Re: [newbie-it] ....aiuto

2000-01-07 Thread Stefano Battocletti

Il gio, 06 gen 2000, hai scritto:
 E' mia intenzione entrare nel mondo LINUX ma mi sono subito trovato di
 a problemi per me insormontabili:
 - ho effettuato l'installazione (in un Hd di 2.4 Gb) di Mandrake 6.1 senza
 'quasi' gravi problemi; ho installato il LILO, nel MBR di WIN98, che mi
 funziona bene; Quando avvio LINUX, dopo la fase di inizializzazione, appare
 la schermata standard di Mandrake con :
 'localhost login:'. Ho provato a digitare tutto da 'root' al mio ID
 impostato in fase di installazione ma qualunque cosa digito mi torna sempre
 a 'localhost login:'
 ..Che cosa devo fare.per poter continuare?

Beh, senza sapere alcune cose... hai scelto il login grafico, cioè di avviare
la schermata similwindows o parti con lo schermo nero e il pinguino?
In ogni caso, dovresti aver inserito, in fase di installazione, la tua password
di root e dovresti aver creato un utente nuovo, con nome e password.
Inserisci, nell'ordine: root (invio) password (invio) e dovresti entrare. se
non entri, vorrà dire che c'è qualcosa che non funziona nell'installazione.
fammi sapere. Ciao

Re: [newbie] any ideas how to read attached .doc files?please

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 I'm having the same problems.  Yes, I can read Word documents just fine
 with Star Office.  The problem is in downloading word documents which
 are attached to e-mails.  When I try to double-click the attachment to
 download, I get an error message saying that some mswordview
 configuration file is missing.  I've installed the mswordview rpm from
 the mandrake 6.1 installation cd.  What else needs to be done?  Thanks,
Try right-clicking on the attachment and selecting "save
as" and giving it a file name. Then, open it with Star
Office. Works here. I've got two different distros of
Linux: RH 6 on my machine at work and Mandrake 6 at home.

Re: [newbie] Primary and Secondary DNS on the Same Machine?

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 Is it possible to run Primary and Secondary DNS on one machine and if so, how might 
i do this.  As it stands i have DNS running on Mandrake 6.0 as a primary server, but 
the some of the other networking companys that i'm working with want it to be there 
secondary DNS provider so i am searching for a way to do this if it is possible.  
Thank you for your help.
 Benjamin Branch

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

First, please disable HTML posting in Outlook Express.
Second just give your machine a second IP address and call
it something like :-)

[newbie] Where is C header directory?

2000-01-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have been trying to install VMware. I've tried both the rpm and the
tar. A dead-end either way. At the end of the installation, VMware asks
me for the directory for C headers. The default is
/usr/src/linux/include. But they are not there. Could someone please set
me straight. Where in the world is the C header directory in
Linux-Mandrake 6.1?

Thanks so very much.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] VMware -- Installation fails!

2000-01-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I have just spent a very frustrating three hours trying to install
VMware on my Linux-Mandrake 6.1. I have no idea what's going on, but I
have tried just about everything a non-techie can try. I have tried to
install both the rpm and the tar.gz 

Below is the final section of my attempt to install the VMWARE tarball:

None of VMware's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your running
kernel. Doyou want this script to try to build the vmmon module for your
system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes]

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include]

Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.

Building the vmmon module.

make: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware/config/2861/vmmon-only'
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware/config/2861/vmmon-only'
make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware/config/2861/vmmon-only'
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware/config/2861/vmmon-only'
Unable to make a vmmon module that can be loaded in the running kernel.
There isprobably a light difference of kernel configuration between the
set of C header files you specified and your running kernel. You may
want to rebuild a kernel
based on that directory, or specify another directory.

Execution aborted.

[root@adsl-77-233-152 vmware-distrib]#  

As if this is not confusing enough, when I try to rpm it, here is what I

[root@adsl-77-233-152 sher]# rpm -Uvh VMware-1.1.2-364.i386.rpm
package VMware-1.1.2-364 is already installed
[root@adsl-77-233-152 sher]#

So, I typed vmware at the command prompt. This is what I got:

[sher@adsl-77-233-152 sher]$ vmware
VMware is installed, but it has not been (correctly)
configured for the running kernel. To (re-)configure it,
you must find and run "".

So, I went back and reran the command above and got the same question
about the C header directory:

[root@adsl-77-233-152 vmware]# cd vmware-distrib
[root@adsl-77-233-152 vmware-distrib]# ls
FILES  INSTALL  bin  doc  etc  installer  lib  man
[root@adsl-77-233-152 vmware-distrib]# cd bin
[root@adsl-77-233-152 bin]# ls
vmnet-bridge  vmware-wizard  vmware-ping
vmnet-sniffer  vmware-loop
[root@adsl-77-233-152 bin]# ./
Making sure VMware's services are stopped.

Stopping VMware services:
   Virtual machine monitor [  OK  ]

None of VMware's pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your running
kernel. Doyou want this script to try to build the vmmon module for your
system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes]  

What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your
running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] /usr/src/linux/include

Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.

Building the vmmon module.

make: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware/config/3425/vmmon-only'
make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware/config/3425/vmmon-only'
make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware/config/3425/vmmon-only'
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware/config/3425/vmmon-only'
Unable to make a vmmon module that can be loaded in the running kernel.
There isprobably a light difference of kernel configuration between the
set of C header files you specified and your running kernel. You may
want to rebuild a kernel
based on that directory, or specify another directory.

Execution aborted.

