Re: [mythtv-users] pass info for job queue status

2005-10-28 Thread Brad Benson
On 10/28/05, WiFi Fun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am working on a myth2ipod/portable script with some great help froma few others. I need some direction as to where to look for an exampleof providing progress information so that  the backend status onmythweb and system info can display progress. After poring through
scripts, I am stumped as to where to look for doing this. It would begreat to send a percentage complete, or fps of the encoding process sothe user can monitor this.
Some time again I made a few modifications to nuvexport to support
updating of the status when running user jobs.  I don't currently
have access to those mods as the machine holding them is currently down
so I can't really give many specifics at the moment.  However,
when you view the status of a job in mythweb and it shows percentage
complete, FPS, etc what it is displaying to you is the value in the
comment field of the jobqueue table in mysql.  So any status
information you want to pass to other apps should be inserted into
mythconverg.jobqueue.comment for the job it pertains to.

If the app you're writing is in C++ I believe you will find some
methods to update this field in jobqueue.cpp (don't recall offhand
where that file lives in the source tree).  If your app isn't in
C++ then you'll probably have to write your own methods to access the
DB and update that field.

Hope that helps,
Brad Benson

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Controlling a cable box that outputs only on a single channel.

2005-10-11 Thread Brad Benson
On 10/11/05, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a strange predicament, or at least I haven't stumbled upon
anyone else with it yet. I have a Scientific Atlanta 4200HD box. I am
using the cable out on the back of my cable box and it goes into my
second tuner card (PVR-250). Here's the problem:

The cable box's cable out only broadcasts on channel 3. So when
Myth has a listing for lets say... channel 5, it tunes from 3 to 5. Now
it only picks up static, however for it to work, it needs to stay tuned
on 3. The cable box can be on whatever channel needs to be recorded,
that's why I bought an IR Blaster, but getting that to work is a
problem for later. I hope most, or at least all of this, made sense.

When you run mythtv-setup and configure your capture cards you need to
tell myth not to change channels on the tuner that's connected to your
cable box.  I believe this setting is in the Input Connections
section.  You select Tuner0 for the 250 and tell it which source
is connected to that input.  There is a box towards the bottom of
that screen where you can enter an external channel changer
command.  This is where you put the full path to the script you'll
use to control the IR blaster and change channels on the cable
box.  Just below that there is a box labelled something like
'Preset tuner to channel'.  You want to enter 3 in that box. 
It tells myth to set its tuner to channel 3 whenever it uses that
input.  Obviously, you'll also need to get the IR blaster working
so myth can actually change the channel on the cable box.

As another alternative, you could use composite or s-video cables to
connect the cable box to the pvr-250.  This would completely
bypass the tuner on the 250 and prevent this problem, but you'll still
need to configure the external channel changing.

Hope that helps,

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: (Ciaran) - New MythMusic Theme - 4 Bins

2005-10-07 Thread Brad Benson
On 10/7/05, Graeme Hilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ciaran wrote:> Hmm, perhaps my usage is strange behaviour then.  Effectively I'd like> it to 'use up' items on a playlist, so its busy playing random songs,> then I enqueue a song to play next, then one after, and then one after
> that, once its played one song on the 'queued' list it then plays the> next, then the next, but after that one, the 'queued' list is played> out and it just goes back to playing whatever it was going to do
> before, either part of a playlist or general random play.>> Often I'll have set up the playlist to play say some 'Muse', then> someone says, oh I was listening to this great track the other night,
> have you got  'Hey jude' . ...clickity click, hey jude comes up ,> plays through and then it automatically goes back to the 'muse'> playlist,>> But perhaps no-one else wants behaviour like this, and I just need to
> re-train myself ;)You're not the only person who would want this functionality.  It sounds like something I would use a lot of the time.Agreed. 
I would love something like this as well.  In fact, the software I
used before I built my Myth box had this exact functionality and it was
great for parties and similar gatherings.  When I use MythMusic
for parties no one really touches the playlist, they just bitch to me
if they don't like something that's playing and then I have to go
adjust the playlist.  This queueing functionality would be great
as it would let anyone add songs to the playlist very easily.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Comcast being coy?

2005-10-07 Thread Brad Benson
On 10/7/05, Steve Adeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does comcast charge a DVR fee on top of the box charge?
No, I don't believe they do - just the $10/month for the DVR box.  

One other thing I forgot to mention about the craptasticness of the Comcast HD-DVR:

It apparently also requires a box at the head-end to function
correctly.  Last week the cable was out at my sister's place for
about 2 hours.  So we figured no big deal, we'll just watch
something that's already recorded. NOPE.  Turn on the TV and DVR
and what do we see?  A dialog box in the middle of the screen that
says "This channel should be available shortly".  No keypresses on
the remote or front of the DVR had any effect whatsoever.  I
couldn't even see what had been recorded, let alone watch
anything.  If the DVR doesn't work when the cable is out, doesn't
that effectively remove one of the best features of the system? 
That's just retarded if you ask me.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Comcast being coy?

2005-10-07 Thread Brad Benson
On 10/7/05, Marc Infield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was also impressed that they only charge $5 more for their DVR, arethey any good? I hope not, by the time you add up what I haveinvested in parts for all my Myth learning it would end being DVRrentals for about 10 years. :)

No, the Comcast HD-DVR is crap.  My sister has one and the storage
space is severely lacking.  I don't recall off hand how many hours
it can store, but it's not much more than 10, if that.  Also, they
seem to have a serious bug in them.  If the DVR is powered off and
it is scheduled to record a show it will actually begin the recording,
but not display to the user that it is powered on and working.  If
you then hit the power button while it is recording it will turn on and
display video so you can watch TV on the second tuner.  However,
the second tuner is MUTED.  I have yet to find a way to get it to
unmute other than turning off the DVR (which kills whatever recording
was in progress) and then turning it back on.  Also, it clearly
has two tuners since you can record and watch at the same time, but I
also haven't yet been able to get it to record two shows at once. 
If there's two tuners in there I see no reason why it shouldn't be able
to record two shows if I'm not using either of the tuners to watch TV.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Audio echo/stutter

2005-10-07 Thread Brad Benson
I've been having this exact same problem.  I had been using ivtv
version 0.3.6w successfully for some time with a PVR-350 and a
PVR-500.  I could only get one tuner working on the PVR-500 and
finally figured out that it was bad hardware.  Hauppauge replaced
the 500 for me and sometime relatively shortly after replacing that
card 0.3.6w stopped working for me.  I don't recall now exactly
what the problem was that started occurring, but I ended up upgrading
to 0.3.8.  I've seen the exact problem you describe below with
0.3.8, 0.3.9 (various svn revisions including at least 2745 and 2738),
as well as 0.3.7 and various 0.3.7x (x = a-z) releases.  I've also
tried reverting to 0.3.6w which used to work, but now when I use 0.3.6w
I get zero-byte files from the second tuner of the PVR-500.  I
searched both the mailing list and google and the best I could come up
with was some info on the IOBOUND error messages that implied there may
be some sort of network problem as my video storage is mounted via
NFS.  My NFS server is a PII 266 so I thought that maybe it
doesn't have enough horsepower to do everything it needs to do. 
The thing that seems odd is that that file server hasn't never been a
problem before and it's been serving the video storage partition for
close to a year before this problem started.  The file server is
connected to the backend via 10/100 ethernet so it shouldn't be a
bandwidth problem that's causing this.  I've still using a cvs
version of myth from several months after 0.18.1 was released. 
Haven't tried a new SVN version yet since I was thinking that my
problem was ivtv related and not myth.  I also saw some list
traffic regarding problems with auto-expire in the latest SVN so I'm
hesitant to upgrade until that gets worked out.

Anyone else seeing similar problems or have any idea what the problem might be?
On 10/7/05, Dean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Users,I just upgraded from ivtv-0.3.3 to 0.3.8 and am getting an annoying echo in theaudio of recorded programs.  I can not track it down, but it *seems* to comefrom MythTV.I have a master backend with two pvr-500s and a frontened with an additional
500 for a total of 6 tuners.  So this isn't an issue with line-in echo.I extracted a short clip of the audio.  You can listen here:
  [238K]You can find my system logs at: logs during recording of an echo-y program: much here.Some things I noticed.o The chop usually comes in about 20-30 minutes into a recording.o System load appears to have no effect - happened recording a single show this
  morning.o I did a simultaneous cat /dev/v4l/videoN of all my tuners for an hour and  found no stutter.  Captures directly from the v4l device contain no echo.o The tuner does not seem to make a difference.
o The echo does not happen all the time.o Sometimes I get "IOBOUND" messages, but it doesn't happen every time.  (Seethe recording messages above.)2005-10-06 18:35:58.420 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()
2005-10-06 18:36:03.208 IOBOUND - blocking in ThreadedFileWriter::Write()I'm a little lost here.  Everything was working great on the previous drivers. Any suggestions?Thanks,--Dean - Unscrambler of eggs
--Take your time, take your chances[3278.7 km, 273.4] Apparent Rennerian--It matters not how strait the gate / How charged with punishment the scroll
I am the master of my fate / I am the captain of my soul.-- Invictus ----
William E Henley --___mythtv-users mailing
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: Phone Concentrator(?)

2005-09-30 Thread Brad Benson
On 9/30/05, Jesse Guardiani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It would be nice if messages from mythosd would show up when you'relooking at the menus/mythmusic/mythweather/etc too. I'm not ALWAYSwatching TV, but I usually have myth ON in some form or fashion.

Look into YAC and xYAC.  If you search the archives for yac you
should turn up a thread related to that.  At least I remember
seeing one here a while back.  xYAC allows you to popup messages
and callerid info using X and they display over anything - Myth menus,
xine, mplayer, ogle, whatever.  I was looking into doing this
myself, but I just haven't picked up a modem with callerid yet.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Cutoff point for upcoming recordings?

2005-09-30 Thread Brad Benson
On 9/30/05, Niklas Brunlid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there any way to see, in the upcoming recordings screen in Mythfrontendor Mythweb, when the disk space will run out given the current scheduleand recording profiles?
No, there's nothing like that to my knowledge.  However, if Myth
is set up correctly you should NEVER run out of disk space. 
That's what auto-expire is for.  If you're like me there are some
shows you record because you really want to watch them and there are
other shows you record as filler (like Cops, Simpsons, Blind Date,
etc).  I set all those 'filler' type shows to auto-expire and the
shows I really want (Modern Marvels, Law and Order, etc) to not
auto-expire but to have an episode limit (i.e. no more than 6 episodes
of Law and Order).  Once the episode limit is reached Myth won't
record any more showings of that program until an episode is deleted
(or it will delete the oldes episode and replace that with the newest
one, depends how you set it up).

It takes a little bit of setup time up-front and a little bit of
calculating how often your favorite shows are on and how much total
disk space you have, but once you get it set up correctly you should
never have to worry about disk space unless you start archiving large
numbers of shows.

Would be very nice if, like me, you went on a business trip for two weekswith no contact with your Mythbox (
i.e. sitting on a secure networksomewhere with no internet access). :)/ Niklas___mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Some confusion on "record weekly" schedules...

2005-09-09 Thread Brad Benson
On 9/8/05, Alex Brekken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Now I fully understand that Myth should only record 1 of the 2 showings
since they're the exact same episode, however I can't figure out why
it's electing to record Monday's episode instead of Friday's since
Friday is an earlier date.  There's no other recording happening
on Friday at the same time which would interfere.  (I've got dual
tuners, so that wouldn't matter anyway)  What I would expect to
see is that Myth would record Friday's episode, and skip Monday's with
an indication on Monday's schedule of "P" for "previously

Does this seem like a problem to anyone else, or am I just misunderstaning how the behavior is supposed to work?  

Yes, there's a fine point of Myth's scheduler that you're
missing.  When attempting to determine which showing of an episode
should be recorded, Myth looks at many factors (tuner priority,
priority for that specific recording rule, channel priority,
etc).  I'm going to assume here that you've set the same priority
for both of your recording rules.  Since the rest of the details
of those two rules are the same, then both the Friday and Monday
episodes would have the exact same priority.  When Myth sees two
showings with the same priority, it prefers the one that matches the
recording rule that was added first.  Since you set up the Monday
recordings prior to setting up the Friday recordings it's most likely
choosing the Monday recording because that rule was entered
first.  Incidentally, you might want to remove one of those
duplicate recording rules and set the other one to "Find and record one
showing of this title each week".  That would allow Myth to record
one episode each week and still choose between the Friday and Monday
showings to avoid conflicts.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Archive Searching

2005-09-09 Thread Brad Benson
On 9/9/05, DSanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wouldn't a regular web forum be easier for people to find what they are looking for?
Sorta like the one used by or

Just a thought.

I'd suggest treading lightly on the topic of a web forum.  Search
the archives for "web forum" and you can probably spend several days
reading all the posts in the argument of mailing list vs web
forum.  Pay particular attention to the ones from Isaac, who
maintains the list, that say "there will be no web forum, end of
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Reverse Commercial Skip

2005-09-07 Thread Brad Benson
On 9/7/05, Ryan Steffes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Any chance anyone can recommend a simple way to reverse the commercial
cutlist so I can transcode out an avi of JUST commercials?  

Look at line 149.
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] A/V Sync issues in recorded programs from PVR-500/PVR-350

2005-09-07 Thread Brad Benson
For the past several weeks I've been getting A/V sync issues in some
(but not all) recordings from my myth box.  It was working great
for over a year with just a single 350 doing recording.  I added a
500 to the system and that was also functioning well for several
months.  Over that time I was using various versions of the ivtv
driver from 0.3.2 up through 0.3.6w.  I finally settled on running
0.3.6w and that was working for about 2-3 months with no
problems.  Suddenly, out of the blue one day, I noticed a few
recordings with A/V sync issues.  It appears that, at some random
point during the recording, a small piece of video is missing but the
audio is fine.  This causes the video to be slightly ahead of the
audio (anywhere from <1 to about 2 seconds).  At the time I
noticed this I hadn't made any recent changes to the system.

Since this started I have discovered that one of the tuners on the
PVR-500 is bad.  I got that card replaced by Hauppage and, as of
last week, installed the replacement 500.  I was hoping that maybe
the bad card had something to do with the issues I'm seeing, but last
night I found another recording with the exact same issue.  I need
to go through and check the log files when the recording is happening,
but it's been difficult to determine exactly when things were recorded
and on which tuner.  

I know I haven't provided much information as I'm not at home at the
moment, but I can provide any log files that might be helpful in
looking into this problem.  Has anyone seen similar sync issues on
recordings?  Oh, these are straight MPEG2 directly from the card,
no transcoding is being done, only commercial flagging.  Of the
8-12 recordings a day from my myth box I tend to see this problem on
anywhere from 0 to 3 or 4 of the shows.  I'm now running ivtv
0.3.8 and still seeing the exact same behavior.

Any insight anyone might have is greatly appreciated.

Brad Benson

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Media MVP Setup Guide

2005-09-06 Thread Brad Benson
On 9/6/05, Josh Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm running FC3, but I assume these parts should still be relevant:
1.) in Fedora Core 4 there is no dhcp.conf in the /etcdirectory. If I create a new one my dhcp server will
not start. Where is this file located or what am Idoing wrong here
The file should be called /etc/dhcpd.conf.  If you can't find
that, try ls -l /etc/dhcp* and see what files show up.  Failing
that, stop and restart your dhcp server and look in /var/log/messages
for output from the server.  That might give you some hints as to
where it's looking for a config file.  If that still doesn't help,
try 'man dhcpd' or 'man dhcp'.

2.) Fedora always sets the tftp server to be a defaultof off. Where is the file to turn the default to "on"

If you installed tftp from an rpm I believe it gets set up to run under
xinetd.  Look in /etc/xinetd.d.  There should be a file
called tftp (maybe tftpd).  There should be several lines in this
file that set various things.  One of those lines should look like

disabled = yes

Change that yes to a no and restart xinet (/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd restart)

3.) I have both the donble.bin and the dongle.bin.confin the /tftpboot directory so if my tftp server is
running I should have to configure anything else.Correct?
Correct, that should be all you need to do assuming that your DHCP and tftp servers are set up correctly. 
4.) Which dongle.bin.conf way are you using NFS configuration:rdate -s /varmkdir /var/myth/mount -t nfs -onolock,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,nfsvers=3192.168.10.50:/var/myth/ /var/myth/
mvpmc -f /etc/helvR10.fnt -s /var/myth/video & Or standard configuration:rdate -s
mvpmc -f /etc/helvR10.fnt -s
I'm using the standard configuration.  My reasoning for this is
that I read somewhere that mvpmc sometimes has A/V sync issues during
playback and I believe it mentioned something about this being related
to NFS.  So I figured I'd just avoid the NFS mount and stream the
video straight from the backend.  I haven't been using it long
enough to tell if it's having A/V sync issues or not so YMMV.

