Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

"Exactly my original point. I am not an audiophile but I do recognize a good and useful
media when I see it. I would not hear the difference on $40 headphones, and 
not on $150 headphones either (unless it was pointed out to me)... What I care about,
and what makes MD so attractive to me is its convience. Sony et al must know that 
tape CDs for each other all the time. And they can't  be so stupid as to think that 
wiil kill off services/programs like Napster Stuff like that will always be going 
on the Net... why don't they make it easy and available for the most people to do it in
the best format? They would make more money than Microsoft (and probably get sued by 
governement too)!


I think that there is a basic difference between the average American and average 
person when it comes to high tech.  The average American still has a VCR in their 
room that is blinking 12:00...12:00...12:00...They aren't interested in all of 
editing features of MD.

As some one stated before, Sony should come out with a very basic unit.  No editing 
or they should be hidden under a flap labeled "for advanced users only".

They need the equivalent of the simple cassette deck for many Americans.  But Sony is a
Japanese company.  They my have their name on our records and movies now, but I think 
they stay totally away from the creative end.  If Sony had it's own people making 
movies and
records for the US market, they'd be out of business by now.

But when it comes to MD, they never designed MD recorders for the Japanese market and
separate recorders for the US market.  They need a recorder that a person shopping in 
or Wal-Mart would see and want to buy.  This is not to put down Wal-Mart.  They are 
well stocked in general (the entire store) and usually have very good prices).  But the
average shopper going in there isn't looking for a Sony MDS-JA50ES.

I'm not sure that, even if I could afford one, I'd buy one.  Cost aside, it depends 
how much
of a hobbist/prosumer you are.  Maybe 30 years ago I'd have liked one.  I was really 
all kinds of electronics and had the time and patience for that.  But the average 
does not.

This is not to say that they don't appreciate quality, or the CD and the DVD would have
never become popular.  But if you want to you can ignore all of the bell and whistles 
on a
DVD player and just hit the play button.  Americans are not blind.  Even on an old TV 
are going to see and hear a big improvement over VHS.

The state that I live in (PA) is so hi tech backwards that the state has instituted a 
2 week
period of sales tax free computers!!  That is something I have never heard of before.  
seems that the American average for computer owners is 42% and PA is only 39%.

Even 42% is really nothing when you think about it.  I saw a couple (at Wal-Mart-where 
buying a "Web TV" today.  My first thought was "Why?"  For what they will end up 
paying for
the complete system, they could have a much more useful computer.  But these people are
frightened of the computer.

So how can you expect someone to understand the Mini Disc??  Just give them a Rio with 
fixed memory.  They don't want to have to worry about inserting the right card.  So it
sounds like sh!t.  (It still sounds a hell of a lot better then those tiny tinny 
radios we used to carry around with the 2' speaker).  So what.  It's music.  Its cheap 
it's simple.


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread Charles Redell

 So how can you expect someone to understand the Mini Disc??  Just give them a Rio 
with a
 fixed memory.  They don't want to have to worry about inserting the right card.  So 
 sounds like sh!t.  (It still sounds a hell of a lot better then those tiny tinny 
 radios we used to carry around with the 2' speaker).  So what.  It's music.  Its 
cheap and
 it's simple.


We can easily expect someone to understand the MD if it had been marketed to them 
(which is a sad statement in and of itself)... It's a Cassette recorder with better 
sound and
more funtionality. There's not much more to understand here than your basic walkman. 
concede the point that people would be a lot more receptive to MD if it had a good 
sized catalog
of pre-recorded music, but Cassettes are not really made all that much anymore. And, 
where I
live (Seattle, an admittedly tech centric city) finding anyone besides Tower Records 
who sells
pre-recorded Cassesttes is not an easy task... But people still buy casette walkmen 
and cassette
decks and blank cassettes. Why is what I want to know? Rio's don't need another card, 
but you
can't build up a collection of music you get your half hour or your hour downloaded... 
and then
you want the new Brittney Spears Import and you have to download over your Ricky Martin
retrospective If Sony et al would tell them, people would realize that with MD 
they could
live La Vida Loca and Do It Again over and over...

