Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-17 Thread Helge Hafting

Steve Litt wrote:

Good information here Helge...

On Tuesday 10 November 2009 08:12:37 Helge Hafting wrote:

ask2 wrote:

I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is
if the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that never
is the case.

So am I just stupid or is there a way to get really high quality pdf from

Yes. Make sure the default font is not a bitmap font. Unfortunately, the
default font is a bitmap font. You must change it.

So, go "Document->Settings->Fonts" and choose something else instead of
"standard". There is "Latin Modern" if you like the look of the
standard font on paper, but want nice pdf. Or select something else
like Times Roman, Palatino, . . .

Helge -- I've been using Century Schoolbook, which shows up as one of the 
choices with LyX as it comes with Mandriva and Ubuntu. Is Century Schoolbook a 
vector font? I found  Latin Modern too light and stringy.

I don't know. Last time I tested, only the "Default" resulted in ugly 
PDFs. That was a long time ago though. The test is simple enough - write 
with the font you want to test, and view the resulting PDF in adobe 
acrobat. In acrobat, zoom in as much as possible.

If the huge glyphs on your screen looks ok, then it is a good vector 
font. If there are "staircase effects" on anything that should be round 
or slanted, then you have a bitmap font.

You should use acrobat for this test. Some other PDF viewers handle 
bitmap fonts better, and don't get such visible problems.

To avoid making this change for every document, save it as the new default.

Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
suitable for that.

That took care of the text, now for the images. What exactly is the
problem with your images?

If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if
possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only
for photos.

I didn't know .png is a vector graphic. 

No, png is not a vector format. But a PC/mac screenshot is never in 
vector format anyway. The point was - when you need bitmaps, use good 
ones. Jpeg will mess up any hard edges (such as a screenshot with
text and window edges in it.) Jpeg is fine for photos - that is what 
jpeg was designed for. (Joint Photographic Expert Group.) Unfortunately,
too many people abuse jpeg for screenshots and line drawing, mistakenly 
thinking it is some kind of generig graphics format. It is definitely not!

I've been converting graphics to PDF 
before using them -- PDF *is* a vector format after all, and it seems to scale 
well. However, it would be soo much easier to use .png. Thanks for the 

If your material is bitmap graphics, then png is a good choice. Note 
that bitmaps can be converted to PDF, but that does not make it vector 
graphics. This because PDF can embed bitmaps. (And so can postscript.)

If your app can save as pdf, ps, eps or svg, then chances are it makes 
vector graphics. And then it makes sense to keep the graphics in vector

form all the way to the printer or the reader's screen.

The problem with bitmaps is that they has limited resolution. If the 
reader's screen (or the printer ot be used) has higher resolution, then 
the bitmap has to be upscaled. Upscaling is _never_ a perfect process. 
It tend to introduce staircase effects on slanted lines, or possibly 
blurriness in an attempt to cover up the staircase effects.

There are always someone with high-end equipment that has a 
higher-resolution screen than you. And even the cheap printers has much 
higher resolution than the best screen around. You can fix this by 
making bitmaps with very high resolution, but then the files get 
enormous and cumbersome.

Vector graphics have no such problems. They are not arrays of pixels, 
but a set of drawing commands. [Draw a green line from location (5,5) to 
location (1882,9644) and so on.] Such drawing commands work with any 
resolution, be it a 96 dpi screen, or a 1200 dpi photosetter. The output 
is as good as it gets on that output device, no matter what. And the 
files are considerably smaller than high-resolution bitmaps too.

It is the same with fonts. A vector font consist of drawing instructions
for each letter. (A "T" is a couple of lines with a specific thickness, 
and so on.) A bitmap font provides a bitmap. The bitmap is ok at some 
resolution, and insufficient at higher resolutions. Historically, the 
bitmap approach was considered easier.

As far as the original poster, I've found that the output quality depends as 
much on the PDF reader as anything else. I've had docs that were beautiful on 
Acroread and ugly on xpdf, and others that were ugly on Acroread and beautiful 
on xpdf. I hate to admit it, but if my eBooks look good on Acroread, that 
satisfies 95% of my potential readers so I let it go that way.

