[MBZ] heat problem

2006-06-03 Thread PONDERSOA
hi all 
 i seem to be having a heat problem  the temp gauge  seems  to creep up to 
the line before actually a little past the third mark ) this  is when i stop 
driving as i swear this is the critical meltdown  point  '
 i have replaced  the clutch  and last year changed the  thermodore 
 it was the end of air cond season so i was not able tell   if it was  fixed 
or not 
 now  it  it is creeping up to the warmer side
 my question is  because  i an not loosing any coolant 
 i am looking to  replace the radiator next . i see that a  company called 
nissans has a replacement unit that does not have a reinforced  neck but is 
of fiberglass and plastic and is supposed to be 30 % stronger  than stock 
 my question is.. am i safe using the nissans unit or should i use  the 
behr unit  because both are sold by  Rusty so i know i am dealing  with 
good stuff
 what should i do 
 mike collins
 1985 500 sec
phila pa  

Re: [MBZ] Partly OT - Overfilling engine oil

2006-05-20 Thread PONDERSOA
what can and will happen is the crank shaft will  whip the oil into a foam
 this foam could be picked up  and pumped through  the  engine system and 
this foam is not a good lubricant 
  it really is best to just remove the oil be fore any problems 
 mike collins 
 phila pa 1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] Bad car names mercedes s class???

2006-05-08 Thread PONDERSOA
i have always wondered just what was the thinking behind the sec sel s  class 
i know the letter is designation is for the cars body class 
and most of the rest of the letters usually meant some thing also
is there any thing like a se model today ??? 
if so what is it called? 
and what happened to the and the s class coupe that was an sec  became  a S 
and this name was changed to ...cl  but it is not a c  class
what gives 
mike collins 
phila pa 1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] C320 brakes

2006-05-03 Thread PONDERSOA
why do you need pad lube?  Do those new cheap class cars require it?  
Cant you just get some at the local mcparts?

dude .come on man 

Re: [MBZ] Saturn cop cars?

2006-04-27 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 4/26/2006 10:59:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Back  when the CHP had some (Fast!) Mustangs and Camaros, I asked a friend  of
mine what he did about transporting 'Perps'. George (a CHP Sergeant, at  the
time) said he cuffed them to a nearby tree, using a length of chain  from the
trunk, until one of the Victorias came  available.

oh you REALLY want to see some sh!t 
1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] stand your ground

2006-03-22 Thread PONDERSOA

i just wanted to post this article i saw 
 it is not my intention to start a pro/anti gun control debate i  just wanted 
to add to the discussion 

By Richard Willing, USA  TODAY

(March 21) -- A year after Florida became the first state to  allow citizens 
to use deadly force against muggers, carjackers and other  attackers, the idea 
is spreading. 

South Dakota has enacted a  similar law, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels plans to 
sign such a measure  today, and 15 other states are considering such proposals.

Several  states are expanding self-defense rights to crimes committed in  

Dubbed Stand Your Ground bills by supporters such as the  National Rifle 
Association, the measures generally grant immunity from  prosecution and 
lawsuits to those who use deadly force to combat any  unlawful entry or attack. 

Several states allow people to use  deadly force in their homes against 
intruders; the new measures represent  an expansion of self-defense rights to 
crimes committed in  public.

The NRA and other supporters say the bills are needed in  many states that 
require people under attack in public places to withdraw  from the situation, 
rather than retaliate, unless they can show their  lives are in danger. 

For someone attacked by criminals to be  victimized a second time by a 
second-guessing legal system is wrong, the  NRA's Wayne LaPierre says.

Critics, including the Brady Campaign To  Prevent Gun Violence, say the bills 
encourage vigilantism and would make  it more likely that confrontations 
would turn deadly. Zach Ragbourn of the  Brady group says the proposals are 
accurately called 'Shoot First'  laws. They allow a person who just feels 
something bad is going to happen  to open fire in public.

The idea that people should use deadly  force only to defend their lives is 
rooted in English common law, author  Richard Maxwell Brown says in No Duty To 
Retreat: Violence and Values in  American History and Society. 

Another common law principle, the  duty to retreat, requires people to 
avoid potentially deadly  confrontations. The principles apply in most states. 

The duty to  retreat generally doesn't apply in a person's home.

LaPierre says  the NRA is targeting 29 duty-to-retreat states where people 
can be  prosecuted, sued or both if they don't retreat from criminal  attacks.

Ragbourn says the proposals aim to fix a system that  isn't broken. People 
aren't being thrown into jail for legitimate  self-defense. There's no crisis 

Florida's law could be  facing its first test. 

Donald Montanez, owner of a Tampa towing  company, is charged with murder in 
the shooting of a man whose car was  impounded. Prosecutors say Montanez fired 
as the man drove off without  paying a fee. Montanez's attorney, Roger Rigau, 
says the new law should  protect Montanez, who feared being hit by the 


Re: [MBZ] Wood

2006-03-15 Thread PONDERSOA
are there members that need info re wood in there local areas i might have  
links and info 
(http://www.firewood.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi)  (  a group across the usa with 
lots of good info)
stove info
_http://hearth.com/ratings/all.php_ (http://hearth.com/ratings/all.php) 
mike collins 
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] OT Wood

2006-03-15 Thread PONDERSOA
a strong word of caution regarding burning of green wood 
 it causes low temps and smoke to condense in side the chimney 
  as this this happens it will always cut heat out put  drastically and cause 
 creosote to form  especially in any wood stove  or insert ( because the 
speed of the smoke is slowed down much more than a fire  place )
 you want  to let wood dry out  a good rule of thumb is  if it is burned and 
steam /or worse water comes out of the edged of a piece of  wood ...its way to 
wet to burn safely 
 and yeah you can use the chimney cleaning products available  today what 
they do is to somehow change the texture ( dry it i think  ) of the creosote in 
the chimney and this makes it much easer to clean   use them often though 
maybe 1 to 3 times a month 
phila pa 1985 500 sec 
I used to pick up pallets and break them up  to mix with wet or green  wood.  

Also splitting green wood into smaller pieces and keeping  the draft open to 
get a good bed of coals helped.  You probably know that  already ..

RIchard Murdoch  

[MBZ] frapper .....i am sorry

2006-03-14 Thread PONDERSOA
i did not know what the pic was 
i now see it is farm life 
 i did not mean to infer any wrong  doing  to any animals 
and i did know what the  offensive  pic was 
and thought this was what all the hubub was  all about 
( please keep in mind i am from philly  and havent actually  seen a cow or 
steer but i do know they  exzist HOWEVER i do have a real smoke house( yep 
...and 3 bbq  grills  
 and i thank God in heaven for rib  steaks!)
 mike collins ( standing humbly by my  bbq grill )
1985 500 sec 
phila pa 
 (looking to bbq beef brisket now  hmmm where them cowboy fans 
when ya need them?)
I CONFESS!! It was me who  posted the picture of some guy 'flipping a
cow...' in lieu of pictures of my  cars. Since I hadn't yet taken any nice
flattering photos of my MBenz's to  post I thought I would post a photo
that was at least representative of the  area where I live. And since I
still have not taken photographs to post of my  MBenz's because it's
winter here and they stay in the garage until I feel  inclined to drive
them, I guess the cow picture will have to do for now (or  forever
possibly unless you want to remove it). Somebody guessed right  in
thinking it was a branding party, although 'party' is probably not  the
most proper terminology 


Re: [MBZ] Frappr UPDATE!

2006-03-14 Thread PONDERSOA
exactly what part of the  chicken do  fingers come from any  way?
 mike collins 
 phila pa 1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 3/13/2006 11:09:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Beef,  Its what real men eat!  (Gotta have that Baxter Black voice)  only,  
he says, Beef, its what's for dinner!
Pork, the other white  meat
Bambi, the best summer sausage there is!
LT forgot the Iowa Egg  council, the Iowa Turkey Federation, and whatever 
the chicken growers  are

At 09:55 PM 3/13/2006, you wrote:
This has been a public  service announcement from the Iowa Cattlemen
Association and the Iowa  Pork Producers.   :-)

[MBZ] Fuggetabouddit! off toic

2006-03-13 Thread PONDERSOA
finally ... tony soprano,  returns 
1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] sacrilege.... i know ...

2006-03-06 Thread PONDERSOA

hi all 
 first let me say i love my mercedes 
 i however have found it necessary to gasp buy a ...BMW ..
( now i know this is absolutely sacrilegious guys ...be easy on  me please) 
 i was looking at a 97 or 98 740 il 
 ( black naturally )  
 i have no intention of giving up my beloved sec 
 my question is  ... do they hold up like mercedes 126 cars  ( does anything?)
and is there a group list like this one on the Internet 
i absolutely refuse to even look at a lexus /Infiniti ( drug dealer   cars )
 how ever i am quite taken with that bmw look 
 any suggestions 
phila pa 1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] sacrilege.... i know ...

