Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

That is only a LyX problem; the output (pdf) should be ok!


Yes, the PDF output has et al. citations and all authors in the

Because the LyX display does not reflect that is distracting; I spent the
past couple of days trying to fix it when I need to focus on writing the
index and implementing a different chapter heading look (which will wait
until the index is done.)

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Rich Shepard schrieb:
> On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which
>> looks
>> like a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the
>> above option field.
> HHerbert,
> I agree. (And all options in the Citation Style section does the trick.)
> Seeing, in the LyX document itself, both et al. and all three author names
> troubled me. Yesterday I read part of TLC3/II chapter 15 on bibliographic
> styles and could not identify which of the many options I needed; hadn't
> made it to chapte 16 on citation styles.

That is only a LyX problem;  the output (pdf) should be ok!


> --
> lyx-users mailing list

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Remove the module apa(natbib) from documents->preferences->modules

Since bibtex, natlib, and juralib have been deprecated would it be
reasonable to drop them from LyX? I've no idea how many LyX users run older
versions of TeXLive and supported these options.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which looks
like a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the
above option field.


I agree. (And all options in the Citation Style section does the trick.)

Seeing, in the LyX document itself, both et al. and all three author names
troubled me. Yesterday I read part of TLC3/II chapter 15 on bibliographic
styles and could not identify which of the many options I needed; hadn't
made it to chapte 16 on citation styles.

Best regards,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 13 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Remove the module apa(natbib) from documents->preferences->modules


I'm suitably embarassed by not checking all settings and seeing this. Mea

and then insert into documents->preferences->bibliography the options

However, inside LyX it doesn't look right for the citation, but the pdf is 

There are three sections in the Bibliography settings dialog box: Citation
Style (with an options box), Bibliography Style (without an options box),
and Bibliography Generation (with an options box). Are all the above options
entered in the Citation Style section?

Many thanks,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 13.07.23 um 07:01 schrieb Herbert Voss:

and then insert into documents->preferences->bibliography the options


However, inside LyX it doesn't look right for the citation, but the 
pdf is ok.

LyX itself uses the only for more than _three_ authors, which 
looks like
a bug to me. It should recognize for biblatex the setting of the above 
option field.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.

Fixed this one. While the Settings dialog box showed the authoryear, it was
not in the list of authors. Scrolling down that list I clicked on that name
and the proper entry was loaded. The LyX and PDF files are correct.

However, ... there are still bibliography errors that can be seen in the
mwe.lyx file (attached, along with a mwe.bib containing two entries).

Creating the new file (KOMA-Sctipt book class), the bibliography setting is
stuck at bibtex, not biblatex. I need to fix this for the MWE and future new
docs. It also presents only bibtex citation styles, not the biblatex ones.

I need help setting biblatex as the default for all book and report docs and
having all multi-author docs (3 or more authors) display citations and
bibliography entrries as the first author + et al.

Now to read TLC3/II on biblatex.


Rich#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Enumerate
assessment of streams and rivers for determining whether designated beneficial
 uses have been attained, for measurements of biodiversity, or for quantifying
 ecosystem function (
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
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key "Doledec2000"
literal "false"


\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Resh2005"
literal "false"


\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Chessman2007"
literal "false"


\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Cuffney2007"
literal "false"


.) In addition to mixed taxonomic levels being given the same weight in a
 diversity or integrity index, these metrics do not accommodate the range
 of benthic macroinvertebrate life history strategies.
 These life history differences mean that taxa collected at any site depends
 on the collection date (
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Lenat1988"
literal "false"


\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Clarke2002"
literal "false"


\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Bruce2002"
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\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Boyero2005"
literal "false"


\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand cite
key "Bogan2007"
literal "false"


.) For example, at one extreme are the terrestrial locusts, the swarming
 phase of certain species of short-horned
\begin_inset CommandInset bibtex
LatexCommand bibtex
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bibfiles "/home/rshepard/documents/mwe"
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Bibliographic citations citation style formatting

2023-07-12 Thread Rich Shepard

Running lyx- on Slackware64-14.2 linux.

When I push a multi-author bibliographic citation from JabRef-5.1 sometimes
it displays with all the author's names, sometimes with first author's name
and 'et al.' See attached image.

In both cases, looking at the Settings -> Citation Style -> formatting I'm
presented with variants of the displayed citation, and not both types.

I don't recall having this problem before. Looking at a couple of documents
with bibliographic citations, all multi-author citations are of the '... et
al.' type.

Here's a different one from a report written a couple of months ago. See
second attachment (citation-style.png). Notice that the citation is a pair
of question marks (and all variants of that are the only display options)
while the citation (Langless2000) is what should be displayed.

How can I clean up both of these documents so they properly display

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting/Equation numbering

2022-12-05 Thread Hal Kierstead via lyx-users

> There are two relevant document class options:
> * "fleqn" (flush left equation), which aligns the equation to the left. Used 
> by itself, though, it leaves the equation number on the right.
> * "leqno" (left equation number), which puts the equation number on the left. 
> Used by itself, it centers the equation still.
> BUT, if you use BOTH options, then you get what you want.
> How to do it in LyX? Look at Document> Settings> Document Class. The "Custom" 
> field allows you to enter class options. In your case, you could enter 
> "fleqn,leqno". Any class options can be entered here.
> However, LyX also has native support for this under Document> Settings> Math 
> Options. The Formula Numbering Side option is self-explanatory. You would 
> want "Left". This adds "leqno" behind the scenes. The other one is the Indent 
> Formulas checkbox. The tooltip explains what it does: It indents instead of 
> centering equations. So you can check that. If you leave it at "Default", 
> then it just adds "fleqn"; you can also, however, control the indent here by 
> selecting "Custom" and entering a length (which gets set as the \mathindent).
This excellent explanation was also very useful to me.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting/Equation numbering

2022-12-04 Thread Richard Kimberly Heck

On 12/4/22 19:57, Dan wrote:
I know how I can number equations, but I would like the equations to 
be in the following type of format:

Eq. 1.1 (equation)

Eq. 1.2 (equation)
indented slightly.  IMO I don't like having them centered like the 
usual Edit, Math, NumberWholeFormula method does.

I know LaTeX supports defining a user formatting code but I don't know 
how to do that in LyX.

There are two relevant document class options:

* "fleqn" (flush left equation), which aligns the equation to the left. 
Used by itself, though, it leaves the equation number on the right.

* "leqno" (left equation number), which puts the equation number on the 
left. Used by itself, it centers the equation still.

