Re: I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text [FIXED]

2024-03-08 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 8 Mar 2024, Kornel Benko wrote:

Give it more space at the bottom. Selecting 1in (instead of 0.5in) cures it 


How interesting. It works here, too. Without the separating lines, but
that's okay.

Thanks very much,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text

2024-03-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Rich Shepard wrote:

Now, I'm getting build errors (after hitting a LyX bug that was not
explained, but crashed the application.)

Build errors eliminated by re-installing TeXLive2023 from its last update in
October 2023. But, still have the header/footer issue.

Attached is lee-mwe.lyx. It has paper format USletter, page layout style
plain, two-sided printing, and language encoding unicode (UTF8) which
removed the error messages while producing pdflatex output because, for some
reason, latin9 language encoding seems to be hard-wired into all documents.

As a KOMA-Script report using \pagestyle[scrheadings] with the header and
footer text specified only the header text (and no separating horizontal
line) is in the output. All this used to put the header and footer text, and
the page number in the footer center, with separating lines.

Where do I look for the reason it stopped working?

Rich#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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General information

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Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

Re: I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text

2024-03-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Rich Shepard wrote:

Well! I'll be. Yes, that was the problem. Perhaps because the original
margins I set were for letter size pages, not executive, and were too
large for the smaller text area. Think I'll change the paper size back to

Unfortunately, that fixed providing header and footer text and page numbers
but greatly increased the margins. BTW, this doc was letter size to begin;
using default margins the text area was very small. Setting the margins to
0.5 in (and inner to 0.75 in) provided the expected text area size. When
trying to compile the MWE with lipsum[] text is when the error appeared.

Now, I'm getting build errors (after hitting a LyX bug that was not
explained, but crashed the application.)

Copies of mwe.lyx and the mwe-error.log attached.

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This is a long title:
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It covers two lines

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And this is a subtitle

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\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Chapter

\begin_layout Section

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This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.25 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded 
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Re: I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text [FIXED]

2024-03-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Mar 2024, Kornel Benko wrote:

Document->Settings...->Page Margins->Default margins
shows the page numbering. So something in your settings is wrong.
Just my 2 cents.


Well! I'll be. Yes, that was the problem. Perhaps because the original
margins I set were for letter size pages, not executive, and were too large
for the smaller text area. Think I'll change the paper size back to letter.

Many thanks!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text

2024-03-06 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 6 Mar 2024, Rich Shepard wrote:

I don't see where the page number should be defined. Attached is a similar
document from last May. The page layout style is 'plain' and the preamble
contains this:
\lehead{Biological Evaluation}
\rohead{Biological Evaluation}
\refoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}
\lofoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}

When I print page 2 of that document the header text, footer text, and page
number all appear with horizontal lines separating them from the text area.
See attached,

Well, I'm totally confused. I saved this document as mwe2.lyx, stripped all
but the first page, added the lipsum package, saved, and compiled. Now this
mwe2.pdf has the header text but only a horizontal line at the footer.
mwe2.lyx attached.

This all used to work and I've no idea what's changed. I do need to get this
resolved ASAP as I have a client who needs to submit these docs to
regulators for permit approvals.

BTW, reading the KOMA-Script manual from a year ago I don't see what's


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text

2024-03-06 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 6 Mar 2024, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:

You redefined all the headings and footers and didn't include the page


I don't see where the page number should be defined. Attached is a similar
document from last May. The page layout style is 'plain' and the preamble
contains this:
\lehead{Biological Evaluation}
\rohead{Biological Evaluation}
\refoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}
\lofoot{Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC}

When I print page 2 of that document the header text, footer text, and page
number all appear with horizontal lines separating them from the text area.
See attached,

In the MWE the page layout is the same (plain) and I added the
automark*{Section} to the preamble. But only the header text (no separating
horizontal line) appears.

Where else might there be a difference? I'm not seeing it in the settings.



Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

I FUBAR'd preamble: no page numbers or footer text

2024-03-06 Thread Rich Shepard

I don't know how I managed to FUBAR my preamble setting so there are no page
numbers or footer text. But I did. :-(

Attached is a MWE.

Please show me what I did wrong because this is affecting many docs.


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lyx-users mailing list

Re: Solved, Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Daniel

On 2021-12-01 03:34, Melvin Bolton wrote:
Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with 
the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had 
placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick 
was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last 
word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page 
numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in 
Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.

Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't 
know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.

Thank you again


Great that it worked!

Just for completeness, I attach your test document with the changes I 
mentioned earlier.

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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Plain Layout



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\begin_layout Standard
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\size huge

\begin_inset VSpace 2cm*


\begin_layout Standard
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\begin_layout Standard
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\begin_layout Standard
copyright details 

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\begin_inset VSpace smallskip*


\begin_layout Standard
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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset VSpace smallskip*


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\begin_layout Chapter

\begin_layout Standard
Russel Strickland had never known real poverty, and 

Re: Solved, Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread John White
Now that you have our curiosity up, perhaps you might show us where we could 
find a 
synopsis of your book.  Who knows.  You might make a sale or two.

On Tuesday, November 30, 2021 6:34:50 PM PST Melvin Bolton wrote:
> Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with
> the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had
> placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick
> was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last
> word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page
> numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in
> Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.
> Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't
> know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.
> Thank you again
> Melvin
> I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without needing
> to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what should be a
> simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.
> My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page numbers
> in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the first page of
> each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by Lyx as a special
> environment.
> I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as I'd
> done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the footer
> as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first page of
> each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few commands in the
> preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got compilation errors. I've
> cleared the preamble.
> I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which
> centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages of
> chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle set
> to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter footers
> are not accessible, except for first page.
> In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the
> following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}
> The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there and
> have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there were
> Roman numerals there to begin with.
> Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of
> corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.
> I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise
> instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I
> really am an old novice.
> Thank you
> Melvin

lyx-users mailing list

Solved, Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Melvin Bolton
Thank you to everybody who offered suggestions and tried to help with 
the problem described below. It steered me towards the ERT that I had 
placed immediately before the first chapter. What finally did the trick 
was to repeat the ERT \pagestyle {plain}  in the text, after the last 
word (as printed in output) of Chapter 1, page 1. After that, the page 
numbers appeared on every page footer in all 18 chapters, centred in 
Standard Class, and in the outers when I switched back to Koma.

Perhaps this simply countered an earlier error of some sort. I don't 
know but I hope this snippet will prove helpful to others at some point.

Thank you again


I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without needing 
to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what should be a 
simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page numbers 
in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the first page of 
each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by Lyx as a special 
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as I'd 
done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the footer 
as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first page of 
each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few commands in the 
preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got compilation errors. I've 
cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which 
centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages of 
chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle set 
to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter footers 
are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there and 
have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there were 
Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I 
really am an old novice.

Thank you


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Steve Litt
Melvin Bolton said on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 10:00:54 +1000

>My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page
>numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the
>first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by
>Lyx as a special environment.

Hi Melvin,

I might have given you wrong info on my last response when I said your
\fancy was working as designed. It turns out that *my* \fancy used the
techniques, that I suggested for you, to strongarm page numbers to the
top on non-chapter pages.

If you haven't already solved this, I'd suggest you do a few
experiments with page margins and foot-sep to make sure your page
numbers aren't printing below the document.


Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Steve Litt
Melvin Bolton said on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 10:00:54 +1000

>I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without
>needing to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what
>should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.
>My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page
>numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the
>first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by
>Lyx as a special environment.
>I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as
>I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the
>footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first
>page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few
>commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got
>compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.
>I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which 
>centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages
>of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle
>set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter
>footers are not accessible, except for first page.

Hmm, on my book fancy produces the page number in the footer of new
chapter pages, and the header on all other pages. So at least for
Standard Class (Book), it's behaving as designed.

Sometimes changing Document Class isn't enough, or is a bad move[1].
Sometimes you need to use a layout file to develop your own Document
Class, based on an existing one (I always base mine on LyX Standard
Class (Book) because less unpleasant surprises).

I wrote an article about making your headers and footers do *whatever*
you want. If you want page numbers at the bottom, you can do so with
your layout file. Here's the article:

Before going to all that trouble, make sure there's not a CTAN package
(not a document class, just a package) you can download to put the page
numbers on the bottom without further side effects. There are three
times more CTAN packages than stars in the universe, so it's likely
such a thing exists, *if* you can find it. But if you can't find it,
don't despair; you can always strongarm it as shown in the preceding

>In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
>following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

Anything's possible, but that shouldn't matter.

>The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there
>and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there
>were Roman numerals there to begin with.

You might or might not need to tweak your layout file to *prevent* the
page numbers from printing at the bottom of your \frontmatter pages
after making the changes.

[1] Much too often, people recommend changing your document class to
achieve one feature. Invariably, that new class lacks some needed
features of the first one. I'm not sure if it's Koma or Memoir, but
one of them clashes with \hyperref, requiring all sorts of hoop
jumping. In my opinion, the document class should be chosen based
on the overall look you want to achieve, and then tweak the rest of
the features you absolutely need "your way". Also, if you intend to
write multiple books, I'd suggest choosing one and becoming an
expert at it.


Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Dienstag, dem 30.11.2021 um 10:51 +0100 schrieb Daniel:
> Try removing the centering from the ERT with
> \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}
> That seems to mess things up, probably because pagestyle is then in
> an environment?!?

What was meant was probably \thispagestyle{plain} (which removes
pagination only for the current page) rather than \pagestyle{plain}
(which removes pagination on all following pages until further notice).