2006-03-06 Thread PONDERSOA
Robert  i am not giving up my allegiance to the three pointed star 
 i need a car i can rack up miles on  i cannot drive my sec and  get a lot of 
useless miles on 
( and i have a secret reason too!!!) but thats  another story
 1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 3/6/2006 9:28:58 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Git a  rope

Bob Rentfro

- Original Message - 
Sent:  Sunday, March 05, 2006 9:02 PM
Subject: [MBZ] sacrilege i know  ...

Re: [MBZ] R-12 Freon

2006-03-04 Thread PONDERSOA
you are going to need an r 12 license i have one but it is still easy to  get 
freon on ebay 
 let me know if i can help 
 also there are very good alternatives now to r 12 that seem to work  well 
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec 


2006-02-27 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 2/26/2006 9:09:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, PONDERSOA  

this bastard  ,,,
should be eviscerated  
in  front of his family ..
on  Christmas day .
Pregnant Girl Beaten to Death with  Baseball Bat 
 (http://www.wjla.com/syndicate/)  UPDATED - Saturday  January 29, 2005 

Dale City, Va. (AP) - A Dale City man is in jail for  allegedly beating 
his pregnant teenage girlfriend to death with a baseball  bat, Prince William 

Carlos Diangilo  Williams, 26, of Dale City, was arrested Thursday after 
police said he beat  Cheri Washington, 17, with a bat and also stomped and 
her, said  Detective Dennis Mangan. Washington had gone to Williams' home to 
talk about  her pregnancy, he said. 

Williams  had been charged with malicious wounding, but after Washington and 
her fetus  died Mangan said the charges probably would be upgraded.  

She was pretty much bludgeoned. She went there to talk to  him about the 
baby, and that's what the argument was over, Mangan said.  The injuries she 
would be consistent with a very violent attack. 

Mangan said Washington went to Williams' home around 9  a.m., and left the 
house shortly before 2 p.m. after being beaten. She  collapsed on the street 
was later taken to Potomac Hospital, where she  told police officers what had 

Washington's  condition worsened Thursday night and she was flown to Inova 
Fairfax  hospital, where she died Friday morning. 

Williams is being  held without bond at the Prince William County jail.  

Copyright 2005 by _The Associated  Press_ 
(http://www.wjla.com/external.hrb?p=apcopyright) .
Judge to decide Williams'  fate 

Carlos Diangilo  Williams 

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

After a day of gut-wrenching testimony, the trial of a  Dale City man accused 
of beating a pregnant teenager to death is down to the  verdict.  
Circuit Court Judge Richard B. Potter is expected to render a decision  this 
morning in the murder trial of 27-year-old Carlos Diangilo Williams,  who is 
accused of killing 17-year-old Cheri Washington and her unborn  child. 
Williams is charged with the murder of a pregnant woman, abduction and  
feticide. Both the murder and feticide charges carry a possible death  
Though much of the testimony Monday was graphic and gruesome -- at times  
sending Washington's friends and relatives from the courtroom in tears --  
Williams mostly stared straight ahead and showed little expression. 
The central figure during the trial Monday was Stephen James Covington  Jr., 
Williams' cousin who is also charged with Washington's murder. 
Covington, 19, testified in detail about the circumstances he said lead  to 
Washington's death: her pregnancy, Williams anger and the savage beating  that 
took her life. 
However, Williams' defense attorney Tracey Lenox called Covington's story  
questionable, saying he testified in the hope that prosecutors would lessen  
own murder and feticide charges. 
Covington had known Cheri Washington since they were in middle school  
together. He was a friend of her brother, and she lived just down the  street, 
Covington testified Monday. 
When Williams finished college and moved in with Covington and his  family, 
he was introduced to Washington. The two had sex the first night  they met, 
Covington said. 
Later, Washington confided to Covington that she was pregnant. 
Covington told his cousin, and Williams started pressuring Washington to  
have an abortion, Covington said. 
On Jan. 26 -- the night before Washington died -- Covington was at his  
parents' Dixon Court home, drinking beer with a friend and Williams,  Covington 
Williams said Washington was coming over the next morning, and that he  might 
have to do her in, Covington said. 
Williams was shadow boxing as he said it, and Covington testified that he  
didn't take the threat seriously. 
The next day, Covington woke up to the sounds of Washington and Williams  
having sex in an adjoining bedroom, he said. 
But the noises in the bedroom turned to screams, and Williams came in  
Covington's bedroom and asked for a baseball bat, Covington said. 
In the hours that followed, Williams tied Washington up with duct tape,  
waved a knife at her, beat her with the bat and kicked her in the stomach,  
Covington said. 
Covington testified that he


2006-02-27 Thread PONDERSOA
i am sorry some how i sent the death penalty post to my Mercedes groups 
it was unintentional and i am sorry for being off topic 
i did not mean to send it  to the group and please ignore it 
 great job i have got  huh???
sorry guys
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] OT: SnapOn warranty

2006-02-25 Thread PONDERSOA
 busting knuckels is a common occurrence among ppl who  dont repair cars  
for a living  remember... the way  you  use ANY ratchet ,wrench ect  is to use 
the open palm method   place the meat of the palm of the hand ( the area below 
the thumb) as the  pressure point not the palm ( less muscle padding )
 and yeas snap on  will honor the tool guarantee  find a  truck or call and 
locate a dealer near you and set up an am exchange date
 when using a torque wrench  set it to the proper torque  setting,
 tighten gradually ,slowly until it clicks 
the point here is don not pulse it use a sl twisting method  only 
 and when you finish using the torque wrench  wind it all  the way down to 
the zero adjustment setting  
 1985 500 sec 
phila pa 
This has some MB content...

Last night I was torquing the  prechambers into my new #22 head, and on
the very last collar my 20yr old  SnapOn torque wrench's internal
ratchet decided to let go.  I smashed  the nail on my pinky-finger, and
will probably lose it in time--yes, it  hurts.

My question is regarding how SnapOn honors its tool  warranty.  Can I
just grab any SnapOn truck and request service, or  what?  Or, do I
need to handle this directly with SnapOn  HQ?

Olympia, WA
Biodiesel: I drive in a  persistent vegetative state
'87 300TD intercooler (211k)
'84 300D  (210k)
'89 Vanagon Wolfsburg Edition  (187K)

For  new parts see official list sponsor: http://www.buymbparts.com/
For used  parts email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe or change delivery  options go  to:

Re: [MBZ] Off Topic - keeping warm

2006-02-22 Thread PONDERSOA
i love the look/feel of the wood burning experence and use my stove the  same 
1985 500 sec
phila pa 
In a message dated 2/21/2006 8:19:16 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Hey  Mike,
I've had the fire going in my fireplace insert off and on since  Nov.  I wait 
until the temp will be consistantly below  45-50F.

I'm home all the time (disabled) so it's easy for me to feed  the monster. 
The doors seal really well choking the fire down so it's  controlled.  So I 
only have to refill it about 3 times a day -  morning, afternoon and before 
bed.  On really cold nights I'll get up  at 3 or so and check it.

I like the smell and seeing a curl of smoke  coming out of the chimney is 
pleasant to see.  But it *is* kinda  messy - everytime I bring wood into the 
house I get the broom and dustpan  to clean up.---


Larry  T


Re: [MBZ] Off Topic - keeping warm

2006-02-22 Thread PONDERSOA
P.G.W phila gas works has been diong this to me  3 out or the five  years i 
have been living at my house 
1985 500 sec 
phila pa 
In a message dated 2/21/2006 8:20:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

When  we fired up the wood/coal stove the gas company came out to check out  
furnace - siad the bill was *too* low - we weren't using enough gas!   They 
thought I had bypassed their metering system!   Creeps!