BUT, if you use BOTH options, then you get what you want.

How to do it in LyX? Look at Document> Settings> Document Class. The 
"Custom" field allows you to enter class options. In your case, you 
could enter "fleqn,leqno". Any class options can be entered here.

However, LyX also has native support for this under Document> Settings> 
Math Options. The Formula Numbering Side option is self-explanatory. You 
would want "Left". This adds "leqno" behind the scenes. The other one is 
the Indent Formulas checkbox. The tooltip explains what it does: It 
indents instead of centering equations. So you can check that. If you 
leave it at "Default", then it just adds "fleqn"; you can also, however, 
control the indent here by selecting "Custom" and entering a length 
(which gets set as the \mathindent).

This is all in the Math manual, under Help.


lyx-users mailing list

Formatting/Equation numbering

2022-12-04 Thread Dan
I know how I can number equations, but I would like the equations to be in
the following type of format:
Eq. 1.1 (equation)

Eq. 1.2 (equation)
indented slightly.  IMO I don't like having them centered like the usual
Edit, Math, NumberWholeFormula method does.

I know LaTeX supports defining a user formatting code but I don't know how
to do that in LyX.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse


In Settings -> Document -> Listings you can set things into the window
which wind up in the generated tex file as \lstset{}

greetings, el

On 2022-05-27 23:20 , Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

Thanks for the pointer.


Since all the code in the document is the same language I searched the
web for setting defaults.  Found a list archive thread from 10 years
ago and your response was to add the language and other attributes to
the preamble; here
I entered
\lset{language=Python, Tabulator size=4}

This makes no difference.  I closed and re-opened lyx; this had no

Each block of program code still defaults to Language=None and
Tabulator size=8.

Has anything changed in the past decade?



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 30 May 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

That's interesting. I don't find "showspaces" anywhere in the document
settings. Where do I turn it off?


Found it: Edit -> Listing settings -> Style -> Space in string as symbols.

Thanks again,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 30 May 2022, Herbert Voss wrote:

you have set the listings option "showspaces" and also one indention with
spaces instead of tabs.

"showspaces" makes no sense with python code.


That's interesting. I don't find "showspaces" anywhere in the document
settings. Where do I turn it off?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 30 May 2022, Herbert Voss wrote:

It _does_ support tab characters, e.g.


But not in the Tkinter widget code documentation I'm making into a readable
format using LyX.

The small space character issue in the pdflatex output is associated with
the Python-3.6+ formatted strings; those that begin with an f prefixing the
string within curly braces {}.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 30.05.22 um 15:38 schrieb Rich Shepard:
Here's an issue that's appeared twice (so far) in the document and I 

find the reason.

you have set the listings option "showspaces" and also one indention 
with spaces

instead of tabs.

"showspaces" makes no sense with python code.


The *.lyx code in a Program Listing environment looks like this:
\begin_layout Plain Layout

    self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  data = [[f"Row {r},

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  Column {c}

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  for c in range(50)]

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  for r in range(500)]) \end_layout
The same code in the *.tex file is:
    self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
  data = [[f"Row {r},
  Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2"
  for c in range(50)]
  for r in range(500)]) --
So why does the pdflatex *.pdf display the attached with small space 


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Rich Shepard

Here's an issue that's appeared twice (so far) in the document and I cannot
find the reason.

The *.lyx code in a Program Listing environment looks like this:
\begin_layout Plain Layout

self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  data = [[f"Row {r},

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  Column {c}

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  for c in range(50)]

\begin_layout Plain Layout

  for r in range(500)]) 

The same code in the *.tex file is:
self.sheet = Sheet(self.frame,
  data = [[f"Row {r},
  Column {c}\nnewline1\nnewline2"
  for c in range(50)]
  for r in range(500)]) 

So why does the pdflatex *.pdf display the attached with small space symbols?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 30.05.22 um 14:48 schrieb Rich Shepard:

I learned the reason for the spacing issues is that the program listing
environment does not support tabs for white space, only spaces. Kinda' 

on the keyboard's space bar. :-)

It _does_ support tab characters, e.g.


    { one tabulator }
    { two tabs }
    { 123+two tabs }

the output:

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-30 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

If the code was copied from outside LyX and pasted in, maybe there are
some stray nonprinting characters and/or one of the supposed end-of-line
characters is borked. The simplest way to test this would be to backspace
over the offending commas and surrounding spaces and then type them back


I learned the reason for the spacing issues is that the program listing
environment does not support tabs for white space, only spaces. Kinda' hard
on the keyboard's space bar. :-)

Best regareds,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 5/27/22 18:44, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

AFAIK, \lstset{} is the correct command. In order to use it in the
preamble, you have to precede it with \usepackage{listings}.


I overlooked that.

The correct syntax for setting the tabulator size is tabsize=4. 

size=4" will cause an error.

Okay. I wondered about that string.

Setting package defaults in the preamble will not register in the LyX
settings dialog, but they will work. So the dialog will continue to say
"no language" and tab size 4 (or whatever the dialog defaults are), but
your preamble settings will work in the compiled document.


Now I find an error in the complied document that makes no sense.

In one code block are these lines:
row_index_width = 100,
auto_resize_default_row_index = True,
set_all_heights_and_widths = False,
row_height = "1",

but in the PDF the middle two lines are combined and there are spaces 

the terminating commas:
row_index_width = 100,
auto_resize_default_row_index = True , set_all_heights_and_widths = 
False ,

row_height = "1",

So far I've not been able to figure out why so I'll worry about this 


If the code was copied from outside LyX and pasted in, maybe there are 
some stray nonprinting characters and/or one of the supposed end-of-line 
characters is borked. The simplest way to test this would be to 
backspace over the offending commas and surrounding spaces and then type 
them back in.


PS: For future reference, a simple alternative to mucking around with 
package defaults is to create an empty listing inset, fiddle with 
options in the settings dialog, then just copy the empty inset and paste 
the copy in wherever you need to enter code.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

AFAIK, \lstset{} is the correct command. In order to use it in the
preamble, you have to precede it with \usepackage{listings}.


I overlooked that.

The correct syntax for setting the tabulator size is tabsize=4. "Tabulator
size=4" will cause an error.

Okay. I wondered about that string.

Setting package defaults in the preamble will not register in the LyX
settings dialog, but they will work. So the dialog will continue to say
"no language" and tab size 4 (or whatever the dialog defaults are), but
your preamble settings will work in the compiled document.


Now I find an error in the complied document that makes no sense.

