Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-02-03 Thread Terry Dawson

"James S. Kaplan KG7FU" wrote:

This message only turned up here today, no idea where it has been for
two weeks.

> Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't address groups such as 192.168 and 44.0
> considered "private" nets and technically aren't supposed to be routed via
> internet? Even if they were, the docs clearly state that is
> for "testing" and is not to be assigned. AND, why does the rest of the world
> know to route to, yet doesn't have it?
> My local net just happens to be 44.26.1see what the problem is now?

The 44 network is most certainly not a private network. The reason is routed to the '' host is because the *whole* 44
network is routed to the host, it is the gateway for net 44 to
the net. doesn't know how to route to for
specifically the reason you've stated, it is reserved for test purposes
and therefore should not be routable.

> Like I've been saying, I'm neither a programmer nor a seasoned net
> professional. As such, I need a bit more "1-2-3..." guidance than some
> of you. I'm sure by the posts I see here that there are many more "Linux
> Newbies", new hams, hams new to packet and just plain old dumb hams like myself
> that would be more inclined to get heavily into ax.25 networking, instead of
> turned off, if it weren't for the lack of simplistic docs and negative
> responses from a few vocal, but harsh, hams-in-the-know.

The harsh reality is that it is extremely difficult to have both
flexibility/capability and simplicity. It's just not possible to get by
without knowing at least something about what you are doing, unless you
get someone to do it for you.

> I have the greatest respect and admiration for all the programmers and
> individuals who have made Linux what it is. I'm continually bafflled by the
> responses some programmers and "experts" give to reasonable questions from
> folks who don't quite have the same level of understanding, experience or
> education as they.

Don't be baffled. There is no mystery.

You've made the mistake of assuming the things you are asking are easy
and straightforward things to do.


Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-23 Thread Richard Adams

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000,  Terry Dawson wrote about,  Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw 
solutions for multi-user system?:
> Richard Adams wrote:
> > > define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')dnl
> > 
> > And where is one supposed to find that define ??
> Richard,
> It goes in your sendmail M4 configuration file. In Debian it is called
> /etc/mail/

Thanks, i did dig into it and found it. However i find it much easier just
to recompile sendmail without dns.

> Terry
Regards Richard

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-23 Thread Terry Dawson

Richard Adams wrote:

> > define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')dnl
> And where is one supposed to find that define ??

It goes in your sendmail M4 configuration file. In Debian it is called


Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Richard Adams

On Sat, 22 Jan 2000,  Alexandre Fornieles wrote about,  Re: Subject: sendmail + 
masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?:
> Hi Richard and the list,
> As i don't (and think i won't) use sendmail myself anymore i won't be
> able to test this option but i see no reason why it would fail to work.
> At least after this information was gave on the list
> (
> no one complained about it.

I dont suppose French speaking people would, they would understand the
message ;-)

I presume it is a "Build option" anyway i will stick to

define NAMED_BIND 0

Regards Richard

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Robin Gilks

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 07:47:30AM +, Robin Gilks wrote:
> > On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > > I'd like to keep the amprnet and internet operations completely
> > > separated.
> > > 

> > If you or anyone else is interested further, I can post some of the (smaller)
> > configuration files for Exim and bind to assist in their setup
> > 
> Actually, wb2yxy has some suggestions which led me to look at the
> file on ucsd.  This has the same format as the db files
> and I would think that renaming it to db.44 (and referencing it in
> named.conf should work, although I haven't tried it.
> Pine has a configuration option to relay all mail to a specific host,
> which bypasses the MTA altogether.  I did use this at one time to
> handle amprnet traffic, but it was also a kludge, of course.  This also
> required me to use separate login names for amprnet and internet mail.
Hi again Bob

I've put all my DNS files on my web site (see sig) along with the (modded) Perl
script from Simon Mudd that munges things to change the SOA and NS so I run as a
master server (which also helps to stop referals to the diald link). It still
does live lookups of hosts using the dialup. I'll put the Exim and
masquerade stuff on there as well if required - days are too short at this time
of year (got this urge to hibernate!!).


73 de Robin. G8ECJ  Hub manager gb7ipd

Shack: (+44) 1628 533311Fax:  (+44) 1628 850165
Club pages (g4xyw modem etc) at

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Terry Dawson

On 20 Jan, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> The machine I have was using diald and every time I sent smtp to another
> 44 station, it dialed up my ISP to do a DNS lookup, even though I am
> routing 44 traffic out my radio port.  /etc/hosts works fine for
> telnet, ftp, etc., but not smtp (at least I haven't found a way to do
> this.) I have run JNOS a bit, and have pointed 'dns nameserver' to a
> DNS via the local gateway, but if I run kernel AX.25 I don't know how
> to use a different DNS for than I use for everything else.

