[jQuery] Re: What causes a query stri ng when requesting jQuery? e.g. /jquery-1.3.2 .min.js?_=12553…

2009-10-14 Thread Bob Eastbrook

Thanks very much to all who've been thinking about this problem.

@Michael, James:  I've been working all morning to reproduce my
problem in code I can post, but I'm coming up empty.  In fact, when my
app talks to a remote database I see no problems.  I only see the
glitch when my app talks to a local database.  This leads me to
believe that a bug in my code crops up when the database responds more
quickly than anticipated, or perhaps my local database returns bogus
data.  My hunch is the latter.  I'll have to rule out those
possibilities before blaming jQuery.

As far as jQuery goes, the only other snippet I use and haven't
mentioned is the following code for hijaxing links:

$(function() {
$(.links A).live(click,
function() {
var contentgoeshere= $(this).parent().parent();
function(response) {
return false;

This hijaxes links used for paging in my jQuery-UI tabs.

@Oliver: Loading jQuery.js from Microsoft's CDN didn't help.

[jQuery] Re: What causes a query string when request ing jQuery? e.g. /jquery-1.3.2.min.js?_=12553…

2009-10-13 Thread Bob

On Oct 12, 11:56 pm, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

 This doesn't make any sense.

I agree!

 You have a script tag that loads jQuery:

 script src=/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/javascript/script

 The GET that the browser issues for this script tag will not have a query
 string. The browser isn't going to add a query string to the URL you give
 it, intermittently or otherwise.

 How could ajaxOptions affect this? That is code you run *after* loading

I believe this is the relevant section from the jQuery-1.3.2 source:

if ( s.cache === false  type == GET ) {
var ts = now();
// try replacing _= if it is there
var ret = s.url.replace(/(\?|)_=.*?(|$)/, $1_= + ts 
+ $2);
// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
s.url = ret + ((ret == s.url) ? (s.url.match(/\?/) ? 
 : ?) +
_= + ts : );

It's in the definition for the ajax function.  When I set { cache:
false } in ajaxOptions, I get timestamps added to the end of my XHRs.
That makes sense.  However, I still don't know why timestamps are
added to jQuery  jQuery-UI.

 Are you loading a second copy of jquery-1.3.2.min.js in an Ajax request or

Nope.  I verified this with Firebug  Fiddler.

 A failed Ajax call wouldn't cause another copy of jQuery to be loaded,
 unless you somehow do that somewhere in your code.

I agree that this is the expected behavior.  I'm not ready to file a
report yet, but I can't rule out this being a bug in jQuery, jQuery-
UI, or jQuery-UI Tabs.

[jQuery] Re: What causes a query stri ng when requesting jQuery? e.g. /jquery-1.3.2 .min.js?_=12553…

2009-10-13 Thread Bob Eastbrook

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Bob baconeater...@gmail.com wrote:

 It's in the definition for the ajax function.  When I set { cache:
 false } in ajaxOptions, I get timestamps added to the end of my XHRs.
 That makes sense.  However, I still don't know why timestamps are
 added to jQuery  jQuery-UI.

Clarification: I still don't know why timestamps are added to the
jQuery  jQuery-UI source when ajaxOptions doesn't have the cache
option set.

[jQuery] What causes a query string when requesting jQuery? e.g. /jquery-1.3.2.min.js?_=12553…

2009-10-12 Thread Bob

I'm troubleshooting a page display glitch involving jQuery  AJAX.
When the glitch happens, Fiddler shows the following as one of the

 GET /Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js?_=1255309685187

Normally, the request has no query string and the response status code
is 304:

 GET /Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js

However, every so often a query string is appended. Where does this
query string come from? What does it mean?

I wonder if the AJAX call fails, and then jQuery is refetched with
that query string for some reason.

The webserver is Visual Studio's Development Server, and I usually see
this in IE8. Occasionally I'll see it in Firefox though. The app is

[jQuery] Re: What causes a query string when request ing jQuery? e.g. /jquery-1.3.2.min.js?_=12553…

2009-10-12 Thread Bob

@ace:  I tried passing ajaxOptions: { cache: false} to jQuery-UI
Tabs and I think that did the trick!  Is that what you were talking
about?  I struggled with this for far longer than I care to admit.
Muchas gracias.

Fiddler now shows a similar timestamp query string appended to my
XHR.  I guess the query string was being set by jQuery or jQuery-UI
after all.

[jQuery] Re: What causes a query string when request ing jQuery? e.g. /jquery-1.3.2.min.js?_=12553…

2009-10-12 Thread Bob

@Michael: I just pull the scripts in like this:

script src=/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js type=text/javascript/
script src=/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js type=text/

@ace: Which cache option is that?


[jQuery] Display fails when jQuery.js isn’t cached . When cached, page displayed OK.

2009-10-11 Thread Bob

I have jQuery UI Tabs which load their content via AJAX. About once
every 15 times when the entire page is loaded (not just XHR), things
fail and I don't see the proper content in the tab.  The jQuery
executes without error, but the page display is wrong.

Fiddler showed me that when things fail I also see that jQuery.js and
jQuery-ui.js are both sent to the browser in full (~100kB). Normally,
a page load results in HTTP status code 304 for both of those files,
they're not re-downloaded, and the page displays properly. When the
status code is 200 and fresh copies of jQuery/UI are sent, things

I notice this most often in IE8, but that's because I use it for web
development. I have seen it in Firefox, but for some reason I can't
reproduce it now.

Fiddler shows that the HTTP request asks for:

GET /Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js?_=1255309685187 HTTP/1.1

I can't figure out what the ?_=1255309685187 is for, but I'm guessing
it's a token to indicate for how long the file should be cached.

Since I can't reproduce the problem in Firefox right now, I don't know
what Firebug says.

Any insight would be appreciated.

[jQuery] Re: is(':checked') always returns false

2009-10-01 Thread Bob

Interesting discovery. Going back to the code that works, if I alert is
(':checked') in the working  code, it also returns false ALWAYS, but
it still works.
Still looking for a solution.

[jQuery] Re: is(':checked') always returns false

2009-10-01 Thread Bob

Thanks for the link MorningZ

I obviously have issues elsewhere in my code, but I can't paste my
entire site here.
I'm looking for suggestions on what MIGHT be causing this since there
is no obvious error at the moment.

On Oct 1, 11:39 am, Bob bob.nel...@gmail.com wrote:
 Interesting discovery. Going back to the code that works, if I alert is
 (':checked') in the working  code, it also returns false ALWAYS, but
 it still works.
 Still looking for a solution.

[jQuery] Re: is(':checked') always returns false

2009-10-01 Thread Bob

I've already done a site wide search. I only have one element with
that unique ID. That was my first thought too.

On Oct 1, 12:02 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Do you have another element on your site with id=msgCheckAllInbox?
 IDs are suppose to be unique in the entire HTML document.

 On Oct 1, 8:53 am, Bob bob.nel...@gmail.com wrote:

  Thanks for the link MorningZ

  I obviously have issues elsewhere in my code, but I can't paste my
  entire site here.
  I'm looking for suggestions on what MIGHT be causing this since there
  is no obvious error at the moment.

  On Oct 1, 11:39 am, Bob bob.nel...@gmail.com wrote:

   Interesting discovery. Going back to the code that works, if I alert is
   (':checked') in the working  code, it also returns false ALWAYS, but
   it still works.
   Still looking for a solution.

[jQuery] Re: Table sorter

2009-08-12 Thread Bob Woodard

On Aug 6, 8:56 am, mila mshneyder...@gmail.com wrote:

         $(#myTable).tablesorter();  // had to do that twice for column 
 sorting to work in both directions

Thanks for mentioning this!  I was going crazy seeing this behavior
and couldn't figure it out.

[jQuery] International numeric formatting on the fly with multiple rounding options

2009-07-27 Thread Bob

To all:

I have created a plugin that handles International numeric formatting
on the fly by using a Reg Expression. Before I release this I would
appreciate comments and suggestions for improvements.

Demo can be viewed here http://decorplanit.com/plugin/index.htm

Thanks in advance.


[jQuery] Re: Form Plugin and Validation, I am totally lost even after doing the research.

2009-06-04 Thread Bob Schellink

Hi John,

johnHoysa wrote:

Actually I jumped the gun but hopefully soon I will figure this out.

My understanding is that both ajaxSubmit and validate are registered 
on the Form submit event. So both events are fired at the same time. 
Thus when the form's beforeSubmit callback fires, the validation 
already executed. At least that is what I've observed :)

To get both working together I did the following (perhaps you can 
enhance it to fit your needs):

  // Define an indicator for validation success/fail status
  var valid = false;

  // Setup the validation options
  var validationOptions {

  // this callback is invoked on successful validation
  submitHandler: function(form) {
  // we set valid indicator to true
  valid = true;

  // this callback is invoked on failed validation
  invalidHandler: function(form, validator) {
  // we set valid indicator to false
  valid = false;

  } // add further validation options here

  var formOptions {
beforeSubmit:  preSubmit,
// define more form options here

  // The Form preSubmit handler
  function preSubmit(formData, jqForm, options) {
// If form validation failed we return false to stop Form submit
if (!valid) {
return false;

// Define

Hope this is helpful.

kind regards


[jQuery] .length value different in IE vs FF

2009-05-30 Thread Bob O

I have a pretty simple character counter to count the number of
character typed by a user..

broadcastSubmit = $('#broadcastSubmitButton');
broadCastMessageDiv = $('#broadcastMessage');
availableChars = 140;
charCount = $('.char_count');
boilerPlateKeyword = $('#boiler_plate_keyword');

broadCastMessageDiv.bind('keyup', function() {
  broadCastDiv = $(this).val();
  previewContentWindowTextLength = broadCastDiv.length;
  boilerPlateText = $('#boiler_plate').val();
  boilerPlateTextLength = boilerPlateText.length;
  charCount.text(availableChars - (boilerPlateTextLength +
previewContentWindowTextLength) - 0);

This basically has a div with some preset text. (reply stop keyword to
and then a textarea that a user types an SMS message into. it combines
the user input with the preset text and subtracts it from the total
character limit (140)

my problem is IE is correct in the count, but FF and Safari are equal,
but wrong. they are showing more characters than there should be.

e.g.  after typing in a message IE might be 28 available chars and
Safari and FF would be 20

Why would those browsers add more to the count? any ideas.