In one code block are these lines:
row_index_width = 100,
auto_resize_default_row_index = True,
set_all_heights_and_widths = False,
row_height = "1",

but in the PDF the middle two lines are combined and there are spaces before
the terminating commas:
row_index_width = 100,
auto_resize_default_row_index = True , set_all_heights_and_widths = False ,
row_height = "1",

So far I've not been able to figure out why so I'll worry about this tomorrow.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 5/27/22 17:39, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

\lset{language=Python, Tabulator size=4}


A more recent thread on program listings

shows the command as \lstset{} but this also fails to set the default and
throws an error when I try to compile the document.


AFAIK, \lstset{} is the correct command. In order to use it in the 
preamble, you have to precede it with

\usepackage{listings}. LyX automatically inserts the use package command 
after the preamble, which means the \lstset command is undefined if you 
don't manually load the package first. (LyX will still insert another 
\usepackage after the preamble, which seems to be harmless.)

The correct syntax for setting the tabulator size is tabsize=4. 
"Tabulator size=4" will cause an error.

Setting package defaults in the preamble will not register in the LyX 
settings dialog, but they will work. So the dialog will continue to say 
"no language" and tab size 4 (or whatever the dialog defaults are), but 
your preamble settings will work in the compiled document.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

\lset{language=Python, Tabulator size=4}


A more recent thread on program listings

shows the command as \lstset{} but this also fails to set the default and
throws an error when I try to compile the document.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

Thanks for the pointer.


Since all the code in the document is the same language I searched the web
for setting defaults. Found a list archive thread from 10 years ago and your
response was to add the language and other attributes to the preamble; here
I entered
\lset{language=Python, Tabulator size=4}

This makes no difference. I closed and re-opened lyx; this had no effect.

Each block of program code still defaults to Language=None and Tabulator

Has anything changed in the past decade?



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 27 May 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Rather than LyX-Code, start with Insert > Program Listing to insert a
listings widget. Right click the widget, click Settings ..., and on the
main settings tab use the Language drop-down to select Python. Tweak other
settings at will.


Ah ha! It's been years since I last entered any programming code in a lyx

Thanks for the pointer.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 5/27/22 15:01, Rich Shepard wrote:

I'm trying to format Python code in a document, but cannot properly set
indentation and long lines without them breaking. The document class 


I've set the code environment to LyX-Code.

Reading the User Guide, I don't find a section on LyX-Code; Section 
6.10 is

TeX Code and the LaTeX Syntax. That's not what I want.

What have I missed?

Rather than LyX-Code, start with Insert > Program Listing to insert a 
listings widget. Right click the widget, click Settings ..., and on the 
main settings tab use the Language drop-down to select Python. Tweak 
other settings at will.


lyx-users mailing list

Formatting Python code

2022-05-27 Thread Rich Shepard

I'm trying to format Python code in a document, but cannot properly set
indentation and long lines without them breaking. The document class is KOMA

I've set the code environment to LyX-Code.

Reading the User Guide, I don't find a section on LyX-Code; Section 6.10 is
TeX Code and the LaTeX Syntax. That's not what I want.

What have I missed?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citation not allowing formatting [FIXED]

2020-03-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Mar 2020, Rich Shepard wrote:

Prior lyx versions would show a selection of citation formats; e.g.,
(Author date), (Author, date), Author (date). They ain't available to me
now and I don't know what I did to lose them. Same thing when the biblio
style is authordate3 which worked as expected in a recent document with an
earlier lyx version.

Fixed. By re-setting all options to match those which worked properly on the
last document the citation styles are now working properly.

I've no idea which setting broke things but careful restoration of all fixed
the problem.

Thanks, Kornel,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citation not allowing formatting

2020-03-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Mar 2020, Kornel Benko wrote:

What about
Document->Settings...->Bibliography->Style format:
ATM you have selected 'Basic (BibTeX)', try for instance Biblatex.


That setting needed to be changed. It's now Citation Style Format Natbib
(Bibtex) Author-Year, Bibliography style plain, and Bibliography Generation
Processor Bibtex. These are the settings for another document I last worked
on a few weeks ago but I'm still not able to select the range of citation
presentation formats.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citation not allowing formatting

2020-03-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Mar 2020, Kornel Benko wrote:

What about
Document->Settings...->Bibliography->Style format:


Doesn't matter if that, and the bibliography setting, are both APA or
authordate3, the only formatting styles remain the three I included in my

ATM you have selected 'Basic (BibTeX)', try for instance Biblatex.

I've stayed with bibtex for many years rather than learning biblatex.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Bibliographic citation not allowing formatting

2020-03-10 Thread Kornel Benko
Am Tue, 10 Mar 2020 07:12:30 -0700 (PDT)
schrieb Rich Shepard :

> Running lyx- on Slackware-14.2/x86_64.
> I inserted the bibtex bibliography at the end of the document and a citation
> from The bibliography style is APA, but when I try to format
> the appearance of the citation in the text I am allowed only [#ID], Add to
> biblography only, and Key only.
> Prior lyx versions would show a selection of citation formats; e.g., (Author
> date), (Author, date), Author (date). They ain't available to me now and I
> don't know what I did to lose them. Same thing when the biblio style is
> authordate3 which worked as expected in a recent document with an earlier
> lyx version.
> I've attached a mwe.lyx but without my entire 1.8M bibliographic database.
> A cluestick is needed.
> Regards,
> Rich

What about
Document->Settings...->Bibliography->Style format:
ATM you have selected 'Basic (BibTeX)', try for instance Biblatex.


Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP
lyx-users mailing list

Bibliographic citation not allowing formatting

2020-03-10 Thread Rich Shepard

Running lyx- on Slackware-14.2/x86_64.

I inserted the bibtex bibliography at the end of the document and a citation
from The bibliography style is APA, but when I try to format
the appearance of the citation in the text I am allowed only [#ID], Add to
biblography only, and Key only.

Prior lyx versions would show a selection of citation formats; e.g., (Author
date), (Author, date), Author (date). They ain't available to me now and I
don't know what I did to lose them. Same thing when the biblio style is
authordate3 which worked as expected in a recent document with an earlier
lyx version.

I've attached a mwe.lyx but without my entire 1.8M bibliographic database.

A cluestick is needed.


Rich#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 544
\save_transient_properties true
\origin unavailable
\textclass scrartcl
\use_default_options false
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\begin_layout Standard
In urban areas methods such as the process described in the Natural Resource
 Conservation Service Technical Report (
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand keyonly
key "Cronshey1986"
literal "true"


) are sufficient for regulatory compliance in most cases.

