Re: obsd 3.4 port of mysql may have error9 issue again...

2008-03-17 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 02:50:01PM +, Paul Pruett wrote:
 just a heads up, for mysql
 on new openbsd 3.4 just did the make build for src with OPENBSD_3_4 Tag and 
 mysql port from anoncvs today because I was starting to see the infamous 
 errorcode 9 with the beta port of mysql

OpenBSD 4.3, you mean.

 If I run mysqlcheck -A  against a lot of databases...
 about the last database it comes back errors...

 Error: File './*_drupal/vocabulary_node_types.MYD' not found 
 (Errcode: 9)
 Error: Got error9 from storage engine
 error: Corrupt

No such issues there with OpenBSD 4.3.

Re: Problems building bison on OpenBSD 4.3

2008-03-25 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 02:51:27PM -0600, Gerardo Santana Gsmez Garrido wrote:
 On 3/25/08, Matthias Kilian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 02:28:07PM -0600, Gerardo Santana Gsmez Garrido
I'm running OpenBSD 4.3-stable on i386. Ports are 4.3-stable too.
  How? It's not even released.
 Building it from source.

You managed to fuck up the build order, somehow. Your c++ compiler can't
find its headers.

You probably want to move /usr/include  out of the way and regenerate it

Re: GTK2 - what's wrong?

2008-04-07 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Apr 07, 2008 at 11:54:16AM +0200, Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
 Trying to compile a simple example taken from:
 ...code below...
   #include gtk/gtk.h
   int main( int   argc,
 char *argv[] )
   GtkWidget *window;
   gtk_init (argc, argv);
   window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
   gtk_widget_show  (window);
   gtk_main ();
   return 0;
 ...I've got in return a lot of errors (below). Of course, it's not possible,
 that GTK2 in OpenBSD 4.2 is in totally broken state ;) - so I'm just
 missing something. But what exactly? pkg-config seems to see all the
 needed included files and libraries. So, why so much error messages?

Why don't you give us the most important piece ? that is, pkg-config output,
and instead a huge amount of meaningless error message.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc base.c -o base `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0`
 In file included from /usr/local/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdktypes.h:32,
  from /usr/local/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkcolor.h:31,
  from /usr/local/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdkcairo.h:23,
  from /usr/local/include/gtk-2.0/gdk/gdk.h:30,
  from /usr/local/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h:31,
  from base.c:1:
 /usr/local/include/glib-1.2/glib.h:510: error: conflicting types for `gssize'
 /usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include/glibconfig.h:58: error: previous declaration 
 of `gssize'

So you picked up some glib 1.2 stuff.  I really don't see how.

Re: suggested change to fgetln manpage example code

2008-04-08 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Apr 08, 2008 at 05:49:09AM +0200, Tobias Ulmer wrote:
 Costs 250$/EUR or something last time i've checked.

The electronic version should be available for *ways* cheaper, like $18 or

There's also a paper book by Wiley  Sons, with the rationale and standard,
costing ~50 EUR. 

ISBN 0 470 84573 2.

Re: Optimising OpenBSD

2008-04-08 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 08:49:38AM +0930, Matthew Smith wrote:
 Quoth Ted Unangst at 2008-04-09 08:38...
 Nothing beats an 8 year old article for the latest info.  OpenBSD now
 comes fully optimized out of the box.

 Yes, I did notice the age, but that was about all that Google had for me.

 Optimised out of the box sounds good to me - not having to do anything is 
 the way I like to work ;-)

 You do realise that this means that the installation time of the base 
 system is now going to be down to about 15 minutes (from over a day) - what 
 am I going to do with all that spare time?

 I've never before had so much of my hardware recognised without extra 
 effort; it's even recognising my Stallion PCI serial cards - now I just 
 need to figure what I have to do to get them configured.

Write new code, instead of fiddling up with old one ?

Re: Chatting with developers? Is it soo 1996?

2008-04-15 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 10:12:08AM -0700, Unix Fan wrote:
 I found an old email on the mailing lists, dating back to 1996, when Theo 
 announced users could connect and chat with the developers on their ICB 
 I'm wondering, when did it go private? Why can't users join and chat.. or 
 idle.. and watch OpenBSD development as it takes place, are there any other 
 places to go besides -cvs?

Went private at some point in the past, in fact before I became a developer.

As a result, there's a lot of stuff on that channel, and not all of
it is technical.

You've got to realize, there are not that many people with commit rights
to the tree. After years working together, we know one another, so things
about family matters appear on the channel, or lots of private jokes.

This stuff is definitely written with the expectation that no outsiders
are listening. And it's good that way.

Some public stuff goes on in [EMAIL PROTECTED] or inside the tree proper.

Sorry, we don't even have time to do everything we would like, 
development-wise and documentation-wise, so sanitizing private communication
stuff to extract only the public parts is out of the question.

Re: poll(2) vs kqueue(2) performance

2008-04-21 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 11:43:20AM +0200, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
 Edwin Eyan Moragas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the question is, which one is more useful when writing new servers?
  kqueue or poll?
 poll is more portable, while kqueue should be more performant (at
 least, that's why it was invented). If your app only needs to run on
 OpenBSD, NetBSD and FreeBSD, you're just fine with kqueue, otherwise
 use poll. Generally, I think it's better to use poll and sacrifice that
 unnoticable performance gain.

As usual, depends what you want to do.

poll() and select() give you control over file descriptors. kqueue
encompasses more events. It's not especially faster, it just leads to
simpler code in case you need the supplementary events.

If all you need to do is watch over a set of file descriptors, poll
and select are the simplest ones to use... and the most portable.

In many, many cases, poll() is better. The only case where select comes
close is when you want to watch over most of your file descriptors (because
you access less memory in such a case).

And then, you should profile. I'm not even sure it makes a difference.

Most of the places in the system where we have select() are legacies: it
it's not broken, don't fix it.

Re: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status....during linking...

2008-04-23 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 03:04:23PM -0700, vatocleti wrote:
 vatocleti wrote:
  Hey all,
I installed 'gmake' to build a Linux based Makefile that uses 'gcc' and
  when I issue 'gmake' I get the following error:
  /usr/bin/ld: my_app.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 can not be used when making
  a shared object: recompile with -fPIC
  my_app.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  gmake: *** [] Error 1
  any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  Thanks in advance.
 I added -fPIC to CLFAGS and this got me past this that the
 proper fix?

More or less.

Re: E17

2008-04-23 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 04:22:51PM +1000, Rich Healey wrote:
 Where can i find the E17 port maintainer?
 This info doesn't seem to be in mine, perhaps my tree is borked?
make show=MAINTAINER gives you
The OpenBSD ports mailing-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
so there you have it.

Re: Rolling release?

2008-04-23 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 03:04:35AM +0200, Zbigniew Baniewski wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 08:48:47PM -0400, Jason Beaudoin wrote:
  the devs have been hard at work for many years, and I'd be willing to
  bet that they like the system they've come up with. If they didn't,
  they'd change it.
 But it's pretty valid to ask? I thought, that's the mailing lists are for.
 Maybe I'm wrong.

No, it's a valid question. There are hints of answers and even answers if
you read the mailing-list archives, but it's possible to overlook them.

Let me explain things to you another way.

OpenBSD tries to have quality releases, with several goals. Those goals 
include keeping support for a variety of non mainstream architectures alive.
There are various reasons for that, one of which being that it is useful
for i386/amd64, because some other arches are good at finding some classes
of bugs that affect all arches, but are more apparent on strict alignment
architectures (for instance). It's also good because it attracts kernel and
driver developers.

With that in mind, OpenBSD-current is always high quality, in theory.
In practice, comes release time, building and testing the release on each
and every arch weeds out hundreds of bugs... and takes a big chunk of time
and nerves out of Theo, and some other people involved. Thus the very quick

We're trying hard to go up, up, up and have better and better releases.

If you read the archives, you'll see lots of calls to test things, in a
real community spirit, instead of the current `gimme, gimme, gimme' frame
of mind a lot of our users have...

so there have been some hard choices with respect to support, especially
wrt backporting stuff to -stable, or actually making these releases.

There will be hard choices in the future, undoubtedly.

Hence the harsh reactions from the people involved in the release process.

Just read the ml around `release build time' (which was a few months back,
actually, that's how slow the release process is), and you'll figure out
for yourself why `a release a month' is a bad idea, and also why the people
involved reacted so violently to your apparently innocuous email...
it kind-of implies the release process is something trivial you can change
as you want, which it obviously is not... and it also dismisses the ten
years of experience that our fearless leader has. Kind of insulting, don't
you think ? ;-)

Contrarily to what you might think, this email is NOT an exhaustive 
description of things as they are. It's a very quick, oversimplified summary,
of a taxing process and decisions. There are glaring mistakes, for the sake
of simplification. In a nutshell, release is ways harder to do than you think.

Re: Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M

2008-04-27 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 01:13:40PM +1000, mufurcz wrote:

 We've got a few Lenovo T61 with Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M video cards.

 As far as I know, these cards are based on the GeForce 8400M G or GS
 chip set (not an expert), and provides some entry level 3D performance,
 more than enough to run X.

 Will this cards supported in the upcoming 4.3?

My R61 has got the same card, it's supported in 4.3, to the extent that
I have the full panel resolution correctly detected.

However, X is slow, really slow. And there's no acceleration for anything,
including no xvideo mode.

xvidtune doesn't allow any other mode but the native mode.

So, depends what you intend. Basic desk work with `normal apps' like xterm:
no issue.

Fast stuff with accelerated graphics, video - stay away 

Maybe nouveau will be better.

It's so fucking hard to find a correct laptop where most everything will
work correctly these days...

Re: web development on OpenBSD

2008-04-28 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 09:56:19AM -0300, Vinicius Vianna wrote:
 Maybe the best languages for start web development would be PHP and Perl, i 
 don't know about ruby since i've never used it, but a lot of people talks 
 nicely about it ;)

The current situation sucks a bit.

You've got a choice of classical web dev environments, like perl's Mason,
which are fast, but a bit difficult to code for, and so-called `modern'
web environments, like ruby-on-rails, or perl's catalyst (or php symphony,
if I'm right), which would be nice, except that they're REAL SLOW, and so
you need a killer machine to run any kind of web server.

