Re: Passing single quote within a query

2004-12-09 Thread Robert J Taylor
You would do better to use prepared statements.
When a parameter is substituted into the prepared statement it is 
automatically quoted -- and you are protected from SQL Injection 
attacks. The reason your script is failing is that the single quote in 
$field is being interpreted as the SQL statement's closing single quote 
in MySQL. Thus, data in $field is being treated as potential SQL code. 
Very dangerous.

In your example, if someone is able to insert ');update user set 
password=PASSWORD('cracked into $field you're in trouble. That's a 
simple but poor example of what can be done. People intent on breaking 
your system don't need to know what your schema is to do you harm.

Prepared statements and parameter substitution is a function of your 
language's DB library, so you need to find out how your language does this.

Robert J Taylor.
There's an article at on Prepared Statements for more reading:
Nestor Florez wrote:
Hello world,
I am passing a a string Joe's car as part of the SQL query to be inserted
to a String field.  

$field=Joe's car;
$query=insert into mytable values('$field');
Do you generally change the quote to a double quote before inserting
or what is the recomended way, because otherwise the quote will
terminate the query statement.
Néstor Alberto Flórez Torres


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2004-07-23 Thread Robert J Taylor
On Friday 23 July 2004 11:14 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends,
 When I import records fron csv file.I window pops up, stating total number
 of records imported, however when I check table nothing has been

You are using some kind of middle-man program to populate a database. In fact, 
your description sounds awfully similar to how Microsoft Access works. 

What is the program you use to do the import? Can you describe the precise 
steps you take? 

 Any guidance, 

Tell us where you are so we can tell you how to get where you want to go.

Robert J Taylor

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2004-07-23 Thread Robert J Taylor
On Friday 23 July 2004 03:02 pm, you wrote:
 sqlog program

What is sqlog program? Google shows me nothing familiar:

You need to provide more information if you want help. How do you run this? 
What OS? What options are you selecting? How do you connect the sqlog 
program to MySQL?

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Re: Question

2004-06-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 22:19:02 +0200, Schalk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Why is the following query retuning doctype's different to what is asked
SELECT * FROM documents WHERE jstate = 'California: State Court' AND  
= 'Verdict'

Any ideas?
What is being returned? Not knowing what it is that is being returned, how  
the documents table is defined or what the data types for the fields are  
it is hard to guess, except to note:

'Verdict' will also match 'verdict' and 'vErDicT' using default settings,  

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling

With a bit more info perhaps I could help more.
Robert J Taylor

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Re: Stop Scrolling

2004-05-31 Thread Robert J Taylor
Ultimately simple, but I don't find the answer:  how to stop a list 
from scrolling to the bottom when the command SHOW TABLES is entered.

I assume you are referring to the command line of the mysql client?
I use:
mysql\P more
mysql\P less
depending on my mood.
Other client tidbits can be found using \h or \? at the * prompt.


Robert J Taylor
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Re: Feature Request: UPDATE 'error codes' or mysql_affected_rows() to be more accurate

2004-05-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
Does REPLACE INTO not work in your case?
   |REPLACE| works exactly like |INSERT|, except that if an old record
   in the table has the same value as a new record for a |PRIMARY KEY|
   or a |UNIQUE| index, the old record is deleted before the new record
   is inserted. See section 14.1.4 |INSERT| Syntax
Robert J  Taylor
Daevid Vincent wrote:
I'm developing a program where I try an UPDATE ... LIMIT 1 and if
mysql_affected_rows == 0, then I know nothing was updated and so I do an
INSERT. I find this is much cleaner and the majority of the time, I'm going
to do UPDATES, so I didn't want to waste a SELECT (even though I hear
they're cheap). I'm doing these queries several times per second.
however... Of course UPDATE doesn't 'ERROR if the record doesn't exist, it
just didn't do anything (therefore that's why I use the mysql_num_rows() to
check). The problem is that if I am actually doing an UPDATE to a record
where nothing actually changed in the existing record, I still get
mysql_affected_rows() equal to 0. *grrr*.
It would be extremely useful to somehow get a result of maybe -1 if I tried
to update a record that didn't exist, versus a result of -2 if I tried to
update a record that did exist, but mySQL didn't change anything.
I don't know exactly what I'm asking for other than a way to know the
At the very least, it seems to me that if I update a record that exists
already (even if no data changed), I should still get mysql_affected_rows()

0 (since in theory I matched something, even if mySQL behind the scenes

didn't change the data).  

