[mythtv-users] Thoughts please

2005-12-18 Thread Marty Ravell

I have a hidden MythTV box. The wife was pissed at my collection
of homebuilt amps and cables all over the place so I replaced most of it with a
MythTV box and moved this, along with my power amp, to a custom built cabinet
under the floor (timber frame house). The only problem that I have with this is
that the DVD drive is of course no longer accessible. (To get to my Myth box I
literally have to go outside, around the side of the house and open the cabinet
with a deadlock key)

The last component that I have inside (sitting on top of the
TV) is a DVD player. I would like to get rid of this as well and was wondering
if anyone out there in MythTV land has come across a similar situation?

I have another Linux box (the house server in another room)
which does my firewall, mail server etc and I was thinking that I could perhaps
setup a script on this machine and an NFS share (or similar) so that if we go
to the video store we could put the disk into this machine and rip it into the
Myth machine.

My Myth box runs a Hauppauge PVR-350 and given my
experiences with the current framebuffer drivers I am leaning towards leaving
it using the hardware decoder as it does now.

My questions therefore are :

 Can I rip a DVD in such a way as to produce nuv files
 that the 350s hardware decoder can display?
 Is it possible to setup a separate machine so that I
 could use the DVD Playing capability of Myth? (Im thinking perhaps
 that I could setup a separate backend install on my home server?

Any ideas?



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Live conflict

2005-12-18 Thread Marty Ravell
I have a system with a single PVR-350 running FC3 (per Jarod  ATRPMs).
Front and backend are on the one machine.

If I go to Watch TV when the system happens to be recording something I get
a lockup with a blank picture. Previously I would get a nice page saying
that the tuner was busy and a button to return to the menu.

Once I get to the blank screen nothing short of killing and restarting
mythfrontend will clear it up.

Anyone have an idea as to why the nice screen with button no longer appears?

Does anyone know what the mechanism is like in Myth that takes care of
working out if there is a recording happening in order to trigger the
correct screen?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LIRC weirdness

2005-12-17 Thread Marty Ravell

Im making some progress at long last on getting lirc
to work as a receiver through my PVR-350 and a transmitter on a homebrew serial
transmitter to my Foxtel cable box (STU-120). My channel change script (and the
setup itself) is from lircsetup.com. Box is FC3 from Jarods guide, front
and backend combined. Everything seems to work pretty cool from the command
line. I can call the chan_change.sh script and my cable box changes channel.
This would tell me that the hardware works fine and that lirc seems to like its

Problem is that when I run the same script from within
MythTV nothing happens.

In following the troubleshooting pages on lircsetup.com I
tried the test_script.sh idea. This works fine from within MythTV. i.e. I get
the output log produced. 

Next test I tried was to put the line which writes the test
log entry into the change_chan.sh script itself.

Weird thing with this is that although the channel is not
changed the log entry line is created.

I know that the script is being run (otherwise the log line
would not be written). Why isnt the irsend part of the script working
when called by MythTV?

Any ideas?



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] LIRC weirdness

2005-12-17 Thread Marty Ravell

Does myth run with the same privledges as your manual

Does the emitter flash at all (view it through a digital camera
or video cam to convert it to visible wavelength).

Hi John,

Thanks for the post. I'd looked at the privilege stuff but given that I
could prove that the script was being run by Mythtv, it just didn't change
the channel, I figured that this was not the problem. 

Just a couple of minutes ago I tracked the problem down to the fact that the
freqid column in the channel table of Myth's database was not filled.

Once I updated this column with the values in the channum column it all came

It seems that Myth sends the freqid column to the channel change script and
not the channum as you would expect.

I suspect that this is a result of the messing about with Australian
tv_grab_au scripts. Mythfilldatabase etc that I've had to do.

WAF just shot up a couple more notches!   :)


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LIRC Tansmitter and Receiver

2005-12-08 Thread Marty Ravell
I'm working through the instructions at www.lircsetup.com in order to get my
MythTV box to be able to use a homebuilt serial transmitter and the receiver
on my PVR-350 at the same time.

Whenever I have the install line for the serial device in modprobe.conf like

install lirc_serial setserial /dev/ttyS0 uart none; /sbin/modprobe
--ignore-install lirc_serial

The serial device seems to work (I can do an irsend and see the LED
flashing). The big problem is however that the IR receiver on the PVR-350
stops working. As soon as I comment out the above line and reboot the 350's
receiver works fine.

The only difference I can see between my setup and that 

Anyone have any idea why there would be a conflict between the two like
this? Any idea how I can track down what is going on?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Omission

2005-12-08 Thread Marty Ravell
Sorry, the line in my last post reading :

The only difference I can see between my setup and that 

Should have read :

The only difference I can see between my setup and that of the one mentioned
in lircsetup.com is that the versions of some of the components that I have
installed are more recent than those mentioned.

Sorry about the premature send.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] 350 FB and Mame

2005-12-01 Thread Marty Ravell
One of the last things that I have yet to get sorted with my rig is the
playing of Mame. I run an FC3 combined front and backend from Jarod's guide
(ATRPMs) with X on the framebuffer of a Hauppauge PVR-350 (PAL). MB is an
Intel with a 2.8GHz P4, 512Mb RAM and 500g of disk.

Video quality for recorded shows is of course excellent on the 350 and it is
for this reason that I am resisting the idea of going to a normal video card
with TV out.

Is Mame over the 350's framebuffer viable? Are there any good guides to
getting it setup?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] 350 FB and Mame

2005-12-01 Thread Marty Ravell

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe Votour
Sent: Friday, 2 December 2005 2:23 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] 350 FB and Mame

If you're using Xv, then MAME on the PVR-350
framebuffer is quite usable.  Of course, it depends on
the game also.

On my Athlon64 3200+, playing my favorite game, Mortal
Kombat II, I could get about 50fps on a GeForce
5200FX.  The same scenario on my PVR-350 would get me
about 40fps.

The only catch that you might have is that part of the
screen will be chopped off, unless you can play with
the geometry settings or something.  I never really
got to this part, since I switched back to the 5200FX.

-- Joe

How would you rate the performance of the 5200FX for video playback compared
with the hardware decoder output of the PVR350?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] tv_grab_au

2005-11-21 Thread Marty Ravell
For a while now my tv_grab_au script seems to have been missing out on
anything much in the way of details. I get the show names and channels etc
but nothing in the way of descriptions or episode info etc.

I am running the www.immir.com script version 1.44. My channels are a
selection from Foxtel and FTA in Sydney.

Anyone else getting this behaviour?

I've tried setting the -slow option but this doesn't seem to have any

Not being able to code in Perl I'm not really able to debug this. Any help
will be seriously appreciated.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au

2005-11-21 Thread Marty Ravell

I noticed similar behaviour, though if I go and look into the future, there
seems to be more descriptions, so I am guessing once I am through one whole
week with everything stable I think it should work.

I worked this one out this morning. My EPG now has full descriptions etc for
all shows including even today's.

Get rid of your cached.pl or run the script with --ignore-cache. If you take
a look at the newly created xml you'll notice that it have all the
description info.

I looked at options on mythfilldatabase as well but in the end they were not
necessary. A simple run of mythfilldatabase against the new guide.xml seemed
to update things fine.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] lirc send and receive

2005-11-16 Thread Marty Ravell

In trying to get both my PVR 350 to receive lirc and a
serial transmitter to work I managed to screw up my lirc (see several recent

Ive lost the URL to the site that was walking me
through the required steps for getting both functions to work (one instance of
lirc). Anyone have the link handy?

Since all the things I have tried to do to get lirc back up
and receiving correctly have failed Id like to go back over what exactly
it was that I was doing when I rooted it. Maybe that will shed some light.

Current state of play: 

1. irw returns nothing (although see point 4)

2. Myth of course doesnt respond to remote as a

3. mode2 spits out codes so I know that the hardware is
doing something.

4. irrecord makes files but these are unreliable as all hell
(incorrect button assignments etc). They do however work to some degree.

5. Have tried all sorts of lirc.conf files posted to this list,
on various sites (mainly the lirc homesite) as well as in the ivtv and lirc
directories on my box. No joy.

Box is FC3, Jarods guide and a PVR-350.