Most people use acrobat indeed. Acrobat does not handle bitmap fonts too 
well, especially not if you magnify. This

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-13 Thread Pavel Sanda
Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Guenter Milde wrote:
> >> Suggestion:
> >>   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard 
> >> template?
> >>   LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
> >>   standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.
> > unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the
> > first sight.
> Let me try to defuse some objections from the discussion 1 1/2 years ago:

this belongs to devel list and i'll repost it there

> "LM are [...] not by default included in all LaTeX distributions, for
>  example not in MiKTeX."
> 1. This would indeed be a problem, but is this still true today?
> 2. The Debian LyX package could recommend the "lmodern" package.
>The Windows-Installer could recommend loading at least the T1 encoded
>LM fonts.
> "LM are included in basic versions of TeXLive and MiKTeX, but the problem
> is that we still have teTeX users where LM is not included."
> A. I argue that teTeX users are by now a minority that can be expected to
>change a setting that suits most users of up-to-date LaTeX
> "there's no reason to force users to use a certain font and not the LaTeX
>  default one."
> 1. There is a reason: 
>* LyX does not use the default TeX font encoding (OT1) but
>  the T1 encoding (for sensible reasons).
>* In this encoding, the TeX default fonts (CM) are only available as
>  bitmaps.
> 2. We do not force users to use a certain font but set a working
>font-encoding/font combination as initial default.
>My suggestion is *not* to change the meaning of [Default] but to set
>[Latin Modern] in the standard *template*. This is easily reversed by
>the user:
>  * Make a document
>  * use the menu Document->Settings->Fonts
>  * Set the Roman font, Sans serif font and Typewriter font to "Default".
>  * Use the button "Save as Document Defaults".
> "Why do you think we should especially use LM and not TeXGyre or one of
>  the various other beautiful fonts?"
> 1. Principle of minimal change/surprise:
>We'll let the pre-set font *look like* the default one.
> 2. As CM lookalike, LM works best with the various extensions/symbols
>created for CM. Hence LM has the best available math support.
> 3. "If you want a font, select one and then it's up to you how the result
>looks and you are aware of that selecting a different font leads to a
>different output."
> "LM and CM differs also in shapes, a good example is the German sharp s
> "ß" character."
> 1. These changes are still minor in comparision to selecting a completely
>different font, so they do not impede the compatibility with other
>fonts designed to work with CM.
> 2. Opinions differ, but for me the Geman sharp s 'ß' (the es-zet) is an
>example for the "Internationality" of the LM fonts. The LM ß is the
>version recommended in German typesetting ("Sulzbacher Form"), while
>the CM ß is a ligature of ?? (long s) and s.
> "I don't think that they should be set as default. When you create a
>  new document, the corresponding latex file should ideally be
>   \documentclass{article}
>   \begin{document}
>   \end{document}
> "
> A. In this case, you would need to turn off hyperref anyway. 
>Just reset the fonts to [Default], too.
> "you could choose to load your own font package in order to substitute
>  standard fonts with something else. So, if we load, without you knowing
>  it, the lmodern package, a clash could arise"
> A. You will see [Latin Modern] in the font selection GUI. Just reset the
>to [Default].
> "lmodern is about 12 MB to download and we got complaints that I we even
> check if this font is installed as this could lead to a package download,
> but not everybody has a flatrate "
> A. Without flatrate, you should not set up non-interactive package download.
> "> This one's easy to argue against. First of all, LyX is a 24MB download
>  > (For Mac.)
>  36 instead of 24 MB is 50% extra, and this only for a font.
> "
> A. LM is ~ 50 % of LyX, but less than 50 % of LyX + (LaTeX - LM).
> Günter

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-13 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Guenter Milde wrote:
>> Suggestion:
>>   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard template?

>>   LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
>>   standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.

> unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the
> first sight.

Let me try to defuse some objections from the discussion 1 1/2 years ago:

"LM are [...] not by default included in all LaTeX distributions, for
 example not in MiKTeX."

1. This would indeed be a problem, but is this still true today?

2. The Debian LyX package could recommend the "lmodern" package.

   The Windows-Installer could recommend loading at least the T1 encoded
   LM fonts.

"LM are included in basic versions of TeXLive and MiKTeX, but the problem
is that we still have teTeX users where LM is not included."

A. I argue that teTeX users are by now a minority that can be expected to
   change a setting that suits most users of up-to-date LaTeX

"there's no reason to force users to use a certain font and not the LaTeX
 default one."
1. There is a reason: 
   * LyX does not use the default TeX font encoding (OT1) but
 the T1 encoding (for sensible reasons).
   * In this encoding, the TeX default fonts (CM) are only available as
2. We do not force users to use a certain font but set a working
   font-encoding/font combination as initial default.
   My suggestion is *not* to change the meaning of [Default] but to set
   [Latin Modern] in the standard *template*. This is easily reversed by
   the user:
 * Make a document
 * use the menu Document->Settings->Fonts
 * Set the Roman font, Sans serif font and Typewriter font to "Default".
 * Use the button "Save as Document Defaults".

