Re: Preloading DBI crashes Apache

2003-02-27 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Dan Brosemer wrote:
  Here's the thread to date:
  On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 10:27:22AM -0500, Dan Brosemer wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 04:35:39AM -0800, Ask Bjoern Hansen wrote:
 Hi.  I'm new here, and hoping someone can help me.  I've installed the
 latest -current version of OpenBSD, and loaded mod_perl as a DSO.
That gets
 me Apache 1.3.27, Perl 5.8.0, and mod_perl 1.27.
  The plot thickens.  Loading mod_perl statically gets rid of this 
  Even with otherwise-identical configure arguments.
  Yet, the DSO mod_perl works fine except when I preload DBI.
  I'm _quite_ confused.  I'd really like the DSO method to work, as then I
  wouldn't have to modify the OpenBSD source tree (any more than I 
  do, anyway).  Does anyone have suggestions?
This sounds kind of similar to some problems I had on Debian.  Try a search for author of 'Keith G. Murphy' and subject of
Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded or even
Apache segfaulting upon perl module load.

I gave up on it quite some time ago and started using the statically
linked mod_perl.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-18 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Juha-Mikko Ahonen wrote:

I looked into it with the following setup:
apache 1.3.26-0woody1
libapache-mod-perl 1.27-2 
postgresql 7.2.1-2woody2

There was a module handling all requests for /. It opened a 
connection to the database and fetched a couple of rows.

With DBI-install_driver('Pg'), the Apache processes stayed at 8.4 MB. I 
bombarded the Apache with ApacheBench and multiple SIGUSR1 but I found 
no memory leaks. The process sizes did not change.

The interesting thing I see here is that you are using a different 
libapache-mod-perl version.  I'm using the one from stable.  I hesitate 
to install yours (from unstable), since apt-get wants to upgrade all of 
perl (a whole *bunch* of shit), and I'm not keen on the idea of 
permanently tracking unstable with something as complex as Perl and its 
dependents.  I mean, crap, it even wants to upgrade libc6.  Last time I 
tried, downgrading libc6 was not fun.  I'm guessing you might find it 
difficult to downgrade as well, since you probably have Perl 5.8.  Any 


I'm pretty tired at the moment, so there might have been something I 
mislooked. I'll give it another look tomorrow. At work, where I don't 
have any distractions :)

I appreciate you looking at this.  But it's mainly for the maintainer at 
this point...

It's pretty odd, in my view, that the Apache processes which did not 
preload the Pg driver were smaller.

Why would that be odd?  Seems intuitively right to me.

Keith, could you post results to modperl list if people at debian-isp 
come to a different (or to the same) solution. I'm not subscribed to 
the list.

Will do, for sure.

Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Since memory leaks seem to be the topic du jour, I wondered if anyone 
else had seen this one:

When using a modular mod_perl, I get a huge leak if I preload the 'Pg' 
driver in my startup perl script thus:

use strict;
use Apache::Status ();
use Apache::DBI ();
1; #return true value

The leak happens when you send SIGUSR1 to the parent.  Every time you do 
it, you get more memory eaten (multiple megabytes), both in the parent 
and (new) children.

It happens with the stock apache-ssl that comes from Debian stable. 
Could well be a Debian-specific problem.

Using Debian's static-mod_perled apache-perl eliminates the problem.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:
 Using Debian's static-mod_perled apache-perl eliminates the problem.
 Do you mean you are using the 'so' version that comes with Debian?

Yes, in the case that failed.  The package is called 'libapache-mod-perl'.
 should be using the static build of apache/mod_perl
You're telling me.  :-(

By should, do you mean that the problems with the loadable module 
overall are so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use 

Might it be related to the Perl-malloc problem cited here:

If either of the above or true, seems like Debian needs to quit 
distributing libapache-mod-perl.


Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Ged Haywood wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
do you mean that the problems with the loadable module overall are
so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever use it?
 It's not as bad as that.  Significant improvements have been made in
 the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
 discussion about it on this list.  

Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently given up on it?

 There are still one or two dusty
 corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  

I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty corners.  But I 
did find, upon investigating the bug reports, that there were *very* old 
reports about memory leaks, etc., with libapache-mod-perl.

My own bug report is now 47 days old, without apparent followup.

 If it doesn't seem
 to give you problems then stay with it.
 If at first you don't succeed, try again.  Then give up.  

Actually, that is what I have done already, several months ago.  Seeing 
several reports of memory leak problems in the list made me think: 
Hmmm, wonder if someone else has seen this?

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Juha-Mikko Ahonen wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 16 October 2002 20:25, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
By should, do you mean that the problems with the loadable module
overall are so well-known that no one in his right mind should ever
use it?
 Yes. The problems with DSO mod_perl are well known. It works perfectly 
 when build staticly into Apache, though. Install apache-perl package 
 instead of apache and libapache-mod-perl. Everything works with it as 
 it would on normal Apache. After migrating to apache-perl, remove the 
 LoadModule for mod_perl from your Apache configuration.