Brad Benson

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] safely exposing mythweb to the net.

2005-09-02 Thread Brad Benson
And it also requires that you access mythweb via port 5080 which may or
may not be an option for some people depending on where they plan to be
connecting to mythweb from (i.e. behind a firewall at work that only
allows port 80 outbound).  Using apache as a proxy allows you to
still access mythweb on the standard port 80 which should pretty much
always be accessible.On 9/2/05, Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Wow! Everybody loves complicated solutions!Try this one out:As root run this command on the firewall,iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -i  --dport 5080 -j DNAT--to 
Replacing  with the interface, like eth0 or eth1, of the Internetcard, and ipaddress:port with the ip address and port of the mythwebserver.Then to get really secure you can setup a .htpassword and .htoptions
file in the mythweb's /var/www/html directory in order to require apassword to use mythweb. This helps prevent random modification ofyour settings.I use this extensively and it works great =)It also requires much, much less overhead than running apache as a proxy.
On 9/1/05, Brett Grice <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I would also seriously consider using something like> mod_security with apache you can find it here
>>> Also lots of info on locking down apache correctly.>> just my 2 cents worth>> Brett.>>
> --- Marty Ravell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> > This maybe a little O.T. but I'd like to open up> > MythWeb to the net as well.
> > The issue for me however is that my Myth box sits> > inside my Home LAN with> > another Linux box being my Firewall. Now I do run my> > personal website on the> > firewall and am wondering how to go about letting
> > Myth through when there is> > already a webserver on the machine that is the> > gateway to the internet.> >> >> >> > Would it be possible perhaps to use the firewall's
> > Apache to talk to the> > Myth box for MythWeb? Does the MythWeb web server> > need to be on the same> > machine as the MythTV installation?> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >> > Regards> >> > Marty> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >
> >> >> > > ___> > mythtv-users mailing list> >> >
>>  Send instant messages to your online friends> ___> mythtv-users mailing list>>>___mythtv-users mailing
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Re: [mythtv-users] Feature request

2005-07-07 Thread Brad Benson
On 7/7/05, Robert Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I searched the archives for pre-roll and early/late bute didn't see
> this exact request.  I know we can stop late and start early, but how
> about a stop early and start late?  With the darn networks doing
> everything they can to stop us DVR'ers i don't mind if i lose the
> first 1-2 min of a show, but i can't schedule two shows that overlap
> by a min or two.  If i could get the later show to wait 1-2 min before
> starting, that would be better.

You can enter negative values into the start/stop early fields.  (or
start/stop late, I can't remember exactly how they're labeled).  Start
early by -2 minutes effectively means start late by 2 minutes.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] "Feature Idea - P2P" Bad Idea

2005-07-07 Thread Brad Benson
On 7/7/05, Matt Grommes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of
> the pvrs _will_ have an integrated way to get net content, you can be
> sure of that. If Myth doesn't have it, it'll be one more reason for
> people not to use it.

Perhaps you're missing a large point here.  Most of the developers of
Myth don't care if you use it or not.  They're working on it because
they want to use it or they enjoy working on it.  Yes, a larger user
base provides better testing and some other benefits, but remember
that this is not a commercial venture.  This is Isaac's pet project
that has taken off into something that many people want to use.  He's
happy to share that with those of us who want to use it.  If you'd
rather use something else, knock yourself out.  I'm certainly not
going to lose any sleep over it and I'm sure Isaac won't either.

> This is exactly the kind of chilling of innovation the media companies
> want. They don't have to make a technology illegal if everybody pees
> themselves with fear when they come within arm's length of it. There's
> already enough legal content to make this argument invalid and there's
> only going to be more in the coming months/years.

The argument may be invalid, but that still doesn't stop any of those
media companies from bringing a lawsuit against the Myth
community/developers.  They don't have to prove that anything illegal
was done, they just have to force the defendant to pay fees (lawyer,
etc) that are more than the defendant can afford.  Maybe if you
provide, up-front, the massive cash reserves that would be needed to
defend that court case someone will consider developing this, but I
doubt it.  Until then, I think it's very clear that the majority of
the folks involved with Myth don't wany any parts of any P2P app
associated with Myth and Isaac has certainly made his views on that
topic very clear on repeated occasions.  It's his project.  If you
want to play with it, you play by his rules.  If you don't like those
rules, find another project.

I know some of that message sounds pretty harsh.  I don't intend it to
be insulting or anything like that.  It's just that this P2P
discussion comes up frequently enough that it's getting annoying to
me.  It has been repeatedly made clear that the people behind Myth
don't want this in the current environment so why does this discussion
keep happening?
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Getting Myth to see 2 inputs as one. Kinda.

2005-05-26 Thread Brad Benson
On 5/26/05, Peter Judge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unfortunately, Comcast has a different philosophy on what they provide via 
> firewire. I can get the analog channels (< 80) and the HD channels (800 - 
> 900ish) via firewire, but the rest of the digital channels (mainly the 200s) 
> don't play nicely. Connecting via the PVR gets me all channels, but in SD 
> (and with letterboxing and/or pillars) for the HD channels.

I've had Comcast service here for several years and I've never been
able to get my PVR-350 to receive any of the non-analog channels
(>80).  I'm subscribed to digital cable and have an STB connected to
the tv ('cause the GF hasn't fully succumbed to the power of myth
yet).  Of course, the STB gets all available channels.  However, I
also have the cable split and two connections going into a PVR-350 and
one input of a PVR-500.  Neither the -350 nor the -500 are able to see
any channels above 80.  All I get on those is static and loud noise. 
Did you have to do anything special to allow your PVR card to tune the
channels above 80?  I'm hoping that I'm missing something easy here
because I'd love to be able to record some of those higher channels,
but not enough to hook up an IR blaster.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Brad Benson
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] High level system architecture questions

2005-05-25 Thread Brad Benson
On 5/25/05, Ben Bargabus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ultimately I'd like to have a master backend and multiple slave backends
> in my "media server room" along with six DTV receivers, two 400 disc DVD
> changers, and a really healthy RAID box.

Instead of buying multiple 400 disc DVD changers, why not put that
money into disks and RAID controllers and then rip your DVD's to the
hard drive?  If you do that you don't have to worry about trying to
pass through video from your DVD player through Myth to the TV.  Just
use MythVideo and all your ripped DVD's are available on demand.  You
could always change up what DVD's are available on disk from time to
time and still pop a DVD into the drive on the frontend machine if
it's not currently available.

Of course, that will require a ton of disk space, but it sounds like
you've already got pretty lofty goals for your network so I wouldn't
think a giant LVM volume spanning RAID drives would be that big of a
deal and it would certainly make things easier from a usability

Just my $0.02.

Brad Benson
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Using MythTV for viewing both TV recordings and video's in seperate directories?

2005-05-09 Thread Brad Benson
On 5/8/05, Chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did that, but in order to view the videos by clicking the file links
> was to create the video_dir symlink in the /mythweb directory.  This
> symlink must point to the directory containing the video files in
> order for it to work properly.
> The same is so for the recordings directory.  The recordings will not
> play if the video_dir symlink is not pointing to the directory holding
> the recordings.
> It seems to work one way or the other, I am hoping for a way to have
> it do both simultaneously.

I recall going through this myself a while back.  I just checked my
mythweb directory and I have a symlink named video_dir that points to
myth's recordings directory and a different symlink named video_url
that points to the mythvideo directory.  Then again, I'm running cvs
from a few weeks ago, not the release version of 0.18.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Broadcast flag (tell me why myth users should care technically?)

2005-05-08 Thread Brad Benson
On 5/8/05, Endaf Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you Joe for your comments.
> >Very simply: If the Broadcast flag becomes law, all ATSC recording
> >devices with Linux drivers will no longer be sold.  Your hardware
> >selection will GO AWAY.  That's why it is important, even to Canadians.

> The point I'm trying to say here is that, irregardless if our ATSC/DVB
> PCI card vendors honor the BF (Broadcast Flag) or not, does it really
> matter?  What would be the tangible difference it bit streams coming out
> of the cards?  Are they not simply passing the stream down to the OS and
> isn't it the OS (or perhaps the player) that needs to honor/control the
> BF legislation requirements instead?
> Is there a whole other aspect of the BF concept that isn't being talked
> about?  Is the problem really going to be the application (storage and
> playback as in "MythTV") that needs to be BF compliant and not the hardware?

I think you're missing the point of the BF requirements.  You're right
that it won't matter if the ATSC/DVB cards honor the BF.  However, the
reason it won't matter is that, in order to honor the BF, the tuner
that decodes the broadcast stream will not be able to pass that stream
to an "unsecure" device or via an "unsecure" transport.  A computer
running Linux that allows you to save the stream to the HD, re-encode,
etc is considered "unsecure" by the legislation.  In addition, pretty
much any computer's bus is also considered "unsecure" because you can
take the data off of it.  So, it would be illegal to manufacture or
sell a PCI card that decodes the ATSC stream because the decoded
stream would then be output to the PCI bus which qualifies as an
"unsecure" transport medium.  Hence, BF = no PCI decoders available to
anyone in the US.  Whether or not the honoring of the BF would be in
software or hardware is completely irrelevant because you won't be
able to get the hardware you would need to decode the signal.

In other words, if there were no BF in the works, but every company
that manufactures ATSC/DVB capture cards suddenly stopped
making/selling them we'd be in the exact same boat as if the BF
legislation passed.  The ultimate problem for us is that we need
access to the hardware that decodes the signal and the BF would make
it illegal to make or sell that hardware for use in a standard
computer.  No decoder = no picture, however you slice it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythbackend won't idle until mythfrontend disconnects

2005-05-03 Thread Brad Benson
On 5/4/05, Max Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, however, it refuses to idle if mythfrontend is running. Which is a
> problem, because I have mythfrontend start automatically on boot.
> Is there a way to stop mythfrontend from blocking mythbackend's idling?

  You need to run mythtv-setup.  Answer 'no' to both of the questions
it asks you on startup and then go into the General section (#1).  On
the 4th (I think) page in this section there is a checkbox labeled
'Block shutdown while client connected' (or something like that). 
Make sure that checkbox is NOT checked.  If it is checked then
mythbackend will never shut itself down as long as any frontends are
connected.  Simply unchecking that box, exiting mythtv-setup and then
restarting the backend should fix your problem.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Recording Sporting Events to the real end

2005-04-21 Thread Brad Benson
On 4/21/05, Matthew K. Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/21/05, Preston Crow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have an idea for recording sporting events that may not end on
> > schedule:  Have Myth check the score at some web site to determine
> > whether the game has actually ended.  Then Myth could automatically
> > extend the recording for baseball games that run late.
> >
> Interesting idea...
> How would you know that the game was over based on the score?

Easy.  Most any place that shows you the score also shows you the
current inning.  When the game is over the inning is usually reported
as F (for final score).  If the inning is reported as F then you know
the game is over.
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't start mythfrontend due to missing theme

2005-04-15 Thread Brad Benson
On 4/16/05, Sasha Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've installed the mythtv themes tarball, and confirm that all the
> themes exist in /usr/share/mythtv/themes. I have:
> G.A.N.T.  Minimalist-wide  Titivillus-OSD  blueosd  default oldosd
> IuliusTitivillus   blueclassic  defaultosd
> Yet, when I try to start mythfrontend, I get this:
> Could not find theme: Iulius
> Couldn't find theme Iulius
> What's wrong? How can I change the theme back to blue from mysql?

Did you install mythtv from rpm or from the source (tarball/cvs)?  If
you installed from a tarball or latest cvs then chances are that myth
is looking in /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes for theme info and it's
not finding anything.  Try making a symlink from /usr/share/mythtv to
/usr/local/share/mythtv (or just copying all the files over to
/usr/local/share/mythtv) and see if that doesn't fix things up for

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Migrating mysql to another server

2005-04-12 Thread Brad Benson
On 4/13/05, Minh Duong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First how do I copy/restore my current data?

and there's all kinds of other good helpful info at

> Second, is it a good idea to use another machine?  Thanks.

No idea, I've never tried it.  Did you search the mailing list
archives?  I'm pretty sure I've seen this discussed in the past.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nuvexport cli options

2005-04-03 Thread Brad Benson
> As for the "quiet" stuff, I'd much rather just overload print so that
> you don't have to add "if (arg('quiet'))"  or something like that to
> every place the code prints a report.  But at that point, it might be
> better to have --quiet for hiding only the progress indicator, and
> --very-quiet for hiding everything except for STDERR.

Good idea.  Which got me thinking that my main goal with the quiet
flag would be to allow nuvexport to run fully automated as a user job
from within myth.  Along those lines, what do you think about
overloading print to update the job queue status field in mysql if the
proc is run from the job queue?  This way we'll have normal output,
--quiet to hide the progress indicator, --very-quiet to hide
everything (for normal script usage) and --jobqueue (or whatever)
which would output errors and normal progress (starting encoder,
encode complete, etc) to stdout and the job queue status field, but
instead of a progress indicator on screen it would update the job
queue status field with the completion percentage every 5% (or

I've been looking into overloading print just for the --quiet flag and
I've been having some problems.  My perl is a little rusty, but I
thought I'd throw this idea out there and see what people think of it
while I brush up on the skills I need to implement it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] nuvexport cli options

2005-04-02 Thread Brad Benson
On Apr 2, 2005 2:56 AM, Chris Petersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I just saw a post from Chris Peterson saying he's been doing work on
> > nuvexport lately.  I've made a few changes myself to allow nuvexport
> > to be run from the job queue as a user job.
> Cool, want to send a patch?

Sure, it's attached. :)  This patch adds a --quiet flag which should
suppress printing of normal output, but still allow errors to be
printed.  I didn't make any changes in so --quiet should still
work correctly in interactive mode (i.e. you should see prompts for
confirmation/entering of values, but no output after that except for
errors), although I'm not sure why you'd want to use it for that mode.
 I tested cli-only mode for xvid, divx and dvd output using ffmpeg and
transcode and all seemed to be well.  I am currently running a job
from the myth job queue using my patched version and will let you know
how that run turns out although I expect it to run with no problems.

This patch also includes some changes to export/ffmpeg/ to check
the $is_cli flag and not prompt the user for confirmation of values if
$is_cli is set.

diff -ru nuvexport-0.2/export/ffmpeg/ nuvexport-0.2.patched/export/ffmpeg/
--- nuvexport-0.2/export/ffmpeg/	2005-03-16 01:46:35.0 -0500
+++ nuvexport-0.2.patched/export/ffmpeg/	2005-04-02 14:48:29.0 -0500
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 my $path_bak = $self->{'path'};
 $self->{'path'} = '/dev/null';
 # First pass
-print "First pass...\n";
+print "First pass...\n" unless $QUIET;
 $self->{'ffmpeg_xtra'} = ' -vcodec msmpeg4'
. ' -b ' . $self->{'v_bitrate'}
. ' -minrate 32 -maxrate '.(2*$self->{'v_bitrate'}).' -bt 32'
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 # Restore the path
 $self->{'path'} = $path_bak;
 # Second pass
-print "Final pass...\n";
+print "Final pass...\n" unless $QUIET;
 $self->{'ffmpeg_xtra'} = ' -vcodec msmpeg4'
. ' -b ' . $self->{'v_bitrate'}
. ' -minrate 32 -maxrate '.(2*$self->{'v_bitrate'}).' -bt 32'
diff -ru nuvexport-0.2/export/ffmpeg/ nuvexport-0.2.patched/export/ffmpeg/
--- nuvexport-0.2/export/ffmpeg/	2005-03-16 11:40:49.0 -0500
+++ nuvexport-0.2.patched/export/ffmpeg/	2005-04-02 14:48:18.0 -0500
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 my $path_bak = $self->{'path'};
 $self->{'path'} = '/dev/null';
 # First pass
-print "First pass...\n";
+print "First pass...\n" unless $QUIET;
 $self->{'ffmpeg_xtra'} = ' -vcodec mpeg4'
. ' -b ' . $self->{'v_bitrate'}
. ' -minrate 32 -maxrate '.(2*$self->{'v_bitrate'}).' -bt 32'
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 # Restore the path
 $self->{'path'} = $path_bak;
 # Second pass
-print "Final pass...\n";
+print "Final pass...\n" unless $QUIET;
 $self->{'ffmpeg_xtra'} = ' -vcodec mpeg4'
. ' -b ' . $self->{'v_bitrate'}
. ' -minrate 32 -maxrate '.(2*$self->{'v_bitrate'}).' -bt 32'
diff -ru nuvexport-0.2/export/ffmpeg/ nuvexport-0.2.patched/export/ffmpeg/
--- nuvexport-0.2/export/ffmpeg/	2005-03-08 02:36:48.0 -0500
+++ nuvexport-0.2.patched/export/ffmpeg/	2005-04-02 14:07:15.0 -0500
@@ -70,15 +70,23 @@
 my $self = shift;
 # Load the parent module's settings
 # Audio Bitrate
 while (1) {
-my $a_bitrate = query_text('Audio bitrate?',
-   'int',
-   $self->val('a_bitrate'));
+my $a_bitrate;
+if ($is_cli) {
+$a_bitrate = $self->val('a_bitrate');
+} else {
+$a_bitrate = query_text('Audio bitrate?',
+   'int',
+   $self->val('a_bitrate'));
 if ($a_bitrate < 64) {
+die "Too low; please choose a bitrate between 64 and 384." if $is_cli;
 print "Too low; please choose a bitrate between 64 and 384.\n";
 elsif ($a_bitrate > 384) {
+die "Too high; please choose a bitrate between 64 and 384." if $is_cli;
 print "Too high; please choose a bitrate between 64 and 384.\n";
 else {
@@ -93,13 +101,20 @@
  $self->{'v_bitrate'} = $max_v_bitrate;
 while (1) {
-my $v_bitrate = query_text('Maximum video bitrate for VBR?',

[mythtv-users] nuvexport cli options

2005-04-01 Thread Brad Benson
I just saw a post from Chris Peterson saying he's been doing work on
nuvexport lately.  I've made a few changes myself to allow nuvexport
to be run from the job queue as a user job.  Chris, if you see this,
are you working on full cli support at all?  I noticed that it's been
implemented for quite a few of the export options, but not yet for DVD
export using either transcode or ffmpeg.  Of course, that's the one
that I need so I went ahead and made a few changes to allow cli-only
usage for ffmeg or transode output to DVD format.  The one thing that
I haven't got yet is a quiet mode to stop output of anything other
than errors.  (I ran a nuvexport from the job queue yesterday and
ended up with an 18MB mythbackend log file from all the 'frames
processed' output from nuvexport).

