help with mysql db names

2013-04-18 Thread Doug

why these db names created fail but the last one gets success?

mysql create database 3208e1c6aa32;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near '3208e1c6aa32' at line 1

mysql create database 208e1c6aa32;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near '208e1c6aa32' at line 1

mysql create database 08e1c6aa32;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near '08e1c6aa32' at line 1

mysql create database 8e1c6aa32;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the
manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near '8e1c6aa32' at line 1

mysql create database e1c6aa32;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql select version();
| version()  |
| 5.5.16-log |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Thanks a lot!

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connection issue

2012-12-22 Thread Doug

When connecting to mysql, sometime I got this error:

# mysql -ucdn -h113.108.22x.xx -p
Enter password:
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading
initial communication packet', system error: 0

But most time it's correct.
What's the reason? Thanks.

I am running mysql-5.1.37 on Linux, there is no firewall configured on the host.

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Re: connection issue

2012-12-22 Thread Doug
sorry the problem has been resolved.
it's the reason of open_files_limit too small.
I increased it and the problem resolved.

2012/12/22 Doug

 When connecting to mysql, sometime I got this error:

 # mysql -ucdn -h113.108.22x.xx -p
 Enter password:
 ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading
 initial communication packet', system error: 0

 But most time it's correct.
 What's the reason? Thanks.

 I am running mysql-5.1.37 on Linux, there is no firewall configured on the 

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why this query doesn't use index?

2012-07-12 Thread Doug

can you tell me why my this query doesn't use the index?

mysql explain select * from iploc where 1902800418 between start_ip
and end_ip;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len |
ref  | rows  | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | iploc | ALL  | start_ip  | NULL | NULL|
NULL | 58838 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql explain select * from iploc where  start_ip =1902800418 and
end_ip =1902800418;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len |
ref  | rows  | Extra   |
|  1 | SIMPLE  | iploc | ALL  | start_ip  | NULL | NULL|
NULL | 58838 | Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This is the index stru:

mysql show index from iploc;
| Table | Non_unique | Key_name | Seq_in_index | Column_name |
Collation | Cardinality | Sub_part | Packed | Null | Index_type |
Comment |
| iploc |  0 | PRIMARY  |1 | id  | A
  |   58838 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| iploc |  1 | start_ip |1 | start_ip| A
  |   58838 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
| iploc |  1 | start_ip |2 | end_ip  | A
  |   58838 | NULL | NULL   |  | BTREE  | |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Thank you.

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restore from replication

2012-02-22 Thread Doug

Currently my master db has about 50G data.
There is a replication slave db, it's running with read-only mode.
When the master is down for some reasons, I will have to remove the
read-only flag in slave mysql and let the applications access to slave
with both read and write.
When the master is up again, how will I restore those data new updated
into slave to master?

Thank you.


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granting file privileges

2011-07-31 Thread doug
I have both a theory question and a question on implementation of privileges. 
First theory. I have been using:

   grant all privileges on db-name.* to user@localhost
  identified by 'password';

Because I blunder about as root I never was impacted by 'file' being a global 
permission. As 'load infile' seems (to me) to be equivalant to 'insert' I do not 
see the reason for this. If its just a historical thing, so be it, but IMO it 
makes little sense that a user could create and/or delete a table but to import 
data he is required to convert a csv file to 'insert value' statements.

My implementation question is about specifying the user. Apparently the 
following are different:

   1) user@localhost
   2) 'user@localhost'
   3) 'user'@'localhost'

I have not tested all this, but I did grant file privileges to #1 but could not 
use them logging into with 'mysql -u doug@localhost sysadmin' ('doug' being 
setup without a password).

The question is which form should be used and why are they different as all are 
accepted without error and all add entries for the users and db tables.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
  Fax: 301-217-9277

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Re: granting file privileges

2011-07-31 Thread doug
Got it - thank you, I did not think about the meaning of file except as it 
relates to MySQL. Re syntax - thanks.

On Sun, 31 Jul 2011, Claudio Nanni wrote:

Hi Doug,

1.FILE is GLOBAL because it refers to the ability of the user to read/write
files on the server host filesystem (where the filesystem permissions
 1) user@localhost   OK, not recommended
 2) 'user@localhost'  WRONG
 3) 'user'@'localhost'  OK, BEST

single quotes prevent any problem in case of special characters in the host




I have both a theory question and a question on implementation of
privileges. First theory. I have been using:

  grant all privileges on db-name.* to user@localhost
 identified by 'password';

Because I blunder about as root I never was impacted by 'file' being a
global permission. As 'load infile' seems (to me) to be equivalant to
'insert' I do not see the reason for this. If its just a historical thing,
so be it, but IMO it makes little sense that a user could create and/or
delete a table but to import data he is required to convert a csv file to
'insert value' statements.

My implementation question is about specifying the user. Apparently the
following are different:

  1) user@localhost
  2) 'user@localhost'
  3) 'user'@'localhost'

I have not tested all this, but I did grant file privileges to #1 but could
not use them logging into with 'mysql -u doug@localhost sysadmin' ('doug'
being setup without a password).

The question is which form should be used and why are they different as all
are accepted without error and all add entries for the users and db tables.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
 Fax: 301-217-9277

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Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
  Fax: 301-217-9277

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question about natural join

2009-01-21 Thread doug
I am comparing two tables, domains and temp, to find records with a field that 
has been modified. I create the temp table with

   create table temp like domains;

then [eventually] create a table t3 that contains the domain name of any record 
that does not match. My question is about 'natural join'.

I would have thought that the following two queries are equivalent:

  1) select,t.expires,d.expires from domains as d natural join temp as t
  where d.expirest.expires;

  2) select,,t.expires,d.expires from t3,domains as d,temp as t
  where and and d.expirest.expires;

The natural join finds no records, the second query works.

The structure of the tables domain and temp is:

| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default| Extra |
| Custid| int(11) |  | MUL | 0  |   |
| Name  | varchar(150)|  | PRI ||   |
| User  | varchar(16) |  | MUL ||   |
| Active| tinyint(3) unsigned |  | | 0  |   |
| Created   | date| YES  | | NULL   |   |
| Expires   | date|  | | -00-00 |   |
| Registrar | varchar(50) |  | ||   |
| Managed   | varchar(50) | YES  | | NULL   |   |
| status| varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL   |   |
| Start | date| YES  | | NULL   |   |

I am using 4.1.20. As always thank you for your insights.


Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
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Re: question about natural join

2009-01-21 Thread doug

Thank you.

On Wed, 21 Jan 2009, wrote:

The natural join will JOIN on *all* the fields whose names match, not just the 
ones you want it to.

In particular, the JOIN is matching up .expires and .expires with =

You then use WHERE to get only the ones with 

This is a tautology: There are NO records both = and  on the field 

You don't really want a natural JOIN here.

And, honestly, natural JOIN generally ends up being problematic sooner or 
later.  You end up adding some kind of field to both tables that should not be 
included (last_update, e.g.) and suddenly your query isn't right any more.

Stick with the explicit WHERE clauses that make it crystal clear what your 
query does.

Just as SELECT * is bad

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Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
  Fax: 301-217-9277

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Re: C api - mysql_list_fields

2008-10-07 Thread Doug Bridgens

It works for me, I used your code:

Field =mycol Type=254 Length=20

so at least your code is fine, and the problem must be somewhere  
else.   I am using RH EL3.


On 6 Oct 2008, at 19:52, Mike Aubury wrote:

I'm probably being a bit stupid - but I'm trying to determine (in  
code) the

length of the string in the schema for a given table.

So - for example :

create table a (
blah char(20)

I want to return '20', but I'm getting '60' when I use  

(Always seems to be 3x longer that I'm expecting)...

Am I missing something ? (or should I just divide by 3!!)

Heres an example :

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include mysql.h

MYSQL conn;

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
   // run with  username port   as arguments
   char *tabname=a;
   char *db=test1;
   char *u;
   char *p;
   MYSQL_RES *result;
   MYSQL_FIELD *field;
   if (argc!=3) {
printf(usage : %s  username password\n, argv[0]);exit(2);
   u=argv[1]; p=argv[2];
   if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, NULL,u,p,db,0,NULL,0) ) {
Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n,

   result = mysql_list_fields (conn, tabname, NULL);

   field = mysql_fetch_field (result);
   printf(Field =%s Type=%d Length=%d\n, field-name,
field-type, field-length);

Thanks in advance...

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Re: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem

2008-09-23 Thread Doug Bridgens
it's all a bit too general, we could be asking continual questions  
until someone asks the right one.

However, I would put some debugging into the 30% scripts to check they  
complete before the next one starts, as if one script takes slightly  
longer (especially if the queries are the same) to complete then the  
rest build up quickly.   Something else could be locking the table  
that your cron queries are trying to access, causing the stacking that  
never recovers.

Once the problem occurs I'd be using 'show processlist' in mysql, and  
vmstat and ps to check the system resources.   Is it definitely mysql,  
or php/apache, a slow disk, etc..

In terms of your stats below, I  have (on a fairly average spec  
server) 500 queries per second and 2000 open tables.   So, unless it's  
a PC or very badly tuned, it should be fine.


On 23 Sep 2008, at 14:16, Rene Fournier wrote:

10% of queries are web-based (Apache/PHP).
30% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that get executed  
(average 1/second -- they end with mysql_close() btw).
60% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that run  
continuously (in a loop, with sleep()), acting on incoming socket  


On 23-Sep-08, at 2:20 PM, Jeffrey Santos wrote:


How are you querying the database during normal use?  What kind of  
applications are you using?

~Jeffrey Santos

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Rene Fournier  
Uptime: 1054977  Threads: 10  Questions: 15576766  Slow queries:  
229  Opens: 489  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 483  Queries per  
second avg: 14.765

I know what the slow queries are--some that take 20-30 seconds to  
compute, and they are normal. The number of open tables seems high,  
no? The database that gets 95% of the load has ~35 tables in total.

As for cron jobs, I have a number of command-line PHP scripts that  
perform regular queries. They've been running for about 10 days  
now. The current high CPU state started a couple days ago.

On 22-Sep-08, at 8:30 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

curious if you have any cron jobs starting to execute?

what does mysqladmin status show ?

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Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to the  
official business of Sender. This transmission is of a confidential  
nature and Sender does not endorse distribution to any party other  
than intended recipient. Sender does not necessarily endorse  
content contained within this transmission.

 Subject: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem
 Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:25 +0200

 For the longest time, I've had a strange problem with MySQL.
 Basically, after a certain amount of time--sometimes a few days,
 sometimes a couple weeks--its CPU usage will go from a steady  
 to 80-90%. Actual load and number of queries is the same, nothing  


 If I shutdown MySQL and restart it (not the server), CPU% goes  
back to

 normal. What could this be?

 (Xserve G5 2GHz, 8GB, 3x250GB RAID5, Mac OS X 10.4.11, MySQL  


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Re: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem

2008-09-23 Thread Doug Bridgens

nothing on a server is weird, just not understood yet  :-)

so, 'show processlist' comes up with nothing.   Does 'ps auxw' show  
any php processes still active?   Does 'netstat -atp' show any  
established connections to mysql?

How long does it take to re-create the problem?   You've restarted  
mysql, how long to high cpu again?   Did you start to rebuild indexes  
any time recently?

You seem to have ruled out the web scripts, so can you stop the 30%  
cron job scripts running?

in your other email CPU usage is 45%.   The top figure is the  
percentage of CPU usage that mysql has used, compared with other  
processes.   92% of 45% (I believe).

if you run 'vmstat 5' it will print out resource usage every 5 seconds  
(ignore the first line) which is more readable than top output as you  
see changes over time.  Change 5 for an interval that suits your  
purpose (ie, if it takes 10 hours to happen, then vmstat 300).


On 23 Sep 2008, at 15:04, Rene Fournier wrote:

Appreciate the suggestions, some of which I've done. The processlist  
typically just shows the known PHP command-line scripts that run.  
Maybe 8-10 on average, 20 max.

Here's a strange thing: If I stop all the requests to MySQL (shut  
down Apache, and exit all the commandline PHP scripts), MySQL's CPU  
usage remains high.  So... no processes in MySQL, nothing hitting  
the database, yet MySQL CPU stays stuck at 60-70%.

If I shutdown MySQL and restart, it's normal again.

Weird, no?

On 23-Sep-08, at 3:47 PM, Doug Bridgens wrote:

it's all a bit too general, we could be asking continual questions  
until someone asks the right one.

However, I would put some debugging into the 30% scripts to check  
they complete before the next one starts, as if one script takes  
slightly longer (especially if the queries are the same) to  
complete then the rest build up quickly.   Something else could be  
locking the table that your cron queries are trying to access,  
causing the stacking that never recovers.

Once the problem occurs I'd be using 'show processlist' in mysql,  
and vmstat and ps to check the system resources.   Is it definitely  
mysql, or php/apache, a slow disk, etc..

In terms of your stats below, I  have (on a fairly average spec  
server) 500 queries per second and 2000 open tables.   So, unless  
it's a PC or very badly tuned, it should be fine.


On 23 Sep 2008, at 14:16, Rene Fournier wrote:

10% of queries are web-based (Apache/PHP).
30% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that get executed  
(average 1/second -- they end with mysql_close() btw).
60% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that run  
continuously (in a loop, with sleep()), acting on incoming socket  


On 23-Sep-08, at 2:20 PM, Jeffrey Santos wrote:


How are you querying the database during normal use?  What kind  
of applications are you using?

~Jeffrey Santos

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Rene Fournier  
Uptime: 1054977  Threads: 10  Questions: 15576766  Slow queries:  
229  Opens: 489  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 483  Queries per  
second avg: 14.765

I know what the slow queries are--some that take 20-30 seconds to  
compute, and they are normal. The number of open tables seems  
high, no? The database that gets 95% of the load has ~35 tables  
in total.

As for cron jobs, I have a number of command-line PHP scripts  
that perform regular queries. They've been running for about 10  
days now. The current high CPU state started a couple days ago.

On 22-Sep-08, at 8:30 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

curious if you have any cron jobs starting to execute?

what does mysqladmin status show ?

Disclaimer and confidentiality note
Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to the  
official business of Sender. This transmission is of a  
confidential nature and Sender does not endorse distribution to  
any party other than intended recipient. Sender does not  
necessarily endorse content contained within this transmission.

 Subject: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem
 Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:25 +0200

 For the longest time, I've had a strange problem with MySQL.
 Basically, after a certain amount of time--sometimes a few days,
 sometimes a couple weeks--its CPU usage will go from a steady  
 to 80-90%. Actual load and number of queries is the same,  
nothing else


 If I shutdown MySQL and restart it (not the server), CPU% goes  
back to

 normal. What could this be?

 (Xserve G5 2GHz, 8GB, 3x250GB RAID5, Mac OS X 10.4.11, MySQL  


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Re: another INNODB vs MYISAM question

2008-08-15 Thread Doug Bridgens
if you switch the default engine type any new tables would be created  
with that new engine type.  it does not convert existing tables to  
your new format.

if you have existing innodb tables you need to have the innodb  
settings active, in my.cnf

On 15 Aug 2008, at 06:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello mysql,

As I have previously mentioned, I installed WAMPSERVER 2.0 on my
Windows XP pro box recently. It installed INNODB as the Default

All of my legacy Databases are MYISAM and after the installation, I
copied them all into the DATA folder and everything worked, even
adding new tables etc. but the new stuff was INNODB. So I ended up
with some MYISAM databases that contained INNODB tables in them.

After a few weeks I got to thinking that mixing INNODB and MYISAM
might not be a good thing and switched the Default Engine to MYISAM in
my.ini file. I didn't just switch the default, I commented out all the
INNODB calls in the my.ini file as well.

As I half expected, all the databases that I had added INNODB tables
failed when I tried to fire up the applications that used them.

Although I am not new to mysql, I have had a bit of MYISAM tunnel
vision with it so my question is, if I had just switched the default
engine and NOT disabled the INNODB calls in my.ini, would that have
prevented the problem? I restored all the MYISAM files and got
everything back working again.

I don't want to go through the lengthy reproduction exercise of
reinstalling everything to test the theory so if someone has had some
experience with this, I would appreciate hearing from them.

Best regards,
mikesz  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Slow mysql connections

2008-08-13 Thread Doug Bridgens
Do you have any other services running on the server, such as mail or  
web?   How long does it take to connect to those services ('telnet  
server 25', or telnet server 80')?

What are you using to connect to mysql?   how long does 'telnet  
server 3306' take (assuming you are on the default port and have  
firewall access)?   How long does it take to connect from a local  
server session?

When you are doing the above tests, do them with the server name and  
with the IP address.

The above should let you rule out your client, and any server related  
issues such as DNS or firewall.   So you will know if it is a mysql  
problem or not.


On 13 Aug 2008, at 05:39, Krishna Chandra Prajapati wrote:

Hi all,

Connecting to mysql server (Production) is taking 5 to 6 seconds.  

has 16Gb ram. Previously it was using only 6GB ram. The details are as
follows. DNS looks fine.

free -m
total   used   free sharedbuffers  
Mem: 15899  15877 21  0 97   

-/+ buffers/cache:   1865  14033
Swap:0  0  0


procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io -system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us  
sy id

0  0  0  26792 100600 142428680089   15000   
7  1

92  0

cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 16281204 kB
MemFree: 26692 kB
Buffers:100916 kB
Cached:   14243248 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
Active:8338968 kB
Inactive:  7679900 kB
HighTotal:   0 kB
HighFree:0 kB
LowTotal: 16281204 kB
LowFree: 26692 kB
SwapTotal:   0 kB
SwapFree:0 kB
Dirty: 224 kB
Writeback:   0 kB
AnonPages: 1674640 kB
Mapped:  11616 kB
Slab:   215140 kB
PageTables:   4232 kB
NFS_Unstable:0 kB
Bounce:  0 kB
CommitLimit:   8140600 kB
Committed_AS:  2182136 kB
VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:   252 kB
VmallocChunk: 34359738043 kB


ps aux  (The below process is only process using cpu and memory)

mysql 3963 10.6 10.2 2190136 1671816 ? Sl   Mar28 21019:10
/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/v

cpu usage 10.6
memory usage 10.2

Please tell how  what are the reasons and how can i solve this  

Krishna Chandra Prajapati

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Learning best methods

2008-06-04 Thread doug

I have the following table:

explain domain_payments;
| Field   | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| Invid   | int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
| Custid  | int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
| Date| date | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Description | varchar(80)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Domain  | varchar(150) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| UnitPrice   | double   | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Quantity| int(11)  |  | | 0   |   |
| Amount  | double   | YES  | | NULL|   |

My goal is to create a table with the latest payment date and invoice id for 
each domain. This is what I did:

create table t select domain,max(invid) as invid
  from domain_payments group by domain;
alter table t add date_paid date;
update t,domain_payments as tr set date_paid=date where t.invid=tr.invid;

The above worked fine for the number of records in my dataset. In learning 
[my]sql I am trying to see how this would best be done with a large dataset as 
well more efficiently in general.

Thanks for any pointers.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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[SOLVED] RE: Strange performance problem

2008-04-16 Thread Doug Phillips
 It's possibly a DNS problem (reverse DNS exactly).

You know, I'm feeling a bit stupid here...  That was indeed the problem,
as the new server hadn't been moved on DNS yet.

I put the IP address into the windows hosts file on the DB server, and
the problem cleared up immediately.


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Strange performance problem

2008-04-14 Thread Doug Phillips
OK folks, I'm kind of stumped; looking into things a bit more, but
thought I'd hit the list and see if anyone had any suggestions for a
rock to look under, in case I'm missing it...

DB Server: Windows 2003, 8-way CPU, lots of RAM, MySQL 4.1.22-nt binary
from MySQL
Current Production web server: Linux, RedHat 7.2, MySQL 5.0.51a client
from MySQL Binary RPMs
New Web Server: Linux, RedHat EL 4, MySQL 5.0.51a client from MySQL
Binary RPMs

The current production web server has a fairly high traffic load, but DB
usage is extremely efficient, so there's not a significant load on the
DB server.

Connection times from the production web server are almost instantaneous
(under 1 second), using the press enter and observe method, using the
command-line interface.

Connection times from the new web server box take between 4-6 seconds
between the time you press enter and the time that you get the MySQL
prompt.  YSlow in Firefox confirms a consistent average of 4-6 seconds
difference between the servers reflected in page load times.

At this point, we're trying to see what it is going on between the
client and the server; datacenter folks have assured us that it's not a
networking issue (although I'm not sure that I'm convinced).  We've
ruled out any apache or PHP issues causing a problem, as the
configurations and build options are identical.

Any thoughts of a performance number or configuration option that would
make any differences?

Thanks much in advance - I'm scratching my head on this one...


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RE: secure host and user name for non static ip address

2007-10-11 Thread Doug Phillips
 QUESTION:  What are the most secure permissions settings for
 access to connect to my server without using a static IP address?

Assuming a unix server (or even a windows server running SSH), use an
SSH tunnel, and then connect to  You
get the extra benefit of the traffic being encrypted, plus you don't
have to worry about changing the permissions every $x hours when your IP

Douglas Phillips
Programmer / Database Engineer
Cybergroup, Inc.

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Permissions block database creation

2006-03-14 Thread Doug Pinkerton
I'm a total newbie working through the tutorial in DuBois's _MySQL_.  
I've got MySQL running on my PowerBook. In Terminal, I can use the  
mysql client to get responses to things like SELECT NOW(). But the  
command CREATE DATABASE sampdb; results in the following error.

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database  


I am unable to determine its location, which causes me to suspect  
that it is in the portion of the system not accessible from the  
Finder. Can anyone offer a suggestion?

Mac OS 10.4.5


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error connecting to db.

2006-01-16 Thread doug
I have a php application that connects with MySQL using:

  $SvrConn = @mysql_connect($MySQLServer, $MySQLUser, $MySQLPassword)

where:  $MySQLServer=''

and I can login using the above values. However connect fails:

mysql select host,user from user;
| host  | user|
| localhost | dbuser  |

The application worked until I changed the IP of the host. Where else might I
look? There is no cnf file.

thanks for any help.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

MySQL General Mailing List
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RE: error connecting to db.

2006-01-16 Thread doug
Thanks for the link I am glad the site has added manuals for multiple versions.

I think I have access and db privileges set properly. I can (in effect) login to
the server from the host command line using:

 mysql -u $MySQLUser -p $MySQLPassword

I showed the user table on the off chance that does not map to local
host and someone would clue me in to that. I have tried setting the host for the
user to the IP and to

Neither works.  I think the problem probably lies with the mysql install but I
do not know where to look. I am a PHP novice but AFAIK @mysql_connect should be
like accessing mysql from the command line.

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) wrote:

 Hi Doug,

 It is probably failing because you changed the ip address. The security
 system in MySQL is based around where a user is coming from. There is
 good documentation that is available here

 I've referred to the current manual for ver. 5.0 as I'm not sure what
 you are using. You can easily refer to an earlier version of the manual
 via the page.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, 17 January 2006 1:07 PM
 Subject: error connecting to db.

 I have a php application that connects with MySQL using:

   $SvrConn = @mysql_connect($MySQLServer, $MySQLUser, $MySQLPassword)

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: HELP [nativecode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]

2005-12-15 Thread Doug Dalton

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


Check that MySQL doesn't die during the query. See:


I should mention that I get no log errors and I even have it set to warn 
 does this mean mysql could die and not log the error? I have gone 
through this document for the last week rewritten code based on the 
suggestions and still get the error.


oug Dalton wrote:

I am running mysql 4.1.13 on Suse 10 and I get an error on a simple
select query,  I have checked the threads on lost connection and my
connection times as well as making sure my calls are all made from non
forking processes  etc...  I cannot seem to resolve this error?  can
someone point me in the right direction? I notice if I remove the LIMIT
statement I get fewer errors... but that cannot be the cause of the problem

[14-Dec-2005 17:32:20] DB_Error Object
  [error_message_prefix] =
  [mode] = 1
  [level] = 1024
  [code] = -14
  [message] = DB Error: no database selected
  [userinfo] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 [nativecode=2013 **
connection to MySQL server during query]
  [backtrace] = Array
  [0] = Array
  [file] = /usr/share/php5/PEAR/DB.php
  [line] = 888
  [function] = PEAR_Error
  [class] = DB_Error
  [type] = -
  [args] = Array
  [0] = DB Error: no database selected
  [1] = -14
  [2] = 1
  [3] = 1024
  [4] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 [nativec
ode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]




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Re: HELP [nativecode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]

2005-12-15 Thread Doug Dalton


I watched the server during this error,  the server continued to run... 
it didnt crash... and no warning or logged error?


Doug Dalton wrote:

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


Check that MySQL doesn't die during the query. See:


I should mention that I get no log errors and I even have it set to 
warn  does this mean mysql could die and not log the error? I have 
gone through this document for the last week rewritten code based on 
the suggestions and still get the error.


oug Dalton wrote:

I am running mysql 4.1.13 on Suse 10 and I get an error on a simple
select query,  I have checked the threads on lost connection and my
connection times as well as making sure my calls are all made from non
forking processes  etc...  I cannot seem to resolve this error?  can
someone point me in the right direction? I notice if I remove the LIMIT
statement I get fewer errors... but that cannot be the cause of the 

[14-Dec-2005 17:32:20] DB_Error Object
  [error_message_prefix] =
  [mode] = 1
  [level] = 1024
  [code] = -14
  [message] = DB Error: no database selected
  [userinfo] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 
[nativecode=2013 **

connection to MySQL server during query]
  [backtrace] = Array
  [0] = Array
  [file] = /usr/share/php5/PEAR/DB.php
  [line] = 888
  [function] = PEAR_Error
  [class] = DB_Error
  [type] = -
  [args] = Array
  [0] = DB Error: no database selected
  [1] = -14
  [2] = 1
  [3] = 1024
  [4] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 [nativec
ode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]




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Re: HELP [nativecode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]

2005-12-15 Thread Doug Dalton

I found a log error after turning on warning running the server manually:

051215 17:32:42 [Warning] Aborted connection 3961 to db: 'db' user: 
'user' host: `client' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

Any idea what this error is ?  the interfaces show no errors from a 
network perspective:

db machine
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:48:2E:E1:F2
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::230:48ff:fe2e:e1f2/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:7973410 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:9299327 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:746369778 (711.7 Mb)  TX bytes:8126772010 (7750.2 Mb)
 Base address:0x2000 Memory:da20-da22
client machine:
eth1  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:30:48:55:92:4F
 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 inet6 addr: fe80::230:48ff:fe55:924f/64 Scope:Link
 RX packets:19720381 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 TX packets:16126186 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
 RX bytes:16315799815 (15559.9 Mb)  TX bytes:1696496582 (1617.9 Mb)
 Base address:0xc400 Memory:fc9a-fc9c

and the query runs fine a second time? so the query isnt malformed


Doug Dalton wrote:


I watched the server during this error,  the server continued to 
run... it didnt crash... and no warning or logged error?


Doug Dalton wrote:

Gleb Paharenko wrote:


Check that MySQL doesn't die during the query. See:


I should mention that I get no log errors and I even have it set to 
warn  does this mean mysql could die and not log the error? I 
have gone through this document for the last week rewritten code 
based on the suggestions and still get the error.


oug Dalton wrote:

I am running mysql 4.1.13 on Suse 10 and I get an error on a simple
select query,  I have checked the threads on lost connection and my
connection times as well as making sure my calls are all made from non
forking processes  etc...  I cannot seem to resolve this error?  can
someone point me in the right direction? I notice if I remove the 
statement I get fewer errors... but that cannot be the cause of the 

[14-Dec-2005 17:32:20] DB_Error Object
  [error_message_prefix] =
  [mode] = 1
  [level] = 1024
  [code] = -14
  [message] = DB Error: no database selected
  [userinfo] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 
[nativecode=2013 **

connection to MySQL server during query]
  [backtrace] = Array
  [0] = Array
  [file] = /usr/share/php5/PEAR/DB.php
  [line] = 888
  [function] = PEAR_Error
  [class] = DB_Error
  [type] = -
  [args] = Array
  [0] = DB Error: no database selected
  [1] = -14
  [2] = 1
  [3] = 1024
  [4] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 [nativec
ode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]




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HELP [nativecode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]

2005-12-14 Thread Doug Dalton
I am running mysql 4.1.13 on Suse 10 and I get an error on a simple 
select query,  I have checked the threads on lost connection and my 
connection times as well as making sure my calls are all made from non 
forking processes  etc...  I cannot seem to resolve this error?  can 
someone point me in the right direction? I notice if I remove the LIMIT 
statement I get fewer errors... but that cannot be the cause of the problem

[14-Dec-2005 17:32:20] DB_Error Object
   [error_message_prefix] =
   [mode] = 1
   [level] = 1024
   [code] = -14
   [message] = DB Error: no database selected
   [userinfo] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where 
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 [nativecode=2013 ** 

connection to MySQL server during query]
   [backtrace] = Array
   [0] = Array
   [file] = /usr/share/php5/PEAR/DB.php
   [line] = 888
   [function] = PEAR_Error
   [class] = DB_Error
   [type] = -
   [args] = Array
   [0] = DB Error: no database selected
   [1] = -14
   [2] = 1
   [3] = 1024
   [4] =  SELECT * FROM buser Where 
mUserID='d86659dcee2cf9933d84ea337b1b9785' LIMIT 0,1 [nativec

ode=2013 ** Lost connection to MySQL server during query]


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Re: Yet another null question

2005-09-20 Thread doug
First - thank you. I want to again thank this list, which in general is the most
tolerant to people new to database use and theory in general, and me in
particular. I mostly got your point from an earlier answer. Hopeful your example
quashes my ignorance, relative to NULL at least.

I think I understand the manual examples with the help of the answers I got. I
was not getting it on my own.

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005, Joerg Bruehe wrote:


 Just some explicit addition:

  So in the following query:
   select * from new_payments where closed1;
  it is desired that null=1. DeMorgan's law takes a vacation here.

 You use two-valued logic here, where statements are either true or
 false. (DeMorgan's law applies to two-valued logic only.)

 When NULL values are not excluded, SQL uses a three-valued logic, where
 a stament may also be unknown. Comparing NULL to any value (including
 a comparison of NULL and NULL) always results in unknown.

 This also the reason that the SQL syntax does not allow
 ... WHERE value = NULL
 but requires that you write
 ... WHERE value IS NULL
 It has also been said that NULL is no value but a state - maybe that
 helps in understanding.


 Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: Yet another null question

2005-09-19 Thread doug
Thanks Martijn - that is a clear explanation of the philosophy. I did not get it
from the examples and the manual.


On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Martijn Tonies wrote:

 Hello Doug,

  My question question from MySQL 4.0.22: is it okay that a null interger 
  tests as
  equal to any value. I am not sure the table structure matters but in case
 it is
 That's because NULL is NOT a value (not the logical not ;) ... It's a

 Any column can have two states: either NULL or NOT NULL.

 When a column is not null it can have values suitable for it's given
 (eg: all integer values).

 If there's no value (NULL), how can you compare it?

 Think of NULL as unknown. Is 2 equal to unknown? I don't know, so
 the result is unknown, hence, NULL.

 Hope this helps,

 With regards,

 Martijn Tonies
 Database Workbench - tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle  MS SQL
 Upscene Productions
 Database development questions? Check the forum!

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Yet another null question

2005-09-18 Thread doug
My question question from MySQL 4.0.22: is it okay that a null interger tests as
equal to any value. I am not sure the table structure matters but in case it is
I included it.

I did not expect that null was not not-equal to 1. Cursory testing seems to
indicate that a null integer field is not not-equal to any specific value. If
this is the known behavior, I would suggest that this behavior be added to
section A.5.3. Testing the field=1 works as I would expect, that is the null
value is not equal to 1.

Examples follow:

mysql explain new_payments;
| Field  | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| payid  | int(11) |  | PRI | 0   |   |
| Custid | int(11) |  | MUL | 0   |   |
| User   | varchar(16) |  | | |   |
| CkNum  | varchar(20) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Paid   | double  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Date   | date| YES  | | NULL|   |
| Type   | varchar(8)  | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Notes  | varchar(80) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| Tag| varchar(15) | YES  | | NULL|   |
| closed | tinyint(4)  | YES  | | NULL|   |

mysql select * from new_payments where closed1;
Empty set (0.02 sec)

mysql select * from new_payments where closed is null;
| payid | Custid | User| CkNum | Paid   | Date   | Type | Notes   | Tag 
 | closed |
|   956 |198 | stepout | 3001  | 116.95 | 2005-09-16 | AmEx | 0508044 | 
7069 |   NULL |
|   957 |145 | anytech | 62401 |102 | 2005-09-16 | MC   | 0504304 | 
B058 |   NULL |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql select count(*) from new_payments;
| count(*) |
|  945 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql select count(*) from new_payments where closed=1;
| count(*) |
|  943 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: Yet another null question

2005-09-18 Thread doug
Thanks but I still do not get why this does not merit a, you might want to
think about this.

So in the following query:

 select * from new_payments where closed1;

it is desired that null=1. DeMorgan's law takes a vacation here.

Correct behavior, in that it is a feature, I expected that; desired - no
comment. Probably not expected in that selecting for closed=1 and closed1 does
not yield symmetric results. It was the [not] expected nature that lead me to
suggest perhaps an example might be helpful.

From URL: 

  Note that in MySQL, 0 or NULL means false and anything else means true. The
  default truth value from a boolean operation is 1.

mysql select * from new_payments where not closed;
Empty set (0.01 sec)

So null is not exactly false, just sorta false. I still think this is worth a
comment in A.5.3.

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Roger Baklund wrote:

  I did not expect that null was not not-equal to 1.

 Any comparison with NULL returns NULL:

 mysql select null1,null1,null1,null=1;
 | null1 | null1 | null1 | null=1 |
 |NULL |   NULL |   NULL |   NULL |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 This is the correct and desired behaviour.



Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: Yet another null question

2005-09-18 Thread doug
Belay my comments on true and false. I got mixed up. That works as documented.

On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Roger Baklund wrote:

  I did not expect that null was not not-equal to 1.

 Any comparison with NULL returns NULL:

 mysql select null1,null1,null1,null=1;
 | null1 | null1 | null1 | null=1 |
 |NULL |   NULL |   NULL |   NULL |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 This is the correct and desired behaviour.



Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Calculating a running balance

2005-07-10 Thread doug
I am using MySQL 4.0.22 and have a question about an efficient way to calculate
a running balance as part of the select. The natural way to do this would seem
(to me) to be something like:

  set @balance:=0;
  select payid,Custid,Paid,@balance:[EMAIL PROTECTED] from payments;

This does indeed seem to work. However the way I read the explanation on user
variables I would not expect this to work. I found a solution for this from the
MySQL Cookbook using a self join which for the above would be:

  select t1.payid,t1.Custid,t1.user,t1.Paid,sum(t2.Paid)
from payments as t1, payments as t2
where t1.payid=t2.payid group by t1.payid;

This also works but as I am sure most of you know will not scale to even a
few thousand records.

Will using the user variable work? If not where might I find some
alternate techniques?

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Slow LIMIT Query

2005-06-05 Thread Doug V
When I do a SELECT using STRAIGHT JOIN against multiple tables where the 
main table has about 200k rows, it is very fast retrieving the latest rows, 
ie LIMIT 0, 10, but extremely slow retrieving older rows, for example, 
LIMIT 18 , 10. Doing an EXPLAIN shows that no filesort or temporary 
table is being used. When I do the SELECT without the STRAIGHT JOIN, it does 
do a filesort and is a little bit faster. Is there anyway to speed such a 
query up? Thanks.

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Re: Slow LIMIT Query

2005-06-05 Thread Doug V


I have tried to simply the problem and it exists without any JOINs.

have you given the query ?

SELECT id FROM stuff ORDER BY stuffed_date DESC LIMIT 18, 10 - .43 sec

SELECT id FROM stuff ORDER BY stuffed_date DESC LIMIT 0, 10 - .0007 sec

have you described your tables ?

stuffed_date is INDEXed

have your given the size of each table ?

The table is about 200k rows.

have you list the indexes ?

stuff table has several indices, including 'id' and 'stuffed_date'.

have you specify the storage type ?


In your followup message, you mention reverse sorting the query. I imagine 
on the application side I would need to reverse sort again to get the 
correct order. Are there any other ways to speed up such a query? Thanks.

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Re: Cumulative Totals

2005-05-27 Thread doug
Just in case you did not follow this suggestion, if you are using 4.0.x this is
very simple. I was looking for this:

  set @total:=0;
  select f1,f2,...,@total:[EMAIL PROTECTED] as Total from table where ...;

is pretty simple.

On Wed, 25 May 2005, Dan Bolser wrote:

 On Wed, 25 May 2005, Russell Horn wrote:

 I have a pretty simple table with a list of payments, not much more
 paymentID | amount | paymentDate
 1  | 123| 2005-01-10
 2  | 77 | 2005-01-13
 3  | 45 | 2005-02-16
 4  | 13 | 2005-02-17
 I can get totals per month using a query like:
 SELECT SUM(amount) , DATE_FORMAT( `paymentDate` , '%Y-%m' )   FROM
 `payments`   GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT( payments . date , '%Y-%m' )
 That would give me:
 amount | paymentDate
 200| 2005-01
 58 | 2005-02
 Is there any way to get a running cumulative total directly from mysql?
 Something like:
 amount | paymentDate
 200| 2005-01
 258| 2005-02



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Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: Online documentation

2005-04-21 Thread doug
Thank you for the clear statement of policy. I had in fact forgotten
about the manual that comes with the installation. It however is
packaged as one rather large html or text file (my system is FreeBSD).
The web site is a far superior reference because of the file format.


On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Joerg Bruehe wrote:

 Hi Douglas, all!

 Am Mi, den 20.04.2005 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED] um 17:33:
  Is the online documentation for 4.0.x available? I was working with
  dates a while back. As it happens 4.1 added the very function I wanted.
  But that was not marked as added in 4.1, nor should be be as that would
  be an unbelieable amount of cruft.


 All I can propose is to take the manual that came with the version you
 downloaded and installed. It will at least not contain changes that were
 introduced later.

 The documentation team currently is changing the way the manual is
 maintained, but I do not know whether this will introduce features (like
 selective extraction) which would help you with your desires.


 Joerg Bruehe, Senior Production Engineer

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

MySQL General Mailing List
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Online documentation

2005-04-20 Thread doug
Is the online documentation for 4.0.x available? I was working with
dates a while back. As it happens 4.1 added the very function I wanted.
But that was not marked as added in 4.1, nor should be be as that would
be an unbelieable amount of cruft.

I would be nice however if maybe one level back was available if even if
that was as a compressed file.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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find duplicates - revisted

2005-04-20 Thread doug
I have read the MySQL Cookbook and the last 6 months (or so) of threads
on this. I have a slightly different problem. I use a billing system
implemented in filemaker. Happily they are going a rewrite in MySQL/PHP,
but for the present I maintain a MySQL database so I can track things
otherwise not available using the product.

My problem: once a month or so I have a 1-2 hundred new records and
about as many updates. The total number of records is relative small,
less than 10,000. I extract about 15 fields. Adding new records is not
much of a problem. For the updated records the best I have been able to
think of is to put the old and newly extracted records in a table and
find the changed records based on keys in the data.

For the small number of records, this query takes a remarkable amount of
time, so clearly this solution does not scale.

Any references or thougths greatly appreciated.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: find duplicates - revisted

2005-04-20 Thread doug
Yes - thanks. I did not define the data with keys because it does not
come out of the source that way. Keys and replace does it nicely.
Probably my question defined me as a newbie, if not well...

Thank you very much for you  help.

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005, Duncan Hill wrote:

 On Wednesday 20 April 2005 16:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:
  For the small number of records, this query takes a remarkable amount of
  time, so clearly this solution does not scale.

 A query that uses keys should not take a long time to run - unless your key
 data is not maintained as a key in the SQL table.  Sample data, queries and
 the output from EXPLAIN will probably help others to help you.

 MySQL General Mailing List
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Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

MySQL General Mailing List
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TCP No Longer Working

2004-11-15 Thread Doug Peters
I suddenly have lost the ability to connect to the MySQL server from my
remote host and can not figure out what is wrong.  I have searched for
the last couple of days and cannot figure out why.


I am running MySql 5.0.0 on Linux Suse 9.1

I normally connect to MySQL from Windows XP Pro using either the .Net
connector and/or the ODBC connector.


When I check the variables it shows that the port is set to 3306


But when I run the following it appears that TCP is not working

linux:~ # netstat -l | grep mysql

tcp0  0 *:mysql *:*

unix  2  [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 4671


If I log in via SSH or from a shell on the Linux box itself I can
connect to the database in any of the following ways:
mysql -u user_name -p database_name

mysql -u user_name -p -h localhost database_name

mysql -u user_name -p -h database_name

mysql -u user_name -p -h the_static_ip_address database_name


As soon as I try to connect from Windows XP using the .Net connector,
the ODBC connector, MySQL Query Browser or MySQL Administrator I get the
following error:

Could not connect to the specified instance.


MySQL Error Nr. 2003

Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)


I am able to successfully ping the IP address of the Linux machine.


Here is what is listed in the /etc/my.cnf file











Any assistance is greatly appreciated.



Memory problems

2004-10-05 Thread Doug Wolfgram
When I run top after my server has been running for a few days, Mysql is 
using 60 or 70MB of memory. When I restart mysql, it goes back to 3000. Any 
idea where I should start to look for a problem? What causes this?

I am running RH 7.3 and php/Mysql combo. I don't expect anyone to fix this, 
just perhaps suggest where I can look.

BTW, I searched for this and got a reference to the perl-DBD-Mysql module, 
which I do not have installed.

The Interactive Presenters' Network
Doug Wolfgram - CEO
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2004-09-13 Thread Doug Wolfgram
I have a table called issues and other table called users. Issues contains 
two fields that are in effect userids that reference the users table. I 
want to produce a report with a single query that grabs the names of both 
users referenced in the issues table. Is this possible?

I knwo how to do this for a single userid...
select u.firstname FROM users u, issues i WHERE
But I need to get two names at the same time...will some version of left 
join work?

If you're not in e-business ... you're not in business..
Doug Wolfgram
GRAFX Group, Inc.
Cell: 949.433.3641

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Piano Tuning in the area

2004-09-04 Thread Doug Freeze - Piano Tuner

I hope you don't mind me writing you. I came across your e-mail address after looking 
around some web sites local to me and thought I'd ask if you, personally, are in need 
of a professional piano tuner or might know of someone you could forward this e-mail 
I'm tuning for donations until I build-up a customer base so payment is whatever you 
can afford.

I'll travel to the Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and the Orange 
County areas.
Here's a map of where I live in Glendora in case you'd like to know:

(If this message went out of the Los Angeles area, I apologize. It's not meant to be 
spam and you'll never receive another message from me again.)

You can visit my website or call me if you have any questions or you can schedule a 
time to get your piano tuned right now at
Thanks and I'm sorry if I bothered you or if you don't need this service,

Doug Freeze
A resident of Glendora CA.
(626) 290-0908

P.S. You'll never receive another message from me so there's no need to write me back 
and ask to be removed from my mailing list nor will your e-mail address ever be given 
away or sold to anyone.

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multiple table delete syntax question

2004-07-25 Thread doug
I have a question about the multiple table delete syntax. First the
documentation on the website is very clear. My question is why not how. The
'delete from using' is not ambiguous (to me). My question is about the form:

   delete t1 from t1,t2 where ...

I would take this to mean remove matching records from t2. I assume the reason
records are removed from t1 is SQL language consistency.  But as an SQL newbie,
I can not see it.

Thanks for any thoughts.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: multiple table delete syntax question

2004-07-25 Thread doug
I have no problem understanding the syntax, or how to do what I want (at least
after my first mistake). It is more about if this is a consistant grammar. For
example, unix commands have the form verb src object, except for ln -s

From a lexical view, I do not think the two forms are parallel. My question was,
is this to be consistant with other sql constructs, or is it just the way it is?

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004, Michael Stassen wrote:

 The point is to distinguish between the tables which are joined to pick the
 rows and the tables from which rows are to be deleted.  You have 2 options:

DELETE FROM t1 USING t1,t2 ...


DELETE t1 FROM t1,t2 ...

 Perhaps you are extrapolating from 'DELETE FROM t1...' to expect that the
 second form should delete from both tables, but note that the second form is
 not 'DELETE FROM t1,t2...', it's 'DELETE t1 FROM t1,t2...'.  If you must
 relate it to something, I'd suggest 'SELECT t1.* FROM t1,t2 ...' is the
 natural parallel.


Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: How to Speed this Query Up? (Solved)

2004-07-10 Thread Doug V
Using INNER JOINs with the STRAIGHT_JOIN option so that the main table 
displayed first in the EXPLAIN eliminated the temporary table being created 
and the query speed went from 2.3 seconds to 0.2 seconds. Note that this 
only works for queries where the offset in the LIMIT is small. As the offset 
approaches the total row count, the speed gradually decreases, so much so 
that the query eventually goes from 2.3 seconds to 4.6 seconds. However 
since the first few pages (newest data)are accessed most of the time, this 
is not a problem.

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Re: How to Speed this Query Up?

2004-07-09 Thread Doug V
Thank you for your detailed response.
You might get better performance just from using the explicit INNER JOINS
but I make no assumptions.
I tried INNER JOINS and did not see any difference in speed.
You may also get better performance if you had
composite indexes (not just several individual field indexes) on the tables
that contain all of the columns used in each JOIN clause.  For example you
could have an index on user_intros with (user_id, lang_id) and the engine
won't have to read the table to check for either condition as they would
both be integer values that exist in an index.
I am already using composite indexes for every table with a lang_id field, 
like user_intros.

ALSO NOTE: there is no condition in the ON clause of loc_countries_lang
that relates that table to any other.  This means that for all values in
the veg table you will need to match one row from the loc_countries_lang
table that has lang_id=0. If there are more than one languages that match
that key, you will get multiple sets of matches.
Well, I was thinking, since this table will never really change, and there 
only a couple of hundred entries, I should just store this as an array and 
get the country name directly from the array. However, when I removed the 
loc_countries_lang table from the query, it was still slow, i.e. 3-5 seconds 
on production server.

Would changing the LEFT JOIN to an INNER JOIN improve things? It would be 
possible to change the logic such that the veg_titles table is used in an 
INNER JOIN instead, but when I tried that it was still very slow (3-5 
seconds). In this instance the EXPLAIN returned the following:

t ALL veg_lang_id NULL NULL NULL 76001 Using where; Using temporary; Using 

Every other table in the EXPLAIN returned one row with type eq_ref
Please, let me know if I helped or not, OK?
Yes, thank you for your response, however the respone time is still too 
slow. Now I'm thinking that maybe my underlying database structure is not 
correct. Am I joining too many tables? Is there anything else I can do 
before I try increasing the sort_buffer? Thanks.

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How to Speed this Query Up?

2004-07-08 Thread Doug V
A query which is constantly being run takes about 3 seconds when not cached, 
and I was wondering if there were any way to speed this up. There are 
several tables being joined and sorted by latest date with a LIMIT of 10. 
All fields being joined by are indexed. So I'm not sure what else I can do. 
The query and EXPLAIN are listed below. Based on the information below, is 
there anything I can do to speed this up? There are about 100K rows in the 
main veg table.

SELECT v.veg_name, v.veg_id, u.user_id, u.user_name, IFNULL( t.title_name, 
'Untitled' ) AS title_name, ctrl.country_name,
ctr.nice_country_name, te.equip_name, CONCAT( ui.first_name, ' ', 
ui.last_name ) AS full_name
FROM veg AS v, loc_countries AS ctr, loc_countries_lang AS ctrl, 
loc_districts AS d, loc_states AS s, users AS u, user_intros AS ui
LEFT JOIN veg_titles AS t ON v.veg_id = t.veg_id AND t.lang_id =0
LEFT JOIN tech_equip AS te ON v.equip_id = te.equip_id
WHERE d.lang_id =0 AND ctrl.lang_id =0 AND s.lang_id =0 AND ctr.country_id = 
ctrl.country_id AND d.district_id = s.district_id
AND ctr.country_id = d.country_id AND v.latest_version = 'Y' AND 
u.acct_status = 'Enabled' AND s.state_id = v.state_id
AND u.user_id = v.user_id AND v.cur_status = 'Active' AND u.user_id = 
ui.user_id AND ui.lang_id =0
ORDER BY v.date_submitted DESC
LIMIT 0 , 10

s ALL PRIMARY,district_id NULL NULL NULL 2457 Using where; Using temporary; 
Using filesort
d eq_ref PRIMARY,country_id PRIMARY 3 s.district_id,const 1
ctr eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 1 d.country_id 1
ctrl eq_ref PRIMARY,country_id PRIMARY 2 ctr.country_id,const 1
v ref state_id,user_id state_id 2 s.state_id 32 Using where
u eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 p.user_id 1 Using where
ui eq_ref uniq_user_lang_id uniq_user_lang_id 3 u.user_id,const 1
t eq_ref veg_lang_id veg_lang_id 4 v.veg_id,const 1
te eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 2 p.equip_id 1

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counting rows in all tables

2004-03-24 Thread doug
Not using perl or php I came up with:

mysqlshow -u user --status db_name | awk -F| '{print $2,$5}' | grep -i pattern

Is there a query to do the same thing?