(Sorry, lame jokes but I'm tired and have to be at work at 530am... I shouldn't even 
be up right

MDs COULD BE the new cassette They are not a technical thing at all, unless you 
use them
that way... Someone down at Sony HQ has something bigger planned because they can't 
think that RIOs and sticks are going to make it as useless as they are.

okok, I'm rambling. sleep.

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Re: MD: Sony MZ-E44 problems...

2000-08-07 Thread las

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 If not, could anyone recommend a good and sturdy portable player?
 Yes but they stopped manufacturing it about 2 and a half  years ago.  The Sharp
 MS20 or it's clone (and IMHO more stylish) Denon DMP-R70.


Just throw out the crappy remote that comes with it and replace it with the Sharp
diamond shaped LCD remote:
Now that I think about it, there was a good portable and it came with the remote that
I am talking about, the Sharp MD-ST60:
[Image] [Image]

I can't see buying a player.  You can get a recorder for the same price of less.

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Re: MD: monauralizing algorithms: An Explanation

2000-08-07 Thread Ralph Smeets

 Jonathan Irwin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  So, to conclude, Sony's monauralizing algorithm has the channels out of
  sync. by one sample, with the left channel one sample in front of the
  right channel.  I don't think this is occuring in the SPDIF data stream
  because the synchronisation information embedded wouldn't allow this.
  Instead I think there is a bug in Sony's DSP software.
  I will post a more mathematical proof of this at a later date.
 Holy Sh*t!
 May I ask that you please write up your findings carefully and let me
 post it as its own web page on the MDCP?
 It would be interesting to try this experiment on some other
 equipment, a portable, and a machine from a different manufacturer.
 Thank you for exposing this bug!!! (And thank you David, for wondering
 about it ...)

Why should it be a bug? It could be a way to get around the following 
L = -R Ie, The left channel has the opposite phase of the right
channel. Thus (L+R)/2 would result in 0 With (L(t)+R(t-1))/2 you keep
a signal!


Ralph SmeetsFunctional Verification Centre Of Competence -  CMG
Voice:  (+33) (0)4 76 58 44 46   STMicroelectronics
Fax:(+33) (0)4 76 58 40 11   5, chem de la Dhuy
Mobile: (+33) (0)6 82 66 62 70 38240 MEYLAN
  "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then
   something happened which unleashed the powers of our imagination: 
   We learned to talk."
-- Stephen Hawking, later used by Pink Floyd --
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Re: MD: Sony MZ-E44 problems...

2000-08-07 Thread J. Coon

X Daddy's Dildo X wrote:
 and on most of my disks the unit would cut out completely on the
 later tracks while clicking and grinding profusely.
 Does anyone know what's going on?
 If not, could anyone recommend a good and sturdy portable player?

Yep, sounds like it broke.

Get a recorder instead, you'll be glad you did.
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MD: asking advice on portable

2000-08-07 Thread Posgroup


If you were going to buy a portable MD recorder to specifically record voice 
tracks for radio commercials with a stereo mic  Which would you choose?  
Size and weight are not issues.  Remote control is also not an issue.  Sound 
quality is the primary issue.  I have been using a Sony MZ-R30 without any 
problems.  Another question:  how does the Sharp ATRAC designations compare 
to the Sony designations ... and are they completely compatible?  In other 
words, can you record on a Sharp and edit on a Sony?

Thanks very much for sharing your knowledge.  I am a MD user since the very 
beginning - I still have an MZ-101 (which I use as a digital clock)!

Best regards, Jerry Posner
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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/7/00 2:11 AM, las increased the world's knowledge by typing:

As some one stated before, Sony should come out with a very basic unit.  
No editing features
or they should be hidden under a flap labeled "for advanced users only".

They need the equivalent of the simple cassette deck for many Americans.  
But Sony is a
Japanese company.  They my have their name on our records and movies now, 
but I think that
they stay totally away from the creative end.  If Sony had it's own people 
making movies and
records for the US market, they'd be out of business by now.

I disagree, sort of. I understand your suggestion for simplicity, but I 
don't think that's the issue. MD's are already dead simple to record with 
like a tape. Just stick the disc in and hit record. (Unless you're using 
a Sony portable and have to contend with that STUPID End Search button.)