The only code download I could find for nuvexport was the tarball of
the 'latest' code and I have no idea how often that changes so I
didn't want to submit a patch just yet for fear that the code has
already changed and the patch won't apply right.  This is definitely
something I'd like to implement and I'm sure I've seen some interest
in an automated nuvexport from other folks on the list.  Please let me
know if patches are being accepted for nuvexport and if this is
something that's already being implemented or if I should continue
work on this.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Motherboard Recomendation

2005-03-31 Thread Brad Benson
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:53:37 -0600, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this is the board I use.  No complaints.  I think what it comes down
> to is tons of people like the nForce2 chipset :)
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:06:42 -0600, Dan Littlejohn
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wish I had known about the S/PDIF bracket for the 7NIF2 and MSI boards.
> >
> > I picked the Abit AN7 for the S/PDIF (and it uses the slightly better
> > audio codec, Realtek ALC658 compared to the RealtekALC650) and picked
> > up a FX5200 video card.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> >
> > On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:35:41 -0800, Rei Toi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Mark Gardner wrote:
> > > > I've skimmed the archives and havnt' found an answer to my liking...
> > > > so here's the question
> > > >
> > > > I'm planning on building a myth Frontend/Backend box with some
> > > > hardware i have around
> > > > AMD 1200 Duron (could be Athlon if I need the power)
> > > > PVR 350
> > > > 512 DDR
> > > > Will build either on SUSE 9.3 ( I work for novell ) or Fedora Core
> > > >
> > > > What i'm looking for is a motherboard that won't break the bank, but
> > > > just works.  I had one with a VIA chipset that had a bunch of DMA
> > > > errors :( But have had many good reports with nForce chipsets.
> > > > Preferably the onboard sound should work
> > > > Onboard video a plus but not required...
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks in Advance.
> > > Hi Mark,
> > >
> > > I use the MSI "K7N2GM2-LSR" motherboard which is currently $61.50 at 
> > > Newegg:
> > >
> > >
> > > It has the nForce2 chipset and comes with the TV-out bracket (s-video &
> > > composite).
> > >
> > > You can use the bios to reconfigure the 3 audio jacks (Line-in,
> > > Line-out, & Mic.) to be 4 or 6 channel audio; if your surround sound
> > > system requires this. (I haven't tried it; you *may* need to use their
> > > MS Windows utilities to configure this particular option.)
> > >
> > > The board doesn't come with an S/PDIF bracket, but you can buy one (RCA
> > > & optical fiber) at CensusPC for $12.00:
> > >
> > >
> > > Installing FC3 was fine, everything "just worked."  Also, installing
> > > Myth in accordance with Jarod's guide worked out very well.
> > >
> > > I also have a PVR-350 and have tried both it's TV-out and the on-board
> > > nForce TV-out.  I like the PVR-350's TV output much better (on my
> > > standard def TV the picture quality is higher) but I have to admit that
> > > I didn't try too hard to see if I could tweak the nVidia video quality.
> > >
> > > Having said that, X looks worse on the PVR-350 vs. the on-board nForce
> > > TV-out...  I use the PVR-350's TV-out anyway though, as my box is 100%
> > > dedicated to TV watching so I don't play games, etc. with this unit.
> > >
> > > HTH
> > >
> > > -Rei.
> > >
> > > ___
> > > mythtv-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

I'm also using the Chaintech 7NIF2 mobo and it's been great for me
with two minor exceptions.  The lack of spdif output is slightly
annoying (although I have a separate soundcard with spdif so not that
big a deal for me).  The other problem is really driving me nuts.  I
can't for the life of me get the temp sensors on the 7NIF2 to report
correct temperatures.  I've tried various versions of i2c and
lm_sensors as well as following various sets of instructions found via
google.  No matter what I do the CPU temp fluctuates wildly from -14C
to 80C.  Obviously my CPU is not running at -14C, let alone jumping to
34C a second or two later.  In all my attempts to correct this sensor
error, the most I've been able to do is totally hose my ivtv drivers
(requiring about 4 hours of tinkering to get it back) while still
getting bad temp readings.

If you're planning to monitor the temp in your system I'd consider
looking at a different board unless anyone else here has some
suggestions for making it work.  If you don't care about the temp
sensors I'd highly recommend this board.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT: lm_sensors on 7NIF2 mobo

2005-03-25 Thread Brad Benson
I know I've seen a few folks on this list that are using the Chaintech
7NIF2 motherboard for myth systems.  I've got one and I've been
beating my head against the wall for a while now trying to get gkrellm
to report the correct CPU temp using lm_sensors.  I'm running a
2.4.22-1.2199.nptl_52 kernel from atrpms with the latest i2c and
lm_sensors (and corresponding kernel modules) installed and the
following modules are loaded:


The lm_sensors service is started (apparently correctly) at boot time
and sensors reports a bunch of data (including correct CPU fan speed),
but all of the temp readings fluctuate wildly.  I'm talking values of
-14 Celsius one second and a few seconds later values of 0, 35 or even
50 Celsius!!!  Obviously my CPU is not running at either -14 or 50 so
something's up with the sensors, but I just can't figure it out.  Does
anyone have lm_sensors playing nicely with the 7NIF2?

Sorry for the OT post, but I think quite a few folks are using this
board so I thought someone here might have some insight.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Power to the Masses (CPU Power that is) - LONG!!

2005-03-24 Thread Brad Benson
On Thu, 24 Mar 2005 12:50:54 -0800, Richard J. Sears
> Here is the plan for the backend:
> HD-3000 HDTV PCI Card
> Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350 (someone said you cannot watch DVD's with this
> card, has that been corrected, or should I stick with the 250..?)

As pretty much everyone else mentioned, you only need the 350 if you
have a combined frontend/backend system.  For any encoders in the
backend I'd stick with the 250 (or possibly a 150 or 500 as they are
much cheaper and the ivtv developers seem to be very close to
supporting the 150 quite well).  That being said, you may want to be
careful about how many tuners you put into your backend.  I don't have
any specifics on this, but I know I've seen posts from people talking
about bottlenecks on the PCI bus when too many tuners are active in
the same system.  There are several people on the list that have
master backend/multiple frontend systems and they seem to like a few
tuners in the backend and a single tuner in some of the frontends. 
Considering that all of the PVR-xxx cards do hardware encoding it's
not going to cost you much, if any, CPU on the frontends to do capture
there and it might save you a lot of headache trying to work out
bottlenecks on the backend machine.

I currently use a pvr-350 in a combined frontend/backend machine
(athlon 1400+) and the TV-out quality is amazing.  However, I am
unable to use mythgame because the -350 tv-out doesn't support any
kind of hardware acceleration and I sometimes have trouble with dvd
playback for the same reason.  If you're planning to playback dvd's on
your frontend systems I'd highly recommend avoiding the -350 and going
with an nvidia card (a lot of people seem to recommend the FX5200 or

> Do I need a real good video card for this system since it will not be
> hooked to a TV at all...?

Nope, any card will do for setup and you probably don't even need a
monitor at all once the system is up and running.  In fact, my
combined FE/BE system only uses the -350 tv-out and that doesn't even
display anything until X starts and fires up mythfrontend.

> Do I need a decent sound card to capture the sound, or will the ivtv
> driver work for both the 250/350 and the HD-3000

Definitely not for the -250, but I have no idea on the HD-3000 (I
don't get HD programming yet).

> How powerful of a CPU do I need to handle the HDTV stuff. I realize that
> the 350 has a builtin hardware mpeg encoder/decoder, but I am not sure
> about the HDTV side of the house.

Pretty much anything will do in the backend as it's just writing data
directly to disk.  However, your frontend machines will need to be
pretty powerful as they need to decode the HD stream and display it. 
I believe I saw somewhere that someone has an athlon 2700+ (or
something close to that) and it's ALMOST fast enough to do live tv in

> Do I need a separate tuner card in the backend system for each frontend
> system in order for them to watch separate 'live' channels..? SO if I
> had 3 frontend systems that wanted to watch different 'live' channels, I
> would need 3 x PVR-350's..?

Again, you won't need the -350, but yes, you will need a separate
tuner for each concurrent channel being watched (this includes live TV
on all backends as well as any current recordings).  As I mentioned
earlier, you may want to look into placing a tuner in several of your
frontends (effectively making them slave backends also).  This will
offload some of the burden from the master backend as well as
providing a local tuner for live TV on those frontend systems.  Also,
keep in mind that if you have 3 pvr-xxx cards and a single HD card you
will be able to watch live SD tv on 3 frontends (as long as nothing is
being recorded), but you will only be able to watch HD on a single
frontend at any given time (unless you're recording an HD program in
which case you won't be able to watch live HD tv at all until the
recording is complete).  So, if you want to be able to watch live SD
or HD tv on all 3 frontends at any given time you'll need at least 3
pvr-xxx cards and at least 3 HD encoders as well.

> On the frontend, I assume that I need
> 1) Hard Drive
> 2) Good Video Card
> 3) Good Sound Card
> The hard drive does not have to be that big because its only going to
> run the front end application correct..? No need for mysql, and all the
> extra stuff that had to been installed in the backend, or am I incorrect
> here..?

Exactly correct.  I have a single 8GB hard drive in my combined FE/BE
system (the drives for storage are mounted from my NFS server in the
back room).  If you plan to hook the frontend systems to a home
theater receiver you should look into a sound card that has spdif
optical output.  I believe many people here have sung the praises of
the Turtle Beach Riviera card.  (I personally use a Zoltrix
Nightingale card, but you'll probably be hard pressed to find one of
those still for sale).

> On the video card, 

Re: [mythtv-users] (no subject)

2005-03-23 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 10:06:57 -0800, Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone please help me with this.
> All I need mysql for is to run mythtv.
> To use SET PASSWORD on Unix, do this:
> shell> mysql -u root
> mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR ''@'localhost' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
> mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR ''@'host_name' = PASSWORD('newpwd');
> In the second SET PASSWORD statement, replace host_name with the name of
> the server host. This is the name that is specified in the Host column
> of the non-localhost record for root in the user table. If you don't
> know what hostname this is, issue the following statement before using
> mysql> SELECT Host, User FROM mysql.user;
> Look for the record that has root in the User column and something other
> than localhost in the Host column. Then use that Host value in the
> second SET PASSWORD statement.
> mysql> SELECT Host, User FROM mysql.user;
> +---++
> | Host  | User   |
> +---++
> | % | mythtv |
> | localhost ||
> | localhost | root   |
> +---++
> There is no 'root' with something else for a host.
> How do I solve this?
> dlw
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Most likely you can find out the hostname by executing 'hostname'
(without the quotes) from the command line on the machine that is
running mysql.

Also, in the future you should NEVER send a post to the list with no
subject line.  It just so happens that I'm bored at the moment and was
curious what was in your post, but nine times out of ten no one is
going to read the post, let alone replay to it, if you don't include a
subject line giving at least a vague idea of what your question is.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] FAO Myth distro package maintainers.

2005-03-23 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:40:57 +, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been thinking about Myth's stability.
> Generally the releases are pretty good (!) :)
> However, occasionally things happen (0.15.1, the nfs file close problem
> in 0.16, the issue)
> ie right now I'd like to see 0.17.1 include a fix for the weather
> problem rather than wait until 0.18 (or hacking hosts/xml)
> (Well, truth be told, I'm still on 0.16 so I'd have have liked an
> nfs-close patch release...)
> The problem with this is that the fix for weather is mixed in with a
> load of other CVS changes so it's hard to create a 0.17.1
> I was wondering whether a leaf could be taken out of the linux kernel's
> recent 'stable' approach?
> Essentially gather a set of patches together that all the maintainers
> can use to release 'stable' upgrades?
> All distro packagers could submit/veto patches... that kind of thing.
> These patches would offer no new features but would fix simple bugs. In
> general they'd have been applied to CVS.
> Maybe not all bugs - some would be too intrusive, the fix may be CVS
> only etc etc.
> The objective being that an 'upgrade' to one of these point/patch
> releases would be a very safe, 5 minute job with (almost!) zero risk of
> screwing up. Any patch that doesn't meet these criteria could be vetoed.
> Users could then safely be told to upgrade to a point/patch release
> whenever a new one was released (hey, by version 0.20, maybe that could
> be (semi-)automatic a la "MS automatic updates")
> I was also wondering whether this should be agreed amongst the distro
> maintainers (it'd be nice if all of them using the same subversion were
> based on at least the same source code)
> Also, I'd stress that (unless they want it to be) this would not be an
> official developer supported thing - more a package maintainer applying
> a bug for his customers - essentially the same as Debian does in
> applying patches to the package and then forwarding them upstream.
> Maybe it would be worth considering a myth-packagers mail list to
> promote some consistency amongst the packages?
> David
> PS Although I used 0.17.1 as an example, I think that Isaac 'owns' that
> numbering format - I'd suggest a suffix -p1, -p2 etc
> But I'd like all the distros to mean the same thing.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Actually, there has been a discussion going on in the -dev list about
this for the past few days.  It has finally been determined that,
starting with the 0.18 release, a stable branch of the cvs tree will
be maintained (for only the latest release) for the express purpose of
allowing bugfixes (but no new features) to be rolled into point
releases so that users will be able to upgrade after a release without
having to use current cvs or wait for the next full release.

Thanks go out to Jarod Wilson for volunteering to maintain the stable
branch and making this possible.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge WINTV-PVR-500MCE

2005-03-23 Thread Brad Benson
Also, as an aside, I downloaded the latest ivtv-0.3
> driver and am not able to compile it on my system running FC1 on
> kernel from atrpms.  I know I need to
> pose this question on the ivtv list, but I thought someone might know
> offhand why that driver wouldn't compile.  I'm betting there's
> something (module, patch, etc) that's not included in that kernel that
> I need.

Nevermind, the answer to this is that I'm a dumbass.  I never did a
'make mrproper' on my kernel source so I was getting tons of errors at
compile time.All better now except that when I try to modprobe
ivtv I get a 'Can't locate module msp3400' error, but that's a problem
for the ivtv list I suppose.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge WINTV-PVR-500MCE

2005-03-22 Thread Brad Benson
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:40:15 -0800, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 10 March 2005 13:34, Brad Benson wrote:
> > > > Also, a
> > > > single 500 will work with 2 250s in the same backend in harmony?
> > >
> > > I'm not aware of any reason why it wouldn't, but I haven't yet grouped my
> > > 150 or 500 with other ivtv cards (besides each other, which works fine).
> >
> > I'll be able to test this in a few weeks when my new 500 gets here. :)
> I'll try to beat you to it. My PVR-250 is sitting on my desk right now,
> completely unused at the moment, along with a pair of M179s...

