01-04 Thread James C. Owen
Peter et. al.:

This is morally wrong on so many levels!  C#?  .NET?  Visual-BASIC-like use?
(an earlier email)  And then (this email), to top everything, You would lose
the OO and reflection capabilities, but if some one didn't need OO capabilities
it might be sufficient.  Can you guys hear what you are saying?  I now think
that I've gone to sleep and have woken up in a parallel universe where MicroSoft
has won all of the court battles and now rules the entire universe.  Darth Vader
(Paul) and the Emperor (Bill Gates) have defeated all of the Rebels and now
Java, C++, Ada and anything else that is Object Oriented has been relegated to
other worlds at the outer limits.  Kind of like in the second Back To The Future
series where Biff took control of the world.

May the gods of the programming world forgive all of you for your obvious moral
turpitude.  :-)


Peter Lin wrote:

 I've played with C# a little and there are many similarities. Most of the
 event mechanism work the same, though reflection and type casting is a
 little different. David's idea of wrapping the engine to provide visual
 basic like access is intriguing.

 performance wise it might not be that big since it will compile everything
 into the intermediate language. You would lose the OO and reflection
 capabilities, but if some one didn't need OO capabilities it might be

 There's also java to C# translator, which might get most of it. The
 differences in collections API, const vs static final and a couple others
 are minor.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 10:24 AM
 Subject: Re: JESS: RE: Jess and C#

 I think Peter Lin wrote:
 [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
  since Jess is inspired by clips and clips is written in C, you should be
  able to use clips in .NET. Assuming you label the calls to clips as unsafe
  and handle it appropriately.
  in theory you could download clips and use Visual Studio.NET C to compile
  for .NET framework.

 Absolutely.  Of course, you'd be missing all the features that make
 Jess useful -- i.e., the reflective access to real objects, the
 object-oriented API, and the vastly better performance.


 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 PO Box 969, MS 9012 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
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Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Newbie question

2002-12-28 Thread James C. Owen

Just now getting around to answering my Jess email.  No excuses, just lazy I
guess.  Anyway, 250,000 rules is enormous!  Especially if you're trying to put
them into one contiguous rule set.  I would be really interested in how you
arrived at that number...  :-)

Anyway, here is a partial list of fairly decent books, most still in print,
arranged in MHO of order of preference.  Number 1, of course, is the manual
for whichever rulebased system that you have chosen for whatever reason.
Number 2 is probably my favorite but, unfortunately, it is out of print.  You
might find a copy in a used book store somewhere - if they have two copies,
buy another for me.  I borrowed mine from a dear friend and, graciously, he
has allowed me to keep it for all these years.  I constantly get new stuff
from it.

Girratano and Riley is probably number 3a because it is so closely tied to
CLIPS which is closely tied to Jess.  Bigus  Bigus is quite excellent and
helped me to explain some tricky concepts in common English, even though they
chose not to implement the Rete algorithm.  The book on KADS is invaluable for
getting down to the nitty gritty of rulebased systems, theory and

The last three are classics and, if you are trying to implement a system
quickly and if you never read them, you haven't lost much.  But, if you want
to read the early works and theories that STILL apply today, they are
invaluable.  If your companion is busy watching TV or something else, they are
really nice for reading on a cold winter's night in front of roaring fire with
a warm snifter of brandy and a good Cuban cigar.  Or a pipe, if you prefer.
(My spousal unit doesn't allow smoking in the house, our fireplace is broken
and I don't drink, so I have to settle for Chopin, good English tea and a warm
blanket.)  :-)

One last thought:  Unless you are running Java 1.4 on a 64-bit system, you'll
run out of memory rather quickly with any of the Rete-based systems; and all
of the Java-based systems are also Rete-based.  Also, you shouldn't use Java
1.4 with any system that uses the assert key word - such as JRules - because
I've been told that Java 1.4 wants to use it as well.  A large rulebased
system takes quite a bit of planning on rule architecture and rule flow (yes,
rules flow) as well as overall architectural integration.  If you need some
help in these areas, let me know and I'll put you in touch with some friends
of mine.  (I'm tied up until the end of 2003 on another project.)

1. Manual from whichever rulebased system that you choose.  (Java-based
systems are OPSJ, Jess, Blaze and JRules - and maybe JEOPS).

2. Rule-based Programming in OPS5
Thomas A. Cooper and Nancy Wogrin
(Foreword by John McDermott - highly recommended by Charles Forgy)
Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, Palo-Alto, CA, 1988

3a. Expert Systems Principles and Programming
Joseph Girratano  Gary Riley
PWS Publishing Co., 1998

3b. Constructing Intelligent Agents with Java
Joseph P. Bigus and Jennifer Bigus
Wiley Computer Publishing, 1998

4. Knowledge Engineering and Management -
The Common KADS Methodology
(Also recommended by Charles Forgy)
Guus Schreiber, Hans Akkermans, Anjo Anjewierden, Robert de Hoog, Nigel
Shadbolt, Walter Van de Velder and Bob Wielinga
The MIT Press, 2000

5a. Expert Systems - Design and Development
John Durkin
Macmillan Publishing, 1994

5b. Principles of Artificial Intelligence
Nils J. Nilsson
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1980 (1933, 1986, 1986)
Tioga Publishing

5c. Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach
Stuart Rullell and Peter Norvig
Prentice Hall, 1995

Justice, Randy -CONT(DYN) wrote:


 I have been approached about a project and I think it is a rule-based
 project.  After going some quick calculations, I think the number of rules
 will be about 250,000 rules.
 Can the JESS system deal with a system that large?  Also, my knowledge of
 rule-based systems is limited to a few AI books, Can someone recommend
 another book, web page etc..


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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Design Problem : Java or not Java ?