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 11/30/21 4:51 AM, Daniel wrote:

On 30/11/2021 08:08, Melvin Bolton wrote:

Hello Paul

Thank you for your response. I've cut the Lyx document down to the 
few first pages, and am also attaching the pdf output from it. You 
will see one entry in the preamble that reverses the odd/even pages. 
Without this, the right side (recto) pages show the left page 
margins, but the numbering problem remains, with or without that 
entry in the preamble.


On 30/11/2021 10:44, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 11/29/21 7:00 PM, Melvin Bolton wrote:
I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without 
needing to trouble anybody for help, but I'm now baffled by what 
should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page 
numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the 
first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by 
Lyx as a special environment.
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' 
as I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end 
of the footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on 
the first page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting 
a few commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got 
compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', 
which centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on 
first pages of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I 
tried pagestyle set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as 
though chapter footers are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers 
there and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has 
worked; there were Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. 
I really am an old novice.

Thank you

Hi Melvin,

Try removing the centering from the ERT with

\mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

That seems to mess things up, probably because pagestyle is then in an 
environment?!? (Also, I think you can skip \setcounter{page}{1} 
because \mainmatter should take care of that and you can switch back 
to the KOMA-script book class.)


Confirmed. Good catch!


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-30 Thread Daniel

On 30/11/2021 08:08, Melvin Bolton wrote:

Hello Paul

Thank you for your response. I've cut the Lyx document down to the few 
first pages, and am also attaching the pdf output from it. You will see 
one entry in the preamble that reverses the odd/even pages. Without 
this, the right side (recto) pages show the left page margins, but the 
numbering problem remains, with or without that entry in the preamble.


On 30/11/2021 10:44, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

On 11/29/21 7:00 PM, Melvin Bolton wrote:
I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without 
needing to trouble anybody for help, but I'm now baffled by what 
should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page 
numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the 
first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by 
Lyx as a special environment.
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as 
I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the 
footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the 
first page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few 
commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got 
compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', 
which centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first 
pages of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried 
pagestyle set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though 
chapter footers are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there 
and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there 
were Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I 
really am an old novice.

Thank you

Hi Melvin,

Try removing the centering from the ERT with

\mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

That seems to mess things up, probably because pagestyle is then in an 
environment?!? (Also, I think you can skip \setcounter{page}{1} because 
\mainmatter should take care of that and you can switch back to the 
KOMA-script book class.)


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-29 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 11/29/21 7:00 PM, Melvin Bolton wrote:
I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without 
needing to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what 
should be a simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page 
numbers in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the 
first page of each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by 
Lyx as a special environment.
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as 
I'd done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the 
footer as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first 
page of each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few 
commands in the preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got 
compilation errors. I've cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which 
centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages 
of chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle 
set to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter 
footers are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there 
and have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there 
were Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I 
really am an old novice.

Thank you


I think we will need a minimal example (MWE) of this to diagnose. The 
LyX file should be self-contained if possible, so you try cutting out 
illustrations and other external matter. If the contents is not for our 
eyes, feel free to substitute "blah blah blah" or whatever, so long as 
when you compile the MWE the page numbers remain buggered.


lyx-users mailing list

Page numbers not showing in place

2021-11-29 Thread Melvin Bolton
I have in the past completed a lengthy book, using Lyx,  without needing 
to trouble anybody for help,  but I'm now baffled by what should be a 
simple, basic task and I have no idea what to try next.

My problem is that the pagestyle settings that should place page numbers 
in the footer, are showing them in the output only on the first page of 
each chapter, which the User Guide says is treated by Lyx as a special 
I began with KOMA-Script ( scrbook) with pagestyle set to 'plain' as I'd 
done previously. This places page numbers in the outer end of the footer 
as I prefer them. When I found them only appearing on the first page of 
each chapter I searched online and tried pasting a few commands in the 
preamble but nothing helped and mostly I got compilation errors. I've 
cleared the preamble.

I tried Lyx Standard Class (Book) with pagestyle set to 'plain', which 
centred the page numbers as it should, but still only on first pages of 
chapters. Neither was there any improvement after I tried pagestyle set 
to 'fancy' and tried to customize that. It's as though chapter footers 
are not accessible, except for first page.

In my document, immediately before the first chapter, I have the 
following ERT:  \mainmatter\pagestyle{plain} \setcounter{page}{1}

The frontmatter is fine because I have don't want page numbers there and 
have pagestyle set to 'empty.' That, at least, has worked; there were 
Roman numerals there to begin with.
Finally, I did a reinstallation of Lyx (ver. in case of 
corruption, (apparently not) and I'm now out of ideas.

I shall be truly grateful for any help, but I will need precise 
instruction if I am to paste commands correctly into the preamble. I 
really am an old novice.

Thank you


lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script Report: page numbers not displaying

2021-10-07 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

Revision Control is your friend :-)-O


On 2021-10-08 03:06 , Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 8 Oct 2021, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

I think, if you use one of these you must make appropriate definitions for
the headers/footers lest nothing is being the default.

However, when using Koma Script I set

Document -> Settings... -> Page Layout -> Page Style: Default

and in the preamble I put something something like


I, too, have used the default page style.

I think that I inadvertenty removed all the header information from the
preamble. That's probably the cause.

I'll make sure that the preamble is restored and that should solve the

Thanks for the reminder and stay well,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script Report: page numbers not displaying

2021-10-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 8 Oct 2021, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

I think, if you use one of these you must make appropriate definitions for
the headers/footers lest nothing is being the default.

However, when using Koma Script I set

Document -> Settings... -> Page Layout -> Page Style: Default

and in the preamble I put something something like


I, too, have used the default page style.

I think that I inadvertenty removed all the header information from the
preamble. That's probably the cause.

I'll make sure that the preamble is restored and that should solve the

Thanks for the reminder and stay well,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script Report: page numbers not displaying

2021-10-07 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse


I think, if you use one of these you must make appropriate definitions
for the headers/footers lest nothing is being the default.

However, when using Koma Script I set

Document -> Settings... -> Page Layout -> Page Style: Default

and in the preamble I put something something like


\lofoot{Title of the Book}
\rofoot{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}

You then want to download and peruse

because scrlayer-scrpage offers much finer control over headers and
footers and I have forgotten what automark does :-)-O

greetings, el

On 2021-10-08 00:04 , Rich Shepard wrote:

I must have broken something and haven't identified what broke.

In Settings -> Page layout I've changed the page style from 'default' to
'header' and 'fancy' and none has the pages numbered when I compile the
document using pdflatex.

My web search finds help on removing page numbers and the wiki page on page
numbering, but I've not seen why they're not appearing in this document.

A clue stick is needed.



lyx-users mailing list

KOMA-Script Report: page numbers not displaying

2021-10-07 Thread Rich Shepard

I must have broken something and haven't identified what broke.

In Settings -> Page layout I've changed the page style from 'default' to
'header' and 'fancy' and none has the pages numbered when I compile the
document using pdflatex.

My web search finds help on removing page numbers and the wiki page on page
numbering, but I've not seen why they're not appearing in this document.

A clue stick is needed.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Renumbering a page FUBARs all page numbers [RESOLVED]

2019-07-01 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 1 Jul 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:

Still need to figure out where to put the \setcounter{page}{nn} so the ToC
is correct.

Found the solution. Originally, I put the ERT in front of the chapter title.
Putting it on a new line after the chapter title results in correct page
numbering in the ToC and on pages.

Another valuable lesson learned.


Re: Renumbering a page FUBARs all page numbers

2019-07-01 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 1 Jul 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:

After adding \setnumber{page}{nn} in front of two Appendices/Chapters to
leave room for added PDF docs the pdflatex ToC pages started with 141 rather
than 1.

After removing those two ERT commands pagination now begins at 7.

Oh, duh! That's because the ToC, LoF, and LoT are on pages 1-6. Mea culpa!

Still need to figure out where to put the \setcounter{page}{nn} so the ToC
is correct.


Renumbering a page FUBARs all page numbers

2019-07-01 Thread Rich Shepard

After adding \setnumber{page}{nn} in front of two Appendices/Chapters to
leave room for added PDF docs the pdflatex ToC pages started with 141 rather
than 1.

After removing those two ERT commands pagination now begins at 7.

Where should I look to figure out why these two unexpected results occurred?

Help needed as I need to get this report to a client ASAP.



Re: Set new page numbers for ToC

2019-07-01 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 1 Jul 2019, Axel Dessecker wrote:

You may insert a specific page number on any page by using
\setcounter{page} {XXX} as ERT.


Thank you. I was about to respond with this solution myself as I found the
answer in The LaTeX Companion.



Re: Set new page numbers for ToC

2019-07-01 Thread Axel Dessecker

You may insert a specific page number on any page by using \setcounter{page}
{XXX} as ERT.


Am Montag, 1. Juli 2019, 18:09:28 CEST schrieb Rich Shepard:
> The report I'm preparing has several multipage appendices. Rather than
> bursting the PDFs into single pages and inserting then sequentially as
> graphic inserts I want to insert them as separate documents into the final
> document using pdftk. The ToC should have the correct page number for each
> appendix (even if the pages within it are unnumbered).
> What is the LaTeX command to insert a specific page number for the
> Appendix/Chapter page?
> TIA,
> Rich

Set new page numbers for ToC

2019-07-01 Thread Rich Shepard

The report I'm preparing has several multipage appendices. Rather than
bursting the PDFs into single pages and inserting then sequentially as
graphic inserts I want to insert them as separate documents into the final
document using pdftk. The ToC should have the correct page number for each
appendix (even if the pages within it are unnumbered).

