[jQuery] Re: include multiple css, js ,html on demand with jQuery

2009-02-22 Thread Rene Veerman

I meant:
And a way to update a thread of load calls with more load-calls, while 
it runs (also with "this-must-load-before-that")..

Would be very usefull too.

[jQuery] Re: include multiple css, js ,html on demand with jQuery

2009-02-22 Thread Rene Veerman

a.karimzadeh wrote:

by using the includeMany 1.0.0 plugin you can add multiple files with
different callbacks for each one and also a global callback after all
are loaded
check it here:

Arash Karimzadeh

And a way to update a thread of load calls with more load-calls (also 
with "this-must-load-before-that")..

Would be very usefull too.

[jQuery] Re: include multiple css, js ,html on demand with jQuery

2009-02-22 Thread Rene Veerman

a.karimzadeh wrote:

by using the includeMany 1.0.0 plugin you can add multiple files with
different callbacks for each one and also a global callback after all
are loaded
check it here:

Arash Karimzadeh



But i'd have to be able to load 2 or more "threads" (as you have 'm now, 
a list of callbacks followed by a final callback) in parallel.

I'd also like a way to say "request named X from thread Y must be 
completed before this load-operation starts".

Can it do this?

[jQuery] tech demos

2009-02-19 Thread Rene Veerman

Hey, now that i have a working example of my CMS again, i'd like to 
share a tech demo with the world, and see other people's work with 
jQuery too..

Mine is currently up at http://snow-show.info/

It tends to max out a browser with all the visuals ;)

Lemme know what you think of it...

[jQuery] Re: selector best practice

2009-02-15 Thread Rene Veerman

I'd say go for just ("#uniqueid") as that likely maps to 
document.getElementById() (fast) and bypasses the normal jquery 
traversing that is required if you put in more selectors.

SteelRing wrote:

This may sound stupid to y'all jquery practitioners, but i wonder
which method is fastest (recommended) for selecting a cell with a
class in a big table (think like 1000+ rows 100+ columns):

("#tableid tbody tr.rowclass td.cellclass") or is it ("td.cellclass")
or (".cellclass").

And how about if the cell happens to have a unique id:

("#tableid tbody tr#uniquerow td#uniqueid") or just ("#uniqueid")

Philosophically, the question being is it better to put as much detail
as structurally already known by the programmer into the selector or
just anything goes and let jquery handle it as long as it works.


[jQuery] Re: JSON and jQuery

2009-02-15 Thread Rene Veerman

Alain Roger wrote:


i didn't find anything on jQuery and JSON. is there any decoder ?
thanks a lot.

jQuery just does an "eval" on JSON. so no data checking

If you want data checking, go to http://json.org, and download the 
javascript JSON implementation.

They do change the array and object prototypes, breaking some apps..
So here's my stripped version, as plain functions to call (no warranties):

//  mediaBeez version of http://json.org/json.js dated 2007-09-27
//  all functions taken out of array and object prototypes, so as not
//  to break apps that iterate through all values in an array.

function arrayToJSONstring (ar) {
   var a = [], v;

   for (var i = 0; i < ar.length; i += 1) {
   v = ar[i];
   switch (typeof v) {
   case 'object':
   if (v) {
   } else {

   case 'string':
   a.push(stringToJSONstring(v)); break;
   case 'number':
   a.push(numberToJSONstring(v)); break;
   case 'boolean':
   a.push(booleanToJSONstring(v)); break;
   return '[' + a.join(',') + ']'; // Join all of the member texts 
together and wrap them in brackets.


function booleanToJSONstring (b) {
   return String(b);

function dateToJSONstring (dt) {

// Ultimately, this method will be equivalent to the date.toISOString 

   function f(n) { // Format integers to have at least two digits.
   return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;

   return '"' + dt.getFullYear() + '-' +
   f(dt.getMonth() + 1) + '-' +
   f(dt.getDate()) + 'T' +
   f(dt.getHours()) + ':' +
   f(dt.getMinutes()) + ':' +
   f(dt.getSeconds()) + '"';

function numberToJSONstring (num) {
// JSON numbers must be finite. Encode non-finite numbers as null.
   return isFinite(num) ? String(num) : 'null';

function JSONencode (val) {
   var sv;
   switch (typeof val) {
   case "object":
   if (val==null) {
   sv = "null";
   } else if (val.length) {
   sv = arrayToJSONstring (val);
   } else {
   sv = objectToJSONstring (val);
   case 'string': sv = stringToJSONstring (val); break;
   case 'number': sv = numberToJSONstring (val); break;
   case 'boolean' : sv = booleanToJSONstring (val); break;
   return sv;

function objectToJSONstring (ob) {
   var a = [], // The array holding the member texts.
   k,  // The current key.
   v,  // The current value.

   // Iterate through all of the keys in the object, ignoring the proto 

   for (k in ob) {
   if (ob.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
   switch (typeof k) {
   case 'object': sk = objectToJSONstring (k); break;
   case 'string': sk = stringToJSONstring (k); break;
   case 'number': sk = numberToJSONstring (k); break;
   case 'boolean' : sk = booleanToJSONstring (k); break;
   v = ob[k];
   switch (typeof v) {
   case 'object':
   if (v == null) {
   sv = 'null';
   } else if (v.length) {
   sv = arrayToJSONstring(v);
   } else {
   sv =  objectToJSONstring(v);

   case 'string':
   sv = stringToJSONstring(v);
   case 'number':
   sv = numberToJSONstring(v);
   case 'boolean':
   sv = booleanToJSONstring(v);

   a.push (sk + ':' + sv);


   return '{' + a.join(',') + '}';

function JSONstringDecode (str, filter) {
   var j;
   //mb.reportToDebugger ('JSD: '+str, true);

   function walk(k, v) {
   var i;
   if (v && typeof v === 'object') {
   for (i in v) {
   if (v.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
   v[i] = walk(i, v[i]);
   return filter(k, v);

   // Parsing happens in three stages. In the first stage, we run the 
text against
   // a regular expression which looks for non-JSON characters. We are 
   // concerned with '()' and 'new' because they can cause invocation, 
and '='
   // because it can cause mutation. But just to be safe, we will 
reject all

   // unexpected characters.

//modified regexp (by rel. noob); now accepts input like:

   if (/^[,:{}\<\>\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/.test(str.
   replace(/\\./g, '@').
   replace(/['"][^"\\\n\r]*['"]/g, ''))) {

   try {
   j = eval('(' + str + ')');
   return j;
   } catch (e) {
   mb.error ('parseJSON: '+str);
   throw new SyntaxError('parseJSON');
   } else {
   mb.error ('parseJSON: '+str

[jQuery] Re: How to make a secured login form

2009-02-13 Thread Rene Veerman

Rene Veerman wrote:
   //$pwh = md5 ($users->rec["user_password_hash"] . 

Ehm, best to use Either sha256 OR md5 for BOTH fields ofcourse ;)
It was a hasty paste.

[jQuery] Re: How to make a secured login form

2009-02-13 Thread Rene Veerman

I have secured the login form for my CMS with a challenge-response thing 
that encrypts both username and password with the 
(login-attempts-counted) challenge (and; here's my problem: a system 
hash) sent by the server (it would end up in your html as a hidden 
inputs, or as part of a json transmission)..

Since then, i've found these libs that do even longer one-way-crypto: 

The principles i'm about to explain stay the same.

*but i'd really like to know if my crypto can be improved*

So instead of the browser getting just a text-field for username and 
password, you also send the "challenge" (and "system_hash") value.
That's a 100-character random string (include special characters!), then 
sha256-ed (for prettiness mostly i think).

I really wonder if i can do without the systemhash..



   Login name='login'/>
   Password name='pass'/>



   $('#myform').submit (function() {
   var s = ($'system_hash')[0];
   var c = ($'challenge')[0];
   var l = $('#login')[0];
   var p = $('#pass')[0];

   l.value = sha256 (sha256 (l.value + s.value) + c.value);
   p.value = sha256 (sha256 (p.value + s.value) + c.value);
   //Here, submit the form using ajax routines in plain text, 
as both the login name and

   //password are now one-way-encrypted.
   //on the PHP end, authentication is done against a mysql 
table "users".

   //in this table i have 3 relevant fields:
   //user_login_name (for administrative and display purposes)
   //user_login_name_hash (==sha256 (user_login_name + 
   //user_password_hash (== passwords aint stored unencrypted 
in my cms, to prevent admin corruption and pw-theft by third parties; 
the password is encrypted by the browser in the "new-password-form" with 
the system hash before it's ever sent to the server. server Never knows 
about the cleartext password, ever.)