Google's approach of compiling java into javascript has not yet made it
to the world of php/perl/python, as far as I'm aware, though it might be
the real solution for maintainable ajax...

Re: web development on OpenBSD

2008-04-29 Thread Marc Espie
I am currently running a web site which says http://joomla.*

Strangely enough, it's a drupal site, with  no joomla at all.

(after spending a week of hair pulling trying to coerce joomla
to do whatever I wanted, as the `best-of-breed' solution of choice
to brain-dead newbies, I settled on a sensible CMS that actually

Re: web development on OpenBSD

2008-04-29 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 01:42:05AM +1000, Joel Sing wrote:
 AFAIK is primarily developed using Mason, an excellent Perl-based 
 web site development and delivery engine - I highly recommend it:

Yeah, historically, that's been the case.

I have absolutely no clue whether the current incarnation of amazon is
still HTML::Mason, though.

while mason is very nice for pure web template code, it does absolutely
nothing to help you organize your DB access, or even give you sane urls for
interactive sites.  You really need something like Class::DBI / DBIx::Class 
or Rose::DB for that.

The current trend is Catalyst, which is very nice, but really slow compared
to mason... it uses a lot of new-fangled perl features, which are not
exactly fast (especially multiple inheritance).

Re: : web development on OpenBSD

2008-04-29 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 06:10:41PM +0200, Raimo Niskanen wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 05:15:43PM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
  I am currently running a web site which says http://joomla.*
  Strangely enough, it's a drupal site, with  no joomla at all.
  (after spending a week of hair pulling trying to coerce joomla
  to do whatever I wanted, as the `best-of-breed' solution of choice
  to brain-dead newbies, I settled on a sensible CMS that actually
 I am curious to know which one?

Sorry, don't want 100s of people to bang on it, as the server isn't
all THAT fast.

 I have been banging my head into joomla for a while,
 and maybe it can do what I want, but I want user
 names and passwords encrypted among other things
 and that does not seem to be among their design choices...

If you have any amount of logic, you'll find drupal to be quite refreshing
for a change. And yeah, drupal has various secure modules that help. The
OpenBSD ports include more or less the plugins I use, there are hundreds
more where that comes from.

Re: : : web development on OpenBSD

2008-04-30 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 09:36:59AM +0200, Raimo Niskanen wrote:
 From which release is Drupal in ports? I can not find it
 in OpenBSD 4.1. I know it is time to upgrade but my 
 installation runs sooo nicely now.

4.3, excellent time to update.

Re: : : web development on OpenBSD (Drupal)

2008-05-01 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 07:46:06PM +1200, Richard Toohey wrote:
 On 30/04/2008, at 7:36 PM, Raimo Niskanen wrote:

 Oops my bad english. I thought drupal was a for me unknown
 common english word, not a CMS name. It was which CMS
 system you had chosen I was curious to know...

 Which brings us back to the OP's question on web
 development software on OpenBSD ...

Technically, drupal is just an extensible cms.
web development still encompasses way more than that. ;-)

Re: make fails on @pkgpath net/libnet

2006-02-17 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 08:48:44AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Novice Alert!
 I keep hitting this error output when trying pkg_add or use ports
 method to install nmap
 The instant cases were  pkg_add nmap-3.95p0-no_x11.tgz
 Error is:   Unknown element: @pkgpath net/libdnet,no_python

 So what is the root problem?  Does nmap really need all that?
 Anyone know what this error is trying to tell me?

You're mixing up -stable with -current, which does not work on OpenBSD.

Re: xchm port

2006-02-27 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Feb 26, 2006 at 10:26:02PM -0300, Joco Salvatti wrote:
 I have installed xchm from a non-offical OpenBSD port. The
 installation process ran fine, however the program is not running
 completely fine. When I try to open a .chm document it doesn't open.
 In the status bar the message connecting... appears and nothing else
 happens... Has anyone here faced that before? What should I do to
 solve it?

install the official package ?

Re: OBSD 3.8: bash, libiconv, libintl in rc.securelevel

2006-03-07 Thread Marc Espie
Chris 'Xenon' Hanson wrote:

  While poking around, I see that there is a package for a static 
version of bash: 

  2. For an automated installer, how would the installer know where to 
get the proper package? The URL above works for 3.8, but will be wrong 
for 3.9. Is there an environment variable or string that the installer 
can expand to get the 3.8 or 3.9 portion of the URL? And then, how 
does it figure out the exact package filename for the static version of 
bash for a OS release it's never seen before? Without a heavy-duty web 
search,how would it know that the 3.8 static release of bash was named 
bash-3.0.16p1-static.tgz? It'd be nice if the script doesn't immediately 
break and need updating when 3.9 comes out.

We have the mechanisms in place for updates to figure this out.

One can also currently install a package without knowing the exact
version, through pkg stems.

More thorough search mechanisms will be present in the next release.

And it's likely automatic determinations of correct default location
to grab a package will work.

For the case at hand, something like
PKG_PATH= sudo pkg_add -i 

ought to more or less work. It's currently not possible to specify a specific
flavor without a version number, but interactive mode copes nicely.

Your example is a bit unfortunate, since we decided it was not worth it to
have a separate -static bash version.

All in due time... there are no mechanisms yet to deal with this kind of
meta issue, at least providing a `reasonable' update path for people who
used to have a static bash version (okay, we do have some, it will replace
the static version with the normal version).

Re: OpenBSD 3.8 ports quality?

2006-03-14 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Mar 14, 2006 at 12:10:53AM +0100, Ramiro Aceves wrote:
 Why do you insult to the GNU people? aren't you using their compiler?.
 I do not understand why you say such things.
 Peace, please.

*I* can insult the GNU people. I've spent enough time working around
their over-engineered code that somehow, breaks all over the place
(latest issue being GCC's libmudflap being WAYS too chummy with linux
headers), or can't possibly work without hordes of lemmings fixing it
all the time (libtool, for instance).

I guess that's the reason I spent most of my time debugging KDE bits
instead of gnome... at least THAT code is sane.

Re: old libs removal

2006-04-28 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 09:51:57AM -0600, Bob Beck wrote:
   If you do this - any apps which are linked against the older versions 
 likely stop working. 
   the reason upgrade leaves them lying around is so that your 
 applications which
 were built using an older version of the OS will continue to get the correct 
 share library.
   My suggestion is don't do this - if what you really want is a clean 
 consider doing install instead of upgrade and reinstalling your 
 applications from
 versions compiled on the version of OpenBSD you are installing

These days, if you only have packages installed, and they're recent, they
should register every shared library they need.

We could have a fairly simple tool which would remove those old libs, after
validating no other package leaves them...

Re: exploit for openbsd 3.9 php 4.4.1p0/5.0.5p0

2006-05-03 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 10:05:28PM -0700, paul dansing wrote:
 Is there some reason this issue is being ignored?  What, you people
 need to see an exploit before you will even LOOK at it and answer
 whether it is vuln?

I'm not the maintainer of php itself, but still I have an opinion.

I don't like php, from a security point of view.
It has an AWFUL track record. Some people will tell you it has
seen lots of vulnerabilities because it's in heavy use. Well,
I've had a look at the code, it has seen lots of vulnerabilities
because it was never designed with security in mind.

That said, we provide php because some people may want it. I personally
would NOT want to run that on any kind of web server (in fact, I use
perl's HTML::Mason as the same kind of framework).

I can give you a simple answer though.

Yes, php* is vulnerable. 

Doesn't matter whether you're talking about this vulnerability, or another.
There will be another one lurking around the corner.

Fixing vulnerabilities in the php code is like sticking a finger in a dike.
Great legendary stuff, doesn't really work in reality.

Re: exploit for openbsd 3.9 php 4.4.1p0/5.0.5p0

2006-05-03 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 01:08:50AM -0700, paul dansing wrote:
 also, i wish openbsd would release updated packages instead of just
 the patches.  i would do it myself but who would trust a binary some
 random guy posts? openbsd maintainers have to step up and do this. why
 aren't you guys releasing package updates anyway?  when you post a
 source patch on your errata page, take the few extra minutes to make a
 updated package and post that as well please! :)

You don't know what you're talking about.

Releasing updated packages means having an extra machine that would run
only stable, and building stuff on that as well.

This is not a few minutes more, more like three or four hours of definitely
not fun work.

Re: Mic recording

2006-05-07 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 12:40:30AM +0200, Rico wrote:
 Anyone who can recommend a good and easy to use tool for recording 
 audio (mic) from the packages? It doesn't need to have any gui but build 
 in compression like MP3 is preferable.
 I know there are a couple of different tools but what are the best ones?

I haven't tried it for recording (no mike around), but audacity seems to
be a very good tool for handling audio samples... its record button seems
to work as well (even though I'm getting nothing without a mike), and it
can compress stuff out as mp3 or ogg vorbis.

Re: Qt Error compiling

2006-05-09 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, May 08, 2006 at 10:06:35PM -0500, uv negativa wrote:
 Hi i compile
 # env MOC=moc3 env UIC=uic1 ./configure
 checking for uic... not found
 configure: WARNING: No Qt ui compiler (uic) found!

 any ideas

obvious typo on your part !

Re: PHP vs Mason vs Ruby vs JSP/Tomcat

2006-05-26 Thread Marc Espie
To refocus the current discussion somewhat, I'm going with HTML::Mason
myself, for various reasons.

The first one is that I trust the perl people to do something sensible.
They've got a lot of advanced frameworks that do work, and they understand
something about security.

The downside is the documentation: HTML::Mason does not have the greatest
documentation in the world, you have to read the full manpage to make sense
of some of it.  And there are not that many advanced examples around that
are actually usable. I tend to not like sites where everything lives in
a database (and this is the case for a lot of mason examples).

The second point is the DBI framework. There are some genuine gems in there.
Including Proxy/ProxyServer, which can be a life saver in some situations.
And sqlite, which is really nice for medium sized applications (and requires
no extra password ! a big plus in my opinion).

Compared to 'ruby on rails', I imported p5-HTML-Prototype this week-end.
Yes, this is the same ajax framework, adapted to perl. The documentation
says it's designed for Catalyst, but it does work correctly with Mason
as well... I haven't yet really started doing useful stuff with it, but
proof-of-concept pages do work.

