Re: Cannot execute query - Can't find file: (error: 9)

2005-04-06 Thread V. M. Brasseur
According to perror:
perror 9
Error code   9:  Bad file number
This is an operating system error code:
Out of curiosity, have you tried running myisamchk or some CHECK TABLE 
commands yet?

Frank Bax wrote:
At 10:07 AM 4/5/05, Frank Bax wrote:
At 04:27 PM 4/4/05, Frank Bax wrote:
Cannot execute query.
snip my SQL statement
Can't find file: './donor/list_lst.frm' (errno: 9)
- -
I got the same error last week on a different table.  Today I notice 
that there is a table in another database on same system producing 
the same error.  I attempted to access mysql cli, but it just locked 
up after entering password.  Start/stop mysql and mysql cli at least 
started but issued errors about some tables even before I entered a 
command.  I decided to reboot and the problem goes away (for a while).

MySQL 4.0.20 - OpenBSD 3.6

Forgot to mention a couple of things:
1) The file that mysql complains about does exist.
# ls -ltr donor/list*.frm
-rw-rw  1 _mysql  _mysql 8694 Jan 15 09:43 donor/list_lst.frm
2) When problem recurs (as it did on both databases this morning), the 
same file in each database is affected each time error appears.

3) In both databases (on same system) it is frm files in the error 

Since OpenBSD 2.8, there is a default limit of 128 open files for daemon 
Add --open-files-limit=2048 to mysql startup.
The suggested changes to /etc/login.conf were not necessary on my system.

Does MySQL ever close the file(s) associated with table(s), or once open 
do they stay open until shutdown?


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Re: MySQL server disconnects when executing simple Select statements++

2005-03-23 Thread V. M. Brasseur
You say it usually crashes near the same record?  Could you post the 
record information and also the query which is being run?

Also, is there any information in your hostname.err file?  If mysqld is 
bailing (and it appears that it is), it ought to be writing something 
useful to the error log.

mos wrote:
I have a compiled application that accesses a dedicated MySQL 4.1.1 
server with MyISAM tables on Win XP. For some reason when the 
application is in a loop doing simple single table Select statements, 
the MySQL server after 48 seconds of processing will upchuck with the 
error Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10048).

This machine has the server and application on it and no one else is 
using it.  MaxUsedConnections=3 and connections=3974 after it crashes. 
It is doing about 20 queries per second before it crashes. It usually 
crashes near the same record. Seconds after the crash if I have another 
application do a Show status I get an error Lost connection to MySQL 
server during query. If I wait a few seconds and re-run it, I get the 
status results.

It is running on Win XP AMD 3500+ with 1g ram. There is plenty of memory 
because the queries are returning only a dozen rows, maybe less.

Any idea how I can eliminate the crashing?

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Re: mysqldump: Got errno 5 on write

2005-03-22 Thread V. M. Brasseur
According to the output of perror:
perror 5
Error code   5:  I/O error
Are you having problems with your disk?  Maybe syncing or bad sectors or 
even something as simple as out of space?

Best of luck,
Mihail Manolov wrote:
Have you seen this before:
mysqldump: Got errno 5 on write
I have started getting this error recently in my email box - the message 
is result of my daily backup cronjob.

Mihail Manolov

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Re: Cascade problem now error:

2005-01-27 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Have you tried perror yet?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (ping-300) 120  perror 150
MySQL error:  150 = Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed
Scott Purcell wrote:
I updated my script and all looks good. But now I get an error when tryng to 
issue this command.
Any ideas?
ERROR 1005: Can't create table '.\builder\#sql-260_d.frm' (errno: 150)
- mysql \s
mysql  Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.15, for Win95/Win98 (i32)
Connection id:  13
Current database:   builder
Current user:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SSL:Not in use
Server version: 4.0.15-max-debug
Protocol version:   10
Connection: localhost via TCP/IP
Client characterset:latin1
Server characterset:latin1
TCP port:   3306
Uptime: 10 days 1 min 3 sec
Threads: 1  Questions: 364  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 115  Flush tables: 1  Open t
ables: 0  Queries per second avg: 0.000  Memory in use: 8324K  Max memory used:

// sequence stuff
// mysql CREATE TABLE sequence (id INT NOT NULL);
//mysql INSERT INTO sequence VALUES (0);
//Use the table to generate sequence numbers like this: 
//mysql UPDATE sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);

use builder;
CREATE TABLE menu_sequence (id INT NOT NULL);
insert into menu_sequence VALUES (0);
   id int NOT NULL,
   parent_id int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
   sort int, 
) type=INNODB;

UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 0, 1, 'T');
UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 0, 2, 'T');
UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 0, 3, 'T');
UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 0, 4, 'T');
UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 1, 1, 'T');
UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 3, 1, 'T');
UPDATE menu_sequence SET id=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+1);
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP values (last_insert_id(), 4, 1, 'T');
   attribute_type varchar(200) NOT NULL,
   primary key (id)
INSERT INTO MENU_TYPE (attribute_type) values ('jsp'), ('menu'), ('cat_name');
  menu_type varchar(200),
  data_id int NOT NULL,
  display_name varchar(250),
  link varchar(250),
) type=INNODB;
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (1, 1, 'Company', 'companyInfo.jsp');
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (3, 2, 'Communities', 'communities');
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (1, 3, 'Contact', 'contact.jsp');
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (1, 4, 'Inventory Homes', 'invHomes.jsp');
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (1, 5, 'About Me', 'about.jsp');
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (1, 6, 'Customer Service', 'custService.jsp');
INSERT INTO MENU_GROUP_REL values (1, 7, 'Open Sunday', 'opensunday.jsp');

-Original Message-
From: Artem Koltsov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:29 AM
To: Scott Purcell;
Subject: RE: cascade on delete problem
Hello Scott,
Make sure your tables are InnoDB type:
CREATE TABLE table_name ( table_def ...) ENGINE=InnoDB;
If you have default MyISAM tables, it won't work because they don't support 
foreign keys.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:17 AM
Subject: cascade on delete problem
I apologize for a possible simple question, but I am having 
trouble with the below code.

I have three simple tables. In short, menu_group has an id, 
that is referenced in the menu_group_rel. When a user 
deletes an id from the menu_group, I wanted the entry in 
menu_group_rel (data_id) to also be deleted. They act as 
one piece of data.

I have gone through the docs, but when I delete a line from 
the menu_group, it does NOT delete the entry from the menu_group_rel?

Does anyone see anything wrong with the following?
SQL: ###


Re: calculated field

2005-01-21 Thread V. M. Brasseur
To the best of my knowledge MySQL does not have a way to do this on the 
fly such that a field value is contigent upon the values of other fields 
in the table.

Does it have to be stored in the database at all?  Seems to me that 
calculated values often are best handled at query time rather than 
taking up unnecessary bytes.  Of course, it would depend upon upon the 
amount of data stored and the amount which needs to be calculated.

If that does not work for you, you may want to investigate your options 
for calculation during table creation and data insertion.  There are 
plenty of functions which will help with this and they're all well 
documented in the online manual.

Javier wrote:
Hi All
I've an Excel document that have some data but there are a column that has
a formula related to other cells of the same row.
Now I need to put data in a db but the problem is with this calculated
data. A friend of mine that use Oracle told me that I could define a field
like field1 = field2 + field3, but I can't discover this option in Mysql.
It's possible to make it ? Any other idea about it ?
Thanks in advance

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Illegal mix of collations with 4.1.7

2004-11-30 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Ever since we upgraded to 4.1.7, we've been seeing a lot of errors 
similiar to this one:

ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) 
and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation 'locate'

The query which generated this particular error is this:
SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM holdsplaced WHERE timestampDatePlaced = 
2004113004 AND INSTR( sPatronName, 'bubba' ) != 0;

But other queries have also been kicking this error out as well.
The server is being started with the following options (some altered to 
protect the innocent):

mysqld would have been started with the following arguments:
--basedir=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1 --datadir=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/data 
--port=portnum --socket=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/mysql.sock 
--user=username --log-error=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/logs/ping.err 
--log=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/logs/ping.log --default-character-set=utf8

The problem, I'm sure, is that --default-character-set=utf8 option, but 
I don't know much beyond that.  Google searches aren't helping much with 
this one.  Something is out of alignment somewhere, I'm just not sure 
what it is.