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset bibtex
LatexCommand bibtex
btprint "btPrintCited"
bibfiles "/home/rshepard/documents/jabrefdb"
options "bibtotoc,apa"



lyx-users mailing list

Re: bibtex formatting

2019-11-01 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 1 Nov 2019, Baris Erkus wrote:

How  does it appear on the generated PDF file?


As (wet) rather than as (WET).

LyX has its own formatting of references, which is most of the time NOT
same as the bibtex format you are using.

I hadn't encountered this issue (and another I need to resolve) when using
JabRef. I think it's how kbibtex is acting.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: bibtex formatting

2019-10-31 Thread Baris Erkus
On 31-Oct-19 7:52 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I have a reference titled, Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET) and it's
> entered in kbibtex with the abbreviation writte this way: ({WET}). 
> But, when
> entered in a LyX document the bibliography shows the abbreviation as 
> (wet).
> I thought the braces specified 'keep the text exactly as written' so I 
> must
> have not correctly formatted this string. Please show me how it should be
> done.
> TIA,
> Rich

How  does it appear on the generated PDF file?

LyX has its own formatting of references, which is most of the time NOT 
same as the bibtex format you are using.

Please bottom-post. Start your reply here:

lyx-users mailing list

bibtex formatting

2019-10-31 Thread Rich Shepard

I have a reference titled, Wetland Evaluation Technique (WET) and it's
entered in kbibtex with the abbreviation writte this way: ({WET}). But, when
entered in a LyX document the bibliography shows the abbreviation as (wet).

I thought the braces specified 'keep the text exactly as written' so I must
have not correctly formatted this string. Please show me how it should be


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Formatting of Outline view: Intentional or side-effect of native themes?

2018-04-26 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
2018-04-26 17:02 GMT+02:00 Klaus-Dieter Bauer 

> Hello!
> Before submitting an enhancement request, I wanted to ask if there already
> *are* possibilities to customize how the outline view looks.
> [image: lyx-tree.png]
> (mirror for image:
> I could imagine that there's some utility that allows changing the Qt
> theme or something like that, but I wouldn't even know where to start
> looking.

Indeed, this is determined by the Qt theme. The theme I use (Qt Adwaita)
has lines (and triangles, so it looks a bit like a mix of the above two).

Others will have to tell you how to switch the theme on Windows.


Re: Formatting of Outline view: Intentional or side-effect of native themes?

2018-04-26 Thread Steve Litt
On Thu, 26 Apr 2018 15:02:09 +
Klaus-Dieter Bauer  wrote:

> Hello!
> Before submitting an enhancement request, I wanted to ask if there
> already *are* possibilities to customize how the outline view looks.
> [image: lyx-tree.png]
> (mirror for image:
> I could imagine that there's some utility that allows changing the Qt
> theme or something like that, but I wouldn't even know where to start
> looking.
> I generally find tree-views with lines as visual guides vastly more
> useful than the "modern" style of indicating the tree only by
> indication. My best guess here is, that Qt choosed a style that
> mimicks the native style of modern Windows, which I dislike in this
> particular case.
> I'm certain others will prefer the "line-less" styles, but for me
> having the lines would be very helpful in navigating large documents.
> - Klaus

I'm an outline junkie, and after viewing your side-by-side outline
views, I strongly agree lines are better. Outlines are meant for quick
human comprehension: Lines accentuate that, lineless doesn't.

Of course, I could be called a hipocryt because the VimOutliner
software I originated doesn't have lines. But that decision was made
for simplicity's sake, and LyX long ago left the simplicity track.

I very much prefer the lines.

Steve Litt 
April 2018 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
 of the Successful Technologist

Formatting of Outline view: Intentional or side-effect of native themes?

2018-04-26 Thread Klaus-Dieter Bauer

Before submitting an enhancement request, I wanted to ask if there already
*are* possibilities to customize how the outline view looks.

[image: lyx-tree.png]
(mirror for image:

I could imagine that there's some utility that allows changing the Qt theme
or something like that, but I wouldn't even know where to start looking.

I generally find tree-views with lines as visual guides vastly more useful
than the "modern" style of indicating the tree only by indication. My best
guess here is, that Qt choosed a style that mimicks the native style of
modern Windows, which I dislike in this particular case.

I'm certain others will prefer the "line-less" styles, but for me having
the lines would be very helpful in navigating large documents.

- Klaus

Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 12 Apr 2018, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

You can also insert rules straight from LyX, without ERT.


  Oh. I didn't look because I had no idea for what I should be looking.



Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-12 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

I do that with a table with fixed widths, removing all the frames and
then addling the frame-line where the person has to sign.

It's eminently reusable :-)-O


On 11/04/2018 01:18, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Before I re-invent the wheel I want to discover if there are existing
> tools to provide for entry of name, signature, and date to be filled
> in on a printed copy of the document page.  Specifically, this is for
> project proposal acceptance and should look something like this (in
> fixed-space font):
> Name (printed): ___Date: _
> Signature: 
> Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately.
> What I seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length
> and at a specified place.  Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro?
> I've used it to place spaces but not baselines.
> Rich

Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-12 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
You can also insert rules straight from LyX, without ERT.


On 11/04/2018 02:10, Stephen Buonopane wrote:
> On Apr 10, 2018, at 7:49 PM, Rich Shepard  wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
>>> Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately. What I
>>> seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length and at a
>>> specified place. Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro? I've used it to
>>> place spaces but not baselines.
>>  Forgot to mention I found nothing relevant in The LaTeX Companion (2nd Ed)
>> or the LaTeX Graphics Companion.
>>  I suppose I could create a PSTricks .pdf and insert it on the page.
>> Rich
> Try following command in ERT
> \rule{3in}{0.5pt}

Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, Cris Fuhrman wrote:

An alternative is to use a table.


  There are three items: printed name, signature, and date. The \rule{}{}
macro is perfect for this. Spacing on the page using \vspace{} and \hspace{}
place each item appropriately.



Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-11 Thread Cris Fuhrman
Hi Rich,

An alternative is to use a table. The labels (Name, Date, etc) are in cells
that have no borders, and the other parts are in cells with borders on the
bottom. Of course you have to play with widths of columns, but this
approach is more form-like and it's easier to perceive (WYSIWYM) in LyX
than ERTs that won't show till you view in PDF or whatever.