Re: [MBZ] Off Topic - keeping warm

2006-02-21 Thread PONDERSOA
i am going through 5 cord or so also 
osburn 2400 insert  i am thinking about getting a pellet  stove also!!!   
last months gas bill was bill was 277.00(  gd)
1985 500 sec 
phila pa 

Re: [MBZ] Off Topic - keeping warm

2006-02-21 Thread PONDERSOA
when i moved in my house my neighbors were getting 800 a month gas  bills
my neighbor  used to laugh at me for collecting wood !
( if i EVER got a 800 dollar bill for ANYTHING  i would have laid on  the 
floor and instantaneously had a baby and  died .)
 i used a smaller stove the first year the second year i purchased a  larger 
one osburn 2400 
 my bills have been 160 to 300 ever since 
 however my neighbor across the street has received an $1800.00  (eighteen 
hundred) dollar gas bill ...( yep that's right)
 he does not laugh at me any more 
1985 500 sec 
phila pa 

[MBZ] Off Topic - keeping warm

2006-02-20 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 2/20/2006 6:18:21 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, PONDERSOA  

in other news..
i was wondering how every one has been dong regarding house heat
it has been  a mild winter here in phila  
 i have a wood stove insert that has saved me a fortune in heating  costs in 
my living room fireplace and a fireplace in the basement that i  use for 
enjoyment ( not a good efficient  source of heat  really)
so ... do we have any other wood burners out there ?
mike collins 
phila pa 1985 500 sec
Go Villanova


Re: [MBZ] (no subject)

2006-02-16 Thread PONDERSOA
Hey look, he replied twice to an unsubjected  post.


Marshall Booth wrote:

Marshall Booth  wrote:

oh boy you did it now!
1985 500 sec

[MBZ] seat belt retractors

2006-02-11 Thread PONDERSOA
hi all 
i have a question my car 1985 500sec  when the passenger opens the  door the 
seat belt retractor arm comes out this kinda blocks the passenger from  exit 
or entrance when the door is closed it then goes back 
 is there some way this can be reset ? ( and i guarantee this new  Cutie i am 
seeing is gonna break it ) 
 mike collins 
 1985 500 sec  

Re: [MBZ] Credit protection

2006-02-10 Thread PONDERSOA
THIS  is exactly the same info i give to any body who gets there stuff  
 this is good and accurate info ...well done
phila pa 
1985 500 sec  
In a message dated 2/9/2006 8:31:14 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

However, here is what is perhaps most important of all (I never even
  thought to do this.)
 3.  Call the three national credit reporting  organizations immediately to
 place a fraud alert on your name and  Social Security number.  I had 
 never heard
 of doing that  until advised by a bank that called to tell me an 
 application  for
 credit was made over the Internet in my name.  The alert  means any company
 that checks your credit knows your information was  stolen, and they have to
 contact you by phone to authorize new  credit.  By the time I was advised 
 to do
 this, almost  two weeks after the theft, all the damage had been done.  
 There  are
 records of all the credit checks initiated by the thieves'  
 purchases,none of
 which I knew about before placing the  alert.  Since then, no additional 
 has been done,  and the thieves threw my wallet away this weekend (someone
 turned it  in).  It seems to have stopped them dead in their tracks.
 Now, here are the numbers you always need to contact about your  wallet and
 contents being stolen:
 1.) Equifax:  1-800-525-6285
 2.) Experian (formerly TRW): 1-888-397-3742
 3.)  TransUnion: 1-800-680-7289
 4.) Social Security Administration (fraud  line): 1-800-269-0271
 We pass along jokes on the Internet; we  pass along just about everything.

Re: [MBZ] RIP: Peter A. Heimuller 02/03/2005( our fathers)

2006-02-07 Thread PONDERSOA
i am very sorry for your loss
 as a man who lost his father to cancer also i am particularly  sympathetic 
to you
you will miss your father everyday of the rest of your life... as i do 
you will honor his memory ...as i do 
you will try to be the kind of man he wanted you to be 
 be proud ... there are many who were not blessed with a REAL  role model for 
a father.
to our fathers  
  Peter A. Heimuller 02/03/2005
  Ernest J.Collins  01/13/85your sons  salute.  you
 thanks pop!
Michael Collins 
1985 500 sec 
phila pa

Re: [MBZ] what hath God wrought...oh my GOD

2006-01-28 Thread PONDERSOA
i am sorry it  for being so  vague is the rear  driver  side hub axle assy 
 it has stripped i have never heard any thing like this before i  have 
seen axles  actually  twisted  by heavy acceleration/ engine  torque but have 
never seen stripped  splines 
 mike collins 
 1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] Fwd: Namen himmiler?

2006-01-11 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 1/10/2006 11:56:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


-yo man .. you are not really thinking about doing that. are you 
 i have always thought  these cars were impressive and actually  almost 
heroic ( sometimes )
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Re: [MBZ] A/C evaporator cleaners?

2006-01-11 Thread PONDERSOA
yes there are products that  are specifically intended to do this very  thing 
that  heating and air conditioning supply houses have 
 its called coil cleaner it does not require scrubbing just spray  and  let 
it work and rinse
 if you were to use  general house cleaning products it probably  would work 
well  how ever  you might have to scrub and there  is no real way to get in 
all of the little passages 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] I've got a long drive PLUS I need a name

2006-01-11 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 1/11/2006 12:21:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

[OK, so it could be viewed as being in poor taste, and I do  sincerely 
apologize for that, well actually not the poor taste part but if  anyone is 
offended by the implied name of the pre-European-invader small male  human, 
relies on a word many find crass and impolite but a lot of  everyone uses it 
anyway, but it is kinda funny in a warped  way.]

yo some ppl are to caught up in  mole hill stuff
dont sweat it ( u can salute the flag ,,,and some body will take exception  
to it)
it was funny   but the disclaimer !!! now THAT  was hilarious 
1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] Richmond va

2006-01-09 Thread PONDERSOA
any body on here form Richmond va   i need info ... get back
non car stuff! 
1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] BLING...126

2006-01-03 Thread PONDERSOA

i knida like it 
mike collins
1985 500 sec
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Re: [MBZ] What to look for in a used A/C condenser

2005-12-29 Thread PONDERSOA
i used these guys for my SEC the price was really reasonable they made  it 
and sent it i think it was 120 or something like that 
its ben good 3 years now 

[MBZ] ill tell ya bout these happy holidays

2005-12-25 Thread PONDERSOA
ok here is my rant 
 last year my SEC  forze shut ...sealed tight after going to a  car wash and 
the temps fell below freezing
the prior year  well lets just say chestnuts roasting on an open  fire 
   and this years little gem?
 the chimney in my fire place is ...blocked! 
 how did i find this out?
smoke.. lots of it too!
   bah humbug!
 1985 500 sec  

Re: [MBZ] Mighty quiet here tonight!

2005-12-21 Thread PONDERSOA
i know 
1995 500 sec 


2005-12-04 Thread PONDERSOA
 i am in a welding group on yahoo 
 i asked about the exact thing ( from harbor freight) and  all of  the 
members told me that these units were no good and would result in nothing  but 
and all agreed to spend maybe 370.00 and get a much better unit  
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] blower motor repair

2005-11-30 Thread PONDERSOA
gollie  i didn't think it would really matter ...

94 or 95  E420.
Black paint, black leather interior, tinted windows. And no, but  owner isn't
African-American. Actually, he is originally from Iran.  

Re: [MBZ] 3 RD replacement starter ?

2005-11-28 Thread PONDERSOA
Is it the starter turns motor, stops for a moment and then goes again?  You
know kind of like a injector leaked down and hydro locked cylinder for  a

no what happens is the starter engages and when doin so it ..skips  ,catches 
and spins the engine  at normal speed  it is not however  stripping the fly 
wheel; mercifully
1985 500 sec

[MBZ] 3 RD replacement starter ?

2005-11-27 Thread PONDERSOA
hi all 
yesterday i went i started my car and heard that skipping/starter  sound(   
the starter is engaged, the teeth on the bendix (drive  ARE fully engaged and 
not skipping /stripping on the flywheel )  
 the reason why i am writing ,is this has been happening for the  last three 
years  i replaced the starter originally ? replaced it last year  ( bosch 
rebuilt) and am having the same problem now 1 year later
oh this happens only when its cold out side... 20 deg or less  the starter 
engages , skips engaged and starts the engine  and  when the car warms up all 
 naturally i have checked the flywheel teeth  2 times now and its  fine 
 has any body had a starter with a armature that skips in side the  bendix 
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Helloooooooooo

2005-11-25 Thread PONDERSOA
no i worked to day .whatapainintheass!  disturbance calls ppl  drunk 
fighting with the family  really sad ... 
1985 500 sec 
Anybody out there?  Am I the only one working on thanksgiving?   Yes, 
while the wife is cooking Im stuck in front of the computer getting  
parts ready for ebay.
Kaleb C. Striplin/Claremore,  OK


2005-11-24 Thread PONDERSOA
BEST WISHES ALL more Chivas   anyone?
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] ATF Stop Leak

2005-11-21 Thread PONDERSOA
that trans stuff i think it is break fluid or something like that  IF  it 
works it will not be permanent ...
 the trans should not have to be taken all the way down  it aint  that bad 
...come on man do the seal 
1985 500sec

Re: [MBZ] OT: GM (Oldsmobile) 5.7L and 4.3L diesels 1979-1985

2005-11-19 Thread PONDERSOA
 this company is incredible they make some of the best desigines for  all 
matter of stuff 
 i replaced a few of thoes gm diesel motors with chevy gas engines 
one fella bought a 70 400 ci engine that was in some kids nova and we put  it 
in a coupe deville ...with headers no less ! the thing ran like  crazy  i 
mean realy ran like crazy
 this was piss poor design  that is pure and simple
 between the bean counters and crappy workman ship it is amazing they  are 
still in business
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] OT: GM (Oldsmobile) 5.7L and 4.3L diesels 1979-1985 some some MB di...