What is the LaTeX command to insert a specific page number for the
Appendix/Chapter page?



Can no longer output bolded index page numbers

2016-10-11 Thread Richard Opheim
I've noticed that since I recently installed version 2.2.1, "|textbf"
inserted in an index entry no longer produces bolded page numbers in the
index. Has anyone else had this problem?

Richard Opheim
P.O. Box 2261 Arizona City, AZ 85123
Cell: (1) 206-965-0564
Skype name: richard.opheim

Self-publishing Consultant
Editing---Layout---Musical Scores---Images---Kindle conversion

website URL:

self-publishing faq:
 https:/ <>

publishing tasks:

marketing techniques:

Japanese translation & consulting:


"I [don't believe in God] . . . But the God I don't believe in is a good
God, a just God, a merciful God. He's not the mean and stupid God you make
Him out to be."
~Lt. Scheisskopf's wife in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller

Re: Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-11 Thread Helge Hafting

Den 09. okt. 2016 19:00, skrev N. Andrew Walsh:

Hi List,

I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the 
bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to 
have some citations give the specific page on which the cited material 
appears. Is there a way to do this?

Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to 
add a page number, but this results in the output document simple 
showing that text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.

What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page 
ranges of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is 
given in the "Text after" field, to use that instead.

Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I 

There is the option of having several bibliography entries for the same 
article; all citing with different pages or page ranges. Unless someone 
else has a better solution.

Helge Hafting

Re: Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-10 Thread Michael Berger

On 10/09/2016 09:00 PM, N. Andrew Walsh wrote:

Hi List,

I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the 
bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to 
have some citations give the specific page on which the cited material 
appears. Is there a way to do this?

Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to 
add a page number, but this results in the output document simple 
showing that text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.

What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page 
ranges of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is 
given in the "Text after" field, to use that instead.

Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I 



Hi Andrew,
are you using Kbibtex, the bibtex editor for KDE (or another respective 


Re: Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-09 Thread N. Andrew Walsh
Hi John,

thanks for your reply. I'm using biblatex-chicago, which prints the full
citation in the first instance, and then an abbreviated one on subsequent
instances. Problem is, some citations' entries have page ranges in them
already; what I want to do is add a single page number in the "Text after"
field (or by some other means, such as using Lyx code), and have this
override the page(s) given in the citation entry.

In there a way to do this? Failing that, there's something weird about how
Lyx is handling material in the "Text after" field for citation entries
which already specify a page range in the bibtex entry, in that it only
outputs something like '[35]bibtexkey' in the pdf output.

Thanks for the help.



On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 10:21 PM, John Kane  wrote:

> What bibliographic style are you using.  I use apacite (Natbib: Author
> Year) and it seems to do exactly what you want if I understand correctly.
> Are you using a numered style perhaps/
> On 9 October 2016 at 15:00, N. Andrew Walsh 
> wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the
>> bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to have
>> some citations give the specific page on which the cited material appears.
>> Is there a way to do this?
>> Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to add
>> a page number, but this results in the output document simple showing that
>> text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.
>> What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page ranges
>> of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is given in the
>> "Text after" field, to use that instead.
>> Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I
>> want?
>> Cheers,
>> Andrew
> --
> John Kane
> Kingston ON Canada

Page numbers override in citations

2016-10-09 Thread N. Andrew Walsh
Hi List,

I have numerous bibliography entries of articles that are given in the
bibliography with their respective page ranges. However, I want to have
some citations give the specific page on which the cited material appears.
Is there a way to do this?

Currently, I'm using the "Text after" field in the citation dialog to add a
page number, but this results in the output document simple showing that
text in brackets before the unprocessed bibtex key.

What I would prefer is if the citations would either give the page ranges
of the entry for the first entry, or, if a number[-range] is given in the
"Text after" field, to use that instead.

Or is there a better way to control this behavior and get the output I want?



Re: Fwd: two indexes: one has black and the other blue page numbers

2016-09-24 Thread Michael Berger

On 09/24/2016 01:01 PM, Michael Berger wrote:

Dear Jürgen,

tough struggle but in the end just GREAT!



On 09/24/2016 12:13 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Taking back to the list, since others might be interested as well what
the problem is.

(Michael wrote me in PM that the problem persists with the most recent
modules for 2.1.)

It turns out the problem is that fixme needs to be loaded before
hyperref. This is what LyX 2.2 does, but LyX 2.1 can't do (since fixme
is not yet integrated).

In LyX 2.1, if you need to use fixme in this context, the only
workaround is to disable "PDF Support" in Document > Settings and load
hyperref manually in the preamble.

See attached file.


Dear Jürgen,

this works very well in a number of my documents.

But the thesis I am currently working on also needs the bibtoc package,
When applying this workaround I get:

Latex Error: Missing \begin{document}
Latex Error: Option clash for package hyperref
Description: \usepackage{bibtopic}

As much as I hate to bother you again I dare ask if you could fix this 
too? ;-)


Re: Fwd: two indexes: one has black and the other blue page numbers

2016-09-24 Thread Michael Berger

Dear Jürgen,

tough struggle but in the end just GREAT!



On 09/24/2016 12:13 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Taking back to the list, since others might be interested as well what
the problem is.

(Michael wrote me in PM that the problem persists with the most recent
modules for 2.1.)

It turns out the problem is that fixme needs to be loaded before
hyperref. This is what LyX 2.2 does, but LyX 2.1 can't do (since fixme
is not yet integrated).

In LyX 2.1, if you need to use fixme in this context, the only
workaround is to disable "PDF Support" in Document > Settings and load
hyperref manually in the preamble.

See attached file.


Re: Fwd: two indexes: one has black and the other blue page numbers

2016-09-23 Thread Michael Berger

On 09/22/2016 08:22 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 22.09.2016, 05:08 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:

Dear Jürgen,
talking to an expert always rewards - in one way or another.
In the course of making the mini file 'less complex' I removed all
loaded modules except 'Linguistics'.
And that solved the problem. Loading the module FiXme again had the
problem return.
Removing FiXme in my real document solved the problem there as well.

I found 'fixme.sty ... modified 28.01.2013' - is this of relevance?

Maybe, but as long as you do not provide a real minimal example, I
cannot really help.


Thanks again and cheers!

Dear Jürgen,
I trust this new mini example will serve your purpose.
It is on Koma-Script Article and not on classicthesis.
However, its behavior is identical - removing the module 'FiXme' 
produces a correct PDF output with colored page numbers in both index lists.

Thanks and cheers!

Description: application/lyx

Re: Fwd: two indexes: one has black and the other blue page numbers

2016-09-21 Thread Michael Berger

On 09/21/2016 05:29 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Mittwoch, den 21.09.2016, 17:05 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:

Dear jürgen,
thanks for being prepared to look into this.
Hope this mini file is informative enough.

No, it is not. This file does not compile here, since it requires child
documents and bibliography data that are not included, and it is way
too complex.

Please reduce it to a form that can be compiled, that is really minimal
and exposes the problem. See


I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Dear Jürgen,
talking to an expert always rewards - in one way or another.
In the course of making the mini file 'less complex' I removed all 
loaded modules except 'Linguistics'.
And that solved the problem. Loading the module FiXme again had the 
problem return.

Removing FiXme in my real document solved the problem there as well.

I found 'fixme.sty ... modified 28.01.2013' - is this of relevance?

Thanks again and cheers!

Re: How to keep page header text from crashing into page numbers?

2016-06-28 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:25:20 -0400
Steve Litt  wrote:

> On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:39:43 +0200
> Liviu Andronic  wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:07 AM, Steve Litt
> >  wrote:  
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I'm using LyX 2.1.4, fancyhdr, I've customized even and odd page
> > > headers to report current chapter and current section,
> > > respectively. On even numbered pages, moderate length chapter
> > > names crash into the page number. Short ones right justify away
> > > from the page number, and long ones wrap so that the page number
> > > isn't touched, but moderate length chapter names overwrite the
> > > rightmost digit or two of the page number.   
> > Have you tried Short Titles for the offending headings?
> > 
> > Liviu  
> No, I'd forgotten about that, thanks for reminding me.
> But even so, short names would be coathangering the symptom rather
> than fixing the root cause. Here's why...
> If the line's long enough to wrap, this problem doesn't occur. If it's
> way shorter than the space allotted, this problem doesn't occur. But
> if it's in the middle, the problem occurs. What's happening is that
> the text part of the header, the part that isn't the page number, is
> using too wide a width to word wrap. Let me repeat: Long names aren't
> the problem. Middle length names are the problem.
> That's the root cause. To fix this with short names I'd need to make
> the names extremely short: So short as to be confusing to the reader.
> So, given that, does anyone know a way to get the text part of the
> header to wrap in a smaller width, so it doesn't crash into the page
> number to its left?

Here's how I solved the problem. I changed the following:

\thechapter: #1}}}{}}

to the following:

\thechapter: #1}}}{}}

The 7 tildes (non breaking spaces) guarantee that any chaptername
header text already close to the page number will wrap, and yet shorter
stuff overwrites the page number with blanks, which is like not
overwriting it at all. None of the book's 19 chapters come close to the
chapter name text overwriting any part of the page number.

It's a hack, but it works.

In no way does this preclude me from using Liviu's suggestion of short
names. Instead, it means when I use those short names (thank you
Liviu), for clarity instead of for ultra-clarity.



Steve Litt
June 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

Re: How to keep page header text from crashing into page numbers?