Ok. that makes sense, I guess.

> I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
> zone file for might work for this application.  As an
> alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
> qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?

It certainly should be possible to configure sendmail to consider
/etc/hosts before attempting a DNS lookup.

What does the 'hosts' entry in your /etc/nsswitch.conf look like?
To have name lookups check /etc/hosts before dns it should look like:

# /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts:  files dns

You do have the hosts specified in /etc/hosts with their fully qualifed
domain name don't you? and you do have in your /etc/resolv.conf
'search' list I presume? e.g.

# /etc/resolv.conf
search your.domain



Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Alexandre Fornieles

Hi Richard and the list,

As i don't (and think i won't) use sendmail myself anymore i won't be
able to test this option but i see no reason why it would fail to work.
At least after this information was gave on the list
no one complained about it.

Richard Adams wrote:
> And where is one supposed to find that define ??
> I cant find it in any dorectory in the src dor from the sendmail source.
> Anyway it seems rather a strange define.
> Please elaborate.??.

I can't say much more but i remind several cases where i found sendmail
directives (for mc files) mentionned in third party docs that i could
never read about on the official documents shipped with the source
code... this could be one of those.

Good luck.

Alexandre Fornieles   |   F-40150 Hossegor (France)
ICQ : 1519880 |   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.14 i686
Software is like sex : It's better when it's Free !

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Alexandre Fornieles


Richard Adams wrote:
> > Hi Bob
> > Sounds to me as though you have exactly the setup I have and suffering the same
> > problems with sendmail - I never managed to stop it forcing a dialup for DNS
> > resolution even though I had the full DNS domain loaded on the local
> > DNS.
> One possable solution to the DNS problem could be compiling sendmail
> yourself with
> define NAMED_BIND0
> in conf.h
> As to it being an overal solution raises possably more questions than
> answers.

This has been discussed in the debian-french list a few weeks ago and
the "clean" solution that was suggested as per the docs was to use this
statement in your mc files :

define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')dnl

This should prevent sendmail from doing dns lookups.
I haven't tried it myself as i just switched to exim a few days ago and
only have very standard dial-up needs here.

So good luck.

Cheers, Alex.

Alexandre Fornieles   |   F-40150 Hossegor (France)
ICQ : 1519880 |   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.14 i686
Software is like sex : It's better when it's Free !

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Richard Adams

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000,  Alexandre Fornieles wrote about,  Re: Subject: sendmail + 
masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?:
> Hello,
> Richard Adams wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi Bob
> > > Sounds to me as though you have exactly the setup I have and suffering the same
> > > problems with sendmail - I never managed to stop it forcing a dialup for DNS
> > > resolution even though I had the full DNS domain loaded on the local
> > > DNS.
> > 
> > One possable solution to the DNS problem could be compiling sendmail
> > yourself with
> > define NAMED_BIND0
> > in conf.h
> > 
> > As to it being an overal solution raises possably more questions than
> > answers.
> This has been discussed in the debian-french list a few weeks ago and
> the "clean" solution that was suggested as per the docs was to use this
> statement in your mc files :
> define(`confBIND_OPTS',`-DNSRCH -DEFNAMES')dnl

And where is one supposed to find that define ??

I cant find it in any dorectory in the src dor from the sendmail source.
Anyway it seems rather a strange define.
Please elaborate.??.

> This should prevent sendmail from doing dns lookups.
> I haven't tried it myself as i just switched to exim a few days ago and
> only have very standard dial-up needs here.
> So good luck.
> Cheers, Alex.
> -- 
> Alexandre Fornieles   |   F-40150 Hossegor (France)
> ICQ : 1519880 |   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.14 i686
> -
> Software is like sex : It's better when it's Free !
Regards Richard

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Simon J Mudd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Nielsen) writes:

> I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
> zone file for might work for this application.  As an
> alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
> qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?

postfix can have dns lookups disabled.  Probably for the domain
you can simply use a "transport" entry which looks like: # route through mx of server
# domain only   :server # route through mx of server
# and subdomains[server]   # no dns lookups on server
# direct to ip of server

You can also send to a different port other than smtp (if required),
or if necessery use the pipe transport which allows you to send the
message to an arbitrary command for execution. (ie you don't need to use
smtp).  Postfix has lots of other goodies too.

