Setting up version 5

2006-12-18 Thread Karl Larsen

   Is there a paper I can d/l that covers intalling MYSQL on Red Hat Linux?

Karl Larsen

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How a VIEW is stored

2006-08-26 Thread Karl Larsen
   I was working with my version 5 and made a couple of views which are 
very useful. Looking in the db I was able to see the VIEW's saved as 

   This was a surprise and not sure if this is the expected result or 
not. Then I did some SELECT that involved the VIEW and it does work a 
lot like another TABLE, but it can and mine does take data from many 
TABLE's into a VIEW.

   You can write a SELECT or even another VIEW using a VIEW. But if you 
keep track of the time used by a query, it starts to get too long if 
you  use a SELECT of a VIEW that has within it another VIEW.

Karl Larsen

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First View

2006-08-24 Thread Karl Larsen
   I wrote my first VIEW in version 5 and it works just fine. It will 
be a powerful way to generate output for the Bosses. Why it was taken 
out on version 4 I have no idea.

Karl Larsen

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Can't get mysqld to run

2006-08-21 Thread Karl Larsen
   I have mysql 5 on Fedora Core 4 linux via RPM files. It does not 
run. I used the instructions from the info file and was able to populate 
the dirctory /var/lib/mysqld/ with the mysql db and some other files 
using mysql-install-db. But when I try to start mysqld with mysqld_safe 
it errors out saying it can't use the /var/run/mysald/ file. 
This is because there is no in that directory. The directory 
has root permissions.

   What have I done wrong?

Karl Larsen

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Become mysql user

2006-08-21 Thread Karl Larsen
   I think I need to su - mysql and it askes for a password. What is 
that password?


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Back up and punt

2006-08-21 Thread Karl Larsen
   I am going to do the simple things. I will delete mysql from the 
computer both with rpm and rm as needed. After I can find NOTHING about 
mysql anywhere, I will reboot, and then load the rpm's. Then I will 
assume the rpm's did all the work and try the stuff needed to get 
passwords for root and Let you all know how this works out.

Karl Larsen

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Punt Worked

2006-08-21 Thread Karl Larsen
   I have burned another 2 hours but got mysqld to run and have version 
5 up and running! I'm now ready to get back to views.

   To get things running I had to manually make a directory 
/var/run/mysqld/ and then change the owner to mysql. I ran mysqld_safe 
and it made a mysqld.pif and is now running.

   None of the above is in the referance manual. It's no wonder very 
few ever use mysql...

Karl Larsen

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Help Thanks!

2006-08-21 Thread Karl Larsen
   I got a lot of good help from people on this list. Some of them got 
pissed at me because I was slow to use their suggestions. My reason was 
I could not believe someone would release a rpm(s) that required the 
user to make a directory not mentioned in the referance manual and 
change it's owner to mysql. None of this was obvious to me, a new user 
of mysql.

   I plan to file a bug report on this. It is a serious error in 
getting mysql working on Linux. I hope the files for the Windows users 
are better written :-)

   Now I need to solve some serious permission problems. I hope the 
Reference Manual in Info form will allow me to correct these. For some 
reason unknown

$ mysqladmin -U make new password for root doesn't work. and I can't get 
other things to work until I get this fixed. But the work is for 
tomorrow. I'm 71 years old and yes I am slowing down.

Karl Larsen

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Getting 5 to run

2006-08-20 Thread Karl Larsen

   I am trying to get mysql 5 to run on my Fedora Core 4 linux. I
installed both server and client RPM files. The info is good and using that
I am trying to do the post-install. I ran mysql_install_db as a user and it
failed. Then I tried as root and it seemed to work. But one thing it says to
do I cannot find. It says:

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server
to the right place for your system

I have no idea where support-files are or where the right place is.

   When I try to start mysqld_safe it errors out with this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysqld_safe 
[1] 6501
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from 
STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/
060820 14:27:48  mysqld ended

   So I can set up the DB but not start mysqld. Does anyone have an
idea what I am doing wrong? I'm just following the info instructions.