2016-06-28 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 7:25 PM, Steve Litt  wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:39:43 +0200
> Liviu Andronic  wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:07 AM, Steve Litt
>>  wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I'm using LyX 2.1.4, fancyhdr, I've customized even and odd page
>> > headers to report current chapter and current section,
>> > respectively. On even numbered pages, moderate length chapter names
>> > crash into the page number. Short ones right justify away from the
>> > page number, and long ones wrap so that the page number isn't
>> > touched, but moderate length chapter names overwrite the rightmost
>> > digit or two of the page number.
>> Have you tried Short Titles for the offending headings?
>> Liviu
> No, I'd forgotten about that, thanks for reminding me.
> But even so, short names would be coathangering the symptom rather than
> fixing the root cause. Here's why...
> If the line's long enough to wrap, this problem doesn't occur. If it's
> way shorter than the space allotted, this problem doesn't occur. But if
> it's in the middle, the problem occurs. What's happening is that the
> text part of the header, the part that isn't the page number, is using
> too wide a width to word wrap. Let me repeat: Long names aren't the
> problem. Middle length names are the problem.
> That's the root cause. To fix this with short names I'd need to make
> the names extremely short: So short as to be confusing to the reader.
> So, given that, does anyone know a way to get the text part of the
> header to wrap in a smaller width, so it doesn't crash into the page
> number to its left?
I would suggest that this is a good question for . I'd wager you'll find there a LaTeX
expert with a solution within the day (or an already existing question
on this). I would expect this would have to do with some penalty of
sorts either from LaTeX or from fancyhdr.


> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> June 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

Re: How to keep page header text from crashing into page numbers?

2016-06-28 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 28 Jun 2016 13:39:43 +0200
Liviu Andronic  wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:07 AM, Steve Litt
>  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm using LyX 2.1.4, fancyhdr, I've customized even and odd page
> > headers to report current chapter and current section,
> > respectively. On even numbered pages, moderate length chapter names
> > crash into the page number. Short ones right justify away from the
> > page number, and long ones wrap so that the page number isn't
> > touched, but moderate length chapter names overwrite the rightmost
> > digit or two of the page number. 

> Have you tried Short Titles for the offending headings?
> Liviu

No, I'd forgotten about that, thanks for reminding me.

But even so, short names would be coathangering the symptom rather than
fixing the root cause. Here's why...

If the line's long enough to wrap, this problem doesn't occur. If it's
way shorter than the space allotted, this problem doesn't occur. But if
it's in the middle, the problem occurs. What's happening is that the
text part of the header, the part that isn't the page number, is using
too wide a width to word wrap. Let me repeat: Long names aren't the
problem. Middle length names are the problem.

That's the root cause. To fix this with short names I'd need to make
the names extremely short: So short as to be confusing to the reader.

So, given that, does anyone know a way to get the text part of the
header to wrap in a smaller width, so it doesn't crash into the page
number to its left?


Steve Litt
June 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

Re: How to keep page header text from crashing into page numbers?

2016-06-28 Thread Liviu Andronic
On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 3:07 AM, Steve Litt  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using LyX 2.1.4, fancyhdr, I've customized even and odd page
> headers to report current chapter and current section, respectively. On
> even numbered pages, moderate length chapter names crash into the page
> number. Short ones right justify away from the page number, and long
> ones wrap so that the page number isn't touched, but moderate length
> chapter names overwrite the rightmost digit or two of the page number.
Have you tried Short Titles for the offending headings?


> For best rendering on medium sized mobile devices, the paper format is
> 5.5 inches long, and 3.5 inches wide. The margins, all measured in
> inches, are:
> Top: .55
> Bottom: .3
> Inner: .2
> Outer: .2
> Head sep: .2
> Head height: .3
> Foot skip: .1
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> June 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

How to keep page header text from crashing into page numbers?

2016-06-27 Thread Steve Litt
Hi all,

I'm using LyX 2.1.4, fancyhdr, I've customized even and odd page
headers to report current chapter and current section, respectively. On
even numbered pages, moderate length chapter names crash into the page
number. Short ones right justify away from the page number, and long
ones wrap so that the page number isn't touched, but moderate length
chapter names overwrite the rightmost digit or two of the page number.

For best rendering on medium sized mobile devices, the paper format is
5.5 inches long, and 3.5 inches wide. The margins, all measured in
inches, are:

Top: .55
Bottom: .3
Inner: .2
Outer: .2
Head sep: .2
Head height: .3
Foot skip: .1


Steve Litt
June 2016 featured book: Troubleshooting: Why Bother?

Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Michael Berger

Jürgen, you helped once more.
Those nomenclature settings had slipped my mind during my desperate 
struggle for a solution.

Great! Many thanks,

On 04/24/2016 04:11 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 24.04.2016, 16:00 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:

Jürgen, the minifile

Well, in the settings of the nomencl list, you have set:
List indendation: Custom, 11mm

Instead of "Longest Label Width" (which you probably have in your KOMA

So you get what you requested.


Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Sonntag, den 24.04.2016, 16:00 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
> Jürgen, the minifile

Well, in the settings of the nomencl list, you have set:
List indendation: Custom, 11mm

Instead of "Longest Label Width" (which you probably have in your KOMA

So you get what you requested.


Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Michael Berger

Jürgen, the minifile

On 04/24/2016 03:06 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 24.04.2016, 14:24 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:

Yes Jürgen, it is indeed the width of the first column / both columns
each line of the nomenclature table.

In scr the width of the first column nicely increases according to
longest entry and at the same time the width of the second column is
accordingly decreased. A vertical line drawn between the two columns
is straight.

In classicthesis there is no such adjustment as I see it. (neither
other distinct orderly system)

Minimal example file, please.

If I use the proposed code in a classicthesis document, I get the
desired result (see screenshot).


Description: application/crossover-lyx

Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Michael Berger

On 04/24/2016 01:11 PM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Sonntag, den 24.04.2016, 11:45 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:

  Moin Jürgen,

I am very sorry for not making myself clear enough!
Your above code returns what I want in scr classes documents > see
screenshot "ok.png"

But the same code does not quite so in classicthesis documents > see
screenshot "notok.png"

It is hard to guess what is "OK" and what is "not OK" for you just from
the images. Is it the width of the first column in the nomencl table?

In both cases, it is adjusted to the width of the entry, so I do not
actually see a difference (only the "not OK" entry has a longer item).

Yes Jürgen, it is indeed the width of the first column / both columns in 
each line of the nomenclature table.

In scr the width of the first column nicely increases according to its 
longest entry and at the same time the width of the second column is 
accordingly decreased. A vertical line drawn between the two columns it 
is straight.

In classicthesis there is no such adjustment as I see it. (neither any 
other distinct orderly system)
In the first line of  'notok.png'  the text of both columns looks sort 
of "merged", almost like one single sentence. If we try to draw a 
vertical line between the two columns along the entire nomenclature 
table we get a zigzag (the column widths are different in each line of 
the nomenclature).
If you could see the complete nomenclature list you would agree that it 
just looks ugly.

(sorry bothering you over and over again)

Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Sonntag, den 24.04.2016, 11:45 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
>  Moin Jürgen,
> I am very sorry for not making myself clear enough!
> Your above code returns what I want in scr classes documents > see
> screenshot "ok.png"
> But the same code does not quite so in classicthesis documents > see
> screenshot "notok.png"

It is hard to guess what is "OK" and what is "not OK" for you just from
the images. Is it the width of the first column in the nomencl table?

In both cases, it is adjusted to the width of the entry, so I do not
actually see a difference (only the "not OK" entry has a longer item).


Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Michael Berger

On 04/24/2016 09:36 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

... Perhaps somebody could give this problem the final touch!?
I do not understand what you are trying to achieve. In any case, it is
clear that the code you posted above does not produce backlinks, since
it does not use the \hyperpage macro. Also, the dotfill command misses
the backslash.

Maybe this is what you want:


If not, you should explain a bit more what you want.


Moin Jürgen,

I am very sorry for not making myself clear enough!
Your above code returns what I want in scr classes documents > see 
screenshot "ok.png"

But the same code does not quite so in classicthesis documents > see 
screenshot "notok.png"

Would be great if you have a clue for that as well!? :-*

Thanks and cheers, Michael  

Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-24 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag, den 23.04.2016, 17:50 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
>  Thanks Jürgen,
> your code does not only produce colored page numbers but even shows
> the correct colors for each respective document, e. g. RoyalBlue for
> classicthesis:
> a) for KOMA see 'colorsKoma.png'
> b) for classicthesis see 'colorsMiede.png'
> a) the first column adapts its width; using dots or not in-between is
> of less relevance
> b) looks great but the width of the first column appears to be fix
> and in cases overlaps  with the following text; dots are nice but
> should be preceding the text, not following it
> I tried around with
> \def\pagedeclaration#1{dotfill\nobreakspace#1}
> but got either no color or dots in the wrong place.
> Perhaps somebody could give this problem the final touch!?

I do not understand what you are trying to achieve. In any case, it is
clear that the code you posted above does not produce backlinks, since
it does not use the \hyperpage macro. Also, the dotfill command misses
the backslash.

Maybe this is what you want:


If not, you should explain a bit more what you want.


> Best and cheers!
> Michael

Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-23 Thread Michael Berger

On 04/23/2016 10:21 AM, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Samstag, den 23.04.2016, 08:31 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:

Can somebody please, tell me how to effect colored back-referenced
page numbers in my nomenclatures
a) in KOMA documents
b) in classicthesis ?

I have not tested it, but the hyperref README states:

   * Example for introducing links for the page numbers:
   \renewcommand*{\pagedeclaration}[1]{\unskip, \hyperpage{#1}}


Thanks Jürgen,
your code does not only produce colored page numbers but even shows 
thecorrect colors for each respective document, e. g. RoyalBlue for 

a) for KOMA see 'colorsKoma.png'
b) for classicthesis see 'colorsMiede.png'

a) the first column adapts its width; using dots or not in-between is of 
less relevance
b) looks great but the width of the first column appears to be fix andin 
cases overlaps  with the following text; dots are nice but should be 
preceding the text, not following it

I tried around with
but got either no color or dots in the wrong place.

Perhaps somebody could give this problem the final touch!?

Best and cheers!

Re: colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-23 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Samstag, den 23.04.2016, 08:31 +0200 schrieb Michael Berger:
> Hi all,
> a have quite a number of KOMA documents and others based on Miede's 
> classicthesis.
> I see colored referenced page numbers in TOC, lists, figures, index 
> lists, floats, cross references, body text etc. but that numbers in 
> nomenclature remain black.
> Can somebody please, tell me how to effect colored back-referenced
> page 
> numbers too in my nomenclatures
> a) in KOMA documents
> b) in classicthesis ?

I have not tested it, but the hyperref README states:

  * Example for introducing links for the page numbers:
  \renewcommand*{\pagedeclaration}[1]{\unskip, \hyperpage{#1}}


> Regards,
> Michael Berger

colored back-referenced page numbers in a Nomenclature

2016-04-22 Thread Michael Berger

Hi all,
a have quite a number of KOMA documents and others based on Miede's 
I see colored referenced page numbers in TOC, lists, figures, index 
lists, floats, cross references, body text etc. but that numbers in 
nomenclature remain black.
Can somebody please, tell me how to effect colored back-referenced page 
numbers too in my nomenclatures

a) in KOMA documents
b) in classicthesis ?

Michael Berger

how to make hyperref colors to page numbers identical

2016-04-17 Thread Michael Berger

Dear all,
I am writing a document using classicthesis with the following parts:

In the /Table of Contents/ and in the /Index of Linguistic Terms / - the 
referenced page numbers appear in _RoyalBlue_
In the /Index of Names/ and in the /Nomenclature/ - the referenced page 
numbers appear in _black_

All my attempts to change the black referenced page numbers to RoyalBlue 
(which is set in the Hyperreferences section of 
classicthesis-config.tex) failed as well as all the various respective 
entries I tried in the preamble.

If for instance I add to the preamble:

\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue} (or whatever other color)

the RoyalBlue will change to blue whereas the black is not effected.

Can somebody help, please!


Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Ludwig Kräh
> I will do that but cannot find the time right now.
> As a last attempt (not very promising anyway) try this:
> a) change the document class from KOMA-Script report to KOMA-Script article
> b) if not yet done add the Module 'Linguistic' (in this case you will 
> also have to have covington.sty in place)
> c) in the preamble add \usepackage[style=long,nolist]{glossaries}
> Michael

Thank you for your help. Unfortunately this attempt did not work, either.
I will try this solution next
Maybe this works for me.


Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Michael Berger

On 02/16/2016 02:04 PM, Ludwig Kräh wrote:

Ludwig, I am wondering;
My Document Class is KOMA-Script Article like yours.
In Class Options - Custom I have these entries:
paper=A4,fontsize=11pt,idxtotoc,listof=totoc,refpage,prefix=a (this last
entry is for Indexing and of no relevance for a nomenclature)
and that works just fine.
In > Preferences  > Language Settings > Language you may try
Active/Deactivate the 'Set languages globally' and see if that brings a
In my preamble there is not a single line that has to do with
nomenclature (and I think there is no need for it).
BTW, I am using four different languages in my document



I created a new minimal document with the settings you described
but it's still not working. I really don't know what I'm getting wrong here.
Could you perhaps provide a very basic working example?


I will do that but cannot find the time right now.
As a last attempt (not very promising anyway) try this:
a) change the document class from KOMA-Script report to KOMA-Script article
b) if not yet done add the Module 'Linguistic' (in this case you will 
also have to have covington.sty in place)

c) in the preamble add \usepackage[style=long,nolist]{glossaries}


Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Ludwig Kräh
> Ludwig, I am wondering;
> My Document Class is KOMA-Script Article like yours.
> In Class Options - Custom I have these entries:
> paper=A4,fontsize=11pt,idxtotoc,listof=totoc,refpage,prefix=a (this last 
> entry is for Indexing and of no relevance for a nomenclature)
> and that works just fine.
> In > Preferences  > Language Settings > Language you may try 
> Active/Deactivate the 'Set languages globally' and see if that brings a 
> change.
> In my preamble there is not a single line that has to do with 
> nomenclature (and I think there is no need for it).
> BTW, I am using four different languages in my document
> Michael


I created a new minimal document with the settings you described
but it's still not working. I really don't know what I'm getting wrong here.
Could you perhaps provide a very basic working example?


Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Michael Berger

On 02/16/2016 12:24 PM, Ludwig Kräh wrote:

Document Settings > Document Class, in Class Options - Custom add 'refpage'
Your problem should be gone -please confirm.

Hello Michael,

I already tried that one. My custom options are
"liststotoc, bibtotoc, intoc, refpage"
The document class I'm using is report (KOMA-script).


Ludwig, I am wondering;
My Document Class is KOMA-Script Article like yours.
In Class Options - Custom I have these entries:
paper=A4,fontsize=11pt,idxtotoc,listof=totoc,refpage,prefix=a (this last 
entry is for Indexing and of no relevance for a nomenclature)

and that works just fine.
In > Preferences  > Language Settings > Language you may try 
Active/Deactivate the 'Set languages globally' and see if that brings a 
In my preamble there is not a single line that has to do with 
nomenclature (and I think there is no need for it).

BTW, I am using four different languages in my document


Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Ludwig Kräh
> Ludwig,
> Document Settings > Document Class, in Class Options - Custom add 'refpage'
> Your problem should be gone -please confirm.
> Michael

Hello Michael,

I already tried that one. My custom options are
"liststotoc, bibtotoc, intoc, refpage"
The document class I'm using is report (KOMA-script).


Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Michael Berger

On 02/16/2016 10:23 AM, Ludwig Kräh wrote:

Hallo Ludwig,
have you tried > Document > Settings > PDF properties > then activate
'Use Hyperref Support' and in tab Hyperlinks activate Color Links and/or

Good luck,
Michel Berger
PS: after that you may have to remove/alter some of the entries in your

Hallo Michael,

Thank you, I already activated basic hyperref support, but I forgot/missed
that other option. I chose "Backlinks: Page" in the dropdown menu. Now there
are backlinks in my bibliography (which is nice), but still not in the
nomenclature. I did not have to change my preamble, it still works.

Ludwig Kräh

Document Settings > Document Class, in Class Options - Custom add 'refpage'
Your problem should be gone -please confirm.

Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Ludwig Kräh
> Hallo Ludwig,
> have you tried > Document > Settings > PDF properties > then activate 
> 'Use Hyperref Support' and in tab Hyperlinks activate Color Links and/or 
> Backreferences
> Good luck,
> Michel Berger
> PS: after that you may have to remove/alter some of the entries in your 
> preamble

Hallo Michael,

Thank you, I already activated basic hyperref support, but I forgot/missed
that other option. I chose "Backlinks: Page" in the dropdown menu. Now there
are backlinks in my bibliography (which is nice), but still not in the
nomenclature. I did not have to change my preamble, it still works.

Ludwig Kräh

Re: Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Michael Berger

On 02/16/2016 09:30 AM, Ludwig Kräh wrote:

Hello LyX users,

I'm new to LyX and trying out some things. I'm using a nomenclature and now
wondering about the following. How can I automatically add hyperrefs to my
nomenclature entries, which point back to where the name has been used?

It's kind of similar to what this user here asked, but I can't get this
solution to work in LyX.

I already managed to make the page number appear in my language with

\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ (Seite\nobreakspace{}#1)}

but this

\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ \hyperlink{page.#1}{page\nobreakspace#1} }

does not work.

This is my preamble




\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ (Seite\nobreakspace{}#1)}
%Not working
%\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ \hyperlink{page.#1}{page\nobreakspace#1} }


Any ideas?
Thank you very much in advance.

Hallo Ludwig,
have you tried > Document > Settings > PDF properties > then activate 
'Use Hyperref Support' and in tab Hyperlinks activate Color Links and/or 

Good luck,
Michel Berger
PS: after that you may have to remove/alter some of the entries in your 

Adding hyperrefs with page numbers to nomenclature entries

2016-02-16 Thread Ludwig Kräh
Hello LyX users,

I'm new to LyX and trying out some things. I'm using a nomenclature and now
wondering about the following. How can I automatically add hyperrefs to my
nomenclature entries, which point back to where the name has been used?

It's kind of similar to what this user here asked, but I can't get this
solution to work in LyX.

I already managed to make the page number appear in my language with

\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ (Seite\nobreakspace{}#1)}

but this

\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ \hyperlink{page.#1}{page\nobreakspace#1} }

does not work.

This is my preamble




\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ (Seite\nobreakspace{}#1)}
%Not working
%\renewcommand{\pagedeclaration}[1]{ \hyperlink{page.#1}{page\nobreakspace#1} }


Any ideas?
Thank you very much in advance.

Re: no page numbers in PDF printout

2015-05-11 Thread Michael Berger

On 05/11/2015 05:29 PM, Johannes Böttcher wrote:

On 05/11/2015 05:16 PM, Michael Berger wrote:

Hi LyX friends,

> ...
When trying to use Miede's example file "classicthesis-article.lyx" 
the page

numbers can be seen at the bottom of each page but not on the printout.
All attempts to resolve this by experimenting with the Page Margins 
in LyX

Documents Settings failed.


please clarify: you can see the pagenumbers in the pdf compiled with 
the classicthesis example, but not on the printed output?