   //when a login-attempt is evaluated, all the records in 
"users" table have to be traversed (which i admit can get slow on larger 
userbases... help!?! :)
   //for each user in the users table, the loginhash and 
password hash are calculated;
   //$uh = sha256 ($users->rec["user_login_name_hash"] . 
   //$pwh = md5 ($users->rec["user_password_hash"] . 

   //and then,
   //if they match the hash strings that were sent (both of 

   //if the number of login-attempts isn't exceeded,
   //if the IP is still the same (as the one who first 
requested the html login form with new challenge value)

   //then, maybe, i'll let 'm log in :)

phicarre wrote:

How to secure this jquery+php+ajax login procedure ?

$('#myform').submit( function()
$(this).ajaxSubmit( {
type:'POST', url:'login.php',
success: function(msg)
 login ok : how to call the welcome.php ***
error: function(request,iderror)
alert(iderror + " " + request);
return false;

Name : 
Password :   

Login.php check the parameters and reply by echo "ok" or echo "ko"

Logically if the answer is ok we must call a welcome.php module BUT,
if someone read the client code, he will see the name of the module
and can hack the server.
May I wrong ? how to secure this code ?


[jQuery] dropping between items that have no gap between them

2009-02-08 Thread Rene Veerman


Quick question about drag-n-drop with jQuery UI.

For my CMS, I have a admin tree of items of various types, that i want 
to enable drag-n-drop between.
I aim to emulate windows explorer in most aspects of operations, with 
some improvements ofcourse.

I had already found a drag-n-drop library (Toolman's) before i found 
jQuery, and built something where you could re-arrange the order in 
which items are displayed (making them non-alphabetical, yep) by 
dragging them to another position in the tree. I can drag something 
_between_ 2 other items(x&y), and it will take the same parent as those 
x&y, but the "LevelOrder" is set to Y, and all nodes with LevelOrder Y 
get an increase of 1 ofcourse.

I'd really like to keep this functionality. It is usefull to re-arrange 

So can jQuery UI do this?

I have two s within a container  or , underneath 
eachother, with no gap between 'm.
I want to detect (easilly or even with lots of custom code) that a 
dragged  is dragged between two of those items.

The only thing i can think of is to have a 1-pixel div between items, 
that's also a droppable-container.

But then the mouse-pointer has to Exactly be on that spot..
It's too cumbersome for even an exp end-user (me), i've already tried 
it, not with jQuery UI but with Toolman's lib.. I had to increase the 
text-size of items in the tree so i had enough pixel resolution to both 
select 'the 50% of height centered around the middle of a div', and the 
25%'s at top and bottom.

And really, it's worth having this feature ppl :)
Much better than again more buttons that an average end-user gets scared by.
Less buttons -> better, imo.

Anyways, thanks for reading this, and if you have an anwser to my 
question i'd really like to hear it asap.

I'm on hold with my explorer-func until i know more... ;)

[jQuery] Re: fade animations for graphics next to eachother; issues

2009-02-01 Thread Rene Veerman

Solved it; don't put the graphics in a table cell to arrange them, use 

Then it works as expected with animate() calls in onmouseover and onmouseout

Rene Veerman wrote:


I've got several graphics next to eachother that i've set to 
opacity=0.4; on mouseover i want them to light up to opacity = 1.

So far so good, i have onMouseOver and onMouseOut events that get 
called, and i thought i'd just add animate() calls and i'd be fine.. 
Turns out that aint so..

It's probably multiple events firing in rapid succession after 
eachother, but i have no real clues yet on how to buffer the events 
and get the animation correct.

have a look at
login: admin
password: test23

then click on the menu item "admin tree" that appears.

then hover your mouse over the icons in the lower-left of the screen 
that appears.

when moving from left to right, it doesn't light up correctly :(

any help is greatly appreciated..

[jQuery] fade animations for graphics next to eachother; issues

2009-02-01 Thread Rene Veerman


I've got several graphics next to eachother that i've set to 
opacity=0.4; on mouseover i want them to light up to opacity = 1.

So far so good, i have onMouseOver and onMouseOut events that get 
called, and i thought i'd just add animate() calls and i'd be fine.. 
Turns out that aint so..

It's probably multiple events firing in rapid succession after 
eachother, but i have no real clues yet on how to buffer the events and 
get the animation correct.

have a look at
login: admin
password: test23

then click on the menu item "admin tree" that appears.

then hover your mouse over the icons in the lower-left of the screen 
that appears.

when moving from left to right, it doesn't light up correctly :(

any help is greatly appreciated..

[jQuery] getJSON - how to retrieve plain text?

2009-01-14 Thread Rene Veerman

I have a getJSON call that works fine in FF, but bugs in IE.

I get no data. :(

So i want to see what the plaintext is that's returned in the success 

Using the new 1.3 jQuery, btw..


   var rc = $('select#regions_countries')[0];
   var rr = $('select#regions_regions')[0];
   var url = 

   var countries = [];
   for (var i=0; i   html+='value="'+regions[i].replace(/\s\(.*\)/,'')+'">'+regions[i]+'';

   rr.innerHTML = html;


[jQuery] can one detect if the current tab is still visible?

2008-12-11 Thread Rene Veerman

I've got a slideshow that polls the server each 7 seconds for new images 
to display, and want to pause it when the tab that the user is on isn't 
I have little hope of it being possible (in all browsers), but am asking 
anyway ;)

Perhaps, perhaps, they thought of it..

If u know of a way, please let me / us know.

[jQuery] [offtopic] can you perhaps tell why this page doesnt show in firefox?

2008-11-21 Thread Rene Veerman

This page displays fine in IE, opera and safari.
But not in firefox :(


any clues greatly appreciated..

Rene Veerman, creator of web2.5 CMS http://mediabeez.ws/ 

[jQuery] Re: Panel Interface for webpage?

2008-11-10 Thread Rene Veerman

Shawn wrote:

Thanks Rene. Didn't find anything promising there though... but great 


Then you're gonna have to code it yourself.. pretty please release it as 
a plugin :)

[jQuery] Re: Panel Interface for webpage?

2008-11-09 Thread Rene Veerman

Shawn wrote:

I'm not sure if I've seen a plugin for this, or even a website, but 
thought I'd ask here before creating custom code

We're looking to have "panels" (aka "widgets") on the page. (A 
dashboard perhaps?) Each panel is a given size - say 100x100, has a 
title bar, and minimize/maximize options, and a "Show More" link at 
the bottom of the panel. The web page may have many panels (scrolling 
the page as needed).

Each of these panels would (presumably) contain the output from 
various "applications" within the Intranet.

There is a little more logic involved - manadatory panels, etc - but 
this covers the core.

I'm looking for any tips/suggestions on this... I can build something 
(ajax calls, iframes, etc... should be pretty straight forward), but 
would rather not have to, unless really needed. Thanks for any responses.


you might wanna check http://ajaxrain.com

[jQuery] [offtopic] [article] domWrite() lazy loading ads: external code using document.write() - execution AFTER the page has rendered

2008-11-07 Thread Rene Veerman

Friend of mine wrote this article that might be of interest to you:

Often there is advertizing code to be implemented in a page, and there
are 2 problems one may face:

(1) the website hangs due to a lag on the code delivering server
(2) you normally cannot lazy load the script since document.write() is
used inside the foreign code which only works during rendering of the page.

This is a snippet that allows the asynchronous loading and delayed
execution of JS code that contains document.write() statements in the
context of a DIV element:


[jQuery] other easing plugins than the standard ones?

2008-10-31 Thread Rene Veerman

Hi, i use .animate() in my cms and would like to try some other easing 
plugins besides linear and swing, the builtin ones.
But i can't find any to download on the jquery site.. Maybe i'm not 
looking right..

Have you found them?

[jQuery] [released] themeable canvas loader icon, with semi-transparency support

2008-10-30 Thread Rene Veerman


This the second opensource plugin that I release; a loader icon capable 
of displaying colorfull yet semi-transparent animated graphics. It's 
simple to use and design for..

I'll admit right now that there are still some issues in IE, like 
activeX warnings in some cases, but i hope that over time those can be 
fixed and updated too..

Comments and bug-notices are very welcome, either on the list or  via 
the comments-button (top-left on the page).

[jQuery] [released] themeable canvas loader icon, with semi-transparency support

2008-10-30 Thread Rene Veerman


This the second opensource plugin that I release; a loader icon capable 
of displaying colorfull yet semi-transparent animated graphics. It's 
simple to use and design for..

I'll admit right now that there are still some issues in IE, like 
activeX warnings in some cases, but i hope that over time those can be 
fixed and updated too..

Comments and bug-notices are very welcome, either on the list or  via 
the comments-button (top-left on the page).