"Why do you think we should especially use LM and not TeXGyre or one of
 the various other beautiful fonts?"

1. Principle of minimal change/surprise:
   We'll let the pre-set font *look like* the default one.
2. As CM lookalike, LM works best with the various extensions/symbols
   created for CM. Hence LM has the best available math support.
3. "If you want a font, select one and then it's up to you how the result
   looks and you are aware of that selecting a different font leads to a
   different output."

"LM and CM differs also in shapes, a good example is the German sharp s
"ß" character."

1. These changes are still minor in comparision to selecting a completely
   different font, so they do not impede the compatibility with other
   fonts designed to work with CM.
2. Opinions differ, but for me the Geman sharp s 'ß' (the es-zet) is an
   example for the "Internationality" of the LM fonts. The LM ß is the
   version recommended in German typesetting ("Sulzbacher Form"), while
   the CM ß is a ligature of ſ (long s) and s.
"I don't think that they should be set as default. When you create a
 new document, the corresponding latex file should ideally be


A. In this case, you would need to turn off hyperref anyway. 
   Just reset the fonts to [Default], too.

"you could choose to load your own font package in order to substitute
 standard fonts with something else. So, if we load, without you knowing
 it, the lmodern package, a clash could arise"
A. You will see [Latin Modern] in the font selection GUI. Just reset the
   to [Default].

"lmodern is about 12 MB to download and we got complaints that I we even
check if this font is installed as this could lead to a package download,
but not everybody has a flatrate "

A. Without flatrate, you should not set up non-interactive package download.

"> This one's easy to argue against. First of all, LyX is a 24MB download
 > (For Mac.)

 36 instead of 24 MB is 50% extra, and this only for a font.
A. LM is ~ 50 % of LyX, but less than 50 % of LyX + (LaTeX - LM).


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Pavel Sanda wrote:

Olivier Ripoll wrote:

try this one: 

Damned, it's been trashed also (by gmane?)
let's split the address in several parts
then add the "at" character (@) then the following:

and you'll avoid the error 404.

my firefox runs it just fine

Which one? the one with "lyx-devel-UqbJ+GOpo4+hPH1hqNUYSQ" at 
"" ?

I'll make a guess: the people using the gmane newsgroup interface to the 
mailing list can't access the link because gmane replaces it with its 
own crap (above). You do not see the problem because you don't use gmane 
interface to the list.

When I sent my message with "try this one", the URL I typed was 
"lyx-devel" at "", but when I then read this message, the 
url was  changed to "lyx-devel-UqbJ+GOpo4+hPH1hqNUYSQ" at 
"", the same as in your original message, which leads to 
error 404.

Best regards,


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Pavel Sanda
Olivier Ripoll wrote:
>> try this one:
> Damned, it's been trashed also (by gmane?)
> let's split the address in several parts
> then add the "at" character (@) then the following:
> and you'll avoid the error 404.

my firefox runs it just fine

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Pavel Sanda
Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Guenter Milde wrote:
> >> Suggestion:
> >>   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard 
> >> template?
> >>   LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
> >>   standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.
> > unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the
> > first sight.
> I know it is complex. Still, the current situation is problematic, as
> generation of state-of-the-art PDFs should be possible out of the box.
> Unfortunatly, the link 
> >
> shows only:  Not Found The document you were looking for was not found. 

works here...
you can try to look on the thread subject: CM/AE/LM fonts


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Ian S. Worthington
Too much like hard work.



-- Original Message --
Received: 09:32 AM COT, 11/12/2009
From: Olivier Ripoll 
Subject: Re: lyx and pdf fonts

> Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> > Guenter Milde wrote:
> >> On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> >>> Guenter Milde wrote:
> > [...]
> >> Unfortunatly, the link
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>
> >> shows only:  Not Found The document you were looking for was not found.
> >> Günter
> >>
> > try this one:
> > 
> Damned, it's been trashed also (by gmane?)
> let's split the address in several parts
> then add the "at" character (@) then the following:
> and you'll avoid the error 404.
> Best regards,
> Olivier, crossing fingers

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Olivier Ripoll wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:


Unfortunatly, the link 

shows only:  Not Found The document you were looking for was not found.

try this one: 

Damned, it's been trashed also (by gmane?)
let's split the address in several parts
then add the "at" character (@) then the following:

and you'll avoid the error 404.

