[jQuery] Re: Only show 5 list item, hide the rest?

2009-02-12 Thread mofle

Thanks, you're a genius.

But it didn't work in IE6, where I need it.

Any solution?

On Feb 12, 12:32 am, tres treshug...@gmail.com wrote:
 Oh and also Safari 3.1.2 Windows.


[jQuery] Join me on Bebo

2009-02-12 Thread Yasantha Thushara

I think you will like it.

Click to find out why



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Bebo, Inc., 795 Folsom St, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

[jQuery] Re: How to find the biggest value?

2009-02-12 Thread Stephan Veigl

Hi David,

var max = null;
$(#box div).each(function() {
  if ( !max || max.height()  $(this).height() )
max = $(this);

// flash max div


2009/2/12 David .Wu chan1...@gmail.com:

 for example, how to find biggest div height under box.

 div id=box

[jQuery] Working with identical objects

2009-02-12 Thread ShurikAg


I have a form with dynamically added fields in it. The plugin that
works with those fields have several private fields and functions.
What is the right way of grabbing the data from from the right object.

For example: I'm using drop downs as generated dynamically fields. If
I there is only one drop down of this kind (with specific ID)
everything is working fine and I can easily retrieve what is selected.
But once I'm one or more added, the selected value grabbed from the
last added. What is the right way of doing it?


[jQuery] Re: possible jQuery ui icon bug

2009-02-12 Thread Richard D. Worth
I've forwarded your question over to the jQuery UI Dev list:


We're not able to reproduce it over there. Perhaps you could add some more
detail (maybe a code sample) to that thread. Thanks.

- Richard

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 AM, jim smalltown...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Run the jQuery UI Sortable - Portlets Demo and try swapping  ui-
 icon-minusthick for ui-icon-plusthick, and you will notice that it
 only seems to see the ui-icon-minusthick part of the image. This
 appears to be the case for any pairing of icons where the second icon
 appears to the right of the first icon in the ui-icons_*.png file.

[jQuery] Re: Working with identical objects

2009-02-12 Thread ShurikAg

Here is my code:

 * Page template part setup div
 * form state
var STATE = new;
 * Request URL
var RequestUrl = rootUrl+/aranAjx.php?mod=pages;
 * indicator if there is one form is open
var formOpen = false;
 * Actions
var MODULE_LIST = act=modules;
 * Load image object
var loadImgObj = jQ(img/img).attr(id, stdLoadImg).attr
(src, jQ.STD_LOAD_IMG);
 * Object of template part form
var PartObj = null;
 * HTML select object of availble options
var ModulesListObj = null;

 * Events
var OnBeforeSend = function(){
var OnSuccess = function(data){
//parse the data
if(data['status'] == OK){
//change tha action to edit
jQ(#tplName).attr(readonly, readonly);
} else if(data['status'] == FAIL){
var OnSuccessGetMosules = function(data){
//parse the data
if(data['status'] == OK){
var modules = data['body']['modules'];
ModulesListObj = 
jQ.each(modules, function(i, module){
} else if(data['status'] == FAIL){
var OnError = function(txt){
ShowFormError(Fatal error during request: +txt);
var OnComplete = function(){
jQ(loadImgObj, this).remove();
 * init part
jQ.fn.PartInit = function(){
$.log(Template part form must be 'DIV' element!);
PartObj = this;
if(STATE == edit){

} else if (STATE == new){
//send the reauest for module list first.
var options = {
url: RequestUrl,
//bind events
this.onBeforeSend = OnBeforeSend;
this.onError = OnError;
this.onComplete = OnComplete;
this.onSuccess = OnSuccessGetMosules;

//send ajax request
jQ(this).ijajax(options, this);
return jQ(this);

 * Module selection event handler
var OnModuleSelect = function(){
alert(jQ(option:selected, ModulesListObj).val());
 * Show form error
var ShowFormError = function(err){

 * Show form message
var ShowFormMessage = function(mess){

 * remove error and message divs
var RemoveErrorMessage = function(){

[jQuery] Re: how to fade in image after the site loads?

2009-02-12 Thread Paul Mills

Try something like this:
$('#photo img').load(function() {

The .load() event should fire when the images has loaded.
You don't need to remove the classes pic and site to get the fades
in/out to work.

On Feb 11, 11:17 pm, surreal5335 surrea...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I am working making an intro page to a photo site and I need the image
 to fade in slowly after the site finishes loading.

 I believe I have the jquery correct but something is obviously wrong.
 Right the now the image is hidden, but it wont fadeIn. I am also
 trying to get the text Please wait for site to load to slowly fadeOut
 during this, then after all thats done, fadeIn the Enter Site text.

 Here is the code I am using for it. So far only a few things are
 working properly.

 script type=text/javascript

 script type=text/javascript


         function() {
         function() {




  style type=text/css

 a.site {display: none}

 span.pic {display: none}

 table.position {position: center}

 div.position {text-align: center}


  table border=1 class=position
  span id=photo class=pic
  img src=/test/land_scape_5.png
  div class=positionPlease wait for site to load/div
  a href=# class=site id=site style=text-align: rightEnter

 Here is the link to the page to see whats it giving me:


 I appreciate all the help

[jQuery] Re: Encoding characters using load(some_file.html)

2009-02-12 Thread Leonardo


On 2 fev, 07:34, Hilmar Kolbe hko...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I have the same problem with german characters (Umlaute) - each umlaut comes
 in with a charCode of 65533.
 Is there really no way to get an 8859-page via Ajax with unencoded

[jQuery] Re: Dynamic form - adding new input element doesnt work in IE

2009-02-12 Thread Paul Mills

Hi Alex,
I haven't tested this so might be a red herring.
When you add the clonedRow you append it to the table. When you scan
for last row you look for last tr in the form. It could be that IE
adds the new row after the /form tag. Try changing the append
command to:
$(#dmsProductTable form).append(clonedRow);
or (if you can) restructure the HTML so that the form tags are
outside the table.


On Feb 11, 11:15 pm, WiB alexwib...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a form which is embedded inside table, and I'd like to add new
 form input to it. Here is my code:

         function addRow(size){
                 // need to capture the row class, to add to the new
                 var firstRow=$(#dmsProductTable  tbody:first-child  
                 var firstRowClassNames=firstRow.attr('class');
                 var columnsInFirstRow=firstRow.find(td);
                 var numColumns=columnsInFirstRow.length;

                 for (var i=0; isize;i++){
                         // need to capture the new row index prior to adding 
 new row
                         var newRowIndex = $(#dmsProductTable  
 tbody:first-child  form 

                         var clonedRow= $(#dmsProductTable  
 tbody:first-child  form 
                         var tds=clonedRow.find(td);
                                         var currentName=$(this).attr(name);
                                         alert(current name  + currentName); 
         // take note of
 newName=currentName.replace([+(newRowIndex-1)+], [ +
 newRowIndex + ]);


 The HTML looks like:
 table id=dmsProductTable
                         form id=shitform
                                 tr class=blah
                                         td class=shit
                                         input name=order[0] class=number 
 type=text size=1/
                                 tr class=blah
                                         td class=shit
                                         input name=order[1] class=number 
 type=text size=1/

 This works fine in Firefox. It adds new row, and the index of the
 'order' input is correctly set. However, in IE 7,
 only the first addition to the form is correct. I.e.   I will have
 order[2]... but after that... any new addition will be
 order[2] , order[2], and so on.
 In my code above the
 alert(current name  + currentName);
 will always echo 'order[1]', even though new row has been added
 (which will have 'order[2]', 'order[3]' and so on).
 So it seems to me that the traversal doesnt really look at the latest
 DOM - it remembers the first time the DOM is read.

 Any help is much appreciated!



[jQuery] Upgraded from 1.2.1 to 1.3.1 and jquery.flash has stopped working.

2009-02-12 Thread Dan


I have just upgraded from jQuery 1.2.1 to 1.3.1 however this has
broken the jQuery.flash plugin. (I'm also using jquploader in the page
but I think it's jquery.flash that's causing the problem.

I'm getting this error in fireBug

[Exception... 'Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [...@type='file']'
when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent] nsresult:
0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING) location: unknown
data: no]

Has anyone else had this issue or know how I can resolve this?


[jQuery] Re: Is there a problem with Child selectors in Safari with 1.3?

2009-02-12 Thread Markus Peter

On 22.01.2009, at 21:23, andrew wrote:


I've got an application that has a pop up div which has controls that
submit an ajax post before which I'm getting some hidden variables
from within the popup div, I'm using 'live' with the popup div
controls.  I'm referencing the elements by their parent id then their
specific Id, eg $(#container  #elmId).val().  This works fine in
firefox but not in Safari, I get an undefined if I alert the
variables.  It also works fine in both browsers using jquery 1.2.6 but
not with 1.3.

Has anyone else has similar problems?

$(#id  .class) works for me in Safari 3.2.1 with jQuery 1.3.1 (did  
not test 1.3.0) in my project, but other stuff which worked in 1.2.6  
simply selects the wrong elements

$(#id).find(.class) fails
$(.class, DOMElement) fails

The exact same code works in Firefox, though.

Markus Peter - w...@spin.de - http://www.spin-ag.de/ - http://www.spin.de/
SPiN AG, Bischof-von-Henle-Str. 2b, 93051 Regensburg, HRB 6295  
Aufsichtsratsvors.: Dr. Christian Kirnberger, Vorstände: F. Rott, P.  

[jQuery] jquery doesn't work, when loaded with ajax

2009-02-12 Thread s4crifi...@gmail.com


I'm building a wab page with ajax. Well, everything was fine, before i
needed to create a form for file uploading.
Basicaly it works this way:
User loads webpage (www.exmpl.com)
click upload - a form is placed into div, using ajax. That form
contains jquery code for form handling/file uploading

and it doesn't work. When i load form directly, with an url - it
works. When form is placed into div with AJAX-nothing works

Is there a way to do what i want?

here's the source..

table width=600 border=0 height=100%  cellpadding=0
td height=6 style=background-image:url(images/k_v.jpg);height:
td height=6 style=background-image:url(images/v.jpg);height:
td width=6 height=6 style=background-image:url(images/
td width=5 style=background-image:url(images/k.jpg)nbsp;/
td bgcolor=#edf2f8 valign=top  height=100%Array
div id=adding_ad
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=http://
malsup.com/jquery/form/form.css /
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/block/
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/firebug/
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/form/
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
beforeSubmit: clearOutput,
success:  writeOutput

// normal activity indicator (ala gmail)
$('div id=busyLoading.../div')
.ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
.ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

$().ajaxError(function(ev, opts, xhr, msg, ex) {
//window.console.error(msg + ': ' + ex);
alert(msg + ': ' + ex);

// blockUI activity indicator
$.extend($.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS, { backgroundColor: '#00f' });
$.blockUI.defaults.pageMessage = 'h1img src=../../block/busy.gif /

// pre-submit callback
function clearOutput(a, f, o) {
o.dataType = $('select')[0].value;
$('#output').html('Submitting form...');

// success callback
function writeOutput(data) {
var $out = $('#output');
$out.html('Form success handler received: strong' + typeof data
+ '/strong');

if (typeof data == 'object'  data.nodeType)
data = elementToString(data.documentElement, true);
else if (typeof data == 'object')
data = objToString(data);

$out.append('divpre'+ data +'/pre/div');

// helper
function objToString(o) {
var s = '{\n';
for (var p in o)
s += '' + p + ': ' + o[p] + '\n';
return s + '}';

// helper
function elementToString(n, useRefs) {
var attr = , nest = , a = n.attributes;
for (var i=0; a  i  a.length; i++)
attr += ' ' + a[i].nodeName + '=' + a[i].nodeValue + '';

if (n.hasChildNodes == false)
return  + n.nodeName + \/;

for (var i=0; i  n.childNodes.length; i++) {
var c = n.childNodes.item(i);
if (c.nodeType == 1)   nest += elementToString(c);
else if (c.nodeType == 2)  attr +=   + c.nodeName + =\ +
c.nodeValue + \ ;
else if (c.nodeType == 3)  nest += c.nodeValue;
var s =  + n.nodeName + attr +  + nest + \/ + n.nodeName
+ ;
return useRefs ? s.replace(//g,'lt;').replace(//g,'gt;') : s;

form id=testj1 action=tester.php method=POST
div id=output/div
  table width=98% border=0
  td valign=top  width=33%Add validity:
select name=add_validity class=required
  option value=1 One week/option
  option value=2 Two weeks/option
  option value=3 Three weeks/option
  option value=4 Month/option
  td valign=top  width=33%label/label/td
  td valign=top  width=33%nbsp;/td
  td valign=toplabel
input type=checkbox name=broken value=1   /Broken
  td valign=topnbsp;/td
  td valign=topnbsp;/td
table width=98% border=0
  td valign=top  width=33%Add photo: /td
  td valign=top  width=33%nbsp;/td
  td valign=top  width=33%nbsp;/td
  td colspan=3 valign=toplabel
input name=file1 type=file size=50 /
First photo will be primary /label/td
  td colspan=3 valign=topinput name=file2 type=file
size=50 //td
  td colspan=3 valign=topinput name=file3 type=file
size=50 //td
  td colspan=3 valign=topinput name=file4 type=file
size=50 //td
  td colspan=3 valign=topinput name=file5 type=file
size=50 //td
  td colspan=3 valign=topinput name=file6 type=file
size=50 //td
  td valign=topnbsp;/td
  td valign=topnbsp;/td
  td valign=topnbsp;/td

[jQuery] ClueTip Tooltips only appear on PageLoad, but not after partial page postback in ASP.Net web application

2009-02-12 Thread aaran76

Apologies if this post appears twice, but I posted it at approx 9am
GMT, but it never appeared.

