Re: InnoDB MySQL-4.0.11a using Linux Mandrake RPMs

2003-09-24 Thread Andy Jefferson
Andy Jefferson wrote:
 a simple question ... I have MySQL installed on my Mandrake Linux system,
 via the RPM's
 Can anyone tell me how
 a) I check if InnoDB is available with this version ? (in the RPM release
 notes it seems InnoDB was included in ver 3.23.50-1mdk, so I'm guessing
 that its still included).

Its ok, I found an RPM from Mandrake that includes this


It is available through rpmfind if anyone needs it.


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Provider error '80040e37'

2003-09-24 Thread Helpdesk3 ( Mid North Coast Internet )
   I am having trouble selecting text fields from my database. If I set 
the column type to varchar(255) it works fine. But when I change the 
column type to text or blob ( I need more space ) I get the error:

Provider error '80040e37'

Table does not exist.

If I then change it back to varchar again, it works. I have tried 
googling all over and haven't been able to find anything that seems to 
relate to my problem, so if this is just a case of reading the proper 
manual, i apologise. But please let me know which is the proper manual.

Oh, I'm using asp and oledb connectivity.

Thanks, Robert

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2003-09-24 Thread Martin Moss

I have a situation whereby I have two servers each running mysql in a Master
slave replicated setup.
Currently if the master server goes down we have to manually failover the
database servers, taking a snaphost etc..
Is this still the optimal way to do this, or has the 'Change Master'
command, and various other things superceded this method now, and thus is
there a better and more automated way to do db failover?


p.s. If this is better implemented in Version 4, I would be happy to receive
advice on this, as it would form ammunition to push for an upgrade.

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Can't install Mysql 4.0.15 on Redhat AS Beta 2

2003-09-24 Thread Sullivan, James

From: James Sullivan
Subject:Can't install Mysql 4.0.15 on Redhat AS Beta 2

Can't install on Redhat AS Beta 2
Installing all prepared tables
/usr/bin/mysql_install_db: line 1:  2242 Segmentation fault
/usr/sbin/mysqld --bootstrap --skip-grant-tables --basedir=/
--datadir=/var/lib/mysql --skip-innodb --skip-bdb
Installation of grant tables failed!

Install RPM on Redhat AS Beta 2
how to correct or work around the problem, if known (multiple

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
Originator:James Sullivan
Organization: Thomson
MySQL support: [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Synopsis:  synopsis of the problem (one line)
Severity:  [ critical ] (one line)
Priority:  [ low | medium | high ] (one line)
Category:  mysql
Class: [ sw-bug | doc-bug | change-request | support ] (one line)
Release:   mysql-4.0.15-standard (Official MySQL RPM)

C compiler:2.95.3
C++ compiler:  2.95.3
machine, os, target, libraries (multiple lines)
System: Linux JPTOKYO1WWW10 2.4.21-1.1931.2.399.entsmp #1 SMP Wed Aug 20
15:51:09 EDT 2003 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
Architecture: i686

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/bin/gmake

Compilation info: CC='gcc'  CFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=i486 -fno-strength-reduce'
CXX='g++'  CXXFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=i486 -fno-strength-reduce
-felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti'  LDFLAGS=''
lrwxr-xr-x1 root root   13 Sep 24  2003 /lib/ -
-rwxr-xr-x1 root root  1550424 Aug 19 06:46 /lib/
-rw-r--r--1 root root  2454810 Aug 19 05:50 /usr/lib/libc.a
-rw-r--r--1 root root  204 Aug 19 05:31 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--disable-shared'
'--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static' '--with-client-ldflags=-all-static'
'--with-server-suffix=-standard' '--without-embedded-server'
'--without-berkeley-db' '--with-innodb' '--without-vio' '--without-openssl'
'--enable-assembler' '--enable-local-infile' '--with-mysqld-user=mysql'
'--with-unix-socket-path=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' '--prefix=/'
'--with-extra-charsets=complex' '--exec-prefix=/usr'
'--libexecdir=/usr/sbin' '--libdir=/usr/lib' '--sysconfdir=/etc'
'--datadir=/usr/share' '--localstatedir=/var/lib/mysql'
'--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--includedir=/usr/include'
'--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--enable-thread-safe-client'
'--with-comment=Official MySQL RPM' 'CC=' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -mcpu=i486
-fno-strength-reduce' 'CXXFLAGS=-O2 -mcpu=i486 -fno-strength-reduce
-felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti' 'CXX='

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Re: Using SQL variables

2003-09-24 Thread Director General: NEFACOMP
I tried on MySQL 4.0.12, 4.0.14 and 4.1 and I am getting the same error.
Whether these servers were on Windows or on Linux, it does not help.
I also initialized the variables but the same error came.
I even tried to run the example given in the MySQL documentation with the
same results.

MySQL thinks ``:='' is a NULL character. Maybe it's a problem with the
character set.

- Original Message -
From: Pete Harlan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 18:49
Subject: Re: Using SQL variables

 You have to initialize @var to something first, or it's just null.  So
 try set @var := 0; before your query.

 Also, you don't say which version of MySQL you're using, but I'm using
 4.0.14 and I can't say ... as number, * from ..., but have to say
 ... as number, tableName.* from 



 On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 04:54:03PM +0300, Director General: NEFACOMP
  Can you run this query and tell me if it works on your machine?
  SELECT (@var := @var + 1) AS Number, * FROM any_table_with_records;
  As per the manual, this should give something like:
  But when I run it the error is :You have an error in your SQL syntax
  'NULL @var + 1) AS Number BLAH BLAH BLAH
  I have read everything about Using Variables (in the manual) and I apply
  what it says but it can't run.
  Even the simple example given by MySQL
  This is the example MySQL has given in the manual:
  SELECT @t1:=(@t2:=1)[EMAIL PROTECTED]:=4,@t1,@t2,@t3;
  When I run this query, the error message is: You have an error in your
  syntax near '(@t2NULL1)[EMAIL PROTECTED],@t1,@t2,@t3' at line 1
  Where do you think these NULL stuffs are coming from?
  Do I have to change the character set?
  - Original Message -
  From: Petr Vileta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Director General: NEFACOMP [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 01:45
  Subject: Re: Using SQL variables
Can someone tell me what's wrong with my query?
My Query was:
   SELECT (@num := @num + 1) as RecNum, AnotherField FROM tbl WHERE
When I change the := into =, the query returns results with a non
   = mean some IS EQUIAL to another
   := mean SET MYSQL VARIABLE to some value
   Consult your MySQL manual and look for Using variables :-)
   Petr Vileta, Czech republic
  MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Using SQL variables

2003-09-24 Thread Director General: NEFACOMP
Yes you are right.
I run the query in SQLyog and it came very nicely.

Thanks for your time and help.

Another question is: How do I send multiple queries at the same time the

I mean, two instructions in the same query.

SET @var = 0;
SELECT (@var := @var + 1) AS Number, AnotherField FROM

- Original Message -
From: Petr Vileta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 18:55
Subject: Re: Using SQL variables

  Can you run this query and tell me if it works on your machine?
  SELECT (@var := @var + 1) AS Number, * FROM any_table_with_records;
  As per the manual, this should give something like:
  But when I run it the error is :You have an error in your SQL syntax
  'NULL @var + 1) AS Number BLAH BLAH BLAH

 Yeah :-) You are using MySQL-Front, is it right? I get the same error in
 mysql-front but the syntax is right, test it using mysql.exe - a native
 mysql client in DOS mode. If you will use this syntax in some program in
 VisualBasic, PHP, Perl or other the command still work ok.
 If you preffer GUI interface for work you can test SQLyog on

 Petr Vileta, Czech republic

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Update Date Problem with VB

2003-09-24 Thread Optik Bacik Scheibbs

So this is my first time here...

I am using myODBC 3.51 Server 4.0.14

So I created a table with one columm called GebDat - format Date

I connect to this DB using VB6 (SP5) with ADO.
OK - So when I add a new data it works fine. But when I will update  any one data I 
always get an error! I ´ve tried to set the string with a format like = FORMAT(Now, 
-mm-dd), but it also won´t work.

Thanks for helping


2003-09-24 Thread fbeltran
According to documentation, in MySQL version 4.0, it is possible to use 
sub-selects, but i haven't found the correct syntax... Does any one know 
how to do this?
I need someting like this:

Select a, (select sum(b) from T2 where T2.a=T1.a) as b from T1

Re: Update Date Problem with VB

2003-09-24 Thread Lourdes Millán

What is the table definition? Have you got a primary index?

I work with date fields without problems in this way:

Update table set Date_Field = '2003-08-01' Where Date_Field = '2003-01-19'


Optik Bacik Scheibbs escribió:


So this is my first time here...

I am using myODBC 3.51 Server 4.0.14

So I created a table with one columm called GebDat - format Date

I connect to this DB using VB6 (SP5) with ADO.
OK - So when I add a new data it works fine. But when I will update  any one data I always get 
an error! I ´ve tried to set the string with a format like = FORMAT(Now, 
-mm-dd), but it also won´t work.
Thanks for helping


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Re: innodb: storage requirements

2003-09-24 Thread Heikki Tuuri

the table is probably very fragmented. The command

ALTER TABLE pmsystem2.editor_competence_product TYPE=InnoDB;

will defragment it.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for MySQL

- Original Message - 
From: Roman Neuhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 6:38 PM
Subject: innodb: storage requirements

 A simple question regarding storage allocated / reported by MySQL/InnoDB.
 If BIGINT takes 8 bytes, and a table has exactly four BIGINT columns,
 why is the reported avg. row length 148 bytes?

 mysql show table status from pmsystem2 like 'editor_competence_product'\G
 *** 1. row ***
Name: editor_competence_product
Type: InnoDB
  Row_format: Fixed
Rows: 152100
  Avg_row_length: 148
 Data_length: 22626304
 Max_data_length: NULL
Index_length: 23199744
   Data_free: 0
  Auto_increment: NULL
 Create_time: NULL
 Update_time: NULL
  Check_time: NULL
 Comment: kompetence techniku; InnoDB free: 6144 kB; (zipid) REFER
pmsystem2/zip(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (brandid) REFER pmsystem2/brand(id) ON
DELETE CASCADE; (editorid) REFER pmsystem2/editor(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
 1 row in set (0.18 sec)

 mysql desc pmsystem2.editor_competence_product;
 | Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
 | zipid | bigint(20) unsigned |  | PRI | 0   |   |
 | brandid   | bigint(20) unsigned |  | PRI | 0   |   |
 | productid | bigint(20) unsigned |  | PRI | 0   |   |
 | editorid  | bigint(20) unsigned |  | PRI | 0   |   |
 4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 BTW InnoDB deserves much more detailed documentation. As it is, the more
 interesting the read the less information is provided. :)

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Re: Update Date Problem with VB

2003-09-24 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Optik Bacik Scheibbs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So this is my first time here...
 I am using myODBC 3.51 Server 4.0.14
 So I created a table with one columm called GebDat - format Date
 I connect to this DB using VB6 (SP5) with ADO.
 OK - So when I add a new data it works fine. But when I will update  any one data I 
 always get an error! I ?ve tried to set the string with a format like = FORMAT(Now, 
 -mm-dd), but it also won?t work.

Show UPDATE statement and error message.

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Re: Wildcards not allowed in GRANT commands for table names?

2003-09-24 Thread Egor Egorov
Knepley, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The docs explicitly say that wildcards are allowed when specifying
 database names in GRANT commands, but don't say anything about wildcards
 being allowed in table names.
 For example, in one large database I have table names that are grouped
 by function:
 My tests at giving a user rights to 'security.ids_% (even by directly
 editing the tables_priv table) haven't worked out.
 Is this genuinely not possible or am I missing something?

You can't use wildcards in the table names, only in the database names and in the 

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Re: Sub-selects

2003-09-24 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-09-24 02:32:10 -0600:
 According to documentation, in MySQL version 4.0, it is possible to use 

According to what documentation?