If so, this might be a printer issue. Have you tried the printer in 
the next office or at home or the printer of a neighbour?

Best regards

Thanks to both of  you Johannes, Charles
you got it right, it works on another printer!
But I should have mentioned that all my other documents do show page 
numbers in PDF printouts except the one I am about to compose.

And both printers are set to A4 Format.
I will find another driver for that stubborn one.
Thanks and Cheers!

Re: no page numbers in PDF printout

2015-05-11 Thread Johannes Böttcher

On 05/11/2015 05:16 PM, Michael Berger wrote:

Hi LyX friends,

> ...

When trying to use Miede's example file "classicthesis-article.lyx" the page
numbers can be seen at the bottom of each page but not on the printout.
All attempts to resolve this by experimenting with the Page Margins in LyX
Documents Settings failed.


please clarify: you can see the pagenumbers in the pdf compiled with the 
classicthesis example, but not on the printed output?

If so, this might be a printer issue. Have you tried the printer in the 
next office or at home or the printer of a neighbour?

Best regards

Re: no page numbers in PDF printout

2015-05-11 Thread Charles de Miramon
It looks like a mismatch between the paper size of your pdf and the one in 
your printer.


no page numbers in PDF printout

2015-05-11 Thread Michael Berger

Hi LyX friends,
over time I produced quite a number of documents including some rather 
complex dissertations using André Miede's "classicthesis-LyX-v4.1" but 
never faced this problem before.
When trying to use Miede's example file "classicthesis-article.lyx" the 
page numbers can be seen at the bottom of each page but not on the printout.
All attempts to resolve this by experimenting with the Page Margins in 
LyX Documents Settings failed.

Any hint how to resolve this problem?

Michael Berger

Michael Berger, Dipl. Ing.
Im Borngrund 7a
D-35606 Solms
Fon: +49 6442 706509
Fax: 032121247536
Linux member

Re: Any way to create catchy page numbers...

2014-04-09 Thread Richard Heck
On 04/08/2014 04:22 PM, Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك 
نورونيا wrote:

... with the number in reverse set against a black background?

What could I use to attain this?

Fancy headers. You can format the page numbers, etc, however you wish. 
If you don't want to go that far, you can redefine the commands that 
typeset the headers or footers. How to do that will depend upon which 
pagestyle you are using. For details on how to define various colors, see
In your case, you'd want to do something like:


Any way to create catchy page numbers...

2014-04-08 Thread Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
... with the number in reverse set against a black background?

What could I use to attain this?

Thanks in advance! FN

FN Phone +91-832-2409490 Mobile +91-9822122436
Blog: The View From My Window

Removal of page numbers from Nomenclature List

2014-01-20 Thread Luke Jones
I'm trying to add a table of abbreviations to my Lyx written thesis.
I have done this by changing the name of nomenclature to "abbreviations" in the 
LAtex preamble.
Ideally I do not want the abbreviations to be cross referenced to their 
position in the thesis -
I just want to have a list of Abbreviations with the page number that they 
occur on.
Is this possible?
Many thanks

Luke Jones MRCS
DPhil Candidate
Botnar Research Centre
Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences
University of Oxford
Windmill Road

07967 374455

Re: Page numbers use fonts of surrounding environments

2013-09-12 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:52:59 +0300
Itai Shaked  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I would
> appreciate it if any one here could help me.
> When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia I have
> noticed some of the page numbers were in different font than others.
> Upon further investigation I have found out that whenever an
> environment (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a page break, the page
> number within would use the font used in that environment (so - the
> specific number would be italic, like a text of a Theorem
> environment).
> This only happens when using non-English language.
> Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
> How would you go further investigating or repairing it?

If I were having this problem, my first step would be to back up the
LyX file for safe keeping, and troubleshoot on copies. My second step
would be to remove all but the first five pages, and see if the problem

Then I'd remove polyglossia and see if the problem persists. If not,
report it to Polyglossia at

Just keep experimenting til you find the root cause, and then use
search engines to see if others have solved that problem. But right now
you don't know if the problem is in LyX, Polyglossia, your TeX/LaTeX
setup, your LyX to PDF conversion, or even your PDF reader. You can
quickly narrow it down.

And remember, when dealing with LyX, never underestimate the power of
the "Minimal Example That Reproduces The Problem".



Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

Re: Page numbers use fonts of surrounding environments

2013-09-12 Thread Itai Shaked
It happens in book and article document classes.

I've tried \normalfont, but it stayed the same. What did help was "
I guess polyglossia somehow disables some of the text style commands, or
replaces them with others?

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:34 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:

>  On 09/12/2013 09:16 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:
> I haven't changed anything in fancy headers.
>  It happens with "plain", "fancy" and "headings" page styles (though with
> "headings" it is the page number on the top of the page that is changed,
> i.e. - not within the environment itself).
>  How do I redefine the way page numbers are printed?
> Use the fancy header package. There's info about how to do it in the LyX
> docs, or you can find the fancy header manual online. Something like:
> \fancyfoot[C]{\normalfont{\thepage}}
> should come close to what you want.
> If you didn't want to use that, in principle, you could redefine the page
> style, or define your own page style. Which document class?
> Richard
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:
>>  On 09/12/2013 04:52 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I would
>>> appreciate it if any one here could help me.
>>> When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia I have
>>> noticed some of the page numbers were in different font than others. Upon
>>> further investigation I have found out that whenever an environment (e.g.
>>> Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a page break, the page number within would use
>>> the font used in that environment (so - the specific number would be
>>> italic, like a text of a Theorem environment).
>>> This only happens when using non-English language.
>>> Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
>>> How would you go further investigating or repairing it?
>>  That is very strange. It is definitely not a LyX bug.
>> I guess the thing to do is to redefine how the page number is being
>> printed. What page style are you using? Did you do anything with the fancy
>> headers business?
>> Richard

Re: Page numbers use fonts of surrounding environments

2013-09-12 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/12/2013 09:16 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:

I haven't changed anything in fancy headers.

It happens with "plain", "fancy" and "headings" page styles (though 
with "headings" it is the page number on the top of the page that is 
changed, i.e. - not within the environment itself).

How do I redefine the way page numbers are printed?

Use the fancy header package. There's info about how to do it in the LyX 
docs, or you can find the fancy header manual online. Something like:

should come close to what you want.

If you didn't want to use that, in principle, you could redefine the 
page style, or define your own page style. Which document class?


On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Richard Heck <>> wrote:

On 09/12/2013 04:52 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:

I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I
would appreciate it if any one here could help me.

When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia
I have noticed some of the page numbers were in different font
than others. Upon further investigation I have found out that
whenever an environment (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a
page break, the page number within would use the font used in
that environment (so - the specific number would be italic,
like a text of a Theorem environment).

This only happens when using non-English language.

Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
How would you go further investigating or repairing it?

That is very strange. It is definitely not a LyX bug.

I guess the thing to do is to redefine how the page number is
being printed. What page style are you using? Did you do anything
with the fancy headers business?


Re: Page numbers use fonts of surrounding environments

2013-09-12 Thread Itai Shaked
I haven't changed anything in fancy headers.

It happens with "plain", "fancy" and "headings" page styles (though with
"headings" it is the page number on the top of the page that is changed,
i.e. - not within the environment itself).

How do I redefine the way page numbers are printed?

On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:

> On 09/12/2013 04:52 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I would
>> appreciate it if any one here could help me.
>> When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia I have
>> noticed some of the page numbers were in different font than others. Upon
>> further investigation I have found out that whenever an environment (e.g.
>> Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a page break, the page number within would use
>> the font used in that environment (so - the specific number would be
>> italic, like a text of a Theorem environment).
>> This only happens when using non-English language.
>> Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
>> How would you go further investigating or repairing it?
> That is very strange. It is definitely not a LyX bug.
> I guess the thing to do is to redefine how the page number is being
> printed. What page style are you using? Did you do anything with the fancy
> headers business?
> Richard

Re: Page numbers use fonts of surrounding environments

2013-09-12 Thread Richard Heck

On 09/12/2013 04:52 AM, Itai Shaked wrote:

I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I would 
appreciate it if any one here could help me.

When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia I have 
noticed some of the page numbers were in different font than others. 
Upon further investigation I have found out that whenever an 
environment (e.g. Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a page break, the page 
number within would use the font used in that environment (so - the 
specific number would be italic, like a text of a Theorem environment).

This only happens when using non-English language.

Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
How would you go further investigating or repairing it?

That is very strange. It is definitely not a LyX bug.

I guess the thing to do is to redefine how the page number is being 
printed. What page style are you using? Did you do anything with the 
fancy headers business?


Page numbers use fonts of surrounding environments

2013-09-12 Thread Itai Shaked
I'm having a problem, which I'm not sure is due to LyX, but I would
appreciate it if any one here could help me.

When writing a document in LyX and using XeTeX and polyglossia I have
noticed some of the page numbers were in different font than others. Upon
further investigation I have found out that whenever an environment (e.g.
Theorem, Lemma, etc.) spans a page break, the page number within would use
the font used in that environment (so - the specific number would be
italic, like a text of a Theorem environment).

This only happens when using non-English language.

Would this be a bug in LyX or polyglossia?
How would you go further investigating or repairing it?