2005-11-19 Thread PONDERSOA
man i havent heard that in a hunderd years that was doen to control  
preignition in gas engines  ...did it work ? i had a car that ran 10  to 1 
compression ratio i never tried it 
how ever i did and still do add 1 qt to the oil and drive for 100 mi or so  
before changing 
atf has a lot of detergents in it and they do a good job of gently  removing 
varnish( sludge) in oil passages
1985 500 sec 
 In a message dated 11/18/2005 3:15:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

I  think he bought a few of them
and parted them out keeping things like the  IP on hand. He was a little
bit strange, though.  He poured a quart of  tranny fluid in his tank
every time he filled up, and whenever he changed  the fuel filters he
filled them up with tranny fluid.   

Donald H. Snook

McDonald, Tinker, Skaer, Quinn   Herrington, P.A. 

300 West Douglas

P.O. Box  207

Wichita, Kansas 67201 0207

Tel. (316)  263-5851

Re: [MBZ] Tech Info about Past MBs - up to 16 Yrs. Ago

2005-11-17 Thread PONDERSOA

Re: [MBZ] Booth Cold Method (BCM) Rationale

2005-11-16 Thread PONDERSOA

you should not really concern your self with 1/2 qt of  oil 
 the way to accurately check oil is to a change oil using 8 qt of  oiland 
 crank the engine with the dist coil wire off  and placed nest to  a ground 
point to get the oil pumped up in to the filter  and tensioners  maybe 15 or so 
 replace coil wire start engine  and check for leaks 
 because you added 8 qts. of oil you know exactly what is in the  engine 
 1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 11/15/2005 6:16:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

SO, the GOAL OF THE DIPSTICK is that when it reads halfway  between min  and 
max AFTER FOLLOWING MB's INSTRUCTIONS, you will indeed  have the  correct 
quantity of oil in the engine.

I  imagine that Marshall would not insist on the BCM without having  years  
of experience behind him on this...so I must ask. Marshall, are  you  saying 
that if my eninge calls for 8 quarts and by Divine  Revelation I  know there 
exactly 8 quarts of M1 in the engine AND I  follow the  procedure above, the 
reading on the dipstick will read low?  And if I top  it off so that the 
dipstick reads dead center, I have now  8+ quarts of  M1?

I know you have said that you don't know why this is,  it just is. Any  
elaboration would be appreciated, because I can't see  how it makes  sense 
If anything, would not M1 return to the  crankcase MORE  QUICKLY than dino oil 
causing the dipstick, if anything,  to READ HIGHER  when following the above 

This just doesn't make sense to me.

My own  experience with M1 in the SD is that it reads the same following  the 
MB  instructions as when using the BCM. Which is sort of what lead  me to  
this e-mail...the only way that can be the case is that M1 does  indeed,  after 
a few minutes, LARGELY flow back into the  crankcase...giving  nearly the same 
reading at 2 minutes as at 8 hours.

Additionally, if we were saying that the BCM applies only to some   obscure 
oil, that might make sense, but it's M1...MB's oil of   choice...how can they 
not know how to use a dipstick? It seems a bit   absurd. Now, the memo is 10 
years old, maybe a new one has superceded   it...maybe M1 has changed since 
then...don't know.

Re: [MBZ] battery chargers

2005-11-16 Thread PONDERSOA

But here is my question. Is there any significant damage done by  leaving a
normal battery charger on overnight, where it might get to zero  amps but
stay attached for a few hours? This is not a fancy battery charger  that
shuts off or kicks into trickle mode or such.

what can happens is the battery gets warm (too warm) and as it  charges or 
over charges it can  boil off the water ( electrolyte)   this electrolyte is 
acid and can cause damage  ti metal surfaces big  time   basic rule here is, 
sits for maybe 2 weeks charge battery  for 1 hr  max if you experience slow 
 remember too much of any thing can not help  too much is ...too  much.
 and really i never ever liked leaving any thing like a battery  charger 
plugged in and unattended  especially for any extended period of  time
1985 500 sec 

I did leave it on overnight routinely last winter with no apparent  damage,
but am curious about the long term impact of doing this. We're  talking in my
case one of the Interstate Battery mega-mothers under the hood,  not a cheap
off-brand battery.


Re: [MBZ] this is waht happens when ...............

2005-11-15 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/14/2005 7:46:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

  wood ( for our back yard bond fire)  stacked

And, obviously, lots  of tasty adult beverages.

  ok i am a lil stoned now but the new Orleans ppl look happy  
 cheese steaks for everybody
 COLLINS 1985 500 SEC 

Re: [MBZ] write your own caption

2005-11-15 Thread PONDERSOA
thank yoou Jesus!
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] this is waht happens when ...............

2005-11-14 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/14/2005 6:38:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, PONDERSOA  

this is waht happens when dallas come to phila...
beer cold 
ribs bbqing 
potatoe salad...saiding!!!
wood ( for our back yard bond fire)  stacked
 and five people form New Orleans la  who are with me  ...looking in amazment 
at what happens to iggles ( eagles) fans when dem  dirty rotten communist 
%^* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) *!  dallas cowboys come to  
( we cant seem to explain it to them they just dont understand!)  

oh yeah cowboys players drive ...B.M.W.s heathens! ,and they beat  their 
dogs ! yeah really
ho and away we go
collins 1985 500 sec  


[MBZ] this is waht happens when ...............

2005-11-14 Thread PONDERSOA
this is waht happens when dallas come to phila...
beer cold 
ribs bbqing 
potatoe salad...saiding!!!
wood ( for our back yard bond fire)  stacked
 and five people form New Orleans la  who are with me ...looking  in amazment 
at what happens to iggles ( eagles) fans when dem dirty rotten  communist 
%^* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) *!  dallas cowboys  come to 
( we cant seem to explain it to them they just dont understand!) 
oh yeah cowboys players drive ...B.M.W.s heathens! ,and they beat their  
dogs ! yeah really
ho and away we go
collins 1985 500 sec  
-- next part --
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Re: [MBZ] this weeks OMG

2005-11-14 Thread PONDERSOA
well it is interesting and ill bet it can move out .of course there is  
no way i would buy this thing engine and block and of freeze plug  
yeah right
and look how close that battery's terminals are to the cowl  ...shz
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Shadetree MB alignment

2005-11-14 Thread PONDERSOA

i read this in its entirety and all i can say is  look it really  is not that 
expensive to take the car to an alignment shop 
its worth it as a matter of fact i think the only time i sent my car out  was 
for alignment and paint
 what are you trying to do if you are trying to save money on your  beloved 
car that's cool but you wont be able to accurately do this   alignment  with 
the things and procedures  out lined 
1985 500sec
 In a message dated 11/13/2005 11:31:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Some one  was posting about toe setting questions. I found this in my 
Rick  Knoble
1985 300 CD

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, July 17, 2005  6:36 PM
Subject: [MBZ] Re: Mercedes Digest, Vol 2, Issue 102

Or,  you could jack up the car and rest it on blocks under the lower control 
arms  so the tires are just barely off the ground. Take Juniors sidewalk chalk 
and  hold it against the tire tread and rotate the tire to make a chalk 
stripe all  the way around. Middle of the tire is nice but either side of 
works  too. Then take a nail, ball point pen, or something like it and brace it 
against the floor and the tire. Again, rotate the tire to make a line all the 
 way around. The ends should meet exactly, if not, start over. I used to do  
this with just a pen line, but then I used to see without bifocals  too.