Jarod, any luck (or even time to try) running the 250 alongside the
500?  I'm still waiting for my 500 to ship so I'm not able to do any
testing yet.  Also, as an aside, I downloaded the latest ivtv-0.3
driver and am not able to compile it on my system running FC1 on kernel from atrpms.  I know I need to
pose this question on the ivtv list, but I thought someone might know
offhand why that driver wouldn't compile.  I'm betting there's
something (module, patch, etc) that's not included in that kernel that
I need.

I know I need to upgrade my FC1 box to FC3, but I've been putting that
off until I absolutely have to.  Of course, if I need FC3 to install
the latest ivtv drivers then I guess it's time to do that.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] OT: 160 gig WD - $40

2005-03-21 Thread Brad Benson
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:09:00 -0500, Jeff Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:02:01 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I use 4 IDE drives on the motherboard's (2) IDE controllers. Using them as 
> > a stripe set in their master-slave configuration is fine, even for my 
> > VideoToaster which does uncompressed D1 NTSC/PAL video. I don't quite think 
> > it is as fast as 60 MB/s, but if I remember right the test utility reported 
> > an average of ~52 MB/s... until about 40% of drives were used then it 
> > quickly dropped down to ~26-22 MB/s. I'm still wondering how USB 2.0 would 
> > do... yes it'd be a permanent connection, and cheaper than SCSI, and 
> > possibly cheaper than SATA, especially since I have no open PCI slots, but 
> > available USB 2.0 ports.
> With a lack of PCI slots and IDE channels, USB seems like the next
> available option.
> I personally would have opted for an external NFS server before paying
> for external drives, however. Gigabit or even 100 meg ethernet should
> be reasonably fast for video, especially if it's dedicated and on a
> switch, and you can get an NFS server running on a pretty low-end
> system (assuming it supports large drive capacities, of course). Plus
> it gives you future expandability (and you can seperate your
> frontend/backend like that as well)

This is, in fact, exactly what I ended up doing with my Myth system. 
My master backend/frontend system is in the living room, but it only
contains a single 8GB drive for the OS.  All myth data is stored on
the NFS server in the closet in the back room - connected via 100MB
switched ethernet.  I've had it running like this for about 3 months
now and I have yet to see a single problem.  Oh, the NFS server is a
PII 266 with 192MB of RAM.  I did have to install an additional IDE
controller in order to support the dual 160GB drives in there as the
motherboard was too old to support drives that big, but that
controller only cost me $25.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to select from multiple input sources?

2005-03-21 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005 21:20:10 -0800, MagicITX <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is there any way to specify the default capture card when mythfrontend
> start up?  A command line parameter perhaps?
> Or if one capture card is busy with one mythfrontend instances will a
> second mythfrontend instance automatically use the second capture
> card?

My understanding is that when Live TV is selected Myth grabs the first
input device it can find that is not currently in use.  I believe by
default it starts at device 0 and works its way to the higher numbered
devices until one is found.  There is also a setting somewhere
(mythtvsetup?) where you can enable some additional 'intelligence' in
the selection of the default device for live tv.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] SPDIF output works for MythMusic, but not MythTV

2005-03-18 Thread Brad Benson
On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 14:48:15 -0600, Andrew Close <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> you can buy a male to male stereo patch cable and plug one end into
> the output of your pvr-350 and the other into the input of your sound
> card.  when you listen to music it will be the same as usual.  when
> you watch tv you should now get sound out of the SPDIF port.
> not pretty, but it should work.

I've got a related problem and it's been driving me nuts for quite a
while now.  I have a pvr350 and a zoltrix nightingale soundcard
(c-media CM8738 using cmpci kernel module).  I have the 350 audio
outputs linked into the line in of the soundcard and both spdif
optical and stereo rca connections from the soundcard outputs to my
receiver's inputs.  I've tried the instructions in the
DigitalSoundHowTo on that say to set "Analog to IEC958
Output" to on in alsamxer.  The problem is that alsamixer has a
setting labeled just IEC958 Output which seems to have no effect
whether it is on or off.  There is another setting labeled IEC958
Loop.  My understanding of this setting is that it pipes the analog
input back out through the spdif output.  However, when I enable this
setting I am very clearly getting analog audio coming into the
receiver, but sound works for all parts of myth.  (I know this because
I can disconnect the spdif cable and still get sound, but when I
disconnect the analog cables sound goes away.)  When I disable this
setting I get audio over the spdif connector for MythMusic, MythVideo,
MythDVD, etc.  Everything EXCEPT tv.  The only way I've found so far
to get sound from tv over the spdif connector is to use the
instructions from the DigitalSoundHowTo for Via sound chips.  The
problem there is that the only way to get that to work is to issue
this command from the command line:

arecord -D hw:0,0 -fdat | aplay -D mixed-digital

This works perfectly for outputting tv audio over the spdif connector,
but there is no way to automatically execute that command every time
myth plays a recording and if I leave that command running all the
time I get double audio from all other parts of myth (music, video,

Has anyone else had a similar problem?  Is anyone else using a cmpci
sound device succesfully using spdif output for all parts of myth? 
The sound quality I get over spdif is obviously much better than the
analog connections, but right now I'm stuck using analog for
everything in order to avoid having to switch audio inputs when using
different parts of myth (because that's too much for the GF to handle

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] HELP settings table got hosed

2005-03-14 Thread Brad Benson
On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 17:30:43 -0400, Mark J. Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recently had a messy incident on my mythtv backend after my hard disk filled
> up.
> Now somehow my settings table has gotten completely hosed.  When I look at the
> database with mysql-query-browser, it can not fetch the columns for the table
> settings.
> When I try to run mythfrontend, I get this:
> 2005-03-14 17:30:00.043 Told to create a NEW database schema, but the database
> already has 55 tables.
> If you are sure this is a good mythtv database, verify
> that the settings table has the DBSchemaVer variable.
> 2005-03-14 17:30:00.043 Couldn't upgrade database to new schema, exiting.
> I have a backup from just before I upgraded to 0.17.
> What can I do?
> Mark
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

My first suggestion would be to make a back up of your current db then
drop the mythconverg database and run mythtvsetup.  You'll probably
want to tell mythtvsetup to clear all settings for tuners and
channels.  I believe that running mythtvsetup should setup the
mythconverg database for you.  If not then it should get setup the
first time you start the backend or frontend.  Of course, any settings
you've changed recently will have to be changed back as all the
default settings will be inserted when the db is recreated.

As long as you make a backup of your current db before you do this you
can always roll it back to your currently hosed version and try some
other method if this doesn't work, but I expect this should get you
fixed up and ready to run again.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: MythWeather Animated Maps Cannot Download?

2005-03-14 Thread Brad Benson
On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 01:59:57 -0500, Maverick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can we get these changes committed to CVS?
> I just requested to join mythtv-dev, so if it doesn't happen before
> they approve my addition, I'll submit a proper patch.
> -Kenneth
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

I've just submitted a patch to mythtv-dev which adds a few new entries
in the db for weather data URL's.  This would allow us to quickly and
easily adapt to changes in weather data sources as long as the data
format remains unchanged.  Obviously, using this patch would still
require a recompile of mythweather right now, but any future changes
could be handled by simply changing a setting in the db.  There are
hardcoded default values that reflect the currently working URL's so
you don't need to make any db changes right now, only if the URL's
change again in the future.

I've attached my patch to this post as well in case some of the folks
on the -users list may find it useful to fix the immediate mythweather


Description: Binary data
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Mythweather quit working?

2005-03-13 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 02:25:46 -0600, Matt S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone else experiencing this?  When I try to launch it, it times out.
>  When I look at the command line it complains about not being able to
> contact the site.  When I try to manually enter the URL it
> lists, it won't work either.  Anyone else seing this issue?
> Thanks!
> Matt
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Someone else reported this earlier today and included a patch to fix
mythweather 0.17.  It appears that mythweather is hardcoded to
retrieve weather data from and changed
their DNS entries so that no longer resolves.  You can
either apply the patch included in this conversation:

or just go through mythweather.cpp and change all occurrences of to  After making the change you will
need to recompile and reinstall mythweather for the changes to take

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: mythtv backend on a headless fileserver

2005-03-10 Thread Brad Benson
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:01:49 -0800, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ssh w/X11 forwarding works just fine for me. Enable X11-forwarding in the
> backend's sshd config file, then:
> Not sure what else might need doing, this works out of the box on FC3
> (X11-forwarding is already enabled in FC3's sshd, but the -X is needed to
> tell the client to enable X11-forwarding also).
If you don't already have it, create ~/.ssh/config on the client
machine.  Then add this:

Host *
ForwardX11 yes

This will automatically enable X11 forwarding for any machine you log
into.  Of course, it's much safer to add, say:

Host mymythbackend
ForwardX11 yes

That way you only explicitly allow X forwarding for the machine named
mymythbackend.  All other machines you log into will not allow X
forwarding unless you include -X on the command line.  You can add as
many Host  entries as you like, but keep in the mind that the
first entry in the file takes precedence so make sure any 'Host *'
entry is the last one in the file.  If 'Host *' is the first entry in
the config file my understanding is that it will override any other
settings you have in there.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge WINTV-PVR-500MCE

2005-03-10 Thread Brad Benson
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:40:15 -0800, Jarod Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I've currently got a single 350 doing encode and decode on my MBE/FE
> > system.  When the 500 gets here I'll be putting that in the same
> > system with the 350 and I'll report back with any problems.
> One more thing to note about the 150 and 500 coexisting with a 350 and/or
> 250... At the moment, scaling the video down to anything less than
> full-resolution (720x480 NTSC, 720x576 PAL) at encoding time is not yet
> possible on the 150 and 500, so your recording profiles will have to all use
> 720x480 for the moment. I believe scaling is one of the next things on the
> list to tackle...
Not a problem really.  I've been recording at 720x480 for ease of
converting to DVD, but just today I switched that down to 352x480
since I get pretty much the same quality video and save some space. 
But hey, I've been getting 720x480 so why not go back to it if I can
record 3 shows simultaneously rather than just 1?
> > Thanks for your hard work on this Jarod!
> The bigger thanks go to a number of folks on the ivtv list, the tveeprom and
> tuner stuff I did was pretty trivial compared to the work they did on the
> cx25840 component. But I'll take what I can get. ;-)
Well then, thanks to all those folks as well. :)  But I don't think I
ever sent out a big thank you for the FC install guide without which I
would've spent MUCH more time getting my first box up and running. 
When I told my GF that I was "building a tivo" she looked at me like I
had two heads and she was still perturbed with the amount of time I
spent on it.  Without your guide I probably wouldn't have a GF
anymore. :)

> > I've really been wanting to
> > add a new tuner and 2 is always better than 1 (as long as the 2
> > actually work ;) ).  Since I only have 1 PCI slot left I was really
> > hoping the 500 would get some working drivers.
> For the most part, my analog tuners do next to nothing anymore. I've got a
> pcHDTV HD-2000 capture OTA HD, cable HD coming off my cable box via FireWire,
> and an Air2PC card I'm still working on (can't seem to get anything off cable
> at the moment, may just move it to OTA as well). Getting my 150 and 500
> working has mostly been just for fun! :-)
I'm glad you had fun doing it (although that's why we all do it,
right?).  I don't yet have an HDTV so the HD stuff is just pie in the
sky for me at this point.  I'm happy to not have to miss the new South
Park on Wednesday because the GF wants to make sure we get the new
episode of Newlyweds on MTV.  God forbid I'd just watch South Park
when it's on live TV.  Live TV?  What's that? ;)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Hauppauge WINTV-PVR-500MCE

2005-03-10 Thread Brad Benson
> > Also, a
> > single 500 will work with 2 250s in the same backend in harmony?
> I'm not aware of any reason why it wouldn't, but I haven't yet grouped my 150
> or 500 with other ivtv cards (besides each other, which works fine). 

I'll be able to test this in a few weeks when my new 500 gets here. :)
 I've currently got a single 350 doing encode and decode on my MBE/FE
system.  When the 500 gets here I'll be putting that in the same
system with the 350 and I'll report back with any problems.

Thanks for your hard work on this Jarod!  I've really been wanting to
add a new tuner and 2 is always better than 1 (as long as the 2
actually work ;) ).  Since I only have 1 PCI slot left I was really
hoping the 500 would get some working drivers.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] can this list go on gmane?

2005-03-02 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 15:56:04 -0600, John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 04:14:21PM -0500, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:
> > Allow me to head this off...
> >
> > An earlier attempt to mirror the lists to gmane was made; Isaac wasn't all 
> > that
> > happy with it.  It might happen again later, or not.
> Do you know why?  

I believe it had something to do with someone, at some point,
submitting the list to gmane without Isaac's knowledge or consent. 
That resulted in large amounts of spam to list members.  Hence, Isaac
isn't thrilled about travelling that road again.  At least that's what
I recall.  I'm sure if you just visited the archives at
gossamer-threads and did a simple search on gmane you'd turn up plenty
of good info as this has been discussed at length several times.  In
fact, the gmane/forum vs. mailing list discussion is probably one of
the most frequent OT posts on this list.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Removing Parts of Myth

2005-03-01 Thread Brad Benson
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 16:06:53 -0500, Thom Paine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 3) Disable GNOME/KDE and use a lightweight windowmanager like fluxbox,
> > fvwm, etc.
> I'd like to explore this option. I'm currently using gnome, but had
> heard that fluxbox was faster for something like this. I'll look into
> it more.

Take a look at the ratpoison and blackbox window managers.  I used
blackbox for a long time on my mythbox as it's very lightweight, but I
eventually ran into some focus problems (mplayer and xine would start
up behind the myth menu window so you could never actually view
movies, only hear them).  When I had those problems I switched to
ratpoison which is extremely lightweight and have never had another
problem since.  It definitely made a HUGE difference in startup time
moving from KDE to ratpoison on my Athlon 1600+.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: Non-live surfing Re: [mythtv-users] how to decrease time needed for switch channels in live-TV ?

2005-02-23 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 12:30:56 -0800, Brad Templeton
> However, if you want to help the surfers, here is something you could
> code.
> People are making the mistake that channel surfing has to be LIVE.  It
> might not be.So write a program that uses all available tuners to
> grab snippets from a set of channels -- short snippets from all channels,
> longer from favourite channels and even longer from adjacent channels in
> the surf list.   Use the listings data to assure the snippit is from the
> same program that is on now.
> Do this constantly, be constantly grabbing snippets, updating them if they
> get too old.
> When the user wants to surf, surf the snippets (which always start with
> a key frame)   When he actually changes channels move into an even
> more agressive snippet grabbing mode that tries to update nearby channels
> if it can.   Use all available tuners for the given video source.

In theory I think this is an excellent idea.  However, the biggest
problem I see is lack of sufficient tuners to support this feature.  I
currently have a single tuner system which means that if I'm watching
live TV there is no way for me to grab snippets from another channel
without changing what I'm currently watching.  Even in a 2 tuner
system, if you're watching live TV and there is one program being
recorded you're in the same boat.

Let's assume a 2 tuner system with no current recordings.  One tuner
would obviously be used for whatever channel the user is currently
viewing.  This leaves the other tuner to hop around gathering snippets
from other channels.  Assuming each snippet is 30 seconds long that
means that you'd have to stay on each channel for at least 30 seconds
or risk "catching up" to the snippet grabbing and being stuck with the
typical black screen again.  I don't know about you, but back in my
"channel surfing" days it was rare for me to stay on any one channel
for more than 5-10 seconds unless it looked interesting by that point.

It seems to me that to make this a feasible option you'd need a system
with at least 4 tuners per video source.  At that rate, for a system
than only supports analog cable, you're looking at $400+ just for
tuners in the system.  You might as well just go out and buy a
standard TV and use that for channel surfing.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to decrease time needed for switch channels in live-TV ?

2005-02-23 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 14:40:53 -0600, M S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I also watch news and sports.  You guys telling me that you record
> news?  Or that you always record sports (most of which extend beyond
> or well short of the exact program time)?  I can't stand watching
> something that's supposed to be live after the fact.

Nope, believe it or not, I don't really watch the news at all.  And
yes, I pretty much always record sports that I want to watch.  I just
set it to record an extra 30-60 minutes to make sure I catch any
overtime that may occur.  If I really want to watch it "live" I'll
just watch the recording  in progress.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to decrease time needed for switch channels in live-TV ?

2005-02-23 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 09:31:37 +, Chris Martin 
> Two ideas that I had on this subject:
> idea 1
> Would it be technically possible to have an option to enable the PVR
> functionality only once the pause button is pressed (i.e. only create
> a buffer on pause)?  You'd lose the ability to rewind through stuff
> you'd just been watching , but it might work better for some people.

I'm not sure how well that would work, but the first thing that comes
to mind is that if you don't create the buffer until the user presses
the pause button then you absolutely can't pause on the same frame
they were watching when the button was pressed (since it's already
been displayed to the monitor and not written to disk).  At best you
could pause at the next frame, which is probably acceptable to most
people, but this would really depend on the overhead required to open
the new buffer file and start writing video to that file.