Catalyst itself might be another solution (a big large one). Not too fond
of its design myself. I do not need true MVC designs for my web, and I don't
care all that much about completely well-formed XHTML. There is some 
fledgeling Catalyst port somewhere on the list, it will probably go somewhere

The main issue with perl modules is that there are so many of them. Most
of CPAN is trivial to port over to OpenBSD, but is it worth it ? Most of it
probably isn't...

Some further notes: the apache2 framework is still `less' interesting than
what we have in apache1, IMO. They keep building and building, but some
basic functionality appears not to be there. e.g., our apache + Mason performs
internal redirects. The apache2 installation I've seen does not.

I'm also not really happy about existing DBIx frameworks for Mason... there
does not seem to be any. True maps of databases to OO  seem to exist, but I'd
like a simple MVC schema for databases rendering and modifications, and so
far it seems like I need to write my own.

In the end, with correctly designed applications, Mason + sqlite + prototype
+ DateTime goes real fast, and does more or less what I need it to do.
I'll have to do some real benches of Apache::DBI. In my setup, it does not
seem to speed anything up, plus it adds some interesting bugs.

It's probably a bit more raw than I would like, but I don't mind all that much.

I'd appreciate some pointers to some other HTML::Mason apps with source code,
or `frameworks'. So far, I've seen RT and Bricolage, and that's about it.

Re: package dependencies

2006-06-17 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 10:47:40PM +0100, poncenby wrote:
 p.s. this question comes from the need to know the exact packages to  
 download and burn to CD in order to get a reasonably usable desktop  
 system running gnome, when said system has no connection to the interweb

Just use pkg_add !

pkg_add -n  will download whatever packages you need without installing
them, and if you set PKG_CACHE, then stuff will be kept there.

Note that this CAN be done on a non-OpenBSD system, since pkg_add is perl.

Re: package dependencies

2006-06-17 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 12:34:47PM +0200, Bihlmaier Andreas wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 17, 2006 at 11:20:44AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
  On 2006/06/17 11:38, Bihlmaier Andreas wrote:
   Could you elaborate on this, since that was my first thought how to do
   it, but it didn't work (and doesn't), do I need a special -F flag?
   setenv PKG_PATH $OBSD_FTP/snapshots/packages/i386/
   setenv PKG_CACHE $HOME
   Results in:
   /usr/sbin/pkg_add should be run as root
   parsing kdebase-3.5.3
   Can't install kdebase-3.5.3 because of conflicts (kdebase-3.5.1p4)
   /usr/sbin/pkg_add: kdebase-3.5.3:Fatal error
  This doesn't work because:
  1. you already have an older version installed.
  Add -r (replace) to the command line.
  2. you mix -current packages and -stable OS.
 I know this quite well (using OpenBSD since quite a while), but you have
 to read the previous mail I was responding to.
 Marc Espie said that I could use pkg_add -n ... (-n = Do not install)
 to fetch a package together with it's dependencies, but that doesn't
 work because pkg_add does checks ...

Just tell it to install stuff elsewhere instead, or tell it to use -r anyways.
It will still work. Why shouldn't it ? exercise some logic...

Re: pkg_add -u not working

2006-06-18 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Jun 18, 2006 at 12:03:34AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my oppinion the tool does NOT WORK like descriped...
 Why? If you update from 3.8 to 3.9 it MAY work.
 But if a depency was updated or so it totaly fails...
 godfather $ sudo pkg_add -ui
 Looking for updates: complete

Are you pointing it at a valid package repository ? doesn't look like it.

 Btw: The other problem of that tool is that the Packages at the FTP must
 be up2date too...

Of course they must ! that's a prerequisite. And guess what ? they often are.

 I would prefere a Ports-Solution for pkg_add -ui but there`s none.

 *my oppinion but I think this examples proofs me right*

You'd better really start explaining what you are doing, and what you
expect the tools to do...

so far, you are not making any kind of point.

pkg_add -ui does exactly what it is supposed to at this point in time.
If it doesn't work for you, it's probably because there's something you
have completely not understood...

Re: Dynamically Increase IPC on OpenBSD ?

2006-06-19 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 09:43:59AM +0200, Vincent Blondel wrote:
 Hello all,
 I would like to increase some IPC values on my OpenBSD 3.9 box. These
 parameters need to be changed for Squid.
 When I look at the current values I receive next result
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [/etc/squid] # ipcs -Q
 msgmax:  16384  (max characters in a message)
 msgmni: 40  (# of message queues)
 msgmnb:   2048  (max characters in a message queue)
 msgtql: 40  (max # of messages in system)
 msgssz:  8  (size of a message segment)
 msgseg:   2048  (# of message segments in system)
 and would like to set these new ones.
   options MSGMNB=8192
   options MSGMNI=40
   options MSGSEG=512
   options MSGSSZ=64
   options MSGTQL=2048
 but I still haven't found how I could increase dynamically these settings
 and I don't find them in sysctl proposals.

That's kern.seminfo and kern.shminfo

Re: pkg_add -ui - Using Ports except or real Packages?

2006-06-19 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 05:10:21PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or, the other solution, would be enable pkg_add -ui (maybe with another
 argument to use Ports) using the Port-system to update.

The interface will use PKG_PATH. After all, using ports is just another
kind of url, similar to ftp/scp.

Unfortunately, this needs an almost complete rewrite/redesign of the
way package lookups and package repositories are handled in the current

If you want, you can look at what's going on yourself, look in the package
tools, around the file and the PackageRepository stuff.
You'll notice finding packages is not as generic as it should be (there
should be a generic `search object', so that you can locate packages by stem,
or by package path, or some other combinations), and the current way to
look up packages does things the wrong way (looks in every repository instead
of stopping at the first one that holds reasonable candidates)... and there's
even some completely non-functional scaffolding to go build packages from
the ports tree.

Hey, if it was 4 hours of work, it would already be in the ports tree.

The other way around (FETCH_PACKAGES) has been functional since the last
ports hackathon thanks to nikolay, and there were already quite a few
minor issues to solve to make it work correctly (partial downloads did tend
to stick around in the package cache).

As far as building and replacing in source goes, we do know we actually need
to replace libtool with something that works, and doesn't go looking in
/usr/local all the time (obnoxious twit), but again, this is  not a 4 hours

Re: Recompiling Perl 5.8.6

2006-07-17 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Jul 15, 2006 at 12:42:25PM +0200, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 Is it OK to download perl 5.8.6 (the same that is in OpenBSD 3.9)
 then compile it using supplied hints/ and install over the
 existing perl? I want GDBM_File and GDBM_File is in perl 5.8.6.
No, you don't know that it is the same. You'd better start off running
a diff to make sure...

Anyways, I can build a GDBM port, it's no hardship, and probably trivial
to do...

Re: Recompiling Perl 5.8.6

2006-07-18 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 12:40:10AM +0200, Marc Espie wrote:
 Anyways, I can build a GDBM port, it's no hardship, and probably trivial
 to do...

Committed. Quite simple, seems to work. Much better than recompiling the
whole of perl.

Re: pkg_add

2006-07-20 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 10:58:15AM +0300, Claudiu Pruna wrote:
   Hi there,
   Can anybody enlighten me, why in OpenBSD 3.9/i386 with GENERIC #617,
 happens the followings:
 ftp get bash-3.1.1p0.tgz |pkg_add -v -
 local: |pkg_add -v - remote: bash-3.1.1p0.tgz
 227 Entering Passive Mode (129,128,5,191,166,108)
 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for bash-3.1.1p0.tgz (514696
 Error from
 Unknown command.
 Can't resolve -
 ftp: |pkg_add -v -: short write
 426 Network seems to have barfed - Let's all phone our ISP and go
 15928 bytes received in 7.75 seconds (2.01 KB/s)
 and PKG_PATH=;
Because it's broken in 3.9, it was fixed since then.

Re: stopping robots

2006-07-31 Thread Marc Espie
I've got a robots.txt, and a script that loops to infinity.
Actually, it's a useful page on the server, there's a list that can be
ordered two ways, and switching from one to the other increments a parameter
at the end of the invocation.

A robot has no business reading that specific page in the first place (in
fact, they're disallowed to), and after a small number of loops (10 or 15),
the webserver becomes very unresponsive, thus ensuring the robot writer will
lose a lot of time on that page.

Assuming reasonable technologies (e.g., mason), the url does not even have
to look like a script...

Re: infinite tree in qt libraries

2006-08-09 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 11:01:40AM +0200, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 Is this infinite directory tree intentional?


It's a symlink, so tools don't see it. You have to explicitly walk it
down yourself.

It's needed to simplify some builds which expect the whole of qt to
live in a single directory.

Re: mirroring packages without much bandwidth overhead

2006-08-15 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 11:40:18AM -0400, Arnaud Bergeron wrote:
 On 8/14/06, Stuart Henderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 2006/08/14 17:59, Arnaud Bergeron wrote:
  In which case, the patchlevel needs to be bumped (eg. foo-1.0.tgz -
  No boom here, unless the maintaner was lazy.
 No, /usr/lib changes don't bump patchlevels of every package.
 You are right, but I was thinking about a dependancy in terms of other 

You're still wrong, we would bump package names all the time otherwise.
And we don't.

There's a concept of package signature, built from the package name itself,
and a freeze-dried version of every dependency used to build the package.
That's what pkg_add uses to decide to update packages.

As far as pkg names bumps go, we change pkgnames every time something *in
the package directory itself* changes. Say, if we have to adjust 
WANTLIB, or DESCR, or something like that, then the package changes. That's
the kind of thing the PLIST_DB database catches, since it will refuse to
record distinct plists with the same package name (carefully dropping some
information, like package signatures, for instance).

This is done so that pkg_add can decide when to update: the pkg names, plus
the pkg names of dependencies, are just enough to decide whether something is
up-to-date or not.

In fact, I need to write a patch so that messages like:
Updating gimp-2.2.10 - gimp-2.2.10
appear less confusing.

Re: The future of NetBSD

2006-09-02 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 01:15:09PM -0700, Jon R H wrote:
 There is no way anybody can win from any of this!
 That's the worst part of it all!
 all BSD's will  are suffering!

Nope. I don't see OpenBSD suffering from this, not for real.

The BSDs have always been about the code, not the organization.

As long as there are people writing good code with a reasonable licence, 
who cares where they live ?

Certainly not I.

Re: OT: Amarok Sound Device

2006-09-03 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Sep 03, 2006 at 12:57:52AM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
 I decided to bite the bullet and test a 4.0 snapshot. Seems great so far.
 Seems the guys over at amarok have replaced gstreamer with xine to decode
 compressed formats. In the old gstreamer config section you could specify a
 new sound device, which I did because I use a USB audio device. However it
 seems this option does not exist for the new xine engine.
 Does anyone know how to change the device,

I have two sound cards as well.
I generally change things directly at the system level.

Namely, all this code is using /dev/audio, /dev/mixer and /dev/sound.

But these three devices are just links. They normally pointer to /dev/foo0
you can just make them point to /dev/foo1, and be done with it.

The good thing is that this fixes all audio apps, not just amarok, without
having to tweak anything else.

Re: figures with magicpoint

2006-09-11 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Sep 11, 2006 at 02:18:31PM +0530, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
   What do I use? I need a spartan simple tool like magicpoint itself. Is 
 xfig the right choice? What about inkscape? I am somewhat excited with SVG. 
 Are ther other image manipulation tools out there? I guess gimp would be an 
 overkill. And openoffice is not meant for UNIX geeks.:-)

metapost is great if you need figures with tex captions (though it's a 
programmer's tool).

I'm also partial to kig, in kde-edu, which is great for geometric stuff.

Gimp is a fine pixel drawing program. Depends a lot if you can live with
pixel-art, or if you really need vectorial stuff.

We don't have a working port of inkscape yet. This is a big issue with
boehm-gc based software: this library tends to work rather badly on OpenBSD
for now.

There are also a few drawing programs in koffice, and they tend to get better
from release to release...

Re: Low priority or real coders

2006-09-16 Thread Marc Espie
What do I care about the size of vim ?

My development box has got 1G of real memory, and vim is the most single
important tool on that box ! All I care about is that it starts up fast
enough, and it does what I need it to do (visual highlights with v, and
multiple windows).

Heck, it's pretty small compared to what it does. If you want to look
at people's development tools these days, have a look at eclipse.

Re: qt 3.3 or later

2006-09-25 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 07:36:14PM +0200, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 I am trying to compile qcad 2.x from sources which says Qt 3.3 or later
 - which packages should I install? Just qt4-4.1.0p0.tgz? Or some more?


That's the one, this is qt 3.3.5, in fact.
qt 4 is an entirely different beast, probably better than qt3, but most
programs will need some adaptations to work with it.

The qcad port should maybe get updated at some point ?

Re: glib2 fails to build on ppc-current: pthreads issue?

2006-09-29 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Sep 29, 2006 at 09:15:49AM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
 On Fri, 29 Sep 2006, Douglas F. Calvert wrote:
 checking for pthread_create/pthread_join... no
 checking for pthread_create/pthread_join in -lpthread... no
 checking for pthread_create/pthread_join in -lpthread32... no
 checking for pthread_create/pthread_join in -lpthreads... no
 checking for pthread_create/pthread_join in -lthread... no
 checking for pthread_create/pthread_join in -ldce... no
 configure: error: I can't find the libraries for the thread implementation
   posix. Please choose another thread implementation or
   provide information on your thread implementation.
   You can also run 'configure --disable-threads'
   to compile without thread support.
 *** Error code 1

Guys, come on, you know there's a config.log generated by configure.
Why don't you give us the relevant excerpts ? e.g, what it's actually
trying to compile and not finding ?

Re: 24kHz plays slower on 3.9

2006-10-18 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 10:29:37AM +0200, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 48kHz, 44.1kHz and 8kHz sampling rate wavs play the right speed on my system.
 24kHz play annoyingly slower. I took a 44.1kHz song, resampled to 24kHz using
 sox rate -ql and checked with audacity, if the sox resampling is not wrong.
 It isn't, the resulting files have both exactly the same length (measured
 from the beginning to a prominent audio feature at the end).

Have you checked that your soundcard supports 24KHz ? some don't, and you
will end up with an approximation.

24Khz is not a `natural' speed, 8kHz, 44.1kHz, 48kHz is.

16kHz often is, as is 22kHz. Depending on your soundcard, you're probably
hearing the sound at 22kHz (a bit slower) or 16kHz (very much slower).

Re: update automaticly

2006-10-19 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 09:28:23PM +0700, sonjaya wrote:
 i have script for update automaticly here:
 # cat /root/
 cd /usr/src
 setenv CVS_CLIENT_PORT -1
 cvs -d $CVSROOT -q up -rOPENBSD_3_9 -Pd
 date  /root/update_part1.log
 when i try run that script get error such like this :
 # sh /root/
 /root/[3]: setenv: not found
 /root/[4]: setenv: not found
 cvs update: CVSROOT -q must be an absolute pathname
 cvs [update aborted]: Bad CVSROOT.
 please tell me to fix it .

You have to choose one shell and stick to it

Re: Package update candidates

2006-10-22 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Oct 22, 2006 at 02:18:09PM +0400, Bruno Carnazzi wrote:
   Hi misc,
 When upgrading some packages with 'pkg_add -u', I sometimes see :
 No need to update uptodate_package
 Candidates for updating package - the_same_package_the_same_version
 What's the difference ?
 Please notice that in first case, the package seems ignored, and in
 the second case, the package seems uninstalled and reinstalled in the
 same version...

Dependencies it was built again have changed. For instance, newer shared

You have to update these to a newer build so that eventually, you'll be
able to get rid of the old shared libraries...


2006-10-24 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Oct 24, 2006 at 12:55:09AM -0500, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
 Just a Quick Question,
 I have been searching for a direct answer to:
 is it possible to have a AJAX enabled Website hosted on OpenBSD?

Yes.  I have one.

 the reason why I am asking is because Apache is version 1.3.x (due to
 licencing issues).
 if not Maybe there is another http server that would support it?

Not related.

Most of the AJAX technology is *client-side*. All it does is callbacks
to the server, which serves normal requests.

There are some AJAX frameworks already in OpenBSD.

There are two perl frameworks, for instance. And ruby-on-rail is known
to rely on java.

As far as responsiveness goes, Apache 1.3 has enough server-side module
supports for the application to (more or less) live within the server.

Re: your mail

2006-10-31 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 01:19:09PM -0500, John Kintzele wrote:
 OpenBSD 4.0 installed from official CD (i386). No problems. In trying
 to install various Gnome apps (e.g., gedit), I'm running into a
 missing lib problem, and while I've people who've had the same
 problem on Google, I haven't found a clear response that seems to
 have fixed the problem.  (I am performing this pkg_add via FTP). In a
 nutshell, here is what I'm seeing from pkg_add:
 Can't install gnome-vfs2-2.10.1p0: lib not found crypto.12.0
 Even by looking in dependency tree... etc.
 Maybe it's in a dependent... etc.
 Can't install gnome-vfs2-2.10.1p0: lib not found ssl.10.0

On my system, dates back from september 2005...
Where are you getting those packages from ? the 3.8 directory ?

Re: i18n/l10n

2006-11-06 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Nov 06, 2006 at 12:56:29PM -0700, Jack J. Woehr wrote:
 Looked in the FAQ and don't find any path to start understanding
 internationalization and localization in OpenBSD ... if there is
 such a path?
Nope, there isn't. For one good reason: it's still work in progress.
The integration of i18n mechanisms is not finished, we do not have
the widechars to multibyte code yet (just stubs for it).

As it is, it is enough to have partial support in places that matter,
and thus a lot of `new ports' compile... most of the i18n stuff comes
from 3rd party apps for now (perl, gtk, qt come to mind).

There is very little sense in documenting it until it is more usable.

Hopefully, the situation will improve.

Re: layout of filesystems on OpenBSD

2006-11-10 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 07:32:38PM +0100, Robert Urban wrote:
 For example, how could /usr/X11R6 possibly represent a threat to eat all the
 space is /usr?  X11R6 content is static. (yes, I know, software packages
 put stuff there, but for the purposes of this discussion it's static).

Actually, no, on OpenBSD, software packages do not put stuff there.

Re: How to force reinstall package

2006-11-11 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 04:44:25PM +0100, Piotr Jedryczek wrote:
 On 11/11/06, Antoine Jacoutot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 pkg_add -F installed /usr/ports/packages/amd64/all/libiconv-1.9.2p3.tgz
 doesn't work?
 No. But can I remove entry in /var/db/pkg, remove files from package
 manually and then install the package?

No, it's a thoroughly bad idea.

Reading the man page is not enough, you should try to actually understand
what is going on.

Specifically, you should be able to force it using the right options:
pkg_add -F installed -r

In any cases, if you changed the configure options, you should also change
the package name. This is not hard at all. Just define your own flavor.

And you should also check that your package is complete. At least check
that update-plist and lib-depends-check are happy with the new package.

If you tinker with the installation manually, you will regret it.

Having reliable packages and dependencies come at a price. If you tinker
with the way packages are built, you should still follow the rules. 
Otherwise, you're going to break your installation.

Now, this is just some piece of advice. Do what you want with it, but don't
come whining later if you break everything. ;-)

Re: Perl distribution incomplete in 4.0?

2006-11-27 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 01:42:02PM -0700, Kevin Konowalec wrote:
 So does the default perl distribution in 4.0 have problems with  
 dynamic linking of modules?  Should I rebuild perl?  Try to  
 statically load the module?

No, it has no problems with dynamic linking of modules. It must be
something wrong you did.

Re: Perl distribution incomplete in 4.0?

2006-11-27 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 05:32:14PM -0700, Kevin Konowalec wrote:

 On Nov 27, 2006, at 4:58 PM, Kevin Konowalec wrote:
 Well all I've done so far was:
 - install OS
 - install packages.
 which step was wrong?
 As you wrote in your earlier message, someone told you you need the
 X11 libraries.
 It might actually be true after all.
 You might try 'ldd' on and see if that sheds any light.
 Well I did grab what I was told were the required few X libraries but  
 I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have to install the whole shebang

If you really want to fix this, you might start by giving us consistent

Reading between the lines, in one message you tell us you informed
the system `normally' and packages on top of that.

But you're obviously lying, since you tell us you grabbed the X libraries

I don't know what you did to get pkg_add to not complain about missing

Frankly, I don't care too much. I have more interesting things to do
than trying to figure out stuff from half-formed bug-reports.