2005-11-12 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/11/2005 5:28:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


 hm sounds kinda fishy to me  what i would do if you are  interested in 
this car you can probably ask the seller for a test drive but  before the drive 
contact your local police 
 i am thinking this car might be a replate ( a car who's vehicle  
identification number was  taken off of a  different auto )   usually all 
have an auto squad, that is a unit  that  has contact with the manufacturer not 
just the dealers they have special  knowledge in the hidden vin locations and 
will usually do  a search for  members of the public if the car is in stolen 
status they will obviously not  return it , but if you have not purch. the vech 
no harm doen.
 1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Beer enema. meth. facts

2005-11-12 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/11/2005 8:53:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Yup - those same democrats  here in Okie land made the meth stock -cold
medicines - behind the  counter drugs. The police seem to think it
has at least made a dent in the  number of meth labs here

well let me say this about that
 the reason over the counter medicines have been placed behind the  counter ( 
 if so they can not be easily shoplifted ) 
 the active ingredient in methamphetamine is,  in one   method of illicit  
manufacture is  Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride
the chemicals needed are 
*   Ephedrine (Cold Tablets)  Pseudoephedrine (Cold  Tablets) Acetone 
Alcohol (Isopropyl or Rubbing)  Toluene (Brake Cleaner) Ether (Engine Starter) 
Sulfuric Acid (Drain Cleaner) Methanol/Alcohol (Gasoline  Additives) Alkyl 
mercury Salt  (Table/Rock) Lithium  (Batteries) Anhydrous Ammonia  (Farm 
Fertilizer) Sodium  Hydroxide (Lye) Red  Phosphorus (Matches/Road Flares) 
Muriatic Acid  
Iodine (Teat Dip or  Flakes/Crystal Trichloroethylene (gun  Scrubber) Sodium  
is this is a called  nazi meth it was a production method used by the Germans 
in WW  2  
i will not go in to how its made but in short  sutafed pills are  crushed  
washed in a Coffey strainer with Acetone Alcohol (and or)  Toluene,  ether is 
boiled  on  a electric only cooker and this is boiled for a while  and  
Acid  added  pool testers used to check ph  levels   
the problen ALL OF YOU face is that these assclowns who make this drug  can 
and have  made this stuff in hotle rooms cars houses and in the  wilderness and 
these chemicals used in the manufacture of this stuff  coats  everything  in 
effect all surfaces are covered with god only knows what  
has become a BIG problem because  some body buys a house or renta  s hotle 
room or buys a used prsteen benz and suffers mysterious health problems  
not to mention all of  
there are even some  jackasses who add a mecury compound  (  this is REAL  
dangerous  shit ) to the mix  
then  dont forget this stuff gets shot in a vain .and guess what 12%  of 
12 graders have used this drug! 
it aint all ways about trying to stop some drug... some times its about  the 
unsuspecting public who ends up with using something these  guys polluted 
1985 500 sec  

Re: [MBZ] Liberal cop heaven

2005-11-12 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/11/2005 9:41:26 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


wooha!!! he ...met ... a drunk complainant ...and took her home and  
smutted her??? 
ohy vey
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] France, again

2005-11-11 Thread PONDERSOA
the french surrendered a few min. ago
hee hee he
collins 1985 500 sec

[MBZ] 76 eldorado

2005-11-11 Thread PONDERSOA
i think he had  1970  cadi deville
that looks like a boss hogg car, except his was white.

Rich Thomas  wrote:

 Elwood -- my 76 Eldo convertible!!!

[MBZ] big caddis!!!

2005-11-11 Thread PONDERSOA
well i kept it tuned to an inch of its life
 and it ran like mad !!! 
1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 11/10/2005 8:19:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

that  sounds like fun!!  I bet when you pushed down on the gas, you could  
see the fuel guage drop.  Those are probably worth alot of money now  days.


 well h oh  what the hell i had a 1970 Cadillac Eldorado fully  loaded 
  first time i saw the car i fell in love with thoes absulutely massive   
 i used to look at them and i swear to goodness ...i would  think about a  
 corned beef and  special
 i  i have NO idea why 
 they ( from a side view ) were the thickest seat i  had ever seen 
 it was love and the leather was as good a quality  as my mercedes ( thick,  
 tight  no cracks or wear like the  new caddis ) everything was absolutely  
 the top, massive  hood massive trunk  
 freezing cold air as a matter  of fact the same compressor ( ac) is on my  
 current Mercedes  
 it was a whole lot cheaper to buy a compressor for a gm than a benz  when 
 had to be replaced 
  oh  yeah the engine was listed in the Guinness book for largest  passenger 
 car ever made !!! 
 500 cubic inches 
 yeahh  babyyy!!
 1985 500 sec  

Re: [MBZ] Beer enema

2005-11-11 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/11/2005 1:15:21 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

   On 11/10/05, TimothyPilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
  Because every guy wants the same  nymphomaniac Catholic schoolgirl
   the kilt and white blouse loosly  unbuttoned.

yeah baby!!
collins 1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] will maladjusted valves reduce fuel economy?

2005-11-10 Thread PONDERSOA
hay look the purpose of this list should be to help answer  questions
problems will never be fixed and knowledge will not passed if people dont  
ask questions ( dhe hell good is this list for if we cant put our heads  
oh yeah misadjusted vales can also cause engine damage 
1985 500 sec
In a message dated 11/9/2005 7:48:29 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

= uh,  thanks

that's what I thought, but never hurts to ask,  except I look dumb, but I 
don't care about that :-)

Re: [MBZ] Beer enema

2005-11-10 Thread PONDERSOA
the hell happened to just having a few friends by  some bbq maybe  watch a 
little football... some brew ...? normal stuff ... 
why did u post this? 
jesus man  sup wit that?
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] 1992 Olds 98

2005-11-10 Thread PONDERSOA
well h oh what the hell i had a 1970 Cadillac Eldorado fully  loaded the 
first time i saw the car i fell in love with thoes absulutely massive  seats! 
i used to look at them and i swear to goodness ...i would think about a  LARGE 
corned beef and  special
i i have NO idea why 
they ( from a side view ) were the thickest seat i had ever seen 
it was love and the leather was as good a quality as my mercedes ( thick,  
tight  no cracks or wear like the new caddis ) everything was absolutely  over 
the top, massive hood massive trunk  
freezing cold air as a matter of fact the same compressor ( ac) is on my  
current Mercedes 
it was a whole lot cheaper to buy a compressor for a gm than a benz when it  
had to be replaced 
 oh yeah the engine was listed in the Guinness book for largest  passenger 
car ever made !!! 
500 cubic inches 
yeahh babyyy!!
1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 11/10/2005 5:13:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

With all  of this 92 Olds 98 bashing it probably would not be wise to share
with the  froup the fact that I used to own a true land barge, the longest
and  largest production GM car to date, a 1972 Olds 98.

The 92 Olds 98 is  small in comparison. 

Tom  Hargrave


Re: [MBZ] 1992 Olds 98

2005-11-10 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 11/10/2005 6:18:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Ah the  Wildcat, it wasn't only big it was pretty fast too if you ordered the 
430cid  engine option. that was a tire abuser! 

oh yeah  it was i can attest  to that
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] motor oil as a diesel fuel

2005-11-01 Thread PONDERSOA
I think that is gonna smoke like crazy 
oil was not intended as a fuel 
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] OT: Unionized work environments (Was: Why are the newer (96-99) b...

2005-11-01 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 10/31/2005 9:51:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Of the  two evil forces, I'd take the union over the management most 
times.  Personally, I hate big corporations and greedy shareholders and I 
vote for  the small guy with my wallet every time.

 collins 1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Why are the newer (96-99) benzes prone to rust?

2005-10-31 Thread PONDERSOA
you know guys that was one of my original points  about all autos not just 
benzes .
 from bean counters to green weenies( nice one) to governmental  
regulations the auto industry has changed  radically
 we have witnessed American cars autos go form actually  reasonably priced 
reliable  autos in the early  60's  or so   until the late 70's .. to total 
 now these were no engineering marvels! but there were simple,  usually 
rugged, easy and inexpensive to repair
...however,   i will never forget  seeing early 90's  Cadillacs ...never 
driven, right off of a car carrier at a dealer, and having  a MAJOR  repair  , 
...new cars!
 if something like this happened to a Toyota  where i  worked  man heads 
would roll big time! 
 it seems the addition of so called new business ideas,AND  governmental 
interference has and is plaguing the auto industry
it is my understanding that the after 91(?) Mercedes autos are not as  
reliable as the pre 91 years ,and the new cars seem to have a  great many  
that brands like Lexus ( GASP) does  not have ( i never liked those cars 
 I was told don't buy anything after 91 and from 99 to 2005 get a  long 
 its a damn shame
however... i am happy with my 85...
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] WVO on TV

2005-10-31 Thread PONDERSOA
i saw the show you were talkin about ti seems simple enough to do how ever  
it looks like you need a garage to work in space to work and some hefte  
 i saw a  show on public tv featuring 3 wemon  that were  traveling across 
country doing the same thing 
they lived in a motor home and were traveling basically for free and made  
fuel as they needed on the road side
1985 500 sec 
In a message dated 10/30/2005 11:06:02 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Caught  the last part of an episode of Dirty Jobs on The Discovery 
Channel -  missed parts of it but this guy picked up WVO from McDonalds and 
took it  to his garage where he had several tanks and heaters for processing 
the  oil.  He heated the oil to 130F so the different kinds of oil would join 
together - then he added Methenol and Lye -  possibly to seperate the  oil 
from the methlesters (may have heard that wrong) - impurities were  seperated 
and he did some other stuff - like getting the pH to 8.5.   He said if the 
WVO is free (as it usually is) his final cost was .55$ per  gallon - which he 
put in his Datsun pickup - which got 40mpg with the  biodiesel.