> idea 2
> Is it possible to send video to the screen and also write it a file
> (albeit with some delay in writing it to the file)?  If so you could
> again start watching TV straight away and then have a buffer 3 seconds
> behind that could be switched to once pause/rewind etc was pressed.
> Again there would have to be a delay for the PVR functionality and I
> could see problems in how to handle the transition to the buffer.

Again, I'm not sure on the feasability of writing to the monitor and a
buffer at the same time, but I'd expect it would be a fairly intricate
task if it's even possible at all.  However, the real problem, as you
mentioned, would be the transition from live video to the buffer.  I'm
not sure it would even be possible to determine which frame in the
buffer corresponds to the frame that is currently displayed on the

To be honest, I don't think this feature is very high on the list for
most, if not all, of the developers since, to my knowledge, the vast
majority of myth users rarely, if ever, use the live tv functions.  I
can't remember the last time I watched live tv since I've always got a
disk full of recorded shows that I can watch commercial-free.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Install MAC OSX Frontend

2005-02-23 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 09:52:39 +0100, Lorenzo Palliser Barber
> Thanks Pascal.
> When I install SqlServer in my Mini, following the instruccions of
> , i do this:
> 6. MySQL
>   Again, there's nothing too complicated. You only need the client
> library from MySQL, so these commands turn off a lot of the parts that
> the installation offers.
> curl
> |
> tar -xz
> cd mysql-4.1.9
> ./configure --disable-static --without-debug \
>--without-server --without-geometry \
>--without-extra-tools --without-docs \
>--without-man --without-bench
> make LDFLAGS="-no-undefined -Wl,-prebind,-seg1addr,0xC200"
> sudo make install
> cd ..
>And the problem persist (i can´t locate the MySQL database).

Redo this entire step, but remove the --without-server part from the
./configure line.

Those directions are for installation of a frontend on a mac, assuming
that there is a separate backend server already in place.  Since you
don't have a separate backend server you'll need to install the MySQL
server on your mac (and adding --without-server to the ./configure
line prevents installation of the server).

After you have installed MySQL you'll need to follow the instructions
here to configure the mythtv database:

Once that's complete you'll need to edit /usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt
to set these variables:


That should get your frontend up and running.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Install MAC OSX Frontend

2005-02-22 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 08:35:14 +0100, Lorenzo Palliser Barber
> Hi,
> I´m looking for install Mythtv frontend to a Mini Mac 1,5 (coneccted to
> a PlasmaTV).
> Is possible install the frontend without a linux machine with backend?

To my knowledge only the frontend currently works on OSX.  And a
frontend without a backend won't do you much good since the backend
handles all of the video capture, etc.  It should be possible to use
some portions of the frontend (MythMusic, maybe MythVideo) without a
backend as long as you have a mysql server somewhere with the mythtv
database set up correctly, but you definitely won't be able to use any
of the tv functions.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to decrease time needed for switch channels in live-TV ?

2005-02-22 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 00:15:54 -0500, Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well, the first thing you'd have to do, from my understanding, is
> remove the PVR functions from live TV watching.  The reason for the
> delay in changing channels is the need to build up a buffer of video
> before displaying it to the user.  When watching "live tv" in myth
> you're actually watching video that is about 3 seconds behind the real
> live feed because the video is recorded and you are really watching
> the recorded video just after it's recorded.  Since myth can only
> buffer video as fast as it's being received you can't buffer 3 seconds
> of video in less than 3 seconds.

One thing I forgot to mention is that, with a single tuner card, any
PVR can only tune one channel at a time so if you're watching, for
instance, channel 4 then that's what's getting put in the buffer. 
When you change to channel 5 then the system has to start buffering
video on that channel.  There's no way to buffer more than one channel
without multiple tuners and even then it's pretty difficult.  Besides,
who's to say what the additional buffered channels should be?  If the
system is buffering channels 4, 5 and 6 on the three (hypothetical)
tuners available and you jump to channel 57 you're still gonna have to
wait for those 3 seconds to start buffering that channel and now
you've just wasted the time/CPU/disk space that you were using to
buffer channels 5 and 6.

Make sense?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] how to decrease time needed for switch channels in live-TV ?

2005-02-22 Thread Brad Benson
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 20:13:40 +0100 (MET), Uwe Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> list,
> I know, not all are interested in decreasing the time needed for switching
> channels
> in live TV.
> But, I want to replace my old satellite receiver with a mythfrontend
> (together with
> mythbackend and DVB-S cards). The frontend and backend (2 DVB-S cards) are
> up and
> running already and are used as a VHS-replacement by now, even by my wife,
> but, as
> mentioned above, but -for me- it needs too long (1s to 3s, dependign on ??)
> to
> switch channels. Because I want to use it as DVB-S (digital) receiver.
> And for zapping hte channels, 2 seconds e.g. are too long for me.
> So, question:
> what can I do to reduce the time needed for switching channels ?
> Improvements in configuration, source code changes (buffer for MPEG2-stream
> in
> frontend), just every suggestion is welcome.

Well, the first thing you'd have to do, from my understanding, is
remove the PVR functions from live TV watching.  The reason for the
delay in changing channels is the need to build up a buffer of video
before displaying it to the user.  When watching "live tv" in myth
you're actually watching video that is about 3 seconds behind the real
live feed because the video is recorded and you are really watching
the recorded video just after it's recorded.  Since myth can only
buffer video as fast as it's being received you can't buffer 3 seconds
of video in less than 3 seconds.

Now you could make channel changes almost instantaneous by just
displaying the live feed to the user, but then you lose the ability to
pause/rew/ff since the video is just being passed through to the
screen and not recorded.  If you do some searching in the archive you
should find that this topic has been discussed several times in the

I also think you'll find, as most people do, that once you start using
the PVR functions of myth (or any other PVR, for that matter) the
amount of time you spend "channel surfing" will decrease drastically. 
Why waste time searching all the channels for something good to watch
when you can just look through the schedule for the whole week on
Sunday night and tell the PVR to tape anything that looks interesting?
 That way, when you're ready to watch you just start up whichever show
you want to watch immediately.  No commercials, no scanning for
something good.  Just watch what you want when you want it.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] mythweb question

2005-02-21 Thread Brad Benson
On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 19:47:58 -0500, Justin Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just wondering if its possible to delete more than one show at a time
> with mythweb or the frontend for that matter. 

I don't think there's any way to delete multiple shows with mythweb,
but if you're running 0.17 you can do it with the frontend.  In the
Watch Recordings screen highlight a recording and press 'i'.  One of
the options on the menu should be 'add to playlist'.  Do this for each
recording you wish to delete.  Then hit 'm' to bring up the menu. 
Select 'Playlist menu' and you should have an option to delete all
shows currently in the playlist.

Hope that helps.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Front end machine 30' away from TV/stero?

2005-02-21 Thread Brad Benson
> I've got an old NVidia card (an Asus branded GForce2-MX400), and I've
> tried running the composite out from that card to the TV over a 30' coax
> cable with F-RCA converters on both ends -- under the assumption that
> the coax (RG6) cable would be better shielded than a standard RCA cable
> -- is this true?  The resulting signal on the TV is very dirty, with
> distortion in the middle of the screen and bands that cycle top to bottom.
> Is there anything I can do (better cable, a signal amp, something else?)
> to get video from the server to the TV cleanly?  Or am I stuck with
> needing a second computer for the frontend in the TV room?

Based on your description of the dirty signal you're seeing on your TV
it sounds very similar to the distortion I was getting at one point
from a ground loop problem.  My cable run was only about 6 feet, but
the signal distortion was horrendous.  It turned out that my backend
had a three-prong grounded plug, but my tv and receiver both had
two-prong ungrounded plugs.  This was causing a ground loop when
connecting the backend computer to the tv and stereo.  I eventually
solved this by picking up some 12-gauge copper wire from home depot
and connecting the ground screws on the tv and stereo to the metal
plate in the power outlet where the backend was plugged in.  This
brought the ground for all three devices into sync and removed the
distortion I was seeing.

Since plain copper wire is pretty cheap from home depot you may want
to give this a try before changing out parts of your 30' run.  If need
be you can temporarily use some old speaker wire to try this out and
see if it makes any difference before you go pick up new ground wire
at home depot.  I wouldn't leave that speaker wire in place for an
extended period of time, but you should be able to use it to test.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] vonage caller id

2005-02-18 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 23:31:37 -0500, Zachary Bedell
> Hash: SHA1
> First of all, if I can put in my "Me Too!" for the Vonage caller-id
> sniffer.  That sounds like a useful little bit of code.  I'd be happy
> to host the script on my site if it doesn't have anywhere else to live.
> On Jan 29, 2005, at 1:47 PM, James Armstrong wrote:
> > I have the same problem with Mythnotify, it does not display while not
> > watching tv. I have been thinking about trying to write something in
> > the frontend that will just display a popup qt box that will do the
> > same while in the menus.
> I've had good luck using xYac (which uses XOsd) to handle caller-id
> pop-ups.  It displays over anything in X including videos in MPlayer,
> DVDs in Ogle, and all the various Myth plugins.
> In my Myth startup script, I have the following line right before the
> call to Mythfrontend:
> xyac -c yellow -f -adobe-utopia-bold-r-normal--*-400-*-*-*-*-* -s 5 &
> That gives me a fairly large yellow pop-up that stays for 5 seconds
> then disappears when I get an incoming call.
> If you're not familiar with Yac, you can find info here:
> Yac is a really simple TCP protocol for caller-id announcements.  Just
> open a connection, send a string like @CALLJohn Doe~(123)555-1234\0,
> then close the port.
> You can find xYac here:
> You can find the xosd package here:
> I've been using xYac for a long time now (longer than Myth even), and
> it's worked flawlessly.  I use Asterisk to provide the caller-id info
> from another server where I have a very simple program that sends info
> in the Yac protocol.
> My YacSend program is based on elseed (the TiVo caller-id server).  You
> can get YacSend here:
> Best regards,
> Zac Bedell
> ==
> Brought to you by MacOS, running on host Ringo
> Running for:  4 days,  4 hours, 32 minutes
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)
> =MoPl
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

I like this method of displaying caller id info a lot and it's almost
working wonderfully for me.  As long as I'm not actually watching a
recorded show in myth everything appears to work just great. 
Unfortunately, if I happen to be watching a recording when xyac
receives an event my screen goes black except for the yac text on the
screen.  The text appears to be transparent as I can see the recording
through the 'stencil' of the text, but the rest of the screen is
black.  After the yac timeout expires the text disappears and I'm left
with a black screen.  In order to see my recording again I have to
stop/pause/ff/rew/play.  I'm not sure if it matters, but I'm using the
tv-out of a pvr-350.  Come to think of it, I need to test this on my
remote frontend which is displaying on a monitor using an nvidia card
and see what that does.  In the meantime, anyone know if/why xyac
might have trouble with the pvr-350 tv-out?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Custom Job Queues from mythfrontend [PATCH]

2005-02-18 Thread Brad Benson
On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 01:53:42 -0500 (EST), Chris Pinkham
> > While I don't currently have any User Jobs set up, I've been wanting
> > to dive into the myth code a little bit and this seems like a fairly
> > trivial task and hence, a good starting place for me.  I pulled the
> > latest cvs last night and I believe I have this working correctly.  I
> > need to do some more testing on it and create a patch, but as soon as
> > that's done I'll post the patch.
> If you haven't already, can you make it so that the description of the
> User Job shows on the popup menu and not just "User Job #1", etc..
> --
> Chris
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Here's an updated version of my patch that fixes the translation
problems and removes a lot of the repeated code.



Description: Binary data
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Single most frustrating thing aboutMythTV...

2005-02-16 Thread Brad Benson
> Thats a good idea. Is there a way to play a DVD right from the drive on
> the backend and view it on the front end then? Or does it need to be
> ripped first?

Yes, there is a way to do this with MythDVD.  Search the archives for
a post titled "DVD Playback across the wire".  It requires xine on the
frontend where you want to view the DVD's and a custom compiled from
source xine with the inclusion of cdda_server on the backend that has
the DVD drive.

I've set this up on my system and tested it minimally and it seems to
work although I haven't yet actually watched a full DVD on the remote

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth gets mplayer key events...

2005-02-16 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 15:16:48 -0500, Craig Partin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 12:31:22 -0700, Clint Silvester
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Magnus Ekhall wrote:
> >
> > > I'm now using mplayer as a player in MythVideo, but I have some problems.
> > > During playback, mplayer does not respond to my keyboard. However,
> > > when the playback is finished I can see that the key-events got
> > > handled by Myth instead. Even though Myth was in the background!
> > >
> > > Anyone knows what is happening?
> > >
> > > Also, the lirc bindings to mplayer doesn't work, but that may be a
> > > different story...
> > >
> > > Cheers,
> > > Magnus
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >___
> > >mythtv-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > I think this happens when you don't have a windowmanager.
> >
> > Clint Silvester
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> Yes, that sounds like a window focus issue.  There are many window
> manager discussions in the archive.
> The lirc problem might have to do with the location of your lircrc
> file.  Some programs look in the home directory for a .lircrc and myth
> needs it in .mythtv/lircrc.  I keep a copy in both locations for this
> reason.  Or there may be an mplayer flag to specify a location, I
> don't remember offhand.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

mplayer is supposed to look for your lirc config file in ~/.lircrc by
default, but for some reason I've had some problems with that in the
past.  You can always specify your lirc config file to mplayer with
the command-line argument -lircconf /path/to/config/file.  Also, I
recently fixed a problem where Myth was working fine with lirc, but
mplayer wasn't.  It turned out that I had two different versions of installed on my system - one in /usr/lib and the
other in /usr/local/lib.  Myth was using the correct one and mplayer
was using the wrong one.  Try running 'locate liblirc_client' and make
sure any files it finds are only in one place.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Custom Job Queues from mythfrontend

2005-02-16 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 16:23:42 -0500, Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:06:35 -0400, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >While I don't currently have any User Jobs set up, I've been wanting
> > >to dive into the myth code a little bit and this seems like a fairly
> > >trivial task and hence, a good starting place for me.  I pulled the
> > >latest cvs last night and I believe I have this working correctly.  I
> > >need to do some more testing on it and create a patch, but as soon as
> > >that's done I'll post the patch.
> > >
> > >As it stands right now User Jobs will show up in the 'Job Options'
> > >menu if there is a command specified for that job (i.e., if you only
> > >specified a command for User Job 1 then User Job 1 will be in the
> > >menu, but 2, 3 and 4 will not).  The menu options for User Jobs pretty
> > >much duplicate the Transcoding and Commercial Flagging menus in that
> > >if the job is already schedule the menu item will allow you to stop
> > >it, if not you can start the job from the menu.
> > >
> > >As Chris pointed out in his previous message, external programs won't
> > >be able to stop unless they're written to check the job queue table
> > >for the stop message, but I figured it's better to have it in there
> > >for now since folks could very well write apps to check for that.
> > >
> > >Brad
> > >
> > Thanks Brad...  The modifications you made will work fine for me as all
> > I wanted was some way to easily start a custom job...
> >
> > Greg
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> Okay folks, here's a patch to allow users to start User Jobs from the
> Job Options menu just like you can do with transcoding and commercial
> flagging.  I'm pretty confident that it works 100%, but please let me
> know if anyone runs into any problems with it.
> Also, please be aware that while I am very familiar with coding in C
> my C++ experience is VERY limited.  This is, in fact, my first ever
> patch to C++ code so if there's some ugly code in there or something
> not done correctly please feel free to point it out to me - I'd
> appreciate the education. :)
> Brad

Oops, might help if I attach the patch, huh?
--- mythtv/programs/mythfrontend/playbackbox.h	2005-02-06 18:14:54.0 -0500
+++ mythtv.patched/programs/mythfrontend/playbackbox.h	2005-02-16 05:36:44.0 -0500
@@ -94,6 +94,10 @@
 void changeOldPasswordChanged(const QString &newText);
 void doBeginTranscoding();
 void doBeginFlagging();
+void doBeginUserJob1();
+void doBeginUserJob2();
+void doBeginUserJob3();
+void doBeginUserJob4();
 void doClearPlaylist();
 void doPlaylistDelete();
 void doPlaylistChangeRecGroup();

--- mythtv/programs/mythfrontend/playbackbox.cpp	2005-02-15 11:39:44.0 -0500
+++ mythtv.patched/programs/mythfrontend/playbackbox.cpp	2005-02-16 06:15:58.0 -0500
@@ -1982,6 +1982,8 @@
 QSqlDatabase *db = QSqlDatabase::database();
 QButton *jobButton;
+QString jobTitle = "";
+QString command = "";
 if (JobQueue::IsJobRunning(db, JOB_TRANSCODE, curitem->chanid,
@@ -1999,6 +2001,66 @@
 popup->addButton(tr("Begin Commercial Flagging"), this,
+command = gContext->GetSetting("UserJob1", "");
+if (command != "") {
+jobTitle = gContext->GetSetting("UserJobDesc1");
+if (JobQueue::IsJobRunning(db, JOB_USERJOB1, curitem->chanid,
+ curitem->startts))
+popup->addButton(tr("Stop " + jobTitle), this,
+ SLOT(doBeginUserJob1()));
+popup->addButton(tr("Begin " + jobTitle), this,
+ SLOT(doBeginUserJob1()));
+command = gContext->GetSetting("UserJob2", "");
+if (command != "") {
+jobTitle = gContext->GetSetting("UserJobDesc2");
+if (JobQueue::IsJobRunning(db, JOB_USERJOB2, curitem->chanid,
+  curitem->startts))
+popup->addButton(tr("Stop " + jobTitle), this,
+ SLOT(doBeginUserJ

Re: [mythtv-users] Custom Job Queues from mythfrontend

2005-02-16 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 09:06:35 -0400, Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >While I don't currently have any User Jobs set up, I've been wanting
> >to dive into the myth code a little bit and this seems like a fairly
> >trivial task and hence, a good starting place for me.  I pulled the
> >latest cvs last night and I believe I have this working correctly.  I
> >need to do some more testing on it and create a patch, but as soon as
> >that's done I'll post the patch.
> >
> >As it stands right now User Jobs will show up in the 'Job Options'
> >menu if there is a command specified for that job (i.e., if you only
> >specified a command for User Job 1 then User Job 1 will be in the
> >menu, but 2, 3 and 4 will not).  The menu options for User Jobs pretty
> >much duplicate the Transcoding and Commercial Flagging menus in that
> >if the job is already schedule the menu item will allow you to stop
> >it, if not you can start the job from the menu.
> >
> >As Chris pointed out in his previous message, external programs won't
> >be able to stop unless they're written to check the job queue table
> >for the stop message, but I figured it's better to have it in there
> >for now since folks could very well write apps to check for that.
> >
> >Brad
> >
> Thanks Brad...  The modifications you made will work fine for me as all
> I wanted was some way to easily start a custom job...
> Greg
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Okay folks, here's a patch to allow users to start User Jobs from the
Job Options menu just like you can do with transcoding and commercial
flagging.  I'm pretty confident that it works 100%, but please let me
know if anyone runs into any problems with it.