Any help?
Thanks in advance,
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Illegal mix of collations with 4.1.7

2004-11-30 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Ah!  Many thanks.  That appears to be our problem here:
mysql show variables like 'colla%';
| Variable_name| Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database   | utf8_general_ci   |
| collation_server | utf8_general_ci   |
I'll work on getting all the connections onto the same collation page.
Very many thanks again!
Santino wrote:
I think your tables have a collation different from the connection 

Open mysql client:
mysql show variables like 'colla%';
| Variable_name| Value |
| collation_connection | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_database   | latin1_swedish_ci |
| collation_server | latin1_swedish_ci |
3 rows in set (0.04 sec)
and if are different set the collation in your my.cnf file.
At 8:59 -0800 30-11-2004, V. M. Brasseur wrote:
Ever since we upgraded to 4.1.7, we've been seeing a lot of errors 
similiar to this one:

ERROR 1267 (HY000): Illegal mix of collations 
(utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for 
operation 'locate'

The query which generated this particular error is this:
SELECT COUNT(*)  FROM holdsplaced WHERE timestampDatePlaced = 
2004113004 AND INSTR( sPatronName, 'bubba' ) != 0;

But other queries have also been kicking this error out as well.
The server is being started with the following options (some altered 
to protect the innocent):

mysqld would have been started with the following arguments:
--basedir=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1 --datadir=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/data 
--port=portnum --socket=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/mysql.sock 
--user=username --log-error=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/logs/ping.err 
--log=/dbs/tpp/mysql-4.1/logs/ping.log --default-character-set=utf8

The problem, I'm sure, is that --default-character-set=utf8 option, 
but I don't know much beyond that.  Google searches aren't helping 
much with this one.  Something is out of alignment somewhere, I'm just 
not sure what it is.

Any help?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: C api incompatability from 3.x to 4.1

2004-11-10 Thread V. M. Brasseur
I provided the list below for our programmers, who also are dealing with 
a switch from 3.23 to 4.1.  Perhaps it would be of some help for you.

We've already hit a couple of API-related problems with the new version 
of MySQL.  To try to make things a little easier, and because I love our 
programmers, I've sifted through the change history of MySQL 4.1 to pick 
out all the changes specifically related to the C API.  Most won't apply 
to us.

For a complete list of all MySQL changes, hit this link:
And now for the list:
* Added new mysql_get_server_version() C API client function.
* Added mysql_set_server_option() C API client function to allow 
multiple statement handling in the server to be enabled or disabled.
* The mysql_next_result() C API function now returns -1 if there are no 
more result sets.
* Warning: Incompatible change! Renamed the C API mysql_prepare_result() 
function to mysql_get_metadata() as the old name was confusing.
* Added mysql_sqlstate() and mysql_stmt_sqlstate() C API client 
functions that return the SQLSTATE error code for the last error.
* Warning: Incompatible change! Renamed prepared statements C API functions:
Old Name New Name
mysql_bind_param() mysql_stmt_bind_param()
mysql_bind_result() mysql_stmt_bind_result()
mysql_prepare() mysql_stmt_prepare()
mysql_execute() mysql_stmt_execute()
mysql_fetch() mysql_stmt_fetch()
mysql_fetch_column() mysql_stmt_fetch_column()
mysql_param_count() mysql_stmt_param_count()
mysql_param_result() mysql_stmt_param_metadata()
mysql_get_metadata() mysql_stmt_result_metadata()
mysql_send_long_data() mysql_stmt_send_long_data()
Now all functions that operate with a MYSQL_STMT structure begin with 
the prefix mysql_stmt_.
* Warning: Incompatible change! The signature of the 
mysql_stmt_prepare() function was changed to int 
mysql_stmt_prepare(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, const char *query, unsigned long 
length). To create a MYSQL_STMT handle, you should use the 
mysql_stmt_init() function, not mysql_stmt_prepare().
* C API enhancement: SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED and 
SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED flags are now set in the server_status 
field of the MYSQL structure. It is these flags that make the query to 
be logged as slow if mysqld was started with --log-slow-queries 
* Added support for unsigned integer types to prepared statement API 
(Bug #3035).
* Warning: Incompatible change! C API change: mysql_shutdown() now 
requires a second argument. This is a source-level incompatibility that 
affects how you compile client programs; it does not affect the ability 
of compiled clients to communicate with older servers. See section mysql_shutdown().
* Fixed a bug in client-side conversion of string column to MYSQL_TIME 
application buffer (prepared statements API). (Bug #4030)
* Fixed a buffer overflow in prepared statements API (libmysqlclient) 
when a statement containing thousands of placeholders was executed. (Bug 
* The mysql_change_user() C API function now frees all prepared 
statements associated with the connection. (Bug #5315)
* Fixed bug in libmysqlclient that fetched column defaults.
* Fixed mysql_stmt_send_long_data() behavior on second execution of 
prepared statement and in case when long data had zero length. (Bug #1664)
* You can now call mysql_stmt_attr_set(..., STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH) 
to tell the client library to update MYSQL_FIELD-max_length when doing 
mysql_stmt_store_result(). (Bug #1647).
* Fixed memory leak in the client library when statement handle was 
freed on closed connection (call to mysql_stmt_close after mysql_close). 
(Bug #3073)
* Fixed mysql_stmt_affected_rows() call to always return number of rows 
affected by given statement. (Bug #2247)
* Fix for a bug that caused client/server communication to be broken 
when mysql_set_server_option() or mysql_get_server_option() were 
invoked. (Bug #2207)
* The MySQL server did not report any error if a statement (submitted 
through mysql_real_query() or mysql_stmt_prepare()) was terminated by 
garbage characters. This can happen if you pass a wrong length parameter 
to these functions. The result was that the garbage characters were 
written into the binary log. (Bug #2703)
* Fixed bug in client library that caused mysql_stmt_fetch and 
mysql_stmt_store_result() to hang if they were called without prior call 
of mysql_stmt_execute(). Now they give an error instead. (Bug #2248)
* Fixed a bug in mysql_stmt_close(), which hung up when attempting to 
close statement after failed mysql_stmt_fetch(). (Bug #4079)
* Fixed potential memory overrun in mysql_real_connect() (which required 
a compromised DNS server and certain operating systems). (Bug #4017)
* Fixed a bug that caused libmysql to crash when attempting to fetch a 
value of MEDIUMINT column. (Bug #5126)
* Fixed that 

Undefined symbols compiling against 4.1.7 on Solaris 2.8

2004-11-03 Thread V. M. Brasseur
We're trying to get 4.1.7 to play nicely with our code, but something 
isn't cooperating.

First of all, the MySQL installation:  Version 4.1.7, compiled from 
source using GCC 3.3.  The source compile is required because we need a 
lot of default settings to use our own paths.  This is the configure 
used for the compile (some values altered here to protect the innocent):
CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O3 \
CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS=-O3 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti \
./configure --prefix=/path/to/mysql \
--libexecdir=/path/to/mysql/bin \
--with-mysqld-user=ouruser \
--with-unix-socket-path=/path/to/mysql.sock --with-tcp-port=ourport \
--without-docs --without-bench --with-extra-charsets=complex \
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-local-infile \
--localstatedir=/path/to/mysql/data \
--with-prefix=/path/to/mysql \
--with-low-memory --enable-assembler --disable-shared

It appears to function well on its own.  However, when attempting to 
compile a program which requires libmysqlclient.a...

compiling -o progname /path/to/progname.c
Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to progname
compile:error=256,command=compiling -o progname /path/to/progname.c

It's worth noting that we are only experiencing this problem on Solaris 
2.8.  Another 4.1.7 installation on OSF1 5.1 is chugging along nicely 
with no complaints.

Google contains many references to these undefined symbols, encountered 
mostly when compiling other products.  Yet none of those references 
contain an actual SOLUTION to the problem.

Could someone out there with a bit more ld/gcc/C API experience than I 
have (which is not setting the bar high, I assure you) lend a hand 
dispersing these clouds?

Many thanks,
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Undefined symbols compiling against 4.1.7 on Solaris 2.8

2004-11-03 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Unfortunately, the --disable-shared is intentional.  For various 
reasons, our programs use static libraries whenever possible rather than 
dynamically linking.

Do you think the LDFLAGS and/or --enable-libgcc still help for static 

Many thanks for your help so far,
Ken Menzel wrote:
I ran into problems trying to use static libraries on Solaris 9.
I think you may not really want --disable-shared, the shared libs do 
make life a bit easier.

But try these solutions:
LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.0/
--enable-libgcc if you are using a recent gnu configure.
This link the gcc lib with your program.
I don't know what you are trying to link but here is a php reference.
- Original Message - From: V. M. Brasseur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: Undefined symbols compiling against 4.1.7 on Solaris 2.8

We're trying to get 4.1.7 to play nicely with our code, but something 
isn't cooperating.

First of all, the MySQL installation:  Version 4.1.7, compiled from 
source using GCC 3.3.  The source compile is required because we need 
a lot of default settings to use our own paths.  This is the configure 
used for the compile (some values altered here to protect the innocent):
CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O3 \
CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS=-O3 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti \
./configure --prefix=/path/to/mysql \
--libexecdir=/path/to/mysql/bin \
--with-mysqld-user=ouruser \
--with-unix-socket-path=/path/to/mysql.sock --with-tcp-port=ourport \
--without-docs --without-bench --with-extra-charsets=complex \
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-local-infile \
--localstatedir=/path/to/mysql/data \
--with-prefix=/path/to/mysql \
--with-low-memory --enable-assembler --disable-shared

It appears to function well on its own.  However, when attempting to 
compile a program which requires libmysqlclient.a...

compiling -o progname /path/to/progname.c
Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
__floatdisf /path/to/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)
__floatdidf /path/to/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)
__cmpdi2 /path/to/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to progname
compile:error=256,command=compiling -o progname /path/to/progname.c
It's worth noting that we are only experiencing this problem on 
Solaris 2.8.  Another 4.1.7 installation on OSF1 5.1 is chugging along 
nicely with no complaints.