Pretty informative - as much as I saw - and I admit I didn;t  understand all 
the processing he was doing - mostly because I didn;t come  in at the 
beginning I think.

Went to the Discovery website and it  doesn't look like it's coming on again 
anytime soon. They may offer it on  VHS/CD in their store.

Larry T ('74 911, '67 MGB, 78  240D)

Re: [MBZ] Is this bad for your engine?

2005-10-27 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 10/27/2005 11:06:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


this is not a good idea...  the reason why is all engines  are  designed to 
work in certain parameters  if a engine does not reach proper  op temp one of  
things that will happen is water ( from oxidizing  hydrocarbons ) will form 
,and not be effectively be removed form the engine  /exhaust ect 
 this water will begin to form in the oil  (really causing a  mess) 
 in short 
 i have never heard of any modern cars with a marginal cooling  system 
 they really would not be around long 
 keep in mind there is a LOT or engineering that goes in to   automobiles   ( 
some of it is completely OVER engineered  to a  point of sillyness  or 
beautifully designed  but the bean  counters put crappy parts in ...that's a 
different story!) but major  components  like a cooling systems ... usually are 
ways on point 
 in short  start from the beginning and find the cause of the  over heating 
i am avail if you have any questions 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] Sad Death

2005-10-19 Thread PONDERSOA
i have always thought common sense did not die ...people just keep finding  
ways to avoid its use just look at some of the recent history
1985 500 sec 

[MBZ] Fwd: Sad Death

2005-10-19 Thread PONDERSOA
yo dude   that was a lw  blow 
 ( no it wasn't  that was my point really) 
1985 500 sec
-- next part --
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Subject: Re: [MBZ] Sad Death
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Re: [MBZ] Bilstein vs Monroe shocks on a 80 SD

2005-10-19 Thread PONDERSOA
we ...can put a ...shortblock  chevy engine in these 
 and these run with out heads? these danm cars ARE remarkable
 1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] Bilstein vs Monroe shocks on a 80 SD

2005-10-19 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 10/18/2005 9:28:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Marshall  -

I suck at math. That is why I took my first degree in Music -- no  math
courses required. Strange that I took my next degree in Business / MIS  with
lots of post-grad courses in Econ. But that is a different thread.  Math
problem to follow.

Now, I realize that you are mature  individual, pretty smart in lots of
things -- including Benz stuff. But are  you saying that you have replaced
EIGHTY shocks in your lifetime and they  lasted 150k miles? Divided by four
per car, that is twenty cars if you blew  out the shocks in each one.

You haulin' around fat chicks or something?  :-)

I am 52 and as far as I can remember, only put in new shocks once  in my
lifetime. That was rear only on my '74 Duster and not because I  needed them
but because I just wanted to do so, to upgrade.

That  being said, I am due for new shocks in my '77 and I appreciate  the

But again -- EIGHTY?


On  10/19/05, Marshall Booth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Almost every Bilstein
 shock I've ever owned (more than 80 of 'em)  lasted at least 150kmi and
 some went longer than  200kmi.

well i suppose if some body can have 16 kids.

Re: [MBZ] Fuel price wackiness( theee answer)

2005-10-19 Thread PONDERSOA
i live in a cold northern climate and i have a bigass home
 i use a wood stove insert and i got to tellya  it really  helps usually the 
living room is too hot and i have to use a fan to  blow air around it keeps 
the place at maybe 78 or so when out side temps  are 45-50  ,when it gets 
cold it can keep this barn i live in  at 65 to 68 
 it keeps the house heater off most of the time
 wood is  dropped off by local tree guys  and a couple  of times a year   we 
get  tougher  and have splitting  partys... i usually cook the  bbq of course!
 it really helps!
1985 500 sec  

Re: [MBZ] Consumers Reports battery ratings

2005-10-13 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 10/12/2005 12:19:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

ahh  let the diatribe begin!


Re: [MBZ] Wheel Bearing Grease

2005-10-13 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 10/12/2005 10:03:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

Marshall  wrote:
 There are many
greases that will meet the specification,  but few are packaged in
precisely the correct amounts as the Mercedes  product is and few
mechanics, much less DIYers have scales to weigh out the  proper
quantities as is required for proper application. The design of  the
bearing assembly and the grease specifications allowed the grease to  be
pumped thru the bearing assembly as long as the proper quantities  were
loaded into the correct compartments.  
I replaced the front wheel bearing on a  124, last night. What a difference
that made!
It's now like a new car in  quietness and handling.
What is Marshall refering to by packaged in  precisely the correct
Each time I've bought that expesive  super MB grease from the dealer or from
Rusty, it came in a big toothpaste  type tube that contained enough to repack
about 2.5 wheels. No obvious way  to measure each dose.
Does Mercedes also sell this stuff in one dose foil  packs or something?
Failing that option, I guess we could measure it  volumetrically with a
tablespoon or some such. (It expect the density of  grease is about 0.7gm/cc).
Also, where is all the grease supposed to be  placed? Where are these
correct copartments? Inside each cage, between  the rollers is obvious. And
I know the cover cap is supposed to contain a  measured amount. But is there
supposed to be some placed inside the hub,  between the inner and outer
bearings? These details are not obvious in the  shop manual.
Ned Klienhenz

oh man you have done it now you have angered the great mercedes  gods!
 forgive him ,,,he knows not of your rath oh keepers of useless  information 
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Consumers Reports battery ratings

2005-10-13 Thread PONDERSOA
well what you fail to understand is  mercedes autos are made in the  black 
forest by special elves who come out only at night! 
 did you know that the air in the tires is not just regular air(  good 
heavens no man!)  its has been specially engineered by  bosch  for use in the 
space shuttle.
 it was specially introduced into each tire ,by hand, under  pressure!
you dont find this kind of engineering and pure brilliance in an old  
 and the electrons in the mercedes battery! well mercedes benz  installs 
its own special duron coating to each electron of all or its battery's  !!! TO 
insure  that when properly charged it will provide 12 volts   and that is all 
that is needed to start out very special cars!
 that is why 
you know now that i am retired now i get to sit around staring at  the walls 
with plenty of time to compile the useless trivia
any time i  can be of help!
collins 1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Consumers Reports battery ratings

2005-10-12 Thread PONDERSOA
my point exzactly
collins 1985 500 sec
In a message dated 10/12/2005 1:43:46 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

ha!  mercedes batteries, just a over priced battery with a cheap mercedes 
paper  label 

69 280 SEL 120,000 Miles
72 350SL   108,000  Miles
2004 VW Passat 4 Motion
1999 Mazda Miata

Re: [MBZ] Consumers Reports battery ratings

2005-10-11 Thread PONDERSOA
what are we  i cant believeth it  i would have thought we  HAD  to 
use only mercedes benz battery's 
 you know some ppl in this group 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] Re dont let this happen to you

2005-10-11 Thread PONDERSOA
 NOTE:  Failure to redeem an abandoned vehicle constitutes the traffic 
  infraction of littering - -abandon vehicle. Penalties for this 
 may include, but not be limited to, a $250.00 fine, which cannot be  
 (ROW 46.63.110 (2)), suspension of all driving privilages (ROW  46.20.289) 
 and other penalties as may be imposed by a  court.