The other mailers probably allow similar things, and sendmail is more
flexible if you can work out how to configure it :-)

Simon J Mudd, Madrid SPAINTel: +34-91-408 4878email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-22 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 07:47:30AM +, Robin Gilks wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > I'd like to keep the amprnet and internet operations completely
> > separated.
> > 
> > The machine I have was using diald and every time I sent smtp to another
> > 44 station, it dialed up my ISP to do a DNS lookup, even though I am
> > routing 44 traffic out my radio port.  /etc/hosts works fine for
> > telnet, ftp, etc., but not smtp (at least I haven't found a way to do
> > this.) I have run JNOS a bit, and have pointed 'dns nameserver' to a
> > DNS via the local gateway, but if I run kernel AX.25 I don't know how
> > to use a different DNS for than I use for everything else.
> > 
> > I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
> > zone file for might work for this application.  As an
> > alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
> > qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?
> > 
> Hi Bob
> Sounds to me as though you have exactly the setup I have and suffering the same
> problems with sendmail - I never managed to stop it forcing a dialup for DNS
> resolution even though I had the full DNS domain loaded on the local
> DNS.
> I switched to Exim which now also allows a 'psuedo hopper' facility for those
> stations without MX records that are reachable locally. smtp hopper will be
> familiar to *NOS users - its a kludge to relay smtp to the next station (ie
> gateway) in the IP route to the desitination The effect can be duplicated in
> Exim by either using an external director program or by using the new
> translate_ip_address feature.
> If you or anyone else is interested further, I can post some of the (smaller)
> configuration files for Exim and bind to assist in their setup

Actually, wb2yxy has some suggestions which led me to look at the file on ucsd.  This has the same format as the db files
and I would think that renaming it to db.44 (and referencing it in
named.conf should work, although I haven't tried it.

Pine has a configuration option to relay all mail to a specific host,
which bypasses the MTA altogether.  I did use this at one time to
handle amprnet traffic, but it was also a kludge, of course.  This also
required me to use separate login names for amprnet and internet mail.

Bob, N7XY

Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE)  (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-21 Thread Richard Adams

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000,  Robin Gilks wrote about,  Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw 
solutions for multi-user system?:
> On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> > I'd like to keep the amprnet and internet operations completely
> > separated.
> > 
> > The machine I have was using diald and every time I sent smtp to another
> > 44 station, it dialed up my ISP to do a DNS lookup, even though I am
> > routing 44 traffic out my radio port.  /etc/hosts works fine for
> > telnet, ftp, etc., but not smtp (at least I haven't found a way to do
> > this.) I have run JNOS a bit, and have pointed 'dns nameserver' to a
> > DNS via the local gateway, but if I run kernel AX.25 I don't know how
> > to use a different DNS for than I use for everything else.
> > 
> > I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
> > zone file for might work for this application.  As an
> > alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
> > qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?
> > 
> Hi Bob
> Sounds to me as though you have exactly the setup I have and suffering the same
> problems with sendmail - I never managed to stop it forcing a dialup for DNS
> resolution even though I had the full DNS domain loaded on the local
> DNS.

One possable solution to the DNS problem could be compiling sendmail
yourself with 
define NAMED_BIND0
in conf.h

As to it being an overal solution raises possably more questions than

> I switched to Exim which now also allows a 'psuedo hopper' facility for those
> stations without MX records that are reachable locally. smtp hopper will be
> familiar to *NOS users - its a kludge to relay smtp to the next station (ie
> gateway) in the IP route to the desitination The effect can be duplicated in
> Exim by either using an external director program or by using the new
> translate_ip_address feature.
> If you or anyone else is interested further, I can post some of the (smaller)
> configuration files for Exim and bind to assist in their setup
>  -- 
> 73 de Robin. G8ECJ  Hub manager gb7ipd
> Shack: (+44) 1628 533311Fax:  (+44) 1628 850165
> Club pages (g4xyw modem etc) at
Regards Richard

HOWTO ax.25 + firewall [Was Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?]

2000-01-21 Thread James S. Kaplan KG7FU

Thanks for all the great replies on sendmail and DNS!

I have some direction now, but still am confused about how to
configure my lan
vs. my ampernet.

First, my lan is already working well, using 2.0.36 + ipfwadm + masq
and 192.168.x.x
addresses. We use a dial-on-demand ppp connection, bit it is usually
up 24 hours a day. I could leave it this way or change to 2.2.x like
my other Linux boxes on the lan.

So, do I re-address all the workstations to 44.26.x.x and continue to
run as normal? Do I
use ip alising and give the ax.25 boxes secondary or prinmary 192.168
addresses? Do I
use ipip and create dummy devices? Do I add a 2n nic to the firewall
and route 44.26.x.x differently than 192.168.x.x?

Second, I'd like sendmail or whatever MTA I end up with being able to
handle connections to the internet as well as smtp via radio without
too much effort. My guess is the key would be to decide first which
scheme to use above.