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: revoke question

2004-03-17 Thread doug
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] seems to be a 4.1 form of the command
(I have 4.0.15) but adding '@localhost' did the trick. Thank you.

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004, Michael Stassen wrote:


  I was trying to allocate a new user and I typed something like:
grant all privileges on pail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'hill';

 Here you grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] all privileges on a table named pail.

  I realized I made a mistake needing to specify (at least) 'pail.*', intending to
  grant the user access to a database I created. So to clean up I tried:
revoke all privileges on mysql.pail from jill;
ERROR 1141: There is no such grant defined for user 'jill' on host '%'

 You didn't specify the host (localhost), so you got the default, which
 is %.  You don't have a user named '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', however, so you got an error.

  In the privilege tables there is an entry for the user in 'user' and an entry
  in 'tables_priv'. Nothing any where else. The entries look reasonable (to me).
  In user: all privileges='N';
  In pail:
Table_priv: Select,Insert,Update,Delete,Create,Drop,References,Index,Alter
  I assume this is my error and I can remove the two entries manually but I
  would like to know what I am doing wrong.

 You can clean up with


 then use

GRANT ALL ON pail.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'hill'

 to grant rights to the pail db.

  Douglas Denault


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Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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revoke question

2004-03-16 Thread doug
I was trying to allocate a new user and I typed something like:

  grant all privileges on pail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'hill';

I realized I made a mistake needing to specify (at least) 'pail.*', intending to
grant the user access to a database I created. So to clean up I tried:

  revoke all privileges on mysql.pail from jill;
  ERROR 1141: There is no such grant defined for user 'jill' on host '%'

In the privilege tables there is an entry for the user in 'user' and an entry
in 'tables_priv'. Nothing any where else. The entries look reasonable (to me).

In user: all privileges='N';
In pail:

  Table_priv: Select,Insert,Update,Delete,Create,Drop,References,Index,Alter

I assume this is my error and I can remove the two entries manually but I
would like to know what I am doing wrong.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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mysql in a jail

2004-03-03 Thread doug

I have a system running FreeBSD 4.9 four jails. MySQL is running in two of the
jails and I am trying to add it to a 3rd jail. Starting the server gets the

  040302 19:34:15  mysql started
  040302 19:34:15  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission denied
  040302 19:34:15  Do you already have another mysqld server running on socket:
   /tmp/mysql.sock ?
  040302 19:34:15  Aborting
  040302 19:34:15  /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown Complete
  040302 19:34:15  mysqld ended

The new jail was created by copying the file tree from a jail that had the
desired configuration and then doing clean-up as required. In response to the
error I tried configuring mysqld to use a different port and socket file. That
did not fix the problem. I had forgotten the other two mysql's are using port
3306 and /tmp/mysql.sock.

I next removed mysql and its dependencies and reinstalled mysql-server-4.0.16
using pkg_add. I am still getting the same error. At this point I think it is a
jail problem with something I missed in clean-up but I do not know where to look

Having done all this, I recalled in installing the 2nd MySQL jail, it was
necessary to remove and reinstall mysql. In that instance the re-installation
solved the problem.

Thanks for any ideas.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: mysql in a jail

2004-03-03 Thread doug
Thank you for the replies. Jail is a FreeBSD construction that provides a
chroot'ed environment that allows you to create another instance of the entire
OS. So in my case the physical server running the jails appears to the world
like 5 hosts. Each jail has its own IP and is running an independent version of
FreeBSD. The jail API layer keeps one instance of a jail from breaking into
jail. Only the /proc file system is shared. The kernel belongs to the base

I was hoping for a FreeBSD/mysql person who has traveled this road. Failing
that, is there some residual file that MySQL uses that could trigger this error?
I can tell for sure that:

  1) there is no mysql socket active
  2) there is no file /tmp/mysql.sock (in this jail).
  3) it is possible to do.

The only reason I have to suspect something in mysql is that I had to re-install
to get my second jail running mysql. The re-install did not work here but I did
not build the failing jail from scratch. Hence my thought that I left some
cruft behind. The reinstall should have cleared /usr/local of mysql files and
I cleared /var/db/mysql and /tmp by hand.

I think the MySQL question here is: Can a configuration error cause mysqld to
think a socket is open when in fact it is not?

On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Rhino wrote:

 Maybe you could explain what a jail is. In 20+ years doing systems work
 I've never heard that term mean anything but a place where criminals are
 locked up.


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:28 AM
 Subject: mysql in a jail

  I have a system running FreeBSD 4.9 four jails. MySQL is running in two of
  jails and I am trying to add it to a 3rd jail. Starting the server gets
040302 19:34:15  mysql started
040302 19:34:15  Can't start server : Bind on unix socket: Permission
040302 19:34:15  Do you already have another mysqld server running on
 /tmp/mysql.sock ?
040302 19:34:15  Aborting
040302 19:34:15  /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown Complete
040302 19:34:15  mysqld ended
  The new jail was created by copying the file tree from a jail that had the
  desired configuration and then doing clean-up as required. In response to
  error I tried configuring mysqld to use a different port and socket file.
  did not fix the problem. I had forgotten the other two mysql's are using
  3306 and /tmp/mysql.sock.
  I next removed mysql and its dependencies and reinstalled
  using pkg_add. I am still getting the same error. At this point I think it
 is a
  jail problem with something I missed in clean-up but I do not know where
 to look
  Having done all this, I recalled in installing the 2nd MySQL jail, it was
  necessary to remove and reinstall mysql. In that instance the
  solved the problem.
  Thanks for any ideas.
  Douglas Denault
  Voice: 301-469-8766
Fax: 301-469-0601
  MySQL General Mailing List
  For list archives:
  To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

MySQL General Mailing List
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Re: mysql in a jail

2004-03-03 Thread doug
Permissions   /\
 /  \
/o o \
Jeez - thank you; I was looking at all the esoteric stuff whilst the snake was
chewing on my leg. Thanks. Sockets are files(sorta). When I copied the file tree
/tmp was propagated without global write. Not a problem in the system I used as
a template because /tmp is a UFS there.


On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Michael Stassen wrote:

 This error usually occurs for one of two reasons:

 1. There is already a /tmp/mysql.sock.  You've ruled this out.

 2. The user mysqld runs as, typically mysql, does not have permission to
 write to /tmp.  Normally, you would want to `chmod 1777 /tmp`.  If
 that's not appropriate for a jail, just make sure that mysqld can write

 As far as I know, installing (or reinstalling) mysql should have no
 effect on /tmp permissions, so I would guess that the problem you had
 previously with the second jail was different.

 If it turns out that /tmp permissions are not the problem, take a look
 at the hostname.err (where hostname is the name of the machine from this
 jail's point of view) file in the data directory.  If the contents don't
 make sense to you, post them in a follow-up message.


Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Installer problem - Where did it go?

2004-01-22 Thread Doug Pinkerton
I'm a total newbie. I just ran the installer 
(mysql-standard-4.0.17.pkg) on my Mac (10.2.1). The installer ran 
correctly and said that it successfully installed the package. But I 
can't find it. It's not in Applications or Utilities. I actually read 
the Read Me file, which says that it's at /usr/local/msql. I could find 
no such path. I searched my local drive for all occurrences of mysql, 
but it found only those that occur within the Lasso package. Can 
someone help me out?


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improving join update

2004-01-18 Thread doug
My question is how to improve an update. I had a set of records from an external
source to add to a table. In the new data one of the key values was not known.
It turns out that another key can be matched to key values in the old data
(extracted to the table temp).

The relation between the keys can be seen by:

select distinct products.prodid,products.groupid,temp.groupid as newgid
   from products
   join temp on left(products.prodid,6)=left(temp.prodid,6)
   where products.groupid=999;

Where 999 was just an arbitrary value so I could enter the new data. The select
showed the mapping of left(prodid,6) -- groupid. In fact I had 49 values of
groupid I could set in the new data.

The update query I used:

update products join temp on left(products.prodid,6)=left(temp.prodid,6)
   set products.groupid=temp.groupid where products.groupid=999;

Clearly this query does not take advantage of the fact that left(prodid,6) --
groupid is a 1-to-1 mapping. It worked (after a while) because my data set was

My question is how would you make such a query scalable to larger sets of
records.  I know I could use the table generated in the select. Is there a way
in 4.0.x to do it in a single query. Can it be done with a subquery in 4.1?
Lastly is there a link/book/whatever where I can read about this kind of stuff?

Sorry this got kind of long.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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find duplicates

2004-01-13 Thread doug
The db in question is a shopping cart and I was looking for products I added
that might have been duplicated in another category. My first attempt that

select prodid,count(groupid) as cnt from products
  where (groupid=65 or groupid=66)
  group by imgsml order by cnt;

The thing wrong with this of course is that I wanted only the prodid's where
cnt1. Eventually:

select prodid,count(groupid) as cnt from products
  where (groupid=65 or groupid=66)
  group by imgsml having cnt1;

I.e. replacing order by with a having clause. After trying many variations; are
'order by' and 'having' mutually exclusive? If so - how would you order the
result table?

As always thank you for any thoughts  pointers.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: find duplicates

2004-01-13 Thread doug
blush ouch /blush

To Jimmy and Chris and the list in general. This list is particualiarly kind to
question of this nature. I for one appricate it. In this case it is amazing how
many wrong things I came up with.

On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, Chris Elsworth wrote:

 On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 02:03:26AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  select prodid,count(groupid) as cnt from products
where (groupid=65 or groupid=66)
group by imgsml having cnt1;
  I.e. replacing order by with a having clause. After trying many variations; are
  'order by' and 'having' mutually exclusive? If so - how would you order the
  result table?

 They shouldn't be, you just need to get the order right:

  select prodid,count(groupid) as cnt from products
where (groupid=65 or groupid=66)
group by imgsml having cnt1 order by cnt;

 Is perfectly valid syntax.


Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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inser woes

2004-01-12 Thread doug
This has to be something silly, but I can not see it. Any help greatly

use newshop;
insert into products set storeid=2, deptid=5, groupid=66, prodid='C2BUWS1028',
   prodtitle='bAntique Circle  6/20; 1/2inches-lg Pearl Buttons  Novelty 
   proddesc1='3 buttons per card; 1/2 inches', price=3.75,
   imgsml=C2BUWS1028.jpg, imgsmlwidth=105, imgsmlheight=105, discid=12;


ERROR 1109 at line 2: Unknown table 'C2BUWS1028' in field list

mysql explain products;
| Field| Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| storeid  | varchar(50)  |  | PRI | |   |
| deptid   | varchar(50)  |  | PRI | |   |
| groupid  | varchar(50)  |  | PRI | |   |
| prodid   | varchar(50)  |  | PRI | |   |

If I put all the col=value entries on one line it seems to work. I am generating a
bunch of these so I can format them in any manner that works. It seems that

  set col1=value1, col2=value2, ...

can not be continued Is this correct?

Thanks for any pointers

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
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Re: inser woes

2004-01-12 Thread doug

Thank you - my only defense - it was 04:00, I think I looked at it too
long and got hung up on the line 2.


On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Johan Hook wrote:

 Hi Doug,
 I think you need to quote imgsml=C2BUWS1028.jpg, like

 take care,


  This has to be something silly, but I can not see it. Any help greatly
  use newshop;
  insert into products set storeid=2, deptid=5, groupid=66, prodid='C2BUWS1028',
 prodtitle='bAntique Circle  6/20; 1/2inches-lg Pearl Buttons  Novelty 
 proddesc1='3 buttons per card; 1/2 inches', price=3.75,
 imgsml=C2BUWS1028.jpg, imgsmlwidth=105, imgsmlheight=105, discid=12;
  ERROR 1109 at line 2: Unknown table 'C2BUWS1028' in field list

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
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Updating table1 from table2

2003-12-18 Thread doug

I am new to MySQL and can not find how to do this. I am running 4.0.16. Table1
has the correct values for a common field. Table 2 (the real one) needs to be
updated from t1 via a common field.

Can this be done with joins. And if not what is the best way.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-469-8766
  Fax: 301-469-0601

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Re: mysql network security

2003-11-06 Thread Doug Clements
On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 11:41:54AM -0600, Andrew Falgout wrote:
 Does anyone know of a method for encrypting the network traffic to and from a mysql 
 database running on Redhat ES 2.1?  At the moment, only perl automation and php web 
 pages are accessing the database.

You could tunnel your connections over an ssh tunnel, or setup an ipsec tunnel.


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Re: mysql network security

2003-11-06 Thread Doug Clements
Well, you would only need to setup a single ssh tunnel. All your different apps could 
then use the single tunnel. You could even setup RSA authentication so that it could 
start manually with no password entering required. Have it automatically come up on 
boot, etc.

MySQL has no encryption built-in, as far as I know. I would be surprised if it did. 
The correct way would be to use an established mechanism for secure communications 
such as ssh or ipsec instead of re-implementing basically the same thing in the 
application. I would not so much recommend pptp. SSH would likely be much easier to 
setup (especially if you're already using unix-like machines on both the client and 
server) and definately more secure. IPSEC would also be significantly more difficult, 
but you wouldn't have to worry so much about the secure session going down.


On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 12:12:14PM -0600, Andrew Falgout wrote:
 Thanks for the quick response.  I've never setup an ipsec before.  I have
 been toying with the idea of using cipe to create a PPTP virtual network for
 the server to talk on.  But the time to work on this project has not
 presented itself as of yet.  I was wondering if there was an interface
 within mysql that would allow for encrypted traffic.  The majoroity of my
 connection are cron jobs doing automated tasks, an ssh connection feels
 icky. (Yes.. a technical term)
 - Original Message - 
 From: Doug Clements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Andrew Falgout [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 12:03 PM
 Subject: Re: mysql network security
  On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 11:41:54AM -0600, Andrew Falgout wrote:
   Does anyone know of a method for encrypting the network traffic to and
 from a mysql database running on Redhat ES 2.1?  At the moment, only perl
 automation and php web pages are accessing the database.
  You could tunnel your connections over an ssh tunnel, or setup an ipsec
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Re: Need help with oracledump (contributed program)

2003-09-02 Thread Doug Poland
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 11:09:02AM -0700, Martin Gainty wrote:
 I copied this from an SAP integration with Orace site
 5.5.3 tsnames.ora File
 the file
 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora must point to the listener (i.e., the
 TCP/IP port) on the database server. (ORACLE_HOME is the directory on Unix
 where Oracle is installed.) For example,
 Note: Do not use tabs in the file tnsnames.ora.
 *OracleDump is performed by (SID=ORCL)*
 Keep us apprised to your progress...
Hi Marty,

Thanks for following up.  I've created a tnsnames.ora file
in /usr/local/oracle/9.0.1/network/admin with the settings
appropriate to my host.  When I run the following commands:

  % setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle/9.0.1
  % oracledump -c -u myUser -p myPassword

I get the error message...

  % Can't call method do on an undefined value at /home/doug/bin/oracledump line 95.

When I run it with the -x switch I see...

Configuration: (remove --explain/-x option to run with this configuration)

  Database SID: VAPDEV
  Database user: myUser
  Database password: myPassword

  Tables: All tables
--default-databaseUse default database (VAPDEV)
--with-table-comments Include table comments
--with-column-commentsInclude column comments
--default-precision   Set to 18
--default-scale   Set to 0
--complete-insert Includes list of column names in insert statements

I'm not a perl guy and I'm not sure what to make of it other than the
variables $nls_date_format, $nls_time_format, $nls_timestamp_format
have data at run-time.

Thanks again for your help so far...


 Marty Gainty
 - Original Message -
 From: Doug Poland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 6:18 AM
 Subject: Re: Need help with oracledump (contributed program)
  On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 01:03:48PM +0100, Jim Smith wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to use the contributed program
oracledump in an environment where I don't have a login to
the *nix host running Oracle.  All my connectivity to the
Oracle host is via port 1521 and JDBC.
The oracle dump command seems to be looking for a SID in a
file called tnsnames.ora.  Those do not exist on the system I
am using.  Is it possible to still use oracledump in this
   I doubt it. It looks as if oracledump requires Oracle's network
   layer (SQL*Net) and unless you have that you can't do anything.
   The oracle thin JDBC driver implements SQL*Net for java only,
   but the other Oracle jdbc drivers require SQL*Net
  Thanks for the reply.  Looks like I'll have to roll my own in

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Re: Need help with oracledump (contributed program)

2003-09-02 Thread Doug Poland
On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 12:25:35PM +0100, Jim Smith wrote:
 A TNSNAMES file isn't going to help unless you have the Oracle
 client software installed. If you had the software, you would
 already have a tnsnames file.
Thanks all for your help.  I've found a free java-based application
(JOracleDump) and am modifying that to do what I need.


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Need help with oracledump (contributed program)

2003-09-01 Thread Doug Poland

I'm trying to figure out how to use the contributed program
oracledump in an environment where I don't have a login to the *nix
host running Oracle.  All my connectivity to the Oracle host is via
port 1521 and JDBC.

The oracle dump command seems to be looking for a SID in a file called
tnsnames.ora.  Those do not exist on the system I am using.  Is it
possible to still use oracledump in this case?  


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Re: Need help with oracledump (contributed program)

2003-09-01 Thread Doug Poland
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 01:03:48PM +0100, Jim Smith wrote:
  I'm trying to figure out how to use the contributed program
  oracledump in an environment where I don't have a login to the *nix
  host running Oracle.  All my connectivity to the Oracle host is via
  port 1521 and JDBC.
  The oracle dump command seems to be looking for a SID in a file called
  tnsnames.ora.  Those do not exist on the system I am using.  Is it
  possible to still use oracledump in this case?
 I doubt it. It looks as if oracledump requires Oracle's network layer
 (SQL*Net) and
 unless you have that you can't do anything.
 The oracle thin JDBC driver implements
 SQL*Net for java only, but the other Oracle jdbc drivers require SQL*Net
Thanks for the reply.  Looks like I'll have to roll my own in Java.


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RE: My SQL Search

2003-08-26 Thread Granzow, Doug (NIH/NCI)

 -Original Message-
 From: Nathan Simms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The problem is that I need my statement to search the 
 product_name and 
 description fields as well.  However when I add them to my 
 statement, it 
 doesn't work???
 The statment below does not work:
 SELECT product_id, company_name, product_name, url, description
   FROM product, company
 WHERE product.product_id = company.company_id AND
   company_name regexp '#FORM.query#' AND
   product_name regexp '#FORM.query#' AND
   description regexp '#FORM.query#'

Your 'AND' logic is faulty.  Try:

 SELECT product_id, company_name, product_name, url, description
FROM product, company
 WHERE product.product_id = company.company_id AND
( company_name regexp '#FORM.query#' OR
product_name regexp '#FORM.query#' OR
description regexp '#FORM.query#' )

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Re: join query result difference between 3.23.49 and 4.0.13

2003-07-17 Thread Doug Reese
hello victoria,

thanks for your response.  however, the real goal of my question still 
remains unanswered:  given my sample data, how would i find the balance on 
an invoice with one sql statement.  sure, i could query for the amount 
paid, then in a separate query subtract the result from the invoice total, 
but that seems like a step backwards.  is there a way to do what i was 
doing with v3.23, given the new NULL behavior?

thanks in advance.


At 02:53 PM 7/17/2003 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Victoria Reznichenko [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 17 juli 2003 10:33
Subject: Re: join query result difference between 3.23.49 and 4.0.13
Doug Reese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 query #2
 mysql SELECT billing.invoice, SUM(amount_paid) AS paid,
(billing.amount -
 SUM(amount_paid)) AS balance FROM billing LEFT JOIN billing_payment ON
 billing.invoice=billing_payment.invoice ) WHERE billing.invoice=10001
 BY billing_payment.invoice;
 | invoice | paid | balance |
 |   10001 | NULL |NULL |
 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

 NULL values in this result are not expected, nor are they helpful in
 determining the invoice balance.
It's correct result. Since 4.0.13 SUM() returns NULL if there is no rows
in the result or if all values are NULL (as in your case).
And SELECT billing.amount - NULL also returns NULL.

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Warning: thr_alarm queue is full errors and panic with invalid backtrace

2003-07-17 Thread Doug Clements
I'm running mysql in a 3 server configuration, with 2 servers being slaves
to the first. I'm running vpopmail, which means a connection every incoming
mail and every check. I woke up this morning to a mysql that wasn't
answering connections, and that had left this in the log:

030716 13:48:06  InnoDB: Started
mysqld got signal 11;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help
the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely
and this may fail.

Fatal signal 11 while backtracing
030716 13:48:07  mysqld restarted

Before this, I got thousands of these:
Warning: thr_alarm queue is full

I checked the logs of the other 2 replication clients, and they also had the
alarm queue error, and were also sucking up large resources. I was not able
to connect to them, either.

Before those, both replication clients had this logged:
030716 13:42:45  Slave: received 0 length packet from server, apparent
master shutdown:
030716 13:42:45  Slave I/O thread: Failed reading log event, reconnecting to
retry, log 'courtney-bin.016' position 38236125
030716 13:42:45  Slave I/O thread: error reconnecting to master
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306': Error: 'Can't connect to MySQL
server on 'ip-address-changed' (61)'  errno: 2003  retry-time: 10  retries:

I'm not sure what is triggering this. I was hoping the backtrace might help
on that, but crashing while getting a backtrace isn't exactly promising. I
have dome some small amount of tuning, which involves setting the
max_connections to 500 and max_connect_errors to 50, on all machines. The
binary log on the master server is rotated nightly and kept around for about
a week.

Unknown. I restarted all 3 mysqld processes and it seems to be going ok now.

Submitter-Id: submitter ID
Originator: User 

MySQL support: none
Synopsis: Warning: thr_alarm queue is full errors and panic with invalid
Severity: serious
Priority: medium
Category: mysql
Class: sw-bug
Release: mysql-4.0.13 (FreeBSD port: mysql-server-4.0.13_1)
Server: /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.0.13, for
portbld-freebsd4.8 on i386
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version 4.0.13-log
Protocol version 10
Connection Localhost via UNIX socket
UNIX socket /tmp/mysql.sock
Uptime: 23 min 12 sec

Threads: 11  Questions: 37671  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 42  Flush tables: 1
Open tables: 36  Queries per second avg: 27.062
C compiler:2.95.4
C++ compiler:  2.95.4

System: FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE #2:
Fri Jun 20 11:39:35 PDT 2003
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/COURTNEY  i386

Some paths:  /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc
GCC: Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD]
Compilation info: CC='cc'  CFLAGS='-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer'

CXXFLAGS='-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors -fno-rt
ti -fno-exceptions'  LDFLAGS=''  ASFLAGS=''
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1223544 Jun 20 14:26 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  9 Jun 20 14:26 /usr/lib/ -
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  577872 Jun 20 14:26 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--localstatedir=/var/db/mysql'
'--without-debug' '--without-readline' '--without-bench'
'--without-extra-tools' '--with-libwrap' '--with-mysqlfs' '--with-vio'
'--with-low-memory' '--with-comment=FreeBSD port: mysql-server-4.0.13_1'
'--enable-thread-safe-client' '--enable-assembler' '--with-berkeley-db'
'--prefix=/usr/local' '--build=i386-portbld-freebsd4.8'
CFLAGS=-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 'CXX=cc'
'build_alias=i386-portbld-freebsd4.8' 'CC=cc'
'CXXFLAGS=-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors -fno-rt
ti -fno-exceptions'
Perl: This is perl, version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd

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join query result difference between 3.23.49 and 4.0.13

2003-07-16 Thread Doug Reese

i have what seems to me a very common operation i'm performing.  i need to 
find the balance on an invoice.  i was not having any problems until the 
production server was upgraded to mysql v4.0.13-standard for 
pc-linux.  there must be a better way to query for this information than 
the method i'm using, since the result with v4.0 is not what i expected, 
nor what i received with v3.23.  i'm including sample data and queries with 
my results.  i've not been able to find any relevant messages in the list 
archives.  any comments are greatly appreciated.

here's the table structure and some sample data:

CREATE TABLE `billing` (
  `invoice` mediumint(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `user_id` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',
  `invoice_date` date NOT NULL default '-00-00',
  `amount` float NOT NULL default '0',
  `timestamp` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`invoice`),
  KEY `user_id` (`user_id`),
  KEY `user_invoice` (`user_id`,`invoice`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='invoices';
INSERT INTO `billing` VALUES (1, 1, '2003-07-01', '500', 20030716092700);
INSERT INTO `billing` VALUES (10001, 1, '2003-07-03', '600', 20030716092807);

CREATE TABLE `billing_payment` (
  `invoice` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',
  `amount_paid` mediumint(9) NOT NULL default '0',
  `payment_status` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
  `pending_reason` varchar(15) default NULL,
  `payment_date` date default NULL,
  `txn_id` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `timestamp` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
  KEY `txn_id` (`txn_id`),
  KEY `invoice` (`invoice`)
) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='payments on invoices';
INSERT INTO `billing_payment` VALUES (1, 500, 'Completed', NULL, 
'2003-07-02', '112233', 20030716092746);

here are the queries and results.  note that query #1 gives the expected 
(and desired) result on both versions, but query #2 only gives the expected 
(and useful) result in v3.23.  to give a brief explanation of the 
difference between the queries: invoice 1 has a payment against it, 
while invoice 10001 has no payment records in the payment table.