When using ClueTip within and Ajax UpdatePanel, the tooltip appears on
initial page load.

Then clicking on an 'edit button' hides one panel and displays
another. Upon returning to the initial page view (clicking 'Cancel' or
'Save' performs a second partial page update and returns to the
initial grid view), the tooltip no longer displays.

Is this a limitation of the clueTip plugin, or do I need to do
something particular to resolve this issue?

The script is initialised as:

script type=text/javascript language=javascript
$(document).ready(function() { $('.nicetooltip').cluetip
({ attribute: 'rel', splitTitle: '|', cluetipClass: 'jtip',
dropShadowSteps: 2, ajaxCache: true }); });

[jQuery] loading jquery functions for a form, loaded with ajax

2009-02-12 Thread s4crifi...@gmail.com


In my application, i need to load a page with ajax. Loaded page
contains jquery functions, to handle form submitting.
The problem is that when i load that form with ajax, none of the
functions works and when i push submit it opens target url, not
reloads itself with ajax..
when i open the page directly, by typing it's address, everything
works fine, form submits etc.

How can i force jQuery to work, when loaded by ajax?

here's the source:

table width=600 border=0 height=100%  cellpadding=0
td height=6 style=background-image:url(images/k_v.jpg);height:
td height=6 style=background-image:url(images/v.jpg);height:
td width=6 height=6 style=background-image:url(images/
td width=5 style=background-image:url(images/k.jpg)nbsp;/
td bgcolor=#edf2f8 valign=top  height=100%Array
div id=adding_ad
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=screen href=http://
malsup.com/jquery/form/form.css /
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/block/
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/firebug/
script type=text/javascript src=http://malsup.com/jquery/form/
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
beforeSubmit: clearOutput,
success:  writeOutput

// normal activity indicator (ala gmail)
$('div id=busyLoading.../div')
.ajaxStart(function() {$(this).show();})
.ajaxStop(function() {$(this).hide();})

$().ajaxError(function(ev, opts, xhr, msg, ex) {
//window.console.error(msg + ': ' + ex);
alert(msg + ': ' + ex);

// blockUI activity indicator
$.extend($.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS, { backgroundColor: '#00f' });
$.blockUI.defaults.pageMessage = 'h1img src=../../block/busy.gif /

// pre-submit callback
function clearOutput(a, f, o) {
o.dataType = $('select')[0].value;
$('#output').html('Submitting form...');

// success callback
function writeOutput(data) {
var $out = $('#output');
$out.html('Form success handler received: strong' + typeof data
+ '/strong');

if (typeof data == 'object'  data.nodeType)
data = elementToString(data.documentElement, true);
else if (typeof data == 'object')
data = objToString(data);

$out.append('divpre'+ data +'/pre/div');

// helper
function objToString(o) {
var s = '{\n';
for (var p in o)
s += '' + p + ': ' + o[p] + '\n';
return s + '}';

// helper
function elementToString(n, useRefs) {
var attr = , nest = , a = n.attributes;
for (var i=0; a  i  a.length; i++)
attr += ' ' + a[i].nodeName + '=' + a[i].nodeValue + '';

if (n.hasChildNodes == false)
return  + n.nodeName + \/;

for (var i=0; i  n.childNodes.length; i++) {
var c = n.childNodes.item(i);
if (c.nodeType == 1)   nest += elementToString(c);
else if (c.nodeType == 2)  attr +=   + c.nodeName + =\ +
c.nodeValue + \ ;
else if (c.nodeType == 3)  nest += c.nodeValue;
var s =  + n.nodeName + attr +  + nest + \/ + n.nodeName
+ ;
return useRefs ? s.replace(//g,'lt;').replace(//g,'gt;') : s;

form id=testj1 action=tester.php method=POST
 looots of values
looots of values
looots of values
looots of values
looots of values
looots of values

input type=submit name=Submit value=Add  /
td style=background-image:url(images/d.jpg)nbsp;/td
td width=5 height=9 style=background-image:url(images/
td height=9  style=background-image:url(images/a.jpg)/td
td height=9 style=background-image:url(images/d_a.jpg)/td

Thanks for replies:)

[jQuery] jQuery conflict with mootools

2009-02-12 Thread Miko


I'm currently developing a website and want to use jCarousel from
sorgala.com (http://sorgalla.com/jcarousel/). It use jQuery ver.
But on same page, I use accordion menu that use mootools ver. 1.2.
At first, there is a conflict and the accordion menu didn't work.
After some searching and reading, I add 'script type=text/
javascriptjQuery.noConflict();/script' after the definition of the
jCarousel (the script definition of accordion menu is above
I'm glad that the problem solved.
But now I just figured that I still have problem when displaying my
site in IE 6.0 (previously I use Firefox). At first the carousel is
working, i can click next several time but then it stop. Can't click
next or previous. It seems like the carousel is freezing.

Is the jQuery still conflict with mootools ? How to solve this ?

Thank you.


[jQuery] Looking for a JQuery Validation Control

2009-02-12 Thread expresso

I'm looking for a JQuery Validation control that will allow us to show
a small image if a form field is valid. So for instance a user is
filling out a form..tabs to the next form field. The previous form
field will show to the right of the field a little icon signifying
that it's a valid entry.

I've looked at all the controls in the JQuery Plugin page and don't
see one that will allow me to do this.

Anyone here know of one or a way using a plugin to modify it and show
a pic like this during validation?

[jQuery] Sortables and .live

2009-02-12 Thread conspirator

Hello, group!

I'm using jQuery 1.3.1, UI Core 1.6rc6, and UI Sortable 1.6rc6 on a

I couldn't find any documentation on how to use the new .live event
with the sortables. It's got to be possible, right?

Here's my sortable code:
handle : '.handle',
axis: 'y',
update : function () {
var order = $('#the_list').sortable('serialize');

I'd appreciate any help! Thanks!

[jQuery] Lightbox/ThickBox Accessibility

2009-02-12 Thread WC

HAs anyone come accross a lightbox/thickbox plugin for jquery, that
they would class as accessible? Using perhaps ARIA, i have tried
using .focus() but i am having no luck with my testing to ensure it
does move the user to the lightboxed content.


[jQuery] Using clueTip in a ASP.Net website

2009-02-12 Thread aaran76

I've managed to set up the clueTip plugin to display extended
information for a datarow in a grid. The tooltip works fine on initial
page load, but I use AJAX to perform partial page postbacks for
editing the records in the grid.

When returning from edit mode back to grid mode, the clueTip no longer
takes appears, and instead the standard tooltip appears when hovering
over the 'offending' element.

Is this a restriction of the plugin, or should I be doing something
else with the script to ensure that it always appears?

I can post all my code if required, but it is split over MasterPage
and ContentPage. Please advise if you need to see it all.

The script portion is as follows:

script type=text/javascript language=javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.nicetooltip').cluetip({ attribute: 'rel', splitTitle:
'|', cluetipClass: 'jtip', dropShadowSteps: 3, ajaxCache: true }); });

[jQuery] [treeview] unique: true - possible error

2009-02-12 Thread Mariusz

Based on async demo and jquery 1.3.1:

   collapsed: true,
   unique: true,
   persist: cookie,
url: source.php

Page loading makes one request for source.php?root=source that is
When I click on node to open then treeview makes requests for every
node on clicked level depth.
I thing it is error becouse when I set unique: false then click on
node makes only one request per click.

[jQuery] Re: Content called using $().load() isn't displaying in IE (content contains an Iframe)

2009-02-12 Thread scottg...@gmail.com

I'm not 100% clear on what you are asking here but, looking at your

Looks like if you click on the anchor with class ajax you are
loading the href into the #content object.  Is the iframe that you
are messing with on the same domain?  There are a ton of funky
security permissions with iframes.  Especially for IE6.

On Feb 11, 9:44 pm, mumbojumbo madmediabl...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have some code that loads content into a div using the .load
 function in jQuery. Now, the content that is pulled from the page is a
 in a div and in one of the div's, I have an I frame. The code I have
 works for FF Opera Safari but in IE the page doesn't do anything (Or
 at least, Doesn't show anything)

 Ideas Comments?


 $('.ajax').bind(click, function(e) {
                                 var fileName = $(this).attr(href);
 #wrap', function(){

 the div id that is loaded is called wrap and the only page that gives
 me a problem in IE is the one where wrap contains an iframe.

[jQuery] Google Chrome and jQuery 1.3.1 selector issue

2009-02-12 Thread dzoo

Hi I am having trouble with jQuery and Google Chrome (and I guess
webkit) selector

Basically I have a bit of code than does a wrapInner of
my .bannergroup classes (wraps it's children with a div.carouselBelt)

OK when I use Firefox I can do this


With Chrome it fails (unable to get offset parent BUT this works


very odd as [0] should return an element but actually returns the
jQuery object

You can see this on a live site at www.greenbox.com.au (which is still
being made to work for various browsers IE6 and Safari/Chrome in

[jQuery] Re: Finding the last sibling.

2009-02-12 Thread scottg...@gmail.com

Last child method, definitely better. :-)

On Feb 11, 10:13 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:
 $(div :last-child);

 (or this wacky way I tried before I learned CSS selectors
 $(div).children()[$(div).children().size() - 1])...)


 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi James, apologize for not being more precise. I'm using the input
  element as my base reference. So using that input element, I want to
  get the last sibling under the div. You are correct that if the span
  is not then the input is what I want. I may need to add more tags
  later (I'm sure you know hoe the development process goes when
  customers are involved. :) ), so a reliable way to get the last tag
  would be nice. Thanks!

  On Feb 11, 7:21 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
   When you say last sibling in a parent, what does that mean? Which
   element is your base reference?

   In your example:
     input .. /

   Do you mean your div is the base reference, and you want to find the
   last child (thus, span) relative to that?
   And if span is not there, you want input?

   On Feb 11, 4:12 pm, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

Before I accidentally hit enter, this is what I was trying to type: :)

  input .. /

The span might or might not be there, so I would like to just get the
last sibling in a parent.


[jQuery] double popup using blockUI?

2009-02-12 Thread dan


I have a requirement to display a modal dialog and then show a further
informational popup - does blockUI support a 'double popup' - when I
call blockUI from the first popup the second displays but the first is
removed, how do I override this behaviour to keep both displayed?


[jQuery] $.getScript - passing the response.

2009-02-12 Thread brian.overl...@gmail.com

I'm using $.getScript to get XML from a remote server.  How do I pass
the response text from that request to another function?  Here's the

$.getScript(getURL, function(){

How do I pass the response text to processXML?


[jQuery] Looking for a certain JQuery Plug-in

2009-02-12 Thread expresso

I'm looking for a JQuery Validation control that will allow us to show a
small image if a form field is valid. So for instance a user is filling out
a form..tabs to the next form field. The previous form field will show to
the right of the field a little icon signifying that it's a valid entry.

I've looked at all the controls in the JQuery Plugin page and don't see one
that will allow me to do this.

Anyone here know of one or a way using a plugin to modify it and show a pic
like this during validation?
View this message in context: 
Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Re: Status Codes = docs

2009-02-12 Thread Mike Alsup

 I would be grateful if someone could point me to documentation
 on status codes.