Out of curiosity, if I have a TIMESTAMP column, would that solve my problem,
since mySQL should be forced to update that TIMESTAMP right?? [btw, I know I
could try this idea, but I'm home and my code is at work right now and I
just had the idea! ;-]

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Re: Foreign Key Constraints

2004-05-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
Hi, I am trying to use the foreign key constraints from InnoDB
and creating indexes is a requirement for foreign key.
The problem is that by creating index for my foreign key,
it does not allow my foreign key to have null or blank values which my records will have.
For eg. a BorrowerID is a foreign key on a Book table, but when the book is not borrowed, 
the BorrowerID will be null and I can't seem to import the data containing null values for the foreign key.
Is there a way to solve this? 


If you have a foreign key constraint that requires the foreign key field
to be populated then you effectively have a MANY TO ONE with Min of 1
and Max of 1 relationship between the book table and the borrower table
-- thus you cannot have a book without a borrower. That is a logical
problem, and the one you are describing.
Separate the BorrowerID from table `book`.  Make a table called, oh,
`book_borrower` and put
Then you can query for borrowed books using a join like:
SELECT a.BookID, b.BorrowerID, c.FullName
from ( book a inner join book_borrower b
on a.BookID = b.BookID )
inner join borrower c on b.BorrowerID = c.BorrowerID
WHERE b.DateReturned is null
Available books could be found:
from book a left join book_borrower b
on a.BookID=b.BookID
WHERE b.BookID is null and b.DateReturned is null
(Which says show me all the book.BookID that fail to have a non-returned
book in the book_borrower table. Usually I put the and b.DateReturned
is null with the join statement, instead of the WHERE clause.)
Now you can have a book without a borrower and can easily track
borrowing history for books and borrowers. Be sure to index the fields
you'll be using as selection criteria!
Robert J Taylor
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Re: Could not start MySQL after reinstall - Can't open privilege tabl es: Table '' doesn't exist

2004-05-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
Check permissions on the mysql\data directory and files/folders below 
for the MySQL process/user (sorry for not knowing the right Windows 
terminology, I'm not a Windows user).

Robert J Taylor
michael_wu[§d§»¹F] wrote:
I run into a problem after re-installing mySQL 4.1.1 today.  When I
tried to start the service on my Windows2K, I got the following error:
040527 15:37:49  Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Table
'' doesn't exist
Can some one tell me how to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance!
Michael Wu

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Re: BLOB's - General Guidance

2004-05-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
Joshua J. Kugler wrote:
There is one instance in which it is *not* convenient to store in seperate 
files: when you are exporting to another machine (maybe a sub set of data 
from an internal server to an external web server) or doing replication.


Very true. We use MySQL to store our blobs for a JBoss application for 
this reason (among others; the main one being the system architect likes 
it that way -- it's good to be king!).

j- k-
On Wednesday 19 May 2004 01:01 pm, Greg Willits said something like:

On May 19, 2004, at 1:19 PM, David Blomstrom wrote:

I'd like to get some feedback on storing images in
MySQL databases. The stuff I've read so far suggests
that it's fairly difficult to work with images in
MySQL, and they also slow down databases.

One thing to remember when you have a blob (or text, iirc) column in a 
tuple (row, sorry; just Codding around and Dating myself) is that  when 
MySQL examines the row the entire blob is loaded into memory even if 
that particular column isn't referenced in the query. So, use a split 
table for blobs -- a main table with the blob attributes for searching 
and a dependent table with its primary key set as a foreign key to the 
main table holding the blob for direct access to the blob as needed. 
This helped us emmensely.

I've also read that there isn't much you can do with
BLOB's that you can't do with PHP manipulating images
stored in an ordinary folder.
So I just wondered if BLOB's are worth my time. For
example, I'm working on a database with information
about the 50 states. If I have maps of each state,
pictures of each state's capital, etc., is there some
BLOB feature that I would find really useful?

In your case, a field holding the data particulars with a middleware 
parsible URN (a local filesystem path or remote URL, et al) to the blob 
or text body should suffice.