You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[root@adsl-77-233-152 bin]# 

Would really appreciate the help of one of our Mandrake gurus on this.

Thanks so very much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web


2000-01-07 Thread Nick McCarty

I am having trouble with my modem. Its 
a US Robotics 3Com (full modem) 56K
I am using Mandrake 6.1 helio
and my error message is setting speaker sound when 
i try to dial up 

[newbie] VMware Install fails -- kernel footnote

2000-01-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear friends:

I checked. I do have the kernel sources installed

[sher@adsl-77-233-152 sher]$ rpm -qa | grep kernel
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 sher]$ 

But the sources do not show up under /usr/src or anywhere else:

[sher@adsl-77-233-152 /usr]$ ls
X11R6dict  games   include  libexec  sbin   tmp
bin  doc   i386-glibc20-linux  info localshare
cgi-bin  etc   i486-linux-libc5lib  man  src
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 /usr]$ cd src
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 src]$ ls
RPM  linux  linux-2.2.13
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 src]$ cd RPM
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 RPM]$ ls
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 RPM]$ cd SOURCES
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 SOURCES]$ ls
[sher@adsl-77-233-152 SOURCES]$  

Thanks so much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

[newbie] Welcome to list newbie

2000-01-07 Thread newbie-request

Welcome to the Cooker List.

You just have been subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More information on

To unsubscribe send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put in the
subject :

unsubscribe newbie.

or go to the web page and unsubscribe via the web interface.

Mandrake Staff [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[newbie] Puzzled?

2000-01-07 Thread Eric Collard

I am a real baby newbie just dipping my toe in the Mandrake waters and
experiencing the usual newbie problems, I have installed Mandrake 6.1
from the box on a stand alone PC. I have used kpp and can connect to
my ISP. Have my sound configured and my HP Laser 5L printer works soo I
guess I have had some success.
However! I have several packages in .tgz and .gz formats on a floppy
which I wish to install. I would be grateful if some kind expert would
advise me clearly the steps I should take to install these. As I am a
genealogy nut one of the packages is quite a nice program.

Secondly I have installed minicom plus printed off the documents. How
I get the program to run from a terminal window. I have tried various
combinations of the options provided but have had no success.
Looking forward to somone who can help.
ThanksEric Collard.
 X OLXWin 1.00b X 

Re: [newbie] From Unixware to Mandrake... Memory CorruptionProblems ?

2000-01-07 Thread Christopher Cox

  Halt command during the shutdown process causes 
  "Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 872f"
 Disable APM and this will go away. It's a "known bug" in
 most of the kernels since I"ve been playing with Linux
 (almost exactly one year now.)

Thanks John..

About the rest, well Sorry, Forget it.

It would appear that the Taiwan memory shortage has blessed me with scores
of defective 128 Meg SDRAM DIMM's. I discovered this after running DOC
Memory, available free right now at

Sorry for wasting anybody's time.

Christopher Cox

[newbie] Cron fails after a day or so..

2000-01-07 Thread BryanMoorehead

I have had a single cron job that monitors my ip address running for quite some
time on my box with no problems.  A few days ago, I added a second job to

run "rdate -sp" at specifc intervals.  It seems that after a day
or so, both jobs stop ( no email to root ), and crond returns

"can't lock /var/run/, otherpid may be 412: Resource temporarily

Is it safe to delete

I just rebooted when this happened the other day, and it seemed to fix it, but I
don't want to reboot every day.

Any ideas as to what might be causing the lockup of cron?

Re: [newbie] Voodoo 3 3000 Drivers????

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Wed, 05 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 Anybody know where i can find drivers for a Voodoo3 3000 AGP for SuSE linux 6.2?

Content-Type: text/html; name="unnamed"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

First, TURN OFF HTML! That's as bad, or worse than posting
in all-caps, as it's VERY difficult to read, it wastes
bandwidth and it doesn't look NEARLY as pretty on our
systems as it does on yours!

Now, as to where to find the Voodoo3 drivers, have you
tried looking on the SuSE site? I'm told that that's *the*
place to get video drivers. That's, I think. To
be specific, their downloads page starts here:

OTOH, you can get generic Voodoo3 drivers from 3dfx, I

[newbie] Problem in X font

2000-01-07 Thread Sudhakar Nagarajan

I recently installed Linux-mandrake in to my system. It is AMD p2 processor. The 
installation went fine, but at the time of X installation the confirmation window, "if 
you can see the window displayed all right" I can not read the words. It is like a 
black strip. But I can see the button and read ok in that. So I clicked ok and 
finished the installation. After rebooting, the desktop comes ok and colors are ok but 
I can not read any letters or tool tips. Every thing is black strip.  The cursor is 
also big square instead of small dot. 
  Can any one tell where the problem is. Do I need to change the font size or cursor 
size or any thing else. If so how.
Thanks in advance 

[newbie] long delay starting smb on new install

2000-01-07 Thread Morris Walton


I'm installing 6.1.  After the install, and on the initial boot up (on
the new install), the start for SMB seems to take FOREVER.  It
eventually passes, but I was curious what might be going on.