James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-21 Thread Robin Gilks

On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> I'd like to keep the amprnet and internet operations completely
> separated.
> The machine I have was using diald and every time I sent smtp to another
> 44 station, it dialed up my ISP to do a DNS lookup, even though I am
> routing 44 traffic out my radio port.  /etc/hosts works fine for
> telnet, ftp, etc., but not smtp (at least I haven't found a way to do
> this.) I have run JNOS a bit, and have pointed 'dns nameserver' to a
> DNS via the local gateway, but if I run kernel AX.25 I don't know how
> to use a different DNS for than I use for everything else.
> I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
> zone file for might work for this application.  As an
> alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
> qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?
Hi Bob
Sounds to me as though you have exactly the setup I have and suffering the same
problems with sendmail - I never managed to stop it forcing a dialup for DNS
resolution even though I had the full DNS domain loaded on the local

I switched to Exim which now also allows a 'psuedo hopper' facility for those
stations without MX records that are reachable locally. smtp hopper will be
familiar to *NOS users - its a kludge to relay smtp to the next station (ie
gateway) in the IP route to the desitination The effect can be duplicated in
Exim by either using an external director program or by using the new
translate_ip_address feature.

If you or anyone else is interested further, I can post some of the (smaller)
configuration files for Exim and bind to assist in their setup


73 de Robin. G8ECJ  Hub manager gb7ipd

Shack: (+44) 1628 533311Fax:  (+44) 1628 850165
Club pages (g4xyw modem etc) at

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-21 Thread Simon J Mudd

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Robert A Jenkins") writes:

> I can't help much re. you Mailer problems, I do use sendmail on machines
> with multiple delivery options but it is a real pain to set up. Having seen
> Exim mentioned in this group, I will be looking at that...

Another option which few people are aware of is postfix (see
this is a reasonably new MTA which performs very well, and whose configuration
is much simpler than sendmail.  It's intended to be a "sendmail" replacement.

Simon J Mudd, Madrid SPAINTel: +34-91-408 4878email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-20 Thread Terry Dawson

On 18 Jan, Bob Nielsen wrote:

> Has anyone come up with a method to convert the listings from
> to a proper format to use with bind (which appears to me
> to be more difficult to set up than sendmail?) I'm looking for a
> solution which could be used on a system not connected full-time to the
> Internet.  I just bought the O'Reilly bind book, but haven't
> figured this one out yet.  I assume I need to create a db.44 file.

I think it'd help if you described precisely what it is that you are
trying to achieve. That way we can advise you on the best course of

You talk about needing this for a machine that isn't permanently
connected to the net .. ok .. but why would a machine not permanently
connected to the net require a complete zone file? What are
you able to actually reach via amprnet?

Will this machine act as a DNS to other hosts, or do you want this
capability just so this machine can resolve the addresses for itself?



Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-20 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Thu, Jan 20, 2000 at 10:01:36PM +1100, Terry Dawson wrote:
> On 18 Jan, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> > Has anyone come up with a method to convert the listings from
> > to a proper format to use with bind (which appears to me
> > to be more difficult to set up than sendmail?) I'm looking for a
> > solution which could be used on a system not connected full-time to the
> > Internet.  I just bought the O'Reilly bind book, but haven't
> > figured this one out yet.  I assume I need to create a db.44 file.
> Bob,
> I think it'd help if you described precisely what it is that you are
> trying to achieve. That way we can advise you on the best course of
> action.
> You talk about needing this for a machine that isn't permanently
> connected to the net .. ok .. but why would a machine not permanently
> connected to the net require a complete zone file? What are
> you able to actually reach via amprnet?
> Will this machine act as a DNS to other hosts, or do you want this
> capability just so this machine can resolve the addresses for itself?


I'd like to keep the amprnet and internet operations completely

The machine I have was using diald and every time I sent smtp to another
44 station, it dialed up my ISP to do a DNS lookup, even though I am
routing 44 traffic out my radio port.  /etc/hosts works fine for
telnet, ftp, etc., but not smtp (at least I haven't found a way to do
this.) I have run JNOS a bit, and have pointed 'dns nameserver' to a
DNS via the local gateway, but if I run kernel AX.25 I don't know how
to use a different DNS for than I use for everything else.

I was thinking that running a 'cache-only nameserver' with a local
zone file for might work for this application.  As an
alternative, is there a way to configure sendmail (or exim, postfix,
qmail, etc.) to look at /etc/hosts first before trying a DNS lookup?


Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE)  (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

RE: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-19 Thread Robert A Jenkins

Hi James,

I can't help much re. you Mailer problems, I do use sendmail on machines
with multiple delivery options but it is a real pain to set up. Having seen
Exim mentioned in this group, I will be looking at that...