Best regards,

Olivier, crossing fingers

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Pavel Sanda
Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > Guenter Milde wrote:
> >> Suggestion:
> >>   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard 
> >> template?
> >>   LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
> >>   standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.
> > unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the
> > first sight.
> I know it is complex. Still, the current situation is problematic, as
> generation of state-of-the-art PDFs should be possible out of the box.
> Unfortunatly, the link 
> >
> shows only:  Not Found The document you were looking for was not found. 

works here...
you can try to look on the thread subject: CM/AE/LM fonts


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Guenter Milde wrote:

On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:

Unfortunatly, the link

shows only:  Not Found The document you were looking for was not found. 


try this one:

Best regards,


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-12 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2009-11-11, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Guenter Milde wrote:
>> Suggestion:
>>   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard template?

>>   LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
>>   standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.

> unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the
> first sight.

I know it is complex. Still, the current situation is problematic, as
generation of state-of-the-art PDFs should be possible out of the box.

Unfortunatly, the link 


shows only:  Not Found The document you were looking for was not found. 


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Ian S. Worthington
Perfect!  Thanks Vincent.


-- Original Message --
Received: 02:28 PM COT, 11/11/2009
From: Vincent van Ravesteijn 
To: "Ian S. Worthington" ,
Subject: Re: lyx and pdf fonts

> Ian S. Worthington schreef:
> > Could be out of date?
> >
> > I like the idea of replacing the bitmap fonts (even though they seem
> > good to me) with T1 vector fonts, but am not sure where to specify "latin
> > modern".  On my lyx, 1.6.2, there is no Layout→Document menu item.
> >
> > Could someone set me right please?
> >
> >   
> Document->Settings->Fonts->Roman->Latind Modern.
> Vincent

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Ian S. Worthington schreef:

Could be out of date?

Yes, this was out of date. I've updated it now,.

regards Uwe

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Pavel Sanda
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 09:33:50PM +, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> > unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the first 
> > sight.
> >
> >
> Would it make sense for LyX to propose default settings based on
> availability? For example, use LM if it is installed; otherwise, fall
> back to the LaTeX default CM (or whichever it is).

have you read the whole thread?
it doesn't look to address the issues raised.

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Steve Litt
On Wednesday 11 November 2009 17:20:47 Bruce Pourciau wrote:
> On Nov 11, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> > On 11/11/09, Pavel Sanda  wrote:
> >> Guenter Milde wrote:
> >>> Suggestion:
> >>>  Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard
> >>> template?
> >>
> >> unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the
> >> first sight.
> >>
> >
> > Would it make sense for LyX to propose default settings based on
> > availability? For example, use LM if it is installed; otherwise, fall
> > back to the LaTeX default CM (or whichever it is).
> > Liviu
> Would it make sense to have Palatino as the default? How universally
> is Palatino or a Palatino variant installed? The mathematical symbols
> that blend with Palatino would come from the mathpazo package.
> Bruce

Last time I tried Palatino, the print was thin, reedy, and not particularly 
readable. My observation is that Century Schoolbook produces more readable 


Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Bruce Pourciau

On Nov 11, 2009, at 3:33 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

On 11/11/09, Pavel Sanda  wrote:

Guenter Milde wrote:

 Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard  

unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the  
first sight.

Would it make sense for LyX to propose default settings based on
availability? For example, use LM if it is installed; otherwise, fall
back to the LaTeX default CM (or whichever it is).

Would it make sense to have Palatino as the default? How universally  
is Palatino or a Palatino variant installed? The mathematical symbols  
that blend with Palatino would come from the mathpazo package.


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Liviu Andronic
On 11/11/09, Pavel Sanda  wrote:
> Guenter Milde wrote:
>  > Suggestion:
>  >   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard 
> template?
>  >
> unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the first 
> sight.
Would it make sense for LyX to propose default settings based on
availability? For example, use LM if it is installed; otherwise, fall
back to the LaTeX default CM (or whichever it is).

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

Ian S. Worthington schreef:

Could be out of date?

I like the idea of replacing the bitmap fonts (even though they seem quite
good to me) with T1 vector fonts, but am not sure where to specify "latin
modern".  On my lyx, 1.6.2, there is no Layout→Document menu item.

Could someone set me right please?


Document->Settings->Fonts->Roman->Latind Modern.


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Ian S. Worthington
Could be out of date?

I like the idea of replacing the bitmap fonts (even though they seem quite
good to me) with T1 vector fonts, but am not sure where to specify "latin
modern".  On my lyx, 1.6.2, there is no Layout→Document menu item.

Could someone set me right please?



