[jQuery] Re: jqGrid inline edit - cannot save or cancel if only one row

2008-09-04 Thread Tony

I do not think so.
This behavior is from a onSelectRow event.
In the example page it check for the current and last selected row.
If you have only one row this is really true. To overcome this we
should change a logic in
onSelectRow something like:
var last_selected_row;

onSelectRow : function(row_id){
   if(row_id != null) {
  if(row_id == last_selected_row) {
  // do here what you want
  } else {
 // do other things here or maybe edit it
 jQuery(...).editRow(row_id, true);

It is your chioce to do what you want.

Best Regards
On Sep 4, 1:46 am, Michael Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 jqGrid inline edit is working fine, unless there is only a single row 
 returned from the database. In that case, neither enter nor escape or 
 clicking elsewhere on the page will take that row out of edit mode.

 Any suggestions?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery search

2008-09-04 Thread Tony


You can do this with jqGrid.
In the example page you can check
Search big data set example


On Sep 3, 8:28 pm, Michael Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Take a look at the loading data demo:http://www.trirand.com/jqgrid/jqgrid.html

 You'll still need server side code to actually query the database. That's 
 described, along w/ a php sample here (under Tutorial: creating your first 


 The server side code can be adapted to pretty much any platform. I'm 
 currently using jqGrid with castle monorail.

 - Michael  

 - Original Message 
 To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:10:55 AM
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery search

 I don't think thats what i am looking for. I just look for seome code
 to search the database but shows the results without a refresh.

 On 3 sep, 18:41, Michael Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Have you tried jqGrid?



  - Original Message 
  To: jQuery (English) jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, September 3, 2008 9:35:16 AM
  Subject: [jQuery] jQuery search


  I am looking for a jquery plugin that will show the results of a
  search form without refreshing the page.

  So when someone press search it wont reload the site but will show the
  founded results.

  Any one now a plugin?

  Erwom- Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht niet weergeven -

  - Tekst uit oorspronkelijk bericht weergeven -

[jQuery] New Website in IE7

2008-09-04 Thread SiCo

The new website doesn't work at all (bar the homepage) in IE7, I think
it should! Basically the footer is forced to the middle of the page
and the white background doesn't show up making the site useless. I
would imagine it's a floats problem and IE not realising there is
still content.

What ever anyone's views on IE I do think for the sake of take up the
website should be cross browser.

Would be good to see it fixed.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-04 Thread Ca-Phun Ung

Guy Fraser wrote:

 I really don't think it will eat in to FF, Opera and Safari - eg, you're 
 not going to see Chrome running on Nintendo Wii, it's not going to be 
 the pre-installed browser on OS X and developers aren't going to give up 
 Firefox and all it's developer extensions over night.

I'm certainly not giving up my Firefox extensions over night but it is 
inevitable that some eating (how little it may be) will occur across the 
board. Let's hope it's not a significant chunk ;)

-- Ca-Phun Ung
+ http://yelotofu.com

[jQuery] best practices for scripts dir structure, etc.

2008-09-04 Thread Eric P


Are there any good practices for how to keep the jQuery scripts (core, ui, 
plugins, etc.) organized?

I currently have something like this.


I don't know what exactly makes sense and don't like what I've got so far since 
I'm using version numbers
inconsistently, both in filenames and dir names, or not at all.

Any tips would be great.

Eric P.

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin - Agile Carousel - Looking For FeedBack

2008-09-04 Thread Ed

Thanks for catching that, I now use css sprites for the hover state:

On Sep 3, 6:25 pm, Guy Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 MorningZ wrote:
  Looks like it still needs some work, as looking at the first demo page


 The nav bar could do with using sliding doors rollover technique to
 prevent buttons from disappearing while images load on mouse over.

 Looks like it would also be really useful for a slideshow plugin!


[jQuery] jQuery under Konqueror

2008-09-04 Thread Jan Koprowski

Hi !

   When I open jQuery homepage site under Konqueror i see something
like that:


   Even demo script doesn't work. Why ?

[jQuery] each() odd behavior

2008-09-04 Thread Rodrigo Paiva


I'm trying to make external links open in a new window but the each()
seems a little strange.

Am I missing something in the code below?
Because this gets the href attribute of the element, instead of
getting the current element itself.
The strangest of it all is when I run this snippet right into
firebug's console, it works! And when I place it into my jQuery scope,
it doesn't.

return false;

[jQuery] Re: How to retrieve jQuery.query?

2008-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is allready such an attribute
try this:

$(#myID .MyClass mychildren).myfunction() {
  console.log(this.selector); // #myID .MyClass mychildren

On 4 Sep., 01:19, Tzury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just released a new version of the HotKeys plug in which was the
 reason I needed this new .query property
 see more athttp://code.google.com/p/js-hotkeys/wiki/about

 Thank you all,

 On Sep 1, 3:46 pm, Ariel Flesler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  prevObject is internal, you don't need to know about it. Just use
  end() instead.

  Ariel Fleslerhttp://flesler.blogspot.com/

  On Sep 1, 9:19 am, Tzury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

jQuery.fn.find=function( selector ) {
  this.query=selector;  //this is the only line you have to modify

  var elems = jQuery.map(this, function(elem){
    return jQuery.find( selector, elem );
  return this.pushStack( /[^+] [^+]/.test( selector ) ||
selector.indexOf(..)  -1 ?
    jQuery.unique( elems ) : elems );


Now you can get the query string:
$('body .class').prevObject.query  //-'body .class'
$('body').find('.class').prevObject.prevObject.query  //-'body'
$('#id').prevObject.query  //-undefined
$().find('#id').prevObject.query  //-'#id'

   here is the final tweak,
   (after adding this modified find method)

   query = (this.prevObject  this.prevObject.query) || this[0];

   I strongly believe that such property should be added to the main
   distro of jQuery.
   After all, the idea of find-and-modify approach - one of jQuery

[jQuery] Can I generate an XML using jQuery, from a text?

2008-09-04 Thread Luca

Hi all ist.

I'm in trouble with a strange MSIE problem that seems present only in IE6 SP3.

I've a javascript code using AJAX (not jQuery) that return base
XMLHttpRequest operation result. The .responseText is returning an XML
in text format. The responseXML seems inusable.

I wanna try to fix this using jQuery, but I'm not able to generate a
jQuery object from a plain text XML. All the $(...).html(...)
works only for HTML source as I read in documentation.

There's a way to do this?

Thanks in advance

-- luca

[jQuery] jquery file upload with form plugin

2008-09-04 Thread Pankaj

   Trying to upload file with jquery form plugin ,  file was
uploading but i was not getting json response still i have set frame
parameter as true in ajax submit request options.
   please suggest

Thanks in advance.

[jQuery] .hide() problem in ie6 - ie7

2008-09-04 Thread Roland

hi all.

i have a problem with jquery hide function in internet explorer.
the animation itself works fine but in ie after the animation the div
jump down again just for less the 1 second.

has someone an idea to solve the problem.

thanx roland

[jQuery] Re: need help with opacity

2008-09-04 Thread Cybernoxa

In addition to my previous words:
every element which is within other element which has opacity lower
then 1 will inherit its parent's opacity.

For example if you place paragraph in div with opacity: 0.7, the
paragraph will have the same (even if you give him opacity: 1)

The solutions from Turbodurso are OK, but I do not use JS for IE, I'm
quite sure we can ignore IE 5, just focus on IE6 and higher

So lets say this is the code:

div id=transpBg
pSome text/p

normal css (even for IE 6)
#transpBg { background: transparent url(transp.png); }

css for ie 6 (in special stylesheet or star hack)
#transpBg {
background: none !important; /* necessary */
/* check dependences between sizing method and how it shows pics */
z-index: 1;
/* has Layout fix - there are some ways to do it this is one of them

But I'm sure you know it now, just wanted to help in case if you
don't :)

[jQuery] Re: Change link dependant on select box.

2008-09-04 Thread Robert Rawlins

Morning Morningz,

 Why wouldn't you just have

 select name=customer id=customer
 option value=50ccdae0-79bf-11dd-ad8b-0800200c9a66Joe
 option value=9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849Dave

 a id=CompanyLink/a

 script type=text/javascript
 $(document).ready(function() {
 function SetLink() {
var obj = document.getElementById(#customer);
obj = obj.options[obj.selectedIndex];
 .attr(href, '/view_customer_company.cfm?company_id='
 + obj.value)
 .html('View ' + obj.text + ' Company');

 deeming the key/value lookup unnecessary?