Re: [newbie] KDE problem after upgrading from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 I have Mandrake 6.0 on a AMD K6-2/350 (well, a couple actually), but on
 one machine I tried to upgrade KDE 1.1.1 to 1.1.2. I went to KDE's web
 site, then to their download site and ftp'd all the files in the
 directory, about a dozen or so. These were in rpm format.
I'm *guessing* you got the wrong version of the KDE RPMs.
Next time you might try using to find the
MANDRAKE 6.x KDE 1.1.2 updates, or go to to find the list of mirrors and find
the RPM files there. 
I'm guessing what happened is you have the RH 5.x KDE
updates instead of the RH 6.x KDE updates. RH 6.x was the
first RedHat version to incorporate the KDE desktop, etc
and there is a HUGE difference as to where the KDE files
are put when they are installed via RPM.
Here's an FTP site for Mandrake updates:

Try doing and rpm -e kde* and then an RPM -UVH kde* once
you download all the MANDRAKE KDE updates.

[newbie] Re: tweaking XServer

2000-01-07 Thread msaul

I have setup my system, and I have noticed when running my xserver, that
I can ping myself, and as far as Static IP addresses, when I use ping, I
can transmit (verified signal on cable modem) but cannot receive. When
setting up , I entered the static IP address displayed from winipcfg.
The other data re netmask, etc. I accepted the defaults. Does anyone
have a suggestion or could point me to GOOD tutorials to solve my
problem? I have no problem using netconf.

Murray Saul

Re: [newbie] Do NOT invest in LinuxOne IPO!

2000-01-07 Thread Alan Shoemaker

Benjaminthanks, I was unaware of this situation.


Benjamin Sher wrote:
 Dear friends:
 This may be off topic. However, the author, a leading and highly
 respected figure in Linux, Bruce Perens, has urged his readers to warn
 everyone against investing in what appears to be a shady Linux
 distribution that will holding its IPO very shortly on NASDAQ, namely,
 LinuxOne. He warns against getting fleeced by LinuxOne, which has
 registered itself on the NASDAQ under the very appealing but deceptive
 name LINX. They are a company that exists in name only. See their "web
 site" at That says it all. The author is very
 worried that if LinuxOne turns out to be a fraud, it will not only rob
 thousands of people of their savings but damage Linux's reputation in
 the eyes of the public.
 To read all about it, here is the URL from
 More Shady Stuff from LinuxOne
 Caveat emptor!
 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Matrix

2000-01-07 Thread phins13

Etien VanDenBroecke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Not in my xscreensavers package and I don't have much in the display properties, for 
screen savers!
only running 6.0, going out tomorrow to get the distro from somewhere, but don't know 
where to find it
up here in canada, location is London, Ontairo  any one know where I can find 

Mandrake 6.5?  Or should I wait until 7 comes out??


I'm running it on Xscreensaver 3.17-4. From your prompt,
type xscreensaver and click on the prefs button on the 
screen that comes up. You will see a huge list of 
screensavers. In there is xmatrix which is the xscreensaver 
for matrix. I opened up my xscreensaver file, which is 
located in /root or /root/'whatever user you are' and 
deleted all of the other screensaver files except 
xmatrix because xscreensaver runs all of those 
screensavers in arandom fashion. Resave this file 
and remember to keep a copy of the old file incase 
you want to change to another screensaver. This 
is the only way I know of how to get xscreensaver 
to run just the screensaver you want. There may 
be a better way and if anyone knows please let 
me know.

As for Mandrake 6.5, If you want to waste your money 
go ahead and but it. I would recommend downloading 
6.1 since that is what MacMillan 6.5 really is and 
burning it to a CD. Or buy the CD over the net for 
dirt cheap. Your money, your choice. I know kmatrix.kss 
is there because I've ran it.
Good Luck.
Do you do Linux? :)
Get your FREE email address at:

[newbie] long delay starting smb on new install

2000-01-07 Thread Morris Walton


I'm installing 6.1.  After the install, and on the initial boot up (on
the new install), the start for SMB seems to take FOREVER.  It
eventually passes, but I was curious what might be going on.


Re: [newbie] Where is Kudzu

2000-01-07 Thread David Hollyfield

What is Kudzu anyway?

Re: [newbie] Made a mistake in setup

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 Also, other more knowlegable users have helped us out by telling us these
 little gems when we asked "how do I do this???"
Yep! That and experience. :-)

[newbie] test

2000-01-07 Thread Morris Walton


[newbie] Question?

2000-01-07 Thread phins13

Is there a file in your /home/[username] directory named .xinitrc?

If yes, the last line ought to specify the default window manager.
Edit the file to comment out 'startkde' and insert the line

exec [command-to-start-the-WM-you-want]

I don't want to recommend blindly creating an .xinitrc.  You could try 
creating one with only the line exec
[command-to-start-the-WM-you-want], and see what happens.  No

If there's no .xinitrc, then K might be starting because of the code
in /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients.   Take a look below.  There is no
/etc/sysconfig/desktop created in a Red Hat or Mandrake install,

Because there's no /etc/sysconfig/desktop, and if gnome's not
installed, the default desktop is K (absent .xinitrc in /home).

