Re: [Jmol-users] How to show hbonds as dotted, not dashed?

2017-08-02 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi John

I'm afraid that is the design and cannot be changed.

You can play a trick, though, using partial bonds which can be rendered as 

hbonds calculate;
select connected("hbond",all);
connect (selected)(selected) partial modify;
set partialDots on;
wireframe 0.07;
color bonds lime;
select all;

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Re: [Jmol-users] Console Again

2017-07-28 Thread Angel Herráez

> Also, $("#JmolApplet0_console").length equals zero, which suggests that the 
> div of that name 
> does not exist.

... that gives a length of one in one of my pages

Do you have a url I can look at?

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Re: [Jmol-users] Console Question

2017-07-28 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Otis

Not sure if I get your exact intention.

JSmol creates the  automatically, at least on 
first invocation,
so rather than ading that div myself, I'd try forcing its css properties.

Hav you tried a rule with !important  ?

> But evidently a movable absolute object inside a position fixed object does 
> not work.

This phrase is not clear to me. If it's absolute positioning, it is relative to 
either the page or any parent which is positioned.
JSmol's console div is outside the body tags, so it has no parent ... I guess 
the html tag will be the reference.

So let's say you add this in your page

#JmolApplet0_console {
left:800px !important;
top:8px !important;

What happens?

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Re: [Jmol-users] Fwd: installing JSmol extension

2017-07-25 Thread Angel Herráez
I've just visited (first time)

and I can see both molecule and  surface

So either you just fixed it or there is some caching problem

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Re: [Jmol-users] Fwd: installing JSmol extension

2017-07-25 Thread Angel Herráez

Hi Henry!

To me it sounds like some js library incompatibility (edit mode vs. view 
mode). The UNKNOWNReader part sound very suspicious.
What happens if, from the non-working page, you open JSmol console and 
paste the command to load the isosurface?

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Re: [Jmol-users] png files created in jsmol

2017-07-22 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi João 

Even though the PNG files are not validated by pngcheck, they are rendered 
correctly by many programs.

It should be easy to implement the setting of  'set imageState off'
in the page source for the Sage project, and then the product of the Export 
menu would be compliant.

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Re: [Jmol-users] JSModel demo control problem

2017-07-22 Thread Angel Herráez
David, this is great fun!

Please check out

Height of JSmol will always match height (I didn't think this was easy or even 
possible, but it's amazingly simple code)
The key for versatility is to always set width and height to 100% in Info. Then 
use an outer container + css and js to control the size.

And then these css units that I discovered recently and once again do the 
magic: "vw" "vh", meaning percent fraction of the window width or height. 
The big difference against classic % is you can use vw for the height! 

So the result here is a set size of 400px for JSmol, as long as it fits within 
screen width. If not, 90% of it. And always square. I believe this will be 
for the phones.

David Leader wrote:
> The problem with the width/height thing is that one can´t do a shrinkwrap 
like one can with an image and do a width:100%, height: auto. 
> My problem is that 280 px is actually just too large for the iPhone, so I 
> have 
to hack that a bit, and in truth it's too small for modern large displays

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Re: [Jmol-users] JSModel demo control problem

2017-07-21 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi David 

Yes, cache problems are rather hard when they appear. Not only the htm 
(easy) and js (not so much) files, but also script files that JSmol "remembers" 
and the browser does not care about.

And there is often an issue when you update JSmol version in pages.

> However, I have reverted to an old version of JSmol because the following 
> command no longer 
> works:
> ["select nucleic; colour cpk; colour green; select *a; colour white;",  
> "Distinguish chains" ],
> The select *a; colour white; bit doesn´t work to colour the second chain 
> white on the recent Jmol 
> version. Has the syntax has been changed? I could look myself but this is 
> really killing me. 

I think this has been discussed before in this list. That syntax for selecting 
chains was supported, but it is not very precise and some versions stopped 
supporting it.
You should be safe adding a colon before the chain,
  select *:A
also uppercase vs. lowercase chain ID is not seen different by default, but 
there is an increasing need to differentiate between both (large PDB models) 
and Jmol supports it

> Oh, there´s one more thing that would be nice. That is if you could scale the 
> frame as you 
> switched to mobile, keeping the same proportions. For example, I have width: 
> 280, height: 280. As 
> far as I can see from the instructions I can set width: 100% but the height 
> doesn´t change. Even 
> serving different hard-coded sizes for different sized viewports would help.

Yes, you can set width and height to 100% in Info but then your page must 
include a div with explicit css width and height that envelopes the JSmol 

var Info = {
  width: "100%",
  height: "100%",
  use: "HTML5",
  j2sPath: "mol/j2s",   
  disableInitialConsole: true

  myJmol = Jmol.getApplet("myJmol", Info); 
  Jmol.script(myJmol,"load mol/B11mer.txt; set background [51,51,51]; 
restrict nucleic; colour cpk; rotate x 90; zoom 125; spin on;");

It may be not so easy to change the size of the container depending on the 
platform, but that's css + js external to JSmol. Also you might not get it 
square shaped (not really a problem if it's rectangular, only you may need to 
set zoomLarge false in Jmol script)

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Re: [Jmol-users] JSModel demo control problem

2017-07-20 Thread Angel Herráez

I agree that reset should stop spinning, but not that rotate also does it

Anyway, there are workarounds by checking the special _spinning variable

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Re: [Jmol-users] JSModel demo control problem

2017-07-19 Thread Angel Herráez

It seems that "rotate" cancels the spin

I have no clue if this has ever been by design.

You could apply a fix by reading the spinning state before doing the rotate 
and reapplying it later:

  "ss = _spinning; reset; rotate x 90; if (ss) { spin on; }", 

And why do you have in your spin checkbox those complex commands?

Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, "spin off; spin on;", "spin on; spin off;", 
"Spin", true);

I would just do
Jmol.jmolCheckbox(myJmol, "spin on;", "spin off;", "Spin", true);

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Re: [Jmol-users] JSModel demo control problem

2017-07-19 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi David

it does look strange.
Have you tried with a former Jmol version?
i.e is this specific to 14.20.2?

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Re: [Jmol-users] loading gzipped files

2017-07-16 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Jeff

Regarding the font, it should cycle through about 4 steps, coming back to 
small size.
I don't know about Mac, but in Windows Jmol creates a ".jmol" folder in the 
user's home folder, wher you can see a "history" and a "properties" file.
Try editing them or just delete them and Jmol will create then anew, maybe 
fixing the issue. I have seen that work for window size and position at least

As for loading zipped files, I agree:
I just tested 14.20.2 with a .jmol file (that uses zip format), nothing is 
and this is the error:

ERROR en guión: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

Some of the recent additions broke this, I guess

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Re: [Jmol-users] PubChem Load

2017-07-11 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Otis

I have seen several files from PubChem that come with more than one 
structure, using

load :whatever

So that is the norm rather than the exception. It's easy to browse them if you 
load into the Jmol application and use the arrow buttons in the toollbar.