[jQuery] IE only browsers that break - need help

2009-05-27 Thread Bob O

My code runs great in every browser but IE6 IE7 and IE8. it breaks and
causes all scripts to fail.

i setup Visual Web Developer in my VM like a blog post told me, and
when i load the page i get

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property
or method

that seem to break on this line

login_button = $('#login_button');

its basically my setup for the jQuery UI dialog.

This is the entire piece

$(document).ready(function() {

  // buttons
  login_button = $('#login_button');
  whistle_button = $('#whistle_banner_btn');
  victim_button = $('#victim_banner_btn');
  join_button = $('#join_fight_banner_btn');
  sub_blow_button = $('#blow_the_whistle');
  sub_spread_word = $('#spread_the_word');

  // divs
  login_box = $('#login_box');
  whistle_box = $('#whistle_box');
  join_box = $('#join_box');


  // div setups
  login_box.dialog({width: 400, modal: true, resizable: false,
autoOpen: false});
  whistle_box.dialog({width: 500, modal: true, resizable: false,
autoOpen: false});
  join_box.dialog({width: 500, modal: true, resizable: false,
autoOpen: false});

  // actions

  login_button.click(function() {
return false;

  whistle_button.click(function() {
return false;

  victim_button.click(function() {
return false;

  join_button.click(function() {
return false;

  sub_blow_button.click(function() {
return false;

  sub_spread_word.click(function() {
return false;

im not a js expert, so im hoping someone can point me in the right

[jQuery] Re: IE only browsers that break - need help

2009-05-27 Thread Bob O

So after a continued search for a similar problem i finally found what
i think is the answer.


it appears the IE set a global variable for each element with the same
ID. so calling login_box = $('#login_box'); causes IE to fail.

you can either add var to the front e.g. var login_box = ... or you
can change the name of the variable itself. my_login_box etc...

from the man himself. hopefully this helps anyone who comes across the
same problem..

On May 27, 7:44 pm, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:
 My code runs great in every browser but IE6 IE7 and IE8. it breaks and
 causes all scripts to fail.

 i setup Visual Web Developer in my VM like a blog post told me, and
 when i load the page i get

 Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property
 or method

 that seem to break on this line

 login_button = $('#login_button');

 its basically my setup for the jQuery UI dialog.

 This is the entire piece

 $(document).ready(function() {

   // buttons
   login_button = $('#login_button');
   whistle_button = $('#whistle_banner_btn');
   victim_button = $('#victim_banner_btn');
   join_button = $('#join_fight_banner_btn');
   sub_blow_button = $('#blow_the_whistle');
   sub_spread_word = $('#spread_the_word');

   // divs
   login_box = $('#login_box');
   whistle_box = $('#whistle_box');
   join_box = $('#join_box');


   // div setups
   login_box.dialog({width: 400, modal: true, resizable: false,
 autoOpen: false});
   whistle_box.dialog({width: 500, modal: true, resizable: false,
 autoOpen: false});
   join_box.dialog({width: 500, modal: true, resizable: false,
 autoOpen: false});

   // actions

   login_button.click(function() {
     return false;

   whistle_button.click(function() {
     return false;

   victim_button.click(function() {
     return false;

   join_button.click(function() {
     return false;

   sub_blow_button.click(function() {
     return false;

   sub_spread_word.click(function() {
     return false;


 im not a js expert, so im hoping someone can point me in the right

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validation Plugin

2009-05-26 Thread Bob O

Man i combed the docs for a day, and i missed that link everytime..

Thanks Jorn.

On May 23, 3:02 pm, Jörn Zaefferer joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com
 You need to quote the full key, eg name['name']: required. 


 On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Bob O bhan...@hcinsight.com wrote:

  so as not to confuse..

  the name attribute looks like this
  name=name['name'] for the input field

  and the js is

  rules: {
   name['name']: 'required'

  i noticed typos in the above question.

  On May 22, 12:36 pm, bhan...@hcinsight.com bhan...@hcinsight.com
  Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field
  triggers the validation?

  currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app
  using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname
  ['fieldname'] and the whole name.

  in my script if i do something like

  rules: {
    formname['fieldname]: 'required'


  etcit causes the script to break.

  I need a workaround if anyone has ever come across this problem..

  Thanks in Advance

[jQuery] Re: Jquery Email validation

2009-05-22 Thread Bob O

look at the jQuery validation plugin.. its pretty slick.

On May 22, 4:06 am, gladrinkz gladri...@gmail.com wrote:
 is ant one know how can i set email validation in jquery i am
 using .net

[jQuery] Re: jQuery Validation Plugin

2009-05-22 Thread Bob O

so as not to confuse..

the name attribute looks like this
name=name['name'] for the input field

and the js is

rules: {
  name['name']: 'required'

i noticed typos in the above question.

On May 22, 12:36 pm, bhan...@hcinsight.com bhan...@hcinsight.com
 Can anyone tell me how i can change which attribute on my form field
 triggers the validation?

 currently it appears the be the name attribute. So in my Rails app
 using Rails helpers, it sets the name to somthing like formname
 ['fieldname'] and the whole name.

 in my script if i do something like

 rules: {
   formname['fieldname]: 'required'


 etcit causes the script to break.

 I need a workaround if anyone has ever come across this problem..

 Thanks in Advance

[jQuery] alert wont fire from page to page

2009-04-15 Thread Bob O

I have a very simple piece of code.

$(document).ready(function() {
  // var url = location.pathname;

When im on my home page it alerts the pathname like it should. but
when i navigate to the next page the alert does not fire

the firebug dom shows the new pathname..but the alert does not fire.

the js files are across all of my views and the js file that contains
this piece of code is in the source when viewed

any guidance would be great.


[jQuery] Re: alert wont fire from page to page

2009-04-15 Thread Bob O

also in my code the line is not commented out...

I accidentally pasted that in there..

On Apr 15, 10:45 am, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a very simple piece of code.

 $(document).ready(function() {
   // var url = location.pathname;


 When im on my home page it alerts the pathname like it should. but
 when i navigate to the next page the alert does not fire

 the firebug dom shows the new pathname..but the alert does not fire.

 the js files are across all of my views and the js file that contains
 this piece of code is in the source when viewed

 any guidance would be great.


[jQuery] Re: alert wont fire from page to page

2009-04-15 Thread Bob O

nevermind...i found the problem.

On Apr 15, 10:46 am, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:
 also in my code the line is not commented out...

 I accidentally pasted that in there..

 On Apr 15, 10:45 am, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a very simple piece of code.

  $(document).ready(function() {
    // var url = location.pathname;


  When im on my home page it alerts the pathname like it should. but
  when i navigate to the next page the alert does not fire

  the firebug dom shows the new pathname..but the alert does not fire.

  the js files are across all of my views and the js file that contains
  this piece of code is in the source when viewed

  any guidance would be great.


[jQuery] Re: How to tell apart focus event

2009-04-07 Thread bob

Nobody knows?

[jQuery] ajax - no callback on timeout

2009-04-06 Thread bob

Does anybody know how to trigger timeout function.
If database does not respond in 5 seconds
I need to display some notification to user.

The following example did not trigger any callback after 5 seconds.

type: POST,
url: 'proccess.php',

dataType: json,
cache: false,

success: function (XHR, status, e) {
alert('success: ' + XHR + 'status: ' + 
status + 'e: ' +

,error: function (XHR, status, e) {

alert('error: ' + XHR + 'status: ' + status 
+ 'e: ' + e);

,complete: function (XHR, status, e) {

alert('complete: ' + XHR + 'status: ' + 
status + 'e: ' +


// proccess.php




[jQuery] How to tell apart focus event

2009-04-05 Thread bob

   Name: input type=text id=my_name name=my_name

Is it possible to tell apart focus event?

jQuery(#my_name).focus(function (evt) {

if( ??? ){

//execute this if focus was triggered by user clicking on the 
else {
//execute this if focus was triggered by method call like this



[jQuery] table filtering

2009-03-31 Thread Bob O

I have a YUI datatable that im live filtering from a text field. The
problem im having is when i get a lot of records, its really slow..Ive
only been using jQuery for a few months now, so im a bit of a noob.
Any help refactoring this to make it run smoother would be great.

  **search field
  div class=search_member_wrap
label for=dt_inputSearch: /label
input id=dt_input type=text class=member_search_input
value=search members

i dont have the table HTML cause it could prove to be more confusing.
but basically im filtering by 2 different td values set by YUI of
Phone Number and Name.

// This is the member data table search filter
$(document).ready(function () {
  var searchbox = $('.member_search_input');
  var member_row = $('#members_data_table_wrap table tbody tr');
  searchbox.click(function() {
   searchbox.bind('change keyup', function() {
  member_row.each(function() {
var number = $(this).find('.yui-dt0-col-PhoneNumber div').text
var name = $(this).find('.yui-dt0-col-Name div').text();
var search_check_value = (name + number);
var search_value = searchbox.val();
 if (search_check_value.indexOf(search_value)  -1) {
  } else {

[jQuery] height of hidden element

2009-03-21 Thread bob

content for hidden_el is loaded by Ajax from random source
so the height of that element is not known up front.

I would like to use animation function to show element(expand) on

How do I find out the height of that element(final height for
animation purposes)
when content is already loaded but it is hidden?

span id=show_elShow element/div
div id=hidden_el style=display:none/div


jq('#hidden_el').css({height: 0}).animate(

{height: ??},

{ duration: 200, queue: false, easing:
'easeOutBounce',complete:function(){ //some callback here} }



[jQuery] compare jQuery objects

2009-03-19 Thread bob

How is it that I get false for the following?
Shouldn't I get true as a result? if not, why?

div id=home/div


var one = $('#home');

console.log('compararison: ' +  (one == $('#home')) );  // false !!!