Re: Index does not produce consecutive page numbers

2013-03-07 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 7 Mar 2013 18:19:50 +0100
Jürgen Spitzmüller  wrote:

> 2013/3/7 Greg Carey :
> > Sorry,  Jürgen. I mistyped in the original post.
> >  The actual command is Ids Data set|(
> > Here is the command from the source:
> > \index{Data set|(}\index{Data frame|see \{Data set\}}
> >
> > It still does not work.
> Could you post a small example file?
> Jürgen


Greg, I'm not fully understanding what you currently get and what you
want, so an minimal case example LyX file and its resulting PDF would be

Meanwhile, I once solved what sounds like the opposite problem, here:

This article might give you some ideas on how to solve *your* problem.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

Re: Index does not produce consecutive page numbers

2013-03-07 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013/3/7 Greg Carey :
> Sorry,  Jürgen. I mistyped in the original post.
>  The actual command is Ids Data set|(
> Here is the command from the source:
> \index{Data set|(}\index{Data frame|see \{Data set\}}
> It still does not work.

Could you post a small example file?


> Greg

Re: Index does not produce consecutive page numbers

2013-03-07 Thread Greg Carey
Jürgen Spitzmüller> writes:

> 2013/3/7 Gregory Carey>:
> > The Index that I try to create does not give consecutive page
 ranges when viewing a pdflatex. That is,
> >
> > Idx Data set(|
> >   
> > Idx Data set|)

> Try
> Idx Data set|(
> Idx Data set|)
> Make sure that the I and ( characters (especially the former) are in
> TeX mode (ERT).
> Jürgen

Sorry,  Jürgen. I mistyped in the original post.
 The actual command is Ids Data set|(
Here is the command from the source:
\index{Data set|(}\index{Data frame|see \{Data set\}}

It still does not work. 


Re: Index does not produce consecutive page numbers

2013-03-07 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2013/3/7 Gregory Carey :
> The Index that I try to create does not give consecutive page ranges when 
> viewing a pdflatex. That is,
> Idx Data set(|
> Idx Data set|)
> gives
> Data set,
> in the Index.


Idx Data set|(
Idx Data set|)

Make sure that the I and ( characters (especially the former) are in
TeX mode (ERT).


Index does not produce consecutive page numbers

2013-03-06 Thread Gregory Carey
The Index that I try to create does not give consecutive page ranges when 
viewing a pdflatex. That is,

Idx Data set(|
Idx Data set|)


Data set,

in the Index.

Also the command Idx Data frame|see {Data set} does not produce a listing for 
"Data frame" in the index.
Tried using the xindy processor but that failed to produce an Index at all. 

Help appreciated (am a newbie at this),

My setup:
OS: Mac OS X 10.7.5
Document type: book (more font sizes)
Indexing processor: texindy

Re: In-text citation page numbers?

2013-01-22 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Ray Rashif wrote:
> The text before and after only helps for single citations - they are
> totally useless for multiple citations. For e.g., "p. 12" in the text after
> field meant for the author "Doe" would appear as "Doe, 1992; Gorham, 2003,
> p. 12". The text before and after fields are only for the entire citation
> string - they do not act per citation key. There are hundreds of citations
> in this paper (already has these citations, I just need to add page numbers
> now) so I can't possibly go back and separate out each key.
> Now, is there any other trick to accomplish this?

Not with traditional BibTeX, AFAIK. Biblatex offers so-called "Qualified 
Citation Lists" which do what you want (see sec. 3.7.3 of the biblatex 
manual), but those are not yet natively supported by LyX.

So I fear your only way is to split up those complex citations to single ones.


Re: Page numbers for the bibliography in book(AMS) document class.

2012-03-02 Thread UD
Thanks SO MUCH, Richard-- your little tweak of the chapter* environment 
did the trick!

Ehud Kaplan

On 03/02/2012 12:35 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 03/01/2012 03:56 AM, UD wrote:
On the first page of the chapter the command: 
\thispagestyle{myheadings} puts the page number in the upper right 
corner, but at the beginning of the bibliography that command does 

It probably comes too early or too late. If you put it before the 
bibliography command, it is on the previous page. If after it, it's 
probably on a later page.

I think you probably have to modify the chapter* environment to get 
this to work. This is what I find in amsbook.cls:

  \@afterindenttrue \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}

So I'd try:

  \@afterindenttrue \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}

in the preamble. This will take care of all the chapter pages at once.

If you only want to modify the bibliography page, then the easiest way 
is probably to modify the declaration of the thebibliography environment.



Re: Page numbers for the bibliography in book(AMS) document class.

2012-03-02 Thread Richard Heck

On 03/01/2012 03:56 AM, UD wrote:
On the first page of the chapter the command: 
\thispagestyle{myheadings} puts the page number in the upper right 
corner, but at the beginning of the bibliography that command does 

It probably comes too early or too late. If you put it before the 
bibliography command, it is on the previous page. If after it, it's 
probably on a later page.

I think you probably have to modify the chapter* environment to get this 
to work. This is what I find in amsbook.cls:

  \@afterindenttrue \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}

So I'd try:

  \@afterindenttrue \secdef\@chapter\@schapter}

in the preamble. This will take care of all the chapter pages at once.

If you only want to modify the bibliography page, then the easiest way 
is probably to modify the declaration of the thebibliography environment.


Re: Page numbers for the bibliography in book(AMS) document class.

2012-03-01 Thread UD
On the first page of the chapter the command: \thispagestyle{myheadings} 
puts the page number in the upper right corner, but at the beginning of 
the bibliography that command does nothing

On 02/29/2012 01:41 PM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 02/28/2012 05:18 PM, UD wrote:
Here is a short example.  Subsequent pages of the bibliography have 
their page number in the upper right corner-- only the first page has 
it at the bottom.

Do chapters in AMS books generally put the page number at the bottom 
on the first page of the chapter? It is common to use a different page 
style for the first page of a chapter, and the bibliography is 
generated, I will guess, as a \chapter*. (That's what most books do.)


Ehud Kaplan, Ph.D.
Jules and Doris Stein /Research to Prevent Blindness/ Professor
*Director*, The laboratory of Visual & Computational Neuroscience
*Director*, Center for Excellence in Computational & Systems Neuroscience
/Friedman Brain Institute/
Departments of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology, Structural & Chemical Biology,
The Mount Sinai School of Medicine
One Gustave Levy Place,
NY, NY, 10029

Re: Page numbers for the bibliography in book(AMS) document class.

2012-02-29 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/28/2012 05:18 PM, UD wrote:
Here is a short example.  Subsequent pages of the bibliography have 
their page number in the upper right corner-- only the first page has 
it at the bottom.

Do chapters in AMS books generally put the page number at the bottom on 
the first page of the chapter? It is common to use a different page 
style for the first page of a chapter, and the bibliography is 
generated, I will guess, as a \chapter*. (That's what most books do.)


Re: Page numbers for the bibliography in book(AMS) document class.

2012-02-28 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/28/2012 02:30 PM, UD wrote:

I am using the book(AMS) document class to write a chapter for a book.
The first page of the Bibliography has its page number at
the bottom of the page, rather than in the upper right corner, where 
all the other pages have their numbers.

Using \thispagestyle{headings} did not fix it.

Can you post a small example file?


Page numbers for the bibliography in book(AMS) document class.

2012-02-28 Thread UD

I am using the book(AMS) document class to write a chapter for a book.
The first page of the Bibliography has its page number at
the bottom of the page, rather than in the upper right corner, where all 
the other pages have their numbers.

Using \thispagestyle{headings} did not fix it.
Any ideas?
Ehud Kaplan,

Page numbers in book document class

2012-02-27 Thread UD

I am using the book(AMS) document class to write a chapter for a book.
Almost everything is fine, except for the first page of the 
Bibliography: its page number is at
the bottom of the page, rather than in the upper right corner, where all 
the other pages have their numbers.

Using \thispagestyle{headings} did not fix it.
Any ideas?

Ehud Kaplan,

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-30 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Samstag, 30. Juli 2011 schrieb Dirk Heine:
> Many thanks! It now works. My mistake was that I did not do this
> inserting of the short title for all branches. I only did it for the
> master and that does not work. It is needed for all branches
> individually as well.
> To avoid that anyone else using the thesis template experiences the
> same problems the documents found in Lxy 2.0 under File --> New from
> Template --> Folder "Thesis" hence need this correction. Any idea who
> to contact about this?
> Again many thanks!
> Dirk

Yes, the responsible for patches in branch 2.0 is Richard Heck 
(). I would do it, if I get the permission
from him.

Needed for trunk too BTW.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-30 Thread Dirk Heine
Many thanks! It now works. My mistake was that I did not do this
inserting of the short title for all branches. I only did it for the
master and that does not work. It is needed for all branches
individually as well.

To avoid that anyone else using the thesis template experiences the
same problems the documents found in Lxy 2.0 under File --> New from
Template --> Folder "Thesis" hence need this correction. Any idea who
to contact about this?

Again many thanks!


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:47 PM, Kornel Benko  wrote:
> Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Dirk Heine:
>> Thanks Kornel!
>> Unfortunately the problem persists also after that executing "Insert
>> Short Title". I just tried it with my document and also with a new,
>> clean version of the thesis template to make sure the problem does not
>> arise due to some customisation. In both cases, however, the double
>> page numbering remains.
>> I would be grateful for further advice.
>> Best wishes,
>> Dirk
> They should look like attached.
> Kornel

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Dirk Heine:
> Thanks Kornel!
> Unfortunately the problem persists also after that executing "Insert
> Short Title". I just tried it with my document and also with a new,
> clean version of the thesis template to make sure the problem does not
> arise due to some customisation. In both cases, however, the double
> page numbering remains.
> I would be grateful for further advice.
> Best wishes,
> Dirk

They should look like attached.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Dirk Heine
Thanks Kornel!