Sometimes, the 2nd or 3rd is more interesting than the 1st one!

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Re: [Jmol-users] Java in macOS High Sierra ... is still available.

2017-07-03 Thread Angel Herráez
Thank you, Henry

I've added your obser vations in

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Re: [Jmol-users] getting the applet ID

2017-06-30 Thread Angel Herráez
Thank you, Bob, Paul and Otis

The issue is not easy. Proteopedia has both JS and PHP code that allows 
pages to be created by users. So no, I don't always know what is the name 
of the particular JSmol object since it is not created manually; they have 
sequential ids, but the key is that a scene script will be applied to any one 
those jmolapplet1, 2, etc.

Local storage in the browser might be useful but I am not confident with that 

We have now a solution that works, although a little convoluted it is fast.

I just wondered if there could be a read-only variable in Jmol script that 
provides what the callbacks know how to provide, i.e. the object ID /applet 


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Re: [Jmol-users] getting the applet ID

2017-06-29 Thread Angel Herráez
Thanks, Bob

> Well, if you wrote the page, you should know, right? ;)

Not necessarily ;-)  I mean, applets are generated quasi-automated by some 
back-end code.

> All applets are registered in Jmol._applets.

Could be. The problem is to know which of those is involved at a certain 

All this is for automatic, generalized code being run behind the curtains in 
Proteopedia. We are after ways for a "scene" (that links to a state script) to 
do something in the page area related to that JSmol object.

So I thought that the safest way would be to call this from within JSmol, 
instead of from the page, since the same "scene" link may be applied to 
different JSmols.

I have managed a solution using an echoCallback. Not too clean, but seems 
to do the trick.

Page JavaSscript has this:

function readTheApplet() {
  window['calledAppletID'] = arguments[0].replace(/jmolapplet/i,'');

and the Jmol script has this:

set EchoCallback "readTheApplet";
set echo dum 0 0; echo "."; 
set EchoCallback none; echo;

The global Javascript variable "calledAppletID" in the page then will hold the 

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[Jmol-users] getting the applet ID

2017-06-29 Thread Angel Herráez
Callbacks return as their first parameter the ID of the JSmol object (e.g. 

I wonder if this ID could be retrieved directly from a script. I could not find 
anything e.g. among the readonly variables

Any hints are welcome

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Re: [Jmol-users] display of contacts in two frames/models

2017-06-10 Thread Angel Herráez
Oh, thanks Bob

I should have known, since contacts are a kind of isosurface!  I knew ID is 
essential to have several at a time, but I missed that bit now.

This is going to look great!


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[Jmol-users] display of contacts in two frames/models

2017-06-09 Thread Angel Herráez
It seems that the result of "contact" cannot be present separately in the two 
frames when 2 models have been loaded. Only the latest generated set of 
contacts is displayed, and only in the current frame (even if  calculated from 
atoms in the other frame).

Is there a way around? We would like to have two frames, each with its 
contacts, and switch the display  between  the 2 frames

And yes, I am specifying the atoms of only one frame when I generate the 
contacts, like:
  frame 1; contact {Leu/1}{*/1 and not Leu}
  frame 2; contact {Leu/2}{*/2 and not Leu}


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Re: [Jmol-users] Important Account Information - Reconfirm Mailing List Subscriptions

2017-06-09 Thread Angel Herráez
Yes, the email looks ugly indeed.

Rather than following the link, I signed in into, went to user area and 
there was a button to renew subscriptions. So it looks perfectly authentic.

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[Jmol-users] cloning part of a model into another frame

2017-06-09 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob,

Is there a way to extract some residue fron the loaded model and clone or 
duplicate it in a new frame/model?

I am trying
ff1 = load('=pdbe/1foz')
load "@ff1" 

But I don't know how / if I can extract a subset of atoms from that ff1 
(and e.g. create a new model using load data). 
Is this possible?

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Re: [Jmol-users] Jmol Anniversaries?

2017-06-07 Thread Angel Herráez
Henry, there is some recollection on history at

which I made time ago from several sources. I cannot guarantee its accuracy 
or completeness

Maybe I will move that to a page in the Wiki -- that's an idea

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[Jmol-users] using mutate on the first model with 2 loaded files

2017-06-04 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Bob

Any chance that I can use "mutate" on a first model when I have loaded two 
models (2 files into 2 frames)?
I am testing the different syntaxes from the documentation but it seems 
impossible. Some sections do mention "in the last model".

Can you please confirm?


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Re: [Jmol-users] How does Jmol know the \alpha-helix and \beta-sheet

2017-05-22 Thread Angel Herráez
Hello, Huan

Jmol uses 2 methods:

if the pdb file contains HELIX and SHEET records, Jmol uses those.

if that is not the case, Jmol will calculate secondary structures using the 
DSSP algorithm

Even in case #1, you can force calculation with DSSP (and see the 
difference) using the command
 calculate structure dssp

There is also another option,
 calculate structure ramachandran
which I guess does what you expected, i.e. use the dihedral angles

All of those do not depend on hydrogens, I believe.

See documentation at 
Also this:


 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

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Re: [Jmol-users] State of the world of WebGL "alternatives" to JSmol

2017-05-18 Thread Angel Herráez
Of interest on this topic, this article has just been published:

Implementing WebGL and HTML5 in Macromolecular Visualization and 
Modern Computer-Aided Drug Design
Shuguang Yuan, H.C. Stephen Chan, Zhenquan Hu

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Re: [Jmol-users] labeling residue by position relative to observer

2017-05-16 Thread Angel Herráez
Great solution

I just noted this in the documentation (under "functions"):

point({x,y,z}, true)gives the screen coordinates {sx, sy, sz} corresponding 
the 3D coordinates {x, y, z}.

point({sx,sy,sz}, false)gives the 3D coordinates {x, y, z} 
cooresponding to 
the screen coordinates {sx, sy, sz}. 

Bob, I think that sx, sy, sz should be listed under "atom properties"

That's where I looked for it when Luciano asked.

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Re: [Jmol-users] labeling residue by position relative to observer

2017-05-14 Thread Angel Herráez
Ciao Luciano

Although Jmol obviously "knows" the screen-Z position of an atom (used e.g 
in perspective, fog, slab and depth, rotate best), I can find no command that 
will retrieve that value.

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Re: [Jmol-users] ...still problems with the extended display...

2017-05-09 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Marco

I have also observed some failures in Jmol Application saving properly the 
window positions and size. Deleting the history file resets the issue, as you 
have noticed. 
This did not happen in older versions, but I have been unable to find the 
cause. I am curretly using Win10

I did not think of this before since you started the discussion with JSmol (or 
so I understood). The saving of window settings to a history file only applies 
to Jmol standalone application.