How do I compare jQuery objects?

[jQuery] Re: compare jQuery objects

2009-03-19 Thread bob

Well, that did not help much
So what is the problem then?  Why do I get false?
How do I get true value?

[jQuery] show hide random rows

2009-03-17 Thread Bob O

I was wondering if anyone could point me to a tutorial or blog where i
can accomplish this task.

Basically i have a YUI datatable and i want to use jQuery to hide all
but a user generated number of rows that are random selected

so if i had 50 records in the table and the user input 10 in a text
field and hit a button..

10 random records would be left displayed and the other 40 would be

[jQuery] li width bug in jCarousel

2009-03-10 Thread Bob

In jcarousel 0.2.3, in the reload() funtion, on line 269, there is
this code to compute the dimensions of the li's:
$('li', this.list).each(function(i) { ...
but won't that compute the dimensions of all li's in the document?  It
should only be recomputing the dimensions of the child li's and so
should be something like:
var li = this.list.children('li');
$(li, this.list).each(function(i) { ...
Is that right or am I missing something?

[jQuery] Re: li width bug in jCarousel

2009-03-10 Thread Bob

Oops - I wasn't aware that the second parameter was the context - I
was reading this as if both parameters were inside the quotes.  Please
ignore this note.

[jQuery] Cannot create jCarousels when not visible

2009-03-10 Thread Bob

I just lost a lot of time on this, so I'm posting it here to hopefully
save others from the same fate.

You cannot create jCarousels when they are not visible.  The code that
computes the dimensions uses offsetWidth and offsetHeight, which only
work for visible elements.  I had several tabs that had carousels but
the elements were not drawing correctly in the tabs that started out
behind - the width of the list was being set to 15.  This was due to
zeroes being returns for offsetWidth.

I have now changed the code to defer population the carousel until it
is visible and it is now working.

[jQuery] $(document).ready and window.onload

2009-03-07 Thread Bob

I am moving an app to the jquery framework.  There is a good deal of
script that I don't want to load until the landing page is up, and
this includes dom node creation and manipulation that I want to tie in
to the jquery event structure.

This would seem to dictate window.onload instead of $(document).ready
for this portion of the code and I suspect tying into the existing
structure might be a challenge.

Would appreciate some guidance here on working with both from anyone
with experience in this area or a reference to a resource or tutorial.


[jQuery] Re: validation rules(remove) doesn't seem to work

2009-02-24 Thread Bob O

Im a little new to the plugin myself, but do you have a form
id=myFormwrapping your inputs?

On Feb 24, 10:34 am, kathb4 kat...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I am trying to use the validation plugin to validate a set of
 checkboxes which are created by my CMS (drupal) so are not changeable
 - and which look like this:

 div class=form-item id=edit-pollutants-storage-tanks-wrapper
   label class=optioninput type=checkbox name=pollutants
 [tanks] id=edit-pollutants-storage-tanks value=tanks
 class=form-checkbox / a. Tanks (Oil, fuel chemicals)/label
 div class=form-item id=edit-pollutants-rubbish-wrapper
    label class=optioninput type=checkbox name=pollutants
 [rubbish] id=edit-pollutants-rubbish value=rubbish   class=form-
 checkbox / b. Rubbish/label

 I want the user to select at least one of the pollutant checkboxes.
  As you can see the name is in the format pollutants[].

 I don't want to have to validate each option, cause I want them only
 to have to choose one of the pollutants. I tried pollutans[] but
 that didn't work.

 So now I'm trying to do it by doing a combination of things
 1. putting a required on the first one if count of checkboxes.size()==
 2. looking for an onclick to remove the rule if any of the checkboxes
 are then checked.

 But the remove rule is not working.


         rules: {
           pollutants[tanks]:       required

 Any suggestions? I am rather frustrated.

[jQuery] Validation and Facebox

2009-02-24 Thread Bob O

Ive been using the Validation plugin on my site and it works
fantastic. i have run into an issue with trying to get it to perform
validation on a form that resides in a facebox.

I setup the validation the same as any other form in the site. what
could i be missing?

[jQuery] jQuery and IE

2009-02-24 Thread Bob O

So im stumped..I have my jquery file in the headers, and it works in
Opera, Safari, FF on mac, and FF on Windows, but i get nothing in
IE..its there, its just broken.

i recently added the validation plugin?

could there be something im missing?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and IE

2009-02-24 Thread Bob O

sorry..new to the group thing here as well...

i have narrowed it down to this piece of code.

when i remove it all js works as written..

$(document).ready(function() {
 rules: {
   name: {required: true, minlength: 3},
   startDate: {required: true, date: true},
   endDate: {required: true, date: true}
 messages: {
   name: {required: You must provide a Campaign Name.,
minlength: Your Campaign name must be at least 3 characterss long.},
   startDate: required: You must provide a start date.,
   endDate: required: You must provide an end date.
this piece of validation code causes the js to stop and nothing on the
page works..But this code does work in the other browsers..ive been
reading on the trailing comma, but im not seeing where that could be

On Feb 24, 12:35 pm, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:
 So im stumped..I have my jquery file in the headers, and it works in
 Opera, Safari, FF on mac, and FF on Windows, but i get nothing in
 IE..its there, its just broken.

 i recently added the validation plugin?

 could there be something im missing?

[jQuery] Re: jQuery and IE

2009-02-24 Thread Bob O

Thank you..i just figured that out..Appreciate all those that


On Feb 24, 2:29 pm, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:
 Sorry I missed a comma after startDate and before endDate:

 messages: {
            name: {
               required: You must provide a Campaign Name.,
               minlength: Your Campaign name must be at least 3
 characterss long.
            startDate: {
               required: You must provide a start date.
            endDate: {
               required: You must provide an end date.


 On Feb 24, 11:28 am, James james.gp@gmail.com wrote:

  messages: {
             name: {
                required: You must provide a Campaign Name.,
                minlength: Your Campaign name must be at least 3
  characterss long.
             startDate: {
                required: You must provide a start date.
             endDate: {
                required: You must provide an end date.


  On Feb 24, 10:59 am, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:

   sorry..new to the group thing here as well...

   i have narrowed it down to this piece of code.

   when i remove it all js works as written..

   $(document).ready(function() {
            rules: {
              name: {required: true, minlength: 3},
              startDate: {required: true, date: true},
              endDate: {required: true, date: true}
            messages: {
              name: {required: You must provide a Campaign Name.,
   minlength: Your Campaign name must be at least 3 characterss long.},
              startDate: required: You must provide a start date.,
              endDate: required: You must provide an end date.

   this piece of validation code causes the js to stop and nothing on the
   page works..But this code does work in the other browsers..ive been
   reading on the trailing comma, but im not seeing where that could be

   On Feb 24, 12:35 pm, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:

So im stumped..I have my jquery file in the headers, and it works in
Opera, Safari, FF on mac, and FF on Windows, but i get nothing in
IE..its there, its just broken.

i recently added the validation plugin?

could there be something im missing?

[jQuery] Re: [ListNav] Solution to a severe performance problems with jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS framework

2009-02-23 Thread Bob Hutchison

Hi Jack,

Yes, I'll try to give it a try ASAP (I have a release of my own due on  
Wednesday, so I'll do my best).


On 23-Feb-09, at 1:19 PM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Bob, I have a new rev of listnav (hoping to release this week). Do  
you want to try this rev and see what happens? If so, let me know  
and I'll get it to you.


Bob Hutchison
Recursive Design Inc.
weblog: http://www.recursive.ca/hutch

[jQuery] How to close dropdown

2009-02-20 Thread bob

I am trying to create a simple dropdown.
The problem I have is that I do not know how to close the dropdown.
It is supposed to close when user clicks on id=btn or anywhere
outside of dropdown.
That's what I tried but close does not work.


div id=wrapper
div id=btnOpen Menu/div
div id=some_menu style=display:noneSome Menu/div

script type=text/javascript


jQuery('#btn').click( function(){

jQuery('body').click( function(){

var $some_menu = jQuery('#some_menu');






[jQuery] optimizing

2009-02-14 Thread Bob O

Im trying to figure out a better way to do this. it works but its very
sluggish, so i think theyre might be a better way to iterate?

i have an input field = .searchbox

and then i have a YUI datatable that contains about 65 rows.
when i start to type in the search field, it iterates over all the
tr's looks at 2 cell text values and then uses the indexOf method to
determine whether or not to display the tr

is there a way that i can iterate once and put those values into cache
or something?

here is my code.

$(document).ready(function () {
  var searchbox = $('.member_search_input');
  var member_row = $('#members_data_table_wrap table tbody tr');
  searchbox.click(function() {
   searchbox.bind('change keyup', function() {
  member_row.each(function() {
var number = $(this).find('.yui-dt1-col-PhoneNumber div
var name = $(this).find('.yui-dt1-col-Name div').text();
var search_check_value = (name + number);
var search_value = searchbox.val();
 if (search_check_value.indexOf(search_value)  -1) {
  } else {

[jQuery] How to access a field in a form

2009-02-05 Thread bob

What is the best way to access a field in a form when I already have
an jQuery object referencing form.

function myFunction(formName, fieldName){

var formjQueryObject = jQuery('#'+formName);

var formField = jQuery(#+formName+ [name=' + fieldName +
or can I somehow utilize formjQueryObject and make field
selection faster?


form name=myForm_1 id=myForm_1 
input type=text name=login /

form name=myForm_2 id=myForm_2 
input type=text name=login /

myFunction(myForm1, login);

[jQuery] Re: Dealing with Date Comparison

2009-02-05 Thread Bob O

Thank you everyone for the responses
bjorsq your solution worked out great. Thank you for the help.