I already have, months ago.
Might it be related to the Perl-malloc problem cited here:

If either of the above or true, seems like Debian needs to quit
distributing libapache-mod-perl.
 The problem is not Debian-related, so it won't justify removing the 
 package from Debian.

Huh?  I would think that would be a really good reason to yank it.  If 
it were Debian-related, the maintainer could fix it and keep it.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Ged Haywood wrote:
 Hi there,
 On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
Significant improvements have been made in
the reliability of mod_perl as DSO and nowadays there is much less
discussion about it on this list.  

Are you sure it's not because 'most everyone has silently given up on it?
 Yes, I'm sure.  Red Hat comes with Apache prebuilt for DSO I believe.
 I have worked on contracts for a number of organizations which use DSO
 mod_perl in high volume environments (hundreds of thousands of users).

Then I take your word for it.  (My question was sincere, not 
argumentative, by the way).

There are still one or two dusty
corners but in general thesedays I'd say try it.  

I had not expected Debian stable to be one of the dusty corners.
 What I meant was that some (perhaps slightly unusual in some way)
 configurations seem to give more problems than others.  For example
 I think that servers using SSL have perhaps been prone to troubles,
 but it could just as easily be that the people who experienced the
 problems were not careful to follow what you might say are slightly
 more complex than usual build procedures.
Hmmm.  In my case, I replicated the problem with Debian's plain vanilla 
Apache as well, for the very purpose of simplification.  So SSL does not 
seem to be involved.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
 On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 02:01:33PM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:

My own bug report is now 47 days old, without apparent followup.

Hmmm, I probably should not have posted that.  Sounds like a major whine.
 That's because I'm having an attack of real life.  I haven't had time
 to look at my Debian bug reports in a month or so now.
 I don't know why the DSO is leaking in a case when the static module
 isn't, but it should be fixable; I just need to find five or six hours
 to sit down with it.
Thanks, Dan, this really wasn't meant to be a slam-the-developer 
session.  I really, *really* appreciate all the work you've done already.

Now I feel tacky.  :-(

It's not like it was an obvious problem: I only got the DSO to leak when 
loading the Pg driver.  That's pretty obscure.

Re: Memory leak on reload when the 'Pg' driver is preloaded

2002-10-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

[debian-isp readers, to recap, I'm trying to confirm a 
memory-leak/segfault problem with Debian stable plus apache(-ssl) plus 
libapache-mod-perl.  The memory leak happens upon 
/etc/init.d/apache(-ssl) reload.  You can see my startup script and my 
other comments below.]

Juha-Mikko Ahonen wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 16 October 2002 22:52, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
It's not like it was an obvious problem: I only got the DSO to leak
when loading the Pg driver.  That's pretty obscure.
 Have you tried to connect() without loading the Pg driver first? E.g. 
 $dbh = DBI-connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=foo;host=bar', 'user', 'pass');
 It would help eliminate if the leak is caused by your startup script. If 
 it is, it may be the DBI module that's leaking memory.

OK, it gets weirder.  The following script produces the leak.  If I 
comment out the install_driver line, I get a big old segfault!  Same if 
I comment out the Apache::DBI line in addition.  This works with plain 
apache, or apache-ssl.

use strict;
use Apache::Status ();
use Apache::DBI ();
1; #return true value

If I comment it all out including the Apache::Status line, I get neither 
the segfault or the leak.  (Well, small leak, a few bytes).

So the install_driver masks a bigger problem with Apache::Status? 
That's just too weird.  But true, I swear.

Is there anyone else out there with Debian stable w/ 
apache+libapache-mod-perl who can try to reproduce this simple case? 
I'd really like either a confirmation or a counterexample.  If the 
latter, I'd chalk it up to a weirdness on my system (and probably not 
even pursue it, since I've moved on to the static version).  I'm 
pursuing it this far so Dan J. might get some useful feedback.

I've submitted this to debian-isp as well; maybe someone there can try it.

Re: mod_perl restart vs. graceful

2002-04-09 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stephen Reppucci wrote:
 Hi Darren,
 See my suggested refinement below (I don't like to leave the server
 down any longer than needed...8^):
 On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, darren chamberlain wrote:
  For exactly this reason, I always modify apachectl so that the restart
  option looks like:
  $0 stop
  while [ $count -lt $timeout ]; do
   while [ -f $PIDFILE -a $count -lt $timeout ]; do
  echo -n . 
  sleep 1
  count=`expr $count + 1`
  $0 start
  This will sleep for $2 (or 5 seconds) between stopping and starting.
  The sleep ensures that the start doesn't get called too quickly.
On Debian, if you use the /etc/init.d/apache[-perl] script for
restarting, it uses the start-stop-daemon program to do essentially the
same thing.  (Another reason I like Debian :-).

Re: [WOT] emacs and WEBDAV

2002-03-15 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Kee Hinckley wrote:
 Emacs over WebDAV should work fine if you run something that supports
 WebDAV as a filesystem (e.g. OSX), but that's not going to help you
If you're running Linux, this looks like fun:

There's also kiwifs:

If you're only running Linux on the server, well, maybe you could roll
something with samba (maybe you would need kernel oplocks?).

Seems like all the good stuff is for Linux, doesn't it?  ;-)

Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at eToys

2001-10-19 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Andrew Ho wrote:
 I checked the list archives and it didn't look like this had been posted yet.
 For those of you who haven't seen it yet... a great read on about
 the Apache/mod_perl setup at eToys, co-authored by our own mod_perl
 regular contributer Perrin Harkins.
That's so awesome, the single best piece of technical writing on the web
I can remember in a long time.  Thanks for sharing.

By the way, I noticed he documented still another gotcha due to a sneaky
closure.  Does anyone know off-hand whether the Perl 6 folks plan to
change the closure syntax so they don't sneak into your code this way?

I wonder how many mod_perl authors have never been burned by one?

Re: Advanced daemon allocation

2001-06-20 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Jun 2001, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
   On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 10:41:50AM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
   This is only true if you're serving images off the mod_perl server which
   is crazy unless you're generating them.
  No images involved, but I was seeing a performance improvement under
  HTTP 1.1. What happened was that the user kept getting the same daemon
  for each invocation of the Apache::CGI script, which seemed to be due to
  HTTP 1.1's persistent connections.
 Do you mind if I ask how many users were using the service?
 Because if there were just a few, than it's true.
Yes, it was very few indeed: one or two!

You and Matthew Byng-Maddick have made me realize that mine was probably
the *only* situation in which the KeepAlive technique would have been
very useful:

Rapid reinvocation of a script; extremely limited system memory; very
few users.

Almost sorry I brought it up, but it's been an informative discussion.

Re: Advanced daemon allocation

2001-06-19 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  Trevor Phillips wrote:
   Is there any way to control which daemon handles a certain request with apache
   eg; Out of a pool of 50 daemons, restricting accesses to a certain mod_perl
   application to 10 specific daemons would improve the efficiency of data cached
   in those processes.
  Making sure the browser supports HTTP 1.1 (persistent connections) will
  get you a lot better performance in many cases, since a particular user
  will tend to keep hitting the same daemon, so that helps if they're
  hitting the same or a related script over and over.
 I beg your pardon Keith, but probably in most cases this is a very bad

No offense taken.  Notice I said many cases, not most cases.  ;-) 
But your comment is appreciated:  I certainly wouldn't want to mislead
anyone.  It would be a very bad idea in a busy internet situation.

 By leaving the KeepAlive's on (I guess that's what you refer
 to by persistent connections) 

I say persistent connections because in my case, I saw a difference
coming into play between Netscape and IE browsers - and it was because
IE supported HTTP 1.1, thus persistent connections.  Yes, KeepAlive had
to be on to see the effect.

 you tie a server to a user. Which makes your
 service very unscalable. Given that you can afford X servers processes
 running, when X users will get their persistent connection open, your
 service becomes closed to any other users.

Of course.  For me it was really very much a poor man's alternative to
setting aside a certain number of daemons for mod_perl.  I really didn't
have enough system resources to do that!
 Your solution is good though if you know that you can have at most X users
 over a long time span. Which is usually the case on the intranet servers
 in the small companies.

Which was exactly my situation.  :-)

Re: Advanced daemon allocation

2001-06-19 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
 On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 10:41:50AM -0500, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
 Trevor Phillips wrote:
 Is there any way to control which daemon handles a certain request with apache
 eg; Out of a pool of 50 daemons, restricting accesses to a certain mod_perl
 application to 10 specific daemons would improve the efficiency of data cached
 in those processes.
 Making sure the browser supports HTTP 1.1 (persistent connections) will
 get you a lot better performance in many cases, since a particular user
 will tend to keep hitting the same daemon, so that helps if they're
 hitting the same or a related script over and over.
 This only works within the keepalive timeout. (default configuration 15s)

Yes, this can have negative implications, as Stas explained.  It's a
really good point, and one I wasn't fully aware of.  It worked well *in
my situation*.
 In one case, I was seeing really bad performance from an app, but it
 seemed acceptable to the users, who were all running IE, where I was
 running Netscape, which still doesn't support 1.1 in version 4
 browsers.  :-(  Dunno about 6, Mozilla, etc.
 This is only true if you're serving images off the mod_perl server which
 is crazy unless you're generating them.
Well, it certainly also seemed to be true for rapid, *subsequent*
invocations of a script.  No images involved.

Re: Advanced daemon allocation

2001-06-18 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Trevor Phillips wrote:
 Is there any way to control which daemon handles a certain request with apache
 eg; Out of a pool of 50 daemons, restricting accesses to a certain mod_perl
 application to 10 specific daemons would improve the efficiency of data cached
 in those processes.
Making sure the browser supports HTTP 1.1 (persistent connections) will
get you a lot better performance in many cases, since a particular user
will tend to keep hitting the same daemon, so that helps if they're
hitting the same or a related script over and over.

In one case, I was seeing really bad performance from an app, but it
seemed acceptable to the users, who were all running IE, where I was
running Netscape, which still doesn't support 1.1 in version 4
browsers.  :-(  Dunno about 6, Mozilla, etc.

Noticed you were running Netscape on Linux; what are your users
running?  ;-)

Re: @INC and mod_perl - PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB ... doesn't seem to work

2001-04-12 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  Vivek Khera wrote:
"TS" == Tim Sweetman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   TS you can add directories to @INC by putting
   TS PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /home/httpd/perl
   Just use the second method in the guide.  ie, use lib '/path/to/lib'
   in a startup script.
  I request that the guide be changed, since apparently the 'PerlSetEnv'
  way hasn't worked properly for some time.  Never has for me, anyway.
 Do you have the taint mode turned on? I think at some point mod_perl
 ignores PERL5LIB settings then. Can you confirm that?
It seems to be working like a charm for me now.  :-)
I regret the false imputation...
The root of my misunderstanding was that I did not realize that when I
would start apache by hand, it was getting PERL5LIB from my shell
Then, when the system would reboot, and start Apache, it didn't have it!
So I probably just had things misconfigured (like using 'SetEnv' instead
of 'PerlSetEnv'), and mistakenly concluded that 'use lib' was the only
thing that works reliably.
I could never really debug the problem properly, since everything always
worked by hand.
Then when I saw Tim's post, it seemed to confirm what I already thought
I knew.
Shows what assuming will do.  Hee-haw.  ;-)

Re: @INC and mod_perl - PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB ... doesn't seem to work

2001-04-12 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  Vivek Khera wrote:
"TS" == Tim Sweetman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   TS you can add directories to @INC by putting
   TS PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /home/httpd/perl
   Just use the second method in the guide.  ie, use lib '/path/to/lib'
   in a startup script.
  I request that the guide be changed, since apparently the 'PerlSetEnv'
  way hasn't worked properly for some time.  Never has for me, anyway.
 Do you have the taint mode turned on? I think at some point mod_perl
 ignores PERL5LIB settings then. Can you confirm that?
Ah, I just noticed something else.  If I *am* running a startup script
that 'use's modules that are in my PERL5LIB, I must do 'use lib', or the
script fails to load them.  So 'PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB' is  pretty much
useless (because not sufficient and redundant to 'use lib') in this

That's probably normal and to-be-expected, but it would be nice if it
were actually documented.

Re: @INC and mod_perl - PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB ... doesn't seem to work

2001-04-11 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Vivek Khera wrote:
  "TS" == Tim Sweetman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 TS you can add directories to @INC by putting
 TS PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /home/httpd/perl
 Just use the second method in the guide.  ie, use lib '/path/to/lib'
 in a startup script.
I request that the guide be changed, since apparently the 'PerlSetEnv'
way hasn't worked properly for some time.  Never has for me, anyway.

Re: HTTP_REFERRER and Mod_perl

2001-01-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

"Khachaturov, Vassilii" wrote:
 Please keep in mind that what you describe is a behaviour of one particular
 user agent.
 Some UAs just never send referer for anonymity. (Sometimes proxy will do
 that for them). Some do it for links from a web page, but not from a file://
 URL. Some don't care for the URI scheme, and you get referer's from one's
 bookmarks on the disk.
Another example:

Just noticed the other day that NS6 won't send a referer if the user
does "open in a new window" when right-clicking a link to a script. 
Gack.  Though I would consider that a bug.

Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscripts that contain un-shared memory

2001-01-08 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Les Mikesell wrote:

 I don't think I understand what you mean by LRU.   When I view the
 Apache server-status with ExtendedStatus On,  it appears that
 the backend server processes recycle themselves as soon as they
 are free instead of cycling sequentially through all the available
 processes.   Did you mean to imply otherwise or are you talking
 about something else?
Be careful here.  Note my message earlier in the thread about the
misleading effect of persistent connections (HTTP 1.1).

Perrin Harkins noted in another thread that it had fooled him as well as

Not saying that's what you're seeing, just take it into account. 
(Quick-and-dirty test: run Netscape as the client browser; do you still
see the same thing?)

Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscriptsthat contain un-shared memory

2000-12-22 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Perrin Harkins wrote:
 Keith Murphy pointed out that I was seeing the result of persistent HTTP
 connections from my browser.  Duh.
I must mention that, having seen your postings here over a long period,
anytime I can make you say "duh", my week is made.  Maybe the whole

That issue can be confusing.  It was especially so for me when IE did
it, and Netscape did not...

Let's make everyone switch to IE, and mod_perl looks good again!  :-b

Re: Fwd: [speedycgi] Speedycgi scales better than mod_perl withscripts that contain un-shared memory

2000-12-21 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Perrin Harkins wrote:

 Doesn't that appear to be saying that whichever process gets into the
 mutex first will get the new request?  In my experience running
 development servers on Linux it always seemed as if the the requests
 would continue going to the same process until a request came in when
 that process was already busy.
Is it possible that the persistent connections utilized by HTTP 1.1 just
made it look that way?  Would happen if the clients were MSIE.

Even recent Netscape browsers only use 1.0, IIRC.

(I was recently perplexed by differing performance between MSIE and NS
browsers hitting my system until I realized this.)

Re: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-08 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 Let me stright things out a bit, so you won't get misleaded by my post as
 a marketing call.
 What we want is very simple.
 1. We want many users, so they will thoroughly test the software and spot
 bugs asap, so we -- current users will get a better product.
 2. We want more developers, so they will write core mod_perl and 3rd party
 modules, again for us current users to re-use and save development

It strikes me that there might be a route not yet taken to increase
*availability* of mod_perl.

Think about all the ISPs that host personal and small business web
sites.  How many of them run Apache and allow their customers to code
Perl scripts?

Earthlink (which is huge), for one.  Yet it doesn't have mod_perl
installed.  But if it did, both Earthlink itself and the customers might
see performance benefits from Apache::Registry scripting.

The two biggest obstacles I see to this:

(1) Have to have a *reliable* way for customers to reload their Registry
scripts.  Here's where some development work might be needed.

(2) It might be argued that anything that *needs* Registry is too
heavy-duty for the ISP to want it running anyway.


(I wonder if it might be possible to enlist the Apache folks to campaign
for this as well, since anything that keeps out the dread IIS is

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Re: RFC: mod_perl advocacy project resurrection

2000-12-08 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Patrick wrote:
 On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 03:52:01PM +0100, Stas Bekman took time to write:
  Your problem is that you try to use the precompiled broken packages
  provided by distros.
 If I can jump... I must say that I *never* had a problem with Debian
 packages of mod_perl. Maybe RedHat packages have (don't known I don't
 use that), but Debian packages are correct for me.
 So on a Debian System, you just need to do :
 apt-get install libapache-mod-perl
 and tweak the configuration files.
 At least that's my experience.

Mmmm, I did have a big problem (segfaults) with the apache and mod_perl
from Debian 2.1.  I think it was an upstream, not package, problem
though: that was when most everybody was having a problem with mod_perl
as a module.

I built it into Apache though, and it worked fine.

Debian 2.2 has it built that way as a binary, so I've just gone with
that.  I've stayed away from the separate module thing, so I have no
idea how well it works now.

 (BTW, kudos the the Debian maintainer which probably reads this list)
Absolutely.  I've never seen a package problem.

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Re: Pointer to a list

2000-10-04 Thread Keith G. Murphy

"Roderick A. Anderson" wrote:
 Sorry but I've run out of sources.  (Don't have netnews.)  Is there a
 mailing list for  I've done all I can by reading the 'the book'
 and searching the net.  Can't find anything like the symtoms I'm seeing.
Actually the problem may be a lack of perl knowledge on my part but it
 manifests itself when using so I have to start there.
I take the above to mean that you don't have Usenet access?  Maybe you
could use DejaNews ( to access comp.lang.perl.modules.

Re: Why isn't PerlSetEnv working for me?

2000-09-29 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Doug MacEachern wrote:
 On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  Upon further investigation, what I am seeing is that PERL5LIB gets
  passed into %ENV just fine.  It's just not being used to locate modules;
  it is not in @INC.  Could the part of Perl that pushes the PERL5LIB
  setting to @INC have already executed prior to my PerlSetEnv statement?
 i don't think so, it's set by mod_perl.c on every request, in
 /* SetEnv PERL5LIB */
 if (!MP_INCPUSH(cld)) {
 char *path = (char *)table_get(r-subprocess_env, "PERL5LIB");
 if (path) {
 what version of mod_perl are you using?

1.21_03-dev (it's the one in the current Debian release).

Re: Why isn't PerlSetEnv working for me?

2000-09-27 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Keith G. Murphy wrote:
  I'm running Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl embedded, on Debian GNU/Linux.
  I have the following lines towards the end of my httpd.conf:
  PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /usr/local/MyPerl/lib
  Include perllocs.conf
  However, upon system startup, my fails because it can't find
  a particular module in the @INC list.
  If I start Apache from the command line, it works.  This is undoubtedly
  because PERL5LIB is set up in my /etc/profile, to the same path.
  I've looked at this until I'm crosseyed.  Seemingly PerlSetEnv just
  doesn't work.
  Any ideas?  Yes, I know the workaround: 'use lib' in  But

Yes, I have looked at that.
 Regarding the setting of PerlPassEnv PERL5LIB in httpd.conf: if you turn
 on taint checks (PerlTaintCheck On), $ENV{PERL5LIB} will be ignored
 (unset). See the 'Switches -w, -T' section.
I can explicitly set it *off*:

PerlTaintCheck Off

and still get the same behavior.

Upon further investigation, what I am seeing is that PERL5LIB gets
passed into %ENV just fine.  It's just not being used to locate modules;
it is not in @INC.  Could the part of Perl that pushes the PERL5LIB
setting to @INC have already executed prior to my PerlSetEnv statement?

If so, that would certainly limit the usefulness of PerlSetEnv for that
purpose.  Maybe some note should be made in the docs.  Or can someone
confirm that it works for them?

Re: Why isn't PerlSetEnv working for me?

2000-09-27 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Chris Winters wrote:
 * Keith G. Murphy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [000926 18:43]:
  I'm running Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl embedded, on Debian GNU/Linux.
  I have the following lines towards the end of my httpd.conf:
  PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /usr/local/MyPerl/lib
  Include perllocs.conf
  However, upon system startup, my fails because it can't find
  a particular module in the @INC list.
  If I start Apache from the command line, it works.  This is undoubtedly
  because PERL5LIB is set up in my /etc/profile, to the same path.
  I've looked at this until I'm crosseyed.  Seemingly PerlSetEnv just
  doesn't work.
  Any ideas?  Yes, I know the workaround: 'use lib' in  But
 There's another workaround:
 in httpd.conf:
   use lib qw( /usr/local/MyPerl/lib );
 Pretty painless :)
That's a great workaround (from both Chrises), that I will use.  :-) 

Why isn't PerlSetEnv working for me?

2000-09-26 Thread Keith G. Murphy

I'm running Apache 1.3.9 with mod_perl embedded, on Debian GNU/Linux.

I have the following lines towards the end of my httpd.conf:

PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /usr/local/MyPerl/lib
Include perllocs.conf

However, upon system startup, my fails because it can't find
a particular module in the @INC list.

If I start Apache from the command line, it works.  This is undoubtedly
because PERL5LIB is set up in my /etc/profile, to the same path.

I've looked at this until I'm crosseyed.  Seemingly PerlSetEnv just
doesn't work.

Any ideas?  Yes, I know the workaround: 'use lib' in  But

Re: Question about $sth-finish;

2000-08-15 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Matt Sergeant wrote:
 On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Vladislav Safronov wrote:
  Could you have a look at the lines and answer the question ..
  sub foo {
my $dbh = shift;
my $sql = ...
my $sth = $dbh-prepare($sql);
  Do I always need to call $sth-finish? Wouldn't it be automaticly called
  sub foo ends (when my variable $sth get destroyed)?
 $sth doesn't always get destroyed when foo ends (due to a bug in all

(Boggle)  Really? 'My' variables going out of scope don't always get
freed up?  Or is this strictly an object thing with DESTROY?

Re: Why do variables not reinitialize when script changed?

2000-08-04 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Stas Bekman wrote:
 I think you confuse,
 something. When the script is recompiled all the variables belonging to
 the package decalared by Apache::Registry or similar are getting reset. If
 you require/use() some modules that declare packages and have global
 variables -- these won't be reset unless reloaded or initialized in your

OK, we've lost my original question here, but what I was saying was

I have a script that is in Apache::Registry.  (It's showing up in
"Compiled Registry Scripts" in perl-status).

The global variables are *not* getting set on recompilation.  Are you
saying they should?
   *You* have straightened me out, on the other hand.
   So, lessee, BEGIN { somevar=somevalue; } ought to work for a variable I
   want reinitialized at compilation only...
 Not if you are talking about the scripts running under Apache::Registry
 and friends, please read the guide.
Stas, what are you talking about?  Your own guide says:

"BEGIN blocks in Apache::Registry scripts will be executed, as above
An additional time, once per child process, each time the script file
changes on disk. "

I.e., at compilation.  And that is what I'm seeing, and it's the
behavior I want.

I think you are confused about what I am saying.  Probably working too
much on the template guide...  :-)

Re: Feature sets [was Re: Templating System]

2000-08-03 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Ron Pero wrote:
 * Place the templating systems into a spectrum of categories, from simplest
 to most complex/developed.
 It would look approximately like this (not attempting to be complete):
 -Level one, simplest
 * Simple tag/anchor replacement
 * Embedded code evaluation
 -Level two, complete templating, but templating only
 * HTML::Template
 * Template Toolkit
 * HTML - Tree (??)
 -Level three, templating plus (added features such as session management,
 database integration, etc.)
 * Apache::ASP
 * Embperl
 * HTML::Mason
 * AxKit
Perhaps the other dimension could be whether it is based on browsing a
page that calls Perl, or invoking a Perl script that brings in a page. 
Then you'd have a nice 2D grid that I would think would impart a lot of
information at a glance.  Not that there aren't products that would go
into more than one cell.

Another thing to note would be whether the product is useful for
generating static pages, like Template Toolkit, and (I'm sure) others.

Re: Why do variables not reinitialize when script changed?

2000-08-03 Thread Keith G. Murphy

___cliff rayman___ wrote:
 The perl interpreter has a one global symbol table called the stash where
 all global variables are referenced by package and by variable name.
 Since the interpreter does not go away when a script is recompiled, neither
 does the stash or any of the items contained within it.  Some programmers
 are probably using this as a feature, and therefore it is unlikely that it
 will change.
 This is really standard perl stuff and it has nothing to do with
 Apache::Registry in particular.  It is just something the average perl
 programmer does not come across since we usually load the interpreter, load
 a program, run the program, exit the interpreter.
 check out:
Thanks for the info and the link.

One note though.  The info in the link really doesn't pertain to my
specific question:

"global variables persist inside the same process from request to

I knew that; I was surprised that they did even on a recompilation of
the script, which the link info doesn't really refer to.

*You* have straightened me out, on the other hand.

So, lessee, BEGIN { somevar=somevalue; } ought to work for a variable I
want reinitialized at compilation only...

Yep, works.  Thanks.

Why do variables not reinitialize when script changed?

2000-08-02 Thread Keith G. Murphy

This is probably a very basic question, understood by everyone but...

Why, when I change a script loaded under Apache::Registry, and the
script (verifiably) reloads, do global variables not reinitialize?

I'm running Apache 1.3.9, mod_perl 1.21 on a Debian GNU/Linux system.

Am I the only one that finds it odd that the variables hang around
unchanged when the script that they pertain to is recompiled?

Perhaps this is stated or implied in the documentation; I didn't see it.

Re: Templating System

2000-07-28 Thread Keith G. Murphy

"Randal L. Schwartz" wrote:
  "Jacob" == Jacob Davies [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Jacob Now as to ampersands used to separate form fields, like:
 Jacob  A HREF="/somehandler?email=jacob%40sfinteractive.comname=Jacob"
 Jacob do you mean that it should be:
 Jacob  A HREF="/somehandler?email=jacob%40sfinteractive.comamp;name=Jacob"
 Jacob instead?  That second one looks better now that I look at it,
 Jacob but I confess that I invariably use the first one.
 Then you are wrong. :) You need to have amp; in there, so that the
 browser can turn it back from amp; to  before sending the URL back
 up to your server (or whichever server comes along).
Are there any browsers that do not actually handle the naked ''
correctly?  I confess that I also missed this, though I do understand
the reason: the first one's invalid HTML.  It just seems to always work.

Re: Guide search engine (was Re: multiple copies of a module)

2000-05-17 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Jeremy Howard wrote:
 I'm glad you brought this up again. Since I mentioned I'd be happy to host such a 
thing, and asked for suggestions, I've got a total of one (from Stas--thanks!). That 
suggestion was to use ht://dig
 Has anyone got a search engine up and running that they're happy with? Stas has made 
the good point that it needs to be able to hilight found words, since the pages are 
quite large. If anyone has a chance to do a bit of research about (free) search 
engines, I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know what you find out. It'd be 
nice publicity if it was mod_perl based, I guess, but it doesn't really matter.
I know this is absolute anathema, considering you guys are developers,

Have you looked at, at least as a temporary solution?  (A
free service for sites with fewer than 500 pages).  Basically, the
search brings up their page, but you can customize it to look just like
one of yours.  It truly is fast (as hell) and flexible, and it does
highlight found words.  Even does soundalikes in the absence of other
matches.  The result page will show their logo, though, but it's rather

(The biggest drawback, as a long-term solution, is that if you change
the look of your pages, you have one more maintenance chore to do, in
that you have to go over to and change your result page there
as well).

O'Reilly uses it, if that helps!  :-)

Try this:

(Looks for O'Reilly books pages containing 'cgi').

Yeah, I know, I'd rather roll my own, too, given time...

Re: talking about cookies (was: session something...)

2000-05-12 Thread Keith G. Murphy

"Jeffrey W. Baker" wrote:
 On Thu, 11 May 2000, Marc Slemko wrote:
  In reality, IE's recently publicized hole (which I reported to them, in a
  slightly modified form, months ago but they didn't see fit to release a
  patch...) doesn't change much.
  Hotmail?  Yahoo mail?  etc.  Your cookies for all those sites
  are vulnerable anyway due to the "cross site scripting" issue.  This
  particular hole in IE doesn't change things too much.  Sure, there may be
  the rare site that isn't vulnerable to cross site scripting.  But that is
  the very rare site, and most sites that think they aren't vulnerable are.
  Cookies are not secure and will never be secure.  I have said it before
  and will say it again many times before I die.  Unfortunately, it isn't as
  simple as saying "well, don't use cookies".  There isn't much in the way
  of alternatives for a lot of things...
 Cross-site scripting attacks are hard for most people to wrap their minds
 around.  There are a zillion sites that are vulnerable, mainly because
 they parrot back to the user whatever they submitted without doing any
 validation or HTML/URL escaping.  Then there are browser bugs that don't
 treat excaped character properly.  Sigh.
Whether we're talking about the IE bug, or cross-site scripting issues,
wouldn't the whole thing be solved by users turning *off* scripting and
leaving the cookies *on*?  I.e., in what ways are cookies not safe if
scripting is turned off?

What great functionality is lost if users turn off their scripting?

Of course, this may be an abstract question in terms of programming, if
users *do* insist on enabling scripting.

I do notice that both Microsoft and CERT, in their different ways,
recommend that folks turn off scripting for best protection against
cross-site scripting attacks:

So maybe some will get the message.
Though making ridiculous recommendations like avoiding "promiscuous
browsing" (CERT's words) doesn't help.
And MS's recommendation simply eliminates E-mail-based attacks using
their product (Outlook), while leaving others exposed.  They make it
ridiculously hard to turn off scripting, then show you how to do it only
in a limited way.

But it does seem like not even MS is saying "Don't accept cookies". 
Though they're still pretty quiet on the latest IE hole.

Re: OT: Re: Most nonesense I've ever read about mod_perl

2000-05-09 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Frank Mayhar wrote:
 Matt Sergeant wrote:
  On Sun, 7 May 2000, Frank Mayhar wrote:
   Perl does have some good constructs for Web work, too.  I've been writing
   a webstore and some stuff is really convenient that would be inconvenient
   in C.  On the other hand, there's some stuff that I just wouldn't use Perl
   for, like, say, a system daemon, and there's other stuff that I _can't_ use
   it for, like in the kernel.
  Do a web search for perlfs - yes someone really did embed perl into the
  Linux kernel ;-)
 Kill them.  Kill them now.
Don't forget the wooden stake through their hearts.

But, given that Perl has such odd but useful syntax, I've always wanted
to see core Perl in *firmware*.  Think how mod_perl could fly!  :-)

But then, I enjoyed the C64 with its embedded Basic.  I liked it more
when I put that Comal cartridge in there.  Yeah, kill me.  Kill me now.

Re: oracle : The lowdown

2000-01-14 Thread Keith G. Murphy

David Harris wrote:
 Jeff Warner wrote:
We were a mySQL shop.  We replaced mySQL with Oracle8i/mod_perl and
  and Apache::DBI.  Works great, once it is all setup.  Our overall
  processing is faster with Oracle too.  The lack of transactions and
  views put an immediate end of mySQL once we got into the details of my
Oracle is overkill for smaller task but you don't have to worry about
  outgrowing it.
 What about PostgreSQL ( It looks like it has transaction
 management (commit, rollback) with the whole concurrency control thing. I
 don't know if has views. I've got a small project that I am figuring on
 using PostgreSQL for, so I'm curious to hear what people might have to say
 about it.
 Another option to look at is Solid ( They just quoted me
 their Solid Embedded Server (their name for a database server) for $2,000
 per CPU. I used their database server a few years ago and it was very nice.
 Back then it cost only $200, too... :-)
Has anyone tried this (especially on other distributions/kernel/libc

I'd be most interested in your experiences.

Of course, InterBase is going open-source, soon.  :-)

Re: Seg fault on fork w/ PerlModule

1999-11-16 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Tony Demark wrote:
 I have compiled the following:
 Apache 1.3.9
 When starting an httpd process with a 'PerlModule' defined in the conf file,
 the process will seg fault when it attempts to fork:

It is well known now that there is a problem with mod_perl as a DSO with
these versions.  Have you tried statically linking mod_perl into Apache?

There's been a fair amount of discussion about all this, actually.

OT: Re: mod-perl logo

1999-11-02 Thread Keith G. Murphy

Chris Thompson wrote:
 On Mon, Nov 01, 1999 at 04:42:50PM -0400, Neil Kandalgaonkar wrote:
  Joshua Chamas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That said, they do allow non-profits and others to use the camel, e.g. the
  Perl Mongers. It's not evil, they're just trying to protect a trademark
  which they built. AFAIK no one associated a camel w/perl before the ORA
 There's a slightly different reason that you are all missing. It's not
 that they WANT to defend their trademark, it's that they HAVE to defend
 their trademark, or they lose it. As I recall under US trademark law, if I
 can prove that you knew of a use of your trademark and did nothing, The
 courts can say that you werent defending it, and take it away.
 Just goes to show, in the US if you dont vigorously defend your rights to
 any registered or implicit trademark, you can lose it.
Trademark law is probably designed to avoid the very kind of situation
that is going on with Unisys and GIFs.  Unfortunately, that's a