All conventional wisdom I've ever come across for this type of
application is that there's no advantage to keeping the image in the db
itself. Just keep them as files on the server, store a filename /or
location in the db if necessary, and use your middleware to display the
images. Its faster, easier to maintain, and easier to backup. IMO,
storing images in the db just bloats the file and complicates all the
backup issues.
-- greg willits


Luckily, MySQL handles the bloat quite well in our experience, with the 
caveat that we don't include the blob in the search details table

Robert  J Taylor
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Re: FW: Could not start MySQL after reinstall - Can't open privilege tables: Table '' doesn't exist

2004-05-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
Did you change the permissions for the files to include 
read/write/change for the user/account MySQL uses on your system? This 
doesn't require deleting, as far as I recall Windows permissions...

Oh, can you verify that the file host under directory mysql DOES exist? 
If so, it's really most likely a permissions problem.

Since the database I created was not critical, I could simply throw it away.
delete the whole MySql installation directory and unzip the alpha release
zip file again
to create the installation directory tree.   However, the following error
Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Table '' doesn't
Everything should be wiped out I thought.  Does MySQL saves some data
somewhere other than
the installation directory?  More help, please?
Michael Wu
-Original Message-
From: Robert J Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:52 PM
To: michael_wu[¡±d¡±?1F]
Subject: Re: Could not start MySQL after reinstall - Can't open privilege
tabl es: Table '' doesn't exist
Check permissions on the mysql\data directory and files/folders below 
for the MySQL process/user (sorry for not knowing the right Windows 
terminology, I'm not a Windows user).

Robert J Taylor
michael_wu[§d§»¹F] wrote:

   I run into a problem after re-installing mySQL 4.1.1 today.  When I
tried to start the service on my Windows2K, I got the following error:
040527 15:37:49  Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Table
'' doesn't exist
   Can some one tell me how to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance!
Michael Wu



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Re: Duplicate does not exist

2004-05-27 Thread Robert J Taylor
fr0g wrote:
Good evening all.
I'm facing a problem with a specific table and the uniques that it has.
I have a table, hosting data of peoples names.
Some of it's columns are, name_english, surname_english, 
name_original, surname_original, name_greek, surname_greek.
I have as unique each combination of columns of the same language 
(i.e. name_english, surname_english, unique, etc).
As I am Robert James Taylor I can give anecdotal evidence that full 
name does by no means make a good candidate key for a database of any 
population larger than...sayGeorge Foreman's immediate family (he 
named all his boys the exact same name, if you didn't catch the 
reference). More than once I have entered confusing periods of 
mis-identification due to database designers relying on name alone to 
match people.

In fact, a short tale that is true. I moved from one West  Coast state 
to another in 1998 and was denied a drivers license after passing the 
tests will flying colors because I had a DUI conviction in an East 
Coast state. The other Robert James Taylor, who was born the same year 
and day I was, fortunately had a different Social Security Number (which 
is not a panacea either...but I digress). This may sound far-fetched and 
unlikely to happen again but it was real, scary and made me curse 
database designers at the DMV.

Please don't do that.
Robert James Taylor
West Coast and Sober
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Re: Mysqld stalls

2004-05-26 Thread Robert J Taylor
Mark Susol|Ultimate Creative Media wrote:
I've been trying to fine tune my mysqld settings in my.cnf on a very busy
server. It seems to be doing fine, as in the server loading. BUT every so
often I see the number of processes spike and then it sesms mysqld is
unresponsive through httpd and I end up having to restart mysqld to get it
going again.

Regarding the I see the number of processes spike phrase what 
processes spike and how do you observe this happening? (Oh, and Linux, 
UNIX, Windows..?).

If you mean the load average seen in w, uptime or top spikes, that is 
one thing. If you mean the number of MySQL threads grows suddenly, that 
could be another.

Tells us about your machine (cpu, hd, memory, OS). Then, did you enable 
the slow query log? How about binary logs? Can you isolate the SQL 
statements in effect at the time of the process spike?

Depending on what you mean I've seen servers broght to their knees by 
single inefficient queries that don't use indexes for joins or select 
criteria (where clauses) or use open ended like queries on varchar 
fields for joins, etc. Indexing join fields (keys) has dramatic impact 
on server performance, positively (indexing too much causes other 
problems, but I see that much less than not enough or improper indexing).

What settings should I be tweaking ?

None, yet. Let's nail down the description of the problem and then see 
if we need to investigate some query optimization.

Mark Susol


Robert J Taylor
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Re: Determine table type and comments

2004-05-26 Thread Robert J Taylor
Scott Haneda wrote:
I can not find this in the docs.
I can see in phpmyadmin what a table comment is and what type of table it
is, such as MyISAM etc.
From the mysql shell, how do I get to this info?

mysql SHOW CREATE TABLE tablename;
(Not sure if that covers comments since I've, yes I admit it, never used 
comments on tables directly.)