Karl Larsen

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2006-08-04 Thread Karl Larsen
   I am using Linux called Fedora Core 4. I had no problem getting 
mysql 4 working here and liked it a lot. But when I discovered 4 doesn't 
have VIEW but 5 does I have tried several RPM sets of 5 that fail for 
basic reasons. The reasons are the wrong libraries or they are missing 
in total :-)

   Found a 5 that looked like a tar ball but no joy. It is a set of 
binary files and a bash file to load it all. This I have not read up on 
but fear the binary files will not run on my linux version.

   I know I can yum mysql 5 on Fedora Core 5 but for other reasons I 
prefer to stay with Fedora Core 4. Has anyone got mysql version 5 to 
work on my version of Linux?

Karl Larsen

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yum version 5.*

2006-07-26 Thread Karl Larsen
   I am using Red Hat Fedora Core 4 and I wanted to yum mysql version 5 
of any other and find with Core 4 I can yum only mysql version 4.

   I imagine Core 5 might be able to yum mysql version 5 but not 
certain of that. Is there a way I can yum the later version? I studied 
the man for yum but could not see a way to do that.

Karl Larsen

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2006-07-17 Thread Karl Larsen
   I'm using mysql on Linux and all is going well but I can't find the 
proper way to write a CREATE VIEW. I'm using 4.1 and is this function 
still in mysql?

Karl Larsen

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2006-07-11 Thread Karl Larsen
   I have found that \T /home/karl/sql_log will cause evcrything I do 
to be saved in the file sql_log. Alas if I turn off mysql as I do daily, 
the log is lost and I have to do it again.

   Is there a way to get a log like this to be perminant :-)

Karl Larsen

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2006-07-04 Thread Karl Larsen
   In an older mysql version there was a numerical thing called money 
and it was supposed to round all things to just 2 numbers after the 
decimal and maybe make sure the 2 numbers exist even if it's a zero. But 
this function is not part of mysql version 4.1.

   I tried INTEGER and CHAR and REAL(x,2) and that was close. Then I 
looked at 'info mysql' and went to numerals and down to the section 
talking about what to use. There it said if your table has money things 
like salary you use DECIMAL(x,2). I have that now in my DB and as I 
Query money now it looks like money.

   I have not yet found how I can put a $ in front of all the money 
columns :-)

   But to date I have become real pleased with mysql and all the SQL I 
learned from using Oracle works fine.

Karl Larsen

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Re: PostgreSQL or mySQL

2006-07-03 Thread Karl Larsen

Chris White wrote:

On Sunday 02 July 2006 12:22 pm, Kirti S. Bajwa wrote:

I have very little knowledge of either PostgreeSQL or mySQL. Please advise
me as to which of these two software package to use? I need some specific
examples as to superiority of one package over the other. I prefer using
the package which has a goof GUI database design.

I hate to say this but, if you want objective/non-biased answers, you're 
better off looking for a general database list, then posting to 2 lists that 
are very database implementation specific.  In fact, why not just google 
around for Postgres MySQL comparison or something of the like.

   The above URL is a comparison of MySQL, PostgeSQL and Oracle and DB. 
It says in many words that your OK with either Open Source engine 
provided your storage capability stays below 10 GBytes. If the DB is 
larger than this then the commercial software is better.

   So it appears that you can store a large companies data with the 
Open Source software and in fact it is happening Right Now! Both 
software on Linux is in big companies and is being used daily.

I think this is a fine comparison and worth reading.

Karl Larsen

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Bookbiz DB

2006-06-29 Thread Karl Larsen
   I have been just reading the book and doing the examples and 
learning how good MySQL is. I was early asking about Query and now I'm 
doing it like the SQL says to do it. A recient one is like this:

mysql SELECT au_lname, phone
   - FROM authors
   - WHERE phone LIKE '415%';
| au_lname   | phone|
| Bennet | 415 658-9932 |
| Green  | 415 986-7020 |
| Carson | 415 548-7723 |
| Stringer   | 415 843-2991 |
| Straight   | 415 834-2919 |
| Karsen | 415 534-9219 |
| MacFeather | 415 354-7128 |
| Dull   | 415 836-7128 |
| Yokomoto   | 415 935-4228 |
| Hunter | 415 836-7128 |
| Locksley   | 415 585-4620 |
11 rows in set (0.07 sec)

The book does not use capital letters for SQL key words. I learned it is 
a good idea to do this so when you read this it is obvious what is going 
to happen.