On Feb 4, 5:39 pm, bjorsq p...@bjorsq.net wrote:
 To do this in JavaScript, you need to extract the text representation of the
 date you have in the div, parse it, and set up a new JavaScript Date object
 to compare against the current date/time. If your dates are formatted like
 [day]/[month]/[year] (I'm in the UK), then this should work (but will need
 some error checking in it to cope with blank or malformed dates):

 $(document).ready(function() {
   var now = new Date();
   $('td.yui-dt0-col-LastActivity div').each(function() {
     var divdate = new Date();
     /* split the text date in the div */
     var dateparts = $(this).text().split('/');
     /* set the properties of the Date object
      *for US format dates [month]/[day]/[year] the array indexes for months
 and days need switching
     /* months are zero indexed! */
     /* compare dates - 14 days = (14*24*60*60*1000) milliseconds */
     if (divdate.getTime()  (now.getTime() - (14*24*60*60*1000))) {

 Bob O-2 wrote:

  Can any one point me in the right direction for my issue.

  I have a div with a text value pulled in from a database 01/01/2009

  Im trying to write a javascript that can take that value and compare
  it against new Date();

  $(document).ready(function() {
    now = new Date();
    lastActivityDivs = $('td.yui-dt0-col-LastActivity div');
    lastActivityDivs.each(function() {
     if ($(this).val() == (now  14)) {

  i know this isnt correct, but it gives you an idea of what im trying
  to accomplish..

  Any help would be great.

  Thank you

 View this message in 
 Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[jQuery] Dealing with Date Comparison

2009-02-04 Thread Bob O

Can any one point me in the right direction for my issue.

I have a div with a text value pulled in from a database 01/01/2009

Im trying to write a javascript that can take that value and compare
it against new Date();

$(document).ready(function() {
  now = new Date();
  lastActivityDivs = $('td.yui-dt0-col-LastActivity div');
  lastActivityDivs.each(function() {
   if ($(this).val() == (now  14)) {

i know this isnt correct, but it gives you an idea of what im trying
to accomplish..

Any help would be great.

Thank you

[jQuery] how to get action attribute from form

2009-02-03 Thread bob


How do I get action attribute from the following form if I know id and
name values.

form name=myForm id=myForm method=post action=register.php
onsubmit=return false;

I tried those and it did not work:


[jQuery] Re: how to get action attribute from form

2009-02-03 Thread bob

Sorry. Works now. I have mistyped action=register.php.

[jQuery] .text()

2009-01-31 Thread Bob O

So below i have my code example.

Basically when a user loads this page depending on the type of
campaign this is, I want jQuery to show the proper Sub Form Piece. I
can get the alert() outside the if else to fire, but nothing inside
the if else fires, which leads me to believe that I might have the
args set incorrectly

any help would be great


div class=detail_campaign_typeCoupon/div --
This is the reference text that is dynamic

div id=campaign_create_coupon**Html Form Piece**/div

div id=campaign_create_contest **Html Form Piece**/div

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
  var $contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');
  var $current_campaign = $('div.detail_campaign_type');

  $current_campaign.ready(function() {
());  -- This fires

if ($('div.detail_campaign_type').text() == 'Coupon') {
-- Inside the If Else does not register
else if ($('div.detail_campaign_type').text() == 'Contest') {
-- Neither does this

[jQuery] Re: closure inside ajax method

2009-01-28 Thread bob

Thanks everybody,

to Eric Garside  : I have tried jQuery Automatic Script Includer
and it does not download scripts for me. Are there any known issues
that I should be aware of?

I placed this code inside of jquery.js right at the end.

var scripts = /\?(.*)/, files = [], path = /^.*\//, loaded = 0, count
= 0;

var src = $(this).attr('src');
if (!scripts.test(src)) return;
var pathto = src.match(path);
files = files.concat($.map(src.match(scripts).pop().split(','),

return pathto+e+'.js';

count = files.length;

$.each(files, function(){
$.getScript(this, function(){
if(loaded == count  $.isFunction(onBackload))

script type=text/javascript src=path/to/jquery.js/script


divTest JS preloading/div

script src=path/to/xmlhttp.js?form,color/script


[jQuery] Re: closure inside ajax method

2009-01-28 Thread bob

I think the following line is the problem
files = files.concat($.map(src.match(scripts).pop().split(','),

count = files.length;
// gives me 0 or undefined

[jQuery] Re: closure inside ajax method

2009-01-27 Thread bob

Can't closure be achieved with for loop?
for(var i=0; iscripts.length; i++){

My concern is:
process the scripts array items in the exact order they are in the

[jQuery] onblur Firing Ahead Of onclick

2009-01-27 Thread bob

jQuery('form[name=myForm]').bind('submit', validateForm);
jQuery('#login').bind('focus', validateForm);
jQuery('#blur').bind('blur', validateForm);

Problem: when I click login text field and then Submit button
what happens is that instead of
I get
What can I do about it? I need to have
alert('submit'); triggered every time I click it.

form name=myForm id=myForm method=post onsubmit=return
input type=text name=login id=login
input type=submit value=Submit/

function validateForm(e){

[jQuery] closure inside ajax method

2009-01-26 Thread bob

How can access index i inside of complete method?
The following gives me just the last value of i.

var scripts = ['script1.js', 'script2.js'];

for(var i=0; iscripts.length; i++){


dataType: 'script',
url: scripts[i],
complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
debug('i = ' + i + '   complete:  
textStatus = ' + textStatus);


[jQuery] Re: Superfish Navbar question

2009-01-25 Thread Bob

Yes, it does. Many thanks!

On Jan 25, 4:55 am, Joel Birch joeldbi...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Bob,

 To add two multiple classes to one element, you put them both within
 the one class attribute and separate them with a space, like so:

 ul class=sf-menu sf-navbar ... /ul

 Hope this clears it up for you.

 Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Superfish Navbar question

2009-01-24 Thread Bob

I'm new at using jquery and superfish, and the documentation on the
superfish site on how to configure it as a navbar seems kind of vague:
To create a horizontal nav-bar with a horizontal second tier and
optional vertical third tier, simply include the superfish-navbar.css
file after the main superfish.css file and *add the class sf-navbar to
the parent ul along with the usual sf-menu class*, and initialise as
normal. (emphasis added)

What does this mean, along with the usual sf-menu class? This can't
mean that the parent ul should read

ul class=sf-navbar class=sf-menu

can it? Can someone please help me with this? I can't even get a basic
navbar to run.

Many thanks,

[jQuery] How to hide all select form elements

2009-01-16 Thread bob

Is it possible to hide all select form elements  without using id or
class atributes?

option value=''/option
option value='AL'Alabama/option
option value='AK'Alaska/option

select ...

jq(:select).hide(); // DOES NOT HIDE ANY SELECT ELEMENTS

[jQuery] nod names in from fields id

2009-01-14 Thread bob

How do i get nod names in for loop based on fields id?

var serverVals = {
'firstName':'John', //

input type=text name=firstName id=firstName

select id=state name=state
option value='AL'Alabama/option
option value='AK'Alaska/option

input type=radio name=gender id=gender1 value=1 /Male
input type=radio name=gender id=gender2 value=2 /Female

for(var i in serverVals){
alert(jq('#'+i).nodeName); ??? undefined
//I would like to get

[jQuery] submit form

2009-01-13 Thread bob


form name=myForm id=myForm method=post onsubmit=return false;

input type=submit id=myFormSubmit value=Submit/

$('#myFormSubmit').bind('click', validateForm);

validateForm = function(event){

alert('form validation processing');

How do I get string 'form' and form name 'myForm' to check whether
form was submitted?

I know that I could check  this


but is it possible in callback to get that string 'form' and form name
based on
$('#myFormSubmit').bind('click', validateForm);?

[jQuery] this inside of click event

2009-01-11 Thread bob

What does this inside of
$('.test').click(function() {
refer to?

script type=text/javascript
  $(document).ready(function() {
$('.test').click(function() {
alert('this = ' + this);


a href=# class=testClick Me/a

[jQuery] event name

2009-01-07 Thread bob

var handler = function(e){

//How do I know what event triggered this function?
//this does not work:
alert('e = ' + e);

if(e==focus)  alert(focus);
else if(e==blur)  alert(blur);

jq('inp...@name=city]').bind(focus, handler);
jq('inp...@name=city]').bind(blur,  handler);

[jQuery] get tag name

2009-01-07 Thread bob

select name=month id=month 
option value= SELECTED/option
option value=1 January/option
option value=2  February/option

function do_something_based_on_tag_name(selector) {

if(???=='select') {}

var selector = jq('#month');


How do I get tag name from selector variable?

[jQuery] Re: iterate over json

2009-01-06 Thread bob

Thanks a lot.

[jQuery] how to get form data

2009-01-05 Thread bob

I would like to keep jQuery('fo...@name=myform1]') in variable so that
I can utilize it
later on.

var myForm = jQuery('fo...@name=myform1]');

Is there a way I can access checkbox state and check the size?
The following does not work. It gives me 0 even when I some checkboxes
are selected.

alert( myForm.find('inp...@name=day]:checked').size() );

form name=myForm1 method=post
input type=checkbox value=1 name=day /labelSun/label
input type=checkbox value=2 name=day /labelMon/label

form name=myForm2 method=post
input type=checkbox value=1 name=day /labelSun/label
input type=checkbox value=2 name=day /labelMon/label

[jQuery] iterate over json

2009-01-05 Thread bob

How do I dynamically access json values?

var myJSONObject = {formValues: [
{'name': 'Frank'},
{'city': 'London'},
{'age': 25}

The following gives me undefined.

$.each(myJSONObject.formVals, function(i,item){

alert('i = ' + i + '   item0 = ' + item[0] + '   item1 = ' + item

[jQuery] hidden form field

2009-01-03 Thread bob

How do I insert a value to hidden form field user_name?

form name=myForm id=myForm method=post
   input type=hidden name=foo value=bar/
   input type=hidden name=user_name value=/

jQuery('form#myForm input:hidden ???').val('fast_fish');

Thats what I need:
input type=hidden name=user_name value=fast_fish/

[jQuery] change()

2009-01-02 Thread Bob O

Hello all,
a little new the js and jquery any help would be fantastic...