 Example: $post() expects a callback function whose second argument
 would be status.
 What statuses should I expect and what datatype for statuses
 should I expect.
 Links to docs would be more than adequate.


[jQuery] Re: jquery doesn't work, when loaded with ajax

2009-02-12 Thread Mike Alsup

 I'm building a wab page with ajax. Well, everything was fine, before i
 needed to create a form for file uploading.
 Basicaly it works this way:
 User loads webpage (www.exmpl.com)
 click upload - a form is placed into div, using ajax. That form
 contains jquery code for form handling/file uploading

 and it doesn't work. When i load form directly, with an url - it
 works. When form is placed into div with AJAX-nothing works

 Is there a way to do what i want?

This might help:


[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to make a textarea that auto expands as needed?

2009-02-12 Thread Rick Faircloth

Ideas, anyone?

 -Original Message-
 From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
 Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
 Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:56 PM
 To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [jQuery] Is there a way to make a textarea that auto expands as 
 I'd like to figure out a way to make a textarea
 that expands with text input when necessary and shrinks,
 also, if possible...and without scrollbars.
 I've looked around, but haven't found a solution that
 does everything.
 Anyone know if that's possible with jQuery?  Or how to do it?

[jQuery] Re: double popup using blockUI?

2009-02-12 Thread Mike Alsup

 I have a requirement to display a modal dialog and then show a further
 informational popup - does blockUI support a 'double popup' - when I
 call blockUI from the first popup the second displays but the first is
 removed, how do I override this behaviour to keep both displayed?

BlockUI doesn't support concurrent full-page blocks.  You could block
the first popup however using the element blocking capability.  Maybe
something like this:


[jQuery] Re: $.getScript - passing the response.

2009-02-12 Thread Nic Luciano

Close but You should be using .get() for this, with an onsuccess  
callback (also see datatype). .getscript is solely for loading  
javascript files to execute.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 11, 2009, at 11:13 PM, brian.overl...@gmail.com brian.overl...@gmail.com 

I'm using $.getScript to get XML from a remote server.  How do I pass
the response text from that request to another function?  Here's the

$.getScript(getURL, function(){

How do I pass the response text to processXML?


[jQuery] Re: Removing all styles from an element-

2009-02-12 Thread Nic Luciano

I considered it, but because of the ambiguity I run into I just need  
to specify every single Css property... Thought there might be  
something clever I could do with jquery but pobably not... Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com  

You could a use kind of CSS reset for your container. I usually
don't like '*' declarations but this seems fit here:

#myModule * { margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial; color:#000;
height:auto; width:auto }

On Feb 11, 11:09 pm, Nic adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:
The scenario: I am developing a module that will live on any page  

requested to live on (any website). The issue is that if the website
it's on has a broad style definition (ie. p { margin: 20px; }), this
will affect my elements (in addition to the styles I define). Is  

a way I can ensure that only the styles I apply are used, or to clear
all styles of my elements before I apply my own? So if someone has
such a definition on their page, it won't effect my module. I know I
could explicitly redefine the style myself, but there is no way of
telling ahead of time what styles will be defined (without defining
every single css property for every single element)- so a catch all
would be nice.


Sent from my iPhone

[jQuery] Re: Looking for a JQuery Validation Control

2009-02-12 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

This plugin: http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/
This demo has icons: http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/milk/


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 4:40 AM, expresso dschin...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm looking for a JQuery Validation control that will allow us to show
 a small image if a form field is valid. So for instance a user is
 filling out a form..tabs to the next form field. The previous form
 field will show to the right of the field a little icon signifying
 that it's a valid entry.

 I've looked at all the controls in the JQuery Plugin page and don't
 see one that will allow me to do this.

 Anyone here know of one or a way using a plugin to modify it and show
 a pic like this during validation?

[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to make a textarea that auto expands as needed?

2009-02-12 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

Did you skip my previous message?

On Feb 12, 11:02 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com
 Ideas, anyone?

  -Original Message-
  From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
  Behalf Of Rick Faircloth
  Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:56 PM
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
  Subject: [jQuery] Is there a way to make a textarea that auto expands as 

  I'd like to figure out a way to make a textarea
  that expands with text input when necessary and shrinks,
  also, if possible...and without scrollbars.

  I've looked around, but haven't found a solution that
  does everything.

  Anyone know if that's possible with jQuery?  Or how to do it?


[jQuery] Re: Content called using $().load() isn't displaying in IE (content contains an Iframe)

2009-02-12 Thread mumbojumbo

You got my code down, that's what it does. The iframe is loading
different domain, and I'm testing in IE7. I just need to figure this
out by the end of the day. This is the problem though, When I load
giftcards.html ( the page with the iframe) into my browser it works,
but when I ajax load the iframe into another page, it doesn't work in

On Feb 11, 11:28 pm, scottg...@gmail.com scottg...@gmail.com
 I'm not 100% clear on what you are asking here but, looking at your

 Looks like if you click on the anchor with class ajax you are
 loading the href into the #content object.  Is the iframe that you
 are messing with on the same domain?  There are a ton of funky
 security permissions with iframes.  Especially for IE6.

 On Feb 11, 9:44 pm, mumbojumbo madmediabl...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have some code that loads content into a div using the .load
  function in jQuery. Now, the content that is pulled from the page is a
  in a div and in one of the div's, I have an I frame. The code I have
  works for FF Opera Safari but in IE the page doesn't do anything (Or
  at least, Doesn't show anything)

  Ideas Comments?


  $('.ajax').bind(click, function(e) {
                                  var fileName = $(this).attr(href);
  #wrap', function(){

  the div id that is loaded is called wrap and the only page that gives
  me a problem in IE is the one where wrap contains an iframe.- Hide quoted 
  text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Re: Removing all styles from an element-

2009-02-12 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

Even redeclaring all properties in CSS will be much better than using
javascript to fix it.

Something like

#myModule * { margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial; color:#000;
height:auto; width:auto; font-size:10px; letter-spacing:1; line-height:
1; text-indent:0; overflow:visible; border:0 none; background: #FFF;
float:none; clear:none; }

Should be enough, then you would just make sure you declare *every*
style you need on on your own CSS, even the defaults.

If you wanted complete outside styles 'protection', you could load
everything inside an iframe. ?

On Feb 12, 11:07 am, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:
 I considered it, but because of the ambiguity I run into I just need
 to specify every single Css property... Thought there might be  
 something clever I could do with jquery but pobably not... Thanks

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:08 AM, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com  

  You could a use kind of CSS reset for your container. I usually
  don't like '*' declarations but this seems fit here:

  #myModule * { margin:0; padding:0; font-family:Arial; color:#000;
  height:auto; width:auto }

  On Feb 11, 11:09 pm, Nic adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:
  The scenario: I am developing a module that will live on any page  
  requested to live on (any website). The issue is that if the website
  it's on has a broad style definition (ie. p { margin: 20px; }), this
  will affect my elements (in addition to the styles I define). Is  
  a way I can ensure that only the styles I apply are used, or to clear
  all styles of my elements before I apply my own? So if someone has
  such a definition on their page, it won't effect my module. I know I
  could explicitly redefine the style myself, but there is no way of
  telling ahead of time what styles will be defined (without defining
  every single css property for every single element)- so a catch all
  would be nice.


  Sent from my iPhone

[jQuery] Re: Finding the last sibling.

2009-02-12 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

If the input doesn`t exist nothing will be returned with nextAll. Same
with jQuery Lover's approach. That's we need to get all the children:


or alternatively

$('input').siblings().andSelf().filter(':last-child') // I'd bet the
other one is faster

As Mike Manning pointed out, $(div :last-child) will return all the
'last-child's of all the descendants, not just the children. $(div
 :last-child) would be it.

- ricardo

On Feb 12, 4:19 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 Somehow the selector disappeared :P



 On Feb 11, 10:17 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  $(div :last-child);  finds all of the last-child elements, including
  descendant elements (e.g.  if there were an a inside the span in
  your example it would be returned too). You can also not worry about
  the parent at all and just use the sibling selector:

   //or you could use :last-child

  As Ricardo suggested, you can use 'this' :


  On Feb 11, 10:05 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

   $(this).parent().children(':last') //or :last-child - assuming 'this'
   is the input element

   On Feb 12, 3:09 am, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks Nic,

How about if I'm using the input tag as the base? Can I do something
like $(self:parent:last-child) ?

On Feb 11, 8:13 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

 $(div :last-child);

 (or this wacky way I tried before I learned CSS selectors
 $(div).children()[$(div).children().size() - 1])...)


 On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com 

  Hi James, apologize for not being more precise. I'm using the input
  element as my base reference. So using that input element, I want to
  get the last sibling under the div. You are correct that if the span
  is not then the input is what I want. I may need to add more tags
  later (I'm sure you know hoe the development process goes when
  customers are involved. :) ), so a reliable way to get the last tag
  would be nice. Thanks!

  On Feb 11, 7:21 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
   When you say last sibling in a parent, what does that mean? 
   element is your base reference?

   In your example:
     input .. /

   Do you mean your div is the base reference, and you want to 
   find the
   last child (thus, span) relative to that?
   And if span is not there, you want input?

   On Feb 11, 4:12 pm, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

Before I accidentally hit enter, this is what I was trying to 
type: :)

  input .. /

The span might or might not be there, so I would like to just 
get the
last sibling in a parent.


[jQuery] Re: IE7 Zoom and the cluetip plugin

2009-02-12 Thread astr

Well, thank you for the quick answer nevertheless.


On Feb 11, 6:07 pm, Karl Swedberg k...@englishrules.com wrote:
 On Feb 11, 2009, at 3:27 AM, astr wrote:

  Hi, everybody,

  I have a problem with IE7/Cluetip plugin. IE7 Currupts the tooltips in
  the jQuery ClueTip plugin if you zoom the page. See, eg., the example
  on the Cluetip demo page  plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/ ,
  default style, 9. mouse tracking.

  Zooming is a good property, though not if it is poorly implemented. It
  seems to be in IE7 (google confirms), so it is either give up the
  Cluetip or ignore IE7, unless there is some remedy, which I am not
  able to find.  Has anybody hit on a way out of this problem?

  The best to all


 I'm sorry you're having trouble with this. I wish there were something  
 I could do to fix it, but I'm not sure where to start, to be honest.  
 If anyone else has some suggestions, I'd love to hear them.
 Not only is the positioning off when you zoom, but that (experimental)  
 example you mention has other problems. Seems that when I move the  
 mouse over the link, the tooltip moves but the text it contains stays  
 put. Very strange.

 Incidentally, the jQuery UI Dialog has some issues of its own wrt IE7  

 I'm guessing this has something to do with how IE7 reports its  
 offsets. Would be interested to hear if others have found solutions.  
 In the meantime, I do some research of my own.

 Thanks for reporting the problem. Sorry I don't have a quick fix for  

 Karl Swedbergwww.englishrules.comwww.learningjquery.com

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter in Tabs

2009-02-12 Thread black.horizons

MorningZ - can you show me any of your pages online, so I can compare

TIA - Alex

On Feb 10, 8:31 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
 Got a public-facing example page?

 I've got the tablsorter plugin inside ui.tabs on a bunch of pages and
 have zero problems with them conflicting with each other

 On Feb 10, 2:46 pm, black.horizons black.horiz...@gmail.com wrote:

  I've got tablesorter 2.0 sitting in tabs and it's not working, has
  anybody got any idea why? I've got tablesorter 2.0 also sitting
  outside tabs (on a different page) and it's working perfectly, so i'm
  fairly sure that tablesorter 2.0 isn't broke!

  thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: Content called using $().load() isn't displaying in IE (content contains an Iframe)

2009-02-12 Thread mumbojumbo

I also tried using an object tag, as that is strict compliant, It
still works in FF Safari Opera but It won't load when called through
jquery in IE. IS there a force reload?

On Feb 12, 8:18 am, mumbojumbo madmediabl...@gmail.com wrote:
 You got my code down, that's what it does. The iframe is loading
 different domain, and I'm testing in IE7. I just need to figure this
 out by the end of the day. This is the problem though, When I load
 giftcards.html ( the page with the iframe) into my browser it works,
 but when I ajax load the iframe into another page, it doesn't work in

 On Feb 11, 11:28 pm, scottg...@gmail.com scottg...@gmail.com

  I'm not 100% clear on what you are asking here but, looking at your

  Looks like if you click on the anchor with class ajax you are
  loading the href into the #content object.  Is the iframe that you
  are messing with on the same domain?  There are a ton of funky
  security permissions with iframes.  Especially for IE6.