If you want to do editing on a tape, you simply wind to the spot that you 
want to record over and start taping again. If you want do simple editing 
on a MD you can't use the same approach because MD is a random access 
medium instead of a linear medium like tape is. But I don't think the MD 
approach is really any harder. In fact, it's EASIER to do more advanced 
editing if that's what you want to do.

No, I think the issues are different. They would be cost, understanding 
MD's convenience, understanding MD's reliability, understanding MD's 
quality, availability, and compatibility with new technologies.

As far as cost goes, all you have to do is compare the price of a 
minidisc recorder and a bunch of blanks to the price of a tape recorder 
and a bunch of blank tapes. There is a SIGNIFICANT gap between the low 
end of the MD market and the low end of the tape market. There is also a 
gap between prices at the high end, but it's not as significant. IMHO, 
this price gap is giving people enough sticker shock that they're saying, 
"I don't care if it IS better, that's too much money." Granted, things 
are getting better, but not much. Blank prices have been falling into an 
appropriate range. But recorder prices have been staying the same while 
manufacturers cram everything into smaller and smaller units at the cost 
of usability and expense. Now they need to focus on usability and cost 
cutting. (My R50 is significantly easier to use than current models, 
including my Aiwa C80.)

But, I think the biggest problem is simply consumer education. Everyone 
who has seen and heard my MD recorder in action wants one; especially 
when they understand MD's advantages over other media. But this 
information gets lost in the noise when someone ventures into an 
electronics store. Think of it, you have hundreds of square feet of huge 
electronic noisemakers (big screen TVs, monstrous speakers, racks and 
racks of stereo equipment, etc.) it's VERY easy to overlook these tiny 
little devices that would take no more than 4 square feet even if the 
store carried every model made. Add to this the fact that you can only 
find MD in dedicated electronics stores, and that those stores don't 
usually carry more than two or three models and the consumer either won't 
even notice them or conclude that it's a niche market. (And it currently 
is.) The MD industry MUST find a way to educate the consumer and make MD 
systems available everywhere that tape recorders and CD players are, 
including electronics departments of major department stores, mom and pop 
stores, music retailers and ESPECIALLY music instrument retailers.

Here are the things consumers need to learn about MD:

-- Convenience. Consider how convenient these tiny things are. You can 
fit any portable player/recorder in any pocket you have. (Except maybe a 
watch pocket.) Can you say that about a CD player? NO! Can you say that 
about a tape player/recorder. Not usually. You can take them anywhere you 
can take a portable tape recorder. Can you say that about a CD recorder? 
No. You can rerecord and edit a MD any time you want. Can you say that 
about a CD? NO! Is it as easy to edit a tape? NO! Can you quickly jump to 
any spot on a tape like to can on a MD? NO! You can carry more MD discs 
in your car than either tapes or CDs. You can even carry a bunch in your 
pockets. You can't do that with CDs or many tapes. Can you get more time 
out of a tape by changing a setting on your recorder? No, not unless you 
have a special (read: expensive) recorder. MD also provides the ability 
to make one digital copy of your CDs. This means that I can have a copy 
of my favorite CDs in the car while the original CD stays in my office 
where it's both safe, and available in my office. Many people do this 
with a tape, but the quality is not nearly as good and they have to worry 
about flipping the tape over during the recording process. A MD copy is 
as simple as pushing two buttons: record on the recorder and play on the 
CD player.

-- Reliability. Can you use a tape for as long as a MD? No. Can you 
rerecord a tape as 

Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

"Wow. I didn't expect this to turn into such a tirade. But here it is. I
congratulate you if you've read this far. Sorry 'bout that.  :-}"

So what would you give as the explanation that the MD is so popular in Japan??
The people are more educated about it?  I don't think that Sony spent more time
and money educating the Japanese (a much smaller market) then they did the

As far as price goes, yes portable players should be much less (and there
should be a huge selection of prerecorded MDs to go along with the players).
But you really can't compare portable cassette recorders, because they are not
a readily available product.  Go to the store and all you see are players.

As for the cost of an MD vs tape, I don't think that you would pay less for a
top of the line cassette tape then the $1.50 or so that MDs can be bought for
if you look around.  But that's on the net.  The price in the stores would also
have to be $1.50.