-- Original Message --
Received: 10:41 AM COT, 11/10/2009
From: Uwe Stöhr 
To: ask2 Cc:
Subject: Re: lyx and pdf fonts

> ask2 schrieb:
> > I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is
> > the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunately that never is
> > case.
> See
> > Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
> > suitable for that.
> > I gues it means that I need ttf or otf fonts in the pdf?
> Yes, you need vector fonts. The above link describes how to do that.
> Btw. the LyX documentation files (except of the Intro manual) you find in
the Help menu also use 
> vector fonts, when they look OK for you, your documents will look OK too.
> > I think I asked this 5-6 years ago but it seems nothing has changed :(
> > 
> > S back to Microsoft Word again :(
> Wow, you're giving up before you've got a reply to you email.
> regards Uwe

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Pavel Sanda
Guenter Milde wrote:
> Suggestion:
>   Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard template?
>   LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
>   standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.

unfortunately this is much more complex thing than it looks on the first sight.


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2009-11-10, Manveru wrote:
> 2009/11/10 ask2 :

>> I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it
>> is if the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that
>> never is the case.


> LyX is not guilty of PDF quality as it is only editor using LaTeX to
> produce results. Your lack of knowledge is guilty in this case.

The core of the problem is the default combination of CM fonts and T1
font encoding.

The result is that a first time user (or someone trying out alternatives
to the common word processor) will get an inferior result with
self-generated content (trying out the Help documents is fine, they use

  Would it be possible, to pre-select Latin Modern in the standard template?

  LM is out for some time by now and could be considered the "de-facto
  standard" for T1-encoded CM-lookalikes.


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-11 Thread Guenter Milde
On 2009-11-10, Stefano Franchi wrote:
> On 11/10/09, Uwe Stöhr  wrote:
>>Steve Litt schrieb:
 If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if
 possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only
 for photos.

>>This is wrong! PNG is as well as JPG or GIF a bitmap graphic. the difference
>> is inly the compression method.

Actually, only the (omitted) conclusion (PNG is a vector graphic) is wrong!

Screenshots are bitmaps, so the tip to use png instead of jpeg does not
imply this.

>>Only PDF and SVG are vector graphics. EPS is also a vector graphics format
>> but many EPS images are only wrapped bitmap images. 

> Isn't the same true for PDF? You can wrap bitmap files in it, I think
> (e.g.  when scanner software offer a "Save as pdf" option). File format
> in itself is not necessarily an indication of bitmap vs. vector
> graphics. 

All of PDF, PS, EPS, and SVG can contain bitmaps. So the file format can
only be used to rule out vector format (a PNG or JPEG cannot contain
vector image).


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Stefano Franchi
On 11/10/09, Uwe Stöhr  wrote:
>Stefano Franchi schrieb:
>>> Only PDF and SVG are vector graphics. EPS is also a vector graphics
>>> format but many EPS images are only wrapped bitmap images.
>> Isn't the same true for PDF? You can wrap bitmap files in it, I think
>Yes, it is the same but rather seldom used. So check that you have a
>real vector graphic, zoom into it.

My (admittedly quite trivial) point was that people should not assume a PDF 
file is in vector graphic format when---thanks to the enormous popularity of 
the file format---some application software will offer to save bitmaps as pdf, 
thus (perhaps) misleading the user into thinking they have produced a vector 
graphics when that's not the case.



Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy  Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University  Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall
College Station, TX 77843-4237

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Stefano Franchi schrieb:

Only PDF and SVG are vector graphics. EPS is also a vector graphics format
but many EPS images are only wrapped bitmap images. 

Isn't the same true for PDF? You can wrap bitmap files in it, I think

Yes, it is the same but rather seldom used. So check that you have a 
real vector graphic, zoom into it.

regards Uwe

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Anders Host-Madsen
I get great PDF output, that can be scaled to
any size. The only thing I did was to set the encoding
to OT1. If you don't use international characters, that
should enable LaTeX to use vector fonts.

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Stefano Franchi
On 11/10/09, Uwe Stöhr  wrote:
>Steve Litt schrieb:
>>> If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if
>>> possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only
>>> for photos.
>This is wrong! PNG is as well as JPG or GIF a bitmap graphic. the difference
> is inly the compression method.
>Only PDF and SVG are vector graphics. EPS is also a vector graphics format
> but many EPS images are only wrapped bitmap images. 

Isn't the same true for PDF? You can wrap bitmap files in it, I think (e.g. 
when scanner software offer a "Save as pdf" option). File format in itself is 
not necessarily an indication of bitmap vs. vector graphics. With the possible 
exception of SVG, perhaps (which I use but am pretty ignorant about)?


Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy  Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University  Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall
College Station, TX 77843-4237

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Uwe Stöhr

Steve Litt schrieb:

If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if
possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only
for photos.