C. Fuhrman

On Tue, Apr 10, 2018 at 7:18 PM, Rich Shepard 

>   Before I re-invent the wheel I want to discover if there are existing
> tools to provide for entry of name, signature, and date to be filled in on
> a
> printed copy of the document page. Specifically, this is for project
> proposal acceptance and should look something like this (in fixed-space
> font):
> Name (printed): ___ Date: _
> Signature: 
>   Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately. What I
> seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length and at a
> specified place. Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro? I've used it to
> place spaces but not baselines.
> Rich

Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-11 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 11 Apr 2018, Steve Litt wrote:

Why not use sixteen consecutive underscores?


  Because 1) it doesn't look as good when typeset and b) \rule{}{} allows
fine control over length and line width.


Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-11 Thread Steve Litt
On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 16:18:41 -0700 (PDT)
Rich Shepard  wrote:

>Before I re-invent the wheel I want to discover if there are
> existing tools to provide for entry of name, signature, and date to
> be filled in on a printed copy of the document page. Specifically,
> this is for project proposal acceptance and should look something
> like this (in fixed-space font):
>  Name (printed): ___  Date: _
>  Signature: 
>Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately.
> What I seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length
> and at a specified place. Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro?
> I've used it to place spaces but not baselines.

Why not use sixteen consecutive underscores?


Steve Litt 
April 2018 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
 of the Successful Technologist

Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, Stephen Buonopane wrote:

Try following command 


  \rule{} looks vaguely familiar. I might have used it years ago and have
forgotten about it. It did not show up in TLC2 when I looked at the contents
so I missed it.



Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-10 Thread Stephen Buonopane
On Apr 10, 2018, at 7:49 PM, Rich Shepard  wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately. What I
>> seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length and at a
>> specified place. Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro? I've used it to
>> place spaces but not baselines.
>  Forgot to mention I found nothing relevant in The LaTeX Companion (2nd Ed)
> or the LaTeX Graphics Companion.
>  I suppose I could create a PSTricks .pdf and insert it on the page.
> Rich

Try following command in ERT

Re: Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-10 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately. What I
seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length and at a
specified place. Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro? I've used it to
place spaces but not baselines.

  Forgot to mention I found nothing relevant in The LaTeX Companion (2nd Ed)
or the LaTeX Graphics Companion.

  I suppose I could create a PSTricks .pdf and insert it on the page.


Formatting name/date to be filled by others

2018-04-10 Thread Rich Shepard

  Before I re-invent the wheel I want to discover if there are existing
tools to provide for entry of name, signature, and date to be filled in on a
printed copy of the document page. Specifically, this is for project
proposal acceptance and should look something like this (in fixed-space

Name (printed): ___ Date: _


  Of course, \hspace{} and \vspace{} will place these appropriately. What I
seek is a way to add the solid underline for a defined length and at a
specified place. Would \hfill{} be the appropriate macro? I've used it to
place spaces but not baselines.


Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 27 Oct 2016, John Kane wrote:

\ohead{{Page} \thepage { of} \pageref{LastPage}}


  Unfortunately, it makes no difference. Looks logical, though.



Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-27 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
That actually was not minimal because the PDF was missing, but, please
find enclosed.

\pageref{lastpage} is not the same as \pageref{LastPage} :)))-O

I have also taken the liberty of (re)moving the change to "Executive
Summary" into the preamble, clicked off the default date on the first
page (and removed the (empty) \date{} from the preamble and replaced
the ERT of the vertical space with LyX formatting :-)-O

Then, I suggest, strongly, you start looking at at Markus Kohms's
titlepage package


of which I personally like Markus-2 most.

It's in German though :-)-O but Markus is very helpful :-)-O


On 2016-10-26 17:49, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> Post a minimal working example.
> el,
>   Attached.
> Rich

Description: application/lyx

Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-27 Thread John Kane
Replying to list.

\ohead{{Page} \thepage { of} \pageref{LastPage}}

On 26 October 2016 at 11:49, Rich Shepard  wrote:

> On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
> Post a minimal working example.
> el,
>   Attached.
> Rich

John Kane
Kingston ON Canada

Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-26 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

Post a minimal working example.



Rich#LyX 2.2 created this file. For more info see
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Science Expert Report

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\begin_inset Newline newline

Title of the case
\begin_inset Newline newline

\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



Retaining attorney
\begin_inset Newline newline

\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



Project number: 

\begin_layout Publishers
Prepared by
\begin_inset Newline newline

Richard B.
 Shepard, PhD
\begin_inset Newline newline

\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

abstractname{Executive Summary}



\begin_layout Abstract
The summary goes here.

\begin_layout Section
Scope of Engagement

\begin_layout Standard
I was engaged to provide scientific opinions about ...

\begin_layout Section

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Section
Summary of Facts

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Section
Data Used and Analyses Performed

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\begin_inset ERT
status open

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\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Section
Executive Summary of Opinion

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout



Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-26 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
Post a minimal working example.


On 2016-10-25 17:53, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> No spaces surrounding 'of' and question marks rather than '3'.
>   Solved that; didn't see the final backslash on \thepage\.
>   Now to fix the total page issue.
> Rich

Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 25 Oct 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

No spaces surrounding 'of' and question marks rather than '3'.

  Solved that; didn't see the final backslash on \thepage\.

  Now to fix the total page issue.


Re: Legal document formatting

2016-10-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 25 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

I leave the page style in LyX to the default and then put this in the


  Made this change.

A Minimal Working Example helps, but I wouldput something like this
into the preamble:

\ohead{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}

  I did not have the \clearscrheadfoot command in the preamble.

  It's interesting that now (with a 3-page document) on pages 2 and 3 the
header reads Page 2of?? and Page 3of??. No spaces surrounding 'of' and
question marks rather than '3'.

  More research on my part is needed.

Thanks very much,


Re: Legal document formatting

2016-10-25 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
I leave the page style in LyX to the default and then put this in the

A Minimal Working Example helps, but I wouldput something like this
into the preamble:

\ohead{Page \thepage\ of \pageref{LastPage}}



On 2016-10-25 00:55, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:
>> I rolled my own with Koma-Script Article, and used scrheadings and
>> lastpage in the preamble :-)-O
>   The KOMA-script English manual, in Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3,
> describe running headers and footers and their formatting. What I do
> not see is how to integrate text with LaTeX commands.
>   For example, this compiles: 
>   \ohead{\thepage}
> but if I want to have the outerhead read 
> \ohead{Page \thepage of \lastpage} 
> there's an error. I've tried various modifications of this
> unsuccessfully.  I'd appreciate a pointer to a doc that tells me how
> to format this and how to split a header so it covers two lines.
> Rich

Re: Legal document formatting

2016-10-24 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

I rolled my own with Koma-Script Article, and used scrheadings and
lastpage in the preamble :-)-O

  The KOMA-script English manual, in Sections 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, describe
running headers and footers and their formatting. What I do not see is how
to integrate text with LaTeX commands.