I think that the simple fact is, for the most part, Sony has given up on the US
market.  They throw us a few units (along with Sharp) but they consider the US
market strictly to have a "cult" following.  They have moved on to these huge
displays for the Stick.

Sony and the other manufactures must love things like the stick.  No moving
parts.  If something is going to go wrong with a unit that was not a lemon to
begin with, moving parts would be my first guess.  Also, they can make stick
players for next ot nothing.

The problem is the Stick itself.  I think that the cost of memory is relatively
expensive compared to a cassette, CD or even MD.  Static RAM like the kind used
in the stick is even more expensive.  Just how low can they drop the price of a
Can they drop it to $1.00 for 650 MB?  I don't think so.  But I admit I'm
clueless as to the actual cost of memory for the OEM.

I don't think that we are ever going to see growth in the MD market place in
the US.


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Re: MD: Sony MZ-E44 problems...

2000-08-07 Thread X Daddy's Dildo X

"J. Coon" wrote:

 Get a recorder instead, you'll be glad you did.

Yeah, other than bootlegging, there's no other reason for me to get a
portable recorder. I'm about to get the Sony MXD-D3, cause my cd player
broke and my JE510 likes to spit out discs and grind it's gears.

I've already got a Tascam 564 4-track, and that suits me just fine for
recording music stuffs. but can anyone recommend a sturdy recorder? I
like the MZR50...


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Re: MD: What's up with Best Buy?

2000-08-07 Thread J. C. R. Davis

- Original Message -
From: Peter Forest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2000 9:50 AM
Subject: MD: What's up with Best Buy !

| [BB employee's idiot comments snipped]
| The guy also tell us that Minidisc was stealing CD industry...
And that
| Minidisc will die soon...
| I was shocked !!! Really angry, but I stay calm and slowly I get
out of this
| store !!!
| What the hell is that ???
| If someone knows what's happening with Best Buy, please let me

They gave up, it seems. I recently had something similar happen to
me. I used to like Best Buy a lot, but dropping MD a lot and their
completely ignorant salespeople is really starting to annoy me. Do
your own research before you go.

I was very disappointed to see they only carry 2 home units now. My
MDS-JE510 lemoned out, and all I had to choose from was the -JE330
(a model with LESS features) and a CD/MD combo (NOT what I want). I
ended up having to settle with some great JBL speakers, but I now
have no MD deck at home. Why would they choose such a basic unit
for their ONLY straight-MD deck? At least a 520 or 530 would be
good, but no. (Or, even better, BOTH units!)

Where can I get my pre-recs now, everybody? Any place in Houston,
or do I have to go on-line? If so, where's a good, inexpensive


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MD: ATRAC3 -- Friend or Foe of MD?

2000-08-07 Thread J. C. R. Davis

Okay, I'm a bit late, but I just read a very little bit about
Sony's ATRAC3. Can someone explain how this will affect MD? Also,
what does the following mean in plain-speak? "Because of its
affinity in filter bank structure, ATRAC3 is easy to transform to
ATRAC, and hence, is the most suitable for MD applications in the


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Re: MD: ATRAC3 -- Friend or Foe of MD?

2000-08-07 Thread David W. Tamkin

JCR Davis asked,

| Okay, I'm a bit late, but I just read a very little bit about
| Sony's ATRAC3. Can someone explain how this will affect MD? Also,
| what does the following mean in plain-speak? "Because of its
| affinity in filter bank structure, ATRAC3 is easy to transform to
| ATRAC, and hence, is the most suitable for MD applications in the
| future."

For starters, new machines coming out from Sony and JVC this month use
ATRAC3 to provide LP2 and LP4 modes at lower bit-rates than ATRAC.

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Re: MD: monauralizing algorithms: An Explanation

2000-08-07 Thread David W. Tamkin

Ralph pointed out,

| Why should it be a bug? It could be a way to get around the following 
| problem:
| L = -R Ie, The left channel has the opposite phase of the right
| channel. Thus (L+R)/2 would result in 0 With (L(t)+R(t-1))/2 you keep
| a signal!

(Would stereo where L=-R sound like plain mono to human ears?)