2002-12-28 Thread James C. Owen

All I can say to this is, A M E N ! ! !  On one of my projects I had a young Java
programmer (six months of Java and two months of Rules) who absolutely insisted that
it was OK to change an object outside of the rules, even though manufacture manuals
and manufacturer tech support (and Dr. Forgy) agreed with me that you would be
looking for trouble if you did this.  Reason being that JRules keeps internal truth
tables and other variables private - things that the programmer doesn't know about.

Needless to say, even with all of this professional advice, he then went on to write
a test case that demonstrated that it was OK to do it his way.  When I left the
project, it was still written that way.  Amazing!  Companies pay thousands of dollars
for the wisdom of the ages (mine, Dr. Forgy's and the manufacturer's) and yet
management is swayed by one bright young programmer who happens to be an employee.
Just amazing.

However, this IS an easy trap into which to fall.  Any code that calls an external
Java method from within the rules is always suspect.  And, you can write sample cases
all day long that demonstrate the safety of the method.  But, sooner or later,
another Java programmer will change the method and then the rules are hosed.


 I think Bonnet Emmanuel wrote:
  . no additional Java code to write that would interfere with the original model
  (fireProperty stuff)

 You only need to use property change listeners in your Java objects if
 their member data will change from outside of the direct control of
 the Jess program. Since translating data via XML is an option, you've
 already allowed that having the Jess program decoupled from changes to
 the domain objects is acceptable, so you could use them as-is as
 static definstances without changing the code.


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Creating A Jess Rule using Java API

2002-04-01 Thread James C. Owen

Just a final thought on this thread:  Long, long ago (about two or three years
in Earth time) in a land far, far away (Dallas, Texas) we were on a project
wherein we actually wanted to create a rule writer.  This meant that the rule
engine itself would decide that more rules were needed, would write the rule,
generate the Java code, recompile the Java code and put the system back on-line
- all automagically.  It was fairly complex but it actually worked for some
initial test runs.  However, since this was during the fun part of the
project, it never was implemented in its full beauty and magic.  Sad.  sigh

However, we did prove that it could be done.  As a matter of fact, we had
another fellow who implemented a Java Bean writer as a fun project that would
write a Bean, compile it, and insert it into the project whenever needed.

Are computers grand?  :-)

James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Some JESS characteristics...

2002-03-29 Thread James C. Owen

Well, _somebody_ had to say it.  Thanks, Ernest.  :-)

R  T  F  M  !  !  !
(Read The Fabulous Manual!)


 No offense, but if you don't know the answers to these questions, then
 you haven't read the manual. No one is going to do your homework for
 you -- just sit down and read the manual.

 I think Joao Domingues wrote:
 [Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
  Hi again!
  I was in the jess docs page, but i couldnt find the information i need.
  So, anyone can tell me what type of:
  Knowledge representing
  uncertainty manipulation
  that JESS use?
  O MSN Photos _ o jeito mais f_cil de compartilhar, editar e imprimir suas
  fotos preferidas:
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 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PO Box 969
 Livermore, CA 94550

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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: publications / Forgy paper

2002-03-09 Thread James C. Owen

Finally found the manners stuff for JRules.  I'm sending the 128 guest data file
that they used as well.

Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:

 I did made jeops work for a few semples. The way it works is that it
 generates a Java program from the rules you provide. Of course, it's not
 possible to add a rule on the fly, which is not cool as Jess, but it works

 I'm pretty sure that I can found the sample I've compiled a year ago, and
 post it to you next week.

 Do you have a JRules sample of Manner 128 benchmark? It'll ease the test on

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of James C. Owen
 Sent: vendredi 1 fevrier 2002 23:23
 Subject: Re: JESS: publications / Forgy paper

 Exactamundo!  He (Dr. Forgy) is very protective about the Rete 2
 Seems that he *had* to make the Rete algorithm public since it was funded by
 the DOD when he was at CMU, but methinks that he wants to make some money
 the Rete 2 algorithm.  The Rete 2 works on optimizing memory space thereby
 increasing the speed.  Actually, he's working on a Rete 3 but I have no idea
 what it is; only that it will make the process even faster than Rete 2.

 However, I'll see if we can get his Rete Ph.D. thesis scanned and
 published -
 maybe this weekend.  If so, I'll send it to Dr. Friedman-Hill to publish on
 PST site if he likes.  BTW, Dr. Forgy's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED], not

 One other thing; I've been going over the various Java systems (Jess, OPSJ,
 JRules, Advisor and JEOPS) the past couple of weeks and trying to run the
 manners 128 benchmark on all of them using the same set of data  and,
 basically, the same set of rules.  That way only the engine is the
 factor.  If anyone already has the JEOPS worked out, I would appreciate it
 you would send it to me.  I got CLIPS and converted it straight over to
 Jess -
 which wasn't terribly difficult since they both seem to be be LISP oriented.
 (Jim really hates LISP!  All those parentheses and special markers for
 variables and just the jumbled way things are handled...)  And I already had
 the code for OPSJ, Advisor and JRules.  JEOPS seems to be a different animal
 since it is more Java-kinda oriented syntax.  Whatever.  Just a thought.


 James C. Owen
 Senior KE
 Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
 6314 Kelly Circle
 Garland, TX   75044


  I think Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
   if you could scan Dr. Forgy's thesis and convert it to pdf, that would
   great :)
   is there also a publication on the Rete II algorithm?
   claims that it would be much faster...
  Nope, it's unpublished and proprietary.
  Ernest Friedman-Hill
  Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
  Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
  Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  PO Box 969
  Livermore, CA 94550
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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044
Description: Zip compressed data


2002-02-28 Thread James C. Owen

Well, since we ALL seem to be interested in this, why not just email the Jess
Users group?  :-)

ps - put me on the list as well.


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

Eyassu, Daniel wrote:

 Add me to the list, please.

 -Original Message-
 From: michel denis @+ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 11:52 AM
 Subject: Re: JESS: JESS  EJB

 I am also very interested in this. If you get a response please could you
 forward it to me ?

 Thanks .. michel.

 rhalsey007 wrote:

  Has there been any expression of interest (or any work done) in the
  integration of JESS with EJB (J2EE) ??
  I have looked through all the JESS V6.0 documentation, but found nothing.
  Also, I have conducted multiple searches on the web for JESS and EJB and
  found one article on E++ which
  mentioned using JESS as a stateless bean.
  What has got my interest up is the fact that ZeoSoft is using JESS as the
  inference engine for their ZeoFusion
  product and this product interfaces with an application server for PDAs !!
  Is there any information out there on JESS/EJB ???
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Re: JESS: Foo bar, FUBAR, and the problems of etymology

2002-02-25 Thread James C. Owen

Finally an Ex-GI jumps in.  I've been watching in wonderment at the more modern
explanations.  :-)  It seems that the more PC Programmers couldn't abide using
FUBAR, nor FU BAR so they did the correct thing and changed it to Foo Bar,
which makes no sense whatsoever.  Just as a side note, when I was overseas
working on NASA Radar, our maintenance depot had a huge sign inside that read,
Malfunction Junction and directly underneath was the acronym FUBAR.  Techies
are weird.  GI's are weird.  Techie GI's are the weirdest of all.  :-)

There was a take-off on FUBAR in the movie Blue Thunder where the Observer
was given a cap with JAFO on it and couldn't figure out what JAFO meant.

Technophilia meaning love of technical (things) has nothing to do with Ozzie
Ozburne nor with Side Shows at the county fair.

R.B. Trelease, Ph.D. wrote:


 Fouled up my @sp!

 My time with the military surely demonstrated that FUBAR = f#cked up beyond
 all  recognition.

 A concept freqyently well-applied to etymological reconstruction when the
 originator of a neologism cannot be definitively consulted

 Anyone want to have a go at the sematic relationships between technophilia and
 biting the heads of off chickens at a sideshow?

 ;-}   ;-P


 Bob T.

 Probably it's something every native English speaker knows, but as a
 Dutchman I'm wondering for some time already what 'foo bar' stands for.
 These words are not only used in the Jess manual but also in other documents
 about programming. I looked in my (not so good) dictionary and with Google,
 but failed to find anything. So my question is, what do these words mean?
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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Foo bar, FUBAR, and the problems of etymology

2002-02-25 Thread James C. Owen

Please.  Don't confuse them now.  :-)

rhalsey007 wrote:

 Hey James,

 The one phrase that I have not seen used yet (by the PC crowd) is DILLIGAFF.
 Maybe it takes too much energy to speak it PC-like.

 Bubba (dee Rules Katt)

 - Original Message -
 From: James C. Owen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 1:13 PM
 Subject: Re: JESS: Foo bar, FUBAR, and the problems of etymology

  Finally an Ex-GI jumps in.  I've been watching in wonderment at the more
  explanations.  :-)  It seems that the more PC Programmers couldn't abide
  FUBAR, nor FU BAR so they did the correct thing and changed it to Foo
  which makes no sense whatsoever.  Just as a side note, when I was overseas
  working on NASA Radar, our maintenance depot had a huge sign inside that
  Malfunction Junction and directly underneath was the acronym FUBAR.
  are weird.  GI's are weird.  Techie GI's are the weirdest of all.  :-)
  There was a take-off on FUBAR in the movie Blue Thunder where the
  was given a cap with JAFO on it and couldn't figure out what JAFO meant.
  Technophilia meaning love of technical (things) has nothing to do with
  Ozburne nor with Side Shows at the county fair.
  R.B. Trelease, Ph.D. wrote:
   Fouled up my @sp!
   My time with the military surely demonstrated that FUBAR = f#cked up
   all  recognition.
   A concept freqyently well-applied to etymological reconstruction when
   originator of a neologism cannot be definitively consulted
   Anyone want to have a go at the sematic relationships between
 technophilia and
   biting the heads of off chickens at a sideshow?
   ;-}   ;-P
   Bob T.
   Probably it's something every native English speaker knows, but as a
   Dutchman I'm wondering for some time already what 'foo bar' stands for.
   These words are not only used in the Jess manual but also in other
   about programming. I looked in my (not so good) dictionary and with
   but failed to find anything. So my question is, what do these words
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   To unsubscribe, send the words 'unsubscribe jess-users [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   in the BODY of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], NOT to the list
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  James C. Owen
  Senior KE
  Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
  6314 Kelly Circle
  Garland, TX   75044
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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: Virus ? (from

2002-02-08 Thread James C. Owen

Hmmm  Checking my Jess email I didn't get an email from [EMAIL PROTECTED] but
I will look out for it now.  Thanks, Rich.

rhalsey007 wrote:

 I received an e-mail from this user address concerning the my post JESS:
 Object-Oriented RETE paper(s).

 My system rejected it because of a virus.


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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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Re: JESS: CORRECTION (on OO-Rete paper)

2002-02-07 Thread James C. Owen

Well, just to stir the pot a bit, but the 3rd edition now out. The
ISBN is 0-534-95053-1 and the cost is about $92.95 new or $68.07 used.
If you are in Canada you can get it for about $121.95 Canadian or about
$65. I bought it in Canada through a friend last summer and it was
only $49 then. Probably more now.
James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX 75044

Dusan Sormaz wrote:
I believe that this is the one (second edition,
from our library info):
Call # QA76.76.E95 G53 1994
Author Giarratano, Joseph C
Title Expert
systems : principles and programming / Joseph Giarratano, Gary Riley
Edition 2nd ed
Imprint Boston : PWS Pub. Co., 1994
Dusan Sormaz
At 05:39 PM 2/6/02 -0600, you wrote:
What is the name for book written by Girratanno/Riley book? Thanks

David Zhu
R  D

* Dusan Sormaz, PhD, Assistant Professor
* Ohio University
* Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
* 280 Stocker Center, Athens, OH 45701-2979
* phone: (740) 593-1548
* fax: (740) 593-0778
* url:

Re: JESS: CORRECTION (on OO-Rete paper)

2002-02-06 Thread James C. Owen


I got some time to read over the paper.  Not bad.  But he doesn't really
explain the Rete.  Dr. Friedman-Hill has a better explanation in both the
Jess Manual and another paper of overhead slides that he has somewhere
on-line.  Girratanno and Riley also have a fairly decent explanation but at a
very low level.  I really, really need to get up to Circuit City and get that
$150 scanner / FAX / printer so I can get the thesis scanned and on-line.