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lirc send and receive

2005-11-16 Thread Marty Ravell

Repeat after me, including slap of forehead at appropriate timeOh
damn, irw won't work when lircd is running...slap[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm not trying to be contrary but I think you will find that irw must have
lircd running in order for it to work.

irw dumps information received on a domain socket to stdout. (According to
it's man page)

In the case of what we are trying to do it is lircd which is sending this
information to the socket.

I agree with you that using mode2 or irrecord needs lircd to be stopped. As
stated in my previous post I do not have a problem getting mode2 or irrecord
to work.

Am I being completely stupid on this point? (it is quite possible)

NOWHERE on the lirc.org site does it make it clear that the lircd.conf
file and the lircrc file must match in the NAMES of the keys.

So if lircd.conf calls a button  vol+  the lircrc file will not map
properly into your applications if it is referred to as Volume-Up (or
likely even VOL+

And of course, the lircd.conf must correctly map the transmitted codes to

Am I correct in thinking that irw should return the names of the keys
pressed as they match up in the lircd.conf file?

It was my understanding that irw was not dependant on the lircrc file. Is
this a mistake I am making?

Since you got that far, I presume you have the /dev stuff figured out. I
had to make a rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d called 11-lirc.rules
with the following line in it, so that lirc would work:

KERNEL=lirc0 SYMLINK=lirc GROUP=mythtv MODE=0660

This ensures that /dev/lirc0 is created, that a symlink of /dev/lirc is
created and the group and permissions are set correctly.

I have 3 files in this directory:


I'm assuming that the lirc.rules is the one we are talking about (you
mentioned 11-lirc.rules).

My lirc.rules contains:

KERNEL=lirc[0-9]*,   NAME=lirc%n

/dev/lirc0 is being created as I can cat it and see characters produced by
button presses (mode2 works etc).

Any ideas?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Play Audio/Video Backwards

2005-11-16 Thread Marty Ravell
Geoff Scott wrote:

So I watch Lost.  There's a character on Lost, Walt, who has started
to talk backwards.  I was wondering if Myth has a way to play the
video/audio backwards so I don't have to go surf to some fan site to
figure out what he said.  I like being able to slow down the
recording, or speed it up, but reversing it would be... well, pretty

I think you need to install the little known MythSatanicRitual module. Not
sure if is available on ATRPMs though.



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lirc send and receive

2005-11-16 Thread Marty Ravell
Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone who offered help getting my
lircd up and running again.

In the end I was able to create a workable lircd.conf file by editing one I
got from lirc.org. I replaced the codes with those reported to me for each
button press by mode2.

It turns out that the hardware and mode2 were working fine all along and it
was the lircd.conf that was at fault.

If anyone is in need of this lircd.conf I am more than happy to email it or
post it up on my website (just thought I'd hold off from spamming the list
with it at this stage).

Now for another crack at getting a transmitter to run as well as this


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-15 Thread Marty Ravell
It simply means that you didn't use

lircd --logfile /var/log/lircd

My box is FC3 and I run this with :

/sbin/service lircd start

The /etc/sysconfig/lircd file had little in it apart from :

# Options to lircd

Since your email I have tried various combinations of the logging argument
in /etc/sysconfig/lircd but have not had any success. It always gives :

unrecognized option '--logfile=/var/log/lircd'

You may have used some other filename or may have completely left off 
the --logfile (or -L) argument or may have permissions that disallow 
the lircd user to create the file.

Lack of a log file is never proof that something is not working (other 
than proof that creation of that specific log file is not working).

Sounds logical. Thanks for the tip.


I have also tried stopping lircd with :

/sbin/service lircd stop 

And then starting it from the command line with :

/usr/sbin/lircd --logfile=/var/log/lircd

This gives me an error :

/usr/sbin/lircd: unrecognized option '--logfile=/var/log/lircd'

Any idea why this would happen?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell
Quite worrying if this config is not working - are you sure LIRC is
actually working properly and creating the correct /dev devices? If
you are starting LIRC as a service, try

# service lircd status

This reports :

lircd (pid 1173) is running...

I can start and stop lircd using service without it showing any sort of

and see what it reports (I've had instances where LIRC was hanging
(LIRC dead, subsystem locked message). The Hauppauge remotes use the
RC5 control code set, so you should be able to use irrecord specifying
the RC5 config file available from lirc.org.

What exactly do you mean by 'use irrecord specifying the RC5 config file'? 

I've tried running irrecord to build a lircd.conf file (as reported in my
post) it works after a fashion but it seems to get various things wrong
(misnamed buttons etc).

Finally, what type of receiver are you using (PVR or serial Rx) and
what output does irw give?

My receiver and remote are a PVR-350 and the black and grey (coloured
buttons around the cursor keys) control which came with it.

This rig has worked in the past. It is only since I was screwing around with
updates etc that it stopeed working.

I no longer use this remote (but do have the PVR-350), and don't have
the old config to hand, but I remember the lirc.org config was fine
for me (using lirc 0.7.0 a year ago).


Thanks for the post.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell
Dave wrote:

also try
mode2 -d /dev/lirc/0
mode2 -d /dev/lirc0

(or wherever your char device file is created)

I believe this just dumps whatever raw data flows into that device from 
your remote.

I tried this and it does seem to work. (my dev is /dev/lirc0).

Am going to try and build an lircd.conf manually with the data that is
output. irrecord seems to be a bit flaky so maybe a more primitive approach
is called for.

Will post back if I have any luck.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell

This rig did work before I updated so I think that the hardware is OK.
tried using irrecord and this does seem to work after a fashion but I cannot 
get all of the buttons to work this way.

What OS are you
running? I ran into a few bumps when moving to a newer kernel (udev) on

-- Travis 

The rig is FC3 built using Jarods guide. Straight
ATRPMs and nothing fancy on the kernel.



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell


if mode2 works, that would seem to point at a bad lircd.conf. I 
personally didn't have any problem once I got mode2 to work. I believe I 
used a lircd.conf from jarods site although can't recall for sure.

For my particular remote (the older Grey and Black one) the FC3 page on
Jarod's site talks about using a file called : 


I believe that this is the file I originally had working but for some reason
I don't have it now. If I cd to /usr/share/doc/ivtv-* I end up in
/usr/share/doc/ivtv-0.4.0 but there is no lircd-g.conf there.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell

I just dug out my old file (found on an old backup) for the remote
which worked fine with the PVR-350 receiver and old black/grey remote:

(conf file removed for brevity)

I copied this file you sent over to /etc/lircd.conf (Used Ultraedit from my
PC to make sure it got the CR's right).

irw returns nothing on any button press now. Restarts of lircd with
/sbin/service don't have any effect.

Does lircd have a log file? I've not been able to find one so far.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell

if mode2 works, that would seem to point at a bad lircd.conf. I 
personally didn't have any problem once I got mode2 to work. I believe I 
used a lircd.conf from jarods site although can't recall for sure.

For my particular remote (the older Grey and Black one) the FC3 page on
Jarod's site talks about using a file called : 


I believe that this is the file I originally had working but for some reason
I don't have it now. If I cd to /usr/share/doc/ivtv-* I end up in
/usr/share/doc/ivtv-0.4.0 but there is no lircd-g.conf there.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-14 Thread Marty Ravell

Yes   /var/log/lircd

Hmmm. I do not have this file.

I wonder if that means that lircd is not working after all? It seems strange
that I can get some limited function with irw if I use the conf file that I
record with irrecord.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au Sydney Foxtel

2005-11-12 Thread Marty Ravell
 For some reason my tv_grab_au is not picking up any Foxtel channels. FTA
 channels seem OK.
 I know that there has been some discussion about ninemsn doing some
 obfuscation lately. Has anyone else started having problems with just the
 Foxtel data?
 I grabbed the latest from http://www.immir.com/tv_grab_au but I'm
 is I need to redo the config perhaps?

 Any ideas?

Yeah - I do have one. Search the archives for tv_grab_au: ninemsn
obfuscating data and find the solution to this problem which was
posted less than 24 hours ago.

Understand your reason for telling me to RTFA.

I had already done that prior to your post and tried various patches that
were suggested. Am damned if I can get a working script though.

Is there one referenceable spot where we can get hold of a valid script?
Anybody out there have a ninemsn script that works or a set of steps for
patching one that will work?