Robert J Taylor

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Re: Used EXPLAIN, have indexes - query still surprisingly slow

2004-05-26 Thread Robert J Taylor
Andy Henshaw wrote:
I have the following query that takes anywhere from 1 to 3 seconds
to run.  I would expect  it to run in less than 1/2 a second (and
I really need it to do so).  I've added the appropriate indices
and tried EXPLAIN and ANALYZE; but, I'm not getting anywhere.
   FROM   message, message_thread
   WHERE = message_thread.message_id
   ANDmessage_thread.thread_id = SOME_CONSTANT_NUMBER
where SOME_CONSTANT_NUMBER is an integer literal, like 16400 (and no,
I'm not putting quotes around the number).
Here are the two tables involved:
   message table
   Field   TypeNULLKey Default  Extra
   id  int(11)PRI NULL auto_increment
   msgtype_id  int(11)MUL NULL
   content blobYES
   precedence  varchar(255)YES

Not sure if this is the cause, but from personal experience (lots of 
rows and big blobs) consider the following:

Every time you search the message table the BLOB is being loaded into 
memory even if it is not being returned in the query.

Instead, break apart this table into 2:
message(id, msgtype_id,precedence)
message_blob(id, content)
Then select the row you want from message_blob from a list of rows from 

   message_thread table
   Field   TypeNULLKey Default  Extra
   id  int(11)PRI NULL auto_increment
   message_id  int(11)MUL -1
   thread_id   int(11)MUL -1
   contact varchar(255)YES
The message table has 1,117,213 records and the
message_thread table has 2,563,893 records.  At most, each query
will return 200 records.
Here is the output of the explain function (turned sideways):
   table : message_thread  message
   type  : ref eq_ref
   possible_keys : thread_id,  PRIMARY
   key   : thread_id   PRIMARY
   key_len   : 4   4
   ref   : const  message_thread.message_index
   rows  : 200 1
   Extra : Using where Using index
This is running on a 2.2 GHz Pentium 4, NTFS File system, 
MS Windows 2000, MySQL 4.0.18.  Each table is an InnoDB type.

I've tried a combined thread_id/message_id index in the message_thread
table; but, that did not seem to help at all.
Any help would be appreciated.

Robert J Taylor
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Re: SELECT almost every column

2004-05-14 Thread Robert J Taylor
John Mistler wrote:
Hmmm.  The reason I asked was that the last column in the table is TEXT, and
might contain up to 5000 text characters.  I'm trying to make the query as
efficient as possible, and I don't know if that much data will make a
noticeable speed difference?
on 5/14/04 2:31 PM, Justin Swanhart at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In that case even if you only grab one field in the select from the row 
the entire Text and/or Blob will be loaded into memory as a side benefit 

Assuming a table like:
   my_table(id, field1, field2, ..., field49, TEXTField)
You'll do much better by making two tables:
   my_table(id_field, field1, field2, ..., field49)
   my_table_text(id_field, TEXTField)
Then search on my_table and only pull my_table_text rows by exact match 
on the id_field (making both id_fields primary keys in their 
respective tables, of course).

Robert J Taylor
--- John Mistler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a SELECT statement, if I have a table with
50 columns, to select
every column EXCEPT the last one?  Can I do this
without typing the name of
all 49 columns?
If so, then what if I want to exclude the last TWO

There is no construct in SQL to select X number of
columns from a table.
The traditional answer to this question would normally
be use views, but since MySQL doesn't support them
that doesn't help you very much.
Unless the extra columns are long text columns or
contain BLOBS, then I see no harm in just selecting
them along with the rest of the other columns by using
select * from
If you are accessing the database from a programming
environment then you could do the following:
[pseudo code]
$sql = desc $NAME_OF_TABLE
$result = exec($sql)
$rows = fetch_result_into_array($result)
$cnt = count($rows) - $NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS_TO_OMIT
if ($cnt = 0) 
{  error(to few columns);
$sql = select 
for ($i=0;$i  $cnt-1;$i++)
{ $sql = $sql + $ary[$i][Field] + , 
$sql = $sql + $ary[$cnt][Field]

$sql = $sql +  WHERE $WHERE_CLAUSE
$sql = $sql +  HAVING $HAVING_CLAUSE
$sql = $sql +  GROUP BY $GROUP_BY_CLAUSE
$sql = $sql +  ORDER BY $ORDER_BY_CLAUSE


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Re: Using a hardware load balancer in from of MySQL

2004-05-13 Thread Robert J Taylor
Sounds like you might be interested in Emic Networks' Application 
Cluster 2.0 for MySQL. We've begun taking a look at it ourselves -- 
without arriving at any conclusions at this point.

(However, it is not strictly a hardware solution.)

General Info:
--Fail-over Clustering
--Multi-Master Architecture
Robert J Taylor

Hello all, I would like to find out if anyone has implemented an architecture 
where a hardware load balancer is placed in front of some MySQL servers in a 
Multi-master replication scheme.  I want to use the load balancer more for high 
availability, than for load balancing.  All connections to the database server 
would go the mysql server 1. If server1 fails, the load balancer should send all
connections to server 2, etc. Thanks for any insight on any implementation 

Partha Dutta
Bloomberg, L.P.


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Re: startup problems with linux

2004-05-12 Thread Robert J Taylor
Why use root?

How about creating a dummy database (CREATE DATABASE dummy) and a dummy
user that only has rights to access that database and have your init.d
script connect as the user dummy to db dummy?
Much better than leaving MySQL root passwords around in easy to find
places. (I know, I know...)

Robert  J Taylor
gerald_clark wrote:

TK Banks wrote:

The startup script provided with Fedora linux uses the mysqladmin 
ping command to verify that the server is up after the safe_mysqld 
command has been issued; however, once I changed the password for the 
root account, this no longer works:  it sits there and tries this 
command 10 times on one second intervals and finally declares failure 
for the startup procedure (even though the server is actually up and 
as happy as can be).  I'm sure I could remedy the problem by encoding 
the mysql root password in the /etc/init.d/mysqld file, but this 
seems sort of stupid.  Should I just nix the ping glop?  Or perhaps 
creating a ping account with no password but no privledges would do 
the trick?

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Perhaps you could create a .my.cnf file for root that contains the 

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Re: ESRI GIS products support lacking in MySQL???

2004-05-12 Thread Robert J Taylor
Cynically, MySQL is probably not prohibitively expensive enough to hide 
the prohibitive expense of their add-on product. :)

In any event, MySQL is up-front with its features and drawbacks as can 
be seen here:
(Especially scroll down to the subsection:

However, at the recent MySQL Users' Conference in Orlando, FL, there was 
at least one vendor present touting MySQL and its GIS data solution, 

That link will also lead you to the GIS implementation in MySQL and its 
limitations (I see the word subset).


Robert J Taylor


Douglas Phillipson wrote:

I hope this isn't an inappropriate list for this...

I have been trying to get ESRI ( to consider supporting 
MySQL as a backend Database.  They informed me that MySQL doesn't have 
all the features required to support ESRI's products.  Since the 
alternatives are Oracle and SQL Server, and Oracle is prohibitively 
expensive, I'm wondering if your MySQL AB has considered contacting 
ESRI to see what their requirements are.  ESRI is the standard for GIS 
systems.  It would seem to me that if your database could be used by 
ESRI that you might get tens of thousands of new customers all over 
the world.

I'm wondering if anyone else has probed exactly what is missing in 
MySQL that makes it inappropriate for use by ESRI.


Doug P

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Re: ESRI GIS products support lacking in MySQL???

2004-05-12 Thread Robert J Taylor
Wow. I'd stop listening to whomever it is that's telling you these 
stories. Really.

The difference between the MyISAM and InnoDB storage engines centers on 
InnoDB's excellent support for transactions (MyISAM has none), InnoDB's 
row versus full table locking with MyISAM, and general ACID compliance 
versus non-ACID compliance. But these features aren't related (as far as 
I have ever heard or seen in practice) to basic SQL syntax.

Check out the excellent MySQL documentation on-line that succinctly 
explains what MySQL can and cannot do today with each of the storage 
engines available to it:

General MySQL Features and Limitations
MySQL SQL Syntax
MySQL Table Types, their features and drawbacks

This is by no means a RTFM but an encouragement to quickly find 
answers to many of these incorrect concepts others seem to have given 
you about MySQL. Read the documentation MySQL provides and you'll know 
first hand what the real problems are! :) But you'll also see what's 
useful, perhaps, and find something worthwhile.


Robert J Taylor

As an aside:
The freely accessible, transparent On-line documentation MySQL AB 
provides for its products is one of the telling traits of the company 
and its products as a whole. I personally have rarely seen such candor 
about one's own products in publicly accessible documentation. Helpful 
and refreshing.

David Blomstrom wrote:

It says, Currently, these features are available for
MyISAM tables only.
Does that mean you can't join MySQL tables that use
these features? I haven't even learned how to make a
join yet, but I was told that it can only be done with
InnoDB tables.
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Re: fastest filesystem for MySQL

2004-05-11 Thread Robert J Taylor
Completely depends on your situation -- big files, small files? Lots of 
writes or reads or both? Growing tables/files or lots of large dropped 

If you're into small files, go Reiser. Big data, JFS or XFS.  

EXT3 is slow, but, IIRC, it also is a true data journaling filesystem 
while some of the others aren't (and that's as deep as I go without a 
life-vest, if you know what I mean!).

Just saw this on

Benchmarks of EXT2, EXT3, JFS, XFS in various unreal stressful 
scenarios. Interesting, anyway:

Robert J Taylor
JFL wrote:

I've heard and read that the Reiser filesystem should be better for 
MySQL than Ext3. Is this still true?

We will be running MySQL on either Red Hat ES 3, Suse or Debian.

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Re: how do i encrypt the .frm file with a password

2004-05-11 Thread Robert J Taylor
Exactly. Think HIPAA and the methods used to secure data from the 
priying eyes of DBAs (supposedly) under HIPAA/Security.

Dan Greene wrote:

if the data is the concern, not the data structure, why not encrypt the data itself?


-Original Message-
From: David Crane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: how do i encrypt the .frm file with a password
Since this database will be distributed, our users will be 
If they are able to copy the files to another computer and 
set up mysql
themselves, they could get access to the entire database 
directly and export
any or all data. Configuring the service to run as a 
different user would
not prevent this. And, they would have access to the files as 
As I see it, the passwords for users are only used by the 
service itself and
passwords are not applied to the files themselves. As for 
operating systems,
we are going to support Windows NT, 2000,  XP.

David Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I need to provide some security to a database that I am 

working on. This

database will be distributed and I need to prevent users 

from being able

simply copy the files and being able to have complete 

access to it. I want

to do this: Encrypt the `.frm' file with a password. This 

option doesn't

anything in the standard MySQL version. 

( I 

have recompiled

mysql to enable 64 indexes on a table. So, recompiling it is not a


Do I need a custom version or MaxDB?


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Re: how do i encrypt the .frm file with a password

2004-05-11 Thread Robert J Taylor
How would password protecting without encrypting it be meaningful? 
(Answer: It wouldn't)

Look at PGP/GPG encryption, as an example of private/public key 
encryption. Feed the encryption program uncompressed data and get either 
keyed or password protected data that is encrypted and compressed.

This isn't a MySQL issue, strictly speaking, but I hope this helps you 
find an answer.


Robert J Taylor
David Crane wrote:

I was considering encrypting the data itself. However, that would impact
performance and our ability to compress it.
We are using access now and it is a 5 cd install. I was hoping I could get
away with password protecting the files to provide
some security.
David Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

I need to provide some security to a database that I am working on. This
database will be distributed and I need to prevent users from being able


simply copy the files and being able to have complete access to it. I want
to do this: Encrypt the `.frm' file with a password. This option doesn't


anything in the standard MySQL version. 

( I have recompiled
mysql to enable 64 indexes on a table. So, recompiling it is not a


Do I need a custom version or MaxDB?



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Re: Features for Evaluation

2004-05-06 Thread Robert J Taylor
There's a bunch.

Check out:


Robert J Taylor

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 20:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi, I am setting up a lab to evaluate main features of MySQL so that
 provide advise for other departments to consider for their choice of
 database. Do you have a list of such features? Or do you have similar
 evaluation reports for my reference?

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Re: Case Sensitive on Windows

2004-04-30 Thread Robert J Taylor
shaun thornburgh wrote:


I am trying to synchronize two databases - the source is on a FreeBSD 
web server and the target is on our local Windows 2000 Server machine. 
I am trying to do this using Webyog ( which tells 
Windows to sync with the source machine every hour.

Side note: I don't know anything about webyog, but MySQL's built-in 
replication works so well, I'd recommend looking into using it.

However, this is producing errors because the MySQL installation on 
the local machine isn't case sensitive, therefore it isn't recognizing 
the same tables. How can I rectify this, I can't find any 
documentation on the MySQL site regarding this...?

Your answer may be here, in the online docs where MySQL case sensitivity 
is detailed.

Thanks for your help


Robert Taylor
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2004-04-30 Thread Robert J Taylor
Andre MATOS wrote:


Is it possible to create a Select performing a math formula? For example:

First I need to add two values come from the same table but from different 
records. The result will be divided from one number got from another 
table. Now, the new result will be added with another value got from 
another table creating the final result. Like this:

((value_from_record_1_from_table_A + value_from_record_15_from_table_A) / 
value_from_table_B ) + value_from_table_C


Not knowing what the criteria for selecting the different records from
table_A (1 and 15), I'll forgo a join clause and just illustrate a
simple alias with where clause:
SELECT (( a1.value + a2.value ) /  b.value ) + c.value AS final_result
table_A a1, table_A a2, table_B b, table_C c
a1.key = 1 AND a2.key = 15 AND
/* guessing here */
b.key = a1.key AND c.key = a2.key
AND a1.key  a2.key
That's not correct as I am guessing your actual criteria, etc., but it
gives the idea. Can you be more specific on the criteria for relating
(joining) tables A, records 1 and 15, with themselves and with tables B
and C?
Is this possible? Is there anyone who can help me to create this SELETC?




Robert Taylor

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Re: Order by price?

2004-04-29 Thread Robert J Taylor
Yoed Anis wrote:

I'm having trouble with this query:
as price FROM table ORDER BY price

Hint: you've made this a string comparison using CONCAT, i.e., 
alphabetical, not numerical, sorting rules apply. 

How about 

SELECT ROUND(($varA*(establishments^2)+$varB*(establishments)+$varC),2) as price FROM table ORDER BY price;

Then using a printf/sprintf type formatting statement on the application/presentation layer to show to the user?

What is the application language y

A note first. The column establishments is an int(10), as you see I am
taking this number through a formula, and I want the result of this formula
to be rounded to two decimal places, and to stick a $ sign in front of it
so I can easily display it on a table.
However here is the problem, in ASC order I get these results:

And in DESC order I get these results:
(with the max result 208 for instance at the 3rd from very bottom, 110 is at
very bottom)

Any help in solving this would be greatly appreciated.


Robert Taylor
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Re: Order by price?

2004-04-29 Thread Robert J Taylor
Paul DuBois wrote:


Sounds like you want:

ORDER BY ROUND(($varA*(establishments^2)+$varB*(establishments)+$varC),2)

Perfect. (I'm saying, duh over here to myself!)

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Re: User Conference Presentations

2004-04-21 Thread Robert J Taylor
You don't mean at the Discovery Cove near the Jimmy Buffet cover band 
do you?

Speaking of which, Lars... there's an English expression that uses the 
word Cluster...but has nothing to do with databases... :)

(Kidding! Just kidding!)

Robert Reed wrote:

Yes, I'm anxious to get my hands on some of the
presentations myself.  I think I saw a couple of brief
mentions of a url but it wasn't written down anywhere.
I'd also like to see some of the pictures I saw David
snapping everywhere.  :)
--- David Perron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone know if the presentations from the User
Conference are available


Robert Reed
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Re: Query Speed

2004-04-20 Thread Robert J Taylor
Craig Gardner wrote:

Thank you very much.  That's what fixed my problem.

Robert J Taylor wrote:

Can you restrict to Not Null instead of != ? (I.e, can you scrub 
the data not to have empty strings?).

The explain shows 3 extra where calculations per row...that's painful.

Great! Glad that solved your problem.

Robert Taylor
P.S. I didn't respond to the list initially, so I'm correcting that now.

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Re: [book announcement] High Performance MySQL (O'Reilly) is now shipping...

2004-04-20 Thread Robert J Taylor
I got mine (even autographed) at the MySQL Users Conference. Excellent 
reading -- definitely required for anyone whose livelihood depends on MySQL.

(this was a non-paid endorsement)

Robert Taylor
Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

MySQL users,

I just wanted to send a quick note to let anyone interested know that
High Performance MySQL (the book I started a long time ago) is now
available and shipping.
O'Reilly brought copies to the MySQL Conference last week and several
folks have reported shipping, so it's time to say
something. :-)
If you were one who pre-ordered on, thanks!  Your copy
should show up soon.
Book site:


On the O'Reilly site:

 There's a sample chapter (Replication) on-line as well as the TOC
 and description.
 The description says...

 As users come to depend on MySQL, they find that they have to deal
 with issues of reliability, scalability, and performance--issues
 that are not well documented but are critical to a smoothly
 functioning site. This book is an insider's guide to these little
 understood topics.
 Author Jeremy Zawodny has managed large numbers of MySQL servers for
 mission-critical work at Yahoo!, maintained years of contacts with
 the MySQL AB team, and presents regularly at conferences. Jeremy and
 Derek have spent months experimenting, interviewing major users of
 MySQL, talking to MySQL AB, benchmarking, and writing some of their
 own tools in order to produce the information in this book.
 In High Performance MySQL you will learn about MySQL indexing and
 optimization in depth so you can make better use of these key
 features. You will learn practical replication, backup, and
 load-balancing strategies with information that goes beyond
 available tools to discuss their effects in real-life
 environments. And you'll learn the supporting techniques you need to
 carry out these tasks, including advanced configuration,
 benchmarking, and investigating logs.


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Re: Modelling specialized M:N relationships?

2004-04-20 Thread Robert J Taylor
Leandro Melo wrote:

i have a M:N relationship between PRODUCT and PRICE.

Is Price an Entity or an Attribute? I'm not accustomed to using price as 
a Thing. What is it that causes a Product to have one, exactly, or more 
prices? Is it its relationship to some other thing? Or is it a special 
kind of Product?

Except during a couple years under US President Nixon, Prices are 
usually not things in themselves... can you flesh out what you are 
trying to model a little more?

1 product may be associated to N prices and 1 prices
may belong to N products.
I got special cases the some kinda product MUST have
only 1 price associated with it.
I don't what would be the best way to model this
flag for the special case.
So far, i got 3 tables.
Where should i put this flg or should tie the

Let's see what relationship to a another entity or classifying attribute 
of Product might invoke the rule on one-and-only-one or M:N. Then we'll 
know how better to proceed.




Robert Taylor
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Re: varchar 4 = char 4? Why?

2004-04-18 Thread Robert J Taylor

Robert A. Rosenberg wrote:
At 13:34 -0400 on 04/18/2004, Stormblade wrote about
varchar  4 = char  4? Why?: 
  This has been puzzling me. At first I thought
it was something that Navicat 
was doing but I also tried in EMS MySQL and it does the same. 

If I set the type of a field to varchar and set the length to anything
than 4 it will get converted to a char type of the same length. Now I
that char is faster. I read it can be up to 50% faster but I am curious
I am prevented from having a varchar of length less than 4? 

Is it prohibitively expensive to do this in MySQL? Is it such a bad
that they simply don't allow you to do it? Inquiring minds want to
Taking a wild guess here so I might be wrong. Varchar needs a length to
be appended to the start of the character data so MySQL can tell how
long it is. This length field is probably 2 bytes long. Thus if the max
length of the string is 1-3 bytes long, the field will be from 3-5
bytes so you might as well bite-the-bullet and just declare the field
as char(4). If the length field is 4 bytes, then ALL Varchars under
max=3 will be 5-8 bytes for max=1-3 so again char(4) is shorter. 

No need to guess, this is a documented behavior of MySQL:

VARCHAR columns with a length less than four are changed to

Further explanation is also given in the documentation:

The following table illustrates the differences between the two types
of columns
by showing the result of storing various string values into CHAR(4)
and VARCHAR(4) columns:


   Storage Required 
   Storage Required 

   ' ' 
   4 bytes 
   1 byte 

   'ab ' 
   4 bytes 
   3 bytes 

   4 bytes 
   5 bytes 

   4 bytes 
   5 bytes 


The values retrieved from the CHAR(4) and VARCHAR(4)
will be the same in each case, because trailing spaces are removed from
CHAR columns upon retrieval.


Robert J Taylor

P.S. Robert Rosenberg -- happen to go to high school in San Antonio,
TX, by chance? :)

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Re: sql scripts

2004-04-18 Thread Robert J Taylor

Dudley F. Cañas wrote:

hi ppl, im a newbie to mysql but been using oracle for quite sometime 
now and i found that mysql is not bad at all :)
i was just wondering if is there an equivalent scripting method of 
coding like plsql scripts in mysql... ?


Stored Proceedures are currently implemented in version 5 of MySQL, 
which is very much in development. There are no such solutions available 
in current production releases of MySQL.

For more information on version 5's features:


Robert Taylor
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