BTW, how's Bubba the Rules Cat holding out?  :-)


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

rhalsey007 wrote:

 To those interested:

 The Rete-OO Algorithm for Inference Rules in Object-Oriented Language
 by Bob McWhirter

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Re: JESS: publications / Forgy paper

2002-02-01 Thread James C. Owen

Wow!  I've haven't seen this much interest in the paper(s) for a long, long
time.  It is, however, refreshing, to see that there is considerable interest
in the underlying Rete algorithm from so many people (er, persons?).  Anyway, I
contacted Dr. Forgy some time ago (like two weeks?) about both papers (his
dissertation and the AI publication) and he does not have either one in
electronic form.  He does have a copy of his thesis in hard copy.  His 1979
thesis is 178 pages that we could scan in, but that is not the best way.
I've been toying with the idea of using some OCR software to scan in the whole
thing and then re-do the diagrams in a more modern format.  I'm 99.4% sure
that he would have no objection since the entire thing was done under a DOD
grant.  And, he's a really nice person.

On the other hand, Ernest is 100% correct that the AI publication is
copyrighted and we cannot publish, display or show where to get that one.  My
only suggestion would be to get the publisher to put it out on their web site
for down loads for a small fee, say $5 or something like that.  Ernest's other
suggestion is also good; go to your local university library archives and make
your own copies.  I've done that before and, although it takes some time, it's
worth the effort.

For most of our group, the discussion that Ernest put together on his web site
should be sufficient.  It does show the high-level view of the Rete algorithm
and is quite understandable.  The code for implementing is freely available
from JEOPS, so you can see how to do that part as
well.  One final note:  I've noticed that most who get the thesis glance at the
first chapter and then put it on the shelf to study when things are less hectic
and they never get around to actually reading the good stuff.  But, it looks
nice on your personal library shelf, right?  Just my two cents.  :-)


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

Agustin Gonzalez wrote:

 Maybe it's time for one of us, especially those of us that have the paper
 and are trained, to create a formal paper describing the public domain RETE
 algorithm and make the paper publicly available? I can do that if there is
 enough interest and enough people agrees with me that I won;t have any
 legal problems (I don't think so because it is public domain).

 Agustin Gonzalez, Principal
 Town Lake Software
 (512) 248-9839

 On Friday, February 01, 2002 8:44 AM, James Patterson
  I can tell you that it is a waste of time trying to contact the
  publisher... An Elsevier representative told me that the issue is out of
  print and they do not have reprint service anymore. They offered to
  individually reprint the entire journal issue for a couple of hundred
  dollars (my boss said no).  I'm not a student and therefore can't get
  any cooperation from the local universities.  I even emailed Dr Forgy
  (and tried to find a coworker of his during a stint at Ericcson) about
  the Elsevier problems (but they didn't respond - and I started feeling
  like a stalker so I gave up).
  Good luck,
  -Original Message-
  On Behalf Of Oliver Hoffmann
  Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 6:54 AM
  To: Jess Mailing List
  Subject: JESS: publications / Forgy paper
  Hi :)
  I highly doubt that the contents of published academic papers are
  copyright protected. What might be copyright protected is the specific
  paper version of a specific paper as distributed by a specific
  The point of publishing research results is to make them readily
  therefore copyright is simply the wrong approach here. More
  information on
  I don't want to encourage anyone to re-distribute scanned journal pages
  without authorization etc., but there are better ways to deal with
  content than waiting for a library employee to get a photocopy 
  some weeks. I highly recommend self-archiving content and making these
  copies available over personal or university web sites and I also highly
  recommend getting original articles from the people or institutions that
  created them - everything else is pre-internet and a waste of time and
  :) Oliver Hoffmann
  At 04:23 AM 1/02/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Folks,
  This comes up periodically, so please forgive the intrusion while I
  discuss it, once again.
  The Charles Forgy paper on the Rete algorithm was published in an
  academic journal called Artificial Intelligence. The contents are
  protected by copyright law. Although you can make a photocopy for your
  own use, it's illegal to (for instance) scan it into your computer and

Re: JESS: publications / Forgy paper

2002-02-01 Thread James C. Owen

Exactamundo!  He (Dr. Forgy) is very protective about the Rete 2 algorithm.
Seems that he *had* to make the Rete algorithm public since it was funded by
the DOD when he was at CMU, but methinks that he wants to make some money with
the Rete 2 algorithm.  The Rete 2 works on optimizing memory space thereby
increasing the speed.  Actually, he's working on a Rete 3 but I have no idea
what it is; only that it will make the process even faster than Rete 2.

However, I'll see if we can get his Rete Ph.D. thesis scanned and published -
maybe this weekend.  If so, I'll send it to Dr. Friedman-Hill to publish on the
PST site if he likes.  BTW, Dr. Forgy's email is [EMAIL PROTECTED], not

One other thing; I've been going over the various Java systems (Jess, OPSJ,
JRules, Advisor and JEOPS) the past couple of weeks and trying to run the
manners 128 benchmark on all of them using the same set of data  and,
basically, the same set of rules.  That way only the engine is the difference
factor.  If anyone already has the JEOPS worked out, I would appreciate it if
you would send it to me.  I got CLIPS and converted it straight over to Jess -
which wasn't terribly difficult since they both seem to be be LISP oriented.
(Jim really hates LISP!  All those parentheses and special markers for
variables and just the jumbled way things are handled...)  And I already had
the code for OPSJ, Advisor and JRules.  JEOPS seems to be a different animal
since it is more Java-kinda oriented syntax.  Whatever.  Just a thought.