This is wrong! PNG is as well as JPG or GIF a bitmap graphic. the difference is inly the compression 
Only PDF and SVG are vector graphics. EPS is also a vector graphics format but many EPS images are 
only wrapped bitmap images. You can check of an image is a vector graphics by zooming into the 
image. When it becomes pixeled, it is a bitmap.

regards Uwe

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Florian Rubach

Steve Litt schrieb:

I didn't know .png is a vector graphic.
It isn't. As Helge said, it's pretty useful if you need some pixel 
graphics with relatively large areas of similar colors like screenshots. 
It is relatively small and has lossless compression. For Photos, jpeg is 
better but has lossy compression, tends to introduce artefacts.


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, Steve Litt wrote:

I didn't know .png is a vector graphic.

  It's not. It's bit-mapped, or raster.


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Steve Litt
Good information here Helge...

On Tuesday 10 November 2009 08:12:37 Helge Hafting wrote:
> ask2 wrote:
> > Hi
> > I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is
> > if the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that never
> > is the case.
> >
> > So am I just stupid or is there a way to get really high quality pdf from
> > LYX?
> Yes. Make sure the default font is not a bitmap font. Unfortunately, the
> default font is a bitmap font. You must change it.
> So, go "Document->Settings->Fonts" and choose something else instead of
> "standard". There is "Latin Modern" if you like the look of the
> standard font on paper, but want nice pdf. Or select something else
> like Times Roman, Palatino, . . .

Helge -- I've been using Century Schoolbook, which shows up as one of the 
choices with LyX as it comes with Mandriva and Ubuntu. Is Century Schoolbook a 
vector font? I found  Latin Modern too light and stringy.
> To avoid making this change for every document, save it as the new default.
> > Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
> > suitable for that.
> That took care of the text, now for the images. What exactly is the
> problem with your images?
> If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if
> possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only
> for photos.

I didn't know .png is a vector graphic. I've been converting graphics to PDF 
before using them -- PDF *is* a vector format after all, and it seems to scale 
well. However, it would be soo much easier to use .png. Thanks for the 

As far as the original poster, I've found that the output quality depends as 
much on the PDF reader as anything else. I've had docs that were beautiful on 
Acroread and ugly on xpdf, and others that were ugly on Acroread and beautiful 
on xpdf. I hate to admit it, but if my eBooks look good on Acroread, that 
satisfies 95% of my potential readers so I let it go that way.

Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Uwe Stöhr

ask2 schrieb:

I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is if
the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunately that never is the


Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
suitable for that.
I gues it means that I need ttf or otf fonts in the pdf?

Yes, you need vector fonts. The above link describes how to do that.

Btw. the LyX documentation files (except of the Intro manual) you find in the Help menu also use 
vector fonts, when they look OK for you, your documents will look OK too.

I think I asked this 5-6 years ago but it seems nothing has changed :(

S back to Microsoft Word again :(

Wow, you're giving up before you've got a reply to you email.

regards Uwe

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Luca Carlon
ask2  writes:
> Hi
> I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is if
> the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that never is the
> case.
> So am I just stupid or is there a way to get really high quality pdf from
> LYX?
> Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
> suitable for that.

Sorry, but what do you mean by high quality? As far as I can see, my documents
are perfect. I can zoom to whatever level and quality is perfect. I use eps
graphics, and it is highest possible quality as well. Could it be your PDF
reader the problem?


Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Helge Hafting

ask2 wrote:

I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is if
the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that never is the

So am I just stupid or is there a way to get really high quality pdf from

Yes. Make sure the default font is not a bitmap font. Unfortunately, the
default font is a bitmap font. You must change it.

So, go "Document->Settings->Fonts" and choose something else instead of
"standard". There is "Latin Modern" if you like the look of the
standard font on paper, but want nice pdf. Or select something else
like Times Roman, Palatino, . . .

To avoid making this change for every document, save it as the new default.

Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
suitable for that.

That took care of the text, now for the images. What exactly is the
problem with your images?

If you draw something, make vector graphics rather than bitmaps, if 
possible. If you need screenshots, use png. Never jpeg, jpeg is only

for photos.

I gues it means that I need ttf or otf fonts in the pdf?

I think I asked this 5-6 years ago but it seems nothing has changed :(

Nothing much need to change. Have been making quality PDFs for more than 
5-6 years. All you need is to know a few things, such as changing from 
the default font. Most software has a few things you need to know, and 
you can find it out on this mailing list if you want to.

S back to Microsoft Word again :(

Whatever you like. You'll be harder pressed making quality PDFs with 
word though.