I have this in my linked myFx.js file:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var selected_type = $('select#campaign_type_select');
  var coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
  var broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
  var contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');

  // alert(selected_type.val());  I CAN GET THIS TO FIRE WHEN
UNCOMMENTED, and it returns the the value coupon as i would expect.

  BUT THIS ISNT WORKING ive tried various renditions (this.val(),
selected_type, etc...) based on what i have read on this site and the
jQuery site with 0 success.

  selected_type.change(function() {
if (this.val() == 'contest') {
else if (this.val() == 'broadcast') {
else (this.val() == 'coupon') {

This is the HTML:
div class=form_data_wrap
  div class=form_data_labelCampaign Type:/div
  div class=form_data_value
select id=campaign_type_select
  option value=couponCoupon/option
  option value=broadcastBroadcast/option
  option value=contestContest/option

Someone point me in the right direction.\m/.\m/

[jQuery] Re: change()

2009-01-02 Thread Bob O

I must not be getting it, this is whati have now, and it is still not
working as needed.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $select = $('select#campaign_type_select');
  var $value = $select.val();
  var $coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
  var $broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
  var $contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');

  $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
if ($(this).val() == 'contest') {
else if ($(this).val() == 'broadcast') {
else ($(this).val() == 'coupon') {

div class=form_data_wrap
   div class=form_data_labelCampaign Type:/div
   div class=form_data_value
 select id=campaign_type_select
   option value=couponCoupon/option
   option value=broadcastBroadcast/option
   option value=contestContest/option

On Jan 2, 2:48 am, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:
 In an event callback function such as the one that's called from .change(),
 'this' is not a jQuery object. It is a simple DOM element. You need to wrap
 it in $() to get a jQuery object if you want to use jQuery methods. Or, you
 can use DOM properties directly.

 I would also suggest using a $ prefix on a variable that represents a jQuery
 object. It's a good visual reminder that you can use jQuery methods on that

 Also, when using an ID selector, it generally isn't necessary to include the
 tagname, and in fact the code will be faster if you omit it.

 For example:

     $(document).ready( function() {
         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
         alert( $select.val() );
         $select.change( function() {
             alert( $(this).val() );

 Of course, in this particular case, since you already have the select
 element wrapped in a jQuery object, $select and $(this) (inside the change
 function) are the same thing, so you could also do:

     $(document).ready( function() {
         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
         alert( $select.val() );
         $select.change( function() {
             alert( $select.val() );

 BTW, I highly recommend triggering on both the change event and the keydown
 event. This gives better usability when someone uses the keyboard:

     $(document).ready( function() {
         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
         alert( $select.val() );
         $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
             alert( $(this).val() );

 The only thing to watch out for there is that you want to know if the value
 has actually changed on the keydown or not. This would take care of that:

     $(document).ready( function() {
         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
         var value = $select.val();
         alert( value );
         $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
             var newvalue = $(this).val();
             if( newvalue != value ) {
                 value = newvalue;
                 alert( value );


  From: Bob O

  Hello all,
  a little new the js and jquery any help would be fantastic...

  I have this in my linked myFx.js file:

  $(document).ready(function() {
    var selected_type = $('select#campaign_type_select');
    var coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
    var broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
    var contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');

    // alert(selected_type.val());  I CAN GET THIS TO FIRE
  WHEN UNCOMMENTED, and it returns the the value coupon as i
  would expect.

    BUT THIS ISNT WORKING ive tried various renditions
  (this.val(), selected_type, etc...) based on what i have read
  on this site and the jQuery site with 0 success.

    selected_type.change(function() {
      if (this.val() == 'contest') {
      else if (this.val() == 'broadcast') {
      else (this.val() == 'coupon') {

  This is the HTML:
  div class=form_data_wrap
    div class=form_data_labelCampaign Type:/div
    div class=form_data_value
      select id=campaign_type_select
        option value=couponCoupon/option
        option value=broadcastBroadcast/option
        option value=contestContest/option

  Someone point me in the right direction.\m/.\m/

[jQuery] Re: change()

2009-01-02 Thread Bob O

Actually ive been using firebug for a while as a CSS developer tool,
and i was trying to debug the script, im just not a js guru..

Thank you for your help ;-)

On Jan 2, 4:55 pm, Ricardo Tomasi ricardob...@gmail.com wrote:
 The else statement doesn't accept a condition. Change 'else' to
 'else if' and it should be fine, and start using Firebug for Firefox
 so you can debug your scripts, or Visual Web Developer for IE.

 On Jan 2, 2:04 pm, Bob O sngndn...@gmail.com wrote:

  I must not be getting it, this is whati have now, and it is still not
  working as needed.

  $(document).ready(function() {
    var $select = $('select#campaign_type_select');
    var $value = $select.val();
    var $coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
    var $broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
    var $contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');

    $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
      if ($(this).val() == 'contest') {
      else if ($(this).val() == 'broadcast') {
      else ($(this).val() == 'coupon') {


  HTML -
  div class=form_data_wrap
     div class=form_data_labelCampaign Type:/div
     div class=form_data_value
       select id=campaign_type_select
         option value=couponCoupon/option
         option value=broadcastBroadcast/option
         option value=contestContest/option

  On Jan 2, 2:48 am, Michael Geary m...@mg.to wrote:

   In an event callback function such as the one that's called from 
   'this' is not a jQuery object. It is a simple DOM element. You need to 
   it in $() to get a jQuery object if you want to use jQuery methods. Or, 
   can use DOM properties directly.

   I would also suggest using a $ prefix on a variable that represents a 
   object. It's a good visual reminder that you can use jQuery methods on 

   Also, when using an ID selector, it generally isn't necessary to include 
   tagname, and in fact the code will be faster if you omit it.

   For example:

       $(document).ready( function() {
           var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
           alert( $select.val() );
           $select.change( function() {
               alert( $(this).val() );

   Of course, in this particular case, since you already have the select
   element wrapped in a jQuery object, $select and $(this) (inside the change
   function) are the same thing, so you could also do:

       $(document).ready( function() {
           var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
           alert( $select.val() );
           $select.change( function() {
               alert( $select.val() );

   BTW, I highly recommend triggering on both the change event and the 
   event. This gives better usability when someone uses the keyboard:

       $(document).ready( function() {
           var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
           alert( $select.val() );
           $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
               alert( $(this).val() );

   The only thing to watch out for there is that you want to know if the 
   has actually changed on the keydown or not. This would take care of that:

       $(document).ready( function() {
           var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
           var value = $select.val();
           alert( value );
           $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
               var newvalue = $(this).val();
               if( newvalue != value ) {
                   value = newvalue;
                   alert( value );


From: Bob O

Hello all,
a little new the js and jquery any help would be fantastic...

I have this in my linked myFx.js file:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var selected_type = $('select#campaign_type_select');
  var coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
  var broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
  var contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');

  // alert(selected_type.val());  I CAN GET THIS TO FIRE
WHEN UNCOMMENTED, and it returns the the value coupon as i
would expect.

  BUT THIS ISNT WORKING ive tried various renditions
(this.val(), selected_type, etc...) based on what i have read
on this site and the jQuery site with 0 success.

  selected_type.change(function() {
    if (this.val() == 'contest') {
    else if (this.val() == 'broadcast') {

[jQuery] Re: [ListNav] Solution to a severe performance problems with jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS framework

2008-12-31 Thread Bob Hutchison

Hi Jack,

On 31-Dec-08, at 3:27 AM, Jack Killpatrick wrote:

Hi Bob,

I created the listnav plugin. Thanks for the nice comments about it  
in your post, glad you like it.

I certainly do. Nice work!

I'm curious about the issue you're seeing when using Blueprint CSS.  
In your post you said that the issue goes away if you remove the  
blueprint screen.css file. You mean if you remove that, but keep  
listnav in place, right?

Yes, the only change is to remove the blueprint/screen.css style  
sheet. I can leave all the other ones in place, including the others  
that come with blueprint.

Does the perf change much if you remove listnav and keep blueprint  

Yes, the problem goes away as well. It would have been very tempting  
to leave it at that, but the differences between browsers was a flag  
that it wasn't this simple. I probably should have been a little more  
explicit about that, if the jQuery document ready function is removed  
-- which is equivalent removing listnav in the simplified version I  
had worked down to -- the performance problem goes away.

Is there a way I can take a look at your example? I'd like to give  
it a look and see if anything jump out at me.

Yes, actually. I put some demonstration stuff on one of my websites  
yesterday afternoon, but annoying internet connection problems (it is  
winter here) prevented me letting anyone know.

Here's a link:


There is a link on that page to the slow version, so you can flip back
and forth.

I'm seeing a flash on safari like I reported on FF from that URL. Even
more interesting, occasionally (rarely, but annoyingly often the  
*first* time, sigh) Safari doesn't show the


If you download all the files from this tarball:


and play with it locally (e.g. a file: URL) you'll not see the flash
in Safari after the cache is loaded.

Something to do with latency affecting the timing?? Maybe the css is
being delayed just enough?



Bob Hutchison wrote:


[reposted, didn't appear in archives... sorry for the noise]

I've encountered, and worked around, a rendering performance  
problem  in WebKit based browsers.

I'm working on a webapp and a particular uncontrived page is  
rendered  by FireFox in about 0.5s while Safari takes about 12s --  
that's about  20 times slower. And 12s is way too long from any  
user's point of view.

I really don't know how jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS   
stylesheet are interacting, and I certainly don't know whose  
'fault'  it is, but I do know it can be avoided by applying the  
style sheet  after ListNav has finished doing it's thing on the page.

I've written in more detail about this on my weblog:



Bob Hutchison
Recursive Design Inc.
weblog: http://www.recursive.ca/hutch

[jQuery] [ListNav] Solution to a severe performance problems with jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS framework

2008-12-30 Thread Bob Hutchison


[reposted, didn't appear in archives... sorry for the noise]

I've encountered, and worked around, a rendering performance problem  
in WebKit based browsers.