That's an ordinance that is going to get burned  on the first appeal.


no ...that is exactly what the rule here  is
mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] Consumers Reports battery ratings

2005-10-11 Thread PONDERSOA
what are we  i cant believeth it  i would have thought  we  HAD  to 
 use only mercedes benz battery's  
  you know some ppl in this group 



WELL.  there is ALLWAYS the  prolonged  discourse regarding the following 
a break fluid!
b transmission fluid!
c air conditioner refrigerant!
d air conditioner compressors! 
e automotive glass!
f wheel bearing torque !
g wheel bearing grease!
h godonlyknowswhatelse!
I i am surprised  there have been no howls of protest no out rage !!!  using 
a non  MERCEDES BATTERY!?!!?( GASP), oh the humanity!
ps since no one has raised it does mercedes makewindshield washer 
fluid ??? and will pep boys stuff work in a 500  sec
ahh let the diatribe begin!
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Road rules

2005-09-29 Thread PONDERSOA
come on fellas!!! Americans can not  do that . think about  some of the 
idiots who live in our country 
 I  saw a women putting on make up 
one jackass was reading the damn paper
two broncos one pushing the other ...at 65.mph bumper to bumper  
one car that stopped FRIGGIN STOPPED  in the middle of the hi  wayso 
the driver  pass. could exchange seats 
 one moron who's mattress blew off of his car !!! he stopped ..ran out  on to 
the road to get it ...wrong move  he war run over ...again and again 
oh yeah don't forget the simple tons who think  well this is a super  car  
the speedo says 160 mph !!! I have got them new rain tires .  its German 
 my point here is Americans  don't know how to drive cell  phones  are the 
most important thing here  not driving
  I know what you want to do here  it sounds like a utopia  but we are 
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec 
by the way all of this was on I 95 or  I 76

Re: [MBZ] OT: Request Opinion on Political Issue

2005-09-21 Thread PONDERSOA
if I thought I could trust him
 he lied and ppl died ... weapons of mass destruction. 
THE big storm
ect ect
 i dont think so
mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] limo - W100 (600 limo)

2005-09-17 Thread PONDERSOA

Re: [MBZ] New Orleans looting

2005-09-04 Thread PONDERSOA
 why did not the president issue an order to nationalize the  damn cops  
and why was /is there NO PLAN TO DO SO??
200 cops from each city on the east coast phila, Boston, Pittsburgh  
,Atlanta, Washington, ect  NY can spare 400
 put us under federal rules 10 directives  only 
 restore ,maintain and keep order  .never mind   arresting ppl and taking 
reports   clear the damn corners! and stop looters!  the mere 
presence of a  uniform cop stops a lot of crap
 put us  on trains and take us  down south! 
 send us  in with a duffel bag cont  jeans boots duty  rig 2 bars of fels 
naphtha soap  1 bottle of brandy ect only the necessary  stuff
 send us in with the food/ water trucks to the areas that need it  to keep 
and forchrissakes send the right cops ( real ones not crooks, punks or  
 it is so damn frustrating to sit here in phila ..doing  nothing
mike collins 
phila pa 
1985 500 sec 


2005-09-03 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 9/2/2005 11:54:22 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

i am not  saying their should be no government, just that the governments 
duties  should more limited

I think protecting the citizenry from civil unrest  is a legitimate 
undertaking for the government.

At 11:26 PM  9/1/2005, you wrote:

  it has to  do as well with the government having given up on the
  concept  that they are even vaguely responsible for the protection of
  its  citizens.  I'm no longer sure they still even acknowledge any

 why did not the president issue an order to nationalize the  damn cops  
and why was /is there NO PLAN TO DO SO??
200 cops from each city on the east coast phila, Boston, Pittsburgh  
,Atlanta, Washington, ect  NY can spare 400
 put us under federal rules 10 directives  only 
 restore ,maintain and keep order  .never mind   arresting ppl and taking 
reports   clear the damn corners! and stop looters!  the mere 
presence of a  uniform cop stops a lot of crap
 put us  on trains and take us  down south! 
 send us  in with a duffel bag cont  jeans boots duty  rig 2 bars of fels 
naphtha soap  1 bottle of brandy ect only the necessary  stuff
 send us in with the food/ water trucks to the areas that need it  to keep 
and forchrissakes send the right cops ( real ones not crooks, punks or  
 it is so damn frustrating to sit here in phila ..doing  nothing
mike collins 
phila pa 
1985 500 sec 


2005-09-02 Thread PONDERSOA
should any body need a place to stay
and can read this   i have a 8 bedroom 5 1/2 bath  housei live alone and 
would conciter it a honor to host   any family  who is suffering from this 
devastating hurricane 
contact me
Christian, .Muslim,Jewish, strait, gay, black, white, I don't give a damn  
you will be welcome and made whole
 we have not forgot about you all
 mike collins 
phila pa 

[MBZ] the reality... loaded guns and kids!

2005-08-30 Thread PONDERSOA

 the reality or this matter is you are no safer with a gun in your  home than 
without as a matter of fact firearms can and have been used against  the 
owner either by a thief ( rarely) or during a domestic disturbance  ( common)
my point here is a crook breaks  
it might be at 4:00 am will a person be able to do all of the necessary  
stuff quickly,quietly and legally  
think about it... you are sound a sleep and all of the sudden your  wife 
wakes you and all hell breaks loose  can a gun be retrieved  loaded police 
and on and on???
 and what if you found later it was your son sneaking in from a late  night 
with his buddies 
I have more guns than the navy 
 I don't want ppl to be disarmed ...ever
 what I want is for folks to at least understand is guns can and often  are 
stolen  and later used against regular ppl 
it seems like most ppl who own firearms never receive any training in the  
care storage and use of them ( just going off to a range or shooting a few  
rounds off into the woods aint gonna get it  
AND HAVE NOO IDEA  of the law 
 it is my strongly held belief for home protection a 410 pump  shotgun with 
00 buckshot is really the way to go 
A its is intimidating as hell ... you rack a pump gun in any house  
B  it has the unequaled stopping power of a 41.cal. magnum
 C it for all of its power  can be fired quite comfortably  by a woman 
D ammo is cheep 
  it can also be used to hunt ,sport shoot , and the gun does not cost  a lot 
to get the thing
ideally it could be loaded, and locked with the cable lock made by mossberg  
running thru the action so it could not be closed and therefore fired the  gun 
can be locked to a radiator or something heavy in a bed room 
multiple keys then made and placed  in strategic locations  .. unlocking is 
 by the time recruits are taught anything about firearms its AFTER 7  MONTHS 
  our one hour firearms  course has been expanded to 3 weeks!  500 rounds 
in the morning, 500 rounds in the afternoon
weapon retention , combat shooting, judgement, firearm safety, cleaning  
,action drills,
 then go run  (fast)... stop!!! draw weapon and  shoot accurately... 
   it goes on and on  
 I am sure  you had the same training we did 
 I an sure you have actually picked up dead kids all shot to hell 
 I am sure you have seen the parents of these kids in  anguish
 I am sure you have talked to ppl who thought you could get a  gun , make 
there home safe ,and a tragedy happened
 I am sure you have heard that single bagpiper playing amazing  grace..  and 
the 21 gun salute that follows
so keep giving these people advice on keeping a loaded firearm in the house  
around kids
 because I am sure about you 
mike collins
 1985 500 sec 
On 8/29/05, Kaleb C. Striplin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A  gun that is locked up and unloaded will do NO good when its needed.
  People who keep their guns locked up etc probably should not be owning
  guns in the first place if they are worried about their kids.  When  you
 are a serious gun owner the first thing you should do is start out  very
 early educating your kids about guns, and not touching them.   Sort of
 takes the mystery out of it and they dont go messing with them  when you
 are not at home.  I have plenty of weapons all loaded up  and ready to go
 around the house and the kids know not to mess with  them.  They have no
 interest in messing with them. Now on the other  hand, when we get to the
 stage of them having friends over, a different  approach will have to be
 taken as most other kids will not have this  sort of training.

I agree with you 100 percent. I was raised in a house with loaded  guns
available all the time, and we never played with them. We were  taught
what guns could do. We watched livestock and game die from a gunshot,  so
the danger was impressed on us. Nowadays, folks don't want  to
traumatize their kids, so the kids never really KNOW the dangers  of
discharging a firearm.

Also, Mr. Policeman and his ilk think that  because they took a one-hour
course in firearm training at the academy, they  should be the only ones
allowed to carry weapons because they KNOW how to  handle them.

I think the weapons should be taken away from the cops for a  while so
they could experience being disarmed while the criminals preyed on  them.
I think they would change their tune.

Just my 2  cents.