James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044


 I think Oliver Hoffmann wrote:
  if you could scan Dr. Forgy's thesis and convert it to pdf, that would be
  great :)
  is there also a publication on the Rete II algorithm?
  claims that it would be much faster...

 Nope, it's unpublished and proprietary.

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PO Box 969
 Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: introspection tools

2002-01-20 Thread James C. Owen

I got no attachments. Did anyone else get the attachment? One
affirmative reply will do. :-)

Quoting Michael Schillo [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 06.12.2001 you wrote about "JESS: introspection tools":
> I would love to see an example. Would you mind putting a generated
> page on the web and post the URL?

Sorry for the delay. I just got my computer back from repair.

The lisp program and its output for my JESS application are
attatched. Let me know if you have any questions. At this
point it only deals with JESS expressions that my application
uses. It should warn about the things it doesn't recognize
though and should also be easy to extend.





asserted by rule ADJACENT-ENDPOINTS


triggers rule

asserted by rule




triggers rule

triggers rule

triggers rule

asserted by function





triggers rule

triggers rule

triggers rule EQUIV-EQUIV-MERGE





triggers rule

triggers rule EQUIV-EQUIV-MERGE

asserted by rule

asserted by rule EQUIV-EQUIV-MERGE

asserted by function ASSERT-EQUIV



triggers rule

asserted by rule

asserted by rule



triggers rule

triggers rule

triggers rule


triggers rule




retracted by rule EQUIV-EQUIV-MERGE




triggered by fact EQUIV


triggered by fact END-POINT



triggered by fact ADJACENT-ENDPOINTS


retracts fact UNKNOWN

asserts fact EQUIV

triggered by fact EQUIV

triggered by fact DECLARE


triggered by fact ALL-DIFFERENT

triggered by fact EQUIV

triggered by fact DECLARE


asserts fact EQUIV

asserts fact OPPOSITES

asserts fact ALL-DIFFERENT

calls function

calls function MAKE-NAME

triggered by fact CROSSPOINT


calls function ASSERT-EQUIV

triggered by fact UNIQUE

triggered by fact OR


triggered by fact DECLARE


calls function ASSERT-EQUIV

triggered by fact OR

triggered by fact OPPOSITES


triggered by fact OR

triggered by fact OPPOSITES

triggered by fact DECLARE


calls function ASSERT-EQUIV

triggered by fact OR



asserts fact OPPOSITES

triggered by fact OR



calls function ASSERT-EQUIV

triggered by fact OR




asserts fact EQUIV


called by rule

called by rule




called by rule



called by rule

JESS: DFW JUG (Jess Users Group)

2002-01-04 Thread James C. Owen

Yeah, yeah, yeah...  I know.  JUG means Java Users Group.  Well, since
imitation is the highest form of flattery, and since if you do Jess you have
to, by definition, do Java, then let's flatter ourselves.  :-)

Any-who...  This is a call to all of the Jess Users in the Dallas - Fort Worth
(that's Texas, boy) to form up a Jess Users Group, JUG.  Showing no
imagination whatsoever, we could meet monthly at some local watering hole
(initially) then move to a more academic setting if one of our cohorts happens
to have such a place available.  And I might be able to arrange even that.

Please don't clutter up the Jess-Users at Sandia Labs with your reply.  Send
them directly to me and, assuming that we have enough ladies and gentlemen to
do this brave new venture, I (or some other foolish person) will set up a
mailing list similar to the Jess-Users at Sandia.



James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX  75044

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Re: JESS: Who cares about chars?

2002-01-04 Thread James C. Owen

Just my two cents:  Returning int or char is far better than returning
String.  Object creation time is one of our big problems in Java.  Right?



 Well, Jess has its own LISP-like type system, following the one from
 CLIPS. Jess has one type that Java doesn't (symbols) and doesn't make
 many of the distinctions that Java does. For the most part this
 doesn't matter; in a very high-level language, you're generally not
 worrying about data types. Having the full range of Java data types in
 a pattern-matching language would be a nightmare -- do two values not
 match because they're not equal, or because one is an int and one is a

 When Jess calls out to Java functions, though, it has to map the Java
 types onto its own types and vice-versa, and that mapping has to be
 predictable. In my code snippet below ( i.e., (call foo charAt 0) )
 that -is- the java.lang.String.charAt() function, and it -does- return
 a char. The question is, given Jess's available types (INTEGER, LONG,
 FLOAT, ATOM, STRING, EXTERNAL_ADDRESS) how should Jess represent that
 char? What I'm suggesting is that INTEGER is a better match than
 STRING, and I'm wondering if anybody has any code that would break if
 I made this change.

 I think Bryan Talbot wrote:
  Why have it return an int instead of a char like the
  java.lang.String.charAt() method does?  Also, with a method name like
  charAt, I would intuitively expect a char type to be returned.
  Currently, Jess maps Java char values onto Jess Strings; i.e.,
  the result of (call foo charAt 0) is f. I'm starting to
  think that this is the wrong mapping -- a Jess integer would
  make more sense (i.e., 102.) Does anybody have an opinion, one
  way or the other?

 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PO Box 969
 Livermore, CA 94550

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Re: JESS: serializable respect transient?