[insert part of /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients here]

# (c) 1999 Red Hat Software, Inc.

# check to see if the user has a preferred desktop
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/desktop ]; then
if [ -n "`grep -i GNOME /etc/sysconfig/desktop`" ]; then
elif [ -n "`grep -i KDE /etc/sysconfig/desktop`" ]; then
elif [ -n "`grep -i AnotherLevel /etc/sysconfig/desktop`" ]; then

if [ -n "$PREFERRED" -a "$PREFERRED" != "AnotherLevel" ]  \
   which $PREFERRED /dev/null 21; then

# now if we can reach here, either they want AnotherLevel or there was
# no desktop file present and the PREFERRED variable is not set.

if [ -z "$PREFERRED" ]; then
# by default, we run KDE
if which $STARTKDE /dev/null 21; then
   exec `which $STARTKDE`

# if KDE isn't installed, try GNOME
if which $GSESSION /dev/null 21; then
   exec `which $GSESSION`


[end inserted part of /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients here]

Sorry to change the subject in mid thread but.
Why is it there is no /etc/sysconfig/desktop 
in these installs? And is there a way to create 
this file to fix this problem and chose the 
WM you want? I've always wondered about that.
See below---

Mike Fieschko, West Orange, NJ, USA
X-Mailer: XEmacs 21.1, VM 6.75 and random-sig.el
Kernel 2.2.14-14mdk
Jan 5  St Telesphorus or St John Neumann
"What embitters the world is not excess of criticism, but an absence
of self-criticism." - [G.K. Chesterton, in Sidelights on New London
and Newer New York]
Why is it there is no /etc/sysconfig/desktop 
in these installs? And is there a way to create 
this file to fix this problem and chose the 
WM you want? I've always wondered about that.
Do you do Linux? :)
Get your FREE email address at:

Re: [newbie] Where is Kudzu

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 When i tried to install the rpm it failed.  It says that it needs  Do you have any idea where this is located.  I looked on 
 the Mandrake CD.

[newbie] mandrake update

2000-01-07 Thread sean

Hi all,
Quick question about the linux-madrake update tool. I D/L'd the updates
no problems and it seemed to install, in the messeges that accompany the
chocies the 2.2.13 Kernel info said that it reqiures /etc/lilo.conf be
updated by hand, hers my current configuration;

read only

So my question is this, What do I change/add. The normal compiling way?
"boot]# mv vmlinuz-2.2.13-7mdk vmlinuz-2.2.13-7mdk-old
boot]# mv" etc... then cp the new files from
/usr/src/linux to /boot and then edit /etc/lilo.conf by adding the new
files to lilo.conf? Is the vmlinuz-2.2.13-7mdk the actual kernel or is
vmlinuz? I never understood this, which is possibly why I have had such
a hard time configuring IP Masq. It has worked, barely. TIA


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Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] How to Dial up

2000-01-07 Thread John Aldrich

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 I don't why but it still does not work.
 I tryed that it came up with
 "bash: /etc/resolv.conf: Permission denied"
 not to sure why I am the main user.
You have to be "root" to edit /etc/resolv.conf.

Although why you'd want to have a blank /etc/resolv.conf
I'm not sure. If you've got correct information in your
/etc/resolv.conf file, KPPP will use it, from what I'm
told. I personally don't use KPPP since I have an ISDN
router. :-)

[newbie] Ip ranges

2000-01-07 Thread Michael D. Kirkpatrick

I am using squid and I have found that I am doing something wrong with assigning
IP ranges.  All the examples show complete class C ranges.  Example: - would be entered as one of the following:  or

Now, I just want an IP ranges of - -

I tried the following:

That does not work...  Any suggestions?

[newbie] Testing .. Emai (Size/Plain Text)

2000-01-07 Thread Mark Fitzgerald


This look ok as far as size, wrapping and etc?

At the moment .. Using Netscape Messanger.



Re: [newbie] Testing .. Emai (Size/Plain Text)

2000-01-07 Thread rbuzbee

looks fine  mark

 This look ok as far as size, wrapping and etc?
 At the moment .. Using Netscape Messanger.

Re: [newbie] Testing .. Emai (Size/Plain Text)

2000-01-07 Thread sean

Yes it does, what are the settings?


Mark Fitzgerald wrote:


 This look ok as far as size, wrapping and etc?

 At the moment .. Using Netscape Messanger.



Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Problems setting up paths

2000-01-07 Thread Matt Stegman

First, what you did does not do it- it will set the second path
mentioned (after the double pipe: ||) only if "sbin" is not already in the
path.  To ensure this is in your path, add another line (below this first
one) like so:
  export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/netscape
Second, put this line at the bottom of /etc/profile to set it for all 

And by the way, a brand-new-shell IS started just by opening a new xterm.
There's no need to restart X.

-Matt Stegman

On Mon, 3 Jan 2000, Mike Ladwig wrote:

 On Mon, 03 Jan 2000, you wrote:
  How do you set the path? I am using the bash shell.
  I go into my .bashrc file and there is a line that looks like this:
  echo $PATH|grep -q /sbin || export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin/:/sbin/
  then I add at the end of this line :/usr/local/netscape (I want netscape in
  my local path)
  I imagine this statement is making sure sbin is in my path, and it if isnt,
  then it adds it ( I am not sure what the || means.. I imagine thats an or
  command). But this doesnt work. I save the file, exit my xterm session,
  restart another and /usr/local/netscape does not show up in my path.
  Also this doesnt setup the global path so everyone will have this in their
  path settings. Where do you set the global path at?
Are you also exiting X and logging back in ?  If all you do is edit the
 .bashrc and quit the xterm session.  Then open another xterm session your
 .bashrc doesn't get run.  Try going back to a login: then test your path. 
 After you log back in type "echo $PATH" (no quotes) to make sure it worked. 
 Hope this helps 
  -[ Mike ]-

[newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread Eric Runnions

Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?


Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread sean

Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.


Eric Runnions wrote:

 Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?


Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread forest

There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.

sean wrote:

 Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
 clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.


 Eric Runnions wrote:

  Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Where is Kudzu

2000-01-07 Thread David

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
  When i tried to install the rpm it failed.  It says that it needs  Do you have any idea where this is located.  I looked on 
  the Mandrake CD.