  On Feb 11, 9:44 pm, mumbojumbo madmediabl...@gmail.com wrote:


   I have some code that loads content into a div using the .load
   function in jQuery. Now, the content that is pulled from the page is a
   in a div and in one of the div's, I have an I frame. The code I have
   works for FF Opera Safari but in IE the page doesn't do anything (Or
   at least, Doesn't show anything)

   Ideas Comments?


   $('.ajax').bind(click, function(e) {
                                   var fileName = $(this).attr(href);
   #wrap', function(){

   the div id that is loaded is called wrap and the only page that gives
   me a problem in IE is the one where wrap contains an iframe.- Hide quoted 
   text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

[jQuery] Need help to understand jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread shapo

Hi Guys

I am having a tough time getting the hang of jQuery so the best of
learning for me is to see my current code in jQuery so I can
understand it better. Here is an GET ajax request I make in JS:

function GET(link) {
// -- Enable Loader Tag
setClassName(message, display);

// -- Execute xmlhttprequest
var xhr = CreateRequest();

try {
// -- Check for Custom Exception Message
var x = xhr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(message);
if(x != null) {
//-Print Exception
return false;
} catch(e) {
// -- No custom exception found, continue as normal
if(xhr.status==200) {
setClassName(message, setnone);
return xhr.responseText;
else if(xhr.status==500) {
return false;
else if(xhr.status==501) {
return false;
else if(xhr.status==404) {
return false;

Is it ok if someone could convert it into a jQuery for me ? I have
gone through many tutorials but I wouldnt know how to implement it
into my code above.

[jQuery] New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Why does this :


if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



work in 1.3.1 but not this


if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



(Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained anywhere

Another thing

why cant i do this

function blabla() {

$(document).ready(blabla()) ?

and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})

From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1 those
seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
doc/tutorial pages? :(

Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile:

MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

[jQuery] gettng value from radio buttons

2009-02-12 Thread angelochen...@gmail.com


I have two radio buttons, when user click I'd like to know what is
value selected now inside updateoptns, but the code below always
return '0',
any idea how to do this? Thanks,


label for=optns /label
input checked=checked class=rb_optns id=rd1 name=optns
onClick=updateoptns() type=radio value=0 / /label
input id=rd2 name=optns onClick=updateoptns() type=radio
value=1 / Metric (kg/cm)/label
br clear=none /

function updateoptns() {
var optns = jQuery(inp...@name='optns']);

[jQuery] Re: Tablesorter in Tabs

2009-02-12 Thread MorningZ

There isn't really anything special to show

but looking at your code, i certainly can offer a suggestion:

start simple and work your way to complex... in other words, drop the
accordian stuff and all that and start off with a basic tabs page,
then sort the tables, then add the accordions.  i don't see how in
all that code you can just say tabs and tablesorter don't work
together with all that code going on

On Feb 12, 8:59 am, black.horizons black.horiz...@gmail.com wrote:
 MorningZ - can you show me any of your pages online, so I can compare

 TIA - Alex

 On Feb 10, 8:31 pm, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  Got a public-facing example page?

  I've got the tablsorter plugin inside ui.tabs on a bunch of pages and
  have zero problems with them conflicting with each other

  On Feb 10, 2:46 pm, black.horizons black.horiz...@gmail.com wrote:

   I've got tablesorter 2.0 sitting in tabs and it's not working, has
   anybody got any idea why? I've got tablesorter 2.0 also sitting
   outside tabs (on a different page) and it's working perfectly, so i'm
   fairly sure that tablesorter 2.0 isn't broke!

   thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: Need help to understand jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread Liam Potter

  type: GET,
  url: some.php,
  data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
  success: function(msg){
alert( Success );

this isn't a direct translation of your js to jquery but this shows the 

shapo wrote:

Hi Guys

I am having a tough time getting the hang of jQuery so the best of
learning for me is to see my current code in jQuery so I can
understand it better. Here is an GET ajax request I make in JS:

function GET(link) {
// -- Enable Loader Tag
setClassName(message, display);

// -- Execute xmlhttprequest
var xhr = CreateRequest();

try {
// -- Check for Custom Exception Message
var x = xhr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName(message);
if(x != null) {
//-Print Exception
return false;
} catch(e) {
// -- No custom exception found, continue as normal
if(xhr.status==200) {
setClassName(message, setnone);
return xhr.responseText;
else if(xhr.status==500) {
return false;
else if(xhr.status==501) {
return false;
else if(xhr.status==404) {
return false;

Is it ok if someone could convert it into a jQuery for me ? I have
gone through many tutorials but I wouldnt know how to implement it
into my code above.

[jQuery] Re: Need help to understand jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread Jack Mack
But how would I handle the error messages ? I have custom errors for each of
the server errors. Then I have a functionality error handler if the server
code prints out an exception in XML.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.comwrote:

  type: GET,
  url: some.php,
  data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
  success: function(msg){
alert( Success );

 this isn't a direct translation of your js to jquery but this shows the

 shapo wrote:

 Hi Guys

 I am having a tough time getting the hang of jQuery so the best of
 learning for me is to see my current code in jQuery so I can
 understand it better. Here is an GET ajax request I make in JS:

function GET(link) {
// -- Enable Loader Tag
setClassName(message, display);

// -- Execute xmlhttprequest
var xhr = CreateRequest();

try {
// -- Check for Custom Exception Message
var x =
if(x != null) {
//-Print Exception
return false;
} catch(e) {
// -- No custom exception found, continue as normal
if(xhr.status==200) {
setClassName(message, setnone);
return xhr.responseText;
else if(xhr.status==500) {
return false;
else if(xhr.status==501) {
return false;
else if(xhr.status==404) {
return false;

 Is it ok if someone could convert it into a jQuery for me ? I have
 gone through many tutorials but I wouldnt know how to implement it
 into my code above.

[jQuery] Re: Need help to understand jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread Liam Potter

 type: GET,
 url: some.php,
 data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
 success: function(msg){
   alert( Success );
 error: function(emsg){



Jack Mack wrote:
But how would I handle the error messages ? I have custom errors for 
each of the server errors. Then I have a functionality error handler 
if the server code prints out an exception in XML.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com 
mailto:radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

 type: GET,
 url: some.php,
 data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
 success: function(msg){
   alert( Success );

this isn't a direct translation of your js to jquery but this
shows the principle.

shapo wrote:

Hi Guys

I am having a tough time getting the hang of jQuery so the best of
learning for me is to see my current code in jQuery so I can
understand it better. Here is an GET ajax request I make in JS:

   function GET(link) {
   // -- Enable Loader Tag
   setClassName(message, display);

   // -- Execute xmlhttprequest
   var xhr = CreateRequest();

   try {
   // -- Check for Custom Exception Message
   var x =
   if(x != null) {
   //-Print Exception

   return false;
   } catch(e) {
   // -- No custom exception found,
continue as normal
   if(xhr.status==200) {
   setClassName(message, setnone);
   return xhr.responseText;
   else if(xhr.status==500) {
   return false;
   else if(xhr.status==501) {
   return false;
   else if(xhr.status==404) {
   return false;

Is it ok if someone could convert it into a jQuery for me ? I have
gone through many tutorials but I wouldnt know how to implement it
into my code above.

[jQuery] Re: Need help to understand jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread Jack Mack
Ok, but what would the statusText print out ? And is there any way I can
customise the message ?

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.comwrote:

  type: GET,
  url: some.php,
  data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
  success: function(msg){
   alert( Success );
  error: function(emsg){
  }| });


 Jack Mack wrote:

 But how would I handle the error messages ? I have custom errors for each
 of the server errors. Then I have a functionality error handler if the
 server code prints out an exception in XML.

 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.commailto:
 radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

 type: GET,
 url: some.php,
 data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
 success: function(msg){
   alert( Success );

this isn't a direct translation of your js to jquery but this
shows the principle.

shapo wrote:

Hi Guys

I am having a tough time getting the hang of jQuery so the best of
learning for me is to see my current code in jQuery so I can
understand it better. Here is an GET ajax request I make in JS:

   function GET(link) {
   // -- Enable Loader Tag
   setClassName(message, display);

   // -- Execute xmlhttprequest
   var xhr = CreateRequest();

   try {
   // -- Check for Custom Exception Message
   var x =
   if(x != null) {
   //-Print Exception

   return false;
   } catch(e) {
   // -- No custom exception found,
continue as normal
   if(xhr.status==200) {
   setClassName(message, setnone);
   return xhr.responseText;
   else if(xhr.status==500) {
   return false;
   else if(xhr.status==501) {
   return false;
   else if(xhr.status==404) {
   return false;

Is it ok if someone could convert it into a jQuery for me ? I have
gone through many tutorials but I wouldnt know how to implement it
into my code above.

[jQuery] Re: Need help to understand jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread Liam Potter

My knowledge of the ajax functions of jquery are rather limited to be 
honest, I deal with the frontend aspects mainly.
I don't know if this would work, I assume it would. There are a few 
regulars on this list who could help you with this a lot better then I can.

   type: GET,
   url: some.php,
   data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
   success: function(msg){
   alert( Success );
error: function(emsg){
 if(xhr.status==200) {
alert(custom message);
 else if(xhr.status==500) {
alert(custom message);
 else if(xhr.status==501) {
alert(custom message);
 else if(xhr.status==404) {
alert(custom message);

Jack Mack wrote:
Ok, but what would the statusText print out ? And is there any way I 
can customise the message ?

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com 
mailto:radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

 type: GET,
 url: some.php,
 data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
 success: function(msg){
  alert( Success );
 error: function(emsg){
 }| });


Jack Mack wrote:

But how would I handle the error messages ? I have custom
errors for each of the server errors. Then I have a
functionality error handler if the server code prints out an
exception in XML.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:25 PM, Liam Potter
radioactiv...@gmail.com mailto:radioactiv...@gmail.com
mailto:radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

type: GET,
url: some.php,
data: name=Johnlocation=Boston,
success: function(msg){
  alert( Success );

   this isn't a direct translation of your js to jquery but this
   shows the principle.

   shapo wrote:

   Hi Guys

   I am having a tough time getting the hang of jQuery so
the best of
   learning for me is to see my current code in jQuery so
I can
   understand it better. Here is an GET ajax request I
make in JS:

  function GET(link) {
  // -- Enable Loader Tag
  setClassName(message, display);

  // -- Execute xmlhttprequest
  var xhr = CreateRequest();

  try {
  // -- Check for Custom Exception
  var x =
  if(x != null) {
  //-Print Exception

  return false;
  } catch(e) {
  // -- No custom exception found,
   continue as normal
  if(xhr.status==200) {
  return xhr.responseText;
  else if(xhr.status==500) {
  return false;
  else if(xhr.status==501) {
  return false;
  else if(xhr.status==404) {
  return false;

   Is it ok if someone could convert it into a jQuery for
me ? I have
   gone through many tutorials but I wouldnt know how to
implement it
   into my code above.

[jQuery] jquery / ajax

2009-02-12 Thread weidc


i got a radio button. if this radio button is checked it shell send
the value of the button to a .php document. didn't used ajax at all so
i don't know how to do this.

at the moment i tried something like this:

var value = $(this).val();
   type: POST,
   url: some.php,
   data: value,
   success: function(msg){
 alert( Data Saved:  + value );


got it out of some documentation but don't know if it would work
'cause i'm not able to test it at the moment.

i'd like to know if this would work and if not how it could work.
i'd be happy about any help.


[jQuery] Re: how to differentiate between click and dragend events?

2009-02-12 Thread legofish

Thank you peter, that's very helpful. Thank u nic as well.

On Feb 12, 2:54 am, Peter Edwards p...@bjorsq.net wrote:
 the event order is mousedown-mouseup-click
 the 'dragend' event is triggered by mouseup, which happens before the
 click event, so if you put logic in your function dragged() to prevent
 clicked() from doing whatever it does, then the click event which is
 triggered at the end of a drag should be neutralised. The following
 approach uses a global boolean variable as a switch.

 var afterDrag = false
 function draggged() { afterDrag = true; }
 function clicked(){
   if (afterDrag) {
     afterDrag = false;


 Another approach would be to cancel events in the dragged() function
 somehow, but my knowledge of the event model doesn't extend that far
 (can a mouseup event cancel the click event which follows it?)

 on 12/02/2009 00:43 legofish said::

  no takers?