2000-11-12 Thread James C. Owen

Sorry I'm so long in answering this one, but I just returned to the old
home site and read all of my email from about mid-October or so.
I'll be back again about Thanksgiving.
Anyway! There is a most excellent article on this subject in the
October 2000 issue of Java Report, beginning on page 60.
Happy reading! :-0
Ed Meier wrote:

I have a situation where I need to put a non-serializable object into my
UserFunction for Jess to call. It is out of my control to make the object
serializable. I declared it "transient" but I still get "not serializable"
errors.Like so:class
CallMeBack implements UserFunction, Serializable{
private transient NotSerializing dontSerialMe;
public getName (..)
yada-yada }}Must
my callback function implement Serializable?Is
there anything I should know about Jess and serialization with respect
to transient variables?I
suspect the error is on somebody else, but I just want to check to be sure.Thanks
in advance,Ed MeierClark
Software Engineering, Ltd.Dayton,

James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX 75044
214.684.KBSC (5272) cell
"This above all,-- to thine own self be true;
For it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
Polonius speaking to his son Laertes before departure
Hamlet, Act I, Scene iii
"NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed by its lack of scalability."
-- John Kirch

Re: JESS: Reasoning over non-Bean objects

2000-09-17 Thread James C. Owen

If you're doing benchmarks, be sure to check out Dr. Miranaker's site at UTA, where he has five standard
benchmarks that you can download and set up.  As I recall, they are all for CLIPS
but it should be fairly easy to convert to whatever ruleset you are using.

One thing I've discovered on bench marks:  When you run the java command, use more
RAM (256MB minimum), more stack (16 MB minimum) and a fairly high speed machine,
say an 850 MHz Pentium III or a decent Unix machine, say a Sun 6000.  :-)  On the
Sun machines, it makes a difference which thread you're using, either green or
native.  Usually native runs faster on benchmarks.  And run all of the test on the
same machine with the same set of parameters.

Now that I've said all of that, would you mind publishing your results to the group
when you get through?  Please?


David Young wrote:

 Greetings. We are currently doing a comparitive prototype using Jess
 6.0a and ILog JRules 3.0. Of particular interest is how well either
 product can be embedded into our existing (and well-established)
 network management system.

 I am aware of how well Jess interacts with Beans; however, the area in
 which Jess or JRules is targeted does not employ Beans, hence whatever
 we select will be required to reason over conventional Java
 objects. I'm wondering if anyone has experience embedding Jess into a
 "legacy" Java system. I've written a small Jess prototype using the
 introspection facilities provided; for example:

   (defrule handle-standing-condition
 ?obj - (fault-data (object ?fd))
 (test (eq
(get-member ?fd cond_def)
(get-member ext_fault STANDING)))
 (set-member ?fd severity
 (get-member ext_fault WARNING))
 (retract ?obj))

 However, this style doesn't appear to lend itself to more complex
 rules and is less elegant (and perhaps efficient) than say:

   (defrule handle-standing-condition
 ?obj -(fault-data (cond_def ?cond=(get-member ext_fault WARNING)))

 JRules appears to have a distinct advantage here, in that it imposes
 no specific requirement (eg. "must be a Bean") on the classes it can
 reason about. Conversely, JRules also requires "manual intervention"
 when Java objects are modified outside of the knowledge base; there's
 no "automatic" mechanism such as the PropertyChangeListener that Jess

 In any event, I could use some guidance here. Rewriting our existing
 classes as Beans is not feasible at this time, and creating a suite of
 "wrapper Beans" around these classes conjures up maintenance
 nightmares. Thanks for your assistance.



 David E. Young
 Fujitsu Network Communications  "The fact that ... we still
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) live well cannot ease the pain of
  feeling that we no longer live nobly."
   -- John Updike
 "Programming should be fun,
  programs should be beautiful"
   -- P. Graham
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James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX  75044

214.684.KBSC (5272) cell


"This above all,-- to thine own self be true;
For it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."
Polonius speaking to his son Laertes before departure
Hamlet, Act I, Scene iii

"NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed by its lack of scalability." -- John

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Re: JESS: Pronouncing Rete

1999-10-28 Thread James C. Owen

OK, there you have it.  We now have a reason for ree'tee rather than reh'tay.
Hooray for our side!

I've always called it ree'tee also but I had some Linguist correct me in class one
day after I mentioned that it was based on Latin for network.  That was only about
three weeks ago and I'm still on contract at the site.  Now I can show them why we
stupid Americans call it ree'tee.  It isn't our fault.  It's the fault of the book
publishers.  See how easily I became a victim rather than a perpetrator?

Thanks for the ammo.

Gary Riley wrote:

 For what it's worth, I read about it before I ever heard anyone
 pronounce it, and I've never studied Latin, so in my head it sounds
 like "reet." Now, I've talked to Gary Riley, and he follows Forgy and
 says "ree'tee". I think this (mis) pronunciation is the industry
 standard. I try to use it when I talk to other people out loud.

 American Heritage dictionary gives the pronunciation as ree'tee.

 Gary Riley

 I think James C. Owen wrote:
   Actually, I asked Dr. Forgy this question and it seems that, even
 though it's Latin
   for "network", he pronounces it ree'-tee.  However, if you know
 your Latin you'll
   probably pronounce it reh'-tay.
   But don't worry about or get into an argument about it.  I know
 guys why have been
   using it in their rulebase systems (I'm talking about engineers
 who write the
   rulebase itself AND those who install and consult on them) since
 the mid 80's who
   aren't sure how to pronounce it.  As a matter of fact, about 95%
 of them have never
   read the original thesis nor know how the theory about how or why the Rete
   algorithm works.  :-)
   Keep the faith.  BTW, Dr. Forgy's thesis is available in most university
   libraries.  I happen to know it's available at Stamford in the
 EE/CS library on the
   2nd floor.  Or was it the 3rd floor?  Whatever...
   I think that Doug Edmunds wrote:
Pronunciation of Rete
Is it Rete as in ree' tee
or as in ree tee'
or as in ray' tay
or as in ray tay'
or as in reet?
Doug Edmunds
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   James C. Owen
   Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
   6314 Kelly Circle
   Garland, TX  75044
   "You Think It's Hot Here? -- God"
   (Seen on a billboard in DFW MetroPlex.)
   "NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed by its lack of
 scalability." -- John
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 Ernest Friedman-Hill
 Distributed Systems ResearchPhone: (925) 294-2154
 Sandia National LabsFAX:   (925) 294-2234
 Org. 8920, MS 9012  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 PO Box 969
 Livermore, CA 94550
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James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX  75044



"You Think It's Hot Here? -- God"

(Seen on a billboard in DFW MetroPlex.)