Kudzu can be found here--

the file is kudzu-0.23-1mdk.i586.rpm

the is part of the newt-0.50-12mdk.i586.rpm package at
the above


Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread sean

Do you have a link? I went to tucows and could not find a "messenger" list. It
would be kind fun to mess with my wife. :)


forest wrote:

 There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.

 sean wrote:

  Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
  clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.
  Eric Runnions wrote:
   Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

[newbie] Looking for good video card

2000-01-07 Thread Petey

I'm looking for a higher end 3D card that runs at higher resolutions out of
the box with Mandrake, as well as other linux flavors.  It also needs to be
able to handle my higher end games on windows.  Any suggestions?  I know
NVidia just released the X server for the GeForce 256, but I'm not sure
that's the route I want to go.  Thanks.


RE: [newbie] Ip ranges

2000-01-07 Thread Ingo Bauer

Good evening Micheal;

The problem is that you are using invalid subnets ...

If you want to have 2 seperate subnets you can do as follows .

Your first subnet will be from -
- with being your first and being you last usable ip 
for that subnet

Your second subnet will be from -
- with being your first and being your last usable 
ip for that subnet.

Your subnet mask would be /25 short  or in log notation .:)


-Original Message-
From:   Michael D. Kirkpatrick [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Friday, January 07, 2000 4:45 PM
Subject:[newbie] Ip ranges

I am using squid and I have found that I am doing something wrong with assigning
IP ranges.  All the examples show complete class C ranges.  Example: - would be entered as one of the following:  or

Now, I just want an IP ranges of - -

I tried the following:

That does not work...  Any suggestions?


[newbie] Problem in X font

2000-01-07 Thread Sudhakar Nagarajan

I recently installed Linux-mandrake in to my system. It is AMD p2 processor. The 
installation went fine, but at the time of X installation the confirmation window, "if 
you can see the window displayed all right" I can not read the words. It is like a 
black strip. But I can see the button and read ok in that. So I clicked ok and 
finished the installation. After rebooting, the desktop comes ok and colors are ok but 
I can not read any letters or tool tips. Every thing is black strip.  The cursor is 
also big square instead of small dot. 
  Can any one tell where the problem is. Do I need to change the font size or cursor 
size or any thing else. If so how.
Thanks in advance 

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread sean

I found the file "everybuddy-0.0.7.tar." and unzipped it but the directions have
got me nowhere, can't seem to install it. The directions say to compile as follows;

from the source directory issue the folling commands
make install

Thats it... only problem is it doesnt work.


sean wrote:

 Do you have a link? I went to tucows and could not find a "messenger" list. It
 would be kind fun to mess with my wife. :)


 forest wrote:

  There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.
  sean wrote:
   Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
   clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.
   Eric Runnions wrote:
Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread forest

here it is...

sean wrote:

 Do you have a link? I went to tucows and could not find a "messenger" list. It
 would be kind fun to mess with my wife. :)


 forest wrote:

  There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.
  sean wrote:
   Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
   clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.
   Eric Runnions wrote:
Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread forest

what kind of instaaall do you have? DID it install correctly, and are you running the
program afterwards?

sean wrote:

 I found the file "everybuddy-0.0.7.tar." and unzipped it but the directions have
 got me nowhere, can't seem to install it. The directions say to compile as follows;

 from the source directory issue the folling commands
 make install

 Thats it... only problem is it doesnt work.


 sean wrote:

  Do you have a link? I went to tucows and could not find a "messenger" list. It
  would be kind fun to mess with my wife. :)
  forest wrote:
   There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.
   sean wrote:
Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.
Eric Runnions wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Testing .. Emai (Size/Plain Text)

2000-01-07 Thread Mark Fitzgerald

sean wrote:
 Yes it does, what are the settings?
 Mark Fitzgerald wrote:
  This look ok as far as size, wrapping and etc?
  At the moment .. Using Netscape Messanger.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.


Messanger: Settings

Send - Lines wrap at 70.
Use fonts I choose.
(I added true type fonts to system aswell.)
Use plain text
reply plain text
made a .signature file

guess that is about it.



Mark Fitzgerald  -||-   Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (@ @)

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread sean

Install? You must mean compilerdunno. I just installed Mandrake 6.1 from caldera 
yesterday and am in process of configuring this box, I am no rocket scientist, thats 
I subscibed to this list :) LOL I can follow directions real well, I am just getting my
Linux bearings as Win95-98 has mushed my brain into "I have to have a GUI" mindset,
kinda need the puter to hold my hand and do it all for me, LOL.  I am definatly
learning, been messing with the Linux for about 6 months now.


forest wrote:

 what kind of instaaall do you have? DID it install correctly, and are you running the
 program afterwards?

 sean wrote:

  I found the file "everybuddy-0.0.7.tar." and unzipped it but the directions have
  got me nowhere, can't seem to install it. The directions say to compile as follows;
  from the source directory issue the folling commands
  make install
  Thats it... only problem is it doesnt work.
  sean wrote:
   Do you have a link? I went to tucows and could not find a "messenger" list. It
   would be kind fun to mess with my wife. :)
   forest wrote:
There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.
sean wrote:
 Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
 clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.


 Eric Runnions wrote:

  Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in Linux?