When you have multiple SELECT and get an output from several tables you 
see the power of SQL.

Karl Larsen

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How to get bookbiz.sql

2006-06-28 Thread Karl Larsen
   If you happen to have The Practical SQL Handbook of 1996 it comes 
with a DB called bookbiz.sql which was current for MySQL of 1996. A lot 
has changed so the file had to be re-written to work on MySQL version 
4.1.x. I did this and you can have my file by going to my web page and 
d/l it.

   To do this go to and part way down the page 
where you see MySQL just click on bookbiz and it will d/l to your 
computer. If you don't have the book look in used book stores.


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Re: multi-column indexes on InnoDB tables

2006-06-27 Thread Karl Larsen

Chris White wrote:

On Tuesday 27 June 2006 10:22 am, Asif Lodhi wrote:

ALL I am asking is how strong you think MySQL stands up in such a
business scenario.  I have even created the manual business procedures
for power-failure scenarios.  I DO need to know HOW gracefully MySQL
will recover after each power failure or pull-the-plug situations.

I think you're going the wrong direction here.  It's not about if MySQL will 
recover, it's if your system itself will recover. 
   And that becomes a question of what kind of file system your using 
and is it Windows or Unix or Max. Since we know nothing about this there 
is no answer. Please tell us what operating system your using. For 
example the Linux EXT3 file system is very tolerant of sudden power 


 You can't just randomly 
take a bunch of abrupt power failures without a UPS system and expect things 
to be AOK.  Even if MySQL recovers, what about your disks?  Depending on how 
your filesystem does caching, your data loss could be the filesystem itself 
not commiting the data (take for example xfs, which does lots of caching and 
writes the data as minimal as possible).  Either you invest in a UPS system 
to keep your things running until the generators kick in, or you pay more 
than that for data loss.


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Re: mysqld refuses to run on boot

2006-06-25 Thread Karl Larsen

Karl Larsen wrote:

Duncan Hill wrote:

On Saturday 24 June 2006 12:49, Karl Larsen wrote:

Hi Joerg, I'm using Ferdora Core 4 of Red Hat and I have in
/etc/rc.d/init/ a file mysqld which when I use ./mysqld start does 

the system. But it has to be done every time I turn on the computer. I
do not understand your patch. I can't find what I think is where you
want to put one line of code. The other lines do not exist. Or I don't
know what I.m doing :-)

chkconfig mysqld on

   I am really sorry. I had to read man chkconfig and got really 
confused but did it because it appeared to do something to the mysqld 
file. Maybe it will work. I will see soon.


   This morning when I turned on my computer init loaded mysqld in the 
proper slot and I had a system running in X-Windows.


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Re: mysqld refuses to run on boot

2006-06-24 Thread Karl Larsen

Joerg Bruehe wrote:

Hi Fredrik, all!

Fredrik Andersson wrote:

Hi all

I have problems getting MySQL autoboot on my RedHat installation. 

In addition to permissions (see the other posts), there is another 
possible problem:
Depending on how your environment is set up, the MySQL server may need 
some other services (NIS and related) to run which were originally not 
listed in the server start file. Please see bug#18810 for details.

Try this patch to /etc/init.d/mysql:

--- /etc/init.d/mysql-OLD
+++ /etc/init.d/mysql
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 # Provides: mysql
 # Required-Start: $local_fs $network $remote_fs
+# Should-Start: ypbind nscd ldap ntpd xntpd
 # Required-Stop: $local_fs $network $remote_fs
 # Default-Start:  2 3 4 5
 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6

   Hi Joerg, I'm using Ferdora Core 4 of Red Hat and I have in 
/etc/rc.d/init/ a file mysqld which when I use ./mysqld start does start 
the system. But it has to be done every time I turn on the computer. I 
do not understand your patch. I can't find what I think is where you 
want to put one line of code. The other lines do not exist. Or I don't 
know what I.m doing :-)


This fix will appear in 5.0.23.


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Re: mysqld refuses to run on boot

2006-06-24 Thread Karl Larsen

Duncan Hill wrote:

On Saturday 24 June 2006 12:49, Karl Larsen wrote:

Hi Joerg, I'm using Ferdora Core 4 of Red Hat and I have in
/etc/rc.d/init/ a file mysqld which when I use ./mysqld start does start
the system. But it has to be done every time I turn on the computer. I
do not understand your patch. I can't find what I think is where you
want to put one line of code. The other lines do not exist. Or I don't
know what I.m doing :-)

chkconfig mysqld on

   I am really sorry. I had to read man chkconfig and got really 
confused but did it because it appeared to do something to the mysqld 
file. Maybe it will work. I will see soon.


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2006-06-24 Thread Karl Larsen

John Hicks wrote:

Karl Larsen wrote:
   I and a friend have written SQL to big Oracle DB but not much to 
MySQL on our own computers. I find that there is a QUERY in the list 
for MySQL but it does nothing much. Also I was glancing through the 
mamouth MySQL reference manual and saw there are a bunch of tools 
that can be run outside of the interpreter and one has in it's title 
query. It seems this software will do a job like the Oracle QUERY. I 
have not verified this but hope to do so soon.

   If anyone on this list has done serious QUERY with MySQL I would 
sure like to know how you did it.

Karl Larsen

SQL stands for 'Structured Query Language'. We are doing queries all 
day long.

Reading between your lines, I would guess that 'QUERY' is an Oracle 
utility? Since this is a MySQL list, you might explain to us what 
QUERY does in Oracle so we can tell you if there is a MySQL equivalent.


   Sorry, I was not thinking. In both MySQL and Oracle you do a Query 
using the SQL SELECT-FROM-WHERE-YES-NO and such  and come up with the  
display of data your boss wants in the report. So your equiped to do a 
Query and you need to learn just which SELECT to use.

I need to learn how you send a Query result to a file where it can 
incorporated into a document. The charts I'm making need some help too 
but they will come as I learn to use MySQL.


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Re: Autoindexing

2006-06-23 Thread Karl Larsen
   Hi Remo, your method works fine on version 4.1 and the one shown for 
version 5 does not work here. Nice to know there is a SQL word 
AUTO_INCREMENT  to do the job.


Remo Tex wrote:

If you are using autoincrement filed you could try this:
ALTER TABLE `my_database`.`my_table` AUTO_INCREMENT = 201;

...or else if it is some stored proc you should find and edit 
table where it sotres index/counter data..

Tom Ray [Lists] wrote:
Hey, I have a really simple question (I hope)..I have a database that 
has a field in it that autoindexes the number. I screwed up and 
imported a bunch of wrong data. Up to row 200 it's right, beyond that 
it was wrong so I had delete it all. The problem now is the 
autoindexing is set to 1105, I want to change it so the next insert 
gets a number of 201 not 1105.

I've tried to change it via phpMyAdmin but it keeps going back to 
1105. Is there anyway I can do this?

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Re: Math problem

2006-06-23 Thread Karl Larsen
   Well that works fine, but I want to put a $ sign in front of every 
dollar amount. I will do that but I'm not there yet.


C.R.Vegelin wrote:

Hi Karl,

Your question: can I add a $ when you select a view.
I suggest to include $ sign in the field alias, like:
Select title_id, ytd_sales * price AS `Turnover $` From titles;

HTH, Cor

- Original Message - From: Karl Larsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: MYSQL General List
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: Math problem

Chris W wrote:

Karl Larsen wrote:

   I'm trying to multiply numbers one of which is money. The money 
looks like this:

SELECT price FROM titles;

| price  |
| $20.00 |
| $19.99 |
| $7.99  |
| $19.99 |
| $11.95 |
| $19.99 |
| $14.99 |
| $11.95 |
| $22.95 |
| $2.99  |
| $10.95 |
| $7.00  |
| $2.99  |
| $20.95 |
| NULL   |
| $19.99 |
| $21.59 |
| NULL   |
18 rows in set (0.01 sec)

When I use SELECT title_id, ytd_sales * price From titles;

I get:
| title_id | ytd_sales | price * ytd_sales |
| PC   |  4095 | 0 |
| BU1032   |  4095 | 0 |
| PS   |  3336 | 0 |
| PS   |  4072 | 0 |
| BU   |  3876 | 0 |
| MC   |  2032 | 0 |
| TC   |  4095 | 0 |
| TC4203   | 15096 | 0 |
| PC1035   |  8780 | 0 |
| BU2075   | 18722 | 0 |
| PS2091   |  2045 | 0 |
| PS2106   |   111 | 0 |
| MC3021   | 22246 | 0 |
| TC3218   |   375 | 0 |
| MC3026   |  NULL |  NULL |
| BU7832   |  4095 | 0 |
| PS1372   |   375 | 0 |
| PC   |  NULL |  NULL |
18 rows in set (0.04 sec)

   It appears that mysys 4.1 does not know how to multiply a dollar 
amount to another number. Has anyone else seen this problem?

What does a show create table give for the price column?  I bet it 
is varchar.  The only way to make it work then would be to trim off 
the dollar sign and cast it to a float or double.

   It's a char(20) and NULL in the table titles. I removed the $ and 
reloaded and it now works properly. I suspect an ealier version of 
mysql had some way to do this. I'm learning that you store a simple 
number. But you can add a $ when you select a view.


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Math problem

2006-06-22 Thread Karl Larsen
   I'm trying to multiply numbers one of which is money. The money 
looks like this:

SELECT price FROM titles;

| price  |
| $20.00 |
| $19.99 |
| $7.99  |
| $19.99 |
| $11.95 |
| $19.99 |
| $14.99 |
| $11.95 |
| $22.95 |
| $2.99  |
| $10.95 |
| $7.00  |
| $2.99  |
| $20.95 |
| NULL   |
| $19.99 |
| $21.59 |
| NULL   |
18 rows in set (0.01 sec)

When I use SELECT title_id, ytd_sales * price From titles;

I get:
| title_id | ytd_sales | price * ytd_sales |
| PC   |  4095 | 0 |
| BU1032   |  4095 | 0 |
| PS   |  3336 | 0 |
| PS   |  4072 | 0 |
| BU   |  3876 | 0 |
| MC   |  2032 | 0 |
| TC   |  4095 | 0 |
| TC4203   | 15096 | 0 |
| PC1035   |  8780 | 0 |
| BU2075   | 18722 | 0 |
| PS2091   |  2045 | 0 |
| PS2106   |   111 | 0 |
| MC3021   | 22246 | 0 |
| TC3218   |   375 | 0 |
| MC3026   |  NULL |  NULL |
| BU7832   |  4095 | 0 |
| PS1372   |   375 | 0 |
| PC   |  NULL |  NULL |
18 rows in set (0.04 sec)

   It appears that mysys 4.1 does not know how to multiply a dollar 
amount to another number. Has anyone else seen this problem?


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Re: Math problem

2006-06-22 Thread Karl Larsen

Chris W wrote:

Karl Larsen wrote:

   I'm trying to multiply numbers one of which is money. The money 
looks like this:

SELECT price FROM titles;

| price  |
| $20.00 |
| $19.99 |
| $7.99  |
| $19.99 |
| $11.95 |
| $19.99 |
| $14.99 |
| $11.95 |
| $22.95 |
| $2.99  |
| $10.95 |
| $7.00  |
| $2.99  |
| $20.95 |
| NULL   |
| $19.99 |
| $21.59 |
| NULL   |
18 rows in set (0.01 sec)

When I use SELECT title_id, ytd_sales * price From titles;

I get:
| title_id | ytd_sales | price * ytd_sales |
| PC   |  4095 | 0 |
| BU1032   |  4095 | 0 |
| PS   |  3336 | 0 |
| PS   |  4072 | 0 |
| BU   |  3876 | 0 |
| MC   |  2032 | 0 |
| TC   |  4095 | 0 |
| TC4203   | 15096 | 0 |
| PC1035   |  8780 | 0 |
| BU2075   | 18722 | 0 |
| PS2091   |  2045 | 0 |
| PS2106   |   111 | 0 |
| MC3021   | 22246 | 0 |
| TC3218   |   375 | 0 |
| MC3026   |  NULL |  NULL |
| BU7832   |  4095 | 0 |
| PS1372   |   375 | 0 |
| PC   |  NULL |  NULL |
18 rows in set (0.04 sec)

   It appears that mysys 4.1 does not know how to multiply a dollar 
amount to another number. Has anyone else seen this problem?

What does a show create table give for the price column?  I bet it is 
varchar.  The only way to make it work then would be to trim off the 
dollar sign and cast it to a float or double.

   It's a char(20) and NULL in the table titles. I removed the $ and 
reloaded and it now works properly. I suspect an ealier version of mysql 
had some way to do this. I'm learning that you store a simple number. 
But you can add a $ when you select a view.


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Re: Importing large data sets

2006-06-22 Thread Karl Larsen

Scott Haneda wrote:

I have two chunks of data to import, one is in this format:
01001 - AGAWAM, MA,01001,0,0,291,249,0,42.070206,-72.622739
Where it is comma sep and partially quoted

The other is in this format

Where everything is in quotes and comma sep

Can someone tell me, how to rapidly import all this data into a table.
   Well you need to design a table that has columns for each set of 
data your entering, and then you will use a INSERT INTO file_name VALUE 
( your data ); and your going to need to change all those  to '. In 
Linux I use the joe editor and it's a simple matter to change all  to '.


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Re: Exclusion Query

2006-06-22 Thread Karl Larsen

Jeremy Rottman wrote:

I am working on an MLS Exclusion report.

In on table1 I have all the information we collect for our files. Each 
day I

download an update our mls table (table2).

what I am trying to do is find all the records in table2 that are not in

This is the query that I am using.

select *

from tbl_IDX_Coded_RES


Not IN (select status.fld_house_number from status where (fld_file_number
like 'L0%') and (fld_archived = '0'))

The problem is it is not returning the correct information.

   I guess tbl_IDX_Coded_RES is your table. I would do this:

FROM tbl_IDX_Coded_RES
WHERE  tbl_IDX_Coded_RES.StreetNumDisplay
AND != (select status.fld_house_number from status where (fld_file_number
like 'L0%') and (fld_archived = '0'));


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The Practical SQL Handbook

2006-06-21 Thread Karl Larsen
   I have the subject book and I want to learn SQL from this book. Alas 
the bookbiz.sql file on the cd-rom was last updated in 1996 :-)   10 
years ago. I tried to load it on my version 4 mysql and it would not get 
far at all. It appears that the software has changed since 1996.

   I did the testing and found first dates were now -mo-day and in 
1996 it was mo/day/yy and so I had to change all those. Under all the 
INSERT INTO titles VALUE entries the use of '' was not complete. And the 
sentenses were too long.

   It took about 6 hours to correct the file but it's done. It loads 
with just a couple of warnings on my version 4.1.10.

73 Karl

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Copy database to a file

2006-06-20 Thread Karl Larsen
   I have been reading the Reference and saw how to convert my database 
tables and stuff to the words that made them and puts it into a file. 
But now I need it I can't find it.

   If you know how please send along how or a page(s) in the Reference.


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2006-06-19 Thread Karl Larsen
   I and a friend have written SQL to big Oracle DB but not much to 
MySQL on our own computers. I find that there is a QUERY in the list for 
MySQL but it does nothing much. Also I was glancing through the mamouth 
MySQL reference manual and saw there are a bunch of tools that can be 
run outside of the interpreter and one has in it's title query. It seems 
this software will do a job like the Oracle QUERY. I have not verified 
this but hope to do so soon.

   If anyone on this list has done serious QUERY with MySQL I would 
sure like to know how you did it.

Karl Larsen

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2006-06-16 Thread Karl Larsen
   I'm trying to use mysql on Linux type Fedora Core 4 and it works 
part way but I have no guess how to fix this problem. Here is what happens:

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 4.1.20-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql use mysql;
ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 


   I let you see the way I get mysql up and then I ask to use a DB and 
every time I get ERROR 1044 and so of course I can't use mysql.

   Does anyone know what error I have made? I loaded mysql from the 
Linux version I'm using and had the problem. I then deleted all and yum 
got the latest version which is up now.

Karl Larsen

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