Does anyone on the list have a workable ninemsn script that pulls Foxtel in
Sydney? I would assume that this will get onto the immir site at some stage.

Maybe its time I got around to learning perl. I hate this being on the
receiving end of other people's work without being able to contribute.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-12 Thread Marty Ravell
I have 0.7.2 of lircd installed and one of the older (grey and black,
coloured buttons around the central cursor) remote.

This rig did work before I updated so I think that the hardware is OK. I've
tried using irrecord and this does seem to work after a fashion but I cannot
get all of the buttons to work this way.

Would someone who has this combination working with Myth mind posting their
lircd.conf file?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] lircd.conf

2005-11-12 Thread Marty Ravell
I have 0.7.2 of lircd installed and one of the older (grey and black,
coloured buttons around the central cursor) remote.

This rig did work before I updated so I think that the hardware is OK. I've
tried using irrecord and this does seem to work after a fashion but I
get all of the buttons to work this way.

Would someone who has this combination working with Myth mind posting their
lircd.conf file?


Sorry, I should have mentioned that it is a Hauppauge PVR-350!


PS. I've tried the lircd.conf.hauppauge file that seems to come with 0.7.2
of lircd but I still get nothing out of irw using this file.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Lirc problems

2005-11-02 Thread Marty Ravell
On 01/11/05, Marty Ravell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I started messing with my lirc config in order to get my serial
 working and have somehow messed things up. Am wondering if these symptoms
 ring bells for anyone.

 If I use irrecord to build an lircd.conf file it seems to work. I can
 it with irw and most buttons (not all) work.

 For some reason if I use the lircd.conf file suggested in Jarod's (most
 excellent) guide I get nothing.

 This same suggested lircd.conf used to work fine before I messed with

 I don't recall exactly what it was I did when I was trying to get the
 transmitter working. The box didn't start acting up until it was rebooted
 (much later).

 Any ideas where I start looking to track this down?

 I've had a couple of goes getting irrecord to build a new file which will
 work but it does not seem all that accurate. Some buttons just refuse to
 work (1, 5, etc)

Do you have all of your remotes defined in the same /etc/lircd.conf
file? I have my actual remotes, and also the definition for my
transmitter in the same file. Did you generate the config for the
transmitter in normal or raw mode?


I did have both the transmitter and receiver configs in the same lircd.conf
file. Once it all went pear shaped however I reverted back to the lircd.conf
file specified in Jarod's guide so I could see if I could get the standard
PVR-350 remote working again.

To date I have had little joy in getting this basic config back up and

I know that the hardware is basically working since I can use irrecord to
generate a new lircd.conf for the Hauppauge remote. It works for about two
thirds of the buttons (and I figure could maybe be made to work for the rest
with some manual tweaking).

If I make a new config file like this using irrecord, put it in place in
/etc and then run irw I can see some button presses. This tends to tell me
that lircd is running and that the hardware is OK. 

Am stumped as to why the old conf file no longer works for this remote.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Lirc problems

2005-11-01 Thread Marty Ravell
I started messing with my lirc config in order to get my serial transmitter
working and have somehow messed things up. Am wondering if these symptoms
ring bells for anyone.

If I use irrecord to build an lircd.conf file it seems to work. I can test
it with irw and most buttons (not all) work.

For some reason if I use the lircd.conf file suggested in Jarod's (most
excellent) guide I get nothing.

This same suggested lircd.conf used to work fine before I messed with

I don't recall exactly what it was I did when I was trying to get the serial
transmitter working. The box didn't start acting up until it was rebooted
(much later).

Any ideas where I start looking to track this down?

I've had a couple of goes getting irrecord to build a new file which will
work but it does not seem all that accurate. Some buttons just refuse to
work (1, 5, etc)

Any ideas?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Ripped DVD's to 350 HW

2005-10-04 Thread Marty Ravell

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to rip a DVD and then
encode it in such a way that I can watch it through the hardware decoder on my
PVR 350?

I have played around at getting the new ivtv drivers to work
but the video quality on playback has not been good enough for me to switch to
using these.

The system seems to be able to successfully RIP DVDs but
when I try to view them in Watch Videos all I get is a brief Loading
appear on the screen and then it goes back to the page showing the image,
description, runtime etc.



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] mythgame and xmame

2005-09-28 Thread Marty Ravell

Jason, what I usually do when there's a difference between the xmame command
line args and MythGame is write a wrapper script for myth to call that
parses the command line and calls xmame with xmame's flavor of the day
command line args. (drives me nuts the way they change that every other rev,
it seems.)


Hi Scott,

Would you mind sharing your scripts for those of us less able at writing


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Bombing on Watch TV

2005-09-26 Thread Marty Ravell
For some reason my frontend now hangs if I try to go to Watch TV (Live TV)
when the tuner is recording something.

Previously it would display a screen saying that the tuner was busy etc and
give me a Cancel button.

I just get a Black screen now when this happens.

Any idea of what the mechanism is to trigger this screen? Could I have some
sort of database issue or a lock file that is not being created or reset?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Channel Icons

2005-09-11 Thread Marty Ravell

 Marty - did you end up with some good icons you'd be willing to share?

Hi Phil,

I have indeed put together the icons I need for my basic Foxtel package.
They seem to look OK.

Will zip them up and put them on my website. Once done I'll post a link to
the list. My home net connection is nothing fantastic but I'm guessing it
will serve for those who want these graphics.

Was thinking about a naming convention so that we can tie them into the
tv_grab_au script perhaps. Any thoughts?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Weird stuff

2005-09-10 Thread Marty Ravell

This issue may be a little off topic and is probably owing
to my inexperience with Linux but I thought someone here might be able to help.

Im mucking around with lirc on my working system in
order to get a transmitter running to change channels on my Foxtel STB.

The strange thing is that when I do the following commend:

$ rpm qa lirc*

Instead of getting any output I just get another $ prompt.

Now I know that lirc is installed on this machine since it
is currently running and receiving fine through the PVR-250s ir

Any idea as to why rpm does not seem to work?



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Weird stuff

2005-09-10 Thread Marty Ravell

Sorry, PVR 350 or course.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marty Ravell
Sent: Saturday, 10 September 2005
9:52 PM
To: 'Discussion about mythtv'
Subject: [mythtv-users] Weird

This issue may be a little off topic and is probably owing
to my inexperience with Linux but I thought someone here might be able to help.

Im mucking around with lirc on my working system in order
to get a transmitter running to change channels on my Foxtel STB.

The strange thing is that when I do the following commend:

$ rpm qa lirc*

Instead of getting any output I just get another $ prompt.

Now I know that lirc is installed on this machine since it
is currently running and receiving fine through the PVR-250s ir

Any idea as to why rpm does not seem to work?



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Xdriver

2005-09-05 Thread Marty Ravell
I'm looking at getting the Xdriver setup to speed my 350 framebuffer with
the new ivtv code. The URL I'm using is:


My rig is FC3, P4, PVR-350, Jarod's Guide. I've got a recent version of ivtv
itself compiled and working (albeit with tearing and artifacts).

Now I think that I'm running xorg but I don't know where to look for the
source that is mentioned in 'run xmkmf /path/to/X/sources'.

Can someone point me towards where I might find this stuff? I don't even
know if it is on the box yet. Do I need to pull it down with apt-get


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] lirc in and out

2005-09-04 Thread Marty Ravell
I seem to recall someone talking about running lirc for input (from a PVR
350) as well as output to a transmitter (one of the several designs
available on lirc.og) at the same time. This should let me control my cable

Any idea if there where the How-To is for this one? It's really frustrating
to know it is there (I started playing with it before) but to have lost the


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Resolution

2005-09-04 Thread Marty Ravell
I've been playing around with the different recording profiles in order to
see if I can get a better picture in my recordings. 

It seems as though the three profiles created by the Myth installation are
all set to 480 x 480. When I tried setting the High Quality one to PAL (768
x 576) Myth just fails at recording (when I use that particular profile).

The rig is an Intel board with a P4 and PVR-350 with FC3 setup to Jarod's
guide. I'm doing X over the TV-out but at present am using the hardware
decoder rather than the new drivers (as I haven't worked out how to get
these running properly with the newer x-driver)

Are there recommended settings for the different profiles? The 480 x 480
setting gets me about 2Gig an hour which is manageable. Am willing to
experiment with bigger file sizes if the quality is better.