Also, please be aware that while I am very familiar with coding in C
my C++ experience is VERY limited.  This is, in fact, my first ever
patch to C++ code so if there's some ugly code in there or something
not done correctly please feel free to point it out to me - I'd
appreciate the education. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: Single most frustrating thing about MythTV...

2005-02-16 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 02:03:54 -0800, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I absolutely agree with Matt that this is a feature desperately
> lacking in MythTV. I know its been brought up many times here, so
> obviously others thinks so too. I think the main reason that it
> hasn't been implemented is that the people with the skill needed to
> do so, think nothing of burning dvds from the command line (or
> installing 1Tb of online storage) -- while the people that need/want
> it are still struggling to understand the remote control.
> Anyway, don't be too hard on Matt - he's a user making a suggestion.
> Surely there is some value in that. I'm pretty sick of reading "Well,
> then code it" every time someone makes a reasonable suggestion for
> improving Myth. Besides, he preceded his message with the obligatory
> heaping-of-praise-upon-the-geeks, so I don't think he meant any harm.
> ;=)
> PS: I can't code it either.  :-)
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Yes, there is value in users making suggestions.  The thing to
remember is how you make those suggestions.  I think the reason Matt
got so many harsh responses is the way he worded his post. 
Specifically this part:

(Sure, people can say "run this command line, then do this, then
that... then burn."  NO!  This should be an automated procedure with
ease and simplicity and no commands lines. ) which seems to imply that
he is well aware that there is a method to do what he wants to do, but
he's not willing to put in the effort to do it until someone else puts
in lots more effort to make it easy for him.

You may notice that when feature requests/suggestions are made
politely they are most often greeted with responses stating either why
that feature hasn't been added yet, that it's already being worked on
or why it's not a reasonable/feasible request.  When suggestions are
made in the fashion of "I know it can be done now, but I refuse to
figure out how and want an easier way" you tend to get responses like
"then code it yourself".

Matt - I hope I'm not coming off as a complete jerk here, but when I
read your original post the tone I got from it was very whiney and
really rubbed me the wrong way, apparently despite your best
intentions. :)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Custom Job Queues from mythfrontend

2005-02-16 Thread Brad Benson
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 13:02:49 -0500 (EST), Chris Pinkham
> > Chris Pinkham wrote:
> >
> > >>I know that custom jobs can be setup to run after a recording finishes,
> > >>but is it possible to access them from mythfrontend using the 'Job
> > >>Options' menu option. Currently only 'Begin Transcoding' and 'Begin
> > >>Commercial Flagging' are present.
> > >
> > >Not currently.
> > >
> > Maybe someday.. Seems to me would me useful to call things like the
> > example script or nuvexport...
> Yeah, we just didn't get around to it and the menu items were added before
> the popup menu was rearranged a little, so it was getting kinda full.  Now
> that there is a separate submenu for JobQueue jobs, it is fairly easy to
> add without cluttering up the menu.  There might only be Start buttons
> though, since the jobqueue wouldn't know how to stop an external application
> unless it was written to check the jobqueue table for the stop message.
> Patches are welcome, otherwise you'll have to wait till someone else
> scratches that itch. :)  I put it on my TODO but it's low on my priority list.
> --
> Chris
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

While I don't currently have any User Jobs set up, I've been wanting
to dive into the myth code a little bit and this seems like a fairly
trivial task and hence, a good starting place for me.  I pulled the
latest cvs last night and I believe I have this working correctly.  I
need to do some more testing on it and create a patch, but as soon as
that's done I'll post the patch.

As it stands right now User Jobs will show up in the 'Job Options'
menu if there is a command specified for that job (i.e., if you only
specified a command for User Job 1 then User Job 1 will be in the
menu, but 2, 3 and 4 will not).  The menu options for User Jobs pretty
much duplicate the Transcoding and Commercial Flagging menus in that
if the job is already schedule the menu item will allow you to stop
it, if not you can start the job from the menu.

As Chris pointed out in his previous message, external programs won't
be able to stop unless they're written to check the job queue table
for the stop message, but I figured it's better to have it in there
for now since folks could very well write apps to check for that.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: email list vs forum

2005-02-15 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 05:24:43 +0100, Robert Krig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Someone here mentioned usenet newsgroups.
> I have been thinking about this as well. It seems to me that the best
> place for mythtv discussion would be via usenet. I cant really think of
> any disadvantages of communicating via newsgroup. Perhaps someone could
> name some advantages of mailing list vs: newsgroup.  Is there even a
> mythtv newsgroup at the moment?

Here's a big one:  I use Comcast for my internet service and they only
allow a very limited amount of news activity per month and even for
that I have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get a
username/password to access their news server.  Now I know that I
could go through a third party news service, but for that I have to
pay a monthly fee.  Email is easy to setup, pretty much everyone who
has internet access has it and it's free (excepting the cost of your
connection and you'd need that for newsgroups anyway).  Besides, it
seems that an awful lot of people on this list prefer the mailing
list. Plus if we add a newsgroup that's just one more thing for Isaac
or someone else to have to maintain.  I, for one, would prefer that
the developers are able to spend their time developing myth rather
than maintaining multiple sources of help to cater to the preferences
of everyone who uses it.  Besides, I'd be willing to bet a lot of
money that if we added a newsgroup we'd start seeing posts like "A
newsgroup was added for those people, why can't we have a forum too 
'cause that's the method I like better"

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Feature Request: Shoutcast streams and Apple trailers like on Xbox Media center.

2005-02-15 Thread Brad Benson
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:34:44 -0800, Lonnie Borntreger
> On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 22:18 -0500, Brad Benson wrote:
> > To my knowledge myth doesn't have anything like the Apple movie
> > trailers section, but there is a (AFAIK unsupported) myth plugin
> > called MythFM that plays internet radio.  I don't recall the URL for
> > it at the moment, but if you google on MythFM I'm sure you can turn it
> > up pretty easily.
> According to its website, MythFM is for broadcast radio using a TV
> card's FM tuner, not for Internet radio.
> Lonnie
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Hmm, you do appear to be correct.  I know I saw something for myth
that would play internet radio, but I can't for the life of me
remember what it was, although I'm about 99% sure that it was
something unofficial.  I'll have to look around a little bit and see
what I can find.  If I turn up anything usefull I'll post it back

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Feature Request: Shoutcast streams and Apple trailers like on Xbox Media center.

2005-02-15 Thread Brad Benson
On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 04:14:50 +0100, Robert Krig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was over at a friends house the other day. He has a modded Xbox with
> Xbox Media Center running on it. Anyways, two features impressed me,
> which mythtv to my knowledge doesnt do.
> 1. There was the possibility to navigate and select and
> other internet radio sites to select a stream to listen to.
> 2. There was also a feature so you could watch trailers from the apple
> quicktime trailer site.
> The trailer feature didnt show the apple webpage or anything, just a
> text list linking to the different movie trailers, upon selection, you
> could then choose the resolution, small, medium or Large.
> These two features dont seem to be too complicated and in my opinion
> would make a nice addition to MythTV.
> Just a thought at any rate.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

To my knowledge myth doesn't have anything like the Apple movie
trailers section, but there is a (AFAIK unsupported) myth plugin
called MythFM that plays internet radio.  I don't recall the URL for
it at the moment, but if you google on MythFM I'm sure you can turn it
up pretty easily.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Single most frustrating thing about MythTV...

2005-02-15 Thread Brad Benson
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 20:40:43 -0600, M S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> yea yea...  If I could I would, unfortunantly, I'm a user not a
> developer.  I only know enough to get mysel out of trouble when it
> comes to linux, not how to create trouble.  Like I said, I love myth,
> I just don't understand why this hasn't been considered a priority.  I
> know the question has been asked 1000 times, but I've never seen a
> developer take it seriously as of yet.
> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:00:43 -0500, sdk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:53:47 -0600, M S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > First off... this is not meant to be a flame war and let me say I LOVE
> > > both the concept of MythTV as well as it's functionality.
> > >
> > > I think the biggest thing missing from MythTV is a built in function
> > > for archiving shows to DVD.  The closest thing I've come to is
> > > MythBurn, and even for all it offers, it's still lacking some key
> > > features such as:
> > >
> > > 1) True integration
> > > 2) Lack of using cutlists (even though someone has wrote a patch to do
> > > this, it isn't fullproof)
> > > 3) Doesn't convert the mp2 audio into the DVD standard of AC3 audio
> > > 4) Only supposidly works with MPEG2 clips (pvr-x50s)
> > > 5) and more
> > >
> > > I have 176GB available for myth recordings and every day I'm having to
> > > delete a show just to continue to use myth.  I want to archive a large
> > > percentage of my movies to DVD.  Sure, people can say "run this
> > > command line, then do this, then that... then burn."  NO!  This should
> > > be an automated procedure with ease and simplicity and no commands
> > > lines.  It should be able to take a recording, use the cutlists to
> > > remove commercials, build indexes, and make interactive menus.  It
> > > should also not involve having to do somethings on one machine, then
> > > copying to finish off processing on another with the exception of
> > > possibly saving an iso that can be burned on another machine which has
> > > a burner.
> > >
> > > How come this hasn't been a priority for someone to develop an
> > > integrated plugin for myth?  I've been told other PVRs have this
> > > functionality.
> > >
> > > Anyway, again, I don't mean to sound harsh, but this one thing is
> > > severly limiting what I can do with mythtv.
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > mythtv-users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > Ok. Let us know when you have coded that functionality into myth.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Steve
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

I'm guessing that's because, while it is not currently integrated into
the myth interface as such, there are a variety of ways that users can
export myth recordings to DVD-compliant format (nuvexport comes to
mind) and then burn them to DVD.  I'm positive that all of the
developers are able to do this without having to integrate it into the
myth interface so they probably don't feel that it's a very high
priority.  Remember that while other PVR's may offer this
functionality, most, if not all, of those PVR's are commercial systems
for sale to make a profit.  Myth is not such a system.  It was created
by Isaac so he could have a system that does what he wants the way he
wants it.  Other users and developers have chipped in to add features
that they would like to see added to myth.  I'd be willing to bet that
the majority of features that have been added to myth are the result
of a developer wanting that feature and creating support for it.  If
enough people want it badly enough, the feature will probably get
implemented eventually.  However, you'll either have to wait until one
of the developers decide that they need this function or you'll have
to start learning C++ and add it yourself.

Yes, it's true that there is no simple, idiot-proof method to burn
myth recordings to DVD, but the fact is that it is entirely possible
to do this with a little effort on your part.  You're basically saying
that some of the developers should stop working on the features
they're working on (like bug fixes, support for some of the newer HDTV
cards, newer hauppauge cards, updated mythmusic interface, etc) and
work on the feature you want.  The way myth works is this:  if you
want it, code it.  If you're not willing to code it then wait until
someone else is.  You're certainly not out of line in letting folks
know that this is a feature you'd like, but the tone of your email
seemed to imply that this is a feature that is seriously degrading the
quality of myth for you.

I don't mean this to come across as rude, but as I'm sure you'll soon
hear from others, if myth doesn't do what you want it to then don't
use it.  We don't really care if you use it or n

[mythtv-users] Time Stretch w/ PVR-350

2005-02-15 Thread Brad Benson
I just tried to give the new time stretch feature a go and it doesn't
appear to function correctly on the 350's tv-out.  Time stretch works
like a charm on my remote frontend which is displaying on my
workstation's monitor and using the workstation's speakers for sound,
but when I try to time stretch the same recording on the master BE/FE
the video appears to speed up correctly, but I still get the
"chipmunks"-style audio.  Both systems are using 0.17 on FC1, but the
BE/FE box is using the pvr-350's tv-out for video and the audio from
the 350 piped into the sound card line-in and then routed out to my HT
receiver.  Is this a known problem with time-stretch and the 350
output or is there some setting that I need to change?

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Re: MythTV and Commercial Skipping

2005-02-14 Thread Brad Benson
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 14:40:21 +0800, Ow Mun Heng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry--Top posting to my own thread.
> I just read some additional thread on the mailing list (off-line
> archived in my laptop) in that the flagging is done via software
> detection. eg: YOu detect OSD brightness changes(?) or TV station Logo?
> Is that right?
> On Tue, 2005-02-15 at 14:11, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> > I'm clue-less and I just read that MythTV has code which can detect
> > commercials and perform commercial skipping?
> >
> > How true is this and how does it work? can anyone enlighten me?
> > Why does it use the database for this? What sort of marker is
> > placed/marked?
> >
> > Note : No I-Net access thus, can't google.
> >
> > --
> > Ow Mun Heng
> > Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz
> > 98% Microsoft(tm) Free!!
> > Neuromancer 14:09:52 up 5:16, 3 users,
> > load average: 0.56, 0.45, 0.36
> --
> Ow Mun Heng
> Gentoo/Linux on DELL D600 1.4Ghz
> 98% Microsoft(tm) Free!!
> Neuromancer 14:19:38 up 5:26, 4 users,
> load average: 0.42, 0.38, 0.35
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

That is correct.  Commercial flagging in myth is done via software
detection.  There are various methods that can be used for this and
you can select which method to use on the 7th screen under 
Setup->Setup->TV Settings->Playback.  The options are (descriptions
are my current understanding, I'm not a myth developer and have never
looked at the actual commercial detection code):

Blank Frame Detection:  determines commercial breaks by finding blank
frames in the stream
Blank Frame + Scene Change Detection:  determines commercial breaks by
finding blank frames surrounded by frames containing vastly different
Scene Change Detection:  determines commercial breaks by detecting
adjacent frames with vastly different scenes
Logo Detection:  determines commercial breaks by detecting station logo
All:  combines all of the above methods of commercial detection

One question, for my sanity, before I go.  If you don't have internet
access to search google, how did you send emails to the mailing list?

Hope that info helps you.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] v.17 success stories?

2005-02-14 Thread Brad Benson
Working great for me now.  I had some initial troubles, but that was
because I compiled from source before the 0.17 rpms were available and
I forgot to remove the libmyth-0.16 rpm before installing the new
version.  Once the 0.17 rpms came out I removed my self-compiled
version and used apt-get to install via rpms and everything's been
working great ever since!