Helge Hafting

Re: lyx and pdf fonts

2009-11-10 Thread Manveru
2009/11/10 ask2 :
> Hi
> I try out LYX maybe once a year. What I am looking for when I try it is if
> the pdf files I can get is of high quality. Unfortunaltely that never is the
> case.
> So am I just stupid or is there a way to get really high quality pdf from
> LYX?
> Main purpose is to read on the computer so both images and text should be
> suitable for that.
> I gues it means that I need ttf or otf fonts in the pdf?
> I think I asked this 5-6 years ago but it seems nothing has changed :(
> S back to Microsoft Word again :(
> Best Regards
> J
> ps Win XP lyx 1.6 , miktex 2.8

Do not feel offended, but I think you are lazy man. To get really high
quality PDF from LaTeX, you need minimal study about LaTeX and vector
fonts, microtype and images/pictures. LyX is not guilty of PDF quality
as it is only editor using LaTeX to produce results. Your lack of
knowledge is guilty in this case.

If you would like to kindy ask for help on this list I am sure lot of
people would help you with that, and you would get documents much
better that from Word. So... please stick with Word and never return.
Thank You!

 gg: 1624001

Re: Lyx and pdf files

2001-04-19 Thread poete stephane

Dekel Tsur a écrit :

> On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 09:05:37PM +0200, poete stephane wrote:
> > Please find as linked files the lyx, tex, ps and pdf files.
> > The pdf file was generated with lyx2pdf, version 1.8, with standard options.
> >
> > I expected the links found in the pdf, from the Table of contents and Table
> > of figures to be also generated for the index, since it is possible to get
> > them in the postscript and in the html export.
> >
> > Stephane
> The problem is in the lyx2pdf script.
> Get the newest version from

It works very well !

Thanks a lot.


Re: Lyx and pdf files

2001-04-18 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 09:05:37PM +0200, poete stephane wrote:
> Please find as linked files the lyx, tex, ps and pdf files.
> The pdf file was generated with lyx2pdf, version 1.8, with standard options.
> I expected the links found in the pdf, from the Table of contents and Table
> of figures to be also generated for the index, since it is possible to get
> them in the postscript and in the html export.
> Stephane

The problem is in the lyx2pdf script.
Get the newest version from

Re: Lyx and pdf files

2001-04-18 Thread Herbert Voss

poete stephane wrote:
> > > Yet, I still have a problem with the conversion from tex file exported
> > > from lyx tp pdf.
> > >
> > > I tried a lot of sets of options of the pdftex package, but the result
> > > of \printindex, althrough it gives good results on the
> > > ps and html outputs, still does not appear in my pdf files.
> > >
> > > It was very easy to get links in the pdf to sections, figures and to the
> > > referenced documents, but the list of indexes is missing.

write in latex preamble (as one line):


and choose layout->document->character set->pslatex



Re: Lyx and pdf files

2001-04-18 Thread poete stephane

Herbert Voss a écrit :

> poete stephane wrote:
> >
> > I have been using Lyx for about half a year, and I'm found of it.
> >
> > Yet, I still have a problem with the conversion from tex file exported
> > from lyx tp pdf.
> >
> > I tried a lot of sets of options of the pdftex package, but the result
> > of \printindex, althrough it gives good results on the
> > ps and html outputs, still does not appear in my pdf files.
> >
> > It was very easy to get links in the pdf to sections, figures and to the
> > referenced documents, but the list of indexes is missing.
> can you give a short lyx example file for this behaviour?
> HErbert
> --

Please find as linked files the lyx, tex, ps and pdf files.
The pdf file was generated with lyx2pdf, version 1.8, with standard options.

I expected the links found in the pdf, from the Table of contents and Table
of figures to be also generated for the index, since it is possible to get
them in the postscript and in the html export.



#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 2.16
\textclass article
\language default
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 5
\tocdepth 5
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoffigures{}


\layout Section

First section
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{skldjfghlkdjfg}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{jruf}


\layout Standard
\begin_float fig 
\layout Standard
\align center 

\begin_inset Figure size 266 314
file toto.eps
flags 9


\layout Caption

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{first figure}


first figure
\layout Subsection

First subsection
\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{subsection}


\layout Standard

\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \index{oprty}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \printindex{}



Re: Lyx and pdf files

2001-04-10 Thread Herbert Voss

poete stephane wrote:
> I have been using Lyx for about half a year, and I'm found of it.
> Yet, I still have a problem with the conversion from tex file exported
> from lyx tp pdf.
> I tried a lot of sets of options of the pdftex package, but the result
> of \printindex, althrough it gives good results on the
> ps and html outputs, still does not appear in my pdf files.
> It was very easy to get links in the pdf to sections, figures and to the
> referenced documents, but the list of indexes is missing.

can you give a short lyx example file for this behaviour?



Re: lyx and pdf

1999-09-22 Thread Stephan E. Schlierf


you are very right: It seems that Ghostscript handles certain fonts as
graphics. But if you choose a font like "Times" everything seems to be
quite ok.



Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
 - Product Management -
++49 9254 960332
CSE GmbH Germany

On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Dirk Klugmann wrote:

> Stephan E. Schlierf wrote:
> > 
> > Hi there,
> > 
> > I for myself got satisfied results using the psd2pdf that is included in
> > the Ghostscript 5.50 package. Indeed the GS 5.10-ps2pdf produces large
> > files but the GS 5.50 reduces it very well.
> > 
> > Example:
> > gs-5.10 ps2pdf: file size 1.373.051
> > gs-5.50 ps2pdf: file size   264.232
> > 
> > Anyway, I do agree with the wish to have a pdf-export possibility
> > integrated in LyX.
> > 
> Another option one can try if pdf-files are large:  Use another font for
> the document.  (Choose in the Layout->Document pulldown.)  On our system
> the default font selection produces large PostScript files, and
> consequently large pdf files, too.  Choosing a different font reduces
> the file sizes significantly.
>   Happy LyXing, Dirk
> -- 
> **
>  Dr. Dirk Klugmann
> Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung  Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
>  Permoserstrasse 15  FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
>  D-04318 Leipzig  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> **

Re: lyx and pdf

1999-09-22 Thread Dirk Klugmann

Stephan E. Schlierf wrote:
> Hi there,
> I for myself got satisfied results using the psd2pdf that is included in
> the Ghostscript 5.50 package. Indeed the GS 5.10-ps2pdf produces large
> files but the GS 5.50 reduces it very well.
> Example:
> gs-5.10 ps2pdf: file size 1.373.051
> gs-5.50 ps2pdf: file size   264.232
> Anyway, I do agree with the wish to have a pdf-export possibility
> integrated in LyX.

Another option one can try if pdf-files are large:  Use another font for
the document.  (Choose in the Layout->Document pulldown.)  On our system
the default font selection produces large PostScript files, and
consequently large pdf files, too.  Choosing a different font reduces
the file sizes significantly.

Happy LyXing, Dirk



 Dr. Dirk Klugmann
Institut fuer Troposphaerenforschung  Tel.: +49 341 235 - 2146
 Permoserstrasse 15FAX: +49 341 235 - 2139
 D-04318 LeipzigE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Re: lyx and pdf

1999-09-22 Thread Stephan E. Schlierf

Hi there,

I for myself got satisfied results using the psd2pdf that is included in
the Ghostscript 5.50 package. Indeed the GS 5.10-ps2pdf produces large
files but the GS 5.50 reduces it very well.

gs-5.10 ps2pdf: file size 1.373.051
gs-5.50 ps2pdf: file size   264.232

Anyway, I do agree with the wish to have a pdf-export possibility
integrated in LyX.



Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
 - Product Management -
++49 9254 960332
CSE GmbH Germany

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Florian Cramer wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 09:31:21PM +0200, Tobias Klaus wrote:
> > Is there a way to convert a lyx file directly into pdf? 
> > Would be nice, since pdftex gets stuck with lyx-exported latex-files,
> > and ps2pdf produces very large files.
> Use "pdflatex", not "pdftex". This will do the job just fine! (You can
> even trigger Acrobat Reader-specific features such as author and
> keyword signatures or the initial display zoom factor using the
> 'hyperref' latex package. All it needs is a customization line in the
> document preamble; the hyperref documentation tells you how to do it.)
> Florian
> -- 
> Florian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
> combinatory poetry site: 

Re: lyx and pdf

1999-09-21 Thread Florian Cramer

On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 09:31:21PM +0200, Tobias Klaus wrote:
> Is there a way to convert a lyx file directly into pdf? 
> Would be nice, since pdftex gets stuck with lyx-exported latex-files,
> and ps2pdf produces very large files.

Use "pdflatex", not "pdftex". This will do the job just fine! (You can
even trigger Acrobat Reader-specific features such as author and
keyword signatures or the initial display zoom factor using the
'hyperref' latex package. All it needs is a customization line in the
document preamble; the hyperref documentation tells you how to do it.)


Florian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP public key ID 6440BA05
combinatory poetry site: 

Re: lyx and pdf

1999-09-21 Thread Herbert

Tobias Klaus wrote:
> Is there a way to convert a lyx file directly into pdf?
> Would be nice, since pdftex gets stuck with lyx-exported latex-files,
> and ps2pdf produces very large files.

Export as ps-file and than "ps2pdf  ".