[jQuery] Re: [hacking] animating a div with fuzzy png borders

2008-10-28 Thread Rene Veerman

Well i hacked something into the animate() and custom() functions but 
actually calling the 'fix-function' during the animation resulted in a 
flickering animation.
I haven't been able to get rid of it, so i'm reverting to std jquery & 
"hard" borders for elements that i animate, for now..

If i ever work on it again and get it fixed then i'll let u know..

Rene Veerman wrote:

hi. i want to animate a div element that is styled as a jquery dialog.
During the animation i need to adjust various widths and heights of 
the border and background child-divs.. So i got a function to do that, 
and it works.

I can call it after the animation has completed, but not during.

How would i hack that into the source of 1.2.6?
Here's the animate function, with my addition of inFlightCallback:
As it is now, it doesn't get called :(

[jQuery] [hacking] animating a div with fuzzy png borders

2008-10-28 Thread Rene Veerman

hi. i want to animate a div element that is styled as a jquery dialog.
During the animation i need to adjust various widths and heights of the 
border and background child-divs.. So i got a function to do that, and 
it works.

I can call it after the animation has completed, but not during.

How would i hack that into the source of 1.2.6?
Here's the animate function, with my addition of inFlightCallback:
As it is now, it doesn't get called :(

   animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback, inFlightCallback ) {
   var optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback);

   return this[ optall.queue === false ? "each" : "queue" ](function(){
   if ( this.nodeType != 1)
   return false;

   var opt = jQuery.extend({}, optall), p,
   hidden = jQuery(this).is(":hidden"), self = this;

   for ( p in prop ) {
   if ( prop[p] == "hide" && hidden || prop[p] == "show" && 
!hidden )

   return opt.complete.call(this);

   if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
   // Store display property
   opt.display = jQuery.css(this, "display");

   // Make sure that nothing sneaks out
   opt.overflow = this.style.overflow;
   if (inFlightCallback) inFlightCallback();

   if ( opt.overflow != null )
   this.style.overflow = "hidden";

   opt.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop);

   jQuery.each( prop, function(name, val){
   var e = new jQuery.fx( self, opt, name );

   if ( /toggle|show|hide/.test(val) )
   e[ val == "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : val 
]( prop );

   else {
   var parts = 

   start = e.cur(true) || 0;

   if ( parts ) {
   var end = parseFloat(parts[2]),
   unit = parts[3] || "px";

   // We need to compute starting value
   if ( unit != "px" ) {
   self.style[ name ] = (end || 1) + unit;
   start = ((end || 1) / e.cur(true)) * start;
   self.style[ name ] = start + unit;

   // If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a 
relative animation

   if ( parts[1] )
   end = ((parts[1] == "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end) + 

   e.custom( start, end, unit );
   } else
   e.custom( start, val, "" );

   // For JS strict compliance
   return true;

[jQuery] Re: pagination solution

2008-10-27 Thread Rene Veerman

'plugin' usually refers to a javascript thing.

you need php aswell

and since db definitions vary wildly, it's hard to create something 

i dont know of any components/plugins that do this and are easy to 

i did write something on this topic, which you can find here:

bdee1 wrote:

I am looking for a simple solution to add pagination to some reports i have
built using ASP and jquery.  the problem is that the reports are returning
so much data that the script(s) are timing out.  SO based on that - i assume
i woudl need to have some kind of ajax based pagination so that the script
is only returning a small amount of data from the database at a time.

But i will also need to be able to sort the columns and possibly search

is there any simple plugin or combination of plugins that will allow for

[jQuery] is this usefull as an lgpl-ed component? canvas fancy ajax loader icon

2008-10-23 Thread Rene Veerman

i've made a loader icon based on the canvas tag..

demo up at http://mediabeez.veerman.ws/mb/

this is an early draft, and i intend to add a bit more features (like 
scalability) and themes..

but i'm wondering if there would be an interest in a component like this 
esp with the

still difficult support for canvas in IE;


BTW, this component does work in IE, it uses excanvas..
It just looks a bit worse than in FF.

Please let me know what you think of it

[jQuery] Re: SOLVED Re: [jQuery] Re: how would you initialize google excanvas on a new piece of html?

2008-10-22 Thread Rene Veerman

original package at http://excanvas.sourceforge.net/

[jQuery] Re: SOLVED Re: [jQuery] Re: how would you initialize google excanvas on a new piece of html?

2008-10-22 Thread Rene Veerman

sry forgot to add that the solution in this modification is to call 
googleExCanvas(), _without_ specifying a dom node to traverse. I ran 
into problems if i tried to init a single dom node.. but the code checks 
if a canvas tag has been initialized already, so there's no overhead to 
speak of..

Rene Veerman wrote:


// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
//tiny fix by Veerman Internet Services to allow initialization on 
HTML loaded after document.ready

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Known Issues:
// * Patterns are not implemented.
// * Radial gradient are not implemented. The VML version of these 
look very

//   different from the canvas one.
// * Clipping paths are not implemented.
// * Coordsize. The width and height attribute have higher priority 
than the

//   width and height style values which isn't correct.
// * Painting mode isn't implemented.
// * Canvas width/height should is using content-box by default. IE in
//   Quirks mode will draw the canvas using border-box. Either change 

//   doctype to HTML5
//   (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-doctype)
//   or use Box Sizing Behavior from WebFX
//   (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/boxsizing/boxsizing.html)
// * Optimize. There is always room for speed improvements.

// only add this code if we do not already have a canvas implementation
if (!window.CanvasRenderingContext2D) {

var googleExCanvas = function(){

   // alias some functions to make (compiled) code shorter
   var m = Math;
   var mr = m.round;
   var ms = m.sin;
   var mc = m.cos;
 // this is used for sub pixel precision
   var Z = 10;
   var Z2 = Z / 2;
 var G_vmlCanvasManager_ = {
   init: function(opt_doc){
   var doc = opt_doc || document;
   if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera) {
   var self = this;
   //doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(){
 init_: function(doc){
   if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
   // create xmlns
   if (!doc.namespaces["g_vml_"]) {

 // setup default css
   var ss = doc.createStyleSheet();
   ss.cssText = 
"canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" +

   // default size is 300x150 in Gecko and Opera
   "text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}" +
 // find all canvas elements
   var els = doc.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
   for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
   if (!els[i].getContext) {
 fixElement_: function(el){
   // in IE before version 5.5 we would need to add HTML: to 
the tag name

   // but we do not care about IE before version 6
   var outerHTML = el.outerHTML;
 var newEl = 
   // if the tag is still open IE has created the children as 
siblings and

   // it has also created a tag with the name "/FOO"
   if (outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
   var tagName = "/" + el.tagName;
   var ns;
   // remove content
   while ((ns = el.nextSibling) && ns.tagName != tagName) {
   // remove the incorrect closing tag
   if (ns) {
   el.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, el);
   return newEl;
* Public initializes a canvas element so that it can be used 
as canvas
* element from now on. This is called automatically before the 
page is
* loaded but if you are creating elements using createElement 
you need to

* make sure this is called on the element.
* @param {HTMLElement} el The canvas element to initialize.

[jQuery] SOLVED Re: [jQuery] Re: how would you initialize google excanvas on a new piece of html?

2008-10-22 Thread Rene Veerman


// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
//tiny fix by Veerman Internet Services to allow initialization on HTML 
loaded after document.ready

// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Known Issues:
// * Patterns are not implemented.
// * Radial gradient are not implemented. The VML version of these look very
//   different from the canvas one.
// * Clipping paths are not implemented.
// * Coordsize. The width and height attribute have higher priority than the
//   width and height style values which isn't correct.
// * Painting mode isn't implemented.
// * Canvas width/height should is using content-box by default. IE in
//   Quirks mode will draw the canvas using border-box. Either change your
//   doctype to HTML5
//   (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-doctype)
//   or use Box Sizing Behavior from WebFX
//   (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/boxsizing/boxsizing.html)
// * Optimize. There is always room for speed improvements.