The reason I can't do this is because the
9c335820-d878-4db3-b90a-728046cb8849 isn't the ID of the customer which is
ultimately what I need when I submit the form, so this has to stay as the
numeric ID value. The link which changes is just a usability thing to allow
my users to quickly check the background of the customer before they submit
the form, but to check the background I need their company_id, which is why
we need the key:value pair.

Is the key:value pair complicated to implement into your above example? I
understand the code you've provided but wouldn't really know where to start
enhancing it.

Thanks for your advice mate, I appreciate it.


[jQuery] Re: Change link dependant on select box.

2008-09-04 Thread Robert Rawlins


As another little note, I was testing your example code this morning but I
get an 'Object Required' error thrown by it, any ideas what might be causing
this? I definitely have the HTML elements with the correct ID's present on
the page, any other thoughts?

Don't worry about the key:value pair side of things as I can probably solve
that little challenge with some Server Side scripting which will be more

If we can get the error resolved the example you've given should give me
exactly what I need :-)



[jQuery] Re: Wait Ajax end request before continue

2008-09-04 Thread Bleys

Ok, thank you for your help :)

I've found a better way to do what I wanted.

[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-04 Thread Isaak Malik
The Google browser will undoubtedly become very popular amongst the Google
users and as web designers it's our job to make websites compatible with
every recent browser. However, as Google mentions themselves, if your
website is compatible with Safari 3 it should autmatically also be
compatible with the current Chrome version.

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:21 AM, Aaron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wouldn't use this browser myself since their is no need since we
 already goti IE7 and firefox as a popular web browser.

 Would this give us more headaches as a web designer???  I mean we know
 that IE was trouble it different ways.

 If we have google coming into the game and they get popular we will
 now have to worry about our websites showing properly with each
 popular web browser.

 I would like to know if they have any assistance that would help the
 display resolution program we have when making websites.

 I hope future web browsers would do this for us that we just need to
 make one website layout and the browser would resize our website to
 fit the clients resolution.

Isaak Malik
Web Developer

[jQuery] Re: data cache and tag attributes

2008-09-04 Thread Paul Carey

I explored this in a little more detail (specifically, adding non
standard attributes to HTML markup), and wrote up my thoughts.


On Sep 2, 8:33 am, Paul Carey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Very helpful, thanks for the response.

 On Aug 28, 12:16 pm, Richard D. Worth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Some downsides to using expandos (arbitrary attribute key/value pairs on

  1) possible memory leaks
  2) keyname choice is limited because of built in attributes/properties
  3) have to be careful about what you stick in there (see 1). Best to stick
  with simple values, ints and strings

  jQuery solves these by putting at most 1expandoon each element. The value
  is an int, so it's safe from memory leaks. The attribute key is prefixed
  with 'jquery' so there's no naming collision. Then the object store/cacheis
  completely external to the DOMElement itself. It's as easy to use as
  .attr(); just substitute .data().

  - Richard

[jQuery] linking to areas within a page that uses accordeon

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Schwarz


I'm using both accordeon and tab navigation on a portal. Is ist
possible lo link to various areas of a page from within that page.
It does work from another document - sort of deep-linking into a
document - like this:

  Go to div id=tabContent-03 and open expansion/accordeon accordingly

It does not work from within that page, say a link from within
#tabcontent-01 to #tabcontent-03:

a href=tabContent-03
  From somewhere within div id=tabcontent-01: Go to div id=tabContent-03 
and open expansion/accordeon accordingly

This is what an author would want to do while editing such a
Any ideas?

Mike Schwoortz

[jQuery] jqModal - loading div on ajax

2008-09-04 Thread domengph

Hi. I'm sending an Ajax Request via jqModal and I'm trying to display a
Loading...please wait div while waiting for the requested page to load. On
my main page, I have:

div class=jqmWindow id=request-load
Please Wait...

My javascript includes:

$(document).ready(function() {
// Ajax call on a modal box for request schedule from dashboard widget
trigger:'a#request-schedule', modal:true, onLoad:requestScheduleForm});

As what I've read in the docs, the div#request-load should be visible upon
clicking the trigger but it doesn't. I already tried using ajaxText
paramater, but it displays on the main page with the overlay already on top,
so it's not really noticable. Is there something I've missed? thank you very
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: best practices for scripts dir structure, etc.

2008-09-04 Thread Richard D. Worth
Here's one way to go:


Using version numbers can be a real pain. I don't find that it's worth it.
Great for dev/code repos. Not great for prod.

- Richard

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:23 AM, Eric P [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Are there any good practices for how to keep the jQuery scripts (core, ui,
 plugins, etc.) organized?

 I currently have something like this.


 I don't know what exactly makes sense and don't like what I've got so far
 since I'm using version numbers
 inconsistently, both in filenames and dir names, or not at all.

 Any tips would be great.

 Eric P.

[jQuery] Re: jquery ui demo site

2008-09-04 Thread Richard D. Worth
Looks like Paul plans to release it as a jQuery UI plugin in the future:


- Richard

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 6:36 PM, Carl Von Stetten [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:


 While there is no plugin for the UI demo, you can download the
 javascript file that makes it work.  It does use jQuery and UI to work.
 If you view source on the demo page, you can examine the scripts being
 loaded.  The file you are interested in is Behaviour.js.


  Dear sir please search on google ImageFlow you could find some Plugin
  I'm afraid to say there is no JQery Plugin on this matter
  On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:36 AM, Bhaarat Sharma [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am wondering whether jquery ui demo site is written in jquery
  be ironic if its not )
  it looks very appealing how they have things going in a semi-circle.
  I am wondering if this is doable via jquery? and if soare there
  any plugs to achieve this or anything similar w/ tutorial?

[jQuery] jCarousel - Last entry not showing

2008-09-04 Thread Martin Penev

Hi jan Sorgella,

Our company has used the jCarousel for the Swiss newspaper called
Coopzeitung and we have a little problem with it, when showing with

Please go on http://www.coopzeitung.ch/ with Safari and you'll see
your jCarousel on the first page. Scroll to the last item and you'll
see, that it is completely empty.

What's the problem here? Did I do something wrong?

Please respond as soon as possible. It's urgent. Thanks!

[jQuery] jqgrid + json search example

2008-09-04 Thread drlinux

Hi boys,
I'm trying to code some app. with jquery and jqgrid. Most of the app.
is finished except search function. I can't get the datas from server
when I want to search in my grids.
Can anyone help me?
Many thanks
King Regards
Ps: I read the documentation. But i think i've problems with my JSON
data. Who can explain me?
My js file:


function pickdates(id){


var lastsel;



   datatype: json,

  colNames:['Id','Havuz','Tarih', 'Giren',


 {name:'id',index:'id', width:40, align:center},

 {name:'havuz',index:'havuz', width:90, align:center,

 {name:'tarih',index:'tarih', width:90, align:center,
editable:true, sorttype:date},

 {name:'giren',index:'giren', width:90, align:center,

 {name:'cikan',index:'cikan', width:90, align:center,

 {name:'ortalama',index:'ortalama', width:90,

 {name:'aciklama',index:'aciklama', width:250, align:center,




  imgpath: 'themes/sand/images',

  pager: jQuery('#prowed3'),

  sortname: 'id',

viewrecords: true,

sortorder: desc,

   height: 363,


   caption: Balık Hareket Tablosu Düzenleme

}).navGrid('#prowed3', {}, //options

{editCaption: Kayıt Düzenle, bSubmit: Kaydet, bCancel: Vazgeç,
processData: Kaydediyor..., url:duzenle.php, onInitializeForm:
function(formid) {


}}, // edit options

{addCaption: Kayıt Ekle, bSubmit: Kaydet, bCancel: Vazgeç,
processData: Kaydediyor..., url:ekle.php, onInitializeForm:
function(formid) {


}}, // add options

{delCaption: Kayıt Sil, bSubmit: Evet, bCancel: Hayır,
processData: Siliniyor..., url:sil.php,

msg:Seçili Kaydın Silinmesini Onaylıyor musunuz?}, // del options

{sopt:['cn','bw','eq','ne','lt','gt','ew'], url:arama.php?q=1} //
search options



My Json data file:




// coment the above lines if php 5


$json = new Services_JSON();

// end comment

$examp = $_REQUEST[q]; //query number

$page = $_REQUEST['page']; // get the requested page

$limit = $_REQUEST['rows']; // get how many rows we want to have into
the grid

$sidx = $_REQUEST['sidx']; // get index row - i.e. user click to sort

$sord = $_REQUEST['sord']; // get the direction

if(!$sidx) $sidx =1;

// search options


// this type of constructing is not recommendet

// it is only for demonstration


$wh = ;

$searchOn = Strip($_REQUEST['_search']);

if($searchOn=='true') {

   $fld = Strip($_REQUEST['searchField']);

   if( $fld=='id' || $fld =='tarih' || $fld=='havuz' || $fld=='giren'
|| $fld=='cikan' || $fld=='ortalama' || $fld=='aciklama' ) {

  $fldata = Strip($_REQUEST['searchString']);

  $foper = Strip($_REQUEST['searchOper']);

  // costruct where

  $wh .=  AND .$fld;

  switch ($foper) {

 case bw:

$fldata .= %;

$wh .=  LIKE '.$fldata.';


 case eq:

if(is_numeric($fldata)) {

   $wh .=  = .$fldata;

} else {

   $wh .=  = '.$fldata.';



 case ne:

if(is_numeric($fldata)) {

   $wh .=   .$fldata;

} else {

   $wh .=   '.$fldata.';



 case lt:

if(is_numeric($fldata)) {

   $wh .=   .$fldata;

} else {

   $wh .=   '.$fldata.';



 case le:

if(is_numeric($fldata)) {

   $wh .=  = .$fldata;

} else {

   $wh .=  = '.$fldata.';



 case gt:

if(is_numeric($fldata)) {

   $wh .=   .$fldata;

} else {

   $wh .=   '.$fldata.';



 case ge:

if(is_numeric($fldata)) {

   $wh .=  = .$fldata;

} else {

   $wh .=  = '.$fldata.';



 case ew:

$wh .=  LIKE '%.$fldata.';


 case ew:

$wh .=  LIKE '%.$fldata.%';


 default :

$wh = ;




//echo $fld. : .$wh;

// connect to the database

$db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpassword)

or die(Connection Error:  . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db($database) or die(Error conecting to db.);


[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-04 Thread Erik Beeson

 However, as Google mentions themselves, if your website is compatible with
 Safari 3 it should autmatically also be compatible with the current Chrome

Sort of. It's not an issues of a new renderer to support (WebKit, same as
Safari/Android), it's an issue of a new JavaScript engine to support (V8),
which is a real concern as the jQuery test suite apparently fails a couple
of tests on Chrome.


[jQuery] Coverflow

2008-09-04 Thread Erik Beeson
No association with jQuery, but here's a nice JavaScript coverflow effect
that I thought people might like:

It mucks around with extending builtin objects, which is bad form to us
jQuerians, but it's a nice effect.


[jQuery] form plugin and a progress bar

2008-09-04 Thread andrea varnier

Hi :)
what I am trying to do is a file-upload form that uses ajax (and so
I'm using the form plugin) and that shows a progress bar while
I've tried many solutions that I found over the internet but none
seemed to work.
possibly I am making mistakes somewhere in the process.
question is: is there a way to get the data I need? (i.e.: the
temporary file size)
the server is running php 5.1

could anyone please help me?

for example, see this:
the form seem to do what I need.
can this be used along with the form plugin?
maybe I'm asking a silly question, but I've tried so many times and I
don't really know what to do... :/

thank you in advance

[jQuery] Re: jquery file upload with form plugin

2008-09-04 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

Pankaj ha scritto:

   Trying to upload file with jquery form plugin ,  file was
uploading but i was not getting json response still i have set frame
parameter as true in ajax submit request options.
   please suggest

Thanks in advance.


Try posting some code :-)

gianiaz.net - web solutions
p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: best practices for scripts dir structure, etc.

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

my 2 cents:

using versions is very handy when you want to incorporate the latest
version on a new page in your project, but don't want to go back and
regression test all the other pages in the application

i've got structure like:
- /jquery/
   - jquery.js
   - jquery.pack.js
   ..etc etc..
   - jquery.js
   - jquery.pack.js

[jQuery] Re: Change link dependant on select box.

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

that example above was totally off the top of my head to try to point
you the way

i do quickly see one issue with it though

   var obj = document.getElementById(#customer);

should not have the # sign

   var obj = document.getElementById(customer);

[jQuery] Look for validation plugin option

2008-09-04 Thread altern

How can I point the element in which validation error is shown? I have
specific validation form that consists of many radio buttons.
Vaidation error is shown near the first radio button that have the
same 'name' attribute. Problem is that I do not want to have error
near the first radio element, but near the last or in another 'td'
element. All radio buttons are in separate td element and are
grouped into table row. Example:
tdquestion 1/td -- I want error to be shown here
tdAinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=A/
/td -- error is shown here
tdBinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=B/
tdCinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=C/
tdDinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=D/

'ErrorLabelContainer' option does not work. It causes great bunch of
errors to be shown in one element and it looks like 'This field is
required. This field is required. This field is required. This field
is required...'

Any thoughts are appreciated

[jQuery] Re: How to retrieve jQuery.query?

2008-09-04 Thread Tzury

On Sep 4, 10:01 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 There is allready such an attribute
 try this:

 $(#myID .MyClass mychildren).myfunction() {
   console.log(this.selector); // #myID .MyClass mychildren


$.fn.ShowSelector = function () { return this.selector; }

yields undefined

[jQuery] how to post to 2 different locations in jquery?

2008-09-04 Thread Andy

Hi, I would like to ask, how to post a form to 2 different locations
in jquery? i use this code but seems not working :

//var addresslines = doThing($('#address'))
//remove all the class add the messagebox classes and start 
//check the username exists or not from ajax
$.post(registersent.php,{ name:$('#name').val(),'address':$
('#address').val(),'company':$('#Company').val()} ,function(data)
$(#msgbox).fadeTo(200,0.1,function()  //start fading 
  //add message and change the class of the box and 
start fading
 //redirect to cm page


$(#msgbox).fadeTo(200,0.1,function() //start fading 
  //add message and change the class of the box and 
start fading

return false; //not to post the  form physically


any solutions?


[jQuery] Re: New Website in IE7

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

are you speaking of http://jquery.com?

both the main site and docs site appear fine to me in IE7 across two
computers (Vista and XP)

[jQuery] Re: form plugin and a progress bar

2008-09-04 Thread Giovanni Battista Lenoci

andrea varnier ha scritto:

Hi andrea, it depends on what server side language you are using.

Since you're italian I think this link can help you understand how to 
work with the apc extension for doing it in php:


Bye :-)

gianiaz.net - web solutions
p.le bertacchi 66, 23100 sondrio (so) - italy
+39 347 7196482 

[jQuery] Re: jQuery under Konqueror

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

Konquerer isn't officially supported/compatible


[jQuery] Re: New Google Browser announced

2008-09-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Most browser incompabilities or bugs that jQuery is concerned with are
in the DOM implementation. The actual JS engine is pretty consistent
across browsers.

I don't know whether the DOM implementation is part of V8... I guess
not. If its not part of Webkit either, odds are good that Chrome will
provide its own pitfalls.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Erik Beeson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 However, as Google mentions themselves, if your website is compatible with
 Safari 3 it should autmatically also be compatible with the current Chrome

 Sort of. It's not an issues of a new renderer to support (WebKit, same as
 Safari/Android), it's an issue of a new JavaScript engine to support (V8),
 which is a real concern as the jQuery test suite apparently fails a couple
 of tests on Chrome.

[jQuery] Re: Look for validation plugin option

2008-09-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
You can use the showErrors and errorPlacement options to customize
error placement. Start with errorPlacement, which is easier to

Take a look at the source of this demo for an example of using
errorPlacement in a table layout:


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 1:41 PM, altern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How can I point the element in which validation error is shown? I have
 specific validation form that consists of many radio buttons.
 Vaidation error is shown near the first radio button that have the
 same 'name' attribute. Problem is that I do not want to have error
 near the first radio element, but near the last or in another 'td'
 element. All radio buttons are in separate td element and are
 grouped into table row. Example:
tdquestion 1/td -- I want error to be shown here
tdAinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=A/
/td -- error is shown here
tdBinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=B/
tdCinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=C/
tdDinput type=button class=required name=answer1 value=D/

 'ErrorLabelContainer' option does not work. It causes great bunch of
 errors to be shown in one element and it looks like 'This field is
 required. This field is required. This field is required. This field
 is required...'

 Any thoughts are appreciated

[jQuery] multiple getJSON calls appear to wait for first response to run any callbacks in FF?

2008-09-04 Thread Josh Rosenthal
Hey all,
I'm building a google map based application which allows users to query a
number of different json returning data lookup services  (ie: get Tax Parcel
for this coordinate... get address, get USGS Quad Name, get Place Name).
 Each service is activated by clicking a different button, etc.  While some
of these queries run pretty fast, others (parcels), take ~ 30-40 seconds.
 Working in Firefox 3, I've found that once a user runs the slow getJSON,
none of the other queries will run their callback, until that slow getJSON
finishes.  However, when I watch in firebug, I can see that we've actually
queried and gotten a valid, wrapped response, and we're just waiting to
process it.  Basically, the jsonp calls may be asynchronous, but we get a
bottleneck where we're waiting for the response to one jsonp call, but
already get the answer to another, and yet have to wait til the first
returns in order to do our second callback.

IE7 appears to display more correct behaviour, with the callbacks firing in
the order that responses are received.

Any suggestions as to how to get FF3 to behave similarly?


[jQuery] Re: Simple click event

2008-09-04 Thread byron

That worked well. Thank you.

So in pseudocode this essentially says..

when document is ready:
bind the event 'click' to '#thelink'
invoke the href when a 'click' occurs

trigger a 'click'

correct? This is more for my own understanding.

[jQuery] Re: Change link dependant on select box.

2008-09-04 Thread Robert Rawlins


That's exactly what it was, I took out the pound sign and it work perfectly!

Thanks mate, I appreciate the help.


-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of MorningZ
Sent: 04 September 2008 13:18
To: jQuery (English)
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Change link dependant on select box.

that example above was totally off the top of my head to try to point
you the way

i do quickly see one issue with it though

   var obj = document.getElementById(#customer);

should not have the # sign

   var obj = document.getElementById(customer);

[jQuery] Re: Modal Dialog and scrolling

2008-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I figured it out...Turns out that in order for scroll to work, that
div need a height or width parameter. Makes perfect sense!

So the div now looks like this

 div id=feedback-list style=height: 250px/div

On Sep 3, 11:59 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everyone. I want to display a long list of elements inside a modal
 Dialog(). I want that list to scroll when it reaches the edge of the
 Dialog box. For some reason, the bars appear but they wont scroll down
 nor up. (For information purposes, elements (divs) are dynamically
 added to #feedback-list in the javascript.) Thanks for your time.

 Heres the html

 div id=feedback

       form id=feedback-form method=post action=.
       div class=title{{ form.title }}/div
      input type=submit value=Submit or a href=#
      div id=feedback-list/div


 and  my javascript snipet:

 $(#feedback-list).css({overflow: scroll});

                         modal: true,
                         overlay: {
                                 opacity: 0.5,
                                 background: black
                         buttons: {
                         Ok: function() {
                         Cancel: function() {

[jQuery] Re: How to retrieve jQuery.query?

2008-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ah, damn you are right...
I havn't looked at the hole code from the livequery plugin... at the
end there is a new init method...

On 4 Sep., 13:01, Tzury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sep 4, 10:01 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  There is allready such an attribute
  try this:

  $(#myID .MyClass mychildren).myfunction() {
    console.log(this.selector); // #myID .MyClass mychildren


 $.fn.ShowSelector = function () { return this.selector; }

 yields undefined

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-04 Thread Steffan A. Cline

on 9/3/08 7:19 AM, Andy Matthews at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to getclicky.com, Chrome already has an almost 3% market share:
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Rey Bango
 Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:01 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser
 It's funny how quickly people begin to forget how Firefox is the only
 browser to-date that has been able to wrestle any market share from
 Microsoft and force Microsoft back to the standards table.
 Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.
 Bil Corry wrote:
 Guy Fraser wrote on 9/3/2008 5:22 AM:
 I think everyone is missing the whole point of Chrome: It's designed
 to kill MSIE on corporate networks - http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb
 Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million
 Google pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either...
 - Bil
I think that 3% is bloated. Not sure if it was here or another list but
someone posted that Chrome is sending the headers for AppleWebKit Safari. It
would seem google needs to change this so they can receive the actual due
credit rather than reap glory at Safari's expense.



T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4
Steffan A. Cline  
http://www.ExecuChoice.net  USA
AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-04 Thread Andy Matthews

This is how Chrome reports itself:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.13 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/525.13

So you can see that the word Chrome is clearly in the UA string. 

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Steffan A. Cline
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:37 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

on 9/3/08 7:19 AM, Andy Matthews at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to getclicky.com, Chrome already has an almost 3% market share:
 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 On Behalf Of Rey Bango
 Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 9:01 AM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser
 It's funny how quickly people begin to forget how Firefox is the only 
 browser to-date that has been able to wrestle any market share from 
 Microsoft and force Microsoft back to the standards table.
 Yep, let's find a way for Google to kill Mozilla. Good thinking Bill.
 Bil Corry wrote:
 Guy Fraser wrote on 9/3/2008 5:22 AM:
 I think everyone is missing the whole point of Chrome: It's designed 
 to kill MSIE on corporate networks - http://tinyurl.com/68lvhb
 Converting a few FF users over and saving on the USD $60+ million 
 Google pays Mozilla every year probably doesn't hurt either...
 - Bil
I think that 3% is bloated. Not sure if it was here or another list but
someone posted that Chrome is sending the headers for AppleWebKit Safari. It
would seem google needs to change this so they can receive the actual due
credit rather than reap glory at Safari's expense.



T E L  6 0 2 . 7 9 3 . 0 0 1 4 | F A X  6 0 2 . 9 7 1 . 1 6 9 4 Steffan A.
http://www.ExecuChoice.net  USA
AIM : SteffanC  ICQ : 57234309
GOOGLE: Steffan.Cline Lasso Partner Alliance Member

[jQuery] Re: form plugin and a progress bar

2008-09-04 Thread pedramphp
Dear andrea I have the same Problem If you found what to do please let me

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 2:45 PM, andrea varnier [EMAIL PROTECTED]wrote:

 Hi :)
 what I am trying to do is a file-upload form that uses ajax (and so
 I'm using the form plugin) and that shows a progress bar while
 I've tried many solutions that I found over the internet but none
 seemed to work.
 possibly I am making mistakes somewhere in the process.
 question is: is there a way to get the data I need? (i.e.: the
 temporary file size)
 the server is running php 5.1

 could anyone please help me?

 for example, see this:
 the form seem to do what I need.
 can this be used along with the form plugin?
 maybe I'm asking a silly question, but I've tried so many times and I
 don't really know what to do... :/

 thank you in advance

[jQuery] jQuery project works fine in IE6, but bombs in FF2

2008-09-04 Thread Phonedude

My first jQuery project has me puzzled.  I have a page
http://twinflamingos.com/chris/chris.htm that throws an error when
any of the menu headers is clicked in Firefox.  In IE6 the drop-down
perfectly, but FF2 doesn't work and puts an error in the log.
Specifically it says:

Error: [Exception... Could not convert JavaScript argument
nsresult: 0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)  location: JS
frame :: http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.js ::
anonymous :: line 871  data: no]
Source File: http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.js
Line: 871

I am relatively new to javascript and brand new to jQuery so this
information doesn't help me much.  Is this a bug?  Or is my coding
simply bad?  My html and css both validate at W3C.

If this is the wrong forum/list/group I apologize -- please direct me
to the proper place.


Larry Ludwick

[jQuery] Re: best practices for scripts dir structure, etc.

2008-09-04 Thread Eric P

 using versions is very handy when you want to incorporate the latest
 version on a new page in your project, but don't want to go back and
 regression test all the other pages in the application

 i've got structure like:
 - /jquery/
   - jquery.js
   - jquery.pack.js
   ..etc etc..
   - jquery.js
   - jquery.pack.js

Huge improvement over what I had.

Thanks a lot!

[jQuery] count children

2008-09-04 Thread Ronn Ross
Hello all
I have seen examples of counting children of an element like a div. I have
tried to customize those examples to work for my situation, but with no
success. What I'm trying to accomplish seems simple, but I have not been
able to make it happen. I'm simply trying to count the 'group#' divs inside
of the 'master' div. I was hoping that something like:

   var ct = $('#master').children().size();

would work, but being new to JQuery I have not been able to find a
Thanks in advance,

div id=master
div id=group1
content inside area
div id=group2
content inside area

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin - Agile Carousel - Looking For FeedBack

2008-09-04 Thread Ed

Thanks for finding that. There was a glitch with the round buttons
when using JQuery UI transitions.


On Sep 3, 11:47 am, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Looks like it still needs some work, as looking at the first demo page


 going anywhere other than the first image reverts to the first image
 (Windows 2003 with FF3 is what i am browsing it with)

 Using IE7 for the same demo throws the error next_slide_id is
 undefined on line 15

 I like the idea though, kinda like a VCR controlled slideshow

[jQuery] Re: jQuery project works fine in IE6, but bombs in FF2

2008-09-04 Thread John Resig

Try changing this line:




The first uses a property that's not available in Firefox - whereas
the second uses a jQuery method that works in all browsers.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 10:45 AM, Phonedude [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My first jQuery project has me puzzled.  I have a page
 http://twinflamingos.com/chris/chris.htm that throws an error when
 any of the menu headers is clicked in Firefox.  In IE6 the drop-down
 perfectly, but FF2 doesn't work and puts an error in the log.
 Specifically it says:

 Error: [Exception... Could not convert JavaScript argument
 nsresult: 0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS)  location: JS
 frame :: http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.js ::
 anonymous :: line 871  data: no]
 Source File: http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.2.6.js
 Line: 871

 I am relatively new to javascript and brand new to jQuery so this
 information doesn't help me much.  Is this a bug?  Or is my coding
 simply bad?  My html and css both validate at W3C.

 If this is the wrong forum/list/group I apologize -- please direct me
 to the proper place.


 Larry Ludwick

[jQuery] Prevent IE Cross Page Leak

2008-09-04 Thread Jacky
Hi all,

I have some question about IE memory leakage.

There are four type of leakage in IE as stated in
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250448(VS.85).aspxOne of them is
called 'Cross Page Leak', which is caused by DOM insertion order. (should
have no intermediate object)
The result is that the memory will not be released even if page is changed.

So, will the following code introduce this kind of leakage?

.append('pSome text/p')
//more append to create the complex dom objects

My case is quite serious. I have a page with some modals displaying some
small search box the ajax way.
Whenever a modal is displayed, about 10MB of memory is consumed and it never

Best Regards,
網絡暴民 http://jacky.seezone.net

[jQuery] Re: count children

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Geary
Ronn, your description doesn't match your code. The description says you
want to count the 'group#' divs inside of the 'master' div, but the code
counts the immediate children of the #master div.
Now, given the HTML you posted, those happen to be the same value, since the
only immediate children of #master are the group divs. Just checking that
this assumption will remain valid.
Assuming that you actually want to count the immediate children of
div#master, your code looks like it should work. What result does it give
I would probably do it this way:
var ct = $('#master  *').length;
But that should give the same result. (You might try it just for
Can you post a link to a test page? It's hard to tell what might be wrong
without seeing it in action.
And do you have Firebug? You can open your page and try stuff out in the
Firebug console (click in the single line at the bottom of the console to
enter JavaScript code). Try these and see what you get (you can use the up
arrow key to bring back a previous entry, so you don't have to retype the
whole thing each time):


$('#master  *')
$('#master  *').length



From: Ronn Ross

Hello all 

I have seen examples of counting children of an element like a div. I have
tried to customize those examples to work for my situation, but with no
success. What I'm trying to accomplish seems simple, but I have not been
able to make it happen. I'm simply trying to count the 'group#' divs inside
of the 'master' div. I was hoping that something like:

   var ct = $('#master').children().size();

would work, but being new to JQuery I have not been able to find a solution.

Thanks in advance,

div id=master
div id=group1
content inside area
div id=group2
content inside area

[jQuery] Validation addmethod input1input2

2008-09-04 Thread tlob

Hello I am fairly new to jQuery and JS, so be nice to me ;-)
I added the validation Plug into my form.

I have 5*2 Input fields in form of the UI/datepicker. Every pair can
be blank or both have to be filled out. Pretty simple... not for me.

I cant get my head around it. I try to do it the propper way with the
addMethod (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation/Validator/
addMethod). Seems the propper way to me.






do you guys have a simple clean solution for this? Thanks in advance!

[jQuery] Re: Look for validation plugin option

2008-09-04 Thread altern

On Sep 4, 3:40 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You can use the showErrors and errorPlacement options to customize
 error placement. Start with errorPlacement, which is easier to

Thanks. Your answer was really helpfull. For some reason I didn't
notice this option in documentation :(

[jQuery] thickbox bring my IE window back

2008-09-04 Thread wesbird

  I just found this problem, I have a asp.net application, at client
side, I use thickbox to show some picture in a modal dialog box, kind
of. generally, when you click a link, my code will show a modal with
pictures in it. It works fine till today, when I click the link, whole
IE window go under other windows (Window Explorer, Outlook, ...). This
only happen if there is only tab in the IE. I use jQuery 1.2.6 and
thickbox with modification.
  What could be the reason?



[jQuery] hideErrors. bug or not?

2008-09-04 Thread altern

Could someone tell, why after clicking on sumbit button on second time
all validation messages disappear? I have form with a lot of radio
buttons which are required. I've overriden highlight and unhighlight
It is related, I guess, to the hideErrors usage inside validation
plugin. Am I wrong?

My code of overriden methods:

highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
var label = $(element.form).find(label[for= +
element.id + ]);
label.append('error message');
unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {
var label = $(element.form).find(label[for= +
element.id + ]);

[jQuery] jQuery debugging/Firebug techniques?

2008-09-04 Thread dylan hassinger

Hi all,

New to this list and jQuery - but learning more every day. Hopefully a
simple question:

what techniques does anybody suggest for debugging? It seems like
jQuery doesn't throw up errors as often as normal Javascript, I'm
having trouble hunting down problems. I googled this, it seems like
Firebug is capable of helping me debug but I guess I don't know how to
use that part of it. Any help is appreciaated, thanks!


[jQuery] tablesorter add date parser

2008-09-04 Thread dduck1934

I was trying to add to the date parser in tablesorter to be able to
handle dates formated like DD-MMM-YY  (04-SEP-08), but i havent been

In the shortDate parser i tried adding the following..

var months = {Jan:1,Feb:2,Mar:3,Apr:4,May:5,Jun:6,Jul:7,Aug:8,Sep:

then further down in the if/else if statement i added this...

} else if(c.dateFormat == dd-mmm-yy) {
s = 
(\d{2})/, $1/$2/$3);

If anybody can assist me in this, id appreciate it.



[jQuery] jQuery Developer Day at The Ajax Experience

2008-09-04 Thread Rey Bango

As many of you know, the jQuery Conference 2008, the full day event 
featuring top speakers in the jQuery community and sponsored by the 
jQuery Project has completely sold out. Many developers were 
disappointed about not being able to attend this great event but we have 
some really great news.

Ajaxian.com and Tech Target, the company behind the premier Ajax 
conference, The Ajax Experience, has generously offered to host a 
complimentary (ie: no-cost) half-day jQuery Developer Day on September 
29th from 8am to 1pm.

The agenda for this 1/2 day event is as follows:

8-8:15 Social Gathering
8:15-8:30 jQuery Meet and Greet
8:30-9:45 Karl Swedberg - Progressively Enhancing the User Experience
using jQuery
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:15 Paul Bakaus - An In-Depth Look at jQuery UI
11:15-11:30 Break
11:30-1pm jQuery Team Code Review: A chance to have your code reviewed
by the experts in the jQuery JavaScript framework

The jQuery Team Code Review is especially cool because you get to pick 
the brains of some of the best jQuery developers available.

Please use this link to register for jQuery developer day at The Ajax 
Experience on September 29 from 8AM – 1PM. The Ajax Experience is being 
held at the Boston Renaissance Waterfront Hotel.


Seating is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis and space is 
limited. You are not officially confirmed a seat until the Tech Target 
staff are in contact with you either via email or over the phone and 
confirmation is made on both ends.

Register now for the jQuery Developer Day:


Also, Ajaxian.com is offering the jQuery community a special rate for 
attending the rest of The Ajax Experience, September 29 - October 1. 
Register with the code 'jQuery' to save $100 off the registration fee, 
making the price only $1395 (regular rate: $1495). If you are interested 
in coming with a team, contact Tracey West at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Groups of 3 or more are being offered an extra $300 off per person. Take 
advantage of this great deal while it lasts! Register for TAE here:


[jQuery] Re: jQuery debugging/Firebug techniques?

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

Got an example of what you are trying to debug?

and jQuery itself wouldn't throw errors, your code using jQuery would
be the source of errors 99% of the time

but to use firebug effectively in jQuery development... the Console
tab is invaluable for AJAX based calls, the Inspect tab is useful to
see ids and classes in the DOM, and the Net tab is great to make
sure all scripts/styles loaded

[jQuery] Meta tag Keyword Upgrade with jQuery

2008-09-04 Thread pedramphp

Dear Folk,
I've developed a website with ajax capabilities and bookmarkable
supports history,
I would like to give a specefic Meta tag to each page ...
what is the solution ? there is two thing in my mind
1- upgrade the meta tag with jQuery when each pages loads ...
for example
 but as you all know when the page loads meta tag is something else
after that with ajax will be upgrade so I think this may cause some
problem in search engins 
2- load another meta tag in the page 

and this might cause two meta tag in a single page ...

consider there is shopping cart in the web and when each of the
Products nloads the title of the page changes and their own meta tag
came in so does anyone have any idea on this matter

at the end I aim is for me to make my page reachable in search engines
as google and Yahoo

Kind Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Developer Day at The Ajax Experience

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

So is the Ajaxian Framework Summit on this schedule calendar?


[jQuery] Re: tablesorter add date parser

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

This is SUPER quick and dirty, but appears to be working

(btw: rather than hacking up the tablesorter.js file for sort rules,
it's 1000x better to add a parser  that we if he releases a new
version, you don't have to re-hack up the code)

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN http://

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
titleUntitled Page/title
script type=text/javascript src=http://tablesorter.com/jquery-
script type=text/javascript src=http://tablesorter.com/

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
var months = {};
months[JAN] = 01;
months[FEB] = 02;
months[MAR] = 03;
months[APR] = 04;
months[MAY] = 05;
months[JUN] = 06;
months[JUL] = 07;
months[AUG] = 08;
months[SEP] = 09;
months[OCT] = 10;
months[NOV] = 11;
months[DEC] = 12;

id: 'AlphaNum',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
s = '' + s;
s = s.toUpperCase();
if (isNaN(s)) {
return 'ZZ' + s;
else {
return 'AA' + PadString(s, '');
type: 'text'

id: 'DD-MMM-YY',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
s = '' + s; //Make sure it's a string
var hit = s.match(/(\d{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-(\d{2})/);
if (hit  hit.length == 4) {
return hit[3] + months[hit[2].toUpperCase()] +
else {
return s;
type: 'text'

headers: {
0: {
sorter: 'AlphaNum'
6: {
sorter: 'DD-MMM-YY'

function PadString(str, pad) {
if (pad == undefined) { pad = 00; }
str =  + pad + str;
return Right(str, pad.length);
function Right(str, n) {
if (n = 0) {
return '';
else if (n  String(str).length) {
return str;
else {
var iLen = String(str).length;
return String(str).substring(iLen, iLen - n);
style type=text/css
body {
font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana;
#myTable {
#myTable th {
background-color: #c0c0c0;

divTablesorter custom Sort: /div
table id=myTable
thColumn A/th
thLast Name/th
thFirst Name/th
thWeb Site/th


[jQuery] Re: tablesorter add date parser

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

btw, the AlphaNum has zero to do with this post, that was from a
previous post i helped out on. i should have removed that to make
this post more clear

[jQuery] Re: jquery flot - integers only on x and/or y axis

2008-09-04 Thread rolfsf

this is my latest working concept... although I don't think it's
optimized at all, and I'm really hacking to get my concept across


the favorites button should really load the data into the inputs, but
I don't yet understand how to go that direction. Also, the bars graph
doesn't work, probably because I need to set up the x-axis better.

Struggling to learn better javascript, so if you have any thoughts I'd
love to hear them!

On Sep 3, 11:03 am, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 cool...let me have the code as well i'll also learn a new approach  or is it
 the same url

 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 1:30 PM, rolfsf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes - thanks Faizal. At least it pointed out the error I was making.
  I'm not (currently) using $.extend, but I did separate the data set
  options from the other chart options, and put them in a variable. Now
  I'm trying to add a select that will allow the user to switch chart
  styles - point, line, bar

  On Sep 2, 10:19 pm, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   did it work for ya

   On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 5:31 PM, faizal iqbaal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

//modiefd ur file copy the code and run it


!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
    style type=text/css

    #graphHolder {
        border: none;
        padding: 0px;
        margin: 10px;
        height: 200px;
        width: 400px;
        font-family: tahoma;
        font-size: 11px;

    #curveData {
        margin: 10px;

        script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
        script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
        !--[if IE]script language=javascript

        script type=text/javascript



                $('#curveData input').change(function() {
                    var d1 = [];
                    $('#curveData tbody tr').each(function() {
                        tr = $(this);
                        pair = [];
tr.find('input.price').val()  pair.push( tr.find('input.qty').val(),
tr.find('input.price').val() )  d1.push( pair );

                    var chartOptions={
                            yaxis: { min:0 },
                            color: #bb,
                            data: d1,
                            points: { show: true },
                            lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
                        } ;

                    $.plot($(#graphHolder), [
                            yaxis: { min:0 },
                            color: #bb,
                            data: d1,
                            points: { show: true },
                            lines: { show: true, fill: true, fillColor:
rgba(255, 000, 000, 0.2) }
                    $.plot($(#graphHolder), [{ data: d1,
color:#bb}],$.extend(true, {}, chartOptions, {yaxis: { min: 0



            table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 id=curveData

                    tdinput type=text class=qty
                    tdinput type=text class=price

                    tdinput type=text class=qty
                    tdinput type=text class=price

                    tdinput type=text class=qty
                    tdinput type=text class=price
                    tdinput type=text class=qty
                    tdinput type=text class=price


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Developer Day at The Ajax Experience

2008-09-04 Thread Rey Bango



MorningZ wrote:

So is the Ajaxian Framework Summit on this schedule calendar?


[jQuery] Re: jQuery Developer Day at The Ajax Experience

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

Good deal..

sorry, side note here, any word on location/time/venue for Sunday's
gig?   trying to plan out my weekend  :-)

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter add date parser

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

This is SUPER quick and dirty, but appears to be working

(btw: rather than hacking up the tablesorter.js file for sort rules,
it's 1000x better to add a parser  that way if he releases a new
version, you don't have to re-hack up the code)

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN

html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml;
titleUntitled Page/title
script type=text/javascript src=http://tablesorter.com/
script type=text/javascript src=http://tablesorter.com/

script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
var months = {};
months[JAN] = 01;
months[FEB] = 02;
months[MAR] = 03;
months[APR] = 04;
months[MAY] = 05;
months[JUN] = 06;
months[JUL] = 07;
months[AUG] = 08;
months[SEP] = 09;
months[OCT] = 10;
months[NOV] = 11;
months[DEC] = 12;

id: 'DD-MMM-YY',
is: function(s) {
return false;
format: function(s) {
s = '' + s; //Make sure it's a string
var hit = s.match(/(\d{2})-([A-Za-z]{3})-
if (hit  hit.length == 4) {
return hit[3] +
months[hit[2].toUpperCase()] +
else {
return s;
type: 'text'

headers: {
6: {
sorter: 'DD-MMM-YY'

style type=text/css
body {
font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana;
#myTable {
#myTable th {
background-color: #c0c0c0;

divTablesorter custom Sort: /div
table id=myTable
thColumn A/th
thLast Name/th
thFirst Name/th
thWeb Site/th


[jQuery] Re: Need help making a menu appear next to the users image....

2008-09-04 Thread Aaron

I already  Tried many ways... even hover events and mouse over events
been playing around with them and was not able to make them to
function as I want them too.

I want the user to put the mouse over their image to get a menu  to
fade in and when the mouse is off the users image I want the menu to
fade out only if the mouse is not over the menu.

I can't get it to work.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Developer Day at The Ajax Experience

2008-09-04 Thread Rey Bango

Yep. It will be at MIT. We'll be putting out address details soon.


MorningZ wrote:

Good deal..

sorry, side note here, any word on location/time/venue for Sunday's
gig?   trying to plan out my weekend  :-)

[jQuery] Re: Simple click event

2008-09-04 Thread Karl Swedberg

yep. you got it. :)


Karl Swedberg

On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:46 AM, byron wrote:

That worked well. Thank you.

So in pseudocode this essentially says..

when document is ready:
   bind the event 'click' to '#thelink'
   invoke the href when a 'click' occurs

   trigger a 'click'

correct? This is more for my own understanding.

[jQuery] Re: tablesorter add date parser

2008-09-04 Thread dduck1934

Thank you!

That seemed to do the trick.  I appreciate it greatly.


On Sep 4, 1:59 pm, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 btw, the AlphaNum has zero to do with this post, that was from a
 previous post i helped out on. i should have removed that to make
 this post more clear

[jQuery] Stumped by AJAX and events

2008-09-04 Thread JDawson

I am trying to use .get in a click handler to load some XML, as shown
below. The handler will only work if I first call my getRecipients
function in $(document).ready. I am really pulling my hair out with
this. I can see in my Firebug console that the file request is being
made via the click event, but it just flashes in the console and
nothing else happens.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  input type=image id=btn_recipient_search src=btn_search.gif
alt=Search /

function() {
  getRecipients(John, Doe);

  function getRecipients(firstName, lastName) {
$.get(recipients.xml, {fName: firstName, lName: lastName},
  alert('XML loaded');
  $(xml).find('User').each(function() {
var name_text = $(this).find('Name').text();
var id_text = $(this).find('UserId').text();
var email_text = $(this).find('Email').text();

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-04 Thread Feng

core module failure is a bug in WebKit, and it is fixed in ToT, I
tested the Safari official release 3.1.2, it fails with the same
result, but passes on nightly build r36012.

The second one is a bug in V8 (or Chrome). It returns reversed
enumeration order of keys if the object is a literal.

Here is a reference to V8 bug:

var x = [a : 1, b :2];
for (p in x) print(p);

It prints out 'b' before 'a'.

var x = {};
x.a = 1;
x.b = 2;
for (p in x) print(p);

it prints out 'a' before 'b';

I will take a look at the code.

On Sep 2, 12:45 pm, Guyon  Morée [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 With all the buzz around the new javascript engine in Chrome, I
 decided to run the jquery testsuite (http://jquery.com/test/) on my
 3 installed browsers (ff3, ie7 and chrome, on wixp sp3)


 Tests completed in 49734 milliseconds.
 0 tests of 1270 failed.


 Tests completed in 31710 milliseconds.
 0 tests of 1270 failed.


 Tests completed in 28212 milliseconds.
 2 tests of 1270 failed.


 Even though, Chrome seems to be a little bit faster than FF and quite
 a lot faster than IE, it has 2 failed tests:

 - 64: core module: text(String) (1, 3, 4)
 - 112: ajax module: jQuery.param() (1, 3, 4)

 I have really no experience interpreting these results, so I hope
 someone here can give me an explaination about these and what it means
 to me as a jQuery user.



[jQuery] tree Sortable

2008-09-04 Thread pedramphp

Dear folk ,
how could we do some sortable jobs with tree s or is there any
sortable which is developed and worked properly ,  I need a sortable
which have some Branchs in it ...
thanks and regards Pedram

[jQuery] Date and Time

2008-09-04 Thread shapper


Is it possible to get the Date and Time of a user and convert it to
UTC using JQuery?

I need to find the time zone of the user to display the server time in
that time zone and when the user inserts a date and time convert it
back to UTC to place it in the database.


[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-04 Thread Matt Kruse

On Sep 4, 2:00 pm, Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The second one is a bug in V8 (or Chrome). It returns reversed
 enumeration order of keys if the object is a literal.

This is not a bug in V8. The order of keys is never guaranteed to be
in the order they are inserted or specified in a literal.

Matt Kruse

[jQuery] Re: Date and Time

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

Why not just use plain ol javascript?


(which ultimately a jQuery plugin would do anyways)

[jQuery] Re: Date and Time

2008-09-04 Thread Michael Geary

jQuery doesn't have any functions to deal with date and time. You can use
standard JavaScript functions for this. Some examples:

// Get the current date/time as a Date object
var date = new Date;

// Get the numeric representation of the date/time in UTC
// (number of milliseconds since midnight UTC 1/1/1970)
var utcTime = date.getTime();

// Get the user's time zone offset in minutes
var tzOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset);

For more information, search for:

javascript date


 Is it possible to get the Date and Time of a user and convert 
 it to UTC using JQuery?
 I need to find the time zone of the user to display the 
 server time in that time zone and when the user inserts a 
 date and time convert it back to UTC to place it in the database.

[jQuery] blockUI styling question

2008-09-04 Thread Brad

I'd like to accomplish a couple of things with BlockUI. I suspect
these can be done by changing styles and other settings but I haven't
been able to achieve the desired affect.

1. I want the mask to be transparent. IOW, the user should not be
aware of the overlay, but also shouldn't be able to interact with the
page during blocking. In some cases my blocking is very short. Some
users have commented What was that?

What background color and opacity settings would I need to achieve

2. I'd like to position the blocking message so that it always appears
in the upper right hand corner of the viewport. I also would like the
message to not have any borders and would like for the message to be
preceded by a spinning gif. Example text would be Reloading...,
Saving..., Updating...

Has anyone done anything close to this, do you have a style example?

Is it best to

$.blockUI.defaults.css = {};

and use my own style sheet?


[jQuery] Re: blockUI styling question

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

#1:   http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#options

the overlayCSS-s opcaity is what you need to adjust

#2:   you'd set the css properties of top and left to point you
up closer to the top right corner

and just a side note, thinking as an end user, i would think more
people would be what was that by *not* seeing the overlay, than
seeing no change in the page (save your top right Saving..,
Uploading.., etc) and not being able to click/whatever things on the

perhaps setting a slight delay on the unblock call so they see it
for at least a second or so?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery test suite on new Google Chrome browser

2008-09-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
Yes, but every other implementation does that, so a lot of code
implicitly relies on this. You don't really expect programmers to read
language specs, do you?


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 9:53 PM, Matt Kruse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 4, 2:00 pm, Feng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The second one is a bug in V8 (or Chrome). It returns reversed
 enumeration order of keys if the object is a literal.

 This is not a bug in V8. The order of keys is never guaranteed to be
 in the order they are inserted or specified in a literal.

 Matt Kruse

[jQuery] Re: Look for validation plugin option

2008-09-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
No worries! The wiki isn't the best format for browsing documentation,
but so far its the best we have.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:45 PM, altern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 4, 3:40 pm, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You can use the showErrors and errorPlacement options to customize
 error placement. Start with errorPlacement, which is easier to

 Thanks. Your answer was really helpfull. For some reason I didn't
 notice this option in documentation :(

[jQuery] Re: hideErrors. bug or not?

2008-09-04 Thread Jörn Zaefferer
That validation plugin finds error labels based on the errorClass.
Manually adding that same class to your actual labels gives the result
you see. Consider using a different class instead.


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 5:38 PM, altern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could someone tell, why after clicking on sumbit button on second time
 all validation messages disappear? I have form with a lot of radio
 buttons which are required. I've overriden highlight and unhighlight
 It is related, I guess, to the hideErrors usage inside validation
 plugin. Am I wrong?

 My code of overriden methods:

 highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
var label = $(element.form).find(label[for= +
 element.id + ]);
label.append('error message');
unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {
var label = $(element.form).find(label[for= +
 element.id + ]);

[jQuery] Re: thickbox bring my IE window back

2008-09-04 Thread wesbird

I found the problem,
this.blur(); in tb_init
once I remove it. works fine

On Sep 4, 12:00 pm, wesbird [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I just found this problem, I have a asp.net application, at client
 side, I use thickbox to show some picture in a modal dialog box, kind
 of. generally, when you click a link, my code will show a modal with
 pictures in it. It works fine till today, when I click the link, whole
 IE window go under other windows (Window Explorer, Outlook, ...). This
 only happen if there is only tab in the IE. I use jQuery 1.2.6 and
 thickbox with modification.
   What could be the reason?



[jQuery] Re: Possible jQuery versions conflict

2008-09-04 Thread Marcin

I am very interested in the answer to this question. Is there any
working solution to this problem (is this problem ever exists)  ?

Best regards,

On Jul 31 2007, 12:49 pm, Sagari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The task: to insert a DOM-style JS code usingjQueryinto a thrid-
 party page. Example: code snippets used to generate AdSense blocks.

 This will require a user to include ajQuerysource (directly or
 indirectly - either the user includes it, or my code snippet does).

 The problem: if the page already usesjQuery, the problem looks
 inevitable when twojQuerylibraries, most probably of differentversions, are 

 What is the simplest way to loadjQueryin such a case without causing
 JS errors?

 Thank you.

[jQuery] Re: blockUI styling question

2008-09-04 Thread Brad

Thanks for the feedback. I'm getting closer

How do I set a delay on the unblock? Is that the fadeOut setting?

On Sep 4, 2:24 pm, MorningZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 #1:  http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#options

 the overlayCSS-s opcaity is what you need to adjust

 #2:   you'd set the css properties of top and left to point you
 up closer to the top right corner

 and just a side note, thinking as an end user, i would think more
 people would be what was that by *not* seeing the overlay, than
 seeing no change in the page (save your top right Saving..,
 Uploading.., etc) and not being able to click/whatever things on the

 perhaps setting a slight delay on the unblock call so they see it
 for at least a second or so?

[jQuery] Re: blockUI styling question

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

i typically use something like

setTimeout('$(#results_block).unblock(), 1000);

that way the blocker is at least showing for a second

[jQuery] Re: Possible jQuery versions conflict

2008-09-04 Thread Brandon Aaron
Just use jQuery.noConflict(true) to rename the jQuery namespace to whatever
you want. http://docs.jquery.com/Core/jQuery.noConflict#extreme
var test = jQuery.noConflict(true);

Now you can use test(selector) instead of $(selector) or jQuery(selector)

Brandon Aaron

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Marcin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am very interested in the answer to this question. Is there any
 working solution to this problem (is this problem ever exists)  ?

 Best regards,

 On Jul 31 2007, 12:49 pm, Sagari [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The task: to insert a DOM-style JS code usingjQueryinto a thrid-
  party page. Example: code snippets used to generate AdSense blocks.
  This will require a user to include ajQuerysource (directly or
  indirectly - either the user includes it, or my code snippet does).
  The problem: if the page already usesjQuery, the problem looks
  inevitable when twojQuerylibraries, most probably of differentversions,
 are loaded.
  What is the simplest way to loadjQueryin such a case without causing
  JS errors?
  Thank you.

[jQuery] addEventListener onerror workaround with jQuery.fn.bind

2008-09-04 Thread docyes

In Firefox if an error is thrown in an event handler attached using
addEventListener it will not make it to the window.onerror handler,
see: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=312448

The solution to this problem is to override jQuery.fn.bind with a
handler in a try/catch block.

Has anyone done this with strong familiarity with the jQuery.fn.bind?


[jQuery] Tablesorter 2.0.3 - Sorting af column of checkboxes (resorting)

2008-09-04 Thread hammerskov

I have been using this excellent plugin for a few days, but now I have hit a
problem which I can't seem to solve. 

I have a table where a couple of columns are checkboxes. The initial sorting
on the columns works correct, but when I un-check some of them and try to
sort again i looks like it is still sorting the columns as if nothing has

I have tried using 


but it doesn't seem to help in this case. Am I missing some configuration,
or is this working as designed?
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: jQuery project works fine in IE6, but bombs in FF2

2008-09-04 Thread Phonedude

On Sep 4, 11:31 am, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try changing this line:




 The first uses a property that's not available in Firefox - whereas
 the second uses a jQuery method that works in all browsers.


Absolutely perfect.  Thank you very much for your kind help.

It works fine in both browsers now.


[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter 2.0.3 - Sorting af column of checkboxes (resorting)

2008-09-04 Thread MorningZ

Can you post a sample of the table HTML?

(using lodgeit if necessary)  http://paste.pocoo.org/

[jQuery] Re: count children

2008-09-04 Thread Ronn Ross

You were right my markup was a little messed up. I cleaned it up and used
and it worked for what I needed. Thanks for your quick response and you
detailed explanation.

Thanks again,

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Michael Geary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Ronn, your description doesn't match your code. The description says you
 want to count the 'group#' divs inside of the 'master' div, but the code
 counts the immediate children of the #master div.

 Now, given the HTML you posted, those happen to be the same value, since
 the only immediate children of #master are the group divs. Just checking
 that this assumption will remain valid.

 Assuming that you actually want to count the immediate children of
 div#master, your code looks like it should work. What result does it give

 I would probably do it this way:

 var ct = $('#master  *').length;

 But that should give the same result. (You might try it just for

 Can you post a link to a test page? It's hard to tell what might be wrong
 without seeing it in action.

 And do you have Firebug? You can open your page and try stuff out in the
 Firebug console (click in the single line at the bottom of the console to
 enter JavaScript code). Try these and see what you get (you can use the up
 arrow key to bring back a previous entry, so you don't have to retype the
 whole thing each time):




 $('#master  *')

  $('#master  *').length


 *From:* Ronn Ross
  Hello all
 I have seen examples of counting children of an element like a div. I have
 tried to customize those examples to work for my situation, but with no
 success. What I'm trying to accomplish seems simple, but I have not been
 able to make it happen. I'm simply trying to count the 'group#' divs inside
 of the 'master' div. I was hoping that something like:

var ct = $('#master').children().size();

 would work, but being new to JQuery I have not been able to find a
 Thanks in advance,

  div id=master
 div id=group1
 content inside area
 div id=group2
 content inside area

[jQuery] Re: Possible jQuery versions conflict

2008-09-04 Thread Mike Alsup

 I am very interested in the answer to this question. Is there any
 working solution to this problem (is this problem ever exists)  ?

Here is an example of how you can embed a widget/gadget with its own
jQuery version on a page, while still respecting the host environment:



[jQuery] Re: jdMenu hides entire menu when top level link clicked

2008-09-04 Thread AsymF

Anyone have any ideas on this?

On Aug 6, 7:20 pm, AsymF [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to implement jdMenu 1.4.1 with jQuery 1.2.6. However, when
 a top level link is clicked it hides the entire menu the moment it is
 clicked. This doesn't happen when the selection has sub menus.

 I am at a loss to explain this. For instance, clicking either Show
 Lists or Next Item in the example below will result in the whole
 menu bar vanishing.

 Here is my code:
 ul id=sop class=jd_menu jd_menu_slate style=font-weight:bold
 lia href=lists.phplaquo; Show Lists/a/li
 lia href=item.php?i=nNext Item raquo;/a/li
 lia href=print.php?i=1Invoice/a/li
 lia href=print.php?i=2Item/a/li
 script type=text/javascript

 Any ideas why this would be happening?

 Any help is appreciated!

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter 2.0.3 - Sorting af column of checkboxes (resorting)

2008-09-04 Thread hammerskov

table id=myTable 
tr thText/th thCheckboxes/th /tr 
tr tdA/td tdinput type=checkbox/td /tr 
tr tdB/td tdinput type=checkbox checked=checked/td 
tr tdC/td tdinput type=checkbox/td /tr 
tr tdD/td tdinput type=checkbox checked=checked/td 

So when you hit sort on the checkbox column the first time, row B and D goes
to the top. Now try to remove the check from row D and instead check row C.
When you try to sort the column again row C and D should stay together at
the top or bottom, but they don't. 

MorningZ wrote:
 Can you post a sample of the table HTML?
 (using lodgeit if necessary)  http://paste.pocoo.org/

View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] jeditable questions

2008-09-04 Thread kadm

Hi guys I've been trying to implement Mika Tuupola's Jeditable plugin,
but found a couple of things not working, presumably not bugs but my
own mistakes during implementation, I've -unsuccesfully- tried to
solve them by myself, and couldn't get an aswer from the plugin
developer, so I'll hope somebody in the community can help me.

- I can't style the form element at all, I mean when you click the
editable text and it is transformed into a textfield/textarea, it has
a plain style, I'm unable to customize it neither using {cssclass :
someclass} nor with {style : property: atribute}. Are those
options available and functioning OK? Why can it be failing?

- When I click an editable text, and then hit Enter or Esc or click
outside the textfield, the textfield goes back to text, as expected.
But when I have multiple editable texts in the same page (same
cssclass, obviously different IDs) and click/make editable one of
them, then click on another, the previous one doesn't reset its
editable state back to text, but the editable textfield persists.
Eventually I can set as editable every piece of text along the page,
clicking on each of them. If I click outside them, just the last
clicked got reset.

I'll appreciate any help or feedback, or in the last instance, some
consolation :)

[jQuery] [Validation plugin] Checkbox array problem

2008-09-04 Thread nonsense


I'm using Validation plugin (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/
Validation) and I want to use it to check whether at least one
checkbox is checked. Validating for one checkbox is working fine, but
not for group.

HTML code:
input type=checkbox name=category[]
input type=checkbox name=category[]
input type=checkbox name=category[]

I tried to add category[]: required to rules but no success.

Could somebody show me a working example?

Thanks in advance,

  1   2   >