  On Feb 11, 1:54 pm, legofish pen...@gmail.com wrote:


  I am using the drag plugin (http://blog.threedubmedia.com/2008/08/
  eventspecialdrag.html) to design some interactions for a UI element.

  The element foo, needs to respond to a click, as well as to a drag
  (different responses for each). The plugin gives you handy drag events
  to work with.

  So I have:
  $(#foo).bind('dragend', function(e){   dragged()   });
  $(#foo).bind('click', function(e){   clicked()   });

  When foo is simply clicked on, then clicked() is executed and all is
  However, when foo is dragged, dragged() is called and right after that
  clicked() is called as well.
  I don't want clicked() to be called when foo is dragged, but I can't
  seem to figure out how to avoid that. Help is much appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: jquery / ajax

2009-02-12 Thread Liam Potter

you can test if it would work using firebug, just check the net tab for 
activity from the page to some.php

weidc wrote:


i got a radio button. if this radio button is checked it shell send
the value of the button to a .php document. didn't used ajax at all so
i don't know how to do this.

at the moment i tried something like this:

var value = $(this).val();
   type: POST,
   url: some.php,
   data: value,
   success: function(msg){
 alert( Data Saved:  + value );


got it out of some documentation but don't know if it would work
'cause i'm not able to test it at the moment.

i'd like to know if this would work and if not how it could work.
i'd be happy about any help.


[jQuery] Re: gettng value from radio buttons

2009-02-12 Thread Frederik Ring


You could do it like this:

$('input:radio[name=\'optns\']').click(function() {
var optns = $(this).val();
alert (optns);

You'll have to remove your onclick-s then.

On Feb 12, 3:22 pm, angelochen...@gmail.com
angelochen...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have two radio buttons, when user click I'd like to know what is
 value selected now inside updateoptns, but the code below always
 return '0',
 any idea how to do this? Thanks,


         label for=optns /label
         input checked=checked class=rb_optns id=rd1 name=optns
 onClick=updateoptns() type=radio value=0 / /label
         input id=rd2 name=optns onClick=updateoptns() type=radio
 value=1 / Metric (kg/cm)/label
         br clear=none /

         function updateoptns() {
             var optns = jQuery(inp...@name='optns']);

[jQuery] jquery s3slider and Magento

2009-02-12 Thread Anatalsceo

I've been trying to use the great s3slider on a magento web site.
It almost works.
When I say almost, it means that I managed to add the jquery library
and make it work.
On my page I get the first slide but not the others. It seems that
it's stuck on the first one. When I look at the code of the page, the
second slide is there (these slides are created dynamically via php)
but it doesn't appear. When I refresh the page the second slide
appears but not the first.

here is the link :

can someone help me fix this.


Damien Hirlimann

[jQuery] Re: Access tabs from an iframe to another.

2009-02-12 Thread m.ugues

I made an example that simulate the strange behaviour.
It is possible to download it here


I made a test case that works: it's possible run it opening

indexContainer.html contains the test case that does not work.

It seems that accessing from an iframe to another iframe where is
defined the tabs is impossible.
I can access any other elements in the iframe that contains the tabs
but the tabs.

Any idea?

Kind regards.


On Feb 9, 7:45 pm, m.ugues m.ug...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hallo all.
 I got a problem accessing .ui-tabs-nav defined in an iframe from
 another one.

 I have a index page where I define an iframe: inside the iframe is
 loaded a page where are defined the tabs.


 In index.html there is this piece of code


 Then I load a modal dialog with an iframe inside (using jquery
 DOMwindow); now that i got this iframe I need to change the tab
 content, but i cannot access the tab class to do it.

 Normally inside the iframe where are defined the tabs I use this piece
 of code to reload a tabhttp://pastie.org/384176

 I tried different ways to do the same thing in the other iframe as
 described herehttp://pastie.org/384179but with no result.

 Any idea how to solve this problem?

 Kind regards

 Massimo UGues

[jQuery] Re: jquery s3slider and Magento

2009-02-12 Thread Liam Potter


div class=clear sliderImage/div
before the /ul

Anatalsceo wrote:

I've been trying to use the great s3slider on a magento web site.
It almost works.
When I say almost, it means that I managed to add the jquery library
and make it work.
On my page I get the first slide but not the others. It seems that
it's stuck on the first one. When I look at the code of the page, the
second slide is there (these slides are created dynamically via php)
but it doesn't appear. When I refresh the page the second slide
appears but not the first.

here is the link :

can someone help me fix this.


Damien Hirlimann

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread MorningZ

For the first part of your post

li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

li.last   gets any li with the class of last

For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


(note the lack of () after the function name)

On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why does this :


     if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
         $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



 work in 1.3.1 but not this


     if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
         $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



 (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained anywhere

 Another thing

 why cant i do this

 function blabla() {


 $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

 and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})

 From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1 those
 seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
 doc/tutorial pages? :(

 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
 CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619


[jQuery] Re: jquery s3slider and Magento

2009-02-12 Thread Anatalsceo


On 12 fév, 16:37, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:

 div class=clear sliderImage/div
 before the /ul

 Anatalsceo wrote:
  I've been trying to use the great s3slider on a magento web site.
  It almost works.
  When I say almost, it means that I managed to add the jquery library
  and make it work.
  On my page I get the first slide but not the others. It seems that
  it's stuck on the first one. When I look at the code of the page, the
  second slide is there (these slides are created dynamically via php)
  but it doesn't appear. When I refresh the page the second slide
  appears but not the first.

  here is the link :

  can someone help me fix this.


  Damien Hirlimann

[jQuery] Re: jeditable addition of checkboxes, doubleclick to select.

2009-02-12 Thread Brian Loomis

I'm trying to keep from having a check box need a double click to  
become selected.

It seems the base behavior in jeditable is that one click opens an  
item for editing, and one click (or typing) allows the edits to occur.

In the case of a checkbox a double click is not an expected behavior  
for a standard user so this can be confusing for them.  In the even  
that they are selecting multiple checkboxes in succession is becomes  
more so.

I pulled the latest version of jeditable from github last night and  
updated my core so I am on the edge.

I will try adding in this snippet also.

On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:27 AM, Mika Tuupola wrote:

On Feb 11, 2009, at 7:13 PM, Brian Loomis wrote:

Unfortunately I am not able to get the checkbox to select without  
first selecting the containing element (which has the appearance of  
having to get the checkbox a double click to check it)  However -  
the checkbox unselects with only one click.  I do not have to click  
the containing element to get this behavior.

I would like to get the checkbox to select with one click - before  
my designer whomps me with the usability paddle and makes me do a  
tear out and use standard forms.

Sorry but I do not understand your explanation what you are trying  
to do.

Do you want the checkbox to be automatically checked when you click  
editable element and the checkbox appears? You could try adding this  
to you custom input code:

   plugin : function(settings, original) {
   $(input, this).attr(checked, true);

You need to set checked in plugin method instead of element because  
browsers are a bit touchy when value of input is set.

Mika Tuupola

[jQuery] uncheck specific checkbox

2009-02-12 Thread Andy

Hey guys,

I'm trying to uncheck a checkbox that is inside my flexigrid.  I have
a checkbox in the header and the column has all checkboxes.  What I'm
trying to do is if I select the top checkbox (so all of the checkboxes
below are selected), I would like to uncheck that checkbox if any of
the other checkboxes in that column are unchecked.

I'm using the following code, but when it runs through this, it
unselects all of the items, instead of just the header.

Code snippet:

var rItem = document.getElementById(chk_col_ + colName);
$(inp...@name= + rItem.name + ][type='checkbox']).attr('checked',

The checkbox is named correctly, so I'm not sure why this isn't


[jQuery] (SOLVED) Re: Superfish - Entire menu flickers on hover

2009-02-12 Thread TimA

This javascript fixes this problem with IE6 background image caching:

try {
 document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true);
} catch(e) {}

[jQuery] Re: Finding the last sibling.

2009-02-12 Thread mkmanning

If the input doesn't exist, then wouldn't nothing be returned with $
('input').parent().children(':last')  either? It seems to presume the
existence of the input :)

Maybe you meant if the input doesn't have siblings, then nothing is
returned, which is true using nextAll(). Using 'input' with no extra
identifier also means that this would grab all inputs on the page,
which may not be desirable. If the input has an identifier, then you
could also do something like this:


or from your example markup you could do:

$('div input').nextAll(':last').add('div input:only-child'); //fnb it
would grab all inputs in all divs

This will get the last sibling if there is one, and add the input if
it's an only child. Btw, lest somebody think otherwise, I'm not
opposed to traversing up to the parent at all, I just wanted to
continue pursuing the idea without it for fun :)

Rereading the original post makes me question where the emphasis is
The span might or might not be there, so I would like to just get the
last sibling in a parent. If you're coming from the perspective of
the parent and not the input, then just doing:


is all you'd really need. Starting from the perspective of the input
you have several choices, which is what makes jQuery so much fun:
there's always more than one way to accomplish some task! It's left to
you to figure out what is optimal (overall or in your particular
situation), and that will have to consider speed, legibility for other
coders, isolation from structure, etc.

On Feb 12, 5:30 am, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 If the input doesn`t exist nothing will be returned with nextAll. Same
 with jQuery Lover's approach. That's we need to get all the children:


 or alternatively

 $('input').siblings().andSelf().filter(':last-child') // I'd bet the
 other one is faster

 As Mike Manning pointed out, $(div :last-child) will return all the
 'last-child's of all the descendants, not just the children. $(div

  :last-child) would be it.

 - ricardo

 On Feb 12, 4:19 am, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  Somehow the selector disappeared :P



  On Feb 11, 10:17 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

   $(div :last-child);  finds all of the last-child elements, including
   descendant elements (e.g.  if there were an a inside the span in
   your example it would be returned too). You can also not worry about
   the parent at all and just use the sibling selector:

    //or you could use :last-child

   As Ricardo suggested, you can use 'this' :


   On Feb 11, 10:05 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

$(this).parent().children(':last') //or :last-child - assuming 'this'
is the input element

On Feb 12, 3:09 am, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Nic,

 How about if I'm using the input tag as the base? Can I do something
 like $(self:parent:last-child) ?

 On Feb 11, 8:13 pm, Nic Luciano adaptive...@gmail.com wrote:

  $(div :last-child);

  (or this wacky way I tried before I learned CSS selectors
  $(div).children()[$(div).children().size() - 1])...)


  On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com 

   Hi James, apologize for not being more precise. I'm using the 
   element as my base reference. So using that input element, I want 
   get the last sibling under the div. You are correct that if the 
   is not then the input is what I want. I may need to add more tags
   later (I'm sure you know hoe the development process goes when
   customers are involved. :) ), so a reliable way to get the last 
   would be nice. Thanks!

   On Feb 11, 7:21 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
When you say last sibling in a parent, what does that mean? 
element is your base reference?

In your example:
  input .. /

Do you mean your div is the base reference, and you want to 
find the
last child (thus, span) relative to that?
And if span is not there, you want input?

On Feb 11, 4:12 pm, Risingfish risingf...@gmail.com wrote:

 Before I accidentally hit enter, this is what I was trying to 
 type: :)

   input .. /

 The span might or might not be there, so I would like to just 
 get the
 last sibling in a parent.


[jQuery] Re: jeditable addition of checkboxes, doubleclick to select.

2009-02-12 Thread Brian Loomis


I tried adding this to the latest jeditable build from github @ line  
237 where the plugin settings were included.  This had the effect of  
breaking jeditable as a whole.

I then tried it near the bottom where I have added in the new plugin  
feature for checkboxes:

// Create a custom input type 
for checkboxes
$.editable.addInputType(checkbox, {
element : function(settings, original) {
var input = $('input 

// Update input's 
value when clicked

$(input).click(function() {
var value = 
$(input).attr(checked) ? 'Yes' : 'No';

content : function(string, settings, 
original) {
var checked = string == 
Yes ? 1 : 0;
var input = 
$(':input:first', this);

$(input).attr(checked, checked);
var value = 
$(input).attr(checked) ? 'Yes' : 'No';


By making this change:

$.editable.addInputType(checkbox, {
element : function(settings, original) {
var input = $('input 

// Update input's 
value when clicked

$(input).click(function() {
var value = 
$(input).attr(checked) ? 'Yes' : 'No';

content : function(string, settings, 
original) {
var checked = string == 
Yes ? 1 : 0;
var input = 
$(':input:first', this);

$(input).attr(checked, checked);
var value = 
$(input).attr(checked) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
   plugin : function(settings, original) {
   $(input, this).attr(checked, true);

However I had no luck here as well.  What I've got is great except for  
the whole double click thing to edit a check box.