=== v3.23.49

query #1
mysql SELECT billing.invoice, SUM(amount_paid) AS paid, (billing.amount - 
SUM(amount_paid)) AS balance FROM billing LEFT JOIN billing_payment ON ( 
billing.invoice=billing_payment.invoice ) WHERE billing.invoice=1 GROUP 
BY billing_payment.invoice;
| invoice | paid | balance |
|   1 |  500 |   0 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

query #2
mysql SELECT billing.invoice, SUM(amount_paid) AS paid, (billing.amount - 
SUM(amount_paid)) AS balance FROM billing LEFT JOIN billing_payment ON ( 
billing.invoice=billing_payment.invoice ) WHERE billing.invoice=10001 GROUP 
BY billing_payment.invoice;
| invoice | paid | balance |
|   10001 |0 | 600 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

=== v4.0.13

query #1
mysql SELECT billing.invoice, SUM(amount_paid) AS paid, (billing.amount - 
SUM(amount_paid)) AS balance FROM billing LEFT JOIN billing_payment ON ( 
billing.invoice=billing_payment.invoice ) WHERE billing.invoice=1 GROUP 
BY billing_payment.invoice;
| invoice | paid | balance |
|   1 |  500 |   0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

query #2
mysql SELECT billing.invoice, SUM(amount_paid) AS paid, (billing.amount - 
SUM(amount_paid)) AS balance FROM billing LEFT JOIN billing_payment ON ( 
billing.invoice=billing_payment.invoice ) WHERE billing.invoice=10001 GROUP 
BY billing_payment.invoice;
| invoice | paid | balance |
|   10001 | NULL |NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

NULL values in this result are not expected, nor are they helpful in 
determining the invoice balance.

thanks again for any suggestions,


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2003-07-10 Thread Doug Wolfgram
Is there any easy way to create this type of QUERY?

I am trying to get a list of usernames from table A who do NOT have a 
linked record in Table B.


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2003-07-09 Thread Doug Wolfgram
I am familiar with regex in general, but here is what I want to do...

I have a field that contains 6 actual data items separated by the | symbol. 
Like this...


What I need to do is build a list of distinct values between each pipe, so 
that I get 5 arrays of values, one array for each of the drop-down boxes I 
want to create.

The select statement I need needs to say...

Give me a distinct entries matching any character up to the first | 
character. Or between the first and second |char, etc.

Is there a way to do this with regex?


Interactive Media that WORKS.
Doug Wolfgram
GRAFX Group, Inc.

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Re: Passwords don't work in a WinME installation?

2003-04-01 Thread Doug Thompson
It is all disinformation to confuse Micro$oft.   8-)

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003 09:45:09 -0700, Martin Gainty wrote:

Michael et al-
I am trying to locate ONE working MySQL example for windows. Is this a myth
or is there WORKING source example out there somewhere?
- Original Message -
From: Michael Shulman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: Passwords don't work in a WinME installation?

Start reading here:

and read to 4.2.10.

Two tips I found useful:
1. The current_user() function tells you what MySQL user name it thinks that
you are. This can be used to verify if you are an authenticated user.
mysql SELECT current_user();

2. Remove unneeded rows from the user table. For my installation, I removed
all rows except 'root' logging in on the local machine:

mysql use mysql;
mysql delete from user where user != 'root';
mysql delete from user where host != 'localhost';
mysql flush privileges;
mysql select user, password, host from user;
| user  | host  | password |
| root  | localhost |  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

If you have a line that has an empty username or % for hostname, this will
make diagnosing your security issues difficult.


-Original Message-
From: Helge Moulding [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2003 11:02 PM
Subject: Passwords don't work in a WinME installation?

I'm learning the ropes with MySQL. I've got it installed on a WinME

system, and one of the first things I've noticed is that it doesn't

seem to care about users. Is that correct? In particular, I've tried

out the GRANT command to create a new user, but MySQL doesn't seem

to recognize the new user. Here's what happens:

C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysqld

C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysql

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 1 to server version: 4.0.12-max-debug

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql create database dummy;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.44 sec)

mysql grant select on dummy.* to [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by 'blah';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.28 sec)

mysql quit


C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysqladmin flush-privileges

C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysql -u dumdum -p dummy

Enter password: 

ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

C:\Program Files\mysql40\bin

I've tried to be very careful to make sure that the password is correct :-)

I don't know if the fault lies in using localhost instead of

for the host part of the user. I'd have thought that localhost and would be synonymous...

However, if I try to mess with any kind of passwords, I get difficulties.

For example, I don't get to set a password for root:

C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysqladmin -u root password temp

C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysql -u root

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 6 to server version: 4.0.12-max-debug

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


Notice that mysql let user root in without asking for a password, even

though I used mysqladmin to set a password. (In the book I'm using,

MySQL Visual Quickstart Guide by Ullman, the password is supposed to

be in single quotes, but in the mysqladmin help output, there are no

quotes. I've tried it both ways, and neither has the expected effect.)

I used winmysqladmin, which prompted me for a user name and password.

But mysql lets me in without giving a password for that user, either.

For that matter, mysql will let in any user, even if they haven't been

created by any method I know of:

C:\Program Files\mysql40\binmysql -u nooneknowsme

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 9 to server version: 4.0.12-max-debug

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


What's going on here? Is the password stuff broken, or is it the fault

of me working on Windows ME?


Helge Moulding

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Just another guy  with a weird name

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RE: UPDATE syntax help

2003-03-23 Thread Doug Thompson
Very close.

Only one table may be updated per UPDATE statement.


On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 00:52:59 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I may be way off base here but - why do you reference IMPORT_USERS in your
UPDATE statement? You aren't updating any columns in that table.



 -Original Message-
 From: MySQL [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 12 March 2003 22:33
 To: MySQL
 Subject: UPDATE syntax help
 Hi all,  I am having a little UPDATE syntax issue.  According 
 to the manual
 should work (as I understand it ;-)  but I get the error
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' IMPORT_USERS
 IMPO' at line 1
 I did note in the comments section at the bottom someone else with
 same/similar problem, but have been unable to find a thread 
 in the mail
 archive.  My apologies if this has been dealt with already, 
 or a workaround
 MySQL 3.23.51-nt on a Win2K box
 MyODBC 3.51
 Jeff Creed
 (0417) 797 592

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Remove -?

2003-03-03 Thread Doug Coning
Hi all,

I want to take the data in a column, modify and then set it into another
column.  In specific, I want to remove the dash from our Product ID column
and place it in another column without the dash.

For instance, a ProdID may be 'SK-22'.  I want to take this value from
ProdID and place it as 'SK22' into ProdKeywords column for the same record.

How would I go about removing the '-' and placing the remainder in the
ProdKeywords column.

Thank you,

Doug Coning

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Re: selected

2003-02-28 Thread Doug Thompson
PHP Database Mailing List (

Mostly MySQL with a smattering of other db's from time to time.


On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 13:30:40 -, Andrew wrote:

Using MySQL and PHP

PS. Do any of you knw of a forum specifically out there for PHP and MySQL?


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Re: Create table, wrong datatype

2003-02-12 Thread Doug Thompson

Because you have a variable length column type (text) in the row, mysql
changes char() types  to varchar.  This behavior is discussed in the
manual in Silent Column Change Specifications under CREATE TABLE.

If the stored length of these columns is an issue, you can move the
variable length fields to another table.  However, the varchar() type
reduces storage requirements without a performance penalty.  If the
retrieved/displayed length is the issue, you can use the LPAD or RPAD
functions as appropriate.


On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 09:21:31 +0100, Ulla Wensman wrote:


When I run this script the char-fields is converted to
varchar. Row-format is dynamic. I think it is because i have a text-field in
script. When I change the text field to somthing else I got the datatype
char in the char-columns. I have tried to alter the colums to char but it
doesn't work.
How do I get around this problem?

I use mysql-3.23.55-win and win2000.

Regards Ulla

#   Table: BasAtgard
create table BasAtgard
AtgIdint   not null,
ArbBeskrId   int   not null,
Rubrik   char(40)  null,
Beskrivning  text  null,
VardeTillBakasmallint  not null,
RegDatum datetime  null,
RegAvchar(20)  null,
AndradDatum  datetime  null,
AndradAv char(20)  null,
Raknare  int   null,


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Robot Replies (WAS: Re: support question (win98_se) (auto))

2003-02-10 Thread Doug Thompson
Am I the only one that equates these robot replies with spam?  Most of
them are as meaningful as talking to micro$oft.

Yeah, I filter them on input and they go to trash, but silence can be
taken as consent which might be construed as endorsement.  Who knows
what would come next?

My $0.02,


On Fri, 07 Feb 2003 19:17:25 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm not sure if you have checked the manual yet, but following
links seem to be somewhat related to your query:


This was an automated response to your email 'support question (win98_se)'.
Final search keyword used to query the manual was 'support  (win98_se)'.

Comming soon...
  * Support for mysql archives

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Re: batch

2003-02-10 Thread Doug Thompson
On Sun, 9 Feb 2003 16:24:03 -0700, Pamela Hart wrote:

My question is this: I need to input data from a .sql file into an 
existing and empty database I have created.

I type this into terminal at the main command line: mysql -uUser 
database_name  filename.sql.

I keep getting an error message that says no such file or directory 

I have tried every version of this command I can think of, including 
from within the mysql console.

Where is filename.sql located?
To use the .sql file as input as this command is written requires that
the file be in the same directory as the mysql program.

You can specify a relative or absolute path to filename.sql such as

../sql/filename.sql  or


Please help.

Hope this does.


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CREATE TABLE, NOT NULL fields, and empty strings

2003-02-07 Thread Doug Beyer
I attempted to search various places for my answer but with no luck. So I'm posting 

I create the following table:

create table t1 ( id varchar(5) not null, name varchar(5) not null );

I insert the following row:

insert into t1 ( id ) values ( 1234 );

I do the following selects:

select count(*) from t1 where name is null; -- Result = 0

select count(*) from t1 where name = ;-- Result = 1

1) Why did the insert succeed since the name field is not null and I didn't provide 
a value?
2) Why does MySql think it's correct to substitute an empty string for a non-provided 

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Re: Is it my English or does this sound bad?

2003-02-06 Thread Doug Thompson
I love it!!!  8-))

You are correct that it does sound a bit rude, even when English is
your first language and you stop to think about it.  However, what the
statement means is identical to The sex of the animal can be
represented... and it is acceptable grammar.

Thanks for making my day.


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 15:58:21 +1300, Defryn, Guy wrote:

I was just reading through the Mysql manual section 3.32
And came across a sentence that started like this

Animal sex can be represented in a variety of ways

My mother tongue is not English but doesn't it sound rude ? :-)

mysql CREATE TABLE pet (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20),
- species VARCHAR(20), sex CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE);

VARCHAR is a good choice for the name, owner, and species columns
because the column values will vary in length. The lengths of those
columns need not all be the same, and need not be 20. You can pick any
length from 1 to 255, whatever seems most reasonable to you. (If you
make a poor choice and it turns out later that you need a longer field,
MySQL provides an ALTER TABLE statement.) 

Animal sex can be represented in a variety of ways, for example, m and
f, or perhaps male and female. It's simplest to use the single
characters m and f.


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Re: Deleting a database in Mysql

2003-02-06 Thread Doug Thompson


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 22:50:25 +0800, Calvin Lam wrote:


I am a newbie with this and I need help with Mysql

How can I delete a database in Mysql


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Re: MySql, PHP and Javascript

2003-01-31 Thread Doug Thompson


On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 08:27:11 +, Steve Davies wrote:

Is it possible to mix javascript and PHP in the same script??

Certainly.  Exactly as HTML and PHP are intermingled in a document.