 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

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Re: [Jmol-users] scripting syntax

2017-04-28 Thread Angel Herráez
[I'm moving this to the jmol-users list]

Hi Jeff

I foresee no problem in your scripts.

My advice is that you right-click and open the Console, then paste there your 
scripted commands one at a time and see which one gives the error or fails 
to work.

On 28 Apr 2017 at 15:15, Jeff Sims wrote:

> I´m trying to diagnose scripts written a few years ago that are no longer 
> working in the latest version of JSmol.
> The same scripts work correctly in an older version of JSmol: ver. 14.2.4 
> (2014-08-03).
> After updating JSmol, there is no error in the JSmol console, just a blank 
> JSmol canvas (no atoms appear).
> I suspect that it´s syntax related to `select´? because nothing is being 
> selected for color or style, but not sure.
> Here are a few excerpts: (I´ll just include an example of each type of call). 
> Does any of this look problematic or need fixes?
> I can post the full scripts if helpful.
> model 1
> rotate z -108
> rotate y 130
> rotate z 32
> zoom 100
> restrict not :a and not solvent
> select 147-157 and :a
> define switch1a selected
> select switch1a or switch2a or switch3a 
> define allswitcha selected
> select :i and (177,179,181,192,198,199,200,202,205,211)   
> #numbers are less by 1 than those in the Nature 379 article
> define ihb selected   
> #alpha subunit residues hbonding with beta
> elect (switch1b and backbone) and not (173-176)   #these 
> sw1b residues interact w/beta
> select selected or (177,179,181) and :i
> define subset1b selected
> select :a and (172,173,174,176,179,185)or (switch2a and backbone)
> define subset2a selected
> select :a
> color [xFFAD00]   #orange
> select gtp
> color [x00C000]   #guanine green
> select gdp
> color [xFF]
> select :i or :b or :g or :d
> spacefill on
> select atomno=644 and :i
> label "\u03b1"
> --
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Re: [Jmol-users] Add atom from command line

2017-04-28 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Donna

You could probably use

set appendNew false
load append data ..


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Re: [Jmol-users] JSmol labels on zoom

2017-04-24 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Jaime

It's always been like that by default, but I think there is an option:
   set fontscaling on
although it is a little tricky to get it working when there is zoom between two 
applications of labels.

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Re: [Jmol-users] Secondary structure does not match DSSP

2017-04-23 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Nicholas 

> However, if I issue the command $calculate structure and then redisplay, the 
> structure 
> is then shown with a ribbon consistent with DSSP, running from 365 to 373. 
> Can anyone 
> tell me why Jmol doesn't display this stretch according to DSSP in the first 
> place? 

I am not certain, but it is likely that when you load a file Jmol will use the 
secondary structure declared in the PDB file, and not the DSSP result unless 
you invoke this later (using calculate).

As far as I can interpret, the pdb file says beta strands for

so  365-368  are not a beta strand

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[Jmol-users] Java support in browsers

2017-03-29 Thread Angel Herráez
(I'm following another thread started by David Hibbitts but this is a different 
topic, so I changed the subject)

May I ask what is the information you have regarding future support of Java 
by Waterfox?

On 29 Mar 2017 at 15:14, David Hibbitts wrote:
> It's hard to know how much any of us should invest in these java-specific 
> issues given the aggressive nature of browsers toward javascript -- 
> but my website really serves my research group, not the general public, and 
> there I can certainly get the users to install Waterfox+JAVA.

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Re: [Jmol-users] Jmol Keyboard Interaction

2017-03-29 Thread Angel Herráez
Have you checked Jmol's "navigation mode" ?
As far as I remember, it  used the keyboard. 
But maybe it is only applicable to the Jmol application.

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Re: [Jmol-users] file caching in JSmol working better than expected

2017-03-21 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob, if we can confirm that, if would be wonderful.
Many of my pages no longer work in local, i.e. when run from local files 
(some undecipherable JS errors prevent it; it seems to depend on paths 
used and the complecity of the file setup, but I have been unable to pin it 
down). I am forced to use a local web server for my testing. 

This at least would give an extra solution

Thanks. Good luck in Bolivia again!

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Re: [Jmol-users] JSmol applet creation of mo surfaces or contour plot is slow

2017-03-20 Thread Angel Herráez
Hello Bruce

I will gladly take a look at your page when I have time, but here are a few 
comments in advance:

1. Using JSmol-html5 with IE is very slow, indeed. Other browsers are 

2. Given the current state of Java support, you'd better forget chances of 
using Jmol-Java. I agree that it is an advantage for large models or, as in 
your case, isosurface computations. But we are loosing that battle. Firefox 
just dropped support for plugins, as Chrome did before. I am switching to 
PaleMoon as my main browser (they will support plugins indefinitely), but 
Oracle will eventually abandon the offering of the Java plugin.

3. What you might try to do is to save the isosufaces to a file. Loading them 
later is very fast. I have not a clear idea to what extent your calculation is 
unique or can be done in advance and the result used repeatedly.

4. If you have the control and expertise, you culd run the calculation in the 
server (using Jmol.jar or the JmolData.jar that does not use graphics), save 
the file and then serve it to the client browser. That would be faster, running 
in Java and not in JSmol-html5.

5. Although you are fine with JSmol.min.js + Jmol2.js, if it safer to move to 
direct implementation without Jmol2.js. Probably this has no effect on 
performance, though, but it safer for the future.

I would not think you are doing anything wrong, you are just hitting the 
inherent speed limitations of JSmol.

More later, I hope.

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[Jmol-users] the announced death of Java - one more push

2017-03-17 Thread Angel Herráez

Dear Jmol users,

You should be aware that Firefox 
has joined the trend to abandon Java
applets and the latest release can no longer run Jmol in pages. Of course,
JSmol-html5 is perfectly functional.  Google Chrome and Microsoft 
Edge are
another 2 major browser that cannot run Jmol-Java.

Firefox 52 (released this week) does not support the NPAPI format of
plug-íns and hence cannot run Java applets, Shockwave Player animations
(DCR files, Macromedia Director), external PDF viewers inside the browser,
etc. Running Flash Player animations/videos has been kept as an exception.

Please be aware of this for older Jmol pages. 

If you are the page author / developer
, it is most urgent that you convert
your pages to use the JSmol.min.js library and enable 
HTML5 modality by

If you are a user / visitor
, be sure which browser you pick. MS Internet
Explorer (versions 9 to 11) still supports Jmol-Java (and is rather slow with
JSmol-html5); Safari in the MacOSX is also running Java.
Other browsers that retain Java compatibility are Mozilla SeaMonkey (not
clear for how long) and Pale Moon (indefinitely by decision of the developers,
at least while Oracle continues to deliver the Java Plugin)

More specific details and alternatives at


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Re: [Jmol-users] Status of Java applets

2017-03-10 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Richard

I have a lot of pages that have been evolving alongside Jmol changes.
I see no reason why "the Jmol applet-based stuff will not be convertible". Can 
you explain?

I've converted all my Jmol applet pages to JSmol, and first I set them to use 
Java by default, or based on identification of mobile browsers (Java 
detection has never been reliable). When Chrome (and Opera) quit Java, I 
added a filter. 
Last thing I did --last month-- was to set default to Html5-JSmol, not becuase 
Java does not work but because it is a pain to go through all warnings when 
you are in a computer you do not control --e.g. in classrooms.

But I still keep an option (at the home page for each major section) for the 
user to choose either Java or non-Java --and using a temporal or permanent 
cookie. Since I have some fairly large molecules and complexes, using Java 
when your system allows it is still an advantage.

> The thing is, Google complains they are not mobile-friendly.

That may be related to other features of page design rather than just to use 
of Java. If you already have JSmol it's easy to have it working with HTML5 or 
Java at choice.

Hope this helps

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Re: [Jmol-users] Error: Failed to execute 'Send' on 'XHMTLRequest' [Chrome only]

2017-03-08 Thread Angel Herráez

And regarding these worries...

> The tmp.aI5qUbCWPc folder changes (it's randomly generated) and I'll be careful that it doesn't 
> coincidentally collide with the above list. 

You can redefine and hence override the variable used by Jmol, to always
avoid binary handling

add for example
      Jmol._binaryTypes = [".spartan"];

make sure it is called in your page after the Jmol object initialisation has
finished and before the load command

I am not sure what will happen if you declare it as empty array; spartan will
never appear at random, I guess ;-)


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Re: [Jmol-users] Error: Failed to execute 'Send' on 'XHMTLRequest' [Chrome only]

2017-03-08 Thread Angel Herráez

Hi David

When I go to

The (methanol) model loads correctly both in Firefox (Jmol-Java), Chrome 
(JSmol-html5) and Edge (Jmol-Java) (all in Win10)

I also notice that it is running Jmol 14.4.0 from 2015, both Java (Firefox) and 
JSmol-HTML5 (Chrome)

So the page is OK. 
Maybe a browser cache problem?

The error you reported is quite specific of cross-server access limitiations 
(security) in the file loading, for which Chrome is more strict than Firefox or 
I don't see the clue to your problem.


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Re: [Jmol-users] Error: Failed to execute 'Send' on 'XHMTLRequest' [Chrome only]

2017-03-07 Thread Angel Herráez
Ok, those details are useful

It is possible that Chrome has recently changed its security policy (and so it 
would not matter which Jmol version you use) regarding retrieving of files via 
other browser different to the one the page is in. But this should only affect 
binary files, as far as I know.

The "serverURL"  parameter (I quoted this incorrectly in the former message)  
has a default which in case of trouble needs to be customised. Please see

Apart from that, if you could give us a URL with a test page it will be easier 

David Hibbitts wrote:
> 1) They are res files (not binary, shellx format). > 
> 2) Web-server. 
> 3) No idea, I doubt I've configured it, where would I find that?

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Re: [Jmol-users] Error: Failed to execute 'Send' on 'XHMTLRequest' [Chrome only]

2017-03-07 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi David
This sounds like something related to loading binary files via jsmol.php
Please check:

1. What format are your model files? ARe they binary? Does the problem 
reproduce with plain-text-formatted files (e.g. MOL)?

2. Are you running from web server, or from local disk?

3. How have you configured the Info.server variable? Is that pointing to your 
own server, or to St Olaf?

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Re: [Jmol-users] Jmol 14.9.1 released

2017-02-19 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob,
I was interested on that new functionality "drag from a url onto the Jmol 
application" you mentioned recently. 
Is that included in this release?

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Re: [Jmol-users] set fontscaling true + zoom

2017-02-08 Thread Angel Herráez
Thank you, Bob

In fact I was not changing the label, I was setting it for the first time. but 
guess the effect is the same. Maybe the docs should  say "changing or 
defining for the first time".
Easy solution.

El 7 Feb 2017 a las 18:05, Robert Hanson escribió:

> Once a label font size is set with a font scaling factor, if it is necessary 
> to change the label and not 
> its size and the zoom is not 100, it is necessary to use set fontscaling OFF 
> just before changing 
> the label and then back ON just after. This is because set fontscaling always 
> uses the current 
> zoom as part of its calculation.
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Robert Hanson <> wrote:
> I'll make a note in the documentation that you need to be  sure to turn  
> off 
> font scaling if you change the  label:
> set fontscaling off;label xxx;set fontscaling on
> On Tue, Feb 7, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Robert Hanson <> 
> wrote:
> I might be  able to fix it. The problem is that you are changing the 
> label 
> after you are setting its sizing factor
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 12:06 PM, Angel Herráez 
> <> wrote:
> Dear Bob,
> Scaling fonts in labels is very nice.
> However I am seeing a funny behaviour: when I manually zoom 
> between two
> label commands, they behave different in size. I checked now and 
> it also
> happens with a scripted zoom.
> Example:
> load $caffeine
> set fontscaling true
> color label yellow
> set labeloffset 0 0
> select @14
> font label 24 sans plain 0.02
> label O3
> delay 2.0
> // mouse zoom here! , or "zoom 50"
> select @4
> font label 24 sans plain 0.02
> label O5
> I find this an undesirable behaviour. Is there a way to fix it?
> It happens in both 14.8.0_2016-12-17 and a previous 14.6
> On 4 Feb 2017 at 7:26, Jmol SVN repository wrote:
> > Jmol.___JmolVersion="14.8.2-beta-2017-02-03"
> > noting undocumented
> > set fontscaling true; font label 10 arial plain 0.020
> > - last number is a fontscaling factor that allows one to set a font 
> size for
> > - labels in angstroms. Roughly, this pointSize * factor is in 
> Angstroms.
> > By hansonr on 02/04/2017 07:26
> ---
> El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo 
> electrónico en busca de virus.
> --
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites,!
> ___
> Jmol-users mailing list
> --
> Robert M. Hanson
> Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> Northfield, MN
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get.
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
> --
> Robert M. Hanson
> Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> Northfield, MN
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get.
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900
> --
> Robert M. Hanson
> Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
> St. Olaf College
> Northfield, MN
> If nature does not answer first what we want,
> it is better to take what answer we get.
> -- Josiah Willard Gibbs, Lecture XXX, Monday, February 5, 1900

 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

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[Jmol-users] set fontscaling true + zoom

2017-02-05 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob,

Scaling fonts in labels is very nice.
However I am seeing a funny behaviour: when I manually zoom between two
label commands, they behave different in size. I checked now and it also
happens with a scripted zoom.

load $caffeine
set fontscaling true
color label yellow
set labeloffset 0 0
select @14
font label 24 sans plain 0.02
label O3
delay 2.0
// mouse zoom here! , or "zoom 50"
select @4
font label 24 sans plain 0.02
label O5

I find this an undesirable behaviour. Is there a way to fix it?
It happens in both 14.8.0_2016-12-17 and a previous 14.6

On 4 Feb 2017 at 7:26, Jmol SVN repository wrote:
> Jmol.___JmolVersion="14.8.2-beta-2017-02-03"
> noting undocumented
> set fontscaling true; font label 10 arial plain 0.020
> - last number is a fontscaling factor that allows one to set a font size for
> - labels in angstroms. Roughly, this pointSize * factor is in Angstroms.
> By hansonr on 02/04/2017 07:26

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Re: [Jmol-users] ribbon thickness in jmol

2017-02-04 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi John


You have the width of the standard, flat, ribbons:
ribbons 0.4
ribbons 1.5
(meaning angstroms)

and if you want thick ribbons you need
set cartoonFancy on
set ribbonAspectRatio 12
set ribbonAspectRatio 4
(the lower the value, the ticker is the ribbon)

plus the above width

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Re: [Jmol-users] callback for minimize

2017-02-01 Thread Angel Herráez
Thank you, Rolf

Yes, it seems that although the callbacks can be targeted to a jmolscript, it 
does not allow to pick any parameters like it does in Javascript.

After all, even though I was developing in the Jmol aplication console, my 
target is a webpage, so I have "outsourced" the processing to a Javascript 
function that after checking the arguments returned by the callback, uses a 
Jmol script to return the proper action.

In case anyone is interested, this is my example

// webpage, with 2 JSmol panels named jmol1 and jmol2
// script in Jmol (within two otherwise different spt files called by the page):
set MinimizationCallback "jmolMinim";
set echo top center;
echo "initial message"
minimize steps 250; 

// Javascript in the page:
function jmolMinim() { //callback, reports starting / running / done 
  if (arguments[1]=='done') { 
 if (arguments[0]=='jmol1') {
Jmol.script(jmol1, 'echo "final message 1";') 
 } else if (arguments[0]=='jmol2') {
Jmol.script(jmol2, 'echo "final message 2";') 

The effect is that "initial message" is displayed until the minimization 
then it is replaced by a different message in each JSmol.

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Re: [Jmol-users] C-P bond not drawn

2017-01-30 Thread Angel Herráez
XYZ files do not include bond information, while MOL and MOL2 do.
So I guess your C--P distances are above what Jmol considers "bonded"
Maybe you can change the default value of

set bondTolerance (decimal)
"When autobonding, the value of bondTolerance is added to the two bond 
radii of atoms being tested for a bond. A larger bondTolerance allows atoms 
that are further apart than the sum of their listed radii to still be bonded. 
parameter should be adjusted prior to file loading for proper maintaining of 
the Jmol state."

Other possible ways to fix that:

{_P}.bondingRadius = 

set bondingVersion

data "element_vdw" 6 1.7; 7 1.8 END "element_vdw"

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[Jmol-users] callback for minimize

2017-01-30 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Jmolers

I'm trying to set an echo that will display after a minimization has finished.
I prefer not to apply single thread "using set useMinimizationThread false", 
so I thought I could us the callback,
but I am unable to make it work

Does anyone have a working example?

This is what I've tried, in the Jmol 14.6.4 application's console:

set echo top;
function mini(a,b,c,d,e,f) { if (b=='done') { echo "finished"; } }
set minimizationCallback "jmolscript:mini";
minimize steps 30;

The minimization runs but there is no reporting.

Or "print" instead of "echo" -- no diference

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Re: [Jmol-users] Color maps for bonds

2017-01-19 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Max

Have you explored the "connect" command?

>From your last description, I think that might do what you want.
It's easy to select atom pairs by distance, and then you could "reconnect" 
them and apply color and thickness of bond

 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

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Re: [Jmol-users] Color maps for bonds

2017-01-17 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Max

Two issues here. One is the way to achive this in Jmol scripting. The other is 
to specify what you are expecting to achieve, i.e. which is your criteria of 
bond ordering + coloring.

Atoms are indexed as the file is read, and so there is no issue: they receive a 
sequential number and you can refer to it. They also have many properties 
associated to each atom.

Bonds, on the one hand, have no properties attached to them except 
thickness and color. On the other hand, it is not so easy to define their 
ordering and indexing. Among other things, each bond "belongs" to 2 atoms 
and each atom "has" several bonds, so what should their index/order be?
(We recently experienced a case: the same protein, when read from a pdb 
file and when read from a cif file, has the same atom indexing in Jmol but 
different bond indexing)

I believe that yes, most probably you can iterate or loop over the bonds 
collection and assign a color to each bond, read from your data file. But still 
the question is in which order those bonds will come, every time you have a 
new file.
What are you expecting in this regard when you define your color-data file?

> Good question. Since in the case of coloring atoms by the partial charge I 
> don't need to specify 
> the atoms, i.e, I think there is a direct correspondence of each line of the 
> file for each atom in the 
> respective ordering, 


> I thought that in the case of bonds we would have the same kind of 
> correspondence. 

NOT THE SAME (see above)

> I have checked in the manual that specific bonds can be selected by the 
> command "select[{i}]" or 
> a set of bonds could be attributed to a variable by "x = {atomno < 30}.bonds" 

Right, but that x will be a collection of bonds -- in which order, is difficult 

> and I could change 
> the color of the selected bonds to red, for example. 

That would mean all bonds attached to that atom get the same red color.
But each bond will also be attached to another atom, then which is the last 
color applied to it?

So, in summary, I believe some of these "philosophical" or "logical" questions 
need to be answered before trying to find Jmol commands to do what you 

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Re: [Jmol-users] use of select bonds

2017-01-14 Thread Angel Herráez
Yes, that seems to be our issue. So we need to redo the state scripts.

On 13 Jan 2017 at 18:07, Robert Hanson wrote:

Ah, yes! bonds are indexed COMPLETELY differently -- and are not even the same 
set of
bonds -- in PDB, mmCIF, and MMTF.

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Re: [Jmol-users] use of select bonds

2017-01-13 Thread Angel Herráez
Thank you, Matt

Further testing indicates that he command itself is working as it used to be. 
Suspicion is now on a possible change in the way bonds are indexed, 
between old PDB files and recent mmCIF files
(this is in Proteopedia which changed the source of files last year)

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[Jmol-users] use of select bonds

2017-01-13 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi all

I am not familiar with the use of "select bonds" command, so I am asking 

We have somewhat old state scripts (saved in Proteopedia scenes)  that 
were generated by an older version of Jmol (# Jmol state version 11.8.24  
2010-04-26 08:00;).

Right now, Jmol 14.6.0 fails to select the bonds and render their thickness 
and color.
The commands in state are of this type:

select BONDS ({5 16 27});

Q: Has this syntax changed, or is it broken?

I've just tried Jmol app 14.6.4 and don't know how to select bonds, my 
simple test is failing

load $caffeine
select bonds ({2 3})

Should that work as such?

 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

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Re: [Jmol-users] Running Jmol in Linux command line

2016-12-19 Thread Angel Herráez

Sorry, I copied the wrong piece of code in my former reply. This is the correct

Hello, Huan 

You are in the right drection.

> Actually, I found a very brief introduction in Jmol Wiki website, where
listed some commands for loading PDB file and 
> running script in command line. However, I did not see any command for
saving data. 

Not specifically to save data, but it's the same method for any Jmol 
command or script.

> write ramachandran "OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"

That is a Jmol script
tells you can use

 Jmol.jar  fileName  -J script_commands  -s scriptFileName  -j 

So it's probably a question of quotes; please try this way:

Jmol.jar  PDB_FILE -J '
write ramachandran "OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"; '


Jmol.jar  PDB_FILE -J "
write ramachandran 'OUTPUT_FILE_NAME'; "

or, when the filemname is not conflictive (ie it does not use spaces or 
nonASCII characters) you can omit the quotes:

Jmol.jar  PDB_FILE -J "
write ramachandran OUTPUT_FILE_NAME; "

If that fails, or if it is more convenient for you, you can save the
script in a 
text file, e.g. named MYSCRIPT.TXT and then




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Re: [Jmol-users] Running Jmol in Linux command line

2016-12-19 Thread Angel Herráez
Hello, Huan 

You are in the right drection.

> Actually, I found a very brief introduction in Jmol Wiki website, where 
> listed some commands for loading PDB file and 
> running script in command line. However, I did not see any command for saving 
> data. 

Not specifically to save data, but it's the same method for any Jmol 
command or script.

> write ramachandran "OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"

That is a Jmol script
tells you can use

 Jmol.jar  fileName  -J script_commands  -s scriptFileName  -j 

So it's probably a question of quotes; please try this way:

Jmol.jar  PDB_FILE -J 'ramachandran "OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"; '


Jmol.jar  PDB_FILE -J "ramachandran 'OUTPUT_FILE_NAME'; "

or, when the filemname is not conflictive (ie it does not use spaces or 
nonASCII characters) you can omit the quotes:

Jmol.jar  PDB_FILE -J "ramachandran OUTPUT_FILE_NAME; "

If that fails, or if it is more convenient for you, you can save the script in 
text file, e.g. named MYSCRIPT.TXT and then



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Re: [Jmol-users] Interesting find -- Firefox speed doubling

2016-12-16 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob:

I am not seeing any difference based on one or several tabs, one or two 
Firefox windows. It is running at around 40 ms, most of the time actually 
below it occasionally reaching 50 ms

Firefox 50.1.0, Win10 Pro 64 bits, 
Intel Core i7-4790 @3.6 GHz

Chrome reports a similar speed (but the text in the tab is updated more 
slowly than in Firefox, so I can read all numbers before they go)

It's great you are bringing those simulations into HTML5!

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Re: [Jmol-users] error in loading package.js

2016-12-12 Thread Angel Herráez
Pino, I also see the same error. So this is not a cache issue (my first 

I do not think it has anythng to do with the "load" command, it is previous to 
building the JSmol object.

On the other hand, the error may not be exactly in that js file it mentions; in 
my experience the error reports from the JSmol library are often not precise.

I don't know anything about permalinks

With a page this complex, it is hard to track. Can you have some simpler 
page for testing?  Or try a test again with the previous Jmol version

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Re: [Jmol-users] Loading zip files with multiple coordinate files

2016-12-06 Thread Angel Herráez
There's always some way with Jmol ;-)
Please try this:

xx = load("");
for (i=1;i<=xx.lines.length;i++) { load append "" manifest 
@{xx.lines[i]} }

That may be easily put in a function that takes the file name as argument, if 
more convenient.

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Re: [Jmol-users] Loading zip files with multiple coordinate files

2016-12-06 Thread Angel Herráez
Yes, a zipfile made of PDB files fails to load for me too in 14.6.4
It works with files in other formats.

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Re: [Jmol-users] Loading zip files with multiple coordinate files

2016-12-06 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob,

Well, Jmol does exactly that! When I load a manually created zipfile with 3
files into Jmol 14.6.4_2016.10.02, it loads the 3 molecules in 3 frames.

Additionally, the documentation suggests it will do so, since options are there
to exclude some files or to ignore the manifest:

Sample file at
You can try
from the console

 I'm pretty sure Jmol never went through a ZIP file and looked for files to 
read. It would have
to test each one, and I don't recall that being an option.

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Re: [Jmol-users] Loading zip files with multiple coordinate files

2016-12-05 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Doug

Have you tried to add a manifest to your zip file?

According to
that allows to instruct Jmol to load several files within the zip

On the other hand, a quick test I made a zip file with 3 files and without  
more precautions Jmol 14.6.4_2016.10.02 loads the 3 molecules in 3 frames 
as you wish. So maybe there is some problem with your zipfile?

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[Jmol-users] PubChem server is moving to httpS

2016-11-09 Thread Angel Herráez
Will this affect Jmol functionality?
e.g. loading files from PubChem

"NCBI will begin redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS on Thursday, 
November 10 at 9 AM EST (2 PM UTC)"

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Re: [Jmol-users] Can anybody reproduce this issue for me...

2016-11-09 Thread Angel Herráez
For the record:

This has been fixed for the next release, per  revision [r21288]

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Re: [Jmol-users] Can anybody reproduce this issue for me...

2016-11-01 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Jonathan

#2 confirmed, with 14.6.4_2016.10.02:

load $caffeine
getproperty moleculeinfo // reports moleculeinfo[1].nElements   4
load $caffeine
getproperty moleculeinfo // reports moleculeinfo[1].nElements   8
...and so forth. Every new load increases that by 4 -- cumulative

initiliaze does nothing, but zap resets the count

#1 I don't see it - - e.g. 13 frames in this:
getproperty moleculeinfo
frame next
getproperty moleculeinfo
frame next
getproperty moleculeinfo
frame last
getproperty moleculeinfo
// no strange reports

No issues either with this 7-frame file:

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Re: [Jmol-users] Regarding usage of POV-ray

2016-10-26 Thread Angel Herráez

I can confirm what Kuntal was reporting, and also with a different model

So there is a bug
 in PovRay export from Jmol 14.6.4_2016.10.21
Atoms are rendered much bigger. Bonds seem unaffected.

See example:

PNGJ made by Jmol (alanine from NCI):

PNG produced after PovRay:

intermediate files:


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    File information ---
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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Regarding usage of POV-ray

2016-10-26 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Kuntal

That should not happen.
Please provide details:

- version of Jmol you are using
- the Jmol state of you model as you want it rendered -- you can save that 
usingwrite state "filename.spt"and send us the file, so we can test the 
PovRay export

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Fwd: JSMol change viewer size

2016-10-20 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Thomas

Probably the easiest way:

1.- Define you Info variable with

2.- Wrap your source JSmol, as well as your target JSmol, in a DIV and set 
their size via CSS.

JSmol will always fit the wrapper div, which you can easily resize via css and 

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] JSmol submenus not working in iOS

2016-10-20 Thread Angel Herráez
> The text field would be a solution but a functional menu would be better.

The menu is managed by jQuery-UI
so the fix should come from there. I guess there is some mobile-friendly 

Jmol users
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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] export to VRML and X3D

2016-10-03 Thread Angel Herráez
Re: revised VRML output and new STL output

Congratulations, Bob

I understand this means a change in the VRML output starting with this 
version. Something worthy to make a note, just in case.

Question:  what is the status of the X3D export?  As far as I remember it was 
written by matching the VRML export to X3D syntax. Should it  be modiified 
too to avoid spheres etc., or left as is?  Anyone has an opinion?

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] JSMOL load inline function

2016-09-26 Thread Angel Herráez
Glad you solved it

As far as I remember, the pipe character serves the same as your \n

Inline loading is  always tricky!

On 26 Sep 2016 at 12:49, Matthew Kennedy wrote:

Thank you Angel, in the end, it appears the issue was that it needs to print 
out the literal \n's 
in the script line. So the following worked for me: 

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] JSMOL load inline function

2016-09-26 Thread Angel Herráez

You may also need a space between the pipe and the element symbol, so it 

> that lacks newline characters apparently. Jmol needs either those  or 
> vertical 
> lines (the 'pipe' character, | ) Try inserting a pipe before each new line·

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] JSMOL load inline function

2016-09-26 Thread Angel Herráez
that lacks newline characters apparently. Jmol needs either those  or vertical 
lines (the 'pipe' character, | ) Try inserting a pipe before each new line·
 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] JSMOL load inline function

2016-09-26 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Mathew

Possible sources of trouble (just a guess)
- quotes (particularly when they get nested)
- line breaks

all that related to Javascript handling of your text string

If you could provide a sample as plain text of what the php variable outputs., 
it would help diagnosis.

Another idea: write the output first to a , then load that value into 
JSmol (the browser will parse with less confilcts what is in the textarea in 
order to pass it along)

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Potential bug in reading xyz files

2016-09-26 Thread Angel Herráez

OK, I will ammend the wiki to clarify the issue.

But, important: Peter, has this behaviour changed across Jmol versions?
It is one thing that Jmol identifies or not the format, as Bob has explained; 
is another if there has been a change in behaviour.


Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] deferUncover not working

2016-09-13 Thread Angel Herráez
Thanks, Bob
Sorry for the complaint. It seems I was misunderstanding the use of 

> Q: Does work for you?
> Q: How do these differ from ?

They work the same, yes.

So I was expecting the cover image to stay until I clicked, but instead what 
happens (by design) is that the image disappears as soon as the model is 

I guess I was confused probably because of the wording in coverScript and 
makeLiveImage, see 

Forget it!

Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] failure to use deferApplet with defaultModel

2016-09-12 Thread Angel Herráez
There seems to be a bug when using Info.defaultModel together with 

A basic page with the code below
1. displays the image
2. on click, loads JSmol, the loading echo and then the model
3. the model disappears and the loading echo is displayed again

History in the console matches that: 
zap;set echo middle center;echo Retrieving data...
load async "=1crn";;zap;set echo middle center;echo Retrieving data...

var Info = {
defaultModel: "=1crn",
deferApplet: true,
coverImage: "some.png", 
color: 'white'

JSmol 14.6.1_2016.07.11

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] deferUncover not working

2016-09-12 Thread Angel Herráez

Another problem that looks like a bug:

I am unable to use   deferUncover: true,
it has no effect at all, the model loads straight after the image without any 
This happens both with defaultModel and with a local model loaded via 

var Info = {
   defaultModel: "=1crn",
   deferUncover: true,
   coverImage: "some.png", 
   color: 'white'

JSmol 14.6.1_2016.07.11

var Info = {
   script: "load =1crn",
   deferUncover: true,
   coverImage: "some.png", 
   color: 'white'


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Load JSmol from external host

2016-09-10 Thread Angel Herráez
I am surprised. As far as I know, the jsmol.php is only used for loading 
models in binary format (and only for some browsers), not for used to load 
the javascript making the page .

Have you tried loading a plain MOL file, for example, or a file from NCI 
CACTUS using "load $aspirin" ?  That would clarify the issue

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Molecule Portrait Maker - Photo-realistic images from JSmol

2016-09-08 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Chris
Nice product idea

When you say it's free, do you mean I can get a final quality image? The 
interface just says "order" -- will one place an order and get the image 
without paying while this is in beta?
I was missing some real samples. 

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] JSmol in Institutional Repositories?

2016-08-26 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Vin

Can you explain more what you are after?
I know Dspace only as something related to libraries, either a way to store 
references or full articles (not sure now)

JSmol files are stored in any server that is holding webpages with models. 
What kind of application or use are you thinking of?

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] can't resize molecule in Jsmol window

2016-08-18 Thread Angel Herráez

Please see attached template page.

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    File information ---
 File:  resizable_Jmol-F_1.2.htm
 Date:  18 Aug 2016, 16:58
 Size:  3479 bytes.
 Type:  HTML-text
Title: Dynamically resized Jmol

		Here goes your body text

		Here goes your body text

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] can't resize molecule in Jsmol window

2016-08-18 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Henry
Apart from sorting out your missing css file, this is my advice:

1.- You probably should get rid of your frames (although I have always been 
an advocate of frames when they provide functionality) Additionally, your 
frames definitions have inconsistencies: 69%, 65% 65% -- I do not see the 

2.- For heights to work properly in % you must make sure that both your html 
tag and body tag have their css height:100%

3.- You might try my template at
You would need version 1.1 adapted as in the old "template F" -- I can help if 
you like it

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] "Augmented Reality":

2016-08-15 Thread Angel Herráez
I have had a little practice using Augmented Reality using a downloadable
piece of software --by Colin Berry-- and molecular models exported (VRML)
from Jmol:

You need to run the software in the computer you want to use (Win / Mac),
and do a little text editing on the config files. The models look very crisp;
rotation is limited by its visibility of the marker card from the camera.
Spacefill, ball and stick, cartoons, molecular surface work fine.

Apart from being fashionable, I do not expect that any such viewer will match
what can be done with JSmol embedded in a page.
I don't quite see what's the role of AR there. You can see the structure within
the web page before accessing the AR page where your webcam is
activated and, I guess, for this to work you need to have printed the card with
the symbol-marker-QR for the model you choose.

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Jsmol in GWT

2016-07-28 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Tom

All looks good, but I am not familiar with the GWT environment. There might 
be some confilct.

One question: When are you calling that code? Is the "myContainer" node 
already created?

The error is not helpful, but you could try defining the variable at the 
beginning (head section)  as 

var myJmol = "myJmol"

and later do this

var applet = Jmol.getAppletHtml(myJmol, Info);

and see it that helps.

Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Write 2 PDB models?

2016-07-24 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob, that makes sense. I did not realize.
Additional problem is that saved pdf file (with 1st model empty) cannot be 
loaded back into Jmol, it hangs with the spinning cursor forever.

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Write 2 PDB models?

2016-07-22 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Eric

I agree it's a bug. I wuld xpect

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Write 2 PDB models?

2016-07-22 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Eric
I agree it's a bug. I would expect both models to be saved, and the doc says
"Only the currently selected atoms are saved."
If you save to SDF it works as expected.

The fact that the file has MODEL ENDMDL means that Jmol is indeed 
intending to save both.

So for proteins, you could instead use
  write test.jmol
which works fine. Of course, that's a binary file (may be an issue if you want 
to work with local webpages).

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Rapamycin

2016-07-19 Thread Angel Herráez
Sorry, something was preventing models from loading --only in some 

I have changed to a newer Jmol version (14.6).
Please force reload of the page and it should work now

> > a little fun:  browse rapamycin structures at PDB:
> > 
> >
> > 

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Rapamycin

2016-07-19 Thread Angel Herráez
a little fun:  browse rapamycin structures at PDB:

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Rapamycin

2016-07-19 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Phil

Going to PubChem, Compound Summary for CID 5284616
has a "download" menu that offers no 3D structure but says "Protein-bound 
3D structures" -- their format are not helpful, but you can search in PDB for 
rapamycin and will find this ligand as RAP

Hence, Jmol console
 load ==RAP
and you have it!

Of course, you can browse the different proteins to check the actual "real" 
3D structure they bind

 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

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patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Capture PNGJ file as a variable

2016-07-15 Thread Angel Herráez
El 14 Jul 2016 a las 12:13, Robert Hanson escribió:
> Note that by putting a PNGJ file into a variable you can
> -- extract or exchange the image

So a question would be, 
How to apply that extracted image in the page, e.g. as the source of an 
 tag created dynamically in Javascript?

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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Install problem on windows 10

2016-07-14 Thread Angel Herráez
The question is
Does Windows 10 on a Surface Pro 4 support Java?

(I have no idea)

El 14 Jul 2016 a las 8:19, Matthew Staab escribió:

> Can Jmol be installed on a surface pro 4 running windows 10?  I have been 
> unable to do so. 


 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Capture PNGJ file as a variable

2016-07-14 Thread Angel Herráez
Chirs, please hav a look at "getProperty image"

It's only defined as JPEG but does the trick
 Dr. Angel Herráez
 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
 Dept. of Systems Biology, University of Alcalá
 E-28871 Alcalá de Henares  (Madrid), Spain

What NetFlow Analyzer can do for you? Monitors network bandwidth and traffic
patterns at an interface-level. Reveals which users, apps, and protocols are 
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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Capture PNGJ file as a variable

2016-07-14 Thread Angel Herráez
Chris, the problem is possibly that PNG data is binary, while X3D data is text

I am not sure you can put binary data in a javascript variable. So the 
limitation might be in the js side rather than the Jmol side.

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Jmol-users mailing list

[Jmol-users] shortcut for Jmol Scripting Documentation page

2016-07-11 Thread Angel Herráez

Dear Jmol users
I have defined a shortcut link to Jmol Scripting Doc, for convenience:

leads to the Jmol Scripting Documentation page at StOlaf

Feel free to use and share it if you wish


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Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Use of variable in a call to getProperty

2016-07-08 Thread Angel Herráez
The question is... where to locate it?

Goes to the to-do list. Suggestions or actual page edition are welcome

On 8 Jul 2016 at 9:59, Robert Hanson wrote:

Might be a nice addition to the Wiki.

Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] page-developer request - Jmol Unplugged

2016-06-28 Thread Angel Herráez
Dear Bob

I will likely  get involved on this.
For now, just two quick comments that popped up:

I have had big trouble running my pages locally since I moved to JSmol. That 
may be due to them being old and ellaborate, with a combination of folders, 
pdb or mol files, scripts, common JS files... across folders that I've never 
been able to figure out which is the key of the problem. I just gave up and 
resort to either online or local webserver when needed --not that I am happy 
with that
So any contribution from my side will need reserach and possibly relocation

Proteopedia has a similar feature in the sense that any Poteopedia page can 
be packed for download and should run offline - the download includes all 
components including JSmol and j2s files -- This can be a reference for 
hosting or methods of delivery.

Giving away:  Creative Commons licences do a decent job at that - you can 
pick the conditions you prefer for sharing

Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] resolution of JPG images

2016-06-28 Thread Angel Herráez
Hi Rick
a few comments:

1. I can recommend that you try PovRay output. It is PNG, transparent 
background and much better look. You don't need to learn how to use 
PovRay, producing the images is straightforward. You have to install 
PovRay, export to PovRay format from Jmol and then save from PovRay to 

2. I do not think that JPG may have transparent bacground; it would be white 
maybe. And as Bob says, the quality is always worse -- the only advantage is 
smaller files, at the cost of quality loss.

3. Given the way Jmol works for rendering I believe a vector format is not 
possible. VRML is possibly the closest to that idea, as it is made of 
but it is not practical for image production.

Do try PovRay with eg 1000 px size, you will be surprised!

I have a not particularly brilliant example at

Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
Jmol-users mailing list

Re: [Jmol-users] Export x3d problem.

2016-06-27 Thread Angel Herráez
> OK, this observation makes perfect sense. It turns out that when you use 
> cartoonsFancy (or 
> "cartoonFancy"; they both work, because I got so tired of not remembering 
> which it was...) a 
> variable doesn't get reset after the file is created (which is written OK, 
> right?) and then the screen 
> rendering dies after that at the point where it is drawing the fancy 
> cartoons. Jmol still works; it just 
> doesn't display anything after that point.

Well, that's what I was observing when the file was successfully exported.
But in some of those cases (in my hands and also in Chris reported 
problems) the x3d file is not correctly saved (it's very small with no useful 
data) or there is a network error and the file does not get saved at all.

Attend Shape: An AT Tech Expo July 15-16. Meet us at AT Park in San
Francisco, CA to explore cutting-edge tech and listen to tech luminaries
present their vision of the future. This family event has something for
everyone, including kids. Get more information and register today.
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