Re DNS, I can let you have a copy of my files, I have a DNS on my system
that replies directly with data on local systems and uses forwarding to my
ISP for unknown addresses.

The files are in Bind 8.x format - RedHat 5.2 or later. Is this OK for your


Tony Jenkins, G8TBF / G0WTK.

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-19 Thread Robin Gilks

Take a look on my web site - I've hacked the Perl script from SImon Mudd to
extract the subset of with a netmask of - ie. all of it.

This excellent program removes all the trash that bind barfs overs and warns
about all the other errors - a minor tweak can then be made to filter out these
'errors' as well.

>From the file downloaded from ucsd every night, it creates and

 On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> Has anyone come up with a method to convert the listings from
> to a proper format to use with bind (which appears to me
> to be more difficult to set up than sendmail?) I'm looking for a
> solution which could be used on a system not connected full-time to the
> Internet.  I just bought the O'Reilly bind book, but haven't
> figured this one out yet.  I assume I need to create a db.44 file.
> Bob

73 de Robin. G8ECJ  Hub manager gb7ipd

Shack: (+44) 1628 533311Fax:  (+44) 1628 850165
Club pages (g4xyw modem etc) at

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-19 Thread Thad Burger

"James S. Kaplan" wrote:

> As the available tools for Linux Hams increases, so does the
> complexity of the
> system..!
> I am running several Linux pc's for a variety of services, some ax.25
> and some supporting
> our lan (firewall, etc.). I need to consolidate two of the servers and
> am running into some configuration issues.
> 1) sendmail is tough to configure!! I need in/out tcp mail to the
> net/lan AND very much desire
> and pbbs smtp mail in and out. I've looked and zmail (I
> think!) and mailgw and am not impressed
> with the documentation. In other words, it seems like the others have
> their issues and configuration difficulties just like sendmail.
> Has anyone a similar situation and can share some tips or
> cinfiguration files/scripts/etc? Is there another
> solution out there for the "small network"? We run 6 workstations and
> don't need something grossly overdone.
> 2) Along the same lines, my old firewall worked just fine with 2.0.3x
> kernels. With the change, some new hardware and new libs, etc I'm
> running 2.2.x (ipchains, etc). The AX.25 HOW-TO is fairly out-of-date
> and lacking some details in discussing firewalls, ip forwarding and
> "bridging" amprnet radio stuff to/from ethernet/internet. Is anyone
> doing similar work, ie: many services on one box? Routing is a bear
> sometimes and unfortunately, my dns has an illegal entry for
> and my addresses are 44.26.1.x!! (Actually,
> shows up in the amprnet listing at!!!) Is there a solution
> for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?
> 3) We have a few Windows workstations and I use QVTNet 4.0 (ansi
> terminal emulator) to telnet
> over to the various Linux pc's. the vt220 terminfo is lacking in the
> keymapping department. Has anyone any experience in building a
> terminfo entry or can suggest one that allows such keys as BS AND DEL,
> PageUP/DN, F9-12, etc?
> I'm a diehard SuSE fan, running 6.3b2 right now (waiting for the
> release version to come in the mail
> so I can review it for the Eugene Linux User's Group!). The primary
> ham server is running two netrom nodes, CLX, apache, ftp, telnet and
> shell. Eventually I'll add FBB or DPBOX to the mix. The net server
> also runs apache, ftp, telnet etc. I need to combine the two, get
> sendmail working for ampr addresses and
> resolve my ethernet<>amprnet routing issues.
> Any hints, help and suggestions (besides reading OLD man pages and
> HOW-TO's  :+) greatly appreciated. Beer/and/or pizza certificates
> could be arranged if I get this done this week!
> Thanks in advance.
> kg7fu
> -
> James S. Kaplan KG7FU
> Eugene Oregon USA
> ICQ # 1227639
> Have YOU tried Linux today?
> -

No argument that Sendmail is tough to configure. I have been using a tool
to help with Linux configs in general and it includes a nice interface to
Sendmail. The tool is called Webmin. It is a free admin tool that will run
on a large varity of *nix platforms. It runs as a daemon with its own
built in web server and uses a standard web browser as the interface. It
provides a graphical interface to a number of system administration
functions including user, DNS, Samba and Sendmail admin and has many more
than this. It makes life much simpler and is easy to install. If you
decide to try this make sure you back up the config files that you already
have as this tool (at least the version I have) assume a new config file
and writes one from scratch appending to the already existing file. You
can find this at
The DNS problem should be fixed to make things work right. I am not a
DNS expert but the simple servers I have done are extremely fussy as to
config file syntax. That would be my first guess as to that problem. You
might try some DNS tools at . The tools might not
be any help but they won't hurt.
Good luck. And no I am not affiliated with either of these sites :-)

Thad Burger
Replies welcome. Flames redirect to /dev/null

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-19 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 10:28:48PM +1100, Terry Dawson wrote:
> > shows up in the amprnet listing at!!!) Is there a solution
> > for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?
> The domain.txt file, I think (it's been a good number of years since I
> ran NOS) is just the equivalent of the /etc/hosts file.
> I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
> (the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
> around it with manual name->address mappings.