So figuring I have the chainability wrong I tried this adding in just  
the snippet:

// Create a custom input type 
for checkboxes
$.editable.addInputType(checkbox, {
element : function(settings, original) {
  $(input, this).attr(checked, 
var input = $('input 

// Update input's 
value when clicked

$(input).click(function() {
var value = 
$(input).attr(checked) ? 'Yes' : 'No';


[jQuery] Re: Looking for a certain JQuery Plug-in

2009-02-12 Thread Leonardo K
Look this example



On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 01:36, expresso dschin...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm looking for a JQuery Validation control that will allow us to show a
 small image if a form field is valid. So for instance a user is filling out
 a form..tabs to the next form field. The previous form field will show to
 the right of the field a little icon signifying that it's a valid entry.

 I've looked at all the controls in the JQuery Plugin page and don't see one
 that will allow me to do this.

 Anyone here know of one or a way using a plugin to modify it and show a pic
 like this during validation?
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Chrome and rending dimensions differently?

2009-02-12 Thread Han

Not strictly jQuery...but has anyone else noticed that Chrome renders
some dimensions different from Firefox and IE?  For example, a
positioned DIV overlay (positioned using jQuery) will be offset by a
certain amount in Chrome from Firefox.  Or a DIV is not as wide as it
is in Firefox, causing some of the content to break to a new line.


[jQuery] Re: uncheck specific checkbox

2009-02-12 Thread Frederik Ring


The thing is that somwhow (don't ask me why) the unchecked attribute
of a checkbox is '' instead of 'false'.

This worked fine with me:
input class=parentcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true


On Feb 12, 4:57 pm, Andy adharb...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hey guys,

 I'm trying to uncheck a checkbox that is inside my flexigrid.  I have
 a checkbox in the header and the column has all checkboxes.  What I'm
 trying to do is if I select the top checkbox (so all of the checkboxes
 below are selected), I would like to uncheck that checkbox if any of
 the other checkboxes in that column are unchecked.

 I'm using the following code, but when it runs through this, it
 unselects all of the items, instead of just the header.

 Code snippet:
 var rItem = document.getElementById(chk_col_ + colName);
 $(inp...@name= + rItem.name + ][type='checkbox']).attr('checked',

 The checkbox is named correctly, so I'm not sure why this isn't


[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu

but in that case the last element is the one with the .last classname so
they are identical in meaning (they both refer to the same element) so why
it's not working ?
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile:

MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 For the first part of your post

 li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

 li.last   gets any li with the class of last

 For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


 (note the lack of () after the function name)

 On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
  Why does this :
  if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
  $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);
  work in 1.3.1 but not this
  if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
  $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);
  (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained
  Another thing
  why cant i do this
  function blabla() {
  $(document).ready(blabla()) ?
  and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})
  From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1 those
  seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
  doc/tutorial pages? :(
  Alexandru Dinulescu
  Web Developer
  (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
  Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
  CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
  RentACoder Profile:

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Also i didnt say this

I said
function blabla() {


 $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

So all the parantheses are where they belong...
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile:

MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 For the first part of your post

 li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

 li.last   gets any li with the class of last

 For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


 (note the lack of () after the function name)

 On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
  Why does this :
  if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
  $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);
  work in 1.3.1 but not this
  if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
  $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);
  (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained
  Another thing
  why cant i do this
  function blabla() {
  $(document).ready(blabla()) ?
  and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})
  From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1 those
  seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
  doc/tutorial pages? :(
  Alexandru Dinulescu
  Web Developer
  (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
  Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
  CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
  RentACoder Profile:

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread MorningZ

So all the parantheses are where they belong..

you should not use () in the document.ready line


won't work


will work

On Feb 12, 11:32 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
 Also i didnt say this

 I said
 function blabla() {


  $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

 So all the parantheses are where they belong...
 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
 CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619


 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  For the first part of your post

  li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

  li.last   gets any li with the class of last

  For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


  (note the lack of () after the function name)

  On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
   Why does this :


       if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
           $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



   work in 1.3.1 but not this


       if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
           $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



   (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained

   Another thing

   why cant i do this

   function blabla() {


   $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

   and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})

   From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1 those
   seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
   doc/tutorial pages? :(

   Alexandru Dinulescu
   Web Developer
   (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
   Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
   CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
   RentACoder Profile:


[jQuery] Re: uncheck specific checkbox

2009-02-12 Thread mkmanning

In HTML checked is a boolean (of sorts), its presence is sufficient,
you don't need to set it to anything; if you want something unchecked
you should remove the 'checked' attribute. In XHTML, attribute
minimization is forbidden (i.e. attributes can't be empty), so the
proper syntax is checked=checked (for disabled it's
disabled=disabled, etc.)

Use removeAttr() instead of setting the value to false.

On Feb 12, 8:26 am, Frederik Ring frederik.r...@gmail.com wrote:

 The thing is that somwhow (don't ask me why) the unchecked attribute
 of a checkbox is '' instead of 'false'.

 This worked fine with me:
 input class=parentcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
 input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
 input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
 input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true



 On Feb 12, 4:57 pm, Andy adharb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hey guys,

  I'm trying to uncheck a checkbox that is inside my flexigrid.  I have
  a checkbox in the header and the column has all checkboxes.  What I'm
  trying to do is if I select the top checkbox (so all of the checkboxes
  below are selected), I would like to uncheck that checkbox if any of
  the other checkboxes in that column are unchecked.

  I'm using the following code, but when it runs through this, it
  unselects all of the items, instead of just the header.

  Code snippet:
  var rItem = document.getElementById(chk_col_ + colName);
  $(inp...@name= + rItem.name + ][type='checkbox']).attr('checked',

  The checkbox is named correctly, so I'm not sure why this isn't


[jQuery] Re: add a child node using jQuery

2009-02-12 Thread Paul Mills

Hi Alain,
I assume you want to wrap the thead node around the first table row.
$('table tr:first').wrap('thead/thead');

If that doesn't do it then post your table html and where exactly
you want to add thead


On Feb 11, 5:58 pm, Alain Roger raf.n...@gmail.com wrote:

 i have a table tage and i would like to add a thead node using jQuery.
 what is the best method in order to get tablethead.../thead/table ?


 Windows XP x64 SP2 / Fedora 10 KDE 4.2
 PostgreSQL 8.3.5 / MS SQL server 2005
 Apache 2.2.10
 PHP 5.2.6
 C# 2005-2008

[jQuery] Ben Nadel jQuery Presentation

2009-02-12 Thread Glen Lipka

Very interesting presentation, especially what he talks about in Slide 4
about his initial fears using jQuery and slide5 about the developer point of

This is very much a backend programmer speaking to other backend
It won't sway everyone, but it's interesting to hear because Ben is
extremely open about his feelings in his jQuery path.
Ben is a well-known Cold Fusion Developer.


[jQuery] Getting data from the corresponding column. (HTML Table with thead and tbody section.)

2009-02-12 Thread Dygear

In this code, I would like to edit the function to get not only the
value of the item clicked, I would also like to get information from
the thead section for the corresponding column. For example when I
click on tBody-1B I would like it to get the value of tHead-1B or if I
click on tBody-3C I would like to to also get the value of tHead-1C.

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
titleWLVAC Cadets Member List/title
table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, th, td {
border-collapse: collapse;
border: 1px SOLID;
padding:  10px 10px 10px 10px;
script src=http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/
jquery-1.3.1.min.js type=text/javascript/script
script type=text/javascript
$(function() {
$('tbody td').click(function(e) {
var innerHTML = 

[jQuery] Re: Status Codes = docs

2009-02-12 Thread Tim Johnson

On Wednesday 11 February 2009, Nic Luciano wrote:

 Something like this?

 I might be misunderstanding your question, but I don't think statuses and
 datatypes are related if that's what you mean. Status codes (linked) are
 the status of the call.. (ie. a return status of 200 means everything went
 OK). Data type is the format of the data you are expecting to return (html
 for plain html to insert into your document, json for js objects, etc)...
 To clarify, I wanted ed to know if numerical statuses via the w3 protocol
 or text strings were being returned. I just did my first successful ajax
 call using jquery and the status returned in the callback was success, not 

 I hope the question is clearer now.

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
So this should work right?

function blabla() {



Any info why the li:last and li.last do not work?

the html was something like this
 liTest Test Test /li
liTest Test Test /li
li class=lastTest Test Test /li

so li.last and li:last equal the same thing

Thanks for all the info so far
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile:

MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:38 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

 So all the parantheses are where they belong..

 you should not use () in the document.ready line


 won't work


 will work

 On Feb 12, 11:32 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
  Also i didnt say this
  I said
  function blabla() {
   $(document).ready(blabla()) ?
  So all the parantheses are where they belong...
  Alexandru Dinulescu
  Web Developer
  (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
  Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
  CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
  RentACoder Profile:
  On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:
   For the first part of your post
   li:last   gets the last li in the given ul
   li.last   gets any li with the class of last
   For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong
   (note the lack of () after the function name)
   On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
Why does this :
if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);
work in 1.3.1 but not this
if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);
(Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained
Another thing
why cant i do this
function blabla() {
$(document).ready(blabla()) ?
and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})
From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1
seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
doc/tutorial pages? :(
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile:

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Liam Potter

Hi Alexandru,

I cannot see any reason why li.last would not work, as it would be no 
different then selecting any li with any class.

Alexandru Dinulescu wrote:

So this should work right?

function blabla() {



Any info why the li:last and li.last do not work?

the html was something like this
 liTest Test Test /li
liTest Test Test /li
li class=lastTest Test Test /li

so li.last and li:last equal the same thing

Thanks for all the info so far
Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile: 

MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:38 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com 
mailto:morni...@gmail.com wrote:

So all the parantheses are where they belong..

you should not use () in the document.ready line


won't work


will work

On Feb 12, 11:32 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
 Also i didnt say this

 I said
 function blabla() {


  $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

 So all the parantheses are where they belong...
 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer

 CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619



 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com
mailto:morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  For the first part of your post

  li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

  li.last   gets any li with the class of last

  For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


  (note the lack of () after the function name)

  On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
mailto:alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
   Why does this :


   if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
   $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



   work in 1.3.1 but not this


   if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
   $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



   (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it

   Another thing

   why cant i do this

   function blabla() {


   $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

   and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})

   From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with
1.3.1 those
   seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on
the Jquery
   doc/tutorial pages? :(

   Alexandru Dinulescu
   Web Developer
   (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
   Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
   RentACoder Profile:



[jQuery] [validate] url checking doesn't allow localhost

2009-02-12 Thread Seb Duggan

The validation rule for URLs seems not to like single-part domain

For instance:


will fail...

[jQuery] Re: uncheck specific checkbox

2009-02-12 Thread Frederik Ring

Well thanks for that, I didn't know and it seems to work perfectly
But why is it then when I do something like an alert($(mycheckbox).attr
('checked')); on an unckecked checkbox it returns false?

On Feb 12, 5:46 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:
 In HTML checked is a boolean (of sorts), its presence is sufficient,
 you don't need to set it to anything; if you want something unchecked
 you should remove the 'checked' attribute. In XHTML, attribute
 minimization is forbidden (i.e. attributes can't be empty), so the
 proper syntax is checked=checked (for disabled it's
 disabled=disabled, etc.)

 Use removeAttr() instead of setting the value to false.

 On Feb 12, 8:26 am, Frederik Ring frederik.r...@gmail.com wrote:


  The thing is that somwhow (don't ask me why) the unchecked attribute
  of a checkbox is '' instead of 'false'.

  This worked fine with me:
  input class=parentcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
  input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
  input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
  input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true



  On Feb 12, 4:57 pm, Andy adharb...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hey guys,

   I'm trying to uncheck a checkbox that is inside my flexigrid.  I have
   a checkbox in the header and the column has all checkboxes.  What I'm
   trying to do is if I select the top checkbox (so all of the checkboxes
   below are selected), I would like to uncheck that checkbox if any of
   the other checkboxes in that column are unchecked.