// only add this code if we do not already have a canvas implementation
if (!window.CanvasRenderingContext2D) {

var googleExCanvas = function(){

   // alias some functions to make (compiled) code shorter
   var m = Math;
   var mr = m.round;
   var ms = m.sin;
   var mc = m.cos;
   // this is used for sub pixel precision

   var Z = 10;
   var Z2 = Z / 2;
   var G_vmlCanvasManager_ = {

   init: function(opt_doc){
   var doc = opt_doc || document;
   if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera) {
   var self = this;
   //doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function(){
   init_: function(doc){

   if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
   // create xmlns
   if (!doc.namespaces["g_vml_"]) {

   // setup default css

   var ss = doc.createStyleSheet();
   ss.cssText = 
"canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" +

   // default size is 300x150 in Gecko and Opera
   "text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}" +
   // find all canvas elements

   var els = doc.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
   for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
   if (!els[i].getContext) {
   fixElement_: function(el){
   // in IE before version 5.5 we would need to add HTML: to 
the tag name

   // but we do not care about IE before version 6
   var outerHTML = el.outerHTML;
   var newEl = el.ownerDocument.createElement(outerHTML);
   // if the tag is still open IE has created the children as 
siblings and

   // it has also created a tag with the name "/FOO"
   if (outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
   var tagName = "/" + el.tagName;
   var ns;
   // remove content
   while ((ns = el.nextSibling) && ns.tagName != tagName) {
   // remove the incorrect closing tag
   if (ns) {
   el.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, el);
   return newEl;
* Public initializes a canvas element so that it can be used as 
* element from now on. This is called automatically before the 
page is
* loaded but if you are creating elements using createElement 
you need to

* make sure this is called on the element.
* @param {HTMLElement} el The canvas element to initialize.
* @return {HTMLElement} the element that was created.
   initElement: function(el){
   el = this.fixElement_(el);
   el.getContext = function(){
   if (this.context_) {
   return this.context_;
   return this.context_ = new CanvasRenderingContext2D_(this);
   // do not use inline function because that will leak memory

   el.attachEvent('onpropertychange', onPropertyChange);

[jQuery] Re: how would you initialize google excanvas on a new piece of html?

2008-10-22 Thread Rene Veerman

i tried G_vmlCanvasManager_.init(__self.html);
but that didnt work.. probably because this thing runs inside an anon 
function, right?

Rene Veerman wrote:

Hi. I'm trying to use google's excanvas in my CMS, but ran into a snag;

excanvas initializes all canvas tags in the dom on startup. my cms 
loads much html dynamically, and i need to initialize excanvas on 
those new dom nodes.

the new dom node i'm trying to init is called __self.html (of a window).

can someone please tell me if its possible to get the following script 
to init my __self.html?

// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Known Issues:
// * Patterns are not implemented.
// * Radial gradient are not implemented. The VML version of these 
look very

//   different from the canvas one.
// * Clipping paths are not implemented.
// * Coordsize. The width and height attribute have higher priority 
than the

//   width and height style values which isn't correct.
// * Painting mode isn't implemented.
// * Canvas width/height should is using content-box by default. IE in
//   Quirks mode will draw the canvas using border-box. Either change 

//   doctype to HTML5
//   (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-doctype)
//   or use Box Sizing Behavior from WebFX
//   (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/boxsizing/boxsizing.html)
// * Optimize. There is always room for speed improvements.

// only add this code if we do not already have a canvas implementation
if (!window.CanvasRenderingContext2D) {

(function () {

 // alias some functions to make (compiled) code shorter
 var m = Math;
 var mr = m.round;
 var ms = m.sin;
 var mc = m.cos;

 // this is used for sub pixel precision
 var Z = 10;
 var Z2 = Z / 2;

 var G_vmlCanvasManager_ = {
   init: function (opt_doc) {
 var doc = opt_doc || document;
 if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera) {
   var self = this;
   doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () {

   init_: function (doc) {
 if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
   // create xmlns
   if (!doc.namespaces["g_vml_"]) {
 doc.namespaces.add("g_vml_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");

   // setup default css
   var ss = doc.createStyleSheet();
   ss.cssText = "canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" +
   // default size is 300x150 in Gecko and Opera
   "text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}" +

   // find all canvas elements
   var els = doc.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
   for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
 if (!els[i].getContext) {

   fixElement_: function (el) {
 // in IE before version 5.5 we would need to add HTML: to the tag 

 // but we do not care about IE before version 6
 var outerHTML = el.outerHTML;

 var newEl = el.ownerDocument.createElement(outerHTML);
 // if the tag is still open IE has created the children as 
siblings and

 // it has also created a tag with the name "/FOO"
 if (outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
   var tagName = "/" + el.tagName;
   var ns;
   // remove content
   while ((ns = el.nextSibling) && ns.tagName != tagName) {
   // remove the incorrect closing tag
   if (ns) {
 el.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, el);
 return newEl;

* Public initializes a canvas element so that it can be used as 
* element from now on. This is called automatically before the 
page is
* loaded but if you are creating elements using createElement you 
need to

* make sure this is called on the element.
* @param {HTMLElement} el The canvas element to initialize.
* @return {HTMLElement} the element that was created.
   initElement: function (el) {
 el = this.fixElement_(el);
 el.getContext = function () {
   if (this.context_) {
 return this.context_;
   return this.context_ = new CanvasRenderingContext2D_(this);

 // do not use inline functio

[jQuery] how would you initialize google excanvas on a new piece of html?

2008-10-22 Thread Rene Veerman

Hi. I'm trying to use google's excanvas in my CMS, but ran into a snag;

excanvas initializes all canvas tags in the dom on startup. my cms loads 
much html dynamically, and i need to initialize excanvas on those new 
dom nodes.

the new dom node i'm trying to init is called __self.html (of a window).

can someone please tell me if its possible to get the following script 
to init my __self.html?

// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Known Issues:
// * Patterns are not implemented.
// * Radial gradient are not implemented. The VML version of these look very
//   different from the canvas one.
// * Clipping paths are not implemented.
// * Coordsize. The width and height attribute have higher priority than the
//   width and height style values which isn't correct.
// * Painting mode isn't implemented.
// * Canvas width/height should is using content-box by default. IE in
//   Quirks mode will draw the canvas using border-box. Either change your
//   doctype to HTML5
//   (http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#the-doctype)
//   or use Box Sizing Behavior from WebFX
//   (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/boxsizing/boxsizing.html)
// * Optimize. There is always room for speed improvements.

// only add this code if we do not already have a canvas implementation
if (!window.CanvasRenderingContext2D) {

(function () {

 // alias some functions to make (compiled) code shorter
 var m = Math;
 var mr = m.round;
 var ms = m.sin;
 var mc = m.cos;

 // this is used for sub pixel precision
 var Z = 10;
 var Z2 = Z / 2;

 var G_vmlCanvasManager_ = {
   init: function (opt_doc) {
 var doc = opt_doc || document;
 if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera) {
   var self = this;
   doc.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", function () {

   init_: function (doc) {
 if (doc.readyState == "complete") {
   // create xmlns
   if (!doc.namespaces["g_vml_"]) {
 doc.namespaces.add("g_vml_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");

   // setup default css
   var ss = doc.createStyleSheet();
   ss.cssText = "canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;" +
   // default size is 300x150 in Gecko and Opera
   "text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}" +

   // find all canvas elements
   var els = doc.getElementsByTagName("canvas");
   for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
 if (!els[i].getContext) {

   fixElement_: function (el) {
 // in IE before version 5.5 we would need to add HTML: to the tag name
 // but we do not care about IE before version 6
 var outerHTML = el.outerHTML;

 var newEl = el.ownerDocument.createElement(outerHTML);
 // if the tag is still open IE has created the children as 
siblings and

 // it has also created a tag with the name "/FOO"
 if (outerHTML.slice(-2) != "/>") {
   var tagName = "/" + el.tagName;
   var ns;
   // remove content
   while ((ns = el.nextSibling) && ns.tagName != tagName) {
   // remove the incorrect closing tag
   if (ns) {
 el.parentNode.replaceChild(newEl, el);
 return newEl;

* Public initializes a canvas element so that it can be used as canvas
* element from now on. This is called automatically before the page is
* loaded but if you are creating elements using createElement you 
need to

* make sure this is called on the element.
* @param {HTMLElement} el The canvas element to initialize.
* @return {HTMLElement} the element that was created.
   initElement: function (el) {
 el = this.fixElement_(el);
 el.getContext = function () {
   if (this.context_) {
 return this.context_;
   return this.context_ = new CanvasRenderingContext2D_(this);

 // do not use inline function because that will leak memory
 el.attachEvent('onpropertychange', onPropertyChange);
 el.attachEvent('onresize', onResize);

 var attrs = el.attributes;
 if (attrs.width && attrs.width.specified) {
   // TODO: use runtimeStyle and coordsize
   // el.getContext().setWidth_(attrs.width.nodeValue);
   el.style.width = attrs.width.nodeValue + "px";

[jQuery] Re: Whats best for js compression, packer, jsminify, YUI?

2008-10-08 Thread Rene Veerman

I like and use phpjso (http://www.cortex-creations.com/software/phpjso). 
It can also obfusicate, but if you do that then be sure to use the 'fast 
decompression' option otherwise you have a initialization lag of up to a 
full second for +-40Kb of script.