  For example, this compiles:

but if I want to have the outerhead read
\ohead{Page \thepage of \lastpage}
there's an error. I've tried various modifications of this unsuccessfully.
I'd appreciate a pointer to a doc that tells me how to format this and how
to split a header so it covers two lines.


Re: Legal document formatting [UPDATE]

2016-10-24 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

 When I try to preview the document (^x-p), an error box appears telling
me (twice) that cheader and cfooter are already defined in the document.
If so they are not visible or created by me.

  Got it. Forgot to remove the fancyhdr package included in the preamble.
Removed that and it works.


Re: Legal document formatting

2016-10-24 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

I rolled my own with Koma-Script Article, and used scrheadings and
lastpage in the preamble :-)-O


  Changed the class to Koma-Script article and both packages (scrheadings
and lastpage) are in the preamble. I set the page layout to 'plain.'

  When I try to preview the document (^x-p), an error box appears telling me
(twice) that cheader and cfooter are already defined in the document. If so
they are not visible or created by me.

  Any thoughts on what I've missed?


Re: Legal document formatting

2016-10-24 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 24 Oct 2016, Dr Eberhard Lisse wrote:

I rolled my own with Koma-Script Article, and used scrheadings and
lastpage in the preamble :-)-O


  Yesterday I started a template using KOMA-Script Report; using the article
class does make more sense. I'll read about scrheadings in the class manual.

I then used pdfpages to import my (Eurpoass CV) without footers so the "Page 
# of # pages" works :-)-O

  That's a thought. I was going to use pdftk to concatenate the two, but
that has them paginated separately.

The Preamble is your friend :-)-O


Thanks very much for the ideas,


Re: Legal document formatting

2016-10-23 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse

I rolled my own with Koma-Script Article, and used scrheadings and
lastpage in the preamble :-)-O

I then used pdfpages to import my (Eurpoass CV) without footers so the 
"Page # of # pages" works :-)-O

The Preamble is your friend :-)-O


On 2016-10-22 18:07 , Rich Shepard wrote:

Has anyone developed a layout template used for a report prepared by a
testifying expert witness in a lawsuit?

I'm using KOMA-script report as the base class and am curious if
there is a professional-looking layout equivalent to the great layout
'modern CV.'  Why re-invent the wheel if one's ready to be bolted on.



Re: Legal document formatting [RESOLVED]

2016-10-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 22 Oct 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

I'm using KOMA-script report as the base class and am curious if there is
a professional-looking layout equivalent to the great layout 'modern CV.'
Why re-invent the wheel if one's ready to be bolted on.

  Never mind. I'm creating my own layout and format. There's an issue with
fancyhdr, however, but that will be a new thread.


Legal document formatting

2016-10-22 Thread Rich Shepard

  Has anyone developed a layout template used for a report prepared by a
testifying expert witness in a lawsuit?

  I'm using KOMA-script report as the base class and am curious if there is
a professional-looking layout equivalent to the great layout 'modern CV.'
Why re-invent the wheel if one's ready to be bolted on.



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Charles de Miramon wrote:

What you could use is the custom-bib package,

  This is included in TeXlive, and version 20140524 of that is installed
here, along with custom-bib. I downloaded the PDF doc and will read that and
create the bibliography style I want.

Thanks for the pointer!


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Rich Shepard wrote:

 elsarticle-harv and clicked the OK button. The status line reported the
 document was being reformatted. After saving, I compiled it using
 pdflatex. But, the bibliography is still in author-title format with the
 year at the end.

It seems that elsarticle bst file works only with the elsarticle class.

What you could use is the custom-bib package, a companion to natbib. It is a 
special latex file. When you run latex on it, it will ask you many questions 
and then spit a custom bst file. One of the questions is the place of the 

Then you put your custom bst file in a place where LaTex can find it, 
refresh the LaTex tree and you can use it in LyX.

Easier than learning BibLaTex


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Charles de Miramon wrote:

It seems that elsarticle bst file works only with the elsarticle class.


  Well, that seems reasonable.

What you could use is the custom-bib package, a companion to natbib. It is
a special latex file. When you run latex on it, it will ask you many
questions and then spit a custom bst file. One of the questions is the
place of the 'year'.

Then you put your custom bst file in a place where LaTex can find it,
refresh the LaTex tree and you can use it in LyX.

Easier than learning BibLaTex

  I'll put this on my list of things to do this coming weekend.



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Charles de Miramon wrote:

What you could use is the custom-bib package,

  This is included in TeXlive, and version 20140524 of that is installed
here, along with custom-bib. I downloaded the PDF doc and will read that and
create the bibliography style I want.

Thanks for the pointer!


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Charles de Miramon wrote:

It seems that elsarticle bst file works only with the elsarticle class.


  Well, that seems reasonable.

What you could use is the custom-bib package, a companion to natbib. It is
a special latex file. When you run latex on it, it will ask you many
questions and then spit a custom bst file. One of the questions is the
place of the 'year'.

Then you put your custom bst file in a place where LaTex can find it,
refresh the LaTex tree and you can use it in LyX.

Easier than learning BibLaTex

  I'll put this on my list of things to do this coming weekend.



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Rich Shepard wrote:

 elsarticle-harv and clicked the OK button. The status line reported the
 document was being reformatted. After saving, I compiled it using
 pdflatex. But, the bibliography is still in author-title format with the
 year at the end.

It seems that elsarticle bst file works only with the elsarticle class.

What you could use is the custom-bib package, a companion to natbib. It is a 
special latex file. When you run latex on it, it will ask you many questions 
and then spit a custom bst file. One of the questions is the place of the 

Then you put your custom bst file in a place where LaTex can find it, 
refresh the LaTex tree and you can use it in LyX.

Easier than learning BibLaTex


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Charles de Miramon
Rich Shepard wrote:

> elsarticle-harv and clicked the "OK" button. The status line reported the
> document was being reformatted. After saving, I compiled it using
> pdflatex. But, the bibliography is still in author-title format with the
> year at the end.

It seems that elsarticle bst file works only with the elsarticle class.