Google contains many references to these undefined symbols, 
encountered mostly when compiling other products.  Yet none of those 
references contain an actual SOLUTION to the problem.

Could someone out there with a bit more ld/gcc/C API experience than I 
have (which is not setting the bar high, I assure you) lend a hand 
dispersing these clouds?

Many thanks,
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Undefined symbols compiling against 4.1.7 on Solaris 2.8

2004-11-03 Thread V. M. Brasseur
On a whim, I removed the --disable-shared from the configure options and 
was greeted by a lot of unresolved symbols from libz.a and this pleasant 

ld: fatal: relocations remain against allocatable but non-writable sections
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Google search says to use GNU ld, but that didn't help matters any.
Right now, it's either (1) --disable-shared set, MySQL 4.1.7 completes 
the 'make' successfully but there are unresolved libmysqlclient.a 
symbols, or (2) --disable-shared NOT set and MySQL 4.1.7 fails during 
the make at the point where libtool is handling

Neither seems like fun to me.  Anyone have any other ideas/pointers?
V. M. Brasseur wrote:
Unfortunately, the --disable-shared is intentional.  For various 
reasons, our programs use static libraries whenever possible rather than 
dynamically linking.

Do you think the LDFLAGS and/or --enable-libgcc still help for static 

Many thanks for your help so far,
Ken Menzel wrote:
I ran into problems trying to use static libraries on Solaris 9.
I think you may not really want --disable-shared, the shared libs do 
make life a bit easier.

But try these solutions:
LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/sparc-sun-solaris2.8/3.0/
--enable-libgcc if you are using a recent gnu configure.
This link the gcc lib with your program.
I don't know what you are trying to link but here is a php reference.
- Original Message - From: V. M. Brasseur [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: Undefined symbols compiling against 4.1.7 on Solaris 2.8

We're trying to get 4.1.7 to play nicely with our code, but something 
isn't cooperating.

First of all, the MySQL installation:  Version 4.1.7, compiled from 
source using GCC 3.3.  The source compile is required because we need 
a lot of default settings to use our own paths.  This is the 
configure used for the compile (some values altered here to protect 
the innocent):
CC=gcc CFLAGS=-O3 \
CXX=gcc CXXFLAGS=-O3 -felide-constructors -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti \
./configure --prefix=/path/to/mysql \
--libexecdir=/path/to/mysql/bin \
--with-mysqld-user=ouruser \
--with-unix-socket-path=/path/to/mysql.sock --with-tcp-port=ourport \
--without-docs --without-bench --with-extra-charsets=complex \
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-local-infile \
--localstatedir=/path/to/mysql/data \
--with-prefix=/path/to/mysql \
--with-low-memory --enable-assembler --disable-shared

It appears to function well on its own.  However, when attempting to 
compile a program which requires libmysqlclient.a...

compiling -o progname /path/to/progname.c
Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
__floatdisf /path/to/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)
__floatdidf /path/to/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)
__cmpdi2 /path/to/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.a(libmysql.o)
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to progname
compile:error=256,command=compiling -o progname /path/to/progname.c
It's worth noting that we are only experiencing this problem on 
Solaris 2.8.  Another 4.1.7 installation on OSF1 5.1 is chugging 
along nicely with no complaints.

Google contains many references to these undefined symbols, 
encountered mostly when compiling other products.  Yet none of those 
references contain an actual SOLUTION to the problem.

Could someone out there with a bit more ld/gcc/C API experience than 
I have (which is not setting the bar high, I assure you) lend a hand 
dispersing these clouds?

Many thanks,
MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: rounding problem

2004-10-25 Thread V. M. Brasseur
This must be a bug that was fixed in the 4.1 version.  I see the same 
thing as Tom, using both 3.23.49 and 4.0.20...

Oh, wait.  The ever-helpful manual comes through again:
From the manual documentation on ROUND():
Note that the behavior of ROUND() when the argument is halfway between 
two integers depends on the C library implementation. Different 
implementations round to the nearest even number, always up, always 
down, or always toward zero. If you need one kind of rounding, you 
should use a well-defined function such as TRUNCATE() or FLOOR() instead.

There are many references to this bug in the MySQL Bug Tracker.  All 
of them reinforce that this is not a bug but rather a variance in C 
library implementation.
Edgar Meij wrote:
Hmmm, peculiar... Tried it on 4.1.6-gamma-nt and works fine:
SELECT ROUND(3.575, 2); = 3,57
SELECT ROUND(3.565, 2); = 3.56
The round() function probably cuts off the last bit...
More info: 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Tom Butterworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Verzonden: maandag 25 oktober 2004 19:35
Onderwerp: rounding problem

I seem to be having problems returning the expected results when using 
the mysql ROUND() function.

Rounding 3.565 to 2 decimal places i would expect to return 3.57 
however using

SELECT ROUND(3.565, 2);
it returns 3.56. While using
SELECT ROUND(3.575, 2);
works as expected returning 3.58.
I am using mysql version 3.23.54. Any help much appreciated.

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Re: Command that I believe should work...

2004-10-15 Thread V. M. Brasseur
If you make that column a TIMESTAMP data type and leave the default as 
NULL, it will automatically use the current date/time if no value is 

Please note, this will only work this way for the first TIMESTAMP column 
in the table.

Also, if ever you update a row containing TIMESTAMP columns, the first 
TIMESTAMP column will automatically be updated to use the new current 

I suggest hitting the user manual or Paul DuBois' 'MySQL' book for 
further information.
Robert Adkins wrote:
...but doesn't.
   I am attempting to create a table using the following...

   I receive an error message stating that there is an error with 'NOW()'
   Which doesn't make sense to me. I understand both Oracle and MS-SQL 
Server use a similar format for putting the date and time into a field 
when a new row is created. At least that is my goal.

   Is there a very different method of doing this under MySQL 4.0.21?
   Thanks for any assistance you may offer.

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Connector/J Null pointer in initializePropsFromServer

2004-10-15 Thread V. M. Brasseur
I am passing on this question from a coworker:
Hello -- This has been posted on the for a week with no 

We have been using Connector J 3.0.6 for more than a year at hundreds of 
customer sites and on our in house servers.

When I updated the jar to 3.0.15-ga we can still get to our external 
sites running MySQL 3.23.37.  Our in house server has MySQL 3.23.37 
runing on port 1031 and MySQL 4.0.20 running on port 1032.  When connecting
to either sever with 3.0.15-ga, I get a null pointer error.   (Our in 
house servers are Suns and Alphas.)

When I switch back to Connector J 3.0.6 with the exact same java code, 
everything works!

Our CAPI programs running on the server work fine, the MySQL control 
center works fine.

What properties are being intitialized?   Why is it crashing?
The connection url is:
SQLException: Unable to connect to any hosts due to exception: 

at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.initializePropsFromServer(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.createNewIO(
at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.init(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at com.iii.MySQLConnect.openDatabase(

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Re: How to extract Particular Tables from a Dump file taken with mysqldump

2004-10-08 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Why don't you use the mysqldump program to dump only those tables you 
want and not the entire database?
Buchibabu wrote:
Please let me know how to extract few tables from a dump file, which is taken with 
mysqldump. I know it extracting a file. But the thing is I would like to do it with 
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Re: How to extract Particular Tables from a Dump file taken with mysqldump

2004-10-08 Thread V. M. Brasseur
There is no MySQL-supplied utility for this purpose.  Perl, awk, or some 
other scripting language will have to be called into play.

Anil Doppalapudi wrote:
The actual problem is we maintain regular all-databases is a
automated script and after taking complete backup we purged data later we
identified that some required data is missed in a particular table. so we
require restore of only that particular table. we tried extracting  only
that particular table data  using so awk and other stuff but it is taking
very long time that table contain 120 million records. we want to know is
there any mysql utility to extract only specified table from entire dump
-Original Message-
From: V. M. Brasseur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 11:41 PM
To: Buchibabu
Subject: Re: How to extract Particular Tables from a Dump file taken
with mysqldump
Why don't you use the mysqldump program to dump only those tables you
want and not the entire database?
Buchibabu wrote:
Please let me know how to extract few tables from a dump file, which is
taken with mysqldump. I know it extracting a file. But the thing is I would
like to do it with mysql.

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UTF8 pre-4.1?

2004-09-16 Thread V. M. Brasseur
*I* understand that Unicode utf8 support does not happen until version 
4.1 (I can read the manual), but there are some in the office who are 
skeptical and somehow believe that there is support for it in earlier 
versions (as early as 3.23, according to them).

To set all of our minds at ease, could someone else please confirm or 
deny for me that MySQL does not support utf8 prior to version 4.1?  I 
don't believe I'm wrong in this case, but if I am I would very much like 
to know.

Many thanks,
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Re: UTF8 pre-4.1?

2004-09-16 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Many thanks, Tim.  I don't know to what use they intend to put the
strings which they are storing, but I'll pass on this information to the
developers with the question.
Thanks again,
Little, Tim wrote:
There isn't support for it prior to that.  But you absolutely can store
and retrieve UTF8 with no problems in pre-4.1 versions.  The only problems
are functions like UpperCase and sorting facilities will likely behave
inconsistently with respect to your expectations.
Here we used 3.x and 4.1 (original Windows-binary release version, ie.,
preUTF8) and they worked beautifully (but we never used the
collation/sorting of MySQL against the text fields.
-Original Message-
From: V. M. Brasseur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 1:57 PM
Subject: UTF8 pre-4.1?
*I* understand that Unicode utf8 support does not happen until version 
4.1 (I can read the manual), but there are some in the office who are 
skeptical and somehow believe that there is support for it in earlier 
versions (as early as 3.23, according to them).

To set all of our minds at ease, could someone else please confirm or 
deny for me that MySQL does not support utf8 prior to version 4.1?  I 
don't believe I'm wrong in this case, but if I am I would very much like 
to know.

Many thanks,

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Re: RESEND: Compilation of MySQL with OpenSSL in alternate location.

2004-09-07 Thread V. M. Brasseur
OpenSSH != OpenSSL.  Just because you have one installed doesn't mean 
that the other is.  Apparently the MySQL compilation using OpenSSL 
requires OpenSSH for some reason.  You might want to try installing it 
and giving the compile another whirl:
Also, the exact output of the ./configure message you're receiving might 
help people get a better handle on exactly what the problem might be.

E SA wrote:
I already sent this message once, but I got no answer.
Has naybody successfully compiled MySQL with OpenSSL
NOT in /usr/local/ssl?
I can not use stunnel, and I have not found anything
Please let me know.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Original post:
I am trying to compile MySQL with OpenSSL in an
alternate location ( /data/OpenSSL ).
When I do that either configure will say that no
installation of OpenSSH is there (even with the
--with-openssl-includes= and --with-openssl-libs= ),
or it will compile without OpenSSL support ( show 
variables like ... ).

My configure is as follows:
./configure --prefix=/data/MySQL
--exec-prefix=/data/MySQL \
 --enable-thread-safe-client --enable-assembler \
 --enable-local-infile --with-extra-charsets=complex \
 --disable-shared --with-openssl=/data/OpenSSL \
 --without-docs --with-vio
Has anybody successfully compiled MySQL with OpenSSL
support in an alternate location?
The MySQL version is 4.0.20.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: RESEND: Compilation of MySQL with OpenSSL in alternate location.

2004-09-07 Thread V. M. Brasseur
E SA wrote:
Mr. Brasseur,
Miss Brasseur, but you could not have known so no offense is taken.
OpenSSH is installed in the server in its default
location.  Still, no luck.
Configure goes on without problems, and then make
gives me the following error message:
-DSHAREDIR=\/data/MySQL/share/mysql\ -DDONT_USE_RAID
-I. -I. -I.. -I./../include -I../include -I./.. -I..
-I.. /data/OpenSSL/include/openssl -O3 -DDBUG_OFF -MT
libmysql.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libmysql.Tpo -c
libmysql.c -o libmysql.o
gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple
make[2]: *** [libmysql.lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2
Any other ideas?
This problem is not related either to OpenSSL or to OpenSSH.  The main 
error above is gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple 
compilations.  That means the problem lies with GCC or, more 
specifically, with the parameters which are being passed to it.

A quick Google search on the GCC error turned up some hints.  For 
starters, according to this article, you should have a look at your 

It is, however, an old posting and therefore might not apply in this 
case.  Which version of GCC are you using?  You may need to consider 
upgrading it.  Many of the references turned up in the Google search 
speak of this as a good idea.

Here is the Google search which was performed.  Please read through the 
references available here and give some things a try:

Thank you for your help!

--- V. M. Brasseur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OpenSSH != OpenSSL.  Just because you have one
installed doesn't mean 
that the other is.  Apparently the MySQL compilation
using OpenSSL 
requires OpenSSH for some reason.  You might want to
try installing it 
and giving the compile another whirl:
Also, the exact output of the ./configure message
you're receiving might 
help people get a better handle on exactly what the
problem might be.

E SA wrote:
I already sent this message once, but I got no
Has naybody successfully compiled MySQL with
NOT in /usr/local/ssl?
I can not use stunnel, and I have not found
Please let me know.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

Original post:
I am trying to compile MySQL with OpenSSL in an
alternate location ( /data/OpenSSL ).
When I do that either configure will say that no
installation of OpenSSH is there (even with the
--with-openssl-includes= and --with-openssl-libs=
or it will compile without OpenSSL support ( show 
variables like ... ).

My configure is as follows:
./configure --prefix=/data/MySQL
--exec-prefix=/data/MySQL \
--enable-thread-safe-client --enable-assembler \
--with-extra-charsets=complex \
--disable-shared --with-openssl=/data/OpenSSL \
--without-docs --with-vio

Has anybody successfully compiled MySQL with
support in an alternate location?
The MySQL version is 4.0.20.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Table crashed! Please help

2004-09-07 Thread V. M. Brasseur
The manual knows all:
Monet wrote:
I was working on a table, doing some simple update on
table, query is like:
Update temp
SET Q1 = 14,
'WHO2,', '')
It runs well. Then I did query to pull out all updated
select qid, qd5,q1, reviewcomments
from temp
where qid IN
order by qid asc;

there is no records return. Then I opened temp table
found that there is no records at all. But temp tables
should contain 67 records.
I dont know what happened. Those two queries are so
normal and ran several times today.
Since I have dumped file, I tried to recovery by run
dumped sql to restore data into temp table. But then
an error message pop up said something like Table
handler got some problem. 
So I cant recovery my temp table in that way. Further
more I cant close Navicat (one mysql interface). It
always got an error pop up saying something like
memory access violate.
I restart my computer, reopen temp table, error
message like this 1016  cant open file temp.MYI.
(error 145) showed up and my table lost everything,
no data, no columns. 

I really have no any experience on this kind of
situation, please help. Many thanks and much

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Re: can not find file *.MYI

2004-09-06 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Your index files appear to have disappeared during your archive.  You 
can rebuild them though.  Have a look at the Table Maintenance and 
Crash Recovery section of the manual:
Pay particular attention to the REPAIR TABLE syntax.  That will give 
you want you need.

Yann Larrivee wrote:
Hi  keep getting this error ERROR 1017: Can't find file: *.MYI.
What i did is simple , archived all the database files et placed them on a new 
server (i should have done a dump)

Now i can do a desc of all the table but i can't select any data from my 

Is there any way to recreate all the MYI files.
I don't really care about the content, but i dont feel like recreating all the 

I did look in the documentation, but it does not give any sugesiton on how to 
solve this issue.

Yann Larrivée

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Re: Before I go searching (shameless)

2004-09-02 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Here is the manual.  I suggest you try a search for LIMIT in the 
context of a SELECT.
However what it sounds like you really ought to do is give a walk 
through the tutorial.
If, after exploring these two links, you still have questions feel free 
to post them and people will be glad to be of assistance.

Stuart Felenstein wrote:
I'm tring to extract all records belonging to one ID
in a table. 
BUT! I want to do it in piece meal.  Meaning a record
at a time.  
I am assuming I need some kind of count mechanism.

I want to see the first 3 purchases this member made.
Instead of grabbing them all in one shot, I want to
break  those 3 out in 3 seperate results set

Results Set1: Purchase 1
Results Set2: Purchase 2
Results Set3: Purchase 3
This is probably easy.  

Thank you,
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Re: DELETE FROM mysql.user?

2004-09-02 Thread V. M. Brasseur
USAGE is a synonym for no privileges.  Yes, it's kind of a confusing 
term which implies this user can use the system when in fact the 
situation is exactly the opposite.
Mark C. Stafford wrote:
Should I care that USAGE still shows up after all rights have been
revoked? It feels like a potential security hole...

-- working around the system to ensure a clean environment
-- i feel like i shouldn't have to do this...but want to start with a
clean slate
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user = 'jdoe';
DELETE FROM mysql.columns_priv WHERE user = 'jdoe';
DELETE FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE user = 'jdoe';
DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE user = 'jdoe';
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
[localhost -- root] ERROR 1141: There is no such grant defined for
user 'jdoe' on host '192.168.%'
-- simulating new user
GRANT SELECT ON test.* TO 'jdoe'@'192.168.%' IDENTIFIED BY 'still-got-usage';
GRANT INSERT ON test.* TO 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
GRANT UPDATE ON test.* TO 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
'4a8930bb6abf3967' |
| GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON `test`.* TO 'jdoe'@'192.168.%'  

-- simulating user's departure from organization
REVOKE SELECT ON test.* FROM 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
REVOKE INSERT ON test.* FROM 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
REVOKE UPDATE ON test.* FROM 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
'4a8930bb6abf3967' |

--try it again, sam
REVOKE USAGE ON *.* FROM 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
SHOW GRANTS FOR 'jdoe'@'192.168.%';
| Grants for [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
'4a8930bb6abf3967' |

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Re: column types for intger, float or double field include arrays?

2004-09-02 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Numeric types are simply that: numbers.  They cannot be arrays.
Incidentally, why would you need this?  Maybe the group can come up with 
a viable alternative for you.

Raghudev Ramaiah wrote:
i have used column types such as intger and float and double for fields in the MySQL tables. can i use arryas of integers, floats and doubles as column type? i.e., can a field ina table be an integer array or float array ?
ex: count[20] integer is it allowed and is it an array?
thanks and regards

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Re: How to use use for a specific host

2004-09-02 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Are you using the mysql client to connect?  If so, you can use the -h 
and -D flags:
  mysql -h hostname [-u username -p -P port] -D databasename

The -D flag isn't even necessary.  The command above is equivalent to 
this one:
  mysql -h hostname [-u username -p -P port] databasename
If you're writing your own client, you chould check the API 
documentation for the language you're using.

If you're using a completely different client, check the docs for it.
Be one with your manual.  Or be one with your many manuals.  I leave it 
to you to figure out that existential math.

Brian Menke wrote:
I'm trying to specify a host name and database name to do an update to a
table. I can't quite figure out what the correct syntax is? Is it something

USE [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have tried several permutations of that but
can't quite seem to get the syntax just right.



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Re: bad too many connections error (os x)

2004-09-01 Thread V. M. Brasseur

Michael Winston wrote:
We've been running into a pretty serious problem for the past several 
versions of mysql 4.0 running on OS X (both client and server).  Every 
once in a while we wake up to find the too many connections error 
coming up.  There really aren't too many connections (we have our max 
set to 99) - it's the type of message that appears when a wrong password 
is used too many times (and I'm 100% sure this isn't happening).

Now, the problem is that once this message starts appearing we can't 
even connect with mysqladmin as root.  That extra connection that 
mysql promises doesn't exist.  The only way we can shut down mysql is to 
perform a 'kill -9' (then restart the server and repair all the tables).

And we can't reproduce this problem at will.  This is driving us nuts.
Before I report this as a bug I wanted to know if anyone else has seen 
something like this or has any suggestions of how to narrow down the 

We've run into this problem ourselves, also using 4.0 but on a 64bit 
AIX.  The problem we found was that some queries were firing off threads 
which never ended.  These threads blocked other threads, which blocked 
other threads...  A logjam resulted with all connections ended up being 
used by the offending threads.

The fix was to *ahem* fix our queries so they'd close their database 
connections once they were complete.  You may wish to do a code 
inspection and verify that every open connection has a matching close.

Best of luck,
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Re: specify data type in select statement

2004-08-31 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Perhaps a casting function would help you:
If case-sensitivity isn't an issue, you may want to consider converting 
from char(8) binary to just char(8).

walt wrote:
We've run into a problem where binary char column types crash our c++ 
application when migrating from RedHat 7.3 to RedHat ES. Is there a way to 
specify the data type to be returned in the select statement. In the below 
example, selecting office_id will crash the app if it's left as a binary 

I'm looking for something like
select charoffice_id from office;
create table office (
office_id char(8) binary not null,
office_name varchar(50) );

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Re: Is their still any reason why Stored Procedure calls are not supported in MySql?

2004-08-31 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Stored procedures are in the works for MySQL 5.0:
The manual is your friend.
Jacob, Raymond A Jr wrote:
   I do appologize for my ignorance in advance. I read the message regarding PRODUCT() and
thought to myself:A perl interpreter can be run in a C program. Some one must have written
a userdefined function that can execute perl code. Googling I found at
Looking at the readme file myperl is mysql userdefined function that executes
perl code contained in a table in the select statement. The command line
version of mysql also has the ability to start an editor. Theoretically,
one could:
1.  create a table:
 Create table user.sparky.functions 
( name TEXT NOT NULL , code TEXT NOT NULL );
2. \e myfunc.mypl
3.  LOAD DATA IN FILE myfunc.mypl
 INTO TABLE user.sparky.functions; 
4. /* assume no errors */
Select myfunc(code, colum_data)
from user.sparky.functions, data_table
where  (code = myperl_code ) and
( column_data = what I am looking for );

If and I stress if my assumptions are valid, then stored procedure calls could be
written in any interpreted language with an interpreter that can be linked into
mysql. Of course from a security stand point this could be dangerous but
chrooted brain dead interperter with limited functionality and limits
on the amount of disk space and memory that can be used should solve those problems.
One interesting consequence of the development of infrastructure to support
the development of stored procedure calls is that IDE developers that support
mysql would have new market to potentially exploit in a corporate enviroment
i.e. run code and get metrics such as how long it to process data i.e. Hi,Lo, Avg.
In conclusion, I appologize for my ignorance again however I must still ask:
Is their still any reason why Stored Procedure calls are not supported in MySql?
Thank you,
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:29:35 -0400
To: Thomas Schager [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject: Re: PRODUCT() function - calculating the product of grouped numeric values
Hello Thomas,
You probably may consider to write a UDF to do that.
Here is a list of available UDF extensions for 4.0.20  -
Khazret Sapenov
myperl (default) 0.8
2004-01-12 07:58:51 
About myperl allows you to execute Perl from inside of MySQL. It can either be stored in a row, or it can be specified in your SQL statement. You also can select other columns which will be passed to Perl.

Changes * Added support for the perl interpreter to persist for requests
* re-aranged package to meet CPAN spec.
* Fix for myperlgroup (it was calling itself too frequently)
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 09:48:55 -0400
To: Per Lonnborg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Michael Stassen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: SELECT, ORDER  one DISTINCT kolumn?
Per Lonnborg wrote:
Here´s a question from a newbie:
I have a database containing ET-times for drivers and their cars.
On the web startpage ( i have made
a Top-10 list containing the 10 fastest times.

I'll guess column names based on the web page.

I have 2 problems:
1. How to select just ONE (the fastest of course) time per uniqe drivercar?

   SELECT namm, fabrikat, MIN(tid) AS fastest_tid
   FROM ettan
   GROUP BY namm, fabrikat
   ORDER BY fastest_tid DESC LIMIT 10;

2.IF the driver/car has run some race faster than 7,5 secs, he/she is disqualified
and should not be on the Top-10 at all.

   SELECT namm, fabrikat, MIN(tid) AS fastest_tid
   FROM ettan
   GROUP BY namm, fabrikat
   HAVING fastest_tid = 7.5
   ORDER BY fastest_tid LIMIT 10;

The query I use right now is:
Select * from ettan where tid =7.5  ORDER BY tid LIMIT 10
Stockholm, Sweden

Note that I only selected aggregate values and grouped columns.  If you need 
the values of non-grouped columns (ort, datum, 60fot, hast) which correspond 
to the minimum times, you'll need to do a bit more.  The manuaal describes 3 

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Re: Slow Queries on Fast Server?

2004-08-25 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Have you checked the Optimization section of the manual yet?
It's probably the best place to start.
I'm running into a problem with some queries running on a dedicated mysql server (2.0 
GHz, 2GB RAM).  Fulltext searching really exemplifies this as most MATCH, AGAINST 
queries are taking 5-20 seconds.  Performance was excellent for some reason one day 
(0.2 - 0.75 seconds) but it was only fast for a day or so.
Here's the rundown:
TABLE:  fulltext_table (some_id, the_text) 
Rows: 3,237,981 
Type: MyISAM
Size: 920.8 MB 

QUERY: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fulltext_table WHERE MATCH (the_text) AGAINST ('blue');
QUERY: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS some_id FROM fulltext_table WHERE MATCH (the_text) AGAINST ('blue') LIMIT 0, 20;

Both are problematic.  I even tried placing a limit of 2 on the first query but it 
didn't improve anything.  The table has a fulltext index on the column and is 
optimized.  No other users are connected to the server.
Is there a RED FLAG in here somewhere?
MySQL configuration settings (using my-huge.cnf template):
key_buffer = 500M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
table_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 10M
read_buffer_size = 2M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
#thread_cache = 8
thread_concurrency = 8
#- Modifications --- #
ft_min_word_len = 3
set-variable = table_cache=1024
set-variable = max_heap_table_size=64M
set-variable = tmp_table_size=128M
set-variable = query_cache_limit=2M
Performance Test:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fulltext_table WHERE MATCH (the_text) AGAINST ('white');
| COUNT(*) |
|95074 |
1 row in set (27.83 sec)
Statistics for vmstat 1 (my apologies if this doesn't look pretty):
procs  memory  swap  io system cpu
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy id wa
0  0  19500  17800  42432 177172800 060  11330  0  0 99  1
 0  1  19500  21524  42428 1765728  7240   960 0  536   444  5  1 82 12
 0  1  19500  19512  42424 176782000  2348 0  912   592  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19500  17788  42424 176954000  1980 0  868   588  0  1 51 48
 0  1  19500  17568  42424 176976000  2300 0  723   401  0  0 50 49
 0  1  19500  17704  42428 176962000  193620  662   364  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19500  17560  42428 176976400  2224 0  696   400  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19500  17504  42424 176982400  2136 0  670   380  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19500  17616  42424 176971200  2228 0  693   415  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19508  17608  42420 176972408  2348 8  692   389  0  0 50 50
 0  1  19508  17532  42428 176979200  1896   108  654   366  0  0 50 49
 0  1  19512  17644  42424 176968404  2220 4  720   450  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19516  17620  42420 176971204  2104 4  707   424  0  0 51 48
 0  1  19516  17744  42420 176958800  2476 0  762   462  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19516  17532  42416 176980400  2292 0  719   401  0  0 51 49
procs  memory  swap  io system cpu
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy id wa
 0  1  19516  17388  42424 176994000  221616  699   388  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19516  17632  42420 176970000  1836 0  629   380  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19516  17596  42420 176973200  2112 0  661   374  0  1 51 48
 0  1  19516  17580  42416 176975200  1836 0  631   396  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19516  17624  42416 176970800  2036 0  654   368  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19516  17556  42420 176977200  188016  643   381  0  0 50 50
 0  1  19516  17652  42420 176967600  1984 0  657   380  0  0 51 49
 0  1  19516  17532  42416 176980000  1940 0  646   386  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19516  17520  42416 176981200  1832 0  631   389  0  0 50 49
 0  1  19516  17548  42412 176978800  2052 0  648   387  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19516  17700  42412 176963600  244028  741   448  0  0 50 50
 0  1  19516  17656  42408 176968400  2384 0  683   412  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19516  17676  42408 176966000  2316 0  679   387  0  1 50 49
 0  1  19516  17624  42404 176971200  2128 0  652   407  0  1 50 49
 0  0  19516  19056  42404 17697520040 0  13240  0  0 97  2
Statistics for top command:
 4784 root  15   0   488  488   420 S 0.2  0.0   0:00   0 vmstat
 3979 mysql 16   0 68128  52M  2188 S 0.1  2.6   0:06   1 mysqld
 3982 mysql 15   0 68128  52M  2188 S 0.1  2.6   0:05   2 mysqld
1 root  15   0   512  512   452 S 0.0  0.0   0:05   2 init
2 root  RT   0 00 0 SW  

Re: Slow Queries on Fast Server?

2004-08-25 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Could you send the output of an EXPLAIN for your query?
Have you checked the Optimization section of the manual yet?

Oh yes, as I've attempted to configure the my.cnf file for best performance.  The query is correct.  The 
fulltext index is correct as I built the fulltext index on the single column (took 9 minutes) and even did 
repair and optimize on the table... so I don't think its the index.  I'm thinking 
its the server config...
- John

I'm running into a problem with some queries running on a dedicated mysql server (2.0
GHz, 2GB RAM).  Fulltext searching really exemplifies this as most MATCH, AGAINST 
are taking 5-20 seconds.  Performance was excellent for some reason one day (0.2 - 0.75
seconds) but it was only fast for a day or so.
Here's the rundown:
TABLE:  fulltext_table (some_id, the_text) 
Rows: 3,237,981 
Type: MyISAM
Size: 920.8 MB 
QUERY: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fulltext_table WHERE MATCH (the_text) AGAINST ('blue');
QUERY: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS some_id FROM fulltext_table WHERE MATCH (the_text)
AGAINST ('blue') LIMIT 0, 20;

Both are problematic.  I even tried placing a limit of 2 on the first query but
it didn't improve anything.  The table has a fulltext index on the column and is
optimized.  No other users are connected to the server.
Is there a RED FLAG in here somewhere?
MySQL configuration settings (using my-huge.cnf template):
key_buffer = 500M
max_allowed_packet = 1M
table_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 10M
read_buffer_size = 2M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
#thread_cache = 8
thread_concurrency = 8
#- Modifications --- #
ft_min_word_len = 3
set-variable = table_cache=1024
set-variable = max_heap_table_size=64M
set-variable = tmp_table_size=128M
set-variable = query_cache_limit=2M
Performance Test:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fulltext_table WHERE MATCH (the_text) AGAINST ('white');
| COUNT(*) |
|95074 |
1 row in set (27.83 sec)
Statistics for vmstat 1 (my apologies if this doesn't look pretty):
procs  memory  swap  io system cpu
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy id wa
0  0  19500  17800  42432 177172800 060  11330  0  0 99  1
0  1  19500  21524  42428 1765728  7240   960 0  536   444  5  1 82 12
0  1  19500  19512  42424 176782000  2348 0  912   592  0  1 50 49
0  1  19500  17788  42424 176954000  1980 0  868   588  0  1 51 48
0  1  19500  17568  42424 176976000  2300 0  723   401  0  0 50 49
0  1  19500  17704  42428 176962000  193620  662   364  0  0 51 49
0  1  19500  17560  42428 176976400  2224 0  696   400  0  0 51 49
0  1  19500  17504  42424 176982400  2136 0  670   380  0  0 51 49
0  1  19500  17616  42424 176971200  2228 0  693   415  0  0 51 49
0  1  19508  17608  42420 176972408  2348 8  692   389  0  0 50 50
0  1  19508  17532  42428 176979200  1896   108  654   366  0  0 50 49
0  1  19512  17644  42424 176968404  2220 4  720   450  0  1 50 49
0  1  19516  17620  42420 176971204  2104 4  707   424  0  0 51 48
0  1  19516  17744  42420 176958800  2476 0  762   462  0  1 50 49
0  1  19516  17532  42416 176980400  2292 0  719   401  0  0 51 49
procs  memory  swap  io system cpu
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   incs us sy id wa
0  1  19516  17388  42424 176994000  221616  699   388  0  0 51 49
0  1  19516  17632  42420 176970000  1836 0  629   380  0  0 51 49
0  1  19516  17596  42420 176973200  2112 0  661   374  0  1 51 48
0  1  19516  17580  42416 176975200  1836 0  631   396  0  0 51 49
0  1  19516  17624  42416 176970800  2036 0  654   368  0  0 51 49
0  1  19516  17556  42420 176977200  188016  643   381  0  0 50 50
0  1  19516  17652  42420 176967600  1984 0  657   380  0  0 51 49
0  1  19516  17532  42416 176980000  1940 0  646   386  0  1 50 49
0  1  19516  17520  42416 176981200  1832 0  631   389  0  0 50 49
0  1  19516  17548  42412 176978800  2052 0  648   387  0  1 50 49
0  1  19516  17700  42412 176963600  244028  741   448  0  0 50 50
0  1  19516  17656  42408 176968400  2384 0  683   412  0  1 50 49
0  1  19516  17676  42408 176966000  2316 0  679   387  0  1 50 49
0  1  19516  17624  42404 176971200  2128 0  652   407  0  1 50 49
0  0  19516  19056  42404 17697520040 0  13240  0  0 97  2
Statistics for top command:

Re: LIKE question

2004-08-25 Thread V. M. Brasseur
How about...
  SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE LCASE(this) = that;
Although there are always other ways to do it, of course.
Schalk Neethling wrote:
If I search a field for 'doone' and one of the fields contains 'Lorna 
Doone' what is the best comparator to use as LIKE is skipping this one 
and I imagine '=' will do the same?

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Re: How to Reset a field

2004-08-23 Thread V. M. Brasseur
You could also have done this:
That will drop the table completely and then recreate it anew (and 
empty).  It will give you a fresh start.

Victor Pendleton wrote:
alter table usuarios auto_increment = 1;
-Original Message-
From: Yusdaniel Rodriguez Espinosa
Sent: 8/23/04 9:15 AM
Subject: How to Reset a field
I have a db with table usuarios I erased all data in this table but
is a autoinc and he have the value of the last value.
How I can Reset the field ID
Yo tengo una db con una tabla usuarios, yo borre todos  los campos de la
pero el campo id que un autonumerico que se incrementa automaticamente
queda con el valor del ultimo campo, como puedo restablecer el valor de
Id a
0 cada vez que limpie la db???

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Re: MySQL Purchase Options

2004-08-19 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Because he's a good sport and really wants to support the MySQL 
development effort?

Either that or he hadn't heard of the GPL'd option, but I prefer to 
believe the former.  :-)

Daved Daly wrote:
all I want to do is host some web applications locally for our internal use.
Why, specificaly do you need a commerical license then?
The information contained in this communication is confidential and
may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the
individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorised to
receive it. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any
action in relation to the contents of this information is strictly
prohibited and may be unlawful.
Most of your disclaimer is a waste of text.. I always find them humorous tho.
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Re: Fairly lame question

2004-08-19 Thread V. M. Brasseur
MySQL provides a number of functions for handling dates and times:
Stuart Felenstein wrote:
I think this can be done, but tried a few times with
no success.  I want a column in a table that sets a
Instead of passing a value from the form though is
there a way mySql would automagically stamp the
records as they are inserted ?

and as a side note - would table type make any

4.0.20 - standard
Thank you,
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Re: Multiple MySQL Versions on Same Linux Box

2004-08-17 Thread V. M. Brasseur
You'll probably want to have a look at section 5.10 in the manual:
Also, the mysqld_multi documentation may come in handy:
Lou Olsten wrote:
We have successfully (and easily) installed multiple versions of MySQL on
Windows and are now trying to do the same on Linux.
We have a Fedora machine successfully running 4.1, but we want to add 5.0 to
it as well.  We installed 4.1 with RPM, so it put a bunch of MySQL files all
over the place.
I've downloaded the 5.0 tar and unpacked it into its own directory, then ran
the install_db script.  It ran OK, but no data files were created in the
mysql or test directories; they're both empty.
Does this sound right?  Is there a step-by-step guide to installing multiple
versions on the same box?  I've been through the docs and while they address
management of multiple, and a vague instruction on installing, it doesn't
appear to be that detailed.

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Re: datadir specification, etc

2004-08-13 Thread V. M. Brasseur
In my experience, where the my.cnf file is concerned, mysqld does not 
care what you define for the value of the --datadir flag.  The order of 
precedence for locating my.cnf files is:
  1) /etc/my.cnf
  2) my.cnf in the COMPILED-IN DEFAULT datadir
  3) .my.cnf in the user's $HOME

That compiled-in default makes all the difference.  You can start 
mysqld with as many different renditions of the --datadir flag as you 
want, but if one of them isn't the default path which was compiled in at 
build time (using the --localstatedir flag for configure) then mysqld 
will not automatically locate any my.cnf file in the specified datadir. 
For instance, I start all my servers with a 
--datadir=/path/to/mysql/data flag and have a my.cnf file in that 
directory.  However, depending upon the platform and installation, the 
mysqld server will be looking in a number of different (and often 
non-existent) locations for the my.cnf file instead, such as 
/usr/local/mysql/var or similar.

This is something which has caused many headaches on the machines I 
administer, occassionally leading to an intricate web of links to allow 
the server to locate the appropriate file.

These links are not the only way to direct the server towards the 
appropriate my.cnf file.  To be honest, they're only a hack and I 
wouldn't recommend them.  One way to handle this is to rebuild MySQL 
from a source distribution, using the appropriate configure flags to set 
new default paths to be compiled into the binaries.

A much easier way is to use the --defaults-file and/or 
--defaults-extra-file flags when starting the mysqld server.  These 
flags--and not the value of any datadir flag--are what really tell 
mysqld where to locate the options file(s) it should use.  The one 
drawback I've found with these flags is remembering to use the same 
flag(s) on any client programs which are run and training users to do 
the same.  This has been enough of a pain to make it worth my while to 
deal with the web of links at this point.  When all the machines are 
upgraded to MySQL 4.0.20 later this year, they will be receiving 
self-compiled binaries with our own flavor of default paths so none of 
these workarounds will be necessary.

For more information about this sort of thing, check this page in the 

Also, Paul DuBois' MySQL book has good information presented in a very 
accessible manner.

sean c peters wrote:
I am 100% convinced that mysql 4.1.3 beta is not properly reading the my.cnf 
configuration files. If i remove the /etc/my.cnf file and try to start mysql 
4.1.3 with (im working from /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/bin)


i get the following output:  (mccoy is the name of the machine im on)
touch: /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/mccoy.err cannot create
chown: /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/mccoy.err: No such file or directory
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var
./mysqld_safe: /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/mccoy.err: cannot create

If i remove the /var/mysql-4.1.3/my.cnf file, i get the same output as above, 
so its not being read either way. And i did specify /var/mysql-4.1.3/ as my 
datadir with .configure when building 4.1.3

if i put the /etc/my.cnf file back, i get the following:
A mysqld process already exists

So clearly, the /etc/my.cnf is being read, but the /var/mysql-4.1.3/my.cnf is 
not. so i guess it doesnt matter what i specify in there at this point.

One strange thing is that ./msqyd_safe tries to use the databases in 
But i specified a different datadir with configure!
my configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql-4.1.3
but why should that matter?

In fact, when i installed 4.1.3 (make install),
the directory /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/ was NOT created.
I dont think most of the info ive given matters, because my run-time 
configuration doesnt appear to be the problem. I dont believe that my build 
configuration took effect properly. Does any of this make sense?

Still completely lost.
sean peters
*** Here's some my.cnf data, if it really matters ***
Here is part of the /var/mysql-4.1.3/my.cnf file:
port=   3307
socket  =   /tmp/mysql-4.1.3.sock
pid-file=   /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/
datadir =   /var/mysql-4.1.3/
port=   3307
socket  =   /tmp/mysql-4.1.3.sock
pid-file=   /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/
datadir =   /var/mysql-4.1.3/
And here is info from /etc/my.cnf file:
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock
port= 3306
socket  = /tmp/mysql.sock

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Re: [Probable SPAM] Re: datadir specification, etc

2004-08-13 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Which flag did you use to define the datadir for configure?  --datadir 
doesn't do the trick.  --localstatedir does.  Also, you might want to 
consider setting --prefix as well.

sean c peters wrote:
The problem is that i did build 4.1.3 florm a source distribution, and set the 
datadir via configure to be /var/mysql-4.1.3/, and it doesnt read my.cnf from 
there anyway. 

In regard to the section of the manual mentioned:

It states:
DATADIR represents the location of the MySQL data directory. Typically this is 
`/usr/local/mysql/data' for a binary installation or `/usr/local/var' for a 
source installation. Note that this is the data directory location that was 
specified at configuration time, not the one specified with --datadir when 
mysqld starts. Use of --datadir at runtime has no effect on where the server 
looks for option files, because it looks for them before processing any 
command-line arguments. 

So, even by specifying the datadir at the command line when starting mysql, 
according to this documentation, mysql wont even bother looking in the 
command line specified datadir for a my.cnf

On Friday 13 August 2004 10:15, V. M. Brasseur wrote:
In my experience, where the my.cnf file is concerned, mysqld does not
care what you define for the value of the --datadir flag.  The order of
precedence for locating my.cnf files is:
  1) /etc/my.cnf
  2) my.cnf in the COMPILED-IN DEFAULT datadir
  3) .my.cnf in the user's $HOME
That compiled-in default makes all the difference.  You can start
mysqld with as many different renditions of the --datadir flag as you
want, but if one of them isn't the default path which was compiled in at
build time (using the --localstatedir flag for configure) then mysqld
will not automatically locate any my.cnf file in the specified datadir.
For instance, I start all my servers with a
--datadir=/path/to/mysql/data flag and have a my.cnf file in that
directory.  However, depending upon the platform and installation, the
mysqld server will be looking in a number of different (and often
non-existent) locations for the my.cnf file instead, such as
/usr/local/mysql/var or similar.
This is something which has caused many headaches on the machines I
administer, occassionally leading to an intricate web of links to allow
the server to locate the appropriate file.
These links are not the only way to direct the server towards the
appropriate my.cnf file.  To be honest, they're only a hack and I
wouldn't recommend them.  One way to handle this is to rebuild MySQL
from a source distribution, using the appropriate configure flags to set
new default paths to be compiled into the binaries.
A much easier way is to use the --defaults-file and/or
--defaults-extra-file flags when starting the mysqld server.  These
flags--and not the value of any datadir flag--are what really tell
mysqld where to locate the options file(s) it should use.  The one
drawback I've found with these flags is remembering to use the same
flag(s) on any client programs which are run and training users to do
the same.  This has been enough of a pain to make it worth my while to
deal with the web of links at this point.  When all the machines are
upgraded to MySQL 4.0.20 later this year, they will be receiving
self-compiled binaries with our own flavor of default paths so none of
these workarounds will be necessary.
For more information about this sort of thing, check this page in the
Also, Paul DuBois' MySQL book has good information presented in a very
accessible manner.
sean c peters wrote:
I am 100% convinced that mysql 4.1.3 beta is not properly reading the
my.cnf configuration files. If i remove the /etc/my.cnf file and try to
start mysql 4.1.3 with (im working from /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/bin)

i get the following output:  (mccoy is the name of the machine im on)

touch: /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/mccoy.err cannot create
chown: /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/mccoy.err: No such file or directory
Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var
./mysqld_safe: /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/mccoy.err: cannot create
If i remove the /var/mysql-4.1.3/my.cnf file, i get the same output as
above, so its not being read either way. And i did specify
/var/mysql-4.1.3/ as my datadir with .configure when building 4.1.3
if i put the /etc/my.cnf file back, i get the following:
A mysqld process already exists
So clearly, the /etc/my.cnf is being read, but the
/var/mysql-4.1.3/my.cnf is not. so i guess it doesnt matter what i
specify in there at this point.
One strange thing is that ./msqyd_safe tries to use the databases in
But i specified a different datadir with configure!
my configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql-4.1.3
but why should that matter?
In fact, when i installed 4.1.3 (make install),
the directory /usr/local/mysql-4.1.3/var/ was NOT created

Re: problem with tables crashing

2004-08-13 Thread V. M. Brasseur
$ perror 145
Error code 145:  Error 145 occurred.
145 = Table was marked as crashed and should be repaired
I think `myisamchk` needs to come into play here (both on slave and 
master at this point).
Johan Jonkers wrote:
I'm using mysql 4.0.12 and I got a database that holds the DMOZ data 
(master/slave config). Now this is a (to me anyways) pretty big 
database(4 million some links, with fulltext indexes). However I have a 
problem with it. For some reasons I can't get a grip on, the table 
crashes. (error 145).
Due to an error on the slave I wanted to resync the slave  by copying 
the master database and all, and followed the instructions on
However, after bringing up the slave, I got a error 145 on the slave, 
and also on the master :-(

Can someone please tell me why this happened, how I can stop this from 
happening again as repairing the table takes a LONG time

Any help would be really appreciated
Johan Jonkers

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Re: C API: mysql_options and mysql_real_connect

2004-08-12 Thread V. M. Brasseur

Paul DuBois wrote:
At 13:03 -0700 8/11/04, V. M. Brasseur wrote:
Assuming a my.cnf file which looks like this:
Ignore for now the insecurity of putting a password in the my.cnf 
file.  This is mostly a hypothetical question at the moment.

Calling mysql_options(MYSQL, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, 
/path/to/my.cnf); and mysql_options(MYSQL, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, 
app); in the client will read the options in these two groups.

How, if at all, would something like this be useful to 
mysql_real_connect?  From my research it appears that you still need 
to specify the user, host, pwd and port (assuming TCP/IP connection) 
when calling mysql_real_connect(), so setting these parms in the 
my.cnf file does not really help for this scenario.  Something (a 
non-API function, most likely) would still need to parse the file 
separately and grab the parms for passing to mysql_real_connect().

Is this an accurate assessment?

No. If you pass NULL in the mysql_real_connect() params, the values
from the option file(s) are used.
Even for the password param?  The mysql_real_connect() write-up in your 
MySQL book says that a NULL passed for password results in allowing 
connections only if there is no password in the mysql.user.password 
column for the current user.  Perhaps having the password defined via a 
mysql_options() call trumps this NULL behavior?

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Re: MySQL won't start... was runnnig fine

2004-08-12 Thread V. M. Brasseur
This line probably should have been a good hint:
InnoDB: File operation call: 'tmpfile'.
Any idea why the server crashed in the first place?  That's not the sort 
of thing you want just randomly happening, I'd imagine.  Although it 
might make life a bit more interesting...

Chris Blackwell wrote:
I have resolved this issue now,  it was actually the permission on /tmp that
had become corrupted as a result of the crash I can only assume
chmod 777 /tmp 
chmod +t /tmp

this fixed the problem
but could have been fixed within minutes not days if the error message had
told me which directory was causing the problem :/
-Original Message-
From: Egor Egorov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 August 2004 10:26
Subject: Re: MySQL won't start... was runnnig fine

Chris Blackwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

now when ever i try to start mysql i get the following error in log
040812 09:52:34  mysqld started
040812  9:52:34  Warning: Asked for 196608 thread stack, but got 
040812  9:52:34  InnoDB: Error: unable to create temporary file
040812  9:52:34  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file 
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File operation call: 'tmpfile'.
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
040812 09:52:34  mysqld ended

[EMAIL PROTECTED] egor]$ perror 13
Error code  13:  Permission denied

i have chown -R the /var/lib/mysql directory

So anyway permission denied. Check the rights on /var/lib/mysql itself 

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Re: my.cnf not read in 4.1.3

2004-08-12 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Are you sure that the server is using the my.cnf file which you are 
changing?  After making the change, what is the output of 
--print-defaults for mysqld?  If it's not as expected, odds are good 
that the server is getting its defaults from a different location.

Hi all:
   I am running MySQL 4.1.3 under Debian.  I have the problem that my
options in my.cnf are not going into effect.  I want to increase
max_heap_table_size from the default of 16M to 400M (I have 4GB of
memory), but putting that line into my.cnf doesn't do anything.  (Yes
it is in the mysqld section of the file.)  Also I have tried doing a
set global max_heap_table_size=4;
in the mysql command line but it doesn't change the value either,
according to SHOW VARIABLES.
What am I doing wrong?

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Re: my.cnf not read in 4.1.3

2004-08-12 Thread V. M. Brasseur
What else is in the my.cnf file?  For instance, when I run `mysqld 
--print-defaults` on my system I see this:

mysqld would have been started with the following arguments:
--basedir=/path/to/mysql-4.0 --datadir=/path/to/mysql-4.0/data 
--port=1032 --socket=/path/to/mysql-4.0/mysql.sock --user=username 
--log-error=/path/to/mysql-4.0/logs/this-err.log --log-long-format 

Each of those parameters is an option set in the my.cnf file.  So I'd 
imagine that if you have anything at all in the [mysqld] group in the 
file you'd be seeing them in the --print-defaults output.

If there are no objections from your sysadmin, I suggest moving your 
my.cnf file from /etc/mysql straight into /etc.  Either that or into the 
default datadir for your installation.  Both should work better for you 
(but the /etc/my.cnf location would be a sure-thing).

The output of mysqld --print-defaults is blank, so that means it should be
looking for my.cnf in the default location, which is /etc/mysql/my.cnf,
right?  I am indeed editing the file in that location.

Are you sure that the server is using the my.cnf file which you are
changing?  After making the change, what is the output of
--print-defaults for mysqld?  If it's not as expected, odds are good
that the server is getting its defaults from a different location.
Hi all:
  I am running MySQL 4.1.3 under Debian.  I have the problem that my
options in my.cnf are not going into effect.  I want to increase
max_heap_table_size from the default of 16M to 400M (I have 4GB of
memory), but putting that line into my.cnf doesn't do anything.  (Yes
it is in the mysqld section of the file.)  Also I have tried doing a
set global max_heap_table_size=4;
in the mysql command line but it doesn't change the value either,
according to SHOW VARIABLES.
What am I doing wrong?

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Re: C API: mysql_options and mysql_real_connect

2004-08-12 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 8:06 -0700 8/12/04, V. M. Brasseur wrote:
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 13:03 -0700 8/11/04, V. M. Brasseur wrote:
Assuming a my.cnf file which looks like this:
Ignore for now the insecurity of putting a password in the my.cnf 
file.  This is mostly a hypothetical question at the moment.

Calling mysql_options(MYSQL, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, 
/path/to/my.cnf); and mysql_options(MYSQL, 
MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, app); in the client will read the 
options in these two groups.

How, if at all, would something like this be useful to 
mysql_real_connect?  From my research it appears that you still need 
to specify the user, host, pwd and port (assuming TCP/IP connection) 
when calling mysql_real_connect(), so setting these parms in the 
my.cnf file does not really help for this scenario. Something (a 
non-API function, most likely) would still need to parse the file 
separately and grab the parms for passing to mysql_real_connect().

Is this an accurate assessment?

No. If you pass NULL in the mysql_real_connect() params, the values
from the option file(s) are used.
Even for the password param?  The mysql_real_connect() write-up in 
your MySQL book says that a NULL passed for password results in 
allowing connections only if there is no password in the 
mysql.user.password column for the current user.  Perhaps having the 
password defined via a mysql_options() call trumps this NULL behavior?

Yes, that's correct.
I take it that you're not finding this to be true?
I can't tell yet, as I haven't gotten the coding done.  This was mostly 
a fact-finding excursion, setting up expectations for when I've finally 
finished with my changes.  Many thanks for the assist.  You've cleared 
up a lot for me.

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C API: mysql_options and mysql_real_connect

2004-08-11 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Assuming a my.cnf file which looks like this:
Ignore for now the insecurity of putting a password in the my.cnf file. 
 This is mostly a hypothetical question at the moment.

Calling mysql_options(MYSQL, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, 
/path/to/my.cnf); and mysql_options(MYSQL, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, 
app); in the client will read the options in these two groups.

How, if at all, would something like this be useful to 
mysql_real_connect?  From my research it appears that you still need to 
specify the user, host, pwd and port (assuming TCP/IP connection) when 
calling mysql_real_connect(), so setting these parms in the my.cnf file 
does not really help for this scenario.  Something (a non-API function, 
most likely) would still need to parse the file separately and grab the 
parms for passing to mysql_real_connect().

Is this an accurate assessment?
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Re: MySQL-Max

2003-06-13 Thread V. M. Brasseur

Jon Miller wrote:
 I've been asked to setup a MySQL DB for critical mass usage.  The programmer is 
 asking that I use MySQL-Max.  Does this have to be installed along with the regular 
 MySQL version or is it a single product on it's own?

From the MySQL/downloads page for 4.0:

The Standard binaries are recommended for most users, and includes the
InnoDB storage engine. The Max version includes additional features such
as the Berkeley DB storage engine and other features that have not been
exhaustively tested or are not required for general usage, such as
user-defined functions (UDFs), and BIG_TABLE support. When these
features have matured and proven to be stable, they will be incorporated
into future releases of the Standard binaries.


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Re: Rename/Create Database from Existing Database

2003-06-13 Thread V. M. Brasseur
Wong Zach-CHZ013 wrote:
 1- Is there a command to rename an existing database ?
 2- If not, how does one create a new database from an existing database ?
 could you show me the steps?
 Any help is appreciated.

Have you tried the mysqlhotcopy util?


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