"NT's lack of reliability is only surpassed by its lack of scalability." -- John

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JESS: Boolean

1999-06-28 Thread James C. Owen

Sometimes I think that a short course in Boolean Logic might be applicable
BEFORE one engages in the task of writing a rulebased routine.  Remember,
"Boole was no foole."  :-)




James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, Texas  76137

817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cellular


"I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You. -God"
(Seen on a billboard in DFW MetroPlex.)

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Re: JESS: License question

1999-06-14 Thread James C. Owen

Amen.  But ONLY if the organization (person) who owned the copyright actually wanted 
to go to the bother and trouble of doing so.  It is my understanding that prior to the 
infamous Lotus/whoever case that the copyright laws were such that you only had to 
change 10% of the existing code to
make it your own.  That involved changing only the header file in some code.  However, 
after the Lotus case "look and feel" became an important factor.

Also, if you will recall, Borland dBASE III and dBASE II lost their copyright because 
a large percentage of their code came from some public domain code that they did not 
acknowledge in their original copyright application.  For a period of about 90 days, 
we all made legal copies of dBASE

Besides all that, it shows a total lack of competence to blatantly copy someone else's 
code.  If you're not smart enough to look at what someone else has done and then 
create your own, you should change your line of business; say, become a lawyer or a 
used car salesman.  If you're not smart
enough to see someone else's code and then go create some code of your own to do the 
same thing, then maybe you should consider a career in the food service industry.  :-)

"Lawrence D. DeVooght" wrote:

 You would "stand" about the same place if you took a best seller, or the galleys of 
an upcoming best seller, corrected any typos, rearranged some paragraphs and chapters 
to suite your aesthetic flow and changed some context to make it more in line with 
how you think the story should go.

 You would "stand" to get you butt sued off.

 Lawrence D. DeVooght
 Savant Information Systems
 Kenwood, California

 Those who cheat time must accept a proportional risk of failure.

 -Original Message-
 From:   Danny Ayers [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent:   Friday, June 11, 1999 7:35 AM
 Subject:JESS: License question

 I'm afraid I'm no good at legal jargon, and I would like to know what
 the license/copyright situation is with Jess. The source couldn't be
 much more open (ref. the bug fix postings on this group), but the
 standard package gives a 'Sandia' ownership message. I am a little
 confused - if for example  I was to take the Alpha code, debug it and
 remove all copyright notices, then release a commercial product that
 incorporated said code, how would I stand legally? (I have no such
 intentions BTW).
 If someone could kindly translate this into natural language for me, I
 would be most grateful.

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Part 1.2Type: application/ms-tnef
Encoding: base64




James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, Texas  76137

817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cellular


"I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You. -God"
(Seen on a billboard in DFW MetroPlex.)

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JESS: Symantec First to Provide Immediate Protection forHigh-Risk, Destructive Worm.ExploreZip Worm

1999-06-11 Thread James C. Owen

This appears to be quite real and extremely deadly.



James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, Texas  76137

817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cellular


"I Love You ... I Love You ... I Love You. -God"
(Seen on a billboard in DFW MetroPlex.)

Title: Symantec First to Provide Immediate Protection for High-Risk, 
 Destructive Worm.ExploreZip Worm

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News Release

Symantec First to Provide Immediate Protection for High-Risk, 
 Destructive Worm.ExploreZip Worm

Updated Virus Definition Set Available Now Via LiveUpdate,
Symantec Web Site

Cupertino, Calif. June 10, 1999 - Symantec Corporation
(Nasdaq: SYMC) today announced that a virus definition set is immediately
available to detect and repair the Worm.ExploreZip worm, which contains a
malicious payload that can result in non-recoverable data and/or inoperable
computer systems. Norton AntiVirus users are advised to protect themselves from
this worm by downloading the current virus definitions through LiveUpdate or from
the Symantec web site at

"Symantec continues to outpace competitors in the speed at which it counters even
the most prolific and destructive viruses," said Enrique Salem, vice president of
Symantec's Security and Assistance Business Unit. "We remain determined to
continue to respond swiftly to the public's needs for technology that eliminates
the potential destruction that viruses such as Worm.ExploreZip can cause."

Worm.ExploreZip is a worm that contains a malicious payload. The worm utilizes
MAPI commands and Microsoft Outlook on Windows systems to propagate itself. The
worm was first discovered in Israel and submitted to the Symantec AntiVirus
Research Center (SARC) on June 6, 1999.

The worm e-mails itself out as an attachment with the filename
"zipped_files.exe"; the body of the e-mail message might appear to come from a
known e-mail correspondent and contains the following text: "Hi [recipient name]!
I received your email and I shall send you a reply ASAP. Till then, take a look
at the attached zipped docs. Bye" The worm determines the recipient by going
through received messages in the user's Inbox. Once the attachment is executed,
it might display an Error window, which contains the following text: "Cannot open
file: it does not appear to be a valid archive. If this file is part of a ZIP
format backup set, insert the last disk of the backup set and try again. Please
press F1 for help."

The worm proceeds to copy itself to the c:\windows\system directory with the
filename "Explore.exe" and then modifies the WIN.INI file so that the program is
executed each time Windows is started. The worm then utilizes the user's e-mail
client to harvest e-mail addresses in order to propagate itself. Users might
notice that their e-mail client starts when this occurs.

In addition, when Worm.ExploreZip is executed, it also searches through the C
through Z drives of the user's computer system and selects files with extensions
.c, .cpp, .h, .asm, .doc, .ppt, .xls to destroy by making them 0 bytes long. This
can result in non-recoverable data and inoperable computers.

Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC) 
SARC is the industry's largest dedicated team of virus experts. With offices
located in the United States, Japan, Australia, and the Netherlands, the sun
never sets on SARC. The center's mission is to provide swift, global responses to
computer virus threats, proactively research and develop technologies that
eliminate such threats, and educate the public on safe computing practices. As
new computer viruses appear, SARC develops identification and detection for these
viruses, and provides either a repair or delete operation, thus keeping users
protected against the latest virus threats.
About Symantec   
Symantec is the world leader in utility software for business and personal computing. 
Symantec products and solutions help make users productive and keep their computers 
safe and reliable anywhere and anytime. Symantec offers a broad range of solutions 
and is acclaimed as a leader in both customer satisfaction and product brand 
recognition. Symantec is traded on Nasdaq under the symbol SYMC. More information 
on the company and its products can be obtained at

NOTE TO EDITORS: If you would like additional information on Symantec Corporation and its pro

Re: JESS: Modules

1999-04-14 Thread James C. Owen

Yes, it's me.  And, yes, I quit posting this kind of thing on the Jess
pages.  :-)

Please understand that I'm not running down Jess.  I think Jess is, in  a
word, GREAT!  However, if you haven't already done so (which you probably
have) you might check out

where Dr. Forgy has compared Compiled CLIPS 6.04 C++ running Rete versus
Java OPSJ running Rete II.  You might check with him and ask him what he
did to get these results.  Who know?  Maybe he'll tell you.  Maybe.

Ernest Friedman-Hill wrote:

 Jess can now run the University of Texas benchmarks (using a stock
 Microsoft JVM) noticeably faster than CLIPS 6.04 (compiled with -O2) on
 the same machine. The speedup scales nonlinearly with problem size, and
 is most apparent for very large systems. For the "Manners" benchmark,
 Jess now beats CLIPS by 25% at 64 persons, and by a factor of two at 80
 persons. I'm using a new smart indexing system in the Rete memories to
 get this speed.



James C. Owen
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, Texas  76137

817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cellular


"Keep Using My Name In Vain And I'll Make Rush Hour Longer. -God"
(Seen on a billboard in DFW MetroPlex.)

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Re: JESS: Keen to learn

1999-03-10 Thread James C. Owen

For a real-world application you might check out

Advisor from Neuron Data:
JRules from ILOG:

I personally prefer Neuron Data because of it's better development environment.
Tell'em Jim sent you.  :-)

Kang Zhijian wrote:

 Beginner's question
 Hi, I'm a mechanical engineer and just became a new jess user. I wrote some
 rules for a simple problem and it works well.  But I'm wondering how I can
 put it on a Web page and run the problem under web-based environment?  Thank
 you for help.

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James C. Owen
Senior Knowledgebase Consultant
Knowledge-Based Systems Corporation
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, TX  76137

817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cell

"To err is human.  To forgive is divine.
Neither of which is Marine Corps policy."
(Seen on a bumper sticker on a Naval base.)

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Re: JESS: GUI program to create and edit Jess rules?

1999-02-10 Thread James C. Owen

And certified 100% Java by Sun?  :-)

"Robert B. Trelease, Ph.D." wrote:

 And, of course, this JESS tool should be programmed in Java itself...

 What a great idea!  What if someone put a "natural language" interface on
 the front end of Jess rather than the OPS5 (or whatever syntax)?  I think
 Jess really is intended for fairly technical people.  However, there are
 any number of programs available which use "friendlier" front ends.
 Unfortunately, all the ones that I know about cost lots of $; around
 $10,000 or more per developer seat.  Check out the Advisor from Neuron
 Date.  It is 100% pure Java, natural-language interface with GUI editors
 and with all the bells and whistles.  They have a Version 2.2 released and
 a Version 2.5 about to be released with lots and lots of goodies.
 btw, ND has been around since about 1984.  They have a older version done
 in C/C++ that is a really stable product and is really nice but is not
 Java.  :-(
 ccwang wrote:
  I am a new Jess user. I am just wondering if there are any GUI programs
  available for non-technical people to create and edit Jess rules ? I
  think the current way to write Jess codes in the Jess manual is very
  difficult for non-technical people.
  CC Wang
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 James C. Owen
 Senior Knowledgebase Consultant
 4817 Buckskin Drive
 Fort Worth, TX  76137
 817.314.0584 Office
 817.314.0585 FAX
 817.247.8976 Cell
 Check out this page!
 "To err is human.  To forgive is divine.
 Neither of which is Marine Corps policy."
 (Seen on a bumper sticker on a Naval base.)
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James C. Owen
Senior Knowledgebase Consultant
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, TX  76137
817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cell

Check out this page!

"To err is human.  To forgive is divine.
Neither of which is Marine Corps policy."
(Seen on a bumper sticker on a Naval base.)

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Re: JESS: Forgy paper...

1999-01-29 Thread James C. Owen

If you're in the valley somewhere, Stanford has a copy in the EE library.

David Young wrote:

 Hello. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of Charles Forgy's
 "RETE: A Fast Algorithm for the Many Pattern/Many Object Pattern
 Matching Problem"? I've been to the Elsevier Science page (which I
 guess publishes "Artificial Intelligence"), but they don't seem to
 offer back issues (and at a subscription price of $1895, I probably
 couldn't afford one anyway). Thanks.



 David E. Young
 Fujitsu Network Communications  "The fact that ... we still
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])live well cannot ease the pain of
  feeling that we no longer live nobly."
   -- John Updike
 "Programming should be fun,
  programs should be beautiful"
   -- P. Graham
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James C. Owen
Senior Knowledgebase Consultant
4817 Buckskin Drive
Fort Worth, TX  76137
817.314.0584 Office
817.314.0585 FAX
817.247.8976 Cell

Check out this page!

"To err is human.  To forgive is divine.
Neither of which is Marine Corps policy."
(Seen on a bumper sticker on a Naval base.)

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