Thomas E. Potter
Telephone: (713) 215-2877
Fax: (713)  215-2551
Mobile: (832) 794-0536

Re: [MBZ] A Real Peace Plan

2005-08-18 Thread PONDERSOA
1985 500 SEC

Re: [MBZ] R-12

2005-08-10 Thread PONDERSOA
 if you hold a torch to just about  any oil and disperse it in a  mist it 
will burn 
  i had concerns about using a hydrocarbon based refrigerant 
 and what i  the simple facts are i have found is(in  short) 
A  134 can jack you up if inhaled
 B  all of this stuff if burned makes God only knows what  which  will really 
jack you up!
C  in order for a HC gas to be dangerous a great deal of the gas  would have 
to be released all at one time, i think that would be unlikely   unless there 
was a severe crash ( in that case i don't think that is really  gonna be a 
 any way  
   the choice you have 
no cooling... 
marginal cooling
or cold air
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] OT - where to biuld cars

2005-08-10 Thread PONDERSOA
hay watch it Yankee!
 no man the south has changed a lot from the bad old days
  it is just a Hollywood stereotype 
 there are still some who fry everything !
 but there not the rubes yesterday 
 mike collins 
phila ( pa) 
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] R- 12 this will actually help ppl

2005-08-09 Thread PONDERSOA
here I go 
if any body is  interested  you can make a compressor from junk  that will 
give good(  actually great) service 
 ( you must have gages or at least 1 hose to connect to the  system  about 
firstly the concept of using engine vacuum  to evacuate an air conditioner 
system is ridiculous ... it aint going to work ..  )in short what you are doing 
when a system is evacuated is 1 removing  noncondensible gasses 
2 boiling off water vapor
3 and checking for leaks  
to do this the right way  you need 28 actually 29 or more   inches of mercury 
 I usually do this for at least 1 hour... unplug my  compressor and check the 
gauges if the system holds vacuum ..add freon  
now here is what you need

an old refrigerator  motor( this  is a compressor its usually big black and 
makes the characteristic  humming  sound we are all familiar with)
however a air conditioner  dehumidifier  or water cooler will do the same
any thing that has a compressor in  it  will work

1 remove the compressor its usually bolted in  there will be 2 lines commeing 
out of the  compressor  one is a high  side the other is a low side
now cut the lines useing a tubing cutter so you  will have a clean cut  you 
want maybe 3 or 4 inches of line on the  compressor 
if you have used a air conditioner  there   usually wires going to a 
capacitor   this looks like a oval  metal  can with wires going to it  leave 
the wires 
connected and where  the wires come out of the unit  use the appliances 
electrical cord and plug  reconnecting them using wire nuts and electrical tape

so far you  have spent nothing well sorry I forgot the tubing cutter 
available at  home depot
 a small one should be under 10.00 
now go to any air conditioner  supply house  

take the compressor with you ,and get a solder tee (  these range in price se 
...$5.84 to $16.29... )that will fit  those  nice clean cut tubes on the unit 
  and solder the tee on the suction  side only!!!
 use one do not close ,crimp or shut off the pressure side ...  now you have 
a vacuum pump that will work just fine and it cost  nothing 
 a plastic milk crate works just fine to carry this in ...
 go get em 
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] Wulf Eats Birds!

2005-07-29 Thread PONDERSOA
here come the animal rights ppl. 
 mike collins 
1985 500 sec

Re: [MBZ] Dial Indicator - Measuring Runout

2005-07-22 Thread PONDERSOA
  i was in the auto repair business for  while 13 years or so 
 even when I was in school   the instructors did  not use  a dial indicator  
when we replaced a wheel bearing 
 how it was done  new bearing was  packed with  grease,  the spindle was 
wiped off with a rag, and the new bearings installed with a new  seal the 
nut was tightened down tight enough to make the rotor stop  spining( with a 
wrench ! ) then it was backed off to  finger  tightness,  new cotter pin 
installed and rotor wiped off . job done.
 a dial indicator was used to measure ROTOR  run out ( to see if  the rotor 
was warped ) and if it could be safely cut 
 actually some amount of  play in a wheedle bearing is  necessary it  has 
to be a little sloppy as a thick grease does the  lubrication
 if you look at a wheel bearing it is made to  not too close  tolerances! 
it aint nothing like a engine bearing 
mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] Bad Wheel Bearings?

2005-07-21 Thread PONDERSOA
In a message dated 7/21/2005 1:23:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  


this site and the info in it is for really for industrial /very  heavy duty 
 cars (even Mercedes Benzes)  simply do not and cannot be  overloaded  to the 
point that wheel bearings fail! ( things like spalling,  Brinelling,Spall 
propagated by hydraulic pressure ect  really never happen  in automotive 
( cars) these things happen usually to   something like a  real big truck 
with solid tires  that has been  overloaded  cars have suspensions that soak up 
jolts ...no matter how  big the pot hole  the bearings don't go... the 
wheel/tire takes the  damage

even if you were able to overload a car ( lets say 4 cars on top of it) the  
suspensions would give way  and  the brake system would not be  able to stop 
it  THE ONLY THINGthat we car ppl  have to be concerned with is  
improper installation ( I cant imagine how  that would be possible) or lack of 
lubricant .
 this is really nothing to worry about   
mike collins 
1985 500 sec 

Re: [MBZ] AC compressor angst - 1985 300C

2005-07-10 Thread PONDERSOA
ok sorry it took so long to get back to you 
 I had to replace my compressor on my 1985 500 sec it was a 6 model  
compressor now here is the good news this compressor is made by G,M. and it is  
marked DECO
 now I know it sounds fishy but it will work 
 the compressor on your car is also made by GM   
STORES  what I mean is  all you need to do is tell the part kid I  need a r4 
comp with a single( or what ever your car calls for) belt if he  asks you what 
kinda car tell his its for a  any gm car ( I dontknow maby a  olds cutlass  all 
of the compressors are the same ) that's right they bolt  up and work fine you 
can  take your old one off and compare it 
the reason why this is so good is because the compressor for a  Mb  lists for 
some outrageous price like 485..( for my car ) but the one  listed for the 
Chevy truck it was supposed to go on was 65.00 !! 
same compressor ...same unit ... I saved a fortune! 
PS I hold a Mobil air conditioner license ( r 12), and worked the the  
automotive tech field for 11 years before my present calling !!! 
mike collins 
1985 500 sec  

Re: [MBZ] AC compressor angst - 1985 300C

2005-07-10 Thread PONDERSOA
ok sorry it took so long to get back to you 
 I had to replace my compressor on my 1985 500 sec it was a 6 model  
compressor now here is the good news this compressor is made by G,M. and it is  
marked DECO
 now I know it sounds fishy but it will work 
 the compressor on your car is also made by GM   
STORES  what I mean is  all you need to do is tell the part kid I  need a r4 
comp with a single( or what ever your car calls for) belt if he  asks you what 
kinda car tell his its for a  any gm car ( I dontknow maby a  olds cutlass  all 
of the compressors are the same ) that's right they bolt  up and work fine you 
can  take your old one off and compare it 
the reason why this is so good is because the compressor for a  Mb  lists for 
some outrageous price like 485..( for my car ) but the one  listed for the 
Chevy truck it was supposed to go on was 65.00 !! 
same compressor ...same unit ... I saved a fortune! 
PS I hold a Mobil air conditioner license ( r 12), and worked the the  
automotive tech field for 11 years before my present calling !!! 
mike collins 
1985 500 sec  

RE: [MBZ] What to use as test refrigerant on R-12 system

2005-07-08 Thread PONDERSOA
you can do this use any dry gas I used the  key board cleaner  because it is 
a refrigerant gas ( just not for mobile ..auto ... systems) 
 what you do is add 3 or 4 cans to the system and check for leaks 
 this is done first immediately by looking for the big obvious leaks  than a 
few weeks later  by looking closely for oil stains on the front or  the 
condenser  around hoses and at the  Schrader  Valves  oil stains will appear as 
darker than the surrounding  area  areas to be  looked at closely are  
back and  front of the compressor ` and the  Evaporator  Coil  ( on my car I 
can see the base of it near the gas pedal)  .. look for oil leaks/ or stains  
when you discover them keep looking   oh yeah  DONT FORGET THE SCHARDER 
 do you have a leak detector? I found mine at a pawn shop for like  25.00 it 
is a snap on model 5500 made by tif and  it  works on r 12  only.
 the gas i used did trigger the leak detector  form the  small amount or 12 
that was in the system ... 
 go to it ... 

Re: [MBZ] AC compressor angst - 1985 300C

2005-07-08 Thread PONDERSOA
what type of compressor is this  thaer might be good news ...  

Re: [MBZ] What to use as test refrigerant on R-12 system

2005-07-05 Thread PONDERSOA
I understand this problem 
 what I did was to use a gas that I found out was a refrigerant it was  of 
all things computer key board cleaner... I  have a side can tap  so  it worked 
just like the r 12 
 I had a major leak and it was easy to find actually I needed to blow  old 
oil and debris out of a system and this worked fine then I added oil ,  charged 
the system and let it run for 4 or five weeks  when  there was no pressure 
loss I was assured of a tite system  I then  evacuated the system  and  
the system  and  added the correct refrigerant and it worked ( now I know 
there are going to  be a lot of neg stuff said here ) this system still works 
 fine  both  of them ! ) the reason I did not just was air was 
because I needed  a DRY GAS   and air has way too much moisture in it and also 
it is 
not  condensable gas.
actually any dry gas can be used  to test for leaks
 mike collins
 1985 500 sec 

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