JimD wrote:

Hi all,

I know this has probably been discussed before but I with all the
options available, I was wondering what method seems to work best
overall for compressing js files. I want to put all my jquery plugins
into one file and compress for performance but I'm worried about
breaking things.

I know there is packer, jsmin etc. Any recommendations.


[jQuery] Re: Code execution order

2008-10-08 Thread Rene Veerman

function UpdateList()
// Open the xml file
// Run the function for each name tag in the XML file
$('location',xml).each(function(i) {





you just needed to put the last alert inside the $.get callback func

[jQuery] Re: get a fancybox/lightbox from a FORM?

2008-10-08 Thread Rene Veerman

i dont know fancybox, but if your lightbox supports HTML it should 
support submitting a FORM.
i'd try to initialize the fancybox on the div containing the form, not 
the form itself.

Hilmar Kolbe wrote:

Is there a way to get a fancybox () or any
other lightbox from submitting a FORM (with an image button)?

HTML looks like this:


These won't do:


Anyone spotting my mistake or having a workaround or an alternative
script? Thanks in advance


[jQuery] Re: Ajax/load help with external javascripts

2008-10-07 Thread Rene Veerman

my function is lengthy because my cms requires all the code in there to 
for instance, the code that 'removes then re-adds script.src links if 
you already have them in ' is to make some plugins, like 
tinyMCE.moxiecode.com, work in IE6 when it's loaded up multiple times in 
a row through ajax-calls.
and if i get it correctly, yours only handles inline scripts, not 
referenced scripts...?

ricardobeat wrote:

uuh lengthy function. I came up with this for my personal library,
works in FF/IE6,7/Safari:

function runScripts(el){
var scripts = el.getElementsByTagName('script');
if (scripts) {for (var i=0;i  

Yep, you'll have to add the javascript nodes in the HTML you're
inserting into the DIV manually.

WTF, i'll be a nice guy and post my routines for it. you'll have to
adapt them yourself ;)

function parseJavascript (htmlElement) {
var scripts = $('SCRIPT', htmlElement);
   var htmlHead = $('HEAD')[0];
for (var i=0; i/, '');
s = s.replace (/\s\s/g, '');
 //console.log (s);

Steve wrote:

Hi, I'm a jQuery newbie. Basically, I'm trying to load an html file
into a div when a button is clicked. The html file contains
external .js and .css files for the Greybox widget. I can't get
Greybox working, do I have to do something special to load the js and
css before the load method? Appreciate any help.

--- test.html -



--- greybox.html -

var GB_ROOT_DIR = "greybox/";

http://google.com/"; title="Google" rel="gb_page_fs[]">Launch
google.com in fullscreen window



[jQuery] Re: How to uninstall the

2008-10-07 Thread Rene Veerman

add a global variable somewhere that your onready callback checks? if 
true: execute, if false:dont.

then manipulate that global var instead of the callback itself?

Kynn Jones wrote:
I have a jQuery-based script that performs some updates on the current 
page (using the load method), and eventually visits a second page, by 
resetting window.location.

This works fine, but if the user hits the back button, the whole 
sequence is repeated, including the re-loading of the second page.

I'd like to prevent this behavior.  Is it possible?

I tried removing the script with $( 'script[src*=/path/to/script]' 
).remove(), but this did not prevent the whole sequence from running 

Then I thought that the reason for this was that using remove() does 
not get rid of the callback that was originally installed at the very 
end of the script with jQuery( MyScript.sleep ).  So I tried to 
uninstall the callback with $( 'document' ).unbind( 'ready', ... ), 
but this didn't do anything either.

How can uninstall the onready callback?  If this is not possible, is 
there some other way that I can block the sequence from running a 
second time when the user the BACK button?

The script has the following form:

var MyScript = ( function ( $ ) {
  var SELF_URL = location.pathname + location.search;

  var $$; $$ = {
check: function () {
  if ( $$.results_ready() ) {
$( 'script[src*=/path/to/script]' ).remove();
$( 'document' ).unbind( 'ready', $$.sleep );  // is this right???
window.location = SELF_URL + '&results=1';
  else {

sleep: function () {
  setTimeout( $$.refresh, 2000 );

refresh: function () {
  $( 'body' ).load( SELF_URL, $$.check );

results_ready: function () {
  // etc., etc.

  return $$;
} )( jQuery );

jQuery( MyScript.sleep );

Thanks in advance!


[jQuery] Re: random image and content loading

2008-10-07 Thread Rene Veerman

if i get it correctly, in the xhtml "content" there's an IMG tag with 
the image that needs to be pre-loaded. There's a plugin that can do this 
for you;


janus76 wrote:

I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction with this. i am
pretty new to javascript and jquery so any help would be most appreciated.

I have a homepage which displays a large random image from an array every 10
seconds or so. I have used a variation of the following script to do this.

However in my case the array contains more than an image file location but
some xhtml.

so I have altered the part of the script which shows the image to the

function showImage(content)




where content is the new xhtml from the array.

This all works perfectly fine. However, on the first load of the random
image I do not get the nice fade in effect due to the image in the xhtml not
being being fully loaded when the fade starts.

Once the image has loaded once (presumable in the browser cache) on
subsequent cycles everything is fine.

As this process runs every 10 seconds, is there a way to preload the content
and image in this period ready for display at the set time?

I can't preload all the content at once as there are many images within the
random content.

I hope this makes sense.

If anyone could help me out and point me in the right direction that would
be great.




[jQuery] Re: Ajax/load help with external javascripts

2008-10-05 Thread Rene Veerman

Yep, you'll have to add the javascript nodes in the HTML you're 
inserting into the DIV manually.

WTF, i'll be a nice guy and post my routines for it. you'll have to 
adapt them yourself ;)

   function parseJavascript (htmlElement) {
   var scripts = $('SCRIPT', htmlElement);
  var htmlHead = $('HEAD')[0];
   for (var i=0; i  
   if (script.src) {

   var scriptsInHead = $('SCRIPT', htmlHead);
   var found = false;
   for (var j=0; j   console.log ("mb.desktop.parseJavascript: appending 
"+e.src+" to HEAD.");

   } else {
   console.log ("mb.desktop.parseJavascript: removing 
then re-adding "+e.src+" to HEAD.");

   htmlHead.appendChild (e);
   } else {

   var s = scripts[i].innerHTML;
   s = s.replace (//, '');
   s = s.replace (/\s\s/g, '');
//console.log (s);

Steve wrote:

Hi, I'm a jQuery newbie. Basically, I'm trying to load an html file
into a div when a button is clicked. The html file contains
external .js and .css files for the Greybox widget. I can't get
Greybox working, do I have to do something special to load the js and
css before the load method? Appreciate any help.

--- test.html -



--- greybox.html -

var GB_ROOT_DIR = "greybox/";

http://google.com/"; title="Google" rel="gb_page_fs[]">Launch
google.com in fullscreen window


[jQuery] temporarily disable ajaxSend?

2008-10-04 Thread Rene Veerman

In order to prevent a clash between a java applet and jquery, i need to 
disable the ajaxSend trigger for a certain ajax call. How do i do that?

[jQuery] forgotten bug? java clashes with jquery, by design, at least since 1.2.1

2008-10-04 Thread Rene Veerman

Whenever one uses jquery on a page with a java applet, either with 
 or , there are CRIPPLING ERRORS on many operations (that 
are executed in the background).

There's already a bugticket for it, but it hasnt been updated in a while:

http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2349 (lists causes and non-working workarounds)

it's mentioned on google a couple of times too;

I would like to know from the developers if there's ever going to be a 
fix for this bug for which there isn't a single working workaround posted.

I'll now try to code a patch for jquery 1.2.6 myself. If i'm successfull 
i'll post it.

[jQuery] Re: List overload

2008-10-02 Thread Rene Veerman

Trans wrote:

I just want to point out that this list is so active that I simply
can't keep up. I wonder if splitting the list into two or more lists
based on some criteria would be advisable.

Just a thought,

try a mailclient that supports threaded views (you have to turn it on 
though), then regularly 'mark all as read' even though you only scanned 
the headlines..

[jQuery] Re: Blur effect with jQuery ?

2008-10-02 Thread Rene Veerman

you can $(element).fadeOut, but is that what you are looking for?

blur means many things. do you mean 'disable' with it?

or just a visual blur?

IE can do a visual, guassian blur on a div, but it's not supported in 
other browsers.



I can't find this effect in the API or in the plugins repository. Does
anyone know if it's possible at all to blur a DIV using jQuery, or
would I have to code this myself ?



[jQuery] java class clashes with jquery

2008-10-02 Thread Rene Veerman

I this jquery-related error when i run a java applet (that uploads files 
through FTP)

I'm wondering how this error occurs, firebug doesn't show a call-stack 
trace... :(

Java class com.javauploader.hermes.U has no public field or method named 

var id = elem[ expando ];

it occurs in this piece of source:

data: function( elem, name, data ) {
 elem = elem == window ?
 windowData :

 var id = elem[ expando ];

 // Compute a unique ID for the element
 if ( !id )
 id = elem[ expando ] = ++uuid;

 // Only generate the data cache if we're
 // trying to access or manipulate it
 if ( name && !jQuery.cache[ id ] )
 jQuery.cache[ id ] = {};

 // Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values
 if ( data !== undefined )
 jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] = data;

 // Return the named cache data, or the ID for the element
 return name ?
 jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] :

[jQuery] Re: CSS - height and top position

2008-09-29 Thread Rene Veerman


var $c = $('#content');
   height: $c[0].offsetTop + $c[0].offsetHeight + 5

Filipe Avila wrote:

hey, everyone. how can i get the height of an element and, based on its
given height, set the position of another element from the top? for
example, if there's too much text in the content div, improves the
distance of the foot div from the top.


[jQuery] Re: problem with mouseover / mouseout

2008-09-27 Thread Rene Veerman

try this plz

$(document).ready(function() {
   $('a.view').hover(function() {
  $(this).stop().fadeTo ('normal', 1);
   }, function () {
  $(this).stop().fadeTo ('normal', 0.33);

eewan wrote:

I'm trying to make script that has faded  image at start 30%, after
hover sets opacity to 100% and on mouse out puts it back to 30%.
so i did this:

$('a.view').fadeTo('fast', 0.33);

$('a.view').mouseover(function () {

$(this).fadeTo('normal', 1);
$("a.view").mouseout(function () {

$(this).fadeTo('normal', 0.33);

Problem appears because i have 15 elements and when i hover over them
fast few times script gets bugged and repeats that process xx times.
I want to repeat effect only when fadeout is finished :)
mycitysolutions.com - address so u can understand it better :)

Thx in advance


[jQuery] Re: Find all tags without an tag inside

2008-09-27 Thread Rene Veerman

dunno if there's a simple jquery way of doing it, but you could do:

$('#LHNav li').each(function(){
   if ($('> a',this).length==0) {
  //no A href, add it
} else {
  //do something else

flycast wrote:

I am stumped. I have nested unordered lists. I want to attach a click
event to all the list items that do not directly contain an  tag.

Attach a click event to:
List item without link

Do not attach click event to:
Link 1

I have this code which attaches the event to both types of tags:
   $("#LHNav").find("li").bind("click", function(){
 //do something

Ideas anyone?


[jQuery] Re: General JavaScript opitmization question

2008-09-24 Thread Rene Veerman

i usually use the first method you described; a global var maintained by 
2 functions, start and stop.
the other way is too complicated imo :)

AdamV wrote:
> I'm writing an AJAXy application and when I start doing an ajax call,
> I want to block the UI and show a loading graphic until the loading is
> done. For various reasons, a number of different functions might
> initiate a load and a number might signal its end, and in a particular
> sequence two such functions might be called during one "ajax load"
> event.
> As I was thinking about opimizing JavaScript anyways, I figured I see
> if anyone has any thoughts about optimizing the general situation
> where you have a "start" function that might be called once its
> started and a "stop" function that might be called when nothing is
> currently running.
> The trivial way to write this would be:
> var running=false;
> function do_start() {
>   if (running) return;
>   running = true;
>   // Do stuff;
> }
> function do_stop() {
>   if(!running) return;
>   running = false;
>   // Do stuff;
> }
> However, the following would also work:
> function nullFunct() {};
> function startFunct() {
>   // Do Stuf;
>   do_stop = stopFunct;
>   do_start = nullFunct;
> }
> function stopFunct() {
>   // Do Stuf;
>   do_stop = nullFunct;
>   do_start = startFunct;
> }
> var do_start = startFunct, do_stop=nullFunct;
> Does anyone have any thoughts about taking either approach? I would
> suspect that the later approach gets more useful as the test for
> "should we allow stuff to happen here" gets ore complicated than I've
> shown.
> Adam

[jQuery] Re: Remove comment script

2008-09-24 Thread Rene Veerman

johhnnyboy wrote:
> Hello,
> Im looking for a jquery script that allowes removing comments (which
> are placed in divs) for the site with an animation and then removes it
> also from my database.
> Something similar to hyves comments system.
that's a bunch of things working together...
jquery would only be a small part of it.

you'd need to start with a database definition of the comments tables.
your comments-page output would identify each comment with 
id='db_comment_id', so that jquery can remove it with an animation 
(which animation, exactly?).
after removing it from the DOM, jquery would call a php script that 
removes db_comment_id from the database.

that's the gist of it, but you need to post the db definition if you 
want help with the php scripts for display and removal.

[jQuery] Re: cross domain XML with ajax

2008-09-24 Thread Rene Veerman


 * @linkhttp://www.phpfour.com

// The actual form action
$action = $_REQUEST['url'];

// Submission method
$method = $_REQUEST['method'];

// Query string
$fields = '';

// Prepare the fields for query string, don't include the action URL OR 
if (count($_REQUEST) > 2)
foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value)
if ($key != 'url' || $key != 'method')
$fields .= $key . '=' . rawurlencode($value) . '&';

// Strip the last comma
$fields = substr($fields, 0, strlen($fields) - 1);

// Initiate cURL
$ch = curl_init();

// Do we need to POST of GET ?
if (strtoupper($method) == 'POST')
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $action);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $action . '?' . $fields);  

// Follow redirects and return the transfer
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);

// Get result and close cURL
$result = curl_exec($ch);

// Return the response
echo $result;


philosaur wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm writing an OGC/WMS Viewer using jQuery.  One task I need to
> accomplish involves making a getCapabilities request against a Web
> Mapping Service, which responds with some XML.
> I know that the $.ajax function allows me to get JSON from another
> domain, but is there a way to get XML from another domain?  I've tried
> various permutations of data types, and the $.ajax call with the
> "jsonp" call gets closest--it returns the XML, but since it's not true
> JSON, the browser complains.
> Is my only option to use a proxy web service to access the XML?
> Thanks!

[jQuery] Re: Need help with jQuery array

2008-09-24 Thread Rene Veerman

Give your  tag an id 'menu', and replace your document.ready code 
with this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('ul#menu li a').each (function () {
$(this).append ('');
var $span = $('> span.hover', this).css('opacity', 0);
$(this).hover (function () {
$span.stop().fadeTo (500, 1);
}, function () {
$span.stop().fadeTo (500, 0);

Jim Davis wrote:
> I am adapting Greg-J's hover fade method 
>  to a 
> navigation menu. Demo of my menu is here:
> http://jimdavis.org/celtic/fadetest.php
> If you view the source code you will see that I repeat the jQuery 
> function for each menu item. Since this nav menu will have about 10 
> items I want to change the script to use an array to minimize the 
> code. What needs to be changed to use an array?
> Jim

[jQuery] Re: Traversing table

2008-09-08 Thread Rene Veerman
put valid id's on all relevant tags, then reference by id?

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:38 PM, Jayzon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've got a table with multiple rows which I'd like to traverse in a
> special way - here's the html (for better reading, I just included two
> rows, these rows are duplicated with different values):
> Example A
> 1,20 €
> 2,40 €
> Calculator
> 0,00 €
> 0,00 €
> What I'd like to do: If an input filed is focussed, a price should be
> calculated. To keep the script as efficient as possible, I want to
> travel up from the input field to the cell above it (i.e. one row up,
> second or third cell in that row). My problem is: How can I traverse
> the DOM in this way?
> I imagine the following: The script should "know" where the starting
> point was (second or third cell in row) and then get the corresponding
> cell. I'm sure this is possible, but I have no idea how to achieve it.
> If I get the DOM traversing right, I want to get the value of
> span.price to calculate the input with it & update the result in -
> yes, span.result ;-)
> I'm sure this is a pretty easy thing to achieve for people how know
> jQuery well - I unfortunately don't (yet!). Could someone please
> explain this?
> Thanks for your effort!
> Markus

[jQuery] Re: I must be missing something simple...

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Jim Buzbee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've got some jQuery code that seems to work fine in Safari and
> Firefox both under OSX and Windows. But I've been beating my head
> against the wall trying to get the same code running under IE7.  I
> must be missing something :-( I'm a novice at javascript and jQuery.
> The following is a much abbreviated and simplified version. Under IE,
> the alert function in the loop below comes up with "Color: " each time
> as if the "find" seems to be returning null. Does anyone have a
> suggestion?
> The same code can be found online at:
> http://batbox.org/bh.html
> Thanks,
> Jim Buzbee
> ...
> jQuery(function()
> {
>   var xml = jQuery( '  White' +
>' Black color>' +
>   ''  );
>   $(xml).find("item").each(function()
>   {
>  alert('Color: ' + $(this).find("color").text() );
>   });
> });
> ...

[jQuery] Re: How to do something using JQuery

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
try this;

[number] is either the SQL row ID of the name (good), or an arbitrary index
(less good).

1) each checkbox gets a html id 'name_[number]_cb'
2) each name gets a html id 'name_[number]_label'
3) each circle gets a html id 'name_[number]_button'
4) each circle gets a html onclick='yournamespace.showInfoForName(this,

then load this js:

var yournamespace = {
showInfoForName : function (element, event) {
//some vars that you need to intialize;
var parent = $('table#names')[0]; //set only to parent  or
 of names-list.

//create the view
var view = document.createElement ("DIV");
view.id = element.id+'_view';
view.className = 'namesInputView'; //style layout with CSS
$(view).css ({
visibility : 'visible',
display : none, //override: dont display anything yet
position: 'absolute',
width : '400px', //desired size, change if u want
height : '300px'

document.body.appendChild (view);//add it to the DOM somewhere
to prevent IE mem leaks

var viewHTML = '';
viewHTML += 'some INPUT fields and makeup';

view.innerHTML = viewHTML;

//take the size of the view in case contents doesnt fit in it
viewWidth = view.offsetWidth;
viewHeight = view.offsetHeight;

//figure out where to put the view
var t = 0, l = 0, e = element;
while (e!=parent) {
t += e.offsetTop;
l += e.offsetLeft;
e = e.offsetParent;

//optional: adjust t and l if the view is out of view (near edges of
//figure this one out 4 yourself.

//move view to where it belongs in DOM
document.body.removeChild (view);
$(view).css ({
display: 'none',
overflow: 'hidden',
top : t+'px',
left : l+'px',
height : viewHeight+'px', //make sure everything is in view. at
"desired size" you specify the desired width, height is adjusted to whats
zIndex: 99
parent.appendChild (view);
$(view).fadeIn (700); //700 milliseconds

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:51 PM, SEMMatt2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am fairly new to JQuery but it's so nice and simple to use that as
> soon as I have some direction I can take it from there. So, my
> question is, can anyone direct me regarding this project:
> I have a list of names (maybe a few hundred). Each name will have a
> checkbox next to it. After clicking on a little circle press down
> (forget what there called...) a box should slide open or come up right
> next to the name that let's a user enter in some information (it's
> about the name that they selected). Once they enter the information,
> the box slides back into place. Then, the user scrolls down to the
> bottom of the page and clicks submit. Everything gets submitted
> (checked boxes and the more information).
> Thoughts...how would I use Jquery to accomplish this?
> Thanks,
> Matt

[jQuery] Re: How do I access the function handlers of an event.

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman

to call:


DOM element property, not jQuery method.
(again!) ;)

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Drew LeSueur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> $('#myid').click()  will trigger the click event;
> and
> $('myid').click(function(){alert('clicked');});  will bind that
> function to the click event
> but how do I return the function that would be called when $('#myid')
> is clicked? (note: return, not call)
> Thank you,

[jQuery] Re: Determine if a Javascript has loaded?

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
if the weather widget creates a javascript object in the js namespace, you
can test for that when the page has loaded. you can even try to
re-initialize the weather widget if it fails the first time (but that would
take some doing).

you'd need to include the weather widget in the  of your target page.
and assume that the weather widget makes the global js var "weatherWidget"

you could try this;


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 4:20 AM, bcbounders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK... I'm new to jQuery (and not much of a JS programmer), so be
> gentle with me!  :D
> I have a site that's using a Javascript to embed a small weather
> widget (it's from weather.ibegin.com).  The problem is that  my client
> REALLY likes the look of the iBegin weather widget, but iBegin hasn't
> been that reliable... so sometimes NOTHING shows.
> I'd really love to be able to use jQuery to determine if the
> Javascript has successfully loaded the weather and display it if it
> has... but display a static image if the weather didn't load.
> Is this possible?  And, if so, how would I go about doing that?
> Thanks a lot!
>  - John

[jQuery] Re: multiple getJSON calls appear to wait for first response to run any callbacks in FF?

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
don't wait for any response, just poll an array of 'open' responses and
handle whichever are ready?

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Josh Rosenthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I'm building a google map based application which allows users to query a
> number of different json returning data lookup services  (ie: get Tax Parcel
> for this coordinate... get address, get USGS Quad Name, get Place Name).
>  Each service is activated by clicking a different button, etc.  While some
> of these queries run pretty fast, others (parcels), take ~ 30-40 seconds.
>  Working in Firefox 3, I've found that once a user runs the slow getJSON,
> none of the other queries will run their callback, until that slow getJSON
> finishes.  However, when I watch in firebug, I can see that we've actually
> queried and gotten a valid, wrapped response, and we're just waiting to
> process it.  Basically, the jsonp calls may be asynchronous, but we get a
> bottleneck where we're waiting for the response to one jsonp call, but
> already get the answer to another, and yet have to wait til the first
> returns in order to do our second callback.
> IE7 appears to display more correct behaviour, with the callbacks firing in
> the order that responses are received.
> Any suggestions as to how to get FF3 to behave similarly?
> -Josh

[jQuery] Re: Finding next/prev node

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
any DOM element has a property called "nextSibling", which points to the
very next DOM element, text/html/whatever.

var ns = $('#search')[0].nextSibling;
var ns = document.getElementById ('search').nextSibling;

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 4:43 PM, Finding_Zion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I need to have a way to find the next/prev node, be it a sibling,
> child, or text node.  For example:
>   (1) Some simple text that's
> special.
>   (2) And find next Sibling sib1 span>sib2
>   (3) Finally a child node  class='nextChildNode'>ParentChild span>
> It isn't hard to get these options if you knew what you were
> selecting, but in my case users will be selecting the html and it
> could be anything.  Is there anyway to find the very next node?
> My current thought process, is to get the p tag in this example and
> pull the contents into an array.  But I don't think this is very
> efficient.
> A proof of concept is the following code, I would think I'd need to
> make this a recursive function, but I don't think this is the right
> approach.
>  $('p').contents().each(function(){
>if(this.nodeType == 1){// recursive would occur here
> })
> Any suggestions that can point me in the right direction would be very
> helpful.
> Jeremy

[jQuery] Re: Prevent IE Cross Page Leak

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
the jquery dom manipulation routines are not to be over-used.
instead of zillions of calls to jquery, you should prepare a html statement
as a string;

var html = '';
html += '';
html += 'somethingElse';
html += '';

to prevent IE mem leaks, i read to do this:

var div = document.createElement ("DIV");
$(div).css ({ display:none });
document.body.appendChild (div);
div.innerHTML = html;
$(div).css ({ finalizedCSS });
$(parent)[0].appendChild (div);

2008/9/4 Jacky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all,
> I have some question about IE memory leakage.
> There are four type of leakage in IE as stated in
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb250448(VS.85).aspxOne
>  of them is called 'Cross Page Leak', which is caused by DOM insertion
> order. (should have no intermediate object)
> The result is that the memory will not be released even if page is changed.
> So, will the following code introduce this kind of leakage?
> $('')
> .append('Some text')
> .append($('').append('abcdef'))
> //more append to create the complex dom objects
> //.
> .appendTo("body");
> My case is quite serious. I have a page with some modals displaying some
> small search box the ajax way.
> Whenever a modal is displayed, about 10MB of memory is consumed and it
> never returns.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Jacky
> 網絡暴民 http://jacky.seezone.net

[jQuery] Re: Meta tag Keyword Upgrade with jQuery

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 7:40 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Folk,
> I've developed a website with ajax capabilities and bookmarkable
> supports history,
> I would like to give a specefic Meta tag to each page ...
> what is the solution ? there is two thing in my mind
> 1- upgrade the meta tag with jQuery when each pages loads ...
> for example
>  $("meta[name=keywords]").attr("content","a,b,c,d");
>  but as you all know when the page loads meta tag is something else
> after that with ajax will be upgrade so I think this may cause some
> problem in search engins 

exactly, searchengines wont see it.

> 2- load another meta tag in the page 


the same goes for the  tag, also important in  search engine

you need to call a  getPageInfo()  function in your php with the same
parameters as you call your content generation with.
It depends on how you seperate your functions to generate different pages.
In my CMS, i have a central function that directs traffic based on GET
parameters to different php files containing what's needed to output that
particular (type of) page.
So i use the same parameters in getPageInfo(), but instead of calling the
php file to generate content, i call a php file with a similar name
(something__pageInfo.php") that contains only the getPageInfo($same,
$parameters) function.