I have a number of web based apps written in PHP/MySql and while they 
are functionally pretty good they are aesthetically garbage. I'll like 
to pretty up the interfaces with rollovers etc, but haven't got time to 
learn JS properly especially if I have to completly re-write the 

Using PHP to enhance javascript's functionality doesn't eliminate the
need to know javascript.

Any help greatly appreciated

Your inquiry will receive more detailed help on one of the lists at


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Re: restart or not?

2003-01-29 Thread Doug Thompson

On 29 Jan 2003 07:05:29 +0800, Jon Miller wrote:

When granting someone permissions are these permissions dynamic or do I
have to reload mysql?
Also we have a developer who stated he cannot access the database
remotely.  I've granted him privileges as follows since he works on the
entire system both locally and remotely. There is only one database in
the system. I've set a password for access to the system also.

grant all privileges on *.* to joseph@% identified by 'his_password'
with grant option;

grant all privileges on *.* to joseph@localhost identified by
'his_password' with grant option;

GRANT RELOAD,PROCESS ON *.* TO joseph@localhost;

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO joseph@localhost;

MMT Networks Pty Ltd

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Re: cannot access mysql and see privileges

2003-01-29 Thread Doug Thompson
You need to include the (correct) Root password in mysql_connect(h,u,p)

On 29 Jan 2003 07:42:37 +0800, Jon Miller wrote:

Warning: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: NO)
in /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/ on line 255

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Access denied for user:
'root@localhost' (Using password: NO) in
/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/ on line 255

MySQL said: Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password:

Also I get an error message when trying to show grants privileges using:
show grants;

MMT Networks Pty Ltd
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Re: Adding a user problem

2003-01-27 Thread Doug Thompson
Assuming you logging in from the same server on which mysqld is
running, you need a dmiller@localhost user.  The % wildcard is valid
only for tcp connections.  This is thoroughly explained in the MySQL
manual, chapter 4.3.5.


On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:03:35 -0500, Devin Miller wrote:

I am pretty new to mysql and have been teaching myself slowly how to use it.
I am however stuck on a problem. I login to mysql as user root and created a
database named devin. I then issue the following commands:

ON devin.*
TO dmiller@%

The command returns a Query ok and 0 rows affected. However, when I try to
login with dmiller (mysql -u dmiller -p) I get a 1045 Access denied error. I
have triple checked spelling and such and it looks good as far as I know.
Any Ideas? Thanks a lot in advance for your help. Btw I am using MySQL ver.

Devin Miller

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Re: MySQl and webpages

2003-01-26 Thread Doug Thompson
For decent explanations of concepts and practicalities, try
and more specifically

There are also good and more advanced tutorials at

These are superficial scratches on the surface for web-based tutorials.


On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 11:00:18 -, Scott Lewis wrote:

As you can tell - very new to Mysql.

I was wondering, has anyone some links to howto or even better examples of
databases and webpages that I can install, and see the web interaction with
webpages  and  a mysql database.

Looking at going down that road as exaaples would help.


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Re: Safe to delete duplicate root user? Any users?

2003-01-24 Thread Doug Thompson
You state that you searched the web and the documentation, but did you
search the MySQL manual?

4.2 General Security Issues and the MySQL Access Privilege System

4.3 MySQL User Account Management

And, specifically, read
4.3.5 Adding New Users to MySQL

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 18:15:00 -0500, Robert K S wrote:

I have just set up MySQL and the phpmyadmin script and I would like to add 
some users and do some other administrative tasks to assure security.  Above 
all, I want to make sure no user (or php script) will have access to any 
databases without a user name and password.

Right now if I look at the list of users, I see:
Any hostname
root hostname
Any localhost
root localhost

1. What's the difference between hostname users and localhost users?  Why 
are there two?  Is one of them safe to delete?  If so, which one (hostname 
or localhost)?  (If it's of any relevance, I only plan on accessing the 
databases through SSH sessions to the host machine on which the MySQL server 
is running, and through PHP scripts also running on the same host machine.
2. If there IS a difference, when I create new users, do I need to create 
two of each?  I.e.,

newuser1 hostname
newuser1 localhost

3. What's the deal with the Any users?  Why do they exist?  Can I delete 
them?  Like I said, I don't want anyone to have access to the databases 
without a MySQL username and password.

I've searched the documentation and the web for answers, but I can't seem to 
find what I'm looking for.  Thanks to you if you can help, and you rock.

All the best,
Robert K S

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Re: High list latency?

2003-01-24 Thread Doug Thompson
You mean like your inquiry which took 8:01:27 between the time you sent
it and when it hit my mail server?


On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 20:44:56 -0800, Jeremy Zawodny wrote:

Is anyone else seeing it take 4-8 hours for mail to get thru this list

Jeremy D. Zawodny |  Perl, Web, MySQL, Linux Magazine, Yahoo!

MySQL 4.0.8: up 5 days, processed 145,791,837 queries (323/sec. avg)

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Re: Is this possible?

2003-01-23 Thread Doug Coning

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: Is this possible?

 Your message cannot be posted because it appears to be either spam or
 simply off topic to our filter. To bypass the filter you must include
 one of the following words in your message:


 If you just reply to this message, and include the entire text of it in
 reply, your reply will go through. However, you should
 first review the text of the message to make sure it has something to do
 with MySQL. Just typing the word MySQL once will be sufficient, for

 You have written the following:

 I am trying to merge the results of multiple columns into 1 column or
 group them and sort them.

 So if I had a table with 4 fields: Cat1, Cat2, Cat3,  Cat4 like such:

 | Cat1| Cat2 | Cat3| Cat4 |
 |  F |   A   | |   A   |
 |  D |   C   |   H   |   A   |
 |  G | | | |
 |  F  |   B   |   I |   A   |

 It would select all the values, merge them into 1 column, group them, and
 sort them like such so that the result would be a single column, returning
 only 1 instance of each returned value:

 | Result |
 | A |
 | B |
 | C |
 | D |
 | F |
 | G |
 | H |
 |  I |

 Is there as singe Select command that can do this?  Right now I am using a
 temporary table where I first clear out the values, then copy each column
 one at a time over into the tables...  It works, however, I was wondering
 there is an easier way to get the single column result with all the merged
 information without having to use a temporary table...


 Doug Coning

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Is this possible?

2003-01-23 Thread Doug Coning
Is this possible in MySQL without using a temporary table with multiple SQL

I am trying to SELECT the results of multiple columns into 1 column or
group them and sort them.

So if I had a table with 4 fields: Cat1, Cat2, Cat3,  Cat4 like such:

| Cat1| Cat2 | Cat3| Cat4 |
|  F |   A   | |   A   |
|  D |   C   |   H   |   A   |
|  G | | | |
|  F  |   B   |   I |   A   |

It would select all the values, merge them into 1 column, group them, and
sort them like such so that the result would be a single column, returning
only 1 instance of each returned value:

| Result |
| A |
| B |
| C |
| D |
| F |
| G |
| H |
|  I |

Is there as singe Select command that can do this?  Right now I am using a
temporary table where I first clear out the values, then copy each column
one at a time over into the tables...  It works, however, I was wondering if
there is an easier way to get the single column result with all the merged
information without having to use a temporary table...


Doug Coning

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Re: Financial packages

2003-01-21 Thread Doug Thompson
You might find something at


On Tue, 21 Jan 2003 00:06:32 -0800, Ed Reed wrote:

Does anyone have a list of manufactures of financial packages that will run with 
We need to move from Intuit Quickbooks to something that can potentially scale to as 
many as 200 users. Greatplains and Solomon appear to only run on SQLServer. 

Any suggestions or past upgrade experiences would be great.

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Re: checking permissions and users in mysql

2003-01-21 Thread Doug Thompson

On 22 Jan 2003 06:50:27 +0800, Jon Miller wrote:

 Is there a way to check or view in mysql what permissions users have to certain
MMT Networks Pty Ltd

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Group By

2003-01-20 Thread Doug Coning
Hi everyone,

I want to run a query that will combine the results of 5 columns into 1
column, and then group them by similar results so that only 1 instance is

I currently have the following query:

SELECT Category
FROM gs_Products
GROUP BY Category

How would I modify this query to return all the items from Category,
Category2, Category3, Category4 and Category5 and then group them all by

Thank you,

Doug Coning

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Re: view privileges

2003-01-16 Thread Doug Thompson
SELECT * from mysql.tables_priv where Table_name = 'myTable';
You will probably have to log on as 'root' unless you have created
another user with the same privileges.

The mysql GRANTs system is used to control USER privileges.  This means
that for a given table you can view which users can perform what
operations on that table.  The same holds true of databases and columns
within tables.

If you have never issued table-specific GRANT statements, then there
will be no entries in the mysql.tables_priv table.  That is because you
have been granting database-wide access to all table functions (Select,
Insert, Update, Delete, Create, Drop, Grant, References, Index, Alter)
for all users.  This is not a good idea.  

If you want to find out to which users you have been granting all these
table-wide privileges, look at the mysql.db table,  SELECT * from
mysql.db where db='mydb';

The above is a very superficial description of the mysql Access
Privilege system.  You need to read a lot more in the manual in section
4.2, General Security Issues and the MySQL Access Privilege System.


On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 01:15:03 -0600, Addison Ellis wrote:

   how can i view privileges for a table in a db? thank you, addison

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Confirmation of SELECT...IN syntax

2003-01-15 Thread Doug Beyer
It's my understanding that embedded selects are NOT allowed in MySql. Is this correct?


SELECT t1.* 
FROM table1 t1 
WHERE ( t1.Id IN ( SELECT t2.Id FROM table2 t2 ) )

Doug Beyer
SAS Research and Development
503-617-7103 (Portland)
SAS... The Power to Know

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Re: Password problem

2003-01-15 Thread Doug Thompson
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003 11:00:21 -0600, Neil Aggarwal wrote:


As the root user, I created a new database and user account:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON newsletter.* TO newsletter IDENTIFIED BY 'testPass';

I then tried to access the databse via the command-line client:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u newsletter -ptestPass newsletter

And I get this error:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'newsletter@localhost' (Using password:

I checked that mysql has it set-up correctly in the user and db tables
by logging in as the root account.

select * from user give me this line:
| %  | newsletter | 61fa73f50740c213 | N   |
N   | N   | N   | N   | N | N
| N | N| N | N  | N   |
N  | N

select * from db gives me this line:
| %  | newsletter | newsletter | Y   | Y
| Y   | Y   | Y   | Y | N  | Y
| Y  | Y  |

Any ideas?

See Chapter 4.3.5 of the mysql manual.
Note that we must issue GRANT statements for both monty@localhost and



Neil Aggarwal
JAMM Consulting, Inc.(972) 612-6056,
Custom Internet DevelopmentWebsites, Ecommerce, Java, databases

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Re: Beginners Running problems

2003-01-11 Thread Doug Thompson
To paraphrase Yogi Berra: You can see an awful lot just by looking.


-- For Happy Filters, use SQL, query

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 12:50:29 -, alan.keith.simons wrote:


I have installed a downloaded version of mysql on my pc but am experiencing
problems when I try to run the MySQL monitor.

From the command line:-


when I type in mysql to activate the monitor, I get the error message:

   ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySql server on 'localhost' (10061)

I cannot seem to find a solution to this problem on your site.

Best regrads

Alan Simons

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Re: Book recomendations

2003-01-08 Thread Doug Thompson

Go look in the section where they keep the O'Reilly books and pick up
MySQL Cookbook by Paul DuBois ISBN 0-596-00145-2.

It is fair to say that Paul has an above average grasp of the topic. 
He is often quoted on this list.


On Wed, 08 Jan 2003 08:34:18 -0500, Charles Mabbott wrote:

I got a gift certificate for book store.  I am looking for good MySql
books with reference, examples, etc?  Anyone have some ideas on good 
books to look at


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Re: Fatal error

2002-12-29 Thread Doug Thompson
1.  This is a PHP syntax question.
2.  The PHP manual gives a specific example in the MySQL Functions.

$link =  mysql_connect(localhost, webuser, webpass)


On Sun, 29 Dec 2002 20:11:14 +0200, Pikasz Gyorgy wrote:

Hi all!!!
Red Hat 7.3, MySQL, PHP
I tried to connect to MySQL server with my login name and password, with the
next command in my php's file:
  mysql_connect(localhost, webuser, webpass)
In the mysql.user table exist webuser/webpass and in mysql.db table too for
an specified database.
...then appear the next error and I don't understand why:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in
/var/www/html/vk/vk.php on line 11



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