Good point; too bad there's no way to prevent that where it isn't needed,
because, as we've seen, it has a side effect.

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MD: Sony MDM111 MD Data Drive used to edit Audio TOC?

2000-08-07 Thread Jeffrey Mclamb


Does anyone know if I can use the Sony MDM111 Data Drive to edit he TOC of
MD Audio discs?  If so, what software (win95,98,2k,linux) is there that
will let me do this?


Jeff McLamb

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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread Ed Heckman

At 8/7/00 11:58 AM, las increased the world's knowledge by typing:

So what would you give as the explanation that the MD is so popular in 

I'm no expert on Japan, so this is only an educated guess. That said, 
it's my understanding that Japan is a much more technology oriented 
society than the US. They're more willing to try something new and cool 
than the US is. It also seems that they are big fans of miniaturization, 
something MiniDisc excels at over older technologies.

They also have a significantly larger choice of models, lower media cost, 
and other related infrastructure such as the ability to have a selection 
of songs placed on a MD at a kiosk.

As for the cost of an MD vs tape, I don't think that you would pay less for a
top of the line cassette tape then the $1.50 or so that MDs can be bought for
if you look around.  But that's on the net.  The price in the stores would 
have to be $1.50.

I think the prices of the discs themselves aren't too far out of line 
anymore. They're still about 50% more than a decent audio tape, which 
isn't _too_ bad. But there's still some room for improvement.

Sony and the other manufactures must love things like the stick.  No moving
parts.  If something is going to go wrong with a unit that was not a lemon to
begin with, moving parts would be my first guess.  Also, they can make stick
players for next ot nothing.

In other words, "Profit Margin." They must be raking it in right now. I 
wonder how long it will be before the consumers realize how expensive and 
limited those pieces of junk are and there's a major backlash.

The problem is the Stick itself.  I think that the cost of memory is 
expensive compared to a cassette, CD or even MD.  Static RAM like the kind 
in the stick is even more expensive.  Just how low can they drop the price 
of a
Can they drop it to $1.00 for 650 MB?  I don't think so.  But I admit I'm
clueless as to the actual cost of memory for the OEM.

The cost for RAM is outrageous on comparison to magnetic and MO medio. 
The current low price for computer RAM is in the $.75/MB range and hasn't 
gone any lower than that for a year. The price I last paid for MDs was 
about $.023/MB (assuming that MDs hold about 140 MB.) But I paid about 
$.001/MB for CDRs the last time I bought them. There is no way that RAM 
is going to get anywhere close to those costs any time in the next 10 
years, if then. And in the mean time, I expect MO media costs to continue 
to drop.

I don't think that we are ever going to see growth in the MD market place in
the US.

I've seen it in my area, but only as a result of other people seeing me 
use my equipment. I think that's the only way it will grow.

BTW... I'm staying away from the prerecorded discs question. In my 
personal usage, I prefer to buy a CD then copy to a MD for portable use 
while the original CD stays safely (and conveniently) in my office. But 
you're right about people not buying players only without a selection of 
prerecorded discs to choose from.

 Ed "What the" Heckman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| It is the man who goes straight to his goal, obstacle or no  |
| obstacle, that commands our respect, gets our confidence, and|
| gets to the front. He is the man who is sought in an emergency,  |
| not the man who is afraid of obstacles, who magnifies|
| difficulties.|
|   -- Orison Swett Marden |
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RE: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread metatron

I wonder if it's a little too late in this discussion to point out that if a
format fails in the U.S. it doesn't actually mean that it's dead?

Of course, the U.S. is a hugely lucrative market, and any manufacturer is
going to want their product to succeed there, but outside  the shadow of the
star spangled banner, the rest of us do actually manage to muddle along
somehow. Japan has been MD obsessive for some years now, and the market
penetration there alone is enough to ensure the longevity of the format.
Here in Europe, things are not that far behind,  - non Japanese
manufacturers produce MD equipment, all music stores have pre recorded MD's
for sale [though maybe the racks look a little dusty],  MD equipment is
carried in all electronics stores, blanks are available in all supermarkets,
and just today I noticed that here in the UK,  the Guardian newspaper
advised that applicants for BBC radio news presenters were invited to submit
an audition MD.

As long as credit cards and the internet exist, MD will be a successful
format whichever part of the world you happen to live in.


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Re: MD: monauralizing algorithms: An Explanation

2000-08-07 Thread Jonathan Irwin

On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Ralph Smeets wrote:

 Why should it be a bug? It could be a way to get around the following 
 L = -R Ie, The left channel has the opposite phase of the right
 channel. Thus (L+R)/2 would result in 0 With (L(t)+R(t-1))/2 you keep
 a signal!

You have a good point here, but I would assume the algorithm is trying to
emulate what would happen if the audio was played through a normal
analogue mixer (or a set of speakers, for that matter), and in both these
situations if the left and right channels had opposite phase, they would
cancel out (ie (L+R)/2 = 0).


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MD: monoaulizing algorithms...

2000-08-07 Thread Timothy P. Stockman

I will try to check my MDS-PC2 for the 1-sample-out-of-phase error,
providing I can figure out how to get Cool Edit to generate waveforms one
sample out-of-phase.  (I'll have to use a frequncy, say 15 KHz, sufficiently
below the filter cutoff to be unaffected and rotate the two channels to some
phase difference of less than 180 degrees that produces exactly 1 sample
delay.)  I will check using an optical connection from the computer.  Doing
this in the analog domain might pose some interesting problems.  I don't
know if I can get sample accurate phase from the the analog output of the

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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

 preaching to the converted I know.

Wow!! This is spooky.  I had my e mail window set small so I couldn't see you entire e
mail.  I was just about to e mail you stating that you are preaching to the converted
when I got to the end of your e mail.

Sony gave it one last push in this country a year or so ago.  Ws it 98 or 99 that they
declared, "The year of the Mini Disc.  They invested 30 million dollars in TV ads.
The ads weren't worth 2 cents.  They were lame. Some ad agency convinced them that if
you put big name stars in your commercial that was all it would take for the MD to
take off.

Bull!  If I ever get the time I'll describe the commercial that I would have made.  I
don't know if it would have increased business, but people would have never forgot the


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread J. C. R. Davis

| So what would you give as the explanation that the MD is so
popular in Japan??
| The people are more educated about it?  I don't think that Sony
spent more time
| and money educating the Japanese (a much smaller market) then
they did the
| Americans.

Another question: exactly how "standard" is MD in Japan? I mean,
everywhere you go, are their CDs AND MDs? How cool would that be?
That's some sort of dream here!


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread J. Coon

I think they would do a lot better if they stopped comming out with all
the new models and tried to market something at a lower price.  If the
price for a  recorder breaks $100 US they will sell like hot cakes.  I
know a heck of a lot of musicians that would spring for one in a minute
except they can't afford to pay 4200 TO $300 for one.   

"J. C. R. Davis" wrote:
 | So what would you give as the explanation that the MD is so
 popular in Japan??
 | The people are more educated about it?  I don't think that Sony
 spent more time
 | and money educating the Japanese (a much smaller market) then
 they did the
 | Americans.
 Another question: exactly how "standard" is MD in Japan? I mean,
 everywhere you go, are their CDs AND MDs? How cool would that be?
 That's some sort of dream here!
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Jim Coon
Not just another pretty mandolin picker.
If Gibson made cars, would they sound so sweet?

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MD: my MD commercial(Re: What up with MD)

2000-08-07 Thread brd

On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 09:26:06PM -0400, las wrote:
 Bull!  If I ever get the time I'll describe the commercial that I would have made.  I
 don't know if it would have increased business, but people would have never forgot 

I don't remember much about the commercials, other than they tried to
push them a few years back. 

If they'd have made one to get my attention it would have been something
like this:  

1988 --show some kid messing around trying to dub songs off the radio or
off another tape, playing them back with lots of hiss, rewinding all the
time, maybe a tape or two breaking or getting melted.  Sitting on a
schoolbus with a walkman, hearing the end of the radio station name cut
off in that annoying way where you could never quite edit it perfectly.

1998 -- show same person, older, more techie and cool, dubbing some song
from CD to minidisc.  Hooking it up to home receiver or driving around
in a nice car with the song pumping and sounding good.  Maybe flash to
a few of shots of the lcd with "Track 03 -- erase?" or "Random Play"
showing, as the person's editing.  (I can see that it would be hard to
show the cool features like divide, join, rearrange tracks).  Of course,
a shot of how small a md is, putting it in your pocket, etc.  Or, show
that person maybe in college, recording a lecture with it, then leaving
class, popping in some top40 tunes and walking to the next class.

That sure would have sold me.  Granted, I can see that they wouldn't
want to encourage piracy or copyright violations, but in all honesty,
it's good at copying and dubbing.  I don't think I ever even got the
message that it was recordable, I just remember seeing pre-recorded
ones back at bestbuy in the early 90s and thinking it was like a cd
only smaller--big whoop.  If it would have been marketed as the cool
audiocassete replacement of today, I would have been sold.

The 21st century begins on January 1, 2001.
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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

I sold MD stuff for about a year and a half on and off.  I never visited
Japan, but  the importer told me that CDs were very expensive in Japan.

I guess that one person buys a CD and makes copies for all of his
friends.  Maybe they take turns as to who buys the CD.  Can't you see
the argument, "But I bought the Brittney Spears CD, now its your turn to
buy the Jennifer Lopez!"


"J. C. R. Davis" wrote:

 | So what would you give as the explanation that the MD is so
 popular in Japan??
 | The people are more educated about it?  I don't think that Sony
 spent more time
 | and money educating the Japanese (a much smaller market) then
 they did the
 | Americans.

 Another question: exactly how "standard" is MD in Japan? I mean,
 everywhere you go, are their CDs AND MDs? How cool would that be?
 That's some sort of dream here!


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

Hi Jim.

"I think they would do a lot better if they stopped coming out with all
the new models and tried to market something at a lower price.  If the
price for a  recorder breaks $100 US they will sell like hot cakes."

Just how well do hot cakes sell??  I think that McDonalds sells more
hamburgers then anyone sells hot cakes!  Seriously, I'm beginning to think
that price may no longer make a difference.

On the other hand, how may people do you think even really know what a mini
disc is??  At 75 cents a disc and $99.00 for a recorder, they could open a
completely new market and most people would think that it was something
brand new.  They'd be thinking, "like the digital cameras, only for music"


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

 As long as credit cards and the internet exist, MD will be a successful
 format whichever part of the world you happen to live in.


Yes but dot forget that e commerce is only really a few years old.  We are luck
to have it.


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Re: MD: Sony MZ-E44 problems...

2000-08-07 Thread las

 Yeah, other than bootlegging, there's no other reason for me to get a
 portable recorder. I'm about to get the Sony MXD-D3, cause my cd player
 broke and my JE510 likes to spit out discs and grind it's gears.

Now you have just given the best reason for getting a recorder.  The Tascam
is not for taking with you.  CDs are bulky and your JE510 isn't working

Since for practical purposes there is no difference in the price of a
player and a recorder, it makes sense to have a backup.  Also, with a
little mike, you never know when it might come in handy for taping a
lecture or something in mono.


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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread Charles Redell

las wrote:  "like the digital cameras, only for music"

I think we have the tag line for our commercial!

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MD: New Promotion from Kheops Minidisc

2000-08-07 Thread Peter Forest

New Promotion from Kheops Minidisc !

For a limited time only, we will give a FREE TECHNO COLOR 74mn Minidisc with
every order you will place with us...

No minimum quantity, no special code, no rebate coupons necessary !

Simply place any order with Kheops Minidisc and you will receive one GREAT
TECHNO COOL COLOR 74mn Mindisc with your order...

Pierre Forest - Kheops Minidisc Owner
Your one stop shop for all your minidisc needs !
Blanks Minidiscs as low as $1.60 each !

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Re: MD: What up with MD

2000-08-07 Thread las

Charles Redell wrote:

 las wrote:  "like the digital cameras, only for music"

 I think we have the tag line for our commercial!

I'll bet that they have already sold more digital cameras then MD, units
in the US.  Now the digital camera isn't cheap.  Yet they seem to sell
well and you have tons of choices.  That's not counting all of those
"web cameras".


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