At the central point where i generate my , i call getPageInfo ($same,
$parameters) and insert the right tags for that page.

> and this might cause two meta tag in a single page ...
> consider there is shopping cart in the web and when each of the
> Products nloads the title of the page changes and their own meta tag
> came in so does anyone have any idea on this matter
> at the end I aim is for me to make my page reachable in search engines
> as google and Yahoo
> Kind Regards Pedram

[jQuery] Re: return on error - how to handle an error when an address is not returned in jmaps

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
doesnt jmaps throw some kind of error (or err return val) when it can't find
the address?
to put markup for your webapp inside jmaps is bad code design, so dont do it
unless you absolutely have to. re-read the jmaps docs.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 3:48 PM, pedalpete <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been using the jmaps plugin for a bit, and I added a bit of code
> to it so that when an address is not found, it writes a message to the
> user.
> I now have a situation where there are two different locations on the
> page where the message might be written to, depending on what the user
> has done (did they select an address? or did they search for an
> address?).
> I've been trying to launch a function from the plugin, but I keep
> getting 'function not found errors', and I've tried returning a null
> value, or testing for a null value, but that hasn't worked either.
> Any ideas on this would be appreciated.
> The change I've made to the plugin is simply
> [code]
> if(!F){
> $('.searchHolder').html('

[jQuery] Re: Calculating the size of a string to make it fit into the whole window

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
might be easier to put a very long string in a div, then set overflow:hidden
for that div.

but the height and width of the div are div.offsetHeight and
they're DOM element properties, not jQuery methods.
they're always in an integer number representing pixels.

so if you want the height and width of any string just put it alone in a div
and take those properties.

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 2:02 PM, marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a div into which I want to load a string. The div has height
> and width 100% - the whole window - and I want the string to fill the
> whole div/window. (And when the window size changes the string's size
> changes, too.)
> Can someone tell me if jQuery can help me here to calculate the height
> of the string in pixel and how?

[jQuery] Re: How do I access the function handlers of an event.

2008-09-06 Thread Rene Veerman
eh, i just realized that the click() of jquery might trigger in another way
than setting the DOM element onclick property... you'll just have to try it

On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 2:10 PM, Rene Veerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> $('#myid')[0].onclick
> to call:
> $('#myid')[0].onclick()
> DOM element property, not jQuery method.
> (again!) ;)
> On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Drew LeSueur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> $('#myid').click()  will trigger the click event;
>> and
>> $('myid').click(function(){alert('clicked');});  will bind that
>> function to the click event
>> but how do I return the function that would be called when $('#myid')
>> is clicked? (note: return, not call)
>> Thank you,

[jQuery] need to display a number of items based on browser size, before i get to run any js

2008-09-03 Thread Rene Veerman
Hi. Today, i've got a chicken-and-egg puzzle for your enjoyment :)

In order to properly support google indexing of published content hosted by
my CMS', which scales to browser-size, no matter what it is initially or how
the user resizes it.
Adding meta info for the many pictures hosted via my CMS would greatly
increase natural search results.

In order to get them indexed, i need to provide google with URLs that
contain the complete page's content. Pictures and their descriptions

How many thumbnails get displayed is therefore dependent on (initial)
So I need to know the browser size in the _initial_ php call to my site.

To my knowledge, that's impossible. And besides, google (my target audience
for all of this) doesnt execute JS, so i'll have to choose a browsersize for
the user when he comes in no matter what.

I've come up with this workaround that i'd like your comments and potential
improvements on.

In the html of some page that is crawled, i have a link that's sorta like

This should call up a page with a photo-album.

Currently, to get smoother loading graphic-performance, i split up the
rendering of the desktop that holds the photo-album, and the actual
photo-album content. First the desktop (and worker-JS-libs) would be
properly loaded and displayed, then a loading icon displayed in the photo
album, and then the contents of the photo-album loaded. This mechanism is
currently used on the link above.

The best solution i can come up with till now is to pre-load s and
descriptions for a desktop 1024x768 in size, then on running of the
photoalbum js either remove some images or (if i have too few) call my
render_album_contents() again via AJAX with the proper desktop size.

With google analytics i could see what browsersize gets used most, and set
the default to that, to reduce double-calls to the kinda-expensive
render_album_contents() which calls up much meta-info related to the

The main problem i see with this approach is for pagination. The initial
link for the 'next page' button should be a static one per "default
browsersize" (for google's indexing) but on running it this should change
back to a JS call that takes that particular users' browser size in account.
I guess that could be achieved with the photo-album js changing the link at
pageLoad(), but it could be tricky.

What i'd like to know from you is if you can see any other way to achieve
google-indexing of all pages of a photo-album that resizes to browser size..

[jQuery] Re: Script Wouldn't Work After Content Reloaded

2008-08-23 Thread Rene Veerman
you need to re-initialize the click handler if you replace the element it
was referring to.

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:44 PM, SHiDi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've tried to reload a content using jQuery.post. However, it seems
> that once the content is reloaded, the script didn't work the way it
> supposed to.
> My jQuery script is:
>$(".click").click(function() {
>alert('Hello World');
> {},
> function(data) {
> $("#new").html(data);
> });
> Content for actions.php:
> echo 'Click Me Again';
> As for the HTML:
>  Click Me
> On first click, the script will work. But once the content reloaded,
> it's no longer work. Any idea why?
> Thanks in advanced :)

[jQuery] Re: jscrollpane and tab key

2008-08-23 Thread Rene Veerman
yep i've had this problem and came up with a solution, but it requires some

call the following code whenever the view is resized or focus is changed -
you'll have to hook the onblur handler of your input elements and set
__self.focussedElement to it; theres no DOM way that i found to do this

var mw = 
var mh = 

var $scroller = $('#scroller.jScrollPane', __self.html);
var t = parseInt($('#scroller.jScrollPane',
$scroller.jScrollPane({showArrows:true, scrollbarWidth: 15,
arrowSize: 16});
var $container = $('.jScrollPaneContainer', __self.html);
$container.css ({ width : (mw - 1) + 'px', height : (mh-2)+'px'
if (__self.focussedElement) {
var e = __self.focussedElement.offsetParent, tt=0;
while (!jQuery(e).is('#scroller.jScrollPane')) {
tt -= e.offsetTop;
== '+t);
e = e.offsetParent;
if (tt>t) t=tt;
if ($container[0].scrollTop>0) {
t -= ($container[0].scrollTop + 10);
$container[0].scrollTop = 0;
$scroller.css ({  width : (mw - 15 - 10)+'px', height:
if ($scroller[0].scrollTo) {
$scroller[0].scrollTo (-1*t);
$('.jScrollPaneTrack', __self.html).css ({ height : (mh-34)+'px'

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 2:32 PM, jscharf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello,
> i got a problem while loading a form into a container using
> jscrollpane to handle overflow.
> First time it's loaded jscollpane reacts like it should do, but if u
> use the tab key to go through inputs and textfields, jscrollpane
> disappears if the form is much more longer than the div container.
> does anyone of you have/had the same problem and a solution for this
> issue?
> Please help me, thnx in advance

[jQuery] Re: scrollpane and UI Dialog window

2008-08-23 Thread Rene Veerman
I've had to tweak jscrollpane aswell to get it to work properly (on resizing
a dialog).
Sometimes you have to nudge the DOM back to something that works with

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 9:09 AM, Toccamonium <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> onclick we open the UI Dialog window for detail information. In
> the window we have the UI Tab and into them content wrapped
> by the scrollpane plugin. When you open the dialog the first
> time everything works fine. But if you open it again the scrollpane
> hides the content as it's writing "height: 0px" as inline style to
> the class. Any idea why this happens and what can I do to
> reinitialize the scrollbar or is there another solution?
> thanks
> T.C.

[jQuery] Re: Can't get css png fix plugin to work....

2008-08-23 Thread Rene Veerman
did you initialize the script after loading it?

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 8:06 PM, Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi I just tried getting the plugin for jquery  it's called cssPNGfix
> it's supposed to fix the problems with IE for tranparent png files.
> any suggestions how to get this to work?? I included the jquery main
> file and also the fix javascript.
> I don't understand if it needs/depends on any other scripts??

[jQuery] Re: Background image

2008-08-21 Thread Rene Veerman
something like http://mediabeez.ws?

On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 11:56 AM, dinadult <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gud day to all of you..im doing this site since last wk..im already
> finished except for this one,i want my content over the background
> images..i try to play this around and surf the net to see if there are
> designers doing these one..
> hope someone can help me..sorry for my english grammar..
> or do you know any ideas or codes that i can do background image
> gallery (fade in and fade out transition)
> src="js/jquery.innerfade.js"> script>