Has anyone come up with a method to convert the listings from to a proper format to use with bind (which appears to me
to be more difficult to set up than sendmail?) I'm looking for a
solution which could be used on a system not connected full-time to the
Internet.  I just bought the O'Reilly bind book, but haven't
figured this one out yet.  I assume I need to create a db.44 file.


Bob Nielsen, N7XY (ex-W6SWE)  (RN2)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-19 Thread Ken Koster

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, James S. Kaplan KG7FU wrote:

> Perhaps I wasn't clear Does there exist a "how-to", examples or
> explicit instructions on how to use sendmail for radio amprnet, radio pbbs,
> local delivery and internet delivery ALL on the same box?

Rulesets for radio pbbs do exist, or at least I've seen some people try to
develop them.  The radio pbbs addressing scheme never has mapped well
with what the rest of the world uses.   I think most of those handling radio
pbbs mail do so using dedicated bbs software that understands the
addressing.  Many of us just simply don't bother handling anything but standard
SMTP mail.  


> > I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
> > (the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
> > around it with manual name->address mappings.
> Ok, I'll bite. How do I fix it? One problem is my isp's DNS has an entry:
> Server:
> Address:
> Non-authoritative answer:
> =
> Authoritative answers can be found from:
> 44.IN-ADDR.ARPA   nameserver =

This is correct.  The amprnet DNS at has 
assigned to

> etc.
> But a traceroute from reveals no route to host, thusly:
> traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
>  1  gatekeeper (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms
> 10 (  406 ms  380 ms  439 ms
> 11 (  406 ms  471 ms  439 ms
> 12 (  469 ms  386 ms  386 ms
> 13 (  381 ms *  465 ms
> 14  * * *

Yup,  that's correct also.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't address groups such as 192.168 and 44.0
> considered "private" nets and technically aren't supposed to be routed via

No,  net 44 is assigned to amateur radio and if we provide an internet connected
router the rest of the internet quite happily routes all 44.x.x.x traffic to it.
We have such a router, it's called 'mirrorshades' aka ''  and it
accepts all net 44 traffic from the rest of the internet.  It in turn will use 
IPIP encapsulation to forward IP packets to the various
gateways scattered around the world.

There is no current gateway handling 44.26.1.x so all packets from the
internet deadend at mirrorshades.  Exactly what your traceroute shows.

 > internet? Even if they were, the docs clearly state that is 
> for "testing" and is not to be assigned. AND, why does the rest of the world 

Where does it say this,  I find assigned to according
to the DNS files at

> know to route to, yet doesn't have it? 

As I said above,  Everything for 44.x.x.x goes to at ucsd, but since 
there is no gateway handling traffic for 44.26.1.x it has no place to go after

> My local net just happens to be 44.26.1see what the problem is now? 

Exactly what addresses do you have?  I don't find your callsign in the list of
assigned addresses at  There are a number of reasons 
why that might be, but knowing your addresses will help figure things out.

>  > Like I've been saying, I'm neither a programmer nor a seasoned net 
> professional. As such, I need a bit more "1-2-3..." guidance than some 
> of you. I'm sure by the posts I see here that there are many more "Linux 
> Newbies", new hams, hams new to packet and just plain old dumb hams like  myself
 > that would be more inclined to get heavily into ax.25 networking, instead of 
> turned off, if it weren't for the lack of simplistic docs and negative 
> responses from a few vocal, but harsh, hams-in-the-know. 

I admit the docs could be better, but, the issues are complex and it isn't easy 
coming up with cookbook type answers that cover all the permutations.
It's much easier coming up with answers to specific circumstances.

As far as negative and harsh responses go, not all of us are that way so it's
best to just ignore them and wait for the good responses to pop out of the

Now,  what else can I help you with.

Ken,  N7IPB
MotorolaEmail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seattle Cellular Design Center  Office: (425) 487-8854
24000 35th Ave SE, Suite 100Cell  : (206) 499-4872
Bothell, WA  98021  Fax   : (425) 483-3400

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread James S. Kaplan KG7FU

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If sendmail is too tough, try 'exim' or 'postfix'. They're both quite
> powerful, and easier than sendmail to configure.