On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 12:09:42 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Those that are having troubles are usually more vocal, but I would like
> to hear from folks who are having success with v.17.  I am interested in
> upgrading my v.16 systems, but they are working so well it makes me
> nervous.
> ---Dan
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] PVR 350 and digital out

2005-02-14 Thread Brad Benson
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 19:34:14 +0100, Stefan Schor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have a PVR 350 card which I use as TV out (video and audio). 
> Now I want to use the digital out of my main board 
> (the digital out works fine if I use aplay e.g. "aplay -D digital
> test.wav"). 
> Is this configuration possible with mythtv? 
> I read something, that this configuration is not possible. That when I
> enable 
> the tv-out of the PVR 350, the audio will also be send to this card. 
> I tried some configurations on the new version of mythtv 0.17. 
> When using ALSA: digital or ALSA:spdif as audio device, I got an error 
> "Rate does't match (requested 0Hz got 4000Hz" or "Rate does't match
> (requested 0Hz got 48000Hz". 
> Can someone help me? 
> Best regards, 
> stefan 
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] VERY minor issue in System Status->Machine Status

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
I've noticed that, while the total memory figure is correct for both
the MythTV backend and the local frontend, the numbers reported for
used memory seem to be drastically wrong.  I have 472MB in both the
backend and remote frontend, but when I go into System Status->Machine
Status myth is reporting ~430MB used on both boxes.  When I quit out
of the frontend and use either top or gkrellm to check memory usage
I'm seeing less than 200MB used on both servers.

As I said, this is a very minor issue, but I thought I'd report it so
it's at least documented.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythVideo 0.17 - Browseable flag no longer valid?

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
I recently upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 and noticed that now when I go
into Watch Videos from the Media Library section of the default menus
I now see every single file that is listed in the Video Manager,
regardless of the browseable flag set on each one.  This is annoying
as I have several multi-part movies and only want the first part to be
displayed in the movie list.  It also appears that the various access
levels in MythVideo (1-4) are no longer acknowledged either.  I have
several adult films in MythVideo and had them set to level 4 with a
password set on that level.  That way, when I first enter MythVideo it
will only show normal videos and I must change to level 4 and enter
the password to see the adult films.  After the upgrade to 0.17 I now
see every single file, regardless of access level or browseable

I may dig into the code sometime tomorrow as I'm sure this is a pretty
minor fix.  However, if anyone else is seeing this issue or has any
idea how to fix it I'd love to hear from you.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Can't Compile 0.17 on Debian - /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:51:12 -0600, Lan User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I'm having no luck compiling 0.17 on my Debian Sid box.  I get this: 
> make 
> g++  -o settings -L/usr/share/qt3/lib -lqt -lXext -lX11 -lm 
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext 
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
> make: *** [settings] Error 1 
> I searched the archives and see some older posts about this and a suggestion
> to install QT from sources but I'd rather install a package if I'm missing
> it. 
> If anyone could offer me some help I'd be most appreciative. 
> Thanks, much, 
> Patrick. 
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

You're missing a -devel package.  Exactly which one depends on which
version of Debian and X you're running.  On my Fedora Core 1 boxes I
had to install XFree86-devel.  You can try installing that, but I'm
sure it's an X-related -devel package that you're missing.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Installing 0.16 from atrpms

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:39:25 -0500, Jeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried to install MythTV 0.16 using
>   apt-get install mythtv-suite=0.16
> apt said it was installing 0.16 but when I
> check the installed packages with rpm I found
> many components are 0.17. The backend is 0.16
> so I really need to find 0.16.
> Output from rpm -qa | grep myth
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

I'm not sure why apt would install 0.17 rpms when you specified 0.16,
but you can always remove the rpms installed by apt and then manually
download and install the 0.16 packages from 
That way you know exactly which rpms are getting installed.

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth 0.17 ATRPMS and relocation error: /usr/lib/

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:17:53 -0500, Gabe Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I ran into this exact same problem.  It appears to be related to the
> > redhat-artwork package.  What I had to do was remove redhat-artwork
> > and all packages that depend on it.  Then, go to and
> > download the redhat-artwork rpm for Fedora Core 2 Updates and install
> > it.  Then you should be able to reinstall KDE and all the other
> > packages that were removed with redhat-artwork.  After that is
> > complete you should be able to do a normal apt-get for the bleeding qt
> > packages.
> >
> > Brad
> >
> I have run into this problem, and have no gdm.  I am not concerned
> about KDE as I use ratpoison, but my login is from  xdm now, which
> does not appear to have auto-login (and I have no keyboard plugged
> into the box).
> I am curious, should I just remove redhat-artwork via apt-get remove,
> install from the rpm, and then reinstall gdm?  I am using FC1, so do
> not know if that will conflict with the FC2 packages.

I had the exact same problem - removing redhat-artwork wanted to
remove gdm which I needed for autologin.  You are correct that xdm
does not support autologin.  I am also running FC1 and the FC2 package
for redhat-artwork doesn't seem to be causing any problems for me so
far.  I performed exactly the steps that you are asking about - remove
redhat-artwork via apt-get, install the redhat-artwork FC2 rpm
individually and then use apt-get to reinstall gdm and any other
needed packages that were removed.  FYI, I believe my apt-get remove
of redhat-artwork also removed xine, xine-libs and mplayer so check
what it's removing so you know what you need to reinstall.  Also, when
apt-get removes the gdm package it will save your gdm.conf as
/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf.rpmsave.  When you reinstall gdm make sure to
copy gdm.conf.rpmsave to gdm.conf so your gdm config will remain

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 16:00:59 -0500 (EST), Chris Pinkham
> > > Interestingly, here's a snippet from mythbackend.log from immediately
> > > after the above select statement was run:
> > > 2005-02-12 20:34:52.770 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
> > > Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
> > > 2005-02-12 20:34:52.910 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
> > > QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:01.000
> > > QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> > > 2005-02-12 20:37:49.989 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
> These "Invalid time/date" messages are the reason that you have multiple
> jobs firing off I believe.  I'm thinking that because of those, the
> jobqueue field probably isn't getting updated to say that the commercial
> flagging successfully started, so the jobqueue is firing off another
> copy.
> Are you sure the mythcommflag  you are running is the latest version?  Can
> you do a "make distclean" and remake to see if it was perhaps compiled against
> an old library version or something.  The command line in your 'ps' output
> is correct, so I don't see why the flagger would be getting errors (whether
> the error is being generated in the flagger, jobqueue, or programinfo code).
> > > Accidentally replied off-list so I'm forwarding this message to the
> > > list this time.
> This was my fault, your Reply-To is set to your email address and my email
> program replied to you originally instead of to the list.
> --
> Chris
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list

Well, I think I've figured out and fixed the problem.  It appears that
when I removed the 0.16 rpms I forgot to remove libmyth.  I'm betting
that there were some old pieces of 0.16 lying around that were causing
those problems.  I've now gone through and removed all old rpms as
well as manually removing all the pieces I installed from source.  I
then reinstalled 0.17 using Axel's new rpms and everything seems to be
running along just perfectly.  It's been up for about 4 hours now with
no crashes, no out-of-control commflagging and the sluggishness I was
seeing on the menus and during playback is now gone.  I'm pretty
confident that everything is good to go now, but if something else
comes up I'll post back to this thread again.

Thanks for your help Chris!  Too bad the problem was that I'm an idiot. ;)

mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] Myth 0.17 ATRPMS and relocation error: /usr/lib/

2005-02-13 Thread Brad Benson
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 16:57:42 -0500, Matt McArthur
> The at-bleeding QT wants to remove KDE, I'm going to try XFCE, but is
> there a way to keep the bleeding qt from wanting to remove KDE?

I ran into this exact same problem.  It appears to be related to the
redhat-artwork package.  What I had to do was remove redhat-artwork
and all packages that depend on it.  Then, go to and
download the redhat-artwork rpm for Fedora Core 2 Updates and install
it.  Then you should be able to reinstall KDE and all the other
packages that were removed with redhat-artwork.  After that is
complete you should be able to do a normal apt-get for the bleeding qt


> >I believe Axel stated earlier in a comment to someone using Fedora
> >Core 1, that he would have to upgrade to the bleeding version of QT to
> >make it work
> >
> >
> >On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 17:12:08 -0700, MythTV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>What QT is thie RPMs for myth compiled against on the ATRPM site.  I have a
> >>RH9 box and the upgrade did not work.. I get a relocation error again
> >>
> >>mythbackend: relocation error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol:
> >>_ZN9QGroupBox10setEnabledEb
> >>
> >>I am running QT 3.1.1 and there is not newer one other than in bleeding
> >>
> >>
> >>Jim
> >>___
> >>mythtv-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>___
> >>mythtv-users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes

2005-02-12 Thread Brad Benson
rently allocated

Anyone got any ideas what might be going on?  If you need more info
please let me know.


On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 21:28:35 -0500, Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 21:24:30 -0500, Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -- Forwarded message --
> > From: Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 20:49:37 -0500
> > Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes
> > To: Chris Pinkham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 20:03:46 -0500 (EST), Chris Pinkham
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 late Thursday night/early Friday morning.
> > > >  Ever since then I've been seeing some strange behavior from the box.
> > > What's in your jobqueue table?  You can also limit the number of jobs
> > > that myth will run at one time, the default is 1 I believe, so I'm
> > > not sure why it's running multiple jobs unless you bumped up the
> > > JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs setting.
> > >
> >
> > When I run setup it tells me that I already have the backend limited
> > to 1 simultaneous job, CPU usage is set to Medium, Job Queue check
> > frequency is set to 60 seconds, Run Jobs only on original recording
> > host is unchecked, and I have allowed this backend to run any jobs in
> > the queue (commflag, user 1, user 2, user 3 and user 4).
> >
> > > Can you do a "select * from jobqueue order by id;" and post the
> > > output?  This should indicate if there are multiple entries in the
> > > table for a single show.  The code should prevent that though.
> > >
> >
> > Here's the output from "select * from jobqueue order by id;":
> > +++-+-+--+--+---++-++--+-+
> > | id | chanid | starttime   | inserttime  | type |
> > cmds | flags | status | statustime  | hostname   | args |
> > comment |
> > +++-+-+--+--+---++-++--+-+
> > |  1 |   1030 | 2005-02-11 15:59:00 | 2005-02-11 17:03:00 |2 |
> > 0 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-11 18:43:47 | bivomaster |  |
> > Finished, 0 break(s) found. |
> > |  3 |   1052 | 2005-02-11 22:58:00 | 2005-02-11 23:32:00 |2 |
> > 0 | 0 |  1 | 2005-02-12 20:23:05 | bivomaster |  |
> > |
> > |  4 |   1009 | 2005-02-11 20:53:00 | 2005-02-12 16:04:35 |2 |
> > 4 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-12 16:07:42 | bivomaster |  |
> > Finished, 0 break(s) found. |
> > |  5 |   1024 | 2005-02-11 18:28:00 | 2005-02-12 16:06:16 |2 |
> > 0 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-12 20:40:23 | bivomaster |  | 60%
> > Completed @ 60 fps.
> >  |
> > |  6 |   1031 | 2005-02-11 19:30:00 | 2005-02-12 16:06:21 |2 |
> > 0 | 0 |  4 | 2005-02-12 20:40:22 | bivomaster |  | 80%
> > Completed @ 60 fps. |
> > +++-+-+--+--+---++-++--+-+
> > 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> >
> > Interestingly, here's a snippet from mythbackend.log from immediately
> > after the above select statement was run:
> > 2005-02-12 20:34:52.770 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
> > Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
> > 2005-02-12 20:34:52.910 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
> > QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:01.000
> > QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> > 2005-02-12 20:37:49.989 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
> > 2005-02-12 20:37:50.055 adding: bivomaster as a client (events: 0)
> > 2005-02-12 20:37:50.249 Reloading backend settings
> > 2005-02-12 20:37:50.370 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
> > 2005-02-12 20:37:50.380 adding: bivomaster as a client (events: 1)
> > QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
> > QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> > 2005-02-12 20:38:53.065 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
> > Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
> > QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
> > QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> > 2005-02-12 20:42:12.339 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
> > waiting again...
> > 2005-02-1

Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes

2005-02-12 Thread Brad Benson
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 21:24:30 -0500, Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 20:49:37 -0500
> Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes
> To: Chris Pinkham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 20:03:46 -0500 (EST), Chris Pinkham
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 late Thursday night/early Friday morning.
> > >  Ever since then I've been seeing some strange behavior from the box.
> > What's in your jobqueue table?  You can also limit the number of jobs
> > that myth will run at one time, the default is 1 I believe, so I'm
> > not sure why it's running multiple jobs unless you bumped up the
> > JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs setting.
> >
> When I run setup it tells me that I already have the backend limited
> to 1 simultaneous job, CPU usage is set to Medium, Job Queue check
> frequency is set to 60 seconds, Run Jobs only on original recording
> host is unchecked, and I have allowed this backend to run any jobs in
> the queue (commflag, user 1, user 2, user 3 and user 4).
> > Can you do a "select * from jobqueue order by id;" and post the
> > output?  This should indicate if there are multiple entries in the
> > table for a single show.  The code should prevent that though.
> >
> Here's the output from "select * from jobqueue order by id;":
> +++-+-+--+--+---++-++--+-+
> | id | chanid | starttime   | inserttime  | type |
> cmds | flags | status | statustime  | hostname   | args |
> comment |
> +++-+-+--+--+---++-++--+-+
> |  1 |   1030 | 2005-02-11 15:59:00 | 2005-02-11 17:03:00 |2 |
> 0 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-11 18:43:47 | bivomaster |  |
> Finished, 0 break(s) found. |
> |  3 |   1052 | 2005-02-11 22:58:00 | 2005-02-11 23:32:00 |2 |
> 0 | 0 |  1 | 2005-02-12 20:23:05 | bivomaster |  |
> |
> |  4 |   1009 | 2005-02-11 20:53:00 | 2005-02-12 16:04:35 |2 |
> 4 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-12 16:07:42 | bivomaster |  |
> Finished, 0 break(s) found. |
> |  5 |   1024 | 2005-02-11 18:28:00 | 2005-02-12 16:06:16 |2 |
> 0 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-12 20:40:23 | bivomaster |  | 60%
> Completed @ 60 fps.
>  |
> |  6 |   1031 | 2005-02-11 19:30:00 | 2005-02-12 16:06:21 |2 |
> 0 | 0 |  4 | 2005-02-12 20:40:22 | bivomaster |  | 80%
> Completed @ 60 fps. |
> +++-+-+--+--+---++-++--+-+
> 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Interestingly, here's a snippet from mythbackend.log from immediately
> after the above select statement was run:
> 2005-02-12 20:34:52.770 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
> Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
> 2005-02-12 20:34:52.910 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
> QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:01.000
> QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> 2005-02-12 20:37:49.989 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
> 2005-02-12 20:37:50.055 adding: bivomaster as a client (events: 0)
> 2005-02-12 20:37:50.249 Reloading backend settings
> 2005-02-12 20:37:50.370 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
> 2005-02-12 20:37:50.380 adding: bivomaster as a client (events: 1)
> QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
> QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> 2005-02-12 20:38:53.065 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
> Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
> QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
> QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
> 2005-02-12 20:42:12.339 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
> waiting again...
> 2005-02-12 20:42:16.380 commflag: Last message repeated 1 times
> 2005-02-12 20:42:16.458 commflag: Commercial Flagging Finished
> 2005-02-12 20:42:16.631 Finished, 1 break(s) found.
> There is definitely only a single jobqueue entry for the show with a
> start time of 02/11/2004:19:30:00, but the log clearly shows two
> separate instances of commercial flagging being run for that show.
> Here's another sample taken from the same log file:
> 2005-02-12 20:42:53.525 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Best Week
> Ever" recor

Fwd: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes

2005-02-12 Thread Brad Benson
-- Forwarded message --
From: Brad Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2005 20:49:37 -0500
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes
To: Chris Pinkham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 20:03:46 -0500 (EST), Chris Pinkham
> > I upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 late Thursday night/early Friday morning.
> >  Ever since then I've been seeing some strange behavior from the box.
> What's in your jobqueue table?  You can also limit the number of jobs
> that myth will run at one time, the default is 1 I believe, so I'm
> not sure why it's running multiple jobs unless you bumped up the
> JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs setting.

When I run setup it tells me that I already have the backend limited
to 1 simultaneous job, CPU usage is set to Medium, Job Queue check
frequency is set to 60 seconds, Run Jobs only on original recording
host is unchecked, and I have allowed this backend to run any jobs in
the queue (commflag, user 1, user 2, user 3 and user 4).

> Can you do a "select * from jobqueue order by id;" and post the
> output?  This should indicate if there are multiple entries in the
> table for a single show.  The code should prevent that though.