Any thoughts?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] safely exposing mythweb to the net.

2005-09-01 Thread Marty Ravell

This maybe a little O.T. but Id like to open up
MythWeb to the net as well. The issue for me however is that my Myth box sits
inside my Home LAN with another Linux box being my Firewall. Now I do run my
personal website on the firewall and am wondering how to go about letting Myth
through when there is already a webserver on the machine that is the gateway to
the internet.

Would it be possible perhaps to use the firewalls
Apache to talk to the Myth box for MythWeb? Does the MythWeb web server need to
be on the same machine as the MythTV installation?



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 question

2005-08-31 Thread Marty Ravell
I have a mate with an NTSC PVR-350 but who has just relocated to Australia
(PAL land). Any idea if the reverse is also possible?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gideon N. Guillen
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2005 8:58 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: [mythtv-users] PVR-500 question

I have a question regarding the PVR-500. 

Will a PAL PVR-500 work with NTSC? I'm in a NTSC country, but I saw
this PVR-500 being sold locally at a very low price. The vendor said
it's the PAL model. I'm just wondering if I can use this card for NTSC
signals (including cable TV). It should be a good replacement for my
existing bttv card that I'm using for MythTV.

Gideon N. Guillen

Take back the web! Download Firefox Today!
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mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] MythGame

2005-08-29 Thread Marty Ravell

On 8/23/05, Marty Ravell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've just upgraded to ivtv 0.3.7h in an attempt to get MythGame going but
 seem to be having some problems.
 XMame is installed and I can launch it from the command line (output is
on X
 using the framebuffer of my PVR-350). Seems to run fine although the
 size is small (I'm sure there is a setting somewhere I can tweak). It
 about 37 fps depending upon the game.
 I've gone through the Utilities/Setup - Setup - Media Settings - Game
 Settings and entered in all the appropriate paths.
 When I go to Media Library - Play Games I can see the games that I
 in the ROMS directory (these are all zip files and I am assuming that I
 not need to unzip them).
 When I try to select an actual game to play I get a brief flash of a blue
 Myth 'dialog box' (sometimes with the text 'Loading Game' briefly visible
 but NO game starts.
 Any ideas?

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the post and sorry for the delay in replying. Damn work gets in
the way of MythTV way too often!

Try running myth from a terminal window and then you can see the
arguments that mygame is using to run xmame. You can then run Xmame
from a command line with the same arguments to see if it loads.  If it
doesn't then try changing the arguments until it does.  In my case I
had to get rid of the '-joytype 4' option. You might also need to add
the argument -noperfect-yuv to the command to get it working properly
in full screen mode with the PVR-350.

Good tip! I found a few options that need changing. My next big question is
how does one change the options that MythTV uses for running XMame? There
are a couple of obvious things in the UI which seem to link to certain
options. Any idea  how to do the -noperfect-yuv etc?

Is there a way to specify arbitrary options to be added to the command line?

I'm also using ivtv 0.3.7h and about half of my games work fine.  The
other half will launch fine in a small window but segfault when I try
and run them full screen.  I haven't investigated this too much but
I'm guessing it might have something to do with the newness of XV
support on the 350.


I only installed the ivtv stuff by grabbing the release and compiling it
etc. Is this what you talk about when you mention XV? Or is there some other
driver that I need to be looking into?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Digital Foxtel Integration (Australia)

2005-08-29 Thread Marty Ravell
I'm trying to get this working with an analogue Foxtel at the moment. Will
post again if / when it is up and running. Someone on this list was kind
enough to provide me with an lirc config file that I'm going to try. Not
sure if this will work with digital but maybe worth a try.

I think all of us with analogue boxes are going to be forced to upgrade
within twelve months so it would be interesting to know if we can get the
digital stb's to work.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] hooking Foxtel up to myth

2005-08-25 Thread Marty Ravell
I currently have Foxtel hooked into a PVR-350 via composite and it records
beautifully. Last thing to do is get my lirc transmitter up and running so
that MythTV can change the channels. My Foxtel is analogue though.

Sorry, I don't do HDTV and do not know anything about your card.

Will attempt to get the lirc transmitter running this weekend. Can send you
config files etc should you wish. Let me get it working first.

Follow Jarod's Guide and I am pretty sure you can get the rig you described
working fairly easily. 400Gb should be heaps. I'd advise you to use a
logical volume manager for organizing that.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Saenz
Sent: Thursday, 25 August 2005 3:40 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: [mythtv-users] hooking Foxtel up to myth

hi all,

is it possible to have Australian Foxtel going into mythtv and
displayed to my tv?
I have

AMD 2800+
512 Meg of RAM
Fusion HDTV capture card
100Gb Hard drive
300Gb hard drive

currently my Foxtel is plugged into my TV,
I would like to have everything centrally controlled by mythtv. Is
this possible?

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] MythGame

2005-08-23 Thread Marty Ravell
I've just upgraded to ivtv 0.3.7h in an attempt to get MythGame going but
seem to be having some problems.

XMame is installed and I can launch it from the command line (output is on X
using the framebuffer of my PVR-350). Seems to run fine although the window
size is small (I'm sure there is a setting somewhere I can tweak). It gets
about 37 fps depending upon the game.

I've gone through the Utilities/Setup - Setup - Media Settings - Game
Settings and entered in all the appropriate paths.

When I go to Media Library - Play Games I can see the games that I have
in the ROMS directory (these are all zip files and I am assuming that I do
not need to unzip them).

When I try to select an actual game to play I get a brief flash of a blue
Myth 'dialog box' (sometimes with the text 'Loading Game' briefly visible
but NO game starts.

Any ideas?


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] On screen display

2005-08-22 Thread Marty Ravell

My Myth setup is running fabulously well. WAF is high and
our TV viewing habits have been completely changed.

A niggling little problem is however defying my attempts to
fix. When I am watching live TV (not often now as we mainly watch
recorded programs) and hit the menu button I get the seven options (Program
Guide, something Browse Mode etc) of the semi-transparent menu up on the
screen. Trouble is that they are positioned so that the left hand side of this
menu is off the left hand side of the screen. i.e. I see ogram Giude
where the Pr and half the o (of Program Guide) are to the
left off the viewable area.

Ive tried messing around with various settings under
the Setup menu but dont seem to be able to find anything that makes any

The rig is using the TV Out of a PVR 350 with the drivers as
per AT RPMs and Jarods guide.

Do I need to be messing with modelines or something like

I dont think that I am missing actual TV picture off
to the left hand side but cannot be entirely sure.

Ive tired setting and un-setting the Use GUI
size for TV playback under Settings - Apearance but this doesnt
seem to have any effect.

Changing the GUI size itself seems to just work on the Myth
GUI (Im assuming that the TV Out of the PVR is a completely separate video
mode of some sort.)

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] LIRC controlling a set-top box

2005-08-19 Thread Marty Ravell

Ive just built a transmitter for use with LIRC (http://www.lirc.org/improved_transmitter.html)
and while I guess I should post on the LIRC list I was hoping that someone out
there has gone through the config of this sort of device specifically for use
with MythTV. 

LIRC is working well with the Hauppage remote as detailed in
Jarods most excellent guide and I have inserted the codes for my STB
into /etc/lircd.conf.

Unfortunately I get errors when trying to use irsend:

#irsend SEND_ONCE stb1 1

Irsend: command failed: SEND_ONCE stb1

Irsend: hardware does not support sending

stb1 is the name of the remote entry in lircd.conf.

Does anyone know how to configure LIRC so that it will be
able to send to one remote and still receive the Hauppage remote? I think this
is doable but have not been able to find much as yet on the web detailing how
the config is done.

Ive attached my lircd.conf in case the problem lays



# brand:   Hauppauge
# model no. of remote control: Grey (PVR-350)

begin remote

  name  hauppaugegrey
  bits   13
  aeps  100

  one 0 0
  zero0 0
  gap  20
  min_repeat  4
  toggle_bit  2

  begin codes
  OFF  0x17FD
  GO   0x1FFB
  CH+  0x17E0
  OK   0x17E5
  CH-  0x17E1
  VOL- 0x1FD1
  VOL+ 0x17D0
  RED  0x1FCB
  YELLOW   0x17F8
  BLUE 0x1FE9
  MUTE 0x17CF
  FULL 0x17FC
  REW  0x1FF2
  PLAY 0x17F5
  FFW  0x1FF4
  RECORD   0x17F7
  STOP 0x1FF6
  REPLAY   0x1FE4
  SKIP 0x17DE
  end codes

end remote

# brand:   Foxtel PACE STB
# model no. of remote control: 
# devices being controlled by this remote:

begin remote

  name   stb1
  aeps  100

  ptrail  0
  repeat 0 0
  gap   90985
  frequency 36500

  begin raw_codes
name 0
 411 274 164 274 164 603
 164 274 164 411 164 603
 164 603 164 274 164 274
 164 274 164 603 164 411
 164 603 164 274 164 274
 164 274 164 274 164   

name 1
 411 274 164 274 164 603
 164 274 164 411 164 603
 164 603 164 274 164 274
 164 274 164 603 164 411
 164 603 164 274 164 274
 164 274 164 411 164

name 2
 411 274 164 274 164 603
 164 274 164 411 164 603
 164 603 164 274 164 274
 164 274 164 603 164 411
 164 603 164 274 164 274
 164 274 164 603 164 

name 3
 411 274 164 274 164 603
 164 274 164 411 164 603
 164 603 164 274 164 274

RE: [mythtv-users] ivtv driver update

2005-08-10 Thread Marty Ravell
 On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 15:02 +1000, Marty Ravell wrote:
  So, in my usual foolish way of not letting good enough alone I am
  considering going down the route of upgrading my ivtv drivers (0.3.7b
  possibly). Mainly this is so I can try to get XMame up and running on
  my FC3, 350 rig. My current setup is straight from Jarod?s guide. So
  my question to the list is this. Is there a good how-to on the
  procedure for taking a stock ?Jarod?s Guide? machine to new ivtv
  I?m looking at the ivtv site and although there are some instructions
  on compiling up drivers from source I was wondering if there is
  perhaps a simpler way?

 I did this a few days ago. It's really quite straight forward. configure
  make  make install. Nothing to it. I was impressed. New drivers
 work great. They lock up about every 10th viewing or so, but I can watch
 DVDs via XV, so I'm happy.

So, did you follow a particular site for this or just go via the
instructions in the ivtv FAQ?

I'd like to understand the process fairly well so I can back-out if I manage
to screw things up.

Already I see that some of the paths mentioned in the FAQ are different to
what is on my box. Any hints?

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] ivtv driver update

2005-08-10 Thread Marty Ravell
Brilliant! Will have a play with this.

Thank you very much for some great information.

I'm thinking of putting this sort of thing (and some of my experiences to
date) into some simple pages on a website. Perhaps even get it linked across
with Jarod's stuff.

Should I manage to get things going with your described methods would you
object to them being immortalized in such a fashion? I imagine that there
are a lot of people just getting into Myth via such resources as Jarod's
Guide and going that extra step of trying out newer drivers is bound to be
popular. Not all of us are Linux wizards (unfortunately) and I find guides
really useful.

Some will say that messing with drivers should be left to those who know
what they are doing a little better than I but hey my view is If it ain't
broke, break it, upgrade it and make it better. I end up learning heaps and
as long as I have fall-back procedures I can keep the WAF high.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Channel Icons

2005-08-10 Thread Marty Ravell
I'm thinking of putting some icons together for Australian TV channels as
the tv_grab_au script doesn't seem to load this stuff.

I will of course post the results to the list but I'd like to know what the
optimal size would be (I'm going to grab them from their respective websites
and reformat as necessary).

I'm assuming that .png is the format of choice. Is there anything else I
should bear in mind when collecting these images?

At this stage I'm going to do those channels that I get Foxtel and FTA in
Sydney. I don't mind keeping a repository of these if there is interest.


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Channel Icons

2005-08-10 Thread Marty Ravell
Send whatever you have. Who knows, they may be better than what I've got so

I'll put these up on a webpage shortly. May look into a script to load the
info into the mythconverg database as well. Doing this manually with the UI
is a bit of a pain.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Phill Edwards
Sent: Thursday, 11 August 2005 10:21 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Channel Icons

 I'm thinking of putting some icons together for Australian TV channels as
 the tv_grab_au script doesn't seem to load this stuff.
 I will of course post the results to the list but I'd like to know what
 optimal size would be (I'm going to grab them from their respective
 and reformat as necessary).
 I'm assuming that .png is the format of choice. Is there anything else I
 should bear in mind when collecting these images?
 At this stage I'm going to do those channels that I get Foxtel and FTA in
 Sydney. I don't mind keeping a repository of these if there is interest.

I'd be intrerested. Would it help if I sent you the free-to-air icons
I use already, or do you already have those?

mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au update v1.34

2005-08-09 Thread Marty Ravell
I'm trying to run this script on a new mythconverg (read empty) database but
come up with the following errors:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mythfilldatabase
2005-08-09 18:00:04.004 New DB connection, total: 1
2005-08-09 18:00:04.010 mythfilldatabase: Listings Download Started
2005-08-09 18:00:04.011 New DB connection, total: 2
- Start of XMLTV output -
2005-08-09 18:00:04.013 New DB connection, total: 3
grabbing 7 days into /tmp/mythsKG5L0
error reading page
015aea2c8ec870c248412d04880e6 in 5 attempts at /home/mythtv/bin/tv_grab_au
line 709,  line 1.
-- End of XMLTV output --
Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file
Updating icons for sourceid: 1
2005-08-09 18:02:04.350 New DB connection, total: 4
Updated programs: 0  Unchanged programs: 0
Failed to fetch some program info
2005-08-09 18:02:04.357 mythfilldatabase: Failed to fetch some program info

If I just run 'tv_grab_au' on it's own from the command line it seems to
work (there is now content in /var/local/tv_grab_au/guide.xml)

Am I doing something wrong? (I'm betting heavily that it is me and not the
script that has a problem PEBKAC).


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Smith
Sent: Monday, 8 August 2005 6:41 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au update v1.34

Hi all,

Jon Whitear sent me some more debugging info and I tracked down the 
problem to some incompatible perl libraries. Updated script:




mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Volume

2005-08-09 Thread Marty Ravell

Im running an lircrc file from Jarods guide
but I do notice that he prefers not to use the volume control as his rig is set

My question to the list is this, has anyone modified this
file back so that it can control the alsa master with the volume control
buttons? Would love a copy if it is out there.



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] ivtv driver update

2005-08-09 Thread Marty Ravell

So, in my usual foolish way of not letting good enough alone
I am considering going down the route of upgrading my ivtv drivers (0.3.7b
possibly). Mainly this is so I can try to get XMame up and running on my FC3,
350 rig. My current setup is straight from Jarods guide. So my question
to the list is this. Is there a good how-to on the procedure for taking a stock
Jarods Guide machine to new ivtv drivers?

Im looking at the ivtv site and although there are some
instructions on compiling up drivers from source I was wondering if there is
perhaps a simpler way?

Is there anyway to get the new driver through apt-get and
ATRPMs or do I need to bite the bullet and work things out from source?



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au / Foxtel

2005-08-08 Thread Marty Ravell
 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jay Nawaz
 Sent: Tuesday, 9 August 2005 9:55 AM
 To: Discussion about mythtv
 Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au / Foxtel

 I had dreadful dramas trying to capture IR data from foxtel remote...the 
 remote sends out multiple commands to work with different set-top boxes 
 and it was too much for my cumbersome lirc skills.  luckily someone 
 posted the pace Satellite STB lirc.conf file and i was able to use 
 that...got no idea where i got it from but if that's the STB you've got, 
 i'll send it through.

Ahh, so it could be that all Foxtel STB's use the one type of remote? 

The STB I have is a Pace STB-120 (IIRC).

Would you mind sending me the config you mentioned (and an explanation of
what it took to get this working on your machine)?

This is unrelated but I'm currently having all sorts of problems with lircd.
Don't know what I have done to upset it. I had it working nicely with my
Hauppage remote a while ago but now it seems to die with 'lircd dead but
subsys locked' anytime I try to run anything that uses it (irw, mythfrontend

Talk about frustrating.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] tv_grab_au - mythfilldatabase

2005-08-05 Thread Marty Ravell

Im trying to get mythfilldatabase working with

The tv_grab_au script I have (one of the recent ones posted
here) is in /usr/bin and seems to run OK. At least it prints various vaguely positive
things to the screen and doesnt bomb with any obvious error.

mythfilldatabase also seems to complete.

Trouble is that when I go into mythfrontend I dont
see any program info.

Any ideas on what I should be looking at to fix this?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Symptom?

2005-08-05 Thread Marty Ravell
I've noticed that I only have a single device showing for 'll /dev/video?'. 

i.e. /dev/video0

Is this normal? Jarod;s guide and various other sources seem to suggest that
there should be several video devices?

The system is PVR-350, P4, Intel Board, FC3, Jarod's guide. TV-out via the


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] tv_grab_au / Foxtel

2005-08-05 Thread Marty Ravell

Im looking at the second page of Channel
setup in mythtvsetup and I note that the Frequency ID column is

How does this normally get filled?

When I try to use the Watch TV function in
Myth I get a screen full of snow I am thinking that perhaps I need this
Frequency ID information.

My rig is connected to a Foxtel STB here in Sydney
Australia. Im using the RF connection and I understand it that Foxtel
sends the free-to-air signals down this as well as the actual cable channels
(Although the cable channels appear on just one channel and are switched when
you choose them on the remote)

If anyone has this setup properly would you mind listing the
frequencies of the FTA channels? (2, 7, 9, 10, SBS)



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Tuning Issues

2005-08-03 Thread Marty Ravell
At 09:52 AM 8/3/2005, you wrote:

I have tv-out working nicely on my PVR-350. (FC3, Jarods Guide, P4, Intel
board etc). My problem is that I dont seem to be able to get the tuner to
I can create a test_capture.mpg using the command from the guide:
cat /dev/video0  /tmp/test_capture.mpg
When I look at the file however I just get snow. Same thing with running
mplayer on the device. I can run ptune-ui and choose appropriate values
(Im in Sydney Australia using PAL) but it does not seem to make any
Any ideas on how I can track this one down? What files should I
concentrate on and/or info should I post to help narrow down the issue?

You've  got channels in the OSG? you have your video source set to use

This I do not know. (Am pretty new to the whole MythTV thing). How do I

I am having some issues getting mythfilldatabase to work but given that I am
trying these tests on the command line I figured that this probably isn't a
problem (yet).


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Tuning Issues

2005-08-03 Thread Marty Ravell
OK, I'll work on getting mythfilldatabase working properly.

I cannot help but think that using ptune-ui and mplayer would be completely
independent of what is in the MythTV database though.

Am I not correct in thinking that the ptune-ui script should be setting the
channel on the tuner? I choose PAL and the Australia frequency table in
ptune-ui. Is that not enough?

I'm not talking about even running mythfrontend yet but rather doing the
testing steps as outlined in Jarod's guide:

# /usr/lib/ivtv/ptune-ui.pl 
# mplayer -vo xv /dev/video0

Use the ptune UI to change channels, frequency tables, TV standard, etc., as
necessary, until you find a working channel. .


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Reith
Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2005 12:37 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] Tuning Issues

 You've  got channels in the OSG? you have your video source set to use

This I do not know. (Am pretty new to the whole MythTV thing). How do I

I am having some issues getting mythfilldatabase to work but given that I
trying these tests on the command line I figured that this probably isn't a
problem (yet).

Well, you've answered your own question then. You need mythfilldatabase to
set the channels up so the hardware knows what changing the channel
does/means. Go concentrate on your favorite howto source  for
mythfilldatabase  and once you get that running clean, you should be all
set. You've done the hardest part, getting the 350 output working. The rest
should be simple.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Tuning Issues

2005-08-03 Thread Marty Ravell
Contrary to other posts in this thread, I don't think that
mythfilldatabase has anything to do with your problem -- that is the
command to download program info. Even if you don't have any program
info, you should still be able to pick up a signal.

This is what I thought.

The thing to do is run mythtvsetup, make sure that your capture device
is set properly -- for a PVR 350 it should be the MPEG 2 card option
(I think it even says PVR 250). Then make sure that the input source
is set correctly. This can be confusing as the options are (IIRC)
Composite 0-3, S-Video 0-3, and Tuner 0. I could never figure out why
there are so many possibilities when there's only 1 composite, 1 S
video, and 1 Tuner input.

I think I have things setup correctly in mythtvsetup. You are correct in
that the setting for a 350 is pretty obvious. I will try plugging a
composite signal in this afternoon and see if I can see anything that way as
a test.

If you run 
it will take you straight to live TV viewing and show you whatever the
card is picking up. If all is well, you'll see your TV signal,
regardless whether or not you've run mythfilldatabase.

If I run mythtv as suggested I just get a black screen. Pressing numbers (of
known channels) doesn't seem to do any good either.

I can't tell you anything about specific settings in Australia, but in
the US I had to edit the ivtv configuration to define a different
tuner type than the default for a PVR 250 (same capture hardware as
the 350). I've never had to manually input frequencies.

What file in particular should I look at for this ivtv config?


mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Black and White

2005-08-01 Thread Marty Ravell
Here's the thing.

I can tell the difference between an SVideo cable and composite.

The pins are not bent at either end of the SVideo cable.

Am I correct in thinking that the PVR-350 outputs both Composite and SVideo
at the same time (on their respective output plugs) and that there are no
settings (modprobe etc) which need to be correct for both to work?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cory Papenfuss
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2005 8:57 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Black and White

1. Your TV input is set to compsite (try the tv settings menu)
2. Your cable is only a composite video cable, not an S-Video one.

Not sure how a composite video cable can be confused with an s-vid 
cable, since the cable ends are different and not interchangeable. 
Perhaps what you meant is that the s-vid cable has been damaged and is now 
only a composite cable.  I've seen this happen a number of times look 
at both ends of the s-vid cable and look for bent pins.  Nine times out of 
ten attempting to straighten it will break it, so you're SOL.

It generally happens when fumbling with a cable behind the TV. 
Attempting to get the little sucker in the socket, one twists it slightly 
and gets three of four pins in their respective sockets.  Pushing it on 
the rest of the way bends the fourth over and kills it.

Funny how it always seems to be the chroma that gets bent.  Always 
get BW video...



* Cory Papenfuss*
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student   *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University   *

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Black and White

2005-08-01 Thread Marty Ravell
Title: Re: [mythtv-users] Black and White

Hi Michael,

Ill have a look at my config for
the TVOutFormat option.

Your email does however look like a setup
for an nvidia card. Do you know if it is the same for a PVR-350? (Im
doing everything on the tv-out of my 350)



[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Jones
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2005 6:32
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Black
and White


Check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file. 

Should look Something like this in the device section. 

Section Device
Videocard vendor
NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)
RenderAccel 1
# TV Out Setup
TVStandard NTSC-M
ConnectedMonitor TV


The critical line is: 

Option TVOutFormat SVIDEO

This might help.

- Michael

From: Martin
Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 19:23:58
Subject: [mythtv-users] Black and

Im getting black and white out of the SVideo output on my
PVR-350. The composite out is in color but I dont want to use this.

The rig is FC3, ATRPMs from Jarods Guide. TV Out via the PVR-350

Is there a setting somewhere that I have set wrong (to composite for example)?

If so, where can I find it?


mythtv-users mailing list

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Black and White

2005-08-01 Thread Marty Ravell
I'm starting to think the same thing.

To be honest I am not at all impressed with the breakout cable on the back
of the 350. Given that it is fairly heavy it is showing a tendency to pull
out. I might need to fashion some sort of bracket or clamp to hold it in

Having pulled the whole rig down and re-assembled it on my test bench it now
seems to be OK. Go figure.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2005 10:08 AM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Black and White

 From: Martin Ravell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Discussion about mythtv mythtv-users@mythtv.org
 Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 19:23:58 +1000
 Subject: [mythtv-users] Black and White

 I'm getting black and white out of the SVideo output on my PVR-350. 
 The composite out is in color but I don't want to use this.

This has always been a cabling problem on my 250. I shutdown, reseat, 
and reboot, and it works fine until I rearrange things again. The 
SVideo connectors on my card leave a lot to be desired. Since the luma 
and chroma are separate signals in the plug, could be that your chroma 
connection is bad.


Help everyone. If you can't do that, then at least be nice.

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au script from this list. Anyoneelsehadproblems today?

2005-08-01 Thread Marty Ravell
Hi Daniel,

I don't mean to sound cheap but $3 per week seems a bit expensive. After all
the reason we do projects like MythTV is partly to build cheap alternatives
to commercial PVRs.

If it were $3 per month then I think I'd jump on it in an instant.

PS. I'll second the comment about Foxtel channel availability. Any plans for
this content?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Hall
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2005 2:42 PM
To: 'Discussion about mythtv'
Subject: RE: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au script from this list.
Anyoneelsehadproblems today?

Also if you are looking for a reliable and legal XMLTV EPG service in
Australia then you can also have a look at IceTV. This is a subscription
based service. Details can be found at http://www.icetv.com.au/


IceTV Support Team

IceTV Pty Limited
Level 2/34-36 Chandos Street, St Leonards, NSW 2065
PO Box 698, Crows Nest, NSW 1585, Sydney, Australia 

ph: 1300 654 803
fax: 1300 654 208
CAUTION - This message may contain privileged and confidential information
intended only for the use of the addressee named above. If you are not the
intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any use,
disclosure, dissemination, copying, distribution or any action taken or
omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful. If
you have received this message in error please notify IceTV immediately via
email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or by phone at 1300 654 803. 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mary Wright
Sent: Tuesday, 2 August 2005 2:35 PM
To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au script from this list. Anyone
elsehadproblems today?


 My mythfilldatabase seems to be spewing about pid errors today is
getting the same error 

no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/02082005/guide.prn
no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/03082005/guide.prn
no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/0WorldClient.dll?View=Main4082005/guide.
no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/05082005/guide.prn
no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/06082005/guide.prn
no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/07082005/guide.prn
no pids in /var/local/tv_grab_au/08082005/guide.prn

I think the MSN may have changed something unless I am the only one 
getting the errors 

Latz Mary 

-Original Message-
Cc: Discussion about mythtv mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 17:38:58 +1000
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] tv_grab_au script from this list. Anyone 
elsehadproblems today?

  Brad == Brad  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Brad Is the ninmsn grabber better than the d1.com.au ?  If so do
 Brad you know where I could download it from. Also a clue on how
 Brad to install if time permits.
 It seems to be better.
 I frequently get reports of conflicting programs though (Melbourne),
 even when I run it two times in a row manually. Presumably, the first
 time I run it should remove any conflicting programs, and there
 shouldn't be any conflicts the second time I run it...
 So I suspect it is not perfect.
 However, it seems to get everything correct that I care about.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Audio Setup

2005-07-31 Thread Marty Ravell

Well, Ive finally gotten around to trying to finish
the setup of my MythTV box. (Such a pity when work gets in the way of personal

This may be a silly question but I am wondering about the
setup of audio in my particular rig. I have a straight combined front and back
end box based on Jarods Guide with FC3, a Hauppage 350 in an Intel motherboard
that has a basic sound card in it.

So my question is, if the 350 has audio input and output do
I use these or do I go with the motherboards onboard audio?

Do I need to route the 350s audio back through the
embedded audio perhaps?

Can someone please explain the way that a rig based on a 350
should work?

BTW. Im doing X over the 350 and this at lest seems
to work OK. Havent got the tuner to work properly yet but plan to post
another email to this list shortly.



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Invisible Myth Box

2005-07-31 Thread Marty Ravell

This might be slightly OT but I was wondering if anyone
could direct me to a utility to monitor the temp of my CPU?

In an effort to obtain high WAF I have relocated my amps,
the cable box and a new (almost installed) MythTV box to a purpose built
plywood cabinet that now lives in the crawl space under my house. It is maybe a
little less convenient in some ways but I figure once the Myth box is
completely setup there isnt much need to get at the thing physically. To
get the IR to work (cable box as well as PVR-350) I built an Infra-red Extender
kit (Jaycar KC-5209) and put the receiver in a standard wall plate on the
skirting board.

Kinda cool really (if I do say so myself), the idea is that
the only things you see in the living room are the TV and the speakers.

Ive vented the box and am about to install some fans
but would like to get an idea of how hot the Myth box is running. I can VNC in
to run this tool of course. No need to have something pretty integrated into
the UI.

Any ideas?



mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Invisible Myth Box

2005-07-31 Thread Marty Ravell

Yep. This was the first thing I thought of
as well. 

Great minds think alike


Fools seldom differ

(take your pick)

There is a cheap one Ive seen in
the shops with the sensor on the end of a wire. My issue is more that Id
like to do this remotely since Ive spent a whole heap of time getting
rid of cables etc.

If I have a way of accessing the temp on
the machine I can do things like kick off a shutdown or fire an email when the
temp hits a predetermined point.



Behalf Of Michael.S.G.
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2005 9:41
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users]
Invisible Myth Box

Not quite CPU temp (But is that really necessary?)
What about a cheap outdoor temp sensor in the box?
(They usualy have a fairly long lead to the sensor)
 (And only $10 at your local electronics shop)

I have my server under a staircase, And the temp sensor sits in a little nook
Whenever I go past the stairs, I can see the operating temp.

Yeah, I though about building it into Myth somehow. (Actual CPU/MB temp)
But I really wanted something I could check without looking at a


Marty Ravell wrote: 

This might be slightly OT but I was wondering if
anyone could direct me to a utility to monitor the temp of my CPU?

In an effort to obtain high WAF I have relocated my
amps, the cable box and a new (almost installed) MythTV box to a purpose built
plywood cabinet that now lives in the crawl space under my house. It is maybe a
little less convenient in some ways but I figure once the Myth box is
completely setup there isnt much need to get at the thing physically. To
get the IR to work (cable box as well as PVR-350) I built an Infra-red Extender
kit (Jaycar KC-5209) and put the receiver in a standard wall plate on the
skirting board.

Kinda cool really (if I do say so myself), the idea
is that the only things you see in the living room are the TV and the speakers.

Ive vented the box and am about to install
some fans but would like to get an idea of how hot the Myth box is running. I
can VNC in to run this tool of course. No need to have something pretty
integrated into the UI.

Any ideas?



___mythtv-users mailing listmythtv-users@mythtv.orghttp://mythtv.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/mythtv-users 

mythtv-users mailing list

RE: [mythtv-users] Invisible Myth Box

2005-07-31 Thread Marty Ravell
I thought that this could be an issue as well so I've attached a length of
air-conditioning duct to the side of the cabinet and will have a fan keeping
the air moving through the thing. Also needs this for heat I think.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2005 12:46 PM
To: Discussion about mythtv
Subject: Re: [mythtv-users] Invisible Myth Box

Marty Ravell wrote:

 This might be slightly OT but I was wondering if anyone could direct 
 me to a utility to monitor the temp of my CPU?

 In an effort to obtain high WAF I have relocated my amps, the cable 
 box and a new (almost installed) MythTV box to a purpose built plywood 
 cabinet that now lives in the crawl space under my house. It is maybe 
 a little less convenient in some ways but I figure once the Myth box 
 is completely setup there isn't much need to get at the thing 
 physically. To get the IR to work (cable box as well as PVR-350) I 
 built an Infra-red Extender kit (Jaycar KC-5209) and put the receiver 
 in a standard wall plate on the skirting board.

 Kinda cool really (if I do say so myself), the idea is that the only 
 things you see in the living room are the TV and the speakers.

 I've vented the box and am about to install some fans but would like 
 to get an idea of how hot the Myth box is running. I can VNC in to run 
 this tool of course. No need to have something pretty integrated into 
 the UI.

 Any ideas?

Be very careful in that environment with humidity changes. You're likely 
to start having wierd electrical problems in a non-conditioned space 
unless you live in a very dry climate. Everything electrical I ever kept 
in my folks dirt-floor basement ended up corroded.

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Pace STU-120

2005-07-24 Thread Marty Ravell
I have a Pace STU-120 cable box (Foxtel Australia) and I noticed that there
is what looks like an RCA socket on the back labeled 'Serial Interface'.

Has anyone had a go at seeing if this can be used in a MythTV rig to change

I'm building an IR receiver and a transmitter from the LIRC site to see if I
can get it to work that way but perhaps it would be simpler to build a cable
to control the thing directly.


mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Surround Sound

2005-06-13 Thread Marty Ravell

Im most of the way through a FC3, PVR350 install and
was wondering about surround sound.

My current HiFi rig has been delegating this task to the VCR
which I plan to get rid of once MythTV is up and running. Is there such thing
as an audio card which can handle Dolby decoding and give me line-outs for the
surround speakers? If this is the case Ill look into buying or building
a small amp to handle the surround. The VCR was nice in that it had a small
builtin amplifier for surround and a pro-logic decoder.

I guess worst case I could look into getting a standalone
surround decoder and plug the output of the Myth box into it but if there is a
solution in the form of a PC card which does this it might be nicer.



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] read error

2005-03-15 Thread Marty Ravell

I am getting a whole bunch of errors from mythbackend when I
try to Watch TV on my new FC3 (Jarods guide), 350 system.

They read :

error reading from: /dev/video16

read: Operation not permitted

error reading from: /dev/video16

read: Operation not permitted

These errors repeat until I exit back out to the Myth menu.

Any ideas?



mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Stubborn Live TV

2005-03-15 Thread Marty Ravell

My new FC3 box with a 350 which I have been setting up via
Jarod's guide seems to be really close to working but for some reason I cannot
see live TV. I have the fb stuff in and am successfully showing X on the TV
out. I've fiddled with offsets and all that and the menus look very nice and

I was able to capture video off the tuner by first setting
up the channel with ptune.pl and then using the command in the guide.

# cat /dev/video0  /tmp/test_capture.mpg

I'm using tv_grab_au and it seems to work OK.
mythfilldatabase appears to load up.

Can someone give me an idea of how to track this one down? I
just get a blank screen when I go to Watch TV. 

I've been through all the setup menus (mythsetup as well as
the ones in mythfrontend) I can find fiddling with whatever looks like it may
help but nothing seems to work.

I don't know if this is of any use but here is the output
from mythfrontend:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mythfrontend

2005-03-16 14:59:24.566 mythfrontend version:
0.17.20050130-1 www.mythtv.org

2005-03-16 14:59:24.566 Enabled verbose msgs : important

2005-03-16 14:59:24.830 Switching to square mode

2005-03-16 14:59:25.096 Registering Internal as a media
playback plugin.

2005-03-16 14:59:25.106 Registering MythDVD DVD Media
Handler as a media handler

2005-03-16 14:59:25.106 Registering MythDVD VCD Media
Handler as a media handler

2005-03-16 14:59:25.110 Joystick disabled.

2005-03-16 14:59:25.319 Registering MythMusic Media Handler
as a media handler

Failed to bind for SIP connection

SIP listening on IP Address :5060 NAT address

SIP: Cannot register; proxy, username or password not set

Destroying SipFsm object

2005-03-16 14:59:46.365 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.373 Using protocol version 14

2005-03-16 14:59:46.395 Using protocol version 14

2005-03-16 14:59:47.874 Opening audio device '/dev/dsp'.

2005-03-16 14:59:47.874 Opening OSS audio device '/dev/dsp'.

2005-03-16 14:59:47.877 Using resampler. From: 0 to 1000

Using the PVR-350 decoder/TV-out

2005-03-16 14:59:48.341 Realtime priority would require SUID
as root.

Writing to videodev: Operation not permitted

2005-03-16 14:59:48.361 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV

2005-03-16 14:59:53.541 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

2005-03-16 14:59:53.547 Changing from None to None

And here is the backend:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mythbackend

Starting up as the master server.

2005-03-16 14:59:06.812 Channel(/dev/video0): CheckChannel
failed. Please verify channel 3 in the setup Channel

2005-03-16 14:59:06.842 mythbackend version: 0.17.20050130-1

2005-03-16 14:59:06.842 Enabled verbose msgs : important

2005-03-16 14:59:08.842 Reschedule requested for id -1.

2005-03-16 14:59:08.875 Scheduled 0 items in 0.0 = 0.03
match + 0.00 place

2005-03-16 14:59:08.877 Seem to be woken up by USER

2005-03-16 14:59:46.378 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.378 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 0)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.390 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.390 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 1)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.400 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.400 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 0)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.440 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.440 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 0)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.450 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
remote ringbuffer

2005-03-16 14:59:46.462 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV

2005-03-16 14:59:53.405 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

Any help or hints would be appreciated. Are there any other
logs that I should be looking at?

mythtv-users mailing list

[mythtv-users] Stubborn Live TV

2005-03-15 Thread Marty Ravell

Hmmm, got a picture but it seems to be
stuck on Channel 9. 

Perhaps I am having issues with the
mechanism that defines the frequency for each channel and sends it to the card?

Am thinking that perhaps I am missing a
channels.conf? Is this something I need? I see a fair few posts around this
file for digital TV but I am only interested in plain old analog terrestrial
stuff at the moment.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marty Ravell
Sent: Wednesday, 16 March 2005
3:09 PM
To: mythtv-users@mythtv.org
Subject: [mythtv-users] Stubborn
Live TV

My new FC3 box with a 350 which I have been setting up via
Jarod's guide seems to be really close to working but for some reason I cannot see
live TV. I have the fb stuff in and am successfully showing X on the TV out.
I've fiddled with offsets and all that and the menus look very nice and sharp.

I was able to capture video off the tuner by first setting
up the channel with ptune.pl and then using the command in the guide.

# cat /dev/video0  /tmp/test_capture.mpg

I'm using tv_grab_au and it seems to work OK.
mythfilldatabase appears to load up.

Can someone give me an idea of how to track this one down? I
just get a blank screen when I go to Watch TV. 

I've been through all the setup menus (mythsetup as well as
the ones in mythfrontend) I can find fiddling with whatever looks like it may
help but nothing seems to work.

I don't know if this is of any use but here is the output
from mythfrontend:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mythfrontend

2005-03-16 14:59:24.566 mythfrontend version:
0.17.20050130-1 www.mythtv.org

2005-03-16 14:59:24.566 Enabled verbose msgs : important

2005-03-16 14:59:24.830 Switching to square mode

2005-03-16 14:59:25.096 Registering Internal as a media
playback plugin.

2005-03-16 14:59:25.106 Registering MythDVD DVD Media
Handler as a media handler

2005-03-16 14:59:25.106 Registering MythDVD VCD Media
Handler as a media handler

2005-03-16 14:59:25.110 Joystick disabled.

2005-03-16 14:59:25.319 Registering MythMusic Media Handler
as a media handler

Failed to bind for SIP connection

SIP listening on IP Address :5060 NAT address

SIP: Cannot register; proxy, username or password not set

Destroying SipFsm object

2005-03-16 14:59:46.365 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.373 Using protocol version 14

2005-03-16 14:59:46.395 Using protocol version 14

2005-03-16 14:59:47.874 Opening audio device '/dev/dsp'.

2005-03-16 14:59:47.874 Opening OSS audio device '/dev/dsp'.

2005-03-16 14:59:47.877 Using resampler. From: 0 to 1000

Using the PVR-350 decoder/TV-out

2005-03-16 14:59:48.341 Realtime priority would require SUID
as root.

Writing to videodev: Operation not permitted

2005-03-16 14:59:48.361 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV

2005-03-16 14:59:53.541 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

2005-03-16 14:59:53.547 Changing from None to None

And here is the backend:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ mythbackend

Starting up as the master server.

2005-03-16 14:59:06.812 Channel(/dev/video0): CheckChannel
failed. Please verify channel 3 in the setup Channel

2005-03-16 14:59:06.842 mythbackend version: 0.17.20050130-1

2005-03-16 14:59:06.842 Enabled verbose msgs : important

2005-03-16 14:59:08.842 Reschedule requested for id -1.

2005-03-16 14:59:08.875 Scheduled 0 items in 0.0 = 0.03
match + 0.00 place

2005-03-16 14:59:08.877 Seem to be woken up by USER

2005-03-16 14:59:46.378 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.378 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 0)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.390 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.390 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 1)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.400 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.400 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 0)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.440 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Playback

2005-03-16 14:59:46.440 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
client (events: 0)

2005-03-16 14:59:46.450 adding: localhost.localdomain as a
remote ringbuffer

2005-03-16 14:59:46.462 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV

2005-03-16 14:59:53.405 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None

Any help or hints would be appreciated. Are there any other
logs that I should be looking at?

mythtv-users mailing list