Unfortunately the problem persists also after that executing "Insert
Short Title". I just tried it with my document and also with a new,
clean version of the thesis template to make sure the problem does not
arise due to some customisation. In both cases, however, the double
page numbering remains.

I would be grateful for further advice.

Best wishes,


On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Kornel Benko  wrote:
> Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Dirk Heine:
>> Thanks a lot Kornel!
>> Unfortunately I am not entirely sure what do no... I am a bit of a
>> newbie to Lyx and would very much appreciate if you could give your
>> advice once more for dummies.
>> Many thanks!
>> Dirk
> Open your master thesis file in lyx (the one created from thesis-template)
> Search for definition of "Right Footer" (this should be some lines below
> "Dedication, cite from a famous person"
> Right klick on "Right Footer", select "Insert Short Title".
> That's it.
>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Kornel Benko 
>> wrote:
>> > Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Richard Heck:
>> >> On 07/29/2011 06:50 AM, Dirk Heine wrote:
>> >> > Dear list,
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
>> >> >
>> >> > following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
>> >> >
>> >> > style (KOMA):
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
>> >> >
>> >> > one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
>> >> >
>> >> > edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
>> >> >
>> >> > but do not know how. Any help?
>> >>
>> >> Did you do something to try to customize the page numbering or headers?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Richard
>> >
>> > I think, the template is erroneous. (Had the same effect in trunk)
>> >
>> > Definitition of "Left Footer" is ok, but "Right Footer" should have set
>> > the "Short Title" to nothing. (As of now, there is no short title).
>> >
>> > So insert "Short title" in "Right Footer", but let it be empty and you
>> > should be done.
>> >
> Regards
> Kornel

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Dirk Heine:
> Thanks a lot Kornel!
> Unfortunately I am not entirely sure what do no... I am a bit of a
> newbie to Lyx and would very much appreciate if you could give your
> advice once more for dummies.
> Many thanks!
> Dirk

Open your master thesis file in lyx (the one created from thesis-template)
Search for definition of "Right Footer" (this should be some lines below 
"Dedication, cite from a famous person"
Right klick on "Right Footer", select "Insert Short Title".
That's it.

> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Kornel Benko  wrote:
> > Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Richard Heck:
> >> On 07/29/2011 06:50 AM, Dirk Heine wrote:
> >> > Dear list,
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
> >> > 
> >> > following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
> >> > 
> >> > style (KOMA):
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
> >> > 
> >> > one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
> >> > 
> >> > edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
> >> > 
> >> > but do not know how. Any help?
> >> 
> >> Did you do something to try to customize the page numbering or headers?
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Richard
> > 
> > I think, the template is erroneous. (Had the same effect in trunk)
> > 
> > Definitition of "Left Footer" is ok, but "Right Footer" should have set
> > the "Short Title" to nothing. (As of now, there is no short title).
> > 
> > So insert "Short title" in "Right Footer", but let it be empty and you
> > should be done.
> > 

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Dirk Heine
Thanks for your reply Richard!
I have not customised anything. The problem just arose out of the
default settings.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 7:47 PM, Richard Heck  wrote:
> On 07/29/2011 06:50 AM, Dirk Heine wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
>> following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
>> style (KOMA):
>> Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
>> one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
>> edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
>> but do not know how. Any help?
> Did you do something to try to customize the page numbering or headers?
> Richard

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Dirk Heine
Thanks a lot Kornel!
Unfortunately I am not entirely sure what do no... I am a bit of a
newbie to Lyx and would very much appreciate if you could give your
advice once more for dummies.
Many thanks!

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:05 PM, Kornel Benko  wrote:
> Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Richard Heck:
>> On 07/29/2011 06:50 AM, Dirk Heine wrote:
>> > Dear list,
>> >
>> > I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
>> > following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
>> > style (KOMA):
>> >
>> > Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
>> > one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
>> > edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
>> > but do not know how. Any help?
>> Did you do something to try to customize the page numbering or headers?
>> Richard
> I think, the template is erroneous. (Had the same effect in trunk)
> Definitition of "Left Footer" is ok, but "Right Footer" should have set the
> "Short Title" to nothing. (As of now, there is no short title).
> So insert "Short title" in "Right Footer", but let it be empty and you
> should be done.
> Kornel

Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Freitag, 29. Juli 2011 schrieb Richard Heck:
> On 07/29/2011 06:50 AM, Dirk Heine wrote:
> > Dear list,
> > 
> > I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
> > following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
> > style (KOMA):
> > 
> > Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
> > one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
> > edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
> > but do not know how. Any help?
> Did you do something to try to customize the page numbering or headers?
> Richard

I think, the template is erroneous. (Had the same effect in trunk)
Definitition of "Left Footer" is ok, but "Right Footer" should have set the 
"Short Title" to nothing. (As of now, there is no short title).
So insert "Short title" in "Right Footer", but let it be empty and you should 
be done.


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Re: Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Richard Heck
On 07/29/2011 06:50 AM, Dirk Heine wrote:
> Dear list,
> I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
> following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
> style (KOMA):
> Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
> one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
> edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
> but do not know how. Any help?
Did you do something to try to customize the page numbering or headers?


Double page numbers on two-sided thesis document

2011-07-29 Thread Dirk Heine
Dear list,

I am using the default thesis template from Lyx 2.0 and have the
following problem with page numbering in a two-sided document in book
style (KOMA):

Every left page carries two page numbers (one on the left page edge,
one near the binding), every right page just one (on the right page
edge). I would like to switch off this double-numbering of left pages
but do not know how. Any help?

Best regards,


Re: turn off page numbers but still count page

2011-04-20 Thread dschneiderch
hi i'm trying to do similar (normally the page number is top right but for
the first page of the chapter it should be bottom center) but this solution
doesn't work. Nothing happens in my output.  I'm using a custom class found here  for my thesis.  I
believe it uses \pagestyle{myheadings}   so I tried ERT
\thispagestyle{plain} after the chapter title and tried loading
\usepackage{sectsty} and then \chapterfont{\pagestyle{plain}}.

Please help

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Re: Some page numbers are rendered in a wrong font

2010-11-30 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2010-11-29, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> On 11/29/2010 05:05 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:
>> On 2010-11-28, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

> Not sure if this is a LyX problem, but I hope someone here has
> encountered this issue and might know a solution.

> My problem is that when a program listing (Insert ->  Program Listing)
> does not fit into the same page it starts in, and so a page break
> occurs in the middle of it, the page number at the bottom of the page
> in which the page break occurs is rendered in the typewriter font,
> just like the program listing itself. This only happens if I use:

> basicstyle={\ttfamily}

> in Document Settings ->  Listings so that program listings use the
> document's typewriter font (in my case "DejaVu Sans Mono") instead of
> the weird-looking default.

> I'm using XeTeX. 


>>> ... it only happens when setting the document
>>> language to Greek.  With English there's no problem.

>> Greek and XeTeX: * make sure not to use the babel package

> LyX 2 uses the polyglossia package when enabling XeTeX,


>  which in turn 
> loads babel.  But I don't load babel myself, if that's what you mean.

At least my version of polyglossia 

   {polyglossia}[2009/01/25 v1.0.2 
Babel replacement for XeLaTeX]

does not load babel.

>> listings and XeTeX might also be problematic regarding the font
>> choices (as listings will usually select TeX fonts).

> If I let listing select TeX fonts, then there's no problem.  The problem 
> occurs only when I use "basicstyle={\ttfamily}" so that the XeTeX font 
> is used.

What happens, if you use the string expansion \ttfamily (i.e. the real
name of the font)?

>> How about changing the language of the listing to English while
>> keeping the document Greek?

> Just tried, but unfortunately it makes no difference.

In this case, I recommend to create a minimal working example that shows
the problem, export as LaTeX (XeTeX), cut the LyX stuff, and send it to
either the comp.text.tex group or the listings maintainer(s).


Re: Some page numbers are rendered in a wrong font

2010-11-29 Thread Nikos Chantziaras

On 11/29/2010 05:05 PM, Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2010-11-28, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

On 11/29/2010 01:20 AM, Richard Heck wrote:

On 11/28/2010 05:09 PM, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

Not sure if this is a LyX problem, but I hope someone here has
encountered this issue and might know a solution.

My problem is that when a program listing (Insert ->  Program Listing)
does not fit into the same page it starts in, and so a page break
occurs in the middle of it, the page number at the bottom of the page
in which the page break occurs is rendered in the typewriter font,
just like the program listing itself. This only happens if I use:


in Document Settings ->  Listings so that program listings use the
document's typewriter font (in my case "DejaVu Sans Mono") instead of
the weird-looking default.

I'm using XeTeX. Has anyone else encountered this?

I was not able to reproduce this in trunk.

Oops, I just found out that it only happens when setting the document
language to Greek.  With English there's no problem.

Greek and XeTeX: * make sure not to use the babel package

LyX 2 uses the polyglossia package when enabling XeTeX, which in turn 
loads babel.  But I don't load babel myself, if that's what you mean.

listings and XeTeX might also be problematic regarding the font
choices (as listings will usually select TeX fonts).

If I let listing select TeX fonts, then there's no problem.  The problem 
occurs only when I use "basicstyle={\ttfamily}" so that the XeTeX font 
is used.

How about changing the language of the listing to English while
keeping the document Greek?

Just tried, but unfortunately it makes no difference.

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