Perhaps I wasn't clear Does there exist a "how-to", examples or
explicit instructions on how to use sendmail for radio amprnet, radio pbbs,
local delivery and internet delivery ALL on the same box?

> The AX25-HOWTO was never going to cover that material. It is adequately
> covered in other HOWTO documents. Try the Networking and IP-Chains

>From what I see, the networking and ip chains howto's are meant for
seasoned sysadmins and/or hardcore programmers. There just ain't
much in the way of "english language" material for the
non-programmer/non-nethead. Again, does there exist any docs
on how to ip forward/gateway radio amprnet services with kernel 2.2.x?
> The domain.txt file, I think (it's been a good number of years since I
> ran NOS) is just the equivalent of the /etc/hosts file.

It is. However, I can't seem to find any resources to utilize such
information. The closest I've seen is the DNS-HOWTO, again does not
provide any assistance for ham radio folks who don't have Ph.D's in net-speak
or c++-speak. Can anyone tell me how to configure BIND so amprnet lookups work
while not breaking real internet DNS?
> I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
> (the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
> around it with manual name->address mappings.

Ok, I'll bite. How do I fix it? One problem is my isp's DNS has an entry:


Non-authoritative answer:  name =

Authoritative answers can be found from:
44.IN-ADDR.ARPA nameserver =


But a traceroute from reveals no route to host, thusly:
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1  gatekeeper (  1 ms  1 ms  1 ms

10 (  406 ms  380 ms  439 ms
11 (  406 ms  471 ms  439 ms
12 (  469 ms  386 ms  386 ms
13 (  381 ms *  465 ms
14  * * *

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't address groups such as 192.168 and 44.0
considered "private" nets and technically aren't supposed to be routed via
internet? Even if they were, the docs clearly state that is
for "testing" and is not to be assigned. AND, why does the rest of the world
know to route to, yet doesn't have it?
My local net just happens to be 44.26.1see what the problem is now?

Like I've been saying, I'm neither a programmer nor a seasoned net
professional. As such, I need a bit more "1-2-3..." guidance than some
of you. I'm sure by the posts I see here that there are many more "Linux
Newbies", new hams, hams new to packet and just plain old dumb hams like myself
that would be more inclined to get heavily into ax.25 networking, instead of
turned off, if it weren't for the lack of simplistic docs and negative
responses from a few vocal, but harsh, hams-in-the-know. 

I have a myriad of great ideas, application deviations and enthusiasm for
amateur packet. I also have a great deal of real-world RF experiences to
share and relate to after being a broadcast engineer, microwave maintenance
technician and been doing packet radio almost since it's inception. I
would happily toss Linux ax.25 stuff for DOS or Windows if those platforms
offerings would suit my needs.  

I have the greatest respect and admiration for all the programmers and
individuals who have made Linux what it is. I'm continually bafflled by the
responses some programmers and "experts" give to reasonable questions from
folks who don't quite have the same level of understanding, experience or
education as they.

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread James S. Kaplan KG7FU

Thanks for the nice reply Nate!

Yes, I'd like to see your config files. You can replace hostnames,
and ip's, etc with bogus info for security if you like.

Like I've stated before, I'm no geniusso I need a bit
more explicit instructions as well as some working examples. Every
installation is unique so those configs help when the supplied
defaults and docs don't work.


On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Also, let me know and I'll send you copies of my old config files.

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread Nate Bargmann

Hi James.

I wish I could offer my time tested and bulletproof solution, but I
never deleved into Sendmail further than getting it to route my local
and ISP mail  correctly.  Perhaps my config files might give you
some ideas.

Just this last week I found something in my old Slackware '96 that 
wasn't Y2K compliant.  On 11 January Sendmail (8.8.8) began reporting
name server lookup failures on my ISP's mail server.  Everything
thing else worked fine and my ISP mail was delivered fine, but outgoing
SMTP mail simply stopped working.  So, rather than fight it I switched
this box over to Debian Slink (2.1) to match my laptop and quit
fighting the subtle differences between the two.

At this point I haven't delved into the default Debian MTA Exim further
than getting local mail routed and having my ISP mail routed correctly.
It looks to be an easier program to learn than Sendmail, and I'll have
to start working with it once things settle down from the OS switch (still
getting my favorite apps back and running in the new glibc env).