I'm working on a webapp and a particular uncontrived page is rendered  
by FireFox in about 0.5s while Safari takes about 12s -- that's about  
20 times slower. And 12s is way too long from any user's point of view.

I really don't know how jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS  
stylesheet are interacting, and I certainly don't know whose 'fault'  
it is, but I do know it can be avoided by applying the style sheet  
after ListNav has finished doing it's thing on the page.

I've written in more detail about this on my weblog:



[jQuery] [ListNav] Solution to a severe performance problems with jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS framework

2008-12-30 Thread Bob Hutchison


I've encountered, and worked around, a rendering performance problem  
in WebKit based browsers.

I'm working on a webapp and a particular uncontrived page is rendered  
by FireFox in about 0.5s while Safari takes about 12s -- that's about  
20 times slower. And 12s is way too long from any user's point of view.

I really don't know how jQuery/ListNav and the Blueprint CSS  
stylesheet are interacting, and I certainly don't know whose 'fault'  
it is, but I do know it can be avoided by applying the style sheet  
after ListNav has finished doing it's thing on the page.

I've written in more detail about this on my weblog:



Bob Hutchison  -- tumblelog at http://www.recursive.ca/so/
Recursive Design Inc.  -- weblog at http://www.recursive.ca/hutch
http://www.recursive.ca/   -- works on 

[jQuery] define and invoke class inside $(document).ready

2008-12-29 Thread bob

Is that a correct way to create class utilizing jQuery?

var myClass = null;

function MyClass(){
this.imagesHolder = null;

MyClass.prototype.init = function (){
this.imagesHolder = jQuery(#imgs);

  myClass = new MyClass();

[jQuery] Re: define and invoke class inside $(document).ready

2008-12-29 Thread bob

Yep, I intend to use myClass outside of document ready.

I thought that in order to use jQuery as follows
this.imagesHolder = jQuery(#imgs);
inside of MyClass I would have to enclose it inside
so that DOM is ready before invoking MyClass.
Is my assumption wrong?

[jQuery] Re: How do I cache

2008-12-28 Thread bob

Temporary Internet Files and Proxies(Public caching)

[jQuery] How do I cache

2008-12-27 Thread bob

I would like to have a registration form cached for 1 year public and
How do i go about it.
Thats what I tried and register.html was not cached.

type: POST,
url: http://www.example.com/register.html;,
dataType: html,
cache: true,

success: function(response) {}
content of register.html

form name=registerForm method=post onsubmit=return false;

input type=text name=username id=username value=/
input type=password name=pass id=pass value=/
input type=text name=email id=email value=/


[jQuery] using jquery to implement google maps on phpbb3

2008-12-04 Thread Bob

I have a small phpbb3 bulletin board and I'm trying to implement
google maps via a mod/bb code solution.

I have got it working where I can embed a single map. But
unfortunately, when a 2nd map is added to a thread, the first one
disappears. I've isolated this as having to do with the div tag id
used by the javascript. I've tried creating a random number for the id
code in js. But that doesn't work either, as the variable name is the
same for both instances of the map.


I just today stumbled on jquery and was told there was a way to keep
each div id unique when multiple instances of the script are on the

The javascript (along with the google maps api for my site) is below:

There are three phpbb bbcode variables in this code. SIMPLETEXT1,
SIMPLETEXT2 AND NUMBER They correspond to location, description and
the zoom for the map.

As noted, the map works in a single instance. But the next time
someone posts a map, the first one doesn't display. Does anyone know
how to use jquery to write the div id so that this actually works?

I will be forever in your debt for any help with this.


script src=http://www.google.com/jsapi?
script type=text/javascript
  google.load(maps, 2.x);
  function initialize() {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map- + ranNum),
{ size: new GSize(400,300) } );
var address = '{SIMPLETEXT1}';
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
  function(point) {
if (!point) {
  alert(address +  not found);
} else {
  map.setCenter(point, {NUMBER});
  var marker = new GMarker(point);
  var ranNum= Math.round(Math.random()*999);
  document.write('div id=map-' + ranNum + ' style=width:
650px; height: 550px/div');
  window.onunload = function() {
if (map) {GUnload();}

[jQuery] using jquery to implement google maps on phpbb3

2008-12-04 Thread Bob

I have a small phpbb3 bulletin board and I'm trying to implement
google maps via a mod/bb code solution.

I have got it working where I can embed a single map. But
unfortunately, when a 2nd map is added to a thread, the first one
disappears. I've isolated this as having to do with the div tag id
used by the javascript. I've tried creating a random number for the id
code in js. But that doesn't work either, as the variable name is the
same for both instances of the map.


I just today stumbled on jquery and was told there was a way to keep
each div id unique when multiple instances of the script are on the

The javascript (along with the google maps api for my site) is below:

There are three phpbb bbcode variables in this code. SIMPLETEXT1,
SIMPLETEXT2 AND NUMBER They correspond to location, description and
the zoom for the map.

As noted, the map works in a single instance. But the next time
someone posts a map, the first one doesn't display. Does anyone know
how to use jquery to write the div id so that this actually works?

I will be forever in your debt for any help with this.


script src=http://www.google.com/jsapi?
script type=text/javascript
  google.load(maps, 2.x);
  function initialize() {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById(map- + ranNum),
{ size: new GSize(400,300) } );
var address = '{SIMPLETEXT1}';
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
  function(point) {
if (!point) {
  alert(address +  not found);
} else {
  map.setCenter(point, {NUMBER});
  var marker = new GMarker(point);
  var ranNum= Math.round(Math.random()*999);
  document.write('div id=map-' + ranNum + ' style=width:
650px; height: 550px/div');
  window.onunload = function() {
if (map) {GUnload();}

[jQuery] Re: Has jQuery development halted?

2008-12-01 Thread Bob den Otter

Hi Rey,

Thanks for the reply.. I eagerly await any and all new releases. ;-)

Cheers, Bob.

I think one of the things that we've done is spoiled jQuery developers 
by releasing often. Obviously, we try hard to do that (spoil jQuery 
developers) because we want you guys to have the very best features 
and be able to build kick-ass apps.

Every so often though, we do need to slow down to:

1) make sure we're addressing the needs of the community in the right way
2) build solid features that won't adversely affect the API
3) have ample time to do proper testing
4) take a well-deserved break from pushing out code :)

We definitely haven't halted development and we're trying to nail down 
our next release. So just be patient a little longer and we should get 
a release out in the near future.

jQuery Team

Bob den Otter wrote:

Hi all,

There hasn't been a jQuery update in what seems like ages, and jQuery 
UI 1.6 will be released 'in the next few days' since somewhere in 
september.  I know John has been really busy with a lot of great 
things, but it seems to me like the development of jquery has 
seriously lagged the last few months.

As a small example: there isn't even a way to detect chrome in the 
official jquery builds yet, and chrome has been out for several 
months now.

I'm afraid that the lack of updates will eventually have a negative 
impact on the great Query community, causing people to leave for 
other js frameworks. I sincerely hope not, but i _am_ worried about it.

Best, Bob.

[jQuery] Has jQuery development halted?

2008-11-26 Thread Bob den Otter

Hi all,

There hasn't been a jQuery update in what seems like ages, and jQuery UI 
1.6 will be released 'in the next few days' since somewhere in 
september.  I know John has been really busy with a lot of great things, 
but it seems to me like the development of jquery has seriously lagged 
the last few months.

As a small example: there isn't even a way to detect chrome in the 
official jquery builds yet, and chrome has been out for several months now.

I'm afraid that the lack of updates will eventually have a negative 
impact on the great Query community, causing people to leave for other 
js frameworks. I sincerely hope not, but i _am_ worried about it.

Best, Bob.

[jQuery] Re: Has jQuery development halted?

2008-11-26 Thread Bob den Otter

Hi Andy,

I found that 1.3 roadmap earlier today, when i was googling for news on 
jQuery 1.3.. Those pages list no dates, so I have no idea if they're 
current or not.

Best, Bob.

Have you reviewed the roadmaps for 1.2 and 1.3?




-Original Message-
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Bob den Otter
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 8:54 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Has jQuery development halted?

Hi all,

There hasn't been a jQuery update in what seems like ages, and jQuery UI 
1.6 will be released 'in the next few days' since somewhere in 
september.  I know John has been really busy with a lot of great things, 
but it seems to me like the development of jquery has seriously lagged 
the last few months.

As a small example: there isn't even a way to detect chrome in the 
official jquery builds yet, and chrome has been out for several months now.

I'm afraid that the lack of updates will eventually have a negative 
impact on the great Query community, causing people to leave for other 
js frameworks. I sincerely hope not, but i _am_ worried about it.

Best, Bob.


[jQuery] Re: exclude children from selected elements

2008-11-21 Thread Bob O

Why dont you fire an event after the children have been loaded that
removes them?

On Nov 21, 3:07 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My mistake, it is working. The problem was my lack of understanding
 about how Dialog works.  main is the div from which I create a Dialog
 and I didn't want the event listener to be added to the elements of
 main. However main is NOT the first element of the Dialog. I the
 background it is wrapped around other elements and the top one has
 class .ui-dialog  . All sorted. Thanks .

 On 21 nov, 09:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  It still doesn't work. I think part of the problem is because the
  children of main are added after I create the event listener.

  Second solution is to check in the event listener if the target is a
  child of main and if so, return.  I know how to get the children of
  main , but how to I check the current tartget is one of them ?

  ricardobeat I need to select all objects of the page because I want
  to do a DOM inspector. But yes you are right, maybe I should only
  start from body !


  On 20 nov, 18:25, ricardobeat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Are you sure you want to apply it to *all* elements on the page? That
   sounds a bit awkward.

   var main =  $('#main, #main *');
   $('body *').not(main).mouseover(function(){...});

   On Nov 20, 2:07 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I want to apply a mouseover event on all elements but one and its
children. I can't use class name to filter. How can I do it ?  I've
tried unsuccessfully :

$(*:not(#main)).not($(#main).children()).mouseover(function() {



[jQuery] Re: image toggle

2008-11-18 Thread bob

Nobody knows? Is it not possible?

Thanks ricardo,

It's easier to just add a class to all the headers, then use $ 

Thats how I do it now I was just wandering if the solution using
each would be possible.

[jQuery] iterate array and create callback

2008-11-16 Thread bob

Is it possible to iterate over the array and create functions as
It did not seem to work for me.

var menu = ['home','news','sport','music'];

for(var i=0; imenu.length;i++) {

$('#'+menu[i]+'_header').click(function(){ alert(i);
alert(menu[i]+'_header clicked');

var $img = $(this).find('img');
var src = $img.attr('src');
var newsrc = /up\.gif$/.test(src) ? src.replace
('up','down') :


[jQuery] Re: image toggle

2008-11-16 Thread bob

Cannot be done something with each?
Again, it does not work for me.

var menu = ['home','news','sport','music'];

$.each(menu, function(index) {

alert(this+'_header clicked');



[jQuery] image toggle

2008-11-15 Thread bob

I am trying to create a toggler that I would like to work
as follows:
User clicks on #my_header and source of the image gets replaced.
I tried the following but it did not work.

div title=show/hide id=my_header 
img src=images/arrow_down.gif/
spanSome title here/span

$(function() {
function() {
$('#my_header img').src = $('#my_header 
img').src.replace( /_down
\.gif$/, '_up.gif' );
function() {
$('#my_header img').src = $('#my_header 
img').src.replace( /_up
\.gif$/, '_down.gif' );

[jQuery] Re: image toggle

2008-11-15 Thread bob

Thanks ricardo,

Is it possible to do something like this?
It did not seem to work for me.

var menu = ['home','news','sport','music'];

for(var i=0; imenu.length;i++) {

alert(menu[i]+'_header clicked');

var $img = $(this).find('img');
var src = $img.attr('src');
var newsrc = /up\.gif$/.test(src) ? src.replace('up','down') :


[jQuery] Re: Taconite - remove surrogate div

2008-11-12 Thread Bob Schellink

In case someone runs into the same issue, I've attached a patch to 
remove the temporary div.

In short this snippet moves the content after the div and then removes 
the div. Not sure if this will have nasty side effects though.



Index: jquery.taconite.js
--- jquery.taconite.js Base (BASE)
+++ jquery.taconite.js Locally Modified (Based On LOCAL)
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
 var cdataWrap = cmdNode.getAttribute('cdataWrap') || 

+var unwrap = [];

 var a = [];
 if (cmdNode.childNodes.length  0) {
@@ -178,7 +179,13 @@
 log(invoking command: $(', q, ')., cmd, '('+ arg 

+// Unwrap cdataWrap element contents
+while (el = unwrap.shift()) {
+var jel = $(el);
 // apply dynamic fixes
 if (doPostProcess)
@@ -217,6 +224,8 @@

 function handleCDATA(s) {
 var el = document.createElement(cdataWrap);
+// Add cdataWrap element, to be unwrapped later
 el.innerHTML = s;
 return el;

Bob Schellink wrote:

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your feedback. Your solution does work in the scenario I 
described where only one link is used. However it is possible to return 
multiple elements for example:

  a href=...hello/a
  a href=...hi/a

To provide some context, I am integrating taconite into a component 
framework and do not have much control over the commands and their content.

Hmm would it work to unwrap (does that even make sense) the div contents?

kind regards


Mike Alsup wrote:

In order to do this taconite places the CDATA content inside a div
element. However after the command is executed the div is left in the 

So after a bit of back and forth between browser and server we end up
with a large hierarchy of divs.

Hi Bob,

Could you test this function to see if it fixes the issue for you?
(just replace the current one in Taconite)

function handleCDATA(s) {
var el = document.createElement(cdataWrap);
el.innerHTML = s;

// remove wrapper node if possible
var $el = $(el), $ch = $el.children();
if ($ch.size() == 1)
return $ch[0];
return el;



[jQuery] Taconite - remove surrogate div

2008-11-10 Thread Bob Schellink

Hi all,

The taconite plugin provides the ability to wrap results in CDATA tags 
which allows one to return special characters such as '' and ''.

Example command:

 replace select=#link![CDATA[
  a href=/counter.htm?link=myidcount=1 id=linkHi/a

In order to do this taconite places the CDATA content inside a div 
element. However after the command is executed the div is left in the DOM.

So after a bit of back and forth between browser and server we end up 
with a large hierarchy of divs.

Would it be possible to enhance Taconite to remove this div after the 
command is executed? Or any other suggestion on how to remove the div?

kind regards


[jQuery] Re: Taconite - remove surrogate div

2008-11-10 Thread Bob Schellink

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your feedback. Your solution does work in the scenario I 
described where only one link is used. However it is possible to 
return multiple elements for example:

  a href=...hello/a
  a href=...hi/a

To provide some context, I am integrating taconite into a component 
framework and do not have much control over the commands and their 

Hmm would it work to unwrap (does that even make sense) the div 

kind regards


Mike Alsup wrote:

In order to do this taconite places the CDATA content inside a div
element. However after the command is executed the div is left in the DOM.

So after a bit of back and forth between browser and server we end up
with a large hierarchy of divs.

Hi Bob,

Could you test this function to see if it fixes the issue for you?
(just replace the current one in Taconite)

function handleCDATA(s) {
var el = document.createElement(cdataWrap);
el.innerHTML = s;

// remove wrapper node if possible
var $el = $(el), $ch = $el.children();
if ($ch.size() == 1)
return $ch[0];
return el;



[jQuery] Callback after ALL elements in set animated?

2008-11-03 Thread Bob

Hey guys...

Don't seem to be able to find an answer to this. Is there a way to
fire a callback after ALL elements in a wrapped set have been
animated? Instead of after each one is animated? It kind of looked
like queue would do something similar to this... but since animate or
show... or whatever effect is passing back EACH item into the chain,
the queue is applied to each individually with the same effect.


[jQuery] Re: Using taconite to append javascript and stylesheets

2008-10-31 Thread Bob Schellink

Hi Ricardo,

ricardobeat wrote:

This works though: $('head')[0].appendChild($('script type=text/
javascript src=what.js')[0])

Thanks, that is pretty slick. Much better than the approach I took of 
tracking scripts by appending place holder tags in head.

Just to summarize, my approach to ensure javascript and stylesheet 
resources are only loaded once, is to validate against guard functions 
before appending the resource.

An example guard function:

 * This function checks if the given script already exists in the
 * document head section. It uses the following two rules:
 * External scripts are checked against their 'src' attribute.
 * Inline scripts are checked against their 'id' attribute.
 * @param script is a script DOM element.
function canAddScript(script) {
  var id = script.getAttribute(id);
  if(id) {
// Check if another script exists with the same id attribute
if($('#'+id).length) {
  log('script with id: ' + id + ' already exists');
  return false;
  var src = script.getAttribute(src);
  if (src) {
// Check if another script exists with the same src attribute
if($('script[src='+src+']').length) {
  log('script with src: ' + src + ' already exists');
  return false;
  return true;

kind regards


On Oct 29, 9:11 pm, Bob Schellink [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Ricardo,

ricardobeat wrote:

You don't need a plug-in to do that:
   .append('link href=css/geral.css rel=stylesheet /')
   .append('script type=text/javascript src=calendar.js/

Using the above method (or taconite) I've noticed that JQuery does not
actually append the script element to head. At least according to
Firebug. Is this the expected behavior?

One of the things I want to achieve is that scripts should only be
appended once for a page. However if JQuery does not add the script to
head there is nothing to check against in a future call which might
add the same script again.

Should I bypass JQuery and manually add the script tags to head?

kind regards


[jQuery] Re: Using taconite to append javascript and stylesheets

2008-10-29 Thread Bob Schellink

Hi Ricardo,

ricardobeat wrote:

You don't need a plug-in to do that:

   .append('link href=css/geral.css rel=stylesheet /')
   .append('script type=text/javascript src=calendar.js/

Using the above method (or taconite) I've noticed that JQuery does not 
actually append the script element to head. At least according to 
Firebug. Is this the expected behavior?

One of the things I want to achieve is that scripts should only be 
appended once for a page. However if JQuery does not add the script to 
head there is nothing to check against in a future call which might 
add the same script again.

Should I bypass JQuery and manually add the script tags to head?

kind regards


[jQuery] [Taconite] Using taconite to append javascript and stylesheets

2008-10-28 Thread Bob Schellink

Hi all,

I am using the Taconite (http://malsup.com/jquery/taconite/) plugin to 
dynamically append external scripts (script) and stylesheets 
(link) to the page head section. Inspired by the Taconite example 
Demo1, I manage to get external scripts working, however stylesheets 
only seems to work in Firefox, not IE.

Here is the Taconite markup I'm using:


 !-- Works in FF and IE --
 append select=head
 script type=text/javascript src=calendar.js/

 !-- Works in FF but not IE --
 append select=head
 link rel=stylesheet type=text/javascript 

Is this scenario supported by Taconite or should I rather the eval 
tag for appending stylesheets?

kind regards


[jQuery] Re: superfish + bgiframe problem on IE6

2008-10-22 Thread Bob Sawyer

So, the problem I'm having with IE6/Superfish is that the dropdown
menus push all other content down, rather than displaying on top of
the other content.

My superFish code is fairly straightforward:

$(document).ready(function() {
animation : { opacity:show,height:show},
pathClass: current,
speed: fast

Removing either line makes no difference -- the result is the same,
and obviously having both in there is probably overkill.

My menu is pretty lightweight:

div id=nav class=grid_12
ul id=menu
li class=currenta href=/home title=HomeHome/a/li
lia href=/collections title=CollectionsCollections/a
lia href=/collections/collection/fall2008 
2008Fall 2008/a/li
href=/collections/collection/spring2009 title=Spring
2009Spring 2009/a/li
lia href=/about title=About UsAbout Us/a
lia href=/news title=NewsNews/a/li
lia href=/press 
lia href=/contact title=Contact UsContact Us/a/li

I stripped the existing superfish.css down to only the Essential
Styles and apply hovers to modern browsers sections; otherwise the
CSS is pretty straightforward as well:

#nav {
width: 960px;
height: 40px;
background: transparent url(/images/nav_bg.gif) 0px 0px no-repeat;
display: block;
position: relative;
margin: 15px 0 0 0;
z-index: 100;

#menu li {position: relative; display:block; float: left; height:
40px; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 16px; line-height: 40px; }
#menu li a {position: relative; display: block; float: left; color:
#64a3b5;text-decoration: none; height: 40px; padding: 0 20px; }
#menu li a:link { color: #64a3b5; }
#menu li a:hover { color: #000; background: #dfdfdf; }
#menu li.current a { color: #333; }

#menu ul {display: block; background-color: #f0e9f1; border-bottom:
1px solid #ccc; margin: 0; padding: 0; clear: both; width: 130px;}

#menu ul li {position: relative; display: block; float: none; height:
30px; margin: 0; padding: 0; line-height: 30px; font-size: 90%;}
#menu ul li a {position: relative; display: block; float: none; color:
#64a3b5; text-decoration: none; height: 30px; margin: 0; padding: 0 0
0 15px; z-index: 120;}
#menu ul li a:hover { color: #000; background: #dfdfdf; }
#menu ul li.current a { color: #333; }

Any ideas?


[jQuery] Re: jcarousel reset

2008-10-15 Thread Bob

Damien -

I just got this working myself in a dynamically loaded carousel:

First, add an initCallback to get a handle on the jcarousel object and
save it in a global:

myCarousel = null; // This will be the carousel object
myData = [...]; // This is the data for the carousel

function onInitCarousel(carousel, state) {
if (state == 'init') {
myCarousel = carousel;

function myItemLoadCallback(carousel, state) {
// build your items from myData[...] here

size: myData.length,
initCallback: onInitCarousel,
itemLoadCallback: {onBeforeAnimation:
wrap: 'last',
scroll: 3

Then, when it is time to reset the carousel:

function resetData() {
myData = [...] // set the new data

Hope this helps,

On Oct 1, 4:20 am, Anatalsceo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thejcarouselplug works really great. I only have a  problem with 

 I try on a page to change the content of the carousel without
 reloading the page.
 I'm using for this the $(document).ready(function() {} in order to
 change the carousel on a click.

 It doesn't quite work and I was wondering how could I get thereset
 function to work. It always freezes firefox when using it.



[jQuery] Re: jQuery and Rails Block

2008-09-24 Thread Bob O

I ended up doing something very similar to this, and was able toget it

Thank you kindly for your comments they are much appreciated. Its nice
to know there are a lot of resources in the community..

On Sep 22, 2:35 pm, Eric [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If I understand your question correctly, you should be able to do it
 by Traversing the DOM.

 So, let's say that the HTML is like this:

 div class='one_record'
   pLorem ipsum.../p
   a class='hide_show_link' href='#'Hide/Show extra info/a

   div class='starts_hidden'
      Show this when the link is clicked.

 So your CSS would probably have something like:
 .starts_hidden { display: none; }

 Now, this *wouldn't* work:
 $( function () {
   $('.hide_show_link').click( function () {


 Because clicking on a hide_show_link will toggle ALL of the things of
 class 'starts_hidden'.

 You probably want to do something like this:
 $( function () {
    // DOM is ready:
    $('.hide_show_link').click( function () {
       // in here, 'this' refers to the particular link we're
      $(this).next().toggle();  // start at the current link, find the
 next element in the DOM, and toggle it.


 The reason this works is because each link hide shows the Next div in
 the DOM.  If your HTML is different, then the code between $(this)
 and .toggle() will be different.  See:http://docs.jquery.com/Traversing
 for the functions that will help you here.


 On Sep 20, 10:40 am, Bob O [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  Im am a CSS guy moving into the world of js and RoR, so its nice to
  find things like jQuery and supporting groups. I am a n00b, so the
  more english the response the better


  I have a rails partial that cycles a :collection. So every record in
  the db table receives the same HTML/CSS structure. There is a hidden
  div with extra info, that expands when the exposed div is clicked. the
  problem is ALL of the displayed :collections reveal/hide the extra
  content at the same time. where the HTML/CSS is dynamically generated,
  im not sure how to have it differentiate between each item.

  I have seen in the Learning jQuery book that there is a way to loop
  and add an index, and also some kind of append feature, but Im not
  quite versed enough to understand if this is what i need.

  any help would be great..

  Thank you

[jQuery] jQuery and Rails Block

2008-09-20 Thread Bob O


Im am a CSS guy moving into the world of js and RoR, so its nice to
find things like jQuery and supporting groups. I am a n00b, so the
more english the response the better


I have a rails partial that cycles a :collection. So every record in
the db table receives the same HTML/CSS structure. There is a hidden
div with extra info, that expands when the exposed div is clicked. the
problem is ALL of the displayed :collections reveal/hide the extra
content at the same time. where the HTML/CSS is dynamically generated,
im not sure how to have it differentiate between each item.

I have seen in the Learning jQuery book that there is a way to loop
and add an index, and also some kind of append feature, but Im not
quite versed enough to understand if this is what i need.

any help would be great..

Thank you

[jQuery] Re: Accessing JQuery from frames

2008-08-27 Thread Bob Gregg

Wow... nothing...  Is anyone using JQuery with a regular old-fashioned
frameset and frames?

On Aug 25, 2:56 pm, Bob Gregg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My apologies if this has been asked before; but in searching I can't
 see that anyone asked quite the same thing in the past.  I have a frame-based 
 website with two frames: UPPER and LOWER.  The UPPER frame
 contains a static navigation bar that rarely changes during a user's
 session; the LOWER frame constantly changes to the current page.  What
 I would like to do is to load JQuery during the *frameset* load, and
 have the functions available to all applications that might appear in
 the lowerframe.  That gives me the benefits of JQuery in all pages of
 our site, without having to pay the performance penalty of loading it
 over and over.

 Ignoring any possible cross-domain/document.domain issues, JQuery
 seems to have an issue in at least IE due to the context of the calls.

 Example 1:

 * frameset.html loads JQuery normally.
 * topframe.html does... well, nothing.
 * bottomframe.html contains the following:
 p style=display: none;Here's the text!/p

 Needless to say, this doesn't work - when calling $, the context is
 the *frameset* document, not the bottomframe.  So, for attempt number
 2, I replaced the local $ definition with a wrapper to always pass the
 correct context to JQuery:

 $=function jQuery(o,c){return top.jQuery(o,(c)?c:document);}

 That is, by default, pass the current page's document object as the
 context; but if I explicitly pass another local context, use that
 instead.  Now, this works like a champ in Firefox - I can use JQuery
 exactly as though it were loaded right into the bottomframe, same
 syntax and all.  But in IE (either 6 or 7), it treats the frameset
 page as the context, regardless of what I pass in for the context
 parm.  In fact, even when I do this explicitly in the bottomframe, it
 still fails in IE:

 $(*,document).each(function(i){alert(i+: +this);});

 This code should list all the DOM nodes in the current document.  Run
 just this code in Firefox, and it iterates over the elements of the
 bottom page.  Run it in IE, though, and it iterates over the elements
 of the *frameset* page, even though I've explicitly passed the 
 bottomframe'sdocument object as context.  I've tried several variations of
 this (like explicitly passing top.frames['LOWER'] (which should wind
 up identical), but it makes no difference.

 Is there something I'm missing, or is there something inherent in IE's
 treatment of frames that will always prevent this from working?

[jQuery] Re: slide()/show()/hide() does not expand across columns

2008-08-26 Thread Bob Gregg

I've implemented show/hide of table rows in a production app, so I
checked my own code; the primary difference is that you're using
'slow', and I wasn't.  When I copied your code and removed the 'slow'
parameter, it worked just fine.  Maybe this is a bug in the
implementation of fade effects specifically on table rows?  I noticed
that it actually seems to move the DOM elements into a single table
cell width prior to the initial fade out; no idea why, though.


On Aug 26, 1:04 pm, J Junos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My issue is that I want to allow users to hide and show expanded data.
 Yet for some reason, when I implement this in jQuery, the expanded
 rows always seem to stay in a single column, instead of returning back
 to the full table width. I can get it to work in prototype, but jquery

 Anyone else have problems with show()?

 This is my example:


                 script type=text/javascript

                 function jqueryclick( node ) {
                         var sibling = jQuery( node ).next('tr');

                         // $( node ).next('.expanded').toggle();

                 function prototypeclick( node ) {
                         $( node ).next('.expanded').toggle();


 table border=1

                         thTest 2/th
                         thTest 3 3/th

         tbody id=tablebody

         tr onclick=jqueryclick(this)
                 tdhey jude!/td
                 tdI want/td
         tr class=expanded
                 tdice cream/td

         tr onclick=prototypeclick(this)
         tr class=expanded




[jQuery] Re: slide()/show()/hide() does not expand across columns

2008-08-26 Thread Bob Gregg

I've previously implemented table row show/hide in a production app,
so I went back to check - the main difference between your code and
mine was that you're using 'slow' in your toggle() statement.  When I
eliminated that and just used toggle() (or show() / hide() ), your
jQuery code seems to work fine.  Maybe this is a bug in the
implementation of display effects for table rows?

On Aug 26, 1:04 pm, J Junos [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My issue is that I want to allow users to hide and show expanded data.
 Yet for some reason, when I implement this in jQuery, the expanded
 rows always seem to stay in a single column, instead of returning back
 to the full table width. I can get it to work in prototype, but jquery

 Anyone else have problems with show()?

 This is my example:

  1   2   >