What you could use is the custom-bib package, a companion to natbib. It is a 
special latex file. When you run latex on it, it will ask you many questions 
and then spit a custom bst file. One of the questions is the place of the 

Then you put your custom bst file in a place where LaTex can find it, 
refresh the LaTex tree and you can use it in LyX.

Easier than learning BibLaTex


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Charles de Miramon wrote:

It seems that elsarticle bst file works only with the elsarticle class.


  Well, that seems reasonable.

What you could use is the custom-bib package, a companion to natbib. It is
a special latex file. When you run latex on it, it will ask you many
questions and then spit a custom bst file. One of the questions is the
place of the 'year'.

Then you put your custom bst file in a place where LaTex can find it,
refresh the LaTex tree and you can use it in LyX.

Easier than learning BibLaTex

  I'll put this on my list of things to do this coming weekend.



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Charles de Miramon wrote:

What you could use is the custom-bib package,

  This is included in TeXlive, and version 20140524 of that is installed
here, along with custom-bib. I downloaded the PDF doc and will read that and
create the bibliography style I want.

Thanks for the pointer!


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

 I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.

  I found a 30-page BibTeX style guide. The first section is for
author-title styles, the second section is for author-year styles. The first
author-year style uses elsarticle-harv.bst. So far so good.

  In the bibliography settings I changed the default bibliography style to
elsarticle-harv and clicked the OK button. The status line reported the
document was being reformatted. After saving, I compiled it using pdflatex.
But, the bibliography is still in author-title format with the year at the

  Did I leave out a step here?



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

 I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.

  I found a 30-page BibTeX style guide. The first section is for
author-title styles, the second section is for author-year styles. The first
author-year style uses elsarticle-harv.bst. So far so good.

  In the bibliography settings I changed the default bibliography style to
elsarticle-harv and clicked the OK button. The status line reported the
document was being reformatted. After saving, I compiled it using pdflatex.
But, the bibliography is still in author-title format with the year at the

  Did I leave out a step here?



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

 I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.

  I found a 30-page BibTeX style guide. The first section is for
author-title styles, the second section is for author-year styles. The first
author-year style uses elsarticle-harv.bst. So far so good.

  In the bibliography settings I changed the default bibliography style to
elsarticle-harv and clicked the "OK" button. The status line reported the
document was being reformatted. After saving, I compiled it using pdflatex.
But, the bibliography is still in author-title format with the year at the

  Did I leave out a step here?



Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Rich Shepard

  The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.

  The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
that will teach me how to do this.


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Benedict Holland
I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning curve
but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially solved
as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that also
very well documented.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Rich Shepard

   The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
 biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
 and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.

   The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
 want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
 that will teach me how to do this.


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning
curve but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially
solved as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that
also very well documented.


  Back when I was in grad school (and doing a post-doc) in the early Pleistocene
and publishing in journals the bibliographic style was Author. Year. Title.
Volume:pages. So, that's what I kept doing.

  I see now that the preferred style has apparently changed so that almost
all put the year at the end of the listing. Seems less than useful to me if
the citation is author-year, why not list the bibliography the same way?

  Anywho, it really is a very minor issue. After all, I don't read the
bibliographies in the white papers and other documents I produce for clients
and regulators that have a bibliography and citations in the text. :-) Since
it seems to be a hassle, I'll just let it go (again.)



Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Rich Shepard

  The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.

  The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
that will teach me how to do this.


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning
curve but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially
solved as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that
also very well documented.


  Back when I was in grad school (and doing a post-doc) in the early Pleistocene
and publishing in journals the bibliographic style was Author. Year. Title.
Volume:pages. So, that's what I kept doing.

  I see now that the preferred style has apparently changed so that almost
all put the year at the end of the listing. Seems less than useful to me if
the citation is author-year, why not list the bibliography the same way?

  Anywho, it really is a very minor issue. After all, I don't read the
bibliographies in the white papers and other documents I produce for clients
and regulators that have a bibliography and citations in the text. :-) Since
it seems to be a hassle, I'll just let it go (again.)



Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Benedict Holland
I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning curve
but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially solved
as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that also
very well documented.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Rich Shepard

   The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
 biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
 and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.

   The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
 want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
 that will teach me how to do this.


Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Rich Shepard

  The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.

  The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
that will teach me how to do this.


Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Benedict Holland
I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning curve
but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially solved
as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that also
very well documented.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 6:22 PM, Rich Shepard 

>   The natbib doc focuses on citation styles so I suppose that the
> biblography style is controlled by bibTeX. I've not before modified bitTeX
> and have no idea what or where to modify to produce the output I want.
>   The bibliography has the publication year at the end of each listing. I
> want it following the author(s) name(s). Please provide a pointer to a doc
> that will teach me how to do this.
> Rich

Re: Bibliography Formatting

2015-07-20 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 20 Jul 2015, Benedict Holland wrote:

I find, from experience, that the best thing you can do is learn biblatex.
Is this something you are willing to do? It has a very steep learning
curve but is very well documented and supported. Your problem is trivially
solved as well. Lyx can also use biblatex with a small amount of work that
also very well documented.


  Back when I was in grad school (and doing a post-doc) in the early Pleistocene
and publishing in journals the bibliographic style was Author. Year. Title.
Volume:pages. So, that's what I kept doing.

  I see now that the preferred style has apparently changed so that almost
all put the year at the end of the listing. Seems less than useful to me if
the citation is author-year, why not list the bibliography the same way?

  Anywho, it really is a very minor issue. After all, I don't read the
bibliographies in the white papers and other documents I produce for clients
and regulators that have a bibliography and citations in the text. :-) Since
it seems to be a hassle, I'll just let it go (again.)



Formatting of footnote does not work

2014-06-22 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear list,

I have a question regarding the formatting of footnotes. I use LyX on 
OSX with BibDesk 1.6.2. There is one footnote, which is shown unformatted, 
others are formatted and I can't find out, why. Does somebody have an idea? I 
add a minimal example here.

Thanks in advance

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Formatting of footnote does not work

2014-06-22 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear list,

I have a question regarding the formatting of footnotes. I use LyX on 
OSX with BibDesk 1.6.2. There is one footnote, which is shown unformatted, 
others are formatted and I can't find out, why. Does somebody have an idea? I 
add a minimal example here.

Thanks in advance

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Formatting of footnote does not work

2014-06-22 Thread jezZiFeR
Dear list,

I have a question regarding the formatting of footnotes. I use LyX on 
OSX with BibDesk 1.6.2. There is one footnote, which is shown unformatted, 
others are formatted and I can't find out, why. Does somebody have an idea? I 
add a minimal example here.

Thanks in advance

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

EnumItem - Formatting Description Tags with Typewriter font

2014-06-19 Thread uudruid74
In my LyX Preamble, I have ...


How do I set the font for the item (not the item's description) to the
typewriter font?  I already have the EnumItem module turned on and I'm using
KOMI Book (if that matters).

Any help appreciated!

View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: EnumItem - Formatting Description Tags with Typewriter font

2014-06-19 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 11:30 PM, uudruid74 wrote:
 In my LyX Preamble, I have ...


 How do I set the font for the item (not the item's description) to the
 typewriter font?  I already have the EnumItem module turned on and I'm using
 KOMI Book (if that matters).

 Any help appreciated!

Hi uudruid,

Whenever you cross-post, please always give the links to your other
posts. Here is one of them:


EnumItem - Formatting Description Tags with Typewriter font

2014-06-19 Thread uudruid74
In my LyX Preamble, I have ...


How do I set the font for the item (not the item's description) to the
typewriter font?  I already have the EnumItem module turned on and I'm using
KOMI Book (if that matters).

Any help appreciated!

View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: EnumItem - Formatting Description Tags with Typewriter font

2014-06-19 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 11:30 PM, uudruid74 wrote:
 In my LyX Preamble, I have ...


 How do I set the font for the item (not the item's description) to the
 typewriter font?  I already have the EnumItem module turned on and I'm using
 KOMI Book (if that matters).

 Any help appreciated!

Hi uudruid,

Whenever you cross-post, please always give the links to your other
posts. Here is one of them:


EnumItem - Formatting Description Tags with Typewriter font

2014-06-19 Thread uudruid74
In my LyX Preamble, I have ...


How do I set the font for the item (not the item's description) to the
typewriter font?  I already have the EnumItem module turned on and I'm using
KOMI Book (if that matters).

Any help appreciated!

View this message in context:
Sent from the LyX - Users mailing list archive at

Re: EnumItem - Formatting Description Tags with Typewriter font

2014-06-19 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 11:30 PM, uudruid74  wrote:
> In my LyX Preamble, I have ...
> \setlist{itemsep=0ex,parsep=1ex,leftmargin=0.25cm}
> \setenumerate{itemsep=1ex,parsep=1ex}
> \setitemize{itemsep=0ex,parsep=0ex,leftmargin=1cm}
> How do I set the font for the item (not the item's description) to the
> typewriter font?  I already have the EnumItem module turned on and I'm using
> KOMI Book (if that matters).
> Any help appreciated!

Hi uudruid,

Whenever you cross-post, please always give the links to your other
posts. Here is one of them:


Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-09 Thread PhilipPirrip
Remember that the commands in LaTeX are just macros, they collect any 
text and expand it where needed.

What you need is a command in the preamble of your LyX document of this 

\degree{Master of Science\\ \vspace{\baselineskip} in\\ 
\vspace{\baselineskip} Nuclear Engineering}

As I said, commands containing a @ have only been made for internal 
class use, they are not in user space.

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-09 Thread PhilipPirrip
Remember that the commands in LaTeX are just macros, they collect any 
text and expand it where needed.

What you need is a command in the preamble of your LyX document of this 

\degree{Master of Science\\ \vspace{\baselineskip} in\\ 
\vspace{\baselineskip} Nuclear Engineering}

As I said, commands containing a @ have only been made for internal 
class use, they are not in user space.

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-09 Thread PhilipPirrip
Remember that the commands in LaTeX are just macros, they collect any 
text and expand it where needed.

What you need is a command in the preamble of your LyX document of this 

\degree{Master of Science\\ \vspace{\baselineskip} in\\ 
\vspace{\baselineskip} Nuclear Engineering}

As I said, commands containing a @ have only been made for internal 
class use, they are not in user space.

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread Steve Burnham

On June 3, 2014 at 17:26:57 PM, PhilipPirrip ( wrote:

Insert  Formatting  Vertical space instead of just adding empty lines.  
Then, VFill is a stretchable vertical space that could help you keep the  
things on one page.  

This would work if the cover page was actually written in LyX but instead it is 
defined in the class file.  I specify the degree type in the preamble .  I 
manage to remove the blank page being created but the way the degree is defined 
in the class I am not sure how to break it up.

        A \@thesistype ~submitted to the faculty of\\ 
        The University of Utah\\ 
        in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
      \@degree \\

You can see the \@degree\\ simply takes what is written in the preamble and 
pastes in there as one line rather than “Master of Science” double space “In” 
double space “Nuclear Engineering”  I managed to get it formatted properly by 
adding the following in the class file after \@degree \\

 \@degree \\
  \mbox{} \\
  in \\
  \mbox{} \\
  Nuclear Engineering \\
  \mbox{} \\

I would like to make this a little more robust and allow for others to use the 
class file without having to edit it as much as I have.  In the preamble I 
specify the degree by entering after the \degree{} entry so I tried to add 
something like \degreein{} where someone can enter the information and replaced 
“Nuclear Engineering” in the class file with \@degreein but I get compile 
errors.  Is there a better way to go about this?


Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread PhilipPirrip
It's hard to guess what you're supposed to have without knowing anything 
about your latex class.
What's obvious from the excerpt you've given is that \@degree is meant 
to be an internal command of the class (because of the @). There must be 
some part of the class file that fills the \@degree command with user's 

Where can we find the class file?

Re: Thesis formatting

2014-06-04 Thread Benedict Holland
Would you be willing to do this in ERT? I find that the first page, cover
page, etc. are notoriously difficult to get correctly specified in Lyx. The
ERT would be someting like

Also, it might be linebreak but I think it should be newline. Honestly, I
find that if I have to edit or modify class files and the like, I just find
a library to do it for me and write it up in latex. It seems to be much
easier that way.


Masters of Science \newline
in \newline
Nuclear Engineering \newline



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Steve Burnham wrote:

 On June 4, 2014 at 12:50:48 PM, PhilipPirrip ( wrote:

 It's hard to guess what you're supposed to have without knowing anything
 about your latex class.
 What's obvious from the excerpt you've given is that \@degree is meant
 to be an internal command of the class (because of the @). There must be
 some part of the class file that fills the \@degree command with user's

 Where can we find the class file?

 I’m attaching the class file.  Starting at line 1351 is where I made my
 modifications.  I guess I don’t fully understand how to use the @ command.
  It sounds like I have to define it first earlier in the class file before
 I can add it to my preamble to be defined?


  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >