AMQ9540: Commit failed.

2004-11-17 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We have been running MQSeries v5.1 on HP-UX 11.0 for
many years. Recently we have upgraded machines and
set them up in a failover configuration.

These new machines are runnng HP-UX 11.11 and use
HP Serviceguard to handle the failover.

Unfortunatly we also loaded the DCE and non-DCE version
of MQSeries v5.1. We do not have DCE loaded. Most
information I find says that running the DCE version
of MQSeries without DCE will cause things to not work.

In our case we have both installed and even though it
looks like our executables point to the DCE version
of the code, we can start queue managers and they run
fine ... for a couple of days. Then the listener starts
creating lots of defunct processes and eventually the
below error gets thrown and the queue manager drops.

11/16/04  18:50:31
AMQ9540: Commit failed.

The program ended because return code 2195 was
received when an attempt was made to commit
change to the resource managers.  The commit
ID was
Tell the systems administrator.

We are not sure if the problem is the DCE and non-DCE
MQSeries conflicting with each other or it could be
HP-UX 11.11 does not play well with MQSeries v5.1.

Any thoughts?

Jeff Tressler
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'q' file resize

2004-11-15 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We have a disk drive full and it is all due to two files. These are
the 'q' files that store the actual messages. The queue depth
has finally reached zero but these q files still are taking a
lot of disk space.

I beleive these file will be resized to a more appropriate size
but dont know how often this occurs. Does anyone have
any ideas?

We are running Windows 2000, WebSphere MQ v5.3

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Re: Dealing with time differences?

2004-11-12 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Cheesy way - Have transactions arrive in a hold queue. Have
an application get them and put them to the correct destination
queue. This will have all the messages have a standardized
time based on your local system. This assumes that messages
are not sitting on the sender side for any significant amount of time.
/sets aside and let good ideas arrive

Jeff Tressler

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strange DLQ error code

2004-10-22 Thread Jeff A Tressler
:  444C 4820 0100   0100 5343 532E 'DLH SCS.'
0010:  5052 4F43 4553 532E 5155 4555 4520 2020 'PROCESS.QUEUE   '

The first few lines of the DLQ using amqsbcg on Windows 2000 and WebSphere
MQ v5.3.

The DLQ reason code is '0001' hex, I have never seen this before, any ideas
what it is

Jeff Tressler

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Re: strange DLQ error code

2004-10-22 Thread Jeff A Tressler
The reason code is '0001', assuming that system is little endian =
= application rather than MQ.


Ok, I guess I am used to HP-UX where Unknown Object Name 0825 appears as
2508 in the DLQ header.

Jeff Tressler

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Shared Library Problem

2004-08-16 Thread Jeff A Tressler
In our production environment our MQSeries program is getting:
/usr/lib/ Can't open shared library: /var/mqm/exits/MQSTR_r
/usr/lib/ No such file or directory

The program reads a queue, does some simple data formatting,
and writes to a file.

In all envrionments except production (Dev, Test, Site Acceptance
Test) the program runs well. In our production environment, the
program still does what it was designed to do except the above
errors occur on every read of the queue. It still formats the
data and writes it to the text file.

This library file is not anywhere on the systems we use. We
have no exits, except channel security exits, defined. Anyone
have any ideas?

Jeff Tressler

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WBI MB v5/0 and DB2

2004-08-06 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Installed the software, tried to create a database using DB2 Control
Center. Received SQL22205C error. This is on Windows 2000. Just
curious if any onther WebSphere Business Integration Message
Broker v5.0 users have seen this.

Jeff Tressler

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WebSphere MQ v5.3 Pre-Requisites

2004-07-20 Thread Jeff A Tressler

We are installing WebSphere MQ v5.3 on Windows 2000. For software
it requires Java 1.3 or higher. The installaion program even has a button
to install
Java. It installs Java 1.4.

Unfortunatly the installation program still fails to detect Java. We
checked and noticed
classpath was not updated, we changed this, rebooted and still the
installation program
does not recognize Java.

We have a similar problem with WBI MB (MQ Integrator) v5.0. Installation
a certain patch level for Windows 2000. We have the latest which is much
then requested but the installtion program does not recognize the
prerequisites are
being met.

Any ideas.

Jeff Tressler

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2004-07-09 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We have a JAVA program using the java client libraries. The code uses
a SVRCONN channel. The java code is sent some java objects and it
serialized then and puts them into an object list.

When it executes the 'message.writeobject', an exception is thrown.
Basically 2003 - MQRC_BACKOUT.

Our understanding is the message is being built and not using
the SVRCONN channel to do anything since a put message
has not been called yet.

Granted, we are placing 500+ serialized objects in the object list
but now sure where a log is being used to cause the BACKOUT

I suspect the queue manager log is not being used since it has
linear logs and 10,000 uncommited messages set. We are
trying to create a single message, the MAXMSGL parameters are
100MB but if the SVRCONN channel and the queue manager
is not being used yet, this does not seem to be relavent.

Does the java client have its own internal log that can fill up
with a long running unit of work? Any thoughts would be

Jeff Tressler

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amqpcsea is not running

2004-07-02 Thread Jeff A Tressler
The Command Server (amqpcsea) is not running but all other
processes are running. Applications and channels already
connected are working but no new connections or applications
can start.

Is there some way to bring amqpcsea back up without stopping
the queue manager? This is HP-UX and since amqpcsea is
down I cannot run 'runmqsc'.

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Re: CCSID 437 can't convert in HP-Unix

2004-06-10 Thread Jeff A Tressler
WebSphere MQ is unable to convert string data tagged in
CCSID 437 to data in CCSID 1051.

Are you sure it is WebSphere MQ that has the problem?
The reason I ask is we have the same problem but it is
the Java Libraries that have this problem. Our c and c++
applications handle the conversion without problems.

Our fix, not solution, is to not convert when sending from
Windows. The data is in the Windows code page but
our Java apps can understand this format.

Not sure how you would handle the OS/390 unless you
hopped through a Windows system. Do the conversion
in the channel to Windows and turn off conversion in the
channel between Windows and HP-UX.

Jeff Tressler

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UNIX System Load for MQSeries

2004-05-12 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Our SA has been task to determine the system load of MQSeries. The
only thing I can find is a two word description of the processes.

amqpcsea  command processor
amqhasmx  logger
amqharmx  log formatter
amqzllp0  checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0  queue manager agents
amqzma0   processing controller
amqcrsta  TCP/IP listener

Which of these are of any consequences such that the SA can
get system resource usage. I would assume command processor
can be safely ignored since I do not believe we use it. And the
TCP/IP listeners would be important since each inbound channel
spawns one of these processes.

At this point it seems amqcrsta, amqhasmx, and amqzlaa0 are the
most important processes to examine to determine load. The rest
contribute only in a minor way.

Am I missing something here?

Jeff Tressler

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Getting rid of expired messages

2004-05-12 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Two questions

1) If you are using V5.3 a browse will remove the expired messages.
From the Reason Code 2033 thread.

I thought browse would work on any version. We use MQSeries v5.1 for
HP-UX 11.x. If browse does not work how do we clean up unexpired
messages? Doing a destructive read and putting the unexpired
messages back seems extreme.

2) Sending system send bunch of messages with expiration. The
destination system is down so messages back up in transmission
queue and expiration time is exceeded. When the destination is
back on-line, does the MCA remove the expired messages or does
it pass them down the channel.

I expect the MCA, doing a destructive read, will result in the expired
messages being deleted.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Getting rid of expired messages

2004-05-12 Thread Jeff A Tressler
When an application attempts read a expired message
using a destructive MQGET on any version, the result
is the same as if that message does not exist. it
doesn't matter if the application in the Channel
initiator, MQ or you. The difference with 5.3 is
that the result is the same when browsing.
Gregg Tuben
Lead Developer z/OS WSMQ products
BMC Software Inc.
Ok I realized I left something out. We will be reading
by Correl ID and in this case, we will not be doing
destructive reads on the expired messages during
normal application processing.

The application will know the message expired and will
not keep trying to read the message once it times out.
Thus we need a background process to do the clean up.

Having the background process do a destructive read and
then put the messages successfully read seems excessive.
I was under the impression that doing a BROWSE in v5.1
would accomplish the deletion.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Request / Reply

2004-04-26 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I am working with a group who is using the Java client. They
are not using the local bindings. To connect to the queue
manager they decided to use SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN.

The applications failed to connect and the error logs have the
following errors. These errors continue though all their error

04/23/04  14:46:43
AMQ9508: Program cannot connect to the queue manager.

The connection attempt to queue manager 'APPSERV5_F1_QM' failed with reason
code 2059.
Ensure that the queue manager is available and operational.
- amqrmsaa.c : 420

04/23/04  14:46:43
AMQ: Channel program ended abnormally.

Channel program 'SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN' ended abnormally.
Look at previous error messages for channel program 'SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN' in
error files to determine the cause of the failure.
- amqrmrsa.c : 467

04/23/04  14:46:43
AMQ9508: Program cannot connect to the queue manager.

The connection attempt to queue manager 'APPSERV5_F1_QM' failed with reason
code 2059.
Ensure that the queue manager is available and operational.
- amqrmsaa.c : 420

04/23/04  14:46:44
AMQ: Channel program ended abnormally.

Channel program 'SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN' ended abnormally.
Look at previous error messages for channel program 'SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN' in
error files to determine the cause of the failure.
- amqrmrsa.c : 467


I asked that they create a new SVRCONN channel and this works fine.
The SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN continues to fail. I have little experience
with Java connecting to queue managers. Any idea what we are having
problems with?

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Highest MQ volumes

2004-04-16 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Brian S. Crabtree
WBI Consultant

Thanks Brian, it is good to learn new stuff, that is why
this list is so good.

1-3 million msgs per day is not a huge volume especially
for z/OS - an old NT box could handle it

It was not the 1 million messages a day that I was worried
about, especially since they were nonpersistent. We have
scoped our high end Windows NT systems to run 3 million
persistent messages per day.

It was the trigger on EVERY. Best case that will trigger
11 times per second assuming an evenly distributed message
traffic. Considering peaks, seems this could be even higher
and realistically even to the hundreds of triggers a second.

Just worried since I know many new developers see trigger on
EVERY and get very excited and wanted to make sure there
was not a better solution.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Highest MQ volumes

2004-04-15 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We are triggering on every, to process the messages
in parallel using CKTI instead of writing a separate
CICS listener to process in this fashion. CICS will
preload the module after the first couple of triggers
to increase performance for loading.  If we triggered
on first, messages would process serially, not fast

Just curious but 1 million requests per 24 hours, even
if distributed evenly is 11 requests per second. 11
requests every second of every day. Not to mention you
will probably experience peaks much higher than this.

I don't know much about CICS I work in the UNIX and
Windows world but seems just the overhead of processing
that many requests would be a waste of resources.

Could you not trigger on first and just spawn enough
threads to handle processing? Or when you brought the
region up preload enough modules to handle the load and
skip the triggering?

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Windows 2003 and WebSphere MQ v5.3 Problem

2004-04-09 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Hi everybody

As the most knowledgeable person at our company concerning MQSeries, I
get asked about MQ problems even when it concerns the remote systems
we communicate with via MQSeries. I am the expert so why don't I know
what is wrong with the remote system. blah blah blah

Anyway, we can load WebSphere MQ v5.3 on Windows 2003 and it works
fine. The installation on the remote systems, under control of another
company, did not go as well.

They cannot create queue managers from the GUI, MQ Explorer. They cannot
get the command server started via the GUI. Once the queue manager was
created via the command line, they could activate a listener via the GUI
no channels could start and would return a queue manager unavailable
error. Even if we start the command server via the command line, the GUI
still does not work. It seems if we do anything to the queue manager using
MQ Explorer it hoses the queue manager.

Dozens of FDC files were created each day they attempted to do anything
via the GUI. Internal MQSeries errors throughout the error logs when they
do anything via the GUI.

If they do everything with the command line everything seems to work. I
worry that the above indicates some fundamental problem that only is
being masked by doing things via the command line. I expect at some
point the fundamental problem to reassert itself even though we are
avoiding the GUI.

The only difference I can tell is their system is using CSD06 and our
system is using CSC04. Has anyone heard about possible problems
with CSD06.

I have asked them to call the problem into IBM but suspect they will not
be doing so anytime soon since things seem to be working.

Thanks for all the help.

Jeff Tressler

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Clearing Expiry Messages

2004-04-07 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Our developers ran across some documentation on expiration and have
began to implement their design to use this feature.

The are sending a questions to a remote queue manager and expect
a response in a timely manner. If they do not receive the response the
application continues on. Since they are reading the response based
on Correl Id, if the application does not get a response in a timely manner
no one will every read that message. Thus they want the message to

1) What is a good expiration to have on the message?
 - Double the expected response time, if the expected response is
   15 seconds, place an expiration time of 30 seconds. 60 second
   response time is 120 second expiration.
 - Expected Response time + X. If the expected response time is
   15 seconds, add 10 seconds for a 25 second expiry. If the expected
   response is 60 seconds, set an expiration of 70 seconds.

2) I know the message is not really deleted when the expiration time is
 reached but when something touches the message the expiration is
 checked and if the message has expired it is removed from the queue.

 Since the application reads based on Correl Id, it is most certain
 no application will touch the message once it reaches it expiration
 Do I do something as simple as schedule amqsbcg to run against the
 queue and pipe the output to /dev/null? This assumes all messages
 are less than 32K. Basically I believe I need to have a process that
 browses the queue periodically to clean up all the expired messages.

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Re: Clearing Expiry Messages

2004-04-07 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Set an Expiry just above your Wait Interval
is valid, but keep in mind that your queues
will be cleared almost immediately of any
orphaned messages as subsequent gets execute.

This is what I understand in general, here is
the specifics of my issue and how I understand
the issue.

Our application reads by Correl Id. I assume the
read checks each message sequentially in the
queue to see if there is a matching Correl Id.
If the Correl Id does not match, MQ DOES NOT
do a Expiry check. This is my assumption, I
assume that it only does an expiry check when
it actually reads the message (GET or BROWSE).
If the Correl Id does not match the id supplied
by the application then the message does not get

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JMS and ReplyTo Function

2004-03-30 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I do not know JMS but our developers are trying to use the ReplyToQueue
and ReplyToQueueManager feature.

I can explain how it is supposed to work using the procedural terminology.
The program does a MQOpen using the reply to queue and queue manager
and MQSeries figures out it need to open and generate messages to a
transmission queue with the same name as the ReplyToQueueManager.

The problem is they are having problems translating that into object based
JMS. They are calling some Sender method passing Destination or

Any information on how JMS handles reply messages?

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Request / Reply

2004-03-15 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I understand the theory of Request/Reply with respect to
ReplyToQueue and ReplyToQueueManager. But how do
I set this up to actually work.

We have 5 systems sending to a single server. All connection
use Sender./Receiver channels so no client connections.

I believe I set up a transmission queue for each of the five
sites. The name of the transmission queues are the same
as the name of the destination queue managers.

What I believe will happen is the application copies the
ReplyToQeue and ReplyToQueueManager from the
message that arrives to the ReplyToQeue and
ReplyToQueueManager of the Reply message.

It sets the MessageType to MQMT_REPLY ...

And here is where I get lost. They need to open a queue
but the ReplyToQueue does not exist on the server, only
a transmission queue named for the destination queue

Do I use MQPUT1 and hope MQSeries resolves the open to
the correct transmission queue?

I cannot use remote queues or alias since the destination
queue is the same name for all five sites, so how do I
set things up so it resolves correctly.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Request / Reply

2004-03-15 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Jeff wrote:
I cannot use remote queues or alias since the destination
queue is the same name for all five sites, so how do I
set things up so it resolves correctly.

Sounds like you already did. If there is a XMIT queue named exactly like
ReplyToQueueManager, MQ name resolution will place the message there and
deliver it to the correct QM.


This is what I expect but will the MQOPEN fail since there is not queue. i
the application needs to open a queue for the PUT to work. Or does the fact
that the MessageType = MQMT_REPLY or does name resolution always work.

Example: Incoming message ReplyToQueue = RESPONSE.QUEUE and
ReplyToQueueManager = QM1. I have a Transmission queue = QM1 and the
channels set up to send the message to the correct queue manager.

Do I MQOPEN (RESPONSE QUEUE) or do I MQOPEN (QM1)? Do I have to set
the MessageType = MQMT_REPLY?

If MQOPEN(QM1) there what do I set to make sure the response gets to the

Jeff Tressler

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OPPROCS(255) on transmission queue

2004-03-09 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We recently ran into the value of OPPROCS = 255 on a transmission
queue. We have not made any changes and suddenly this occurs.
Has anyone ever seen this and have an explaination?

Unfortunatly, we are still running MQSeries v5.1 on HP-UX.

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Re: MQ Message statistics

2004-03-02 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I would like to find out what the most optimal way would be to gather
statistics on message volumes passing through our central HUB server.

Not sure about optimal but this is fairly easy if you don't mind the counts
being slightly inaccurate when channels fail abnormally.

We have a DISCINT set to 90 minutes on each channel. Then every 30
minutes we run a simple script to dump the channel status.

This gives us the current message count and can be used to determine
how many messages have passed through since channel started. Now
when the channel is going to stop, the last 2-3 results of the channel
status will be the same number since no new messages have passed
through the channel.

We run additional scripts to grep and cut out the useless stuff and
put the numbers in a spreadsheet. Makes nice graphs.

If the channel stop abnormally then you counts will be off a bit but
that does not happen very often.

The advantage of this is it is easy and does not take up any additional
processing time for each message. Seem a message exit or message
flow change could have an impact on the performance.

Jeff Tressler

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2004-02-27 Thread Jeff A Tressler
This parameter seems a little odd to me.  It
seems like by definition, non-persistent
messages shouldn't persist across a queue
manager restart. Not sure why IBM saw the
need to create a new sort of persistent
Seems to me that if you rely heavily upon the
speed of non-persistant messages, then these
messages should not be deleted for normal
queue manager down times.

If you stop the queue manager nightly to do
backups, then you dont want to lose normal
transaction traffic.

After all it is normal system down time.

On the other hand, if the queue manager or
sytem has a catastrophic failure then loss
of non-persistant messages is expected.

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Using more than one queue manager due to volume

2004-01-27 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Currently we have 800,000 transaction around 1K in size going
through a queue manager. We have a new project that will add
another 500,000 messages ranging from 10K to 2M with most
being in the 10K range.

I have been asked if another queue manager would make sense
to handle this new traffic. My first reaction, which I believe is the
correct action, is to use the single queue manager.

I know with radically different message sizes, using a second
channel can help by keeping the large messages from slowing
down the small messages but figure I better get some other
opinions on having a second queue manager.

The only way I would think it could be better would only work
if both queue managers had a separate set of dedicated
drives for their queues and logs. Otherwise the logging from
the two queue managers would be interfering with each other
and any performance gains would not be realized.

Then again, the additional overhead of running another
queue manager would also cut into any performance gains.

What, if any, are the reasons why you would want two queue
managers instead of a single queue manager?

Thanks everyone.

Jeff Tressler

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Problem committing messages

2004-01-19 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Our Java application is reading multiple entries in Oracle. Each record is
placed in an
MQSeries message object. When four messages are created, written and
the commit fails. When three messages are created, written to the queue and
the commit succeeds. In our case, the messages are 20 MB in size.

We have checked the logging and it is linear and we have plenty of disk
space. We have
checked the MQSeries objects and confirmed they can handle messages this

I know there is a max uncommitted message count, is the some other
parameters that
I need to be aware of that covers max uncommitted data such that 70+MB of
messages fail but 60MB of uncommitted messages succeeds.


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What is supported to run under Windows XP

2004-01-09 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Specifically we are trying to execute the MQSeries Integrator Control
Center v2.0.1
under Windows XP. The actual broker and configuration manager is running
Window NT so is not a problem but I have been forced to upgrade my desktop
NT to XP and now the Control Center does not work

I know we are like three versions behind (2.0.1 - me, 2.0.2, 2.1, 5.0 -
latest) but we have
not upgraded and will not be able to upgrade for at least two or three

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Message Driven Beans and FAIL_IF_QUIESCING

2003-12-31 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Are you using the JMS? In the past I noticed that the JMS did not
support FAIL_IF_QUIESCING. This is one of the reasons I am not
a supporter of JMS.

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OS/390 - MQSeries v5.2 - Unix System Services

2003-12-22 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We are purchasing an application to run under OS/390 but due to its use of
needs to run under Unix Systems Services (USS). I know nothing about USS
how applications running under USS can access the base MQSeries running
under OS/390.

Do we need to use the Java clients to access MQSeries? If so that means we
the Client Attach facility for OS/390.

Can we create a new queue manager running under USS that is separate from
queue manager running under OS/390? If so, what about the issue of one
manager per OS/390 region?

Basically any information would be great.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: WMQI Versions

2003-12-09 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Dont forget WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker v5.0.
I believe this is the latest version and uses Eclipse.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Message Sequencing in MQSeries

2003-11-25 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Having dealt with this recently, once you go to remote queue managers, the
of messages is hard to assure. The things needed to be done are usually
you don't want to do. For example, a DLQ on the receiving system will break
the order
guarantee. So you would have to run your queue manager without a DLQ and
any mis-delivered messages on any channel will stop that channel.

The best option is to use message grouping if you queue managers are at the
appropriate level.

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How do you test a MQSeries recovery plan

2003-11-18 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We are working on solidifying our MQSeries recovery plans. Coming up with a
plan seems
easy but how do you test it before actually needing it to be sure it
accomplishes you needs?

Do people actually create and mess with queue managers? Does this risk
corrupting your
queue managers and possibly your systems?

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2003-10-23 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I am transmitting messages from one system to another. The messages
are placed in a Remote Queue with to correct remote queue and remote
queue manager definitions. It references the transmission queue to send
the data to the remote system.

The channel uses to defined transmit queue and starts without any problems.
The messages are sent to the destination queue manager and end up on
the dead letter queue.

The messages in the DLQ have a reason code 0x082C (2092) or

The DLQ header references the correct queue manager and local queue
the message should be placed. The queue is a local queue and has
defined USAGE(NORMAL).

I have no idea what could be the problem. Any ideas?

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Additional information on my XMIT_Q_USAGE_ERROR

2003-10-23 Thread Jeff A Tressler
This is the data from the dead letter queue. It includes the MQMD
and DLH.

StrucId  : 'MD  '  Version : 2
  Report   : 0  MsgType : 65536
  Expiry   : -1  Feedback : 0
  Encoding : 546  CodedCharSetId : 437
  Format : 'MQDEAD  '
  Priority : 5  Persistence : 1
  MsgId : X'414D512043415244494E414C2E4F485F3F97D3996053'
  CorrelId : X''
  BackoutCount : 0
  ReplyToQ   : ''
  ** Identity Context
  UserIdentifier : 'mqm '
  AccountingToken :
  ApplIdentityData : ''
  ** Origin Context
  PutApplType: '28'
  PutApplName: 'MQSeries Client for Java'
  PutDate  : '20031023'PutTime  : '18044023'
  ApplOriginData : ''

  GroupId : X''
  MsgSeqNumber   : '1'
  Offset : '0'
  MsgFlags   : '0'
  OriginalLength : '-1'


 length - 3021 bytes

:  444C 4820 0100  2C08  514D 4441 'DLH ,...QMDA'
0010:  4E54 3131 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 'NT11'
0020:  2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 ''
0030:  2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 4544 572E 'EDW.'
0040:  494E 424F 554E 442E 5343 532E 5155 4555 'INBOUND.SCS.QUEU'
0050:  4520 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 'E   '
0060:  2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020   ''
0070:  B501  4D51 5354 5220 2020 0B00  'µ...MQSTR   '
0080:  6562 5370 6865 7265 204D 515C 6269 6E5C 'ebSphere MQ\bin\'
0090:  414D 5152 4D50 5041 2E45 5845 3230 3033 'AMQRMPPA.EXE2003'
00A0:  3130 3233 3138 3039 3537 3231 3C53 796E '102318095721

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Question on message groups

2003-10-15 Thread Jeff A Tressler
A sending application uses message groups. It sends a large number
of messages (1000+) in each group.

The receiving application reads each message from the group and
does a MQCMIT every message. For some reason, the receiving
application cannot wait for the entire group to do the commit.

What happens if the receiving application fails for some reason when
it is half way through the group?

It has committed many of the messages so they do not exist on the
queue anymore. When the receiving app starts back up, will it begin
reading the rest of the messages or will there be some problem.

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A program the uses MQSeries Client and Server libraries

2003-09-30 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We are writing a program that will be able to access either the MQSeries
or MQSeries server depending on the system it runs on.

My understanding is that the code can be written such that no changes are
and the method of connection (Client or Server) depends upon which set of
libraries the program links with. This would create two different
executable, one for
a MQSeries Client system and another for a MQSeries Server system

Is there a way to create a single executable which will recognize it is on
a MQSeries
server and perform accordingly and if not, perform as if it were running on
a MQSeries
client system?

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Dead Letter Queue

2003-09-26 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Hi, have many of you decided to NOT use a Dead Letter Queue? We are
looking into a product that uses MQSeries as a transport layer. The tool
assumes there is no DLQ.

What happens is it sets the Exception Report option so if the remote queue
if full, it returns an exception to the send portion of the tool. So if
there is a DLQ
and a DLQHandler running, the message may be recycled to the original queue
and processed but the sending side throws an exception.

Jeff Tressler

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Error log sizing

2003-09-19 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I understand how to establish large sized recover logs, there are switches
as part of the crtmqm command. What I am interested in is the AMQERR?.LOG
files. Specifically under Windows NT. Our error log files fill up with
channel start
and channel stop messages and the messages that tell where you can safely
remove the recover logs.

Between all three error logs, they cover about four hours. If I want to
for errors the previous evening, I am out of luck. Is there some way to
resize these or establish larger sizes at queue manager creation?

Jeff Tressler

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Permission Oddity

2003-09-11 Thread Jeff A Tressler
On our HP-UX system, we changed the permissions on mqs.ini from 775 to 660.
Applications began failing and could not connect to the queue manager. They
were getting a 2058 - Queue Manager Name Error.

We verified the applications were using the correct name and that the queue
manager was running. We could not get the applications to connect without
changing the permissions. The most restrictive we were able to get the
permissions was 664.

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Re: Permission Oddity

2003-09-11 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Are these apps connecting using the default queue
manager? If so, I'll bet that mqs.ini is used to
find that queue manager's name.

The applications are not using a default queue manager.
I intentionally do not create a default queue manager
just to avoid some of the problems this could create.

If I were to speculate, I would believe you have the
correct idea. It is possible that when an application
attempts to connect to a queue manager, it uses the
mqs.ini file to verify the queue manager name is
valid. If the application does not have read
permissions then it fails with 2085. This is the only
way I can explain the behaviour.

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What is the standard UID/GID for mqm on HP-UX

2003-08-20 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Apparently you can assign any User Id and Group Id to mqm. In the past we
picked 102 for each. This number basically was picked out of the air. Now
that we
are beginning our upgrade to WebSphere MQ v5.3 for HP-UX 11i, we decided to
find out if there is an offically defined number to assign mqm.

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SSL and HP-UX 11i

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We are finally beginning to plan our upgrade from MQSeries 5.1 (Yikes)
to WebSphere MQ v5.3. We are are loading it on a test system with
HP-UX 11.11 (11i). The Getting Started Guides say the SSL feature
is not supported with 11i.

Does anyone know if this will be fixed at some point?

Jeff Tressler

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Re: What does CSD stand for?

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff A Tressler
As in 5.3 CSD04, what does the CSD acronym actually represent?

Corrective Service Diskette

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A channel problem

2003-08-14 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Hi, we are having a channel problem. It probably is something simple
we are overlooking since nothing special is being done.

The is an HP-UX system running MQSeries v5.1 sending to an OS/390
running WebSphere MQ v5.3. There are no channel exits and the
firewalls have been opened.

Here is the sender channel definition

20 : display channel (JESTER./QUQ5) all
AMQ8414: Display Channel details.
   BATCHSZ(50) DISCINT(6000)
   LONGRTY(9)  LONGTMR(1200)
   CONNAME(xxx(1418))  HBINT(300)
   MCAUSER( )  ALTDATE(2003-08-12)

I attempt to execute a PING CHANNEL and I get the following:

18 : ping channel (JESTER./QUQ5)
AMQ9209: Connection to host 'muqz (xxx)' closed.

The channel goes into retry and the error in

08/12/03  12:41:48
AMQ9002: Channel program started.

Channel program 'JESTER./QUQ5' started.
08/12/03  12:47:49
AMQ9209: Connection to host 'muqz (xxx)' closed.

An error occurred receiving data from 'muqz (xxx)' over TCP/IP.  The
connection to the remote host has unexpectedly terminated.
Tell the systems administrator.
08/12/03  12:47:49
AMQ: Channel program ended abnormally.

Channel program 'JESTER./QUQ5' ended abnormally.
Look at previous error messages for channel program 'JESTER./QUQ5' in the
files to determine the cause of the failure.

I checked all other error logs and there are no additonal errors. I dont
have direct access to the OS/390 system and must go through a couple of
people to get information.

The channel (JESTER./QUQ1) still works, the only difference besides the
name if the port is 1414. The dns name is the same for both channels.

If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

Jeff Tressler

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HP-UX 64 bit and WebSphere MQ 5.3

2003-07-31 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We are working on a HP-UX system running 64 bit. The WMQ documentation
mentions it is a 32 bit version but there is a support pac that updates it
to 64 bit version of WMQ v5.3. Has anyone experimented with this before?
Will WMQ 32 bit work well with the 64 bit version of HP-UX? Is one 32/64
bit preferred with respect to the 64 bit version of the OS?

We have also heard that after 2004, IBM will no longer support AIX and
HP-UX, is this true?

Jeff Tressler

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JMS Problem

2003-06-25 Thread Jeff A Tressler

We have ran into a few problems. We think it is just
some small configuration we missed. We are new to the
whole JMS / Application Server world.

Using the embedded AS in WebSphere Studio, we configured
a connection factory and a queue. The queue definition
points to a queue manager running on a remote machine.

The remote machine has the queue manager running and a
queue defined. The queue manager and queue match the
configuration in the JMS configuration.

The queue manager is running, we have the correct ip address
and port number. When we run code outside the AS, the code
connects to the queue manager and accesses the queue.

When we run the code as part of the AS we get MQJMS 2005
which maps to MQ2059 queue manager does not exist.

We have tried setting the properties directly and using
the JNDI and we get the same error in all cases.

I know this is not much, but if you have any ideas, we
would appreciate it.

Jeff Tressler

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Is there a problem with channels that run for weeks.

2003-01-16 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We just released a new version of our application. We have five OS/390
feeding transactions to MQSeries Integrator running on Windows NT. They are
processed and passed through a single channel to HP-UX.

The OS/390 systems have different down-times so there are always
being sent to the MQSeries Integrator system. This means that the channel
Windows NT and HP-UX may never be idle.

Is there any potential problems with this channel running 24x7 for weeks
possibly months?

Jeff Tressler

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Using MQSeries for ALL Synchronous Traffic

2003-01-10 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Someone has had a wonderful idea. Since MQSeries is fast and reliable, it
should be used for all data traffic. This includes all data transfer that
synchronous in nature.

For example, creation of a web front end for out legacy mainframe
The user enters the data on a web page, the data is formatted into a
sent to the mainframe via MQSeries, the messages is processed and a reply
is sent back through MQSeries, a results web page is created and sent to

We have this design implemented in a limited manor and it works. The
design is not bad since it is only being used by a couple dozen people
and the messages sent to the mainframe are actually fire-and-forget
transactions. The reply is along the lines of message received. If
the message does not get back in 15 seconds we send a check the
status later screen.

Now the powers that be want to use this type of asynchronous facility for
all communications. Even if the user MUST get a valid reply on the status
of the request and MUST get this in a timely manner.

Does anyone know of any white papers that may discuss the problems of
using an asynchronous transport mechanism to solve a synchronous task. We
are looking for technical as will as business reason to strengthen our
argument against this direction.

Jeff Tressler

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2003-01-02 Thread Jeff A Tressler
I have heard that MQSeries will be using the Eclipse development
environment. Anyone have an idea on when this will be? Is there
a site with more information?

Jeff Tressler

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Moving /var/mqm/log

2002-12-31 Thread Jeff A Tressler
We currently have our MQSeries logs on a disk array. The file
system has mapped /var/mqm/log to a logical disk partition
on the disk array.

This disk array is getting full and a new disk array has been
purchased. The plan calls for moving the MQSeries logs to
the new disk array.

Is there any problem with this?

   HP-UX 11.0
   MQSeries 5.1
   Moving from EMC to XP512 disk array

I have this feeling that moving the logs will cause some kind
of internal pointers to get mixed up causing the logs to no
longer work and causing the queue managers to fail. I do
not know where I got this impression but it is a strong feeling.

At the very least, I believe we need to stop all queue managers
so logging completes before the move. Any other suggestions.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: Version 5.2 end of service

2002-12-31 Thread Jeff A Tressler
Not only must you pay for support, but no more support fixes (CSD)
will be released.

Jeff Tressler

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WebSphere MQ Integrator 2.1 and WebSphere MQ 5.3

2002-08-30 Thread Jeff A Tressler

Do these products work together? I assume they will since WMQI reads and
writes to queues
like any other application, but figure it better be safe and ask.

Jeff Tressler

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Re: MQ on XP

2002-07-12 Thread Jeff A Tressler

Has anyone installed MQ 5.2.1 on XP professional?
Is there any new media for XP? I did not find any
in the Websphere MQ link...

Windows XP is not a supported OS for MQSeries 5.2.1.

WebSphere MQ 5.3 is the first version to support
Windows XP.

Jeff Tressler

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Strange Channel Behavior

2002-06-03 Thread Jeff A Tressler

We have a channel defined between OS/390 (Sender) and
HP-UX (Receiver). Since I have no visibility on the OS/390, I
set up a simple script to capture the CHLSTATUS every
30 minutes. The channel has a disconnect interval of 90

I use the msgs value of the CHLSTATUS to get an idea
on the number of transaction that have passed through the
channel. Four of the five channels work well, the channel
starts, message pass along the channel and the channel
disconnects properly.

The fifth channel acts strangely. I examined the error log
and got even more confused. Comparing the error log
with the 30 minute CHLSTATUS shows.

Channel Starts
02:53:22   No Transactions Sent
03:26:22   No Transactions Sent
05:02:35   No Transactions Sent
06:12:37   No Transactions Sent
06:35:31   No Transactions Sent
07:19:51   No Transactions Sent
07:53:55   1 Transaction Sent
08:58:06   439 Transactions Sent
09:33:10   No Transactions Sent
10:55:14   5 Transactions Sent
11:53:12   No Transactions Sent
12:35:22   No Transactions Sent
13:38:11   No Transactions Sent
14:32:49   No Transactions Sent

It appears the channel is started, sends no transactions, and
then shuts down before the discint(6000) runs out. We checked
the operators and they are not stopping the channels.

Any idea what might be happening.

Jeff Tressler

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Oracle Messaging Gateway

2002-05-21 Thread Jeff A Tressler

Oracle Messaging Gateway - Gateway to your CICS, AS400, and
MQSeries applications

Our design staff is looking at the Oracle Messaging Gateway.
Transactions that exist on OS/390, need to be sent to our UNIX
systems. These transactions are passed to Oracle Stored Procedure
for processing.

Instead of writing application code to read the transaction from
MQSeries and invoke the Oracle Stored Procedures from the
applications, the designers would like for the transactions to
automatically move from MQSeries to Oracle Advanced
Queueing (AQ) via the Oracle Messaging Gateway. Once in
the AQ environment, have some automatic feature to get
the message into the Stored Procedure.

I am interested in thoughts, opinions, and most importantly,
any information on use of the Oracle Messaging Gateway.

Jeff Tressler

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