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Re: Sub-selects

2003-09-24 Thread Andy Jefferson
 According to documentation, in MySQL version 4.0, it is possible to use
 sub-selects, but i haven't found the correct syntax... Does any one know
 how to do this?
 I need someting like this:
 Select a, (select sum(b) from T2 where T2.a=T1.a) as b from T1

In MySQL 4.1 you should find subselects ... not 4.0


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Re: innodb: storage requirements

2003-09-24 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-09-23 21:56:55 +0300:
 From: Roman Neuhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  A simple question regarding storage allocated / reported by MySQL/InnoDB.
  If BIGINT takes 8 bytes, and a table has exactly four BIGINT columns,
  why is the reported avg. row length 148 bytes?

 the table is probably very fragmented. The command
 ALTER TABLE pmsystem2.editor_competence_product TYPE=InnoDB;
 will defragment it.

ok, that *did* help, but makes me wonder about the usefulness of the

mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'editor_competence_product'\G
*** 1. row ***
   Name: editor_competence_product
   Type: InnoDB
 Row_format: Fixed
   Rows: 225198
 Avg_row_length: 100
Data_length: 22626304
Max_data_length: NULL
   Index_length: 23199744
  Data_free: 0
 Auto_increment: NULL
Create_time: NULL
Update_time: NULL
 Check_time: NULL
Comment: kompetence technik#367; (kde co mohou opravovat); InnoDB free: 6144 
kB; (zipid) REFER pmsystem2/zip(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (brandid) REFER 
pmsystem2/brand(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (editorid) REFER pmsystem2/editor(id) ON DELETE 
1 row in set (0.12 sec)

mysql ALTER TABLE editor_competence_product TYPE=InnoDB;
Query OK, 187654 rows affected (47.34 sec)
Records: 187654  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'editor_competence_product'\G
*** 1. row ***
   Name: editor_competence_product
   Type: InnoDB
 Row_format: Fixed
   Rows: 187265
 Avg_row_length: 64
Data_length: 12124160
Max_data_length: NULL
   Index_length: 20021248
  Data_free: 0
 Auto_increment: NULL
Create_time: NULL
Update_time: NULL
 Check_time: NULL
Comment: kompetence technik#367; (kde co mohou opravovat); InnoDB free: 57344 
kB; (zipid) REFER pmsystem2/zip(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (brandid) REFER 
pmsystem2/brand(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (editorid) REFER pmsystem2/editor(id) ON DELETE 
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

Also, is there a way to *measure* the fragmentation of a table? If there
is, how should the info be interpreted?

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Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

2003-09-24 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
David Garamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can I do this with in pure SQL (instead of having to create logic in 
 programming language)?

What do you mean Custom/conditional grouping? Please, be more detailed.

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Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

2003-09-24 Thread Haydies
That was an amazingly vage question. But first thoughts would be yes and no.
You can do grouping, but you can't really do it conditionaly with out code.
SQL dosn't support much in the way of logic. So, basicly you do the
conditional part in code, then the grouping with SQL. If you want the data
grouped depending on values in the data then you will probably need more
then one SQL. An SQL result set is eigther grouped/ordered or its not. You
can't have it both ways..

Ess Que what? sorry, my brain just zoned out for a second.

- Original Message - 
From: Victoria Reznichenko [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

: David Garamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
:  Can I do this with in pure SQL (instead of having to create logic in
:  programming language)?
: What do you mean Custom/conditional grouping? Please, be more detailed.
: -- 
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: -- 
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Re: MySQL Control Center and InnoDB

2003-09-24 Thread Victoria Reznichenko
Nelson Velasco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I am very new to MySQL.
 Does anyone know if InnoDB works with the tool MySQL Control Center??


 If works, what I have to do? If does not work, how I create the InnoDB tables in 

You can execute CREATE TABLE table_name (...) TYPE=InnoDB statement. You can also 
select table type InnoDB in the Creating table .. form.

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Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

2003-09-24 Thread Bruce Feist
David Garamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

CREATE TABLE `payments` (
   `date` date NOT NULL,
   `payee` varchar(255),
   `amount` double
The 'payments' table records the amount of money that should be paid to 
each person every month. But the actual cheque is only given when the 
total accumulated amount has reached $50 or more for that person. 

I want to list the amount of money that needs to be paid by cheques.

Can I do this with in pure SQL (instead of having to create logic in
programming language)?
SELECT payee, amount
FROM payments
GROUP BY payee
HAVING amount  49.995
Beware using 'double' for currency; it gives roundoff errors.

Bruce Feist

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Re: Sub-selects

2003-09-24 Thread Roger Baklund
* fbeltran
 According to documentation, in MySQL version 4.0, it is possible to use 
 sub-selects, but i haven't found the correct syntax... 

Like others have said, it's from version 4.1:


 Does any one know how to do this?
 I need someting like this:
 Select a, (select sum(b) from T2 where T2.a=T1.a) as b from T1

A simple join and a GROUP clause should do it:

SELECT T1.a, SUM(b) AS b


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Q: Moving a database

2003-09-24 Thread Tbird67ForSale
Has anyone ever had to move a database from one machine to another?  I tried 
to just copy all the files from /var/lib/mysql/db1 to another machine into 
/var/lib/mysql/db2.  Although I can see the tables using SHOW TABLES, I get an 
error 13 trying to access or repair them.

Is it possible to move a database this way?

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Re: Q: Moving a database

2003-09-24 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 09:14:33 EDT

 Has anyone ever had to move a database from one machine to another?  I tried 
 to just copy all the files from /var/lib/mysql/db1 to another machine into 
 /var/lib/mysql/db2.  Although I can see the tables using SHOW TABLES, I get an 
 error 13 trying to access or repair them.
 Is it possible to move a database this way?
#perror 13
Error code  13:  Permission denied

yes, it's possible.
but you should not forget about proper rights on these files.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001

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MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Avram Aelony
I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably happens 
to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere 
without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated the 
table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and rebooted 
my computer.

After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all 
its contents seem to be gone.

1.) Can I recover this table?
2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do 
wrong? Is there an FAQ??



 This is what I did...

#Create tasks table for To Do list database
	date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
	date_dueDATE NULL,
	date_completed  DATE NULL,
	description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
	keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
	PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
	VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the database, 

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innodb foreign key

2003-09-24 Thread R.Dobson

I have two innodb tables produced as show below

CREATE TABLE `monogenic` (
 `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `exp_design` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `disease` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `omim` varchar(20) default NULL,
 `phenotype_ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `pop` varchar(200) default NULL,
 `mut_type` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `mut_loc` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `gene_ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`,`gene_ID`),
 KEY `phenotype_ID` (`phenotype_ID`),
 KEY `gene_ID` (`gene_ID`),
 `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 `species` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `id` (`id`)
When trying to add a foreign key constraint as in:

alter table monogenic add constraint foreign key (gene_ID) references gene (id) on delete cascade;

the error below is produced:

ERROR 1005: Can't create table './nugenob/#sql-4585_37.frm' (errno: 150)

could anybody help?



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Re: Usage Monitoring

2003-09-24 Thread John May
Will this show usage per-database, or only for the server overall?

	- John

Might try mytop (search google for it) .. jeremy z wrote it.. it works
well for realtime monitoring..
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, John May wrote:

 Is there any way to monitor which databases are being used the most
 heavily on a MySQL server?  Thanks for any info!
 	- John

John May : President
Point In Space Internet Solutions [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 LPA Corporate Partner / FSA Associate / ACN Member

  Lasso 5 + 6 / PHP / MySQL / FileMaker Pro Hosting Now Available!

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RE: innodb foreign key

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
One thing that stands out is the data types are different sizes.

-Original Message-
From: R.Dobson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: innodb foreign key


I have two innodb tables produced as show below

CREATE TABLE `monogenic` (
  `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `exp_design` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `disease` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `omim` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `phenotype_ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `pop` varchar(200) default NULL,
  `mut_type` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `mut_loc` varchar(50) default NULL,
  `gene_ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`,`gene_ID`),
  KEY `phenotype_ID` (`phenotype_ID`),
  KEY `gene_ID` (`gene_ID`),
  CONSTRAINT `0_147` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `reference` (`id`) ON

  `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  `species` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  KEY `id` (`id`)

When trying to add a foreign key constraint as in:

alter table monogenic add constraint foreign key (gene_ID) references gene
(id) on delete cascade;

the error below is produced:

ERROR 1005: Can't create table './nugenob/#sql-4585_37.frm' (errno: 150)

could anybody help?



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RE: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is the
data directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably happens 
to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere 
without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated the 
table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and rebooted 
my computer.

After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all 
its contents seem to be gone.

1.) Can I recover this table?
2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do 
wrong? Is there an FAQ??



  This is what I did...

#Create tasks table for To Do list database
date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
date_dueDATE NULL,
date_completed  DATE NULL,
description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the

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Re: innodb foreign key

2003-09-24 Thread R.Dobson
whoops, yes, thanks, missed that

Victor Pendleton wrote:

One thing that stands out is the data types are different sizes.

-Original Message-
From: R.Dobson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: innodb foreign key

I have two innodb tables produced as show below

CREATE TABLE `monogenic` (
 `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `exp_design` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `disease` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `omim` varchar(20) default NULL,
 `phenotype_ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 `pop` varchar(200) default NULL,
 `mut_type` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `mut_loc` varchar(50) default NULL,
 `gene_ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`,`gene_ID`),
 KEY `phenotype_ID` (`phenotype_ID`),
 KEY `gene_ID` (`gene_ID`),
 CONSTRAINT `0_147` FOREIGN KEY (`id`) REFERENCES `reference` (`id`) ON
 `id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
 `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 `species` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
 PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
 KEY `id` (`id`)
When trying to add a foreign key constraint as in:

alter table monogenic add constraint foreign key (gene_ID) references gene
(id) on delete cascade;
the error below is produced:

ERROR 1005: Can't create table './nugenob/#sql-4585_37.frm' (errno: 150)

could anybody help?




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Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Avram Aelony
I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is 

[aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
total 41032
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43 
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] %

The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to the 
server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is 
data directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably happens
to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated the
table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and rebooted
my computer.
After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
its contents seem to be gone.
1.) Can I recover this table?
2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
wrong? Is there an FAQ??


  This is what I did...

#Create tasks table for To Do list database
date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
date_dueDATE NULL,
date_completed  DATE NULL,
description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the
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RE: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
Can you post the contents from the todo directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:14 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is 

[aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
total 41032
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43 
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] %

The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to the 
server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

 Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is 
 data directory?

 -Original Message-
 From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
 Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

 I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably happens
 to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
 without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated the
 table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and rebooted
 my computer.

 After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
 its contents seem to be gone.

 1.) Can I recover this table?
 2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
 wrong? Is there an FAQ??



   This is what I did...

 #Create tasks table for To Do list database
   taskVARCHAR(60) NOT NULL,
   date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
   date_dueDATE NULL,
   date_completed  DATE NULL,
   description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
   keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
 INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
   VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
 To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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How to import Paradox data to MySQL?

2003-09-24 Thread P.Gertman
Is there a painless way to import Paradox data and database structure to MySQL? 

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Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Avram Aelony
Okay, I had to log in as root to do so.  The data seems to be still 
extant in tasks.MYD .
The other 2 files, tasks.MYI and tasks.frm, are binary.

[aa:local/mysql/data] aelony# ls -l todo
total 40
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  1220 Sep 23 18:11 tasks.MYD
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  2048 Sep 23 18:46 tasks.MYI
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  8819 Sep 23 00:56 tasks.frm

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

Can you post the contents from the todo directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:14 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
total 41032
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] %
The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to the
server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is
data directory?
-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably happens
to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated the
table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and 
my computer.

After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
its contents seem to be gone.
1.) Can I recover this table?
2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
wrong? Is there an FAQ??


  This is what I did...

#Create tasks table for To Do list database
date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
date_dueDATE NULL,
date_completed  DATE NULL,
description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the
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Re: How to import Paradox data to MySQL?

2003-09-24 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 18:19:30 +0400

 Is there a painless way to import Paradox data and database structure to MySQL? 

try to follow this advice:

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001

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Re: How to import Paradox data to MySQL?

2003-09-24 Thread Haydies
paradox for dos or paradox for windows?

If you can write object pal then you can easily write an export to text

I love Paradox, use to be an PAL developer when I was little. and an
Object PAL contractor later, ah, the good old days :-)

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: How to import Paradox data to MySQL?

Is there a painless way to import Paradox data and database structure to


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Re: innodb: storage requirements

2003-09-24 Thread Heikki Tuuri

the row count in SHOW TABLE STATUS is only an estimate based on 8 dives into
the index tree.

You had a typical symptom of a fragmented table: space usage much bigger
than you would expect.

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for MySQL

Order MySQL technical support from

- Original Message - 
From: Roman Neuhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: innodb: storage requirements

 # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-09-23 21:56:55 +0300:
  From: Roman Neuhauser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   A simple question regarding storage allocated / reported by
   If BIGINT takes 8 bytes, and a table has exactly four BIGINT columns,
   why is the reported avg. row length 148 bytes?
  the table is probably very fragmented. The command
  ALTER TABLE pmsystem2.editor_competence_product TYPE=InnoDB;
  will defragment it.

 ok, that *did* help, but makes me wonder about the usefulness of the

 mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'editor_competence_product'\G
 *** 1. row ***
Name: editor_competence_product
Type: InnoDB
  Row_format: Fixed
Rows: 225198
  Avg_row_length: 100
 Data_length: 22626304
 Max_data_length: NULL
Index_length: 23199744
   Data_free: 0
  Auto_increment: NULL
 Create_time: NULL
 Update_time: NULL
  Check_time: NULL
 Comment: kompetence technik#367; (kde co mohou opravovat); InnoDB
free: 6144 kB; (zipid) REFER pmsystem2/zip(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (brandid)
REFER pmsystem2/brand(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (editorid) REFER
pmsystem2/editor(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
 1 row in set (0.12 sec)

 mysql ALTER TABLE editor_competence_product TYPE=InnoDB;
 Query OK, 187654 rows affected (47.34 sec)
 Records: 187654  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

 mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'editor_competence_product'\G
 *** 1. row ***
Name: editor_competence_product
Type: InnoDB
  Row_format: Fixed
Rows: 187265
  Avg_row_length: 64
 Data_length: 12124160
 Max_data_length: NULL
Index_length: 20021248
   Data_free: 0
  Auto_increment: NULL
 Create_time: NULL
 Update_time: NULL
  Check_time: NULL
 Comment: kompetence technik#367; (kde co mohou opravovat); InnoDB
free: 57344 kB; (zipid) REFER pmsystem2/zip(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (brandid)
REFER pmsystem2/brand(id) ON DELETE CASCADE; (editorid) REFER
pmsystem2/editor(id) ON DELETE CASCADE
 1 row in set (0.09 sec)

 Also, is there a way to *measure* the fragmentation of a table? If there
 is, how should the info be interpreted?

 If you cc me or remove the list(s) completely I'll most likely ignore
 your message.see

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pseudo-trigger to update multiple tables?

2003-09-24 Thread ginger cheng
   I am just wondering how I can make a trigger to update multiple tables 
efficiently. (mysql db). RIght now I am thinking of making copys of the tables 
involved and update the copies to see the result. But it could be time consuming if 
the tables are huge. Any one has good ideas about it? Thank you for help

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

RE: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
Does the user who you start the MySQL Server up with own the directory and
the files? If the files are there you can try issuing a `show tables from
todo`. If the tables appear try running `check table tasks` and let us know
what the output is.

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:37 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

Okay, I had to log in as root to do so.  The data seems to be still 
extant in tasks.MYD .
The other 2 files, tasks.MYI and tasks.frm, are binary.

[aa:local/mysql/data] aelony# ls -l todo
total 40
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  1220 Sep 23 18:11 tasks.MYD
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  2048 Sep 23 18:46 tasks.MYI
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  8819 Sep 23 00:56 tasks.frm

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

 Can you post the contents from the todo directory?

 -Original Message-
 From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:14 AM
 To: Victor Pendleton
 Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

 I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is

 [aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
 total 41032
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
 drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
 drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
 drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
 drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
 drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
 [aa:/usr/local/mysql] %

 The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to the
 server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

 On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

 Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is
 data directory?

 -Original Message-
 From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
 Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

 I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably happens
 to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
 without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated the
 table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and 
 my computer.

 After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
 its contents seem to be gone.

 1.) Can I recover this table?
 2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
 wrong? Is there an FAQ??



   This is what I did...

 #Create tasks table for To Do list database
  date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
  date_dueDATE NULL,
  date_completed  DATE NULL,
  description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
  keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
 INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
  VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the

 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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For list archives:
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RE: pseudo-trigger to update multiple tables?

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
Are you using innodb table types? Is this the type of updating you are in
need of?

-Original Message-
From: ginger cheng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:04 AM
Subject: pseudo-trigger to update multiple tables?

   I am just wondering how I can make a trigger to update multiple
tables efficiently. (mysql db). RIght now I am thinking of making copys of
the tables involved and update the copies to see the result. But it could be
time consuming if the tables are huge. Any one has good ideas about it?
Thank you for help

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software

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DataDir question

2003-09-24 Thread Tbird67ForSale
I am using a portable drive with a few tables on it that I copied from a 
MySQL server.  My intent is to be able to transport the portable drive home (with 
the large DB) and plug it into my Windows server to continue working.

To do this, I need to change the datadir to the portable drive (in my case 
it's the L: drive).  I've tried putting an entry in my c:\winnt\my.ini file 
under the [mysqld] line as follows: 


...but it refuses to startup.  I have to admit that am more comfortable in 
Linux, so I could be missing the error or logfile.  The only thing in the Event 
Log is:

The MySql service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s). The 
following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action.

I've also removed the my.ini file and specified --datadir L:/dbdir in the 
services window and that seems to start the server ok, but I can't see the 
database tables.

Anyone know what I am doning wrong?

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Lost Data with delayed insert / mysqlhotcopy

2003-09-24 Thread Martin Friebe
  mysqlhotcopy (but possible any other software) can cause delayed 
handlers to terminate with Delayed insert thread couldn't get requested 
lock for 

  I havent worked out the exact conditions under wich mysqlhotcopy 
fails, but it seems that if mysqlhotcopy tries to get a lock (waiting 
for a query to finish) and you start another delayed insert (maybe 
involving several tables?), then it will fail the server

  The description below, extracts the fault without mysqlhotcopy and 
failed always on my system

  you need two mysql client connection: (assuming a table tb with a 
column a int)
  2 insert delayed into tb  values(1);
  1 flush tables;
  # the delayed handler dies here, the insert is not in the table
  1 unlock tables


MySQL support: none
Synopsis:  data loss with delayed insert
Severity:  serious
Priority:  low
Category:	mysql
Release:	mysql-4.0.15 (FreeBSD port: mysql-server-4.0.15)
Server: /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.13, for 
portbld-freebsd4.8 on i386
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.0.15
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 8 days 23 hours 34 min 32 sec
Threads: 6  Questions: 138727  Slow queries: 1  Opens: 209  Flush 
tables: 4  Open tables: 15  Queries per second avg: 0.179
C compiler:2.95.4
C++ compiler:  2.95.4
System: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE 
#0: Tue Aug 12 12:52:01 BST 2003 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/DIONYSUS  i386

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake 
/usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
GCC: Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD]
Compilation info: CC='cc'  CFLAGS='-O1 -pipe  -mcpu=i686 -D__USE_UNIX98 
-D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -I/usr/local/include/pthread/linuxthreads 
-O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer'  CXX='cc'  CXXFLAGS='-O1 -pipe  -mcpu=i686 
-I/usr/local/include/pthread/linuxthreads -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer 
-felide-constructors -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'  LDFLAGS=''  ASFLAGS=''
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1224554 Aug 12 12:52 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  9 Aug 12 12:52 /usr/lib/ -
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  578880 Aug 12 12:52 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--localstatedir=/var/db/mysql' 
'--without-debug' '--without-readline' '--without-bench' 
'--without-extra-tools' '--with-libwrap' '--with-mysqlfs' '--with-vio' 
'--with-low-memory' '--with-comment=FreeBSD port: mysql-server-4.0.15' 
'--enable-thread-safe-client' '--enable-assembler' '--with-berkeley-db' 
-D_THREAD_SAFE -I/usr/local/include/pthread/linuxthreads 
-L/usr/local/lib -llthread -llgcc_r' '--prefix=/usr/local' 
'--build=i386-portbld-freebsd4.8' 'CFLAGS=-O1 -pipe  -mcpu=i686 
-I/usr/local/include/pthread/linuxthreads -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 
'CXX=cc' 'build_alias=i386-portbld-freebsd4.8' 'CC=cc' 'CXXFLAGS=-O1 
-pipe  -mcpu=i686 -D__USE_UNIX98 -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE 
-I/usr/local/include/pthread/linuxthreads -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer 
-felide-constructors -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'

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Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

2003-09-24 Thread David Garamond
Victoria Reznichenko wrote:
David Garamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can I do this with in pure SQL (instead of having to create logic in 
programming language)?

What do you mean Custom/conditional grouping? Please, be more detailed.
Sorry, please refer to my other post. The first email was accidentally sent.


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Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

2003-09-24 Thread David Garamond
Haydies wrote:
That was an amazingly vage question. 
Yup, sorry for that. Accidentally sent :)


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Re: Custom/conditional grouping?

2003-09-24 Thread David Garamond
Bruce Feist wrote:
David Garamond [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

CREATE TABLE `payments` (
   `date` date NOT NULL,
   `payee` varchar(255),
   `amount` double
The 'payments' table records the amount of money that should be paid 
to each person every month. But the actual cheque is only given when 
the total accumulated amount has reached $50 or more for that person.
I want to list the amount of money that needs to be paid by cheques.

Can I do this with in pure SQL (instead of having to create logic in
programming language)?

SELECT payee, amount
FROM payments
GROUP BY payee
HAVING amount  49.995
Not exactly what I want. Actually I need to do a SUM of 'amount' per 
payee and per 'period', where period is one or more months. If in one 
month a person has not collected = $50, then it will be accumulated and 
only paid when the amount has been sufficient.

Another example: Suppose 'bruce' makes $30 in July, $80 in August, and 
$40 in Sep. Normally I would pay bruce's July earning in Aug. But seeing 
that bruce hasn't earned $50 in July, I hold his earning until Sep. In 
Sep I pay him Jul  Aug's earnings ($30+$80 = $110).

Note that I will not be paying bruce's Sep earning in Oct, since in Sep 
bruce only earns $40. I will need to see whether in Oct bruce makes = 
$10, in which case I'll need to pay him in Nov.

So 'period' can differ depending on payee and amount.

I hope I'm explaining it more clearly.

Beware using 'double' for currency; it gives roundoff errors.
Thanks for the tip. I do use DECIMAL for currencies/money. Sorry for the 
inappropriate type in the example.


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RE: DataDir question

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
Have you tried using the blackslash? `\` instead of the forward slash `/`?

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:34 AM
Subject: DataDir question

I am using a portable drive with a few tables on it that I copied from a 
MySQL server.  My intent is to be able to transport the portable drive home
the large DB) and plug it into my Windows server to continue working.

To do this, I need to change the datadir to the portable drive (in my case 
it's the L: drive).  I've tried putting an entry in my c:\winnt\my.ini file 
under the [mysqld] line as follows: 


...but it refuses to startup.  I have to admit that am more comfortable in 
Linux, so I could be missing the error or logfile.  The only thing in the
Log is:

The MySql service terminated unexpectedly.  It has done this 1 time(s). The 
following corrective action will be taken in 0 milliseconds: No action.

I've also removed the my.ini file and specified --datadir L:/dbdir in the 
services window and that seems to start the server ok, but I can't see the 
database tables.

Anyone know what I am doning wrong?

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RE: pseudo-trigger to update multiple tables?

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
Have you enabled the update on cascade features for the innodb tables?

-Original Message-
From: ginger cheng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:26 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: RE: pseudo-trigger to update multiple tables?

Yes, I am using InnoDB tables.

Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Are you using innodb table types? Is this the type of updating you are in
need of?

-Original Message-
From: ginger cheng [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:04 AM
Subject: pseudo-trigger to update multiple tables?

I am just wondering how I can make a trigger to update multiple
tables efficiently. (mysql db). RIght now I am thinking of making copys of
the tables involved and update the copies to see the result. But it could be
time consuming if the tables are huge. Any one has good ideas about it?
Thank you for help

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2003-09-24 Thread R.Dobson

Is it possible to obtain the last_insert_id() for a particular column in 
a particular table?
eg, say i wanted to obtain the last insert id of a column called id in 
table reference, something along the lines of:


The reason I ask is because I want to initially insert values into two 
tables and then insert values into a third using the last_insert_id() 
from the first two tables. Obviously, the last_insert_id from the first 
insert is replaced by the last_insert_id from the second insert. This is 
all done in a perl script and I could store the first last_insert_id in 
a variable but I thought their might be a more elegant way round it?


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2,000,000 rows in FULLTEXT

2003-09-24 Thread Steven Roussey
 * MATCH ... AGAINST() in natural language mode now treats words that are 
 present in more than 2,000,000 rows as stopwords.

Arg! Is this really true only for natural mode? It seems to be doing it for
boolean mode too.

Did this change having anything to do with index creation? So I could
downgrade back a version and have it still work OK?

Steven Roussey 

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Re: DataDir question

2003-09-24 Thread Tbird67ForSale
In a message dated 9/24/03 12:34:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Have you tried using the blackslash? `\` instead of the forward slash `/`?
Same results.  The manual states that even on Windows that the '/' should be 
used as the '\' is MySQL's escape char.  Optionally, you can '\\' but all 
three methods produce the same result.


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Re: Usage Monitoring

2003-09-24 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 09:54:12AM -0400, John May wrote:
 Will this show usage per-database, or only for the server overall?

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 388,648,665 queries (420/sec. avg)

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Re: Database quotas?

2003-09-24 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:18:07PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Yeah but when they make a nwe table, it will be owned by root.root wont it?

First, don't run MySQL as root.

Second, yes.  It will be owned by whoever creates it.  But a periodic cron
job to chorwn them appropriately would be a reasonable solution, I suspect.

Jereme D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 388,649,043 queries (420/sec. avg)

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2003-09-24 Thread aguia


I'm working in MySQL with innodb tables, in Linux (Red Hat 9). 
I'm creating indexes in a table with 16 million rows (it's a fact table), and it
takes a lot of time (2/3/4 hours), because my system is always swapping in/out
(i think). 
At the start of the creating, it's fast (because my buffer pool is free), but
when the buffer pool reaches at the end, the system slow down, and the swap
in/out begins :/

I have 512MB of RAM. 
My configuration is:
buffer pool size 256MB
innobd_log_file 128MB
innodb_log_buffer_size 8MB

I tried innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit with 1/0, innodb_flush_method with
fdatasync/O_SYNC, innodb_log_buffer_size to 32MB, but nothing happens!

I don't know if i have to re-build my tables... but i think that it would take a
lot of time too (16 million rows...).

What can i do?


P.S.:i have only innodb tables on my DB.

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Reading a table without knowing column names

2003-09-24 Thread Philippe MAIRE
I would like to execute a select on a table for which i don't know the
column names.
IE I would like a command like
select column(1) from table where ...

Sure, if I ask, it is because I cannot use the desc command.

I have another solution which causes again a problem :
if I could execute a function on the result of desc table
I explain myself :

I access a mysql base through a fixed php script (which i can't modif),
which takes for input a request in an html form, executes it and gives me
back the numeric value of the first row, first column
So when i know the field name and to retreive what I want, i can do
select ascii(mid(col1,1,1)) from table where ...
so doing this char by char I get the entire string.
But the problem is that I haven't found the way to execute that
ascii(mid(...)) function on the result of desc table or show tables etc

Anyone sees something ?


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MySQL connection with PHP

2003-09-24 Thread John Cole
i am learning PHP and MySQL recently, i use PHP to
connect to MySQL server,
however, an error occur:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
mysql_connect() in /var/... on line 2

Following is the PHP program:

1  ?php
2  $linkhandle = mysql_connect(, john,
3  $result = mysql_list_dbs($linkhandle);
4  $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

5  while($db_data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
6 echo $db_data[0].br;
7 $result2 = mysql_list_tables($db_data[0]);
8 $num_rows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);
9 while($table_data = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) {
10   echo --.$table_data[0].br;
12echo == $num_row2 table(s) in .$db_data[0].
13 }
14 ?

PHP version:   4.0.4 
MySQL version: 3.23.36-1

But i use the same hostname, username and password
to connect MySQL at client side, it is no problem, so
i don't kown what's wrong in the program.

Can anyone solve my problem, any reply will be
appreciated, thanks.

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Re: MySQL connection with PHP

2003-09-24 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 18:44:06 +0100 (BST)
John Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
 mysql_connect() in /var/... on line 2
This error means, that you PHP was built without MySQL support.
You need to add MySQL support or to ask your admin to do it.

 PHP version:   4.0.4 
 MySQL version: 3.23.36-1
and it's time to update your PHP  MySQL, definitely.

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001

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FW: Automated MySql data exchange with Paradox databases

2003-09-24 Thread Melle de Jong
Hi everybody,
We maintain both MySQL databases and Paradox databases and would like to
build some automated data exchanger.
We’re in the process of replacing our Paradox with MySql; however it
will take some time to rewrite all related software, approx 700
Is there anybody in the group who has experience with both Paradox and
MySql and has successfully created such a data exchanger?
I’m looking forwards to hear from you,
Thanks in advance,
Melle J. de Jong
Atlas Business Software S/C Ltda.
São Paulo, Brasil
+5511 3082 6318

Getting Non-Biased Standard Deviation with MySQL

2003-09-24 Thread Brian Heasley

I've read that the STD function in MySQL returns the biased standard 
deviation.  Is there a way to get the non-biased SD using MySQL?

Thanks for your help,


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Re: Reading a table without knowing column names

2003-09-24 Thread Director General: NEFACOMP
I think by issuing a SELECT * FROM tblTableName will execute your query
without knowing the column names.
But you can also issue a SHOW FIELDS FROM tblTableName to get a list of the
table columns.

Hope this helps,

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 19:33
Subject: Reading a table without knowing column names

 I would like to execute a select on a table for which i don't know the
 column names.
 IE I would like a command like
 select column(1) from table where ...

 Sure, if I ask, it is because I cannot use the desc command.

 I have another solution which causes again a problem :
 if I could execute a function on the result of desc table
 I explain myself :

 I access a mysql base through a fixed php script (which i can't modif),
 which takes for input a request in an html form, executes it and gives me
 back the numeric value of the first row, first column
 So when i know the field name and to retreive what I want, i can do
 select ascii(mid(col1,1,1)) from table where ...
 so doing this char by char I get the entire string.
 But the problem is that I haven't found the way to execute that
 ascii(mid(...)) function on the result of desc table or show tables

 Anyone sees something ?


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Re: last_insert_id()

2003-09-24 Thread William R. Mussatto
R.Dobson said:

 Is it possible to obtain the last_insert_id() for a particular column in
  a particular table?
 eg, say i wanted to obtain the last insert id of a column called id in
 table reference, something along the lines of:


 The reason I ask is because I want to initially insert values into two
 tables and then insert values into a third using the last_insert_id()
 from the first two tables. Obviously, the last_insert_id from the first
 insert is replaced by the last_insert_id from the second insert. This is
  all done in a perl script and I could store the first last_insert_id in
  a variable but I thought their might be a more elegant way round it?

last_insert_id is connection specific and contains the value of the
auto-increment column for the last record you inserted using that
connection.  The sequence is
- do insert of record with auto-increment column
- get value of last_insterted_id (i.e., the value asigned to the
auto-increment column to that record).  There is only one column so there
is no need for figuring out which column.

If you do two inserts you must get the last_inserted_id BETWEEN the
inserts.  If the second table also has a auto-increment column you will
have to get its value after that insert.

Hope this helps.

William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
FAX. 909-608-7061

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Re: Reading a table without knowing column names

2003-09-24 Thread Paul DuBois
At 19:33 +0200 9/24/03, Philippe MAIRE wrote:
I would like to execute a select on a table for which i don't know the
column names.
IE I would like a command like
select column(1) from table where ...
Sure, if I ask, it is because I cannot use the desc command.
You can use SELECT but you cannot use DESCRIBE?

Can you use the result of:

SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE 0

which returns the metadata for the result set, and an empty (zero-row)
result set.
I have another solution which causes again a problem :
if I could execute a function on the result of desc table
I explain myself :
I access a mysql base through a fixed php script (which i can't modif),
which takes for input a request in an html form, executes it and gives me
back the numeric value of the first row, first column
So when i know the field name and to retreive what I want, i can do
select ascii(mid(col1,1,1)) from table where ...
so doing this char by char I get the entire string.
But the problem is that I haven't found the way to execute that
ascii(mid(...)) function on the result of desc table or show tables etc
Anyone sees something ?


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Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Are you MySQL certified?

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Re: last_insert_id()

2003-09-24 Thread Haydies
Don't forget that if you commit then last_insert_id will return 0

- Original Message - 
From: William R. Mussatto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:56 PM
Subject: Re: last_insert_id()

: R.Dobson said:
:  Hi,
:  Is it possible to obtain the last_insert_id() for a particular column in
:   a particular table?
:  eg, say i wanted to obtain the last insert id of a column called id in
:  table reference, something along the lines of:
:  last_insert_id(
:  The reason I ask is because I want to initially insert values into two
:  tables and then insert values into a third using the last_insert_id()
:  from the first two tables. Obviously, the last_insert_id from the first
:  insert is replaced by the last_insert_id from the second insert. This is
:   all done in a perl script and I could store the first last_insert_id in
:   a variable but I thought their might be a more elegant way round it?
:  tia
:  Rich
: last_insert_id is connection specific and contains the value of the
: auto-increment column for the last record you inserted using that
: connection.  The sequence is
: - do insert of record with auto-increment column
: - get value of last_insterted_id (i.e., the value asigned to the
: auto-increment column to that record).  There is only one column so there
: is no need for figuring out which column.
: If you do two inserts you must get the last_inserted_id BETWEEN the
: inserts.  If the second table also has a auto-increment column you will
: have to get its value after that insert.
: Hope this helps.
: William R. Mussatto, Senior Systems Engineer
: Ph. 909-920-9154 ext. 27
: FAX. 909-608-7061
: -- 
: MySQL General Mailing List
: For list archives:
: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Avram Aelony
I have tried logging in as root  ( mysql -p -u root todo )
and also as myself and both methods yield the same results, shown below:
mysql SHOW TABLES FROM todo;
ERROR 12: Can't read dir of './todo/' (Errcode: 13)
It continues to be curious...
On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 08:22  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

Does the user who you start the MySQL Server up with own the directory 
the files? If the files are there you can try issuing a `show tables 
todo`. If the tables appear try running `check table tasks` and let us 
what the output is.

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:37 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

Okay, I had to log in as root to do so.  The data seems to be still
extant in tasks.MYD .
The other 2 files, tasks.MYI and tasks.frm, are binary.
[aa:local/mysql/data] aelony# ls -l todo
total 40
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  1220 Sep 23 18:11 tasks.MYD
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  2048 Sep 23 18:46 tasks.MYI
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  8819 Sep 23 00:56 tasks.frm

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

Can you post the contents from the todo directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:14 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
total 41032
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] %
The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to the
server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton 

Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is
data directory?
-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably 
to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated 
table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and
my computer.

After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
its contents seem to be gone.
1.) Can I recover this table?
2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
wrong? Is there an FAQ??


  This is what I did...

#Create tasks table for To Do list database
date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
date_dueDATE NULL,
date_completed  DATE NULL,
description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the
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2003-09-24 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 06:15:19PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm working in MySQL with innodb tables, in Linux (Red Hat 9). 
 I'm creating indexes in a table with 16 million rows (it's a fact table), and it
 takes a lot of time (2/3/4 hours), because my system is always swapping in/out
 (i think). 

You should first verify if swap really is a problem or not.  That could
have a big impact on how you solve this problem...
Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 389,349,141 queries (418/sec. avg)

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RE: MySQL connection with PHP

2003-09-24 Thread Mike Klein
From my experience the php mailing lists  newsgroups are quite actively
monitored and a lot of excellent advice is given there.

What I'd do is check error status after mysql calls (whether while dev'g
code or permanently to make your app stronger).

Check out mysql_error and mysql_errno. Also check return codes from mysql
operations. the other fellow mentioned, you probably need to upgrade as mysql
libs are bundled w/my version of php (4.3.2).

I would say you probably don't have mysql libs in your php distro. Create a
php page w/the following:


and see what your configuration is.


-Original Message-
From: John Cole [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 10:44 AM
Subject: MySQL connection with PHP

i am learning PHP and MySQL recently, i use PHP to
connect to MySQL server,
however, an error occur:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function:
mysql_connect() in /var/... on line 2

Following is the PHP program:

1  ?php
2  $linkhandle = mysql_connect(, john,
3  $result = mysql_list_dbs($linkhandle);
4  $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

5  while($db_data = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
6 echo $db_data[0].br;
7 $result2 = mysql_list_tables($db_data[0]);
8 $num_rows2 = mysql_num_rows($result2);
9 while($table_data = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) {
10   echo --.$table_data[0].br;
12echo == $num_row2 table(s) in .$db_data[0].
13 }
14 ?

PHP version:   4.0.4
MySQL version: 3.23.36-1

But i use the same hostname, username and password
to connect MySQL at client side, it is no problem, so
i don't kown what's wrong in the program.

Can anyone solve my problem, any reply will be
appreciated, thanks.

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RE: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Victor Pendleton
The user `root` in MySQL is not the same as the Unix `root` user. The user,
mysql, or whatever you have selected needs to own the directory and files in
the todo directory.
chown -R mysql todo
chgrp -R mysql todo
Error 13 means that the user that started the MySQL server does not have
permission to access the todo directory.

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:33 PM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I have tried logging in as root  ( mysql -p -u root todo )
and also as myself and both methods yield the same results, shown below:

mysql SHOW TABLES FROM todo;
ERROR 12: Can't read dir of './todo/' (Errcode: 13)

It continues to be curious...

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 08:22  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

 Does the user who you start the MySQL Server up with own the directory 
 the files? If the files are there you can try issuing a `show tables 
 todo`. If the tables appear try running `check table tasks` and let us 
 what the output is.

 -Original Message-
 From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:37 AM
 To: Victor Pendleton
 Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

 Okay, I had to log in as root to do so.  The data seems to be still
 extant in tasks.MYD .
 The other 2 files, tasks.MYI and tasks.frm, are binary.

 [aa:local/mysql/data] aelony# ls -l todo
 total 40
 -rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  1220 Sep 23 18:11 tasks.MYD
 -rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  2048 Sep 23 18:46 tasks.MYI
 -rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  8819 Sep 23 00:56 tasks.frm

 On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

 Can you post the contents from the todo directory?

 -Original Message-
 From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:14 AM
 To: Victor Pendleton
 Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

 I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is

 [aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
 total 41032
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
 -rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
 drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
 drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
 drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
 drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
 drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
 [aa:/usr/local/mysql] %

 The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to the
 server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

 On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton 

 Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What is
 data directory?

 -Original Message-
 From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
 Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

 I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably 
 to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
 without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated 
 table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and
 my computer.

 After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
 its contents seem to be gone.

 1.) Can I recover this table?
 2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
 wrong? Is there an FAQ??



   This is what I did...

 #Create tasks table for To Do list database
 date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
 date_dueDATE NULL,
 date_completed  DATE NULL,
 description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
 keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
 INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
 VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the

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How to monitor indexing progress on large tables

2003-09-24 Thread Jeff Neuenschwander
Hello, I am indexing a decent sized table( ~400M rows, 20 gig), and am looking 
for a way to monitor the progress of the indexing.  I imported the data with 
keying turned off (alter table disable keys), then did the enable keys 
command after I imported the data with load data infile.

I of course expect this to take a couple of days, but I'd feel better if I had 
some way of monitoring the progress, so that I'd know if I had some sort of 
configuration error that was going to make it take weeks, or something crazy 
like that.  I tried just listing the content of the database directory to see 
if the index file size was increasing, but it's just staying constant, even 
though the last updated time keeps going up.  This worries me slightly!

I considered timing an index generation from a subset of the data, but I am 
unfamiliar with the indexing processes, and I am not sure if the time would 
increase exponentially based on the number of records being indexed, or if it 
is a linear relationship.

Also, does anyone know of a method to get the faster indexing method to work 
on large tables?  I tried bumping up the myisam_max_sort_file_size in my.cnf, 
but it tops out at 4G, and even at that setting my show processlist is 
returning a repair with keycache, instead of the other, faster method which I 
can't recall the name of.

Any tips to speed this process up, or at least see how long it's going to take 
would be greatly appreciated.  I can understand it taking days, but I would 
like to not have to wait weeks  I've attached the relevant parts of my 
my.cnf.  The machine is an Athlon 2000XP with 1/2 gig of ram and a raid 
array.  I will likely increase the RAM soon.  It doesnt' seem to be maxing 
out the CPU all the time -- I think disk I/O is the bottleneck.

Thanks very much for any help...

Jeff Neuenschwander

port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
set-variable= key_buffer=350M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=4M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=128M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
# Try number of CPU's*2 for thread_concurrency
set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
server-id   = 1
set-variable= myisam_max_sort_file_size=75000M

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1000 rows in MySQLcc

2003-09-24 Thread Oscar (TOMCAT)
Title: Mensagem


I'm using MySQLcc 
version 0.9.2-beta... I want to recover more than 1000 rows in a select 
statement... What is the command toalter this setting 


===José Oscar de Souza 
  EduardoCoordenador de Projetostel: 3047-4541fax: 
  3047-4550[EMAIL PROTECTED]=== 

INSERT data into multiple tables

2003-09-24 Thread Dan J. Rychlik

I have a question about INSERTing data into 2 different tables with one statement.  
Can you do this?

INSERT INTO table1 (name,address,phone) VALUES ( ' USER ', ' USERADDY ',' USERPHONE') 
AND table2 (name) VALUES( ' USER ');


Re: INSERT data into multiple tables

2003-09-24 Thread Antony Dovgal
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 14:23:04 -0500
Dan J. Rychlik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a question about INSERTing data into 2 different tables with one statement.  
 Can you do this?
 INSERT INTO table1 (name,address,phone) VALUES ( ' USER ', ' USERADDY ',' 
 USERPHONE') AND table2 (name) VALUES( ' USER ');

Use 2 queries for that:

INSERT INTO table1 (name,address,phone) VALUES ( ' USER ', ' USERADDY ',' USERPHONE');
INSERT INTO table2 (name) VALUES( ' USER ');

Antony Dovgal aka tony2001

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Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

2003-09-24 Thread Avram Aelony
Changing the ownership fixed everything.  I did not realize there were 
multiple notions of 'root'.


On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 12:10  PM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

The user `root` in MySQL is not the same as the Unix `root` user. The 
mysql, or whatever you have selected needs to own the directory and 
files in
the todo directory.
chown -R mysql todo
chgrp -R mysql todo
Error 13 means that the user that started the MySQL server does not 
permission to access the todo directory.

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:33 PM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I have tried logging in as root  ( mysql -p -u root todo )
and also as myself and both methods yield the same results, shown 

mysql SHOW TABLES FROM todo;
ERROR 12: Can't read dir of './todo/' (Errcode: 13)
It continues to be curious...
On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 08:22  AM, Victor Pendleton wrote:

Does the user who you start the MySQL Server up with own the directory
the files? If the files are there you can try issuing a `show tables
todo`. If the tables appear try running `check table tasks` and let us
what the output is.
-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:37 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

Okay, I had to log in as root to do so.  The data seems to be still
extant in tasks.MYD .
The other 2 files, tasks.MYI and tasks.frm, are binary.
[aa:local/mysql/data] aelony# ls -l todo
total 40
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  1220 Sep 23 18:11 tasks.MYD
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  2048 Sep 23 18:46 tasks.MYI
-rw-rw  1 mysql  wheel  8819 Sep 23 00:56 tasks.frm

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 07:15  AM, Victor Pendleton 

Can you post the contents from the todo directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:14 AM
To: Victor Pendleton
Subject: Re: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am unfamiliar with frm, myd, and myi files, yet  perhaps is
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] % ls -l data
total 41032
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  6362 Sep 23 22:55 aa.local..err
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel 25088 Sep  8 00:43
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep 23 22:55 ib_logfile0
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel   5242880 Sep  8 00:43 ib_logfile1
-rw-rw   1 mysql  wheel  10485760 Sep 23 22:54 ibdata1
drwxr-x---  20 mysql  wheel   680 Sep  8 00:37 mysql/
drwx--   8 mysql  wheel   272 Sep 22 23:59 sampdb/
drwxr-x---   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 10 17:18 test/
drwx--   2 mysql  wheel68 Sep 10 17:11 testdb1/
drwx--   5 mysql  wheel   170 Sep 23 00:56 todo/
[aa:/usr/local/mysql] %
The aa.local..err file contains lengthy text about starts,stops to 
server and errors, the other files appear to be binary..

On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 06:58  AM, Victor Pendleton
Are the frm, myd and myi files located in the data directory? What 
data directory?

-Original Message-
From: Avram Aelony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 8:43 AM
Subject: MySQL newbie: table gone after reboot

I am new to MySQL and have encountered a problem that probably
to everyone, yet I have searched for a solution online and elsewhere
without success. I created a database and table.  Then I populated
table. Everything worked perfectly.  Then I shutdown MySQL and
my computer.
After starting mysqld, I now find my database, but the table and all
its contents seem to be gone.
1.) Can I recover this table?
2.) How can I make sure this does not happen again?  What did I do
wrong? Is there an FAQ??


  This is what I did...

#Create tasks table for To Do list database
date_enteredTIMESTAMP(16) NOT NULL,
date_dueDATE NULL,
date_completed  DATE NULL,
description VARCHAR(255) NULL,
keywordsVARCHAR(100) NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (taskid)
INSERT INTO tasks ( task, date_due, priority, description, keywords)
VALUES(set up database,2003-09-24, SOON, set up the
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Re: innodb

2003-09-24 Thread Heikki Tuuri

you have to raise the log sequence number with the insert trick I explained
in my earlier message. Creating new log files does not help.

I have now added checks to a future version of InnoDB. They monitor the lsn
at the startup, shutdown, and every 2 seconds during mysqld operation. They
should reveal if there is a bug which lowers the log sequence number

I have seen lsn's up to 2 TB. The bug, if it exists, cannot repeat very

Best regards,

Heikki Tuuri
Innobase Oy
Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for MySQL

- Original Message - 
From: Gustavo A. Baratto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: innodb

 Even with brand new log files, I got the messages again:

 030923 13:37:10  InnoDB: Error: page 2621 log sequence number 0 758479545
 InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 0 330424282.
 InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
 030923 13:37:10  InnoDB: Error: page 2622 log sequence number 0 758440573
 InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 0 330424282.
 InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
 030923 13:37:10  InnoDB: Error: page 2623 log sequence number 0 758358467
 InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 0 330424282.
 InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.

 Heikki Tuuri wrote:
030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 53 log sequence number 6
InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  what do you think is the correct log sequence number? How much do you
  The pages have lsn about 16 GB or 24 GB, while the log files only have
  about 8 GB.
  Please send me your whole .err log. That may contain clues of what has
  Best regards,
  Innobase Oy
  InnoDB - transactions, row level locking, and foreign keys for MySQL
  InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for MySQL
  Order MySQL support from
  many thanks for your reply.
  I do well understand that I must *never* touch logfiles or datafiles,
  and I did not do that.  The only thing I did was the following:
  $ mysqladmin shutdown
This was 4.0.14.  The error log said:
  InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
  InnoDB: Shutdown completed
  /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete
  $ cp /usr/sbin/mysqld-4.0.15 /usr/sbin/mysqld
This is bin/mysqld from mysql-standard-4.0.15-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz
  $ rcmysql start
Now the error log said:
  030923 15:10:12  mysqld started
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 45 log sequence number 6
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 52 log sequence number 6
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 53 log sequence number 6
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 54 log sequence number 4
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 55 log sequence number 6
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 56 log sequence number 6
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 59 log sequence number 4
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 60 log sequence number 4
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Error: page 61 log sequence number 4
  InnoDB: is in the future! Current system log sequence number 1
  InnoDB: Your database may be corrupt.
  030923 15:10:14  InnoDB: Started
  /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.
  Version: '4.0.15-standard-log'  socket: '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'
  port: 3306
  Now I switched back to 4.0.14:
  $ mysqladmin shutdown
  $ cp /usr/sbin/mysqld-max /usr/sbin/mysqld
This is the old 4.0.14 binary, compiled by MySQL AB.
  $ rcmysql start
The error log 

Re: DataDir question

2003-09-24 Thread Tbird67ForSale
...after finding a log in the directory that I was trying to use for my new 
DataDir, I've discovered my problem (and, surprise, it makes sense). 

The MySQL database table must also be in place in the directory, I suppose in 
order to keep track of the other databases and tables, etc. 


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Re: Innodb disk geometry

2003-09-24 Thread Heikki Tuuri

Resending this, because this did not show up at


- Original Message - 
From: Heikki Tuuri [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: Innodb  disk geometry


 InnoDB-4.1.1 with multiple tablespaces already works in my computer,
 that ALTER TABLE does not work yet. I also have to test symlinks, because
 you have to use them if you want to place databases on separate disks.

 Below you see how database 'test' now looks like. The .ibd files contain

 Best regards,

 Heikki Tuuri
 Innobase Oy
 Foreign keys, transactions, and row level locking for MySQL
 InnoDB Hot Backup - a hot backup tool for MySQL

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/data/test ls -l
 total 258717
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   58720256 Sep 23 21:39 #sql-50d3_1f.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   9076 Sep 23 20:31 alex1.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   28311552 Sep 23 21:39 alex1.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   9076 Sep 23 21:39 alex2.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb 245760 Sep 23 21:39 alex2.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   9076 Sep 23 21:39 alex3.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb 245760 Sep 23 21:39 alex3.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   8626 Sep 23 20:31 blobt3.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   92274688 Sep 23 21:39 blobt3.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   8626 Sep 23 20:31 ibstest0.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   15728640 Sep 23 21:39 ibstest0.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   8626 Sep 23 21:39 ibstest2.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb 131072 Sep 23 21:39 ibstest2.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   8722 Sep 23 19:34 ibtest0.frm
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   41943040 Sep 23 20:30 ibtest0.ibd
 -rw-rw1 heikki   innodb   8722 Sep 23 20:31 ibtest09.frm

 - Original Message - 
 From: sean peters [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: mailing.database.myodbc
 Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 5:59 PM
 Subject: Innodb  disk geometry

  Hi all,
  i've been trying to follow the Innodb upgrade that will allow setting up
  multiple separate blocks of disk for different databases, where the
  the ability to put databases in specific tablespaces.
  There has been a bit of talk here, but whenever i go to the MySQL or
  web sites, i find nothing regarding this issue.
  So, instead of posting the same question here once a month, and wasting
  your time, i'd much rather be aware of where i can check the progress of
  If anyone can point me at any such information, it would save effort for
  me and you !!!
  thanks much
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mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Mojtaba Faridzad

I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and server both are
windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow but when the
client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20 times faster.
Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower over the lan
in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this problem?


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Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Taylor Lewick
Unix or Linux..

 Mojtaba Faridzad [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/24/03

I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and server both
windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow but when
client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20 times
Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower over the
in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this


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RE: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall
Use Linux! This is the solution.

If you have to use windows will need to tweak your TCP settings

Here is a tool that can help you.


- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

---Original Message-
--From: Mojtaba Faridzad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:10 PM
--Subject: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
--I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and server
--windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow but when
--client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20 times
--Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower over
--in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this

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Re: innodb: storage requirements

2003-09-24 Thread Roman Neuhauser
# [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2003-09-24 17:41:29 +0300:
 the row count in SHOW TABLE STATUS is only an estimate based on 8
 dives into the index tree.

 You had a typical symptom of a fragmented table: space usage much bigger
 than you would expect.

that doesn't answer my questions :) notice the numbers:

  mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'editor_competence_product'\G
  *** 1. row ***
 Name: editor_competence_product
 Type: InnoDB
   Row_format: Fixed
 Rows: 225198

here, InnoDB thinks the table has 225198 rows.

  mysql ALTER TABLE editor_competence_product TYPE=InnoDB;
  Query OK, 187654 rows affected (47.34 sec)
  Records: 187654  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

here, 187654 rows is reported.

  mysql SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'editor_competence_product'\G
  *** 1. row ***
 Name: editor_competence_product
 Type: InnoDB
   Row_format: Fixed
 Rows: 187265

yet another number. what I don't understand is why the second and
third number differ.

but this question is more important, and I'd really *love* to know
an answer:

  Also, is there a way to *measure* the fragmentation of a table? If there
  is, how should the info be interpreted?

If you cc me or remove the list(s) completely I'll most likely ignore
your message.see

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Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Dan J. Rychlik
Hooray for Linux!  True the networking code in Linux has proven to have less
overhead the windows.

- Original Message -
From: Dathan Vance Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Mojtaba Faridzad' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:40 PM
Subject: RE: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

 Use Linux! This is the solution.

 If you have to use windows will need to tweak your TCP settings

 Here is a tool that can help you.

 - Dathan Vance Pattishall
 - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

 ---Original Message-
 --From: Mojtaba Faridzad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 --Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:10 PM
 --Subject: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
 --I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and server
 --windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow but when
 --client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20 times
 --Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower over
 --in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this
 --MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Misaochankun
Hmm, as I feared, this problem is so major that no one wants to touch
it. Not that I blame anyone.

-Original Message-
From: Misao [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 6:09 PM
Subject: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little
floating plastic men

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Re: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 06:09:22PM -0700, Misao wrote:
 What follows is a short story, all true and quite stressful. No database 
 servers were harmed in the making of this server, but a couple were 
 threatened with loose rack mount rails.
 We are trying to move over to InnoDB, but we have a few problems that we 
 just can't figure out:
 First, for some reason, MySQL claims it can not claim more than .5Gigs 
 of RAM from a system that has 4Gigs of RAM total and not being used for 
 anything but MySQL.

How does it make this claim?

 Secondly, MySQL replication leaves a problem for our data warehouse and 
 replication. When you use MySQL binary replication, it has been my 
 experience that it is all or nothing. You can't choose just one database 
 to replicate. You can start or stop just one database on the slave from 
 being replicated. If you stop one, they all stop. This is a problem, 
 because what we need to do is stop replication at midnight, and then do 
 a dump of the database. Just one of them. When we stop it now, they all 
 stop so now we have databases that are idle and not getting up to date 
 replication while this one database gets mysqldumped for hours. InnoDB 
 hot backup is a swell thing, but it doesn't dump the database in a 
 useable format for anything except bringing an entire server online. 

Have you considered running separate instances of MySQL, one for each

 Before, what we did with MyISAM was a crude but workable in house 
 replication system that used the text file update logs to replicate to a 
 slave. This allowed us to replicate by database, and in turn only affect 
 that one database for replication and dumping. It also allowed us to 
 attach a data warehouse program to the replication so that it could grab 
 the information it needed. With MySQL binary replication, we can not do 
 either of these activities.

Sure you can.  Use the mysqlbinlog tool.  It has a -d argument that will
only show queries from the given database.

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 392,383,279 queries (417/sec. avg)

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Mojtaba Faridzad
Thanks for your helps. If I have a Linux on server and windows xp on client,
do I still have slow connection? I think I will have because Linux is using
TCP/IP for connection to windows clien. is that right?

- Original Message - 
From: Dan J. Rychlik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dathan Vance Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Mojtaba
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

 Hooray for Linux!  True the networking code in Linux has proven to have
 overhead the windows.

 - Original Message -
 From: Dathan Vance Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Mojtaba Faridzad' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:40 PM
 Subject: RE: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

  Use Linux! This is the solution.
  If you have to use windows will need to tweak your TCP settings
  Here is a tool that can help you.
  - Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.
  ---Original Message-
  --From: Mojtaba Faridzad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  --Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:10 PM
  --Subject: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
  --I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and server
  --windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow but when
  --client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20 times
  --Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower over
  --in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this
  --MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!

2003-09-24 Thread Dathan Vance Pattishall
Use Linux to Linux makes life easier, because Microsoft doesn't seem to
like Linux (although some ms code is in it (dhcp)).

Windows 98 out the box configures TCP usage for a 56K modem from what
I've read. Use the program linked below to switch from modem settings to
LAN settings.

Mimic the Windows NT TCP stack settings by using the same tool on it.

- Dathan Vance Pattishall
  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.

---Original Message-
--From: Mojtaba Faridzad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:25 PM
--Subject: Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
--Thanks for your helps. If I have a Linux on server and windows xp on
--do I still have slow connection? I think I will have because Linux is
--TCP/IP for connection to windows clien. is that right?
--- Original Message -
--From: Dan J. Rychlik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--To: Dathan Vance Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Mojtaba
--Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 4:54 PM
--Subject: Re: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
-- Hooray for Linux!  True the networking code in Linux has proven to
-- overhead the windows.
-- - Original Message -
-- From: Dathan Vance Pattishall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- To: 'Mojtaba Faridzad' [EMAIL PROTECTED];
-- Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:40 PM
-- Subject: RE: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
--  Use Linux! This is the solution.
--  If you have to use windows will need to tweak your TCP settings
--  Here is a tool that can help you.
--  - Dathan Vance Pattishall
--  - Sr. Programmer and mySQL DBA for FriendFinder Inc.
--  -
--  ---Original Message-
--  --From: Mojtaba Faridzad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
--  --Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 1:10 PM
--  --Subject: mySQL is slow with TCP/IP !!!
--  --
--  --Hi,
--  --
--  --I wrote some queries to check the speed. If the client and
--  both
--  --are
--  --windows NT, retrieving large number of records is very slow
--  the
--  --client is windows 98 and server is NT, it works almost 20
--  faster.
--  --Probably the problem is caused by TCP/IP which is much slower
--  the
--  --lan
--  --in windows NT, 2000, and XP. Do you know any solution for this
--  problem?
--  --
--  --Thanks
--  --
--  --
--  --MySQL General Mailing List
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--  --
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-- --
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RE: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Misaochankun
MySQL tells me at startup that it can not allocate more than 512MB of
It will fail to start the server if I specify any further.

As far as separate instances, we have not looked into doing that for the
masters, but we may use that for the data warehouse copy. The idea of
multiple MySQL master instances on the same box just doesn't sound
Perhaps you have had better experience with this.

Thanks for the tip on mysqlbinlog, but using that will require a lot of
tweaking and development. It may prove useful though. What I did like
about MySQL replication is that it is pretty simple. This simplicity
however also causes the problem of wanting to replicate only one
database at a time. Its not that we need separate replication, its that
we want to be able to stop replication of one database and let the
others continue while we do things to the stopped database.

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 2:11 PM
To: Misao
Subject: Re: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and
little floating plastic men

On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 06:09:22PM -0700, Misao wrote:

How does it make this claim?


Have you considered running separate instances of MySQL, one for each


Sure you can.  Use the mysqlbinlog tool.  It has a -d argument that
only show queries from the given database.

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 392,383,279 queries
(417/sec. avg)

MySQL General Mailing List
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Database corruption

2003-09-24 Thread Quentin Bennett

Advice on the cause of the following table corruption would be much

Some background:

This customer has been running MySQL for 3 or more years, and, for back
up purposes, shuts MySQL down each night, takes a snapshot of the tables
for backup, and restarts.

We have sufferred a table corruption before, of the same table, when the
table was an ISAM table under version 3.23.40. We have since upgraded to
4.0.13, and changed the table to MyISAM type.

Searching the list archive for 'Wrong bytesec' on returns no
results. Google returns some, but mainly old ones. Maybe an appendix to
the manual giving some information about the possible things that
myisamchk can find/repair would be useful?

Are there any known problems with shutting down and re-starting so
Would a flush-tables followed by a check that there are no open tables
achieve the same result.
Is there a way of stopping new connections to a running server?

mysql REPAIR TABLE tt_tickets_bck
# myisamchk -r tt_tickets_bck

both fixed the issue, but I'm being asked why the corruption happened in
the first place. Myisamchk -vvv resulted in 212424 lines of information.

Thanks in advance

Quentin Bennett

# mysqladmin version
mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.13, for dec-osf5.1 on alphaev67
(-- Binaries from --)
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.0.13-max-log
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /data/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 1 hour 21 min 23 sec

Threads: 37  Questions: 42387  Slow queries: 16  Opens: 258  Flush
tables: 2  Open tables: 113  Queries per second avg: 8.681

mysql check table tt_tickets_bck;
| Table  | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or
hasn't closed the table properly|
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | Size of datafile is:
290516700   Should be: 285712092 |
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | error| Unexpected byte: 5 at
link: 285506400 |
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | error| Corrupt
5 rows in set (58.28 sec)

# myisamchk -vvv -r tt_tickets_bck
- recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table 'tt_tickets_bck'
Data records: 5641601
- Fixing index 1
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 46268 keys
Wrong bytesec:  31-  0-  0 at304; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  49- 55- 53 at320; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:   5- 87- 50 at328; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  48- 53- 55 at  285506420; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:   4- 49- 53 at692; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:   5- 87- 50 at700; Skipped
Found block with impossible length 3289448 at 285506560; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   1080; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  56- 54- 48 at   1096; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at   1108; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   5080; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  53- 53- 55 at   5096; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at   5108; Skipped
Found block with too small length at 5116; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   5120; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  53- 53- 55 at   5136; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  56- 50- 56 at5762080; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at5762092; Skipped
Delete link points outside datafile at 285512060
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at5762148; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  54- 57- 57 at5762164; Skipped
Wrong bytesec: 200-  3-  1 at  290516684; Skipped
  - Merging 5621599 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys

- Fixing index 2
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 139678 keys
  - Merging 5621599 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys

- Fixing index 3
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 104727 keys
  - Merging 5621599 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys

Data records: 5621599

Quentin Bennett
Senior Analyst
Infinity Solutions Ltd
PO Box 3323, Auckland
Ph: 09 921 8146
Fx: 09 309 4142 
The information contained in this email is privileged and confidential and
intended for the addressee only. If you are not the intended recipient, you
are asked to respect that confidentiality and not disclose, copy or make use
of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this email
and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:03:20PM -0700, Misaochankun wrote:
 MySQL tells me at startup that it can not allocate more than 512MB of
 It will fail to start the server if I specify any further.

On what OS?

Can we see the exact error?

Have you checked things like ulimit?

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 393,361,824 queries (416/sec. avg)

MySQL General Mailing List
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Different DB directories against one MySQL

2003-09-24 Thread Baculio, Marlon
I'm trying to have MySQL connect to different filesystems (mostly in
read-only mode). I've tried setting the read-only attribute of my files
under my database directory under c:\mysql\data and MySQL seems to be
able to SELECT it with no problem (I then tried doing an INSERT and it
came up with an error message, which is perfect). Hopefully, this would
also work if my database directory is in CDROM even if the MySQL
binaries are in writable hard disk.
My question is: Is it possible to have a single instance of MySQL where
each connection might have a different data directory? For example, I
have a user that needs to query data from a CDROM, and there's another
one that needs to query some tape backup. If not, I am assuming it
should be OK to run multiple instances of MySQL (on different ports) and
just have them point to different data paths (unless you guys know of a
more elegant solution).

Re: Database quotas?

2003-09-24 Thread Steven Adams
Its not, i ment to say mysql user.

A cron will work, but it wont be up-to-date.. hmm, need to research it a bit

- Original Message -
From: Jeremy Zawodny [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 3:11 AM
Subject: Re: Database quotas?

 On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:18:07PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yeah but when they make a nwe table, it will be owned by root.root wont

 First, don't run MySQL as root.

 Second, yes.  It will be owned by whoever creates it.  But a periodic cron
 job to chorwn them appropriately would be a reasonable solution, I

 Jereme D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

 MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 388,649,043 queries
(420/sec. avg)

MySQL General Mailing List
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300 seconds in sending data phase

2003-09-24 Thread Kevin

I run a mod_perl/mysql website, and have been noticing increasingly
often lately that queries will get stuck for a very long time in the
sending data phase:

3652allpoetry   localhost   allpoetry   Query   291
Sending dataSELECT
,cat2,cat3,poems.mid as poemowner,poets.preferred as p_pref, poems.type
as p_type, poems.image FROM bids left join poets on bids.owner =
poets.mid left join poems on poems.lid = bids.lid WHERE remaining  0
3653allpoetry   localhost   allpoetry   Query   291
Sending dataSELECT
,cat2,cat3,poems.mid as poemowner,poets.preferred as p_pref, poems.type
as p_type, poems.image FROM bids left join poets on bids.owner =
poets.mid left join poems on poems.lid = bids.lid WHERE remaining  0

 ... 10 more of the same thing ...

Often these are the *only* queries shown running for 10-20-30 seconds in
show full processlist, though other things are running, just very
quickily.  Eventually things start to wait for writes and it locks up
and drags the system to slowness for 5-10 minutes. 

The long 'sending data' phase seems to happen for many different
queries.  The explain for the top query shows:
| table | type   | possible_keys | key   | key_len | ref|
rows |
| bids  | range  | remaining | remaining |   2 | NULL   |
192 | Using where; Using filesort |
| poets | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY   |   3 | bids.owner |
1 | |
| poems | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY   |   3 | bids.lid   |
1 | |

Sure, it's a filesort, but only 192 rows so should be no big deal.
(Side note: the 'remaining' key is on (remaining, amt), so shouldn't it
be using it and not filesorting?).

During these times apache doesn't seem to be using any more than usual
processor power, and I've done lots of 'strace -p' but without really
learning anything.

Any ideas what could be causing such a long sending-data phase?  Ram is
a little short, but not dipping into swap.

total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  650891264 636760064 141312000  7864320 347262976
Swap: 806068224 20066304 786001920

I'm running the latest 4.0x redhat rpm version (4.0.15-standard-log),
with all myisam tables.

My process list looks like:
##   PID UID Size Share VSize   Rss   TTY  St  Command
1 12085 mysql22M  2.1M  132M   22M 34816  S   mysqld 
2 12087 mysql22M  2.1M  132M   22M 34816  S   mysqld 
3 12088 mysql22M  2.1M  132M   22M 34816  S   mysqld 
.. repeat exactly until ...
49 12367 mysql22M  2.1M  132M   22M 34816  S   mysqld 

 1 12056 root988K  820K  4.1M  988K 34816  S   mysqld_safe

Which is strange too because it has way more processes than apache can
be using (should be only one persistent connection per process):
# ps aux | grep /sbin/httpd | wc -l
# ps aux | grep mysql | wc -l

My relevant my.cnf variables are:
set-variable= key_buffer=100M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=256
set-variable= sort_buffer=4M
set-variable= record_buffer=1M
set-variable= myisam_max_sort_file_size=600M
set-variable= myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size=600M
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=32M
set-variable= thread_cache=40
set-variable= thread_concurrency=2

Thanks for any help you can suggest!  Sorry for including so much
information, I'm not sure what could be causing it. 

Kevin Watt
Community Manager,
How do really small people call each other ?   On Microphones
How do you fix a broken chimp?   With a monkey wrench

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RE: Different DB directories against one MySQL

2003-09-24 Thread Kevin
Hi Marlon,

Under linux mysql will 'see' any databases you've got links in the
folder you've configured it to look.  So in my /var/lib/mysql I have a
symlink to /db/Allpoetry, and it knows to look there for the data files.

So each database can have its own directory.  You could probably even
symlink the tables to files on other odd places if you wanted too.

I assume the same thing is possible under windows.  I know cygwin does
symlinks, but don't know if the windows mysql will follow them, or if it
follows shortcuts otherwise anyways.

Not sure what the efficiency problems of running a database from a cdrom
would be either, but it'd be an interesting experiment :)

Kevin Watt
Community Manager,
What happened to the cow who went for a drive?   He got a Moo_ving
What do you call someone who is crazy about hot chocolate?   A cocoa nut
What do bees use to cut wood?   Buzz saws
Who eats at underwater resturants ?   Suba diners
How do really small people call each other ?   On Microphones
How do you fix a broken chimp?   With a monkey wrench

 -Original Message-
 From: Baculio, Marlon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:32 PM
 Subject: Different DB directories against one MySQL
 I'm trying to have MySQL connect to different filesystems (mostly in
 read-only mode). I've tried setting the read-only attribute of my
 under my database directory under c:\mysql\data and MySQL seems to
 able to SELECT it with no problem (I then tried doing an INSERT and it
 came up with an error message, which is perfect). Hopefully, this
 also work if my database directory is in CDROM even if the MySQL
 binaries are in writable hard disk.
 My question is: Is it possible to have a single instance of MySQL
 each connection might have a different data directory? For example, I
 have a user that needs to query data from a CDROM, and there's another
 one that needs to query some tape backup. If not, I am assuming it
 should be OK to run multiple instances of MySQL (on different ports)
 just have them point to different data paths (unless you guys know of
 more elegant solution).

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Misaochankun
OS: RedHat Enterprise ES 2.1

Current working InnoDB settings:

innodb_data_home_dir = /home/mysql
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:2M:autoextend
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /home/mysql
innodb_log_arch_dir = /home/mysql
# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
# of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
innodb_log_file_size = 512M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

Error(using 2.5G RAM out of 4G total):

030924 15:39:55  mysqld started
Warning: Ignoring user change to 'mysql' because the user was set to
'mysql' earlier on the command line
InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate 2684370944 bytes of
InnoDB: memory with malloc! Total allocated memory
InnoDB: by InnoDB 24482732 bytes. Operating system errno: 12
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation!
InnoDB: Check if you should increase the swap file or
InnoDB: ulimits of your operating system.
InnoDB: On FreeBSD check you have compiled the OS with
InnoDB: a big enough maximum process size.
InnoDB: We now intentionally generate a seg fault so that
InnoDB: on Linux we get a stack trace.
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail.

It is possible that mysqld could use up to
key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections
= 3404665 K
bytes of memory
Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.

I talked with RedHat about any OS limitations, and they had me change
the max shared to a suitable number, and still I am stuck at 512MB of

Top output:
  3:43pm  up 23:24,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
36 processes: 35 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU0 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 100.0% idle
CPU1 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 100.0% idle
CPU2 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 100.0% idle
CPU3 states:  0.0% user,  0.0% system,  0.0% nice, 100.0% idle
Mem:  3943852K av,  165796K used, 3778056K free,   0K shrd,   40760K
Swap: 2044072K av,   0K used, 2044072K free   48972K

-Original Message-
From: Jeremy Zawodny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:28 PM
To: Misaochankun
Subject: Re: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and
little floating plastic men

On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:03:20PM -0700, Misaochankun wrote:
 MySQL tells me at startup that it can not allocate more than 512MB of
 It will fail to start the server if I specify any further.

On what OS?

Can we see the exact error?

Have you checked things like ulimit?

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 393,361,824 queries
(416/sec. avg)

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
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RE: Different DB directories against one MySQL

2003-09-24 Thread Baculio, Marlon
Thanks Kevin!

I see what you're saying. That would mean I would have a common 'mysql'
database though (for the db, user, func tables, etc). I thinks that's
acceptable in my case. (I assume I don't need to update these tables if
I want to add a 'link' to a new database somewhere, and that 'USE' would
auto-detect any new directory.)

I'll probably do a little experimenting in Windows soon (since I'm
trying to be portable, or maybe I should stop supporting Windows, hmm).

Thanks again!


-Original Message-
From: Kevin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:39 PM
To: Baculio, Marlon; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Different DB directories against one MySQL

Hi Marlon,

Under linux mysql will 'see' any databases you've got links in the
folder you've configured it to look.  So in my /var/lib/mysql I have a
symlink to /db/Allpoetry, and it knows to look there for the data files.

So each database can have its own directory.  You could probably even
symlink the tables to files on other odd places if you wanted too.

I assume the same thing is possible under windows.  I know cygwin does
symlinks, but don't know if the windows mysql will follow them, or if it
follows shortcuts otherwise anyways.

Not sure what the efficiency problems of running a database from a cdrom
would be either, but it'd be an interesting experiment :)

Kevin Watt
Community Manager,
What happened to the cow who went for a drive?   He got a Moo_ving
What do you call someone who is crazy about hot chocolate?   A cocoa nut
What do bees use to cut wood?   Buzz saws
Who eats at underwater resturants ?   Suba diners
How do really small people call each other ?   On Microphones
How do you fix a broken chimp?   With a monkey wrench

 -Original Message-
 From: Baculio, Marlon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:32 PM
 Subject: Different DB directories against one MySQL
 I'm trying to have MySQL connect to different filesystems (mostly in 
 read-only mode). I've tried setting the read-only attribute of my
 under my database directory under c:\mysql\data and MySQL seems to
 able to SELECT it with no problem (I then tried doing an INSERT and it

 came up with an error message, which is perfect). Hopefully, this
 also work if my database directory is in CDROM even if the MySQL 
 binaries are in writable hard disk.
 My question is: Is it possible to have a single instance of MySQL
 each connection might have a different data directory? For example, I 
 have a user that needs to query data from a CDROM, and there's another

 one that needs to query some tape backup. If not, I am assuming it 
 should be OK to run multiple instances of MySQL (on different ports)
 just have them point to different data paths (unless you guys know of
 more elegant solution).

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Re: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Jeremy Zawodny
On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 03:45:22PM -0700, Misaochankun wrote:
 OS: RedHat Enterprise ES 2.1

 I talked with RedHat about any OS limitations, and they had me change
 the max shared to a suitable number, and still I am stuck at 512MB of

It's clearly an OS bug of some kind.  I've used well over 512MB on Linux,
FreeBSD, and others (Solaris?) before.  I'd bang harder on the RedHat
support folks.  It's their job to know this stuff, right?

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.15-Yahoo-SMP: up 10 days, processed 394,237,705 queries (415/sec. avg)

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Re: Provider error '80040e37'

2003-09-24 Thread Helpdesk3 ( Mid North Coast Internet )
Will this help anyone?

   Set objRS = CreateObject(ADODB.RecordSet)
=objRS.Open SELECT Questions, Answers, Picture FROM FAQ ORDER BY 
OrderID, Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=DSN=database, 2
   Set objRS = Nothing

The Questions and Answers columns are the text/blobs. Picture is a 
varchar. OrderID is an int.

Thanks again, Robert.

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Re: Database corruption

2003-09-24 Thread Terence
We had the same problem when running on linux with the 2.4.18 kernel.
Upgraded to the 2.4.20 and no problems since.

Don't know if that's your problem, since you didnt mention kernel versions.


- Original Message - 
From: Quentin Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:21 AM
Subject: Database corruption


Advice on the cause of the following table corruption would be much

Some background:

This customer has been running MySQL for 3 or more years, and, for back
up purposes, shuts MySQL down each night, takes a snapshot of the tables
for backup, and restarts.

We have sufferred a table corruption before, of the same table, when the
table was an ISAM table under version 3.23.40. We have since upgraded to
4.0.13, and changed the table to MyISAM type.

Searching the list archive for 'Wrong bytesec' on returns no
results. Google returns some, but mainly old ones. Maybe an appendix to
the manual giving some information about the possible things that
myisamchk can find/repair would be useful?

Are there any known problems with shutting down and re-starting so
Would a flush-tables followed by a check that there are no open tables
achieve the same result.
Is there a way of stopping new connections to a running server?

mysql REPAIR TABLE tt_tickets_bck
# myisamchk -r tt_tickets_bck

both fixed the issue, but I'm being asked why the corruption happened in
the first place. Myisamchk -vvv resulted in 212424 lines of information.

Thanks in advance

Quentin Bennett

# mysqladmin version
mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.13, for dec-osf5.1 on alphaev67
(-- Binaries from --)
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.0.13-max-log
Protocol version10
Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /data/mysql/mysql.sock
Uptime: 1 hour 21 min 23 sec

Threads: 37  Questions: 42387  Slow queries: 16  Opens: 258  Flush
tables: 2  Open tables: 113  Queries per second avg: 8.681

mysql check table tt_tickets_bck;
| Table  | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or
hasn't closed the table properly|
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | Size of datafile is:
290516700   Should be: 285712092 |
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | error| Unexpected byte: 5 at
link: 285506400 |
| mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | error| Corrupt
5 rows in set (58.28 sec)

# myisamchk -vvv -r tt_tickets_bck
- recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table 'tt_tickets_bck'
Data records: 5641601
- Fixing index 1
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 46268 keys
Wrong bytesec:  31-  0-  0 at304; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  49- 55- 53 at320; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:   5- 87- 50 at328; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  48- 53- 55 at  285506420; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:   4- 49- 53 at692; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:   5- 87- 50 at700; Skipped
Found block with impossible length 3289448 at 285506560; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   1080; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  56- 54- 48 at   1096; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at   1108; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   5080; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  53- 53- 55 at   5096; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at   5108; Skipped
Found block with too small length at 5116; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   5120; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  53- 53- 55 at   5136; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  56- 50- 56 at5762080; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at5762092; Skipped
Delete link points outside datafile at 285512060
Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at5762148; Skipped
Wrong bytesec:  54- 57- 57 at5762164; Skipped
Wrong bytesec: 200-  3-  1 at  290516684; Skipped
  - Merging 5621599 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys

- Fixing index 2
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 139678 keys
  - Merging 5621599 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys

- Fixing index 3
  - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 104727 keys
  - Merging 5621599 keys
  - Last merge and dumping keys

Data records: 5621599

Quentin Bennett
Senior Analyst
Infinity Solutions Ltd
PO Box 3323, Auckland
Ph: 09 921 8146
Fx: 09 309 4142
The information contained in this email is 

RE: Database corruption

2003-09-24 Thread Quentin Bennett

Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.1 (Rev. 732)

so possibly not the same issue!


Quentin Bennett
Senior Analyst
Infinity Solutions Ltd
PO Box 3323, Auckland
Ph: 09 921 8146
Fx: 09 309 4142

 -Original Message-
 From: Terence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2003 2:05 p.m.
 Subject: Re: Database corruption
 We had the same problem when running on linux with the 2.4.18 
 kernel. Upgraded to the 2.4.20 and no problems since.
 Don't know if that's your problem, since you didnt mention 
 kernel versions.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Quentin Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 6:21 AM
 Subject: Database corruption
 Advice on the cause of the following table corruption would 
 be much appreciated.
 Some background:
 This customer has been running MySQL for 3 or more years, 
 and, for back up purposes, shuts MySQL down each night, takes 
 a snapshot of the tables for backup, and restarts.
 We have sufferred a table corruption before, of the same 
 table, when the table was an ISAM table under version 
 3.23.40. We have since upgraded to 4.0.13, and changed the 
 table to MyISAM type.
 Searching the list archive for 'Wrong bytesec' on 
 returns no results. Google returns some, but mainly old ones. 
 Maybe an appendix to the manual giving some information about 
 the possible things that myisamchk can find/repair would be useful?
 Are there any known problems with shutting down and 
 re-starting so regularly? Would a flush-tables followed by a 
 check that there are no open tables achieve the same result. 
 Is there a way of stopping new connections to a running server?
 mysql REPAIR TABLE tt_tickets_bck
 # myisamchk -r tt_tickets_bck
 both fixed the issue, but I'm being asked why the corruption 
 happened in the first place. Myisamchk -vvv resulted in 
 212424 lines of information.
 Thanks in advance
 Quentin Bennett
 # mysqladmin version
 mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.13, for dec-osf5.1 on alphaev67
 (-- Binaries from --)
 Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX 
 DataKonsult AB This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO 
 WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to 
 modify and redistribute it under the GPL license
 Server version  4.0.13-max-log
 Protocol version10
 Connection  Localhost via UNIX socket
 UNIX socket /data/mysql/mysql.sock
 Uptime: 1 hour 21 min 23 sec
 Threads: 37  Questions: 42387  Slow queries: 16  Opens: 258  Flush
 tables: 2  Open tables: 113  Queries per second avg: 8.681
 mysql check table tt_tickets_bck;
 | Table  | Op| Msg_type | Msg_text
 | mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | Table is marked 
 as crashed
 | mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | 2 clients is using or
 hasn't closed the table properly|
 | mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | warning  | Size of datafile is:
 290516700   Should be: 285712092 |
 | mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | error| Unexpected byte: 5 at
 link: 285506400 |
 | mercury.tt_tickets_bck | check | error| Corrupt
 5 rows in set (58.28 sec)
 # myisamchk -vvv -r tt_tickets_bck
 - recovering (with sort) MyISAM-table 'tt_tickets_bck'
 Data records: 5641601
 - Fixing index 1
   - Searching for keys, allocating buffer for 46268 keys
 Wrong bytesec:  31-  0-  0 at304; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  49- 55- 53 at320; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:   5- 87- 50 at328; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  48- 53- 55 at  285506420; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:   4- 49- 53 at692; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:   5- 87- 50 at700; Skipped
 Found block with impossible length 3289448 at 285506560; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   1080; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  56- 54- 48 at   1096; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at   1108; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   5080; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  53- 53- 55 at   5096; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at   5108; Skipped
 Found block with too small length at 5116; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at   5120; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  53- 53- 55 at   5136; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  56- 50- 56 at5762080; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  87- 50- 29 at5762092; Skipped
 Delete link points outside datafile at 285512060
 Wrong bytesec:  27-  0-  0 at5762148; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec:  54- 57- 57 at5762164; Skipped
 Wrong bytesec: 200-  3-  1 at  

Re: 300 seconds in sending data phase

2003-09-24 Thread Matt W
*** Is everyone else getting ~50% virus e-mails on the list?? :-( ***

Hi Kevin,

Don't know what's causing the hang-up on those queries, as they seem
like they should be fast as you said (unless it's some mod_perl/DBI
interaction -- no idea). :-/ Just responding to 2 other things...

- Original Message -
From: Kevin
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 5:34 PM
Subject: 300 seconds in sending data phase


 [ snip ]

 The long 'sending data' phase seems to happen for many different
 queries.  The explain for the top query shows:
 | table | type   | possible_keys | key   | key_len | ref|
 rows |

 | bids  | range  | remaining | remaining |   2 | NULL   |
 192 | Using where; Using filesort |
 | poets | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY   |   3 | bids.owner |
 1 | |
 | poems | eq_ref | PRIMARY   | PRIMARY   |   3 | bids.lid   |
 1 | |


 Sure, it's a filesort, but only 192 rows so should be no big deal.
 (Side note: the 'remaining' key is on (remaining, amt), so shouldn't
 be using it and not filesorting?).

No, because the bids table is range type (because of WHERE remaining
 0). It would need to be ref type to use the index for sorting
(WHERE remaining=123 or something). This is because the index is only
sorted by amt for each unique remaining prefix value.

(Note that before v4, MySQL will not use the index for ORDER BY with
queries of type ... WHERE key_part1=const ORDER BY key_part2 DESC.

 Which is strange too because it has way more processes than apache can
 be using (should be only one persistent connection per process)

Should it? Or is it one connection per MySQL user, per process? I'm not
sure. Are you connecting with more than 1 MySQL user?

BTW, this is why I don't like persistent connections. :-) Too many
useless connections around that can't be used in a shared pool...


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auto increment

2003-09-24 Thread Louie Miranda
I have a id_entry field that is doing auto increment on that field.
Now, when i try to delete the numbers it still continues to count
from where it left.

ex: i have entrys


once i deleted 1|one on the field or even 2|two

it still counts to 3|three and so on

And is it also possible to change the values, to 2003-01 and so on..
Im tired just using the numbers from 1 and so on..


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RE: auto increment

2003-09-24 Thread Quentin Bennett

Check the behaviour of auto_increment in the change logs - it changed
from using the highest available number to carrying on from where it
left off some time ago, but I believe there is a was to reset it

Hope this helps.

Quentin Bennett
Senior Analyst
Infinity Solutions Ltd
PO Box 3323, Auckland
Ph: 09 921 8146
Fx: 09 309 4142

 -Original Message-
 From: Louie Miranda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2003 2:58 p.m.
 Subject: auto increment
 I have a id_entry field that is doing auto increment on that 
 field. Now, when i try to delete the numbers it still 
 continues to count from where it left.
 ex: i have entrys
 once i deleted 1|one on the field or even 2|two
 it still counts to 3|three and so on
 And is it also possible to change the values, to 2003-01 and 
 so on.. Im tired just using the numbers from 1 and so on..
 MySQL General Mailing List
 For list archives:
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Mysql Problem in Windows 2000 advanced server

2003-09-24 Thread Ganbold

I installed mysql-4.0.15 in Windows 2000 Advanced server. Mysql-max-nt is 
working fine, except some problems.
Sometimes when I try to use access web pages through php pages, mysql says 
Connection to server lost or
Can't connect to mysql server or sometimes query error. Query is tested 
and works fine most of the time.
And when I refresh web page again everything works fine.
Mysql log says nothing.

Is it problem related to mysql in Windows? Also I tested small C program to 
query mysql tables and it sometimes
hangs. Is there any solution for this kind of problem?

The following is the my.ini file:
set-variable   = connect_timeout=30
set-variable   = net_retry_count=100
set-variable= key_buffer=384M
set-variable= max_allowed_packet=1M
set-variable= table_cache=3M
set-variable= sort_buffer=2M
set-variable= record_buffer=2M
set-variable= thread_cache=8
set-variable= thread_concurrency=8
set-variable= myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
server-id   = 1
set-variable= max_connections=5000
set-variable= query_cache_size=8M
set-variable= query_cache_limit=8M
set-variable= thread_cache_size=2M
thanks in advance,


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RE: Provider error '80040e37'

2003-09-24 Thread Dennis Bennett

ADO seems to prefer blobs to be at the end of the select. Try the following
to see if it works:

Select Picture, Questions, Answers FROM FAQ ORDER by OrderID


-Original Message-
From: Helpdesk3 ( Mid North Coast Internet )
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Provider error '80040e37'

Will this help anyone?

Set objRS = CreateObject(ADODB.RecordSet)
=objRS.Open SELECT Questions, Answers, Picture FROM FAQ ORDER BY 
OrderID, Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=DSN=database, 2
Set objRS = Nothing

The Questions and Answers columns are the text/blobs. Picture is a 
varchar. OrderID is an int.

Thanks again, Robert.

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RE: InnoDB, Replication, and Data warehouse: Oil, Water, and little floating plastic men

2003-09-24 Thread Marc Slemko
On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Misaochankun wrote:

 Error(using 2.5G RAM out of 4G total):

 030924 15:39:55  mysqld started
 Warning: Ignoring user change to 'mysql' because the user was set to
 'mysql' earlier on the command line
 InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate 2684370944 bytes of
 InnoDB: memory with malloc! Total allocated memory
 InnoDB: by InnoDB 24482732 bytes. Operating system errno: 12
 InnoDB: Cannot continue operation!

If you set a smaller size and start mysql, so it is running
successfully, how much memory does top and ps show mysqld as using?

If your processes are getting close to 2 gigs of RAM total, that may be
There are other parts of mysql that can be configured to use (sometimes
a lot of) memory.
the limit you are running into.

By default on Linux, a process can only allocate about 1.9 gigs of
memory using mmap(), which is what malloc() is probably using for
large allocations.  redhat may tweak these values in their kernels,
but I don't know... that is the default limit on 2.4.x kernels
anyway.  You can tweak this to go higher, but only with modifying the
kernel source.

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