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread forest

Did you find the program your suposed to execute after you installed it.   I think it
installs to /usr/local/bin. If it's there try to execute that.

sean wrote:

 Install? You must mean compilerdunno. I just installed Mandrake 6.1 from caldera 
 yesterday and am in process of configuring this box, I am no rocket scientist, thats 
 I subscibed to this list :) LOL I can follow directions real well, I am just getting 
 Linux bearings as Win95-98 has mushed my brain into "I have to have a GUI" mindset,
 kinda need the puter to hold my hand and do it all for me, LOL.  I am definatly
 learning, been messing with the Linux for about 6 months now.


 forest wrote:

  what kind of instaaall do you have? DID it install correctly, and are you running 
  program afterwards?
  sean wrote:
   I found the file "everybuddy-0.0.7.tar." and unzipped it but the directions have
   got me nowhere, can't seem to install it. The directions say to compile as 
   from the source directory issue the folling commands
   make install
   Thats it... only problem is it doesnt work.
   sean wrote:
Do you have a link? I went to tucows and could not find a "messenger" list. It
would be kind fun to mess with my wife. :)
forest wrote:
 There is.. go to tucows, and get's under messangers.

 sean wrote:

  Actually AOL is working on porting AIM for linux. :) I thought there was a
  clone but I don't have it or know how to get it either.
  Eric Runnions wrote:
   Does anyone know if there is an Aol Instant Messenger that works in 
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [newbie] Instant Internet start?

2000-01-07 Thread Josh McCaffrey

After you do that, create a Kppp icon on your desktop to make it *really* easy
to start.  Right click-New-Application-Kppp.
Under the "Execute" tab, just put "kppp".

Alan Shoemaker wrote:

 Steveassuming you are in the KDE desktop, open the application
 starter (the gear with the K on it at the bottom left hand corner of the
 screen) and choose Internet and then choose Kppp (cascading menus).
 It'll need setting up the first time you run it (pretty much like
 dial-up networking on Windows, but without the wizard). ;o)


 Steve Leseman wrote:
  Is there a way to instantly launch dial-up networking from an icon (like in
  Win98), rather than having to go through Netconfig and three windows each
  time? And how can I get the modem lights to display in the taskbar? Thanks!

Re: [newbie] Instant Messenger

2000-01-07 Thread Spiffy1two

Do a search for GAIM.  It stands for GNU Instant Messenger or something like 
that.  It was made by a third party, but i'm sure it works pretty well.  It 
comes as an RPM and was really easy to install.

Dan Rasmussen

[newbie] X Install fails

2000-01-07 Thread Patrick B. McConnell


I am trying to install to a gateway ppro 200 with a matrox millenium video
card. I am using the custom installation in order to preserve my NT setup.

The first time I installed X installed correctly or appeared to since I was
able to run the test and see the xtest just fine. However I had configured
the network card incorrectly and reinstalled to fix this. I have since
installed at least 6 times and in each of these installs X fails to install.
I can get thru the installation to the very end where X is configured but it
fails to load the test screen and tells me there is a problem in my
configuration. I can repeat the process as many times as I like with no
better luck. It appears that the X server is not correctly installed and
thus can not be configured.

The only thing different in these installs is that I have set the network
card up correctly. Is there a way to manually install the X server or other
method to correct this problem. The machine does boot just fine to the
command line. As expected attempting to run X gives errors with missing
libraries such as

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: [newbie] Do NOT invest in LinuxOne IPO!

2000-01-07 Thread Benjamin Sher

Dear Alan:

You are more than welcome. I hope everybody hears about it and tells
their friends before someone really gets burned badly. I fear for
Linux's reputation if LinuxOne does well. How in the world did they get
the SEC to approve their IPO in the first place. There must be a way to
stop what seems like possible fraud and on a massive scale.

Benjamin Sher
Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Do NOT invest in LinuxOne IPO!

2000-01-07 Thread nunar

This is a good thought, and thanks for the warning.
The website you have listed is wrong though. LinuxOne's 
website is at
I found that address at Yahoo.

Quoting Benjamin Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Dear friends:

 This may be off topic. However, the author, a leading 
and highly
 respected figure in Linux, Bruce Perens, has urged his 
readers to warn
 everyone against investing in what appears to be a 
shady Linux
 distribution that will holding its IPO very shortly on 
NASDAQ, namely,
 LinuxOne. He warns against getting fleeced by 
LinuxOne, which has
 registered itself on the NASDAQ under the very 
appealing but deceptive
 name LINX. They are a company that exists in name 
only. See their "web
 site" at That says it all. 
The author is very
 worried that if LinuxOne turns out to be a fraud, it 
will not only rob
 thousands of people of their savings but damage 
Linux's reputation in
 the eyes of the public.

 To read all about it, here is the URL from

 More Shady Stuff from LinuxOne

 Caveat emptor!

 Benjamin and Anna Sher
 Sher's Russian Web

Re: [newbie] Problem in X font

2000-01-07 Thread Warren Doney

What's your video chip? Are you sure you configured X proprerly?

- Original Message -
From: "Sudhakar Nagarajan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2000 5:21 AM
Subject: [newbie] Problem in X font

 I recently installed Linux-mandrake in to my system. It is AMD p2
processor. The installation went fine, but at the time of X installation the
confirmation window, "if you can see the window displayed all right" I can
not read the words. It is like a black strip. But I can see the button and
read ok in that. So I clicked ok and finished the installation. After
rebooting, the desktop comes ok and colors are ok but I can not read any
letters or tool tips. Every thing is black strip.  The cursor is also big
square instead of small dot.
   Can any one tell where the problem is. Do I need to change the font size
or cursor size or any thing else. If so how.
 Thanks in advance

[newbie] message log question

2000-01-07 Thread Chip Wiegand

I found the following messages, many of them, in my /var/log/messages
file -
kernel: packet log: input deny eth0 proto=17 L=78 S=0x00 I=22928 F=0x T=117
There are many of these with differant numbers after the : . I recognize
the second ip number, it's mine. What is the first ip number? and the
stuff after them. Does the part input deny eth0 mean someone was trying
to get into my firewall but were blocked?

Re: [newbie] Where is Kudzu et al

2000-01-07 Thread WH Bouterse

Many of Mandrakes newest are here!!! (kudzu too)

Be patient and careful and things eventually seem to work :)
I have been upgrading a L-M 6.1 system.

William Bouterse
Juneau Alaska

Re: [newbie] KDE problem after upgrading from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2

2000-01-07 Thread Chip Wiegand

I downloaded the files with ...1.1.2-... so I believe those should be the
correct files. When I tried rpm -e kde* I got an error - error: cannot open
And when I tried rpm -uvh kde* I got the message: rpm: only one major mode
may be specified
I cannot run kpackage, it won't work at all. I tried gnorpm but that also
would not work.
I also tried rpm -Vp kde*, and rpm -i --replacepkgs kde*, and others and
nothing will work.
Worse of all, I can't run netconf or netcfg, so I can't fix my ipaddress on
that machine, so it won't see the net, unless there is a way to change that
from the command line.

John Aldrich wrote:

 On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
  I have Mandrake 6.0 on a AMD K6-2/350 (well, a couple actually), but on
  one machine I tried to upgrade KDE 1.1.1 to 1.1.2. I went to KDE's web
  site, then to their download site and ftp'd all the files in the
  directory, about a dozen or so. These were in rpm format.
 I'm *guessing* you got the wrong version of the KDE RPMs.
 Next time you might try using to find the
 MANDRAKE 6.x KDE 1.1.2 updates, or go to to find the list of mirrors and find
 the RPM files there.
 I'm guessing what happened is you have the RH 5.x KDE
 updates instead of the RH 6.x KDE updates. RH 6.x was the
 first RedHat version to incorporate the KDE desktop, etc
 and there is a HUGE difference as to where the KDE files
 are put when they are installed via RPM.
 Here's an FTP site for Mandrake updates:

 Try doing and rpm -e kde* and then an RPM -UVH kde* once
 you download all the MANDRAKE KDE updates.

[newbie] Mounting Remote File servers

2000-01-07 Thread Michael D. Kirkpatrick

On me servers, I have SAMBA running.  How do you mount one of the servers
hard drives on another.

Example:  I want to mount, using SAMBA services, the Proxy server's hard
drive on the web server so I can process the proxy logs.

The SAMBA is all set up where I can open the hard drives on my Win 98

If I have to install a client program on the web server, that is no problem.
Just point me to where I can find it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


[newbie] Install Problem

2000-01-07 Thread John Booth

I am trying to install Mandrake 6.5 on a PC with Windows Nt 4.0.  Each time
I run the setup.exe program to create the Linux Prep Tool to make a bootable
floppy a Dr. Watson report is generated with the following.  " An
application error has occured.  _INS0423._MP.EXE Exeption access violation
(0xc005). address 0x0042b9be"

Any ideas?

[newbie] -Tons of books : Free-

2000-01-07 Thread mseplow



THE IMMORTAL   By   J. J. Dewey

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across a fascinating teacher, only to discover that the man is
John the Revelator of Apocalypse fame, who has been wandering the
earth incognito for the past 2000 years.  John begins the task of
teaching his new student the first of the Twelve Keys of Knowledge.

The first question addressed in Book I is WHO OR WHAT AM I?  The
student gives all the standard answers...and they are all wrong.  The
lead character then realizes he is under the tutorage of no ordinary
teacher and must apply himself in a quest for knowledge.


My God man, you are one heaven sent story teller  I just finished
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Just wanted to drop you a short note to tell you that I just got THE
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I have finished reading Book 2, and I am totally amazed by the claims
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never be invented or  brought up by the human brain for a fictional
story. WL

I've recently finished reading The Immortal - Thank You! I've already
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For Vol I of The Immortal and links to thousands of other free books do not
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Re: [newbie] Where is Kudzu

2000-01-07 Thread David

On Thu, 06 Jan 2000, you wrote:
 When i tried to install the rpm it failed.  It says that it needs  Do you have any idea where this is located.  I looked on 
 the Mandrake CD.  is apart of the newt-0.50-12mdk package which you will also
need to get

[newbie] Linux behind a w2k gateway

2000-01-07 Thread Hidong Kim


I'm trying to put my Linux network behind a w2k gateway to the
internet.  The w2k mahine has a hosts file in its windows folder with
all of the Linux machines.  I can get to the internet fine from the
Linux machines via netscape going through the w2k gateway, but I can't
reach any machine beyond our lan from the command line.  I can't telnet,
ping, ftp from the Linux command line, even if I use IP addresses. 


[newbie] More modem problems...

2000-01-07 Thread Andy Foote

When i have linux look for the says "sorry, the 
modem is busy." does this mean i might have a 

[newbie] Re: [expert] splitting /home dir's

2000-01-07 Thread Denis Havlik

On Fri, 7 Jan 2000, Joseph S. Gardner wrote:

:Well folks, after all the great suggestions regarding my planned SOHO
:setup  administration I thought I'd ask the next question that comes to
:my feeble little mind.
:Is it possible to split the /home mounts over several drives / machines
:and still refer to them as /home.  Does NIS / NFS handle this (I know


Since disks are big and cheep these days, I suppose this is a question
which gets asked by everyone who uses PC-s in networked enviroment.

In short: YES

I have a small system made from standard PC-s running as a linux NIS-group
for the last 4-5 years at , and it works very nicely.
Here is the description:
- A single NIS-server serves the whole group. Its uptimes are usually
around 100 days, before I have to make some updates (which always
happens off-hours), so I never bothered to install a secondary server.
This machine is also a central mail-hub.

- All the "newer" computers have approximately the same setup. Divergence
is kept minimal by letting the "autorpm" automaticaly install any new
programs over night. 

- Each of these machines exports all of its
directories to other machines: /home (rw), and other dirs (ro). "home"
dirs are auto-mounted everywhere as /homes/MACHINE-NAME using the autofs.
In addition, a standard amd-map makes it possible to access all the data
on any machine using the /net/MACHINE-NAME. The reason for using both amd
and autofs is simple: autofs cannot auto-mount the whole export tree. amd
can, but it is rather instable.  

- In addition, exports to a central NIS-server are done with
"no-root-squash". This comes very handy, because one can add new users on
the central machine, although their home-dirs reside on another one, by
simply specifying /homes/MACHINE-NAME as its home directory. It
also makes backuping a whole NIS-group from a central server possible.

- Several old (486) computers are set-up with a rather minimal
linux-configuration, and made into X-terminals. Because of the small
monitors, and crappy graphics these beasts are not used much, but they do
come handy from time to time for reading e-mails and so. Besides, they
require no maintainance.

Looking back at these 4-5 years, I think this setup proved to be ideal
for our University enviroment. The linux-workstations are rather "fat",
i.e. every of them comes with the full set of programs, and
user-directories are on their own machines, but the whole system can be 
kept reasonabely homogeneous because of the "autorpm". 
Since IDE disks are really cheap, and our network is only 10Mb/s, this
leads to better performance and much better scaling at lower price
compared to attaching a SCSI raid array to a NIS-server. Besides, we can
get a money for a new PC now-and-there, but buying dedicated
server-hardware is somewhat out of scope.

The most difficult task was making it clear
that PC-s should not be turned off overnight. Pleeding for a "friendly"
behaviour (please do not turn it of, other people may be doing their
calculations on your PC, want to print on your printer etc) did not help
much, but mentioning something like: "Backups are done overnight. If your
PC is turned off, it will not be backed-up!" did wonders.

My suggestions to making this setup even better and easier to maintain
would include "dhcp" server (easier configuration of the client machines),
slave NIS-server (so that the main NIS-server can be turned off), and
maybe something like a "mosix" cluster, so that everyone gets more
performance with no additional work.   

hope this helps

Denis Havlik  |||
 (@ @)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for. 

[newbie] splitting /home dir's

2000-01-07 Thread Joseph S. Gardner

Well folks, after all the great suggestions regarding my planned SOHO
setup  administration I thought I'd ask the next question that comes to
my feeble little mind.

Is it possible to split the /home mounts over several drives / machines
and still refer to them as /home.  Does NIS / NFS handle this (I know
RTFM and I am it's just that "inquiring minds gotta know" and I haven't
gotten that far YET).  I suppose this would be a problem with ISP's as
they add users with each requiring drive space.  Perhaps a better way to
phrase the question is how does one grow their required /home space,
does one simply substitute a larger drive as the old one fills or can
you gracefully expand your /home partition across multiple drives?

Joseph S. Gardner
Senior Designer / Technical Support
Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH

[newbie] RE: [expert] splitting /home dir's

2000-01-07 Thread Bois, Mathieu


Yes, it is possible to split users homes on different machines.

BTW, If you want reliability (in case your main server goes down for a
while), you'll have a master NIS server, with secondary NIS "slaves". (the
terms are 
not the exact ones, but I don't remember exactly. What I know is that when
you push the tables on the NIS master, it also pushes them on the other
Else, one single NIS server is sufficient.

On the NIS server, you set up the passwd map (along with the shadow map I
assume, like said before).
You create another map auto.home, that associates loginname and home path.
For instance :

gardnerjs   superman:/usr/home/gardnerjs

Where superman and spiderman are two (NFS) servers for home directories.

BTW, the NIS server(s) need not be the same as the servers for home

And then, (this is the hardest part) you need to have an automounter script
that will check the auto.home map and automount from the right server the
right home directory.

I know this works well since we used it at work, when we have migrated our
users from one server to another. But we use Solaris, and the map/automount
scripts were made by other people and I didn't had a close look to how to do

Good luck,


 -Original Message-
 From: Joseph S. Gardner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 07 January 2000 16:15
 To: Linux Expert; Linux Newbie; Cleveland Linux Users Group
 Subject: [expert] splitting /home dir's
 Well folks, after all the great suggestions regarding my planned SOHO
 setup  administration I thought I'd ask the next question 
 that comes to
 my feeble little mind.
 Is it possible to split the /home mounts over several drives 
 / machines
 and still refer to them as /home.  Does NIS / NFS handle this (I know
 RTFM and I am it's just that "inquiring minds gotta know" and 
 I haven't
 gotten that far YET).  I suppose this would be a problem with ISP's as
 they add users with each requiring drive space.  Perhaps a 
 better way to
 phrase the question is how does one grow their required /home space,
 does one simply substitute a larger drive as the old one fills or can
 you gracefully expand your /home partition across multiple drives?
 Joseph S. Gardner
 Senior Designer / Technical Support
 Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH