Re: MI Updating Object Styles

2000-01-18 Thread Michel Larue


I made a little utility that can copy and paste a style from object to 
selected objects. It might help you.


Michel Larue

At 16:16 18/01/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>Is there a way to update an object's style programmatically
>without recreating the object?
>A snippet of sample code from the MapBasic Help file says:
>'set a new "current symbol style"
>sSymbolAttr = "(35,65280,22)"
>sCmd = "Set Style Symbol MakeSymbol" + sSymbolAttr
>Run Command sCmd
>' use an Update statement to create a new Point for
>' every row in the Selection table.  Each new Point
>' will use the new "current symbol style"
>Update "Selection"
>   Set obj = CreatePoint(CentroidX(obj),CentroidY(obj))
>However, I need to do this for polygons!
>When working in MapInfo, I can go to "Options | Region Style"
>and modify editable, selected objects in the current window..
>but that doesn't seem to work from within MapBasic (?)
>I understand maybe I need to loop through each polygon and
>modify them using Alter Object?
>Thanks in advance for any insight!
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'* Name:ID_STYLE1.MB  *
'* Author:  B.M. Larue  *
'* Company: SOPAC  *
'* Date:26/8/95

Include "c:\mapinfo\mapbasic\mapbasic.def"
Include "c:\mapinfo\mapbasic\menu.def"

Declare sub Main
Declare Sub Copy_Style
Declare Sub Paste_Style
Declare Sub About
Declare Sub Quit
Declare Sub Null

Global i,k,kmax,j,jmax,imax As Integer  ' Whole numbers from 
-2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647 
'Global j   As smallInt ' Whole numbers from -32767 to 32767 
(inclusive); stored in two bytes
Global xAs float' Floating point value; stored in eight-byte 
IEEE format
Global aAs string   ' Variable-length character string, up to 
32767 bytes long
Global bAs String * 100 ' Fixed-length character string (where length dictates 
the length of the string, in bytes, up to 32767 bytes); fixed-length strings  are 
padded with trailing blanks 
Global Poly As Object   '   Graphical object (Point, Region, Line, 
Polyline, Arc, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Text, or Frame)
Global Esc  As Logical  ' TRUE or FALSE, stored in one byte (zero = 
FALSE, non-zero = TRUE)
Global DAs Date ' (MM/DD/), stored in four 
bytes: two bytes for the year, one byte for the month, one byte for the day

Global C As Alias   ' Column name 
Global P As Pen ' Pen (line) style setting 
Global Br As Brush  ' Brush (fill) style setting
Global F As Font' Font (text) style setting
Global S As Symbol  ' Symbol (point-marker) style setting

Global win_id As Integer
Global zoom_win As float
Global scale As float
Global xcenter As float
Global ycenter  As float
Global xmin As float
Global ymin As float
Global xmax As float
Global ymax As float
Global units As string
Global dist_unit As string 
Global scroll As logical
Global Win_x As float
Global Win_y As float
Global object As object
Global ObjColumn as alias
Global obj_type As Integer

Sub Main
  Create Menu "&ID_STYLE"
As  "Copy_Style"Calling Copy_Style,
"Past_Style"Calling Paste_Style,
"About" Calling About,
"Exit"  Calling Quit

  Alter Menu Bar Add "&ID_STYLE"

End Sub ' Main

sub Copy_Style
if selectioninfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) <> 1 then
note "Select ONE object first"
exit sub
end if
P = CurrentPen()
Br = CurrentBrush()
F = CurrentFont()
S = CurrentSymbol()
ObjColumn = Selection + ".obj"
obj_type = ObjectInfo(ObjColumn , OBJ_INFO_TYPE)
object = ObjColumn 

Do case obj_type 
P = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_PEN ) 
Br = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_BRUSH )
P = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_PEN ) 
P = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_PEN ) 
S = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_SYMBOL ) 
F = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_TEXTFONT )
P = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_PEN ) 
Br = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_BRUSH )
P = ObjectInfo(object,OBJ_INFO_PEN ) 

RE: MI Maps of Niue

2000-01-18 Thread Clifford J. Mugnier


One of my Ph.D. students did the complete readjustment of 
the Tomb Point Datum for Niue last semester.  It was a 
series of interlocking classical traverse loops with 
several co-located geodetic-quality GPS stations.  The 
project is 100% complete, and I have the standard topo map 
of Niue in which the "atlas grid" is actually the local 
survey grid with 1Km grid blocks lettered for the tourists. 
 The entire project was adjusted with a rigorous least 
squares network adjustment with the latest debugged version 
of "ADJUST" by the U.S. National Geodetic Survey.

I can't release the stuff to you yet because I have not had 
time to send the Government of Niue a copy of the final 
report.  Maybe I can do it this week ... when they approve 
it then maybe I can ...


Whatever happened to the copies of McCaw's books on Viti 
Levu, Vanua Levu, and Taveuni, as well as a copy of Mike 
Poidevin's report that Litea Biukoto (of SOPAC) promised 
she was going to send to me last September?  (That's 
September 20, 1999).

I'll let you see mine after you let me see yours ...

Clifford J. Mugnier ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
The Topographic Engineering Laboratory
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
New Orleans, Louisiana  70148

Voice and Facsimilie: (504) 280-7095
On Tuesday, 18 January, 2000 4:24 PM, Paula Dawe 
> Listers,
> Does anyone out there have any digital maps, air photos,
> or satellite images
> of the Pacific Island country of Niue, or know from where
> they might be
> obtained?  Any information would be helpful, as resources
> out this way tend
> to be slim.  This is for a water utility GIS.  Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Paula Dawe
> Water Resource Engineer-SOPAC
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> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact
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RE: MI Updating Object Styles

2000-01-18 Thread Paul Grambauer

Try this

'   Change the border of all road parcels to color Red

Sub ResymbolizeRoad

Dim objElem As Object
Dim penObj As Pen

select * from dcdb where object into dcdbroad
for i = 1 to tableinfo(dcdbroad,TAB_INFO_NROWS)
fetch rec i from dcdbroad
penObj = MakePen(1,2,RED)
objElem = DCDBROAD.obj
Alter Object objElem Info OBJ_INFO_PEN, penObj
Update DCDBROAD Set obj = objElem Where RowID = i

End Sub

Hope it helps,

Paul Grambauer
Cessnock City Council
PO Box 152,
68-72 Vincent St,
Cessnock, 2325
Phone : +61 02 49934192
Fax : +61 02 49934200

From:   Eric Frost[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, January 19, 2000 9:16 AM
Subject:MI Updating Object Styles


Is there a way to update an object's style programmatically 
without recreating the object?

A snippet of sample code from the MapBasic Help file says:

'set a new "current symbol style" 
sSymbolAttr = "(35,65280,22)"
sCmd = "Set Style Symbol MakeSymbol" + sSymbolAttr
Run Command sCmd

' use an Update statement to create a new Point for 
' every row in the Selection table.  Each new Point
' will use the new "current symbol style" 
Update "Selection"  
  Set obj = CreatePoint(CentroidX(obj),CentroidY(obj))

However, I need to do this for polygons!

When working in MapInfo, I can go to "Options | Region Style"
and modify editable, selected objects in the current window..
but that doesn't seem to work from within MapBasic (?)

I understand maybe I need to loop through each polygon and
modify them using Alter Object?

Thanks in advance for any insight!


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RE: MI MapXtreme problem loading geoset

2000-01-18 Thread Paul Grambauer

I've struck this with MapExtreme too, but in may case, the layers that I 
used in the geoset were located on a network drive. It seems as though you 
may have the same problem. What happen with me is that MapExtreme or should 
I say the web server can only access local drives unless you use a suitable 
network client (in my case Microsoft Client for Novell NOT the Novell 
Client). Thus the calls to MapExtreme via ASP cannot open the tables 
because the web server cannot see the files, hence it works using MS Access 
to call MapExtreme because you are bypassing the Web Server.

Confused ?

Paul Grambauer
Cessnock City Council
PO Box 152,
68-72 Vincent St,
Cessnock, 2325
Phone : +61 02 49934192
Fax : +61 02 49934200

From:   Hamish George[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 18, 2000 9:48 PM
Subject:MI MapXtreme problem loading geoset

Hello All,
I'm having trouble loading a geoset in MapXtreme. The geoset can be quite
happily loaded using the geoset manager on the server but seems to stall
when I try to load it through ASP. The geoset has approx 50 layers which
makes we wonder if the object within VB script has some kind of limitation.
To illustrate the problem I've stripped out all the ASP library stuff...

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim oMap
Dim oSess

Set oMap = server.createobject("MapInfo.MapXcourier")
Set oSess = oMap.GetMapXFromNewServer("E:\Program
'COMMENTSet oSess = oMap.GetMapXFromNewServer("E:\Program
oSess.setsize 1200, 1200
"E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MossMap_Dev\MarketingMap\mapimage\hamish.gif", 2
Set oSess = Nothing
Set oMap = Nothing

http://mosssql/mossmap_dev/mapimage/hamish.gif" BORDER=0>

when debugging the ASP , the program seems to hang on the
GetMapXFromNewServer for up to a minute then returns oSess as
Nothing.(newmoss.gst is a test geoset with a just 5 layers or so as a test
which works) (I've extended script timeout and session timeout to 10 mins 
it's not the script timing out)

The same code as a test in Access '97 on the server loads the geoset

Sub testmapper()
Dim oMap
Dim oSess

Set oMap = CreateObject("MapInfo.MapXcourier")
Set oSess = oMap.GetMapXFromNewServer("E:\Program
oSess.setsize 1200, 1200
oSess.ExportMap "E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MossMap_Dev\mapimage\hamish.GIF", 2

Set oSess = Nothing
Set oMap = Nothing

End Sub

Server is running IIS4
Can anyone tell me where to go next. I suppose in theory I could do all the
map generation in a VB dll as a wrapper to MapX but I don't see why should
'reinvent the wheel'.

I'm no IIS or ASP expert so any advice would be gratefully reveived


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RE: MI MB : get the layer back with former settings after modifying structure

2000-01-18 Thread PERRY Chris


I think the easiest thing is to save a workspace, alter the table structure,
then close all and restore the workspace. A simple MBX could be written to
automate this.

Hope this helps,

Chris Perry
Systems Development CoOrdinator
Parks Victoria
Melbourne, Australia
Ph: 61 3 9816 6800
Fax: 61 3 9816 9876

-Original Message-
From: Francois Molle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January 2000 1:36
Subject: MI MB : get the layer back with former settings after modifying

Hi all

It is sometimes necessary to create a variable in a table in order to
store some information generated by a subroutine.
Altering the table structure closes the table. How can we restore it (in
the case, of course, several layers are opened in the same windows) with
its former position AND display settings ? I am aware that these
parameters are available through different functions but it is a real
burden of loops and variables to determine them. Is there a direct and
easy way to do it ?

With my anticipated thanks
Francois Molle  -  DORAS Centre
Kasetsart University, Administrative building 10th floor
Bangkhen, 10900 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel (University): (66 2) 942.81.75 / Fax(University): (66 2) 942.81.70
Tel/Fax (Home) : (66 2) 287.41.53 / Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website :
ORSTOM changes its name to IRD
Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

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MI Maps of Niue

2000-01-18 Thread Paula Dawe


Does anyone out there have any digital maps, air photos, or satellite images
of the Pacific Island country of Niue, or know from where they might be
obtained?  Any information would be helpful, as resources out this way tend
to be slim.  This is for a water utility GIS.  Thanks.

Paula Dawe
Water Resource Engineer-SOPAC
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MI Updating Object Styles

2000-01-18 Thread Eric Frost


Is there a way to update an object's style programmatically 
without recreating the object?

A snippet of sample code from the MapBasic Help file says:

'set a new "current symbol style" 
sSymbolAttr = "(35,65280,22)"
sCmd = "Set Style Symbol MakeSymbol" + sSymbolAttr
Run Command sCmd

' use an Update statement to create a new Point for 
' every row in the Selection table.  Each new Point
' will use the new "current symbol style" 
Update "Selection"  
  Set obj = CreatePoint(CentroidX(obj),CentroidY(obj))

However, I need to do this for polygons!

When working in MapInfo, I can go to "Options | Region Style"
and modify editable, selected objects in the current window..
but that doesn't seem to work from within MapBasic (?)

I understand maybe I need to loop through each polygon and
modify them using Alter Object?

Thanks in advance for any insight!


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RE: MI Create Points along a polyline

2000-01-18 Thread Paul Grambauer

This sounds a lot like a Rural Addressing issue. I am currently developing 
applications to assist in this area, let me know exactly what you require 
and I will develop a small application to generate the points for you.

B.T.W. If anybody else in the List is interested in this application, let 
me know and I'll forward it on to you as well.

Hope this helps,

Paul Grambauer
Cessnock City Council
PO Box 152,
68-72 Vincent St,
Cessnock, 2325
Phone : +61 02 49934192
Fax : +61 02 49934200

From:   Tony Kelava[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 18, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject:MI Create Points along a polyline

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone had used the program to create points along a 
polyline at a nominated interval and then somehow labelled each point 
sequentially. ie I have a road that covers 300 km and I have created points 
at 10m intervals. I now need to attribute each point sequeatially from the 
start automatically and get 30,000 points in the database.

Any ideas?



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MI Oracle 8.1.5

2000-01-18 Thread Robert Southern

I am struggling to make a connection through MapInfo 5.5 to Oracle 8.1.5 

I have created a table in Oracle 8.1.5 called geom_test, it contains two 
fields Name and Geometry.  The table has two spatial geometries inserted:
poly with hole and

We have created the mapcatalog with no errors, however, when we try and 
connect to the table MapInfo displays an item called object in the fields 
for the table, which I have not seen before and appears to be somthing 
MapInfo has derived - is this correct ?

We also get an ORA - Error 00904, which is an invalid field name.  Has 
anyone any experience of this problem and what would be the best course of 

Is our problem anything to do with the object or is this normal for MapInfo 
5.5 ?

I appreciate your help,

Best regards,

Rob Southern
Lead Technical Consultant
WA14 4PA
TEL:  +44 (0) 161 942 2000
FAX:  +44 (0) 161 942 2015

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MI Fire Station Location

2000-01-18 Thread Tim Rood

I've received an inquiry about locating fire stations based on the travel
time to properties in its vicinity.  I don't know the exact problem they
need to solve, but it's of the nature of  "We need to site a fire station
so that its coverage territory minimizes the overlap with the coverage
territory of other stations we have and is within five minutes travel on
the street network of any property in its coverage territory."  I haven't
done this kind of analysis before and it would seem like the street network
data would have to be somewhat richer than your standard street centerline
data; it might include road width, lanes, signals (not that fire trucks
would stop for them, but), traffic direction (i.e., one way streets,
etc.) and other things that might have an impact on moving one or many fire
trucks around town.  Of course, responding is not the only aspect of site a
fire station, but I think I'm more well-prepared to deal with the land use,
zoning and development issues involved than with the time/distance part. 
If you know a little bit about this subject, I would appreciate your advise
on applications and data sources for doing this kind of analysis.  

Tim Rood
Ravenna Planning Associates
5417 21st Avenue NE
Seattle, WA  98015-2408

phone:  (206) 527-3181
fax:   (305) 489-6478
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RE: MI AD: Elevation Data & Software CD-ROM

2000-01-18 Thread Matt.Wilkie

>To all list-server participants,
>I am sorry for the cross-listings that appeared 
>yesterday.  On an occasional basis, monthly
>or every other month for the last year, I have 
>been sending out an email advertisment about
>some "rather inexpensive" data and software
>products I have assembled...

I have to admit my first reaction on seeing your msg was
to slap the delete key. When I ran into it again on the
MI list I actually read it asnd realised it was relevant
and not really spam. Anyway the point is, we are getting
hypersenstive to anything which even resembles unwanted
and irrelevant commercial intrusion. You know, like too
much exposure to certain kinds of dust or pollen can
provoke allergic reactions to benign paticles.

In this case I don't think you had to apologize (although 
it is good that you did). Your subject line was very 
clearly labeled as  an AD and perhaps now there are a few 
more people who will notice that and filter by it.


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MI One vs. Many Objects

2000-01-18 Thread Stephen R. Riese

I tried an experiment and the results are not what I expected.  I'd like to
know if my results are an anomaly or should be expected.

I have a procedure that examines each object (about 200) in a table for
intersection with a given object.  I tried this two ways:

1)  Individual objects in the table are left as individual objects.

2) The objects are combined into one large object (and the table now has
only one row).

I expected the intersection detection routine to work faster in situation
number 2, where there is only one object.  In my trials, there is a slight
improvement, but not much.  Situation 1 actually is faster in some (few)
cases.  Any thoughts on this and the inner workings of the "Obj1 Intersects
Obj2" function?  I'm thinking that 200 objects in a table might not be
enough to produce a significant difference, but that if there were, say, 
2000 or more objects I might see a difference.