There are about two ways you can do stuff:
- use the tools of the system, install it as it's meant to be used.
You need gd and it says it needs the X libraries ? then install the
X libraries.
- you want to be smart and do it yourself, and get rid of the X libraries
dependency ? then be smart, and do it. Be aware that it is not that simple,
and wishful thinking won't work. Just installing stuff without parts of
the system won't work very well. OpenBSD is not a good system for 
guesswork. As far as developers go, we spend enough time making sure the
supported configurations work...

some more ports hackathon thanks

2006-12-02 Thread Marc Espie
I can't stress enough the importance of the ports hackathon.

The current ports infrastructure changes come directly from
some discussions we had during that week.

The idea of streamlining MULTI_PACKAGES was completely non existent
before Budapest. Maybe I would have thought about it at some point,
maybe not.

The offsprings from that idea are nothing short of amazing (at least
for me).  The current framework is much, much clearer and faster and 
powerful than it was two months ago.

And this wouldn't have happened without Budapest.

So thank you again to anyone who donated, directly or indirectly, so that
we could meet and hack during the week.

Re: Links sources and GPL

2006-12-04 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 04:56:46PM +0100, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 From this I have a feeling that the Links distribution of OpenBSD doesn't
 accord to the terms of GPL. Do you have an argument to convince me that I am

cd pub/OpenBSD/distfiles
ls links*

you can't have looked very far, have you ?

Re: Compiling netpbm

2006-12-05 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 11:50:48AM +0100, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 I want to use xpm2ppm, but it doesn't work because it says
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ xpmtoppm  vnc/img_0.xpm 
 xpmtoppm: Input file has line that is too long (longer than 2048 bytes).
 Obviously, someone programmed with fixed-size buffers.
 I would like to increase the compiled-in buffer size from 2048 to 4096 and
 try again. I would like to get the source for netpbm somewhere, change it
 and compile. However it turns out to be an impenetrable obstacle:
 - The OpenBSD website describes only some CVS method which seems to involve 
 sources for all programs in the operating system and I don't have space for

Nope, again, you read wrong.

For netpbm, you just have to grab the ports tree.

Maybe you should have followed the obvious link `Application packages'
and read the fine document there.

 that: Filesystem  512-blocks  Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/wd0a 74935160  70114912   107349298%/
 - Getting sources - web - ports - graphics - netpbm there are no sources,
   only some auxilliary files

Of course there are no sources ! but there is a plain indication of where
sources are in the Makefile.

 - when I download the official netpbm 10.26.34 source and say y enter
 openbsd enter enter enter enter library filename or 'none' [] JPEG header directory [default] == /usr/local/include /usr/local/include /usr/local/include /usr/local/include (the filenames were determined using locate),
 the compilation of netpbm crashes with 
 libopt results: ' -L/home/clock/netpbm-10.26.34/lib -lnetpbm'
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 gmake[3]: *** [ppmtompeg] Error 1
 gmake[3]: Leaving directory 

 Is it possible to compile netpbm on openbsd from the sources without extensive
 OpenBSD maintainer expertise?

Yes, people routinely manage to do it. But they read the documentation, and
don't try to reinvent stuff from scratch.

Read the ports documentation.

man ports

for starters.

Basically, all you have to do is untar the ports tarball under /usr/ports
(which is reasonably SMALL for your needs, under 30M), then 
cd graphics/netpbm, and type `make'.

You are insisting on doing things your own way. Wishful thinking does not
replace reading the documentation.

Why don't you try slowing down and reading through stuff ? Are you
deficient ? I've got the impression you read one word out of five and
skip through most documents like you already know what they contain...

By now, it should be painfully obvious that you don't have a clue.

Re: Doubt about license

2008-05-04 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 03:38:13AM +0530, debian developer wrote:
 1. BSD license is completely free. No one needs to give back changes
 forcibly(the GPL way), hence this is completely free.
 If what i hear is correct, there are companies(Microsoft) which
 take BSD code (network stack i hear) and made it proprietary by not
 giving back anything. What i don't understand is are we not loosing
 anything in this case?? I can understand that there are many more
 companies which have used the code(Apple) and given back but there are
 also opposite ends...

No, nothing is lost.

A way to look at this which I like more and more: people can still do
`bad' things with code under the BSD licence, like extend it and not
give back their changes. They are free to do so. The BSD licence does not
steal your freedom to make ethical choices about code.

On the other hand, the GPL makes half of the ethical choice for you: you want
to use the code, you have to give back.  The only way not to give back is
to not use the code (or, well, you can make a bigger ethical choice of
using the code and lying about it).

Re: Is NV supposed to be SLOW?

2008-05-04 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 10:16:54AM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
 My previous laptop was radeonhd and I might go back to it until noveau
 is in enough shape.  Only after coming from radeonhd to go nvidia made
 me realize how much better the driver is.

Almost the same, except that my old laptop video card died.

I'm still hoping for nouveau to happen, hopefully, just so that we
can fuck the nvidia morons (like, even if they don't open their specs,
someone can reverse engineer a driver), and also because that laptop is
very nice outside of that gfx card issue.

Re: Apache suexec problem

2008-05-05 Thread Marc Espie
I've looked a bit at suexec, trying to make it go saner. I still cringe.
The model is intrinsically broken, for a lot of reasons. I don't think it's
feasible to fix suexec for real.

You've got to realize that suexec basically *elevates* a process to root,
making its decision on its name and various fishy tests.

I don't see how this can be made safe.

Re: Screen,colorls,xterms issue. 4.2

2008-05-11 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 07:45:06AM +0200, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
 Girish Venkatachalam escribis:
 On 22:20:18 May 10, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
 Hi, I'm using OpenBSD 4.2, a clean install.

 I have experienced some problems using screen and X with colorsls. The
 issue is that when I launch 'screen' on virtual terminals (C0,C1...) I
 don't have any problem but when launch X, on the xterm/rxvt I have
 open I can't launch a screen because the colors goes mad and shows
 white on black combinations I have not set on my rxvt (I use some grey
 tones combinations).

 I have set an alias for ls='colorls -GF' (color output) and this causes
 the problems on a screen session. I have set the TERM=xterm-color on
 my /etc/profile.

 As Stuart pointed out you should not do this.

 I used to experience hell since I used to make the same mistake. ;)

 Later life got simple after doing a code walk through of screen's source
 and figured that the problem is fixed by setting

 $ export TERM=rxvt 

 Funny we arrive at simple solutions through circuitous routes. ;)


 I tried to set the TERM variable to rxvt value export TERM=rxvt
 on the /etc/profile and I have problems with the virtual terminals now.
 (the ones invoked by Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F4). I get weird color
 when doing colorls -G in screen session, so your solution it's
 not valid to me, but thanks for the info.

Don't do that.

You really need to learn a bit more of Unix before you start making changes
in system-wide files.

Unix administration is relatively easy, but this is still stuff you need
to learn.

Putting personal choices in system-wide files is a really bad habit,
even if you are on your personal machine.
Especially when your personal choices are bogus in the first place.

Sooner or later, you'll manage to break the machine config, and then you'll
figure out you can no longer login normally, and end up needing to take
down the machine violently. With luck, fsck and single-user will get you
out. With no luck, fsck will fail and you will have to reinstall partly.

Stuart explained this specific case in a sibling message.
TERM only reflects your current terminal. There is no way you can put
settings that work for everything, you have to use some kind of judo.
Specifically, don't change TERM yourself, convince your subsystems to
set it correctly for you, either through the use of /etc/ttys for the
console, or through the use of resources for X windows emulators.

Do this carefully: first test manually on a specific session, then do
the changes in *your* config files, and then decide whether you really
want to do this on a system basis.

In the end, you'll end up with a sane configuration at the system level,
and your personal config files set up carefully.

A big advantage of doing this on your config files is that, over the years,
you'll end up with a configuration you can transport from machine to machine
as you gain user accounts on other people's machines, where you usually
cannot change system-wide files...

Re: Debian libssl security (OpenSSH safe?)

2008-05-13 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:14:59AM -0500, Sean Malloy wrote:
 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 11:37:38AM -0400, Juan Miscaro wrote:
  I guess everyone by now has heard about the very serious libssl
  vulnerability on Debian/Ubuntu?
  Just making sure that the source is safe, thanks.
 Here is a quote from the official Debian Security announcement,
 This is a Debian-specific vulnerability which does not affect other
 operating systems which are not based on Debian. However, other systems
 can be indirectly affected if weak keys are imported into them.

More details show that someone seriously fucked up in debian.

Trusting automated reporting tools like valgrind is fairly dangerous.

I'm saddened that people still don't learn.

`but this is a serious security warning. This MUST be fixed, valgrind canNOT
be wrong.'

duh... well, it can, like every tool out there that understands the
source only so far... better than some humans, granted, but hopefully
not better (yet) than the people who write serious software...

Re: Debian libssl security (OpenSSH safe?)

2008-05-13 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 09:41:00PM +0400, B A wrote:
 Can't find relation between bug in openssl deb package and valgring.
 There is no such info in the original link as I see (DSA-1571-1).
 Cold you be more specific and informative?
 Thank you.

Re: updating ports after OS update

2008-05-16 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 04:19:12AM +0200, Robert Urban wrote:
   # pkg_add -ui -F update -F updatedepends

 What do I need to do about the numerous ports I built and installed?  Do 
 they need to be updated manually?

The packages you built manually, assuming you used a virgin ports tree,
are no different from the distributed packages.

You can update safely from our tree. Things may fail if you run into
a package that's not distributed (java comes to mind), but it will fail
decently, and you can update the required packages manually, then proceed
with update.

You can also set FETCH_PACKAGES to Yes and update using the ports tree.

Or even add a SRC: element to your PKG_PATH as a fallback.

 Also, I'm currently running 4.1, and would like to get to 4.3.  I guess I 
 will need to do this in two hops.  Can I postpone package updating until 
 I've finished updating the OS to 4.3?

You can skip one release, the ports tree tools can deal with old stuff
without any issue.

Re: SRC in PKG_PATH ( was Re: updating ports after OS update )

2008-05-16 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:47:09AM -0700, Ben Calvert wrote:

 On May 16, 2008, at 12:34 AM, Marc Espie wrote:

 Or even add a SRC: element to your PKG_PATH as a fallback.

 Marc - where is this documented?  i can't find it in pkg_add, package, or 

It was finished fairly recently, and it's not 100% tested yet:

- it requires some cooperation between the ports tree and pkg_add: 
if you run the ports tree from pkg_add, it means you already have a lock on 
/var/db/pkg, so it requires -F nolock.

- it's also one of the reasons for stopping at the first PKG_PATH entry
that satisfies your request. SRC urls are a `last resort', when you can't
find the package and need to build it.

If you want to play with it, you can try adding an entry like:
at the end of your PKG_PATH
(for instance:
and it will build locally whatever it doesn't find on the ftp site...

Note that this needs to disable FETCH_PACKAGES, so in some cases, it will
build more stuff than is available (if it needs to build something, and
it discovers some dependencies are missing, it will build them as well).

In many cases, setting FETCH_PACKAGES=Yes is a simpler way to achieve
similar results.

src: urls will mostly be useful for pkg_add -u.

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-23 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 03:23:17PM +, hyjial wrote:
 Hi list !
 Reading through OpenBSD's codebase, I have noticed that the code
 under src/usr.sbin/pkg_add is written in Perl. Perl is distributed
 under the Artistic license, though. The latter is not as permissive
 as the BSD
 license under which monst of OpenBSD is released. No doubt
 that is the reason
 why Perl lives in src/gnu.

Well, perl lives in src/gnu by mistake, since it has little to do with
gnu, but moving it would not help anything, since it would add lots of
noise to the CVS repository.

Actually, we don't frown all that much on the Artistic licence.
It is very much free compared to the obnoxious GPL.
If you read it carefully, the only thing the Artistic licence requires you
to do is not to misrepresent the software, by changing it without renaming

As far as perl goes, it's about the only language that fit the bill.
The older pkg_* were totally impossible to maintain and extend, and
I needed a sensible script language that was in base.

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-23 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 01:42:05PM +0200, Almir Karic wrote:
 On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 9:37 AM, Marc Espie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As far as perl goes, it's about the only language that fit the bill.
  The older pkg_* were totally impossible to maintain and extend, and
  I needed a sensible script language that was in base.
 at the risk of starting a flame war, considered python? beside not
 being in the base, any other downsides for this particular task?

There's no real fundamental difference between python and perl, especially
for this kind of job.

Some people prefer python, say it's cleaner. Frankly, I don't care. I haven't
yet met a task that python could tackle and python could not.

Perl is in base, and I'm used to working with it. Those are pretty big

The only potential drawback to perl was speed... since the rewritten pkg_*
turned out to be *faster* than their older C counterpart, that was not a
viable argument.

The only other viable choice would have been C++. But needing to compile that
stuff, having a somewhat less stable toolchain, plus the frank dislike of
some OpenBSD people wrt C++ made that a non-issue.

I've spent quite some time thinking about the language before I embarked
on the perl pkg_* adventures. I've never regretted that choice, the tools
turned out to do even more than I hoped for, and I've never run into any
perl-related issue.

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-23 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 07:16:03AM -0600, Diana Eichert wrote:
 On Fri, 23 May 2008, Marc Balmer wrote:

 or maybe I should write my next radio clock driver in forth, I heard it is
 fast and small, so I am sure it is the right tool for drivers...)


 Marc if you put forth in base and started writing all your drivers in
 forth I'd buy you some fondue.  Or at least integrate forth in the boot
 loader.  ;-)

 forth, it does the body good.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Stop trolling.

Or at least make it less obvious.

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-24 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 08:20:50PM -0400, Hugo Villeneuve wrote:
 perl offers faster software development. perl is not fast. Just
 saying. Althought, I think that's what you meant too.
 # sysctl  hw.model hw.physmem
 hw.model=SUNW,SPARCclassic, TMS390S10 @ 50 MHz, on-chip FPU
 # time pkg_info
 gettext-0.16.1  GNU gettext
 libiconv-1.9.2p5character set conversion library
 lrzsz-0.12.20p0 receive/send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol
 mutt- e-mail client
 stunnel-4.20SSL encryption wrapper for standard network daemons
 uucp-1.07p2 UUCP suite
 0m22.57s real 0m13.05s user 0m6.44s system
 22 seconds to list one folder and open 6 files :)
 I doubt it took 1 seconds before the move to perl on that computer.

You're partly confusing start-up time and speed.

In less trivial tasks than pkg_info, for instance actual use of pkg_add, the
new tools are faster.

Most run-times are dominated by IO. The old tools were using external tar(1)
to a temporary area, then copying over to the final destination. That makes
for double IO, and thus very slow.

Replacing that in the old tools would not have been feasible.

Likewise, the new tools do not spend all their time re-discovering the
world. If you pkg_add *.tgz, you run one instance of pkg_add which keeps
every info it needs in memory  (and I spent some time specifically improving
that so that, even with all the checks being done, pkg_add can handle
1000s of packages before overflowing 64M).

pkg_info time was similarly improved when we finally merged +COMMENT into
+CONTENT, so that less files got opened and read.

pkg_info on an installation with few packages installed is the odd case where
it is noticeably slower.

Seriously, the advantages far outweigh the problem. It's been my experience
that a language such as perl allows you to deploy much faster algorithms
in the same amount of time it will take to code the same problem in C.
The rapid application development facilities by themselves are tremendous.
It's ways simpler to tune things so that they run circle around their
C counterparts. Happened with pkg_add, happened with makewhatis. And I ran
the benches to check it.

Of course you won't be able to run old pkg_* with our new pkg tools, the
new ones do so much more. But on sheer pkg extraction, the new tools win
by a factor or 2.

Re: [OT] Python License [WAS: Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?]

2008-05-24 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, May 24, 2008 at 06:23:23PM +0200, Martin Marcher wrote:
 How about the python license? Not that I'm really capable of rewriting
 and/or patching the pkg_* tools but from a license point of view I
 think that the license under which python is distributed is quite
 similiar to a BSD license. Especiall this:

So is Perl's artistic licence.

gnu/ is a historic accident. It's actually a shorthand for `not bsd' in
our tree.

Read the Artistic licence, there's nothing that conflicts with the overall
goals of OpenBSD. Technically, the Artistic Licence gives you the same rights
as a BSD licence. The only thing it prevents you to do is to misrepresent
the original software: if you change it, you have to display it prominently,
and you can't use the exact same name. Wooo, big infringement on your liberty.

Now, compare to the obnoxious GPLv2, or the even more stinky GPLv3.
Not the same ballpark.

It's a bit like comparing  Jimmy Carter to Adolf Hitler. 

So, let's invoke Godwin's law and close that useless discussion.

Re: Why Perl for pkg_* tools ?

2008-05-24 Thread Marc Espie
A final word.

For all you backseat drivers: this is OpenBSD.

Those who do the work get to call the shots.

I did get permission from my fellow developers to switch our pkg_* to
perl once I made a strong enough argument.

A huge part of the argument was the actual code. I did write tools that
work. I did write an infrastructure that still grows, stays coherent,
and is still fairly easy to manage.

These pkg_* are the first in the BSD world to actually support safe
updates, without needing to back up most of your system first.

Everything-in-perl was a deliberate design decision.

What do you think ? that we grow code in a vat with eyes closed ?

I've looked very closely at the neighbors, and at our distant cousins.

The neighbors manage to live on a weird mix of awk/ruby/perl/python/sh/C.
From a distance, it looks like everyone in NetBSD/FreeBSD has their own
favorite language, and is happy to reinvent a square wheel to handle
packages in their own language.

Well, my tools were written specifically to squash that, to give people
a cool enough interface that they would not need to reinvent the world.

You prefer python ? tough cookies. Perl and python are more or less
equivalent. If you know one, you can write code in the other. Or you're
less elite than you think (as a sidenote, I loathe php, yet I run a
drupal site, and I have written numerous patches for drupal).

The only important difference, for me, was that perl comes with the
base install in OpenBSD. And we made a conscious decision to keep it so.
That gives us *one* decent high-level script language.

OS and distributions are all about editorial choices. Some have given up,
and let the user wadle through hundreds of inane choice and a bazaar of
half-finished toys. OpenBSD takes some strong stances. We wanted pkg_* that
work, we got them. You don't like that they're in perl ? you can always
go elsewhere, or, if you have some real balls, write something better in
whatever language you want.

Have fun, good luck.

Re: small, random essay on performance tuning, was: remove....

2008-06-07 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 07:59:31PM -0700, Peter Hessler wrote:
 Removing device drivers may speed the boot process on your system, but
 can complicate recovery should you have a hardware problem, and is
 very often done wrong.  
 Removing device drivers iwill not/i make your system run faster by
 any noticeable amount, though can produce a smaller kernel.
 Removing debugging and error checking can result in a measurable
 performance gain, but will make it impossible to troubleshoot a system
 if something goes wrong.

You almost never need to remove device drivers from the kernel, since
you can use boot -c and config -c to temporarily disable them, without
needing to recompile anything.

Re: pkg_add errors

2008-06-11 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:22:17AM -0500, c l wrote:
 Anyone else get this message when doing pkg_add's from ftp sites?
 421 There are too many connections from your internet address
 I get this on all my openbsd boxes, 4.3 and -current from June 10, 2008.
 All of them are behind either a cisco pix or 4.3 -release firewall.
 It seems to happen with just about any package that has a few dependencies.

Looks like you have some proxying mechanism which fucks up. It definitely
appears that your ftp client is not terminating client properly, something
eats the connection termination.

As said, if you are behind a nat, you should definitely make sure you have
ftp proxying running, so that the connections are tracked correctly.

Otherwise, use an http mirror, it doesn't have this shortcoming.

Re: pkg_add errors

2008-06-12 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 03:23:29AM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
 On 2008-06-11, Marc Espie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:22:17AM -0500, c l wrote:
  Anyone else get this message when doing pkg_add's from ftp sites?
  421 There are too many connections from your internet address
  I get this on all my openbsd boxes, 4.3 and -current from June 10, 2008.
  All of them are behind either a cisco pix or 4.3 -release firewall.
  It seems to happen with just about any package that has a few dependencies.
  Looks like you have some proxying mechanism which fucks up. It definitely
  appears that your ftp client is not terminating client properly, something
  eats the connection termination.
 This happens with some mirrors from time to time.. definitely seen
 it on belnet befrore, maybe some others.
As I said before, but it's worth repeating.

pkg_add *relies* on being able to interrupt ftp transfers in the middle.
That's a part of the telnet layer of ftp. Namely, there's some sequence
you can send on the connection that will abort the connection cleanly, on
both sides. From pkg_add's point of view, there will be only one active
ftp connection to a given ftp server, there's some code that's very careful
doing that.

Of course, if there's some lousy network equipment in the middle, there can
be *stuck* ftp connections.

The other part of the problem is the data/control nature of ftp. Stupide
aggressive nats will tend to drop the control connection after a while,
because it's inactive, even though there is data going through the data
connection. We fixed this one for real when we started sending NOP over
inactive control connections to prevent that (ftp-level `keep-alive' kind-of).

Ftp is a fine protocol, modern network equipment is dumb. There's not much
you can do, except switch to a more stupid protocol, like http, which is
perfectly adapted to a world of dumb networks and dumb users.

Re: Typo in pkg_delete output message?

2008-06-12 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 08:09:56AM -0500, Aaron Poffenberger wrote:
 I tried to delete a partial package by typing `pkg_delete
 partial-xulrunner-`. Apparently it wasn't fully installed and I
 received the following output message:

  /bin/sh: xulrunner: not foundading plist

 I'm guessing that should be not founding plist or perhaps plist not
 found or something similar.

Nope, it's xulrunner's message overriding the current progress display,
   partial-xulrunner- reading plist

Re: Get rid of windows limit in 'window'?

2008-06-15 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 06:18:31PM -0700, F. Caulier wrote:
 I just discovered 'window' in base, a very usefull
 I was used to install 'screen' to get a terminal
 multiplexer but as I found 'window' which gives me
 multiplexing without 'screen's' bloat and restrictive

I still don't understand the current craze about window, since
it doesn't have the one killer feature of screen, namely the
ability to attach/detach sessions at will...

I mean, probably like a lot of people, my main use of screen is to
have interactive sessions I can keep around from login to login, or
around a flaky network connection. Nothing as unpleasant as having a
build fail just because your network timed out and make got SIGHUP'ed.

Re: OT: Dissertation ideas for my degree

2008-06-20 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 12:48:08PM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
 Lars NoodC)n wrote:
 Edd Barrett wrote:

 I would love a decent network filesystem, but its probably too much work
 for an undergrad project. Its more like a PHD.

 What's missing from OpenAFS?
 Or do you mean hammering out lumps in NFS 3/NFS 4 ?

 I use NFSv3 because its simple, but I hate it because of the security 
 issues. If AFS were simpler perhaps.

I think solaris has secure rpc, thus crypted NFS but it's a nasty
can of worms.

Re: Failing to install packages with $PKG_PATH

2008-06-26 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 10:34:33PM +, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 06:56:00PM -0300, Daniel B. wrote:
  I've updated to the today -current and I can't install packages as I
  usually do.
  # export
 man pkg_add
 ... Since a few URL schemes contain colons, pkg_add relies on each
 directory ending in a / ...

Paradoxically, that's me trying to relax that limitation.

I've changed the code that reads PKG_PATH from separating things on
/:, then parsing each path independently, to having the url parser
interpret the whole string, and figure out by itself where to cut things.

Along the process, the version in snapshots is the one where the url parser
does insist on the terminating /.

The further change I committed yesterday does much finer url parsing, so
that in many cases, the / requirement at end should be dropped: new pkg_add
will parse PKG_PATH like a human would, and figure out which : are parts of
urls, and which : are separators between urls...

Re: getpwnam_r() missing on OpenBSD 4.3

2008-06-27 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 05:23:54PM -0400, (private) HKS wrote:
 Not sure if this is the right list for this question, so let me know
 if it needs to go
 somewhere else.
 My OpenBSD box is missing the getpwnam_r() function described in the
 man page. At least, it's described at this URL:

Have a closer look at that url. ;-)

Re: getpwnam_r() missing on OpenBSD 4.3

2008-07-02 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Jul 01, 2008 at 11:04:21AM -0400, (private) HKS wrote:
 Let's hear it for my attention to detail.
 Does anybody happen to have a creative workaround for
 threaded applications requesting this call? I'm experimenting
 with changing the call to getpwnam(), but that's out of morbid
 curiosity rather than a real fix.

Use current, that will also help the project, since we're happy to
have more people testing stuff.

Re: getpwnam_r() missing on OpenBSD 4.3

2008-07-03 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Jul 02, 2008 at 02:42:35PM -0400, (private) HKS wrote:
 Backporting this is beyond my meager C abilities (and time to learn,
 at the moment).

Considering where the getpwnam_r comes from, backporting it would be more
or less equivalent to running -current anyways, since getpwnam_r comes as a
*minor* side-effect of a HUGE revamp of the related lookup code.

Re: pkg_add not terminating

2008-07-12 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 07:32:07PM +1200, Richard Toohey wrote:
 On 12/07/2008, at 12:31 PM, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

 Ivo van der Sangen wrote:
 When trying to install texlive_texmf-minimal-2007p2.tgz I run into 
 problems. The
 pkg_add script does not terminate. The progress bar stops at 100% and 
 there are
 still 3 processes running: perl, ftp and gzip.

 It happen sometime when dependency are install. The FTP hang as it doesn't 
 close the connection properly.

 Just look the process and kill ONLY the ftp one when it's at 100% and do 
 not close by itself. This will allow the rest of the regular pkg_add to 
 continue as usual.

 Then the install process will continue as normal and get the next 
 dependency if any as nothing unusual happened.

 Not a big deal when you know.

 Hope this help you.



 If it is FTP (and these are the symptoms I've seen when it has been
 an FTP issue) then ...

 My experience is that your FTP *control* channel is timed out, because the 
 takes over a certain time (e.g. 10 minutes.)  Your FTP *data* channel is 
 but dumb firewalls (usually M$ in my experience) see nothing happening on 
 control channel, and kill it.  The data channel finishes the transfer, but 
 your control
 channel has gone ... so hang ...

 It's OpenBSD, so use the excellent docs ...

 Near the bottom ...

   Have ftp(1) send a byte after every FTP_KEEPALIVE 
   so that incorrectly configured network equipment won't 
   gressively drop it.  See ``ftp -k'' for more information.

 This will keep the control channel alive, so when the data channel is 
 the control channel is still alive  bad things don't happen.

In fact, this has been turned on by default after 4.3, so in current this
should no longer be an issue at all.

I'm going to remove the button from pkg_add soon, this does remind me to
do it...

Re: scripting port install driving me mad

2008-07-12 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 03:11:18PM -0400, Juan Miscaro wrote:
 Hi, I have a script that I use to automate server installations.
 Every time I come to the point of installing a port with a certain
 postfix with sasl2/mysql
 I can never get it to work.
 I thought I had it working before by putting in the Makefile:
 FLAVORS= sasl2 mysql
 but this is ignored.
 Putting the following in the script also barfs:
 env FLAVOR=sasl2 mysql
 What am I missing?

No idea, since you're not giving your actual script.

cd /usr/ports  SUBDIR=mail/postfix/stable,sasl2,mysql SUDO=sudo make install 
should more or less work.

Re: scripting port install driving me mad

2008-07-13 Thread Marc Espie
On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 08:38:18PM +, Jacob Meuser wrote:
 On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 03:11:18PM -0400, Juan Miscaro wrote:
  Hi, I have a script that I use to automate server installations.
  Every time I come to the point of installing a port with a certain
  postfix with sasl2/mysql
  I can never get it to work.
  I thought I had it working before by putting in the Makefile:
  FLAVORS= sasl2 mysql
  but this is ignored.
  Putting the following in the script also barfs:
  env FLAVOR=sasl2 mysql
  What am I missing?
 instead of manually setting FLAVOR in your script (btw, FLAVORS is
 just a list of available FLAVORs, not what FLAVORs will be built)
 or mucking about in the ports Makefiles, you probably want to use
 SUBDIRLIST from the top of the ports directory.  for example:
 $ echo 'mail/postfix/stable,sasl2,mysql'  /tmp/build-list
 $ echo 'another/port'  /tmp/build-list
 $ echo 'one/more,flavored'  /tmp/build-list
 $ echo 'still/another,-subpackage'  /tmp/build-list
 $ cd /usr/ports
 $ BULK=Yes FETCH_PACKAGES=Yes SUBDIRLIST=/tmp/build-list make install
 see and packages-specs(7) for more info.
 btw, you can generate a SUBDIRLIST from all installed packages:
 $ pkg_info -fa | sed -ne 's/[EMAIL PROTECTED] subdir=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p'  
 although, there is probably a better way to do this with perl.

Duh moment.

Jacob, you should rtfm from time to time, you'd discover that pkg_info has
a -P option, that yields precisely the pkgpath info... ;-)

This is going to be *ways* faster than building the full list of all 
packing-lists (and no, pkg_info doesn't just display the file, it reads the 
file, parses it, builds internal structures and pretty-prints the result, 
which is interesting for several reasons, chief among them that it will 
tell you if a packing-list is bogus).

Re: 'Nother broken package - git-

2008-07-15 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 04:52:16PM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Will Maier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 02:30:36PM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
  Depends on tcl-8.4.7p6, .. maybe, .. but what does X have to do
  with git??
Can't install tk-8.4.7p1: lib not found X11.11.1
  Is this a broken dependency
 It's because of gitk which is a repository browser (or so tells me). Annoying that there's no
 git-no_x11 but them's the breaks.

Makes no sense. It's clearly a multi-package situation, not flavor.

Re: 'Nother broken package - git-

2008-07-16 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 09:30:02AM -0500, L. V. Lammert wrote:
 If a command line tool like git has a 'GUI Helper', then that package is
 broken (which, I believe, is the case in this situation).

You don't get it, so I'll explain it.

There are a lot of packages in OpenBSD. We can spend time providing
stupid options like manually removing X, and then spend more time
testing, and testing again.

Each flavor you add has a cost: more tests. Either they're not done,
and then stuff breaks (because untested packages don't work, murphy's
law), or it detracts from more useful stuff.

Moving some X11 stuff to subpackages makes sense.

Creating some no_x11 stuff, *very* occasionally, makes sense.

Most of the time, it's a wast of time. It makes for more complicated
dependency trees, build errors, packaging errors, runtime errors.

We'd rather spend time doing valuable things.

You can very well install X on a production server. You don't have
to run it. If you're afraid it's going to hole your precious machine,
just remove the setuid binaries, it's darn simple, and it won't affect
package dependencies.

If you don't like the current situation, go run something else.

We have enough stuff to do already, we're not into adding knobs just
because it's neater.

There are huge amounts of useful modifications to do that are ways
more important than creating no_x11 flavors (and testing them).

Re: This is what Linus Torvalds calls openBSD crowd

2008-07-16 Thread Marc Espie
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 07:47:54PM +0100, Nuno Magalhces wrote:
 Eheh he's right :-) If you guys get your heads out of your asses and
 actually read his words with the use of some common sense you might
 get what he means. It's a balanced opinion.

It's a totally misinformed opinion.

In fact, all the boring normal bugs are _way_ more important, just because 
there's a lot more of them. I don't think some spectacular security hole 
should be glorified or cared about as being any more special than a 
random spectacular crash due to bad locking.

which is exactly what people in the OpenBSD project do, all the time (fix
normal bugs). That's the proactive approach to security: don't wait until
you have an exploit, just fix the darn bug.

So, when he tries to say that the OpenBSD crowd has a different attitude,
I don't know who he's referring to, but certainly not me.

I don't think you have any idea how hard we're laughing right now.
It's just so out of touch with how we see things, it's beyond pathetic.

As you can see, my fellow developpers took it about the same way, but
with even more sarcasm...

we don't give a fuck about security for security's sake:

free, FUNCTIONAL, secure. choose all three. Says so on the T-shirt.

Re: Trying to compile cwm on Linux

2008-07-24 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:01:50PM +0200, Martin Toft wrote:
 +#define strlcpy(dst, src, size) (strncpy((dst), (src), (size) - 1))
 +#define strlcat(dst, src, size) (strncat((dst), (src), (size) - 1))

To be a bit more specific than Theo, don't believe idiots like Ulrich

There's a *reason* for strlcpy and strlcat.
strncpy and strncat are bogus. They're almost never the solution.

Accept no substitute.

On any lesser system (and that's mostly linux these days), you must ship
a copy of strlcat and strlcpy.

Fortunately the source code for these is small!

And it's free! 
nice licence! 
no obnoxious GPL!

Re: make ls not show dot-files as root

2008-07-29 Thread Marc Espie
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:33:54AM +0200, Jesus Sanchez wrote:
 Hi, using 4.2.

 Just for curiosity...

 Can I make ls to NOT show
 the hidden files (.xinitrc , .vimrc, etc) when
 using as Root??

 Thanks 4 all.

Why is this a problem ?

When you're root, you really want to see all the files.

If you see this as inconvenient, this is because you're misusing the root
account, most likely doing your normal work as root.


Create a user account, use it. You have nice tools like sudo to become
root when you need it.

If you do everything as root, sooner or later, you will fuck up.

We have this old saying.

There are two kinds of sysadmins: those who have already done one big mistake
(and learnt from it) and those who haven't YET.

Re: Not updating .libs1-gettext-0.16.1, remember to clean it

2008-08-15 Thread Marc Espie
You know, if you go on like that, you're going to end up in my killfile,
and a lot of other people as well.

Re: Is there a non-X11 version of Prolog available?

2008-08-30 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 03:48:54PM +0100, Simon Connah wrote:
 I've just been trying to install the SWI-Prolog port and it seems  
 like it
 needs X11 installed to run. Is there a command line version of Prolog
 floating around at all? Or do I need to compile and install my own  

swi-prolog works as a command-line version. You need to have X11 libraries
around, but it's perfectly happy running from the command-line, without
any X server around.

 Thanks for the tip. I'm just a bit concerned about the broken part on  
 that site apparently caused by randomised mmap(). Any idea if this is a 
 major concern or just something that can be safely ignored?

This is a major concern.  This means it won't work reliably... sometimes,
your binary will get loaded at an address which interferes with your
static mmap'ed image, and it will just fail, and you will have to restart
the prolog interpreter for it to work, eventually...  with a big enough
image, it's likely it will get really hard to make things work...

Re: Stop in line 73 of Makefile

2008-09-08 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 08:52:54PM -0700, Doug Milam wrote:
 Thanks; I had never set or changed any flags until a few days ago, in trying 
 to 'fix' this issue. Perhaps someone compromised the system via FTP (ftpd was 
 running only anonymously), or via HTTP. 
 * *

Sorry to be harsh, but it's most likely to be your own fuck-up.

Most people with strangely behaving systems usually have done something wrong,
like running a too old kernel with old binaries, or having something out
of synch.

Jumping to conclusions and blaming unknown pirates is ways simpler than 
looking for the fault in yourself...

Re: Stop in line 73 of Makefile

2008-09-08 Thread Marc Espie
On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 07:58:54AM -0700, Doug Milam wrote:
Anything I can do short of re-installing from a CD? I was able to
rebuild the kernel successfully...

Make sure you strip any special parameter from each directory and file you

Depending how much work you did, it may be simpler to just reinstall...

Re: autoconf error message suggestion

2006-12-13 Thread Marc Espie
Okay, guys, kill it.

The main issue I have with Karel is that he lacks basic tact.
But saying metaauto lacks some documentation is not necessarily 

However, since he's already written opensource software, maybe he could
contribute ? I wouldn't object to a set of manpages for metaauto.

I won't necessarily have time to write it myself, obviously.

Re: OT: TinyMCE security and track records

2006-12-21 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Dec 21, 2006 at 03:02:11PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
 Sorry for this off topic question, but I get more and more requests to 
 have WYSIWYG editing on web management servers. I have been resisting 
 this for many years so far as I hate this, but look likes more and more 
 demands may force me to do it anyway.

 Any valid feedback on the security and stability of this one on OpenBSD, 
 or any other prefer. I am looking more for security and stability oppose 
 to bell and whistle and features.

 The archive point me only this one post of TinyMCE:

 Any feedback and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated if any.

Don't know if konqueror or TinyMCE is deficient, but they don't
play together...

As far as WYSIWYG editing goes, the main problem with TinyMCE is a design
issue: what you see is all that you get. When was the last time you had
a website that was actual static html ? you're going to get lots of
banner material, and a big part of the site is going to be generated
with template stuff... or if you want a nice look, you're pretty much
going to want your own classes and stuff like that.  TinyMCE is cute,
but it's pretty much designed to handle `old-style' HTML.

If you use it to create big chunks of web sites, you're soon going to end
up with some hand-coded mess.

As far as grabbing and sanitizing the resulting html, there are tools out
there that can do that. My perl background prompts you to recommend
HTML::Tree, which creates a proper parsed tree from an HTML document,
and allows you to clean it up.

So my assessment is that this kind of tool is pretty much limited if you
actually want good-looking sites... no actual security problem per se
(not more than usual form-based editors, at least on the server side).

I think that, to go further, you need actual development tools that you
can customize to the level  of your website code. I assume eclipse will
have this kind of plugin.

The kde webdev suite is definitely a nice candidate there, though 
I haven't tried to customize it to get WYSIWYG editing of 
my Mason/Catalyst code...

Re: dylan language

2006-12-22 Thread Marc Espie
On Fri, Dec 22, 2006 at 11:42:44AM -0800, Joe wrote:
 Is this for real? I figured if anyone could shed some light on this, an 
 OpenBSD developer might be able to comment on this dylan language. I'm 
 not looking to learn dylan, but am just wondering if this is legit. I 
 wouldn't mind running one of these tools if they are indeed safer to 
 run than wireshark. (yes i use tcpdump regularly)

I have the beginning of a port of gwydiondylan, there are still a lot
of issues to fix. The byte-code compiler (mindy) is slow as hell, d2c doesn't
quite work for me yet. Outside of that, dylan-binary does not work on a
range of architectures.

Dylan reminds me of haskell. Both are high-level languages, better than
sliced bread, and *everything* you want to build with them involves
compilation speeds that make g++ look like it's the fastest thing out

Re: Spamassassin segfaults

2006-12-28 Thread Marc Espie
On Thu, Dec 28, 2006 at 11:30:27AM +0100, Karel Kulhavy wrote:
 When I clear the stale lock and re-run it, then it segfaults again.  Are you
 familiar with this problem? I will try yet erasing the .spamassassin directory
 (no idea how to erase the db without corrupting the contents of .spamassassin)
 and then retrain. What I also don't like is that SA is very slow. I don't
 believe Bayesian statistics are so computationally expensive.
 Can you recommend a different tool than spamassassin? I wonder what CRM114 is

I don't use spamassassin for its bayesian filters. I have a combo
spamassassin + bogofilter, where spamassassin only sees the stuff
when bogofilter cannot classify it.

Re: OT Was: Wanted: OpenBSD Systems Administrator

2007-01-03 Thread Marc Espie
For once, I'm going to say this from my position as an OpenBSD 
developer who has sunk countless hours into writing code for this OS.

It's obvious a lot of wankers around here have nothing better to do than 
start threads based on that job offer.

I am perfectly happy with someone posting a job offer directly related to
OpenBSD on [EMAIL PROTECTED] If we ever become mainstream and this list gets 
with thousands of job offers each week, this will become a problem. But
for now ? Shesh! This is legitimate email. People who don't think so are
totally disconnected from reality.

Let me remind the wankers that *a lot* of people who work on 
developping OpenBSD are no longer students, and are taking the 
development time from their copious free time, or making use 
of understanding bosses...

So, thanks for the offer, sorry for the incredible reaction from the jerks'
section, and please come again...

Re: Is Theo still hiking ????

2007-01-28 Thread Marc Espie
On Sun, Jan 28, 2007 at 03:17:14PM +, Jeroen Massar wrote:
 Also note that FT serves the whole country of France, you might not like
 them, but they also have a right to use the Internet ;) Most ISP's get
 only a /32 and there are millions of those. Getting a /19 is really
 something that only a few ISP's will be able to claim that they will
 actually be able to get customers for.

Bullshit. We've had deregulation for a while now, and FT is just the
historical operator. There's no reason to treat them differently than
other ISPs.  Them getting a whole hefty chunk of address space looks like
some political game on their part to try and keep their position, for which
they have no actual right these days. Wouldn't be the first time they try
to rig the game.

Re: perl webapp and threads

2007-02-11 Thread Marc Espie
Basically, you're out of luck for now.

Tough problem.

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