Here's the output from "select * from jobqueue order by id;":
| id | chanid | starttime   | inserttime  | type |
cmds | flags | status | statustime  | hostname   | args |
comment |
|  1 |   1030 | 2005-02-11 15:59:00 | 2005-02-11 17:03:00 |2 |
0 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-11 18:43:47 | bivomaster |  |
Finished, 0 break(s) found. |
|  3 |   1052 | 2005-02-11 22:58:00 | 2005-02-11 23:32:00 |2 |
0 | 0 |  1 | 2005-02-12 20:23:05 | bivomaster |  |
|  4 |   1009 | 2005-02-11 20:53:00 | 2005-02-12 16:04:35 |2 |
4 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-12 16:07:42 | bivomaster |  |
Finished, 0 break(s) found. |
|  5 |   1024 | 2005-02-11 18:28:00 | 2005-02-12 16:06:16 |2 |
0 | 0 |272 | 2005-02-12 20:40:23 | bivomaster |  | 60%
Completed @ 60 fps.
|  6 |   1031 | 2005-02-11 19:30:00 | 2005-02-12 16:06:21 |2 |
0 | 0 |  4 | 2005-02-12 20:40:22 | bivomaster |  | 80%
Completed @ 60 fps. |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Interestingly, here's a snippet from mythbackend.log from immediately
after the above select statement was run:
2005-02-12 20:34:52.770 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
2005-02-12 20:34:52.910 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:01.000
QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
2005-02-12 20:37:49.989 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-02-12 20:37:50.055 adding: bivomaster as a client (events: 0)
2005-02-12 20:37:50.249 Reloading backend settings
2005-02-12 20:37:50.370 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback
2005-02-12 20:37:50.380 adding: bivomaster as a client (events: 1)
QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
2005-02-12 20:38:53.065 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Everybody
Loves Raymond" recorded from channel 1031 at Fri Feb 11 19:30:00 2005.
QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
2005-02-12 20:42:12.339 Waited 2 seconds for data to become available,
waiting again...
2005-02-12 20:42:16.380 commflag: Last message repeated 1 times
2005-02-12 20:42:16.458 commflag: Commercial Flagging Finished
2005-02-12 20:42:16.631 Finished, 1 break(s) found.

There is definitely only a single jobqueue entry for the show with a
start time of 02/11/2004:19:30:00, but the log clearly shows two
separate instances of commercial flagging being run for that show.
Here's another sample taken from the same log file:

2005-02-12 20:42:53.525 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Best Week
Ever" recorded from channel 1052 at Fri Feb 11 22:58:00 2005.
2005-02-12 20:42:53.596 commflag: Commercial Flagging Starting
QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:01.000
QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02
2005-02-12 20:43:53.735 Starting Commercial Flagging for "Best Week
Ever" recorded from channel 1052 at Fri Feb 11 22:58:00 2005.
QTime::setHMS Invalid time 28:12:02.000
QDate::setYMD: Invalid date 2935-93-02

[mythtv-users] 0.17 upgrade -> backend crashes

2005-02-12 Thread Brad Benson
I upgraded from 0.16 to 0.17 late Thursday night/early Friday morning.
 Ever since then I've been seeing some strange behavior from the box. 
Firstly, as soon as I fire up the backend it spawns a mythcommflag
process.  This seems normal to me except that mythcommflag immediately
pegs my processor at 100% while with 0.16 it seemed to hover around
60-70%.  The bigger problem with mythcommflag is that it seems to
continually spawn new processes until there are at least 5 or 6 of
them running.  Even with the processes niced to -17 it still makes the
box very sluggish and the load average goes through the roof (>10). 
In looking in the backend log it seems that the system is completing
commercial flagging for a particular show and then starting to flag it
again.  I'm not sure why it's doing this or why that would result in
multiple instances of mythcommflag instead of one ending and then
another one starting.

Eventually the backend dies with the following message in the log file:

Waited 2 seconds for data to become available, waiting a

This message is repeated several times in the log and the backend is
dead.  When I try to restart the backend from the command line it
returns me to a prompt with no output to the console or the log file
and the backend never starts.  I have to do a hard reboot of the box
in order to get the backend started again.

FYI, I'm running FC1 with kernel version and everything has been working great
on 0.16 for months.  The only thing that I changed was to upgrade to
0.17.  I did set -march=athlon for mythtv and all modules when I
compiled since I'm running an Athlon 1600+ and I thought I could
squeeze a little extra speed out of the code.  I'm going to try
recompiling with the default -march=pentiumpro just to see what
happens, but I doubt that's going to fix the problem.

If you need more info let me know and I can post logs, dmesg, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brad Benson
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] 0.17

2005-02-11 Thread Brad Benson
Built and installed with no problems.  Well, one minor problem.  On my
BE/FE box 'make install' gave me input/output errors when trying to
copy images and .xml files for mythtv and all modules, but I'm pretty
sure that was an NFS-related error.  On my remote FE box 'make
install' nicely placed everything where it needs to be.

I really like the 'Previously Recorded' screen as well as the playlist
options.  BTW, once I add recordings to the playlist how do I tell
myth whether to play them ordered or shuffled?  And can I just select
one of the recordings in the playlist in order to start playing the
entire list?

Thanks to Isaac and all others who put in work on this new release. 
Keep up the good work guys!

On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 23:13:28 -0800, Lonnie Borntreger
> On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 00:49 -0500, Isaac Richards wrote:
> > The new release is up on the website now.
> Build went fine, but the make install did not install the following:
> mythbackend
> mythfrontend
> libmyth
> libmythtv
> Also, none of the .xml files were installed into /usr/local/share/mythtv
> (other than setup.xml).
> I had to manually copy those files into place.  Yes, I ran make install
> as root.
> Also, a question can a mythtv 0.16 frontend connect to a 0.17
> backend, or is that not safe?
> Lonnie Borntreger
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MPEG2->MPEG2 cut spinning

2005-01-24 Thread Brad Benson
Well, I'm not sure exactly what fixed it, but it seems to be working
now.  I'm currently using avidemux 2.0.28-4 and transcode 0.6.12-3.1. 
I just successfully cut an episode of the simpsons in about 5 minutes.

Brad Benson

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:12:28 -0500, William <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Versions I have:
> >
> > Avidemux 2, v  2.0.34
> > transcode v0.6.14
> > lvemux-040322
> > xorg-x11-Xvfb-6.7.0-11
> >
> > Help me please . I want to start archiving to DVD!
> >
> > Cheers
> > Steve
> I had to revert back to my old version of avidemux2 because the recent ones
> seem to be broken for our purposes. There has been a bit of discussion in
> the lists about this issue. I am currently running 2.0.28 with good results.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MPEG2->MPEG2 cut spinning

2005-01-24 Thread Brad Benson
Well, I'm not 100% sure that avidemux is what's broken, but that is
the part where it always dies.  I'll have to try it again later
tonight, but as I recall I'm able to manually edit programs using
avidemux and everything works.  It's just when I run mpeg2_cut that it
fails.  One thing I've noticed is that the final entry in the Cutlist
that mpeg2_cut displays always starts 1 frame beyond what mpeg2_cut
displays as the last frame.  Here's a sample output from nuvexport
using mpeg2_cut:

Now encoding:  The Simpsons:  Bart Star
Encode started:  Mon Jan 24 17:14:11 2005
which: no Xvfb in
mpeg2cut v1.6
Using mode X
Filename "/home/mythtv/video/recordings/1014_20050121175800_20050121183000.nuv"
OutFile "/usr/extra/dvd/simpsons/The Simpsons - Bart Star.mpg"
Last GOP index 3836
Cutlist "3770-19255 23168-32152 37579-49248 57541-"
Finding the AV Offset to use with lvemux: -33
Finding framerate: 29.970
Last Frame 57540
Indexing the file with avidemux2
Cutting out commercials with avidemux2

You'll notice that it reports the last frame as being 57540, but the
final entry in the cutlist is 57541-.  I'm wondering if that's part of
the problem.  However, it always creates a .cut and a .cut2 file.  I'm
guessing that there should also be a .cut3 and .cut4 for the other two
items in the cutlist.  If that's the case then it's probably not even
getting to the point where the 57541- would be a problem.

Brad Benson

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 21:27:01 +, Steven Christall
> Hi.
> In my case I haven't tried to use the MPEG2->MPEG2 cut before.
> As far as I can tell the Xvfb allows you to run a virtual frame buffer
> so that you can run the program without an xwindows session.
> I was planning on having a go with avidemux in xwindows later tonight by
> itself.  Is it your guess this is the part that is broken?
> Steve
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:25:58 -0500, "Brad Benson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> said:
> > I've been having the exact same problem that you're reporting.  It's
> > not a gui problem since I actually see the avidemux gui open.  After
> > that though, it just sits there forever.  Interestingly, this just
> > started happening a few weeks ago.  I was able to successfully export
> > two different shows using mpeg2->mpeg2 cutting.  After that I can only
> > presume that I updated something to a new version and that's what
> > broke it.  Problem is, I can't figure out what that upgrade could have
> > been.  I'm running:
> >
> > avidemux 2.0.34-5_test2
> > lve-0.040322-1.1
> > transcode-0.6.14-15
> >
> > I don't have Xvfb installed at all, but that wasn't installed when it
> > was working before either.  I've also tried downgrading avidemux to
> > 2.0.28, but with no success.
> >
> > Brad Benson
> > 
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] MPEG2->MPEG2 cut spinning

2005-01-24 Thread Brad Benson
I've been having the exact same problem that you're reporting.  It's
not a gui problem since I actually see the avidemux gui open.  After
that though, it just sits there forever.  Interestingly, this just
started happening a few weeks ago.  I was able to successfully export
two different shows using mpeg2->mpeg2 cutting.  After that I can only
presume that I updated something to a new version and that's what
broke it.  Problem is, I can't figure out what that upgrade could have
been.  I'm running:

avidemux 2.0.34-5_test2

I don't have Xvfb installed at all, but that wasn't installed when it
was working before either.  I've also tried downgrading avidemux to
2.0.28, but with no success.

Brad Benson

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 18:06:48 +, Steve Christall
> Hi,
> I am trying to get a mpeg2 file (generated by PVR350 or Nova-T DVB)
> without ads!  I have set my cut points and run nuvexport  I select
> MPEG2->MPEG2 cut only and the episode  it seems to start running ok
> and I get this output
> Now encoding:  Krakatoa:  Untitled
> Encode started:  Mon Jan 24 17:57:14 2005
> mpeg2cut v1.6
> Using mode Xvfb
> Filename "/myth/tv/2004_2005012219_2005012221.nuv"
> OutFile "/myth/Krakatoa - Untitled.mpg"
> Last GOP index 808-26693
> Cutlist "30370-53718 57420-86918 90645-114468 118920-147843
> 152320-175933 187767-"
> Finding the AV Offset to use with lvemux: -21
> Finding framerate: 25.000
> Last Frame -319508
> Indexing the file with avidemux2
> Cutting out commercials with avidemux2
> It just sits here spinning .. I have left it for 12 hours ...
>  3334 mythtv39  19 39920  10m  18m R 99.2  1.0   1156:35 avidemux2
> I get these two files in the dir I run nuvexport from
> -bash-2.05b$ cat 1018_2005011820_20050118203000.cut
> ADMW0002
> 01 videos
> Name : /myth/tv/1018_2005011820_20050118203000.nuv.idx
> 2 segments
> Start : 360
> Size : 19142
> Ref :   0
> Start : 26657
> Size : 14361
> Ref :   0
> Audio codec : none
> Audio filter : audioNormalizeMode=0 audioResampleMode=0 audioDRC=0
> audioShift=0
> audioDelay=0 audioFreq=48000
> Audio conf : audioProcessMode=0 audioMP3mode=0 audioMP3bitrate=128
> -bash-2.05b$ cat 1018_2005011820_20050118203000.cut2
> Start : 360
> Size : 19142
> Ref :   0
> Start : 26657
> Size : 14361
> Ref :   0
> What am I doing wrong?  I have installed all of the dependancies.  If I
> run nuvesxport --debug I can see what it runs
> mpeg2cut /myth/tv/2004_2005012219_2005012221.nuv
> /myth/Krakatoa.mpg 808-26693 30370-53718 57420-86918 90645-114468
> 118920-147843 152320-175933 187767-
>  From mpeg2cut 
> # Prerequisites:
> #avidemux2   -
> #transcode   -
> #lvemux  -
> #Xvfb-
> Versions I have:
> Avidemux 2, v  2.0.34
> transcode v0.6.14
> lvemux-040322
> xorg-x11-Xvfb-6.7.0-11
> Help me please . I want to start archiving to DVD!
> Cheers
> Steve
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] is there an easy way to reboot in software through myth

2005-01-19 Thread Brad Benson
If you're using one of the Fedora/Red Hat distros and you already have
the swatch packages installed then making it run at startup is as
simple as logging in to your box as root and typing "/sbin/chkconfig
swatch on".  chkconfig is a very easy to use tool that allows you to
configure which services are started and stopped in each runlevel on
your box.  Try /sbin/chkconfig --list to see a list of all services
and their default modes in each runlevel.


On Tue, 18 Jan 2005 18:08:11 -0600, John Williams
> > Not sure exactly what you're doing. How are you deleting these
> > recordings exactly? Are you deleting them by hand, or something?
> >
> > You should be able to delete recordings under the Manage Recordings
> > menu which deletes the files from disk and updates the mythtv
> > database. You certainly shouldn't need to reboot afterwards.
> I can speak to what I've seen. If I delete a recording from the view
> recordings menu while a program is recording my backend crashes. If he
> is new enough not to know how to restart the backend then a reboot
> will be the only fix.
> Yuo can restart mythbackend using (/etc/init.d/mythbackend restart)
> from the command line.
> There is a log file monitoring tool called swatch that some people are
> using to monitor for the crash and restart the backend if it crashes.
> I haven't figured out where to put the entry to make swatch run at
> startup so mine isn't working. once I spend some time to figure this
> out I'll be better off. Right now I just am not deleting from the view
> recordings page, and especially during a recording.
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

Re: [mythtv-users] What happens when my cable company switches to digital?

2004-12-20 Thread Brad Benson
It is most definitely possible to support any reasonable number of
STB's from a single myth box.  You just need to create a separate
instance of lircd for each STB you need to control.  That can get a
bit complicated, but if you google and search the list archives I'm
sure you can turn up some info on running multiple lircd's.  The thing
that is usually most problematic is that, most likely, all your STB's
will use the same IR codes so you need to make sure that each IR
blaster/STB combo is isolated from the others.  Otherwise you will
probably end up with recordings from incorrect channels because both
STB's will change channel each time any IR blaster sends a signal.

On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 13:40:12 -0800, Asher Schaffer
> I am using digital cable in the US.  I only have one tuner card, I'm
> not sure how it would work with two.  You would definitely need to
> STBs, but that is only part of the problem.  You also need to control
> the channel on the STB. I use a serial connection to control mine, but
> depending on what model STB you get, and what the cable company
> decides, the serial port may not exist or could be disabled.  If that
> is the case, you need to control it with an IR blaster.  That should
> work fine for 1 tuner, but I don't know if there is a way in myth, to
> say use one IR blaster or serial port to control STB1 and a different
> one to control STB2.
> On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 21:43:43 +0100, Sim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Next summer my cable company are going to switch on the digital TV and then 
> > i
> > will need to use a STB to access the new channels.  As I understand it with
> > analogue, if I have two tuner cards i can watch and record two channels at
> > once.  But if I have a STB does that produce only one channel so that having
> > two tuners becomes meaningless (unless I get two digital decoders - which
> > would just make everything very messy).
> >
> > I know you can't tell me exactly what the Belgians will get, but what is the
> > experience of those that already use STBs to get their cable (i think that
> > includes most Americans?)
> >
> > Simon
> >
> > 
> > ___
> > mythtv-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> mythtv-users mailing list
mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] OT: 802.11g connection for backend

2004-11-30 Thread Brad Benson
I know wireless options for mythboxes have been discussed repeatedly
on the list, but it seems that those are usually for frontend systems.
 I currently have a backend/frontend combo box (that I may connect via
802.11g) and a single remote frontend.  I'm planning to install an
additional remote frontend in the not-too-distant future so I'd be
looking at two frontends connecting to the backend via 802.11g.  I'd
also have an xbox using the same 802.11g bridge, but that shouldn't be
too bandwidth intensive.  For clarity, here's a better description of
my proposed network setup:

3 PC's connected directly to router via cat5e.  One of those PC's is
the existing remote frontend.  I'd then have an 802.11g bridge
connecting a switch to the router via wireless.  That switch would
connect both the xbox and master backend to the router.  I'm thinking
that I'll be okay since g should give me 30 Mbits or so.  Of course,
the remote frontends will be mounting the video, movie and music
directories via NFS over the same connection.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.  Again, I'm pretty sure this
should be okay, but it never hurts to ask before dropping $100 on a
wireless bridge.

mythtv-users mailing list