Btw, if you're interested, I have a copy of O'Reilly's Sendmail book (a.k.a.
"the bat book") I purchased in late '98.  It covers up to version 8.8.7 I
think and seemed current for 8.8.8.  Although I understand some config
methods have changed with 8.9.x I'd bet it would still be close enough
to be useful along with docs from the sendmail site outlining the changes.
I used a highlighter on it in a few places and made some notes in pencil
in it, but not too many otherwise it is in excellent condition (hasn't been
dunked in coffee!).  I'd be happy to part with it for half of new price if 
it'd be useful to you.

Also, let me know and I'll send you copies of my old config files.

73, de Nate >>


 Packet   | N0NB @ WF0A.#SCKS.KS.USA.NOAM   | "None can love freedom
 Internet | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | heartily, but good
 Location | Wichita, Kansas USA EM17hs  | men; the rest love not
   Wichita area exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | freedom, but license."   | -- John Milton

Re: Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread Terry Dawson

On 18 Jan, James S. Kaplan wrote:

> 1) sendmail is tough to configure!! I need in/out tcp mail to the
> net/lan AND very much desire
> and pbbs smtp mail in and out. I've looked and zmail (I
> think!) and mailgw and am not impressed
> with the documentation. In other words, it seems like the others have
> their issues and configuration difficulties just like sendmail.

If sendmail is too tough, try 'exim' or 'postfix'. They're both quite
powerful, and easier than sendmail to configure.

> 2) Along the same lines, my old firewall worked just fine with 2.0.3x
> kernels. With the change, some new hardware and new libs, etc I'm
> running 2.2.x (ipchains, etc). The AX.25 HOW-TO is fairly out-of-date
> and lacking some details in discussing firewalls, ip forwarding and
> "bridging" amprnet radio stuff to/from ethernet/internet. Is anyone
> doing similar work, ie: many services on one box? Routing is a bear

The AX25-HOWTO was never going to cover that material. It is adequately
covered in other HOWTO documents. Try the Networking and IP-Chains

> sometimes and unfortunately, my dns has an illegal entry for
> and my addresses are 44.26.1.x!! (Actually,
> shows up in the amprnet listing at!!!) Is there a solution
> for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?

The domain.txt file, I think (it's been a good number of years since I
ran NOS) is just the equivalent of the /etc/hosts file.

I personally think you'd be better off fixing the actual problem though
(the DNS problem or whatever it actually is) than naiively working
around it with manual name->address mappings.



Subject: sendmail + masq/ipfw solutions for multi-user system?

2000-01-18 Thread James S. Kaplan

As the available tools for Linux Hams increases, so does the
complexity of the

I am running several Linux pc's for a variety of services, some ax.25
and some supporting
our lan (firewall, etc.). I need to consolidate two of the servers and
am running into some configuration issues.

1) sendmail is tough to configure!! I need in/out tcp mail to the
net/lan AND very much desire and pbbs smtp mail in and out. I've looked and zmail (I
think!) and mailgw and am not impressed
with the documentation. In other words, it seems like the others have
their issues and configuration difficulties just like sendmail.

Has anyone a similar situation and can share some tips or
cinfiguration files/scripts/etc? Is there another
solution out there for the "small network"? We run 6 workstations and
don't need something grossly overdone.

2) Along the same lines, my old firewall worked just fine with 2.0.3x
kernels. With the change, some new hardware and new libs, etc I'm
running 2.2.x (ipchains, etc). The AX.25 HOW-TO is fairly out-of-date
and lacking some details in discussing firewalls, ip forwarding and
"bridging" amprnet radio stuff to/from ethernet/internet. Is anyone
doing similar work, ie: many services on one box? Routing is a bear
sometimes and unfortunately, my dns has an illegal entry for and my addresses are 44.26.1.x!! (Actually,
shows up in the amprnet listing at!!!) Is there a solution
for ampr name lookups like the old ka9q domain.txt file?

3) We have a few Windows workstations and I use QVTNet 4.0 (ansi
terminal emulator) to telnet
over to the various Linux pc's. the vt220 terminfo is lacking in the
keymapping department. Has anyone any experience in building a
terminfo entry or can suggest one that allows such keys as BS AND DEL,
PageUP/DN, F9-12, etc?

I'm a diehard SuSE fan, running 6.3b2 right now (waiting for the
release version to come in the mail
so I can review it for the Eugene Linux User's Group!). The primary
ham server is running two netrom nodes, CLX, apache, ftp, telnet and
shell. Eventually I'll add FBB or DPBOX to the mix. The net server
also runs apache, ftp, telnet etc. I need to combine the two, get
sendmail working for ampr addresses and
resolve my ethernet<>amprnet routing issues.

Any hints, help and suggestions (besides reading OLD man pages and
HOW-TO's  :+) greatly appreciated. Beer/and/or pizza certificates
could be arranged if I get this done this week!

Thanks in advance.


James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?