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RE: MI ODBC Problems Need Tips

2000-01-18 Thread Swayze, Natalie: #PNWT - PTNO

Could I please be sent any tips as well-I've been having this problem for a
while now and unable to come up with a solution that works.

Natalie Swayze
From: Randy Metzger
To: MapInfo List
Subject: MI ODBC Problems  Need Tips
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2000 3:53PM


  I am having a problem linking to my MS SQL 7.0 server via ODBC.
  I also have MI 5.5

I am able to create a create a DSN and I can at least get as far as opening
the table.  However, I do get an error when opening the table but it still
shows me the data.  The error I am getting here is: "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL
Server Driver]Connection is busy with results from another hstmt"... but
like I said I can still open the data up in a browse window.

Now It will also not let me make the table Mappable.  I even went into the
the SQL DB and manually created a MAPINFO_MAPCATALOG table and for some
reason it still says that I don't have a map catalog and can not make the
table mappable.  I have check my table over and over and it appears to be

Let me know

Randy Metzger
RCS Management Group
2140 Front St.
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
330-929-1353  x223
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RE: MI Mapinfo v5.5 Patch (printing bug)

2000-01-18 Thread kklesh

I am also having printing problems in MapInfo v5.5 under NT4.0, plotting to a HP650C.  I have not installed the MI v5.5 patch and everytime I open a workspace the page size seems to default back to 8.5"x11".  I have to manually change the printer settings with the layout window active and then I can print.  Is there any solution to this problem?


01/18/00 08:27 AM

        To:        "'Doyle, Peter W'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'Mapinfo-L'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        RE: MI Mapinfo v5.5 Patch (printing bug)

More creepy crawlies?
I've found that when I set an E-size page to landscape on a HP1050C, the new
layout window comes up portrait, and you have to switch the Page Setup again
to get it to stick. I think it's trying to go to your Windows Default
Also, the little Preview button you click to change the style of a region in
a dialog box doesn't update with the new style when you change it.  It was
kind of confusing at first, I'd keep going back in to check if I'd actually
changed the style.

> -Original Message-
> From:        Doyle, Peter W [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent:        Tuesday, January 18, 2000 12:51 AM
> To:        'Mapinfo-L'
> Subject:        MI Mapinfo v5.5 Patch (printing bug)
> Greetings all,
> Has anybody come across the following problem after installing the MapInfo
> v5.5 patch (Patch55026.exe)
> I am running MI v5.5 under NT4, plotting to a HP650c plotter.
> I set page setup to print landscape. When opening a  layout window it
> always
> comes up portrait. This has not been a problem till I installed the above
> patch.
> (the same thing has happened on two independent machines, both running)
> Apon reinstalling MI v5.5 without the patch, everything is back to normal.
> Maybe this is why MapInfo is not promoting the patch?
> Comments anybody?
> Regards
> Peter Doyle
> OnAir Networks Queensland
> (G)eographical (I)nformation (S)ystems & Mapping
> '  +61 7  34064304
> --
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MI Communicating with VB

2000-01-18 Thread Chris Martin

We have a requirement get MapInfo/MapBasic to talk to one of our VB 
apps. Only we wouldn't know where to start...

Does anybody know of any good sources of information on this matter?


CJ Martin
GIS Consultant
WS Atkins Consultants Ltd
(01952) 201234
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MI subscribe

2000-01-18 Thread Ian . Straus

Ian Straus
Market Research Specialist
VIA Metropolitan Transit
San Antonio, Texas

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MI Unsubscribe

2000-01-18 Thread Ueland, Jeffrey S. @ Minneapolis
Title: MI Unsubscribe

MI - find item

2000-01-18 Thread Tom Manson

Dear List,

I would like to have a couple of map windows open, each showing different
views (locations) of the same map. When I do Ctrl-F to find a point in one
map window, all of the other map windows also change their view to centre on
the same point. This happens both when I clone a view and create a new one
with the same tables. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening, so
that I can search in one map window and not have it alter all windows?

Thanks in advance,

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MI MB : get the layer back with former settings after modifying structure

2000-01-18 Thread Francois Molle

Hi all

It is sometimes necessary to create a variable in a table in order to
store some information generated by a subroutine.
Altering the table structure closes the table. How can we restore it (in
the case, of course, several layers are opened in the same windows) with
its former position AND display settings ? I am aware that these
parameters are available through different functions but it is a real
burden of loops and variables to determine them. Is there a direct and
easy way to do it ?

With my anticipated thanks
Francois Molle  -  DORAS Centre
Kasetsart University, Administrative building 10th floor
Bangkhen, 10900 Bangkok, Thailand
Tel (University): (66 2) 942.81.75 / Fax(University): (66 2) 942.81.70
Tel/Fax (Home) : (66 2) 287.41.53 / Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Website :
ORSTOM changes its name to IRD
Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement

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Re: MI ONError command

2000-01-18 Thread Richard Greenwood

I'm not sure if this will help, but here goes; rather than use On Error to
trap a condition where there are no mathcing records you can use to see how
many matching records there are, and if there are none, the handle the
error yourself. For example:

Select * from YOUR_TABLE where YOUR _FIELD Like YOUR_CRITERIA into Selection
i_check = SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)
if i_check > 0 Then
' it morked, do something
' It didn't work, alert the user
Note "No matching Records"
End If

At 03:35 AM 1/18/2000 PST, you wrote:
>I am getting really lost in trying to use the OnError Command. I don't know 
>much programmning, so this could be the reason why. What I am aiming to do 
>is when I have selected a point, but discover that there is no records 
>within the table, I want to give out a message saying that there is no 
>records, and then come out of the loop, and start from the beginning of that 
>particular sub. At the moment, I keep having to start from the beginnning of 
>the program...and there are too many markers if I had to do that all the 
>So please advise me,
>THanks in advance
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Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
(307) 733-0203 fax: 733-4018
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Seeking Australian MI Users

2000-01-18 Thread Skip Snyder

I have a few questions regarding the GIS climate and business potential in 
Australia. Could some of you MapInfo users please contact me to answer some 
of my questions?



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RE: MI Mapinfo v5.5 Patch (printing bug)

2000-01-18 Thread Jason Adam

More creepy crawlies?
I've found that when I set an E-size page to landscape on a HP1050C, the new
layout window comes up portrait, and you have to switch the Page Setup again
to get it to stick. I think it's trying to go to your Windows Default
Also, the little Preview button you click to change the style of a region in
a dialog box doesn't update with the new style when you change it.  It was
kind of confusing at first, I'd keep going back in to check if I'd actually
changed the style.

> -Original Message-
> From: Doyle, Peter W [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 12:51 AM
> To:   'Mapinfo-L'
> Subject:  MI Mapinfo v5.5 Patch (printing bug)
> Greetings all,
> Has anybody come across the following problem after installing the MapInfo
> v5.5 patch (Patch55026.exe) 
> I am running MI v5.5 under NT4, plotting to a HP650c plotter.
> I set page setup to print landscape. When opening a  layout window it
> always
> comes up portrait. This has not been a problem till I installed the above
> patch.
> (the same thing has happened on two independent machines, both running)
> Apon reinstalling MI v5.5 without the patch, everything is back to normal.
> Maybe this is why MapInfo is not promoting the patch?
> Comments anybody?
> Regards
> Peter Doyle
> OnAir Networks Queensland
> (G)eographical (I)nformation (S)ystems & Mapping
> '  +61 7  34064304
> --
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RE: MI Intersections

2000-01-18 Thread Jeff James


I can answer the first part of your question regarding intersections in
MapX: Yep.  It's just the same as MapInfo's intersections.  It'll return a
point at that intersection, a FindFeature object with a CenterX and a

Don't know the answers to the API questions.

Good luck,

Jeff James
Vice President
Sage Software, Inc.
3423 Piedmont Road NE
Suite 550
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Phone: 404.262.7478 Ext. 12
Fax: 404.832.3366
eFax: 520.222.2020  
-Original Message-
From: Anton de Gruchy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 1:10 AM
To: MapInfo List (E-mail)
Subject: MI Intersections

Hi All

Is the syntax of Street && Street for finding intersections the same in MapX
as it is in MapInfo.  I have look at the help and the results of the search
have the same structure, but the MapX help does not explicitly state the
syntax of finding intersections.

Does anyone know the declaration of the API calls GetRValue, GetGValue and
GetBValue in MapBasic.


Anton de Gruchy
MapIT - GIS Program development
35 Settlers Drive
Edgemead, 7441
Cape Town, South Africa
Ph: 27 021 5580256
Fax: 27 021 5590147
Cell: 082 855 9747

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MI CAD, GIS and Engineers........

2000-01-18 Thread Chris D. Hake

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2000-01-18 Thread Chris D. Hake

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MI ONError command

2000-01-18 Thread Yvonne Hau


I am getting really lost in trying to use the OnError Command. I don't know 
much programmning, so this could be the reason why. What I am aiming to do 
is when I have selected a point, but discover that there is no records 
within the table, I want to give out a message saying that there is no 
records, and then come out of the loop, and start from the beginning of that 
particular sub. At the moment, I keep having to start from the beginnning of 
the program...and there are too many markers if I had to do that all the 

So please advise me,

THanks in advance


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MI Unsubscribe

2000-01-18 Thread Patrick van der Deijl

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MI MapXtreme problem loading geoset

2000-01-18 Thread Hamish George

Hello All,
I'm having trouble loading a geoset in MapXtreme. The geoset can be quite
happily loaded using the geoset manager on the server but seems to stall
when I try to load it through ASP. The geoset has approx 50 layers which
makes we wonder if the object within VB script has some kind of limitation.
To illustrate the problem I've stripped out all the ASP library stuff...

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim oMap
Dim oSess

Set oMap = server.createobject("MapInfo.MapXcourier")
Set oSess = oMap.GetMapXFromNewServer("E:\Program
'COMMENTSet oSess = oMap.GetMapXFromNewServer("E:\Program
oSess.setsize 1200, 1200
"E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MossMap_Dev\MarketingMap\mapimage\hamish.gif", 2
Set oSess = Nothing
Set oMap = Nothing

http://mosssql/mossmap_dev/mapimage/hamish.gif" BORDER=0>

when debugging the ASP , the program seems to hang on the
GetMapXFromNewServer for up to a minute then returns oSess as
Nothing.(newmoss.gst is a test geoset with a just 5 layers or so as a test
which works) (I've extended script timeout and session timeout to 10 mins so
it's not the script timing out)

The same code as a test in Access '97 on the server loads the geoset

Sub testmapper()
Dim oMap
Dim oSess

Set oMap = CreateObject("MapInfo.MapXcourier")
Set oSess = oMap.GetMapXFromNewServer("E:\Program
oSess.setsize 1200, 1200
oSess.ExportMap "E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MossMap_Dev\mapimage\hamish.GIF", 2

Set oSess = Nothing
Set oMap = Nothing

End Sub

Server is running IIS4
Can anyone tell me where to go next. I suppose in theory I could do all the
map generation in a VB dll as a wrapper to MapX but I don't see why should
'reinvent the wheel'.

I'm no IIS or ASP expert so any advice would be gratefully reveived


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MI FW: Learner Plates for Map Basic

2000-01-18 Thread Stokes Jonathan

Mornin All
> a quick question. I've been having a play around with the
> ERR_TABLE_NOT_FOUND function in map basic 4.1 
> however I cannot find it's use etc documented anywhere in the manuals and
> I am now kinda stuck
> also does anyone know how to drop a temporary column from a table ???
> Jon.
> PS the first to supply a correct and working answer will win this months
> star prize, a copy of MapInfo version one.oh (Drum Rolls, Cheers etc),
> which I discovered in our IT managers office the other day
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Re: MI Create Points along a polyline

2000-01-18 Thread DDI

It's not a problem. Try to use: ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

It must help you.

Dima Omely

Tony Kelava wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if anyone had used the program to create points along a polyline at 
>a nominated interval and then somehow labelled each point sequentially. ie I have a 
>road that covers 300 km and I have created points at 10m intervals. I now need to 
>attribute each point sequeatially from the start automatically and get 30,000 points 
>in the database.
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Tony
> --
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2000-01-18 Thread Lilley, Marie



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group. You are therefore invited to come along to the next meeting as a
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Meeting to be held at Daventry District Council Offices, Lodge Road,
Daventry. Kick off time 11.00 Coffee and Tea served from about 10.15am.

Please Notify:

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