   I'm using the following code, but when it runs through this, it
   unselects all of the items, instead of just the header.

   Code snippet:
   var rItem = document.getElementById(chk_col_ + colName);
   $(inp...@name= + rItem.name + ][type='checkbox']).attr('checked',

   The checkbox is named correctly, so I'm not sure why this isn't


[jQuery] Re: how to fade in image after the site loads?

2009-02-12 Thread surreal5335

Thanks a lot for the help, unfortunately it didnt take. One more
thing, how could I go about getting the $('.site').fadeIn(); to
execute after the other two have finished?
I wish I could offer some suggestions to help spark an idea on your
end, but I am drawing a complete blank...Which is why I am on here
asking for help.
So thank you very much for any other ideas you may have.

On Feb 12, 3:54 am, Paul Mills paul.f.mi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Try something like this:
 $('#photo img').load(function() {


 The .load() event should fire when the images has loaded.
 You don't need to remove the classes pic and site to get the fades
 in/out to work.

 On Feb 11, 11:17 pm,surreal5335surrea...@hotmail.com wrote:

  I am working making an intro page to a photo site and I need the image
  to fade in slowly after the site finishes loading.

  I believe I have the jquery correct but something is obviously wrong.
  Right the now the image is hidden, but it wont fadeIn. I am also
  trying to get the text Please wait for site to load to slowly fadeOut
  during this, then after all thats done, fadeIn the Enter Site text.

  Here is the code I am using for it. So far only a few things are
  working properly.

  script type=text/javascript

  script type=text/javascript


          function() {
          function() {




   style type=text/css

  a.site {display: none}

  span.pic {display: none}

  table.position {position: center}

  div.position {text-align: center}


   table border=1 class=position
   span id=photo class=pic
   img src=/test/land_scape_5.png
   div class=positionPlease wait for site to load/div
   a href=# class=site id=site style=text-align: rightEnter

  Here is the link to the page to see whats it giving me:


  I appreciate all the help

[jQuery] Re: Getting data from the corresponding column. (HTML Table with thead and tbody section.)

2009-02-12 Thread Mark Tomlin
To make this example more readable, and to better convey my goal, I've
restructured the CSS and HTML. Only the green area is click able (as
it should be, the red area does not have a bound click even for a
reason). When I click any part of the green area, I would like to get
the value from the table head from the blue area in the corresponding

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
titleExample Table/title
table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, th, td {
border-collapse: collapse;  border: 1px 
padding:  10px 10px 10px 10px;
font: 12px Arial;
thead th {background: #FAA;} thead td {background: 
tbody th {background: #FCC;} tbody td {background: 
tbody tr.odd th {background: #FAA;} tbody tr.odd td 
{background: #AFA;}
script type=text/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {
$(tbody td).click(function(e) {
var innerHTML = 
$(tbody tr:odd).addClass('odd');





Title: Example Table


[jQuery] Re: [validate] url checking doesn't allow localhost

2009-02-12 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

Right. Take a look at the bundled additionalMethods.js, it conains
url2 to is more accurate in terms of the specification, and accepts
localhost etc.


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Seb Duggan seb.dug...@gmail.com wrote:

 The validation rule for URLs seems not to like single-part domain

 For instance:


 will fail...

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Ricardo Tomasi

I guess it's something else in your code that is going wrong. I just
copied and pasted your JS and HTML and it works fine:


Can you post a test page like the one your working, showing this
issue? Then I'm sure someone will spot the problem.

- ricardo

On Feb 12, 3:12 pm, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any info why the li:last and li.last do not work?

 the html was something like this
  liTest Test Test /li
 liTest Test Test /li
 li class=lastTest Test Test /li

 so li.last and li:last equal the same thing

 Thanks for all the info so far
 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
 CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619


 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:38 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  So all the parantheses are where they belong..

  you should not use () in the document.ready line


  won't work


  will work

  On Feb 12, 11:32 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
   Also i didnt say this

   I said
   function blabla() {


$(document).ready(blabla()) ?

   So all the parantheses are where they belong...
   Alexandru Dinulescu
   Web Developer
   (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
   Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
   CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
   RentACoder Profile:


   On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com wrote:

For the first part of your post

li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

li.last   gets any li with the class of last

For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


(note the lack of () after the function name)

On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why does this :


     if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
         $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



 work in 1.3.1 but not this


     if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
         $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



 (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it explained

 Another thing

 why cant i do this

 function blabla() {


 $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

 and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})

 From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with 1.3.1
 seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on the Jquery
 doc/tutorial pages? :(

 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
 CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
 RentACoder Profile:


[jQuery] Re: uncheck specific checkbox

2009-02-12 Thread mkmanning

Unfortunately all is not simple in browser-land. You can use checked
with no values, or checked=checked or checked=true|false and get
what you want/expect given a particular doctype. Even coding to XHTML
standards doesn't mean the browser will follow the standards, since
most XHTML is rendered as HTML(ish). Browsers are notoriously
forgiving, to the detriment of everyone :(

Your best bet is to try and follow specs in the hope that you're
building in forwards-compatibility as user-agents become more
standards compliant.

On Feb 12, 9:27 am, Frederik Ring frederik.r...@gmail.com wrote:
 Well thanks for that, I didn't know and it seems to work perfectly
 But why is it then when I do something like an alert($(mycheckbox).attr
 ('checked')); on an unckecked checkbox it returns false?

 On Feb 12, 5:46 pm, mkmanning michaell...@gmail.com wrote:

  In HTML checked is a boolean (of sorts), its presence is sufficient,
  you don't need to set it to anything; if you want something unchecked
  you should remove the 'checked' attribute. In XHTML, attribute
  minimization is forbidden (i.e. attributes can't be empty), so the
  proper syntax is checked=checked (for disabled it's
  disabled=disabled, etc.)

  Use removeAttr() instead of setting the value to false.

  On Feb 12, 8:26 am, Frederik Ring frederik.r...@gmail.com wrote:


   The thing is that somwhow (don't ask me why) the unchecked attribute
   of a checkbox is '' instead of 'false'.

   This worked fine with me:
   input class=parentcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
   input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
   input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true
   input class=childcheckbox type=checkbox checked=true



   On Feb 12, 4:57 pm, Andy adharb...@gmail.com wrote:

Hey guys,

I'm trying to uncheck a checkbox that is inside my flexigrid.  I have
a checkbox in the header and the column has all checkboxes.  What I'm
trying to do is if I select the top checkbox (so all of the checkboxes
below are selected), I would like to uncheck that checkbox if any of
the other checkboxes in that column are unchecked.

I'm using the following code, but when it runs through this, it
unselects all of the items, instead of just the header.

Code snippet:

var rItem = document.getElementById(chk_col_ + colName);
$(inp...@name= + rItem.name + ][type='checkbox']).attr('checked',

The checkbox is named correctly, so I'm not sure why this isn't


[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to make a textarea that auto expands as needed?

2009-02-12 Thread Karl Swedberg
If Ricardo's solution doesn't work for you, you could try Brandon  
Aaron's plugin.



Karl Swedberg

On Feb 12, 2009, at 8:14 AM, Ricardo Tomasi wrote:

Did you skip my previous message?

On Feb 12, 11:02 am, Rick Faircloth r...@whitestonemedia.com

Ideas, anyone?

-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery- 
e...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Rick Faircloth

Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:56 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Is there a way to make a textarea that auto  
expands as needed?

I'd like to figure out a way to make a textarea
that expands with text input when necessary and shrinks,
also, if possible...and without scrollbars.

I've looked around, but haven't found a solution that
does everything.

Anyone know if that's possible with jQuery?  Or how to do it?


[jQuery] Re: how to fade in image after the site loads?

2009-02-12 Thread Paul Mills

Hi again,
Sorry that didn't work. It might be interacting with something else in
your HTML or JS.

You can chain effects together by using a callback function so to
chain all three you would do this:

  $('#photo img').load(function() {
$('.pic').fadeIn(4000, function(){
  $('div.position').fadeOut(6000, function(){

I've just popped this code into a demo on jsbin and seems to be
working fine.
(nb - also just spotted that '' is missing from end of the img tag
in your code above!)

[jQuery] Re: [validate] url checking doesn't allow localhost

2009-02-12 Thread Seb Duggan

Thanks Jörn - sorry, didn't see them...

On Feb 12, 5:47 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Right. Take a look at the bundled additionalMethods.js, it conains
 url2 to is more accurate in terms of the specification, and accepts
 localhost etc.


 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Seb Duggan seb.dug...@gmail.com wrote:

  The validation rule for URLs seems not to like single-part domain

  For instance:


  will fail...

[jQuery] Re: Jquery slideDown confusion

2009-02-12 Thread James

I don't know if it'll fix your issue, but you cannot have two elements
on the same page with the same ID. (In this case, two id=menu)

On Feb 12, 7:37 am, surreal5335 surrea...@hotmail.com wrote:
 I have made this slide Down function for my navigation menu with some
 help. Firefox no longer spits out errors but the code is acting weird.
 It seems that main menu is used to select which sub menu to show
 (correct), but the hover action doesnt take place till I hover over an
 image map that has nothing to do with the navigation menu.

 I have tried several changes to the name and ID attributes in hopes
 that was the problem, but still same problem persitsts.

 Here is the jquery code:

 var currentSpan = 1;

 function showMe() {
         $(span).hover(function() {
         function() {

 currentSpan = n;


 Here is the image map code (which works fine by itself):

 span class=menu id=menu
 map name=menu id=menu
 area alt=memberships shape=rect coords=134, 143, 176, 166
 area alt=memberships shape=rect coords=188, 143, 231, 166
 area alt=memberships shape=rect coords=243, 143, 285, 166
 area alt=memberships shape=rect coords=297, 143, 340, 166
 area alt=memberships shape=rect coords=351, 143, 394, 166
 img src=image/fsummary.png alt=membership comparison
 usemap=#menu width= height= vspace=5 hspace=1/brbr


 Thanks a lot for your help

[jQuery] Re: [validate] url checking doesn't allow localhost

2009-02-12 Thread Jörn Zaefferer

No problem, they aren't discoverable anyway. You're the first to ask
for them since we added them.


On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Seb Duggan seb.dug...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks Jörn - sorry, didn't see them...

 On Feb 12, 5:47 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 Right. Take a look at the bundled additionalMethods.js, it conains
 url2 to is more accurate in terms of the specification, and accepts
 localhost etc.


 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:16 PM, Seb Duggan seb.dug...@gmail.com wrote:

  The validation rule for URLs seems not to like single-part domain

  For instance:


  will fail...

[jQuery] Re: Upgraded from 1.2.1 to 1.3.1 and jquery.flash has stopped working.

2009-02-12 Thread aschmid

Not sure about the plugin, but the problem is with the @ character in
the selector. The expression should be [type='file'] and not

On Feb 12, 7:35 am, Dan dan.ashd...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have just upgraded from jQuery 1.2.1 to 1.3.1 however this has
 broken the jQuery.flash plugin. (I'm also using jquploader in the page
 but I think it's jquery.flash that's causing the problem.

 I'm getting this error in fireBug

 [Exception... 'Syntax error, unrecognized expression: [...@type='file']'
 when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent] nsresult:
 0x8057001e (NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING) location: unknown
 data: no]

 Has anyone else had this issue or know how I can resolve this?


[jQuery] Re: gettng value from radio buttons

2009-02-12 Thread James

function updateoptns() {
 var val = $(input[name='optns']:checked);

On Feb 12, 5:22 am, Frederik Ring frederik.r...@gmail.com wrote:

 You could do it like this:

         $('input:radio[name=\'optns\']').click(function() {
                 var optns = $(this).val();
                 alert (optns);


 You'll have to remove your onclick-s then.

 On Feb 12, 3:22 pm, angelochen...@gmail.com

 angelochen...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have two radio buttons, when user click I'd like to know what is
  value selected now inside updateoptns, but the code below always
  return '0',
  any idea how to do this? Thanks,


          label for=optns /label
          input checked=checked class=rb_optns id=rd1 name=optns
  onClick=updateoptns() type=radio value=0 / /label
          input id=rd2 name=optns onClick=updateoptns() type=radio
  value=1 / Metric (kg/cm)/label
          br clear=none /

          function updateoptns() {
              var optns = jQuery(inp...@name='optns']);

[jQuery] Re: ClueTip Tooltips only appear on PageLoad, but not after partial page postback in ASP.Net web application

2009-02-12 Thread aschmid

You'll need to rebind cluetip after partial page updates. I prefer to
use the livquery plugin to do this, as it keeps the event bindings
through dom updates, or in your case updatepanel partial page loads.
With livequery you could do the following
$(document).ready(function() {
$(.nicetooltip).livequery(function() {

If you don't want to use another plugin you can also rebind the
cluetip or any other events using the MS ajax way, with
Sys.Application.add_load as following



function bind_events() {
({ attribute: 'rel', splitTitle: '|', cluetipClass: 'jtip',
dropShadowSteps: 2, ajaxCache: true });


On Feb 12, 6:09 am, aaran76 aa...@clusterone.org wrote:
 Apologies if this post appears twice, but I posted it at approx 9am
 GMT, but it never appeared.

 When using ClueTip within and Ajax UpdatePanel, the tooltip appears on
 initial page load.

 Then clicking on an 'edit button' hides one panel and displays
 another. Upon returning to the initial page view (clicking 'Cancel' or
 'Save' performs a second partial page update and returns to the
 initial grid view), the tooltip no longer displays.

 Is this a limitation of the clueTip plugin, or do I need to do
 something particular to resolve this issue?

 The script is initialised as:

 script type=text/javascript language=javascript
         $(document).ready(function() { $('.nicetooltip').cluetip
 ({ attribute: 'rel', splitTitle: '|', cluetipClass: 'jtip',
 dropShadowSteps: 2, ajaxCache: true }); });

[jQuery] Re: jquery / ajax

2009-02-12 Thread James

The data part of ajax should be some pair, for example:
data: {myVar:value}
myVar will then become your POST variable with the value 'value' (not
the literal string) in your PHP script.

To extend on the comment using Firebug, you should use it for Firefox.
The Firebug console will show you requests that are done through AJAX
including parameters that are GET/POSTed and the response it returns.
Very useful for debugging.

On Feb 12, 5:16 am, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.com wrote:
 you can test if it would work using firebug, just check the net tab for
 activity from the page to some.php

 weidc wrote:

  i got a radio button. if this radio button is checked it shell send
  the value of the button to a .php document. didn't used ajax at all so
  i don't know how to do this.

  at the moment i tried something like this:

                     var value = $(this).val();
                        type: POST,
                        url: some.php,
                        data: value,
                        success: function(msg){
                              alert( Data Saved:  + value );


  got it out of some documentation but don't know if it would work
  'cause i'm not able to test it at the moment.

  i'd like to know if this would work and if not how it could work.
  i'd be happy about any help.


[jQuery] Re: Safe Ajax Calls?

2009-02-12 Thread SoulRush

Thanks, the idea would be like this:

var link=$(this).attr(href);
link = link.split('?');
var url = link[0];
var sendVars = link[1];
var layer = $(this).attr(name);

type: POST,
url: ajax/+url+.asp?nocache=+Math.random(),
data: sendVars,
success: function(msg){
dataType: 'HTML'

return false;


This script is in a .js file

I took the href attribute as de main query string, then de first part
of the string is the url and the rest is the dataString
And the name attribute represents the id of the element to inject with

But here is another question, what if I need to get a json data type?

Ok, maybe i should do another onClick event for other class of link
but, how can I read this data in a function after the success event,
any ideas?


On 11 feb, 15:58, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 *and don't forget to return false or do e.preventDefault()

    var page = $(this).attr('href');
    return false;


 On Feb 11, 4:57 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:

     var page = $(this).attr('href');



  On Feb 11, 10:40 am, SoulRush saavedra@gmail.com wrote:

   I though that it would be nice to make the links with a certain format

   a href=ajaxProcess.php?var1=var1valuevar2=var2value class=aj-
   link link/a

   And make a selection for that kind of links with jquery, that takes
   these data to make an ajax call with post...

   That selection should be in a .js outside of the source of the pages
   and packed or something...

   What do you think?

   Please I need some feedback :)

   On 9 feb, 17:02, SoulRush saavedra@gmail.com wrote:

By the way, the first parameter takes the vars to send... so in the
pages I've to dynamically set varname1=value1varname2=value2

On 9 feb, 10:40, SoulRush saavedra@gmail.com wrote:


 I'm kind of new at the world of ajax and jquery and i'm starting to
 make a site with them.

 In my site i've created a single function (in the header) called
 ajaxQry(...) which takes some parameters like, url to make post or
 get, if I need GEt or POST, the data type of the query, a success
 function and an error function.

 Anyway, it look like this:

 function ajaxQry(sendVars, url, returnType, backFunction,

           type: POST,
           url: ajax/+url+.asp?nocache=+Math.random(),
           data: sendVars,
           success: backFunction, //ussully this loads the content in 
 the main
 page as html
           dataType: returnType,
           error: errorFunction


 Everything works great but i don't know if there's a better way to do
 this, because in many events of the site I call this function... And
 I'm starting to think that it's pretty insecure What do you think?

 By the way i ussually call the url file (see the function) and return
 HTML content, and then i load it in the page with $(selector).html();
 is that okay?

 Thanks! and sorry for my english :$

[jQuery] Re: New to JQuery, silly question.

2009-02-12 Thread Alexandru Dinulescu
Here is the Link of the page in question.

THIS WORKS: http://alexd.adore.ro/projects/threadsmith/getIdeas.html


if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



THIS DOESNT; http://alexd.adore.ro/projects/threadsmith/getIdeas2.html


if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li:last).addClass(lastWithItems);



THIS DOESNT ALSO http://alexd.adore.ro/projects/threadsmith/getIdeas3.html


if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
$(.leftNav ul li:last).addClass(lastWithItems);



Alexandru Dinulescu
Web Developer
(X)HTML/CSS Specialist
Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
RentACoder Profile:

MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Liam Potter radioactiv...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Alexandru,

 I cannot see any reason why li.last would not work, as it would be no
 different then selecting any li with any class.

 Alexandru Dinulescu wrote:

 So this should work right?

 function blabla() {



 Any info why the li:last and li.last do not work?

 the html was something like this
  liTest Test Test /li
 liTest Test Test /li
 li class=lastTest Test Test /li

 so li.last and li:last equal the same thing

 Thanks for all the info so far
 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer
 XHTML: http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1879053
 CSS : http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619
 RentACoder Profile:

 MainWebsite: http://alexd.adore.ro
 Portofolio: http://alexd.adore.ro/project_page.php

 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 6:38 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com mailto:
 morni...@gmail.com wrote:

So all the parantheses are where they belong..

you should not use () in the document.ready line


won't work


will work

On Feb 12, 11:32 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
 Also i didnt say this

 I said
 function blabla() {


  $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

 So all the parantheses are where they belong...
 Alexandru Dinulescu
 Web Developer
 (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
 Expert Guarantee Certified Developer

 CSS :http://www.expertrating.com/transcript.asp?transcriptid=1870619


 On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 5:40 PM, MorningZ morni...@gmail.com
mailto:morni...@gmail.com wrote:

  For the first part of your post

  li:last   gets the last li in the given ul

  li.last   gets any li with the class of last

  For the second part of your post, your syntax is wrong


  (note the lack of () after the function name)

  On Feb 12, 8:59 am, Alexandru Dinulescu alex.d.a...@gmail.com
mailto:alex.d.a...@gmail.com wrote:
   Why does this :


   if($(.leftNav ul li:last).height()  32){
   $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



   work in 1.3.1 but not this


   if($(.leftNav ul li.last).height()  32){
   $(.leftNav ul li.last).addClass(lastWithItems);



   (Notice the li.last on both lines) ??? Also why isnt it

   Another thing

   why cant i do this

   function blabla() {


   $(document).ready(blabla()) ?

   and i have to do $(document).ready(function(){})

   From what i recall i could do both things in 1.2.6, now with
1.3.1 those
   seem to be impossible, also why isnt there any mention on
the Jquery
   doc/tutorial pages? :(

   Alexandru Dinulescu
   Web Developer
   (X)HTML/CSS Specialist
   Expert Guarantee Certified Developer

[jQuery] How to make a secured login form

2009-02-12 Thread phicarre

How to secure this jquery+php+ajax login procedure ?

$('#myform').submit( function()
$(this).ajaxSubmit( {
type:'POST', url:'login.php',
success: function(msg)
 login ok : how to call the welcome.php ***
error: function(request,iderror)
alert(iderror +   + request);
return false;

form id=myForm action= 

Name : input type='text' name='login' size='15' /
divPassword : input type='password' name='passe' size='15' /
input type=submit value=login class=submit /


Login.php check the parameters and reply by echo ok or echo ko

Logically if the answer is ok we must call a welcome.php module BUT,
if someone read the client code, he will see the name of the module
and can hack the server.
May I wrong ? how to secure this code ?

[jQuery] Re: How to make a secured login form

2009-02-12 Thread James

Well... if your module properly checks that the user is logged in then
there shouldn't really be a problem, provided you're making sessions
properly and not easy to crack. Other than that, if all the checking
is done server-side, then your login method is really no different
whether you're doing it with AJAX or without. You're still going
through HTTP and sending the same data across. You can make it more
secure to data-sniffing if you use SSL, but that's a different story.

On Feb 12, 8:53 am, phicarre gam...@bluewin.ch wrote:
 How to secure this jquery+php+ajax login procedure ?

 $('#myform').submit( function()
             $(this).ajaxSubmit( {
                 type:'POST', url:'login.php',
                 success: function(msg)
                      login ok : how to call the welcome.php ***
                 error: function(request,iderror)
                     alert(iderror +   + request);
             return false;

 form id=myForm action= 

         Name : input type='text' name='login' size='15' /
         divPassword : input type='password' name='passe' size='15' //div

         input type=submit value=login class=submit /


 Login.php check the parameters and reply by echo ok or echo ko

 Logically if the answer is ok we must call a welcome.php module BUT,
 if someone read the client code, he will see the name of the module
 and can hack the server.
 May I wrong ? how to secure this code ?

[jQuery] Get contents of first child tr, td with class

2009-02-12 Thread Mark Steudel

I have a table like so:

table id=recent_activity
td class=date2008-09-01/td --- want this content
td class=date2008-09-01/td

And I want to try and get the first td with class date, I've tried the
following and I get close, but I think I'm just missing something

$('#recent_activity tbody:first-child .activity_date').val(); --
returns undefined


$('#recent_activity tbody:first-child .activity_date').html(); --
returns null

Thoughts? Better way?


[jQuery] Re: Get contents of first child tr, td with class

2009-02-12 Thread James

$(#recent_activity tbody tr td.date:first).text();

On Feb 12, 9:13 am, Mark Steudel msteu...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a table like so:

 table id=recent_activity
 td class=date2008-09-01/td --- want this content
 td class=date2008-09-01/td

 And I want to try and get the first td with class date, I've tried the
 following and I get close, but I think I'm just missing something

 $('#recent_activity tbody:first-child .activity_date').val(); --
 returns undefined


 $('#recent_activity tbody:first-child .activity_date').html(); --
 returns null

 Thoughts? Better way?


[jQuery] Re: Get contents of first child tr, td with class

2009-02-12 Thread Mark Steudel

Thanks, though that didn't work for me, though it could be more my
page doesn't match my example totally. Though I did just come up with
this, and this seems to work:

$('.activity_date:first').html() ;

On Feb 12, 11:21 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 $(#recent_activity tbody tr td.date:first).text();

 On Feb 12, 9:13 am, Mark Steudel msteu...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a table like so:

  table id=recent_activity
  td class=date2008-09-01/td --- want this content
  td class=date2008-09-01/td

  And I want to try and get the first td with class date, I've tried the
  following and I get close, but I think I'm just missing something

  $('#recent_activity tbody:first-child .activity_date').val(); --
  returns undefined


  $('#recent_activity tbody:first-child .activity_date').html(); --
  returns null

  Thoughts? Better way?


[jQuery] onClick event on content loaded by ajax

2009-02-12 Thread oli

Hi there,

I couldn't find any solutions for my problem, so I'm asking here. I
have a form that was previously loaded by ajax and which I want to
submit also with ajax.

unfortunately, the jQuery(document).ready function has been executet
before the form was loaded, and so the event handler onClick for the
submit link isn't called when I click on the button in the form.

jQuery(#submit-register-form).click(function() {
doesn't work if the form has been loaded by ajax, but does work if I
load it on site load.

How can I solve this?


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